8 minute read
from 2023 Waterlog July
If you want to see events in your area, petition the Board with 10 members to form a Branch and suggest a roster of events. It can be anything from a Fun Day, A walk or get together, Grooming Get Together, specific training event: Rally, GCN, Agility, Water Skills, Obedience, Scent, the list goes one... We have templates for budgets, flyers, etc. to support the organizers of events.
The Alberta Portuguese Water Dog is proud to offer a Booster at the Alberta Kennel Club Dog Show
Conformation Booster Judge: Mr. Rui Oliveira from Portugal
Rally & Obedience Judge: TBA
Agility Judge: TBA
Located at: Spruce Meadows, Calgary, Alberta
Premium List will be available on DogShow.ca
For more information email Kathy Butkovic kbutkovic@gmail.com
Aug 11-12
The Alberta Portuguese Water Dog is proud to present a 2 day PWDCC Water Trial
Water Trial Judge: Suzanne Malick
Located at: Dixon Point Campground @ Glenifer Lake
Premium List posted on APWDC.com https://www.apwdc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-Water-trial-premium-002.pdf
Aug 19-20
PWDCC Water Trials in Ontario
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thank you to our sponsors for their generous donations in support of our Water Trials!
The Premium/Registration Form is now posted on the club events page. Within the Premium/Registration Form you will find the links to The Lunch Form, The Volunteer Form and The PWDCC Confidentiality Form that all volunteers must submit. Please keep in mind that entries open Friday July 7th at 10:00AM EST, and that we prefer e-transfer as your form of payment. Any forms submitted before the Event opens will be deemed invalid. Entry to all water events are on a first come basis.
Sept 16-17
The Alberta Portuguese Water Dog is proud to present a 2 day CKC Scent Trial
Located at: Theils Greenhouse – Bruderheim, Alberta For more information email Mia Staysko mia.staysko@gmail.com
Sept 30 PWDCC is hosting a CAER EYE CLINIC at Elite Dog Training, 1595 Victoria Street North Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3E6 With Dr. Nick Whelan For more information on OFA Eye Screening Exams please visit Dr. Whelan’s website: www.myeyevet.ca
Nov 18
PWDCC Booster at Aurora District and Kennel Club All Breed Shows
International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1E8
Judge Patrica Sousa. Rosettes and prizes for BOB, BOS, Select Dog and Bitch, BW, WD, WB, BP, BBP
Dec 10
Scent Detection Trial for All Breeds sponsored by the PWDCC
Jane Book School, Beamsville Ontario contact Karen Matthews for more information, karen@pwdcc.org
April 28
Scent Detection Trial for All Breeds sponsored by the PWDCC
Jane Book School, Beamsville Ontario contact Karen Matthews for more information, karen@pwdcc.org
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Your dog, young or old, could be featured on our cover masthead or the pupography page, just send photos for either, and short story for possible selection for the cover pup and follow the questionnaire for the pupography. We also love any other general interest stories about your wonderful PWDs for publication in our next issues. Send us your photos as electronic files (jpegs, tiffs, eps saved at minimum 4 x 6” ).
PWDCC Board Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2023
Roll Call
Present Roslyn Eskind, Karen Matthews, Diane Dirsus, Shelly Johnston, Cathy Gadd
Absent Mindy Selby, Jennifer Buyers
PWDCC Treasurer's Report, January 31, 2023*
Committee Reports
Breeder Report 5 Breeders listed on Breeder List Rescue Report-nothing to report
Complaints Report nothing to report
Water Trial Alberta Water Trial approved and they have Insurance Ontario Trial approved. Shelly motioned to approve. Seconded by ? Approved.
New Business
Roslyn advised that the upcoming Waterlog will be the last she will produce and the club will have to find someone new to fulfill this role. CKC has regulations around what must be in the Waterlog.
We also discussed the requirement for an upcoming 2024 Specialty and where that might be. Mindy and Roslyn will research possible location and all breed show.
We should be considering Boosters in Ontario this year
Next Meeting March 14
Diane made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Roslyn. Approved.
March 14, 2023
Roll Call
Present Cathy Gadd, Roslyn Eskind, Jennifer Byers, Diane Dirsus, Mindy Selby, Shelly Johnston, Karen Matthews
Approval of February 14, 2023 PWDCC Board meeting minutes
Roslyn made a motion to approve the minutes Diane seconded. Approved. PWDCC Treasurer's Report, February 28, 2023 CASH
*Submitted by Diane via email
Discussion on invoice for Ribbons for the Specialty. Diane to follow up Karen to keep an inventory of ribbons for next scent trial.
1 litter signed up as puppy members
Karen made a motion to approve the report. Seconded by Roslyn. Approved.
New Business
Website The website is not working and needs to be reconfigured and rebuilt. Quote to do that is $3600 to update. Many suggestions made by “fixer” to make the system “automatic” as far as updating is concerned. Diane expressed concerns over the automation of receipting using the STRIPE system. Some people do not like to use credit cards and she was concerned about liability issues in that regard. Diane is also concerned regarding the amount of time it takes her on Wordpress as her internet is not the fastest. Will not be using Wordpress, we will move to DIVI
Catherine moved to approve Budget and Karen seconded. Approved. Forward to April meeting for update/further discussion if necessary.
Frank is adamant he wants rid of the merchandise. Discussion around how to get the merchandise and who will look after it. Roslyn to follow up with Sharon Lapstra on this issue to discuss possible options
Diane mentioned Etsy or Red Bubble as an option while others suggested a sell off at cost. Currently items are only sold at Water Trials and or Water Camp.
Forward to April meeting for update/further discussion
Unfinished Business
2024 Specialty-when and where. Mindy to endeavour to find a chair with support from Roslyn
Boosters to be booked which shows? Roslyn to discuss with all breed judges for directions.
Who will take over production of the Waterlog
New Business
Next Meeting is May 9, 2023 Karen made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer seconded. Approved.
Approval of March 14 PWDCC Board meeting minutes.
PWDCC Treasurer's Report, March 2023 CASH dog
Report nothing to report nothing to report
Unfinished Business
Website Working on restoring old version with up to date plugins Merchandise picked up from Frank, Karen will provide inventory.
New Business
Change to Breed Standard to be compliant with CKC policy that dew claws can not be removed. (Metatarsus Long. No dewclaws.) and time to correct omission re lips/mucoos membrane colour in brown dogs as per AKC and FCI standards.
Lips: Thick, especially in front. Commissure not prominent. Mucous membranes (palate, under the tongue and gums) deeply pigmented in black, deep brown in brown dogs.
Lips - Thick, especially in front; no flew. Lips and mucous membranes of the roof of the mouth, under tongue, and gums are quite black, or well ticked with black in dogs with black, black and white, or white coats; various tones of brown in dogs with brown coats.
Lips – Thick, especially in front. Inner corner of lips not apparent. Mucous membrane (roof of mouth, under the tongue and gums) well ticked with black or quite black.
May 9, 2023
Present Mindy Selby, Roslyn Eskind, Karen Matthews, Catherine Gadd, Jennifer Byers, Shelly Johnston
Absent Diane Dirsus
Treasurer Report None
PWDCC Treasurer's Report, April 2023
Committee Reports
Breeder Report Roslyn went over the information contained in the Stud Book of Breeders who have not been registering puppies they have bred. It was agreed that this should be reported to CKC. Mindy to follow up.
Rescue Report None
Complaints Report None
Water Trial Cathy reminded us of the upcoming Ontario Land Camps in June and advised that Lorie Crouch has been certified as a Water Judge. There was discussion around the process for certifying new judges which saw some inconsistencies of late.
Facebook Group Update None
Unfinished Business
Website Nothing to report
Merchandise Karen provided an update on actual count of merchandise and moved to sell off some of it at the reduced price of $5 at upcoming events. Seconded by Jennifer. Approved.
Breed Standard Mindy went over the current breed standard as requested by CKC and a few small changes were made. Moved by Roslyn. Seconded by Catherine. Approved.
New Business
Scent Trial Karen advised that the Scent Trial has an 85 Component Entry and projected an income of @ $1000. Karen Moved that the club sponsor another trial in 2023. Seconded by Shelly. Approved.
Insurance Approval to go with Liability Insurance of $2M. Moved by Mindy, seconded by Karen. Approved.
Nest meeting June 20, 2023
Motion to adjourn made by Jennifer, Seconded by Roslyn. Approved.
June 20,
2023 Last Meeting Of The Summer
Present Mindy Selby, Roslyn Eskind, Karen Matthews, Catherine Gadd, Jennifer Byers, Diane Dirsus
Absent Shelly Johnston
Treasurer Report Diane advised a deficit due to the large expenses of recovering and updating the website of $2000 and the insurance payment. Diane also advised that the accounts show any type of trial we hold (scent for example) shows under the Water Work title. It is a big job to correct this and when/if she ever gets bored Diane will have a look at it further.
PWDCC Treasurer's Report May 2023
Bank balance
PayPal balance
Water Trial Catherine reported that Ontario had a Dry Land Workshop with 21 beginners and several advanced participants. Overall income in the range of $1000.00.
Facebook Group Update None
Unfinished Business
Merchandise Karen suggested that the club come up with a plan to sell off the older and odd-sized merchandise and lowering pricing on some items. Carolynne wants some merchandise for the water committee and she is supposed to be sending required sizes. All agreed and Karen will present a plan.
Scent Trial Karen advised that a successful trial is in the books and advised overall income of $907.00. Diane mentioned she was surprised how efficient everything ran without being rushed. Karen also moved to have another trial in Dec 2023, April 2024 and Dec 2024. Seconded by Diane. Approved.
Breed Standard We now have an opportunity to make changes. Great discussion on areas to amend.
New Business
Online Membership Renewal and Payment We all discussed the club approach to online membership renewal and cost. We have 105 members of which 16 are family memberships. Diane moved that we have a single membership and a family membership which is an unlimited number of persons or relatives living in the same household. Seconded by Karen, Approved.
Canadian National Specialty Mindy suggested that there are folks around Edmonton who may be able to run one. She will talk with Kathy and Brenda. Roslyn suggested that an email blast be sent out to see if anyone is interested in hosting, sharing or running a Specialty and Mindy mentioned that a committee of the Board could assist and suggested we start looking at judges once we know location.
Next meeting September 11, 2023.
Motion to ajdourn made by Roslyn, seconded by Jennifer Approved.
New member applications
January 1-July 31, 2023
If no objections are received by Karen Matthews, our Secretary (karen@pwdcc.org), within 30 days after publication date, membership will become effective. If an objection is received, the application must be voted on by the Board within 30 days of receipt of objection by the Secretary. The applicant is notified of the result.
Sher Anderson Walker Avenue Ladysmith, BC V9G 1V7
Alice Lumley 1251 Crestdale Road Mississauda, ON L5H 1X8
Erin Pratt 4524 21 Ave NW Calgary, AB
T3B 0W4
Lesley Seabrook 9 Edgehill Road Grimsby, ON L3M 1A6
John-Paul Settimi 1913 Spindlewood Street
Kingston, ON K7P 3G5
Tanya L. Strom 2270 Princess Street, Regina, SK S4T 3Z8
Larry Willmott 62 Old Mill Road, #2 Etobicoke, ON M8X 1G7