Neil Cushley Assistant Head of Sixth Form
The Sixth Form Team
Deputy Head (Sixth Form): Mr N Crombie
Assistant Director of Sixth Form
- Mr N Cushley (Y12) - Mrs S Robinson (Y13) Director of IBDP: Mrs L Laird
Head of BTEC Sport: Mrs S Robinson
MissRiley MissGoodes
Wk/b -7/10 - First academic grade cards - Tutor consultation week
Wk - 25/11 - Academic consultation week
Wk/b - 12/05 - Mid-Course exams
Wk - 23/06 - Academic consultation week
● Aimforexcellenceineverythingtheydo
● Trysomethingnew
● Leavealegacy
Wednesday Support at Rossall:
● Tutor
● Sixth Form Team
● Medical Centre (MH Nurse / Counsellor)
● EALsupport
● House Parents
What we do in the Sixth form:
- Independent study - Supervised study - Peer mentoring - Academic mentoring - Subject interventions
- Signature programme support
Support from Home:
● Communication with us
● Part-time jobs / co-curricular / Sporting activities
● Pastoral concerns
- Workhard
- Beinterestedandinteresting
- Takerisks
- Celebratesuccessesandlearnfromfailures
- Setthebarhigh,andbringothersuptoyourlevel
- Learnfromthosearoundyou-embracethediversity
- Bekind
- Alwaysaskyourself:whatcanIdotobecomebetter?
- ExpertPastoralCare - OutstandingCareerSupport - AcademicEnrichment-symposia,debating,MUN,competitions, TEDxConference - Enrichingopportunities:charitywork;volunteering;humanitarian triptoGhanaetc. - UnwaveringSupport
Mrs Catherine Stacker Deputy Head (Academic)
Destinations 2024:
● 82% Russell Group/Top 20
● Cambridge; Imperial; KCL; Durham; Manchester; Bath etc.
● Medicine
● Degree Apprenticeships
● Professional Contracts around the world
● Sports Scholarships to America
● 14 countries outside of UK AND
● Confident, humble, well-rounded, global citizens
The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learningoutcomesforthe21stcentury As IB learners we strive to be:
• Inquirers
• Knowledgeable
• Thinkers
• Communicators
• Principled
• Open-minded
• Caring
• Risk-takers
• Balanced
• Reflective
● All diploma students complete an extended essay, a 4 000 word project on a topic of their choosing.This requires independent research, as well as an ability to think widely around a subject.
● IB students also take a course on Theory of Knowledge (TOK) which provides an opportunity to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.
● Taking place throughout the Diploma programme, CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies.
Mrs Jen Moore - Director of Wellbeing
Mrs Turner - Head of Health and Wellbeing
Mrs Jenny Richardson - School Nurse
Ms Cat Waktare - Mental Health Nurse
By supporting their wellbeing, and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn.
Personal: is to do with ourselves
Social: the study of our interactions and relationships with others
Health: the study of looking after our bodies mentally and physically
Economic: which is all about managing our money
● Young people are growing up in a rapidly changing world- additional stressors
● Ensuring that they have the right strategies and positive mindset to help them succeed
● Prepares them for life and work
● It seeks to develop a skill set of critical thinking, flexibility, confidence and social skills, to help them on their academic journey
Curriculum for life
● We recognise that starting their sixth form journey may lead to levels of concern for some - all young people will respond differently.
● The whole purpose of PSHE, as a program of study, is to share strategies to support pupil wellbeing
● Adopt a whole school approach, to allow for support to be consistent
● Timetabled lessons,Tutor time and assemblies, guest speakers and drop down days
● Learning opportunities based on three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships. Each core theme will also link to fundamental British values.
● To promote all the key skills and attributes that we wantYear 12 to be fully equipped with, to be successful along their academic journey.
● One key addition this year will be drop-down days which offer pupils the chance to look at a range of PSHE issues in more detail and also allow us to bring in more external experts to engage with pupils and parents/ carers
● Our drop down days will tackle issues including AI and digital wellbeing, financial literacy, misogyny and drugs education
● The year will culminate with a PSHE fair where pupils will have the chance to team teach and share their PSHE knowledge
Main aims are to provide students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives.
Mrs Emma Williams Deputy Head (Safeguarding and Boarding)
25 % Extra Time
-Internal and external exams
-Takes place in school
-Must be the pupils normal way of working.
Quiet room
Smaller Venue
Coloured Paper
Rest Breaks
Ms D Porovic Senior Deputy Head
Mr Michael Holdsworth Director of Performance
- Boosts confidence.
- Increases communication skills.
- Greater sense of self.
- Promotes creativity.
- Chapel Choir.
- Chamber Choir.
- String Orchestra.
- Brass Ensemble
- Swing Band.
- Lancashire Music Society.
- Scholars Theatre Society.
- Broadway Academy.
- MusicalTheatre Club.
- Guest Lecturers and Industry Professionals.
- Jazz Dance.
- DanceTech: Loops, Kicks & Turns.
- Ballet.
- Contemporary (coming soon).
Pupils who are: friendly, warm, approachable and full of empathy.
Creative young people invested in the development of themselves and others through exploration of the Arts
Full commitment to the Performing Arts - Drama, Music and Dance offering Physically, Mentally & Socially
Train hard to develop & reach their potential
Saturday mornings & Weekdays
Expected to represent the school: Performing Arts Ambassadors
Rehearsal schedules, show dates and activity times can be found on SOCS
Scholar’sTheatre Society presentsAlice in Wonderland
Big School Musical - GREASE
Prep School Musical - Show to be announced soon!
Broadway - Show to be announced soon!
Senior School Concert
Please keep an eye on social media for all our production information.
Mr Peter Bignell Director of Sport
Academic PE
Theory & Practical
Athletic Development
Physical Literacy (FMS)
Social - Cultural
Signature Programmes
- Football
- Golf
After SchoolActivities
House Sport
Physical Education
Focus Sports - Football - Hockey - Netball - Cricket
Active Sports
- Fitness Suite
- Swimming - Athletics & XC - Tennis - Gymnastics / Trampolining - Badminton - Handball Fixtures
Sports Clothing
Full commitment to the sporting offering
Physically, Mentally & Socially
Train hard to develop & reach their potential
Keep standards high
PE Kit
Games Kit
Saturdays & Weekday
Expected to represent the school
Fixture Calendar & Team Sheets can we found on SOCS
Community, Friendship, Charity, Outreach
Bringing together Rossallians