Order Up *Yalloo* Board? Old Ball Game Cream Topping Spongy teeth Culinartist Belly Flop *Camping* Surplus Automation Block Party Progress DutyCall, Righteous Answer Base Born Short Race City Folk Instincts *PE* Toy-kio A Bird. A Plane. *Mister Master* Jetliner
Order Up Airshow Homerun Jeopardy Conflict Sufferage Wreckreational *NIN* Sick!!! Hospital Watts ap Doc? Getaway *Flourish* Home Long Live Observe Innovate Shoebox Pattern Harmony of the Spheres Then and Now Grown Up Go Do PIP PEP
Order Up POP Action Jackson Go Now make it Longer sm First Sight Chicken Head I Hear Her Call Love Field Passion According to John *Supper Natural* incog-neato My story Mystery Altered Master Servant Uni-verse *SULA* Near Long Ago Room Who? Vertical Horizion Harvest *REM*
Board UNO clue pass go roll doubles three spaces turn skip sorry guess who trouble boggle flip spin tic tac toe checkmate colonel muster billiard room wit a yo-yo. Moral matters chutes n’ ladders boggle pairs n’ pairs old maid dairy air go fish dragon slayer peppermint Bon Bon candy land cavity long gone kings korners kitchen table poker ukeur partners suduko pickup sticks Jenga!
Old Ball Game “Oooooohhhh’ saaaaaaay caaaaaaaan yooooooouuuuuuuu seeeeeeeee!?!” Wide open sky. Whight skittle skittered solitary boy singing star spangled banner. Wide open. White cirrus riddled holiday. Spring seeded front yard gorgeous green. Bare feet flitter free of fear from surreptitious prickly stickers. There is not a soul in sight. Everyone is at a job. Everyone is away. Searching for a friend. Tom cruise. Top Gun. Top lungs. Do you hear me? “Byyyyy theeee daaaaaaawns eaaaaaarlllllyyyyy liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight !?!” Summer vacay. Taste the Rainbow. Plant color coated sugar beans. Follow suit. Influenced by Jack’s Giant in the sky. Golden eggs. Cadbury easter bunny basket. Aha, what’s this? Yo-yo plastic ellipse I missed hidden between bird houses. Wind wind twine. Slipknot, middle finger fulcrum, walk dog. Cat’s cradle, silver sliver spoon loopty zoop. “Whhhhhaaaaaaat sooooooo prouuuuuudlllllyyyyyy weeeeeehaaaaaaaiiiiiled!!” Chef boy R D’. Every flavor known as yummy. I too am a chef. Spaghetti O’s, alphabet,
Old Ball Game
ravioli, dino shark shapes. Strained construed gluten confetti. Luis Pastor, 1814? Historic preservatives. Encyclopedia Britannica reference, or was it something Mr. Mclean said in third period? “Aaaaat theeee twiiiiiliiiiiight’s laaaaaast Gleeeaammmmmiiinggg!!!” Never raven nested in these necked naked neighbor hood woods. Thumb pulsing palm hand held knee high stockings bristle brushed blustery briar busty bavarian Betsy bootlace blouse boasting baffling bra clasp brandishing bewildering biological botany. Pouty purple pursed blueberry lipped princess’ perforating parents proctored principles. “Whhhhhhoooooooose broooooaaaaaaaaad striiiiiipes and briiiight staaaars.”Runs batted in season record holder practically sparking spokes spun towards a new development dirt pit, pbllllllliittt!!!! Squirely squad sporting scraped elbows, bruised heels, fir fashioned scabbards belt looped. Stop stop stop!! Chain chucked chunked gunked gear. Quick fix valiant musketeer. One for all, all for one.
Old Ball Game
“Thruuuu the peeroooliiis fiiigghhht!!!” Old kids. Hear before we. Shut up. Watch awesome bold bravery, table top ramp handle bar gyro three full rotations smooth landing. Our maws gaped. Great Grapes! Oh my whoa, panzy pedals park aside. Dog don’t dare. Failed frequent fragile flyer miles. Age gives weightlessness. Eagle slow motion soar. “Ooooo’eeeeer theeee raaaaaampaaaaarts weeeeee waaaaatched weere soooo gaaaalliannntllllyyyy streeeeaaamiiinnnng!!” Indigo indaglow outdoorsman wiggly wrapped wrist watch latched last notch alarm notifying suppers done. Eat over? Mom lasagna. Parmesan. Starofoam Plate. Silverware sunset. Patio pop pop cans. Nom nom nom, scarf slurp burp belch. Embraced embarrassed lawn chair laughter. Cheery cherry cheeked. Suiempo Piontianamide Fliebido (SPF) 43 aloe vera. Radio white noise. Bend battery operated bunny ear. Pink pound energizer, clearer clearer cleaner dirty Rock n’ roll, regal Rachmaninoff, Ray Charles godspell rooted rhythm n’ blues.
Old Ball Game
“Aaannnd thee Rooockets Reeeaaad Gllaarre!?!” Lightning bug lamp post power up. Giggles glow grunting rope elevator runts. Heavy pillow cases snack packed hauled up one handed ladder rungs. Shasta mastas, ho-ho showboats, dorito champinos, litte debbie wish my feet were webby than I could swim ultra fast. Faster than a submarine. I’d have torpedos that gives whales the ability to walk on land. Then the whales would form vast colonies throughout the country. And and... if you listen closely at night you can hear them singing. I teach em‘ English. HAaaalloooooooo Miiiistteeeerr Whaaaalllleee. Wally Whale. National lampoons Wally World. Erupting interruption blasting starch stark bugle chip chorus... Vrrt Vrt Vrrrt!! Every man to his battle stations!! Clang Clong Clang Clong Clang kitchen prongs against ma’s metal Szechwan hiabatchi two in one. Nifty tippy tee-pee typed topped tree house. Oaken. Nailed lumber. Proud fathers, coddling cribbage playing mothers. Musky mosquito spray. Ghost stories. Crayola Cave paintings. VWeeh-oooo-vweeh-ooo-vweeh-
Old Ball Game
oooo!?!?! You, yes, you there! Get on that kleebergasted telescope and zea whoo might ave zuch ‘arrowing courage to cross a ‘roperly ‘osted ‘erimeter. EntEr aT oWn RisK. Go go Mechanized astronomical vision. Ffluurt. Squint. Dead dark!! Curse Night’s vail upon the Earth!!! Must resort to far less cordial procedures. Code marigold. No... Not marigold?! Marigold. Marigold!!?! Marigold. “Theeee boooommmmmbbbbs buuuurrrstiiiiing iiiinn aiiiirrr!!!” Hive hearted beautiful symphonic orchestrated harmony! Balloons Away!! Our last and only defense against perimeter perpetrators. Let em’ Fly!!! Catapult, slingshot, spiral, protect our fort!!! Blue. They feel like boobs. Yellow. Gurgling blobs. Pink. Hold it to your ear n’ hear the ocean! That’s seashells you dope. Purple. Teeth pin pull, backfire! Red. Jiggle wiggle woggle. Sploosh Splosh Splash. Humongous droplets scientifically designed for maximum surface area absorption. Cry cry susie curly cues. Goldie locks plopped sopped. Pippy squishy soggy stockings. Sissies sobbing. Fortelling first reconnaissance we have
Old Ball Game
dominated. Gratefully, Our wise and fearless leader foresaw our invasion in a vision. Guardian angel guided garden hose spicket. God given great glorious victory. Who ever knew water was the cure all. A multi-purposed component of nature. Wicked westerly witches, born again baptisms, sock soaked sisters. Penalty for bothering brothers... water balloon bombardment Pomply pumply puffy proud partners pinning purple medals of valorized valor. Achieve acknowledged acute appropriated aggrandized alienated annihilation. Annotate. Time. Date. Key personnel. Honors. Drum roll. Anthem. “Gaaaavve proooooffff throouuughh theeee niiigggghttt.” Line. Straight. Chins up. Pinups admire, bold, brilliant, brave. Wink. I’ll save em’. I’ll stop em’. Lemme at em’. Lion heart. Give my life for all em’. Give the order. Say the word. Black line boarded globe. Freedom fighters. Libertas’. Viva la Uncle Sam’s salisbury steak sauce. Two packets of heinz a day keeps scurvy away. Vita-mine C.
Old Ball Game
Grade A. A 1. Prime beef pineapple hawaiian crest dental floss. Hard to reach cravas’. Pert plus. Bert and Ernie burger king sesame buns. Digestive system tooter trumpets tuneful tum ta tum tum tums. Old McRonald! Why aren’t the other grown people dressed like you? Kids meals conditioning frivolous spending. What is this new shiny shim sham thing-a-ma-jig? I want it now. I need it. Gotta make it mine. Lost and forgot in record time. Broken records. All new high. Broken backboards. I believe I can fly. R Kelly. Space jam. Fabulously fangled celluloid loony toons. Daffy I love you. I wanna be just like you. I wanna be just like anyone. I wanna be. Wanna be. Reality television. Race to the finish. Firsties. Trophy. Smooches. Complete sentence. Placement tests. Apathetic capitalists. Beatle babies. Nothing is real. Martyr John Lennon. Fiction diction Jackie Chan lip synch prison. Super cop II. Hong kong kung fu. I know you are but what am I? Rubber? Glue? O-Zone? Secret of the ooze. Master splinter. Microwave frozen dinners. Molecular modern marvels. Whoopity
Old Ball Game
doo da. Whoopity yeah. H20 vibrating super fast causing friction. Neat heat. Twirling finger. Ticker-tate. It is cool to not care. That’s a shame. Actually amaz-a-dazing. Granted taken. We all desire affection love and direction. Where are we? Who are we? What is happening outside? What is happening inside this moment? I hear children’s laughter turn into cries and laugh and sing again. World. Circle of life. Lion king. Akunamatata. Scar must not be allowed to reign in place of the true king Simba. I feel adamant about the principle that statement implies. I should like to have a malt with Walt. Although he probably won’t be in the mood for ice cream when I see him. Icy hym. Cry-0-genes genesis. Choices choices. I am stupid. I can’t do it. Help. I take it back. Wait, I give it back. All of it. Help! It is too heavy! I am being smushed, pussed, dust. Whew! Thank you. Invisible heaper sweeper. Hamburger helper. Swiffer cleaner. I am without knowledge and cannot tell you a foot from farting. Foolish ishy fish carp-e-deim. Sleep instead. Forehead stuck to desk. Tell the man to
Old Ball Game
suck it. Role models busted. Glorified ruffian rebels. More Fart noises please, poop shoot, bang bang, monkey doo doo manners knee slapping queeze. Laugh my head off at boob tube. Adver-teasing tantalizing shampoo commercials jerking around adolescent hormones. X. Y. Chromosomes. Dixyribonuecleaicacid? DNA? Court jester? I dreamt once I was dressed in middle ages atire of Red and Blue with a funny hat and was bouncing around sillily servering a court of friends from my past and present. Was an ancestor of mine a court jester? Juggling, singing, goofin. Explains gapped teeth. I feel excited thinking that thought. I was really happy in the dream. bringing people joy. Right now I feel like singing... Joy joy joy Joy Joy Joy joy... in an antiquated way of singing. Joy Toy Joy Toy Joy Zoy Yippee Yermoy! Fun flying in the face of grave gravitational decisions. Cracker barrel mashums. ‘ank ya missums. Wealcem Zir. Zire. Sire. Gun for hire. Hit-men mercenaries. Martial law. Tannemen square. Quix Zhong. Right? Wrong? Bye-gones be bye-gones. Forgive forgot.
Old Ball Game
Ti-chi. Fon-doo. Lang lang Beethoven. Porcelain parliament. Democracy strikes back. Light saber punishment. Force founded Galaxy Government. Hemisphere happenstance. Duality medium. Equator. Perfect conditions on Ear-th for Lovely Life to exist. Ear-th...Ear---th. Hear. Earth. Sonic roller babe propagated populi. Freudian multipli. Contrapuntal Montpelier. Fruity cooped tuscan Toucan Sammy saturn rings. CooCoo, Coo-coo, cocoa pebbles. Fed Fred riblets. Barney rubble bubbles chitlits. Steel vaulted secrets. Combination appendices amendment appendage digit widget. Scramble comet omlets far fetched rocket toggle switch. Weird word weird word weird word weird. Clearance. It’s me. Mr. President. “Ouuuurr Flaaaag waaass stiiiiiill theeree!!” Who cares? I do. When I can. It wanes against warhorse maned maiming malefactors. I care. We All Care. Truly. We only want to help the crying ones. Really. Even war mongering mongrels care. They only want to serve justice. We want to fix it. With our lives. With our leadership. With our
Old Ball Game
ideas. With our art. With our inventions. With our will. We feel powerless at times. I feel powerless at times. Like a little flake of fluff in the wind without wings. At times I feel like the wind. Free. Free. What is freedom? I am frozen. Paused. Longing. Yearning. Gasping in asking. Freedom? Love. Honor. Action. Response. Reason. Thought. Reality. Imagining. Word. Happiness. Peace. Universal Unity. Sacred Security. Time. Truth. Light. Service. Give. Life. Ok. Wait. Stop sign. Errrt. Gently pump the brakes until you reach a full and complete stop. I feel. Halted. Daunted. Diluted. Doubtful. Delusional thinking that I could even ever quantify the absoluteness of freedom. That sentence is completely contradictory. Listen to that, Absolute freedom. Especially after goofing so much. Honestly. Probably paradoxical. Or something along lines of such. Brunch. Begging sunny side up. Gum flapping fiddly flub. Kin-ly kindly pass salt n’ peppa. Let’s talk about sex. Baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things
Old Ball Game
and the bad things that may be. Let’s talk about sex. Tex-mex. Checkmate Chess. Printing Press. impressively dressed. Pex Fess. Zest Guess. Chest Breast. Test Quest. Quill. Cuddle fish Ink mill. Pen mighty. Sword frail. “Oooooooh, saaaaaaayy dooooooeeeeees thaaaaaaat staaaarrr-spaaannglleeeed baaaaannneeerr yeeet waaaaave!!” E’ Checks right, Peeks a louie. Runna’s ona two-eey. ‘Ef only ‘e ken squeeze ‘et bye ‘em. Two out ‘en da tip a da ninth. Snug score. 7-8. Game seven. Swanson ‘as been a knowen ta swing it ‘ome ona 2 an trees befores. Account fa all dem ‘omers, ‘E jus may. Tes es et Kiddies. All da marbles. Even da peanut vendas es silent. I could ‘ear ‘alf-a pin drop. Pitcha plants... E’ recoils lika revolver! Releases!! Swansong Connects! Boom Bang Blazing Bionicle Beaver Buttress!!! “O’er the laaaaand of theeeee Freeeeee!!” Remote control choose history channel panama
Old Ball Game
canal Rewind teddy ruxtable... Kurrsch... I love you. you love me. we’re one big happ... flick... Wanna play knifey spoony... click.... Yippeee k’yyayaee mutha fu... fuzz...My little princess Tierra, all rights reserved, come with glue, gems, girly giggles...RGB.... Tired of the same old You? Dial now for You new an improved... I’m in heaven. I’m in heaven... Complete with hose extension for those pesty corners... Sarah was like “whatever” and Tara was like “so what” and I was like “OMG”... round thing in your face,You get sprung... What ‘e game. ‘En all a ‘istory none eva close ta it. Mark ya calendars. Name ya babies. Fat chance recreating a moment as monumental. “And the home of the brave.”
Cream Topping When man discovered/invented whipped cream... Ohhh the expression that might have been on his face. To watch this sweet topping surprise fill the empty space with light frothy floating fluff. I can see his face in a joy pure and true.
Spongy Teeth snorkle scuba coral reef organziams micro sleep transparent bodies muscles squeeze spongy teeth
Culinartist Splurge splooge spicy sprig sasperinomin Ancient oriental herbal medicine Curb cruel crude slackjaw ignorance Flackpack punch ponce pincer olive garden breadsticks public nostril pick squeege plankscale plexiglas sexy glance panty dance racy Lacey handstands encouraging bandstand soliloquy catamaran watermelon wet whistle jungle juice gymnasium monkey bars spiral slide peer pressure persuasion triple dog dare insane stunt beyond rhyme logic puzzle problem reason liaison emerald Emeral bam bango bongo silverback Congo tango rosehips middle name danger tonto poncho sangho sancto pronto pup beer battered golden glove clover rug hoover plug rio grand white rapid action kayak keebler kooky tootie fruity boot scoot boogie woogie whoopie cushion snoody button poopy humbug dung glum grunge sponge scrub amino acid omega oil tin mon kettle boil sludge beatle bungalow fetal funky clone quintessence glug glug gloop surge heaven zone
Belly Flopp Kablamo whammo Shamu Sea world Whistle condition Pan handle grits Fish fish fish Squeal squeak Intelligent? Language? My word!? Sonic vibrations!? Hedgehog London fog Bridging britches All along!!
Surplus Abundant oven buns Frosted glaze honey gun Squirt squeeze Yummie gums Gummy lumps dumpling plug Prong circuit clang gong Croak frog cloak gauze Zoom moon rural mural Mello elbow billow plural Square stripe salon ego Eggo egale wooly cactus Prickly hedging eggnog Sledding wedlock hem-hock Pawn grand dad’s chime tock Sasquatch padlock incubate Coagulate repo widdle pointy Pinto gallop graze green glaze Plain plaque mesopotamic Period pause libraric Remote control island Temper tantrum tropics Typhoon monsoon hurricane Weather weapon profits
Pauper puppet bopper bumpkin Tangerine agent poor porch tangent Cringe grinch grunge clinch grunt Lagoon paton potion patoon pontoon Glum gun Geist guest ghost grime gripe Pungent pundent gusher gieger namburn Tyrant tyke terrible toos leming leap loose lose native noose hemp hung strung lewd rebuke hurtful troop ruin ruse pewter pooky porcelain moody blues moot professional point pontificate parliamentary pilgrimage peace officer ossified figure factor parlor prime precipous bowler bribe bomber bide bite bud flavor fight ravier right roam room root roof rope toot toot told tell tall trust
Automation Programmer linen line of code Color roses red and blue violet Clones clambering clones Duncy cap cowered corner Hold violence hostage Wrap clamp binary off switch holy hallowed peace Singing heavenly lamb kid Power atom Humanation
Block Party Mello drama kiddie castle comma Parmesan maid mule extended promise Provisions pearl wisdom shaman camp Corrugated comprehension litter ramp Lent lamp stamp fritter flank bent rake avocado Rind dip chip flake crescent wrench Fix shape docile rhombus straighten up ship plate fed ex great escapes hodini cane cape Christ’s sake curb sweep
Progress O zea day as whence gone far before. Call forth yonder whisped away simpler routine. Modern age chaos replaced chartered heart shaped moral cartographers. Infinite this property value now arriving just on time to stop potential resource crisis. Purely transpired sequential events brought sort order more apparent. One piece after another linking, coalescing, combining achieving completion. As if magnetic forced iron minerals joined up interchangeable carbonic proteins happily forming purĂŠe fresh fruit smoothy bought and paid using processed soybean plastic cards with attached magnetized lines transferring information as one moves through transport line. How high steps rise. Vast measurements of our nature. Huge questions of what why. Might may should will is such pondering. Now Before previous knowledge advances of today we chiseled represented actions appropriately printed showing part within part time after time. Capsule Values numbered
across complete planes of universal matter. Each element, part, integral interval integer, equally important thus qualifying functionality of motion. Just as our ecological system arrives at checks and balances to sustain life the fragility and precious proportions must find regulated account.
Duty Calls, Righteous Answer Red truck fire guys save lives Hydraulic boom ladder Extend explode hydrate spry spray pray Rafter floor neighbor front porch Pat puff snuff heat seek soak choke Extinguish roar Rescue Home
Base Born Rental tux radiator fluid rainbow swirl passenger gobble wobblz cobble crepe peach paste Heath cliff huxtable sweatervest tender moment kodak cheap skate gloat gleat grape vine peep tape sleek mane vane drain claim corner boarder broad bolden rover clover lucky penny loafer porter ponder marauder cartographer mountiAn mudshovel shower bower power tower combabulator positron shaman gong cling clong king kong tropical island seismic humdum rum brim vrum vroom doozy tie clip fun club cow cud bud hut tuck woozy wine bin pin pine pun win won wen one fin fan yam yak trans am tram trek pan corn cake aztec rib jab riff raff goal tender tiff pass peace pace laugh whole heartedly half-assed eee or chief craft raft fast flash fish catch rope net gross shelf life fashion staff represent tax cast iron clad madman banished damage
Base Born
dungeon punish public innocent proven guilty pinny prison system shifty ray-ban baffled ultra violet x-ray vision gift wrapped cross stitch papyrus poplar doplar radar weather system cirrus cheer dull lulled droughty spirit aqueduct flood row rutabaga ripe
Short Race Matchbox cast iron plastic track loop zinc alkaline operated rocket boost manual replicate instant replay mouth sound effect saliva bubbles plip sprinkler wiper wash hero driver map passenger rally car checkpoint flag wave
CityFolk Umbrella nylon aluminum skeleton project shield protect square pavement heel press haste pace traffic pass seal warranty print clause regal face quasi rate statistical name wonky plain donkey coney chili raccoon baste hurky jerky tasty perky folky Mickey boasty mosty hoisty moisty cake
Instincts Emu ostrich Anatole amygdala head stuck sandy hole Fight flight aurora aerial natural selection toggle toll booth phantom mole goose neck bikini strap stretch snap nude model mold dough hoof hoops duped gloop goop leap ladder whoop buff huff mongoose boots rikitikitavi snuff brush cobra kan gi Joe paratroop crapshoot foop tub toob loofa foam coral croon flume fluke snorkel scuba loot Druid stoon prune pantaloon people pleaser pulley leaver beaver Bucky chucky heave ho yo toto rainbow po po go go Jo Jo pogo ponder wonder wander silver surfer shiny saucer hover heifer farmer Dell delivery tractor beam selector electro magnetic technoogly factory proponent mode
Toy-kio Surfs up hover copter karate chop action mutant monster Gatling nerf gun suction cup slimy Godzilla iguana glob jerk who terrorizes toykyo metropolitan coastline power plant obnoxiously tripping over precisely propped telephone poles blocking aunt mable and aunt gerti’s regularly scheduled late afternoon soapra talk sob. Maybe amini amount of molten magma from fuji photogenic mount fiji will cause a quick course correction. Jet pack boost equip choose Ultra Magnet Lava syphon retrieve retract ripcurl hurler. Hyperdrive light tunnel save innocent.
A Bird. A Plane. Spartan Hero Sparrow Pharaohs swoop dart spin acute angled feathered tail fin flutter flap reflect rippled mighty muddy mississippi shore sand jumbo jet turbine rumble distant skyline Ubermench
Mister Master
Jetliner Cabbie spat walkie talkie every hour coffee frothy Tabby cat hobby copy over out toffee floppy. Churn hertiegerti butter burpy muddas moppy. Honk zonk wonk wombats plunk potato remote Comcast combat couch slouch found pouch pocket hot crousantwich moffit toffit muppet sock wet Flurry frost calves negative shear shawl pinefresh Rear view romp gas oil pan smog mask log raft huckleberry fin blond bask mud cask cucumber bifocal beauty rest slumberland sandman hourglass memory foam mattress precise position tam tam candied yams marshmallow mamby pamby bambi scantly clad fantasy kitchen catchatorri chicken sacre blue sanguine shoe shuffle beguine batam katan Rocky two apostle Apollo’s creed uncle sam mass proffer cheese cracker saltine sardines track star lettering piton pass go monopoly shopping spree hobby model planes elmers adhesive turbine prop airport sophiclies
Airshow Porgy forty adoring sorties Lawn chairs Wide gaze Fawn stares Bi-planes Quirky flirty resorting flighty Happenings Relax Hens glens fleas Perhaps team clean Bronze keys Turning tumblers Second class machines Angles numbers Vector last position He recognized her Endearing accomplishment Bashfully battered Oh you shouldn’t have men tally count ideas Yeast rises Doughy bread Bobble head Repeated
Home Run Balls n bats n Broken glass Knockerd nutty noggin Toboggan flew path hilly Sally Billy silly Gentle corn row rollover grab wind harness reigns rain nutrient vital essence human spirit universally relative grand scale quantum physics vast emotive routines range across infinite spectrum
Jeopardy Yule tide Moon bride Wool hide Loom kite Whom I?
Conflict Wuzzan mosquito smash monster mash garlic crucifix superstitious clash cliche klux pistachio past morbid bash circa gobbler orthopedic torpedo gnash snap tiff cramp crypt goss wrap mummy Ank honk Hank plain plank pulley lever second class cabin common tease turn on radar robot rowboat winged oar float Quaker pilgrim coast cost cloak cub bard beery stien bear drunk honeychrome ned’s net neat need neon knead knuckle glove Ventura jeep butterfly bread basket jolly gee williker okra occur Green curd bean burp crone murmur vehement koowalompor meep meep murph morph nerd nerf norwhale zurf sport torque tour torch turf astro perch thirst quench spirit spurt spout soul sprout bold carrot gold goal go grow cotton shirt awe fuel spire erect sire higher search entire girth vast circumference relative worth reject swat insolent decrepit insect murders punish pervert torture jerks summon justice juror fire trial truth turn
tremor tumble laundry fair share equal core creator dial degree temptation delivery freeze crystal shimmer heat sheep holy fleece warm weave comfort competent compete complete
Sufferage Plantation hay struck racist shucked shorn sherman tanks cannon fodder vocal tube bullet pattern tight groups relieved retreat recess resident resentment whooly russian white milky vodka rolling die move back to the beginning sorry oops ouch cream cranberry couch coddled coop chicken suit bonanza big goose foot flatten prune whilst quail coos cousin pigion dove dove dilligent unicycle frothy fence limb lamb jig add minus vance zilch quip pilot write brother wing meager myiagi paint fence sand deck jostle jingle gents jeweled piller parlor barber ship shape shop hill top hoot hollar load loud lawded lulled oven
Wreckreational Painted ninja turtl Pretend martial artist Deadly force wrist flick Shinobi kitana sharp wit Inspect insect exo-roll cage demoted demolition derby Fax machine swerve lane Answer message please
sick!!! Tiny micro shrink chip primula pringle stack pop block knock cock slacker crockpot cooker rooster crow raven fowl cower cubbyhole ruddy gruel pidgin holed chow chew mow brood blood marrow gloop poop putrid sop soup plop crude crouton sick puke bile scrape break plate plastered mason january jar pry private primate
Hospital Nurse’s furrowed brow Gold array dusk ornate empathetic wrinkle Compassionate Twenty hour shift Emphatic Plenty cure quick Tick tock doc Pressure cooker Dongle ball bearing supply rope Untangle bungle Cope Steril anesthetic hall Novacain suture Imply ample example Scalpel insignia Lapel Tender tendril limbic System Bone foam Skeletal Widget gizmo
Stethoscope Dynamo physician Poke prod pulse Height weight measure Care giver Consult Say ahh Jot note Prescribe Lecture Inscribe tenure Senior advisor Hospital head General admission Medi-call
Watts ap Doc? Toaster heat breakfast powerhouse turbine pinwheel generate peabrain pinhead operate protective shroud shield wield energy add tome atom proton read red rate taste flavor paste protozoic algae neutrino protein shape make more mow mar fish farm tiny tuna grow large grown up garden call name tell what compartmentalize complete comprise compendium natural form function fun phone fawn fraction fact mention act orbital wallflower heard whisper master plan act up test tube invetro enviro clone denim pose cycle spoke gear tote kite hope know right rope weight load tie knot note soap wash transparent important message absorbent question think twice second guess guest visitation rights prison break affliction chains chance choice change
Getaway Meditate Mogul blur blue whale blow hole breach medici Mediterranean medicine eAze ID siamies tweezer Tibet sand flee teach sabbatical retreat retrace repeat remade optical topic spectacle tropic resort cohort report cove palm pocket predecessor treasure trove goblet gobble gobble swallow tablet soft gel fish oil omega three molten model temple tempo kempo kin Kung pow martial part towel snap flick crack whip buckle down snuggle up snaffoo snapple cranberry quip sour blanch kids bower bird thread nest shed molt mature sex pick elvis resembled pineapple kelp trend blend bland barley bark gleam glen growth gnarly parallel park lark cart starch stark baking soda refrigerator radiator turbo tuber table mannerz manage maybe planner schedule calendar colander cauliflower hammer nanner
Nantucket nectar area acre hectare stake tent bazaar ware rare fair glare clear care stare pair chair share year leap lattice longitude leer transport altitude yeast rise plentitude attitude granite rule granted
Home Renovated kitchen new shelving Quality craft Cookware Ladle cradle sporky zoom kiddy caddy sporty boom Hoppy cutie spotty hoop Elevated thinking Blue Lilly Pottery vats Looptire Ringlets run around pokey mosey Clashing ashes Goo goo goose egg Rub bump Make it better Love love
Long Live Golden year retireminty fresh Olive pressed tailor hemmed garment commonly reared etiquette table elbow manor banquet branch extended family brand blanket cast clad class cask arrange merriment ordinary ordain organized organ windpipe harmony choral sea chest ahoy ashore portage pilgrim abode gym gem arch angle public aqua hutch mainly manly mane march moot moon Monday mini victory blew blue hi hue human who luf lov laugh lif gif giv hu huh rust rest oxide oxygen list heir lens sky cleanse hail royal ruyl record writer play instant initial game save date koob kernel book page Paige gauge Blaise beige blaze root roof hoof cleft vine trim clip nail pin peg long lung lane line up keep pace place trace ace copious copies ink well drew will string strength link whale bell beluga Gail grace bliss bless babe chase chose win won won’t want wait implode primitive impulse imitate ape chimp chrome magnum hugga klugga tri-state primary red blue yellow race nostril tote stout poll snout instinct spectrum plankton kettledrum Popsicle
Long Live
poprockz tingle tastebud lochness Cumbria cumber-bun jolly trace bad bed bug smokescreen tough slough off rug under swept crud printpress sweep stakes pinnacle cheesecake paramount team traipse champion point case crux romp bomp jaunt starch flint flaunt spark igneous lavable flock trampoline hunch bunch stunt tromp new world Columbus America native naked element combo nation round house haymaker Rambo craison creole’ liaison Bambi chaperon Camus gag real blooper super trooper flew cop coop cuff fuc goof toss hoop trough spoon dumplin soup co-operate booth lofty suburban four door sepia sedan prune roof compact compassion comvert comfort commerce elation elegant elephant element equator jungle cat puma panther pant purrr rave rant behave clamp imprint impression first glance appearance ideal stance posture shoulder width ankle split pebble sift precious metal transitive powerhouse conduction opposites attract iron fleck flip magnet frock famous pock twin Amish yank yonkers bank bonkers periodic
Long Live
table beaker chemist clinch conch shell bawooga hunch haunt bail abort fraidy fraud lump sum faded sod dry fog shady lug Grimey slug mucus bog waylaid honed honored homage pumice collage colloquial college cubbyhole sneakers bumper buggy converse teacher preacher bleacher basket dunkin donut habit eco plan net finnish heritage pocket pickled herring minnow dip kodiak pincer spit flunk plinko pinto dink wimp hint hippo bottom bust thrust rocket puny pony mummy money tomb tome Tid bits
observe innovate Robotic plastic mold mannequin auto-mated multiply Fruity rupee re-bar roof moopy guy quad Kanevial ramp stunt trophy prickly pear mogeli feral fido fetch woody twig woofy wolf pack howl loony spoon cottage cheese stir crazy straw amazy cog gear circadian rhythm primer switch trigger spigot gimmick goblet mauve gymnasium dribble dunk pause donut hut succulent cinnamon coffee coconut grunge garage spokanne Spock crock pot goulash league lunge leap lomp lunt loan lund tacklebox lure crappie crank crunk crunch kodak kodiak lunch phitograph mount stuff dillweed wombat taxidermy horse n’ buggy homerun derby louisville slugger meet standard expand expected stations third baseman pinch hit hail Mary hope endzone receive message postal zip code program binary one zero gattaca genetic node neuron positive ion twin arch rainbow reticular whooping crane crown Chesapeake bay chippewa cave crow crowd scavenge powder keg groan grope choke croak toad trope plague poke coax strophic aphorism cloak bloke stoic bolt
observe innovate
broach Birch birth bleep blurt burp balance beam daylight may night twinkle star bright guide vast gasp cheek slap chest clasp breath
shoebox Only after cobweb rafter swept arches pine ladder Old lime luggage unpack cataloged faded aged family albums photos developed friendship polarized kinsman. Laugh frown squint scrunch wink blink bunny ears honestly candid scenery rocky tree lined ravine pearly white believing arm wrapped shoulder side by side remember tiny intimates great gatherings photographed memories.
Pattern Pattern. A recognizable re-occuring physically represented instance. A revolving unique action upon repetition creating a design identifiable through physical phenomena. Patterns purposed to; communicate intellectual ideas, tell historical events, make navigational guide markers, list labor love, build mathematical numerical functions, correlate complete correction, propose a purpose, speak and be heard, smoke signal savers, Mores code order, organize, boarder, peek key hole tumbler, single out, combine elements, rhyme, operate musical language. Language patterned around sound made mouthe-wise. Calm gentle vowels comply quick coupled consonants create vast perhaps infinite, combinations of coherent communication. Oh, don’t let me forget, as it is easy to do. Space and absence of sound is equally important to linguistics. In Earth’s ancient day, our ancestors wrote language without any space between “characters (pictorial represented pattern equalling particular value)”.
This technique resolved in endless lines of text, each word directly connected to the otherlookingkindalikethishoweverphrasingand thoughtsportrayedwithoutanyformofpunctuation toseparateorindicatebreathmarksonitwouldgo givinglawstellingfolkloreraisingtaxessoforththen. Out of the crystal clear blue dome or deep, we chose to make little markings (a dot here, squiggle there) additionally to the text. Accents`, expression! Pause, go. Stop. Go draw-bridge architect blue print particular measured pattern. This adaptation progressed our (Humankind) ability to give and receive ideas making Ma King (fictional character based upon real-live person/s) very happy. Actually, making everyone more agreeable and happy. Enhancing abilities of common citizen cognizant recognition of patterns passing the relay torch of knowledge and understanding.
Harmony of the Spheres Harmony of the Spheres is an idea centered around a universe structured in musical intervalic ratio tones. Heavenly bodies resonate particular notes in orbit of pulsing stars. 1These Ideas began in Ancient greece with a person who history knows as Plato. He invented dish ware. No, he didn’t invent dish-ware. Plato thought thoughts. Plato was a father greek philosopher who created dialogues that theorized proposed situations of moral ethics, natural physics, mathematical equations and musical vignettes, so to speak. These Ideas continue to influence us twenty-five hundred years after he uttered them in a voice of virtue. Passing through many human mind over millennia adapting in time. Adapting to culture, rule, people and school. Additions and corrections were made to his theories, changes and challenges to his ancient word. The ideal core element continues through calendars. Plato postulated a creation story, a tale about a demimurge in his Dialog Timaeus. This demimurge was born of a mother creation.
Harmony of the Spheres
Something went terribly wrong, tells one internet source. This Demiurge was the embodiment of everything wrong, a hideous creature. So hideous that the mother wrapped the demimurge up in a blanket of clouds built to protect and keeps him hidden. The Demiurge, apparently is an oblivious creator. “Who fashion the world-soul from an essence impartible, and and always subsisting according to sameness of being, and from a nature divisible about bodies, he mingled from both a third form of essence, having a middle subsistence between the two. And again, between that which is impartible and that which is divisible about the bodies, he placed nature of the same and different.� So, what we can draw from that? There is an ever-present essence that the demimurge is part of and had power over. Through mathematical prowess, he divides it up; Changes the values of each essence, places together with a type of medium middle or glue if you will.
Harmony of the Spheres
In Timaeus, the ratio of parts is detailed. “ The first place, he received one part form the whole. Then he separated a second part, double of the first; afterwards a third, sesquialters of the second part, double of the first, afterwards a third, sesquilters of the second, but triple of the first; then a fourth, double of the second, in the next place a fifth, triple of the third, a sixth, octuple of the first and lastly a seventh, twentyseventh times more than the first.� This goes on and on, up into two-hundredths and sequlatireal realized fractioned parts placed into motion and intervals placed parts to create homogenized harmony. Harmony- The combining of notes simultaneously, to produce chords, and successfully to produce chord progressions. The term is used descriptively to denote notes and chords so combined, and also prescriptively to denote a system of structural principles governing their combination. 2
Creation of the World-Soul/model for the
Harmony of the Spheres
physical universe is also viewed to be made into life through the use of Pythagorean proposed proportions. These proportions are even and odd geometric series fill with astronomical arithmetic and harmonic averages. Culminating a conclusion that our universe is intervalic ratio numbered sequences harmonized in rotative time table rings resonating repeatedly creating continuous complete harmony. All creation is created through the use of a celestial monochord, played in a particular presentation propelling portable particles properly poised possible poignant position. Pythagoras formed aptly named pythagorean tuning system after the mathematical functions of the monochord and heavenly bodied harmonic functions. Pythagoras and his followers developed analogies and allegories about musical interactive calibrations using various methods. All based around string function physics and natural phenomena witnessed in nature.3 Phenomena, a movie where actor John Travolta has a brain
Harmony of the Spheres
tumor that opens pathways in his mind to access super-human abilities, like telekinesis and speed reading! Natural Phenomena study of gravity, weather patterns, astronomical clockwork (time), plant life, water, sound, light, all various forms of physical life gave knowledge to people who asked questions, and waited upon an echoed answer. An eternal infinite alive harmonious universe.
Then and Now It was there that we then were us. How and why or who the what went where well one aught. I did do done. You got yours. Go grow very. Know no, know yes. On no. Yes say. They be any other. Me is as too.
Grown Up Go Do Mill will might may wommow. Yawn Lawn. Manicure Manger Manager. Hedge edge ledge. Trim rim sin sing. Cut coo cult cap crap. Mini put put puts. Build runt play box. Mold gunk shape rock. Clunk zonk bonk bing. Invent. Select. Press Belly button. Laugh. Plaster actor. Shack shore. Anchor chapter. Wail wait whyle air error arrow point alone ale aloe. Blaze boyzen bronze age annoint brave brass blade. Torrent torque trench tent ten ton trout task test tisk trouble troop tizzy. Scaffold scuffle satchel sentinel 5unk. Jackie chan Battle toad road rash risky. Hogwart Karate combo clone smash. Zip line zip tie swift skip pig sty. Stool scoot scat scrap yard compact junk drawer. Odd end even rummage wreckage Bangalore boogie woogi limbo bend bran brand flex fiber gammy candie yam Lex Luther Clark kemp’s dairy arrogant alter ego laser beamo ghost cloak chomper chopper whopper whammo womp blammo stunk skunk shrunk mink monk plunk poof bump bail boss ream reaper regular reapo peel wheel burn out steal steel home
Grown Up Go Do
shutter iron bar bumper bowl lump console comfort convert commerce sold perm lamanant Aztec target pan-era bred starch magnet megnut barber bloodlet baguette boogaloo goopy grove groove rut hip hut tut lip MIT MIB trilogy quadruped morph gadzooks plaid soup croon crone pedestrian equestrian president thespian sapiean grainy heartland peppy pebble egget eager beaver blue ox oshbigosh corny Paul Bunyon timber topple log flume Shute gobble peach cobbler pushpops shaman sherbert Sherman tank spank spunky punky booster seat squeaky tinman pully plank palpitate bypass pacemake boomer fleet flash pan vittle twiddle two cent pin cushion opinion simple paper skim headline twine hivemind scrimmage scramble scrabble lanky Abraham abolish slave trade new world mayflower pilgrim Plymouth rock puritan punctuality papal politic tac toe tally census sinus nose knows prime pilot plot pioneer prop propose orange arranged vista vitamin Porsche nutrient neutral goldilocks Pooh bear honey glazed private
Grown Up Go Do
portage porridge storage Scotland stockyard kilt hike vagaboon bagpipe harpoon Dutch blubber megalomania cubbard trinket brisket gasket trisket tasket cricket crimped crumpet. Strudel pulp bluebell pomogranet goose down plume Grail mono habit. Minty marsupial mammajamma mojo bonobo. Little Debbie cream pie ho-ho ho Santa clause vast emotion row row row kazoo canoe gentoo gentile gently saqagawee saga seta sega genesis. Sonic hedgehog soccer mom rush aloe Vera olive oil virile lava loyal peer pressure hog pile beer battered fog horn boil chowder chim charoo crabcake muscle curl squat churn stern protein patty jog plenty o’ square block pokemon meaw two red versus blue caboose goof maverick goose ace egghead arthor Excalibur middle age crisis carriage little Jon robin hood ruby studded hubcaps spinner escalade methane compost nitrate spring rain sopped floral Wednesday merry go round wedding arrangements cussing custody arraignment attain primp blimp bogey bird eye view acrostic gnostic acrobat somersault
Grown Up Go Do
fluid flip Suplex chemist comic strip mall pharmacist blarney kist kosher sodium bless dress wound rest moon ta noon tend tanned hide tread deep end thread needle hay stack. Plink gwamt fwouav. Role rule pal pail pool print Que. Gal guy goal guide goo goo ga ga. Alphabetized cambell’s afternoon delight grilled cheese ooey mooey pama
PIP Ween keen queen steam clean lean team Dukes up parry fencer dual dodge musalodge Escape pod bid beg big red button push press Final fantasy fondly fondle blonde bombshell long haul stand still coal fired cold war landfill Daffodil probably promised anthill paid bills Plaid frilly shirt catholic school skirts stir prepubescent staring contest star iodine squib flick Wig asses excess assets sandwich jam jizz gambit Bandwidth three G network fisher dinner chicken winner winer tie dye tither shuffle scuffle shoe shiner black eyed freeze sheath silver screen sheen Sleeve syrup stirrups boot cuffs bovine club cud Quad lunge stomach suction maud buckets Kirby pucket champion vacuums Dyson pylons touchdown Love glove trojan Titan apple turnovers Loganberry cigarette cooking Sherri vingaret soup salad hambone winepress seamstress teamster Sherpas Himalayan smurfet servants turf tennis backspin
Forehand deuce duets purĂŠe ballerina somersault cartwheel preheat 360 degree pearuet peanuts Circus elephant catapilar circuit raisinet acrobat Toothpick boogerflick ovenmit salamander arithmetic isosolieze pyramid seventh heaven leer jet merit meticulous mr. Rodgers marsupial make believe shoe horn sqeaker sneakers rubber soul stereo speakers Curly cord clone corn crop Aztec hightop porkchops Goulosh hummas karma sutra tulip topaz Suplex duplex tyranosorus pushups pushpops pinochio pumped pex propane polyp possum gosling softy Guess next
PEP Portable current clairvoyant democracy Tony tiger frosted flake horticulture saucy bottom apple cake trike bike kite pike bobby hobby wheat husband heaps needle beets tumblin geek receptacle teaze kumquat gumdrops chum panel channel pundits flannel sleeve lumberjack back pat pigmy big Mac attack tackle box rappala shiner zinger skimmer Twinkie Twinkie brittle shard artificial additives raccoon wiener remnants mayo marble greecy ruins Roman republic homer supplicant ruffian zugspitz pleading souflet’ bugsy clue slips plantain peel kingpin bowling bin juke box 38 Winchester drop dime plain jane jive grind grin jim earthworm VIN mold model make shake n’ bake shimmy polka dot pretty Mini property realestate idea edicate tenant tempered testament gimme gimme gimme peppermint barber spinnies blood letting humorous diagnosis xerbatikucosis tapioca sha she shugur modular Moses mimosas expealidotous toe tip skinny dip cobalt crystal cove minty mentor memento mentos fresh making marsupial koala kin
eukoliptus Eucharist salve balm soul hum hymn ditty warm furry fluffy fuzzy servant sermon permanent marker amendment guzzle green pro-biotic whitewash blackop cyclops surrender rainman pendant laundromatic tidy undies skidmark brakestand swish swosh swish swosh wushu wishy toss copper Lincoln bust in God we trust big jeez head hauncho love
POP Yadda Yabba do flint fossil fuel Bombastic bedrock Dynamite tunnel True line Point A blink B Home before Counted three Gravity gratify levitate amplify Urgency frantic frier crabby crier Correlate quickie route routtabagga Rhubarb sugar lathe nasal zesty Aardvark ant hill anthem exclaimer Excalibur pen point mightier Victorian fencers picket protest violence end all war forget forging weapons solidify valid solution tesla green home hydrogen vault combo 0000000 free knowledge wisdom joules Meter man clipboard copy scrolling numerical values fleeced peace nutritional nuns apply ointment one numb neighbor nubs Deep tissue massage sterile gloves snap snapping turtle hatchback clutch shift drifting pink slip switch swap title neon under carriage Cinderella poking pumpkin cherish glass slipper parish superior Mama Teresa benefactor benevolence
Elevator elegance cave stag stalactites Relevant relatable relatives poppy Posies papal prose pleats priest Plagal portrait please natal jean Jacket kerchief pocket soggy Sockets Glean clea-nexus Plexiglas bouncy castle Shepard’s lamb pistol checker middle Missile missal twizzler straw zippy sip Frizzy lifting drink belch welsh’s grape Nuts finest fiber colon flush public Affection plunger slosh osh bigosh Posh spice plot big top tiger loop Fire sauce suave floss huass mossy Logs four x four hot wheel wigwam Cyclone criss cross spiral curly cue Pig toss apple glaze gloss plate dross Metallurgical alchemetic alumni aluminum Frame liturgical bio rhythmic organism Steam clean stem cell surgical prison Isolated instance simon says go go gadget Griffon
action jackson Cross channel cable tunnel Shogun shotgun hot shot hip shoot Low down dirty rat flush poop Sewer drain main vein sulfur Tommy gun automatic rifle Bloody vengeance doomed goon Criminal prosecute trial jury peers Fair proof moot point stint liar boot Stale tomb dusty crow crew stone roost Empty nest bone dry moan chain shake Ghost sleuth clue query true carry through Otherwise otherside join chime kind Type sight hoist boot tread grip edge mark point far step close smell sharp tight spiral fragrance clipped dried vegetation insight garden earth mine-a-royal golden rule equally created rights born again enter promise land horn five friends pyramid capital cast class system valley exalted free phone fun figure eight frozen pond ice skate hockey puck mighty duck goal tender word message
action jackson
record play pause water mater three states liquid solid gas transformative robot transport peace cake team yea candle stick nimble quick quack jump jack land hand stand
Go now Make it last longer Team meet up talk talk walk block number president Lincoln flock runny eggy penny Ming tong gone wrong write drupe watch collection rinky renty owner levy-rage pay up claim place monsoon safe haste craze crave maze state paste fate Elmer tut
sm Sail mail sale mill say male sill mellow still marrow stall more stale mate sallow mope swallow mist snail main stable mare saunter mall sister mauve swift mob small mock smock mister sought mint sense most same must save met stay may see mat sleep mit slate meet sift meek sweep make shift maple stick mono stiff mow sled maze said moat slide mount size memory state
First Sight Wiggle Achilles heel Cupid click skip jig view lilly pad lips lotus sigh honey suckle kiss diamond iris almond gaze seraph Sapphire pedal velvet ballet pollen parade placate recesetate arrow graze Chiny chin chin shave change
Chicken Head Magnet spring mattress Polar reality Wake dream Dragnet steam actress Film noir Private eye Gum shoe Naked spy Giggle google goose Gaggle Tarred N feathered Cluck cluck cashmere Scared scarred weathered Example clear Poor petted pidgins Nibble peck Bitty Bread crumbs Turquoise neck City cousin doves Coooo dialect Sleuth detect Pyrex intent
Chicken Head
Protect Save innocent Clip Snip wires Blue red Select pure bred Perfect vision Optical allusions Common sense Chore chatted cheetas Swivel catch Sweaty bed moans Sexy match Flame zing
I Hear Her Call Serene siren dreams adoringly adorned white rose hips sheen velvet pedal pulse celestial crystal frost Floating frozen ringlets Heat
Love Field Ginormously huge vast snow capped mountain valley grew an enormous wild flower variety. Flowers now follow; Gregorius Gardinas, Pippy Poppies, Lemon Lillie’s, Azure Azailias, Obscure Orangy Ooglebees, Juniper Juxtaposed Jitter Jetties, Blonde Bitzies, Willy Whylies, ditty dotties, kloggy kogos, foldy floppy flippy fluppy fluffy floffy fletty flooiy fifty Fiji flowy feather fountains, ijy igaz, giggly goo goo gagaz, huppy ha haz, remply ro raz, sazzy soozaz, cwepty cwomz, vi vovvy vaz, plomp purple perrenials, happy hibiscus, tangarine tolly togas, maroon magnolias, bulbous blue blossoms, nexus nottle navel nodes, Pink Petunias, Mauve Mistletoe, Turquoise Tulips, Yellow Youth Yollies, Dandions, effervessant elephant ear embodied elegance, inky iris, crimson coronations, krinkly kombos, wrinkly winky wasabi wawas, zizzy zozaz, sad sassafras, goofy gold geraniums, picky pumpkin poggies, tiny tinty tweety twirls, buttercup curly furls. White sun circle shone on Over head singing mellifluous variations over again “highyo
Love Field
Yel low yellow yellow highyo” happy heaven saying hi a whole day wide. On on on straight through true knowbel blew rain rang clair pure wit wet wata this thirsty bundle velvet petal bunch soaked up transparent liquid pure mineral puree lunch. Bloom mighty bright sparkle twirl shimmer pretty shine little pollen lights reach farthest height complete promised comfort potential love. Hover hone on up over valley volley luxurious summer juicy justice joy jingle sung young sun calmly lulled sleepy easy yawn hum hazy heat heart dream fleeting float near zillion twinkle stars tell open horizon pocket tuck away time while blue boldness mellow moon rolls polite whool quiet hallo queries “who woo who woo?” Not I, not it answer Botany buddies fastly fold fragrant pollen power pouch flaunt filled found fit fountain frillier flowierier fresh flap flip up clothed shut tight puckers pinched taut “nighty night colorful runts” quipped lofty curdy loon. One bare blank black stone jutted up evenly from deep dense dark
Love Field
soil center of the valley. Days moved on on on. Until one day the sun shone brighter than ever before. Pure straight light rays pulsed intense temperatures. Nearly instantly withering glacier fed gigantic floral growth. A quilted quiet sigh rasped gasped then quickly evaporated. While wet wax colors tubbed together dripping off drooping vibrant verities. Dirt churned chewing swirling gurgling liquidized pedals. Neutralized chalk dry stalks toppled over atop one another weaving a plain boring sepia toned sneaker rub scrub rug. Heat beat strange hay heap. Hollow empty wisp whipped crumpled husks resonating ghostly echo whimper across crass grass. Dormant solitude enveloped a mournful mountain valley. Near nextly, the Craggiest crew of creatures wandered into the arid area making wretched nests wrestling for territorial position. Crude guttural calls exchanged, while rampant packs of ugly ruffled farted stinking plops plummet real estate value in a hurry. Sky eye watched woefully, knowing a just course of
Love Field
action. Eviction notice arrived. Go away now. Afternoon Soon after languid angry Green sky brewed storm grumbled over the dry cyan scarily infested previously multi-cultural rural garden. Sooty onyx cumulations poured over ice pick peaks pointing shame blame upon coughing un-cooth calamities crawling around disgustingly purposeless only procreating to eat. Yuk! Extermination sentinel fire flashing belly clouds achieved correct altitude, acquired scuttling nasty nest target locks, released overbearing onslaught of electric bolt blasts. Vaporizing varmint villain villas. Wind speeds reached record clocks eventually forming a giant funnel over the huge black rock center of the valley. An eye opened above the big matte black Rock and an ultra potent shot of sunshine super heated the photon absorbent stone until it began sparking like an independence day sparkler. Plus all the lightning (four zillion gigawatts worth) wrapped around the funnel creating a rare natural phenomenon known as a lighting tornado now positioned exactly gravitationally centered around
Love Field
the blank flat black onyx flint-stone. Lightning struck tornado sucked combination phenom plus sunlight laser beam heat ray pointed precisely at one combustible pressurized hot rock reached maximum potential. Yuiwoohoovuiw!!! Plasma Fireball shockwave eruption ignited surrounding ground cremating abominations. Flame engulfed violent violet valley raged. Such excessive force sky eye regrets allowing circumstances to go too far. Well up wail wait corner ducts gather tough tears until eventual sob. Emaciated smoking environment smoldered carbonic grey ash last remains settle vast sad valley. Poor pail pale heart pour bottled up sorrow billow buckets. Wash wash metallic flakes nutrient intake recycle paste achieve appropriate shape. Clear absolving rain ran through clean empty dirt track cracks. Astonishingly, during the flat black rock horizontal split atomic explosion released hidden fossilized seeds onto the born again virgin valley. Awoken freshly watered mystery fossil seeds received now relatively relaxed necessary sun attention giving enigmatic special heart life
Love Field
spark commencement. Gentle wind calmly caresses newly planted promises assuring tender blossom. Bird word passed to neighboring geological habitats. Fossil foliage open soon! Travelers from near and far perched on surrounding vantage points to view immaculate ancient birth. Sure enough, On a fateful day in front of vast witnesses warmly kind round bulbs opened up numbered in millions. Ginormously massive huge vast snow capped mountain valley protecting arisen red roses.
Passion according to John Mighty muddy Mississippi river rings calm clear message on one weatherly warm, sunny, post vernal equinox day. A call, strong and sweet, pure tones eternally resonate. Chin lifted. Cloud characters act up. Massed microscopic water Chrystal choreographed opera-drama, sonnet, great epic plays out across heaven’s sapphire amphitheater. Sailer’s heave. Whales breach. Romeo’s yearning beseech. Cliff climbers, submarine divers, air balloons, horseback riders. Yesterday’s tails told truly thru thee lips av lovely granpa n’ grama orators. Ancient relatives closely resemble re-assembled rudimentary elements. Earth, wind, fire, water. Ripple effect. Feather quilled quotients quantify coalesced moral mortal guidance. Chance, wonderful chance. First steps, oblivious action. “Zippity doo-da Zippity Yea... Ima gonna go ona the first neighborhood walk of the year yip hip hurry hooray... Guess I could make it to the river before sunset.” Up, up, up Grand avenue sidewalk. Bounding springboard budding branches. Dunn Brothers Coffee shop.
Passion according to John
Bloomed blue baby gardenias. People pettle pattle populate public porches. Golden rays give lively life in environed sights. Bowels growl. Hunger strikes. Quick Subway sandwich bite. Yum, yum pizziola chicken. Anyway. Onward towards great glow orb. No real rush. Smell roses, Rossi. Live in peace. Walk in faith. Give gifts without receipts or recipes or return plea’s. Reply, “Rewards await after Earthly estate.” Original origin omni operator. Spirit trust, awesome breeze. Life breath time release. Crosswalk. Amicable human white LED lead light walk sing sign. Saint Thomas campus. Languid vanilla lemon-pulp squeezed sky. Pause. Red pen point lawn pandora pin-drop roll-rock-rest action effect ripple sculpture. Momentary muse. Neighborly near majestic Mississippi sand-stone amber bank. Nature nook, Pleasant pass-time. One foot after another. Pally-wolly doodle pantomime. Wibbly bibbly whobbly twaggly helium balloons attract attention true twine tied posted paper production information.
Passion according to John
“Huh?” Saint John’s Sanctuary present’s a Bach society of Minnesota performance. Johannes-Passion. Tonight. 7:30. “Oly Wa-wa-wowzers!?!” Wrist watch check. 6:54. “Walk grounds round up ta river. Zen make return for given show.” Various symbolic visual physical spirit representations along path to golden shore. Metal molded Jesus. Rock carved apostle fire spirit tongues. Miracle making water wine clay relief. Fresh clean spring stream trickles through angular steel-gray granite stones. Day gazing grazing strangers chit-chat atop cobble plates. Purple railed bridge. Post. Pray. Listen. Peripheral perception points portage lone path partly portray position possibly positively prepared pilgrimage. Bare e-air-th bow between branch. Bend low, drink straight calm clear brook. Mineral aminoacid proteins renew. Hop, skip, jump river rush. Wind feather brush. Dove cooed love. Brow bent
Passion according to John
before branches. Stare stair step after step heel tow soul planted best bless guess. Sheer cliff open canopy ravine. Deep sigh. Thankful blink. Beautiful dream. Cream prize. Itasca initiated intrinsic united country heartland irrigation central esophagus sings, sings, sings swimmingly spiritual swing songs! Good God guide gold glory glory alleluia!! Powder fine beach. Aqua azure allure align alight alabaster blanch branch alive. Log sit look. Flow, flow, fly flew fairly flexible fluid. Inflect intact integrity. Intend honest liberty. Mississi-peace. Cyclic circle swatch tock tell time. Ten till. Harmonic gospel goose gown. Return hike up hill. Last ticket. Right on time. Underdressed. Student price. Absent program pamphlet. Unexpected blissful unknown, oblivious seating rear temple. Clear clean architectural lined structure. Minimalist? Elegant light ornamentation. Problymaybe built 1930’s. Emotive purple red rotative reflective pattern designed ceiling. Classicalcontemporary powerful pastel filled fresco over
Passion according to John
head. Characters; Alive Light Love Christ, Holy Spirit Dove, angled Angels, asking Apostles, Heaven and Earth. White whale rib pillars. Whole House. All ages. Elder majority. Kind fragrance. Giant baptism bath bowl. High wire raised Crucifixion copy floats above twelve choral performers plus complete orchestra. Choral parts played; Evangelist= William Hite. Jesus= Bradley Greenwald. Pilate= Scott Sandersfeld. Soprano= Carrie Henneman Shaw, Jennifer French, Shanta Hejmadi. Alto= Nicole Warner, Christine Anameier, Andrea Leap. Tenor= Roy Heilman, Craig Lemming, Brian Ohnsorg. Bass= Aaron Larson, Gregory Douma, Scott Sanderfield. Only representational emo-tiones. Zero physical acting. Upper-class attire. Power tie, sheen suits. Black dress, leather boots. Jewelry purposed poised maple pews anticipate palpitate pump prop-plane high-flying sky soaring heaven’s deity death defying amazing awesome adventure. Innocence saved guilty. Only Holy One Son Man of God making infinite good life gift possible. Past eviliy evolved earth, evoked eternally adorable God
Passion according to John
who mightily loved our world tru love sacrifice promise perfect paradise for all people. Holy harmonized musical material measured in forty movements. Reciting final moments involved in Christ’s Betrayal, trial, crucifixion, triumphant everlasting life resurrection. According to Apostle John. Sung entirely in German. Originally dated orchestral instruments, (sporting pristinely preserved precious rare wood resembling perpetually petrified polished rocks chiseled ancient eons ago. Seventeen pieces; violin, viola, cello, viola da gamba, bass, oboe, flute, bassoon and organ.) tuned tuned and tuned a little more for good measure before a mature choir arrived front and center. Passion According to Saint John by Johann Sebastian Bach. A massive making marking many working mechanisms. Multiple modular majestic musical mastery. Varied forms include; Chorus, recitative, chorale, aria, arioso. Monumental chorals. Bright brave aria’s. Punctuated recitative’s. Abundant ability. Victorious virtuosity.
Passion according to John
Heavenly Harmony. Bach Baptism. Complete repentance. Ultimate surrender. Titanic salvation. Absolute atonement. Boughten brought-en free life blossom. Gigantic typhoon sound waves wash over audience wonderings. Textual texture poly-rhythms. Imitation. Huge chords. Good will towards Man plus Peace on Earth. Sorrow smashing, Joy generator. Chromatically calibrated conscience cleanser. Father forged forgiveness featherz. Healing mender mentor. Creator call core lava love one another. Creation equality just labor law. Carried away upon white whirly peace wreath wings. Scripture witness accurate true accordance innocent accused. Insulted, thorn scorned scourged, spat upon King of Kings, ruler of life, common criminal cruel calamity. Bound, banged, hammered. Wood. Nails. Death Defeat. Glory Lamb. Life giving. Returning sight, hearing, intellectual plan. Re-new, Re-use, Recycle, Reborn. Child of light. Child of life. Truth arrive. Divine surprise. Unison. Intervalic melody. Woven wooly wonder weave. 120 minuets. Grace save.
Passion according to John
Complete. Pink Magnolia March 24th Blossomed tree. Truly. Peace.
Supper Natural
Incog-neato Nog nod see saw Infra ra ra Teuton Spectra wa wa wave Change la law season Myriad vase mosaic Capital venture install Version number lime Mere cat tap dance Dutch clog can can Beer vat lap trap Tramp scram snap crackle pop pyramid scheme scam lotto Pull tab motto shopping spree surgar tart Stamp pomp stop drop roll Cop cuff criminal public Intoxicated Chemical subjects Tainted water table Noble trailer courts Pungent clerk Table crumb adverse Never reven qouth
Bratwurst barbecue Rap tap tap ping Chamber door poor alm charity Donate good deed Done invisibly
My story Mystery Lamb lamp light post Shear sheep priest cloth Preach white fleece go o o spell Syntax sentence singing semblance seven slow simple Day ta day tada taday Mage make magic mystic Make made mood ringlet Spirit Spector spectrum Gramma gamma ray gum gun Denture filament mint centrum Vitamin cold gold chip flint Fear fire free flyer
Altered Altered Augmented hero Granted paternal deal Goose mannered zeal X-ray vision Golden touch
Master Servant bower backgammon birdie cage canary butterfly basket buttercup banquet Whirly wave servant save White knuckle royal blueberry base moat drawbridge chariot chase Chose trade courage maze cower lower gaze moral matter forest forage gave favorite praise talk take token pass cross path post assignment moss spore fleck cask spread seed nudge plunk plant missile missal mission plomp mild word fertil wild dirt sprout fragile leaf emerge bright green gentil light wind tend infant life nurture growth spurt protect secure preserve pure virgin oval olive observe mature imaginary figment complimentary mimic mock gong gone Bosch tryptic before middle after argument scabbard manners skirmish hammer scaffold fly banner boast dojo dodo propose most excellent marriage pumpkin country bumpkin carriage stern beefy steerage Potluck mince meat ragamuffin ruffian roshambo kimosabi
Master Servant
Goomba goober wasabi nun-chuck guard grip mob heap lob biff leap fawn fern palm frond petunia fragrant whiff soft waft nasal channel nostril nostalgic memory bank silver thread two cent gold shekel shackle mateareal penitentiary Heckle hassle deadbolt rascal blame lasso fiasco fresco pastel portrait inmate mantelpiece supreme justice corral correct vagrant payment bride bribe hide low lie rug wept swept
Uni-verse Uni-verse Equals One word Oscillate On words Infinite Comprehend Ono O’ Ono
Near Long Ago Tub tug boat scuba scrub hobo bozo belt booze Bloop go go disco ladle scoop soup logo loop hoop hopscotch starch stopwatch pressure plate potporrie montage raisinett two scoop sashimi massage moot moist towlett bon Bon bond bond resin auto body mega mechanic glow Joe oil change fuel inject remote start plug emphatic inventive incentive stack stick hatchet ratchet second class iron clad lever pulley fulcrum wooly mammoth ice age cave rave slave trade enclave poach pooch pouch bait bade brave ham hock hokey stokey fire pokey
Room Stone slabs of granite and marble with long grass growing between, small plants, little trees with red yellow blue fruits growing out of the branches. White flute made of wood. an entable, book with empty pages, glass lamp touch light, metal measuring tool, glittering gems. Key is silver, the door opens to a closet filled with funny outfits. shoe box it’s old and wooden, inside are memories of a life of happiness and adventure. There trinkets and pictures. The clothes are soft and clean, with bright colors and the pockets are fllled with little notes and some have time pieces. Only the invisible can see me. The light is yellow and soft, there is a little game that I lose myself in trying to solve. Rudemntary shapes of triangles and spheres. The floor is cool and soft. The walls are covered in soft fuzz. Standing near the lamp is a misty figure with light in there chest and eyes with bright designs all over the shining skin. The have their right hand raised and asking me what I am going to write in the blank pages. I ask if they have any ideas. They hand me the book along with the measuring tool. It is large and old and new.
Yilyer vingo piole zep Beul anjuo ebnio pwe Fuio pedoy aleno tweio Cobai neu Qin kla pon Riop deibo mipeo zenco apinienopel wioti julai Fiupty niontave pojoogy
Vertical Horizon cherish open hearted happy honored family home yellow automatic tractor sprinkler watering hose rare rock garden lawn gnome lavender fresh fragrance clothes clipped laundry line gymnast balance beam spring blossom pink magnolia fragile artesian fluid fed oyster sheened shell articulate inlet inlay silverware amore armoire cream handle-bar streamer basket feast raised family pastry pasture sweet dream sheet sheep count fence fleece leap powder puff moon cloud telescope seat connect constellation star speck protect sun-fire freeze dried turkeyjerky hopscotch hokey-pokey hockey hobbies model airplane record player 78’s 33’s diamond head needle spin spun track divot ravine disk phonograph recollect Memory Missed mistletoe missile macaroni recipe ovenmit 360 degree spatula stick flip iris apple turn over
Vertical Horizon
attend absent attention misery mystery question admiral admit hospital whitewall empty hall crystal chime chandelier echo prism reflect mental schism veil sheer ice blue cliff face sharp arctic shrill chill pierce taste touch erase sensory remembering
Harvest A quartz morning gust tussled tinkly diamond dawn teirra tear drops adorning whuzy wizzy wavy amber glowy glory mature grains. Farmer Kurt, arose wita reach stretch yong, quick dream total recall thresher treasure pleasure moto heart work up n’ atomic automatic techno pea pail provider. Roll over Autumn toned flannel blanHket, wood duck panel warm wall paper, mini nail pin-up calendar sugar cauliflower sharpie again gain groan check mark box, good golly holly harvest tideey! yip yup hurray hurrah! Ben county mountain basin plenty bountiful bundle kalay hazza! Clip trim tighty-up jaw jungle, make mug publicly presentable. Gargle grin mouth wash scrubbing bubbles zwish. Cheek slap after shave choppy after math musky bustle proper alas awoken word “heyah” wring rag wrinkly hamper pack. One appendage after another tug snug tundra tighty whitey under hitch hoop clasp peg fritter fresh denim overalls. Thumb rub
parrallely aligned attached shoulder straps tip top bip bo peep prodder lift lanolin hat from hook met wit a properly prop on tep ti noggin. Fitly primp trusty skip hip banister butt scoot zwoop corkscrew floot foot flat floor heal planted. “Really!? Really?” Kurt squirts squaring up mustard scroll front door frame, brown bloused brass one button lavender rectangle shelter passageway. Two steps forward reach breach extend special metacarpal wrist turn round handle yank fling wide open. Kinda risen helium clementine blob floods hazel cone circle ebony centered periphery receptors. Vitamin heat, heart saved. Recharge soular battery. “Awezoom!” blurbs Kurt. Soaring Bald Eagle scream retort ricochet echoes rhubarb ridged rugged plateau. Temple touch open palm salute freedom banner. Clear air crisp Hearty whole breath whistle “zwoot zweet zwa zwoot, zwoot zwit zwolly” cheeky chirpy chickadee reply “twittle twitty twutty twet twee twoo”. Quick Squint nod blink, “Good
golly Bali poodle! I thinka wittle chickadee sings wit mee!?” Smirked Kurt, allowing a nimble ankle waggle to ruffle front porch welcome rug, op op, re-adjust; flatten, smooth, pancake. Consciously reminded of textile designs infinite inverted inflective patterned material. Ohh... K. On word, forge path toward accomplished accumulate accolade account accordance accompany accurate acolyte occurrence.”How might I behave Today? New news plain truth. Try Totally wonderful twirl hurra hurray!” Limb lane lift laced loafer, learned from Lenny, Leg up lanky launch torso instant inches, short flight lifted landed seconds. However, very really, spirit spring actually grazed white tipped bird of pray wings, attained zero gravity sky high stratosphere elatedly pause pounce puffy pingly cumulonimbus fling flume float greet heavenly home host, ease coast comfort mozy round mountain return humble earthly personable people pebble soul abode heal tow, pearl Inirie
muscle wrapped oyster shell body mobile mono mojo. Grow grew thread thrown sewn food water wait reap reward whole loom weave; legume baskets, fruit scoops, nut packets, cabbage patches, rice patties, motion sensor activated batting cages pitching caramelized popcorn ball machines, oat throngs, peppermint hybrid candy canes, pineapple huts, gaiganto citrus groves, mozy milky moo moos, clucky hens plus pecky rooters, yam trams, clam beds, potato pockets, graham cracker pallets, tomato tons, vanilla fragranced gadgetry transmitting message binary problem solvation, chocolate truck loads, magnimoniuos melons, plum plums, ostrich egg sized berries, four foot long nerds rope, pear thickets, chawunga cherry’s, humongoid brilliant holographic husband honey ham, prefrontal cortex lightbulb lemon lobe, nifty neutrino nuetella nanners, uniform unicorn whirly horned corn syrup lolly lanterns,
burly bon bon bonsai, chronicle conical crammed cran crab cones, yo-yo toy transit transmission smitten turkey sandwich fed picnickers finger lickin good food. High sigh ahhh oooh lumbar relive Kurt a merrily can recoup. Shoulder yolk set off, sugar cube tea tot. Grey Uncle Earl graceful respiratory stir spoon mirror moon mind bend telepathic avert splurt resort porch convert photon energy sport transport cargo tons, pneumatic tube air pressure market place rubber bumper biggie buggy carriage cart cudgel race. Encase replace permanence recyclable ergo botnics nano socket power house swept dust bin. Vacuums rev up neaty space orbit lofty safe haven taste test face first orange jello pool. Flour roll pewter powder hose mini piggy blanket. Mow wow eateries yum chow chug ponqly sugar bottles tooty tart vehement treats Tahitian sqweegee. Thank ton thought top thick thunk tap thud tin tank preserve able fragile fresh produce. Lug nut secure fish
farm net gross wheel turn tight corner taught maneuver mackerel Kurt kiss turtle pet aquarium. Farmer Kurt folds corrugated volume standard compliant size cardboard, tapes top sticky postage pat pat sends far away beyond. Kurt quick claps arm raise ask tell travel safe farewell.