J. Ross DeVault Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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J. Ross DeVault Kansas State University Landscape Architecture Portfolio

01 07 13 17 19 23 27 31

Selected Works Blue River Bluffs Aqueous Palimpsest 1st & Waco Lofts Campus Roots Wyuka Park Prairie Sculpted Sanctuary FunnelScape Creede America

Community Planning Urban Design Site Design Landscape Restoration

Construction Documents Site Design Conceptual Design Professional Work

J. Ross DeVault 1131 Bertrand Street Unit 12 630.373.7677 Manhattan, KS 66502 rdevault@ksu.edu

Blue River Bluffs Kansas City, Missouri | Community Planning and Design | Summer 2013

Blue River Bluffs is the product of the first graduate level design studio focused on community planning and design. Heavy emphasis was placed on site analysis and mapping to inform later design decisions. Bold strokes have been painted onto a large site to provide a new vision for decision makers in the Kansas City metro area. The project calls for limited damming of the Blue River to create a series of connected wetlands and open spaces along a currently industrial corridor. These open spaces and trails would leverage the real estate values of surrounding areas, promoting increased infill and development over time.

0 mi 1

3 mi

6 mi

Three Sites, Already Under City Or County Ownership Can Treat Stormwater


Runoff Accumulation Calculations From The Round Grove Creek Watershed Identify Several Key Intervention Sites W4_JD08_12K_AccumulationSiteSelection.PDF

INITIAL hydrological analysis Hydrology tools within GIS were used to run a water accumulation study which identified areas with high accumulation originating from the Truman Sports Complex parking area. These findings were then cross referenced with county parcel data to identify suitable parcels of land owned by either Jackson County or Kansas City for future treatment of stormwater runoff. Several strategies including bioswales, vegetated terraces, and constructed wetlands were then proposed for implementation.





e Big Blue River Watershed Collects Water From Several Key Metro Sites



watershed is of regional importance due to the presence of Tbe Plaza, Truman Sports Complex, and Industry


Future Growth At Current Rates Threatens To Hollow Out D

With proactive planning and development, greater levels of refill along key corrido

Missouri River C


Figure 01. Potential Site Identification From Calculated Hydrology Data Source: MARC GIS Library 2013, Flood_Plain, Slope_calc, Parcels, 10m_el, wateraccum_log_10, MARC_Streams, MARC_Watersheds_Medium, Highways, railroads, Inquiry: Where does surface water falling onto the Truman Sports Complex parking lot collect and runoff, and how can properties currently under county or city ownership slow, treat, and infiltrate that water? Key Extractions: Flood plain, Slope analysis, Identified parcels, Surface water accumulation calculations, highways, Rock Island corridor railway, streams, Round Grove Creek watershed Methodology: The hydrology tools of ArcMap were used extensively for the creation of this map with the final goal of creating a flow accumulation map which was overlaid on top of potential parcels to identify three areas of high opportunity to mitigate stormwater runoff pollution. Conclusions: The process of mapping hydrological processes across the Truman Sports Center revealed a corridor which nearly all surface parking runoff drains through. This was key in understanding how the water can be treated before it enters the Big Blue River. Overlaying this information on top of properties already under city or county ownership makes a strong case for a project like this to be realized. Overall, it becomes clear that without any land acquisition, the vast majority of vehicle polluted surface runoff on the Truman Sports Complex can be treated without extremely large amounts investment by political entities in the region. Three parcels of land can treat runoff from hundreds of thousands of vehicles yearly.

Missouri River Confluence

- dense, abandoned industrial corridor - heavily engineered slopes - very high pollutant levels (MDOC)

Truman Sports Complex

- 180 acres of under utilized parking - highly impervious surfaces - pollutant contributions from vehicles

N 0

water flow accumulation low


slope percentage


Baseline Scenario

0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-25% 25-35% 35-50%

If trends of the early 21st century continue population change will likely take this form

Site Condition: Nearly 180 acres of parking only utilized for sporting events runs into Round Grove Creek which drains to the Big Blue River and in turn the Missouri River. Paving is currently impervious and surrounded by turf grass and crowded woodlands.

Country Club Plaza

Blue River Nodes of Influence



Truman Sports Complex

Country Club Pl

- upscale retail and residential district - lacking in ecological value - water is channelized and dammed

e 01. Metro Scale Watershed Classification ce: MARC GIS Library 2013, MARC_Watersheds, MARC_Watersheds_Medium, Marc_Streams

Site Condition: Hea highly abandoned ind The river banks leadin confluence are heavil constructed with rip-r Under Jackson County OwnershipAdaptive Sc ized. Pollution levels m Through careful Missouri Department development and show this area as high ecology. 500

Legend Watershed Boundary Creek/ River Interstate Rock Island Corridor Under Kansas City Ownership

Site Condition: Ups residential developme degree of walkability Brush Creek followed (marc, 2013) River and the Missour treated as a solely ae and the area lacks pla value.

Baseline Development Scenario Figure 01. Baseline Scenario Source: MARC Growth Scenarios


Not To Scale

Inquiry: Where is future growth expected in the Kansas City Metro Region?

N 0

Figure 02. Adaptive S Source: MARC Grow 20,000





The existing conditions along the lower Blue River reflect the neglect and misuse caused by the decades of heavy industry along its banks. Several trail systems currently cross the river through this industrial corridor, however there is little to no public green space along the river itself. This project envisions shifting development out of the Blue River’s flood plain, creating a series of wetland wier dams, and subsequently transforming spaces once in denial to become ecologically grounded and powerful public places. These open spaces leverage the real estate values of surrounding neighborhoods, promoting infill and growth.

Nick Mercado

Mixed Use Residential Commecrical Corporate Campus Entertainment node

Area of Impact & Interest

Town Center

The site serves and potentially treats two significat watersheds to the east and west. Economic, social, and ecological influences radiate out from the project site to craft new identity for the area.

Wetland Native Grassland


Sunset From THe Southern Boardwalk



stem, Bing Aerial Map 2013

nd how might those be a potential opportunity? s, railroad infrastructure nt 2040 outlook forecast which was then broken down into 6 key

somewhat concentric circles radiating out of downtown Kansas to downtown and on the west side of the Blue River. It seems dge as well. Vehicular and Railroad infrastructure were laid erchange is prime real estate for future redevelopment. The ing this area could transform from a hollowed out shell to a rich

Projected Metro Region Pupulation Change

Existing Site Scenario

opulation Forecast & Infrastructure RC GIS Library 2013, MARC Forecast_2010_Stadia, MARC highway_system, Bing Aerial Map 2013

at specific population decline trends are expected within the study area and how might those be a potential opportunity? ons: Population decline projections, satellite imagery, major arterial roads, railroad infrastructure y: Contact was made with Andrea Repinsky for access to the most recent 2040 outlook forecast which was then broken down into 6 key nd mapped against existing transportation infrastructure. : Through analysis of this map it becomes clear that there are a series of somewhat concentric circles radiating out of downtown Kansas to differing projections of population loss. The loss is most severe closer to downtown and on the west side of the Blue River. It seems River becomes not only a physical edge but a cultural or demographic edge as well. Vehicular and Railroad infrastructure were laid ndings to make the case that the area surrounding the I-70 and I-435 interchange is prime real estate for future redevelopment. The d infrastructure are already in existence, so with the right plans and funding this area could transform from a hollowed out shell to a rich o support and intermingle with the Truman Sports Complex.

Proposed Site Adjustment






Legend Legend

-High high probability of population Probability of Population Decline decline -Medium medium probability of population decline Highhigh Probability of Population Decline -Medium medium probability of population Probability of Population Decline decline -Medium medium probability of population Lowlow Probability of Population Decline decline -Low lowProbability probability of population of Population Decline decline Major Arterial Road Railroad Infrastructure

Currently, the development patterns of the site are heavily industrial and haphazard at best. Little to no respect has been paid to the FEMA 100 year flood zones which translates to high risk use and low land values. The soils are contaminated, and with each subsequent flood pollutants are flushed downstream. N 0



Legend High Probability of Populat Medium High Probability o Medium Probability of Pop Medium Low Probability o Low Probability of Populat Major Arterial Road Railroad Infrastructure

This proposal imagines a Blue River where development respects flood boundaries, ecological function is maximized, and public access to open space is prioritized. Mixed use development keeps life on the streets throughout the day. The flows of storm water are slowed and infiltrated through treated soils.


-- Open Water -- Constructed Wetland (el. 757 ft) -- Constructed Wetland (el. 759 ft) -- Constructed Wetland (el. 761 ft) -- Grassland Preservation Zone -- Existing Rail Lines -- Existing Highways -- Water Flow Control Structure -- Truman Sports Complex

Hydrological Systems Grassland Constructed wetland (el. 759 ft) Constructed wetland (el. 761 ft) Open water Railraod Water flow control structure

Boardwalk & Wier Section

Proposed Land Use Residential Mixed use Retail/ commercial Corporate training center Entertainment district

LEGEND -------------

Existing Green Space Proposed Green Space Mixed Use Retail/Commercial Residential Entertainment District Corporate Training Center Key Collector Street Raillines Existing Highways Flood Control Berm Truman Sports Complex

Recreation Trails Boardwalk Asphalt Crushed limestone


Aqueous Palimpsest Naya Raipur, India | Laminated Landscapes Specialization Studio | Fall 2013

Aqueous Palimpsest envisions an urban masterplan under the lens of one resource, water. The site is a 1 mile by 1.25 mile parcel within a larger master planned capital city called Naya Raipur. Currently, a village of over 3,000 inhabitants and it’s surrounding paddy fields occupy the site, and therefore a delicate solution had to be reached. The village must remain intact and untouched, but 51,000 new residents would be moving in over the next several decades to support this new capital. A system of topographically minded catchment, treatment, and carrying roads was designed and proposed.

0 mi 7

5 mi

10 mi

INITIAL hydrological analysis Hydrology tools within GIS were used to run a water accumulation study based on existing site slopes. Development patterns in rural India reflect the need to irrigate crops year round, and therefore villages and ponds inhabit the hill tops with agriculture lying in the valleys. To design for water, topography becomes of utmost importance for consideration. Site wide slopes were analyzed to design a typology of streets which are draped over this delicate surface.

Site Slope

Driving Home Along The Parkside Boulevard

Site Drainage


Functional Street Design + Layout Topographic conditions were heavily referenced when designing a hierarchy based street system for the site. A closed loop system focused on water use and conveyance was designed to unite the site under one design language. Once roads had been sized and laid out appropriately specific hyraulic functions were assigned to each street. These functions include conveying, cleansing, infiltrating, and holding storm and grey water for later re-use. The system is brought to the surface to provide educational opportunities for the public while allowing easy cleaning and maintenance. Existing ponds, streams, structures, and streets were taken into account when designing and laying out this system. Arrows represent flows of water during a particular storm event.

Existing Site Conditions 9

Coordination of Topography And Street Grid

Collector Streets Convey surface and Roof Flows

Cleaner Streets Slow and Treats Stormwater

1 2 F

3 5

4 6

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rainwater Collected Water Conveyed Sediment Settles Water Infiltrated Water Released Natural Streams

F. FunnelScape (p. 27)

Integrated Street System Delivers Stormwater to Constructed Wetlands 10

Recreation in the public park

Glen Jarrett

Playing in The park Near an Irrigation Park Programming pond


Shared Community Space

park creation

REmoval Of Agriculture pond 0 50 100






Park interfaces old and new 0 50 100





One major challenge of this project was in creating a city which promoted tolerance, respect, and interaction between the existing abadi village and the vastly different urban environment. A shared park has been proposed to replace one of the exisitng irrigation ponds near the village. The urban development will replace a significant amount of agriculture fields, opening up this space to allow community activities and interaction. As much space as possible however has been preserved for agricultural uses to allow the villagers to maintain their lifestyle into the future.

High Density Residential

Commercial Transit Node Agriculture Fields Park

Shared Park

Agriculture Fields

Existing Village

Single Family Residential High Density Residential


Sector 34 Site Plan

North 12

1st & Waco Lofts Wichita, Kansas | Site Planning and Design Studio | Spring 2013

1st & Waco was conceived thanks to a studio sponsored by the Wichita Downtown Development Corporation. The site is the last unbuilt property along the Arkansas River and holds enormous potential to connect the downtown to the riverfront. Mixed use development was determined most appropriate for the site, and the amount of buildable area on the site was maximized while providing ample outdoor space for public and private enjoyment. The building masses and spaces in between have been crafted to shape an experience as one travels from downtown towards the river.

0 mi 13

.25 mi

.5 mi

Evolution of River/Development Integration

Site Extension To Public Land

Extrusion of Building Mass Press & Pull Subspaces

1st And Waco Embraces The Arkansas River

Roofs Cascade Creating views


1st Street

New Apartments (12 Units)

River Walk

Waco Street Arkansas River

Stormwater Treatment Garden

Parking Garage (Roof Garden)

Pedestrian Pier


Illustrative Site Plan


Looking Through The Hinge Over The Pier Reconnecting CIty With Nature

Pedestrian Street Acts As Spine

THe Hinge

In it’s current state, the city of Wichita lacks a truly memorable public space along the Arkansas River. Much of the riverfront has been privatized, and the spaces which are public are not easily walkable or well connected to the urban fabric. The project looks to connect the pedestrian user from the city center to the river through as series of memorable spaces and thresholds. An entry plaza welcomes passersby into the peaceful inner courtyard, after which they are enticed to pass through “the hinge” with water cascading down either side of the building to experience the riverside plaza. The highly flexible spaces put the focus on human scale interaction.


Campus Roots Manhattan, Kansas | Planting Design Studio | Fall 2012

Campus Roots imagines a different future for an under utilized part of campus filled with problems and potential. Campus Creek runs through a turf grass retention zone and floods frequently and oftentimes violently. This project, an honorable mention for the 2012 EPA Campus Rainworks Competition, provides a new direction. The K-State masterplan envisions the space becoming a very showy and highly maintained extension of the campus gardens. This project questions the validity of that decision and subsequently proposes and constructed prairie wetland to mitigate flooding problems and increase on campus biodiversity.

Cydnie Jones


Section AA

Section AA - Detail

Wildflower Park

Fountain Plaza

Sediment Collection Basin

Wetland Prairie

Wetland Prairie Upland ‘ Prairie

Education Grove


Braided Stream

Wetland Prairie

Retention Pond Wetland Benches

Illustrative Site Plan



Wyuka Park Prairie Lincoln, Nebraska | Planting Design Studio + Design Implementation | Fall 2012

Wyuka Park is a comprehensive project which progressed from conceptual design through construction documentation over the course of 2 semesters. A full set of construction documents was the final product. Wyuka Park is transformed from it’s current state as a turf grass dead zone to a diverse and ecologically sound prairie. The planting design scheme reflects the natural systems of the region, and helps bring the community building down to a more human scale. Understanding of construction techniques, CAD drafting, and planting design was further honed by completing this work.

0 mi 19

.5 mi

1 mi

i W

e) f) 2





critical section graphic detail

10.4 .10 0 GPM P 2“ 1 SI Lo s 0.00 s ’

10.4 .10 0 GPM P 2“ 8 SI Los s 8.8 0’

Irrigation Workflow Calculations 10.40 GPM 10.4 .10 0 GPM P 2“: SI Los 81.2 s 9’


2.20 GPM .25 PSI Loss 3/4“ 14.56 GPM .19 PSI Loss 2“: 4.5’

10.4 .10 0 GPM P 2“ 2 SI Los 3.28 s ’









.95 GPM .06 PSI Loss 3/4“

10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 127.62’

.10 PSI Loss 2“: 146.68’

3.15 GPM .51 PSI Loss 3/4“

11.41 GPM 1.64 PSI Loss 1“

10.15 GPM 4.43 PSI Loss 3/4“

14.56 GPM 2.65 PSI Loss 1“ 90° Elbow 14.56 GPM 2.65 PSI Loss 2.65 PSI Loss 1“ Section Valve 2.0” Elev. = 1210 14.56 GPM 4.80 PSI Loss

90° Elbow 4.43 PSI Loss

10.15 GPM 4.43 PSI Loss 3/4“

8.96 GPM 3.55 PSI Loss 3/4“


1.80 .94From ge




le H ea




10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 104.88’

7.77 GPM 2.65 PSI Loss 3/4“




10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 5.44’ 10.4 .10 0 GPM PSI 2“: Loss 18.1 8’



10.4 .10 0 GPM PSI 2“: Loss 63.5 3


PSI LOSS CALCS a) 2” Check Valve .11 PSI Loss .01 PSI Loss b) 2” Gate Valve c) 2” Backflow Device 8.10 PSI Loss .4 PSI Loss d) 2” Master Valve .01 PSI Loss e) 2” Drain Valve .01 PSI Loss f) 2” Gate Valve

10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 10.08’

10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 63.53 a

10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 18.18’

10.40 GPM .10 PSI Loss 2“: 81.29’

4” City Mainline


6.58 GPM 1.98 PSI Loss 3/4“

5.38 GPM 1.45 PSI Loss 3/4“


c d



Native PlantingS Frame Entrance


10.40 GPM



i W

PSI LOSS CALCS 2 g) 2” Check Valve .11 PSI Loss h) 2” Water Meter .40 PSI Loss

4.2 GPM .85 PSI Loss 3/4“


Earthwork Estimation Diagram

Planting Plan


Earthwork Estimation Plan

IsoLux Lighting Plan

Grading Plan

Irrigation Plan


Sculpted Sanctuary Manhattan, Kansas | Planting Design Studio + Design Implementation | Spring 2012

This project is the result of a problem statement which calls for topography as the sole medium through which one must work to design a sculptural space. Physical (clay) and digital (Civil 3d) modeling were key to the workflow of this project. An existing quadrangle on the Kansas State University campus transforms from a circulation or pass through space to a space of reflection. The landform has been manipulated to both improve current circulation routes, and define a series of unique spaces. The exercise was meant to challenge students’ understanding of site grading and spatial definition.

0 mi 23

.25 mi

.5 mi

Topographical Spatial Studies

HArdscape & Softscape interaction 24



Parti B b



Sculptural Landforms









Sketching Exploration

Site Plan


Studying Near THe Reflection pool

Section AA


FunnelScape Raipur, India | Laminated Landscapes | Fall 2013

FunnelScape is the product of a design competition entitled Unbuilt Visions which challenges it’s participants to create “out there” solutions to a problem faced in some urban context. This project was based in Raipur, India and first addresses the disconnect between water and energy supply and demand. The project envisions synthetic canvas funnels supported by helium rings inhabiting the streetscape and roofscape of the city. Beyond capturing rainwater and solar energy, the funnels create a new typology of urban space, allowing markets, public forums, and other temporary events to inhabit a dynamic and free form space.

0 mi 27

1.5 mi

3 mi




monsoon season monsoon season monsoon dry season season selacSdry suoseason iraV tA noitdry acoff ilpseason pseason A


Monsoon Use elacS Season civiC etaerc slennuf fo sretsulc elacs egraL daehrevo ehT .secaps civic euqinu wolla edivorp slennuf eht egarevoc ni dnuor raey ecalp ekat ot seitivitca .snoitidnoc rehtaew fo sepyt lla

elacS ytinummoC

Dry Season Use


sdeen retaw laudividni launna fo


shtnom noosnom ehT a rof tnuocca ylno tey ,raey eht fo driht


sdeen retaw laudividni launna fo

llafniar launna eht fo shtnom eseht ni sneppah noitcelloC retawniaR

noitcelloC retawniaR


noitcelloC retawniaR

reporp ni gnikcal era aidnI fo saera ynaM dna tcelloc htob ot erutcurtsarfni retaw retaw erots

nabrU mroF stnemllatsnI secapS cilbuP elbaevoM y raropmeT sknaT egarotS

egarotS etavirP retaW cilbuP paT

paT retaW cilbuP

metsyS pmuP

The design allows for use both during the monsoon season and the dry season. Water is collected and dna noitcelloc retaw ni mgidarap wen a etaerc ot skees epacSlennuF stored during the monsoon season for non potable ew ,erutcurtsarfni retaw nur tnemnrevog nwod pot naht rehtaR .tnemeganam noosnom eht gnirud gnidoo ni stluser sihT ssecca desaercni wolla ot metsys noitubirtsid eht fo noitazilartneced a esoporp fibers collect eht gnirud uses snoitidnoc while thguord dnintegrated a nosaes dna noitcello c rof swolla nthe oitallatssun’s ni lennuf sihTenergy .sutats cimonoce lla fo sresu rof nosaes remmus ygolopyt won a gnitaerc elihw erutcurtsarfni lamrof tuohtiw retaw fo egarots during the dry season.fo The funnels are highly capable .ecaps cilbup nabru of evolving with a family or a community’s needs.

ni.vog.ataD ,aidnI latroP ataD morF ataD *



egarotS dnuorgrednU

Modular Form Allows Growth

erutcurtsarfnI retaW gnitsixE ylppuseR

Funnels Are Raised As A Storm ROlls in

gnipoleved ni elpoeP .noissucsid labolg fo tnorferof eht no eussi na si retaW smeti ,ytilibaliava dna ssenilnaelc retaw fo kcal a ecneirepxe netfo seirtnuoc sah noitalupop s’aidnI .ycilop cilbup dna erutcurtsarfni roop yb detauteprep ,yllacicepS .eunitnoc ot detcejorp si ti dna sraey tnecer ni yllaitnenopxe desaercni elpmaxe emirp a si aidnI ,hragsittahhC fo etats eht ni detacol ,rupiaR fo ytic eht s’ rupiaR 1302 yB .noitalupop gnidolpxe na htiw ytic gnizinabru yldipar a fo sihT .elpoep noillim owt ot noillim eno morf elbuod ot detcepxe si noitalupop hcihw secruoser retaw s’ ytic eht no niarts suodnemert tup lliw noitalupop ni ekips stnuoma egral morf sreffus ytic ehT .snezitic sti fo sdeen eht teem ton od ydaerla remmus eht gnirud egatrohs retaw a dna nosaes noosnom eht gnirud gnidoo fo .shtnom

Flexible Form & Function



retsulc ni rebmun X sdeen retaw laudividni launna fo

elacS citsemoD

lliw slennuf eht elacs citsemod eht tA laudividni fo spotfoor eht no tsixe dnuorgrednu otni gniyt ,semoh y raropmet ro erutcurtsarfni egarots tcelloc ot elpoep swolla sihT .sknat ffonur yllamron dluow taht niar

lliw noitallatsni elacs ytinummoc ehT a sa deganam dna nekatrednu eb gniknird gnidivorp ,troffe ytinummoc fo stnediser eht ot edahs dna retaw .aera eht

off season off season retaW Water + Electricity tnemeganamsiM :aidnI ni

egarotS dnuorgrednU

2 egamI

1 egamI

Glen Jarrett


Reinforced Latex prevents punctures

Carbon Filter cleanses water

Solar Fibers collect sunlight

Modular Zipper gives flexibility


MarketPlace (Monsoon Season)

SubGrade Tanks store rainwater


MarketPlace (Dry Season)

Public Life flourishes In The BazaaR


Creede America Creede, Colorado | Professional Work . Summer 2012

I spent a summer exploring the world of architecture in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado to broaden my understanding of design. During the summer, I worked on a variety of project and was exposed to residential architecture, landscape design, historical preservation, and resort design. An emphasis on light was placed in many of our projects as we sought to capture specific moods through both our graphics and built work. This experience helped fine tune my graphical skills on the computer and allowed me to explore a different medium for representation and design through Autodesk Revit.

0 mi 31

1.5 mi

3 mi

Mid day Sun

Kitchen & Dining Nook Mockup

Afternoon Sun

Evening Sun


Photograph of Original Church

3D Modeled Church For Restoration

Conceptual Site Plan 33

Section Perspective

Skylight Study

Core of House Hides circulation functions 34

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