Page 1





(n.t.); Tann, L.L.; Post Rider; 2; March 1978; 60; Wonders about the possibility of airmai I cachets on Imperial-period mail from 1914 to ~he Revolution. Aehrofilatelisticheskie dokumenty Rossii; Vsevoloaov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; E; 1971; 16; Early imperial aviation and mail-cal'I'ying planes in WWI.


Ballonnaya pochta; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 23-25; Some information on the first 'mail fl ight' in Russia between Gatchina and Kolomyak1 1n 1912. The rest of the article deals with airmail issues of other countries. Imper-ial Airmail; Tann, :'.L.; Post Rlder; 10; May 1982; 61-63; existence of covers carried by air in Imperial period.



Na zare aviatsi i; Efremov, B.; Fi latel iya SSSR: 9; Sep. 1973; 40; Premature word in the 'Russkii filatelist' of 1914 that postage stamps portraying various a1rplanes would be issued. Pochta vozdukhoplavatel'nykh rot Rossii; Pritula, V.; 12-15; Aviation companies in the Imperia, Army.


10: Oct.


The March of Technology in Postal Operations; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 113; Translations of two short pieces, one on Airpost in Russia (1912), the other on Postal Automobiles in Moscow. The Origin of Airmail (in Russia); Shabunln, A.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 106-107; Dallair, R.; Events from 1911 to March 1918. Translation from Filateliya SSSR, May 1984.

Ai rma i 1, Sov i et




(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99; A 1941 Moscow-Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Riga first flight cover. (n.t.); Blum, Henry; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 69; Describes a cover to the USA from Germany via Russia by airmail .Bears a scarce 'vozdushnaya' handstamp. (n.t.); Bodnar, John; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 70-71; A 'Petrorgad' registration label error and information on the Leningrad-Berlin airmail cancel of 1929-1938. (n.t.); Culver, James W.; Rossica; 63; cancel on Scott C6-C9.

1962; 62; 26-5-24 as the earl iest recorded

(n.t.); Liphschutz, M.V.; Post Rider; 4; April 1979; 82-83; stationery envelopes used for Soviet airmail.

Illustrates two Romanov

(n.t.); Meckel, Arnold; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 77; A 1930 cover of the Blue Star Line. sent airmail from Leningrad to Berl in. (n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 62; dated 30 May 1924.

1962; 60; An airmail cover with Scott C6-C9

(n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 70; method of their cancelling.

1966; 76-77; Consular airmail stamps and the

(n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; of airmail etiquettes.

17; Nov.

1985; 71;

A 1922 cover with a variety

(n.t.); Rehwinkel, Charles; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 70-71; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A cover from Germany to Shanghai, transiting the USSR via airmail. (n.t.); Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 76; Aviation propaganda label and an airmail etiquette printed on a card. (n.t.); Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 74-75; A 1928 SFA airmail cover from Moscow to Altan Bulak, Mongol ia, with a faked Kyzyl 'arrival mark'. 'Khronika' and the Transcaucasus. A Look at the Soviet Post in 1925.; (n.a.); BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 13-17; Skipton, David M.; Numerous items gleaned from various 'ZhTS' issues, all relating to the Transcaucasus area. Everything from motorcycle mail to mailboxes to new routes is included. 'Malyginskie' seri i ... ; Avdusin, D.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1968; 38-39; The Malygin series and some of its background. 'Moskva, 28.4.39.' 'Miskou, mayak N'yu-Brunsvik, Amerika aprel' 28.39.'; Milanov, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1968; 18-20; "Europe" - 1982; Lowe, Robson; consular airmails only.

1982; Pages and illustrations for zemstvos ana

A Little-Known Airmail Error of Russia (Sanabria 128a); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 45; 1955; 24-25; A Real Romanov Flown Cover!; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 4; April covers used by the Soviet Philatelic Association.

1979; 63;


Aeroflotsam; Campbell, Patrick; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 17-21; Short history of Aeroflot planes used and a 50th-anniversary postcard. Aerophilate1y II.

The Consular Airmails.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; 4; Dec.

Aerophilately III.

The First Air Mail Stamp.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;

Aerophilately IX. Recent Discoveries.; Aronson, H.L.; of imperforate sets.








The Aeronautical Societies.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; 8; March 1943;

Aerophilately VII.

Frauds of the Second Issue.; Aronson, H.L.;

Aerophilately VIII. 1-2;

Aerophilately XI.

1943; 3-5;

Airmail Etiquettes.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; 7; March 1943; 2-4;

Aerophilately VI. 5-6;

Aerophilately X.

5; Jan.

The Second Airmail Set, August 1923.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; 6;

Aerophilately IV. 1943; 4 - 5 ;

Aerophilately V.

1942; 4-5;

RAP; 9; May 1943; 4;

Air Post Congress Issue.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;

Consular Air Mail Stamps.; Savitsky, N.V.; RAP; Fantasies.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;

14; Dec.

10; June 1943; 12; Oct.

1943; 6;

1943; 6;

Ai rma i 1, Soy i et Aerophi1ate1y XIV, 4-5; Aerophi1ately XV. Ae r ophi1ately XVI. Aerophi1ate1y XVII. 12 ;


07/13/93 Zeppelin Issue, May-June 1931,; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;


19; May 1944;

Cachets.; Aronson. H.L.; RAP; 20; June 1944; 5-6; North Pole


Aronson, H.L.: RAP; 21; Oct.-Dec.

The Polar Year Issue.;

Air POS1: Stamps of Vladivostok - July 28,

1944; 7-8;

Aronson, H.L.: RAP; 22; Jan.-Mar.



Rossica; 49-50;


1956; 42-47;

Air Stamps; (n.a.); BJRP; 7; Oct. airmail stamp forgeries.


141; First news of the appearance of 1934

Air Stamps; airmail


141; Fir'st news of the appearance of 1934

n.a. ; BJRP; 7; Oct. forgeries.

Airmail Routes; (n.a.); Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 64; Skipton, Davld M.; Open;ng of the Odessa-Khar'kov air line. Translated from 'Zhizn' i tekhnika svyazi' #6, 1924. Airmail Stamps of the Soviet Consulate in Ber1 in; B1ekhman, S.M.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 97-101; Skipton, David M.; Translation from SSSR-GDR v zerka1e fi1ate1ii (q, v, ) .

Airmail Update; Ackerman, G. Adolph; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 57; An expansion of the number of covers known to have been carried on the Moscow-Miscou flight. Airpost Stamps of USSR Overprinted 'North Pole 49-50; 1956; 10;


1955'; Matishev, P.; Rossica;

An Underfranked Cover; Hong, Barry; Post Rider; 2; March 1978; 61; Description and illustration of a registered cover flown on the 1930 Graf Zeppelin flight from Moscow to Friedrichshafen, underfranked. Another 1932 2nd Polar Year Flight Cover; Hirsch, Herman Z.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 72; Brief item in the 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Auction Doings; (n.a.); Pest Rider'; 3; Sep. 1978; 60 & 62; Commentary on Stan1~y Gibbons Merkur auction of 20-21 June 1978 (No. 13). Also features reproductions of the three known overprint varieties of the 1935 Moscow - San Francisco flight overprint. Aus den Anfaengen der Luftpost: Schweizer Post auf F1ug1inien im Aus1and, Koenigsberg - Moskau; Koenigsberg - Riga; Kohl, R.F.; Pochta; 44; Jan. 1988; 25-30; Reproduced from 'Berner Briefmarken Zeitung.' Auszuege aus Einer Samm1ung; Seiler, A.; ZRSP;

35; Sep.

1984; 54-60;

Aviapochta; Andreev, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1978; Short item on the first i nterna 1 Soviet a irma i l l ine, A\liapochta Chukotki; Sashenkov, E.; Filate1iya SSSR; listing of 43 post offices in Chukot~a.

11; Nov.

1982; 45-48;

Cherez po1yus v bessmertie; Yavorovskii, V.; Fi1a1:e1iya SSSR; 8; Tne Levanevskii f1igh1: from Moscow to San Francisco.


InclUdes a

1967; 22-23;

Ctlitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 32; All various rates for mailing correspondence by land or air. Chitate1' sprasnivaet - otvechaem: (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. for letters and wrappers sent to foreign destination •.


1986: 51; Rates

Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvecrlaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 32; An exp1anatlon of what colors of ink may be used for datestamps on Soviet mail. and Why an airplane appears on some Soviet datestamps of the 1960s on, below the 1etters ' SS5R' . Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 32; Sovlet postal regs on using any kind of stamp for any kind of mail, so long as the rate is correct. Chunking to Moscow Soviet Airline Inaugurated - Planes will meet at Border Station; (n.a.); Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 16; Reproduced from the 'South China Morning Post', 24 Mar. 1939. Confusion About the Surcharged North Pole - Moscow Airmail Set (Scott C95-96) of 1955; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 26-27; Correction;


RAP; 6;


1943; 3; Aerophi1ately article in #5.

Ai rma i 1. Sov i et




Delo brat'ev Finkel'shtein; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 22; The Finkelstein brothers land in hot water with Soviet authorities for their Soviet stamp 'export' scheme, which involved a Deruluft pilot. Deruluft - EroeffnungsfluegeJ; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 43; Aug.



De"'uluft Winterfluege 1922/23; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 45;




Deruluft Winterfluege 1922/23; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 46; Dec.



Deruluft-Betrachtungen; Kupec, Hans;

ZRSP; 40;

July 1986; 47-49;

Development of the Airmail Route Moscow-Smolensk-Koenigsberg; (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 11; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #6, 1924. Die Erste Luftpost in Aserbaidshan; (n.a.); Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 11-12; extracted from Voikhanskii's 1976 book on Azerbaidjan philately. Die Erste Luftpostmarke Russlands!; Meyer, H.; Early Soviet First Fl ight Philately, 1969; 77-79;


39; Dec.


1985; 34-44;

1922-1930; Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 76-77;

Editorial; (n.a.); Rossica; 75; 1968; 98-99; A Moscow-San Francisco flight stamp with inverted surcharge, faked on cover. Editorial - Sleepers and Other Wonders; Cronin, Andrew; Some comments on airmail rarities. Ein Sowjetischer Erstflug-Stempel; Meyer, Hansjuerg;

Post Rider;

16; June 1985; 2;

Pochta; 42; March 1987; 8-13;

Fal'sifikaty sovetskikh marok aviapochty; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 10-11; Forgeries of the 1930 40kop. Zeppel in stamp.

12; Dec.

First Moscow - New York Flight (1929); Trbovich, Robert L.; Rossica; 90-91; 91-92;



Flown Romanov Covers!; Hong, Barry; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 19-21; 1931 Graf Zegpelin flight covers with Soviet stamps on Romanov postal stationery. Fridrikhskhafen - Leningrad - Bukhta tikhaya; Korotikh, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 28-29; The Graf Zeppelin fl ight of 1931 and its rendezvous with the Malygin. How Much and To Where; (n.a.); Rossica; the Soviet Union to 48 countries.

113-114; 1990; 100-101; Airmail tariffs from Extracted from a State Department memorandum.

Kak byl poluchen ehkonomicheskii ehffekt; D'yachenko, P.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1978; How mail handling was improved at the Moscow Bykovo AOPP. Kak ikh primenyali?; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 16; A description and photo of the only recorded cover bearing a consular stamp. Kak vnedryaetsya tekhnika na pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh; Lamm, 7; July 1969; Four pages, with emphasis on the AOPPs. Katalogizatsiya marok vozdushnoi pochty; Arkhangel'skii, 1938; 118-127; Includes pricing.

I.A.; Vestnik svyazi;

E.; Rossica; 30; Mar.-Apr.

Kitaiskaya aviopochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Chinese Postal Administration use of the Soviet Moscow-Koenigsberg-London-Paris airmail route. Klient prinosit posylku; Korotkov, A.; Vestnik Svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; One page. Drop in the number of airmail packages submitted at a Moldavian SSR post office due to new packaging directives. Kogda vpervye; Grubich, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; 14; The author announces discovery of a 1934 Stratosphere stamo cancelled 10 Aug .. 36 days prior to the issue date given by some catalogs. Konsul'skie marki vozdushnoi pochty RSFSR 1921 g.; Morozov,




1981; 37-43;

Konsul'skie marki vozdushnoi pochty RSFSR 1922 goda; Pritula, V.; Fi.lateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 6-9; The consular airmail stamps and how to distinguish the various types of surcharges. L'Aviation Civile de l'URSS; (n.a.); 1927; NKPT; A slick 21-page brochure issued for the 1927 International Airpost Conference. Leningrad - Stokgol'm;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar.


166; Short item in the 'Khronika'


Airmai I, Soviet



section on the NKPiT's consideratIon of a plan to set up an airmail route between the USSR and Sweden. Letayushchie pis'ma: Orlov, V.; airmail envelopes.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 6-8; SovIet stamped

Letayushchie pis'ma. Sovetskie aviaoochtovye markirovannye konverty.; Orlov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1968; 8-10; Soviet stamped airmail envelopes. Lloyd Ostflug GmbH Vorgaenger der Deruluft?; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 47; March 1989; 35-36; Luftpostbrief Moskau - Kabul yom 11. Jul i 1928; Dietrich, Horst; Dochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 11-12; Mail by Hydroplane; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 34; Skipton, David M.; A proposed airmail route between Sevastopol', Yalta and PretorIa. Trans,ated from the Russ,an in 'Khronika' section of ZhTS. p. 157, May 1924. Marki

- Svidetel i istorii; Bukharov, O.N.; 1982; Radio i svyaz', Moscow; Part of the book covers the background of several aIrmail-related stamp issues.

Marki vozdushnoi pochty; Rozov, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; USSR airmail stamps and history. Mar~;i

2 (78);


1928; 5-9;

vozdushnoi pochty. Vladivostok. 1923 ged.; rakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Dec. 1988; 16-18; Yakobs disagrees with the opinion of B.P. Raevskii, who bel ieved theSE stamps were not postal.


Markirovannye konverty SSSR dlya mezhdunarodnoi korrespondentsii; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 53; Additions to the article in #3, 1982 on this sUbject. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotk, aVlapochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; article on mechanization at the Tashkent airport. Moguchie kry','ya; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. annIversary of Aeroflot and some of its history. Moscow - Ber'l in Air Route -


1; Jan.

1969; Short

12-13; The 50th

1922 Season; Taylor, R.; Rossica; 92;

1978; 52-55;

Moskve - Par,zh i MosKva - London; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 155-156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Deruluft's plans to open two more air routes. MOSKva - San-Frantsisko cherez Severnyi polyus; Trachtenberg, Henri; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 44-45; Zcarskii, I.: Translated ~rom Bu;letin #32 of tne 'France-USSR' society. The Moscow-San Francisco flight overprint. Mosty nad planetoi; Grigor'ev, Yu.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. front cover; The Moscow International Post OffIce.


1, 6 & inside

Na aViapochtovykh trassakh; Volkov, S.G. & L.Ya. 1961; Three pages on the Sheremet'evo OPP.

Yakovlev; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly

Na mezhdunarodnoi karte Aehroflota; Borisov, B.; Openings of new a~rlines in 1970.

Filatel iya SSSR; 6;

June 1970; 38:

Na poluostrove Yamal; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 20-21; Postal communications (much of it by airmail) on the Yamal Peninsula. Neobychnyi vYPusk: Yakobs, V.: :'ilateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 7; An airmail envelope with two 16kop. indicIa and a cachet showing a Tu-144, issued in 1978. New Light on the Ol'igin of the VladIvostok Airmail March 1958; 738-739: Ne~



(n.a,); BJRP;


Soviet Service; (n.B.); Rosslea; 113-114; 1990; 93; Short Item extr'acted fr'om 'SIno-Soviet A\l1ation', 11 July 1940. A new seaplane route from Khabarovs~ to Petropavlov5k, Kamchatka,

News and Views; cachet.

Fritzberg, N . BJRP; 46:

Nochmals Erstflug Moskau - Teheran; Notes on Soviet Airmail



1971; 32; An unusual

Sovlet airmail

Nietsch, Wolfgang; Pochta; 48; Sep.

1922-44; Speers,

Fred W.; Rossica; 71;

1989; 1966;

12; 10-31;

Novaya vozdushnaya pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the opening of an airmail route from London to Moscow via Berlin and the Baltic countries. Novye aehrolinii;

(n.a.); ZhTS;

11; Nov.


143-144; Short item in the 'Khronika'

Airmai 1, Soviet




section on negotiations to set up new air routes from Moscow to Vladivostok and Rostov-Tifl is-Baku. Nuzhno iskat': Osipenko, P.; Filatel iva SSSR: 10; Oct. 1990; 62; The author provides the text of a 'Kommunist' notice of 14 Jan. 1921, in which news of the opening of a military airmail service between Kiev, Kh~r'kov, Ekaterinoslav and Sevastopol' is publ ished.


redkikh i redchaishikh; Kristi, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; V-VI; The 18k small-head stamp, imperforate, the Moscow-to-Brazil Graf Zeppelin flight covers, and the inverted overprint of the Moscow-San Francisco flight stamp on cover.


redkikh i redchaishkikh; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; V-VII; Consular airmails, one of them the error '24 germ. marok', an imperforate sheet of the 100R small-head sheet with 70R error, and other rarities in the collection of K. Vasil 'ev.


vozdushnykh pochtovykh soobshcheniyakh; Syrevich, E.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 120-129; Only pages 127-129 contain information on the Soviet airmail system. Includes statistics on number of fl ights for 1922 to 1925, mail carried, etc.

Osobennosti pochtovoi korrespondentsii pereleta tseppelina Moskva - Fridrikhskhafen; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 38-39; The Moscow-to-Friedrichshafen zeppelin flight. Osobennosti v markakh AVio-konferentsii; Nepomnin, E.; Sovetskii filatelist; Apr. 1928; 19; Some plate flaws of the 1927 Airmail Conference stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; overprints and surcharges.


1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Otdelenie perevozki pochty v Minskom aehroportu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1966; Short item on construction of the new AOPP-3 in Minsk.

1; Jan.

Otkrytie aehroporta 'Murmansk'; Boiko, V./Sokolov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; 14; Opening of the Murmansk airport on 21 July 1976. Otkrytye pis'ma; Orlov, V.; airmail postcards.

4 (80);

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969;

JUly 1977;

18-19; A listing of Soviet

Otvetim konkretnymi delami; Golovanov, V.S.; Vestrik svyazi; 3; March 1977; Two-p~ge interview of L.I. Baranova, brigadier of a letter-sorting section at the Vnukovo AOPP. Outstanding Cover; Barry, John: BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 363; A 1923 cover from Petrograd to Berlin with misspellea etiquette 'aerienue'. Outstanding Covers - No.9; (n.a.); BJRP; 8; Jan. Vladivostok to Nikol'sk-Ussuriiskii.


149; A 1923 cover from

OPP pri Khar'kovskom aehroporte; KlyuchkO, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1966; Short article describing the mail-handling machinery at AOPP-3. Perevozka pochtovykh otpravlenii iz Zakavkaz'ya vozdushnoi pochtoi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 144; Short ,tem in the 'Khronika' section on airmail accepted at Transcaucasus post off1ces for dispatch via Rostov. Artemovsk, Khar'kov, Moscow and Smolensk. Pervaya seriya av1apochty? Db odnoi oshibke kataloga.; Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; Nov 1966; 38; The author argues for inclusion of the consular stamps as the first airmail stamps. Pervaya sovetskaya obshchegosudarstvennaya marka aviapochty i ee fal'sifikaty; Pritula, V.; Filatel1ya SSSR, 5; May 1967; 11; The first Soviet airmail stamp and its forgeries. Pervaya vozdushnaya pochta 1Z Kazani v Moskvu (lyun' 1924 g.); (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 2; A photograph of the Dobrolet plane WhlCh carr,ed the first mail from Kazan' to Moscow. Pervye reisy. K istorii razvitiya sovetsKo1 aViapochty.: SSSR; 12; Dec. 1977; 49;

Shabunin, A.;


Pervyi aviapochtovyi marshrut; Mogi 1 'nyi, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 12-13; Quotations from the Kiev Post Office's chief and an NKPiT order about the Moscow-Koenigsberg route, 1922. Pervyi polet; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 1: Jan. first-flight covers involving Aeroflot.

1970; 21-22;


Po puti tekhnicheskogo progressa; Petukhova, Z.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1982; Three pages on development of the mail transportation office at Pulkovo airport.



Ai rma i 1, SOY i et Pochta na 'kryshu m~ra'; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR: communications in Khorog, in tne Pamirs.

10; Oct.


1972; 20-21; Postal

Pochta na gidroaehroplanakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 156: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mail sent via hydroplane in the Crimea. Pochta otpravlyaetsya samoletami; Volkov, S.G./Yakovlev, L.Va.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1564; Four pages on the Sheremet'evo Airport OPP. Pochta sovetskogo zapciyar'y&. 3-19;

300 tochek na Karte.;

Pochto-vozdukh; Shabunin, A.; Vestnik svyazi: 10; Oct. formation of early air routes for mail in Russia.


E.; SK;



1976; Short article on

Pocntovaya liniya Murmansk - Monreal': (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Short item on establ ishing a postal route from Murmansk to Montreal, instead of going through Leningrad as before. Pochtovye redkosti mira.; ('l.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1972: 33; An airmall cover franked with the full set of 1934 Soviet dirigibles, sent by aIr via Berlin to Brazil via zeppelin. Pochtu dostavlyaet samolet; Blekhman, S. Continued from #9.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.



Pochtu dostavlyaet samolet; Blekhman, S.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1967; 12-14; The beginnings of Soviet airmail flights in the 19205. Includes a list of varieties in the consular airmail stamps of 1922 and a description of the more common forgeries. Pochtu dostavlyaet samolet. Zametki po istorii otechestvennoi aviapochty.; Blekhman. The early years S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9: Sep. 1967; 10-13: Continued from #8. and airmail rates. Poddelki nadpechatok 'konsul 'skikh' sluzhebnykh marok vozdushnoi poChty RSFSR 1922 goda; Bisek, Irzhi; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 16-18; Consular airmail stamps - faKed overprints. No illustrations are provided. Poluvekovoi yubilei pochtovykh merok v chest' Vtorogo Mezhdunarodnogo polyarnogo goda; Blekhman, S.; Fl1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 46-52; Informatlon on Soviet postal issues and the history of the Second International Polar Year. Popov'S Article; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rosslca; 64; 1963; 62-63; Various issue dates for C6-9 in Soviet catalogs. ReprOduces the 30 April 1924 circular of the NKPT for this issue, and maintains that C6-9 were issued in early May, not June. Printing Varieties of Soviet Air Laoels; 74-76;

Posell, Jacques; Rossica;



Put' pis'ma i gazety; Belichenko, P.; 1950; Gosizdat literatury po voprosam svyazi raoio. Moscow; Mail operations at the Moscow GPO. a railroad mail-handling facility in Moscow. on an airplane. in a rajon post office, aboard a steamer and at the Narym Communications Branch Office. Photocopy. Rasskazy 0 markakh; Grinberg, I.; 1973: Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan', Alma-Ata; Original softbound book. Covers a Wide range of stamps, from imperial times to later Soviet issues. Razvitls tekhniki pochtovoi svyazi: Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazl; 8; Aug. 1976: Three pages. A discussion of various postal machines at PZhDPs, OPPs and AOPPs. Razvitie vozdushnogo pochtovogo sooosncheniya Moskva-Smolensk-Kenigsberg; (n.a.); ZnTS; 6; June 1924; 162; Shol't item in the 'Khronika' section on development of the Moscow-Koenigsberg aIrmail route. RedkayC'. otkrytka; (n.a.): Filat",iiy", SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973: 9; A postca"o lTani,ed with the Moscow-San Francisco overprinted stamp and signed by Levanevskii. Regarding the Date of Issue of AIr Post Stamps - Scott Ce-9; Rossica; 64; 1963: 59;

Shields, Arthur;

Reisom 'Aehroflota' SU ... ; Pritula, V.; Development of Aeroflot.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.



Reisom 'Aehroflota' SU ... ; Pritula, V.; Continued from #10.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

1977; 8-14;

Reisy vozdushnoi pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Odessa-Khar'kov airmail route. Russia's Airmail Cachets, With a Check List of Aerophilatelic Dates; Speers, Fred W.;



Ai rma i 1. SOY i et Rossica;路80; 1971; 7-19; Reprinted from S.P.A. cachets up to 1966. Russian Air Mail Cachets;




Russian Airmail Cachets. 511"513;

Addenda No.1.; Reynolds,






14-15; May 1954; 421-429; J.H.; BJRP;

Russian Airmails. The Norman Epstein Collection; Lowe, 1986; Original catalog, with prices realized.

17; April


Robson and Christie's; May 6.

S izmennym razmerom ... ; Sergeev, A.; Filateliya SSSR: 6; June 1983; 50-51; Soviet stamped envelopes with indicia that vary in size from stamps of the same design. S motolodki - na vertolet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; April 1986; 88; Short item on postal motorboats being replaced by helicopters for mail del ivery in the Magadan/Chukotka area. Samolet na polyarnom shtempele; Boiko, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 8-10; Cancellations from polar airport communications branch offices. Samolety s pechat'yu vyletayut bez zaderzhki; Kaminskii, Feb. 1969; One page on successes at the Kiev AOPP.

I.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2;

Shtempeli aehroportov Severa; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; Postmarks from airports in the far North. Shtempelya sovetskoi vozdushnoi pOChty (1918-1924 gg.); Pritula, V.; 4; Apr. 1971; 7; Shtempelya vozdushnoi pochty SSSR; Pritula, V.; 13-14; SOViet airmail postmarks, cachets.

Filateliya SSSR;


Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Siberian Air Route; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 103; Skipton, David M.; A new air route connecting Moscow with Anadir Bay, 1941. Extracted from 'Sino-Soviet Aviation', 9 Mar. 1941. Sistemy i tipy samoletov na markakh vozdushnoi pochty i pochto- vykh; Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 360-361; A listing of types and makes of airplanes on stamps of the world including the USSR. Sovetskaya aviapochtovaya kartochka; 11 'ichev, 48-51; Soviet airmail postcards.


Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Sovetskie shtempelya vozdushnoi pochty (1925-1930 gg.); Pritula, V.; 6; June 1971; 12-14; Soviet airmail postmarks. Sovetskie standartnye aViapochtovye konverty; 1982; 50-52;



Filatel iya SSSR:

L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

SOViet Aerophilately and Soviet Polar Philately; Ackerman, Adolph; 1991; 13-14; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign. IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Soviet Airmail - The Early Years; Ackerman, G.A.; (1986); EXhibit shown at the Champion-of-Champions World Series of Phi- lately, Stampshow '87. Soviet Airmail to Canada; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; cover from Moscow to Canada via Berlin. Soviet Airmail

Labels; Taylor, Robert;

Post Rlder:

27; Nov.

29; Dec.

1990; 3-4;


A 1932


Soviet Airmails; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 35-37; Fake 11 1/2 perforated stamps of the 1931 dirigible set in the Oscar R. Liechtenstein sale. Speed-Up of Air Mail; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 65; Short item extracted from 'Sino-Soviet Aviation', 29 Jan. 1941. The Chungking-Moscow line. Speshnaya pochta; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 45-47; from 1922 to 1938, and lts replacement by airmail.

Express mail

Standartnye tsel 'nye veshchi s markami odinnadtsatogo standarta (1966-1977 g.g.); Brodski i, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1979; 42-47; Includes information on airmail envelopes. System of Planes on Airpost Stamps of USSR and Touva; Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 21-22; Table of plane types, on which stamps they appear, and catalog #s from Scott, Sanabria and Yvert. The Airmail

Labels of OSOAVIAKHIM; Campbell, Patrick J.; Rossica; 89;

The Airpost Congress Issue - Spots and Plate Varieties; Ackerman, G.

1975: 49-51; Adolph; Rossica;




Ai rma i 1, Sov i et


1990; 64-74; Numerous photographs.

The Chronicle Stamp, an Airmail Label As a Record of History; Lyakhovetskii, M.; Rossica; 88; 1975; 6~-62; Wolski. Ed. The 'Ukrkrymvozdukh' labels. Translated from 'Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya' #4, p. 31, 1968. The Civil /,vlation Issue of 1933: Hong. Barry; Rossica; 89; illustrations of the forgeries. The Consular Airmail;

Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica: 62;




1962; 22-25;

The First Airmail Stamp of Soviet Russia; Aronson, H.L.; Russian Philatel ist; March 1962; 19-22; Reprinted from 'The Russian American Philatelist' #5. 1943. The First Estonian Air-Mail; McDonald, Donald; BJRP; 44; Dec. The First Steps of the Soviet Airmail 16; June 1985; 18-28;



Service in 1922; Taylor, Robert;

Post Rider;

The First Steps of the SovIet Airmail Service in 1922 - Addendum; Taylor, Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 22-23; The 'Mil: Luftpost' cachet. The Graf Zeppelin Issue. Sep.


1930; Aronson, H.L.;


2; Jan.


17; March 1944;

The Joint Russian-Chinese Air Service via Sinkiang 1939-1941; Woollam, Rider; 12; May 1983; 48-51;


John V.; Post

The Origin of Airmail (in Russia); Shabunin. A.; Rossiea; 108-109; 1986; 106-107; Dallair, R.; Events from 1911 to March 1918. Translation from Filateliya SSSR, May 1984. The Perforations of Early Soviet Airmail Rossica; 72; 1967; 27-30;

Stamps; de Stackelberg, Constantine;

The Return of Uncle Arthur; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 75-77; Another card from Uncle Arthur in Franz Josef-Land, apparently posted airmail. The Son of Uncle AI'thur (Some Footnotes to the 1932 '2nd Polar Year' Ivo; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 69-72;


The Soviet Airmail

in 1923; Taylor, Robert;

Post Rider;

18; June 1986; 23-31;

The Soviet Airmail

in 1924; Taylor, Robert;

Post Rider;

20; June 1987; 27-39;

The Specie' Ricer;


Pictorial Leningrad-Berl in AirmaIl Cancellation; Taylor, RObert; Post 28; June 1991; 26-36; Numerous photocoples of covers from 1929 to 1936.

The Story of Two Letters as Told by the Stamps and Cancellations; Prado, Asdrubal; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 32-35; Airmail cover from Petrograd, Oct. 1922, with airmail label error. The 1930 Graf Zeppelin Set and Associated Material; Ackerman. G. Adolph/Cronin, /I'"1drew/Ta,ylor. Robert: Post Ri,jer; 31: Dec. 1992: 13-34; The


Soviet Airmail OverprInts (Scott's C95-96); Shalimoff. George; Rossiea; 89;



The 2nd International Polar Year Air-Express Issue of 1932; Adler, Kurt; 1968: 93-96;

Rossica; 75;

Transit of International Correspondence bv A1rmail through the USSR; (n.a.); Rossica; 117: Oct. 1991: 28; Sklpton, David M.; Translated from 'Zrlizn' i tekhnika svyaz" #9-10. Sep.-Oct. 1924. Short item reading 'Transportation of a part of the Chinese mail transiting the USSR to Western Europe has ceen established, using airp1anes from Moscow to Koenigsberg. I

Tranzit cherez SSSR mezhd. KOI"-. po v0zd,.. shnoi lin1'; (n.c..); 2rlTS: 9-10: 5ep.-Oct. 1924; 193; Short item 1M the 'Khronika' sectIon on Chinese mail to We~tern Europe being carried on the Moscow-KoenIgsberg route. Travmatizmu - zaslon; Achkasov. V.N.; Vestnik svyaz1; 1; Jan. measures to reduce accidents at the Moscow Vnukovo AOPP. Und Wir Sind Doeh Geflogen! Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988; Polte.

1978; Two pages on

Die Deutsch-Russische Luftverkehrgesellschaft; Polte; 11-12; Extracted from a book by Fl ight Pilot Colonel

Uspekh aviopochty na 1 ini i D-va Deruluft; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 127-128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on results of the Deruluft line's mai, operations. Utoehnenie; Braunstein,


Filateliya SSSR; 8: Aug.


18; An addition and

Ai rma i "


Sov i et



correction to the Braunstein article in #9-1968 on the VladivostoK 1923 airmail stamps. USSR Airmail

Labels and Cachets; Barry, John;

USSR Airmail Labels and Cachets. 30; March 1962; 22-23;

BJRP; 29; May 1961; 47-48;

Notes on John Barry's Article; Negus, James; BJRP;

V Ehkspertnoi komissii VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 12; A forged overprint on the 1955 2R Soviet airmail stamp, and how to detect it. Varieties in the Soviet Air Mail Etiquette of August, 38; March 1966; 31-33 & illustration page;

1928; Speers,

Fred W.; BJRP;

Varieties of Stamped Envelopes of USSR; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 65; airmail, 4kop. regUlar and 16kop. airmail envelopes.

1963; 49;


Vladivostok - 23-i god; Braunstein, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 38; Yampol'skaya, M.; A brief item on the 1923 Vladivostok airmail surcharge. Vozdushnaya pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of an airmail service from Moscow to London and Paris. Vozdushnoe pochtovoe soobshchenie s Persiei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924: 171-172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on airmail between the USSR and Persia. Vozdushnoe pochtovoe soobshchenie Moskva - Kenigsberg; 151 ; Vozdushnyi most v blokadnyi Leningrad; Druzhinin, besieged Leningrad.

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;

I.; SK; 22;

1984; 3-6; WWII mail to

Vozdushnyi polyarnyi put'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on air expeditions to the Arctic to establish routes linklng Europe with the Pacific. Vozdushnyya linii v SSSR; airlines in 1936.

(n.a.); Rossica;


June 1937; 44; Brief listing of the

Vozobnovlenie vozdushnogo pochtovogo soobshcheniya s za-granitsei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on restoration of the Moscow-Smolensk-Kovno-Koenigsberg air route. Vsemerno razvivat' aviapochtovuyu svyaz';

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1961;

Warning - Forgeries!; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 67-68; 'Imperforate' copies of the 1915 semi-postals, produced by trimming fantails, and a fraudulent 'airmail' cover from Moscow to Berlin, Nov. 1922. Winterfluege 1923; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 52; YUbilei Aehroflota; Pan'kov, M.; Aerof 1ot. Zakaznye pis'ma; Orlov, V.; airmail postcards.


1991; 22;

Filateliya SSSR; 2;

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Feb. 1969;

1983; 6-8; Brief history of 13-15; Special reglstered

Zeppelinpost und Luftschiffbriefmarken der UdSSR; Lukanc, I.; 1975; Lukanc, Zurich; Original, softbound. Stamps. cancels and covers with price list. 1978:

The New Compound Envelope Issued 1n 1979; 50;


Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 56; Nov.


Alaska Alaska; Prins, A.: BdRP;

12; Oct.



1953; 379;

Alaska-Hawaii-Russia: The Search Begins; Cruikshank, Dale P.; Rossica; 98-99: 1980; 102-103; Illust~ates a cover from Russla to Honolulu. calls for a concerted search for others. Pochta n& Alyaske i myestnye denezhnye znaKi; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 3 7 9-380; Russia in Alaska; Kholodkov. A.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 109-111; Trbovich, R.L. (summary translation); U.S. cancels showing Russian names; explanation of them. Tra~s'lated from 'Filatellya SSSR', 7-1981. Russian America. Postal History of a Forgotten Era.; Salisbury, G.B.; 1954; 20-26;

Rossica; 44;

Russian-Amel'ican Postal History of the Forgotten Era; Stephen, W.S.E./et al.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 50; Collectors' notes from three individuals. Russkaya Amerika; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. Russo-American Company and their usage.

1991; 8-11;

'Stamps' of the

Russko-amerikanskii denezhnyi znak; Shenits, G.M.; Rossica; 30; April translated newspaper article on Farran Zerb's find. Russko-amerikanskii denezhnYl znak; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 34; NOV.-Dec. Alaskan seal-hide money.

1938; 1938;

135; A 183;

The 'Mother Lode' of Russian Alaskan Postal History; Rayhack, Michael; Rossica; 68; 1965; 11-19;

Allied Intervention. Canada




(n.t.); Wannerton. J.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 66; Disputes Protestant and Catholic "Church Army Hut" covers, argues that all should be Catholic covers. A Few Siberian Expeditionary Covers from Canadians; Steinhart. A.L.; Post Rider; 4; April 1979; 27-30; Describes five covers and quotes from two accompanying letters. Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor. Joseph; (n.d.); Exhibit of Allied intervention in North Russia. Siberia. South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. An Early Card From the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Siber'ia); Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 3-4; Canada - Siberia. Mail from the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force, Faulstich. Edith; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 28-57;


Canadian Mil itary Postal History. 1, Canada's Northern Russian Expeditionary Force 1918-1919.; Richardson, Ed; BNA Topics; Jan.-Feb. 1983; 12-20; Catholic Army Hut Covers; Steinhart, Allan L.;

Post Rider; 9; Nov.



Catholic Army Huts in Siberia; Campbell, Patrick J.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981;


Markings of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Siberia); Smith. Robert C.; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 33-40; Northern Russia and Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 4-8; Description of a group of covers to and from Canadians in Northern Russia, The Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force 1918-19; (n.a.); Post Rider; 6; April 1980; 16-21; Supplied courtesy of the National Postal Museum, Ottawa. Originally displayed at Stampex Canada-78 in Toronto, Ontario. The Canadians in Northern Russia 1918-1919; Robinson. W.G,; Post Rider; 3-4; In 'Correspondence with Canada' section.

10; May 1982;

The Midnight War, 1918-1920; Torrey. Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of the All ied Intervention period. Also includes material from the Siberian Expeditionary Force and the British intervention in South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder.

All ied Intervention,





(n.t.): Steinllart, Allan: Post Rider: 12: May 1983: 69; A 1921 registered ,etter' from Australia via England to a doctor statloned in Tifl is. (n.t.), Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963: 66-67; "Notes from Collectors" section.


14 located at Yakovlevskoe.


Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor, Joseph; (n.d.); Exhibit of Allied intervention in North Russla, Siberia. Soutn Russia and the Caucasus, Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Arknangel'sk - The 'Polar Bears'; Knighton, R.P./Evans, Barrie; 6JRP; 59; Dec. 49-50: Reproduction of a letter in '1he Pole Star' about mail. Arkhangel'sk - The 'Polar Bears': Kolot, L.A.; BJRP: 58; Nov. of the address on Baillle's Solombala cover in BJRP #57. Army T.P.O.s Operating in North Russia; Hill,


1981; 39; Translation

36; March 1965;

British and Indian Field Post Offices in Transcaucasia and Transcaspia, Ashford, D.T.; BJRP; 65; Sep. 1988; 35-44; British Field Post Offices in Transcau:::asia, 3-9;


1919-20; Ashford,


15-18; 1918-1920;




Covers: Zemstvo, aritish Archangel Censor, and Sovlet Occupation of China; Kessler, Mel; Rossica; ~19; Oct. 1992; 58-61; Field Post Offices in Transcaucasia and Transcaspia: Mar. 1989; 39; From France to North Russia With the Army Postal March 1965; 18-20;


(n.a.); BJRP; 66;

Service; Haig-Smith,

Memorandum on Mail and Postal Services W,th the ArKnangel 6JRP; 36; March 1965: 21-22;


Forces; Ha1g-Smltll,



My Kind of Collecting; Poulter, Eric S.: BJRP; 45; March 1971; 17-198> 2 illustration pages; A 1919 cover from a British officer ln Ekaterinburg. bearing stamps overprinted with the Phrygian cap-ano-swores. Notes on the Postal History of the North Russian Campaign. 1918-19; Casey, Raymond/Wortman, A.H.; BuRP; 42; Dec. 1968; 32-33 & illustration page 19; Earl iest known rna i 1 and 1 ocat ion of P. B. 14. Notes on the Use of Russian Adneslves Durlng the Occupation PeriOd; March 1965; 22-23; The 'Polar Bears'

- A Footnote; Baillie,



Tne 'Tiflis Roulette'. A Minor Mystery.; AShford, The 'Major Oarlow' stamps. The Allied I'I"terve'ltion in Nortll Russia; 31-46;



P T.:


The All ied Intervention in North Russia - Additional Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 33-35;



1980; 37;



BJRP; 36; March 1965; 3;

Additional Notes.; Hopkins. T~e

'Polar Bear'

The British Mil itary Mission to Siberia 1918-20; S'l'lth, Robert C.; Nov. 198ÂŤ; 4-9; 1918-19;

116; Apr.

Comme'lts; Werbizky, George G.;

The Britisn Army Post Office i~ North Russia. 1918-1919. P.B.; Yopkins. AdrIan; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965: 5-8:

The Malleson Mission to Transcaspia, 7 - 11 ;

BJRP; 36:

BJRP; 29; May 1961; 23-28;

The Allied Intervention in North Russia. 19~8-1919; In.a.): Map showing locations of tr:c TPOs Clnd PEs. The British Army Post Office in North BJR?; 36; March 1965; 9-10;




Adrian; Series -

Post Ri:Jer;


BJRP; 38; March 1966;

The Midn'ight Wal', 1918-1920; Torrey. Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of the Al'l ied Intervention period. Also includes material from the Siberian Expeditionary Ferce and the British intervention in South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. The North Russian Campa',gn, Three Cancellations; Joseph,

°1918-1919; R.L.;




36; March 1965;


BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 22; A Kern' cover of 4 March

Allied Intervention, England



1919 franked with imperial arms stamps. Unreoorted TPO Cover; Opperman, Army TPO No.1, NREF.

David R.; The American Philatelist;





Allied Intervention, France




Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor, Joseph; (n.d.); Exhibit of Allied intervention in North Russia. Siberia, South Russla and the Caucasus. PhotQcopies in one 3 - t' i ng binder. The Allied Intervention in North Russia; Taylor, Joseph; RQssica; 31-46;

116; Apr.


Tne Midnight War, 1918-1920; Torrey, Gordon: (n.d.l: EXhibit of the Alliec' Intervention period. Also includes material from the Siberian Expeditionarv Force and the British intervention in South Russia and the Cau=as~s. . Photocopies in one 3-ring binder.

Allied Intervention, General



The Allied Intervention in Russia 1918-1922; Kugel, Alfred F.; 1991; 10-12; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field.


Allied Intervention,





Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor, Joseph; (n.d.); EXhibit of Allied intervention in North Russia, Siberia, Sou~tl Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring blnaer. Italian Forces in the Far East;


The Allied Intervention in North RussIa; 31-46;

Luciano; Taylor,




1979; 38;


116, Apr.


The Italian Presence i~ Russia During WWI & the CIvil War; RIder; 15; Nov 1984; 42-46;




The Italian Troops in the Far East; Buzzetti. L.; Post Rider; 4; April Postal history of the Italians during the Allied Intervention.


1979; 56-62;

All ied Intervention,





Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor. Joseph; (n.d.); Exhibit of Allied intervention in North Russia, Siberia, South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Japan's Fieldpost in the Siberian Intervention. 1918-1922; Rasmussen, Edward J.; Rossica: 111; 1988; 24-40; Reproduced from 'Posta1 History Journal' #76. June 1987. Japanese Siberian Intervention Military Cancellations; Spaulding, H.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 14-17; Compiled by MelVin M. Kessler.



The Midnight War. 1918-1920; Torrey. Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of the Allied Intervention period. Also includes material from the Siberian Expeditionary Force and the British intervention in South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder.

Allied Intervention,





A Double-Censored Cover Via Canada: Siberia to Switzerland; Steinhart. Allan L.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 68-69; A Letter from Archangel, Russia, 1918-1919; Weststrate, David F.: The American Philatelist; Jan. 1985; 48-50, 60: A letter from a soldier in t~e 339th Regiment. A.E.F.

Siberia Covers; Wisewell,

Edward J.;



1970; 52-54;

Allied Intervention in Russia; Taylor, Joseph; (n.d.); Exhibit of Allied intervention in Nortn Russia. Siberia, South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies in one 3-ring bInder. Die sibirische Expedition der Amerikaner 1918-1920; Taitl, Horst; Die Briefmarke; Jan. 1986; 12-14; Die Sibirische Expedition der Amerikaner 1918-1920; Tait1, Horst; 1987; 29-37; Reprinted from 'Die Briefmarke' #1, 1986. Further Notes on the Siberien ExpeditIonary Force Postmarks, Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 384; New Varieties Found on Postal Stationery from the AEF The American Philatelist; Apr. 1985; 323-324; On Service in Russia; Goodman,

Roy E.;


Pochta; 42; March


in SiberIa; Opperman, David R.;

The American Philatelist; Aug.

1985; 718-719;

Private Handstamps of Army Censors in Siberia; Opperman, David R.; The American Philatelist; July 1985; 610-613; The Allied Intervention in North Russia; Taylor, 31-46;

\Joseph: Rossica;

116; Apr.


The American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia; Moskoff, Will iam; The American Philatelist; Feb. 1985; 136-138; General overview. The Midnight War, 1918-1920; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of the Allied Intervention period. Also includes material from the Siberian Expeditionary Force and the British intervention in South Russia and the Caucasus. Photocopies HI one 3-ring bir,cier. The Siberian Expeditionary Force, 273-275; U.S.

Censorsnlp of P.O.W. Mail Bulletin; XXIV; Oct.-Dec.

1918-1919; Hopkins.

Adrian E.; BJRP;

From Siberia 1918-21; Taitl, Horst; 1984; 5-7; Faulstich, Fred;

10; Nov.


War Cover :'lub

Allied Intervention, Yugoslavia Jugoslav Post in Siberia; Polchaninov, troops with the Czech Legion.

07/13/93 R.; Rossica; 63;


1962; 55-56; Yugoslavian






(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 65; 1963; 65-66; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A Scott #38 on 15k 'large' stamp - faked overprint. 'Peredvlzhniki' na kUI'turnoi rabote; (n.a.); ZI,TS; 6: June 1925; 113-114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voroznezh province travelling officlals orgRnizing 'reading huts' for the peasants, and 10 auxiliary postal pOlnts opening in Erevan district. 'Uii'yam Saroyan'; Arakelov, S.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. The joint U.S.-Sovlet Will iam Saroyan issue.

& inside front cover;


A Sequel from Armenia. 1897; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 25; Oct. from a writer featured 1n BJRP #10.


18; Another letter

A Sermon on the Mount; Welch. Bill; The American Philatelist; Jan. humorous look at the AT&T-produced Armenian stamp.

1992; 28-29; A

An Interesting Armenian Cover; (n.a.); BJRP; 37; Oct. numerous overprinted stamps.

1965; 26; A 21-4-20 cover with

Armenia, 31st March 1951; Hughes, W.E.; BJRP; 7; Oct.


121-124; Hughes' display.

Armenia: Notes on the Designs of the First Essayan Pictorial Issue; Zartarian, Roy C.; Rossica; 89; 1975; 35-40; Genuine stamps and forgeries of this issue. Armyanskaya mednaya moneta tsarya Aristobula i zheny ego Salomei; Golikov, A.G.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 116-117; Armenian copper money of King Aristobul. Chudo prirody; Antonyan, Armenia.


Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.

Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 37; Oct. Ashtarak and ?Bashbashi? cancels. Covers of the Armenian National 1 illustration page.;

1985; 60-61;

Lake Sevan in

1965; 29-30; Vorontsovka. Karavansarai,

Republ ic; Ashford,


Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn, Iva; BJRP; 72; Spring, from the breakaway republics and not-50-republics.

35; Oct.




1992; 47-51; Stamp issues

Die Philatelle Hilft den Erdbebenkatastrophe in Armenien; Aerni, Pierre; Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988; 7; A special first-day cancel for Armenian earthquake victims. Dramaturg, patriot i gumanist; Arakelov, S.; Filatel iva Armenian writer and dramatist G.M. Sundukyan.




1977; 54; The

Editorial Comments on 'Phantasies' by E Marcovitch; (n.a.); Rossica; 55; 1958; 78; An 1883 Tiflis "bisect". WWI charity issue chemical changelings and Armenian star overprints. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.!.; 1982; 'Rac:Jio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide var'iety of SUbjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Further Notes on the First Essayan Pictorial Issue of Armenia; Ceresa. R.J.; 93; 1978; 39-40; Includes information on fakes of this issue.


Gevorg Bashindzhagyan; Antonyan. V.; Fllateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 7; The Armenian painter G.Z. Bashindzhagyan, 1857-1925. Illyustratsiya k biografii; Bukharov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 21; The 1971 4k A. Spendiarov portrait stamp, and a problem with the artist's date of 1943. Ka~

my uluchshaem obsluzhivanie naseleniya; Babayan, G.A.; 1961; Three pages on the Erevan Post Office.

Vestnik svyazi; 5; May

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvenny~h zna~ov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marKl respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 137-152; Armenian overprints and surcharges. Continued from eS. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 9; Sep. 1991; 121-136; Catalog section on Armenian stamps, overprints and surcharges. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye mark; Respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 185-192; Continued from 1991 #12. Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated SOViet Republ ie (ZSFSR) . Marki sovetskikh respublik; Raevskii, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 9-13; A listing of stamps issued by SOViet repUblics other than the RSFSR.





Includes those of Soviet Hungary. Nagornyi Karabakh; Arzumanov. G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 12-13; Modern Soviet issues commemorating Azeri and Armenian heroes from the Autonomous Oblast'. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Armyanskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; GOSSTATIZDAT, Erevan; One page of statistics for 1913, 1928. 1940, 1950, 1954-1956. Naveki vmeste; Arakelov. S.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979: 8-11; Stamps, postal stationery and special cancels with an Armenian theme. Notes On Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 56; A Russian emigre forger in France, "color varieties" of the 3k and 10k charity stamps of 1915. Wrangels, Phrygian cap overprints, Mongolia and Ukraine. Armenia overprints. Oblegchit' trud pochtal'ona; Atoyan. G.; Kommunist (Armyanskoi SSR);

18 Aug.


Outstanding Cover - No. 11; Hughes. W.E.; BJRP; 11: May 1953; 315; Registered 1920 cover from Erevan with a corner block of three 3.50R and HZ" overprint. Outstanding Covers; Droar, A./Mead, L.F.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 9-10 pages; Earliest recorded pre-adhesive cover from Armenia.

& 2 illustration

Parageny; Shchelokov. A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 42-43; 'Paragens' - a paired banknote and a postage stamp. both with the same illustration. Soviet, Armenian and a U.S. example are given. Pochtovaya svyaz' v Armenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 148-149; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal network expansion in Armenia. Pochtovye mark i sovetsko i Armen i i;

Sa 1 tykov, S.; SK; 5;

Pochtovye marki sovetskoi Armenii; Saltykov. S.; SK; 6; #5.


11- 18;

1968; 43-57; Continued from

Povyshaem kachestvo raboty pochty; Atoyan, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. pages. Broad overview of postal strides made in the Armenian SSR. Povyshaya kul'turu uslug; Sinanyan,

1975; Two

P.; Kommunist (Armyanskoi SSR); 7 July 1974;

Stikhi ... na otkrytkakh; Nechaev, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969: 46; A series of postcards issued in 1918-1922 featuring the picture and verse of Armenian poet Kara-Darvish. The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein. Alexander: illustrations, usages.


73: Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous

The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Part 1. The 60 Kopeck Surcharges.; Ceresa. R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Part 2. The Small and Medium Sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Part 3. The Large-sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1978; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 10-13. The Pictorial Issues and Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1984; Original numbered copy #23. ' The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 4-5. The Unframed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceres?, R,J.: 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1979; Original numbered coPy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 6-7. The 1, 3 and 5 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1980; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 7-8. The 10, 25. 50 and 100 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa. R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1982; Original numbered copy #23. The parts are misnumbered; they should be 8-9, not 7-8. V Ehrivani: (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov'. 1925; 152; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on construction of a bUilding for Erivan postal workers. Vsesoyuznaya zdravnitsa Dzhermuk; Antonyan, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Dzhermuk Spa, in southeastern Armenia. Za ehffektivnost'

i kachestvo;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

july 1982;


3; March 1979; Two pages.





the Erevan Post Office workers are meeting their social ist obligations.


Auctions, Auction Catalogs



'W.H.H. HUddy' Collection of Russia - 1965; Harmer's of London; Sep. 20-22, Photocopy, with prices real ized. "Europe"; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Apr. the Dr. Wortman collection.


"Europe"; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Nov. shipmail and Transcaucasus covers.


"Europe" - 1982; Lowe, Robson; consular airmails only. "Far East"; Lowe, Robson; China and Mongolia.



1984; Contains the second part of

1985; Zurich sale featuring Russian

1982; Pages and illustrations for zemstvos and

June 2,

1983; Zurich sale featuring Russian offices in

Additional Notes on the Goss Sale; Salisbury, G.B.;


American Auction Prices of USSR Stamps (First Half of 1963); Rossica; 65; 1963; 50-51;


1958; 70;

Popov, Vsevolod;

Auction Doings; (n.a.); Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 60 & 62; Commentary on Stanley Gibbons Merkur auction of 20-21 June 1978 (No. 13). Also features reproductions of the three known overprint varieties of the 1935 Moscow - San Francisco flight overprint. Auction Notes; (n.a.); Rossica; 75; 1968; 101-102; The Domansky and Folts sales by Apfelbaum. Comments by the Editorial Board of Rossica. Auction Notes;

(n.a.); Post Rider; 24;

July 1989; 72-74; The 265th Koehler auction.

Auction Notes; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 62-65; Comments on the Kronenberg AG sale of 28-29 Mar. 1985 and Heinrich Koehler's auction #246 of 29 May-1 June 1985. Auction Notes; Flint, Madge; BJRP;

17; April

1955; 515;

Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 30; March 1962; 46-47; The 18 March 1961 Williams and the 10 May Robson Lowe sale. Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 32; March ~963; 32-33; J.L. Van Dieten sale of the J.V. Stuart collection, and Robson Lowe sales. Auction Notes; Stephen, W. S. E. ; BJRP; 33; Oct.

1963; 35; Robson Lowe sales.

Auction Notes; Stephen, W. S. E. ; BJRP; 34; Mar.

1964; 37-38;

Auction Notes; Stephen, W. S. E. ; BJRP; 35; Oct.

1964; 39-40; Burrus Levant sale.

Auction Notes; Stephen, W. S. E. ; BJRP; 36; Mar. 21-22 Jan. 1965.

1965; 41-42;

Harmer Rooke sale of

Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965 Robson Lowe sales.

1965; 36-38;


Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 39; Oct. Rooke sales.

1960; 34-35;

Robson Lowe and Harmer

Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 40; Mar. Lowe sales.

1967; 29-30;

Primarily 1966 Robson

1965 Siegel and Feb.

Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 41; Oct. 1967; 22-23; Two Robson Lowe and one Rigby sale, including the Zarrins collection of Romanov proofs and essays. Auction 102; Koerber, Roger; Aug. 1-2, 1979; Original catalog with no prices realized. Contains the 'Hughes Satum' collection. Auktsion russkikrl marok; (n.a.); Rosslca; 30; Mar.-Apr. 1938; 127; Announcement that the Finnish Postal Administration is selling off its Russian stamp stock. Baltic Mail Sale Catalog; Baltic Mail Sales: Nov.


Baltic Mail Sale Catalog; Baltic Mail Sales; Nov.' 22,

1979; 1980;

Basle 3 - The Alex Droar RUSSIA with Post Offices Abroad, China with French, Italian and Russian Cot:lsular Mai 1; Lowe, Robson/von Gunten, PaUl; Oct. 16, 1974; Original catalog With prices realized. Estonia and Baltica specialized Mail Auction; Mandvere, Vello; 21 Sep. Mandvere, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada; Original catalog. Europe and Overseas -

1988; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Nov. 22,


1986; V. InclUdes the


Auctions, Auction Catalogs



Dr. L. Kvetan collection of zemstvos, Far Eastern Republic stamps, Vladivostok surcharges, etc. Original catalog of the Zurich sale, no prices realized. Finland; Pelander, Carl E.; May 21-22,

1943: Original catalog with prices realized.

Finland Specialized - 1978: PostilJonen AB: Postiljonen AB, Malmo, catalog, no prices realized.

Sweden; Original

From the Auctions; Cronin, Andrew: Post Rider: 20; June 1987; 66-67; An 'only one flown' postcard from 1915 on the Vienna-Krakow-Lemberg line, a probable faked Nikolaevsk-on-Amur cover, and 'KTOE' overprints on a block of 4 Tannu Tuva 2kop. fiscals. Grandioznyi auktsion marok; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12: Nov.-Dec. 1923; 31; Notice of a big world-wide sale of classIcal stamps by Chuchin's organization. H.C. Goss Russia realized.

1958; Lowe, Robson;



1958; Original catalog, no prices

Imperial Russia and Zemstvo, The Robert W. Baughman Collection - 1971.: Siegel, Robert A.; Mar. 24-27, 1971; Original catalog, no prices realized. Poland Number One; Mercury Stamp Co., prices realized.



Polozhenie 0 filatelisticheskikh aUktsionakh; 52-53: Rules for conducting auctions.

1971; Original catalog with


Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb.


Postal History Auctions: Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Mar. 13, 1984; Original catalog containing the first part of the Dr. Wortman Russian collection. Postimerkkihuutokauppa (Stamp Auction 25.1.1992): Hellman, Kaj; Hellman Ltd, Espoo, Finland: Original catalog.

25 Jan.

1992; Oy Kaj

Rare Russian Clas~ics Bring High Prices at Auction: Chudoba, Joseph F.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 85-88; The 'Alfred F. Lichtenstein' auction by H.R. Harmer, Inc. Russia - The Kurt Adler Collection - 1974; Siegel, OrIginal catalog with prices realized. Russia -

1979: Cherrystone; Sep.


Robert A.; Aug.



1975; Original catalog, no prices real i:::ed.

Russia and Rural (Zemstvo) Issues; Harmer's of New York; Nov. 24-25, catalog with prices realized.

1975; Original

Russia and Russian Territories - The 'Polon' Collection; Siegel, Robert A.; Nov. 20-22, 1975; Two original catalogs, one with prices real ized. Russia and Territories - 1981; Cherrystone; Oct. 6, neither with prices realized. RussIa and Territories - 1982: Cherrystone; Oct. 27, prices real ized. Russia Galore; Tann,

L.L.; BJR?;

52; Dec.

Russia, States and Soviet - 1978; Gibbons, Original catalog, no prices realized.

1981; Two original copies, 1982; Original catalog, no

1975: 30-31; The Kurt Adler sale. Stanley (Merkur);

June 20-21,


Russia, Territories, Offices Abroad, USSR - 1962: van Dieten. J.L.: Mar. 5-6, Original catalog, no prices realized. Includes strong zemstvo section. Russia; The 'Frederick T. Sma"" Collection; Harmers of New York: Dec. Original catalog with prices reallzed.


Russian Airmeils. The Norman E~ste'n Collection; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; 1986: Origlnal catalog, with prices real ized. Russian Material at Auction; Tann, Harmers and 'Pelon' sales.

L.L.; BJRP; 54: Dec.

1977; 46-48;




Russland Spezia;, AUfloesung einer mehrfach international mit Gold praemierten Sammlung; Kronenberg AG; Mar. 28-29, 1985; Kronenberg AG, Oberwil/bei Basel: Original catalog. no prices real ized. Soviet Airmails; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 35-37; Fake 11 1/2 perforated stamps of the 1931 dirigible set in the Oscar R. Liechtenstein sale. Specialized Russia and Territories - 1979: Harmer's of New York; Mar. 9. original catalogs, no prices realized.

1979: Two

The Agathon Faberge Collections - Russian Levant: Harmer's of Bond Street; Jan.


Auctions. Auction Catalogs 15-16.




1940; Original catalog with prices real ized.

The Auctioneer; auctions.

(n.a.); Rossica; 44;

1954; 44-45; Russian items sold at a number of

The Auctioneer; (n.a.); Rossica; 46-47; material described, estimates.

1955; 70-74; Twelve auctions with Russian

The Charles Stibbe Sale of Zemstvos; Handford. C.C.; Rossica; 54;



The Evolution of Prices of Russian Stamps; Frauenlob, Walter; RosEica; 55; 69-70; Compares some prices realized in the Goss and Faberge sales. The First 'H.C. Goss' Sale of Russia, 24; Sep. 1958; 805-806;


19th-20th February 1958; Baillie, W.L.; BJRP;

The Market in Russian Postal History Material; Rigby-Hall, B.; BJRP; 42; Dec. 26-27;


The Norman D. Epstein Collection of Russia. Part I; Harmers of New York, Inc.; Oct. 15-16, 1985; Two original catalogs, neither with prices realized. One of the great Imperial collections of the 20th century. The Postal History of the Balkans, Baltics, Russia and Poland; Alevizos, George; Nov. 26. 1979; Original catalog with prices realized. The World of Coins and Stamps - Mail Auction No.3; (n.a.); Jan. 7, 1984; Original catalog containing Baltic States, Imperial, Soviet and many zemstvo lots. The 1974 Auctions: The Adler, Droar and Small Sales; Sklarevski. Rimma; Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 87-91; Tikhii auktsion; Obukhov, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 6-8; Comments on 'Auction No.1', held in Leningrad on 30 Apr. 1990. Vyborochnye svedeniya s pervykh moskovskikh auktsionov; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 1990; 55-57; Prices realized for some material from the first Moscow auctions. WIPA 1981 - A 'Europe' Sale at Public Auction; Koerber, Roger; June 19-20, 1981; Original catalog ~'ith no prices real ized. Contains the 'Mazepa Uknaine' collection. Zagadochnoe pis'mo ... ; Frolova, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 12-13; Two 'Tifl is 6kop.' stamps that surfaced in the Soviet Union, and O.A. Faberge's recounting of the pedigree of the three authentic stamps his father used to own. Zemstvo Prices; Prins, A. Jr.; Stibbe sales compared.

Rossica; 56;

1959; 88-89; The 1940 Faberge and 1957




Forgeries of Finnish Postage Stamps; Ossa. Miko; 1977; Postimerkkiliike Lauri Peltonen Ky, Hanko. Finland; Hyidonoy. Mr. & Mrs. Michael E.; Original book. Numerous illustrations, pages. hardbound. Text in Finnish and English. photos.







(n.t.); (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; VIII; Brief notice of Rudzyavichyus's discovery of a spelling error on the 1962 4k stamp honoring Azeri poet Sabir. (n.t.); Ashford, P.T.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 64; Passes on an article by Simon Tchilinghirian concerning Azerbaidjani Autonomous Government overprints '11 May 1945' as the date the National Government was fo~med. 'Pochtovye marki respublik Sovetskogo soyuza'; Blekhman. S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 33-35; A review of A.F. Kolesnikov's compilation of 'Postage Stamps of the Soviet Union's Republics'. The reviewer presents many criticisms and correctlons. Adres chitaet mashina; (n.a.); Bakinskii rabochii; 10 Feb. 1971; An interview with A.S. Pashae\', Azerbaidjan postal chief, on the introduction of the 'indeks' system. An Outstanding Item from Azerbaidjan; Levando~sky, Daniel; BJRP; Soviet FPOs in Azerbaidjan during 1920.

51; May 1975;

An Outstanding Item from Azerbaijan; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 52; Dec. receipt card. Aserbaidschan; Nagl, Wilfried; Azerbaidjan.


52; Apr.

1991; 5-10;


1975; 20; A parcel

Includes a map of

Azerbaijan; Epstein, A.; Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 13; The author fills in some missing data on Azerbaidjani foreign mail rates from Feb. to Dec. 18, 1923. Azerbaijan; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta;

10; June-July 1991; 32-35;

Azerbaijan Stamp Forgeries; Ayer, Max A.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 25-25 & illustration pages 6-7; Reprinted from 'The American Philatel ist', JUly 1977. Azerbaijan Stamp Forgeries; Ayer, Max A.; The American Philatelist; JUly 1977; 541-542; BJRP; 57; Nov.

Azerbaijan 1921 - 500r and 1000r Charity Stamps; Ceresa, R.J.; 42;


Azerbaijan; Forgeries of Its First Stamps; Tyler, Varro E.; The American Philatelist; May 1983; 60-61; Azerbaijan: Forgeries of Phantasies; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 98-99; pictoriel stamps of 1921-22. forged.

1980; 99; Six

Azerbaijan: The Basic Stamps Part I; The First and Second Printings of the 'Mussawat Issue'; Ashford, P.T./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 3-7 & 1 illustration page; Bakinskaya stranitsa poloniki; Arzumanov, G./Topalov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 8-9; Witold Zglenicki, Polish engineer responsible for numerous buildings in Baku. Bakinskomu pochtamtu - 100 let; Ardukhanov, A./Osipov, T.; Bakinskii rabochii; 24, 1963; A brief history of the Baku PO from 1863 to 1963. Correspondence; (,o.yer, Max A.); BJRP; 37; Oct. 'Mussawat' stamp.


1965; 30; Printing stages of the 25R

Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 44-46; Various issues immediately before and during the breakup of the SOViet Union. Die Erste Luftpost in Aserbaidshan; (n.a.); Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 11-12; extracted from Voikhanskii's 1976 book on Azerbaidjan philately. Die Marken von Azel'baidjan; (n.a.); Catalog of Azerbaijani stamps,

Radio de Fillntern; 2 (78); surcharges, overprints.



1928; 29-32;

Dlya razvitiya pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1977; Appeared in 'Vyshka' on 6 Aug. 1977. One page on imoroving postal services in Azerbaidjan. Dlya zhitelei Baku; Agarzaeva, S.Sh.; Vestnik svyazi; technical improvements in the Baku Post Office.

10; Oct.

1982; One page on

Ova varianta pochtovoi marki 'Sabir' 1962 goda; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 41; The 1969 4k 'Azeri poet Sabir' stamp, and a variety with error in the Azeri text. Esenin v Baku; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; Sergei Esenin's visits to Baku in the 1920s. Eshche raz


markakh ZSFSR; Didebul idze, K.;

Fi latel iya SSSR;

11-13; Soviet poet 1; Jan.







The Transcaucasus stamps. The author disagrees with some points made by Voikhanskii in 'Pochtovye marki ZSFSR', 1-1969. I'il'm po zakazu ... ; Gabibl, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1: Jan. 1974; Short item about a film made in Azerbaidjan to promote use of the zip code. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets. N.!.; 1982; 'Ra(jlo i svyaz", Moscow; o~iginai softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of sUbjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Filatelistlcheskii surrogat; K., S.; Sovetskii file-telist; 11-12 (27-28); NOY.-Dec. 1924; 36; A 5kop. overprinted 'revenue' stamp of the Baku SOViet. Forgeries of Azerbaijan Semi-Postal Issue, Phi latel ist; JUly 1984; 695, 764;

1921; Tyler, Varro E.; The American

Gazetu - v rannie sroki; Kopylova, R.; Bakinskii rabochii; Aug. the Baku Post Office to speed up delivery of newspapers.


1974; Efforts by

History Repeats Itself; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 25; Dec. ~989; 68-69; The Azeri flag - the secessionist Musavat government of 1920 and the events of 1990. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Eight. Baku, Baku Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1985; BI'itish Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Ispytaniya na 1 inii Moskva - Baku; Sharov, A.; Vestnik svyazi: 11; Noy. 1976; One page on experimenting with a new mail-container RR car on the Moscow-Baku 1 ine. Iz istorii pochty Azerbaidzhana; Voikhanskii, 11-12;


Filateliya SSSR;

Kaspiiskoe chudo; Arzumanov, G.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. and the oil industry in the Caspian Sea.


10; Oct.


19-20; Azerbaidjan

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki Respub"lik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 105-120; Catalog of all Azerbaidjan stamps and overprints, surcharges. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki Respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Fiiateliya: 1; Jan. 1992; 185-192; Continued from 1991 #12. Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic (ZSFSR). Kol'tsevaya pochta v Azerbaidzhane; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 116-117; Short "item in the 'Khronika' section on organizing mobile circular posts in Azerbaidjan. pochtovoi svyazi; Orudzheva, B.; Bakinskii rabochii; Nov. Projects under study or development by the Baku P.O. postal lab.




Marki sovetskikh respublik; Raevskii. B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 9-13; A listing of stamps issued by SOViet republics other than the RSFSR. InclUdes tnose of SOViet Hungary. Mark; sovetskogo Azerbaidzhana; Voikhanskil,

E.; Bakinskii rabochil; Oct. 31,


Mekhanizatsiya trudoemnykh rabat ~a pochte; Sarkisyan. A.C.: Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1966; One page short article on labor-saving devices in the Azerbaid- jan SSR's postal system. Merop~iyatiya

NKPiT po uluchshenlyu Svyazi v ZakavKaz'e; (n.a.); lhTS; 3; Mar. 1E7: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT shutting down or re-categorizing post offices operating at a deficit in the Caucasus.

Mo"; Baku; Arzumanov, G.: SK;



107-126; PPCs of Baku.



to Soviet


Money Stamps of 5aKu and Baturn; Ashford,

P.T.; BJRP; 20; May 1956: 617;

Mctorol !ery na dostavku pochty. (Iz opyta Bakinskogo pochtamta); Morozov, DZ.; Vestnik svyazj; 1; Jan. 196"1; One page. Nagornyi Karabakh; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 12-13; Modern Soviet issues commemorating Azeri and Armenian heroes from the Autonomous Oblast'. Nagrady Rodiny; Sheinn, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 9-10; The Orders of Lenin and the Red Star over the years, and Azeris who received it. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR v 1980 godu. Statisticheskii sbornik.; (n.a.); 1981; AZERGOSIZOAT, Baku; One page of statistics for 1970, 19 7 5, 1976-1980. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR za 60 let - Yubileinyi statisticheskii





sbornik: (n.a.): 1980; AZERGOSIZDAT, Baku; Two pages of statistics for 1940, 1950, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975 and 1979. Obshchestvennost' zabotitsya 0 sokhrannosti abonementnykh shkafov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1965; Subscriber mailboxes and the 52nd Branch Office in Baku. Odin iz dvadtsati shesti; Arzumanov, G.; Azizbekov, one of the Baku 26.

Filateliya SSSR;



1977; 61; M.A.

Odin iz luchshikh; Sergeev. G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 54; The article includes a picture envelope Showing Kazi Magomed Agasiev, Azeri revolutionary. On mechtal 0 more; Grigor'ev, R.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1983; ~7; A picture envelope issued in honor of the Baku Kafur Mamedov Marine Academy. Outstanding Items. Stamps of Azerbaidjan with Cancellations of Terter.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 1 1 ; Pamyatniki starogo Baku; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. envelopes with cachets showing monuments in Old Baku. Persian Consular Offlce in Baku; Torrey, Gordon; Persians in Baku, 1919-1920.


Freyman, K.;

1972; 28-29; Postal 117; Oct.

1991; 41; The

Phantasies and Their Forgeries; Polchaninoff, R.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 60-62; Italian-produced 'Odessa Famine' and 'Azerbaijan' issues, plus Turkestan. Pindar Vostoka; Arzumanov, G.; Azeri poet.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

12; Dec.


15-16; H. Shirvani,

Plamennyi revolyutsioner; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 5; Nariman Kerbalai Nadzhaf-ogly, Azeri revolutionary, government official and writer. Pochta gruzitsya v konteinery; Belkin, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. on the opening of a containerized mail platform at Sumgait. Pochta sluzhit vsem; Yusufov, S.; Bakinskii rabochii; Oct. 8, AzSSR to improve postal service.

1977; Short item

1971; Efforts by the

Pochta v derevne; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of rural mail services in Baku District. Pochtal'on; Suvorova, T.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1977; A three-page feature on Azerbaidjani lettercarrier G. Mushtak Kyzy and why she was awarded the Gold Cross. Pochtovoi sluzhbe - firmennyi stil '; Pashaev, A.; Bakinskii rabochii; Aug. 5, 1980; Measures being taken by the Post in Azerbaidjan SSR to improve and expedite service. Pochtovomu vagonu rabotat' ehffektivnee; Rizaev. R. et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1978; Two pages on how the workers at the Baku OPP deal with increased mail volume. Poehzii nemerknushchii svet; Arzumanov, G.; Nizami Gyandzhevi, Azeri poet.

Filateliya SSSR;

5; May 1982;

Pravo na prioritet?; Panin, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1967; 'firsts' achieved by the Baku section of the VOF. Slava i gordost' Shushi: Arzumanov. G.; Azeri poets from Shusha.

Filateliya SSSR;


10; A short 1 ist of

10; Oct.

1986; 9-10: Two

Slovo - i ruzh'e, i znamya ... ; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; Mirza Fatali Akhundov, Azeri dramatist, 1812-1878. Stareishii pochtal'on Azerbaldzhana; Kashevarov, N.V.: Vestnik svyazi; Two pages on Azerbaidjan's oldest mailman.


10; Oct.


Stranitsa istori i; Voikhansk, i, E.; Fi late' iya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 42-43; The 1921 Azerbaidjan charity stamps for the famine-stricken Volga region. The 'Occupation Azirbayedjan' Overprints: 11; May 1953; 341-348;

A Philatelic Mystery; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP;

The Basic Stamps of Azerbaidjan Part Two: The Soviet Issues; Ashford, P.T./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 23-28 & 2 illustration pages; The Basic Stamps of Azerbaijan: Additional Data; Ashford, P.T./Baillie, BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 19-21; The Basic Stamps of Azerbaijan:


Additional Data (2); Ashford, P.T./Baillie,





BJRP; 55; Nov.

1978; 22-24;

The Post Office Handstamps of Azerbaijan; Ayer, Max A.: BJRP; 46; Dec. 2 illustration pages;

1971; 26-27

The Postage Stamps of Southern Azerbaijan; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 42-路'1; The Tete-Beche 20-21 ;



on 3000 Ruble Azerbaijan; Ayer. Max A.; Rossica; 92;

Tvoi syny, Azerbaidzhan; Arzumanov, G.; WWII heroes.


SSSR; 8; Aug.




1985; 7-9; Azeri

Ustranit' prichiny zhalob; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1985; 22; One page, short item on measures being taken by the Azerbaidjan and Turkmen SSR Ministries of Communications to correct shortcomings ln their postal services. V bratskoi sem'e; Rasulbekov, G.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. improvements in Baku's communications services.

1982; Three pages on

V ogne revolyutsii; Arzumanov, G./Seifi, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 5-6; Postal issues dedicated to revolutlonaries in the Baku organization. V osnove - doverie; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. activities and VOF branches in Azerbaldjan.

1983: 18-19; Philatelic

V Nagornom Karabakhe; Voskanyan, S.Kh.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1969; One page on postal communications in this part of ~zerbaidjan. Yubilei azerbaidzhanskoi opery i baleta; Arzumanov, G.; 1982; 7-9;

Filateliya SSSR;

2aem Muganl; Silikov, G.; Sove'tskii filatelist: 2; Feb. Republic' of 1918-1919, and Mugan-issue scrip.


12; Dec.

10-11: The 'Mugan

rubl' Azerbaidzhana 1920 g.: Pakhomov; Sovetskii filatel ist; 4 (80); Apr. An unissued i-rUble note from 1920.







(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56-57; Nansen Mission postcard from Minsk, 1923. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. More Information on the American Relief Administration Cards; Ceresa, R.J.; Rossica; 89; 1975; 21-25; Two Interesting Postcards of 1922; Diamandiev, D.B.; Rossica; 80;

1971; 28-31;





(n.t.); Kuyas, Salih M.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 69; A 20-para Turkish card as an example of genuine mail from Batum during the Turkish administration in 1918. (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 72; In 'Philatel i:: Shorts' section. A portion of a philatelic item from Maradiay, ln the Baturn area. off lee apparently functioned only dur'ing the Brltish occupation.


Auctlon 102; Koerber, Roger; Aug. 1-2, 1979; Orig 1 nal catalog with no prices realized. Contains the 'Hughes Batum' collection. Batum; Hughes, W.E.; BJRP; 6; Apr. Baturn unaer Occupation:



new material; Werbizky, G.G.; SJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 40-45;

Batum Bogus Forgery; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 7; Oct.



Batum Bogus Forgery; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 8' Jan. article on p. 144 of #7.


190; Correction to his


Tree Type Lithographs.;

Baturr. :

A New Postmaster Handstamp; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 55; Nov.


A Postscript; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 67; Sep.


Will iam E.; BJRP; 2; Apr.

1948; 23-25; 1978; 2 <. ,•

1989; 46-48;

Die Englische Besetzung von Batum; (n.a.): ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 53-55; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #4 (40), April 1928. Die Englische Besetzung von Batum; (n.a.); Radio de Fil intern; 4 (80); Apr. 25-28; Catalog of Batum stamps.


Faelschungen Russischer Marken der Periode des Buergerkriegs; (n.a.); ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 57-58; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #9, 1928. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 169-184; Continued from # 1 1 . Money Stamps of Baku and Batum; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 617; My Klnd of Collecting; Poulter, Eric; BJRP; 45; Mar. 1971; 17-19 & 2 illustration pages; A 26-6-1920 cover from Batum to Constantinople, showing that BritiSh APO 'Y1' cancel was never used in Batum. News and Views; (n.a.): SJRP; 47; JUly 1972; 38; An A.H. Wortman cover with FPO 80 cancel of 29 Dec. 1918, from the 27th Divislon. News and Views;

(n.a.); BJRP; 48; Mar.1973; 29-30; A new Batum cancel.

News and Views; 1919.

(n.a.); BJRP; 51; May 1975; 27: A new Saturn handstamp from March

One Period or Two?; WerbizKy, G.G.; Post Rlder; 4; Apr. 1979; 50 & 52; Investigates the problerr of one period or two after the right- and left-hand 'R' on the 27 Nov. 1919 issue of Batum. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lltnuanlan stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus t~ansatlantic fl ight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Dstorozhno: Fal 'sh'!; Vovin, Ya.; Dverprints and surcharges.



1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Postsard Overprint; Marshall, A.R.: Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 36; A Romanov 4K postcard with a Soviet 'United Proletariar. Land Committee' overprint at left, a Hungarian 45-filler surcharge at right, and illustrations of the stamps and surcharges of Batum on the back. The Aloe Tree Stamps of Saturn; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 90-91; Includes informatlon en the revenue stamps. The Batum and Kobulety Postmaster Provisionals; Joseph, 62-76;

Robin L.; BJRP; 63;

The Batum Postmaster Provisional; Werbizky, G.G.; BJRP; 64; Dec. The British Occupation of Batum; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 45; Mar. The Forged Stamps of Batum; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 9; The Rehabilitation of Batum; Steyn,

1976; 80-87; 1986;

1987; 44-45;

1971; 24-33;

JUly 1952; 212-216;

Ivo; BJRP; 67; Sep.

1989; 45-46; Book review of





P.T. Ashford's 'British Occupation of Batum: Postal History and Postage Stamps'. Includes some additional information. The Romanov Tercentenary Issue and Its SUbsequent Use. Part II.; Salisbury, Gregory; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 227-251; Includes information on Batum overprints. Turkey Used in Batum; Torrey, Gordon;

Rossica; 67;

1964; 65; Post-WWI.

Turkish Post Offices in 8atum; Torrey. Gordon; BJRP; 48; Mar. illustration page;

1973; 20-21 & 1

Bibliographies, Czechoslovak




1963-1973 (Vol. XXV-XXXV) Subject Index and Priced Catalogue of Postal Stationery of Czechoslovakia; (n.a.); The Czechoslovak Special ist; XXXVI; May 1974; Society for Czechoslovak Philately, Lawrence, Kansas; Original spi~al bound copy.

Bibliographies. General




Die Bibliothek der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Russland/UdSSR; (n.a.); 1983; BAG Russland!UdSSR; List of holdings in the West German Russian philatel ic society library. Photocopy. 4 pages. Perechen' trudov po filatelii K.K. Shmidta; (n.a.); Rossica; 28; Dec. List of philatelic works by K.K. Schmidt. Phi latel ic Literature on Russia; Sklarevski. Rimma; Rossica; 44;

1937; 86-88;

1954; 36-37;

The Literature of Russian Philatel~'; Campbell, P. J. ; Post Rider; 1 ; Sep. 1977 ; 28-32; Lists basic literature ln a systematic fashion to aid beginning collectors. The Literature of Russian Philately; Campbell, P. J. ; Post Rider; 2' Mar.

1978; 47-56;

The Literature of Russian Philately; Campbell, P. J. ; Post Rider; 3; Sep.

1978; 30-40;

The Literature of Russian Philately; Campbell, P. J. ; Post Rider; 4; Apr.

1979; 53-56;






Eighteenth Century Russian Publi~ations in the Library of Congress. A Cata,og.; Fessenko, Tatiana; 1961; Slavic and Central European Division. Reference Department, Library o~ Congress, Washington, D.C.; Or'iglnal softbound copy. Guide to Materials for American Hlstory in Russian Archives; Golder, Frank A.: 1917; Carnegie Institution of Washlngton, Washlrlgton. D.C.; Origina' softbound gUlde. Guide to Materials for American History in Russian Archives: Golder, Frank A.; II; 1937; Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.; Original softbound guide. Handbook of the Imperlal Russlan Pos路 Office;

(n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec.

Handbook of the Imperial Russlan Post Office - Forward and Index; Dec. 1984; 4 -7 ;

1985; 4-16;

(n.a.); BJRP; 61;

Katalog dyelam, rUkoplsyam, pechatnym knigam i kartam (s 1582 goda), otnosyashchimsya do obrazovaniya Yamskogo prikaza i uchrezhdeniya pocht v Rossii; Levinskii, V.D./Tokmakov, I.F.; 1881; Printed in Moscow. Photocopy, 60 pages. Numismatic Literature of Imperial Russia;

Arefiev, V.; Rossica; 75;

Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps and Labels; Marcovitch, An overview of literature on these topics.

1968; 9-10;

E.; Rossica; 61;

1961; 45-48;

Records of the Russian-American Company 1802, 1817-1867; Fisher', Raymond H.; 1971; National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C.; Original softbound copy. Listing of folio contents and their numbers. Russkie dorevolyutsionnye katalogi illyustrirovannykh otkrytok; Babintsev, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 51-52; Pre-revolutionary catalogs of PPCs, The Imperial Russian Army; Lyons. M.; 1968; The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford Unlverslty, Stanford, Cal ifornia; Bibliography of regimental histories and related wOI'ks. Original softbound copy.

Bibliographies, Soviet




ABC otechestvennoi pochty; Pantyukhin, V.; Continued from 2-1991.

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1991; 41-42;

ABC otechestvennoi pochty; Pantyukhin, Continued from 3-1991.

Fi1atel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.

1991; 41-42, 51;


ABC otechestvennoi pochty; Pantyukhin, V. 41-42: Continued from 1-1990.


Filate1iya SSSR; 2;



ABC otechestvennoi pochty; Yakov1ev, A. (comp.); Filate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 41-42; A listing by SFA Catalog # of stamp articles appearing in 'Filate1 iva SSSR' over the past 25 years. ABC otechestvennoi pochty. Bib1iografiya statei, opub1ikovannykh v zhurnale za chetvert' veka.; Pantyukhin, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 42-43; Listing of articles in 'Filateliya SSSR' over the past 25 years which relate to Imperial and Soviet postal rates, stationery, cancellations, etc. ABC otechestvennoi pochty. Bibliografiya statei, opub1ikovannykh v zhurnale za chetvert' veka.; Yakovlev, A. (comp.); Fi latel iya; 6; June 1991; 42; A 1 ist of Soviet stamps by SFA catalog number and the location of articles on them in 'Fi1ate1iya SSSR' over the last 25 years. ABC otechestvennoi pochty. Bibliografiya statei, opublikovannykh v zhurna1e za chetvert' veka.; Yakov1ev. A. (comp.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1991; 43; Continued from #6. Bibliograficheskii obzor osnovnykh materialov, opub1 ikovannykh v nashem zhurnale; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 45-47; Listing of 'Filate1iya SSSR' articles for 1966 and 1967. Bibliografiya filokartii

(1897-19157); Babintsev, S./Tagrin, N.; SK; 7;

Bib1iografiya fi10kartii


Bibliografiya Filokartii

(1900-1970 gg.);

Zabochen', M.;



Shleev, V.; SK; 9;



1974; 92-94; 1971;


Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1atel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983; 32; A list of books published by 'Radio i svyaz" for young philatelists, and some information on Soviet forgeries to defraud the Post. Dopolnenie k 'Fi1atelisticheskoi bibliografii'; Vladlenov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; II-III; Additions to Babintsev's 1968 'Philatelic Bibliography'. III.

Pochta. IV. Telegraf. VIII. Statistika. IX. NOT.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; II-III, VII-VIII; Listing of articles on these subjects that appeared in ZhTS in 1924.

Kosmos na stranitsakh 'Filate1il' 1966-1991 gg.; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Filate1iya; 5; May 1992; 62-63; A listing of all articles appearing in 'Filate1iya SSSR' from 1966 to 1991 with a space theme. Literatura 0 pochte i fi1atelii 139-145; Literatura


(na russkom yazyke);

Babintsev, S.;

sovetskikh pochtovykh markakh; Babintsev, S.; SK;

Literatura 0 sovetskikh pochtovykh mark3kh, 123-134;


SK; 3; 1975;

1946-1960; Babintsev, S.; SK;


159-172; 14;


Osnovnye materialy zhurnala 'Filatel iva SSSR' za 1974 god; 12; Dec. 1974; 52-54;


Filateliya SSSR;

Osnovnye materialy zhurnala 'Fi1ate1 iya SSSR' za 1975 god; 12; Dec. 1975; 60-62:


Filate1iya SSSR;

Osnovnye materia1y zhurnala 'Filateliya SSSR' 12 ; Dec. 1976; 60-61 ;

za 1976 go':i:

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR:

Osnovnye materialy zhurnala 'Fi1ateliya SSSR' za 1977 god; 12; Dec. 1977; 60-62;

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

Osnovnye materia1y zhurna1a 'Filateliya SSSR' za 1979 god; 12 ; Dec. 1979; 61-62;

(n. a. ) ; Filate1 iya SSSR;

Osnovnye materialy, opub1ikovannye v zhurna1e 'Filate1 iva SSSR' v 1968 godu; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 78-79;


Osnovnye materia1y, opub1 ikovannye v zhurna1e 'Filate1 iva SSSR' v 1970 godu; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 44-45;


Dsnovnye materia1y,


opub1 ikovannye v zhurna1e 'Fi1ate1 iva SSSR' v 1971 godu;

Bibliographies, Soviet Filateliya SSSR;

07/13/93 12; Dec.



1971; 44-46;

Osnovnye materialy. opublikovannye v zhurnale 'Filatel iya SSSR' v 1981 godu; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; .:lec. 1981; 58-60;


Osnovnye materialy, opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filatellya SSSR' v 1985 godu; Filateliya sssr-l; 12; De.:. 1985; 58-60:


Osnovnye materialy, opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filateliva SSSR' v 1986 godu; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 59-61; List of articles by subject for 1986. Osnovnye materialy, opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filateliya SSSR' v 1988 godu; Filateliya S:'SR; 12; Dec. 1988: 62-63;


Osnovnye materialy, opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filateliya SSSR' za 1969 god; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 45-46;


Osnovnye materialy, opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filateliya SSSR' za 1972 god; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; 45-46;


Dsnovnye materialy. opubl ikovannye v zhurnale 'Filateliya' v 1982 godu; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 60-62; Dsnovnye pUblikatsii 1991 goda; articles for 1991,



12; Dec.

1991; 63;

Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps and Labels; Marcovitch,.E.; Rossica: 61; An overview of 1 lterature on these topics, Soderzhanie sbornikov 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' vYP. 10; 1972; 187-190;

1-10 (1963-1972);

Zhurnaly - ob istor', i russkoi pochty i f i latel;;; Babintsev, S.; 146-150;

SK; 6;

(n.a.); 'Filateliya' 1961; 45-48; (n.a.); SK; 1968;

Zhurnaly .- ob istorii russkoi pochty i filatel;; SK; 4; 1966; 118 - 123;

(na russkom yazyke); Babintsev, S.;

Zhurnaly - ob istorii russkoi pochty i filatell; SK; 5: 1967; 110-112;

(na russkom yazyke); Sabintsev. S.;



Agathon Faberge; Vajda, Imre; Rossica; 96-97; Reprinted from 'Stamps', Jan. 26, 1952. Alexander Vladimirovitch Kotlar; Artuchov,




103-105; Rydquist, Arthur;

Alex: Post Rider; 29; Dec.

1991; 62-63;

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; Captain Svyatoslav de Schramchenko.

11; May 1953; 325-329; Information about

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; Glass.

11; May 1953; 325-329;

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP;

12; Dct.

1953; 369-372; Dn Kurt Adler.

American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; about Albert Gold.

16; Dec.

1954; 482-486;

Includes information

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; on Eugene Arkhangel'skii.

16; Dec.

1954; 482-486;

Includes information

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; about Leo J. Zaikowski.

17; Apr.

1955; 516-520;

Includes information

Information on Lester

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 17; Apr. 1955; 516-520; Includes information on A. Chebotkevich, first President of Rossica in the US. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 18; JUly 1955; 552-555; on Charlotte Downs & Dr. Rudolph Seichter. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; L.S. Snegirev.


Breitfuss of St. Petersburg; Herst, Herman Jr.; Rossica; 44;

Includes information Information about

1954; 46-48;

Count Alexander Grabbe; Plotkin, Len; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 54-55; Supplies the biography of the man to whom the letter from Bangkok, Siam was mailed. (See Rossica #113-114.) Dr. Alfred H. Wortman. 470;

A Biographical Sketch.; Barry, John; BJRP;

Dr. Gregory B. Salisbury. 433-434; Eugene M. Archangelsky;

16; Dec.

A Biographical Sketch.; Gibrick, S.; BJRP;


Rossica; 44;

F .G. Chuchin (1883/1942); Roberts,


Ian W.; Rossica;

Fedor Grigor'evlch Chuchin; Aleksandrov, M.;


1954; 1954;

12-13; 112;

1988; 49;

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1977; 32;

Frederic Breitfuss. The Greatest Russian Collector; Phillips. Charles J.; Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 96-99; Reprinted from 'Stamps Magazine', 23 Sep. 1933. Gustav Jallajas, Director-General of the Estonian Postal Services - Commemoration of His Birth Centenary; (n.a.); Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 18-20; His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Aleksey Mihailovich; (n.a.); Rossica; 89; 1975; 30-31; Levandowsky, Daniel W.; Translated from 'Marki' #1, 12 March 1896. Karl Karlovich Schmidt;


Rossica; 25;



Komissar filatelii; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 11-13; F.G. Chuchin. Includes a never-before-published photo of the Chuchin family. Mr. C.W.

Roberts - A Biography; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 21; Dec.

Mr. W. H. H. HUddy - A Biography;

(n. a. ); BJRP;

Secretary's Desk; Barry, John; BJRP; Handford.

10; Nov.

1956; 648-649;

18; Ju 1 y 1955; 561; 1952; 255-257;

Information about C.C.

The American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; about Arthur Shields.

10; Nov.

1952; 260-264;


The American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; F. Jul ius Fohs.

10; Nov.

1952; 260-264;

Information on





(n.t.); Hindley. Reginald; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 65; Queries and answers on D.J. Voaden's calendrical tables in #15. Calendars -

1800 to 2050; Voaden. Denys J.; Post Rider;

15; Nov.

K voprosu c pervom sovetskom kalendare; Ddintsov, D.; SK; 28; first Soviet pocket calendars, 1918.

1984; 27;


166-168; The

Russian Julian Dates and Days of the Week; (n.a.); Rossica; 93; 1978; 56-58; Reprinted from 'Japanese Philately' #6, vol. 31. Conta~ns a calendar for finding days of the weey from 1 A.D. to 2400 A.D. The Two Russian Calendars; Weinert, Howard L.; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 46-48; Discusses problems involved witn establ ishing dates in the Empire and in offices abroad. Three Hundred Year Calendar (1753 to 2052);

(n.a.); Post Rider; 21; Nov.

1987; 71;

Two Different Calendars Used at Shanghai; Renfro, Michael; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 3-4; A 1912 registered letter from Shanghai.






(n.t.); Homolya, E.; Rossica; 75; 1968; 109-110; Hungarian RPO cancels and Carpatho-Ukraine, in 'Notes From Collectors' section. (n.t.); Indra, Viktor; Rossica; 71; 1966; 85; Three covers showing 1939 Czech and Hungarian usages in the Carpatho-Ukraine. In 'Notes From Collectors' section. (n.t.); Terlecky, Yaroslav S.; Rossica; 70; Carpatho-Ukraine.

1966; 74;

A German-occupation cancel of

'Pochtovye marki respublik Sovetskogo soyuza'; 81ekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 33-35; A review of A.F. Kolesnikov's compilation of 'Postage Stamps of the Soviet Union's Republics'. The reviewer presents many criticisms and corrections. Addenda to Pre-Stamp and Stampless Mail From the Carpatho-Ukraine; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 54-63; See also #11. Includes a section on the Austrian issues of 1850 to 1864 used in the Carpatho-Ukraine. Anmerkungen zur Postgeschichte der Karpathen-Ukraine. Teil 1: Stempel, Marken, Ueberdrucke, Ganzsachen.; Rauch, Walter J.; 3; 1975; Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tschechoslowakei e.V., Hamminkeln; Original softbound copy. Carpatho-Ukrainian Postal History: 1983; 79-83;

Addendum II; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider;

13; Nov.

Carpatho-Ukrainian Postal History; Nov. 1984; 62-65;

Addendum III; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider;


Dr. Stepan Rosokha; (n.a.); Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 68; The Vice-Speaker of the Carpatho-Ukrainian Parliament on 15 Mar. 1939. Hungarian RPOs in the Carpatho-Ukraine 1939-1944; Stone, L.H.; Rossica; 69; 51-53;


Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. V. Pochtovye marki Ukrainy.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 81-96; Continued from #5. Covers Luboml issues, Ukrainian overprints on Austrian and Hungarian stamps, and Carpatho-Ukraine issues. Pochtovye marki Zakarpatskoi Ukrainy; Pre-Stamp and Stampless Mail 11; Nov. 1982; 39-51;

Petretskii, V.;



1983; 23-41;

From the Carpatho-Ukraine; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider;

Questions on the Postal History of Karpato-Ukraine; Philatelist; Sep. 1983; 828-830;

Shneidman, J.

Lee; The


Russian Post Offices in Carpatho-Ukraine in 1951; Cronin, Andrew; 70; Extracted from the Universal Postal Union 1 ist.




The Development of the Postal Service in the Transcarpathian Province of the Soviet Union; Blaha, Miroslav; Rossica; 73; 1967; 37-43; Translated from 'Filatelie' of Prague #19-21, 1966. The Feketes of the Carpatho-Ukraine; Cronin, Andrew; 68-70;

Post Rider; 28; June 1991;

The Postal History of Eastern Slovakia 1939-1945 and Afterwards; Blaha, Miroslav; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 85-87; The 1939 Stamp of the Carpatho-Ukraine;

Indra, Viktor; Rossica; 69;

Two Gems From Dr. W. Rauch Collection of Carpatho-Ukraine at Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 16; Wooden Architecture of Transcarpathla;

Sava, P.; Post Rider;


WIPA '81;

10-15; Cronin,

22; June 1988; 70-72;

10 P.O.'s in Carpatho-Ukralne Prior to 1850: A Clarification; Rlccio, Dominick J.; The Czechoslovak Specialist; XLVII; May-June 1985; 22-23;

Catalogs, Civil War Stamps




Die Provisorischen Briefmarken der Haupt-Kommandatur im Sueden Russlands; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 73-74; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii fllatelist' #12,1927. Die Provisorischen Briefmarken der Krim; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #8.1928.

1985; 69-70;

Die Provisorischen Briefmarken der Westlichen und Norawestlichen Regierung; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 74-75; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #12,1927. Die Provisorischen Briefmarken des Dongeoietes; (n.a.); ZRSP; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #8, 1927.


Die Provisorischen Briefmarken des KUbangebietes; (n.a.); ZRSP; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #8, 1927.



1985; 68;



Dle Provisorischen Marken der Sibirischen Regierung; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #9, 1927. Die Provisorischen Marken der Westlichen Front; Repl'inted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #12,

(n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec.




1985; 76;

1927 .

Die Provisorischen Marken des Fernen Ostens; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 75-76; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #11, 1927.

1985; 71-73,

Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal 'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii gg.); Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 43-54;


Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri ina Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1978; 42-50;


Izmeneniya i dopolneniya k I tomu 'Kataloga-spravochnika otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty'; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 185-188; Additions and corrections to the Handbook. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya VOlna v ROSSli (1917-1924); Chuchin. F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1990; 145-160 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Continues postnl<lster provisionals and Clvil War issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oolaty; (n.a.); 11; ,Nov. 1990; 161-176 insert; Fllateliya SSSR, Moscow;

Filateliya SSSR;

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); 12; Dec. 1990; 177-184 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow;

Filateliya SSSR;

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VI. Pochtovye marki Belorussii.; (n.a.); Fila1:eliya; 7; July 1991; 97-104; So-called Southern Lithuania stamps and the Belorussian issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. 0ochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 137-152; Armenian overprints and surcharges. Continued from #9. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtOVOl oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 153-168; A listing of Georgian stamps, overprints and surcharges. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 169-184; Continued from "'11. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. PochtovyE marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a. I; Filateliya: 9; Sep. 1991; 121-136; Catalog section on Armenian stamps, overprints ana surcharges. Minkus Romania & Russia Stamp Catalog; Tlamsa, George A. (ed.): Publ ications, Inc., New York; Original softbound catalog.



Notes of the Russian Revolutionary Stamps, 1920-1922. Mongolia - Its Stamps, 1924-1927; Lissiuk, K.; (n.d.); K. Lissiuk. New York; Driginal catalog. of surcharges by city.


Revolutionary Stamps of Russia; Stroub. John L.; The American Philatelist; 40; Sep. 1927; 847-858; American Philatel ic Society; A nearly-exact dupl ication of the Lissiuk catalog. Rossiya v kataloge Ivera 1924 g.; Krenke, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Cec. 1923; 16; Comments on the listings for various Soviet and Civil War stamps in

Catalogs, Civil War Stamps




the 1924 Yvert catalog. Scott 1931 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; with Russia and related areas.


1931; Only those pages dealing

Scott 1963 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 i ng wi th Russia and related areas.

(n. a.); 2:

1963; Only those pages

Scott 1965 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 i ng with Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ); 2'

1965; Only those pages

Scott 1967 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 ing With Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ) ; 2'

1967; Only those pages

Scott 1968 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1968; Only those pages dealing With Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1969 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1968; Only those pages dealing With Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1970 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1970; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1973 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dealing with Russia and related areas.

(n.a.); 2;

1973; Only those pages

Scott 1974 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1974; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1975 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1975; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1977 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1977; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1978 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1978; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1979 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1979; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1980 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1980; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1981 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1981; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue. Part 10. Russia.; (n.a.); Sep. 1991; Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd., London and Ringwood; Fourth edition, original softbound catalog. Contains listings for all Russian-related areas. The Postage Stamps of the Far East during the Clvil War; (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 26-28; Continued from #1 (77). Stamps of the FER, Priamur, Far East. The Postage Stamps of the Far East during the Civil War; Chuchin, F. (ed.); Radio de Filintern; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 29-32; 'Radio de Filintern' was published under the same cover with 'Sovetskii filatelist'. Catalog of Transbaikal, Priamur, Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok stamps. The Postage Stamps of Siberia,

1919-1922; Steyn,

Ivo; Rossica;


1988; 9-23;

Catalcgs, Civil War Stationery



Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii (1917-1924); Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy.


Catalogs, General




'Russia', Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 10; (n.a.); 1986; Stanley Gibbons Publlcations Ltd., London and Ringwood; Third edition original. Catalogo Unificato Internazionale 1992-93. Russia-URSS-CSI-Stati Baltici.; Cilio, Sebastiano/Pitteri, Maurizio (eds.); 1992; Commerciantl Italiani Filatelici s.r.l., Milano, Italy; Ori~inal softbound catalog. Extensively illustrated. Listings for Imperial Russia to the CIS, the Baltic States, the Caucasus, Offices Abroad, etc. Catalogue Special de Timbres-Poste de Russie/URSS; France-URSS, Paris; Two original copies.


1956; Cercle Philatelique

Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel 'nykh veshchei - Osnovnaya Rossiya (Imperatorskaya Rossiya, RSFSR i SSSR); Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1928; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Stamp and stationery listings for Russia proper. Photocopy. Kolichestvo russkikh marok; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 11; Dec. 1932; 173-177; Explores the total number of Russian and related-areas stamps, comparing the S.F.A. and Senf catalogs. Minkus Romania - Russia 1962 Stamp Catalog; Tlamsa, George A. (ed.); PUblications, Inc., New York; Original softbound catalog.

1962; Minkus

Minkus 1967 Russia, Poland, Romania Stamp Catalog; Tlamsa, George A. (ed.); Minkus Publications, Inc., New York; Original softbound catalog. Question Box; (n.a.); RAP; the catalog.

13; Nov.


1943; 2路 Why Scott #'s 207-209 were removed from

Russland. Spezial-Sammlung des Barons Carl von Scharfenberg, Berlin; Riep, Dskar; 1925; Oskar Riep, Berlin; Includes States, provisionals, etc. Original catalog. Scott 1992 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Scott Publishing Co., Sidney, OH.; Shaw, George; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 63-64; Numbers and degree of changes in the latest Scott's.

Catalogs, General Stamps



Errata und Stagnation beim neuen Michel Europa-Katalog Ost; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 23; Comments and corrections on the Michel 'East' catalog 1 istings.



Imperial Postmarks



Die Poststempelformen in St. Petersburg von 1766-1914; Imhof, Heinrich; 1976; Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft RUSSLAND/UdSSR im BDPh e.V.; Softbound original, format.



Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Eight. Baku, Baku Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1985; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Five. The Transcaucasian Railway.; Ashford, P.T.; 1981; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Four. Kutais Guberniya, Batum Oblast, Sukhum Okrug.; Ashford, P.T.; 1980; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Seven. Elisavetpol Guberniya, Zakataly Okrug.; Ashford, P.T.; 1984; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Six. Erivan Guberniya, Kars Oblast.; Ashford, P.T.; 1983; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Three. Tifl is Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1978; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of Tiflis province postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Two. Tiflis, Tiflis Town Post.; Ashford, P.T.; 1975; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of Tiflis postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. The First Issue of Russia Used in the Kingdom of Poland: New Discoveries and Checklist; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 53-56;



Imperial Stamps



(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 71; 1966; 86; Corrections to and criticisms of Cohen's 'Catalog of Imperial Russian Stamps'. (n.t.); Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 71; Imperial Russian Postage Stamps.

1966; 87; Additlons to Cohen's Catalog of

(n.t.); Zeman, Vaclav; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 74-75; An illustration of a block of 8 for the 1922 RSFSR charity issue showing the plane, plus an explanation of the point system used by Maiorov in his catalog. A Catalogue of the Imperial Russian Postage Stamps; Cohen, Abraham; Rossica; 70: 1966; 42-46; A Catalogue of the Imperial Russian Postage Stamps; Cohen, Abraham; Rossica; 71; 1966; 35-39; Continued from #70. A Comparison of Scott's Catalogue Prices of Russian Classic Issues: 1857 to 1906; Chudoba. Joseph; Rossica; 75; 1968; 91-92; Prices for 1954. 1966 and 1969. A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 57; 1959; 16-21; A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 58; 1960; 32-37; Continued from #57. A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923; de Stackelberg, Constantine: Rossica; 59; 1960; 14-20; Continued from #58. A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923: de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 60; 1961; 20-27; Continued from #59. A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 61; 1961; 39-44; Continued from #60. A New Check List of the Arms Type Issues of 1909-1923; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 63; 1962; 56-59; Continued from fi61. Addendum to Check List; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 64; to his list in #'s 60-63.

1963; 32; Additions

Catalogue Special des Timbres-Poste de Russie et des Etats Issus de l'Ancien Empire Russe; (n.a.); 1927; Maison Romeko. Paris; Softbound. original . NO LOAN OUT. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 39; OCt. 1966; 31; Siienits' opinion that the 1915-18 10Rub. perf. Arms type with color error blue center is undervalued. Dopolneniya k stat'yam ob obshchegosudarstvennykh pochtovykh markakh Rossii vypuskov 1857-1917 godov; Lobachevski i, V.; SK; 18; 1980; 48-52; Errata for the Shalimoff Translation of the Lobachevski Catalog of Imperial Postage Stamps of Russia; Wilson. Kennedy L.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 62-75; Imperial Postage Stamps of Russia Issued in 1857-1888; Lobaehevs~ii. V.V.: Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 11-94; Shalimoff,G./Trbovich, R.: Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner'. #14, 1976 and #15. 1977. Imperial Postage Stamps of Russia Issued 1889-1906: Lobachevskii. V.V.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 26-90; Shalimoff, George; Continued from #94-95. Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #15, 1977 and #16. 1978. Imperial Postage Stamps of Russia Issued 1905-1923; Lobachevskii. V.V.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 21-89; Shal imoff, George; Continued from #96-97. Translated from 'Sovetskii kolleKtsioner' #16. 1978 and #17. 1979. Imperial Pestage Stamps of Russia Placed into Postal Circulatlon A~ter the Revolution; ~obachevskii, V.V.; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 47-92; ShaliMoff, George; Continued from #98-99. Translated from 'Sovetskii kol1ektsioner' #17. 1979. Izmeneniya 1 oopolneniya k I tomu 'Kataloga-spravochnlKa otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty'; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1991; 185-188; Additions and corrections to the Handbook. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Imperialisticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin. F.G. (ed.); 1928; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Listing of Levant. China. Crete. Poland, Finland and Wenden. stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Katalog-spravochnik otecnestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 33-48 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Issues from 1914 to 1917. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty;

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Catalogs, Imperial Stamps 4; Apr.


1990; 49-64 insert; Filate1iya SSSR, Moscow;



Russian Levant issues.

Kata10g-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi op1aty; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 65-80 insert; Fi1ateliya SSSR, Moscow; Levant issues, surcharges, overprints and the Ukrainian Levant issues. Kata10g-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi op1aty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 81-96 insert; Fi1ateliya SSSR: Offices in China issues. Kata10g-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovOi op1aty; 7; July 1990; 97-112 insert; Fi1ate1 iya SSSR, Moscow;

(n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR;

Kata10g-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. Vypuski po zakazu G1avnogo uprav1eniya pocht i telegrafov.: In.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1990; 17-32 insert; Fi1ateliya SSSR, Moscow; Continued from #1, 1990. Stamp issues from Mar. 1888 to Mar. 1917. Kata10g-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi op1aty. Vypuski tsentra1 'noi pochtovoi administratsii Rossii.; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990: 1-16 insert; Fi1ate1iya SSSR, Moscow; The first instalment of the catalog. Stamp issues from Dec. 1857 to Jan. 1884. Succeeding issues contain further instalments. Kur'eznoe svidete1'stvo iz nedavnago prosh1ago; Shenitz, G.; Rossica; 27; Oct. 63-64; Extracts from the 1915 Migunov Russian catalog. Minkus Romania & Russia Stamp Catalog; T1amsa, George A. (ed.); Publications. Inc., New York; Original softbound catalog. News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec. checklist, and Romanov varieties.


1961; Minkus

1971; 29-30; L.L. Tann's revisions to his 1R

Normal and Inverted Backgrounds on Postal Saving and Control Stamps; Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 27-30; Includes checklist. Notes in Regards to Arms Types Check List of Dr. Stackelberg; 65; 1963; 65;

Lloyd, John; Rossica;

Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1857-1879 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 14; 1976; 41-77; English translation appears in Rossica #94-95. Ooshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye mark; Rossii vypuskov 1884-1906 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 15; 1977; 41-78; English translation appears in 'Rossica' #96-97. Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye mark; Rossii v,'puskov 1884-1906 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 16; 1978; 49-81; Contains corrections and additions to the first two installments in #s 14 & 15. Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1908-1917 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 17; 1979; 27-61: English translation appears in Rossica #98-99. One Hundred Copies of Poland NO.1 for 26 Pounds!; Kosoi, Edward; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 17-20; Compares an 1872 Moscow stamp dealer's price list with 1985 Stanley Gibbons prices. Perforatsiya dorevo1yutsionnykh pochtovykh marok; Berngard. K.; SK; 8; Checklist of perforation types, gauges.

1970; 75-79;

Po1'za marochnoi 'bukhga1terii'; Hansen, G.; Rossica; 17; Oct. 1934; 116-117; Comments about then-current catalog prices and the 1915 Mironov catalog, in Moscow.


Raznovidnosti pochtovykh marok Rossii. Katalog.; Maiorov, A.G.: 1989; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow.: Extensive listing of imperial stamp varieties - printing, perforations, flaws, etc. Original softbound catalog. Russia. Specimen Stamps.; Stuart, J.V.; Rossica; 55; Russia, offices in China and the Levant. Russian Postal History 1857-1918; Holmsten, Martin; Original softbound catalog. Scott 1887 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (photocopy) .


Scott 1890-91 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; page. listing up to Scott #20.

1958; 20-21;

1992; Oy Rurik Ltd. Vasa;

1887; 48th Edition.


Lists specimens of

One page

1890-1891; 51st Edition.

Only one

Scott 1892-93 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1892-1893; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co .. Ltd.; 53rd Edition. Only one photocopy page with listings of Scott #15-49, and envelopes #s 76-88. Scott 1894 Catalogue of Postage Stamps;


1894; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co ..


Imperial Stamps




Ltd.; 54th Edition. Only one photocopy page with stamp listings from Scott #5-57, envelopes #76-77. Scott 1895 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1895: The Scott Stamp Ltd.; Only one photocopy page. listing stamps from Scott #1-47.

& Coin Co.,

Scott 1896 Catalogue of Postage Stamps: (n.a.); 1896; The Scot~ Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #1-43. Scott 1897 Catalogue of Posl:age Stamps; (n.a.); 1897; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #1-20a. Scott 1898 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1898; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scotl: #1-30b. Scott 1900 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1900; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #12-54 and envelopes #76-108, wrappers 151-152. Scott 1901 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1901; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #5-54 and envelopes #76-108. Scott 1902 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.): 1902; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ll:d.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #1-54 and envelopes #76-87. Scott 1903 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1903; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #1-54 and envelopes #76-97. Scott 1931 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; wit~ Russia and related areas.


1931: Only those pages dealing

Scott 1963 Standard Postage Stamp Cal:alogue; deal ing with Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ) ; 2:

1963; Only those pages

Scott 1965 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; deal ing v/ i til Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ) ; 2;

1965; Only those pages

Scott 1967 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 i ng with Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ) : 2;


Only those pages


Only those pages

Scott 1968 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); ? deal ing with Russia and related areas are included.

Scott 1969 Sl:andard Postage Stamp Catalogue: (n.a.); 2; 1968; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1970 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1970; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are inclUded. Scott 1973 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dealing with Russia and relateo areas.

(n.a.); 2;

1973; Only those pages

Scott 1974 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1974; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are inclUded. Scott 1975 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1975; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1977 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1977; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing witn Russia and rel~ted areas are inclUded. Scott 1978 Standerd Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1978; Listings for countl'ies P-Z. Only those pages deal ing ~ith Russia and related areas are lncluded. Scott 1979 Standard Postage Sl:amp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4: 1979: Listings fOI' countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are inclUded. Scott 1980 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1980; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1981 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1981; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Special Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Russia. Part I. Imperial Section.; Reynolds, John H. (comp.); 1957; The British Society of Russian Philately; Softbound original catalog. Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue. Part 10. Russia.; (n.a.); Sep. 1991; Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd., London and Ringwood; Fourth edition, original


Imperial Stamps

softbound catalog.




Contains listings for all Russian-related areas.

The Flrst Issue of the 'KITAI' Overprints; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 62; Includes postal history, a check list and cancellations.

1962; 4-7;

The Russian Post ln the Empire, Turkey, China. and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prigara, Sergei Vasil'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skip,on, David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol'skom', New York, 1941. Two hardbound copies.



Imperial Stationery



(n.t.); Adier, Kurt; Rossica; 64; 1963; 56; Addenda from Walter Frauenlob to the Adler-Schmidt article on advertising sheets in #62. Additional Post Card Varieties; Sklarevski. Rimma; to his article in #52-53.

Rossica; 64:

1963; 28; Supplement

From the History of Russian Postal Stationery (The 'Closed Let- ter' or 'Sekretka'); Myakota. Yu.; Rossica; 112: 1988; 42-48; Carson, Michael J.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #12, 1983. Iz istori i tsel 'nykh veshchei Rossi i; Myakota, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 48-50; Explanat10n, description and 1 isting of Address Bureau cards for the various cities. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel 'nykh veshchei - Imperial isticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1928; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. :"enina, Moscow; Listing of Levant, China, Crete, Poland, Finland and Wenden, stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Letter Cards of Russian Empire and Offices; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 52-53; 49-54; All major and minor varietles listed.


Looking at Wrappers - 2; Banfield, N.R.; Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 26-28; Comparison of Prigara, Ascher and Higgins & Gage listings of Imperial wrappers. Notes on 1883-1890 Postal Stationery Envelopes; Updates to the Ascher catalog.

(n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct.



Post Cards and Envelopes of the Address Bureau; Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 65; 1963; 31-34 & 1 illustration page; Listing of all such cards known to the author. Post Cards of the Russian Empire; Sk1arevski, Rimma; Rossica; 54;

1958; 35-38;

Post Cards of the Russian Empire; Sk1arevsk Continued from #54.

1958; 46-51;

i ,

Rlmma; Rossica; 55;

Russkie tse1 'nye veshchi pervogo perioda (1845-1863 gg.); 1984; 24-46;

Lobachevskii. V.V.; SK; 22;

Scott 1892-93 Catalogue of Pcstage Stamps; (n.a.); 1892-1893; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; 53rd Edition. Only one photocopy page with 1 ;stings of Scott #15-49, and envelopes #s 76-88. Scott 1894 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.}; 1894: The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; 54th Edition. Only one photocopy page wlth stamp 1 istings from Scott #5-57, envelopes #76-77. Scott 1900 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1900; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co .. Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, 1 isting stamps from Scott #12-54 and envelopes #76-108, wrappers 151-152. Scott 1901 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1901; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #5-54 and envelopes #76-108. Scott 1902 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.); 1902; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one ~hotocopy page, listing stamps from Scott #1-54 and envelopes #76-87. Scott 1903 Catalogue of Postage Stamps; (n.a.): 1903; The Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ltd.; Only one photocopy page, 1 isting stamps from Scott #1-54 and envelopes #76-97. Shtempe1 'nye konverty Rossii 1845-1868 godov. Istoricheskaya spravka.; V.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 6; June 1973; V-VII:


Shtempel 'nye konverty Rossi; 1345-1868 gooov. Konverty obshchegosuaarstvennoi pochty.; Lobachevskii, V.; F i 1ateliya SSSR; 12: Dec. 1973; V-V!Il; Continued from #7. Some Additional Data on Postcards and Lettercards of the Russian Empire; Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 25-26; Some More Data on Stamped Envelopes with Advertisements; Faberge, 01eg A.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 26-27; Supplement to Adler's list in.#61. The Russian Post in the Empire, Turkey, China, and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prigara, Sergei Vasil 'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton, Oavid M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol'skom', New York, 1941. Two hardbound copies. Tse1'nye veshchi adresnykh stolov Rossii; B1ekhman, S./Krist;, S.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR;


Imperial Stationery



6; June 1974; 39-43; A listing of the various 'Address Bureau' postcards. Zakrytyya pis'ma s ob'yavleniyami; Schmidt. K.K.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 239-245; Includes a table listing many varieties of advertising letter-sheets.


Catalogs, Russian Stationery Odnostoronnie kartochki s original 'nymi markami; Issues from 15 Jan. to 17 Feb. 1992.




(n.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 52;

Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks




Dopolneniya i utochneniya perechnya mashinnykh reklamno-agitatsionnykh shtempelei SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 45-46; A list of agitprop machine cancels. Iz rukopisi isklyucheny; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya: 10; Oct. 1991; 50-51; Eight special can8els omitted from the 1976 'Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1922-1972' and subsequent updates. Kosmicheskaya filateliya. Katalog-spravochnik.; Gurevich, Ya.B./Shcherbakov, V.I. (comps.); 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Listings of USSR stamps, FDCs and cancels relating to space. Numerous photos, some color. Includes short biographical sketches of Soviet cosmonauts. Original softbound catalog, second edition. Poleznoe iZdanie; Konstantinov, A.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 7; July 1979; 51; Book review of Yakobs' 'Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1973-1976 gg.'. It contains some corrections. Sovetskie spetsia]'nye pochtovye shtempelya v 1969 godu; Feb. 1969; I; Issues from 2 Jan. to 25 Dec. 1969.


Filateliya SSSR; 2;

Soviet Space Catalog; Winick, Lester E.; 1978; Lester E. Winick, Homewood, Illinois; Covers, special cancels, cosmonaut biographies and descriptions of the space vehicles. Original hardbound catalog. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 41; Includes many polar-related special cancels. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 53; Issues from 11 Apr. to 4 May 1974. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 55; Issues from 7 to 21 May 1974.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 54; Issues from Jan. to Feb. 1974.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 52; Issues from 21 Feb. to 17 Mar. 1974. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 50; Issues from 20 Mar. to 10 Apr. 1974. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 26 June to 12 July 1985.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Special cancellation issues from 25 Oct. to 16 Dec. 1989.

1986; 51;


1990; 41-42;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 2-30 June 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1978; 42;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 9 JUly to 6 Sep. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

1 1 ; Nov.

1978; 45 ; Issues

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 25 Sep. to 22 Oct. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 2;


1979; 35;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 17 to 31 Oct. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1979; 36;


Spetslai 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 17 Oct. to 14 Dec. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR: 4; Apr.

1979; 37:


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 1 to 27 Apr. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 7' JUly 1978; 44;


Spetslal 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 20 Apr. to 26 May 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1978; 45;


1976; 39;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya: (n.a.); from 2 Dec. 1975 to 2 Jan. 1976.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 3: Mar.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; 27 Jan. to 13 Mar. 1991.

(n. a. ) ; Fi late] iva;

10 ; Oct.

1991; 28;

Issues from

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; 14 to 31 Mar. 1991.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya;

1 1 ; Nov.

1991; 41 ; Issues from

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 27 Oct. to 3 Dec. 1990.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya; 7;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya;

(n. a. );

July 1991; 40-41 ; Issues

Filateliya; 8; Aug.

1991 ; 41 ; Issues from

Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks 3 to 30 Dec.




Spetsial'nye pochtovve shtempelya: (n.a.); Filateliya: 9; Sep. from 31 Dec. 1990 to 25 Jan. 1991. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 74-75; Issues from 20 Aug. to 25 Sep. 1968.

1991; 40-41;

11-12; Nov.-Dec.

Issues 1968;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; tn.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Issues from 14 Nov. 1968 to 2 Jan. 1969.

1969; 47-48;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; tn.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Issues from 14 Apr. to 22 May 1969.

1969; 47-48;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; (n.a.); Filateliya; 1; Jan. cancels from Mar. to 22 May 1991.

1992; 38-39; Special

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 22 May to 25 June 1991.

(n.a.); Filateliya; 2;


1992; 40-41;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from June to 27 July 1991.

(n.a.); Filateliya; 4' Apr.

1992; 39-40;


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; (n.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 40-41; Issues from 21 Sep. to 11 Oct. 1991. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 10 Nov. to 16 Dec. 1991.

(n.a.); Filateliya; 7; July 1992; 41-42;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovVe shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya dlya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 41; Issues for November and December 1972. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR; SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; VII; Issues from 5 Dec. 1971 to 2 Jan.

(n.a.): 1972.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 46; Issues from 27 July to 23 Sep. 1972. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 46; Issues fr'om 6 Jan. to 24 Mar. 1972 Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; VII-VIII; Issues frorr, 31 Mar. to 21 July 1972. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; Filateliva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 44; Issues for September and October.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; 45; Issues from 7 to 30 Dec. 1972.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 g.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; 43; Issues from 21 Oct. to 18 Nov. 1973. Spetslal'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 gOda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 45; Issues from 13 Sep. to 15 Oct. 1973. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 45-46; Issues from 2 June to 24 JUly 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konver~y oervogo dnva SSSR 1973 goda: (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 43-44: Issues from 25 July to 12 Sep. 1973. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 43; Issues from 25 Nov. to 16 Dec. 1973. Soetsial'nve pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; In.a.): Filateliya SSSFi; 6; JlJne 1973; 43; Issues from 15 Jan. to 9 Fet•. 1973. SpetDial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i Konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a. '; Fllatellva SSSR: 8; Aug. 1973; 43: Issues from '3 Feb. to 22 Apr. 1973. Spetsial'nye pochtovVe shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 10; Oct. 1973; 44-45; Issues from 28 Apr. to 26 June 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya ; konverty pervogo dnya 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 44; Issues from 27 Mar. to 18 Apr. 1973. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempe1va ; konverty pervogo dnya 1975 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 36; Issues from 2 Jan. to 6 Mar.

(n.a.); 1975.

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya 1975 goda;




Soviet Postmarks

Filateliya SSSR;


JUly 1975;


07/13/93 35;

Issues from

18 Mar.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya Ministerstva svyazi 7' JUly 1985; 47; Issues from 12 Dec. to 28 Dec.

SSSR; 1984.

to 18 Apr. (n.a.);



Filateliya SSSR;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Listing of special cancels from 19 Aug. 1989 to 20 Sep. 1989.


1990; 37-38;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR: (n.a.); Issues from 17 Sep. to 17 Oct. 1982.

Filateliya SSSR;



1983; 38-39;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 June to 25 JUly 1984.

Filateliya SSSR;



1985; 45-46;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 31 May to 26 June 1985.

Fi latel iya SSSR;




Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 34-37; Issues from 2 June to 23 July 1983.

Fi latel iya SSSR;




(n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; to 13 May 1990.




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 52-53; Issues from 20 Jan. to 25 Feb. 1986.




Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 5 Apr. to 22 Apr. 1985.

Fi latel iya SSSR;




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 40-41; Issues of 9 May, 'hero-cities'.

Filateliya SSSR;




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 48-50; Issues from 16 Apr. to 11 May 1985.

Filateliya SSSR;




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 50-51; Issues from 27 Feb. to 27 Mar. 1986.




Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 39-40; Issues from 10 May to 22 June 1990.

Filatel iya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 14 May to 28 May 1985.


Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.



Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 27 Mar. to 12 Apr. 1986.

Fi latel iya SSSR;





Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; 39-41; Special cancels from 6 Mar.



Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 2' Special cancels appearing from 30 Sep. 1989 to 18 Oct. 1989.


1990; 39;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 10 Oct. to 17 Nov. 1982.

Fi latel iya SSSR;




Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 1 Aug. to 23 Aug. 1984.

Fi latel iya SSSR;



1985; 49-50;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 13 Nov. to 19 Dec. 1982.

Filatel iya SSSR;

3; Mar.

1983; 36-37;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Special cancels from 13 to 29 Oct.

In.a.); 1989.

Filateliya SSSR;

3; Mar.

1990: 39;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 1 Sep. to 10 Sep. 1984.

Filateliya SSSR;

3; Mar.



Spetsial 'nye POc~ltovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 17 JUly to 15 Aug. 1985.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

3: Mar.



Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 12 to 30 Dec. 1982.


Filateliya SSSR;



1983; 36-37;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye sntempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 12 Sep. to 12 Oct. 1984.

Filateliya SSSR;




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues. from 23 Aug. to 22 Sep. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR;



1986; 53-55;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 5 Jan. to 17 Feb. 1983.

Filateliya SSSR;





Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Special cancels from 3 Dec. 1989 to 27 Jan. 1990.








Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 12 Oct. to 20 Nov. 1984.



Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 43-45;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempe~ya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1990; 40; Special cancels from 28 0an. to 27 Feb. 1990. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985; 47; Issues from 26 Nov. to 5 Dec. 1984. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 24 Sep. to 19 Oct. 1985.

Filatel iya SSSR; 6'

June 1986; 54-55;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 Feb. to 26 Apr. 1983.

Filateliya SSSR; 7;

JUly 1983: 36-37;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 24 Oct. to 20 Nov. 1985.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 7'

July 1986; 55;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 12 Apr. to 12 May 1983.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1983; 38-40;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 22 Jan. to 25 Feb. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug.

1985; 48-49;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 29 Nov. to 25 Dec. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug.

1986; 52-53;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 May to 20 June 1983.

Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep.

1983; 42-43;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 21 Feb. to 4 Apr. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1985; 46-47;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep. Issues from 30 Dec. 1985 to 13 Jan. 1986.

1986; 57-58;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 Aug. to 29 Sep. 1981.

Filateliya SSSR;

1982; 36-37;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 38-39: Issues from 7 May to 25 May 1982.





10; Oct.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 40-41: Issues from 15 May 1:0 24 June 1981.

10; Oct.


Spet:sial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 36-39; Issues from 28 May to 16 Aug. 1982.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 44-45; Issues from 16 May to 23 JUly 1981.

11; Nov.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 42-43; Issues from 20 Aug. to 17 Sep. 1982.

12; Dec.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 15 July to 12 Aug. 1981.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

12; Dec.

1981; 45;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 2 Dec. 1981 to 20 Jan.

Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1982; 36-37;

(n.a.); 1982.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 Jan. to 10 Feb. 1982.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 36;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from Apr. to 15 May 1981.


Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1981; 35-36;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; tn.a.); Issues from 30 Mar. to 7 May 1982.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1982; 47-49;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 49-50; Issues fl'om 2 tc 17 Apr. 1988.

Fi"leteliya SSSR;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 23 June to 16 July 1990.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;


1991; 38;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 20 July to 25 Aug. 1990.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1991; 38;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 28 Nov. 1975 to 31 Jan. 1976.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 4' Apr.

1976; 25;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR;

Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr.

1991; 40;


12; Dec.


Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks Issues from 26 Aug.

to 18 Sep.





Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iVa SSSR; 5' May 1991; 38-39; Issues from 20 Sep. to 28 Oct. 1990. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; Issues from 5 Sep. to 27 Oct. 1968. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 10 to 18 Apr. 1969.

1 . Jan.

1969; 46-47;

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 47-48;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 7' June 1969; 48; Issues from 17 Feb. to 23 Mar. 1969. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 4 Mar. to 7 May 1968.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Yakobs, V.; III-IV; Issues from 20 Jan. to 17 Mar. 1971.

1968; 46-47;

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR (sentyabr'-oktyabr') 1967 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968; 46; Issues from 19 Sep. to 27 Oct.

(n.a.); 1967.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1922-1972 gg. Katalog-Spravochnik; Yakobs, V.A.; 1976; Svyaz', Moscow; Original catalog. Hardbound. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1966 g. Avgust-oktyabr'.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1967; 26-27 & back cover; Issues from 4 Aug. to 28 Oct. 1966. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1966 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug. 1966; 37-38; Issues from 1 Jan. to 28 Apr. 1966. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1966 goda; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5' Nov. 1966; 41 & back cover; Issues from 5 May to 31 JUly 1966. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1966 goda. Noyabr'-dekabr'.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1967; 26; Issues from 7 Nov. to 6 Dec.

(n.a.); 1966.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 god (sentyabr'); 12; Dec. 1967; 33; Issues from 2 to 24 Sep. 1967.

Filateliya SSSR;


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 goda; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1967; 19-20 & outside back cover; Issues from 4 June to 23 JUly 1967.

11; 路Nov.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5: May 1968; 47; Issues from 6 Nov. to 29 Dec. 1967. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 goda; (n.a.); 1967; 30 & back cover; Issues from 1 Jan. to 28 Dec. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 goda; 1967; 30; Issues from Apr. to 30 May 1967.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1967 goda. (Mart - aprel ,); (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1967; 29; Issues from 22 Mar. to 17 Apr. 1967. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1968 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1968; 45-46; Issues from 7 May to 6 Aug. 1968.

10; Oct.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1968 goda; (n.a.); 1969; 47; Issues from 29 Oct. to Nov. 26,1968.

Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1968 goda; (n.a.); 1968; 46-47; Issues from 1 Jan. to 27 Feb. 1968.

Filateliya SSSR; 7; July

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1969 gada; (n.a.): 1969; 4 7 -48; Issues from 24 May to 1:; Oct. 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1969 goda; (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR; 1969; 47-48; Issues from 21 June to 27 Sep. 1969.

12; Dec.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1969 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 48; Issues from 1 Jan. to 13 Feb. 1969. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1969 gOda; Yakobs, V.; Apr. 1970; 47-48; Issues from 25 Oct. to 30 Dec. 1969.

Filateliya SSSR; 4;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1970 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; III-IV; Issues from 2 Feb. to 29 Mar. 1970. Spetsial 'nye pocntovye shtempelya SSSR 1970 gada (sentyabr'-oktyabr'); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; IV; Issues from 10 Sep. to 21 Oct.

(n.a.); 1970.



Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 g.; VII; :ssues from 16 Aug. to 29 Nov. 1971.


Fi latel lya SSSR; 5; May 1972;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 g.; 1971; 46; Issues from 1970 and 1971.


Fi latel iVa SSSR; 9; Sep.

Spetsial 'ny~ pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 god (iy~l '-avgust); (n.a.); SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 15; Issues from 19 JUly to 26 Aug. 1971.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 goda; (n.a.); 1971; III; Issues from 29 May to 29 June 1971.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Spe":sial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 goda; (n.a.); 1971; II-III; Issues from 21 June to JUly 26 1971.

Filateliya SSSR;


Spetslal'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1971 goda (oktyabr'); Yakobs, V.; SSSR; 3; Mar. 1972; 44; Issues from 4 Oct. to 1 Nov. 1971. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1973-1976 gg. V.A.; 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Original catalog.



Katalog-Spravochnik; Yakobs,

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1975 goda; (r.a.); 1975; 35; Issues from 20 May to 16 June 1975.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1975 goda; (n.a.); 1975; 31; Issues from 14 June to 20 July 1975.

Filatel iva SSSR;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1975 goda; (n.a.); 1976; 34-35; Issues from 15 JUly to 25 Nov. 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1976 goda; 1976; 27; Issues from 4 to 30 JUly 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;


Nov. Feb. Oct.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1977-1980 gg. Katalog-Spravochnik; Yakobs, V.A.; 1982; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow; Original catalog. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1978 goda; 1978; 39; Issues from 1 to 31 Mar. 1978.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1979 g.; (n.a.); 1980; 34-35; Issues from 1 Oct. to 1 Nov. 1979. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1979 goda; 1980; 3 i ; Issues from 1-7 Jul y 1979.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June

Fllateliya SSSR; 7; July


Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1979 goda; (n.a.); 1930; 48-49; Issues from 13 July to 2 Sep. 1979.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1980 g.; 1980; 38-40; Issues from 4 Mar. to 25 Apr.


Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1980 g.; (n.a.); 1980; 44-47; Issues from 28 Apr. to 27 June 1980.

Filateliya SSSR;


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1982 g.; (n.a.); 1982; 40-41; Issues from 16 Feb. to 22 Mar. 1982.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.



Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR. 1967 god.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; 1968; 45-47; Issues from 19 Oct. to 7 Nov. 1967. plus July-Aug.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR,

1962 goda;

Yakobs, V.; SK;




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR.

1963 goda:

Yakobs, V.;




Spetsial 'rye pochtovye shte.mpelyu SSSR,

1964 goda;

Yakobs, V . SK; 3;



Spetsial 'rye pochtovye shtempeiya SSSR.

1965 goda;

Yakobs, V . SK.; 4;




Spe路csic.l'ryl? pochtovye shtempe1ya 197e g.; (n.a.j; III-VI; Issues fro'll 15 Apr. to 21 July 1970.

Filateliya SSSR;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1975 g.; Issues from 18 Apr. to 12 May 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


11: Nov.

Spetsial'nye pochtoyye shtempelya 1976 goda; 30; Issues from 8 Sep. to 31 Oct. 1976.


Filateliya SSSR;


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 25; Issues from 3 to 27 Aug. 1976.


Filateliya SSSR;


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda;


Filateliya SSSR; 2;

1970; 1975; 41;

Jan. Nov. Feb.

1977; 1976; 1977;

Catalogs, Soviet Postmarks 29:

Issues from 4 to 30 Nov.





Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 21; Issues from 8 to 30 Mar. 1976.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; (n.a.); 31; Issues from 24 Feb. to 23 Apr. 1976.

Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1976; Filateliya SSSR; 7'

JUly 1976;

Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 28; Issues from 5 May to 6 June 1976.

(n. a. ) ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 35; Issues from 1 June to 3 JUly 1976.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976-1977 godov; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 34; Issues from 9 Dec. 1976 to 25 Jan. 1977. Includes 12 river vessel cancels. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; 37; Issues from 1 to 20 Oct. 1977.


Filateliya SSSR;



Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempe~ya 1977 goda; (n.a.); 34-36; Issues from 24 June to 28 Sep. 1977.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

12; Dec.

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 gada; (n.a.); 35; Issues from 18 Oct. to 27 Nov. 1977.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;

1978; 1977;



Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 31 ; Issues from 15 Nov. 1977 to 1 Jan. 1978.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; 31 ; Issues from 9 Feb. to 25 Mar. 1977.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug. 39; Issues from 24 Mar. to 5 June 1977 .


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; 31 ; Issues from 24 May to 29 June 1977.

(n. a. ) ; F"ateliya SSSR; 9' Sep.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1978 god. ; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug. 32; Issues from 1 1 Dec. 1978 to 30 Jan. 1979.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1978 goda; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 38-39; Issues from 26 Aug. to 25 Sep. 1978.

12 ; Dec.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1978 goda; 31 ; Issues from 26 Dec. 1977 to 28 Feb.

(n.a. ); 1978.

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979 goda; 35; Issues from 1 Apr. to 23 May 1979.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979 goda; 43; Issues from 1 to 27 June 1979.

(n. a. ) ; Filate1iya SSSR;

1 1 ; Nov.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979 goda; 32; Issues from 20 Feb. to 1 Apr. 1979.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep.

Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1978;

Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979-1980 g.g.; (n.a.); 1980; 40-41; Issues from 25 Aug. to 30 Sep. 1979.

Filateliya SSSR; 6;

Spetsial'nye shtempelya SSSR 1970 gada; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. I I - I I I; Issues from 24 Oct. to 26 Dec. 1970.




The 1963 Schedule for Special Cancellations; (n.a.); Rossiea; 65; 1963; 52-53; Cronin. Andrew; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled' #2. 1963. Udmurtiya v filate1ii SSSR. Katalog-spravochnik.; (n.a.'" 1986; Udmurtskoe respublikanskoe agentstvo 'SoyuzpeenBt": Origlnal softbound handbook of Soviet postal issues and postmarks with an Udmurt theme.


Catalogs, Soviet Stamps



Betrachtungen zum Neuen Sowjetischen Briefmarken-Kata10g 1918-1980; Schneider, J.; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 49-50; Bumaga kremovaya, fon palevyi ... ; Tep10v, F.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 3; Mer. 1990; 44-45; The author calls for a standard approach to ldentifying paper color in catalog aescriptions, and presents three tables to illustrate his poin~. Catalog Confusion; Shal imoff, George; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 55-60; The two varieties of the 1956 'Eivazov' issue - Scott's #s 1860 and 1860a. Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6; dune 1985; 40; A brief listing of the various Soviet stamp catalog edltions, and a complete list of those postage stamps issued in small-sheet format. Chto pochem?; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya; 2; Feb. 1992; 28; Current prices for some USSR stamps on the Moscow Izmailovo market as of 18 Nov. 1991. Chto pochem?; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya; 3; Mar. 1992; 39; Prices for selected Soviet stamps on the Philatelic Market at Moscow Izmai10vo as of 13 Jan. 1992. Chto pochem?; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 41; Pr'ices for selected Soviet stamps and blocks on the Moscow Izmailovo philatelic market. Collecting Holes. Part I. Partially Imperforate Errors.; Eppe1. Pat; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 6-23; Includes an extensive 1 ist of partially imperforate errors and a bibliography. Comments on A. Prado's 'The 1935 Soviet Price List'; Sk1arevski, Rimma; Rossica; 64; 1963; 61-62; Notes on the 1939-41 price list. Criticism of the 1955 Soviet Catalog; Negus, James; BJRP; 24; Sep.

1958; 801;

Die Marken der Transkaukasischen Sozial istischen Foederativen Sowjet Repub1 ik (Z.S.F.S.R.).; (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 28-29; 'Raaio de Fi1 intern' was published under the same cover with 'Sovetskli f1latelist'. Catalog of Transcaucasus stamps. Dopo1nyaya kata10g; vypuski 1961 goda; Kar1inskii, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 46-48; Additions to the Soviet stamp catalog from the 10th Standard ISSUe of 1961. Dopolnyaya katalog: vypuski 1962-1963 gg.; Karl inski i, V.; Fi late1 iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 48-50; Corrections and additions to the Soviet stamp catalog for issues of 1962 and 1963. Erstagsbriefe und Ihre Daten; Schmenke1, Horst; ZRSP; 35; Sep. issue dates in catalogs with first-day-cover dates.

1984; 61; Compares

po1uchaet otvet; Churakov, K./Makarov, O.K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Dec. 1966; 41; The Chief o~ the MS SSSR's Main Postal Administration answers a reader's question about 'What is considered a block of stamps?' Informatsionnyj spravochnik kollektsionera. Vypusk NO.1. Raznovidnosti pochtovykh marok SSSR ne ukazannye v kataloge TsFA.; Vlasenko, V.V.: 1990; Fond miloserd'ya i zdorov'ya USSR, Kiev; Jncatalogued varieties of Soviet stamps, the majority of which are raster varletles. Original softbound catalog. Izmeneniya i dopo1neniya k I tomu 'Kata10ga-spravochnika otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty'; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya; 7; JUly 1991; 185-'188; Additions and corrections to the Handbook, K pereizdaniyu kata10ga pochtovykh marok; Biryachev, M.A.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 31; The author contests the SFA assertion that the 7,500R on 250R from Vyaz'ma is a fake. K russkim kollektsioneram: Pashkov, B./et al.; Sovetskil fl1atel ist; 3-4; NOv.-Dec. 1922; 28; A call to Russlan collectors to participate in the compila~ion of a Russian stamp catalog. Kata10g pochtovykh marok RSFSR i SSSR; Modestov. V.V.: 1933; SFA prl Komissi i VTsIK po Fondu 1m. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Original softbound catalog. NO LOAN OUT. Kata10g pochtovykh marok SSSR; Chumakov, A.S. catalog.


Kata10g pochtovykh marok SSSR - 1984; Spivak, M.I. Moscow; Original catalog, softbound. Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR - 1986; Spivak, M.l.; Original catalog, softbound. Kata10g pochtovykh marok SSSR -

1987; Spivak, M.l.

1948; KOGIZ, Moscow; Original


1985; Soyuzpechat',

1987; Soyuzpechat', Moscow; (comp.);

1988; Direktsiya po

Catalogs, Soviet Stamps




izdaniyu i ehkspedirovaniyu znakov pochtovoi oplaty, Moscow; Original catalog, softbound. Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR - 1988; Spivak, M.I. (comp.); 1989; Oirektsiya po izdaniyu i ehkspedirovaniyu znakov pochtovoi oplaty, Moscow; Original catalog, softbound. Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1969; Ginzburg, M.E./Spivak, M.I. Soyuzpecha,', Moscow; Original hardbound catalog.



Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1974 gg.; Ginzburg, M./Spivak, M. Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Original catalog.



Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1980 gg.; Spivak. M.I. (comp.); Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Two volumes. Vol. I - 1918-1969. Vol.

1983; II - 1970-1980.

Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1981; Spivak, M. I . (ed. ) ; 1982; Radio i Svyaz' , Moscow; Original catalog. Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1982; Spivak, M.1. 1982 issues, price 1 i st.

(ed. ) ; 1983; Radio i Svyaz' . Moscow;

Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1985; Spivak, M.1. Original catalog.

(ed. ) ; 1986; Soyuzpecha t ' , Moscow;

Katalog pochtovykh marok SSSR 1990; (n.a.); 1991; Ministerstvo svyazi SSSR, IZdatel'sko-torgovyi tsentr 'Marka', Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Katalog SFA dolzhen byt' edinym; Popov, 8.M.; SK; 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 59-60; The author argues that the SFA catalogs should be united into one catalog, especial'y the zemstvo section. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi Oplat1; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 129-144 insert; Filatel iva SSSR, Moscow; Postage stamp and revenue stamp usage from 1918-1921, including postmaster provisionals. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. Pochtovye marki SSSR 1923-1991 gg.; (n.a.); Filatellya; 5; May 1992; 13-28; Issues from Aug. 1923 to Oct. 1928. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennyk~ znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki Respub'lik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 185-192; Continued from 1991 #12. Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated SOViet Republic (ZSFSR) . Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VIII. Pochtovye marki Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana.; Ustinovskii, V./Turchinskii, YU./Pevzner, A.; Filateliya; 2; Feb. 1992; 1-12; Listings of Bukhara, Khorezm, Kazakhstan, postmaster provisionals of Central Asia, and Imperial revenues used as postage. Katelog-spravochnik pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1991; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 29-36; Continued from #6. Issues from Oct. 1927 to Mar. 1934. Includes additions and errata for the second volume. Katalog-spravochnik pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1991; Kabanov, M.D./Markhasin, G.V. (comp.); Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 1-12; The catalog covers early RSFSR stamps from Nov. 1918 to May 1923. Katalogizatsiya marok vozdushnoi pochty; Arkhangel'skii, 1938; 118-127; InclUdes pricing.

E.; Rossica; 30; Mar.-Apr.

Kosmicheskaya filateliya. Katalog-spravochnik.; Gurevich, Ya.B./Shcherbakov, V.I. (comps.); 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Listings of USSR stamps. FDCs and cancels relating to space. Numerous photos, some color. IncluOes short biographical sketches of Soviet cosmonauts. Original softbound catalog, second edition. Kriteri i rasnovidnostei; Radchuk, L./et al.; Fi late, iya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 26-27; Letters from three individuals concerning the question of what is and i~ not a stamp variety. Listaya preiskurant; Korolev, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 43; The author points out some inaccuracies and omissions in the 1982 Soviet 'Preiskurant No. 133-20' . Marki sovetskikh respublik; Raevskii, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 9-13; A listing of stamps issued by Soviet republics other than the RSFSR. Includes those of Soviet Hungary. Minkus Romania & Russia Stamp Catalog; Tlamsa, George A. (ed.); Publications, Inc., New York; Original softbound catalog. Mysli starogo filatelista; Moskvich; Sovetskii filatelist;

1961; Minkus

11-12; NOV.-Dec.


Catalogs, Soviet Stamps




21-22; V.I. Ryabinin's comments on and criticisms of Chuchin's organization and its catalog. NashCl novaya pobeda; Rozo\' , S.; Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 13-14; A crowing article on the 'surrender' of the Senf catalog in 'recognizing' Soviet Russia. Novyi katalog S.P.A.; Manzhelei, SFA's 4th edition.

S.; Ressica;

13; Sep.


14-20; Comments on the

Nuzhna obshchaya klassifikatsiya; Teplov F.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 50-51; Two types of the 1951-issue '5th Anniversary of M.I. Ka11nin's Death'.


pervom vypuske sovetskikh pochtovykh marok 1918 goda; Nuromskii, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1972; VII; The 'newly-discovered' Chalnbreaker stamps perceived as Soviet issues - a price list issued in Arkhangel 'sk in 1922 had it right.

Ot zybkoi grant - k prochnoi granitse; Andreev, A.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 6-7; An explanation of the difference between 'postal blocks' and small souvenir sheets. Philately and Commerce; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; NOv.-Dec. 1923; 1-6; Chuchin's attack in Russian and broken Eng1 ish on some of the leading Western stamp firms and their treatment of various Soviet and Civil War stamps. Pochtovye mark i SSSR - Katalog 1955; Mil 'kin, M.!Chumakov, A./Shirokov, A. (comps.); 1955; Ministerstvo kul'tury SSSR, Moscow; Original catalog. Stamps from 1921 to 1955. Pochtovye marki SSSR. (1918-1968); Karachun, O./Karlinskii, V. 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original catalog. Pochtovye marki SSSR,

1962 goda;

(n.a.): SK:







Popov'S Article; Sklarevski. Rimma; Rossica; 64; 1963; 62-63; Various iss~e dates for C6-9 in Soviet catalogs. Reproduces the 30 April 1924 circular of the NKPT for th1S issue, and mainta1ns that C6-9 were issued in early May, not June. Postage Stamps of the USSR; (n.a.); 1955; Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Hardbound, price list from Scott #734 to 1551 and beyond. Preiskurant pochtovykh marok na 1924-25 gg.; Oct. 1924; 20-21;

(n.a.); Sovetskii filatellst;

10 (26);

Preiskurant No. 133-20, roznichnye tseny na ko11ektsionnye pochtovye mark; SSSR (1918-1980); (n.e.); 1981; Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Price 11st corrEsponds with 1980 catalog. Price List, 1939-1941; (n.a.); original. NO LOAN OUT!

1941: Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Softbound

Pridumannye redkosti; Skrylev, A.; Fl1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 39-40; The author disagrees with Kristi's conclusions in #1 about the 'rarity' of imperforate Soviet stamps, beginning with the 35k 'Chainbreaker'. He argues that they are essentiaily unoff1ciai issues, proofs that escaped. Razdum'ya nad katalogom; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; comments on the 1976 Yvert et Tellier catalog.

12; Dec.

1976; 50; Serngard's

Rossiya v kataloge Ivera 1924 g.: Krenke, V.; Sovetskii filateli!::t; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923: 16; Comments on the 1 istings for various Soviet and Civil War stamps in the 1924 Yvert catalog. Russian Stamp Finder; Ian, Russell; 1975; Russell Ian, ROCKVi lle, Maryland; A system based on visual features of the stamps, which allows one to find any Russian stamp between Scott's #242 and 4161. Softcound original. dea~

Scott 1931 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; with Russia and related areas.


1931; Onl'.' these pages

Scott 1963 Standard I'ostage Stamp Ca',alogue: dea 1 i ng with Russia and related areas.

(r.. a. );




1963; Only trIose pages

Scott 1965 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 i ng wi th Russia and r'el ated areas.

(n. a. );


1965; Only those pages

Scott 1967 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; dea 1 i ng wi th Russia and related areas.

(n. a. ) ; 2 ; 1967; Only those pages

Scott 1968 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1968; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1969 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue;



1968; Only those pages


Catalogs, Soviet Stamps




dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1970 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 2; 1970; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1973 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; deal ~ng with Russia and related areas.

(n.a.); 2;

1973; Only those pages

Scott 1974 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1974; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1975 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 3; 1975; Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1977 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1977; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing With Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1978 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1978; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are inclUded. Scott 1979 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1979; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are inclUded. Scott 1980 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1980; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1981 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue; (n.a.); 4; 1981; Listings for countries P-Z. Only those pages dealing with Russia and related areas are included. Scott 1991 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Scott Publishing Co., Sidney, OH.; Shaw, George; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 56; Increases and decreases in catalog values for Imperial and Soviet stamps. Snezhnyi kom raznovidnostei; Yudin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 40; More discussion about the place of varieties in philately and its catalogs. SOViet Postage Stamp Plan fOf' 1989; (n.a.); Rossica; 112; 1988; Richard A.; Translated from 'Filatel iya SSSR' #7, 1988.

14-16; Oallair,

Soviet Postage Stamps - 1964; (n.a.); 1964; Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; for 1964 stamps, wi~h black-and-white photos.

Price list


Postage Stamps - 1965; (n.a.); 1965; vlo Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Price list in English, With black-and-white photos, Scott and Yvert et Tell ier #'s.

SOViet Postage Stamps - 1980; (n.a.); 1980; v/o Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Price list in English, With color photos, Scott and Yvert et Tellier #'s. SOViet Postage Stamps - 1981; (n.a.); 1981; v/o Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Price I ist in Engl ish, with color photos, Scott and Yvert et Tell ier #'s. SOViet Postage Stamps - 1983; (n.a.); 1983; vlo Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Price list in English, with color photos and Yvert et Tellier #'s. Soviet Postage Stamps. Postage Stamps Issued in 1961-1963.; (n.a.); 1963; v/o Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, Moscow; Price list with black-and-white photos, Scott and Yvert et Tellier catalog Is. Softbound original. SOViet Stamp Catalogs; Negus, James; BJRP; 27; 1960; 41-45; Brief discussion of the 1927, 1933, 1948, 1951 and 1955 catalogs, and a critique of the 1955. Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue. Part 10. Russia.; (n.a.); Sep. 1991; Stanley Gibbons PUblications, Ltd., London and Ringwood; Fourth edition, original softbound catalog. Contains listings for all Russian-related areas. Tainy starykh katalogov; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 18-19; Digging around in early SOViet catalogs for information not readily available in the USSR today. Tayny starykh katalogov; Karlinskii, Continued from #10.


Fiiateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1967; 37-39;

The Postage Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated Soviet Republ ic; Radio de Filintern; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 28-29;


The Rehabilitation of Stamps in the USSR; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 65-67; Allen, Scott; Translated from 'Novoe Russkoe Slovo', 24 May 1970. Issues which appeared and disappeared in Soviet catalog listings over the years. The Small Current Stamps; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 66; 1964; 27-30; Catalogs the different printings of the definitives from 1939-1956. The Stamps of the Russian Socialistic Federated Soviet Republic; Sklarevski, Rimma;

Catalogs, Soviet Stamps Rossica; 66;




1964; 40-44;

The Stamps of the Russian Social istic Feder'ated Soviet Republic; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 67; 1964; 67-75; Continued from #66. The Standard Issues of the Soviet Union; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 58; Checklist of 8 kop. surcharged stamps.

1960; 44-45;

The 1940 KOGIZ Price-List of Stamps for Collectors; cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 4-12; Reproduces the Kussian text of the 1940 1 isting, and poses a question about the distribution of the 'd-k' CTO postmark. Tipy 3-I'ublevykh marok pRrvogo standartnogo vypuska; Skrylev, A.; Filatellya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 37-38; Two varietles of the 3R 'small heads' issue, and a discussion of the way the then current Sovlet catalog treats it. Tseny v katalogakh; Vladinets, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1990; 54-55; The writer comments on the general stagnation or decline of interest in Eastern European stamps, as well as catalog values. Udmurtiya v filete1;i SSSR. Katalog-spravochnlk. (n.a.); 1986; Udmurtskoe respuOlikanskoe agentstvo 'Soyuzpechat"; Original softbound handbook of Soviet postal issues and postmarks with an Udmurt theme. Utochneniya k katalogu; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 51; The author argues that the 1976 Soviet catalog is wrong wnen it asserts that stamp 1 1 l1ever saw use. V chern kriterii? (Pis'mo s kommentariem); Mironov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 27-29; A debate over how much and what kind of a shift is necessary to call something a true stamp or overprint variety. Zeppelinpost und Luftschiffbriefmarken der UdSSR; Lukanc, I.; 1975; Lukanc, Zurich; Original, softbound. Stamps, cancels and covers with price 1 ist. 2-e dopolnenie; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; Updates to the 1924 Chuchin catalog.

10 (26); Oct.


inside front cover;


Soviet Stationery




Bildpostkarten-Katalog Sowjetunion 1917-1945; Bartmann, Richard; 1984; Dr. Richard Bartmann, Erlangen, West Germany; Photocopy, potpourri of various picture postcards (290 on 92 pp.). Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem: (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 32; An explanation of what the 'MTG' and tne dates 1969 or 1975 stand for on the 'Russian Folk Tales' series of 1969 and another in 1975, plus why the numeration of issues sometimes varies in Soviet stationery catalogs. Dopolneniya k katalogu; Pantyukhin, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; Additions to Listov's catalog 'Markirovannye poct1tovye kartochki 1923-1979 gg.', Moscow, 1982.

48-50; SSSR.

Dvustoronnie pochtovye kartochki; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977; listing of two-sided postcards with illustrations of writers. Dvustoronnie pochtovye kartochki; Continued from #5.


Filateliya SSSR;

JUly 1977;



30-32; 32-35;

Eshche raz 0 kataloge konvertov; L'vov, A.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 24; The author corrects inaccuracies or omissions in the 'Katalog khudozhestvennykh markirovannykh konvertov SSSR'. From the History of Russian Postal Stationery (The 'Closed Let- ter' or 'Sekretka'); Myakota. Yu.; Rossica; 112; 1988; 42-48; Carson, Michael J.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #12, 1983. Illyustrirovannye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 1972; V-VI; Issues from 7 Oct. 1971 to 20 Apr. Illyustrirovannye pochtovye kartochki; (n.a.); Issues from 25 Feb. to 5 Aug. 1969.

(n.a.); 1972.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

Filateliya SSSR;

3; Mar. Jan.





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); (1nsert pages); Issues of June 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;


Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 4 Aug. 1969 to 1 Apr. 1970.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.



Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (l1.a.); Issues from 8 Jan. to 28 Feb. 1969.

Fllateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.



Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 19 Oct. 1969 to 20 May 1970.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.



Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 21 Mar. to 6 May 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.



Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 19 Apr. 1969 to 1 Jul y 1970.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.



Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 28 Feb. to 30 June 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 30 Oct. 1968 to 6 Jan. 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Issues from 16 Dec. 1968 to 28 Aug. 1969.





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); . Issues from 31 Jan. to 2 Oct. 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;


June 1970;


Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 11 Apr. to 26 Nov. 1969.

Filateliya SSSR;





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Filate!iya SSSR; Issues from 12 Apr. 1968 to 31 Jan. 1969.


June 1969;




Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; center pages (unnumbered); Issues from 12 Apr. 1968 to 10 Feb. 1969.

first 2

Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 19 Mar. to 22 Dec. 1969.

Fi latel iya SSSR;





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye konverty; (n.a.); Issues from 6 Jan. 1969 to 25 Feb. 1970.

Filateliya SSSR;





Illyustrirovannye pochtovye otkrytki, vypuskaemye Ministerstvom svyazi SSSR; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 17; Issues from 26 Jan. to 26 June 1968. Izdatel'stva







Filateliya SSSR;


10; Oct.


Catalogs, Soviet Stationery



1976; 57-59; A listing of PPCs issued by two Soviet printing firms - Planeta and Avrora - for 1977. Izdatel'stvo 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo' - filoka~tistam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1978; 58-60; A listing of PPC issues from 'Izobra7.itel'noe iskusstvo' in 1978. Kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Apr. 1978.

10: Oct.

1978: 42;

Issues from 3 Mar.

to 12

Katalog konvertov pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumov 1968-1974; Spivak, Nell i Konstantinovna (comp.): 1975; TsFA Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Softbound original catalog. Numerous photographs. Katalog konvertov pervogo dnya i Kartmaksimumov 1984-1986; Maksimenko, Natal iva Mikhailovna (comp.); 1989; OIEhZPO, Minsvyazi SSSR, Moscow; Original softbound catalog listing FOCs and maximum cards issued from 1984 to 1986. Katalog. Konverty pervago dnya i kartmaksimumy 1968-1979.; Spivak, M.I./Spivak, N.K.; 1981; Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Original catalog. FOCs and maximum cards. Katalog. Odnostoronnie pochtovye karochki s original'nymi markami 1971-1988; Maksimenko, N.M. (comp.); 1990; Izdatel'sko-torgovyi tsentr 'Marka' Ministerstva svyazi SSSR, Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Combines and updates the series in 'Fi latel iva SSSR'. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty s markoi nominaloM 40 kopeek; Bronshtein, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 50-51; The author lists 21 40kop. cacheted envelopes issued in 1954 and 1961. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR. Katalog-spravochnik 1974-1976.; Orlov, V.A./Orlov, N.V.; 1980; Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR. Katalog-spravochnik 1977-1979.; Orlov, V.A./Orlov, N.V. (comps.); 1982; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Kt1udozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR. Katalog-spravochnik 1980-1981.; Orlov. V.A./Orlov, N.V. (comp.); 1984; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound catalog of cacheted postal envelopes issued from 1980 to 1981. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty, posvyashchennye XXVI S'ezdu KPSS; Myakota, YU.l Filateliya SSSR: 11; Nov. 1981; 50; A listing of the 16 envelopes commemorating the 26th Congress of the Communist Party. Konverty pervogo dnya; (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR; Oec. 1984 to 2 ~eb. 1985.

1; Jan.

Konverty pervogo dnya; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. June to 10 Sep. 1982.

1986; 48; FOC issues from 12 1983; 40-41;

Issues from 24

Konverty pervogo dnya; to 12 Sep. 1984.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985; 45;

Issues from 15 Aug.

Konverty pervogo dnya; tc 12 Sep. 1984.

(n.a.); Fllatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.

1985; 43;

Issues from 15 Aug.

Konverty pervogo dnya; to 16 Aug. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

1; Jan.

1978; 36; Issues from 15 July

Konverty pervogo dnya: Oct. 1976.


3: Mar.

1977: 29; FOC issues of 10

Konverty pervogo dnya; JUly 1976.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 4; Apr.

1977; 35;

Konverty pervogo dnya; Dec. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1978; 45; FOC issues of 30

Konverty pervcgo dnya; w,ar. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977: 35; FOC issues of 16

Konverty pervogo dnya; to 25 Jan. 1982

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 35; FOC issues from 12

Konverty pervogo dnya; 25 Feb. 1982.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1982; 35-36;

Issues from 1 to

Konverty pervogo dnya; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 24 Mar. to 24 Apr. 1978.

1978; 36-37;

FOG issues from

Konverty pervogo dnya;

1978; 34; FOC 'undated'

Filate1 iva SSSR:

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

FOC issues of 15

Catalogs, Soviet Stationery




issues, plus the 17 May 1978 issues. Konverty pervogo dnya; Feb. 1976.


Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1976; 32;

Konverty pervogo dnya; to 23 dune 1976.


Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Issues from 2 to 4

1976; 28;

Issues from 12 May

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1983; 35; FDC issues from 4 June to 15 June 1982, maximum cards from 4 to 10 June 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 1 Aug. to 14 Sep. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1986; 57;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1986; 49-50; Issues from 14 Sep. to 20 Nov. 1985. Maximum cards issued on 14 Sep. 1985. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. FDC issues from 20 Sep. to 4 Dec., maximum cards on 20 Nov. 1984. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 3 Apr. to 22 Apr. 1984.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;


1985; 48-49; 1985; 43;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Issues from 23 Feb. to 12 Apr. 1985.

1986; 49-50;

Konverty pervogo dnya 1984 issues.

1985; 50; May


(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 29 May to 15 Aug. 1984.

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 41-42;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 42; FDC issues from 17 Sep. to 12 Oct. 1982, maximum cards from 22 Sep. to 25 Oct. 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1986; 51-53; Issues from 16 Apr. to 26 June 1985. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 36-37; FDC issues from 25 Nov. to 29 Dec. 1982, maximum cards of 25 Nov. 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Issues from 4 JUly to 25 JUly 1985. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; FDC issues from 5 Jan. to 10 Mar. 1983.

1986; 49;

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 40-41; 1983, maximum cards from 5 Jan. to 17 Feb.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; FDC issues of 24 June 1977, maximum cards of 24 June 1917.

10; Oct.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. FDC issues from 18 Mar. to 16 May 1980, maximum cards from 27 Feb. 1980.

1977; 35; 1980; 35-36; to 25 Mar.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1981; 37-39; FDC issues from 10 Feb. to 25 May 1981, maximum cards of the 12 Apr. 1980 issue. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 40-41; FDC issues from 4 Mar. to 20 May 1982. maximum cards from 5 to 20 May 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 21 Mar. to 14 Apr. 1979.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1979; 44;

Kcnvel'ty rervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy: (n.a.); Issues from 18 Aug. to 22 Sep. 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

1916; 25;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1918; 35-36; FDC issues from 23 June to 16 Aug., maximum cards from 20 July to 16 Aug. 1978. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. FDC issues from 22 Sep. to 26 Oct. 1971, maximum cards of 4 Oct.

1978; 29-31;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 42-43; FDC issues from 18 June to 18 Sep. 1981, maximum cards from 18 June to 20 Aug. 1981. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; FDC issues from 1 June to 18 Oct.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1980; 38-40; 1919, maximum cards from 14 June to 18 Sep.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy;


Filatel iVa SSSR; 5' May 1982; 39; FDC

issues from 10 Oct.

to 17 Dec.

1981, maximum cards of the 10 Dec.




Catalogs, Soviet Stationery


Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1979; 35-37; FDC issues from 27 Aug. to 20 Dec. 1978. maximum cards of the 16 Nov. series. Konverty oervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Fi1atel iY8 SSSR; 7' issues of 3 Mar. 1978, maximum cards of Dec. 30, 1977.

JUly 1978; 37;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 12 Apr. to 24 June 1977.


Filatel iya SSSR; 9;


1977; 44;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1975; 40; FDC issues from 8 May to 22 JUly 1975, maximum cards of 22 JUly 1975. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 2; issues of 25 Nov. 1975, maximum cards of 25 Nov. 1975. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; issues of 6-12 Apr. 1976.


1976; 36;



Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); FDC issues from 20 Jan. to 22 Apr. 1975.

Filatel iya SSSR: 8; Aug.

1975; 38-39;

Konverty pervogo dnya v 1975 godu; (n.a.); International Women's Year FDC.


Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 30; The

Konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 44-45; Issues from 20 Sep. 1972 to 15 Mar. 1973. Kosmicheskaya fi1atel iya. Katalog-spravochnik.; Gurevich, Ya.B./Shcherbakov, V.I. (comps.); 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Listings of USSR stamps, FDCs and cancels relating to space. Numerous photos, some color. Includes short biographical sketches of Soviet cosmonauts. Original softbound catalog, second edition. Markirovannye khudozhes~vennye kartochki SSSR 1940-1947 gg.; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 45-48; Includes a listing of all recorded types of cacheted postcards from 1940-1947. Markirovannye konverty SSSR 1926-1982 gg.; Pantyukhin, V.A./Myakushev, S.D.; Radlo i Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound catalog.


MarKirovannye pochtovye kartochki SSSR 1923-1979 gg. Katalog.; 1982; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound catalog.


Neue sow]etlettische Ganzsachen; von Hofmann, Harry; 1971; 4:


Listov, G.M.

Philatelia Baltica; 50; July

standartnykh tsel 'nykh veshchakh SSSR; Emel 'yanov, L.; SK; 17; 1979; 25-26; Comments on Blekhman's and Pantyukhin's 'Standartnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR' in SK #13.

Odnostoronnie kartochki s original 'noi markoi; Issues from 15 Feb. to 31 July 1991.


Odnostoronnie kartochkl s original 'nymi markami: 1990; 38; One-sided postcards with indicia,

Fi latel iya;

12; Dec.

1991; 23;

(n.a. I, Filateliya SSSR; 5; May issues from Feb. to June 1989.

Odnostoronnie kartochki s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); 41; Issues from 20 Sep. 1989 to 18 Sep. 1990.

Filateliya; 6; June 1991;

Odnostoronnie karto::hki s original 'nymi markami; Issues from 15 Jan. to 17 Feb. 1992.

Fi late1 iye: 5; May 1992; 52;


Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s orginal 'nymi markaml; June 1978; 31; Issues from 2 Sep. to 31 Oct. 1977.


Filatel iyB SSSR;


Odnostot'onnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'noi mar'koi: Oct. 1978; 42; Issues from 3 Apr. to 18 May 1978.

(n.a. I;

Fi latel iya SSSR;

8dnestoronnie pochtovye KartochKi s original 'noi merkei: Sep, 1976; 35; Issues from 27 Apr. to 25 May 1976.


Fileteliya SSSR; 9:


Odncstoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 1: Jan. 1986; 45; February issues.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 1; Jan. 1986; 51-52;


Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 10; Oct. 1983; 47; Issues of 25 & 30 Apr. 1983.


Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami;


Filateliya SSSR;

Catalogs, Soviet Stationery 10; Oct.

1985; 47;

Issues fr-om 6 Mar.

07/13/93 to 9 Dec.



Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 44-45; Issues from 17 Jan. 1975 to 16 Dec. 1977. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami: (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 42-43; Issues from 1 Jan. 1978 to 14 Dec. 1979. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 2; Feb. 1985; 33; Issues in late 1983 and early 1984.

(n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 54-55; Issues from 28 Sep. 1982 to 8 Dec. 1983. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 3; Mar. 1983; 37; Issues from 22 Dec. 1981 to 29 Mar.

(n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 1982.

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 53; Issues from 7 Dec. 1983 to 25 Jan. 1985. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 5; May 1983; 35; Issues from 23 Apr. to 28 Sep. 1982.

(n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR;

Ddnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 37; DOSAAF Ninth Congress issue, 28 Oct. 1982. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 42; Issues from 7 JUly 1989 to 3 Mar. 1990. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1985; 45; Issues from 4 Nov. 1984 to 18 Mar. 1985. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; 48-49; Issues from 19 Mar. 1971 to 18 Feb. 1974. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; (n. a. ); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 34; Issues from 15 Apr. to 15 June 1982. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s or i gina 1 ' nym i markami; (n.a. ); Filateliya SSSR; 12 ; Dec. 1976; 23; Issues from 28 June to 25 Aug. 1976. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 12 ; Dec. 1981; 33; Issues from 20 Mar. to 5 May 1981.

(n. a. ); F i 1atel i ya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s or i gina 1 'nym i markami; (n. a. ); Filateliya SSSR; 12 ; Dec. 1978; 36; Issues from 30 June to 25 Sep. 1978. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 3; Mar. 1978; 33; Issues from 9 June to 2 Nov. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 35-36; Issues from 12 Apr. 1971 to 16 Dec. 1978. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 4; Apr. 1977; 35; I ssues of 5 Jan. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 4; Apr. 1979; 35; Issues from 6 Oct. to 15 Nov. 1978.

(n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 47-48; Issues from 12 Apr. 1971 to 22 Aug. 1981. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 5; May 1982; 33; Issues from 19 Jan. to 4 Mar. 1982.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;


pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 5; May 1977; 38; Issues from 9 to 23 Feb. 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 7; JUly 1980; 35; Issues from 21 Nov. 1979 to 10 Jan.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1980.

Odnostoronnle pochtovye kartochki s origlnal'nymi markami; 8; Aug. 1977; 36; Issues from 7 to 20 May 1977.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 8; Aug. 1978; 37; Issue of 22 Mar. 1978.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 9; Sep. 1979; 43; Issues from 14 Dec. 1978 to 10 Apr.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1979.

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki 5 original'nyrni markarni; 3; Mar. 1976; 39; The issue of 30 Oct. 1975.

(n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR;



Catalogs, Soviet Stationery


Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original'nymi markami; 6; June 1976; 25; The 3 Mar. 1976 issue.


Filateliya SSSR;

Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; 7; JUly 1976; 29; Issues from 28 Nov. 1975 to 15 Apr.

(n.a.); 1976.

Filateliya SS5R;


Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki so spetsmarkami; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 38-39; lssues from 19 JUly 1974 TO 15 May 1975. Pervye sovetskie markirovannye khudozhestvennye pochtovye kartocnki; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1974; V-VII; A 1 isting and description of the first two issues of the USSR's stamped, cacheted postcards. Pochtovoye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 34-35; Issues from 15 Sep. 1981 to 17 Aug. 1982.

1; Jan.


Pochtovye kartochki k Shestomu vsemirnomu; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 44-45; Specially-issued postcards for the 1957 VI International Festival of Youth and Students. Pocrltovye karTochki s original'nymi markami; 30; Issues from 23 Apr. to 6 June 1974.


Pochtovye konverty s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); 50; Issues from 20 Nov. 1985 to 21 Feb. 1986.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Filateliya SSSR;

Pochtovye konverty s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 54-55; Issues from 29 Sep. 1969 to 20 Dec. 1977.


10; Oct.


5; May 1986;

Pochtovye konverty s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); 42; Issues from 27 Mar. 1986 to 18 Feb. 1988.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990;

Pochtovye konverTy s original'nymi markami; 54; Continued from #5.

Fi latel iva SSSR;


Pochtovye konverty s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); 50-51; Issues from 5 June 1980 to 7 May 1982.

7; July 1986;

Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye konverty s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 54-55; Issues from 6 July 1982 to 22 JUly 1985.

9; Sep.

Pochtovye konverty s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 40-42; Issues from 29 Sep. 1969 to 6 Aug. 1981.

7; July 1982;

Pochtovye kelnverty s original'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 44-46; Issues from 29 Sep. 1969 to 13 Feb. 1979.



Pochtovye konverty s original'nymi markami; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1990; 63; Issues from 20 Apr. 1988 to 18 Aug. 1989. Pochtcvye konverty Ministerstva svyazi; (n.a.); Issues from 2 Apr. to 5 Aug. 1982.

Fi latel iva SSSR;

3; Mar.

1983; 34-35;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 39; Listing of postal stationery issues from 28 Apr. 1989 to 12 JUly 1989. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 41-42; Issues in 1983 and 1984.


Filateliya SSSR;

1; Jan.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) : Filateliya :;SSR: 47-48; Issues from 24 JUly 1984 to 29 May 1985.

1 ; Jan.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 27-28; Issues from 20 Mar. to 6 June 1990.

10; Oct.


Pocl,tovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); FilaTeliya SSSR; 44-46; Issues from 16 Sep. 1982 to 11 Mar. 1983.

10; Oct.


Dochtovye kO'-,verty Ministerstva svyazi SSSP; 46; Issues fl-om Sep. 1984 to Mar. 1985.


Filatel iya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva ~vyazi SSSR; 51; Issues from 31 Jan. 1985 to 16 Jan.

(n.a.); 1986.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR: 41; Issues from 1 1 Aug. 1989 to 14 May 1990.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 46-4 7 ; Issues from 29 Jan. to 16 Apr. 1985.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR;

11 ; Nov.


(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

Catalogs, Soviet Stationery 56;

Issues from 9 Oct.

07/13/93 1985 to 13 Feb.




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 30; Issues from 14 May to 21 June 1990.


Filatel iya SSSR;

12: Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 50; Issues from 8 Feb. to 12 May 1985.


Filateliya SSSR;

12: Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 54-55; Issues from 17 Oct. 1985 to 24 Apr. 1986.

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 42; Issues from 5 Aug. 1988 to 16 Aug. 1989.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 45-46; Issues from 22 Dec. 1981 to 17 Sep. 1982.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2· 48-49; Issues from 24 Oct. 1983 to 20 Sep. 1984.



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2· Feb. 49-50; Issues from 26 June 1984 to 19 June 1985.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 48; Issues from Jan. to Oct. 1984.


(n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 51-53; Issues from 25 Apr. to 6 Aug. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 3· Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 28; Issues from #1263 to #1313.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4· Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 35; Issues from 10 Aug. to 2 Nov. 1982.


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 43; Issues from Oct. 1983 to Oct. 1984.


Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 52; Issues from 24 Sep. 1984 to 6 Aug. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 37; Issues from 22 Dec. 1981 to 4 Nov. 1982. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 40; Postal envelope issues from 26 May to 27 Nov. 1989. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 48; Issues from Apr. to Nov. 1984.


Filateliya SSSR; 5· May 1985;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 55; Issues from 15 Aug. 1984 to 18 Sep.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5· May 1986; 1985.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 35-36; Issues from 7 May to 6 Dec. 1982.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983;

Pochtovye konvercy Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.): 39; Issues from 13 Feb. to 21 Dec. 1989.

Filatel iya SSSR; 6; JLlne 1990;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 44-45; Issues from Nov. to Dec. 1984.


Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985:

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.): 53-54; Issues from 13 Aug. to 27 Sep. 1985.

Filatel iya SSSR; 6· June 1986;

Pochtovye konvert:,' Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 28; Postal envelope issues from 11 Nov.

(n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1990; 1987 to 8 Feb. 1990.

Pochtovye konverty Minlsterstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1985; 45-46 & 48; Issues from 12 Dec. 1984 to 21 Jan. 1985. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 47; Issues fl"om 18 June to 7 Dec. 1982.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 51-52; Issues for most of 1985.

(n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7· JUly 1986;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8· Aug. 36-37; Issues from 22 Dec. 1981 to 10 Feb. 1983.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 41; Issues from 16 Jan. 1989 to 30 Jan.


(n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990.



Soviet Stationery



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR: (n.a.): 44-45; Issues from Dec. 1983 to Feb. 1985.

Filatel iya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 45; Issues from ~2 Aug. 1980 to 26 Feb.

(n.a.); 1981.

Filateliya SSSR:




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svya2i SSSR; 54: Issues from 6 June to 3 Dec. 1985.


Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 41; Issues from 18 Sep. 1989 to 26 Mar.

(n.a.); 1990.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 53; Issues from 22 Nov. 1985 to 10 Jan.

(n.a.); 1986.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 29-30; Issues from 2 Sep. 1975 to 23 June 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 29-30; Issues from 21 Mar. to 5 July 1977.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi 32; Issues from 5 Mar. to 22 Aug.

SSSR; 1979.


Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyaz; 32 & 35; Issues from 6 Feb. to 21

SSSR; (n.a.); Aug. 1978.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 45; Issues from 4 Nov. 1980 to 29 July 1981.

Filateliya SSSR;




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 29-30; Issues from 26 Aug. 1975 to 19 May 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Apr. 1977.

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konvertv Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 31 & 36; Issues from 28 JUly 1976 to 11

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 34-35; Issues from 19 Dec. 1979 to 3 June 1980.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Po:::htovye konverty Ministerstvi:: svyazi SSSR; 35; Issues from 12 Aug. 1977 to 25 Apr.

(n.a.); 1978.

Fi.latel iya SSSR;

10; Oct.


POcl"ltovye konverty Ministerstva svyazl SSSR; (n.a.); 36-37; Issues from 19 Sep. 1980 to 14 May 1981.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Pochto'.'ye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 41-42: Issues frorr. 8 Dec. 1981 to 1 June 1982.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 20-21; Issues from 16 Jan. to 8 June 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 29-31; Issues from 25 Sep. 1978 to 15 June 1979.

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR;. (n.a.); 30-31 & 35; Issues from 2 Feb. to 20 June 1978.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 31-32; Issues from 1 Sep. 1976 to 16 May 1977.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 35-36; Issues from 14 Dec. 1981 to 1 June 1982.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.): 36-37; Issues from 16 Jan. to 4 June 1980.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 39; Issues frorr. 3 Dec. 1980 to 3 dune 1981.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Pocl"ltovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 29-31; Issues from 2 Nov. 1976 to 14 June 1977.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 31 & 34; Issues from 6 Jan. 1977 to 27 JUly 1978.

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 33; Issues from 23 Dec. 1975 to 11 May 1976.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 36-37; Issues from 24 Jan. to 4 JUly 1979.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.




Catalogs, Soviet Stationery 36-37;

Issues from 6 Apr.




to 6 JUly 1982.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 37; Issues from 24 Dec. 1980 to 16 June 1981.

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 2; 26-27; Issues from 4 May to 24 Aug. 1976.



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 40; Issues from 8 Aug. to 5 Sep. 1978.




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; F i 1 atel i ya SSSR; 2; 44-45; Issues from 4 Apr. to 27 Se'). 1979.



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3' Mar. 26-27; Issues from 2 Feb. to 12 Sep. 1977.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 33-34; Issues from 30 Nov. 1977 to 10 Oct. 1978.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 34; Issues from 23 Dec. 1975 to 25 Aug.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3' Mar. 1976.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 40; Issues from 4 July to 9 Oct. 1979.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 30-31 ; Issues from 9 Apr. to 15 Nov. 1976.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 30- 31 ; Issues from 17 Jan. to 10 Oct. 1977.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 33-34; Issues from 4 Jan. 1980 to 13 Oct. 1981.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 36; Issues from 21 June 1977 to 9 Oct. 1978.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 40-41 ; Issues from 20 Dec. 1978 to 8 Aug. 1979.


(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazl SSSR; (n. a. ); & 30; Issues from 2 Feb. to 16 Nov. 1977.

Filateliya SSSR; 5 . May 1978; 28

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 30; Issues from 7 Apr. 1977 to 17 Nov. 1978.

5' May 1979;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1980; 33-34; Issues from 19 Mar. to 6 Nov. 1979. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1977 ; 34; Issues from 23 Dec. 1975 to 7 Dec. 1976. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1982; 34 - 35; Issues from 26 May to 24 Dec. 1981 . Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 32; Issues from 4 Feb. to 7 Dec. 1976.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1977;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1978; 33-34; Issues from 12 Jan. 1977 to 10 Mar. 1978. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1982; 34; Issues from 13 Mar. 1981 to 6 Jan. 1982. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 35; Issues from 3 Jan. to 28 Nov. 1978.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filate1iya SSSR; 6' 38-39; Issues from 29 Aug. to 18 Dec. 1979.



June 1980;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; 30- 31 ; Issues from 13 Sep. 1979 to 7 Jan. 1980. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 7' JUly 1979; 34; Issues from 28 Nov. to 26 Dec. 1978. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 7 ; JUly 1978; 34-35; Issues from 23 Feb. 1977 to 16 Mar. 1978. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 38-39; Issues from 5 Oct. 1981 to 12 Jan. 1982.

7' July 1982;


Catalogs. Soviet Stationery


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 31-32; Issues from 4 June 1976 to 7 Feb. 1977.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 32 & 34-35; Issues from 17 Jan. 1977 to 15 Mar.

Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 35-36; Issues from 23 Feb. 1978 to 7 Mar. 1979.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 12 Jan. to 16 Mar. 1982.

Filatel iya SSSR; 8' Aug.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sap. 31 & 34; Issues from 15 June 1977 to 16 May 1978.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 3.4-35; Issues from 30 July 1980 to 17 Apr. 1981.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 34-35; Issues from 3 dune 1981 to 13 Apr. 1982.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 37; Issues from 15 Dec. 1976 to 9 Mar. 1977.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 9 Oct. 1978 to 16 Apr. 1979.

Filats-iiya SSSR; 9; Sep.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 33-34; Issues from 7 Feb. to 8 JUly 1975.

Fi latel iya SSSR;

1; Jan.


(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

1 . Jan.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; F i 1 atel i ya SSSR; 41; Issues from 28 Nov. 1989 to 16 July 1990.

1 ; Jan.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 42; Issues from 18 Jan. to 9 Aug. 1973.

1 . Jan.




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 34; Issues from 5 May to 30 July 1974.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;


Poct1tovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 44-45; Issues from 21 Jan. to 1 Aug. 1972.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; V: Issues from 9 June 1971 to 22 May 1972.

10; Oct.


Pc:::htovye konverty Ministerstva svyazl SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 41 ; Issues from 17 JUly 1974 to 8 Apr. 1975.

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 43-44; Issues from 3 Aug. 1972 to 18 June 1973.

10; Oct.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 51 ; Issues from 29 Jan. to 3 June 1974.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

10: Oct.


Pochtovye Konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; I II; Issues from 7 Dec. 1971 to 6 June 1972.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 29-30: Issues from 17 Sep. 1974 to 6 June 1975.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 44-45; Issues from 8 Jan. to 10 July 1973.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 53; Issues from 6 Mar' . to 31 July '974.

1 1 ; Nov.


Fllateliye. SSSR;

12; Dec.


Pochtov'ye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 32; Issues from 20 Jan. to 5 June 1975.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

12 ; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 42; Issues from 8 Jan. to 17 JUly 1973.

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;

12 ; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; In. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 49; Issues from 26 Feb. to 17 July 1974.

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 51-52; Issues from 10 Nov. 1987 to 30 June 1988.

12; Dec.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR;




(n. a. ) ; Fi latel iye SSSR;

kcnverty Min1sterstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a ); Issues from 1 Mar. to 18 JUly 1972.


Filateliya SSSR;



Catalogs, Soviet Stationery 32;

Issues from 5 Apr.


to 30 Aug.




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 33-34; Issues from 11 Feb. to 29 Aug. 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 40; Issues from 14 Nov. 1389 to 27 Sep.

(n.a.); 1990.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 10 Feb. to 30 Aug. 1972.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues f .... om 7 May to 10 Sep. 1973.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 36; Issues from 6 Aug. to 17 Sep. 1974.


Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 38-39; Issues from 17 Feb. to 24 Sep. 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 4 May to 24 Oct. 1972.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 44: Issues from 22 Jan. to 9 Oct. 1973.


Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konve .... ty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 26-27; Issues from 4 Feb. to 5 Nov. 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 32; Issues from July to Nov. 1974.


Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 4 Sep. to 30 Oct. 1973.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 46-47: Issues from 28 June to 21 Dec. 1972.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 35-36; Issues from 23 May to 15 Dec. 1975. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5路 May 1974; 40; Issues from 14 Sep. 1973 to 2 Jan. 1974. Pochtovye konver-ty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR: 5: May 1991; 40; Issues from 4 Aug. 1989 to 15 Oct. 1990. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 43; Issues from 7 June 1972 to 21 Jan. 1973. Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 24-25; Issues from 4 June 1975 to 19 Jan. 1976.

Filateliya SSSR; 6;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 33; Issues from 11 June to 24 Dec. 1974.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 42-43; Issues from 16 May 1972 to 30 Jan. 1973.

Filateliya SSSR; 6;

Pochtovye konve .... ty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.): 53; Issues from 16 Sep. 1973 to 4 Feb. 1974.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974:

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; 30-31; Issues from 16 June 1975 to 28 Jan. 1976.

June 1976;

June 1973;

JUly 1976;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a. 1; 34: Issues from 3 sep. 1974 to 13 Jan. 1975.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 50-51; Issues from 30 Oct. 1973 to 6 Mar. 1974.

Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974;

SSSR: 7; JUly 1975;路

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 25-26; Issues from 11 Aug. 1975 to 20 Feb. 1976.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 32; Issues from 31 Oct. 1974 to 4 Feb. 1975.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 42-43; Issues from 25 Dec. 1972 to 12 Apr. 1973.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 49; Issues from 12 Mar. 1973 to 5 Apr. 1974.


Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Catalogs, Soviet Stationery

07/' 3/93'

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; 31-32; Issues from 16 JUly 1975 to 9 Mar. 1976.







Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); 43; Issues from 1 Dec. 1972 to 3 May 1973.

Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazl SSSR; 51; Issues from 24 Dec. 1973 to 16 Apr.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; 37; Issues from 15 Jan. 1974 to 10 Mar.



SSSR; 9;


(n.a.); 1974.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya; 27-28; Issues from 26 June 1990 to 16 Apr. 1991.




Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; Issues from 16 Apr. to 26 June 1991.







Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Issues frolT, 14 Sep. 1989 to 15 Nov. 1990.

Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 40;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 23 Sep. 1988 to 18 Dec. 1990.



JUly 1991; 42;

(n. a. ) ; Filateliya; 8; Aug.



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya; 9; Sep. Issues from 5 Nov. 1990 to 29 Mar. 1991.



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; Issues from 5 Apr. 1990 to 4 Mar. 1991.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; V-VI: Issues from 20 Oct. 1970 to 21 Sep. 1971.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; I . Issues from 14 Jan. 1970 to 16 June 1971.

10; Oct.

19 7 1;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; I-II; Issues from 17 June 1970 to 7 July 1971.

1 1 ; Nov.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ); I - I I ; Issues from 20 JUly 1970 to 23 Aug. 1971.

12 ; Dec.

1971 ;

Fi latel iye SSSR;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 2; I-III; Issues from 6 Oct. 1969 to 27 Oct. 1970.









Fllateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyaz; SSSR; (n.a.); Filate,iya SSSR; 4; Apr. I-II; Issues from 20 Nov. 1969 to 18 Dec. 1970.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazl SSSR; (n.a.); 45; Issues from 18 Jan. 1971 to 4 Jan. 1972.

Filatel'ya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); I-II; Issues from 8 JUly 1969 to 22 Jan. 1971.

Filatel iya SSSR;

Poc:.tovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); VIII; Issues from 13 Jan. 路1971 to 14 Jan. 1972.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); I-II; Issues from 20 July 1970 to 9 Feb. 1971.

Fllatel;ya SSSR; 6: June 1971;

konve~ty Mlnlstsrstva svyazl SSSR; (n.a.): Isstles from 15 Apr. 1971 to 7 Feb. 1972.

Filatel iva SSSR; 7; July 1972;

Pochtovye .<10;

~,onverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n. a. ); Issues fr'om 25 Jan. to 1 1 Oct. 1971.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; I : Issues from 16 Feb. to 13 Nov. 1970.

(n. a. ) ; F i late 1 i ya SSSR;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svya:.::i SSSR; (n.a.); 45-46; Issues from 18 Jan. to 24 Nov. 1971.

Pochtovye 45;

Filateliya SSSR; 2'




5; May 1971; 5:

May 1972;

Dochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; In.a.); V; Issues from 18 Jan. 1971 to 9 Mar. 1972.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); I-II; Issues from 25 May 1970 to 18 May 1971.

Filateliya SSSR; 9;



Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; Issues from 20 Feb. to 3 Oct. 1991.


Fllatel iya; 2;


1992; 39;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR;


Filatel iva; 3; Mar.

1992; 38;

Catalogs, Soviet Stationery Issues from 26 Dec.

1990 to 15 Nov.


07/13/93 1991.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyaz i SSSR; Issues from 18 June to 2 Dec. 1991.


Filateliya; 4; Apr.

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; I~3sues from 18 June to 13 Jan. 1992.


Filatel iva; 5; May 1992; 26;

Pochtovye konverty Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Issues from 9 Dec. 1991 to 11 Mar. 1992. Postkarten der UdSSR; Schauritsch, Kurt;


1992; 27;

Filatel iVa; 7; JUly 1992; 42;

Pochta; 47; Mar.

1989; 31-34;

Preiskurant roznichnykh tsen na kollektsionnye khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR 1953-1984 gg. Tom 1, 1953-1973 gg.; Lapkin, A.A./Yakobs, V.A.; 1989; Izdatel'sko-torgovyi tsentr 'Marka' Ministerstva svyazi SSSR, Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Preiskurant roznichnykh tsen na kollektsionnye khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR 1953-1984 gg. Tom 2, 1974-1984 gg.; Lapkin, A.A./Yakobs, V.A.; 1990; Izdatel'sko-torgovyi tsentr 'Marka' Ministerstva svyazi SSSR, Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Preiskurant roznichnykh tsen na kollektsionnye khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR 1953-1984. Tom 1 - 1953-1973 gg.; (n.a.); 1989; Izdatel'sko-torgovyi tsentr 'Marka', MINSVYAZI SSSR, Moscow; Price list, no photos. Reklame-Agitationsausgaben des Post- und Nachrichtenwesens (1927-1934); Schauritsch, Kurt; Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 13-18; Extracted from the 1982 Soviet postcard catalog. Reklame-Agitationsausgaben des Post- und Nachrichtenwesens (1927-1934); Schauritsch, Kurt; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 44-47; Continued from #s 48-50. The numbering system is the same as that used in 'Postkarten der UdSSR 1923-1979', Moscow, 1982. Reklamno-agitatsionnye konverty SSSR (1929-1936 gg.); Pantyukhin, V.; SK; 12-36;



Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 5; May 1978; 42-46; History of the agitation-and-propaganda postcards from 1927 to 1934. Includes a complete list of issues - continued in #6. Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye kartochk i SSSR (1927-1934 gg.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1978; 44-53; Continued from #5. Slovo

Pantyukhin, V.;

0 novom kataloge; Gdalin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 28-29; A rather negative book review of the 1968 'Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR' catalog, with several corrections and additions.

SovIet Space Catalog; Winick, Lester E.; 1978; Lester E. Winick, Homewood, III inois; Covers, special cancels, cosmonaut biographies and descriptions of the space vehicles. Origlnal hardbound catalog. Sowjetische Ganzsachen-Umschlaege mit lettischen Motiven; Orlov, V./Orlov, N.; Philatelia Baltlca; 80-82; June 1984; 43-46; A listing of Latvian-theme cacheted covers, extracted from the Orlovs' compilation of Soviet envelopes. Special Envelopes, Printed on the Occasion of the Centenary of Russian Postage Stamps, 1956; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 62: 1962: 48-49; Lists all 10 varieties. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 54; Issues f~om Jan. to Feb. 1974.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 52: Issues from 21 Feb. to 17 Mar. 1974. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempel i i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1974 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 50; Issues from 20 Mar. to 10 Apr. 1974. Spetslal'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya dlya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 41; Issues for November and December 1972. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempe 1 ya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR; SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; VII; Issues from 5 Dec. 1971 to 2 Jan.

(n.a.); 1972.


Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 46; Issues from 27 July to 23 Sep. 1972. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda;


Catalogs, Soviet Stationery Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

07/13/93 1972; 46;

Issues from 6 Jan.

to 24 Mar.




Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; VII-VIII; Issues from 31 Mar. to 21 July 1972. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty cervogo d~ya SSSR 1972 goda; Fi"latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 44; Issues for September and October.


Spetsial'nye pocntovye shtempelya i konver~y pervogo dnya SSSR 1972 goda; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; 45; Issues from 7 to 30 Dec. 1972.


Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 g.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; 43; Issues from 21 Oct. to 18 Nov. 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 45; Issues from 13 Sep. to 15 Oct. 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 45-46; Issues from 2 June to 24 JUly 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 43-44; Issues from 25 July to 12 Sep. 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 43; Issues from 25 Nov. to 16 Dec. 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 43; Issues from 15 Jan. to 9 Feb. 1973. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 43; Issues from 13 Feb. to 22 Apr. 1973. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya ; konverty pervogo dnya 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 44; Issues from 27 Mar. to 18 Apr. 1973. Standartnye konverty s markami pervoga - shestago standartnykh vypuSkov SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 6; June 1982; 44-51; Extensive 1 isting of and information about definitive envelopes with indicia like the stamps of the First through Sixth Stanaard Issues. Standartnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR. Blekhman, S./Pantyukhin, V.; SK; 46-63; Listings from 1918 to 1970.



Tak ot kakoi zhe tantsevat' pechki? (0 printsipakh sostavleniya kataloga tsel'nykh veshchei.); Yakobs, V.; Filatel~ya; 12; Dec. 1991; 48<:-9; Various principles in compiling a Soviet stationery catalog. The Contemporary Stamped Envelopes of USSR; Includes a checklist.

Fomin, E.; Rossica: 67;

Tsel'nye veshchi s markami XI standartncgo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs, V.; 10; Oct. 1978; 12-16;

1964; 38-44; Filateliya SSSR;

Tsel 'nye veshchi s markami XI standar~nogo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs. V., Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978: 46-47; Eleventh Standarc Issue indicia an pesta I stationery. Tsel'nye veshchi s markami 10-go stanaartnogo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 48-51; Standard postcards and envelopes issued after the 1961 postal rate change. Includes a listing of known types. Udmurtiya v filatelii ",S5R. Katalo9-spravochrik.; (1'.8.); 1986: Udmurtskoe respub' ikanskoe agentstvo 'Soyuzpechat"; Or'iginal softbound handbook of Soviet postal issues and postmarks with an Udmurt theme. V perspektive - katalog tsel 'nykh veshchei SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya; 1991; 5~; Partyukhin's proposal fo'- a SOVH=t postal s+:at-,on,='ry catalog. issued. it would be the first since Chuchln's ,n 192E.



uU 1 Y





'Khronlka' and the Transcaucasus. A Look at the Soviet Post in 1925.; (n. a. ); BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 13-17; Skipton, David M.: Numerous items gleaned from various 'ZhTS' issues, all relating to the Transcaucasus area. Everything from motorcycle mail to mailboxes to new routes is included. "Europe"; Lowe. Robson and Christie's; Nov. shipmail and Transcaucasus covers.


1985; Zurich sale featuring Russian

Abonementnye yashchiki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a plan to have all official correspondence collected in sUbscriber mailboxes throughout the Transcaucasus Communications District. Bitva za Kavkaz; Bogdanovskii, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 6-9; Heroes, units and vessels of the campaign against the Nazis in the Caucasus. British Field Post Offices in Transcaucasia, 3-9;

1919-20; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP;



Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 32; Brief history of the 'G.S.S.R. '-in-star overprint on Imperial stamps, and the maximum amount of postage permissable on several categories of mail in the USSR. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 38; Mar. railway cancels.

1966; 34; Data from Luchnik on Transcaucasian

Dagestan; Michalove, Peter; Rossica; 119; Oct. Dagestan area, ca. 1900 and 1987.


Dagestan 'Stars'; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974;

17-21; 16;

Denezhnye znaki zheleznykh dorog na Kavkazye; Kardakov, 1939; 254-255; Die Briefmarken der Autonomen Bergrepublik; 18 ;

Includes two maps of the

N.; Rossica;

37; May-June

Ebnet, Christian; Pochta; 52; Apr.


Die Marken der Transkaukasischen Sozialistischen Foederativen Sowjet Republik (Z.S.F.S.R.): (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 78-79; Reprinted from 'Radio de F i 1 intern' # 1, 1928. Die Marken der Transkaukasischen Sozialistischen Foederativen Sowjet Republik (Z.S.F.S.R.).; (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 28-29; 'Radio de Fil intern' was published under the same cover with 'Sovetskii filatel ist'. Catalog of Transcaucasus stamps. Ehksploatatsiya pochtovykh avtomobilei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 198-199: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the accompl ishments of mail trucks in the Transcaucasus Communications District. Eshche raz 0 markakh ZSFSR; Didebul idze, K.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; 13-14; The Transcaucasus stamps. The author disagrees with some points made by Voikhanski i in 'Pochtovye marki ZSFSR', 1-1969. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Eight. Baku, Baku Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1985; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Five. The Transcaucasian Railway.: Ashford, P.T.; 1981: British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of tnese postmarks. with prlclng Origlnal catalog. softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Four. Kutais Guberniya, Batum Oblast, Sukhum Okrug.; Ashfora. P.T.: 1980; British Society of Russian Philately. London; Extensive 1 isting of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.; 1972; British Society of Russian Philately, London; First edition, original ceP/. Contains numerous maps and illustrations, and a listing of post offices. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.; 1982; British Society of Russian Philately; Second edition, original copy. Contains numerous maps and illustrations, and an expanded listing of post offices. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Seven. Elisavetpol Guberniya, Zakataly Okrug.; Ashford, P.T.: 1984; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound.





Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Six. Erivan GUberniya, Kars Oblast.; Ashford, P.T.; 1983; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Ispol 'zovanie parokilodov pod pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; Jul/ 1925; 136路 Very short item in ~he 'Khronika' section OIl commencement of mail transportatlon aboard Don River' steamers. Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya pochty na Kavkaze; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; July 1902; 549-569; Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya pochty na Kavkaze; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Sep. 665-690; Continued from July 1902. In addition to tne postal history, contains statistical data on amounts and value of mail sent.

1902; it also

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty VII. Pochtovye marki Respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 185-192; Continued from 1991 #12. Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic (ZSFSR). Kogda oni iZdany?; Voikhanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 29-30; Stamps of the Armenian, Azerbaidjan and Georgian SSRs and the ZSFSR, and when they were issued. Letter from the Theatre of War - Caucasus 1854; Adler, Kurt; Rosslca; 55; 1958; 17-20; An 1854 Tiflis handstamp. The letter is reproduced in its entirety. Mail Traversing the Russo-Persian Border in the Late 19th Century; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 10; Nov. 1952; 301-304; Mekhanizatsiya perevozki pochty v ZSFSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mechanization ef postal routes in the Transcaucasian Federation. Meropriyatiya NKFiT po uluchsheniyu Svyazi v Zakavkaz'e; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 167; Short item in the 'Khronlka' section on the NKPIT shutting down or re-categorizing post offices operating at a deficit in the Caucasus. Myestnye vypuski bon na 1939; 275-279;


Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica:


38; July-Sep.

Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, 299-304; Continued from #38.

N.; Rossica; 39; Feb.


Myestnve vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, 327-331; Continued from #39.

N.; ROBsica; 40; June 1940;

Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 353-356; Continued from #40.


Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom KavkazyE; Kardakov, N.; Rosslca; 42: Apr. 372-374; Continued from #41.


Naselenie Gorskel ASSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on twc Gory ASSR auls expressing their thanks to the NKPiT for establishing communica~ions there. Novosti. SSSR.; R., B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1; dan. 192 4 ; 17-18; News of various new issues. including the Lenin mourning stamps. the postage due overprints, Bukhara locals and Transcaucasus surcharges. Operatsiya na pochtovykh traktakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. ~925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Northern Caucasus District travelling postal officials stopplng at all points along the way to conduct cperatlons, OtKryt e sanatorii sluzhashchlkh pochtovo-te1egrafnago vyedomstva: 1903; 709-710; In Essentuki, Vladikavkaz District. Covers; Barry, John; BJRP; 32; Ma~. 1963; 16 & Potl-Tiflis rnal1car and Kuanchentzy-Kharbin #266.





illustration page; A

Perevozka pochtovykh otpravlenii iz Zakavkaz'ya vozdushnoi pocntoi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectlon on airmail accepted at Transcaucasus post offices for dispatch via Rostov, Artemovsk, Khar'kov, Moscow and Smolensk. Pochta na sele v Zakavkaz'e; 'Khronika' section.

(n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep.

Pocr1ta v Zakavkaz'e;



12; Dec.



113; Short item in the

136-137; Short item in the





'Khronika' section on an overview of postal activities in the Transcaucasus. Pochtovaya svyaz' s aulami v Dagestane; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of postal services to remote auls in Daghestan. Pochtovoe dele) v Sukhume; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 'Khronika' section on postal affairs in Sukhumi.

144-145; Short item in the

Pochtovye marki Zakavkazskoi sovetskoi federativnoi sotsialisticheskoi respubl iki; Voikhanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 9-12; Transcaucasian SFSR stamps, rates and postal history. Postal Cancellations of the Transcaucasian Railway; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 1955; 537-551;

18; July

Pre-Adhesive Cancellations; Frauenlob, Walter/von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 14; Saratov and Kavkazsk fleuron types. Pribl izhenie pochty k naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on training Ossetians for post-and-telegraph work in North Ossetia. Priem predpriyatii na gosbyudzhet; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on 252 Northern Caucasus District offices being transferred from local to the state budget. Rasshirenie seti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Northern Caucasus District plan to expand the postal network. Rasskazy 0 markakh; Grinberg. I.; 1973; Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan', Alma-Ata; Original softbound book. Covers a wide range of stamps, from imperial times to later Soviet issues. Ratsionalizatsiya ucheta lichnogo sostava v Upravlenii Zakavkazskogo Okruga Svyazi; Popov, G.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 105-109; Improving administrative book-keeping concerning personnel in the Transcaucasus Communications District Administration. Ratsionalizatsiya upravlencheskoi tekhniki. (Iz praktiki Orgbyuro po ratsionalizatsii tekhniki upravleniya pri 2akavkazskom Okruge svyazi.); Frishman, S.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 111-116; Attempts in the Transcaucasus to make administrative 'technology' more efficient through personnel training and changes in procedure. Raznovidnosti 'sochinskogo provizoriya; Krasin, YU.; Filatel iya; 5; May 1992; 17; The 1918 Sochi provisionals. Includes a table showing the numbers printed for Types 1-7. Razvitie seti S.-K. okruga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal expansion in rural areas of the Northern Caucasus. Remainders of Georgia and Transcaucasia; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 89: list of stamps and prices available from the SFA in 1935.

1975; 43; A

Remont preapriyatii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section 011 major repairs to the Batum. Djulfa, Ochemchiry, Borzhomy and Gendzhy post offices. Reorganizatsiya po S. -Kavkazsk. Okrugu; (n.<'1.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on administrative reorganization in the Northern Caucasus District. Reply Cards Used in Russia; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 56; Nov. Karaurgan cover in BJRP #55.

1979; 37; Comments on the

Sel 'skie pis'monostsy; (n.a.); ZIlTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 129; very short item in the 'KIlronika' section on tile establishment of a 'village lettercarriers' institute' in Abkhazia. Sl iyanie NKPiT Zakavkaz'ya s NKPiT SSSR; (n.a.); Sovetski i fi latel ist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 32; Short notice that the Transcaucasus People's Commissariat of Posts and the Telegraph is merging with that of the USSR. Snova

0 Tiflisskoi marke; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 4-6; Kaminskii's recounting of Berngard's and his. research on the Tiflis stamp. up to the present.

Soyuznyi s'ezd v Rostove; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Fourth Northern Caucasus Communications Union regional congress. Svyaz' v Zakavkaz'e;

(n.a. i; ZhTS; 9; Sep.


113; Short item in the 'Khronika'





section on expansion of communications in the Caucasus. Svyaz' v Zakavkazskom Okruge; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Soviet PTOs in the Caucasus and their financial condition. Taksa po rasstoyaniyam v Severo-Kavkazskii krai; (n.a.): ZrlTS; 6; June 1925; 111; Short Item in the 'Khronika' section on changing the way distance rates were charged for mail to and from the Northern Caucasus Territory. Taksy v Zakrespublike; Musatolt; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-路Dec. Postal rates for the Transcaucasus, as of 26 October 1923. The Caucasian Turkish Army Post; Kuyas,

Salih M.; Post Rider; 5; Nov.

1923; 46; 1979; 53-54;

The General Issues of the Transcaucasian Federation; AShford. P.T.; BJRP; 1966; 23-27;



The General Issues of the Transcaucasian Federation (Part 2); Ashford. P.T./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 42-44; Follow-up to the article of the same title in BJRP #39. The Murghat Valley Railway; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP;


May 1961; 36-40;

The Postage Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic; Radio de Filintern; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 28-29; The Stamps of the Mountain Republic; Epstein. Alexander; BJRP; 72; Spring, 42-46; Stamps of the Mountain Soviet Socialist Republic, 1922.



Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 6-9; The Tiflis City Post. Includes a table showing the 13 postal districts and the provinces they encompassed up to 1850. Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, B.; Continued from #10.

Filatel iya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1971; 3-7;

Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskil. B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 39-43; Includes sections on mail transportation and the Tifl is stamps. Continued from # 11 . Transcaspia and T",rkes"'::ai1; tnese areas.

(n.a.): BJRP; 38; Mar.

Transcaucasian Notes: Ashford,


Transcaucasian Notes (2); Ashfora,

1966; 3-5; A 1913 postal map of

39; Oct.

1966; 28-30;

P.T.; BJRP; 4j; Oct.


Turkey Used in Saturn; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica;


Turkish Post Offices in Saturn; Torrey, Gordon; illustration page;

BJRP; 48; Mar.

1964; 65;


Post-WWI. 1973; 20-21

& 1

Uvelichenie shtata: (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; uuly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northern Caucasus Distr1ct increasing its staff of communications workers. V edinoi sem's narodov; Arzumanov. G.; Filatel .ya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 1-2 & inside front cover; A tendentious exposition of Soviet 'union' for the Caucasian countries Some useful thematic information is included. Velosipedy dlya sel 'skikh pis'monostsov; (n.a. I; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Very short .tem in the 'Khronika' section on the prov.slon of bIcycles for rural mailmen. Vnutrennyaya pochta. (V Upravlenii Sev.-Kavk. Ok"ugn 5vyazi); Chesnokov, I.; ZhTS: 7; July 1925; 93-94; An 'nternel office mail svstem used by the North Ca~casus Communica~ions District Admlnistrat10n. Vypusk GO"sfcoi t,SS~:; Moiseev, A.: Fllateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 34-35; The author discusses the venue and use of the Gorskaya ASSR overprinted issue with five-pointeo star and the letters G.S.S.R. conclvdes that thE'i' are provisionals. Zakrytie Ehssentukskoi sanatori i NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on closure of the NKPiT's Essentuki sanatorium for communications workers.

Censorship, Civil War




'V' Crayon Marking; Popov, V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 62; Three postcards from Alupka and Nikolaevka in the crimea, 1918. All bear large 'V's', and the writer suggests they were never forwarded. A Tale of Two Censors; Steyn, Army censormarks.

lvo; Rossica;

115; Oct.

1990; 37-38; White Army and Red

Addenda and Errata - 1920 8lagoveshchensk Issue; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 70-71; A censored cover from Konstantinovka, Amur oblast' to 8lagoveshchensK. Troitsk to Novo-Nikolaevsk 1918 - Censored; Marshall, A.R.; 21 ;


11; Jan.






(n.t.); (n.a.); BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 31; #s allocated to Siberlan towns.

In 'Correspondence' section.


A few censor

(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 46; Dec. 1971; 31; In 'News and Views' section. Petrograd censormarks in the Adler collection.

Three new

(n.1:.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 75; 1968: 10"7; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Shows a cover censored at the Mokotovskaya Hard-Labor Prison, 1915. (n.t.); Bozovitch, Socrates; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 74: Two covers from Athos to Russia. denied entry by Odessa Customs because they contained printed matter in Russian. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Rossica; 73; 1967; 79-80; In 'Notes From Co': lectors' section. Includes an imperial clvil censormark. and Soviet 'Received in damaged state' markings. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Rossica;



108; A WWI Rosseiny censormark.

(n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 68; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A 1944 advertisement for Soviet watermark and imperforate varieties is reproduced, along with a faked Lithuanian cover and a misrouted and censored postcard of 1914. (n.t.); Levandowsky, Daniel; censormark.

Post Rider; 6; April

(n.t.); Lloyd, John; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; 29; Krasnoyarsk censormark on a P.O.W. card. (n.t.): Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 34; Mar. 9 different WWI censormarks. (n.t.); Tann, Minsk.

In 'News and Views' section.

1964; 28;

L.L.; Post Rider; 21; Nov.

1980; 66-68; A Russo-Japanese War

In 'Correspondence' section.

New Records

1987; 72-73; An Austrian P.O.W. card from

(n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 60; 1961; 54; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 'Refuse par la censure' label, ca. 1895-1905.


"Mute" Cancellations of Russia During World War I; Krassowsky, A.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 32-38 and illustration pages 9-21.; "Nemye" gasheniya Rossii Pervoi mirovoi voiny;

Levin, A.; SK; 23;



A 8altic Warning; Leppa, August; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 45-46; Faked 'Prosmotreno' censormarks applied to legltimate pre-WWI covers. A Censored WWI Card From Belorussia to Canada; Steinhart, Alian L.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 3-4; Postcards censored in Minsk and mailed via the Minsk Reverse FPO. A.S. Pushkin v narodnom izobrazitel 'nom iskusstve; Fainshtein. Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 42-43; Cheap popular prints of art on postcards representing scenes from Pushkin's poetry. Alles schon mal dagewesen; Schneider, Oscar; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 29: Notice from the Oct. 1886 issue of 'Welt-Post' that Russian customs laws have been changed in the wake of numerous instances of people sending dutiable gOOdS via the mails. An Update on Petrograd Censorship; Weinert, Howard L.; BJRP;



Beitraege zur russischen Feldpost; Knopf-Goldberg; Germania-Berichte; Only censormarks are illustrated - no FPO cancels.

198,: 33-35; 1-2:

Beitraege zur russischen Feldpost: Knopf-Goldberg: Germania-Berichte; 9-10: 125-128; Continuea from ~7-S. Beitraege zu~ russischen Feldpost; Ricnter. Hans M.T. 27-29: ~PO cancels and censormarks.

1916; 4-9; 1915;

Germania-Berichte; 3-4;

Bilingual Russlan-Persian Censor Marks 1916-1917; Banfleld, Norman R.; Pocht8; June-July 1991; 24-27;

1916; 10;

Censor and Control Marks of Wartime Petrograd: Casey, Raymond/Evans, Barrie; BJRP; 42; Dec. 1968; 4-14 & 2 illustration pages; De Russificering van Finland; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 3-2; Russification of Finland through various covers. Delayed by Military Censor; Jay. David;


Die Postzensur in Finnland; Moxter, Hans G.;



1985; 9-24;

A look at the

1987; 70-76;

Forschungsgemeinschaft Nordische






Staaten im BOP e.V.; Original book, 100 pages, softbound. Text in German, includes an international vocabulary listing of two pages - Danish, German, English, Finnish, Swedish and Spanish. Covers WWI, WWII. Numerous illustrations. Die Russischen Zensurstempel 4-8;

im Ersten Weltkrieg; Pritt, Boris; ZRSP; 40; July 1986:

Die Zensur War Immer Dabei Wilna 1914-22; Hahne, Gerhard; Pochta; 45; Aug. 31-41; Both Russian and German censormarks from Vil'na.


Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt, Vambola/Ojaste, Eimar: 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New Y~rk: Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Expressions Used by Russian Censorship in WWI: Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 60; Oct. Feldpost des Auslandes; Knopf-Goldberg; Germania-Berichte; 7-8; FPO cancels and ordinary censormarks are illustrated.

1983; 27;

1915; 90-92; Several

Kak izobrel i polosku kleya; Vigi lev, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. development of envelopes and glue after the 'wax seal' era.

1974; 26-27; The

Maarus Sojavangide Kirjade Kohta 1718. Aastal.; Cederberg, Arno Rafael; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 202-205; Reproduction in Estonian and German of Peter's 1718 decree forbidding Swedish P.O.W.s to write letters home. Brief English summary included. Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. Istoricheskii Telegraf v XIX stolyetii.; (n.a.); 1902; Numerous chapters on various aspects of Pr i gara' s 'Russkaya pochta v i mper i i ... '

ocherk. Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta MVD, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. the Post. The source for much of .

Moscow Censor Marks 1914-18; Warr, Noel C.; BJRP; 57; Nov. Moscow Censor Marks 1914-18 - Addendum


Moscow Censor Marks 1914-19 - Addendum 2; 48-49;

1980; 29-32;

Warr, Noel C.; BJRP; 58; Nov.

1981: 35-37;

Ingrey, M./et al.; BJRP; 59; Dec.

Mute or Camouflage Cancellations; Shenits, H.; Rossica;



1958; 30;

Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Oct. 1953; 380- 383;


Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Feb. 1954; 403-408;


Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sal isbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Dec. 1954; 491-502;


Mute Cance 1 1at ions of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Apr. 1955; 530-533;

17 ;

Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sal isbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Dec. 1955; 585-592;


Mute Cancellations of World War One; 1956: 621-629;

Sal isbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; 20; May

Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP: 21; Dec. 1956; 654-657; Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury. G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 681-685: Mute Cancellations of World War One; 1958; 722-725;

Salisbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; 6JRP;

Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sallsbu"y, G.B. 1961; 75-82; News and Views;

(n.a.); BJRP; 46: Dec.

1971; 29:




and Kurt Adler: BJRP; 29: May

Addenda to various articles.

Notes from; 'A.A. Ignat'ev; Pyat'desyat Let v Stroyu', Volume I, pp. 224-225, Moscow, 1950; Roberts, Ian; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 105; Some lines on press censorship during the Russo-Japanese War. Nyemye shtempelya; Brul', E.; Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 12-13; The initial, intrOductory article in Brul's series on mute cancels. Nyemye shtempelya; Brul', E.; Rossica;

14; Dec.

1933; 50-52; With representations of






mute cancels. Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica;

18; Dec.



Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica;





Nyemye shtempelya; Brul' , E. ; Rossica;

22; Dec.

Nyemye shtemoelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica;

23; June 1936; 225-226;

1935; 200:


June 1937; 4'" ,

Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E.;



Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E.;


28; Dec.

Outstanding Cover No. 14; Wortman, A.H. ; BJRP; to Bogorodsk, censored in Moscow, 1884.

1937; 8 0-,. 14-15; May 1954; 412;

Austrian cover

Pervyya pochty i pervye pochtmeistery v Moskovskom gosudarstvye. Opyt isslyedovaniya nyekotorykh voprosov iz istorii Russkoi kul'turoi vo vtoroi polovinye XVII vyeka.; Kozlovskii, I.P.; 1913; Varshavskii uchenyi okrug, Warsaw; On microfilm. Exhaustive detail on the early years of the Post, from 1665 to 1701. Petrograd CensorshIp - Some Additional 32-33 & 1 illustration page;

Notes; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 47;

July 1972;

Petrograder Militaerzensur waehreno des 1. Weltkrieges; Kossoi. M.; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 23-35; Aerni, Nina; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #24, 1986. Pis'ma ssyl'nykh na zemskikh traktakh; Stepanov, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 43; Correspondence between exiled revolutionaries via inter-zemstvo mail. Postal Censorship in Imperial Russia; Skipton, David M.; (n.d.); Exhibit of all aspects of Imperial Russian postal censorship - civil and military. Photocopies contained in two 3-ring binders. Postal Censorship in Imperial Russia; John Otten, Champaign, III inois; slipcase. Covers all aspects of civil, police, court, prison and

Skipton, David M./Michalove, Peter A.; 1989; Original set of two volumes hardbound, in Russian postal censorship - perlustration, military censorship.

Problems of Russian Philately 1908-1917: Evans, Barrie; Rossica; 76- 7 7; 1969; 17-25; WWI military censorship, resealing labels, exemption of P.O.W. mail from postage fees. PO~

Mail DU~ing WWI: Russia!Austria-Hungary!Russia 1914-1918; Bartmann, Richard; Post Rider: 20; June 1987; 4-26; A 1 isting of P.O.W. cards, where they were printed, and some Russian censormark illustrations.

Riga - Die Postgeschichte bis 1919; Marcilger, V.; (n.d.); Paul von Sengbusch, HeIde; Two volumes. hardbound. EXhaustive treatment of Riga postmarks and postal history. Rusijos Karo Cenzuros Antspaudai Lietuvoje 1914-1915 m.; BUbnys, Vygintas; Filatelija LietL:voje; 1989; 17-19; Lie'tuvos Filatel istu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; WWI mil itary censorship in LIthuania. Russia Used Abroad: New Discoveries; Speeckaert, Antoine; BJRP; 61; Dec. 25-26; A Pogranichnaya censormark.


Russian Censorship in Estonia in the WWI; Kahrs, Christoofferjet al.; Eest; Filatelist: 24-25; 1979; 105-125; Numer'ous ce'lsormarks are recorded and i llustr'ated. Russian CensorShip of Mail from Romania Jan. 1992; 22-25; Russian CharIty Stamps Used Abroad;

in World War I;



Banfield, N.R.;

Post Rider;

23; Dec.



198P; 69-72;

Russian Postal Censorship 1914-1918; Speeckaert, Antoine; 1990; KoninkliJke Postzegelvereniging van het Land van Waas St. Niklaas, Belgium; App~Oximately 1400 wWT censormarks are catalogued and assigned rarity indicators. High-qual ity illustrations and maps. Text in German and English. Softbound original. Russian War Censored Covers 1914/1918; Barry,

John; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 604-610;

Russische 'Stumme'-Stempel zu Beginn des 1. Weltkrieges auf dem Polnischen Gebiet; Petriuk, Steofan; Pochta; 43: Aug. 1987; 31-32; Russische Postcensuur 1914-1918. Stempelstudie.; Speeckaert, A.; 1986; Kon. Postzegelverenigi~g van het Land van Waas, Sint-Niklaas; Photocopy of the first edition, in Flemish. The 1990 English-German edltion replaces it.






Russko-yaponskaya voina 1904-1905 g.g. Tyl deistvuyushchei armii. Chast' vtoraya Puti soobshcheniya. Sredstva peredvizhenii i snoshenii.; (n.a.); VII; 1910; 317-362; Voenno-istoricheskaya komissiya, St.Petersburg; The Russian General Staff's assessment of its field post, telegraph and censorship activities during the Russo-Japanese War. Scarce Censor Covers of the First World War; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 18-21 & 1 illustration page;


Scarce Censor Markings of the Flrst World War - (II); Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 16-17 & 1 illustration page; Scarce Censor Markings of the First World War - (III); Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 13-14 & 1 illustration page; Scarce Censor Markings of the First World War 1964; 21-23 & 1 illustration page;

(IV); Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 35; Oct.

Some Examples of Censor Markings From Austrian POW's Interned in Russia During WWI; Hahn, Henry; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 104-108; St. Petersburg's Red Triangles; Skipton, David M./Steyn, Ivo J.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 9-15; An explanation of the red adhesive triangles as mlsrouted mall flags. The Mute Cancellations of Russia at the Beginning of World War I Fr i tz; BJRP; 18; Jul y 1955; 563-566;

in 1914; Freitag,

The Russian Military Censor at Manchuriya; Robinson, P.E.; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 24-25; Tsarist Estonian Censor Markings and Labels; Kahrs, Christoffer; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 3-11; Illustrations and dates of usage of censormarks used during WWI in Estonia. Two Items of Postal History From the Far East; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 42; Dec. 36; Central FPO at Kharbin, Aug. 1905.


Vilniaus pasto antspaudal; Bubnys, Vlglntas; (n.d.); Exhibit of Vil'na postal history, from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the exhibitor's consent. World War I Censor Markings of Minsk; Banfield, Norman R.; BJRP; 64; Dec. 37-41; WWI Censor Markings: 28-30;

More Information; Michalove,


Peter A.; BJRP; 60; Oct.


Zensurstempel von Jakobstadt (Jekabpils) und Riga; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Dct. 1967; 7; Two censormarks, of 1914 anel 1916. 19th Century Censorship; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 48; Mar. pages 7-8; Postal censorship. 1916 Censor Mark Used As a Cancellation; Baillie, Rostov-na-Donu. 1917;



& illustration

I.L.G.; BJRP; 23; Mar.

1958; 708;

Portuguese Ambassador's Censored Mail From Petrograd; Mushlin, David; BJRP; 56; Nov. 1979; 37;

Censorship. Soviet




(n.t.); (n.a.); BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 40; In 'Correspondence' section. Shows more 3-trlangles covers. which apparently came from dispatch offices only. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Rossica; 71; 1966; 84; A 1945 cover censored by the Soviets in Rumania. In 'Notes From Collectors' section. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew: Rossica; 73; 1967; 79-80; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Includes an imperial civil censormark. and Soviet 'Received in damaged state' markings. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 69; Two covers to Iran indicating that neither were examined by Soviet censors. (n.t.); Woollam. John V.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 70; A perfume sample sent to the Western Ukraine, denied entry and returned as a forbidden trade article. ' ... Po delu kollektsionirovaniya pochtovykh marok'; Sorkin. Vu.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 10-11; Professor M.Va. Syuzyumov. a participant in the 'Zlatoust program' and a purge victim in 1936. 'Damaged' Mail and the Soviet Post; Skipton. David M.; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 44-56; French-language 'Received in damaged condition' markings on Soviet mail. 1926-1949. A 'Damaged' Cover to Latvia; Michalove. Peter A.; BJRP; 63;

1986; 85-86;

A Philatelic Detective Story: Russia 1941 to Switzerland 1942; Miskin. George/Joseph, R.L.; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 39-42; Afangulskii. Va.; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 2-3; The author discusses an arbitrary change in Soviet regulations on foreign philatel ic exchanges. An Interesting Soviet Marking of 1935; Jcseph, A ~iev 'Damaged on Receipt' marking.

Robin L.; BJRP; 62; Dec.

Anglo-Soviet-Persian Censorship; Sklarevski, Rimma; censorship in Iran.

Rossica; 55;

1985; 38-39;

1958; 25; WWII joint

At the Sign of the Three Triangles; (n.a.); Rossica; 74; 1968; 68-69; Editorial Board comments o~ the 'three-triangle' dispatch office postmarks. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 39; 1966; 30; '3-triangles' dispatch office cancels.

Luchnik's and Casey's observations on

Censorship in the 1960s; Werbizky. George; Rossica; 115; Apr. 1991; 55; Illustrates a cover from Canada to Vilnius. returned by Soviet Customs.


Die Kriegsgefangenenpost der Nichtdeutschen Soldaten in Sowjetischem Gewahrsam Waehrend und Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg; Boddenberg. H.-W.; Pochta; 47; Mar. 1989; 19-21; Die Post der Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der UdSSR und Ihrer Angehoerigen 1945-1956; Schroeter. Martin; Philatelie; 165; Jan. 1986; 12-13. 19; DiSpos:tion of Maiis From Axis and AXis-Controlled Countries; Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 89; 1975; 56-57; Reprinted from 'The Postal Bulletin', 13 Feo. 1942. Lists censorship stations in the U.S., wonders if Soviet mail was censored here. Early Field Post Markings from the 'Great Patriotic War'; Michalove. Peter A.; Rossica: 118; Apr. 1992; 40-44; Includes early Soviet machine censormarks. Eastern Delays; Konnick, Mike; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor pointlng out Soviet delays in routing mail to the Baltic states. Ekspeditsiya Postmarks wlth Triangles on UKraine Cards and Covers; Seichter, BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; 20-23;


Eshche raz 0 pravilakh obmena; Merkulov. I.: Filate 1 iya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 49-50; More on internati~nal philatei ic exchange rules. From the Circular File: Finik, Leon; Rossica; 'bulk-mail' item from 1991.

119; Oct.

1992; 57; An uncensored early

Istoriya vypuska i naznachenie marok kontrol'nogo sbora; Morozov. I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 36-41; Detailed exposition on the control stamps. Kak pochtovomu vedomstvu prikhodilos' rasplachivat'sya za deyaniya drugogo vedomstva; (n.a.); Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 62; Discovery of a 1924 Narkompochtel' SSSR circular concerning the possiOility of discovery by OGPU secret censors of contraband in mail they opened, and what post offices should do when questioned about the whereabouts of patrons' mail.

Censorship, Soviet




Kontrol' zagranichnogo filatelisticheskogo obmena; (n.a.); Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya: 1; 1991; 49-51; NKPiT circulars pertaining to the philatelic control points are reproduced. Kriegsgefangenenpost UdSSR 1941 bis 1956; Boddenberg, H.-W.; 22-30; Mail

Pochta; 47; Mar.


From German POWs in Soviet Captivity 1945-1956; Michalove, Peter A.; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 30-36;

Mailing to the Soviet Union; (n.a.); Sep. 1985; U.S. Postal Service, Washington, D.C.; PUblication #269. Issued to answer postal patrons' questions about the do's and don'ts' of sending mail to the USSR. Mailing to the Soviet Union; (n.a.); Sep. 1985; U.S. Postal Service; Problems encountered by postal patrons sending mail to the USSR - do's, don't's. Menyaites' na zdorov'e; Pilipenko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1990; stamp-exchange rules for 'Union of Philatelists activists'.

11; New foreign

Mezhdunarodnaya korrespondentsiya v gody Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Osyatinskii, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 28-29; Mezhdunarodnyi obmen; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. foreign philatelic exchange on 1 Jan. 1969.

1969; 47; The beginning of

More Soviet 'Damaged' Markings; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 63;

1986; 81-84;

Morskaya pochta osazhdennogo Sevastopolya; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1982; 14-15; Information on the field post and censorship during the siege of Sevastopo 1 . Morskaya pochta Khanko; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 10-12; Covers and postal history of the Soviet naval base at Hango, Finland during WWII. Information on censorship of mail there is included. Moscow and Petrograd Ekspeditsiya, 'Three-triangles' postmarks.

1921-22; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 35; Oct.

Moscow Censor Marks 1914-18; Warr, Noel C.; BJRP; 57; Nov.


1980; 29-32;

Moscow Censor Marks 1914-1B - Addendum l ' Warr, Noel C.; BJRP; 58; Nov. Moscow Censor Marks 1914-19 - Addendum 2; 48-49;


1981; 35-37;

Ingrey, al.; BJRP; 59; Dec.


Mysli starogo filatelista; Moskvich; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 21-22; V.I. Ryabinin's comments on and criticisms of Chuchin's organization and its catalog. Nadpechatki na revolyutsionnykh pochtovykh markakh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 13-14 & one central illustration page; Various overprints of the early Soviet period. Includes the control stamps, postage dues and 'R.S.F.S.R. for the Starving' issues. Varieties of the latter overprint are described. Neue Verordnung der Sowjets beim Tausch ueber den Kontrollpunkt; Tobler-Sommerfeld, Harald; ZRSP; 38; Aug. 1985; 43; New philatelic control point regulations. Novye ukazaniya 0 poryadke vydachi razreshenii na vedenie zarubezhnogo obmena; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1985; 26-27; Novye usloviya zagranichnogo obmena; Chuchin, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); NOV.-Dec. 1924; 43-44; New rules on exchange of philatelic material with foreign collectors, and announcement of those breaking the rules and the abolition of the Leningrad and Rostov-na-Donu Control Points. Novyi

razreshHel'nyi shtempel': (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist: 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; 31; Announcement of the new 'Contents ... examined and permitted ... ' handstamp applied to philatellc exchange mail .


mezhdunarodnom obmene;


mezhdunarodnom obmene; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; international philatel ic exchange explained.


mezhdunarodnom obmene; Osipov, V.; philatelic exchange rules.


nekotorykh problemakh mezhdunarodnogo pochtovogo obmena s Sovetskim Soyuzom; Vishnevskaya, YU.; 10 Oct. 1983; Transcript of a Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcast, providing commentary on Medvedev's book detailing Soviet secret


Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 29; 10; Oct.

1975; 30; The rules for

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1973; 40;




Censorship, Soviet


censorship of his mail.


pravilakh mezhdunarodnogo obmena; Osipo\', V.;


pravilakh obmena markami sovetskikh i zarubezhnykh filatelistov; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 38-39;


pravilakh zarubezhnogo obmena; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; for philatelic exchange with foreign collectors.

1; Jan.


pravilakh zarubezhnogo obmena;



pravilakh zarubezhnogo obmena; (n.a.); F,latel iya SSSR; 5' May 1980; 30-31; Rules for international exchange of philatel ic material.


zagranichnom obmene; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 24; Notice to collectors about the abolishment of the SFA Control Point on 1 Jan. 1928.



Filatel iya SSSR;

Filatel iya SSSR;



1976; 42;



1986; 28-30; Rules 1983; 28-30;

Offitsial'nyi otdel. K zagranichnomu obmenu.; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 29-30; The text of a letter sent to all foreign postal administrations requesting that they inform their citizens of Soviet philatelic exchange rules to avoid further attempts to circumvent them. Philatelic Foreign Exchange Tax Stamps; 49-61; Pochta GULAGa. 'Dal'stroi'.; Sashenkov, covers from the Gulag, Kolyma.

Taylor. Robert; Post Rider; E.;

Fi latel iya; 4; Apr.

Pochta SLONa; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 45-47; Mail prison camps on the Solovetsky Islands.

15; Nov.



12-13; Two

to and from the Soviet

Pravila mezhdunarodnogo obmena; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 29; A brief exposition of the rules for conducting phllatelic exchanges with foreign correspondents. Preduprezhdenie; Chuchin. F./Gusarevich, A.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 22-23; An ominous warning against those attempting to circumvent Chuchin's philatelic control points, and a 1 is~ of those caught doing it. Question Box; (n.a.); RAP; 13; Nov. 1943; 2; collector exchange stopped in 1936.




the SPA and

Reorganizatsiya Leningradskogo otdeleniya; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2; 1924; 22; Short item on reorganization of Chuchin's Leningrad branch.


Skorosti sovetskoi pochty zamedlyayutsya; (n.a.); Dec. 3, 1973; Radio Liberty; RS 373/73. Transcript of a broadcast dealing with a slowdown in Soviet mail delivery, also commentary on perlustration as presented by Medved'ev in his samizdat publication 'Makhinatsii nashei pochty'. Soviet Censormarks - The '1942-1943 Category'; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 1992; 45-52; Soviet Censorship and Other Markings;

Shmuely, Moshe; Rossica;

Soviet Censorship: Some Additional Notes; Steyn, Ivo; Rossica; 63-64; Additions to Shmuely's censorship article in #112.



115; Oct.

118; Apr. 17-41; 1990;

Soviet Field Post of World War II; Michalove, Peter A.: (n.d.): Exhibit of Soviet FPO covers from the pre-war period up to the late 19405. Soviet Military and Civilian Secret Censorship; Grigorev, V. Journal; 74; Oct. 1986; 23-32; Soviet Naval Mail

1941-1945; Micl1alove,

Peter A.:


(pseud.): Postal History

115; Oct: 1990: 58-63;

Soviets Disrupting Mail To and From the 6altics; Schwartz. Lloyd; Linn's Stamp News: 10 June 1991; 1 & 14; The Dec. 1990 to Mar. 1991 Soviet mai 1 delay. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4: Apr-. 1975; 31; A reader is informed of the rules for sending FDCs directly abroad, without going through the exchange point. Tamozhnya; Obukhov. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 5-7: SOViet Customs workers prevent philatel ists from sending too much material out of the country. Tamozhnya ... ; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Customs as hindrance to Soviet philatelists.


Tausch mit Sowjetischen Philatelisten; Schmenkel. Horst:

10-12; A look at Soviet


39; Dec.

1985; 53-54;

The 'Three Solid Triangle' Ekspeditsiya Postmarks of 1921-22; Marris, H.Q.; BJRP; 37;

Censorship, Soviet Oct.






The Elephant (SLON) Mail; Boiko, V.G.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 36-39; Werbizky, George G.; Mail to and from the concentration camps at Solovki, and censorship of prisoners' correspondence. Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #6, 1991. The Postal History of the Russian Civil War. Part 1 - The Three Triangle Ekspeditsiya Censor Markings.; Ceresa, Raymond J.; BJRP; 43; Oct. 1969; The Soviet Censorship in Roumania; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 55;


1958; 25;

The Swiss Woman's Cipher; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 27-28; A Freemason Cipher on a 1900 postcard from Russia to Switzerland. The Three Triangles Ekspeditsiya Markings; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; Argues against the theory that these markings were indicative of Soviet censorship. Three Sol id Triangles; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 70; covers bearing the 'three-triangles' postmarks. U.S.



13-15; Lists 11 Soviet

Postal Censorship and the USSR; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 91-93; Diplomatic correspondence extracted from declassified U.S. documents concerning Soviet control of correspondence.

Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR; (n.a.); 1966; Yuridicheskaya Komissiya pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR, izd-vo 'Yuridicheskaya literatura', Moscow; Three pages. Only two articles - 135 & 159 - dealing with privacy of correspondence and forgery of postage stamps and stationery. Unrecorded Anglo-Soviet-Iranian Censor Markings of the Second World War; BJRP; 63; 1986; 97-102;

Lloyd, John;

Vremennye razreshitel'nye marki dlya kollektsii; In.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 30-31; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on TsKPG-overprinted stamps being sold to collectors. Yuridicheskii slovar'; (n.a.); 2; 1956; Gosizdat yuridicheskoi literatury, Moscow; Second edition. Five pages of entries for: 'Pochtovyi Soyuz Vsemirnyi', 'Posylochnaya torgovlya', and 'Taina perepiski'. Zamknutyi krug; Smirnov, S.; Filateliya; 7; July 199i; 6; A letter to the editors, which the author rails against the stupidity of having to conduct foreign philatelic exchanges through control points.


Central Asia, Civil War




Iz istori i denezhnogo obrashcheniya Kazakhstana v gody Grazhdanskol voiny; Globenko, V.; SK; 23; 1985; 134-135; Katalog-soravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VIII. Pochtovye marki Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana.; Ustinovskii. V./Turchinskii, Vu./Pevzner, A.; Filat\?l iya; 2; Feb. 1992; 1-12; Listings of Bukhara, Khorezrn, Kazakhstan, postmaster provisionals of Central Asia. and Imperial revenues used as postage. Money Transfer Cards and Other Covers From Turkestan, 38; Mar'. 1966; 11-12 & 4 illustration pages;

1919-1921; Peel, Eric G.; BJRP;

Russian-Related Phantasies; To"rey, Gordon; Rossica; 86-87;

1975; 80-82;

Some Comments on the Russian Related Phantasies; Ceresa, R.J.; Rossica; 93; 53-54; Turkestan phantasies.


Central Asia,



(n.t.); Stephen, W.S.E.; Rossica; 65;

1963; 69;



'Lt. Volinetz' covers from Charjuy.

Another Expedition Item; Woollam. John V.; Post Rider; from Ellsworth Huntington in Osh, 1903.

30; June 1992; 72-73; A cover

BU:<hara Railway Routes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 39; Oct. page;


12-13 & 1 illustration

Erinnerungen an Sven Hedin - Philatelistische Dokument; 70-72;


ZRSP; 35; Sep.


Iz Srednei Azii v Indiyu ... cherez Evropu; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 29; An 1896 cover that took an odd route due to Persia and Afghanistan not being members of the UPU. Meine 'Sven Hedin-Sammlung', Oder die Fruchte der Mitarbeit; Dietrich, H.G.; ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 20-23; News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 47; July 1972; 38; Records the earliest cover dates for Russian POs in Central Asia in the J.V. Woollam collection. Outstanding Covers; Droar, A./Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 6-7 & 3 illustration pages; 1877 Vernyi, 1881 Kokan, and 1889 Samarkand covers. Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. The K.K. von Schultz Correspondence; Weinert, Howard L.; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 65-69; Four money letters posted from Kizil-Arvat, Merv and Ashkhabad from 1885 to 1889. The Khanates of Khiva and BUkhara; Traks, P.; BJRP;

12; Oct.

1953; 373-374;

The Postal Service at Khiva Town During the Khanate; Christie, E.R.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 57; Excerpt from Christie's 'Through KI,iva to Golden Samarkand', 1925. Transcaspia and Turkestan; these areas.

(n.a.); BJRP; 38; Mar.

Travels in Transcaspia and Turkestan, 35-36;

1966; 3-5; A 1913 postal map of

1895; Krensler, Hans B.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983;

Two Interesting Cancellations; Blomfield, R.S.; BJRP; 34; Mar. Akmolly and a Samarkand Zeravshanskii ok rug cover.


18; An 1878



Central Asia, Soviet


Bez pochtal 'ona; Reshetnikov, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Three pages on the 'cassette' method of mail del ivery in Tashkent. Brat' prlmer s peredovykh pochtal 'anov; Kudlnov, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1961; Three pages on outstandlng postilllons of the Tashkent Post Office. Chei metod luchshe?; Ovsyanikov, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; One page on the merits of the 'Tashkent Universal' and the 'Groznyi' methods of mechanized mail delivery. Chtoby uskorit' dostavku; Bazylov, K.; Kazakhstanskaya Pravda; Dec. 27, 1981; Increasing newspaper-and-magazine del ivery speed In the Taldy-Kurgan area. Dlya luchshei raboty svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; Short article on projected installation of 'Universal' subscriber mailboxes in the Uzbek SSR. Dlya uluchsheniya dostavki pochty; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 9; Sep. 1970; One page on problems with mail delivery and measures taken to eliminate them in the Tselinograd area. Dushanbinskoi pochte 40 let; Kabirov, Kh.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana: Oct. 8, Dushanbinskomu po=htamtu - 50 let; Sharakhmetov,

I.; Vestnik svyazi;


10; Oct.


Gerbovye marki Bukharskoi Narodnoi Sovetskoi Respubliki (BNSR) 1922-1925 godov; Florenskii. V./Florenskii, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 49-50; Bukhara revenues. Golubye kupola; Nikol'ski i, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. stationery depicting scenes in Samarkand.


19-20; Stamps and

na shelku, i na 1 iste tetradnom ... ; Shchelokov, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; July 1990: 43; The paper money of the Khorezm Peoples Soviet Republic. 1920. Kak my povyshaem ehkonomicheskie znaniya rabotnikov svyazi; Baum, svyazi; 5; May 1961; One page. At the Frunze Post Office.

I.S.; Vestnik

Kak organizuem dostavku pochty; Maslennikova, E.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. pages on mail delivery from the Frunze GPO. Kak uskorit' prodvizhenie pochty; Bazylov, K.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. pages on speeding up mall-handling in the Kazakh SSR.

1981; Two

1980; Two

Kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v gazetno-zhurnal'noi ehkspeditsii; Kotlyarov. 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1962; Two pages. Mechanization at tne Ashkhabad Post Office. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki aViapochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; article on mechanization at the Tashkent airport.

1; Jan.

1969; Short

Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; STATUPR Kaz. SSR, Kazakhskoe GDSIZDAT, Alma-Ata; One page of statistics for 1928, 1932, 1937,1940,1945,1950,1953-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhsta~a v 1977 g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1978; TsSU KSSR, Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan', Alma-Ata; One page of statistics for 1960, 1965,1970,1975-1977. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kirgizskoi SSR v 1963 godu - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; 1964; TsSU KSSR, 'Statistika', Frunze; One page of statistics for 1932. 1953, 1958, 1962-1963.

(n. a. ) ; 19~0,

Naradnoe khozyaistvo Tadzhikskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.;; 1957; STATUPR TSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Stal inabad; One page of statistics for 1932, 1940, 1945, 1950-1955. Narodnoe khozyais~vo Tadzhikskoi SSR v 1976 g. - Yubileinyi statisticheskii ezhegodnik k 60-i letiyu Velikogo Oktyaorya; (n.a.): 1977; TsSU TSSR, 'Irfon', Dushanbe; One lJage of data for 19<',0,1965,1970,1975-19 7 6. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tadzhikskci SSR v 1980 g. - StatistichesKli ezhegodnik; 1982; TsSU TSSR, 'Irfon', Dushanbe; Three pages of statistics for 1940, 1975-1980.

(n.a.); 1970,

Narodnoe khozyaistvo Turkmenskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; TsSU TSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Ashkhabad; One page of statistics for 1940, 1950, 1954-1955. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Turkmenskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik: (n.a.); 1963; TsSU TSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Ashkhabad; One page of statistics for 1950. 1956-1961. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Uzbekskoi SSR - 1971 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik;



Central Asia, Soviet TsSU UzSSR, 1970-1971.


'Uzbekistan', Tashkent; Two pages of data for 1940,





Narodnoe khozyaistvo Uzbekskoi SSR - 1975 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1976; TsSU UzSSR, 'Uzbekistan', Tashkent; Two pages of statistics for 1940, 1965, 1970-1975. Ne dostav1eno adresatu; Gromadskii, L.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Sep. 30, 1973; Complaints from Frunze residents about delays in newspaper and magazine delivery. Nov' solnechnogo Uzbekistana; Mil', A.;

Fi1ate1iya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1974; 3;

Novye bukharskie marki; Sudakevich, A.; Sovetskii fi1ate1ist; 2; Feb. 1924; 8; Local 'horse-post' stamps issued by the Bukhara State Printing Office, for use only in Bukhara. Novye pochtamty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Short article on new post offices in Tall in and at the Karaganda airport. Ob1egchim trud pochtal 'onov; Ko10din, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; June 1968; One page on getting residents of Karaganda to move their mailboxes closer to the streets. Obychnyi reis; Maitu1ina, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1979; Two pages on Mr. Novikov, chief of the Moscow-Dja1abad-Moscow mai1car staff, with general information on the railroad. Opasnyi reis; Korytov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; accident between Frunze and Rybach'e.

10; Oct.

1976; Short item on a mai1car

Opyt - bogatstvo d1ya vsekh; Vu1takh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. pages on the leading communications offices in Central Asia.

1971; Three

Otde1enie svyazi na kolesakh; Sol omonchuk , A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; Short item on the first mobile communications office in the Karaka1pak region, for support to geological expeditions. Peredvizhnaya pochtovaya kareta v Tashkente; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a postal coach making the rounds of Tashkent. Po primeru rostovchan; Kazanski~, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; One page on a Kazakh SSR post office and its decision to experiment with the Rostov mail-delivery system. Pochti'! na 'kryshu mira'; Maiorov, V.; Fi 1atel iVa SSSR; communications in Khorog, in the Pamirs.

10; Oct.

1972; 20-21; Postal

Pochta na ko1esakh; Fominykh, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Short item on the first mobile postal office in the Mariiskaya ASSR. Pochta segodnya i zavtra; Isakov, Eh.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Nov. 12, 1975; Delivery and processing problems in connection with the need to build more post offices and expand existing ones. Pochta sotsia1isticheskoi Kirgizii; Niyazbekov, Va.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Oct. 8, 1957; Brief outline of postal development in Klrgiziya, aod preparations for International Letter Week. Pochta Kirgizstana; Niyazbekov, Va.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Oct. 12, 1958; Kirghiz postal development. efforts to improve service in honor of International Letter Week. Pochtovye po1uavtomaty - k us1ugam nase1eniya; Gane1in, L.A.; Vestn1k svyazi; 4; Apr. 1967; One page on semiautomatic devices in Alma-Ata. Docntcvymi marshrutami; Bazy1ov, K~; Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhstana; 68-70; General overview of postal development in Kazakhstan.



Pochtovymi marshrutaml: E1ibaev, A.; Kazakhstanskaya pravda; Apr. 3, 1980; Measures being taken by the Kazakh SSR Ministry of Communications to improve postal service. Poiski prodo1zhayutsya; Reshetnikov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; innovat1ons at the Tashkent GPO.

12; Dec.

1971; One page on

Poluchite posy1ku; Nikitina, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Short item on postmen starting to deliver packages directly to the addressees in Termez. Pomoshch' pochta1'onu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Short article on Komsomol school children helping to deliver newspapers and mail on a kolkhoz in Uzbekistan. Postal History Display; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 60;


15-16; A 1925 cover franked

Central Asia, Soviet




with Soviet postage dues and bearing a Khiva cancellation. Preobrazhennaya pustynya; Viktorov, V.; Turkmenistan.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1974; 6;

Pri novoi sisteme khozyaistvovaniya; Reshetnikov, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1969; Two pages on the Tashkent GPO under the new system of planning and economic stimulation. Programma deistvii svyazistov Uzbek 1 stana; Mangel 'din, 0.1.: Vestnik svyazi; 1970; Two pages. Includes postal lnformation.

11; Nov.

Prostoev mozhet ne byt'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; A suggestion by the Tashkent GPO chief to use 1 ight-weignt vehicles as taxis during times when they aren't being used by the GPO. Rabota s kl ienturoi; Kolodin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1969; Two pages on formation of a 'clientele-relations' group at the Karaganda Post Office. Rasshirenie i rekonstruktsiya sredstv svyazi v Turkmenskoi Respubl ike; Gusev, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12: Dec. 1961; Two pages. Includes postal information. Razvitie seti otdelenii svyazi; Baum. I.S.; Vestnik s',;yazi; on postal development in the Frunze area.

12; Dec.

1970; Two pages

Razvitie sredstv svyazi Kazakhstana za gody sovetskoi vlasti; Elibaev, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi: 6; June 1977; Two pages on communications development in Kazakhstan. S pochtamta - na VDNKh SSSR; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; Short article on a newspaper-sorting machine used at the Tashkent Post Office. It was to be displayed at the Moscow EXhibition to encourage its use elsewhere. S pomoshch'yu neshtatnykh rabotnikov; Baum, I.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Two pages on uSlng non-staff postillions for mail delivery in Frunze. Selu - nadezhnuyu pochtovuyu svyaz'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1984; One page on measures taken by the Uzbek Ministry of Communications to satisfy complaints pUbl ished in 'Vestnik svyazi' #1, 1984. Sokrovishcha kazakhstanskoi zeml i; Nikolaev, A.; Filaceliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 1-3 & inside front cover; Kazakh scenes and people on stamps and picture envelopes. Sovershenstvuem dostavochnuyu sluzhbu; Bazylov, K./Egizov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; Feb. 1971; Four pages on improvements in mail del Ivery in the Kazakn SSR. Sovershenstvuem dostavochnuyu sluzhbU; El ibaev, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. Three pages on mail delivery in the Kazakh SSR.

2; 1980;

Sovershenstvuem organizatsiyu pochtovoi svyazi na sele; Bazylov, K.B./Egizov, A.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Three pages on setting up the most efficient routes in the Kazakh SSR. Soviet Turkestan: A Historical Dissertation 1917-1929; Waugh, Allan S.: BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 42-45; Svyaz' Uzbekistana za polveka; Babadzhanov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1974; One page on the 50th anniversary of Uzbekistan's communications network. Includes posta', information. Tekhnicheskii kabinet Alma-Atinskogo pochtamta; Vul, A.I./Guzko, A.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; One page. Tekhnicheskii kabinet Karagandinskogo pochtamta; Vul, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 1962; One page.



Tselinomu krayu - obr3ztsov~yu SVVBZ'; Takhman. I.G.; Vestnik svyazi: 6; June 1961; Two pages on communIcations 1n the Tselinyi Krai, Kazakhstan. Includes postal i nfor~lat 1 on. U pDdnozhiya sedogo Paml'-a; SaH:o, V.;

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1974; 5;


Uluchshaem obsluzhivanie naseleniya i ehkonomicheskie pokazateli; Baum, I.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1966; Three pages on postal operations at the Frunze GPO and PZhSP. Ustranit' priohiny zhalob; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1985; 22; One page, short item on measures being taken by the Azerbaidjan and Turkmen SSR Ministries of Communications to correct shortcomings in their postal services. Uzbekskoe byuro kontrolya perevodov; Kudinov, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; Three pages.




Central Asia, Soviet V bratskoi sem'e:



07/13/93 L.;

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.



1974; 4; Kirgizia.

interesakh naseleniya; Vultakh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. improvements in service to residents of the Tadzhik SSR.

1981; Three pages on

V sem'e edinoi; Popov, 0.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1977; Three pages on the growth of communications, including the POs in Tadzhikistan, from 1913 to the present. Vnedrenie abonementnykh shkafov; Vul. A.I./Bazylov, K.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1962; One page on subscriber mailboxes in Karaganda.


Czech Legion




(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 60; 1961; 54; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Major Pittner's assertion that he bought Czech Legion stamps from the mobile post office. (n.t.); Evans, Barrie A.; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56; The design of the Czech Legion 'silhouette' stamp taken from 3 British war poster. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. Die Tschechische Legion in Russland vom Beginn 1914 bis zur Heimfahrt im Jahre 1920; Tsitl, Ho~st; 1992; Taitl, Horst; Original softbound handbook. Very detailed. Die Tschechische Legion in Sibirien 1917-1920; Taitl, Horst; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 9-19; From the Literary Editor's Stock Book; Hahn, Henry; The Czechoslovak Specialist; XLVIII; Dec. 1986; 7; A picture of Capt. Antonin Novotny, Commander of the Czechoslovak and All ied Field Posts in Siberia, standing inside the main post office of the Siberian Legion Field Post. Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal 'nem Vostoke v zerkale filateli, Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1978; 42-50; Jugoslav Post in Siberia; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 63; troops with the Czech Legion.


1962; 55-56; Yugoslavian

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); 11; Nov. 1990; 161-176 insert; F i 1atel iya SSSR, Moscow;

Filateliya SSSR;

The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia; Hornung, Otto; The Czechoslovak Special ist; XLVIII; Oct. 1986; 7-10; Reprinted from "Stamp News", London, in abridged form. The Postage Stamps of Russia, Issues~ Caresa, R.J.; 3.

1917-1923. Parts 3-5. Siberia, Far East and Related The Armies.; Aug. 1983; Original, numDered cOpy - #23.

Deltiology, General




(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; 1981; 70; 'Mail in Series' trade card from Finland with 4 stamps on card and Finnish cancels. Nuzhen katalog khudozhestvennykh otkrytok; Fainshtein, Otkrytka v arsenale pedagoga; Bugaevich, training aid in schools.

I.; SK; 5;

Eh.; SK;




1967; 91-98; Using postcards as a






(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 72; 1967; 91; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. U.S. soap company advertising card showing Russian stamps.


(n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 79; A 'lkop. yellow' ppc with a lady'S head substituted for the Imperial coat-of-arms, and a ppc mimicking a postal money order from Tambov. ' ... Lyublyu tebya, Petra tvoren'e'; Samuilikovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 24-25; PPCs showing construction of St. 째etersburg during the early ~700s. 'Brat'ya Karamazovy' Reinus, L.; SK;

i otkrytki (k 100-letiyu so dnya smerti F. M. Dostoevskogo); 19; 1981; 64-74; PPCs of Staraya Russa.

'Derznoveniyu podobno'; Skorokhodova, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 29-30; About construction of the 'Bronze Horseman' statue in St. Petersburg. Two PPCs are illustrated. 'Komanduyu Chernomorskim flotom. Shmidt. '; Zabochen', M.; Filatel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 34-35; Postcards of Lt. P.P. Schmidt, leader of the 1905 Black Sea Fleet revolt on the 'Ochakov'. 'Kovannye iz Cllistoi stali'; Zabochen', M.; Decembrists of the 1825 revolt.

Filateliya SSSR;

'Moi Arbat, ty - moe otechestvo'; Sarychev, Moscow's Arbat on PPCs.


1; Jan.

Filateliya SSSR; 6;

1976; 58-60; The June 1971; 42-45;

'Nam luchshe znat"; Lipatov, P.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 49; Two rare PPCs Showing Gor'kii and L.N. Andreev. 'Volga-matushka': Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Volga, its environs and people.

July 1973; 31-32; PPCs of the

'Wish I Wasn't Here': Postcards from Siberia; Robinson, Philip E.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 17-22; Extensive listing of Siberian-scene postcard publishers.

A chto sobiraete vy?; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 43; Imperial PPCs issued from 1909 to i916, with paintings portrayed on them. A chto sobiraete vy?; Glezer. G.N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 41; Moscow PFCs issued by the I.E. Selin firm, Showing education facilities in Moscow. A Revolutionary Postcard; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 32; A crude anti-tsarist postcard probably produced at some time between 1905 and 1917.

A World War I Propaganda Postcard; Shalimoff, George; Rossica;

102-103; 104-i05; Provides che text of a Russian card aimed at convincing Austro-Hungarians to support Russian troops.


A.S. Pushkin v narodnom izobrazitel 'nom lskusstve; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliva SSSR; 6; uune 1977; 42-43; Cheap popular prints of art on postcards representing scenes from Pushkin's poetry. Adresovannaya drugu ... (Iz istorii pozdrav,tei'nykh otkrytok); Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1971; 38-39; Greetings cards from imperial times to the present. Arkhangel'sk. 103-109:

Pamyat' pozheitevshei otkrytki.; Barashkov,


Biografiya otkrytki: Mikhailov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug. Dargomyszhskil, from a painting by P.T. Borispolets.




34; A PPC of A.S.

Bol'shoi kamenn','i most; Glezer-', G.; Filateliva SSSR: 5; May 1972; 3'-32; Soviet ppcs of Moscow's Great Stone Br1dge. Chaepitie v MytishchaKh; Belitskii. Ya./Glezer, 59-60; Mytishchi and its famous waters.



Imperial and

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Dsti staroi Moskvy; Bel itski i, Ya./Glezer, G.; 1", latel iva SSSR; 7; Muscovite children on imperial-period picture postcards.



1975; 35-36;

Documents Relating to the Russian Posts in Bulgaria; Merhtens, Georg D.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 23-44; Includes a list of recorded Russian cancellations from Bulgaria and in Whose collections they reside, plus illustrations of several ppcs with scenes from the liberation of Bulgaria by the Russians. Doktor F.P. Gaaz; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 39; Dr. F.P. Gaaz, well-known 'prison doctor' in the 18005. Dorogie relikvii;

Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 6;

June 1975; 56-57; Pushkiniana






on imperial-period PPCs. Fantastika i real'nost'; Dushskii. V./Stobrovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 56-57; Rare PPCs. ca. 1915. showing an artist's conception of what Moscow would look like far in the future, with comparisons of today's scenes. Franco-Russia~

Friendship Stationery; Lamoureux. Marcel/Prado, Asdrubal/Cronln, Andrew; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 69-76;

Gde zhe nakhoditsya kartina?; Nikitin. A.; Fllateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 43; A PPC of 'Babushkin sad' and the search to find the garden's location. Geroicheskaya ehpopeya 1812 goda v 1964; 144-148;


Glavnyi prospekt stolitsy; Sarychev, of Moscow. Gostinitsa 'Metropol"; Glezer, G.; the Hotel Metropole in Moscow. Ikary Rossii; Belikov, E.; SK;


I.; SK; 4;



SK; 2;

1966; 89-98; Pre-revolutionary scenes

Fi latel iya SSSR; 1979;



10; Oct.

1972; 27-28;

PPCs of

Early Russian aeronautics on PPCs.

Illyustrirovannaya khronika pervogo dnya revolyutsii; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 53-54; Seven PPCs with scenes from the 1905 Revolution. Imperial Patriotic Postcards; Archer, Terry; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 40-41; PPCs issued in 1916 and 1917 to raise money for wounded soldiers and their families. Interesnaya nakhodka; Mazur, P.; Filatel1ya SSSR; 7; July 1985; 39-40; Russian deltiology collectors and their cards.

Early (1910s)

Istoriya ledokolov na Baikale; Khokhrin, V.; Icebreakers on Lake Baikal.

1977; 48-50;

Fi latel iya SSSR;

Istoriya odnoi otkrytki; Bugaevich, 1.; SK; 6; 1968; issued by a sobriety organization in Kovno, ca.

10; Oct.

143-145; Anti-alcohol card 1912.

Izba v Fi lyakh; Bel itski i, Ya./Glezer, G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; of Fili and a painting of a hut there. K stranichke russkogo baleta; Fainshtein. Drawings of ballerinas on PPCs.



Filateliya SSSR;

1973; 25-26; PPCs

1; Jan.

1972; 30-31;

Kanal druzhby; Fedorov, Z.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1972; 25; The Saimaan Canal. constructed during Imperial times to connect Lake Saima with the Gulf of Finland. Khudozhnik I.Ya. Bilibin. (K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya.); Fainshtein, Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 36-39; Color PPCs of Bilibin's art. Kiev na illyustrirovannykh otkrytkakh; Verotskii, V./et al.; SK; 21;


1983; 80-95;

Kitaigorodskaya stena. Puteshestvie po staroi Moskve.; Sarychev. I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 30-32; PPCs of old Moscow, showing the 'Kitaigorod' section. Kuznetskii most i 'Khomyakova roshcha'; Glezer. G.; 28-29; Kuznetskii Bridge on PPCs.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.


Marsovo pole; Samuil ikovich. S.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 28-30: PPCs of Mars Field in St. Petersburg. includ1ng revolutionary oemonstrations during tne Provisional Government periOd. Minuvshikh dnei sVidetel i nemye; Pol'skaya. E.; Fi late1 iya SSSR; Two postcards by N.A. Yaroshenko with a prison theme. Moi Baku; AI'zumanov. G.; periods.




107-126; PPCs of Baku.

Moskovskie narodnye gulyan'ya; Glezer. G./Belitskii, Ya.; 1974; 28-30; Moscow amusement parks on PPCs.

1; dan.


1972; 28-29;

to SovIet

Filateliya SSSR;

2; Feb.

Moskovskii uragan 1904 goda; Belitskii. Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 28; A set of five PPCs showing the devastation caused by high winds in Moscow. 1904. Moskovskoe navodnenie 1908 goda; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; 1973; 29-31; The Moscow Flood of 1908 on PPCs. Mysl'

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

i inkvizitsiya; Aronova, Zh.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 26-27; PPCs of 1901 showing drawings of Lev Tolstoi's excommunication from the church.

Na barrikadakh Moskvy; Zabochen', M.;

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

1975; 52-53; PPCs of

De 1 t i 01 ogy,



I mper i a 1.


the 1905 Revolution in Moscow. Na otkrytkakh - Tsarskoe selo; Afanas'eva, Z.; PPCs of Tsarskoe selo.

Filateliya SSSR;

4; Apr.

1973; 24-25;

Na zemle tul 'skot; Shamaro, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 55-56; Peter SOKolov's paintings on ore-WWI ppes, all inspired by works of Turgenev. Nam 250; Klement'ev,


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1974; 30-32; Ekaterinburg on PPCs.

Nashchokinskii domik; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 44-45; The Nashchokin house in Moscow. Nashchokin was a close friend of A.S. Pushkin. Nasledie znamenitogo skazochnika; Balueva, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 34-35; Imperial- and Soviet-period PPCs of Russian artisc V.M. Vasnetsov's work in the artist's museum. Odesskie nakhodki; Zin'ko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. Odessa from the K.A. Kabardintsev collection.

1969; 38-39; Some PPCs of

Oskolki ::hemchuzhnogo ozherel'ya: Obukll0V. E.; Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 8-11; Obukhov interviews poetess and author Margarita Nogteva about Russia's lost cUltural treasures on imperial-period PPCs. Otechestvennaya novogodnyaya otkrytka; Shleev, V.; greeting postcards.




101-112; New Year's

Otkrytka, kotoraya nravilas' Il'ichu; Pol'skaya, E.; Filat!3liya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1967; 14; A postcard showing prisoners in transit feeding the birds. It appealed to Lenin. Otkrytki partiinogo izdatel'stva 'Vpered' 19&0; 53-76;

(1906-1907 gg.); Zabochen', M.; SKi


Otkrytki pomogayut poisku; Gdalin, A./Reinus, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 30-32; PPCs of Staraya Russa aid ,n research on some of Dostoevskii's writings. Otkrytki rasskazyvayut 0 professiyakh; Bel itskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1977; 50-52; Several 'Types Russe' postcards showing 'professions'. Otkrytomu pis'mu - 100 let; Fainshtein, Eh.; F, latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. The 100th anniversary of the introduction of postcards. Otprovleno s kreisera 'Avrora'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; mailed from the Auro!'a, 16 July 1916. Pamyatniki, sokhranivshiesya tol'ko na otkrytkakh; 135-143; Pervomai na otkrytkakh: Zabochen', M.; May 1st demonstrations.

11; Nov.

1969; 41-42;


Zabochen', M.; SKi 6;

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971;

15; A PPC 196B;

17-18; PPCs of

Pervye russkie khudozhestvennye otkrytki?; Fainshtein, Eh.; SK; 3; 1965; 116-124; Engraved cards from the mid- to late 17005. and the first PPCs in the 1890s. Peterburgski i izvozchik; Samui 1 ikovich. S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Coaches and coachmen on PPCs of the imperial era.

1973; 41-42;

Piramida na slom; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 27-28; An anti-tsarist PPC showing the upper layers of Russian society supported in a oyra~ld by the oppressed classes. Pishu tebe. moi drug serdechnyi ... ; Kul ikov, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 62; A postcard with stamps pictured on the back, 'The language of the postage stamp'. with the position of each stamp meaning something different. Po sledam utrachennogo; Zabochen', M.; PPCs. vl1th complece list. POiSK

SKi 4;

1966; 99-106; N.K.

Plmenko's art on

i nakhodka; Fedoseenko. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 43; Aivazovskii's 'Pushkin on the Snores of the Elack Sea'.

A PPC of

Pcisk prodolzhaetsya; Reinus, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; 41-42; Use of imperial-period PPCs to equate one of Dostoevskii's fictional places with Staraya Russa. Prizhiznennye portrety Gogolya na otkrytkakh; Zabochen'. M.; SKi 22;



Proizvedeniya N.K. Rerikha na otkrytkakh; Zabochen', M./Babintsev, S.; SKi 20; 61-72; Pushkiniana v pochtovykh otkrytkakh; Popov,

Yu.; SK;




127-145; Pushkin on






Imperial and Soviet PPCs. Puteshestvie po Simbirsku; Firstova, PPCs.

E./Zabochen', M.;



1991; 84-91; Simbirsk

Red Cross Charity Postcards From the Sisters of Mercy; Moyes, J.G.; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 17-26; An extensive 1 isting of postcard types from the Sisters of Mercy and the Society of St. Eugenia. Risunki Pushkina; Fainshtein, Eh.; Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 7; postcards displaying drawings of Pushkin. Romanov Collateral Material' Lamoureux, Marcel

JUly 1972; 23-25; Picture

Post Rider;

12; May 1983;


Russian De1tio1ogy; Marshall. A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 42-43; The author shows three imperial-related postcards not shown in the Rossica series by Dr. W. Nickle. Russian De1tio1ogy; Nickle, William R.; picture postcards.


115; Oct.


15-24; Nicholas II

Russian De1tio1ogy (Part II). Alexandra Feodorovna.; N1ck1e, William R.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 19-22; Russian and European postcards showing the Tsarina. Russian De1tio1ogy (Part III) Alexei Niko1aevich; 1991; 31 - 34 ;

Nickle, William; Rossica;

117; Oct.

Russian De1tio1ogy (Part IV). 01'ga, Tat'yana, Mariya and Anastasiya.; Nickle, William; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 23-32; Russian De1tio1ogy (Part 5) - Russe Types; Nickle, William R.; 1992; 15-16; M. Dmitriev PPCs from the Volga area.


119; Oct.

Russkie dorevo1yutsionnye katalogi i11yustrirovannykh otkrytok; Babintsev, S.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11-12; NOv.-Dec. 1968; 51-52; Pre-revolutionary catalogs of PPCs. Russkie khudozhniki protiv re1igii; Fedoseenko, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1970; 30; Russian & Soviet PPCs with an anti-religion theme. Russkie revo1yutsionnye otkrytki 83-90;

(1905-1907 gg.);

Fainshtein, Eh.; SK; 5;


S imenem Sof'i Perovskoi; Grinkevich, N.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 24-25; A 1905 PPC with an illustration of Narodovo1ets Sofia Perovskaya hanged for her part in the assassination of Alexander II. Sadovye u1itsy staro; Moskvy; Syrychev, 1.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; The 'garden streets' of Moscow on PPCs. Some Ephemera From the Charity Committees Under Royal 66; Mar. 1989; 18-23;

11; Nov.

1971; 27-29;

Patronage; Moyes, J.G.;


Sport vchera; Be1etski i, Ya./G1eizer, G.; Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 19; A rare set of PPCs issued in 1913 depicting various sports events in Moscow. Trade Cards with Russian Themes; Slate. Wm. H.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. U kame1 'ka; Nogteva. M./Bu1atnikov, A.; Filate1 iya SSSR; Christmas postcards and cards of the Imperial era. Urzhum na otkrytkakh;

Pent ina,




12; Dec.





1990; 93-102: Urzhum PPCs.

Ve1ikii khudozhnik slova. (K 175-1etiyu so dnya rozhdeniya N.V. Gogolya.); Bugaevich, I.; SK; 22; 1984; 94-107: Vel iki i Sibirski i put'; To1stov, Yu.; Siberian Railroad on PPCs. Vo1shebstvo krasok; Fainshtein. Rerikh's works on Soc1ety Wars,

Fi iatel 1ya; 8' Aug.

Eh.; F;]ateliya SSSR; St. Eugenia PPCs.

1991: 43-45; The Great

10; Oct.

1974; 30-31; N.KI.


Insurrections, Rebel 1 ions and Campaigns; Campbell, John; Pochta; 14-17; Japanese PPCs showing scenes from the Russo-Japanese War.

Zagorsk; Be1itskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Zagorsk on ppcs.

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 60;

11; Jan.


Scenes from


Deltiology, Provisional Government 'Freedom Loan' Propaganda Cards. 69: Sep. 1990; 18-21;

Some Additional


Information.; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP;

Iz pochty 1917 goda; Mazur, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. postcard celebrating the downfall of tsarism.

1986; 38; A Feb.

Tol'ko na otkrytkakh; Zabochen', M.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. Samokish's drawings of the February Revolution on PPCs.


1969; 43; N.S.


Deltiology, Soviet




(n.t.); Mitchell, J.R.; Rossica: 74; 1968; 75; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Soviet PPC, ca. 1924, showing a 1921 Soviet stamp. ' ... Ehto legkoe imya Pushkin'; Fainshtein, Eh.; Soviet PPCs of Pushkin, issued in 1937. 'Doroga muzhestva i geroizma'; Mel 'nikova, T.: Color PPCs of the BAM construction.


Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1971; 44-45; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1975; 60;

'Inache ya ne mogu zhit"; Belitskii, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 6-7; PPCs of N.Eh. Bauman and his funeral in Moscow, 1905. 'Kovannye iz chistoi stali'; Zabochen', M.; Decembrists of the 1825 revolt.

Filateliya SSSR;

'Moi Arbat, ty - moe otechestvo'; Sarychev, Moscow's Arbat on PPCs.


'Terroristka'; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; portrait of Vera Zasulich, terrorist.

1; Jan.

Filatel iya SSSR; 6; 11; Nov.

1976; 58-60; The June 1971; 42-45;

1974; 30; N.l.


'Vam posvyashchena otkrytka ... '; Lur' e, Yu.; F i 1ate 1 i ya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 20; A WWII PPC honoring Vasilii Kislyakov, hero of a battle near Murmansk, 1941. 'X let Oktyabrya'; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 50-51; PPCs issued for the 1927 Khar'kov 'Tenth Anniversary of October' exhibition. Adresovannaya drugu ... (Iz istorii pozdravitel'nykh otkrytok); Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1971; 38-39; Greetings cards from imperial times to the present. Aleksandrovskii sad; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The Alexander Gardens in Moscow on Soviet PPCs. Antikvar;

(n.a.); SK; 4;


1974; 34-35;

107-110; A Moscow store where ppcs are sold.

Bestsennye relikvii; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. postcards produced soon after the bolshevik takeover.

1978; 9-10;

Bibliografiya filokartii

(1897-1967); Babintsev, S./Tagrin, N.; SK; 7;

Bibliografiya filokartii

(1897-1970); Zabochen', M.; SK;

Bibliografiya Filokartii

(1900-1970 gg.); Shleev, V.; SK; 9;

1 "4 ,.




1974; 92-94; 1971;


Bildpostkarten-Katalog Sowjet-Union 1917-1945; Bartmann, Richard; 1984; Richard Bartmann, Erlangen, West Germany; Original catalog, photocopy. Boitsy 'nepobezhdennoi territorii revolyutsii'; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 38-39; PPCs engendered by the revolt aboard the Potemkin. Bol'shoi kamennyi most; Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 31-32; Soviet ppcs of Moscow's Great Stone Bridge.

Imperial and

Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; 41-42; Two PPCs with paintings by Yaroshenko and Fedotov - 'Kursistka' and 'Vdovushka' , and where the paintings themselves are located. Dlya filokartistov; Stochik, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 'Avrora' and 'Sovetskii khudozhnik' postcard ~irms. Dneprogehsu posvyashchennye; Zabochen', M.; hydroelectric station on the Dnepr.

1971; 45;

Issues from the

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972;

15-16; The

Ehrmitazh na polotnak~ khudozhnikov; Afanas'eva, Eh.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 59-60; The Hermitage and its paintIngs on postcards.


Famine Rel ief Postcards 1922; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 37-39; Soviet PPCs wIth pictures of noted Russian, Ukrainian and German authors, poets and dramatists. Filokartiya raskryvaet industriyu Urala; Fainshtein, Eh.; 1972; 27-29; Industrial plants in the Urals on PPCs. Glavnyi konstruktor; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; postcards of Gagarin with S.P. Korolev.

Filateliya SSSR;

1; Jan.

12; Dec.

1977; 39-40; Picture

Govorit i pokazyvaet 'Planeta'; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1970; 28; An interview with the Deputy Chief Editor of the 'Planeta' photo-and-postcard firm. Interesnaya nakhodka; Verkmeister, V.V.;

SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930;

123; A

Deltiology, Soviet




Pskov charity postcard issued to aid the hungry in the Volga region. Iskusstvo - v massy: Zabochen', M.!Artem'ev, V.: SK; 11; Association of Revolut10nary Artists, 19~6-1931.

1974; 89-100; PPCs by the

Istoriya legendarnogo bronevika; Ivolgin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 21-22; PPCs and '~he history of the armored ca'- used by the bolshe\'iks during the revolution. Izdatel'stva 'Planeta' i 'Avrora' - filokartistam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1976; 57-59; A ' isting of PPCs issued by two Soviet printing firms - Planeta and Avrora - for 1977. Izdatel'stvo 'izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo" filokartistam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 58-59; A 1 isting of picture postcards issued by the 'Izobrazitel 'noe iskusstvo' printing house in 1978. Izdatel'stvo 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo' - filokartistam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1978; 58-60; A listing of PPC issues from 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo' in 1978. IZdatel'stvo 'Sovetskii khudozhnik' v 1971 godu; Sterkin, A.Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; Nov. 1970; 43; Upcoming PPC issues trom the 'Soviet Artist' firm. Kapitan korablya revolyutsii; Zabochen', M.; Early Soviet PPCs o~ Lenin.

Filatel iva SSSR; 6;

Khorosha strana filokart,ya; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; An introductory article on Soviet deltiology.


June 1967; 42-43;

1; Jan.

1967; 40-41;

Kogda chasy igrayut marsh ... ; Afanas'eva, Z./Bortin, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 26-28; Soviet PPCs showing rare clocks in the Hermitage and other Soviet museums. Kommentarii

iskusstvoveda: Shleev, V.: SK; 7;

1970; 7-9: A 1918 Ehmirov PPC of Lenin.

Krasnoarmeiskoe pis'mo; Blekhman, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 9; An illustrated 'sekretka' showing a Civil War scene and Lenin's portrait. issued in late 1919. Krasnye koni; Skorokhodova, G.; showing ethnic art.

Filatel iva SSSR;




1976; 60-61; Postcards

L.N. Tolstoi i I.E. Repin; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; Repin's paintings of Tolsto, on picture postcards.





Legendarnyi kreiser revolyutsii; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; 6-8; The cruiser Aurora and its crew dlJring the October Revolution, on postcards. Lenin - Vozhd' Oktyabrya; Zabochen', M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 42-43; Picture postcards of Lenin during the Revolution, produced in the 1950s and 19605. Lermontov - zhivopisets; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. M.Yu. Lermontov's aquarelles reproduced on Soviet PPCs.

1972; 21; Some of

Marsovo pole; Samuilikovich, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 28-30; PPCs of Mars Field in St. Petersburg, including revolutionary demonstrations during the Provisional Government period. Moi BakU; Arzumanov, G.; periods.




107-126; PPCs of Baku,


to SovIet

Moskva v otkrytkakh; Nikol 'skii, A.; Filete1 iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 8; Mosco~ vIews on a new set of PPCs, and information on Moscow issues which preceded it. Moskva, ploshchad' revolvutsii; Sarychev, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2, Feb. 1970; 7-8; Voskresenskaya Square ,n Moscow, ana the V.I. Lenin Central Museum. Moskva, 1917 god; Sarychev, I.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1967; 4()-41; PPCs she,wing the destruction to several Moscow buildings during the October Revolution. Na otkrytkakh knizhnaya miniatyura; SOKolov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 33-34; Old book artwork reproduced on Soviet PPCs.

10; Oct.


Na otkrytkakh shedevry Ehrmitazha; Nikolaev. S.; Filateliya SSSR; PPCs showing some of the Hermitage's treasures.

12; Dec.

1970; 23;

Na zare aviatsii; Belikov, at fl ight, on PPCs.


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Nasledie znamenitogo skazochnika; Balueva, G.;

1971; 22-24;

Early attempts

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1968; 34-35;

Deltiology, Soviet




Imperial- and Soviet-period PPCs of Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov's work in the artist's museum. Nemye svidetel i voiny; Blekhman, S./Pantyukhin, V.: propaganda cards directed at the Germans.




Nizhegorodskoe 'ozherel'e Rusi'; IevlelJ, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Nizhn,i Novgorod. Gor'kii on PPCs and postal stationery. Notes and Questions; Prado. Asdrubal; for famine aid.



17-20; Feb.

1942 Soviet

1971; 26-28;

1966; 58-59; A PPC issued in 1924

Obraz Pirogova na pochtovykh miniatyurakh i otkrytkakh; Mirin, V./Kogan, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 28-29; The great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov on postcards and postal stationery envelopes. Obzor tematicheskikh planov iZdatel'stv 'Planeta'. 'Avrora' i 'Sovetskii khudozhnik'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 59-61; Planned production data for PPCs from the three postcard manufacturers. Ot Vserossiiskoi sel'skokhozyaistvennoi do VDNKh; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; 20-21; Soviet PPCs of the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibit of 1923 through the VDKhV to the VDNKh. Otechestvennaya novogodnyaya otkrytka; Shleev, greeting postcards.





101-112; New Year's

Otkrytka iz 43-go goda; Goloveshkin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 7; A 1943 PPC with a portrait of K. Chernyavskaya, WWII heroine. Otkrytki izdaniya Muzeya revolyutsii SSSR; Zabochen'. M./Artem'ev, V.; SK; 86-101;



Otkrytki ognennykh let; Zabochen', M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 7 & inside front cover; Rare color picture postcards of 1919-1920, with a military propaganda theme. Otkrytki rasskazyvayut 0 'Gigante'; Bel itski i, Ya./Glezer, G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 52-53; The 'Gigant' agricultural silo at Tselina in the 1930s. Otkrytki v zhizni i revolyutsionnoi deyatel'nosti V.I. 1968; 123-134;

Lenina; Shleev, V.; SK; 6;

Otkrytki-agitatory; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 61-62; WWII and post-WWII PPCs with various portraits and scenes of the victory over Nazi Germany. Otkrytoe pis'mo 1917-1919; Zabochen', M. pictorials.

SK; 7;


119-127; The first Soviet

Pamyat' - Oni byl i pervymi; Bel ikov, E.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 19-22; A collection of WWII Soviet pilots portrayed on ppcs, all of whom distinguished themselves by ramming their planes into German aircraft. Pervaya otkrytka s portretom 11 'icha; Vvedenskii, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 5; The first postcard with a picture of Lenin - taken from a 1921 meeting with American P.P. Christianson. Pervomai na otkrytkakh; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971; May 1st demonstrations.

17-18; PPCs of

Pervomai vosemnadtsatogo; Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 9-10; Two PPCs of the 1918 May Day demonstrations in Moscow. Pervoprokhodets kosmosa; Zabochen', M.; Gagar in'.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Pesnya truca; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. PPCs with artwork showing the glories of labor, Ploshchad' Nogina; Bel itSki i, Ya./Giezer. G.: Nogin Square in Moscow.


1-3; PPCs of

1968; 35-36; Early Soviet

Fi latel iya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1975; 53-54;

Po risunkam khudozhnika N.N. Zhukova; Nikol 'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7' JUly 1973; 23-25; Stamps and stationery designed by N.N. Zhukov on the theme of Lenin. Pobednaya vesna; Zabochen', M.; SK; 23;

1985; 79-88;

Podvigam doblesti - slava, chest', pamyat'!; Zabochen', M./Artem'ev, V.; SK; 1975; 105-122; WWII PPCs. Poehticheskie adresa 'Tikhogo Dona'; Shamaro, Aleksandr;


Filateliya SSSR; 5; May


Deltiology, Soviet


1 11

1975; 58-60; PPCs devoted to scenes from Sholokhov's 'And Quiet Flows the Don'. Port pripiski - Murmansk; Reshetilov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 11; The 'Lenin', 'Vatslav Vorovskii' and 'Mariya Ermolova' ;cebreakers on postcards and airmai' postcards. Posvyashchaetsya velikomu kobzaryu; Shevchenko PPCs.

Zabochen', M.;

Pushkiniana v pochtovykh otkrytkakh; Popov, Imperial and Soviet PPCs.


Yu.; SK;



1964; 1977;

133-143; Taras 127-145; Pushkin on

Pust' rasskazhF!t tebe ... ; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 20-21; PPCs showing various scenes from the Civil War period. They were issued oy IZOGIZ in 1933. Redkaya fotootkrytka; Kostenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 3; A rare picture postcard of Lenin showing him out walking during his recovery from Kaplan's shooting. Redkaya otk .... ytka; Zabochen', M.S.; of Lenin.

Filateliya SSSR: 6;

Redkie otkrytki s portretom Marksa; Zabochen', M.S.; 20-21; Early, rare PPCs with Marx's portrait. Relikvii boevoi slavy; Vavilov, V.; propaganda PPCs of WWII.

June 1971;

11-12; A rare PPC

Filatel iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1968;

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1968; 27-28; Some Soviet

Shturmovye nochi ... ; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 24; A 1957 Soviet PPC of Sergei Lazo, Civil War hero against the White Guards and Japanese 'interventionists'. Solntse nad Palekhom; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 'palekh' artists whose works have appeared on PPCs.

1974; 22-24; Soviet

Sovremenniki; Tomin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 44; A serles of 24 ppes with portraits of contemporary Soviets, issued by the Leningrad 'Avrora' firm. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 31; The story of the I.P. Kalyaev monument in Moscow. and a prc showing it. Staraya Moskva v otk .... ytkakh; Stochik, G.: Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 45; Comments on and a description of PPCs issued by the 'Avrora' firm in Mosco~l. Tre PPCs are reproductions of Moscow scenes from before the October Revolution ..... edonB by the Soviets in 1973. Stikhi ... na otkrytkakh; Nechaev. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 46; A series of postcards issued in 1918-1922 featuring the picture and verse of Armenian poet Kara-Darvish. Sto kartin; Stochik, G./Artem'ev, G.: Fllateliya SSSR; artworks reproduced on a Soviet PPC series.



1969; 40;


Stroki, napisannye vozhdem; Zabochen', M. Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970: 16; ppes of the 1930s and 1960s showing Lenin in various scenes with the title pages of his writings superimposed. SVidetel i, uchastniki, boitsy; Fclinshtein, WWII Soviet military PPCs. U istokov khudozhestvennoi a 1918 Lenin PPC.



Filateliya SSSR;



U Presnenskikh prudov; G路'ezer. G./BelitsKii, Va.; ppes of the Krasnaya Presnya Zoo. ~oscow





1970; 42-43;

1970; 5-7: On the trail

Filateliya SSSR;

11: Nov.


1974; 26;

V al'bor.1Y filokartistov; Vi911ev, Ii.: F,L3te 1 i'ic SSSR; 7: JUly 1972; 44; 'Sovetskic khudozhnik', 'Avrora' and 'lzobrazitel'noe iskusstvo' ppc issues in 1971. V.I.

Lenin ne pervj~h pochtovykn 1; Jan. 1970; 6-7;


Z,nov'eva. U./et al.;

Velikii podvig - na otkrytkakh; Gdalin, of the seige of Leningrad.

A./Zemtsova, A.; SKi 3;

Was Heisst 'GIS'?; Aerni,

46; Dec.

Nina; Pochta;

1988; 23-25;

Filateliya SSSR;


109-115; PPCs

'GIZ'-produced ppc's.

1418 dnei i nochei; Lur'e, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 1-3 & inside front cover; Photos of several rare propaganda postcards are included.



Filatelisticheskii slovar'; Basin, O.Va.: 1976; edition, original hardbound dictionary.

Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow;




Filatelisticheskii slovar'; Grallert, V./Grushke, V.; 1977; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; E.P. Sashenkov/Vu.M. Sokolov; Translated from the German into Russian. Original dictionary. Pochta; In.a.l; Modern usages, relating to the Post.


1983; One page of words and phrases

Recueil Polyglotte des Expressions Postales en Francais, en Anglais, en Allemand, en Suedois, en Finnois et en Russe, avec Quelques Expressions Correspondantes en Ital ien et en Espagnol; Wirkberg, John; 1924; Imprimerie Centrale de Helsingfors; MUlti-language postal terminology handbook. Photocopy. Slovari

i ehntsiklopedi i


kollektsionirovani i; Skatkin, P.; SK;


1972; 88-94;



Disinfection, Imperial


Cholera Duty - The Post and Its Disease-Control Problems Under Nicholas I; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 11-14; Cholera-Post von Russland nach Preussen; Van Der Linden, James; Pochta; 44; 1988; 11-15: Reprinted from 'Postgeschlchte' #30,1987. Disinfected Correspondence; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 21; Dec.

1956; 632-636;

Disinfected Mail and Odessa 'Fleuron'; Horgan, Denls J.; BJRP; 59; Dec. illustration pages 17-18; Istoriya otechestvennoi pochty; Vigilev, A.N.; 1990; 'Radio edition, rewritten and expanded. Hardbound original. The Plague and the Post: M.; BJRP; 63; 1986;


1982; 31


svyaz", Moscow; Second

Russian Disinfection Procedures Up to 1832; Skipton, David 11-13;

Disinfection, Soviet




When Washing Clothes Simply Isn't Good Enough; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 97-100; Soviet restrictions on sending undisinfected old clothes to the USSR by parcel post from 1938 to 1945. Extracts from Department of State memoranda.


r i noph i 1 i a,

C i v i 1 Wa r




(n.t.); Shalimoff. George; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Siberian fantasy issue of the 'Temporary Zemstvo Authority of PI'ibaikal' . 'Zhitomir V', ili ukrainskaya fantasticheskaya nadpechatka na russkikh markakh armii gen. YUdenicha; Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 18; Dec. 1934; 127-128; Azerbaijan: Forgeries of Phantasies; Torrey, Gordon; pictorial stamps of 1921-22, forged.

Rossica; 98-99;

1980; 99; Six

Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 31; Two labels of thE 'North Caucasus District Command, Volunteer Army of the Revolution, Shock Battal ion in Training' . Fantasticheskiya marki ukrainskikh povstantsev v Khotinskom uyezdye Bessarabii v 1919 g.; Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 7; Sep. 1931; 49-50; Fantasticheskiya marki Bukhary; (n.a.); Rossica; 38; JUly-Sep. 1939; 274: Brief comments reprinted from 'Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal' #7, 1939. Gde vse-taki fantastika, a gde real'nost'?; Epstein. Aleksandr; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 20-23; A commentary on various bogus, pseudo-official and questionable issues of the post-revolutionary period. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 65-80 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Levant issues, surcharges, overprints and the Ukrainian Levant issues. Phantasies and Their Forgeries; Polchaninoff, R.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 60-62; Italian-produced 'Odessa Famine' and 'Azerbaijan' issues, plus Turkestan. Pochtovye marke gor. Gdova; Isakov, I.; Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934, 76- 7 7; Provisional stamps issued by the Estonians and Whites in 1919 at Gdov. Pribaikal Overprints - Fact or Fantasy?; Shalimoff, George V.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 22-27; Describes a large accumulation of these stamps, mint and on piece, with the aim of showing their lack of authenticity. P'-ibaikal Surcharges of 1921; Miskin, G.S.; BJRP; 61; Dec. ProekTy marok Kubani; Yur'ev, S.; Rossica; 22; Dec. stamps of the Don and Kuban' areas. Real'nost' .oprovergaet fantastiku; filateliya; 1; 1991; 23-25;




193-195; Eight unissued

Ivakhno, Aleksandr: Ukra;nskaya i rossiiskaya

Russian-Related Phantasies; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 86-87;

1975; 80-82;

Russian-Related Phantasies; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica: 90-91;

1976; 72-75;

SChanghaier - Faelscher; Rosov. B.; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 67; 'SiDer ian Autonomous Government' stamps. Reprinted from 'Radio de Fil intern' #8, Aug. 1927. Some Comments on the Russian Related Phantasies; Ceresa, R.J.; Rossica; 93; 53-54; Turkestan phantasies. The 'Asobny Atrad' Issue of Bulak-Balakhovich; Hornby, S.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 36-41a;

1978; 1992;

The Postage STamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.: Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and p.O. '5. Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.: 3. The Arr,l1es & Post OffIces.; June 1991; Or'ginal, numbered copy - #22.

Erinophilia, General




Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps and Labels; Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 61; 1961; 45-48; Overview of what has been published or is being prepared on these topics.


Er i noph i 1 i a , I mper; a 1



(n.t.); HUddy, W.H.H.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 57; In 'Notes From Co11ec"tors' section. Additional phantasy of 1 piastre - see #55. (n.t.); Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 73-74; 5-1eva Bulgarian label for aid to Russian veterans and the Bulgarian militia, 1923. (n.t.); Po1chaninov, R.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 34; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Notes and questions on Speers' 'Russian Finance Ministry War Charity Labels of 1915-1916. ' Eshche ob unikal'noi marke; Grebtsov, I.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; Nov. 1, 1964; About a second underground stamp portraying Marx, issued by the Latvian SDs in 1912/13. Eshche odna revo1yutsionnaya b1agotvoritel 'naya; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 33; Discovery of a 1913 010nets Province circular to pol ice chiefs, notifying them of a new 's"tamp' with Marx's portrait, issued to raise funds for exiles and hard-labor convicts. Fantasies of Russian Levant; HUddy, W.H.H.;

Rossica; 57;

Fantasies of Russian Levant: Speers, F.W.: Rossica; 57;

1959; 67-68; 1959; 66-67;

Fantastic Stamps; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 64-66; Comments on and corrections to the Rosselevich article in #55. Franco-Russian Friendship Stationery; Lamoureux, Marcel/Prado, Asdruba1/Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 69-76; Istoriya unika1'noi marki; Grebtsov, I.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; Sep. 26, underground stamp depicting Karl Marx, 'issued' in 1912. Iz ko11eKtsii chitatelya; Mazur, P.; Phi 1atel ic Association label.

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1971:

1964; The

14; A 1908 Moscow

Iz pokhodnoi sumki latyshskogo stre1ka; Kharse1', R.; Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 7; July 1967; 36; Further information on the Karl Marx 1-penny label issued in the 19105. Ko11ektsionirovanie - ehto poisk. Marka - boets revolyutsii.; Lepeshinskii, L.; SK; 3; 1965; 71-72; A 1912 propaganda stamp issued by the RSDRP. Marka - kompas; Shishkin, S.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 36-38; The author's collection of Yignettes, PPCs and postal stationery related to Vyatka. Mark;

- portrety partiinogo iZdate1'stva 'Vpered' 1983; 96-98;

(1906-1907); Peislk, M.; SK; 21:

Naldeno v arkhive; Kostikova, E.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 11; Noy. 1969; 14; A Tambov gendarme circular notifying police about a 'Karl Marx' stamp produced by the Lettish Social-Democrats to aid exiles and pol itical prisoners. Nakhodka v Minske; Kolosov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; RSDRP 10kop. Karl Marx labels. issued in 1912.


1967; 9; Discovery of the

Pages from Bulgarian Erinophilia; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 65-66; Vignettes sold to support Russian veterans of the 1877-78 Russo-TurKish War. Paper on the Subject of Russian Erinophilia Read at the General Meeting of 'Rossika' and B.S. of R.P., New York City, 19 November 1967; Marcovich, Emile; Rossica; 74; 1968; 22-26; Bu1ak, C.P.: Russian Erinnophilia; Marcovich,

Emile; Rossica; 48;

1956; 41-48;

Russian EI'innophi 1 ia; MarcoYich. Emi le; vignettes issued for exhibitions.



1956: 32-37;

Russian Erinnophilia; Marcovich,



1957; 39-44;


Lists many

Russian Finance Ministry War Charity Labels of 1915-1916; Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 28-3180 2 illustration pages; Russian Paper Seals; Marcovich. Emile; Rossica; illustrations, list of seals.


1968; 82-91; Excellent

Russian 5 1/2% War Loan 1915-16 and Related Ephemera; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 38-46; Some Ephemera From the Char-ity Committees Under Royal Patronage; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 66; Mar. 1989; 18-23; Some Ephemera From the Skobe1ev Committee; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 64; Dec.

1987; 54-60;

The Bogus Bukhara 'Camel Post' Stamps of 1886; de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica;

Er i noph i 1 i a, 93;

I mpe ria 1




1978; 47-48; Two covers are illustrated.

Vignettes of Russia; Ackerman, Yuri; 1991; 17-18; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Vsled za dokumentom; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 31; The 'charity' labels of the Latvian Social-Democrats, issued in 1913 to raise money for exiles and prisoners. Welfare Stamps of Viljandi and Tallinn 1914-1917; Zichmanis, M.; Eesti 20-21; 1977; 77-79; Cinderellas of Fellin and Tallin during WWI.



Provisional Government

(n.t.); Marshall, A.R.: used on mai 1.

Post Rider;

07/13/93 18;



June 1986; 70-71; Phrygian Cap overprints

My Kind of Collecting; Poulter, Eric S.; BJRP; 45; March 1971; 17-19 & 2 illustration pages; A 1919 cover from a British officer in Ekaterinburg. bearing stamps overprinted with the Phrygian cap-and-swords.

Otkrytki chastnogo izgotovleniya; Dobryanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 43; The private overprints reproducing the text of Nicl10las II's abdication on stamos and postcards. The 'Freedom Loan' of the Provisional Government & Its Related Ephemera; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 28-31;

Erinophil ia, Soviet




(n.t.): Adler, Kurt; Rossica: 75; 1968; 107; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Imperial arms overprint on early Soviet 300-ruble stamps. (n.t.); Kolakowsky, Wladyslaw: Rossica; 74; on Pol ish postcards.

1968; 73-75;

'Soviet' fantasy surcharge

(n.t.): Lloyd, John: Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 73; Two labels issued to aid an international forum of solidarity of youth and students. (n.t.);

Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 70-71; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Illustrates a sheet of the 'RTD' labels by 'Russia Today'.

(n.t.); Norwood, Hilary; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 72; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. More information on the British RTD labels. See 'Post Rider' #1 for initial article. (n.t.); Norwood, Hilary; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 69-70; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Description of some 1930s Spanish stamp-like labels issued by the Asociacion de amigos de la Union Sovietica. (n.t.); Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 76; Aviation propaganda label and an airmail etiquette printed on a card. (n.t.); Tippie, L.R.; Rossica; 55; 1958; 63; 1941 private issue from Atepia.

In 'Notes From Collectors' section.


(n.t.); Weikard, Helmut; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 68-70; A cover from the Spanish Civil War with Soviet-theme labels. The author wants more information on these 'Honor to the Russian Revolution' cinderelias. 'Detei ni na minutu ne zabyvat' I ' ; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep. 46-48; Early Soviet labels sold to raise funds for children.


'Ot vsekh po nitke - besprizornomu rUbashka'; Shifrin, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 41; Charity labels issued by the Gomel' 'Friend of Children' Society in 1924. 'Pomogi ranenomu'; Borisov, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 52; 'Aid to the Wounded' labels issued by the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Sick and Wounded Red Army Men and War Inval ids. 'Siege of Odessa' Hoax;

(n.a.); RAP; 5; Jan.

1943; 6;

'Terra inkognita' vne pochty!; Turchinski i. Yu.; Fi latel iya; 5; May 1992; 48-51; An overview of non-philetelic collecting in trle fields of revenues, vignettes. receipts, coupons, etc. He defines and provides examples for each category. 'Trudovoi narod, stroi vozdushnyi flot'; Rudnikov, 1970; 19-21; Soviet Airfleet labels. 'Zolushki' v kollektsiyakh;




Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.



Additional Notes on Russian Vignettes; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 62; 1962; 44-48; Additions to Marcovich's articles in #s 55-58. Aerophilately V. Aerophilately XI. Aerophilately XII. 5-7; Airmail


Etiquettes.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;

Fantasies.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;

14; Dec.

7; March 1943; 2-4; 1943; 6;

Aviation Propaganda Labels.; Aronson. H.L.; RAP;

Labels of OSOAVIAKHIM; Campbell, Patrick;

Rossica; 89;

15; Jan.


1975; 49-51;

Back to the Ice Island; Campbell. Patrick: Rossica; 102-103; 1983: 83-86; Vignettes issued by the Catalan Committee of Friendship with the USSR in 1937. Blagotvoritel'nye marki MOSKOMPOMa; Tolstov, YU.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 45-47; The cnarity labels issued by the Moscow section of the All-Russian Committee for Aid to Sick and Wounded Red Army Men and War Inval ids, 1920s. British 'RTD' Penny Labels; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 1; Sep. British-produced labels showing various Soviet scenes.

1977; 56-57; 22 1939

Catalog of Displaced Persons, Prisoners of War, Concentration Camp and Ghetto Stamps During and After World War II in Germany, Part II; (n.a.); 1980; Stereo Stamps, Chicago, Illinois; Softbound original. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 44; A Soviet etiquette issued by the Leningrad GPO in honor of Letters Day 1985. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem;

(n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1983; 32; Stamps

Er i noph iIi a,



i et



issued in 1964 to help raise money for the 'Worldwide Forum of Youth and Student Solidarity in the Struggle for Peace, National Independence and Liberation'. Chi1:a1:el' sprashlvaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 27; A listing of mail categories and whiCh of them may be franked with stamps, and a brief history of the 'Svyaz" Agency, which existed from Aug. 1923 to Apr. 1927. It issued the advertising stamps. Ch1:o takoe vi:1'etki?; Vovin,

Ya.; SK; 7;

1970; 67-68;

Die Politik und Philatelie in Schanghai; Chuchin, F.G.; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 66; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #6, June 1927. 'SR' productions in Shanghai. Dom pamyati Lenina; Polyak, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 7; Construction of the 'Do~ Lenina' from 1924-1925, an~ labels sold to the populace to fund it 'One brick for the Lenin House'. It May Quack Like a Duck, But ... ; Skipton, David/Finik, Leon; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 55-57; 'Duck stamps' issued by the All-Russian Society for Conservation of Nature. Labels, not revenues. Kollektsionirovanie blagotvoritel'nykh marok; Narkevich, M./et al.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 20-21; Collecting charity labels. More About the AUS (Amigos de la Union Sovietica); Murdoch, George; Post Rider; June 1986; 32-35; Spanish propaganda labels of 1937 glorifying the USSR. More Soviet Labels; Palmer, Derek; Rossica; 104-105; la U.R.S.S. 1937' label on a Spanish cover.



126-127; An 'Homenatge a

Neobychnyi propusk; Dykhneh, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 36; A Marco Fontano fantasy stamp with Lenin's picture. It served as a 'pass' for an Italian deserter in WWII on the Eastern Front. Non-Postal Minia1:ure Sheets of the USSR; Waugh, Allan S.; BJRP; 54; Dec. D.D.V.F. Revisited; Steyn, Ivo; Rossica; with a 5k Kalinin ODVF label. Famine ISSUE 'Used' covers from 1924.


in Russia;

115; Oct.

1977; 38-42;

1990; 58; A 1925 Tashkent cover

Lamoureux, Marcel; Rcssica; 93;

1978; 22; Two

Otvyet nachinayushchemu sobirat' Rossiyu; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 49; In the Far Eastern Supplement to the Rossica journal. Details the background of the 'Odessa Famine Issue'. Pamyat' vsenarodnaya; Tunkel', A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 8-9; Charity labels, postcards and znachki of Lenin from the early Soviet period. Phantasies and Their Forgeries; Pclchaninoff, R.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 60-62; Italian-produced 'Odessa Famine' and 'Azerbaijan' issues, plus Turkestan. Rasprostranyat' vsem!; Tolstov, YU.; Fi latel iya; 10; Oct. 1991; 20-24 & 4 central illustration pages; Issues of the VTsIK Councils' All-Russian Commlttee for Aid to Sick and Inv~lid Red Army Men. Includes a listing of labels issued from 1922 to 1926. Reklamno-tovarnye marki; (n.a.); Sove1:skii filatelist; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; Announcement that sales of 'Svyaz" adver1:ising labels have begun at post-and-telegraph offices. Revolyutsionnaya, blagotvoritel'naya; Florenskii, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 13; The R.S.D.R.P. charity labels of Marx and Vera Figner.



Russian Advertising Labels with Place for Stamps to be Affixed; Adler, Kurt/Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 73; 1967; 8-13; Lists all 57 varieties. Russian Christmas Seals?; Shaw, George; Rossica; 113-114: 1990: 89: A propaganda label used to 'frank' an international letter. The postal a~thorities never caught it. Russian Motifs on Charity Stamps and Vignettes Used During Spanish Civil War Between Years 1936-1939; Guerra, Martin; Rossica; 54; 1958; 33-34; S nadpis'yu 'Detskaya pochta'; Afanas'ev. F.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 48; A mysterious 'Children's Post' stamp is explained as coming from a game sold in Armavir in 1927. Simvol sol idarnosti; Ravikovich, B.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 44; A 1-ruble label issued by the MDPR in 1933 to support a fund for G. Dimitrov, accused of burning the Reichstag.

Erinophil ia, Soviet


Sovetskie pochtovo-reklamnye ehtiketki; Aloits, V.;

SK; 9;




1971; 30-31;

A bogus stamp from

The 'Holy War' Update; Werbizky, G.G./Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 19; Nov. 68-69; An update of Afangul'skii's article in 'Post Rider' #18. The Airmail


1971; 62-72;

Stranichki sportivnoi filumenii; Dyupin, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Labels issued to promote the II and III Spartakiads. The 'Bromarf' Label; Marcovich, Emile; Rossica; the Finnish town of Bromarf.


Labels of OSOAVIAKHIM; Campbell, Patrick J.; Rossica; 89;


1975; 49-51;

The Chronicle Stamp, an Airmail Label As a Record of History; Lyakhovetskii, M.; Rossica; 88; 1975; 61-62; Wolski, Ed; The 'Ukrkrymvozdukh' labels. Translated from 'Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya' #4, p. 31, 1968. The Soviet Air Fleet Semi-Official Stamps. Their Role in Postal History and the Development of Soviet Aviation.; Ackerman, G. Adolph; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 8-22; Vignettes of Russia; Ackerman, Yuri; 1991; 17-18; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Vlasov Series; Legky, B.; Rossica; 44; cancellations on a 50k and 2R.

1954; 28-29; A short article describing the

Vlassov Post; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 46-47;

1955; 47-48;

Wounded Soldiers and Destitute Children - Soviet Charity Labels 1922-1925; Beddowes, Ian; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 33-37; Zagadochnaya marka; Tomarov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec. pochta' (Children's Post) stamp.

1966: 20; A 5kop.


Zametki kollektsionera; Polchaninov, R.V.; 1988; Zarya, London, Canada; Original softbound book. Contains five chapters on this topic.





(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine: Rossica; 59; 1960; 57: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Correction to his article in #58. (n.t.); Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 610; Corrects a Wortman article in BJRP #19 that the rectangular RR terminal postmarks of SPb and Moscow had not been illustrated before. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 7: Dec. 1980; 64; The Turk1sh post office at Saturn. It corrects an erroneous transliteration - Kudus should have been Gediz on the arrival marking. (n.t.); Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 52-53: 1957; 8; Corrects the description of the ROPiT Smyrna cancel in item 4 of p. 38, #51. (n.t.); Gutenstein, Morris; Post Rider; #4471 in #6, p. 66.

7; Dec.

1980; 64; Corrects a report on Scott

A Philatelic Detective Story: Russia 1941 to Switzerland 1942. New Information.; Ames, N.J.D./Pritt, Boris: BJRP; 63; 1986: 95-96; Corrections to the article 1n #62. Addenda & Errata; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep. Postmarks of St. Petersburg' in #68.

1990; 44;


to the article 'The

Addition and Correction; (n.a.); Rossica; 43; June 1941; 76; In the Far Eastern Supplement to the journal. Shows the forged 'KITAI' overprint discussed in 'Forged Stamp of Russian Post Office in China', in #42, p. 49. Batum Bogus Forgery; AShford, P.T.; BJRP; 8; Jan. article on p. 144 of #7.


190; Correction to his

Bol 'shie oshibki 'Bol 'shogo slovarya'; Vul'f, M.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1990; 46-49; Corrections and additions to the 'Bol'shoi filatelisticheskii slovar", by Vladinets and Yakobs. Correct1on; (n.a.); RAP; 23; Apr.-June 1945; 6; A fraudulent imperforate Scott #896, not 895, in RAP #22. Correction;

(n.a.); RAP; 6; Feb.

1943; 3; Aerophilately article in #5.

Correction; W11son, Kennedy; Rossica; 92; 1978; 57: Corrects fig. 24 in P.J. Campbell's 'The Exploration of the Eurasian Arctic' in #90-91. Correction to the Article - No. Rider; 12; May 1983; 3;

of Russ i a, by M. V.

L i phschutz, RDP;

(n. a. );


Corrections; (n.a.); RAP; 5; Jan. 1943; 4; Aronson's 'The Ukrainian Flight' in #3, Prigara's 'Data on the First Three Issues' in #3, and 'The Tsar's Collection' #4.


Corrections; Wilson, Kennedy: Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 104-105; Correct10ns to Basov's 'Rare Stamps of the RSFSR' and P.J. Campbell's 'ANT-3' in #106-107. Corrections for #57 of Rossica Journal;

(n.a.); Rossica; 58;



Correspondence; tn.a.); BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 38; Irmann-Jacobsen's corrections to his article on Soviet definitive stamps in BJRP #34. Dosadnaya pogreshnost'; Sachkov, I.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 26; The author corrects a point made by Karlinskii in his 1968 'Vladimir Il'ich Lenin' catalog. Editorial Board Suffers Moderate Casualties (Errata for 115; Oct. 1990; 5; Errata; In.a.); BJRP 71.



73; Autumn 1992; 21; Correct10'lS to


In.a.); Rossica;

Epstein'S FPO tables in

Errata for the Shalimoff Translation of the Lobachevski Catalog of Imperial Postage Stamps of Russia; Wilson. Kennedy :-.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; â‚Ź2-75; E"rata to Letters From Collectors; Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 55; 1958; 37; Corrects erroneous postmark dates on Adler's Komandorsky Islands cover in #55. Errors - 'Interesting Envelopes ... ', Rossica N. 63;

(n.a.); Rossica; 64;

1963; 64;

Eshche raz 0 kataloge konvertov; L'vov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 24; The author corrects inaccuracies or omissions in the 'Katalog khudozhestvennykh markirovannykh konvertov SSSR'. Estonian Documentary and Revenue Stamps; Tammaru, Philip A.; 1979; 232; Corrections to the article in EF #22-23.

Eesti Filatelist; 24-25;



Field Post Offices in Transcaucasia and Transcaspia: Mar. 1989; 39;




(n.a.); BJRP; 66;

Izmeneniya i dopolneniya k I tomu 'Kataloga-spravochnika otechestvennykh znakov poChtOVOl oplaty'; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 185-188; Additions and corrections to the Handbook. K svedeniyu chitatelei; Aloits, V./Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; IV; Corrections and additions to the article 'Seriya s nadpechatkami' in 1-1968, on SFA #s 307-318. Katalog-spravochnik pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1991; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 29-36; Continued from #6. Issues from Oct. 1927 to Mar. 1934. Includes additions and errata for the second volume. More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider; Correction of a typo on p. 41 of #9.

10; May 1982; 63;

More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 63; Corrects the article in 'Post Rider' #9, p. 41. Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri is on the mainland, not on Sakhalin Island. Non-postal Miniature Sheets of the USSR - Addendum 2; Kolot, 1981; 41;

L.A.; BJRP; 58; Nov.

Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1884-1906 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 16; 1978; 49-81; Contains corrections and additions to the first two installments in #s 14 & 15. Opechatki; Arkhangel 'ski; Rossica;

12; Feb.

1933; 217-218; Corrections to #11.

Popravka; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 38; Corrections to Minskii's 'Fal'sifikaty zemskikh marok' and Andreev's '0 khokkeinoi nadpechatke'. Popravka;

(n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1986; 42; Corrections to Kosonogov's in #7, 'Raznovidnosti marok kontrol'nogo sbora'.


Post Rider #17; Cronin, Andrew; June 1985. p. 5.

Post Rider;

17; Nov.


1; Corrections to #16,

Prezhde vsego - tochnost'; Gonchar, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27; The author corrects G. Zaglyanskaya's article in #9-1968 on the standard issues, in which she assigned a stamp to the 12th Standard Issue. Shtempel'nye konverty Rossii 1845-1868 godov. Konverty obshchegosudarstvennoi pochty.; Lobachevskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; VII-VIII, 33; ContinLled from #12, 1973. Soviet Varieties; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 52; Dec. article in #50.

1975; 24; Corrections to his

The Otepaa Puzzle (1941); Vaher, Eo; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; and corrections to the article in EF #18-19. The R Classifications:

1979; 231; Additions

A Correctlon; von Hungen, Heinz; BJRP; 63;



Tsau Tsau; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 689; Corrects a 'Tsau Tsau' 1940 Faberge Offices Abroad sale to 'Rutsau', in Kurlyand province.

in the

Utochnenie; Braunstein. 1.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 18; An addition and correction to the Braunstein article in #9-1968 on the Vladivostok 1923 airmail stamps. Vopreki sobstvennomu kredo; Zalivadnyi. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 36; Book review of E.P. Sasnenkov's 'Pochtovye dorogi kosmonavtov' , 1978. Contains numerous corrections and crlticisms. Vozvrashchayas' k napechatannomu - 'Zemskaya pochta i pochtovye marki Kirillovskogo uezda'; Minski i, M.; Fl latel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1976; 28; The author takes issue wlth some pOlnts contained in Yu. Rudnikov's article in #4, 1974. 1914 War Charity Variety: A New Discovery - Addendum; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 16; Correction to article in #54, p. 19.





(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 72; 1967; 96-97; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Baltic Garman, Swedish and Finnisll troops fighting the Reds in Estonia. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 71; 1966; 83; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Swedish Corps cover of 1919, sent through t~e Estonian field post.


(n.t.); Frauenlob. Walter; Rosslca; 76-77; 1969; 100; In 'Notes FI'om Collectors' section. An imperforate 1938 Estonian souvenir sheet. 'Ketra-Liisu' Akiline Sund; 100-mark Esto~ian bill German is included.

Pant, Guido; Eest; Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 37; A issued in 1919. A very brief synopsis in Russian and

'Krasnyi skripach'; Minasyan, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. Estonian revolutionary and violinist.

1579; 6-7; Eduard Syrmus,

A Cover From Turpel; Michalove,

1980; 36-39;


Post Rider';

7; Dec.

About a Few of the Rari~ies in Estonian Philately; Hurt. Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 33-45; The Estonian-language section of th1S article on pages 41-45 have some illustrations lacking in the English-language section. Includes information on forgeries. An Estonian Optical Illusion?; McDonald, Donald; BJRP; and 300-mark provisionals of 1930.

6; Apr.


115; The 70-mark

An Imper'ial Cover from Estonia to Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 1992; 3-4; Aviapochta v Ehstoni i; Slomka, D.;



31; Dec.

1979; 75-90;

Baltic States Revenues; Hall, Andrew; 1983; J. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd, York, England; Spiral bound original, 39 pages. Bibliography and Index of Estonian Philatelic Literature; Gleason, Peter/Ojaste, Elmar; 1978; New York Estonian Philatelic Society, New York; Original bibliography, softbound. Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940-41; Oj83te, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 232; Provides a full-slze postmark of Raehveski, 1940, to supplement Ojaste's article in #23-24. Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940/41; Ojaste, Elmar; 1978; 138-139; Ten postmarks are illustrated.




Blick ueber den Zaun. Resultate der Kampagne gegen unerwuenschte Ausgaben. Rahmenabkommen mit der Republik Estland unterzeichnet.; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 24-26; The Estonian Postal Director's reply to questions about unnecessary Estonian issues, and the Communications Minister's overview of his country's situation. Bony Arensburga; Rozenberg.

L.D.; SKi




Issues of 1861-1862 and 1919.

Caution - Fake Semi-Official Cancels!; (n.a.); Eesti Fi)atelist; 20-21; 145-148; A wide variety of faked postmarks and censormarks.


Censorship and Censormarks During the Estonian War of Independence; Ojaste, a1.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 34-40 & illustration page ;0;

E. et

Cherez rasstoyaniya ... ; Derzhavina, T.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Oct. 7. 1973; 'Letter Week', a brief history of the UPU and how the Estonian SSR will mark the occasion. Coins of the Estonian Republic - A Survey; Triumph, Taavi P.; 22-23; 1978; 146-153; Numel'ous lllustratlons.



Correspondence Russia - New Zealand & Australia; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 4-6; Several covers to New Zealana from the newlv-independent Baltic States are illustratec. Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, from the breakaway republ ics and not-so-republics.

1992; 47-51; Stamp lssues

Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 44-46; Various issues immediately before and during the breakup of the Soviet Union. Deense Vrijwi1ligers in Estland en Letland, 1918-1920; Ronberg. Per/van Wijnen. RUllO; Het Baltische Gebied; 20; uuly 1992; 50-54; Danish volunteers in Estonia and Latvia. Den' pochtal 'ona;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

12; Dec.

1970; Short article on 'Posti 1 1 ion

Estonia Day'




in Pyarnu, Estonia.

Die Deutsche Feldpost auf den Besetzten Estnischen Dstsee-Inseln 1917/18; Roettger, Wolf; Eesti Filatel ist; 24-25: 1979; 47-59: Includes Engl ish summary on p. 59, and a map of the islands. Die Faelscher und die Faelschungen der Estnischer Briefmarken; Alver, Heldur/Djaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatel ist; 18-19; 1976; 88-94; Includes a brief biographical sketch of Jaan Lubi, Estonian stamp forger, and illustrations of his work. Die Faelscher und die Faelscllungen der Estnischen Briefmarken; Alver, Heldur/Djaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 193-199; Illustrations and history of forger Ralf Linno's work. Die Internationalen Antwortscheine der baltischen Staaten; KOCh, P.-A.; Pllilatel ia Baltica; 62; Feb. 1976; 1-16; Extracted from the catalog 'Internationale Antwortscheine', covering international coupon-responses from the three Baltic States, 1922-1940. Die Pfadfinderbewegung in Estland vor dem 2. Weltkrieg; Grob-Sigrist, Walter; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 64-68; Includes English summary on p. 68. Scouting in Estonia prior to WWII. Die Sonderpostaemter Estlands 1919-1940; Djaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 105-110; Estonian temporary post offices marks and registration labels. Thirty-four 'sets' are illustrated, beginning on p. 98, where the Estonian version of this article begins. Dni starogo goroda; Strygin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1986; '8-10; Scenes of Tall inn on Soviet stationery. Dotted Number Cancels in Estonia; Gleason, Peter; Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 73-79; List of towns, numbers and canceller types. Eastern Delays; Konnick, Mike; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor pointing out Soviet delays in routing mail to the Baltic states. Eesti Maksumargid; Tammaru, Phi 1 ip A.; Eesti Fi latel ist; 22-23; 1978; 154-166; Extensive listing, numerous photos. Engl ish summary on pp. 163-166. Eesti Post; Rosselevich, A.; Rossica; 55: 1958; 76; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Eesti Post 1919 auf Briefen; Alver, Heldur; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 51-56; Eesti Postimuuseum - Sidemuuseum; Sleyer, Julius; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 2-17; The Estonian Postal Museum. Pages 15-17 are an Engl ish summary. Eesti Postimuuseum-Sidemuuseum; Sleyer, Julius; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 167-168 & 176; Engl ish summary on p. 176. Eesti Postimuuseum-Sidemuuseum; Sleyer, Jul ius; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 218-220; Brief Engl ish summary included. Eesti Postitalitus ja Postkontorid 1938; Djaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 184-190; Development of the Estonian postal system, and a 1 ist of the offices in 1938. Includes a brief Engl ish summary. Eesti Postmarkide 'Autodafeid'; Sleyer, Jul ius; Eesti Fi latel ist; 22-23; 1978; 169-176; Destruction of Estonian remainders. English summary on p. 176. Eesti Rahvusvahelised Vascuskupongid-CRI II; Kimber, Edgar A.; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 125-127; Estonian international reply-paid coupons. Eest i teemali sed FrankoumbrikudN. Liidus I I; OJ aste, E 1 mar; Eest i F i 1 atel i st; 20-21; 1977; 149-152; Soviet pictorial postcards with Estonian themes. Eestiteemalisi Valjaandeid RoocS1S; Kroendstroem, Hans; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 129-136; Philatelic issues of Estonians exiled in Sweden. Numerous illustrations. Eestitemaati 1 ised Eritempl id N. Li idus; (n.a.); Eesti Fi latel ist; 24-25; 1979; 229-231; Soviet special cancels with Estonian themes. Updates an article in #7. Ehstonskaya SSR za gody Sovetskoi vlasti - Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU EhSSR, Tallin; One page of statistics for 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960,



Elva Local Issue 1941 (Part II); Mandvere, Vello; Eesti Filatelist; 82-87; The 'Eesti Post' overprints on SOViet stamps.



Elva, Local Issue of 1941 (Part 1); Mandvere, Vello; Rossica; 88; 1975; 46-50;




Reprinted from 'The Estonian Philatelist' #16-17, Eshche raz 0 'bonakh Arensburga'; Veiner,

I.; SK; 9'

Estlands Einziges Briefmarkenheft; OJaste, Elmar; 69-71; Estonian postage stamp booklets.






Filatel ist;



Estnische Feldpost auf lettlaendischem Raum; vo~ Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 10-11; Estonian soldiers' mail from Latvia, 1919. Estonia and Baltica specialized Mail Auction; Mandvere, Vello; Mandvere, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada; Original catalog.

21 Sep.

1986; V.

Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt, Vambola/Ojaste, Elmar; 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. EXhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Estonia. The Smith and Weaver Stamps of 1922-28.; McDonald, Donald; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 7-30; Reprinted from 'The London Philatelist', 1962-1963. Exhaustive treatment of these stamps. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: Some Perforation Peculiarities of the Earliest Issues; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 28-31; Estonia; Post Office Forms; Saardson, A,; BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 31-32 and illustration pages 19-20; Translations of an 1844 receipt and an 1899 notice of receipt with instructions for claiming the mail. Estonia: The Imperial Russian Period; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers with postmarks of Ehstlyand province, ranging from 1806 to 1917. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Estonian Air Mail Data 1920-1928; Hermann, 29-30; Includes postal rates.






Estonian Air Mail History. Finnish-Estonian Mail Flights of 1921-1924,; Ahonius, Rainer; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 25-28; History, rates. Estonian Airmail Forgeries (Eichenthal 75-84); Gleason, Peter G.; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 35-40; Reprinted f,'om 'The American Philatelis,' #9, Sep. 1975. Detailed illustrations. Estonian Airport Cancellations; Ojaste,





1976; 41-43;

Estonian AHport Cancellat'ons; 0Jaste, Elmar; Ees,i Filatelist; 24-25; 234-236; An update to Ojaste's article in #18-1S. Estonian Army Threatening Petrograd in 1919; 94-102; History and field post.



Estonian Documentary and Revenue Stamps; Tammaru, Pilil ip A.; 1979; 232; Corrections to the article in EF #22-23.

Rossica; Eesti




Filatel ist; 24-25;

Eston';an Forerunners; Feel, E.G./8eillie, I.L.G.: BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 5-30 & lllustration pages 2-16; Illustrations and much of the information taken from 'Eesti F,la,elist' #s 16-27. Estonian Forerunners II; Hurt, Postmarks, pestal routes,

Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 44-60; railroad cancels, station opening dates.

Estonian Forerunners III; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Fllatelist; 20-21; 1977; 107-114; Pp. 113-114 are an Estonian summary, but p. '14 bears two illustrations not given in the English section. Estonian Forerunne~s IV; Hu~'t, V<H1'.b 0 1a; Eest; Fi:atelist; 22""23; 1978; Eng1 ish and Estonian versions of the same artlcle are given. Estonian Forerunners V; Hurt,


Eesti F'1atelist; 24-25;


177-183; 191-192;

Estonl<.in Forerun"ers: Faberge, Oleg A.;

CommenT 0:1, and Correctio'i to Note From 01'. Edward Kossoy; BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 22-23; Revel' Harbor RR Terminal.

Estonian Forerunners:

More Information;

Estonian Mail Routes (Russian Period); illustration pages 2-3;


Edward; BJRP; 60; Oct.

Saardson, Arnold; BJRP; 57; Nov.

1983; 27; 1980; 3-16

Estonian Post Offices 1920-04-06; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 109-120; List of postal establishments in 1920. Includes a map. Estonian Postal Rates 1918-1940; Ojaste,





1978; 1977;




115-123; The article reproduces various postal Estonian.



rate notices in German and

Evropeiskii aviosoyuz; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on these three countries joining the European Air Union. Fi late1 isticheskaya geografiya. Sovetski i Soyuz.; V1adil1ets, N. I.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of sUbjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Filate1isticheskie ehksponaty Ehstonii, Latvii i Litvy na vsemirnykh vystavkakh FIP; Pritu1a, Vladislav; Eesti Kol1ektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 26-33; Baltic States exhibits at FIP international shows. The article is in Estonian, Russian and German. Fiscal Stamps of the German Occupation of Estonia 1918; Tammaru, Philip A.; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 24-25; 1979; 60-63; Gde ty, dolgozhdannyi pochtal 'on?; Stavitskaya, S.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; 1984; 2; An interview with Estonian Postal Administration Chief A.A. public complaints about poor postal service. German Occupation of Estonia; Mandvere, V.; from the GPS 'Specialist', June 1962. overprints.

Sep. 2, Litvinov on

Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 53-58; Reprinted Covers general and local issues,

Gustav Jal1ajas, Director-General of the Estonian Postal Services - Commemoration of His Birth Centenary; (n.a.); Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 20-21; 1977; 18-20; Hindrek Rikand (1874-1940); Ojaste, E1mar; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 24-25; 1979; 217-218 & 220; Rikand was the organizer of the Estonian postal system and its first postmaster-general. English summary on p. 220. Imperial Russian Field Post of XX Century Concerned with Estonia or Estonians; Ojaste, Elmar/Ostrat, Aleksis; Eesti Filate1ist; 24-25; 1979; 69-103: Several FPO marks and numerous unit cachets are illustrated and described. The article 15 reproduced twice, once in Estonian, once in English, but the illustrations aren't repeated. Iz istorii pochty v Ehstonii;


Eh.; SK;


1980; 31-39;

Iz istorii pochty v Pribaltike; Nilebrant, S./Stenberg, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 44- 4 5; Nesterova, E.K.; Translated from the philatelic catalog of 'Stockho1m-74'. Covers the period from 1636 to 1710. Johan Theodor Bjornstrom, the Designer of Smith-Weaver Stamps; Arve1in, S./et a1.; Eesti Fi1atelist; 24-25; 1979; 31-32; Kak budet rabotat' pochta; Rupskii, 0.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Mar. 17, 1967; The Estonian SSR Minister of Communications describes measures to improve postal service. Khlebnye marki; Shishkin, A.: Filate1iya SSSR: 8; Aug. 1972: 44; Circular cardboard (and later metal) 'bread stamps' issued to workers of the Krenho1m Factory on an island in the Narva River. They were extant from the late 1890s to 1917. Koe-chto ob 'interesnykh markakh' Ehstonii; Veiner,


Rossica; 8;


1932; 76-79;

Kogda zazhigayutsya ogni. .. ; Storozhakova, L.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1971; 11-12; An interview with three 'activist' members of the Tallinn Collectors Society. Kolm Kroonitud Lovi Voi Koguni Leopardi ... ; Ojaste, 1979; 222-225: The '3-lions' set.


Kommentarii k voprosu ob istorii aviapochty Ehstonii; 91-98:

Eesti Fi late1 ist;

Pritula, V.;





Maarus Sojavangide Kirjade Kohta 1718. Aastal.; Cederberg, Arno Rafael; Eesti Fiiatelist: 24-25; 1979; 202-205; Reproduction in Estonian and German of Peter's 1718 decree forbidding Swedish P.O.W.s to write letters home. Brief English summary included. Mail

From the Baltic Germans in 1941; Weikard, Helmut; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 64-66; Mail from Germans waiting to get out of the Ba1tics before the Nazi invasion of the USSR.

Mixed Frankings of 1940-1944; Mandvere, Vello; Eesti Fi1atelist; 20-21; Covers with German/Estonian or Soviet/Estonian frankings. Nestareyushchii Ta1lin; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; stationery envelope with cachet, dedicated to Ta11in. Notes of the Bank of Estonia.

A Survey.; Triumph, Taavi R.;

1977; 73-76;

12-13; A postal

Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 24-25;


Estonia 1979;




Novye pochtamty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Short article on new post offices in Ta11in and at the Karaganda airport. Novyi pochtamt; Vasil 'eva, N.; Vestnlk svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Short item on the foundation-stone ceremony fo~ the Tall in Post Office. Numismaatikasuempoosion Sigtunas; Leimus, Ivar; Eesti Kol1ektsionaar; 36; A 1989 numismatics symposium in Estonia.


1; Dec.


izgotovlenii ~enezhnykh znakov v Ehstonskoi respublike; Soerd, Vilma; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 34-36; The 1919 Tallinn Accounting Office bills. The article is in Estonian, Russian and German.

Obmen ratifikatsionnymi gramotami; (n.a.): ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Exchange of letters between the USSR and Estonia on ratification of several postal, telegraph, telephone and money-order-exchange conventions. Oni razvozyat pochtu; Tammaru, T.; Vestnik svyazi;




Otchet 0 dyeyatel'nosti Revel'skago i Nemmevskoi gruppy O-va 'Rossika' za 1933 god; Soko10v, A.; Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 85-86; Otchet 0 dyeyate1'nosti Reve1'skoi gruppy 'Rossika' s apre1ya po 30 dekabrya 1931 g.; Sokolov, A.; Rossica; 8; Feb. 1932; 96-98; Otchet 0 dyeyatel'nosti Reve1'skoi gruppy 'Rossika' za 1932 god; Soko10v, A.; Rossica; 12; Feb. 1933; 216-217; Paro-Kartenbriefe des Roten Kreuzes; Ojaste, E1mar; Eesti Fi1atelist; 24-25; 1979; 232-233; Provides extracts from 'Die Postmarke' #s 141 & 192 on Red Cross stationery issued in Estonia. Updates the article in E.F. #18-19. Pervyya pochtcvyya marki Ehstonii; Witte, G.K.; Rossica; Phantasieausgabe Hummu1i 1941; Hurt, Vambo1a; Tne Hummuii cinderella issue.


7; Sep.

1931; 45-48;

Fl1atelist; 22-23;



Pi1tpostkaardid Motiividega Eestist II; Ojaste, E1mar; Eesti Filate1ist; 20-21; 152; SOViet pictorial post~ards wi th Estonlan themes.


Pis'ma sorti~uet mashina; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971: Short item on the introduction of an MSP-120 letter-sorting machine at the Tal1in mail-sorting office. Plate Flaws of the First Estonian Alr Mail Stamp; Vaher, 1976; 31-34;


Eesti Fi1atelist;

Pochta Ehstlyandskoi trudovoi kommuny; Ehpshtein, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 34-37; The Estonian Workers' Commune in Narva. Dec. 1918 to Jan. Pochta Ehstonii

1940-1941 gg.;

Linnard, A./Mandrovskii, N.; SK; 21;


11; Nov. 1919.


1983; 74-79;

Pochta Ehstonskoi Trudovoi Kommuny; Ehpstein, A.; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar: 1; Dec. 4-12; The article is ln three languages - Estonian, Russlan and German. Includes postal rates for the Narva Commune of 191&.


Pochta, te1egraf, te1efon; Torshina, L.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Jan. 15, 1984; 2; An interview with Estonian Deputy Minister of Communications T. Symera concerning the Ministry'S prepara:'ons for the upcomlng electlons. Pochtovye marks gor. Gdova; Isakov, !.: Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 76-77; stamps issued by the Estonians and Whites in 1915 at Gdov. Pochtovye shtempelya Ehstcnii dcmarochnogo perioda;






'985; 39-53:

Po1ska '73 - elne g~osse Ausstel1ung in Posen; von Hofmann, Harry; Pri1atel18 Baltica; 55; Nov. 1973; 2-11; An extensive listing of Baltic-related items displayed by various exhibitors at Polska-73. Post in Estland im Sommer 1941; Leppa,


Post in Estlend im Sommer 1941; Leppa,

August; Pochta; 44;

Postal History of Livonia; 92;


43; Aug. Jan.



1988; 5;

Engel. Arnold; The American Phi1ate1lst; Jan.

1983; 23-26,

Posti Prob1eemidest Saksamaa Briti Tsooni Eesti D.P. Laagrites 1945-1949; Ostrat, A1eksis; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 20-21; 1977; 57-68; Estonian displaced-persons mail, Red Cross and postmarks from camps in the B~itish Zone of Germany. Postiasutused ja Postiuhendused Eestis 1923; Ojaste, E1mar; Eesti Filatel ist;





1979; 171-183; A list of Estonian postal establishments in 1923. brief English summary.


Includes a

Postiasutused Eestis 1931; Ojaste. Elmar; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 22-23; 1978; 121-137; A list of postal establishments in Estonia in 1931. Some postal history. Postiasutused Kodumaa1 1915-11-01; Ojaste. E1mar; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 22-2::l; 1978; 93-108; A list of postal establishments in and near Estonia. culled from the 1916 Postal List. Includes illustrations of postmarks categorized by post office rank. and an English summary on p. 108. Postivagunid ja Posti Transport Eesti Raudteede1 1918-1940; Ojaste. E1mar/Osi. Harold; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 22-23; 1978; 2-36; Railroad mail routes. postmarks. photos. English summary on pp. 31-36. Includes railroad route map. Probnaya moneta dostoinstvom 2 krony 1927 goda; Leimus, I.; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar; The article is in Dec. 1990; 38; The 1927 Estonian 2 krooni essay coin. Estonian, German and Russian. Provisional Revenue Stamps of Estonia. 11-13;

1918-1919; Olander. Harald;





Provizornaya po1ovinchataya marka Ehstonii; (n.a.); Rossica; 40; June 1940; 327; Picture of a cover from Tallinn with a bisect. Punase Risti Kaartkirjad - 'Paro'; Ojaste, E1mar; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 18-19; 1976; 72-75; Estonian Red Cross 1ettercards issued by the Paro Advertising Agency. brief English summary of the article is appended.


Raasiku Rongionnetus 1941; Tiits, Eugen; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 22-23; 1978; 36-39; A railroad accident at Raasiku Station. English summary included. Raha Saatmisest Posti Kaudu Eesti Vabari;gis; Paid. Karl; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 22-23; 1978; 87-92; Estonian postal money orders. Includes an English summary. Ratifikatsiya konventsii s Ehstoniei; (n.a.); 2hTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on ratificatIon of a post-telegraph-te1ephone convention with Estonia. Rek1aam Eesti Postitemp1ite1; Hurt, Vambo1a; Eesti Estonian advertising postmarks and slogans. Reve1'skii provizorii; Veiner, I.; Rossica; Revel' provisional bisects of 1909.


Fi1ate1ist; 20-21;





283-285; The April 3-5

Russian Censorship in Estonia in the WWI; Kahrs, Christoffer/et a1.; Eesti Filate1ist; 24-25; 1979; 105-125; Numerous censormarks are recorded and illustrated. S.K.

- Postitsensuurist ja Selle Temp1itest Vabadussoja Aja1; Ojaste, E./et a1.; Eesti Fi1ate1ist; 20-21; 1977; 141-143; Estonian military censorship of civilian ma i 1. 1919 - 1920.

Schwedens Post im Ba1ticum; Lindberg. George B.; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 48; Oct. 2-4; von Hofmann. Harry; Schwedische Postverordnung von 1636; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. The text of a Swedish postal regulation from 1636 is reproduced.


1967; 4-6;

Soome Va1ipost ja Eest1ased Soome Jatkusojas 1942-1944: Hurt. Vambo1a: Eest; Fi1ate1ist; 20-21: 1977; 41-44; A German summary of the article on the FinnIsh fie1dpost and Estonians during WWII is on p. 44. Soome Va1ipost Eestis Jatkusoja Aja1 (1942-1944); Leivonen. Yrjo; Eest; Fi1ate1ist; 20-21; 1977; 45-50; A German summary of this article on the Finnish fie1dpost in Estonia from 1942 to 1944 is on pp. 49-50. Soviets Disrupting Mail To and From the Ba1tics; Schwartz. Lloyd; Linn's Stamp News; 10 -.lune 1991: 1 & 14; The Dec. 1990 to Mar. 1991 Soviet mail delay. Sowjet-Post in Est1and. JUly 1986; 38-44;


August 1940 - 22.


1941; Shmue1y. Moshe;

ZRSP; 40;

Staryi Tomas rad gostyam; Liiv. Raimu; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 3-4; Tallinn's preparations for the Olympics. primarily sailing events. Stoletie Kiri11usa Kreeka; Va1pi, back cover; Cyri11us Kreegi,

E1mar; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar; 1; Dec. Estonian composer and pedagogue.

Svobodnaya naveki; Me1'nikov. A.; with an Estonian theme.

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Svoi den'gi;

Ross. Kh.;

Eesti Ko11ektsionaar;

1; Dec.



1982; 6-7; Soviet stamps

1990; 40-41;

Local paper money

Estonia -



'postmarki' - issued by Estonian postal commissars up to 1817. in Estonian, Russian and German.


The article is

Tais poliitilist ja isiklikku draamat; Lell. Adolph; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 221-222; Translated from 'The American Philatel ist' #12, 1978. The '3 lions' stamps of 24 Sep. 1928. Tallinnskie provizornye marki; Hindrekson, Shifara; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1990; 16-18; The Tallinn bisect provisionals of 1909. Tartu-Valjaanne 1918; Paid, Karl; Easti Filatelist; 18-19; Dorpat 'pfennig' overprints on Russian arms stamps.

1; Dec.

1976; 79-81; The 1918

Temaatiline Kogu 'Estonica' Voorastest Markidest (III); Raid, Evald; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 198-202; Stamps of various countries with an 'Estonica' theme. InclUdes brief Engl ish summary. The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; illustrations, usages.

73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous

The Announcement; (n.a.); Eesti Filatel ist; 24-25; 1979; 30; Short item reproducing the announcement abou~ introduc~ion of 5m bank notes en 28 Apr. 1919. The First Estonian Air-Mail; McDonald, Donald; BJRP; 44; Dec.


The Otepaa Puzzle (1941); Vaher, Eo; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; '10.VII Otepaa' stamps - printing, plating, types, forgeries. The Otepaa Puzzle (1941); Vaher, Eo; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; and corrections to the article in EF #18-19.

16-23; 12-24; The

1979; 231; Additions

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the ~evant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Qriginal, numbered copy - #23. The Postal Service in Estania; Jallajas, Gustav; 21-40; Reprinted from '~'Union Postale' #7,

Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1938.

The Series of Estonian Common Stamps in 1928-29; Tarkpea, Voldemar; 24-25; 1979; 226-227;


Eesti Filatelist;

The Serrane GUide - Estonia; Seranne, Fernand; The American Philatelist; AUQ. 751; Forgeries of Estonian stamps from 1919 to 1924. -


Tne Soviet Occupation of the Bal tic States 1940-1; Michalove, Peter A.; BJRP; 67; 5e~. 1989; 31-39; SO'flet rates for each of the occupled natlons. The Western Regions of the USSR, 21-24;

1939-1941; Waugh, Allan S.; BJRP; 52; Dec.

Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Riga-Dunaburg-Orel Ruud W.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 4-21;


Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen.

Tsarist Estonian Censor Markings and Labels; Kahrs, Christoffer; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 3-11; Illustrations and dates of usage of censormarks used during IJWI in Estonia. Tysyache-letnii gorod-muzei; Pavlukhin, L.; Stamps and PPCs dedicated to Tallinn.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1971; 22-23;

TPOs Cancel lations and Mail Transport on the Estonian Railways 1918-1940; Ojaste, Elmar/Osi, Harold; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 206-216; Postmarks, covers, postal history of the Estonian railroad mail system. InclUdes railway map. Ungeklaerte Fragen der Seepost-Stempel Stettin-Baltische Staaten; Gruenewald, Hans; Pnilatelia Baltica; 63; Me,. 1976; 1'5-16: Valipost Eesti Va::>adussoJas 1918-1920; Ojaste, E./et a1.: Eesti Filate',ist; 18-19; 1976; 119-127; Cachets of Estonian m,litary units. Includes an English and German summary. Valipost Eesti Vabadussojas 1918-1920; :Jjaste, E./et al.; 1977; 131-140; Estonian military unit cachets.


Filatelist; 20-21;

Valipost Eesti Vabadussojas 1918-1920; Ojaste, E./et a1.; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 184-192; Estonian military cachets list. Includes an American Red Cross marking. Vincent Domanski's Collection; Wortman, A.H./Salisbury. G.B.; Rossica; 55; 63-64; 'Eesti Post' overprints listed in Domanski's collection. Welfare Stamps of Viljandi and Tallinn 1914-1917; Zichmanis, M.;


Eesti Filatelist;

Estonia 20-21;



1977; 77-79; Cinderellas of Fellin and Tallin during WWI.

Welfare Stamps of Viljandi and Tallinn 1914-1917; Zichmanis, M.; Eesti 24-25; 1979; 234; A brief update to Zichmanis' article in #20-21. Za vysokoe kachestvo; Tyehleid, T.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. improving production quality at the Tallin Post Office.


1979; Two pages on

Zeppel iini- ja Katapuldilennuposti Kirjad Eestist: Kimber, Edgar A.; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23: 1978; 41-58: Zeppel in and catapult plane mail to and from Estonia.





(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 74; 1968; '71-73; A 1901 Lyublin exhibition cachet. 'Ad Astra-91' 46-49;


Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

'To tr,e Stars' Philatelic EXhibition;

'London-90'; Pritula, V.;




11; Jan.


1990; 56-58;

'Cllimpfil-80'; Mel'nikov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 6-7; A stamp exhibition held in conjunc~ion with the 1980 Moscow Olympics. 'Rossiya-90', bol'shoi filatelisticheskii SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; ~0-14;

val's; Obukhov,

E./Pevzner, A.;

'Tentoonstelling van Postzegels van Estland. Letland en Litauen', Ruud; Het Baltische Gebied; 20; July 1992; 42-49;


1938; van Wijnen,

A Century of the Manchurian Postal History; Mizuhara, M.; 1986; Japan Philatelic Publications, Tokyo; International-gold exhibit of Russian offices in Manchuria from 1876 to about 1920. Includes Czech Legion Issues and Japanese FPOs. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Around the Exhibitions; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 4-10; Finlandia-88, Praga-88, Exfilna-88, Filamoder-88 and Fesofi 25th Anniversary Exl1ibition. Around the International Philatelic Exhibitions; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 1987; 64-70; Baltica '90; Henderson, George; BJRP;

21; Nov.

71; Autumn 1991; 37;

Bilaterale Briefmarkenaustellung 'BRD-UdSSR'; Nikitln, 7-8; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' Iii, 1987.

I.; Pochta; 43; Aug.

Bilaterale Donezk 1988; Piacenza, Pitt; Pochta; 45; Aug.


1988; 7-8;

Bonno-filatelisticheskaya vystavka v g. Krasnoyarske; B., 0.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 115-116; A scrip-and-philately exhibition in Krasnoyarsk. 7-8 Nov. 1929. BriefmarKenausstelung in Leningrad; Meyer, H.;

Pochta; 45; Aug.

BSRP Jubilee Display, 24th June 1961 - Zemstvo Posts; 1961; 27-28;


1988; 9; C.C.; Rossica; 61;

Centenary JUbilee Exhibitions Honoring the First Russian Postage Stamp - In Moscow and Leningrad; (n.a.); Rossica; 56; 1959; 45-48; Combined Exhibit of the British Society of Russian Philately at the London International Starn;:> Exhibition, 1950; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 5; Jan. ~951; 75'路79; CAPEX 78 Report; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 3; Sep. show and some of the exhibits.

1978; 5-8; Description of the

Display - Finland; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 11; May 1953; 330-331; Knighton's showing of Finland at the Oct. 1952 BSRP meeting. Druzhbe krepnut'; Levshnya, M.; Fllatellya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1977; 42-43; Cacheted envelopes and special cancels to commemorate Soviet-Czech philatel ie exhibitions. Ehkspozitsiya Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; Raikina, I ./Ryl 'kova, L.; Fi latel iva SSS,,; 9; sep. 1979; 22-23; A description of the Min'stry of Communications" 10-frame exhibit at Filaserdica-79. Errors and Varieties;

(n.a.); 6JRP; 6;


1951; 98-99; The W.H.H. Huady display.

Estonia: The Imperial Russian Period; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers with postmarks of Ehstlyand provInce. ranging from 1806 to 1917. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Exhibit Round-up; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 4-10; General comments, awards won by Russian exhibits at London 80, Norwex 80, and Buenos Aires 80. Fifth International philatelic EXhibition - FIPEX; Salisbury, G.B.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 6-9; Includes Rossica activities at the show. Filatek 1964. Sovetskie marki vyzyvayut voskhishchenie.; 1964; 25-31; Par'is 1964. Filatelisticheskaya vystavka FRG-SSSR,

Sitern, Gabriel; SK; 2;

Essen 19-22 fevralya 1981;



Exhibits, Exhibitions




Essen; Show catalog. Filatelisticheskie ehksponaty Ehstonii, Latvii i Litvy na vsemirnykh vystavkakh FIP; Pritula, Vladislav; Eest; Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 26-33; Baltic States exhibits at FIP international shows. The article is in Estonian, Russian and German. Filateliya v Sovetskoi shkole; Chuchin, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 9-10; A Moscow schoolchild's view of recent Russian history, illustrated by stamps, is reproduced by Chuchin. The latter promotes thematic philately as a teaching tool. Fin land 1; (n . a. ); ( n . d. ) ; Imper'al-period stamps and covers from the exhibit of an anonymous collector. 31 xerox pages. Finlandia 88:

BSRP Successes; Casey,


BJRP; 66; Mar.

1989; 41;

Golub' na marke; Ognev, Yu.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Dec. 25, Bird of Peace' topical exhibit at SREDAZFIL-84 in Frunze.

1984; A 'Dove - The

Gotov'tes' k s'ezdu i vystavke; Obozrevatel'; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 33; Preparations for the First All-Russian Congress of Philatel ists and Scripophilists. International Philatelic Exhibition 'Philatec Paris 1964'; Marcovitch, Rossica; 67; 1964; 5-9; Kak oformit' kollektsiyu dlya vystavki; Smyslov, A.; SK; 2; perspective of preparing a stamp or topical exhibit. Kollektsii A.K. Rachmanov,


1964; 32-36; The Soviet

Faberge na mezhdunarodnoi filatelisticheskoi V.; Rossica; 14; Dec. 1933; 41-44;

vystavkye v Vyenye;

Kurt Adler 0 kollektsiyakh russkikh i sovetskikh marok; Adler, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; 4-5 (insert pages); Nesterova, E.; Translation of Adler's 'Praga-68' article in Rossica. It is interesting to note that mention of Rossiea is lacking. KPD v kollektsii. Kakim emu byt'?; Vislenev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 20-21; A discussion of the place of FDCs in exhibits. London International Philatelic Exhibition 1960; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 50-51; London Stamp World 90.

A Personal View.:



BJRP; 69; Sep.




1990: 39-41;

Members' Displays During the Year 1949; (n.a.); BJRP; 4; Dec. 1949; 53-54; Sir John Wilson's 'Early Russian Rarities' and Dr. Wortman's 'Russian Post in China, Manchuria and Mongol ia' . Mezhdunarodnaya filatelisticheskaya vystavka v Vyenye Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 28-31;

'WIPA 1933'; Rachmanov, V.A.;

Mezhdunarodnaya filatel isticheskaya vystavka SSSR-Frantsiya - Katalog.; (n.a.); 1981; Kiev; Exhibition catalog for the Sep. 6-13, 1981 show. Includes two official invitations. Mezhdunarodnoe priznanie sovetskoi filatel ii; Naumov, M.; SK; 9; 1971; 40-47; Overview of joint and three-sided Soviet exhibitions with other countries, and Soviet participation in internationals. Nakanune vystavki; Eichfuss. L.: Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28): NOV.-Dec. 1924; 1-3; A very tendentious article on the evils of Western stamp dealers and their forging of Soviet stamps - some names are named - and the upcoming First All-Union EXhibition. Narodnaya svyaz' na vystavkakh. Pervaya Vsesoyuznaya vystavka v Moskve po filatelii, bonistike i numizmatike.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925: 124-127; The First All-Union Exhibition and postal dlsplays there. Includes photographs of some of the displays. Nashi vystavki; Orlov,

V.; SK;



151-161; MGOK exhibitions for 1961-1962.

Novaya Zelandiya-1990; Sinegubov, V.;

Filateliya SSSR;


22; Dec.

Rachmanov, V.;


12; Dec.

1990; 52-54;

1935; 200-201;

Pan-Slav Stamp EXhibition; Pollock, Eugene L.; 1949; Philatelic Museum, Philatelic Institute, Temple University; Original exhibit prospectus for the Pan-Slav Exhibition in Philadelphia, 19 Feb. to 13 Mar. 1949. Pervaya Vsesoyuznaya filatelisticheskaya vystavka;


Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Exhibits, 1972;




15; Pictures from the First All-Union Philatelic Exhibition,



Pervaya Vsesoyuznaya Vystavka po filatel ii. bonistike i numizmatike; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about NKPiT participation in the First All-Union Philatelic, Scripophil ic and Numismatic EXhibition. Pervye vsesoyuznye; Korolev, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; Soviet philatelic exhibitions in the 1930s.

10; Oct.

1982; 49-50; The first

Petrozavodskaya proizvodstvenno-pokazatEll 'naya vystavka Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 158; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a communications exhibition in Petrozavodsk. Philatec Paris 1964;



Philatelic Exhibition 'Moscow-Paris'; Philymoia 1970;

(n.a.); BJRP; 45;



35; Oct.

Liphschutz, Michel; 1971;

1964; 34-37;



1966; 8-10;


Pis'mo oervogo dnya; Tormyshev. \I.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1S'80; 30-31; Observations on and disagreements with N. Vislenev's 'KPO v kollektsii. Kakim emu byt'?' in #4. Continues the debate in Soviet philately over what an FOC should be. Polska '73 - eine grosse Ausstellung in Posen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 55; Nov. 1973; 2-11; An extensive 1 isting of Baltic-related items displayed by various exhibitors at Polska-73. Polyarnyi krug prokhodit v ... Belarusi; Mel 'nikova, T.; Fi latel iva; 4; Apr. 1992; 52-53; 'Polyarfil' in Mogilev. Several special cancels from the philatel ic eXhibition are shown. Histo~y of Mount Athos; Epstein, Norman; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers and related items to and from the Russian monastery at Mt. Athos. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder.


Praga 1962.

Forum filatelistov zemnogo shara.; Berngard, K.;

Praga 1962. 49-54;

Nablyudeniya, vpechatleniya,

Prazdnik fllatelii; Oanyushevskdya, SOTsFILEKS in Moscow.

vyvody.; Kachinskii,

L.; Vestnik svyazi;



1963; 42-48;

A.; SK;

12; Oec.



1983; One page on

PHILASERDICA '79; ;<raul, Sven; Pr,ilatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 42-45; Brlef discussion and listing of dozens of covers displayed by Valdis Villerus in his 'Poststempel von Riga blS 1917' exhiblt at PHILASERDICA '79. PRAGA-68;

Adler, Kurt;



1968; 51-53;

Razdum'ya posle yUbileinoi vystavki; Berngard, K.; Recent Society Displays; exhibit.

(n.a.); BJRP;

Report on 'Bulgaria-89'; Cronin,

24; Sep.


Report on 'New Zealand 1990'; Johnson,



Report on 'Stamp World London 90'; Cronin, Report on Brasi 1 iana '83; eronln.



Post Rider; 76-77;

Andrew; Post

Report on PhilexFrance '82; Cronin,


Repor":: on vllPA '81; Cronin. Andl'ew:

Fost Ridel':

27; Nov. 5; Nov.

1990; 21-23;

1979; 5-10;

1965'; 8-13;

Post Rider;


Roberts' Podolia

July 1989; 55-58;

Post Rider;


1968; 31-41;

1958; 799-800; C.W.

Post Rider;

Report on 'Philaserdica-79'; Cronin, Andrew; Report on 'Sofia-69'; Cronin.

SK; 6;

13; Nov.

Post Rider; 9; t-;ov.




1983; 60-61;

11; Nov, 1981;


1982; 4-11;


Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offlces abroad operated, excep":: Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Postal Development from the 1780s to 1917; Skipton, David M.; (n.d.); of numerous aspects of Russian postal development, arranged in a







'three-dimensional' approach - outward expansion of postal routes on land and water, downward expansion into rural areas, and intensification of postal services in cities. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russkaya pochta v Azii; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 17-19; The BSRP-VOF joint exhibition in Moscow, and a description of Dr. Raymond Casey's Offices in Asia exhibit. Sofiya - Moskva; Mazur, P./Smyslov, A.;

SK; 4;

1966; 61-62;

Sovetskie filatelisty na inostrannykh vystavkakh: Muratov, V.;

SK; 6;

1968; 42;

Soviet Airmail - The Early Years; Ackerman, G.A.; (1986); Exhibit shown at the Champion-of-Champions World Series of Phi- lately, Stampshow '87. Soviet Postal Rates 1917-1923. Rates and Usages During Soviet Inflation.; Shaw, George; (n.d.); Exhibit of foreign and domestic rates from before free franking to the transition period. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Stamp World London '90; Skipton, David M.; Rossica;

115; Oct.

1990; 8-10;

Stamps and Pos,al History; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 30-34; The author suggests that stamp collectors might want to consider exhibiting covers with their stamps, and why. Stavropol'. Pochta na sel'skokhozyaistvennoi vystavke.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a postal exhibit at a Stavropol' agricultural fair. Stockholmia 1974; Robbins, Sam; Rossica; 86-87;

1975; 71-72;

Stockholmia 74; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 58; Nov. 1974; 1-16; A listing of Baltic exhibitions at Stockholmia-74, with hundreds of covers recorded. Svyaz' na s.-kh. vystavke; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an Uman District agricultural exhibition at which a postal booth operated. Svyaz' na vystavke v Kokande; Volkov, S.; ZhTS; communications exhibition in Kokand, 1924. SOTsFILEhKS-IV; Kachinskii, A.;



1; Jan.


130-131; A Soviet

1974; 90-91;

STAMPEX 1958. Displays by Members of B.S.R.P.; (n.a.); BJRo; 24; Sep. 1958; 800-801; The Bojanowicz 'Poland', Negus 'Mongolia', and Wortman's imperial eXhibits. The CSRP Exhibits Internationally;

(n.a.); Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 7-11;

The Paris-Moscow-Leningrad Exhibition;


John; BJRP; 40; Mar.

1967; 25-26;

The Third Standard Postage Issue of the U.S.S.R. - A Postal History View; Chastang, Thomas; (n.d.); An exhibit organized chronologically by date of rate change. The Treatment and Importance Factors in Evaluating a Traditional Philately Exllibit; Odenweller. Robert P.; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 3-9; Reproduced from 'Traditional Philately'. The Ukrainians at the International Postage Stamp Exhibition 'Praga-68'; Bulat, John; Ross i ca; 75; 1968; 54; Tridents Triumph at SIPEX; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica: award-winning exhibits of Ukraine.


1967; 62-63; Three

Tsennye filatelisticheskie ehksponaty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 135; Short item in the 'K~ronika' section on WerKmeister's philatel 1C exhibit at the Museum of Communications. Ukraina - Slovakiya; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 5; A picture envelope and special cancel for a Ukrainian-Slovakian philatelic exhibition in 1979. Ukrainpex '85;

(n.a.); Rossica;


Ukrainpex '88;

(n.a.); Rossica;


1985; 5-6; Held in Montreal.



Ukrainskaya respublikanskaya filatel isticheskaya vystavka, posvyashchennaya 60-letiyu obrazovaniya SSSR - Katalog.; (n.a.); 1982; Kiev; Exhibition catalog for the 29 Aug.-11 Sep. 1982 show. Includes invitation. v pochtovom razdele vystavki 1981; One page.

'Svyaz'-81'; Klyueva,

L.N.; Vestnik svyazi;

12; Dec.





Vsesoyuznaya filatelisticheskaya vystavka '50 let Oktyabrya'; Moscow; Exhibit catalog.



1967; VOF,

Vsesoyuznaya vystavka; Rozov, B.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 4-5; A descrjption of some of the large exhibits at the First All-Union EX~1ibition.

Vsesoyuznaya yubileinaya 50: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 1-2 & front & inside front cover; An interview with USSR Deputy Communications Minister D.I. Mangel 'din on the upco~ing All-Unlon Philatelic Exhibit at the Moscow Poly technical Museum. Includes a picture of Mangel 'din. Vsesoyuznaya Leninskaya; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 5-8; Photos from the All-Union Philatelic EXhib;tion at the Poly technical M~seum in Moscow, March 1970. Vystavka bon i marok v Verkhneudinske; S., M.I.; scrip-and-stamp exhibit in Verkhneudinsk. Vystavka kollektsii ze~skikh marok; MarcoviTch, 246-249; The Zvorykin zemstvo exhibit.

SK; 6 (106);

128-130; Short description Includes a photograph of

Vystavka PEXIP v Parizhe; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 27; Oct. highlights, including some unique Russian items.

1937; 65-66;

Levandowsky, Daniel W.; BJRP; 60; Oct.

World Stamp Exhibition 'PRAGA 1962'; Adler, Kurt; WIPt, 1965; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 37; Oct.

142; A

Emile; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939;

Vystavka svyazi v Nikolaeve; G., A.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; of a communicatlons exhibition in Nikolaev in 1924. the inter' i or.

VOF Exhibition in Tbi 1 isi:

June 1930;

Rossica; 63;


1983; 37;

1962; 36-39;

1965; 39-40;

XV filatelisticheskaya vystavka 'K zvezdam 1977'; Mel'nikova. T.; Jul y 1977; 28-29; Yubileinaya vystavka svyazi; Izvekov; Sovetskii filatelist; ihe 3 Nov. Exhibition in Leningrad.

Filateliya SSSR; 7:

(77); Jan.

1928; 22;

Yubileinaya vystavka v Nikolaeve; Mokhnachev; Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 22-23; An exhibition of philatel ic, numismatic and scripophilic material in Nikolaev. 130.

Jahrestag der Ersten Marken von Russland; Alt-Russ 1 and-Sammlung von Z.S. im PTT-Museum Bern; (n.a.); Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988; 8-10;


Fakes-Forgeries, Civil War Postmarks




The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 1-2. The Northwest and Northern The Armies.; Mar. 1981; Original, numbered copy Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 19-21. Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and F.E.R.: Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Jan.-Mar. 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A', and Plates '8'. Original, numbered copies - #23.

Fakes-Forgeries, Civil War Stamps




(n.t.); Ceresa, R.J.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 61-63; Pribaikal overprints - a dubious issue. Includes details on a fake cancel. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, h.; Russian Philatelist; 3' Continued from #2.


1963; 3-9;

Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 5; JUly 1964; 4-13; Continued from #4. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. Covers imperial. Offices Abroad, Civil War, Soviet, etc.

1962; 3-12;

Civil War in Siberia and the Far East in the Mirror of Philately (1917-1923); Blekhman, S.; Rossica; 111; 1988; 52-57; Shalimoff, George; Excerpt translated from "Filateliya SSSR" #10, 1985. Nikolaevsk-na-Amure overprints. Comments on Expertizing Marks - Conclusion; Werbizky, G.G.; Pochta; 1991; 13;

10; June-July

Corresponoence; (n.a.); BJRP; 35; Oct. Whi~e Russia stamp forgeries.

1964; 38; R. Benn's comments on distingUIshing


1965; 41; White Russia stamp forgeries.

(n.a.); BJRP; 36; Mar.

Die Awaloff-Bermondt-Marken oder Dichtung und Wahrheit; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 2-32; The Bermondt-Avalov stamps printing, history, faked overprints and faked covers. Die Provisorien der Staedte - Ein Historisches Denkmal des Buergerkriegs; Nepomnin, E.; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 58-59; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #10, 1928. The 'RUB' surcharge of Zamyte, Tver' province. Faelschungen Russischer Marken der Periode des Buergerkriegs; (n.a.): ZRSP; 40; July 1986: 57-58; Reprinted from 'Radic de Filintern' #9, 1928. Faelschungen Russischer Marken der Periode des Buergerkriegs. II. Kuban.; Pashkov, B.; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 59-61; Reprinted from "Radio de Filintern" #11,1928. Fakes, Favors, and Forgeries - Oddities in Collecting Stamps of the Revolutionary Period; Schneidman, J. Lee; Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 67-70; Far Eastern Republic:

Forged Overprints;

Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 53; Nov.

Forgeries and Bogus Items of the NiKolaevsk-on-Amur Issue; 20-24;

1976; 46;

(n.a.); Rossica; 80;

Forgeries of the Northwest Army Stamps; Meyer, H.T.; Rossica; Skipton, David M.; Translated from "Rossica" #24.





Forgerias of the Unissued. West Russian Army Stamps of Latvia; Tyler, Varro E.; The American Philatelist; May 1983; 416-418; From the Auctions; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 66-67; An 'only one flown' postcard from 1918 on the Vienna-Krakow-Lemberg line, a probable faked Nikolaevsk-on-Amur cover. and 'KTOE' overprints on a block of 4 Tannu Tuva 2kop. fiscals. Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii gg.); Blekhman, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 43-54;


Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri ina Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 35-41;


Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatel ii Blekhman, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 1: Jan. '1978; 42-50;


K delu Sterbl icha. Fertiga i Ko.; (n.a. i; Sovetski i fi late 1 1st; 2; Feb. 1924; :22; Information on an individual who exported forged stamps from Georgia in 1922, and was brought to ~rial in Leipzig. New Forgeries of Nikolaevsk-na-Amurye Issue; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 53-54; 'French Consulate certificate of authenticity' contains a fake stamp. North West Army Overprints; Rosselevich. A.M.; Rossica; postal history, the overprints and the forgeries.


1957; 42-48; Covers

Ostorozhno: Fal'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Saturn, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps.

Fakes-Forgeries, Civil War Stamps


Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; overprints and surcharges.




1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Philately and Commerce; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 1-6; Chuchin's attack in Russian and broken Engl ish on some of the leading Western stamp firms and their treatment of various Soviet and Civil War stamps. Poddyelki; (n.a.); Rossica; 25; Mar. with forged perforations.


16; Very brief note on a Kuban 2k. stamp

Poddyelki marok Syev.-zap. Armii; Meyer G.F.; Rossica; 24; Nov. in Engl ish translation, "Rossica" #102-103. Stamps of the Western Army; Werth, H.; BJRP;

1936; 239-242; Also

14-15; May 1954; 436-441;

Stamps of the Western Army and of Asobny Atrad and Their Counterfeits; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 58-61; Stamps of the Western Army of Col. Bermondt-Avalov; Nuksa, A./Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 22-28; The Eagle Stamps of the Western Army; Benns, R.J.; BJRP; 37; Oct. illustration pages;

1965; 5-16 and 2

The Forged Stamps of Batum; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 212-216; The Nikolaevsk Affair; Steyn, Ivo; Rossica;


1988; 41-51;

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 1. The 60 Kopeck Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 2. The Small and Medium Sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 3. The Large-sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1978; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 1-2. The Northwest and Northern Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Mar. 1981; Original, numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 10-13. The Pictorial Issues and Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1984; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 19-21. Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and F.E.R.: Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Jan.-Mar. 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 's, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, Issues; Ceresa, R.J.; 3.

1917-1923. Parts 3-5. Siberia, Far East and Related The Armies.: Aug. 1983; Original, numbered copy - #23.

The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 4-5. The Unframed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1979; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A', and Plates 'B'. Original, numbered copies - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 6-7. The 1, 3 and 5 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.: May 1980; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 7-8. The 10, 25, 50 and 100 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1982; Original numbered copy #23. The parts are misnumbered; they should be 8-9, not 7-8. West Russian Army Stamps of Latvia: A Progress Report; Tyler, Varro E.; The American Philatelist; May 1984; 433-434; Confusion over which West Russian Army stamp is actually genuine and which the forgery. White Russia - Notes on the Genuine and Forgeries; Fletcher, H.G.L./Fletcher, W.P.;

Fakes-Forgeries, Civil War Stamps BJRP; 34; Mar.

1964; 3-4 and 1 ; 1 lustration page;




Fakes-Forgeries, General




(n.t.); Michalove, Peter; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 66-67; Gives and asks for help on identifying expertisers' initials on stamps. (n.t.); Waters, W. Thomas; Post Rider; expertizers' marks.

10; May 1982; 68; More comments on two

(n.t.); Waters, W. Thomas; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 67-68; Names of reliable expertisers given. concern expressed about forged signatures. 'Garantiya'; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 21; An attack on P.P. Shchapov's 'PS' ownership handstamp on items in his collection. A Question of Expertising; Ceresa. R.J.; Post Rider; Faelschungen aus der Sowjetunion; Schneider, J.:

7; Dec.

1980; 54-55;

ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 45-46;

Khimicheskaya proverka i chistka marok; Novotny, Ladislav; 1970; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow: Kachinskii, A.; Translated from the Czech to Russian.



Imperial Postmarks

(n.t.); Casey, Raymond; Post Rider: 9: Nov. Danube River steamer cancel.



1981; 66; Records a possibly forged

(n.t.); Liphschutz, Michel; Rossica; 61; 1961; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Fake Tiflis cancels of 1916 on imperforate stamps. (n.t.); Stephen, W.S.E.; Rossica; 57: 1959; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Short item warn1ng collectors to beware of faked canceis on Levant town issues, 1909-1910. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 68; A forged Finnish cancel, Jakobstad-Pietarsaari, dated 3-VIII-83. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 66; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. forged 'KITAI' overprint and postmark on a 3k stamp.


'Tri s poltinoi i sem' rublei bez strelok': KUdryavtsev, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1977: 46-48; Various forgeries of the 1884 3.50R and the 7R stamps are described, plus the Fournier fake cancels. Includes a table of comparisons between the authentic stamps and the forger~es. A Fake Station Hailasu Marking; Popov, V./Shalimoff, G.V.; Rossica; 113-114: 1990; 58-60; A C.E.R. station postmark fake on a postcard from St.Petersburg to Orenburg. A Forged Yanov/Janow Marking on a Folded Letter: Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 1985; 7-12; A Further Levant Note; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 53; Nov. cancel on 'cover' from Constantinople.


1976; 26; Points out a fake ROPiT

An Urgent Warning on Postmark Forgeries; (n.a.); Post Rider; 4; Apr. CER Dzhalainor cancels emanating from the USSR.

1979; 86; Forged

Editorial - Shtempelgate - The Aftermath; Cronin. Andrew: Post Rider: 7: Dec. 2-3; Used-abroad postmark forgeries from the Soviet Union.


Editorial. Shtempelgate.; (n.a.); Post Rider'; 5; Nov. 1979; 2-4; Lists recent Soviet forgeries of CER cancellations. Includes illustrations of the forgeries. Fake ROPIT Smyrna Cancellation and Bisect?; Popov, Vsevolod; ROBsica; 127-128; Faked Town Post Cover; Huddy, W.H.H.; BJRP; 2; Apr. cover in BJRP #1 exposed as a fake.


Fal"sifikatsiya nemykh shtempelei Rossi i; Vovin. Ya.; 53-55; Fake 'mute' cancels. Forged Steamship Item; Pritt. S.; BJRP: 58: Nov.


18: The "1864 town post"

Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1981; 31;

Forged Steamship Mark: Cronin, Andrew: BJRP; 59; Dec.



'Par. Bessarabed.' fake.

1982; 48;


Fournier's Forged Russian Cancellations; Torrey, Gordon: Ros5lea; 93; Illustrations. Interesting Cancellations, Etc.: Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 49-50; Thomas counterfeit cancels of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

1978; 53;

1956; 59; Rudolph

Poddel'nye pochtovye gasheniya stantsii KVZhD; (n.a. I; Filatel iya SSSR: 6; June 1980; 50-51; The notice of forged CER station cancels includes a list of all bogus dates tamps seen, their dates and on what stamps they have appeared. Railway Cancellations; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski. CER cancel forgerIes, with photos.

Igor; Rossica; 94-95;

1978: 7-8;

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original. numbered copy - #23.


Imperial Stamps




(n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica; 55; 1958; 60-61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Private 11 1/2 perforations on ruble values. (n.t.); Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 60; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Describes a cover franked with Russia #1 and sent abroad, in a Robson Lowe auction. The cover is possibly faked. (n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 57; 1959; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Faked-color 1914/15 war charity stamps. (n.t.); Rosselevich, A.; Rossica; 55; 1958; 77; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 11 and 11 1/2 private perforations and chemical change I ings on 1R ~tamps. (n.t.); Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 55; 1958; 59-60; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Chemical changelings in the 1914-1916 charity issues. (n.t.); Shalimoff, George; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 67-68; Comments on expertizations made by A. Rosselevich in his later years as being 'expensive mistakes'. 'Grandioznaya ma~ochnaya panama'; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1976; 27-28; A 'stamp-recycling' ring discovered in Warsaw, 1908. 'Jaffa' Overprints; Popov, V./Shalimoff, G.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 147-148; Casts doubt on the val idity of lithographed "Jaffa" surcharges on some ROPiT stamps. 'Tri s poltinoi i sem' rublei bez strelok'; KUdryavtsev, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1977; 46-48; Various forgeries of the 1884 3.50R and the 7R stamps are described, plus the Fournier fake cancels. Includes a table of comparisons between the authentic stamps and the forgeries. A Forgery of the Imperial Arms Type 10k. Dct. 1966; 9; 1917 issue.


Fletcher, H.G.L.; BJRP; 39;

A 1907 Postal-Telegraph Circular About Fake 7-kopek Stamps Used on Correspondence; (n.a.); Rossica; A 70k.


Imperial Postal Forgery; 31 ;


118-120; Lurye, Yakov;

Fletcher, H.G.L./Fletcher, W.P.; BJRP; 36; Mar.

An Apparently Unrecorded Forgery of the 3.50 Rouble Value of 1902; Kossoi, BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 12 - 13;



An Excellent Expertization; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 72; 1967; 51-53; A faked Rumanian FPO cover of Dec. 1917, franked with Romanov and Levant stamps. An ImperIal Postal Forgery of 7 kop.; 1964; 8; 1909- issue 7k.

Lesl ie, H.G./Fletcher, W.P.; BJRP; 35; Oct.

Answers to Queries by Readers and Some Elucidations; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 27-28; Forgeries to defraud the Post - 70k and 3.50R. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. Continued from #2. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. Continued from #3.

1963; 3-9;

1963; 3-12;

Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. Covers imperial, Offices Abroad, Civil War, Soviet, etc.

1962; 3-12;

Bezzubtsovaya 10-koppechnaya marka 1917 goda; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 7-8; The 10kop. imperforate Arms stamp - how to tell the originals from the fakes. 81agotvoritel'naya oranzhevaya marka v 3 kop.; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 385-386; The 'orange' 3kop. charity stamp. Cleaning Russian Stamps; (n.a.); Rossica; 45; 1955; 9; Reprinted from "Postage Stamp". 28 Mar. 1908. Cleaning stamps to defraud the Post. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 32; K. Freyman's example of a 70k. postal forgery from Lodz', 1905, on horizontally-laid paper. Counterfeit of 10k. Imperforate of the Arms Issue; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 102; Counterfeits of Scott Nos.

114 & 115; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP; 5; Jan.



Die Russische Post in China; Rosselevich, A.M.; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1986; 4-6; Herrmann, W.M.; Translated from the 1962 Brussels Balassie firm's house organ.



Imperial Stamps



Editorial Comments on 'Phantasies' by E. Marcovitch: (n.a.); Rossica; 55; 1958; 78; An 1883 Tiflis "blsect", WWI charity issue chemical changelings and Armenian star overprints. Eire Marke, die Raetsel AUfgibt; Hermann, Wolfgang: Pochta; 44; Jan. 1988; 38: Comments en color changelings listed in the Lobachevskii catalog. Eshche ne vse skazano (0 pervykh russkikh markakh NO.No. 1-4); Kaminskii, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1972; V-VII, 33-34; Plate varietles of #s 1-4 and two statistical tables providing data on the number of stamps soid by province. Includes information on the forgery proouced to defraud the Post. Fake China Overprlnts; Epstein, Norman; Rossica; overprint on cover from Orel, 1905.

117; Oct.

1991; 38; A fake 'Kitai'

Fake China Overprlnts - Another View; Minkus, Robert F,; Rossica; An easy way to detect forged 'Kitai' overprints.

118; Apr.

1992; 39;

Fal'sifikaty pochtovykh shtempelei Rossii; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 8: Aug. 1969; 14; Fournier forgeries of Imperial cancellations on 3.50R ano 7R stamps of the 1884 issue. Fal'sifikaty zemskikh marok; Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 36-39; Forgers using zemstvo catalog illustrations for their work. The author compares the illustrations, the forgeries and the authentic stamps. Forged Cancellations of the Russian 7- and 4-Color Stamps of Crete; R.; The American Philatelist; June 1977; 458-460;

Liberman, William

Forged Stamp of Russian Post Offices in China; Kaufman, V.I.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 49; In the Far Eastern supplement. Some bacKground information is included. From tne Expertization Committee of the Russian-American Philatelic Club; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963; 23-24; A 1915 lOR stamp with faked blue color in the oval, and 7k and 8k arms stamps with red removed chemically. Grubaya poddelka; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7: JUly 1979; 50; Discovery of a 1915-17 l-kop. 'money-stamp' forgery in Dnepropetrovsk. Imperforate?;

Faberge, Oleg; Rossica; 66;



Fakec] imperforate stamps.

KITAI Overpr'int Forgeries: Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 98-99; stamps.


14-15; On 10k

KITAI Overprints of 1899-1908 Under Ultraviolet Light; Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 16"18; Marka NO.1 Dnyeprovskago uyezda; Schmidt, K.K.; Rossica; 23; Includes a discussion about forgeries of NO.1. Nekotorye varianty Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 24; Nov, on imperforate imperial stamps, plus unrelated topics.

June 1936; 219-221;

1936; 237-239;

Fake glue

Notes and Questions; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 71; 1966; 57; DUbious perforation "errors" on 1, 2 and 4k stamps of the 1909/1912 issue. Notes on Russian Philately. Russian Offices in China.; Rosselevich, 45; 1955; 40-43; Discusses forgeries of the KITAI overprint. Notes On Russlan Philately; Rosselevlch, A.M.: Rossica; 48; of numerous regular-issue fakes and color forgeries.

A.M.; Rossica;

1956; 9-10; An overview

Notes On Russian P~lilately; Rosselevlch, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 56: A Russian emigre forger in France, "color varieties" of the 3k and 10k charity stamps of 1915, Wrangels, Phrygian cap overprlnts, Mongolia ana Ukraine, Armenia ovarpr路' i nt. s.

Nyekotoryya poddyelki Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; early fakes are described.

28: Dec.


79-80: A few


50 piastrakh na 5 rUb. rom'=lnovskoi serii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928: 14; The Editorial 'Board summarizes the dispute over the authenticity of '2nd' and '3rd' issues of the 50Pl on 5rub. Romanov stamp, and declares them to be forgeries.


50 piastrakh na 5 rUblyakh romanovskoi serii; Golovkin, V.; Sovetskli filatelist; (77); Jan. 1928; 7-8; Describes forgeries of the 50-piastre surcharge on the 5-ruble Romanov JUbilee stamp.

Okhanskie 'redkosti'; Kuznetsov, D./Minskii, M.: Filatel iya SSSR; 7: July 1980; 45-51; The authors disect a number of 'rare covers' with Okhansk #s 1 & 2 on


Imperial Stamps




them, and pronounce them fakes. Osteregaites' poddelok; Petrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 53; Appearance in the USSR of a 1909 issue 7k 'pair', one with a 10k surcharge, the other without. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11: 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern A~my, South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Pervye shagi. Zametki po istorii russkoi pochty i filatel i!.; Blekhman, S.; SK; 3' 1965; 44-49; Overview of the first Russian postal stationery, stamps, fakes, special cancels, philatelic societies and pUblic~tions. Philatel ic Notes; Rosselevich, A,M.; Rossica; 56; about crude perforations on 1917 stamps.

1959; 43-44; Response to an inquiry

Poddelki marok staroi Rossii; Nosilov, N.I.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 101-102; Descriptions of numerous fakes. Poddelki zemskikh marok; Kuznetsov, D.: Filatel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. of Dukhovshchina and Nolinsk zemstvos are illustrated.

1982; 48-50; Fakes

Poddyelka marki v 3r.50k. bez stryelok; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 34; Nov.-Dec. 178; Poddyelki russkikh marok i somnitel'nye vypuski do-sovetskago perioda. g.g.); Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 383-385;



Poland No.1 - Forgeries, Fakes and Frauds; Bojanowicz, M.A./Capes, S.J.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 5-10 and 1 illustration page: Redkie poddelki marok-deneg; Alekseev, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 28; Forgeries of the 1915 stamp money tokens. Regarding Dr. A.H. Wortman's 'KITAI' Overprints - First Issue; Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 60; A 3k "KITAI forged overprint. Revolutionary Overprints on the Romanov Tercentenary Issues; Reynolds, 46-47; 1955; 38-46; Includes descriptions of fake overprints. Russia NO.1 Tied On Piece; Erixon, Per-Anders; Rossica; trimmed-down Scott #5 glued on piece.


Russian Post in Turkey; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; Scott #s 1-3 and how to detect them.

J.H.; Rossica;


114; A

1956; 53-55; Forgeries of

Stamp Forgeries of the Pre-Soviet Period; Prigara, S.V.; RAP; 8; Mar. Reprinted from "Stamps", 11 July 1942.

1943; 6;

SVidetel'stvuyut arkhivy; Stefanovski i, E.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 32; A London forgery of the 1889-issue 7k, circa 1899, and other forgeries in that 'fami ly'. Swindles; (n.a.); Rossica; 89; Vi 1 'na. The Bogus Stamps of Bukhara,

1975; 30; Levandowsky, O.W.; A stamp-cleaning ring in

1886; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 38; Mar.

The Forgery and Bogus Corner; (n.a.); Post Rider; 27; Nov. forgeries are illustrated.


1966; 5-6; 18-19; Fournier

The Grandiose Stamp Scandal; Vigilev, A.; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 76-78; Wols~i, Ed; Translated from "Filatel iya SSSR" #7, 1976. A stamp-cleaning ring in Warsaw. 1908. The Postage Stamps of Russia, China.; Ceresa, R.J.: 3. numbered copy - #23.

Parts ~3-15. Russian Post Offices in The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-May 1989; Original,


The Serrane Guide - Finland; Seranne, Fernand; The American Philatelist; Aug. 751-754; Description of forged stamps from 1856 to 1918.


The 3R.50k. and 7R. 1883 Stamps, Without Arrows; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 29-31; Used Abroad - Forgeries; Liphschutz, M.V./Maslowski, illustration page 5;

I.B.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

1979; 31 &

V Ehkspertnoi komissii VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1970; 15; An 1879 horizontally-laid 7kop. stamp with center miSSing - judged to be a fake. Warning - Forgeries!; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 25; Dec.

1989; 67-68;



Imperial Stamps


copies of the 1915 semi-postals, produced by trimming fantails, fraudulent 'airmail' cover from Moscow to Berlin, Nov. 1922. Warning to Collectors - Russia #1 Tied/On Piece; Eps.ein. Norman; 1979; 9-10; Illustrations.



and a

Rossica; 96-97;

10-Kop.-Marke geschnitten von 1917/22 Faelschung zum SchadBn der Post?; Fomin, Eduard; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 48-49; Forgeo 10-koD. Arms stamps of the 1909 series. 1899 Stamps of the Russian Detachment on Crete Island; Nikltenko, Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 16-22; 20 Pen. Finnish Arms Type; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 57; Nov. of how to tell a fake from the genuine stamp.


F.; Russian

19; A short description


Imperial Stationery



Shtempel'nye konverty Rossii 1845-1868 godov. Konverty obshchegosudarstvennoi pochty.; Lobachevskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; VII-VIII, 33; Continued from #12, 1973.


Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Covers Zagadochnyi konvert: Karl inskii, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. with the South Volga Famine issue affixea.

07/13/93 1967;



19; A faked cover

Fakes-Forgeries. Soviet Postmarks




(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 67-68; In "Philatelic Shorts" section. Discusses the probability that the 'Moscow A' cancel of 1922 is a fake. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Rossica; 64; 1963; 60-61; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Advises that 1st Gagarin flight and Tsiolkovskii overprints are being fcrged. and lists sputnik cancels and cachets. (n.t.); Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 74-75; A 1928 SFA airmail cover from Moscow to Altan Bulak, Mongolia, with a faked Kyzyl 'arrival mark'. 'Kosmische Post' Mit gefaelschtem kopfstehendem Aufdruck; Aerni, Pierre/Meier, Adolf; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 19-21; The 'Space Post' overprlnt forged on forged stamps, tied on with bogus cancels. Bemerkungen zum 'Moskau 50 Poststation'-Stempel; Mikulski. Z.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 25-32; Bud'te ostorozhny - fal'sifikat!; Vovin, Va.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec. fake of the 1928 Moscow Spartakiada cancel.


1966; 28; A

Fal'sifikaty pisem polevoi pochty; Muratov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 14-15; Fake fieldpost cancels applied to legitimate propaganda-cachet war covers. Falschstempel

im Motivgebiet 'Schach';

(n.a.); Pochta; 45; Aug.



Forgery Corner; (n.a.); Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 70-71; A bogus cancellation on the Rostov-on-Don Famine Tax issue, a bogus perf. 11.5 on a May 1931 Airship Construction set, and a trimmed 1933 Baku Commissars set. Ostorozhno! Fal'sifikat!; Musienko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1978; 54-55; Forgeries of the XVIII International Limnology Congress special cancel. Includes a table showing the differences between the fake and the authentic cancels. The 'Moscow 50 Postal Station' Marking; Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 100-101; 116-117; Forged postmarks of the 1930s reading "50 Pocht. Stants."


Verdacht auf Faelschung Sowjetischer Stempel von Baikonur; (n.a.); Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 10;


Fakes-Forgeries. Soviet Stamps



(n.t.); de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica: 72: 196 7 ; 96; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Discusses forgeries of the 1924 Lenin mourning stamps. (n.t.); Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 73; 1967; 77-78; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Includes a description of Shagiv issues overprinted with a possibly bogus Soviet surcharge. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew: Post Rider; 22; June 1988: 74-75; A regummed copy of the first teiegraph stamp, and a faked Imperforate pair of the 1934 10th Anniversary of Soviet Civil Aviation Service stamp. (n.t.); Gutenstein, Morris; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 66; A listing of his recent acquisitions of color shifts, missing colors. imperforates, etc. An editorial comment points out that somebody has a friend In the printing works. (n.t.): Kaushanskii, Anatolii; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 66; section. A reperforated forgery of Scott #287.

In "Philatelic Sl10rts"

(n.t.); Shalimoff. George; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 67-68; Comments on expertizations mede by A. Rosselevich in his later years as being 'expensive mistakes'. (n.t.); Shalimoff. George; Post Rider; 1; Sep. 1977; 55; Casts doubt on the authenticity of perforated varieties of the 1k and 3k values of the 1929 definitive set. (n.t.); Shalimoff. George; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 69; Questions the validity of the 200R olive-brown (Scott #182a) and its right to be in the catalogs. Possibly a changeling. 'Kosmische Post' mit gefaelschtem kopfstehendem Aufdruck; Aerni. Pierre/Meier, Adolf; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 19-21; The 'Space Post' overprInt forged on forged stamps, tied on with bogus cancels. A New Oddity; Minkus, Robert F.; Rossica; 110; 1987; 89-90; Scott #3104 with speckled backgrouno, apparently chemically produced. Aercphilately VII.

Frauds of the Second Issue.; Aronson. H.L.; RAP; 9; May 1943; 4;

Air Stamps; (n.a.); BJRP; 7; Oct. airmail stamp forgeries.



FiF'st news of the appearance of 1934

Air Stamps; n.a. ; BJRP; airmail forgeries.



First news of the appearance of 1934

7; Oct.

Answers to QuerIes by Readers and Some Elucidations; (n.a.); Russian Philatel ist; 2; Mar. 1962; 26; Faked blacK surCharges on Scott #s 734-738. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. Covers imperial, Offices Abroad, Civil War. Soviet, etc.

1962; 3-12;

Charity Issue - 1923 'Philately for the Workers' SG315-9; Norwood. Hilary; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 52-54; Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 41; "Mercerizatlon" of stamps by forgers. a brief summary of the Russian Bureau of Ph<latelists' history. and an explanation of Why Yassy had zemstvo stamps, even though it wasn't in the empire. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983; 32; A list of books publ ished by 'Radio I svyaz" for young philatel ists. and some information on Soviet forgeries to defraud the Post. Correction; (n.a.): RAP; 23; Apr.-June 1945; 6; A fraudulent not 895. ; n RAP #22. Counterfeits of the LenIn Mourning Issue - Scott No.'s 265-8; Rosslca; 67; 1964; 36-37; A third var',ety of forgeries. Ec.itorial; (n.a.); Rosslca; 75; 1958; 98-99; inverted surcharge, faked on cover.

imperforate Scott #896. Sklarevski, Rlmma;

A MOSCOW-San FranCISco f1 ight stamp with

Editorial: A Disturbing Trend; CronIn, A.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 2; Rebuttal to Soviet accusations in "Filateliya SSSR" of dishonesty against Western auction firms selling fakes. Ehti nepredskazuemye konverty ... ; Sushko. G./et al.; Filatel iya; 7; July 1992; 23-24; Letters to the editors on stamp-catalog cutouts making it through the mail as legitimate franking, and corrections of twO errors committed on Soviet cacheted envelopes. Eshche odin fal'sifikat;

Vovin, Ya.;

Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 29; A forgery of

Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Stamps




the 70 kop. Chainbreaker stamp. Fal 'shivka!; Dobryanski i, E.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6: Dec. 1966; 40; Notification that imperforate stamps of the III P.I. Tchaikowsky Competition (#s 3395-3397) are fakes. Fal'sifikaty sovetskikh marok aviapochty; Vovin. Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 10-11; Forgeries of the 1930 40kop. Zeppelin stamp. Fantail Warning; Shalimoff. George; Rossica; trimmed to make a "fantail".



Forgeries of the 1934 Airmail Issue; Marris. H.Q.; BJRP; followup on an article in #7.

12; Dec.


117-118; One wide margin

11; May 1953; 362; Short

Forgery Corner; (n.a.); Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 70-71; A bogus cancellation on the Rostov-on-Don Famine Tax issue, a bogus perf. 11.5 on a May 1931 Airship Construction set. and a trimmed 1933 Baku Commissars set. Fraudulent Imperforate Soviet Stamps;

(n.a.); RAP;

18; Apr.

1944; 6;

Fraudulent Soviet Varieties; (n.a.); Rossica; 74; 1968; 52-53; "Manufactured" imperforates from fantails described by the Editorial Board. Grubye fal'sifikaty; S., A.; Filatel iya SSSR: 6; June 1975; 48; Crude fakes of the 2R stamp in the '800th Anniversary of Moscow' series, made by excising the picture from the book 'Sto let russkoi pochtovoi marki' of 1958 and eliminating the text on the reverse. Imperial Stamps Overprinted With Stars and New Figures of Value; Reynolds, J.H.; Rossica; 45; 1955; 18-23; Detailed descriptions and listing of both litho and typo surcharges. InclUdes material on forgeries. Interesnaya nakhodka; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 48; Discovery of a 70kop. 'Chainbreaker' stamp with missing perforations on the left, rather than the usual top margin. Considered to be genuine. Is It Real or a Fantasy?; Shalimoff. George; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 93; Casts doubt on the validity of many recent "discoveries" of Soviet "proofs", imperforate varieties, and so on. Kak raspoznat' poddelku?; Vovin~ Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. thoughts on how to recognize a forgery.


10; Vovin's

Lenin Mourning Issue of 1924; Sklarevski. Rimma: Rossica: 90-91; 1976; 34-37; A thorough exposition of these stamps - varieties and forgeries. Maloizvestnyi fal'sifikat; Spasski i, S.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; forgery of the 1923 20R small head. More Alterations; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; sheets altered by erasure.




1974; VII; A

115; Scott #4661 souvenir

Nakanune vystavki; Eichfuss, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 1-3; A very tendentious article on the evils of Western stamp dealers and their forging of Soviet stamps - some names are named - and the upcoming First All-Union Exhibition. Notes and Questions; Prado. Asdrubal; Rossica; 71; and 1924 Lenin issues.

1966; 55-57; The 35k chainbreaker

Notice' Collectors Beware; Berngard, K.; Rossica: 98-99; 1980; 89: "imperforates" and a chemically-treated 1966 4k stamp.


1979-198i USSR

nekotorykh poddelkakh marok Tret'ego standartnogo vypuska 1929-1932 gg.; Karapet'yan. Sh.; Filatellya SSSR: 5; May 1976; 26; Third Standard Issue fakes. No illustrations of the fakes are provloed.

Ocherednaya fal'sifikatsiya; Nepomnin, E.; Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 18-19; Notification and description of an RSFSR 'star' 20R on 15kop. imperf. surcharge forgery. Ostorozhno - fal'sifikat!; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 60kop. miner stamp definitive.



Fakes of the

Ostorozhno - fal'sifikatl; Bakalinskii. G.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 16; A forgery of the '4/X/57 g. First Artificial Earth Satell ite' overprint is described and illustrated. Ostorozhno - fal'sifikatl; Shablatura, S./Yakovlev, A.; 47-48; Forgeries of the 1922 45R RSFSR stamp. Ostorozhno fal 'sifikat!; Fedorov, P.;

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990;

Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1980; 52-53; Forgeries


Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Stamps of the 'RSFSR - golodayushchim' 250+250 stamp of Feb. comparisons is given, but without any photo. Ostorozhno! Fal'sifikat!; Pevzner, A.; Filateliya; 7' 'Kosmlcheskaya pochta' fraudulent overprints. Ostol'ozhno: fal 'sifikat!; Cherepov', of #s 2011 and 2057.





A table of

JUly 1991; 49; The

Filatel iya SSSR; 4: Apr.


19; Forgeries

Ostorozhno: Fal'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic fl ight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin, Ya.; overprInts and surcharges.



1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Ostorozhno: Fal 'sifikat!; Berngard, K./Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 6; Announcement of a discovery that forgeries of the 1961 Gagarin series had appeared. Pervaya sovetskaya obshchegosudarstvennaya marka aviapochty i ee fal'sifikaty; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1967; 11; The first Soviet airmail stamp a~d its forgeries. Pervye standartnye marki SSSR; Blekhman, definitives.

S.; SK;


1977; 9-40; The first USSR

Pochtovye marki sovetskoi Litvy; Mil'vidas, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 40; The Soviet Lithuania stamps of 1940-1941. Number printed, varieties, overprints and fakes are discussed. No illustrations. POChtLl dostavlyaet samolet; Blekhman, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1967; 12-14; The beginnings of Soviet airmail fl ights in the 1920s. Includes a lIst of varieties in th~ consular airmail stamps of 1922 and a description of the more common forgeries. PoddelKi nadpechatok 'konsul'skikh' sluzhebnykh marok vozdushnoi pochty RSFSR 1922 goda; Bisek, Ir'zhi; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 16-18; Consular airmail stamps - faked overprints. No illustrations are provided. Poddyelki marok SSSR; (n.a.); Rossica; 26; June 1937; 43-44: Notification that forgeries of the 10th Anniversary of Soviet Civil Aviation stamps have appeared. Includes a description of them. Podlinnik ... Fal'sifikat? (Iii Na chern pechatayut marki.); Vladinets, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 1: Jan. 1990; 50-51; The article contains some information on the paper used to make Soviet stamps, and how to use that knowledge to detect fakes. Proveryaite podlinnost' perforatsii: Alekseev. K.: Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1977; 47; A re-perforated 'yello~1 15k small nead' sold at auction in the U.S. as an authentic mint stamp. Russia - The Volga Famine Issue; Sklarevski. Rimma; Rossica; 43; the Far Eastern Supplement. Shtempelya-zaverki; A1oits, V.; Filateliya SSSR; proof marks are illustrated and discussed.



June 1941; 57-59;


1980: 51-52; Twelve Soviet

Shtempelya-zaverki na pochtovykh markakh; Aloits. V./et al.: Filatel iya SSSR; Dec. 1985: 34-35: Various proofmarks found on the back of Soviet stamps.


Snova poddelki; Vovin, Ya.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27: Vovin alerts readers to the appearance of fake overprints on two space stamps. Some Further Notes on the Forgeries of the South East Famine Issue of 1922 (Scott's B30-3~,); Ceresa. R.J.; Rossica: 89; 19 7 5; 33-34; Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941: (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR: 10: Oct. 1968; 41-42; A 1 isting of stamps from Dec. 1932 to Apr. 1936, containing a brief history of each series. reco~ded varietIes and notices of forgeries. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968; 37-40; Issues from Jan. 1918 to Aug. 1921 Lists stamps, some fakes and forgeries, and problems remaining to be solved. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 8; Aug. 1968; 38-40;


Kratkii spravochnik.;


Filateliya SSSR;

Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karl inskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1968; 34-36; Issues from Nov. 1921 to Feb. 1922. Includes varieties. problems to be solved and forgery warnings.

Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Stamps




Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratki i spravochnik.; Karl inski i, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1968; 31-33; Issues from Apr. 1922 to Dec. 1923. Varieties, problems to be solved and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 29-30; Issues from Dec. 1922 to May 1923. Includes varieties, advice and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1968; 18-19,30; Issues from Aug. 1923 to Mar. Varieties, problems to be solved and forgery warnings.


Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1968; 33-34; Issues from Sep. 1925 to uune 1927. Varieties, forgeries and problems to be solved are given for these issues. Sovetskie pochtovye marki. Kratkii spravochnik.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 44-46; Issues from Feb. 1924 to May 1928. Includes varieties, problems remaining to be solved and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki. Kratkii spr'avochnik.; (n.a.); Filatâ‚Źliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 44-45; Soviet issues from Aug. 1930 to Nov. 1932. Includes varieties, problems still to be solved for some of the issues, and notice of fakes and forgeries. Soviet Airmails; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 35-37; Fake 11 1/2 perforated stamps of the 1931 dirigible set in the Oscar R. Liechtenstein sale. Soviet Authentication Marks; Aloits, V.; Rossica; 106-107; George; Translated from "Filateliya SSSR" #2, 1980. Soviet Varieties; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 57; Nov. Bern, Switzerland.


1980; 42;

109-113; Shalimoff,

"Essays" printed in

Spekulyanty ne unimayutsya; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 32; Announcement that new forgeries of 'all' Soviet stamp issues have been received from abroad by Chuchin's organization. Spekulyatsiya na revolyutsii RSFSR; Chuchin, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 19-22; An accusation of fakes-production against Marco Fontana's Venice firm, and pictures plus description of the so-called 'Odessa Pomgol' issue, picturing the leaders of the Soviet revolution. Spravochnik PO ehkspertize sovetskikh pochtovykh marok; Vovin, Ya.M.; 1972; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Excellent descriptions of forgeries, poor photos. Standartnye pochtovye marki RSFSR 1921 goda; Berngard, K.; 1981; 46-51;

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Sud nad fal'sifikatorami marok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 152-153; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about the conviction of a Soviet stamp-forgery ring. The Andizhan Postal Forgeries; Vovin,

Ya.M.; Rossica; 70;



The Auxiliary Postage Due Stamp of 1924; Cervinka, Ladislav; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 49-54; Various overprint, paper, ink and forgery varieties of this stamp. The Civil Aviation Issue of 1933; Hong, Barry; Rossica; 89; illustrations of the forgeries.


12-20; Enlarged

The First Standard Issue of the Soviet Union, 1923-1926 - Addenda and Corrections; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 81-83; The Forgeries of the 1922 Soviet Charity Stamps; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963; 18-23; The Ker'ensky Stamps; Peel. Eric; BJRP; 28;


The Lenin Mourning Issue; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP;

13-19; 7; Mar.

The Lenin Mourning Stamps; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 40; Mar.



1967; 3-5;

The South East Help the Hungry Issue of 1922 (Scott's B30-33); Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 88; 1975; 51-58; Includes forgeries and fake cancels. The Study Continues; Ulin, V.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 113-114; Shalimoff, George; Translated from "Filateliya SSSR" #10, 1984. More Soviet authentication marks. The Tambov Provisional; Cronin, Andrew; BJRP; 1931 15k surcharge.

16; Dec.

1954; 487; A forgery of the

The Volga Famine Relief Issue of 1921, River Volga Scene; Norwood, H.; BJRP; 61; Dec.

Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Stamps 1984;





The 1921 Volga Famine Relief Stamp Issue; 1963; 13-15:

Verbitsky, N,; Russian Philatelist:

3; Mar,

The 1930 Graf Zeppelin Set and Associated Material; Ackerman, G, Adolph/Cronin, Andrew/Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 31; Dec, 1992; 13-34; The 1937 Issues Commemorating A,S, Pushkin; Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 108-109; 1986: 94-101; Perforations, printing flaws and fakes of th~s issue, The 1955 Soviet Airmail Overprints (Scott's C95-96); Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 89; H'l75; 52-54; Tsena garantii kachestva; Pritula. V./et a1.: Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 19-23; Comments on bogus space material being exhibited by collectors, Numerous illustrations, Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR; (n.a.); 1966; Yuridicheskaya Komissiya pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR, izd-vo 'Yuridicheskaya literatura', Moscow; Three pages. Only two articles - 135 & 159 - deal ing with privacy of correspondence and forgery of postage stamps and stationery. V ehkspertnoi komissii VOF; Kristi, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 40; #4060 (4k stamp showing the three cosmonauts who perished) with faked compound perforations. V Ehkspertnoi komissii VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 12; A forged overprint on the 1955 2R Soviet airmail stamp. and how to detect it. V SShA propagandiruyut i rasprostranyayut fal'sifikaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 45; The article accuses the Minkus and Harmer firms of shady dealing i~ their cataloging and sale cf Third Standard Issue fake perforations and the reo 'Reis mira' overprint. Varieties Made-tc-Order - Beware'; #5090 with erasable ink.

Popov, Vsevolod;



1985; 96; Scott

Vozmozhno poyavlenie fal'shivki; Petrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1986; 40; The author raises the possibility that because of pronounced perforation shifts on some stamps of the Sanatoria set, rare 'imperforate' varieties can be produced. Warning - Fraudulent VarietIes: Cronin, Anarew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 68-69; Early Soviet 'imperforate-between' pairs and 'fantail' margins. Warning to Collectors - Soviet 1924-1925 Issue; Torrey, Gordon/Epstein, Norman: Rossica; 94-95; 1978: 6-7; A Scott #287 15k "small head" forgery. Zlaya i ostroumnaya shutka; Leus, D.; Rossica; 7; Sep. 1931; 53; A dissident forgery of a Soviet stamp, used on cover from Kiev in 1925. 1921 and 1922 Soviet Jubilee Issues: Verbitsky, N.; Russian Philatelist; 5; JUly 1964; 13-16; 1922-1923 Surcharges on the Stamps of the Russian Empire; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Phi latel ist; 5: July 1964; 16-21; 1923 Issue - 'Philately to Workers' ('Philately's Contribution to Labour'); Verbitsky,. N.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 13-16; 1924 Lenin Mourning Issue - Forgery;

Evans, Barrie A.; BJRP; 41. Oct.



Fakes-Forgeries, Soviet Stationery




Achtung Aufgepasst Faelschungen!!!: Meyer; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 62; Short item on the discovery of a forged Patsaev, Dobrovol 'skii & Volkov cover. Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR; (n.a.); 1966; Yuridicheskaya Komissiya pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR, izd-vo 'Yuridicheskaya literatura', Moscow; Three pages. Only two articles - 135 & 159 - dealing with privacy of correspondence and for'gery of postage stamps and stationery.

Field Post, Civil War




News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 47; July 1972; 38; An A.H. Wortman cover with FPO 80 cancel of 29 Dec. 1918. from the 27th Division. Nine Civil War Covers; Rayhack. pages 4-8;


BJRP; 50;

July 1974;

13-14 and illustration

Sovlet Field Post During the Civil War - The Location of Field Post Office No. Leopa, August; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 31-32; Soviet Field Post Office in Siberia During the Russian Civil War; 61; Dec. 1984; 57; Stampless Military Mail; Sinegubov, V.; Rossica; Translated from "Filateliya SSSR" #5. 1981. 1918-1967.




110; 1987; 56-59; Carson, Micl,ael; Soviet military mail from

Voina i svyaz'; K., N.; Znizn' i tekhnika svyazi; 7; July 1924; 7-20; The author examines the Imperial Field Post in WWI. and devotes a couple of pages to the RKKA field post.

Field Post,





(n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 69; 1965; 64-65; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Comments on Kessler's "Da1ny Field Telegraph Branch Cancellation" in #68. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 59; 1960; 57; Locations of FPDs 5 & 11 in Manchuria.

In "Notes From Collectors" section.

(n.t.); Freyman, K.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56; Manchurian Armies HQ Main FPO cancel.

In "Notes From Collectors" section.

(n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 72; A cover from the 273rd Kazan' Militia, posted in Pogranichnaya, Manchuria, 4-4-15. (n.t.); See, Franz; Rossica; 55; 1958; 61-62; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Comments on de Stacke1berg's Romanian stamps with Russian FPO cancels. (n.t.); Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 68; A Vi1'na FPO cancel.

1965; 38;

In "Notes From Collectors" section.

(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 73; A WWI cachet from L'vov Temporary Military Hospital No.1, and a cover with three different FPO cancels. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 60; 1961; 53; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Russo-Japanese War FPOs 11 & 12, also WWI FSPO 245 of 1917. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 61; 1961; 54; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Location of FPO 118 in Turkey, November 1915. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 70; Location of FPO 17 at Da1'nyi.

1966; 75;

In "Notes From Collectors" section.

'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XVI; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski, I.; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; 14-16 and illustration pages 9-13; Smyrna, Persia, Khiva, China, Manchuria and CER. A Card From the Belgian Army in Russia; Tann, 61-63;

Leonard L.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981;

A Censored WWI Card From Belorussia to Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 3-4; Postcards censored in Minsk and mailed via the Minsk Reverse FPO. A Century of the Manchurian Postal History; Mizuhara, M.; 1986; Japan Philatelic Publications, Tokyo; International-gold exhibit of Russian offices in Manchuria from 1876 to about 1920. InclUdes Czech Legion issues and Japanese FPOs. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. A Cover from the Manchurian Campaign; 34-35;

Epste1n, Alexander; BJRP; 72; Spring,

A Soldier's Letter to Canada; Cruikshank, Dale; Post Rider; 24 and Control FPO U on a 1917 cover to Canada.

15; Nov.


1984; 3-4; FPO

Activities of the Field Post and Telegraph During the 1898 Grand Maneuvers of the Guards ard Petersburg Military District in the Presence of the Emperor; (n.a.); Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 56-61; Skipton, David M.; Translated from PTZh, Nov. 1898. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; an 1880 FPO cancel.

12; Oct.

1953; 369-372; Brief description of

An Interesting Letter Sent Through the Russian Fieldpost in 1917; Minchev. O.N.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 25-26; The title is in error. "1877-1878" is meant, not 1917. An Unrecorded Money Letter Sent Through the Russian Fieldpost in 1877-1878: Mlnchev, D.T\:.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 5-6; Another Item of Persian Interest; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 20-21; A 1912 cover from the postal establ ishment of the Kazvin Detachment. Azovskaya po1evaya pochta; Vigi1ev, A.;

SK; 5;

1967; 39-40; Under Peter the Great.

Beitraege zur russischen Feldpost; Knopf-Goldberg; Germania-Berichte; 9-10; 125-128; Continued from #7-8.


Beitraege zur russischen Feldpost; Richter, Hans M.T.; Germania-Berichte; 3-4; 27-29; FPO cancels and censormarks.


Beitraege zur russischen Feldpost; Richter, Hans M.T.; Germania-Berichte; 7-8; 1916; 85-86; Continued from #3-4. Only FPO cancels are illustrated; no censormarks. Bolgariya,

russkaya pochta ... ; Mazur,


Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1978; 54-55;

Field Post,





Includes an update of recorded FPOs from 1877, Documents Relating to the Russian Posts in Bulgaria; Merhtens, Georg D.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 23-44; Includes a list of recorded Russian cancellations from Bulgaria and in whose collections they reside, plus illustrations of several ppcs with scenes from the liberation of Bulgaria by the Russians. Dopolnitel 'nye svedeniya Oct. 1979; 42;


russkoi pochte v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR;

Earliest Lyaoyang Cancellation; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; Lyaoyang FPO - 26-9-1903. Errata; (n.a.); BJRP; BJRP 71.


72; Autumn 1992; 21; Corrections to A.




Epstein's FPO tables in

Feldpost des Auslandes; Knopf-Goldberg; Germania-Berichte; 7-8; FPO cancels and ordinary censormarks are illustrated.

1915; 90-92; Several

Field Post Cancellation From the Theatre of War of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877/78; Adler, Ku.-t; Rossica; 57; 1959; 73; Field Post Offices of the Russian Army in WWI 1914-1918; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 48-67; Includes an extensive list of FPO locations and units served. FIve Interesting Covers; Lloyd, John; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 21-22 and illustration pages 9-11; A 1905 Main FPO cover and Rybinsk-Perm' & Odessa-Baturn steamer covers. Fourth Addenda to Russian Field Post Cancellations During the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; 23-26; Glavnye polevye poch~ovye kontory Rossii perioda pervoi mirovoi voiny; Vinokurov, A./et a1.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 46-48; Numerous illustrations of cancellations from the Main FPOs are included. Glavnye polevye pochtovye kontory Rossil A./et a1.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

perioda Pervoi mirovoi voiny; Vinokurov, 1991; 48-49; Continued from 1-1991.

Imperial Russia 1915; Bofaru'll, S<.lvador; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; author illustrates a postcard WIth a cachet of the 23rd Corps Aviation Detachment, sent through FPO Lit. V. It was not sent by airmail.

14; The

Imperial Russian Field Post of XX Century Concerned ~ith Estonia or Estonians; Ojaste, Elmar/Ostrat, Aleksis; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 69-103; Several FPO marks and numerous unIt cachets are illustrated and described. The article is r'eproduced twice, once in Estonian, once in Engl ish, but the illustrations aren't repeated. Interesting Covers; Sklarevski, Rimma; 1917.

Rossica; 64;

1963; 38;

FPO 195 in Trebizond,

Iz istorii russkoi pochty v Bolgarii; Mazur. P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 46-49; Includes a list of Known FPO cancels. K stoletiyu russkoi


pochty v Bolgari i; Fedorov, Includes a list of new FPO finds.



Fi latel iva SSSR; 3; Mar.

K 100-letiyu osvobozhdeniya Bolgarii; Yakovlev. O.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2: Short article on Russian PTOs during the 1877-1878 war.




Klassifikatsiya kalendarnykh shtempelei PPK za 1914-1917 gg.; Pantyukhin, V./Rutkovskaya. T.: Filateliya; 11: I\:ov. 1991; 52-53; Continued fr'om #10, Letters and Cancellations of the Be1g'ar Armored Division in Russia During World War I: Marcovitch. Emile; Rossica; 64; 1963; 43-48; A history of the diviSIon in Russia. Lyaoyang: Field Post and Telegraon Cancellations; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 67; Ssp. 1989; 6-8; ManchurIa. The Sedentary Russian Field Post Offices,; Tchilinghirian. S.D.; BJRP; 27; 1960; 17-20; Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. Istoricheskii pcherk. Telegraf v XIX stolyetii.; (n.a.); 1902; MVD, St. Numerous chapters on various aspects of the Post. Prigara's 'Russkaya pochta v imperii ... '.

Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta i Petersburg; On microfilm. The source for much of

More Scarce Postmarks; Cronin. Andrew and J.O. Critchlow; BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 378-379; "On Maneuvers", MUkden, Soviet sovkhoz cancels, exhibition can- eels.

Field Post,



Mute Circular Datestamp Postmarks for Soldiers' Mail Alexander; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 34-39;



in 1916-1917; Epstein.

New Data on the Russian Fieldpost in Rumania During 1877-79; Minchev, D.N. 80; 1971; 41-43;


New Listings of 1877-1879 Russian Field Posts in Bulgaria. etc.; Mazur, P.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 115-117; Trbovich, Robert L.; Summary translation from "Filateliya SSSR" #s 6 & 10, 1980. News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 48; Mar. reported by A. Prado.

1973; 29; An FPO 150 cover of March 1917,

Notes on the Russian Military Mails in Bulgaria; See. Franz; Rossica; 70; 63-64; Translated from "Philatelen Pregled" #11, 1964.



chem rasskazala pochtovaya kartochka; Mazur. P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 29-30; An 1877 postcard from an FPO in Bulgaria to Russia. and some military history.

Opyt periodizatsii deyatel 'nosti russkoi pochty v Bolgarii vo vremya voiny 1877-1878 godov; Minchev. D.N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 37-38; Brailovskaya, I.; Classifying the four major periods of the Russian posts in Bulgaria during the 1877-78 war. Outstanding Cover No. 13; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 13; Feb. 1954; 387; A special troop-correspondence card issued by the Tsetsarevich, with a 1904 FPO cancel. Outstanding Cover No. patriotic cover.

19; Barry, John; BJRP;

19; Dec.

1955; 572; FPO 34 on a

Outstanding Covers; Adler, Kurt/Liphschutz, M.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration pages; Levant, Far East steamships, Kharbin FPO

18-19 & 2

Po signalu 'prislat' za pochtoi'; Sinegubov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 42-43; Mail delivery to Imperial naval vessels. and the headquarters offices which conducted it. Pochta petrovskikh voisk; Sinegubov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 34; The formation and early years of the Russian field post. Pochta polevaya; Sinegubov. V.;

Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

1977; 22-25;

Polevaya pochta na Kavkaze vo vremya Russko-turetskoi voiny 1877-1878 gg.; Blekhman, S.; SK; 19; 1981; 44-47; Includes a map showing military communications lines. Polevaya pochta russkoi armii na Dal 'nem Vostoke v 1900-1906 gg.; Mandrovskii. N./Ehpshtein. A.; SK; 28; 1991; 3-28; Detailed history of the Russian field post in the Far East. InclUdes numerous postmark illustrations and a listing of FPOs in the area. Polevaya pochta russkoi armii v Bolgarii v 1877-1878 g.g.; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 48-49; Includes an update of recorded FPO postmarks. Postal History Display; Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 60; Caucasus/Persian area.


15-16; FPOs 118 & 119 in the

Postal History Items From the Russian Front in Persia, 1916; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 4-6 and 1 ,llustration page: Stage FPO 201 at Khoi, Persia. Postmarks on Soldiers' Mail in Russia during WWI 1914-1918; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 38-47; A detailed explanation of the way FPOs worked and were classified. Russian 'ield Post of the Russo-Japanese War 1904/1905; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 1954; 471-479;

16; Dec.

Russian Field Post of the Russo-Japanese War 1904/1905 - Addenda; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 19; Dec. 1955; 593-599; Russian Field Post of the Russo-Japanese War 1904/1905 - Addenda No.2; Adler. Kurt; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 690-691; Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and Guide; Kiryushkin. Anatolii V./Robinson, Phil ip E.; 1989; John Barefoot L.d., York, England; Hardbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types. postal history. Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and Guide; Kiryushkin. Anatolii V./Robinson. Phil ip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York. England; Softbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types. postal history. Russische Postdienste in Bulgarien 1877-1879; Grantscharow. Nikolai; Pochta; 47; Mar.

Field Post.

0 7 /13/93




1989; 41-42; Russkaya pochta v Bolgarii vo vremya 05vobodite 1 'noi voiny 1877-1878 gg.; Mlnchev, D.N.; SK; 8; 1970; 43-66; Russkaya polevaya pochta v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filatel1ya SSSR; 10; Oct. 50-51; InclUdes additions to the list of ~nown FPO cancels from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and the year after.


Russko-yaponskaya voina 1904-1905 g.g. Tyl deistvuyushchei arm11. Chast' vtoraya Puti soobshcheniya. Sredstva peredvizhenii i snoshenii.; (n.a.); VII; 1910; 317-362; Voenno-istoricheskaya komissiya. St.Petersburg; The Russian General Staff's assessment of its field post. telegraph and censorship activities dU~ing the Russo-Japanese War. Sbornik materialov po Russko-turetskoi voinye 1877-78 gg. na Balkanskom poluostrovye; (n.a.); 83; 1909; Voenno-istoricheskaya komissiya Glavnago upravleniya General 'nago shtaba, St. Petersburg; Three pages extracted from documents concerning the activities of the Army's rear echelons from 1 to 31 August 1877. Two short entries concerning the field post. Shtempelya polevoi pochty Rossii; Bredys, A.K.; Rossica; 35; Jan.-Feb. Shtempelya polevoi pocnty Rossii; Bredys, A.K.; Rossica; 39; Feb. Continued from #35.

1939; 200-201;

1940; 299;

Stranitsy istorii russkoi pochty v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1977; 45-47; A number of official postal letters and documents from the Russian field post in Bulgaria are reproducea. The Belgian Armored Car Division in Russia in WWI; Patka, Frederic; Rossica; 72; 1967; 16-27; Reprinted from 'War Cover ClUb Bulletin". The Belgian Armoured Car Division in Russia. 1956; 645-647;

1914-1918; Barry, John; BJRP; 21; Dec.

The Field Post in the Caucasus During the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878; Blekhman, S.M.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 16-20; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' . The Field Postal Service of the Russian Troops in the War in Hungary, 1848-49; Clement, Alfred; Rossica; 69; 1965; 28-29; Extracted from Clement's "Handbook of the Field Militat'y Post in Austria", Graz. 1964. The Fieldpost Servi~e of the Russian Danubian Army During the 1877-1879 Campaign; Epstein, Alexander; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 33-37; The Recollections of Vladimir Trubacheev - One of the Founders of the Bulgarian Post; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 58-62; The Romarov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. 14-15; May 1954; 446-453;

Addenda - Part II.; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP:

The Rumanian State and the Russian Mil itary Posts in the War of 1877-78; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 13-16; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from "Filatella", May-June 1962. The Russian Army on the Roumanian Front, 58-61 ;

1916-1917; Leppa, August; BJRP; 63;


The Russian Field Post Offices During the Austro-Russian Campaign in Hungary in 1849; Roberts. Ian W.; Rossica: 115; Oct. 1990: 14; The Russian Field Post Offices During the Austro/Russian Campaign in Hungary in 1849: Roberts, Ian A.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 21-23; The Russian Postal Agencies in the Dobrudja Durlng 1877-1878; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 78; 1970; 49-51; T~e

Russian POSeS in Rumania; Minchev, D.N.: Rossica; 72;

The Russian Posts in Rumania; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 74; #72.

1967; 35-38; 1968; 60-57; Continued from

The Trebizond Field Post - A New Discovery; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 119-120;


The Ungeni Border Post Office During 1877-78: Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 68; 27-28;



Third Addenda to Article About Russian Fiela Post of the Russian-Japanese War, 1904-5; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 33-34:

Field Post,




Two Items of Postal History From the Far East: Casey, Raymond; BJRP: 42; Dec. 36; Central FPO at Kharbin, Aug. 1905.



v shtempeiyakh unichtozhit' naimenovanie voinskikh chastei! (Klassifikatsiya kalendarnykh shtempelei PPK 1914-1917 gg.); Pantyukhin, V./Rutkovskaya, T.; Filateliya; 10: Oct. 1991; 46-49; Vilniaus pasto antspaudai; BUbnys, Vigintas; (n.d.); Exhibit of Vil'na postal history, from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the exhibitor's consent. Voennye 'postil'ony'; Vigilev, A.; Filrlteliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; beginning of the field post under Peter the Great.

18-20; The

Voina i svyaz'; K., N.; Zhizn' ; tekhnika svyazi; 7; JUly 1924; 7-20; The author examines the Imperial Field Post in WWI, and devotes a couple of pages to the RKKA field post. 1877-1879 Russian Military Field Post Update; Mazur, P.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 105-107; Trbovich, Robert; Summary translation from "Filateliya SSSR" #10, Records 35 FPO markings.


Field Post,

Provisional Government



Outstanding Covers; Droar, A./Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 6-7 and 3 illustration pages; A 10-10-17 Field Relay PTO #245 on cover from Persia.


Field Post, Soviet




'Dostavit' nevozmozhno ... '; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1977; 54-55; The author quotes excerpts from the 1944 'Instructions to the Military Postman During Wartime' and presents examples of undeliverable mail . 'Polevaya pochta No ... '; Druzhinin, Soviet field post and the mail

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 21-22; WWII it handled.


'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XVI; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski, I.; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; 14-16 and illustration pages 9-13; Smyrna, Persia, Khiva, China, Manchuria and CER. A Collector's Calendar; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 25-26; British FPO 493 at Vyanga, Sep.-Nov. 1941. Aid to the Soviet Air Force. Adresatam vrucheny; Stepanov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 28; Postal in the Sebezh area, early JUly 1944.


An Outstanding Item from Azerbaidjan; Levandowsky, Daniel; BJRP; 51; May 1975; Soviet FPOs in Azerbaidjan during 1920. Besplatnoe krasnoflotskoe pis'mo; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 'Free Red Fleet letter' label on a Baltic Fleet cover, WWII.



11-13; A

Early Field Post Markings from the 'Great Patriotic War'; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 40-44; Includes early Soviet machine censormarks. Editorial; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 2-3; About archives, research and accumulation of material. Also identifies a cds used on civilian mail to Soviet servicemen in WWII - VPSP. Fal'sifikaty pisem polevoi pochty; Muratov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 14-15; Fake fieldpost cancels applied to legitimate propaganda-cachet war covers. Kalendarnye shtempelya polevoi pochty Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya S.SSR; 8; Aug. 1985; 38-42; Kogda prikhodit pochta polevaya; Romanov,

Yu.; Krasnaya zvezda; May 20,


Morskaya pochtn osazhdennogo Sevastopolya; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1982; 14-15; Information on the field post and censorShip during the siege of Sevastopol. Morskaya pochta Khanko; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 10-12; Covers and postal history of the Soviet naval base at Hango, Finland during WWII. Information on censorship of mail there is included. Mute FPO Cancels of World War II; Michalove, 4-7;

Peter A.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991;

Na boevom postu; Kocherglna, I.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1979; One page on the post in Leningrad during the WWII siege.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 107-109; Letters to the editor on the following topics: a reader's complaint that too few articles by ordinary workers are printed; postal surrogates, newspaper subscriptions, registered letters to the villages, soldiers' mail, and taxes on sending C.O.D. mail.

Ognennye mili; Sinegubov, V.; FPOs.

Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1975; 23-24; Naval and Army

Pis'ma partizan; Sigolaev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 53-54; Mail service to Crimean partisans during WWII. FPO 09230 was the coded address for the partisans in that area. Pochta leningradskikh partizan; Binevich, Evgenii; Filatel 'ya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 4-6; Rare covers from Soviet partisans in the Leningrad area. Pochta polevaya; Sinegubov, V.;

Filateliya SSSR; 2;


1977; 22-25;

Pochtoviki v shinelyakh; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 4-5; Workers in Military Naval Post Office #1169 on the Stalingrad front, 1942-1943. Pochtovye sObaki, kak sredstvo svyazi v voiskakh; Puts, N.; Revolyutsiya i voina; 23; 1923; 91-98; Post-dogs used for communications between units on maneuvers or at war. Polevaya pochta; (n.a.); Sovetskaya voennaya ehntsiklopediya; 6; Ministerstva oborony SSSR, Moscow; One page. Polevaya pochta Leningradskikh opolchentsev; Pavlov,


1978; Voenizdat

Filatel iva; 6; June 1991;



Field Post, Soviet 10-11; Letters addressed to members of the LANO, Mi lit i a. Polish Forces in the Soviet Army 1989; 70-72;


Prikhodit pochta polevaya: Grunau,



the Leningrad Army of People's

Michalove, Peter;

Filateliva SSSR;

Post Rider;

10; Oct.


24; JUiy


Russian F.P.O.s For the Polish Forces in the Second World War; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, /1.. ; BJRP; 43; Oct. 1969; 3-8; Russian F.P.O.s For the Polish Forces in the Second World War; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, A.; BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; 7-13; Continued from #43. Russian Fieldposts in the Baltic States 1939-1941; 1985; 24-31; Sevastopol '.


1941 ... ; Anan'ev, V.;



Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

SOViet Field Post of World War II; Mlchalove, Peter A.; (n.d.); covers from the pre-war period up to the late 1940s.

Soviet Naval Mail


Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 7-8;

So shtempelem 'polevaya pochta'; S,negubov, V.;

Soviet Field Post Procedures,


1941-1945; Michalove,

Exhibit of Soviet FPO

Peter; Rossica;

1941-1945; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica;

1982; 51-52;


115; Oct.

1987; 60-66;

1990; 58-63;

Sowjetische Feldpoststempel Waehrend des 2. Weltkrieges; Pantyukhin, V.; Pochta; 42; Mar. 1987; 20-25; Aerni, Nina; Stampless Military Mail; Sinegubov, V.: Rossica; Translated from "Filateliya SSSR" #5. 1981. 1918-1967.

110; 1987; 56-59; Carson. Michael; Soviet military mail from

The Czechoslovak Field Post in the SOViet Union: Rauch, Walter J.; Post Rider; 22; 0une 1988; 36-62; Czech mil itary mail carried by Soviet field post. The Polish Field Post in Russia in 1941-1942; Bojanowicz, M.A.; BJRP; 521-522;

17; Apr.


Tne Polish Field Post Offices in U.S.S.R., 1942: Bojanowicz. M.A./Droar, A.; Rossica; 71; 1966; 41-44; Reprinted from "Gibbons Stamp Monthly", June 1966. V surovye voennye gody ... ; Peresypkin, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1975; Four pages of accounts about WWII from the Chief of the Red Army MaIn Communications Directorate. InclUdes postal activities. Voenno-morskaya pochta v gody Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 45-46; Explains the structure and workings of the Soviet naval post in WWII.





(n.t.): de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 72; 1967; 96-97; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Baltic German, Swedish and Finnish troops fighting the Reds in Estonia. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; 1981; 70; 'Mail in Series' trade card from Finland with 4 stamps on card and Finnish cancels. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 75; A Finnish i-ruble stamp used in the Crimea in 1902, and a variety of the 'Leningl'ad 1933 g.' overprint on the 35+70kop. All-Union Philatelic Exhibition stamps. (n.t.); Krensler, Hans; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 72-73; Further information on cancellations of the Helsingfors-St. Petersburg Railway. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. are shown and described.

1981; 68-69; Two postcards from Finland

(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 68; A forged Finnish cancel, Jakobstad-Pietarsaari, dated 3-VIII-83. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 73-74; Further information on a cancellation of the He1singfors-St. Petersburg Railway, a 23 Jan. 1915 card bearing a cachet of Medical Train #196 of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, and a Vil 'na apothecary's cancel. 'Das Feh1ende G1 ied' der finnischen Briefmarkensammlungen; Fagerholm, Sven; 1969; Munksnas Kopiering, He1singfors; Imperial-period stamps and postal history. Finnish and English forwards, German text. A Supplement to 'Finnish Railway Postmarks'; Knighton, R.P./Kethro, W.E.C.; BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 735-737; Aaland Isles - Post Offices and Their Cancellations, 1812-1982; Helkio, Eero J.; 1982; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; Kirkland, Adrian; Original book, 96 pages, softbound. Text in Swedish and English, numerous illustrations. Aland Islands; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 8-10 & illustration pages 8-10; Aland Islands: Further Notes; Marsden, P.S.S.F./et a1.; BJRP; 51; May 1975; 17-20 illustration pages 13-1=; An Interesting Fake; Jay, David: Rossica; 1901 provisional issue 10M.



1987; 85-86; A fake copy of Finland's

Anatomy of a Cover; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; for 'used in Finland' status of imperial Russian stamps.

11-13; The criteria

Auktsion russkikh marok; (n.a.); Rossica; 30; Mar.-Apr. 1938; 127; Announcement that the Finnish Postal Administration is selling off its Russian stamp stock. Beware of Counterfeits; Rosse1evich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. Continued from #2. De Russificering van Finland; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 3-2; Russification of Finland through various covers.

1963; 3-9;

1985; 9-24; A look at the

De Spoorlign van Helsingfors naar St. Petersburg; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 2-3; Nov. 1984; 1-22; The rail line between Helsinki and St. Petersburg - cancels, history. Includes a map. Die Postzensur in Finnland; Moxter, Hans G.; 1975; Forschungsgemeinschaft Nordische Staaten im BOP e.V.; Original book, 100 pages, softbound. Text in German, includes an international vocabulary 1 isting of two pages - Danish, German, English, Finnish, Swedish and Spanish. Covers WWI, WWII. Numerous illustrations. Display - Finland; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 11; May 1953; 330-331; Knigh1:on's showing of Finland at the Oct. 1952 BSRP meeting. Early Bulgarian Covers to the Grand Duchy of Finland; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 65-67; A single correspondence from 1881 of 13 covers from various towns in Bulgaria to Wiborg, Finland is described. Eisenbahnstrecke Helsinki-Sankt Petersburg und die Ersten Finnischen Bahnpoststreckenstempel; Hellman, Kaj/Itkonen, Jussi; Pochta; 44; Jan. 17-24; Reprinted from Bulletin #2, Finlandia '88.


Estonian Air Mail History. Finnish-Estonian Mail Flights of 1921-1924.; Ahonius, Rainer; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 25-28; History, rates. Finland; Pelander, Carl

E.; May 21-22,

1943; Original catalog with prices realized.



Finland Finland Special ized - 1978; Postiljonen AS; catalog, no prices real izec.


Postiljonen AB, Malmo, Sweden; Original

Fin I and 1; (1'1. a. ); (1'1. d. ) ; Imoerial-period stamps and covers from the exhibit of an 31 xerox pages. anonymous collector. Finland:

The Reprlnts of trle 1856 Issue; Knighton,

R.P.; BJRP; 31; Oct.

Finlyandiya; Vladinets, N.; Filateliya SSSR: 3; Mar. Finnish postal history durlng the Imperial era. Finlyandiya - varianty 1901 g.; Kutanen,

1983; 29-30; Brief overview of

I.; Rossica;

26; June 1937; 40-42;

Finnish Railway Postmarks; Knighton,

R.P.; BJRP; 57; Nov.

Finnish Railway Postmarks; Knighton, 661-675; Includes a route map.


Finnish Ship Postmarks; Knighton,

1962; 22;

1980; 21;

W.E.C.; BJRP; 22; Aug.

R.P.; BJRP; 61; Dec.




Finnish Study Group; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 46; Questions about the meaning of 'K.L.' in Finnish postmarks from 1880 to 1894. Forgeries of Finnish Postage Stamps; Ossa, Miko; 1977; Post i merkk iIi ike Laur i Peltonen Ky, Hanko, Finland; Hvidonov, Mr. & Mrs. Michael E.; Original bOOk, pages, hardbound. Text in Finnish and English. Numerous illustrations, photos.


Istoricheskoe razvitie i sovremennoe ustroistvo pochty v Velikom Knyazhestva Flnlyandii; Sokolov, N.I. (comp.); PTZh; Mar. 1902; 244-265; The postal history of Finland from the 1740s to the 20th century. Kanal druzhby; Federov, Z.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1972; 25; Tne Saimaan Canal, constructed during Imperial times to connect Lake Saima with the Gulf of l=inland. Katalog pocr,tovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Imperialisticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); ~928; SFA pri Komissii VTs!K Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Listing of Levant, China, Crete. Poland. Finland and Wenden, stamps and stationery. P~otocopy. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennyk~ znakov pochtovoi oplaty; 7; July 1990; 97-112 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow;


Filateliya SSSR;

Katalog-spravochn;k otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 113-128 insert; Filateliya SSSR, MOSCOlv; Catalog of Finnish stamps during the Imperial period. Lapin Laanin Postihistoriaa; Helkio, Eero J.; 1984; Oy Kaj Hellman Ltd, Espoo, F~nland; Original softbound book, #436 of 500. Postal history of Finnish Lapland. In Finnish. Mail from the Karelo-Finnish SSR 1940-1941; Michalove, Peter; Post Rider; 1986; 20- 22;

18; June



From the Finnisr, Colony in Sibe"ia; 97-98; FInnish exile mail .

Leppa, August; Rossica;


Mark; dlya Finlyandii; Stanislavskii, E.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 57-58: A review of the work by Seppo Arvel in on Russian-produced Finnish stamps, beginning with the Eighth Issue of 1891. Marki

iz staroge a1 'boma; BUkharov, Oleg N.; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; Original paperback pocketbook. DIscusses a wide range of topics, from postal history of the early years to Russia's ~irst stamp. zemstvos. Poland and Finland #1, and early Soviet issues.

Mitteilung des General-Post-Amtes vom 11. Februar 1863/Berlin; (n.a.); ZRSP; 38; Aug. 1985; 66-67; Notification of a Change in status of rinnish stamos on cutbound mai 1. Morskaya pochta Khanko; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 10-12; Covers and postal history of the Soviet naval base at Hango, Finland during WWII. Information on censorship of mail there is included. Northern Russia 1918-1919; Holmsten, Martin; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 27-28; Finnish volunteers fighting in Northern Russia, 1918-1919. Includes a map of the Finnish Aunus campaign. Obmen pisem s ob'yavl. tsen. i posylok s Finlyandiei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 193; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of direct





package and declared-value mail exchange with Finland. Old and New Cancellations in Occupied Western Karel ia 1940-41; Leppa, August; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 21-24; Outstanding Covers - No.9; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; stationery envelope used in 1847.

191; An 1845 Finnish

Podpisanie soglasheniya s Finlyandiei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on conclusion of a postal treaty with Finland for exchange of money orders. Postal Communications with Finland; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 55; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the "Khronika" section of ZhTS, Apr. 1924, p. 132. Short item on negotiations for a treaty on direct exchange of packages between Leningrad and Finland. Postimerkkihuutokauppa (Stamp Auction 25.1.1992); Hellman, Kaj; 25 Jan. Hellman Ltd, Espoo, Finland; Original catalog. Pricelist of Finnish Letters and Cards 1889-1960; Holmsten, Martin; Ltd, Vaasa; Original softbound catalog. Questions of a Cover; Ercol ini, Michael; Rossica; stamp on cover from Kilo. Finland, 1913.

117; Oct.

1992; Oy Kaj

1991; Oy Rurik

1991; 35-36; A Romanov

Rasshirenie obmena s zagranitsei; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 42; Short announcement about establishment of declared-value letter exchange with Finland, upcoming agreement with Sweden. Romanov Postal Stationery Used in Finland; von Hungen, 1983; 16; Romanovs in Finland; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; Russia Used in Finland and Vice Versa;

Heinz; Post Rider;

11; Nov.

12; May

1982; 56-63;

Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 56; Nov.

1979; 33;

Second Supplement to Finnish Railway Postmarks; Christian, R.L.; BJRP: 25; June 1959; 44-54; Shipwreck!; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; GO; Oct. 1983; 34; A Swedish postal postcard to Sweden concerning the wreck of the 'Heimdalls'.

label on a

Some Notes on the Grand Duchy of Finland; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 115-121; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Various observations on imperial and Civil War period stamps and marklngs. Soome Valipost ja Eestlased Soome Jatkusojas 1942-1944: Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 41-44; A German summary of the article on the Finnish fieldpost and Estonians during WWII is on p. 44. Soome Valipost Eestis Jatkusoja Ajal (1942-1944); Leivonen, Yrjo; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 45-50; A German summary of this article on the Finnish fieldpost in Estonia from 1942 to 1944 is on pp. 49-50. Svidanie s istoriei; Galishnikov, D.; Finnish Postal Museum.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

The 'Bromarf' Label; Marcovich, Emile; Rossica; 79; the Finnish town of Bromarf. The Aunus Stamps; Freyman, K.; BJRP; 6; Apr. The Early Postmarks of Postimerkkiliike Jeffrey; Original German. Numerous



11-12; A bogus stamp from


Finland; Gummeson, Rolf/Ossa, Mikko/Stenberg, Karl-Erik; 1974; Lauri Peltonen, Hanko, Finland; Stone, Margaret/Stone, book, 142 pages, hardbound. Text in Finnish, English and illustrations and photos.

The Finnish Postal Museum; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 44; Dec. T~e

1990; 60-61; The

1970; 4-6;

Finnish Raid Into East Karelia 1921-1922; Cronin, Andrew; 48-50;

The First Finnish Mail Flight; Ritaranta, Reprinted from 'Air Pictorial'.

Rossica; 66:


Eino; BJRP; 66; March 1989; 28-30;

The Helsinki-St. Petersburg Railway and the First Finnish Postal Compartment Cancellations; Hellman, Kaj/Etkonen, Jussi; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 24-39; Includes a map of the Helsingfors-SPb Railway. Exhaustive coverage of the sUbject. The History of the Postal Service in the Grand Duchy and Republic of Finland;





Buzzetti, Luciano; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 103-115; Translated from 'ASIF Newsletter of Postal History', Vol. XIX, Dec. 12, 1978. The Postal History of Territories Ceded to USSR - Karelia. Petsamo and Salla; Helkio, Eero J.; 1980; OY KaJ Hellman Ltd; Dwight, Ronald; Origina: book, 176 pages, softbound. Text in Finnish and Engl ish. Numerous photos and illustrations. The Romanov uUbilee Issue 1913-1993; Tann, 17-22;

Leonard L.; Post Rider;

12; May 1983;

The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 10; Nov. 1952; 276-300; Includes information on JUbilee stamps used in Finland, plus postal history during the Russian empire period of Poland. The Serrane Guide - Finland; Seranne, Fernand; The American Philatelist; Aug. 751-754; Description of forged stamps from 1856 to 1918.


The Stamps of North Ingermanland, Aunus, and Karelia in 1919-22; Turunen, Sakari; The American Philatelist; Jan. 1992; 30-34; 20 Pen. Finnish Arms Type; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 57; Nov. of how to tell a fake from tne genuine stamp.


19; A short description

Forwarding Agents



(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 74; 1968; 71; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. forwarding agent at Izmail, Bessarabia, in 1823. Die Funktion der Speditions-Agenten; Vandervelde, V. Denis; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 8-24; Koelzer, W.; Translated from BJRP #5 48 & 49. Odessa: 1804; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov. agent to Brody, posted via Austria.

170 A


1981; 6; A letter taken by forwarding

The Role of the Forwarding Agent; Vandervelde, V. Denis; BJRP; 48; Mar. illustration pages 1-6;

1973; 3-10 &

The Role of the Forwarding Agent; Addenda; Vandervelde, V. Denis; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 30-31; The Role of the Forwarding Agent; Further Addenda; Vandervelde, V. Denis; EJRP; 51; May 1975; 13-17 & illustration pages 10-12;


Geor'g i a


(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 57; 1959; 59; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. More on the varnish network controversy and the 11 'Tifl is Roulette'. (n.t.); Blazhnova. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 22; The Aug. honoring the Georgian composer Z.P. Paliashvil i .



1971 stamp

(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987: 80; A cover bearing a bilIngual Russian-Georgian cancel from Sukhumi. 1927. (n.t.); Liphschutz, Michel; Rossica; 61; 1961; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Fake Tiflis cancels of 1916 on imperforate stamps. (n.t.); Rosselevich, A.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 59; The 11 1/2 Tiflis roulette production.

In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

(n.t.); Steinhart, Allan; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 69; A 1921 registered letter from Australia via England to a doctor stationed in Tiflis. 'Terra inkognlta' vne pc,chty!; Turchinski i, Yu.; Fi latel iya; 5; May 1992; 48-51; An overview of non-philatel ic collecting in the fields of revenues, vIgnettes, receipts, coupons, etc. He defines and provides examples for each category. A Controversial Issue; Prigara, S.V.; RAP; 7; Mar. 30 May 1942. The 'Kutais provisional'.


1; Reprinted from 'Stamps',

Bol'shoi put'; Kobakhidze, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1982; Two pages on the development of the Post, Telegraph and Telephone in Soviet Georgia. Correspondence With Canada; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 3-4; Front cover of a letter from a doukhobor in Tiflis province to Saskatchewan, Canada, 191 1 . Die marken von Georgien. (S.S.R.G.).; (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 25-28; 'Radio de Filintern' publistled under the same cover with 'Sovetskii filetel ist'. Catalog of Georgian stamps. The Library's copy is missing pp. 26-27. Die Marken von Georgien. (S.S.R.G.); (n.a.); from 'Radio de Fi 1 intarf"" 1t1, 1928. E1n Kaiserlich Deutscher Konsul 1987; 33-36;

ZRSP; 39; Dec.

1985; 77-78; Reprinted

In Tiflis Schreib ... ; Kupec, Hans; Pochta; 43; Aug.

Fal'Sifik:1.ty marok Gruzil; VoikhansKii. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; O:::t. 1972; 33-34; Il1us~rations and comparison tables to distinguish fake from authentic stamps are provIded. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.I.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handoook. Covers a wide variety of subjects within Russian and related-areas philately. From Pages of the Past; (n.a.); Rossica; 112; 1988: 60-61; Levandowsky, Daniel; Translated from 'Marki' 1t11, Dec. 1896, p. 156. The Tiflis trade in Persian stamps. Gde naiti ee sledy?; Kolesnikov, A.; 6kop. stamp of 1857.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.


11-12; The Tiflis

Georgia - Counterfeits of Scott's 26 to 30 and 81 to B4; Sklarevski. Rimma; Rossica; 89; 1975; 41-42; Georgia 1921-22 - The Missing Years: Ashford, Georgia: An Unusual 36-37; Georgia: &

Fiscal Overpl"1...,t;

ForgerIes of the 'De Jure' 1 i llusu'atlon page;

P.T.; BJRP; 57; Nov.


1980; 42;

Daniel; BJRP; 60; Oct,

Issue; Ashford, P.T,; BJRP; 35; Oct,

1983; 1964; 2 7 -28

Georgia. Nat'rowing the Gap in the MIssing Year 1921-1922; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 54; Dec, 1977; 34; Georgia: Postal Cancellations 1918-1923; Ashford, P.T.; handbook, autographed. Georgia:

The Mystery Year 1921-1922; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 53; Nov.

Georgia: The 1918 60k. Provisional of Sotchi; Ashford, 16-18; Georgia:

1991; Original softbound 1976; 40-41;

P.T.; BJRP; 31; Oct.

Use of the Constantinople Surcharges; Ashford, P,T.; BJRP; 48; Mar.

1962; 1973;

Georgia 24-25




& 1 illustration page;



Additional Comments; Ashford. P.T.; BJRP; 55;


1923; Werbizky, G.G.; BJRP; 55: Nov.

1978; 42;

1978; 42;

Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Three. Tiflis Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1978; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of Tiflis province postmarks. with pricing. Original catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Two. Tiflis. Tiflis Town Post.; Ashford, P.T.; 1975; British Society of Russian Philately. London; Extensive listing of Tiflis postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. K delu Sterblicha, Fertiga i Ko.; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 22; Information on an individual who exported forged stamps from Georgia in 1922. and was brought to trial in Leipzig. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov poChtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 153-168; A listing of Georgian stamps, overprints and surcharges. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 169-184; Continued from # 11 . Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VII. Pochtovye marki Respublik Zakavkaz'ya.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 185-192; Continued from 1991 #12. Stamps of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic (ZSFSR). Khishcheniya v Tiflisskoi k-re; (n.a.); theft in the Tiflis Post Office.


7; July 1925;


Investigation of a

Marki sovetskikh respubl ik; Raevskii. B.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 9-13; A listing of stamps issued by Soviet republics other than the RSFSR. Includes those of Soviet Hungary. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Gruzinskoi SSR v 1962 godu - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1963; TsSU GSSR. GOSSTATIZDAT, Tbilisi; One page of statistics for 1913, 1940. 1950-1962. Nevypushchennye bony SUkhuma; Pritsker. money. News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec. cancel of 21-9-20. Oda Gruzii; Pikulev. I.; Georgia' series.

L.; SK; 6;



1918 Sukhumi paper

1971; 32; Gurdhaani-Tsnoris Tskhali railroad

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1982; 6-7; The 1981

'Fine Art of

Organizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v gazetno-zhurnal'noi ehkspeditsii; Shimshilashvili, R.F./Oandurov, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1966; Two pages on activities in the Tbilisi Post Office's Newspaper-and-Magazine Dispatch Office. Outstanding Items; Seager, O.T./Lloyd. John; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 16-18 & 3 illustration pages; A certificate relating to the first SOViet issue of Georgia. Pervaya pochtovaya marka Rossii?; Kolesnikov. stamp, 1857.




1964; 88-91; The Tiflis

Pochtovoe obrashchenie tiflisskikh marok; Kaminskii. 8.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 8-10; Extracts from various official and semi-official sources on the Tiflis stamp of 1857. Post Offices on the Georgian Military Road; Ashford,

P.T.; 8JRP;


1962; 21-22;

Pozdravleniya pochtoi; Gabitashvili. A.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1962; One page on efforts by the Tbil isi GPO to cut down on the influx of New Year's greeting telegrams by having residents use the Post. Pre-Adhesive Oatestamps of Tiflis; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 63;

1986; 29-32;

Primenenie pochtovo-passazhirskikh avtobusov; Khristesashvili, G.A.; 10; Oct. 1957; One page, post-and-passenger buses. Reid po proverke dostavKi pechati na selo; Georgia.

Vestnik svyazi;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.

Remainders of Georgia and Transcaucasia; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 89; list of stamps and prices available from the SFA in 1935.



1975; 43; A



Rubezhi brigady; Georgieva, T.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. outstanding mail-sorting team at the Tbilisi PZhDP. RussIa 1917 and Onwards; Darlow, Russia's First Postage Stamp. 1-3; Snova

J.J.; Rossica; 58;



1977; Three pages en an

1960; 65; The Tif1is roulettes.

The '6 kop.' of Tifl is.;

(n.a.); RAP; 9; May 1943;

0 Tiflisskoi marke; Kaminskii, 8.; Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 4-6; Kaminsl<.ii's recounting of Berngard's and his research on the Tiflis stamp, up to the present.

Stroitsya Tbilisskii zheleznodorozhnyi pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1965; Short item on construction of the Tbil isi RR Post Dffice. The 'Tiflis Roulette'. A Minor Mystery.; Ashford. The 'Major Darlow' stamps.

P.T.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 23-28;

The First Russian Stamp; (n.a.); Rossica; 41; Nov. 1940; 3; The Tiflis stamp. item in the Far Eastern Supplement to the journal.


The Postage Stamps of Georgia (SSRG); (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 4 (80); Apr. 28-31; Catalog of Georgian stamps.


The Stamps of Independent Georgia; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 46; Dec.

1971; 33-38;

The Stamps of Soviet Georgia; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 47; JUly 1972; 43-49; Tiflis, Nov. 1857. The First Russian Postage Stamp.; Salisbury, G.B.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 57-64; Exposition of all the facts then known about the Tiflis stamp. Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 6-9; The Tiflis City Post. Includes a table showing the 13 postal districts and the provinces they encompassed up to 1850. Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii. Continued from #10.


Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1971; 3-7;

Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, B.; Fllateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 39-43; InclUdes sections on mail transportation and the Tiflis stamps. Continued from # 11. Tiflisskaya marka; Agapeev. V.; Rossica; 3; Oct. T1fl,s stamp issue.

1930; 7-8; Br,ef background of the

U Tifl issk1kh ;Jocntovikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 'Khronika' section on operations in Tif1 is.


Vityaz' gr'uzinskogo ehposa; Rustavel i .


Filateliya SSSR;

157; Short item in the

3; Seo.


18-19; Shota

Yubilei Oset,i; Samorodova, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 8; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 50th anniversary Of Osetia's 'autonomy'. Zagadochnoe pis'mo ... ; Frolova, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 12-13; Two 'Tif1is 6kop.' stamps that surfaced in the Soviet Union, and O.A. Faberge's recounting of the pedigree of the three authentic stamps his father used to own.

German Baltic Committee




Chastnaya pochta Baltiiskago komiteta v Petrogradye; Schmidt, K.K.; Rossica; 39; Feb. 1940; 282-283; Zagadka chastnoi pochty Germano-baltiiskago komiteta v Petrogradye; Shenits, G.; Rossica; 29; Jan.-Feb. 1938; 95-97;

Historical Background,





Passage Through Armageddon. The Russians in War & Revolution 1914-1918.; Lincoln, Bruce; 1986; Simon and Schuster, New York; Original ha~dbound book.


Russian Troops on the Macedonian Front Durlng World War I; Torrey, Gordon; Rosslca; 74; 1968; 32-34; H~storical information only - no postal items. The Russian Empire in the 16th Century;

Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP;

Tsars, Mandarins and Commissars; Schwartz, history of Sino-Russian relations.


58; Nov.

1981; 3-4;

1973; Doubleday, Garden City, NY; A

Historical Background, Provisional Government




Passage Through Armageddon. The Russians in War & Revolution 1914-1918.; Lincoln, W. Bruce: 1986; Simon and Schuster, New York; Original hardbound book.

International Postal Relations,





(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; 1964; 69; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Ungeni, Bessarabia as an important border mail exchange point for Balkan correspondence. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 71; 1966; 84-85; In "Notes From Collectors" section. "Ne vpolne oplacheno" marking or an 1874 cover from Odessa to Marseilles. (n.t.); Moyes, J.G.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 68-69; A cover from Saratov to stamp dealer Henry Hechler, Hal ifax, Canada. (n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; Bel'tsy to Czernovitz, Austria.

13; Nov.

1983; 86; A cross-border cover from

'Aus Russland' Marks - Addendum; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 54; Dec.

1977; 4;

A Grodno Despatch Postmark on a Railway Advertising Cover; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 12; May 1983: 66-67; Grodno to Paris, 14 Oct. 1859. A Hong Kong Used Abroad Cover Sent to Novorossiisk; Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 66-67; A Paraguayan Card Sent to St. Petersburg; Cronin, 74-75;


Post Rider;

A Russian Stampless Cover to Canada; Steinhart, Allan; Post Rider; 3-4; A pre-UPU cover to Canada, 1863.

13; Nov.


14; June 1984;

A Stampless Letter to Prince Edward Island; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 3-4; St. Petersburg to P.E. Island, 1858. Additional Article to the Postal Convention of 18/30 April 1868 between Sweden-Norway and Russia, 26 JUly/7 August 1869; (n.a.); One page. extracted from 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. The text is entirely in French. Additional Pestal Convention between Austria and Russia, signed at St. Petersburg, (26) July 1849; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolidated Treaty Series', pp. 225-237. The text is entirely in German. Includes a postal rate chart.


Additional Postal Convention between Prussia and Russia, 14/26 May 1872; \n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolid~ted Treaty Series'. Text In German and Russian. Additional Postal Convention Between Austria and Russia, Signed at St. Petersburg, 14 (26) JUly 1849; (n.a.); Reproduced from "Martens' Russian Treaties', vol. IV. German text. Alaska-Hawaii-Russia: The Search Begins; CrUikshank, Dale P.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 102-103; Illustrates a cover from Russia to Honolulu, ca,ls for a concerted search for others. An Attempt at Reconeil iation; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 17-18; Comments on the disparity between the Speeckaert and de 00ngh views of tne Prussian two-number code on Russian mail before 1843. An Imperial Cover from Estonia to Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 3-4; An Unaddressed Postcard to Canada; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 3-4; A postcard sent in 1897 via SUburban Train #3 from Tsarskoe Selo, sent to Canada and back and bearing both varieties of the train's cancellation. Aus Russland; de Clercq, Leo; Post Ricer; 19; Nov. 1986; 21-51; Translated from the Flemish. EXhaustive treatment of markings applied to mail emanating from Russia to Europe. A~s

RU5s1and - Addendum 2; Pitio, R.: BJRP; 56: Nov.

Aus Russland: 17-19;

Addendum 3; Speeckaert, A./Baillie,

British l1"1oia Mail 26-30;




to the Russian EmpH'e; Hinrichs, Andrew;

57; Nov.


Post Rlder; 9; Nov.


Comments on the 1866 Postal Rates (BJRP 62, pp. 6-9); Elias, Werner; BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 4; Convention de poste conclue a St-Petersbourg, le 1er novembre 1872, entre la France et la Russie; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. The text is entirely in French. Convention de poste conclue a St-Petersbourg, et la Russie; (n.a.); French text.

le 1er novembre 1872, entre la France

International Postal Relations,



Convention de poste, signee a Saint-Petersbourg Ie 7 juillet 1872; Danish-Russian postal treaty. French text.



(n.a.); The

Convention entre la Belgique et la Russie pour 1 'echange des correspondances. Fait a Saint-Petersbourg, Ie 13/1er juin de 1 'an de grace 1872.; (n.a.); French text. Convention postale entre l'Autriche et la Russie, conclue a Vienne. Ratifications echangees a Vienne Ie 8 mars 1866.; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolidated Treaty Series', pp. 87-109. The text is entirely in German. Convention postale entre l'Autriche et la Russie, conclue a Vienne. echangees a Vienne Ie 8 mars 1866.; (n.a.); German text.


Convention postale entre les Pays-Bas et la Russie, conclue Ie 29/17 Juin 1872; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. The text is entirely in French. Convention postale entre les Pays-Bas et la Russie, conclue Ie 29/17 Juin 1872; (n.a.); Postal convention between Russia and The Netherlands. French text. Convention Between Prussia and Russia Respecting the Steam Mail Packet Between Stettin and St. Petersburg, Signed at St. Petersburg, 19 June (1 JUly) 1843; (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 8-10; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Consol idated Treaty Series', pp. 162-168. Convention Between Prussia and Russia Respecting the Steam Mail Packet Service Between Stettin and St. Petersburg, Signed at St. Petersburg, 19 June (1 July) 1843; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Martens' Russian Treaties'. vol. VIII. German text, Russian translation. Correspondence Russia - Australia & New Zealand; (n.a.); Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 4-5; An 1899 cover from Moscow to Coolgardie, WA and a 1937 cover from New Zealand to Russia, returned. Correspondence With Canada; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 3-4; Front cover of a letter from a doukhobor in Tifl is province to Saskatchewan, Canada. 1911 . Correspondence With Canada - An Early Russian Card to Canada; Woollam. John V.; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 3; Covers of Interest to Russian and U.S. Co~lectors; Kessler. Melvin; Rossica; 61; 1961; 8-15: Nine covers. ranging from 1793 to 1919. Deklaration oefverenskommen med Ryssland angaende ordnaude af vinterpostfoeringen mel Ian Grisslehamn oeh Aland. S. Petersburg, 1872, september18/6.; (n.a.); Postal treaty between Russia and Sweden-Norway. The text is entirely in French. Deklaration ofverenskommen med Ryssland angaende fortfarande portofrihet for de resp. magternas beskickningars officiella korrespondens. S. Petersburg. 1869. august 7 (juli 26); (n.a.); French text. Deklaration ofverenskommen med Ryssland angaende ordnande af vinterpostforingen mellan Grissleilamn och Aland. S.Petersburg, 1872. september 18/6.; (n.a.); Postal treaty between Sweden-Norway end Russia concerning winter mail exchange with the Aland Islands. French text. Early Bulgarian Covers to the Grand Duchy of Finland; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 65-67: A single correspondence from 1881 of 13 covers from various towns in Bulgaria to Wiborg, Finland is described. Early Greek Mail to Russia; Cronin, Andrew; conventions of 1848 and 1858.

Rossica; 79;

1970; 26-30; Postal

Early Postal Charge Marks to the West (Up to About 1840); Baillie, BJRP; 64: Dec. 1987; 8-19; Early Postal Charges on Foreign Mail 1987; 20-21;

into Russia; Goatcher,

Fakea Town Post Cover; Huddy, W.H.H.; BJRP; 2; Apr. cover in BJRP #1 exposed as a fake.


I.L.G./et al.:

Fred E.; BJRP; 64; Dec.

18: The "1864 town post"

Iz Srednei Azii v Indiyu ... cherez Evropu; Berngard. K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 29; An 1896 cover that took an odd route due to Persia and Afghanistan not being members of the UPU. Mail from the Russian Empire to Region No. 26 of Cadiz (Spain); Hooghuis. C.Th.J.; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 63-64; Mail

From Russia to the United States Via Diplomatic Pouch; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica;

International Postal Relations, 93;





1978; 36-37;

Mails to Russia; Starnes. Charles J.: Rossica; 89: 1975; 44-48: Reprinted from "The Chronlcle", \/01. 27, #3, Aug. 1975. Postal r'ates for U.S. mail to Russia. Includes illustrations. A St. Petersburg Instructional Postmark; (n.a.); BJRP; 24; Missent. "Mal dirige" on a card from Persia to Koenigsberg. Non-Delivery Due to Outbreak of World War I; Kaup.


Peter; BJRP; 59; Dec.

1958; 793; 1982; 48;

Obmyen deneg, pochtovymi perevodami. mezhdu Rossieyu i Amerikoyu: (n.a.); PTZh; Feb. 1902; 194-195; Brief account of the money-o~der exchange between the two countries. Odessa Transit Marks on Mail from Sea of Azov Ports to the West; Griffiths, C.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 15; Odessa Transit Marks on Mail from Sea of Azov Ports to the West to 1873; Conway, B./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 4-5 and illustration page 2: Odessa: 1804; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov. agent to Brody, posted via Austria. Odessa:

1804 Onwards; Baillie,

1981; 6:

I.L.G.; BJRP; 59; Dec.

A letter taken by forwarding 1982; 3-4:

Postal Accord Between Russia & Germany of 1872; (n.a.); BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 4-5; An additional Leonard, Charles; Translated from 'Reichsgesetzblatt' #21, 1872. agreement of 26 May 1872 to the Postal Treaty with Russia. Postal Charge Marks on Russian Covers Up to 1843; Speeckaert, A.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 4-9; Russo-Prussian mail-handling practices. Postal Convention between Austria and Russia, signed at St. Petersburg, 23 April (5 May) 1854; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. pp. 439-464. Postal Convention between Belgium and Russia. 1/13 uune 1872; 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. Text entirely in French.


Postal Convention between Denmark and Russia, 7 July 1872; (n.a.); 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. Text is entirely in French. Postal Convention between Italy and Russia, 3/15 June 1872; (n.a.); 'Consol idated Treaty Series'. The text is entirely in French.

Extracted from

Extracted from Extracted from

Postal Convention between Russia and Sweden-Norway, signed at St. ~etersburg. 30 Apri 1 1868; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consol idated Treaty Series' _ pp. 233-241. The text is entirely in French. Postal Convention Between Austria and Russia, Signed at St. Petersburg, 23 April (5 May) 1854; (n.a.); Reproduced from 'Martens' Russian Treaties', vol. IV. German text. Postal Convention Between Austria and Russia, Slgned at St. Petersburg, 30 January (11 February) 1843; (n.a.); Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 6-13 I> 57: Sklpton, David M. ;

Postal Convention Between Austria and Russia, Signed at St. Petersburg, 30 January (11 February) 1843; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Martens' Russian Treaties', vol. IV. French text and Russian translation. Postal Convention Between Russia and Prussia, Signed at St. Petersburg on 21 May (2 June) 1843; (n.a.): Russian text, German translation. Postal Convention Between Russia and Sweden-Norway, signed at St. Petersburg, 10 (22) duly 1846: In.c..): EXH"acted i'rom 'Conso路lidc.ted Treat',! Ser,es'. pp. 112-128. The text is entirely in French. Postal Convention Between Russia and Sweden-Norway, Signed at St. Petersburg, 10 (22) July 1846; In.a.); Reproduced fro~ Rydberg's 'Sverges oc~ NO~0es Traktater med Frammende Magter', vol. XI. Includes the additlonal DeclaratlOn of 9 (21) Noy. 1846. French text. Postal Treaties; (n.a.); BJRP; 63: 1986; 9-10; A 1 ist of treaties and dates for Austria, Prussia, Greece, Sicily and Sweden. Postvertrag zwischen Russland und Deutschland von 1872; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 54; May 1973; 6-11; The 1872 supplement to the 22 Aug. 1865 treaty. In German and Russian. Postvertrag zwischen Russland und Preussen vom 24.12.1851; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 53; Feb. 1973; 2-15; Postal treaty between Russia and Prussia, German

International Postal Relations,





version. Pre-U.P.U. Swiss Mail 16-18; Pre-UPU Mail

to the Empire; Cronin, Andrew;

Post Rider;

16; June 1985;

From Denmark and Hamburg; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 27; Nov.

1990; 69;

Pre-1871 International Registered Mail; Speeckaert, A.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 19-23; The author presents evidence that registered mail existed in Russia before 1871. Proposed Plan to Send Anglo-Indian Mail Via Russian Railroads; (n.a.); Rossica; 86-97; 1979; 112; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'PTZh', p. 76, Jan. 1900. Prussia as Postal Intermediary Between Russia and the West in the 19th Century; Elias, Werner; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 6-21; Reprinted from 'Postal History Journal' No. 75, Feb. 1987. Reply Cards Used in Russia;

Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 55; Nov.

Russia NO.1 With German Postmarks; Rachmanov, V.A.; explanation. Russian Foreign Mail With Adhesives Before 1864; June 1985; 4-5; Russian Mail 46-49;


Rossica; 48;



15; The

Elias, Werner K.; Post Rider;

to Foreign Destinations; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider;

15; Nov.



Russie - Suisse. Convention de poste, signee a Berne le 10 juillet 1872.; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolidated Treaty Series'. Text entirely in French. Russische Auslandsbriefe zwischen 1850 und 1875; Hermann, Wolfgang; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 11-16; Discusses rates to foreign countries and the various postmarks applied to mail emanating from Russia. Tax of Postage Due (Porto) for Letters Sent Abroad (1866);

(n.a.); BJRP; 63;

The Boxed 'P' Numbers; Vandervelde, V. Denis; Rossica;

1966; 39-41;

The German 'Aus Russland' Marks; Baillie, illustration pages 1-2;


I.L.G.; BJRP; 53; Nov.

1986; 7;

1976; 3-14 and

The Mystery of P.33, P.38, P.35 ... ; Liphschutz, Michel/Godard, Charles; BJRP; 39; Oct. 1966; 7-9; "P" markings explained. The Russian 'Porto' Marks; Baillie,

I.L.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov.

The Russian 'Porto' Marks; Elias, Werner K.; BJRP; 59; Dec.

1981; 6-7; 1982; 4;

The Two-Number Code on Russian Mail to the West; de Jongh, W.J.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 10-16; An interpretation of these markings' meanings which differs from A. Speeckaert's. The Two-Number Code on Russian Mail to the West, 1822-1843; de Jongh, W.J.; BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 4-12; The author's theory that the two-number codes were 'chart numbers' taken from a log of letters sent. The 1872 Postal Treaty Between Italy and Russia; 14-16; Weinert, Howard;



117; Oct.


Traite postal entre 1 'Autriche-Hongrie et la Russie. Conclu a St. Petersbourg. Ratifie le 24 mars 1874. Ratifications echangees a St. Petersbourg le 9 avril (28 mars) 1874.; (n.a.); French text. Traite postal entre 1 'Autriche-Hongrie et la Russie. Conclu a St. Petersbourg. Ratifie le 24 mars 1874. Ratifications echangees a St. Petersbourg le 9 avril/28 mars 1874.; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolidated Treaty Series'. The text is entirely in French, save for a brief Latin introduction. Unusual Covers to Russia; Kessler', Melvin: Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 94-95; Two covers, one from French Djibouti and the other from Siam, both addressed to St. Petersburg. 1872 g., maya 14-go (28-go). Dopolnitel 'naya pochtovaya konventsiya s Prussiei.; (n.a.); The 1872 supplementary convention between Russia and Prussia. German text, Russian translation. 1895 German Reply Card Used in Russia;

Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 53; Nov.

1895 German Reply Card Used in Russia; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 54; Dec.

1976; 25;



International Postal Relations, Soviet




(n.t.); Rehwinkel, Charles; Post Rider; 15: Nov. 1984; 70-71: In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A cover from Germany to Shanghai, transiting the USSR via airmail. 'Geldueoerweisungen aus den U.S.A. 1n die SowJetunion' zum Artikei von J. Schneider (Heft 36/Dez. 1984); Bartmann. Richard; ZRSP; 37; Apr. 1985; 11-15; 'Sovinfilateliya': i ot nas k nam; Panfilov, I.D.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1990; 57; Import and export statistics for 'Sovinfelateliya', part of 'Mezhdunarodnaya kniga'. Stamps, albums, philatelic supplies, etc. Avtomaty - na sluzhbu svyazi. Mezhdunarodnoe soveshchanie pochtovykh rabotnikov.; Makarov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 33; Delegates from 24 countries at the 1968 session of the Steering Council of the World Postal Congress, Moscow. Chunking to Moscow Soviet Airline Inaugurated - Planes will meet at Border Station; (n.a.); Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 16; Reproduced from the 'South China Morning Post', 24 Mar. 1939. Correspondence; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 35; A short note about a 1935 cover showing routing of Afghan mail through the USSR. Correspondence Russia - Australia & New Zealand; (n.a.); Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 4-5; An 1899 cover from Moscow to Coolgardie, WA and a 1937 cover from New Zealand to Russia, returned. Courier Post International; Marshall, Ross; Pochta; mail serV1ce between the USSR and New Zealand.

10; June-July 1991;

11; Express

Dostizheniya delegatsii SSSR na Pochtovom Kongresse; Katys, P.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 22-26; Eastern Delays; Konnick, Mike; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor pointing out Soviet delays in routing mail to the Baltic states. Envc.'is expres v obmen s SSSR; In.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on adoption of international express mail in the USSR. From 'Khronika' ... ; (n.a.); Rossica; 117: Oct. 1991; 40; Skipton, David M.; Resumption of package mail between the USSR and Italy on the Trieste-Odessa-Batum line. Translated from 'Zhizn' i tekhnika svyazi' #6. June 1924. How Much and To Where; (n.a.); Rossica; the Soviet Union to 48 countries.

113-114; 1990; 100-101; Air~ail tariffs from Extracted from a State Department memorandum.

Instruktsiya po obmenu mezhdunarodnykh pochtovykh posylok; mezhdunarodnykh snoshenii, Moscow;


1927; NKPT, Otdel


Notes Relating to Russia From U.S. Postal Bulletir.s; (n.a.); Rossica; 89; 1975; 51; "Postage Stamps Cancelled or Uncancelled Prohibited Importation Into Russia" - 27 August 1917.

K predstoyashcne1 ratifikatsii stokgol'mskikh aktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on SOViet signing of the postal convention at the Stockholm Cong~ess. Komissiya NKPT za granitsei; Z., A.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. commission to Germany, Denmark and Sweden.



Lyubovich's NKPiT

Konventsii s Finlyandiei; (n.a.); ZhTS: 6; June 1924; 161; Short item in tt,e 'Khronika' section on the signing of five postal, telegraph and telephone conventions with Finland. Mailing to the Soviet Urion; (n.a.); Sep. 1ge5' U.S. Postal Se~vice, Washington, D.C.; Publication #269. Issued to answer postal pat~ons' questions about the do's and don't~' of send1ng mail to the USSR. Mailing to the Soviet Union; (n.B.); Sep. 1985; U S. Po~tal Servic'S; Prob,ems encou~ta~ed Oy postal patrons sending mail to the USSR - do's, con't's. Mezhdunarodnaya korrespondentsiya v gody Vel ikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 28-29; Mezhdunarodnaya pochtovaya i ehlektricheskaya svyaz' SSSR. (K otkrytiyu telegrafnoi konferentsii v Parizhe.); S./B.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 1-6; Mezhdunarodnoe soveshchanie po pochtovoi svyazi v Moskve; Afanas'ev, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1968; One page. Mezhdunarodnye otvetnye kupony;



1; Jan.


149; Short item in the

International Postal Relations, Soviet 'Khronika' section on the introduction of USSR.

07/13/93 international




in the

Mezhdunarodnye pochtovye taksy; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 28; A change in some international rates, introduced by an NKPiT circular of 19 Dec. 1923. Mezhdunarodnyi pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen SSSR v tsifrakh; Syrevich, E.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 67-72; Postal and telegraph data on the USSR's communications volume with other countries, including transit mail. Modern Use of the Diplomatic Pouch for Mail To and From the USSR; Cruikshank, Dale P.; Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 101-113; Na meridianakh pochtovogo sotrudnichestva; Matsnev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1974; 45-46; The UPU's history, structure, and Soviet participation therein. Napravlenie amerikansko-kitaiskoi korrespondentsii chrez SSSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Sino-American transit mail via the USSR. Nash partner 'Mezhkniga'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 63; Popova, I.; Translated from 'Filatelen Pregled'. A brief history of 'Mezhdunarodnaya kniga'. with emphasis on Soviet-8ulgarian relations. Neposredstvennyi pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of telegraph communications with Poland, and forthcoming mail exchange. Neposredstvennyi pochtovyi obmen s Italiei morskim putem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 162; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a direct sea link for mail between the USSR and Italy. Nota tOY. Karakhana kitaiskomu pravitel'stvu 0 neprikosnovennosti diplomaticheskoi pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Soviet protest to China over violation of diplomatic mail conventions. Novyi razmer mezhdun. pocht. kartochek; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 127; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new Soviet postcard for international mail, to be introduced on 1 Oct. 1925.


doplatnoi korrespondentsii; Igoshkin, Ya.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 108-110; The author points out certain discrepancies in a proposal to allow postage due mail from abroad to go to its destination.


neoplachennoi mezhdunarodnoi korrespondentsii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 31; Notice that unpaid or underpaid ordinary, international correspondence will be returned to sender or treated as undelivered.


novykh mezhdunarodnykh pochtovykh taksakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. international postal rates in effect in the USSR.


peresylke za granitsu chervontsev i kazbiletov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 127; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introduction of sending state bonds and chervontsy to some foreign countries.


platezhakh za tranzit mezhdunarodnoi pochtovoi korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 161-162; The Soviet opinion on international mail transit fees.


111-112; New

Obmen mezhd. pisem s ob'yavl. tsennost'yu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of international declared-value mail exchange with Denmark and Argentina. Obmen notami mezhdu Ministrom inostrannykh del Brazilii i poslom SSSR v Brazilii 0 poryadke peresylki diplomaticheskoi pochty bez soprovozhdeniya ee diplomatlcheskimi kur'erami mezhdu Moskvoi i Rio-de-Zhaneiro (Brazilia); (n.a.); 20 Apr. 1963; 78-81; MID SSS~. Izd-vo 'Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya', Moscow, 1970; Establishment of unaccompanied diplomatic mail between the USSR and Brazil. In 'Sbornik deistvuyushchikh dogovorov, soglashenii i konventsii, zaklyuchennykh SSSR s lnostrannymi gosudarstvami', vypuSk XXIII. Obmen notami mezhdu Ministrom inostrannykh del SSSR i posol'stvom Respubliki Kongo v SSSR 0 poryadke peresylki diplomaticheskoi pochty bez soprovozhdeniya ee diplomaticheskimi kur'erami mezhdu Moskvoi i Leopol 'dvilem (Kinshasa); (n.a.); 12 June 1963; 81-82; MID SSSR, Izd-vo 'Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya', Moscow, 1970; Establishment of unaccompanied diplomatic mail between the USSR and the Congo. In 'Sbornik deistvuyushchikh dogovorov, soglashenii i konventsii, zaklyuchennykh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami', vypusk XXIII. Obmen notami mezhud Ministerstvom inostrannykh del SSSR i posol'stvom Ehfiopii v SSSR o poryadke peresylki diplomaticheskoi pochty bez soprovozhdeniya ee diplomaticheskimi kur'erami mezhdu Moskvoi i Addis-Abeboi; (n.a.); 5 Nov. 1961;

International Postal Relations, Soviet




84-86; MID SSSR, Izd-vo 'Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya', Moscow, 1970; Establ ishment of unaccompanied diplomatic mail between the USSR and Ethiopia. In 'Sbornik deistvuyushchikh dogovorov, soglashenii i konventsji, zaklyuchennykh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami', vypusk XXIII. Obmen notami mezhud Ministerstvom inostrannykh del SSSR i posol'stvom Respubliki Senegal v SSSR 0 poryadke peresylKi diplomaticheskol pcchty bez soprovozhdeniya ee diplomaticheskimi kur'erami mezhdu Moskvoi i Dakarom; (n.a.); 24 Oct. 1963; 83-84; MID SSSR, Izd-vo 'Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya', Moscow. 1970; Establishment of unaccompanied d,plomatic mai; between the USSR and Senegal. In 'Sbornik deistvuyushchikh dogovorov, soglashenii i konventsii, zaklyuchennykh SSSR s inostrannymi gosudarstvami'. vypusk XXIII. Obmen pisem s ob'yavl. tsen. i posylok s Finlyandiei; (n.a.l; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 193; Short item in the 'Knronika' section on the establ ishment of direct package and declared-value mail exchange with Finland. Obmen pisem s ob'yavlenno, tsennost'yu s Finlyandiei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 17i; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on exchange of declared value mail with Finland. Obmen pisem s ob'yavlennoi tsennost'yu s Norvegiei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on declared-value mail between the USSR and Norway. Obmen ratifikatsionnymi gramotami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Exchange of letters between the USSR and Estonia on ratification of several postal, telegraph, telephone and money-order-exchange conventions. Obmen s Pol'shei; [n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the first direct exchange of letter mail with Poland at Stolbtsy. Obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on institution of declared-value mail up to 1,000 gold francs and package mail of less than 10 kg with Poland. Offitsial'nyi otde1. K zagranichnomu obmenu.; (n.a.); Sovetskii fllatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 29-30; The text of a letter sent to all foreign postal administrations requesting that they inform their citizens of Soviet philatelic exchange rules to avoid further attempts to circumvent them. Pls'ma iz Pol'shi v Leningrad i v 5.-Z. oblast'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal packets beginning to arrive from Poland. Pochta s'uzhit m,ru; Fisenko, V.; 50vetskaya Belorussiya; Aug. 22, 1974; Act1vities of the USSR and i~s satellites at the XVII UPU Congress in Lausanne. Pochtovaya konventsiya SSSR so Shvetsiei; (n.a.); ZhT5; 5; May 1924; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on conclusion o~ a postal convention draft with Sweden. Pochtovo-telegrafnaya svyaz' Leningrada s Latviei; [n.a. I; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on ma,l to and from Latvia. including statistics for May and June, 1924. Pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen 5 Yapon1ei; (n.a. I; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of postal and telegraph communications between the USSR and Japan. Pochtovye snosheniya s Fin1vandiel: (n.a.): ZhTS: 4; Apr. 1924: 132; SI,ort i+em 'n 'Khronika' on talks with the Finns to establish direct package eXChange. Podpisanie soglasheniya s Finlyanoiei: (n.a.); ZhTS; 3: Mar. 1925: 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on conclusion of a postal treaty with Finland for exchange of money oraers. Ponizhenie tarifa; [n.a. L ZnTS: 3; Mar. '92::; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on concluslon of a postal treaty With Austria to lower rates for sending per iad icc.1 s. Poseshchenie SSSR predstavitelyami 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 193;

inostrannykh pochtovykh upravlenii;

Postage Stamps Prohibited ImpoI'tation into Russia - Why?; Heller, Don; 90-91; 1976; 78-80; 1917-1922.




Postal Communications with Finland; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 55; Skipton, David M.; Translated fro~ the "Khronika" section of ZhTS, Apr. 1924, p. 132. Short item on negotiations for a treaty on direct exchange of packages between Leningrad and Finland. Postcard From the '669 Days of Infamy'; Michalove, Peter A./Werbizky,

George G.;

International Postal Relations, Soviet




Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 51; A Soviet postcard from the Ukraine to a Polish P.O.W. in Germany during the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Priglashenie nemetskikh i shvedskikh pochtovo-telegrafnykh sluzhashchikh; (n.a.): ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 176; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Soviet invitation to German and Swedish post-and-telegraph officials to acquaint themselves with Soviet operations. Pryamye snosheniya s zagranitsei; tn.a.); ZhTS; 3: Mar. 1925; 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Post Office establishing direct postal exchange with several European countries and the US. Pulling the Chestnuts Out of the Fire; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 4-9; A short history of the Nazi-Soviet pact of August 1939. which lasted 22 months. Three pieces of postal history are shown, sent from the USSR to Germany. Rasshirenie obmena s zagranitsei; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Oec. 1924; 42; Short announcement about establishment of declared-value letter exchange with Finland. upcomlng agreement with Sweden. Rasshirenle pochtovoi svyazi s Pol 'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Oec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of mail exchange between the USSR and Poland. Ratifikatsiya konventsii s Ehstoniei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on ratification of a post-telegraph-telephone convention with Estonia. Ratifikatsiya sovetsko-persidskoi pochtovo-telegrafnoi konventsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 160; Ratification of a Soviet-Persian post-and-telegraph convention. in the 'Khronika' section. Ratifikatsiya TsIK SSSR Stokgol'mskikh aktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 111; Soviet ratification of some postal conventions at the Stockholm World Postal Congress. Russia to Poland Mail.

1918; Popov, Vsevolod;





Skorost' prokhozhdeniya pisem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on average mail transit times from foreign countries to Leningrad, and mail sent locally. Sotrudnichayut svyazisty; Afanas'ev, N.: Filatel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 27; The Organization of Cooperation Between Socialist Countries in the Areas of ~lectrical and Postal Communications (OSS). Sovetsko-Mongol'skii pocht.-tel. dogovor; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 171; Extremely brief notice in the 'Khronika' section that a post-and-telegraph treaty has been concluded between the USSR and Mongol ia. Soviets Disrupting Mail To and From the Baltics; Schwartz. Lloyd; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 1 & 14; The Dec. 1990 to Mar. 1991 Soviet mail delay. Sroki prokhozhdeniya pisem v Leningrad iz-za granitsy i iz gorodov SSSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on average mail arrival times at Leningrad for both foreign and domestic correspondence. Strannaya politika; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; NOv.-Dec. 1923; 29; Complaints about the UPU ignoring the Soviets in its 1920 Congress and suspicions that it would do so again at the 1924 Stockholm Congress. Svyaz' na Sakhaline; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of mail exchange between Soviet and Japanese Sakhalin. The Beginning of Mail Exchange Between Russia and Germany in 1918; Leppa. August; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 55-56; The 1930 Graf Zeppelin Set and Associated Material; Ackerman. G. Adolph/Cronin, Andrew/Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 13-34; Transit of International Correspondence by Airmail through the USSR; (n.a.); Rosslca; 117; Oct. 1991; 28; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Zhizn' i tekhnika svyazi' #9-10. Sep.-Oct. 1924. Short item reading 'Transportation of a part of the Chinese mail transiting the USSR to Western Europe has been established, using airplanes from Moscow to Koenigsberg.' Tranzit kitaiskoi korrespondentsi i; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Chinese mail transiting the USSR. Uluchshenie svyazi s Kitaem; (n.a.); ZhTS;.4; Apr. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the forthcoming setup of mail exchange with China at

International Postal Relations, Soviet



Bakhty-Chuguchak. Uskorenie peresylki korr. v yugo-zapadnuyu Evropu; (n.a.); lhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Srlort item in the 'Khronika' section on expediting mail to southwestern Europe via Minsk, Negoreloe and Stolbtsy.


Ko;legii NKPiT; Kh.; lhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 155-158; Results of the Soviet communications delegation visit to Germany, Denmark a~d Sweden, and lessons learned.

Vozdushnoe pochtovoe soobshchen i e s Pers i e i; (n. a. ); lhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 171 - 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on airmail between the USSR and Persia. Vozobnovlenie vozdushnogo pochtovogo soobshcheniya s za-granitsei; (n.a.); lhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on restoration of the Mosccw-Smolensk-Kovno-Koenigsberg air route. Vsemirnyi Pochtovyi Kongress; (n.a.); lhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 153; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the 1924 World Postal Congress and the Soviet participation in it. VIII Vsemirnyi Pochtovyi Kongress; (n.a.); lhTS; 6; June 1924; 161; Short item in the 'Khronika' section 1 isting the members of the Soviet delegation to the Eighth World Postal Congress in Stockholm. XVI Kongress Vsemirnogo pochtovogo soyuza; Sergeichuk, K.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1970; Three pages on the Soviet version of what occurred there. XVII Kongressu Vsemirnogo pochtovogo soyuza; Kosygin, A.; Izvestiya; May 22, 1974; The Soviet government's message and greeting to the 17th UPU Congress in Lausanne. lagranichnaya komandirovka; (n.a.); lhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 172; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on Lyubovich et al. going abroad to study foreign post-and-telegraph operations.

Karel ia 'Dolgo budet Kareliya snit'sya ... '; Popkov, B.: Soviet stamp issues with a Karel ian theme.


07/13/93 Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Counterfeits of Karelia Bear Stamps; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 98-99; With illustrations. Forgeries of Karelia; Tyler, Varro E.; The American Philatelist; Aug.


1979; 4-6; 1980;


1984; 794;

Karel'skii Sovnarkom i Svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on resolutions taken by the Karel ian ASSR Sovnarkom concerning communications. Mail from the Karelo-Finnish SSR 1940-1941; Michalove, Peter; Post Rider; 1986; 20-22;

18; June

Northern Russia 1918-1919; Holmsten, Martin; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 27-28; Finnish volunteers fighting in Northern Russia, 1918-1919. Includes a map of the Finnish Aunus campaign. Old and New Cancellations in Occupied Western Karelia 1940-41; Leppa, August; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 21-24; Svyaz' v Karelii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 143-144; Lengthy item in the 'Khronika' section on the status of communications in Karelia. The Finnish Raid Into East Karelia 1921-1922; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; 48-50;


The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 's, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23.


The Postal History of Territories Ceded to USSR - Karelia, Petsamo and Salla; Helkio, Eero J.; 1980; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; DWight, Ronald: Original book, 176 pages, softbound. Text in Finnish and English. Numerous photos and illustrations. The Stamps of North Ingerrnanland, Aunus, and Karelia in 1919-22: Turunen, Sakari; The American Philatelist; Jan. 1992; 30-34; Urnbenennungen und Neugruendungen im Europaeischen Teil der Sowj. Arktis und in Karelien; Loehrich, Friedrich; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1986; 2-3; Placename changes from 1910 to the present.




Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn. !vo; BJRP: 73; Autumn 1992; 44-46; Various issues immediately before and during the breakup of the Soviet Union.





Sto tridtsat' ravnopravnykh (0 yazykakh narodov SSSR): lsaev. M.l.; 1970; lzd-vo 'Nauka'. Moscow; Brief discussions of the USSR's various languages and their alphabets. The Russian Alphabet;

(n.a.); Post Rider; 6; Apr.

1980; 47; Pronunciation guide.






(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99; A 1941 Moscow-Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Riga f,rst flight cover. (n.t.); Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 60; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Addendum to Polchaninov's 'Stamps of Latvian ~egion - 1944' in #64. 'Pecmaksa'; Kraul, Sven; Philatelia Balt,ca; 77-79; '3 May 1983; 28-34; 'Remboursement' markings on Latvian mail. 'Riga' - World's Rarest Cigarette Package?; Rozentals, 1.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 20-23; For cigarette-package collectors. 'Specimen' Overprints on Latvian Stamps; Rozentals, 1.; Latvian Collector; 29; Feb.-May 1980; 4-5; Latvian stamps overprinted 'Specimen' by the Records Department in the London GPO. A Baltic Provinces Postmark; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 67; Sep. Daugel'n on the Vol'mar spur line.


16; Station

A Revolutionary Postcard; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector: 31: Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 32; A crude anti-tsarist postcard probably produceo at some time between 1905 and 1917. Abart bei Maschinenstempel M 26; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 36; Two more Riga A machine cancellations. Aberrant Riga Datestamps; Wortman, A.H.;

Rossica; 80;

1971; 44;

Additional Note on the Mysterious "K.P." Handstamp Used in Riga in 1816-1857; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 72; 1967; 34; Establishes the meaning of 11K. P.


Ainazi; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 26; 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1979; 31;

The Ainazi section of the

Als Antonopol noch nicht Malta und Malta noch Malta war; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 28-29; A postal money oroer used in Malta, Latvia. Aluksne; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct. the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.

1980; 35; The Aluksne section of

Amtl iche Ganzsachen in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966: 11-13; Soviet cacheted envelopes with Latvian themes. Anmerkungen zum Handbuch; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 14-16; Updates to the Latvian catalog published in PB. Anzeige der ankommenden und abgehenden Posten beim Mitauschen Gouvernementspostkomptoir.; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 57; Jan. Extracted from the 'Mitauischer Taschenkalender fuer 1805'. Auce;

(n.a.); Latvian Collector; 25: Aug.-Dec. Latvian Auto Club map.

1978; 7-8;

1978; 32; The Auce area from the 1931

Auch sowjetische Sondermarken wurden stillschweigend gedultet: von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 34; Aus dem Briefkasten; von Hofmann, Harry: Philatelia Baltica; 48: Oct. 'Iz yashchika' marking from 7-1916 and two Latvian markings.

196 7


8-9; An

Aus der 'wilden' Zeit in Mitau (Jelgava); von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 52; May 1972; 15; A manuscript 10kap. marking on an Oct. 1919 postcard from Jelgawa. Aus der lettischen Raeterepublik 1919/20; Lukaschewitz, Heinz; Philatel ia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 11-13; Two postal money orders bearing revalued Russian postage and revenue stamps. Aus oer Zeit der ersten Sowjetrepubl ik Lettland 1919; ~ukascllewitz. Heinz; Phi1atel,a Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 3-10; Officiol announcements of offices, services and rates for Soviet LatVia in 1919. Auslands-Rueckschein; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; JUly 1971; 2; A 1928 international notice of receipt form. APCLPF Semi-Postals; Tirums, M.;

LatVian Collector; 23; Nov.

Bad Days for Latvian Philately; Voitkuns, Eduard; Rossica; Zeltins, Ivar; Translated from Briva Latvija, 20 Apr. Latvian stamp-issuing policies.


1978; 14-22;

119; Dct. 1992; 6-7; 1992. Complaints about




Bahnpoststempel in Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 51; Feb. 2-7; A listing of railroad mail lines in Latvia and a railroad map.



Baltic Notes; Kraul, Sven; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 44-45; A twice-used #2 on cover from Bausk, 1858, and a 1365-in-dots cancel from Schlock, Liflyand province. Baltic States Revenues; Hall, Andrew; 1983; 0. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd, England; Spiral bound original, 39 pages. Bauska; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1979; 31; The Bauskas section, from

Beitritt der Republik Lettland zum Welpostvereln; Nov. 1992; 22;

(n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 94;

Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty Non-Postal Stamps; Zichmanis, M.; Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. 1979; 26-28; Tirums, M.; Translated from 'Krajejs' #132, 2-1978. Capital City - Riga;

(n.a.); Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct.

Christmas Stamps of 1935; Petrevics, A.; 23-26;

1977; 28; Map of Riga.

Latvian Collector; 23; Nov.



Collecting Bielarus; Pauk, Bohdan; 1991; 19-20, 23-25; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Commentary to Kardakov's Catalogue No. Riga fractional bank note issue, Ukrainian trident on bank notes.

1; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 61; 1961; 56; The 1866 'Brut's ruble', and the origin of the

Corner Slogan Machine Cancels 1937-1940; Petrevics, A.; Aug. -Dec. 1978; 23 - 29;

Latvian Collector; 25;

Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, from the breakaway repuOl ics and no\-so-republ ics.

1992; 47-51; Stamp issues

Das Postwesen in der 1. lettlaendischen Raeterepublik 1919; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966; 2-5; Several extracts from 'Die Rote Fahne' In Riga are pnesented, all pertaining to the post. Daugavpils; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. section of the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1981; 36; The Daugavpils

De Postzegels van Letland. Deel 1.; Poul ie, Jan; Het Baltische Gebied; 20; July 1992; 9-16; The 5-kap. Latvian stamps printed on maps. Deense Vrijwilligers in Estland en Letland, 1918-1920; Ronberg, Per/van Wijnen, Ruud; Het Ba~tische Gebied; 20; JUly 1992; 50-54; Danish volunteers in Estonia and Latvia. Denezhnye znaki goroda Libavy; Kravets; Rossica;

10; Oct.



Der erste baltische Sonderstempel; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 2-4;. The 1901 Riga Exhibition and the temporary pos-:: office there. Der Neujahrsglueckwuensche der lettlaendischen Postverwaltung; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 74-76; Apr. 1982; 44-45; Deutsche R-Zettel auf Lettland-Briefen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50: July 1971; 23; Die besonderen Postkarten des Ober Ost Gebietes nach Amerika; Roettger, Wolf; Philatelia Baltica; 57; June 1974; 1-11; WWI German postal communications, overprints, registration marks and censorship offices in Latvia. Die gezaehnten Sonnenmuster-Marken der Libauer Ausgabe: Philatelia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 4-5;

Epstein, Aleksandr;

Die lettischen Luftpostempel und Luftpostzettel; Kraul, 74-76; Apr. 1982; 14-20;

Sven; Philatel ia Baltica;

Die lettischen Luftpoststempel und Luftpostzettel; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 37; Die Baltischen Sowjet-Republiken 1940-1941; Geier, Karlernst W.; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 36-37; Die Deruluft Fluege 1921-1936; Engel, Arnold; Philatelia Baltica; 74-76; Apr. 10; A Deruluft-Riga cachet is shown. Die Freimarken zu 5,

10 und 15 kap.



in Steindruck auf Schreibpapier und sehr duennem



Wasserzeichenpapier; Marquardt, B.:


Baltica; 49; Apr.



1970; 3-8;

Die Gliederung der Norm-Tagesstempel-Typen der Post in Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 74-76; Apr. 1982; 28-41; Extensive listing of Latvian cancels, with illustrations. Die Gliederung der Normstempel Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatel ia Baltica; 74-76; Apr-. 1982; 23-27; Includes provisional and temporary cancellations. Die Internationalen Antwortscheine der baltischen Staaten; Koch, P.-A.; Philatelia Baltica; 62; Feb. 1976; 1-16; Extracted from tIle catalog 'Internationale Antwortscneine', covering international coupon-responses from the three Baltic States, 1922-1940. Die Interniertenpost in Lettland 1939 und 1940; Birznieks, Augusts; P~ilatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 4-6; Polish soldiers and civilians Interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Die Maschinenstempel Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatelia Baltica; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 12-34; Listing and illustrations of Latvian machine cancels. Die Nachgebuehrstempel Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 16-27; Rau, Josef; Extensive I isting and illustrations of Latvian postage due markings, With supplemental illustrations from the Kraul collection. Die Nachgebuehrstempel Russlands auf dem Gebiete Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatelia Baltica; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 38-47; Imperial postal rates and postage due markings used in Liflyand province. Die Nord-Lettland-Ausgabe von 1919; Petrevics, A.; Philatelia Baltica; 56; Jan. 2-10; Printing, production, plate flaws, perforation varieties, etc.


Die Ostseefahrt des 'Graf Zeppelin'; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 36; Die Ostseefahrt des 'Graf Zeppelin'; 1982; 11-13;

Engel, Arnold;

Philatelia BaltIca; 74-76; Apr.

Die Posttarife Lettlands 1918-1940; Birznieks, A./Zarins, P.; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 35-37;


Die Rigaer Markenheftchen; Birznieks, Augusts; Philatelia Baltica; 7 1 -73; 2-12; Postage stamp booklets used in Riga are catalogued.

Baltica; Feb.


Die Sensation: Fehldruck 53 Jahre nach Erscheinen entdeckt.; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia BaltIca; 93; May 1992; 9' A prInting error on the 1938 35- and 40-santimi souvenir sheet. Diestpost-Stempel in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofman~, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966; 16; Three 'sluzhebnoe' (official) handstamps. Dlya ukrepleniya bazy pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; One page, short article on decisions taken by the Latvian SSR COllncil of MInisters to improve technological-material aspects of the Post. Documents From the Latvian Soviet Republic in 1919; Mallegni, Vittorio; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 70-72; Eastern Delays; KonnicK. Mike; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor pointing out Soviet delays in routing mail to the Baltic states. Een Moois ... Uit de Trein, 1929; van Wijnen, Ruud; Het Baltische Gebied; 20; July 1992; 55-56; A 1937 Kibarty-Riga TPO cancel. Ein interessantes StuecK; von Hofma~n, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 49; Apr. 1970; 2 & 35; A special Latvian cancel commemoratIng a Scout event at Bullen, 22 JUly 1938. Ein merkwuerdiger Post-Beleg; imperial registered-mail offIces, used in Latvia,

(n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 54; May 1973; 14; An lIst form for inclusion in postal pac~ets between post 1919.

Ein neuer ~erbestempel aUfgetaucht; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 74-76; Apr. 1982; 43; Baldone. Ein seltener Fund; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. signed essays of the 10- and 35-sant stamps, 1936 series.

1975; 8-9; Two

Ein Fehldruck und seine Folgen; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 2-3; A flaw on the 2-santim Tuberculosis stamp of Dec. 1930. Ein Fehldruck und seine Folgen-Nachtrag; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica;


Latvia 83-85; June 1985; 47; A plate variety of Michel



161F, on cover from June 1930.

Eine Untersuchung der bei Gottlieb D. Meyer in Libau gedruckten Freimarken im Sonnen-Aehren-Muster, ihre Umdrucksteine, deren Kennfelder und Feldfehler im Schalterbogen; Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 64; Oct. 1977; 1-16; Eine Untersuchung der bei Gottlieb D. Meyer in Libau gedruckten Freimarken im Sonnen-Aehren-Muster, ihre Umdrucksteine, deren Kennfelder und Feldfehler im Schalterbogen; Marquardt, B.; Philatel ia Baltica; 65; Nov. 1977; 1-14; Continued from #64. Eine Untersuchung del' bei Gottl ieb D. Meyer in Libau gedruckten Freimarken im Sonnen-Aehren-Muster, ihre Umdrucksteine, deren Kennfelder und Feldfehler im Schalterbogen; Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 66; Dec. 1977; 1-16; Continued from #65. Eine Untersuchung der bei Gottlieb D. Meyer in Libau gedruckten Freimarken im Sonnen-Aehren-Muster, ihre Umdrucksteine, deren Kennfelder und Feldfehler im Schalterbogen; Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 1-5; Continued from #66. Eleja Faelschungen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 29; Description of a fake 1919 Elley provisional, and how to tell an original. Ergaenzung der Firmen-Freistempler; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 41-42; June 1965; 7; A Riga commercial meter cancel. Ergaenzungen zum beitrag ueber die markenheftchen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 12-13; A followup to Birznieks' article in the same issue. Erster Jahrestag der Unabhaengigkeit (grosses Format); Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 6-8; Plate characteristics of Latvia #32 (Michel). Erster Jahrestag der Unabhaengigkeit (kleines Format); Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 8-13; Plate characteristics of the 1919 Latvian 10-kap., 35-kap. and 1-rub. stamps, Michel #s 33-35. Ersttagskarte mit Lettland Nr. May 1972; 15;

und 2; von Hofmann, Harry;

Philatelia Baltica; 52;

Eshche ob unikal'noi marke; Grebtsov, I.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; Nov. 1, 1964; About a second underground stamp portraying Mar~, issued by the Latvian SDs in 1912/13. Essais zu einer nicht mehr verausgabten Serie; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 15-16; Latvian essays of 1934-1939. Estnische Feldpost auf lettlaendischem Raum; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 10-11; Estonian soldiers' mail from Latvia, 1919. Estonia and Baltica specialized Mail Auction; Mandvere, Vello; 21 Sep. Mandvere, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada; Original catalog.

1986; V.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: Some Perforation Pecul iarities of the Earliest Issues; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Ph' latel ist; 2; Mar. 1962; 28-31; Evropeiskii aViosoyuz; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on these three countries joining the European Air Union. Falsch - aber doch echt gelaufen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 74-76; Apr. 1982; 21-22; Two faked Latvian airmail covers. Falschstempel von Riga; von Hofmann, Harry; Philateria Baltica; 41-42; June 1965; 2; A forged Riga cancel dated 28 Jan. 1921. Feldmerkmale dar 2. Aufdruckausgabe von 1992; von ~ofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 18-21; A lIsting of flaws by sheet position In the 2nd surcharge issue of 1992. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.r.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Mos=ow; softbound handbook. Covers a WIde variety of subjects withir RUSSIan and related-areas philately. Filatelisticheskie ehksponaty Ehstonii, Latvii i Litvy na vsemirnykh vystavkakh FIP; Pritula, Vladislav; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 26-33; Baltic States exhibits at FIP international shows. The article is in'Estonian, Russian and German. First Day of the First Stamp; Petrevics, A.; 4-8; Forgery and Reprint Guide.


Latvian Collector; 25; Aug.-Dec.

Latvia 2 - Airmails.; Barefoot,


John/Hall, Andrew;





1983; J. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd. York. England: Original, 16 pages, softbound. Fakes and forgeries of Latvian airmail stamps described and illustrated. Forgery and Reprint Guide. 9. Latvia 1.; Barefoot. John/Hall. Andrew; 1983; J. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd, York. England; Original, 15 pages, softbound. Enlarged photos of originals. line drawings of identifying characteristics of forgeries. Fragen zur Wappenausgabe; Watzke, Wolfgang; Philatelia Baltica: 93; May 1992; 5; An archival pair of 6-santim i s~amps (Mlchel 118x; exhibiting a background color oddity. Gab es 1849 in Lemsal (Libazi) eine Privatpost?; Liepnieks. Laimonis; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 13-14; Two postal receipts from 1849 and 1850. signed by the Lemzal' Postexpeditor of a 'private post'. Gedenk-Ausgabe zur Befreiung Kurlands (Drachentoeter); Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981: 14-17; Plating characteristics cf the Latvian 'Dragonslayer' series. Gedenkausgabe zur Befreiung Rigas von 1919; Marquardt. B.; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 2-6; Gedenkausgabe zur Vereinigung Lettgallens mit Lettland; Marquardt, B.; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 17-24; Plate characteristics of the stamps printed on the back of maps. Geschenkheft der lettlaendischen Postverwaltung zum 9. UPU-Kongress 1929 in Lonaon; Kraul. Sven; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 16-18; Ghetto- und KZ-Post aus Lettland; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 63: May 1976; 11; An update to the article in #48, which showed a faked Lager Kirchholm cove:". Ghetto-Post in Lettland:

Engel, Arnold;

Philatel ia Baltica; 43-44:


1966; 20;

God udarnogo truda; Sokolova. L.I./Senchikhin. S.~.; Vestnik svyazt; 8; Aug. Two pages on the accompl ishments of a worker at the Riga PZhDP. Gordon Bennett Balloon Race Flight Cards Cancelled in Latvia; Tirums, M.; Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980; 19-24;



Graf Zeppelin Flights Over Latvia 50 Years Ago; Engel, Arnold; Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct. 1980; 10-12; The 1930 Russian and Baltic Sea fl ights. Handbuch - Entwurf 2. Teil; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baitica; 49; Apr. 10-28; Continued from #48. Covers the stamp issues of 1919 and 1920.


Handbuch - Entwurf 4. Teil; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 51; Feb. 8-15: Continued from #50.


Handbuch - Entwurg 3. Teil; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; JUly 1971; 10-20; Latvian stamp issues of 1920. Includes varleties. essays and forgeries. Handbuch-Entwurf. 1. ~eil. Lettland.; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 20-47; The first installment of a Latvian philatelic handbook. Covers postal history, postal rates from 1918 to 1931, stamp printing, and includes a map of Latvia. Handwritten Latvian Censors' Markings ln 1919; van Wijnen, 27; May-Aug. 1979; 10-13;


Latvian Collector;

Highway Map of Latvia; (n.a. I; Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct. 1977; 27; Reproduction of a 1931 Latvian Auto and Aero Club of all Latvia. Maps in succeeding issues are enlarged squares from this main map. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - 'Desmit RUbli' Surcharge; Petrevics. A.; Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980; 13; The 30 Jan. 1921 issue. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Airmail. Rubli; Petrevics, A.; 30; June-Oct. 1980; 13-15; The 30 July 1921 set.


Latvian Collector;

Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Coat of Arms, Rubl i Issue; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 11-19; The Oct. 1921 - Aug. 1922 issue. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Large Surcharges; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. 1979; 14-20; The 19 Nov. 1920 and 11 Feb. 1921 issues. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Latgale Liberation; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct. 1977; 23-26; Thirteenth in the Catalogue series. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Latgale Surcharge; Petrevics, A.;


Latvia Collector; 29;

07/13/93 Feb.-May 1980; 28-33; The 31 May-4 June 1921




Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - National Assembly; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 23; Nov. 1977-Feb. 1978; 8-13; The sixth commemorative issue of Latvia. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Oval Surcharges; Petrevics, A.; 25; Aug.-Dec. 1978; 9-13; The 1 Sep. 1920 issue.

Latvian Collector;

Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Red Cross; Petrevics, A.: Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-July 1978; 18-26: The 18 August 1920 issue, printed on banknotes. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - RED CROSS Surcharge; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980; 14-18; The 12 May 1921 issue. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Small Surcharges; Petrevics, A.; 26; Jan.-Apr. 1979: 15-17; The 24-27 Sep. 1920 issue.

Latvian Collector;

Illustrated Tourism Postcards of Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Mar.-July 1978; 27-29;

Latvian Collector;


Illustrated Tourism Postcards of Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Jan.-Apr. 1979; 23-25;

Latvian Collector;


Interesting Russian Postmarks of 1867; Rachmanov, V.A.; 1867 Riga Railroad Terminal cancel.

Rossica; 48:

15; An


Internationale Antwortscheine von Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; July 1971; 8-9; Internierte Polen in Lettland und Litauen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 9-14; Polish soldiers and civilians interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Is This Stamp Booklet Material?; Veveris, A.; Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980: 25-29; A follow-up to an article of the same title by J. Ronis in 'KrajejS' #130, Sep.-Oct. 1977. Istoriya unikal'noi marki; Grebtsov, I.: Sovetskaya Rossiya; Sep. 26, underground stamp depicting Karl Marx, 'issued' in 1912.

1964; The

Iz istorii pochty v Pribaltike: Nilebrant, S./Stenberg, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 44-45; Nesterova, E.K.; Translated from the philatelic catalog of 'Stockholm-74'. Covers the period from 1636 to 1710. Izjemts Statt Iznemta; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 27; A Latvian 'Taken fro~ Mailbcx' postmark. Jekabpils; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 29; the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.

Feb.-May 1980; 35; The Jekabpils section of

K novomu katalogu; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 31; New finds which indicate the 70kop 'revolutionary stamps' were in circulation in Latvia from the middle of Dec. 1918 to the middle of May, 1919. Kak uskorit' dostavku telegramm; Grigor'eva, N.; pages on telegram delivery in Latvia.

Vestnik svyazi; 2;


1974: Three

Kladovaya znanii; Aleksandrov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 8; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 450th anniversary of the founding of the Riga Library. Koe-chto 0 markakh Latvii, chego v katalogakh ne naiti; Konstantinov, Sep. 1931; 50-52; Kollektiv pochtamta povyshaet kachestvo raboty; 0etrenko, Feb. 1965; Three pages Ofl the Rlga GPO collective.


Rossica; 7;

5.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 2;

Krasnye pochtovye yashchiki; Rugainis, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. on red mailboxes installed in Riga for local mail. KUldiga; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 23; Nov. from the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1971; Short item

1978; 32; The KUldiga area

KZ-Post Kirchholm (Salaspils); von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 10-11; A faked cover from Salaspils, franked With a German 'Ostland' stamp. Latvia - A Dead Country?; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct. 1977; 4-7; Outlines Latvian postal history to show the wide range of topics available within the field. Latvia in the Universal Postal Union;

Engel, A.;

Latvian Collector;

31; Nov.


Latvia 1980-Mar.

1981; 4-7; Postal



rates for 1929, and train and airmail schedules.

Latvia During the RUblis-Currency Period, Phi latel ist; May 1984; 538-542, 571;


Engel, Arnola; The American

Latvia Map Stamps; Barefoot, John; 1983; J. Barefoot Ltd, York, England; Original, 36 pages, softbound. Background, printing and use of the map stamps. Include~ some information on forgeries. Latvia.

The Wolmar Issue of 1918.; KnIghton,

R.P.; 5JRP; 25: June 1959; 42-43;

Latvian Non-Postal EXile Stamps 1947-1978; Zichmanis, M.; 1979; LatvIan Philatelic Society, Toronto, Canada; Original book, 52 pages, softbound. Numerous illustrations, dates and number of stamps printed. Latvian Perfins; Petrevics, A.;

Latvian Collector; 26; Jan. -Apr.



Latvian Perfins II; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 30; uune-Oct. 1980; 8-9; Includes a checklist of Latvian perfins and a picture of a perfin device. Latvian Travel 1 ing Post Office (RPO) Cancels; Petrevics, Andrejs; Rossica; 80; 35-40;


Latvija 1941.I.VII - A Report; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct. 1977; 16-17; Reproduces a report by A. Platbarzdis, Head of the Central Study Group for Philately and Numismatics in Riga, May 1943, on the 'Latvija 1941.I.VII' overprint on Soviet stamps. Latvijas PSR Pasta IndeksacijaS ROkasgramata; Savicka, M. (comp.); 1989; Latvijas PSR Sakaru Ministrija, Riga; In Latvian. See also 'Spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii Latviiskoi SSR' for the same information, in Russian. Original booklet. Latvijas PSR Uznemumu. Iestazu un Organizaciju Telefonu ABONENTU SARAKSTS; (n.a.); 1977; Latvijas PSR Sakaru MlnisTrija. Izdevnieciba 'Liesma', Riga; Three pages of telephone numbers of post offices and internal sections in Riga. Latviya. Marki Rainisa - ob'ekt spekulyatsii.; 1930; 10-12; Latviya.



seri i

Vitkovskli, K.;


'Lachplesis'.; Geerdt, G.; Rossica; 9; Apr.


Latviya. Prichiny neuspyekha antituberkuleznykh marok vypuska 1930 g.; Rossica; 6; May 1931; 29-31; Latviya. VypuSki organlzatsii 90-91 ;

2; Aug.

'Samozashchity'.; Geerdt, G.; Rossica; 8:


I., A.: Feb.


Letland: Nieuwe Ontwikkel ingen; van Wijnen, Ruud: Het Baltische Gebied; 20; July 1992; 17-34; New Latvian stamp. stationery issues and cancellations. Lettische Poststempel miT nur einem Stern; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966; 18; Three cancels with only one star, from Riga, Rezekne and Oaugawpils. Lettische Soldatenpost; von Hofmann, Harry; Early Latvian soldiers' mail.

Philatel la Baltica; 60; Mar.

Lettland; Cnotka, Jan; Philatel ia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 7; civilians interned in Latvia. 1939-1940.

1975; 6-7;

Polish soldiers and

Lettland. Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschlchte. Die Briefrnarken. Teil I.; von Hofmann, Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, Hamburg; Original softbound catalog. Numerous photos, illuEtratlonE and stamp listings, watermarks, paper, plating. Includes the Red Cross stamps. Lettland. Handbuch Philatel ie und Postgeschichte. Die Briefmarken. Teil II/III.; von Hofman". Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. Hamburg: Original softbound catalog. Numerous photos, illuSTratIons and stamp listlngs. watermarks, paper, plaTing. InclUdes the Red Cross stemps. Lettland. Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschichte. Die Stempel.; von Hofmann, Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, Hamburg; Origlnal softbound catalog. Part 5 of the 'Lettland' catalog. Approximately 2,000 cancels are listed, many illustrated. Lettlands Ganzsachen - ein laengst abgeschlossenes Kapitel?; Philatel ia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 6-8;

von Hofmann, Harry;

Libau - Libava - Liepaja, Baltic Seaport with Three Names; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 26; Jan.-Apr. 1979; 8-14; Libau - Libava - Liepaja, Baltic Seaport with Three Names; Petrevics, A.; Latvian


Latvia Collector; 27; May-Aug.

1979; 4-9;



Postgebiet Ob. Ost overprints.

Libau - Libava - Liepaja, Baltic Seaport with Three Names; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980; 7-12; The period from Jan. 6 to June 8, 1919. Libau - Libava - Liepaja, Baltic Seapo:"t With Three Names; Petrevics, A.; Collector; 29; Feb.-May 1980: 22-27; 1919 in the city. Liepaja; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.

24; Mar.-July 1978; 31; The Liepaja sector of the

Limbazi; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 26; the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1979; 31; The Limbazi section of

Madliena; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. section of the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map. Madona; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 30; 1931 Latvian Auto Club map. Mail



1980; 32; The Madliena

1980; 36; The Madona section of the

From the Baltic Germans in 1941; Weikard, Helmut; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 64-66; Mail from Germans waiting to get out of the Baltics before the Nazi invasion of the USSR.

Maschinenstempel M 21 auch mit Riga A; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Oec. 1966; 36; Short note about a Riga A machine cancel of July 1939. Mesto vstrechi - Riga; problems in Riga.

Pevzner, A.;

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1990; 52-54;


Mikroskopischer Streifzug durch die Baltikum-Philatelie; Klein, U.E.; Philatelia Baltica; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 2-11; Numerous photographic enlargements of minute items on Latvian stamps. More About the First Latvian Soviet Republ ic in 1919; Taylor, Robert/Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 40-43; Muss das wirklich sein?; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 1, 21-22; The author complains about the 'need' for a 1992 block of four 'rarity' bearing only 2 surcharges on the bottom row. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Latviiskoi SSR v 1974 godu - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1975; TsSU LSSR, Izd-vo 'Liesma', Riga; One page of statistics for 1940, 1965, 1970, 1971-1974. Neue

geo~!raphisch-statistischeBeschreibung des Kaiserl ich-russischen Gouvernements Kurland, oder der ehemaligen Herzogthuemer Kurland und Semgallen; von Bienenstamm; Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 9-11; Verlag von S.M. Henher, Mitau und Leipzig; Distances between various postal stations, 1841.

Neue sowjetlettische Ganzsachen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; July 1971; 4; Neue sowjetlettische Sonderstempel; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 12: Four Soviet special cancels with a Latvian theme. Neue Posttarife in Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry (comp.); Philatelia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 22-23; Latvian postal rates as of 1-1-1992. Neue Sonderstempel in Lettland; von Ho~mann. Harry: Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; 1966; 14-15; Ten special cancels with Latvian themes are illustrated.


Neuer Typ der Internationalen Antwortscheine von Lettland entdeckt; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 15; A new type of Latvian international coupon reponse. Neuheiten; von Hofmann. Harry: Pnl1a1:el1a Baltica; 93; May 1992; new Latvian stamp, stationery and special cancel issues.

17-21; Photos of the

Neuheiten; von Hofmann, Harry (comp.); Philatel ia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 24-28; A listing of new Latvian stamp, stationery and cancellation issues. Neutomimyi truzhenik; Rugainis, K.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; Two pages on an 80+-year old postillion at the Riga 50th City Communications Branch Office. Nichtpostalische Wohlfahrtsmarken; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 36-37; Two non-postal labels of Latvia, 1935.


chern umolchal 'nash katalog'? Sud'ba izvestna!; Vaks, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 6-9; I.Ya. Sudmal is, Latvian Komsomol member and WWII Hero of the Soviet Union, and V.A. Orlov, who met him.





Ost Iron Money; Stiess, Harry W.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1-, 2- and 3-kooeck coins of 1916, issued by the Germans.


Obychnyi reis; Chuzhinova, T.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; Two pages. railroad mai1car chief on the Moscow-Riga run.


1981; 33; Features a

Okhrana truda - odna iz glavnykh zadach; Gi1ev, I.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1965; Two pages on health and welfare faci1 ities and programs for postal workers at the Riga Post Office. Pein1ich; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 46; A Latvian propaganda label on a British cover, 1981. Petera Stucka Ciemats; von Hofmann, Harry; Ph11ate11a Baltica; 43-44; A bilingual cancel of 1965 from Petra Stucki Village. Plattenfehler bei der Ausgabe 15. Mai 43-44; Feb. 1966; 19; Plattenfehler bei der Michel Nr. Oct. 1967; 10;




1939; von Hofmann, Harry; Philate1ia Baltica;

122; ven Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 48;

Po puti tekhnicheskogo progressa; Vultakh, pages on the Riga PZhDP.

S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2;


1978; Three

Pochtovaya kartochka sovetskoi Latvii; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; VIII; The postcard issued by the Soviets for Latvia immediately prior to the German invasion in WWII. Pochtovo-telegrafnaya svyaz' Leningrada s Latviei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mail to and from Latvia, including statistics for May and June, 1924. Pochtovye mark; sovetskoi Latvii; Birzniek, A.; Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; Postal rates. stamps, cancels and history of Soviet Latvia, 1940-1941. Pochtovyi avtcbus; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. post office bus operating out of the Riga GPO.


1960; Short item about a mobile

Polska '73 - eine grosse Ausstellung in Pasen; von Hofmann, Harry: Philatelia Baltica; 55; Nov. 1973; 2-11; An extensive listing of Baltic-related items displayed by various eXhibitors at Poiska-73. Port Imperatora Aleksandra III Cancellations; Petrevics, A.; Aug.-Dec. 1978; 14-18;

Latvian Col lector; 25;

Post der- in Lltauen und Lettland internierten po1nischen Soldaten; Rozycki, Wieslaw; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 7-8; Polish soldiers and civilians interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Postal District of the Occupied East; Stiess, H.; Latvian Collector; 22; July-Oct. 1977; 12-15; Postgebiet Ober-Ost, 1916-1919. Postal History of Livonia; 92;

Engel, Arnold;

The American Philatelist; Jan.

1983; 23-26,

Postdill igencen zwischen Torma und Riga?; Gundersen, Soren; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 15; An 1861 cover marked 'Postdi 1. N1'. Postdokumente aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert; von Hofmann, Harry: Phi1atelia Baltica; 50; July 1971; 5-6; An 1845 postal receipt issued at Bolderaa, an 1803 newspaper subscription receipt and an 1807 receipt for a post-road construction donation. Postkrieg 1935; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1atelia Baltica: 71-73; Feb. 1981; 28-29; An off1c'a1 notice from the Riga Post Office ccncerring lnadm~ssicj1ity of a postal item during the 'postal war' of 1935. Post1eitzahlen in der UdSSR - nier die lettische Erlaeuterung; (n.a.); Phi1atelia Baltica; 54: May 1973; 5; A reproduction of th8 LPSR notice en how to f11l out the zip code. In Latvian. Post1eitzah1en in Lett1and; (n.a.); Philatelia Baitica; 68-70; Dec. complete 1 isting of Latvian SSR zip codes for 1975.

1979; 22-41; A

Postordnung (1917); (n.a.); Phi1atelia Baltica: 67; Jar:1. 1978; 12-~5; Postal instructions and rates issued by the Germans for the Baltic States in 1917. Extracted from 'Plan der Stadt Riga', 1917. Postordnung " Was massen hinfuero in der Weitberuembten Koenigl; See- und Hande1Stadt Riga in Liefflandt die Ordinari Posten so11en auff gewisse Tage und Stunden ... ; Becker, Jacob; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 24-25; A 1632 postal


Latvia schedule for

incoming ordinary mail



to Riga.

Prib1izhaem us1ugi svyazi k nase1eniyu; Yaunva1k, Eh.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Four pages on postal services in the Latvian SSR. Proofs of Early Latvian Stamps; 26 - 31 ;

Petrevics, A.;

Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct.


Provisorischer R-Stempe1 von Thorensberg (Tornaka1ns); von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 52; May 1972; 16; A provisional registration handstamp of Dec. 1924. Pub1icatlon; von Lacy, Peter Graf; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 71-73; notice issued by Count von Lacy in Jan. 1749.


1981; 25; A postal

PHILASERDICA '79; Krau1, Sven; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 42-45; Brief discussion and listing of dozens of covers displayed by Valdis Vi11erus in his 'Poststempel von Riga bis 1917' exhibit at PHILASERDICA '79. R-Stempel, R-Zettel und handschrift1iche R-Vermerke auf eingeschriebenen Sendungen in Lett1and; Jakimovs, Niko1ajs; Phi1ate1 ia Baltica: 83-85; June 1985; 2-24; Extensive listing, numerous illustrations. Riga;

(n.a.); Latvian Collector; 26; Jan.-Apr. Latvian Auto Club map.

1979; 32; The Riga section of the 1931

Riga - Die Postgeschichte bis 1919; Marci1ger, V.; (n.d.); Paul von Sengbusch, Heide; Two volumes, hardbound. Exhaustive treatment of Riga postmarks and postal history. Riga Liberation Series Date of Issue; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 22; July-Oct. 1977; 20-22; Covers bearing Riga Liberation stamps several days earlier than the reported 15 June 1919 date of issue. Riga Postmarks & Other Pre-Stamp Items; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-Ju1y 1978; 4-10; Various sUb-types of 'K.P. Riga' and Riga straight-line postmarks. Riga:

The Riddle of the Krag Machine Postmarks; Marci1ger, V.; BJRP; 65; 8-20;



Rizhskie buk1ety; Mandrovskii, N.; SK; 27; 1990; 83-92; Extracts from documents showing that Riga produced its own PSBs beginning in 1913. Includes a listing of all PSBs up to 1928. Rizhskie pochtovye shtempe1ya domarochnogo perioda; Yakimov, N.; Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 39-40; A listing of Riga postmarks f~om 1771 to 1860. Rizhskii prizhe1eznodorozhnyi pochtamt; Gerzon, L.D./Galkin, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1968; Five pages on the Riga RR Post Office.


Romanov 1913 Anniversary Issue and Latvians; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 8-10; R. Sarrin and other designers. RUjiena; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.

1979; 32; The Rujiena section, from

Russian Mail of the 18th Century; AShford, P.T.; BJRP; 45; Mar. 1971; 7-12 and 3 illustration pages; Illustrates numerous St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga hands tamps , etc. Russian Postaqe in Latvia in 1919; Spielbergs. Victor; Aug.-Dec: 1978; 19-22;

Latvian Collector;


Schiffspost Lett1and - Schweden; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1atelia Baltica; 55; Nov. 1973; 15-16; A Latvian shipmai1 cover to Stockholm, 1934. Schmuckumsch1aege von Lett1and; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 56; Jan. 1974; 13-15; Retouches to the scenes on 1938-1939 Latvian picture envelopes. Schmuckumsch1aege von Lett1and; von Hofmann, Harry; 1974; 12-13; More Latvian picture envelopes. Schwedens Post im Ba1ticum; Lindberg. George B.; 2-4; von Hofmann, Harry;

Philate1ia Baltica; 57; June

Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 48; Oct.

Schwedische Postverordnung von 1636; (n.a.); Phi1ate1 ia Baltica; 48; Oct. The text of a Swedish postal regulation from 1636 is reproduced.


1967: 4-6;

Se1bstbucher Einschreiben in Lett1and?; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 83-85; June 1985; 24-25; Shtempelya gasheniya na markakh Latvii v pervye dni nezavisimosti; Vitkovskii, Konstantin; Rossica; 1; Apr. 1930; 10-11;





Sibras Latvija oder Sibras LatviJa???; von Hofmann, HarryjKraul, Sven; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 46-47; The title incorporates two different Latvian cancels from Sibras with oddities in the date line. Six More Scarce Postmarks: Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 224-226; Riga town post, Petrograd Imperial Mail Delivery section, Leningrad, Soviet Gor'kii-Astrakhan' steamer. Sonderstempel aus der Latvijas PSR in den Jahren 1977-1980; Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 38-40; Sonnenmuster-Marken Lettlands, Michel Nr. 61; Dec. 1975; 2-5;




Logsch, Hermann; Philatelia Baltica;

Sorevnovanie za zvanie predpriyatiya kommunisticheskogo truda; Sulek, E.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1962; Two pages on competition to improve mail operations at the Riga GPO. Soviets Disrupting Mail To and From the Baltics; Schwartz, Lloyd; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 1 & 14; Hle Dec. 1990 to Mar. 1991 Soviet mail delay. Sowjetische Ganzsachen-Umschlaege mit lettischen Motiven; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 41-43, 45;

(n.a.); Philatelia Baltica;

Sowjetische Ganzsachen-Umschlaege mit lettischen Motiven; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 71-73; Fet. 1981; 39-43; Soviet period cacheted covers with Latvian themes. Sowjetische Ganzsachen-Umschlaege mit lettischen Motiven; Orlov, V.jOrlov, N.; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 43-46; A listing of Latvian-theme cacheted covers, extracted from the Orlovs' compilation of Soviet envelopes. Sowjetmarken in Lettland nicht mehr gueltig; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 22; Sparmassnahmen der lettlaendischen Post 1927-1928; Kraul, 63; May iS76; 2-7; Sport in Latvian Philately; Petrevics. A.; 4-7;

Sven; Philatel ia Baltica;

Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct.


Spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii Latviiskoi SSR; (n.a.); 1989; Minsvyazi Latviiskoi SSR, Riga; A complete listing of Soviet zip codes for the Latvian SSR. Original book 1 e'_. Stadt-Post Riga im Jahre 1917 oder 1918?; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 14; Stamp Collecting in 1870; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; from 'Latweeschu ~wizes', #33, 1868. Stamps of the Latvian Legion;


Feb.-May 1980: 6; Reproduced

Nuksa. A.; Russlan Philatelist: 5; JUly 1964; 32-33;

Stamps of Latvian Legion 1944; Polchaninov,


Rossica; 64;

1963; 3S-40;

Cancellations of Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 29; 1980; 9-21; Listing and illustrations. Includes map.



Stand?rd Cancellations of Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct. 1980; 18-25; Listlng of cancel types for towns under 'B' and 'C'. InclUdes illustrations of the cancels. Standard Cancellations of Lacvla; P~trevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 24-31; list of placenames and cancel types for towns in the DIS and E 's' . I



Stars and Ornaments on Cancels; VlncovsklS. E.!Straupenieks, L.; Latvian Collector; 28; Sec. 1975-Jan. 1980; 5-6: Ornaments on Latvian postmarks. Stempel und Vermerke der lettlaendlscnen Post im Briefverkehr (1918-1941); Jakimovs, Niko1ajs; Philatelia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 2-23. 26; Numerous postmarks (other than datestamps) and Instructional marks are illustrated and translated from Latvian to German. Stempelfaelschung von Warwen (Varve); von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 30; A fake Varve postmark, and a comparison with an authentic cancellation from 1945. Stempelirrtum - etwas zur Auflockerung der Sammlung; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 63; May 1976; 8-10; Several covers With impossible dates. Stempeltafelr von Ernst Becker; Becker,

Ernst; Philatelia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983;





47; Stockholmia 74; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 58; Nov. 1974; 1-16; A listing of Baltic eXhibitions at Stockholmia-74. with hundreds of covers recorded. Stnmersee; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica: 43-44; from 1919 Stomersee to Moscow. Subata; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 29; 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1966; 6-7; Two covers

Feb.-May 1980; 36; The Subata section of the

SMS 'Elsass' in Libau; Mrotzek. Manfred; Philatelia Baltica; 93; May 1992; 10-13; T~e German 'Elsass' at Libau. plus other naval units. Some brief historical notes on the actions fought. The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein. Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations. usages. The 'Zeppel in Sieger' of Liepaja; 1979; 26-29;

Engel. Arnold;

Latvian Collector; 26;

The Cancellations of the First Stamps of Latvia (1918-1920); Phi latel ist; 5; JUly 1964; 21-29; The Latvian Legion Postage Stamps; Platbarzdis, A.; 1977-Feb. 1978; 27-29; The Machine Roller Cancellations of Riga; JUly-Oct. 1977; 8-11;


Nuksa, A.; Russian

Latvian Collector; 23; Nov.

Petrevics. A.;

Latvian Collector; 22;

The Mysterious "K.P." Handstamp Used in Riga in 1810-1857; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 69; 1965; 29-30; The Postal and Monetary History of Latvia 1918-1945; Jakimovs. N./Marcilger. V.; 1991; Michelson, Johannesbu~g. RSA; Original softbound handbook. Extensively documented and illustrated. The Postal History of the First Latvian Soviet Republic; Poulie. Jan; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 5-38; Poulie's exhibit pages on this sUbject. The Presidents; (n.a.); Latvian Collector: 23; Nov. 1977-Feb. 1978; 4-7; Backgrounds of the two Latvian presidents, and the stamp issues honoring them. The Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States 1940-1; Michalove. Peter A.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 31-39; Soviet rates for each of the occupied nations. The Story of a Set; (n.a.); Rossica; 74; SSSR' #4, 1966. Scott #s 2N45-57.

1968; 69-70; Translated from 'Filateliya

The 1940 Olympics in Helsinki; Engel, Arnold; Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. 1979; 21-23; Latvian 1940 Olympics cancellations on covers censored by the Germans and the English. Three Cancellations; Joseph,


50; July 1974; 22;

Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Riga-Dunaburg-Orel Ruud W.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 4-21;

'Smilten' overprints.

Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen.

Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Riga-Dunaburg-Orel Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen. Ruud Vi.; Post Rider: 18: June 1986; 4-7; Continued from #17. Traveling Post Offices in Latvia; Michelson. J.; BJRP;



Trends of Stamp Values; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 22; July-Oct. Reprinted from 'Linn's Stamp News'. 28 Mar. 1977. Tukums; In.a.); Latvian Collector; 25; Aug.-Dec. 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.

1954; 394; 1977;


1978; 31; The Tukums area from the

Ueber die Stempel K.P. Riga und Mitawa K.P.; von Hofmann, Harrv; Pnilatella Baltica; 41-42; June 1965; 8-10; Eleven postmarks of the 'kazennay~ pochta' (K.P.) type are illustrated. Umbenannte Postorte in Lettland; von Hofmann. Harry; 1984; 35-42;

Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June

Und wieder ein falscher 'Afrika-Flug'-Brief; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 56; Jan. 1974; 11-12; A faked 1933 Latvia airmail cover to Berlin-Charlottenburg. Ungeklaerte Fragen der Seepost-Stempel Stettin-Baltische Staaten; Gruenewald. Hans;



Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 63; May 1976; US-Schiffspost aus Riga; 36-38;




von Hofmann, Harry;

Phi1atelia Baltica; 71-73;



V otvet na kritiku; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1984; 22; Measures taken in the Latvian SSR to correct problems with newspaper delivery. V tsekhe ehkspedirovaniya pechati Rizhskogo pochtamta; Go1ubev, 10; Oct. 1966; Two pages.

F.P.; Vestnik svyazi;

Va1demarpi1s; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-Ju1y 1978; 32; The Va1demarpi1s sector of the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map. Valmiera; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. section of the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map. Ventspiis; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 23; Nov. from the 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1980; 31; The Va1miera 1978; 31; The Ventspils area

Verzeichnis der Postaemter in Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 59; Jan. 1975; 2-16; A listing of Latvian post offices, giving both the Latvian and German versions. Extracted from Rossica #85. Vietejs; Krau1, Sven; Phi1ate1ia Baltica; 65; Nov. 1977; 15-16; The 'Vietejs' postmark on covers from the Riga-Liepaja Railroad line. Vilani; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1931 Latvian Auto Club map.


1981; 35; Vi1ani section of the

Vnimaniyu kontrol'nogo punkta SFA; Dresher; SKi 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 131; Notice of the discovery that several overprinted Latvian stamps have been forged. Vsâ‚Ź rezervy - na uskorenie prodvizheniya korrespondentsii. \Iz opyta raboty Rizhskogo PZhDP.); Kurinova, E.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Three pages. Vs 1 ed za dokumentom; Maiorov, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 31; The 'charity' labels of the Latvian Social-Democrats, 1ssued in 1913 to raise money for exiles and prisoners. Vystavka pochtovykh marok v Rigye; V1tkovskii, K.;

Rossica; 4; Dec.



Weiterverwendete sowjetische Dauermarken waehrend der deutschen Besetzung in Lett1and; Kralll, Sven; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 30-34; Werbestempel auch in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Phi1ate1 ia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 14; Th~ee Latvian SSR slogan cancels admonishing fire safety in the forest. Wlssenswertes ueber die 30 santim Michel 67; Jan. 1978; 5-6;


275; Kraul,

Wo1mar (Va1miera) 19.6.19~9; von Hofmann, Hari'y; 24; A provisional postmark of Valmiera.

Sven; Philatelia Baltica;

Philatelia Baltica; 50; Jllly 1971;

World War I German Fieldpost in Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-Ju1y 1978; 11-17; Numerous German fie1doost markings are illustrated Zeppelin Card?; Engel. A.; Latvian Collector; 'Latvian zeppel in' card.


Feb.-May 1980; 8; A purported

Znamenatel'nyi yubilei; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 14; A Soviet special cancel honoring the 30th anniversary of the defense of Liepaja. Zur Geschichte der L.uftIJost Apr. 1982; 4-9;

ln Lettland;

1919 Soviet Free Mail From Wolmar; 1980-Mar'. 1981; 34; 1921 Coat of Arms Issue;

Engel. t>.rno1d;

Leppa, August;

Petrevics, A.;

Philate1ia Baltica; 74-76;

Latvian Collector;

31; Nov.

Latvian Collector; 30; 0une-Oct.

1980; 32-34;

1979 Linn's Trends of Stamp Values; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. 24-25; Reprinted fro~ 'Linn's Stamp News', 21 May 1979, with commentary. 1980 Linn's Trends of Stamp Values; Tirums, M.; 1980; 16-17;

Latvian Collector;


30; June-Oct.

1980 Olympic Souvenir; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 29; Feb.-May 1980; 7; A LatVian non-postal General Goppers Fund seal affixed to a Lake Placid Winter Dlympics card.





(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99; A 1941 Moscow-Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Riga first fl ight cover. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 68; In 'Ph latel ic Shorts' section. A 1944 advertisement for Soviet watermark and mperforate varieties is reproduced, along with a faked Lithuanian cover and a m srouted and censored postcard of 1914. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 73; Enlargements of the Grodno and Lunna postmarks on 1919 Lithuanian stamps used in Western Belorussia. (n.t.); Landberg. B.E.; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A lett~r to the editor with a photo of a cover with Lithuanian and Soviet stamps, sent from Klaipeda to California in Apr. 1991. (n.t.); Pliopys, Audrius V.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 72; Discovery of two Cyrill ic letters on the 20 centu Lithuanian stamp of the 1930 airmail set. 'Baltuku' Laidu Pasto Zenklai Lietuvoje; Birziskis. Stasys; 1990; 44-50; Lietuvos Kulturos ir Svietimo Ministerija. Lietuvos Krastotyros Draugija, Vilnius; Original hardbound book entitled 'Krastotyra' (#24). Only this one chapter on the first stamps of Lithuania concerns anything postal. In Lithuanian. 'Bystraya' pochta; Ehl'ta; Vestnik svyazi; routes in the Soviet LSSR.



1980; Short item on truck postal

'Mercurius' Puslapius Pavarcius; Gelpernas, Dmitrijus; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 8-9; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; 'Steigiamojo Seimo' Serijos Pirmoji Laida; Preiksa. Algis; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 19-22; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; 'Vi 1 'nyus' - v Leningrade, 'Leningrad' - v Vi 1 'nyuse; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1965; One page on competition and exchange of personnel between Leningrad and Vilnius postal establishments. 'Vycio' Zenklu Laidos; Birziskis. Stasys; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 27-28; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atku~imo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys. Kaunas; The 25CT and 50CT issue. A Lithuanian Chronicle; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 58-68; Extensive treatment of Lithuanian postmarks, stamps and stationery issued during 1990. Antspaudai Sportine Tema; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 28-30; 'Cancellations with a sports theme used in Lithuanian territory.' Atkurimo Keliu; Podagelis. Romanas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 3-4; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Avtomatika v pochtovom dele; Lar'kin, V.: Sovetskaya Litva; 5 Aug. 1972; An interview with Lithuanian SSR Postal Administration chief Khaletskas on indexation. Baltic States Revenues; Hall. Andrew; 1983; J. England; Spiral bound original, 39 pages.

Barefoot (Investments) Ltd,

Blick ueber den Zaun. Was wird mit Litauen?; Watzke. Wolfgang; 94; Nov. 1992; 29-30; Chto dala markirovka posylok: VeriKas, G.V.: Vestnik svyazi: on an insured-mail-handl ing Shop at the Kaunas GPO.


Philatelia Baltica;

12: Oec.

1983; Two pages

Collecting Bielarus; Pauk, Bohdan; 1991; 19-20, 23-25; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately'. prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Correspondence Russia - New Zealand & Australia; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta: 11; Jan. 1992; 4-6; Several covers to New Zealand from the neWly-independent Baltic States are illustrated. Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, from the breakaway repUblics and not-so-republics.

1992; 47-51; Stamp issues

Oailininke Violeta Skabeikiene; (n.a.); Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; 1990; 7-10; An interview with V. Skabeikiene, designer of the new Lithuanian stamps. Dailininkui Alfonsui Krivickui Mirus ... ; Kavaliauskas, Vilius; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; 1990; 5-6; A description of painter A. Krivickas. author of pre-war Lithuanian postage stamps. Daugiau Ryzto!; Birul is, Kostas;

Fi latel ija Lietuvoje;

1989; 36-37;






Filatel istu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidiny's, Kaunas; De Poststempels van Vilnius 1989-1991; Hahne. Gerhard; Het Baltische Gebied; 1992; 35-41; Denezhnye znaki g.


Rosber, N.;





20; July


Die Internationalen Antwortscheine der baltischen Staaten; Koch, P.-A.: Philatel ia Baltica; 62; Feb. 1976; 1-16; Extracted from the catalog 'Internationale Antwortscheine'. covering international coupon-responses from the three Baltic States, 1922-1940. Die Internlertenpost in Lettland 1939 und 1940; Birznieks, Augusts; Philatel ia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 4-6; Pol ish solaiers and civil ians interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Die Sowjetische Post in Litauen 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe; 53-65;

ZRSP; 38; Aug.


Dlya mekhanizatsii pochtovykh operatsii; Svetlanov, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975; One page on postal polyethelene sealing machines at the Kaunas Post Office. Dostavka pochty v prigorodakh i sel'skoi mestnosti; Khaletskas, I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1970; Three pages on mail delivery to sUburbs and rural areas in the Lithuanian SSR. Early Soviet Lithuanian Items;


R./et al.;

Post Rider;

26; May 1990; 66-67;

Eastern Delays; Konnick, Mike; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor pointing out Soviet delays in routing mail to the Baltic states. Eshche 0 denezhnykh znakakh goroda Libavy. Ross i ca; 18; Dec. 1934; 138;


NoNo 12009-12023);

Estonla and Baltica specialized Mail Auction; Mandvere, Vello; Mandvere, Willowdale. Ontario. Canada; Original catalog.

21 Sep.

'Bonist'; 1986; V.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: Some Perforation Peculiarities of the Earliest Issues; Rosselevich, A.; Russlan Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 28-31; Evropeiskii aViosoyuz; (n.E..); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on these three countries jOining the European Air Union. F.

Vaitkaus Skrydis; Sausionis, Gediminas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989: ~4-27; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacini~ Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; The 1935 New York-Kaunas f1 ight.

Filatelija - Tautos Kulturos Ralska; Mikutavicius, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 13-15; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys. Kaunas; Filatelisticheskaya geograflya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.!.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of subjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Filatelisticheskie ehksponaty Ehstonii, Latvii i Litvy na vsemirnykh vystavkakh FIP; Pritula, V1adislav; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 26-33; Baltic States exhibits at FIP international shows. The article is in Estonian, Russian and German. Filatelistu DraugiJ~s LietuvoJe: Verzbolauskas, Leonas; FilateliJa Lietuvoje; 1989: 5-7; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; The Lithuanian Philatelic Society. 1924-1940. Filateliya, no ne tol'ko; Stroganov. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 37; Comments about the ne~ Lithuanian stamps acceptable for use in the Baltic states, but not elsewhere. Garlaiviu Pastas; Fugalevicius. Vytautas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; mail cancels, Ka"mas - JurbarKas and Smalininkai - Kaunas.

1990; 41-42;


Gde ehta ulitsa, goe ehtot dom?: Baitka]'nis, L.; Sovetskaya Litva; Aug. 10, 1975: Blaming the republic's gorkoms and raikoms for not being logical in layout and naming of streets, thus making things more difficult for postillions. Gibel' oranzhevoi 'Lituaniki'; Yufa, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. and Girenas and their ill-fated flight of 1933.

1970; 35; Darius

Ieties Skrydis; Naciunas, Jonas: Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 19-21; 'Descrlbes the philatelic presentation of the history and techniques of the javelin throw.' Internierte Polen in Lettland und Litauen; von Hofmann, Harry;

Philatelia Baltica;





80-82; June 1984; 9-14; Polish soldiers and civilians interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Ir Rajone Filatelistai Dirbo; Steponavicius. Zbignevas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 31-32; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Jubiliejine Oro Pasto Laida; Preiksa. Algis; The 1930 commemorative airmail issue.

Filatelija Lietuvoje;


1990; 26-29;

Kachestvo garantiruetsya; Yushka. V.: Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1983; Three pages on how the Kaunas GPO workers won the traveling Red Banner Award of the CC CPSU. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. VI. Pochtovye marki Belorussii.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 97-104; So-called Southern Lithuania stamps and the Belorussian issues. Kaunasskie podpol 'shchiki; Zairis, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. Lithuanian guerrilla fighters in Nazi-occupied Lithuania.


19; Three

Kauno 'Seno Pasto' Antspaudai; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 37-38; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Special Kaunas cancels. Kauno Filateline Biblioteka; (n.a.); Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 41-42; Lietuvos Filatel istu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Short article about the Kaunas Philatel ic Library. Khimiya prishla na pochtu; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1971; One page. The introduction of polyethelene bags for wrapper mail in Kaunas. Klaipedos Krasto Pastas 1939 m.; Zilys, Valentinas; Filatel ija Lietuvoje; 1989; 28-30; Lietuvos Filatel istu SaJungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Konkursas ir jo Rezultatai; Steponavicius, Zbignevas; 11-12; Results of the stamp design contest.

Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3;

Konverty Litvy; Karvelis, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. envelopes with Lithuanian-related cachets. Kovno - Kovna; Tovey,

John; BJRP; 58; Nov.




Postal stationery

1981; 31;

Krepost' sredi ozer; PavlUkhin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; cacheted ervelopes showing Trakai Fortress.

10; Oct.

1972; 23; Soviet

Krylatyi put' geroya; Leishis, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 18; Jakovas Smuskevicius, Soviet commander-In-chief of the Air Force prior to WWII. Lietuvos Filatelijos Periodika; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 9-13; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Philatelic journals published in Lithuania, 1924-1940. Lietuvos Pasto Sportiniai Suvenyrai; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 5-7; 'Preparation, production, quantities and varieties of sports-related stamps issued in Lithaunia before WWII.' Lietuvos Sportininkai Olimpinese Zaidynese; Miezanskas, Vladas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 12-15; 'Survey of the participation of Lithuanian sportsmen in Olympic Games and how this is reflected in philately.' Lietuvos Valstybiniu Mokesciu Zenklai; 46-48; Lithuanian revenue stamps.


Lithuania 1990: The First Two Issues; Steyn, Plating study, color variations. etc.

Tomas; Ivo;

Filatelija Lietuvoje;

BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992;

Lithuania, Where Have You Been?; Steyn, :vo; Rossica; 115; Oct. postmarks under the Lithuanian drive for sovereignty. Lithuanian Philatel ie News, Bubnys, Vigintas; Mano Tema - Kosmosas; Kebeikis, Henrikas: Marki

Litvy; Martinenas, A.;

Post Rider;




1990; 57-68; Altered

June 1991; 44-57;

Filatelija Lletuvoje; 3;

1990; 34-35;


1; Apr.


Marki Litvy; Martinenas, A.; Rossica;

3; Oct.

1930; 8-9; Continued from #1.

Markiruoti Atvirukai; Sajauskas, Justinas; Lithuanian postcards.



Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3;



Mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v Vil'nyusskom otdelenii perevozki

Lithuania pochty;


07/13/93 Ol'shevskaya,



Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1965; Three pages.

Mekhanizatsiya protsessov obrabotki pochtovykh otpravlenii (Iz opyta Vil 'nyuskogo OPP); Bychkov, N.T.; Vestnik svyazl; 11; Nov. 1964; Three cages. Mittellitauenmarken mit Paketmacherfaelschungen; Hahne, 3'7; Molodost' drevnei stolitsy; Vi 1 ni us.




Filateliya SSSR;

Pochte; 47; Mar. 10; Oct.




Na plechi mashin; Mitskevich, A.Eh./ldkina, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Three pages on increasing productivity at the Vilnius Post Office through scientific use of space and machines. Na pochtamte - luchshaye; Idkina. L.; Vestnik svyazi; best employee at the Vilnius Post Office.

12; Dec.

1983; Two pages or the

Nepageidautini Reiskiniai; Rutkauskas, P.; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; Undesirable phenomena in Lithuanian philately. Novyya litovsklya marki; Vitkovskii, K.;


10; Oct.


1990; 33:


Oreivyste Lietuvoje; Panavas, S./Surkus, G.; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 26-28; The authors 'survey the development of aeronautic and balloon posts in Lithuania. ' Organizatsiya perevozki i dostavki pechati podpishchikam v Litovskoi SSR; Khaletskas, I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1964; Two pages. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum. Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic fl ight surcharge and the 1919 and 19~4 "Lietuvos路 stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin, Va.; overprints and surcharges.



1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Panevezio Sportiniai Vokai; Kondratenas, P.; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 18-19; 'Sports-related covers issued by the Panevezys branch of the Philatelic Society.' Pastas ir Filatelija; (n.a.); Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; 1990; 3-5; An interview with Minister of Communications K. Birul is on the issue of Lithuanian postage stamps. Pasta Zenklai Dariaus Ir Gireno Skrydziul Remti; Matuzas. Charles; Filatei lja Lietuvoje; 1989; 22-24; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Pasto Zenklai Ir Gyvenimas; Babickas, Petras; Filatel ija Lietuvoje; 1989; 4; Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys. Kaunas; Pervye litovskie pochtovye marki; Mil'vidas. K.; 33;


Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1973; VIII,

Pochta 'Lituaniki'; Mil'vidas, Kazis; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 15-16, I; Lithuanian airmail stamps issued for the 1933 New York - Kaunas flight. Pochta dostavlyaetsya bystree; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; motorized mail delivery in Saratov and Vilnius.

11; Nov.

1971; One page on

Pochta Litovskoi respubl iki; Mandrovski i, N.; Eesti Kollek'tsionaar: 1: Dec. i990: 23-25; The article is in 3 languages - Estonian, Russian and German. Llthuanian postal emlssions of 1990. Pochtovye ehkspressy; Butas. A.; Vestnlk svvazi; 1; Jan. passenger buses to deliver newspapers in 'the LSSP.

19'77; Short

item en


Pochtovye marki sovetskoi Litvy; Mil'vicas, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 40: The SovIet Lithuania stamps of 1940-1941. Number printed, varieties. overprints and fakes are dlscussec. No 111ustratlons. Posle rekonstruktsii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. reconstruction of the Vilnius Post Office.

1970; Two pages.


Post der in Litauen und Lettland internierten polnischen Soldaten; Rozycki, Wieslaw; Philatelia Baltica; 80-82; June 1984; 7-8; Polish soldiers and civilians interned in Lithuania and Latvia, 1939-1940. Postage Stamps of Lithuania; Grigallunas, Jonas/et al.; 1978; The Collectors Club, Inc., New York; Original catalog, 237 pages, hardbound. Includes partial bibliography.



Raetselhafte Ausgabe; Grodno issue.

Vladinets, Nikolai;

Pochta; 48; Sep.



1989; 23; The March 1919

Raseiniu Apskrities Pasto Zenklas; (n.a.); Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3' history of the Raseiniai district postage stamp.


16-17; The

Razvitie i sovershenstvovanie sredstv svyazi Litovskoi SSR; Belyanin, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960; Two pages. Rusijos Karo Cenzuros Antspaudai Lietuvoje 1914-1915 m.; BUbnys, Vygintas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 17-19; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas~ WWI military censorship in Lithuania. Schastlivyi kr'ai Nemana; Solarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 1981; Soviet stamps and stationery showing various Lithaunian scenes and people. Schwedens Post im Balticum; Lindberg, George B.; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 2-4; von Hofmann, Harry; Siuntos 'Skolon'; Birziskis, Stasys; parcels on credit.

Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3;

1990; 43-44;



Sovershenstvovanie dostavochnoi sluzhby; Yushka, V.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1969; Three pages on using multiple mailbox stands in Kaunas to increase efficiency in mail del ivery. Soviets Disrupting Mail To and From the Baltics; Schwartz, Lloyd; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 1 & 14; The Dec. 1990 to Mar. 1991 Soviet mail delay. Spravochnik pochtovOi indeksatsii Litovskoi SSR; (n.a.); 1989; Ministerstvo svyazi Litovskoi SSR, Pochtovoe upravlenie, Vilnius; Zip code listing for the Lithuanian SSR, in Russian and Lithuanian. Original softbound listing. Stadtpost Wilna;

Petriuk, Stefan; Philatelia Baltica; 83-85; June 1985; 36-45;

Stepas Darius ir Sportas; Steponavicius, Zbignevas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 15-16; 'The activities of a Lithuanian Trans-Atlantic fl ier, Steponas Darius, the field of sports.'


Telsiu Sapirografinis Zenklas; Doniela, Vytautas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3; 1990; 17-23; Analysis of the motives behind the issue of the Telsiai district stamp of 1920, pius usage, quantities and varieties. The Ancient Rider; Lesh, William; Rossica; 98-99; background of the Lithuanian VIP symbol.


110-114; Historical

The Lithuanian Posts in Western Belorussia in 1919; Cronin, Andrew; JUly 1989; 49-54;

Post Rider;


The Lithuanian Republican Posts; BUbnys, Vygintas; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 54-59; A 1 isting of Lithuanian towns using the 'Lietuvos Respublikos Pastas' marking during 1990. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia. Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 'so Etc.; Ceresa. R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States 1940-1; Michalove, Peter A.; Sep. 1989; 31-39; Soviet rates for each of the occupied nations. Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Rlga-Dunabu:--g-Q r el Ruud W.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 4-21;

BJRP; 67;

Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen,

Trebuyut interesy dela; Zelikman, S./Yaroslavskil, I.; Sovetskaya Litva; 3 Jan. 1979; The need to modernize the postal servlce, improve various areas of its salary scales and personnel. Turistiniai Pasto Suvenyrai; Petrauskas, Kazys; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 24-26; 'Postal souvenirs issued in 1958-60 by the tourist base of Lithuania's Ministry of Education.' Ungeklaerte Fragen der Seepost-Stempel Stettin-Baltische Staaten; Gruenewald, Hans; Philatelia Baltica; 63; May 1976; 15-16; Upakovka gazet uskorena, oblegchena - poluchena ehkonomiya; Budraitene, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; Two pages on the MVGU-5 newspaper-packing machine at the Vilnius Post Office.


Lithuania Utenos Pasto uubilejus; Dziuve, Voldemaras; Utena PO jubilee.

Filatelija Lietuvoje; 3;



1990; 44-45; The

V chest' bibl ioteki; Egelyavichyus. S.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 13; Three postal stationery envelopes with cachets honoring the 400th anniversary of the Vilnius Unlversity Library. V.K. Jonyno Piesti Pasto Zenklai; Kavaliauskas. Vilius; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 33-36; Lietuvos Filatel istu SaJungos Atkurimo Organizaclnic Komiteto Leidinys. Kaunas; Vilniaus pasto antspaudai; Bubnys. Vigintas; (n.d.); Exhibit of Vil 'na postal history. from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the eXhibitor's consent. Vilniaus Krasto Pasto Zenklai; Linkevicius. Jonas; 23-26; Vilnius-area stamp issues in 1920-22.

FilateliJa Lietuvoje; 3;


Vilnius 1939-1941; Lapas, Raimundas; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers from Vilnius during the Pol isrl, Lithuan,an and Russian oeriods, 1939-1941. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Vse telegrammy dolzhny dostavlyat'sya vovremya; Krauyalene, D.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June. 1974; One page on how the Alunt postal workers deliver telegrams in the Lithuanian SSR. Za schet chego uskorena dostavka periodicheskoi pechati; Bruzhinskas, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1976; Two pages on newspaper delivery by the Vilnius Post Office. Za tekhnicheskii progress v pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Three pages on dis=ussions at an All-Union seminar of postal workers in Vilnius. Zaboty sel 'skogo pochtal'ona; Kostyrko. V.; Sovetskaya Litva; 29 Sep. postill ions and increasing mail volume.

1981; A lack of

Zhizn' vo imya bor'by; Leishis. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 19; Karolis Pozhely. one of the organizers and leaders of the Lithuanian Communist Party. 1934-1935 m. Laidos lenklu Spausdinimas; Verzbolauskas. Leonas; Filatelija Lietuyoje; 3; 1990; 13-15; Preparation and issue of a stamp set in 1934-1935. 1964-1989 M. Lietuvos Voka i Sporto Tema; Vainora. Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 16-18; Listing of 'sports-related covers 'issued 1964-1989 by Lithuania's Ministry of Communications.'

Mail Categories.

Imperial C.O.D.



Postnachname-verfahren im Inneren Verkehr Russlands: (n.a.); ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 3-4; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie'. Berlin. 1888.


Mail Categories, 'Bez Plat.'


Imperial Free-Frank Ne~1


Information; Rutkowska, T.; BJRP; 51: Dec.



1984; 24-25;

A New Type of 'Bez Plat'?; Joseph, R.L.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 32-34; A no-postage envelope of the Baltic Society for the Encouragement of Marsh Cultivation. Further Notes on the 'Bez.Plat.' Marking; Shalimoff. George V.; Rossica; 94-95; 113-115;


Pochtovye kartochki Rossii diya sluzhebnoi perepiski; Nagol 'nov. G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 48; Free-frank postcards, 'Kazennoe' and 'L'gotnaya'. The 'Bez.Plat.' Marking; Adler, Kurt路 Rossica; 76-77;

1969; 88-89;

Mail Categories,





(n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica: 59; 1960; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1865 insured letter from St. Petersburg to Vyatka. Imperial Russian Postal Receipt Forms; 1990; 24-31;

Levandowsky, Daniel W.; Rossica;

210 An


Insured Mail in Russia - Postal History and Markings: Snegirev, L.S.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 201-209;

Mail Categories,

Imperial Money Letter




The K.K. von Schultz Correspondence; Weinert, Howard L.; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 65-69; Four money letters posted from Kizil-Arvat, Merv and Ashkhabad from 1885 1:C 1889.

Mail Categories,

Imperial Money Order




(n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 79; A '1kop. yellow' ppc with a lady's head sUbstituted for the Imperial coat-of-arms, and a ppc mimicking a postal money order from Tambov. (n.t.); Luchnik, N.V.; Rossica; 75; 1968; 108-109; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Further notes on imperial money orders. Announcement of the First Money Order Form; Levandowsky, Daniel; Rossica; 50-51; Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 32; Mar. sources on postal money orders.



1963; 25; Further information from various

Franked Money Transfer Order Forms; Baillie, I.L.G./Speeckaert, A.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 27-29; Franked Money Transfer Order Forms; Speeckaert, A./Warr, N.C.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 43-45 & illustration pages 24-25;


From the Central Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 10-11; Translated from 'Marki', V/40, 1 May 1900. International money orders between Russia and the U.S. Imperial Russian International Money Orders; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 1983; 12-22; Money Order Cards; Sklarevski, Rimma;

Rossica; 96-97;


1979; 91-94;

Money Transfer and Parcel Receipt Cards; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 52; Dec. illustration pages 10-12;

1975; 17-20 &

Money Transfer and Parcel Receipt Cards; Joseph, R.L./Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 18; Money Transfer and Parcel Receipt Cards - Further Notes; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 54; Dec. 1977; 15-18 & illustration pages 6-8; Outstanding Covers; Baillie, I.L.G./Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 31; Oct. Taganrog domestic money order.


10-12; A 1907

Postal Forms Used in Russia; Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 67-70; Problems of Russian Philately 1908-1917; Evans, Barrie; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 17-25; Issue dates for 1909 Arms types, 1914-15 war charities, 1915 currency stamps, and forms for granting petitions to the Emperor.

Mail Categories,

Imperial Official



(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 69; 1965; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 'I.R.' (Interes Rzadowy) marking on an 1860 cover from Ustilug. Description of Outstanding Covers and Postmarks; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 57; Law court stamps and covers, usage.

213 An

1959; 72;

Mail Categories,

Imperial Ordinary



Private Mail-Order Forms of the Moscow City Post; Blekhman. S.M.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 100-101; Tihomirov. Michael; Doctor Staerman Mineral Waters Company.


Mail Categories.

Imperial Package


Money Transfer and Parcel Receipt Cards; Ceresa. R.J.; BJRP; 52; Dec. illustration pages 10-12; Money Transfer and Parcei Receipt Cards; 1978; 18;


PAGE: 17-20



00seph, R.L./Ceresa. R.J.; BJRP; 55; Nov.

Money Transfer and Parcel Receipt Cards - Further Notes; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 54; Dec. 1977; 15-18 & illustration pages 6-8; Russian Parcel Cards.

1904-1917; Steyn,

Ivo: BJRP; 6â‚Ź; Mar.

1989; 6-17;




Printed Matter

From the Main Postal and Telegraph Administration; (n.a.): Translated from 'Mark;', IV/4, Feb. 28, 1899.

07/13/93 BJRP;







Mail Categories,


Imperial Registered



(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 68; 1965; 35-36; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1913 St. Petersburg registered meter mark and 'Prinyato iz avtomata' marking. (n.t.); Bodnar, John; label error and


Post RIder; 25; Dec. 1989; 70-71; A 'Petrorgao' registration on the Leningrad-Berl in airmail cancel of 1929-1938.


(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 69; mailboxes, with label.

1965; 61-62;

Registered mail extracted from

(n.t.): Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 72; registered mail.

1967; 91-92;

'Taken from Mailbox' markings on

(n.t.); Hirsch, Herman Z.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 72; A set of seml-pos~als used on a registered cover of 1917, thus exceeding the necessary rate by 1 kopeck. 'Prinyato avtomatom'; Kosoi, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 53-54; Automatic registration machines and their postmarks. An Early Russian Meter; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; av~om?tom' marking on a registered cover. Ein merkwuerdiger Post-Beleg; imperial registered-mail offices, used in Latvia,

1964; 57-58; A 1913 'Prinyato

(n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 54; May 1973; 14; An list form for inclusion in postal packets between post 1919.

Einschreibautomaten in Russland 1912-1916; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 83-85; June 1985; 26-35; Automated registration markings on Imperial covers. Home Chronicle I; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 11; Translated from 'Marki' IV/3, Feb. 1899. The introduction of registry labels. More Thoughts on Registered Mail; Skipton, David M.; BJRP; 60; Oct.



1983; 30-32;


zakaznykh marok; Popov, B.M.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 81-86; Registry labels, and stamps that pay the entire weight rate and the registry fee.

Out of the Box; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 46-47; An marking on a registered letter from St. Petersburg, 1900.

'Iz yashchika'

?ostal Registration Machines in Russia, 1912-1916: von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 64: Dec. 1987; 24-32; Micnalove, Peter; Translated from "Philatelia Baltica" #83-85, June 1985. International Registered Mail; Speeckaert, A.; BJRP: 72; Spring, 1992; 19-23: The author presents evidence that register'ed mail existed in Russia be-fore 1871.


Private Registry Books; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 35-42; Use of privately-maintained registry books for postal convenience. Received From an Automated Mailbox; Kosoi, M.; Rossica; Gary A.; Registered Mail; Baillie,

I.L.G.; BJRP; 52; Dec.

117; Oct.

1991; 29-30; Combs,

1975; 6-10 & illustration page 3;

Registered Mai~ - Addendum 1; Baillie, illustration page 3;


53; Nov.


Registered Mail - Addendum 2; Baillie, illustration pages 1-3:


54; Dec.

1977; 4-10 &

Registered Mail

- Addendum 3; Baillie,

I.L.G.; BJRP; 55; Nov.

RegIstered Mail

- Adaendum 4:

11 lustratio~ page

"rauenlob, Walter/et al.; BJRP:


15-17 &


57; Nov.

1981; 24-26



Registered Mail

- Addendum 5' Baill ie,

Registered Mail

- Addendum G'

I.L.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov.



Frauenlob, Walter/et al.: BJRP; 59; Dec.

1982; 46-47:

Registered Mail - Addendum 7; Woollam, J.V./Joseph, R.L.; BJRP; 62; Dec. Registered notice-of-receipt 'mail - A.R. Registration of Mail on Russian TPOs; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; Shtempelya dlya zakaznoi korrespondentsii; Kosoi, K.; 36-38: Registry marks of mailcars. Some Notes on Postal Wagon Registration; Moyes,

72; Spring,

1985; 24-27; 1992; 24-33;

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


J,G.; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 36-39;

Zakaznaya korrespondentsiya Sankt-Peterburga - Petrograda - Leningrada; Dobin,

Mail Categories,

Imperial Registered




M./Ratner, L.; SK; 27; 1990; 3-25; Registration procedures, markings and labels from imperial to SOViet times in St. Petersburg.

Mail Categories.

Imperial Wrapper




Die Entwicklung der Zeitungsbesorgung dur'ch die Post; (n.a.); ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 3; Reprinted from 'Archiv ~uer Post und Telegraphie'. Berlin. 1884. p. 327. Looking at Wrappers; Tann,

Leonard L.; Pochta;

10; June-July 1991; 51-52;

Was It a Newspaper?; Shaw, George; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 93; Short item about a double wrapper sent registered from Tyvrovo. Dec. 1901.

Mail Categories, Soviet C.O.D.


A Col lect-on-Del ivery Question; Popov, V.; Rossica; 113-114; about a 1939 C.O.D. card and C.O.D. procedures.



1990; 74; Questions

Avansovaya operatsiya;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment to attract more package mail business to tne NKPiT by giving the sender a percentage advance on the C.O.D. amount.

Avansovaya operatsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment to pay advance cash for C.O.D. at 30 post offices. Eshche raz 0 kontrole i otpravke summ nalozhennogo platezha; Papinako, svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975; Two p~ges.

I.G.; Vestnik

Eshche raz ob uchete pOChtovykh otpravlenii s nalozhennym platezhom; GoloVkO, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; One page. Nalozhennyi platezh;

(n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist;

1; Jan.

1924; 28;

Ne zaderzhivat' otpravku summ nalozhennogo platezha; Bondarenko, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; One page.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 107-109; Letters to the editor on the following topics: a reader's complaint that too few articles by ordinary workers are printed; postal surrogates, newspaper subscriptions, registered letters to the villages, soldiers' mail, and taxes on sending C.O.D. mail.

S nalozhennym platezhom; Minskii, M.; early 1920s.

Filateliya; 8; Aug.

1991; 46-47; C.O.D.

in the

Ustranit' nedostatki v obrabotke otpravlenii s nalozhennym platezhom i s uvedomleniem o vruchenii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1962; One page. Veksel 'nyi nalozhennyi platezh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of pay by promissory note or cash for C.O.D. Vzyskanie nalozhennykh platezhei dolgovymi obyazatel'stvami; 1925; 113;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June

Mail Categories. Soviet Declared Value




Dbmen mezhd. pisem s ob'yavl. tsennost'yu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of international deciared-value mail exchange with Denmark and Argentina. Dbmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on institution of declared-value mail up to 1.000 gold francs and package mail of less than 10 kg with Poland. Dtkrytye pis'ma Vsekobanka; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 28; Announcement that the All Russian Cooperative Bank in Moscow can now send declared-value 'open mail' through the Post. Posylki na pred'yavitelya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Communications District's attempt to expand package operations by permitting the bearer of a package receipt to obtain a loan from a bank. Sebestoimost' i taksy; Ehrze; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 29-35; The author compares production. labor and other costs involved with each kind of mail category to the rates charged for them. Uproshchenie v peresylke tsennykh pisem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a simplification in sending declared-value letters. Uproshchenie v prieme zakrytykh tsennykh pisem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a simplification in receipt of closed declared-value letters. Zloupotrebleniya s tsennymi pis'mami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 158-159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on discovery of theft from declared value letters by the chief of the Ust'-Izhora Postal Branch Office.

Mail Categories, Soviet Express (n.t.); Gagarin, R.; Rossica; 58; 1960; 63-64; 'Speshnaya pochta' and labels.




In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

(n.t.); Steyn, Ivo; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 71-72; A special-delivery stamp used on postcard, but not for its stated purpose. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 32; The reason for the introduction of a 45k stamp in Apr. 1982, and which Soviet stamps could be used in the 1930s to pay for Soviet express mail. Korrespondentsiya bol'shoi speshnosti; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 29; Announcement and description of the 'Speshnaya pochta'.


chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 109-114; Letters to the editor on various sUbjects: money orders, raion offices, postage-due mail , newspapers and mail to rural areas, abolishing express mail, post office listings, popularizing the Post, etc.


chem nam Pishut; B., A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 113-118; Letters to the editor on problems being encountered in the big push to expand postal services in the rural areas, delivery of newspapers there. inspection and control of postal operations, proposed changes in express mail services, etc.

Osobo-vazhnaya korrespondentsiya; (n.a.): ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925: 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on changes in the rules for sending 'especially-important' and express mail. Outstanding Covers - No.3; Knighton, Ron P.; BJRP; 3; June 1949; 27; An express post label from Semipalatinsk. Pochta s narochnym; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; Announcement of this service.

11-12; Nov.-Dec.

1923; 28;

Rapid Delivery, V.I.P. Mail, and Courier Service; (n.a.); Rossica; 93; Fedotowsky, Andrei; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #4, 1966. Russia:

Special Post 1922-1926; Knighton, Ron P.; BJRP; 64; Dec.

1978; 37-38;

1987; 46-47;

Speshnaya pochta; RUdnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 45-47; Express mail from 1922 to 1938, and its replacement by airmail. Speshnaya pochta i tSifry ee obmena v Leningrade; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155-156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on data for the Leningrad GPO's volume of express mail for May 1924. Speshnaya pochta SSSR; Mazur, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1980; 50-52;

The Early Soviet Express Mail System; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 64-67;

11; Nov.


Uteryannyi unikum; Mazur, P.; Fllatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 38-39; On the trail of the famous 1923 'Spesl,naya pochta' cover with over 24 feet of stamps affixed.

Mail Categories, Soviet Free-Frank




Eshche raz 0 l'gotnykh pochtovykh kartochkakh: Ivanov, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1990; 50-51; Imperial free-frank post~ards used in the early Soviet era. Zaboty c detyakh; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 28; Announcement that the NKPiT is handl~ng mail between Children's Address Bureaus (for orphans) for free.

Mail Categories, Soviet Insured




Ponizhenie strakhovogo sbora; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925: 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT plan to lower the insurance fee for letters and packages. Predpolozhennye novye taksy strakhovogo sbora; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 115; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on proposed changes to the insurance fee. Sokratit' lishnyuyu perepisku; EVdokimov, D.: Vestnik svyazi: 8; Aug. 1971; One page. A letter from a Chukotka assistant communications center chief advocating a different method of deailng with undelivered insured mail.


Mail Categories, Soviet Money Orders

Dokhodam rasti; Novikov, S.M./Dolya, A.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. money transfer operations at the Cherkassk Post Office. Kontrol' perevodnykh operatsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; money order 'control' offices.



1981; Two pages on

151; Establishment of

Nezasluzhennoe preimushchestvo; S., N.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 68-69; The author argues for increasing the priority of telegraph money orders to put them on par with postal money orders.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 109-114; Letters to the editor on various subjects: money orders, raion offices. postage-due mall, newspapers and mail to rural areas, abol ishing express mail, post office 1 iSLings, popularizing the Post, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 118-124; Letters to the editors on a variety of topics: mail routing, training personnel, turf baLtles, money order control operations, speed of rural post del ivery, etc.


chern nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 93-100; Letters to the editors on money order control, unnecessary RR mailcar-routing information, rural mail, complaints about a Voronezh Communications District problem with the Boguchar Uispolkom, court mail, saVings banks, too much paperwork, retiring communications workers, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 85-93; Letters to the editors on rural mail, postal operations at telegraph offices, money orders, packages, etc.


kontrole perevodov; Shilyaev, A.;


peresylke perevodov; In.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on new regulations for sending money orders.


tsentral'nom byuro kontrolya perevodov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on the Money Order Control Bureau.


tsentralizatsii kontrolya perevodov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 78-81; The workers of the Northern Caucasus District Money-Order Control Bureau on problems with the NKPiT's approach to control.

ZhTS; 2; Feb.

1925; 97-101;

128; Short

Oplata pochtovykh perevodov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT decision not to link distance to money order rates. Oplata sbora za perevody nal ichnymi den'gami; (n.a.); ZnTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of payment for money orders in cash rather than stamps. Otmena knigi f. No.1; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to do away with money order logbooks and replace them with lists or registers. Otmena knigi f. No.1 dlya pOdavaemykh perevodov; (n.a.); ZhTS; Short ltem in the 'Knronika' sectlon or replaclng Book No. for keeping track of money orders.

12: Dec. 1925; 134: 1 with two registers

Perevody po telegrafu; In.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a plan to raise the rate for sending money by telegram. Podkreplenie perevodno; operatsii iz D.-t. sborov'; (n.a.): ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Knronlka" sectIon on el iminatlng delays in paying out money orders by using post-and-telegraph income from other sources. Predpolozhennye novye taksy na perevody; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on proposed money c~der rates.

114-115; Short

Tsentralizovannyi kontrol' perevooav: (n Ct.); ZhTS; 9: Sep. 'S25: 112; Short ite~; in the 'Khronika' section on improving operations at the Central Money Order Control Bureau. Uproshchenie v peres'ilke denezhnykh perevodov; (n.a.): ZhTS: 12; Dec. 1925; 133-134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a simplification in the money-order dispatch procedure. Zloupotrebleniya s perevodami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. ~92"'; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on discovery of theft from postal money orders at a Perm' province postal branch office. 3:

Money Order? What Money Order?; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep. used as an emergency money order. June 1940.

1990: 35; A postcard

Mail Categories, Soviet Official Oienst- oder Feldpost?; Leppa, August;

07/13/93 Pochta: 48; Sep.

1989; 27-28;




Korrespondentsiya osoboi vazhnosti; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 29; Short item in the 'Philatel ic Chronicles' section on 'top priority' government mail - who could use it and how it was handled. Markirovannye kartochki dlya sUdebnoi korrespondentsii, izdannye sovetskoi pochtoi; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; VII-VIII; Official postcards issued for court notices and receipt of court notices. Obmen kazennoi korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166-167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Voronezh Post Office organizing an official-mail-del ivery bureau, and improving official mail delivery in the Ukraine. Pravo na besplatnuyu perevozku po pochte sluzhebnykh posylok NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4' Apr. 1925; 147; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on NKPiT official mail being carried for free by NKPS transportation. Priem sluzhebnykh platnykh pisem ot sovuchrezhdenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to allow Soviet establishments to place official mail in mailboxes. S adresom 'GSP'. Gorodskoi sluzhebnoi pochte - 60 let.; Nagol 'nov, G.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 39; Vmesto marki; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; (postage collected) postmarks and their history.


18-19; The 'sbor vzyskan'

Mail Categories, Soviet Ordinary




Sebestoimost' i taksy; Enrze; ZhTS; 2: Feb. 1925; 29-35; The author compares production, labor and other costs involved with each kind of mail category to the rates charged for them. Soviet Postal Stationery Ilyushin, Alexandr; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 53-58; Various 'special' p stcaras are illustrated, each designed for one purpose. e.g. chess-by-mail. not ce-of-receipt, change-of-address.

Mail Categories, Soviet Package


(n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider; 19; Nov. receipt strips used in Petrograd, 1918.

1986; 71;



Imperial-period parcel-post

Ehffekt: kul'tura, ehkonomiya, kachestvo; Savin, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1974; One page on using corrugated cardboard at the Moscow GPO for packaging mail. Frankirovochnye shtempelya; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Soviet meter mail postmarks.

1976; 21-22;

Ne zabyvaite!; Dzhavadova, V.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1981; One page of clarifications on parcel mail sent to Lopkhari, Tyumen' oblast'. Novye posylochnye taksy; K. ,P.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


Novyi metod organizatsii obrabotki posylok; Stas', N.D./Saifutdinov, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1968; Three pages. An introduction of a system using numerical codes on package mail to speed handling. Novyi metod priema posylok ot naseleniya; Zhukov, B.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1967; Two pages on a new method of package acceptance instituted at the KUibyshev 14th Branch Office.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 85-93; Letters to the editors on rural mail, postal operations at telegraph offices, money orders, packages, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 79-83; Letters to the editors on complaints about the handling of postal money orders and packages.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 76-83; Letters to the editors on various subjects: complaints about too many unnecessary postal forms and logbookS, compensation to savings-bank-operation employees, debate over mobile and circular posts, postage due procedures, the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9' Sep. variety of topics.


kontrole soprovoditel'nykh adresov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 115; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on establ ishment of a control mechanism to cut down on lost-package claims.

1925; 65-74; Letters to the editors on a

Obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on institution of declared-value mail up to 1,000 gold francs and package mail of less than 10 kg with Poland. Otkrytye posylki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section cn the Odessa Post Office's acceptance of packages sent 'openly', with no boxes or wrapping, via official mailbags. Poluavtomaticheskii kompleks PKSP; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; One page description of a large complex for sorting and storing package mail. Posylka iz kartona; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. plywood boxes in the USSR to ship packages.

1971; Short item on use of

Posylki ot agentstva 'Svyaz"; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 111: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on 'Svyaz" being allowed to send packages wrapped in cotton-thread paper. Posylki s bezaktsiznym tabakom; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on packages with home-grown tobacco products sent to Red Army members. Pravila ob otmene dostavki povestok adresatam na posylki: (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introduction of parcel-post cards replacing addressee-notification forms. Prostye posylki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of ordinary package mail in the USSR. Sbor za traktovuyu perevozku posylok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of a 10kop. fee for road transportation. Sebestoimost' i taksy; Ehrze; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 29-35; The author compares production, labor and other costs involved with each kind of mail category to the rates charged for them. Uproshchenie poryadka obrabotki posylok; G., P.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


Uproshchenie vydachi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155-156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improvements in giving addressees their registered and

Mail Categories, Soviet Package




ordinary package mail . V chern otpravit' posylku?; Kazakov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; on problems with box construction for packages.

12; Dec.

1971; Short article

Mail Categories, Soviet Postage-Due




'Uproshchenie'; Stal'; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 86-87; The author attacks the new method of handling postage-due mail , which includes use of postage-due stamps, as a Western European system that should be discarded by the USSR.

Mail Categories. Soviet Postal Money Oreers





chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 79-83; Letters to the editors on complaints about the handling of postal money orders and packages.

Perevody; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110-111; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposed metl,od of guaranteeing correct oispatch of postal money orders.

Mail Categories. Soviet Printed Matter


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. variety of topics.



1925; 65-74; Letters to the editors on a




Mail Categories, Soviet Registered


(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 26; May 1990: 73-74; A tril ingual fiscal from the Russian zone in Rethymnon Province, Crete, and a rare bilingual 'advertising' reglstration handstamp from Mlnsk, Dec. 1926. (n.t.); Steyn, Ivo; Post Ride~; 28; uune 1991; 76; mar~ of 1926 is recorded.

A second advertising registration

Chitatel' sprash;vaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 32; Brief discussion of Soviet postal stationery exclusively for registered mail. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR: 6; Registration hands tamps on Soviet mail. Der Mysterioese Buchstabe 'F' auf R-Zetteln; Kupec, 1920s registered mail.

June 1982; 32;

Hans; Pochta; 46; Dec.

Ein R-Stempel in Deutscher Sprache aus der UdSSR 1933; Geier, Karlernst; Dec. 1985; 44-46;



ZRSP; 39;


chem nam pishut; In.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 107-109; U~tters to the editor on the following topics: a reader's complaint that too few articles by ordinary workers are printed; postal surrogates, newspaper SUbscriptions, registered letters to the villages, soldiers' mail, and taxes on sending C.O.D. mail.


vypuske zakaznykh marok; Popov, B.M.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 81-86; Registry labels, and stamps that pay the entire weight rate and the registry fee.

Povyshenie sbora za zakaz; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an increase in the registered mail fee. Priem zakaznykh i speshnykh otpravlenii po talonnym lentam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introduction of two-part 'registry tapes' for enterprises With large mail volumes. Registered Mail; Baillie,

I.L.G.; BJRP; 52; Dec.

1975; 6-10 & illustration page 3;

Registered Mail - Addendum 2; Baillie, illustration pages 1-3;

I.L.G.; BJRP; 54; Dec.

1977; 4-10 &

Registe:-ed Mail

I.L.G.; BJRP; 55; Nov.


- Addendum 3; Baillie,


Registered Mail - Addendum 4illustration page 6;

Frauenlob, Walter/et ai.; BJRP; 57; Nov.

1981; 24-26 &

Registered Mail



- Addendum 6;

Registered Postcard; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; card.

Walter/et al.;

80RP; 59; Dec.

57; Nov.


Registered Postcards; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; for registered mail.


59; Dec.

Registered Postcards; Shal imoff. George V.; BJRP;


A printed stationery

1982; 54; A 1981 printed card

58; Nov.

1981; 41-42;

Soviet Postal Stationery; Ilyushin, Alexandr; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 53-58; VariOUS 'special' postcards are 111ustrated, each designed for one purpose, e.g. chess-by-mail, notice-of-receipt, change-of-address. Uprostlchenie vydachi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155-156; Short 1tem in the 'Khronika' section on improvements in g1vlng addressees their registered and ordinary package mail . Vydacha zakaznykh otpravlenii sel'skim zhitelyam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on registered mail to rural inhabitants. Zakaznaya korrespondentsiya Sankt-Peterburga - Petrograda - Lenlngl'ada; Dobin, M./Ratner, L., SK; 27; 1990; 3-25; Reg t stratlon procedures, markings and labels from imperial to Soviet times in St. Petersburg. Zakaznye pis'm,3; Orlo\!, Ii.; Fi'lateliya SSSR; 9; airma;l postcards.

,.,. ,.



13-15; Special


Notification of Receipt, the Case Against!; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 29; A 1925 improperly-addressed notification of receipt card, still attached to the registered envelope.

Mail Categories. Soviet Special Delivery


korrespondentsii so srokorn vrucheniya; Papinako, 1968; Two pages.




I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June

Pis'rna so srokorn vrucheniya; Oleinik. V.P.; Vestnik svyazi;

12; Dec.

1967; Two pages.

Mail Categories, Soviet Wrapper




Frankiroval'nye shtempelya dlya banderolei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134-135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on permission for large enterprises to use meter hanastamps on their wrapper mail. Gazetnye posylki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 111; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on railroad mailcars accepting newspaper packages if space was available. Khimiya prishla na pochtu; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1971; One page. The ~ntroduction of polyethelene oags for wrapper mail in Kaunas.


chem nam pishut: (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Lette~s to the editors on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, and telegrams.

Sebestoimost' i taksy; Ehrze; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 29-35; The author compares production, labor and other costs involved with each kind of mail category to the rates charged for them. Shtat otdelov podpiski; (r.a.); ZhTS; 11: Nov. 1925; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on newspaper sections at the Moscow GPO and other major POs and their source of 1ncome. Snizhenie taks na mezhd. banderol i s pechatnymi proizvedeniyami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a rate reduction for international printed matter mail. Takaya upakovka neobkhodima; Utenkov, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1971; One page on better packing for declared-value wrapper mail in the Magadan area.

Maps-At 1ases-Geography , Civil War Aserbaidschan; Nagl, Wilfried; Pochta; 52; Apr. Azerbaidjan.

07/13/93 1991; 5-10;



Includes a map of

Northern Russia 1918-1919; Holmsten, Martin; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 27-28; Finnish volunteers fighting in Northern Russia, 1918-1919. Includes a map of the Finnish Aunus campaign. The Allied Intervention in North Russia, 1918-1919; Map showing locations of the TPOs and PBs. The Far Eastern Republic: New Information; Steyn, 70-74; Updat~s to the article in #19.



BJRP; 36; March 1965; 3;

Ivo J.; Post Rider;


June 1987;

The Lithuanian Posts in Western Belorussia in 1919; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 49-54; The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O.'s, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23.





A Word About the Zemstvo Map Enclosed in This Issue of the Journal; 58; 1960; 24; The Speers zemstvo map.



(n.a.\; Rossica;

An Atlas of Russian History. Eleven Centuries of Changing Borders.; Chew, Allen F.; 1967; New Haven and London, Yale University Press; Original spiral bound copy. Maps accompany each historical period ana its overview. Crimean Tartar Postal History; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 43-54; Short historical background, maps, cards and covers shown. Includes UPU listing of 272 post offices. Dagestan; Michalove, Peter; Rossica; 119; nct. Dagestan area, ca. 1900 and 1987.



Includes two maps of the

De Spoorlign van Helsingfors naar St. Petersburg; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 2-3; Nov. 1984; 1-22; The rail line between Helsinki and St. Petersburg - cancels, history. Includes a map. Expedition Covers; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 45-49; P.K. Kozlov, Russian explorer, and another expedition to the USSR in 1936 to observe a total eclipse of the Sun. Foreward and Introduction From 'Die Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsaemter'; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 72; 1967; 63-83 & foldout map; Continued from #71. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.; 1972; British Society of Russian Philately, London; First edition, original copy. Contains numerous maps and illustrations, and a listing of post offices. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.; 1982: British Society of Russian Philately; Second edition, original copy. Contains nume~ous maps and illustrations, and an expanded listing of post offices. K 400-letiyu Saratova. Marshruty zemskoi pochty v Saratovskom uezde.; Tsybin, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 46-47; Includes a postal route map for Saratov Zemstvo. Karmannaya pochtovaya knizhka, il i sbornik pochtovykh postanovlenii do vseobshchago svyedeniya otnosyashchikhsya; (n.a.); 1849; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Includes maps and tables of postal rates. Maps to Aie Russian Postal History Studies; Murdoch, George; BJRP; 61; Dec. 61-63; Maps from 1800 to 1927.


Marshruty zemskoi pochty Khvalynskogo uezda; Tsybin, Vladimir; U1RF; 1; 1992; Includes a map showing the zemstvo mail route in KhvalYl1sk District. More Maps for Russian Specialists; Joseph, Robin L.; BJRP; 64; Dec. Twelve maps are listed, from 1875 to 1953.


1987; 61-62;

Neue geographisch-statistische Beschreibung des Kaiserl ich-russischen Gouvernements Kurland, oder der ehemal igen Herzogthuemer Kurland und Semgallen; von Bienenstamm; Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 9-11; Verlag von S.M. Henher, Mitau und Leipzig; Distances between various postal stations, 1841. New Information About Sending Zemstvo Mail Inside a District: Minskii, M.; BJRP: 1986; 32-34; Rutkowska. T.T.; Translated from 'Filateliva SSSR' #7, 1985. Includes a map of Verkhotur'e district. .


Pochta Rossii. Yamshchiki na Moskovskoi Rusi.: Vitashevskaya, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 12-15: Postriders in Muscovy. Includes a map of yam routes at the end of the 15th Century. Pochtovye shtempelya v Prioaltike; Yakimov, h:.; F'ilateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 4-5: Postal history, routes and postmarks of the Baltic area from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th. InclUdes a map showing postal routes in that area in 1831. Polevaya pochta na Kavkaze vo vremya Russko-turetskoi voiny 1877-1878 gg.; Blekhman, S.; SK; 19; 1981; 44-47; InclUdes a map showing military communications 1 ines. Russian Postal Censorship 1914-1918; Speeckaert, Antoine; 1990; Koninklijke Postzegelvereniging van het Land van Waas St. Niklaas, Belgium; Approximately 1400 WWI censormarks are catalogued and assigned rarity indicators. High-quality illustrations and maps. Text in German and English. Softbound or i gi na 1. The Helsinki-St. Petersburg Railway and the F;rst Finnish Postal Compartment






Cancellations; Hellman, Kaj/Etkonen. Jussi: Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 24-39; Includes a map of the Helsingfors-SPb Railway. Exhaustive coverage of the subject. The Postal History of the Wenden-Cesis Local Service; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; June 1984; 41-63; Includes a map of the Wenden district. Town Maps: Maikop, Yekaterinodar and Eisk; from 1902. Town Plan of the City of Perm'; 11 'in, St. Petersburg.

(n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec.

(n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec.


1985; 57-60; All

1984; 71; A 1912 map by A.

Town Plan of Ekaterinburg; 11 'in map.

(n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec.

1984; 70; Reproduction of a 1912 A.

Transcaspia and Turkestan; these areas.

(n.a.); BJRP; 38; Mar.

1966; 3-5; A 1913 postal map of

Ustsysolsk Local Post - Further Notes; Rutkowska. T.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 37-39; Includes a map of the Ust'sysol 'sk area and information about an 1829 postal route timetable. Zemstvo Post of Tula District; Kuznetsov. D.; BJRP; 63; 1986; 35-40; Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from SK #17. 1979. Includes a map of the Tula District. Zur Postgeschichte der Deutschen Siedler in Russland vor 1914; (n.a.); ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 35-46; Placename 1 ist from '100 Jahre Erbhofrecht der Deutschen Kolonisten in Russland', by T. Hummel.


Maps-Atlases-Geography. Soviet



'Evropa-Aziya'; Samorodova. N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 15; The monument in the southern Ural Mountains which marks the dividing line between Europe and Asia. Depicted on an airmail envelope of 1975. A


at Northern Bukovina Postal History; Bell. Robert/Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 32-50; Deals wich the Austrian administration of the area to 1918. Rumanian to 1940. first Soviet to 1941, second Rumanian with Germany to 1944 and second Soviet to the present. Includes maps ano a list of post off1ce names.

American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 795-798; Includes a brier list of placename changes, Imperial to Soviet to a second SOViet renaming. An Atlas of Russian History. Eleven Centuries of Changing Borders.; Chew, Allen F.; 1967; New Haven and London, Yale University Press; Original spiral bound copy. Maps accompany each historical period and its overview. Atlas avtomobil'nykh dorog SSSR; Markova, N.T. (ed.); 1967: Glavnoe upravlenie geodezi i i kartografi i MG SSSR. Moscow; Original hardbound road atlas. Includes ra i 1 ,-oed 1 i ne!; . Atlas avtomobil'nykh dorog SSSR; Svirskaya. K.V.; 1980; Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii kartografii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, Moscow; Original hardbound road atlas. Includes rai 1 1 ines. Atlas avtomobil'nykh dorog SSSR; SV1rskaya, K.V. (ed.); 1987; Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. Moscow; Original hardbound road atlas. Includes railroads. Atlas skhem zheleznykh dorog SSSR; Pushkareva, M.I. (ed.); 1978; GLAVUPR Geodezi i i Railroad line strip maps. Kartografii pri SOVMINe SSSR, Moscow; Original bOOK. Byl

taKoi raion vostochnoi tundry; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 21-22; The 'Eastern Tundra RaJon' in Chukotka. 1930s to 1962. Includes cancels. a 11st of zip codes for that area, and a crude map.

Dagestan; Michalove, Peter; Rossica; 119; Oct. Dagestan area, ca. 1900 and 1987.

1992; 17-21; Includes two maps of the

Filatelisticheskaya geogr&fiya (Zarubezhnye strany); 'Svyaz", Moscow;


Filateliya, toponimika; Salabanov. V.; Filatel iya SSSR; and comparison of postmark names with map names. Geografiya pochtovoi svyazi SSSR; Zonnenburg. Moscow; Photocopy. Guide-Book to the Soviet Union; Rado, A.; York; Extract, one photocopy page. and a map.


1928; B~ief

1; Jan.




1969; 39; Toponymy



Izd-vo NKPT,

International Publishers Co .. New outline of the Nizhnii-Novgorod Fair.

Karta dvizheniya pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 10-verst-scale postal map for post office use.

132; Announcement of a

Mailcoach Sorting of Postal Correspondence; Belyaev, M.I./Kuznetsov, I.G.; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 19-48; Excerpts from the 1938 SOViet book. InclUdes railroad postal route maps and a 1 1sting of numbered Soviet RR lines. Maps to Aid Russian Postal History Studies: Murdoch. George; BJRP: 61; Dec. 61-63; Maps from 1800 to 1927.


Matters Moldavian; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 25: Dec. 1989; 41-67; Includes three maps of the Bessarabia/Moldav1a area, a 1 isting of post offices and zip codes for Moldavia, and postal history. More Maps for Russian Special ists: Josep~, Robin L.; BJRP; 64; Dec. Twelve maps are listed, from 1875 to 1953. Name Changes of Russian Cities; Prigare, S.V.; RAP;

10; uune 1943; 2-3;

Name Changes of Russian Cities and Towns; Cerini. Martin; 27-32; Cross-referenced 1 isting of many locations.

Rossica; 90-91;

Pocntovye shtempelya - pomoshchniki toponimiki; Sashenkov. E.; JUly 1990; 44-46; Postmarks as an aid to toponymy. Pochtovye shtempelya reabilit1ruem?; Sashenkov, E.; The Volga German ASSR. Includes a map. The Complete Guide to the Soviet Union;

1987; 61-62;


Louis, Victor/Louis.


Filateliya SSSR; 7; 10; Oct.


1991; 52-53;

1980; St.

Maps-Atlases-Geography, Soviet




Martin's Press. New York; The Complete Guide to the Soviet Union. Revised Edition; Louis. Victor 1980; St. Martin's Press, New York; Original softbound book. The Roumanian Posts in Transnistria; Marinescu, Cal in; 25-35; The Odessa area. WWII.

Post Rider;

& Jennifer;

29; Dec.


The Soviet Posts in Western Belorussia 1939-1941: Shmuely. Moshe/Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 4-32; Includes extensive placename listings and two maps of the area. Traktovyi ukazatel' pochtovykh vagonov - gazetnykh traktov SSSR dlya napravleniya korrespondentsii i periodicheskikh izdanii; Sokolov. M.M. (comp.); 1928; NKPT. Moscow; Railroad mail routes. stations. Ukazatel' dvizheniya pochtovykh va go nov i parokhodov. peresylki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii i periodicheskoi pechati v bagazhe poezdov i na parokhodakh na period s 15 okt. 1931 g.; Naudin; NKPT. Moscow; 1931; Lists railroad routes and ship lines for 1931. Umbenennungen und Neugruendungen im Europaeischen Teil der Sowj. Arktis und in Karelien; Loehrich. Friedrich; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1986; 2-3; Placename changes from 1910 to the present. Volga German Postal History; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 50-61; Short history. Includes maps and a list of post offices. Zheleznye dorogi SSSR, napravleniya i stantsii; Beloglazova, O.A. (ed.); 1971; GLAVUPR Geodezii i Kartografii pri SOVMINe SSSR. Moscow; Railroad line strip maps for the entire USSR.



Maximum Cards, Soviet 'Kartmaksimum-75'; Alekseev, V.;

Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.




Chetyre 'Rubensovskikh' kartmaksimuma; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 20-21; Rubens' works on foreign and Sovlet maximum cards. Iskusstvo kartmaksimuma; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filateliye SSSR; 3; Mar. 1972; 31-32; The author of the first article in #9, 1971 answers letters from readers on the subject of maximum cards. Iskusstvo kartmaksimuma; Vozzhennikov, N.;

Filate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Kartmav.simumy; (n.a.); Apr. 1978.

Filateliya SSSR;


Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 31;


10; Oct.

Kartmaksimumy; Robinson, D.; Filateliya SSSR;

1978; 42;

10; Oct.



Issues from 3 Mar.

Issues of 26 Oct.

to 12


1967; 30-31;

Katalog konvertov pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumov 1984-1986; Maksimenko, Nataliya Mikhallovna (comp.); 1989; DIEhZPO, Minsvyaz i SSSR, Mosccw; Original softbound catalog listing FDCs and maximum cards issued from 1984 to 1986. Katalog. Konverty pervago dnya i kartmaksimumy 1968-1979.; Sp,vak, M.I./Spivak, N.K.; 1981; Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Original catalog. FDCs and maximum cards. Kompozitsiya kartmaksimuma; Vozzhennikov, N.;

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.



Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1983; 35; FDC issues from 4 June to 15 June 1982, maximum cards from 4 to 10 June 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 1 Aug. to 14 Sep. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1986; 57;

Konver路ty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1986; 49-50; Issues from 14 Sep. to 20 Nov. 1985. Maximum cards issued on 14 Sep. 1985. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. FDC issues from 20 Sep. to 4 Dec., maximum cards on 20 Nov. 1984. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 3 Apr. to 22 Apr. 1984.

Filateliya SSSR; 2;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 23 Feb. to 12 Apr. 1985.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1986; 49-50;

Filateliya SSSR: 4; Apr.

1985; 50; May

Konverty pervogo dnya 1984 issues.



Konverty pervogo dnya i ~:artmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 29 May to 15 Aug. 1984.


1985; 48-49; 1985: 43:

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 41-42;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 42; FDC issues fl'om 17 Sep. to 12 Oct. 1982, maximum cards from 22 Sep. to 25 Oct. 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.): Issues from 16 Apr. to 26 June 1985.

Filatel iva SSSR; 5' May 1986; 51-53;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 7; July 1983; 36-37; FDC issues from 25 Nov. to 29 Dec. 1982, maximum cards of 25 Nov. 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 4 JUly to 25 JUly 1985. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; FDC issues from 5 Jan. to 10 Mar. 1983.

Filate1 iva SSSR; 8;


1986; 49:

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 40-41; 1983. max'mum cards from 5 Jan. to ~7 Fe~.

Konverty Dervogo dnya i karTmaksimumy: (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; ~DC issues of 24 June 1977, max'mum cards of 24 June 1977.

10; Oct.

Konverty oervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. FDC issues from 18 Mar. to 16 May 1980, maximum cards from 27 Feb. 1980.

1977; 35; 1980; 35-36; to 25 Mar.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.): Fi latel iva SSSR: 10; Oct. 1981; 37-39; FDC issues from 10 Feb. to 25 May 1981, maximum cards of the 12 Apr. 1980 issue. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1982; 40-41; FDC issues from 4 Mar. to 20 May 1982, maximum cards from 5 to 20 May 1982. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy:


Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1979: 44;

Maximum Cards. Soviet Issues from 21 Mar.

to 14 Apr.



12; Dec.

1976; 25;



Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 18 Aug. to 22 Sep. 1976.

Filatel iya SSSR;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 35-36; FOG issues from 23 June to 16 Aug .. maximum cards from 20 JUly to 16 Aug. 1978. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. FOG issues from 22 Sep. to 26 Oct. 1977. maximum cards of 4 Oct.

1978; 29-31;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 42-43; FOG issues from 18 June to 18 Sep. 1981, maximum cards from 18 June to 20 Aug. 1981. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; FOG issues from 1 June to 18 Oct.

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1980; 38-40; 1979, maximum cards from 14 June to 18 Sep.

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 39; FDC issues from 10 Oct. to 17 Dec. 1981. maximum cards of the 10 Dec. issue. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1979; 35-37; FOG issues from 27 Aug. to 20 Dec. 1978, maximum cards of the 16 Nov. series. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 37; FOG issues of 3 Mar. 1978, maximum cards of Dec. 30, 1977. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Issues from 12 Apr. to 24 June 1977.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1977; 44;

Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1975; 40; FOG issues from 8 May to 22 JUly 1975. maximum cards of 22 JUly 1975. Konverty pervogo dnya i kartmaksimumy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; issues of 25 Nov. 1975. maximum cards of 25 Nov. 1975. Leniniana na kartmaksimumakh; Sadovnikov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; inside back cover; Lenin on maximum cards. Pervyi v mire; Vozzhennikov, N.; Yurii Gagarin.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Feb. Feb.

1976; 36; FOG 1976; 2-3 &

1974; 6; A maximum card of

Russkii muzei na kartmaksimumakh; Vozzhennikov. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 11-12; Maximum cards with artwork from paintings in the Russian Museum. The Analagophilic Thesis; Haydzicki, Marian;

Rossica; 60;


1961; 48-50;

Zhenshchina v zhivopisi; Azizova. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. maximum card portraying women at work in a mine.

1976; 21; A Soviet





(n.t.); Blum. Henry; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 69; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Describes an overfranked letter from Russia to Berl in in 1907 - the equivalent of $758.76. (n.t.); Campbell. Patrick J.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 69-70; Shows various trade cards with reference to the Wm. Slate artlcle in #6. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew: Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 72-73; A leaf used as a postcard in 1928. and more on Stal inlana. (n.t.); Faberge. Oleg A.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 59; St. Petersburg Mineral Water order blanks.

In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

(n.t.); Frauenlob. Walter; Rossica; 75; 1968; 109; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Two officially-issued imperial postcards with ~rivate firms' advertising. (n.t.); Gordon. Leo; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99-100; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An unused French-Russian postcard for WWI troop use. (n.t.); Knudsen. Soren; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 69-70; A variant trade card. Follow-up to Wm. Slate's article in #6. (n.t.); Kulikovsky. T.N.; Post Rider; 4: Apr. in the USSR due to an envelope shortage. (n.t.); Meckel. Arnold; Post Rider; 21; Nov. Shcherbatov to a French soldier.

1979; 81; A Danish-made envelope used 1987; 73; A WWI

letter from Prince

(n.t.); Neveline. M.; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 11; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An eyewitness account of the Russian brigade at Camp 'La Courtine' in France. WIN 1.

(n.t.); Nielsen. C.M.; Post Rlder; 5; Nov. 1979; 72-73; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A seaman in the Merchant Marine describes his experiences with the 'Philatel ic scene' in Soviet Black Sea ports. (n.t.); Padget. Peter 1.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 62-63; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Bilingual cancels from the I-Li Republic. in Uighur and Russian. (n.t.); Padget. Peter I.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 78-79; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Shows a cover from the I-Li Republ ic in Northwest Sinkiang to Ur~mchi. 1950. with a bilingual Turki/Russian postmark from Durbuljin. (n.t.): Pose11. l.iBcques; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A new cachet varlety of the Russian brigade in France. WWI. (n.t.); Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An extract from 'Monthly Stamp Digest'. Aug. 1950. about WWI French postcards for Russian Troops in France. (n.t.); Weikard. Helmut; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 75; An 'Internationale Arbeiterhilfe fuer Sowjet-Russland' cover. 1923. and a postcard mailed from 1ilsit via Kaliningrad to Nuernberg. 1948. (n.t.); Weikard. Helmut; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 71-72; A beer-bottle label used as a postcard in 1910. (n.t.); Werbizky. G.G.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 73; The cover from a Soviet in Liechtenstein is identified as a probable 'Special Division Russia' cover. ' ... Po delu kollektsionirovaniya pochtovykh marok'; Sorkin. Yu.; Filatel iya; 4; Apr. 1992; 10- 1 1; Professor M.Ya. Syuzyumov. a partlcipant in the 'Zlatoust program' and a purge victim in 1936. 'Po mere imeyusl'lcneisya vozmozhnosti'; Evgen'ev. G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 14-15; Dellvery problems and delays wlth 'Filatel lya SSSR'.

1; Jan.

'Russkii kollek"tsloner' 1922 goda; Donskoi. N few extracts from 'Rk'.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


118; Apr.

Novym Godom: '; Ackerman. G. Adolph; Rossica; greeting cards. stamps. special cancels.


1985; 37; A

1992; 58-61; New Year

'Schitayu dlya sebya za chest' .... '; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; July 1966; 8-9; Four great names in the Soviet pantheon who were stamp collectors - Kalinin. Bryusov. Gor'kii and Pavlov. 'Sovetskomu fi latel istu' - polveka; Mazur. P.; 'Sovetskii filatelist' of 1922-1933.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.


A Letter from Grand Duke Aleksy Mihailovich; Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 90-91;

14; 1976;





63; A letter from the Grand Duke in Italy to England. A Possible Vlasovite Item; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 52-54; A postcard mailed by a Soviet from Liechtenstein, JUly 1947. A Postal Mystery: Poland to Tibet; Torrey, Gordon/Voaden, Denys; Rossica; 1976; 49-51; Discusses a 1902 postcard from Russian Poland to Tibet.


A Treasured Relic; Reikhman, G.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 94-95; Shalimoff, George; A typical propaganda article from 'Filateliya SSSR'. A U.S. Civil War Related Cover; Falk, Arthur; Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 95; A Letter from the Russian Vice-Consul at MObile, Alabama to the Russian Consul-Gen~ral in New York. A Very Odd Cover; McDonald, Donald; BJRP; 30; Mar. 1962; 19-20; A cover from Reval, Dct. 1905, with a 10k stamp cancelled by a swastika and a German 10 pfg. stamp. A Visit to the Public Records Office in London; Bell, Robert M.; Post Rider; 1983; 5-9; Information on how to go about research in the PRO. About Transcription of Russian Names; Kurbas, V.;

Rossica; 60;

Addenda to Russian Troops in France 1916-1917; Posell, 38-39;

12; May

1961; 34-37;

Jacques; Rossica; 49-50;


Additional Postmarks of Russian Troops in France 1916-17 and Postmarks of a French Unit in France; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 55; 1958; 22; An 'Andreas Lilge' Cover; Hedley, Matt; Post Rider; the leader of the German Moravian Church.

29; Dec.

1991; 3-4; A cover to

An Unusual Historical Cover; Trbovich, Robert; Rossica; 93; 1978; 49-50; An American Civil War cover from Turchin's brigade to Vyborg, Finland. An Unusual Reply Card from Petrograd to Portugal; Henderson, George; BJRP; 66; Mar. 1989; 38-39; Basic Philatelic Knowledge; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider;

11; Nov.

1982; 2;

Beware of Thieves; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 9-11; Describes material lost 1n robberies of the Shishkin and Kvetan collections. Briefmarken-einkauf in Leningrad; Schmenkel, H.; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 54-55; Addresses and telephone numbers of Soyuzpechat' stores in Leningrad. Butaforskaya obshchestvennost'; (n.a.); SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 97-98; An actack on foreign clubs and societies (and indirectly, on those Soviets belonging to them) as nothing more than fronts for dealers. Byuro ehkspertizy pri upolnomochennom; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on the formation of an Expertization Bureau in Chuchin's organization. Capitalism is ALIVE and WELL!; Combs, Gary A.; Rossica; 119; Oct. takes issue with UNICOVER pricing of Russian new issues.

1992; 8; The author

Cerini's Laws of Russian Philately; Cerini, Martin; Post Rider; 5; Nov. Some general tips and admonitions for the philatelist.

1979; 46;

Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a. l; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 41; "Mercerization" of stamps by forgers, a brief summary of the Russian Bureau of Philatel ists' history, and an explanation of why Yassy had zemstvo stamps, even though it wasn't in the empire. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a. l; t:ilateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 38; Explanation of zemstvo 'dolgovye' stamps, a brief history of the various lmperial and Soviet communications journals, and a discussion of the 1962 space stamp in 'large format'. Ct1itatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 32' Questions and answers about the sale of personal philatelic material through Soyuzpechat' stores. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 32; The difference between blocks and small sheets, plus an explanation of 'last day covers' . Chto filatelistu nado?; Druzhnov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1981; 16-17; A survey of letters about poor philatelic service in various parts of the USSR. Chto takoe khorosho i chto takoe - plokho?;


Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.






34-35; More bombardment against the bugbear of private stamp dealers in the USSR. Collecting in the USSR, Part I; Walker, Ralph; Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal; 58; Apr. 1977; 4-8, 10; ~ description of how philately is conducted in the USSR. Collecting in the USSR, Part II; Walker, Ralph; Scott's Monthly Stamp Journal; 58; May 1977; 10-14, 16; Continued from April 1977. Collecting Soviet Stamps of 1930-j960; Chastang, Thomas; 1991; 6; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introductlon to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Collectors of St. Petersburg; Rachmanov. V.A.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 3-5; Rachmanov's reminiscences of his years in the St. Petersburg group with Breitfuss, SChmidt, Faberge, etc. Collectors Beware!; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; theft from a Post Rider subscriber.

14; June 1984; 2-3; Report of a stamp

Collectors Corner in 'Novoe Russkoe Slovo'; Marcovitch, 45-47; About R. Polchaninov's articles.


Rossica; 80;

Comparison of Russian Weights, Measurements and Coins with English, T.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 25-26; Constantinople to St. Petersburg, 1879; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 93; 1879 postcard through the Turkish post office. Constructive Philately; Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 46-47; collecting approaches to Russian philately.


1897; Rutkowska, 1978; 45; An

1955; 31-37; Various

Consular Posts in Territory of the Union of Soviet Social ist Republics; Shinn, Wililam T.; Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 115-118; Lists all consular posts from 1803 to 1978. Cover from Liverpool via Ostende and St. Rossica; 63; 1962; 40; 1871.

Petersburg to Finland; Kessler, Melvin M.;

Current Philatelic Conditions in the USSR;


Post Rider;

5; Nov.



Ueklaratsiya budushchego. K 60-letiyu 'Zlatoustovskoi pla~formy'.; Obukhov, E.; Cilatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 18-19; The early days of Soviet philately and the so-called 'Zlatoust platform'. Delo brat'ev Finkel'shteir,; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatellst; 2; Feb. 1924; 22; The Finkelstein brothers land in hot water with Soviet authorities for their SOViet stamp 'export' scheme, which involved a Deruluft pilot. Delo pochtamtskikh chinovnikov; Moskvich; Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 21; A court case against post office workers for violating the state's monopoly on stamps. Den' pochtovol mar'ki; Gintsburg, Ya.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 15-18 & first insert page; 'Stamp Day' issues from the USSR and other countries. Den'

prezident~tva; Maiorov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 4-6; The writer argues for a stamp issue bearing Gorbachev's likeness, and doing away with issues propagandizing decisions taken by CPSU Congresses. Maiorov also states that speclal post offices were set up during previous Congresses to serve delegates.

Der Deutsche, Oesterreichische und Ungarische Soldatenrat in Moskau; Taitl, Horst; ZRSP; 4 1 ; Sep. 1986; 13-15; Dlya prodavtsov 1 kloskerov; Semenov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983; 17; A ne~ Cooklet Issued b~ the USSR Ministry of Communications outl lning the duties of \,jorker"s eJt ph 1 ',etelic stores and kiosks. Dobrava sluzhba malen'koi marki; Postnikova, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; VI; Efforts TO use philatelic stocks to alleviate famine in the Urals during 1923. Dolgii put' k podpischiku; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 18-19; Readers' complaints about erratic delivery of 'Filatel iya SSSR' to their homes. Dolzhna stat' takoi ... ; Krasheninnikov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 38-39: The poet Valerii Bryusov and his cooperation with 'Sovetskii filatelist' in the early 1920s. Druzhit' s pochtoi; Stal 'baum, B.; SK; 3; 1965; 5-14; A lengthy review of problems and trends in Soviet philately, and a call to stUdy the postal system itself. Ova goda; Borodulin;


1; Jan.

1925; 83; The writer attacks ZhTS for





resemblance in sUbject matter to its predecessor, Journa 1 .

the Post-and-Telegraph

Early Covers to Henry Hechler in Halifax; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 3; Two Russian covers to Canadian stamp dealer Henry Hechler. Early Russian Periodicals at the Smithsonian Institution; Gordon, 1967; 58-62; The 1896-1900 'Marki' magazine. Early Russian Philatelic Journals and Writers; 1986; 43-45;


Ian W.;

17; Nov.



- Philatelic Downturn in the USSR; Cronin,



Rossica; 72;



Editorial - Building a Collection in Our Field; Cronin, 'ndrew; Post Rider; 1984; 2; Editorial


Post Rider;

15; Nov.

27; Nov.


Eshche raz 0 klassifikatsii marok; Kachinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1979; 56-57; Instructions on how to classify stamps, e.g. official, semi-official, private, etc. Fields of Russian Philately; Adler, Kurt; possible collecting areas.




15-19; A general

list of

Filatelisticheskaya khronika; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 24-26; A potpourri of news from around the world - status of the Filintern, First All-Union Exhibition, VOF doings, etc.


Filatelisticheskaya khronika; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 21-22; Activities of the Filintern Executive Committee, its German section and a Sections Bureau. Filatelisticheskaya pechat' 0 Rossii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 14-16: A review of foreign philatelic literature on the RSFSR. Filatelisticheskii magazin; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on the establishment of an philatelic store in Moscow, attached to Chuchin's organization. Filateliya i pedagogika; Bubu; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 6-8; Translated from the Esperanto. A member of the Filintern defends philately as a useful tool for teaching children and as a means of spreading the Revolution. Filateliya i vo=hdi SSSR; F., Ya.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. '1923; 7-8; ReproDuctions of the signatures from Soviet government officials in response to their receipt of 'Sovetskii filatelist'. Filateliya v pomoshch' golodayushchim Samarskoi gubernii v 1921-1922 godakh; Plotnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 26-27; Chuchin's efforts to raise money from philatelists in response to the famine of 1921 and 1922, and the declaration of government monopoly over philately. Filateliya v Moskve, perelomnyi 1990; 52-55;

1923 god;

Kulakov, V.;

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Filateliya v Moskve: Pervye itogi - novye zadachi (1924-1925 gg.); Kulakov, V.; Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 48-50; Continued from #11, 1991. Filateliya v Rossii (60-e gody XIX veka - 1917 g.); Kulakov, V.: Filateliya SSSR: 1; Jan. 1990; 22-24; The first in a series of articles deal ing with the history of philately in Russia and the Soviet Union. Filateliya v Rossii (60-e gody XIX veka Mar. 1990; 48-50; Contlnued from ii1,

1917 g.); Kulakov,


Filateliya SSSR;



Filatel iya v Sovetskoi shkole; Chuchin, F.; Sovetski i fllatelist: 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 9-10; A Moscow schoolchild's view of recent Russian history, The latter promotes thematic illustrated by stamps, is reproduced by Chuchin. philately as a teachir.g tool, Filateliya v 1927 godu; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 1-2; A decidedly tendentious comparison of Soviet philately with 'imperialist' philately. Filateliya SSSR v 1923 godu; Chuchin, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; Chuchin's view of philately and his country's postal emissions in 1923. Firmennyi komissionnyi; Novikova, T.; Filatel iya SSSR; 'Filatel iya' Store No. 20 in Moscow. From the History of Philately in the USSR;

10; Oct.

Polchaninov, R.;


1978; 20;








46-52; Shalimoff, George/Skipton, David; Translated from 'Novoe Russkoe Slovo', 27 july 1986. Describes the circumstances of the 'maneuvel'ing' behind the scenes in the early years of Soviet philately. From Russia With Love???; Campbell, John; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 28-31; The text of a letter from a Russian's family in 1917 to the father 1n America is translated. Gosudarstvennaya kollektsiya znakov pochtovoi oplaty; Panova, May 1974; 28; The USSR's national stamp collection.


Filateliya SSSR;


Gosudarstvennoi kollektsii znakov pochtovoi oplaty 100 let; Panova, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 16, I-II; The A.S. Popov Museum of Communications. Government Depository Libraries. The Present Law Governing Designated Depository Libraries, Revised June 1979.; (n.a.); 1979; Joint Committee on Printing. Congress of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Dffice, Washington, D.C.; A listing of government depository 1 ibraries throughout the U.S. Original stapled copy. Hammer und Sichel auf dem Mt,



Peter; ZRSP; 39; Dec.

1985; 52;

Having Fun Collecting Russia; Seiflow, Gerald; 1991; 4-5; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. History of the Russian Troops in France 1916-1917; 1956; 26-33;

Posell, Jacques;

Rossica; 48;

Incoming Letter from Archangel. Russia Tied with a 3c 1851 United States Stamp; Kessler, MelVin M.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 47; A 'bootleg' letter. Interesting Items; Kessler, Mel; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 65-67; Includes a postage due postcard, an illustrated mil itery ~etter sheet and an advertising letter sheet. Issiedovateli sovetuyutsya; Seregin, 6., Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 48; The 'research group' of 'Filateliya SSSR' and its work. Istoki russkoi filatelii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Russian philatelic publications and societies.



10-11; Early

It Is Safe to Soak Russian Stamps?; Verbitsky, N.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 22-26; Lists imperial and Soviet stamps which should never be soaked.


Ital'yantsy v Sovetskom Soyuze; (n.a.); Fileteliya; S; Aug. 1991; 60; Ookuchaeva, T.; I.alians and their contributions to Russian and Soviet history. Translation from 'Cronaca Filetel ica'. Iz istor'ii filatelii; Vigilev, A.; Soviet philatelic history.

Filateliya SSSR;

Iz istorii filatelii; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; beginnings of philately in Europe and Russia.

10; Oct. 7;

1979; 46-47;


July 1979; 52-53; The

Iz istorii pochty internatsional 'nykh brigao v Ispanii; Osyatinskii. A.; SK; 27; 1990; 48-75; The Spanish Civil War. InclUdes informacion on Soviet formations and their mail. Iz istorii russkoi filatelii;





1972; 95-106;

Iz istorii sovetskoi filatelii; Vigilev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; Early Soviet philately and the formation of the VOF.

12; Oec.

Iz istori i sovetskoi fi latel i i; Vigi lev, Continued from 1i12, 1979,

5; May 1980; 52-53;


Fi latel iya SSSR;

1979; 52-53;

K godovsllchine Sovetskoi Fllatel ii, Chestvovanie Upolnomochennogo sotrudn1kami.; Rozov, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 24; Repl"'odl.Jction of a text hon::w i ng F. G. Ciluch in, presented by r, i s co': I sagues. K svedeniyu podpischikov 'Russkogo Kollektsionera'; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatellst; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; 23; Announcement that 'Russkii Kollektsioner' is folding. Kak delayutsya raritety; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 36; The famous story of a Swedish philatel ist who bought several Russian rarities, and then burned them to make his own more valuable. Kak sobirat' Moscow; use of COllect

pochtovye marki; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1958; Izd-vo 'Molodaya gvardiya', Original softbound book. A 'how-to' for young collectors, detailing the philatelic paraphernalia, what to collect. various themes and how to them, etc.





Kakim do1zhen byt' Pochtovyi otde1 Tsentra1'nogo muzeya svyazi im. A.S. Popova?; Dmitriev, D./Bukharov, G.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 25-26; Discussion of what the A.S. Popov Communications Museum should do with the state phi1atel ic collection. Kakoi zakon nam nuzhen?; Gorbatko, V.V.; Fi1ate1 lya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 4-5; A stenographic report of Gorbatko's address to the USSR Supreme Council concerning the proposed law on public organizations. Kamennaya 1etopis' redaktsii; Novosadova, 'Fi1ate1iya SSSR' and its offices.




JUly 1991; 4-5;

Khimicheskaya proverka i chistka marok; Novotnyi. Ladis1av; 1970; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Kachinskii, Anato1ii; Chapters on cleaning stamps and removal of harmful substances from them. Kilos of Russia; described.

Shields, Arthur;

Rossica; 46-47;

1955; 67; A disappointing mixture

Ko11ektivnaya podpiska; Eichfuss, L.; Sovetskii fi1ate1ist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 27-28; Eichfuss proposes to centralize philatelic journal subscriptions under Chuchin's organization. Kol1ektsioner iz Obninska; Kornyukhin, A.: Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; 26-27; An interview with N.V. Luchnik, well-known Soviet phi1ate1 ic writer and collector. Ko11ektsioner: prizvanie i do1g; Druzhnikov, Yu.l.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7-9; The author explores Man's urge to collect, and his 'duties'

12; Dec. thereby.


Ko11ektsionirovanie pochtovo-b1agotvoritel 'nykh marok; Yakobs, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 47-51; Collecting Imperial and Soviet semi-posta1s. Ko1oko1a. Istoriya i sovremennost'.; Raushenbakh, B.V.; 1985; Izd-vo 'Nauka', Moscow; Hardbound original. Most of the book doesn't concern postal history. but there is one chapter on the Va1dai bell-makers, where many postal bells were made. Komissionnyi magazin: po obe storony pri1avka; Semenov, S.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 18-20; Information about philatel ic commission stores that sell material for collectors. Kommentarii; ro1'son, L.; Sovetskii fi1ate1ist; 11-12 (27-28); NOv.-Dec. 1924; 28-30; The author attacks'S' for his anti-Soviet article in a Polish philatelic journal. Komu na 'Rusi' zhit' khorosho; Obukhov, E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11: Nov. 1990; 7-9; Complaints about the 'Rus" cooperative and its advertised service of providing special cancels to customers. Komu na 'Rusi' zhit' khorosho?; Obukhov, E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 50-52; Complaints about the poor operation of the 'Rus" philatelic store. Kontseptsiya zhurna1a; (n.a.); Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 1: Jan. 1991; 6; A round-table discussion of the editorla1 collegium about what the journal shoulj be in the changed situation. Konverty pervogo dnya - suveniry i1i pochtovaya neobkhodimost'; Maksimov, A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; 25; The author gives his opinion on FDCs. Kto by1 pervym filatelistom?; Mazur. P.; Filatei ~ya SSSR; 9: Oct. 1974: 11; A.G. Snitkina, the wife of F.M. Dostoevsky, takes up philately ,n 1867 to prove a point. Likvidatsionnyi ba1ans Upo1nomochennogo TsK Pos1edgo1 VTsIK po fi1ate1 ii i bonam (na 1-e avgusta 1923 g.); Eichfuss; Sovetskii fi1atelist; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; 4 7 Balance sheet for Chuchin's organization.


Listaya pozhe1tevshie stranitsy - 'Priural'skii kollektsioner'; G1eizer, M.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1986; 38-39; Short article on a 1922 Vyatka philatelic journal. M.l. Kalinin i sovetskaya fi1ate1iya;

Mi1'kin, M.; SKi




Magazin, abonement i ya; Zykov, A.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 4; Oct. 1966; 30-31; The authors complains about the current poor state of Soviet philatelic supply through Soyuzpechat', and offers suggestions to improve it. Marka i ee defekty; She1estyan, 1.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 25; A brief history of the debate over how to construct a 'deficiency scale' of stamp defects. Marki - pochtoi; Petrov,

I.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.

1976; Short item on the opening





of a philatelic store in Leningrad which handles new issues subscriptions. Marki na znachkakh; Travkin, 'znachk i ' .


Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1974; 31; Stamps on

Mar-ki A'1tona Pavlovicha Chekhova; Skobelev, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 8-12; A description of the stamps A.P. Chekhov co~lected and squirr(~led away in packets. Marochnye pozhertvovaniya; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 22-23; The balance sheet for- Chuchin's Posledgol VTsIK organizat路ion.


Marochnyi podarok russkago Imperatora amerikanskomu mal'chiku; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 385; Mebel' dlya pochtovykh predpriyatii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1965; Short article on 33 new types of postal establ ishment furniture from a factory in the Lithuanian SSR. Memories of an Old Philatel ist; 1963; 15-17;


Eugene; Russian Philatellst; 3;

Memories of an Old Philatelist; 32-34; Continued from #2.


Eugene; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov.

Memories of an Old Philatellst; 34-36; Continued from p4.




Russian Philatelist; 5; July 1964;

Moderne Sowjetische Raritaeten - Gibt es so Etwas?; 1985; 51-52; Muzei Svyazi NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; section on the NKPiT Communications Museum.

Schneider, J.;

38; Aug.

1930; 65-69; The trial of

Na beregakh Nevy; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; organizations in St. Petersburg from the 1890s to 1970. Filateliya SSSR;


144; Short item in the 'Khronika'

Muzeinye ehksponaty; Mavrikieva, GVlana; SK; 3 (103); Mar. collector Va.M. Falevich in Irkutsk.

Na ehkrane - marki; Travkin, L..; stamp collecting.


12; Dec.

16; Philatelic


17; Two films on

Na trakte pochtovom ... ; Belogorskii, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; One page on a postal station museum in Vy~a, outside Leningrad. Nash dogovor s Amerlkol; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 31; The Chuchin organization's contract wlth an American firm to sell Russian stamps in the U.S. and British colonies on the North American continent. Nash dogovor s Amerikol; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii filatel ist; ~; Feb. 1924; 2-5; Chuchin explains and defends his organization's philatel ic-materials contract with Morris Sherman of the U.S. Nash pr'edstavitel' v Turkrespub1ike; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 23; Two representatives of Chuchin's organization named to the Turkmen Republic. Nashi plany; Korotchenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 13-14; The RSFSR and demand for philatelic products in the mid-70s to early 80s. Nasushchnye voprosy snabzheniya kollektsionerov; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 20-23; A 'round-table discussion' about Soyuzpechat' problems in supplying Soviet collectors. Nauka ili uvlechenie? Diskussiva v Moskovskom Dome uchenykh.; Nikolaeva, L.; ei1?tel iya SSSR; 7; ,July 1976; 24; A roundtable discussion on whetner philately is a science or a pastime. Ne glyadya v svyattsy - vo vse kolokola; Mavrlkievna, Gviana; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 12-16; A scathing attack on A. Zorich's ;;,rtic 1 e in 'Pr'oznektor' 1i1, 1930, and his very U'1-Soviet views of philately. Ne zhdite otveta, deistvuite sami; Bukhov, 0.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 6-7; Problems with the 'Stamps by Post' program run by Soyuzpechat'. Includes a listing of 'Stamps by Post' branches in the USSR. Nedelya pis'ma - prazdnik oktyabr'skii; Kerskii, E.; 24-25; International Letter Week and the UPU. New and Old Spheres of Collecting; News and Views;

(n.a.); BJRP; 47;

Polchaninov, R.;

Filateliya SSSR; Rossica;


3; Mar.


1957; 37-38;

JUly 1972; 38; R. Casey comments on L. Tann's

Miscellaneous 'Usage Extraordinary'




in #46.

Nova Odessa in Brazil; Po1chaninov. R.; Rossica; of the city and how it got its name.


Novye magaziny; Novikova, T.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. additions in Moscow.

1990; 81-82; Brief history

1980; 7; Soyuzpechat'

Novye pochtovye marki; G1yasman. T.; Sovetskaya Be10russiya; Aug. 22, stamps showing Be10russian sights.



Novyi spisok pochtovykh predpriyatii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the completion of a new postal list. Novyi Kh1estakov; (n.a.); Sovetskii fi1ate11st; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' sectlon on legal proceedings being brought against citizen Sanchov for absurd claims that he is an editor of 'SF' and close to Chuchin's organization. Nuzhen li nam sovetskii novode1; Lukin. N.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 92-93; The author argues that the SFA should issue cheap reprints of expensive stamps, so that Soviet collectors can bUild decent thematic collections.


dogovorakh mestnykh kontragentstv pechati s agentstvom 'Svyaz"; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 111; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a disagreement between contractors and 'Svyaz" over newspaper subscriptions.


filate1ii v shko1e; Syuzyumov, M.; SK; 2 (102); Feb. approach to using philately as a teachlng tool.


kol1ektsionirovani i i sobiratel'stve; Izrael it, M.; SK; 8; of collecting, from imperial times to the present.


naznachenii standartnoi marki; Litvinyuk, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. The author's views on what a Soviet definitive stamp should be.


vvedenii vremennykh koehffitsientov k dejstvuyushchim tsenam na pochtovye marki i bloki SSSR; (n.a.); Filate1iya; 3; Mar. 1992; 7; Short announcement on introduction of a temporary 'co-efficient' in revaluing Soviet stamps from 1918 to 1990.

1930; 54-56; An early Soviet 1970;

101-106; A defense 1970; 20;

o Kruzenshterne, 'Padue' i kladbishche na Nukakhive; Pant, G.; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 13-15; On Admiral Kruzenshtern. The article is in 3 languages Russian, Estonian and German. Original 'noe pis'mo; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 130; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a magnolia leaf franked with a stitched-on stamp, sent through the mail safely. Osnovy prakticheskoi filate1 ii; Levitas, I.Ya.; general review of philately in general.



Svyaz", Moscow; A

Ot sk1ada do ko11ektsii; Novichkova, V.V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1967; 9; The author makes the case for improving Soviet phi1ate1 ic trade in the USSR. Otchet upolnomochennogo; Gleizer, M.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 8-9; 'Fi1ate1iya i golod v 1922 godu', a 16-page brochure pUblished in 1923 by F.G. Chuchin. Other People's Mail; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, individual in Vladivostok is reproduced.

1992; 52-53; A 1928 letter from an

Otkrytka, poslannaya Leninym; Pavlyuchenkov, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. pages on a postcard sent by Lenin from his exile in Ufa, 1900. Otnosyatsya k delu s dushoi; ObukhOV. E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; words about a Soyuzpechat' staMp store in Penz?

12; Dec.


1975; Two 16-17; Kind

Outstanding Items; Seager, O.T./Lloyd, J.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 16-18 & 3 illustration pages; Two panes of the 10k arms imperforate on cover. Parizhskaya kommuna i fi lateliya; Chuchin. F.G.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 22-23; The article is reproduced from the one Chuchin wrote for 'Sovetskli ko11ektsioner' in Mar. 1926, but an introduction by Z. Nemchikova provides some of Chuchin's background, plus a photo of him. Peddlers with Stockbooks; Kosarev, A./Bogdanchikov, F.; Rossica; 74; 1968; 50-52; Bulak, C.P.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #3, 1967. A police raid on Moscow philatelic stores. Perekrestok mnenii; Ustinov, D./et al.; Filateliya; 7; July 1992; 7-9; Sharp divisions of opinion on the state of Russian philately in the wake of the Founding Congress of the Union of Philatelists.





Pervyi god. Zaboty, zaboty ... ; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; July 1967; 35; An interview with the chief of the philately department in the USSR Ministry of Communications concerning philatelic supply to Soviet collectors. Phi latel ic .4dventures in Europe - 1957; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 12-13; Various 8xperiences with otner collectors clnd dealers during a concert tour. Philatelic Adventures in Europe Continued from #52-53.


Posell, Jacques;

Philatelic Meanderings; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 65; Eastern Europe, philatel ic contacts. Philatelic Sidelines; Shenitz, H.;


1963; 24-26;

Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov.

Philatelic Societies in Russia; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP: 57; Nov. from Vlgilev's article in 'Filateliya SSSR' #7, 1979.


1958; 56-58;

Adler's trip to 1963; 34-36; 1980; 22;


Philately in the Soviet Union; Cohn, Ernst M.; The American Philatelist; Nov. 1979; 986-987; Information from the Jan. 19 7 9 issue of 'Soviet Life', and comments. Philately in the Soviet Union; Matishev,




1960; 53-54:

Philately in Russia; Gar, Anatol; Rossica; 48; 1956; 12-13; Reproduces Gar's short letter to Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga inquiring about Soviet philatel ic clubs and 11terature, and the reply. Plan vypolnyaetsya, no ... ; Florinskii, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 37-38; Problems with Soyuzpechat' philatel ic kiosks in Central Asia. Plitka shokolada; Timoshin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 8-10; The 1922 Famine and the stamp drive to raise money for the starVing. Pochta i znachki; Abramov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. on 'znachki' - lapel pins.

1974; 24-25; The postal


Pochtovaya marka i zakon; Rivkin, K.; Filatel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 16-17; An investigator writes on illegal attempts to spirit stamps and documents out of the country, and the legal penalties for stamp forgery. Poisk pUtl: fllateliya v Moskve 1918-1923; Kulakov. V.; '990; 50-51; Continued from #6.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Poisk pUci: filatel iVa v Mos~路<ve 1918-1923 gg.; Kulakov, 1990; 50-53; Soviet philate:y's early days.


Filatel iya SSSR; 6;


Poluzabytye stranichki; Tumanovskii, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Sep. 1966; 20; The early days of Russian philately and the Moscow SOCiety of Philatelists. Postavim na nogi; Valero." 0.8.; SKi 1 (101); philately in the Soviet context.



1-4; Tile argument for

Pozhar v pochtovom muzee; In.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatel ic Chronicles' section on a fire in the Postal Museum destroying valuable imperial-period material. Pravo na prioritet?; Panin, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1967; 'firsts' achieved by the Baku section of the VOF.

10; A short 1 ist of

Predlagayu versiyu; Petrin. Yu.; FilateliyoCl SSSR; 9: SeD. ;985; 36; The autner presents his version of the explanat10n for Gleizer's 'Abonement SFA' in b12, 1984. Preemniki TsK Posledgol i filateliya; Rozov, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 6; The Posledgol, Pomgol, and the Special Section.




Prikazy Upolnomocnennogo po filatel ii i bonam v SSSR; Chuchin, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 45; Chuchin's order apPOinting the staffs of the two Expert Bureau sections in his organizatlon, Primer, dostoinyi podrazhaniya; (n.a.); Sovetskii fi'latelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 23; apprOVing account of Glavehlektro's efforts to supply stamps to Chuchin's organization.


Primer, dostoinyi podrazhaniya; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section apprOVing the work of Glavehlektro VSNKh in its stamp-collection drive for the TsKPG. Priostanovit' shkval spekulyativnykh marok; Berngard, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1968; 28-30; In a long-winded polemic, the author accuses American and West German stamp dealers of directing the flood of speculative stamp issues for





personal gain. Pro nas - samoe samoe; Nikitin, M.; Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 20-22; The Guinness Book of Records and Soviet accomplishments. Protiv 'dikikh gashenii'; 'club' cancels.

(n.a.); SK;



164; MGOK protest about non-postal

Pryamoi razgovor; Bekhterev, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR: 10; Oct. 1990; 3; A letter from the editor about problems facing the magazine and Soviet philately in general. Query on Overprint of Arms Issue; Stuchell, Robert W.; '1908' overprint on a 1909 3k arms stamp.



1988; 91; A

Question Box; (n.a.); RAP; 13; Nov. 1943; 2; Stamp sales through the SPA and collector exchange stopped in 1936. Rabota u nikh takaya ... Reportazh iz Glavnoi optovoi filatelisticheskoi kontory; Kornyukhin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Sep. 1966: 6-8; Inside the Main Wholesale Philatelic Office. Rare Covers Found; Minkus, Robert F.; Rossica; covers with scarce stamps, 1948-1950.


1987: 86-88; Several Soviet

Razmyshleniya 0 plane ehmissii; Sokolov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1968; 19; The author criticizes some thematic aspects of the USSR's stamp-issuing policies. Reading Russian Handwriting; Bernhardt, James E./Ward, Julie; May 1989; Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Department of State; Original spiralbound handbook. Exercises in deciphering written Russian. Relative Rarity in Philately; Campbell, Patrick J.; BJRP; 62; Dec.

1985; 50-51;

Reviziya upolnomochennogo TsKPG; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on the Chuchin organization's audit in the wake of the Sanchov affair.


Rezul'taty raboty pervogo polugodiya 1924-25 gg.; Derzhavin, M.; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 162-164; Data on various 'Svyaz" operations from the beginning of 1924 to mid-1925. Russian Philately at the End of XIX Century; Kurbas, V.A.; Rossica; 59;

1960; 58-61;

Russian Registered Mail Arriving in Canada; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 24; July 1989: 3; A spade-l ike marking applied to registered foreign mail coming into Canada. Russian Union of Philatelists; Vainora, Ricardas; Rossica; 119; Oct. Skipton, David M.; Transformation of the VOF to the SFR.

1992; 7;

Simvoly tvoei Rodiny; Alekseev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 17-18 and 1 illustration page; Symbols of the USSR - the 5-pointed star and the coat-of-arms. Soveshchanie v GURP; Shkurin, N.M.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 21; A meeting at the Main Administration for Distribution of Printed Matter to discuss ways to expand and improve Soyuzpechat's philatelic service. Sovet Narkompochtelyu; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist: 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 29; The journal's editors suggest to the Post-and-Telegraoh Commissariat that 'philatelic propaganda' and service to collectors be Increased as a means of reversing a decrease in postal revenue. Sovetskii Soyuz na inostrannykh markakh: Sokolov, M.P./et al.: Moscow; Original softbound book.


Izd-vo 'Svyaz",

Sovetskoi pochtovoi marke 40 let; Dobychlna, L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. pages. A brie~ survey o~ Sov~et stamps since 1921.

1961; Two

SovIver? Poka fantastika.: Vladinets. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 5; The author points out the many prOblems that would face compilers of a 'Soviet Yvert' catalog of all the world's stamps. Soyuz molodykh filatelistov-kollektsionerov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 30; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on formation of the Russian Union of Young Philatelists. Sputnik filatelista i bonista; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; 31; Announcement that a journal of this name will be issued by the Expert Bureau of Chuchin's organization in 1924. Starye adresnye knizhki; Gleizer, M.;

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

1979; 46-48; Old





philatelic membership lists in booklets. Starve filatelisticheskie zhurnaly; (n.a.); Fi",ateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 39; 'Ezhenedel'nik kollektsionera' and 'Bibl ioteka kollektsionera', issued in the early 1920s. Starve .ei latel isticheskie zhurnaly; Gleizer, M.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1986; 40-42; 'Kavkazski i kollektsioner', 'Russki i kollektsioner' and 'Severnaya korrespondentsiya', all published in the early 19205. Stereo Zoom Microscope; Okol ish, Anthony L.; of a microscope in philately.


Straight Talk; Bekhterev, Yul i; Rossica; 112; 1988; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #7, 1988.



13-14; The benefits

12-13; Oallair, Richard;

Stranitsy pod znakom voprosa; Kornyukhin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; Nov. 1966; 10-11; Complaints about poor service and poor selection in the Soyuzpechat' outlet in Khar'kov. Streifzug durch die russische Philatel ie; Schneider, J.; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 4-7, 9-10; A broadbrush overview of Russian philately ana postal history. Sverdlovskie magazlny; Petrakov, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; critique of Sverdlovsk philatel ic stores. Tarasoviana; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 78; Solcmbala, Arkhangel'sk province.

12; Dec.


14-15; A

1970; 51-54; A stamp collector/exchanger in

Ten Points for Specialization; Prigara, S.V.; RAP;

2; Oct.

1942; 5;

Terapiya zdes' ne pomozhet. 0 punkte gasheniya na Sadovoi.; Frolova, G.; 4' Apr. 1992; 8-9; The CTO office on Sadovo-Spasskaya 19 in Moscow. The Mail of Internees in Liechtenstein; SOViet internees, 1S45-1947.


(n.a.); Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 51-52;

The Philatel ic Scene in Leningrad; Shinn, William T., Jr.; The American Philatelist; Aug. 1984; 811-813, 856; Experiences by the U.S. Consul General in attempting to establish philatelic contacts. Torgasni s klyasserami; Kosarev, A./Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1967; 36-37; A 'raid' on philatelic stores to uncover illegal vestpocket dealers. Touring the SOViet Union, page;

1965; Waugh,



1965; 31-33 & 1 illustration

Tridtsat' minut I,; prilavka; Charushin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; visit to the 'Filateliya' stamp store in Moscow.

12; Dec.

1979; 21; A

Tsari-filatellsty; (n.e.); Sove,ski i filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 29; Short item about Alexander Ill's stamp collecting, and Nicholas II's indifference to it. Tsennye bumagi v banke kollektsionera; Ivov, A.; Fi latel iva; 9; Sep. 1991; 7-9; An inter'view with a Moscow stamp club member on increased stamp prices and the general philatelic scene. Twelves; Shaw, George; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 65; A postcard sent from Moscow's 12th Postal Eranch Office on 12 December 1912. U istokov sovetskoi filatelii; Continued from #4.



Filateliya SSSR; 6;

June 1975; 25-27;

U istokov sovetskoi fi latel i i; Nemchikova, Z.M.; Fi late1 iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 26-28; On F.G. Chuchin and the beglnnings of SOViet philately, written by onE his SUbordinates.


U Samsona Vyrina; Afanas'eva, Z.; Filateliya SSSR; 8: Aug. 1975; 24-25; A postal museum establ isheo in the former Vyra postal statlo~ OUtS108 Leningrad. V interesakh filatelistov; Shkurin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 20-21; Problems with a general lack of philatel ic supplies produced by the TsFA. V muzee Narodnoi Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Short item in the 'Krlronika' section on the People'S Museum of Communications acquiring stamps, especially zemstvos, for its national collection. Vam pis'mo!; Viktorov, V.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; June 16, 1973; A brief history of the letter. Includes some information on the origin of the word 'yam'. Vedushchii

- Vladimir Drozdov; Davydov, P.;

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986;

18; A





radio broadcaster who speaks on philatelic themes. Ves' mir umeshchalsya v odnom al'bome; Borisov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 50-52; Various quotations from imperial to early Soviet times about philately. Visiting a Stamp Dealer's Shop in Moscow in 1954; Speers, 1954; 489-490;

Fred W.; BJRP;

Vmeste s 'Soyuzpechat'yu'; Semenov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Soyuzpechat' activities.


16; Dec.


Vospominaniya; Engal'; Rossica; 42: Apr. 1941; 53-56; In the Far Eastern supplement. Reminiscences of stamp collecting in Russia from 1908 to 1920. Vspomogatel'naya kollektsiya; Manzhelei, S.; Rcssica; 19; Mar. 1935; 143-145; Advocates compiling a collection of photos of stamps and covers, together with a normal collection. Vtoraya godovshchina; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 1-3; Chuchin's 'report' on the state of the Plenipotentiary's office, projects underway, etc., with a considerable dose of Marxist viewpoint. Vysokoe naznachenie sovetskoi pochtovoi marki; Mangel 'din, D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 2-3; The USSR Deputy Minister of Communications exhorts stamp collectors and talks about upcoming MC issues and initiatives. Vzglyad skvoz' gody; Armeev, R.; Filatellya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 3-4; Philately through the years in the USSR and the 'Traktorfil' eXhibition. What Happened to the Baron von Sharfenberg Collection?; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 94-95; 1978; 124-125; The story of the 1929 court case, recounted in 'Mekeel's'. Zagranitsa 0 russkikh markakh; Nablyudatel '; Sovetskii filatel ist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 15-16; Excerpts from the foreign philatelic press on Soviet stamps. Zarubezhnaya pechat' 0 pervykh sovetskikh pochtovykh markakh; Mazur, P.; SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 47-48; Zlatoustovskaya platforma; Stal 'baum, Boris; SK; 9; years of Soviet philately as a state tool.


1971; 3-20; The early, formative

Zlatoustovskie novatory; Ozolin'sh, Va./Syuzyumov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 58-59; The formation of the 'Zlatoustovskaya platforma' during the early period of Soviet philately. Zlatoustovtsy segodnya; Ozolin'sh,

Va.; SK;


1974; 78-81;

1812 Britlsh Navy Campaign Cover From Riga Bay; Mushlin, DaVid; BJRP; 53; Nov. 3;



Mongol ia



(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 73; 1967: 77-78; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1924 cover from Urga to Leningrad, sent by the explorer P.K. Kozlov. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; The designer of Scott #s 1-7.

1969; 99;


In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

(n.t.); Poppe. Nikolai; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 66-67; In 'PhilateliC Shorts' section. A translation of the address on the back of an envelope featured by S.M. Blekhman in his Tuva handbook. (n.t.); Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 57-58; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Fou~ covers, 1918-1924, with 3 from Sharasume and one from Buryat-Mongolia with Chinese transit markings. (n.t.); Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 67-68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on the two 'Mr. Grants' in Mongol ia. 'Chita' Cancellations on Mongol ian Mail; Adgey-Edgar, W.H.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 5-7; Reprinted from 'Journal of Chinese Philately', Dec. 1966. Chita transit marks on covers from Urga to Peking and Kalgan, 1920s. 'Sansar' - po-mongol'ski 'kosmos'; Vol'pert, M./Vinogradov, Sep. 1981; 25-26; Mongol ian space stamps.


Filateliya SSSR; 9;

Bumazhnye denezhnye znaki Mongolii i Tannu-Tuvy; Pakhomov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 41; Paper money of Mongolia and Tannu Tuva is listed. Czechoslovakia - Mongolian Archaelogical 1959; 29; Deti Mongolii; Kleiner, Yu.; Mongollan stamps.

Expedition; Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 56;

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1979; 54-55; Children on

Expedition Covers; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 46-49; P.K. Kozlov, Russian explorer, and another expedition to the USSR in 1936 to observe a total eclipse of the Sun. Istoriya pochtovogo bloka; Kamenkovich, I.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mal'. 1977; 60; The Mongolian Medals souvenir sheet and R.V. Shein, the Russian badge expert who suggested its design. Istoriya pochty i znaki pochtovoi oplaty Mongol'skoi narodnoi respubliki; Blekhman, S.; SK; 2; 1964; 56-87; Postal hlstory, postmarks and stamp catalog. K novym sversheniyam; Morgunov,


Filatellya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1986; 26-28;

Katalog pochtovykh marok Mongol'skoi Narodnoi respubliki 1924-1979; (n.a.); 1981; TsFA 'Soyuzpechat", Minsvyazi SSSR, Moscow; Original softbound catalog. Ministerstvu svyazi MNR 30 let; Kleiner,


Modern Mongolia; Raymond, G.J.; Rossica;


Mongol ia; Russell, G.S.; offices.

Rossica; 54;

Fl1atel iva SSSR; 5; May 1974; 34-35; 1959; 53;

1958; 7-10;



offices and Mongol ian

Mongolia and the Mongols; (rl.a.); Rossica; 66; 1964; 51-56; Bulak, C.P.; Translated from the Russian Imperial Geographic Society's journal, Vol. I, pp. 591-598. Extracts concerning the Post from Pozdneev's 1892-1893 trip diary. Mongolia and the Mongols; from #66.

(n.a.); Rossica; 67;

Mongol ian Peoples Republ ic; Raymond, G.J.: 'Weekly Philatel ic Gos2ip'.

1964; 54-56; Bulak, C.P.; Contlnued

Rossica; 57:

1959: 54-55; Reprinted from

Vladlnets, N.; Filateliya SSSR; :2; Dec. 1988: 24-25; Brief overviev.' of Mongolian stamp issues from 1924 to the present.


Na sovremennom tekhnicheSKom urovne (0 razvlti, sredstv 5vyazi v MNR); Gotov, D.; Vestnik svyazi: 10; Oct. 1971; Two pages, lncludes postal history. Nash drug - Mongoliya; Denisovich, A.;

Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 5-7;

Notes of the Russian Chief of Post in 'Tzetzerl ing-Mandale' Andrew; Rossica; 44; 1954; 43;

(Mongolia); Cronin,

Notes of the Russian Revolutionary Stamps, 1920-1922. Mongolia - Its Stamps, 1924-1927; Lissiuk, K.; (n.d.); K. Lissiuk, New York; Original catalog. Listing of surcharges by city. Notes on Mongol ia; Russell, G.S./et al.;



1958; 23-24;

Mongol ia




Notes On Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 56; A Russian emigre forger in France. "color varieties" of the 3k and 10k charity stamps of 1915, Wrangels. Phrygian cap overprints. Mongolia and Ukraine, Armenia overprints. Novye dannye 0 vypuskakh Mongolii; Sel'nlkov, 0.: 37-39; Stamps and postmarks.

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986;

Paper Money of Mongolia and Tannu Tuva; Pakhomov, Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #8, 1969.


Pochtovye konverty i kartochki MNR; Kiselev,

Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.


Rossica; 76-77;

Pod znakom bratskoi solidarnosti; Shein, R.; Fila~eliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The Battle of Khalkin Gol on Soviet and Mongolian stamps. Research on Modern Mongolia; Negus, James; Rossica; 56; checklist for stamps from 1943 to 1958. Samoe dorogoe dostoyanie; Boldokhonov, Kim; Mongolian stamps portraying children. Shagnuvshaya cherez veka; Karlov,


1959; 23-28;

Filateliya SSSR;

Filatel iya SSSR;

Slavnyi syn Mongol'skogo naroda; Denisovich, A.; Sukhe-Bator on Mongolian stamps.

1; Jan.

10; Oct.

1969; 69-71; 1985; 24;

1978; 60-61; Includes a 1979; 52-54;

1983; 2-4;

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1973; 7;

Sovetsko-Mongol'skii pocht.-tel. dogovor; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 171; Extremely brief notice in the 'Khronika' section that a post-and-telegraph treaty has been concluded between the USSR and Mongolia. STAMP EX 1958. Displays by Members of B.S.R.P.; (n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 800-801; The Bojanowicz 'Poland', Negus 'Mongolia', and Wortman's imperial exhibits. The Development of the Post and Communication Services of the Mongolian National Republic and the Postage Stamps of Mongolia (Chapter II); (n.a.); Rossica; 63; 1962: 41-43; Cronin, Andrew; The Development of the Post and Communication Services of the Mongolian National Republic and the Postag& Stamps of Mongolia (Chapter II); (n.a.); Rossica; 64; 1963; 34-36; Cronin, Andrew; Continued from #63. The Postal History of the Mongolian People's Republic; Blekhman, S.M.; Rossica; 1Q4-105; 1984; 7-11; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #2, 1964. The Russian Postal Service in Mongolia; Kurt; Translated from PTZh, 1898.

(n.a.); Rossica; 64;

1963; 41-42; Adler,

The Russian Postal Service in Mongol ia; from #64.

(n.a.); Rossica; 65;

1963; 43-46; Continued

U kollektsionerov Mongolii; Boldokhonov, Kim; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 37-38; An overview of Mongolian philately and the founding of the Union of Mongolian Phi latel ists. V strane Soembo; Shein, R.;

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

Who Printed the First Issue of Mongolia?: Negus,

1977; 22-23;

James; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 32;

Zagadka Mongol'skoi marki; Flotski i, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Kozlov expedition to Mongol ia in the 1930s.

11; Nov.

1972; 23; The P.K.

Zhivaya valyuta; Iol'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 18-19; Paper money issued by Baron Ungern-Shternberg in Mongolia. 1921. Zolotoi yubilei goroda; Yur'ev, Yu.; Zolotoi yubilei MNR; Morgunov,



Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 46; Ulan-Bator'. Fila~eliya


11; Nov.

1974; 44-45;


North Ingermanland Ingermanland; Kethro, W.E.: BJRP; 4; Dec.



1949; 64;

Ingermanland (Ingria); McDonald, Donald: BJRP; 28;


North Ingermanland' Fritzberg. N.D.; BJRP; 47; July 1972; 4-9;



& illustration pages

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 's, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.: June 1991; Orlginal, numbered copy - #23. The Stamps of Ingermanland; Freyman, K.; BJRP; 6: Apr.



Northern Army


Army of the North Issue; Ernst, Clement S. Jr.; Weekly Philatelic Gossip; 1938; 803-805; OKSA stamps and history. Special Corps - Russian North Army, 3,


PAGE: Feb.

1919; Gibrick, Seymour; Mekeel's; Jan. 5,


19, 1942;

Northwestern Army




(n.t.); (n.a.); Rossica; 22; Dec. 1935; 203; In 'Raznoe' section. A brief description of the more outstanding items in F. Kleman's Northwestern Army exhibit at DSTRoPA-1935. (n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 7-8; Collectors' section. Some eyewitness information. (n.t.); Freyman. K.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56; unusual Northwestern Army cancels.

In 'Notes From

In 'Nctes From Collectors' section.


'Balachovka', the Asobny Atrad Issue of the Bielarusin (Byelorussian) National Republic; Lesh, William; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 70-84; Includes Northwestern Army and OKS A stamps. An Enigmatic Cover; Epstein, Alexander; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 37-39; Attempting to determine the authenticity of two covers bearing complete sets of the OKSA stamps. Forgeries of the Northwest Army Stamps; Meyer, H.T.; Rossica; Skipton, David M.; Translated from "Rossice" #24.




Katalog pochtovykh ma~ok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii (1917-1924); Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy. North West Army Overprints; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 51; postal history, the overprints and the forgeries.

1957; 42-48; Covers

o.K.C.A. and North West Army; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 55;

1958; 26-29;

Ostorozhno: Fal 'sh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lichuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. ostorozhno: Fal 'sh'!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; overprints and surcharges.


1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Poddyelki marok Syev.-zap. Armii; Meyer G.F.; Rossica; in Engl ish translation, "Rossica" #102-103.

24; Nov.

1936; 239-242; Also

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 1-2. The Northwest and Northern Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Mar. 1981; Orlginal. numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 19-21. Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and F.E.R.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Jan.-Mar. 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamos of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O.'s, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered COpy - #23. The Stamps of the North Western Army;

Freyman, K.; B.JRP; 7; Oct.






'Vinnye' den'gi Yakuti i; Yakutsk, 1918-1919.



Money Stamps of Baku and Batum;



Pochtovye marki v oprave; Shi:shkin. oblast' coin surrogates.














'Wine money'






1918-1919 Semirechensk




(n.t.); Gibrick, S.; Rossica; 60; missing the surcharges. 'Obyknovennym den'gam'

Anninskaya moneta: Koretskii, V.; SK: 20;

Filateliya SSSR; 2;

1982; 73-82;

(n.a.); SK; 3;

Bud'te vnimatel 'ny, numizmaty!; Spasskii. at the Moscow Mint.



1970; 44-45;

1790s copper coins.

149-150: Peter's 'Beard-Tax' tokens.

I.; SK; 4:

Byli li v obrashchenii 'platy'?; Gertooan, A.: rUble 'plate' money of the 1720s. Chekan istorii; Kazakov, V.; Ill's coinage.


1961; 55; A block of 9 Scott #140s with 3 stamps

- 250 let; Maksimov, M.:

Boroda - lishnyaya tyagota;


1966: 81-82; Thalers overstruck

Filateliya SSSR: 8: Aug.

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1968; 33; The

1969; 43-44; Some of Peter

Commentary to Kardakov's Catalogue NO.1; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 61; 1961; 56; The 1866 Riga fractional bank note issue, 'Brut's rUble', and the origin of the Ukrainian trident on bank notes. Comparison of Russian Silver Coins with Other European Money (1866); 63; 1986: 10; Exchange rates. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct. 1917 currency stamps.

(n.a.); BJRP;

1967; 21; Differences in the ' , ' surcharge on

Denezhnoe obrashchenie Rossii; Vyazel'shchikov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 40-41; The circulation of coinage and bills of Russia in the 1910s. Dlva 'nuzhd dvora' - i dlya obrashcheniya v narode; Maksimov, M.; SK; 3: Elizabeth's coinage.

1965; 79-81;

Efimki v Rossi i. K 450-letiyu talera.; Stavrovski i, B./Koshtoyants, 0.: Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 39-40: Farforovye bony; Shishkin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 44; Plastic money issued by the I.D. Perevalov Porcelain Factory 1n Khaita, near Usol'e-Sibirskoe, around 1869-1870. Feodosiiskii monetnyi (Kaffskii) dvor: Kliorin, P.; SK: 2; Mint issues, 17805.


M.: Rossica; 60:

Fur Money of AnC1ent Russia; Perekrestenko

120-122: The Crimean

1961; 46-48:

Grubaya poddelka; (n.a.); Fila"!:eliya SSSR; 7: <July 1979; 50; Discovery of a 1915-17 1-kop. 'money-stamp' forgery in Dnepropetrovsk. Imperial Russia's Currency-Tokens, 21-34;

1915-1917; Tenn, Leonard L.: BJRP; 65; Sep.

Istoriya odnogo zabluzhdeniya: Koretskii, 1-kopeck coin.

V.: SK; 7:

1970; 69-72;

A 1727



Just a ~ouble ... ; Tann, Leonard L.; Pest Rider; 5; Nov. 1979: 51-52; Describes some rare Russian coins sold at the 15 June Christies' auction. K istorii monetnogo dela Novgoroda; coinage of Novgorod.

L'vov, M.; SK:


1981: 96-105;

15th century

Khlebnye marki; Shishkin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 44: Circular cardboard (and later metal) 'bread stamps' issued to workers of the Krenholm Factory on an island in the Narva River. They were extant from the late 1890s to 1917. Medal'er Ivan Vasil'e\'; Maksimov,


Nachetnye den'gi: Sergeev. V.; SK; 2; to 1718.




Naravne s razmennOl monetoi; Shchelokov, A.; Stamp-money and scrip of 1915-1919.




1734 ruble coins.

'Small Change'

in Russia,


Filateliya SSSR: 5; May 1991; 43-44:

Notes on the Russian Coins; Kormilev, N.A.; Rossica; 56;

1959: 30-34;

Notes on the Russian Coins; Kormilev, N.A.; Rossica; 57; #56.

1959: 32-40; Continued from

Notes on the Russian Coins: Kormilev, N.A.: Rossica; 58; #57.

1960; 27-28; Continued from



drevnerusskikh monetakh; Golenko, K.; SK; 5;

1967; 67-70;




Numismatic Literature of Imperial Russia; Arefiev, V.; Numismatics; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; Soviet bills are illustrated.

Rossica; 75;



1968; 9-10;

10; June-July 1991; 44-47; Several Russian and


chekanke russkikh monet s zag1ublennymi nadpisyami; Uzdenikov, V.; SK; 21; 99-103;


novodel'nykh rublyakh 1723 g.; Koretskii, V.; SK; 21;


stat'e S. Zvereva 'Printsipy formirovaniya tipov podrazhtel 'nykh monet Kazanskogo khanstva'; Mel'nikova, A.S.; SK; 28; 1991; 111; Comments on Zverev's article of the same title.

Db initsialakh 'OK'




i 'K' na monetakh Petra I; Maksimov, M.; SK;




On the Track of a Rare Coin; Spasskii, I.G.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 47-51; Adapted from the English summary in 'Sovetskii khudozhnik', Leningrad, 1964. The history of the Constantine Ruble and its fakes. Perechekanka russkikh monet; Maksimov, M.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Re-minting Russian cOinage in the 1700s.

1968; 34-35;

Pervye opyty po gurcheniyu russkikh monet v XVIII v.; Smirnov, M.; SK; 28; 97-102; Pervye shagi Ko1yvanskogo monetnogo dvora; L'vov, M.; sk; 4;


1966; 76-80;

Pervyi v respub1ike; Gorbenko, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 44; A newly-formed museum in Ternopo1' at the R.I. Tkhorzhevskii Institute, which pUblishes numismatic and scripophilic literature as well as providing exhibits. P1atinovaya moneta v svyazi s ee sto1etiem (1828 - 24 apre1ya - 1928); Vershinin, A.; Sovetskii fi1ate1ist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 12-14; Platinum coins. Po sledam 'Konstantinovskogo rub1ya'; Moshnyagin, D.; SK; 3;



Pochta na A1yaske i myestnye denezhnye znaki; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 379-380; Pochtovoe obrashchenie razmennykh 'marok-deneg'; Kuznetsov, D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSQ; 8; Aug. 1974; 37; The author presents extracts from a GUPiT telegram to the Perm' P-T District chief, instructing him to permit use of the 1915 'stamp-money' as postage. Popytki vvedeniya nike1ovoi monety v Rossi1; K1iorin, P.; SK; 3;

1965; 89-90;

Pos1ednyaya massovaya perechekanka mednoi monety v Rossii; L'vov, M./et a1.; SK; 3' 1965; 82-88; 1790s, under Catherine the Great. Pos1ednyaya mednaya moneta tsarskoi Rossii; Gornung, M.; SK; 4;

1966; 75-76;

Printsipy formirovaniya tipov podrazhatel'nykh monet Kazanskogo khanstva. izobrazhen1yakh na mordovkakh.; Zverev, S.; SK; 28; 1991; 103-110;


Prognozy monetnykh nakhodok (russkie mednye monety XVIII v.); Koretski i, V./L'vov, M.; SK; 6; 1968; 81-90; Redkie podde1ki marok-deneg; A1ekseev, K.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 28; Forgeries of the 1915 stamp money tokens. Rodos1ovnaya red'koi monety; Koretskii, V.; SK; '180_' date.



141-144; 5-kop. coins with

Romanov Currency Stamps of 1915. 21-25;

1916-17; Sal isbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 59;


Romanov Currency Stamps of 1915, 5-8; Continued from #59.

1916-17; Sal isbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 60;



1711 goda; Durov, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR;

11-12; Nov.-Dec.

Rublevik medal 'era L. Dmitrieva; Maksimov, M.; SK;



1968; 54-55; 156-159;


Russian and Ukrainian Currency Stamps 1915-1918; Spiwak, Paul B.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 14-18; Russian Coins of the XVIII and XIX Centuries Without Indicated Value; Kormi1ev, N.A.; Rossica; 58; 1960; 11-13; Includes photographs. Russian Currency Stamps; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 40; Mar.







Russian Currency Stamps 1917; Tann,

Leonard L.; BJRP; 42; Dec.

Russiar; Gold Coins of XVIII Century; Kormilev,


1968; 34-35;

Rossica; 60;

1961; 31-33;

Russko-amerikanskii denezhnyi znak; Shenits, G.M.; Rossica; 30; April translated newspaper article o~ Farran Zerb's find.


Russko-amerikanskii denezhnyi znak; Ushkov. V.; Rossica; 34; Nov.-Dec. Alaskan seal-hide money. Russkoi platine 150 let; Maksimov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; anniversary of Russia's platinum coins.


11; Nov.


135; A 183;

1969; 39; The 150th

Russkomu desyatichnomu rUblyu 500 let; Maksimov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 56-57; COinage of Rus' in the last half of the 1400s. Sibirskie monety; Markov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; under Catherine the Great. The Currency Tokens of Russia; Tenn.

11; Nov.

1969; 40; Siberian money

Leonard L.; Post Rider;

15; Nov.



Uslovnye oboznacheniya monetnykh dvorov i medal 'erov na monetakh stran Evropy; Shishkin, A.; SK; 10; 1972; 153-173; Continued from #7. Uslovnye oboznacheniya monetnykh dvorov 1 medal'erov na monetakh stran Evropy; Shishkin, A.; SK; 7; 1970; 73-95; Includes Russian and Soviet mint-master initials on coins. Yubilei Monetnogo dvora; Galina, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. honoring the 250th anniversary of the Leningrad Mint. Zagadka monet Fedora Godunova; Tindo. N./Kleshchinov, V.; Zagadochnye bukvy; Krivchenko, V.; 16th-century Russian coins.

SK; 23;

1974; 4; A 6k stamp

SK; 22;



1985; 98-102; Mysterious letters on

Zamechatel'nyi otrubok slitka (rubl ') i ego khozhdenie po udelam; Gol ikov, A.G.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 79-81; A silver bar from which rUbles were cut. Zicpoluchnye rubli; 5ergeev, V.; SK; tne literature.


1916-1917 Romanov Currency Tokens; Tann,


147-148; Correcting errors appearing in

Leonard L.; BJRP; 54; Dec.



Numismatics, Soviet




'Obval' v numizmatike?; Andreev, A.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 51-52; Rises and falls in the pricing for various Soviet coins issued from July 1989 to Feb. 1992. Den'gi fabriki im. Bebelya; Gruslanov, V.; SKi 6 (106); June 1930; coinage issued by the Bebel' Leatherworks in Leningrad, 1922.

158; Private

Katalog monet sovetskogo chekana; Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N.; SK; 95-135; Kollektsionirovanie i issledovanie sovetskikh monet; SK; 4' 1966; 65-69;



Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N .

Krov' na serebre; Shchelokov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1991; 43-44; The 10-, 15and 20-kop. coins of 1931 and their connection with Stalin's assault on the country's economy. Kur'eznye raznovidnosti novodel'nykh pamyatnykh monet vypuska 1988 gOda; Andreev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 43; Lotsiya dlya numizmatov; Chistov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 42; A book review of A.A. Shchelokov's 'Monety SSSR'. The reviewer notes some discrepancies. Metallicheskie bony; Popov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 34; Metal coin-like scrip issued in 1922 to workers at a number of enterprises around the country. Metallicheskie bony Shpitsbergena; Gleizer, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Soviet-issued metal 'coins' for use on Spitsbergen, 1946.

1970; 41-42;

Monety sovetskogo chekana; Sapozhnikov, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 19; The half-kopeck coin of 1927. Monety sovetskogo Khorezma; Shchelokov, A.; Khorezm coins of 1920-1921.

Filateliya; 3; Mar.


1992; 42-44; Soviet

Monety, posvyashchennye igram XXII Olimpiady v Moskve; Dashevskii, N.; SK; 23; 103 - 112; Nekotorye raznovidnosti standartnykh monet 1988-1989 gg.; Andreev, A.; SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 43;



Nekotorye voprosy kollektsionirovaniya sovetskikh monet; Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N.; SK; 16; 1978; 104-119; Neobkhodimo vosstanovit' istinu; Senkevich, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; 43-44; The author takes issue with a number of points made by M. Gleizer's 'Sovetskie monety 1921-1968 godoy' in #s 4-6.


kollektsionnosti nekotorykh sovetskikh monet 1921-1952 gg.; 1974; 119-124;


povtoryaemosti shtempelei na sovetskikh monetakh. (Otvet chitatelyam.); Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N.; SK; 6; 1968; 106-107;


I.; SK;


Opredelenie podlinnosti kollektsionnykh monet sovetskogo chekana; Moshnyagin, D. /Oashevsk ii, N.; SK; 9: 1971; 121 - 129; Pervyi v respubl ike; Gorbenko, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1990; 44; A newly-formed museum in Ternopol' at the R.I. Tkhorzhevskii Institute, which publishes numismatic and scripophilic literature as well as providing exhibits. Plan vypuska yubileinykyh monet SSSR na 1990-2000 gg.; July 1990; 42;

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7;

Po starym retseptam; Shchelokov, A.: Filetel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 44: The author attacks the Soviet coin-lssuing plan for 1990 to 2005 as more of the same old propaganaa, overlooking many wortny subjects. Popravki 'Kataloga monet sovetskogo chekana'; Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N.; SKi 1976; 100-104;


Popravki i dopolneniya k 'Katalogu sovetskikh monet 1958-1990 gg.'; Andreev, D.; SKi 28; 1991; 188-189; Additions and corrections to the 'Catalog of Soviet Money 1958-1990. ' Popravki i dopolneniya k 'Katalogu sovetskikh monet 1958-1990 gg.', opublikovannomu v zhurnale 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' No 27 (str. 141); Andreev, A.; Sredi kollektsionerov; 2; 1991; 6-7; Kontrakt TMT, Moscow; Corrections and additions to a Soviet coin catalog. Raznovidnosti monet sovetskogo chekana; Moshnyagin, D./Dashevskii, N.; SKi 5;


Numismatics, Soviet




47-57; Raznovidnosti monet SSSR 1987-1991 gg.; Andr'eev, A.; Varieties of Soviet coins frorr. 1987 to 1991. Raznovidnosti sovetskikh monet po gurtam; Semenov,


I.; SK;


1; Jan.

1992; 41-42;

1981; 94-96;

Redkie sovetskie monety; Gle,zer, M.; Filatellya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 43; Rarity values assigned to various SOViet coins. Roznichnye tseny na kollektsionnye sovetskie monety po sostoyaniyu na 07.12.1991 g.; (n.a.); Sredi kollektsionerov; 2; 1991; 4-5; Current prices for Soviet coins as of 7 Dec. 1991. Sovetskie monety 1921-1967 godov; Gleizer, M.;

Filatel iva SSSR; 5' May 1969; 40-42;

Sovetskie monety 1921-1968 godov; Gleizer, M.;

Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr.

1969; 40-43;

Sovetskie pamyatnye monety 1988-1989 godov; Shchelokov, A.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 42-44; Commemorative Soviet coins made of precious metals, 1988-1989.


Sovetskie pamyatnye monety 1989-1991 godov; Shchelokov, A.; Filateliya; 7; July 1992; 44-45; Continued from #4. Sovetskii chervonets; (n.a.); Sredi kollektsionerov; 2; 1991; 1-3; Kontrakt TMT, Moscow; Includes a valuation chart for Soviet 'chervontsy' of 1922 to 1937. Sozdanie denezhnoi sistemy sovetskogo gosudarstva; Senkevich, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Dct. 1970; 43-44; Creation of the SOViet money system immediately after the Dctober Revolution. Uslovnye oboznacheniya monetnykh dvorov i medal'erov na monetakh stran Evropy; Shishkin, A.; SK; 10; 19'12; 153-173; Continued from #7. Uslovnye oboznacheniya monetnykh dvorov i medal'erov na monetakh stran Evropy; Shist,k';n, A.; SK; 7; 1970; 73-95; Includes Russian and Soviet mint-master initials on coins. Vzglyad na 'meloch"; Ivanov, G.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 44; A statistical survey of the number of pre-1961 coinage remaining in circulation. YUblleinyi rubl'. V chest' 20-letiya vel ikoi pobedy.; (n.a.); SK; 3; 1965; 77; A commemorative ruble minted to note the 20th anniversary ~f victory over fasclsm. Zvonkaya letopis'; Nesterenko, YU.; SOViet rUble.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1969; 44; On the first









For D.V.

(n. t . );

(n. a. );





V. V.




Lobachevsk i i .

'Filatelist ya molodoi ... '; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 51-52: Obukhov quotes from some of Tat'yana Rutkovskaya's letters on philatelic topics. A.M.

Rosselevitch 1902-1977;







Albert Doel;


Post Rider;

Albert Gold;



Alexander A.


Alexander V.

von Reimers;


Post Rider;









von Hofmann,










Alfreds Jebakbsons ermordet;










Philatel ia Baltica;




3' Andrejs Petrevics;


Post Rider;

Andrejs Petrevics;

von Hofmann,


Anton Antonovich von Lauritz;


Arthur Shields;




Arthur Shields;



Arthur W. B.








Philatelia Baltica; Rossica;








May 1982; 74;



Burov; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 9; Sep. 'Filateliya SSSR' from 1974 to 1975.



Baron Constantine de Stackeloerg; Basil


George Drennan.



Al 'vian Nazar'evich;

Boris Karlovich Stal'baum; Boris Shishkin; C.C.








Charles C.



Charles Stibbe:



Eugene Prince;




Charles Clifford Handford;




JUly 1976;



!.L.G.: 16;


Burov was the chief editor of








3; 1977;







Handford - Eighty Years Young!; (n.a.): BJRP; 45; Mar. 1971; 19-20: Mr. Handford was quite well at the time this article was written. but passed on before this file was compiled.





















Filateliya SSSR;












Doktor Tat'yana Rutkovskaya; Donald McDonald; Dr.



Ado Blecher;


Alfred H.


Gregory B.


(n. a. );































28-29: 1980;













167; Raymond; Oct.



Philatelia Baltica; Mar.





(n.a.); 1977;






Arthur Schroeder;



Vladimir von Richter;









Andrew; BJRP;

Post Rider;




12; May 1983; 44;





Leon Kozakiewicz;



Leonid S.


Rudo 1 f

Se i chter:

8a i l l ie,






Stepan Rosokha; (n.a.); Post Rider: 18; June 1986; Carpatho-Ukrainian Parliament on 15 Mar. 1939.



Theodore Lavroff:



William C.






I. L. G.;





Editorial: Edward E.


Emile I.


(n.a.); Kuehn;

Ell sworth L.

GOI'don: BJRP:



F i 1by;






P. T .:


Petrovich Gansen;


1978; 43:



Post Rider:

Rossica: 9;



Foreword: Tirums. M.; Latvian Collector: Alexander Nuksa's death.

Fred W.



Georg Eberle: Graf










































Helding Fa1k; Henry Myers;


(n.a.); Tann,



Herbert Roy Maslin Chamberlain; (n.a.);

Hilary Norwood;


Hilary Norwood:








Obituary for A.V.



BJRP: 45:



News of











1973; 30;


Post Rider; BJRP;





















Krenke1's obituary.












Leonard L.:

Herr Heinz Gottschalk;





May 1975:














Vasi1'evich Bondarenko-Salisbury:


Harold C.



June 1940:


Fadeev, A.V.; (r,.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. one of the founders of the Uk~ainian VDF.

Franz See;




Fi1ate1iya SSSR;





(n.a.): 37:

The Vice-Speaker of


Ernst Teodorovich Krenke1';



Krenke1's obituary.






Julius Fohs:


10 (26);

Ernst Teodorovich Krenke1':



June 1936;





For Vsevo1od Kurbas.




10; May 1982:


Emile Isidorovitch Marcovitch; Emmanuil














Post Rider;









Post Rider;







Dve utraty; Chuchin, F.G.; Sovetskii Repman ana V.Ya. Bryusov. E.L.




Drago1yub VUletich-Dragan;












3; 1986;





In Memoriam:

Sir John Wilson,


Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin (1895-1986); 68-69; Jack Buchanan;



Jan Poul ie;


Jan Poulie;

von Hofmann,

Joe 1 B.


Post Rider;

(n. a. ); P.T.;

John Lloyd;



John Lloyd,

F.R.S.P. ,L.;

John Lloyd,




















Fi latel iya SSSR;

Kurt Adler; Kurt Adler Lt.-Col. Max M.





von Gaffner;


Kurt Adler;











Lobachevsky; HUddy;



Norman D. Epstein 1918-1991; front cover; Obituary -

Ernest Konelsky;

Obituary -


Obitual'y -

Wilfred M.

Obituary. 3-4;



Leo J.


Gerard D.















135; 68;



Apr. 17;










57; 1983;


F.R.P.S. ,L.:








1943; 1955; Apr.

F.R.P.S. ,L.;








529; P.T.;




Pamyati tovarishcha; (n.a.l: F'late;iya SSSR; member and honored member of the VOF.


Pamyatl tovarishcha; (n.a.): Fl1atel iya SSSR; Chairman of the VOF Board of Directors.


June 1985;













Pamyati Kh. Norvuda; Rozov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; British Communist Party member and President of BSRP. (n.a.);







1965; SK;





50; 1988;

170; 1970;





Pamyati tovarishcha; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 48; M.G. of the Financial Department of the VOF Board of Directors.




53; 3;









Post Rider;

Pamyati tovarishcha; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Editor of 'Filatel i ya SSSR'.





D.let a1.;




May 1983;









Alfred Henry Wortman.


1986; 63;












1978; 6-7;





June 1986;

Post Rider;














Post Rider;



Post Rider;



Miroslaw Bojanowicz;















Post Rider;









Philatelia Baltica;

Ross i ca;





John Barry;

Joseph MUlevich;












Hilary Norwood,



Pamyati S.G. Poplavskogo; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; S.G. Poplavskii, military hero and VOF delegate.


Pamyati S.l. Mnozhina; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. member and member of the VOF Board of Directors. Pavel

Semenovich Uralets; official's death.


Filateliya SSSR;

President's Message; Chebotkevich, Arkhangel'skii's death. Prof.






Osker Winterstein;



Wilfred Bentley;
















Richard Zarin; (n.a.); Rossica; 38; JUly-Sep. deslgner of the Romanov stamps. Rimma Alexis Sklarevsky; Rimma Sklarevski; Ronald P.





Post Rider;







Army General


Notice of a VOF

News of Eugene






May 1982;



Richard Zarrins,





Sam Shannon Emison, Serge Rockling; Simon D.






Tchilinghirian; St,




Aleksandrovna Krongei'm;






















1967; 1975;




19-20; 25;








Tenisov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatel ist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 28; Tenisov was a philatelist and the head of the Barnaul Society of Esperantists.


Yakovlevich Bryusov;

Vivian G.


Vladimir von Richter;










June 1949;











William Edwin Clarence Kethro; William Ellis Hughes; William H.


Wi,liam L.


William R.


William S.E. Xenophon G.





Rossica; (n.a.);





Yan Yakovlevich Gravel'sin;










George; Rossica;



58; 1958;


Post Rider; Dec.












Filateliya SSSR;













Post Rider;





10 (26);


Vladimir Aleksandrovich Muratov (1904-1974); (n.a.); 56; Member of the VOF Board of Directors. W.




July 1974;


Post Rider;


Souren Da"id Serebrakian 1900-1991;

Post Rider; V.V.





Sir John Wilson, Sofii




Russian Philately: A Legacy of Challenge and Ambition; Artuchov, Alex; 13; Nov. 1983; 2-3; A.H. Wortman, K.A. Berngard, Emile Marcovitch, Lobachevskii, S.M. Blekhman, D. Kuznetsov. S.M.


A VOF honored


JUly 1974;





10; 48;








98-99; 1931;


1980; 19;




Occupation Forces, Austro-Hungary




Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 50; Brief explanation of the Lyuboml' City Post overprints of Nov. 1918.

Occupation Forces, Belgium




The Holy war Against Bolshevism; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 36-66; The anti-bolshevik theme issues of many countries allied with Nazi Germany against the USSR are descl'ibed. Includes the Vlasov Army, Serbian, Rumanian, Norwegian, Estonian. Finnish & Dutch issues.

occupation Forces, France (n.t.); Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 52-53; Forces in the Crimea, 1855.




1957; 7; Letters from the French Expeditionary

A Napoleonic Item from Russia; Huysmans, Fr.; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 24-25; Translation of a letter from the commander of the French 7th Light Infantry Regiment, near Sventsiyany. An 1812 Letter From Smolensk; Speers, Fred W.; from a French officer.

Rossica; 67:

1964; 50-52; A letter

Letters of French Soldiers of the War of 1812; Llphschutz, Michel; Rossica; 64; 51-54 & 1 illustration page;


Letters From French Soldiers in Russia During the War of 1812; Liphschutz, Michel; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 15-18 & illustration pages 4-7; Pis'mo vremen osady Sevastopolya 1855 goda; Ermolinskii, B.; Russian Philatelist; 1; May-June 1961; 9-11; A letter from a French soldier in the trenches during the siege of Sevastopol'. The Holy War Against Bolshevism; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Pider; 18; June 1986; 36-66; The anti-bolshevik theme issues of many countries allied with Nazi Germany against the USSR are described. Includes the Vlasov Army, Serbian, Rumanian, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish & Dutch issues.


Occupation Forces, Germany



(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 70; 1966: 75-76: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Postgebiet Ober-Ost overprint fakes. (n.t.); Ackerman, G. Adolph; Post Rider; 19; Nov. 1986; 70; An apparently philatelic item sent in Nov. 1941 through the German postal system, bearing 'mixed' Soviet and German franking. (n.t.); Pauk, Bohdan; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 'Blue Division', sent via German FPO.

1989; 72-73; A cover from the Spanish

'V' Crayon Marking; Popov, V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 62; Three postcards from All bear large 'V's', and the writer Alupka and Nikolaevka in the Crimea, 1918. suggests they were never forwarded. A Brief Military and Postal History of the Spanish Blue Divislon (Div. 250); Planas, Salvador Bofarull; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 10-54; The Blue Division on the Eastern Front in WWII. Auch Sowjetische Sondermarken wurden stillschweigend gedultet; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Balti:::a: 80-82; June 1984; 34; Besondere Postkarten fuer den Verkekhr vom Postgebiet Ober Ost nach USA; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 52; May 1972; 2; Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Continued from #2.

Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar.

Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Continued from #4.

Russian Philatelist; 5; JUly

1963; 3-9; 4-13;


Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 45; A 100R stamp surcharged '100,000', identified as a postmaster provisional of 1922 from the village of Serafimo-Oiveevskoe, Nizhnii Novgorod province. The 1918 20 pf. and 40 pf. surcharges on 1909 Arms stamps are also explained. Comments on Dr. Gagarin's Article; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 57; 50-51; Comments on Pskov Articles; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; Deutsche 'Ostland'-Maschinenstempel 41-42; June 1965; 6-7;



1959; 49-50;

1941-1945; Fuchs, Guenter; Philateiia Baltica;

Deutsche 'Ostland'-Maschinenstempel 1941-1945; Fuchs, Guenter; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 38; A follow-up to Fuchs' article in #41-42. Deutsche Feidpost 1944 aus dem Raum Mitau (Jelgava)?; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Ba 1 t i ca; 61; Dec. 1975; 16; Deutsche Zensurstempel im Postgebiet Db. Ost; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 17-21; Deutsche Zensurstempel im Postgebiet Db. Ost; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 26-27; Die besonderen Postkarten des Ober Ost Gebietes nach Amerika; Roettger, Wolf; Philatelia Baltica; 57; June 1974; 1-11; WWI German postal communications, overprints, registration marks and censorship offices in Latvia. Die Deutsche Feldpost auf den Besetzten Estnischen Ostsee-Inseln 1917/18; Roettger, Wolf; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979: 47-59; Includes English summary on p. 59, and a map of the islands. Die Kenn-Nummern der deutschen Feldpostaemter an der Ostfront-Nord; Philatelia Baltica; 54; May 19"73; 12-13:

Fuchs, Guenter;

Dle Zensur War Immer Dabei WIlna 1914-22; Hahne. Ge~hard; Pochta; 45; Aug. 31-41; Both Russian and German censormarks from Vii 'ne. Eesti Postmarkide 'Autodafeid'; Bleyer, JUllUS: Eesti Filatelist; 22-23: 169-176; Destructio~ of Estonian remainders. Engl ish summary on p.


1978; 176.

Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue: Hurt, Vambola!Ojaste, Elmar; 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Falsche Kurland-Halbierungen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 41-42; June 1965; 2-3; A faked cover from 15 Mar. 1945, bearing a bisected German fieldpost stamp. Fiscal Stamps of the German Occupation of Estonia 1918; Tammaru, Philip A.;


occupation Forces. Germany Filatelist; 24-25;




1979; 60-63;

German Occupation of Ukraine; Bohne. Werner M.; Rossica; 93; 1978; 46; Reprinted from 'Reference Manual of Forgeries (GPS)'. Shows forged 'Ukraine' overprints on Hitler-head stamps. Ghetto-Post in Lettland;

Engel. Arnold; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44;


1966; 20;

Kurland. Kurland und kein ende ... ; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 31-35; Oifferences between fake German feldpost cancels and the authentic versions. KZ-Post Kirchholm (Salaspils); von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 10-11; A faked cover from Salaspils. franked with a German 'Ostland' stamp. Latvija 1941.I.VII - A Report; (n.a.); Latvian Collector; 22; JUly-Oct. 1977; 16-17; Reproduces a report by A. Platbarzdis. Head of the Central Study Group for Philately and Numismatics in Riga. May 1943. on the 'Latvija 1941.I.VII' overprint on Soviet stamps. Libau - Libava - Liepaja. Baltic Seaport with Three Names; Petrevics. A.; Collector; 27; May-Aug. 1979; 4-9; Postgebiet Ob. Ost overprints.


Mail for Ostarbeiter in World War II; Beede. Benjamin R./Werbizky. George G.; German Postal Specialist; XLIII No.4. Whole Number 457; Apr. 1992; 150-173; Expanded version of Werbizky's article in Rossica #117. Mail for Ostarbeiters in WWII; Werbizky, George; Rossica; Marki mestnoi pochty g. Varshavy. May-June 1961; 11-18;

1915 g.; Bronstein.

117; Oct.

1991; 42-48;

1.; Russian Philatelist;


Marki Germanskoi okkupatsii na territorii b. Rossiiskoi imperii; Dantsig, A.A.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 4-8; German occupation stamps - for Poland. Ober-Ost. locals for Derpt and the X German Army control stamps. No illustrations. Marki Varshavskoi gorodskoi pochty 1914-1918 gg.; L .. P.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr. -May 1930; 121-123; The title is in error; the article covers the German-occupation Warsaw City Post stamps of 1915 to 1918. Mixed Frankings of 1940-1944; Mandvere. Vello; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; Covers with German/Estonian or Soviet/Estonian frankings.

1977; 73-76;

More About 'The Holy War Against Bolshevism'; De Roest. Douglas; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 40-49; Notes From Dr. Gagarin; Gagarin, R.; Rossica;


1959; 51;

1941-1942 Pskov issues.

Ob. Ost Iron Money; Stiess. Harry W.; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1-. 2- and 3-kopeck coins of 1916, issued by the Germans. Ostarbeiter Mail:

An Introduction; Beede. B.R.; Rossica;

Postal District of the Occupied East; Stiess. H.; 1977; 12-15; Postgebiet Ober-Ost, 1916-1919.





Latvian Collector; 22;

Postcards from Poland Under German Occupation; Knighton, 1963; 1 1- 13;

1981; 33;


Ronald P.; BJRP; 32: Mar.

Postformulare als Zeitdokumente; von Hofmann, Harry: Philatelia Baltica; 54: May 1973; 16; An imperial postcard overprin~ed with a lengthy message by the German Orts-Kommandatur in Lemsal. 1918. Postordnung (1917); (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 12-15; Postal instructions and rates issued by the Germans for the Baltic States in 1917. Extracted from 'Plan der Stadt Riga'. 1917. Stadt-Post Riga im Jahre 1917 oder 1918?; von Hofmann. Harry; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 14;

Philatelia Baltica;

Stadtpost Wilna; Petriuk, Stefan; Philatelia Baltica; 83-85; June 1985; 36-45; Stadtpostaemter 1m besetzten Polen 1915-1918; von Hofmann, Harry; 83-85; June 1985; 46; Stamps of the Wa~saw Local Post - 1915; Braunstein. The definitive article to date.


Philatelia Baltica;

Rossica; 62;

1962; 29-33;

Stempelfaelschung von Warwen (Varve); von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. 1981; 30; A fake Varve postmark, and a comparison with an authentic cancellation from 1945. SMS 'Elsass'

in Libau; Mrotzek. Manfred; Philatel ia Baltica; 93; May 1992;

10-13; The

Occupation Forces, Germany


German 'Elsass' at Libau, plus other naval units. on the actions fought.



Some brief historical notes

Tartu-Valjaanne 1918; Paid, Karl; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; Oorpat 'pfennig' overprints on Russian arms stamps.

1976; 79-81; The 1918

The 'Holy War' Update; Werbizky, G.G./Cronin, Andrew: Post Rider; 19; Nov. 68-69; An update of Afangul 'skii's article in 'Post Rider' #18. The 'KerensKi' Pos~cards; EpsteIn, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; illustrations, usages. The 'Kurland' Provisional of 1945; Beardmore, A.E.; BJRP; 4; Dec.


22-37; Numerous

1949; 69-70;

The Holy War Against Bolshevism; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 36-66; The anti-bolshevik theme issues of many countries all ied with Nazi Germany against the USSR are described. InclUdes the Vlasov Army, Serbian, Rumanian, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish & Dutch issues. The Latvian Legion Postage Stamps; Platbarzdis, A.; 1977-Feb. 1978; 27-29;

Latvian Collector; 23; Nov.

The Liady Messenger Post Issue of 1941; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 55; 1958; 13-14; The Original 'Control Labels' of 1918; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 73; 'Kontrol'nyi znak' stamps with values in pfennigs.

1967; 30-32; German

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Pskov German Occupation Post Issues, 46-49;

1941-1942; Gagarin, R.; Rossica; 57;

The Pskov Town Post Issue; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica;


The Pskov Town Post Issues; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; InclUdes a bibliography and 2 pages of editorial comment. The 1918 Control Labels in the M.V. 76-77; 1969; 7; X Army 1abels.




1960; 50;


1959; 5-16;

Cronin, Andrew; Rossica;

Unknown Revenue Stamps In My Collection; Polchaninov, R.; Ross;ca; 66; German 1918 occupation revenues, and 1941-44 Pskov municipals.

1964; 72-73;

Usage Extraordinary; Tann, Leonard L.: BJRP: 46; Dec. 1971: 25; Romanov stamps used on soldier mail to Germany in WWI. See R. Casey's comments in 'News & Views', BJRP #47. Vilniaus pasto antspaudai; Bubnys, Vigintas; In.d.); Exhibit of Vil'na postal history, from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the eXhibitor's consent. We i terverwenaete SOW] et i sche Dauermarken waehrend del' deutschen Besetzung in Lettland; Kraul, Sven; Philatel ia Baltica; 80-82: June 1984; 30-34; World War I German Fieldpost in Latvia; Petrevics, A.; Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-July 1978; 11-17; Numerous German fieldpost markings are illustrated. Zabveniyu ne pcd'ezl,it. Khranit' vechno.: Fedorenko, D.; Filateliya; 9; 4-5; Postcards from SovIet P.O.W.s in Nazi concentration camps.



Zensurstempel im Postgebiet Db. Ost; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 1; A 1918 German 'M' censormark from Mitau. 1918 Dorpat Occupation Surcharge; POUlter, 1918 Dor'pat Occupation Surcharge; Tovey, 1941 Sarny Centrol Stamps: Polchanlnov,

Eric S.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

donn: BJRP; 55; Nov. R.; Rossica:



1979; 39; 19-20;

1967; 40-50;

occupation Forces, Italy




The Holy War Against Bolshevism; Afangu1skii, Va.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 36-66; The anti-bolshevik theme issues of many countries all ied with Nazi Germany against the USSR are described. Includes the V1asov Army, Serbian, Rumanian, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish & Dutch issues. The Presence of the Rider: 19; Nov.

Navy in the Black Sea 1942-44; Buzetti, Luciano; Post 1986; 63-65; Translated from 'La Posta Mi1itare' #47, June 1986.


The Presence of the Italian Navy in the Black Sea, 1942-1944; Buzzetti, Luciano; BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 49-53; Blunt, Alan T.; Translated from 'La Posta Mi1itare', June 1986.

Occupation Forces. Poland




(n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 75-76; A cover from the Pol ish occupation of Kamenets-Podol'sk. June 1920. A Document of the First Pol ish Corps; 22-32;


Mieczyslaw; Post Rlder; 8; May 1981;

Polish Occupation of the Ukraine. 1919; Roberts. C.W.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 601-603; Includes 'Outstanding Cover' #19 on p. 601. The occupation of Kovel and the stamps issued. Polish Occupation of the Ukralne. 1919; Roberts. C.W.; Rossica; 67; illustration page.; The occupation of Kovel.


10-12 & 1

The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein. Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations, usages. The Occupation of Russia by the POllSh I Corps; Mazepa. James (ed.); Philatelic Society, Chicago; Original softbound booklet.

1977; Polonus

Occupation Forces, Romania (n.t.); Trevers, C.M.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. commemoratives on cover.




1980; 64-65; Romanian 1942 Transnistria

Notes on the C.M.T. Stamps Issued During the Roumanian Occupation of Pokutia; Chernyavski i, Ivan; Rossica; 75; 1968; 71-81; The Roumanian Posts in Transnistria; Biala. Dumitru C.; Post Rider; 35;

29; Dec.

The Roumanian Posts in Transnistria; Marinescu. Cal in; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 25-35; The Odessa area, WWII.

1991; 1991;

Transnistria - Some Notes on the Cancellations and Markings Used Under the Roumanian Administration; Trevers, Christopher M.; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 8-31;

Occupation Forces, Spain (n.t.): Pauk, Bohdan; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 'Blue Division', sent via German FPO.




1989; 72-73; A cover from the Spanish

A Brief Mil itary and Postal History of the Spanlsh Blue Division (Div. 250); Planas, Salvador Bofarull; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 10-54; The Blue Division on the Eastern Front in WWII.

Occupation Forces, Turkey The Caucasian Turkish Army Post; Kuyas, Salih M.; Turkey Used in Baturn; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 67;

07/13/93 Post Rider; 5; Nov.


1979; 53-54;

1964; 65; Post-WWI.

Turkish Post Offices in Baturn; Torrey, Gordon; BJRP; 48; Mar. illustration page;

1973; 20-21 & 1



Offices Abroad, Bukhara



Interesting Covers; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 64; complete T&S cancel Type 4, illustrat10n 366.

1963; 38; A Chardjui cover with

Russian Turkestan; Stephen, W.S.E.;

RosEica; 49-50;

1956; 48-50;

Russian Turkestan; Stephen, W.S.E.;

Rossica; 52-53;

1957; 33-35;

Shakhrisyabz and Shaar-Shauz; Michalove,


Post Rider; 9; Nov.

1981; 62-64;

Soviet Turkestan: A Historical Dissertation 1917-1929; Waugh, Allan S.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 42-45; The Khanates of Khiva and Bukhara; Traks, P.; BJRP; The Status of Katta Kurgan as a 19-20;

12; Oct.

1953; 373-374;

'Used Abroad'; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 57; Nov.


Offices Abroad, Bulgaria




(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 64; 1963; 55-56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A Russian bilingual Sofia-Sredets canceller continuing in use up to late 1880. (n.t.); Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 64: 1963; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1878 money order receipt from the post office at Berkovitsa. (n.t.); Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 74; The dead-letter office at T'rnovo.


In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

(n.t.); See. Franz; Rossica; 64; 1963; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Continued use of a Russian 'Sistov' canceller in Bulgaria. 1879. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 36-37; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A document dated 16 Feb. 1878, addressed to the T'rnovo postmaster. A Bulgarian Letter of 1879 with Russian Postmarks; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 73; 24-25;


A Letter Sent Across Bulgaria by the Russian Consular Posts; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 56-57; A Special Marking of the Russian Posts in Bulgaria During 1877-79; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 26-27; An unrecorded T'rnovo postmark. A Typical Letter From Eastern Roumelia; Minchev. D.N.; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 90-91; Cancellations and a 'Franco' marking supplied by the Russians in 1877-1878. Bolgariya, russkaya pochta ... ; Mazur. P.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Includes an update of recorded FPOs from 1877.

1978; 54-55;

Documents Concerning the Russian Posts Abroad During the 18th Century; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 50-51; The land route and consular posts between Russia and Turkey. Documents Relating to the Russian Posts in Bulgaria; Merhtens. Georg D.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 23-44; Includes a list of recorded Russian cancellations from Bulgaria and in whose collections they reside, plus illustrations of several ppcs with scenes from the liberation of Bulgaria by the Russians. Dokumenty bratstva; Vagapov, B.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1978; One page on materials found in TsGIA archives on Russian post-&-telegraph operations in Bulgaria, 1-877-1878. Dopolnitel'nye svedeniya Oct. 1979; 42;


russkpi pochte v Bolgarii; Mazur,


Filateliya SSSR;

Iz istorii russkoi pochty v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 46-49; Includes a list of known FPO cancels.


K stoletiyu russkoi pochty v Bolgarii; Fedorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 42-43; Includes a list of new FPO finds. K 100-letiyu osvobozhdeniya Bolgar;i; Yakovlev, O.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Short article on Russian PTOs during the 1877-1878 war. Letter to the Editor on 'Budzhak'; Kurbas. V.; Rossica; 65; and additional information on Minchev's article.


1979; 1978;

1963; 58-59; Questions

New Information on the Russian Post in Bulgaria Before the Liberation; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 34; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled' #3. 1961. New Information on the Russian Postal Services in Bulgaria During 1877-78; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 39-40; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled', Dec. 1961. Notes on Russian Cancellations on Stamps 'Used Abroad' in the Balkans; Sklarevski, Rimma/McCann, J.E.; RAP; 18; Apr. 1944; 1-3; Reprinted from 'Baltimore Ph; latel ist', Dec. 1943.


chern rasskazala pochtovaya kartochka; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 29-30; An 1877 postcard from an FPO in Bulgaria to Russia, and some military history.

Opyt periodizatsii deyatel'nosti russkoi pochty v Bolgarii vo vremya voiny 1877-1878 godov; Minchev. D.N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 37-38; Brailovskaya, I.; Classifying the four major periods of the Russian posts in Bulgaria during the 1877-78 war. Outstanding Covers; Winterstein, O./Stoyanoff, V.; BJRP; 34; Mar. illustration pages; A Plovdiv cover.


14-15 & 2

Offices Abroad, Bulgaria




Polevaya pochta russkoi armii v Bolgarii v 1877-1878 g.g.; Mazur, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 48-49; Includes an update of recorded FPO postmarks. Rossiya i Bolgariya 1877-1879; See, Frantz; Rossica; 39;


1940: 287-290;

Russia: Offices Abroad: Renfro. Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post in Bulgaria; Stoyanoff, V.; use at Rousse.

BJRP; 54; Dec.


10; A Russian cancel


Russian Post in Bulgaria: New Discoveries; Stoyanoff, V.; BJRP; 51; May 1975; 22-24 & illustration pages 17-19; Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey. Gordon: (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russische Postdienste in EUlgar-ien 1877-1879; Grantscharow, Nikolai; Pochta; 47; Mar. 1989; 41-42; Russische Postdienste in Bulgarien. Ergaenzungen zum Artikel W.; Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 8-10;

in Heft 47.; Hermann,

Russkaya pochta v Bolgarii vo vremya osvoboditel'noi voiny 1877-1878 gg.; Minchev, D.N.; SK; 8; 1970; 43-66; Russkaya pochta v Dunaiskikh knyazhestvakh i Bolgarii v XVIII-XIX vv.; Minchev, D.N.; SK; 9; 1971; 73-86; Russkaya polevaya pochta v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 50-51; Includes additions to the list of known FPO cancels from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and the year after.


Sbornik materialov po Russko-turetskoi voinye 1877-78 gg. na Balkanskom poluostrovye; (n.a.); 83; 1909; Voenno-istoricheskaya komissiya Glavnago upravleniya General 'nago shtaba, St. Petersburg; Three pages extracted from documents concerning the activities of the Army's rear echelons from 1 to 31 August 1877. Two short entries concerning the ~icld post. Short Notes on the Bulgarians in the Budzhak Steppe; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 53-58; Historical information, as background for further articles on Russian offices in Bulgaria. Some Unknown Data on the ROPi 79; 1970; 42-47;


Postal Activities at Varna; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica;

Stranitsy istori l russkoi pochty v Bolgarii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1977; 45-47; A number of official postal letters and documents from the Russian field post in Bulgaria are reproduced. The Letter That May Have Cost a Grand Prix; Stevens, Richard M.; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 59-65; Controversy sUI'rounding an 1879 cover from Te~nopol to Sofia, franked with a Russian 8kop. stamp. Includes a table listing amounts of stamps delivered to SVishtov, Tyrnov and Gabrovo. The Recollections of Vladimir Trubacheev - One of the Founders of the Bulgarian Post; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 70; 1966: 58-62; The Russian Administration 1n Bulgaria. 1877-1879; Ovsyannyi, Nikolai R.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 9-12; Translated from the Colonel's 1906 book, chapter VIII. Outlines the set-up of postal services. The Russian Consular Post in BU'lgaria Before th'e Liberatio,,; ~.1:nchev, D.N.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 29-34; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled' F1-2, 1960. The ROPiT Posts in Bulg5ria; Mehrtens, Geol'g D.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 71-72; Two covers from Varna, one to Burgas and the other to Mount Athas, bath sent via the ROPiT in 1881 and 1882.


Offices Abroad, China



(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 69; 1965; 64-65; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on Popov's perf. 10 1R stamp with 'KITAI' overprint, and possible reasons for the 12 1/2 perf. 1R 'KITAI' stamp's existence. (n.t.); de Stackelbel'g, Constantine; Rossica; 66: 1964: 71-72; In 'Note~, From Collectors' section. More plate flaws on Arms stamps, and a 1909 1R 'KITAI' overprinted stamp, perforated 12 1/2. (n.t.); Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. Station cancel on a 1R stamp, 1918.

1985; 70; Discovery of a Shuanchenpu

(n.t.); Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 64; 1963; 58-59; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Describes a picture postcard showing the Russian post office at Chefoo, 1909. (n.t.); Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A photo of the Russian post office at Chefoo, 1909. (n.t.); Freyman, Kurt; Rossica; 72' 1967; 89; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Offices in China 1R pair, pe~f. 121/2.


(n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 68; 1965; 35; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A purported 1R, perf. 10 stamp with 'KITAI' overprint, cancelled at Djalainor. (n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 72; A cover from the 273rd Kazan' Militia, posted in Pogranichnaya, Manchuria, 4-4-15. (n.t.); Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 57-58: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Four covers, 1918-1924, with 3 from Sharasume and one from Buryat-Mongolia with Chinese transit markings. (n.t.); Safonoff, Alexander; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 71; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Inverted 'Kitai' overprints on a genuine cover. (n.t.); Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An outer frame plate flaw on a 1k stamp with 'KITAI' overprint. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 66; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. forged 'KITAI' overprint and postmark on a 3k stamp.


(n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 60; 1961; 53; In 'Notes From COllectors' section. Notes that 14 copies and a block of 6 of the 14k 'KITAI' vertically-laid have been recorded. Also a 1905 money letter from Manchuli RR Station and a new Kharbin Korpus. Gorodok. "Far East"; Lowe, Robson; June 2, China and Mongolia.

1983; Zurich sale featuring Russian offices in

A Bukharan Receiving Postmark on a Russian Shanghai Cover; Kessler, Melvin; Rossica; 70; 1966; 47-49; A Cover With the 10kop. 'KITAI' Overprint on Vertically-Laid Paper; Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 71-73; A manufactured 'favor covel". A Fake Station Hailasu Marking; Popov, V./Shalimoff, G.V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 58-60; A C.E.R. station postmark fake on a postcard from St.Petersburg to Orenburg. A Kharbin Korpusnyi Gorodok Marking: Popov, Vsevolod; Rosslca;


1988; 86-87;

A Little Mystery Solved; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. evidence identifying a station on the C.E.R.

1980; 25-26; Further

A MUltiple Russia~, Chinese and Japanese Cancelled Post Card: Kessler, Melvin M. Rossica; 66; 1964; 56-57; Complex routing from Chefoo to the U.S., 1901. Addenda and Errata - The Opening of the Russian Post in China; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 68; Provides the date of opening for the offices at Chefoo, Shanghai and Hankow. First notice in philatel ic literature about the discovery of the Tomsk archives. Addition and Correction; (n.a.); Rossica; 43; June 1941; 76; In the Far Eastern Supplement to the journal. Shows the forged 'KITAI' overprint discussed in 'Forged Stamp of Russian Post Office in Chiha', in #42, p. 49. Additional Data on the Russian Post in China 1910-1916; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 65; 1963; 14; A rare 1R 'KITAI' overprint, perf. 12 1/2. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.: BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 369-372; Brief notice that a second SUbtype boxed Peking cancel was found.

Offices Abroad, China




An Outstanding Cover From the Collection of Sir Percival and Lady David; (n.a.); BJRP; 28: 1960; 20-21; A Chinese wrapper to Chefoo, rerouted to Port Arthur. An Unusual Cover; Lamoureux, Marcel; Rossica; cover reused ln 1943. An



143-144; A 1915 Kashgar


Warning on Postmark Forgeries; (n.a.); Post Rider; 4; Apr. CER Dzhalainor cancels emanating from the USSR.

1979; 86; Forged

Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatel ist; 3; Feb.-Mar. Continued from #2. Bodune - A New Office in China?; Shallmoff, George; Rossica; 100-101; possible new cancel on a loose 'KITAI'-overprinted 10k stamp.


1963; 3-9; 120; A

Die Chinesische Ostbahn; (n.a.): ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 29-31; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie', p. 164, 1897, Berl in. Die Russische Post in China; Rosselevich, A.M.: ZRSP; 41: Sep. 198E; 4-6: Herrmann, W.M.; Translated from the 1962 Br~ssels Balassie firm's house organ. Editorial. Shtempelgate.; (n.a.); Post Rider: 5: Nov. 1979: 2-4: Lists recent Soviet forgeries of CER cancellations. Includes illustrations of the forgeries. Fake China Overprints; Epstein, Norman; Rossica; overprint on cover from Orel, 1905.

117: Oct.

1991; 38: A fake 'Kitai'

Fake China Overprints - Another View: Minkus, Robert F.: Rossica: An easy way to detect forged 'Kitai' overprints.

118: Apr.

1992: 39;

For a Check-List of Russian Post Offices in China; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; Feb. 1954: 396-398:


Forged Stamp of Russian Post Offices in China: Kaufman, V.I.: Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941: 49; In the Far Eastern supPlement. Some background information is included. Further Notes on the Russian Post Office at Kashgar: Snegirev, L.S.: BJRP: 5: Jan. 1951; 81; Interesting Cancellations; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rassica: 67; 1964; 75-78: Description of 16 covers. Imperial to Soviet periods. Includes the "K.Ya." marking from Moscow,- railroad cancels, Chefoo, Vladivostok-Tsuruga, etc. Interesting Covers in My Collection;


Kashgar Covers: Popov. Vsevolod; Rossica: 67; covers.

G.A.; Rossica; 62;



1964: 52-53: Three open declared-value

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6: June 1990; 81-96 insert; Filate 1 iya SSSR; Offices in China issues. KITAI Overprint Forgeries: Shalimoff. George: Rossica; 98-99: stamps.


14-15; On 10k

KITAI Overprints of 1899-1908 Under Ultraviolet Light; Speers. Fred W.: Rossica: 66; 1964: 16-18: Manchuria; Ehrman. R.S.; Rossica; 60; meeting.


17-18; A talk given at the 1961 annual

Mao-Ershan Cancellation; Woodley. George; Rossica; More 'Used Abroad' and C.E.R.


Items; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 46: Dec.



1971: 5-7; Levant, China

More Scarce PostmarkS; Cronin, Andrew and J.D. Critchlow: BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 378-379; "On Maneuvers', Mukden. Soviet sovkhoz cancels, eXhibition can- cels. Morâ‚Ź Thoughts on Kashgar Post Office: Ashford, P.T.; BJRP;





News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP: 51: May 1975; 26; Holdings of 10k vertically-laid 'KITAI' stamps. Notes on the Sheet Margins of the Ruble Values of Russia of 1904-1917: de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica: 61; 1961: 16-21 & 1 illustration page; Covers imperial issues, Offices in Turkey and China. Notes on Russian Philately. Russian Offices in China.; Rosselevich, A.M.: Rossica; 45; 1955; 40-43; Discusses forgeries of the KITAI overprint. Notes on Russian Philately.

Russian Post in China,

Issue 1917,

in Cents and Dollars

Offices Abroad, China


(nos. 50 to 70).; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 46-47;



1955; 52-55;

Observations and Questions Concerning Russian Offices in China (Scott #56a); Shneidman, J. Lee; The American Philatelist; Feb. 1982; 129-130; Offices in China; Peel, Eric/Pritt, Boris/Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 59-60; Descriptions of numerous covers in their display to the China Philatelic Society. Ostorozhno: Fal 'sh!; Vovin, Va.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lithuanian stamos. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin, Va.; SK; overprints and surcharges. Outstanding Cover; (n.a.); BJRP; Barry collection.


17; Apr.

1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged 1955; 503; A May 1918 Kashgar cover in the

Outstanding Cover; (n.a.); BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 698-699; A 1906 cover from the Urumchi Russian Consulate vic Chuguchak to SWitzerland in the Adler collection. Outstanding Cover; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; Kyakhta - Moscow cover.

18; JUly 1955; 536; An 1875 Tien-Tsin -

Outstanding Cover - No.5; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 5; Jan. cover from Peking.

1951; 72; A Boxer Rebellion

Outstanding Covers; Barry, John; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 16 & 1 illustration page; A Poti-Tiflis mailcar and Kuanchentzy-Kharbin #266. Outstanding Covers; Droar, A./Mead, L.F.; BJRP; 35; Oct. pages; A Dec. 1880 cover from Peking.

1964; 9-10 & 2 illustration

Outstanding Items. Kharbin 1920. 2-cent Surcharge in Blue on 4k. Inverted).; Freyman, K.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 10;

(Double and

Philate1 ic Mementos of 'Reilly, Ace of Spies'; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 1985; 103-105;


Poddel'nye pochtovye gasheniya stantsii KVZhD; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 50-51; The notice of forged CER station cancels includes a list of all bogus dates tamps seen, their dates and on what stamps they have appeared. Possible Khailin Marking?; Popov, Vsevolod; Rosslca; 'Notes From Collectors' section.



144-145; In

Postal Operations at Modaoshi; Popov, V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 60; A 1916 postcard addressed to St. Ekho on the C.E.R. for del ivery to Modaoshi, the next stop on the line. Suggests that there were no postal operations at Modaoshi by this time. Railway Cancellations; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski, CER cancel forgeries, with photos.

Igor; Rossica; 94-95;

1978; 7-8;

Raznovidnosti kharbinskago vypuska; Tvel'kmeier, V.; Rossica; 35; Jan.-Feb. 192-193;


Regarding Dr. A.H. Wortman's 'KITAI' Overprints - First Issue; Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 60; A 3k "KITAI forged overprint. Russia Used Abroad: New Discoveries; Speeckaert, Antoine; BJRP; 61; Dec. 25-26; A new Kul 'dja postmark of 1884.


Russia: Offices. Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-rlng binder. R~ssian

Post in the Far East (A Short History of the Former Post Offices in China and Manchuria); Maslov, I.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 29-31;

Russian Post in China; Popov, 'Vsevolod; Rossica; 57; 121/2 1R stamp with 'KITAI' overprint, 1916.

1959; 30; Discovery of a perf.

Russian Post Offices in China. The 10k on Vertically Laid Paper (S.G. No. Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 2; Apr. 1948; 19; Russian Post Offices in Sin-Kiang; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP;


14-15; May 1954; 442-445;

Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies


Offices Abroad, China



in one 3-ring binder. Russische Auslandspostaemter - Kaschgar; Tchilinghirian. S.O./Stephen, W.S.E.; ZRSP; 34: Apr. 1984; 17-19; Frauenl ob, Wa 1 tet': Russkaya pochta v Azii; Berngard, K.: Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 17-19; The BSRP-VOF joint ex~ibition in Moscow, and a descri~tion of Or. Raymond Casey's Offices in Asia exhibit. Russkaya pochta v Kitae; UstinovSkii, V.;

Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.



Russland Spezial, Aufloesung einer mehrfach international mit Gold praemlerten Sammlung; Kronenberg AG; Mar. 28-29. 1985; Kronenberg AG, Oberwil/bei Basel; Original catalog, no prices realized. Sem'

'vertikal'nykh grivennikov'; (n.a. l; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; 36; Photo and description of a piece bearing seven vertically-laid 10k stamps with red 'Kitai' overprint.

Siberia - New Varieties; Werbizky. George; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 39-40; Three overprints varieties of the Kharbin issue added to those of Tchilinghirian & Stephen and Osborne. and a variety of the Ataman Semenov issue. Strange Oval Marking - Maoershan?; GoodWin, James E.; Rossica; The 'KITAI' Overprints of Russian Offices in China, Rossica; 45; 1955; 26-33;



1899-1916; Wisewell.

The Dalny Field Telegraph Branch Cancellation on a Remarkable Cover; M.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 20-24;


Kessler, MelVin

The First Issue of the 'KITAI' Overprints; Wortman. A.H.; Rossica; 62; Includes postal history, a check list and cancellations. The Harbin Surcharges of 1920; Osborn, E.M.; BJRP; 66; Mar.



1962; 4-7;

1989; 31-37;

The Last Years of Operation of the Russian Post Office at Kashgar (Sinkiang); Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 4; Dec. 1949; 67-68; The Opening of the Russian Post in China; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 3-23; Corrects and supplements many of Tehil inghirian and Stephen'S scatements on the early days of the Russian Post in China. Includes some information on ship mail in that area. The Postage Stamps of Russia. China.; Ceresa, R.J.; ~. numbered copy - #23.

1917-1923. Parts 13-15. Russian Post Offices in The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-May 1989; Original.

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia. Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 'so Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies Post Offices.; June 1991; Original. numbered copy - #23. The Postal Travels of a Tientsin Prisoner of War Cover. Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 90-91;


1916-1917; Kessler. Melvin;

The Russian Post in the Empire. Turkey, China, and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prlgara, Sergei Vasil'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol'skom'. New York, 1941. Two hardbound copies. The Russian Post-Offices in Manchuria; Stephen. w.S.E.; Rossica; 45; The Story or Two Letters; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 30; Mar. on Prado's Chefoo cover in BJRP #29.



1962; 21; Wortman's comments

The Story of Two Letters as Told by the Stamps and Cancellations; Prado. Asd r ubal; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 32-35; A registered Chefoo cover. The Trans-Siberian Postal

Route; Trlstant. Henri; Rossica; 69;


The Trans-Siberian Postal from #69.

Route; Tristant. Henrl; Rossica; 70;

1966; 64-72; Continued

The Trans-Siberian Postal from #70.

Route: Tristant. Henri; Rossica; 71;

1966; 69-82; Continued

The Trans-Siberian Postal from #71.

Route; Tristant, Henri; Rossica; 74;

1968; 5-15; Continued

The 10 kop. KITAI Vertically Laid; Discovery of a mint copy.

Epstein, Norman; Rossica; 94-95;

Three Interesting Covers; von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 48; Mar.



1978; 16


& illustration

Offices Abroad, China




page 17; Tien-Tsin and RVAP covers. Tsau Tsau; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 689; Corrects a 'Tsau Tsau' 1940 Faberge Offices Abroad sale to 'Rutsau', in Kurlyand province. Two Different Calendars Used at Shanghai; Renfro, Michael; Post Rider; 3-4; A 1912 registered letter from Shanghai. Used Abroad:

Jaffa and Dalny; von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 57; Nov.

in the

21; Nov.


1980; 21;

Varieties of the Harbin Issue of the Russian Offices in China; Horney, W.R.; RAP; 21; Oct.-Dec. 1944; 9-12; Reprinted from 'Stamps', 27 May 1944. 10k KITAI Vertically Laid; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 22-23;


Offices Abroad, Crete



(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 73-74; A tril ingual fiscal from the Russian zone in Rethymnon Province, Crete, and a rare bilingual 'advertising' registration handstamp from Minsk, Dec. 1926. (n.t.); Friend, Maurice R.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 77; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Describes and illustrates a cover from a Russian office on Crete. (n. t . ); Liberman, Wi 1 1 i am R.; Ross i ca; 74; 1968; 75; I n ' Notes From Co 1 1ectors' section. Revenues of the Russian offices on Crete. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. history of the Russian office on Crete.

1986; 48; Brief

Forged Cancellations of the Russian 7- and 4-Color Stamps of Crete; Liberman, William R.; The American Philatelist; June 1977; 458-460; Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znaKOV pochtovoi oplaty; 7; JUly 1990; 97-112 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Russkiya marki na ostrovye Kritye;

Leus, D.:


Filateliya SSSR;

Rossica; 6; May 1931; 23-26;

1899 Stamps of the Russian Detachment on Crete Island; Nikitenko, Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 16-22;

F.; Russian

Offices Abroad, England




Russian Troops in the Channel Islands; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 21; Raises the possibility of a hands tamp or manuscript marking from these troops in 1799.

Offices Abroad, General




'Used Abroad' Chron,cle - IV; Tchi 1 inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962: 2-5 & 1 illustration page; Levant, Khiva, China, R.V.A.P., Manchuria, Japan 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - IX; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 23-27 illustration page; Levant, Persia, Bukhara, Khiva, Mongolia, Manchuria. Volunteer Fleet.

& 1

'Used Abroad' Chronicle - V; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 8-11 & 2 illustration pages; Levant, China, R.V.A.P., Korea, Manchuria 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VI; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 10-14 & 2 illustration pages; Roumelia. Levant, Persia, Bukhara, China, Manchvria, C.E.R. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 9-12 & 1 illustration page; Rumania, Bulgaria, Levant, Bukhara, China, Manchuria, R.V.A.P., C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VIII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 4-8 & 1 illustration page; Bulgaria, Levant, Bukhara, China, Manchuria, C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chron,cle - X; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration page; Levant. China. Mongolia. Manchuria, ship mail. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XI; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; illustration page; Ship mail. refugee post. Rumania.

16-18 & 1

38; Mar. 1966; 18-23 & Levant, China. Korea.

'Used Abroad' Chrcnicle - XII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; illustration page; Levant. Bukhara, China, C.E.R.

39; Oct.


'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XIII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 40; Mar. Bulgaria, Levant, Manchuria and C.E.R.

10-12 & 1



'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XIV; Liphschutz, M.V./Maslowski, I.B.; BJRP; 42; Dec. 23-26; Levant, Persia, Bukhara, ManChuria, ship mail to Japan ana Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XV; Liphschutz, M.V./Maslowski, 3-5; Bulgaria, Levant. Khiva and China.

I.B.; BJRP; 46; Dec.

1968; 1971;

'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XVI; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski, I.; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; 14-16 and iliustr'ation pages 9-13; Smyrna, Persia, Kh.iva, China, Manchuria and CER. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle I; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 28; 1960; 2-7; Levant, Persia, BUkhara, ManChuria, Soviet occupation of Lyaotung Leasehold, and North Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle II; Tchilingh,rian, S.D.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; Bukhara. R.V.A.F., Mongol ia, Manchuria, C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle III; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 30; Mar. Levant, Roumelia, Bukhara, Khiva, Manchuria, C.E.R.

11-17; Levant,



Basle 3 - The Alex Droar RUSSIA with Post Offices Abroad, China with French, Italian and Russian Consular Mail; Lowe, Robson/von Gunten, Paul; Oct. 16, 1974; Original catalog with prices real ized. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.!.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz". Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of SUbjects within Russian and related-areas philately. H.C. Goss Russia realized.

1958; Lowe.




1958; Origina' catalog, no prices

Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel 'nykh veshchei - Imperial isticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1928; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina. Moscow; Listing of Levant, China. Crete, Poland, Finland and Wenden, stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Russia. Specimen Stamps.; Stuart, J.V.; Rossica; 55; Russia, offices in China and the Levant.

1958; 20-21;

Lists specimens of

Russia: The 'Frederick T. Small' Collection; Harmers of New York; Dec. Original catalog with prices realized.



Russian Offices Abroad; Faulstich, Edith M.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 17-20; An account of Kurt Adler's speech to the Collectors Club on 18 Jan. 1966. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Seichter. R.; BJRP; 17; Apr. 1955; 504-510; offices in Manchuria, Mongol ia, China. Tannu Tuva and Persia.

Lists of

Some Notes on Used Abroads; Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 62;



Some Notes on Used Abroads; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 64;

1963; 20-21; Continued from

Offices Abroad, General





Some Notes on Used Abroads; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 65; #64.

1963; 27-28; Continued from

Some Notes on Used Abroads; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 66; #65.

1964; 20; Continued from

The Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. May 1953; 351-362;

Addenda.: Salisbury, Gregory B.; BJRP;

The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 276-300; Includes China, Levant, Persia and Central Asia. Used Abroad; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov.



19-22; UPdates, new finds.

Used Abroad - Forgeries; Liphschutz, M.V./Maslowski, illustration page 5; Used Abroad Notes;

10; Nov.


I.B.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

Faberge, O./Frauenlob, W./Gibrick, S.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

Used Abroad Notes; Joseph, R.L./Frauenlob, W.; BJRP; 55; Nov.


1979; 31 1979; 32;



Offices Abroad, Greece




An Early Seal From the Russian Cloister of St. Panteleimon at Mount Athos; Xanthopoulos, Aimil ios D.; Rossica; 78; 1970; 48-49; Mount Athos or Starii Afon; Sal isbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 38-42; A brief history of Mt. Athos and many descriptions of covers sent to and from there. Outstanding Cover No. 21; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 660; Mt. Athas to Saloniki, 1899, rerouted through Turkish and Greek offices. Histo~y of Mount Athos; Epstein, Norman; (n.d.); EXhibit of covers and related items to and from the Russlan monastery at Mt. Athos. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder.


Postal History Display; Adler, Kurt; postcards sold at Athens.

Rosslca; 60;


15-16; 20 para on 4k

Russian Mail to the Monastic Cell of St. John Chrysostomos; Xanthopoulos, Aimilios D.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 9-12; A description of Mt. Athos and its mall.

Offices Abroad, Khiva




(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 68; A vertical pair of 7kop. Romanovs with strikes of Novyi Urgench, in the Khiva area. Postal History Display; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 60; 1961; 15-16; A 1925 cover franked with Soviet postage dues and bearing a Khiva cancellation. Russian Turkestan; Stephen, W.S.E.; Rossica; 52-53;

1957; 33-35;

Soviet Turkestan: A Historical Dissertation 1917-1929; Waugh, Allan S.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 42'路45; The Khanates of Khiva and BUkhara; Traks, P.; BJRP;

12; Oct.

1953; 373-374;

The Postal Service at Khiva Town During the Khanate; Christie, E.R.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 57; Excerpt from Christie's 'Through Khiva to Golden Samarkand', 1925.

路 Offices Abroad,





(n.t.); Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 8; Corrects the description of the ROPiT Smyrna cancel in item 4 of p. 38, #51. (n.t.); Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 79; Two unrecorded Chios postmarks. (n.t.l; HUddy, W.H.H.; Rossica; 61;

1970; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section.

1961; 51; Problems in plating Levant #1.

(n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider; 16; June 1985: 71; A ROPiT postcard to the French Congo, redirected to France. (n.t.); Salisbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 59: 1960; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A ROPiT Dardanelles cover of 28-XI-1910, franked with perf. 14 1/2. vertically-laid Levant stamps of the 1903-1910 issue. (n.t.); Stephen, W.S.E.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Short item warning collectors to beware of faked cancels on Levant town issues, 1909-1910. (n.t.); Stoyanoff, V.; Rossica; 68; unrecorded Smyrna cancel.

1965; 34; In 'Notes From Collectors' section.


(n.t.); Stoyanoff, V.; Rossica; 71; 1966; 83; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1879 registered cover from Smyrna with an unrecorded cancel on two '7'-surcharged 10k stamps.


'Jaffa' Overprints; Popov, V./Shal imoff, G.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 147-148; Casts doubt on the validity of lithographed "Jaffa" surcharges on some ROPiT stamps. A Further Levant Note; Pritt, Boris: BJRP; 53; Nov. cancel on 'cover' from Constantinople.

1976; 26; Points out a fake ROPiT

A Note on Outstanding Cover No. 21 Which Appeared in B.J.R.P. No. 22; 23; Mar. 1958; 699-700;

(n.a.); BJRP;

A Registered Letter from the Russian Levant to Ontario; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 26-27; Constantinople to Ontario, 1910. An Excellent Expertization; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 72; 1967; 51-53; A faked Rumanian FPO cover of Dec. 1917, franked with Romanov and Levant stamps. An Interesting Offices Abroad Postal Card; Torrey, Gordon: Rossica; 89; A Balkan War item. 1913.

1975; 32-33;

An Cutstanding Item: Constantinople Surcharges on Vertlcal Iy Laid Paper; Peel, Eric G.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 15-16; Anmerkungen zur Romanow-Ausgabe in der Levante 1913/14; Freese, Joerg; Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 26-27; Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.: BJRP; 35; Oct.

1964; 39-40; Burrus Levant sale.

Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. Continued from #3.

1963; 3-12;

Covers and Stamps Shown by Kurt Adler at the Joint Meeting of Rossica and BSRP; (n.a.); Rossica; 58; 1960; 10; Includes some rare Levant covers. Documents Concerning the Russian Posts Abroad During the 18th Century; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 66; 1964: 50-51; The land route 2nd consular posts between Russia and Turkey. Fake ROPIT Smyrna Cancellatlon and Bisect?; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 127-128; Fantasies of Russian Levant; HUddy, W.H.H.; Rossica; 57; Fantasies of Russian Levant; Speers,

F.W.; Rosslca; 57:



1959; 67-68; 1959; 66-67;

Interesting Canceliatlons, etc.: Sklarevski, R,mma; Rossica; 49-50; OZhD cancel from Kerasunde and Ordu. Interesting Covers in My Collection; Russell, G.A.; Rossica; 62;

1956; 59; A ROPiT



Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pOChtovoi oplaty; (n.8.); Filateliya &SSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 49-64 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Russian Levant issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 65-80 insert; Filetel iya SSSR, Moscow; Levant issues, surcharges, overprints and the Ukrainian Levant issues. Koe-chto 0 russkom Levantye; Tenisov, 0.; Rosslca; 40; June 1940; 313-316;


Offices Abroad, Levant

Levant - The Eights and the Sevens; Morrison, David; BJRP; 55; Nov. Levant No.1; Speers,


19; Dec.


1978; 4-5;

1955; 584;

Members' Display. Levant Post Offices.; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; HUddy and Wortman material. More 'Used Abroad' and C.E.R.


Items; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 46; Dec.

10; Nov.

1971; 5-7;

1952; 258-259;

Levant. China

Neues uebes die 50 Piaster auf 5 rbl. der Romanoff Serie; Shchapov. N.; ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 56; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #5, 1928. New R.O.P.i T. Cancellation?; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica;




Nomernye shtempelya zarubezhnykh pochtovykh kontor; Nesterova. E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; 42-43; Notes on the Official Reproductions of the Issues for Levant 1865; Huddy. W.H.H.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 10 & 1 illustration page; Notes on the Sheet Margins of the Ruble Values of Russia of 1904-1917; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 61; 1961; 16-21 & 1 illustration page; Covers imperial issues. Offices in Turkey and China. Notes on Russian Offices in Turkey; Blomfield, R.S.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 12; Closing dates of the Alexandria and Port-Said Russian offices, and some cancels recorded. Novye dannye 0 markakh russkoi pochty na Blizhnem vostoke; Georgievskii, A.; SKi 14; 1976; 28-40; Includes a 1918 circular showing that the ROPiT overprints were legitimate and officially issued.


50 piastrakh na 5 rUb. romanovskoi serii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 14; The Editorial Board summarizes the dispute over the authenticity of '2nd' and '3rd' issues of the 50pi on 5rub. Romanov stamp. and declares them to be forgeries.


50 piastrakh na 5 rUblyakh romanovskoi serii; Golovkin. V.; Sovetskii filatelist; (77); Jan. 1928; 7-8; Describes forgeries of the 50-piastre surcharge on the 5-ruble Romanov JUbilee stamp.

On Dispatch of Letter Mail to Turkey; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 57; Skipton, David M.; Translated from PTZh (official edition). 8 June 1904. Circular #105. Ostorozhno: Fal 'sh!; Vovin, Va.; SKi 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet. Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army. South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal 'sh'!; Vovin, Va.; SKi overpr1nts and surcharges.


1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged

Outstanding Covers; Adler, Kurt/Liphschutz. M.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration pages; Levant, Far East steamships. Kharbin FPO

18-19 & 2

Po trem pochtam; Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1991; 47-50; Three letters sent by R.O.P.i T .. German and Turkish posts to Bogorodsk Zemstvo. Prokoly na markakh i istoriya; Mazur, on Levant issues.


Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974: 43; Perfins

Recent Finds in Russian Levant; Tchil inghirian. S.D.; BJRP; 24; Sep.

1958; 789-791;

Recent Finds in Russian Levant; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 25; June 1959; Continued from #24.


Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro. Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Levant Proof; (n.a.); Rossica; acquiring a color proof of #1.


Russian P.O. at Jerusalem; (n.a.); BJRP; Darlow-Webster correspondence.

1955; 49; Short item about Kurt Adler

1; Dec.

1946; 3-4; Extracts from the

Russian Post in Turkey; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; Scott #s 1-3 and how to detect them.

1956; 53-55; Forgeries of

Russian Post Office in Samos; Morrison, David; BJRP; 69; Sep.


17; A R.O.P.i T.

Offices Abroad.

Samos cancel





in the Harmer's Zurich sale of 26 May 1990.

Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey. Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post Offices Abroad Seal; Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 92; postal seal from the Russian office in Constantinopl~. Russkaya morskaya vostochnaya pochta; 48 - 51 ;

Akunov. G.;

1979; 8; Depicts a

Filatel iya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Russland Spezial. fufloesung einer mehrfach international mit Gold praemierten Sammlung; Kronenberg AG; Mar. 28-29. 1985; Kronenberg AG, Oberwil/bei Basel; Original catalog, no prices realized. The Agathon Faberge Collections - Russian Levant; Harmer's of Bond Street; Jan. 15-16. 1940; Original catalog with prices realized. The Levant Post Offices; Armstrong. D.B.; The Numeral

Levant Postmarks; Wortman.


3; Nov.


1942; 2-4;

1; Dec.

1946; 7-8;

The Postage S"tamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa. R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original. numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1ÂŁ23. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia. Crimea. White Armies and P.O. 's. Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; June 1991; Original. numbered copy - #23. The R.O.P. i T.

Floating Exhibition; Droar, A.;

BJRP; 33; Oct.



The Rise and Fall of the Russian Steam Navigation and Trade Company (ROPiT). 1856-1920; Roberts, Ian W.; 8JRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 33-36; The Russian Post in the Empire. Turkey. China. and the Post in the Kingdom of Poiand; Prigara. Sergei Vasil'evicn; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton. David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperil. v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol 'skom', New York, 1941. Two hardbound copies. The Transmission of Mails on S"teamers in Russia; Sokolov. Nikolai 1965; 48-52;

I.; Rossica; 68;

The Transmission of Mails on Steamers in Russia; Sokolov. Nikolai 1965; 22-28; Continued from #68.

I.; Rossica; 69;

The Transmission of Mails on Steamers in Russia; 1966; 36-42; Continued from #69.

I.; Rossica; 70;

Ukrainian Levant 1918. 1952; 308-311;

Sokolov. Nikolai

The 'R.O.P. i T.' Overprints.; Hughes, W.E.; BJRP;

Used Abroad; Frauenlob, Walter!Vyvyan-Jones. C.F.C.; BJRP; 59; Dec. flaws on 1872 10k stamps. new cancels. Used Abroad:

Jaffa and Dalny;

von Hofmann. Harry; BJRP; 57; Nov.

Vostochnaya korrespondentsiya; Snegirev.



10; Nov.

1982; 38; Plate


35; Jan.-Feb.




Offices Abroad, Manchuria

07./ 13/93



A Century of the Manchurian Postal History; Mizuhara, M.; 1986; Japan Philatelic Publ ications, Tokyo; International-gold exhibit of Russian offices in Manchuria from 1876 to about 1920. Includes Czech Legion issues and Japanese FPOs. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. A Cover from the Manchurian Campaign; 34-35;

Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 72; Spring,


Covers: Zemstvo, British Archangel Censor, and Soviet Occupation of China; Kessler, Mel; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 58-61; Outstanding Covers; Adler, Kurt/Liphschutz, M.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration pages; Levant, Far East steamships, Kharbin FPO

18-19 & 2

Polevaya pochta russkoi armii na Dal 'nem Vostoke v 1900-1906 gg.; Mandrovskii, N./Ehpshtein, A.; SK; 28; 1991; 3-28; Detailed history of the Russian field post in the Far East. Includes numerous postmark illustrations and a listing of FPOs in the area. Russian Charity Stamps Used Abroad; Cron1n, Andrew;

Post Rider; 23; Dec.

1988; 69-72;

Offices Abroad, Mongolia "Far East"; Lowe, Robson; June 2, ChIna and Mongolia.




1983; Zurich sale featuring Russian offices in

Mongolia; Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 54; offices.

1958; 7-10:

Imperial post offices and Mongolian

Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except CI'ete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Charity Stamps Used Abroad; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec.

1988; 69-72;

Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Aware winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. The Russian Postal Service in Mongol ia; Kurt; Translated from PTZh, 1898.

(n.a.); Rossica; 64;

1963; 41-42; Adler,

The Russian Postal Service in Mongol ia; from #64.

(n.a.); Rossica; 65;

1963; 43-46; Continued

Offices Abroad, Persia




Another Item of Persian Interest; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 20-21; A 1912 cover from the postal establ ishment of the Kazvin Detachment. Persian P.O.'s; Cronin, Andrew; BJRP; 7; Oct.


Persian Postmarks on Russian XXth Century Imperial 1951; 82-85;

124; China to Chuguchak. Issues;

(n.a.); BJRP; 5; Jan.

Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. The Consular Post Office of Tabriz (Persia); TChilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 1952; 265-267; Three Items of Persian Interest; Casey, Raymond; Post Rider; Travels in Transcaspia and Turkestan, 35-36;

11; Nov.

10; Nov.

1982; 33-39;

1895; Krensler, Hans B.; BJRP; 60; Oct.


Offices Abroad,





(n.t.); Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 70; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Answers Kurbas' questions on the 'Budzhak Steppe' article. Documents Concerning the Russian Posts Abroad During the 18th Century; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 50-51; The land I'oute and consular posts between Russia and Turkey. Notes on Russian Cancellations on Stamps 'Used Abroad' in the Balkans; Sklarevski, Rimma/McCann, J. E.; RAP; 18; Apr. 1944; 1-3; Repr 1 nted from 'Ba 1 t imore Philatelist', Dec. 1943. Notes About the Russian Post Offices in Rumania; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 69; 34-35; A Bucharest cover of 1826 and one from Ismail, 1853.


Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operateo. Grand-Award ~inner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russkaya pochta v Rumynii; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica;

37; May-June 1939; 245-246;

The Rumanian State and the Russian Military Posts in the War of 1877-78; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 13-16; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from "Filatelia", May-June 1962. The Russian Postal Agencies in the 78; 1970; 49-51;


During 1877-1878; Minchev, D.N.; Rossica;

The Russian Posts in Rumania; Minchev, D.N.: Rossica;


1967; 35-38;

The Russian Posts in Rumania; Minchev, D.N.:


1968; 60-67; Continued from



Overprints-Surcharges. Civil War




Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 32; Brief history of the 'G.S.S.R. '-in-star overprint on Imperial stamps. and the maximum amount of postage permissable on several categories of mail in the USSR. Stamps of Russian Civil War Period: 1918-1922; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 72; 1967; 8-13; Khar'kov locals. Kiev and Vyaz'ma provisionals. Fort Aleksandrovski; revenue issues.


Overprints-Surcharges, Civil War Stamps



(n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 60; 1961; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A short two-l iner about a double 'DVR' overprint on a 4k postcard. (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 2 ', ,. Nov. 1987; 74; a 7-kop. Arms stamp, with the '3' missing.

A Kolchak 3-ruble surcharge on

Auction 102; Koerber, Roger; Aug. 1-2, 1979; Original catalog with no prices realized. Contains the 'Hughes Saturn' collection. Die Awaloff-Bermondt-Marken oder Dichtung und Wahrheit; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 2-32; The Bermondt-Avalov stamps printing, history, faked overprints and faked covers. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestlichen RepubliV in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang: Sammler Express; 16; 1976; 364-365; Stamps of the Far Eastern Republ ic. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestlichen Republik in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Sammler Express; 17; 1976; 392-393; Continued from #16. Stamps of the Far Eastern Republ ie. Die Provisorien der Staedte - Ein Historisches Denkmal des Buergerkriegs; Nepomnin, E.; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 58-59; Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #10. 1928. The 'RUB' surcharge of Zamyte, Tver' province. Far Eastern Republic Overprint Variety; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; small '0' variety.


1988; 88-89; A

Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.I.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of subjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Forgeries and Bogus Items of the Nikolaevsk-on-Amur Issue; 20-24;

(n.a.); Rossica; 80;

Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatel ii Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 35-41;



Historic Stamps of the Crimea; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 63-65; Reprinted from 'Stamp Collecting'. 14 Feb. 1921. Overprint plating positions of the South Russla 100R on 1k. Istoriya koppechnoi marki vypuska 1909 goda; Kolesnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 9-11; The 1909 1kop. stamp and the many uses to which it was put in later years. K istorii Oonskikh marok; Belyavskii, Aleksel; UiRF; 'Severo-Kavkazski i kollektsioner' #1, 1929.



18; Reprinted from

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; In.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 145-160 insert; Filatel iya SSSR, Moscow; Continues postmaster provisionals and Civil War issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov poch~ovoi oplaty; (n.a.); 11: Nov. 1990; 161-176 insert; Filateliya SSSR. Moscow;

Filateliya SSSR;

Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 129-144 insert; Filateliya SSSR. Moscow; Postage stamp and revenue stamp usage from 1918-1921, including postmaster provisionals. Khar'kovskie provlzorii

'RUB'; Dvoryal"lski;,


Marki, vypushcl.,ennyya v Krymu; Manzhelei. S.; Rossica; Discusses printing of the Crimean surcharges.

E.; SK;

36; Mar. -Apr.


1980; 3-11;

1939; 213-217;

Neizvestnye provizorii 1919-1922 goda\!; Dimansntein, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; V-VI; Postmaster provlsionals of Lopukhovka. Kolyshlel and Penza. Overpril"lts of tne East;



Rossic",.; 52-52;



Pochtovye marki ZakavkazsKoi sovetskoi federativnoi sotsial isticheskoi respubl iki; Voikhanskii, E.; Filatel~ya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 9-12; Transcaucasian SFSR stamps, rates and postal history. Postage Stamps of South Russia: Comments and Illustrations; Werbizky, George G.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 54-61; Raznovidnosti 'sochinskogo provizoriya; Krasin, Yu.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 17; The 1918 Sochi provisionals. Includes a table shoWing the numbers printed for Types 1-7. Raznovidnosti marok Dal 'nevostochnoi respubl iki; Berngard, K.;

Filateliya SSSR; 4;

Overprints-Surcharges, Civil War Stamps




Apr. 1976; 18; An uncatalogued variety of the 10R RSFSR small head stamp with Far Eastern Republic 5 kop. surcharge. Revolutionary Stamps of Russia; Stroub, John L.; The American Philatelist; 40; Sep. 1927; 847-858; American Philatelic Society; A nearly-exact duplication of the Lissiuk catalog. Russia: The 'Frederick T. Small' Collection; Harmers of New York; Dec. Original catalog with prices real ized.



Siberia; (n.a.); Scott's Monthly Journal; Apr. 1922; 27-28; The Nikolaevsk-na-Amure stamps and story, as told to Scott's by Bright & Son and Pappadopulo. Siberia - New Varieties; Werbizky, George; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 39-40; Three overprints varieties of the Kharbin issue added to those of Tchilinghirian & Stephen and Osborne, and a variety of the Ataman Semenov issue. Siberia - New Varieties II; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; unrecorded varieties of Siberian surcharged stamps.

119; Oct.

The Far East Republic DVR Overprint; Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 54; Dec.

1992; 29; Two

1977; 33-34;

The Far East Republic DVR Overprint; Werbizky. G.G.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

1979; 38;

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 1. The 60 Kopeck Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 2. The Small and Medium Sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1978; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 3. The Large-sized Framed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1978; original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 10-13. The Pictorial Issues and Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Aug. 1984; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 19-21. Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and F.E.R.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Jan.-Mar. 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, Issues; Ceresa, R.J.; 3.

1917-1923. Darts 3-5. Siberia, Far East and Related The Armies.; Aug. 1983; Original, numbered copy - #23.

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 4-5. The Unframed HP Monogram Overprints.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1979; Original numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-7. The 1, 3 and 5 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; May 1980; Original numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 7-8. The 10, 25, 50 Clnd 100 Rouble HH Surcharges.; Ceresa, R.J.; 1. Armenia.; Jan. 1982; Original numbered copy #23. The parts are misnumbered; they should be 8-9, not 7-8. The Postage Stamps of Siberia - Additional Comments and Illustrations.; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 45-53; Additions to the Steyn article in #113-114. Tomsk Provisional; Popov, V.:



1990; 63; The 1920 20k on 14k, Tomsk.

Und Elley (Eleja)?; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 34-35; A cover with 10 Elei stamps, ostensibly 'legitimately used'.


Overprints-Surcharges, Civil War Stationery (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; Romanov postcard, 1921.

13; Nov.

Nadpechatki na pochtovykh kartochkakh Rossi;; 1985; 37-38;




1983; 86; A 'DVR' overprint on a 4kop. Ehpshtein, A.;

The Far East Republic DVR Dverprint; Werbizky, G.G.;

Filatel iya SSSR; 7' JUly

SJRP; 55; Nov.

1978; 42;

Overprints-Surcharges, Imperial Stamps (n.t.): Gibrick, S.; Rossica; 60; missing the surcharges.




1961; 55; A block of 9 Scott #140s with 3 stamps

Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct. 1917 currency stamps. Imperial Russia's Currency-Tokens, 21 - 34 ;


1967; 21; Differences in the '1' surcharge on

1915-1917; Tann,

Leonard L.; BJRP; 65; Sep.


50 piastrakh na 5 rUblyakh romanovskoi serii; Golovkin, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; (77); Jan. 1928; 7-8; Describes forgeries of the 50-piastre surcharge on the 5-ruble Romanov Jubilee stamo.

Russian and Ukrainian Currency Stamps 1915-1918; Spiwak, Paul B.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 14-18; The Postage Stamps of Russia, China.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. numbered copy - #23.

1917-1923. Parts 13-15. Russian Post O~fices in The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-May 1989; Original,

The Romanov JUbilee Issue; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 53; Nov.

1976; 28-33;

The 1916 Provisional 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on Arms Types and Romanovs; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 56; Nov. 1979; 37; The 1916 Provisional 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on Arms Types and Romanovs; Weinert, Howard; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 19; The 1916 Surcharge; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 51; May 1975;


10 and 20 kop. Surcharge on Romanov Issue; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 54; Dec.

1977; 20;

10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on 7 and 14 kop. Arms Type and Romanovs; Peel, Eric G.; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 16; 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on 7 and 14 kop: Arms Type and Romanovs: Further Notes on the 1916 Surcharge: Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 33; 1916 Surcharge Varieties; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 68; Worn plates used for the 'kOp. 10 kOp.' surcharge on 7-kop. Arms stamps.


Imperial Stationery




(n.t.); Moyes. J.G.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 70; A 'Tsena 4 k.s.' surcharge on a 5kop. inter-city postcard of 1877. Postcard Overprint; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 36; A Romanov 4k postcard with a Soviet 'United Proletarian Land Committee' overprint at left. & Hungarian 45-filler su~charge at right, and illustrations of ttle stamps and surcharges of Baturn on the back. Tsel 'nye veshchi adresnykh stolov Rossii; Blekhman. S./Kristi. S.; Filatel iy& SSSR; 6; June 1974; 39-43; A llsting cf the various 'Address Bureau' postcards.

Overprints-Surcharges, Provisional Government Stamps




Revolutionary Overprints; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 3; June 1949; 41-42; Phrygian cap-and-swords overprints on Romanov issues. Revolutionary Overprints on the Romanov Tercentenary Issues; Reynolds, J.H.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 38-46; Considerable detail. Some Reflections on the Period 1916-1920; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 80; 1971; 32-35; 1917-20 Arms issue 'errors' and the 14c/14k imperforate.

Overprints-Surcharges, Russian St8tionery




Sovremennye provizorii; (n.a. l; F~lateliya; 5; May 1992; 16; Seventeen 'provisionals' from Kiev, Zaporozh'e, Berdyansk, Donetsk, L'vov and Kanev, applied to Soviet stationery during 1991.

Overprints-Surcharges, Soviet Stamps




(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 75; A Finnish 1-ruble stamp used in the Crimea in 1902, and a variety of the 'Leningrad 1933 g.' overprint on the 35+70kop. All-Union Philatelic Exhibition stamps. (n.t.); Gutenstein, Morris; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 75; Another variety of the 'Leningrad, 1933 g.' overprint on the 30kop. All-Unlon Philatelic Exhibition stamp. (n.t.); Liphschutz, Michel/Steyn, Ivo; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 73-74; The 'inverted 8kop.' surcharge on the 7kop. Popov stamp of 1927, properly used on registered covers. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 74; A block of nine 8kop.-surcharged 7kop. Popov stamps, with one stamp bearing an inverted 8. (n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 64; 1963; 57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A color variety of the 'Zemlya - Mars I.XI' overprint. A Study of the R.S.F.S.R. First Postage Stamp Issue, and Its Subsequent Use as Postage Dues; Sheppard, N.J.; Post Rider; 13; Nov. 1983; 5-58; Exhaustive treatment of plating, flaws, and overprints. Airpost Stamps of USSR Overprinted 'North Pole - Moscow 1955'; Matishev, P.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 10; Answers to Queries by Readers and Some Elucidations; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 26; Faked black surcharges on Scott #s 734-738. Auction Doings; (n.a.); Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 60 & 62; Commentary on Stanley Gibbons Merkur auction of 20-21 June 1978 (No. 13). Also features reproductions of the three known overprint varieties of the 1935 Moscow - San Francisco flight overprint. Belorusskie provizorii; Kolosov,

L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

1974; V-VII;

Charity Issue - 1923 'Philately for the Workers' SG315-9; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 52-54; Chastnye litsa proreagirovali - chem otvetit pochtovoe vedomstvo?; (n.a.); Ukrainskay'a i rossi iskaya fi latel iya; 1; 1991; 62; A 1918 'Chainbreaker' privately overprinted 'Avgust 1991' and sent through the mail from Moscow to Dnepropetrovsk, 22 Aug. 1991. Chetyre 'Pochemu?' Vopros k nadpechatke.; Karl inski i, V.; SK; 2; 1964; 18-19; The story behind the surcharges on the 1932 1st All-Union Philatel ic Exhibition stamps. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 45; A 100R stamp surcharged '100,000', identified as a postmaster provisional of 1922 from the village of Serafimo-Diveevskoe, Nizhnii Novgorod province. The 1918 20 pf. and 40 pf. Surcharges on 1909 Arms stamps are also explained. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. explanation of the 1931 Tambov-Tulinovka provisional.

1986; 50; Brlef

Confusion About the Surcharged North Pole - Moscow Airmail Set (Scott C95-96) of 1955; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 26-27; Die 8 Kopeken Ueberdrucke auf Portomarken und Freimarken; Arkhangel'skii, Evgenii; Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 35-40; Minder, Hans; Translated from 'Rossica' #1, 1930. Doplatnyya marki SSSR; Zonnenberg-Fedorovskii, Walter; Rossica; 125-127;

18; Dec.


Doplatnyya marki SSSR; Zonnenberg-Fedorovskii, Walter; Rossica; 141-143; Continued from #18.

19; Mar.


Editorial; (n.a.); Rossica; 75; 1968; 98-99; A Moscow-San Francisco fl ight stamp with inverted surcharge, faked on cover. Eshche nemnogo c raznovidnostyakh; Dobryanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 47; Varieties of the two-line overprint on the 1957 'V.I. Lenin at Smolnyi' stamp, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the USSR Academy of Arts. Eshche raz 0 marke No. 3373; Butkovskii, V./Liodt, 0.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 35; A variety of the 'VOF founding conference' overprint of Mar. 1966. Essays for 1921 Soviet Surcharges; Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 21 & illustration page 16; Faberge-drawn essays. Imperial Stamps Overprinted with Stars and New Figure of Value - Addenda;

Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 48;



Overprints-Surcharges, Soviet Stamps

31 1

1956; 49-50;

Imperial Stamps Overprinted With Stars and Ne.1 Figures of Value; Reynolds, J.H.; Rossica; 45; 1955; 18-23; Detailed descriptions and 1 isting of both litho and typo surcharges. Includes material on forgeries. Istoriya vypuska i naznachenie marok kontrol'nogo sbora; Morozov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 36-41; Detailed exposition on the control stamps. Iz istorii pervoi soveLskoi polyarnoi nadpechatki; Sashenkov, E.; Jan. 1972; 11-12; The Levanevskil overprint.

Filateliya SSSR;


K pereizdaniyu katalora pochtovykh marok; Biryachev, M.A.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 31; The author contests the SFA assertion that the 7,500R on 250R from Vyaz'ma is a faKe. K svedeniyu chitatelei; Aioits, V./Karlinskil, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; IV; Corrections and addltions to the article 'Seriya s nadpechatkami' in 1-1968. on SFA #s 307-318. Kakogo tsveta nadpechatka?; (n.a.); 51<; 3; 1965; 169; HOI'! to tell the difference in color between carmine and brick-red overprinted 'Doplata ... kop. zolotom' control stamps. Kievskaya pereotsenka - 8000 rub.; Mogil 'nyi, V.; 52-53; The Kiev provisionals of 1922.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

Kievskaya pereotsenka 1922 goda; Ivakhno, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. The 8000R surcharge on 5k savings stamps.


1986; 35-36;

Konsul 'skie marki vozdushnoi pochty RSFSR 1922 goda; Pritula. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 6-9; The consular airmail stamps and how to distinguish the various types of surcharges. Korotko 0 nadpechatkakh; Kristi. S.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 32; Overprint varieties of #409. the 1933 All-Union Philatel ic Exhibition ovpt from Leningrad. Marki goroda Shui; Forafontov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 12; Discovery of a document bearing four stamps surcharged With the Shuya 'rub'. 1920. Miscellaneous Notes; Barry, John; BJRP, 21; Dec, between '7500' and 'RUB' on Scott #201.

1956; 652-653; Variations in spacing

More 8 kop. Overprint Printing Varieties; Sadovnikov, Alex; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 145-146; A followup to the article on Bk surcharges to Sovtet postage dues in 'Rossica' #106-107. Moskva - San-Frantsisko cherez Severnyi polyus; Trachtenberg, Henri; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 44-45; Zbarskii, I.; Translated from BUlletin #32 of the 'France-USSR' society. The Moscow-San Francisco flight overprint. Nadpechatka '8 kop.' na doplatnykh i pochtovykh markakh; Arkhangel'skii, Rossica; 1; Apr. 1930; 4-9;

Evgenii M.;

Nadpechatka na doplatnykh markakh; Serikov. N.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 19; A 1 isting of types and varieties of surcharges on the postage-due stamps of 1925. Nadpechatki 'Severnyi polyus' na sovetskikh vypuskakh 1955 i 1962 gg.; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 15-17; Various types of the 'Sev. polyus Moskva' overprints described and illustrated. Nadpechatki na marke No. 2666; Andreev, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. English translation of this artlcle appea~ed in 'Rossica' #116. of the 1963 Stockholm hockey championships overprint.

1985; 39; An Three varieties

Nadpechatki na revolyutsionnykh pochtovykh markakh; Mazur, P.; Filatel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 13-14 & one central il lustrccion page; Various overprints of the early Soviet period. Includes the control stamps, postage dues and 'R.S.F.S.R. for che StarVing' issues. Varieties of the latter overprint are descrlbeo. Neizvestnaya nadpechatka; 11 'shtein. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1909 Arms-issue 2k surcharged '7500'.

10; Oct.

1986; 38-39; A

Neizvestnyi provizorii; Dimanshtein, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 27; Discovery of a prOVisional overprinted stamp from Orissa, Vitebsk province, dated 1 Oct. 1922. Notes and Queries; Rooerts. C.W.; BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 804; The hammer-&-sickle 200R surcharge of 1922 on 15k imperforate. with #20 on a sheet showing a larger. reengraved version. Novosti.

SSSR.; R., B.; Sovetskii filatelist;

1; Jan.


17-18; News of various

Overprints-Surchargei, Soviet Stamps




new issues, including the Lenin mourning stamps, the postage due overprints, Bukhara locals and Transcaucasus surcharges.


'khokkeinoi' nadpechatke; Andreev, A./et al.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 34-36; Four major types and three sUbtypes of the 1963 Stockholm hockey championships overprint.


marke No. 3373; Fomin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 7; The author argues that there were two issues of #3373, the second one still uncatalogued.


nadpechatkakh; Yazykov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. overprints or surcharges from 1941 to 1968.


pochtovykh blagotvoritel'nykh markakh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 40-41; The 'R.S.F.S.R. to the Starving' surcharges on the Chainbreaker stamps.


raznovidnostyakh nadpechatok na pervoi marke RSFSR; Panteleev, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; VIII; The 10k-postage due overprint on the Chainbreaker stamps.


redkikh i redchaishkikh; Maiorov, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; V-VII; Consular airmails, one of them the error '24 germ. marok', an imperforate sheet of the 100R small-head sheet with 70R error, and other rarities in the collection of K. Vasil'ev.

1976; 29; Non-cataloged

Ostorozhno fal'sifikat!; Fedorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 52-53; Forgeries of the 'RSFSR - golodayushchim' 250+250 stamp of Feb. 1922. A table of comparisons is given, but without any photo. Overprint Varieties of Scott's B47: Leningrad Flood Issue 20k + 50k; Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 75; 1968; 100-101; Overprint Variety; Carson, Michael J.; Rossica; Scott C95 found.



Overprints of Stamp No. 2666; Andreev, A.; Rossica; 116; Apr. Scott; Three varieties of Scott #2573 are illustrated.

149; Overprint flaw on 1991; 49-50; Allen,

Pervye sovetskie doplatnye; Fedorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 10; Varieties of the first Soviet postage due overprints on Chainbreaker stamps. Popravka; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 38; Corrections to Minskii's 'Fal'sifikaty zemskikh marok' and Andreev's '0 khokkeinoi nadpechatke'. Prodolzhaya perechen'; Andreev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. stamp varieties not listed ,n the Soviet catalog.

1990; 46-47, 50; Several

Prodolzhaya poisk; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1986; 34-35; Readers respond to '0 raznovidnostyakh podlinnykh i mnimykh' in 'Filateliya SSSR' #11, 1985, with new overprint and printing varieties. Provizorii 1931 goda; Oimanshtein, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 36; Provisionals issued in the wake of the tariff change of 1 June 1931. Rare Stamps of the RSFSR lLithographic Surcharges on Russia 217 and 224); Basov, O.K.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 13-15; Skipton, David M.; Raznovidnosti blokov i marok SSSR; Aloits, V.; Varieties of stamps and overprints.

Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

1986; 34-35;

Raznovidnosti nadpechatki; Boshnyakov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 40: Differences in the overprint of the 1966 stamp issued in honor of the founding conference of the VOF. Raznovidnosti nadpechatki i tipy listov marki No. 3331; Andreev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990: 51; Overprint va~ieties of the 1966 Founding Conference of VOF. Raznovidnosti nadpechatok na markakh SSSR (fevral' Peisikov, L.; SKi 7; 1970; 55-57;

1959 - dekabr'

1961 gg.);

Redkie mestnve vypuski; Parkhomovich, S.: Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 42-43; Rare postmaster provisionals. Much of the information is drawn from the 1927 Chuchin catalog. Revolutionary Surcharges on Romanov Issue; (n.a.); BJRP; 1; Dec. 1946; 10-11; Extracted from 'Catalogue Speciale des Timbres de Guerre de Russie', Yvert et Tellier, 1920. Seriya s nadpechatkami; Karlinskii, V.; The postage dues of 1925.

Filateliya SSSR;

1; Jan.

1968; 40-41 & 45;

Some Reflections on the Period 1916-1920; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 80;

1971; 32-35;


Overprints-Surcharges. Soviet Stamps



1917-20 Arms issue 'errors' and the 14c/14k imperforate. Sud'ba pochtovoi marki; Tipikin. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. kop. hockey stamo and its subsequent two overprints.


11: The 19626

The Auxiliary Postage Due Stamp of 1924; Cervinka. Ladislav; Post R,der; 29; Dec. 1991; 49-54; Various overprint. paper. ink and forgery varieties of this stamp. The Interim Issues of Soviet Ukraine. 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 3-16;

1919-1923; Bylen. Peter; Ukrainian Philatel ist;

The Romanov Tercentenary Issue. Part III; Salisbury. Gregory B.; BJRP; 276-300; Includes early Soviet overprints on Romanov stamps.

10; Nov.

The Stamps of the Mountain Republ ic; Epstein. Alexander; BJRP; 72; Spring. 42-46; Stamps of the Mountain Soviet Socialist Republic. 1922. The Standard Issues of the Soviet Union; Adler. Kurt; Checklist of 8 kop. surcharged stamps. The Tamboy Provisional; Cronin. Andrew; BJRP; 1931 15k surcharge.

16: Dec.

Rossica; 58;



1960; 44-45;

1954; 487; A forgery of the

The 1941 Slovak Overprint on Soviet Stamps; Polchaninov. R.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 45-46; The 8 Kopeck Overprints on Postage Due and Postage Stamps; Shalimoff. George; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 35-46; Based on the article by E.M. Arkhangel'skii 'Rossica' #1. 1930.


Udachnaya nakhodka; Kolesetskii. I.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 94; The story of how the Irkutsk PTO archives' Yakutsk and Olekminsk provisionals were saved from destruction. Vam - doplatnoe pis'mo; Karl inski i. V. ; Filateliya SSSR: 2; Aug. Soviet postage dues. Varn


doplatnoe pis'mo; Karlinskii. Continued from #2.

V. ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Sep.

1966; 8 - 11 ; Early 1966; 32-35;

Vladivostok - 23-i god; Braunstein. 1.; ri latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. '1968; 38; Yampol'skaya. M.; A brief item on the 1923 Vladivostok airmail surcharge. Vnov' otkrytye provizorii; Krenke. V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 13-14; Postmaster provisionals recorded from Tula. Moscow. Olonets. Nizhnii Novgorod. Tver'. Orel. Vyatka. Simblrsk provinces and the Kuban. Vypusk Gorskoi ASSR; Moiseev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 34-35; The author discusses the venue and use of the Gorskaya ASSR overprintea issue with five-pointed star and the letters G.S.S.R .. concludes that they are provislonals. Zagadochnaya nadpechatka; Filippov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. mysteries of the surcharges on RSFSR stamps.


19-20; The

1922-1923 Surcharges on the Stamps of the Russian Empire; Rosselevich. A.M.; Philatelist; 5; July 1964; 16-21; 1923 Issue - 'Philately to Workers' ('Philately's Contribution to Labour'); Verbitsky. N.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 13-16; 1924 Postage Due Surcharges;

Flanagan. Lawrence B.; BJRP; 57; Nov.

1980; 43;


Overprints-Surcharges, Soviet Stationery




Filateliya - detyam; Agronomov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; 14-15; Imperial stationery overprinted with 'Filatel iya - detyam 19 avgusta 1922 g.' for the 'Philately Day' exhibition in Moscow. Nadpechatki na pochtovykh kartochkakh Rossii; 1985; 37-38;

Ehpshtein, A.;

Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly

Neizvestnye provizorii 1918 goda; Aleksandrov, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 35; Provisional-rate postcards surcharged in 1918. Postcard Overprint; Epstein, A.; Pochta; 11; Jan. the Bela Kun overprints shown in #10.

1992; 49;

10; Oct.


Further information on

The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous ill ustrat ions, usages. The Chelyabinsk Provisional Overprints 1983; Kiryushkin, A.V.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 40-43;



Civi 1 War


Uses of Stamp Perforation;
















(n.t.); Freyman, K.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. private commercial perfin on a 70k stamp. (n.t.); Shmuely, Moshe; Rossica; 102-103: card and a revenue document.


121-123: Perfins on a parcel post

Additional Uses of Stamp Perforation; Werbizky, G.G.; Eshche raz 0 prokolakh na pochtovykh markakh; Mazur, 1973; V-VI; Eshche raz 48-49;


Pochta; P.;

11: Jan.


Marki s prokolami; Mazur, P.;

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.

Marki s prokolami; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

zagadochnom prokole 'Smela'; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Further information on the 'Smela' perf in.

Firmennye prokoly na markakh Rossii; Mazur, P.; Business firms' perf ins on Russian stamps.



1975; 29;

1974; VI-VII; 1972; 38-39;

Nekotorye dopolneniya; Girshman, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 34; The author adds information to P.F. Mazur's first article on perfins in #9-1972. Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; imperial post offices.

14-15; May 1954; 453-455; Use of perfins in

Prokoly moskovskogo pochtamta na bel'giiskikh markakh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 51; Belgian stamps bearing Moscow GPO perfins. Prokoly na markakh i istoriya; Mazur, P.; on Levant issues.

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 43; Perfins

Prokoly na pochtovykh markakh dorevolyutsionnoi Rossii; Aleksandrov, Yu.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 34;


Prokoly Moskovskikh pochtovykh otdelenii na markakh dorevolyutsionnoi Rossii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; VII-VIII; Moscow perfins. Russian Stamps Perforated With Initials; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 49; Dec. illustration page 12; The Perf ins of Russia; Maxa, Vojtech; Rossica; 86-87; 'Perfins Bulletin' #260, June 1973.

1973; 32-33

1975; 83-86; Reprinted from

The Perforations of Moscow Postamt on Belgian Stamps; Mazur, P.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 43; Abstracted by Dr. T.T. Rutkowska from 'Filateliya SSSR' #5, 1982. Zagadochnye prokoly; Mazur,



Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 29;


Perf ins. Soviet


Prokoly na sovetskikh pochtovykh markakh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 25-27;


12; Dec.



Pneumatic Post, Soviet



Bo1'shaya pnevmopochta; A1eksandrov, A.M./et a1.; Gorodskoe khozyaistvo Moskvy; 9; Sep. 1973; 38-40; A proposed pneumatic mail system for Moscow.






(n.t.); Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 69; 1965; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 'I.R.' (Interes Rzadowy) marking on an 1860 cover from Ustilug.


(n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 75-76; A cover from the Polish occupation of Kamenets-Podol'sk. June 1920. (n.t.); Gryzewski, Tadeusz; Rossica; 55; cover from ?1860? (n.t.); Kolakowsky. Wladyslaw; on Polish postcards.

1958; 63; A mixed-franking Pol ish-Russian

Rossica; 74;

1968; 73-75;

'Soviet' fantasy surcharge

(n.t.); Lazarev, Leonid; Post Rider: 8; May 1981; 6 7 -68; Traces the trip of a money letter to the addressee by the cancels. (n.t.); Mazepa. James; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 69; A registered Pol ish cover to the Canadian Pacific office in Canada. The author wonders what business they would have had in Tarnopol. Poland. A Document of the First Polish Corps; 22-32; Airmail Cachets on Covers of Poland. 1954; 480-481;

Kamienski, Mieczyslaw; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 1920-1939; Arkhangel'skii. E.; BJRP;

16; Dec.

Bakinskaya stranitsa poloniki; Arzumanov, G./Topalov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 8-9; Witold Zglenicki. Polish engineer responsible for numerous buildings in Baku. Bony pol 'skogo vosstaniya; Gribanov,

Eh.; SKi 4:

1966; 85-86;

Collecting Bielarus; Pauk, Bohdan: 1991; 19-20, 23-25; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Dopletit Postage Due Marking Connected With Poland NO.1; Bojanowicz, M.A.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 3; Further Notes on the Handstruck Markings of Warsaw; CUll, 23-24; H.C. Goss Russia - 1958: real ized.





E.C.; BJRP; 48; Mar.


1958: Original catalog, no prices

Hunting for Pol ish Mil itary Postmarks in the Middle East; Knighton, R.P.; 8JRP; Oct. 1953; 375-377:


Ispol 'zovanie pol 'skikh znakov pochtovoi oplaty i pochtovykh shtempelei na territorii Zapadnoi Ukrainy i zapadnoi Belorussii; Lashkevich, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; VII-VIII. 33; Pol ish stumps and cancels used in Western Ukraine and western Belorussia, 1939-1940. Ispol'zovanie russkikh shtempel 'nykh konvertov v Tsarstve pol'skom; Boyanowicz, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1973; VIII, 33-35; Berngard, K.; Translated from the English. Istoricheskaya letopis' Mateiki; Karlov, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; Jan Mateika, Polish painter of the 19th century.

12; Dec.



Istoricheskaya zamyetka 0 pochtovykh operatsiyaKh v Pol'shye i 0 znakakh poChtovoi oplaty byvshikh togda v upotreblenii; (n.a.); PTZh; May 1903; 618-623; Istoriya vypuska pervoi ool'skoi marki 1860 g. (K eva 75 lyetnemu yubiieyu); Rachmanov, V.A.; Rossica: 20; Apr. 1935; 157-160: Istoriya vypuska pervoi pol'skoi marki 1860 g. (K eya 75 lyetnemu yubileyu); Racnmanov, V.A.; Rossica; 21: Aug. 1935: 173-177; Continued from #20. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel 'nykh veshche, - Imperialisticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1923: SFA pl'i Komiss'ii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenlna, Moscow; Listing of Levant, China, Crete, Poland, Finland and Wenden, stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; 7; July 1990; 97-112 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow;


Filateliya SSSR;

Korolevstvo pol'skoe. Russkie zheleznodorozhnye gasheniya.; Boyanovich, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12: Dec. 1969; 12-16; Extracted from Bojanowicz's works on Russian railroad cancellations in Poland. Mail

From Polish Refugee Camps in Central and East Africa.

1943-1946; Knighton,


Poland Ronald P.; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; Marki



15 & illustration pages 11-14;

iz starogo al'boma; Bukharov. Oleg N.; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz". Moscow; Original paperback pocketbook. Discusses a wide range of topics. from postal history of the early years to Russia's first stamp. zemstvos. Poland and Finland #1, and early Soviet issues.

Members' Displays - Provisional and Temporary Postmarks of Poland, Harryman, W.E.; BJRP; 6; Apr. 1951; 96-97; Members' Displays During the Year 1948-49; R.P. Knighton display of Poland.


(n.a.); BJRP; 3; June 1949; 30-34; The

Neposredstvennyi pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of telegraph communications with Poland, and forthcoming mail exchange. Notes From Collectors - Additional Information on the Lodz-Kolyushki Railway; Mazepa, J./Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 72; Spring. 1992; 54-58; Novyi dokument k istorii vypuska pervoi pol'skoi mark; 1860 g.; Rachmanov, V.A.; Rossica; 31; May-June 1938; 137-139; The general circular on the use of Poland #1. Obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the first direct exchange of letter mail with Poland at Stolbtsy. Obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on institution of declared-value mail up to 1.000 gold francs and package mail of less than 10 kg with Poland. One Hundred Copies of Poland NO.1 for 26 Pounds!; Kosoi. Edward; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 17-20; Compares an 1872 Moscow stamp dealer's price 1 ist with 1985 Stanley Gibbons prices. Pervye pochtovye ehmissii Pol'shi; Shchapov. P.; Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 17; A brief overview of the post in Poland from 1564 to 1866. Pervye pochtovye ehmissii Pol'shi; Shchapov. P.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 7-9; Continued. Poland #1, the first postal stationery, cancellations and postal history. Pervyya russkiya marki v Pol'shye; Rachmanov, V.A.; Rossica; Polish cancels on Russia #'s 1-4.

11; Dec.


Pevets revolyutsionnogo romantizma; Rudzinskii, Tsezar'; Filatel iya SSSR; 1974; 27; Adam Mitskevich. Polish poet and revolutionary.


1; Jan.

Pis'ma iz Pol'shi v Leningrad i v S.-Z. oblast'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal packets beginning to arrive from Poland. Pochtovoe upravlenie Pol'shi v 19-m stolyetii; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 333-335;


Poland Counterfeits of Inverted Surcharges 50.000 Mk on 10 Mk Greenish-Blue of Issue 1923 S.G. 205. 205a; Arkhangel 'ski i. Evgeni i; BJRP; 19; Dec. 1955; 600; Poland NO.1 Used in Russia; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, 3 illustration pages;


BJRP; 41; Oct.


10-12 &

Poland No.1 - Forgeries, Fakes and Frauds; Bojanowicz. M.A./Capes. S.J.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 5-10 and 1 illustration page; Poland Number One; Domanski, Vincent Jr.; Rossica; 58; Poland Number One; Mercury Stamp Co., pr'ices real ized. Poland Number One.


13 Dec.

1960; 8-9;

1971; Origlnal catalog with

1860-1960.; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 58;

Poland 10k.

1860 Variety; Bojanowicz. M.A.; 8JRP; 5; Jan.

Poland 10k.

1860 Variety; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 4' Dec.

Poland-Odessa; Kuderewicz. Jozef; Rossica; 73; in the 19th century. Civil War and WWII.

1960; 7-8;

1951; 80;

1949; 65-66;

1967; 26-29; Letters between the two

Polish Consular Post in Odessa in 1919-1920; Gibrick, Seymour; Rossica; 49-50; 11 ; Polish Field Post Service.

1918-21; Kowarzyk. W.; BJRP; 61; Dec.

1984; 44-49;



Poland Reprinted from 'Pol ish Philatelic Review', May-Aug. POlish Field Post 1919-20. 1984; 49-50;





J. Haller's Army).; Clement, A.; BJRP; 61; Dec.

Polish Forces in the Soviet Army 1942-1945; Michalove, 1989; 70-72;

Peter; Post Rider; 24;


Polish Occupation of the Ukraine, 1919; Robe~ts, C.W.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 601-603; Includes 'Outstanding Cover' #19 on p. 601. The occupation of Kovel and the stamps issued. Polish Occupation of the Ukraine, 1919; Roberts, C.W.; illustration page.; The occupation of Kovel.






Polish Postal Cards with Ukrainian Connections (Part II); Solczanyk, Andrij D.; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 77-85; Polish Postal Stationery 1919; Knighton,

R.P.; BJRP; 22; Aug.

1957; 679;

Rasporyazhenie 0 vvedenii nomernykh shtempelei pogasheniya v Tsarstvye Pol'skom; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 249-250; Rasshirenie pochtovoi svyazi s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of mail exchange between the USSR and Poland. Repolonizacja; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 27: Nov. 1990; 45-54; Philatelic reminders of the Pol ish eastern territories, lost in Sep. 1939. Russia to Poland Mail.

1918; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica:




Russian F.P.O.s For the Polish Forces in the Second World War: Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, A.; BJRP: 43; Oct. 1969: 3-8; Russian F.P.O.s For the Polish Forces in the Second World War; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, A.; BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; 7-l3: Continued from #43. Russian Railway Cancellations Used in the Kingdom of Poland - Part 1: Bojanowicz, M.A.; BJRP; 43; Oct. 1969; 24-35; Russian Railway Cancellations Used in the Kingdom of Poland - Part 2; Bojanowicz, M.A.; BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; 24-28; 'Stumme'-Stempel zu Beginn des 1. Weltkrieges auf dem Polnischen Gebiet; Petr1Uk, Stefan; Pochta; 43; Aug. 1987; 31-32;


Russkie gasheniya na pol 'skikh markakh 1860 goda; Bojanowicz. M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 47-48; A very brief overview of the field. Six Scarce Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 8; Jan. 1952: 183-184; Vil'na and Warsaw time-of-del ivery marks, 3 temporary offices, Staro-OboshinsKoe Credit Bank postmark, 1915. Some Notes on the Earlier Postal History of Cracow; Capes, S.J.; BJRP; 51; May 1975; 3-4 & illustration pages 1-5; Stadtpostaemter im besetzten Polen 1915-1918; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 83-85: June 1985; 46; STAMP EX 1958. Displays by Members of B.S.R.P.; (n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 800-801: The Bojanowicz 'Poland', Negus 'Mongolia', and Wortman's imperial exhibits. The Combined Exhibit of the British Society of Russian Philately at the London International Stamp Exhibition. Polish Section.; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 6; Apr. 1951: 106 - 107 ; The First Issue of Russia Used in the Kingdom of Poland: New Discoveries and Checklist; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 53-56; The First Russian Stamps Used in the Kingaom of Poland; M&zepa, James; The American Phiiatel ist: Aug. 1984; 798-802; Includes a 1 ist of known Pol ish numeral cancels on Poland #1 and Russia #s 1-2. The Handstruck Markings of Warsaw; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar. A.; BJRP; 47; JUly 1972; 3-9 & illustration pages 1-3; The Kingdom of Poland; Bojanowicz, M.A.: Original hardbound booK.

1979; The Royal Philatelic Society, London;

The Occupation of Russia by the Pol ish I Corps; Mazepa, James (ed.); Philatelic Society, Chicago; Original softbound booklet.

1977; Polonus



The Polish Field Post in Russia in 1941-1942; Bojanowicz, M.A.; BJRP; 521-522;


17; Apr.



The Polish Field Post Offices in U.S.S.R., 1942; Bojanowicz, M.A./Droar, A.; Rossica; 71; 1966; 41-44; Reprinted from "Gibbons Stamp Monthly", June 1966. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa. R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postal History of the Balkans, Baltics, Russia and Poland; Alevizos, George; Nov. 26, 1979; Original catalog with prices realized. The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Sa11sbury, G.B.; BJRP; 10; Nov. 1952; 276-300; Includes information on JUbilee stamps used in Finland, plus postal history during the Russian empire period of Poland. The Russian Post in the Empire, Turkey, China, and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prigara, Sergei Vasil'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol'skom', New York, 1941. Two hardbound copies. The Soviet Posts in Western Belorussia 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe/Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 4-32; Includes extensive placename listings and two maps of the area. Three Items From the Poland and Armies Study Group; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 13-14; Vilnius 1939-1941; Lapas, Raimundas; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers from Vilnius during the Polish, Lithuanian and Russian periods, 1939-1941. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Vse


'Pol 'she No.1'; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 48-52; The author summar'izes Bojanowicz's 'The Kingdom of Poland ... ' on Poland #1 for Soviet readers.

Warsaw Times of Receipt; Shields, Arthur/Barry, John; BJRP;

14-15; May 1954; 430-432;

Znaki pochtcvoi oplaty Tsarstva Pol'skago; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 360-361 ;



Polar Philately



(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 72; 1967; 89; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Soviet postal arrangements on Spitzbergen Island. (n.t.); Brown, Arthur; Post Rider; 17; Nov. from Franz Josef Land to Archangel. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Carl Weyprecht.

Post Rider;

17; Nov.

1985; 69; An 1896 registered envelope 1985; 69; More on Franz Josef Land and

(n.t.); Salisbury, G.B.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 63; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Information on North Pole drifting stations 9-11. (n.t.); Voaden, Denys J.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 66; Information about Mikhail Gromov. commander of the second non-stop Moscow-USA fl ight over the North Pole. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 66-67; "Notes from Collectors" section.


14 located at Yakovlevskoe.

'Gerkules'. 1913 g.'; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. and his 1913 expedition aboard the 'Hercules'.


10-11; V.A.



'Malyginskie' seri i ... ; Avdusin, D.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1968; 38-39; The Malygin series and some of its background. 'Moe mesto na severe'; Sinegubov, V.; Arctic explorer G.Ya. Sedov.

Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 60-61; The

'Oazis' - 'Dobrovol 'ski i'; Sashenkov, E.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; July 1970; 40; The rarest of Soviet Antarctic Station cancels, from 'Oasis'. 'Ob"

v okeane filatelii; Sashenkov, E.; polar vessel Ob' and its history.

Filatel iva SSSR;

11; Nov.

1969; 23; The

'Raritet' v tri tysyachi ehkzemplyarov; Skrylev, A.; Fl latel iva SSSR; 2; 27-28; A zeppelin cover to the ~cebreaker Malygin. 'Severnyi polyus-15'; Milovidov, 'Severnyi polyus-16'; Vasil'ev,

E.; E.;

Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec. Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.



1966; 9; 1968; 3;

'Severnyi polyus-20' - Moskva: Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 39; A radio interview with YU.P. Tikhonov, chief of the North Pole-20 drifting station. POlyUE-18'; Milovidov. Pole-18' cover.




SSSR; 5; r-t.ay 1969;

'Sibir" - Nachalo arkticheskoi biografii; Efremov, 10-12; The two icebreakers named 'Sibir". 'SP-21'; Udarov,


Filateliya SSSR;




A 'North

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1979;

May 1974; 7;

A Flown Cover From a Soviet Search Expedition; Cox, e.G.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 52-53: The search for S.A. Levanevskli and his crew of iive in the Arct ,c. Aerophilately XVI. Aerophilately XVII. 12 ;

North Pole Issue.;

Aronson, H.L.;

The Polar Year Issue.;


Aronson, H.L.;

21; Oct.-Dec. RAP;



Airpost Stamps of USSR Overprinted 'North Pole - Moscow 1955'; Matishev, 49-50; 1956; 10; American Samovar: Sal iSbury, G.B.; BJRP; 23; Mar. SOViet Arctic activlties.

1958; 731- 7 34;

1944; 7-8;


1945; Rosslca;

Various items on

Another 1932 2nd Polar Year F'ight Cover; Hirsch. Herma~ Z.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 72; Brief item in the 'Philatel ic Shorts' section. Antarktichesi<ie suveniry; Ml1oviaov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Philatel ic material from Soviet expeditions to Antarctica.


Antarkticheskii reis 'Bashkirii'; Osyatinskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; The 'Bashkiriya's' voyage to Antarctica in 1977.


10; Oct.


Antarktida - Severnyi polyus; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1977; 8-9; An interview with the Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute, A.F. Treshnikov. Antarktida dalekaya i blizkaya; Pan'kov, M.; Antarktida darit suveniry; Milovidov.


Filateliya SSSR; 9;


Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.





Polar Philately



Arkhangel'sk - vorota Arktiki; Smirnov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Stationery and special cancels.

1971; 41-42;

Arkhangel'sk - The 'Polar Bears'; Knighton, R.P./Evans, Barrie; BJRP; 59; Dec. 49-50; Reproduction of a letter in 'The Pole Star' about mail. Arkhangel'sk - The 'Polar Bears'; Kolot, L.A.; BJRP; 58; Nov. of the address on Baill ie's Solombala cover in BJRP #57.



1981; 39; Translation

Arkticheskaya observatoriya 'Druzhnaya'; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 8; Cachets from the Druzhnaya Observatory in Franz Josef Land and a tourist ship 'Vatslav Vorovskii', 1968. Arkticheskomu poselku Ushakovskii - 50 let; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 7; The 50th anniversary of the founding of Ushakovskii, an Arctic village. Arktika i Antarktika na konvertakh; Orlov, V.;

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1969; 22-23;

Arktika. Subarktika. Zapolyar'e. Gde granitsa?; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Dec. 1979; 9-11; Where to draw the boundaries of the three zones. Arktis Expedition 'Sewer-36'; Anasir,

E.S.; ZRSP; 38; Aug.

1985; 41;

Army T.P.O.s Operating in North Russia; Hill, N.; BJRP; 36; March 1965; Aviapochta Chukotki; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; listing of 43 post offices in Chukotka. Breaking the Ice: 36-38; Byl


11; Nov.


1982; 45-48;

Includes a

Russia's Northern Fleet; Robinson, P.E.; BJRP; 69; Sep.


takoi raion vostochnoi tundry; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 21-22; The 'Eastern Tundra Rajon' in Chukotka, 1930s to 1962. Includes cancels, a list of zip codes for that area, and a crude map.

Chelyuskin; Campbell, P.J.; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 52-62; A history of the exploratory voyage and the stamp set commemorating it. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otveohaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 51; Questions about getting mail to Arctic and Antarctic stations for cancelling. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 46; A brief list of Soviet Antarctic stations with their own postal cancellers, and information on the monuments pictured on the 1973 stamps issued on the 50th annlversary of the liberation of the Far East from White forces. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; Musatov, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 43; Then-current locations of the various Soviet polar stations, and how to go about sending correspondence to them. Chto ostalos' 'za kadrom'?; Pritula, V.; Chelyuskin rescue.

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

1972; 25-26; The

Confusion About the Surcharged North Pole - Moscow Airmail Set (Scott C95-96) of 1955; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 26-27; Correction; Wilson, Kennedy; Rossica; 92; 1978; 57; Corrects fig. 24 in P.J. Campbell's 'The Exploration of the Eurasian Arctic' in #90-91. Delo vsei zhizni; Boiko, V.; the Bering Sea.

Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1983; 54-:;.6; Vitus Bering and

Der Seeweg nach Sibirien; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 25-26; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie'. Berlin, 1889. On Admiral Makarov. Die Letzte Fahrt des Atomeisbrechers 'Lenln'; Aerni, Nina; Pochta; 48; Sep. Dorogoi suvenir; Alekseev, A.; Ernst Krenkel .

Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1982;

Dreifuyushchie nauchnye stantsii; Sashenkov, E.; 40-41; Soviet drifting stations. Druschnaja; Anasir, Philately' #1,

E.S.; Pochta; 42; Mar. 1987.

1989; 21;

19; A QSL signed by

Filatellya SSSR; 9; Sep.


1987; 26-27; Translated from 'Polar

Dudinka - die Nordl ichste Stadt der Erde; Tobler, Harald; Pochta; 48; Sep. 19-20;


Ova shtempelya 'Mirnyi'; Bakalinskii, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 9; The steamer 'Kooperatsiya's visit to the Antarctic base at Mirnyi.

Polar Philately E.T. Krenkel';

07/13/93 (n.a.);

BJRP; 47;



JUly 1972; 43; Krenkel's obituary.

Eestitemaatilised Eritemplid N. Liidus; (n.a.); Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 229-231; Soviet special cancels with Estonian themes. Updates an article in #7. Ehffektivnee ispo~ 'zovat' aehrosany; Lysenko, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1976; One page on the use of air-sleds for postal transportation in Arkhangel'sk, Irkutsk, etc. Ehkspeditsionnye shtempelya i konverty SAEh; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 18-19; Soviet Antarctic Expedition cancels and special envelopes. Ehkzamen na muzhestvo; Seliverstov, A.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 8; Aug. icebreaker Mikhail Somov and its voyages to Antarctica. Ehstafeta 'Sovetskaya Arktika'; Mi lovidov, The 1968 Soviet Trans-Arctic relay.


Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel';

(n.a.); SKi


Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel';



1986; 41; The

Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.


175; Krenkel's obituary.

Filatellya SSSR;

1; Jan.

Eshche konvert; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 'North Pole-16' and 'North Pole-17' stations.

1972; 33;

1969; 8; Two covers from the

Eshche raz 0 'Malygine'; Zin'ko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 9; history of the icebreaker Malygin. Eshche raz 0 pochtovom suvenire 'SP-22'; Musatov, 13;



Includes a

Filatel iVa SSSR; 9; Oct.


Fabian von Bell ingshausen Fi lateel ias; Raid. Evald; Eesti Fi latel ist; 24-25; 1979; 1S4-197; Stamps and special postmarks with an Antarctic, Bell ~ngshausen theme. Filateliya 0 radiosporte; Orlov, V.; and 'radio sport' in the USSR.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 7-9; Ham radio Incluaes some data on Ernst Krenkel.

Filateliya strany pingvinov; Sashenkov, E.P.; 1980; Soviet Antarctic expeditions, postmarks.

'Svyaz", Moscow; Original book.

Goryachaya pora polyarnoi filatelii; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6-9; A visit to drifting stations SP-26 and SP-27. Gosti stantsi i 'Bell insgauzen'; Chutkin. Soviet station in Antarctica.


Fi latel iva SSSR; 6;

11; Nov.

June 1978;


11; The

Grumant. Shpitsbergen. Sval'bard.; 801ko, V./Sokolov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 8-10; Russian and Soviet involvement in the Spitsbergen Islands. Helikopter-Post; Aerni. Pierre; Pochta; 46; Dec. to and from icebreakers. Hohe Zeit der Polarphilatelie; Sashenkov, from 'Filateliya SSSR' f.'11, 1985.



19; Helicopters carrying mail

ZRSP; 41; Sep.

1986; 30-33; Translated

Interv'yu s antarkticheskim pochtmelsterom; Musatov. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 41; An interview with the senior radio technician and 'postmaster" at Bellingshausen Station. Interv'yu v 'polyarnom shtabe' strany; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 24; An interview with the Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific-Research Institute, A.F. Treshnikov. Ispolin Severa; Vladimirov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Soviet stamps, carcels and foreign stamps. Issleaovatel' russkogo Severa; Begichev, polar explorer.


Issledovatel' Arktiki; Mi,ovidov, E.; Samoilovich, Arctic researcher.


10; Oct.


1973; 26; The polar bear on

Fi latel iya SSSR;

rilateilya SSSR;

11; Nov.


11; Nev.

Feb. 1982;

1976; 56; 13;



Issledovatelyam Arktiki i Antarktiki posvyashchaetsya; Mel 'nikova, T.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1977; 20-21; M.I. Shevelev signing cards at Polarphila-77 in Moscow. Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin (1895-1986); Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 68-69; Iz dal'nikh stranstvii; V., Antarctica to Moscow.


Filateliya SSSR; 7;

18; June 1986;

June 1969; 22; Two covers from

Polar Philately


Iz istorii pervoi sovetskoi polyarnoi nadpechatki; Sashenkov, Jan. 1972; 11 -12; The Levanevsk i i overpr i nt .




Filateliya SSSR;


Joint Australia-USSR Stamp Issue Scientific Co-operation in Antarctica; (n.a.); Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 12; The text of 'Russian Collectors Deprived of Australian Joint Venture Stamps' reproduced from 'Stamp News Australasia', Jan. 1991. K vershine planety; Gurov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 8-9; The 'Komsomol'skaya pravda' Expedition to the North Pole in 1979. Kakim dolzhen byt' transport dlya svyazistov Severa?; Smagin, A.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1980; Two pages on mail transportation problems in the Far North. Kolybel' sovetskoi radioehlektroniki; Dymshits, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 14-16; The Nizhnii Novgorod Radio Laboratory and Ernst Krenkel's efforts in the Northern areas to advance the understanding of radio. Konverty SAEh; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 10; Two covers, one from the 16th Soviet Antarctic Expedition and one from the 17th. Krushenie legendy; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 34-35; The hunt for 'Sannikov's Island' in the Arctic, a fabled land that was never found. Kto izobrazhen na marke No. 490?; 12-13; G.A. Ushakov.

Sel itrennik,


Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.


Kto zhe mog otpravit' otkrytku na 'Malygin'?; Tyurin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 13; The writer identifies the sender of a letter flown to the Malygin by LZ-127, described in #5. Materik mira i druzhby; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 15; Soviet special cancels and cacheted envelopes commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty. Memorandum on Mail and Postal Services With the Arkhangel BJRP; 36; March 1965; 21-22;

Forces; Haig-Smith,


Moskva - San-Frantsisko cherez Severnyi polyus; Trachtenberg, Henri; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 44-45; Zbarskii, I.; Translated from Bulletin #32 of the 'France-USSR' society. The Moscow-San Francisco flight overprint. Moskva - Severnyi polyus - SShA; Yumashev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 20-21; Yumashev, the pilot of the JUly 1937 flight over the North Pole from Moscow to California, reminisces about it. Na airizhable k Polyusu; Storozhakova, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 36; Dirigible construction in the USSR and dirigible flights of various countries to the Arctic. Na dne okeana; Musatov, SP-19.


Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971;

Na kholodnom yuzhnom polyuse; Kolesnikov,


11; The adventures of

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Sep.

Na konverte pochtovyi shtempel' SP-23; Musatov, L.; The scientific-research polar station SP-23.

Filateliya SSSR;

1966; 21-23;

5; May 1976;


Na poluostrove Yamal; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 20-21; Postal communications (much of it by airmail) on the Yamal Peninsula. Na polyarnykh stantsiyakh sovetskoi Arktiki; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 18-19; Datestamps of Soviet polar stations are included. Na polyusakh; Mi'ovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 9; An SP-17 Arctic cover and another cover from the 14th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. Na russkom krainem severe; Sashenkov,


Filateliya SSSR;

1; Jan.

1970; 24;

Na shtempele - data pokoreniya polyusa; Kryuchkov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 5; A cacheted envelope and special cancel commemorating the 'Arktika' and its voyage to the point on the globe where the meridians originate, 17 Aug. 1977. Na Myse Shmidta rozhdennoe; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Soviet postal branch office - Mys Shmidta I.

11; Nov.


6; The newest

Nadpechatki 'Severnyi polyus' na sovetskikh vypuskakh 1955 i 1962 gg.; Pritula, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 15-17; Various types of the 'Sev. polyus Moskva' overprints described and illustrated. Nadpechatki

i shtempelya gasheniya, posvyashchennye severnomu polyusu; Ustinovskii,

Polar Philately V.; SK; 4;




1966; 39-41;

Nazovite vashi koordinaty; Stepanov, B.: Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Chukotka, and its cancels wIth coordinates included.


10; Northern

Nenetskomu avtonomnomu okrugu - 60 let; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 14; A special cancel commemora~ing the 60th ann1versary of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. New Antarctic Datestamps; Marshall, A.R.;


North Pole Stamps and Miniature Sheets; Kolot,

11; Jan.


1992; 41;

L.A.; BJRP; 58; Nov.

1981; 40-41;

Northern Russia and Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 4-8; Description of a group of covers to and from Canadians in Northern Russia. Novaya stantsiya; Katser, M.; drifting station, SP-20.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

Novyi atomny;; Konstant;nov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; nuclear-powered icebreaker 'Arktika'.


ledokole 'Fedor Litke'; Shipilov, icebreaker 'Fedor Litke'.


1970; 42; Opening of a new

10; Oct.

Filateliya SSSR;


3; Mar.

11; The new 1977; 26; The

Obratnyi adres - Stantsiya 'Bellingsgauzen'; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 25-26; Postmarks and a cover from the Soviet Antarctic Station at Bell ingshausen. Odd Modern Soviet Cover; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; Antarctic expedition cover.


1988; 91;

Ostrov Kneisa - Parizh; Stepnov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. used on one of the islands in Franz Josef Land.

'Navarin' Soviet

1975; 46; A datestamp

Ot Belogo morya do Beringova proliva; Agapitov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 13; Brief article on a special cancel and two picture envelopes issued 1n 1982 in honor of the Northern Sea Route. Otkrytie aehroporta 'Murmansk'; Boiko, V./Sokolov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 14; Opening of the Mu~mansk airport on 21 JUly 1976. Otkrytie lemli

Frantsa-Iosifa; Katser,


Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974;


Pervoe fila~el isticheskoe radioirte~v'yu. Moskva - Yuzhnopolyarnaya stantsiya 'VostOk'.; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 44; Pervootkryvatel i ledovogo materika; Mi 1', A./Vaks, I.; "i latel iya SSSR; 1973; 24; Early Russian expeditions to Antarctica.

12; Dec.

Pervoprokhodets; Efremov. A./Smtrnov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 13-15; The 'Persei', first Soviet scientific-research vessel, used in the Arctic. Pervoprokhodets Antarktidy; Serebrovskaya, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. M.M. Somov, leader of the f1rst SOViet expedition to Antarctica. Pis'mo iz Antarktidy; Milovidov,




Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 7;

Po ehtyudam, sdelannym v Arktike; Sa3henkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1971; 6' Soviet artist I. Ruban, Drifting Stations SP-4 & SP-5, and the stamos that resulted. Pochta idet s marshruta; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1986; 7; The 1982-1983 transpolar expedition sponsored by 'Sovetskaya Rossiya'. Pochta k Belomu moryu; Vigile\"


SK: 8;

197.): 67- 7 4:

Pochta nazyvalas' Ehl'vunei: Boiko. \I.; Fi1atel1va SSSR; 8; Aug. Island in the Eastern Siberian Sea. Pochta reisCl 'Severny; polyus-90':




Fl1ateliya SSSR;

14; Aiar

1: Jan.


20- 2 1 ;

Pochta samoi severnoi sushi; Sashenkov, Franz-Josepn Land. Pochta sovetskogo zapolyar'ya. 3-19;


Filateliya SSSR;

300 tochek na karte.;

10; Oct.



1970; 41-42; SK;



Pochta stantsii 'Leningradskaya'; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR 1; Jan. 1975; 35; A message from the chief of the 19th Soviet Antarctic Exped tion at the 'Leningradskaya' station, concerning arrangements for ret rning letters to

Polar Philately




collectors who sent them in for cancellation by the Expedition. Pochta Ostrova Kotel'nyi; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1975; Kotel'nyi Island in the Arctic Ocean, site of a polar station.


Pochta Ostrova Shpitsbergen; Katser, M.;


Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.


Pochtovye gasheniya sovetskikh nauchno-issleaovatel'skikh stantsii v Antarktide; Aleksandrov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1979; 44-46; Datestamps of Soviet Antarctic expeditions and research stations. Pochtovyi suvenir 'SP-22'; Musatov,


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1974; 7'

Pod parusami filatelii; Kornyukhin, A.E.; 1975; Izd-vo svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound book. Written for young philatel ists, it covers a variety of themes, with emphasis on Soviet stamp production. Polet v Arktiku; Dushskii, V./Stobrovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 55-56; Dirigible construction in the Soviet Union, and the Zeppelin flight to the Arctic. Poluvekovoi yubilei pochtovykh marok v chest' Vtorogo Mezhdunarodnogo polyarnogo goda; Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 46-52; Information on Soviet postal issues and the history of the Second International Polar Year. Polyarnaya pochta; Sashenkov, E.P.; 1975; and cancels in polar thematics.

'Svyaz", Moscow; Postal history,

Polyarnaya stantsiya 'Ambarchik'; Milovidov,


Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.




Polyarnyi krug prokhodit v ... Belarusi; Mel'nikova, T.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 52-53; 'Polyarfil' in Mogilev. Several special cancels from the philatelic exhibition are shown. Port pripiski - Murmansk; Reshetilov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 11; The 'Lenin', 'Vatslav Vorovskii' and 'Mariya Ermolova' icebreakers on postcards and airma'l postcards. Postal History of Soviet Antarctic Activities, 1955-1977; Ott, Russell, E.; May 1980; American Society of Polar Philatelists; Handbook #1. (Two copies available.) Posvyashchennye Eh.T. Krenkelyu; Balashov, B.; Pozyvnye ego umnogo serdtsa; Balashov, B.; Kre.nkel.

Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Filateliya SSSR;

12; Dec.

Pozyvnye Zemli Aleksandry; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Land's Zemlya Aleksandry radiostation.


1973; 5'

1973; 7; Ernst 15; Franz Joseph

Puteshestvie za Severnyi polyarnyi krug; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 14-15; Mail service in the Northern Dvina region. Radiruet stantsiya SP-22; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; Polar Station #22 and its philatelic activities.

11; Nov.

1975; 9; Drifting

Raem Is My Callsign; Krenkel, Ernst; 1978; Progress Publ ishers, Moscow; Hammond, R.; Original hardbound edition. Krenkel's life, Arctic expeditions. Rasskazyvaet A.V. Lyapidevskii; Lyapidevskii, A.V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 51; Lyapidevskii tells about his air search for the Levanevskii team. Rettung der 'Mikhail Somow'; Troegel, G.; Pochta; 42; Mar. from 'Polarphi latel ie' #1, 1987.

1987; 27-28; Reprinted

Rukopozhatie cherez Severnyi polyus; Efremov, A./El 'shevskii, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 14; The 18 June 1975 flight from Moscow to Vancouver in commemoration of the Chkalov fl ight of 1937. Ryvok k Polyusu; Fedorov, Z.; Filateliya SSSR; North Pole Expedition, 1912. S atomnym serdtsem; Frunze, V.; icebreaker Lenin.

10; Oct.

Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1972; 21; G.Ya. Sedov and the 1974; 20; The atomic

S vysokikh shirot; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 11-13; Arctic Cruise-73, the Arkhangel'sk oblast' communications directorate, and postal communications on the Taimyr Peninsula. S vysokikh shirot; Sashenkov, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. communications in Murmansk and the Kola Peninsula. Samolet na polyarnom shtempele; Boiko, V.;


14-16; Postal

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.

1976; 8-10;



Polar Philately


Cancellations from polar airport communications branch offices. Samyi severnyi front; Chutkin, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985: 7-8; Contributions by Murmansk fishing fleet men to the WWII effort. Samyi severnyi shtempel'; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; 16; An interview with Yu. Krivchenko, chief of ~he Mys Chelyuskin postal branch office. Schastl ivogo plavaniya. 'Ermak'!; Kholodkov, A.; The new icebreaker Ermak and its namesake.

Fi latel iya SSSR;



1975; 51;

Severnye morskie puti: Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1970; 17; A cover posted in Murmansk on a commemorative cover of 1967, with a special cancel of the M.V. Novovoronezh, first cargo vessel to complete a voyage from Hamburg to Japan via the Northern Route. Severnyi polyus - bol 'shaya strana. SKi 4; 1966; 63-64;

Konverty dreifuyushchei stantsii.; Musatov,

Severnyi polyus - Moskva; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. one from Stat i or; 'SP'¡20', the other from 'SP-21'. Severnyi polyus glazami filatelista; 6-7;




1972; 9-10; Two covers,

Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.


Severu - miloserdie; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 12-14; Sashenkov interviews the writer V. Sangi about saving the ecology of the North, and ties that in with stamp and postcard emissions. Shtempel' pervogo turistskogo reisa v Arktiku; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6' Dec. 1966; 9; A cancellation used aboard the Vatslav Vorovskii during the first tourist cruise to the Arctic. Shtempel' s ledovykh prostorov; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1975; 28; 'Filateliya' instructs its readers on how to go about writing to polar stacions to obtain their cancellations. Shtempeli aehroportov Severa; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; Postmarks from airports in the far North.


Sil'nee l'dov ,~ntarktidy; Efremov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 6-7; The 18th Soviet Antarctic Expedition and the history of the 'Db" diesel-electric vessel. So st"ltempelem 'Obi'; Musatov, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6: June 1972; 43; A radio interview with the 'Db' first deputy captain concerning the ship's new souvenir handstamp. So shtempelem 'Severnyi polyus-21'; Musatov, L,; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Arctic Drifting Research Station 21 and its cancel.

july 1972;


So shtempelem Chi' iiskoi polyarnoi stantsii; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 12; A 16th Sovlet Antarctic Expedition cover that was posted through a Chilean polar station. Soprovoditel 'nye shtempelya dreifuyushchikh stantsii 'Severnyi Polyus' i antarkticheskikh ehkspeditsi i; Chutkin, 0.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 4-6; Non-datestamp markings on Soviet polar covers. Sovetskaya pochta na Severnom polyuse; Sashenkov, Soviet Arctic Stations; Kolot, Wrangel Island.


Soviet Atomic Icebreaker Cancellations: 50; Soviet Icebreaker Covers; Kolot,

E ; SK; 10; 1972; 18-27;

59; Dec.

1982; 54;

1977/79; Kolot,

L.A.; BJRP; 5&; Nov.

Sowjetische Antarktisexpedition; Anasir,

Franz-Joseph Land and


56; Nov.


1981: 42;

E.S.; ZRSP; 39; Dec.

1985: 47-51;

Spannung und Erfolqserlebnis ... (Ein Brief War 5 Janre und 10 Monate Unterwegs): Anasir, E.S. ;-ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 4â‚Ź-47; Mirnyi via Odessa to Canada. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempeli i konverty pervogo dnya SSSR 1973 goda; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 41; Includes many polar-related special cancels. Spetsial'nyi ili pamyatnyi?; Milovidov, E.: Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 8-9; Soviet commemorative and special cancels - problems in definition and usage. Includes Soviet Antarctic cancels. Stantsiya 'Russkaya'; Musatov, Antarctic station.


Fi latel iya SSSR;

12; Dec.


13; A SOViet

Polar Philately Station 'Nordpol-27'; Anasir,

07/13/93 E.S.; ZRSP; 38; Aug.

Stranitsy proshlogo; Sel itrennik, Bering.




1985; 41;

Fi latel iva SSSR; 5; May 1982; 20-21; Vitus

Streifzug durch die russische Philatelie: Schneider, J.; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 4-7, 9-10; A broadbrush overview of Russian philately and postal history. Suvenir iz Oimyakona; Khokhlachev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. envelope prepared for Oimyakon, coldest place on Earth. Suvenir polyarnoi olimpiady; (n.a.); Filateiiya SSSR; 'Prazdnik Severa' games in 1972.

10; Oct.

1970; 26; A cacheted

1972; 6; The 38th

Suveniry polyarnoi Olimpiady; Fateev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 10; 'Northern Holiday' winter sports competition in Murmansk, Kirovsk and Monchegorsk. Suveniry Antarktidy; Krenkel', Eh.; Filatel iva SSSR; 7; July 1969; 38-39; Krenkel's visit to Antarctica aboard the 'Ob". Taina 'Latama'; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 59; Amundsen's attempt to rescue the survivors of the 'Italia' dirigible in the Arctic. Tam, gde voskhodit solntse; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 7; An interview with the chief of the Ratmanovo Polar Station. The 'Polar Bears' - A Footnote; Baillie,

I.L.G.; BJRP; 57; Nov.

The British Army Post Office in North Russia. BJRP; 36; March 1965; 9-10;

1980; 37;

Additional Notes.; Hopkins, Adrian;

The British Army Post Office in North Russia, 1918-1919. P.B.; Hopkins, Adrian; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 5-8;

The 'Polar Bear' Series -

The Canadians in Northern RUSSla 1918-1919; Robinson, W.G.; Post Rider; 3-4; In 'Correspondence with Canada' section.

10; May 1982;

The Curious Case of Uncle Arthur; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 25-32; The auttlor tracks down the plane, tl,e crew and the ship pictured on C34-35. The Exploration of the Eurasian Arctic; Campbell, P.J.; Rossica: 90-91; Illustrates the history of this exploration using stamps. The First Ice Island; Campbell, P.J.; Rossica; 93; Expedition.

1976; 9-26;

1978; 23-35; The 1937 North Pole 1

The Postal History of Territories Ceded to USSR - Karelia, Petsamo and Salla; Helkio, Eero J.; 1980; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; DWight, Ronald; Original book. 176 pages, softbound. Text in Finnish and English. Numerous photos and illustrations. The Postal Marking of North Pole #6; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 60;

1961; 50-51;

The Return of Uncle Arthur; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 75-77; Another card from Uncle Arthur in Franz Josef-Land, apparently posted airmail. The Russians at Spitsbergen; Lloyd, John; Post Rider;

10; May 1982; 59-61;

The Saga of the 'Earl Grey'; Campbell, p.J.: Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 16-25: The Canadian-built 'Earl Grey'. transferred to Russia and later re-named 'Fedor Litke'. The Son of Uncle Arthur (Some Footnotes to the 1932 '2nd Polar Year' Ivo; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 69-72;

Issue); Steyn,

The Stamps and Postal History of Franz Josef-Land; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; June 1985; 28-45;


The 2nd International Polar Year Air-Express Issue of 1932; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 75; 1968; 93-96; Umbenennungen und Neugruendungen im Europaeischen Teil der Sowj. Arktis und in Karelien; Loehrich, Friedrich; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1986; 2-3; Placename changes from 1910 to the present. V ehfire - atomokhod 'Arktika'; Musatov, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 10; A philatelic interview by radio with the captain of the nuclear-powered icebreaker 'Arktika' . V polyarnom shtabe strany; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; interview with I.P. Romanov and P.K. Sen'ko, section chiefs of the

12-13; An

Polar Philately




Arctic-and-Antarctic Scientific Research Institute. V serdtse Arktiki; Sorkin. 'SP- 1 ' .


Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

Viktoriya - ledyanoi ostrov; Boiko, V.; Island.


17-19; Papanin and

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 6; Victoria

Vnimaniyu lyubitelei polyarnoi fi latel i i!; Burlakov, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. ~990; 41; Announcement of the formation of 'Aspolfil' in the Soviet Polar Association. It will obtain cancels from drifting and permanent polar stations for collectors on a commercial basis. Vo vladeniyakh snezhnoi korolevy; Bazunov, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 14-16 back cover; The 1986 Canada-USSR Joint Trans-Arctic Ski Expedition, and some covers it generated.


Vosemnadtsataya Antarkticheskaya; Katser, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 11; The 18th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. composed of the 'Professor Zubov'. 'Navarin'. 'Db" and 'El'brus'. Vozdushnye issledovatel i Arktiki; back cover;

Ivanov. N.;

Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 60-61


Vozdushnyi polyarnyi put'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on air expeditions to the Arctic to establ ish routes linking Europe with the Pacific. YUbilei antarkticheskikh issledovanii; 1986; 10;

Seliverstov. A.;

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

Yubilei atomokhoda 'Lenin'; Vozzhennikov. N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Twentieth anniversary of the atomic icebreaker 'Lenin'.

1979; 9;

Yubilei polyarnoi olimpiady; Fateev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 9; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 'Polar Olympics' in the USSR. Za farvaterom atomokhoda; Milovidov. E.: Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. nuclear-powered ice-breaker V.I. Lenin.


12-15; The

Za nit'yu polyarnogo kruga. (Zametki iz putevogo oloknota).; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1967; 12-13; Sashenkov's visit to Dikson, Noril'sk and Igarka, and the poor state of philatelic supply and activity there. Za polyarnyrn kr,ugom; Milovidov. E.; from the 'Vatslav VorOVSkii'.

"ilateliya SSSR; <1-12; NOV.-Dec. Arctlc cruise ship.

Zavoevanie vysokikh shirot; Pashkova. Bulgarian loggers in Komi ASSR.


Filatel iya SSSR; 6;

1. An Icebreaker Cover From the USSR; Holland. 'Arktika' . 15 geroev Arktiki; 15 let stantsii



John B.

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

'Vostok'; Milovidov,


June 1972; 8-11;

BJRP; 66;


30. Sowjetische Antarktis Expedition 1984/1985: Anasir, 37 - 41 ;


1989; 40; The

1968; 21;

Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

18-ya sovetskaya Antarkticheskaya ehkspeditsiya; Apr. 1973; 12;

1968; 6; Covers





Filateliya SSSR; 4'


37; Apr.


50 let AANII - 'Polyarnogo shtaba' strany; Sashenkov, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 42; A cover honoring the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific-Research Institute in Leningrad - AAN!I.

Postage Stamp Booklets, Imperial Booklet Panes: Shenitz, H.: RAP;

07/13/93 1; Sep.


peterburgskikh bukletakh:


1949; 68:

Filateliya SSSR:

Ob'yavlyaem poisk: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; and a search declared for Riga PSBs.



Empire Stamp Booklet: Blease, H.F.: BJRP; 4: Dec.



12; Dec.

12: Dec.

1972: III:

1974; 40-41:

Otechestvennye buklety pochtovykh marok: Berngard, K.: SK;


Information about



Outstanding Items; Blease, H.F.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 28-29 & 1 illustration page; A St. Petersburg booklet with 2 rubles' worth of stamps. Outstanding Items; Liphschutz, M.; BJRP; 38: Mar. Petersburg stamp booklets.

1966; 30; Two different St.

Rizhskie buklety; Mandrovskii, N.: SK; 27; 1990; 83-92: Extracts from documents showing that Riga produced its own PSBs beginning in 1913. Includes a listing of all PSBs up to 1928. Russkie buklety; Nesterova, E.; Snova


Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 39:

bukletakh: Lur'ye, Yu./Mandrovskii, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.

Stamp Booklets; Kelly, S.; BJRP; 56; Nov.

1986; 36-37;

1979: 35; A Moscow 80 kop. booklet.

World Postal Booklet Catalogue; Duson, J./Horst, W./de Rooy, W. (eds.); 1988; Postzegelvereniging Postaumaat, The Netherlands; Original stapled copy. Lists all recorded Imperial and Soviet stamp booklets.

07 / 13/93

Postage Stamp Booklets, Soviet BUklet NKPiT; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; booklet with 1 ruble's-worth of Dec. Revolution' stamps. Khar'kovskii buklet; Berngard, K.;



Feb. 1973; VII; A Soviet NKPiT stamp 1925 '20th Anniversary of the First Russian

Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1972; 45;

Dtechestvennye bUklety pochtovykh marok; Berngard, K.;





Rizhskie buklety; Mandrovskii, N.; SK; 27; 1990; 83-92; Extracts from documents showing that Riga produced its own PSBs beginning in 1913. Includes a listing of all PSBs up to 1928. World Postal Booklet Catalogue; Duson, J./Horst, W./de Rooy, W. (eds.); 1988; Postzegelvereniging Postaumaat, The Netherlands; Original stapled copy. Lists all recorded Imperial and Soviet stamp booklets.

Postal Devices-Machines,



'Prinyato avtomatom'; Kosoi, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; registration machines and their postmarks.

K istorii pervogo pochtovogo yashchika v Rossii; Vasil 'ev, D.; May 1979; 46-48; The first mailboxes in Russia.

Machine Cancellations - Addendum;


Addendum 3;


Filateliya SSSR; 5;

1979; 35-36;

John et al.; BJRP; 57; Nov.

1980; 27-28;

Machine Cance1lations - Addendum 2; Ainsley, W.C. and A. Krassowsky; BJRP; 1981; 31-32; Machine Cancellations:


June 1990; 53-54; Automatic

Dar Valdaya; Mishin, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Short item on postal bells manufactured in Valdai during the imperial period.

Machine Cancellations; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 56; Nov.


Ingrey, M.; BJRP; 59; Dec.

58; Nov.

1982; 48;

Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. Istoricheskii ocherk. Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta i Telegraf v XIX stolyetii.; (n.a.); 1902; MVD, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Numerous chapters on various aspects of the Post. The source for much of Prigara's 'Russkaya pochta v imperii ... '. Pervyi pochtovyi yashchik; Devishev, R.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1976; Short item on the first mailboxes in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Postal Registration Machines in Russia, 1912-1916; von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 24-32; Michalove, Peter; Translated from "Philatelia Baltica" #83-85, June 1985. Privilegii, vydannyya v Rossii na izobryeteniya i usovershenstvovaniya po ehlektrotekhnikye i po pochtovoi chasti ... ; (n.a.); PTZh; Aug. 1903; 881-886; Patent #7374 of 31 Oct. 1902 granted to the foreigner Yanish for an automatic postage stamp, postcard and postal stationery sales machine. Received From an Automated Mailbox; Kosoi. M,; Rossica; Gary A.; Riga:

117; Oct.

1991; 29-30; Combs.

The Riddle of the Krag Machine Postmarks; Marcilger, V.; BJRP; 65; Sep. 8-20;

Yubi lei ... pochtovogo yashchika; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;. 12; Dec. the 100th anniversary of mailboxes in Vyatka.


1968; Short item on


Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet A vashe mnenie?; Filatov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. KlM-2SP machines at the Lipetsk Post Office. Abonentsk,e shkafy i kachestvo dostavki; Two pages. Abonentskii pochtovyi shkaf tipa AShGU-B; page.



1976; Dne page on 'DNEGA' and

Nikitin, V.G.; Vestnik svyazi: 5; May 1976; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.

1977; One

Avtomaticheskaya mashina dlya sortirovki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii tipa MAP-U; Filatov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1983; One page. Avtomatika i pochtal'on; Butenko, M.; Tekhnika - Molodezhi; 6; June 1963; 31; An explanation of the sorting and p~ocessing stages in mail handl ing. Avtomatizatsiya obrabotki pochtovo-kassovykh operatsii; Selikhov, F.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1967; Three pages. Avtomatizatsiyu proizvodstva - na bolee vysokii uroven'; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyaz i; 1; Jan. 1981; Three pages. Avtomatizirovannyi pavil 'on svyazi PSA; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; One page on an automated communications center opened in Moscow-Sokol 'niki. Blochnyi pochtovyi poluavtomat; with photo.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr.

1962; Short item,

Bol'she vnimaniya kachestvu raboty; Zaitsev, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1977; Two pages. Deals primarily with improvements in various post offices following the introduction of 'ONEGA' machines. Chto daet dispetcherskaya svyaz' na pochtamte; Perminova, E.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; udr,. 1979; Two pages on dispatcher communications at the Kirov Post Office. Chto daet taentralizovannaya sistema remonta pochtovoi tekhniki; svyazl; 3; Mar. 1975; Four pages.

levlev, P.; Vestnik

Chto dalo issledovanie shumovogo rezhima pri rabote na mashinakh 'ONEGA-Ill-3M'; Mogil'nitskaya, T.G.; Vestnik svyaz;; 10; Oct. 1981; Two pages. Chto mozhet dat' izmenenie konstruktsii pochtovogo yashchika; Serdyukov, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1976; One page. CI1tohy tekhnika rabotala bespereboino; Yushkevich, N.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1980; Two pages on equipment maintenance in Belorussian post offices. D,spetcherskaya signalizatsiya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov na krupnykh pochtamtakh; Kokoshkin, P.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; Three pages. Dlya luchshej raboty sVy8zi; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; Shor~ article on projected installation of 'Universal' subscriber mailboxes in the Uzbek SSR. Dlya mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii gazetno-zhurnal'nykh predpriyatii; Gavrilets, I.G./Tarnarutskii, Vu.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1978; Two pages on the newspaper processing line 'LOG-P'. Dlya mekhanizatsii na pochte; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1970; Two pages. Results of a competition held by the GPU MS SSSR for best inventions or improvements of postal equipment. Dlya mekhanizatsii pochtovykh operatsii: Svetlanov, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975: One page on postal polyethelene sealing machines at the Kaunas Post Office. Dlya mestnykh pisem; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. mailboxes set up in Moscow for local mail only.

1970; Short article on red

Olya oblegcheniya truda ope~atora; Meshkov. V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Two pages on technical details about an addition to the UMVP-650 package delivery machine. Dlya oblegcheniya truda pochtovykh rabotnikov; Kilenkov, A.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1983; Three pages on new or improved mechanical devices from the SPKB to do heavy work in post offices. Dlya pochty; Osipova, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1980; Short item on the introduction of an 'ONEGA' machine at the Perm' Post Office. Dlya udobstva pub' iki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155: Short item in the 'Khronika' section about several offices staying open on Sundays, and three postal boxes put out in Leningrad for the publ ic's benefit. Dlya uluchsheniya raboty pochtovoi tekhniki; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




1979; Two pages on checking the KPS-M conveyer. Dlya uskoreniya razrabotok i vnedreniya novoi tekhniki pochtovoi svyazi i Soyuzpechati; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; One page. Suggestions and shortcomings of the SPKB discussed at the Colleglum of the USSR Communications Ministry. Dlya zhitelei Baku; Agarzaeva, S.Sh.; Vestnik svyazi; technical improvements in the Baku Post Office.

10; Oct.

1982; One page on

Dvustoronnyaya svarochnaya mashina M6-AP-2S; Kuliev, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1981; Two pages on a sealing machine for polyethelenemail packets.

1; Jan.

Ehffekt vnedreniya novoi tekhniki; Shegal, G.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Three pages on Shop #8 of the Moscow GPO and its use of new equipment and technology. Ehffektivnee ispol 'zovat' 'ONEGU'; Klobukov, M.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1979; Two pages on how the Arkhangel'sk Post Office makes more efficient use of its ONEGA machines. Ehffektivnost' 'ONEGI' neobkhodimo povysit'; Radzievskii, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1979; Two pages. Ehffektivnost' povysheniya nadezhnosti oborudovaniya; Bulanov, Eh.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1981; One page on effective repair of mail-processing machines. Ehkonomicheskaya ehffektivnost' kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii na pochte; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; Three pages. Ehkonomit ehlektroehnergiyu; Kryttsov, S.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1981; One page on a better use of the SEhL-150/200 sealing wax machine in the Novosibirsk Post Office. Ehksperimental'nye markirovannye konverty; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 42; Experimental stamped envelopes to speed processing. Ehlektrosurguchnitsa s termoregulyatorom; Kuliev, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Two pages. Ehlektrosurguchnitsa tipa EhS-2;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb.



1976; One page.

EhVM na pochte; Zuev, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Short item on the introduction of 'Onega' machines in the Moldavian SSR. Gorizontal 'no-vertikal 'nyi tsepnoi pod'emnik; Kul iev, S.A.; Vest:1ik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1962; Short item, with photo. Indikator nal ichiya impul'sov; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1983; One page. A wiring diagram of the USG-K2 control board - a mail-sorting device. Iskra-362; Skakal'skii, A.B./Sal'nikov, A.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1980; One page. A device similar to the 'ONEGA' - a description. Ispol'zovanie osnovnykh proizvodstvennykh fondov na pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh; Soloveichik, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1978; Two pages on greater mechanization and automation at postal establishments. Itogi konkursa na luchshee predlozhenie po mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1962; One page.


Itogi konkursa na luchshee predlozhenie po mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; One page.


Itogi konkursa na luchshee ratsional izatorskoe predlozhenie v oblasti mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1964; One page. Itogi konkursa na luchshee ratsional izatorskoe predlozhenie v oblasti mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1965: hlo pages. Kak dostich' nadezhnosti raboty pochtovogo oborudovaniya; Besedin, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Two pages on equipment maintenance at the Tol 'yatti Post Office. Kak povysit' nadezhnost' pochtoobrabatyvayushchikh mashin; Bulanov, Eh.A./Lebedeva, E.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1978; Two pages on increasing the reliability of 4 types of machines. Kak povysit' nadezhnost' ustanovok dlya sortirovki posylok; Bulanov, Eh.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1977; Two pages. Kak vnedryaetsya tekhnika na pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh; Lamm, 7; July 1969; Four pages, with emphasis on the AOPPs.

I.A.; Vestnik svyazi;


Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet



Kakim dolzhen byt' pochtovyi yashchik?; Gergel', A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5: May 1971; One page. An open letter from an Ulan-Ude postillion. Kibernetika i poch~a: Ivanov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1974; Short article on a computer analyzing 6,000 postal routes for most effective dispatch. Klientov obsluzhivayut avtomaty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1970; Short item on machines selling stamps, newspapers and accepting registered letters in Sverdlovsk. KlyuCh k uspekhu - novaya tekhnika; Klyueva, L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Two pages on tne introduction of 'ONEGA' machines at the Grodno Post Office. Klyuch k uspekhu - tvorcheskie plany; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1976; Three pages on a GPU MS SSSR competition to improve postal technology in the USSR. Kompleks mekhanizmov dlya razgruzki kladovykh pochtovykh vagonov; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1979; Two pages. Kompleks nabora pechati KNPP;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

11; Nov.

Kompleks promezhutochnogo nakaplivaniya posylok tipa KPN-4; 1; Jan. 1974; One page.

Ismakov, G.I.;

1971; One page.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

Kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v gazetno-zhurnal'noi ehkspeditsii; Kotlyarov, 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1962; Two pages. Mechanization at the Ashkhabad Post Office. Kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya v otdeleniyakh svyazi; Strelkov, V.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1980; Two pages on increasing productivity at the Chelyabinsk Post Office through mechanical means. Konkurs na luchshee predlozhenie po konstruktsii abonentskogo shkafa; Krasavina, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; Two pages. Konteinery pochtovye. Tekhnicheskie trebovaniya GOST 13650-78.; (n.a.); 23 June 1978; Goskomitet SSSR po standartam, Moscow; The official State standard for producing postal containers. Original booklet. Konveier krutonaklonnyi s Dec. 1980; One page.


lentoi KPL; Sigailov, G.I.; Vestnik svyazi;

Krasnye pochtovye yashchiki; Rugainis, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8' Aug. on red mailboxes installed in Riga for local mail.


1971; Short item

Kr1tika podeistvovala; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1978; One page. Responses to 'Povyshat' kachestvo obsluzhivaniya poch~ovoi tekhniki' in #2, 1978. Kurs na vsemernoe razvitie sredstv pochtovoi mekhanizatsii. (Iz opyta Krasnodarskikh mekhanizatorov.); Nikolaev, B.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1964; Two pages. Lentochnyi perekhod dlya transportirovki posylok; Gladkov, N.Kh.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; One pages. Lift-pochtal 'on; Vanin, Y.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; One page. The invention of a 'mechanical lift-postman' for high-rise apartment buildings. Malaya mekhanizatsiya - ehto povyshenie ehffektivnosti proizvod~;tva i uluchshenie kachestva obsluzhivaniya; Ozerov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; Three pages on packaging devices, postal weights, etc. at the Sverdlovsk PTUS. Malogabaritnaya ustanovka dlya avtomatizirovannoi vydachi i khraneniya posylok; Korneichuk, N.V./Golik, V.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1981; One page. Malogabaritnyi stend dlya proverki pechatayushchego ust~CiStV2 mashiny 'ONEGA-III-ZEh'; Ivanov, V.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1983; One page. Markiroval 'naya mashina tipa MM-4; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. description with illustration of a postal meter device.

1976; One page

Mashina dlya shtempelevaniya banderolei tipa MShB; Meerovich/Korsun, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1975; One page. Mashiny 'ONEGA-III-3Eh' dolzhny rabotat' nadezhno; Alekhin, V.A./et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1979; Four pages on care and repair of the Onega devices. Mashiny shtempeleval'nye. Tekhnicheskie usloviya GOST 13651-78.; (n.a.); 23 Jan. 1978; Goskomitet standartov Soveta ministrov SSSR, Moscow; The official State standard for producing cancellation machines. Original booklet. Mechanised Mail Sorting; Smitham, David; Pochta;

10; June-July 1991; 20-21;

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




Foreign-made Transorma and SPLSM machines used in the USSR. Mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi - osoboe vnimanie; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1982; One page. Criticism of an article in the #10 1981 issue entitled 'Povyshat' uroven' raboty po vnedreniyu i tekhnicheskoi ... ', by Iev1ev. Mekhanizatsii protsessov obrabotk' posy10k - uskore~ie tempy; Gil', G.K./et a1.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; Three pages. Mekhanizatsii v nizovom zvene pochtovoi svyazi; Zobkov, E.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1982; Two pages. Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya - osnova povysheniya kul'tury obs1uzhivaniya; Vu1takh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1976; Three pages on mechanization at the Krasnoyarsk Post Office. Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya rabot pri obmene pochty: Ga1kin, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1983; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya na predpriyatiyakh pochtovoi svyazi; Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1969; Three pages on postal mechanization at offices in the Ukraine. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki aViapochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; article on mechanization at the Tashkent airport.

1; Jan.

1969; Short

Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki gazet i zhurnalov; Tsysar', R.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 1970; Three pages.

10; Oct.

Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki i ehkspedirovaniya gazet na Leningradskom pochtamte; Rodionov, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1962; Two pages. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki i transporterovki pochty v uzlakh svyazi; Furmanchuk, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1983; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki posy10k v Novosibirskom OPP; Chebodaev, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1966; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya operatsii po podschetu i kontrolyu na Novosibirskom pochtamte; Kostin, K.K./Sotnikov, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1962; Two pages. Mekhanizatsiya pochtovykh operatsii: chto ona daet?; Agapov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4' Apr. 1975; Two pages on new equipment in the Ul'yanovsk Post Office. Mekhanizatsiya predpriyatii pochtovoi svyazi - zadacha pervostepennoi vazhnosti; Sobko, A.I.: Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1961; Two pages on mechanization at the L'vov OPP. Mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov; Strelkov, V.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1978; Three pages on improving mail handling at the Chelyabinsk Post Office through mechanization. Mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov na pochte - vazhnaya zadacha; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1965; One page. The Collegium of the MS SSSR reviews the work of the SPKB. Mekhanizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v Vil 'nyusskom otdelenii perevozki pochty; 01'shevskaya, I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; july 1965; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya protsessov obrabotki pochtovykh otpravlenii (Iz opyta Vi1'nyuskogo OPp); Bychkov, N.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1964; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya protsessov proizvodstva; Yalovenko, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975; Two pages on coping with an increase in newspaper mail using machines at the Zaporozh'e Post Office. Mekhanizatsiya truda na pochte; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.: Vestn ik svyazl; Four pages on mechanization at the Moscow UPP.

1; Jan.


Mekhanizatsiya trudoemnykh rabot na pochte; Sarkisyan, A.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1966; One page short article on labor-saving devices in the Azerbaid- jan SSR's postal system. Mekhanizatsiya uchetnykh i statisticheskikh rabot na Leningradskom pochtamte; Korneev, V.I./Kuznetsova, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1965; Two pages. Mekhanizirovannaya dostavka pochty potochnym metodom; Belen'kii, E.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1970; Three pages on mechanized mail delivery at the L'vov Post Office. Mekhanizirovannye potochnye 1inii v gazetnoi ehkspeditsii; Abilkasimov, U.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1983; Two pages. Mekhanizirovannye ste11azhi STM;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

1; Jan.

1974; One page on a

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




device for scoring packages until claimed by addressees - sliding shelves. Mekhanizirovannyi metod upakovki posylok; TI'ubikhin, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; Three pages. MeKhanizm zagruzki pochtovykh vagonov.; technical description.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6;

June 1971; Short

Modernizatsiya sortirovochnoi ustanovki USG-K; Solov'ev, V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; July 1982; One page.


Modernizirovannyi monetnik poluavtomata dlya prodazhi otkrytok; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1981; One page. Na plechi mashin; Mitskevich, A.Eh./Idkina. L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Three pages on increasing productivity at the Vilnius Post Office through scientific use of space and machines. Na proverke - ispol'zovanie sredstv pochtovoi mekhanizatsii; Radzievskii. A.V. Vestnik svyazi; 6: June 1977; Three pages. Na putyakh tekhnicheskogo progressa; Lisyanskli, A.F./Kligman. V.S.; Vestnik svyaz1; 9; Sep. 1979; Three pages on technical improvements at the Moscow GPO, introduced by its technical-production lab. Na rabochikh mestakh - ehlektronnye mashiny; Klyueva. L.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1978; One page on installation of 'ONEGA-III-3En' machines at various post offices. Nadpisi na pochtovykh yashchikakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section the color and inscription on mailboxes. Naklonnyi transporter dlya pochtovykh otpravlenii; Kuliev, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1978; Two pages on development of a more efficient conveyer.


Namecheno na desyatuyu pyatiletku; Zabotin, P.F.; Vestnik svvazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Three pages on new equipment and technology for post offices in the 10th 5-year plan. Nash pomoshchnik - mekhanizatsiya; Karasev. V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1974; Two pages on mechanization of various phases of the mall-handllng and sorting cycle at the Ivanovo PTUS. Nash pomoshchnik - tekhnicheskii progress; Kruglova, N.: Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1975; Two pages on introduction of new postal equipment at the Novgorod Post Office. Nashi glavnye rezervy; Semakov, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1975; Three pages on improvements in technology and methodology at the Moscow GPO. Nastol 'naya shtempeleval 'naya mashina ShMNK-1; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1965; Short article which gives a technical description of the device. Includes photo. Novaya konstruktsiya pachkovyazal 'noi mashiny; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; One page on new postal packing machines on the drawing boards.

11; Nov.


Novaya produktsiya zavoda; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Short item on the 'Promsvyaz" plant producing automated registered letter-receiving machines. Novst,estvo v tsektle: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; Short article on a letter-sorting machine at the Moscow Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP. Novyi abonentskii shkaf na puti k podpischiku; (n.a.): Vestnik svyaz~; 5; May 1971; Two pages. A reply by the Main Postal Adm1nistration to the open letter of A.A. Gerge I ' (q. v. ) .


chern govorit nash opye; Gafanovich, S.P.; Vestnik svyazl; 8; ~ug. 1966; Twc pages on efforts and improvements at the Akhtyrka Plant cf the MS SSSR, producer o~ postal devices.


konkurse na luchshee izobretenie i ratsionalizatorskoe predlozhenie po pochtovoi mekhanizatsii; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1983; Two pages.


mekhanizatsii; Popov, G.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1983; One page on complaints from a mechanic in the Dzerzhinsk Post Office about poor-quality or backward postal devices.


povyshenii otvetstvennosti za sostoyanie abonementnykh shkafov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1969; One page. The Ministry of Communications attempts to tighten up on maintenance of subscribers' mailboxes.


primenenii avtomaticheskikh signalizatsionnykh pochtovykh yashchikov;

Fe-Dan; ZhTS;

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




8; Aug. 1925; 72-73; The author argues for developing an automatic signalling mailbox to make letter-carriers' work easier.


provintsial 'noi 'rutine'; Igoshkin; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep. -Oct. 1924; 137-138; The Volga-Kama Communications District's problems with mailbox repair and mobile posts.


standartizatsii; Kolchin, A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 61-65; Efforts to standardize communications paraphernal la, including such things as mailbags, mailboxes, etc.


tekhnicheskoi ehksp1uatatsii sredstv mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; Me1'nikov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1969; Two pages on mechanization at the Khar'kov PZhDP and a number of other places.

Ob optimal 'nom ko1ichestve pochtoobrabatyvayushchikh mashin na predpriyatiyakh svyazi; Batyi, A.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1967; Two pages. Oborudovanie sovershenstvuetsya; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1978; Dne page. A discussion of the trustworthiness of the USP-4T for sorting packages, and the KPS conveyer. Obrabotka ehkonomicheskoi informatsii s pomoshch'yu sistemy 'ONEGA'; Voronov, B.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1970; Two pages. Obshchestvennost' zabotitsya 0 sokhrannosti abonementnykh shkafov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1965; Subscriber mailboxes and the 52nd Branch Office in Baku. Obsluzhivanie klientov - na p1echi mashin; Borozdin, K.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1977; Four pages on various labor-saving devices used in post offices. Obs1uzhivanie pochtovykh avtomatov; K1obukov, One page.

L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi;

12; Dec.


Optimizatsiya sistemy PPR v pochtovoi svyazi; Bulanov, Eh.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1981; Two pages. Opyt ehkspluatatsii poluavtomaticheskoi ustanovki d1ya sortirovki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; Soskin, G.B./Korepanov, P.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. One page on semiautomatic mail sorting machines at the Kiev Post Office. Opyt


mekhanizats~i proizvodstvennykh protsessov na pocntovykh predpriyatiyakh; Karasev, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Two pages on mechanization at post offices in Ivanovo oblast'.

Opyt ratsionalizatsii v Sredne-Volzhskom Okruge Svyazi; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 100-106; Efficiency experts and their improvements to various postal devices, work stat~ons, etc. Orgtekhnika - predpriyatiyam svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; One page. Four postal devices produced by the Perm' 'Promsvyaz" plant - an address printing machine, stapler, cutter for opening mail and a string cutter for packages and wrappers. InclUdes pictures. Osnovnye napravleniya razrabotki i vnedreniya novoi pochtovoi tekhniki; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; Osnovnye napravleniya razrabotki i vnedreniya novoi pochtovoi tekhniki; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; Continued from #4. Six pages in all. Osobennosti mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii obrabotki pisem; Titov, V.K.; Vestnik svyazl; 10; Oct. 1983; Continued from #9. Six pages in all. Osobennosti mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii obrabotki pisem; Titov, V.K.; Vestnik svyazi: 9: Sep. 1983: Ot chego zavisit ehffe~tivnost' raboty 'ONEGI-III-3Eh'; Donguzov, A.M.; Vestnik svyazl; 1; Jan. 1980; Three pages. OPP pri Khar'kovskom aehroporte; K1yuchko, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1966; Short ar~ic1e describing the mail-handling machinery at AOPP-3. Pach~oobvyazocnnaya mashina


(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb.

1985; One page.

Pereoborudovanie eh1ektropitaniya surguchnitsy tipa SEhL-150/200; Rybin, Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1982; One page.


Perspektivy mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov pochtovoi svyazi; Lamm, I.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1962; Three pages. Perspektivy nauchno-iss1edovatel'skikh i proektno-konstruktorskikh rabot v oblasti pochtovoi svyazi i Soyuzpechati; Yurasovskii, G.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1967; Two pages.


Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet



Pervye shagi firmy 'Orgsvyaz'mekhanizatsiya': Truten', F.A.; Vestnik svyazi: 12; Dec, 1966: Two pages on a recently-formed firm for assembly of postal devices. Pis'ma sortinuet mashina; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 5; May 1971: Short item on the introduction of an MSP-120 lette~-sort,ng machine at the Tall,n mail-sorting office. Pnevmatika v mekhanizatsii obrabotki pOChtovykh gruzov; Bulanov, Eh.; 11; Nov. 1975; Three pages. Pochta-avtomat; autom~ted

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; post office in Moscow.


Vestnik svyazi;

1966; Short descript,on of an

Pochta-avtomat; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. 1965; One page on an automated post office at the 468th Branch Office in Moscow. Includes photos. Pochta-avtomat; Dmitrieva, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1977; Short item on the opening of an automatic postal booth in Kal iningrad. Pochtal'onam - udobnye rabochie stoly; Burko, A.; Vestnik svyazi; page on the newest model for a postillion's work position.

10; Oct.

1974; One

Pochtovaya svyaz' - Spravochnik; Vainberger, I.M./et al.; 1978; 'Svyaz", Moscow; Discusses the organization, development, mechanization and automatization of the Post. Pochtovo-markiroval'nyi poluavtomat tipa PMP-1; Short description and photo.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.


Pochtovye pod'emniki dlya zhilykh zdanii: chto oni dayut; Rysin, M./Trubikhin, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1975; Two pages. Pochtovye poluavtomaty - k uslugam naseleniya; Ganelin, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1967; One page on semiautomatic dev,ces in Alma-Ata. Pochtovye vesy; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1970; Short descriptive item on new postal scales. Pochtovye yashchiki na tramvayakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the upcoming Installation of mailboxes on Trolley #4 In Leningrad. Pochtovye yashchiki u dorog; Losev, A.; Vestnik svyaz'j; 5; May 1974; One page on moving mailboxes from buildings out to the streets in Smolensk. Pochtovye yashchiki v tramvainykh vagonakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on placing mailboxes on tramway cars in Khar'kov. Pochtovyi avtomaticheskii ehlektroshtempel'; Abramovich, I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; Dec. 1961; One page. Technical descr,ption, diagram and photo.


Pochtovyi lotok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Novogorod PTO's 'postal tray' for sell ing postage and revenue stamps, stationery, etc. Pod'emnik dlya strakhovykh meshkov; Solov'ev, V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. page.

1980; One

Poluavtomat dlya markirovki tkanevykh meshkov; Solov'ev, V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; One page on a ne'll device used by the Saratov PTUS for stamping 'Ministerstvo svyazi SSSR' on mailbags. Poluavtomat PPG dlya prodazhi gazet; description and photo.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 2; Feb.

Poluavtomat PPO-4 dlya p~odazhi otkrytok; description and photo.

1961; Short

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6: June 1961: Short

Poluavtomaticheskaya mashlna dlya podshivki dokumentov: (n,E,); Vestnik svyazi, Nov. 1970; Short i~em on serial production of this device by 'Promsvyaz", Poluavtomaticheskaya ustanovka dlya sortirovki banderolei tipa USB; svyazi; 1; Jan, 1976; One page.


(n.a.); Vestnik

Poluavtomaticheskii kompleks PKSP; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; One page description of a large complex for sorting and storing package mail . Pomogaet ehlektronika; Smirnova, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1977; Short item on the first 'ONEGA' machines to come off the line at Kursk 'Schetmash'. Poslushnye posylki; Myasnikov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.

1974; One page on an

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




automatic package delivery device to save postal workers time in searching for packages at the post office. Postal Mechanisation in the USSR; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 62; Dec.

1985; 42-50;

Povyshaem uroven' mekhanizatsii truda; Annenko, N.V./Sokovikov, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Two pages on new equipment at the Perm' PZhDP. Povyshat' ehffektivnost' sistemy 'ONEGA'; Yavorskii, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1981; Two pages. Povyshat' kachestvo obsluzhivaniya pochtovoi tekhniki; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1978; Three pages. Povyshat' uroven' raboty po vnedreniyu i tekhnicheskoi ehkspluatatsii pochtovogo oborudovaniya; Ievlev, P.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1981; Three pages on postal technology in the RSFSR. Predpriyatiyam pochty i Soyuzpechati - novuyu tekhniku; Abramov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1976; One page on various improvements and new devices. Primenenie mashiny tipa M-43/3 dlya upravleniya sortirovochnoi ustanovkoi; Vainberger, I.M./et a1.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1980; Four pages. Primenenie perfokart dlya dostavki zhurnalov; Buraga, P.O.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1965; Three pages. Primenyat' novye vidy ehlektroprivodov pri razrabotke pochtovykh mashin; Korol'kov, M.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1976; Four pages on new methods'of postal machine construction. Prisposoblenie dlya fal'tsovki gazet; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1980; One page on a device used for folding newspapers in the Chita Post Office. Prisposoblenie dlya pokraski pochtovykh yashchikov; Ryzhkov, P.P.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1971; One page. Prisposoblenie dlya ustanovki zamka v abonentskii shkaf; Kryttsov, svyazi; 10; Oct. 1981; Two pages.


S.R.; Vestnik

Prostranstvennyi sortirovochnyi konveier s magnitnoi sistemoi adresovaniya KPSM; Grigor'ev, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1981; One page. Raschet sredstv dlya potochno-motorizovannoi dostavki pochty; Khait, A.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; Three pages. Raspredelitel 'nyi transporter dlya uchastka obmena pochty; Komarov, Yu.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1962; One page. Ratsionalizatory sovershenstvuyut sredstva pochtovoi mekhanizatsii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1966; One page on a competition held by the MS SSSR for the best labor-saving suggestion in postal operations. Razvitie tekhniki pochtovoi svyazi; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1976; Three pages. A discussion of various postal machines at PZhOPs, OPPs and AOPPs. Razvivat' pochtovuyu svyaz'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. the automation of 30 branch offices in Moscow.

1974; Short article on

Razvivat' set' avtomatizirovannykh Dunktov svyazi; Gorokhov. V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1974; Three pages. The introduction of, problems with and description of automated postal booths. Ruchnomu trudu - otstavku; Karasev, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. the mechanization of mail handl ing at the Ivanovo PTUS.

1971; Two pages on

Ruchnomu trudu - otstavku ... Na pomosch' prishla 'ONEGA'.; Vadeiko, A.; Vestnik svyazl; 11; Nov. 1974; Two pages. A review of successes using the 'ONEGA-Ill-1M' since 1969 in the Minsk Post Offlce. S pochtamta - na VDNKh SSSR; (r.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971: Short article on a newspaper-sorting machine used at the Tashkent Post Office. It was to be displayed at the Moscow Exhibition to encourage its use elsewhere. Saratovskaya mekhanizatsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; l' Jan. 1925; 145-146; The device used to transfer mail from RR mailcar 287-288 to a steamer at Saratov. Shkaf abonentskii tipa AShVD;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.

1978; One page.

Shkafy dlya opornykh punktov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1986; 38; Short article about a follow-up to a complaint about Penza oblast's poor supply of these postal storage points.

Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet Sklad





dlya vydachi posylok tipa SAVP;


(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3'

1976; One page.

Sleduya namechennym kursom; Burobina, N.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1979; Three pages on the Moscow Ma~l Transpor'tation Directcrate's plan to increase the technological and equipment bases ~or moving ~he mails. Sobytiya, fakty, "tsifr-y; (n.B.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; One page. Three short items on: testing of an automated warehouse for package distribution (SAVP), introduction of new norms and control periods in postal operations, and a revised handbook for acceptance of gifts at the Post. Sobytiya. fakty, tsifry; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; Two short items, one on the introduction of ONEGA machines in the Murmansk oblast', the other on submission of plans by Orgsvyaz'mekhanizatsiya for postal work stations of various kinds. Sobytiya, fakty, tsifry; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; One page. Two short items, the first on the decision of the Moscow Council's Executive Committee to come up with new postal s~bscribers' boxes, "the second on the Egorov factory in Leningrad producing the first new mailcars for containerized ma,l. Sortirovochnaya tablitsa; Uris,

F.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb.

1971; Two pages.

Sovershenstvovanie dostavochnoi sluzhby; Yushka, V.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1969; Three pages on using multiple mailbox stands in Kaunas to increase efficiency in rna i 1 de 1 i very. Soviet Meter-Mail Markings - A Review of the Main Types; Il'ichev, L.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 52-54; Combs, Gary A.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #8,1986. Sposob naneseniya indeksa na poliehtilenovuyu upakovku tsennykh banderolei; Krasavina, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1974; One page. Sredstva maloi mekhanizatsii - otdelenlyam svyazi; Oleinik, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; Two pages on mechanical devices for the post in L'vov oblast'. Sredstva mekhanizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov v pochtovoi svyazi; P.F./Glinyanoi, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1965; Three pages.


Stol pochtal 'ona so stupenchatoi en"tazherkoi; Belen'kii. E.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1974; One page. Sumki dlY'a 5el 'skikh pis'monostsev: (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectlor on a new style of mail bag being developed for rural mail carrlers. Sushil'nyi shkaf ShSP-220; Goncharov, V.M.let al.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Two pages. Description of a device used to dry off rain-soaked postillions to reduce the incidence of cola~. Svyazisty Rossiiskoi Federatsii - XXII S'ezdu KPSS; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1961; One page. Shows a 'Sever'-2' postal automobile on skis, a mechanized newspaper-and-journal sorting 1 ine in the Krasnodar Post Office, and the new communications facility in KurSk. Tekhnicheskii progress v khozyaistve svyazi Belorussii; Afanas'ev, P.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Three pages. Includes information on the Belorussian postal system. Tekhnicheskoe osnashchenle predpriyatii perevozki pochty MoskovSkogo uzla; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1962; Three pages. Tekhnika oochtovoi svyazi: Slutskii. r./Mikhailov. S./Bazykin, V.; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz". M05COW; Detailed hand~~ok or various equipment, postal trucks and snowlTIobiles. Telezhka dlya pisem TPK-2;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; One page.

Telezllka s pod'amnai platformai TPP-1500: page. Telezhka-konteiner tipa KT-2; and photo.

In.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2;


1978; One

1962; Short description

Telezhka-stol dlya obrabotki strakhovoi pochty; Solov'ev, V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 9' Sep. 1980; One page. Telezhki na dostavochnykh uchastkakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. on use of wheeled mailbag carriers by Moscow postillions. Tipovye lentochnye pochtovye transportery;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

1971; One page

1; Jan.


Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet




Short description and illustrations. Trudoemkie raboty - na plechi mashin; Buyanovskii, N./Soloshenko, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; Two pages on introduction of new equipment in the Tula area. Trudoemkie raboty - na plechi mashin. (Iz opyta vnedreniya mekhanizatsii v otdeleniyakh svyazi.); Kl igman, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Three pages. Tsepnoi pod'emnik PGVTs-4A; description.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

1; Jan.

1964; Short technical

Udobno - znachit vygodno; Lysykh, P.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. mechanization of the postal process in Moscow oblast'.

1971; Two pages on

Uluchshaem organizatsiyu truda; Savina, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. on a new letter-sorting stand used in the Minsk Post Office.

1974; Three pages

Uluchshat' usloviya truda; Boiko, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Three pages on postal mechanization at the L'vov Post Office. Uluchshena konstruktsiya pachkovyazal'noi mashiny; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1980; One page. Uluchshena rabota sortirovochnoi ustanovki; Bogdanov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1980; One page. Uluchshennaya konstruktsiya ehlektrotyagacha TA-1M; Bogdanov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1981; Two pages. Uluchshennaya konstruktsiya ustroistva stiraniya KPSM; Bogdanov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1982; One page. Uluchshit' konstruktsiyu abonentskogo shkafa; Oerbenev, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1982; One page. Uluchshit' konstruktsiyu i kachestvo izgotovleniya lentochnykh transporterov; Kryttsov, S.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 19 7 7; Two pages on mechanization of loading-unloading operations at postal establishments. Uluchshit' usloviya truda na pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Two pages on activities of the SPKB in improving work-saving devices. Universal'nyi startovyi stol ustanovki USP-K; Borel', N.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; One page on a table for package mail in PZhDps. Universal 'nyi stol dlya upakovki posylok; 1978; One page.

Ivashchenko, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.

Upakovka gazet uskorena, oblegchena - poluchena ehkonomiya; Budraitene, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; Two pages on the MVGU-5 newspaper-packing machine at the Vilnius Post Office. Usovershenstvovannaya markiroval 'naya mashina; Short article and photos. Ustanovka dlya sortirovki postpaketov USPP-4; Short technical description.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.

Ustanovka dlya vydachi pochtovykh indeksov; Garbuz, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 1979; Two pages on the SUEhPI-1 machine.

1962; 1971;

11; Nov.

Ustanovka promyshlennogo televideniya na Moskovskom pochtamte; Satler, V.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1964; Three pages. Ustanovka tipa USG-K; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Short technical description of a semi-automatic sorting machine for packages, newspaper bundles, etc. Ustanovki pnevmopochty dlya nebol 'shikh pochtovykh predpriyatii; Ptitsyn, G.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1976; Four pages. Ustroistvo dlya chistki pochtovykh shtempelei; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; One page. Technical description and picture.

1; Jan.


Ustroistvo dlya proverki agregata perforatsii kompleksa 'ONEGA-III-3Eh'; Ivanov, V.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1982; One page. Ustroistvo dlya stykovki transporterov; Demchenko, V.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 1978; One page. Ustroistvo dlya svarki poliehtilenovoi upakovki banderolei USUB-1; svyazi; 7; JUly 1976; One page.

11; Nov.

(n.a.); Vestnik


Postal Devices-Machines, Soviet Ustroistvo pogruzki avtomashin (UPAl: technical description.



(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Short

V sodruzhestve s naukoi; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1976; Two pages on mechanization at the Moscow Mail Transportation Department - MUPP. Vertikal'nyi pod'emnik s poehtazhnoi razgruzkoi PPR-800; Mar. 1971; Short technical description. Vertikal'nyi pod'emnik s poehtazhnoi zagruzkoi; One page.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3;

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.


Vnedrenie abonementnykh shkafov; Vul, A.l./Bazylov, K.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1962; One page on subscriber mailboxes in Karaganda. Vnedrenie abonementnykh shkafov v mnogoehtazhnykh domakh; Aug. 1961; One page.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8;

Vnedrenie sredstv mekhanizatsii i avtomatizatsii pochtovoi svyazi: problemy, i perspektivy: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1975; Four pages.


Vnimanie mekhanizatsii; Chuprin, V.: Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1975; New postal and transportation equipment at the Chita Post Office. Vozmozhnosti PTU-2: transportirovka dokumentatsii mekhanizirovana; Bodrov, B.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1975; Three pages. Vstroennyi opornyi punkt; Belen'kii, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; One page on temporary mail-storage strongboxes. Vyigrysh - vremya. (lz opyta vnedreniya avtomatizirovannoi sistemy 'ONEGA'.); I.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1981; Three pages.



1; Jan.

tekhnike - shirokoe vnedrenie; Nikiforov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1975; Two pages on the 'ONEGA-Ill-1M' device in the Karelian ASSR.

Vystavka pochtovoi tekhniki: (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 6: June 1965; Two pages on a Moscow exhibition entitled 'Mekhanizatslya protsessov truda na predpriyatiyakh pochtovoi svyazi', organized by the MS SSSR. Vzamen pochtovoisumki; Panshina, N.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1970; One page on experimenting with a box-on-dolly device to replace the shoulder-carried mailbag. Yubilei ... pochtovogo yashcnika; (n.a.); Vestnik sv/azi; the 100th anniversary of mailooxes in Vyatka.

12; Dec.

1968; Short item on

Za tekhnicheskii progress; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; Short article on mecnanization of some postal operations in the Leningrad GPO. Za vysokuyu ehffektivnost' sredstv mekhanizatsii na pochtamte; Antonov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; Maintenance of new equipment at the Ivanovo PZhDP. Zagotovka shtempeleval'nykh i frankirovochnykh mashin; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT order for 20 foreign electrical cancelling machines and five meter machines. Zamena rukoyatki gaza motorollera pedal'yu; Kul iev, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1979; One page. Zamok sluzhit dol'she; Krasavina. M.V.; Vestnik svyazi: 3; Mar. improvement on mailbox locks for subscriber boxes. Zhelobchatye vintovye spuski tipa ZhVS-2; page on a spiral chute for packages.

10; Oct.

1983; One page on an

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977: One

Postal GUides-Lists,





Dorozhnik chuzhezemnyi i rossiiskii i poverstnaya kniga rossiiskago gosudarstva, s priobshcheniem. Izvestiya 0 pochtakh i shcheta vyesovykh za pis'ma deneg, tak zhe spiska pochtmeisteram i drugikh nuzhnykh svyedenii, dlya pol 'zy Gontsov i Puteshestvennikov.; Ruban, Vasil ii Grigor'evich; 1777; Imperatorskii S-Peterburgskii pochtamt, St. Petersburg; Russia's first postal guide. On microfilm. Imperial Russian Postal Placename List, Reverse Sort (1858-1915); Skipton, David M. (comp.); 1984; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; 18,000+ entries, cross-referenced in reverse sort. Provides a means of determining cancellations on loose stamps, where only the last few letters of the placename are avai lable. Karmannaya pochtovaya knizhka, ili sbornik pochtovykh postanovlenii do vseobshchago svyedeniya otnosyashchikhsya; (n.a.); 1849; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Includes maps and tables of postal rates. Myestnyya uchrezhdeniya pochtovo-telegrafnago vyedomstva, volostnyya pravleniya i zheleznodorozhnyya stantsii proizovyashchie pochtovyya operatsii; (n.a.); 1907; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Neue Sammlung von Post- und Bothen-Charten der vornehmsten Residenz- und Handels-Stadte in Europa ... ; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 52; May 1972; 4-13; Christian Herolds Wittwe, Hamburg; A listing of postal routes in the Baltic area, with distances between stations, 1767. The text is in Gothic. Novyeishii Rossiiskii Dorozhnik, vyerno pokazuyushchii vsye pochtovye puti Rossiiskoi Imperii i novoprisoedinennykh ot Porty Ottomanskoi i Respubl iki Pol'skoi oblastei, sobrannyi chrez perepisku so vsyemi pochtovymi kantorami; (n.a.); 1803; Imperatorskaya Tipografiya, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Novyi spisok pochtovo-telegrafnykh i pochtovykh uchrezhdenii, a takzhe volostnykh pravlenii i zheleznodorozhnykh stantsii proizvodyashchikh pochtovyya operatsii; (n.a.); 1913; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi imperii; (n.a.); 1915; GUPiT, Petrograd; Six parts, including lists of zemstvo offices and steamship lines. Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi Petersburg; On microfilm.

imperii s numernoyu kartoyu;


1911; GUPiT, St.

Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi Imperii za 1901 g.; (n.a.); 1901; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On same microfilm roll as the 1906 Postal Guide. Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi Imperii za 1906 g.; (n.a.); 1906; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On same microfilm roll as the 1901 Postal Guide. Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi Imperii, s prilozheniem numernoi karty; (n.a.); 1875; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On same microfilm roll as the 1824 Postal GUide. Pochtovyi dorozhnik, ili opisanie vsyekh pochtovykh dorog Rossiiskoi Imperii, Tsarstva Pol'skago i drugikh prisoedinennykh oblastei; (n.a.); 1824; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On one microfilm roll with the 1875 Postal GUlde. Poltora veka nazad; Sokolov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; discovery of an 1824 Postal Guide.

10; Oct.


12-14; The author's

Spisok myestnykh uchrezhdenii pochtovo-telegrafnago vyedomstva. V dvukh chastyakh. Chast' pervaya. Pochtovaya.; (n.a.); 1893; Glavnoe upravlenie pOCht telegrafov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Spisok myestnykh uchrezhdenii pochtovo-telegrafnago vyedomstva. v dvukh chastyakh. Chast' pervaya. Pochtovaya.; (n.a.l; 1916; GUPiT, Petrograd; On microfilm. Spisok pochtovykh uchrezhdenii v Rossiisko; imperii - 1881; departament, St. Petersburg; Photocopy. 324 pages.





Postal History, Civil War



'I na Tikhom okeane svoi zakonchil i pokhod'; Treskina, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 17-18; Brief sketch of the Civil War in the Far Eastern Republic. A Civil War Postcard Sent to Canada; Popov, V.; Post Rider;

13; Nov.

1983; 3-4;

A Historic-Philatelic Document From the Civil War in the Seven River District of Middle Asia; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 64; 1963; 23-24 and 1 illustration page; A 1919 telegraph money order from Gavrilovskoe to Dzharkent and Khorgos. An Unusual Cover; Shenitz, H.; Russian Philatelist; 5; July 1964; 3-4; A promissory note used as an envelope and franked with a revenue stamp, 1920. Die Awaloff-Bermondt-Marken oder Dichtung und Wahrheit; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 2-32; The Bermondt-Avalov stamps printing, history, faked overprints and faked covers. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestlichen Republ ik in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Sammler Express; 16; 1976; 364-365; Stamps of the Far Eastern Republic. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestl ichen Republik in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Sammler Express; 17; 1976; 392-393; Continued from #16. Stamps of the Far Eastern Republic. Documents of Troubled Times; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 69; 1965; 6-10; Various mail items from different parts of the country, 1915-1925, showing that the Post functioned fairly well despite the conditions. East of Russia, West of Japan: The Far Eastern Republ ic, an Overview; Steyn, Post Rider; 19; Nov. 1986; 6-20; GeorgIa: Postal Cancellations 1918-1923: Ashford, handbook, autographed.



199i; Original softbound

Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibir' i na Dal 'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii 99.); Blekhman. S.; "llateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 43-54;


Grazhdanskaya voina v SibIri i na Dal 'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1978; 42-50;


Historical Background of the 'Asobny Atrad' Stamps; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 67; 1964; 49-50; dekret 0 rasprostranenii pechatl; Bobkov, I.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1970; One page on post-and-~elegraph offices used by the bolsheviks to disseminate propaganda.


Mail Between Fighting Enemies - 1918; postcard from Tambov to Finland,

Leppa. August; Rossica; 1918.

115; Oct.

1990; 44; A


markakh KUbani; Borisov/Konstantinov; Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 9; The authors begin their series on the Kuban provisional stamps, citing archival documents.


pervykh Leninskikh dekretakh v oblasti poChtovoi svyazi; Bobkov, svyazi; 2; Feb. 1970; Two pages.

I.S.; Vestnik

Pochta Ehstonskoi Trudovoi Kommuny; Ehpstein, A.; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 4-12: The article is in three languages - Estonian. Russian and German. Includes postal rates for the Narva Commune of 1918.


Pochtovye marki Zakavkazskoi sovetskoi federativnoi sotsialisticheskoi respubl iki; Voikhanskii, E.: Filateliya SSSR; 1: Jan. 1969; 9-12; Transcaucasian SFSR stamps, rates and postal history. Russian Postage in Latvia in 1919; Spielbergs, Victor; Aug.-Dec. 1978; 19-22;

Latvian Collector; 25;

Siberia; (n.a.); Scott's Monthly 0ournal; Apr. 1922: 27-28; The Niko1aevsk-na-Amure stamps and story, as told to Scott's by Brlght & Son ano Pappadopulo. Six Months In Siberia. The Philately of 'Red Siberia', November 1917-May 1918.; Steyn, Ivo; Rossica; 111; 1988; 62-65; The 'Asobny Atrad' 36-41a;

Issue of Bulak-Balakhovich; Hornby, S.; BJRP; 72; Spring,

The Far Eastern Republic: New Information; Steyn. 70-74; Updates to the article in #19. The Postage Stamps of Russia,



Ivo J.; Post Rider; 20; June 1987;

Parts 3-5.

Siberia, Far East and Related

Postal History, Civil War Issues; Ceresa, R.J.; 3.

07/13/93 The Armies.; Aug.



1983; Original, numbered copy - #23.

The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A', and Plates 'B'. Original, numbered copies - #23. Uchastie svyazistov v revolyutsionnom dvizheni i; Leb&dev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Four pages on activities of revolutionary PTO workers from 1900 to the Civil War. Ukrainskie mark; v Smolenske; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 51-53; Ukrainian stamps used to frank a 1920 Smolensk telegraph money order form. The author asserts the stamps were 'trophies' used to frank official domestic mail. Vremya i svyaz'. Ocherki po istorii svyazi v TASSR.; Orlova, A.F.; 1988; Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kazan'; Original hardbound copy, signed by the author. Includes information on all forms of communication in the Tatar area around Kazan' . Vse li my znaem 0 pochte Bukhary i Khorezma?; Ustinovskii, V.; Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 43-47; The Soviet puppet states of Bukhara and Khorezm, their postage and revenue stamps. 1919 Soviet Free Mail From Wolmar; Leppa, August; Latvian Collector; 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981; 34;


Postal History, Imperial



(n.t.); (n.a.); ZRSP; 37; Apr. 1985; 36; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie', Berlin, 1884. Amalgamation of the Post and Telegraph. (n.t.); Ashford, P.T.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 64; The only Bogdanovka cancellation he has recorded. See 'Pest Rider' #7, pp. 3-4, Dec. 1980. (n.t.); Blum, Henry; Post Ride:--; 6; Apr. 1980; 69; A first-day cover of the Romanov 1913 Tercentenary issue, mailed from one stamp dealer to another. (n.t.); Blum, Hen:--)!; Post Ride:--; 7; Dec. 1980; 67-68; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Describes the journey of a cover from Vladimir to Frauenburg, Kurland province. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Describes a 1911 Priluki cover that bears an attempted-delivery cachet. (n.t.); Huddy, W.H.H.; BJRP; 1; Dec. 1946; frontispiece; Picture of an 1864 SPb cover bearing a strip of 3 of the 1863 town post stamps. (n.t. I; See, Franz; Rossica; 55: and sold before 1-1-1913.

1958; 62; Romanov stamps distributed to post offices

(n.t.); Seichter, Rudolf; Rossica; 70; 1966; 77: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on Prado's 'Documents of Troubled Times' in #69. ' ... Pochtovoi stantsii diktator'; Vigilev, A.; Filate1iya SSSR; Origin of the terms 'pochtal'on' and 'pochtmeister'.

11; Nov.

'Aptekarskaya' pochta v Simbirske; Nagol 'nov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 40-41; Postal services at apothecary shops in Simbirsk.

1981; 58-59;

11; Nov.


'Das Fehlende G1ied' der finnischen Briefmarkensamm1ungen; Fagerho1m, Sven; 1969; Munksnas Kopiering, He1singfors; Imperial-period stamps and postal history. Finnish and English forwards, German text. 'D1ya chego i pochta uchrezhdena ... ': Vigilev, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 28-30; Formation of the posts in the late 1600s.


'Russkiya vyedomosti' Collection; (n.a.); Russkiya vyedomosti; Apr., May, Oct. 1913; Typewritten collection of short articles extracted from microfilms of the newspapers, 6 pages. Topics covered include legal proceedings against postmen, pol itica1 unreliabIlity of postal workers in Ovinsk, wages, postal steamers on the Pechora, attack on a mail train, and Duma debate on the budget. " Doub,y Rare Cancellation; Tann,

L.L.; Post Rider: 6; Apr.

A Postmark of the Russian Post in Tarnopo1 Dec. 1980; 14 - 16 ;

1980; 41;

1809-15; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 7;

Aa1and Isles - Post Offices and Their Cancellations, 1812-1982; Helkio, Eero J.; 1982; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; Kirkland, Adrian; Original book, 96 pages, softbound. Text in Swedish and English, numerous illustrations. A1eksandrovskoe de Kastri; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 41-42; A postcard from Saknalin Island. See under Errata for 'More About A1eksandrcvskoe de Kastri', in Post Rider #10, p. 63, May 1982. Anzeige der ankommenden und abgehenden Posten beim Mitauschen Gouvernementspostkomptoir.; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 67; Jan. Extracted from the 'Mitauische r Taschenkalender fuer 1805'.

1978: 7-8:

Bakinskomu pochtamtu - 100 let; A:--dukhanov, A./Osipov. T.; Bakinskii rabochii; Aug. 24, 1963; A brief histcry o~ the Baku PO from 18~3 to 1963. Baltic Notes; Kraul, Sven; Pos+ Rioer; 12; May '583; 44-45; A tWice-used #2 on cover from Bausk, 1858, and a 1365-in-dots cancel from Schlock, Liflyand province. Butylochnaya pochta; Sachkov, I.; SK; 8; 1970; 93-100; Hydrological research in the Slack and Azov Seas currents using 'b::>ttle mail', 1898-'1952. Centenary of Russia #1; Salisbury. G.B.;

Rassica; 51;

1957; 5-8;

Cholera Duty - The Post and Its Disease-Control Problems Under Nicholas I; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 11-14; Chto b my de1a1i bez pochty!; Shpagin, M.; Nauka v tvoei professii; 11; Nov. 1979; 3-47; Narodnyi universitet, 'Znanie', Moscow; Broad-brush coverage of postal development. InclUdes a chronology on pp. 42-45. Softbound original. Correspondence With Canada; Voaden, Denys J.;

Post Rider; 9; Nov.

Crimean Tartar Postal History; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov.

1981; 3-4; 1981; 43-54; Short

Postal History.




historical background, maps, 272 post offices.


Includes UPU 1 isting of

cards and covers shown.

Development of the Post-and-Te1egraph Dff1ce Network in 1916; (n.a.); Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 87-100; Skipton, David M.; Translation from the Petrograd PTZh (unofficial edition). April 1917, PP. 44-64. Die Geschichte der Russischen Post; Rutkowska, T.T.; ZRSP; Koelzer. W.; Die Postgeschichte der Wo1gadeutschen; Cronin. Andrew; Translated from 'Post Rider' #8. 1981.

38; Aug.


1985; 23-40;

34; Apr.

1984; 33-39;

Documents of Troubled Times; Prado, Asdruba1; Rossica; 69; 1965; 6-10; Various mail items from different parts of the country, 1915-1925, showing that the Post functioned fairly well despite the conditions. Dokument, utochnyayushchii nacha10 obrashcheniya pochtovykh marok v Rossii; Berngard, K.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; 12-14; A cover which proves that the first Russ i an stamps entered use before 1 Jan. 1858. Dom na pochtovoi; Bekhtir, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 3; Mar. 1983; 20-22; A perfectly-restored postal station-as-museum in Kiev. Domik stantsionnogo smotrite1ya; Yakusheva, V.M.; 1984; Lenizdat, Leningrad; Original softbound book. Many color pictures from the Museum of Postroad Life in the XIX Century. . Dorozhnik chuzhezemnyi i rossiiskii i poverstnaya kniga rossiiskago gosudarstva, s priobshcheniem. Izvestiya 0 pochtakh i shcheta vyesovykh za pis'ma deneg, tak zhe spiska pochtmeisteram i drugikh nuzhnykh svyedenii. d1ya po1'zy Gontsov i Puteshestvennikov.; Ruban. Vasi1ii Grigor'evich; 1777; Imperatorskii S-Peterburgskii pochtamt, St. Petersburg; Russia's first postal guide. On microfi 1m. Durnovo i p.-t. rabotniki; Modenov. N.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 27-31; Minister of Internal Affairs Durnovo and his reaction to the communications workers strikes of 1905. Dye1a davno minuvshikh dnei. (Kak zave1as' pochta na Rusi.); Hansen, 13; Sep. 1933; 3-7; From the beginnings to 1723. Early Covers From Astrakhan'; 1821-29.

(n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec.


E.; Rossica;

27 & 1 illustration page;

Early Postal Information From 'Miesiatzos~ov' for 1833; von Rychter, V.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 29-30; St. Petersburg timetable for arriving and departing posts. Einiges ueber die Postgeschichte Sibiriens; RObinson, P.E.; ZRSP; 37; Apr. 23-26;


Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt. Vambo1a/Djaste. E1mar; 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Estonia: Post Office Forms; Saardson, A.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 31-32 and illustration pages 19-20; Translations of an 1844 receipt and an 1899 notice of receipt with instructions for claiming the mail . Estonian Forerunners II: Hurt. Vambala; Eesti Fi1ate1ist: 18-19; 1976; 44-60; Postmarks, postal routes, railroad cancels, station opening dates. Estonian Mail Routes (Russian Period); Saardson, Arnold; BJRP; 57; Nov. illustration pages 2-3;

1980; 3-16


Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Viadinets, N. I.: 1982; 'Radio i Covers a wide variety of subjects svyaz' Moscow; Original softbound handbook. within Russian and related-areas philately. I.

Fin1yandiya; Vladinets. N.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 3: Mar. Finnish postal history during the Imperial era.


29-30: Brief overview of

From the History of the St. Petersburg Post; Oobin, Manfred; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 83-114; Shalimoff, George/Skipton, David M.; Translated from SK #15, 1977. From the History of the St. Petersburg Post (The Pre-Stamp Period); Dobin, Manfred; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 30-71; Sha1 imoff, George/Skipton, David M.; Translated from SK #16. 1978. Postal history and handstamps. From Siberia in 1875; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP: a traveller by Post.




16-18; Four postcards from

Postal History,





Gab es 1849 in Lemsa1 (Libazi) eine Privatpost?; Liepnieks. Laimonis; Philate1ia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 13-14; Two postal recelpts from 1849 and 1850, signed by the Lemzal' Postexpeditor of a 'private post'. Gashenie v Ul 'yanovske; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2: Feb. 1973; 7; A special cancel honoring the 100th anniversary of the founding of Simbirsk's city post. Includes some postal history. Gasheniya konnoi pochty; 11 'shtein, A.; Fi 1ate1 iya; 'horse-post' stations from 1842 to the 1880s.

12; Dec.

Gontsy i vestniki; Vigi1ev, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. of the words 'gonets' and 'vestnik'. Gontsy v drevnei Rusi; Vlgi1ev, A.; in old Rus'.

1981; 59-60; Origins and use

Fl1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

Gontsy zasechnoi cherty; Vigi1ev, A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; postal routes from Moscow south in the 1600s.

1991; 46-47; The

1972; 41-42; Post riders

12; Dec.

1970; 28-30; The

Guzhevaya poch.a; Sorkin, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975; One-page sketch on the development of the cart, or 'yam', post in Russia. Imperial Russian Post Until

1857; Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 54;

Imperial Russian Postal Receipt Forms; 1990; 24-31;

1958; 42-43;

Levandowsky, Daniel W.; Rossica;


Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Eight. Baku, Baku Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.; 1985; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks. with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Five. The Transcaucasian Railway.; Ashfo~d, P.T.; 1981; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks. with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Four. Kutais Guberniya, Batum Ob1ast, Sukhum Okrug.; Ashford, P.T.; 1980; British Society of Russian Phi1at&ly, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.: 1972; British Society of Russian Philately, London; First edition, origin~l copy. Contains numerous maps 3nd il1ustratior's, and a listing of post offices. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part One. Postal History.; Ashford, P.T.; 1982; British Society of Russian Philately; Second edition. original copy. Contains numerous maps and iilustrat~ons, and an expanded listing of post offices. Imperla1 Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Seven. E1isavetpo1 Guberniya, Zakata1y Okrug.; Ashford, P.T.; 1984; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, wlth pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Six. Erivan GUberniya, Kars Ob1ast.; Ashfo~d, P.T.; 1983: British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive 1 isting of these postmarks. with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Three. Tiflis Guberniya.; Ashford, P.T.: 1978; British Society of Russian Philately, London: Extensive listing of Tif1is province postmarks. with pricing. Or'ginal catalog. Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Two. Tifl is, Tifl is Town Post.; Ashford, P.T.; 1975; British Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive i ist'ing of Tifl is postmar'ks, wlth prlclng. Qriginal catalog. Instruktsiya gubernskomu pochtmeisteru; Kalabukhcv, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR: 12; Dec. i985; 36-37; Various postal instructions issued between 1782 and 1831. Interesnaya nakhodka; Murashkin, A.L.: Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1981; One page on 18th and 19th century letters and documents found during a major ~enovation of the old Pskov post office. Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya pochty na Kavkaze; Sokolov. N.I.; PTZh: July 1902; 549-569; Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya pochty na Kavkaze; Sokolov, N.l.; PTZh; Sep.


Postal History. Imperial


665-690; Continued from JUly 1902. In addition to the postal history. contains statistical data on amounts and value of mail sent.



it also

Istoricheskoe razvitie pochtovago upravleniya v Rossii; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 40; June 1940; 309-313; Istoriya koppechlloi marki vypuska 1909 goda; Kolesnikov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 9-11; The 1909 1kop. stamp and the many uses to which it was put in later years. Istoriya otechestvennoi pochty; Vigilev. A.N.; 1990; 'RadlO i svyaz". Moscow; Second edition. rewritten and expanded. Hardbound original. Iz istorii pochty v Ehstonii; Selli. Eh.; SK; Iz istorii pochty v Kieve; Kiev post office.

Livshits. M.; SK;

18; 12;

1980; 31-39; 1974; 87-89;

Includes photos of the

Iz istorii vypuska pervykh bolgarskikh pochtovykh marok; Dobin, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 43-45; The Russian Postal Administration's role in the production of Bulgaria's first stamp, in 1878-9. Iz istorii Sankt-Peterburgskoi pochty; Dobin. Manfred; SK; 15; 1977; 79-105; English translation available in Rossica as 'From the History of the St. Petersburg Post' . Iz istorii Sankt-Peterburgskoi pochty; Dobin, Manfred; SK; 16; 1978; 7-35; English translation available in Rossica as 'From the History of the St. Petersburg Post' . K istorii zabastovki pochtovo-telegrafnykh rabotnikov; Gorokhovskii, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1969; One page on upcoming works dealing with the 1905 strike. Kak izobreli polosku kleya; Vigilev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. development of envelopes and glue after the 'wax seal' era.

1974; 26-27; The

Kak velika byla i vo chto obkhodilas' peresylka korrespondentsii vo vremena Petra Vel ikago; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 38; July-Sep. 1939; 257-259; Encapsulated version of the Feb. 1892 PTZh article of the same title. Kakoe slovo starshe?; Vigilev, A.; word 'yamshchik'.

Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1981; 57; Venue of the

Karmannaya pochtovaya knizhka, ili sbornik pochtovykh postanovlenii do vseobshchago svyedeniya otnosyashchikhsya; (n.a.); 1849; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Includes maps and tables of postal rates. Katalog dyelam, rUkopisyam. pechatnym knigam i kartam (s 1582 goda), otnosyashchimsya do obrazovaniya Yamskogo prikaza i uchrezhdeniya pocht v Rossii; Levinskii, V.D./Tokmakov, I.F.; 1881; Printed in Moscow. Photocopy, 60 pages. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 33-48 insert; Filateliya SSSR, Moscow; Issues from 1914 to 1917. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 49-64 insert; Filateliya SSSR. Moscow; Russian Levant issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. Vypuski po zakazu Glavnogo upravleniya pocht i telegrafov.; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1990; 17-32 insert; Fi latel iya SSSR, Moscow; Continued from #1. 1990. Stamp issues from Mar. 1888 to Mar. 1917. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. Vypuski tsentral 'noi pochtovoi administratsii Rossii.; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 1-16 insert; Filateliya SSSR. Moscow; The first instalment of the catalog. Stamp issues from Dec. 1857 to Jan. 1884 . . Succeeding lssues contain further instalments. Konnye pochtal'ony proshlogo; Sorkin. E.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; Brief one-page essay on the imperial Russian relay posts. Kratkii obzor dyeyatel'nosti Glavnago upravleniya pocht i telegrafov s pochtovo-telegrafnoyu statistikoyu za 1887 god; (n.a.); 1889; Glavnoe upravlenie pocht i telegrafov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Kto stuchitsya v dyer' ko mne?; Mi 1', A.A.; 1978; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original paperback pocketbook. A broad presentation of postal history from ancient times to Soviet, written for children. Leningradskoi pochte 250 let; Kaz'mina, R.; SK; 2;



Leningradskoi pochte 250 let; Korneev, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.

1964; Three

Postal History.





pages on the 250-year history of the Leningrad GPO. Literatura 0 pochte i fi1ate1ii 139-145;

(na russkom yazyke): Babintsev. S.; SK; 3;


Mail Traversing the Russo-Persian Border in the Late 19th Century; Ashford. P.T.; BJRP; 10; Nov. 1952; 301-304; Marki

iz starogo al'boma; Bukharov, 01eg N.: 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; Original paperback pocketbook. Oiscusses a wide range of topics, from postal history of the early years to Russia's first stamp, zemstvos, Poland and Finland #1, and early Soviet issues.

Methods of Dispatching Mail; (n.a.): Rossica; 76-77: Translated from the 1916 Postal List.

1969; 63-66; Adler. Kurt;

Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dye1. Istoricheskii ocherk. Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta Te1egraf v XIX sto1yetii.; (n.a.); 1902; MVD, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Numerous chapters on various aspects of the Post. The source for much of Prigara's 'Russkaya pochta v imperii ... '. Misrouted Mail and Translators' Marks; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 26-29; More About the Crimean Tartars; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; More About the Volga Germans; Tann,


10; May 1982; 64-65;

Post Rider; 9; Nov.

1981; 56-57;

More About the Volga Germans; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 9; Nov.

1981; 56;

More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; von Hofmann, Harry; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 63-64; Provides the German text and English translation of John Woollam's A1eksandrovskoe de Kastri postcard. More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastr;; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 10: May 1982; 63; Corrects the article in 'Post Rider' #9, p. 41. A1eksandrovskoe de Kastri is on the mainland, not on Sakhalin Island. Moskovskii pochtarnyi dvor; Vigi1ev, A.;

Filateliya SSSR; 2'


1974; 20-23;

Moskovskii pochtarnyi dvor; Vigi1ev, A.;

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974;


My pishem pis'ma ... ; Vigilev, A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1981; 56-57; The word 'pis'mo' - letter - in Russian postal history, and other words with the same meaning. Nachalo obrashcheniya pervykh marok Rossii (1857-1858 gg.); Kaminskii, B.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 12-16; First days of use for #s 1-4 in variOUS areas of the Empire. Nacha10 voronezhskoi pochty; Vigi1ev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 16, I-II; The Voronezh Post between Moscow and Voronezh during the time of Peter the Great. Neopubl ikovannye zapiski i izslyedovaniya po istorii russkoi pochty, khranyashchiyasya v pravitel 'stvennykh arkhivakh i bib1iotekhakh; Sokolov, N.I. (comp.); PTZh; Feb. 1902; 139-160; Continued from Jan. 1902. Reproduces a Postal Department manuscript on the 'yam' system in the 18th century, written in 1801. Neopublikovannye zapiski i izs1yedovaniya po istorii russkoi pochty. khranyashchiyasya v pravitel 'stvennykh arkhivakh i bibl iotekhakh; Sokolov, N.r. (comp.); PTZh; Jan. 1902; 54-83; Reproduces a manuscript on Russian postal history from 1462 to 1842, by Iahn. Neue geographisch-statistische Beschreibung des Kaiser1ich-russischen Gouvernements Kurland. oder der ehemaligen Herzogthuemer Kurland und Serngallen: von Bienenstamm; Philatel ia Baltica; 67; Jan. 1978; 9-11; Verlag von S.M. Henher, Mitau und Leipzig; Distances between various postal stations, 18<:'. News and Views; (n.B.); BJRP; 47: July 1972; 38: Records the earliest cover dates for Russian POs in Central Asia in tne J.V. Woollam collection. Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 17; Apr. 1955; 534-535; on how the 'For the Postman's Benefit' stamps were used.

Includes information

Notes of an Old Philatelist; Marcovich, Emile; Rossica; 44; 1954; 5-11; Scattered tidbits on a wide variety of Russian and related collecting areas. Novyeishii Rossiiskii Dorozhnik, vyerno pokazuyushchii vsye pochtovye puti Rossiiskoi Imperii i novoprisoedinennykh ot Porty Ottomanskoi i Respubliki Pol'skoi oblastei, sobrannyi chrez perepisku so vsyemi pochtovymi kantorami; (n.a.); 1803; Imperatorskaya Tipografiya, St. Petersburg; On microfilm.

Postal History,





Db otnosheniyakh gubernskago i uyezdnago nachal'stva k pochtovomu upravleniyu so vremeni prisoyedineniya pochtovago vyedomstva k Ministerstvu Vnutrennikh Dyel do uchrezhdeniya Ministerstva Pocht i Telegrafov (1806-1865): Sokolov. N.I.; PTZh; Apr. 1902; 331-357; Db otvyetstvennosti parokhodovladel'tsev i parokhodnykh obshchetsv za sgorevshuyu na ikh parokhodakh pochtovuyu korrespondentsiyu; Sokolov. N.I.; PTZh; Nov. 1902; 814-843; Legal responsibility of steamship owners for mail burned aboard ttleir vessels. Db otvyetstvennosti pochtovago vyedomstva i pochtovykh sluzhashchikh za vydachu s pochty de neg i dokumentov po podlozhnoi dovyerennosti; (n.a.); PTZh; May 1902; 402-410; Obshchii tsirkulyar po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (69-80); Petersburg; On microfilm.


1848; GUP, St.

Obzor dyeyatel'nosti Russkago pochtovago upravleniya 1868 po 1875 god; (n.a.); 1875; Tovarishchestvo 'Obshchestvennaya pol'za', St. Petersburg; Copyflo, 48 pages. Odezhda dlya pis'ma; Vigilev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 60; A brief history of the letter - whether it was itself the 'envelope' or was contained within one. Origin of the word 'post-paket'. Dpisanie postepennago razvitiya pochtovoi gon'by v Rossii i sushchestvovavshikh do sego vremeni sposobov soderzhaniya stantsii; 1860; Pochtovyi departamento St. Petersburg; Photocopy, 40 pages. Dsobye shtempelya gasheniya S.-Peterburgskoi gorodskoi pochty; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 40; June 1940; 316-319; Ostrova komandora 8eringa; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. Islands, Vitus Bering. and postal operations there.


10-12; The Komandor

Dt pervoi russkoi - k sovetskoi ... ; Kolesnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 32-33; A broad overview of the imperial-period stamps and a smattering of postal history. Dt povoza do skoroi gon'by; Vigilev, A.N.; Filateliya SSSR; Origin of the terms 'povoz' and 'gon'ba'.

11; Nov.

1980; 56-57;

Outstanding Items; Waugh, A.S./Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 16-18 & 2 illustration pages; Reproduces the 10 December 1857 circular announcing the issue of adhesive stamps. Pervaya pochtovaya marka Rossii; Kleman/Gansen, E./Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 1933; 200-205; A debate over when Russia #1 was issued, 1857 or 1858. Pervaya pochtovaya marka Rossii?; Kolesnikov. A.; SK; 2; stamp, 1857.

12; Feb.

1964; 88-91; The Tiflis

Pervaya regulyarnaya pochta v Rossii; Snegirev, A.S.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. 223-225; Reproduces an article by that title in 'Vsemirnaya pochta' #4,

1939; 1898.

Pervye pochtovye ehmissii Pol'shi; Shchapov, P.; Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 17; A brief overview of the post in Poland from 1564 to 1866. Pervye russkie marki dlya zagranichnykh pisem; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; 38-42; The first Russian stamps for international mail. Includes a postal rate table showing the tariffs for mail sent to various foreign countries. Pervye shagi. Zametki po istorii russkoi pochty i filatelii.; Blekhman, S.; SK; 3; 1965; 44-49; Overview of the first Russian postal stationery, stamps, fakes, special cancels, philatel ic societies and publications. Pervye shtempelya gasheniya Sankt-Peterburga; Dobin, M.; 1975; 30-31;

Filatel iya SSSR;

3; Mar.

Pervyya pochty i pervye pochtmeistery v Moskovskom gosudarstvye. Dpyt isslyedovaniya nyekotorykh voprosov iz istorii Russkoi kul'turoi vo vtorci polovinye XVII vyeka.; Kozlovskii, I.P.; 1913; Varshavskii uchenyi okrug, Warsaw; On microfilm. Exhaustive detail on the early years of the Post, from 1665 to 1701. Pis'mo sarno nikuda ne poidet; Vigilev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; Development of address conventions in Russia. Pochta; (n.a.); 46; 1940; Three pages. ehntsiklope- diya', Moscow. Pochta drevnei Rusi; Vigi lev,


10; Oct.

1982; 58-59;

Extracted from 'Bol'shaya sovetskaya

Fi latel iya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1972; 26-27;

Postal History,



Pochta drevnei Rusi;

Vigi1ev, A.;

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2;




1973; V-VII;

Pochta i narodnoe khozyaistvo v Rossii, v XVII sto1etii. Istoricheskii ocherk.; Fabritsius, A.K.; 1864; Imperatorskaya Akademiya nauk, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Pochta k Be10mu moryu; Vigi1ev, A.; SK;


1970; 67-74;

Pochta pri vo10stnykh prav1eniyakh; Ko10sov, 40-41; Rural village postal operations. Pochta v Rosoii do kontsa XIX sto1yetiya; 233-239; Pochta Rossii; Vitashevskaya, M.; from #7.


Fi1ate1iya SSSR;

11; Nov.


Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 3 7 ; May-June 1939;

Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug.


12-14; ContInued

Pochta Rossii. Razvitie vnutrennikh svyazei v XVII-XVIII vekakh.; Vitashevskaya, M.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1969; 26-27; Continued from #8. Pochta Rossii. Yamshchiki na Moskovskoi Rusi.; Vitashevskaya, M.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 12-15; Postriders in Muscovy. Includes a map of yam routes at the end of the 15th Century. Pochta, te1egraf i te1efon v novom Ugo10vnom U10zhenii; Soko1ov, N.I.; PTZh; June 1903; 680-700; Pochta, te1egraf i te1efon v novom Ugo10vnom U10zhenii; Soko10v, N.I.; PTZh; JUly 1903; 760-778; Continued from June 1903 article. Pochtari vezut kuverty ... ; Safonov, N.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; beginnings of the city post in Russia.

3; Mar.

1968; 38-40; The

Pochtovo-te1egrafnyi zhurnal. 1904 g. Otde1 offitsia1'nyi.; (n.a.); PTZh; 27; 1904; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. The official edition of the PTZh appeared weekly, and served to notify postal officials of the latest news and circulars. Pochtovoe dye10 v raionye Sibirskoi zh.d.; (n.a.); 1898; Kantse1yariya Komiteta ministrov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. A lengthy memorandum on postal affairs along on the Siberian RR cornpi1ed for the Committee of M"inisters. Pochtovoe obrashchenie tif1isskikh marok; Kaminskii, B.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8' Aug. 1970; 8-10; Extracts from various official and semi-official sources on the Tifl is stamp of 1857. Pochtovye reformy; Ivanov, A.: 1883; On microfilm. The author compares the Russian postal situation with tha~ of 20 years previous, and with foreign postal systems. He argues for sweeping postal reforms and strongly criticizes the Postal Administration. Pochtovye shtempe1ya v Priba1tike; Yakimov, N.; Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 4-5; Postal history, routes and postmarks of the Baltic area from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th. Includes a map showing postal routes in that a ,'ea i n 183 1 . Pochtovye tarify dorevo1yutsionnoi Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; SK; 27; 1990; 26-47; Continued from #26. Covers the postal rates of 1914 to the end of the empire. Pochtovyi 'Vavi10n'; L'vov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 17th-19th century Moscow post.

1979: One page artIcle on the

Pod parusami fi1ate1ii: Kornyukhin, A.E.; 1975; Izd-vo Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound book. Written for young phi1atel ists, it covers a variety of themes, with emphasis on Soviet stamp production. Poehma 0 svyazi; Storozhakova, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; through the Popov Museum of CommunicatIons. Post Offices on the Georgian Military Poad; Ashford,

1; Jan.

1972; 24-25; A walk

P.T.; BJRP; 31;

1962: 21-22;

Postal Censorship in Imperial Russia; Skipton, David M.; (n.d.); Exhibit of all aspects of Imperial Russian postal censorship - civil and military. Photocopies contained in two 3-ring binders. Postal Censorship in Imperial Russia; John Otten. Champaign, Illinois; slipcase. Covers all aspects of civil, police, court, prison and

Skipton, David M./Micha10ve, Peter A.; 1989; Original set of two volumes, hardbound, in Russian postal censorship - per1ustration, military censorship.

Postal History of the Bulgarian Colonies in Southern Bessarabia; Cronin, Andrew: Rossica; 67; 1964; 23-25;

Postal History,





Postal History of Mount Athos; Epstein, Norman; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers and related items to and from the Russian monastery at Mt. Athos. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Postal Rules for Inland and Foreign Correspondence, Postage Tax Reductions and Changes to the 1875 Postal Rules; (n.a.); BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 4-6; Robin L. Joseph; Translated from 'Philatelia Baltica' #61. Postdokumente aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; July 1971; 5-6; An 1845 postal receipt issued at Bolderaa, an 1803 newspaper subscription receipt and an 1807 receipt for a post-road construction donation. Postiasutused Kodumaal 1915-11-01; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 93-108; A 1 ist of postal establishments in and near Estonia, culled from the 1916 Postal List. Includes illustrations of postmarks categorized by post office rank, and an English summary on p. 108. Posting in Russia; (n.a.); BJRP; 21; Dec. Magazine', Mar. 1809.

1956; 639-640; Reprinted from 'The London

Presentation Album Issued by the Imperial Russian Post Office; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 54; 1958; 27-29; Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (1-32); (n.a.); 1843-1846; GUP, St. Petersburg; The 'Addenda' were attached to general postal circulars, and covered a wide range of topics, from Russian postal history to foreign postal systems. On microfilm. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (33-49); 1846-1847; GUP, St. Petersburg; Priglasila pochtovaya stantsiya; TASS; Vestnik svyazi; article about the first postal station in Kiev. Priklyucheniya kleevoi poloski; Vigilev, A.; Sealing letters with wax and flap glue.

11; Nov.


1982; One-page

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 59;

Proekty ustroistva telyezhno; pochty mezhdu S.-Peterburgom i Moskvoyu v tsarstvovanii Imperatora Petra Velikago; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Oct. 1902; 716-732; Prototip Samsona Vyrina; Murashkin, A.; Imperial post office construction.

Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 26-27;

Pskov - gorod pochtovyi; Murashkin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 25-26; Pskov and its postal establishments in the 17th century. Raritety russkoi pochty; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 51-53; Color photos of extremely rare imperial covers, one from 1874 with a pair of 10k inverted center stamps, another franked with one #1 and 3 #4s, etc. Rasskazy 0 markakh; Grinberg, I.; 1973; Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan'. Alma-Ata; Original softbound book. Covers a wide range of stamps, from imperial times to later Soviet issues. Report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Postal Department 1825-1850. Concerning the Improvements and Alterations Made in the Postal Department in the Quarter of a Century From 20 November 1825 to 20 November 1850.; (n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 12-16; Translated from 'Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Historical Society', Vol. 98, 1896. Revel'skii provlzorii; Veiner, I.; Rossica; 39; ~evel' provisional bisects of 1909.


1940: 283-285; The April 3-5

Riga - Die Postgeschichte bis 1919; Marcilger, V.; (n.d.); Paul von Sengbusch, Heide; Two volumes, hardbound. Exhaustive treatment of Riga postmarks and postal hlstory. Russia and Rural (Zemstvo) Issues; Harmer's of New York; Nov. 24-25, catalog with prices realized.

1975; Original

Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated, except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russia's First'Postage Stamp. 1-3;

The '6 kop.' of Tiflis.;

(n.a.); RAP; 9; May 1943;

Russian Post in the First Half of XIXth Century; von Keppen; Rossica; 56; 37-43; Rosselevich, A.; Translated from the German article of 1840. Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon;


(n.d.); Exhibit of material from all

Postal History,



areas where Russian offices abroad operated. in one 3-ring binder.

Grand-Award winner.




Russian Postal Censorship 1914-1918; Speeckaert, Antoine; 1990; Koninklijke Postzegelvereniging van het Land van Waas St. Niklaas, Belgium; Approximately 1400 WWI censormarks are catalogued and assigned rarity indicators. High-quality illustrations and maps. Text in Gel'man and English. Softbound origi na1 . Russian Postal Development from the 1780s to 1917; Skipton, David M.; (n.d.); Exhibit of numerous aspects of Russian postal development, arranged in a 'three-dimensional' approach - outward expansion of postal routes on land and water, downward expansion into rural areas, and intensification of postal services in cities. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Postal Service - How It Was Run a Century Ago; Shishkin, Boris: Rossica; 75; 1968; 5-7; A general review of the 1857 Compendium of Laws and Regulations on the Postal Administration. Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and GUide; Kiryushkin, Anatol ii V./Robinson, Philip E.: 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York, England; Hardbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types, postal history. Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and Guide; Kiryushkin, Anato1ii V./Roblnson, Philip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York, England; Softbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types, postal history. Russian 19th Century Foreign Mail; Woollam, J.V.; Post Rider; 8: May 1981; 5-7; Russkie pochtovye pechati. By1i Ii oni pervymi?; Vigi1ev, A.; SK; 9; Wax seals on early 1700s postal documents. Russkoi marke - 125 let; Kaminskii, history of Russia #1.


Fi1ate1iya SSSR;

Samy; dl innyi pochtovyi trakt; Vigi lev, A.; SK; route, from the 1590s on.


1; Jan.



1983; 46-51; The

1975; 82-92; The Siberian postal

Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Hardbound original, first edition. Extensive listing of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Pos~marks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Phil ip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Softbound original, first edition. Extensive listing of Siberian pos~marks. rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson. Phl1ip E.; 1990; P.E. Robinson, She~fie1d, England; Hardbound original. second edition. Extensive 1 isting of Siberian postmarks. rarity index, postal history. Siberia: Some Aspects of Its Postal History; Robinson, 58-61;

P.E.; BJRP; 61; Dec.

Smo1ensk Postal Service: 310th Anniversary; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 57; Nov. Based on Yu. Anisimov's ar~icle in 'Filatel iya SSSR' #7, 1979. Snova

1984; 1980; 3;

0 Tif1 isskoi marke; Kaminskl i. B.; Fi late1 iya; 12; Dec. 1991; 4-6; Kaminski i recounting of Berngard's and his research on the Tif1is stamp, up to the present.


Sobranie zakonov po Upravleniyu pochtovomu (1649-1832); (n.a.); 1-4; 1846-1849; Pochtcvyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Complete listing of laws pertaining to the Post from 1649 to 1832. Sobranie zakonov po Uprav1eniyu pochtovomu (1833-1849); (n.a.); 5-6; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg: On microfilm.


Sokrashchayutsya lyubye rasstoyanlya; Vyalov, L.G.; 1990; Yuzhno-ural 'skoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, Chelyabinsk; Original softbound booklet, produced by the Chelyabinsk Post Office. A hlstor'y of communications in Chelvabinsk and the surrounding area. Includes postal and telegraph information. Sozdatel' 'pochtovogo stana'; Vigilev. A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; L'vov, high-ranking postal official and architect.

5; May 1973;

19-20; N.A.

Sputnik filate1ista; Ozol in', Ya; 1964; Latviiskoe gosudarstvennoe izd-vo, Riga; Softbound original. Intended as a general handbook on Russian and Soviet philately, to include printing methods, what and how to collect, exhibiting, a brief history of philately in the USSR, etc. etc. St. Petersburg's Red Triangles; Skipton, David M./Steyn, Ivo J.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 9-15; An explanation of the red adhesive triangles as misrouted mail flags.

Postal History,




Stantsii vo1'nykh pocht na Kamysh10vskom trakte; Minskii, Mark; UiRF;





Stantsiya proizosh1a ot 'statio'; Vigi1ev, A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 60-61; A discussion of old terminology for posting - 'stan', 'yam', 'sloboda', etc. Sto1etie pochty goroda Frunze; Deev, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. of the post in Tokmak, Pishpek & Frunze.

1979; 48; History

Svoi den'gi; Ross, Kh.; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar; 1; Dec. 1990; 40-41; Local paper money - 'postmarki' - issued by Estonian postal commissars up to 1817. The article is in Estonian, Russian and German. Ta11innskie provizornye marki; Hindrekson, Shifara; Eesti Ko11ektsionaar; 1990; 16-18; The Tallinn bisect provisiona1s of 1909.

1; Dec.

The Ancient Russian Posts; Vitashevskaya, Maria N. ; Rossica; 68;

1965; 42-47;

The Ancient Russian Posts; Vitashevskaya, Maria N. ; Rossica; 69; Continued from #68.

1965; 37-44;

The Ancient Russian Posts; Vitashevskaya, Maria N. ; Rossica; 70; Continued from #69.

1966; 28-35;

The Earliest Kyakhta and Yakutsk Handstamps?; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 9-13; Handstamps from the 1790s and background information on the Go1 ikov-She1 ikhov Company. The Emperor's Mail; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 32-55; Royal mail, Chancellery and Imperial Mail Del ivery Section postmarks, plus the Provisional Government's Diplomatic Mail Delivery Section. The Exiled Doukhobors and Their Mail;

Robinson, P.E.; BJRP; 64; Dec.

1987; 42-43;

The First Bulgarian Entire (Usage of Russian Postcard in Bulgaria); See, Franz; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 5-6; The First Stage in the Development of Our Union. (In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Communications Workers' Union.); (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 12-18; Walker, Dale; Translated from ZhTS #11, 1925. The Kingdom of Poland; Bojanowicz, M.A.; Driginal hardbound book.

1979; The Royal Philatelic Society, London;

The Market in Russian Postal History Material; 26-27 ;

Rigby-Hall, B.; BJRP; 42; Dec.


The Norman D. Epstein Collection of Russia, Part I; Harmers of New York, Inc.; Oct. 15-16. 1985; Two original catalogs, neither with prices real ized. One of the great Imperial collections of the 20th century. The Post in the Russian Empire; Huysmans, Fr.; Post Rider; 2; Mar. overview of the Russian Post up to about 1870.

1978; 7-19; Broad

The Post in the Russian Empire; Huysmans, Fr.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 42-52; Concluded from #2. The title is misleading, as the Soviet postal system is also discussed, on pp. 48-52. The Postal Service From Siberia; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov. The Postmarks of St. Petersburg; Baillie, is devoted to this specialist study. postmarks. Includes a bibliography. The Romanov JUbilee Issue 1913-1983; Tann, 17-22;

1981; 4-6;

Ian L.G.; BJRP; 68; 1990; 3-58: All of #68 Extensive 1 istings and illustrations of Leonard L.;

Post Rider;

12; May 1983;

The Russian Post in the Empire, Turkey, China, and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prigara, Sergei Vasil'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii, v Kitae i Pochta v Tsarstvye Po1'skom'. New York. 1941. Two hardbound copies. The Russian Posts in the XIX Century; Bazi1evich, Konstantin V.; 1987; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton, David M.; Translation of "Pochta v Rossii v XIX veke" , Moscow, 1927. Two hardbound originals. Numerous photographs and illustrations added, and also some additional text. The Sakhalin Dog-Sledge Mail; Weinert, Howard; Rossica; 86-87; The Siberian Post Roads; Wolff, K.; BJRP; 21; Dec. 1956; 650; New Ways of Communciation In and Through Siberia". The Two-Number Code on Russian Mail to the West,

1975; 92; Extracted from "Old and

1822-1843; de Jongh, W.J.; BJRP; 69;

Postal History,





Sep. 1990; 4-12; The author's theory that the two-number codes were 'chart numbers' taKen from a log of letters sent. Tiflis, Nov. 1857. The First Russian Postage Stamp.; Sal isbury, G.B.; Rossica; 46-4 7 ; 1955; 5 7 -64; Exposition of all the facts then known about the Tifl IS stamp. Tifl isskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminski i, 8.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 6-9; The Tiflis City Post. Includes a table showing the 13 postal districts and the provinces they encompassed up to 1850. Tiflisskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, S.; Continued from #10.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1971; 3-7;

Tifllsskaya gorodskaya pochta; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 39-43; Includes sections on mail transportation and the Tiflis stamps. Continued from # 11.

Tiflisskaya marka; Agapeev, V.; Rossica; Tiflis stamp issue.

3; Oct.

1930; 7-8; Brief background of the

Tramvainaya pochta v Kieve; Mogil'nyi, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 'tramway' post in Kiev, begun in 1892. U istokov russkoi pochty; Vigilev, A.;

SKi 6;

11; The

1968; 71-79;

U Samsona Vyrina; Afanas'eva, Z.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 24-25; A postal museum establ ished in the former Vyra postal station outside Leningrad. Uchastie svyazistov v revolyutsionnom dvizhenii; Lebedev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Four pages on activities of revolutionary PTO workers from 1900 to the Civil War. Udachnaya reklamnaya listovka; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; Moscow GPO advertisement.


12; Dec.



item on a

pochtovom vyedomstvye; (n.a.); Russkiya vyedomosti; 62; Mar. 15, 1913: Report during the Duma debate on the post-and-telegraph administration bUdget, attacking the administration's failure to significantly increase tne number of PTOs or lower postal rates.

V pol'zu pochtal'ona; Efremov, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. postman's benefit' stamps and the Ministry of JustIce.

1968; 7;

'For the

V sem'e edinoi; Popov, D.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 19 7 7; Three pages on the growth of communications, Including the POs In Ta~zhikistan. from 1913 to the present. Vdol' po doroge stolbovoi; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983: 60-61; Post roads of the late 17th and early 18th centuries - stations and verst-markers. Vilniaus pasto antspaudai: Bubnys, Vigintas: (n.d.); Exhibit of Vil'na postal history, from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the exhibitor's consent. Volga German Postal History; Cronin, Andrew: Post Rider: 8; May 1981; 50-61; Short history. Includes maps and a list of post offices. Vremya i svyaz'. Ocherki po istorii svyazi v TASSR.; Orlova, A.F.; 1988; Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kazan'; Original hardbound copy, signed by the author. Includes information on all forms of communication in the Tatar area around Kazan' . Yubileinye gody marok Rossiiskoi imperii: Hansen, E.: Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 63-68; Reproduces the postal circular introducing Russia #1, and gives some history on the Moscow Philatelic SOCiety. Zakaznaya korrespondentsiya Sankt-PeterDurga - Petrograda - Leningrada: Dob!n, M./Ratner. L.: SKi 27; 1990; 3-25; Registration procedures. markings and labels from imperial to Soviet times in St. Petersburg. Zemskaya poch~a v Rossii (1865-1917); Bazylevich, Konstantin V.: 'Svyaz' " Moscow; On mI crof i 1m.



Zur Geschichte des Russischen Postwesens; (n.a.); Pochta; 42; Mar. 1987; 38-44; Extracted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie', Berlin, 1890. Zur Geschichte des Russischen Postwesens; Continued from #42.

(n.a.); Pochta; 43; Aug.

1987; 37-40;

Zur Geschichte des Russischen Postwesens; Continued from #s 42 & 43.


1988; 39-46;


Pochta; 44;


Extract From the Report Presented to the Emperor by the Director-in-Chief of

Postal History. Imperial


the Post Office Department: (n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec. 'The Morning Post'. London. 7 May 1840. 310 let smolenskoi pochty; Anisimov. Yu.;




11-12; Reprinted from

Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1979; 50-51;

Postal History, Provisional Government



A Document Concerning Postal Services ,n 1917; Evans, Barrie A.: BJRP; 40; Mar. 27; Tseretelli's instructions to the Department.

361 1967;

Primenenie revolyutsionnykh marok i ikh pereotsenka v 1917-1923 godakh; Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 49-51; The Condition of the Postal and Telegraphic Services; Tseretelli, I.G.; Izvestiya; 103: 28 June 1917; 5; Extracted from Browder & Kerensky's 'The Russian Provisional Government 1917', Vol. II, Stanford University Press, 1961. The Spread of the Russian Revolution. Macmi] lan, St. Martin's Press;

Essays on 1917.: Pethybridge, Roger;


V preddveri oktyabrya; Kadlubovski i , K.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1957; Three pages on post-and-telegraph workers during the October Revolution.

Postal History, Soviet




(n.t.); Chebotkevich, A.A.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Early Sovlet postal labels showing evidence of free-franking or 'private agreement contracts' in postal affairs. (n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; Rossica; 73; 1967; 80 & 83; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Description of two 1923 mixed-franking Soviet covers. (n.t.); Landberg, B.E.; Linn's Stamp News; 10 June 1991; 4; A letter to the editor with a photo of a cover with Lithuanian and Soviet stamps, sent from Klaipeda to Cal ifornia in Apr. 1991. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 69-70; A 1939-issue 20kop. postcard with advertising slogan. Such postcards are hard to find used. (n.t.); Seichter, Rudolf; Rossica; 70; 1966; 77; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on Prado's 'Documents of Troubled Times' in #69. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 72; A demonetized postcard with overprint 'Blank Khar'kovskogo P.T. Okruga'. (n.t.l; Waugh, A.S.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 35; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. background information on the 1918 chainbreaker issue. 'Bystraya' pochta; Ehl'ta; Vestnik svyazi; routes in the Soviet LSSR.

11; Nov.


1980; Short item on truck postal

'Khronika' and the Transcaucasus. A Look at the Soviet Post in 1925.; (n.a.); BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990~ 13-17; Skipton, David M.; Numerous items gleaned from various Everything from 'ZhTS' issues, all relating to the Transcaucasus area. motorcycle mail to mailboxes to new routes is included. 'Mobilizatsiya vnimaniya'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 174-175; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voronezh District's publication of 'The Post in the Village' . 'Peredvizhki' Narkompochtelya; Vigi lev, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. Mobile post offices in the countryside during the 1920s.

1985; 58-59;

'Peredvizhniki' na kul'turnoi rabote; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 113-114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voroznezh province travelling officials organizing 'reading huts' for the peasants, and 10 auxiliary postal points opening in Erevan district. 'Pionerka salyutuet'; Teleleiko, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 61; The Pioneer girl saluting on the 1936 15kop. stamp is identified, along with the story of how schoolchildren were used to help the Post. 'Pochta, telegraf, telefon - dlya naroda'; Sergeichuk, K.Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970; 3-7; Broad overview of Soviet postal, telegraphic and telephonic history since 1917. 'Posyltorg' - ehto udobstvo, no ... ; Mal'tsev, V.; Sel'skaya zhlzn'; June 11, Problems with the postal 'catalog-order' service.


'Smychka'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Tambov province postmaster's initiative to distribute propaganda with mail. 'Stokgol'mskaya pochta' v Orenburge; Babushkin, A.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 121-122; Mobile posts in Orenburg. Includes two photos of the conveyances used. 'Uproshchenie'; Stal'; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 86-87; The author attacks the new method of handling postage-due mail , which includes use of postage-due stamps, asa Western European system tllat should be discarded by the USSR. 'Vi 1 'nyus' - v Leningrade, 'Leningrad' - v Vi 1 'nyuse; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; .june 1965; One page on competition and exchange o~ personnel between Leningrad and Vilnius postai establ ishments. A 'Perestroika' Item; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 44; Two-kopeck complaint-and-suggestion cards sold at Soyuzpechat' kiosks to the public. A Collector's Calendar; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 31-32; On the Soviet admission that the first Soviet stamps were the 1918 'Kerensky' chainbreaker issue. A Collector's Calendar; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 38-39; A complaint from a Soviet stamp collector in 'Izvestiya' that the Ministry of Communications is issuing too many stamps. A Letter From U.S.S.R., Franked With French Stamps; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963; 24; The stamp shortage in Kiev, 1924.

Postal History. Soviet




A Lithuanian Chronicle; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 58-68; Extensive treatment of Lithuanian postmarks, scamps and stationery issued during 1990. A Look at Northern Bukovina Postal History: Bell, Robert/Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 32-50; Deals with the Austrian administration of the area to 1918, Rumanian to 1940, first Soviet to 1941, second Rumanian with Germany to 1944 and second Soviet to the present. Includes maps and a list of post office names. Abol ition of the 'Parallel Posts'; (n.a.); Rossica; 110; 1987; 90; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #6, 1924. Private and courier systems of the provincial land administrations abolished. Abonementnye yashchiki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a plan to have all official correspondence collected in subscriber mailboxes throughout the Transcaucasus Communications District. Administrativnyi s'ezd; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 127; A Congress of Communications Administrators in Moscow, 14-21 December. Adres otpravitelya - SSSR; Makar'ov, O.K.; Filatel,ya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1967; 30-31; The Main Postal Dir'ectorate chief gives an overview of the country's postal system. Adres: Poselok Yasnyi; Pavlova. K.: Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. the opening of an OS in Yasnyi, on the BAM railroad.

1977; Short article on

Adresat - Revolyutsiya; Poloshchuk, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 7-8; A document signed by Lenin, found in the Museum of the Revolution. It talks about the People's Commissariat of Posts and Telegraphs. Aehrosannyi probeg Moskva - Nizhnii Novgorod - Moskva; Geevskii, D.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 60-65; Results of an experiment to see how efficient propel lor-driven snowmobiles would be to carry mail during the winter. Akademiya nauk Sev.-Zap. Okrugu svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 129-130; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Academy of Sciences' gratitude fOr services rendered by the Northwestern Communications District. Akhtyrskoe pochtovoe otdelenie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 'Khronika' section on the Akhtyrka PO's exploits.

172; Short item in the

Annulirovanie marok; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. Annulment of all previous Soviet stamps beginning 1 Dec. 1923.

1923; 45;

Annulirovan,e znakov pochtovoi oolaty; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 45; Official notice that on 1 Dec. 1923 all Soviet stamps save the most recent issue would be annulled. Apothekenpost in Simbirsk; Nagolnov, G.; Pochta; 46; Dec. Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #11,1986.

1988; 39-40; Aerni, Nina;

Arkhiv svidetel 'stvuet ... ; Plotnikov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; 15; The Nansen proposal to exchange used Soviet stamps for chocolate bars to help the starving in 1922. Avtomatika i pochtal 'on; Butenko, M.; Tekhnika - Molodezhi; 6; June 1963; 31; An explanation of the sorting and processing stages in mail handling. Avtomatizirovannyi pavil'on svyazi PSA; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; One page on an automated communications center opened in Moscow-Sokol'n,ki. Bedy pochty; Tsel ikova, A./Shugaeva,


Belorusskie provizorii; Kolosov,

Filateliya SSSR;


Pravda; Mar.

26, 2;

1967; Postal problems. Feb.

1974; V-VII;

Beyond Bryansk; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 33-34; An instructional marKing of 1918 directing that mail to areas beyond Sryansk be returned to Moscow. Bez pocntovoi sumki; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; One page on experimentation with the L'vov and Tashkent methods of mail del ivery in Murmansk. Blagodarnost' sel 'chan; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 158; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the gratitude expressed by peasants in two Voronezh Province villages for the NKPiT's work. Blagodarnost' sel'chan i redaktsii 'Krest'yanskoi Gazety'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 117; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voronezh province peasants expressing their thanks to a raion postal chief for his office's excellent service.

Postal History, Soviet




.Blizhaishie zadachi organizatsii svyazi; Lyubovich, A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 5-7; Broad overview of where the NKPiT must expand and strengthen its communications network. Bol'nye mesta; Beregovoi. N.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 118; Complaints about 'bureaucratism' and an unwillingness to show initiative in the postal apparatus. Bol'she produktsii - men'she zatrat; Matsnev, K.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1971; Two pages on increasing efficiency and speed of mail handling in Murmansk oblast'. Bol'she vnimanie uvedomleniyam 0 vruchenii; Shamanaev, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1976; Two pages on com~laints about sloppy practices in filling out delivery receipts. Bor'ba s surrogatami pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal efforts to eliminate 'surrogate posts'. Borisoglebskaya raionnaya konferentsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a regional conference in Borisoglebsk, concerning the work of local 'Svyaz" agencies. Brigadnaya forma v deistvii; Shiryaev, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1983; Three pages on the 'brigade' approach to postal service at the Ufa post office. Bronirovanie mest za rabotnikami svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 163; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT effort to reserve 110 places for courses at the Communications Institute and the Technicum. Buguruslanskaya kontora; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 129-134; Includes photographs of the exterior and interior of the Buguruslan Post Office. Bukvari bednyakam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT agreeing to transport primers for the Education Commissariat free of charge. Butylochnaya pochta; Sachkov, I.; SK; 8; 1970; 93-100; Hydrological research in the Biack and Azov Seas currents using 'bottle mail', 1898-1952. Byl takoi raion vostochnoi tundry; Boiko, V.; Filatel iya; 3; Mar. 1992; 21-22; The 'Eastern Tundra Rajon' in Ch~kotka, 1930s to 1962. Includes cancels, a list of zip codes 路for that area, and a crude map. Bystree dostavlyat' fruktovye posylki; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1968; One page on efforts to cope with the seasonal inundation of fruit packages in the mail. Bystree dos~avlyat' mezhraionnye gazety; Varshavskii, B.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 1962; One page on speeding up delivery of inter-raion newspapers.

10; Oct.

Bystro i khorosho obrabatyvat' predprazdnichnuyu pochtu; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1966; Two pages. Byuro dObrykh uslug; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1965; One page on a 'good-works office' at the Leningrad 154th Communications Center. Byuro dobrykh uslug na Gor'kovskom pochtamte; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1967; One page, short article on a 'good-works office' at the Gor'kii post office. Byuro ehkonomicheskogo analiza - pomoshchnik shtatnyi; Poloskova, Z.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; Two pages on how the BEhAs work. Includes postal information. Byuro obmena korr. gosuchrezhdenii pri Moskovskom pochtamte; 1924; 155: Short item in the 'Khronika' section.

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May

Chei metod luchshe?; Ovsyanikov, I.; Vestniv svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; One page on the merits of the 'Tashkent Universal' and the 'Groznyi' methods of mechanized mail delivery. Cherez kol'tsevuyu pochtu - knigu derevne; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Vladimir Province Central Library sending books to villages via circular posts. Cherez rasstoyaniya ... ; Derzhavina, T.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Oct. 7, 1973; 'Letter Week', a brief history of the UPU and how the Estonian SSR will mark the occasion. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 41; Information on when, where and how FDC #720 (picturing the State Hermitage) was used, and quotations from State Standard 16408-80 on how mail is categorized. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem;

(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.

1986; 48; Special

Postal History, Soviet postal




'change-of-address' forms.

Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 27; A listing of mail categories and which of them may be franked with stamps, and a brief history of the 'Svyaz" Agency. which existed from Aug. 1923 to Apr. 1927. It issued the advertising stamps. Chto b my delali bez pochty!; Shpagin, M.; Nauka v tvoei professii; 11; Nov. 1979; 3-47; Narodnyi universitet. 'Znanie', Moscow; Broad-brush coverage of postal development. Incluaes a chronology on pp. 42-45. Softbound original. Chto dala markirovka posylok; Verikas, G.V.; Vestnik svyazi; on an insured-mail-handling shop at the Kauna~ GPD.

12; Dec.

1983; Two pages

Chto dale sozdanie oblastnoge uzla pochtovoi svyazi; Aronovich, D.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1977; Three pages on the organization of mail transportation in the Chernovitsy a~ea. Chto imeet pochta i chte ona dolzhna dat'; Obzherin, G.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 10-19; A look at what the Soviet Post had available in 1924 and where it wanted te go. Chto nam daet Kryzhopol'skii metod; Smirnova, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. page of discussion about this method at the Ivanovo PTUS.

1974; One

Chto sderzhivaet tekhnicheskii progress v pochtovoi svyazi; Radzievskii, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; Three pages on factors retarding technical progress in the Post. ChtOby adresat byl dovolen; KUkuruza, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. on improving printing and delivery of newspapers.

1980; Two pages

Chtoby uskorit' dostavku; 8azylov, K.; Kazakhstanskaya Pravda; Dec. 27, 1981; Increasing newspaper-and-magazine delivery speed in the Taldy-Kurgan area. Chtoby uskorit' dostavku pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; on faster mail delivery in Saratov.



1971; Short article

Chtoby uskorit' dostavku pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; One page. The Ministry of Communications complains about regulations not being followed in the Moldavian SSR. Chtoby uskorit' prodvizhenie pochty; Korneev, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. page. From a speech by the Leningrad PTUS chief.

1971; One

Correspondence with Canada - An Unpaid Letter to Canada During the Inflationary Period; Cronin, Andrevl; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 4-5; Deistvennaya forma razvitiya demokratii; Yatskovskii, L.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1989; 5-8; The 1989 elections and the Ministry of Communications - results, effects. Delo pervostepennoi vazhnosti; Sidorov, A.P.; Vestnik svyazi: 11; Nov. 1982; Twe pages on the Leningl'ad City Proauction-Technological Directorate of Postal Communications. Deviz:

'Vsegda v poiske!'; Rivin. L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1978; Four pages on how the Kuibyshev Post Office improves its service to the public.

Devyatyi vsesoyuznyi s'ezd rabotnikov svyazi; Aleksandrovich; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 121-126; The Ninth All-Union Congress of Communications Workers. Deyatel 'nost' Kommercheskogc Agentstva 'Svyaz" v 1923-24 operatsionnom godu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 189-199; Activities. statistics and plans of the 'Svyaz" Agency for 1923-1924. Deyatel'nost' ~pravleniya Sev.-Zap. ok ruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section en activities of the Northwestern CommunIcations District Administration. Die Geschichte dar RUSSlschen Post; Koe 1 zer, W.;

Rutkowska. T.T.: 2RSP; 38; Aug.

Die Postgeschichte der Wolgadeutschen; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from 'Post R1der' #8, 1981.


1985; 23-40;

34; Apr.

1984; 33-39;

Die Sowjetische Post in Litauen 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe; ZRSP; 38; Aug. 53-65;


Dispetcherskii kontrol': uluchsheno kachestvo dostavki pochty; Lavrov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; Two pages on centralized control of newspaper delivery at the Volgograd PTUS and PZhOP. Dlya chetkoi dostavki; Petrov, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Short item about a

Postal History, Soviet quality-control




'raid' conducted by the Tagil' Post Office.

Dlya raionnykh tsentrov i sel; Telepnev, G.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Two pages on construction models for regional communications centers, including postal facil ities. Dlya razvitiya pochtovoi svyazi; Nikolaeva, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; Short article on improvements and shortfalls in the Moscow area's postal development. Dlya razvitiya seti otdeleni i svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1968; Short article on a projected increase in the number of postal branch offices in Minsk. Dlya sovershenstvovaniya pochtovoi svyazi; Rivin, L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; One page on seminars and discussions held at the Moscow City Administration concerning improvement of postal service. Dlya stroitelei BAMa; Zernov, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Short item on new communications branch offices opening along the BAM railroad. Dlya truzhennikov sela; Ugodov, M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1968; One page on communications in Volgograd oblast'. Includes postal information. Dlya udobstva publ iki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about several offices staying open on Sundays, and three postal boxes put out in Leningrad for the public's benefit. Dlya ukrepleniya bazy pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; One page, short article on decisions taken by the Latvian SSR Council of Ministers to improve technological-material aspects of the Post. Dlya uluchsheniya dostavki pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1970; One page on problems with mail del ivery and measures taken to eliminate them in the Tselinograd area. Dlya uluchsheniya dostavki pochty; Abramov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Short article on a meeting in Donetsk to decide how to improve mail delivery. Dlya uluchsheniya obsluzhivaniya naseleniya; GUbanova, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1979; One page on improving mail del ivery at the Saransk Post Office.



Dlya uskoreniya peresylki pochtovoi korrespondentsi i po traktam; (n.a.); Z~lTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on speeding up mail delivery in the Northwestern Communications District. Dlya zhitelei Khabarovska; Ryabtsun, B.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. on postal service improvements in Khabarovsk. Dlya zhitelei Novosibirska; Oleinik, V.P.; on postal service in Novosibirsk.

1967; Three pages

Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1965; Three pages

Do adresata - v srok; Mangel'din, D.I.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; July 8, 1980; An interview with the Deputy Minister of Communications on improvements being made in rural mail del ivery and working conditions for postal employees. Dobavlenie shtata; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT's addition of 1,000 more communicatlons workers. Documents of Troubled Times; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 69; 1965; 6-10; Various mail items from different parts of the country, 1915-1925, showing that the Post functioned fairly well despite the conditions. Dolgimi pochtovymi putyami; (n.a.); Literaturnaya gazeta; Mar. 18, 1970; The magazine's experiment to determine speed and accuracy of mail delivery, and the poor performance it found. Doplatnye - pochtovye; Mazur, P.; Filate1iya SSSR; stamps used as postage stamps.

12; Dec.

1974; 37-38; Postage due

Doplatnye marki SSSR v kachestve pochtovykh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 26-27; Postage due stamps used as postage stamps. A list of 43 post offices which used the postage dues ana the years of their use is inclUded. Doplatnym markam SSSR - 50 let; Mazur, Postage due stamps in the USSR.


Filateliya SSSR;

10; Oct.

1973; V-VII;

Doplatnym markam SSSR - 50 let; Mazur, P.; Postage dues in the USSR.

Filateliya SSSR;

11; Nov.

1973; VI-VIII;

Dostavila pochta; Kolmakov, V.A.; Gorodskoe khozyaistvo Moskvy; 5; 1983; 23-24; A check run on the Moscow postal system to identify problem areas in handling and del ivery. Dostavka gazet uskorena; Kuznetsov,

P.T.; Vestnik svyazi;

1; Jan.

1968; Two pages on


Postal History. Soviet



the Rostov oblest's efforts to improve newspaper delivery. Dostavka korrespondentsii na tramvayakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166-167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to supply mail carriers with tramway tickets to make long delivery-runs easier. Dostavka pochtovykh otpravlenii i povestok narochnymi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introduction of mail del ivery by messengers at the request of the sender. Dostavka pochty na se 1e - zabota nomer od in; Torgonsk i i. N. M.; Vestn i k svyaz i; Nov. 1971; Two pages.


Dostavka pochty uskoryaetsya; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 12: Dec. 1971; One page on speeding up mail delivery in Leningrad by establlshing 'local delivery' service, more mail pick-ups, etc. Dostavka pochty v prigorodakh i sel'skoi mestnosti; Khaletskas, I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1970; Three pages on mail delivery to suburbs ana rural areas in the Lithuanian SSR. Oushanbinskoi pochte 40 let; Kabirov. Kh.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Oct. 8. Dushanbinskomu pochtamtu - 50 let; Sharakhmetov,

I.; Vestnik svyazi;


10; Oct.


Ehffekt 'Mechennykh atomov'; Psurtsev, N.; Literaturnaya gazeta; Mar. 10, 1971; The USSR Minister of Communications' response to the magazine's experiment. Ehffekt tsentralizatsii dostavki; Grigor'ev, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. pages on centralized sorting and delivery in the Severodvinsk City Communications Center.

1975; Two

Ehffekt vzaimodeistviya; Lavrov, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; Three pages on cooperation among the various communications offices in Volgograd. Eshche 0 proizvoditel'nosti truda, kacnestve raboty i kvalifikatsii; Musatov, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 1-:;; The 'revolution in post-and-telegraph operations' and continuing efforts to raise communications workers' qualifications. Eshche raz 0 kryzhopol'skom pochine i ego posledovatelyakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1974; Ten pages. A collection of speeches on the Kryzhopol' method given at the Joint Session of the USSR Ministry of Communications Collegium and the Presidium of the Professional Union of Communications Workers Central Committee. Eshche rc:.z


Pervom standarte; Karlinskli, V.;

Eshche r'az ob uvedomleniyakh; Papinako,

Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr.

Eshche raz ob uvedomleniyakh; Vnuchkov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; page. Faorika mezhdunarodnoi pochty; Abakshin, B.; Gudok; Apr. 8, International GPO in Moscow.

11; Nov.

1968: 34-37;

1983: One page. 1拢70; One

1962; The newly-opened

Filateliya, god 22-i ... ; Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; July 1966; 12-13; The Soviets' use of philately in 1922 to help finance aid programs to the populace. Formal 'nosti, svyazannye s zaklyucheniem kontraktov; Makarov, A.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 117; The author proposes tax breaks to entice peasants to carry the mail . Further Notes on the Jewish Autonomous Oblast'; Weinert, Howard L.; May 1981; 48-49; The Birobidzhan district.

Post Rider; 8'

Gaidarovtsy, timurovtsy, pochtoviki; Oloventsov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 56-57; The 'Pioneer Post' of Geidar Village. Tse1inograd oblast'. Gashenie 8 noyabrya 1918 goda: Florenskii, V.: Fllatellya SSSR: 2; Feb. 19 7 3: VII; A reader announces discovery of a 'Chainoreaker' stamp cancelled on 8 Nov. 1918. the jay G'.fter P.F. Mazur tneoriZ2S the,路 were lntr'oduced. Gazeta idet; K .. N.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. newspaper mailing and handl ing.

1924; 6-11;

Information and statistics on

Gazeta sredl krest'yan v Sev.-Zap. okruge svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal delivery of various newspapers. to the peasants. Gazeta. pochta, chitatel'; (n.a.); Pravda; Nov. problems in newspaper delivery.


1973; Postal

improvements and

Gazety dolzhny dostavlyat'sya vovremya; Radzievskii, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May

Postal History, Soviet




1978; Three pages. Gde ehta ulitsa, gde ehtot dom?; Baltkal 'nis, L.; Sovetskaya Litva; Aug. 10, 1975; Blaming the republic's gorkoms and raikoms for not being logical in layout and naming of streets, thus making things more difficult for postill ions. Gde ty, dolgozhdannyi pochtal 'on?; Stavitskaya, S.: Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Sep. 2, 1984; 2; An interview with Estonian Postal Administration Chief A.A. Litvinov on public complaints about poor postal service. Gde vykhod iz polozheniya? 1925; 100-103;

(Po povodu dostavki gazet.); Derzhavin, M.; ZhTS;

Gde vzyat' surguch?; Rusakova, Z.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. obtaining sealing wax in the Tyumen' Post Office.

1; Jan.

1979; Problems with

General'naya skhema upravleniya otrasl 'yu: chto sdelano. chto predstoit; Lapshina, N.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1989; 2-4; Formation of large communications production associations, reduction in the number of administrations, and improvment in the central communications apparatus. Getting the Post Closer to the People; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 107; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS, June 1924, p. 163. Short article about printing postal announcements, rates, etc. in the local languages as well as Russian. Golod, marki i shokolad; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 50; The text of Antonov-Ovseenko's directive to establishment and enterprise chiefs in Samara province to support the exchange of stamps for chocolates to aid hungry children. Golos svyazista.

0 tarifnoi politike.; Terebenev, A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr.

1924; 93-97;

Gor'kaya pravda. (0 nashei rabote v derevne.); Barinov; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 76-78; Shortcomings and defects in the NKPiT push to bring communications services to the rural masses. Gorodskaya sluzhebnaya pochta; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; The 'Sbor vzyskan' datestamps of 1929-mid-1930s.

JUly 1975; 22-23;

Gosorgany i Svyaz' v Odesskoi gubernii; ('",.a.); ZilTS; 4; Apr. 1924; Improvements in postal service's throughout Odessa province.


Gubkom na pomoshch' svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Voronezh Drovincial Committee's measures to help local post offices. GOST na pochtovuyu terminologiyu; Vishnevskii, L.A./Mironova, L.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1970; Two pages on compiling a book on standard government terminology for the Post. I.

V Svyaz'plane. Predpolozheniya NKPiT po proizvodstvennomu planu na 1924-25 g.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 102-108; The NKPiT's 'Communications Plan' for 1924,-1925. Includes proposals for the Post and the Telegraph.


V Svyaz'plane. 1. Otchet 0 deyatel'nosti Svyaz'plana.; L'vov; ZhTS; B; Aug. 1924; 90-95; An overview of the 'Communications Plan' for the post and telegraph.

Idet po selu pochtal 'on; Afanas'ev. N.A.; Pravda; Nov. 10, oblast' postillions voluntarily adding new services.

1973; About the Vinnitsa

Indikator obshchestvennogo mneniya; Borisov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1983; Two pages of discussion about postal problems brought to the attentlon of 'Vestnik svyazi' through letters. Interesnaya nakhodka; Murashkin, A.L.; Vestnik svvazi; 7; July 1981; One page on 18th and 19th century letters and documents found during a major renovation of the old PskOv post office. Interesnyi dokument; Chernogor, A.; Fi~ateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; VIII; The text of the announcement encouraging people to buy the 4 semi-postals issued in 1923 to aid the starving. Ispol'zovanie pol'skikh znakov pochtovoi oplaty i pochtovykh shtempelei na territorii Zapadnoi Ukrainy i zapadnoi Belorussii; Lashkevich, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; VII-VIII, 33; Polish stamps and cancels used in Western Ukraine and western Belorussia, 1939-1940. Ispol'zovanie rezervov dostavochnoi sluzhby; Oleinik, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Two pages on increasing mail delivery volume at the Novosibirsk Post Office.

Postal History, Soviet




Istoriya koppechnoi marki vypuska 1909 goda; Kolesnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 9-11; The 1909 1kop. stamp and the many uses to which it was put in later years. Istoriya pochtovoi marki; Kolesknikov, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 38-39; Continued from #10. Includes information on RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR stamps. Itogi konkursa na luchshuyu sel 'skuyu pochtu; Kolchin, A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 126-131; Results of an NKPiT competition for the best rural post. Itogi pervogo polugodiya 1924-25 g. i perspektivy novogo byudzhetnogo goda; Smirnov, I.; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 2-6; Data from 1924 to mid-1925, and communications plans for the future. Itogi polugodovoi deyatel 'nosti agentstva 'Svyaz"; Derzhavin, M.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 21-26; Itogi raionirovaniya svyazi po Uralu; Sh., A.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep. -Oct. 1924; 157-161; The Ural Communications Distrlct's administrative efforts to delineate postal boundaries and communications between offices. Iz dorozhnogo blok-nota; Proezzhii; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 120-122; A journalist's impressions of personnel and the postal situationalong the railroad line through Faustovo. Iz letopisi otrasl i svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Three pages of chronological listings of decrees, orders and organizational changes having to do with communications, including the Post, beginning in 1917. Iz opyta organizatsii truda na predpriyatiyakh svyazi Belorussii; Ostol'skaya, M.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1966; Three pages. Includes postal information. Iz punkta 'A' v punkt 'B' ... ; (n.a.); Sotsialisticheskaya indus'triya; Negative copyflo, one page on slow delivery of newspapers.

June 2,1981;

Iz putevykh vpechatlenii; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 94-106; The author's impressions of a trip to various post-and-telegraph establishments in the Vologda area. Includes photographs of some small post offices, a postal cutter on the Sukhona River, etc. Iz Samary na Penzu i po traktam; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 123-125; The author's impressions of postal conditions on railroad routes 216, 159-160, and a mobile and circular route. Izmenenie fcrmy povestki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 142-143; Short item it" the 'Khronika' section on a new notice-af-receipt form. Izmenenie sistemy napravleniya korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a change in the way correspondence is routed. Izmeneniya v zadelke korrespondentsii i v dokumentakh k nei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on changes in mail handling. II.

V Ehksploatatsionno-TekhnichesKom Upravlenii. (Mai-avgustJ.: Kozhukhov; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 108, 111-112; Projects and proposals in the postal sphere to improve serVices.


V Upravleniyakh NKPT. Po Ehksploatatsionno-Tekhnicheskomu Upravleniyu.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr'. 1924; 85. 83-90: Postal actlvlties and initiatives in various parts of Soviet Russia.

K issledovaniyu revclyutsionnykh oochtovykh marok; Mazur, P.; Filatel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 18-19; A discussion of dates and places appearing on the Chainbreaker stamps. K istorii pochtovykn otdelenii yakutskogo Zapolyar'ya; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 42-46; Soviet datestamps and covers from Yakutia, postal history of the area. K likvidatsii Orlovskogo Okruga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on decisions taken concerning the disbandment of the Orel Communications District. K lozungu 'pochtovaya marka - v massu'; Chichinadze, V.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 15-18; The author discusses the importance of the postage stamp, pointing to Rowland Hill and the introductlon of the 'penny-porto', and the reasons for the NKPiT's push to get 'stamps to the masses'. K podnyatiyu proizvodstva; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voronezh Districts efforts to improve communications

Postal History, Soviet




'product i on' . K postroike khar'kovskogo pochtamta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a commission's choice for the site of the Khar'kov Post Office. K priemu nalogovykh summ; Kuz'min; for taxes.

ZhTS; 9; Sep.

1925; 59-62; The Post as a channel

K svedeniyu rabotnikov predpriyatii pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1965; Short notice from the Main Postal Administration advising postal workers not to use the mail del ivery method outlined in Pospol itak's article in 'Vestnik svyaz i' #4, Apr. 1965. K voprosu 1925;


podnyatii proizvoditel'nosti truda v NKPT; Musatov, A.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 13-17; The author's thoughts on increasing the NKPiT's productivity.

K 50-letiyu muzeya Narodnoi Svyazi; Shedling, M.; ZhTS; 8; Aug.



Kachestvo garantiruetsya; Yushka, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1983; Three pages on how the Kaunas GPO workers won the travel ing Red Banner Award of the CC CPSU. Kachestvo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya - v tsentre vnimaniya; Zakharov, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1969; Three pages on improving postal services in Leningrad. Kak budet rabotat' pochta; Rupskii, 0.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; Mar. 17, 1967; The Estonian SSR Minister of Communications describes measures to improve postal service. Kak dela na pochte; Batygin, A.; Pravda; Apr. 24, 1983; 3; An interview with USSR Oeputy Minister of Communications 0.1. Mangel'din concerning postal problems, plans and current status. Kak dobit'sya svoevremennosti vyemki pisem; Golovei, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Two pages. Kak my obsluzhivaem naselenie Minska; Mel 'nikov. G.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1965; Short article on the Minsk GPO's mail del ivery efforts. Kak my povyshaem rentabel'nost' pochtovoi svyazi; Vartan'yan, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1966; Postal communications in and around Murmansk. Kak nachali vnedryat' NOT na Minskom pochtamte; ZUbkov, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1968; Three pages. Kak organizuem dostavku pochty; Maslennikova, E.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; pages on mail delivery from the Frunze GPO.


Kak pomoch' pochte; Malarchuk, G./Fonyakov, I.; Literaturnaya gazeta; Apr. 12; On attempts to resolve mail delivery problems.

1981; Two 14,


Kak stroit Ural'skii okrug sel 'skuyu svyaz'; Shilyaev, A.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 125-127; How the Urals Communications District is going about establ ishing rural communications. Kak uskorit' prodvizhenie pochty; Bazylov, K.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; pages on speeding up mail-handl ing in the Kazakh SSR.


1980; Two

Kakim byt' otdeleniyu svyazi na sele; Bolotov. G.I./Varoshenko, I.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; Two pages of discussion on which types of communications branch offices must be built ln the Ukraine and what they'll be capable of. Kantispolkomy i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the opening of new postal establ ishments in a Bashkir canton. Kantselyariya i proizvodstvo. (Po dannym Moskovskogo Okruga Svyazi.); Boishel', V.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 90-94; Statistical and narrative information on the amount of 'official mail' generated by various state establishments, and its effect on the postal work load. Ka"el'skii Sovnar'kom i Svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on resolutions taken by the Karelian ASSR Sovnarkom concerning communications. Karrikatura NOT; A., M.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 109-110; The author complains about the new 'card' book-keeping system in the Voronezh office. Karsunskaya peredvizhka; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; District, Ul'yanovsk Province.

110-111; The mobile post in Karsun

Kazanskii pochtamt posle rekonstruktsii; Buyanovskii, N.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1968; Two pages.

Postal History, Soviet




Khotya vypusk i ne sostoyalsya; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970; 12; Part of an official correspondence deal ing with unissued 'Respubl ika Rossii' stamps in 1918. Kievskii pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1981; One page on how the Kiev Post Office plans to put the decisions of the Octobe~' 1980 Plenum into effect. K1assifikatsiya predpriyatii pri novoi strukture; Fe-Dan; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 81-83; An explanation of the new structural classification scheme, i.e. offices, branch offices and agencies. Kniga i gazeta v derevnyu cherez pochtu; Kniga

(n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct.



svyazi; KUdryavtsev, A.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 103-105; The author comments on what a book on communications pUbl 1shed by the NKPiT ought to address.


Kniga v derevnyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 172; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on 'Svyaz"s efforts to get books to rural areas using post-and-telegraph branch offices. Knyazevskii sel'sovet rabotnikam svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 117; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on peasants expressing their thanks to postal workers for their service. Kogda peredovoi opyt ne povtoryaetsya; Nedosekin, R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Two pages on postal communications in KhimKi.


Kogda verstalsya nomer. Den' rozhdeniya pervykh sovetskikh marok - 7 noyabrya 1918 goda.; Parshikov, D.; Filate1iya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 6; An archive copy of a telegram informing various government organs when the Chainbreaker stamps would be issued. Ko1 'tsevaya pochta po Sev. -Zap. oblasti;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug.



Kol 'tsevaya pochta v Azerbaidzhane; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 116-117; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on organizing mobile circular posts in Azerbaidjan. Kol 'tsevaya svyaz' uvelichi1a vypisku gazet; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 172; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Tambov Province intra-volost' circular post increasing newspaper subscriptions. Komissar fi1atelii; Sladkov, L.; F,lateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 11-13; F.G. Chuchin. InclUdes a never-before-published photo of the Chuchin family. Kom,ssiya po peresmotru i uproshcheniyu poryadke sortirovki, zadelki, napravleniya i peresylki poChtovykh otpravlenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Short item in tne 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT commission looking into ways to simpl ify and improve mail handling. Komissiya po standartizatsii; (n.a.); ZnTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. the 'KhroniKa' section on postal standardization.


193; Short item in

Komsomol'tsy i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3: Mar. 1925; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on tne Putiv1' PTa komsomols and their resolutions to agitate and instruct the peasantry on postal services. Konkurs derevenskoi pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 150; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the 'Bednota'-sponsored 'village-post competition'. Konkurs derevensKoi pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 1: Announcement of a competition among rural postal establ ishments, run by the newspaper 'Bednota'. Kontrol' skorcsti prokhozhdeniya pisem;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


Kontrolery-jnstruktora; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1924: 142; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectIon on the foundation of a 'controller-instructor Institute to provide supervision and qual ity control In post o~~lce operations. Kcnvert s okoshkom; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; introDuction o~ 'window envelopes'.

12; Dec.

1968; Short article on the

Korrespondentsiya gosuchrezhdenii; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about an attempt by the Tambov PTa to improve postal service for state establishments. Krai aivy i seledki; Rodnoi; ZhTS; 2; Feb. area. Includes three illustrations.


128-129; The post in the Astrakhan'

Krest'yanskii zaem v p.-t. predpriyatiyakh; Kova1enko, E.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 8-9; SOViet post-and-telegraph offices used to help further the State loan to peasants.

Postal History, Soviet




Kritiki i prozhektery; Barinov, A.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-oct. 1924; 132-134; Criticisms about rural mail services, and efforts to improve delivery. Kto stuchitsya v dyer' ko mne ... ; Limonov, N.; 28, 1980; Mail del ivery problems.

Sotsialisticheskaya industriya;


Kto stuchitsya v dyer' ko mne?; Mil', A.A.; 1978; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original paperback pocketbook. A broad presentation of postal history from ancient times to Soviet, written for children. KU1'turnaya rabota sel'skoi pochty; obzherin, G.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 108-111; The mobile post as an agent of cultural-ties promotion between the cities and rural areas. L'goty po peresylke literatury; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT's granting of certain privileges to publishing houses when sending their material through the mail . Laboratoriya pochtovoi svyazi; orudzheva, B.; Bakinskii rabochii; Nov. Projects under study or development by the Baku P.O. postal lab.



Lenin, deti, fi latel iya; Stal 'baum, B.; SK; 8; 1970; 3-22; Soviet efforts to combat famine and help children by philatelic means during the 19205. Includes several decrees and instructions. Leningradskaya pochta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1965; One page on the accomplishments of the Leningrad GPO and its branch offices, and plans for the future. Leningradskoi pochte 250 let; Kaz'mina, R.;

SK; 2;



Leningradskoi pochte 250 let; Korneev, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. pages on the 250-year history of the Leningrad GPO.

1964; Three

Letter Del ivery Time; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 78; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS, May 1924, p. 155. Provides the average delivery times in various cities for domestic and international mail. Letters From Poland to Leningrad ... ; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 91; Skipton, David M.; Short item on a new routing of mail from Poland beginning 18 October 1924. Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #12, 1924. Lichnoe kleimo sortirovshchikov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. about operator signs on dispatch marks to reduce misrouting.

1968; Short item

Likvidatsiya orlovskogo okruga Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the abolishment of the orel Communications District. List of Post Offices in the Jewish Autonomous Province As of Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 30; Literatura 0 pochte i filatelii 139-145;

1937; Cronin, Andrew;

(na russkom yazyke); Babintsev, S.; SK; 3;

Local Administration Handstamps on Postal June-July 1991; 15-18;



Epstein, Alexander; Pochta;


Luchshe obsluzhivat' pochtovoi svyaz'yu naselenie stol itsy; Smirnov, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1961; Three pages on various efforts to improve postal service in Moscow. Mail

From German PoWs in Soviet Captivity 1945-1956; Michalove, Peter A.; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 30-36;


iz starogo al'boma; BUkharov, Oleg N ; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; Original paper'back pocketbook. Discusses a wide range of topics, from postal history of the early years to Russia's first stamp. zemstvos, Poland and Finland #1, and early Soviet issues.

Marki Narkompochtelya. God 1918-i.; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 47; Two extract~ from the archives are reproduced. One concerns the Chainbreaker issue, the other an unissued 25kop. stamp. Markirovannye kartochki dlya sudebnoi korrespondentsii, izdannye sovetskoi pochtoi; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1.973; VII-VIII; Official postcards issued for court notices and receipt of court notices. Marochnye ehmissii Kievskogo pochtovogo okruga; Parkhomovich, S.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 28-29; A chapter reproduced from Parkhomovich's unpublished monograph. Matters Moldavian; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider;

25; Dec.

1989; 41-67;

Includes three

Postal History, Soviet




maps of the Bessarabia/Moldavia area, a listing of post offices and zip codes for Moldavia, and postal history. Mekhanicheskaya masterskaya pochtamta; Kravchuk, Two pages.

I.F.; Vestnik svyazi;

10; Oct.


Mekhanizatsiya pochtovykh predpriyatii Ukrainy; Sinchenko, G.Z.; Vestnik 5vyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; Three pages. Mekhaniziruem dostavku pochty naseleniyu; Tret'yakova, A.P.; Vestnik svyaz;; 8; Aug. 1968; Two pages about mechanized mail delivery at the Kishinev GPO. Meropriyatiya NKPiT po uluchsheniyu Svyazi v Zakavkaz'e; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT shutting down or re-categorizing post offices operating at a deficit in the Caucasus.


Mesta prodazhi znakov oplaty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 195-196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the slow pace of lntroducing 'stamp sale points' in rural areas. Mezhdunarodnyi pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6: June 1962; Short article on the opening of the international post office in Moscow, 9 May 1962. Mezhvedomstvennaya voina na mestakh; Rodnoi; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 161-162; An incident at a station on the Southeastern Railroads Line where a turf battle took place between a post-and-telegraph office and the railroads' administration. Mnogogrannaya rabota; Ukolova, T.V.; Vestnik svyazi; Rostov-na-Donu Post Office.

11; Nov.

1981; Two pages on the

Mobile Posts in the Lower Volga District; (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 49; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #7, 1924. More About the Crimean Tartars; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; More About the Crimean Tartars; Michalove,


10; May 1982; 64-65;

Post Rlder;

10; May 1982; 64-65;

More About the Volga Germans; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. of post offices, and some cancels are shown.

1981; 58-61;

More About the Volga Germans; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 9; Nov.

1981; 61;


More About Moldavia; Michalove, Peter/et al.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 68-70; A follow-up to 'Matters Moldavian' in ~25. Mcskovskaya pochta gctovitsya k Olimpiade; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 35; An intervlew ~Iith 5.5. Slobodchikov, c~ief of the Moscow GPO's Olympic support office. about postal preparations for the event. MOskovskaya sessiya r~kovodyashchego soveta Kon~ul'tativnoi komissii pochtovykh i zuchen i i; Makarov. O. K.; Vestn i k svyaz;; 1: Jan. 1969; Two pages. Moskovskii pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1961; One page on measures taken by the Moscow GPO to meet th~ decisions adopted at the XXII Congress. Moskovskii pochtamt segodnya; Smirnov, G.N.; Gorodskoe khozyaistvo Moskvy; 3; Mar. 1975; 17-19; Moskovski; pochtamt, podtyanis'!; Bel 'kov; ZhTS; 7: uUly 1925; 75; Complaints about Moscow GPO mishandling of newspaper subscrlptions. Moskovskii pochtovyi uzel;



ZhTS; 5; Mey 1924;

Moskva. pochtamt; Romanov, A.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Jan.

110-113; 24,


My dolzhny ehkonomit'; 'Chut'chto'; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 9-14: The author argues for money- and resource-savlng lnitiatives in the Soviet Post and Telegraph. Na boevom postu; Kochergina, I.A.; VestniK svyazi; 6; in Leningrad during the WWII siege.

June 1979; One page on the post

Na kontrole pochtovaya i telegrafnaya svyaz'; Medvedev. E./Radzievskii, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; Two pages concerning checks on postal and telegraphic efficiency. Na magistral i veka; Afanas'ev, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1974; One page on communications support to BAM workers, including postal information. Na pochtovykh raz'ezdakh; Krushinskii, M.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; June 5, 1984; 2; An interview with First Deputy Minister of Communications V.N. Matsnev concerning public complaints. Includes postal problems.

Postal History, Soviet




Na proverke - kachestvo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; One page on checking up on problems with the Post in the Voronezh area. Na Kol'tsevom trakte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on establishment of a second circular post in the Tver' area. Nadezhnuyu svyaz' stroitelyam BAMa; Shapovalov. N.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Three pages on communications support to BAM workers. Includes postal information.


Nado povesti reshitel 'nuyu bor'bu; Novozhilov, P.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 36-38; The author inveighs against waste, fraud, and theft in post-and-t~legraph operations. Naselenie i pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the population of BUbnovo-Nazimovskii raion levying taxes on themselves to support the post office. Naselenie i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Voronezh Oblast' station's desire to support communications improvements. Naselenie i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Krasnorep'evskii raion's appreciation for the NKPiT. Naselenie Gorskoi ASSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on two Gory ASSR auls expressing their thanks to the NKPiT for establishing communications there. Naseleniyu - sovershennuyu pochtovuyu svyaz'; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1961; Four pages. Provides a USSR-wide overview of postal service. Nash drug - pochtal'on; the postal system.


Izvestiya; Oct.


10; Oct.

1963; Problems and successes of

Nash opyt sovershenstvovaniya dostavochnoi sluzhby; Oleinik, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1968; Two pages on delivery services at the Novosibirsk Post Office. Nash opyt sovershenstvovaniya pochtovoi svyazi; Nefedov, A.Va.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1965; Three pages on the postal service in Ivanovo oblast'. Nasha pochta; (n.a.); Pravda; Aug. improve postal service.



1971; Lead article on what must be done to

Nasha pochta segodnya i zavtra; Matsnev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1976; 1-3; The Chief of the Main Postal Administration and his assessment of the Soviet Post today and in the future. Nashi dobrovol'nye pomoshchniki; Karasev, V.A./Artyukhova, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1969; Two pages on 'publiC councils' and volunteers helping with mail delivery in Ivanovo. Nashi glavnye rezervy; Semakov, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1975; Three pages on improvements in technology and methodology at the Moscow GPO. Nashi nuzhdy; Svetlichkin, P.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1968; One page on problems and solutions of expediting mail delivery in the Stavropol' area. Nastoichivo uluchshat' rabotu pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1965; Two pages concerning a discussion in the Collegium of the MS SSSR of reports on postal service given by the Krasnodar and Lipetsk Communications Centers. Nastoichivo uluchshat' rabotu pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1967; One page. The Collegium of the Ministry of Communications discusses problems with the Post. The meeting was a result of an article in 'Pravda' excoriating it. Nauchanya organizatsiya truda u orlovskikh pochtovikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improved efficiency at the Orel Central Post-and-Telegraph Office. Ne dostavleno adresatu; Gromadskii, L.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Sep. 30, 1973; Complaints from Frunze residents about delays in newspaper and magazine del ivery. Ne dovernesh'sya - b'yut i perevernesh'sya - b'yut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 142; The tribulations of a rural postmaster, attempting to save newspaper subscribers a few kopecks but being criticized from all sides for trying. Ne mchitsya troika pochtovaya; Vainshtein, P./Mikheev, V./Shmeleva, N.; Sel'skaya


Postal History. Soviet zhizn'; June 18.



1967; Complaints about poor rural mail service.

Ne mirit'sya s nedostatkami v raoote pocl1tovoi svyazi; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1965; Two pages on efforts Oy the Ministry of Communications Collegium of the Moldavian SSR to improve postal service. Ne pora 1i pristupit' k aktsionirovaniyu?; Derzhavin. M.; ZhTS; 5: May 1925; 157-158; A proposal to make part of the 'Agentstvo Svyaz" organization a joint-stock outfit. Nedelya pis'ma: Belova. I.; Vestnik svyazi; activities in the USSR. Nedelya pis'ma; Khomenko. Post in Moldavia.



1976; One page on 'Letter Week'

A.; Sovetskaya Moldaviya; Oct. 8,

Nedelya pis'ma: Marinich. A.; Sovetskaya Rossiya: Oct. 5. 1958.

1958: The state of the

1958; The Soviet Post in

Nedelya pis'ma 1972 goda v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Special cards and postmarks used during 'Letter Week' in 1972. Nelegal'naya pochta na sudakh Kaspara; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; merchant captains carrying mail illegally to avoid the Post.

1973; 40-41;

117; Soviet

Neskol'ko prakticheskikh zamechanil 0 peredvizhke; Babushkin. K.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 119; The author's observations on shortcomings in certain mobile posts. Nestandartnyi konvert; Lebedinskii, V.; Sotsialisticheskaya industriya; Sep. 8, 1982; An interview with K. Shatalov. Deputy Chief of the Main Postal Administration, concerning mail delivery delays and plans to switch to standard-size envelopes. New Postroad From Yakutsk to the Railroad; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 61; Skipton, David M.; TranSlated from ~he 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #11, Nov. 1924. Notes of an Old Philatelist; Marcovich. Emile; Rossica; 44; 1954; 5-11; Scattered tidbits on a wide variety of Russian and related collecting areas. Novaya set' i upravlenie eyu; Fe-Dan; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 63-64; The author promotes several approaches to improving operation and control of postal agencies. Novaya sistema khozyaistvovaniya dlya proizvodstvenno-tekhnlcheskikh upravlenii svyazi; Konyukhova, V.M./Srapionov, 0.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1967; Three pages. Novaya sistema khozyaistvovaniya v pochtovci svyazi; Krasovskayb, M.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Three pages on economic self-support within the Sverdlovsk Post Office. Novaya skhema Upravlenii Okrugov; (n.a.): ZhiS; 4; Apr. 1924; 132; section. Proposed structure for Territorial Administrations.

In the 'Khronika'

Novoe v dostavke pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 7; JUly 1969: One page on various methods of mail del ivery undertaken in the USSR to speed up movement of the mails. Novye pochtamty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. 1964; Short article on new post offices in Tall in and at the Karaganda airport. Novye sooruzheniya svyazi - Kievskii dom svyazi/Minski i pochtamt; (n.a. I; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1957; Two pages. Snort descriptions of these buildings along with two large photographs. Novyi pochtamt v gorode-kurorte; Konstantinov, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. One oage on a new pest o~flce in Sochi. Novyi pochtamt v Omske;


(n.a. I; Vestnik svyazi: 5; May 1965; One page.

Novyi Dochtovyi t~akt at Yakutska k zheleznoi doroge; (n.a.): ZhTS; 11; Nev. 1924; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectlon on construction of a new post r'oad from Yakutsk to the railroad. Novyi poryadok zadelki i napravleniya korrespondentsii; Grigor'ev. N.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 128-130; Problems in routing mail via railroad cars, and a plan to solve them. Novyi predsedatel' TsK svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 141; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the election of a new Central Communications Committee chairman. Novyi vid uslug pochty; Khokhlov; ZhTS; 6; June 1924;

115-116; A Voronezh postal

Postal History, Soviet




official argues for using post-and-telegraph offices to help expand the state loan program into rural areas. NOT v pochtovoi svyazi i Soyuzpechati; Naumov, V.A./Didovich, 7; July 1968; Two pages.

L.M.; Vestnik svyazi;


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZI'lTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 104-108; Letters to the editor on a range of subjects, including circular posts, paying postal auxiliary point chiefs, mail routing, money order transfers, rates, and savings bank operations.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Letters to the editors on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, an~ telegrams.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; variety of topics.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 107-109; Letters to the editor on the following topics: a reader's complaint that too few articles by ordinary workers are printed; postal surrogates, newspaper subscriptions, registered letters to the villages, soldiers' mail, and taxes on sending c.o.a. mail.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 88-92; Letters to the editors on a variety of topics: home delivery of correspondence, rural lettercarriers, mobile posts, reactions in rural areas to the NKPiT's administrative reorganization, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 109-114; Letters to the editor on various subjects: money orders, raion offices, postage-due mail , newspapers and mail to rural areas, abolishing express mail, post office listings, popularizing the Post, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 118-124; Letters to the editors on a variety of topics: mail routing, training personnel, turf battles, money order control operations, speed of rural post delivery, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.): ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 109-113; Various letters to the editors on SUbjects ranging from the high cost of sending closed letters through problems with postal savings bank operations to the necessity of proper uniform wear.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 93-100; Letters to the editors on money order control, unnecessary RR mailcar-routing information, rural mail, complaints about a Voronezh Communications District problem with the Boguchar Uispolkom, court mail, savings banks, too much paperwork. retiring communications workers, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 117-123; Rural 'circular posts', newspaper and journal delivery by mail, packages. and postal workers' salaries.


chern nam piShut; (n,a.); ZhTS; 5: May 1925; 85-93; Letters to the editors on rural mail, postal operations at telegraph offices, money orders, packages, etc,

11; Nov.


101-104; Letters to the editors on a

o chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 117-120; Letters to the editors on the SUbjects of mobile and circular posts, plus the Post and taxes.


chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 79-83; Letters to the editors on complaints about the handling of postal money orders and packages.


chem nam pishut; (n.a.): ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 115-119; Letters to the editorial board on using the Post to mail in one's taxes, expanding services to rural areas, simplifying mail processing, etc.


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 76-83; Letters to the editors on various SUbjects: complaints about too many unnecessary postal forms and logbooks, compensation to savings-bank-operation employees, debate over' mobile and cir=ular posts. postage due procedures. the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.


chem nam pishut; (n.a,); ZhTS; 8; Aug. wide variety of topics.

1925; 73-83;

Letters to the editors on a


chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. variety of topics.

1925; 65-74;

Letters to the editors on a


chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 145-149; Letters to the editor on postal communications between the cities and rural areas, newspaper delivery to rural towns, postal advertisements, increasing the PTOs' profitability, simplifying postal bookkeeping, and using post offices to collect state taxes.

a chem nam pishut; B., A.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 123-127; Letters to the editors on SUbjects such as mobile and circular posts, newspaper delivery, mail delivery in

rural villages,



Postal History, Soviet


inspectors, aUditors and inquiry bureaus.


chem nam pishut; B., A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 113-118; Letters to the editor on problems being encountereo in the blg push to expand postal services in the rural areas, delivery of newspapers there, inspection and controi of postal operations, proposed changes in express mail services, etc.


doplatnoi korrespondentsii; Igoshkin, Ya.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 108-110; The author points out certain discrepancies in a proposal to allow postage due mail from abroad to go to its destination.


dostavke - nachistotu; Sklyarov, G.; Komsomol'skaya pravda; Sep. 3, with newspaper del ivery.



dostavke adresatam korrespondentsii v bol'shikh gorodakh; B.; ZhTS; 87-88;

1; Jan.


dostavke gazet; Barinov; ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 104-105; A postmaster in Sovet, Oonetsk Province, tells how his office delivers newspapers.


dostavke gazet; Maksimov, M.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 80-85; How the Obsharskoe circular post delivers newspapers.


finansovom raskreposhchenii NKPiT; Musatov, A.; ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 6-11;


meropriyatiyakh po uskoreniyu prokhozhdeniya i dostavki korrespondentsii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; One page on a review by the Collegium of the USSR Ministry of Communications on this question.


neoplachennoi mezhdunarodnoi korrespondentsii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 31; Notice that unpaid or underpaid ordinary. international correspondence will be returned to sender or treated as undelivered.


peredvizhnoi pochte; S., K.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 97-102; Advances in establishing mobile and circular posts in various districts of the Middle-Volga Communications District.


pochtovom obrashchenii revolyutsionnykh marok vypuska 1918 goda; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972: 34-36; Official documents and various postmarks establ ishing the opening date of use for the 'Chainbreaker' stamps of 1918.


poryadke zasvidetel'stvovaniya dokumentov na poluchenie pochtovykh otpravlenii v mestnostyakh gde net sel'skikh sovetov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on simplifying the rules for witnessIng receipt of documents at rural post offices.


provintsial'noi 'rutine'; Igoshkin: ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 137-138; The Volga-Kama Communications District's problems with mailbox repair and mobile posts.


rabote 5 klienturoi; Kuprina, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi: 2: Feb. 1971; Two pages on results of a group formed in 1967 at the Omsk Post Office for promoting the zip code, advertising postal services and publ ic meetings.


raschetakh za uslugi svyazi na domu; Shklyar, P.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1979; One page on introduction of receipts (talony) for delivery of 'services' (uslugi) in Brest' oblast'.


raspredelenii raboty i skheme upravleniya; Khodeev, M.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 3-9; An argument that postal management must be streamlined. and more attention paid to the entire 'production process' of postal operations.


sel'skoi pochte; Khodeev, M.; ZhTS;


sobiranii sel'khoznaloga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9: Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on negotiations between the NKPiT ard the State Bank o~ uS1ng the Post to channel taxes from agrlcultural areas.


voprosakh proizvoditel 'nos~j i ehkonomii; Kolchin, A.: ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 66-70; More discussion on ways to improve productivity and save money in postal operations.


zhivoi svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about orders from the Odessa Provinclal Executive Committee to cease using non-postal couriers to carry mail.


L'vovskom metode dostavki pochty;

12; Dec.




(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1970; One page.

Db ankete moskovskogo pochtamta; Dem'yanskii, Nikola; ZhTS; 2; Feb. Results of a postal questionnaire sent out to 43,000 patrons. Db okruzhnykh i raionnykh kontorakh;


Sh., A.; ZhTS;

12: Dec.


1924; 89-92;


Postal History, Soviet




Organization and activities of the post and telegraph in the Ekaterinburg area. Ob organizatsii peredvizhnykh pocht po territorii Orlovskoi gubernii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924: 197; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Orel province's efforts to establish mobile posts in its rural areas. Db osnovnom kapitale svyazi; Musatov, A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 7-11; A look at NKPiT financial problems and the need to change various approaches to communications operations. Ob osvobozhdenii perevozok pochty ot dopolnitel 'nykh sborov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146-147; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT being exempted from paying the NKPS for ',.Jeighing, loading and unloading mail in certain circumstances. Ob uluchshenii kachestva raboty. (Napravlenie korrespondentsii.); Khodeev, M.; ZhTS; 12; Oec. 1925; 11-14; The author's proposals and observations on improving mail handling and routing. Ob uproshchenii pochtovogo proizvodstva; K.. P.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 86-87; The author points out a number of time-consuming postal tasks and makes recommendations to simplify them. Ob uslugakh pochty naseleniyu; Gubchevskii, V.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 62-63; The author disagrees with Troikin's article in #7 on allowing factories and craftshops to send their goods through the mail , regardless of weight. Ob'yazatel'noe uchastie predpriyatii na mestnykh sel'sko-khozyaistvennykh vystavkakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Northwestern Communications District post offices being ordered to participate in agricultural exhibitions. Obespechenie derevni pochtoi po Severo-Zapadnoi oblasti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on rural mail in the Northwestern Oblast' . Dbespechenie vikov po Sev.-Zap. oblasti pochtovoi svyaz'yu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal support for volost' executive committees in Northwestern oblast'. Obespechivaem sokhrannost' denezhnykri sredstv i pochtovykh otpravlenii na predpriyatiyakh svyazi; Zaikin. V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec, 1968; Two pages on ensuring physical and accounting security of mail at the Astrakhan' oblast' PTUS. Oblastno; ispolnitel 'nyi komitet Mariiskoi Avtonomnoi oblasti 0 rabote Volzhsko-Kamskogo apparata Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 112; Data on postal operations in the Mari Autonomous Oblast'. Oblechennye osobymi (0 pervykh komissarakh pochtovo-telegrafnogo vedomstva v oktyabr'skie dni 1917 g.); Rasin, B.!.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1967; Three pages. Obl ispolkom zabotitsya ob uluchshenii dostavki pechati; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; Dec. 1967; One page on printed matter del ivery in the Arkhangel'sk area.


Obmen kazennoi korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166-167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Voronezh Post Office organizing an official-mail-delivery bureau, and improving official mail delivery in the Ukraine. Obrabotka i otpravka gazet; Rusakov, S.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. and del ivery of newspapers in Nizhnii Novgorod. Obraztsovoe p.t. predpriyatie; S., A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. open a 'model P&T Office'.

1924; 92-94; Postal handling


18-21; Unrealized plans to

Obshchee sobranie krest'yan sela Kostornenskogo rabotnikam svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 117; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on peasants expressing their thanks to postal workers for their service. Obsledovanie Moskovskogo Okruga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 163-164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the results of an inspectors' group review of the Moscow Communications District. Obsledovanie, proizvedennoe R.K.1.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 153-154; Recommendations from the RKI (Accounting and Control) on NKPiT financial matters and bookkeeping. Obsluzhivanie Moskovskoi gUbernii pochtoi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on the post in Moscow Province.

151; Short

Obuchenie rabotnikov svyazi mestnym yazykam v Volzhsko-Kamskom okruge;

(n.a.); ZhTS;

Postal History, Soviet




7; July 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on teaching communications workers in the Volga-Kama District the local languages. Obyazate1'naya prodazha znakov pocht0voi oolaty: (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on mandatory sale of postage stamps and stationery in Vladimir Province. Odesskaya sanatoriya NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 135: Sanatoria facilities on the outskirts of Odessa. for post-and-teiegraph employees. Ograblenie pochty: (n.a.); ZhTS; section about a mail heist.

12; Dec.


138; Short item in the 'Khronika'

Ograb1enie pochty i ubiistvo pochta1 'ona; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10: Sep.-Oct. 1924; 200; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a mail theft and murder of a postillion. Okonchanie perevoda Yaros1avskoi p.-t. kontory v novoe zdanie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Yaros1av PTO transferring to a new building. Okrispo1kom Rostov n/Oonu idet navstrechu sel'skim pis'monostsam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Rostov Okrug Executive Committee orders to provide shelters for 1ettercarriers on their rounds. Olimpiiskie pochta1 'ony; Bel ikov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. postal preparations for the 1980 Olympics. Omsk.

1978; One page on

Razdacha bukvarei.: (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 137-138; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a mobile post agent in Omsk issuing primers to adult peasants on his rounds.

Operatsiya 'Mechennye Atomy-2'; Rubinov, A.; Literaturnaya gazeta; magazine's experiment to check on postal efficiency.

Feb. 3,

Operatsiya 'Mechennye Atomy-4'; Rubinov, A.; Literaturnaya gazeta; Mar. A look at postal problems in timely delivery.


1971; The 1983;


Operatsiya na pochtovykll traktakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Northerr Caucasus District travelling postal officials stopping at all points along the way to conduct operations. Operatsiya po po1ucheniyu i inkassirovaniyu vekselei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Krlronika' section on the NKPiT obtaining loans from credit institutions to cover promissory notes in the postal system. Opyt - bogatstvo dlya vsekh; Vultakh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. pages on the leading communications offices in Central Asia.

1971; Three

Opyt organizatsii dostavochnoi sluzhby v uzle svyaz;; Krasinskaya, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1965; Two pages on srganizing delivery services in Ivanovo obl ast' . Opyt organizatsii gorodskoi sluzhebnoi pochty v svyazi; 7; July 1964: Three pages.


Mironchik, S.A.; Vestnik

Opyt ratsionalizatsli proizvodstva v Voronezhskoi p.-t. kontore; Siplivinskii, A.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 97-100; The Voronezh Post-and-Telegraph Office's efforts to improve the efficiency of its operations. Opyt ratsiona1izatsii proizvodstva v Voronezhskoi p./t. kontore; Siplivinskii, A. ZhTS; 6; June 1925: 89-99; Efficiency improvements at the Voronezh PTO. Organizatsiya dostavkl gazet, zhurnalov i pochtovykh otprav1enii v Moldavskoi SSR; Kucha, Ya. A.; Vestnik svyazl; 4; Apr. 1964; Two pages. Organizatsiya opornyk~ punKtov na dostEvochnykh uchastkakh cochta1 'onov v sel'skoi mestnosti; Zhiganov, A.T.; Vestnik svyazl; 2; Feb. 1962; One page. Organizatsiya perevozki i dostavki pechati poaolshchikam v Litovskoi SSR; Khaletskas, IYa.; Vestnik sv/azi; 5; May 1964; Two pages. Organizatsiya pochtovykh agentstv pri izbakh-chital 'nyakh v podshefnykh selakh; (n.a.): ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 174; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on establishing postal agencies at 'reading huts'. Organizatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov v gazetno-zhurna1'noi ehkspeditsii; Shimshi1ashvili. R.F./Dandurov, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1966; Two pages on activities in the Tbilisi Post Office's Newspaper-and-Magazine Dispatch Office. Organizatsiya, p1anirovanie i ASU predpriyatiyami pochtovoi svyazi; Matsnev, V./Tikhonova, A./ Saifutdinov, A.; 1985; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; A textbook

Postal History, Soviet


for students in communications technical schools. the main stages of postal development since 1918.



It includes one chapter on

Osobo-vazhnaya korrespondentsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1: Jan. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on changes in the rules for sending 'especially-important' and express mail. Ostrova komandora Beringa; Boiko, V.; Filatel iya; 11; Nov. Islands, Vitus Bering. and postal operations there.


10-12; The Komandor

Ot azbuki k chteniyu; T .. A.R.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 85; The author takes issue with A. Fedyukov's approach to the problem of administrative reorganization. Ot chego zavisit uskorenie prokhozhdeniya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; Khatkevich. K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; Four pages. Ot punkta 'A' do punkta 'B'; Barykin, K.; Ogonyek; 17; Apr. D.I. Mangel'din, Deputy Minister of Communications.

1981; An interview with

Ot Moskvy do samykh do okrain; Mangel 'din, D.I.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1972; 3-6; The Deputy Minister of Communications muses on the 50th anniversary of the USSR's formation, and postal development. plus stamp issues. Ot 96% - k perevypolneniyu plana dokhodov; Vartan'yan, S.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1969; Four pages on overfulfilling the income plan at the Murmansk oblast' PTUS. Otchet Narodnogo komissariata pocht i telegrafov. VIII s'ezdu sovetov; (n.a.); 1920; NKPiT, Moscow; In addition to statistical data. it contains an overview of the problems facing Soviet communications in 1920. Otdelenie svyazi Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta; Shaka, N.K.; Vestnik svyaz i; 12; Dec. 1961; Two pages. Otkroetsya muzei; Drigailo, F.K.; Vestnik svyazi; preserving the first postal station in Kiev.

12; Dec.

Otkrytie pochtovykh y'acheek; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 'Khronika' section on the opening of 'postal cells'

1980; One page on

156; Very short item in the in several small towns.

Otvechaem chitatelyam 'Vestnika svyazi'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1975; Two .pages. Question and answer column: three dealing with the Post - mail delivery during spring and fall mUddy seasons, the zip code and postillions' overtime. Otvechaem delom na kritiku; Chinchikov, G.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1983; One page on improvements made at the Saratov PTUS in response to criticism contained in a 'Vestnik svyazi' article in May, 1982 - 'Pochtovym otpravleniyam - polnuyu sokhrannost". Otvet na zametku tOY. Krylova '0 reklamakh Agentstva 'Svyaz"; 1925; 200; 'Svyaz' Agency advertising in post offices. Otzvuki sel'skoi pochty; L., A.M.; ZhTS; posts in a number of areas.

11; Nov.


(n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar.

132-137; Mobile and circular

Pechati - bystruyu dostavku; (n.a.); Pravda; Nov. 15, 1975; One page, negative copyflo. Problems with timely newspaper delivery and measures to correct them. Peredacha Eniseiskoi gUb. Sredne-Sibirskomu okrugu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 150; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the transfer of Enisei Province to the Central Siberian Communications District. Peredvizhka dvinulas'; D., S.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924: 112-121; Mobile posts in various areas. Includes several photographs of the 'peredvizhki'. Peredvizhki po S.-Zap. Obl.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 148; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mobile posts in the Northwestern Oblast'. Peredvizhnaya pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. section on mobile post statistics.


170; Short item in the 'Khronika'

Peredvizhnaya pochta; (n.a.); Sovetski; filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 29; The discussion phase leading up to the establ ishment of circular posts. Peredvizhnaya pochta i dostavka telegramm; S., N.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 120; The author argues that mobile posts should deliver telegrams as well as mail. Peredvizhnye otdeleniya na podmene nachal'nikov sel'skikh OS; Donguzov, M.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1977; One page on mobile post offices in the Smolensk area. Peredvizhnye pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mobile posts in the Upper Volga area. Peredvizhnye pochty v Nizhne-Volzhskom okruge;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924;

144; Short

Postal History, Soviet




item in the 'Khronika' section on the Lower-Volga District mobile posts. Pereotsenki pochtovykh marok RSFSR i SSSR i provizorii 1918-1923 gg.; Parkhomovich. S.; SK; 1; 1963; 80-85; An Engl ish translation of this appears in BJRP #35. Peresylka pisem dolzhna byt' uskorena; Medvedev. s~yazi; 11; Nov. 1970; Three pages.

E.S./Radzievskii. A.V.; Vestnik

Peresylka sborov i nalogov tol'ko cherez pochtL.:; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; ~Ian. 1925; 152-153; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Leningrad Provincial Finance Department agreeing to send all monies collected via the post. Perevozka i dostavka pochty na sele; Gordeev. N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. pages on transportation and del ivery of mail in Nikolaev oblast'.

1964; Two

Perevozka passazhirov: (n.a.); ZhTS: 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment in transporting passengers at a postal station in the Northwestern Communications District. Perspektivy razvitiya pochtovoi svyazi Moskvy i Moskovskoi oblasti; Yurasovskii, G.A./Amentov, B.~.; Vestnik svya:i; 12: Dec. 1964; Three pages. Perspektivy rosta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; Short article on decisions taken by the Ukrainian SSR to improve postal services. Pervaya stranitsa 'Pochty SSSR'; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1973; VII-VIII, 33; The stamps of the First Agricultural and Crafts EXhibit, 1923. and their history. Pervye itogi ukrupneniya dostavochnoi sluzhby v gorodakh; Kushteiko. V.V./Didovich, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1976; Four pages on establishment and results of the f1rst UOPSs. Pervye meropriyatiya sovetskoi vlasti v oblasti svyazi: Bobkov, ;1: Nov. 1969; Two pages.

I.S.; Vestnik svyazi;

Pervyi pOChtovyi 'kongress' v Ostrogozhske; V.. A.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 151-157; The first 'Postal Congress' of post-and-telegraph office chiefs in Ostrogozh District. Peshaya derevenskaya pochta: (~.a.); ZhTS; 5: May 1925; 133-13 L ; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on establishment of a 'foot post' service in Belorussia. Peshaya pochta v Sev.-Zap. Okruge; Naranovich; ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 84-89; Mail delivered on foot in the Northwestern District. Pionerskoe otdelenie svyazi; Bychkovskii, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 34: The Pioneer Post in Gaidar, Tselinograd oblast'. Pis'ma poidut bystree; Barykin. K.; Trud; Jan. 5. 1965; An interview with O.K. Makarov. Main Postal Administration Chief. on what is being done to expedite mail delivery. Pis'mo i gazeta idut bystree; delivery in L'vov.

(n.a.l; Vestnik svyazi;

Pis'mo otpravlyaetsya v put'. Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.

Reportazh iz Moskovskogo pochtamta.; Kornyukhin, A.; 1967; 34-35; A visit to the Moscow GPO.

Pis'mo proryvaet blokadu; Freidlir, Yu.; out of blockaded Leningrad.

12; Dec.

1971; Vehicular mail

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975:

14-15; Mail

Pis'mo sortirovshchitse; Grishchenko, B.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1975; One page on a special address-search section at the Moscow GPO for incorrectly- or incompletely-addressed mail. Platforma diya pochtamta; Dmitriev, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Short item on the construction of a new platform at the Yaroslav Terminal in Moscow. Plody truda svyazistov Ukra1ny: Sinchenko, G.Z.; Vestnlk svyazi; 9; Sep. pages. Includes postal information.

1967; Four

Po kOl'tsevomu i pryamomu traktam; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 105-112; The author's impressions of rural postal routes in the Moscow area. Includes a couple of photos of small post offices. Po kol'tsevomu i pryamomu traktam. (Iz dorozhnykh vpechatlenii.); Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 113-120; The author's impressions of rural postal routes in the aka area. Po kol'tsu na Prilukshchine; Sibiryak; ZhTS; 5: May 1925; 111-113; The Priluki circular posts. Includes a table showing which types of mail and how much they

Postal History, Soviet carried from Sep.

07/13/93 1924 to Feb.




Po kol'tsu ... (Iz dorozhnogo bloknota); Esperantist; lhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 113-118; By Ford on rural routes near Moscow. Includes photos of the Ford, a road, and a couple of postmen. Po


ehksploatatsii pochtovoi svyazi: (n.a.); lhTS; 6; June 1924; innovations to improve postal serVlces.

102; Plans and

Po pochinu kryzhopol'tsev; Trefilova, Yu./Borovikova, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1975; Two pages on adopting the Kryzhopol' mail del ivery system in the Udmurt ASSR. Po primeru rostovchan; Kazanskii, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; One page on a Kazakh SSR post office and its decision to experiment with the Rostov mail-del ivery system. Po traktam Moskovskogo okruga; Putnik. A.; lhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 119-129; A journalist describes his travels on Moscow district roads and the conditions of postal operations there. Pochemu opozdalo pis'mo; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1979; One page. Describes a Moscow experiment to find out how long letters took to be delivered. Pochemu voznikayut zhaloby?; Lyubavin, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1969; Two pages on complaints from the publ ic about poor mail service, and efforts by the 'narodnyi kontrol" to isolate the problem. Pocht.-tel. set'; (n.a.); lhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on openings of new offices in the Southeastern Communications District, and an effort to restore several offices closed in the Balashov area. Pochta; (n.a.); 46; 1940; Three pages. ehntsiklope- diya', Moscow.

Extracted from 'Bol 'shaya sovetskaya

Pochta - sborshchik naloga; (n.a.); lhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 175; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal establisnments in Kursk oblast' collecting the 'agricul tural tax'. Pochta bez kanikul; Lushin, YU.; Ogonek; 29; JUly 1984; Pioneers delivering mail at the Samarskii sovkhoz in Tselinograd oblast'. Includes photos. Pochta i pressa; (n.a.); lhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Communications District Administration's success in using the newspapers to advertise its services. Pochta i shkola; (n.a.); lhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 197; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an appeal by the Tver' PO to teachers for help in propagandiZing postal services. Pochta i Sel'sovety; (n.a.); lhTS; 7; July 1924; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voronezh' District's e~forts to improve rural soviet support of the Post. Pochta k Belomu moryu; Vigilev, A.; SK; 8;

1970; 67-74;

Pochta na 'kryshu mira'; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; communications in Khorog, in the Pamirs.

10; Oct.

1972; 20-21; Postal

Pochta na bazare; (n.a.); lhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Tambov PO providing postal services on days when the bazaar was active. Pochta na kolesakh; Balandina, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. 1976; One page on the appearance of mobile post offices in some outlying regions of Chelyabinsk oblast' . Pochta na kolesakh; Fominykh, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Short item on the first mobile postal office in the Mariiskaya ASSR. Pochta na sele; (n.a.); ll-,TS: 7; July 1925; 135; Shor't item in the 'Khronika' section on Bashkir GOSPLAN adoption of plans to expand rural postal service. Pochta na sele; Tkachukov; lhTS; Khar'kov. Pochta na seie v lakavkaz'e; 'Khronika' section.

1; Jan.


122-123; On a circular post route from

(n.a.); lhTS; 9; Sep.


113; Short item in the

Pochta na BAMe; lvanova. K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Short item on the opening of a new communications office in Gerbi. on the BAM. Pothta pri volostnykh pravleniyakh; Kolosov,

L.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.

1974; One

Postal History, Soviet


page on the development of the rural district post at volost'




Pochta prikhodit bystree; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1965; Short article on thrice-daily newspaper delivery in Lipetsk. Pochta segodnya i zavtra; Isakov, Eh.: Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Nov. 12, 1975; Delivery and processing problems in connectior with ~he need to build more post offices and expand existing ones. Pochta sluzhit vsem; Yusufov, S.; Bakinskii raoochii; Oct. 8, AzSSR to improve postal service.

1971; Efforts by the

Pochta sotsialistir.heskoi Kirgizii; Niyazbekov, Ya.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Oct. 8, 1957: Brief outline of postal development in Kirgiziya, and preparations for International Letter Week. Pochta sovetskoi strany; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi;

11; Nov.

1967; Four pages.

Pochta v derevne; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of rural mail services in Baku District. Pochta v derevne (Kak ee ustraivat', ukreplyat' i uluchshat'); (n.a.); 1924; NKPT, Moscow; Second edition, expanded. A how-to book for rural mail organizers. Includes definitions, examples, diagrams, etc. Photocopy. Pochta v derevne po Sev.-Zap. oblasti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on rural postal service in the Northwestern Oblast'. Pochta v period Velikogo Oktyabrya i grazhdanskoi voiny; Alekseev, K.; SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 6-10; The early Soviet Post.


Pochta v svoei izbe; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Vyatka province peasant organizing his own postal agency. Pochta v vol ispolkomakh;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


Pochta BAMa; Sizova, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1977; Short item on the opening of a communications center in Liana, on the BAM. Pochta GULAGa. covers.~rom

'Dal'stroi'.; Sashenkov, E.; Fi latel iva; 4; Apr. the Gulag, Kolyma.


12-13; Two

Pochta Kirgizstana; Niyazbekov, Ya.; Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Oct. 12, 1958; Kirghiz postal development, efforts to improve service in honor of International Letter Week. Pochta 01 impiady; Knyazev, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1980; Short item on the completion and intended function of the Moscow Olympic Post Office. Pochta SLONa; Boiko, V.; Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 45-47; Mail prison camps on the Solovetsky Islands. Pochta-avtomat; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. automated post office in Moscow.

to and from the Soviet

1966; Short description of an


(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1965; One page on an automated post office at the 468th Branch Office in Moscow. Includes photos.

Pochta, telegraf i telefon na dachakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Northwestern District efforts to improve communications service to summer dacha-goers. Pochta, telegraf, telefon: Torshina, L.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya: Jan. 15, 1984; 2: An interview with Estonian Deputy Minister of Communications T. Symera concerning the Ministry'S preparations for the upcoming elections. Pochta, tsifry i chernila; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1970; One page on results of an experiment conducted in several "eoubl ics to de~ermine how many letter senders use ink. Pochtal'on shagaet nalegke; Kuznetsov, P.T.: Vestnik svyazl; on imprOVing mail delivery in Rostov oblast'. Pochtal'on u dverei?; Novoplyanskii, D.; Pravda; May 29, improve postal delivery.

11; Nov.

1968; Two pages

1969; Problems and ways to

Pochtal 'ony v more; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1967; Short article on postill ions serving the fishermen in Lhe Barents Sea. Pochtamt dlya olimpiitsev; Romanov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Short item on the 'Mosstroi NO.3' construction unit working on the Olympic Post Office. Pochtamt goroda Lenina; Rivin,

L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi;

10; Oct.


Five pages.

Postal History, Soviet


Pochtamt preobrazilsya; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. renovation of the L'vov Post Office's main hall.



1968; Short article on the

Pochtamt respubliki; Samoilenko, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1974; One page on construction of a newspaper-and-magazine main post office in Kiev. Pochtamt Olimpiady-80; Volodin, K.; Vestnik svyazi: 6; June 1978; One page. Pochte - neoslabnoe vnimanie; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1969; Three pages. The Main Postal Administration Chief discusses problems with postal services in various parts of the USSR. Pochtovaya perevozka zh.-d. sborov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on failure by the NKPiT to obtain NKPS agreement to send railroad monies through the mail . Pochtovaya reklama; A., V.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 124-132; The Borisoglebsk PTO's experiences with advertising their services. Includes statistical data on its mail volume for 1913, 1923 and the first quarter of 1924. Pochtovaya sluzhba; Talyzin, N.V.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; Aug. 11, 1976; An interview with the USSR Minister of Communications concerning rural mail service. Pochtovaya svyaz' po Bashrespublike; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal network expansion in Bashkiriya. Pochtovaya svyaz' s aulami v Oagestane; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of postal services to remote auls in Daghestan. Pochtovaya svyaz' s derevnei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924: 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the North-Western Communications District's attempt to improve postal service to rural areas. Pochtovaya svyaz' s derevnei; Kursakov, S.F.; ZhTS; 7; July 1924;


Pochtovaya svyaz' v desyatoi pyatiletke; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Two pages on general directions and goals for the USSR during the 10th five-year plan. pocntovaya svyaz' v Armenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 148-149; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal network expansion in Armenia. Pochtovo-passazhirskoe dvizhenie po gruntovym traktarn; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on plans to carry passengers with mail on dirt-road routes. Pochtovoe delo v Sukhume; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 'Khronika' section on postal affairs in Sukhumi.

144-145; Short item in the

Pochtovoe obrashchenie revolyutsionnykh marok 1918 goda; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 36-39; Using postmarks arranged by year and province to establish periods of use for the 1918 'revolutionary' stamps. Pochtovoi sluzhbe - firmennyi stil'; Pashaev, A.; Bakinskii rabochii; Aug. 5, 1980; Measures being taken by the Post in Azerbaidjan SSR to improve and expedite service. Pochtovoi sluzhbe - vysokoe kachestvo; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1979: One page. Response to criticism in 'Uskorit' dostavku pochty' in 'Vestnik svyazi' #10, 1978, from various sources. Pochtovuyu svyaz' - na uroven' sovremennykh trebovanii; Mangel'din, D.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1975; Two pages. A broad overview of advances and problems in the USSR's postal system. Pochtovye agentstva; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171-172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal agencies opening in the Balashov District, and plans to open more in the Central Siberian Communications District. Pochtovye agentstva; Obzherin; ZhTS; 4; Apr. agencies and the Soviet postal network.

1924; 5-8; An overview of Soviet postal

Pochtovye ehkspressy; Butas, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. passenger buses to deliver newspapers in the LSSR.

1977; Short item on using

Pochtovye kartochki dlya spravok; Ilyushin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Soviet address-inquiry cards of the 1920s and 1930s.

1986; 34-36;

Pochtovye marki sovetskoi Latvii; Birzniek, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 38-39; Postal rates, stamps, cancels and history of Soviet Latvia, 1940-1941.



Postal History, Soviet


Pochtovye marki sovetskoi Litvy; Mil'vidas, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 40; The Soviet Lithuania stamps of 1940-1941. Number printed, varieties, overprints and fakes are discussed. No illustrations. Pochtovye marshruty; Psurtsev, N.; 'stat8 of the Post' today.

Izvestiya; Nov.

1964; A broad overview of the


Pochtovye operatsii pri izbakh-chital 'nyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; item in the 'Khronika' section on postal operations set up at small huts' . Pochtovye otpravleniya bez marok (1919-1923); Mogil'nyi, V.; 1986; 38-39; Stampless cash-receipt mail. Pochtovyi avtobus; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. post office bus operating out of the Riga GPO.

141; Short 'reading

Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1960; Short item about a mobile

Pochtovyi kiosk; Makhanik, R.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.

1983; One page.

Pochtovymi marshrutami; Bazylov, K.; Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhstana; 7; 68-70; General overview of postal development in Kazakhstan.


Pochtovymi marshrutami; El ibaev, A.; Kazakhstanskaya pravda; Apr. 3, 1980; Measures being taken by the Kazakh SSR Ministry of Communications to improve postal service. Pochtu v derevnyu!; Lyubovich, A.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 3-9; Introduction of postal services to rural areas far removed from the major postal routes. Podnyatie proizvoditel'nosti pocht i telegrafov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Tambov Raion communications workers attempting to improve their productivity. Podpischik dolzhen poluchat' gazety vovremya; Sokolovskii, I.D./et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1964; Efforts to improve newspaper delivery in Donetsk, Rostov-na-Donu, Liski and Omsk. Podpiska na gazety cherez pochtu v Sev.-Zap. Okruge; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on newspaper subscriptions via the mail in the Northwestern Communications District. Podpiska v kredit; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on accepting sUbscriptions on credit at the Post. poapiska v otdeleniyakh gazetnykh kontor; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 133-134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on intra-organizational disputes over newspaper sUbscription operations. Poiski prodolzhayutsya; Reshetnikov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; innovations at the Tashkent GPO.

12; Dec.

1971; One page on

Poiski v sovershenstvovanii dostavki pochty; Khait, A.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1969; Two pages. Pokupka ochkov cherez pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a 'Svyaz" agreement with the State Optical Plant to allow orders for glasses through the mail . Polnee udovletvoryat' potrebncsti v uslugakh pochtovOi svyazi; Afanas'ev, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1981; Two pages. Polozhenie dolzhno byt' ispravleno!; ~oal'dov. N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1978; Two pages on mail and worker problems in the Khabarovsk area, serving the BAM. Poluchite posylku: Nikitina, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Snort item en postmen starting to del iver packages directly to the addressees in Termez. Pomogaem prcizvodstvu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on workers in the Ufa Post Office aiding the 'Krasnaya Bashkiriya' newspaper by performing sorting operations at the PO. Pomoshch' pochtal 'onu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Short article on Komsomol school children helping to deliver newspapers and mail on a kolkhcz in Uzbekistan. Pomoshchniki pochty; Batorin, the Post in the 19305.


Populyarnost' kol'tsevoi pochty; 'Khronika' section. Posle rekonstruktsii;

Fi latel iya SSSR; (n.a.);


(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;

1; Jan.

11; Nov. 1;




18; Pioneers helping

174; Short item in the

1970; Two pages.


Postal History, Soviet




reconstruction of the Vilnius Post Office. Posle sliyaniya Okrugov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on problems connected with the merger of Orel and Kursk provinces in the Voronezh Communications District. Poslednie novosti v nashikh gazetnykh delakh; K., N.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. the Post and newspaper delivery.


158-163; On

Poslednii zapros Narkoma; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 7; JUly 1991; 62-63; Extracts from a correspondence between Communications Commissar A.I. Rykov, VTsIK Chairman M. Kalinin and VTsIK secretary A. Kiselev concerning the SFA and its stamp sales in 1936. Post-and-Telegraph Offices in the Northwest District; (n.a.); Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 58; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS, June 1924. Short item. Postal Communications - The Fundamentals of Postal Organization in the USSR; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 95-97; Skipton, David M.; Extracted and translated from 'Spravochnik nachal 'nika otdeleniya svyazi'. Moscow, 1981. Postanovlenie Narodnogo komissariata pocht i telegrafov SSSR po pochtovoi chasti; (n.a.); 1926-1928; NKPT, Moscow; Additions, deletions and amendments to postal regulations. Postoyanno povyshat' kachestvo i ehffektivnost' raboty pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1980; One page on a follow-up to complaints about various communications offices. Postoyanno povyshat' kachestvo i ehffektivnost' raboty pochtovoi svyazi; Mangel'din, 0.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1980; Four pages of information on acheivements and shortfalls of the 1976-1980 five-year plan and the Post. Postoyanno uluchshaya obsluzhivanie naseleniya; Gushchin, E.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 3' Mar. 1981; One page about following up a complaint from Kal iningrad area residents concerning a lack of Sunday newspaper delivery. Postoyannoe vnimanie otdeleniyam svyazi; Borisov. E.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1983; Two pages of discussion about letters from branch offices to 'Vestnik svyazi' concerning the Post. Postroenie magistral'noi pochtovoi svyazi na baze krupnykh mekhanizirovannykh uzlov; Matsnev, V.N./Gil', G.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1961; Three pages. Posylochno-upakovochnaya kontora Leningradskogo pochtamta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of the Leningrad GPO's parcel-packaging office. Povyshaem ehffektivnost' i kachestvo raboty pochtovoi svyazi; Matsnev, K.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1977; Two pages on improvements in the Murmansk area. Povyshaem proizvoditel'nost' truda v dostavochnoi sluzhbe; Markova. R.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 8: Aug. 1981; Two pages on increasing work effectiveness in the Kemerovo Post Office. Povyshaem rentabel'nost' sel 'skikh otdelenii; Dmitrenko. 1980; Two pages.

1.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May

Povyshaetsya sokhrannost' vlozhenii; Krasavina. M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; One page. Povysit' otvetstvennost' za svoevremennuyu dostavku gazet Vestnik svyazi: 10: Oct. 1964; Two pages.

1; Jan.




Pozdravleniva pochtoi; Gabitashvili, A.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1962; One page on efforts by the Tbilisi GPO to cut down on the influx of New Year's greeting telegrams by having residents use the Post. Predostavleniyu uslug na domu - ratsional 'nuyu organizatsiyu; Shchepot'eva, V.!Shutov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1975; Three pages on arriving at the proper methods and evaluations of home mail delivery a la the Kryzhopol' method. Predpriyatiyam svyazi - khoroshuyu reklamu; Vasil'eva, M.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; One page. Discussion of postal advertising campaigns by the Leningrad Post. Preim deneg i tsennostei na khranenie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 154-155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to allow some post offices to store money and valuables. Pri novoi sisteme khozyaistvovaniya; Reshetnikov, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.




Postal History, Soviet


Two pages on the Tashkent GPO under the new system of planning and economic stimulation. Priblezhenie pochty k selu v Odessko1 gUb.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on rural mail in Ooessa Province.

151; Short

Priblizhaem uslugi; Salukhov, V.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1978; Three pages on how the Ivanovo Post Office delivers mail to the surrounding area. Priblizhaem uslugi svyazi k naseleniyu; Yaunvalk, Eh.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Four pages on postal services in the Latvian SSR. Pribl izhaem uslugi svyazi na sele: Katysheva, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. pages on the Penza PTUS's work in improving delivery to the villages.

1980; Two

Priblizhenie apparata svyazi k Obsluzhivaniyu mestnogo naseleniya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on training postal workers in local languages for Belorussian, Yiddish and Polish, and teaching Tatar komsomols postal operations. Pribl izhenie pochty k naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; dune 1924; 163; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on making postal services more accessible to the rural population. Priblizhenie pochty k naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS: 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improvements in postal services for rural areas. Priblizhenie pochty k rabochemu naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Dzerzhinskii's order to sell postage stamps at booths in factories and plants. Priblizit' uslugi svyazi k naseleniyu; Murashkin, A.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1966; Two pages on improving postal service to the public at the Pskov Communications Center. Priem predpriyatii na gosbyudzhet; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on 252 Northern Caucasus District offices being transferred from local to the state budget. Primenenie nablyudatel'nosti; Ehnbe; to improve postal e~ficiency.

ZhTS; 5; May 1924;

105-107; The NOT and efforts

Primenenie pochtovo-passazhirskikh avtobusov; Khristesashvili, G.A.; Vestnik svyaz1; 10; Oct. 1957; One page, post-and-passenger buses. Primenenie revolyutsionnykh marok i ikh pefteotsenka v 1917-1923 godakh; Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 49-51; Prisposoblenie apparata pochty po Sev.-Zap. oblasti dlya promyshlennykh tselei; Gorain, N.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 128; The Northwestern Communications Oblast' and 1tS a~tempts to serve industry. Privatpost 1918 in der RSFSR - eine Anfrage; Geier, Karlernst W.; 1988; 36-38;

Pochta; 44; Jan.

Prodolzhat' borot'sya za povyshenie kachestva uslug svyazi; Gyureg'yan, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1978; Two pages. Proekt predpriyatiya i okhrana truda; Zhizhikin, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1969; Two pages on the work of the Special Plans-and-Design Bureau (SPKB) in the postal sphere. Profkruzhok pri Moskovskom Pochtamte; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1924: 153; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about the formation of a 'professional circle' concerned with improving postal operations at the Moscow GPO. Profsoyuzy i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171: Shor路t item in the 'Khronika' section on the 0utivl' professional unions' desire to help improve postal services to rural areas. Programma deistvi i svyazistov Uzbekistana; Mangel'd1n, 1970; Two pages. Includes postal information.


Vestnik svyazi;

11; Nov.

Proizvoditel'nost' truda i nashi zadachi; KUdryavtsev, K.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 80-83; Leningrad's view of what must be done to increase efficiency and worker qual ifications in the NKPiT .. Proizvodstvennaya konferentsiya rabotnikov svyazi v Leningrade; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a communications workers' conference in Leningrad. Proizvodstvenno-administrativnaya konferentsiya Moskovskogo okruga;

(n.a.); ZhTS;


Postal History, Soviet




Oct. 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a production-administration conference for the Moscow Communications District. Propavshaya gramota; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 146-147; How the Postal Administration went about looking for a letter that was never really lost. Prostoev mozhet ne byt'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 2; Feb. 1971; A suggestion by the Tashkent GPO chief to use light-weight vehicles as taxis during times when they aren't being used by the GPO. Prostye posylki; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2: Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of ordinary package mail in the USSR. Provisional Postage Stamps of the R.S.F.S.R. and U.S.S.R., 1918-1923; Parkhomovich, S.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 11-14; Pritt, A.; Translation from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #1, 1963. Put' pis'ma i gazety; Belichenko, P.: 1950; Gosizdat literatury po voprosam svyazi radio, Moscow; Mail operations at the Moscow GPO, a railroad mail-handling facility in Moscow, on an airplane, in a rajon post office, aboard a steamer and at the Narym Communications Branch Office. Photocopy. Puteshestvie za Severnyi polyarnyi krug; Sashenkov, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 14-15; Mail service in the Northern Dvina region. Puti povysheniya proizvoditel'nosti truda; Gritsik, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1981; Two pages on raising work efficiency at the Vladivostok Post Dffice. Puti uskoreniya dostavki pechati; Grishaev, E./Nikitin, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1975; Two pages on speeding up newspaper delivery at the Saratov Post Office. Puti uskoreniya dostavki pechati naseleniyu; Novichenko, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1975; Three pages on improving mail delivery of newspapers at the Kiev Post Dffice. Puti uskoreniya prokhozhdeniya pechati i korrespondentsii; Vasil'ev, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; Two pages on measures taken by the Dnepropetrovsk PTUS. Puti uskoreniya prokhozhdenlya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; Matsnev, V.N./Gil', G.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1967; Three pages on problems With letter mail handling and efforts to solve them. Pyatiletku - dosrochno!; Suvorova, T.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1979; Two pages on the Moscow GPO and its efforts to meet the five-year plan ahead of schedule. Rabota okrugov po pribl iZheniyu pochty k derevne; Grigor'ev, V.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 128-132; Various communications districts and their efforts to establish mobile and circular posts in rural areas. Rabota pochtamta stalo rentabel'nee; Khutchenko, M.F./Pavlova, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1968; Two pages on the Gor'kii Post Office and the new planning and economic stimulation program. Rabota pochty v Leningrade na yubileinykh torzhestvakh Adademii Nauk; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 130; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal support for the Academy of Sciences Jubilee in Leningrad. Rabota s klienturoi; Kolodin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1969; Two pages on formation of a 'clientele-relations' group at the Karaganda Post Office. Rabota s klienturoi; Kovalev, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi: 12; Dec. 1968; Two pages on public relations and ad campaigns at various post offices in the USSR. Rabota Komissariata PiT za 23-24 g. i ego bl izhaishie zadact'i. (Iz doklada v Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov).; Smirnov, 1.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 6-14, 21-22; Includes postal and telegraph information and statistics. Rabotaem po-kryzhopol'ski; Nikolaeva, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1979; Two pages on mail delivery to the Villages from the Murom RUS, according to the Kryzhopol' mail delivery method. Rabotat' po shchekinskomu metodu; Torgonskii, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. pages on the Shchekinskii method appl ied to mail delivery.

1982; Two

Rabotat' tak, chtoby ne bylo zhalob; Papinako, I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1965; Two pages on a survey of complaints about pos,al service in the USSR by the Deputy Chief of the Organizational Department of the GPU MS SSSR. Rabotniki svyazi - selu; Lobach, M.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. rural mail delivery in parts of Kursk and Minsk oblasts. Raiispolkomy i svyaz';

(n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug.


1964; Two pages on

156-157; Short item in the

Postal History, Soviet




'Khronika' section on resolutions adopted by the Voronezh Rajon Executive Committee to improve communications services. Raionnyi vol. s'ezd 0 kol'tsevoi pochte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Budenovskii raion's 'congress' on circular posts. Rannaya dostavka; Gol'berg, Ya. L.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. morning paper delivery in Kuibyshev.

Two pages on early


Rannyaya dostavka: ee problemy; Sukhovoi, P.F./Belen'kii, E.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1976; Two pages on early de~ivery problems ln the L'vov area. Rasprostranenie pochtovoi marki; Pit.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 11-14; Expansion of NKPiT efforts to sell stamps at its offices and at non-postal establishments. Rasshirenie i rekonstruktsiya sredstv svyazi v Turkmenskoi Respublike; Gusev, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1961; Two pages. Includes postal information. Rasshirenie pochtovoi svyazi po Leningradu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of postal services in Leningrad. Rasshirenie seti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Northern Caucasus District plan to expand the postal network. Rasshirenie seti svyazi Yugo-Vostoka Rossii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924: 154-155; Expanding the communications network in the southeastern part of Russia (around Rostov-na-Donu). Rasshireny i pribl izheny uslugi: v vyigryshe naselenie i predpriyatiya svyazi; Vultakh, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1975; Three pages on communications centers in Angarsk. Includes postal information. Rasshiryaem set' predpriyatii i punktov svyazi; Yatsenko, I.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1968; Two pages on postal service in the Altai Region. Ratsionallzatsiya proizvodstvennykh protsessov na Moskovskom pochtamte; Smirnov, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1965; Three pages. Ratslonalizatsiya registratury; Chesnokov, I.; ZhTS; l' postal archive work and efforts to streamline it.


Ratsionalizatsiya truda na pochte; Zonnenburg, R.; ZhTS; 2;





A look at


Ratsionalizatsiya upravlencheskoi tekhniki. (Iz praktiki Orgbyuro po ratsionalizatsii tekhniki upravleniya pri Zakavkazskom Qkruge svyazi.); Frishman, S.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 111-116; Attempts in the Transcaucasus to make administrative 'technology' more efficient through personnel training and changes in procedure. Raznosku pisem i gazet; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 136: Short item in the 'Kh1"'onika' section on establishment of mail del ivery in Trotskii Oistrict, Leningrad Province. Razvitie i sovershenstvovanie sredstv svyazi svyaz i; 11; Nov. 1960; Two pages.

Litovskoi SSR; Belyanin. N.M.; Vestnik

Razvitle peredvizhnoi pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 195; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about expansion of the mobile posts in Soviet Russia. Raz\litie pochtovykh soobshchenii v Irkutske; (n.a.): ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on postal development ln Irkutsk.



Razvitie seti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171; Shor: item in the 'Khronika' section on ~ostal service at rural administration off lees. Razvitie seti otdelenii svyazi; Baum, i.S.; Vestnik svyazi; on postal aevelopment in the Frunze area.




Two pages

Razvitle setl traktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectlon on NKP11 plans to expana rural postal routes. Razvltie seti S.-K. okruga; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal expansion in rural areas of the Northern Caucasus. Razvitie sredstv svyazi Kazakhstana za gody sovetskoi vlasti; Elibaev, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Two pages on communications development in Kazakhstan. Razvitie svyazi v SSSR 1917-1967; Psurtsev, N.D. (ed.); 1967; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow: 214 pages dealing with postal and newspaper operations. Razvivat' i ukreplyat' material'no-tekhnicheskuyu bazu pochtovoi svyazi; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1964; Three pages.

Postal History,



Razvivat' pochtovuyu svyaz'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. the automation of 30 branch offices in Moscow.



1974; Short article on

Realizatsiya Krest'yanskogo zaima cherez pochtu v Sev. Zap. oblasti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Short item ln the 'Khronika' section on the Northwestern Communications Cistrict's involvement in aiding the 5% Peasants Loan. Reid po proverke dostavki pechati na selo; Georgia.

(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.

Reklama na konvertakh; M., A.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. Communications District's instructional carried by postill ions.

1962; In

1925; 91; The Northwestern 'adver~ising' handstamp applied to mail

Remont predpriyatii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on major repairs to the Batum, Djulfa, Ochemchiry, Borzhomy and Gendzhy post offices. Reorganizatsiya deloproizvodstva; K., P.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 87-89; Proposals to streamline bookkeeping, paperwork and registration in communications offices. Reorganizatsiya deloproizvodstva v NKPiT; Sokovnin, N.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 24-27; A description of the 'card system' introduced in the NKPiT in January 1924, a means of keeping track of incoming administrative papers. Reorganizatsiya po S.-Kavkazsk. Okrugu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on administrative reorganization in the Northern Caucasus District. Reorganizatsiya v Pochtovom otdele NKPT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about an NKPiT reorganization to form a mail routing department. Republics to Choose Future Soviet Stamps; (n.a.); Linn's Stamp News; Twelve republics to get 4-5 stamps per year.

17 June 1991; 7;

Reutil ised Romanov Postal Stationery; Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 64-67; Information on the unused stocks of Romanov stationery used for Soviet mail. Revenue Stamps in Place of Postage Stamps; Mogil'nyi, V.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 55-56; Dallair, Richard; The Kiev PTO's initiative to use revenue stamp stocks as postage. Rezolyutsiya po dokladu 0 deyatel'nosti Agentstva 'Svyaz", prinyataya 5-m plenumom TsK; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 162-163; The Central Committee's exhortations for 'Svyaz" to do bigger and better things. Rezul'taty ehksperimenta; Suslina, V.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1980 Murmansk Post Office experiment with 'zakazy'.

1981; One page on a

Romanov Usages in the Early Soviet Period; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 26; Romanov stamps used in 1918.

15; Nov.


RKP i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 135-136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Voronezh Province Communist Party approval of that area's communications performance. RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 24-27; The story behind the 'Aid to the Starving' issue.

1; Jan.

RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 2' 16-18; Continued from #1.


1977; 1977;

RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 24-28; Continued from #2. S adresom 'GSP'. Gorodskoi sluzhebnoi pochte - 60 let.; Nagol'nov, G.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 39;


S pomoshch'yu mestnykh sovetov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1971; Short article on an order by the Volgograd Executive Council to its sUbordinates to review postal service and submit suggestions on how to improve it. S uchetom sprosa naseleniya; Salukhov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. improving mail delivery at the Ivanovo Post Office.

1974; Two pages on

S.-Z. okrug svyazi nakhoditsya na put; k izzhitiyu defitsitnosti svoikh predpriyatii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northwestern Communications District's success in reducing its red ink. S'ezd administratorov svyazi v Ryl'ske;

(n.a.); ZhTS;

1; Jan.



152; Short item

Postal History, Soviet




in the 'Khronika' section on a Congress of Communications Administrators in Ryl 'sk, Kursk Province. S'ezd administratorov S.-K. Okruga svyazi; (n.a. l; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 132; Silort item in the 'Khronika' section on the Congress of Middle-Volga Communications District administrators. S'ezd adminlstratorov Sredne-Volzhskogo Okruga svyazi; 131-132;

(n.a.); ZhTS;

5; May 1925;

Samaya massovaya otrasl' svyazi; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. pages. An overview of Soviet achievements in postal operations.



Sami organizuyut pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khl'onika' section on two local authorities starting up tl,eir own post offices in Vostochnaya sloboda and Belebei. Samoobsluzhivanie; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1961; Short article on organization of newspaper and stamp sales in SOChi, without clerks. Samosto,atel 'nost' naseleniya i pochtovaya svyaz': (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 151; Short item in the 'KhroniKa' section on the opening of a new postal agency in Belomestnaya-Dvoina. Sektsiya pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1974; Three pages. A potpourri of 8 articles from various parts of the country on various postal themes: motorized mail delivery, competition to increase productivity, advertising, etc. Sel'skaya peshaya pochta; Serpukhov District.

(n.a.); ZhTS;


July 1925;

136; A 'foot post' organized in

Sel'skie otdeleniya svyazi - pobediteli vsesoyuznogo konkursa-smotra; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1969; Four pages.

Smirnov, A.I.:

Sel'skis peshie pis'monostsy po S.-Z. oblast1; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of rural mail service in the Northwestern Oblast'. Sel 'skie pis'monostsy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 129; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of a 'village lettercarriers' institute' in Abkhazia. Sel'skim truzhenikam - vysokokachestvennoe Obsluzhivanie; Mal'tsev, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Two pages on improving postal services in villages. Sel'skuyu po=htovuyu svyaz' - na u~oven' novykh zadach; Oobychina, svyazi; 2; Feb. 1961; Two pages.

L.Ya.; Vestnik

Selu - nadezhnuyu pochtovuyu svyaz'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1984; One page on measures taken by the Uzbe~ Min'stry of Communications to satisfy complaints publ ished in 'Vestnik svyazi' til, 1984. Seminar po pochtovoi svyazi; Rivin. L.; postal seminar held in Ryazan'_

Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.

1971; One page on a

Set' vspomogatel'nykh punktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 135; Short 1tem in the 'Khronika' section on auxil iary postal establishments formed in the Odessa Communications District. Sev.-Zap. Okrug Svvazi poshel na pomoshch' sezonnym rabochim: (n.a. l; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 136; Short item 1n the 'Khronika' secticn' on the Northwestern Communications District providing postal service to seasonal workers. Severo-zapad - Belorussiya. (Dorozhnye nablyudeniya.); Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 106-115; The author's impressions o~ travel on some of Belorussia's postal routes. Includes numerous photos. Sgorelo p.-t. otdelenie; (n.a.); ZtlTS; 7; JUly 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Ivankovskil post-and-telegraph branch offi~e burning down. Shkol'nye rabotniki i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Voronezl, Province volost' congress' decision to have mailboxes put up at each school on the circular routes. Sibir' i Dal 'nii Vostok; D'yakov, S.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 81-101; Various methods of mail transportation in rugged terrain, Siberia and the Far East. Sistema razvitiya svyazi; D., G.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924: 4-6; A few words of advice to Soviet administrators about how to decide where and how post-and-telegraph offices should be opened.

Postal History, Soviet




Skazavshi 'a' sleduet skazat' 'b'; Fidyukov, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 83-85; The NKPiT's refusal to go along with the Ukrainian system of delineatIon - rajon. okrug and republic - for government establ ishments. including the Post. Skorost' prokhozhdeniya pisem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on average mail transit times from foreign countries to Leningrad, and mail sent local ly. Skorosti sovetskoi pochty zamedlyayutsya; (n.a.); Dec. 3. 1973; Radio Liberty; RS 373/73. Transcript of a broadcast deal ing with a slowdown in Soviet mail delivery, also commentary on perlustration as presented by Medved'ev in his samizdat publication 'Makhin3tsii nashei pochty'. Sleduya namechennym kursom; Burobina, N.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1979; Three pages on the Moscow Mail Transportation Directorate's plan to increase the technological and equipment bases for moving the mails. Sleduyushchii shag k okhvatu derevni pochtoi; Lyubovich. A.; Plans for expanding postal service to rural areas. Sl iyanie Instituta Svyazi s MVTU;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 6;

ZhTS; 6; June 1925;

June 1924;



Sliyanie NKPiT Zakavkaz'ya s NKPiT SSSR; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1923; 32; Short notice that the Transcaucasus People's Commissariat of Posts and the Telegraph is merging with that of the USSR. Sluzhba kazhdogo dnya; Afanas'ev, N.A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1978; 4; The Deputy Chief of the Main Postal Administration gives a broad overview of the Soviet Post and the challenges facing it. Sluzhba USD ... Chto ehto takoe?; Panin, N.; Vestnik svyazi; on home delivery services at the Perm' Post Office.



1974; Four pages

Sluzhba, nuzhnaya vsem; Vorontsov. I.; Sotsialisticheskaya industriya; Oct. 17, 1976; Problems facing the postal service and a discussion of them at the All-Union Conference of Postal Workers and 'Soyuzpechat". Smeta NKPT na 1924/1925 byudzhetn. god;


ZhTS; 7;

JUly 1924;


Smotr pervykh itogov; Vishnevskii, A.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 75-80; Statistical and narrative description of postal operations in Kiev District rural areas. Sobytiya. fakty, tsifry; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; One page. Three short items on: testing of an automated warehouse for package distribution (SAVP). introduction of new norms and control periods in postal operations, and a revised handbook for acceptance of gifts at the Post. Sokrashchayutsya lyubye rasstoyaniya; Vyalov, L.G.; 1990; Yuzhno-ural'skoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo. Chelyabinsk; Original softbound booklet. produced by the Chelyabinsk Post Office. A history of communications in Chelyabinsk and the surrounding area. Includes postal and telegraph information. Sokratili poteri vremeni; Timoshchuk. P.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; Two pages on newspaper sorting and del ivery improvements at the Shumskii Regional Communications Center. Some Notes on Birobidzan; Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 7; Dec. postal history on the Jewish Autonomous District.

1980; 28-34; Notes and

Sorevnovanie za zvanie predpriyatiya kommun1sticheskogo t~uda; Sulek. E.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10: Oct. 1962; Two pages on competition to improve mail operations at the Riga GPO. Sostoyanie apparata svyazi;

Lyubovich. A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug.



Sovershenstvovanie dostavochnoi sluzhby; Yushka, V.K.: Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1969; Three pages on using multiple mailbox stands in Kaunas to increase efflClenCj 1n mail del ivery. Sovershenstvovanle kontrolya perfolent v OPSPPD; Mikhalev, S.N./Knromel. N.N. Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1982; Two pages. Sovershenstvovat' khozraschet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; 3-5; Efforts by the USSR Ministry of Communications to put itself on a self-financing basis and improve incentives to improve services to the public. Sovershenstvovat' organizatsiyu dostavki korrespondentsii i pechati naseleniyu; Smirnov, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1962; Two pages. Sovershenstvovat' rabotu dostavochnoi sluzhby; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 32; Short follow-up to the article of the same title in #7. 1984.




Postal History, Soviet




Sovershenstvuem dostavochnuyu sluzhbu; Bazylov, K./Egizov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Four pages on improvements in mail delivery in the Kazakh SSR. Sovershenstvuem dostavochnuyu sluzhbu; Chveleva, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8' Aug. Two pages on improving mail del ivery at the Novosibirsk PTUS. dostavochnuyu sluzhbu; El ioaev, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. Three pages on mail del Ivery in the Kazakh SSR.


1974; 1980;

Sovershenstvuem organizatsiyu pochtovoi svyazi na sele; Bazylov, K.B./Egizov, A.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Three pages on setting up the most efficient routes in the Kazakh SSR. Sovershenstvuem organizatsiyu proizvodstva; Kubal'skaya, Eh.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1982; Two pages on dOings at the Ulan-Ude Post Office. Sovetskaya pochta; (n.a.); Pravda; Feb. 4, and its intended development. Sovetskaya pochta;





1964; One page, copyflo. 1966:

One page,


The Post in 1964 Problems and

achievements of the Soviet Post in 1966. Sovetskaya pochta; (n.a.); Pravda; Mar. 18, article on the Soviet postal system.

1975; One page, negative copyflo.

Sovetskaya pochta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. the 'Pravda' article of Feb. 4. 1964.


1964; Two pages, reprinted from

Sovetskaya pochta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; Reprinted from the 'Pravda' article of 18 March 1975. A rather broad and unfocused article on Soviet accompl ishments in postal service and technology. Sovetskaya pochta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. art~cle of July 27, 1966.

1966; Reprinted from the 'Pravda'

Sovety sodeistviya; Chernykh, Yu.l.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Oec. 1971; Two pages on formation of 'cooperation councils' in Ivanovo and their spread to other post offices. Soviet Posts in BUkovi~a and Bessarabi8, 28 June 1940 - 5 July 1941; Shmuely, Moshe: BJRP; 63; 1986; 87-94; Sovkhozy obsluzhivayutsya vedomstvennymi pochtal'onami; Glinyanoi, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1962; Two pages. Soyuznyi s'ezd v Rostove; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1925: 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Fourth Northern Caucasus Communications Union regional congress. Sozdanie ukrupnennykh pochtovykh predcriyatii uskoryaet dostavku, daet ehkonomicheskii ehffekt; Chuprin, V./Amburtsev. A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Three pages on the Chita UOPS. Sprashivai - otvechaem; Nikolaeva. L.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1983; One page of answers to questions posed by economists at 29 communications facilities. Includes postal information. Spravki cherez pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Basnkir Communications Administration approval of an agreement to carry peasant 'spravki' to a local newspaper. Spravochnik nachal 'nika otdeleniya svyazi; Papinako, I.G./et al.; 1976; Svyaz'. Moscow: Second edition. Postmasters' handbook, very detailed. Spravochnoe dele v pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh SSSR - prakticheskoe rukovodstvo; Rozir, M.A. led.); 1930; Izd-vo TsSS, USMO NKPT. Moscow; A general technical information service of the NKPT. to help develop industry and agriculture. Sputnik filatelista; Ozol'in', Va: 1964; Latviiskoe gosudarstvennoe izd-vo, Riga; Softbound original. Intended as a general handbook on Russian and Soviet philately, to include printing methods, what and how to collect. exhibiting, a brief history of philately in the USSR, etc. etc. Sredne-Voizhskii Okrug v 23-24 byudzh. godu; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 112-119; Statistics for the Middle-Volga Oistrict during the 1923-1924 fiscal year. Includes a number of photographs taken inside the Samara Post Office. Sroki prokhozhdeniya pisem v Leningrad iZ-ZB granitsy i iz gorodov SSSR; (n.a.): ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on average mail arrival times at Leningrad for both foreign and domestic correspondence. Still More About the Volga Germans; Cronin, Andrew;

Post Rider;

10; May 1982; 66;

Postal History, Soviet Still More About the Volga Germans;

07/13/93 Lechtanski, John; Post Rider;

Still More About the Volga Germans; Leppa, August; Post Rider; Still More About the Volga Germans; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider;



10; May 1982; 65;

10; May 1982; 66; 10; May 1982; 65-66;

Still More About Moldavia; Woollam, J.V./et a1.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. Stolitse - obraztsovuyu svyaz'; Smirnov, G.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; on the Moscow GPO.

1990; 65-66;

1969; Three pages

Strakhovye operntsii v predpriyatiyakh svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. livestock and crops insurance sold at PTOs.


134; Fire,

Stroitel'stvo zdanii sel 'skikh otdelenii svyazi iz panelei; Tur, N.P./Oonguzov, M.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1968; Two pages on pre-fab village communications centers, including postal. Surguchnaya granata; U.. Ya.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 147-148; In light of the parlous times, the author complains about the amount of wax being used to seal certain pieces of mail. Surrogat pochtovykh denezhnykh operatsii; Bortko, K./S., A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 74-75; Organizations, establishments and individuals sending money through non-postal channels for nefarious purposes. Surrogaty pochty;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


Svet i teni pochtovoi sluzhby; Bianiya, G.Ch.; Vestnik svyazi; 9' Sep. pages on postal operations in the Abkhaziya area.

1968; Three

Svoevremennaya dostavka obespechena; Klobukov, M.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. Two pages on a mail-delivery experiment at the Arkhangel'sk 57th City Communications Center.


Svoevremennaya dostavka pochty - vazhneishee delo; Pospolitak, I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1965; Two pages on postal operations in the Chelyabinsk area. Svoevremenno dostavlyat' gazety i zhurnaly; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1967; Two pages on a Communist Party pep-talk on the need to speed up newspaper and magazine delivery. Problems and efforts to solve them. Svoevremenno dostavlyat' pechat' i korrespondentsiyu naseleniyu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960: Two pages. A collection of letters sent to 'Vestnik svyazi' from various parts of the USSR concerning the problem of slow mail delivery. Svoevremenno dostavlyat' pechat' i korrespondentsiyu naseleniyu; Luzgin, I.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1964; Three pages on improving mail del ivery in Gomel' oblast'. Svoevremenno ustranyat' nedostatki; Lyubavin, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; Two pages on the Ul'yanovsk PTUS's efforts to improve postal service for the upcomlng 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth. Svyaz' - delo gosudarstvennoe; Shevelev, I./Semukhin, P.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; Mar. 1966; Rural mail delivery problems.



goroda s derevnei v Sev.-Zap.oblasti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 132-133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expanding postal services in Ostrov District, Pskov province.


i mestnye organy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 154; Short item in the 'KI,ronika' section on the Voronezh Communications District's plans.

Svyaz' na sele; (n.a.); Ehkonomicheskaya gazeta; May 12, 1968; One page, negatlve copyflo. New regulations on rural mail service from the USSR Minlstry of Communications. Svyaz' s derevnel; Grigor'ev. V.' ZhTS; 8; Aug. Svyaz' strany sotsializma; Psurtsev, N.D. voprosam svyazi i radio. Moscow;




1959; Gosizdat 1 iteratury po

Svyaz' v devyatoi pyatiletke; Psurtsev, N.D.; 1972; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; The USSR Minister of Communications outlines the results of initiatives taken during the Eighth Five-Year Plan and goals for the Ninth. Photocopy. Svyaz' v oblasti Komi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 173-174; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on communications in the Komi oblast'. Svyaz' v Karelii;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924;

143-144; Lengthy item in the 'Khronika'

Postal History, Soviet




section on the status of communications in Karelia. Svyaz' v Zakavkaz'e; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of communications in the Caucasus. Svyaz' Uzbekistana za polveka; Babadzhanov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1974; One page on the 50th anniversary of Uzbekistan's communications network. Includes postal information. Svyaz', ee organizatsiya i tekhnika;

Lyubovich, A.; ZhTS; 5' May 1924; 22-28;

Svyaz', ee organizatsiya i tekhnika; Continued from #5.

Lyubovich, A.; ZhTS; 7' JUly 1924; 21-29;

Svyazisty goroda-geroya; Viktorov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 46-47; The post in Sevastopol' during the WWII seige. Taezhnaya pochta; Bamov; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. delivery to workers on Alonka Station. BAM.

1975; Short item on mobile mail

Talantlivvi organizator svyazi; Skcrospelov, Yu.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. Two pages on V.N. Podbel'skii, first Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs.


Tam, gde shumela taiga; Nagatina, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1969; Two pages on the Angarsk City Communications Center. Includes postal information. Tam, gde slyshen 'shepot zvezd'; Boiko. V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 7-9; The Oimyakon region of Yakutia. Examples of postmarks from various offices are shown, plus dates of opening, name changes, and postal zip codes. Tatarizatsiya pochtovo-telegrafnykh uchrezhdenii Kryma; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT aLtempting to 'Tatarize' its post offices in the Crimea. Tatarizatsiya Krymskikh predpriyatli svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal courses designed to bring more Tatars into postal service in the Crimea. Tekhnicheskii kabinet Alma-Atinskogo pochtamta; Vul, A.I./Guzko, A.G.; Vestnik 5vyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; One page. Tekhnicheskii kaoinet Karagandinskogo pochtamta; Vul, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 1962; One page. Tekhnicheskii kabinet Leningradskogc pochtamta; Aug. 1962; One page.

1; Jan.

Rodioncv. A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8;

Tekhnicheskii progress - os nova dal 'neishego sovershenstvovaniya pochty; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi: 4; Apr. 1971; Two pages. Thumping the tub for the 9th five-year plan. The 'MOCKBA-A' Round-Up; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 8: May 1981; 34-39; The Development of the Postal Service in the Transcarpathian Province of the Soviet Union; Blaha, ill11roslav; Rossica; 73; 1967; 37-43: Trans13ted from 'Filateiie' of Prague #19-21, 1966. The Elephant (SLON) Mail; Boiko, V.G.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 36-39; Werbizky, George G.; Mail to and from the concentration camps at Solovki, and censorship of prisoners' correspondence. Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #6, 1991. The Post - A Collector of Taxes; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 89; Skipton, David M.; Short item translated from the 'Khronika' section Of ZhTS #11, Nov. 1924. The Post in the Russian Empire; Huysmans. Fr.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 42-52; ConclUded fro~ ~2. The L'tle is misleading, as the Soviet posta~ system is also discussed. on pp. 48-52. The Postal History of Territories Ceded to USSR - Karel ia, Petsamo and Salla; Helkio, Eero J.: 1980; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; Dwight, Ronald; Or'g'nel hOOK, 176 p~ges, softbound. Text in Finnish and English. Numerous photos and illustrations. The Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States 1940-1; Michalove, Peter A.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 31-39; Sovlet rates for each of the occupied nations.

The Soviet Posts in Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia, BJRP; 54; Dec.

1940-1941; Cronin, Andrew;

1977; 35-36;

The Soviet Posts in Western Belorussia 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe/Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 4-32; Includes extensive placename listings and two maps of the area. The Story Behind the Podbelsky Commemorative; Cronin, Andrew;

Rossica; 66;


Postal History, Soviet




31-32; The 1918 Chainbreaker issue 'discovered' as the first Soviet stamp, and the 1962 Podbelsky commemorative. The Third Standard Postage Issue of the U.S.S.R. - A Postal History View; Chastang, Thomas; (n.d.); An exhibit organized chronologically by date of rate change. The Western Regions of the USSR, 21-24;

1939-1941; Waugh, Allar. S.; BJRP; 52; Dec.


Tsel' - ehffektivnost', put' - rekonstruktsiya; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1971; Three pages on improvements in efficiency at establishments of the Moscow Mail Transportation Directorate. Tselevye sbory na proftekhnicheskoe obrazovanie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 132; Plans to charge higher fees for various mail-category receipts to pay for educating postal workers. Tselinomu krayu - obraztsovuyu svyaz'; Takhman, I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1961; Two pages on communications in the Tsellnyi krai, Kazakhstan. Includes postal information. TsIK A.T.S.S.R. 0 rabote ok ruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a report by the chief of the Volga-Kama Communications District. Tverdaya pochtovaya svyaz' s VIK'ami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 144-145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal service to volost' executive committees in the Voronezh' Communications District. Tyazhela ty, sumka pochtal'ona; Vdovenko, T.; Sotsialisticheskaya industriya; Sep. 6, 1983; 3; Slow and inaccurate postal services, efforts to improve them. U Tifl isskikh pochtovikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 'Khronika' section on operations in Tifl is.


157; Short item in the

Uchashchenie knoda pocht po traktam po S.-Z. okrugu v 1923-1924 byudzhetnom godu; (n.a.); Zr,TS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an increase in departure frequency for mail routes in the Northwestern Communications District. Uchest' vse rezervy; Mednikcv, D.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; Two pages on finding unutilized means to improve efficiency and speed in mail-handling at the Rostov-na-Donu PTUS. Udachnaya reklamnaya listovka; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; Moscow GPO advertisement.

12; Dec.

1968; Short item on a

Uezdnye komissary svyazi; Larionov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1968; Short article on district commissars assigned to post-and-telegraph offices in the early 1920s. Ugroza pochte ostat'sya bez transportirovaniya gazet; Sh., A.: ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 93-95; The newspaper 'Izvestiya TsIK SSSR' organizes its own distribution and delivery due to postal inefficiency. Uispolkom i pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 197; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Glazovo District's poor efforts to improve rural postal services. Ukomy krepyat svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 151-152: Short item in the 'KhroniKa' section on the Tambov District Committee's efforts to strengthen communications. Ukrainizatsiya apparata Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924: 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on disbursement of funds to several Ukrainian Communications DistricTs to promote 'Ukrainiazation'. Ukreplenie pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); zr~TS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improving postal communications between towns and rural areas in Irkutsk. Kiev and Khar'kov Provinces. Ukreplenie pochtovoi svyazi v uezde; (n.a.); ZhTS: 4; Apr. 1924; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about initiatives in Lipetsk to strengthen postal services in rural areas. Ukrupnenie Sev.-Zapadnogo okruga; 'Khronika' section.

(n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr.


132; Short item in the

Ukrupnenie Sredne-Sibirskogo okruga svyazi za schet Vostochno-Sibirskogo; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on transferal of Enisei Province from the Eastern Siberian to the Central Siberian Communications District.

Postal History, Soviet



Uluchshaem dostavku POChLy na sele; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik pages on rural delivery at the Nikolaev PT~S.


3; Mar.


1969; Two

Uluchshaem dostavku pochty za schet rezervov; Tatur, R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1970; Three pages on improving mail delivery in the Krasnoyarsk area. Uluchshaem kachestvo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya; Solodovnikova, I.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1980; Two pages on improvements in mail dellvery by the Magnitogorsk Post Office. Uluchshaem obsluzhivanie naseleniya; Rozenshtein, V.B./Antonova, G.P.; Vestnik svyazi: 1; Jan. 1982; Three pages on the Dzerzhinsk Communications Office. Uluchshaem obsluzhivanie naseleniya i ehkonomicheskie pokazate11; Baum, 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1966; Three pages on postal operations at the Frunze GPO and PZhSP. Uluchshaem organizatsiyu truda; Ryabkov, B.I.; Vestnik svyazi; pages on the N.O.T. at work in the Odessa Post Office. Uluchshaem organizatsiyu truda; Sedykh, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; on greater efficiency at the L'vov OPP.

11; Nov. 1; Jan.

1968; Three

1971; Two pages

Uluchshat' obsluzhivanie naseleniya - vazhneishaya zadacha rabotnikov pochty; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1964; Two pages.


Uluchshat' obsluzhivanie naseleniya POCl1tovoi svyaz'yu; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1965; Two pages. Uluchshat' organizatsiyu dostavochnoi sluzhby; Romanov, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1982; Two pages. Uluchshat' rabotu otrasli: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1984: One page on Main Postal Administration efforts to reduce the number of branch offices running deficits. Uluchshat' rabotu pochty; (n.a.); Vestn'k svyazi; 2; Feb. 1969; One page. Discussions on improving postal work at the Ccllegium of the USSR Communications Ministry. Uluchshat' rabotu s pis'mami; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9: Sep. 1984; One page. Responses by various republic minisLers of communication to criticism in 'Vestnik svyazi' #4, 1984, 'Kazhdomu pis'mu ... '. Uluchshena oostavka pechati naseleniyu; Nikonova, N.; Vestnik svyazi; One page on improving newspaper del Ivery through competition.


Uluchshit' dostavku pechat1; Kabirov. Kh.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Jan. Uluchshit' pochtovuyu svyaz': (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; postal improvements in Rostov oblast'. Uluchshit' rabotu dostavochnoi sluzhby; Klyueva, One page.



Aug. 22,

1975; 1969;

1970; One page on

L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1982;

Unifikatsiya delovoi korrespondentsli putem razrabotki tipovykh pisem; Bil'dyukevich, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; One page. Un i ka 1 'noe zdan i e pochtamta v Odesse; One page.

Ep i fanov.

I. P.: Vestn i k svyaz i;

12; Dec.


Upakovka pochty dlya dostavki na opornye punkty; Sorokin. M.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1966; Two pages. Uprazdnenie parallel 'noi pochty: (n.a. I; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about the abol ishment of non-postal del Ivery serVlces in the Northwestern Communications District. Uprazdnenie Cnernomorskogo ok ruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11: Nov. 1925; 142; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on abolishment of the Black Sea Communications District. It was divided between the Khar'kov and Kiev Districts. Uproshchenie deloproizvodstva; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 141-142; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on simplification of postal bookkeeping and notation of deficiencies. Uproshcheniya v kollektivnoi podpiske; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on simplifications in collective subscriptions. Uregulirovanie dostavki pisem i gazet po Leningradu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Leningrad's introduction of a 4th


Postal History, Soviet




evening mail pick-up round. Uroki peredvizhnoi pochty; Stal'; ZhTS; 2; Feb. the experiences of mobile posts.


115-119; Lessons derived from

Uskorilas' dostavka gazet; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Tambov Raion PTO expediting newspaper delivery. Uskorit' dostavku naseleniyu korrespondentsii i pechati; Mokhov, 1.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1968; Two pages on expediting mail del ivery in Kirov oblast'. Uskorit' dostavku pochty; Mangel 'din, D.I.; Vestnik svyazl; pages.

10; Oct.

1978; Five

Uskorit' prokhozhdenie pisem i gazet; Podosinovik, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 1968; Two pages on speeding up mail processing in Tula oblast'.

11; Nov.

Uskorit' razrabotku i vnedrenie sovremennoi pochtovoi tekhniki; Zabotin, P.F./Rabinovich, S.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1980; Three pages. Uskoryaem dostavku pechati i pochty naseleniyu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; Two pages on speeding up mail del ivery in Smolensk oblast'.

1; Jan.


Uskoryaem prokhozhdenie pochty i pechati; Rimsha, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Four pages on speeding up postal service in Belorussia.


Uskoryat' obrabotku, perevozku i dostavku pechati i pochtovykh otpravlenii; Kovalev, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1976; Two pages. A country-wide look at shortcomings in mail handling and delivery. Uslugi pochty naseleniyu i pochtovye formal'nosti; Troikin; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 72-73; Problems in the commercial sector with postal regulations that hinder it. Uslugi svyazi - do kazhdogo cheloveka (Sessiya oblispolkoma obsuzhdaet rabotu svayzistov za istekshee pyatiletie); Ehzergail, A.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; Two pages. Uslugi svyazi - v kazhdyi dom; Kurochkin, I.M.; Vestnik svyazi; pages on mail delivery in the Murom area.

10; Oct.

1981; Two

Uslugi svyazi na domu - i v sele, i v gorode; Shigabetdinov, M.A.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1976; Three pages on home mail delivery in the Bashkir ASSR.


Uslugi svyazi priblizhayutsya k naseleniyu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; One page on opening of new communications centers around the coutry - includes post offices. Ustranit' nedostatki v organizatsii dostavki periodicheskoi pechati; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1964; Two pages on discussions in the Collegium of the MS SSSR on this problem. Ustranit' prichiny zhalob; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1985; 22; One page, short item on measures being taken by the Azerbaidjan and Turkmen SSR Ministries of Communications to correct shortcomings in their postal services. Utochneniya k katalogu; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 51; The author argues that the 1976 Soviet catalog is wrong when it asserts that stamp 1 1 never saw use. Uzbekskoe byuro kontrolya perevodov; Kudinov, Three pages.

A.N.: Vestnik svyazi;

1; Jan.


Uzel svyazi - predpriyatie kommunisticheskogo truda; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1968; Three pages on the Snegirev R.U.S. in Nikolaev oblast'. V chest' 250-letiya Leningradskci pochty; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 9; Sep. pages on ceremonies in Leningrad to celebrate t~le anniversary.

1964; Two

V dalekom 20-m; Rubin, LA.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; Two pages on the first All-Russian'subbotnik'. Includes postal information. V druzhnoi sem'e; Gorina, N.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. in the Sverdlovsk 68th Branch Office.


1966; Two pages on operations

g. Ul 'yanovske; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika" section on a post-and-telegraph exhibition in Ul 'yanovsk.

V gorode yakutskikh almazov; Klyueva, L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1965; Three pages on communications services in Mirnyi, Yakutsk ASSR. Includes postal information.


interesakh naseleniya; Vultakh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr.

1981; Three pages on

Postal History. Soviet




improvements in service to residents of the Tadzhik SSR. V interesakh sovetskikh lyudei; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2: Feb. 1966; Short article on the MS SSSR's approval for es~abl ishment of 'good-works bureaus' for mail delivery to the sick and aged. plus construction of automated postal points. V kazhdom sele - pochtovoe otdelenie: (n.a.); ZhTS; 10: Oct. 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expansion of rural mail services in the Kiev Communications District. V otvet na kritiku: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1: Jan. 1984; 22; Measures taken in the Latvian SSR to correct problems with newspaper delivery. V peredovom uzle svyazi; Kononov. V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; One page on improvements and mechanization at the Dzerzhlnsk Communications Center, Leningrad. V poiskakh adresata; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1961; Short article on the address search bureau in the Moscow GPO. Includes two photographs. V p01skakh vinovatogo; Romanych: ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 102-104; The author looks at the problem of why newspapers aren't being delivered by the NKPiT to rural areas. V poryadke ehksperimenta; Talyzina. V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; One page. Experimenting in the method of accounting in pension payments at the Omsk GPO. V poryadke postanovki voprosa; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 106-108; The author argues for changes in the way mail is delivered. transported and guarded in rural areas. V proizvodstvennykh yacheikakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. NOT cells in Voronezh. Minsk and Ufa.


130-132; The efforts of

V samom tsentre Kal ininskogo kraya; Konstantinov. E.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. Two pages on the Maslovo Communications Branch Office, near Torzhok.


V sem'e edinoi; Popov, 0.1.; Vestnik svyazi: 9; Sep. 1977; Three pages on the growth of communications, including the POs in Tadzhikistan. from 1913 to the present. V tsekhe ehkspedirovaniya pechati Rizhskogo pochtamta; Golubev, 10; Oct. 1966; Two page3.

F.P.; Vestnik svyazi;

V tselyakh ratsional izatsi i raboty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149; Short item In the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT's intention to form a commission to study itself. V Kollegi1 Ministerstva svyazi Moldavskoi SSR; (n.a,); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. One page. A discussion by the Collegium of problems at the Kishinev Post-and-Telegraph Office.


V Kollegii Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960; One page. The Collegium looks at progress in mechanizing large post offices. V Kollegii Ministerstva svyazi SSSR - Neustanno sovershenstvovat' pochtovuyu svyaz'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1964; One page. V Kollegii Ministerstva svyazi SSSR - Uluchshat' dostavku pochty; svyazi; 6; June 1961; One page.

(n.a.); Vestnik

V Kollegii Ministerstva svyazi SSSR - Uluchshat' organizatsiyu pochtovvkrl perevozok; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1962; Two pages. V Kollegi i NKPiT; Kh.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 155-158; Results of the Soviet communications delegation V1S1t to Germany, Denmark an~ Sweden, and lessons learned. V Tsentral 'nom komitete KPSS 1 Sovete ministrcv SSSR; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8' Aug. 1978; One page on requirements by tne Central Committee and the Council of Ministers to improve mail del1very. V Zaporozh'e '; Volkovy5ke stroyatsya pocntam1y; One page.

(n.a,); Vestnik svvaZl;

1; Jan.


Vashe mnenie. tovar'ishchy podpishchiki?; Evsyukov, A.; Ehkonomicheskaya gazeta; May 12, 1962; Complaints about newspaper delivery becoming less efficient due to the shift from postmen to mailbox del ivery points. Vasyurinskoe otdelenie svyazi; Smirnov, A.r.; 1956; Svyaz'izdat. Moscow; Photocopy. Description of postal operations in Vasyurinskaya stanitsa, Krasnodar krai. Vazhneishie zadachi sovetskoi pochty; Matsnev. V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1970; Three pages.

Postal History, Soviet




Vdvoe bystree; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; Short item on the 'cassette' method of mail delivery by a City branch office in Ust'-Kamenogorsk. Vilnius 1939-1941; Lapas, Raimundas; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers from Vilnius during the Polish, Lithuanian and Russian periods, 1939-1941. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Vizitnaya kartochka otras1i; Dyukov, P.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; Two pages on advertising bureaus at post-and-te1egraph communications centers. Vmesto kur'erov - pochta1'ony; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145-146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Tomsk postal chief proposal to establish a city post there. Vmesto marki; Yakobs, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; (postage collected) postmarks and their history.

18-19; The 'sbor vzyskan'

Vneocherednoi priem korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on plans to introduce a form of express mail at a higher postage rate. Vnimanie rek1ame; Shamanaev, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; advertising postal services.

12; Dec.

1970; Two pages on

Vnutrennyaya pochta. (V Uprav1enii Sev.-Kavk. Dkruga Svyazi); Chesnokov, I.; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 93-94; An internal office mail system used by the North Caucasus Communications District Administration. Vo imya istiny; Mazur, P.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; V-VII; The article which defended the new catalog listing of the Chainbreaker stamps as the first two Soviet stamps, with supporting documentation and a discussion of when they first saw use. Volga German Postal History; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 50-61; Short history. Includes maps and a list of post offices. Vo1ostnoi s'ezd i svyaz'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the 13th Congress of the Krupetsk vo1ost' and its instructions to rural officials to improve communications. Vo1ostnoi s'ezd 0 ko1'tsevykh pochtakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Voronezh Province volost' congress on improving circular-post service. Volsovety i pressa; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Voronezh Ob1ast' vo1ost's efforts to strengthen communications. Voprosy Narsvyazi na 1-m s'ezde po izucheniyu Chernomor'ya; Osipovich, N.P.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 138 - 139; Voronezhskii Gubispo1kom 0 rabote Ok ruga Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 157-158; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Voronezh Provincial Executive Committee's deliberations on the province's communications. Voskresenskii VIK, Kaz. gUb., 0 se1'skoi pochte; Short item in the 'Khronika' section.

(n.a.); ZhTS;

10; Oct.



Vremya deistvovat'; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 16-17; An All-Union Conference of Communications Ministries (USSR and republics), Goskomizdat SSSR, etc. to discuss ways to improve postage stamps and stationery. Vremya i svyaz'. Ocherki po istorii svyazi v TASSR.; Or1ova, A.F.; 1988; Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kazan'; Original hardbound copy, signed by the author. Includes information on all forms of communication in the Tatar area around Kazan' . Vse 1 i my znaem 0 pochte Bukhary i Khorezma?; Ustinovskii, V.; Fi1ate1 iya; 1; Jan. 1992; 43-47; The Soviet puppet states of Bukhara and Khorezm, their postage and revenue stamps. Vse na10gi cherez pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 153; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Tambov raion sending all monies collected from taxes and fees via the post. Vsebashkirskaya konferentsiya soyuza svyazi 0 rabote upo1svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7' JUly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Bashkir Sovnarkom approval of that year's efforts to improve communications service to the populace. Vsemerno u1uchshat' dostavku pochty naseleniyu. i oblegchat' trud pochta1 'onov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960; Two pages.


Postal History, Soviet



Vspompunkty v volostyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on auxiliary post offices at the volost' level. Vstrecha s novym ministrom; Mishin, M.: Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; 2-3; New USSR Minister of Communications Eh.~. Pervyshin gives his opinions on wl,at the Ministry must do in the near future. Vtoroi standartnyi; Skrylev, A.: Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 8-9; Production of the Second Standard Issue of 1927. Vypolnyat' trebovaniya standarta: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1984; Short article on the reactions of several republic communications ministries to criticism in #6, 1984, 'Povyshat' uroven' standartizatsi i ... '. Vypuskat' vysokokachestvennye pochtovye marki, konverty i pochtovye kartochki; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1961; One page on the need to increase the number and variety of postage stamps and stationery. Vysokaya otvetstvennost'; Nekhaeva, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; on the Novosibirsk Post, Telegraph. Telephone, etc.

10; Oct.

1982; Four pages

Vystavka; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 136; A communications exhibit on display in Sevastopol' at the 9th All-Crimean Conference of Professional Unions. Vzaimnye uslugi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. and the AKSSR in postal matters.


137; Cooperation between Petrozavodsk

Vzamen dostavki pochty na dom ... ; Aranovich, Eh.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. pages on self-serve postal areas in Kishinev. Vzamen pochtovykh marok; Rudnikov, Yu.; Soviet meter mail.

1983; Two

Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976: 27-28; Early

Ya yam pishu ... ; Dzokaeva. T.; Nauka i zhizn'; 2; Soviet Post.

1983; 88-95; A general

look at the

Ya yam pishu ... ; Vladimirov, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1976; One page on the heroic efforts of the Moscow GPO's undel ivered mail section. Yazyk natsional'nykh men'shinstv v apparate Svyazi; Sh., A.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 106-107: The author suggests various steps to improve the Soviet Post's capabil itles in minority languages. Yubilei gazety pochtovikov; Danilova. L.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; One page on the 50th anniversary of the 'Moskovskii svyazist' publication. Yunye pomoshchniki pochty; to do postal tasks.


Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.

1967; 27; Using Pioneers

Za ehkonomiyu i berezhlivost'; Chervyakova, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 8: Aug. page on advances at the Moscow Communications Center in Leningrad.

1974; One

Za korennoe u 1 uchshenie pochtovoi svyazi - Vsesoyuznoe soveshchanie po provodam rabotnikov pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1964; Two pages. Za ooraztsovuyu rabotu pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Two pages. An appeal to postal workers to improve timeliness and accuracy of mail del ivery. Za rentabel'nost' sel'skikh otdelenii svyazi; Shchepot'eva, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; Nov. 1971: Two pages.


Za schet chego uskorena dostavka periodicheskoi pechati; Bruzhinskas. V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1976; Two pages on newspaper del ivery by the Vilnius Post Office. Za strokoi dokumenta; Khelemski i. YU.; F j latellya; 9; Sep. 1991; 52"53; Instructions and minutes of the DIEhZPD in 1961 concerning stamp deSIgns and the deslgners. Za tekhnicheskii progress v pOChtOvci svyazl; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi: 8; Aug. 197C; Three pages on discussions at an All-Union semlnar of postal workers in Vilnius. Za vysokoe kachestvo: Tyehleid, T.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. improving production quality at the Tallin Post Office.

1979; Two pages on

Za vysokokachestvennoe obsluzhivanie truzhennikov sela; Papinako. I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1965; Two pages on efforts to improve postal service to rural areas. Zablagovremenno gotovit'sya k predprazdnichnoi nagruzke; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1967; One page of recommendations from the MS SSSR to postal establishments on coping with the pre-holiday influx of mail.

Postal History, Soviet




Zabota ob uluchsenii svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1965; One page on measures taken by the KUibyshev Rayon Council of Workers' Deputies to improve mail delivery. Zabotimsya 0 khoroshem obsluzhivanii naseleniya; Volovik, 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1967; Three pages on communications services in the Olekminsk area of the Yakutsk ASSR. Includes postal information. Zabotyas' 0 lyudyakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; One page on decisions taken by the Kustanai Oblispolkom to improve communications service. Includes postal information. Zadachi sovetskoi pochty v novom godu; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Three pages.


Zakaznaya korrespondentsiya Sankt-Peterburga - Petrograda - Leningrada; Dobin, M./Ratner, L.; SK; 27; 1990; 3-25; Registration procedures, markings and labels from imperial to Soviet times in St. Petersburg. Zaochnaya konferentsiya rabotnikov svyazi; Murashkin, A.L./et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 9' Sep. 1962; Two pages on sloppy postal-notice practices, newspaper dispatch operations, etc. Zaochnaya konferentsiya rabotnikov svyazi - trudit'sya tak, kak trebuyut sovetskie lyudi; Makarov, O.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1968; Three pages. An overview of postal problems in public service. Zaochnaya konferentsiya rabotnikov svyazi. Novoe v pochtovykh pravilakh.; Shamanaev, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1968; Two pages. Zashchita gosudarstvennoi pochtovoi monopolii; Ch., V.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 73-77; The author looks at the postal monopoly, saying that it should be strengthened against unauthorized 'substitute posts' while preserving the rights of citizens to communicate. Zavpredy na skam'e podsudimykh; Kruzhkov; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 134-136; Complaints about rural post office chiefs not carrying out Moscow's instructions. Zayavleniya otpravitelei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2' Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improvements in the way senders' declarations are handled. Zdanie Narodnogo Komissariata Pocht i Telegrafov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; picture of the People's Post-and-Telegraph Commissariat building. Zhdut gazetu v kazhdom dome; Pogodin, K./Chizhov, V.; delivery problems.

Pravda; Mar. 9,

1; A

1971; Newspaper

Zhurnal na puti k podpischiku; Sladkov, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 16-17; 'Filatel iya SSSR' decides to test del ivery times of the magazine in various cities. Zyryanizatsiya pr'edpriyatii svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; uUly 1924; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on making Komi the language of postal operations in the Komi Oblast'. 1124 dnya; B.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; Okhansk to Khar'kov.

147; A horror story about a mishandled package from

1921/23 Stampless Mail; Rutkowska. T.T./et 81.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 2-ya okruzhnaya konferentsiya v Khar'kove;

1978; 41;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;


4-ya Voronezhskaya okruzhnaya konferentsiya soyuza svyazi 0 rabote Vor. ok ruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khr'onika' section on communications matters discussed at the Fourth Voronezh District Conference. 50 let sovetskoi svyazi; Reznikov. M.R.; 1967; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; A broad overview. Only those pages pertaining to the Post are included.

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions,





Befehl Seiner Kaiserlichen Majestat des Selbstherrscher's aller Reussen aus der Livlaendischen Gouvernements-Regierung ... ; (n.a.); Philatel ia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 12-14; Notice of postal rates for all of Russia and Finland, 30 June 1843. Befehl Seiner Kaiserlichen Majestat. des Selbstherrschers aller Reussen. aus dem Dirigirenden Senat. an die Livlandische Gouvernements-Regierung; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 57; June 1974; 14-16; A 20 June 1830 decree establishing package distance rates. Includes a rate table. Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Department of Posts - 1899. 19 Jan.; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 8-10; Translated from 'Marki' VI/3. 15 Feb. 1899. Money packet and parcel rates. Estonia: Post Office Forms; Saardson, A.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 31-32 and illustration pages 19-20; Translations of an 1844 receipt and an 1899 notice of receipt with instructions for claiming the mail. Instruktsiya gubernskomu pochtmeisteru; Kalabukhov. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 36-37; Various postal instructions issued between 1782 and 1831. Kratkii sbornik rasporyazhenii po POChtovo-telegrafnomu vyedomstvu; Zvyerev, N.P.; 1900; Nevskaya tipografiya, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Unofficial edition. Covers the period from 1884 to 1899. Lois et Reglements Douaniers Concernant 1 'Importation en Russie des Marchandises par Envois Postaux; (n.a.); 1916; Ministere Imperial des Finances, Petrograd; Customs regulations on importation of goods into Russia via the Post. Photocopy. Novyi dokument k istorii vypuska pervoi pol'Skoi marki 1860 g.; Rachmanov, V.A.; Rossica; 31; May-June 1938; 137-139; The general circular on the use of Poland # 1.

Ob izmenenii obraztsa kruglykh shtempelei v 1890 godu; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 1940; 339-340; Reproduces the 5 March 1890 Circular #13, which changed cancels to Roman numerals in the month. Ob otvyetstvennosti parokhodovladel'tsev i parokhodnykh obshchetsv za sgorevshuyu na ikh parokhodakh pochtovuyu korrespondentsiyu; SOkolov. N.I.; PTZh; Nov. 1902; 814-843; Legal responsibil ity of steamship owners for mail burned aboard their vessels. Ob otvyetstvennosti pochtovago vyedomstva i pochtovykh sluzhashchikh za vydachu s pochty deneg i dokumentov po podlozhnoi dovyerennosti; (n.a.); PTZh; May 1902; 402-410; Obshchii tsirkulyar po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (69-80); Petersburg; On microfilm.


1848; GUP. St.

On Dispatch of Letter Mail to Turkey; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 57; Skipton. David M.; Translated from PTZh (official edition). 8 June 1904. Circular #105. Outstanding Items; Waugh. A.S./Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 16-18 & 2 illustration pages; Reproduces the 10 December 1857 circular announcing the issue of adhesive stamps. Pochta, telegraf i telefon v novom Ugolovnom Ulozhenii; SOkolov, N.I.; PTZh; June 1903; 680-700; Pochta, telegraf i telefon v novom Ugolovnom Ulozhenii; Sokolov. N. I.; DTZ'l; July 1903; 760-778; Continued from June 1903 article. Pochtovo-telegrafnyi zhurnal. 1904 g. Otdel offitsial'nyi.; (n.a.); PTZh; 27; 1904; GUPiT. St. Petersburg; On microfilm. The official edition of the PTZh appeared weekly, and served to notify postal officials of the latest news and circula~s. Pochtovoe obrashchenie razmennykh 'maroK-deneg'; Kuznetsov. D.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 37; The author presents extracts from a GUPiT telegram to the Perm' P-T Distrlct chief. instructing hlm to permit use of the 1915 'stamp-money' as postage. Post-Regeln fuer inlaendische und auslaendische Correspondenz, Taxe-Ermaessigungen. sowie einige Abaenderungen der Yom Post-Departement im Jahre 1875 erlassenen Postregeln.; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 61; Dec. 1975; 6-15; Druck der Livlaendischen Gouvernements-Typographie. Riga; Roehsler, C.; The 1875 postal rates, pUblished in 1879. Postage to be Charged on Letters of 1 Lot (Prussian Weight) Sent Abroad, Including Russian Weight Money of 10 kop. and 2 kop. Silver for the Receipt (1861); (n. a. ); BJRP; 63; 1986; 5; Postal Rules for Inland and Foreign Correspondence, Postage Tax Reductions and

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions,


Changes to the 1875 Postal Rules; (n.a.); BJRP; 64; Dec. Joseph; Translated from 'Philatelia Baltica' #61.




1987; 4-6; Robin L.

Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (1-32); (n.a.); 1843-1846; GUP, St. Petersburg; The 'Addenda' were attached to general postal circulars, and covered a wide range of topics, from Russian postal history to foreign postal systems. On microfilm. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (33-49); 1846-1847; GUP, St. Petersburg; Publ ication; von Lacy, Peter Graf; Philatel ia Baltica; 71-73; Feb. notice issued by Count von Lacy in Jan. 1749.


1981; 25; A postal

Rasporyazhenie 0 vvedenii nomernykh srltempelei pogasheniya v Tsarstvye Pol'skom; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 249-250; Rules About the Use of Postage Stamps for Correspondence Sent (n. a. ); BJRP; 63; 1986; 6;

Abroad (1866);

Russian Postal Service - How It Was Run a Century Ago; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 75; 1968; 5-7; A general review of the 1857 Compendium of Laws and Regulations on the Postal Administration. Ryesheniya Kassatsionnago Ugolovnago i Obshchago Sobraniya Kassatsionnykh i Pervago Kassatsionnykh Departamentov Pravitel 'stvuyushchago Senata, otnosyashchiyasya do pochtovo-telegrafnago upravleniya za 1899. 1900 i 1901gg.; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Dec. 1902; 895-903; Sbornik dyeistvuyushchikh tsirkulyarnykh rasporyazhenii po S.-Peterburgskomu pochtovo-telegrafnomu okrugu za vremya s 1 Oktyabrya 1885 g. po 1 Noyabrya 1912 g. Dopolnen po 1 Iyulya 1913 g.; Mitavskii, A.E. (comp.); 1914; On microfilm. Compiled by the Peterhof Post Office chief. Sbornik postanovlenii i rasporyazhenii po pochtovo-telegrafnomu vyedomstvu; (n.a.); 1885; Glavnoe upravlenie pocht i telegrafov, St. Petersburg; Two microfilm copies, one negative (no loan out) and one positive. The standard reference for postmasters. Sbornik postanovlenii i rasporyazhenii po pochtovomu vyedomstvu; (n.a.); 1869; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On ffiicrofilm. Postmasters' guide to extant postal laws and regulations. Sobranie zakonov po Upravleniyu pochtovomu (1649-1832); (n.a.); 1-4; 1846-1849; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Complete listing of laws pertaining to the Post from 1649 to 1832. Sobranie zakonov po Upravleniyu pochtovomu (1833-1849); (n.a.); 5-6; Pochtovyi departament, St. Petersburg; On microfilm.


Spravochnik-ukazatel' pochtovo-telegrafnoi sluzhby. Spisok tsirkulyarnykh rasporyazhenii Glavnago Upravleniya pocht i telegrafov za vremya - s 1895 g. po 1914 g.; Ivliev, N.S. (comp.); 1914: N.S. Ivliev, Tsaritsyn; On microfilm. An unofficial edition which serves as an index to postal circulars. Summary Translation of Article on Various International Requirements for Properly Addressing Mail; (n.a.); Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 75-82; Skipton, David M.; Translated from PTZh, unofficial edition, 1892. Tax of the Weight-Money for Letters and Packets to All Towns of the Russian Empire. Empire (Zarthum) of Poland. and the Grand Duchy of Finland (1866); (n.a.); BJRP: 63; 1986; 7 -8 ; Taxes for the Collection of Postage Due Money for the Letters Sent to All the Towns of the Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Finland: 1 January 1844; (n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 9-10; Translated from 'Philatel ia Baltica' #60, Mar. 1975. Includes insurance rates for money and valuables. Ukazanie 0 napravlenii korrespondentsii; Remmer, K.; 1895; Remmer, Kishinev; On microfilm. Unofficial, third edition with additions and corrections to the 1885 'Sbornik postanovleni i ... '. Vremennyya postanovleniya po pochtovoi chasti; (n.a.); 1871; Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Many new forms of correspondence were introduced by these regulations. Yubileinye gody marok Rossiiskoi imperii; Hansen, E.; Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 63-68; Reproduces the postal circular introducing Russia #1, and gives some history on the Moscow Philatelic Society. 1830:

Order of His Imperial Majesty, Riga Castle, 24 July 1830; Dec. 1985; 8-9; Weight-rate changes.

(n.a.); BJRP; 62;

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions, Imperial 1866:

Internal Parcels;

(n.a.); BJRP; 63;




1986; 8-9;

1903 Circular From the Chief Directorate of Posts ana Telegraphs - 'On the Change of Types of Cancellations and Seals'; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 27-38: Reproduction of the entire circular in Russian. Includes summary translation of so~e part~ by George Shalimoff in 'Rossica' #96-97.

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions, Provisional Government



A Document Concerning Postal Services in 1917; Evans, Barrie A.; BJRP; 40; Mar. 27; Tseretelli's instructions to the Department.

406 1967;

Postal Laws-Regu1ations-Instructions, Soviet Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 'Deliver only to addressee' procedures.

07/13/93 10; Oct.



1986; 49;

Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 41; Information on when, where and how FDC #720 (pictur'ing the State Hermitage) was used, and quotations from State Standard 16408-80 on how mail is categorized. Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 50; Special court-notice envelopes and rules for their use. Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Filate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 32; An explanation of what colors of ink may be used for datest3mps on Soviet mail, and why an airplane appears on some Soviet datestamps of the 1960s on, below the 1etters 'SSSR'. Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 27; A listing of mail categories and which of them may be franked with stamps, and a brief history of the 'Svyaz" Agency, which existed from Aug. 1923 to Apr. 1927. It issued the advertising stamps. Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 32; Soviet postal regs on using any kind of stamp for any kind of mail, so long as the rate is correct. ChtOby pls'mo ne zaderzha10s' v puti; Geiman, I.; Sovetskaya Latvlya; Oct. 17, 1982; 4; Question-and-answer article on the 1 January 1983 change to standardized envelopes and postcards. Non-standard items refused by the Post. Dekrety sovetskoi v1asti; (n.a.); 1-10; 1957-1978; Gosizdat pol itecheskoi 1 iteratury, Moscow; Decrees concerning the Post and Telegraph from 25 Oct. 1917 to July 1920. GOST v pochtovom yashchike; (n.a.); Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; May 6, 1982; Automation forcing state standards to be implemented for mailed items, e.g. postcards. Instruktsiya d1ya zavedyvayushchikh vspompunktami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; Shor't item in the 'Khronika' section on a forthcoming publ ication of instructions for auxiliary-office chiefs. Instruktsiya po obmenu mezhdun~rodnykh pochtovykh posy10k; mezhdunarodnykh snoshenii, Moscow:



1927; NKPT. Otde1

Iz 1etopisi otras1 i svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Three pages of Chronological listings of decrees, orders and organizational changes having to do with communications, including the Post, beginning in 1917. Izdanie pravi1; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 142; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on completion of the postal and telegraph regulations for 1925. Izdanie rukovodstv; (r.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on pUblication of a new postal regulations handbook. K peresmotru pochtovykh pravi1; Marinich, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi: 5' May 1962; One page concerning reexamination of some postal regulations. K1ient prinosit posy1ku; Korotkov, A.; Vestnik Svyazi: 7; July 1971; One page. Drop in the number of airmail packages sUbmitted at a Mo1daVlan SSR post office due to new pacKaging directives. Kogda narushayutsya pochtovye pravl1a; Kornievskaya, M.: Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; Short article on lax practices resulting in confusion over postal and telegraph money orders. Konsu1'tatsiya po pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1980-1983; All articles under this title appear'ing in 'V.s.' from 1980 to 1983. Questions from readers are answered Oy Shamanaev or Papinako. Lenin. deti, fi1atel iya; Sta1 'boum, B.; SK; 8; 1970; 3-22; Soviet efforts to combat famine and help children by philatelic means during the 1920s. InclUdes several decrees and instructions. Mestnye pochtovye marki 1918-19 gg. - 0 razvitii seti pochtovykh uchrezhdenii v Sovetskoi Rossii; (n.a.): SK; 5; 1967; 41; Reproduces NKPT RSFSR Order #100 of 30 Apr i 1 1919. Ministerstva v SSSR; Ananov. I.N.; 1960; Gosyurizdat, Moscow; Extract. One page describing the legal responsibi1 ities of the Ministry of Communications. i.e. what it controls. Ne narushat' pochtovye pravi1a; Krapchatov. I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; One page on complaints about large numbers of postal workers ignoring regulations.

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions. Soviet




Novye kontrol'nye sroki dostavki i obrabotki pochtovykh otpravlenii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1965; One page on new standards set by the Ministry of Communications as of 1 October 1965. Novye pochtovye pravila; Korytov. A.; Sovetskaya going lnto effect on 1 April 1974.





New rules


novykh normativakh i osnovnykh kontrol'nykh srokakh v pochtovoi svyazi; I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1974; Two pages.


rezhime raboty predpriyatii svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1966; Two pages on changes in the 2-4-1964 MS-SSSR statute on working conditions for people connected with communications and transportation.


Pererabotka pravil po napravleniyu korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on reworking regulations for sending mail by rail. Po sledam vystuplenii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; One page. A reply by the chief of the TsNILOT to criticism voiced in 'Vestnik svyazi' #10. 1973 about the Safety Regulations at Postal Establishments. Pochta, Rukovodstvo-Spravochnik; Elizarov, A.I.; 1930; NKPT. Moscow; Second edition. A handbook for postmasters. covering all aspects of postal operations. Pochtovye pravila - na uroven' novykh zadach; Dobychina. L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 7' July 1961; Two pages. Polozhenie 0 perevozke pocht po zheleznym dorogam;


1928; Izd-vo NKPT.


Postanovlenie Kollegii NKPT 0 reorganizatsii seti; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 5; The NKPiT Collegium on reorganization of the post-and-telegraph network. Postanovlenie Kollegii NKPT


sel'skoi pochte;

(n.a.); ZhTS; 6' June 1925; 6'

Postanovlenie Narodnogo komissariata pocht i telegrafov SSSR po pochtovoi chasti; (n.a.); 1926-1928; NKPT. Moscow; Additions. deletions and amendments to postal regulations. Pravila po obrabotke POCl1tovykh otpravlenii. prinimaemykh i vydavaemykh v pochtovykh agentstvakh; (n.a.): ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Sho~t item in the 'Khronika' section on new regulations for postal agencies. Pravila vydachi pochtovykh otpravlenii v sel 'skikh mestnostyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 193-194; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on pUbl ication of rules on giving out mail in rural areas. Redaktsii otvechayut; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 22; Colors of official Soviet postmarks - must be black. or red for mail sent abroad via the International Post Office. Rukovodstvo po pochtovomu deloproizvodstvu vol ispolkomov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 150; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the pUblication of a 'how-to' book for postal book-keeping by volost' executive committees. Rukovodstvo po sel 'skim pochtovym operatsiyam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149-150; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the forthcoming publication of a 'how-to' book for rural postal operations. Sbornik zakonov SSSR i ukazov Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR 1938-1975; (n.a.); 1975; Izd-vo 'Izvestiya Sovetov deputatov trudyashchikhsya SSSR'. Moscow; One page from the decree '0 preobrazovanii Obshchesoyuznogo Ministerstva svyazi v soyuzno-respubl ikanskoe Ministerstvo svyazi SSSR'. Issued on 28 December 1954. Sovershenstvovat' khozraschet; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; 3-5; Efforts by the USSR Mlnistry of Communications to put itself on a self-financing basis and improve incentives to improve services to the pUbl ic. Spravochnik nachal'nika otdeleniya svyazi; Papinako. I.G./et al.; 1976; Svyaz'. Moscow; Second edition. Postmasters' handbook. very detailed. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 29; Impressions of special cancellations on anything other than envelopes intended for mailing are forbidden. Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR; (n.a.); 1966; Yuridicheskaya Komissiya pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR. izd-vo 'Yuridicheskaya literatura'. Moscow; Three pages. Only two articles - 135 & 159 - dealing With privacy of correspondence and forgery of postage stamps and stationery. Yuridicheskii slovar';

(n.a.); 2;

1956; Gosizdat yuridicheskoi

literatury. Moscow;

Postal Laws-Regulations-Instructions, Soviet




Second edition. Five pages of entries for: 'Pochtovyi Soyuz Vsemirnyi', 'Posylochnaya torgovlya', and 'Taina perepiski'. Za vysokoe kachestvo raboty pochtovoi svyazi: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1962; Two pages concerning tile forthcoming issue of new USSR Postal Reguiations and problems to be attacked in postal operations. Zaochnaya konferentsiya rabotnikov svyazi. Novoe v pochtovykh pravilakh.; Shamanaev, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1968; Two pages.

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