Postal Personnel. Civil War
Nezabyvaemye dni; Shevchenko. V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1977; Two pages on revolutionary activities in the Kremenchug PTO from 1916 to 1921. Rasskazy 0 krasnykh pochtovikakh - boevye budni; Anisimov. M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1977; Three pages. Rasskazy 0 krasnykh pochtovikakh - opyat' na fronte ... ; Anisimov. M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1977; Two pages on Red postal workers at the front during the Civil War. Rasskazy 0 krasnykh pochtovikakh - pervyi pokhod; Anisimov. M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Three pages. Slavnye krasnye pochtoviki; Anisimov. M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. on postal workers fighting in the Civil War. Slovo
1971; Four pages
Lenine i krasnykh pochtovlkakh; Anisimov. M.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. Four pages.
Postal Personnel,
'Russkiya vyedomosti' Collection; (n.a.); Russkiya vyedomosti; Apr .. May, Oct. 1913; Typewritten collection of short articles extracted from microfilms of the newspapers, 6 pages. Topics covered include legal proceedings against postmen, political unreliabil ity of postal workers in Dvinsk, wages, postal steamers on the Pechora, attack on a mail train, and Duma debate on the budget. Chinovnik pochtovogo vedomstva; Leibov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2: Feb. 1970; Reprinted from 'Sotsialisticheskaya svyaz", 1937. Three pages on several St. Petersburg postillions around the time of the Revolutions. Dorozhnik chuzhezemnyi i rossiiskii i poverstnaya kniga rossiiskago gosudarstva, s priobshcheniem. Izvestiya 0 pochtakh i shcheta vyesovykh za pis'ma deneg, tak zhe spiska pochtmeisteram i drugikh nuzhnykh svyedenii, dlya pol 'zy Gontsov i Puteshestvennikov.; Ruban, Vasil ii Grigor'evich; 1777; Imperatorskii S-Peterburgskii pochtamt, St. Petersburg: Russia's first postal guide. On microfilm. Durnovo i p.-t, rabotniki; Modenov, N.; ZhTS: 11; Nov. 1925; 27-31; Minister of Internal Affairs Durnovo and his reactlon to the communications workers strikes of 1905. Formennaya odezhda russkikh pochtovykh chinov v eva proshlom; Nov. 1903; 1176-1185;
Sokolov, N.I.;
Nezabyvaemye dni; Shevchenko, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1977; Two pages on revolutionary activities in the Kremenchug PTO from 1916 to 1921. Db otvyetstvennosti pochtovago vyedomstva i pochtovykh sluzhashchikh za vydachu s pochty deneg i dokumentov po podlozhnoi dovyerennosti; (n.a.); PTZh; May 1902; 402-410; Otkrytie sanatorii sluzhashchikh pochtovo-telegrafnago vyedomstva; 1ÂŁ03; 709-710; In EssentUki, Vladikavkaz District.
(n.a.); PTZh; June
Pocl1ta, telegraf i telefon v nov om Ugolovnom Ulozhenii; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; June 1903; 680-700; Pochta, telegraf i telefon v novom Ugolovnom Ulozhenii; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; July 1903; 760-778; Continued from June 1903 article. Pochtovo-telegrafnye sluzt1ashchie; (n.a.); Russkiya vyedomosti; 124; May 31, 1913; Copyflo, one page. A report on proceedlngs of the Duma Commission on Proposed Laws concerning efforts to raise post-and-telegraph workers' pay. So You Want To Be a Postman?; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 106-107; humorous look at the life of an imperial-period postman.
1985; 32-34; A
Spisok lits, sluzhashchikh po vyedomstvu Ministerstva vnutrennikn dyel 1913 gOda (ispravlen po 1 Yenvarya), ch. II (Gubernii, oblasti i gradonachal'stva); (n.a.); 1913; MVD, St, Petersburg; Photocopy, 91 pages. Only those pages with entries listing postal officials. Spisok vysshikh chinov tsentral'nykh ustanovlenli Ministerstva vnutrernikh dyel, ispravlen po 7 Maya 1914 g, Ch. 1.; (n.a.); 1914; MVD, St. Petersburg; Cop/flo, 5 pages. Short biographies on POkhvisnev. Osadchii andKhitrovo. The First Stage in the Development of Our Union. (In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Communicatlons Workers' Union.); (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 12-18; walker, Dale; Translated from ZhTS #11, 1925. Uchastie svyazlstov v revolyutsionnom dvizhenii; Lebedev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Four pages on activities of revolutionary PTO workers from 1900 to the Civil War. V chest' pochtai 'ona; Ovcharenko, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Short item on a memor'lal in Uzhgorod to a Russlan postil 1 ion who llved 140 years ago. 19th Century Russian Postal Ministers and Officials; Roberts, 108-109: 1986; 75-78;
Ian w.; Rossica;
Postal Personnel, Provisional Government
Predsedatel' Revkoma pochtamta; Safonov, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Two pages on the revolutionary activities of K.Ya. Kadlubovskii at the Petrograd GPO. Rabotniki svyazi v dni Oktyabrya; Zabavnikov. N.S.; Vestnik svyazi; Three pages.
11; Nov.
Postal Personnel, Soviet
'Mekhanizatsiya' poChtovogo transporta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 143; A Mariupol' postman who gets about on his rounds in winter usinO the doors to the rural soviet. 'Pionerka salyutuet'; Teleleiko, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 61; The Pioneer girl saluting on the 1936 15kop. stamp is identified. along w!th the story of how schoolchildren were used to help the Post. Aktivnyi zavot; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Voronezh PTO chief .,ho actively promotes newspapers among the peasants. Avtomatika i pochtal'on; Butenko, M.; Tekhnika - Molodezhi; 6; June 1963: 31; An explanation of the sortlng and processing stages in mail handling. Besstrashnye pochtal 'ony; Lunev, P.A.; Vestnik svyazi: 5; May 1981; Three pages on postal exploits in the Crlmea during WWII. Bol'she vnimanie nuzhdam rabotnikov; Konstantinov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. Two pages on postal workers' problems in a number of localities.
Boremsya za vysokoe zvanie predpriyatlya kommunisticheskogo truda; Reva, 1.N./Kotovski i, A.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1961; One page on workers at the Kiev OPP competing among brigades for this award. Brat' primer s peredovykh pochtal 'onov; Kudinov, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1961; Three pages on outstanding postill ions of the Tashkent Post Office. Byudzhet rabotnika svyazi v oktyabre 1924 g.; S., N.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 97-102; Statistics on the percentage of communications workers' pay going for uniforms, upkeep, training, etc. Chinovnik pochtovogo vedomstva; Leibov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1970; Reprinted from 'Sotsialisticheskaya svyaz", 1937. Three pages on several St. Petersburg postillions around the time of the Revolutions. Chto b my delal i bez pochty!; Shpagin. M.; Nauka v tvoei professii; 11; Nov. 1979; 3-47; Narodnyi universitet, 'Znanie', Moscow; Broad-brush coverage of postal development. InclUdes a chronology on pp. 42-45. Softbound original. Chto pomoglo ukomplektovat' shtat pochtal 'onov; 111yutochkina, G.A.; 2; Feb. 1983; Two pages.
Chtoby ne dopustit' braka; Voronov, E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1968; One page on a personal incentives system 3t the Khar'Kov PZhDP to reduce errors. Chtoby rabo~at' bez travm; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1980; One page on physical safety problems at a number of mail-handling facil ities. Dadim natsional 'nykh rabotnikov: (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on training in Ufa of national minorities for communications work. Dela pochtovye ... ; Vorob'ev, A.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; June 23, 1960; 5; A general view of postal workers and problems using specific examples. Delo vazhnoe, povsednevnoe; Saranchuk, M.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. on energy conservation and greater efficiency by mail workers.
1982; Two pages
Der Verband der Postangestellten in der Sowjet-Union; (n.a.); 1926; Moscow; A well-illustrated propaganda piece about the postal workers' union. Dlya udobstva kurortnykh bol'nykh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 'Khronika' section on spa services for postal personnel.
155; Short item in the
Dlya zakreplBniya kadrov pochtal'onov; (n.a.): Vestnik svy?Zi; 3; Mar. 1970; Short article on living quarters made available to postillions during their 'career' at a given post office. Do adresata. - v srok; Mangel'din, C.!.; Sel "skaya zhizn'; c1uly 8. 1980; An interView ~ith the Deputy Minister of Communlcatlons on improvements being made in rural mail delivery and working condi~ions for postal employees. Dobavka za znan i e i nos t rannykh yazykov; (n. a. ); Zr,TS; 1; Jan. 1925: 158 - 159; Shor t item in the 'Khronika' section on incentive pay for communications workers to learn a foreign language. Dobavk i za znan i e i nost rannykh yazykov; (n. a. ); ZhTS; 7; Ju 1y 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on incentives for knowledge of foreign languages among communications workers. Dobavlenie shtata;
(n.a.); ZhTS;
11; Nov.
151; Short item in the 'Khronika'
Postal Personnel, Soviet
section on NKPiT plans to increase its personnel numbers by 10%. Ee vsegda zhdut; Shelud'ko, A.; everyone loves.
Pravda; Nov.
1975; About a postillion whom just
Ehffekt sovmeshcheniya professii; Basov, E.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1976; Two pages on cross-training of communications workers for greater efficiency in the Vladimir PTUS. Ehkonomicheskaya ucheba - proizvodstvu; Mitrokhin, L.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Two pages on beating economic theory into postal workers to improve their productivity. Ehto povyshaet ehffektivnost' proizvodstva; Ulyashkin, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; Two pages on increasing work efficiency at the Tomsk Post Office. Eshche 0 kachestve raboty. (Po dannym Volzhsko-Kamskogo okruga.); Igoshkin, Ya.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 94-100; Statistics on postal workers' neglect of duties, specific instances. Eshche 0 proizvoditel'nosti truda, kachestve raboty i kvalifikatsii; Musatov, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 1-5; The 'revolution in post-and-telegraph operations' and continuing efforts to raise communications workers' qualifications. Eshche 0 sokrashcheniyakh; Dmitrievich, N.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 92-93; The author compares the decrease in number of communications workers and the increase in all forms of mail handled, and concludes that the work force can't be cut any further. Esli delo mastera boitsya; Il'in, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.
1982; Two pages.
Fond na soderzhanie Upravlenii Okrugov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on establishment of a fund to maintain District Communications Administration workers. Formennaya odezhda dlya rabotnikov pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1966; Six photos and descriptions of new postal uniforms.
1; Jan.
Fundament trudovykh dostizhenii; Burova, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1981; Three pages on achievements of the KUibyshev Post Office workers during the tenth 5-year plan. Gaidarovtsy, timurovtsy, pochtoviki; Oloventsov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 56-57; The 'Pioneer Post' of Gaidar Village, Tselinograd oblast'. Gazetu - v derevnyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Tambov newspapers promoting a contest for 'Best Mailman' in del ivering their issues. Geroi dolga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 205; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the killing of a postman during an attack on a postal shipment. God udarnogo truda; Sokolova, L.I./Senchikhin, S.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. Two pages on the accomplishments of a worker at the Riga PZhDP.
Gorodskoe sobranie pochtal'onov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1965; Short article on an Astrakhan' meeting of postillions to discuss ways of improving service. Gotovit' rabochuyu smenu; Evgen'ev, K.; Vestnik svyazi; training new employees at the Kiev PZhDP.
12; Dec.
1983; Dne page on
Gravery s moskovskogo pochtamta; Leonidov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 22; An engraving office at the Moscow GPO where dates tamps and special cancels are made. Idet po selu pochtal 'on; (n.a.); Sel 'skaya zhizn'; Feb. 14, one page. In praise of the postman in rural areas.
1981; Negative copyflo,
Idet po selu pochtal 'on; Afanas'ev, N.A.; Pravda; Nov. 10, oblast' postillions voluntarily adding new services.
1973; About the Vinnitsa
InteresnYl ehksperiment; Zheludkova, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. using volunteer lettercarriers in Arkhangel'sk.
1978; One page on
Itogi konkursa na luchshuyu sel 'skuyu pochtu; Kolchin, A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 126-131; Results of an NKPiT competition for the best rural post. Itogi rabot Kislovodskoi sanatorii NKPiT v sezon 1925 goda; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 151-152; Item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT's Kislovodsk sanitorium for ill communications workers. Iz dorozhnogo blok-nota; Proezzhii; ZhTS;
1; Jan.
120-122; A journalist's
Postal Personnel, Soviet
impressions of personnel and the postal situationalong the railroad line through Faustovo. !<
podnyatii kvalifikatsii;
(n.G.); ZhTS;
12; Dec.
1925; 83-87;
Ka=hestvo i kul 'turu obsluzt1ivaniya - na uroven' sovremennykh trebovanii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 2; Feb. 1975; Four pages. Notes from the All-Union Conference of Postal Workers - most1y dealing with aesthetics of design, technology and improved home delivery.
1.5.; Vestnik
Kak my povyshaem ehkonomicheskie znaniya rabotnikov svyazi; Baum, svyazi; 5; May 1961; One page. At the Frunze Post Office.
Kak pomoch' pochtal'onu; Kuznetsov, F.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; Oct. 16, make the postillion's job easier and more efficient in Magadan.
1973; How to
Kalenym utyugom; T., K.A.: ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91; The author inveighs against widespread embezzlement in communications offices. Khishcheniya v Tifl isskoi k-re; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; theft in the Tiflis Post Office.
July 1925;
Investigation of a
Khozraschet lyubit schet; Artemenko, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; A letter from the Pechora Regional Communications Center Del ivery Section chief about the correctness of having the sorters do the change-of-address operation for newspapers and periodicals. Kogda ne vypolnyayutsya pochtovye pravila; Belogonskii, F.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1974; One page. Complaints from the Snezhnogorsk postal workers about the failure of others to follow regulations. Kogda vinovat odin iz smezhnikov; Kryshtafovich, Yu.; Vestnik svyazi; Two pages on mail delivery problems at the Kursk Post Office. Kolesa apparata svyazi; V., R.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. area of RR mail transportation workers.
10; Oct.
1925; 98-99; Problems arising in the
Kollektiv pochtamta povyshaet kachestvo raboty: Petrenko, 5.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1965; Three pages on the Rlga GPO collectIve. Komissiya po otboru bol'nykh; (n.a.): ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 177; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on selecting communications workers who are ill, and sending them cO sanitoria. Komoensatsiycl za neispol 'zovannyi otpusk; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on compensating communications worKers for unused vacation time. Kompensatsiya za nenormirovannyi den'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about workers' compensation in the event no proper living quarters are provided. Konkurs na luchshego pis'monostsa; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 130; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Vologda competition for the best lettercarrier. Konkurs na luchshego pis'monostsa v derevne; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 146; Short item 1n the 'Khronika' section on a Nor路thwest Communications District contest to identify the 'Best Rural Postman.' Konkurs na luchshego pochtal 'ona; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 138; Short item in the 'Knronika' section about a 'Best Postill lon' competition in Bashkiria. Kostyum po pochte; Ivanov, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Short item on a Petrczavodsk clothing mill making cold-weather uniforms for the Post. Krupneishii
si~tem''y' svyazi;
Vestnik svyazi;
10; Oct. 1957; Tnree pages on the tlrst CommIssar of the Post and Telegraph, V.N. Podbel 'Ski]. Kryzhopol 'sk,; pocherk; Nikolaeva. G.N.; Vestnik svyazi: 9; Sep. 1976; Two pages. An ,ntervie~ witn a lettercarrler ,n a Grodno-area communicacions branch office. Kvalifikatsionnyi spisok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an admission that the qualifications list drawn up by the VTsSPS is unworkable. Kvartiry - pochtal'onam; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; living quarters made available to postillions. offices.
Feb. 1970; Short article on in areas close to their post
Leninskie tetradi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1969; One page on workers at the Moscow OPP keeping track of their obl igations in 'Lenin booklets'.
Postal Personnel, Soviet
Moi metod dostavki vechernikh gazet; Larionov, I.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1970; Two pages on a Moscow 421st Communications Branch Office postillion's method. Moi vstrechnyi: lichnuyu pyatiletku za 3.5 goda; Golovanov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Two-page interview with a letter sorter in Section #5 of Moscow's Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP. Mosty nad planetoi; Grigor'ev, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. front cover; The Moscow International Post Office.
1975; 1,6 & inside
Na pervyi vzglyad vse khorosho ... ; Iskra, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; Poor housing conditions and efforts to improve them for the USSR's communications workers.
Na pervykh kommunisticheskikh subbotnikakh; Rasin, B.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1970; Two pages on the first 'work-for-free' Saturday by post-and-telegraph employees. Na pionerskoi pochte ... ; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1970; Short item on a children's Pioneer post at Middle School #1 in Pruzhany. Na pochtamte - luchshaya; Idkina, L.; Vestnik svyazi; best employee at the Vilnius Post Office.
12; Dec.
1983; Two pages on the
Nado povesti reshitel'nuyu bor'bu; Novozhilov, P.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 36-38; The author inveighs against waste, fraud, and theft in post-and-telegraph operations. Nagrudnyi znachok pochtal 'ona; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; on a small pin to be worn by posti11 ions.
10; Oct.
1965; Short article
Napadenie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on two Groznyi postal officials getting the mail through from one aul to another under cover of darkness, to avoid bandit attacks. Nash trud i opyt - pyati1etke. Pravoflangovye truda.; Vsevolodov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Seven pages. A four-part article on various aspects of the Post. Nashi dobrovol'nye pomoshchniki; Karasev, V.A./Artyukhova, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1969; Two pages on 'public councils' and volunteers helping with mail del ivery in Ivanovo. Ne narushat' pochtovye pravila; Krapchatov, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; One page on complaints about large numbers of postal workers ignoring regUlations. Ne nuzhno paniki; A., rural areas.
L.; ZhTS;
11; Nov.
1925; 93-96;
'Panic' over postal reform in
Nedostatkov ne do1zhno byt'; Vereshchako, Yu.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1977; Two pages of pep talk for postal workers on fulfilling the decisions of the XXV Congress of the CPSU. Neutomimyi truzhenik; Rugainis, K.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1969; Two pages on an 80+-year old postillion at the Riga 50th City Communications Branch Office. Normalizatsiya truda na Moskovskom pochtamte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on efforts to make postal work more efficient. Novaya forma pochta1 'onoy: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; Two pages of photographs of varlOUS uniforms for posti11 ions of either sex. Novaya sanitoriya NKPiT; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT opening a second sanatorium for communications workers suffering from tUberculosis. Novaya tarifnaya setka; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 150; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new wage scale for communications workers. Novaya tarifnaya setka \I OVO; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 138; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Far Eastern Territory'S worker pay scale. Novoe soglashenie ob otdalennykh mestnostyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 158; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new agreement giving communications workers in remote offices shorter tours. Novoe v oplate truda ko1khoznykh pochta1'onov; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
10; Oct.
Novye zdravpunkty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1985; 22; One page on the establishment of small health clinics in various communications offices.
Postal Personnel, Soviet
Novyi chlen kollegii NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the appointment of the Northwestern Communications Chief being appointed to membership on the NKPiT Collegium. Novyi kollektivnyi dogovor; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925: 156-158; A new agreement on working conditions and pay for Soviet communications workers. Novyi metod raboty pochtal'ona; new work method in Moscow.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
12; Dec.
1964; One page.
Novyi poryadok normirovaniya truda pochtal'onov; Savvina, A.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1962; Two pages.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Letters to the editors on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, and telegrams.
chem nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 88-92; Letters to the editors on a variety of topics: home delivery of correspondence, rural lettercarriers, mobile posts. reactions in rural areas to the NKPiT's administrative reorganization, etc.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 118-124; Letters to the editors on a variety of topics: mail routing, training personnel, turf battles, money order control operations, speed of rural post delivery, etc.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 93-100; Letters to the editors on money order control, unnecessary RR mailcar-routing information, rural mail, complaints about a Voronezh Communications District problem with the Boguchar Uispolkom, court mail, savings banks, too much paperwork, retiring communications workers, etc.
chen", nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 117-123; Rural 'circular posts', newspaper and journal delivery by mail, packages, and postal workers' salaries.
o chem nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 76-83; Letters to the editors on various subjects: complaints about too many unnecessary postal forms and logbooks, compensation to savings-bank-operation employees, debate over mobile and circular posts, postage due procedures, the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.
chem nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS: 8; Aug. wide variety of topics.
1925; 73-83; Letters to the editors on a
chern nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. variety of topics.
1925; 65-74;
chistke apparata svyazi; Klyuchnik, Van'ka; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 95; A bolshevik opines that it's time to purge the lower postal ranks of kulaks and grasping peasants.
novom poryadke kompensatsii putevykh raskhodov raz'ezdnym rabotnikam svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1961; One page.
perevode pochtal 'onov na sdel 'nuyu oplatu truda; Nazarenko, M.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1969; Two pages.
podgotovke rabotnikov svyazi; Shestakov; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 77-79;
poryadke perevoda na pyatidnevku; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1967; Two pages. Information from the MS SSSR and the TsK Profsoyuzov on the impending change to a 5-day work week among communications workers.
primenenii deistvuyushchikh sistem oplaty truda; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; One page discussion of the wage system in Voroshilovgrad by the Presidium of the TsK Profsoyuza rabotnikov svyazi.
Letters to the editors on a
C rezhime raboty predpriyatii svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1966; Two pages on changes ~n the 2-4-1964 MS-SSSR statute on working conditions for people connected with communications and transportation. o sebestoimosti pochtovykh otpravlenii; Ehrze; ZhTS; 3; Mar. the author's article in #2. 'Sebestoimost' i taksy'.
1925; 38; A fcllowup to
sluzhbe v otdalennykh mestnostyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS: Compensations for service in remote areas.
strakhovanii zhizni; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on VTsSPS opposition to group life insurance plans being sold to communications workers.
tsentralizatsii kontrolya perevodov;
(n.a.); ZhTS;
10; Oct.
12; Dec.
1925; 78-81; The
Postal Personnel, Soviet
workers of the Northern Caucasus District Money-Order Control Bureau on problems with the NKPiT's approach to control.
vedomstvennykh normakh dopustimogo shuma dlya pochtovykh predpriyatii; Guchenko, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1980; Two pages.
vremennykh zameshcheniyakh; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 138; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on certain p-t administrations giving their workers short shrift on temporary housing.
vydache spetsfonda; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 164; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Soviet communications workers' pay ratios and misunderstandings about them.
zagotovke prozodezhdy dlya pochtal ionov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on fabrication of clothing for postillions and delivery workers.
Db oplate otvetstvennykh rabotnikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a pay scale for communications officials. Db uporyadochenii oplaty truda kolkhoznykh pochtal 'onov; Sep. 1961; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9;
Obespechenie invalidov truda; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 137; New regulations on provisions for communications workers who become invalids. Obespechit' sokhrannost' posylochnoi pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1984; Short article. A followup to the #1 1984 item of the same title, detailing fines and reprimands to various and sundry. Oblegchen trud pochtovykh rabotnikov; Solov'ev. V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. One page.
Oblegchim trud pochtal'onov; Kolodin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; June 1968; One page on getting residents of Karaganda to move their mailboxes closer to the streets. Oblegchit' trud pochtal'ona; Atoyan. G.; Kommunist (Armyanskoi SSR);
18 Aug.
Oboruduem predpriyatiya po-novomu; Panov, YU.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1968; Two pages on improving the looks of the Chelyabinsk Post Offic~ and branch office interiors. Obshchestvennaya priemnaya gazeta pomogaet rabotnikam pochty; 10; Oct. 1965; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
Obuchenie b~lorusskomu yazyku; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on teaching Belorussian to post-and-telegraph workers in the Western Communications District. Obyazatel'stva vypolnim; Knushevitskaya. L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Three pages. L.M.K. relates how she and her railroad mailcar crew on the Saratov-Rostov line will meet the 10th 5-year plan. Ocherednye zadachi v uchete i raspredelenii lichnogo sostava; Nevskii. A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 20-23; A discussion about the results of the communicatlons workers census and what it showed. Odin za vsekh - vse za odnogo; Shakirova. G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. account of an operator in the 6th Section at the Moscow GPO. Ograblenie pochty;
(n.a.); ZhTS;
10; Oct.
1974; One page
132; Thefts of mail.
Ograblenie pochty i ubiistvo pochtal 'ona; (n.e.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924: 200: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a mail theft and murder of a postill ion. Okhrana truda; (n.a.); ZllTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 177; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the switchover to an 8-hour day for many communications workers, and seeing that work schedules are not abused. Okhrana truda - odna iz glavnykh zadach; Gilev, I.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1965; Two pages on health and welfare facilities ana programs for postal workers at the Riga Post Office. Okrispolkom Rostov n/Donu idet navstrechu sel'skim pis'monostsam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Rostov Ok rug Executive Committee orders to provide shelters for lettercarriers on their rounds. Oni razvozyat pochtu; Tammaru, T.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb.
Oplata pensii bez pensionnykh knizhek; Mokhov, 1.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1962; One page on a change in pension-paying procedures in Kirov oblast'. making it
Postal Personnel, Soviet
easier for postillions to handle on their rounds. Oplata traktovykh, raz'ezdnykh i peredvizhnikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on travell ing postal workers getting a per-kilometer allowance. Opredelenie norm vyrabotki; Loginov, I.; ZhTS; 7; J~ly 1925; &4-89; Establishing work norms for various communications jobs, using the Saratov PTO as an example. Opyt peredovykh - vsem rabotnikam pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1966; One page on a working seminar of postal workers from most of the USSR, at Kiev. Organizatsiya opornykh punktov na dostavochnykh uchastkakh pochtal'onov v sel'sko' mestnosti; Zhiganov, A.T.; Vestnik svyaz1; 2; Feb. 1962; One page. Otvechaem chitatelyam 'Vestnika svyazi'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1975; Two pages. Question and answer column: three dealing with the Post - mail delivery during spring and fall muddy seasons, the zip code and postillions' overtime. Otvetim konkretnymi delami; Golovanov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; March 1977; Two-page interview of L.I. Baranova, brigadie~ of a letter-sorting section at the Vnukovo AOPP. Pamyati krasnogo pochtovika; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 205; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about the tribulations and death of a 'Red Postman' who supported the bolshevik uprising in Semipalatinsk. Pamyati V.N.
Podbel'skogo (192025/111925).;
(n.a.); ZhTS;
Pensii kolkhoznym pochtal 'onam; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; on rural postillions' pension plan.
1; Jan.
1925; 2;
1970; Short article
Peredoviki pochtovoi svyazi delyatsya svoim opytom; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960; Three pages. A collection of speeches given by several postal workers at a~ inter-oblast' conference. Pervomu BAMovskomu pochtal 'onu; Aleksandrov, G.; Vestnik svyazi; item on the 'first BAM lettercarrier.'
1; Jan.
1979; Short
Pervyi ehtap v istorii nashego soyuza; S.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 15-27; The first attempts at organizing a communications workers' union during the 1905 revolution. Pis'ma govoryat 0 mnogom; Gushchin, E.; Vestnik svyaz1; 12; Dec. 1981; Two pages. Compiaints about various communications offices received from workers and invest1gated by 'Vestnik svyazi'. Po brigadnomu metodu; Sai, 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1983; Two pages on the brigade method of work organization and pay in the insured-mail-handling shop of the Aktyubinsk Post Office. Po dolgu rUkovoditelya; Konstantinov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1980; Two pages of complaints from various quarters, including workers at the Vologda PZhDP. Po kol'tsevomu i pryamom~ traktam; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 105-112; The author's impress10ns of rural postal routes in the Moscow area. Includes a couple of photos of small post offices. Po 1<ol'tsu ... (Iz dorozhnogo bloknota); Esperantist; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 113-118; By Ford on rural routes near Moscow. Includes photos of the Ford, a road, and a couple of postmen. Po sledam vystupleni i; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; One page. A reply by the chief of the TsNILOT to cr'iticism voiced in 'Vestnik svyazi' #10, 1973 about the Safety Regulations at Postal Establishments. Po stopam otsa; Yarotskii, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. fath12:路路-and-son postill iOI' 'team 1n Nesvizh.
1961; One page on a
Pocheten trud pochtal'ona; In.a.); Pravda; Jan. 27, 1973; One page, negative copyflo. Praising the country's posti'lions and complaining about delays in delivery. Pochta bez kanikul; Lushin, Yu.; Ogonek; 29; July 1984; Pioneers del ivering mail at the Samarskii sovkhoz in Tselinograd oblast'. Includes photos. Pochta i shkola; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 136; Schoolchildren in Pskov being given a tour of the Pskov Post-and-Telegraph Office to acquaint the populace with postal and telegraph services. Pochta spasena; Vasin, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. truck driver saving mail from an icy river. Pochtal'on; Suvorova, T.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.
1969; Short article on a mail
1977; A three-page feature on
Postal Personnel. Soviet Azerbaidjani Cross.
lettercarrier G. Mushtak
Kyzy and why she was awarded the Gold
Pochtal 'on idet nalegke; Tatur. R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; One page on improving the lot of postillions in mail del ivery in the Krasnoyarsk city branch offices. Pochtal'on shagaet nalegke; Kuznetsov, P.T.: Vestnik svyazi; on improving mail delivery in Rostov oblast'.
11; Nov.
Pochtal 'on Yurii lonov; Vsevolodov. M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. a brigadier in Orekhovo-Zuevo.
1968; Two pages
1969; Three pages on
Pochtal 'on-korobeinik; Gorain, N.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 189; A Leningrad GPO experiment with postage- and revenue-stamp-carrying postillions who also distribute envelopes and propaganda fliers. Pochtal 'onam - udobnye rabochie stoly; Burko, A.; Vestnik svyazi; page on the newest model for a postillion's work position.
10; Oct.
1974; One
Pochtal 'ony v more; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1967; Short article on postillions serving the fishermen in the Barents Sea. Pochtal'ony-korobeiniki; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 42; Short item in the 'Philatelic Chronicles' section on the introduction of 'Svyaz" postmen making the rounds of Leningrad selling stamps, stationery, etc. Pochtovye paradoksy; Kushner, V.; Sovetskaya Belorussiya; Nov. encountered by postillions in del ivering mail.
1968; Problems
Pochtovyi formalistikoi tozhe prenebregat' nel 'zya; Maloarkhangel'skii; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 96; The author argues that some 'formalism' is necessary to ensure proper accountability in the post, and that not all 'formalism' should be swept out. Pochtovyi yashchik; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. editor on various personnel topics.
147-148; Answers to letters to the
Pochtovym predpriyatiyam - kvalifitsirovannye kadry mekhanizatorov; Kryttsov. S.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1982; Two pages. Pod devizom '25 udarnykh nedel' . 25-letiyu dvizheniya udarnikov i kollektivov komunisticheskogo truda; Chuzhinova, T.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1983; Two pages. Feature on a mail sorter in the Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP. Moscow. Pod devizom berezhlivosti; Kozhevnikov, V.A./Semakov, G.!.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; One page on qual ity controllers reviewlng activities of the Moscow GPO. Podgotovka novykh kadrov rabotnikov; Zonnenburg. Podgotovka rabotnikov svyazi; Musatov, A.; communications workers.
R.; ZhTS;
ZhTS; 3; Mar.
10; Oct.
1925; 20-27; Training
Podnyatie kvalifikatsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924: 167-168; Training Soviet communications workers to improve their qual ifications in the Northwestern Communications District. Poisk rezervov povysheniya kachestva obsluzhivaniya prodolzhaetsya; Nikolaeva. G.N.: Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Three pages. The story of an Ufa lettercarrier-brigadier and how her section handles mail. Poleznaya pamyatka; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9: Sep. 1967; One page. Discussion of an instruction booklet distributed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Communications. telling its postal workers how they should behave towards the clientele. Pomoshchniki altaiskikh svyazistov; Yakovlev. L.; Vestnik svyazi: 7; JUly 1974; One page on volunteer aid to postal operations ir the Altai region. Pooshchrenie rabotnikov svyaz i za aktivnoe vnedrenie dopolnitel 'nykh uslug svyazi: (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7: July 1962; One page. Pooshchritel'naya sistema: (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925: 136-137; Lengthy item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment with incentives for communications offices ln the Moscow area. Poryadok pr i emaii sk 1yuchen i ya i z soyuz a ; (n. a. ); ZhTS; 7 ; JUly 1925; 144 ; Item in the 'Khronika' section on procedures for accepting or rejecting indiViduals seeking membership in the Communications Union. Posobiya veteranam truda; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on additional benefits for communications workers over 55. Poverstnye ili sutochnye;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 2;
164; Short item in the
Postal Personnel, Soviet
'Khronika' section on how postal officials accompanying the mail should be paid - by distance travelled or by time. Povyshenie zarp1aty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 150-151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an increase in the average communications worker salary. Prede1'nye tarifnye razryady; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Shor't item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT and the TsK svyazi agreeing on the need to retain communications office classifications. Predpriyatiyam svyazi - krasotu i udobstva; Sochenko, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 1971; Dne page on improving the interiors of various communications establishments.
12; Dec.
Predsedate1' Revkoma pochtamta; Safonov, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Two pages on the revolutionary activities of K.Va. Kad1ubovskii at the Petrograd GPO. Predvarite1'nye svedeniya 0 deyate1'nosti gubernskikh kontor za iyu1' mesyats: 0 .. S.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 70-72; Prib1izhenie pochty k naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on training Ossetians for post-and-te1egraph work in North Ossetia. Professiona1'no-tekhnicheskoe obrazovanie rabotnikov svyazi v 1924-25 g.; Safonov, G.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 27-30; Data on communications workers and their technical training. Professiona1'noe obuchenie rabochikh svyazi na proizvodstve; Po10nskii, P./et a1.; 1985; 'Radio i Svyaz' '. Moscow; A very technical and theoretical handbook. Progressivnaya organlzatsiya rabochikh mest operatorov pochtovoi svyazi; Do1matov, V.; Sotsia1 isticheski i trUd; 3; Mar. 1979; 54-57; Proizvodite1'nost' truda i nashi zadachi; KUd~yavtsev, K.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 80-83; Leningrad's view of what must be done to increase efficiency and worker qualifications in the NKPiT. Proizvodstvennaya girnnastika d1ya pochta1 'onov; Nifontova, L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1977; One page.
Proizvodstvennaya gimnastika d1ya raz'yezdnykh rabotnikov pochtovoi svyazi; Nifontova, L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1978; Two pages on physical exercises for mailcar workers. Proizvodstvennaya gimnastika d1ya sortirovshchikov pls'mennoi korrespondentsii; Nifontova, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Two pages. Pukhnet sumka pochta1'ona; the same pay.
I.; Pravda; 8 Dec.
1968; Inequalities in work fer
Put' d1innoyu v 40 let; Ko10bova, L.Va.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. Moscow postillion serving for 40 years.
1964; Two pages on a
Putevye den'gi raz'ezdnym rabotnikam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139-140; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on travel allowances paid to postal workers accompanying mail in transit. Puti-dorogi Komovykh; Burov. I.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. Komov family 'dynasty' - from 1904 tc the present.
1977: Two pages on the
Pyataya krugosvetka; Mel'nikov, A.; Sotsialisticheskaya industriya; 5 Oct. The oldest postil1 ion in Krasnodar, 76-year-old P.P. Netredenko.
1983; 4;
Pya,idnevnaya rabcchaya nedelya 1 obsluzhivanie naselenlva; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1968; One page. Discussing the five-day work schedule implemented at the Kishinev Post Office. Pyatiehtazhnyi dom d1ya pochta1'onov; (n.a. I: Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. Photograph of ,he Leningrad building. Rabochee mesto obmena pochty s avtotransportom; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb.
Rabochee mesto obrabotki dpstavochnykh kartochek i vedeniya kartoteki; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1977; Two pages. Rabochee mesto op1aty perevodov, vyp1aty pensii Mar. 1976; Two pages.
i posobii;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3'
Rabochee mesto priema i vydachi vnutrennikh i mezhdunarodnykh tsennykh pochtovykh
Postal Personnel, Soviet otpravlenii;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1976; Two pages.
Rabochee mesto priema perevodov;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
1; Jan.
1976; Three pages.
Rabochee mesto priema podpiski, pereadresovki i annulirovaniya podpiski na gazety i zhurnaly; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1976; One page. Rabochee mesto priema vnutrennikh i mezhdunarodnykh posylok; 9; Sep. 1976; Two pages.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
Rabochee mesto priema vnutrennikh i mezhdunarodnykh zakaznykh otpravlenii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1976; Two pages. See under Sukhovoi for article. Rabochee mesto vydachi pochtovykh otpravlenii 'Do vostrebovaniya'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1976; Two pages. See under Shegal for article. Rabochee mesto vydachi vnutrennikh i mezhdunarodnykh posylok; 10; Oct. 1976; Two pages. Rabota sporitsya; Korshunov, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. things easier for postillions in Brest' oblast'.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
1971; One page on making
Rabotniki svyazi v dni Oktyabrya; Zabavnikov, N.S.; Vestnik svyazi; Three pages.
11; Nov.
Raskhodovanie fonda zarplaty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 176-177; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the decentralization of the communications workers' salary fund, and the exhaustion of that fund in certain areas. Raspredelenie voznagrazhdeniya za prodazhu gerbovykh znakov; (n.a.); ZhT5; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on awards to postal agencies for sell ing revenue stamps. Rasshirenie raboty Odesskogo Okruga; (n.a.); ZhT5; 4: Apr. 1924; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on staff increases in Odessa's Communications District. Rastrata; (n.a.); ZhT5; 8; Aug. 1924; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on discovery of theft at the Mstinskii Most Post Office. Ratsionalizatsiya ucheta lichnogo sostava v Upravlenii Zakavkazskogo Okruga Svyazi; Popov, G.; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 105-109; Imp~oving administrative book-keeping concerning personnel in the Transcaucasus Communications District Administration. Rezervy proizvoditel'nosti truda; 5ergeev, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; page on incr~asing work productivity ,n 50vetsk.
12: Dec.
1977; One
Ryadovoi armii svyazistov; Vitushkin, P.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; 5 JUly 1974; About A.F. Shokina, an Ulyanovsk postillion awarded the 'Red Banner of Labor'. 5 pomoshch'yu neshtatnykh rabotnikov; Baum, 1.5.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1970; Two pages on using non-staff postillions for mail delivery in Frunze. 5 sumkoi novostei; Razikova. N.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; 4 Dec. village postillions.
1976; Short accounts about
5 tolstoi sumkoi na remne; Anikeev, V.; 50vetskaya Rossiya; problems faced by postillions.
28 Oct.
1967; Work
5 tolstoi sumkoi na remne ... ; Pikarevich, I.: Trud; 4 June 1960; Problems faced by postillions and measures taken to correct them. 5amootverzhennost' pochta 1 'ona; (n. a. ); ZhT5; 4; Apr. 1925; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a postman savlng a rider, horses and the mail after they fell through the ice on a river. Sanatorii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 177; Short item in the 'Khr'onika' section on sanitoria for communications workers. Includes a brlef descr'iption of the number and kinds of illnesses found there. Sanitoriya v Sochi; (n.a.); ZnTS; 7; July 1925; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the opening of a sanitorium ,n SOChl for sick communications workers. Sdel'naya oplata truda; Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. the introduction of a new wage system at the Kiev ZhDSP.
1970; Three pages on
Semeinoe polozhenie rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v pochtovom i telegrafnom proizvodstve; S., N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 86-93; Data on postal and telegraph workers' famil ies. 5evero-zapad - Belorussiya. (Dorozhnye nablyudeniya.); Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 106-115; The author's impressions of travel on some of Belorussia's postal
Postal Personnel, Soviet routes.
Includes numerous photos.
Shire razmakh sorevnovaniya za povyshenie kachestva raboty pochtovoi svyazi; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Four pages on using inter-post office competition as a means of improving qual ity in public service. Shtat rabotniko\l svyazi na 1 iyunya: (n.a.); ZhTS: 6; June 1924; the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT's work force.
171; Short item in
Sila vospitaniya lyudei; Volkov, S.G./Yakovlev. L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1961; Three pages on how the Fryazevo village post c'ffice workers are imbued with communist fervor. Sleduet produmat'; Modenov, N.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. communications and workers' pay.
1925; 5-10; Thoughts on productivity in
Slet brigad i udarnikov kommunisticheskogo truda otdelenii perevozki pochty Moskovskogo uzla; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1964; One page. Sluzhba, nuzhnaya vsem; Vorontsov, I.; Sotsialisticheskaya industr1ya; Oct. 17, 1976; Problems facing the post~l service and a discussion of them at the All-Union Conference of Postal Workers and 'Soyuzpechat". Smotr-konkurs; trud proizvoditel'nyi - trud bezopasnyi; Kuz'mina, L.I./Timofeeva, N.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1981; Two pages on competition among various sections of the Novosibirsk Post Office. Sorevnovanie stalo deistvennoi silci; Vsevolodov, M.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. Two pages on activities of the prof soyuz organization at the Rostov OPP. Sostav rabotnikov svyazi po gor. Moskve; Set., N.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. Sostav rabotnikov NKPiT. 1924; 114-119;
(Predvaritel'nye podschety); S., N.;
1924; 83-89;
ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct.
Sotsial'nyi sostav rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v p.-t. proizvodstve; S., N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 93-96; Data on the social backgrounds of communications workers. Sovershenstvuetsya rabota 5 kadrami, uluchshayutsya zhilishchno-bytovye usloviya; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; One page on construction projects for postal employees' living quarters in the USSR. Soveshchanie mekhanizatorov pochtovoi syvazi; Ievlev, P.; Vestnik svyazi: 1; Jan. 1975; One page on a seminar in Ivanovo on 19-21 Nov. 1974 for over 100 postal machine operators. Sovkhozy obsluzhivayutsya vedomstvennymi Dochtal'onami; Glinyanoi, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1962; Two pages. Sozdadim pos.oyannye kadry 'onov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1965; Two pages. A discussion on this topic - letters in response to the article of #9-1965 of the same title. Sozdadim postoyannye kadry pochtal'onov; Aleksandrova, N.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1965; Two pages on creating permanent postill ion cadres in Kiev. Sozdat' rabotnikam pochtovo; svyazi khoroshie usloviya truda; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1969; One page on measures taken by the GPU to improve working condi.ions. Soznatel'noe ispolnenie sluzhebnogc dolga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4: Apr. 1925; 151; Shor路t item in the 'Khronika' section on two mailcar employees saving the mail from a bandit attack. Spravka v derevne; Obzherin, P.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 103-105; The author argues for the need to have the NKPiT undertake 'cultural educat10n' of people in bacKwards areas. Sredni1 zarabotok potel'rabotnika; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; uune 1924; 171; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the average wages for post-and-telegraph workers in 1923-1924. Srednyaya stavka v 4 kvartale; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the average wage rate for communications workers in the fourth quarter. Stareishii pochtal'on Azerbaidzhana; Kashevarov, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; Two pages on Azerbaidjan's oldest mailman. Staroe 'litso' v novoi obstanovke; Putnik; ZhTS; 9; Sep. Imperial-period writing style among many officials. Stimul kachestva; Goncharov,
10; Oct.
1925; 64-65; An attack on
F.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.
1980; Two pages on
Postal Personnel, Soviet
incentives and awards for employees at the Khar'kov Post Office. Sto pochtovykh uslug; Vasilenko, A.; Trud; 19 Oct. 1973; Voluntary increases in postal services by the Vinnitsa oblast' postill ions. Sumka polna novostei; Bilkun. M.; Pravda; Kiev 67th Postal Branch Office.
19 Feb.
1982; 3; A female postillion at the
Sumki dlya sel 'skikh pis'monostsev; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new style of mail bag being developed for rural mail carriers. Sutr:>chnye raz' ezdnym; (n. a. ); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Short item in the 'Khron i ka' section on per diem pay for railroad postal workers. Svezhii nomer; Alekseev, G.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; 4 Oct. by Chelyabinsk postillions.
1973; Good newspaper delivery
Svyaz' Severo-Zapadnogo Uokra s mestami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; held in Leningrad on postal employees' work and conditions.
133; Conferences
Svyazisty - uchastniki geroicheskoi oborony; Lunev. P.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. Two pages on postal workers during the defense of Sevastopol' in WWII.
Svyazisty goroda-geroya; Viktorov. S.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 46-47; The post in Sevastopol' during the WWII seige. Tak my i rabotaem ... ; Bugaets. V./et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; A complaint by the Sumy lettercarriers about a lack of summer uniforms. Talantlivyi organizator svyazi: Skorospelov. Vu.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. Two pages on V.N. Podbel'skii. first Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs. Travmatizmu - zaslon; Achkasov. V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. measures to reduce accidents at the Moscow Vnukovo AOPP.
1978; Two pages on
Trebuyut interesy dela; Zelikman. S./Varoslavskii, I.; Sovetskaya Litva; 3 Jan. 1979; The need to modernize the postal service, improve various areas of its salary scales and personnel. Uchet vremeni na perevozke pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 177; Short item in tne 'Khronika' section on a railroad mailcar workers' query about how to work time when a trip back extends beyond the first of the month. Ukreplyaya distsiplinu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. information on postal problems. Ukreplyayut doverie k pochte; clerk.
1984; 7; One page.
(n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925;
136; An honest Groznyi PTO
Uluchshenie uslovii truda - vazhnyi faktor zakrepleniya kadrov; Osinchuk. B.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1981; Two pages on development in the Drogobych Communications Office. Usluga prikhodit v dom; Korobenko, G./Shafir. D.; Sel'skaya zhizn'; 26 Aug. About a Vinnitsa oblast' postillion.
Uvelichenie shtata; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northern Caucasus District increasing its staff of communications workers. V budni - radost'; Altukhov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1983; One page. about a Bryansk Post Office clerk.
A feature
V interesakh sel'skikh truzhenikov. (Iz opyta raboty svyazistov Moskovskoi oblasti po uskoreniyu dostavki pochty na seleJ.; Lysykh. P.I.: Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1971; Two page~,. V knige zhalob - odni blagodarnosti; Gosin. I.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. page on a go-getter postal worker in the Village of Kartashevskaya. V schet sleduyushchego goda; Kirilko, E.; Vestnik svyazi; Features a postillion in Gorlovka, Donetsk oblast'.
11; Nov.
1964; One
1983; Two pages.
V Ehrivani; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 152; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on construction of a building for Erivan postal workers. V Ust'-Tsil'me; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 168; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on communications workers' training in Ust'-Tsil 'rna. Vazhnoe sredstva povysheniya proizvoditel'nosti truda; Strelkov, N./Shutov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1974; Three pages on how work norms are established for
various jobs,
Postal Personnel, Soviet
including postal ones.
Vazhnyi rezerv povysheniya proizvoditel 'nosti truda pochtal'onov; Korneev, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1961; Velosipedy dlya sel'skikh pis'monostsov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the provision of bicycles for rural mailmen. Versty pochtal'ona; Sitnikov, V.; Pravda; 25 June 1983; A writer's description of lettercarriers in a sma~l Kirov oblast' village. Vnedrenie proektov rabochikh mest; Motorina, T.A./Belokon'. G.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5' May 1981; Two pages on ~rranging work areas for employeees to increase productivity at the Omsk PTUS. Vnedryaem brigadnuyu formu; Guzhov, N.G./Rybin, A.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1983; One page on the 'avtozavodskoi uzel svyazi' of the Gor'kii Post Office and its use of a new work-organization method. Vnedryaetsya sistema 'Onega': Podgotovka kadrov - v tsentre vnimaniya; Belousova, T.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1975: Two pages. Vnedryat' brigadnuyu fo~mu organizatsii i stimulirovaniya truda; Smetanina. T.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1983; Two pages on the brigade form of organization in a Leningrad branch office. Vneshtatnye agenty svyazi; Varshavskii. B.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1960; Two pages on using personnel from non-postal establishments to deliver mail. Vospitanie molodykh - klyuCh k novym trudovym uspekham; Semenova, L.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Two pages on the Moscow GPO's 9th Mail-sorting Shop and training people working there. Vsemerno oblegchat' trud pochtal'onov; Glinyanoi, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 1960; Two pages.
10; Oct.
Vsemerno uluchshat' dostavku pochty naseleniyv i oblegchat' trud pochtal 'onov; (n.a.); Vestn1k svyazi; 11; Nov. 1960; T\o,'o pages. Vstrecha s pervym pochtal'onom; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11: Nov. TASS item on the first Komsomol'sk-na-Amure postman.
1975; Short Krai
Vypusk krasnykh pochtovikov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 130; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the first graduaticn of the Minsk School for Postmen. Vysokaya otsenka truda - stimul k pOisku; Samarina, N.; Vestnik svyaz;; 12; Dec. 1974; O~e page account of an operator brigadier at the Kursk RR Terminal OPP. Yuridicheskaya pomoshch' pochtovikam v Leningrade; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on legal aid for Leningrad posta~ workers, Za ehffektivnost' i kachestvo; (n.a.); Vestnik svyaz1; 3; March 1979; Two pages. the Erevan Post Office workers are meeting their social ist obligations.
Za obraztsovuyu rabotu stolichnoi pochty; Komarov, Yu.N,; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1961; One page summary of themes and problems discussed at a Moscow postal workers' Party meeting. Za povyshenie kachestva raboty; Lyubovich. A.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 1-4; On the necessity to raise the qualifications of communications workers and combat theft and stoppages. Za utratu tsennogo pis'ma; (n.a.): ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 157; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about a court case involving loss of a declared-value item. Za zvanie 'Luchshii operator pochtovoi svyazi'; Mironov, N.T.; Vestnik svyazi: 8; Aug. 1970; One page description of a competltio~ set up by the Kemerovo oblast'
Zabota 0 pochtal'onakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Oec. speech given by the Kirov Post OffIce OS Chief.
1268; One page summ3ry of a
Zabota 0 pochtal'onakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1968; Two pages on a general survey of efforts in the USSR to improve working conditions of postillions. Zabota 0 pochtal 'onakh; Dubrovskaya, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1970; One page on making work easier for postil110ns in the Balashov Communications Center. Zabotimsya 0 pochtal'onakh: Dombrovskii. S.L./Pekut, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1971; Better wages for postillIons in the Vladimir-Volynsk area. Zabotimsya 0 pochtal 'onakh; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.
10; Oct.
1969; Two pages on
Postal Personnel. Soviet improving the postillions'
lot at the Nikolaev PTUS.
Zaboty sel'skogo pochtal 'ona; Kostyrko. V.; Sovetskaya Litva; 29 Sep. postillions and increasing mail volume.
1981; A lack of
Zakrytie Ehssentukskoi sanatori i NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on closure of the NKPiT's Essentuki sanatorium for communications workers. Zametki s Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya pochtovikov; Vultakh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1980; One page. Zaneseny v knigu pocheta - rabotniki pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1965; One page. Short 'work biographies' and photos of 5 postal workers singled out for excellence. Zavidnaya starost'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1961; One page on an old postillion in Moscow oblast'. Zavisimost' proizvoditel 'nosti truda sortirovshchikov ot osveshchennosti rabochei poverkhnosti pis'mosortirovochnykh mashin; Kondratenkov, A.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1967; Three pages. Zhenshchina na pochtovoi i telegrafnoi sluzhbe; K., Va.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. Women in postal and telegraph jobs. Zhilishche pochtovo-telegrafnogo rabotnika; S., N.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. Statistics on communications workers' living quarters.
1925; 4-5;
1925; 57-60;
Zhi 1 ishchnoe stroitel 'stvo na mestakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 144; Item in the 'Khronika' section on construction projects in various areas to build housing for communications workers. Zhilishchnyi vopros; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 138; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on p-t workers' housing difficulties and attempts to improve things. Zhizn' - podvig; Gol '. M.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1977; Two pages on V.A. Radus-Zen'kovich, a chief of communications-workers professional unions in the 19305. Zloupotrebleniya s perevodami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 159; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on discovery of theft from postal money orders at a Perm' province postal branch office. Zloupotrebleniya s tsennymi pis'mar)'li; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 158-159: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on discovery of theft from declared value letters by the chief of the Ust'-Izhora Postal Branch Office. Znanie inostrannykh yazykov sredi rabotnikov svyazi; S., N.; ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 57-61; Data on communications workers' foreign language skills. Znanie inostrannykh yazykov sredi rabotnikov svyazi; S., N.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 54-57; Statistics on foreign-language knowledge among Soviet communications workers.
Postal Rates, Civil War
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 100; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An Esperanto postcard from Barnaul to Rotterdam, showing the international rate for March 1918. A Double-Censored Cover Via Canada: Siberia to Switzerland; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 68-69; A Study of Postal Rates of Russia - A Preliminary Report; Kessler, Melvin; Rossica; 64; 1963; 38-39: Asks members' help ln compiling a rate list. About the Postal Rates of the Ukraine During the Civil War; Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 52-55;
Ivakhno, Oleksandr; Post
Addenda and Errata - 1920 Blagoveshchensk Issue; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 70-71; A censored cover from Konstantinovka, Amur oblast' to Blagoveshchensk. An Aspect of Russian Postal Administration, 78; 1970; 7-47;
1917-1923; Schneidman, J.
Cash Frankings ir WI1ite Russla;
Post Rider; 21; Nov.
Divergence in Russian Postal Rates: 77-83;
1917-1922; Steyn,
Lee; Rossica;
1987; 60-64;
Kiev District Office Cancels; Ukrainlan and Foreign Postal Rates; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 73-75; Covers sent at Ukrainian and Red rates in 1919. Kogda oni iZdany?; Voikhanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 29-30; Stamps of the Armenian, Azerbaidjan and Georgian SSRs and the ZSFSR, and when they were issued. Neizvestnye provizorii 1919-1922 godov; Dimanshtein, Ya.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1973; V-VI; Postmaster provisionals of Lopukhovka, Kolyshlei and Penza. Pochta Ehstonskoi Trudovoi Kommuny; Enps,ein, A.; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. 4-12; The article is in three languages - Estonian, Russian and German. Includes postal rates for the Narva Commune of 1918.
Pochtovye marki Zakavkazskoi sovetsl(oi federativnoi sotsialistichesKoi respubl iki: Voikhanskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 9-12; Transcaucasian SFSR stamps, rates and postal hlstory. Russian Postage in Latvia in 1919; Spielbergs, Victor; Aug.-Dec. 1978; 19-22;
Latvian Collectcr; 25;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D. 22; Jan. -Mar. 1945; 1 -6;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 23; Apr.-June 1945; 1-5; Continued from #22. Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 24; July-Sep. 1945; 6-10; Continued from #23. Siberian Postal Rates: 9-16;
A Reconstruction; Steyn,
The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, i11ustrations, usages.
Ivo; Post Rider; 25; Dec.
Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous
The Far Eastern Republic: New Information; Steyn, 70-74; Updates to the article in #19.
Ivo J.; Post Rider; 20: June 1987;
Two 1918 Postcards; Wortman. A.H.; Rossica; 59; 1~60; 42-43; A postcard from Baroness Buxnoeveden after the Imperial family's imprisonment proviaes the postcard rate for that part of Siberia in May 1918. 20 on 14 Kcpek ~rms Stamp Used ot Face Value in 111; 1988; 84-86;
1920; Steyn,
Ivo; Rossica:
Postal Rates,
(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 75; 1968; 107; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Describes an 1894 wrapper bearing an imperial 2k stamp, bisected. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 99; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. bisected 2k stamp on wrapper from Warsaw to Vienna, 1878.
(n.t.); Buzzetti, Luciano; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 70; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Illustrates a 13 Feb. 1908 cover franked with 308.98 rubles, apparently a declared-value envelope for which the charge was 1%. (n.t.); Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 68: 1965; 31; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An 1873 letter from Bordeaux to Moscow via ship. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 74; 1968; 71-73; Imperial stamps bisected on cover.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Huysmans, Fr.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 77-78; A postage-due marking on a ppc from Kronstadt. This item is a follow-up to John Lloyd's in 'Post Rider' #3.
(n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 64; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A 1913 greetings postcard from Rostov-na-Donu, treated as underfranked because of fold-out photos attached to the front. Rostov postage due marking. (n.t.); Moyes, J.G.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 70; A 'Tsena 4 k.s.' surcharge on a 5kop. inter-city postcard of 1877. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. Germany with postage due.
1981; 69; A postcard from Russia to
A Controversial Issue; Prigara, S.V.; RAP; 7; Mar. 30 May 1942. The 'Kutais provisional'.
1; Reprinted from 'Stamps',
A Study of Postal Rates of Russia - A Prel iminary Report; Kessler, Melvin; Rossica; 64; 1963; 38-39; Asks members' help in compiling a rate 1 ist. Additional Postal Convention between Austria and Russia, signed at St. Petersburg, (26) July 1849; (n.a.); Extracted from 'Consolidated Treaty Series', pp. 225-237. The text is entirely in German. Includes a postal rate chart.
An Attempt at Reconcil iation; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 17-18; Comments on the disparity between the Speeckaert and de Jongh views of the Prussian two-number code on Russian mail before 1843. An Imperial Cover from Estonia to Canada; Steinhart, Allan L.; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 3-4; Befehl Seiner Kaiserlichen Majestat des Selbstherrschers al1er Reussen aus der Livlaendischen Gouvernements-Regierung ... ; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 12-14; Notice of postal rates for all of Russia and Finland, 30 June 1843. Comments on the 1866 Postal Rates (BJRP 62, pp. 6-9); El ias, Werner; BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 4; Die Nachgebuehrstempel Russlands auf dem Gebiete Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatelia Baltica; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 38-47; Imperial postal rates and postage due markings used in Liflyand province. Die Postgebuehren der Russischen Reichspost ab 1858; Marcilger, V.; 1984; 25-29;
ZRSP; 35; Sep.
Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Posts - 1899, 19 Jan.; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 8-10; Translated from 'Marki' VI/3, 15 Feb. 1899. Money packet and parcel rates. Doplatnaya korrespondentsiya Rossii i SSSR (1858-1945 99.); Ratner, 45-60; A history of Russian and Soviet postage due practices. numerous postage due markings, labels and related items.
L.; SK; 28; Includes
Dcrozhnik chuzhezemnyi i rossiiskii i poverstnaya kniga rossiiskago gosudarstva, s priobshcheniem. Izvestiya 0 pochtakh i shcheta vyesovykh za pis'ma deneg, tak zhe spiska pochtmeisteram i drugikh nuzhnykh svyedenii, dlya pol'zy Gontsov i Puteshestvennikov.; RUban, Vasilii Grigor'evich; 1777; Imperatorskii S-Peterburgskii pochtamt, St. Petersburg; Russia's first postal guide. On microfi 1m. Early Postal Information from 'Miesiatzoslov' for 1833; von Rychter, V.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 29-30; St. Petersburg rates for various foreign destinations, also domestic letter and parcel rates. Estonia.
& Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt, Vambola/Ojaste, Elmar;
Postal Rates,
1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Karmannaya pochtovaya knizhka, ili sbornik pochtovykh postanovlenii do vseobshchago svyedeniya otnosyashchiknsya; (n.a.): 1849: PochtovY1 departament, St. Petersburg: On microfilm. Includes maps and tables of postal rates. Levying of Insurance Tax for Money and Valuable Despatches to all Towns of the Russian Empire, Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland (1866); (n.a.); BJRP; 63; 1986; 9: Money Transfer Cards and Postal Rates, 1976: 68-71:
1909-26; Schneidman, J.
chern rasskazal vodyanoi znak; Luchnik, N.; The 15- and 25kop. stamps of 1905.
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
Outstanding Cover - No. 10; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; cover with Russia #1 and a strip of 3 #3's. Outstanding Covers - No.4; Berd i chev, 1858.
Lee; Rossica; 90-91;
(n.a.); BJRP; 4; Dec.
10; Nov.
1967; 20-2 1
1952; 254; John Wilson's
1949; 50; A 20k bisect, from
Pervye russkie marki dlya zagranichnykh pisem; Kaminski1, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; 38-42; The first Russian stamps for international mail. Includes a postal rate table showing the tariffs for mail sent to various foreign countries. Pochtovye tarify dorevolyutsionnoi Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; SK; 22; and including the tariff of 1843.
1984; 9-23; Up to
Pochtovye tar1fy dorevolyutsionnoi Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; SK; 23; of 1861 to 1871.
1985; 3-16; Rates
Pochtovye tarify dorevolyutsionn~i Rossi;; Kam1nskii, B.; SK; 27; 1990: 26-47; Continued from #26. Covers the postal rates of 1914 to the end of the empire. Post-Regeln fuer inlaendische und auslaendische Correspondenz, Taxe-Ermaessigungen, sowie einige Abaenderungen der yom Post-Departement im Jahre 1875 erlassenen Postregeln.; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica: 61; Dec. 1975; 6-15; Druck der Livlaendischen Gouvernements-Typographie, Riga; Roehsler, C.; The 1875 postal rates, pU~lished in 1879. Postage to be Charged on Letters of 1 Lot, (Prussian Weight) Sent Abroad, Including Russ1an Weight Money of 10 kop. and 2 kop. Silver for the Receipt (1861); (n.a.); BJRP; 63; 1986; 5; Postal Charge Marks on Russian Covers Up to 1843; Speeckaert, A.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 4-9; Russo-Prussian mail-handling practices. Postal Rates of the Russian Empire, 6-9;
1901-1904; Joseph,
Robin L.; BJRP; 34; Mar.
Postal Rules for Inland and Foreign Correspondence, Postage Tax Reductions and Changes to the 1875 Postal Rules; (n.a.); BJRP; 64: Dec. 1987; 4-6; Robin L. Joseph; Translated from 'Philatelia Baltica' #61. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (1-32); (n.a.); 1843-1846; GUP, St. Petersburg; The 'Addenda' were attached to general postal circulars, and covered a wide range of tOP1CS, from Russian postal history to foreign postal systems. On m1crofilm. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (33-49); 1846-1847; GUP, St. Petersburg;
Raritety russkoi pochty; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 51-53; Color photos of extremely rare impe r 1al covers, one from 1874 with a pair of 10k inverted center stamps, another franked with one #1 and 3 #45, etc. Russian Foreign Mail With Adheslves Before 1864; E11as, Werner' K.; June 1985; 4-5: Russian Mail to Foreign Destinations; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider; 46-49;
Post Rider; 15; Nov.
Russian Postal History 1857-1918; Holmsten, Martin; Original softbound catalog.
1992; Oy Rurik Ltd, Vasa;
Russian Postal Rates; Kessler, Melvin; Rossica; 66; rates are given.
1964; 45-47;
Russian Postal Rates 1916-1924; Marshall, A.R.; Post Rider;
16; June 1985; 51-56;
Postal Rates, Imperial
Russische Auslandsbriefe zwischen 1850 und 1875; Hermann, Wolfgang; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 11-16; Discusses rates to foreign countries and the various postmarks applied to mail emanating from Russia. Sbornik postanovlenii i rasporyazhenii po pochtovo-te1egrafnomu vyedomstvu; (n.a.); 1885; Glavnoe uprav1enie pocht i te1egrafov. St. Petersburg; Two microfilm copies, one negative (no loan out) and one positive. The standard reference for postmasters. Tax of the Weight-Money for Letters and Packets to All Towns of the Russian Empire, Empire (Zarthum) of Poland, and the Grand Duchy of Finland (1866); (n.a.); BJRP; 63; 1986; 7-8; Tax of Postage Due (Porto) for Letters Sent Abroad (1866);
(n.a.); BJRP; 63;
1986; 7;
Taxes for the Collection of Postage Due Money for the Letters Sent to All the Towns of the Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Finland: 1 January 1844; (n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 9-10; Translated from 'Philatelia Baltica' #60, Mar. 1975. Includes insurance rates for money and valuables. The K.K. von Schultz Corresponaence; Weinert, Howard L.; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 65-69; Four money letters posted from Kizil-Arvat, Merv and Ashkhabad from 1885 to 1889. The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sk1arevski, Rimma; RAP;
15; Jan.
1944; 1-2;
The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sk1arevski, Rimma; RAP; Continued from #15.
16; Feb.
1944; 1-3;
The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP; Continued from #16.
17; Mar.
1944; 4-6;
The Two-Number Code on Russian Mail to the West; de Jongh, W.J.; BJRP; 72; Spring, 1992; 10-16; An interpretation of these markings' meanings which differs from A. Speeckaert's. The Two-Number Code on Russian Mail to the West, 1822-1843; de Jongh, W.J.; BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 4-12; The author's theory that the two-number codes were 'chart numbers' taken from a log of letters sent. V pol 'zu pochta1 'ona; Efremov, K.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. postman's benefit' stamps and the Ministry of Justice.
1968; 7;
'For the
What the Watermark Tells Us; Luchnik, Nikolai V.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 32-36; Translated from 'Fi1ate1iya SSSR' #2, 1967. The 15k and 25k arms issues and their relationship to money order forms. 1830: 1866:
Drder of His Imperial Majesty, Riga Castle, 24 JUly 1830; (n.a.); BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 8-9; Weight-rate changes. Internal Parcels;
(n.a.); BJRP; 63;
1986; 8-9;
Postal Rates, Provisional Government
Pervye sovetskie pochtovye marki; Parmenov, Yu.; SK; 3; 1965; 15-19; The 'Chainbreaker' set discovered as the first Soviet stamps. Rates are discussed. Russian Postal Rates 1916-1924; Marshall, A.R.; Post Rider;
16; June 1985; 51-56;
The 'Kerenski' Postca~ds: Epste;~, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations, usages.
Postal Rates, Russian
Sovremennye provizorii; In.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 16; Seventeen 'provisionals' from Kiev, Zaporozh'e, Berdyansk, Donetsk, L'vov and Kanev, applied to Soviet stationery during 1991. Vse novye i novye tarify; (n.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 41-42; Postal rates for various mail categories ~rom 1 Jan. 1992.
Postal Rates. Soviet
(n.t.); (n.a.); Rossica; 65; 1963; 68-69; Reprinted from 'Stamp Collectors Magazine' of London in 'Notes From Collectors' section. A one-day Soviet provisional stamp used only on 1-1-1961. (n.t.); Carson, Michael J.: Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 73; Clarification of the postal rate shown on the cover described by l..L. Tann in #26, p. 73. (n.t.); Ceresa, R.J.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 90-91; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Solves the rate mystery of Cronin's and Popov's covers in #71, 'Notes From Collectors' . (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 71; 1966; 83-84; In 'Notes From Collectors' section A 1923 cover franked with 91 rUbles and 30 kop. gold-currency stamps, dated Nov. Also a 1918 postcard with 20k to the Ukraine, arriving 143 days late. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 75; 1968; 108; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1- and 2-ruble values of the 1921 issue with railroad favor cancels, due to their obsolescence. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56-57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 35kop. of the 1932 Gor'kli set on a registered cover to the U.S. (n.t.); Pantuhoff, Oleg Jr.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 75; Illustration of a registered cover from Sumy, 22 June 1922, franked with 405,000 rubles. (n.t.); Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 72; Thoughts on the 1-1-61 provisional.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 69; 1965; 59-60; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 1923 registered cover from Sevastopol', franked with 1610 rubles in 1923 currency and 36 kop. in gold currency. (n.t.); Tann, Leonar'd L.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 72-73; A 1918 registered cover from Orel, franked with Romanov stamps at 8 kopecks above the necessary rate. (n.t.); Wisewell, Edward J. Jr'.; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 1921 Soviet 2R stamp used on a registered cover. A Letter to the Winnipeg Police; Carson, Michael; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 3-4; A 1922 inflation cover from Gomel' to Canada, correctly franked. A 1922 Romanov; Tann, Leonard L.; Dost Rider; 29; Dec. postcard used in 1922, with a strange franking.
1991; 76-77; A 4kop. Romanov
Achtung! Neu~ portosaetze ab dem 1. Januar 1986 in der UdSSR.; JUly 1986; 35;
(n.a.); ZRSP; 40;
An Original Soviet Stamped Envelope; Polchaninov, R.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 48 - 51 ; Belorusskie provizorii; Ko'iosov,
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
1974; V-VII;
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 40; One reader asks what postal rate change made the issue of the 35k, 2-, 3-, and 5R stamps necessary, and another asks what the difference is between postcards with indicia and envelopes with special or art stamps. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1983; 32; Brief history of the 'G.S.S.R. '-in-star overprint on Imperial stamps, and the maximum amount of postage permissable on several categories of mail in the USSR. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. explanation ot the 1931 Tambov-Tulinovka provisional.
1986; 50; Brief
Chitatel' sp,-ashiva",t - otvecl,aem: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 32; All the various rates for mailing correspondence by land or air. Chltatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. for letters and wrappers sent to foreign destinations. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; Current Soviet rates.
(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1986; 51; Rates 1982; 32;
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 32; The reason for the introduction of a 45k stamp in Apr. 1982, and which Soviet stamps could be used in the 1930s to pay for SOViet express mail. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 46; An explanation of the rates from 1 to 30 October 1923. Collecting the Inflation Era; Carson, Michael J.;
1991; 7-9; Midwest Chapter of
Postal Rates, Soviet
Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Conventional Revaluations of Stamps and Postcards in Soviet Republics; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 46-53; Early Soviet revaluations. Die Halbierungen von Ost-Siberien 1931; Vladinets, Nikolai; Pochta; 48; Sep. 25;
Dnepropetrovskie provizorii 1991 g.; (n.a.); Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1991; 47-49; A number of circular telegrams from the USSR Ministry of Communications to its branches concerning changes in rates.
Dnepropetrovskie provizorii: istoriya povtoryaetsya.; Ivakhno, Aleksandr; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 39-42; Parallels between the Dnepropetrovsk provisionals of 1918 and 1991. Dokumenty istorii: mestnye pereotsenki; Ehpshtein, A.; Filateliya; 9; Sep. 50-51; Notes and tables on local rate changes in the early 1920s.
Doplatnaya korrespondentsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. the 'Khronika' section on postage-due mail .
194; Short item in
Doplatnaya korrespondentsiya; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatel ist; 1924; 42; New postage-due regulations announced.
11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec.
Doplatnaya korrespondentsiya Rossii i SSSR (1858-1945 gg.); Ratner, L.; SK; 28; 45-60; A history of Russian and Soviet postage due practices. Includes numerous postage due markings, labels and related items. Doplatnye - pochtovye; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; stamps used as postage stamps.
12; Dec.
1974; 37-38; Postage due
Doplatnye marki v stolitsakh; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 27; Postage-due control stamps for use in Moscow and Petrograd, beginning 1 Jan. 1924. Doplatnye marki SSSR v kachestve pochtovykh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 26-27; Postage due stamps used as postage stamps. A list of 43 post offices which used the postage dues and the years of their use is inclUded. Doplatnym markam SSSR - 50 let; Mazur, Postage due stamps in the USSR.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1973; V-VII;
Doplatnym markam SSSR - 50 let; Mazur, Postage dues in the USSR.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1973; VI-VIII;
Dostavka pochtovykh otpravleni i i povestok narochnymi; (n.a.); ZhTS: 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introduction of mail delivery by messengers at the request of the sender. Filatelisticheskoe issledovanie frankirovki pisem RSFSR i SSSR (1917-1971); Karl inski i, V.; SK; 9; 1971; 48-61; Five Covers, Revolution, Five Rates; Prado, Asdrubal; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 17-18; Five covers posted from Petrograd on 12 Dec. 1917, all with different rates. Fragen zur Gueltigkeitsdauer von Inflationsmarken; Schneider, J.; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 47-49; Further Notes on Bank Transfer Forms and Their Postal Rates; Ceresa, 90 - 9 1; 1976; 65 - 6 7 ; Golos svyazista.
tarifnoi politike.; Terebenev, A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr.
How Much and To Where; (n.a.); Rossica; the Soviet Union to 48 countries.
1924; 93-97;
<13-114; 1990; 100-101; Air-mail tariffs from Extracted from a State Department memorandum.
Inflation und Trotzdem Portosenkung?; Stollberg, Alfred; Pochta; 47; Mar. 17-18;
Istoriya pochtovoi marki; Kolesknikov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 38-39; Continued from #10. Includes information on RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR stamps. Kiev District Office Cancels; Ukrainian and Foreign Postal Rates; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 73-75; Covers sent at Ukrainian and Red rates in 1919. Kievskaya pereotsenka - 8000 rUb.; Megil 'nyi, V.; 52-53; The Kiev provisionals of 1922. Kievskaya pereotsenka 1922 goda;
Ivakhno, A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1986; 35-36;
Postal Rates, Soviet
The 8000R surcharge on 5k savings stamps. Konvert iz denznakov; Akul'shin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 37; A 1921 envelope made out of 1919-~ssue Soviet banknotes and franked with savings stamps. Local Administration Handstamps on Fostal Forms; Epstein, Alexander; Pochta; June-July 1991; 15-18;
Marki goroda Shui; Forafontov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1969; 12; Discovery of a document bearing four stamps surcharged with the Shuya 'rub', 1920. Mezhdunarodnye pochtovye taksy; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; J~n. 1924; 28; A change in some international rates, introduced by an NKPiT circular of 19 Dec. 1923. Money Transfer Cards and Postal Rates. 1976; 68-71;
1909-26; Schneidman, J.
Lee; Rossica; 90-91;
My Exhibition Sheets of the Imperial Issues Provisionally Used Durlng the Revolutionary and Inflationary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd, John; Rossica; 66; 1964; 21-26; Includes saVings bank and control stamps. My Exhibition Sheets o~ the Imperial Issues Provisionally Used During the Revolutionary and Inflationary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd. John; Rossica; 67; 1964; 19-25; Continued from #66. Neizvestnye provizorii 1918 goda; Aleksandrov, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 35; Provisional-rate postcards surcharged in 1918.
10; Oct.
Neizvestnyi provizorii; Dimanshtein, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 27; Discovery of a provisional overprinted stamp from Drissa, Vitebsk prOVince, dated 1 Oct. 1922. r~ews
and Views;
(n.a.); BJRP; 51; May 1975; 26; Nov.-Dec.
Novye pochtovye taksy;
(n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; October 1923 rates.
Novye posylochnye taksy;
K.,P.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
11-12; Nov.-Dec.
Novye taksy na mezhdunarodnye pochtovye otpravleniya;
63; Announcement of new international
The 1
(n.a.); SK; 2 (102); Feb. rates beginning 1 July 1930.
Novye tarify na pochtovye otpravleniya; (n.a.); Filateliya; of rates for domestic and foreign mail.
12; Dec.
Novye tarify na uslugi svyazi; Golomb, G.Eh.; Vestnik svyazi; pages.
1991; 42; Table
12; Dec.
1960; Two
o chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 104-108; Letters to the editor on a range of SUbjects, including circular posts, paying postal auxil iary point Chiefs, mail routing, money order transfers, rates, and saVings bank operations.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Letters to the edito~s on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, and telegrams.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 109-113; Various letters to the editors on SUbjects ranging from the high cost of sending closed letters througl1 proOlems with postal savings bank operations to the necessity of proper unlform wear.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.): ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 76-83; Letters to the editors on various subjects: complaints about too many unnecessary postal forms and logbooks. compensation to savings-bank-operation employees. debate over mobile and circular posts, postage due procedures. the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. Wloe variety of topics.
chem umolchali avtory; Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1986; 38-39; Minskii 's comments on Mazur's article in #2 about the famous 1923 'express packet' franked with 9 meters worth of stamp sheets.
novykh mezhdunarodnykh pochtovykh taksakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. international postal rates in effect in the USSR.
1925; 73-83; Letters to the editors on a
o sebestoimosti pochtovykh otpravlenii; Ehrze; ZhTS; 3; Mar. the author's article in #2, 'Sebestoimost' i taksy'. Oplata pochtovykh perevodov;
1925; 111-112; New
1925; 38; A followup to
(n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the
Postal Rates, Soviet
'Khronika' section on an NKPiT decision not to link distance to money order rates. Pereotsenki pochtovykh marok RSFSR i SSSR i provizorii 1918-1923 gg.; Parkhomovich. S.; SK; 1; 1963; 80-85; An English translation of this appears in BJRP #35. Pervye sovetskie pochtovye marki; Parmenov, Yu.; SK; 3; 1965; 15-19; The 'Chainbreaker' set discovered as the first Soviet stamps. Rates are discussed. Pis'mo, zavernutoe v marki; Vladlenov. I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. 1966; 43; The famous cover of 1922, with inflation franking requiring a series of stamp sheets that measured 8.71 meters long. Pochta v period Velikogo Oktyabrya i grazhdanskoi voiny; Alekseev, K.; SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 6-10; The early Soviet Post.
Pochtovoe obrashchenie nekotorykh marok RSFSR; Nagol 'nov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1985; 36; Revaluations of stamps in 1922, with precise dates from archival sources. Pochtovye marki RSFSR 1917-1921; Karl inski i, V.; SK; 4;
Pochtovye marki RSFSR 1917-1921; Karl inski i, V.; SK; 5' #4.
19-32; Continued from
Pochtovye otpravleniya bez marok (1919-1923); Mogil'nyi, V.; 1986; 38-39; Stampless cash-receipt mail.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Pochtovye tarify 1917-1923 gg. (Osnovnye vidy oplaty peresylki deneg i posylok.); Kuznetsov, D.; SK; 19; 1981; 3-11; Pochtu dostavlyaet samolet. Zametki po istorii otechestvennoi aviapochty.; Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 10-13; Continued from #8. The early years and airmail rates. Podchineny odnoi teme; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; RSFSR stamps and the rates they served.
10; Oct.
1971; 4-5; The 1921
Ponizhenie posylochnykh taks; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on lowering the rate for packages sent from the periphery to the center, to attract more package mail for railroad mailcars. Ponizhenie strakhovogo sbora; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT plan to lower the insurance fee for letters and packages. Ponizhenie taksy na banderol 'no otpravleniya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on a ~ate decrease for wrapper mail.
128; Short
Ponizhenie tarifa; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on conclusion of a postal treaty With Austria to lower rates for sending periodicals. Postage Due Indicators; Warr, Noel C.; BJRP; 59; Dec.
1982; 42-43;
Postanovlenie Soveta Narodnykh Komissarov Soyuza SSR; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 28; Official announcement of certain rate changes on 1 Sep. 1924. Povyshenie sbora za zakaz; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an increase in the registered mail fee. Povyshenie taks; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 162; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT proposal to raise the rates for certain categories of mail and telegrams. Povyshenie taksy na prostoe pis'mo; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a rate increase for ordinary letters. Predpolozhennye novye taksy na perevody; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on proposed money order rates.
114-115; Short
Predpolozhennye novye taksy strakhovogo sbora; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 115; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on proposed changes to the insurance fee. Primenenie dorevolyutsionnykh marok i ikh pereotsenka v 1917-1923 gg.; Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 51; A table of stamps, rates and dates appended to Alekseev's article in the Nov. 1978 issue. Primenenie revolyutsionnykh marok i ikh pereotsenka v 1917-1923 godakh; Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 49-51; Provisional Postage Stamps of the R.S.F.S.R. and U.S.S.R.,
1918-1923; Parkhomovich,
S.; BJRP; 35; Oct. kollektsioner' #1.
1964; 1963.
11-14; Pritt. A.; Translation from 'Sovetskii
Provizorii 1931 goda; Oimanshtein, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 36; Provisionals issued in the wake of the tariff change of 1 June 1931. Razgadka odnogo konverta; Shcnedrovltskii. P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 11; The reason why a stamped postcard was issued with two 4th Standard Issue indicia on one card. Redkie mestnye vypuski; Parkhomovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 42-43; Rare postmaster provisionals. Much of the information 1S drawn from the 1927 Chuchin catalog. Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR 1940-1949 godov; Myakushev. S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 51-54: Advertising-&-agitation postcards. Revaluation of Illustrated Stamped Envelopes of USSR; Polchaninov, 1965; 63-64; Russian Postal Rates 1916-1924; Marshall.
Post Rider:
Rossica; 69;
16; June 1985; 51-56;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine. Paul D.; RAP; 22; Jan.-Mar. 1945; 1-6; Russian Reissues. Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine. 23; Apr.-June 1945; 1-5; Continued from #22.
Paul D.; RAP;
Russian Reissues, Revalued 'Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, 24; JUly-Sep. 1945; 6-10; Continued from #23.
PaulO.; RAP;
Sbor za traktovuyu perevozku posylok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on introduction of a 10kop. fee for road transportation. Sbornik pochtovykh i telegrafnykh tarifov; tn.a.): ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 142; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new post and telegraph rate handbook being compiied for communications workers. Sbornik tarifov na vnutrennye pochtovye otpravleniya i za osobye uslugi. okazyvaemye pochtoi; (n.a.); 1926; IZd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Photocopy. Sebestoimost' i taksy; Ehrze; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 29-35: The author compares production, labor and other costs involved with each kind of mail category to the rates charged for them. Smes' - Verschiedenes; listing of postal
(n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. rates for nine categories of mail.
1922; 31; A
Snizhenie taks na mezhd. banderoli s pechatnymi proizvedeniyami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a rate reduction for international printed matter mail. Sovetskaya khudozhestvennaya pochtovaya kartochka; 11' chev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2' Feb. 1980; 48-50; An overview of the oeriod in wh ch more than 12,000 illustrated postcards were issued. Includes a ta le showing the dates and postal rate changes for these postcards. Sovetskie pochtovye tarify; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Rates from 1 Oct. 1923 to 31 Jan. 1926.
1; Jan.
pochtovye tarify: Karl1nskil. V.: Filateliya SSSR: 2: Rates from 1 Feb. 1926 to 24 Feb. 1933.
1967; 8-11;
Sovetskie pochtovye tarify: Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Rates from 25 Feb. 1938 to 1 Jan. 1961.
Sovetskie pochtovye tarify; Karl inskii, V.; Filateliya 5SSR; 4: Oct. Postal rates from 28 Feb. 1918 to 14 Aug. 1921.
1966; 32-35;
Fi latel iya SSSR; ..... Nov. 1922.
14- 17;
Sovetskie pochtovye tarify; Karl inski i, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6; Dec. Rates from 1 Oct. 1922 to 30 Ssp. 1923.
Sovetsvie pochtovye tarify; Karlinski i , Rates from 15 Aug. 1921 to 15 Apr'.
Soviet Inland & Overseas Postal Rates, 1917-1971; Karlinskii, V.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 46-52; Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #9, 1971. Soviet Postal Rates;
Fedotowsky, A.; Rossica; 93;
Soviet Postal Rates; Karlinskii,
Vladlen A.; Rossica;
Includes rate tables.
1967; 62-74; Translated
Postal Rates, Soviet
from 'Filateliya SSSR' #4,
1966 and succeeding issues.
Soviet Postal Rates; Karlinskii, Vladlen A.; Rossica; 74; #73.
1968; 35-50; Continued from
Soviet Postal Rates; Karlinskii, Vladlen A.; Rossica; 75; #74.
1968; 56-70; Continued from
Soviet Postal Rates 1917-1923. Rates and Usages During Soviet Inflation.; Shaw, George; (n.d.); Exhibit of foreign and domestic rates from before free franking to the transition period. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Sovrem~nnye
pochtovye tarify; Kornyukhin,
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1979; 60-62;
Speshnaya pochta; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 45-47; Express mail from 1922 to 1938, and its replacement by airmail. Standartnye konverty s markami sed'mogo-devyatogo standartnykh vypuskov SSSR; Pantyukhin, V./Myakushev, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 48-50; Definitive envelopes issued from 1949 to 1960. Includes complete listing. Standartnye pochtovye marki RSFSR vypuska 1921 goda; Berngard, K.; 8; Aug. 1981; 46-48;
Filatel iya SSSR;
Taksa po rasstoyani yam v Severo-Kavkazsk i i kra i; (n. a. ); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 111; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on changing the way distance rates were charged for mail to and from the Northern Caucasus Territory. Taksy v Zakrespublike; Musatov; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. Postal rates for the Transcaucasus, as of 26 Dctober 1923.
1923; 46;
The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations, usages. The Case of the Missing Million Rubles: Soviet Postal Rates, December 1, January 10, 1923; Schneidman, J. Lee; Rossica; 80; 1971; 48;
1922 to
The Far East Question; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 101-102; Soviet postal service to Kharbin after WWII, with tariffs the same as for 'internal mail'. Extracted from State Department memoranda. The Interim Issues of Soviet Ukraine, 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 3-16;
1919-1923; Bylen, Peter; Ukrainian Philatelist;
The New Soviet External Postal Rates;
(n.a.); Post Rider;
12; May 1983; 9;
The Post Revolutionary Stamp-less Period; (n.a.); Rossica; 93; Andrei; Translated from 'Fi latel iya SSSR' #4, 1966.
1978; 38; Fedotowsky,
The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP;
15; Jan.
The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP; Continued from #15.
16; Feb.
The Postage Due Stamps of Soviet Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma; RAP; Continued from #16.
17; Mar.
1944; 4-6;
The Seven-Day Postal Rate; Shinn, William; Rossica; 25-10-1922 to 1-11-1922.
ThE SOViet occupation of tne Baltic States 1940-1; Michalove, Peter A.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 31-39; Soviet rates for each of the occupied nations. The Third Standard Postage Issue of the U.S.S.R. - A Postal History Vlew; Chastang, Thomas; (n.d.); An exhibit organized chronologlcally by date of rate change. The 1930 Graf Zeppelin Set and Associated Material; Ackerma~, G. Adolph/Cronin, Andrew/Taylor, Robert; Post R,der'; 31; Dec. 1992; 13-34; Tselevye sbory na proftekhnicheskoe obrazovanie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 132; Plans to charge higher fees for various mail-category receipts to pay for educating postal workers. Udivitel'noe pis'mo; Terebov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1986; 38-39; News of another cover with massive franking, 600 stamps (in sheets) affixed to a letter from Izyum to Bakhmut, 1922. Ukrainskie marki v Smolenske; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 51-53; Ukrainian stamps used to frank a 1920 Smolensk telegraph money order form. The author asserts the stamps were 'trophies' used to frank official domestic mail. Uteryannyi unikum; Mazur,
P.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
1986; 38-39; Dn the trail of
Postal Rates. Soviet
the famous 1923 'Speshnaya pochta' cover with over 24 feet of stamps affixed. V kakikh stranakh pis'ma aeshevle?; U., Ya.: ZhTS; 2: Feb. 1925; 144-145; A comparison of Soviet postcard and lettercard rates with other countries, and a table showlng the percentage of increase over 1913 rates in the USSR and other countries. Vam - doplatnoe pis'mo; Karl inski i, Continued from #2.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Sep.
1966; 32-35;
Zagadochnyi nominal: Nikolaev. L.: Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 30; The author relates the history of postal rates for sending cacheted postcards, and asks Why they are higher than for normal postcards. Zavgubpochtel'; Ermakov: Sovetskii filatelist: 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 7; A letter to the editor requests that the instructions to apply a 'signature stamp' to each revalued stamp (100 times face value) be rescinded in light of the fact that there's no one to do it. 1921 R.S.F.S.R. Oefinitives; Berngard, K.; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 36-46; Trbovich, Robert L.: Summary translation from 'Filateliya SSSR' #s 8-9, 1981. Includes information on postal rates, history. 1921-22 Stampless Mail; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 33;
Postal Savings Bank Operations,
A Kopeck Saved ... ; Moyes, Jack/Skipton, Dave; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 9-19; PSB operations and history, PSB booklets, and the savings stamps. Postal Savings Bank Stamps - Plate Proofs and Colour Trials; Dec. 1977; 15; Postal Savings Stamps;
Levandowsky, Daniel W.; BJRP; 54; Dec.
Faberge, Oleg; BJRP; 54: 1977;
The Postal Savings Bank and Control Stamps (Part 1 ) ; Ceresa. R. J. ; BJRP; 50; July 1974; 1 1 - 13 & illustration pages 17-19; The Postal Savings Bank and Control Stamps (Part 1); Ceresa, R. J. ; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 17 ; Continued from #50. The Postal Savings Bank Issue
Further Notes; Ceresa, R. J. ; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 33;
Postal Savings Bank Operations, Soviet
Chekovye operatsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the introOuction of Checking operations at the Leningrad GPO and its city branches. Oeyatel'nost' sberegatel'nykh kass na pOc.hte po Sev.-Zap. okrugu svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khrcnika' section on postal savings banks in the Northwestern Communications District. Eshche 0 bankovskikh operatsiyakh v predpriyatiyakh svyazi; K., 1925; 64-65; Eshche
kasse v derevne; Shestakov; ZhTS;
P.; ZhTS; 6; June
10; Oct.
1925; 90;
K voprosu 0 tom, v ch'em vedenii dolzhny byt' sberegatel'nye kassy; K.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 15-17; A debate over what Commissariat should have control of the Main State Workers' Savings Bank Administration - the NKPiT or the NKF. Komissionnye porucheniya; K. ,P.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 106-107; The Samara Post Office's experience with its postal savings bank. Krupneishii kreditnyi
institut; Spanovskii, V.;
Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1983; 8-9;
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 10 4 -108; Letters to the editor on a range of SUbjects, including circular posts, paying postal auxiliary point chiefs, mail routing, money order transfers, rates, and savings bank operations.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Letter's to the editors on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, and telegrams.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 109-113; Various letters to the editors on subjects ranging from the high cost of sending closed letters through problems with postal savings bank operations to the necessity of proper uniform wear.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 93-100; Letters to the editol's on money order contrc1, unnecessary RR mailcar-routing information, rural mail, complaints about a Voronezh Communications District problem with the Boguchar Uispo1kom, court mail, savings banks, too much paperwork, retiring communications workers, etc.
o peredache gostrudsberkass v vedenle N.K.P.i T.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on transfer of state workers' savings bank to the NKP iT .
prieme sberegatel'nymi kassami vkladov, na imya mes~nykh organDY sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 152;
voznagrazhdenii za operatsii 1925; 63-64;
vvedenii chekovykh operatsii pri p.-t. sberegatel'nykh kassakh; Nov. 1924; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section.
sberegate1 'noi kasse; Karambirov; ZhTS; 9; Sep. (n.a.); ZhTS;
Ob ispo1 'zovanii pOChtovykh marok dlya nakopleniya naseleniem melkikh sberezhenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 152; Short ,tern in the 'Khronika' section on tne proposed use of postage stamps as savings stamps. Otvet na stat'yu G1avnogo Upravleniya Trudovvkh Sberegatel 'nykh Kess; Katys; ZhTS; 4' Apr. 1925; 1 7 -20; A debate over what Comm,ssariat should have control of the Main State Workers' Savings Bank Administration - the NKPiT or the NKF.
Pochta v Zakavkaz'e; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136-137: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an overview of postal activities in the Transcaucasus. Pochtovye operatsii pri sbere!;latel'nykh kassaktl; (n.a.); Zt",TS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on openlng up post of~'ces at some of the larger savings banks. Pochtovye sberegatel'nye kassy v sslakh:
(n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug.
Podkrep1enie perevodnoi operatsii perevodami Gosbanka na kassy NKF; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT agreement with the State Bank and the Finance Commissariat. Raschet po pozaimstvovaniyam dlya sberkass iz perevodnykh summ; Oct. 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section.
(n.a.); ZhTS;
Razvitie operatsii p.-t. sberkassy No. 1-; pri Moskovskom pochtamte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Moscow GPO's PSB #1 operations over a four-month period.
Postal Savings Bank Operations, Soviet
Razvitie seti p-t. sberegatel'nykh kass; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the number of new PSBs opened in the USSR. Rost p.-t. sberegatel'nykh kass;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924;
Sberegatel 'naya kassa na peredvizhnykh pochtakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apt'. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northwestern Communications District putting savings bank operations on five mobile posts. Sberegatel'naya kassa v derevne; Zonnenburg, R.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. rural areas.
1925; 9-11; PSBs in
Sberegatel'nye kassy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on savings bank performance at the Leningrad GPO. Sberegatel'nye kassy pri peredvizhnoi pochte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment with savings bank 'booths' on mobile posts. Sberegatel'nye operatsii na domu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposed experiment to accept postal savings bank deposits from patrons at home. Sberkassy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on 70 new workers' savings banks to be opened in the Kiev Post-and-Telegraph District. Set' sberegatel'nykh kass v pochtovykh predpriyatiyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 175; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northwestern Communications District's efforts to expand postal savings bank operations. Strannye rezul'taty; P.; ZhTS; income.
11; Nov.
100; Disappointing results in PSB
Tekushchie scheta v Gosbanke; (n.a.); ZhTS: 7; July 1925: 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on NKPiT instructions to its offices that all their bank accounts must be in the State Bank. Uproshchennye bankovye operatsii pri p.-t. predpriyatiyakh; Katys, P.; ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 12-16; Simplification of banking operations at post-and-telegraph offices. Used as Savings Stamps; Mazur, P.; Rossica; 89; 1975; 58-63; Wolski, Ed; Translated from 'Filatel iya SSSR' #3, 1976. Soviet postage stamps used as savings stamps. Uvelichenie predel 'nogo razmera vkladov v p.-t. sberkassy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 114; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on raising the maximum deposit level in PSBs. V kachestve sberegatel 'nykh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. postage stamps used in PSB booklets.
1976; 24-26; Soviet
Voznagrazhdenie za sberegatel'nye operatsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 112; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to improve the way PSB operations are compensated. Vse v sberkassy!; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 175; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on Ufa communications workers voting to contribute 25 kopecks each per month into a PSB. Vyplata vyigr)'shei po zaimam cherez p.-t. predpriyatiya: (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on using post-and-telegraph offices to pay lottery loans where there are no state banks.
Postal Statistics,
Das Russische Postwesen in den Jahren von 1868 bis 1875; (n.a.); ZRSP; 37; Apr. 31-36; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Te1egraphie'. Berlin, 1876.
443 1985;
Eshche ne vse skazano (0 pervykh russkikh markakh NO.No. 1-4); Kaminskii, B.; Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1972; V-VII, 33-34; Plate varieties of #s 1-4 and two statistical tables providing data on the number of stamps sold by province. Includes information on the forgery produced to defraud the Post. Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiya pochty na Kavkaze; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Sep. 665-690; Continued from JUly 1902. In addition to the postal history, contains statistical data on amounts and value of mail sent.
1902; it also
Kratkii obzor dyeyate1'nosti G1avnago uprav1eniya pOCht i te1egrafov s pochtovo-te1egrafnoyu statistikoyu za 1887 god; (n.a.); 1889; Glavnoe uprav1enie pocht i te1egrafov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Moskovskiya vyesti; (n.a.); Russkiya vyedomosti; 47; Feb. 26, 1913; A newspaper section on data from the Moscow GPO concerning the number of stamps and stationery sold for 1912. en copyf10.
zemskoi pochte; Timkovskii, D.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 36-39;
Odessa Postal and Telegraph Services 1808-1869; Roberts, 1991; 11; Postal and telegraph statistics.
Ian W.; Rossica;
116: Apr.
Pervye obshchegosudarstvennye kartochki Rossii 1872-1875 gg.; Ilyushin, A.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 52-53; Postcards of the 1875 issue - types, numbers sold, background. Pochta, te1egraf i te1efon v bol'shikh gorodakh Evropy; 864-865; Includes data for St. Petersburg. Pochta, telegraf i te1efon v Rossi; v 1900 g.; the 'Statistical Section' of the journal.
(n.a.); PTZh; Aug.
(n.a.); PTZh; May 1902; 411-437;
Pochtovaya statistika za 1877 god; Petersburg; On microfilm.
1878; Pochtovyi departament, St.
Pochtovaya statistika za 1878 god; Petersburg; On microfilm.
1879; Pochtovyi aepartament, St.
Pochtovyi i te1egrafnyi obmen v 1913 godu v granitsakh SSSR; 0., S.; 1925; 77-82; Pochtovyya operatsii; (n.a.); Russk~ya vyedomosti; statistics for the Moscow GPO in 1912.
1; Jan.
June 23,1913; Postal
Postal Statistics for the Capital of Old Russia; Voaden, Denys J.; BJRP; 26; 1959; 7-8; Data for 1897. Includes addresses of the SPb postal branch offices. Russian Postal Operations in 1891; Shishkin, Bor'is; Rossica; 75; Russian Posts in 1878: Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 75;
1968; 8-9;
1968; 7-8:
Tirazh pervogo vypuska marok Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 10-14; The EhZGB archives on the numbers of stamps (#s 1-4) printed.
To1'ko odni tsifry; Vigi1ev, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 40; A comparison of some current Soviet postal statistics with those from the May 1903 issue of 'PTZh' .
Postal Statistics, Soviet
(n.t.); (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 1; Bar and graph charts on the growth of mobile post operations from August 1924 to March 1925, USSR postal volume from 1922 to 1925, and telegraph volume for the same period. 'Brak' nashei produktsii; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 105-107; A look at 'waste' post-ard-te1egraph productivity in the Middle-Volga District.
Apparat svyazi na Ukraine v 23-24 byudzh. godu; L'vov; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 110-111; Postal and telegraph statistics for the Ukraine in the 1923-1924 fiscal year. Byudzhet Narkompochte1ya na 1924-25 khozyaistvennyi god; M., A.; ZhTS; 2; 3-10;
Chto imeet pochta i chto ona do1zhna dat'; Obzherin, G.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 10-19; A look at what the Soviet Post had available in 1924 and where it wanted to go. Defitsitnost' pochtovo-te1egrafnykh predpriyatii; 0., S.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 80-84; Denezhnaya reforma i p.-t. dokhod v marte; Ulitskii; ZhTS; 4; Apr. Postal revenues for March 1924 and the currency reform.
1924; 72-73;
Deyate1'nost' Kommercheskogo Agentstva 'Svyaz" v 1923-24 operatsionnom godu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 189-199; Activities, statistics and plans of the 'Svyaz" Agency for 1923-1924. Deyate1'nost' Leningradskogo pochtamta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on statistics for the Leningrad GPO's dealings with its branch offices in the city. Ookhodnost' predpriyatii Chernomorskogo Okruga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 164-165; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Chernomor'e Communications District's income and number of offices. Ookhody goroda i se1a; U., A.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 95-97; Profit percentage figures for city and rural post-and-te1egraph offices. Dva goda p1anovoi raboty i ocherednye zadachi Mar. 1925; 6-14;
tret'ego; Be1etskii, A.I.; ZhTS; 3;
Ehstonskaya SSR za gody Sovetskoi vlasti - Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU EhSSR, Ta11in; One page of statistics for 1940, 1945, 1950. 1955, 1960, & 1965-1966. Eshche 0 kachestve raboty. (Po dannym Vo1zhsko-Kamskogo okruga.); Igoshkin, Ya.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 94-100; Statistics on postal workers' neglect of duties, specific instances. Eshche 0 sokrashcheniyakh; Dmitrievich. N.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 92-93; The author compares the decrease in number of communications workers and the increase in all forms of mail handled, and concludes that the work force can't be cut any further. Gazeta cherez pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on statistics for the Leningrad area for newspaper deliveries by mail. Gazeta idet; K.. N.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. newspaper mailing and handling. Golos svyazista. I.
1924; 6-11;
Information and statistics on
0 tarifnoi po1itike.; Terebenev, A.; ZhTS; 4; Apr.
1924; 93-97;
Po SSSR. Dostizheniya NKPiT po priblizheniyu poChty k naseleniyu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 151; A few statistics in the 'Khronika' section on an increase in the number of mobile and circ~lar posts. their distances covered, amount of mail del ivered, etc.
Itogi pervogo polugodiya 1924-25 g. i perspektivy novogo byudznetnogo goda; Smirnov, I.: ZhTS: 7; JUly 1925; 2-6; Data from 1924 to mid-1925. and communications plans for the future. Itogi polugodovoi deyatel'nosti agentstva 'Svyaz"; Oerzhavin. M.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924: 21-26; K voprosu 0 vzaimootnoshenii obmena i dokhoda NKPiT; Po10zhentseva; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 64-67; The relationship between communications volume and the NKPiT's income, in graphs. K voprosu ob ischis1enii dokhoda NKPiT; Peschanskii; ZhTS; 8; Aug. Various tables on where the NKPiT got its money from.
1925; 49-53;
Kantselyariya i proizvodstvo. (Po dannym Moskovskogo Ok ruga Svyazi.); Boishe1'. V.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 90-94; Statistical and narrative information on the amount
Postal Statistics. Soviet
of 'official mail' generated by various state establishments. and its effect on the postal work load. Kharakter pochtovykh I telegrafnykh operatsii. mart mesyats, po gUb. i uezdr.. kontoram);
(PO dannym srochnykh donesenii za (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 78-79;
Kontrol'nye tsifry pers~ektivnogo plana khozyaistva svayzi na 1928/29-1932/33 g.g.; (n.a.); 1928; NKPT, Moscow; The projected 5-year plan for communications. Krivaya khishchenii zak. i strakh. korrespondentsii, podannoi v Moskovskom pochtamte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5: May 1924; 157; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on figures for theft of mail at the Moscow GPO. 1913-1923. Mezhdunarodnyi POChtovo-telegrafnyi obmen SSSR v tsifrakh; Syrevich. E.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 67-72; Postal and telegraph data on the USSR's communications volume with other countries, including transit mail. Moskva - razvitie khozyaistva i kul'tury goroda - statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1958; STATUPR g. Moskvy. 'Moskovskli Rabochii'. Moscow; One page of statistics for 1913,1928.1932.1937.1940.1950, and 1955-56. Moskva v tsifrakh (1917-1977) - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1977; STATUPR g. Moskvy, 'Statistika', Moscow; One page of statistics for 1913. 1940, 1965. 1970, 1975-1976. Moskva v tsifrakh (1966-1970) - Kratki i statistlcheski i sbornik; (n.a.); 1972; STATUPR g. Moskvy, 'Statistika', Moscow; One page of statistics for 1960. 1965-1970. Moskva v tsifrakh (1971-1975) - Kratkii statisticheski, sbornik; (n.a.); 1976; STATUPR g. Moskvy, 'Statistika'. Moscow; One page of statistics for 1965. 1970-1975. Moskva v tsifrakh - 1978 - Statisticheskii ezhegoanik; (n.a.); 1978; STATUPR g. Moskvy. 'Statistika', Moscow; One page of statistics for 1965, 1970, 1975-1977. Moskva v tsifrakh za gody Sovetskoi vlasti (1917-1967 gg.). Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik.; (n.a.); 1967; STATUPR g. Moskvy, 'Statistika'. Moscow; One page of statistics for 1913, 1940 and 1966. Na~odne
gospodarstvo UkrC'.ins'koi RSR - Sta1:istichnii zbi~niK; (n.a.); 1957; Derzhavne Statistichne Vidavni1:stvo, Kiev; Two pages of statistics for 1932, 1937, 1940. 1945, 1950-1955.
Narodnoe khozyaistvc i flnansy n8rod~oi svyazi v 1923-24 gcdu; Ul itskii, Ya.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 80-85; Income. expenditures and percentage increases for 1923-1924. Narodnoe khozyaistvo v aprele i mae; U.. Ya.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 82-84; Narodnoe khozyaistvo Armyanskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; GOSSTATIZDAT. Erevan; One page of statistics for 1913, 1928. 1940, 1950. 1954-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR v 1980 godu. Statisticheski i sbornik.; (n.a.); 1981; AZERGOSIZDAT. Baku; One page of statIstics for 1970, 1975. 1976-1980. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR za 60 let - Yubileinyi statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1980; AZERGOSIZDAT. Baku; Two pages of statistics for 1940. 1950. 1960. 1965. 1970. 1975 and 1979 Narodnoe khozyaistvo Buryatskoi ASSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1963; TsSU RSFSR. STATUPR BUR. ASSR. Ulan-Ude; One page of statistics for 1937, 1940. 1945, 1950. 1955. 1958. 1960-1962. Naroanoe khozyaistvo Gruzinskoi SSR v 1962 godu - Statlsticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1362; TsSU GSSR. GOSSTAiIZDAT. Tbi 1 isi; One page of statistics for 1913. 1940, 1950-1962. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhskoi SSR - Statlstlcheski, sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; SiATUPR Kaz. SSR. Kazakhskoe GOSIZDAT. Alma-Ata; One page of statistics for 1928. 1932, 1937,1940.1945.1950.1953-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kazakhstana v 1977 g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1978; TsSU KSSR. Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan', Alma-Ata; One page of statistics for 1960. 1965,1970,1975-1977. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kirgizskoi SSR v 1963 godu - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; 1964; TsSU KSSR. 'Statistika', Frunze; One page of statistics for 1932, 1953, 1958. 1962-1963. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Kirovskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbcrnlk;
(n. a. ) ;
1957; TsSU
Postal Statistics, Soviet
SSSR, SUKO, Kirovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kirov; One page of statistics for 1940, 1950. 1955-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Latviiskoi SSR v 1974 godu - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1975; TsSU LSSR, Izd-vo 'Liesma'. Riga; One page of statistics for 1940, 1965. 1970. 1971-1974. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Moldavskoi SSR -Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1959; STATUPR MSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Kishinev; One page of statistics for 1940, 1950, 1951-1957. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Moskovskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1958; TsSU SSSR. MOSOBSTATUPR, 'Moskovskii rabochii'. Moscow; One pa~e of statistics for Moscow oblast' excluding Moscow. for 1940, 1945, 1950. 1955-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Moskovskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1964; TsSU RSFSR. STATUPRMOSDB, 'Statistika'. Moscow; One page of statistics for Moscow oblast' excluding Moscow. for 1940, 1957-1962. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Rostovskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1964; TsSU RSFSR. STATUPRROSOB, Rostovskoe otd-e iZd-va 'Statistika', Rostov; One page of statistics for Rostov oblast', 1940, 1953, 1958-1959, 1962-1963. Narodnoe khozyaistvo RSFSR v 19 g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1957-1965. 1967-1975, 1977-1981. 1984; TsSU SSSR, Moscow; The various yearly updates contain data for 1913, 1932, 1940-1941, 1950-1951, 1953, and 1955-1981. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Saratovskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1959; TsSU SSSR, STATUPR Saratovskoi oblasti, GOSSTATIZDAT. Saratov; One page of statistics for 1940, 1950. and 1953-1957. Narodnoe khozyaistvo SSSR v 19_ g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1958-1965, 1967-1975,1977-1979,1982.1984; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Moscow; One page of statistics for each pUblication date. Narodnoe khozyaistvo SSSR v 1956 g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1957; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR. GOSSTATIZDAT. Moscow; One page of data for 1913. 1928. 1940. 1950. and 1955-1956. Narodnoe khozyaistvo SSSR za 60 let - Yubileinyi statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, 'Statistika'. Moscow; Two pages of data. Two copies available. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tadzhikskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; STATUPR TSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Stalinabad; One page of statistics for 1932. 1940. 1945, 1950-1955. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tadzhikskoi SSR v 1976 g. - Yubileinyi stati~ticheskii ezhegodnik k 60-i letiyu Velikogo Oktyabrya; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU TSSR, 'Irfon', Dushanbe; One page of data for 1940, 1965. 1970. 1975-1976. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tadzhikskoi SSR v 1980 g. - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1982; TsSU TSSR, 'Irfon'. Dushanbe; Three pages of statistics for 1940, 1970. 1975-1980. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Turkmenskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; TsSU TSSR. GOSSTATIZDAT, Ashkhabad; One page of statistics for 1940. 1950, 1954-1955. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Turkmenskoi SSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1963; TsSU TSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT. Ashkhabad; One page of statistics for 1950. 1956-1961. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tyumenskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1964; TsSU RSFSR, STATUPR Tyumenskoi oblasti, 'Statistika'. Omsk; One page of data for 1915. 1950, 1958-1963. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 1979 - Statisticheskil ezhegodnik; 1980; TsSU SSSR. 'Tekhnika'. Kiev; One page of data for 1940. 1965, 1975-1979.
(n.a.): 1970.
Narodnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 1980 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; 1981; TsSU SSSR. 'Tekhnika', Kiev; One page of statistics for 1940. 1975-1980.
(n.a.); 1965. 1970.
Narodnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 60 - Yubileinyi statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU UkSSR. 'Tekhnika'. Kiev; Two pages of data for 1940, 1965, 1970. 1975-1976. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Uzbekskoi SSR - 1971 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1972; TsSU UzSSR. 'Uzbekistan'. Tashkent; Two pages of data for 1940, 1960, 1965. 1970-1971. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Uzbekskoi SSR - 1975 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik;
TsSU UzSSR, 1970-1975.
Postal Statistics, Soviet
'Uzbekistan', Tashkent; Two pages of statistics for 1940,
Narodnoe kl10zyaistvo VologOdskoi oblasti v vos'moi pyatiletke - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1971; TsSU RSFSR, STATUPR Vol. ob., Severozapadnoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Vologda; One page of data for 1940, 1950, 1960, 1965 and 1970. Naselenie i pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. Sector of Chernomor'e District.
135; Various statistics for the Balta
Nash rost. (F i nansovye perspek t i vy vedoms tva v 1924 - 25 A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 7-9;
1925-26 b. g.g.); Musatov,
Novaya nomenklatura smety NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 127; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a new presentation form for the NKPiT estimates. NKPiT sredi drugikh narkomatov; U., Ya.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 146-147; A comparison of incomes generated by the various people's commissariats, including the Post-and-Telegraph.
::hem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. variety of topics.
vozdushnykh pochtovykh soobshcheniyakh; Syrevich, E.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 120-129; Only pages 127-129 contain information on the SOViet airmail system. Includes statistics on number of flights for 1922 to 1925, mail carried, etc.
1925; 65-74; '-etters to the editors on a
Oblastnoi ispolnitel'nyi komitet Mariiskoi Avtonomnoi oblasti 0 rabote Volzhsko-Kamskogo apparata Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June ~925; 112; Data on postal operations in the Mari Autonomous Oblast'. Opyt izucheniya defektivnostl apparata; K., P.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 129-134; A statistical look at problems with the Soviet post and telegraph 'apparatus'. Otchet Narodnogo komissariata pocht i telegrafov. VIII s'ezdu sovetov; (n.a.); 1920; NKPiT, Moscow; In addition to statistical data, it contains an overview of the problems facing SOViet communications in 1920. P.-t. svyaz' i nizovoi sovetskii apparat; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on how well volost' centers are belng served by the post-and-telegraph system. Peredvizhnaya pochta; (n.a.); ZhTS: 3; Mar. sectlon on mobile post statistics.
170; Short ltem in the 'Khronika'
Perspektivy p.-t. obmena v blizhaishee trekhletie; Belyaev, A.; ZhTS; 6-12; Communications plans for 1926-1928, and statistical data.
10; Oct.
Po kol'tsu na Prilukshchine; Sibiryak; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 111-113; The Priluki circular posts. Includes a table showing which types of mail and how much they carried from Sep. 1924 to Feb. 1925. Pochta i telegraf Ukrainy v 1922 godu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 208-209; A summary of the statistical publication 'The Ukraine's Post and Telegraph in 1922' . Pochtovaya i telegrafnaya korrespondentsiya v sel'skoi mestnosti; P., V.; ZhTS; 6' June 1924; 84-90; Pochtovaya reklama; A., V.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 124-132; The Borisoglebsk PTO's experiences with advertiSing their services. InclUdes statistical data on its mail volume for 1913, 1923 and the first quarter of 1924. Pochtovo-telefonnye otdeleniya v Sev.-Zap. Okruge; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 165; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on post-and-telegraph branch offices in the Northwes~ern DlsTrict being transformed into post-an~-telephone branch offices. Pochtovo-telegrc,fnaya svyaz' Leningrada 5 i...atviei; (n.B..); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' sectlon on mail to and from Latvia, inclUding statistics for May ana June, 1924. Pochtovo-telegrafnye pokazatel i v yanvare i fevrale 1925 g.; 0., S.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 75-76; Pochtovyi
i telegrafnyi obmen v 1923-24 g.; 0 .. S.; ZhTS;
1; Jan.
Pochtovyi i telegrafnyi obmen za 1924-25 g.; Murskaya, V.; ZhTS; 64-72;
1925; 67-73, 76; 12; Dec.
Pochtovyi i telegrafnyi obmen III kvartala 1924-25 g.; Vakhatov, A.; ZhTS; 1925; 59-63; Pochtovyi
1925; 10; Oct.
i telegrafnyi obmen 1-go polugodiya 1924-25 goda; V., A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly
Postal Statistics, Soviet
1925; 53-57; Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 86-87; Three graphs and accompanying text showing the amount of mail and telegrams handled by the provincial offices, and the incomes and expenditures for same. Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa po SSSR za 85-90:
M., M.; ZhTS;
11; Nov.
Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR v chetvertom kvartale 1923-24 byudzhetn. goda; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 74-79; Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR za aprel '; M.. M.; ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 86-90; Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR za iyun'; M.. M.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Dct. 1924; 106-111, 114; Statistics for June 1924. Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR za mai; M.. M.; ZhTS; 8; Aug.
1924; 72-75;
Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa. Pochtovyi obmen po gUbkontoram.; Peschanskii; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 74"75. 78-80; Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty obmena v pervom kvartale 24-25 b.g.; 1925; 83-86;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb.
Predvaritel'nye svedeniya 0 deyatel'nosti gUbernskikh kontor; 0., S.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 90-92; Performance data for province-level post offices. Predvaritel 'nye svedeniya 0 deyatel'nosti gUbernskikh kontor za iyul' mesyats; 0., S.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 70-72; Predvaritel'nye svedeniya 0 deyatel 'nosti gubernskikh kontor za iyun' mesyats; 0., S.; ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 84-86; Financial. mail and telegraph statistics for provincial offices. June 1924. Rabota okrugov po priblizheniyu pochty k derevne; Grigor'ev. V.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 128-132; Various communications districts and their efforts to establish mobile and circular posts in rural areas. Rabota Komissariata PiT za 23-24 g. ~ ego blizhaishie zadachi. (Iz doklada v Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov).; Smirnov, 1.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 6-14, 21-22; IncltJdes postal and telegraph information and statistics. Raskhod na pochtovo-telegrafnye operatsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on April statistics for the Northwestern District. Raspredelenie seti po SSSR i pochtovyi obmen; Ulitskii. Ya.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 78-82;
Rasprostranenie pochtovoi marki; Pit.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 11-14; Expansion of NKPiT efforts to sell stamps at its offices and at non-postal establishments. RSFSR v tsifr'akh v 1976 g. - Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU RSFSR. 'Statistika'. Moscow; One page of data for 1913. 1940, 1965. 1970. 1975-1976. RSFSR za 40 let - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; TsSU RSFSR. 'Sovetskaya Rossiya'. Moscow; One page of statistics for 1913. 1932, 1940. 1945 and 1956. RSFSR za 50 let - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU RSFSR, Moscow; One page of data for 1913, 1940. 1945. 1960 and 1966.
Semeinoe polozhenie rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v pochtovom i telegrafnom proizvodstve; S .. N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 86-93; Data on postal and telegraph workers' famil ies. Shtat i finrezul'tat po Gubkontoram S.S.S.R. (bez Zakavkazskogo okruga). Za aprel' 1924 gOda.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 90-92; Includes a table showing the kinds and amounts of mail handled by the provincial offices. Smeta na budushchii god Sev.-Kavkazsk. Okruga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Northern Caucasus District's projections on income and expenditures. Smotr pervykh itogov; Vishnevskii. A.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 75-80; Statistical and narrative description of postal operations in Kiev District rural areas. Sostav rabotnikov svyazi po gor. Moskve; Set., N.; ZhTS; 8; Aug.
1924; 83-89;
Sostoyanie seti p.-t. predpriyatii po dannym na 15 yanvarya 1925 goda; 0., S.; ZhTS;
Postal Statistics, Soviet
4; Apr. 1925; 73-75; The post-and-telegraph office situation as of 15 January 1925. Includes bar and pie charts. Sotsial'nyi sostav rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v p.-t. proizvodstve; S., N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 93-96; Data on the social backgrounds of communications workers. Speshnaya pochta i tsifry ee obmena v Leningrade; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 155-156; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on data for the Leningrad GPO's volume of express mail for May 1924. Sredne-Volzhskii Okrug v 23-24 byudzh. godu; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 112-119; Statistics for the Middle-Volga District during the 1923-1924 fiscal year. Includes a number of photographs taken inside the Samara Post Of~ice. Strana sovetov za 50 let. Sbornik statisticheskikh materialov.; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU SSSR, 'Statistika', Moscow; One page of data for 1913, 1940, 1945, 1960, 1966. Svyaz' v oblasti Komi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 173-174; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on communications in the Komi oblast'. Svyaz' v Zakavkazskom Okruge; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on SOViet PTOs in the Caucasus and their financial condition. SSSR v tsifrakh - Statisticheski i sbornik; (n.a.); 1958; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Moscow; Two pages of data for 1913,1928,1940,1945,1956-1957. SSSR v tsifrakh v 1966 godu - Statisticheskii eZhegodnik; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Moscow; One page of data for 1913. 1940, 1960, 1965-1966. SSSR v tsifrakh v 1976 godu; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, GOSSTATIZDAT, Moscow; One page of data for 1913, 1917, 1940, 1965, 1970, 1975-1976. Ten Years of Soviet Power in Figures, 1917-1927; (n.a.); (n.d.); Central Statistical Board, USSR, Moscow; Two pages of statistics for 1913 and 1922-1926. The National Economy of the USSR - A Statistical Compilation; (n.a.); 1956; Central Statistical Administration, Council of Ministers, USSR, Moscow; One page of data for 1913, 1928, 1940, 1950, 1954-1955. Theft Of Registered and Insured Correspondence Mailed at the Moscow GPO; (n.a.); Rossica; 116: ApI". 1991; 54; Skipton, David "'I.; Short item translated from the 'Khron'i ka' sect i on of ZhTS #5, 1924. Tol'ko odni tsifr\'; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 197.1: 40; A comoarison of some current Soviet postal statistics with those from the May 1903 issue of 'PTZh'. Torgovlya kantselyarskimi prinadlezhnostyami; Smetanin; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; six-month overview of 'Agentstvo Svyaz" sales.
158-162; A
Transport i svyaz' SSSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1957; GOSSTATIZDAT, Moscow; Ten pages of statistics and graphs. Two copies available. Tr'ansport i svyaz' SSSR - Sta~isticheskl i sbornik; (n.a.); 1967; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, 'Statistika', Moscow; Eight pages of data. Two copies available. Transport i svyaz' SSSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.): 1972; TsSU pri SOVMINe SSSR, 'Statistika', Moscow; Seven pages of data. Two copies available. Uchet p.-t. predpriyatii 1924; 84-85;
i rabotnikov svyazi NKPiT: Setnitskii. N.;
Ukrainskaya SSR'v tsifrakh: (n.a.): for 1940, 1950, 1960 and 1965.
ZhTS; 5; May
1967; TsSU UkSSR, Kiev; One page of statistics
UkSSR v tsifrakh - 1976 - Kratki i statisticheski i sbornik: (n.a.); 1977; TsSU UkSSR, 'Tekhnika', Kiev; One page of statistics for 1940, 1965, 1970, 1975-1976. Urozhai i rabota svyazi: 0., L.; ZhTS: 9; Sep. 1925; postal income and the harvest. in figures. USSR Facts and Figures Annual; Scherer, John L. Press; Four pages of data.
18-19; The relatlonship between
1978: Academic International
V kakikh stranakh pis'ma deshevle?; U., Va.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 144-145; A comparison of Soviet postcard and lettercard rates with other countries, and a table showing the percentage of increase over 1913 rates in the USSR and other countries.
Kievskom Okruge Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10: Sep.-Oct. 1924: 197-198; Postal and telegraph statistics for the Kiev Communications District.
Postal Statistics, Soviet
Vazhnyi rychag vypolneniya plana; Katkov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. page of general statistics for the Krasnoyarsk Post Office.
1981; One
Vrednyi uklon; K., P.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 136-137; A complaint about the lackadaisical approach to proper book-keeping and statistics generation evidenced by many postal workers. Znanie inostrannykh yazykov sredi rabotnikov svyazi; S., N.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 57-61; Data on communications workers' foreign language skills. 20 let Sovetskoi vlasti - Statisticheskii sbornik. (Tsifrovoi material dlya propagandistov); (n.a. \; 1937; PARTIZDAT TsK VKP(b), Moscow; One set of figures for 1923 and 1936.
Postal Theory, Soviet
'Kachestvo uslug i kachestvo truda'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; 27-37; A round-table discussion by Moscow representatives of the various communications branches on quality of service to the public. Includes some postal information. General 'naya skhema upravleniya ot~asl 'yu: chto sdelano, chto predstoit; Lapshina, N.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1989; 2-4; Formation of l~rge communications production associations. reductlon in the number of administrations. and improvment in the central communications apparatus. Izuchenie faktorov, vl iyayushchikrl na vysotu pochtovo-telegrafnogo obmena; Bel 'skii, N.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 15-17; Discussions about studying those factors which affect mail volume, to use in decision-making. Kak opredel it' strukturu proizvodstvennykh podr'azdelenii po tekhnicheskomu Obsluzhivaniyu pochtovogo oborudovaniya; Besedin, V.N./Ievlev, P.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Three pages. Mathematical approach. Konteinernye perevozki: tekhniko-ehkonomicheskie raschety; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1976; Four pages. Continued from #9. Konteinernye perevozki: tekhniko-ehkonomlcheskie raschety; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Three pages. Mathematical approach.
novoi sisteme kachestvennykh pokazatelei; BUlgak, V.B.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1989; 23-26; How to generate 'quality indicators'. Includes some information on the post.
Opredelenie norm vyrabotki; Loginov. I.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 84-89; Establishing work norms for various communications jobs, using the Saratov PTO as an example. Optimizatsiya raspredeleniya sredstv mekhanizatsii mezhdu pochtovymi predpriyatiyami; Chesalov, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Two pages. Organizatsiya, planirovanie i ASU predpriyatiyami pOChtovoi svyazi; Matsnev, V./Tikhonova, A.I Saifutdinov, A.; 1985; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; A textbook for students in communications technical schools. It includes one chapter on the main stages of postal development since 1918. Orientiry ehffektivnosti i kachestva; Meshcheryakova, T.N./Rivin, L.Va.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1982; Three pages on the Kalininskii Communications Center in the Moscow GPO system. Os oboe vnimanie dostavochnoi sluzhbe; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1965; One page on a surprise inspection of postal operations in the republ ic by the authorities in tne Mcldavian SSR. Ot chego zavisit kachestvo raboty pOChty; Orekhova, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. Two pages on problems at the Kursk Post Office's local delivery section.
Planirovanie razvitiya seti pochtovoi svyazi; Mol'nar, K.; 1987; 'Radio; Svyaz", Moscow; IVlyushkina, P.N.; Translated from the Hungarian 'Postaforgalmi Halozatok Tervezese'. Mathematical modeling, dlagrams, illustraTions of postal mach i nel'y . Pochtovaya svyaz' - Spravochnik; Vainberger, I.M./et al.; 1978; 'Svya.:", Moscow; Discusses the organization, development, mechanization and automcltization of the Post. Primenenie matematicheskikh metodov v organizatsii pochtovoi svyazi: Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik Svyazl: 12: Dec. 1968; Three pages. Professional 'noe obuchenie rabochikh svyazi na proizvodstve; Polonskii, P./et al.; 1985; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow: A very technical and theo~etical handbook. Puti povysheniya kachestva produkts;i predp~iyatji pochtOVOl svyazl; Chuprin. V.I : Vestnik svyazi; 4: Apr. 1977: Two pages on a mathematical approach to quality control. Raschet ehkonomii ot vnedr'enlya pochTovoi tekhnlki; Matsnev, K.r路J ./Kos1in. Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1969; Three pages. Mathematical approach.
Raschet urovnya mekhanizatsii uzlov pochtovoi svyazi; Dragovaya, K.A.; Vestnik svyaz i; 12; Dec. 1971; Three pages. Sovershenstvovanie metodov ucheta ob'ema produktsii pochtovoi svyazi; Dedyukova, L.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1962; Two pages. Statisticheskoe issledovanie kharal<teristik pochtovykh gruzov; Bulanov, Eh./Laterner. E.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Four pages. Svyaz', ee organizatsiya i tekhnika;
Lyubovich, A.;
ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 22-28;
Postal Theory, Soviet
Svyaz', ee organizatsiya i tekhnika; Lyubovich, A.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 21-29; Continued from #5. Vnutriproizvodstvennyi khozrashchet na pochtamte; Donguzov, M./Nefedova, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; Two pages on accounting at the Rostov-na-Donu Post Dffice. Vybor optimal'nykh gabaritnykh kharakteristik pochtovogo konteinera; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1981; Three pages.
Postal Transportation,
'I ekhat' budut dnem i noch'yu'; Evgen'eva, 0.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; Extracts from 'Otechestvennye zapiski, izdavaemye Pavlom Svin'inym', Sep. Concerns the establishment of postal equipage lines.
16; 1820.
Oer Versuch Peters des Grossen, eine Fahrpost zwischen Petersburg und Moskau ins Leben zu rufen; SOkolov, Nikolai I.; ZRSP; 37; May 1985; 8-11; Krueger; Translated from 'PTZh' and reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Po~t und Telegraphie', Ber lin, 1905. Guzhevaya pochta; Sorkin, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1975; One-page sketch on the development of the cart, or 'yam', post in Russia. Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. Istoricheskii ocherk. Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta Telegraf v XIX stolyetii.; (n.a.); 1902; MVO, St. Petersb'-lrg; On microfilm. Numerous chapters on various aspects of the Post. The source for much of Prigara's 'Russkaya pochta v imperii ... '. Postdilligencen zwischen Torma und Riga?; Gundersen, Soren; Philatelia Baltica; 94; Nov. 1992; 15; An 1861 cover marked 'Postdil. N1'. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirKulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (1-32); (n.a.); 1843-1846; GUP, St. Petersburg; The 'Addenda' were attached to general postal circulars, and covered a wide range of topics, from Russian postal history to foreign postal systems. On microfilm. Pribavlenie k obshchemu tsirkulyaru po Glavnomu upravleniyu pocht (33-49); 1846-1847; GUP, St. Petersburg;
Proekty ustroistva telyezhnoi pochty mezhdu S.-Peterburgom i Moskvoyu v tsarstvovanii Imperatora Petra Vel ikago; Sokolov, N.!.; PTZh; Oct. 1902; 716-732; Riding the Post Roads in 19th Century Russia; Shott, Paul; Rossica; 30-34; Description cf travel. Includes a bibliography. Russische Waagen; Unger, G.; Pochta; 46; Dec.
1988; 37-38;
Starve Zhurnaly soobshchili ... ; Borisov, !.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 17; The introduction of bicycles, motor vehicles and airplanes to carry mail in early 20th-century Russia. The March of Technology in Postal Operations; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 113; Translations of two short pieces, one on Airpost in Russia (1912), the other on Postal Automobiles in Moscow.
Postal Transportation, Soviet
'Stokgol'mskaya pochta' v Orenburge; Babushkin, A.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 121-122; Mobile posts in Orenburg. Includes two photos of the conveyances used. Aehrosannyi probeg Moskva - Nizhnii Novgorod - Moskva; Geevskii, D.; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 60-65; Results of an experiment to see how efficient propel lor-driven snowmobiles would be to carry maii during the winter. Avtomobil'noe pochtovoe soobshcnenie v Krymu; Tvorkovskii; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 125-126; Using cars in the Crimea to transport mail. Includes a photograph. Chetko organizovat' prokhozhdenie poChty; Trofimov, N.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1980; Three pages on mechanization to speed mail transportation and handling in Moscow, Leningrad, etc. Chto b my delali bez pochty!; Shpagin, M.; Nauka v tvoei professii; 11; Nov. 1979; 3-47; Narodnyi universitet, 'Znanie', Moscow; Broad-brush coverage of postal development. Includes a chronology on pp. 42-45. Softbound original. Chtoby oblegchit' trud pochtovykh rabotnikov; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1979; Two pages on a self-propelled cart for conveying non-standard newspaper bundles. Dlya motorizatsii dostavki pochty v sel'sko; mestnosti; Shatov, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Two pages. Dlya progressivnogo sposoba perevozki pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1982; One page. A follow-up to an article by Mangel'din, 'Perspektivy razvitiya konteinernykh perevozok pochtovykh otpravlenii', in #12, 1981. Ehffektivnee ispol 'zovat' aehrosany; Lysenko, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1976; One page on the use of air-sleds for postal transportation in Arkhangel'sk, Irkutsk, etc. Ehffektivno ispol'zovat' avtotransport na perevozke pochty; Saf'yanik, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1976; Two pages on trucking mail in the Moscow area. Ehksploatatsiya pochtovykh avtomobilei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 198-199; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the accompl ishments of mail trucks in the Transcaucasus Communications District. K mekhanizatsii pochtovogo transporta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the results of the agreement made in early 1925 between the NKPiT and AVTOPROMTORG. K narodnomu dobru - po sovesti; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; Two pages on what the Moscow Administration of Mail Transportation is doing to meet its voluntary obl igations to the TsK KPSS. Kakim dolzhen byt' transport dlya svyazistov Severa?; Smagin, A.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1980; Two pages on mail transportation problems in the Far North. Kakoi dolzhna byt' pochtovaya avtomashina; Sytkov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1969; One page on attempting to improve on postal vehicle design at the Leningrad PTUSPS. Konteinernaya perevozka pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. containerized mail transfer from shore to ship at Magadan.
1960; One page on
Konteinernye perevozki pochty; Shakh-Nazarov, G.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Three pages. Konteinery - na avtopoezdakh; Sorokin, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. using semi trailers to carry mail. Krai aivy i seledki; Rodnoi; ZhTS: 2; 'eb. area. Includes three illustrations.
1978; One page on
128-129; The post in the Astrakhan'
Mekhanizatsiya perevozki pochty v ZSFSR; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mechanization of postal routes in the Transcaucasian Federatlon. Mekhanizatsiya pochtovago transporta; in the 'Khronika' section.
(n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr.
132-133; Short item
Mekhanizatsiya pochtovogo transporta; E.; ZhTS; 7; JUly 1924; 30-36; Cars and trucks in the NKPiT's inventory. Includes several photographs. Mekhanizatsiya traktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on NKPiT plans to mechanize some routes. Mekhanizatsiya transporta;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
155-156; Short item in the
Postal Transportation. Soviet
'Khronika' section on 10 cars used in the Crimea and Novorossiisk areas to carry mai l. Mctorizovannaya dostavka pochty v gorodakh; Smirnov, A.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 1971; Three pages.
1; Jan.
Motorizovannaya dostavka ~nedrena; Radyuk, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1974; On~ page. An overview of motorized mail delivery in Grodno beginning in 1973. Motorollery na dostavku pochty. (Iz opyta Bakinskogo pochtamta); Morozov, O.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1961; One page. Motorollery sluzhat pochte; Komarov, Yu.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1962; Three pages on motorbikes serving the Post in Kiev. Motorollery v dostavochnoi sluzhbe; Korneev, V.I./Sytkov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1968; Three pages on motorbike mail del ivery at the Leningrad GPO. Motosani 'Laika'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; One page on testing of a skimobile for mail delivery in remote areas, among other things. Na avtobuse za posylkoi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1974; Short item on a GAZ-51 turned into a bus for a mobile communications center, picking up heavy packages. etc. Nash trud i opyt - pyatiletke. Pravoflangovye truda.; Vsevoloaov, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Seven pages. A four-part article on various aspects of the Post. Nedostatki v planirovanii i khozraschete na predpriyatiyakh perevozki pochty; Stas', N.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1966; Two pages. Novshestvo poluchilo propisku; Vyalov, L.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1981; Two pages on mobile truck post offices in Chelyabinsk oblast'. Ochistka pochtovykh yashchikov na mototsikletakh; D., S.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 123-124; Using a motorcy~le ~o make the rounds of the mailboxes. InclUdes a photograph. Otdelenie svyazi na kolesakh; Solomonchuk, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; Short item on .the first mobile c:m,mun'catic.ns office in the Karakalpak reg10n, for support to geological expeditions. Peredovoe otdelenie perevozki pochty; Yakovlev, L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 3' Mar. Three pages.
Peredvizhka dvinulas'; D., S.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 112-121; Mobile posts 1" various areas. InclUdes several photographs of the 'peredvizhki'. Peredvizhnaya pochtovaya kareta v Tashkente; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a postal coach making the rounds of Tashkent. Peredvizhnye otdeleniya svyazi v Amurskoi oblasti; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Short article on mobile post offices visiting some small villages on a regUlar basis. Perevozka passazhirov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an experiment in transporting passengers at a postal station in the Northwestern Communications District. Perevozka pocht na avtomobilyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS: 3; Mar. 1925; i67; Short item in the 'Khronika' Eection on an agreement between the NKPiT and AVTOPROMTORG to carry mail by car and truck. Perspektivy pochtovogo transporta; Zonnenburg, R.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
Po kol'tsevomu i pryamomu traktam; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; iO; Oct. 1925; 105-112; The author's impressions of rural postal routes in the Moscow area. Includes a couple of photos of small post offices. Po kol'tsu ... (Iz dorozhnogo bloknota); Ford on rural routes near Moscow. couple of postmen.
Esperant1st; ZI"S; 10; Oct. 1925; 113-118; By InclUdes photos of the Ford, a road, and a
Po metodu L'vovskikh svyazistov; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Short item on the introduction of motorized mail delivery at the 35th Penza Branch Office. Pochta dostavlyaetsya bystree; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; motorized mail delivery in Saratov and VilniUS.
11; Nov.
1971; One page on
Pochta dostavlyaetsya bystree; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; One page on mail delivery by vehicle from the 15th Branch Office in Grodno.
Postal Transportation, Soviet
Pochta dostavlyaetsya na motorollerakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; item on scooter mail del ivery in Leningrad.
10: Oct.
Pochta na kolesakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. vans produced by the Gor'kii plant.
1964; Short
1967; Short article on new postal
Pochta na kolesakh; Zholobova, L.; Vestnik svyazi: 4; Apr. 1974; Short item on the introduction of a mobile 'fil ial' of the Syktyvkar Post Office. Pochta priekhala; Nikitin, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; Short article on the f1rst mail truck delivering to residents of four villages in Ryazan' oblast'. Pochta v Zakavkaz'e; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136-137; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an overview of postal activities in the Transcaucasus. Pochtovye avtomobili; Burshtein, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 35-36 & first insert page; Postal vehicles of the world on stamps, including Soviet. Includes some history of Soviet postal transportation. Pochtovyi avtobus; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. post office bus operating out of the Riga GPO.
1960; Short item about a mobile
Pochtovyi konteinerovoz; Krylov, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1979; Short item on completion of tests for a mail-transportation bed mounted on trucks. Pochtovyi magistral'nyi konteiner KPM 500-2; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.
Podryady na vozku pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on increasing costs of maintaining postal horses. Podvesnaya transportnaya sistema PDS; Slutskii, I.I./Vikulov, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8: Aug. 1978; Three pages on mail handling and containerized delivery to postal establ ishments. Proverka ratsional'nogo ispol'zovaniya avto-mashin dlya perevozki moskovskikh pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section. Punkty po priemu posylok; Nemkin, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1977; Short item on mobile package-pickup vehicles in Murmansk. Rasshirenie konteinernykh perevozok pochty - vazhneishaya zadacha; Sorokin, A.L.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1979; Two pages. Razvitiyu konteinernykh perevozok pochty - sistemnyi podkhod; Sorokin, A.L.: Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Two pages. Razvivat' konteinernye perevozki; Belyavskaya, V.P./Svinolobov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1982; Three pages. Sektsiya pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1974; Three pages. A potpourri of 8 articles from various parts of the country on various postal themes: motorized mail delivery, competition to increase productivity, advertising, etc. Snabzhenie p.-t. predpriyatii avtotransportom dlya perevozki pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; Oct. 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on using cars for mail transportation.
Svyazisty Rossiiskoi Federatsii - XXII S'ezdu KPSS; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1961; One page. Shows a 'Sever-2' postal automobile on skis, a mechanized newspaper-and-journal sorting line in the Krasnodar Post Office, and the new communications faci] ity in Kursk. Tekhnika pochtovoi svyazi; Slutskii. I./Mikhai1ov, S./Bazykin, V.; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow; Detailed handbook on varIous equipment, postal trucks and snowmobiles. Transport Leningradskogo pochtamta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 151; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on the transfer of the Leningrad GPO's horses and cars to Avtopromtorg. Tsifry i fakty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3: Mar. 1971; Two short items, one on motorized mail delivery relieving 15 postillions of their duties at the Chita Post Office, the other.on economizing measures for paper among post offices in the Murmansk oblast'. Uslugi svyazi na domu; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; One page on a Leningrad service of delivering any kind of mail direct to the addressee by truck. V otvet na vystuplenie;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr.
1980; One page on mail
Postal Transportation, Soviet delivery in difficult-to-reach areas.
Problems and improvements.
Velosipedy dlya sel'skikh pis'monostsov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 136; Very short item in the 'Khronika' sectio~ on the provision of bicycles for rural mailmen. Vnedryaem mekhanizirovannuyu dostavku; Nedostupov, L.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 19,路0; One page on using vehicles to take mail to strongboxes in various parts of Saratov, where it is picked up by pos'illions. Vnedryaetsya motorizovannaya dostavka; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Experiments in motorized mail del ivery at the Ulan-Ude 2nd GOS, the Kirovograd oblast' and the Aktyubinsk Post Office. Vsemerno uluchshat' organizatsiyu perevozki pochty i pechati; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1969; One page. The Collegium of the Communlcations Ministry takes a look at the Moscow Mall Transportation Administration. Vsemerno uluchshat' pochtovye perevozki; Matsnev, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1962; Two pages. 2a berezhlivost' i ehkonomiyu na proizvodstve; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; Three pages on savings and increased productivity at the MUPP.
10; Oct. 11; Nov.
Postmarks, Civil War
The Cancellations of South Russia; Artuchov, Alex/Rosselevich, A.M.; Post Rider; Nov. 1985; 33-57;
458 17;
Postmarks. General
Classifying Cancellations: Campbell. P.J.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 30: A proposed system of cancel classification to el iminate misunderstandings in auction catalogs.
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 54; Petropavlovsk cancels.
1958; 54; An 1889 Komandorskie Islands cover with
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 73; 1967; 77-78; 'Franco' marking from Kishinev.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 68; 1965; 35-36; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1913 St. Petersburg registered meter mark and 'Prinyato iz avtomata' marking.
(n.t.); ArtuchOV, Alex; Post Rider; 2; March 1978; 62-63; A supplement to the Campbell article on dot cancels in "Post Rider" #1 - a handwritten numeral cancel and a rectangle of dots with no numerals. In "Philate'ic Shorts路 section. (n.t.); Ashford, P.T.; Post Rider; 25; Dec. used to 'back-date' Arms-issue stamps.
1989; 71-72; The 'Tiflis g' canceller
(n.t.); Banfield, Norman R.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 71; Three types of Khar'kov vokzal cancellations are illustrated, plus a 28 Aug. 1919 cover from South Russia via Port Novorossiisk. (n.t.); Blum, Henry; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 78-79; Illustrates a cover and two different cancels from Port Imperatora Aleksandra III. In 路Philatel ic Shorts" section. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 65; 1963; 68; The 'Port Imperatora Aleksandra III' cancel. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 68; 1965; 32-33; Proposes a classification system for errors on cancels, and pro-vides examples. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 71; 1966; 84-85; In "Notes From Collectors" section. "Ne vpolne oplacheno" marking on an 1874 cover from Odessa to Marseilles. (n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Rossica; registered mail. (n.t.); Jay, David; Post Rider; #937 as Zabor'e.
1967; 91-92;
18; June 1986;
'Taken from Mailbox' markings on
Identification of dot cancel
(n.t.); Peel, E.G.; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 9-10; The earliest postmarks on charity stamps of 1905 and 1914-1915 in Peel's collection. (n.t.); Rosselevlch, A.M.; Rossica; 57; 'Notes from Collectors' section.
55; An unusual
'Lodz' utro' cancel.
(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 73-74; Further information on a cancellation of the Helsingfors-St. Petersburg Railway, a 23 Jan. 1915 card bearing a cachet of Medical Train #196 of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, and a Vil'na apothecary's cancel. (n.t.); Weikard, Helmut; Post Rider; province. A German settlement.
13; Nov.
1983; 84;
Fal'ts-Feinovo in Kherson
(n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 55; 1958; 58-59; More earl iest postmarks on 1914-1916 charity stamps. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. (n.t.); Wortman. A.H.; Rossica; 68; Moscow, 1890. In 'Notes from
1965; 36-37; The 'K.Ya.' arrival marking of Collectors' section.
'Aptekarskaya' pochta v Simbirske; Nagol'nov, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 40-41; Postal services at apothecary shops in Simbirsk.
11; Nov.
'Des Fehlende Glied' der finnischen Briefmarkensammlungen; Fagerholm, Sven; 1969; Munksnas Kopiering, Helsingfors; Imperial -period stamps ana postal history. Finnish and Engl ish forwards, German text. 'Nemye' gasheniya Rossii pervoi mirovOl voiny; Continued from #26.
Levin, A.;
'Nemye' gasheniya Rossii pervoi mirovoi voiny; Levin, A.; cancellations of WWI, mostly from the Baltic area. 'Prinyato avtomatom'; Kosoi, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; registration machines and their postmarks. 'Sdano' Marks;
Frauenlob, Walter/Peel,
'Sdano' Marks; Shmuely, Moshe/Kolot, '6' or '9' - Odessa or Taurogen;
SK; 28;
1990; 76-82; 1991; 70-83; Mute
June 1990; 53-54; Automatic
Eric; BJRP; 57; Nov.
L.A.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1980; 22;
1981; 29;
Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 63;
1962; 60; How to tell
the dotted oval
'6' from '9'.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
"Mute" Cancellations of Russia During World War I; Krassowsky, A.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 32-33 and illustration pages 9-21.; "Nemye" gasheniya Rossii Pervoi mir-ovoi voiny;
, . BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 16; Station A Baltic Provinces Postmark; Tann. Leonard .... Daugel'n on the Vol'mar spur line.
A Dot and Numeral Dilemma; Artuchov. Alex; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 18-19; Attempting to determine the numeral dot cancel number for Konstantinov. Petrokov province. A Doubly Rare Cancellation; Tann.
L.L.; Post Rider; 6; Apr.
1980; 41;
A Letter From a Baltic Baron to Canada; Steyn. Ivo; Post Rider; 23; Dec. cross-date cancellation from the Revel' RR Terminal, 1910.
1988; 3-4; A
A New Method of Cancelling Postage Stamps; (n.a.); Rossica; 64; 1963; 43; Translated from "Pochtovo-telegrafnyi Zhurnal". p. 1108. 1898. A suggestion to use red-hot postmark handstamps to burn in the cancel. A Postmark of the Imperial Chancellery; Lamoureux, Marcel; Rossica; 96-97; 117-118; A Postal Director's Office datestamp. 1905. A Postmark of the Russian Post in Tarnopol Dec. 1980; 14-16;
1809-15; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 7;
A Postmark Variety of the Moscow Town Post (1875-1878); Snegirev, L.S.; BJRP; 7; Oct. 1951; 143; Aaland Isles - Post Offices and Their Cancellations, 1812-1982; Helkio, Eero J.; 1982; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; Kirkland, Adrian; Original book. 96 pages, softbound. Text in Swedish and Englisn. numerous illu5tra~ions. Aberri'l:1t Riga Datestamps; Wortman. A.H.;
Rosslca; 80;
1971; 44;
Addenda and Errata - 1902/05 Issue on Vertically Laid Paper; Peel. E.G.; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 69-70; The author demonstrates that the '1904-is5ue' 4kop. and 10kop. stamps were actually issued in 1903 and 1902, respectively. Additional Note on the Mysterious "K.P." Handstamp Used ln Riga in 1816-1857; de Stackelberg. Consta:1tine; Rossica; 72; 1967; 34; Establishes the meaning of 11K. P.
Akmol1nsk. Siberia,
1878; Blomfield, R.S.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
Aleksandrovskoe-de-Kastri; Maslov, A.I.; Adler's article in #46-47.
Rossica; 48;
An Early Russian Meter; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; avtomatom' marking on a registered cover.
13-14; Follow-up to
1964; 57-58; A 1913 'Prinyato
An Unrecorded Postmark on Russia No.1; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 40; T i raspo l' . An Unusual Russian Postmark; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 46-47; Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri.
1955; 49; A cover from
Another Six S=arce Postmarks; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 10; Nov. Moscow 1867. Odessa arrival mark. Hotel Bristol, etc.
1952; 312-313; SPb 1844,
Aus dem Briefkasten; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 'Iz yashchika' marking from 7-1916 and two La~vian markings.
1967; 8-9; An
Baltic Notes; Kraul. Sven; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 44-45; A twice-used #2 on cover from Bausk. 1858. ana a 1365-in-dots cancel ~rom Schlock, Liflyand province. Cancellations on Russia No.1; Davidson. Paul M.; Cancellations on Russia No.1; illustration pages;
Rossica; 51;
Liphschutz. Michel; Rossica; 61;
Chasovye shtempelya Minska; Kolosov, markings.
Filateliya SSSR;
1957; 21-28; 1961; 5-8 and 2
1; Jan.
1975; 30;
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 32; Information on the flrst postmarks introduced in the 1760s. and a listing of 'wedding invitation' picture postcards issued by the Ministry of Communications in 1978. Circular Vokzal Postmarks; Tann.
Leonard L.; Rossica;
116; Apr'.
1991; 28-29;
Colors of the Dotted Numeral Cancellations; Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 68; 24-26; Lists all recorded numbers with cancel color other than black.
Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 39; Oct. 1966; 30; St. Petersburg cancellations and a red triangle on a 19-2-13 cover. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct. Petersburg to Petrograd.
1967; 22; The 1914 changeover from St.
Correspondence; Evans, Barrie A.; BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 31-32; The earliest and latest St. Petersburg, Petrograd and Leningrad cancels. Oas Rote Dreieck; von Hofmann, Harry; Pochta; 47; Mar. triangular label for misrouted mail.
1989; 40; St. Petersburg red
Die Nachgebuehrstempel Russlands auf dem Gebiete Lettlands; Jakimovs, Nikolajs; Philatel ia Baltica; 90-92; Oct. 1987; 38-47; Imperial postal rates and postage due markings used in Liflyand province. Die Poststempel Russlands 1857-1870; Novotny, L. Dunda;
Ladislav; ZRSP; 38; Aug.
Die Poststempelformen in St. Petersburg von 1766-1914; Imhof, Heinrich; 1976; Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft RUSSLAND/UdSSR im BDPh e.V.; Softbound original, format.
Ooplatnaya korrespondentsiya Rossii i SSSR (1858-1945 gg.); Ratner, L.; SK; 28; 45-60; A history of Russian and Soviet postage due practices. Includes numerous postage due markings, labels and related items.
Dots Cancellations: Further Information; Sadovnikov, Alex and I.L.G. Baillie; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 3' Dots Cancellations:
Further Information; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
Dots Cancellations: More Information; Kossoy, new cancel equations. Dots Cancellations:
Edward; BJRP; 60; Oct.
New Information; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 38; Mar.
Dots Postmarks - Supplementary Notes;
A.H.; BJRP; 32; Mar.
Dotted Number Cancels in Estonia; Gleason, Peter; Rossica; 86-87; of towns, numbers and canceller types.
1967; 24;
1983; 27; Six
1966; 16-18; 1963;
1975; 73-79; List
Double-Circle Cancellations with Dots Instead of Bars; Winterstein, Oskar; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; 21-23 and 1 illustration page.; Double-Circle Cancellations with Dots Instead of Bars - New In- formation; Marcilger, V.; BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 21-22; Earliest Items of Mail From Odessa (1804); Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 64; Dec. 22-23; Odessa handstamps.
Errata to Letters From Collectors; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 55; 1958; 37; Corrects erroneous postmark dates on Adler's Komandorsky Islands cover in #55. Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt, Vambola/Ojaste, Elmar; 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner phi lately and postal history. Estonia: The Imperial Russian Period; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers with postmarks of Ehstlyand province, ranging from 1806 to 1917. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Estonian Forerunners II; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 44-60; Postmarks, postal routes, railroad cancels, station opening dates. Estonlan "orerunners III; Hurt. Vambola; Eesti Filate1ist; 20-21; 1977; 107-114; Pp. 113-114 are an Estonian summary, but p. 114 bears two illustrations not given ln the English section. Estonian Forerunners IV; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; English and Estonian versions of the same article are given. Estonian Forerunners V; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; First of January Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 21; Dec.
1979; 191-192;
1956; 641;
From the History of the St. Petersburg Post; Dobin, Manfred; Rossica;
83-114; Shalimoff, George/Skipton, David M.; Translated from SK #15,
From the History of the St. Petersburg Post (The Pre-Stamp Period); Dobin, Manfred; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 30-71; Shal imoff, George/Skipton, David M.; Translated from SK #16, 1978. Postal history and handstamps. Further Illustrations of Lobachevskii Cancellation SC28/SC28a; Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 119-122; Shows cancellations refuting Lobachevskii's assertion that SC28 and SC28a were used in only a few cities for a short time. Further Scarce Postmarks; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 24;
Gasheniya konnoi pochty; Il'shtein, A.; Filateliya; 'horse-post' stations from 1842 to the 1880s. Gasheniya na marke NO.1 Rossii; 1961; 3-6;
1958; 786-788;
12; Dec.
1991; 46-47: The
Liphschutz, Michel; Russian Philatel ist;
1; May-June
Gorodskie shtempelya Sankt-Peterburga (1880-1905 gg.); Hansen, E.; Rossica; 1935; 160-162;
20; Apr.
Handstamps for Sale; Skipton, David M.; Rossice; 113-114; 1990; 88-89; Includes a reproduction and translation of the A. Muss engraving firm's advertisement to sell postal hands tamps , 1904. Imperial Chancellery Postmarks; Tann, Leonard L.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 9; An 1894 Imperial Chancellery postmark on cover from Greece to St. Petersburg. Instruktsiya gUbernskomu pochtmeisteru; Kalabukhov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 36-37; Various postal instructions issued between 1782 and 1831. Interesting Cancellations; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 67; 1964; 75-78; Description of 16 covers, Imperial to Soviet periods. Includes the "K.Ya." marking from Moscow, railroad cancels. Chefoo, Vladivostok-Tsuruga, etc. Interesting
and Varieties; Frauenlob, Walter; Rossica; 51;
Interesting Postmarks; Adler, Kurt;
Rossica; 48;
1957; 38-39;
1956; 52;
Ispol'zovanie russkikh shtempel'nykh konvertov v Tsarstve pol'skom; Boyanowicz, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1973; VIII, 33-35; Berngard, K.; Translated from the Engl ish. Iz istorii otechestvennykh pochtovykh shtempelei; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1983; 49-51; Continued from ,Iii. 1982. Iz istorii pochtovykh shtempele;; Yakobs, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1983; 36-38;
Iz istorii Sankt-Peterburgskoi pochty; Dobin, Manfred; SK; 15; 1977; 79-105; English translation available in Rossica as 'From the History of the St. Petersburg Post' . Iz istorii Sankt-Peterburgskoi pochty; Dobin, Manfred; SK; 16; 1978; 7-35; English translation available in Rossica as 'From the History of the St. Petersburg Post' . Just Stamping Around; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; on Romanov stamps.
1985; 66-67; Some cancels
K istorii pochtovogo shtempelya v Rossii; Dobin, Manfred: SK; Pre-adhesive era.
Klassifikatsiya i kodirovka shtempelei Sankt-Peterburgskoi poch-ty. (Iz istorii Sankt-Peterburgskoi pochty).; Dobin, Manfred; SK; 20; 1982; 57-60; Klassifikatsiya i sistemat'zatsiya domarochnykh pochtcvykh Dobin, Manfred; SK; 23; 1985; 32-38;
shtempelei Rossii;
Konverty dlya Moskvy; Lobachevskil. V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 7; July 1973; V-VII: Moscow City Post envelopes and the postmarks found on them. Korolevstvo pol'skoe. Russkie zheleznodorozhnye gasheniya.; Boyanovich, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 12-16; Extracted from Bojanowicz'S works on Russian railroad cancellations in Poland. Kovno - Kovna; Tovey, John; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1981; 31;
Letter from the Theatre of War - Caucasus 1854; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 55; 1958; 17-20; An 1854 Tiflis handstamp. The letter is reproduced in its entirety. Libau - Libava - Liepaja, Baltic Seaport With Three Names; Petrevics. A.; Latvian Collector; 26; Jan.-Apr. 1979; 8-14;
Machine Cancellations; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 56; Nov. Machine Cancellations - Addendum;
1979; 35-36;
Lloyd, John et al.; BJRP; 57; Nov.
1980; 27-28;
Machine Cancellations - Addendum 2; Ainsley, W.C. and A. Krassowsky; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 31-32; Machine Cancellations;
Addendum 3;
Ingrey, M.; BJRP; 59; Dec.
1982; 48;
Manuscript Cancellations on Russian Mail; Marshall, A.R.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 66-67; Three covers are illustrated - one from 1868 and two from the early Soviet period. Manuscript Dot and Numeral Cancellations; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 55; Misrouted Mail and Translators' Marks; Casey,
Raymond; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991; 26-29;
Missent. A St. Petersburg Instructional Postmark; (n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep. "Mal dirige" on a card from Persia to Koenigsberg. More Scarce Postmarks; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; a Chancellery arrival mark, etc.
19; Dec.
1958; 793;
1955; 580-581; Railroad postmarks,
More Scarce Postmarks; Cronin, Andrew and J.D. Critchlow; BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 378-379; "On Maneuvers", Mukden, Soviet sovkhoz cancels, exhibition can- cels. More Scarce Postmarks From the Kurt Adler Collection; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 688; Mute or Camouflage Cancellations; Shenits, H.;
1958; 30;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Oct. 1953; 380-383;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; SaliSbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Feb. 1954; 403-408;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Dec. 1954; 491-502;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sal isbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Apr. 1955; 530-533;
17 ;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sal isbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; Dec. 1955; 585-592;
Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Fritz Freitag; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 621-629; Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP; 21; Dec. 1956; 654-657; Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP; 22; Aug. 1957; 681-685; Mute Cancellations of World War One; Salisbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 722-725; Mute Cancellations of World War One; Sal isbury, G.B. and Kurt Adler; BJRP; 1961; 75-82; Mute Circular Datestamp Postmarks for Soldiers' Mail Alexander; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 34-39;
in 1916-1917;
29; May
Nemye shtempelya Rossii 1914 goda; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; Vovin establishes his methodology for classifying WWI mute cancels.
News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec. 1971: 30; Early St. Petersburg, Moscow and other postmarks from 1766 to the 1820s. News and Views; Winterstein, Oskar; BJRP; 49; Dec. and 1016 from Prof. Winterstein's collection. No.
1973; 35; Dot cancels 1444,
1's in Agathon Faberge's Collection; Salisbury, G.B.; Rossica;
1957; 53-54;
Nomernye pochtovye shtempelya Peterburga i Moskvy; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; VI-VIII; Dot and geometric numeral cancels of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Nomernye shtempelya pochtovykh otdyelenii S.-Peterburga; Engel'gardt, N.A.; Rossica;
40; 1940; 319-324; Excellent reproductions of the number types, and a table showing the range of usage for each. Nomernye shtempelya zarubezhnykh pochtovykh kontor; Nesterova, E.; 9; Sep. 1971; 42-43;
Filatel iva SSSR;
Nomernye shtempelya Rossii 1858-1876 godov; Vovin. Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; 10-12; A brief history of tne numeral dot cancels. Includes a listing of truncated triangle cancels in numerical order in three columns: 1924 Soviet catalog. orders and circuiars. and postal handbooks. Notes From Collec,ors - More on Translators' Marks; de Jongh. W.J.; BJRP; 72; Spring. 1992; 58-59; Nyekotorye shtempelya rossiiskoi imperii; Prigara, Sergei Vasil'evich; Rossica; 39; Feb. 1940; 285-286; Additions and corrections to some of Rosselevich's comments on city post cancels. Nyekotorye shtempelya rossiiskoi imperii - nomernye shtempelya pochtcvykh otdyelenii S.-Peterburga; Rosselevich. A.M.; Rossica; 34; Nov.-Dec. 1938; 173-177; SPb geometric numeral cancels - numerous types illustrated. Nyemye shtempelya; Brul'. E.; Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 12-13; The initial. intrOductory article in Brui's series on mute cancels. Nyemye shtempelya; Brul', E.; Rossica; mute cancels.
14; Dec.
1933; 50-52; With representations of
Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica;
18 ; Dec.
Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E.; Rossica; 20; Apr.
Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica; 22; Dec.
1935; 200;
Ny'9mye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica; 23; June 193â&#x201A;Ź; 225-226; Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' , E. ; Rossica; 26; June 1937; 42; Nyemye shtempelya; Brul ' . E.; Rossica; 28; Dec.
1937; 89;
0 nomernykh pochtovykh shtempelyakh Rossi i; Kalmykov,
V. ; Filateliya; 7: JUly 1981 :
50; Numeral dot cancels. Ob
obraztsa kruglykh shtempelei v 1890 godu; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 1940; 339-340; Reproduces the 5 March 1890 Circular #13. which changed cancels to Roman numerals in the month.
Odessa - Entwertungen: Der Unterbrochene Ooppelkreis - oder 'Bruecken' stempel; Baillie. l.L.G.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 1984; 12-16; Koelzer, W.; Translated from BJRP #31. Odessa Cancellations: The Continuous Double Circle Types; Baillie, I.L.G./et al.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 18-22 & 1 illustration page.; Odessa Cancellations: The Interrupted Double Circle or 'Bridge' Type; Baillie, l.L.G.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 13-16 & 1 illustration page.; Osobye shtempelya gasheniya S.-Peterburgskoi gorodskoi pochty; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 40; June 1940; 316-319: Outstanding Cover; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 16; Dec. 1954; 460; Adler's 1766 'St. Petersbovrg' cover, then the earliest recorded Russian postmark. Outstanding Covers; Winterstein. O./Stoyanoff. V.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 14-15 & 2 illustration pages.; Earl iest recorded Charjui cancel. 10 Sep. 1887. Outstanding Covers - No.2; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 2; Apr. 1948; ~~th combination pen and 'Valk' postmarks, Feb. 1858.
13; No.
Oval Rail./ay Postmarks IV; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Ridel'; 31; Dec.
1 on cover
1992; 64-68;
Pervye pochtovye ehmissii Pol 'shi; Shchapov, P.; Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 7-9; Continued. Poland #1, the first postal stationery, cancellations and postal history. Pervye pochtovye shtempel'nye gasheniya v Rossii; Berngard, K.; Feb. 1971; 11; A 22 Apr. 1766 St. Petersburg handstamp. Pervye shtempelya gasheniya Sankt-Peterburga; Dobin, M.; 1975; 30-31;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Pervyya russkiya marki v Pol'shye; Rachmanov, V.A.; Rossica;
11; Dec.
1932; 171-172;
Polish cancels on Russia #'s 1-4. Pis'ma i tsel'nye veshchi 1750-1850 gg.; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 11-13; A description of Michel Liphschutz' pre-philatelic covers eXhibit.
Pochta Sankt-Peterburga posle vvedeniya pochtovykh marok v Rossii; Dobin, Manfred; SK; 21; 1983; 3-22; Pochtovye shtempelya v Pribaltike; Yakimov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 4-5; Postal history, routes and postmarks of the Baltic area from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th. InclUdes a map showing postal routes in that area in 1831. Pochtovye shtempelya Ehstonii domarochnogo perioda; Linnard, A.; SK; 23; Pochtovye shtempelya Rossii 1971; 37-41;
(1858-1917 gg.); Vovin. Ya.;
1985; 39-53;
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May
Pochtovye shtempelya Rossii 19 stolyetiya; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 35; Jan.-Feb. 1939; 198-200; General overview of the cancellation types. Pocntovye shtempelya Rossii 1939; 218-223;
19 stolyetiya; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr.
Pochtovye shtempelya Rossii 1939; 266-273;
19 stolyetiya; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 38; Jul.-Sep.
Pochtovye shtempelya Rossii 291-299;
19 stolyetiya; Prigara. S.V.; Rossica; 39; Feb.
Port Imperatora Aleksandra III Cancellations; Petrevics, A.; Aug.-Dec. 1978; 14-18; Post St. Olga; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 98-99: Sakhalin Island. on a 1901 postcard.
Latvian Collector; 25;
1980; 98-99: Cancel of St. Olga,
Postal History of Mount Athos; Epstein. Norman; (n.d.); Exhibit of covers and related items to and from the Russian monastery at Mt. Athos. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Postiasutused Kodumaal 1915-11-0;; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 93-108; A list of postal establishments in and near Estonia, cUlled from the 1916 Postal List. Includes illustrations of postmarks categorized by post office rank, and an English summary on p. 108. Pre-Adhesive Cancellations; Frauenlob. Walter/von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 14; Saratov and Kavkazsk fleuron types. Pre-Adhesive Datestamps of Tiflis; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 63;
1986; 29-32;
Pre-Stamp Markings of Imperial Russia; Fohs. F. JUlius/Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 3-9 & 4 illustraticn pages; Proof Numeral Cancellation of St. Petersbourg (Figure '1' Points); Liphschutz, Michel; Rossica; 61; 1961; 22;
in Circles of Small
Raetselstempel des St. Petersburger Postamtes; Frauenlob. Walter; Pochta; 47; Mar. 1989; 37; 'Rasp. Ehksp.' cancel. Red Triangles Revisited; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep. on the misrouted-mail flags.
1990; 43-44; Further information
Riga - Die Postgeschichte bis 1919; Marcilger. V.; (n.d.); Paul von Sengbusch, Heide; Two volumes, hardbound. EXhaustive treatment of Riga postmarks and postal history. Riga Postmarks & Other Pre-Stamp Items; Tirums, M.; Latvian Collector; 24; Mar.-July 1978; 4-10; Various sUb-types of 'K.P. RIga' and Riga straight-line postmarks. Riga:
The Riddle of the Krag Machine Postmarks; Marcilger. V.; BJRP; 65; Sep. 8-20;
Rizhskie pochtovye shtempelya domarochnogo perioda; Yakimov. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 39-40; A listing of Riga postmarks from 1771 to 1860. Rozhdenie kalendarnogo shtempe1ya; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 60-61; InclUdes information on Russian datestamps. Russia: Offices Abroad; Renfro, Mike; (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas Where Russian offices abroad operated. except Crete. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Mail of the 18th Century; Ashford,
P.T.; BJRP; 45; Mar.
1971; 7-12 and 3
illustration pages; 11andstamps, etc.
Illustrates numerous St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga
Russian Post Offices Abroad; Torrey, Gordon: (n.d.); Exhibit of material from all areas where Russian offices abroad operated. Grand-Award winner. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Posta; Development from the 17805 to 1917; Skipton, David M.; (n.d.); Exhibit of numerous aspects of Russian postal development, arranged in a 'three-dimensional' approach - outward expansion of postal routes on land and water, downward expansion into rural areas, and intensification of postal services in cities. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. Russian Postal History 1857-1918; Holmsten, Martin; Original softbound catalog.
1992; Dy Rurik Ltd, Vasa;
Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and Guide; Kiryushkin, Anatolii V./Robinson, Philip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York, England; Hardbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types, postal history. Russian Postmar'ks - An Introduction and Guiae; Kiryushkin, Anatol ii V./Robinson, Philip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York. England; Softbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types, postal history. Russische 'Stumme'-Stempel zu Beginn des 1. Weltkrieges auf dem Polnischen Gebiet; Petriuk, Stefan; Pochta; 43; Aug. 1987; 31-32; Russkie gasheniya na pol'skikh markakh 1860 goda; Bojanowicz, M.; June 1975; 47-48; A very brief overview of the field.
Filatellya SSSR; 6;
Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Hardbound original, first edition. Extensive 1 isting of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Softbound original. first edition. Extensive 1 isting of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1990; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Hardbound original, second edition. Extensive 1 isting of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia; Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire; RObinson, P.E.; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 4-5; A few updates and cancellation illustrations. 51mblrsk:
1837 Fleuron;
Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 52;
i975; 4;
Six More Scarce Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 224-226; Riga town post, Petrograd Imperial Mail Delivery section, Leningrad, Sovlet Gor'kii-Astrakhan' steamer. Six Scarce Early Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP;
17; Apr.
1955; 514-515;
Six Scarce Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 8; Jan. 1952; 183-184; Vil'na and Warsaw time-af-delivery marks, 3 temporary offices, Staro-Dboshinskoe Credit Bank postmark, 1915. Small
Locality Cancellations;
Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP;
Locality Cancellations: Peel,
54; Dec.
Eric G.: BJRP; 55: Nov.
19 7 8;
Snake Eyes; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985: 116-117; A postcard mailed at the St. Petersburg 11th City Post Office on 11-11-11. Some Additional Cancellations on Russia No.1; 47 ; Some Cancellations of Vladivostok;
Faberge, Dleg A.; Rossica; 66;
Sam; Rossica;
St. Petersburg - 'Postmark of 1757': Ashford, P.T. ana A.H. 1981; 8; Comments on von Hofmann's ?1757? cover. (n.a.); BJRP;
Wortman; BJRP: 58; Nov.
Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad; Name-change dates.
1958; 793-794;
Petersburg - Postmark of 1757; von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 57; Nov.
St. Petersburg Geometric Cancellations; Shaw, George; (n.d.); Exhibit of major types, varieties and usages. Photocopies in one 3-ring binder. St. Petersburg Town Post: The Dtdyels from 1880; Peel, 20-25; Classification attempt.
Eric G.; BJRP;
53; Nov.
St. Petersburg:
Cyrillic 'MSK' at Foot; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 52; Dec.
St. Petersburg's Red Triangles; Skipton, David M./Steyn, Ivo J.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 9-15; An explanation of the red adhesive triangles as misrouted mail flags. Stampless Covers of Russia. illustration page;
1845 to 1873; Fohs. Julius;
Rossica; 64;
1963; 49-51 &
Straight Line Cancellations of the 1870s; Artuchov. Alex; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 19-24; The postal station cancellers.
Straight Line Mailcoach Cancellations of the Russian Empire; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 21-30; Matching straightline cancels with numerical dot cancels. Stumme Kriegsstempel des I. Weltkrieges; von Hofmann, Harry; 68-70; Dec. 1979; 15;
Philatelia Baltica;
The '1757' St. Petersburg Cover to Baden; Lewis, B.; BJRP; 59; Dec. thoughts on the date of the cover in BJRP #57.
1982; 5;
The Brest-Kholm Line; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 29-30; A provisional canceller in use before the line received its 277-278 designation in 1904. The Dot Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Campbell, Patrick J.; Post Rider; 1; Sep. 46-52; Description of the background and introduction of the dot cancels.
The Dots Numeral Cancellations. Mar. 1962; 4-5;
Information.; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 30;
The Dots Numeral Cancellations. 1961; 4 -9;
Some Further Notes.; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 29; May
The Dots Postmarks - Further Information; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 31; Oct.
1962; 23-24;
The Dots Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W. E. C. ; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 6-9; The Dots Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W. E. C. ; BJRP; 26;
1959; 20-25;
The Dots Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W. E. C. ; BJRP; 27;
1960; 29-32;
The Dots Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W. E. C. ; BJRP; 28;
1960; 28-30;
The Dots Pos"tmarks of Imperial Russia; Ketnro. W. E. C. ; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 83-87; The Earliest Archangel Cancel - 1822?; Kessler. Melvin; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 56-57; Reproduces a letter from a pastor in Arkhangel'sk to JOhn D. Lewis,
The Earliest Kyakhta and Yakutsk Handstamps?; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 9-13; Handstamps from the 1790s and background information on the Golikov-Shelikhov Company. The Early Postmarks of Postimerkkil iike Jeffrey; Original German. Numerous
Finland; Gummeson. Rolf/Ossa, Mikko/Stenberg. Karl-Erik; 1974; Lauri Peltonen. Hanko, Finland; Stone. Margaret/Stone. book. 142 pages. hardbound. Text in Finnish. English and illustrations and photos.
The Emperor's Mail; Skipton. Davld M.; Rossica; 113-114: 1990: 32-55: Royal mail, Chancellery and Imperial Mail Del ivery Section postmarks. plus the Provisional Government's Diplomatic Mail Delivery Section. The First Adhesive Stamp of Imperial Russia. Some Notes on the Cancellations.; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 771-776; The First Cancels of St. Petersburg; Dobln, Manfred; Rossica; 90-91; Fedotowsky. A.; Translated from 'Fllatellya SSSR' #3, 1975.
The First Issue of Russia Used in the Kingdom of Poland: New Discoveries and Checklist; Mazepa. James; Post Rider; 1L Nov. 1982; 53-56; The First Russian Stamps Used in the Kingdom of Poland; Mazepa, James; The American Philatelist; Aug. 1984; 798-802; Includes a list of known Pol ish numeral cancels on Poland #1 and Russia #s 1-2. The German Enclaves on the Volga; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 37-43; Covers from various 'German' towns in Russia are illustrated, as is a railroad cover of Ural'sk-152-Urbakh. The Great Dot and Numeral Hunt; Artuchov, Alex;
Post Rider;
11; Nov.
The Great Dot and Numeral Hunt; Artuchov. Alex; Post Rider; 4; Apr.
1982; 31-32; 1979; 68-72;
Identifying some of the 'truncated triangle' numerical dot cancels between 847 and 1700. The Great Dot and Numeral Hunt; Artuchov, Alex: Post Rider; 7; Dec. Identification of numeral dot cancels by various readers. The Great Dot and Numeral Hunt; Artuchov. Alex; More equations of cancels with places.
Post Rider;
1980; 22-24;
21; Nov.
1987; 40-46;
The Great Dot and Numeral Hunt; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 65; Updates on number-and-placename equations, corrections. The Kingdom of Pol~nd; Bojanowicz, M.A.; Original hardbound book. The Machine Roller Cancellations of Riga: JUly-Oct. 1977; 8-11;
1979; The Royal
Philatel ic Society,
Petrevics, A.;
Latvian Collector; 22;
The Marks for the St. Petersburg Local Railways; Baillie, Ian L.G.; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 4-26; Exhaustive coverage of the St. Petersburg-area 'commuter' lines. Incluoes a list of 174 postmarks. The Mute Cancellations of Russia at the Beginning of World War I Fri tz; BJRP; 18; Jul y 1955; 563-566;
in 1914;
The Mysterious "K.P." Handstamp Used in Riga in 1810-1857; de Stackelberg. Constantine; Rossica; 69; 1965; 29-30; The Numeral Obliterations of the Moscow Town Post; Prilutskii, A./Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 14-15; May 1954; 434-435; The Numeral Obliterations of the St. Petersburg Town Post; Wortman. A.; BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 364-368;
The Postal History of Territories Ceaed to USSR - Karelia, Petsamo and Salla; Helkio. Eero J.; 1980; OY Kaj Hellman ~td; DWight, Ronald; Original book, 176 pages. softbound. Text in Finnish and Engl ish. Numerous photos and illustrations. The Postmarks of St. Petersburg; Baillie, is devoted to this specialist study. postmarks. Includes a bibliography.
Ian L.G.; BJRP; 68; 1990; 3-58; All of #68 Extensive listings and illustrations of
The Russian Post in the Empire, Turkey. China, and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland; Prigara, Sergei Vasil'evich; 1981; Rossica Society of Russian Philately; Skipton. David M.; Translated from 'Russkaya Pochta v Imperii, v Turtsii. v Kitae I Pochta v Tsarstvye Pol 'skom', New York. 1941. Two hardbound copies. The VII 'na "OAR' Marks: marking's meaning.
Jakimovs, N.:
BJRP; 53; Nov.
14; Explanation of thE
Two :nteresting Cancellations; Blomfield. R.S.; BJRP; 34: Mar. Akmolly and a Samarkand Zeravshanskii okrug cover.
18; An 1878
Two Interesting Covers Sent to Canada; Jay, David; Post Rider; 19; Nov. 1986; 4-5; SPb Fiftil Dispatch Office cance,s different from those described by Imhof. Two Philatel ic Notes; Rachmanov. V.A.; Rossica; 59; straightline handstamp with spelling error.
33-34; An early Vil'na
Ueber die Stempel K.P. Riga und Mitawa K.P.; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 41-42; 0une 1965; 8-10; Eleven postmarks of the 'kazennaya pochta' IK.P.) type are illustrated. Unusual Cancellations From the BaltIC Provinces; 22-23; St. Erkul, St. Kedenpe. Pl. Khaggut, Varieties of the Oval 28;
SPB Cancellation; Artuchov,
Peel. ErIC G.; BJRP; 33; Oct. Vendau Ch.P.O., etc. Alex;
Post Rider;
25; Dec.
Varieties of Fleurons and Posthcrns on Imperial ~ussiar C~ncei lations; JU'ius; 6JRF; 31; Oct. 1962; 5-9 & 2 l'llustration oage5; Vil'na 'PAR' Marks of 1853; Baillie,
Village Cancellations (1);
Village Cancellations (2);
Wortman. A.H.;
BJRP; 48;
A.H.; BJRP; 49; Dec.
1989; F.
BJRP; 51; May 1975; 5-7;
Vilniaus pasto antspaudai; BUbnys. Vigintas: In.d.); Exhibit of Vil'na postal history, from Imperial times to 1939. Donated by Raimundas Lapas with the eXhibitor's consent. Vincent Domanski's Collection; Wortman. A.H./Sal isbury, G.B.;
Rossica; 55;
63-64; A Kronstadt cancel recorded on #1. Volostoi Pravlenii: Village Cancellations; von Hofmann, Harry/Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 54; Dec. 1977; 12; Title is in error - should be 'Volostnye Pravleniya' cancellations from rural district administration offices. Volostoi Pravlenii: Village Cancellations; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 53; Nov. 18-20; See entry for same title by von Hofmann and Frauenlob.
Warsaw 'Time of Receipt' Markings (Supplemental Data); Snegirev, L.S.; BJRP; 1955; 582-583; Warsaw Times of Receipt; Shields, Arthur/Barry, John; BJRP;
19; Dec:
14-15; May 1954; 430-432;
Warsaw-St. Petersburg Railway Cancellations; Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 19; Nov. 1986; 66-67; Russian postal stationery envelopes used in 1863 on Mail Coach No. 2. Zagadki russkoi filatelii; Rosselevich, A.; RP; 1; May-June 1961; varieties of the SPb oval cancel with dotS.
19-22; Two
Zakaznaya korrespondentsiya Sankt-Peterburga - Petrograda - Leningrada; Dobin, M./Ratner, L.; SK; 27; 1990; 3-25; Registration procedures, markings and labels from imperial to Soviet times in St. Petersburg. 1849 Receiving Mark: Error of Spell ing; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 63; 'Polu'eno' error.
124; A Reval
1903 Circular From the Chief Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs - 'On the Change of Types of Cancellations and Seals'; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 27-38; Reproduction of the entire circular in Russian. Includes summary translation of some parts by George Shalimoff in 'Rossica' #96-97.
Postmarks. Provisional Government
The Emperor's Mail; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 32-55; Royal mail, Chancellery and Imperial Mail Delivery Section postmarks, plus the Provisional Government's Diplomatic Mail Delivery Section.
Postmarks, Soviet
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 68; 1965; 32-33; Proposes a classification system for errors on cancels, and pro-vides examples. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 69; cancel.
1965; 61-62; A spell ing error on a 1958 special
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 80; A cover bearing a bilingual Russian-Georgian cancel from Sukhumi, 1927. (n.t.); Evans. Barrie A.; Rossica; 76-77; error. (n.t.); Freyman, K.; Rossica; 57; cancellation.
100; A 1933 Smolensk cancel spelling
1959; 56; A 1919 Nizhnii Novgorod telephone
(n.t.); Kvetan-Chenakalo, Leonid; Rossica; 79; 1970; 58; Two unusual Kiev cancels of 1927 and 1928 - 'Hay Market' and 'Corn Market'. In 'Notes From Collectors' section. (n.t.); Taylol', Robert; Post Rider; ~5; Nov. 1984; 70; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A 1936 bilingual postmark from Engel's Kiosk 5 in the Volga-German Republ ic. (n.t.); Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 75-76; 1929 on All-Russian Cooperative Bank mail.
'Sbor vzyskan' markings of
'Chita' Cancellations on Mongolian Mail; Adgey-Edgar, W.H.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 5-7; Reprinted from 'Journal of Chinese Philately', Dec. 1966. Chita transit marks on covers from Urga to Peking and Kalgan, 1920s. 'Damaged' Mail and the Soviet Post; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 44-56; French-language 'Received in damaged condition' markings on Soviet mail, 1926-1949. At the Sign of the Three Triangles; (n.a.); Rossica; 74; 1968; 68-69; Editorial Board comments on the 'three-triangle' dispatch office postmarks. Beyond Bryansk; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 33-34; An instructional marking of 1918 directing that mail to areas beyond Bryansk be returned to Moscow. Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940-41; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; ,232; Prov i des a fu 11 - size postmark of Raehvesk i, 1940. to supp 1ement Ojaste's article in #23-24. Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940/41; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 138-139; Ten postmarks are illustrated. Chto takoe spetsial'nyi pochtovyi shtempel'? (Konsul'tatsiya nachinayushchim); Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968: 9-10; Vovin explains for beginners what constitutes a special cancel. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 39; 1966; 30; '3-triangles' dispatch office cancels.
Luchnik's and Casey's observations on
Correspondence; Evans, Barrie A.; BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 31-32; The earliest and latest St. Petersburg, Petrograd and Leningrad cancels. De Poststempels van Vilnius 1989-1991; Hahne, Gerhard; Het Baltische Gebied; 20; July 1992; 35-41; Diestpost-Stempel in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966; 16; Three 'sluzhebnoe' (official) handstamps. Doplatnaya korrespondentsiya Rossii i SSSR (1858-1945 gg.); Ratner. L.; SK; 28; 45-60; A history of Russian and Soviet postage due practices. Includes numerous postage due markings, labels and related items. Doplatnym markam SSSR - 50 let; Mazur, P.; Filate1iya SSSR; Postage due stamps in the USSR.
10; Oct.
1973; V-VII;
Dopolneniya i utochneniya perechnya mashinnykh reklamno-agitatsionnykh shtempelei SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 45-46; A list of agitprop machine cancels. Doroga na Urengoi i Yamburg; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1986; 8-9; Postmarks and history of the rail line construction from Surgut to the gas fields of Urengoi and Yamburg. Ehkspeditsionnye shtempelya i konverty SAEh; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Postmarks, Soviet 1969;
18-19; Soviet Antarctic Expedition cancels and special envelopes.
Eine Paketkarte aus der Wolgadeutschen Sowjetrepublik; Weikard, Helmut; Deutsche Brlefmarken-Zeitung; 1; 1986; 17-18; FranKiroval 'nye shtempelya dlya banderolei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134-135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on permission for large enterprises to use meter hands tamps on their wrapper mail. Frankirovochnye shtempelya; RUdnikov, Soviet meter mail postmarks.
Gashenie 'Moskva. Spartakiada'; Levin, M.; 1928 Spartakiad cancel and games.
Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
1976; 21-22; 1971; 38; The
Gashenie na glubine 1260 metrov; Kharsel', R.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; 29; A Donetsk special cancel appl ied to 5,000 covers 1260 meters down in a mine shaft. Gashenie v Ul'yanovske; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 7; A special cancel honoring the 100th anniversary of the founding of Simbirsk's city post. Includes some postal history. Gashenie 8 noyabrya 1918 goda; Florenskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; VII; A reader announces discovery of a 'Chainbreaker' stamp cancelled on 8 Nov. 1918, the day after P.F. Mazur theorizes they were introduced. Gasheniya 'pervyi den" na sovetskikh tsel'nykh veshchakh; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 38-39; The development of FDC cancels on Soviet stationery. Gorodskaya sluzhebnaya pochta; Rudnikov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 22-23; The 'Sbor vzyskan' dates tamps of 1929-mid-1930s. Gravery s moskovskogo pochtamta; Leonidov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 22; An engraving office at the Moscow GPO where datestamps and special cancels are made. Imeni F.Eh. Dzerzhinskogo; Kolosov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. bearing Dzerzhinskii's name.
1977; 6-9; Postmarks
Interesnyi shtempel'; Fedorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 53; A Nizhnii Novgorod Telephone cancellation dated 4 Dec. 1919. Interesting Cancellations; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 67; 1964; 75-78; Description of 16 covers, Imperial to Soviet periods. InclUdes the "K.Ya." marking from Moscow, railroad cancels, Chefoo, Viadivostok-Tsuruga, etc. Interestinq Cover (Scott's No. 268); Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 38; Illustrates a Lenin mourning stamp on cover to U.S. with three different Petrograd/Leningrad datestamps. Interesting Postmarks; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 48;
1956; 52;
Istoriya na pochtovykh shtempelyakh; Nakonechnyi, B.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 44-45; 'Famous-name' towns and cities named after the original 'famous-name' places. Iz istorii otechestvennykh pOChtovykh shtempelei; Yakobs, V.; Feb. 1983; 49-51; Continued from #1, 1982.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Iz istorii otechestvennykh poChtovykh shtempelei; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar, 1983; 50-53; Postmarks other than cancellations on Soviet meil. Iz rukopisi isklyucheny; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 50-51; Eight speCial cancels omitted from the 1976 'Spets;al'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1922-1972' and sUbsequent updates. Izdanie konvertov pervogo dnya v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; 8-9; FDCs in the USSR,
Fiiateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
K issledovaniyu revolyutsionnykh pochtovykh marok; Mazur, P.; Filatellya SSSR; 2; Feb, 1970; 18-19; A discussion of dates and places appearing on the Chainbreaker stamps, K istorii pochtovykh otdelenii yakutskogo Zapolyar'ya; Sashenkov, E.; Fileteliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 42-46; Soviet datestamps and covers from Yakutia, postal history of the area. Kakimi khochetsya videt' konverty pervogo dnya; Moizhes, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 10; A discussion about what SOViet FDCs should be and look like. Katalog Chuzhinnikh Marok s Ukrains'koyu Tematikoyu; Maksymczuk, Julian; 1979; Original softbound catalog. Catalog of foreign private stamps and entires,
Postmarks, Soviet
cancellations, revenue stamps, and flap seals pertaining to Ukraine. Kogda byl i vypushcheny sovetskie marki No. 1-2?; Kharitonov, V.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 45-46; More arguments on when the first Chainbreaker stamps were issued, and for what reasons. Konverty pervogo dnya; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969; illustration page; Soviet FDCs. Leniniana na sovetskikh pochtovykh shtempelyakh; 1982; 35-38;
Yakobs, V.;
& central
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Lettland. Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschichte. Die Stempel.; von Hofmann, Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, Hamburg; Original softbound catalog. Part 5 of the 'Lettland' catalog. Approximately 2,000 cancels are listed, many illustrated. Manuscript Cancellations on Russian Mail; Marshall, A.R.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 66-67; Three covers are illustrated - one from 1868 and two from the early Soviet period. Mashinnye informatsionnye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.): Filateliya; 7; JUly 1991; 47-48; Continued from #6. Machine slogan cancels from 1960 to 1979. Mashinnye informatsionnye shtempelya SSSR; 11 'ichev, L.; Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 53-54; A listing of USSR machine slogan cancels from 1961 to the present. Mashinnye shtempelya segodnya i zavtra; 1969; 19-20;
Levitskii, 0.;
Filateliya SSSR;
More About the Volga Germans; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. of post offices, and some cancels are shown. Moscow and Petrograd Ekspeditsiya, 'Three-triangles' postmarks.
11; Nov.
1981; 58-61; List
1921-22; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 35; Oct.
Nazovite vashi koordinaty; Stepanov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Chukotka, and its cancels With coordinates included.
10; Northern
Nedelya pis'ma; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 9-10; special cancellations noting ie - dates and places of use.
'Letter Week' and
Nedelya pis'ma 1968 goda v SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 25; A listing of 'Letter Week' special cancels by date, post office and cancellation color. Nedelya pis'ma 1969 goda v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1970; 14-15; A listing and description of various special cancellers used during 'Letter Week' 1969 in the USSR. Nedelya pis'ma 1970 goda v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1971; Cancellations used to promote Letter Week in the USSR. Nedelya pis'ma 1972 goda v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. Special cards and postmarks used during 'Letter Week' in 1972.
1973; 40-41;
Neue sowjetlettische Sonderstempel; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 12; Four Soviet special cancels with a Latvian theme. Neue Sonderstempel in Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; 1966; 14-15; Ten special cancels with Latvian themes are illustrated. New York, Ukraina; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 63; Ukrainian town named 'New York'.
1962; 50; A 1933 Soviet cancel from a
Novyi sposob oplaty korrespondentsii; (n.a.): Sovetskii filatelist; 1922; 29-30; IntrOduction of meter postmarks.
3-4; NOV.-Dec.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925: 76-83; Letters to the editors on various SUbjects: complaints about too many unnecessary postal forms and logbooks, compensation to savings-bank-operation employees, debate over mobile and circular pOSeS, postage due procedures. the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.
Old and New Cancellations in Occupied Western Karelia 1940-41; Leppa, August; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 21-24; Pamyatnyi shtempel '; Rioni, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 5; A special cancel used by the Brest-Litovsk 9th Branch Office in 1970, commemorating the heroes of the Brest Fortress stand in WWII. Pervyi sovetski i spetsial 'nyi shtempel'; Mazur, P.; The 'Philately Day' cancel of 19 Aug. 1922.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1972; 9;
Postmarks, Soviet
Petera Stucka Ciemats; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 43-44; A bilingual cancel of 1965 from Petra Stucki Village. Petrograd in Leningrad; Polchaninoff, R.; Rossica; Petrogradskii Sorting Facility in Leningrad.
1987; 89; A cancel of the
Po sledam legend; Zen'kovich, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1969; 33-34; A canceller issued to a club in Pruzhany and its connection with pilot war hero I.M. Nyunin and his squadron's battle at Brest-Litovsk Fortress, 1941. Pochtovoe obrashchenie revolyutsionnykh marok 1918 goda; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 36-39; Using postmarks arranged by year and province to establish periods of use for the 1918 'revolutionary' stamps. Pochtovye gasheniya sovetskikh nauchno-issledovatel'skikh stantsii v Antarktide; Aleksandrov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1979; 44-46; Datestamps of Soviet Antarctic expeditions and research stations. Pochtovye gasheniya Olimpiady-80; Continued from #8.
Yakobs, V.;
Filatel iva SSSR;
10; Oct.
1982; 35-37;
Pochtovye gasheniya Olimpiady-80; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 36-38; Includes a complete list of permanent and temporary post offices that served the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Pochtovye gasheniya Olimpiady-80; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 37-39; Continued from #7. Includes a 1 ist of mobile posts operated during the 1980 Moscow Olympics and another showing which post offices supplied which special cancels. Pochtovye shtempelya reabil itiruem?; Sashenkov, E.; The Volga German ASSR. Includes a map.
Filatel iva;
10; Oct.
1991; 52-53;
Pochtovye suveniry Kryma; Pavlukhin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1978; 8-9; Special cancels and postal stationery from tne Crimean Black Sea resorts. Podvig devyati; Ozolin'sh, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 55; The story of 9 Soviet soldiers surrounded by Germans near the town of Geroiskoe in the Crimea. Podzemnoe gashenie; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 17; A postal branch operating for one day underground, at the 477-meter level of a mineshaft in the L'vov-Volynsk Coal Basin, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of mining there. Pora navesti pory~dok; (h.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 33; The USSR Ministry of Communications and the VOF send a letter to the Communications Ministries of the republics, admonish1ng them to fall in 1 ine on their special-cancel issuing pol icies. Postal
& Telegraphic Branch: Halyts'ky Bazar; Steyn, Ivo; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 73-74; A registered cover from the 'Gal 1cian Bazaar', 1927.
Postmark Reading in Belorussian and Ukrainian; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 46-48; How to determine the difference between Belorussian and Ukrainian on a cancellation. Postmarks Commemorating 100 Years of First Russian Postage Stam~; Barry, John; Rossica; 54; 1958; 4; Issued at the 1958 Moscow Exhibition. Povtorenie podviga Gastello; Ozolin'sh, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. Lt. E.I. Lobanov, WWII hero, and the town named after him.
1979; 55; St.
Prazdnik pobedy na sovetskikh pochtovykh shtempelyakh; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Juiy 1985; 44-45; Various special cancels issued over the years to commemorate the SOViet Victory in 1945. Redaktsii otvechayut; (n.a.); F1lateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 22; Colors of official Soviet postmarks - must be blaCK, or red for mail sent abroad via the International Post Office. Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1926-1932 godov; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 12-15; Soviet slogan cancels of 1926 to 1932. Fifty-five are listed. Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1926-1932 godov; Yakobs, V.; F1lateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 7; Additions to Vovin's article on propaganda and Slogan cancels of 1926 to 1932. Russische Sibirien-Expeditionen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts; Aerni, Nina; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 36-43; Explorations of Siber1a during the 1500s and 1600s, illustrated by Soviet special cancels and cacheted postal stationery. Shtempelya sovetskoi vozdushnoi pochty (1918-1924 gg.); Pritula, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Postmarks, Soviet 4; Apr.
1971; 7:
Shtempelya Baikonura: Morin, datestamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 31-32; Baikonur
Six More Scarce Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 224-226; Riga town post, Petrograd Imperial Mail Delivery section, Leningrad, Soviet Gor'kii-Astrakhan' steamer. Sonderstempel aus der Latvijas PSR in den Jahren 1977-1980; Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 38-40;
Sovetskie frankirovochnye mashinnye shtempelya. Ob70r osnovykh tipov.; 11 'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 34-35; An English translation is available in 'Rossica' #116. Sovetskie pochtovye khudozhestvennye shtempelya pervogo dnya; 11 'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 50-52; Includes a list of FDCs with original stamps to which the special art cancels were appl ied. Sovetskie shtempelya vozdushnoi pochty (1925-1930 gg.); 6; June 1971; 12-14; SOViet airmail postmarks.
Pritula, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Sovetskie spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya, posvyashchennye Velikomu Oktyabryu; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 1-5 & inside front cover; Special cancels commemorating the October Revolution. InclUdes information on their places of origin and the events at which they appeared. Soviet Meter-Mail Markings - A Review of the Main Types; 11 'ichev, L.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 52-54; Combs, Gary A.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' 1t8, 1986. Sovremennye sovetskie shtempelya gasheniya; Stepanov, B.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 124; The author lists some of the propaganda machine cancels then current. Spetsial'nye gasheniya, posvyashchennye partiinym s'ezdam; Yakobs, V.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1976; 6-9;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye khudozhestvennye shtempelya 'pervogo dnya' bez konkretnogo nazvaniya; Il'ichev. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1979; 48-49; Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 'Goroda-Geroi'; Aleksandrov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 6-8; The 'Hero-City' special cancels. shtempelya s nabornym tekstom; Yakobs. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 13-14; Special cancels used from 1929 to 1939, whereon the text letters were removable so that the canceller could be used for other, different events.
Spetsial'nyi ili pamyatnyi?; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 8-9; Soviet commemorative and special cancels - problems in definition and usage. Includes SOViet Antarctic cancels. St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad; Name-change dates.
(n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep.
1958; 793-794;
Standartnye kalendarnye shtempelya 'pervyi den"; Leonidov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1977; 48-49; Includes a table of dates and varieties of 'standard' first day cancels. Stoletie pochty goroda Frunze; Deev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. of the post in Tokmak, Pishpek & Frunze.
1979; 48;
Tam, gde slyshen 'shepot zvezd'; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 7-9; The Oimyakon region of Yakutia. Examples of postmarks from various offices are shown, plus dates of opening, name changes, and postal zip codes. The 'Three Sol id Triangle' Ekspeditsiya Postmarks of 1921-22; Marris, H.Q.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; 19-20; The Crimea in Philately; Steyn,
118; Apr.
The Nationalities Question and How It Manifested Itself Ros'sica; 113-114; 1990; 84-87;
1992; 53-57;
in Postmarks; Steyn,
The Postal History of Territories Ceded to USSR - Karelia, Petsamo and Salla; Helkio, Eero J.; 1980; OY Kaj Hellman Ltd; DWight, Ronald; Original book, 176 pages, softbound. Text in Finnish and English. Numerous photos and illustrations. The SOViet Occupation of the Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia 1939-1941; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 75-81; Postage stamps, franking policies, postmarks and linguistic pol icies. The Soviet Posts in Western Belorussia 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe/Cronin, Andrew; Post
Postmarks, Soviet Rider; 14; June 1984; 4-32; of the area.
Includes extensive placename listings and two maps
The Special Pictorial Leningrad-Berl in Airmail Cancellation; Taylor. Robert; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 26-36; Numerous photocopies of covers from 1929 to 1936. The Three Triangles Ekspeditsiya Markings; Wortman. A.H.: BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; Argues against the theory that these markings were indicative of Soviet censorship.
The 1940 KDGIZ Price-List of Stamps for Collectors; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 4-12; Reproduces the Russian text of tne 1940 1 isting. and poses a question about the distribution of the 'd-k' CTD postmark. Three Sol id Triangles; Prado. Asdrubal; Rossica; 70; covers bearing the 'three-triangles' postmarks.
Lists 11 Soviet
Uproshchenie v shtempelevanii otpravlenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a simplification in the rules for applying a dispatch datestamp. Vekhi muzhestva i slavy; Yakobs. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 25-27; Special cancellations with a WWII theme. Vzamen pochtovykh marok; Rudnikov. Soviet meter mail.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 27-28;
Werbestempel auch in So~jet-Lettland; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 14; Three LatVian SSR slogan cancels admonishing fire safety in the forest. Zabytye spetsgasheniya; Arzumanov. G.; 'Forgotten special cancels.'
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Zakaznaya kOf'respondentsiya Sankt-Peterburga - Petrograda - Leningrada; Dobin, M./Ratner, L.; SK; 27; 1990; 3-25; Registration procedures. markings and labels from imperial to Soviet times in St. Petersburg.
Printing-Production, Civil War The Nikolaevsk-on-Amur Provisional 59-64;
Issue; Kessler, Melvin M.;
Rossica; 71;
Printing-Production. Civil War Stamps (n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 72; Nikolaevsk-na-Amure article in #71.
1967; 95; Comments on Kessler's
'Balachovka', the Asobny Atrad Issue of the Bielarusin (Byelorussian) National Republic; Lesh, William; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 70-84; Includes Northwestern Army and OKSA stamps. 'Dono-Kuban" i 'Edinaya Rossiya': voprosy i otvety; Ivakhno, Aleksandr; UiRF; 1992; 21-22; Questions and answers on these stamps in light of the 'Severo-Kavkazskii kollektsioner' art,cles. A Date in Vladivostok:
The Arms Issue of 1921; Steyn,
An Aspect of Russian Postal Administration, 78; 1970; 7-47;
Ive; BJRP; 63;
1917-1923; Schneidman, J.
1986; 77-80; Lee; Rossica;
Ataman Semenov Stamp Issue. Soviet Use; Pietruszka, Raymond J./Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 36-37; Crimea Postage/Revenue/Money S,amp; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 11; Jan. covers with the Denikin-issue 50KOp. stamp are illustrated.
1992; 38-39; Two
Die Awaloff-Bermondt-Marken oder Dichtung und Wahrheit: von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 45-46-47; Dec. 1966; 2-32; The Bermondt-Avalov stamps printing, history, faked overprints and faked covers. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestlichen Republik in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Sammler Express; 16; 1976; 364-365; Stamps of the Far Eastern Republic. Die Briefmarken der Fernoestlichen Republik in den Jahren 1920-1923; Schirmer, Wolfgang; Sammler Express; 17; 1976; 392-393; Continued from #16. Stamps of the Far Eastern Republic. Europe and Overseas - 1988; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Nov. 22. 1988; Includes the Dr. L. Kvetan collect,on of zemstvos. Far Eastern Repub'ic stamps, Vladivostok surcharges. etc. Original catalog of the Zurich sale, no prices realized. K istorii Donskikh marok; Belyavskii. Aleksei; UiRF; 'Severo-Kavkazski i kollekts,oner' #1, 1929. K istorii Donskikh marok; Gortsev. Pavel; UiRF; 1; 'Severo-Kavkazskii Kollektsioner' #2, 1929. Mar'k,
'Dono-Kuban"; Gortsev, Pavel; UiRF; 'Severo-Kavkazskii kollektsioner' #4,
1; 1992; 1928.
Marki Dal'nevostochnoi respubliki; Balabanov. V.; 14-15; The Chi ta issue, 1921.
1; 1992;
18; Reprinted from
19; Reprinted from
17-18; Reprinted from
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
o markakh KUbani; Borisov/Konstantinov; Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 9; The authors begin their series on the Kuban provisional stamps, citing archival documents. One Period or Two?; Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 50 & 52; Investigates the problem of one period or two after the rig~'t- and left-hand 'R' on the 27 Nov. 1919 issue of Batum. Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck, 0.5. : RAP; Reprinted from ' Chamber's Stamp Jour'na 1 ' , 9 Feb. 1942.
12 ; Oct.
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck. 0.5. ; RAP; Continued from #12.
14; Dec.
1943; 4-5:
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haver'beck, C.S.; RAP; Continued from #14.
15; Jan.
1944; 3-5;
Postage Stamps of the Russian ReVOlution; Haverbeck, D.S.; RAP; Continued from #15.
16; Feb.
1944; 4-6;
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck, O.S.; RAP; Continued ~rom #16.
17; Mar.
1944; 6-8;
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck, 0.5.; RAP; Continued from #17.
18; Apr.
1944; 4-5;
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck, 0.5.; RAP; Continued from #18.
19; May 1944;
1- 2 :
1-3, 5;
Postage Stamps of the Russian Revolution; Haverbeck, 0.5.; RAP; 20; June 1944; 3-5; Continued from #19.
Printing-Production, Civil War Stamps
Probnye marki 'Edinoi Rossii'; Gortsev, Pavel: UiRF; 'Severo-Kavkazskii kollektsioner' #9, 1928. Proekty marok KUbani; 1935.
Yur'ev, S.; UiRF;
18; Reprinted from
1992; 20; Reprinted from Rossika #22,
Puzzle Solved - Blagoveshchensk 30-Ruble Sheet; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 34; A full sheet of the 30-ruble sheet is illustrated, with one position left blank. Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 22; Jan.-MC'r. 1945; 1-6; Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 23; Apr. -June 1945; 1-5; Continued from #22. Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 24; JUly-Sep. 1945; 6-10; Continued from #23. The Asobny Atrad Design Theme; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 61; Where Zarins may have found his design for the Asobny Atrad stamps. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 1-2. The Northwest and Northern Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Mar. 1981; Original, numbered copy #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, Issues; Ceresa, R.J.; 3.
1917-1923. Parts 3-5. Siberia, Far East and Related The Armies.; Aug. 1983; Original, numbered copy - #23.
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A'. and Plates 'B'. Original, numbered copies - #23. The Postage Stamps of Siberia - Additional Comments and Illustrations.; Werbizky. George G.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 45-53; Additions to the Steyn article in #113-114. The Stamps of North Ingermanland, Aunus, and Karelia in 1919-22; Turunen. Sakari; The American Phi latel ist; Jan. 1992; 30-34; The Story of the Postage Stamps Rossica; 79; 1970; 19-26;
the Far Eastern Republic; Chenakalo, F.I.;
The 1920 Blagoveshchensk Issue; Steyn, 5R, 15R and 30R stamps.
Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep.
1990; 22-25; The 2R. 3R,
Vse li my znaem 0 pochte Bukhary i Khorezma?; Ustinovskii, V.; Filateliya; 1; Jan. 1992; 43-47; The Soviet puppet states of Bukhara and Khorezm. their postage and revenue stamps.
Printing-Production, General
Various Methods Employed in Printing Stamps and Means for Distinguishing One From the Other; Danois, Robert; Russian Philatelist; 2: Mar. 1962; 16-19;
Imperial Stamps
(n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 57; 1959; 59; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. More on the varnish network controversy and the 11 1/2 'Tif1is Roulette'. (n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 58; 1960; 64; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Printing steps of :he Arms issue. (n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 59; 1960; 57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Perforating machines and the strike at the EhZGB in April 1917. (n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 65; 1963: 65-66; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on the two sizes of 15k Arms stamps of 1909-1923. (n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 66; 1964; 71-72; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. More plate flaws on Arms stamps, and a 1909 1R 'KITAI' overprinted stamp, perforated 12 1/2. (n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 68; 1965; 37-38; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A new position of the 'Cronin Retouch' on Scott #84 and 128. (n.t.); de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 72; 1967; 95; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Unofficial or private perforations on Arms type stamps. (n.t.); Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 60; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A report of Scott #29 printed on unwatermarked paper. (n.t.); Ashford, P.T.; Post Rider; 25; Dec. used to 'back-date' Arms-issue stamps.
1989; 71-72; The 'Tiflis g' canceller
(n.t.); Collins, E.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 58-59; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. The 'Collins Bend' on a 14k vertically-laid stamp. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 68-69; Discussion of the 'broken lance' variety of the 10kop. WWI charity stamp and its plating. (n.t.); Farion, Thomas; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 68; Short item about the earliest recorded 1866 3k background 'V' error on cover - 20 March 1870. (n.t.); Fomin, Eduard; Rossica; 63; 1962; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. progressive flaw in a 10R stamp, Scott #109.
(n.t.); Fr'eyman, Kurt; Rossica; 72; 1967; 89; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1R arms with doubled center, bearing a 1910 Vl1 'na cancel.
(n.t.); Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; Rossica; 66; 1964; 67; section. A 4k arms with inverted background. (n.t.); Jascolt, Igor; Post Rider; 25; Dec. used on cover in 1909.
In 'Notes From Collectors'
1989; 72; A imperforate 1-kop. Arms stamp
(n.t.); Link, Vincent; Rossica; 58; 1960; 67; plate flaw in Scott #109 - 10R.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Link, Vincent; Rossica; 60; 1961; 55-56; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 10R Scott #109 with defective right '0', and a gutter pair of the 15k imperforate on piece. (n.t.); Link, Vincent; Rossica; 62; 1962; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Discovery of a 15k large die on stamps other than Scott #81 and 125, a Scott #186 1000R with faint top rays, and private perforations on Scott #231 and 233. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Rossica; 63; 1962; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Notes on de Stackelberg's 'Retouch of 10R. Arms' in #5=. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Rossica; 70; 1966: 76; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. paper-feed error on 1R imperforate sheet.
(n.t.); Raytlack, Michael; Rossica; 66; 1964; 73; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. The earliest known 15k large die, 18-5-1918. (n.t.); Robbins, Sam; Rossica; 68; 1965; 34-35; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Scott #50 7k on cover, missing part of the background. (n.t.); Rosse1evich, A.; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 8; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Dull, diagonal 'ribbing' on Romanov stamps. (n.t.); Rosse1evich, A.; Rossica; 57: 1959; 59: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. The 111/2 Tiflis roulette production. (n.t.); Rosse1evich, A.; Rossica; 58;
1960; 63; In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
Imperial Stamps
An 1875 2k on different-looking paper. (n.t.); Safonoff, Alexander; Post Rlder'; 15; Nov. 1984; 71; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Inverted 'Kitai' overprints on a genuine cover. (n.t.); Speers, Fred "I.; Rossica; 58; 1960; 64-65; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Frequent 13 3/4 perforation measurements on Arms-issue stamps. (n.t.); Speers, Fred "I.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An outer frame plate flaw on a 1k stamp with 'KITAI' overprint. (n.t.); Thompson, Ellen M.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 70; Discovery of a 1R vertically-laid, ~erf. 13 1/2 with inverted bkgd, used in May 1905. 'Bespaly;' Georgii-pobedonosets; Pyasetskii, G.: Filateliya SSSR: 10; Dct. 1982; 50-51: A new variety of the 1914 10k semi-postal depicting St. George slaying the dragon. Differences in the representation of George's right hand. 'Massenware' Kopekenwerte der Dauermarken nr. 64-77; Herrmann, Wolfgang; Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 28-30; A Cl iche Mark and a Retouch; Shal imoff, George; Rossica; 96-97; issues of the 14k Arms stamp.
1979: 95-96; On three
A Flaw on the 10k. Issue of 1866-75; Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 44; Dec.
1970; 14-15;
A Kopeck Saved ... ; Moyes, Jack/Skipton, Dave; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 9-19; PSB operations and history, PSB booklets, and the savings stamps. A Major Error in the Arms Types; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. A Printing Flaw: 63;
1914 War Charity 10 Kopeck;
198i; 24-25;
Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 64; Dec.
A Retouch of the 10 Rouble Arms Type Stamp; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 55; 1958: 30-32; A Stamp for a Rouble; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rlder; 1; Sep. 1977; 39-45; Discusses the printing process for the 1R stamp issues from 1889 to 1923. Addenda and Errata - 1902/05 Issue on Vertically Laid Paper; Peel. E.G.; BJRP; 71: Autumn 1991; 69-70; The autnor demonstrates that the '1904-issue' 4kop. and 10kop. stamps were actually issued in 1903 and 1902, respectively. Addenda to Arms Issue of Russia, 185-186; Addenda to Arms Issues of Russia, 349-350:
1909-1923; Fohs, 1909-1923; Fohs.
JuliUS; BJRP; 8; Jan.
F. Julius; BJRP;
11; May 1953;
Addenda to Charity or Semi-Postal Issues of Imperial and SOViet Issues: Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 23-30; Includes Imperial advertising sheets. Additional Comments on the Varnish Lozenges: Shalimoff. George; Rossica; 88; 59-60; The Arms issues of 1909-1923. Additional Data on the Russian Charity Issues; 12-13;
Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 62;
1975: 1962;
Additional Flaws on the 35 and 70 Kopek Issues of 1902-1922; Shal imoff, George V.; Rossica; 104-105: 1984; 14-15; Additional Notes on the Romanoff Die Proofs; (n.a.): RAP; 21; Oc't.-Dec. 1944; 8; Lists deSigners and engravers, and the denominations each worked on. An 'Eight KSP' Discovery; Skipton, Davld M.: Rossica; 8k w1th flaw in the '0' - prodUCing 'KCP路.
113; Scctt ;/28
Auction Notes; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 4i; Oct. 1967; 22-23; Two Robson Lowe and one Rigby sale, including the Zarrins co~lectl0n of Romanov proofs and essays. Auf den Spuren der Nachauflagen der Sowjets; Schneider, J.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 8-11; The 1919 1R issue.
Avtor pervoi revolyutsionnoi sovetskoi marki; Belenovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Dec. 1969; 42-43; A thumbnail biography of Richard Zarrins. Background Types on Certain Stamps of 1902-1905 Issue;
(n.a.); RAP:
14; Dec.
Banknotes and Postage Stamps; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 42; Dec. 1968; 34; Notes a similarity between portraits on some bank notes and Romanov stamps. Bezzubtsovaya 10-koppechnaya marka 1917 goda; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Imperial Stamps
1969; 7-8; The 10kop. the fakes.
imperforate Arms stamp - how to tell
Chalk Network on the Stamps of Russia; Rosselevich,
the originals from
A.M.; Rossica; 59;
1960; 44-46;
Charity or Semi-Postal Issues of Imperial and Soviet Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 44; 1954; 13-19; Many tables, considerable detail. Comments by the Rev. L.L. Tann; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 80-82; Comments on the Lobachevskii catalog: Arms issues and Romanovs, Comments by Alfred H, Wortman; Wortman, Alfred H.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 76-77; Comments on the Lobachevskii catalog: varieties of #1 and the 1879 7k. Comments by V,V. Lobachevski; Lobachevskii, V.V.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 77-80; Comments on his own catalog, Wortman's comments and Cruikshank's article on a var i ety of # 1 . Comments on Rossica Translation of Lobachevski Catalog; Wortman. A,H.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 118-119; Corrections; (n,a.); RAF; 5; Jan. 1943; 4; Aronson's 'The Ukrainian Flight' in #3, Prigara's 'Data on the First Three Issues' in #3, and 'The Tsar's Collection' #4. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 35; Oct. 1866 10kop. stamps,
1964; 38; De Stackelberg's flaws on 1865 and
Correspondence; stamps.
(n,a.); BJRP; 37; Oct.
1965; 31; Ultramar overprints on Russian
Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 40; Mar. overprinted 'ULTRAMAR'.
1967; 31; A 7kop. War Orphans Fund stamp
Data on the First Three Issues; Prigara, S.V.; RAP;
3; Nov.
1942; 5'
Der 'Verdichtete' Abdruck der RUbelwerte von 1919; Wortman, A.H.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 1984; 7-8; Koelzer, W.; Translated from 'Post Rider' #3, 1978. Die Characteristica der Fuenf Typen Medaillonpraegungen der Ausgaben 1857-1881 und deren Vermessungen; Freese, Joerg; Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 23-25; Die Nachdrucke aus dem Jahre 1919 und ihre weitere Verwendung (Mi. Nr. 72, 76 und 115); Ebnet, Christian; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 17; Printing and plating data for three stamps of the 1909 Arms issue produced in 1919. Dopolnenie k napechatannomu; Berngard, K./Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1970; 12; Further information on the sheet position numbers of the 'crossed T-in-20' variety. Eagles on the Russian Stamps of 1857-1881 Issues; Engelhardt, N.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 42-43; Summary translation by C.N.a. from #41, in the Far Eastern Supplement to #42. Editorial Notes on One RUble Arms Stamp Article by F.J.Fohs; 1959; 102-103; Eine Marke die Raetsel AUfgibt; Herrmann, Wolfgang; 3+1-kop. charity stamp with orange paper.
(n.a.); Rossica; 56;
Pochta; 43 ; Aug.
1987; 28; A 1914
ErTol's and Varieties;
(r,. a. ) ; BJRP; 6; Apr.
1951; 98-99; The W.H.H.
Errors and Varieties;
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 6; Apr.
1951; 98-99; The W.H.H. Huddy display.
Huddy display.
Eshche nakhodka ... ; Basov, a.; Filate] iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 53; A followup to Bascv's announcemert o~ a re~lv-discovered cliche in #12, 1982. It includes an enlargement of the normal ci lch& and the new one, plus news of a vertically-laid 3k Imperial arms stamp wlth i~verted background. Eshche ne vse skazano (0 pervykh russkikh markakh NO.No. 1-4); Kaminskii, B.; Filatellya SSSR; 7; July 1972; V-VII, 33-34; Plate varieties of #5 1-4 and two statistical tables prOViding data on the number of stamps sold by province. Includes information on the forgery produced to defraud the Post. Eshche 0 raznovidnostyakh pervoi russkoi dvukhkopeechnoi marki; Georgievskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 40; More on plate and paper varieties of the 2kop. black-and-red. Eshche 0 raznovidnostyakh pervykh russkikh marok; Lobachevskii, V.; 3; Mar. 1973; V; Cl iche varieties of #1 and #3. Eshche
spornykh markakh; Fedorovskii, V.S.; SK;
1 (101); Jan.
Filateliya SSSR;
1930; 32; The
Imperial Stamps
controversy over Imperial Romanov stamps printed on bluish paper. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.I.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of subjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Flaws; Huddy, W.H.H.; Rossica; 57; vertically-laid 7kop. stamp.
1959; 29-30: Plate flaws in the 1902-1904
Flaws; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider: 26; May 1990; 64-65; Flaws on the Arms issues and the 15kop. Romanov currency tokens of 1915. Fla'4s; Winterstein, O./et a1.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 14-15; 'Broken 10' on #21, plate flaw of the 1883 issue, and retouches on Scott #s 735 and 736.
Flaws on the 10 R Stamps of the 1906-1922 Issues; Newman, E.F.; Rossica: 61; 23-26 and 1 illustration page;
Flaws on the 10 R Stamps of the 1906-1922 Issues; Newman, E.F.; Rossica; 62; 57-58; Continued from #61.
Flaws on the 10 R Stamps of the 1906-1922 Issues; Newman, E.F.; Rossica; 63; 52-54; Continued from #62.
Further Observations on the One Rouble Stamp; Tann, 31-33; Gde naiti ee sledy?; Kolesnikov, A.; 6kop. stamp of 1857.
Leonard L.; BJRP; 44; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
11-12; The Tiflis
Goznak: Istoriya i sovremennost'; Kornyukhin, A./Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 21-23; The history of GOZNAK and its predecessor, the EhZGB. GOZNAK: khranitsya v fondakh; Bukhov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 22-23; The GOZNAK archives, containing stamp proofs, essays and regular postage stamps. H.C. Goss Russia - 1958; Lowe, Robson; Feb. rea 1 i zed.
1958; Original catalog, no prices
Imperial Issues - Varieties; crauenlob, Walte!'; BJRP; 57; Nov. flaw and inverted backgrounds on the 1R and 5Q.
1980; 29; A 70kop.
Imperial Russla and Zemstvo, The Robert W. Baughman Collection - 1971.; Siegel, Robert A.; Mar. 24-27,1971; Original catalog, no prices realized. Imperial Russian Essay; (n.a.); BJRP; 64: Dec. essays for the 1866-1875 1kop.
1987; 6-7; Photo of a block of four
Imperial Russian Postage Stamps of the 1908-1917 Issues on Ribbed Laid Paper; Basov, O.K.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 96-97; Skipton, David M.; Important Discovery; (n.a.); RAP; 17; Mar. 1944; 8; Romanov 2R and 3R imperforates and Scott #s 326-327 on unwatermarked paper, perforated 13 3/4. In Praise of Freaks; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 11-12: Describes two printing freaks in the author's collection - Scott #s 19 and 27. Inverted Background Errors of 4k. and 10k. Russia of 1904 on Vertically Laid Paper; (n.a.); Rossica; 48; 1956; 16; Inverted Centers of the Russian Imperial 71; 1966; 64-69;
Issues 1866-1905; Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica;
Is the Paper Wove? Or Is It Laid and Watermarked?; Artuchov, A.lex; Post Rider; 1; Sep. 1977; 34-38; Examines the question of what paper the 1866-1879 stamp issues were prlnted on. Is the Paper Wove? Or Is It l.aid and Watermarked?; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 4; Apr'. ~979; 14-15; Supplemental lnformati:>n to tne article of the same title ir; #1, conclu~ing that sheets can occur wltn varying impressIons of laid l1nes and watermarks. Issues, Pr'inting and Plate Characteristics of the One Rouble Arms Type 1910-1923, Czarist Issues 1910-1917 and SOViet Russia 1918-1923; Fohs, F. JuliUS; Rossica; 56; 1959; 90-96; Issues, Printing and Plate Characteristics of the One Rouble Arms Type 1910-1923, Czarist Issues 1910-1917 and Soviet Russia 1918-1923; Fohs. F. Julius; Rossica; 57; 1959; 21-27: Continued from #56. Issues, Printing and Plate Characteristics of the One ROUble Arms Type 1910-1923,
Imperial Stamps
Czarist Issues 1910-1917 and Soviet Russia 1918-1923; Fohs, F. Julius; Rossica; 58; 1960; 51-53; Continued from #57. Issues, Printing and Plate Characteristics of the One Rouble Arms Type 1910-1923, Czarist Issues 1910-1917 and Soviet Russia 1918-1923; Fohs, F. Julius; Rossica; 59; 1960; 54-56; Continued from #58. Issues, Printing and Plate Characteristics of the One Rouble Arms Type 1910-1923, Czarist Issues 1910-1917 and Soviet Russia 1918-1923; Fohs, F. Julius; Rossica; 60; 1961; 28-30; Continued from #59. Istoriya sozdaniya i vvedeniya pochtovykh marok v Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 9-13; Detailed account of the first attempts at postage stamps in Russia. Istoriya sozdaniya i vvedeniya pochtovykh marok v Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 11-15; Continued from #6. Kata10gizatsiya russkikh marok. II. Propushchennyi vypusk 1905-1906 g.g.; Gansen, E.; Rossica; 12; Feb. 1933; 197-199; Ko11ektsionirovanie - ehto poisk. Kto znaet ehtu marku?; Lepeshinskii, L.; SK; 3; 1965; 73; A stamp similar in design to the 1866 3kOp., but with a detachable portion below. Possibly an essay. Malo izvestnyi vypusk Rossi i 1905 g.; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; Marka v 10 rub. s golubym oval om; Zvorykin, B.; Rossica; block of 15 10R stamps with center color error. More Flaws; Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 46; Dec.
12; Feb.
28; Dec.
1937; 77-79; A
illustration page;
12-15 &
More Varieties; Hellman, Kaj/et a1.; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 20-21 & illustration pages 8-9; A disparity in size of the '20' in 20kop. Arms horizontally-laid stamps, and a retouch on #1. My Exhibition Sheets of the Imperial Issues Provisionally Used During the Revolutionary and Inflationary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd, John; Rossica; 66; 1964; 21-26; My Exhibition Sheets of the Imperial Issues Provisionally Used During the Revolutionary and Inflationary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd, John; Rossica; 67; 1964; 19-25; Continued from #66. Nacha10 obrashcheniya pervykh marok Rossii (1857-1858 gg.); Kaminskii, B.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 12-16; Flrst days of use for #s 1-4 in various areas of the Empire. Nepriznennaya marka Rossii; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 7kop. '3-pear1s' stereotype.
14; Dec.
Neskol 'ko probnykh marok Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec. checklist, and Romanov varieties. No.
of Russia;
1933; 39-41; The 1909
15; Feb.
1934; 77-80;
1971; 29-30; L.L. Tann's revisions to his 1R
Liphschutz, M.V.; Post Rider;
11; Nov.
Notes in Regards to Arms Types Check List of Dr. Stacke1berg; Lloyd, John; Rossica; 65; 1963; 65; Notes on the Sheet Margins of the RUble Values of Russia of 1904-1917; de Stacke1berg, Constantine; Rossica; 61; 1961; 16-21 & 1 illustration page; Covers imperial issues, Offices in Turkey and China. Notes on Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.; Rossica; short section on errors.
1955; 40-43;
Includes a
Notes on Russian Philately: Rosse1evich. A.; Rossica; 45; 1955; 40-43; Includes information on the 3.50R stamp of 1918 - Scott #132 - ribbed, and the 1913 1kop. Romanov with diagonal 'ribblng'. Notes on Some 'Essays, Errors and Specimens' of Stamps of Russia; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 46; In the Far Eastern Supplement. Eng1 ish translation of 'Oshibki i probnyya marki Rossii'. Nyekotorye varianty semi-kopeechnykh marok Rossii; Bredys, A.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 250-251; Nyekotorye varianty Rossi i; Manzhe1ei, S.; Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 10-12; The 1889 issue, 20kop. and 50kOp. imperforate stamps of 1915-1917, and Soviet issues of 1921 and 1927-1928.
Imperial Stamps
Nyekotoryya raznovidnosti trekhkopyeechnykh marok Rossii 1889-1909 g.g.; Bredys, A.K.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. 1939; 217-218; Six varieties with illustrations.
chern rasskazal vodyanoi znak; Luchnik. N.; The 15- and 25kop. stamps of 1905.
raznovidnosti 20-kopeechnoi markl 1875 goda; Berngard, K./Kaminskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1969; 13-1..1; Plating of the 'cross-t' 1875 20kop. variety.
sozdanii pervykh russkikh marok; Kaminskii, B.; SK;
Filateliya SSSR; 2:
1967; 20-21;
1982; 51-56;
Obraztsy pochtovykh blagotvoritel'nykh marok Rossii; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 33; The 'OBRAZETs' proof overprint on Imperial semi-postals. Observations and Questions Concernlng Russian Offices in China (Scott #56a); Shneidman, J. Lee; The American Philatel ist; Feb. 1982; 129-130; Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1857-1879 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 14; 1976; 41-77; Engl ish translation appears in Rossica #94路'95. Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1884-1906 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 15; 1977; 41-78; English translation appears in 'Rossica' #96-97. Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1884-1906 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 16; 1978; 49-81; Contains corrections and additions to the first two installments 1n #s 14 & 15. Obshchegosudarstvennye pochtovye marki Rossii vypuskov 1908-1917 godov; Lobachevskii, V.V.; SK; 17; 1979; 27-61; English translation appears in Rossica #98-99. One and Two Dots on Stamps of 1908-1923; Plate positions.
Rossica; 54;
1958; 26-27;
Orly russkikh marok vypuskov 1857-1881; Engelhardt, N.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 1940; 335-339; An English translation of this appeared in #42, in the Far Eastern Supplement. Oshibki i probnyya marki Rossii; Eastern Supplement.
Rossica; 42;
1941; 44-45;
In the Far
Outstanding Covers; Liohschutz, M./Blease, H.F.; BJRP; 36: Mar. 1965; 27-28 illustration pages; An 1883-issue 7k imperforate stamp on cover. Outstanding Items; 8lease, H.F.; BJRP; 36; Mar. horizontally-laid with various errors.
1965; 28-29;
Outstanding Items; Seager, O.T./Lloyd, John; BJRP; 32; Mar. illustration pages: Includes 5R Arms type flaws.
1883 arms types 1963;
16-18 & 3
Outstanding Items; Waugh, A.S./Winterstein, 0.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 16-18 & 2 illustration pages; Broken zero in the bottom right '10', S.G. #15. Peregravirovka ill net?; Morozov, I.; =ilatel iya SSSR; 7; Arms stamp - reengraved in a later issue? Perforation Varieties of the 1 RouDle 1902-03;
June 1969;
11; The 15kop.
(n.a.); RAP; 20; June 1944;
Perforations on Russian Stamps, 1858-1955; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 86-87: 1975: 16-42: Exhaustive 1 isting of oerforatlon measurements and types. dorevolyutsionnykh pochtovykh marok; Berngard, K.; SK; 8; Checklist of perforation types, gauges.
Perforatsiya marok Rossi i; Yaroslavtsev, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Observations on sharp and blunt perfcratior ~YDes. Pervaya pochtovaya mar'ka ROSSli; Gansen, paper, printing and cancels.
:::.; Rossica;
11; Dec.
1970; 75-79; 1986; 36-37;
166-170; Essays.
Pervye pochtovye enmlssii Pel's"i: Shcnapov, P.; SovetsKii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 7-9; Continued. Poland #1, the first postal stationery, cancellations and postal history. Pervye probnye marki Rossii; Kaminskii, S./Kristi, S.; SK;
1974; 37-47;
Pervye russkie marki dlya zagranichnykh pisem; Kaminskii, B.: Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; 38-42; The first Russian stamps for international mail. Includes a postal rate tacle showing the tariffs for mail sent to various foreign countries. Plate Flaws in the Arms Issue of 1909-1922; Wisewell,
Jr.; Rossica; 98-99;
Imperial Stamps
90-95; Plate Numbers - Arms Types, 4-7; Plate Varieties on Nos. 1982; 18-22;
1909-17 (and Later); Hughes, W.E.; BJRP;
1; Dec.
& 2 of Russia; Safonoff, Alexander; Post Rider; 11; Nov.
Po sledam odnoi marki; Shirokov, A.; SK; 5; essays for the 1864 issue.
1967; 46; A 5kop. and 10kop. pair of
Postal Savings Bank Stamps - Plate Proofs and Colour Trials; Dec. 1977; 15: Pre-1921 Russian Imperforate Stamps; Schneidman, J. 99-101;
Faberge, Oleg; BJRP; 54;
Rossica; 94-95;
Printing Flaw on 10 RUble of 1906 Issue (Scott #72): Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 117; Printings and Plate Characteristics of the 1908-1923 Arms Issues of Russia; FOhs, Jul ius; BJRP; 7; Oct. 1951; 125-137;
Problems of Russian Philately 1908-1917; Evans, Barrie; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 17-25; Issue dates for 1909 Arms types, 1914-15 war charities, 1915 currency stamps, and forms for granting petitions to the Emperor. Probnye marki 'V pol'zu sirot voinov'; Agronomov, S.; Filateliya SSSR: 9; Sep. 1973; VIII; A brief notice of the existence of semi-postal essays in the 1905 issue. Projected Postage Stamps - 1914: Rayhack, Michael; Rossica; 67; 1964; 35-36; Extracted from 'The Manchurian Collector', Apr. 1936. Trial copies of unissued stamps. Prominent Retouch on 35k. Arms Type; Cronin, Andrew: Rossica; 55:
1958; 33;
ROder RRR; (n.a.); Pocl'"lta; 48; Sep. 1989; 41; A 3k 1905 semipostal fantail and a color error on the 1938 '20th Anniversary of the RKKA' 1R. Rannie i pozdnie izdaniya marok 1883-1888 godov. Iz materialov, podgotavlivaemykh k pervomu tcmu monografii 'Pochtovye marki SSSR'.; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1969; 9-10; Early and later issues of the 1883-1888 series. Raritety russkoi pochty; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 51-53; Color photos of extremely rare imperial covers, one from 1874 with a pair of 10k inverted center stamps, another franked with one #1 and 3 #4s, etc. Raznovidnost' marki 1914 goda; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 35; A variety of the 1914 1k semi-postal, where the T and A of POCHTA at top are joined. Raznovidnost' marok vypuska 1875 goda: Rudnikov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 37; A 2k 1875-issue stamp with unlisted watermark. Raznovidnost' pervoi russkoi marki; Alekseev, K./Lobachevskii, V.; 7; JUly 1972; VIII; A variety of 111. Raznovidnosti marok Rossii; Gansen, 7kop. and 10kop. varieties. Raznovidncstl merok ROSSli 21 - 23;
- marki
Rossica; 31; May-Jun.
'perevertki'; Hansen,
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR;
139-141; The 1909
Rossica; 6; May 1931;
Raznovidnosti pervoi russkoi dvukhkopeechnoi marki; Berngard, K.: 12; Dec. 1970; 14-16; Varieties of the first 2kop. stamp.
Filateliya SSSR;
Raznovidnosti pochtovykh marok Rossii. Katalog.; Maiorov, A.G.; 1989; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow.; Extensive listing of imperial stamp varieties - printing, perforations, flaws, etc. Original softbound catalog. Raznovidnosti vodyanykh znakov na markakh Rossi i; Gansen. 7-9;
E.; Rossica; 5;
Redkii konvert: Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 28; A 1903 cover from Atamanskaya, Astrakhan' province, franked with an 1889-issue inverted-center 14-kop. stamp. Regarding the 15 kop. Arms Issue,
Large Die; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 63;
1962; 61;
Reply by Dr. C. de Stackelberg to Mr. Fohs' Comments; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 61; 1961; 29-31; More varnish lines controversy. Reply to Baron Stackelberg;
F. Julius;
Rossica; 61;
1961; 28-29; Continues the
Imperial Stamps
controversy over whether the varnish lines were applied before or after the ink. Retouch of the 10 Ruble Arms Type Stamps. Rossica; 57; 1959; 28-29;
1915-23 - Addenda;
Liphshutz. Michel;
Revised Summary of the Printing Plates of the Russian Arms Issues (1908-22); JuliUS; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 58a-74;
Fohs. F.
Revised Summary of the Printing Plates of the Russian Arms Issues (1908-22); J~lius; BJRP; 30; Mar. 1962; 24-30; Continued from #29.
Fohs. F.
Revised Summary of the Printing Plates of the Russian Arms Issues (1908-22); Fohs. F. Julius; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 27-32; Continued from #30. Revised Summary of the Printing Plates of the Russian Arms Issues (1908-22); Julius; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 33-40; Continued from #31. Romanov Portraits; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. several Romanov stamps taken from banknotes.
1979; 47-49; Portraits of
Russia - Inverted Backgrounds of 4 and 10k. of 1902 on Vertically-Laid Paper; Arkhangel'skii. E.; Rossica; 48; 1956; 16-17; Russia - Thunderbolts; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 7-1 7 ; Amalgamation of the Post and Telegraph, telegraph cancels and usages. Includes information on the posthorns-and-thunderbolts stamps and some stationery. Russia - 1979; Cherrystone; Sep.
1979; Original catalog, no prices realized.
Russia and Rural (Zemstvo) Issues; Harmer's of New York; Nov. 24-25, catalog with prices real ized.
1975; Original
Russia and Russian Territories - The 'Polon' Collection; Siegel, Robert A.; Nov. 20-22. 1975; Two original catalogs, one With prices realized. Russia Number One; Rachmanov, V.; Rossica; 51; 1957; Reprinted from 'The Collectors Club Philatelist'. vol. XXXII, No.5. pp. 229-240. Russia 1909-19 Issue with Chalk L,ne Network; Rosselevich. A.; Rosslca; 56; 17-22 ; Russia 1917 and Onwards; Darlow. J.J.; Rossica; 58;
1960; 65; The Tiflis rOUlettes.
Russian Arms Type Varieties; Frauenlob. Walter; BJRP; 58; Nov. 25kop. and 35kop. stamps.
Russian Arms Type Varieties; on an 1889 4kop.
1982; 38; Plate flaw
Frauenlob. Walter; BJRP; 59; Dec.
18; Flaws on
Russian Cancellations; (n.a.); Rossica; 45; 1955; 23; Reprinted from 'Postal Journal of Australia', vol. 24, #5, p. 163. Various experiments in stamp production by the Russians to prevent cancellation removal. Russian Perforations; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 26-29; Discusses 1 ine, harrow and comb perforations. and in~ludes a reply by Dr. C. de Stackelberg. Russian Perforations; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider;
12; May 1983; 23-24;
Russkie marki. Po materialam Muzeya Goznaka.; Bogdanchikov, Apr. 1969; 8-9;
F.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4;
Russkie marki ... 1845 goda; Luchnik. N.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 12-13; Postal Department debates in 1845 over the introduction of stamps, and some of the essays. Russkoi marke - 125 let; Kamins:'<'ii, E.; history of Russia *1.
Fl1ateliya SSSR;
Russla.nd Nr. 1; Liptlschutz, Nl.V.; ZRSP; 39; Dec. from 'The Pest Rider'.
1; Jan.
1983; 46-51; The
1985; 6-17; Koelzer, W.; Translatec
Scott - Russia Type A6 - Inverted Background; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 48; 17-25 ; Some Plate Flaws; Wortman. A.H,; BJRP; 45; Mar.
1971; 3-6 & 3 illustration pages;
Specialized Russia and Territories - 1979; Harmer's of New York; Mar. 9. original catalogs. no prices real ized.
1979; Two
Studien am Russischen Wasserzeichen und andere Beobachtungen; (n.a.); ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 24-29; Reprinted from 'Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung' #6. 3 June 1909.
Imperial Stamps
The 'Close Setting' of Rouble Stamps of 1919: Wortman, A.H.; 1978; 8-10;
Post Rider; 3; Sep.
The Dot Variety of Russia Number 1; Cruikshank, Dale; Rossica; 96-97; Lobachevskii #1Bd. The Double V 'Blanks' of 1917; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; Printing of the 1- to 10R values.
1979; 22-25;
1985; 99-102;
The Early and Late Issues of the 1883-1888 Stamps; Berngard, K.A.; Rossica; 79; 15-18; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #10, 1969.
The First Adhesive Postage Stamp of Imperial Russia; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 701-708; The First 7 Kopek Stamp; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP;
11; May 1953;
The First 7 Kopek Stamps of Russia; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 60; Oct. Reprinted from 'Stamp Review', May 1939. The Laid Paper Varieties of 1872-1884; Jay, David; Rossica:
1983; 4-7; 1988; 52-59;
The Norman D. Epstein Collection of Russia, Part I; Harmers of New York, Inc.; Oct. 15-16, 1985; Two original catalogs, neither with prices realized. One of the great Imperial collections of the 20th century. The One Rouble Stamp; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 43; Oct.
1969; 40-43;
The Postal Savings Bank and Control Stamps (Part 1); Ceresa. R.J.; BJRP; 50; July 1974; 11-13 & illustration pages 17-19; The Postal Savings Bank and Control Stamps (Part 1); Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 17; Continued from #50. The Preparation and Introduction of the First Russian Stamp; Kaminskii, B.; BJRP; 47; July 1972; 23-31; Pritt, Boris; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #s 6 & 7, 1970. The Rejected Die Variety of the 7 Kopeck of 1909; Lavrov, Fedor; RAP; 13; Nov. 1-2; Reprinted from 'Philatelic Journal of Great Britain', Sep. 1939. The Romanov JUbilee Issue; Tann,
Leonard L.; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 28-33;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue and Its Subsequent Use; Salisbury. 8; Jan. 1952; 150-182 & 8 i~lustratlon pages;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. 14-15; May 1954; 446-453;
Addenda - Part II.;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. May 1953; 351-362;
Addenda.; Salisbury, Gregory B.; BJRP;
The Tsar's Collection; (n.a.); RAP; 4; Dec. Tsar's Romanov proofs and essays. The Tsar's Collection; Tann,
Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 11;
1-3; A full description of the
Leonard L.; Post Rider;
13; Nov.
1983; 61-68;
The Varnish Lines - A New Look; Shalimoff, George V./Levandowsky, Daniel W.; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 11-14 & illustration pages 5-6; The Varnish Lines on Issues of Russia and Soviet Russia; Shaiimoff, George V.; The American Philatelist; JUly 1978; 663-667; The Varnish Lozenges, 1909-1923; Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 8-15; A discussion of the va~nish network characteristics on the Arms issues. The 1866 Three Kopec Error With 5 Kopec Background; Torrey, Gordon; 1975; 43;
Rossica; 86-8 7
The 19th Century Issues of Imperial Russia; Wilson, John; Rossica; 88; Reprinted from 'The London Philatel ist', Jan. 1941.
1975; 6-45;
The 19th Century Issues of Imperial Russia; Wilson, John; RAP; 21; Oct.-Dec. 1-6;
The 19th Century Issues of Imperial Russia; Wilson, John; RAP; 22; Jan.-Mar. 8-11; Continued from #21.
The 19th Century Issues of Imperial Russia; Wilson, John; 7-11; Continued from #21-22. The 19th Century Issues of Imperial Russia; Wilson,
RAP; 23; Apr.-June 1944;
John; RAP; 24; JUly-Sep.
Imperial Stamps
1-5; The article was never completed ln 'Russian American Philatelist'. Rossica #88 for the full article. The 1917-18 Ten Rouble. 1960 ; 13 - 16 ;
A List of the Plating Flaws.; Newman,
Edward F.; BJRP; 27;
The 2 kop. 1888. A Recently Discovered Error.: Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 567; The 2k llght green with inverted background.
18; JUly 1955;
The 3k With Error of Background V's; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 4; Api'. 1979; 83; Moves the earliest recorded cancellatlon found on this stamp back to 13-3-1870. The 7-kopeck Arms Type; Tann,
Leonard L.:
Post Rider;
21; Nov.
1987; 59;
Thunderbolts. 10k and 20k Vertically Laid Paper Used Before 1904.; Mallegni, Vittorio; BJRP; 69; Sep. 1990; 26-29; Three covers franked with vertically-laid stamps. all used in 1903. Tirazh pervogo vypuska marok Rossii; Kaminskii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 10-14; The EhZGB archives on the numbers of stamps (#s 1-4) printed. Tri zhemchuzhiny; Matveev, Yu./Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June The 'three-pearls' cl iche of the 1908-1909 7kop. Arms stamp.
Tsarskaya kollektsiya?; Diksi; Fi latel iya; 2; Feb. 1992; 17-18; A 1 isting by album of the Romanov JUbilee Issue proofs and essays that were owned by the Tsar. Two Problems; Hellman, Kaj; BJRP; 51; May 1975; 24; Date of issue problems with the 1858 10kop. perforated 12 1/2 without watermark, and the 1865 10kop. perforated 14 1/2: 15. Ueber die Herstellung der Ersten Russischen Briefmarken; Kaminski;, B.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 1984; 20-24; Bartmann, Richard; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' #20. Ugolok dlya marok Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 10; Oct. 1932; 152-153; COI'rects some information given by 'K.S.' in the first article under this title. Unaccepted Stamp of Russia; 'Rossica' #14.
SChmidt, Kar'l; Rossica; 58;
1960; 53-54; Translated from
Unlisted Discoveries in My Collection; Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 63; 1962; Plate flaws. double or missing impressions, and a perforation error. V pol'zu Slrot voinov; Be~ngard. K.; fou~ 1905 semi-postals.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1973; VII-VIII, 33; The
V pol'zu voinov i ikh semeistv; Aloits, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 40; A follow-up to the Rudnikov-and-Berngard article on the Imperial semi-postals for soldiers and their families, V pol'zu voinov i ikh semeistv; Rudnikov, Yu./Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1972; 37-38: Seml-postals prepared by the EhZGB for the Women's Patriotic Society. Variant 3 kop. marki vypuska 1909 goda; Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 80; A plate flaw on the 1909 3kop. - 'KSP' rather than 'KOP'. Varieties of Watermarks on the Stamps of Russia; Gansen, 32-33; Transiated and reorinted from 'Rossica' #5, Varieties of 5R. and 10R. Arms;
15; Feb.
Rossica; 59;
E,C.; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 4-5;
Various Types Of Design of the 10 Kop. Stamp of Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 31-33;
1909; Shenitz, H.M.; Russian
Vertically Laio 70 Kop. Variety; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 56; Nov. '0' in the upper right '70'.
1979; 34; A broken
Vldimost' risunka na obratnoi storonye marki; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 20; Apr, 166 - 17 1 ;
Vodyanye znaki i ikh polozheniya; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 69-76; A general overview of watermarks. Includes Russia and related areas. Vse
'Pol 'she No.1'; Berngard. K.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 48-52; The author summarizes Bojanowicz's 'The Kingdom of Poland ... ' on Poland #1 for Soviet readers.
Wer Sucht - der Findet; (n.a.); Pochta; 2kop. red-and-black. What Is the Date?; Tann,
48; Sep.
Leonard L.; Post Rider;
1989; 41; Flyspeck varieties on the 23; Dec.
1988; 68; A 10-kop.
Imperial Stamps
surcharged 7-kop. Arms stamp with a Tiflis cancel of Mar. 1916. As the consensus for the date of issue is Dec. 1916, it is likely the stamp was cancelled to order during the Civil War. Yet More Flaws; Gould, M./Tann,
Leonard L.; BJRP; 46; Dec.
Yubileinyi romanovskii vypusk 1913 goda; Prigar'a, Sergei Vasil 'evi=h; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 386; Lists many of the artists from whose works the faces for the 1913 issue were taken. Zagadki russkoi filatelii; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 1; May-June 1961; 19-22; Diagonal ribbing on a 1kop. Romanov stamp, and a rare 'network' paper 3.50R stamp of 1918. Zubtsovki russkikh marok; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica;
10; Oct.
Zubtsovki russkikh marok II; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; from #10.
16; Aug.
10 Ruble Stamp With a Blue Oval; Zvorykin, B.; Rossica; 57; and translated from #28. 10R. Plate Flaw; HUddy, W.H.H.; BJRP; 23; Mar.
1934; 89-94; Continued
1959; 27-28; Reprinted
1958; 725-726;
15 Kop. Variety - One Dot After Kop.; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 54; 26; 15 Kopek Large Die Stamps of Arms Type; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 64;
1858 Issue of the Russian Empire; Oanois, Robert; Russian Philatelist; 5; JUly 1964; 29-32; 1884 Essay of 3 Roubles 50 Kopecks; (n.a.); BJRP; 64; Dec. photograph from the 1939 Faberge sale. 1891, 7R. Black and Yellow, 1909-17 Arms Type: 15;
Frame Double;
1987; 3; Enlarged
Evans, Barrie; BJRP; 41; Oct.
Size of Printing Plates; Baillie,
I.L.G.; BJRP; 32; Mar.
12-13; 1963;
1909-1920 Arms Types on Wove Paper; Johnson, Diana W.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 72-74; Discusses horizontal- and vertical-mesh paper of these stamps, and their dates of use. 1914 War Charity Variety: 19 ;
A New Discovery;
Walter; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1914 War Charity Variety: A New Discovery - Addendum; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 16; Correction to article in #54, p. 19.
Imperial Stationery
(n.t.); Lamoureux, Marcel; POSt Rider; 21; Nov. reply-paid double letter card.
1987; 74; A postally-issued
(n.t.); Shields, Arthur; Rossica; 61; 1961; 52-53: In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A new postal envelope variety of Ascher Type I. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 67; An advertisement letter sheet from Saratov, and an advertisement postcard of the Schlee hat firm. 'Sekretka' - zakrytoe pis'mo; Aleksandrov, V.; Filate'iya SSSR; 7; Letter cards from Imperial to Soviet times.
July 1979; 43-44;
A New Discovery of a Post Card of Russian Empire; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 51; 1957; 49; Two different dot counts per line on March 1890 3kop. cards. A Postcard Variety; Hong, Barry; Post Rioer; 1; Sep. 1977; 55; A variety of Higgins & Gage #10 with a period missing. Unlisted in H&G. Addenda to Charity or Semi-Postal Issues of Imperial and Soviet Issues; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 23-30; Includes Imperial advertising sheets. Charity letters with advertisements; P.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-13; In Russian and Russified 'Engl ish'.
11-12; Nov.-Dec.
Chastnye blanki gorodskoi pochty; Blekhman, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 9; A privately-produced postcard on Imperial formular stationery for use by Dr. Staerman. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 30-31; Corrections and additions to Boris Pritt's table of P.O.W. cards in #39. Ccrrespondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct. P.O.W.-card tables in #39.
1967; 20-21; Boris Pritt's addenda to
First Usage of Pre-Cancellation in Russia; Sklarevski, Rimma: Rossica; 59; 38-41; St. Petersburg Mineral Water Company order blanks of 1864. Flaws; HUddy, W.H.H.; Rossica; 57; 1875-1879.
1959; 29-30;
Flaws in the 10kop. envelope of
From the History of Russian Postal Stationery (The 'Closed Let- ter' or 'Sekretka'); Myakota, Yu.; Rossica; 112; 1988; 42-48; Carson, Mlchael J.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #12, 1983. Imperial Russian Experimental Stationery; Casey,
Raymond; Post Rider;
22; June 1988;
Interesting Envelopes of St. Petersbourg Town Post; 1962; 25-28 & 1 illustration page;
Faberge, Oleg A.;
Rossica; 63;
Iz istori i tsel 'nykh veshchei Rossi i; Myakota, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 48-50; Explanation, description and listing of Address Bureau cards for the various cities. Iz istorii vvedeniya otkrytogo pis'ma v Rossi;; Zabochen', M.; Apr. 1972; 42-43; The first Russian formular postcards. Konverty dlya Moskvy; Lobachevskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; City Post envelopes and the postmarks found on them.
Filatel iya SSSR; 4;
July 1973; V-VII; Moscow
Letter Cards of Russian Empire and Offices; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 52-53: 49-54; All major and minor varieties listed. Looking at Postal Wrappers - 2; Tann,
11; Jan.
1992; 29-30;
Looking at Wrappers - 2; Banfield, N.R.; Pochta; 11; Jan, 1992; 26-28; Comparison of Prlgara, Ascher and Higgins & Gage 1 istings of Imperial wrappers. Markirovannci pochtovOi otkrytKe 100 let; Mazur, D.: Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 34-35; Overview of postcards with indlcia, from 1272 to the present. Neues zum Thema Anzeigenbogen; Herrmann, Wolfgang;
ZRSP; 35; Sep.
1984; 69;
Otkrytye i zakrytye pis'ma Adresnykh Stolov; Kirshtein, K.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); NOV.-Dec. 1924; 22-24; Inquiry and response cards of the Address Bureaus. Pervye obshchegosudarstvennye kartochki Rossii 1872-1875 gg.; Ilyushin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 52-53; Postcards of the 1875 issue - types, numbers sold, background. Pervye pochtovye ehmissii Pol'shi; Shchapov, P.; Sovetskii filatelist;
4 (80); Apr.
Imperial Stationery
1928; 7-9; Continued. postal history.
Poland #1,
the first postal stationery, cancellations and
Pochtovye kartochki Rossii vypuska 1913 goda; Ilyushin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1985; 38-39; A variety of the 1913 4k Romanov postcard. Postal Stationery - Some Unusual Dec. 1977; 14;
1; Jan.
Frauenlob, Walter/Pritt. Boris; BJRP; 54;
Postal Stationery Cards for Soldiers' Mail 29; Dec. 1991; 44-45; Postal Stationery:
10 Kop: Double Print;
in WWI;
Epstein, Alexander;
Post Rider;
Frauenlob. Walter; BJRP; 52; Dec.
Prisoners of War Cards of 1914-18 War; Pritt, Boris; BJRP; 39; Oct.
POW Mail During WWI: Russia/Austria-Hungary/Russia 1914-1918; Bartmann. Richard; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 4-26; A listing of P.O.W. cards, where they were printed, and some Russian censormark illustrations. Raznovidnosti markirovannykh otkrytok Rossi;; Ehpshtein. A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 44-47; Varieties of imper~al postcards with indicia from 1890 to 1917. Raznovidnosti markirovannykh sekretok i blankov perevodov Rossii; Epstein, A.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 50-51; Varieties of Imperial lettercards and money-order forms. Raznovidnosti markirovannykh sekretov i blankov perevodov Rossii; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 18;
Epstein, Aleksandr;
Regarding an Early Envelope in Collection of Arthur Shields. Written in Rossica No. 61; Faberge. Oleg A.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 59-60; Identifies Shields' envelope as Faberge's 4c. Reply Paid Letter Card; Barry, J.; Rossica; 60; 'zakry.oe pis'mo' reply-paid card.
1961; 45; Description of an Imperial
Rossiya: IZdaniya 1907 goda; Ilyushin. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Varieties of ordinary and reply-paid postcards issued in 1907. Shtempel'nye konverty Rossii 1845-1868 !Jodov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; V-VII;
1983; 52;
Shtempel'nye konverty Rossii 1845-1868 godov. Konverty obshchegosudarstvennoi pochty.; Lobachevski i, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; VII-VIII. 33; Continued from ti12, 1973. Shtempel'nye konverty Rossi; 1845-1868 godov. Konverty obshchegosudarstvennoi pochty.; Lobachevskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; V-VIII; Continued from #7. Some Additional Data on Postcards ancl Lettercards of the Russian Empire; Oleg A.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 25-26;
Some Odd Major Varieties of the Imperial Envelopes From Period II and III, Faberge. Oleg A.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 10-12;
Specimens of Stamped Envelopes of St. Petersburg Town Post; Marcovitch, E.; Rossica; 51; 1957; 37-38; Stamped Envelopes of Imperial Russia; History, printing, varieties.
SKlarevski, Rimma; Rossica;
Stamped Envelopes of Imperial Russia; Continued from #59.
Sklarevski, Rimma;
Rossica; 61;
1960; 6-13: 1961; 62-64;
Stamped Envelopes of Imperial Russia. 1st Period. 1848-1863.: Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 16-20 & 2 illustration pages; Sizes, kn;ves, watermarks and indicia. Stamped Envelopes of Imperial Russia. 1st Period. 1848-1863.; Faberge. Oleg A.; Rossica; 63; 1962; 19-24 & 1 illustration page; Continued from #62. Stamped Letters With Printed Advertisements; Speeckaert. A.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 26-27; Sto let russkoi pochtovoi kartochki; Zabochen', M.;
1972; 28-52;
Telegrafnye shtempel'nye blanki S.Peterburgskago gorodskogo obshchestvennago telegrafa i telegrafnaya marka; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 381-383; The First 4k.
Postcard; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 27;
Imperial Stationery
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue and Its Subsequent Use. Part II.; Salisbury, Gregory; BJRP; 9; July 1952; 227-251; Includes information on Batum overprints. Transfer Cards Used During the Period of Ukrainian Independence, 1917-1920 (Part I); Fessak, Borys; Ukrainian Philatelist; 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 17-34; The author describ~s 24 varieties of Imperial postal money order forms. Wrappers of Imperial Russia; Sklarevski,
Rlmma; Rossica; 57;
1959; 6-8;
Printing-Production, Provisional Government Stationery Pochtovye kartochki Rossii vypuska 1917 goda: 1985; 37-39;
Ilyushin, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June
The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations, usages.
Printing-Production, Russian Stamps
Chislom pomenee, tsenoyu ... ; Musikhin, B.V.; Filateliya; 7; uUly 1992; 10-11; An interview with the Chief Editor of ITTs 'Marka', the Russian stamp-issuing body under the Ministry of Communications. kist' est' slovo; (n.a.); Filateliya: 4; Apr. 1992: 1; An interview witI"', the ~esigner of the souvenir sheet showing Aleksandr Nevskii and the Battle on the Ice, A. Yatskevich. Pryamoi razgovor; Bekhterev, Yulii; Filatel iya: 2; Feb. 1992; 2; An editorial urging pr':ssure from philatelists on the various postal administrations of the CIS to reduce unnecessary stamp issues. V masterskoi khudozhnika; Frolova, G.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 6 & front cover; On N.N. Baskakov, painter of 'Pobeda', and A.Ya. Tolmachev, who aesigned the 'Victory' stamp. Vivat, Rossiya!; Frolova, G.; Filateliya; 7; uuly 1992; 2 & front cover; The First Russian Federation Standard stamps, and some comments by their designer.
Printing-Production, Russian Stationery Odnostoronnie kartochki s original'nymi markami: 24; I ssues of 8 Oct. 1991.
07/13/93 In.a.);
Filateliya; 2;
PAGE: Feb.
Printing-Producticn, Soviet Souvenir Sheets A New Soviet Error; Hong, Barry: Post Rider; 2; Mar. sheet with double gold overprint.
1978; 59; Scott #3902 souvenir
A Possible Colour Changeling for the 1966 Lenin Miniature Sheet?; Gutenstein, Morris; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 75: A green backgro~nd instead of lake red. A Souvenir Sheet Size Variety;
George; Rossica; 89;
Fragen un Mitteilungen; (n.a.); ZRSP; 38; Aug. with hammer varieties.
1975; 48; Scott #3040.
1985; 45; Souvenir sheet Michel #4778
Miniature Sheets of the Soviet Union (I); Waugh, A.S.: BJRP: 38: Mar.
1966; 30-31;
Miniature Sheets of the Soviet Union (2); Waugh, A.S.;
1966; 21-22;
Miniature Sheets
BJRP; 39; Oct.
the Soviet Union (3); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 41; Oct.
Miniature Sheets of the Soviet Union (4); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 42; Dec.
1968; 33-34;
Miniature Sheets of
1970; 29-30;
Soviet Union (5); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 44; Dec.
Miniature Sheets of the U.S.S.R.
(1955-72); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 49; Dec.
Non-Postal Miniature Sheets of the USSR - Addendum; 1980; 44-48;
1973; 22-30;
Flanagan, L.B.; BJRP; 57; Nov.
Ot zybkoi grani - k procnnoi granitse; Andreev, A.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 6-7; An explanation of the difference between 'postal blocks' and small souvenir sheets. Rare Varieties of USSR Miniature Sheets; Blekhman, S.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; An upside-down overprint and a missing overprint on Scott #1082a.
Suvenirnye listki Ministerstva svyazi SSSR; Yakobs, Vadim; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 48-51; Detailed listing of Communications Ministry souvenir sheet issues, from 1967 to 1983. Variations in Scott's No. 959; Sklarevsk1, Rimma; Rossica: 89; a table of varieties for this sheet.
1975; 26-29; Presents
Variet,es of Soviet Miniature Sheets; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 51; May 1975; 20-22;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
(n.t.); (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; VIII; Brief notice of Rudzyavichyus's discovery of a spelling error on the 1962 4k stamp honoring Azeri poet Sabir. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 79; 1970; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1961 6k commemorative with some color missing.
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 75; 1968; 107; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Minute variations in the 40kop. Tsi-Pai-Shi stamp, 1958. (n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica; 55; 1958; 60-61; Volga famine issue information.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Carson, Michael; Rossica; 70; 1966; 74-75; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A printing variety of Scott #2440 2kop. green. (n.t.); Carson, Michael; Rossica; 72; 1967; 94-95; Short item in 'Notes From Collectors' section. Scott #2416 with displaced perforations. (n.t.); Collins, E.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 58-59; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Variations in frame size on zeppelin stamps. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 68; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A 1944 advertisement for Soviet watermark and imperforate varieties is reproduced, along with a faked Lithuanian cover and a misrouted and censored postcard of 1914. (n.t.); Epstein, Norman; Rossica; 74; 1968; 73; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. '2nd & 3rd transfer' markings on the margin of the Lenin mourning issue block. (n.t.); Epstein, Norman; Rossica; 75; 1968; 108; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An egg-shaped flaw on a 4kop. small head stamp. (n.t.); Hirsch, Herman; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 65; Scott #4704 miniature sheet without inscription of value (50 kop.) or 'Pochta SSSR'. (n.t.); Hodgson, Joshua; Rossica; 65; 1963; 68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Possible reprints of Soviet stamps on different paper. (n.t.); Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; Rossica; 79; 1970; 57-58; In 'Notes From Collectors' se=tion. A discovery that two separate dies were used for the 5kop. typo and watermarked small heaa stamp. (n.t.); Kodin, Stanley; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 100; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Short note on Scott #1341A with fantail margins on the right vertical row. (n.t.); Lazarev, Leonid; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 68; Notes on the Voroshilovgrad ~actory stamp. (n.t.); Link, Vincent; Rossica; 62; 1962; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Discovery of a 15k large die on stamps other than Scott #81 and 125, a Scott #186 1000R with faint top rays, and private perforations on Scott #231 and 233. (n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 66; The reason for the rarity of the unissued Voroshilovgrad Factory stamp and the fate of some of the people involved. (n.t.); Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 70; The author wonders if a typographed, imperforate block of 4 of the 2000R famine relief stamp from Rostov-na-Donu is a proof. (n.t.); 'Minkus, Robert F.; Rossica; 71; 1966; 87; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 16kop. value of the Tchaikowsky set measuring 33.5 x 37.5mm vs. 37.5mm square. (n.t.); Nor'wood, Hilary; Post Rider; 14; June 1984; 71-72; section. Information on the first RSFSR stamps.
In 'Philatelic Shorts'
(n.t.); Palmer, Derek; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 71; Soviet color changelings due to Soviet post offices mixing new batches of glue every day, and its high acidity. (n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 64; 1963; 57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A variety of the 1962 'Vostok 3 & 4' 6kop. stamp, with a period between the C & the P in CCCP. (n.t.); Rayhack, Michael; Rossica; 68; 1965; 31-32; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Problems with the issue date of the chainbreaker stamps. (n.t.); Robbins, Sam; Rossica; 62; 1962; 60; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Scott #1147 in 1 ight 01 ive rather than sepia. (n.t.); Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 66;
1964; 72;
In 'Notes From Collectors'
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps section.
Scott #911 with red color misplaced up and to the right.
(n.t.); Werbizky, George G.; Rosslca; 71; 1966; 86; section. A color smear on Scott 237a.
In 'Notes From Collectors'
' ... Chasto byvaet razocharovanie'; Khelernski i, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 64; Excerpts from the minutes of a 28 Nov. 1961 discussion in the Editorial-Artist Council in the MS SSSR on the Moscow series of stamps.
' ... Ne vyrazhaet prazdnlchnosti'; Khelemski i, YU.; Fi latel iye SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 15; Extracts from the minutes of the third conference of the Editorial-Artist Council in the USSR Ministry of Communications. 22 Dec. 1959. Criticisms and viewpoints of the 1960 40k stamp design commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Women's Day, 8 March. ' ... Soobrazno i sorazmerno'; LuChishkin, S.; Filate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 10; The author chides some Soviet stamp designers for their departure from the originals. 'Ehto lOne po dushe'; Levushin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; with Yu. Levinovskii. Soviet stamp designer. 'Goznak' Presentation Album; Adler, Kurt; 1 ists the contents.
16-17; An interview
1962; 50-51; Describes and
'Khamovniki luchshe ubrat"; Khelemski i, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 52; Excerpts from the minutes of the 10th Editorial-Artist Council of the MS SSSR, where the L.N. Tolstoi series (20, 40 & 60 kop.) was discussed on 5 Apr. 1960. 'Na predele svoikh vozmozhnostei; Ponomarev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 12-15; An interview with Soviet stamp designer N.K. Litvinov.
'Napominaet ... dollar'; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 45; Excerpts from the minutes of a 14 J~ne 1960 discussion by the Editorial-Artist Council of the MS SSSR of the 'Mark Twain' stamp. 'Ne myslya gordyi svet zabavit"; Ooukhov, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 64; The author quotes from readers who point out errors in recent issues. 'Odeyanie ne-rublevskoe'; Khelemskil, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 21-22; Excerpts from the 24 Nov. 1964 discussion by the Editorial-Art Council of the GPU MS SSSR o~ the 1961 4k stamp portraying Andrei RUblev. 'Off-Beat' SOViets; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 43; Oct. 1969; 36-39; Sovlet forerunners, essays, advertisement stamps. postage dues, marglnal bars, eTOs, reprints, se-tenant pairs, co~pons and strips. 'Pionerka salyutuet'; Teleleiko, A.; F-;lateli/a SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 61; The Pioneer glrl salutlng on the 1936 15koL. stamp is ident1fled, along with the story of hcw schoolchildren were used to help the Post. 'Po svoei ulitse'; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliy8 SSSR; 7; July 1983: 5-78< front cover; An interview with Sergel Aklmovicn Pomanskii, Soviet stamp designer. 'Poluchilas' obratnaya perspektiva'; I".helemsvii, YU.; Fl1ateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 52; Excerots from the Editor1el-Artist Council of the MS SSSR of 28 Nov. 1951, when the 4k 'Soviet Woman - an Active Builder of Communism' and 'Soviet Woman an Active Fighter for Peace' stamps were discussed. 'Specimen' a
(Scott Nos. 551-5541;
few sets,
insteac' of
1; Ssp.
A Cal'l
to Arms; Finik, Leon; R0'3S1Ca; 117; Oct. stamp Kith '2nd print,ng' in the selvage.
1942; 2;
'Specimen' appl ied to
1991; 49; A 1947 lR (Scott 1120)
Sheetlet; Prado. Asd'-'uti&'; 8JDF; 32; Mar. 1963; 1 4 ; A ikotJ. essay 1r sheetlet form, SImilar in des1gl1 TO the 3Skop. and 70kop. stamps.
A Lithographed 10 Kop. Small Head on Watermarked Paper; Prins, A.; Rossica; 75;
97-98; A Little-Known Ai~m?.il Error of Russia (Sanabria 128a); Adler, 1955; 24 - 25; A New Find In Soviet Stamps; Robbins, printing of Scott #1257. A Photogravure Variety; Waugh, the Jan. 1941 issue.
Sam; Rossica;
32; Mar.
Rossica; 45;
15-16; A different
13-14; The 50kop. brown of
A Postage Stamp Artist; Anisimov, L.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 22-23 & 1 illustration page; Waugh, A.S.; Stamp designers V.V. Zavyalov, R.F. Zhitkov and 1.1. Dubasov.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
A Study of the R.S.F.S.R. First Postage Stamp Issue, and Its Subsequent Use as Postage Dues; Sheppard, N.J.; Post Rider; 13; Nov. 1983; 5-58; Exhaustive treatment of plating, flaws, and overprints. A Substitute Cl iche; Cronin. Andrew; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 210-211; 100R 1923 soldier's head stamps.
Flaws in a pane of
A Variety of the First Soviet Stamp; Rodionov, B.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 56; Combs, Gary A.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #2, 1971. Position 99 variety of the Chainbreaker stamp. An Interesting Soviet Retouch; Cronin, surcharge on 250R stamps.
BJRP; 5; Jan.
1951; 88-89;
An Interesting Variety; Kiselev, B.S.; Rossica; 71; 1966; 54; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled', Apr. 1966. A color shift on Scott #2641, producing an apparent 'second type'. An Unusual Size; Karlinskii, V.A.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 53-56; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #1, 1966. The 1925 Lenin Mausoleum set perforation. Annulirovanie marok; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. Annulment of all previous Soviet stamps beginning 1 Dec. 1923.
1923; 45;
Annulirovanie znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 45; Official notice that on 1 Dec. 1923 all Soviet stamps save the most recent issue would be annulled. Anomaliya ili brak?; Shelestyan. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 15-17; A continuation of the debate over what constitutes a true variety and what is merely printer's waste. Auflagenzahlen bei UdSSR-Marken;
E.; Pochta; 47; Mar.
1989; 38-39;
Avtor pervoi revolyutsionnoi sovetskoi marki; Belenovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Dec. 1969; 42-43; A thumbnail biography of Richard Zarrins.
Bant Pushkina; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; JUly 1966; 21; The 1937 Pushkin set and the artist from whose portrait of Pushkin the stamp design was taken. Bezzubtsovye varianty marok; Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; Continued from #9.
10; Oct.
1974; 37-39;
Bezzubtsovye varianty marok SSSR; Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. A listing and discussion of Soviet imperforate stamps up to 1932.
1974; 37-39;
Biografiya marki. Pervaya matrosskaya.; Milanov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 2-4; The design and printing of the 1964 4kop. N.A. Vilkov stamp. Blizkoe serdtsu; Bekhterev, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; with Soviet stamp designer V.V. Zav'yalov.
1; JUly 1966; 25-27; An interview
Blok i ego priznaki; Sokolov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep, 1968; 1-3; The author attempts to define the differences between 'blocks' (souvenir sheets), small sheets and other varieties of this phenomenon. Blok No. 1092: Tip I i tip II; Arvan, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 50-51; Two types of the 1946 block commemorating the 25th anniversary of Soviet postage stamps. Blok, malyi 1 ist i drugie; Kachinski i. A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 28-29; The author takes issue with M. Sokolov's 'Blok i ego priznaki' in #9-1968, and debates what can be considered a stamp, a block, a small- and a normal-size sheet. Bloki vyouska sorokovykh i pyatidesyatykh godov; Arvan, B.; 1983; 50-51;
Filate'l iya SSSR; 5; May
Bumaga kremovaya, fan palevyi ... ; Teplov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 44-45; The author calls for a standard approach to identifying paper color in catalog descriptions, and presents three tables to illustrate his point. Byt' dobrym sputnikom; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 12-15; An interview with I. Martynov, Soviet stamp and picture envelope designer. Captain Rudnev, the Cruiser 'Varyag' and Sundry Varieties: Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 65-67; Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; from #6. Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson, H.L.;
10; June 1943; 4; Continued
RAP; 2; Oct.
1942; 4-5; A
Printing-Production. Soviet Stamps
perforation chart for 1923 to 1940. Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson. H.L.; RAP; 3; Nov. #2.
1942; 4; Continued from
Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson. H.L.: RAP; 4; Dec. #3.
1942: 5: Continued from
Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson. H.L.: RAP: 5; Jan. #4.
1943: 2: Continued from
Catalogue of Soviet Perforations; Aronson. H.L.: RAP: 6: Feb. from #5.
1943: 5-6; Continued
Charity or Semi-Postal Issues of Impel'ial and Soviet Russia: Sklarevski. Rimma: Rossica; 44: 1954; 13-19; Many tables. considerable detail. Chetyre 'Pochemu?'. Bronevik 'Vrag kapitala'.; Karl inski i, V.; SK: 2: 1964: 13-15; The author's search for the artist's model of the 1932 stamp showing Lenin standing atop an armored car. Chetyre 'Pochemu?'. Seriya so strannostyami.: Karl inskii, V.; SK; NKPiT efforts to 'standardize' stamps with a given issue.
Chetyre 'Pochemu?'. Skul'ptor neizvesten?; Karlinskii, V.: SK: 2: 1964; 16-18; A search for the sculptor of 'Lenin with Children on a Park Bench', the basis for 1938 issues dedicated to children. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 1: Jan. 1985; 40; Explanation of the existence of various illustration dimensions on the 1965 '95th Anniversary of Lenin's birth' stamp, and a brief history of Soviet FDCs and first-day cancels. C;litatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1983; 32: A 'Mekhiko' overprint on a 1970 soccer championships stamp that should read 'Meksika', and a question about the spelling of 'Kazakhi' on a stamp in the 'Peoples of the USSR' series of 1933. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Fi latel iya SSSR; 6; June 1985; 40: A brief listing of the various SOViet stamp catalog editions. and a complete list of those postage stamps issued in small-sheet format. Chitatel' sprasnivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR: 12; Dec. 1982; 32; An explanation of what the 'MTG' and the dates 1969 or 1975 stand for on the 'Russian cD1V Tales' series of 1969 and another in 1975. plus Why the numeration of issues sometimes varIes in SovIet statIonery catalogs. Chto zhe 1mel v vidu khudozhnik?; Maksimoy, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4: Apr. 1967; 8-9; More theorizing on whence the stamp design showing Lenin speaking from the turret of the 'Vrag kapitala' armored car came from. Classification of the SOViet 40 Kop. Def,nitive Stamp: Vovin, Ya.M.: 1966; 55-57; Translated from 'Phi latelen Pregled' #6, 1966.
Rossica; 71:
Collecting Holes. Part I. Partially Imperforate Errors.; Eppel. Pat; Post Rider; 21; Noy. 1987; 6-23; Includes an extensive list of partially imperforate errors and a bibliography. Correspondence; (n.a.): BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 25; Clarifications to Irmann-Jacobsen's article in #31 on determining whether the watermark is normal or sideways. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct. 1967; 21; The USSR 1923 Agricultural Exhibition issue, apparently on sale two days before the catalogs' given date. Daty pechataniya tirazha na markakh s ramochnoi zUbtsovkoi; Aloits, V.; SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 36-37;
Davaite iskat' vmeste; ShchedrovitsKli. p.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 10; Date of issue of the 1923 First All-Union Agricultural and Crafts Exhibition stamps pushed back by one day. to 18 Aug. 1923. Davaite obsudim; Ehpshtein, A.; Filatel iye SSSR; 5; May 1985; 36-37; Two varieties of the 45k Karelo-Finnish arms stamp of 1940-1941. Dekorativno-khudozhestvennoe oformlenie marochnykh listov; Yakobs, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 45-50; Extensive data on size and type of stamp sheets with artistic designs in the selvages. Delo ruk zolotykh; Fedorova. 1.; Filateliya SSSR; stamp and its deSigner, S.A. Pomanskii.
1; Jan.
1968; 8; The 1966 Lenin
Der 'Verdichtete' Abdruck der Rubelwerte von 1919: Wortman. A.H.: ZRSP; 34; Apr.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps 1984; 7-8; Koelzer,
W.; Translated from 'Post Rider' #3,1978.
Der Druckteufel Geht urn ... ; Vladinets, Nikolai; dates on Soviet stamps.
Pochta; 48;
Desyataya raznovidnost' marki No. 3665; Teplov, 48-49;
1989; 24;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983;
Desyatyi i dvenadtsatyi vypuski standartnykh marok SSSR; Vel ikolepov, A.; SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 15; The Tenth and Twelfth Standard Issues. Desyatyi standartnyi vypuSk pochtovykh marok SSSR; Skrylev, A.; May 1969; 12; DaTa on the Tenth Standard Issue.
Filatel iva
Filateliya SSSR; 5;
Dialog 0 markakh; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; 8-10; An interview with L.M. Sharov, chief of the DIEhZPO on the year's upcoming issues. Die Ersten Sowjetischen Briefmarken; Obukhov, E.; Pochta; 46; Dec. Aerni, Nina; Translated from 'Izvestiya' #313, 8 Nov. 1988.
1988; 41-42;
Die Sowjetischen Briefmarken 'Fuer die Hungerhilfe' ('POMGOL'); Kolesnikov, A.; 37; Apr. 1985; 16-22; Bartmann, Richard; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner' .
Dolzhno znat' i ispolnyat路 ... ; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 18; A memorandum to all artists working on new stamp and stationery issues from the Editorial-Artist Council, 1961. Dopolnenie k issledovaniyu 1-go standarta; 35;
Ivanov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
Dopolnenie k napechatannomu; Arzumanov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; variety of the unissued 100R. 1921 'Holiday of the Proletariat' stamp.
JUly 1986; 11; A
Dopolnyaya katalog: vypuski 1961 goda; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 46-48; Additions to the Soviet stamp catalog from the 10th Standard Issue of 1961. Dopolnyaya katalog: vypuski 1962-1963 gg.; Karl inski i, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 48-50; Corrections and additions to the Soviet stamp catalog for issues of 1962 and 1963. Dostich' prostoty; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. with P.Eh. Bendel, Soviet postal issue designer.
11-14; An interview
Dva bloka: ikh osobennosti; Teplov, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 52; Varieties of the '50th Anniversary of K.A. Savitskii's Death' block and the '175th Anniversary of A.G. Venetsianov's Birth' block. Dva izdaniya i dva tipa; Petrov, N.; Filatel tva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; of the 1968 51st Anniversary of tIle October Revolution stamp. Dva tipa iIi dva izdaniya; Shcherbakov, S.; #2556 of 1961 - two types identified.
Filatel iva SSSR; 2;
10; Two varieties 1971; 8; SFA
Dva varianta pochtovoi marki 'Sabir' 1962 goda; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 41; The 1969 4k 'Azeri poet Sabir' stamp, and a variety with error in the Azer i text. Dva vypuska marki No. 1486; Nikolaev. L.; Filateliy~ SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 51; The distinctions between two printlngs of a stamp in the '25th Anniversary of the Uzbek SSR' set. Dva vypuska serii '100-letie so dnya opubl ikovaniya 'Manifesta kommunisticheskoi partii"; Semenov, A./Khromov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1991; 46-47; A comparison of characteristlcs of the 30k and 50k 'Communist Party Manifesto' first and second issues. Dvenadtsat' vypuskov odinnadtsatogo standarta; Knyazev, L.; Filateliya; 12; Dec. 1991; 44-46; Twelve issues of the Eleventh Standard definitives are identified. Dvenadtsatyi standar"t; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. Announcement of the Twelfth Standard Issue.
inside front cover;
Eshche nakhodka ... ; Basov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 53; A followup to Basov's announcement of a newly-discovered cliche in #12, 1982. It includes an enlargement of the normal cliche and the new one, plus news of a vertically-laid 3k Imperial arms stamp with inverted background. Eshche ne vidno pocherka; Zagyanskaya, G.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1968; art critic discusses the merits of various Soviet stamps. Eshche
neofitsial'noi perforatsii;
Ivakhno, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
12-14; An 1986;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
35-37; Unofficial perforations appl ied to postage stamps, usually by Singer sewing machines, in the early Soviet period. Eshche 0 neofitsial 'nykh perforatsiyakh; Epstein, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1985; 37-38; A variety of unofficial perforations on imperforate issues are described, beginning with the 1917 issue. Eshche odin variant 'kulona s zhemchuzninoi'; Voskresenskii, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; V; A variety of TsFA #4073, the 30k value in the 'Jewelry Collection' series. Eshche raz 0 lyuminestsentsil; Lobko, G. information on luminescent paper.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1985; 41; More
Eshche raz 0 raznovidnosti marki No. 3665; Kanevskii, L./Kondrashev. D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; VII; A third type of the 1967 '51st Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution' stamp. Eshche raz 0 raznovidnostyakh; Rebinder, P.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 1-3; The debate over whether and Which varieties should be included in the catalogs continues. Eshche raz
Pervom standarte; Karl inskii, V.;
Eshche raznovidnost'; Pyasetskii, G.; the Chainbreaker stamp.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR; 7' JUly 1969;
Fantazii serebryanaya nit' ... ; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. interview with Ivan Kozlov, Soviet stamp designer.
1968; 34-37;
11; A variety of 1990;
12-14; An
Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.I.; 1982; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of subjects within Russian and related-areas philately. Flaws; Winterstein, O./et a1.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 14-15; 'Broken 10' on #21, plate flaw of the 1883 issue, and retouches on Scott #s 735 and 736. Further Notes; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
14-15; Lenin mourning stamps.
Golubye lenty v zolotykh posevakh; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 36; 7ha research and composition problems facing Soviet stamp designer V.V. Zav'yalov on the 'Agrlcultural Improvement' stamp. Gorokh ob stenu; Valeron, D.B.; SK; 6 (106); June 1930; 133; The author complains about the lack of artistic merit in the 1930 Pedagogical Exhibition ~tamp. and the NKPiT's brush-off of VOF suggestions. Goznak: Istoriya i sovremennost'; Bogdanchikov, 1; Jan. 1969; 17- 19 ;
F./Kornyukhin, A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Goznak; Istoriya i sovremennost'; Kornyukhin, A./Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 21-23; The history of GOZNAK and its predecessor. the EhZGB. Grani
talanta; Levushin, V.; Soviet stamp designer.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Grani talanta; Yar-Kravchenko, A.; Soviet stamp designer. Graver;
Levushin, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
SSSR; 9:
1970; 8-10;
1; Jan.
Ivan Dubasov, 16-17; L.M. Sharov,
18-19; Soviet
GOZNAK: khranitsya v fondakh; Bukhov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 22-23; The GOZNAK archives, containing stamp proofs, essays and regular postage stamps. ehtikh povtornykh vypuskov net v kataloge; Teplov, F.; Filatel iya; 8; Aug. 1991; 48-50; Uncatalogued variet,es ot #s 1565, 1569-1571, 1600, 1603, and 1606. masterstvo, i vdokhnoven'e; Ivolgin, A.; BulanovB, Soviet stamp designer.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
10-11; E.S.
Illyustratsiya k biografii; Bukharov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 21; The 1971 4k A. Spendiarov portrait stamp, and a problem with the art1st's date of 1943. Important Discovery; (n.a.); RAP; 17; Mar. 1944; 8; Romanov 2R and 3R imperforates and Scott #.s 326-327 on unwatermarked paper, perforated 13 3/4. Interesnaya nakhodka; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 48; Discovery of a 70kop. 'Chainbreaker' stamp with missing perforations on the left, rather than the usual top margin. Considered to be genuine. Interesnaya raznovidnost'; Aizen, M.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1973; VI; A part sheet
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
of #3417 (TsFA catalog) with the two lowest rows unperforated. Interesnaya vstrecha; Nazarov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 22; A meeting with 1.1. Dubasov, one of the oldest of the Soviet stamp designers. Interesting Retouch; Fomin, E.; Rossica: 67; industrial issue.
1964; 45; A retouch on the 15kop.
International Philatelic Exhibition, Moscow 1957; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 81-82: Special cancels.
Ispravili ... alfavit: Metelkin, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1967; 18; The author points out that #2247 of the 1958 Russian Postal History series has 'Pochtamt' misspelled. It requires a hard Sign to be correct. Istoriya odnogo portreta; Kitain, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12: Nov.-Dec. 1968: 7: The photograph from Which the representation of Lenin on the 1925-1928 high-value set was derived. Istoriya odnogo portreta; Pshenichnikov, T.; Filateliya SSSR: 2; Feb. 1970: 5-6: Photographs of Lenin used as the basis for several Soviet stamps. Iz al'boma khudozhnika; Freidlin, YU./Vvedenskii, S.: Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 31; Some of the story behind the design of #s 713-716, 1939.
Iz kollektsii chitatelya; Zbarskii, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 40; A variety of SFA #801, the 1941 45kOp. stamp honoring the first anniversary of the Karelo-Finnish SSR's formation. II Standartnyi vypusk RSFSR. 'Raskopki' prodolzhayutsya.; Semenov, A.; Filatel iva; 9; Sep. 1991; 46-49; Includes tables showing the differences between the first and second printings on ordinary paper. K tainam masterstva; Matskevich, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 22-23; Yu.N. Artsimenev, Soviet stamp designer, and some of the issues he produced. K voprosu 0 kombinirovannykh zUbtsovkakh; Kaverin, V./Peisikov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1976; 27; The question of combined perforations applied to Soviet stamps. K voprosu 0 raznovidnostyakh; Bakalinskii, G./Zbarskii, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 25-26; In response to N. YUdin's article in #3, the authors give their views on stamp varieties, favoring the inclusion of perforation differences, paper varieties, etc. K voprosu 0 raznovidnostyakh; Kristi, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Kristi's opinions on what constitutes a true variety.
1; Jan.
K voprosu 0 raznovidnostyakh; Sudakov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; debate on what is considered a variety.
1969; 27-28;
June 1968;
12-13; More
Kak ikh razl ichit'?; Ivl iev. YU.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 48; An easy way to tell the difference between the two printlng types of the 15kop. Red Army Man stamp, VI Standard Issue. Kak mal'chishkoi boish'sya fal'shi ... ; Vvedenskii, S./Freidlin, Yu.; 4; Apr. 1967; 5-7; Lenin stamps designed by P.V. Vasil'ev.
Filateliya SSSR;
Kak otlichit' litografskuyu marku No. 1108?; Peisikov. P.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1967; 44; How to tell the difference between the Sixth Standard Issue lithographed 30kop. stamp and the typographed. Kak pechatayutsya marki; Naigovzin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1983; 59-61; An explanation of the three major types o~ Soviet stamp printing. Kak pechatayutsya marki; Naigovzin, A.: Filate' iva SSSR; 6; June 1983; 60-61; Various kinds of perforations on Soviet stamps, ana how they are produced. Kak pechatayutsya marki: Naigovzin, A.: Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Soviet stamp-design and printing cycle. Kak sozdavalas' marka 'Bud' geroem!': Skrylev. A.; 18-20;
1982; 60-61; The
Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1975:
Kak sozdayutsya olimpiiskie syuzhety; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 20-22; Three Soviet stamp designers, E. Aniskin, P. Bendel' and N. Litvinov discuss their Dlympic stamps. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. Pochtovye marki SSSR 1923-1991 gg.; (n.a.): Fi latel iva; 5; May 1992; 13-28: Issues from Aug. 1923 to Oct. 1928. Key and Flower Watermarks;
Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; BJRP; 31; Dct.
1962; 9; List of
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Soviet stamps with this watermark, and how to tell sideways. Key and Flower Watermarks (Supplementary List); 1964; 26;
if the watermark is normal or
Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; BJRP; 35; Oct.
Khotelos' by dobavit' ... ; Davidyan, 0.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 50-51; Adds more to Kropina's article in #3 on stamps With missing perforations. Khotya vypusk i ne sostoyalsya; (n.a.); Fi latEl iVa SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970; 12; Part of an official correspondence deal ing with un1ssuec 'Respubl ika Rossii' stamps in 1918. Khudozhnik 1. Dubasov 0 sebe; Grigor'eva, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. Early Soviet stamp designer I. Dubasov tells his 1 ife story. Kleine Kuriositaeten;
(n.a.); Pochta; 45; Aug.
1988; 25;
1979; 52-53;
Flyspeck varieties.
Kleine Kuriositaeten; Sulz, V.; Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 30; A perforation error on the 1976 6kop. 'Ermak' icebreaker stamp, and a flyspeck variety on the 1983 4kop. 'Ivan Fedorov' stamp. Kogda byli vypushcheny sovetskie marki No. 1-2?; Kharitonov, V.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 45-46; More arguments on when the first Chainbreaker' stamps were issued, and for what reasons. Kogda vypushcheny ehti marki?; Petrov, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 10; The author questions the USSR stamp catalog'S assertion that #s 1580-1581 were issued in July 1950; he has one cancelled 14 Nov. 1949. Komu zhe verit'?; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. 1966; 11; The author questions the accuracy of the '50th Anniversary' claim for the 1966 Barguzinskii State Wildlife Refuge. Konkurs 'Pionerki'; Khelemskii, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 52; Extracts from the minutes of the Editorial-Art Council of the Main Postal Administration, 4 JUly 1961. The discussion concerned the children's competition designs for 'Pioneer' set. Krasnyi Piter - golodayushchim; Plotnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 10; The find of a 12 Apr. 1922 article in Pravda announcing work on a 'Red Peterlburg) to ,he Starving' stamp. It was never issued. Kriterii rasnovidnostei; Radchuk, L./et al.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 26-27; Letters f~om three individuals concerning the question of what is and is not a stamp varlety. Krupnovalyutnye markl SSSR s portretom V.I. Lenlna; KrestovniKov. S.P.; SK; 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 57-58; The high-value Lenin stamps of 1925-1928. Kto pray?; Pimenov. V.V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Oct. 1966; 46; The 4kop. 1966 stamp honoring E. Potier, and a part of the design tnat the stamp's artist admits 'borrowing' from the famous Delacroix painting of the Paris Commune uprising. Kurs - POiSK; Lobko, G.; Filateliya SSSR; printed on luminescent paper.
11; Nov.
198E; 39; Some Soviet stamps
Lenin Mourning Issue of 1924; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 34-37; A thorough exposition of these stamps - varieties and fo~geries. Lenin Mourning Issue: Origin of the Imperforate Varieties; Lavrov. F.: BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 5-8; Reprinted from 'The Stamp Lover', Aug.-Sep. 1941. Lesegri - ehto Lebeaev, Sergeev. Grinberg: Grinau, 14-15; Three Soviet stamp designers.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967;
Leserzuschritt zu blOCK 62 (Heft 40, Sette E3); Geier, Karlernst W.; 1986; 37; Listy 7-11; 6'..Jrkatovskii, Kh./Berngard, K.; F路:lateliyc-. SSSR; Discovery of 5 new variations 1n sheets of SFA #3665.
10; Dc,.
ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1982; 52-53:
Litografskie i tipografskie marki SSSR 1924 goda; Olendzkii, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); NOV.-Dec. 1924; 17; How to tell tne difference between 11thographed and typographed stamps of the 1924 Small Heads set. Litografskie i1i tipografskie?; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 48-49; How to tell the difference between the lithographed and typographed varieties of the 2k, 6k, 20k and 50k smal,-heads stamps. Lt.-General D.M. Karbyshev; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 47-48; A variety of the 1961 4kop. stamp picturing the general.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Luchshie pochtovye marki SSSR 1970 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The best stamps of 1970 and their designers.
1971; 3-7;
Luchshie pochtovye marki 1972 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 6-8; 'Filateliya SSSR' readers pick their favorite stamps, and comment on the stamp designers' arrangements. Marka - iskusstvo svoeobraznoe; Aniskin, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 18-21; Miniature graphics applied to stamp design, and some of the designers' works. Marka - iskusstvo svoeobraznoe; Aniskin, E.D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 16-20; The former chief artist of the DIEhZPD talks about his stamp designs and the creativity of his colleagues. Marka v 8 kop. s izobrazheniem rabochago; Arkhangel'skii, 1931; 9-10; The 3 printings. Marka No. 1672: 50- 51 ;
dva vypuska,
tri tipa; Teplov,
Evgenii; Rossica; 5; Feb.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Marka No. 2135: tri tipa; Teplov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; types of the V.F. Rudnev - Varyag stamps of 1958.
Markam RSFSR 1921 goda polveka; Mazur, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1921 stamps, their artists and numbers printed.
1991; 47-49; Three
10; Oct.
1971; 3-4; The
Marki russkoi Ameriki; Frolova, G.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 78< front cover; An interview with the designer of the 'Russian America' series. Marki s dobavochnoi perforatsiei; Skrylev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 27-28; The author describes various perforation varieties, including missing perfs, and argues that they should not be included in the catalogs, as it encourages fake perf. varieties. Marki Narkompochtelya. God 1918-i.; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 47; Two extracts from the archives are reproduced. One concerns the Chainbreaker issue, the other an unissued 25kop. stamp. Marki RSFSR, posvyashchennye Velikomu Oktryabryu; Kaminskii, B.; SK;
1977; 3-8;
Marki-gravyury s portretom V.I. Lenina; Adler, Kurt/Cronin, Andrew; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 40-43; Nesterova, E.; Translation from the Rossica article. Marki, sozvuchnye vremeni: Mangel 'din, 0.1.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; 1-5 8< inside front cover; Postage stamps issued to commemorate the October Revolution, from 1918 to the present. Master vdumchivyi i strogii; Strizhak, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 20-22; N.A. Cherkasov, Soviet stamp designer, and some of his creations. Mastera gravyury; Pomanskii, S.; Filateliya SSSR; some Soviet stamp engravers.
12; Dec.
1969; 26-27;
Engraving and
Mekhanizatsiya i korova - ne vyazhetsya; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 16; Extracts from the minutes of the Editorial-Art Council of the Main Postal Administration - a discussion of the 4k, 6k and 10k stamps of the 1960 'USSR Agriculture' set. Mestnaya perforatsiya; Aizen. M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 8; Local perforations from Serebryakovo and Saratov, 1923 and 1931, on First and Third Standard Issue stamps. Mgnoveniya pobednogo salyuta; Aleksandrov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. back cover; An interview with N.A. Cherkasov, stamp designer. Mlniatyury A.I. Kalashnikova; Levushin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; A.I. Kalashnikov, Soviet stamp and stationery designer.
10: Oct.
Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 32; Mar. illustration cages;
1985; 20-21 &
1963; 21-22 8< 2
Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties (III); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1 illustration page; Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties (IV); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 37; Oct. illustration pages; Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties (V); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 38; Mar. illustration pages; Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties (VI); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
1964; 26-27 & 1965; 27-28 &.2
1966; 33-34 & 2 1967; 26;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps Modern Soviet Philately; Notes and Varieties: Waugh,
A.S.; BJRP; 34;
1964; 25;
Modern Soviet Stamps: Varieties Worth Looking For; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 26-27 & 1 illustration page; Modern Soviet Varieties; Waugh,
A.S.; BJRP; 42; Dec.
Modern Varieties; Carson, Michael; Rossica: 72; 1967; stamps, Scott #s 2439A, 2440-2441, and 2445.
1 0 .,
14-15; Lithographed Soviet
Molodost' i sport; Zagyanskaya, G.; Fiiateliya SSSR: 1; Jan. 1969; 19-20; The author comments on the 'arrangement' and production of several Soviet stamps with a sports theme. More on Types of Scott 603a: Minkus,
Robert F.; Rossica;
More About the Riddles of Russian Philately; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov. 1963; 16; A 1921 500R Scott #185 in dark green on buff, thought to be a proof. More Modern Soviet Perforation Varieties; Waugh, illustration page;
A.S.; BJRP: 34; Mar.
More Soviet Varieties; Kolot,
L.A./et al.; BJRP; 55; Nov.
More Soviet Varieties; Kolot,
L.A./Shmuely, Moshe; BJRP; 56: Nov.
More Varieties; Hellman, Kaj/et al.; BJRP; 49: Dec. with frame sp1 its. Moscow Views Issue; Adler, Kurt; Muzel
Rossica; 56;
1978; 44-45; 1979; 48-49;
1973; 20-21; A 1R 'small head'
1959; 83; VI.
Festival, Moscow,
i pechatnye proekty. Issledovaniya, poi ski po materialam muzeya Goznaka.; Vo10din, A.; Filate1 iva SSSR: 5; May 1969; 6-7; Essays and proofs in the Goznak Museum, and some of their history.
My govorlm: Lenin; Ry1 'kava, L.; Fi 1atellya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 8-9; ,he 'Leniniana-90' exposition in Moscow. Several unissued essays of stamps and postcards with a Lenin theme are illustrated. Na marke - zenitchik Ivan Skvortsov!; Sachkov, I.; SK; 6; 1588; 79-60; Origin of the design for the 15kop. 'Anti-Aircraft Gunner' in the Komsomol 25th anniversary issue. Nakhodki i zagadki; Grigor'ev, Soviet stamp varieties.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
1: Ja:'"1.
1991; 49-50: New finds of
Nam soobshchayut; (n.a.); Filatel iva; 4; Apr. ~992; 44, 49; Various discoveries of new Soviet stamp varieties and a cacheted envelope error. Nam soobshchayut; Andreev, R./et al.; corrections of errors on stamps.
1992; 45;
New finds and
Nam soobshchayut; Bukler, L./et al.; Fi1ate1iya; 11; Nov. 1991; 50-51; 'Filateliya' ~eaders share their finds of varieties on various stamps. Includes a description and illustration of two types of a Kosmodro~ Baikonur cancel and registration mark. Nam soobshchayut; Seleznev, G./et a1.; Filate1 iva; collectors on varieties they've found.
1991; 49;
Notes from
Nam soobshchayut; Vins, V.P./et al.; Fi1atel iva; 7; July 1991; 46-47: Updates and additions to various articles in preceding journals on varieties Of Soviet stamps. Nam soobshchayut nakhodkl: (n.a.); Filatel,ya; stamp varleties are reported by readers.
1992; 49;
New finds of Soviet
Nasha konsu1 'tatsiya; Peislkov, L.S.; Fl1ateliya SSSR; 6; June 1978; 53-54; Detailed information on the Lenin Mcurnlng issue of 1924, to include paper varities and the rea frame shifts. Information on th~ printing process and resultant varieties of the 1965 10 kop. Lenin bas-re1 ief stamp is also given. Nasha marka; Sharov, L.M.: Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 13-14; The Chief of tne DIEhZPO answers questions about the production of SOViet stamps. Ne kategorichno 1i?; Akunov, G.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. continues over what constitutes a true variety.
13; The controversy
Ne Ussuriiskii, a Amurskii ... ; Bogdasarov, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct, 1986; Soviet stamp showing an Amur tiger, but identified as an Ussuri tiger. Nekata10gizirovannaya marka VIII standarta.
11: A
Ehkskursiya v istoriyu i popravki.;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps Skrylev, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1981; 50-51;
Nekotorye novye dannye k issledovaniyu revolyutsionnykh marok; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1970; 13; More official documentation proving that the 35k and 70k Chainbreaker stamps were the first Soviet stamps. Nekotorye osobennosti marok No. 1986; 34;
2603-2606; Simanovski;, A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Neofitsial'naya perforatsiya; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 47; Unofficial perforations on the 1917-issue imperforate Arms stamps. A general overview and a call for further study. Neozhidannyi suvenir; Shpolyanskii, V.; SK; 4; 1966; 42-43; Origin of the design for the 1956 stamp showing a truck and combine in a cornfield. Nesostoyavshiisya vypusk; Maiorov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; III-IV; Unissued essays of 1928. intended for the 100th anniversary of L.N. Tolstoi's birth. Nestoyavshiisya vypusk; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 27; An unissued series intended to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the RKKA. News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 51; May 1975; 25; A 'deformed K' variety of S.G. #547, from L.A. Kolot. No. 2239; Polonskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1968; 46; The first Soviet stamp to be copied from a znachok, the latter issued to delegates of the 10th International Astronomical Congress. Nochmals ueber die Inofizielle Postmeistertrennung; (n.a.); Pochta; 42; Mar. 1987; 45-46; Aerni, Pierre; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #3, 1986. Unofficial perforations. Not So. Tovarisch!; Notes;
Irvine. David E.G.; BJRP; 60; Dct.
1983; 54-57;
Fomin, E.; Rossica; 67; 1964; 44; Comments on Vladinetz's article in #60 about the USSR stamp commemorating the first world soccer championship.
Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 22; Aug. a S.G. #558J color 'changel ing'. Notes on the Kerensky Issue; and Ksidias.
(n.a.); RAP; 4; Dec.
1957; 686-687;
Includes comments on
1942; 3; Short article about Zarins
Notes on Some 'Essays, Errors and Specimens' of Stamps of Russia; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 46; In the Far Eastern Supplement. English translation of 'Dshibki i probnyya marki Rossii'. Novaya stranitsa; Shtrom, YU.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 9-13; Where possible. the author identifies the artists behind the postage and revenue stamps and paper money, and calls upon the editors of SK to find out who the designers were. Novoe
0 lyuminestsentsii; Safaryan, B.; Filateliya SSSR; data on luminescent Soviet stamp paper.
11; Nov.
1985; 36-37; More
Novosti. SSSR.; R.. B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 17-18; News of various new issues, including the Lenin mourning stamps, the postage due overprints, Bukhara locals and Transcaucasus surcharges. Novye bUkharskie marki; Sudakevich. A.; Sovetski i filatel ist; 2; Feb. 1924; 8; Lo:::al 'horse-post' stamps issued by the Bukhara State Printing Office, for use only in Bukhara. Novye pochtovye marki. (V poryadke diskussii.); Klinkerman, B.; Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. 1924; 6-8; The author attacks the poor printing of the gold-standard stamp issue and suggests that it either be improved or a contest held for new designs. Novye pochtovye marki, konverty i otkrytki; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. Short article on issues in honor of the XXII Congress of the CPSS. Novyi katalog, kakim emu byt'?; Bogdanov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. The controversy continues over what constitutes a true variety.
1961; 12-13;
Nuzhna obshchaya klassifikatsiya; Teplov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 50-51; Two types of the 1951-issue '5th Anniversary of M.I. Kal inin's Death'. Nyekotorye varianty Rossi i; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 10-12; The 1889 issue, 20kop. and 50kop. imperforate stamps of 1915-1917, and Soviet issues of 1921 and 1927-1928. Nyekotorye varianty Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 24; Nov.
1936; 237-239;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps Perforation varieties of the 15kop.
'Dirigible Construction' stamp.
markakh odinnadtsatogo standartnogo vypuska; Kapinos, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 54-55; More information on fluorescent properties of 11th Standard Issue stamps.
markakh No. 104 iNc. 112; Lunnov, M.; Filatel iya SSSR: 10; Oct. 1579; 45; The author enumerates dlfferences between tne typographic and lithographic varieties of these stamps.
markakh 1381 i 1381-1; Tranov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1983; 49; The author provides an easy means of identifying tne difference between the April 1949 issue and the 1954 issue 25k.
nekotorykh povtornykh vypuskakh kommemorativnykh pochtovykh marok SSSR poslevoennogo perioda; Semenov. Aleksandr/Khromov. Dmitrii; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1: 1991; 26-38; Detailed study of differences between Soviet 'repeat' issues.
pervom vypuske sovetskikh pochtovykh marok 1918 goda; Nuromskii, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1972; VII; The 'newly-discovered' Chainbreaker stamps perceived as Soviet issues - a prlce list issued in Arkhangel'sk in 1922 had it right.
pochtovom obrashchenii raznovidnostei marok glubokoi pechati po rastram; Petrov. N.; SK; 16; 1978; 44-48;
D raznovidnostyakh i kazuistike; Yudin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 17; A continuation of the debate over what constitutes a true variety and what is merely printer's waste. D raznovidnostyakh podl innykh i mnimykh; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 34-36; More Soviet stamp varieties, discovered by readers of 'Filateliya SSSR'.
raLnovidnostyakh 40-kopeechnykh marok vos'mogo standarta; Brodskii, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 57-58; How to tell the 40-kop. standard issues of 1948, 1950, 1954 and 1957.
redkikh i redchaishikh; Kristi, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; V-VI; The 18k small-head stamp, imperforate, the Moscow-to-Brazil Graf Zeppelin flight covers, and the inverted overprint of the Moscow-San Francisco flight stamp on cover.
redkikh i redchaishikh; Kristi, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; V-VI; Rare varieties of the 1931 'Dirigible-construction' 50k stamp. and the 1932 All-Union Philatelic Exhibition sheet.
o redkikh i redchaishikh sovetskikh markakh; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; V-VI: The 35k Chalnbreaker variety, 20R surcharge on 15k Arms, and the 70R small-head error in 100R stamp sheets.
redkikh i redchaishkikh; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; V-VII; Consular airmails. one of them the error '24 germ. marok', an imperforate sheet of ttle 100R small-head sheet with 70R error. and other rarities in the collection of K. Vasil'ev.
tradits'ii i suti; Pimenov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; designer talks about his work.
14-15; A Soviet stamp
Ob odnoi raznovidnosti standarta; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 39; A variety of the 1966 4k definitive with two dots after 'kop' rather than one. Ob osobennostyakh dvukh vypuskov sovetskikh pochtovykh marok serii 'Avlatsionnyi sport v SSSR'; Teplov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 12: Dec. 1988; 42-43; Differences between two issues of the 'Aviation Sport in the USSR' set are provided in tables. Dbratite vnimanie; Shishkcv. \/.; Filate1iya SSSR: 11-12: Nov.-Dec. 1968: 13; Two varieties of the 1966 Trllrd International Tchaikowsky Competition stamp, and its plating. Dbraz i oblik: Storozhakova. L.; Filatellya SSSR; 11; Noy. faced by a stamp designer in 'capturing the subject'. Bednyi and Esenin are discussed as examples.
1970; 8-10; The problems Ostt'oyski i, Serafimovich.
Ochen' mrachnaya po tsvetu ... ; Khelemskii, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Noy. 1990; 21; Extracts from the minutes of the Editorial-Art Council of the Main Postal Administration, 23 JUly 1959, concerning the 'XXII Congress of the CPSU' set. Olimpiiskie syuzhety: ehstafeta prodolzhaetsya; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; 7-8; An dialog between postal-issue designer E. Aniskin and a Moscow Institute of Culture official. Opredelenie sorta bumagi
i polozheniya vodyanogo znaka nekotorykh vypuskov pochtovykh
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
marok RSFSR i SSSR; Semenov, A./Khromov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 45-46; The authors present a simple method of visually ascertaining what kind of paper several early Soviet s.amps were printed on, and how the watermark is situated. Originaly khudozhnikov - v loteree; Degtyarev, A.A.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 43; A lottery where the winners receive stamp designer's 'repetitions' of the original stamps. Oshibki i probnyya marki Rossii; Eastern Supplement.
Rossica; 42; Apr.
Osnovnye priznaki; Okulich-Kazarin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; on SFA #3665 and its several issues.
1941; 44-45;
In the Far
1974; VII-VIII; Data
Osnovnye raznovidnosti marok odnoi serii; Bauman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; V; Varieties in the 'medals' series of 1952-53 and 1960.
11; Nov.
Osobennosti v markakh AVio-konferentsii; Nepomnin, E.; Sovetskii filatelist; Apr. 1928; 19; Some plate flaws of the 1927 Airmail Conference stamps.
4 (80);
Ot imeni revolyutsii; Lengiel', T.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 6-8; 1.0. Shadr, the sculptor on whose works the early 'heads' stamps were based. Ot zamysla k originalu; Levushin, V.; Pimenov, Soviet stamp designer.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
16-19; V.V.
Otl ichitel'nye priznaki nekotorykh standartnykh marok; Vovin, Va.; SK; 2; 1964; 21-24; How to tell varieties apart in the 6th and 8th standard definitive issues - 15kop. soldier, 25kop. and 30kop. aviator, and 40kop. coat-of-arms. Otyskat' novye cherty ... ; Aleksandrov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1985; 5-7; An interview with M.V. LUk'yanov, stamp designer. Paper Varieties (Scott Nos. varieties.
1; Sep.
1942; 4; Thick paper
Perechen' mozhno prodolzhit'; Aloits, V./Kokoul in, I.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 48-49; More information on pre-war Soviet stamps with missing perforations. Pered dal'nei dorogoi; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; the 1966 'Cosmonauts Day' stamps were designed.
10; Oct.
1967; 44-45; How
Perforations on Russian Stamps, 1858-1955; de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 86-87; 1975; 16-42; Exhaustive listing of perforation measurements and types. Pervaya pushkinskaya; Gdalin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 22-23; The All-Union Pushkin Committee in 1935, tasked with approving a design for the 1937 Pushkin stamp. Pervaya sovetskaya marka; Mutovkin, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr.
Two pages.
Pervaya stranitsa 'Pochty SSSR'; Maiorov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; VII-VIII, 33; The stamps of the First Agricultural and Crafts Exhibit, 1923. and their history. Pervye marki RSFSR. 20 raznovidnostei ... i ehto eshche ne konets.; Radtsig, E.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 48-50; Numerous varieties of the Chainbreaker stamps are illustrated and described. Pervye marki SSSR; Babintsev, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923 All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition stamps. Pervye standartnye definitives.
SSSR; Blekhman,
Pervyi standartnYl vypusk 1923-1927; Skrylev, 10- 12 ;
SK; A.;
Pervyi standartnyi vypusk 1923-1927; Skrylev, A.; Continued from ~4.
18; The
1977; 9-40; The first USSR
Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filate] iya SSSR; 5; May 1967; 8-10;
Pervyi variant; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 44-45; The first essay of the Nov. 1929 28 kop. stamp in the 'For USSR Industrialization' series. revolyutsionnym - polveka; Mazur, P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3-5; Plating and varieties of the Chainbreaker stamps.
Plate Flaw Scott #616; Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 46-47;
11-12; Nov.-Dec.
1955; 5;
Po ehtyudam, sdelannym v Arktike; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1971; 6; Soviet artist I. RUban, Drifting Stations SP-4 & SP-5, and the stamps that
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
resulted. Po pros'be chitatelei; (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR; 2: Feb. 1973; 33; Illustrated comparison of the Dec. 1970 30k stamp, #4073, with inscription lower, on a pair. Po risunkam khudozhnika N.N. Zhukova; Nikol 'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 23-25; Stamps and stationery designed by N.N. Zhukov on the theme of Lenin. Pobeditel i konkursa; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 13; Winners of "the 1974 'Best Stamp' contest. Pictures and brief descriptions of seven Soviet stamp designers. Pochemu Molla-Nasreddin povernul golovu?; Veretilo. M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27; The author notices a difference between the real stamp and a Soviet catalog representatlon of #3365. Pochtovye marki pervogo standartnogo vypuska SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1978; 52-53; A table showing the printing methods and watermarks of the First Standard Issue stamps. Pochtovye marki pervogo standartnogo vypuska SSSR; 1978; 48-49; Continued from #4.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May
Pochtovye marki RSFSR chetvertogo i pyatogo standartnykh vypuskov; Kaminskii, B.; SK; 20; 1982; 3-12; Pochtovye marki RSFSR i SSSR 1918-1980 gg. s propuskami perforatsii; Dimanshtein, Ya.; SK; 28; 1991; 29-44; Extensive listing of Soviet stamps from 1918 to 1980 with missing perforations - 'fantails'. Pochtovye marki RSFSR 1917-1921; Karlinskii, V.;
SK; 4'
Pochtovye marki RSFSR 1917-1921; Karlinskii, V.; #4.
SK; 5'
19-32; Continued from
Pochtovye marki SSSR s annuliruyushchei perforatsiei; Kabanov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; 34-36; Stamps annulled by perforation With the word 'DBRAZETs'. Includes a list of stamps so treated. Pochtovye marki SSSR s propuskami perforatsii (1942-1945 gg.); Davidyan, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Aer. 1983; 52-54; Continued from #7, 1982. Pod parusarni filatelii; Kornyukhin, A.E.; 1975; Izd-vo Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound book. Written for young philatelists, it covers a variety of themes, with emphasis on Soviet stpmp production. Podlinnik ... Fal'sifikat? (Ili Na chem pechatayut marki.); Vladinets, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 50-51; The article contains some information on the paper used to make Soviet stamps, and how to use that knowledge to detect fakes. Pol igraficheski i I i brak?; Arzumanov, G: ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. controversy continues over what constitutes a true variety. Poslednil vypusk marok serii 1990; 48-49;
'Ordena SSSR'; Teplov,
Filateliya SSSR;
12; The 1; cian.
Posleslovie k planu; Sladkov, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1982; 40-42; An interview with the chief of DIEhZPO, the organization within the Ministry of Commur.ications which produces postal issues. Povtornye izdaniya 16-marochnoi serii 'Uchenye nashel Rodiny'; Osmantsev. A.; Filateliva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1990; 51; Different sizes in the three printings of the 'Scientists' series of 1951. Povtornye vypuski; Aleksandr~v, v.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. how to tel 1 them apart fro~ the first lssues.
1968; 31; Re-issues and
Povtornye vYPusk', marok SSSR; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1968; 37-38; The 19 Sep. 1951 DOSAAF issue and how to tell the re-engraved second issue from the ~irst. Povtornye vypuski. YUbileinyi vypusk v oznamenovanie 800-letiya Moskvy 1147-1947.; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1968; 33-34; How to tell the 1947 Moscow Scenes first issue from the second. Povtornyi vypusk serii '30-letie VLKSM'; Semenov, A./Khromov, D.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 45-47; How to distinguish between the first and second printings of the '30th Anniversary of the Komsomol' series. Prezhde vsego - tochnost'; Gonchar, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27; The author corrects G. Zaglyanskaya's article in #9-1968 on the standard .issues, in Which she assigned a stamp to the 12th Standard Issue.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Pridumannye redkosti; Mazur, P./et al.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1975; 27-28; Mazur and others debate the merits of A. Skrylev's article in #1, concerning the place of proofs, essays and imperfs in the catalogs: should they be considered as varieties or not? Pridumannye redkosti; Skrylev, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 39-40; The author disagrees with Kristi's conclusions in #1 about the 'rarity' of imperforate Soviet stamps, beginning with the 35k 'Chainbreaker'. He argues that they are essentially unofficial issues, proofs that escaped. Printing Varieties of Soviet Stamps; Medwid, Andrew; Rossica; 93;
1978; 41-44;
Printing Varieties of Soviet Stamps; Medwid, Andrew; Rossica; 94-95; Numerous illustrations. Priznanie; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 5: May 1968; Soviet stamp designer V.V. Zav'yalov. Probnaya marka; (n.a.); 1927 Lenin stamp.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
16-17; An interview With
1970; 9; An unapproved essay of a
Probudit' chuvstva; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1983; 10-13 & back cover; About A.I. Kalashnikov, Soviet stamp and stationery designer. Prodolzhaem issledovat' VIII standart; Pevzner, A.; Filatel iva; 7; JUly 1992; 48-51; Detailed illustrations and text to help in determining the types in the Eighth Standard issue. Prodolzhaya perechen'; Andreev, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. stamp varieties not listed in the Soviet catalog.
1990; 46-47, 50; Several
Prodolzhaya perechen'; Shcherbakov, S.Sh./et al.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 49; News from various individuals about varieties they've found. Prodolzhaya poisk; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 7; July 1986; 34-35; Readers respond to 'D raznovidnostyakh podlinnykh i mnimykh' in 'Filateliya SSSR' #11, 1985, With new overprint and printing varieties. Proekty pervykh marok s gerbom SSSR; Ushakova, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 52-53; Includes color photos of the first Soviet coat-of-arms essays. Proizvodstvo sovetskikh pochtovykh marok; Naigovzin, A.; 1974; 32-33;
Filateliya SSSR; 6' June
Prolog sportivnoi temy; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. behind the 1933 Spartakiad stamps and their essays.
1976; 25-26; The story
Pushkin's Bow Tie; Karlinskii, V.A.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 38-39; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #1, 1966. Establishes the identity of the artist - Wright who did Pushkin's portrait on the 1937 issue. Pust' rasskazhet shtikhel' ... ; Kornyukhin, A.; A.I. Kalashnikov, Soviet stamp engraver.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec.
ROder RRR; (n.a.); Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 41; A 3k 1905 semipostal fantai 1 and a color error on the 1938 '20th Anniversary of the RKKA' 1R. R.S.F.S.R. - Unlisted Varieties of the May 1923 Issue; Chastang, Tom; Rossica; Apr. 1992; 35;
Ramochnaya il i grebenchataya?; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 52-53; Discussion about which perforatlon type was appl ied to stamps of the Second Standard Issue. Raritet lzdaniya 1955 goda; Berngard, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 20; The 1955 '10th Anniversary of the Treaty of Friendshlp, Mutual Aid and Postwar Cooperation between the USSR and the Polish People's Republic' miniature sheet. Raspolozhenie vodyanogo znaka 'kover' na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Aloits. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977: 44-47; Horizontal and vertical 'carpet' watermark varieties on Soviet stamps. Includes a table of known stamps with this watermark. Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1955: Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Original softbound book. Includes information on early Soviet stamp designers, and many themes. Rasskazy 0 markakh; Grinberg, I.; 1973; Izd-vo 'Kazakhstan'. Alma-Ata; Original softbound book. Covers a wide range of stamps, from imperlal times to later Soviet issues. Rasskazyvaet kollektsiya; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.:
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
10-11; I.D. Shadr's sculpture of the 'Proletariat Grasping the Cobblestone' and other sculptures, which have been used as the themes of many stamp designs. Rastry na markakh glubokoi pechati; Panteleev, Eh./Lesll, K.: Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972: VII-VIII, 33; Includes a list of issues from 1929 to 1957, arranged by three types of rasters. Rastry na markakh glubokoi pechati (Dopolnenie k spisku, opublikovannomu v NO.2 zhurnala 'Filateliya SSSR' za 1972 gOd); Panteleev, Eh./Lesli, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972: 4',; More raster entrles to the list in #2, 1972. Raznovidnost' marki No. 143; Basov. 0.; Filatellya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982: 49; Discovery of a constant variety in position #28 of the 3R in the First Standard Issue. Raznovidnost' pervoi sovetskoi marki; Rodionov. 8.; A variety of the 1918 Chainbreaker stamps.
Filateliya SSSR;
1971: 9'
Raznovidnost'? Net, samostoyatel'nyi vypusk!; Petrov, N.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1970; 10; The author argues that SFA #2558A is not a variety of 2558, but an issue in its own right. Raznovidnostei men'she, chern ukazano v kataloge; Bakalinskii, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1976; 26-27; The author argues that there aren't five perforation varieties of the 1963 4k Mayakovskii stamp, but 4, and that the perf. 11 doesn't exist. Raznovidnosti 'Pionerskoi serii' 1936 goda; Ivashechkin, Nov. 1970: 16; Varieties of the 1936 Pioneer set. Raznovidnosti blokov i marok SSSR; Aloits, V.; Varieties of stamps and overprints.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
1986; 34-35;
Raznovidnosti i 'raznovidnosti'; 8oldovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 40; Varieties of the '50th Anniversary of the MNR' stamp and the I.P. Kotlyarevskii stamp. Raznovidnosti marok pionersleta; (n.a.); SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; Perforation varieties of the Pioneer Meeting stamps.
Raznovidnosti nadpechatki; Boshnyakov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 40; Differences in the overprint of the 1966 staffip issued in honor of the founding conference of the VOF. Raznovidnosti odnogo bloka; Olyunin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; V & 46; varieties of the souvenir-sheet block of 4 celebrating the 1 iberation of Leningrad on 27 January 1944.
Raznovidnosti pochtovoi marki 'Turkmenskie kovrovshchitsy'; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; VI; A variety of the 1957 'Turkmen carpet weavers' stamp. Raznovidnosti tirazha; Skr路ylev. A.; Fllateliya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 13-15; Various types of the 1966 International Tchaikowsky Competition issue. Raznovidnosti: izvestnoe i novoe; Kasanovskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 34-36: Numerous Soviet stamps with constant varieties are described. Raznye po rastru; Pyasetski i, G.; Fi l?tel iva SSSR; 2; raster varieties on Sovie, stamps. Re-Issue of Scott's No. 616; Arkhangel'skii, description. Recent Discoveries; errors listed.
Recent Discoveries;
18; Apr.
JUly-Sep. 1944;
1945: 7;
1971; 8-9; A bl'ief 1 ist of 46-47;
1955; 64; Short
12; Numerous Soviet perforation
Imperforate var路ieties.
Recent 01scoveries; (n.a.); RAP; 21; Oct.-Dec. 1944; 13; Varieties of the Tehran Conference issue, Ivan Fedorov stamps, Toisto i and Kustavelli 1ssues. Recent Discoveries; (n.a.); RAP; perforation errors, etc.
Recent Discoveries;
3; Nov.
1945; 7; Numerous imperforates,
1942; 5; Pushkin-lssue varieties.
Recent Discovery; (n.a.); RAP; 10; June 1943; 5; The 1938 20th Anniversary of the Red Army set, 1R value on medium thin hard paper. Reglamentatsii ne poddaetsya; Mil'kin, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. controversy continues over what constltutes a true variety.
10-11; The
RegUlar Postage Stamp Issues of USSR - Corrections and Clarifications; Adler, Kurt;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps Rossica; 55;
1958; 37;
Republics to Choose Future Soviet Stamps; (n.a.); Linn's Stamp News; Twelve republics to get 4-5 stamps per year.
17 June 1991; 7;
Retouching History; Minkus. Robert F.: Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 83; Differences in the Serov paintings used as the models for a 1954 and a 1987 stamp. Rezkii perelom v ehmissionnoi politike; (n.a.); Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 7-9; An explanation of how the Soviet Union intended to issue its postal stamps and stationery in light of the political changes. Rozhdenie temy; Aleksandrov, M.; Soviet stamp designer.
Filateliya SSSR; 3' Mar.
Rukode1 'nitsy; Kornyukhin, A.; Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. with two of the stamp engravers at Goznak.
12-13; E.D. Aniskin,
1970; 20-21; An interview
Russia - The Volga Famine Issue; Sk1arevski. Rimma; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 57-59; the Far Eastern Supplement. Russia -
1979; Cherrystone; Sep.
1979; Original catalog, no prices rea1izec.
Russia and Russian Territories - The 'Po10n' Collection; Siegel, Robert A.; Nov. 20-22. 1975; Two original catalogs. one with prices realized. Russian Perforations; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider;
12; May 1983; 23-24;
Russian Reissues. Revalued Stamps and Provisiona1s 1918-1923; Krynine, 22; Jan.-Mar. 1945; 1-6;
Paul D.; RAP;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisiona1s 1918-1923; Krynine, 23; Apr.-June 1945; 1-5; Continued from #22.
Paul D.; RAP;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisiona1s 1918-1923; Krynine, 24; Ju1y-Sep. 1945; 6-10; Continued from #23.
Paul D.; RAP;
Russkaya grafika i fi1ateliya; Durnov. M.A.; Sovetskii fi1ate1ist; 2; Feb. 1924; 19-20; A review of A.A. Sidorov's 'Russkaya grafika za gody revo1yutsii (1917-1922)', 1923. Sidorov's comments on Russian graphic art encompasses the early Soviet stamps. RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii. B.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 24-27; The story behind the 'Aid to the Starving' issue.
1; Jan.
RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii. B.; Filate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 16-18; Continued from #1.
RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii. B.; Filate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 24-28; Continued from #2. S pometkoi 'KS'; Vaganov, R.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 42; A 20R stamp (#4Aa) With a clear cancellation of 9 Aug. 1921. one day before the issue date given by the catalogs. Samaya pamyatnaya marka; Ga1agano~, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. Dubasov. designer of the 1924 Lenin mourning stamp.
1968; 23;
Scarce Soviet Perforations From 1946 to 1961; (n.a.); Rossica; 68; by year. stamp and 5 different catalog numbers.
1965; 39-41; Lists
Shestoi standartnyi vypusk marok SSSR; Peisikov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 23-27; Printing and perforation information on the Sixth Standard Issue stamps of 1939-1961. Sixth All World Festival of Youth and Students; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 79-80;
Skreshchennye kop'ya i kisti. Reportazh s Khudozhestvennogo soveta Direktsii po izdaniyu i ehkspedirovaniyu znakov pOChtovoi oplaty.; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 31-32; The Art Council discusses various stamps. Sluchainost' i1 i zakonomernost'?; Grinberg. M.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 40; Short item with photo showing a dot between the 5 and the 0 of '250' on RSFSR stamp #10, the 250R. Snova
0 marke No. 3665; Fedotov, N.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1980; 47-49; The author describes nine varieties of the 1968 'Order of the October Revolution' stamp with tab.
Some Confusions on Printing Methods Explored; McKenzie, Alan; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 22-26;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Some Notes on the Soviet Post-War Definitives; Drummond, n.H.; BJRP; 29;
1961; 49-51;
Some Reflections on the Period 1916-1920: Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 80; 1917-20 Arms issue 'errors' and the 14c/14k imperforate.
1971; 32-35;
Some Soviet Varieties; (n.a.); Rossica; 74; 19E8; 59-60; Plate flaws, on the 1922 5R value and two 1958 commemoratives. Some Soviet Varieties; Barry, John; BJRP; 5; Jan. Some Soviet Varieties in Recent Years; Norwood,
spelling errors
1951; 86;
Hilary; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 37;
Sovetskaya marka - segodnya , zavtra. Luchshie pochtovye marki SSSR 1971 goda.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 19'72; 4-7; Tne best stamps of 1971, with comments by the jury on those and some of the worst. Sovetskaya marka segodnya i zavtra; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 3-4; An interview with the Chief of the DIEhZPO, Lev Mikhailovich Sharov, concerning Soviet stamps, their place in propaganda, and plans for the upcoming year. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 41-42; A listing of stamps from Dec. 1932 to Apr. 1936, containing a brief history of each series, recorded va~ieties and notices of forgeries. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968; 37-40; Issues from Jan. 1918 to Aug. 1921. Lists stamps, some fakes and forgeries, and problems remaining to be solved. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 8; Aug. 1968; 38-40;
Kratkii spravochnik.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochn~k.; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; NOV.-Dec. 1968; 64-67; Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karlinskii, V.; Filatel,ya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1968; 34-36; Issues from Nov. 1921 to Feb. 1922. Includes varieties, problems to be solved and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 191'7-1941. Kratkii spravochnik.; Karlinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1968; 31-33; Issues from Apr. 1922 to Dec. 1923. Varieties, problems to be solved and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratki i spravochnik.; Karl inski i, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 29-30; Issues from Dec. 1922 to May 1923. Includes varieties, advice and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratki j spravochnik.; Karl inski i, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1968; 18-19,30; Issues from Aug. 1923 to Mar. Varieties, problems to be solved and forgery warnings.
Sovetskie pochtovye marki 1917-1941. Kratki i spravochnik.; Karl inski i, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1968; 33-34; Issues from Sep. 1925 to June 1927. Var-ieties, forgeries and problems to be solved are given for these issues. Sovetskie pochtovye marki. Kratkii spravochnik.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 44-46; Issues from Feb. 1924 to May 1928. InclUdes varieties, problems remaining to be solved and forgery warnings. Sovetskie pochtovye marki. Kratkii spravochnik.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 196B; 44-45; Soviet issues from Aug. 1930 to Nov. 1932. InclUdes varieties, problems still to be solved for some of the issues, and notice of fakes and forgeries. Sovetskoi marke 40 let; Sergeichuk, K.; Sovetskaya kul'tura; 15 Aug. 1961; Many names of artists 2nd engravers who worked on the first SOViet stamps. Sovlet Annulleo Stamps; Waugh, A.S ; 8JRP; 35; Oct. applied ac~oss the middle. Soviet Color' Trial Proofs 1932-1934; Adler, Kur-t;
1964; 27; Horizontal perforations
Rossica; 68;
SOViet Perforation Variety; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 31; Oct. Soviet Pre-War Definitives:
Varieties; Kolot,
1962; 22; The 1961
L.A.; BJRP; 54; Dec.
Soviet Pre-War 3 Ruble Definitive; Gould, M.H.; BJRP; 54; Dec. WITH watermark. SOViet Screen Varieties. Additional 28-29 & 1 illustration page;
1965; 55-57; 1R stamp.
1977; 35;
1977; 34; S.G. #394
Information.; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 33; Oct.
Soviet Space Stamp Errors; Okolish, Anthony L.;
Rossica; 80;
1971; 26-27;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Soviet Varieties; Epstein, Norman: Rossica; - the Czech flag error.
115; Oct.
Soviet Varieties; Kolot, L.A.; BJRP; 59; Dec. issue and the 1948-57 three types.
Soviet Varieties of Issues 1957-58-59; Lloyd, Soviet Varieties 1948-1952; Kolot.
Includes the 1926 definitive
1975; 24; Corrections to his
Soviet Varieties; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP: 50; July 1974; Soviet Varieties; Shmuel", Moshe; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1990; 63; Scott #2067 and 2067a
1982; 52;
Soviet Varieties; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 52; Dec. article in #50.
18-21 & illustration page 15;
1981; 40;
John; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 52-55;
L.A.; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 46;
Soyuz nerushimyi; Sladkov, Leonid; Filatellya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 1-3 & inside front cover; The story behind the 1923 All-Russian Agricultural EXhibition set. Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow, 1957; Negus, James/Voaden, Denys J.; BJRP; 23; 1958; 746-747; Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow, 1957; Negus, James/Voaden, Denys J.; BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 807-810; Continued from #23. Specialized Russia and Territories - 1979; Harmer's of New York; Mar. 9, original catalogs, no prices realized.
1979; Two
Sposoby pechati; Vladinets, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 62-63; Brief explanations of the various kinds of stamp printing methods. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 35; How to tell the difference between the two varieties of #3026, issued in Apr. 1964 and 1965. Sputnik filatelista; Ozolin', Ya; 1964; Latviiskoe gosudarstvennoe izd-vo, Riga; Softbound original. Intended as a general handbook on Russian and Soviet philately, to include printing methods, what and how to collect, exhibiting, a brief history of philately in the USSR, etc. etc. Srazhat'sya tol'ko na sportivnykh polyakh; Aleksandrov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 14-16; An interview with YU.K. Levinovskii, Soviet postal issue designer.
& back
Srazhayushcheesya iskusstvo; Bogatyrev, N.; Fllateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 4-5 cover; Propaganda posters which became stamps during and after WWII.
Stamp Error; Archer, Terry; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 10; A 1966 6k 'Trawler on Lake Baikal' error, with the trawler partly missing. Standart 1961 goda. Vypiska iz protokola No. 12 zasedaniya redaktsionno-khudozhestvennogo soveta pri Ministerstve svyazi SSSR, 14 iyunya 1960 g.; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 11; Discussion on the 1961 definitives. Standartnye pochtovye marki RSFSR vypuska 1921 goda; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 46 - 48 ; Standartnye pochtovye marki RSFSR 1921 goda; Berngard, K.; 1981; 46-51;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Standartnye vypuski; Kornyukhin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 9-10; The First and Second Standard Issues. Includes information about the 'New World' essays. Standartnye vypuski nyne i prezhde; Zagyanskaya, G.: Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 10-11: The author compares Soviet definitives over the years.
Standartnye vypuski s portretom Il'icha; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 10-12; Definitive issues with Lenin's portrait from 1925 to 1939.
Strannyi format; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; July 1966; 22-23; Questions and discoveries about perforation types in the early Soviet series. Stsena v spal 'ne Dzhul 'etty; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; Excerpts from the minutes of the Main Postal Administration chief's Editorial-Art Council on the 1960 6k Romeo and Juliet stamp. Tayny starykh katalogov; Karlinskii, V.; Continued from #10. Tet-besh i ego raznovidnosti; Nikolaev,
Filateliya SSSR; L.;
11; Nov.
1967; 37-39;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 48-50;
Printing-Production. Soviet Stamps
Varieties of tete-beche Soviet stamps. The 'Carpet' Watermark on USSR Postage Stamps; (n.a.): BJRP; 55; Nov. Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #10, 1977. The 'O.L. Flaw' on the 10k. of 1924: Wortman. A.H.: 8JRP;
10; Nov.
1978; 44;
1952; 272;
The Airpost Congress Issue - Spots and Plate Varieties: Ackerman, G. Adolph; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 64-74: Numerous photog"aphs. The Architectural Projects Issue of 1937; Adler. Kurt; BJRP;
18; JUly 1955; 556-560;
The Barry Collection of Lenin Mourning Stamps; Ir~ann-Jacobsen, Hans; BJRP; 40; Mar. 1967; 9-13 & 4 illustration pages; Measurements, colors, order of printing. The Best of the Worst - The 1927 Issue Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the October Revolution; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 17-29; History and experimental designs of the issue. The Curious Case of the Missing Colours; Campbell. P.J.; Post Rider; 13; Nov. 72-74; Eighteen different stamps from 1951 to 1976 with missing colors. The Dobroliubov Mistake; Tamer. Harry; RAP; 5; Jan. The Girls at Goznak; Cronin. Andrew; Rossica; 75; technicians on margins of stamp sheets. The Kerenski Ten Ruble Imperf: 104-105; 1984; 125-126;
1943; 2; Scott #589.
1968; 39-50; The names of printing
A Reconsideration; Schneidman. J.
The Kerensky Issue; Shenitz, H./Savitski i. N.; RAP; The Kerensky Stamps; Peel. Eric; BJRP; 28;
The Lenin Mourning Issue; Sklarevski, Rimma;
2; Oct.
Lee; Rossica; 1-3;
13-19; 7; Mar.
The Lenin Mourning Stamps; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 40; Mar. The Lenin Rouble Value Stamps of the U.S.S.R. Feb. 1954; 409-410:
1967; 3-5;
(1925-1940); Chudoba. Joseph; BJRP;
The Lenin Ruble Stamps; Adler. Kurt/Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 79;
Stamps; de Stackelberg, Constantine;
The Problem of Compound Perforations; Kaverin, B./Peiskov. L.; Rossica; 93; 51-52: \lJolski. E.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #3,1976. The Pushkin Issue; Aronson, H.L.;
1970; 31-41:
The Moscow-Volga Canal Anniversary Issue of 1947; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 74; 57-59; Describes the differences between the two printings. The PerforatIons of Early Soviet Airmail Rossica; 72; 1967; 27-30;
1; Sep.
1942; 3-4;
The Regular Postage Stamp Issues of the USSR; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 52-53; 27-30;
The Regular Postage Stamp Issues of the USSR; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 54; 1958; 58-63; Continued from #52-53. Contains the tables for the 1923-1927 issues. The Regular Postage Stamps of the USSR; Adler. Kurt;
Rossica; 49-50;
The Small Current Stamps; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 66; 1964; 27-30; Catalogs the different printings of the definitives from 1939-1956. The Small
Stamps; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 68;
1965; 64;
The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson, h.L.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 12-16; Reprinted from 'The Russian American Philatelist' (Rt,P) #s 11-14. Excelle~t illustrations. The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson. H.L.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963; 9-13; Continued from #2. The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson. 12-13; Continued from #3.
H.L.; Russian Philatelist; 4; Nov.
The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson. H.L.; RAP; from 'The Stamp Specialist Brown BoOk'. 1943.
11; Sep.
1-4; Reprinted
The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson. H.L.; RAP; from # 11 .
12; Oct.
1943; 3-5; Continued
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
. 07/13/93
The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; from #12.
13; Nov.
1943; 3-5; Continued
The Small Head Types of 1923-27; Aronson, H.L.; RAP; from #13.
14; Dec.
1943; 2-4; Continued
The Small Head Types of 1923-27, Additional Varieties; 1944; 9; The Soviet Definitive Series of 1948-49; 21-24;
F. Julius; RAP;
17; Mar.
Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; BJRP; 34; Mar.
The Spartakiada Round-up; Cronin, Andrew/Taylor, Robert/Voaden, Denys; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 56-64; Numerous usages of these stamps on cover are illustrated. The Spassky Tower Definitives; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 39; Oct.
1966; 22-23;
The Story Behind the Podbelsky Commemorative; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; 1964; 31-32; The 1918 Chainbreaker issue 'discovered' as the first Soviet stamp, and the 1962 Podbelsky commemorative. The Technology of Producing Postage Stamps; Grigorieva, L.P./Novokshchenova, N.V.; Rossica; 75; 1968; 23-38; Bulak, C.P.; Translated from 'Centenary of the First Russian Postage Stamp', Moscow, 1958. The Third Standard Postage Issue of the U.S.S.R. - A Postal History View; Chastang, Thomas; (n.d.); An exhibit organized chronologically by date of rate change. The USSR's Eighth Standard Postage Stamp Issue; Aron in, 49-54; The Volga Famine Relief Stamps,
L.; Ross i ca;
117; Oct.
1921; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 56; Nov.
The 10 Kop. Definitive 1938; Barry, John; BJRP; typographed variety.
1979; 47-48;
18; JUly 1955; 562; Lithographed vs.
The 1921 Volga Famine Relief Stamp Issue; Verbitsky, N.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Mar. 1963; 13-15; The 1930 Graf Zeppelin Set and A5sociEted Material; Ackerman, G. Adolph/Cronin, AnOrew/Taylor, Robert; Post RiOer; 31; Dec. 1992; 13-34; The 1937 Issues Commemorating A.S. Pushkin; Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 94-101; Perforations, printing flaws and fakes of this issue. The 1961-1966 Soviet Definitives; Shalimoff, George; Rossica; 92; Listing, varieties.
1978; 9-16;
The 2nd International Polar Year Air-Express Issue of 1932; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 75; 1968; 93-96; Three Cl iche Types on Russia Scott #603a; Arvan, B.; Rossica; 104-105; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Fi latel iya SSSR' #10, 1983.
Tipy 3-rublevykh marok pervogo standartnogo vypuska; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 37-38; Two varieties of the 3R 'small heads' issue, and a discussion of the way the then current Soviet catalog treats it. Transfer Varieties of the 1950 Kalinin Set; Cronin,
Rossica; 67;
Tretii standartnyi vypusk pochtovykh marok SSSR; Skrylev, A.; Feb. 1970; 11-13; The Third Standard Issue.
1964; 45-47;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Tretii vypusk sovetskikh pochtovykh marok; Volodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1969; 10-11; Pr~ofs and stamps of the 1921 'third issue'. Tri
izdaniya standartnoi 12-kopeechnoi marki; KUbasov. A.; Fllatellya SSSR; 1969; 6-7; Three varieties of the 1961 12kop. definitive.
luchshie - 1968; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 8; Aug. stamps of 1968 and the men who created them.
1; Jan.
16-17; The three best
Tri tipa klishe bloka No. 551; Arvan, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 51; An English translation of this article appeared in 'Rossica' #104-105. Trud blagorodnyi, obogashchayushchii; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970; 38-40; An interview with the designers of the 10 Lenin mini-sheets issued in 1970. Two Unissued Soviet Sets of 1933; AOler, Kurt; Rossica; 68; commemorate the 15th anniversary of the RKKA.
1965; 54-55; Intended to
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
U.S.S.R. The 30 Kop. Aviator Stamp - 1939.; Arkhangel'skii, Evgenii; BJRP; 14-15; May 1954; 456-457; Sal isbury, G.B.; Translated from 'Rossica Bulletin' #5. U.S.S.R. Centenary Issues; Barry, John; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 37-38; U.S.S.R. Notes; defects.
Raindle, H.C.; BJRP;
10; Nov.
1952; 314; War issue variations,
Udacha khudozhnika; Bukharov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; designer A. Kalashnikov is featured. Udachnyi debyut; Levushin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; with N. Litvinov, Soviet stamp designer.
12; Dec.
14-15; Stamp
12-13; An interview
UdSSR-Marke 'Riga Panorama' von 1958 in zwei Tyoen; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 55; Nov. 1973; 11-12; The information is extracted from 'Filateliya SSSR' . Ugolok dlya marok Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 10: Oct. 1932; 152-153; Corrects some information given by 'K.S.' in the first article under this title. Uslovnost' ili illyuzornost'?; Val'dman, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 14-15; Val'dman as art critic on the merits of several stamps issued in 1963 to 1966. Utki na zemle, v nebesakh ina more; Frolova. G.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 16-18; Ducks on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes an interview with the designer of the duck series, I.N. Kozlov. Utverzhdeno v 20 chasov 00 minut!; Alekseev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; The rush job in producing the 1924 Lenin mourning stamp.
JUly 1972; 8;
USSR - New Printings of the Standard Series of 1939-49. 10, 20, 30 and 40 k. Values ",ith Smaller Design.; Ar'khangel'skii, Evgenii; Rossica; 48; 1956; 11-12; USSR - 15 Kop. Soldier Type of 1939; Arkhangel 'ski i,
E.; Rossica; 44;
USSR Varieties of 40k. With Arms; Gagarin, R.G.; Rossica; 48; differentiate between typography and offset.
1954; 27-28;
11; How to
V budushchem - nikakikh raznovidnostei!; Babintsev. S.; ~ilatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 11; The controversy continues over what constitutes a true variety. V cn'ikh rukakh nakhoditsya vypusk sovetskikh marok?; Valeron. D.B.; SKi 2 (102;; Feb. 1930: 33-36; The author complains about the 'First Cavalry' issue and the way the NKPiT ignored the VOF's recommendations. V chern kriterii? (Pis'mo s kommentariem); Mironov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 27-29; A debate over how much and what kind of a shift is necessary to call something a true stamp or overprint variety. V ehkspertnoi komissii VOF; Berngard, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1971; 15; Discovery of a variety of #3813, the '2500th Anniversary of Samarkand' 4kop. stamp. V katalogakh ne znachatsya; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. Examples of unaccepted essays in the Soviet postal archives.
1972; 33-34;
V poiskakh konsensusa; Bekhterev, Yu.; Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 6; The editor of 'Filateliya' announces a sea change in the stamp and stationery issuing policy of the Ministry of Ccmmunica~ions. V raznykh tsvetakh; Losev, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 53; Discovery of a color variety on a 1976 stamp commemorating the fl ight of Soyuz-21. V svete kvartsevoi lampy; Gvozdovic~, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 52-53; A listing of Soviet stamp issues prInted on luminescent paper. V zalakh Tsentral'nogo muzeya V.I. Len'na; Karoov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1978: 1-4 & inside front cover; The V.I. Lenin Central Museum's exhioit of Leninlana, including rare essays. Several photos of 'proekty' are shown. Varianten bei UdSSR-Marken; Vladinets, Nikolai/Aerni, Pierre; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 50; Varieties of the 1Rub. Michel #976, #s 954 & 1716 - paper varieties, Michel block #38 of 1965 - paper variety, etc. Varieties of the 1929 Scout Set; Cronin. Andrew; BJRP; 5; Jan. Varieties of Soviet Stamps; Negus,
James; BJRP; 23; Mar.
Varieties on Soccer and Globe Stamps, Scott Numbers 2072 Vladinetz, N.!.; Rossica; 60; 1961; 52;
1951; 87;
1958; 742-745;
& 2073
Issued in 1958;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
Various Soviet Varieties; Gould, M.H./et a1.; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 36-37;
Vidimost' risunka na obratnoi storonye marki; Manzhe1ei, S.; Rossica; 20; Apr. 166-171; Vodyanoi znak 'meandra i tsvyetok'; Manzhe1ei, S.; Rossica;
14; Dec.
1933; 44-47;
Vodyanye znaki i ikh po10zheniya; Manzhe1ei, S.; Rossica; 15; Feb. 1934; 69-76; A general overview of watermarks. Includes Russia and related areas. Vtoroi standartnyi; Skry1ev, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; the Second Standard Issue of 1927.
JUly 1969; 8-9; Production of
Vyrazit' kharakter ... ; Ponomarev, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1981; cover; An interview with I. Sushchenko, Soviet stamp designer.
12-13 & back
Vyvod: kritika rezkayal; Khe1emski i, Yu. (comp.): Fi 1atel iva; 5; May 1992; 18-19; Excerpts from the minutes of the Editorial-Art Council meeting, where the artistic merit of 1959's production was criticized. Watermarks of Soviet Stamps of 1925-1926; Arkhange1'skii, E.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 3-4; Translated by L.N.H. from 'Rossica' in the Far Eastern Section.
Yet More on Types of Scott 603a; Wilson, Kennedy L.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 121, 128; Differs with Arvan's theory that there were three cliches for 603a. Za strokoi dokumenta; Khe1emskii, YU.; F~late1iya; 9; Sep. 1991; 52-53; Instructions and minutes of the DIEhZPO in 1961 concerning stamp designs and the designers. Zabota obshchaya; Mangel 'din, 0.1.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 2-4; The Deputy Minister of Communications on relations between the Ministry and the VOF. Includes news about the Ministry acquiring new stamp-printing equipment. Zagadka odnogo syuzheta; Sladkov, L.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 10-11; The 'Lenin Proclaims Soviet Power' stamp of 1954, and variations in the Serov representation as the political winds shifted. Zametki i issledovaniya raznovidnostei marok SSSR; Peisikov, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8' Aug. 1973; VII-VIII; Varieties of the 1958 UAU 60k, 'Riga, vid na Domskii sobor'. anj the 1959 25k II Spartakiada stamps. Zerka1 'naya ehmb1ema; Skripkin. Yu.; Fi1ate1 iVa SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 12-13; Backwards and forwards (mirror) representations of the hammer-and-sick1e on Soviet postage and revenue stamps, due to 'artistic 1 icense' of the designers. Znaki pochtovoi oplaty perioda Ve1ikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov. YU.; Fi1ate11ya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1985; 34-40; Information on definitive stamps. stationery. propaganda cards, address cards and notification cards. Znaki pochtovoi op1aty perioda Ve1ikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov. Yu.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 34-38; Continued from #3, 1985. Znaki pochtovoi oplaty perioda Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov. Fiiate1iya SSSR; 6; J'-,ne 1985; 34-37; Continued from #4. Zubtsovki russkikh marok; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica;
10; Oct.
Zubtsovki russkikh marok II; Manzhe1ei, S.; Rossica; from #10.
16; Aug.
1934; 89-94; Continued
100th Anniversary of the Russian Postage Stamps - Addenda; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 1959; 83-85; Additions to #55, 1958. Includes several envelopes for the event. 1921 and 1922 Soviet Jubilee Issues; Verbitsky, N.: Russian Philatelist; 5; JUly 1964; 13-16; 1921 R.S.F.S.R. Definitives; Berngard, K.; RosSlee,; 100-101: 1981; 36-46; Trbovich, Robert L.; Summary translation from 'Filate1iya SSSR' #s 8-9, 1981. Includes information on postal rates. history. 1926-1927: An Unissued Stamp; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 53; Nov. welfare issue. 1948-57 Standard Definitive Stamps (Additional 1964; 24-25 & 1 illustration page; 1956:
1976; 46; Child
Notes); Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 35; Oct.
225th Anniversary of 1st Balloon Flight; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 57; Nov. 1980; 43-44; Abstracted from Yu. Saknyn's article in 'Fi1ate1iya SSSR' #8. 1979.
1957-8 Regional Handicrafts Issue - Turkmen Carpet Weaving, S.G. 2067b and 2067c: Variety; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 53;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stamps
50 let revolyutsionnym pochtovym ... ; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; Date of issue and preparation of the Chainbreaker stamps. 8-; standartny; vypusk marok SSSR;
L.; SK; 4;
10; Oct.
1966; 36-38;
PAGE: 1968;
523 <-3;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stationery
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56-57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An envelope with the 1927 10th anniversary cachet printed on the inside. 'Gorzhus' synom'; Kuznetsov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; researches the venue of this 1941 postcard.
10; Oct.
1982; 51; The author
'Ne myslya gordyi svet zabavit"; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 64; The author quotes from readers who point out errors in recent issues. 'Sekretka' - zakrytoe pis'mo; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Letter cards from Imperial to Soviet times.
JUly 1979; 43-44;
A esli tantsevat' ot pechki? Zametki po povodu odnoi pUbl ikatsii.; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1930; 46-47. 51; The author takes issue with an article by G. Balandin in #6, 1989, about original indicia on postal stationery. A Complex Watermark; Hong, Barry; Post Rider; 1927 envelope is illustrated.
11; Nov.
1982; 52-53; A watermark on a
Amtliche Ganzsachen in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Ba1tica; 43-44: Feb. 1966; 11-13; Soviet cacheted envelopes With Latvian themes. Art Postal Stationery Postcards 1978-79; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 57; Nov. Art Postal Stationery Postcards, 25-29;
1980; 49-51;
1971-1974; Norwood, Hilary; BJRP; 52; Dec.
Byt' proniknovennymi ... ; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 22-24; An interview with S. Kupriyanov, Soviet picture envelope designer. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1: Jan. 1985; 40; Explanation of the existence of various illustration dimensions on the 1965 '95th Anniversary of Lenin's birth' stamp, and a brief history of Soviet FOCs and first-day cancels. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 40; One reader asks what postal rate change made the issue of the 35k, 2-, 3-, and 5R stamps necessary, and another asks what the difference is between postcards with indicia and envelopes With special or art stamps. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 32; Two special 3k postcards issued in the 1970s by the Ministry of Communications, printed specifically for the 'Art Lottery'. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 29; A brief history of non-definitive stamps whose designs are reproduced on postcards, beginning in 1939. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. explanation of special-purpose postcards and envelopes.
32; An
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 5: May 1982; 32; Information on the first postmarks introduced in the 1760s, and a listing of 'wedding invitation' picture postcards issued by the Ministry of Communications in 1978. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; standard-issue stamps as indicia on postal envelopes.
June 1979; 31-32; USSR
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 9; Sep. 1979; 31; The article enumerates all the different kinds of SOViet stationery currently produced. Chto nazvat' raznovidnost'yu konverta?; Emel 'yanov, L./Il'ichev, L.: Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 50-52; The authors discuss various criterla used to determine whether or not a postal statlonery envelope is a variety. Dlya pereadresovki Korrespondentsii; Yakobs, V.; New change-of-address formular postcards.
Filateliya SSSR; 6: June 1972; 45;
Ehksperimental'nye markirovannye konverty: Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 42; Experimental stamped envelopes to speed processing. Ehti nepredskazuemye konverty ... ; Sushko, G./et al.; Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 23-24; Letters to the editors on stamp-catalog cutouts making it through the mail as legitimate franking, and corrections of two errors committed on Soviet cacheted envelopes. Eshche odna kartochka; Vel'skii, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 39; A special-purpose postcard printed for the editorial board of the 'Technical Encyclopedia', 1929.
Printing-Production, Soviet Stationery
Eshche raz 0 kartochkakh s markoi No. 1385; Kuznetsov, Yu./Pantyukhin, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 58; The authors dlscover t~ree more varieties of the 1961 post-notification card after V. Dr1ov's 'Tse1 'nye veshchi so standartnoi markoi No. 1385', in #3, 1977. Eshche rez 0 konvertakh '100-1etie russkoi pochtovoi marki'; SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 37;
Ilyushin, A.;
Filate1ii SSSR 20 let; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1986; 1-3 & inside front cover; Twentieth anniversary of 'Filateliya SSSR' and 7 postal stationery items dedicated to the magazine. Filatelisticheskie osobennosti povtornykh vypuskov KhMK No. Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Dct. 1986; 33-35;
1332; Vo1zhenskii, A.;
From the History of Russian Postal Stationery (The 'Closed Let- ter' or 'Sekretka'); Myakota, Yu.; Rossica; 112; 1988; 42-48; Carson, Michael J.; Translated from 'Filate1 iya SSSR' #12, 1983. Ganzsachen-umsch1ag mit
Geme1det; von Kooten, M.; ZRSP;
35; Sep.
Izdanie konvertov pervogo dnya v SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 13-16; An explanation of Soviet FDCs by type and originator.
1; Jan.
1984; 62; 1978;
Kakim byt' khudozhestvennomu konvertu?; Tsitkov, D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 16; A reader takes Soviet stationery-issuing policy to task, and lectures the Ministry of Communications on how it could improve production quality and expand its themes. Kakimi khochetsya videt' konverty pervogo dnya; Moizhes, B.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 10; A discussion about what Soviet FDCs should be and look 1 ike. Ka,'tochki pochtovye. Tekhnicheskie usloviya GOST 9422-83.; (n.a.); 24 Nov. 1983; Goskomitet SSSR po standartam, Moscow; The official State standard for producing postcards. Original booklet. Kartochki spetsia1'nogo naznacheniya; Tranov, YU.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 6; 34-36; Special-purpose postcards, with printing varieties.
June 1986;
Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty s nestandartnymi markami; O~lov, V.; Fi1ate'iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1976; 23-27; Twenty-two illustrated envelopes with non-definitive indicia are illustrated. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty s povtoryayushchimisya illyustratsiyami; Il'ichev, L./Eme1'yanov, L.; Fjlateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 44-47; Cacheted pesta1 envelopes with repeating illustrations. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR, posvyashchennye igram XXII 01impiady; Myakota, Yu.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 48-49; Lists artists, dates of issue & numeer printed of cacneted stamped envelopes for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Khuaozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR, posvyashchennye igram XXII 01 impiady; Myakota, Yu.; Fi1atEi lya SSSR; 7; JUlj 1980; 51-53; Stamped cacheted envelopes with a XXII Olympiad theme. Konsu1'tatsiya; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1979; 49; An overview of Soviet single-sided postcards with commemorative indicia. Kontrol'nye znaki na tse1'nykh veshcnaki,; Tranov, 'ru.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1986; 38; A postcard of the 10th stanaard issue with a 'K' printed on it. The author proposes that a control mark, normally found on the margin of a 'sheet', was accidentally shifted onto the cara. Konverty dlya gashenli pervogo any a Ministerstva svyaz i SSSR; vakobs, V.; Filatellya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 38-41; Extenslve informatlon about offlclal and some unofficial FDC enveloe9s. Konverty mezhdunarodnogo pis'rna so standartnoi markoi No. 667; Deev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Aer. 1978; 51; Tha Butner shows that the lnte~national envelope indlci~m of 1935 served as the basls for definitive #66 7 , and not the other way around. Konverty pochtovye. Tekhnicheskie usloviya GOST 34-83.; (n.a.); 24 Nov. 1983; Goskomitet SSSR po standartarn, Moscow; The official State standard (GOST) for producing postal envelopes. Original booklet. Markirovannoi pochtovoi otkrytke 100 let; Mazur, 0.; Filateliya SSSR: 2; Feb. 34-35; Overview of postcards with indicia, from 1872 to the present. Markirovannye khudozhestvennye kartochki v gody Ve1iko; otechestvennoi voiny;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stationery Kuznetsov, Yu.;
Filatel iva SSSR; 2;
07/13/93 Feb.
1985; 34-39 & back cover;
Markirovannye khudozhestvennye kartochki SSSR 1940-1947 gg.; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 45-48; Includes a 1 isting of all recorded types of cacheted postcards from 1940-1947. Markirovannye konverty s risunkami; Orlov, V.; SK; 5; Soviet postal envelopes with cachets.
1967; 33-38; An overview of
Markirovannye konverty SSSR dlya mestnykh prostykh zakrytykh pisem; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 48-51; Special postal envelopes printed for 'local' use in several large cities, beginning in 1939. Markirovannye konverty SSSR dlya mezhdunarodnoi korrespondentsii; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliyc: SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 53; Additions to the article in #3, 1982 on this sUbject. Markirovannye konverty SSSR s izmenennym razmerom standartnoi marki; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 48-50;
11 'ichev, l.;
Nam soobshchayut; (n.a.); Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 44, 49; Various discoveries of new Soviet stamp varieties and a cacheted envelope error. Nam soobshchayut; Al'tgauzen, 0.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 47; The author points out disparities between the inscriptions given for Kyrgyzstan monuments represented on cacheted envelopes, and the monuments themselves. Neobychnye kartochki; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1971; 13; New-format PPCs, one with an illustration honoring the International Geochemical Congress in Moscow. New Commemorative Envelope No. 675; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 59; Dec.
1982; 54-55;
Nikto ne zabyt, nikto ne zabyto; Kochetkov, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 57; The basis for the '9 maya s prazdnikom pobedy!' postcard. Novye markirovannye konverty i avtomatizirovannaya sortirovka pisem; S. ,A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; III; Novye
poch~ovye kartochki; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 27; Announcement of the new Soviet postcard issue of 15 Dec. 1923.
Novye pochtovye marki, konverty i otkrytki; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. Short article on issues in honor of the XXII Congress of the CPSS.
khudozhestvennom markirovannom konverte; Safronov, 1974; 33;
nekotorykh kartochkakh spetsial'nogo naznacheniya; 11 'ichev, l.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1983; 47-48; Special-purpose postcards, and explanations of their use.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Obyknovennoe pis'mo; l'vov, A./levin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 4-5; Advertising and cacheted envelopes, some with instructional texts, from 1927 to 1967. Pervaya sovetskaya pochtovaya kartochka; Blekhman. S.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1970; 13; A specimen of the first Soviet postcard, issued in 1918 with the same design as the Provisional Government card. Pervye sovetskie markirovannye khudozhestvennye pochtovye kartochki; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR, 5: May 1974: V-VII: A listing and description of the first two issues of the USSR's stamped. cacheted postcards. Pervye vypuski markirovannykh pochtovykh kartochek SSSR; Stepanenko, M.; Fllateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; I-III; The first stamped postcards of the USSR, 1923. Plauderei ueber Sowjetische Briefe; Schnelder, J.; Pochta; 42; Mar.
Pochtovye kartochki dlya spravok; Ilyushin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Soviet address-inquiry cards of the 1920s ana 1930s.
14-18; 1986; 34-36;
Pochtovye kartochki groznykh let; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 7; The author attempts to establish when certain one-sided postcards with wartime propaganda cachets were issued. Pochtovye kartochki spetsial 'nogo naznacheniya; Blekhman, S./Pantyukhin, V.; SK; 20; 1982; 13-46; Pochtovye kartochki, izdavavshiesya mestnymi uchrezhdeniyami svyazi SSSR; Blekhman, S./Pantyukhin, V.; SK; 17; 1979; 3-24; Prodolzhaya perechen'; Shcherbakov, S.Sh./et al.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 49;
Printing-Production, Soviet Stationery
News from various individuals about varieties they've found. Razgadka odnogo konverta; Shchedrovitskii, P.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 11: The reason why a stamped postcard was issued with two 4th Standard Issue indicia on one card. Raznovidnosti pochtovykh kartochek s markoi nominalom v 3 kop. desyatogo standartnogo vypuska; Moizhes, B.; Fi latellya SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 37-38; The 1961 3kop. postcards - varieties. Raznovidnosti standartnoi pochtovoi kartochkl SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 35-36;
1961 goda;
Zalivadnyi, V.;
Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 42-46; History of the agitation-and-propaganda postcards from 1927 to 1934. Includes a complete 1 ist of issues - continued in #6. Reklamno-agitatsionnye pochtovye kartochki SSSR 1940-1949 godov; Myakushev, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 51-54; Advertising-&-agitation postcards. S izmennym razmerom ... : Sergeev, A.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 50-51; Soviet stamped envelopes with indicia that vary in size from stamps of the same design. S otkrytkami odna pechal' ... ; Khelemskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 41; Excerpts from minutes of the 25 Oct. 1960 Editorial-Art Council of the Main Postal Administration, meeting to discuss the quality of some Soviet postcards. S tvorcheskim podkhodom; Il'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR: 11; Nov. 1980; 14; Some information on Soviet FOCs is contained in this article on including FDCs in thematic exhibitions. Serii s prodolzheniem; Shevelev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. envelopes with illustrations of various Arctic animals.
1971; 30-31; Cacheted
Slxth All World Festival of Youth and Students; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 79-80; Skvoz' pelenu godov ... K 100-1etiyu B.L. Pasternaka.; B10kh, A.; Feb. 1990; 15; Postal stationery card honoring Pasternak.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2;
Sovetskaya khudozhe3tvennaya pcchtovaya kartochka; Il'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1980; 48-50; An overview of the period in which more than 12,000 illustrated postcards were issued. Includes a table showing the dates and postal rate changes for these postcards. Sovetskeya pocntovaya kar'tochka; Il'ichev, L.; Fi1ate1iyR SSSR; 11: Nov. 1977; 55-57; An overview of Soviet postcard types and purposes. Includes a table showing the printing characteristics of the 10th Standard Issue indicia and the varieties of the issue. Sovetskaya pochtovaya kartochka (kartochka 5 markoi 'Shakhter v zabo8'); Il'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 44-47; Postcards with the 25-kopeck 'Miner drilling at the mineface' indlcium. Sovetskle markirovannye pochtovye kartochki, posvyashchennye pervomayu; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 6-7; Soviet cacheted postcar'ds honoring May Day. Sovetskie standartnye aviapochtovye konverty; 1982; 50-52; Sovetskomu markirovannomu konverty - 50 let; 1978; 10-13;
11 'ichev, Yakobs. V.;
L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow, 1957; Negus, James/Voaden. Denys J.; BJRP; 23; 1958; 746-747; Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth Ai;-Worid Students, Moscow. 195 7 ; Negus, James/Voaden, Denys 807-8 0; Continued from #23. ' Srazhat'sya tol'ko nD. spo ... tivnykf-, polyakn; Aleksandrov, 1982; 14-16; An interview wlth YU.K. Levinovskii,
Festival of Youth and BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958;
P.: Filateliya SSSR: 11; Nov. Soviet postal issue designer.
Standartnye konverty s markami pervogo - shestogo standartnykh vypuskov SSSR; Pantyukhin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 44-51; Extensive listing of and information about definitive envelopes With indicia like the stamps of the Flrst through Sixth Standard Issues. Standartnye konverty s markami sed'mogo-devyatogo standartnykh vypuskov SSSR; Pantyukhin, V./Myakushev, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 48-50; Definitive envelopes issued from 1949 to 1960. Includes complete listing. Standartnye tsel'nye veshchi s markami odinnadtsatogo standarta (1966-1977 g.g,);
Printing-Production, Soviet Stationery
Brodskii, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. airmail envelopes.
1979; 42-47;
Sto let russkoi otkrytke; Zabochen', M.; Vestnik svyazi; historical summary of the Russian postcard. Sto let russkoi pochtovoi kartochki; Zabochen'. M.; SK;
Includes information on 12; Dec.
1971; Short
1972; 28-52;
The Optical Character Recognition Postal System of the U.S.S.R.; Sheppard, N.J.; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 28-42; An explanation of the automated postal system and a listing of types distinguished by differences in the zip code 'instructions on the stationery. Tsel'nye veshchi s markami XI standartnogo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1978; 12-16; Tsel'nye veshchi s markami XI standartnogo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 46-47; Eleventh Standard Issue indicia on postal stationery. Tsel'nye veshchi s markami 10-go standartnogo vypuska SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 48-51; Standard postcards and envelopes issued after the 1961 postal rate change. Includes a listing of known types. Tsel'nye veshchi so standartnoi markoi No. 1977; 17-21;
1385; Orlov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Tsel'nye veshchi v tvoei kollektsii; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 56-57; A broad overview of the various kinds of postal stationery issued since 1918, and when they appeared and disappeared. Utochnyaya datu; Nagol 'nov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 36-37; The date of issue for a 1946 special-purpose postcard is found. The article refers to 'Pochtovye kartochki spetsial'nogo naznacheniya' in SK #20. Varieties of Stamped Envelopes of USSR; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 65; airmail, 4kop. regular and 16kop. airmail envelopes.
1963; 49;
Vodyanye znaki na konvertakh; 11 'ichev, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 52-54; Various watermarks and position varieties on Soviet postal stationery. was Heisst 'GIS'?; Aerni, Nina; Pochta; 46; Dec.
1988; 23-25;
'GIZ'-produced ppc's.
Znaki pochtovoi oplaty perioda Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov, YU.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1985; 34-40; Information on definitive stamps, stationery, propaganda cards, address cards and notification cards. Zu Herrn Schneiders Plauderei ueber Sowjetische Briefe; Geier, K.W.; Pochta; 43; Aug. 1987; 22-24; 100th Anniversary of the Russian Postage Stamps - Addenda; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 1959; 83-85; Additions to #55, 1958. Includes several envelopes for the event. 1941 god - god vypuska pervykh odnostoronnikh markirovannykh khudozhestvennykh kartochek; Kuznetsov, Yu.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 54-55; 25-letie Velikogo Oktyabrya v sovetskoi filatel ii; Aleksandrov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; 12-13; Information on three varieties of a cacheted postcard of 1942 portraying a Soviet soldier bayoneting a Nazi.
Railroad Mail Transportation. CiVil War
Stempel 'Fahrender Poscaemter' der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn auf Deutscher-Oesterreichischer/Ungarischer Kriegsgefangenenpost 1914-1918 (1920); Taitl. Horst; Pochta; 47; Mar. 1989; 14-16; TPO Route 115; Tann. Leonard L.; BJR?; 54; Dec.
TPO's During 1918-1923 Period; Joseph, R.L.; BJRP; 55; Nov.
1978; 20-21;
Railroad Mail Transportation,
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 55; 1958; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 1915 registry label 'Moscou - K. - Vaux-1'. and the derivation of 'vokzal'. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 79; 1970; 55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. undated, un-numbered TPO cancel of 1914.
(n.t.); Ashford. P.T.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 610; Corrects a Wortman article in BJRP #19 that the rectangular RR termina: postmarks of SPb and Moscow had not been illustrated before. (n.t.); Bell, Robert; Post Rider; 13; Nov. British Railway Mission in Russia.
1983; 86; Two covers addressed to the
(n.t.); Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. The author argues that the 'Vech.-Varsh. Vokz.' oval marking is an error. (n.t.); Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. Station cancel on a 1R stamp, 1918. (n.t.); Collins, Ed; Rossica; 55; 1958; 61; Petersburg commuter train cancels. (n.t.); Gottschalk, H.; dates.
1985; 70; Discovery of a Shuanchenpu In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
1976; A listing of railroad mai1car #s,
routes and beginning
(n.t.); Krens1er, Hans; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 72-73; Further information on cancellations of the He1singfors-St. Petersburg Railway. (n.t.); Kurbas, V.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. railroad route through Seswegen, and other local branch 1 ines. (n.t.);
Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 65-66; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. List of Lloyd's oval railway station cancels for St. Petersburg and Moscow.
(n.t.); Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. ppc with an early postage due oval from TPO 262. (n.t.); Peel, Eric; Post Rider; Vokz.' controversy.
16; June 1985; 67;
(n.t.); Skipton, David M.; Post Rider; cancel controversy.
Further on the 'Vech.-Varsh.
16; June 1985; 66-67; The 'Vech.-Varsh. Vokz.'
(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 57; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. An example of an aberrant TPO oval postmark. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 73-74; Further information on a cancellation of the He1singfors-St. Petersburg Railway, a 23 Jan. 1915 card bearing a cachet of Medical Train #196 of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, and a Vil 'na apothecary's cancel. (n.t.); Weinert, Howard L.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 65-66; In "Philatelic Shorts' section. Correction to Tann's article about Why Novonezhino is not a p1acename change and not considered 'Used Abroad'. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 68; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Shows a 14-9-1855 St. Petersburg Railroad Station postmark on cover to Saransk. (n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Post Rider; 8; May 1981: 66; Notes on the Novonezhino location mystery.
In 'Philatel ic Shorts' section.
(n.t.); Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 60-61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. An 1886 cover from Helsinki to Yamba], Bulgaria, via TPOs, and discussion of the earliest 'vokzal' postmark. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VI; Tchilinghirian. S.D.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 10-14 & 2 illustration pages; Roume1ia, Levant, Persia, Bukhara, China, Manchuria, C.E.R. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VII; Tchil;nghir",an, S.D.: BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 9-12 & 1 illustration page; Rumania. Bulgaria, Levant. Bukhara, China, Manchuria, R.V.A.P., C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VIII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 4-8 & 1 illustration page; Bulgaria, Levant, Bukhara, China, Manchuria, C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 39; Oct. illustration page; Levant, Bukhara, China, C.E.R. 'Used
Abroad~ Chronicle - XIII; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 40; Mar. BUlgaria, Levant, Manchuria and C.E.R.
1966; 1967;
10-12 & 17-19;
Railroad Mail Transportation,
'Used Abroad' Chronicle II; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; Bukhara, R.V.A.P., Mongolia, Manchuria. C.E.R., Korea. , Used Abroad' Chron i c 1e I I I; Tch i 1 i ngh i r ian, S. D.; BJRP; 30; Mar. Levant, Roume1 ia, Bukhara, Khiva, Manchuria, C.E.R. A 'Razyezd' Marking; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica;
11-17; Levant,
11 - 18;
1988; 83;
A Baltic Provinces Postmark; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 67; Sap. Dauge1'n on the Vo1'mar spur 1 ine. A Bessarabian Octagon; Skipton, David M. mai1car cancel No. 145.
Rossica; 98-99;
16; Station
101; 0=tagona1
A Century of the Manchurian Postal History; Mizuhara, M.; 1936; Japan Philatelic Publications, Tokyo; International-gold exhibit of Russian offices in Manchuria from 1876 to about 1920. Includes Czech Legion issues and Japanese FPOs. Photocopies In one 3-rlng binder. A Cover From Tsarskoe Se10; Palmer, Derek; BJRP: 47; JUly 1972; 34-35; A Fake Station Hailasll Marking; Popov, V./Sha1imoff, G.V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 58-60; A C.E.R. station postmark fake on a postcard from St.Petersburg to Orenburg. A Further Note on Octagonal T.P.O. 's; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 31; Oct.
1962; 21; #134.
A Grodno Despatch Postmark on a Railway Advertising Cover; Mazepa, 12; May 1983; 66-67; Grodno to Paris, 14 Oct. 1859. A Little Mystery Solved; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; evidence identifying a station on the C.E.R. A New Scarce Postmark; (n.a.); BJRP; Petersburg commuter traIn mark.
7; Dec.
James; Post Rider;
1980; 25-26:
14-15: May 1954; 445; A '3 poyezd' St.
A Supplement to 'Finnish Railway Postmarks'; Knighton, R.P./Kethro, W.E.C.; BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 735-737; A Supplement to the Oval Postmarks of Russia; Aaler, Kurt; SJRP; 27; A Temporary Postal Wagon Datestamp; Ashford, P.T.: BJRP; 66: Mar. Cherkassy-1-Bobrinskaya. Addenda to the T.P.O. Article by W. Kethro and J. Barry in No. Rossica; 61; 1961; 49;
1960; 27-28;
59: Kurbas, V.;
Addenda to Railway Postmarks of Imperial
RUSSIa; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 54;
Addenda to Railway Postmarks of Imperial 34-36; Continued from #54.
Russia; Adler,
Additional Raz'yezd Marking; Moyes, J.G.; Rossica; the Moscow-Kiev-Voronezh RR. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 23; Mar. on the Armavir-Tuapse line.
115; Oct.
1990; 33; Siding #25 on
1958: 731-734;
InclUdes information
An Unaddressed Postcard to Canada: Cronin, Andrp.w: Post Rider; 20; June 1987: 3-4; A postcard sent in 1897 via Suburban Train #3 from Tsarskoe Selo, sent to Canada and back and bearing both varieties of the train's cancellatIon. An Unusual Russian Mailcoach Cancellation: Adler, Kurt: BJRD; 25; June 1959; 5; Snort desct'iption ana illustration of a circular 'Otdyel. Pochtov. Vagona No.3' of 1902.
An Unusual TPQ Marking; Tann,
Leonara L.; BJRP: 66; Mar.
1989; 30; Tukkum 'Poyezd No.
1' .
Another C i rcu 1 ar- Vokza 1 Mark i ng; Juy, Davl c:; Ross i ca;
11 i;
1988; 87; Ka'l ish vokza 1.
Bau der Murmanbahn 1915-16; Karde1, Rolf; Pcchta; 48; Sep. 'Polarphi 1atel ie' #107.
1989; 22; Reprinted from
Birch Bark Postcard; Frauen10b, Walter; Gorob1agodatnaya vokza1.
1988; 88; Posted at
Bukhara Railway Routes: Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 39; Oct. page; Carriage of Mail on Passenger Trains;
(n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec.
12-13 & 1 illustration 1984; 7-8; Translated
Railroad Mail Transportation, from 'Universal Post',
Circular Vokzal Postmarks; Tann,
1897. Leonard L.; Rossica;
116: Apr.
Collecting Russian Railway Mail; Campbell. Patrick J.;
1991; 28-29; 108-109;
1986; 56-74;
Comments on Dr. Wortman's 'Notes' in No. 69; Kurbas, V.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 66; Takes issue with Wortman's proposed railroad routing of his 1886 Helsinki cover to BUlgaria. Correspondence;
(n.a.); BJRP; 37; Oct.
1965; 30; Station Karmak, Omsk railway cover.
Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 38; Mar. railway cancels.
1966; 34; Data from Luchnik on Transcaucasian
De Russificering van Finland; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 3-2; Russification of Finland through various covers.
1985; 9-24; A look at the
De Spoorlign van Helsingfors naar St. Petersburg; Hillesum, Rene; OEP; 2-3; Nov. 1984; 1-22: The rail line between Helsinki and St. Petersburg - cancels, history. Includes a map. Die nicht Nummerierten Post-Waggon Routen; Kosoi,
E.; ZRSP; 41; Sep.
Die Chinesische Ostbahn; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 29-31; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie', p. 164, 1897, Berlin. Die Ostchinesische Eisenbahn und ihre philatelistischen Aspekte; BBZ; 1; 1974; 4-6; A rehash of T&S information.
Frauenlob, Walter;
Die Sibirische Eisenbahn; (n. a. ) ; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 26-29, 31-33; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Telegraphie' , 1897, Berlin. Die Transsib und die Zukunft der Eisenbahn;
(n. a. ) ; (n. d. ) ; Xerox, 6 pages.
Die Transsib und die Zukunft der Eisenbahn;
(n. a. ) ; (n. d. ) ; 189-194;
Eisenbahnstrecke Helsinki-Sankt Petersburg und die Ersten Finnischen Bahnpoststreckenstempel; Hellman, Kaj/Itkonen, Jussi; Pochta; 44; Jan. 17-24; Reprinted from Bulletin #2, Finlandia '88.
Estonia. Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue; Hurt, Vambola/Ojaste, Elmar; 1986; Estonian Philatelic Society in Sweden and New York; Original hardbound catalog. Exhaustive coverage of all aspects of Estonian and forerunner philately and postal history. Estonian Forerunners II; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 44-60; Postmarks, postal routes, railroad cancels, station opening dates. Estonian Forerunners: Comment On, and Correction to Note From Dr. Edward Kossoy; Faberge, Oleg A.; BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 22-23; Revel' Harbor RR Terminal. Estonian Forerunners:
More Information; Kossoi,
Edward; BJRP; 60; Oct.
Finnish Railway Postmarks; Knighton.
Finnish Railway Postmarks; Knighton, 661-675; Includes a route map.
R.P./Kethro, W.E.C.; BJRP; 22; Aug.
57; Nov.
1983; 27;
1980; 21; 1957;
First Russian Railroad from St. Petersburg to Zarscoe-Selo and Pawlowsk. Established by Imperial Decree of 21st March. 1836. and Carried into Execution by a Company of Shareholders in Russia, England and Germany; (n.a.); 1837; Charles Skipper and East, St. Dunstan's Hill, London; From the V.G. Belkin Notebooks; (n.a.); Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 35; Skipton, David M.; Transcribed by V.G. Belkin from the official edition of PTZh, 6 July 1893 and 27 March 1892. Opening dates for routes 127 to 130. Fruehe Bahnpostaemter der Transsibirischen Bahn; Robinson, P.E.; 18-25; Koelzer. Walter;
ZRSP; 39; Dec.
Handschriftl icher Bahnpostvermerk; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 41-42; June 1965; 10-11; How Many Moscow Rail Termini? ... And Marks?; Baillie, 3-5;
I.L.G.; BJRP; 66; Mar.
Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia. Part Five. The Transcaucasian Railway.; Ashford, P.T.; 1981; Bri~ish Society of Russian Philately, London; Extensive listing of these postmarks, with pricing. Original catalog, softbound. Interesting Cancellations; Sklarevski, Rimma;
Rossica; 67;
1964; 75-78; Description
Railroad Mail Transportation,
of 16 covers, Imperial to Soviet periods. Includes the "K.Ya." marking from Moscow, railroad cancels, Chefoo, Vladivostok-Tsuruga, etc. Interest i ng Russ i an Postmarks of 1867; Rachmanov, 1867 Riga Railroad Terminal cancel.
V. A.: Ross i ca; 48:
Khar'kov - A Town Getting Above Its Station!; Tann, 30-32; Khar'kov vokzal postmarks.
Leonard; kossica;
15; An
119; Oct.
Russkie zheleznodorozhnye gasheniya.; Boyanovicn, M.; Korolevstvo pol'skoe. Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 19E9; 12-16; Extracted from BojanoYlicz's works on Russian railroad cancellations in Poland. Kramatorsk-Lugansk Railway Postmarks; Shields,
Arthur; BJRP;
La poste francaise par le transsiberien; Camboulives, Nov. 1987; 70-74; Photocopy.
June 1959; 35-36;
L'Echo de la Timbrologie;
Le Chemin de Fer Transsiberien. Communication faite a la Societe de Geographie Commerciale de Bordeaux Seance Mensuelle du 4 December 1893.: Bronislawski, Venceslas; Bulletin de la Societe de geographie commerciale de Bordeaux; 1894; Imprimerie G. Gounouilhou, Bordeaux: Photocopy extract from the Bulletin. List of Railway Routes 1912-1913. Rossica; 57; 1959; 31-32;
With Distances.; Kethro, W.E.C./Barry,
List of Railway Routes 1912-1913. With Distances.; Kethro, W.E.C./Barry, J.; Rossica; 58; 1960; 29-31; Continued from #57. List of Railway Routes 1912-1913. With Distances.; Kethro, Rossica; 59; 1960; 29-32; Continued from #58.
W.E.C./Barry, J.;
List of Railway Routes 1912-1913. With Distances.; Kethro, W.E.C./Barry, Rossica; 61; 1961: 50-51; Continued from #59. Local Train Marks 'Poezd'; Baillie,
May 1961; 45;
Ministerstvo vnutrennikh dyel. Istoricheskii ocherk. Prilozhenie vtoroe. Pochta Telegraf v XIX stolyetii.; (n.a.); 1902; MVD. St. Petersburg; On microfilm. Numerous chapters on various aspects of the Post. The source for much of Prigara's 'Russkaya pochta v imperii ... '. More 'Used Abroad' and C.E.R.
Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 46; Dec.
More About the Travelling Post; Cronin, Andrew; BJRP; More Scarce Postmarks; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; a Chancellery arrival mark, etc. Mos~ow
Railways; Kossoi,
19; Dec.
Edward; BJRP; 60; Oct.
Railways; Warr. Noel C.; BJRP; 59: Dec.
1971; 5-7;
10; Nov.
1955; 580-581;
Levant, China 268-271:
Railroad postmarks,
1982; 39-42;
Myestnyya uchrezhdeniya pochtovo-telegrafnago vyedomstva, volostnyya pravleniya i zheleznodorozhnyya stantsii proizovyashchie pochtovyya operatsii; (n.a.); 1907; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. New Circular Vokzal Markings; Shal imoff, George; Rossica; 108-109: 1986; 149-150; Corrects information on these markings in Tann's 'The Imperial Romanovs'. Notes on the Petrograd-Kem-Murmansk Railway; Tann, 4-8;
Leonard; BJRP; 73;
Notes From Collectors - Additional Information on the Lodz-Kolyushki Railway, Mazepa, J./Mcyes, J.G.; BJRP; 72; Sprlng, 1992; 54-58; Novyi spisok pochtovo-telegrafnykh i pochtovykh uchrezhdenii, a takzne volostnykh pravlenli i zheleznodorozhnykh stantsii proizvodyashchikh pOChtovyya operatsii; (n.a.); 1913; GUPiT, St. Petersburg; Or, microfilm. Numerical List of TPOs 1872-1917; Luchnik, t~.; BJRP; 55: Nov. Robin L.; Translated from 'Sovetskil kollektsioner' #11, Octagonal Pochtovii Vagon Marks; Baillie.
1978; 5-12; 1974.
Ian L.G.; BJRP; 66; Mar.
1989; 24-27;
Old Securities - Russian Railway Bonds, 1859-1914-1918; Drum/Henseler; Historischer Wertpapiere, Frankfurt, Germany; Extensive listings, black-and-white photos. Softbound original catalog.
Outstanding Covers;.Baillie, I.L.G./Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 10-12 & 2 illustration pages; A mailtrain wreck cachet - 23 Sep. 1917 at Borzya Station.
Railroad Mail Transportation, Imperial
Outstanding Covers; Barry. John; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 16 & 1 illustration page; A Poti-Tiflis mailcar and Kuanchentzy-Kharbin #266.
Oval Railway Postmarks; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 58-67; Oval Railway Postmarks - 2; Renfro, Michael/Tann, Leonara L.; Post R;der; 29; Dec. 1991; 36-43; Oval Railway Postmarks III; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 41-51; Oval Railway Postmarks IV; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 31; Dec.
1992; 64-68;
Oval TPO Markings; Tann, Leonard/Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 48-49; Batum-96-Baku, Kem'-35-Petrograd and back, and a Kharbin-263-Vladivostok postage due. Peresylka korrespondentsii mezhdu Sankt-Peterburgom i prigorodami; Dobin. Manfred; SK; 22; 1984; 47-63; Pochtamt na rel'sakh; Garbuzov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; construction in Imperial and Soviet times.
10; Oct.
1981; 6-8; Mailcar
Pochtovoe dyelo v raionye Sibirskoi zh.d.; (n.a.); 1898; Kantselyariya Komiteta ministrov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. A lengthy memorandum on postal affairs along on the Siberian RR compiled for the Committee of Ministers. Postal Cancellations of the Transcaucasian Railway; Ashford. P.T.; BJRP; 1955; 537-551;
18; JUly
Postal Operations at Modaoshi; Popov, V.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 60; A 1916 postcard addressed to St. Ekho on the C.E.R. for delivery to Modaoshi, the next stop on the line. Suggests that there were no postal operations at Modaoshi by this time. Postal Wagon Cancels with Inverted Route Number Plugs; Joseph, 1978; 13;
R.L.; BJRP; 55; Nov.
Postmarks of the Little Railways of the St. Petersburg District; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 614-616; Proposed Plan to Send Anglo-Indian Mail Via Russian Railroads; (n.a.); Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 112; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'PTZh', p. 76, Jan. 1900. R.O.Zh.D. handschriftlich auf Postsendungen; von Hofmann. Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 77-79; 9 May 1983; 35; A manuscript 'R.O.Zh.D.' (Riga-Orel RR) on a 1910 postcard. Railway Cancellations; Liphschutz, Michel/Maslowski, CER cancel forgeries, with photos.
Igor; Rossica; 94-95;
Railway Marks Not In Numbered System; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1978; 7-8;
1981; 22-24;
Railway Marks Not In Numbered System; Warr, Noel C./Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 1982; 38-39; Railway Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W.E.C./Barry, 1955; 6-13;
John; Rossica; 46-47;
Railway Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro. W.E.C./Barry, 34-38; Continued from #46-47.
John; Rossica; 48;
Railway Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W.E.C./Barry, 1956; 23-27; Continued from #48.
John; Rossica; 49-50;
Railway Postmarks of Imperial Russia; Kethro, W.E.C./Barr~, John; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 31-32; A slightly amended list of Prigara's route table. Registration of Mail on Russian TPOs; Casey, Raymond; BJRP;
72; Spring,
1992; 24-33;
Riga - Die Postgeschichte bis 1919: Marcilger, V.; (n.d.); Paul von Sengbusch, Heide; Two volumes, hardbound. Exhaustive treatment of Riga postmarks and postal history. Riga - Mitauer Eisenbahn, Gepaeck-Expedition Mitau; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; Feb. 1966; 16-17; Routing of TPO's to 1917; Baillie, page 2;
I.L.G.; BJRP; 56; Nov.
1979; 8-31 & illustration
Russia's Railroad Mails; Luchnik, N.; Rossica; 92; 1978; 18-47; TrboVich, Robert; Translated from 'Sovetskii kollektsioner', 1974. History, postmarks, route
Railroad Mail Transportation.
number listings. Russia's Railways; Tann. Leonard L.; Post R,der; 4; Apr. 1979; 16-22; A broad overview of the Russian ra,lroad development. together with selected illustrations. Russia's Railways: Addendum; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. Examples of oval railway station cancels. mostly on postcards. Russian Postal History 1857-1918; Holmsten. Martin; Original softbound catalog.
1980; 52-54;
1992; Oy Rurik Ltd. Vasa;
Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and GUide; Kiryushkin. Anatolii V./Robinson. Philip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd., York. England; Hardbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types. postal history. Russian Postmarks - An Introduction and GUide; Kiryushkin. Anatolii V./Robinson. Philip E.; 1989; John Barefoot Ltd .. York. England; Softbound original. Detailed overview of Russian postmark types. postal history. Russian Railway Cancellations Used in the Kingdom of Poland - Part l' Bojanowicz. M.A.; BJRP; 43; Oct. 1969; 24-35; Russian Railway Cancellations Used in the Kingdom of Poland - Part 2; Bojanowicz. M.A.; BJRP; 44; Dec. 1970; 24-28; Russian Railway Termini; Kethro. W.E.C.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 619-620; Russian Railways: Notes on Stations. Cancellations Leonard L.; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 21-24;
& Mail Handling Methods; Tann.
Second Supplement to Finnish Railway Postmarks; Christian. R.L. 44-54; Shtempeiya dlya zakaznoi korrespondentsii; Kosoi. K.; 36-38; Registry marks of mailcars. Some Notes on Postal Wagon Registration; Moyes.
BJRP; 25; June 1959;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
J.G.; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 36-39;
Stempel 'Fahrender Postaemter' der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn auf Deutscher-Oesterreichischer/Ungarischer Kriegsgefa~genenpost 1914-1918 (1920); Taitl. Horst; Pochta; 47; Mar. 1989; 14-16; T.P.O. Route 115/116 - Prigara's Unidentified Route; Baillie. BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 15; The 'Wrong' Station; Tann. in St. Petersburg.
Leonard L.; BJRP; 63;
I.L.G./Joseph. R.L.;
1986; 56-57; The Vitebsk RR Terminal
The Amur Railway; Werbizky. G.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 25; Short note about a hand-drawn map of the railroad on a postcard. The Brest-Kholm Line; Skipton. David M.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 29-30; A provisional canceller in use before the 1 ine received its 277-278 designation in 1904. The Caboose - Almost!: Combs. Gary A.; Rossica; unrecorded Warsaw-Radimin cancel of 1913.
117; Oct.
1991; 54; A previously
The Earliest Oval Railway Cancellations; Wortman,
A.H.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
The Early Railway Postmarks; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP;
19: Dec.
1955; 573-576;
The German Enclaves on the Volga; Wortman. A.H.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 37-43: Covers from various 'German' towns in Russia are illustrated. as is a ra,lroad cover 04' Ural'sl<-152-UrbaKI',. The Great Trans-S'berian Railway; Griboeaov. V.; Cosmopolitan; Mar. Seven pages. Background informatlon. The Great Trans-Siberian Railway; Griboedo\. 1893; 559-565; Photocopy.
1893: 559-565;
Valerian; The Cosmcpc'itan;
14/5; Mar.
The Helsinki-St. Petersburg Railway and the First Finnish Postal Compartment Cancellations; Hellman. Kaj/Etkonen. Jussi; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 24-39; Includes a map of the Helsingfors-SPb Railway. EXhaustive coverage of the SUbject. The Kolyushki-Lodz Railway; Moyes.
J.G.; BJRP; 70; Spring 1991: 27-35;
The Lake Baikal Icebreakers and the Transbaikal 1984; 39-43;
Railway; Moyes,
J.G.; BJRP; 61; Dec.
Railroad Mail Transportation,
The Lake Baikal Icebreakers and the Transbaikal Railway: J.G./Robinson, P.E.; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 20-21;
New Information; Moyes,
The Marks for the St. Petersburg Local Railways; Baill ie, Ian L.G.: BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 4-26; Exhaustive coverage of the St. Petersburg-area 'commuter' llnes. Includes a 1 ist of 174 postmarks. The Murghat Valley Railway: Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 36-40; The Octagonal Railway Mailcoach Postmarks of Russia; Adler. Kurt; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 41-42; The Oval Postmarks of Russia; Adler, Kurt; BJRP; 28; Adler's article in #27. The Oval Postmarks of Russia; Baillie,
1960; 26; Additional
I.L.G./Kethro, W.E.C.; BJRP; 26;
The Siding at Tolokonnoe; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 'Raz'yezd' siding cancel on two loose stamps. The Spreading Vine; Campbell, Patrick J. ; Rossica; ra i 1 road mai 1 routes were numbered.
1987; 67-69;
notes to
1959; 9-18;
114-115; Explains how
The Trans-Siberian Postal Route; Tristant, Henri; Rossica; 69;
The Trans-Siberian Postal Route; Tristant, Henri; Rossica; 70; from #69.
1966; 64-72; Continued
The Trans-Siberian Postal Route; Tristant, Henri; Rossica; 71; from #70.
1966; 69-82; Continued
The Trans-Siberian Postal Route; Tristant, Henri; Rossica; from #71.
1968; 5-15; Continued
The Un-Numbered T.P.O.s of Imperial Russia; Kossoi, Edward; BJRP; 63;
1986; 41-45;
Three Days Early; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 4-5; A postcard dated 30 Dec. 1912, but franked with 1913 Romanov 1kop. stamps. Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Riga-Dunaburg-Orel Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen, Ruuo W.; Post Rider; 17; Nov. 1985; 4-21; Train Mail in the Baltic Area: The Riga-Dunaburg-Qrel Railway 1861-1917; van Wijnen, Ruud W.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 4-7; Co~tinueO f~om #17. Tramvainaya pochta v Kieve; Mogil 'nyi, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; 'tramway' post in Kiev, begun in 1892.
July 1982;
11; The
Trans-Siberian TPOs - Points to Ponder; Robinson, P.E.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 33-35; Routes 243-244 and 261-262. Many postmarks recorded. Traveling Post Offices in Eastern Siberia, 1992; 38-43;
1904-1945; Steyn,
Tsarskoe Selo Railway Marks; Lloyd, John; BJRP; 57; Nov. TPO Marks; Tann,
Leonard L.; BJRP; 56: Nov.
Ivo; Rossica;
1990; 119; Oct.
1980; 21-22;
1979; 32; TPO 298 and Ketritsevo.
TPO Route 115; Weinert, Howard L.; BJRP; 55; Nov.
12; Date of opening.
TPQ Route 115/116 - New Information; Weinert, Howard L.; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 26-27;
Warsaw-St. Petersburg Railway Cancellations; Mazepa. James; Post Rider; 19; Nov. 1986; 66-67; Russian postal stationery envelopes used in 1863 on Mail Coach No. 2. Zheleznodorozhnaya pochta Rossii; translation in 'Rossica'.
Luchnik. N.;
1974; 37-67; English
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet
(n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica; 55; 1958; 61; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Soviet 1937 TPO marking 'Manchu~ia - Moscow'. (n.t.); Barry, John; Ross'ica; 57; 1959; 58; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Reports several Soviet TPO markings from 1958. (n.t.): Carson, Michael J.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 74; A Jan. L'vov-Peremyshl' TPO cancellation.
1941 cover with an
A vashe mne~ie?; Grosman, B.M.; VestniK svyazi; 5; May 1983; One page. A suggestion by the OPP Chief at the Vitebsk RR Terminal in Leningrad to have the alphabetic listings of USSR post offices removed from mailcars. Additional Notes on Russian Railway PostmarKs; Cronin. Andrew; BJRP; 6; Apr. 1 13; Adres: Poselok Yasnyi; Pavlova, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. the opening of an OS in Yasnyi, on the BAM railroad.
1977; Short article on
Atlas skhem zheleznykh dorog SSSR; Pushkareva, M.I. (ed.); 1978; GLAVUPR Geodezii i Kartografii pri SOVMINe SSSR, Moscow; Original book. Railroad line strip maps. Berech' resursy; Labutin, V.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; One page. workers in competition to encourage re-use of resources. Bol'she vnimaniya vagonnomu khozyaistvu; Shestakov; ZhTS; 3; Mar.
Perm' PZhDP 116-117;
Bol'she zabotit'sya 0 raz'ezdnykh brigadakh; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Two pages. Discussion at the Presidium TsK profsoyuza of shortcomings and needed improvements in railroad mail transportation. Chtocy ne dopustit' braka; Voronov, E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1968; One page on a personal incentives system at the Khar'kov PZhDP to reduce errors. Chtoby rabotat' bez peregruzok; Mel 'nikov, N.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980: One page on measures taken to increase volume of mail handling at the Sverdlovsk PZhDP. Direct Routing of Mailcars; (n.a.); Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 45; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #8, 1924. Proposals to route certain mailcars in different ways to increase efficiency. Dlya rabotnikov raz'ezdnoi sluzhby; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1965; Short item on new airconditioned mailcars being bUilt by the Egorov plant. Dlya stroitelei BAMa; Zernov, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1976; Short item on new communicat10ns branch offices opening along the BAM railroad. Dlya udobstva naseleniya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 151-152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Belgorod RRPO's efforts to improve service at its railroad stations. Dolg platezhom krasen ... ; Morozov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. mailbag tra~sfer problems between mailcars and stations.
1974; One page on
Doplatnye pis'ma v agentstva na stantsiyakh zh.d.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 129; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postage-due letters sent to agencies at railroad stations. Doroga na Urengoi i Yamburg; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1986; 8-9; Postmarks and history of the rail line construction from Surgut to the gas fields of Urengoi and Yamburg. Dvadtsatidvukhehtazhnyi pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1969; One page on plans for construction of this post office 2t the Moscow 8e~orussk';i RR Terminal. Ehffektivnost' sovmeshcheniya pochtovykh i passazhirskikh perevozok; Gil', G.K./Golitsyr" N.F.; VestniK svyazl; 11; ~Jov. 1961; Two pages. Ehkohomichnaya tara; Korytov, A.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; One page packing planchet used by the Frunze PZhDP.
a new
Ehkonomim resursy; Zhad'ko, 1.1.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1982; Two pages on saving fuel and electricity during on- and off-loading of mail on mailcars at the Kiev RR Mail Transportation Office. For the Populace'S Convenience; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 89; Skipton, David M.; Short item translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #12, 1924. A Belgorod Railroad Post Office innovation. Gazetnye posylki;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 6;
June 1925;
111; Short item in the 'Khronika'
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet
section on railroad mailcars accepting newspaper packages if space was available. Geografiya pochtovoi svyazi SSSR; Zonnenburg, Moscow; Photocopy.
R.Yu./Il inich.
Izd-vo NKPT,
God udarnogo truda; SOKolova, L.I./Senchikhin, 5.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8: Aug. Two pages on the accomplishments of a worker at the Riga PZhDP. Gotovit' rabochuyu smenu; Evgen'ev, K.; Vestnik svyazi; training new employees at the Kiev PZhDP.
12; Dec.
otvechayut, i otmalchlvayutsya ... ; (n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; on problems in repairing mailcars at the Vologda PZhDP.
1983; One page on
10; Oct.
1980; One page
Initsiatory - v otstayushchikh; Kryshtafovich, YU.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. Two pages on problems and complaints about the Rostov-na-Donu PZhDP.
Iskusstvennyi kl imat v pochtovom vagone; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1965; Short item on a Leningrad factory drawing up plans for air-conditioned mailcars. Ispytaniya na 1 ini i Moskva - Baku; Sharov, A.; Vestnik svyazl; 11; Nov. 1976; One page on experimenting with a new mail-container RR car on the Moscow-Baku line. Iz otstayushchego - v peredovye; Alkhutov, V.N./Nedosekin, R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; sep. 1978; Three pages on how the Volgograd PZhDP went from bad to good In 5 years. Iz Samary na Penzu i po traktam; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 123-125; The author's impressions of postal conditions on railroad routes 216, 159-160, and a mobile and circular route. Izmenenie napravleniya pocntovogo vagona; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on reducing Line 223-224 to just Aleksandrov - Kineshma.
Izmenenie sistemy napravleniya korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a change in the way correspondence is routed. II.
V Ehksploatatsionno-Tekhnicheskom Upravlenii. (Mai-avgust).; Kozhukhov; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 108, 111-112; Projects and proposals in the postal sphere to improve services.
Khotya polozhenie i normal izovalos' ... ; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1980; One page on improvements at the Kiev PZhDP in response to published criticism. Kolesa apparata svyazi; V., R.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. area of RR mail transportation workers.
1925; 98-99; Problems arising in the
Krupneishii prizheleznodorozhnyi pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1961; One page on the railroad post office under construction at Moscow's Kazan' Term ina 1. Krusheniya pochtovykh va go nov v aprele i mae mes.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 168; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on railroad accidents involving mailcars. Mailcoach Sorting of Postal Correspondence; Belyaev, M.I./Kuznetsov, I.G.; Post Rider; 24; July 1989; 19-48; Excerpts from the 1938 Soviet book. Includes railroad postal route maps and a listing of numbered Soviet RR lines. Mekhanizatsiya pogruzki posylok v pochtovye vagony; 6; June 1983; Three pages. Mekhanizm zagruzki pochtovykh vagonov.; technical description.
I.M.; Vestnik svyazi;
(n.a.); Vestnlk svyazi; 6;
June 1971; Short
Moi vstrechnyi: 1 ichnuyu pyatiletku za 3.5 goda; Golovanov, V.S.: Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Two-page interview with a letter sorter in Section #5 of Moscow's Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP. Na magistrali veka; Afanas'ev, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1974; One page on communications support to BAM workers, including postal information. Nadezhnuyu svyaz' stroitelyam BAMa; Shapovalov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. Three pages on communicatl~ns support to BAM workers. Includes postal Information. Nalazhivaetsya svyaz' na BAMe; Nekrasov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. Part of the article deals with postal services on the BAM. Napadenie na pochtovyl vagon;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
1977; One page.
157; Short item about an
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet
attack on Mailcar #21. Napravlenie korrespondentsii; K., P.; ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 96-98; The author comments on Grigor'ev's article in #9-10 '0 novom poryadke zadelki i napravleniya korrespondentsii.' N"lpravlenie korrespondentsii; Stal'; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
Narashchivaem tempy; Reva, I.N.; Ves.nik svyaz~; 10; Oct. Klev PZhDP is meeting its 5-year plan.
1970; Two pages on how the
Nash kurs - mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya; Erokhin, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1974; Two pages on new technology at the Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP in Moscow. Nerealizovannye vozmozhnosti; Marchik, G.O.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1980; Three pages on problems with unloading mailcars at the Khar'kov PZhDP. Notes on the Petrograd-Kem-Murmansk Railway; Tann, 4-8;
Leonard; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992;
Novshestvo v tsekhe; (n.a.); Vestnik svya.zi: 1; Jan. 1971; Short article on a letter-sorting machine at the Moscow Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP. Novyi dom dlya svyazistov; Shchepot'eva, V.; Vestnik svyazi; article on plans for a new PZhDP in Belgorod.
1; Jan.
1974; Short
Navyi poryadok sortirovki i napravleniya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii v deistvii; Konoplin, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1974; Two pages. At the Ivanovo PZhDP. Novyi poryadok zadelki i napravleniya korrespondentsii; Grigor'ev, N.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 128-130; Problems in routing mail via railroad cars, and a plan to solve them. Novyi traktovnik; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 194; Shor't item in the 'Khronika' section on publication of a new RR mailcar route guide.
chern nam pishut; .(n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 93-100; Letters to the editors on money order control, unnecessary RR mailcar-routing information, rural mail, complaints about a Voronezh Communications District problem with the Boguchar' Uispolkom, court mail, savings banks, too much paperwork, retiring co~munications workers, etc.
0 chem nam pi ShLlt;
(n. a. ) ; ZhT6; 8' Aug. wide variety of topics.
1925; 73-83;
Letters to the editors on a
(n. a. ) ; ZhTS; 9' Sep. variety of topics.
1925; 65-74;
Letters to the editors or, a
0 chern nam pishut;
material 'nom stimulirovanii (iz opyta raboty Kievskogo prizheleznodorozhnogo pochtamta); Reva, I.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 197i; One page. At the Kiev PZhDP.
novom poryadke kompensatsii putevykh raskhodov raz'ezdnym rabotnikam svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1961; One page.
tekhnicheskoi ehkspluatatsii sredstv mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; Mel'nikov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazl; 4; Apr. 1969; Two pages on mechanization at the Khar'kov PZhDP and a number of other places.
zh.d. pochte; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5: May 1925; 129: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a slight turf battle between the NKPiT and the NKPS over the proper agent to send official mail.
Db uproshchenii obrabotki i peresylki korrespondentsil; Vcilyakhrom; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 85-87; Proposals to expedite mail handl ing and dispatch on railroad mailcars. Obmen pocht mezhdu pochtovymi vagonami i prizheleznodorozhnymi pochtovymi uchrezhdeniyami; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 148; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on mail exchange between ma~lcars and RR post offices. Obyazatel'stva vypolnim; Knushevitskaya, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1977; Three pages. L.M.K. relates how she and her railroad mailcar crew on the Saratov-Rostov line will meet the 10th 5-year plan. Obyazatel'stva 1978 - k godovshchine Konstitutsii; Maitulina, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1978; Two pages on Mr. Gzhelin, chief of the Moscow-Vladivostok-Moscow mai lcar crew. Obychnyi reis; Chuzhinova. T.V.: Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; Two pages. railroad mailcar chief on the Moscow-Riga run. Obychnyi reis; Maitulina, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi;
Features a
1979; Two pages on Mr.
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet
Novikov, chief of the Moscow-Ojalabad-Moscow mailcar staff, with general information on the railroad. Opasnyi reis; Korytov. A.; Vestnik svyazi; accident between Frunze and Rybach'e.
10; Oct.
Oval Railway Postmarks; Kethro, W.E.; BJRP; 4; Dec.
1976; Short item on a mailcar 1949; 55;
Dvladenie novoi tekhnikoi - glavnyi rezerv; Sintisyna, G.; Vestnik svyaz;; 2; Feb. 1975; Two-page account of a mail sorter and the equipment used for it at the Ivanovo PZhDP. Passazhiry v konvertakh; Zaitsev, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. various mailcars on the Trans-Siberian.
1977; One page on
Pererabotka pravil po napravleniyu korrespondentsii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on reworking regulations for sending mail by ra i 1. Peresylka pochtovoi korrespondentsii s passazhirskimi poezdami v Severo-Zapadnom Okruge Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 133; Short item in 'Khronika' section. Perevozka pocht po liniyam Moskovskogo uzla; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on railroad mail operations being transferred to the Moscow GPO's supervision. Perevozka pochty konteinerami v pochtovykh vagonakh; Karasev, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1961; Two pages. Perevozka pochty pochtovo-bagazhnymi poezdami; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1962; Short article on the introduction of special postal-baggage trains in USSR. Perspektivy p.-t. obmena v blizhaishee trekhletie; Belyaev, A.; ZhTS; 6-12; Communications plans for 1926-1928, and statistical data.
10; Oct.
Perspektivy pochtovogo transporta; Zonnenburg, R.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
Perspektivy razvitiya konteinernykh perevozok pochtovykh otpravlenii; Mangel 'din, D. I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1981; Four pages. Pervomu BAMovskomu pochtal'onu; Aleksandrov, G.; Vestnik svyazi; item on the 'first BAM lettercarrier.'
1; Jan.
1979; Short
Pis'mo nabiraet skorost'. (Iz opyta raboty Kievskogo prizheleznodorozhnogo pochtamta pc uskoreniyu prokhozhdeniya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii .); Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1971; Three pages. Platforma dlya pochtamta; Dmitriev, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Short item on the construction of a new platform at the Yaroslav Terminal in Moscow. Po dolgu rukovoditelya; Konstantinov, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1980; Two pages of complaints from various quarters, including workers at the Vologda PZhDP. Po povodu napravleniya korrespondentsii; Pochtovik; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 103-104; The author takes issue with Grigor'ev's article in ZhTS #10, 1924, on changing the way mail is made up and sent on railroad mailcars and steam ships. Po puti tekhnicheskogo progressa; Vultakh. S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. pages on the Riga PZhDP.
1978; Three
Pochemu by ne pouchit'sya?; Kryshtafovich, Yu.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1980; Three pages on mail-transfer problems and the Kiev PZhDP, and criticism. Pochta bez braka; Sokolova. T.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1977; Two pages on fulfilling the 5-year clan ahead of schedule at the Kemerovo PZhDP Sorting Office. Pochta gruzitsya v konteinery; Belkin, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. on the opening of a containerized mail platform at Sumgait.
1977; Short item
Pochta na SAMe; Ivanova. K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Short item on the opening of a new communications office in Gerbi, dn the BAM. Pochta poidet bystree; Mironov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; start of construction of the KUibyshev PZhDP.
1; Jan.
1978; Short item on the
Pochta SAMa: Sizova, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1977; Short item on the opening of a communications center in Liana, on the BAM. Pochtamt na rel'sakh; Garbuzov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; construction in Imperial and Soviet times.
10; Oct.
1981; 6-8: Mailcar
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet Pochtamt u rel'sov; Lyapin, A.; Vestnik svyazi: 10: Oct. projected construction of the Onepropetrovsk PZhDP.
1976; Short item on the
Pochtovo-bagazhnye poezda na zheleznodorozhnykh magistralyakh; Doronkin, Eh.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 12: Dec. 1964; Two pages. Pochtovomu vaoonu rabotat' ehffektivnee; Rizaev, R. et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1978; Two pages on how the workers at the Baku OPP deai with increased mail volume. Pochtovye vorota goroda; Baev, L.I.; Vestnik svyazi; postal section at the Angarsk RR Terminal.
12: Dec.
1971: One page on the
Pochtovyi yashchik puteshestvuet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. mail delivery and piCkup at points along the BAM.
1978; Short item on
Pochtovym otpravleniyam - polnuyu sokhrannost'; Dobrovatov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1982; Three pages on damaged and lost mail at several railroad mail transportation offices. Pod devizom '25 udarnykh nedel' - 25-letiyu dVizheniya udarnikov i kollektivov komunisticheskogo truda; Chuzhinova, T.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1983; Two pages. Feature on a mail sorter in the Kazan' RR Terminal PZhDP, Moscow. Pod devizom: Odin den' v mesyats rabotat' na sehkonomlennykh materialakh; Bulatov, Yu.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1983; Two pages on conservation of materials at the Kemerovo PZhDP. Poisk ne konchaetsya; Fedchenko, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1975; Two pages. An account by the chief of Mailcar #21 of the Kiev PZhDP about work in a mailcar. Polozhenie dolzhno byt' ispravleno!; Roal'dov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1978; Two pages on mail and worker problems in the Khabarovsk area, serving the BAM. Polozhenie
perevozke pocht po zheleznym dorogam;
Poluchen otvet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 8; Aug. 1978; Dne page. 4-1978 article 'Pochtovomu vagonu rabotat' ehffektivnee'.
Izd-vQ NKPT, Moscow; A reply to Abasov's
Poluchena ehkonomiya; Erokhin, V.I.; Vestrlik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; A brief review of efficiency experts' work at Moscow's Kazan' RR Terminal Mail-Sorting Facility. Pomoshchnik pochtovikov: Anokhina. S.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1978; One page on how Shop #5 at the Kazan' Terminal PZhDP in Moscow uses its new technical resour'ces. Ponizhenie posylochnykh taks: (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 133; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on lowering the rate for packages sent from the periphery to the center, to attract more package mail for railroad mailcars. Postoyanno razvivat' ratsional izatorskoe delo; Erokhin. V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1977; Two pages on improvements at the Kazan' Terminal PZhDP in Moscow. Povyshaem uroven' mekhanizatsii truda; Annenko, N.V./Sokovikov, A.V.; Vestnik svyazi: 5; May 1977; Two pages on new equipment at the Perm' PZhDP. Prizheleznodorozhnyi pochtamt v Chelyabinske; Pospol itak, Mar. 1965; One page.
I.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 3'
Prodazha gazet iz pochtovykh vagonov; (n.a. l; ZhTS: 6: June 1925: 111; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on newspaper sales from some railroad ma1lcars. Prodazha marok na zh.-d. staritsiyakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 145: Short item in trle 'Khronika' section on sale of postage stamps at stations of The Southern RR Lines. Proizvodstvennaya gimnastika diya raz'yezdnykh rabotnikov pochtovoi svyazi: Nifontova, L.N.; Vestnlk svyazl: 6; June 1978; Two pages on physical exercises for mailcar workers. Pryamoe dvizhenie pochtovykh vagonov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 154; Proposals to have Mailcars #135 & H15 go through certain cities, rather than reload the mail onto other cars. Pryamoi propusk vagonov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 194; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on turning mailcars 4c, 5c, 3r and 4r into 'through' cars. Putevye den'gi raz'ezdnym rabotnikam; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 139-140; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on travel allowances paid to postal workers accompanying mail in transit. Railroad Lines 125 and 126; Blake, E.L./Shalimoff, George V.; Rossica;
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet
68-69; Razvitie tekhniki pochtovoi svyazi; Gorokhov, V.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1976; Three pages. A discussion of various postal machines at PZhDPs, DPPs and AOPPs. Razvivat' progressivnyi sposob; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1984; Short article on the Main Railroad Mail Shipment Center's reaction to the article in ~-1984, 'Konteinernym perevozkam pochty ... '. Rezervy est'; Zakushnyak, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; One page on improvements in the Minera1'nye voay PZhDP for mail transportation, including mai1cars, train schedules, etc. RizhsKii prizhe1eznodorozhnyi pochtamt; Gerzon, L.D./Ga1kin, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; Jan. 1968; Five pages on the Riga RR Post Office. Rubezhi brigady; Georgieva, T.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. outstanding mail-sorting team at the Tbilisi PZhDP.
1977; Three pages on an
Saratovskaya mekhanizatsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; l ' Jan. 1925; 145-146; The device used to transfer mail from RR mai1car 287-288 to a steamer at Saratov. Sde1'naya op1ata truda; Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. the introduction of a new wage system at the Kiev ZhDSP.
1970; Three pages on
Shagi obnov1eniya; Yakov1ev, L.Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; Two pages on the new metal 'Type 505' mai1cars on the USSR's main railroad lines. Sobytiya, fakty, tsifry; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; One page. Two short items, the first on the decision of the Moscow Council's Executive Committee to come up with new postal subscribers' boxes, the second on the Egorov factory in Leningrad producing the first new mai1cars for containerized mail. Sorevnovanie - nash pomoshchnik; Doroshenko, P.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; A four-page interview with the Yaros1av RR Terminal PZhDP chief in Moscow. Sortirovka. zade1ka i naprav1enie pocht; I1 'in, LN.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. Sorting, handling and routing of mail by railroad.
Sortirovshchiki - reshayushchee zveno; Petrenko, E.S.; Vestnik svyazi; Three page5 on mail sorting at the Khar'kov PZhDP. Sovershenstvovat' proektirovanie; Kushniruk, V.D.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; pages on designing a PZhDP. Sovershenstvuem proizvodstvo; Prokof'ev, G.A.; Vestnik svyazi; Improving the Minsk PZhDP. Soveshchanie v Tal1ine; Mas1enkova, I.P.; Vestnik svyazi; Discussion of container-mail shipment.
12; Dec. Feb.
12; Dec.
11; Nov.
10-15; 1971;
1981; Two
1981; One page.
Soviet Railroad Mai1car Routes - 1927-1928; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 79-93; Lists all numbered and unnumbered railroad mai1car routes for this period. Sovremennoe pochtovoe predpriyatie; Vigdorchik, M.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. One page on plans and layout of the future Kuibyshev PZhDP.
Soznatel 'noe ispo1nenie sluzhebnogo do1ga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 151; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on two mai1car employees saving the mail from a bandit attack. Speshit pochtovyi ... ; Zaitsev, V.; Vestnik svyazi; Chop - Nakhodka mai1car.
11; Nov.
Sto dorog. sto zabot raz'ezdnogo svyazista; Bogdanchikov, 1975; SlX pages on work in a railroad mailcar.
1980; One page on the
F.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.
Stroitsya Tbi1isskii zhe1eznodorozhnyi pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1965; Short item on construction of the Tbi1isi RR Post Office. Taezhnaya pochta; Bamov; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. del ivery to workers on A10nka Station, BAM.
1975; Short item on mobile mail
Traktovyi ukazate1' pochtovykh vagonov - gazetnykh traktov SSSR d1ya napravleniya korrespondentsii i periodicheskikh izdanii; Soko10v, M.M. (comp.); 1928; NKPT, Moscow; Railroad mail routes, stations. Transporting Mail on Passenger Trains in the Northwestern Communications District; (n.a.); Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 74; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of 'ZhTS', p. 133, Apr. 1924. Short item containing a couple of statistical notes.
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet Traveling Post Offices in Eastern Siberia, 1992; 38-43;
07/13/93 1904-1945; Steyn,
Ivo; Rossic",;
119; Oct.
:retii PZhDP; Klimov, E.; Vestnik svyazi: 6; June 1982; One page. Tridtsat' dye tonny pozdravlenii; Gilenkc, A.; Sibirskie ogni; 5; May ~974; 126-143; A journal 1st writes about his experiences at the Novosibirsk PZhDP and on a ma i 1 car. Tsel' budet dostignuta: Stolyarova, L.; Vestnik svyazi; sorting mail at the Perm' PZhDP.
10; Oct.
1982; Three pages on
Uchet vremeni na perevozke pocht; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 177; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a railroad mailcar workers' query about how to work time when a trip back extends beyond the first of the month. Ukazatel' dvizheniya pOChtovykh vagonov i parokhodov, peresylki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii i periodicheskoi pechati v bagazhe poezdov i na parokhodakh na period s 15 okt. 1931 g.; Naudin; NKPT, Moscow; 1931; Lists railroad routes and ship 1 ines for 1931. Universal 'nyi startovyi stol ustanovki USP-K; Borel', N.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1983; One page on a table for package mail in PZhDps. Uproshchenie sortirovki i zadelki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; A., M.I.; ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 69-71; Problems and proposed solutions to make mail handling between railroad mailcars simpler. Uproshcheniya v pripiske k dokumentam: (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 110; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a proposal to simplify the written receipt process on some railroad mail 1 ines. Uproshchen~yi
poryadok obmena pocht, bez raspisok; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 128; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a change in the way mailbags are exchanged on railroad mailcars.
Usilit' bor'bu s proizvodstvennym travmatizmom; Ievlev, P.E.; Vestnik svyazi; 5: May 1980; Two pages on measures to make mail handling and transfer safer at PZhDPs and post offices. Uskorenie otpravok proizveaenii pechati po zh.d.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 141; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on expeditlng dispatch of printed matter by railroad. Uskorenie v peresylKe poChtovykn otpravlenii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 147; Very short item in the 'Kh~onika' sectlon on the NKPiT adding a mailcar to each express train. V periody bol'shikh potokov pochty; Goncharov, Two pages - at the Khar'kov PZhDP.
F.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.
V pochtovo-bagazhnom poezde: kak uluchshit' organizatsiyu A.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1974; Three pages. V pochtovom vagone. (Pis'ma s puti.); Ehrze; ZhTS; 6; journalist accompanies Mailcar #13.
usloviya truda; Gzhelin,
June 1924;
132-135; A ZhTS
Vnedrenie sistemy PPR na prizheleznodorozhnom pochtamte; Klambek. G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12: Dec. 1975; Three pages on the maintenance and repair system at Moscow's Kazan' PZhDP. Voznagrazhdenie za khoroshuyu rabotu; Voronov, E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. One page on how the Khar'kov PZhDP did well in 1968.
Vse rezervy - na uskorenie prod\/~zt'e~1iya kor'r'espondentsii. (Iz opyta raboty Rizhskogo PZhDP. J. Kur,nova. E.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1971; Three pages. Vse v otvete; Chugunov. P.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1969; Two pages on a railroad mailcar chief's p~oblems with improperly-addressed correspondence. Vysokaya otsenka truda - stimul k poisku; Samarlna, N.: Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1974; One page account of an operator brigadier at the Kursk RR Terminal OPP. Za kem reshayushchee slovo?; Dulova, Z.A.: Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; A short letter from workers. at the Kargapol'e RR Station describing poor conditions which hamper loading and unloading of mail from mailcars. Za sebya i za togo parnya ... ; Trushina, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; One page on Train #904 and the mailcar between Moscow and Vladivostok. Za vysokuyu ehffektivnost' sredstv mekhanizatsii na pochtamte; Antonov, V.; Vestnik
Railroad Mail Transportation, Soviet svyazi;
1; Jan.
1975; Maintenance of new equipment at the Ivanovo PZhDP.
Zapadnaya oblast' v zheleznodorozhnom otnoshenii; Gorodskii. G.; Revolyutsiya i voina; 18; 1923; 194-217; Good background information on the Russian railroads in the western part of the country. Zheleznodorozhnaym pochta na murmanskom marshrute; Sashenkov. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 34-38; The Leningrad-Murmansk Railroad - postal history and cancels. Zheleznye dorogi SSSR. napravleniya i stantsii; Beloglazova, O.A. (ed.); 1971; GLAVUPR Geodezii i Kartografii pri SOVMINe SSSR, Moscow; Railroad line strip maps for the entire USSR.
Revenues, Civil War
(n.t.); Indra, Viktor; Rossica; 72; 1967; 92; Denikin revenues with postal cancels. Addenda to Revenues; Gibrick, Seymour; revenues.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
Rossica: 46-47;
1955; 50-51: South Russia
Maloizvestnye marki dlya oplaty dostavki sudebnykh dokumentov: Turchinskii, Yu.; Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 48-49; The author argues that three Denikin & Wrangel special court mail del ivery 'tax' stamps are actually postage stamps, and should be included in the stamp catalogs. Dutstanding Covers - No.7; Wortman, A.H.: BJRP; 7; Oct. 1951; 118; A Cri~ea Border Government revenue-postage-money stamp on a 1919 cover to Simferopol'. Revenue Stamps in Place of Postage Stamps; Mogil'nyi, V.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 55-56; Dallair, Richard; The Kiev PTO's initiative to use revenue stamp stocks as postage. Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, 22; Jan.-Mar. ~945; 1-6;
Paul D.; RAP;
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D. 23: Apr.-June 1945; 1-5; Continued from #22.
Russian Reissues, Revalued Stamps and Provisionals 1918-1923; Krynine, Paul D.; RAP; 24; JUly-Sep. 1945; 6-10; Continued from #23. Stamps of Russian Civil War Period: 1918-1922; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 72: 1967; 8-13; Khar'~ov locals, Kiev and Vyaz'ma provisionals, Fort Aleksandrovski i revenue issues. The 'Russian Office' Revenue Stamps of Egypt; Waters, Thomas; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 14-15; The Russian Consulate in Cairo and its revenue stamps for passports during the Civil Wa~.
Revenues, .General
Catalogue of Fiscal Stamps of Russia and Countries of the Russian Group; Marcovitch, E.; Rossica; 56; 1959; 52-54; No listing, merely talks about the forthcoming catalog. K voprosu ob izuchenii i katalogizatsii fiskal'nykh marok; Stefanovskii, E.; SK; 6 (106); June 1930; 154-157; The authors thoughts on how to go about a systematic listing of revenue stamps. Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps and Labels; Marcovitch, E.; Rossica; 61; An overview of literature on these topics.
1961; 45-48;
Postage Stamps, Revenue Stamps ~nd Labels: Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 61; 1961; 45-48; Overview of what has been published or is being prepared on these topics.
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 55: 1958; 62; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Comments on inverted backgrourds of postal savings and control stamps. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 26; May 1990: 73-74: A tril ingual fiscal from the Russian zone in Rethymnon Province, Crete. and a rare bil ingua 1 'advertising' registration handstamp from Minsk. Dec. 1926. (n.t.): Liberman. William R.: Rossica; 74: 1968; 75; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Revenues of the Russian offices on Crete. (n.t.); Marcovitch, Emile: Rossica; revenue catalog.
1960: 66: O.
Faberge updates Marcovitch's
(n.t.); Polchaninov, R.: Rossica; 68; A 1755 revenue document.
1965: 38:
(n.c.): Posell. stamp.
1963: 58; Discovery of a second 100R consular
Jacques: Rossica; 64;
(n.t.); Shmuely, Moshe: Rossica: 102-103; card and a revenue document.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
121-123: Perfins on a parcel post
'Terra inkognita' vne pochty'; Turchinskii, YU.; Filateliya; 5: May 1992: 48-51; An overview of non-philatel ic collecting in the fields of revenues, Vignettes, receipts, coupons, etc. He defines and provides examples for each category. A Few Notes on Revenue Stamps: Posell, Address Tickets: 16;
Jacques: Rosslca; 46-47;
Moscow and St. Petersburg: Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 57: Nov.
Bisects of Fiscal Stamps in St. Petersburg: 54-57; Sulak, C.o.:
Faberge, Oleg A.:
Den'gi polucheny spolna (0 nekotorykh vidakh gasheniya na markakh gerbovogo sbora); Borlsov, I.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 47-50; Various cancellations of revenue stamps on documents. Fiskal'nal/a marka - Khabarovsk. 1913 god.; Kandaurov, 1.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 15; A 1913 fiscal-cum-charity stamp issued for the Priamur Krai Exhlbition. Fiskal 'nye marki. (Doklad na Vserossilskoi konferentsii chlenov VOF - sobiratelei fiskal'nykh marok 23 iyunya 1929 g.); Verkmeister, V.V.; SKi 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 86-89; A general overview of the revenlle collecting field given ;n a report to a VOF conference in 1929. Inverted Backgrounds on Postal Savings & Control Stamps; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 55; 1958; 32; Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 9: Sep. 1990; 129-144 insert; Filatel iya SSSR, Moscow; Postage stamp and revenue stamp usage from 1918-1921, including postmaster provisionals. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvBnnykh znakOv pochtOVOl oplaty. VIII. Pochtovye marki Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana.: Ustinovskii. V./Turchinskii, YU./Pevzner, A.; Filateliya; 2; Feb. 1992: 1-12; Listings of Bukhara, Khorezm, Kazakrlstan, postmaster provisionals of Central Asia, and Imperial revenues used as postage. Kollektsionirovanie fiskal 'nykh marok; Artamonov. M./Verkmeister, V.; Sovetskii filatel ist: 1; Jan. 1924; 7-8; A very general overVlew of the revenue field and the beginnlngs of collecting revenues ir Russia. More Additions to the Forbin Revenue Catalog: Moyes, My
J.G.; BJRP: 64; Dec.
1987: 45;
Sheets o~ the Imperlal Issues Provislonally Used During Yhe :<evolutiollar, and lnflatlonary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd. Rossica: 66: 1964: 21-26: Includes saVings bank and contra"' scamps.
My Exhicition S~eets of the lmper:al Issues Prov:sional'y Usee During the Revolutionary ana Inflationary Period of the R.S.F.S.R. 1917-1923; Lloyd, John: Rosslca; 67; 1964; 19-25; Continued from #66. Normal and Inverted Backgrounds on Postal Saving and Control Stamps; A.; Rossica: 67; 1964; 27-30; InclUdes checkl ist. Notes on Collecting Russian Revenue Stamps; Marcovitch, 45-54: Notes on Fiscals of the Imperial RUSSlan Era; Speers,
Faberge, Oleg
Emile; Rossica; 45;
F.W.; Rossica;
sberegatel 'nykh markakh v kachestve pochtovykh; Granovitskii; SKi
1958; 39-41;
1 (101); Jan.
1930; 31; Short letter in the 'Tribuna chitatelya' section on a control stamp used as a postage stamp in 1915. Raz'yasneniya po Gerbovomu Ustavu, (10 Iyulya 1900 goda). Izvlechenie iz Vyestnika Finansov, Promyshlennosti i Torgovl i, s dopolneniem sootvetstvuyushchikh st. st. Ustava.; Paterevskii, S.T. (comp.); 1901; S.T. Paterevskii, Moscow; On microfilm. Russian Consular Stamps of 1913; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 64; Russkie sluzhebnye marki Ministerstva yustitsii, Philatelist; 1; May-June 1961; 18-19;
1963; 29;
1909-1911 g.g.; Shenits, G.; Russian
Some Additional Notes on the Russian Consular Stamps of 1913; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 67; 1964; 35; Some Additions to the Forbin Revenue Catalogue; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 63; Spor
vos'mi kopeikakh; Berngard, K.; SK; 13; 1975; 93-94; A revenue stamp used as postage on a postcard, and the resulting legal wrangl ing.
Stamps and Receipts of Adresny Sbor in St. Petersbourg; Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 63; 1962; 11-17; Ukraine - Theatre Revenue Stamps of 1918; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 49-50; 51-52; What is Your Answer?;
(n.a.); Rossica; 66;
Zemstvos of Simbirsk; Marcovitch, post-horse fee stamps.
1964; 66; Russian revenues in Egypt.
Emile; Rossica; 65;
1963; 62; The 1890 zemstvo
Revenues, Soviet.
'Terra inkognita' vne pochty!; Turchinskii, Yu.; Fi latel iya; 5; May 1992; 48-51; An overview of non-philatel ic collecting in the fields of revenues, vignettes, receipts, coupons, etc. He defines and provides examples for each category. A Soviet Consular Stamp in Current Use; Cruikshank. Dale P.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 28-29; Authorization for Philately and Foreign Exchange;
(n.a.); BJRP;
1; Dec.
1946; 9-10;
Blagotvoritel 'nyya marki g. Rostova-na-Donu: St. Zonnenberg-Fedorovskii; Rossica; Oct. 1934; 111-113; Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; Yakobs. V.; Filatel iva SSSR; Brief history of the Luga Sovdep fiscal stamps. Eshche
'Eletskoi sovetskoi marke'; Stefanovskii, E.; SK;
Eshche odna; Karachun, D.; SK; 5;
1967; 45; An unusual
1; Jan.
1990; 40;
1978; 82-83;
'Eletskaya sovetskaya marka'.
Eshche raz 0 markakh kon~rol 'nogo scora; Dimanshtein, Va.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 21-22; Philatelic control stamps issued i~ 1923 by the Far Eastern section of the Plenipotentiary for Philately and Scripophily. Eshche raz 0 markakh kontrol'nogo sbora: Livshits, N./Chelishchev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 33-34; The 1923 and 1925 Soviet control stamps. Filatelisticheskii surrogat; K., S.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 36; A 5kop. overprinted 'revenue' stamp of the Baku Soviet. Filateliya v pomoshch' golodayushchim Samarskoi gubernii v 1921-1922 godakh; Plotnikov, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 26-27; Chuchin's efforts to raise money from philatel ists in response to the famine of 1921 and 1922, and the declaration of government monopoly over phila~ely. Gerbovaya ili pochtovaya?;
Il'shtein, A.; SK;
1978; 83-85; The 1918 Elets stamp.
Gerbovye marki Bukharskoi Narodnoi Sovetskoi Respubl iki (BNSR) 1922-1925 godov; Florenskii, V./Florenskii, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 49-50; Bukhara revenues. Gerbovyi znak Revkoma; Maslov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. District Revolutionary Committee revenue stamps. I eshc"e odna ... ; Morozov. I~
I.; SK;
1976; 97-99;
1967; 46; Bobruisk
May Quack Like a Duck, But ... ; Skipton, David/Finlk, Leon; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 55-57; 'Duck stamps' issued by the All-Russian Society for Conservation of Nature. Labels, not revenues.
K novomu katalogu; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 31; New finds which indicate the 70kop 'revolutionary stamps' were in circulation in Latvia from the middle of Dec. 1918 to the middle of May, 1919. Kollektsionirovanie fiskal'nykh marok; Ar~amonov, M./Verkmeister, V.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 1; Jan. 1924; 7-8; A very general overview of the revenue field and the beginnings of collecting revenues in Russia. Miscellaneous Notes; Barry, John; BJRP; 21; Dec. Aid to the Starving issue. N.K.I.D. SSSR: 1976; 46;
Konsul 'skaya marka.
1956; 652-653; The 1922 South-East
'Consular' Stamps.; Ozol, V.; BJRP; 53; Nov.
Novaya stranitsa; Shtrom, YU.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930: 9-13; Where possible, the autho~ identifies the artists oehind the postage and revenue stamps and paper money, and calls upon the editors of SK to find out who the designers were.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 76-83: Letters to the edItors on various subjects: complaints about too ma~y unnecessary postal forms and logbooks, compensation to savings-bank-operation employees, debate over mobile and circular posts, postage due procedures, the new administrative structure, personnel problems, etc.
Pervaya treugol'naya; stamps.
(n.a.); SK; 3;
161; South-East 'Aid to the Starving' tax
Philatelic Foreign Exchange Tax Stamps; Taylor, Robert; 49-61;
Post Rider;
15; Nov.
Pochtovye marki v kachestve gerbovykh; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 50-51 ;
Revenues. Soviet
Pochtovye marki v kachestve gerbovykh?: Mazur, P.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 48-49; Postage stamps used as provisional revenues during the early Soviet period. Pochtovye marki v kachestve gerbovykh?: Mazur, P.; ~ilatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 51-52; Postage stamos used as revenues in 1922.
Pochtovye marki SSSR v kachestve gerbovykh; Mazur. P.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 48-50:
Popravka; (noa.); Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep. 1986; 42; Corrections to Kosonogov's article in #7. 'Raznovidnosti marok kontrol 'nogo sbora'. Prezhde vsego - tochnost'; Kharchenko. K.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 9; The author takes conditional exception to Karlinskii's statement in 'Vam - doplatnoe pis'mo' (#s 3-4, 1966) about the Southeast Help the Hungry stamps being fiscalso Raspredelenie voznagrazhdeniya za prodazhu gerbovykh znakov; (noa.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on awards to postal agencies for sel~ing revenue stamps. Raznovidnosti marok kontrol'nogo sbora; Kosonogov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 36-38; Varieties of the foreign philatel ic exchange control stamps. RSFSR - pomoshch' golodayushchim; Kaminskii. B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 24-28; Continued from #2. Soviet Consular Stamps; Posell, Jacques; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 35;
Soviet Zemstvo Stamps; Medvedev. V.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 51-52; Reprinted from 'Latest News'. Paris. 1937. Luga Soviet of Deputies stamps. Tax Stamps for Philatelic Exchanges; Norwood. Hilary; BJRP; 63;
The South East Help the Hungry Issue of 1922 (Scott's B30-33); Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 88; 1975; 51-58; Includes forgeries and fake cancels. The Stamps of the Luga Soviet; Shirokov, A.A.; Rossica; 71;
1966; 52-54;
Unknown Revenue Stamps In My Collection; Polchaninov. R.; Rossica; 66; German 1918 occupation revenues. and 1941-44 Pskov municipals.
1964; 72-73;
USSR Postage Stamps Used as Revenues; Mazur, P.; Rossica; 102-103; 1983; 23-25; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #8, 1981. Vse li my znaem 0 pochte Bukhary i Khorezma?; Ustinovskii, V.; Filateliva; 1; Jan. 1992; 43-47; The Soviet puppet states of Bukhara and Khorezm. their postage and revenue stamps. Zerkal 'naya ehmblema; Skripkin. Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 12-13; Backwards and forwards (mirror) representations of the hammer-and-sickle on Soviet postage and revenue stamps. due to 'artistic 1 icense' of the designers.
(n.t.); Blum, Henry; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 69; A first-day cover of the Romanov 1913 Tercentenary issue, mailed from one stamp dealer to another. (n.t.); Hi11esum, Rene; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 68; Romanov postcard and stamps posted on the first day of issue. (n.t.); Liphschutz. M.V.; Post Rlder; 4; April 1979; 82-83; Illustrates two Romano\! stationery envelopes used for Soviet airmail. (n.t.); Marshall. A.R.; Post Rider; used on rna i i .
18; June 1986; 70-71; Phrygian Cap overprints
(n.t.); Rosse1evich. A.; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 8; In 'Notes From Collectors' se::tion. Dull. diagonal 'ribbing' on Remanov stamps. (n.t.); See. Franz; Rossica; 55; and sold before 1-1-1913.
1958; 62; Romanov stamps distributed to post offices
(n.t.); Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 68; A vertical pair of 7kop. Romanovs witr strikes of Novyi Urgench, in the Khiva area. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; currency-token cover.
16; June 1985; 68; Possibly the earliest
(n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 72-73; A 1918 registered cover from Ore1. franked with Romanov stamps at 8 kopecks above the necessary rate. (n.t.); Taylor. Robert; Post Rider; Soviet period.
16; June 1985; 68; Romanov usages in the early
(n.t.); Werbizky. G.G.; Post Rider; Romanov postcard. 1921.
13; Nov.
1983; 86; A 'DVR' overprint on a 4kop.
A Peal Romanov Flown Cover!; Wo~tman. A.H.; Post Rider; 4; April covers used by the Soviet Philate~ic Association. A 1922 Romanov; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. postcard used in 1922. with a strange franking.
1979; 63; Romanov
1991; 76-77; A 4kop. Romanov
Additional Notes on the Romanoff Die Proofs; (n.a.); RAP; 21; Oct.-Dec. 1944; 8; Lists designers and engravers. and the denominations each wo~ked on. Anmerkungen zur Romanow-Ausgabe in der Levante 1913/14; Freese, Joerg; Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 26-27; Auction Notes; Stephen. W.S.E.; BJRP; 41; Oct. 1967; 22-23; Two Robson Lowe and one Rigby sale. including the Zarri~s cc11ection of Romanov proofs and essays. Banknotes and Postage Stamps; Tann, ~eonard L.; BJRP; 42; Dec. 1968; 34; Notes a similarity between portraits on some banknotes and Romanov stamps. Comments by the Rev. L.L. Tann; Tann, Leonard L.; Rossica; 104-105; 1984; 80-82; Comments on the Lobachevskii catalog: Arms issues and Romanovs. Eshche 0 spornykh markakh; Fedorovskii, V.S.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 32; The controversy over Imperial Romanov stamps printed on bluish paper. Flaws; Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 64-65; Flaws on the Arms issues and the 15kop. Romanov currency tokens of 1915. Flown Romanov Covers!; Hong. Barry; Post Rider; 3: Sep. 1978: 19-21; 1931 Graf Zeppe1 in flight covers with Soviet stamps on Romanov posta~ stationery. H.C. Goss Russia real ized.
1958; Lowe.
1958; Original catalog. no prices
His Imper'c'l Highness Grand Duke A1eksey Mihal10vlcrl; (n.a.); Rossica; 89; 1075; 30-31; Levandowsky, Daniel W.; Translated from 'Marki' ii1, 12 March 1896. Important Discovery; (n.a.); RAP; ~7; Mar. 19<'4; 8; Romar,ov 2R and 3R imper'fo,'ates and Scott #s 326-327 on unwatermarked paper, perforated 13 3/4. In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Romanov Issue; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 10-15; A reproduction of the Robson Lowe auction of Romanov proofs and essays in the Tsar's collection. Just Stamping Around; Tann. Leonard L.; Rossica; on Romanov stamps.
1985; 66-67; Some cancels
Neues uebes die 50 Piaster auf 5 rb1. der Romanoff Serie; Shchapov. N.; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 56; Reprinted from 'Radio de Fi1intern' #5. 1928.
New Circular Vokzal Markings; Shal imoff, George; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 149-150; Corrects information on these markings in Tann's 'The Imperial Romanovs'. News and Views; (n.a.); BJRP; 46; Dec. checklist, and Romanov varieties.
1971; 29-30;
L.L. Tann's revisions to his 1R
Notes on Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.: Rossica; 45: 1955; 40-43; Includes information on the 3.50R stamp of 1918 - Scott #132 - ribbed, and the 1913 1KOp. Romanov with diagonal 'ribbing'.
50 piastrakh na 5 rub. romanovskoi serii; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 14; The Editorial Board summarizes the dispute over the authenticity of '2nd' and '3rd' issues of the 50pi on 5rub. Romanov stamp, and declares them to be forgeries.
50 piastrakh na 5 rUblyakh romanovskoi serii; Golovkin, V.; Sovetskii filate)ist; (77); Jan. 1928; 7-8; Describes forgeries of the 50-piastre surcharge on the 5-rub1e Romanov JUbilee stamp.
Pochtovye kartochki Rossii vypuska 1913 goda; Ilyushin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1985; 38-39; A variety of the 1913 4k Romanov postcard.
1; Jan.
Postcard Overprint; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 36; A Romanov 4k postcard with a Soviet 'United Proletarian Land Committee' overprint at left, a Hungarian 45-filler surcharge at right, and illustrations of the stamps and surcharges of Batum on the back. Questions of a Cover; Ercolini, Michael; Rossica; stamp on cover from Kilo, Finland, 1913.
117; Oct.
1991; 35-36; A Romanov
Reutilised Romanov Postal Stationery; Lloyd, John; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 64-67; Information on the unused stocks of Romanov stationery used for Soviet mail. Revolutionary Overprints; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 3; June 1949; 41-42; Phrygian cap-and-swords overprints on Romanov issues. Revolutionary Overprints on the Romanov Tercentenary Issues; Reynolds, J.H.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 38-46; Considerable detail. Revo 1ut i onary Surcharges on Romanov Issue; (n. a. ); BJRP; 1; Dec. 1946; 10- 11 ; Extracted from 'Catalogue Speciale des Timbres de Guerre de Russie', Yvert et Tell ier, 1920. Romanoff JUbilee: Tann, Leonard L.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 50: Illustratlon of a cover posted in St. Petersburg bearing the entire Romanov set. Romanov Collateral Material;
Lamoureux, Marcel; Post Rider;
12; May 1983;
Romanov Cover; Erixon, Per-Anders; Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 40; A registered letter (grossly overfranked) bearing the complete Romanov set, posted 12 Feb. 1913. Romanov Currency Stamps of 1915, 21-25;
1916-17; Sal isbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 59;
Romanov Currency Stamps of 1915,1916-17: Salisbury, Gregory B.; Rossica; 60; 5-8; Continued from #59.
Romanov Portraits; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. several Romanov stamps taken from banknotes.
1979; 47-49;
Romanov Postal Stationery Used in Finland; von Hungen, Heinz; 1983; 16; Romanov Usages in the Early Soviet Period; Cronin, 26; Romanov stamps used ir 1918.
Portraits of
Post Rider:
Post Rider;
12; May
15; Nov.
Romanov 1913 Annlversary Issue and Latvians: PetrevlCs, A.: Latvian Collector: 31; Nov. 1980-Mar. 1981: 8-10; R. Sarrin and other designers. Romanovs in Finland; Tann,
Leonard L.:
Post Rider;
1i; I-Jov.
1982; 56-63;
Russia and Rural (Zemstvo) Issues; Harmer's of New York; Nov. 24-25, catalog with prices realized. Russian Currency Stamps; Tann,
Leonard L.: BJRP; 40; Mar.
Russian Currency Stamps 1917; Tann. The Currency Tokens of Russia; Tann, The Romanov JUbilee Issue; Tann,
Leonard L.; BJRP; 42; Dec. Leonard L.; Post Rider;
Leonard L.; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1975; Original
16-17; 1968; 34-35;
15; Nov.
1976; 28-33;
Romanov The Romanov Jubilee Issue 1913-1983; Tann, 17-22;
Leonard L.; Post Rider;
12; May 1983:
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue and Its Subsequent Use; Sal isbury. Gregory B.: BJRP; 8; Jan. 1952; 150-182 & 8 illustration pages; The Romanov Tercentenary Issue and Its Subsequent Use. Part II.; Salisbury, Gregory; BJRP: 9; July 1952: 227-251; Includes lnformation on Batum overprints. The Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. 14-15; May 1954; 446-453;
Addenda - Part II.; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue of 1913. May 1953: 351-362;
Addenda.; Sal isbury, Gregory B.; BJRP;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III: Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP: 10; Nov. 1952; 276-300: Includes information on JUbilee stamps used in Finland, plus postal history during the Russian empire period of Poland. The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Sal isbury, G.B.: BJRP; 276-300; Includes China, Levant, Persia and Central Asia.
10; Nov.
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Salisbury, Gregory B.; BJRP; 276-300; Includes early Soviet overprints on Romanov stamps. The Romanovs Used in South Russia; Artuchov, Alex: The Tsar's Collection; (n.a.); RAP; 4; Dec. Tsar's Romanov proofs and essays.
Post Rider;
17; Nov.
10; Nov.
1985; 68;
1-3: A full description of the
The Tsar's Collection; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Riaer;
13; Nov.
1983; 61-68:
The 1916 Provisional 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges Oh Arms Types and Romanovs; Tann, Leonard L.; BURP: 56; Nov. 1979; 37; The 1916 Provisional 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on Arms Types and Romanovs; Weinert, Howard; BURP; 55; Nov. 1978; 19; Three Days Early; Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 27: Nov. 1990; 4-5; A postcard dated 30 Dec. 1912, but fran~ed with 1913 ROloanov 1kop. stamps. Tsarskaya kollektsiya?; Diksi; Filateliya; 2; Feb. 1992; 17-18; A listing by album of the Romanov Jubilee Issue proofs and essays that were owned by the Tsar. Usage Extraordinary; Tann, Leonard L.; BURP: 46; Dec. 1971; 25; Romanov stamps used on soldier mail to Germany in WWI. See R. Casey's comments in 'News & Views', BURP #47. WIPA 1981 - A 'Europe' Sale at Public Auction; Koerber, Roger; Uune 19-20, 1981; Original catalog ~ith no prices realized. Contains the 'Mazepa Ukraine' collectlon. YUbileinyj romanovskii vypusk 1913 goda; Prigara, Sergei Vasil 'evich; Rossica; 43; Uune 1941: 386; L1Sts many of the artists from whose works the faces for the 1913 issue were taken. Zagadki russkoi filatelii; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 1; May-June 1961; 19-22; Diagonal ribbing on a 1kop. Romanov stamp, and a rare 'network' paper 3.50R stamp of 1918. . 10 and 20 kop. Surcharge on Romanov Issue; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 54; Dec. 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on 7 and 14 kOp. BURP; 52; Dec. 1975; 16;
1977; 20;
Arms Type and Romanovs; Peel, ErlC G.;
Arms Type and Romanovs: 10 and 20 kop. Surcharges on 7 and 14 kop: the 1916 Sur'char'g2; Tann, Leonard L.; BURP; 53: Nov. 1976; 33; 1916-1917 Romanov Currency Takens; Tann, Leonard L.: EJRP; 54; Dec.
Further Notes on 1977;
5kop Kerensky Postcard; (n.a.): Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 37; Two postcards sent by Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden in exile with Nicholas II and family are illustrated.
Russo-Japanese War
(n.t.); Speeckaert, A.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 79; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Triple franking on a 'prepared' Russo-Japanese War ppc. A Russo-Japanese War Prisoner of War Card; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 16;
Kwan-Tung Territory; Kuroas, V.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 34-35; A brief outline of the establishment of Dal'nyi and Talienwan, and the war in that area. Prisoner-of-War Camps in Japan, 1904-1905; Lloyd, John; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1 illustration page; List of camps.
18-19 &
Russko-yaponskaya voina 1904-1905 g.g. Tyl delstvuyushchei armii. Chast' vtoraya Puti soobshcheniya. Sredstva peredvizhenii i snoshenii.; (n.a.); VII; 1910; 317-362; Voenno-istoricheskaya komissiya, St.Petersburg; The Russian General Staff's assessment of its field post, telegraph and censorship activities during the Russo-Japanese War. Wars,
Insurrections, Rebellions and Campaigns; Campbell, John; Pochta; 14-17; Japanese PPCs showing scenes from the Russo-Japanese War.
11; Jan.
Scripophily, Civil War
(n.t.); Huysmans, Fr.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 63-64; Short note and photo of a 100R banknote with a Pribalkal overprint. Astrakhanskie bony; Karpov, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 20; Astrakhan' scrip issued to the men of the 156th Reserve Infantry Regiment. Bankovye razmennye bilety Pskovskogo obshchestva vzaimnogo kredita; Vilinbakhov, B.A.; SK: 4-5 (104-105): Apr.-May 1930; 103-106; Scrip issued by the Pskov Mutual Credit Company to provlae small change after the evacuation of financial institutions in 1918. Bony i protsentnye bumagi Elisavetgrada; Mozolevich,
I.; SKi
Bony stekol'nogo zavoda 'Brat'ev Danilovykh'; Koltashev, I.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 21; Scrip issued by the Danilov Brothers' Glass Factory from 1907 to 1917, with sUbsequent use by Kolchak forces as passes into the factory. Bony Armavira; Verovenko, 0.; SKi 3;
1965; 91-94;
Den'gi Shkuro; KardBkoY, N.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. De~ezhnye
1939; 228-230;
znaki g. Rovno v 1919 g.; Alekseyuk, M.; SKi 20; 1982;
Denezhnye znaki syevernoi Rossii;
Rosber, N.; Rossica;
11; Dec.
127-133; 1932;
Denezhnye znaki zelenyKh v Chernomor. gUb.; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 252-253; Denezhnye znaki zheleznykh dorog na Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 254-255; Oenezhnye znaki Gikalo i Uzun-Khadzh; Kardakov, N.;
Rossica: 34; Nov.-Dec.
Denezhnye znaki Glavnago komandovaniya vooruzhennymi silami na yugye Rossii; Rosber. N.; Rossica; 7; Sep. 1931; 56-58; Denezhnye znaki Kubanskago kraevogo pravitel 'stva; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. 1939; 227-228; Denezhnye znaki Kubanskoi i Syevero-Kavkazskoi respublik; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 35; Jan. -Feb. 1939; 203-205; Denezhnye znaki Terskago kazach'yagc voiska; Kardakov, N.; Rcssica: 1938; 171;
Denezhnye znaki Tersko-Dagestanskoi oblasti; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 31; May-June 1938; 154-157; Denezhnye znaki Terskoi respubliki; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 32-33; July-Oct. 169-1'71 ;
Denezhnye znaki Vladikavkaza i Terskoi respubliki; Reznichenko, M.; Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 9-10; Ehmissiya pervago Krymskago pravitel 'stva; Rosber, N.;
Ehmissiya Bermonta-Avalova; Iol'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist: official document concerning Bermondt-Avalov scrip.
6: May 1931: 32-34; ~;
Eshche 0 Stavropo1 'skikh denznakakh; Sokolov, V.; SKi 6 (106); June 1930; 1 isting of Stavropo1' scrip ISSUED in 1918-1920. Eshche raz 0 'bonakh Arensburga':
Veiner, 1.: SKi 9:
11; An
145-147; A
Inter-esnaya nadpechatka; 101'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); NOV.-Dec. 1924; 36; T\>IO Souen Russia" b,', 's wlth over'prints are described. 1z istorii denezhnogo obrashcheniya Kazakhstana v gody Grazhdanskoi voiny: Globenko, V.; SKi ~3: 1985; 134-135: K svedeniyu bonistov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924; 15; Notice from the NKPiT that it is 1 ifting the ban against sending 'White Guard' scrip in the mail between collectors. Krasnoyarskie cheki; Babenko, A.; SKi 4; Mglinskie bony; Polozov,
I.; SKi 6;
1966; 83-84: 120;
1918 Mglinsk zemstvo paper money.
Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.: 1939; 275-279;
Rossica; 38; July-Sep.
Scripophily, Civil War
Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 39; Feb. 299-304; Continued from #38.
Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 40; June 1940; 327-331; Continued from #39. Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 41; Nov. 353-356; Continued from #40.
Myestnye vypuski bon na syevernom Kavkazye; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 372-374; Continued from #41.
Nadpechatki 'OSVAGA'; Rosber, N.; Rossica; organization under Denikin.
14; Dec.
1933; 59-61; The White propaganda
Nadpechatki anarkhistov Makhno; Tkhorzhevskii, R.; Filatel iva SSSR; 44-45; Makhno anarchists' overprints on bills.
11; Nov.
Nevypushchennye bony SUkhuma; Pr it sker, money.
L.; SK; 6;
118 - 119;
1918 Sukhum i paper
Nevypushchennye bony Sukhuma; Pritsker,
L.; SK; 6;
1918 Sukhumi.
0 bonakh; Kal'nin, I.M.; Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 19; An unreported bill issued by the Kyakhta branch of the State Bank in 1918 and 1919.
bonakh i denezhnykh znakakh polosy otchuzhdeniya byvshei Kitaiskoi-vostochnoi zh.d.; Stroganov, F.; Rossica; 22; Dec. 1935; 209-211;
nekotorykh bonakh iz kollektsii. Zapechatlena istoriya strany.; Shraiber, Va.; SK; 18; 1980; 125-132; Urals 1918 emission, Dmitrovskii District issue of 1918, and a 1921 Kronstadt issue.
Olonetskie bony; Butkevich, P.; SK; 9;
1918 Olonets scrip.
Peredvizhnoi muzei pri klube Oktyabr'skoi zhel. dor.; Gruslanov, V.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 125; A mobile museum with Civil War and revolutionary-period scrip on display. Po knizhnoi polke; Vainshtein, Eh.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 90-92; A review of sections from historical works that shed light on the economic situation in various areas during the Civil War, and the paper money issued. 8r1morskii rUbl' boretsya; Navolochkin, N.; SK; 7; money.
103-114; Primor'e paper
Raznovidnosti v obyazatel 'stvakh Kolchaka; Sadovskii, G.N.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 131-132; Varieties of Kolchak-issue scrip. Samarskie cheki-bony; 1917-May 1918.
(n.a.); SK; 5;
1967; 80-82; Samara Soviet paper money, Oct.
Supplement to Kardakoff's Catalogue No.5; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 62; Supplement to N.I. Kardakov's Catalog 4; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 61; money catalog update.
1962; 52;
1961; 59-61; Paper
The Paper Money of Blagoveshchensk and Territory of Amur, Rossica; 69; 1965; 54-58;
1917 & 1918; Bykov, M.M.;
The Paper Money of Blagoveshchensk and Territory of Amur, Rossica; 70; 1966; 49-58; Continued from #69.
1917 & 1918; Bykov, M.M.;
The Paper Money Issued at Khabarovsk in 1918; Bykov, M.; Rossica; 68;
1965; 59-64;
The Paper Money Issued by the Council of People's Commissars of Far East at Khabarovsk in 1918, Addenda; Bykov, M.M.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 53-54; Vnimatel 'no vsmatrivayas' ... ; Babenko, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. issued by the North Caucasus SSR in 1918.
18; Scrip
Voprosy i otvety; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 24; Questions and brief answers about various scrip issued from 1914 to 1927. Zaem Mugani; Silikov, G.; Sovetskii filatelist; 2; Feb. Republic' of 1918-1919, and Mugan-issue scrip.
10-11; The 'Mugan
Zametki kollektsionera; Polchaninov, R.; 1988; 'Zarya', London, Canada; Six chapters concerning scripophily. Includes OGPU prison camp scrip.
Scripophily, General
Chto slyeduet znat' kollektsioneru denezhnykh znakov; Rosber, N.; Rossica; 1933; 22-23; Continued from #9.
13; Sep.
Chto slyeduet znat' kollektsioneru denezhnykh znakov; Rosber, N.; Rossica; 9; Apr. 1932; 124-125: Corrections to the 1927 SFA catalog. Commen~s
NO.2 on N.r. Kardakoff's Catalogue; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 62;
1962; 53;
Denezhno-bonnyi otdyel. K kollektsioneram russkikh denezhnykh znakov.; Kardakov, N.I.; Rossica; 3; Oct. 1930; 11-12; The formation of Rossica's 'Numismatics-Vouchers' branch and addenda to the charter to allow for its operation. Kak montirovat' bonnyya kollektsii; Rosber, N.; Rossica; 22; Dec. to mount a scrip collectlon. Klassifikatsiya bon; Senkevich, D.; SK; 21;
1935; 205-209; How
142-151; Classification system.
Nuzhen katalog otechestvennykh bon; Senkevich, D.; SK; 4; information on some previous scripophil ic catalogs.
1966; 87-88; Provides
Restavratsiya i khranenie bumazhnykh denezhnykh znakov; Gol'dshtein, B./Malyshev, A.; SK; 2; 1964; 125-132; Restoration and storage of paper money.
Bony stekol'nogo zavoda 'Brat'ev Oanilovykh'; Koltashev, I.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 2 (78); Feb. 1928; 21; Scrip issued by the Oanilov Brothers' Glass Factory from 1907 to 1917, with sUbsequent use by Kolchak forces as passes into the factory. Bony Arensburga; Rozenberg,
L.O.; SK; 7;
Issues of 1861-1862 and 1919.
Commentary to Kardakov's Catalogue No.1; Ushkov, V.; Rossica; 61; 1961; 56; The 1866 Riga fractional bank note issue, 'Brut's ruble', and the origin of the Ukrainian trident on bank notes. Oenezhnoe obrashchenie Rossii; Vyazel'shchikov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1968; 40-41; The cirCUlation of coinage and bills of Russia in the 1910s. Oenezhnye znaki g.
Libavy; Rosber,
N.; Rossica;
Denezhnye znaki goroda Libavy; Kravets; Rossica; Oruz'ya po uvlecheniyam; Gribanov,
10; Oct.
1933; 211-212; 1932;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Eshche 0 denezhnykh znakakh goroda Libavy. Rossica; 18; Dec. 1934; 138;
153-154; 1967; 40-41;
(S.F.A. NoNo 12009-12023);
Fal'sifikatsiya nekotorykh kreditnykh biletov Rossii v kontse XIX v.; Stefanovskii, E.; SK; 15; 1977; 160-163; Katalog bumazhnykh deneg Rossii, RSFSR i SSSR; Kirichenko, E.S./Il'chishin, A.S. (comps.); 1988; Kievski i klub bonistiki, 'Moryak', Odessa; Exhaustive listing, no photos. Includes pricing. Hardbound original. Naravne s razmennoi monetoi; Shchelokov, A.; Stamp-money and scrip of 1915-1919.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 43-44;
cheredovanii liternykh serii na kreditnykh biletakh obraztsov 1898-1912 gg.; KUlakov, A.; SK; 17; 1979; 132-136;
metal I icheskikh bonakh; Shishkin, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. scrip used in some Russian & Soviet factories.
1971; 43; Coin-l ike
Russian Paper Money Alleged to be Postage Stamps; Alekseev, Vladimir; RAP; 6; 1943; 1-3; Reprinted from 'The American Philatel ist', Sep. 1939. Utochnenie spiska kuponov-bon;
Senkevich, 0.; SK; 20;
Voprosy i otvety; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 24; Questions and brief answers about various scrip issued from 1914 to 1927. Znachkl bony Kolomenskikh teplovozostroitelei; Goluzin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 41-42; Scrip issued by the Kolomna Locomotive Works.
Provisional Government
'Chetvertovannye' Kerenki; BabenKo. A.; SK; 22;
07/13/93 1984:
Voprosy i otvety; (n.a.); Sove-:skii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 24; Questions and brief answers about varlOUS scrlp issued from 1914 to 1927.
Scripophily, Soviet
'Chetvertovannye' Kerenki; Babenko, A.; SK; 22;
Bonno-filatelisticheskaya vystavka v g. Krasnoyarske; B., 0.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 115-116; A scrip-and-philately exhibition in Krasnoyarsk, 7-8 Nov. 1929. Bony 'Arktikugol"; Senkevich, D.; the 'Arctic Coal' Trust.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1970: 42; Scrip issued by
Bony Babinskogo sakhzavoda 1927 g.; Strel 'bitskii; Sovetskii filatel ist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 20; Scrip issued by a sugar factory in 1927. Bony Tannu-Tuvinskogo pravitel 'stva; Ushkov, B.S.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. Tuvan scrip issued in 1924.
1930; 78; Tannu
Bony Torgsina; Shchelokov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 43-44; 'Trade order' bills issued by the All-Union Association for Trade with Foreigners - Torgsin from 1930-1936. Denezhnye ehmissii sovetskoi armii v osvobozhdennykh ot fashizma stranakh Evropy; Senilov, B.; SK; 28; 1991; 148-157; Occupation money issuea by Soviet troops after WWII. Denezhnye znaki RSFSR i ikh raznovidnosti po vodyanym znakam; Rosber, N.I.; Rossica; 4; Dec. 1930; 11-14; Druz'ya po uvlecheniyam; Gribanov,
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Gosudarstvennye denezhnye ehmissii RSFSR, 71-79; Gosudarstvennye denezhnye ehmissii SSSR, 108 - 118 ;
1967; 40-41;
1919-1923; Senkevich, D.; SK; 5;
1923-1961 gg.; Senkevich, D.; SK; 6;
I na shelku, i na 1 iste tetradnom ... ; Shchelokov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; 43; The paper money of the Khorezm Peoples Soviet Republic, 1920. Interesnaya nakhodka; Biryachev, M.A.; SK; 2 (102); scrip found in an archive.
JUly 1990;
1930; 63; Gagry-Gudauty
Istoriya ehmissii raschetnykh znakov RSFSR obraztsa 1919 g.; Gleizner, M.; SK; 1980; 132-139;
Katalog bumazhnykh deneg Rossii, RSFSR i SSSR; Kirichenko, E.S./Il 'chishin, A.S. (comps.); 1988; Kievski i klub bonistiki, 'Moryak', Odessa; Exhaustive 1 isting, no photos. Includes pricing. Hardbound original. Konvert iz denznakov; Akul'shin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 37; A 1921 envelope made out of 1919-issue Soviet bank notes and franked with savings stamps. Kupony Krest'yanskogo pozemel'nogo banka v kachestve denezhnykh znakov (1918 g.); Senkev i ch, D.; SK; 22; 1984; 147- 156 ; Mestnye ehmissii 1923 g.; Iol'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. listing of local scrip emissions in 1923, by city or town.
12-15; A
Metallicheskie bony; Popov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1968; 34; Metal coin-like scrip issued in 1922 to workers at a number of enterprises around the country. Nemnogo statistiki; Iol'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 37; Numbers of scrip in various categories to be listed in a catalog. Nikolo-Pavdinskie metallicheskie bony; Turchinskii, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 1969; 43; Further information on the 1931 metal scrip in the Urals.
11; Nov.
Novaya stranitsa; Shtrom, Yu.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 9-13; Where possible, the author identifies the artists behind the postage and revenue stamps and paper money, and calls upon the editors of SK to find out who the designers were. Numismatics; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; Soviet bills are illustrated.
10; June-JUly 1991; 44-47; Several Russian and
Numismatics Again; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; banknotes and scrip is illustrated.
11; Jan.
1992; 32-35; A number of Soviet
bonakh Eniseiskogo UISPOLKOMa; Poterpevshii; Sovetskii filatelist; 1928; 22;
o metallicheskikh bonakh; Shishkin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. scrip used in some Russian & Soviet factories.
2 (78);
1971; 43; Coin-like
Scripophily, Soviet
nekotorykh bonakh iz kollektsii. Zapechatlena istoriya strany.; Shraiber, Ya.; SK; 18; 1980; 125-132; Urals 1918 emission, Dmitrovskii District issue of 1918, and a 1921 Kronstadt issue.
Ob odnom nachatom, no nezakonchennom vypuske gorodskikh bon; Isshtein, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1969; 42; Scrip issued ln late 1917 and early 1918 in Krasnoufimsk. A photo of a 25-ruble scrip is included. Operatslya po skupke dorevolyutsionnoi serebryanoi monety; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1925: 112-113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on post-and-telegraph offices serving as focal points for turning in tsarist silver-based paper money. Paper Banknotes for Special Destination Camps of O.G.P.U. and Spitzbergen (Svalbard) Island Money; Bykov, M.M.; Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963: 24-27 & 1 illustration page; Parageny; Shchelokov, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990: 42-43: 'Paragens' - a paired banknote and a postage stamp, both with the same illustration. Soviet, Armenian and a U.S. example are given. Pervyi sovetskii chervonets; Vlasov, A.; 10-ruble (1 chervonets) banknote.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1979: 43: The 1921
Pervyi v respublike; Gorbenko, A.: Filatel iva SSSR: 6; June 1990; 44; A newly-formed museum in Ternopol' at the R.I. Tkhorzhevskii Institute, which publ ishes numismatic and scripophilic literature as well as providing exhibits. Pis'mo v redaktsiyu; Sapozhnikov, V.: Sovetskii fi1atelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 23: Sapozhnikov takes exception to remarks and actions attributed to him by the editors of the 1927 'Katalog bon neobyazatel 'nogo obrashcheniya.' Platezhnye obyazatel'stva Tsentrokassy; Usachev, A.; Portret vozhdya; Senkevich, D.; Filateliya SSSR; early Soviet scrip, lot~ery tlckets, etc.
SK; Feb.
1969; 3-5; Leniniana on
Postanovlenie SNK po bonam; Kamenev, L./et al.; Sovetskii filatel ist; 1: Jan. 1924; 30-32; Decree of the Council of People's Commissars to release some of the USSR's stock of scrip to the TsK Posledgol for sale to collectors. Includes instructions on how to conduct foreign exchange of annulled scrip. Raschetnye marki Eniseiskogo gubernskogo soyuza kooperativov 1922-1923 godov; Stepanov, A./Dogadin, S.; SK; 23; 1985; 128-133; Razmennyi golod; (n.a.); ZnTS; 4; Api'. 1924: 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on shortages of 'exchange stamps' at Soviet post-and-telegraph offices. RUbl' serpastyi i molotkastyi; Mets, N.; Soviet bank notes and scrip.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1967; 44-45; Early
Sovetskie obshchegosudarstvennye bumazhnye denezhnye znaki; Senkevich, D./Neronov, M. (comps.); SK; 1; 1963; 137-140; Sozdanie denezhnoi sistemy sovetskogo gosudarstva: Senkevich, D.; Filateliya SSSR: 10; Oct. 1970; 43-44; Creation of the Soviet money system immediately after the October Revolution. State Paper Money of RSFSR and USSR, 1918-1961; Senkevich, Mezhnumismatika. Moscow: Original hardbound catalog. Soviet-West-German ente~prise. this 1S a first-class photographs of many currency bills. Text in Russian Veksel'-gigant; Shishkin. A.; note.
Voennye zalmy SSSR; Senkevicr-,. D.:
SK; ;;:3;
D.A.; 1989; Produced by a joint production with color and Engl ish.
133; A 1924 Orenburg 1000-chervontsy 1985;
Vopros)' i otvety; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 24; Questions and brief answers about various scrip issued ~rom 1914 to 192 7 . Vozvrashchayas' k napechatannomu; Tunkel '. A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Ap~. 1971; 44; The author corrects information in Gcluzin's #6-1970 article on the Kolomenskii Central Workers Cooperative scri~. Vypuski bon Arkhgubsoyuza; Luknitskii, I.A.; SK; 2 (102); Feb. issued by the Arkhangel'sk Provincial Union in 1922-1923. Vystavka bon i marok v Verkhneudinske; S .. M.I.; scrip-and-stamp exhibit in Verkhneudinsk. Zametki kollektsionera; Polchaninov,
1930; 46-48; Scrip
SK; 6 (106); June 1930;
142; A
'Zarya', London, Canada; Six chapters
Scripophily, Soviet concerning scripophily.
07/13/93 Includes OGPU prison camp scrip.
Ship Mail,
(n.t.); Adler', Kurt; Rossica; 58; 1960; 63: Aleksandrovsk-Kherson steamer marking.
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Casey, Raymond; Post Rider; 9; Nov. Danube River steamer cancei.
1981; 66;
563 An
Records a possibly forged
(n.t.); Irmann-Jacobsen, Hans; Rossica; 79; 1970; 58 & 62; section. A cancel of tne Arkhangel'sk-Vardo line.
In 'Notes
(n.t.); Michalove, Peter; Post Rider; 8: May 1981; 64-65; Shows a card with the full printed name of the Russian East Asian Steamship Co. in St. Petersburg.
& 1
'Used Abroad' Chronicle - IV: Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 2-5 illustration page; Levant, Khiva, China, R.V.A.P., Manchuria, Japan
'Used Abroad' Chronicle - IX; Tchil ingnirian, S.D.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 23-27 illustration page; Levant, Persia, Bukhara, Khiva, Mongolia, Manchuria, Volunteer Fleet.
'Used Abroaj' Chronicle - V; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 8-11 illuSTration pages; Levant, China, R.V.A.P., Korea, Manchuria
'Used Abroad' Chronicle - VII; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 9-12 illustration page; Rumania, Bulgaria, Levant, Bukhara, China, Manchuria, R.V.A.P., C.E.R., Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - X; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration page; Levant, China, Mongolia, Manchuria, ship mail.
& 1
& 1
16-18 & 1
'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XI; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 18-23 & illustration page; Ship mail, refugee post, Rumania. Levant, China, Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XIV; Liphschutz, M.V./Maslowski, I.B.; BJRP; 42; Dec. 23-26; Levant, Persia, Bukhara, Manchuria, ship mail to uapan and Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle II; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; Bukhara, R.V.A.P., Mongolia, Manchuria, C.E.R., Korea. "Europe"; Lowe, Robson and Christie's; Nov. shipmail and Transcaucasus covers.
11-17; Levant,
1985; Zurich sale featuring Russian
An Interesting Maritime Usage; Renfro, M./Rasmussen,
u.; Rossica;
1988; 89-90;
BSRP North-West & Midlands Area Meeting, Manchester, 30 October 1988; Tann, L.; BJRF; 66; 1989; 42-44; Dr. Raymond Casey's exhibit and notes. Caspian Sea Ship Mail; Stephen, W.S.E.; BJRP; 41; Oct. pages;
1967; 6-8
& 2 illustration
Convention Between Prussia and Russia Respecting the Steam Mail Packet Between Stettin and St. Petersburg, Signed at St. Petersburg. 19 June (1 July) 1843; (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 8-10; Skipton. David M.; Translated from 'Consol idated Treaty Series', pp. 162-168. Finnish Ship Postmarks; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 61; Dec.
Five Interesting Covers; Lloyd, John; BJRP; 49; Dec. 1973; 21-22 and illustration pages 9-11; A 1905 Main FPO cover and Rybinsk-Perm' & Odessa-Batum steamer covers. Forged Steamship Item; Pritt, B.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1981; 31;
'Par. Bessarabed.' fake.
Interesting Cancellations; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 67; 1964; 75-78; Description of 16 covers, Imperial to Soviet periods. Includes the "K.Va." marking from Moscow, railroad cancels, Chefoo. Vlaaivostok-Tsuruga, etc. ISToriya otechestvennoi pochty; Vig;lev, A.N.; 1990; 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Second edition, rewritten and expanded. Hardbound original. Iz istorii perevozki pochty po Cher~omu moryu na parokhodakh; Andrelshin, G.; Filatel iva; 3; Mar. 1992; 45-49; Black Sea ship mail from Imperial times to ~oviet. Numerous cancels are illustrated. Iz istorii perevozki pochty po Chernomu moryu na parokhodakh; Andrieshin, G.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 48-49; Continued from #3 1992. The 1975-1990 ship mail cancels are illustrated. Mail Steamers on the Amur - 1907; Campbell, P.J.; BJRP: 54: Dec. More About the Travelling Post; Cronin, Andrew; BJRP; Morskaya i ryechnaya pochty; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Mar.
10; Nov.
1902; 266-273: An overview of
S hip Ma i 1,
I mpe ria 1
mail transportation on ships of the Baltic, Black Sea, White Sea and Pacific lines, plus fluvial lines. New Data on the Vladivostok-Kolyma Ship Service; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 69; Sep. 43;
Ob otvyetstvennosti parokhodovladel'tsev i parokhodnykh obshchetsv za sgorevshuyu na ikh parokhodakh pochtovuyu korrespondentsiyu; Sokolov, N.I.; PTZh; Nov. 1902; 814-843; Legal responsibility of steamship owners for mail burned aboard their vessels. Outstanding Covers; Adler, Kurt/Liphschutz, M.; BJRP; 37; Oct. 1965; illustration pages; Levant, Far East steamships, Kharbin FPO Outstanding Covers; Droar, A./Mead, L.F.; BJRP; 35; Oct. pages; A Vladivostok-Kamchatka steamer cover.
1964; 9-10
& 2 illustration
Outstanding Items. Aleksandrovsk - Kherson Ship Cancellation.; Freyman, K.; BJRP; 35; Oct. 1964; 10- 11 ; Parokhodnaya pochta chernomorskogo basseina; Andrieshin, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1979; 42-46; Postal history and postmarks of Russian and Soviet shipping in the Black Sea. Parokhodnaya pochta v Rossii;
Luchnik, N.;
SK; 7;
1970; 33-48;
Perevozka pochty po Chernomu moryu i na Dal'nii Vostok; Andrieshin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1990; 49-50; The Volunteer Fleet and regulations governing it's mail-carrying activities. Pleine Mer Covers; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 60;
Po signalu 'prislat' za pochtoi'; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 42-43; Mail delivery to Imperial naval vessels, and the headquarters offices which conducted it. Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi imperii; (n.a.); 1915; GUPiT, Petrograd; Six parts, including lists of zemstvo offices and steamship lines. Registration of Mail on Russian TPOs; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 72; Spring,
1992; 24-33;
Russian Paquebot Mail at Gensan (Wonsan, N. Korea); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 45-46; Describes a 1900 postcard and an 1896 1R stamp with paquebot markings. Russian Ship and Riverboat Postmarks; Baillie, illustration page;
I.L.G.; BJRP; 41; Oct.
1967; 8-9 & 1
Russian Ship and Riverboat Postmarks; Blomfield, R.S.; BJRP; 39; Oct. illustration page;
1966; 3-4 & 1
Russkaya parokhodnaya pochta v Koree; Berngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 47-48; Ship and Riverboat Cancellations; Baillie, Odessa-Batum, and others.
I.L.G.; BJRP; 56; Nov.
1979; 33-34;
Ship and Riverboat Cancellations; Moyes. J.G./von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 57; Nov. 1980; 23; Ship Mail; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 41; Oct. Ship Mail
1967; 3-6 & 2 illustration pages;
- II; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 42; Oec.
Ship Mail - III. 9-13;
The Volga and Kama Rivers.;
Ship Mai 1 From Northwest Russia; Casey. Ship Mail Routes of Imperial Russia, 1966; 4-7;
1968; 30-32; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 43; Oct.
Raymond: BJRP; 63;
1876-1902; Luchnik, N.V.
(comp.); BJRP; 39; Oct.
Ship Postmarks of the Imperial Period in the Southern Caspian; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 11; May 1953; 332-338; Ship Postmarks of the Imperial Period in the Southern Caspian, Part II; Tchi 1 inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 14-15; May 1954; 413-420; Steamer Mail To and From Tsuruga; Rasmussen, Edward; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 36; A Japanese bilingual picture postcard showing a vessel of the Russian Volunteer Fleet and a Fleet advertisement on the back.
The Opening of the Russian Post in China; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 71; Autumn 1991;
Ship Mail,
3-23; Corrects and supplements many of Tchilinghirian and Stephen's statements on the early days of the Russian Post in China. Includes some information en ship mail in that area. The Transmission of Mails on Steamers in Russia; Sokolov, Nikolai I.; Rossica; 68; 1965; 48-52; The Transmission of Mails on Steamers in Russia; Sokolov, Nikolai I.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 22-28: Continued from #68. The Transmission of Malls on Steamers in Russia; Sokolov. Nikolai I.; Rossica; 70; 1966; 36-42: Continued from #69. The Volunteer Fleet: A NeWly Discovered Route; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 67; Sep. 23-27; A Viadivostok-Kolyma ship cover, Aug. 1916. The Volunteer Fleet:
Emergency Cancellers; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 65; Sep.
Three Interesting Covers; von Hofmann, Harry; BJRP; 48; Mar. page 17; Tien-Tsin and RVAP covers.
1988; 4-7;
16 & illustration
Two Items of Postal History From the Far East; Casey, Raymond; BJRP; 42; Dec. 36; A 1909 RVAP cover.
Two Scarce Covers; Woolam. J.V.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 43-44; A 1912 'Rcvd at Riga by steamer from Stockholm' cover, and a cover posted aboard the 'Baltika' at New York. Via Nasiednik; Lewis, B.K.E.; BJRP; 56; Nov.
1979; 7;
Ship Mail, Soviet Cherez okean; Zin'ko, passenger ship.
07/13/93 F.;
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1973; 5; The 'Mikhail
Chto b my delali bez pochty!; Shpagin, M.; Nauka v tvoei professii; 11; Nov. 1979; 3-47; Narodnyi universitet, 'Znanie', Moscow; Broad-brush coverage of postal development. Includes a chronology on pp. 42-45. Softbound original. From 'Khronika' ... ; (n.a.); Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 40; Skipton, David M.; Resumption of package mail between the USSR and Italy on the Trieste-Ddessa-Batum 1 ine. Translated from 'Z/1izn' i tekhnika svyazi' #6, uune 1924. Ispol'zovanie parokhodov pod pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; JUly 1925; 136; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on commencement of mail transportation aboard Don River steamers. Iz istorii perevozki pochty po Chernomu moryu na parokhodakh; Andreishin, G.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 45-49; Black Sea Ship mail from Imperial times to Soviet. Numerous cancels are illustrated. Iz istorii perevozki pochty po Chernomu moryu na parokhodakh; Andrieshin, G.; Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 48-49; Continued from #3 1992. The 1975-1990 ship mail cancels are illustrated. Iz putevykh vpechatlenii; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 94-106; The author's impressions of a trip to various post-and-telegraph establishments in the Vologda area. Includes photographs of some small post offices, a postal cutter on the Sukhona River, etc. M/S 'Mikhail Lermontov' Sunk Port Gore 10.49pm Sunday February 16, 1986; Cameron, Ian; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 22-23; The sinking of the Lermontov and a packet sent from the ship the day before she went down. Monreal'. Tuda i obratno.; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug. 1966; 40; The Soviet cruise ship Aleksandr Pushkin and its voyages to Montreal and back. Most cherez Atlantiku; Efremov, A./Kuznetsov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; 7-8; Sea routes between the USSR and the USA, and the Soviet 1 iners on them. Neposredstvennyi pochtovyi obmen s Italiei morskim putem; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 162; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a direct sea link for mail between the USSR and Italy. Notes on Soviet Ship Marks; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 31; Oct.
1962; 22-23;
Novaya - staraya parokhodnaya liniya; Mandrovskii, N.; Eesti Kollektsionaar; l' Dec. 1990; 25; A one-day special cancel to commemorate the June 1990 opening of the Tallinn-Stockholm line. Parokhodnaya pochta chernomorskogo basseina; Andrieshin, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1979; 42-46; Postal history and postmarks of Russian and Soviet shipping in the Black Sea. Parokhodnye reisy Odessa-Gamburg; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 136; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on reestablishment of the Odessa-Hamburg line. Perspektivy pochtovogo transporta; Zonnenburg, R.;
ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
Po povodu napravleniya korrespondentsii; Pochtovik; ZhTS; 2: Feb. 1925; 103-104; The author takes issue with Grigor'ev's article in ZhTS #10. 1924, on changing the way mail is made up and sent on railroad mailcars and steam ships. Pochta chernomorskikh sudov; Grinberg. A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 10; Names of several vessels with their own cancellers, and others with only special cancels. Pochta morskikh puteshestvii; Grinberg, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 50; Several postmarks of the Soviet Black Sea Shipping Company out of Odessa are illustrated. Pochtu razvozyat glissery; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. hydroplanes carrying mail on the Amur River.
1964; Short item on
Postroika katerov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT order for 8 postal cutters to ply the Lena River. Povyshat' ehffektivnost' ispol 'zovaniya vedomstvennogo vodnogo transporta; Lysenko, L.Kh.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1981; Two pages. Part of the article deals with ship mail along the Ob' and Irtysh' rivers. Put' pis'ma i gazety; Belichenko, P.;
1950; Gosizdat 1 iteratury po voprosam svyazi
Ship Mail, Soviet
radio, Moscow; Mail operations at the Moscow GPO, a railroad mail-handling facility in Moscow, on an airplane, in a rajon post office, aboard a steamer and at the Narym Communications Branch Office. Photocopy. Rechnomu teplokhodu svoi shtempel'. Otkrytoe pis'mo Glavnomu pochtovomu upravleniyu.; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 47; Mazur asks the Main P8stal 4dministration to introduce cancellers aboard Soviet river passenger ships. SaratovsKaya mekhanizatsiya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 145-146; The device used to transfer mail from RR mailcar 287-288 to a steamer at Saratov. Schiffspost von Sowjetischen Handelsschiffen; Gottspenn, Arno; 11-12; Ship Cancellations; Barry, John; Rossica; 60; vessels.
Pochta; 43; Aug.
1961; 51; On Soviet diesel-electric
Shtempel' pervogo turistskogo reisa v Arktiku; Sashenkov, E.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 6' Dec. 1966; 9; A cancellation used aboard the Vatslav Vorovskii during the first tourist cruise to the A~ctic. Six More Scarce Postmarks; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 224-226; Riga town post, Petrograd Imperial Mail Delivery section, Leningrad, SOViet Gor'kii-Astrakhan' steamer. Soviet Icebreaker Covers; Kolot, Soviet Motor Ships on the Danube; page;
L.A.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1981; 42;
(n.a.); BJRP; 41; Oct.
16 & 1 illustration
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976-1977 godov; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 34; Issues from 9 Dec. 1976 to 25 Jan. 1977. Includes 12 river vessel cancels. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Fi latel iVa SSSR; 1; Jan. 1976; 30; A I isting of 16 Soviet passenger ships in the Black Sea and an example of the cancel type introduced on them in 1975. Steamer Runs From Odessa to Hamburg; (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 46; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #4, 1924. Short item about reestablishment of Volunteer Fleet runs on the Odessa-Hamburg line. Two Scarce Covers; Woolam, J.V.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 43-44; A 1912 'Rcvd at Riga by steamer from Stockholm' cover, and a cover posted aboard the 'Baltika' at New Y8rl<. Ukazatel' dVizheniya pochtovykh vagonov i parokhodov, peresylki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii i periodicheskoi pechati v bagazhe poezdov i na parokhodakh na period s 15 okt. 1931 g.; Naudin; NKPT, Moscow; 1931: Lists railroad routes and ship lines for 1931. When Stamps Are Not To Be Had; Shaw, George; Rosslca; 113-114; 1990; 87; A registered cover from the R.S.S. de Lettonie, franked with 4 30k cut-out indicia.
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 54; Petropavlovsk cancels.
1958; 54; An 1889 Komandorskie Islands cover with
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 60; 1961; 54; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Major Pittner's assertion that he bought Czech Legion stamps from the mobile post office. (n.t.): Ceresa, R.J.: Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 61-63: Pribaikal overprints - a dubious issue. Includes details on a fake cancel. (n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 17; Nov. Sakhalin Island to Amsterdam, 1936.
1985; 70; A cover from Vereshchagino,
(n.t.); Evans, Barrie A.; Rossica; 79; 1970; 56; The design of the Czech Legion 'silhouette' stamp taken from a British war poster. In 'Notes from Collectors' section. (n.t.); Shalimoff, George; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Siberian fantasy issue of the 'Temporary Zemstvo Authority of Pribaikal' . (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; Romanov postcard, 1921.
13; Nov.
1983; 86; A 'DVR' overprint on a 4kop.
'I na Tikhom okeane svoi zakonchili pokhod'; Treskina, 0.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 17-18; Brief sketch of the Civil War in the Far Eastern Republic. 'Vinnye' den'gi Yakuti i; Rozenberg, Yakutsk,1918-1919.
L.; SK; 2;
'Wine money' of
'Wish I Wasn't Here': Postcards from Siberia; Robinson, Philip E.; BJRP; 67; Sep. 1989; 17-22; Extensive listing of Siberian-scene postcard publishers. A Few
Sibe~ian Expeditionary Covers from Canadians; Steinhart, A.L.; Post Rider; 4; April 1979; 27-30; Describes five covers and quotes from two accompanying letters.
A Postcard From an Ionian Island to Siberia; Liaskas, William J.; Dec. 1989; 40-41; A.E.F. Siberia Covers; Wisewell,
Eoward J.; Rossica; 79;
1970; 52-54;
Adres: Poselok Yasnyi; Pavlova, K.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. the opening of an OS in Yasnyi, on the BAM railroad. Air Post Stamps of Vladivostok - July 28, Akmol insk, Siberia,
Post Rider; 25;
1977; Short article on
(n.a.); Rossica; 49-50;
1878; Blomfield, R.S.; BJRP; 58; Nov.
1956; 42-47;
Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 41-42; A postcard from Sakhalin Island. See under Errata for 'More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri'. in Post Rider #10, p. 63, May 1982. Aleksandrovskoe-de-Kastri; Maslov, A.I.; Rossica; 48; Adler's article in #46-47.
An Unusual Russian Postmark; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 46-47; Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri. Angarski i kaskad; Maiorov, V.: Oam at Irkutsk.
13-14; Follow-up to
1955; 49; A cover from
Fllatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 8-10; The hydro-electric
Ataman Semenov Stamp Issue, Soviet Use; Pietruszka, Raymond J./Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 36-37; Aviapochta Chukotki; SashenKov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1 isting of 43 post offlces in Chukotka.
11; Nov.
Baikal i podlemor'e; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; BaiKal and its natural ~esources.
1982; 45-48;
Includes a
july 1973; 21-22;
Byl takoi raion vostochnoi tundry; Boiko, V.; Fi latel iya; 3; Mar. 1992; 21-22; The 'Eastern Tundra Raj on' in Chukot ka, 1930s to 1962. Inc 1udes cance 1s, a l i st of zip codes for that area, and a crude map. Canada - Siberia. Mail from the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force, Faulstich, Edith; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 28-57; Catholic Army Huts in Siberia; Campbell,
Patrick J.;
Post Rider; 8; May 1981;
Civil War in Siberia and the Far East in the Mirror of Philately (1917-1923);
B1ekhman, S.; Ross i ca; 111: from "Fi1ate1iya SSSR" #10,
1988; 52-57: Sha1imoff, George; Excerpt translated 1985. Niko1aevsk-na-Amure overprints.
Da1'nii Vostok v tvoei ko11ektsii; Ivashchenko, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 56-57; Wildlife refuges, volcanology stations in the Far East. De10 bo1'shoi va~hnosti; P10tnikova, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. encouraging use of the zip code in the Vladivostok area.
3; Mar.
1978; Two pages on
Der Seeweg nach Sibirien; (n.a.): ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 25-26; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer Post und Te1egraphie', Ber1 in, 1889. On Admiral Makarov. Die 'BAM' ist fertiggeste11t!; Ney, Otto; Junge Samm1er; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 11-15; Stamps and entires connected with construction of the Baika10-Amurskaya magistral', the BAM. Die sibirische Expedition der Amerikaner 1918-1920; Tait1, Horst; Die Briefmarke; Jan. 1986; 12-14; Die Ha1bierungen von Ost-Siberien 1931: V1adinets, Nikolai; Pochta; 48; Sep. 25; Die Provisorischen Marken der Sibirischen Regierung; (n.a.); Reprinted from 'Sovetskii fi1ate1ist' #9, 1927.
39; Dec.
Die Provisorischen Marken des Fernen Ostens; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 75-76; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filate1ist' #11, 1927.
Die Transsib und die Zukunft der Eisenbahn:
1989; 1985; 70;
1985; 71-73,
Die Sibirische Eisenbahn; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 26-29, 31-33; 'Archiv fuer Post und Te1egraphie', 1897, Berlin. Die Sibirische Expedition der Amerikaner 1918-1920; Tait1. Horst; 1987; 29-37; Reprinted from 'Die Briefmarke' #1, 1986.
Reprinted from
Pochta; 42; March
(n.d.); Xerox, 6 pages.
Die Tschechische Legion in Russ1and yom Beginn 1914 bis zur Heimfahrt im Jahre 1920; Tait1, Horst; 1992; Tait1, Horst; Original softbound handbook. Very detailed. Die Tschechische Legion in Sibirien 1917-1920; Tait1, Horst; ZRSP; 40; 9-19; D1ya zhite1ei Khabarovska; Ryabtsun, B.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 9: Sep. on postal service improvements in Khabarovsk.
July 1986;
1967; Three pages
D1ya zhite1ei Novosibirska; Ole1nik, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1965; Three pages on postal service in Novosibirsk. Dostavka nochnykh te1egramm uskorena; Rogozhkin, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1976; One page on using mai1carriers working the early shift in Novosibirsk to del iver night telegrams. Ehkonomit eh1ektroehnergiyu; Kryttsov, S.R.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1981; One page on a better use of the SEhL-150/200 sealing wax machine in the Novosibirsk Post Office. Ehto povyshaet ehffektivnost' proizvodstva; U1yashkin, V.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1971; Two pages on increasing work efficiency at the Tomsk Post Office. Einiges ueber die Postgeschichte Sibiriens; Robinson, P.E.: ZRSP; 23-26;
37; Apr.
Europe and Overseas - 1988; Lowe. Robson and Christie's; Nov. 22, 1988; Includes the Or. L. Kvetan collection of zemstvos. Far Eastern Republic stamps, Vladivostok surcharges. etc. Original catalog of the Zurich sale, no prices realized. Far East Stamp1ess Mail; Werbizkv. Ge.orge; Post Ricer; 3; Sep. 1978; 63; A Feb. stampless cover from Vladivostok with no postage duemarks. Far Eastern Republic;
"orged Overprints;
Frauen1ob. Waiter; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 46:
Farforovye bony; Shishkin, A.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8: Aug. 1972; 44; Plastic money issued by the 1.0. Pereva10v Porcelain Factory in Khaita, near Uso1'e-Sibi~skoe, around 1869-1870. Fiska1'naya marka - Khabarovsk. 1913 god.; Kandaurov, I.; Fi1ate1iya; 8; Aug. 1991; 15; A 1913 fisca1-cum-charity stamp issued for the Priamur Krai Exhibition. Forgeries and Bogus Items of the Niko1aevsk-on-Amur Issue; 20-24:
(n.a.); Rossica; 80;
Fr'om the Literary Editor's Stock Book; Hahn, Henry; The Czechoslovak Specialist;
XLVIII; Dec. 1986; 7; A picture of Capt. Antonin Novotny, Commander of the Czechoslovak and All ied Field Posts in Siberia, standing inside the main post office of the Siberian Legion Field Post. From Siberia in 1875; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 58; Nov. a traveller by Post. Fruehe Bahnpostaemter der Transsibirischen Bahn; 18-25; Koelzer, Walter;
Four postcards from
Further Notes on the Jewish Autonomous Dblast'; Weinert, Howard L.; May 1981; 48-49; The Birobidzhan district.
Post Rider; 8'
Further Notes on the Siberian Expeditionary Force Postmarks, Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 12; Dct. 1953; 384;
Gde vzyat' surguch?; Rusakova, Z.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. obtaining sealing wax in the Tyumen' Post Dffice.
1979; Problems With
Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 35-41;
Ispol'zovanie rezervov dostavochnoi sluzhby; Oleinik, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1978; Two pages on increasing mail delivery volume at the Novosibirsk Post Office. Issledovatel' Dal'nego Vostoka; Matskevich, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. G.I. Nevel'skii, explorer of the Amur area. Istoriya ledokolov na Baikale; Khokhrin, Icebreakers on Lake Baikal.
Filatel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Italian Forces in the Far East; Buzzetti, Luciano; BJRP; 56; Nov.
1974; 8;
1977; 48-50;
1979; 38;
Japan's Fieldpost in the Siberian Intervention, 1918-1922; Rasmussen, Edward J.; Rossica; 111; 1988; 24-40; Reproduced from 'Postal History Journal' #76, June 1987. Japanese Siberian Intervention Military Cancellations; Spaulding, R.M. H.; Rossica; 73; 1967; 14-17; Compiled by Melvin M. Kessler. Jugoslav Post in Siberia; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 63; troops with the Czech Legion.
1962; 55-56; Yugoslavian
K istorii pochtovykh otdelenii yakutskogo Zapolyar'ya; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 42-46; Soviet datestamps and covers from Yakutia, postal history of the area. Kak pomoch' pochtal'onu; Kuznetsov, F.; Sovetskaya Rossiya; Oct. 16, make the postillion's job easier and more efficient in Magadan.
1973; How to
Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii (1917-1924); Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Konteinernaya perevozka pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. containerized mail transfer from shore to ship at Magadan. Krasnoyarskie cheki; Babenko, A.;
SK; 4'
1966; 83-84;
List of Post Offices in the Jewish Autonomous Province As of Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 30; Mail
Steamers on the Amur -
1960; One page on
1907; Campbell,
1937; Cronin,
P.J.; BJRP; 54: Dec.
Markings of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (Siberia); 14; June 1984; 33-40;
Robert C.; Post Rider;
Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya - osnova povysheniya kUl'tury obsluzhivaniya; Vultakh, S.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1976; Three pages on mechanization at the Krasnoyarsk Post Offlce. Mekhanizatsiya obrabotki posylok v Novosibirskom OPP; Chebodaev, G.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1966; Three pages. Mekhanizatsiya operatsii po podschetu i kontrolyu na Novosibirskom pochtamte; Kostin, K.K./Sotnikov, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1962; Two pages. More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; von Hofmann, Harry; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 63-64; Provides the German text and Engl ish translation of John Woollam's Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri postcard. More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; Woollam, John V.; Post Rider;
10; May 1982; 63;
Correction of a typo on p. 41 of #9. More About Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri; Wortman, A.H.; Corrects the article in 'Post Rider' #9, p. 41. the mainland, not on Sakhalin Island.
Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 63; Aleksandrovskoe de Kastri is on
Nalazhivaetsya svyaz' na BAMe; Nekrasov, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. Part of the article deals with postal services on the BAM.
1977; One page.
Narodnoe khozyaistvo Buryatskoi ASSR - Statisticheskii sbornik; tn.a.); 1963; TsSU RSFSR, STATUPR BUR. ASSR, Ulan-Ude; One page of statistics for 1937, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1958, 1960-1962. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tyumenskoi oblasti - Statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1964; TsSU RSFSR, STATUPR Tyumenskoi oblasti, 'Statistika', Omsk; One page of data for 1915, 1950, 1958-1963. Nash opyt sovershenstvovaniya dostavochnoi sluzhby; Oleinik, V.P.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1968; Two pages on delivery services at the Novosibirsk Post Office. Ne zabyvaite!; Dzhavadova, V.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1981; One page of clarifications on parcel mail sent to Lopkhari, Tyumen' oblast'. New Forgeries of Nikolaevsk-na-Amurye Issue; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 53-54; 'French Consulate certificate of authenticity' contains a fake stamp. New Light on the Origin of the Vladivostok Airmail Stamps, March 1958; 738-739;
(n.a.); BJRP; 23;
New Post road From Yakutsk to the Railroad; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 61; Skipton, David M.; Translated from the 'Khronika' section of ZhTS #11, Nov. 1924. New Soviet Service; (n.a.): Rossica; 113-1i4; 1990; 93; Short item extracted from 'Sino-Soviet Aviation', 11 July 1940. A new seaplane route from Khabarovsk to Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka. Novaya tarifnaya setka v DVO; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 138; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Far Eastern Territory's worker pay scale. Novyi pochtamt v Omske;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1965; One page.
rabcte s klienturoi; Kuprina, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Two pages on results of a group fcrmed in 1967 at the Omsk Post Office for promoting the zip code, advertising postal services and public meetings.
Obyazatel'stva 1978 - k godovshchine Konstitutsii; Maitulina, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1978; Two pages on Mr. Gzhelin, chief of the Moscow-Vladivostok-Moscow mailcar crew. Ostrov stradanii; Novosadova, E.; Filateliya SSSR; and his journey to Sakhalin Island in 1890. Ot Baikala do Amura; the BAM.
Maiorov, V.;
Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Outstanding Covers; Droar. A./Mead, L.F.; BJRP; 35; Oct. pages; A Vladivostok-Kamchatka steamer cover. Outstanding Covers - NO.9: (n.a.); BJRP: 8: Jan. Vladivostok to Nikol 'sk-Ussuri 15ki 1.
12-13; A.P. Chekhov
1979; 4-6; Construction of
1964; 9-10
& 2 illustration
149; A 1923 cover- from
Dassazhiry v ko~vertakh; Zaitsev, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. various mailcars on the Trans-Siberian.
1977; One page
Pereavizhnye otdeleniya svyazi v Amurskol oblasti; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1964; Short article on mobile post offices visiting some small Villages on a regular basis. Perepiska dukhoborov; Alekseev. K.; F,latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. the Dukhobors in Yakutia to Canada, 1903. Pochta GULAGa. 'Dal'stroi'.; Sashe~kov, E.; covers from the Gulag, Kolyma.
1977; 21; A cover from
Filateliya; 4; Apr.
12-13; Two
Pochtal'on idet nalegke; Tatur, R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1970; One page on improving the lot of postillions in mail delivery in the Krasnoyarsk city branch offices. Pochtovoe dyelo v raionye Sibirskoi zh.d.; (n.a.); 1898; Kantselyariya Komiteta ministrov, St. Petersburg; On microfilm. A lengthy memorandum on postal affairs
along on the Siberian RR compiled for the Committee of Ministers. Pochtovye agentstva; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 171-172; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on postal agencies opening in the Balashov District, and plans to open more in the Central Siberian Communications District. Pochtovye marki v oprave; Shishkin, A.; SK; 9; oblast' coin surrogates.
1918-1919 Semirechensk
Pochtovye meridiany BAMa; Furman, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 1-3 & inside front cover; Postal stationery and dates tamps from the Baikal-Amur RR. Pochtovye vorota goroda; Baev, L.I.; Vestnik svyazi; postal section at the Angarsk RR Terminal.
12; Dec.
1971; One page on the
Pochtovyi yashchik puteshestvuet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. mail delivery and pickup at points along the BAM. Pochtu razvozyat glissery; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. hydroplanes carrying mail on the Amur River.
1978; Short item on
1964; Short item on
Podpischik dolzhen poluchat' gazety vovremya; Sokolovskii. I.D./et al.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1964; Efforts to improve newspaper delivery in Donetsk, Rostov-na-Oonu, Liski and Omsk. Poedinok s 'chetvertoi past'yu'; Ozol in'sh, Ya.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 56; A town on Sakhalin Island named after WWII hero A.E. Buyukly. Polozhenie dolzhno byt' ispravlenol; Roal'dov, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1978; Two pages on mail and worker problems in the Khabarovsk area, serving the BAM. Pomoshchniki altaiskikh svyazistov; Yakovlev, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1974; One page on volunteer aid to postal operations in the Altai region. Post St. Olga; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 98-99; Sakhalin Island, on a 1901 postcard.
1980; 98-99; Cancel of St. Olga,
Pribaikal Overprints - Fact or Fantasy?; Shalimoff, George V.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 22-27; Describes a large accumulation of these stamps, mint and on piece, with the aim of showing their lack of authenticity. Pribaikal Surcharges of 1921; Miskin, G.S.; BJRP; 61; Dec. Primorskii rubl' boretsya; Navolochkin, N.; SK; 7; money.
103-114; Primor'e paper
Prisposoblenie dlya fal'tsovki gazet; Krasavina, M.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1980; One page on a device used for folding newspapers in the Chita Post Office. Puti povysheniya proizvod~tel 'nosti truda; Gritsik, L.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1981; Two pages on raising work efficiency at the Vladivostok Post Office. Rasshireny i priblizheny uslugi: v vyigryshe naselenie i predpriyatiya svyazi; Vultakh, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1975; Three pages on communications centers in Angarsk. Includes postal information. Rasshiryaem set' predpriyatii i punktov svyazi; Yatsenko, I.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1968; Two pages on postal service in the Altai Region. Raznovidnosti marok Dal 'nevostochnoi respubliki; Berngard, K.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976: 18; An uncatalogued variety of the 10R RSFSR small head stamp with Far Eastern Republ ic 5 kOp. surcharge. Razvitie pochtovykh soobsllchenii v Irkutske; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on postal development in Irkutsk. Rozhdennyi pobedoi; Krivo'j, A.;
Fi late1 iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
145; Short
1976; 3-4; Angarsk.
Russische Sibirien-Expeditionen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts; Aerni, Nina; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 36-43; Explorations of Siberia during the 1500s and 1600s, illustrated by Soviet special cancels and cacheted postal stationery. S motolodki - na vertolet; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; April 1986; 38; Short item on postal motorboats being replaced by helicopters for mail delivery in the Magadan/Chukotka area. Samyi dl innyi pochtovyi trakt; Vigi lev, A.; SK; route, from the 1590s on.
1975; 82-92; The Siberian postal
Schanghaier - Faelscher; Rosov, B.; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 67; 'Siberian Autonomous Government' stamps. Reprinted from 'Radio de Filintern' #8, Aug. 1927. Siberia;
(n.a.); Scott's Monthly Journal; Apr.
1922; 27-28; The Nikolaevsk-na-Amure
Siberia stamps and story, as told to Scott's by Bright
& Son and Pappadopu10.
Siberia - New Varieties; Werbizky, George; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 39-40; Three overprints varieties of the Kharbin issue added to those of Tchi1inghlrian & Stephen and Osborne, and a variety of the Ataman Semenov issue. Siberia - New Varieties II; Werbizky. George G.; Rossica; unrecorded varieties of Siberian surcharged stamps.
119; Oct.
1992; 29;
Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Hardbound original, first edition. Extensive listing of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1986; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Softbound original, first edition. Extensive listing of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia - Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire Period; Robinson, Philip E.; 1990; P.E. Robinson, Sheffield, England; Hardbound original, second edition. Extensive 1 isting of Siberian postmarks, rarity index, postal history. Siberia: Postmarks and Postal History of the Russian Empire; Robinson, P.E.; Post Rider; 21; Nov. 1987; 4-5; A few updates and cancellation illustrations. Siberia: Some Aspects of Its Postal History; 58 -61 ;
P.E.; BJRP; 61; Dec.
Siberian Air Route; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 103; Skipton, David M.; A new air route connecting Moscow with Anadir Bay, 1941. Extracted from 'Sino-Soviet AViation', 9 Mar. 1941. Siberian Postal Rates: 9-16; Siberian Spa Resorts;
A Reconstruction; Robinson,
Ivo; Post Rider;
117; Oct.
25; Dec.
1991; 37;
Sibir' i Da1'n;i Vostok; D'yakov, 5.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 81-101; Various methods of mail transportation in rugged terrain. Siberia and the Far East. Sibirskie monety; Markov, M.; Filate1iya SSSR; under Catherine the Great.
11; Nov.
1969; 40;
Siberian money
Six Months in Siberia. The Philately of 'Red Siberia', November 1917-May 1918.; Steyn, Ivo; Rossica; 111; 1988; 62-65; Sleaopyt Ussuriiskogo kraya; Treskina, 0.; ~ilate1 iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Arsen'ev and his expeditlons to the Primor'e area.
1972; 27-28; V.K.
Smotr-konkurs: trud proizvodite1'nyi - trud bezopasnyi; Kuz'mina, L.I./Timofeeva, N.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1981; Two pages on competition among various sections of the Novosibirsk Post Office. Some Cancellations of Vladivostok;
Robbins, Sam; Rossica; 76-77;
Some Notes on Birobidzan; Cronin, Anarew: Post Rider; 7; Dec. postal history on the Jewish Autonomous District.
1980; 28-34; Notes and
Souvenirs From Siberia: 1914-1920: Steyn, picture postcards from P.o.W.s, etc.
1988; 58-61; Hand-drawn
Ivo; Rossica;
Sovershenstvuem dostavochnuyu sluzhbu; Chveleva, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. Two pages on improving mail delivery at the Novosibirsk PTUS.
Sovershenstvuem organizatsiyu proizvodstva; Kuba1 'skaya, Eh.T.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1982; Two pages on doings at the Ulan-Ude Post Office. Soviet Fle1d Post Office in Siberia During the Russlan Civil War; 6 1 ; Dec. 1984; 57;
Sozdanie ukrupnennykh pochtovykh predprlyatil uskoryaet dostavku, daet ehkonomlcheskii ehffekt; Chuprin, V./Amburtsev, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1974; Three pages on the Chita UDPS. Speshit pochtovy â&#x20AC;˘... ; Zaitsev, V.; Chop - Nakhodka mai1car.
Vestnik svyazi;
1980; One page on the
Sta1'noi put' v Yakutiyu; Boiko, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; 5-7; Construction of the BAM in Yakutia. A list of stations along the way, dates of completion, office categories and zip codes are given.
Stempel 'Fahrender Postaemter' der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn auf Deutscher-oesterreichischer/Ungarischer Kriegsgefangenenpost 1914-1918 (1920);
Taitl, Horst; Pochta; 47; Mar.
Taezhnaya pochta; Bamov; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. delivery to workers on Alonka Station, BAM.
1975; Short item on mobile mail
Takaya upakovka neobkhodima; Utenkov, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1971; One page on better packing for declared-value wrapper mail in the Magadan area. Tam, gde shumela taiga; Nagatina, N.V.: Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1969; Two pages on the Angarsk City Communications Center. Includes postal information. Tam, gde slyshen 'shepot zvezd'; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR: 12; Dec. 1976: 7-9: The Oimyakon region of Yakutia. EXRmples of postmarks from various offices are shown, plus dates of opening, name changes, and postal zip codes. The American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia: Moskoff, Will iam: The American Philatelist; Feb. 1985; 136-138; General overview. The Amur Railway: Werbizky, G.G.; BJRP: 58; Nov. 1981; 25; Short note about a hand-drawn map of the railroad on a postcard. The British Military Mission to Siberia 1918-20; Smith, Robert C.; Post Rider; Nov. 1984; 4-9;
The Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force 1918-19; (n.a.); Post Rider; 6; April 1980; 16-21; Supplied courtesy of the National Postal Museum, Ottawa. Originally displayed at Stampex Canada-78 in Toronto, Ontario. The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia; Hornung, Otto; The Czechoslovak Specialist; XLVIII; Dct. 1986; 7-10; Reprinted from "Stamp News", London, in abridged form. The Earliest Kyakhta and Yakutsk Handstamps?; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 98-99; 1980; 9-13: Handstamps from the 1790s and background information on the Golikov-Shelikhov Company. The Great Trans-Siberian Railway; Griboedov. V.; Cosmopolitan; Mar. Seven pages. Background information.
1893; 559-565;
The Italian Presence in Russia During WWI & the Civil War; Buzzetti, Luciano; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 42-46; The Italian Troops in the Far East; Buzzetti, L.; Post Rider; 4; April Postal history of the Ital ians during the Allied intervention.
1979; 56-62;
The Lake Baikal Icebreakers and the Transbaikal Railway; Moyes. J.G.; BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 39-43; The Lake Baikal Icebreakers and the Transbaikal Railway: J.G./Robinson, P.E.; BJRP; 62; Dec. 1985; 20-21; The Nikolaevsk Affair; Steyn,
The Nikolaevsk-on-Amur Provisional 59-64;
New Information; Moyes.
1988; 41-51;
Issue; Kessler. Melvin M.; Rossica; 71;
& 1918: Bykov. M.M.;
The Paper Money of Blagoveshchensk and Territory of Amur, Rossica; 69; 1965; 54-58;
The Paper Money of Blagoveshchensk and Territory of Amur, Rossica; 70; 1966; 49-58; Continued from #69.
1917 & 1918; Bykov, M.M.;
The Paper Money Issued at Khabarovsk in 1918: Bykov. M.: Rossica; 68;
1965: 59-64;
The Paper Money Issued by the Council o~ People's Commissars of Far East at Khabarovsk in 1918. Addenda; Bykov, M.M.; Rossica; 69; 1965; 53-54; The Postage Stamps of Russia. 1917-1923. Parts 19-21. Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and F.E.R.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Jan.-Mar. 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, Issues: Ceresa, R.J.; 3.
1917-1923. Parts 3-5. Siberia, Far East and Related The Armies.; Aug. 1983; Driginal, numbered copy - #23.
The Postage Stamps of Siberia - Additional Comments and Illustrations.; Werbizky. George G.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 45-53; Additions to the Steyn article in #113-.114. The Postage Stamps of Siberia,
1919-1922; Steyn, Ivo;
The Postal Service From Siberia; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov. The Sakhalin Dog-Sledge Mail; Weinert, Howard; Rossica; 86-87;
1988; 9-23;
1981; 4-6;
1975; 92;
Siberia The Siberian Expeditionary Force, 273-275;
1918-1919; Hopkins, Adrian E.; BJRP;
10; Nov.
575 1952;
The Siberian List-Letters of Late 1917 to 1919; Taitl, Horst; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 25-27; Red Cross delegations' 'notebook letters' for the POWs. The Siberian Post Roads; Wolff, K.; BJRP; 21; Dec. 1956; 650; New Ways of Communc'ation In and Through Siberia". The 1920 Blagoveshchensk Issue; Steyn, 5R, 15R and 30R stamps.
Ivo; BJRP; 69; Sep.
Extracted from "Old and
1990; 22-25; The 2R, 3R,
Trans-Siberian TPOs - Points to Ponder; Robinson, P.E.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 33-35; Routes 243-244 and 261-262. Many postmarks recorded.
Traveling Post Offices in Eastern Siberia, 1992; 38-43;
119; Oct.
1904-1945; Steyn,
Ivo; Rossica;
Tridtsat' dye tonny pozdravlenii; Gilenko, A.; Sibirskie ogni; 5; May 1974; 126-143; A journalist writes about his experiences at the Novosibirsk PZhDP and on a rna i I car. Tsifry i fakty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1971; Two short items, one on motorized mail delivery relieving 15 postillions of their duties at the Chita Post Office, the other on economizing measures for paper among post offices in the Murmansk oblast'. Two Interesting Cancellations; Blomfield, R.S.; BJRP; 34; Mar. Akmolly and a Samarkand Zeravshanskii okrug cover. Two Items of Postal History From the Far East; Casey, 36; A 1909 RVAP cover.
18; An 1878
Raymond; BJRP; 42; Dec.
Two 1918 Postcards; Wortman, A.H.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 42-43; A postcard from Baroness Buxhoeveden after the Imperial family's imprisonment provides the postcard rate for that part of Siberia in May 1918. Ukreplenie pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improving postal communications between towns and rural areas in Irkutsk, Kiev and Khar'kov Provinces. Uluchshaem dostavku pochty za schet rezervov; Tatur, R.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. j970; Three pages on improving mail delivery in the Krasnoyarsk area. Ustremle:-lnyi v budusr,chee; Nikolaev, M.; Fllatel iva SSSR; ~O; Oct. 1983; 1 & inside front cover; Stationery and stamps concerning the Kansk-Achinsk Oil-&-Energy Complex, KATEhK. V go rode yakutskikh almazov; Klyueva, L.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1965; Three pages on communications services in Mirnyi, Yakutsk ASSR. InclUdes postal information. V poryadke ehksperimenta; Talyzina, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; One page. Experimenting in the method o~ accountlng ,n pension payments at the Omsk GPO. Vazhnyi rychag vypolneniya plana; Katkov, V.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. page of general statistics for the Krasnoyarsk Post Office. Velikii Sibirskii put'; Tolstov. YU.: Siberian Railroad on PPCs.
Filateliya; 8; Aug.
1981; One
1991; 43-45; The Great
Vmesto kur'erov - pochtal'ony; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 145-146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Tomsk postal chief proposal to establish a city post there. Vnedrenie proektov rabochikh mest; Motorina, T.A./Belokon', G.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981: Two pages on arranging work areas for employeees to increase productivity at the Omsk PTUS. Vnedryaem brtgacnuyu formu; Guzhov, ~.G./Rybln, A.M.; Vestn,k svyazi; 12; Dec. 1983; One page on the 'avtozavodskoi uzel svyazi' of the Gor'kii Post Office and its use of a new work-organization method. Vnedryaetsya motorizovannaya dostavka; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Experiments in motorized mail del ivery at the Ulan-Ude 2nd GOS. the Kirovograd oblast' and the Aktyubinsk Post Office. Vnimanie mekhanizatsii; Chuprin. V.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1975; New postal and transportation equipment at the Chita Post Office. Vstrecha s pervym pochtal 'onom;
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
11; Nov.
1975; Short Krai
TASS item on the first Komsomol 'sk-na-Amure postman. Vysokaya otvetstvennost'; Nekhaeva, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; on the Novosibirsk Post, Telegraph, Telephone, etc.
10; Oct.
1982; Four pages
Za sebya i za togo parnya ... ; Trushina, I.; Ve~tnik svyazi; 5; May 1975; One page on Train #904 and th8 mailcar between Moscow and Vladivostok. Zabotimsya 0 khoroshem obsluzhivanii naseleniya; Volovik, I.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1967; Three pages on communications services in the Olekminsk area of the Yakutsk ASSR. Includes postal information.
Society Activities, BAG Russland-UdSSR
Bericht des Vorsitzenden; Nietsch, Wolfgang; Pochta; 45; Aug. Der Kommentar: Nur eine Namensaenderung?; Schmenkel, Horst; About its change in name and status.
1988; 3;
ZRSP; 35; Sep.
Ergebnisniederschrift dar Mitgliederversammlung yom 14.6.1987; Aug. 1987; 4-5;
1984; 6;
(n.a.); Pochta; 43;
Geschaftsbericht des Vorsitzenden; Nietsch, Wolfgang; ZRSP; 38; Aug.
1985; 2-3;
Kassenbericht fuer das Geschaeftsjahr 1983; Leiss. Hannelore; ZRSP; 35; Sep. Treasurer's report.
1984; 4'
Kassenbericht fuer das Geschaeftsjahr 1984; Leiss, Hannelore; ZRSP; 37; Apr. 4-5; Treasurer's report.
Kassenberlcht fuer das Geschaeftsjahr 1987; Leiss. Hannelore; Pochta; 45; Aug.
Kassenbericht fuer das Geschaeftsjahr 1988; Leiss. Hannelore; Pochta; 48; Sep.
Mitgliederversammlung Philatelistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Russland/UdSSR am 12. Mai 1985 in Mainz; (n.a.); ZRSP; 38; Aug. 1985; 4-7; Mitgliederverzeichnis der Philatel istischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Russland/UdSSR'; (n.a.); ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; Insert. Membership list as of 1-1-1984. Niederschrift ueber die Hauptversammlung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft 'Russland/UdSSR', Nunmehr Philatelistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Russland/UdSSR' am 26. Mai 1984, 14 Urh in Essen; Nletsch, Wolfgang; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 2-3; Niederschrift ueber die Mitgl iederversammlung yom 12. Dktober 1986 in Bochum; Pochta; 42; Mar. 1987; 4-5;
Protokoll zur Jahreshauptversammlung in Iserlohn, am 23.4.1989; Aerni, Pierre; Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 5; Protokoll zur Jahreshauptversammlung in Wolfsburg, am 2.10.1988; Piacenza, Pitt; Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988; 4-5; Satzung. (Beschlossen auf der Mitgl iederversammlung am 26.5.1984 ... ); 38; Aug. 1985; Insert. Constitution of the BAG Russland/UdSSR.
(n.a.); ZRSP;
Society Activities, BSRP
A Collector's Calendar; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 33; Oct. President's badge. A Week-End Meeting; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 35; Oct. Roberts home. A Winter Season Display; In.a.); BJRP; 2; Apr. covers from 1918-1923. Activities During 1947;
In.a.); BJRP; 2; Apr.
American Samovar; Salisburg, G.B.; BJRP; BSRP meeting in New York.
1963; 32-33; The BSRP
1964; 42-43; Displays at the C.W.
1948; 1948;
13; Feb.
17; John Barry's exhibit of 16;
1954; 399-402; The U.S. section of
American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 17; Apr. joint Rossica-BSRP meeting in New York.
1955; 516-520;
Includes the annual
American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 611-613; Rossica-BSRP annual meeting, displays. American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 23; Mar. meeting in New York.
1958; 731-734; Joint Rossica-BSRP
American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 36; Mar. joint meeting, 21-22 Nov. 1964.
1965; 37-38; Annual Rossica-BSRP
Annual General Meeting Display October 13th 1956; 637-638;
In.a.); BJRP; 21; Dec.
B.S.R.P. Expertising Committee; Committee.
In.a.); BJRP; 52; Dec.
1975; 36; Formation of the
BSRP Jubilee Display, 24 June 1961; Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 30; Mar. illustration pages; BSRP North-West & Midlands Area Meeting; Tann, 45-47; 11 Sep. 1989, Manchester.
1962; 44-45 & 2
Leonard L.; BJRP; 69; Sep.
BSRP North-West & Midlands Area Meeting, Manchester, 30 October 1988; Tann, Leonard L.; BJRP; 66; 1939; 42-44; Dr. Raymond Casey's exhibit and notes. BSRP South West Area Meeting; 1988.
In.a.); BJRP; 66; Mar.
BSRP South West Area Meeting; Baillie, Changes of Officers; HUddy.
1989; 44-45; At Bristol, 30 Aug.
Ian L.G.; BJRP; 69; Sep.
In.a.); BJRP; 35; Oct.
1990; 47-48;
1964; 25; Resignations of Barry and
Diamond JUbilee Year Congress - June 24th-27th, Displays Given at the Meetings Held on 12th Oct. BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 729-730;
In.a.); BJRP; 44; Dec.
1957, and 18th Jan.
Dr. R. Seichter - An Honorary Member; Roberts, Cecil; BJRP; 46; Dec. Editorial; Steyn, Ivo; BJRP; 65; Sep. publication. Editorial
1970; 6'
1971; 28;
1988; 3; Change in editorship and frequency of 51;
Editorial. Presenting a Bouquet.; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 2; The 50th Anniversary of the BSRP. A brief history of the Society is included. London Stamp World 90.
Personal View. ; Steyn.
Ivo; EJRP; 69; Sep.
1990; 39-41 ;
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; SJRP; 34 ; Mar.
1964: 33-40: 83r'd ana 84th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; SJRP; 35; Oct.
1964; 40-42; 85th and 86th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 36; Mar.
1965; 42-45; 87th and 88th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 37; Oct.
1965; 41-42; 89th and 90th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 38; Mar.
1966; 40-43; 91st and 92nd meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 39; Oct.
1966; 35-36; 93rd and 94th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 40; Mar.
1967; 37-40; 95th and 96th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
In. a. ) ; BJRP; 41 ; Oct.
1967; 26-28; 97th and 98th meetings.
Society Activities, BSRP
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 42; Dec.
1968; 37 -41 ; 99th to 102nd meetings.
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; 8JRP; 43 : Dct.
1969; 43-46;
103rd to 105th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
\ n. a. ) ; BJRP; 44; Dec.
1970; 33-35;
106th to 109th meetings.
Meeting Reports; (n. a. ) ; BJRP; 45; Mar- . meeting, and meetings 110-112.
1971; 37-40; lloyd's display at 109th
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 46: Dec.
1971; 42-44;
113th to 114th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; RJRP; 47; July 1972; 49-56;
115th to 118th meetings.
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 48; Mar.
1973; 33-36;
119th and 120th meetings.
Meeting Reports; Meeting.
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 49; Dec.
1973; 37-40;
121st and Annual General
Meeting Reports;
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 50; July 1974; 29-32;
124th and 125th meetings.
Meeting Reports; (n. a. ) ; BJRP; 51 ; May 1975; 32-36; Continued from #50. meeting and AGM. Meeting Reports; #51.
(n. a. ) ; BJRP; 52; Dec.
1975; 34-35;
129th meeting, continued from
Members' Displays - Provisional and Temporary Postmarks of Poland, Harryman, W.E.; BJRP; 6; Apr. 1951; 96-97; Members' Displays During the Year 1948-49; R.P. Knighton display of Poland.
(n.a.); BJRP; 3; June 1949; 30-34; The
Number 50: Ashford, P.T.; BJRP; 50; July 1974; 3-5; Development of the BJRP. and a list of editors. Rossica and B.S.R.P. Welcomes Cecil W. Roberts F.R.P.S.l.; (n.a.); Rossica; 73; 53-54; A talk given by C.W.R. on 8 Oct. 1967 - Kiev overprints. Rossica and British Society of Russian Philately Meet During A.S.D.A. Show; Rossica; 48; 1956; 6-8; Re~rinted from 'Stamps', 10 Dec. 1955. Rossica and BSRP Celebrate Centenary of NO.1 at Annual Meeting; 1957; 4; Rules for the Award
the Stibbe Rose Bowl;
(n.a.); Rossica; 51;
(n.a.); BJRP; 48; Mar.
1973; 36;
Russkaya pochta v Azi i; Berngard, K.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 17-19; The BSRP-VOF joint exhibition in Moscow, and a description of Dr. Raymond Casey's Offices in Asia exhibit. secretary's Page; Barry, John; BJRP; 4' Dec.
1949; 52;
Secretary's Page; Barry, John; BJRP; 5; Jan.
1951; 74;
Secretary's Report; Barry, John; BJRP; 7; Oct. Society Matters; Ames, N.J.D.; BJRP; 65; 1988 AGM.
Society Matters; Ames, N.J.D.; BJRP; 66; Mar.
1988; 48-52; Minutes of the 30 Jan. 1989; 50-52;
197th and 198th meetings.
The British Society of Russian Philately, Society Meetlngs; (n.a.); BJRP; 1; Dec. 1946; 2-3; A history of the Society since 1936. and a report on the first postwar meeting, on 26 Oct. 1945. TI,e Buchanan Cup; Baillie.
BJRP; :'3: Mar".
1958; 728-729;
The Combined Exhibit of the Britisl, Society of Rus~ian PhilBtely at the London International Stamp Exhibltion. Polish Sectl0n.; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 6; Aor. 1951; 106 - 107 ; The Thirtyninth Gathering; Barry, John; BJRP; photo. Two Stalwarts; (n.a.); BJRP; 36; Mar.
11; May 1953; 316; InclUdes group
1965; 35-37; HUddy and Barry.
VDF-BDRF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. in Moscow.
1976; 21-22; The joint VOF-BSRP exhibition
1976 B.S.R.P./All-Union Society Exhibition in Moscow; Droar. A.; BJRP; 54; Dec. 52;
Society Activities,
The First CSRP International Meeting;
07/13/93 (n.a.);
Post Rider;
Society Activities, Rossica
(n.t.): Savltskii, N./et al.: ?1962?; Rebuttal of Bulletin #1, distributed by the Temporary Board of Rossica 'Rossica' Society of Russian Philately - Annual Business Meeting (1970); Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 80: 1971; 4-6: 'Rossica' Society of Russian Philately - Annual Business Meeting (1974); Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica: 86-87; 1975: 5-7; 'Rossica' Society of Russian Philately, Kennedy; Rossica; 89: 1975; 4-11;
1975 Annual
Alexander Vladimirovitch Ketlar; Artuchov, Alex; American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.: BJRP; York group.
Meeting Minutes; Wilson,
Post Rider; 29: Dec.
1991: 62-63:
11; May 1953: 325-329; Activation of the New
American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.: BJRP: 17: Apr. joint Rossica-BSRP meeting in New York.
1955: 516-520;
Includes the annual
American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.: BJRP; 20: May 1956: 611-613; Rossica-BSRP annual meeting, displays. American Samovar: Salisbury, G.B.: BJRP; 23; Mar. meeting in New York.
1958; 731-734; Joint Rossica-BSRP
American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; 36; Mar. joint meeting, 21-22 Nov. 1964.
1965; 37-38; Annual Rossica-BSRP
An Open Letter to the Members of 'Rossica' Society; Adler, Kurt/et al.: Rossica; 74; 1968; 4b-4d; The auditing committee's problems with the Treasurer. Announcement; (n.a.); Oct. 1961; The declaration of withdrawal from the Society by 7 honorary members, and their reasons. Belgian Section of Rossica;
(n.a.): Rossica; 48;
Board of Directors Meeting, September 2, Rossica: 116; Apr. 1991; 6;
1956; 8; Secretary's Report.; Shaw, George;
BulletIn #1 of the 'Rossica' Society of Russian Philately; Lavrov, A.N.; July 1961; On t~e ~ossica schism. Business Meeting, 'Rossica' Society of Russian Philately - Saturday, Nov. 23, Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 75; 1968; 3-4a; Byelgradskaya gruppa 'Rossiki'; ('l.a.); Rossica: Belgrade Chapter of Rossica.
10; Oct.
Chapter Roundup - The Midwest Chapter; Michalove, Peter; Rossica;
Formation of the
Chapter Roundup - The Midwest Chapter; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica;
1990; 5-6;
115: Oct.
Chapter Roundup - The Washington Chapter; Combs, Gary A.; Rossica;
115; Oct.
Chapter Roundup - The Wasnington Chapter; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 6-7; Chto dal nam zhurnal 'Rossika'; Bredys, A.K.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. 10-year statistical survey of the articles in 'Rossica'. Comments on the Issue of Rossica Magazine No. 41; 34-35; In the Far Eastern Supplement to #42. Rossiki' in the same supplement.
1990; 7;
1939: 231: A
(n.a.); Rossica; 42; 1941; A translation of 'K vypusku No. 41
of Expertlzatjon of Russian Coins and Paper Money - 'Rosslca SOCiety'; (n.a.); Rossica; 58; 1960; 6; Establ lshment of the committee.
Confirmation and Amendment of the Notification to All Members of Rossica Published in No. 42; (n.a.); Rossica: 43; June 1941; 57; In the Far Eastern Supplement to #43. Denezhno-bonnyi otdyel. K kollektsioneram russkikh denezhnykh znakov.; Kardakov, N.!.; Rossica; 3; Oct. 1930; 11-12; The formation of Rossica's 'Numismatics-Vouchers' branch and addenda to the charter to allow for its operation. Oenezhnyi otchet za 1936 g.;
(n.a.); Rossica;
25; Mar.
1937; 27; Treasury report.
Denezhnyi otchet za 1937 g.;
(n.a.); Rossica;
29; Jan.-Feb.
111; Treasury
Society Activities, Rossica
report. Denezhnyi otchet za 1938 g.;
(n.a.); Rossica; 35; Jan.-Feb.
Denezhnyi otchet za 1939 g.;
(n.a.); Rossica;
Early Rossic.' ApplicatioF1; Wilson. Kennedy L.; Rossica; 96-97; 1979; 14-18; Reproduces one of the early application forms, with translation. Editorial; (n.a.); Rossica; board and policy.
Editorial; (n.a.); RAP; in the U.S.
Editorial; (n.a.); RAP; 68; Interpex.
Editorial; Sal isbury, G.B.; RAP; 44;
Changes in editorship, editorial
RAPS activities - the forerunner to Rossica
The annual
joint Rossica-BSRP meeting and
Revival of the Rossica Journal.
Exhibition Paris - Moscow - Leningrad in Paris; Expertization Committee of Rossica Society; Formation, members and rules.
Lloyd, John; Rossica;
(n.a.); Rossica; 55;
Fifth International Philatelic Exhibition - FIPEX; Salisbury, G.B.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 6-9; Includes Rossica activities at the show. First Joint Meeting of the BSRP and the Rossika SRP; Cerny, Viktor; Rossica; 45; 1955;
From the Chapters:
Midwest, Northern California;
From Rossica Expertization Committee; (n.a.); Rossica; 56; clarification of the rules for submitting stamps.
Rossica; 1959;
Glavnyi rukovoditel' sredi ch1enov Kuchevskoi gruppy; (n.a.); Rossica; 104; A picture of Arkhange1 'skii with three other members. Joint Meeting of Two Societies; Nov. 1960 .
(n.a.); Rossica; 60;
Further 16;
In New York, 20
â&#x20AC;˘ K nashemu prazdniku-yubi1eyu; Kardakov, N.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr.
K vypusku No. 41 Rossiki; ,(n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 32-33; In the Far Eastern Supplement to #42. Reactions to the first Russian/Eng1 ish edition. Komissiya ehkspertiz pri Dbshchestve 'Rossika'; May-June 1961; 2;
Russian Philatelist;
Life in the Rossika Society - President's Message; Chebotkevich, A.A.; Rossica; 45; 1955;
Midwest Chapter; Mazepa. James; MC, at CHICAGOPEX. N'yu-Iorkskii k1ub R.O.F. Nash yubi1ei 1939;
The first meeting of the
'Rossika'; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43;
- prosh10e i budushchee; Arkhangel'skii,
June 1941; 387;
Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr.
Nash zhurnal; Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 39; Feb. 1940; 281-282; keeping the journal going in the first days of WWII. Nash zhurnal; Sokolov, A.; Rossica; 36; Mar.-Apr. history.
Problems in
The Journal's
New York Chapter of 'Rossica' Society Holds Competitive Exhibition; Chudoba, J.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 3 & 61; New York Section of Rossica;
I11iashenko, G.F.;
Rossica; 48;
Northern Cal ifornia Chapter; Sadovnikov. Alex; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 5-6; Describes two meetings of the NCC in 1986, at Fi1ate1 ic Fiesta and WESTPEX. Northern Cal ifornia Section; activities.
(n.a.); Rossica;
Recent NCC
Obrashchenie k Vremen. pravleniyu i chlenam Russkogo zarubezhnogo fi1ate1 isticheskogo obshchestva 'Rossika'; Savitskii, N.V./et a1.; 18 July 1961; A protest against the 1961 elections. Otchet
dyeyate1'nosti Reve1'skago i Nemmevskoi gruppy O-va 'Rossika' za 1933 god;
Society Activities, Rossica Sokolov, A.; Rossica; Otchet
07/13/93 15; Feb.
1934; 85-86;
0 dyeyatel'nosti Revel'skoi grupoy 'Rossika' s aprelya po 30 dekabrya 1931 g.; Sokolov. A.; Rossica; 8; Feb. 1932; 96-98;
Otchet 0 dyeyatel 'nosti Revel'skoi gruppy 'Rossika' za 1932 god; Sokolov, A.; Rossica; 12; Feb. 1933: 216-217; Otkrytoe pis'mo Vremennomu predsedatelyu i Glavnomu redaktoru O-va 'Rossika' G-nu D-ru G.V. Bondarenko-Salisbury: Mal'kov, 1.; (n.d. - ?1961?); The other side's version of the Schism. Philatelic Expertization Committee - Rossica;
(n.a.); Rossica; 58;
1960; 5;
Philately's Stepchild; (n.a.); Rossica; 67; 1964; 3-4; Accusations of poor handling of Rossica Journal entries at international philatelic I iterature competitions. Policy Changes Affecting Members; appl ication changes.
(n.a.); Rossica;
119; Oct.
President's Message; Chebotkevich, A.A.; Rossica; 44; Society.
1992; 63; Membership
1954; 2; Revival of the
President's Message; Chebotkevich, A.A.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 1; Appointment of Salisbury as Editor-in-Chief, and a new constitution in the works. Recent Joint Meeting of Rossica and BSRP in N.Y.; insert; A picture of those in attendance.
(n.a.); Rossica; 46-47;
Recent Meeting of Officers and Several Members of Rossica Society in New York; (n.a.); Rossica; 46-47; 1955; insert; A picture of those in attendance. Report from Washington; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 72; Washington Chapter. Reports from Belgian Section of Rossika;
1967; 5; A meeting of the
(n.a.); Rossica; 45;
1955; 61;
Rossica and B.S.R.P. Welcomes Cecil W. Roberts F.R.P.S.L.; (n.a.); Rossica; 73; 53-54; A talk given by C.W.R. on 8 Oct. 1967 - Kiev overprints. Rossica and British Society of Russian Philately Meet During A.S.D.A. Show; Rossica; 48; 1956; 6-8; Reprinted from 'Stamps', 10 Dec. 1955. Rossica and BSRP Celebrate Centenary of NO.1 at Annual Meeting; 1957; 4; Rossica and Interpex; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 76-77; 'Novoe Russkoe Slovo', 30 Mar. 1969. Rossica at the Sipex; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 71; Rossica at Interph,l; Torrey, Gordon;
Rossica; 89;
(n.a.); Rossica; 51;
1969; 66-69; Translated from
1966; 6-8; 1975; 3-4;
Rossica in America; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 36-37; In the Far Eastern Supplement to the Journal. A scaled-down version of 'Rossika v Amerikye' same supplement. Rossica in California;
(n.a.); Rossica; 48;
in the
1956; 51;
Rossica SOCiety of Russian Phjlately - 1978 Annual Business Meeting Minutes; Wilson, Kennedy; Rossica; 93; 1978; 4-6; Rossica Society of Russian Philately - 1984 Annual Business Meeting Minutes; Wilson, Kennedy L.; Rossica; 104-105: 1984; 3-4,116: Rossica Society of Russian Philately L.; Rossica; 110; 1987; 4-7;
Annua' Meeting Minutes;
Rossica Society of Russian Philately Annual Meeting, November 2, Report; Shaw, George; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 5-6;
1991, Secretary's
Rossica Society of Russian Philately 1988 Annual Meeting - Minutes, NAPEX '88, 29 May 1988; Wilson, Kennedy L.; Rossica; 111; 1988; 5-8; Rossica Society of Russian Philately. Interim Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes.; Wilson, Kennedy; Rossica; 112; 1988; 6-9; 29 Jan. 1989. Rossica Society of Russian Philately. Rossica; 92; 1978; 4-5;
1977 Annual Business Meeting Minutes;
Rossica Society of Russian Philately, Rossica; 106-107; 1985; 4;
1985 Annual Meeting Minutes; Torrey, Gordon;
Society Activities, Rossica
Rossica Society Meets at the ASDA Show: illustration page; Rossica Society Page; members.
(n.a.); Rossica; 63;
(n.a.); Rossica; 48;
Rossika v Amerikye; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. Supplement to #42.
1962; 3-4 & 1
insert; Pictures of officers and
1941; 35-36;
In the Far Eastern
Rossika Philatelic Exhibition in Belgium; Legky, B.; Rossica; 44;
1954; 30-31;
Sobraniya N'yu-Iorkskoi gruppy; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 1; May-June 19fi1; 2; Announcement of the time and place for meetings of the New York Branch during the schism. Society Page;
(n.a.); Rossica; 49-50;
Society Page;
(n.a.); Rossica: 54;
Society Page; (n.a.); Rossica; 56; Centenary label.
1956; 3; Photos of various members.
1958: 6' Photos of numerous members. 1959;
insert; Photos of members and the new
Stamp World '89; Skipton, David M.; Rossica;
Submitting Articles to the Journal; Combs, Gary A.; and don't's on text, art and pictures.
1990; 7;
The American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 32; Mar. meeting of BSRP & Rossica in New York.
1963; 25-26;
1990; 31; Do's
18 Nov.
The American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 34; Mar. 1964; 29-30; The annual joint Rossica-BSRP meeting, 1963. Election of Adler, Chudoba and Faberge as Honored Members. The Latest Rossica Journal; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 53-55; Shalimoff, George; Translated from 'Novoe Russkoe Slovo', 28 Jan. 1986. review of #106-107. Includes some history of the Society. The 50th Anniversary of 'Rossica' Society; Chudoba, Joseph; Rossica; 93; 38; Treasurer's Report; Combs, Gary;
118; Apr.
Treasurer's Report; Epstein, Norman; Rossica;
1978; 7 &
1992; 8;
1990; 23;
Ustav russkago o-va filatelistov 'Rossika' v Yugoslav;;, s prilozheniem pravil obmyena krugovymi posylkami tetradok s markam; i obmyena bonami; (n.a.); 1933; ROF Rossika, Bela Tserkva, Yugoslavia; Original second edition of the Rossica Constitution, 13 pages. No loan-out. A photocopy is available. Vyderzhka iz protokola organizatsionnago sobraniya russkikh filatelistov-lyubitelei v Sofii, 7 apreyelya 1932 goda; Plotnitskii, G.K.; Rossica; 9; Apr. 1932; 128-129; Formation of the Sofia Rosslca chapter. Vystavka pochtovykh marok v Rigye; Vitkovski i, K.;
Rossica; 4; Dec.
Vystavka R.O.F. 'Rossika' v g. N'yu-Iorkye; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 31; May-June 1938; 150-153; Washington-Baltimore Chapter Holds June 1969 Meeting: Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 5; XXX Anniversary of Ross;ca; Chebotkevich, A.A.;
Rossica; 56;
Zametki kollektsionera; Polchaninov, R.; 1988; 'Zarya', contains one chapter on the Rossica Society. Zhizn' obshchestva; (n.a.); Rossica; 30; Mar.-Apr. showing at Balisea. Zhizn' obshchestva 'Rossika'; Arkhangel'sk;;, Changes to the Rossica charter.
1959; 3-4;
London, Canada: The book 136; The New York Chapter's
E.; Rossica; 2; Aug.
10-lyetie 'Rossiki'; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 35; Jan. -Feb.
1930; 22-23;
1986 Annual Meeting - Minutes; Wilson, Kennedy L.; Rossica; 108-109; Includes proposed amendments to the Rossica constitution. 40th Anniversary of 'Rossica'; Marcovitch, E.; Rossica; 76-77;
1986; 8-14;
1969; 6;
Society Activities. RPS
The Truth About Souvenir Sheets Issued by the Chinese Post Office. Commemorating the Stamp Exhibition of the Russian Philatelic Society in China; Vansovic~. A.; Rossica; 51; 1957; 29-33 & 35;
Society Activities,
Byudzhet SF SSSR. Kakimi sredstvami raspolagalo TsP SF SSSR v 1990 godu. raskhodoval is'?; Pil ipenko. F.; Filatel iva; 6; June 1991; 55; Byudzhet SF:
dokhody i raskhody;
Dokhody i raskhody SF SSSR; Pilipenko,
na chto oni
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 41;
Filateliya SSSR; 6: June 1990;
Ehkspertiza: poryadok i pravila; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 53-54; Establishment of the SF expertization committee and its rules. Esli ne nadeyat'sya na dyadyu; Bekhterev, YU.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 51-53; Discussions about where to go from here at a regular session of the SF's Board of Directors. Est'
1i svet v kontse tonnelya?; Bekhterev, Yu.G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 4-7; Bekhterev interviews V.V. Gorbatko and V.V. Sinegubov about the SF.
Govoryat delegaty s'ezda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2' Feb. 1990; 6-7; More interviews of Sixth Congress deputies about the changes in their philatelic organization and hobby. Kak stat' neformalom, il i poisk edinomyshlennikov; Dbukhov. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 7-9; The Union of Philatel ists and 'informal' groups outside of it. The author argues that the latter should not be forced into the former. Mesto vstrechi - Riga; problems in Riga.
Pevzner, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1990; 52-54;
Moment istiny; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 6-9; An interview with Boris Mikhailovich Nikiforov, chairman of the Leningrad VOF, and biographical mater ia 1. Nam takoi nalog ne po karmanu; Gorbatko, V.V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 7; Excerpts from a speech before the USSR Supreme Soviet by V.V. Gorbatko asking tha~ body to exempt the Union of Philatelists from the Tax Law. Novyi
tekst Ustava; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1990; 3; of Philatel ists (SF) and dissolution of the VOF.
Peremeny, peremeny. peremeny, peremeny ... ; Bekhterev. 1991; 54-55; Plenum TsP SF SSSR (aprel' 1990 g.); on the plenum, criticisms.
Formation of the Union
Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990;
Podschitali - proslezilis'; Dbukhov, E.; Filateliya; the effects of the new tax law on it. Polozhenie 0 filatelisticheskikh auktsionakh; 52-53; Rules for conducting auctions.
10; Oct.
1; Report
1991; 8-9; The SF and
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Prioritet tselei i tsel' prioritetov; Bazunov. S.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1990; 11; A VOF Sixth Congress deputy offers his opinions on what must be done about the sorry state of philately in the USSR. Pryamoi razgovor; Bekhterev, Yu.; Filate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1990; 3; The journal editor muses on the worsening state of Soviet philately and philatelic publishing in difficult economic times. Pryamoi razgovor; Bekhterev. YU.; Filate1iya: 10: Oct. 1991; 4; The editor of 'Filateliya' writes on the state of the magazine and philately in general soon after the coup failed. Pryamoi razgovor; Bekhterev. Yurii; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 4; The chief editor of 'Filateliya SSSR' muses on the new SF and future directions. Raz'yasnyaem; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. of Philatelists dues are assessed.
1990; 22; A clarification of how Union
Soyuz filatelistov SSSR pri perekhode k rynku; Mar. 1991; 7-8;
Filatel iva SSSR; 3;
Sponsor telemarafona SF Leningrada; Potapenko. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 56; A Telemarathon in Leningrad, one sponsor of which was the local SF. Souvenir cards were issued for the 6-7 Jan~ary 1991 event. Tsentral'noe pravlenie Soyuza filatelistov SSSR; (n.a.); 1990; 4-5; A list of SF Central Board members. Udar po 'zhuchkam'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. philatelic sales procedures by 'Soyuzpechat'.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1990; 58-59; Complaints about
Society Activities.
V prezidiume Soyuza filatel istov SSSR; V Prezidiume Soyuz a filatelistov SSSR Fi latel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 42: V Tsentral'nom pravlenii 1991; 63;
Prezidiuma SF
Filatel iVa SSSR;
Snabzhenie filatelistov;
Filateliya SSSR;
Vnimaniyu chlenov SF SSSR!; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 64; names to the list of SF Central Board members contained in #2. 25 let Soyuzu filatelistov SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
Additions of
Society Activities,
Soyuz filatelistov Rossii sozdan!; (n.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 7; Announcement of the formation and officers of the Russian Union of Philatelists.
Society Activities, UPNS
Recent News From the Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society; 108-109; 1986; 16;
(n.a.); Rossica;
The Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society; (n.a.); Rossica; 14-16; History and descriptior of the Society.
The Wes Capar Award;
(n.a.); Rossica;
Society Activities, VOF
'Idti nepremenno dal'she'; Merkulov, I.N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970: 3-4; The IV Plenum of the VOF Board of Directors. Heavy on the politics. 'Mayak' soobshchaet filatel istam; Mil', A.; Beacon and its stamp shows.
Filatel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1974; 20; Radio
'Olimpfil-80': Mel'nikov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 6-7: A stamp exhibition held in conjunction with the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Abonement dlya shkol'nikov; Shumenko. E.: Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; Cooperation between the Rostov branch of VOF and 'Soyuzpechat". Abstraktnaya tsifropis'; Glazunov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; in the KYuF, the youth section of the VOF. Adresa obshchestv, klubov i kruzhkov kollektsionerov;
1; Jan.
SK; 3;
18-21; Problems 1965;
Aktivno uchastvovat' v kommunisticheskom vospitanii trudyashchikhsya; Lepeshinskii, L.; SK; 1; 1963; 7-12; Some information on the 'MGOK', the predecessor to the VOF. can be gleaned from among the rabid propaganda. Allunions Philatelisten Bund; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 43-44; 1966; 10- 11 ;
Balans Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatel istov na 1-e noyabrya 1923 goda; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 39-41; Treasurer's report as of Nov. 1923. Bol 'she chetkosti i konkretnosti. Ko vtoromu S'ezdu VOF.; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 5-6; Proposals for amendments to the VOF constitution. Bol 'she vnimaniya yunosheskoi filatel ii; Frolova, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 56-59; Overview of KYuF (youth philatelic organizations) activities. Byt' shkol 'noi fi latel i i; Glazunov, programs in the VOF. Chetvertyi s'ezd VOF;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
JUly 1986;
16-20: Youth
1980; 2-3;
Chto chitat' kollektsioneru; Mvakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 13-14; The VOF Directorate's Presidium discusses ways to improve philatelic literature. Chto filatelistu nado?; Druzhnov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1981; 16-17; A survey of letters about poor philatelic service in various parts of the USSR. Chto tormozit razvitie filatelii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; on why VOF membership and interest in philately is down.
1-2; Thoughts
Delovitost' i vzyskatel 'nost' (Zametki s IX Konferentsii Moskovskogo otdeleniya VOF); Vakurov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 13; Dolgii put' k podpischiku; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1986; 14-15; Reactions to the article of the same title in #2 1986, about slow service by Soyuzpechat'. Dopolnenie k ustavu; Uralets, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. membership and dues requirements.
1974; 20; Changes to
Druzheskie svyazi rasshiryayutsya; Merkulov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. cooperation agreement between the VOF and the Hungarian MABEOS.
1976: 40; A
Eshche ob obmene markami: Stefanovskii, E.; SK: 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 125-126: Internal philatelic exchanges. . Fakty podtverdilis' ... : Pilipenko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Dct. Complaints about bad apples in t~e ranks of the VOF.
Filatelisticheskaya khronika; (n.a.); Sovetskil fllatelist: 10 (26): Oct. 1924; 24-26: A potpourri of news from around the world - status of the Filintern, First All-Union EXhibition, VOF doings. etc. Filateliya v Moskve: organizatsionnoe ukreplenie (1923-1924 gg.); Kulakov, Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991: 18-19 & 22: Continued from 2-1991. Filateliya v Moskve: organizatsionnoe ukreplenie (1923-1924 gody); Kulakov, Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1991; 50-52;
V.; V.;
Filateliya v Moskve: organizatsionnoe ukreplenie (1923-1924 gody); Kulakov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 50-53; Continued from 3-1991. Filateliya v Moskve: pervye itogi - novye zadachi (1924-1925 99.); Kulakov, Fi latel iya; 11; Nov. 1991; 54-56; Early Soviet phi lately.
Society Activities. VOF
Forum Moskovskikh ko1lektsionerov; exhibits in May. 1965.
(n.a.); SK; 3;
'Collector's Day'
G1avnaya zadacha - sozdanie k1ubov i kruzhkov; Merku1ov. I.N. et a1.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; 3-10; A zonal conference-seminar held in Leningrad on the topic of philatelic clubs and circles in tne VOF. Includes extracts from speeches by several other high-ranking members of VOF. Glavnoe - aktivnost'; Merkulov. I.; Filateiiya SSSR; 6; June 1982: 52-55; The IV Plenum of the VOF. which considered ways to develop and expand youth philatelic activities. G1avnyi kriterii - delo. K 20-ietiyu Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva fi1ate1istov.; Demin. L.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 1-5; Includes a chronology of the VOF since its founding in 1966. G1avnyi orientir; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; VOF Board of Directors. 4 Apr. 1980 in Moscow.
14-15; The II Plenum of the
God rozhdeniya - 1957-i; Mazur. P.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 15-16; The 25th anniversary of the Moscow branch of VOF. and some of lts history. God 1922. 'Sovetskii filate1ist' No.1; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 42; The 'Soviet Philatelist' and its tasks as the organ of the SFA and VOF. Gorokh ob stenu; Valeron. D.B.; SK; 6 (106); June 1930; 133; The author complains about the lack of artistic merit in the 1930 Pedagogical Exhibition stamp. and the NKPiT's brush-off of VOF suggestions. Gotov'tes' k s'ezdu i vystavke; Obozrevate1'; Sovetskii filate1ist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 33; Preparations for the First All-Russian Congress of Philatelists and Scripophi1 ists. Govoryat de1egaty i gosti s'ezda; Danyushevskaya. L./et a1.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 8-11; Several lnterviews with Sixth Congress delegates about their views on the sweeping changes in VOF and the new Union of Philatelists, Govoryat delegaty s'ezda; Shcherbakov. L.I./Koveshnikov. G.M.; Oct. 1970; 7; Two delegates to the VOF sound off. Iskat'. iss1edovat'; Maiorov. V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; story and his role in SOViet philately. Itogi
1; Jan.
i perspektivy. (Iz otchetnogo dok1ada prav1eniya VOF); SSSR; 1; Jan. 1980; 4-7;
Itogi raduyut; Demin. L.;
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
15-16; Ya.M. Vovin's
Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 2-3; VOF 1982 activities.
Itogi vsesoyuznogo smotra organizatsii VOF. posvyashchennogo XXV S'ezdu KPSS. i zadachi po u1uchsheniyu organizatsionno-massovoi raboty; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 2-3: Itogi. Perspektivy. Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
Zadachi. (Iz otchetnogo dok1ada prav1enlya VOF.); 1; Jan. 1975; 4-7;
Iz istorii sovetskoi fi1ate1ii; Vigilev. A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; Early Soviet philately and the formation of the VDF. Iz istorii sovetskoi fi1ate1ii; Cont i nued from # 12. 1979.
12; Dec.
1979; 52-53;
Filate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 52-53;
Iz istori i VOF. Shag za shagom.; (n.a.); Fi 1atel iya SSSR: 9; Sep. time- 1 ine of the VOF from 1966 to 1979. II Plenum 1985;
(n. a. ) ;
1979; 3-5; A
Fi1atel iya SSSR; 6;
K novym rubezham; the VOF.
Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1976; 2-4; The 10th anniversary of
K novym rubezham; Merkulov. I.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. activities for 1977 and plans for the rest of 1978. K predstoyashchemu S'ezdu VOF;
1978; 2-3; An outline of
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 20;
Kak nas obsluzhivayut?; Vakurov. V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. Soyuzpechat' service to collectors in L'vov and A1ma-Ata.
Khronika; (n.a.); SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 29-30; VOF efforts to raise money. some of it for funds to build a squadron of planes named after the VOF. Khronika;
(n.a.); SK; 3 (103); Mar.
1930; 95; Snippets on various aspects of VOF
Society Activities, VOF
activities. Khronika;
SK; 6
June 1930;
Ko vsem filatelistam Sovetskogo Soyuza; (n.a.); SK; statement of the newly-formed VOF's purpose.
Kollektsionirovanie i pechat'; Levshnya, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 2-4; Publication of VOF activities and events in the Soviet press. Kontrol' v obshchestve; Uralets. P.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; II; An explanation of the VOF's controls, including the Auditing Commission. Krepnut svyazi; Vinogradova. G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. closer ties with the Finnish Union of Philatelists.
The VOF seeks
Krepnut svyazi; Vinogradova, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 27; A Memorandum of Cooperation between the VOF and the Union of Bulgarian Philatel ists for 1986-1988.
(Putevyeocherki.); Yunak. M.; SK; activities in the Crimea.
1 (101);
Litso VOF; Vilinbakhov, B.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. VOF membership in 1930. Meridiany druzhby; Merkulov, activities in 1972.
1930; 69-71;
Filatel iya SSSR; 2;
Mezhdunarodnye svyazi VOF; Merkulov,
20; TheVOF and its
A statistical 1973;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982;
look at the
VOF's 20-22;
Mnenie kalinintsev; Volodin, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1986; 16-18; Oiscussion of philatelic activities in the youth wing of the VOF. and problems. Moskovskomu otdeleniyu VOF - 20 let; Mazur. Nashi predlozheniya; Benenson, 0.; membership rule changes.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977;
Filateliya SSSR;
1969; 6-7;
Navstrechu IV s'ezdu VOF. Soveshchanie v Tashkente; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 8-9; Uzbe~, Kazakh. Kirgiz. Tadzhik and Turkmen VOF branch chairmen meet in Tashkent. Ne smogli dogovoritsya ... ; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 18-19; Complaints about lack of service by the TsFA to Soviet collectors.
nekotorykh pis'makh. polnykh yadu i klevety; Krenkel '. Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; 10-11; Soviet indignation at NTS members posing as philatel ists to send 'subversive literature' to the USSR.
revizionnykh komissiyakh;
Rodine, 0 Partii; (n.a.); VOF Moscow branch.
Filateliya SSSR;
Obshchestva i kluby kollektsionerov; 1963 list.
Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1;
(n.a.); SK; 2;
1986; 1964;
Third plenum of the
Additions to the
Obshchestva i kluby sovetskikh kollektsionerov; (n.a.); SK; 1; 1963; of groups. clubs and societies in the USSR, with addresses.
165-168; A list
Obshchestvo filatelistov v Moskve; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 3-4; NOV.-Dec. 1922; 30; Announcement that the VOF is forming in MOSCOW, with oversight from the NKVD. Oni byl i pervymi; Il\fushin. A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 20-23; The 25tr, anniversary of the Moscow VOF. and special cancels used over the years to commemorate a Moscow VOF activity. Otvetstvennyi ehtap; Pilipenko. election campaign.
Filateliya SSSR;
Plenum pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva filatelistov; June 1967; 2-3;
The 1986 VOF
Filateliya SSSR; 6'
Po novym pravilam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1969; 10; New VQF regulations governing how collectors obtain special cancellations. Po otdelam VOF; Pashkov, P.S. (comp.); SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; Statistical data on the VOF's membership. Po otdelam VOF.
V Pskovskom otdele VOF.; Vi I inbakhov.
1 (101);
Society Activities, VOF
30- 31 ; Pobediteli smotra;
Filateliya SSSR;
5; May 1982;
Pochtnaya nagrada; Vetrov, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. an award 'For Active Work with Young Philatelists'.
11; 1983;
12; Establishment of
Pod lozungami perestroiki; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 4-7; The Sixth Congress of the VOF, held in Moscow on 13-14 Oct. 1989. Lively reactions and debate over the directions VOF should take in perestroika. Includes three short bibl10graphies of Gorbatko, Sinegubov and Ryshkov, the top three of the new 'Union of Phi latel ists'. Poleznyi opyt; Pilipenko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 17-18; cooperation between the VOF and the USSR Ministry of Culture.
Results of
Polozhenie 0 vsesoyuznom smotre organizatsii Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva fi1atelistov; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 5-6; Polozhenie 0 yunosheskoi sektsii Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva fi1atelistov; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 30-32; Includes regulations on youth section instructors and young philatelists' stamp clubs. Po10zhenie 0 Tsentral 'nom Ehkspertnom Byuro prl Vserossiiskom Obshchestve Fi late1 istov; Eichfuss/et a1.; Sovetski i fi late1 ist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 28-29; The text of the 'decree' establishing the VOF's Central Expert Bureau. Polozhenie 0 Vsesoyuznom smotre organizatsii VOF, posvyashchennom XXVII S'ezdu kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soyuza; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1985; 2; Pomoshchniki prodavtsov; Semenov, S.I.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6; councils set up to aid 'Soyuzpechat".
June 1982;
19; VOF
Pomozhet opyt; Semevski i, V./Obodovski i, M.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 3-5; The Presidium of the VOF Board of Directors puts forward the Dmitrovskii raion VOF as an example other VOF branches should emulate. Postanov1enie tret'ego s'ezda Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva filatelistov '0 vnesenii izmenenii i dopolnenii v Ustav VOF'; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975;
Postanovlenie IV S'ezda Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva fi1atelistov; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1980; 12; '0 chastichnykh izmeneniyakh v Ustave VOF'. Postanov1enie Prezidiuma Pravleniya Vsesoyuzncgo obshchestva fi1ate1 istov i Byuro Tsentra1'nogc soveta Vsesoyuznoi plonerskoi organizatsli imeni V.I. Lenina; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 52-53; 'On the Conduct of Activities Dedica.ed to the 60th Anniversary of the V.I. Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization' . Postoyan'1aya Komissiya otde1eniya; Lepetun, M ; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 18; Standing committees in VOF branches that handle exhibitions and philatelic propaganda. Prishlite korrespondenta v plokhoi magazin; Sladkov, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1986; 20-21; More complaints aoout Soyuzpechat' and philatelic suppl ies. Programma deistvii; Merkulov, I.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1978; 5-6; How the VOF intends to do its part in carrying out the decision of the CPSU's July Plenum to expand agricultural productivity. Propaganda filatel ii - de10 tvorcheskoe; Levshnya, M.; 1974; 2-3; Philately and propaganda in the USSR.
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Propaganda v periodicheskoi pechati; Aleksandrov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1976; 16; An overview of republ1c- and local-level philatelic propaganda pub1icat'ons, successes and failures. Prosim vmeshat'sya i pomoch' ... : Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Let.ers to 'Fi1ate1 lya SSSR' about poor 'Soyuzpechat" service. Pustili na samotek: (r.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. looks at philatelic propoganda in Belorussia. Pyatyi plenum pravleniya VOF;
1982; 24-25;
12-13; The VOF Presidium
SSSR; 6; June 1978;
Pyatyi plenum Pravleniya VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 14-17; Includes two other sections - 'Govoryat uchastniki P1enuma', and 'Iz postanovleniya V Rasshirennogo plenuma Pravleniya VOF'. Raionnye kluby filate1istov; raion philatelic clubs.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7;
July 1974; 3;
Formation of
Society Activities, VOF Resheniya S'ezda VOF - v zhizn'!;
Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1975; 2-3;
Rubezhi deyatel'nosti nashikh organizatsii; Solov'ev, S./Zembitskii, A.; SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 14;
Rucheek do Medvezh'egorska; Obukhova, E.; Fi'atel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1990; 16-17; A 'Filateliya SSSR' writer goes to this Karel ian town to describe the poor philatelic conditions there. Slova i dela Borisa Babitskogo; (n.a.); SK; 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 60-61; The author attacks Babitskii for his vicious slander of the VOF, and his resignation from that society. Slovo - uchastnikam Plenuma; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 3-4; Various speakers, including the editor of 'Filateliya SSSR' and the Chief of the Main Postal Administration, give their views on shortcomings in Soyuzpechat' and the VOF itself. Sluzhit' lyudyam (Zametki 0 IV leningradskoi otchetno-vybornoi konferentsii); Burov. B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 16-17; Smotr nashei raboty; Bekhtir, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Sostav pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva filatelistov; Jan. 1980; 10-11; List of VOF officials.
Filateliya SSSR;
Sostav pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva filatelistov; (n.a.); Jan. 1975; 10; Who's who in the VOF Board of Directors.
Filateliya SSSR;
Sostav revizionnoi komissii; (n.a.); the Auditing Commission.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
10; Members of
Sostav Moskovskogo Otdela Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatel istov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 44; The Moscow VDF branch officers. Sovershenstvovat' organizatsionnye osnovy obshchestva; Mudrenko, F.G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 3-6; Excerpts from a speech delivered at the 4th Plenum of the VOF Board by the Ukrainian VOF president. Soveshchanie v Stavropole;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Soveshchanie vo Frunze; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 13-14; Zonal meeting of the VOF at Frunze, to discuss expanding philately in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Sovet pri muzee; Kristi, S.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 43; Formation of the Council on Scientific Research and Expertization of Postage Stamps and Stationery at the Popov Museum of Communications. Suvenirnye nabory; Novikova, T.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. activities to supply VOF members. Svet i teni vunosheskoi filatelii; Obukhov, E.; 19-22; VOF problems in youth philately.
Filateliya SSSR;
17; Soyuzpechat' 12; Dec.
Tamozhnya; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 5-7; Soviet Customs workers prevent philatel ists from sending too much material out of the country. Tipovyi ustav otdela Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatel istov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1; Jan. 1924: 24-27; Continued from #11-12, 1923. Tipovyi ustav Otdela Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatel istov; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 34-38; An 'example' constitution for VOF branches. T~etii
plenum pravleniya VOF - Vnimanie vystavochnoi 6; June 1972; 3-5;
Tretii s'ezd VOF;
Filateliya SSSR;
(n.a.); SK; 4;
Filateliya SSSR;
1975; 3;
Ty vstupaesh' v VOF; Agenosov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. which accrue to a VOF member. Uchreditel'naya konferentsiya VOF;
1977; 52-53; The benefits
1966; 5; Founding of the VOF.
Ustav nuzhdaetsya v sovershenstvovanii; Shchiglik, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 9; A VOF member proposes amendments to the VOF Constitution. Ustav Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatelistov; 1924; 22-24; Continued from #11-12, 1923.
(n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist;
1; Jan.
Ustav Vserossiiskogo Obshchestva Filatelistov; Obozrevatel'; Sovetskii filatelist;
Society Activities, VOF 11-12; Nov.-Dec. constitution.
1923; 33-34; A short continuation of the Society's
Ustav vsesoyuznogo obshchestv3 filetelistov; 24-25; The VOF Constitution.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec.
V ch'ikh rUkakh nakhoditsya vypus~ sovetskikh marok?; Valeron, D.B.; SKi 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 33-36; The author complalns about the 'First Cavalry' issue and the way the NKPiT ignored the VOF's recommendations. V osnove - doverie; Sladkov, L.; Filatellya SSSR; activities and VDF branches in Azerbaidjan. V plenum pravleniya VOF;
3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
18-19; Philatelic
June 1974; 8;
V Prezidiume pravleniya VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 18; Relations with Soyuzpechat' and efforts to improve philatel ic service to collectors. V Prezidiume pravleniya VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 20-21; The Presidium looks at the activities of the Belorussian VOF. V Prezidiume pravleniya VOF;
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;
V Prezidiume pravleniya VDF;
(n. a. ) ; Fllateliya SSSR; 4'
V Prezidiume pravleniya VOF; VOF plan for 1973.
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;
V Prezidiume pravleniya VOF;
Dec. Apr.
5' May 1973;
Filatel iya SSSR; 9'
15 ; III ;
I ; The approved
V Prezidiume Pravleniya VDF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug. in the KUibyshev branch of the VOF.
15; Shortcomings
V Prezidiume Pravleniya VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; the way stamp issues are planned.
16; A change in
vashe svobodnoe vremya; Pilipenko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; 12-13; Various VOF initiatives in the fight to sUbstitute philately for drunkenness. Vekhi sovetskoi filatelii; Sudakov, A.; early years up to the present.
Filateliya SSSR;
Vel ikomu yUbileyu - dostoinuyu vstrechu; The Third Plenum of t~e VOF.
10; Oct.
1972; 9-11; The
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
Vizitnaya kartochka strany; Krenkel', Eh.T.; Fllateliya SSSR; 1; Krenkel's address to the Constituent Congress of the VOF. Vmeste s 'Soyuzpechat'yu'; Shikanova, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Soyuzpechat' efforts to improve cooperation.
June 1969; 2-6;
July 1966; 4-5;
19; VOF and
Vnimanie organizatsionnoi i vystavochnoi rabote; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 3-4; The VIII Conference of the Moscow VOF branch. Vospityvat' smenu; Berezovskii, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 16-17; A Leningrad VOF meeting concerning support for youth philatelic activities (KYuF). Vot takaya arifmetika ... ; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. about poor service by Soyuzpechat'.
1986; 21; Complaints
Vozrastnye osobennosti i gruppovaya struktura KYuFov; Levitas, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1975; 58-59; Membership and organizational structure of Young Philatelist Clubs. Vperedi bol'shaya rabota;
(n.a. I;
172; MGOK members.
Vsemerno uluchshat' deyatel 'nost' VDF; Merkulov, 2-3; Vsesoyuznyi forum filatelistov; Second VCF Plenum.
Vstrechaya IV S'ezd VDF; Merkulov, front cover;
Vtoroi plenum pravleniya VOF; Merkulov,
Filatel iya SSSR;
5; May 197 4
Filateliy<,. SSSR; 6; June 1968; 2-6; The Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. I.;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1-3 & inside 1975; .20-21;
Vtoroi s'ezd VDF. Tvorcheski reshat' zadachi dal 'neishego razvitiya sovetskoi filatelii.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 2-9; Vyigryvaet delo; Yakhod, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Soyuzpechat' activities in Leningrad.
1983; 20-21;
VOF and
Society Activities, VOF
VDF - kollektivnyi chIen obshchestva 'Znanie'; Lyubomirov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; Nov. 1967; 47-48; The VOF is accepted as a collective member of 'Znanie'. Yunoi smene - zabotu i vnimanie; Furin, S./Vetrov, Yu.; 1985; 19-21; Attempts to expand youth philately. Za novyi pod'em sovetskoi filatelii!; The III Congress of the VOF.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1974; 2-3;
Zabota obshchaya; Mangel 'din, D.I.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 2-4; The Deputy Minister of Communications on relations between the Ministry and the VDF. InclUdes news about the Ministry acquiring new stamp-printing equipment. Zadachi organizatsii VOF v svete reshenii XXV S'ezda KPSS; 6' June 1976; 1-3 & inside cover;
Zadachi organizatsii VOF v svete reshenii XXVII S'ezda KPSS; 6; June 1986; 1-3;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
Zadachi rUkovoditelya kruzhka yunykh filatelistov; Il'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep. 1985; 57; Some friendly 'advice' to those in charge of youth philatelic clUbs.
50 let sovetskoi filatelii;
Filateliya SSSR:
7; JUly 1973;
Society Activities,
Khronika. Na tret'em S'ezde VOK.; (n.a.); Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); 21-22; The Third Congress of the All-Union Society of Collectors. VOK:
pervye shag;; Asinovsk;i, A.; Filateliya SSSR; the 'All-Union Society of Collectors'.
5; May 1990; 55;
PAGE: Jan.
Formation of
South Russia
(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 68; 1965; 37-38; Collectors' section. A full sheet of Scott #51.
In 'Notes From
(n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 65; 1963; 65 & 1 illustration page; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A 1920 registered parcel post card from Saratov, franked with Imperial and South Russian stamps. (n.t.); Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 11; Nov. shown with a different plate flaw.
1982; 72; Copy of a 1R Denikin issue
(n.t.); Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 74-75; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Describes a 1R Denikin stamp with an irregularly-shaped '1'. (n.t.); Banfield, Norman R.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 71; Three types of Khar'kov vokzal cancellations are illustrated, plus a 28 Aug. 1919 cover from South Russia via Port Novorossiisk. (n.t.); Rayhack, Michael; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 63; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Comments on Artuchov's 5R South Russia stamp with doubled center 'Post Rider' #1 - as printer's waste.
(n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 74; Further information to the South Russia cancellations article. (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 75; Illustrations of a Rostov Vokzal cancel and notice of a new cancellation, Kerchenskii ?Buerak? (n.t.); Werbizky, George; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 59; An unrecorded variety of Scott #20, a 25k overprint on 1k stamp, front and back. A Variety of South Russia? The 10 Roubles on 15 kop. with Bar Under the New Value.; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 7; Oct. 1951; 145-147; Addenda to Revenues; Gibrick, Seymour; Rossica; 46-47; revenues. An Error From South Russia; Artuchov, A.; Post Rider; center in Scott #69.
1955; 50-51; South Russia 1; Sep.
1977; 57; A doubled
8eware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatelist; 5; July 1964; 4-13; Continued from #4. Denikin Issue: With and Without Wrangel Surcharges; Baillie, 1978; 39-41;
I.L.G.; BJRP; 55; Nov.
Die Provisorischen Briefmarken der Haupt-Kommandatur im Sueden Russlands; (n.a.); ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 73-74; Reprinted from 'Sovetskii filatelist' #12,1927. Further Notes on the Rostov Issue of 1918; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 9; JUly 1952; 217-221 ; Hlstoric Stamps of the Crimea; (n.a.); BJRP; 61; Dec. 1984; 63-65; Reprinted from 'Stamp Collecting'. 14 Feb. 19:21. Overprint plating positions of the South Russia 100R on 1k. Interesnaya nadpechatka; Iol'son, L.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 36; Two South Russian bills with overprints are described. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel 'nvkh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii (1917-1924); Chuchln, F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Maloizvestnye marki dlya oplaty dostavki sudebnykh dokumentov; Turchinskii, Yu.; Filatel iya; 7; July 1991; 48-49; The author argues that three Denikin & Wrangel special court mail del ivery 'tax' stamps are actually postage stamps, and should be included in the stamp catalogs. Marki, vypushchennyya v Krymu; Manzhelei, 5.; Rossica; 22; Dec.
Marki. vypushchennyya v Krymu; Manzhelei, S.: Rossica; 23; June 1936; 213-216; Continued from #22. News and Views;
(n.a.); BJRP; 49; Dec.
1973; 35; Data from N.
Nine Civil War Covers; Rayhack, Michael; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; pages 4-8;
Fritzberg. 13-14 and illustration
Notes on the Rostov Surcharges of 1918; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 8; Jan. 187-190; Obzor filatel.
Marki, vypushchennyya v Krymu.;
Rossica; 25; Mar.
South Russia
1937; 18; Discusses Manzhelei's updated article on Crimean stamps in 'Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal'. Contains some new information. Ostorozhno: Fal'eh!; Vovin, Ya.; SK; 11; 1974; 68-77; Forged overprints and surcharges on Soviet, Levant, China, Batum, Northwestern Army, South Russian and Lithuanian stamps. The Lithuanian forgeries are those of the F. Vaitkus transatlantic flight surcharge and the 1919 and 1924 "Lietuvos" stamps. Ostorozhno: Fal'sh'!; Vovin. Ya.; SK; overprints and surcharges.
1974; 68-77; A hodge-podge of forged
Postage Stamps of South Russia: Comments and Illustrations; Werbizky, George G.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 54-61; Postal Emissions of South Russia, 9-16;
1918-1920; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 57;
Postal Issues and Overprints of South Russia 1918-1920; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 58; 1960; 14-21; Postal Issues and Overprints of South Russia 1918-1920; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 59; 1960; 25-29; Continued from #58. Reward Paid for Information; Rayhack, Michael; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 73-74; Presents four possible Denikin essays. and requests information. South Russia - Kuban Variety; Werbizky, G.G.; BJRP; 58; Nov. added to catalog.
1981; 39-40; S.G #8b
South Russia - New Varieties and Cancellations; Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 52-61; South Russia Through a Camera; Rayhack, Michael; Post Rider; 5; Nov. Numerous enlarged photos of rare South Russian sTamp varieties. South Russian Essays?; Rayhack, Michael; Rossica; 96-97;
The Cancellations of South Russia; Artuchov, Alex/Rosselevich, A.M.; Nov. 1985; 33-57; The Crimea Surcharge 100 Ruble on i Kopeck; Baillie, & 2 illustration pages; Plating data.
1979; 27-32;
Post Rider;
LL.G.; Rossica; 58;
The Denikin Issues - Essays?; Rayhack, Michael; BJRP; 57; Nov.
1960; 46-49
1980; 36-37;
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 's, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A', and Plates 'B'. Original, numbered copies - #23. The Romanovs Used in South Russia; Artuchov,
Alex: Post Rider;
17; Nov.
Unl isted Varleties of South Russia; Rayhack, Michael; Post Rider; 58-67;
1985; 68;
17; Nov.
Soviet Occupation, Estonia
Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940-41: Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979: 232; Provides a full-size postmark of Raehveski. 1940. to supplement Ojaste's article in #23-24. Bilingual Cancellers in Estonia 1940/41; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23: 1978; 138-139; Ten postmarks are illustrated. Eesti Postmarkide 'Autodafeid'; Bleyer, Julius; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 169-176; Oestruction of Estonian remainders. Engl ish summary on p. Elva Local Issue 1941 (Part II); Mandvere. Vello; Eesti Filatelist; 82-87; The 'Eesti Post' overprints on Soviet stamps.
1978; 176.
Mixed Frankings of 1940-1944; Mandvere. Vello; Eesti Filatelist: 20-21; Covers with German/Estonian or Soviet/Estonian frankings.
1977; 73-76;
Raasiku Rongionnetus 1941; Tiits. Eugen: Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 36-39; A railroad accident at Raasiku Station. Engl ish summary included.
Soviet Occupation, Germany
Deutsches Postamt Koenigsberg (Ost-Preussen) 1946/1947; Strobel, Wolfgang; ZRSP; 40; JUly 1986; 35-38; Nadpechatki na markakh Germanii. Sovetskaya zona iyun'-iyul' 1948 g.; Vladinets. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1967; 12-14; Overprints on German stamps used in the Soviet Zone from June to JUly. 1948. Continued fr'om #6, 196路5.
Soviet Occupation, Korea
'Used Abroad' Chronicle I; Tchil inghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 28; 1960; 2-7; Levant, Persia, Bukhara, Manchuria. Soviet occupation of Lyaotung Leasehold, and North Korea. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle II; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; Bukhara, R.V.A.P., Mqngolia, Manchuria, C.E.R .. Korea.
11-17; Levant.
A North Korean Cover to Germany; Steinhart. Allan L.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 64; A JUly 1947 cover from Pyongyang via Siberia to the British Zone in Germany.
(n.t.); Lloyd, John; Rossica; 64; 1963; 60-61; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Advises that 1st Gagarin fligllt and Tsiolkovskii overprints are oeing forged, and lists sputnik cancels and cachets. (n.t.); Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; 64; 1963; 57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A color variety of the 'Zemlya - Mars I.XI' overprlnt. (n.t.); Spivak, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; F. A. Tsander, rocket sc i ent i st. 'Ad Astra-91' 46-49;
1978; 9; A picture envelope honoring
'To the Stars' Philatelic EXhibition;
(n.a.); Pochta;
11; Jan.
'Buran' nad planetoi; Yur'ev, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 8 & back cover; 'Buran's' appearance on stamps, even though it hasn't yet flown. 'Interkosmos' v deistvii; Vol'pert, M./Vinogradov, 1980; 20-22;
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
'Kosmische Post' mit gefaelschtem kopfstehendem Aufdruck; Aerni, Pierre/Meier, Adolf; Pochta; 52; Apr. 1991; 19-21; The 'Space Post' overprint forged on forged stamps, tied on with bogus cancels. 'Malen'kie tragedii' kosmicheskoi filatelii; Smirnov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1976; 10-11; Factual errors on various Soviet and foreign stamps depicting space themes. 'Sansar' - po-mongol 'ski 'kosmos'; Vol'pert, M./Vinogradov, Sep. 1981; 25-26; Mongol ian space stamps. 'Soyuz' -
'Apollon'; GureviCh. Ya.;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
'Soyuz' - 'Apollon'. 290 vypuskov.; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Filateliya; 11; Nov. 1991; 22-23 & four center illustration pages; Includes lists. of Soviet and foreign special cancels and stamps issued ln honor of the Apollo-Soyuz flight. 'SALYuT-6' na filatelisticheskol orbite; Kvasnikov, YU.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 20-21 & 4 unnumbered center pages; Color illustrations of foreign and Soviet stamps honoring SALYuT-6. 'Tyul'pany Baikonura'; Zalivadnyi, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1979; 8-9:
'V glubinakh Vselennoi'; Alekseev, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 25; A set of 32 PPCs issued by 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo'. portraying scenes on distant worlds. 'Znaete, kakim on parnem byl ... '; Bel ik, Yu.; Fi late1 iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; 45; A review of A. Mil's boOk, published in 1984. It concerns Yurii Gagarin and the postal emissions in his honor. Achtung Aufgepasst Faelschungen!!!; Meyer; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 62; discovery of a forged Patsaev, Dobrovol'skii & Volkov cover. Adrese kosmicheskoi pochty; Grechko, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; cover; Philatelic activities aboard Salyut-6.
Short item on the
July 1978; 2-4 & front
Aleksei Leonov: Nikogda ne teryaite interesa k pochtovoi miniatyure; Filate1 iVa SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 13-14; Ast .... onom Iogann Keppler; Orlov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
197 1
Astronomiya na pochtovykh markakh; Orlov. V./Poionskii, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. ~969: 40-4~ & one central illustration page; Radioastronomy ana astronomers on stamps. Astronomiya na pochtovykh markakh; Orlov, V./Polonskii, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; Nov.-Dec. ~968; 42-44; Astronomy on Soviet and foreign stamps. Chelo'vek iz budushchego; Gurevicl"" Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Tsiolkovskii on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
10-14; K.Eh.
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 38; Explanation of zemstvo 'dolgovye' stamps, a brief Ilistory of the various imperial and Soviet communications journals, and a discussion of the 1962 space stamp in 'large format'. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 12: Dec. with souvenir sheet of the 'Venera-8' souvenir sheet of 1972. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. cancels used during the Interkosmos program.
1977; 29; An FDC 1982; 32; Space
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; vUly 1976; 29; A list of special cancels dedicated to the Apollo-Soyuz mission. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; Mukhtarov, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1980; 32; Two non-postal cachets on space covers from 1978 & 1979 are disowned by the Soviet Postal Administration. Da bUdet chistym nebo nad planetoi; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Beregovoi, pilot and cosmonaut. Dalekii blizkii Mars; Vakurov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; probes.
10; Dct.
Das Unschaetzbare Exponat; Kantemirov, B.; Pochta; 45; Aug. Kurt; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR'.
1974; 4; Soviet Mars 1988;
Detishche Tsiolkovskogo; Gurevich, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. Tsiolkovsky model at the 1958 Brussels Exposition. Die Neue Weltraum-Briefmarke; Aern;, Pierre; Pochta; 46; Dec. Dva vypuska; Poznakhirko, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; with Soviet 'Salyut-6' cancels.
1985; 5-6; G.T.
15-17; Schauritsch, 1986; 8-9; A
1988; 20;
vune 1990; 47; Hungarian covers
Dva yUbileya; Gurevich, Ya.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 9-11; Two anniversaries - 125th anniversary of K. Tsiolkovskii's birth and the 25th anniversary of Sputnik. Dvadtsatiletie osvoeniya Luny; Sel iverstov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 48-49; 20th Anniversary of the Soviet lunar landing. Ehmblema s rozoi vetrov; Sachkov, I.; Meteorological Organization.
Filatel iya SSSR; 6;
Ein Nebensaechlicher Nebenstempel?!; Schneider, v.;
vune 1973; 9-10; The World
ZRSP: 37; Apr.
1985; 42-43:
Eshche do Gagarina; (n.a.); Filateliya; 6; vune 1991; 13 & 4 center inserts; Soviet and foreign stamps with a space theme, issued prior to Gagarin's fl ight. Fragen und Mitteilungen;
(n.a.); ZRSP; 38; Aug.
1985; 47-51;
Gagarinskie vypuski; Poznakhirko, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1991; 8-10 & inside front cover; Includes a complete listing of Soviet and foreign perforated stamps issued in honor of Yuri Gagarin. Gasheniya na sovetskikh orbital'nykh stantsiyakh v 1984-1989 godakh; Kvasnikov, Yu./Poznakhirko, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1991; 16-18: Soviet orbital space station cancels from 1984 to 1989. Gel'oi-inostrantsy; Mitin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. of the Soviet Union', including some cosmonauts.
Glavnyi konstruktor; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR: postcards of Gagarln with S.P. Korolev.
16-18; Foreign 'Heros 1977; 39-40; Picture
Issledovaniya 'Krasnoi planety'; Abramov, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Missions to Mars on Soviet and foreign stamps.
June 1975; 8-9;
Istoriya syuzheta; Peisik, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 11: Nov. 1985; 40; The author corrects a misconception about one of the 'space fantasy' stamps of Oct. 1967 that led to part of the text being blacked out. Kak schastliv byl by nash Yurii!; Romano'!. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977: Gagarin's autograph on a postage stamp, signed soon after his flight.
Kakim predstavlyaetsya katalog; Bel ik, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980: 29-30; Some complaints about the second edition of the Soviet space catalog. Kosmicheskaya filateliya. Katalog-spravochnik.; Gurevich, Ya.B./Shcherbakov, V.I. (comps.); 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Listings of USSR stamps. FDes and cancels relating to space. Numerous photos, some color. Includes short biographical sketches of Soviet cosmonauts. Original softbound catalog, second edition. Kosmicheskaya pochta; Konovalov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; vune 1978; 1-2 & inside front cover; The brief history of 'space post' - delivering mail to and from orbit. Kosmicheskaya pochta; Vasil'ev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Soyuz-5 ushering in the 'space post' era.
1972; 7; Soyuz-4 and
Kosmicheskaya pochta SSSR; R., G.;
1970; 7'
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Kosmicheskaya zhivopis'; Tishchenko. G.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 12-13 & front cover; 'Space art' on stamps deslgned by A. Leonov and A. Sokolov. Kosmicheskie orbity komsomola; Maiorov. V./Subbotin, 1982; 1-3 & inside front cover; Cosmonauts who organization.
L.; ~ere
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May in the Komsomol
Kosmicheskie pochtal 'ony; Vulikhman, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. and its mail-carrying duties to Soyuz-4.
1969; 7; Soyuz-S
Kosmicheskie razvedchiki pogody; Sachkov. I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Weather satellites on Soviet and foreign ste~ps.
Kosmicheskie shtempelya; Konovalov. B.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 8-10; The cancels used aboard Salyut-6 and at Baikonur on mail to and from the crew. Kosmicheskie sputniki svyazi; Chernyavskii. A.; Filateliya SSSR; Communications satellites on Soviet and foreign stamps. Kosmicheskii gorod Kaluga; Sashenkov, Kosmicheskoe otdelenie svyazi June 1982; 10-13;
8; Aug.
Filetel iVa SSSR; 5; Nov.
'Salyut-6'; Romanenko.
Yu./et al.;
1977; 56-57;
1966; 4-6;
Filatel iya SSSR; 6'
Kosmonavt iz V'etnama; Morgunov, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4: Apr. 1983; 24-25; No Soviet issues are shown. just 3 Vietnamese FDCs, but there is information on Pham Tuan, who flew aboard Soyuz-37. Kosmos - Tema Fi latel i i;
Kosmos - Tema Filatelii; Sashenkov, Kosmos i orbita marki; Drlov, V.;
E.; SKi
E.; SKi 2;
1964; 37-55;
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug.
Kosmos na stranitsakh 'Filatelii' 1966-1991 gg.; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 62-63; A listing of all articles appearing in 'Filateliya SSSR' from 1966 to 1991 with a space theme. Kosmos s natury: Sokolov. A./Leonov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968: 2-3 & inside front cover; The designer of the 'Space Fantasy' set talks about the sJbjects represented. Kosmos v tvoem al'bome;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1986; 42-43;
Krylatyi my vzyali razbeg; Rogal'skij, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. 25~h anniversary of Gagarin's flight.
1986; 4-6; On the
Manned Space Fl ight Commemorative and Special Cancei lations and Cachets of Soviet Union; Lloyd. John; Rossica; 65; 1963; 47-49; Mano Tema - Kosmosas; Kebeikis,
Filatel ija Lietuvoje: 3;
1990; 34-35;
Marki programmy 'Soyuz'-'Apollon'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1976; 8; A listing of Soviet and foreign stamps dedicated to the Apol lo-Soyuz mission. Muzei na vytskoi zemle; Avraamov, V.; Tsiolkovskij Museum at Kirov.
Filate] iva SSSR; 5; May 1991;
13; The
Na kosmicheskikh orbitakh; Kvasnikov. Yu.: Filateliva: 8: Aug. 1991; 19-22: The 25th anniversary of Soviet-French cooperation in space. Includes a checkl ist of stamps honorlng their cooperation. Na markakh - Venera; Katser, M.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filatel iVa SSSR; 6;
June 1968; 24-25; Venus on
Na shtempele - chelovek v kosmose; Vasil'ev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; lIor. brief discussion of some of the special cancels devoted to Gagarln.
16; A
Nam soobshchayut; Bukler, L./et ai.; Filateliya; 11: Nov. 1991; 50-51; 'Filateliya' readers share their flnds of varieties on various stamps. Includes a description and illustration of two types of a Kosmodrom Baikonur cancel and registration mark. Nasha chaika; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; honoring Valentina Tereshkova.
July 1978;
10-11: Postcara issues
Ne ver' glazam svoim; Kvasnikov. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 20-22; The author points out discrepancies between the scenes portrayed on Soviet and foreign stamps and what actually is or was. Ne ver' glazam svoim; Kvasnikov,
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1991; 52-53. 56;
Continued from 3-1991. Nebrezhnost'; Fe1 'dshtein. I . ; Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 28-29; A short 1 ist of Soviet and foreign postal emissions with errors of fact on them. Neosushchestvlennaya nadezhda; Yur'ev, K.; Soviet race T.O the Moon on stamps.
Fi1ate1 iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1990; 8-9; The
Nerea1izovannyi proekt; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Fi1ate1iya; 1; Jan. 1992; 16-17; The 'N-1' rocket, intended for a piloted trip to the Moon, but never used. No.
2239; Po10nski i, V.; Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1968; 46; The first Soviet stamp to be copied from a znachok. the latter issued to delegates of the 10th International Astronomical Congress.
Novye professii drevnei nauki; Bronshtein, G.; Unmanned robot probes.
Filate1iya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1977; 52-53;
mire, v kotorom my zhivem; Ponomarev, A.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 6-8; An interview with V.A. Dzhanibekov and G.A. Kom1ev, who cooperated in designing a space theme set.
Obzhivayas' v kosmose; Spanovskii, V./Shkurin, N.; 10-13; Ddinnadtsataya kosmicheskaya; A1ekseev, V.; 'PDLAND-73', dedicated to Copernicus.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 6-7;
Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s origina1'nymi markami; 1; Jan. 1986; 51-52;
Fi1ate1 iya SSSR;
Ostorozhno - fa1'sifikatl; Bakalinskii, G.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 16; A forgery of the '4/X/57 g. First Artificial Earth Sate11 ite' overprint is described and illustrated. Ostorozhno! Fa1'sifikatl; Pevzner, A.; Fi1ate1iya; 'Kosmicheskaya pochta' fraudulent overprints.
7; July 1991; 49; The
Ostorozhno: Fa1'sifikatJ; Berngard, K./B1ekhman, S.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 6; Announcement of a discovery that forgeries of the 1961 Gagarin series had appeared. at ko11ektsii k nauke; Kantemirov, B.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 42; An East German FDC issued in honor of M.K. Tikhonravov, one of the early designers of Soviet Earth-sciences satellites. Otschet vedetsya ot Pu1kova; Bronshtein, G.; Pu1kovo Observatory.
Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 57; The
Pered da1'nei dorogoi; Bogdanchikov. F.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; the 1966 'Cosmonauts Day' stamps were designed.
10; Oct.
1967; 44-45; How
Pervaya v mire zhenshchina-kosmonavt. K 10-1etiyu po1eta 'Vostoka-6'.; Sashenkov, E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 8-9; Tereshkova's f1 ight aboard Vostok-6. Pervomu kosmoprokhodtsu; Or10v, V.; Soviet and foreign stamps. Pervoprokhodets kosmosa; Gagarin.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Zabochen', M.;
1971; 3-5; Gagarin on
Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1-3; PPCs of
Pervyi mezhdunarodnyi; Abramova, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1978; 19: Czech issues commemorating the Soyuz-28 flight with Gubarev and Remek aboard. Pervyi reportazh; L'vov, M.; Fi1atellya SSSR: 4; Apr. 1983; 4-5; A.P. Romanov, writer and journal ist, and his collection of space memorabil路ia. Pervyi v mire; Vozzhennlkov, N.; Yurii Gagarin.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 4; Apr.
1974; 6; A maximum card of
Phi1ate1istische Raritaet aus der UdSSSR - Kosmos-Jubi1aeumsbriefe; K10z, Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 17; Pis'mo iz Kalugi; Stepanov, B.; K.Eh. Tsio1kovskii, 1931.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1972: 8-9; A letter from
Po programme 'EhPas'; Nazarov, G.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 6; June 1975; 5-6; Soviet-American cooperation leading up to the Apollo-Soyuz flight. Pobyvavshie v kosmose; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 3; Mar. cosmonaut V.A. Shata10v aboard Soyuz-4. Pochta 'Soyuza T-2'; Ma1yshev, YU./K10chko, V.;
1973; 9; A cover addressed to
Fi1atel iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Space 15-16; Three covers,
60 7
two 'flown', are illustrated.
Pochtovye dorogi kosmonavtiki; Sashenkov, E.P.; 1977; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; The history of space flight as seen in stamps, Original hardbound book. stationery and cancels. Pochtovye shtempelya kosmodroma 'Baikonur' 10;
Pochtovye shtempelys Kosmodroma Baikonur; Morin, 7-8; Baikonur Cosmodrome cancels.
Fllate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Pochtovyi 'SEKRET' kosmonavta; Rondarenko, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. interview with P.R. Popovich, cosmonaut aboard 'Vostok-4'.
1990; 7-8; An
Pozyvnye 'ARAKSA'; Stepanov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 48; Sogra, Arkhangel'sk oblast' and Kergelen Island in the Indian Ocean - a postmark noting Soviet-French cooperation in the 'ARAKS' program. Put' k zvezdam (K 20-letiyu pervogo gruppovogo poleta v kosmose); Bel ik, Filate'liya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 10-13; Radiatsionnyi poyas zemli; Frunze, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Exploration of Earth's radiation belt. Raketostroiteli; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Soviet rocket pioneers.
1980; 24-25;
1972; 5-7; The early Russian and
Raritety kosmicheskoi ehry; Kvasnikov, Yu./Poznakhirko, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 9-10; 'Interkosmos' Pol ish and Bulgarian stamps with Soviet space themes. Razmyshleniya nad katalogami; Grigor'ev, G./Vinogradov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 12-13; The authors comment on the 1979 books 'Kosmicheskaya filatel iva' and 'Astronomiya v filatel ii', with additions and corrections. Revolyutsioner, uchenyi, poeht; Biryukov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; postal stationery envelope honoring N.A. Morozov.
10; Oct.
1974; 4-5;
S imenem Frunze; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 4-5; A postal stationery envelope with a cachet of the Frunze Central Aviation and Cosmonautics BUilding. S tvorcheskim podkhodom; Tsiolkovski i.
Rogal'skii, B.;
Filateliye SSSR; 5; May 1991;
11-12; K.Eh.
Salyut-6 - Nash dom i nasha pochta; Aleksand~ov, L.; Filetel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 19-23; An interview with cosmonaut Leonid Popov. Shtempelya Baikonura; Morin, datestamps.
Filatel iVa SSSR;
Shturm kosmosa prodolzhaetsya; Belik, YU.; front cover, inside front cover;
5; May 1979; 31-32; Baikonur
Filateliye SSSR;
Smotryashchie v nebo: Abramov, S.; Filateliya foreign stamps with an astronomy theme.
10; Oct.
7; July 1979; 6-8; Soviet and
Snova poddelki; Vovin, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27; to the appearance of fake overprints on two space stamps. Sotrudnichestvo v kosmose; Abramova. L.; Filateliya SSSR; Interkosmos program on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Vovin alerts readers
11; Nov.
1979; 2-4; The
Sovetskaya kosmonavtika v filatel ii - Katalog-spravochnik; Sastlenkov. E.P.; Soyuzpechat', Moscow; Stamps of all nations with a Soviet space theme.
Sovetskie pochtovye ehmissii ne kosmicheskuyu temu v kataloge 'Lollini'; Be! ik, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 15-17; Comments and correc~ions to the Loll in; catalog. Sovetskii kosmos na avstriisklkh spetsshtempelyakh; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Fll~tel iva; 10: Oct. 1991; 18-19; Austrian speclal cancels oepicting Soviet space vetlicles, achievements. Sovetskii kosmos ne bolgarskikh spets~htempelyakh; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Filateliya; 3; Mar. 1992; 14-15; BLllgarian special cancels commemorating Soviet space events. Sovetskii sputnik na shtempele Bokhuma; Rodin, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 13; A German FOC from Bochum commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Bochum Observatory and the 15th anniversary of the launching of Sputnik. Soviet Space Catalog; Winick, Lester E.; 1978; Lester E. Winick, Homewood, Illinois; Covers, special cancels, cosmonaut biographies and descriptions of the space
07/13/93 vehicles.
Original hardbound catalog.
Soviet Space Stamp Errors; Okolish, Anthony L.; Rossica; 80; Soviet Space Station Salyut 7; Gallagher, Denis; Pochta;
1971; 26-27;
10; June-July 1991;
Special Sputnik Cancellations and Cachets; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 60;
1961; 44;
Special Sputnik Cancellations and Cachets; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 63;
1962; 50-51;
Sputnik Stamps and Cancellations of USSR; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 58; Sputnik Stamps of USSR; Adler, Kurt; Rossica;
1960; 43;
1959; 86-88;
Sputniks; Barry, John; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 40-41; Special cancels. Strange CTO Marking; Minkus, Robert F.; Rossica; 108-109; 1986; 148; A single-circle, no-text cancel on the 'Day of the Cosmonauts' souvenir sheet, Scott #s 4072-4073. Streifzug durch die russische Philatel ie; Schneider, J.; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 4-7, 9-10; A broadbrush overview of Russian philately and postal history. Suveniry iz Tuluzy; Ivakhnov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1977; 22-23; Three Soviet journalists visit the French National Space Center at Toulouse, Suveniry KhMK - Kosmosu; Krasnikov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 49; Cacheted envelopes not listed in space catalogs, but with 'space symbology', 1965-1987. SSSR - Frantsiya: kosmicheskoe sotrudnichestvo; Vol'pert, M./Mogilevskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 22-24; Postal issues about USSR-French space endeavors. The Soviet Union in Space; McKenzie, Alan; Rossica; illustrations.
1987; 8-55; Many
Trassy kosmic~eskoi pochty; Andreev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. philatelic interview with cosmonaut E.V. Khrunov. Trudnye puti kosmicheskoi fi latel i i; Gurshtein, A./Levin, M.; Truzheniki kosmosa; Subbotin, L.; foreign space-topic-stamps.
1975; 51-52; A
SK; 7'
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 6-8; Soviet and
Tsena garantii kachestva; Pritula, V./et a1.; FilatF-liya; 7; July 1992; 19-23; Comments on bogus space material being exhibited by collectors. Numerous illustrations. Tsiolkovskii i kosmicheskaya biologiya; Rogal'skii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 1985; 10-12;
10; Oct.
Uslovnyi adres kosmodroma; Rakitin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 47-48; Postmarks associated with Baikonur, including those used prior to 1975, when misleading addresses were employed. Uvidet' novoe v starom, vel ikoe - v malom; Petrov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 39; The author discovers a connection between the N. Kamanin 'Chelyuskin Rescue' stamp and the Soviet space program. V bronze i mramore; Abramov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. space flight.
1978; 6-8; Monuments to
V kosmose chetveronogie; SUbbotin, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1972; 14-16; Four-legged animals in space on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. V raznykh tsvetakh; Losev, I.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 53; Discove~y of a color variety on a 1976 stamp commemorating the flight of Soyuz-21. Venera - kometa Galleya; Vol'pert, M./Mogilevskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1986; 26-28; Soviet and foreign issues on Halley's Comet. Verdacht auf Faelschung Sowjetischer Stempel von Baikonur; 1988; 10;
(n.a.); Pochta; 45; Aug.
Vmeste na zemle i v kosmose; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 18-19; The joint Soviet-German flight of 26 Aug., with Bykovskii and Jahn aboard Soyuz-31. Vo imya budushchego; Kvasnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 9 & 15; Foreign postal emissions honoring Cosmonaut Komarov, who perished in the descent of SOYuZ-1. The USSR has yet to issue any to commemorate the accident. Vokrug 'Burana'; Smirnov, S.; Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
11; A question about a
'Buran' cover - who issued it and when - plus other space-related questions. Includes the 'Sovinfilateliya' response. Vopreki sobstvennomu kredo; Zalivadnyi, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 36; Book review of E.P. Sashenkov's 'Pochtovye dorogi kosmonavtov' , 1978. Contains numerous corrections and criticisms. Voeredi novye starty; Vol'pert, M./Mogilevskii, M.; 24-26; Intercosmos and the USSR-France flight.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Vselennaya v al 'borne; Nazarov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 3; A philatelic interview with cosmonauts L. Demin ana G. Sarafanov. Vstrecha na orbite; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 9-10; Includes a list of stamp and special cancel issues of various countries commemorating Hie Apollo-Soyuz flight. Weltraumfahrt - Ein Streifzug durch die Sowj. Philatelie; Falk, D.; ZRSP; 41; Sep. 1986; 33-36; Reprinted from 'Weltraum-Philatel ie' #80. XV filatelisticheskaya vystavka 'K zvezdam 1977'; Mel 'nikova. T.; JUly 1977; 28-29; Zagadki utrennei zvezdy; Abramov, S.; Filatel iva SSSR; probes on Soviet and foreign stamps.
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
1975; 8-10; Venus
Zdes' zarozhdalas' kosmicheskaya filateliya. Reportazh s kosmodroma Baikonur.; Romanov, Aleksandr; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1977; 4-7; Zdravstvui, Den' kosmonavtiki!; Gurevich, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Issues in honor of Cosmonauts Day, April 12th. Zemnoe uvlechenie kosmonavta; Nazarov, G.; Grechko, cosmonaut and philatelist.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1983; 2-3;
10-11; G.M.
Zemnye orbity kosmonavtov; SUbbotin, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 10-12; Foreign stamp issues honol-ing Soviet cosmonauts and their visits to those countries. Zhelayu mira i schast'ya; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 4-5; A philatelic interview with Oleg At'kov, cosmonaut. Znaki Zodiaka; Smil'nova, S.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; Zodiac on Soviet and foreign issues. 10 let kosmicheskoi ehry; Orlov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
24-i Astronavticheskii kongress; Zlobin,
1 ~-12; Signs of the
11; Nov.
1967; 42-43;
Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1974; 6;
30. Jahrestag des Erster Starts einer Sowjetischen Weltraumrakete in Richtung Mond; (n.a.); Pochta; 48; Sep. 1989; 26;
Denezhnoe obrashchenie trekh sistem. Denezhnaya sistema posle Oktyabr'skoi Revolyutsii.; Vyazel'shchikov. V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 15-16; Money surrogates recognized by the SNK Decree of 16 February 1918 - lists state bonds, loan guarantees, etc. Old Securities - Russian Railway Bonds, 1859-1914-1918; Drum/Henseler; Historischer Wertpapiere, Frankfurt, Germany; Extensive listings, black-and-white photos. Softbound original catalog.
1979; Fre,unde
Stocks-Bonds, Soviet
Denezhnoe obrashchenie trekh sistem; Vyazel'shchikov. V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 4 (80); Apr. 1928; 11-12; Continued. 1919-1921. K stat'e 'Denezhnoe obrashchenie trekh sistem': (n.a.); Radio de Filintern; 4 (80); Apr. 1928: 33: A supplement to the article. Contains tables 8-10. Katalog obl igatsii sovetskikh gosudarstvennykh vnutrennikh zaimov; Ivonin. Yu./Gogol in, Yu.: SK; 27: 1990; 150-193; Internal Soviet state bonds. Katalog obi igats~i sovetskikh gosudarstvennykh vnutrennikh zaimov; Ivonin. Yu./Gogolin, Yu.; SK; 28; 1991; 124-148; Comprehensive catalog of Soviet bonds. Portrety Shadrinskikh krest'yan na Gosudarstvennykh znakakh S.S.S.R.: Yakovlev, F.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12 (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 37; Shadrinsk peasants depicted on State Loan bonds. Tselevye zaimy i vklady; Terebov, V.; SK; 28; bonds, including several illustrations.
117-124; A listing of Soviet
Tannu Tuva
(n.t.); Ehrman, Raymond S.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A picture and description of a cover with a manuscript surcharge. (n.t.); Hirsch, Herman; Post Rider; 2; Mar. 1978; 61-62; A Tuva cover mailed to Hirsch in 1939. Includes illustration. (n.t.); Kuehn, Ed; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 67: In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Information about the original rectangular design of the diamond-shaped 'Registered' set of 1934. (n.t.); Poppe, Nikolai; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 66-67; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A translation of the address on the back of an envelope featured by S.M. Blekhman in his Tuva handbook. (n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 68; Comments on the unified Latin Turki alphabet. Prado questions the U.S. postal registry number on the front of the cover. (n.t.); Roult, Neil J.; Post Rider; cancel on two Tuvan stamps.
12; May 1983; 70-71; One forged and one bogus
(n.t.); Russell, G.S.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 68; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Two Kyzyl postmaster 'spravkas' and a cover with the same date. (n.t.); Sal isbury, G.B.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 56-57; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Three 1959 covers from Tuva bearing Soviet stamps. (n.t.); Shmuely, Moshe;'Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 65; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Two rare Tuva covers, one With 'Kbzbl B' markings, the other with a 'filled-in-bar' cancel. (n.t.); Shmuely, Moshe; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 79-80; In 'Philatel ic Shorts' section. Shows an insured letter from Minusinsk and a 'KbZbL-b' cover of Tuva. (n.t.); Strother, Stephen F.; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 70; Some comments on the extreme rarity of Tannu Tuva banknotes, and a question about the very rare revenue stamps of Tuva. (n.t.); Strother, Stephen F.; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 71; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Lists dispatch dates, registration #s, addresses and arrival dates of Tuvan covers in the author's collection. (n.t.); Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 24; JUly 1989; 74-75; A 1928 SFA airmail cover from Moscow to Altan Bulak, Mongolia, With a faked Kyzyl 'arrival mark'. Bony Tannu-Tuvinskogo pravitel'stva; Ushkov, B.S.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. Tuvan scrip issued in 1924.
1930; 78; Tannu
Bumazhnye denezhnye znaki Mongolii i Tannu-Tuvy; Pakhomov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug. 1969; 41; Paper money of Mongolia and Tannu Tuva is listed. Filatelisticheskie rasskazy 0 Tuve; Vanius, 44-48; Continued from #11.
F.; Filateliya SSSR;
Filatelisticheskie rasskazy & back cover;
Tuve; Vanius,
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Filatelisticheskie rasskazy 0 Tuve; Vanius, Continued from 3-1991.
F.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filatelisticheskie rasskazy Continued from 4-1991.
1990; 1990; 44-49 1991; 44-46;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 46-47;
Filatelisticheskie rasskazy 0 Tuve. Chetvertyi rasskaz. 0 zubtsovkakh marok Tuvy.; Vanius, F.; Filateliya; 2; "eb. 1992; 46-51; Cont. from #5, 1991. Filatelisticheskie rasskazy 0 Tuve. Nadpechatki na markakh.; Vanius, SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 47-48, 51; Continued from 12-1990.
F.; Filateliya
Filatelisticheskie rasskazy 0 Tuve. 0 pochtovykh shtempelyakh TUvy.; Vanius, Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 48-51;
From the Auctions; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 66-67; An 'only one flown' postcard from 1918 on the Vienna-Krakow-Lemberg line, a probable faked Nikolaevsk-on-Amur cover, and 'KTDE' overprints on a block of 4 Tannu Tuva 2kop. fiscals. Istoriya pochty i pochtovogo obrashcheniya Tuvinskoi ASSR; Blekhman, S.; SK; 8; 80-92; Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty.
Pochtovye marki
Tannu Tuva
Tuvinskoi narodnoi respubliki.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 4; Apr. 1992; 13-36; Listings and color illustrations of Tannu Tuvan stamps and overprints. Monografiya 0 tuvinskoi pochte i ee markakh; aerngard, K.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1977; 28-29; Berngard's review of S.M. Bleknman's 'Istoriya pochty i znaki pochtovoi oplaty Tuvy'. Nekotorye varianty Rossii; Manzhelei, S.; Rossica; 24; Nov. the article deals with perforation varieties. Novoe
11; Novoe
denezhnom obrashchenii v Tuvinskoi narodnoi 1974; 131-134;
respublike; Mikhailov. N.: SK;
denezhnom obrashchenii v Tuvinskoi narodnoi 1974; 131-134;
respublike; Mikhailov, N.;
Nyne v Kyzyle; Talanov, V.; kiosks.
1936; 237-239; A third of
den'gakh Tannu-tuvinskoi
Filatel iya; 6; June 1991; 50-52; A visit to Kyzyl stamp respubl iki; Dmitriev,
Paper Money of Mongolia and Tannu Tuva; Pakhomov, Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' 1i8, 1969.
SK; 3;
1965; 95-98;
Rossica; 76-77;
1969; 69-71;
Perforations of the 1936 'JUbilee' Issues of Tannu Tuva; Negus, James; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 39; Poluvekovoi yubilei Tuvinskikh marok; Blekhman, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 19-26; Includes a map showing various air, river and road routes.
System of Planes on Airpost Stamps of USSR and Touva; Arkhangel'skii, E.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 21-22; Table of plane types, on which stamps they appear, and catalog #5 from Scott, Sanabria and Yvert. Tannou Tuva. 16-18 ;
A General Survey.; Cronin, A./Stephen, W.S.E.;
Rossica; 54;
A General Survey. ; Cronin, A./Stephen, W. S. E. ; Rossica; 5"" Tannou Tuva. 15-17; Continued from #54.
Tannou T~va. A General Survey. ; Cronin, A./Stephen. W. S. E. ; Rossica; 56; 99-102; Continued from #55.
A General Survey. ; Cronin, A./Stephen, W. S. E. ; Rossica; 57; Tannou Tuva. 51-53; Continued from #56.
Tannou Tuva. A General Survey. ; Cronin, A./Stephen, W. S. E. ; Rossica; 58; 55-56; Continued from #57.
A General Survey. ; Cronin, A./Stephen, W. S. E. ; Rossica: 59; Tannou Tuva. 48-49; Continued "'rom #58.
Tannou Tuva. A General Survey.; Cronin, A./Stephen, 35-38; Continued from #59.
W.S.E.; Rossica; 61;
Tannou-Tuva - A General Survey; Cronln, Andrew/Stephen, W.S.E.; 61-65; Continued from #61.
Rossica; 66;
Tannu Tuva and the New Blekhman Handbook; Cronin, Andrew; POSt Rider; 1; Sep. 5-28; Notes, adoitions and corrections to the Blekhman catalog, With illustrations. The Kyzyl Postmaster and His 'Spravkas'; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 64; The Local
1932-1933 Surcharges of Tuva; Blekhman, S.M.; Rossica;
The Tannu Tuva Catalog; Kanak, Richard; Tuva:
Post Rider; 2; Mar.
1964; 1977;
1963; 33-34; 1970; 5-11;
1978; 25-43;
strana, kotoruyu kartografy zacyl i nanesti na kartu; (n.a.); Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 48-51; ir'ansiated fro"l the !"rencn jou~nal 'Timbroloisirs'.
What Are These Tuvan Covers
Negus, James; BJRP; 27;
1960; 21-24;
Znaki pochtovoi oplaty Tuvinskoi respubliki; Blekhman, S.; SK; 1; 1963; 55-79; Postal history, cancels and a catalog of stamps and postal stationery.
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 74-75; A regummed copy of the first telegraph stamp, and a faked imperforate pair of the 1934 10th Anniversary of Soviet Civil Aviation Service stamp. Das Russische Te1egraphenwesen im Jahre 1874; (n.a.); ZRSP; 37; Apr. 1985; 27-31; Reprinted from 'Archiv fuer ~ost und Te1egraphie', Berlin, 1875. Franked Money Transfer Order Forms with Telegrams; 45-46 & illustration page 26; Iz istorii te1egrafa; L'vov, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; non-Russian telegraphic history.
Ingrey, M.; BJRP; 59; Oec. 10; Oct.
Odessa Postal and Telegraph Services 1808-1869; Roberts, 1991; 11; Postal and telegraph statistics.
Includes much
Ian W.; Rossica;
POChtovyi ; te1egrafnyi obmen v 1913 godu v granitsakh SSSR; 0., S.; ZhTS; 1925; 77-82;
116; Apr. 1; Jan.
Poisk prodo1zhaetsya; Kitain, L.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 10-11; In an otherwise useless article tying datestamps to the approximate date Lenin did this or that as a child, two telegram forms are illustrated. Postal Functions of Telegraph Offices; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 46; Dec. illustration pages;
1971; 8-12
Russia - Thunderbolts; Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 60; Oct. 1983; 7-17; Amalgamation of the Post and Telegraph, telegraph cancels and usages. Includes information on the posthorns-and-thunderbo1ts stamps and some stationery. Te1egrafnye shtempe1'nye b1anki S.Peterburgskago gorodskogo obshchestvennago te1egrafa i te1egrafnaya marka; Prigara, S.V.; Rossica; 43; June 1941; 381-383; Te1egrafnye shtempe1ya Rossii; Shenits, G.; Rossica; 25; Mar.
1937; 6-8;
The First Stage in the Development of Our Union. (In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Communications Workers' Union.); (n.a.); Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 12-18; Walker, Dale; Translated from ZhTS #11, 1925. Vrernya i svyaz'. Ocherki po istorii svyazi v TASSR.; Or1ova, A.F.; 1982; Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kazan'; Original hardbound copy, signed by the author. Includes information on all forms of communication in the Tatar area around Kazan' .
Telegraph, Provisional
The Spread of the Russian Revolution. Macmillan, St. Martin's Press;
07/13/93 Essays on 1917.: Pethybridge, Roger;
PAGE: 1972:
Telegraph, Soviet
Bol'she vnimaniya dostavke telegramm; Klimentova, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 1978; Two pages.
11; Nov.
Deyatel 'nost' Upravleniya Sev.-Zap. okruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 196; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on activities of the Northwestern Communications District Administration. Dostavka nochnykh telegramm uskorena; Rogozhkin, I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1976; One page on using mailcarriers working the early shift in Novosibirsk to deliver night telegrams. Dostavka telegramm: chto sdelano, chto predstoit ... ; Aranovich, S.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1974; Two pages. An overview of telegram delivery in the Belorussian SSR. Dovoennaya skorost'; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the amount of time telegrams take to reach certain cities. Dva goda planovoi raboty i ocherednye zadachi tret'ego; Beletskii, A.I.; ZhTS; 3' Mar. 1925; 6-14; Gosorgany i Svyaz' v Odessko i gUbern i i; (n. a. ); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; Improvements in postal services throughout Odessa province.
134 - 135;
V Svyaz'plane. Predpolozheniya NKPiT po proizvodstvennomu planu na 1924-25 g.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 102-108; The NKPiT's 'Communications Plan' for 1924-1925. Includes proposals for the Post and the Telegraph.
V Svyaz'plane. 1. Otchet 0 deyatel 'nosti Svyaz'plana.; L'vov; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 90-95; An overview of the 'Communications Plan' for the post and telegraph.
Iz putevykh vpechatlenii; Putnik, A.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1925; 94-106; The author's impressions of a trip to various post-and-telegraph establ ishments in the Vologda area. Includes photographs of some small post offices, a postal cutter on the Sukhona River, etc. Kak uskorit' dostavku telegramm; Grigor'eva, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. pages on telegram delivery in Latvia.
1974; Three
Konkurs telegrafistov v Leningrade; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a Leningrad contest for the 'Best Telegrapher'. Mezhdunarodnyi pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen SSSR v tsifrakh; Syrevich, E.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 67-72; Postal and telegraph data on the USSR's communications volume with other countries, including transit mail. Mezhvedomstvennaya voina na mestakh; Rodnoi; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 161-162; An incident at a station on the Southeastern Railroads Line where a turf battle took place between a post-and-telegraph office and the railroads' administration. My dolzhny ehkonomit'; 'Chut'chto'; ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 9-14; The author argues for money- and resource-saving initiatives in the Soviet Post and Telegraph. Neposredstvennyi pochtovo-telegrafnyi obmen s Pol'shei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 146; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the establishment of telegraph communications with Poland, and forthcoming mail exchange. Nezasluzhennoe preimushchestvo; S., N.; ZhTS: 8; Aug. 1925; 68-69; The author argues for increasing the priority of telegraph money orders to put them on par with postal money orders. Novyi kollektivny; dogovor; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 156-158; A new agreement on working conditions and pay for Soviet communications workers.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.): ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 91-97; Letters to the editors on the question of postage due stamps, newspaper operations, rural mail carriers, PSBs, increasing efficiency and productivity, and telegrams.
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 85-93; Letters to the editors on rural mail, postal operations at telegraph offices, money orders, packages, etc.
chern nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. wide variety of topics.
1925; 73-83;
Letters to the editors on a
chem nam pishut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. variety of topics.
1925; 65-74;
Letters to the editors on a
o snizhenii nakladnykh raskhodov; Soviet telegraph system.
Ehnbe; ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 70-73; Problems in the
Telegraph, Soviet
sokrashchenii prokhodyashchei telegrafnoi korrespondentsii; Ehnka; 1925; 96-98;
o sokrashchenii telegrafnoi pereplski; in the 'Khronika' sectIon.
(n.a.); ZhTS;
Obraztsovoe p.t. predpriyatie; S., A.: ZnTS; 4; Apr. open a 'model P&T Office'.
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
128; Short item
1924; 18-21; Unreal ized plans to
Opyt izuchen'iya defektivnosti apparata; K., P.; ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 129-134; A statistical look at problems with the Soviet post and telegraph 'apparatus'. Peredvizhnaya pochta i dostavka telegramm; S., N.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 120; The author argues that mobile posts should deliver telegrams as well as mail. Perevody po telegrafu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 154; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a plan to raise the rate for sendIng money by telegram. Perspektivy p.-t. obmena v blizhaishee trekhletie; Belyaev, A.; ZhTS; 6-12; Communications plans for 1926-1928, and statistical data.
10; Oct.
Pochtovaya i telegrafnaya korrespondentsiya v sel'skoi mestnosti; P., V.; ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 84-90; Pochtovyi
i telegrafnyi obmen v 1923-24 g.; 0., S.; ZhTS;
1; Jan.
Pochtovyi i telegrafnyi obmen za 1924-25 g.; Murskaya, V.; ZhTS; 64-72;
1925; 67-73, 76; 12; Dec.
Pochtovyi i telegrafnyi obmen III kvartala 1924-25 g.; Vakhatov, A.; 1925; 59-63; Podgotovka novykh kadrov rabotnikov; Zonnenburg, R.;
10; Oct.
Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR za aprel'; M., M.; 86-90;
ZhTS; 1925;
1925; 10; Oct. 12-15;
ZhTS; 7; july 1924;
Pokazateli raboty pochty ; telegrafa SSSR za iyun'; M.. M.; ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 106-111, 114; Statistics for June 1924. Pokazateli raboty pochty i telegrafa SSSR za mal; M., M.; ZhTS; 8; Aug.
1924; 72-75;
Povyshenie taks; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 162; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an NKPiT proposal to raise the rates for certain categories of mail and telegrams. Predvar'itel 'nye svedeniya 0 deyatel 'nosti gubernskikh kontor za iyul' mesyats; 0., S.; ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 70-72; Predvaritel 'nye svedeniya 0 deyatel 'nosti gubernskikh kontor za iyun' mesyats; 0., S.; ZhTS; 7; july 1924; 84-86; Financlal, mail and telegraph statistics for provincial offices, June 1924. Prestizh svyazista... I bystro dostavlennye telegrammy; Chubkina, M.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1975; One page on a telegram-del Ivery postillion from the Tushin Communications Center of the Moscow GPO. Priem telegram rassyl 'nymi telegrafa i narochnymi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 113; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on using telegraph runners for telegram aeliveries. Priem telegramm v pochtovykh otdeleniyakh Leningrada;
(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924;
Rabota I(omissariata FiT za 23-24 g. i ego blizhaishie zadachi. (Iz doklada v Sovet r~arCJdny~d"\ Kcmissarov).; Smirnov, T.; ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 6-14,21-22; Includes postal and telegraph information and statistics. Rascnety po obmenu telegramm mezhdu teiegrafami NKPiT i NKPS; (n.a.); lhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 143; ShQrt item in the 'Khronika' section announcing regUlations for exchange of telegrams between the NKPiT a~d the People'S Commissariat of Roads and Waterways. Semeinoe polozhenie rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v pochtovom i telegrafnom proizvodstve; S., N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 86-93; Data on postal and telegraph workers' families. Sluzhoa dostavki telegramm na sele; Ustimenko, N.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. One page on getting telegrams quickly to village residents from tne Kamensko-Dneorovsk RUS. Sluzhebnye telegrammy;
Zonnenburg, R.; ZhTS; 6; June 1925; 16-17; Official telegrams
Telegraph, Soviet
- statistics. Sokrashchayutsya lyubye rasstoyaniya; Vyalov, L.G.; 1990; Yuzhno-ural 'skoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, Chelyabinsk; Original softbound booklet, produced by the Chelyabinsk Post Office. A history of communications in Chelyabinsk and the surrounding area. Includes postal and telegraph information. Sotsial'nyi sostav rabotnikov svyazi, zanyatykh v p.-t. proizvodstve; S., N.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 93-96; Data on the social backgrounds of communications workers. Sovershenstvuem organizatsiyu dostavki telegramm; Reznik, I.B.; Vestnik svyazi; Dec. 1978; One page on telegram del ivery by the Chelyabinsk Post Office.
Sredne-Volzhskii Okrug v 23-24 byudzh. godu; Ehnbe; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 112-119; Statistics for the Middle-Volga District during the 1923-1924 fiscal year. Includes a number of photographs taken inside the Samara Post Office. Svyaz' v devyatoi pyatiletke; Psurtsev, N.D.; 1972; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; The USSR Minister of Communications outlines the results of initiatives taken during the Eighth Five-Year Plan and goals for the Ninth. Photocopy. Tarifikatsiya telegrafnogo slova; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 'Khronika' section on a draft of telegram word-rates.
143; Short item in the
Telegraf na Pamir; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1924; 172; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on efforts to run a telegraph line to the Pamirs. Telegrafiya. Chast' 2. Telegrafnye apparaty i stantsii.; Novikov, V./et al.; 'Svyaz'izdat', Moscow; Original hardbound handbook detailing telegraph apparatuses and stations.
Telegrafnyi Kod; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 163; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the new Soviet telegraph code. V Kievskom Okruge Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 197-198; Postal and telegraph statistics for the Kiev Communications District. Vmesto zh.-d. telegrafa - telefon; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Dct. 1924; 195; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about railroad telegraph equipment being replaced by telephones. Vosstanovlenie raschetov po telegrammam, obmenivaemym mezhdu telegrafami NKPT i NKPS; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 128: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on an agreement between the NKPiT and the NKPS on exchange of telegrams. Vremya i svyaz'. Ocherki po istorii svyazi v TASSR.; Orlova, A.F.; 1988; Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, Kazan'; Original hardbound copy, signed by the author. Includes information on all forms of com~unication in the Tatar area around Kazan' . Vse telegrammy dolzhny dostavlyat'sya vovremya; Krauyalene, D.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June, 1974; One page on how the Aiunt postal workers deliver telegrams in the Lithuanian SSR. Zayavleniya otpravitelei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improvements in the way senders' declarations are handled. Zhenshchina na pochtovoi i telegrafnoi sluzhbe; K., Ya.; ZhTS; 3; Mar. Women in postal and telegraph jobs.
1925; 4-5;
Temporary Offices,
(n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica: 60; 1961: 54; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. 1858 St.Petersburg cover to a merchant at the Nizhnii Novgorod Fair. (n.t.); Robbins, Sam; Rossice.; 79; 1970; 55; 1911 Odessa Exhibition cancel on cover. 'Omsk - vystavka -
1911 god'; Aronova, Zh.;
619 An
In 'Notes From Ccllectors' section. Filateliya SSSR:
'Vremennoe', Imperial Russia's Temporary Post Offices; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 7-35; Includes a listing of 113 temporary offices. Amerlcan Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; 19; Dec. 19,5; 577-579; from Dr. Snegirev on Nizhnii Novgorod Fair cancels.
Includes information
Der erste baltische Sonderstempel; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 60; Mar. 1975; 2-4; The 1901 Riga Exhibition and the temporary post office there. Ova yUbileya; Yakobs,
V.; SKi
1972; 53-67;
Ein nicht Alltaeglicher Brief; Frauenlob, Walter; ZRSP; 38; Aug. Nizhnii-Novgorod Fair '30-in-dots' cancel on cover.
1985; 65-66; A
Eshche 0 spetsshtempelyakh Rossii; Kolosov, L.; Data on Skobelevskii lager' and Ratomka.
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR;
Eshche raz 0 pochtovom shtempele Odesskoi vystavki; Zagorodnyi, V.; 11; Nov. 1973; 33; Two sizes of the Odessa Exhibition cancel.
1975; 23;
Filateliya SSSR;
Estonian Forerunners III; Hurt, Vambola; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 107-114; Pp. 113-114 are an Estonian summary, but p. 114 bears two illustrations not given in the English section. Imperial Russla's Temporary Post Offices - Vremennoe IV; 108-109; 1986; 108-142; Interesting Covers; Sklarevski, Rimma; cover. Nijni Novgorod Fair Cancellation; Nizhny Novgorod Fair P.O.
Rcssica; 64;
Faberge, O.A.;
Skipton, David M.; Rossica;
1963; 37; A Camp Brest-Litovsk
Rossica; 62;
(1906); Cronin, Andrew; BJRP;
1962; 59;
13; Feb.
1954; 410;
Pervye shagi. Zametki po istorii russkoi pochty i filateli;.; Blekhman, S.; SKi 3; 1965; 44-49; Overview of the ~irst Russian postal stationery, stamps. fakes, special cancels. philatel ic societies and publications. PoiSK prodolzhaetsya: Forafontov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 9-11; Updates and additions to Vovin's article in #5 on temporary post offices. Siberian Spa Resorts; Robinson,
P.E.; Rossica;
117; Oct.
1991; 37;
Six Scarce Postmarks; Wortman. A.H.; BJRP; 8; Jan. 1952; 183-184; Vil'na and Warsaw time-of-delivery marks, 3 temporary offlces, Staro-Oboshinskoe Credit Bank postmark, 1915. Special Postmarks of Russia; Vovin, Ya.; !3dRP; 45; Mar. Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #5, 1969. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya Rossii: 8-9;
Pr'itt, B.;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969;
Spetsial 'ny; pochtovyi shtempel' 'Odessa - Vystavka'; Forafontov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 10; A serial 'd' canceller from the 1911 Odessa Exhibitlon. Spe1:SSl1tempelya ROSSi;; Vovin, Ya.; Filatel;ya SSSR: 1; Jan. 1975; 29: Two 'Doctors Congress' cancels, one from 1897 and the other (preViously unrecorded) from 1909. The First Russian Speclal Cancellation; Mcscow Poly technical Exhibitlon.
Adler, Kurt;
Rossica; 63;
The Search Continues; Forafontov, 0leg; BJRP; 45; Mar. Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #12, 1969. Three Cancellations; Joseph, Exhibition of 1896.
R.L.; BJRP; 50;
1962; 35; The 1872
14-17; Pr'itt, B.;
JUly 1974; 22; The Nizhnii Novgorod
Vremennoe (Temporary Post Offices) ReVisited; Skipton, David M.; Rossica; 1984; 16-55; Vremennoe According to Leonard Tann; Tann,
Leonard; Rossica;
119; Oct.
1992; 62; Two
Temporary Offices,
covers of Kazan'-Privolzhskoe and Sergievskii poligon are shown. Vremennoe Update; Skipton, David M.:
1985; 47-54;
Yuzhno-russkaya vystavka 1910 goda; Vinokur, V./Ivakhno, A.: Oct. 1986; 36-38: The Ekaterinoslav exhibition.
Filateliya SSSR;
Temporary Offices. Soviet
A Special 1934 Congress Cancellation; Waugh, A.S.; BJRP; 32; Mar. 1963; 23-24 & 1 illustration page; Cancellation of the 1933 Stratosphere stamps for the 1934 17th Party Congress. Additional Cancellations of the Moscow Festival of 1957; Posell, J.; 1958; 811-812;
BJRP; 24; Sep.
Centenary of the First Russian Postage Stamp - 2nd Addendum; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 58; 1960; 44; Den' prezidentstva; Maiorov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 4-6; The writer argues for a stamp issue bearing Gorbachev's likeness, and doing away with issues propagandizing decisions taken by CPSU Congresses. Maiorov also states that special post offices were set up during previous Congresses to serve delegates. Die Philatel ie Hilft den Erdbebenkatastrophe in Armenien; Aerni, Pierre; Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988; 7; A special first-day cancel for Armenian earthquake victims. Ova yUbileya; Yakobs, V.; SK'
1972; 53-67;
Eestitemaatilised Eritemplid N. Liidus; (r.a.); Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 229-231; Soviet special cancels with Estonian themes. Updates an article in #7. Fi latel isticheskaya letopis' Sovetskogo sporta; Levin, M.E.; Moscow; Original book. Stamps and special cancels.
lzd-vo 'Svyaz",
Guide-Book to the Soviet Union; Rado, A.; 1928; International Publishers Co., New York; Extract, one photocopy page. Brief outline of the Nizhnii-Novgorod Fair, and a map. International Philatelic Exhibition, Moscow 1957; Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 56; 81-82; Special cancels.
Kauno 'Seno Pasto' Antspaudai; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 1989; 37-38; Lietuvos Filatel istu Sajungos Atkur1mo organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; Special Kaunas cancels. Komu na 'Rusi' zhit' khorosho; obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 7-9; Complaints about the 'Rus" coope~ative and its advertised service of p~oviding special cancels to customers. More Scarce Postmarks; Cronin, Andrew and J.D. Critchlow; BJRP; 12; Oct. 1953; 378-379; "On Maneuvers", Mukden, Soviet scvkhoz cancels, exhibition can- c21s. MoskovsKaya pocnta gotovitsya k Olimpiade; Vakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 35; An interview with S.S. Slobodchikov, chief of the Moscow GPO's Olympic support office, about postal preparations for the event. Nenetskomu avtonomnomu okrugu - 60 let; Sashenkov, E.: Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 14; A special cancel commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Nenets Autonomous okrug.
New Sov1et Issue Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Stamps (1858-1958); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 55; 1958: 54-56; Includes the 3 known special cancels of the centennial exhibition. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochkl s original'nymi markami; 1; Jan. '986: 51-52;
Filateliya SSSR;
Outstanding Items; Seager, O.T./Lloyd, J.; BJRP; 32: Mar. 1963; 16-18 & 3 illustration pages; A Nizhnii Yarmarka cancel on piece from 1922. Pervaya stranitsa 'Pochty SSSR'; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; VII-V!II, 33; TI",e stamps of tne First Agricultural and Crafts Exhibit, 1923, and their history. Philatelic Exhibitions in Russia During 1958; Adler.
Kurt; Rossica; 56;
1959; 85-86;
Plan spetsgashenii na 1990 god;
1990; 41;
Plan spetsgashenii na 1990 god;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1990; 43-44;
Pochta na s.-kh. vystavke; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 130; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a postal branch office opened at an agricultural exhibition in Zhashkov. Pochtovye gasheniya olimpiady-80; Yakobs. V.; Continued from #8.
Filateliya SSSR:
Pochtovye gasheniya Olimpiady-80;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 36-38;
Yakobs, V.;
10; Oct.
1982; 35-37;
Temporary Offices, Soviet
Includes a complete list of permanent and temporary post offices that served the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Sonderstempel der Sowjetunion; (n.a.); ZRSP; 41; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR', 1984.
1986; 6-11; Schneider, J.;
Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow, 1957; Negus, James/Voaden. Denys J.; BJRP; 23; 1958; 746-747; Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youth and Students, Moscow. 1957; Negus, James/Voaden, Denys J.; BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 807-810; Continued from #23. Special Cancellations and Stamps of the Sixth All-World Festival of Youths and Students, Moscow, 1957; Voaden, Denys; BJRP; 23; Mar. 1958; 746-747; Special Cancellations of Philatelic EXhibitions; Adler, Kurt; 41-44;
Rossica; 60;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye gasheniya VI Vsemirnogo festivalya molodezhi Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985; 42-43;
i studentov;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 26 June to 12 JUly 1985.
1986; 51;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Special cancellation issues from 25 Oct. to 16 Dec. 1989.
1990; 41-42;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 2-30 June 1978.
Filateliya SSSR;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 17 Oct. to 14 Dec. 1978.
Filatel iva SSSR; 4' Apr.
1979; 37;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya; (n.a.); from 2 Dec. 1975 to 2 Jan. 1976.
Fi latel iva SSSR;
1976; 39;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya; from 27 Oct. to 3 Dec. 1990.
Fi latel iva; 7; JUly 1991; 40-41;
10; Oct.
3' Mar.
1978; 42;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya i konver~y pervogo dnya 1975 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 35; Issues from 18 Mar. to 18 Apr. 1975. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. Listing of special cancels from 19 Aug. 1989 to 20 sep. 1989.
1990; 37-38;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; Issues from 20 June to 25 July 1984.
1 . Jan.
1985; 45-46;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iva SSSR; Issues from 31 May to 26 June 1985.
1 . Jan.
1986; 49-50;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 34-37; Issues from 2 June to 23 July 1983.
10; Oct.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; 39-41; Special cancels from 6 Mar.
(n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; to 13 May 1990.
10; Oct.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 52-53; Issues from 20 Jah. to 25 Feb. 1986.
10; Oct.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); 40-41; Issues of 9 May, 'hero-cities',
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 50-51; Issues from 27 Feb. to 27 Mar. 1986.
11; Nov.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n.a.): Fi latellya SSSR; 39-40; Issues from 10 May to 22 June 1990,
12; Dec.
Spetsial'nye p::::>chtovye shtempelya SSSR: (n.a,): Issues from 27 Mar. to 12, 1986.
12; Dec.
1986; 49:
Fi latel iva SSSR:
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 2 ; Feb. Special cancels appearing from 30 Sep. 1989 to 18 Oct. 1989.
1990; 39;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Issues from 1 Aug. to 23 Aug. 1984.
1985; 49-50;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; F i latel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. Issues from 13 Nov. to 19 Dec. 1982.
1983; 36-37;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR;
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1990; 39;
Special cancels from 13 to 29 Oct. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 1 Sep. to 10 Sep. 1984.
1989. (n.a.)~
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Spets i a l' nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 3 ; Mar. Issues from 17 JUly to 15 Aug. 1985. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; Issues from 12 to 30 Dec. 1982.
Temporary Offices, Soviet
(n. a. ) ; F i 1ate 1 i ya SSSR; 4' Apr.
1985; 47; 1986; 54-55; 1983;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4' Apr. Issues fro'll 12 Sep. to 12 Oct. 1984.
1985; 48-50;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR: 4' Apr. Issues from 23 Aug. to 22 Sep. 1985.
1986; 53-55;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ); Filateliya SSSR; 5' May 1990; 39; Special cancels from 3 Dec. 1989 to 27 Jan. 1990. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye s~ltempe 1ya SSSR: (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; Issues from 12 Oct. to 20 Nov. 1984.
5' May 1985; 43-45;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 40; Special cancels from 28 Jan. to 27 Feb. 1990. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 6' June 1985; 47; Issues from 26 Nov. to 5 Dec. 1984. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR: (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6' June 1986; 54-55; Issues from 24 Sep. to 19 Oct. 1985. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 7 ; July 1986; 55; Issues from 24 Oct. to 20 Nov. 1985. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Issues from 29 Nov. to 25 Dec. 1985.
1986; 52-53;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Issues from 30 Dec. 1985 to 13 dan. 1986.
1986; 57-58;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR: (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; Issues from 20 Aug. to 29 Sep. 1981.
1 ; Jan.
1982; 36-37;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) : Filateliya SSSR; 40-41 ; Issues from 15 May to 24 June 1981.
10; Oct.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Fi latel iva SSSR; 36-39; Issues from 28 May to 16 Aug. 1982.
1 â&#x20AC;˘, ,. Nov.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 44-45; Issues from 16 May to 23 JUly 1981.
1 1 ; N:Jv.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) : Filateliya SSSR; 9, Issues from 30 Mar. to 7 May 1982. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR; (n. a. ) ; FilateliY'a SSSR; 49-50; Issues from 2 to 17 Apr. 1988.
1982; 47-49;
12; Dec.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelva SSSR: (n. a. l: Filateliya SSSP: 2: Issues from 23 June to 16 Ju j,y 1990.
1988; 1991;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSP; (n.a. ) Issues from 20 duly to 25 Aug. 1990.
Fi latel iya SSSP: 3; Mar.
199, ; 38;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR: (n.a. Issues from 26 Aug. to 18 Sep. 1990.
Fi lctel 'va SSSR; LI ; Apr.
1991 : 40;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSP: (n.a.); Issues from 20 Sep. to 28 Oct. 1990.
Fllatellya SSSR; 5' May 1991; 38-39;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSP 1922-1972 9g. Kataiog-Spravocrlnik; V.A.; 1976; Svyaz', Moscow; Original catalog. Hardbound.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSP 1973-1976 gg. V.A.; 1979; Svyaz', Moscow; Original catalog.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR 1975 goda; (n.a.); 1975; 35: Issues from 20 May to 16 June 1975. Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSP 1980 g.; (n.a.); 1980; 44-47; Issues from 28 Apr. to 27 June 1980.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSP;
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
Temporary Offices, Soviet
07/13/93 1 . 1963;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR,
1962 goda; Yakobs, V. ; SK;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR,
1963 goda; Yakobs, V. ; SK; 2'
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR,
1964 gOda; Yakobs, V. ; SK; 3;
1965; 53-70;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya SSSR,
1965 goda; Yakobs, V. ; SK; 4'
1966; 45-60;
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 25; Issues from 3 to 27 Aug. 1976.
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;
111-128; 101-116;
1 1 ; Nov.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1976; 31; Issues from 24 Feb. to 23 Apr. 1976. Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1976 goda; 28; Issues from 5 May to 6 June 1976.
(n. a. ) ; F i 1atel i ya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; 37; Issues from 1 to 20 Oct. 1977.
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR;
1 . Jan.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1977 goda; (n. a. ) ; F i 1atei i ya SSSR; 3; Mar. 31 ; Issues from 15 Nov. 1977 to 1 Jan. 1978.
Spetsial 'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1978 goda; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 38-39; Issues from 26 Aug. to 25 Sep. 1978.
12; Dec.
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979 goda; 35; Issues from 1 Apr. to 23 May 1979.
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR;
Spetsial'nye pochtovye shtempelya 1979-1980 g.g.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 40-41; Issues from 25 Aug. to 30 Sep. 1979. The 1963 Schedule for Special Cancellations; (n.a.); Rossica; 65; 1963; 52-53; Cronin, Andrew; Translated from 'Philatelen Pregled' #2, 1963. U.S.S.R. Centenary Issues; Barry, John; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 37-38; cancels for the event. Zabytye spetsgasheniya; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 'Forgotten special cancels.'
1; Jan.
Includes special
100th Anniversary of Russia #1; Chebotkevich, A.A.; Rossica; 55; 1958; 33; The 1957 Moscow International Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet with postmarks. 1956 Auto Rally; Visser, J.P.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 56; The June-July 1956 auto-rally covering 12,300 km. A special cancel was issued for the event. 1978:
Ilichevsk - Varna Automatic Ferry; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 56; Nov.
6th Festival of Youths and Students; Lloyd, John; BJRP; 26;
1959; 19;
1979; 50;
'Zabytye' syuzhety; BUkhov, 0.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1990; 16-18; The writer complains about how few stamps with agricultural themes are issued, in a country w~ere over half the population lives in the country. Agregat s fantaziei; Korsakov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 43; The author asserts that the large watering vehicle shown on ~he 1964 4kop. Harvest stamp doesn't exist. Avtomobili v sel'skom khozyaistve; 56-57;
Burshtein, D.;
Chtoby kolosilis' polya; Shpolyanskii, V.; inside front cover;
Filatel iya SSSR;
Filatellya SSSR;
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
1979; 1-4 &
Golubye lenty v zolotykh posevakh; Bogdanchikov. F.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 36; The research and composition problems facing Soviet stamp designer V.V. Zav'yalov on the 'Agricultural Improvement' stamp. Gosplanovtsy - svoemu yUbileyu; Il'ins:"ii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6: June 1971; 10; A znachok and a cacheted envelope honoring the 50th anniversary of GOSPLAN. Khleb - nashe bogatstvo; Baum. A./Dashevskii, 8-10; Khleb - vsemu golova; Grishin,
Filateliya SSSR; 8' Aug.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 6-8;
Kolybel' stepnykh korablei; Belen'ki i, G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Combines and conveyers on Soviet stamps and postal stationery.
Na polyakh strany; Shpolyanskii, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Nadezhnyi shef velikikh stroek; Mikhailov, V.: Filateliya SSSR; Komsomol contributions to Soviet industry and agriculture.
10; Oct.
1979; 4-6;
Nechernozem'yu - komsomol 'skuyu zabotu!; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; inside front cover; Komsomol labor used in non-black-earth area projects. Ot
'Fordzona' do 'Kirovtsa'; Vikhanski i, tractors.
Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug.
1974; 9;
1-2 & Soviet
Ot Vserossiiskoi sel'skokhozyaistvennoi do VDNKn; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; 20-21; Soviet PPCs of the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibit of 1923 through the VDKhV to the VDNKh. Ot~,rytki
rasskazyvayut 0 'Glgante'; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; '978; 52-53; The 'Gigant' agricultural silo at Tsel ina in the 19305.
Pervenets sel 'sko-khozyaistvennogo mashinostroeniya; 7; July 1975; 8-10;
Zhukovskii, G.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Philately as Propaganda. The Case of the Collectivlzation of Soviet Agricul~ure.; Moskoff, William; The American PhilatelIst; Jan. 1986: 54-58; Tne propaganda cards of the early '30s, exhorting peasants to greater e~forts. Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes. 1.1.; 1955; Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Original softbound book. InclUdes information on early SOViet stamp designers, and many themes. Siberian Tourist Card; (n.a.); Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 7; A Soviet propaganda card exhortlng the peasants to use horse or tractor-drawn multiple hoes in cultivating sugar beets. Stupenyami rosta; cover;
V . Filetel iVa SSSR; 9:
TI'et'e pokolenie; Fomin. \I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; tractors on picture envelopes.
1982; 5-6:
:retii semestr; Mikhailov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979: details 701' students - in agricu'lture, indust'-y, etc. Velikaya zhitnitsa; Kornyukhin, A.; agriculture on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR;
Vinogradnaya loza; Mukhin, v.; Filateliya; 12; Dec. wine on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
11; Nov. 1991;
Vozrozhdenie; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. rebuilding effort after WWII. Zemlya tselinnaya;
& inside front
Various Soviet
11-13; SUIT.mer work 1972; 3-5; Soviet
12-15; Vinyards, grapes and
1978; 3-5; The Soviet
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1974;
11; Stamps and
Thematic, Agriculture stationery dedicated to farming the Virgin Lands.
Thematic, Animals
Baikal i podlemor'e; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 21-22; Lake Baikal and its natural resour~es. Fauna mira; Virginskii, V.; illustration page;
Filate'liya SSSR; 8; Al:g.
Ispolin Severa; Vladimirov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; Soviet stamps, cancels and forelgn stamps. Kity atakuyut; Potapov, A.; whales and ships.
Filateliya SSSR;
Laboratoriya v prirode; Mikhailova, G.; refuges in the USSR.
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
17-19 & central 1973; 26; The polar bear on
1982; 58-59; Collisions between
Filatel iva SSSR; 9;
1975; 52; Wildlife
Listaya 'Krasnuyu knigu'; Myagkov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 58-59; Stamps showing animals in the USSR's 'Red Book' of endangered species. My i priroda; Kartsev, V.; postal emissions.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Na beregakh Bereziny; Myagkov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; Bereziny State Wildl ife Refuge.
1974; 21-23; Soviet and foreign 12; Dec.
1982; 56-57; The
Na ehksponatakh - koni; Moiseenko, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 32-33 & 2 illustration pages; Horses and equestrian events on Soviet and foreign stamps. Na sklonakh Sikhoteh-Alinya; Myagkov, N.; wildlife refuge at Sikhoteh-Al inya.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1981; 56-57; The
Ne Ussuriiskii, a Amurskii ... ; Bogdasarov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1986; Soviet stamp showing an Amur tiger. but identified as an Ussuri tiger. Pod okhranoi zakona; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; protected by Soviet law in wildl lfe refuges. Priglashenie v Ussuriiskuyu taigu; Morozov,
June 1980;
11; I..
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 20-21;
S 'okhrannoi gramotkoi'; Semenov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 19-20; Stamps issued to promote environmental awareness and knowledge of the USSR's wildlife preserves. Serii s prodolzheniem; Shevelev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. envelopes with illustrations of various Arctic animals Tam, na nevedomykh dorozhkakh ... ; Che: lshchev, V./Saitov, G.; Oct. 1975; 52; Animals and conservation in the Urals. Tarpany;
Fedorov, R.;
Filatel iya SSSR;
3; Sep.
30-31; Cacheted
Filatel iva SSSR;
1966; 24-25; Horses.
U Presnenskikh prudov; Glezer, G./Belitskii, Ya.; PPCs of the Krasnaya Presnya Zoo, Moscow.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1974; 26;
V gostyakh u khozyaiki mednoi gory; Myagkov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 60-61; Stamps and stationery portraying fauna of a Urals State Nature Preserve. V kosmose chetveronogie; Subbotin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1972; 14-16; Four-legged animals in space on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Veterinariya - na blago chelovechestva; Kashina, L.; Filatel 'va SSSR: 5: May 1980; 14-15; A stamp issueo in honor of the XXI World Veterinary Congress in Moscow. Zapatentovano prirodoi; Stadnitski i , G.; Filateliya SSSR;.1; Apr. 1976: 10-12; Technology copying the animal world - aviation, electricity, gas analyzers, ultrasound equipment, etc, Zapovedniki i drugie okhranyaemye territOr"l; Vinokurov, A.!Belousova, L.: Filatel iya SSSR; '2; Dec. 1988; 20-23 & back cover; Wild] ife refuges on Soviet and foreign stamps. Zhemchuzhina Kavkaza; wildlife refuge.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1983; 56-57; A Caucasus
Thematic, Architecture
'Ne bylo, net i ne budet takoi!'; Pavlukhin, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 18-19; The wooden churches at Kizhi in the Karelian ASSR. 'Takova ne byla na Rusi'; Nikolaev, at Kolomenskoe.
Filateliya SSSR;
Arkhitektura severnoi stolitsy; Pavlukhin, Leningrad. Arkhitektura sluzhit miru; Krogius, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; L.;
5; May 1973; 22; The church
Filateliya SSSR;
Arkhitektura Peterburga-Leningrada; Pavlukhin, 17-18 & two illustration pages;
11; Nov.
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR;
1974; 32-33; 13-15;
11; Nov.
Bakinskaya stranitsa poloniki; Arzumanov, G./Topalov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 8-9; Witold Zglenicki, Polish engineer responsible for numerous buildings in Baku. Dni starogo goroda; Strygin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Tallinn on Soviet stationery.
1986; 8-10; Scenes of
Flag pod oblakami; Sheingauz, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. world on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1968; 44-45; Towers of the
Glavnyi zodchii stolitsy; Strygin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 4-5; M.V. Posokhin, Moscow architect and the designer of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Golubye kupola; Nikol'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; stationery depicting scenes in Samarkand. Gorod-voin, gorod-truzhenik; Kravchenko, Kursk.
Moskva - vchera i segodnya; Soviet stamps. Mosty staroi Moskvy; Old Moscow.
Lomberg, A.; Vigilev,
19-20; Stamps and
Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 5-7;
K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A.V. Shchuseva; (n.a.); 1974; 6; Academician A.V. Shchusev, architect. Konvert v chest' biblioteki; Sevastopol' Library.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1972; SK; 3;
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
13; The
June 1972; 28-30; Bridges of
20; The 70th anniversary of
Muzeyu Revolyutsii 50 let; Alekseev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 50th anniversary of the Museum of the Revolution. S.;
1965; 28-38; Moscow bUildings on
Muzeyu - 70 let; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. the A.S. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
My idem v Kreml'; Nikolaev, Kremlin on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
17-18; The
1967; 44-46; A trip to the
Nash politekhnicheskii; Barskii, Ya./Niselevich, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 12-13; The Poly technical Museum in Moscow on postal stationery and special cancellations. Nasha glavnaya biblioteka; Nemirovskii, Lenin Library on postal emissions. Neue Bildpostkartenserie; Weidner, W.; bu i 1di ngs. Nogoyu tverdoi stat' pri more; Leningrad.
ZRSP; 35; Sep.
chem umolchal nash katalog; Aleksandrov, The Hermitage.
Obrazy proletarskoi klassiki;
Odin iz stareishikh; Maiorov, Archeological Museum.
Ordena Lenina, imeni Lenina; Moscow Metro system.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 3; Mar.
11; The
'Golden Ring' 1983;
Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR;
Frenkel', A.;
1984; 62-64;
Fi latel iya SSSR; 8' Aug.
1967; 28-29;
1986; 8-10;
1983; 5-7; The Odessa
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
1985; 5-7; The
Oruzheinaya palata; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 27-28; The national treasures of the Kreml in. InclUdes a listing of stamps showing parts of the Kreml in.
Thematic, Architecture Pionerskii gorodok: Oyuzharden, G.; City' for youth.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Podmoskov'e, sanatorii 'Mtsyri'; Nikol'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. sanitorium near Moscow named after Lermontov's poem 'Mtsyri'.
1972; 31; A
Rodina Il'icha; Marin, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 20-21; Simbirsk, three of the city's structures pictured on Soviet stamps.
Ievlev, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Lenin and
& inside
Sem' shagov po nevskomu; Obukhov, E.; Filatellya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 2-5 front cover; A walk along the Neva in Leningrad with K.I. Shchedrin. Sokrovishcha russkogo zodchestva;
& inside
Sozdano sovetskimi zodchimi; Krogius, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; front cover; Soviet buildings on stamps.
Sozdatel' 'pochtovogo stana'; Vigilev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; L'vov, high-ranking postal official and architect.
19-20; N.A.
Stasovy; Bekishev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. architects, authors and a revolutionary.
1977; 8-9; The Stasov family -
Tri podmoskovnykh leta; Aleksandrov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 59; Picture envelopes portraying a Serednikovo estate where Lermontov spent three summers working on 'Demon' and other poems. Tvoreniya zodchikh v tvoem klyassere; Zayakina, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 26-28; The works of Russian and Soviet architects on stamps. Usad'ba u telebashni; Ievlev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Ostankino buildings. Ustremlennye vvys'; L'vov, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Soviet and foreign stamps.
1973; 28-29; Kuskovo and
10-14; High towers on
V chest' bibl ioteki; Egelyavichyus, S.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1972; 13; Three postal stationery envelopes with cachets honoring the 400th anniversary of the Vilnius University Library. V
forumov zodchikh; Belousov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. and foreign stamps commemorating architectural congresses.
Vsesoyuznaya zdravnitsa Dzhermuk; Antonyan, V.; Dzhermuk Spa, in southeastern Armenla.
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
YUbilei Monetnogo dvora; Galina, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. honoring the 250th anniversary of the Leningrad Mint. Zapadnye vorota strany; Bogdasarov, A.; Train Station.
1981; 9-11; Soviet July 1982;
1974; 4; A 6k stamp
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
10; The Brest
Zastyvshaya muzyka; Mikhailov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; its Italian architect, Giacomo Quareng~.
Zemlya moya, Belarus ... ; Kolosov, Belorussia.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1983; 4-8;
Zodchestvo na markakh; Sheingauz,
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1967; 7-9;
Zvezdy na bashnyakh; Togunov, towers.
I.; Fllatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar.
1969; 38; Smol'nyi and
1983; 3-4; Stars on Soviet
Thematic, Art
'Mir iskusstva'; Klochkov. M.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 6-9; Young Russian artists (e.g. V. Serov, M. Vrubel') during the 1890s to 1910s. 'On byl khudozhnikom idei ... '; GUlyan, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 55-59; Rembrandt. Includes a list of Rembrandt's paintings portrayed on Soviet and foreign stamps. 'On byl khudozhnikom idei ... '; GUlyan. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Continued from 2-1991. 'Plenitel'naya model" 16-17;
A.G. Venetsianova; Pikulev,
'Sestry Perovskie'; Fedoseenko. L.; Filatel iva SSSR; of the Perovskaya sisters by I.K. Makarov.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1; Jan.
11; Nov.
14-15; The
1974; 30; N.A. Yaroshenko's
A chto sobiraete vy?; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 43; PPCs issued from 1909 to 1916, with paintings portrayed on them. A. Oeineka; Kravchenko, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. painter and sculptor A.A. Deineka on stamps.
1972; 29-30; A painting
'Slishkom pravdivo'; Strygin. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; paintings of Oiego Velasquez on Soviet and foreign stamps. 'Terroristka'; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; portrait of Vera Zasulich, terrorist.
1991; 58-59;
14; Works of the Soviet
A.S. Pushkin v narodnom izobrazitel'nom iskusstve; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 42-43; Cheap popular prints of art on postcards representing scenes from Pushkin's poetry. Al'brekht Dyurer. Simvol Vozrozhdeniya.; Gulyan, B.; Filatel iva; 4; Apr. 1992; 54-56; Albrecht Durer's works on the stamps of various countries. Includes a table listing the painting, current location, and on whose stamp the work is represented. Al'brekht Dyurer. Simvol Vozrozhdeniya.; GUlyan, V.; Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 55-56; Continued from #4. A listing of various countries' stamps with Albrecht Durer paintings on them. Includes the locations of the original paintings themselves. Al 'brekht Dyurer. Simvol Vozrozhdeniya.; GUlyan, V.; 58-59; Continued from #6.
Fi latel iva;
7; JUly 1992;
Art Postal Stationery Cards.
1975; Norwood, Hi 1ary; BJRP; 53; Nov.
1976; 47-48;
hrt Postal Stationery Cards.
1976; Norwood, Hi lary; BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 43-45;
Art Postal Stationery Cards,
1977; Norwood. Hilary; BJRP; 55; Nov.
1978; 45-48;
Art Postal Stationery Postcards. 25-29;
1971-1974; Norwood, Hi lary; BJRP; 52; Dec.
Chetyre 'Rubensovskikh' kartmaksimuma; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; 1977; 20-21; Rubens' works on foreign and Soviet maximum cards.
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; 41-42; Two PPCs with paintings by Yaroshenko and Fedotov - 'Kursistka' and 'Vdovushka' , and where the paintings themselves are located. Ehrmitazh na polotnakh khudozhnikov; Afanas'eva, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 59-60; The Hermitage and its paintings on postcards. Eshche ne vidno pocherka; Zagyanskaya. G.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1968; art critic discusses the merits of various Soviet stamps. Gevorg Bashindzhagyan; Antonyan, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; painter G.Z. Bashindzhagyan, 1857-1925. Glavnaya tema - bor'ba za mir; sculptor B.I. Prorokov.
Romanov, A.;
Gordost' russkoi zhivopisi; Spivak, N.;
Gosudarstvennyi russkii muzei; Dmitrev. F.; State Russian Museum in Leningrad.
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
1986; 8; The
11-12; Repin.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983;
1m zhit' veka; Alekseev. V.; Filateliya SSSR; and their paintings on Soviet stamps.
10; Oct.
Iskusstvo - v massy; Zabochen', M./Artem'ev. V.; SK;
12-14; An
June 1983; 7; The Armenian
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
12-14; The
1973; 8-10; The Dutch masters
1974; 89-100;
PPCs by the
Thematic, Art Association of Revolutionary Artists,
Iskusstvo sportu; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973: 10-11; Artists' impressions of sports-related tnemes on Soviet and foreign postage stamps. Istoricheskaya letopis' Mateiki; Karlov, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Jan Mateika, Polish painter of the 19th century.
12; Dec.
Istoriya russkoi zhivopisi; Alekseev, V.; Russian art on Soviet stamps.
Iz muzeya soobshchayut;
Fi latel iya SSSR:
1973; 26-27;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1969; 41-42;
Izba v Filyakh; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. of Fil i and a painting of a hut there.
1973; 25-26; PPCs
Izdatel'stvo 'izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo" filokartistam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 58-59; A listing of picture postcards issued by the 'Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo' printing house in 1978. IV S'ezd khudozhnikov SSSR:
(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
K stranichke russkogo baleta; Fainshtein, Eh.; Drawings of ballerinas on PPCs.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1972; 30-31;
Khudozhestvennaya letopis' stol itsy; Spivak, N.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1977; Paintings of Moscow scenes on Soviet stamps. Khudozhnik veka; (n.a.); Pablo Picasso.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1973; 6; A Soviet stamp honoring
Khudozhnik I.Ya. Bi1ibin. (K 100-letiyu 50 dnya rozhdeniya.); Fainshtein, Eh.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 36-39; Color PPCs of Bilibin's art. Kogda chasy igrayut marsh ... ; Afanas'eva, Z./Bortin, S.; Filate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 26-28; Soviet PPCs showing rare clocks in the Hermitage and other Soviet museums. Konets - de1u venets; Piku1ev. I.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1980; 29; Book review and criticism of YU. K1imov's 'Iskusstvo na pochtovykh markakh', third part. KOpii pod stat' origina1u; Sorkin, E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1975; 14-15; An interview with Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Arts F.P. Reshetnikov on Soviet stamps and art. Kosmicheskaya zhivoP1S'; Tishchenko, G.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 12-13 & front cover; 'Space art' on stamps designed by A. Leonov and A. Sokolov. Krasnye koni; Skorokhodova, G.; showing ethnic art.
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1976; 60-61;
L.N. To1stoi i I.E. Repin; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Repin's paintings of Tolstoi on picture postcards. Lermontov - zhivopisets; FedoseenKo, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. M.Yu. Lermontov's aquarel1es reproduced on Soviet PPCs.
Postcards 1978;
1972; 21; Some of
Letopis' khudozhnika; Alekseev, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 29-31; V.I. Surikov and some of his works portrayed on Soviet stamps. Letopistsy zhizni; Bukharov, 0.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 22-24; SIX stamps and a block issued in 1973, bearing the works of Soviet artists. Mastera XIX vekCJ.; Pikulev, of the 19th century.
Fi1atel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1981; 4-5; Russian artists
Mikel 'andzhe10 da Karavadzho; A1ekseev, V.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 12; The 400th annIversary of the Ita1 ian painter da Caravaccio on Soviet and foreign stamps. Minuvshikh dnel svidetel i nemye; Pol'skaya, E.; Fi 1atel iye SSSR; Two postcards by N.A. Yaroshenko with a prIson theme.
1; Jan.
Moskva, Zh-17 Lavrushenskii, 10; Mikhailov, 34-36; The Tret'yakov Art Museum.
10; Oct.
Fi'lateliya SSSR;
Muzeyu - 70 let; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. the A.S. Pushkin State Museum of FIne Arts.
1982; 20; The 70th anniversary of
Muzeyu Revolyutsii 50 let; Alekseev, A.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 50th anniversary of the Museum of the Re~olution. Na markakh - tvoreniya Pikasso; Prokof'ev, V.;
1972; 28-29;
Filate1iya SSSR; 2;
1974; Feb.
17-18; The 1972;
Thematic, Art
Works of Picasso on Soviet and foreign stamps. Na otkrytkakh knizhnaya miniatyura; Sokolov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 33-34; Old book artwork reproduced on Soviet PPCs. Na perekrestke tvorcheskikh sUdeb;
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct. 2;
1990; 20-22;
Na volne revolyutsii; Karlov. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 10-11; Soviet writers and artists who supported the Russian revolutionary movement. Na zemle tul'skoi; Shamaro. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 55-56; Peter Sokolov's paintings on pre-WWI ppcs, all inspired by works of Turgenev. Nasledie znamenitogo skazochnika; Balueva, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 34-35; Imperial- and Soviet-period PPCs of Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov's work in the artist's museum. Nedopustimaya nebrezhnost'; Musselius, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 27; The author complains about a change in the title of a Karavadzhopainting reproduced on #3487. Nigde takoi krasoty net; Evseenko, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; Artifacts from the 12th to 17th centuries in the Kremlin Museum.
Novaya stranitsa;
Shtrom, Yu.; SK; 1 (101); Jan. 1930; 9-13; Where possible, the author identifies the artists behind the postage and revenue stamps and paper money, and calls upon the editors of SK to find out who the designers were.
a chern molchal 'nash katalog'? Devushka s koromyslom.; Vigilev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 39; A little-known sidelight of Venetsianov's 'The Water Carrier'. a chern umolchal nash katalog; Aleksandrov, The Hermitage. ada Gruzi i; Pikulev, I.; Georgia' series.
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Ogon' v dushe khudozhnika; Bogdanchikov, I . E. Repn in.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
11; Nov. F.;
1982; 6-7; The 1981
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Pesnya truda; Fainshtein, Eh.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. PPCs with artwork showing the glories of labor.
1967; 28-29; 'Fine Art of
1969; 36-37;
1968; 35-36; Early Soviet
Peter Paul' Rubens (1577-1640); Lishchinskii. 1.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 55-57; Includes a listing of Soviet and foreign stamps with Rubens' paintings. Pevets morya; Kozlova, N.;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1967; 26-27; Aivazovski i.
Pevets Pervoi konnoi; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; painter of various 'First Horse' Civil War scenes. Pevtsu russkogo lesa; Pikulev, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; Shishkin.
1; Jan.
Po kartine 1. Brodskogo; Leonidov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; Brodskii's works depicting Lenin. Po rodnoi strane; (n.a.); F . A. Vas iI' ev.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Po sledam utrachennogo; Zabochen'. M.; SK; 4; PPCs, with complete list.
17-18; M.B. Grekov,
1982; 7-8; The artist 1.
1; Jan.
13-14; 1.1.
1976; 48-49; The paintings of
1966; 99-106; N.K. Pimenko's art on
Pochtovaya marka kak predmet izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva; Val'dman. Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. i966; 8-11; The postage stamp and its design as an art form. Pochtovaya marka kak predmet izobrazitel 'nogo iskusstva; Val'dman, SSSR; 5; Nov. 1966; 12-13; Continued from #4.
Pochtovaya marka kak predmet izobrazitel 'nogo iskusstva; Val'dman, SSSR; 3; Sep. 1966; 14-17 & 29-30; The postage stamp as art.
Filateliya Filatel iya
Poisk i nakhodka; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 43; A PPC of Aivazovskii's 'Pushkin on the Shores of the Black Sea'. Pomogla 'Malaya Tret'yakovka'; Shakhov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; 14; An 'art-on-postcards' collector identifies the subject of a Tropinin painting. Portretnye markirovannye konverty; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977; Portraits of individuals on SOViet postal envelopes. Prekrasnyi psikholog deistvitel'no; zhizni; Bogatyrev, N.;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June
Thematic, Art 12; The works of N.A.
Prizhiznennye portrety Gogolya na otkrytkakh;
Zabochen', M.; SK; 22;
Proizvedeniya zhivopisi i grafiki na pochtovykh markakh; Bugel'skaya. N./Ershovich, N.; Filate~iyo SSSR; 7; July 1968; 4-5; Paintings and drawings on Soviet and foreign stamps. Proizvedeniya N.K. 61-72;
Rerikha na otkrytkakh; Zabochen', M./Babintsev, S.; SK; 20;
Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pOChtovoi marke; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1955; Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Original softbound book. Includes information on early Soviet stamp designers, and many themes. Revolyutsiei mobil izovannyi 21 - 23; Ruki zolotye; Pikulev,
i prizvannyi; Pikulev.
1.; Fi latel iva SSSR;
Filatellya SSSR; 4; Apr.
5; May 1990; 20-22;
I<usskie khudozhniki protiv rel igi i; Fedoseenko, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 30; Russian & Soviet PPCs with an anti-religion theme.
July 1970;
Russkii muzei na kartmaksimumakh; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 9; Sep. 11-12; Maximum cards with artwork from paintings in the Russian Museum. Shedevry na pochtovykh rnarkakh; Pavlova, I.; Rembrandt's paintings on Soviet stamps. Shedevry Ehrmitazha; Doroshenko, paintings on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 4-6;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Shedevry Van-Deika; Strygin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. works on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1982; 9-10; Hermitage
1975; 52-53; Van Dyke's
Skreshchennye kop'ya i kist1. Reportazh s Khudozhestvennogo soveta D1rektsii po izdaniyu i ehksped'rovaniyu znakov pochtovoi oplaty.; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1967; 31-32; The Art Council discusses various stamps. Slovo
0 polku Igoreve; Shustov, A.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 12-13; Igor' Svyatoslavich's unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy, and th~ literat~re. drama and art it inspired.
Soki zemli; Pikulev, I.; on Soviet stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
15-17; Paintings of f'lowers
Solntse nad Palekhom; Sladkov, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 'palekh' artists whose works have appeared on PPCs.
1974; 22-24; Soviet
Sovremenniki; Tomin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 44; A series of 24 PPCs with portraits of contemporary Soviets, issued by the Leningrad 'Avrora' firm. Stasovy; Bekishev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. architects, authors and a revolutionary.
1977; 8-9; The Stasov family -
Sto kartin; Stochik, G./Artem'ev, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; artworks reproduced on a Soviet PPC series.
2; Feb.
1969; 40;
Stranstvuyushchii filosof; Zabochen'. M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. Skovoroda, Ukrainian philosopher, teacher and writer. Strasti i chuvstva ognevye; Bogdanchikov, F.: Filateliya SSSR; illustration page; K.P. Bryullov, Russian painter. U lukomor'ya; Mikhailov, Russian painter.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
12; Dec.
Famous 14; Grigorii 1969; 32-33 &
1970; 36-37; 1.Ya. Bilibin,
Uslovnost' iIi illyuzol'nost'?; Val'dman, Eh.; Filatel'iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 14-15; Val'dman as art critic on the merits of several stamps issued in 1963 to 1966. V mire iskusstva; Minasyan, L.; FilateLya SSSR; Gerasimov and sculptor S.D. Merkurov.
1982; 6-7; Artist A.M.
V serdtse kazhdogo; SUkhomlinov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. Soviet artists who specialized in painting Lenin themes.
1985; 9; Three early
Velikii gollandskii khudozhnik; Zingerman, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Rembrandt's paintings on Soviet and foreign stamps. Volshebstvo krasok; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; Rerikh's works on Society of St. Eugenia PPCs. Voshedshii v vechnost'; Alekseeva,
10; Oct.
1974; 30-32;
30-31; N.KI.
Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 52-55; The art of
Thematic, Art
Diego de Silva Velasquez on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. checkl ist by country, title of painting and catalog #. Vse chto mog - sdelal ... ; Vaks,
Filateliya SSSR;
Includes a
July 1974; 32; V.V. Stasov.
Vtoroe rozhdenie mastera; Evseenko, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; of Russian art from the 14th to 17th centuries.
July 1985;
14-16; Works
Vydayushchiisya master istoriko-revolyutsionnoi zhivopisi; Alekseev, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 6; 1.1. Brodskii, noted Soviet painter of revolution scenes. Zabytyi khudozhnik; BUkharov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; artist' of Petrine times, Ivan Nikitin. ZhivopiS' i grafika na markakh SSSR; 1974; 16-17;
Vol' f,
11; Nov.
1972; 31; The 'forgotten
V. ; Filateliya SSSR; 6' June
Zhivopis' i grafika na markakh SSSR; Vol 'f, V . / F i 1 i ppov , V. ; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971; 12-14; Continued from #3. Zhivopis' i grafika na markakh SSSR; Vol 'f, V . / F i 1 i ppov , V. ; F i latel iya SSSR; 9' 1971; 12-13; Continued from #8. ZhivOpis' i grafika na markakh SSSR 1971 goda; Vol'f, SSSR; 7; July 1974; 14-15;
V./Filippov, V.;
ZhiVOpis' i grafika na markakh SSSR 1972 goda; Vol 'f, V.; 1975; 12-14;
Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June
Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh; VOl'f, V./Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 30-31 & central illustration page; Entries from 1953 to 1955. Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol 'f, V./Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1969; 17-18 & two illustration pages; A list of paintings reproduced on Soviet stamps. Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh mark,kh SSSR; Vol 'f, V./Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 31-32 & one central illustration page; Soviet stamps with depictions of art and graphics. issued from 1942 to 1948. Zhivopis' i grafika na.pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol'f, SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; 40-42; Art on Soviet stamps.
Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol'f, V./Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 18-19 & central illustration page; Artwork and graphics on stamps issued in 1949 and 1950. Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol'f, SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 43-44; Continued from #2.
Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 16-17;
Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol'f, V./Filippov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1969; 17-18 & central illustration page; Issues of 1951 & 1952 are 1 i ste<;:l. ZhivOpiS' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; SSSR; 5; May 1967; 18-19;
Zhivopis' i grafika na pochtovykh markakh SSSR; Vol'f, V./Fil ippov, V.; SSSR; 7; July 1969; 16-17 & one illustration page;
Filatel iya
Zhivopisnyi guslyar. (K 125-letiyu russkogo khudozhnika V.M. Vasnetsova); Alekseev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; 27; Soviet stamps honoring the painter V.M. Vasnetsov. Zoloto skifov; Evseenko, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; artifacts in the Hermitage.
10; Oct.
1983; 8-9; Scythian gold
Razum protiv mrakobesiya;
Filateliya SSSR;
Thematic. Aviation
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 74-75; A regummed copy of the first telegraph stamp, and a faked imperforate pair of the 1934 10th Anniversary of Soviet Civil Aviation Service stamp. (n.t.); Hofman, Ray; Post Rider; 6; Apr. 1980; 66; A cover from a member of the French Air Force in Russia. This mission was training Russian pilots in French aircraft. The author requests more information. (n.t.); Keys. Everel; Rossica; 54; 1958; 53; Mission in USSR flight to Damascus.
1944 cachet of Free French Military
(n.t.); Michalove, Peter; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 74; A 1944 cover from a U.S. airman in the Strategic Air Forces in Europe posted in the USSR. (n.t.); Voaden. Denys J.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 66; Information about Mikhail Gromov, commander of the second non-stop Moscow-USA flight over the North Pole. (n.t.); Zeman, Vaclav; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 74-75; An illustration of a block of 8 for the 1922 RSFSR charity issue showing the plane. plus an explanation of the point system used by Maiorov in his catalog. ' ... Ehkipazh mashiny boevoi'; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; of the three aviators on #3976, issued in Feb. 1971.
17; The story
'Ehta ogromnaya - preogromnaya strekoza ... '; Ehgenburg. L.I.; Filateliya SSSR; 9' Sep. 1971; 24-25; Helicopters on Soviet and foreign stamps. 'Ilam' - 40 let; Dushskii. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; birthday of S.V. Ilyushin. 'Nebesnyi tikhokhod'; Belikov, planes.
June 1974;
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
'Peshki' v klyasserakh; Burdynnyi. G.; Petlyakov bombers.
10-11; The 80th
June 1973; 20-21; Polikarpov's
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
'Raritet' v tri tysyachi ehkzemplyarov; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; 27-28; A zeppel in cover to the icebreaker Malygin. 'Russkii. kotel'nikova. Parachuting.
1-ya model"; Shilov. V.;
Fi/ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 8;
'Trudovoi narod. stroi vozdushnyi flot'; RUdnikov, 1970; 19-21; SOViet Airfleet labels.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
'V desam:e sluzhi 1 i my krylatom ... '; Margelov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8-10; Soviet paratroops and DOSAAF parachute training.
10; Oct.
'V nebesakh my letali odnikh ... '; Sorkin, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 17-18; An interview With SOViet pilot Ivan Kozhedub on the early days of SOViet aviation. 'V
pamyat' 0 delakh tvoikh, pi lot'; Chkalov.
Saukke. M.;
Fi latel iya SSSR; 6;
'Vam vzlet! '; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; biplanes of the Soviet air force.
1975; 54;
June 1973;
Early mono- and
A Flown Cover From a Soviet Search Expedition; Cox. D.G.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 52-53; The search for S.A. Levanevskii and his crew of five in the Arctic. Aehrofilatelisticheskie dokumenty Rossii; Vsevolodov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 16; Early imperial aviation and mail-carrying planes in WWI. Aerophilately VI. 5-6; Aerophilately XII. 5-7; Airmail
The Aeronautical SocietIes.;
Aronson, H.L.:
Aviation Propaganda Labels.;
Labels of OSOAVIAKHIM; Campbell. Patrick;
American Aircraft on SOViet Stamps; Campbell,
Rossica; 89;
Patrick; Rossica; 86-87;
Campbell, Patrick; Rossica;
March 1943;
15; Jan.
1975; 49-51;
P.J.; Rossica; 96-97;
Andrej Nikolajewitsch Tupolew; Nechamkin, I.; Pochta; 46; Dec. Reproduced from 'Sowjetunion' #11. 1988. Ant-25; Campbell, fl ights.
1975; 44-53; The ANT-25 and its famous 1985;
17-20; The plane and the 1927
Thematic. Aviation
stamp. Any sluzhat Rodine; Fedorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 8-10; Antonov-built planes throughout the Soviet sphere, as pictured on stamps and postal stationery. As shturmovoi aviatsii: Ozoli,-,'sh, Ya.; Stepanyan, WW1I divebomber pilot.
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
JUly 1975; 58; N.G.
Aviarekordy mira v filatelii; Kochetkov. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. Record-setting planes and pilots on Soviet and foreign stamps. Aviasportivnaya seriya 1938 goda;
Kochetkov. N.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Burya v yasnom nebe. ili A. Monov protiv N. Antimonova; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1991; 64; Readers' reactions to N. Antimonov's 'I-16? I-180?' in 8-1990, and the ensuing argument over proper identification of the plane. Chasovye neba; Ehgenburg. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. warplanes 11-2. Yak-3 and Yak-9.
1976; 8-9; WW1I Soviet
Cherez polyus v bessmertie; Yavorovskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. The Levanevskii flight from Moscow to San Francisco. Chto ostalos' 'za kadrom'?; Chelyuskin rescue.
Pritula. V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Da bUdet chistym nebo nad planetoi; (n.a.); Beregovoi. pilot and cosmonaut.
1972; 25-26; The
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Dvazhdy geroi; Lur'e. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; hero of the Khalkin-Gol battle.
1975; 52;
1967; 22-23;
1985; 5-6; G.T.
1.S. Polbin. aviation
Ehkipazh otvazhnykh; Glukhov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 11; An American postcard commemorating the 1929 'Land of the Sovlets' flight from Moscow to New York. Ehtikh dnei ne smolknet slava; Yaroshevski i. A.; L.L. Shestakov, WWII fighter pilot hero. F.
Fi latel iva SSSR;
11; Nov.
1980; 53;
Vaitkaus Skrydis; Sausionis. Gediminas; Filatel ija L1etuvo.Je; 1989' 2 4 -27; Lietuvos Filatelistu Sajungos Atkurimo Organizacinic Komiteto Leidinys, Kaunas; The 1935 New York-Kaunas fl ight.
"ilatelisticheskaya letopis' oboronnykh obshchestvennykh organizatsii SSSR: Orlov, V.; SK; 12; 1974; 20-35; OSOAVIAKhIM. DOSAAF. etc. Geroyu posvyashchaetsya; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; 5; A cacheted postcard honoring G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, test pilot of the first Soviet jet. the BI-1. Gibel' oranzhevoi 'Lituaniki'; Yufa. L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. and Girenas and their ill-fated flight of 1933. Gidrosamolety; Ehgenburg. 'flylng-boats' .
Filateliya SSSR;
3; Mar.
1970; 35; Oarius
1983; 8-9; G.M. Beriev and his
Graf Zeppelin Flights Over Latvia 50 Years Ago; Engel, Arnold; Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct. 1980; 10-12; The 1930 Russian and Baltic Sea flights. I-16?
I-180?; Antimonov, N.; Filatellya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 64; The author argues that the '1-16' depicted on SFA #4873 is instead an 1-180.
Ikary Rossii; Belikov,
Early Russian aeronautlcs on PPCs.
Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - Airmail. RUbli; Petrevics, A.; 30; June-Oct. 1980; 13-15; The 30 July 1921 set.
Latvian Collector;
Ill'. Yaki, Migi ... ; Ehgenburg, L.I.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1977; 7-8; The Li-2. 11-12. Yak-18, Mi-1, MiG-15 and MiG-17 on Soviet and foreign stamps. Imperial Russia Airmail? No ... ; Epstein. A.; Pocnta; 11; Jan. 1992; 20; Corrects the assumption by S. Bofarull that a military unit cachet from an Imperial Army air force detachment was a sign that the card was flown. Interv'yu cherez tridtsat' let; interview With artist A.N.
Aronova. Zh.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 22; An Yar-Kravchenko about his WWII drawings.
Istoriya podviga; Ozol in'sh. Ya.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; July 1978; Nurken Abdirov. Kazakh divebomber pilot and hero in WWII. Agadil Sukhambaev and Grigorii Lyadov, are also addressed. registration stamps and postage due marks are shown for the
56-57; A monument to Two other heroes. Oatestamps, places named after
Thematic, Aviation
the three. K-5 protiv 'Dorn'e'; Ar1azorov, M.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 14-15; The competition between OKB Ka1inina and the German 'Dornier' for Soviet passenger routes in the 1930s. Kak vozdukhop1avanie prish10 v Rossiyu; Pritu1a. V.; 15-18;
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2;
Komandir 'I1'i Muromtsa'; Ko1osov, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1976; 53; The 'I1'ya Muromets' heavy bomber of WWI and a Be10russian pilot who flew it. Konstruktsii Shavrova; Ar1azorov, M.; and his planes.
Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 6;
Krasnyi vozdushnyi f1ot; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. NKPiT to pay for an airplane.
June 1978;
15-16; Shavrov
149; Fundraising drive in the
Krasnyi vozdushnyi f1ot. Nashi vyzovy.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; inside back page; An update on the fund drive for the 'Pochta i te1egraf' airplane. Krasnyi vozdushnyi f1ot. Nashi vyzovy.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 2; contributions to the 'Pochta i Telegraph' airplane fund. Kry1'ya 'russkogo vityazya'; Ehgenburg, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Oct. Early attempts and flights during the imperial period. Kry1'ya pobedy; Ehgenburg, on stamps.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2;
1985; 2-5; Soviet WWII planes
Kry1ataya fi1ate1iya; Rozhkov. D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983; 1 & inside front cover; Short piece about Russian and Soviet aviation firsts, helicopters. Kry1atyi put' geroya; Leishis, A.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 18; Jakovas Smuskevicius, Soviet commander-in-chief of the Air Force prior to WWII. Kto zhe mog otpravit' otkrytku na 'Ma1ygin'?; Tyurin, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 13; The writer identifies the sender of a letter flown to the Ma1ygin by LZ-127, described in #5. L'Aviation Civi 1e de 1 'URSS; (n.a.); 1927; NKPT; A sl ick 21-page brochure issued for the 1927 International Airpost Conference. Letchik iz 1egendy; Mil', A.; his exploits in WWII.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
17; Nikolai V1asov and
LoOps and Taran; Campbell, Patrick J.; Post Rider; 6; April 1980; 5-9; Stamps dedicated to Petr Nesterov, his loop and ramming maneuver in WWI. Lyubite1yam aehrofi1ate1ii; Fedorov, S.; Filate1iya; 7; JUly 1991; on the new Soviet dirigible stamps. Moguchie kry1'ya; Pritula. V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. anniversary of Aerof1ot and some of its history.
16-17; Commentary
12-13: The 50th
Moskva - Severnyi polyus - SShA; Yumashev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1970; 20-21; Yumashev, the pilot of the July 1937 flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Cal ifornia, reminisces about it. Na dirizhable k Po1yusu; Storozhakova, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 36; Dirigible construction in the USSR and dlrigible fl1ghts of various countries to the Arctic. Na sharakh - v nebo; Ehgenburg, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. Includes material on Soviet issues. Na strazhe sovetskogo mirnogo neba; Dvornlkov. M.; 8-10; PVO forces on Soviet stamps.
1983; 6-9
& back cover;
Filatellya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Na zaoblachnykh trassakh; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1977; 16-17; The 11-14, An-12, 11-28. An-2. Tu-104 and Mi-4 on Soviet and foreign stamps. Na zare aviatsii; Belikov, E.; at flight, on PPCs.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1971; 22-24;
Early attempts
Na zare aviatsii; Efremov, B.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 40; Premature word in the 'Russkii filatelist' of 1914 that postage stamps portraying various airplanes would be issued. Na zem1e, v nebesakh i na more; Ehgenburg, L.; Filate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 51; The amphibious, Sh-2, TsAGI 1-EhA helicopter, and the ANT-14 'Pravda'. Nash zem1yak; Pav1enko, A.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1978; 56-57; Lt. Col. S.P.
Thematic. Aviation
Suprun, WWII aviation hero. Nastuplenie na stratosferu; Sachkov. I.; F i latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. Exploring the stratosphere with balloons and rockets.
1973; 37-38;
Ne po tomu marshrutu; Shapovalov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 62; The author points out several errors of identification on stamps a~d postal stationery bearing illustrations of airplanes. Neobychnyi vypusk; Yakobs. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 7; An airmail envelope with two 16kop. indicia and a cachet showing a Tu-144. issued in 1978. Net. ehto ne Nesterov; Sokolov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; disproves the caption on a PPC of Nesterov and his plane.
15; The author
Normandie/Niemen; Campbell. P.J.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 5-13; The history of the Normandie/Niemen Squadron in WWII, and the stamps issued to commemorate it. O.D.V.F. Revisited; Steyn. Ivo; Rossica; with a 5k Kalinin OOVF label.
115; Oct.
1990; 58; A 1925 Tashkent cover
Db osobennostyakh dvukh vypuskov sovetskikh pochtovykh marok serii 'Aviatsionnyi sport v SSSR'; Teplov. F.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 42-43; Differences between two issues of the 'Aviation Sport in the USSR' set are provided in tables. Odnostoronnie pochtovye kartochki s original 'nymi markami; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 37; OOSAAF Ninth Congress issue, 28 Oct. 1982. Ognennyi taran kapitana Rogova; Kantemirov. B.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1983; 54; A picture envelope commemorating A.G. Rogov. who rammed his burning plane into a bridge to halt a German advance in Oct. 1941. Operedivshii vremya; Mezentsev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. Mczhaiskii. inventor of the first Russian airplane.
12; A.F.
Oreivyste Lietuvoje; Panavas. S./Surkus, G.; Filatel ija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 26-28; The authors 'survey the development of aeronautic and balloon posts in Lithuania. ' Orlenok moskovskogo neba; Oyuzheva. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug. 1966; 24-25; Hero of the Soviet Union V. Talalikhin, the first Soviet pilot to ram a German plane at night. Osobennosti pochtovoi korrespondentsii pereleta tseppelina Moskva - Fridrikhskhafen; Pritula. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 38-39; The Moscow-to-Friedrichshafen zeppelin fl ight. Ot 'Golubya' do 'Anteya'; Ehgenburg. L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Antonov's planes on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Pamyat' - Oni byl i pervymi; Bel ikov. E.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 19-22; A collection of WWII Soviet pilots portrayed on ppcs, all of whom distinguished themselves by ramming their planes into German aircraft. Pamyatnik v Saranske; Fedoseenko. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 37; A monument in Saransk, dedicated to the three Soviet 'stratonauts' who perished in a balloon disaster in 1934. Paris Seige Balloon Post Covers to Russia. 1976; 93-95;
1870-71; Torrey. Gordon;
Rossica; 90-91;
Paryashchie v nebe; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 6; An FDC showing the 'Il'ya Muromets'. Mozhaiskii 's plane and Grigorovich's 'flying boa+.'. Pervye reaktivnye i turbovin,ovye; Ehgenburg. L.; Filateliya SSSR; The f;rst Soviet Jet and turboprop passenger planes.
12; Dec.
1970; 22;
Pervye shagi v nebo; Borisov. I.; F'latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 55; Not a philatelic article. but includes information o~ the formation of the ODVF ana Dobrolet. Two lapel badges are illustrated. Pervye sovetskie samolety; Soviet planes.
Fi1ateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Pervye sovetskie samolety;
Filateliya SSSR;
Pervyi dvazhdy geroi; Korneev, Kravchenko.
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb.
Pervyi polet; Katser. M.; Fi'lateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. first-flight covers involving Aeroflot.
10; Oct. 1973;
1970; 21-22;
10; Early
1974; 25-26;
18; Gen.
Lt. G.P.
Thematic, Aviation
Pervyi reaktivnyi lainer; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 6-7; The TU-104 on Soviet and foreign stamps. Po proektu Va. Gakkelya; Kamenkovich, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. Gakkel', famous plane designer, also designed a locomotive.
11-12; Va.
Po sledam legend; Zen'kovich, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1969; 33-34; A canceller issued to a club in Pruzhany and its connection with pilot war hero I.M. Nyunin and his squadron's battle at Brest-Litovsk Fortress, 1941. Pochta vozdukhoplavatel'nykh rot Rossii; Pritula. V.; 12-15; Aviation companies in the Imperial Army. Pod krylom - zemlya; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; PS-89, UT-2, and the amphibious OSGA-SPL. Podvig politruka; Veprinskii, V.; Fiiateliya SSSR; commemorating A.N. Godovikov, WWII pilot. Podvig vozdushnogo razvedchika; Sushkov, M.; Bakhvalov, WWII aviation hero.
10; Oct.
7' July 1976; 8-9; The 'Rodina',
5; May 1983; 55; Picture envelope
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 5-6; G.P.
Polet v budushchee; Ehgenburg, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 9-10; G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, the first Soviet jet pilot. Polet v Arktiku; Dushski i, V./Stobrovski i, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; july 1975; 55-56; Dirigible construction in the Soviet Union, and the Zeppel in flight to the Arctic. Povtorivshii podvig Gastello; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 54; Cpt. Yu.D. Ivliev, WWII mil itary hero who crashed his plane into a concentration of enemy soldiers. Put' geroya; Khodehs, N.; Filateliya SSSR; ace.
10; Oct.
1978; 54-55;
I.V. Bochkov, WWII
Rasskazyvaet A.V. Lyapidevskii; Lyapidevskii, A.V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 51; Lyapidevskii tells about his air search for the Levanevskii team. Reisom 'Aehroflota' SU ... ; Pritula, V. ; Fi latel iya SSSR; Development of Aeroflot.
10; Oct.
Reisom 'Aehroflota' SU ... ; Pritula, V. ; Filateliya SSSR; Continued from #10.
12 ; Dec.
1977; 8-14;
Rekordy nebesnykh trass; Ehgenourg, Ant-25, Ant-20 and Ya-7.
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1976;
Report on Philex-France '82; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; WWI and Civil War aviation markings.
11; Nov.
11-13; The
1982; 6-7; Records
Rukopozhatie cherez Severnyi polyus; Efremov, A./El 'shevskii, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 14; The 18 June 1975 fl ight from Moscow to Vancouver in commemoration of the Chkalov fl ight of 1937. Russian Aviation and P~1ilately between the Wars: BJRP; 70; Spring 1991; 54-57;
an introduction; Sheppard, V.;
Russian War Pilots; Koch. Jack; Pochta; 11; Jan. 1992; 31; A series of 12 non-philatellc photos of Russlan WWII pilots (only one is illustrated) together with write-ups. S imenem Frunze; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 2; Feb. 1975; 4-5; A postal stationery envelope with a cachet of the Frunze Central Aviation and Cosmonautics BUilding. Samolet ne polyarnom shtempele; Boika, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 8-10; Cancellations from polar airport communications branch offices. Samolety desyato i
Ehgenburg, L.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Samolety pervykh pyatiletok; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 9-10; The 1978 'National Aviation Construction' stamp set and the planes of the 1920s and 30s shown on them. Samolety voennykh let; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; Soviet warplanes - BI-1, La-7, TU-2. Samolety, opalennye v01noi; Ehgenburg, Soviet fighter planes on stamps. Seriya 'vozdushnaya pochta';
L.; L.;
10; Oct.
1976; 4-5; WWII
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 20-21; The
Thematic. Aviation
planes shown on the 'Airmail' series of 1937. Shag v nebo; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. with cachet honoring A.F. Mozhaiskii.
1975; 4-5; A postal stationery envelope
Shturman; Al'pov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1972; 28; M. Raskova. 1938 non-stop Moscow-to-the-Far-East fl ight.
navigator on the
Shturman pikiruyushchego; Yurin. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 56-57; A.L. ZUbkova. navigator aboard a dive bomber in WWII. Sistemy i tipy samoletov na markakh vozdushnoi pochty i pOChto- vykh; Arkhangel'skii. E.; Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 360-361; A listing of types ano makes of airplanes on stamps of the world including the USSR. Skorost' i komfort; Ehgenburg. L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 12-13; The An-10. 11-18. Tu-110. Tu-114. Mi-6 and Be-10 on Soviet and foreign stamps. Slava kryl'ya kuyushchemu; Arenin. Ehd.; Filatel iya SSSR; 37-39 & inside back cover; Tupolev's planes.
11-12; Nov.-Dec.
Soviet Fl iers Crash in Canada; (n.a.); Post Rider; 6; Apri 1 1980; 3-5; Correspondence with Canada section.
Startuyut pionerskie rakety; Batorin. 1.: Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971: 17: The Pioneer aviation stamps and the youth model airplane clubs formed from the 1920s on. Stupeni neba; Kostenko. 1.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 7; July 1967; 38-39 & inside front cover; A chronology of aviation in Russia and the Soviet Union. from 1885 to 1964. System of Planes on Airpost Stamps of USSR and Touva: Arkhangel 'skii. E.; Rossica; 46-47; 1955; 21-22; Table of plane types. on which stamps they appear. and catalog #s from Scott. Sanabria and Yvert. Tak nachinalas' aviatsiya; Ehgenburg. L.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1977; 7-9: The early days of Russian aViation. prior to the October Revolution. The Airmail
Labels of OSOAVIAKHIM; Campbell. Patrick J.; Rossica; 89;
1975; 49-51;
The Chronicle Stamp. an Airmail Label As a Record of History; Lyakhovetskii. M.; Rossica; 88; 1975; 61-62: Wolski. Ed: The 'UKrkrymvozdukh' labels. Translated from 'Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya' #4. p. 31. 1968. Tile Curious Case of Uncle Arthur; Campbell. P.J.; Post Rider; ~7: Nov. 1985: 2~-32; The autnor tracks down the plane. the crew and the ship pictured on C34-35. The First Russian St. Petersburg Aviation Meeting. 1967; 74-76;
1910; Roberts. C.W.; Rossica; 73;
The Soviet Air Fleet Semi-Official Stamps. Their Role in Postal History and the Development of Soviet Aviation.: Ackerman. G. Adolph; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 8-22; The Story Behind the Stamp; Sheppard. V.: BJRP; Muromets' bomber. depicted on SG 4584.
71; Autumn 1991; 36; The WWI
'11 'va
The Well-Kept Secret; Campbell. P.J.; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 33-36; The German-Soviet cooperation in aircraft experimentation and training in the 1920s and early 1930s at Lipetsk. Those Little Flying Boats; Campbell. prototypes.
P.J.; Rossica;
1988; 66-69; OSGA
Tochnost' prezhde vsego; (n.a.); Filateliye SSSR: ;1; Nov. 1975' 28; A reader corrects several errors appearing on the 1974 stamp series 'The Motherland's Aviation Construction'. Tridtsati-letie 'MIGov';
Fiiateliya SSSR;
v nebo; Ehgenburg. L.: Filatel iya SSSR; 6; The R-3. R-5 and ANT-4 planes.
1; Jan.
38-39; MIGs.
June 1975; 50; Continued from
V chest' pervogo russkogo letchika; Nikolaev. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; A picture postcard commemorating M.N. Efimov . .the first Russian pilot.
V nebe opalennom voinoi; Ehgenburg. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 8-9; The 1-16 fighter and the Pe-8 and DB-3f bombers. V nebe PO-2; Arlazorov. M.; V oblaka - bez motora;
Filatel iya SSSR; 7;
JUly 1979; 9-10: Polikarpov's PO-2.
Filatei iya SSSR; 6; June 1983;
12-13; Gl iders
Thematic, Aviation
on stamps and stationery. Vintokrylyi truzhenik: Ehgenburg, Soviet helicopter.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
11; The first
Vklyuchat' 11 v kollektsiyu?; Saknyn', Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 7-8; The 1963 '225th Anniversary of the World's First Flight in the Inventor Kryakutnoi's Hot Air Balloon' stamp is shown to be based on an altered historical text. Vospitatel' geroev; Pavlov, E./Ehgenburg, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1986; 1-4; N.N. Pol ikarpov, Soviet airplane designer, and postal issues on that theme. Vozdushnyi most cherez Gimalai; Borodin, A.; USSR-India air connections.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1978; 22-23;
Vozvrashchayas' k napechatannomu; Kochetkov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1970; 23; The author corrects Eginburg's article in 6-1969 on what amphibious plane was pictured on one of the stamps. Vyshe, dal'she, bystree; Ehgenburg, ANT-9, K-5 and TB-3.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1975; 61-62; The
When Is a Yak Not a Yak?; Campbell, Patrick J.; Post Rider; 5; Nov. Identifying fighter aircraft types on several Soviet stamps. Yubilei Aehroflota; Pan'kov, M.; Aeroflot.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1979; 47-50;
1983; 6-8; Brief history of
Zapatentovano prirodoi; Stadnitskii, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 10-12; Technology copying the animal world - aviation, electricity, gas analyzers, ultrasound equipment, etc. Zashchishchaya rodnoe nebo; Ehgenburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Pe-2 divebomber, SU-2 tactical bomber, and MiG-3 fighter.
12-13; The
Zeppel iini- ja Katapuldilennuposti Kirjad Eestist; Kimber, Edgar A.; Eesti Fllatelist; 22-23; 1978; 41-58; Zeppelin and catapult plane mail to and from Estonia. 1917 Postcard from XXXIV Aviation Corps Detachment to Switzerland; Frauenlob, Walter; BJRP; 64; Dec. 1987; 64-65; Air-related. not airmail.
Thematic, Bells
Kolokola. Istoriya i sovremennost'.; Raushenbakh. B.V.; 1985; Izd-vo 'Nauka', Moscow; Hardbound original. Most of the book doesn't concern postal history, but there is one chapter on the Valdai bell-makers, where many postal bells were made.
Thematic, Birds Drevesnaya utka; Yuyukin,
Gde vodyatsya rozovye skvortsy?; Vtorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; The 1962 'Rare Birds of Dur Country' set.
Ishchi syuzhetnyi povorot ... ; Gorshkov, A.;
Plavat'?; Gorshkov,
Letyat pereletnye ptitsy; Rokitskii, V.; on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1984; A 'Dove - The
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Lesnoi patrul'; Rokitskii, V.; Fila~eliya SSSR; 2; Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
1976; 52-53;
7; JUly 1967; 26-27;
Golub' na marke; Ognev, YU.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Dec. 25, Bird of Peace' topical eXhibic at SREDAZFIL-84 in Frunze.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 57; The Mandarin Duck.
Ehta strannaya ptitsa - pelikan; Chistov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The pelican on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1973; 28;
1986; 46-48;
Forest songbirds on
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1986; 46-48; Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1974; 31; Cranes
Migratory Birds From Russia to Papua New Guinea; (n.a.); Pochta; 11; Jan. 10-12; Four stamps issued by Papua New Guinea showing these birds. Na strazhe pernatykh; Nikolaev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1979; 58-60 cover; Birds on Soviet and foreign stamps.
& back
Pernatye akrobaty; Rokitskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 60; Small, chickadee-like birds on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Pernatye khishchniki; Chistov, V.; Sovlet and foreign stamps.
Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1978; 59-60; Raptors on
Pero zhar-ptitsy; Fedorov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. P.P. Ershov's 'Konek-gorbunok' story. S ptitsel na volka; Shilov, V.; Soviet and foreign stamps. Severnye kolibrl; Golubev, A.; and foreign stamps.
1969; 38-39; The phoenix, and
Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Takaya ptitsa aist; Rokitskii, V.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
Tol'ko v nashei strane; Goluoev, A.; endemic to the Soviet Union.
Filateliya SSSR;
1972; 29-30; Raptors on 1974; 29; Kinglets on Soviet
June 1974; 30-31; Storks on 12; Dec.
1974; 32; Birds
Utki na zemle, v nebesakh i na more; Frolova, G.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 16-18; Ducks on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes an interview with the designer of the duck series, I.N. Koz10V. Vragi
ili druz'ya?; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 37-38 & one illustration page; Raptors on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Vstrecha v Ussuriiskoi taige; Treskina, 0.; Mandarin Duck.
Filateliya SSSR;
5; May 1973; 23; The
Thematic, Bridges
Mosty - marki - istorIya; Kazakov, B.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1968; 36-37 & central illustration page; Bridges on Soviet and foreign stamps. Zheleznaya raduga; Sheingauz,
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1967; 40-41;
Thematic, Chemistry
A marka - to ne s Marsa; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 43; The stamp designers refute the charge that the polimer shown on the 'Achievements in Chemistry' stamp (#3281) doesn't exist. 5 Marsa ili ne s Marsa? Nauchnaya diskussiya.; Vol 'pin, M.E.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 45; A scientist weighs; into the debate over the chemical compound shown on #3281, 'Achievements of Modern Chemistry'. He insists the compound was formed in Moscow in the early '60s.
Thematic, Chess
Anatolii Karpov: 'Ne myslyu sebya bez shakhmat i marok'; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 50-51; A philatel ic interview with Grandmaster Karpov. Falschstempel
im Motivgebiet 'Schacl,';
Kogda chasy ostanovleny;
(n.a.); Pochta: 45; Aug.
Levin, M./Borisov, A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
uUly 1968; 9-11;
Lev Polugaevski i: 'Marki pomogayut oObezhdat' ... '; Sladkov, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1979; 19-20; An interview with grandmaster L.A. Polugaevskii on philately. Matchi
gigantov; Bazunov, B.;
Matchi shakhmatnykh gigantov; Bazunov, B.; Continued from #7.
Filateliya SSSR;
7; JUly 1986; 6-10;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1986; 5-7;
Sachmatai; Draugel is, Romas; Fi latel ija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 21-24; 'Deals with the postage stamps, cancellations and covers portraying the game of chess.' Shakhmatnaya filateliya. Katalog-spravochnik.; Voishko, V.B. (comp.); 1984; 'Radio svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound catalog of Soviet and foreign postal emissions and special cancels with a chess theme. Shakhmaty ot 'A' do 'Va'; Bazilevskii, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 10-12; Includes a list of stamos with a chess theme issued by various countries. Sil'nye khody matematika; Kolobov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1990; 24; A postcard with chess-by-mail moves sent in 1886 to A.A. Markov, noted mathemetician. Soviet Postal Stationery; Ilyushin, Alexandr; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 53-58; Various 'special' postcards are illustrated, each designed for one purpose, e.g. chess-by-mail, notice-of-receipt, change-of-address. Suveniry shakhmatnykh turnirov; Sadovnikov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; Nov.
1966; 32-35;
V shakhmatnye kollektEii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 9; A postal stationery envElope commemorating a 1973 international chess tournament in Tall inn. Za shakhmatnuyu koronu; Voishkc, V.;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1975; 4-6;
Thematic, Children
'Detei ni na minutu ne zabyvat' !'; RUdnikov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 46-48; Early Soviet labels sold to raise funds for children.
Byl nastoyashchim trubachom ... ; Polkovnikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 52-54; Young Pioneer heroes of WWII, depicted on picture envelopes. Daesh' Komsomol 'sk!; Shevelev, A.; of Komsomol'sk-na-Amure.
Filateliya SSSR; 4;
1972; 27-28; Construction
Delo osoboi vazhnosti; Maiorov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 54-56; Soviet philately and efforts to raise funds for children.
Deti staroi Moskvy; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 35-36; Muscovite children on imperial-period picture postcards. Deti Mongolii; Kleiner, Mongol ian stamps.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1979; 54-55; Children on
Detyam strany sovetov; (n.a.); portraying children.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973;
Dlya schast'ya detei; Tanskii,
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
17-19; Soviet stamps
1979; 6-8;
Gaidarovtsy, timurovtsy, pochtoviki; Oloventsov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 56-57; The 'Pioneer Post' of Gaidar Village, Tselinograd oblast'. God yunosheskoi filatelii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 9; stationery envelope commemorating the Year of Youth Philately. Imeni
Lenina; Isaev, A.; organization.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
A postal
1982; 54-55; The Pioneer
K bor'be za delo kommunisticheskoi partii bud'te gotovy!; Chigireva, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1967; 26-28; Pavl ik Morozov, Lenya Golikov and Valva Kotik, hero-pioneers. Molodezh' na stroikakh desyatoi pyatiletki; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1-2 & inside front cover; Heavy propaganda about the Komsomol. My, pione:-y, - deti rabochikh; Aleksandrov, A.; Sixty years of the Pioneer organization. Navechno v pionerskom stroyu; Furin, S.; pioneers who died in WWII. Novye marki pionerskoi serii; Vesennyaya, 1972 Pioneer set.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; T.;
11; Nov.
l' Jan.
10; Oct.
19; Three
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972;
17; The
Otchizny vernye syny; Fomichev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 52-54; Picture envelopes issued to commemorate komsomol and pioneer 'tours' of historical sites. Pervenets yunosheskoi filatelii; Chernyshov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 52-54; Development of children's philately in the USSR - Pioneer organizations and philatelic issues commemorating youth philatelic events. Pionerskii gorodok; Oyuzharden, G.; City' for youth.
Filateliya SSSR;
Pionerskoe otdelenie svyazi; Bychkovski i, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; Pioneer Post in Gaidar, Tselinograd oblast'. Pionery v soldatskikh shinelyakh; Chernyshov, 52-54; Soviet pioneer youth in WWII.
June 1969; 34; The
Filateliya SSSR;
5' May 1985;
Po Leninskoi trope; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 3L!-35; The First Pioneer Rally in 1929, and the stamp issued to commemorate it. Pomoshchniki pochty; Batorin, the Post in the 1930s.
Fi latel iva SSSR;
Pravoflangovyi; Kazbekov, V.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 2; Pavlik Morozov, Pioneer and snitch. Pyat'
1; Jan. Feb.
18; Pioneers helping
1972; 23; The monument to
lepestkov druzhby; Mil', A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1978; 7-10; History and postal emissions commemorating the International Federation of Democratic Youth (VFDM) .
Rozhdenie pionerii; Libova, Pioneer organization.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1983; 54-56; History of the
S ehmblemoi molodezhnogo festivalya;
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 8-9;
Thematic, Children
The 1957 International Youth Festival Samoe dorogoe dostoyanie; Boldokhonov, Kim; Mongolian stamps portraying children.
in Moscow. Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1979; 52-54;
Startuyut pionerskie rakety; Batorin. 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1971; 17; The Pioneer aviation stamps and the youth model alrplane clubs formed from the 1920s on. Startuyut shKol'niki; (n.a.); inA 1ma - Ata, 1974.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Oct.
10; The XIII Spartakiad
Studencheskie stroitel'nye otryady; (n.el.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; airmail envelope with cachet honoring student labor in the summer. Tretii semestr; Mikhailov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; details for students - in agriculture, industry, etc. Universitet molodykh novatorov; Mikhailov, Encouraging children to be inventors. Vnimanie, na start!; Shevelev, A.; sports. Vse luchshee - detyam; Tanskii, Yunye pomoshchniki pochty; to do postal tasks.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
11-13; Summer work 1;
1973; 28-29; Children's
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; Filateliya SSSR; 9;
11; An
1967; 27;
Using Pioneers
Thematic, Circuses
Na arene tsirka; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. Soviet picture postcards with a circus theme. Na vsyu zhizn'; Abel',
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1979; 3-5; Foreign stamps and
1990; 8-9,
Tsirk zazhigaet ogni; Niselevich, L.; Fi lateliya SSSR; 8: Aug. scenes on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
15; 1972; 22-23; Circus
Thematic, Cities
' ... Lyublyu tebya. Petre tvoren'e'; Samuilikovich, 5.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1972; 24-25; PPCs showing constructlon of St. Petersburg during the early 1700s. 'Krai
lesnoi. Vologda.
krai drevni i'; Troitski i.
'Moi Arbat, ty - moe otechestvo'; Sarychev, Moscow's Arbat on PPCs. 'Oni by1i v Taganroge'; Shmul'yan, T.;
Arkhangel'sk. 103-109 ;
7; July 1972; 28;
Fi la"tel iVa SSSR; 6; June 1971; 42-45;
Filate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Arkhangel'sk - vorota'>.rktiki; Smirnov, N.; Stationery and special cancels. Arkhangel'sk na konvertakh;
Fi latel iva SSSR;
Fi latel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. Filatel iva SSSR; 6;
Arkhitektura Peterburga-Leningrada; Pavlukhin. 17-18 & two illustration pages;
Filateliya SSSR; L.;
1971; 41-42;
June 1976;
Pamyat' pozheltevshei otkrytki.: Barashkov. Yu.: SK;
Arkhitel<tura severnCl stolitsy; Leningrad.
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR;
1990; 1974; 32-33;
11; Nov.
Ehto bylo v Oonbasse; Andreev, Oleg; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 20-21; A thematic collection of places in the Oonbass named for people on stamps. Golubye kupola; Nikol'skii. A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. stationery depicting scenes in Samarkand. Gorod drevnii,
vechno yunyi;
Teslya. A.;
19-20; Stamps and
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 5-8; Kiev.
Gorod na Beloi; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 4-5; A postal envelope with a cachet honoring the 400th anniversary of Ufa. Gorod slavy; (n.a.); kop. stamp.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Oct.
Gostinitsa 'Metropol"; Glezer, G.; the Hotel Metropole in Moscow.
Filateliya SSSR;
Industrial 'naya krepost'; Ioffe. L./Muizemnek, Yu.; 20-2 1 ; Postal emissions honoring Sverdlovsk. Khlynov - Vyatka - Kirov; Matskevich. M.; Khramy pskovskie - khramy ratnye; Pskov on postal stationery.
Konvert v chest' biblioteki; Lomberg, Sevastopol' Library.
10; Poltava honored on the 19744 10; Oct.
1972; 27-2E;; PPCs of
Fi latel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Oct.
Ievlev. A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
1974; 9;
5; May 1971; 21-23;
Filatel iva SSSR; 6: June 1972;
13; The
Legendarnaya ehpopeya. K 25-i godovshchine polnogo Osvobozhdeniya Leningrada ot fashistskoi blokady.; Arenin. Ehd.; Filateliya SSSR: i: Jan. 1969; 33-35 & one central illustration page; Lifting of the Leningrad Blockade in WWII. Magnitka magnitok; Mil'. A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Marka - kompas; Shishkin, S.: collection of vignettes, Mat' gorodov russkikh; Moi
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR:
Moi Sevastopol'; Telichenko, A.; Filateliya SSSR: envelopes showing scenes of Sevastopol'.
12: Dec.
1; Jan.
11: Nov.
Moloclost' arevnego goroda; Gt'ingauz. L.; Fi'late,iya SSSR; picture envelopes with scenes in L'voY. Molodost' drevnei stol itsy: Vilnius.
17-19; Magnitogorsk.
Filateliya SSSR; 7: JUly 1969; 36-38; The author's PPCs and postal stationery related to Vyatka.
rodnoi gorod; Kazbekov,
10; Oct.
1974; 26-28: Kiev, 12-15; Sevastopol'.
1982; 4;
Fi latel iva SSSR;
12-13; Picture 1980:
10; Oct.
Fou" 14-15:
Moskovskii uragan 1904 goda; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.: Filatel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 28; A set of five PPCs showing the devastation caused by high winds in Moscow, 1904. Moskovskoe navodnenie 1908 goda; Belitskii. Ya./Glezer. G.; 1973; 29-31; The Moscow Flood of 1908 on PPCs.
Filateliya SSSR; 4;
Thematic, Cities
Moskva - port pyati morei; Arman,
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 24-26;
Moskva v otkrytkakh; Nikol 'ski i, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 8; Moscow views on a new set of PPCs, and information on Moscow issues which preceded it. Moskva, ploshchad' revolyutEii; Sarychev, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 7-8; Voskresenskaya Square in Moscow, and the V.I. Lenin Central Museum. Mosty staroi Moskvy; Old Moscow.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1972; 28-30; Bridges of
Muzei pod otkrytym nebom; Pavlukhin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; Illustrated postal envelopes with scenes of Bukhara.
June 1977; 22-23;
My gordimsya ikh imenami; Troitskii, A.; from the Vologda area.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1976; 51-53; Heroes
Na otkrytkakh - Tsarskoe selo; Afanas'eva, Z.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. PPCs of Tsarskoe selo. Na Donskom beregu; Belen'kii, G.; Rostov-na-Oonu. Nam 250; Klement'ev,
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
11; No\.'.
18; Moscow.
Nestareyushchii Tallin; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; stationery envelope with cachet, dedicated to Tallin.
12-13; A postal
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1967;
Nizhegorodskoe 'ozherel 'e Rusi'; Ievlev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Nizhnii Novgorod, Gor'kii on PPCs and postal stationery. Nogoyu tverdoi stat' pri more; Pavlukhin, Leningrad.
chern rasskazal
1974; 30-32; Ekaterinburg on PPCs.
Nasha stolitsa; Spivak, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976;
Net krasivee Leningrada moego ... ; Ozol in', Yanis; 14-1~; Leningrad during the Blockade.
1973; 24-25;
1971; 26-28;
Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
14; Tobol'sk.
OrUzheinaya palata; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 27-28; The national treasures of the Kremlin. Includes a listing of stamps showing parts of the Kreml in. Petrozavodsku - 270 let; Seregin, S.;
Filatel iya SSSR; 9;
Ploshchad' Nogina; Bel itski i, Ya.jGlezer, G.; Nogin Square in Moscow.
1973; 6'
Fi latel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1975; 53-54;
Rodina Il'icha: Marin, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 20-21; Simbirsk, three of the city'S structures pictured on Soviet stamps. Rozhdennyi pobedoi; Krivoi, A.; Simbirsk - rodina Lenina;
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Lenin and
1976; 3-4; Angarsk.
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
1970; 22-23;
Staraya Moskva v otkrytkakh; Stochik, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 45; Comments on and a description of PPCs issued by the 'Avrora' firm in Moscow. The PPCs are reproductions of Moscow scenes from before the October Revolution, redone by the Soviets in 1973. Sverdlovsku 250 let;
Filateliya SSSR;
Tysyache-letnii gorod-muzei; Pavluk'hin, L,: Stamps and PPCs dedicated to Tallinn. Urzhum na otkrytkakh; Pentina, N.:
SK; 27:
1973; 7;
Filateliya SSSR:
11; Nov.
1971; 22-23;
1990; 93-102; Urzhum PPCs.
Vizitnye kartochki Tul'china; Antonovskii. A.: Tul 'chin, in the Podol ia area. Zagorsk; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Zagorsk on ppcs.
11; Nov.
Fjlateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Filateliya SSSR;
5; May 1976; 60;
1983: 8-9:
Scenes from
Thematic, Communist Party
Oom nad SvisloCh'yu; Kolosov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 9; Special cancels and cacheted envelopes commemorating the wooden house where the 1st Congress of the RSORP was held in Minsk, 1898. Filateliya 0 KPSS - Organizatore i vdokhnovitele pobed sovetskogo naroda; Agenosov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1977; 6-9; Inogo net u nas puti; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. CPo Heavily propagandistic.
1971; 3-6; Early heroes of the
Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty i spetsial 'nye shtempelya, posvyashchennye Velikomu Oktyabryu; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1977; 16; The article is mostly concerned with cacheted envelopes commemorating the October Revolution. Kommunisty vsegda vperedi; front cover;
Lebedev, V.N.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep.
& inside
Marki, sozvuchnye vremeni; Mangel'din, 0.1.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; 1-5 & inside front cover; Postage stamps issued to commemorate the October Revolution, from 1913 to the present. Markirovannye konverty i kartochki SSSR, posvyashchennye partiinym s'ezdam; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 32-35; Nechernozem'yu - komsomol'skuyu zabotu!; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; inside front cover; Komsomol labor used in non-black-earth area projects.
1-2 &
Otrazhenie v sovetskoi filatelii partiinykh s'ezdov i konferentsii; Agenosov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1976; 4-6; Pamyati vellkogo mysl itelya; Karlov, on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1975; 45-46;
PodpiS': Lyusik Lisinova; Storozhakova, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 18-19; Postcards and their texts sent by Komsomol member Lyusik Lisinova, wno was killed in battle on 1 Nov. 1917. Podshefnyi Komsomola; Sinegubov, V.; Komsomol in the Soviet Navy.
Filateliya SSSR;
Rozhdennyi burei; Vaks, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Soviet author and propagandist. Sovetskaya filateliya 0 Komsomole; inside front cover;
10; Oct.
1978; 50-53; The
1974; 22-23; A.N. Ostrovskii,
Filateliya SSSR;
10: Oct.
Spetsial'nye gasheniya, posvyashchennye partiinym s'ezdam; Yakobs, V.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1976; 6-9;
1-3 &
The Hand of Stal in. 1: Rehabil itation.; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 70: Spring 1991; 69-73; Purgers and purgees of the Stalin era on Soviet stamps. Vel ikii Oktyabr' na pochtovykh markakh; Agenosov, V.; 7-9;
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1977;
Yunost' boretsya za mi~; Gukov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1979; 1-2 & inside front cover; Soviet and foreign stamps devoted to the All-World Federation of Democratic Youth and the International Union of Students.
Thematic, Constitution Chelovek prokhodit kak khozyain; Sinegubov, V.; 27-30; The USSR's constitutions.
07/13/93 Filatel iya SSSR:
Konstitutsiya (Osnovnoi zakon) SSSR; Agenosov, V.; 3-6;
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1978;
Ot dekretov Velikogo Oktyabrya - k Konstitutsii obshchenarodnogo gosudarstva; Bogdanovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1981; 1-4; Various Soviet constitutions and stamp issues commemorating them.
Thematic. Costumes
Puteshestvie v mir kostyumov; Bochkareva. I.: Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep. central illustration page; Costumes on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1968; 28-29 &
Thematic, Crafts
Glinyanye shchegoli; Ievlev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. crafts and artifacts on stamps and stationery. Nash russkii kipuchii samovar; Afanas'eva, Z.; Russian samovars on postal stationery.
1971; 20-21; Russian
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1975; 56-57;
Russkii suvenir; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; 4-6 & back cover; Traditional Russian crafts on picture envelopes - porcelain, woodcarving, etc.
Thematic, Dance K stranichke russkogo baleta; Fainshtein, Drawings of ballerinas on PPCs.
07/13/93 Eh.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Prazdnik terpsikhory; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 9; International Ballet Competition in Moscow.
1; Jan.
1972; 30-31;
1973; 6; The Second
Tantsuyushchii mir; Chumakov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes a 1 isting.
1969; 29-30; Dance theme
Sluzhebnye sobaki;
Polonskil, Polonskll,
A.; A.;
Sobrat'ya Belogo Blma; Fridman, illustration pages;
Filatellya SSSR; Filateliya SSSR;
7; 11;
Filateliya SSSR:
July 1985;
back cover;
18-19 & 4
'Krasnaya kniga' prirody; Kudryashov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR: Endangered plant species on Soviet stamps.
JUly 1978: 56-59;
Dal 'ni i Vostok v tvoei kollektsi i; Ivashchenko, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 56-57; Wildlife refuges, volcanology stations in the Far East. Gde tsvetet rozovyi lotos; Myagkov, N.; Astrakhan' wildlife refuge.
filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
3; Mar.
1981; 56-57; The
Komu zhe verit'?; Ma~ur, P.; Filatel iye SSSR; 4; Oct. 1966; 11; The author questions the accuracy of the '50th Anniversary' claim for the 1966 Barguzinskii State Wi ldl ife Refuge. Laboratoriya v prirode; Mikhailova, G.; refuges in the USSR. Les i ego obitateli;
My i priroda; Kartsev, V.; postal emissions.
Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Na beregakh Bereziny; Myagkov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; Bereziny State Wildlife Re~uge. Na sklonakh Sikhoteh-Alinya; Myagkov, N.; wildlife refuge at Sikhoteh-Alinya. Natur und Welten Erhalten;
11; Nov.
Pochta; 47;
12; Dec.
Soviet and foreign
1982; 56-57; The
11; Nov.
1981; 56-57; The
1989; 43;
Pod okhranoi zakona; Sladkov, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; protected by Soviet law in wild1 ife refuges. Priglashenie v Ussuriiskuyu taigu;
1975; 54-55;
1974; 21-23;
Filateliya SSSR;
1975; 52; Wildlife
June 1980;
Filatel iya SSSR: 6; June 1970;
Prlroda i my; Kosykh, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979: 58; A cacheted envelope with speclal cancel for the 'Nature and Us' philatelic exhibitlon in Moscow. Priroda i my; Stadnitski i, G.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 52-54; Wi ldl ife refuges, environmental concerns and the All-Union Society for the Preservation of Nature. S 'okhrannoi gramotkoi'; Semenov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 19-20; Stamps issued to promote environmental awareness and knowledge of the USSR's wildlife preserves. Severu - miloserdie; Sashenkov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 1: Jan. 1990; 12-14; Sashenkov interviews the writer V. Sangi about saving the ecology of the North, and ties that in with stamp and postcard emissions. Tam,
na nevedomykh dorozhkakh ... : Chelishchev, V./Saitov. G.; Oct. 1975; 52; Animals and conservation in the Urals.
Filateliya SSSR;
V gostyakh u khozyaiki mednoi gory; Myagkov. N.; Filateliy~ SSSR; 7: July 1982; 60-61; Stamps and stationery portraying fauna of a Urals State Nature Preserve. Vo imya cheloveka; Chernetskii. 0.; front cover;
Filateliya SSSR:
12; Dec.
19 7 5;
1-3 & inside
Zapovedniki i drugie okhranyaemve territorii: Vinokurov. A.!8elou50va, L.: Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 20-23 & back cover; Wildlife refuges on Soviet and foreign stamps. ZapovednH.:u - 50 let; Vigilev. A.; Filateliva SSSR; 3; Mar. Barguzinskii Wildlife Refuge's 50th anniversary.
37; The
A chto sobiraete vy?; Glezer, G.N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 41; Moscow PPCs issued by the I.E. Selin firm, showing education facilities in Moscow. I.G.
Petrovskii; Bronshtein, G.; Moscow State University.
Filatel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
MGU - 225 let; Mikhailov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. anniversary of the Moscow State University.
1981; 8; The rector of the
10-12; The 225th
Posvyashchennye Gor'nomu institutu; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 6; The 200th anniversary of the founding of the Minlng Institute in Leningrad. Sozdatel' chuvashskogo alfavita; Volzhenskii, A.; On I.Ya. Yakovlev, Chuvash pedagogue.
Filatel tya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Stranstvuyushchii filosof; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. Skovoroda, Ukrainian philosopher, teacher and writer. Tretii semestr; Mikhailov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; details for students - in agriculture, industry, etc, Uchitel' russkikh uchitelei; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Ushinski i, the founder of Russian pedagogy.
14; Grigorii
11-13; Summer work 1974; 5; K.D.
Universitetu druzhby narodov - 20 let; Leonidov, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; 28-30; The Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. Untversitety imeni Il'icha; Mikhailov, V.;
1986; 8-9;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 55;
Voz'memsya za ruki, druz'ya!; Ilyushin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 2-4; The International Union of Students; stamps, postcards and special cancels.
Besstrashnyi razvedchik; Kravchenko, M.; Sorge.
Filatel iya SSSR;
Moya tema: chasovye rodlny; 'Chekisty' on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR: 2;
10; Oct. Feb.
Filateliya SSSR;
1985; 59; Richard 1971;
Philatelic Mementos of 'Reilly, Ace of Sples'; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 1985; 103-105: Soldaty nezrimogo fronta; Stremoukhov, A.: Richard Sorge and A.A. Morozova.
12; Dec.
18-19; 106-107;
1974; 21;
'Proslavilo ego imya ... '; Larina, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Dezhnev and his exploits in the 17th Century.
1969; 36; Semen
Expedition Covers; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 46-49; P.K. Kozlov, Russian explorer, and another expedition to the USSR in 1936 to observe a total eclipse of the Sun. Globus krutitsya, vertitsya; Tilles, and Przheval 'skii.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec.
1966; 26-27;
Idushchii vstrech' solntsa; Druyan, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. Dezhnev voyages to Kamchatka and the Bering Strait area. Komandor Vitus Bering; Shevelev, A.;
1973; 23-24; The
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 26-27;
Krushenie legendy; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969; 34-35; The hunt for 'Sannikov's Island' in the Arctic, a fabled land that was never found. Dstrova komandora Beringa; Boiko, V.; Filatel iya; 11; Nov. Islands, Vitus Bering, and postal operations there.
10-12; The Komandor
Proslavlennomu moreplavatelyu; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 5; YU.F. Lisyanskii, captain of the 'Neva' on I.F. Kruzenstern's first circumnavigation, and an explorer of the waters of the North Pacific. Sledopyt Ussuriiskogo kraya; Treskina, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Arsen'ev and his expeditions to the Primor'e area.
1972; 27-28; V.K.
Soyuz russkikh zemleprokhodtsev; Bogdanchikov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 24-25; The Russian Geographic Society and some of its famous members. Uchenyi, moreplavatel'; Zin'ko, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; and his hydrographic voyage around the world.
10; Oct.
Zagadka Mongol'skoi marki; Flotskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Kozlov expedition to Mongolia in the 19305.
1972; 20; Fedor Litke
11; Nov.
1972; 23; The P.K.
T hema tic,
Fa irs
Vizitnaya kartochka sorochinskoi yarmarki; D'yachenko, 1981; 7-8; The Sorochinsk Fair, Poltava oblast'.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Ehto bylo v Krasnodone; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 18-19; The 5 young partisans who were betrayed to the Germans, and the film about them. Leninskie kinodokumenty v filatelii; Kitain, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Stamp portraits derived from films of Lenin. Marka zovet na festival';
Ognev, K.;
Filatel iya SSSR;
Nezabyvaemye obrazy; Sorkin, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; with N.A. Kryuchkov, Soviet film director. V~khi
kino v tvoem al'bome; Borisov, B.; film-making on stamps.
Vospevaya cheloveka; filmmaker.
11; Nov.
11; Nov.
1969; 2;
5; May 1967; 32-35; 1974; 24-25;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Filateliya SSSR;
An interview
1969; 6-7;
1974; 7; A. Oovzhenko, Soviet
XIII Mezhdunarodnyi klnofestlval'; Strygln, A.; Filatellya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 4 & front cover; The 13th International Film Festival in Moscow, JUly 1983.
Pyl pozhara mne ne strashen, 12; Dec. 1986; 7-9;
07/13/93 tselyi vek ya na voine; Burshtein, D.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Werbestempel auch in Sowjet-Lettland; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 48; Oct. 1967; 14; Three Latvian SSR slogan cancels admonishing fire safety in the forest.
Thematic, Fish
Antarktlcheskoe chudo; Potapov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 59; 'White-blooded' fish and research into why their blood doesn't freeze in cold waters. Baikal i podlemor'e; Vozzhennikov. N.; Baikal and its natural resources.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 21-22;
Dal'nii Vostok v tvoei kollektsii; Ivashchenko. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 26-29; The Soviet Far East fishing industry.
1; Jan.
Lake 1980;
Klub znatokov - Ryby Amurskogo basseina; Myagkov, N.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 46-48; Soviet and Mongolian stamps showing Amur Basin fish. Ryby Chernogo morya; Greze, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr'. Black Sea on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1968; 24-25;
Ryby, kotorye mogut utonut'; Myagkov. N.; Filateliya SSSR; Air-gulping fish that can sink without oxygen. Slavnoe more, svyashchennyi Baikal; Smyslov, A.; 22-23; The fishing industry on Lake Baikal.
11; Nov.
Fish of the
1980; 54-55;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec.
V gostyakh u khozyaiki mednoi gory; Myagkov, N.; Filatellya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 60-61; Stamps and stationery portraying fauna of a Urals State Nature Preserve. Zagadki podvodnogo tsarstva; Myagkov, N.;
Filatel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1983; 58-59;
Istoriya sovetskogo voenno-morskogo flaga; Orlov, 30-32; History of the Soviet Navy flag.
Reyut flagi; Kisin, S.; Filateliya SSSR; foreign stamps.
1970; 22-23;
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1969; Flags on Soviet and
Foreign Relations
Idei Khel'sinki v zerkale sovetskoi filatelii; Klochkov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1985; ;-4 & inside front cover; Soviet 'support' for the Helsinki Accords as reflected in stamps.
Thematic, General Kak sobirat' Moscow; use of collect
pochtovye marki; Daikhes, 1. 1.; 1958; Izd-vo 'Molodaya gvardiya', Original softbound book. A 'how-to' for young collectors, detailing the philatelic paraphernalia. wnat to collect, various themes and how to them, etc.
Tematika i ee problemy; Vul 'f, V.; F; latel iya SSSR; 10: Dct. 1978; 47-49; The author expounds on various problems assoclated with thematic collecting. Thematic Collecting; Voropinsky, B.S.; Rossica; 44;
1954; 32-35;
Thematic, Geology Forum geologov: Vol'pert, M./Vinogradov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; The XXVII International Geological Conference in Moscow. a geology theme.
1; Jan. 1985; 25-27; Stamps and covers with
Khrani menya, moi talisman; Bogdasarov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1986; 5-7 inside back cover; Minerals and gems on stamps, Soviet and foreign.
Mladshie brat'ya vulkanov;
Filateliya SSSR;
Thematic, Human Rights V zashchitu prav cheloveka; Katin, M.; Filateliya SSSR; and foreign stamps with a human rights theme.
07/13/93 12: Dec.
1988; 37-39; Soviet
(n.t.); Baldenko, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 15; A cacheted envelope and special cancel honoring the VIII World Oil Conference. Angarskii kaskad; Maiorov, dam at Irkutsk.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 8-10; The hydro-electric
Sryanskomu mashinostroitel 'nomu zavodu - 100 let; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1973; 6' The Bryansk Machine-Building Plant's 100th anniversary. Chelyabinskii traktornyi; Teikt-" Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.
Filateliya SSSR;
Dal'nii Vostok v tvoei kollektsli; Ivashchenko, L.; 26-29; The Soviet Far East fishing industry. Dneprogehsu posvyashchennye; Zabochen', M.; hydroelectric station on the Dnepr.
5; May 1972;
10; Oct.
10; The
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972;
15-16; The
Doroga na Urengoi i Yamburg; Boiko, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1986; 8-9; Postmarks and history of the reil 1 ine construction from Surgut to the gas fields of Urengoi and Yamburg. Ehstafeta pokolenii; Stakhanovites.
Frolova, G.;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Ehtapy bol'shogo puti; Moizhes, B.; Filateliya SSSR; industry on Soviet stamps and postmarks.
10; Oct.
Filokartiya raskryvaet industriyu Urala; Fainshtein, Eh.; 1972; 27-29; Industrial plants in the Urals on PPCs. Gor'kovskomu avtozavodu - 50 let; Burshtein, D.;
1975; 3-5; Heavy
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 4-5;
Gosplanovtsy - svoemu yubileyu; Il'inskii, 1/.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; znachok and a cacheted envelope honoring the 50th anniversary of GOSPLAN. Industrial'naya krepost'; Ioffe, L./Muizemnek. YU.; 20-21; Postal emissions honoring Sverdlovsk.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Kaspiiskoe chudo; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. and the oil industry in the Caspian Sea.
19-20; Azerbaidjan
Kommunisticheskii veksel'; Levin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 8; A cacheted postal envelope from Oct. 1971, commemorating the 1 Jan. 1922 - 1 Jan. 1923 industrial push for greater metallurgical production. Magnitka magnitok; Mil', A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Na meste Zaporozhskoi sechi; Gromeka,
10; Oct.
17-19; Magnitogorsk.
Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Nadezhnyi shef velikikh stroek; Mikhailov, 1/.; Filateliya SSSR; Komsomol contributions to Soviet industry and agriculture. Novovoronezhskoi atomnoi - 10 let; (n.a.); Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant. Osnova mogushchestva strany; Gleizer, heavy industry on stamps. Ot Shatury do Bratska; Vigilev,
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
F1 late1
Otets zavodov; Ioffe, L./Muizemnek, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; Gor'kii Heavy Machlne-Build1ng Plant, Uralmash.
1970; 29-30; 1979; 4-6;
1974; 5; The
1972; 7-9; Soviet
196E; 4-8; Jan.
17-18; The
Podzemnoe gashenie: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Ja!'l. 1975; 17; A postal branch operatlng for one day underground, at the 477-meter level of a mineshaft in the ~'vov-I/olynsk Coal Basin, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of mining there. PrazcJnik zavodchar:; (1'1.8.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 12-13; A postal stationery envelope with cachet, dedlcated to the 50th anniversary of the Leningrad Metal Plant. Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes, I.I.; 1955; Svyaz'i7.dat, Moscow; Original softbound book. Incluaes information on early Sovlet stamp designers, and many themes. Reka, daruyushchaya zhizn'; Bogatyrev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; Construction of the Great Fergana Canal in Uzbekistan.
10; Oct.
Sdelat' Rossiyu ehlektricheskoi; Bychkovskii, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2-5; Postal issues showing hydroelectric dams and powerl ines.
1979; 7-8;
12; Dec.
Sekrety russkogo bulata; Tikhonov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; and his contributions to steel-making.
P. Anosov
Shakhterskaya doblest'; Frunze, V./Shushkanov. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 4-5; Miners on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Si la sotsial isticheskoi sol idarnosti; Karlov. L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Industrial cooperation among the social ist countries.
Slavnaya letopis' Izhorskogo zavoda; Fedotov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. The A.A. Zhdanov plant in Izhora and its role in military support.
1976; 1979; 4-7; 1985; 9;
Solnechnyi kamen'; Rudenko, L.G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1967; 31; The 1967 V International Mining Congress in Moscow. Stroitel' legendarnoi magnitki; Ilyushin, A.; Stamps and stationery commemorating I.P. industry.
Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1986; 4-6; Bardin and the Soviet metallurgical
Tretii semestr; Mikhailov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; details for students - in agriculture, industry. etc. Ukrotiteli rek; Sheingauz, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. dams on Soviet and foreign stamps.
11-13; Summer work
1972; 8-10; Hydroelectric
Ural 'ski i bogatyr'; Muizemnek. Yu./Leleko. S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 5-6; The Sergo Ordzhonikidze Urals Heavy Machine-Building Plant and the 1958 set issued in its honor. V kollektsii metallurga; Gordienko, V./Zhigulin. 10- 11 ;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Vozrozhdenie; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. rebuilding effort after WWII.
1978; 3-5; The Soviet
BabochKi; Bragin, Yu.;
Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1979; 60; Butterflies on stamps.
Babo=hki; Bragin, Yu.:
Filatel iya SSSR: 9; Sep.
1979; 58-60; Butterflies on stamps.
Vsemirnyi pokhod na Komara: Popov, V.; effort against malaria.
iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1970; 28; The world
International Relations
Dnyu Afriki posvyashchaetsya ... ; Ponomarev, A.; Soviet stamps relating to Africa.
(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1978; 24-25;
Provereno vremeni; Vasil 'ev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 24-26; cooperation on Soviet and Indian stamps and stationery. SEhV - 25 let; Comecon.
1974; 5; Twenty-fifth anniversary of
Mayaki nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa: Kolesnikov, A.: Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1985; 1-3 & inside front cover; Various institutes and other organizations which produce many patented inventions. Russkii izobretatel'; Pashko, F./Lyashenko. A.; Filatellya SSSR; 11; P. L. Sh i l l i tlg. 1 nventor of a te 1egraph mach i n!~ with I<eyboard.
Universitet molodykh novatorov; Mikhallov. Encouraging children to be inventors.
Filateliya SSSR; V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Oct. 1:
Thematic, Language
Azbuka Morze; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 3; Sep. 1966; 35; The 1926 Esperanto Congress stamp and the hidden message in Morse code. Ehsperanto - yazyk druzhby; DUbin, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Esperantists on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1; Jan.
Imperial Correspondence in Universal Languages; Campbell, P.J./Cronin, A.; Post Rider; 13; Nov. 1983; 68-71; Ne povtoryat' oshibok; Shtrom, Yu.; SK; 6 (106); June 1930; editor, attacking the article 'Lingvistika na markakh' errors and Great Russian chauvinism.
161-162; A letter to the in SK #s 10-12 for its
Thematic, Legends
'Chto za prelest' ehti skazki!'; Skorokhvatov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 29-30; Fables written by Pushkin, Ershov, L.N. Tolstoi. the Brothers Grimm, etc. and illustrated on stamps. Chto za prelest' ehti skazki; Obukhov, E.; A.N. Afanas'ev. Russian fo'klorist.
Filatel iya SSSR;
Ishchu na markakh ... skazku; Vladimirtsev, V.;
12; Dec.
1978; 60-62;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1969; 35;
Pero zhar-pcitsy; Fedorov, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. P.P. Ershov's 'Konek-gorbunok' story.
1969; 38-39; The phoenix, and
Puteshestvie s geroyami lyubimykh skazok. bylin; Rozet, 1968; 30 & 2 central illustration pages;
I.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
i legendy na pochtovykh konvertakh i markakh; Vladimirtsev, V.P.; 1970; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound book. Myths, legends and fables as portrayed on Soviet and foreign stamps and covers.
'Leniniana' skul'ptora Kozlova; 38-39;
07/13/93 Samuilikovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR;
Adresovannye Leninym. Konverty i otkrytki Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 2-4; Biblioteka v Kremle; Trembovler, V.; Library in the Kremlin.
1908-1911 godov.; Kornyukhin, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Chitaya pis'ma 11' icha; Kornyukhin. A.; and letters from Lenin in exile.
10; Oct.
1970; 7-9; The Lenin
Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1969; 2-5; Postcards
Chto zhe imel v vidu khudozhnik?; Maksimov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1967; 8-9; More theorizing on whence the stamp design showing Lenin speaking from the turret of the 'Vrag kapitala' armored car came from. Dom pamyati Lenina; Polyak. B.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1976; 7; Construction of the 'Dom Lenina' from 1924-1925, and labels sold to the populace to fund it 'One brick for the Lenin House'. Dosadnaya pogreshnost'; Sachkov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 26; The author corrects a point made by Karlinskii in his 1968 'Vladimir 11 'ich Lenin' catalog. Eshche raz 0 skul 'pture na krasnykh kamnyakh; Shein. R.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 40; The story of how the first monument to Lenin in the Caucasus was made. Fotografii na pochtovykh markakh; Kitain. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. Photographs of Lenin reproduced on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1969; 2-4;
Gde zhe vystupal Lenin?; Kuznetsov. K.; Filateliya SSSR: 1; JUly 1966; 20-21; The author establishes the location where Lenin gave his speech, depicted on the 1924 10kop. stamp. Istoricheskie reJ ikvii; Kitain, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; June 1969; 7-8; Old photos and drawings of Lenin as the basis for postage stamp designs. Istoriya odnogo portreta; Kitain, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 7; The photograph from which the representation of Lenin on the 1925-1928 high-value set was derived. Istoriya odnogo portreta; Pshenichnikov. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 5-6; Photographs of Lenin ~sed as the basis for several Soviet stamps. Kak mal'chishkoi boish'sya fal'shi ... ; Vvedenskii, S .. /Freidlin. Yu.; 4; Apr. 1967; 5-7; Lenin stamps designed by P.V. Vasil'ev.
Filateliya SSSR;
Kapitan korablya revolyutsii; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 42-43; Early Soviet PPCs of Lenin. Krasnoarmeiskoe pis'mo; Blekhman, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 9; An illustrated 'sekretka' showing a Civil War scene and Lenin's portrait. issued in late 1919.
Lenin - Vozhd' Oktyabrya; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 42-43; Picture postcards of Lenin during the Revolution, produced in the 1950s and 1960s. Leniniana na kartmaksimumakh; Sadovnikov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; inside back cover; Lenin on maximum cards.
Leniniana na khudozhestvennykh pOChtovykh kartochkakh SSSR; Yakobs. V.; SSSR; 2; Feb. 1980; 34-38;
1976; 2-3
Leniniana na khudozhestvennykh pochtovykh kartochkakh SSSR; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 34-38; Five pages of listings for picture postcards with a Lenin theme. Leniniana na sovetskikh pochtovykh shtempelyakh; 1982; 35-38: Leninlana prodolzhaetsya; Agenosov, V.; cover & inside front cover;
Yakobs. V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Leninskaya 'Pravda' - gazeta mill ionov; Strzhizhovskii, L.; 1982; 3-5; 'Pravda' newspaper.
1-3, front
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May
Leninskie kinodokumenty v filatelii; Kitain. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Stamp portraits derived from films of Lenin.
1969; 2;
Leninskie Laureaty; Tereshchenko, A./Tereshchenko. N.; SK; 13; 1975; and covers depicting the prize, and those who received it.
18-46; Stamps
Mariya Aleksandrovna Ul 'yanova: Volzhenskii, A.; Lenin's mother.
Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Mar.
1985; 4-5;
Nagrady Rodiny; Sheinn, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 9-10; The Orders of Lenin and the Red Star over the years, and Azeris who received it. Narodnyi uchitel'; Tikhonov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Ul 'yanov family theme.
1; Jan.
1986; 7-8; Stamps with an
Otkrytki, napisannye Leninym; Zabochen' M.: Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. postcard written by Lenin and discovered in East Germany.
1986: 34; A
Otkrytoe pis'mo - dokument istori i; Shein, R.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 52; A picture postcard showing the first monument to Lenin in the Caucasus. Pamyat' vsenarodnaya; Tunkel', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; 8-9; Charity labels, postcards and znachki of Lenin from the early Soviet period. Pamyatnye mesta na Volge; Kitain,
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1970: 22-23;
Pervaya otkrytka s portretom 11 'icha; Vvedenskii, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 5; The first postcard with a picture of Lenin - taken from a 1921 meet,ng with American P.P. Christianson. Pis'ma k materi; Karpov, V.; exile to his mother.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Po kartine I. Brodskogo; Leonidov, P.; Brodskii's works depicting Lenin.
1980; 5-7;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Lenin's letters from 1980;
13-14; 1.1.
Pc risunkam khudozhnika N.N. Zhukova; Nikoi'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 23-25; Stamps and stationery designed by N.N. Zhukov on the theme of Len,n. Poisk prodolzhaetsya; Kitain. L.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 10-11; In an otherwise useless artic1e tying dates tamps to the approximate date Lenin did this or that as a Child, two telegram forms are illustrated. Portret vozhdya; Senkevich, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; early Soviet scrip, lottery tickets, etc. Probnaya marka; (n.a. I; 1927 Lenin stamp.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1969; 3-5; Leniniana on
1970; 9; An unapproved essay of a
Redkaya fotootkrytka; Kostenko, L.; Fiiateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 3; A rare picture postcard of Lenin showing him out walking during his recovery from Kaplan's shooting. Redkaya otkrytka; Zabochen', M.S.; of Lenin.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1971;
11-12; A rare PPC
Rodina Il'icha; Marin, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 20-21; Simbirsk, Lenin and three of the City's structures pictured on Soviet stamps. S avtografom Il'icha; Kornyukhin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 4-6; Postcards and envelopes sent by Lenin to Russia during his eXile. Samaya pamyatnaya marka; Galaganov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Dubasov, designer of the 1924 Lenin mourning stamp.
1968; 23;
Schastlivaya sud'ba konverta; Zuev. A.; Filateliya SSSR: cover from Boston to Cracow, addressed to Lenin. Simbirsk - rodina Lenina;
1971; 6-7; A 1913
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
1970; 22-23;
Sklonyas' nad Len,nskim al'bomom; Karlinskii,
1965; 20-2'7:
Sokrovishchnitsa chelovecheskoi mysli; Ilyushin, A.; F,lateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1-3 & inside front cover; The V.I. Lenin Central Museum. Soyuz nauki
i truda; Tereshchenko, A./Tereshchenko, N.; SKi 8'
1970; 23-42;
Stroki, napisannye vozhdem; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1970; 16; PPCs of the 1930s and 1960s showing Lenin in various scenes with the title pages of his writings superimposed. V bronze i mramore; (n.a.l: Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Lenin monuments on stamps. V mramore i bronze; Beiousov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; on Soviet and foreign stamps. V serdtse kazhdogo;
SUkhomlinov, D.;
3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR;
1-2 & inside front cover; 1980; 8-9;
10; Oct.
Lenin monuments
1985; 9; Three early
Soviet artists who specialized in painting Lenin themes.
V zalakh Tsentral 'nogo muzeya V.I. Lenina: Karpov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4路 Apr. 1978; 1-4 & inside front cover; The V.I. Lenin Central Museum's exhibit of Leniniana, including rare essays.
Several photos of 'proekty' are shown.
V.I. Lenin i sovetskie vooruzhennye sily; Bogdanovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978;
V.I. Lenin na pervykh pochtovykh kartochkakh; Zinov'eva, U./et al.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan.
1970; 6-7;
Zavetam Lenina verny; Marukhin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1979; cover; Lenin and the Komsomol on Soviet and foreign stamps.
& inside front
Na yarkii svet mayakov ... ; Nikolaev, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1979; Lighthouses on Soviet and forelgn stamps. Odesskii mayak; Zakharov, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; of the Odessa Lign~house.
3; Mar.
19-20: A brief history
Thematic, Literature
'Chtoby uskorit' rassvet';
Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec.
'Lyublyu zhizn' dlya zhizni ... ': Kogan, G.; Dostoevsky.
1966; 34; V.G. Korolenko.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; Nov.
'Moskovskii dnevnik' Romena Rol1ana; B10kh, A.; Fi1ate1 iya; 6; writer Romain Rolland and his 'Moscow Diary'. 'Nam 1uchshe znat"; Lipatov, P.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; showing Gor'kii and L.N. Andreev.
1966; 27;
June 1991; 56-57; The
7; JUly 1974: 49; Two rare PPCs
'Prevoskhodno igrayut v khudozhestvennom obshchedostupnom ... '; Levitina, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 9-10; The works of Gor'kii, Dostoevskii, Sa1tykov and V. Ivanov adapted for the theater. 'Ui1'yam Saroyan'; Arake10v, S.; Fi1ate1iya; 10; Oct. The joint U.S.-Soviet Will iam Saroyan issue.
1 & inside front cover;
'Zashchitnik vo1'nosti i pray'; Pabor, A.: Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the contemporaries he influenced. Avtoru 'Tsusimy'; Spivak, N.; Fi 1atel iya SSSR; the author of 'Tsushima'. Bib1ioteka v Krem1e; Trembov1er, V.; Library in the Krem1 in.
3; Mar.
Che10vek s bol'shoi bukvy; Mirnyi, N.; Gor'ki i.
1977; 7; A.S. Novikov-Priboi,
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
BUkvaryu 400 let; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 9; Oct. the first book printed in Russia.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
1970; 7-9; The Lenin
10; The 400th anniversary of 3; Mar.
1968; 21-23; Maksim
Chitate1' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. Ro11an, French writer honored on a Soviet stamp of 1966,
1978; 31; Romen
Dvustoronnie pochtovye kartochki; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 30-32; A listing of two-sided postcards with illustrations of writers. Dvustoronni6 pochtovye Contlnued from #5.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR:
JUly 1977; 32-35;
Ee pesni zovut k bor'be; Gda1in, A.; Filate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 24; Lesya Ukrainka (L.P. Kosach-Kvitka), Ukrainian poetess and ardent bolshevik supporter. Iskusstvo, 1iteratura, fi1ate1iya; Strygin, A.: Fi1ate1iya SSSR; listing of stamps issued in honor of Taras Shevchenko.
1; Jan.
1986; 21; A
Kladovaya znanii; A1eksandrov, M.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 8; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 450th anniversary of the founding of the Riga Library. Knigi drevnei Rusi; Nemirovski i, Literature of ancient Rus.
Fi 1atel iya SSSR;
10; Dct.
1971; 24-25;
L.N. To1stoi i I.E. Repin; Fainshtein, Eh.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Repin's paintings of Tolstoi on picture postcards. M. Kotsyubinskii; Bogatyrev, N.; writer Kotsyubinskii.
Filateliya SSSR;
10: Oct.
12-13; Ukrainian
Marki Antona Pav10vicha Chekhova; Skobelev, Yu.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 8-12; A description of the stamps A.P. Chekhov collected and squirreled away in packets. Mysl'
i inkvizitsiya; Aronova, ZI-,.: Fi 1atel iya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 26-27; PPCs of 1901 showing drawings of Lev Tolstoi's excommunication from the church.
Na 1inii ognya ... ; Bogatyrev. N.; N.Z. Biryukov.
Filateliya SSSR; 8: Aug.
1982; 56-57; Soviet author
Na vo1ne revolyutsii; Kar10v, L.; Filateliya SSSR;' 8; Aug. 1976; 10-11; Soviet writers and artists who supported the Russian revolutionary movement. Nabat v nochi: Produvalov, V.; and 'Ko 1oko 1 ' .
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Nash zem1yak; Treskina, 0.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. envelope honoring writer A.A. Fadeev. Nasha glavnaya bib1ioteka; Nemirovskii,
1967; 21-23; Herzen, Ogarev
1972; 29; A postal stationery
Filate1iya SSSR; 2;
11; The
Lenin Library on postal emissions. Nashchokinskii domik; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 44-45; The Nashchokin house in Moscow. Nashchokin was a close friend of A.S. Pushkin.
nedostatkakh khoroshego spravochnika; Aronova, Zh.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 15-16; Comments C~ shortcomings of the handbook-catalog 'Pisateli nashei Rod i ny' .
Obraz i oblik; Storozhakova, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. faced by a stamp designer in 'capturing the subject'. Bednyi and Esenin are discussed as eX5mples. Osnovatel' russkoi fiiologii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Trediakovskii, founder of Russian philology. Ostrov stradani i; Novosadova. E.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; and his journey to Sakhal in Island in 1890. Ot svitka - k kodeksu; Nemirovskii, scroll in ancient history.
1970; 8-10; The probiems Ostrovskii, Serafimovich,
4; Apr. Feb.
1975; 5; V.K.
12-13; A.P. Chekhov
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 22-23; The
Otkrytki pomogayut poisku; Gdal in, A./Reinus, L.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1970; 30-32; PPCs of Staraya Russa aid in research on some of Dostoevskii's writings. Panas Mirnyi; Matskevich, M.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1974; envelope honoring the Ukrainian writer Panas Mirnyi.
10; A postal stationery
Pervyi laureat leninskogo Komsomoia; Sokolova, D.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; Dec. 34-35; N.A. Ostrovskii, Soviet author and soldier. Pevets odnoi pesni; Mikhailov,
Filatel iva SSSR;
1970; 40; A.S. Griboedov.
Pisatel', uche~yi, obshchestvennyi deyatel'; Bronshtein, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 61; Sadriddin Aini, Tadzhik writer and scientist. Two lines of the text have been excised in the Library's copy. Pisateli - bortsy za mir; Bakalinskii, G.; Gor'kii, Fadeev, A.N. Tolstoi, etc.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1976; 5-7;
Podarivshii knigopechatanie; Nemlrovskii, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The 400th annlversary of Russian book printing.
Podmoskov'e, sanatorli 'Mtsyri'; Nikol'skii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. sanitorium near Moscow named after Lermontov's poem 'Mtsyri'.
1972; 31; A
Poehticheskie adresa 'Tikhogo Dona'; Shamaro, Aleksandr; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 58-60; PPCs devoted to scenes from ShOlokhov's 'And Q~iet Flows the Don'. Poisk prodolzhaetsya; Reinus, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1974; 41-42; Use of imperial-period PPCs to equate one of Dostoevskii's fictional places with Staraya Russa. Posvyashchaetsya kobzaryu; Pyrig, L.; Filateliya SSSR; stamps and stationery honoring Taras Shevchenko. Rozhdennyi burei; Vaks, I.; Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Soviet author and propagandist.
1; Jan.
1972; 9-11; Soviet
1974; 22-23; A.N.
Russlands Literatur, ein Abenteuer fuer Motivsammler; Thiem, RUdolf; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 28-31; An introduction to collecting Soviet and Russian authors and poets as a theme. Skvoz' pelenu godov ... K 100-1etiyu B.L. Pasternaka.; Blokh, A.; Feb. 1990; 15; Postal stationery card honoring Pasternak. Slovo
0 polku Igoreve; Shustov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1975; 12'-13; Igor' Svyatoslavich's unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy, and the literature, drama and art it inspired.
The Life and Times of Andrei Aieksandrovich Zhaanov; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 60-63; A.A. Zhdanov and some of his cultural victims - Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Khatchaturian, Myaskovski i, and Shostakovich. The Stamp Commemorates; Wember, G.; Rossica; 76-77; 'Schweizer Briefmarken-Zeitung' #3, Mar. 1968. Gogol' .
1969; 94-96; Translated from A brief biographical sketch of
The Stamp Commemorates (No.2); Wember, G.; Rossica; 79; 1970; 48-50; Dostoevskii. Translated from 'Schweizer Briefmarken-Zeitung', Dec. 1969. Ural'skii skazochnik; Seleznev,
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 54-55; P.P.
Bazhov, Soviet writer. V pamyat' 0 S'ezde pisatelei; Ivolgin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 9; A cacheted envelope and special cancel commemorating the 5th All-Union Congress of Writers. Velikii khudozhnik slova. (K 175-1etiyu so dnya rozhdeniya N.V. Gogolya.); Bugaevich, 1.; SK; 22; 1984; 94-107; Velikomu pisatelyu; Borodin, A./Mushta, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Chernyshevskii on stamps and stationery.
7; JUly 1978; 5; N.G.
Velikomu pisatelyu; Mel'nikova, T.; Stamps honoring Leo Tolstoy.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Vernost' traditsiyam; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; envelope with cachet of V.G. Yanchevetskii,
Feb. 1975; 4-5; Soviet author.
& front cover;
A postal
Veseloe lukavstvo uma; Obukhov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1986; foreign stamps and stationery dedicated to I.A. Krylov.
12-14; Soviet and
Vityaz' gruzinskogo ehposa; Rustavel i .
18-19; Shota
Vse chto mog - sdelal ... ; Vaks, Vse
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
Yunost' komsomol'skaya ... ; Marchenko, Komsomol author N.A. Ostrovskii. Zhizn' - podvig; Marina, V.; Soviet author.
1968; 36-37;
Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1971; 15; Salavat YUlaev, Repnin and V.G. Perov - their relations to literature.
Vydayushchiisya pisatel' sovremennosti; Blokh, A.; 10-11; M.A. Sholokhov. Yasnaya Polyana; Tranov,
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 32; V.V. Stasov.
Voinich; Taratuta, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. Voinich, author of 'Ovod'.
Vtoroe prizvanie; Kislyakov, S.V. Kovalevskaya, I.E.
3; Sep.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1985; July 1986;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
11-12; Leo Tolstoy. Jan.
1970; 34-35;
1974; 8; Nikolai O$trovskii,
Zhizn' i tvorchestvo Maksima Gor'kogo - tema filatelii; 3-16;
A.; SK;
Thematic, Marine
Ehkzamen na muzhestvo; Sel iverstov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. icebreaker Mikhail Somov and its voyages to Antarctica. Kity atakuyut; Potapov, A.; whales and ships.
Filatellya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1986; 41; The
1982; 58-59; Collisions between
Nasledniki traditsii EhPRONa; Efremov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Special-purpose underwater salvage and rescue teams.
12; Dec.
Spasite nashi dushi!; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. Shipwrecks and disasters on stamps, including Soviet.
1975; 8; 12-14;
Thematic, Marx Redkie otkrytki s portretom Marksa; Zabochen', M.S.; 20-21; Early, rare PPCs with Marx's portrait.
Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1968;
Thematic, Mathematics
... Sam byl pervym nashim universitetom; Aleshina, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 4-7; Lomonosov.
689 1986;
'Opasnaya nigilistika'; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 5; 5.\1. Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathemetician at Stockholm University in the late 18005. nazvali ulitsu ego imenem ... ; Arzumanov, G.; Filatel iva SSSR: 2: Feb. 1986; 6-7; L.D. Landau, Academician in phYS1CS and mathematics. 1. Petrovski i; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 8; Short item on 1. Petrovskii, Soviet academician and mathematician. Pod kryshei dvukh vekov. Devyat' marok iodin dom, dvadtsat' pyat' memoreal'nykh dosok, kvartira - Mineralochicheski i muzei.; Arenin, Eh.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1967; 18-19; Russian and Soviet scientists and mathemeticians on stamps. Tvorets, neehvklidovoi geometrii; Avdiev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 37; N.1. Lobachevskii.
Faleristika v filatelii; Gleizer, Medallions on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
Thematic, Medicine (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; cancellation of the bearing a cachet of Vil'na apothecary's
Post Rider; 22: June 1988; 73-74; Further information on a Helsingfors-St. Petersburg Railway, a 23 Jan. 1915 card Medical Train #196 of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, and a cancel.
(n.t.); Tann. Leonard L.; Post Rider; 23; Dec. 1988; 73; A ~WI cachet from L'vov Temporary Military Hospital No.1, and a cover with three different FPO canc~ls. 'Chernoe more. Filatovu.'; Mirin, V./Kogan, V.; Academic V.P. Filatov, famous eye doctor.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1971; 26;
'Skoraya' speshit na pomoshch'; Kochnev, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1976; 6-7: First aid and the Red Cross on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. 'Ya ne khotel by byt' vrachom ... '; Arushanyan, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 30; Medicinal plants on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
A Russian Red Cross Cover From the ~irst Balkan War; Kessler. MelVin M.; Rossica; 62; 1962; 8-10; A brief backg~ound of the 1912-1913 war and the locations of Russian Red Cross un~ts. American Doctors in the Crimean War; Raymond,
Edward A.;
Rossica; 86-87;
1975; 59-66;
Atom protiv raka; Frunze. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1977; 2-3; Soviet radiation therapy equipment and Dr. B.M. Aliev portrayed on a Cuban stamp. Chest' dayushchim krov'; Aizenshtein, E.; Filateliya SSSR; Honoring the Red Cross on Soviet and for'eign stamps.
12; Dec.
1970; 24;
Doktor F.P. Gaaz; Belitskii, Ya./Glezer, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 39; Dr. F.P. Gaaz, well-known 'prison doctor' in the 1800s. Ehksperimental'noi onkologii - 100 let: Kashina, L.; Filatellya SSSR; 5; May 1977; 9; M.A. Novinskii, the father of experlmental oncology. Illustrated Catalogue of Latvia - RED CROSS Surcharge; Petrevics. A.; Latvian Collector; 28; Sep. 1979-Jan. 1980; 14-18; The 12 May 1921 issue. KartoteKa k kollektsii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. series on medicinal plants.
1973; 28-29; The 1973 stamp
Lettland. Handbuch Philatel ie und Postgeschichte. Die Briefmarken. Teil I.; von Hofmann, Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, Hamburg; Original softbound catalog. Numerous photos, 11lustrations and stamp I istings, watermarks, paper, plating. Includes the Red Cross stamps. Lettland. Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschichte. Die Briefmarken, Teil II/III.; von Hofmann, Harry; 1988; Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, Hamburg; Original softoound catalog. Numerous photos, illustrations and stamp listings, watermarks, paper, plating. Includes ~he Red Cross stamps. Mezhdunarodnye Nobelevskie laureaty i filatel iva; Blokh, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 34-38: Nobel prize winners on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes a list of laureates in phYS1CS, chemis~ry, physiology and medicine. Miloserdie i otvaga; Aizenshtein, women paramedics in WWII.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1983; 55; Soviet
Na strazhe zdorov'ya; Chaklin. A,V.; Filateliya SSSR: 5; May 1978; 18-20: An oncology center chief and his collection of Sovie~ and foreign stamps on health and medicine. Nikto ne zabyt; Delikatnyi, V.; mil itary medicine in WWII.
Filateliya SSSR;
July 1985;
11-13; Heros of
samoi gumannoi pr'ofessii; Vitkin. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Ju'ly 1972; 9-10; Medical researchers and medicine on Soviet and forelgn postal emlSSlons.
Obraz Plrogova na pochtovykh minlatyurakh i otkrytkakh; Mirin, V./Kogan, V.; Filateliya SSSR: 3; Mar. 1971; 28-29; The great Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov on postcards and postal stationery envelopes. Odesskie konverty Krasnogo kresta; Danel 'skii. Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. VII-VIII; Kolosov, L,; Translated from 'Lodzinskii filatelisticheskii byulleten" #4, 1971. The Odessa Red Cross envelopes.
Okhranyaya zdorov'e trudyashchikhsya; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 48-49; Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent propaganda postcards of the 1930s. Ot devyanosta devyati boleznei; Volynkina, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 4' Apr. Medicinal plants on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
1972; 31;
Thematic, Medicine
Paro-Kartenbriefe des Roten Kreuzes; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 24-25; 1979; 232-233; Provides extracts from 'Die Postmarke' #s 141 & 192 on Red Cross stationery issued in Estonia. Updates the article in E.F. #18-19. Pirogov v Vinnitse; Antonovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 11; A Vinnitsa museum dedicated to N.I. Pirogov, founder of Russian mil itary field surgery. Pod ehgidoi Krasnogo kresta; Ilyushin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 46-47; A listing of WWII POW-camp Red Cross issues. Portret russkogo vracha na Indiiskoi pochtovoi marke; Ershov, Yu.; SK; 5; 10~-109; Vladimir Khavkin, plague and cholera researcher.
Posti Probleemidest Saksamaa Briti Tsooni Ees~i D.P. Laagrites 1945-1949: Ostrat, Aleksis; Eesti Filatelist; 20-21; 1977; 57-68; Estonian displaced-persons mail, Red Cross and postmarks from camps in the British Zone of Germany. Punase Risti Kaartkirjad - 'Paro'; Ojaste, Elmar; Eesti Filatelist; 18-19; 1976; 72-75; Estonian Red Cross lettercards issued by the Paro Advertising Agency. brief English summary of the article is appended.
Rasprostranyat' vsem!; Tolstov, Yu.; Filateliya; 10; Oct. 1991; 20-24 & 4 central illustration pages; Issues of the VTsIK Councils' All-Russian Committee for Aid to Sick and Invalid Red Army Men. Includes a 1 isting of labels issued from 1922 to 1926. Red Cross Charity Postcards From the Sisters of Mercy; Moyes, J.G.; Rossica; 117; Oct. 1991; 17-26; An extensive 1 isting of postcard types from the Sisters of Mercy and the Society of St. Eugenia. Red Cross Postcards; Archer, Terry; Pochta: 11; Jan. 1992; 36; Two postcards, one from the Red Cross and one from the Society of St. Eugenia. Red-Cross Cards of German PWs in the USSR 1945-56; Schroeter, Martin; Journa 1; 74; Oct. 1986; 54-55; A suppl ement.
Postal History
Rytsar' Krasnogo Kresta; Boiko, V. (int.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 4-6; Popov, first head of the Soviet Red Cross. S.P. Botkin; Perkis, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6: June 1983; honoring Dr. S.P. Botkin.
10; A stamp and stationery
Samoi gumannoi professii; Vitkin, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 12-14; Soviet and foreign postal emissions honoring the medical profession and the Red Cross. Soratnik Il'icha; Ravikovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 7; A postal stationery envelope honoring N.A. Semashko, the first People's Commissar of Health. The Repatriation of Prisoners of War from Russia, 1917-1921; Taitl, Horst; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 39-44; Various P.O.W. organization handstamps, Red Cross and ship marks included. The Siberian List-Letter's of Late 1917 to 1919; Taitl, Horst; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 25-27; Red Cross delegations' 'notebook letters' for the paws. Valipost Eesti Vabadussojas 1918-1920; Ojaste, E./et al.; Eesti Filatelist; 22-23; 1978; 184-192; Estonian military cachets 1 ist. Includes an American Red Cross marking. Vo imya cheloveka; Chernetskii, 0.: front cover;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Vozvrashchennoe zrenie; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Russian ophthamologist and bl indness researcher. Vsemirnyi pokhod na komara; Popov, V.; effort against malaria.
1-3 & inside
1975; 5; V.P.
Filatel iya SSSR; 9'
Vsesoyuznaya zdravnitsa Dzhermuk; Antonyan, V. Dzhermuk Spa, in southeastern Armenia.
Filateliya SSSR;
1970; 7;
Filatov. 28;
The world
July 1982:
Thematic, Mil itary .
' ... Dal soglasie stat' pontonerom'; Andrial1ov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 53; Marshal of Engineer Troops A.I. Proshlyakov.
11; Nov.
' ... Ehkipazh mashiny boevoi'; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; of the three aviators on #3976, issued in Feb. 1971. ' ... Otstupat' nekuda!'; of Moscow, 1941.
'Delat' zhizn' s kogo ... ' A.: Filateliya SSSR; Soviet Union.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
17: The story
1968; 5-7; The defense
(K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya D.M. Karbysheva); Ivolgin, 10; Oct. 1970; 19-20; Gen.-Lt. D.M. Karbyshev, Hero of the
'Navechno v parnyati narodnoi'; Ozol in'sh, Ya.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1976; 45-46; Postmarks of towns whose names were changed to those of '11'1111 heroes. 'Radi samoi lyubvi k Otechestvu; Bukhov, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; postal envelope with cachet honoring P.I. Bagration. 'Rodina-~a-:'
zovet!'; Mar-kov, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1990; 20-21; A
1975; 23-25: WWII.
'V desante sluzhili my krylatom ... '; Margelov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8-10; Soviet paratroops and DOSAAF parachute training.
10; Oct.
'Vam posvyashchena otkrytka ... '; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 20; A '11'1111 PPC honoring Vasilii Kislyakov, hero of a battle near Murmansk, 1941. 'Vpered na zapad, za osvobozhdenie sovetskoi zemli! '; Dvornikov, M.; 3; Mar. 1975; 7-9; The campaigns of 1943.
Filateliya SSSR;
'Ya lyublyu Rossiyu do boli serdechno1'; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; 1S-19; Zoya Kosmodem'yanskaya & her brother Aleksandr, both portrayed on Soviet stamps. 'Zdravstvuite. ehto my! '; Bondarenko, Z.; the SOViet Union Col. Borsoev. A.V.
Suvorov; Spivak, M.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
19; Hero of
13; Stamps dedicated to
Suvorov and medals in his name. Adresatam vrucheny; Stepanov, B.; Filatel iye SSSR; 5; May 1975; 28; in the Sebezh area, early July 1944. As shturmovoi aviatsi i; Dzol in'sh, Ya.; Stepanyan, '11'1111 divebomber pilot. Bessmertie geroya; Zhivov.
F i late, iye SSSR; 7; July 1975; 58; N.G.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
12-13; '11'1111 hero Pvt. A.P.
Biografiya marki. Pervaye matrosskaya.; Milanov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 2-4; The design and printing of the 1964 4kop. N.A. Vilkov stamp.
Bitva za Kavkaz; 80gdanovskii, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 6-9; Heroes, units and vessels of the campaign against the Nazis in the Caucasus. Bitva za Moskvu; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1982; 2-5; Stamps commemorating people and events connected with the Battle of Moscow, '11'1111. Boevoi put' 'Katyushi'; Skrylev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 44-45; A postal envelope with cachet showing the multiple-rocket-launcher 'Katyusha' monument 1n Rudnya. Byl
trubachom ... ; Polkovnikov, A.; F'lateliya SSSR; 5; May 1982; 52-54; Young Pioneer heroes of '11'1111. depicted on picture envelopes.
Cherez gOdy i likholet'ya; Murygin, hero D.G. SL,l im.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 5; Civil War
Chetyre parada; Vigilev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; parades depicted on Soviet stamps. D. Karbyshev; Bronshtein, G.; F1lateliya SSSR; Engineer Troops D. Karbyshev, '11'1111 hero.
11: Nav. 1~;
Four' military
Nov. 1980; 8-9; General-Lt. of
Desant v bessmertie; Smirnov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 40-41; A 1969 4k stamp honoring the 68 SOViet naval infantrymen in the raid on Nikolaevsk's port in 1944. Dolgaya pamyat' marok; Mirgorodskaya, V.; Kommunist Tadzhikistana; Stamps commemorating '11'1111. Dorogie reI ikvi i;
Levin, N.;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1983; 53-55;
Feb. 2,
Five '11'1111 heroes
Thematic, Mil itary
and picture envelopes issued in their honor. Druzhba, skreplennaya krov'yu; Strokov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; Soviet-Czech military cooperation in WWII.
12; Dec.
Dva obeliska na ostrove Shumshu; Varpakhovskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1968; 8-10; Two heroes in the battle for a Japanese-held island in the Kuriles, WWII. Dvazhdy geroi; Lur'e, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; hero of the Khalkin-Gol battle.
1975; 52;
1.S. Polbin, aviation
Ego nazyvali Ivanom Ivanovichem; Kolosov, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. Fritz Shmenkel', German deserter and Soviet WWII hero-partisan. Ehtikh dnei ne slTlolknet slava; Yaroshevskii, A.; L.L. Shestakov, WWII fighter pilot hero.
Filateliya SSSR;
Ehto bylo sorok let nazad; Pashko, F./Lyashenko, A.; 18; The Neva place d'armes, WWII.
1978; 56;
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR;
1980; 53;
5; May 1982;
Ehto bylo v Krasnodone; Mi 1', A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1973; 18-19; The 5 young partisans who were betrayed to the Germans, and the film about them. Filatelisticheskaya letopis' oboronnykh obshchestvennykh organizatsii SSSR; Orlov, V.; SK; 12; 1974; 20-35; OSOAVIAKhIM, DOSAAF, etc. Flot nashei Rodiny. Spravochnik-katalog.; Orlov, V.A.; 1977; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound book. Stamps, art envelopes with indicia and special cancels with a naval theme. Fotopamyat' Evgeniya Khaldeya; Leonidov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 14-17; Photocorrespondent E. Khaldei, and some of his pictures which served as the basis for stamp designs. Frontoviki, naden'te ordena!; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 16-17; The various medals of WWII, and the number awarded. Some names are included, plus dates when the medals were first introduced. Geroi ne umirayut; Batarshin, A.; Skuridin, WWII hero.
Fi latel iya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1979; 56;
Geroi s beregov Issyk-Kulya; Surin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983; 53; A picture envelope issued in honor of Jr. Sgt. K. Dzharkimbaev, WII hero. Geroi ... Pozabytye?; Mitin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. heroes on Soviet and foreign stamps and covers. Geroi-inostrantsy; Mitin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. of the Soviet Union', including some cosmonauts. Geroinya iz sela Cherkasskogo; Lur'e, Yu.; Mareseva, medic and WWII heroine. Geroyu-Kantemirovtsu; Lur'e, Peshekhonov, WWII hero.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
Gordost' vooruzhennykh sil SSSR; Chernyshev, Gvardeitsy-gastellovtsy; Lur'e, Yu.; Guards-aviation heroes ofWWII.
16-17; USSR military
3; Mar.
Foreign 'Heros 1979; 50-51; 2.1.
July 1974; 24;
Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Filateliya SSSR;
1978; 56-57;
pomnit mir spasennyi; Bogdanovskii, A./Mel 'nikov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 10-11; Stamps and stationery issued in honor of two women partisan heroines in WWII. snova poisk ... , Mel'nikova, T.; Filateliya SSSR: 3; Mar. 1975; 18-19; L.r. Kurakhtova's thematic collection of 'Women in the Battle Against Fascism'. Ikh imena nosyat pogranichnye zastavy; Bortnichuk, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1981; 6-8; WWII border guards heroes commemorated on picture envelopes. rmya geroya;
Filateliya SSSR;
Imya tvoe, komandir ... ; Koyander, Aviation S.A. Khudyakov.
1976; 50; M.A. Samarin, WWII hero.
Filatel iya SSSR; 7;
JUly 1982; 58; Marshal of
Interesting Items; Kessler, Mel; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 65-67; Includes a postage due postcard, an illustrated military letter sheet and an advertising letter sheet. Internatsionalisty; Bogdanovskii, A.; Istoriya podviga; Ozol in'sh,
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 56-57; A monument to
Thematic, Military
Two other heroes. Nurken Abdirov, Kazakh divebomber pilot and hero in WWII. Datestamps, Agadil Sukhambaev and Grigorii Lyadov, are also addressed. registration stamps and postage due marks are shown for the places named after the three. Istrebiteli 'tigrov'; Shilov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; guns and V.B, Borsoev on Soviet stamps.
11; Nov.
1975; 52: WWII anti-tank
Iz odnogo metalla l'yut medal' za bol, medal' za trud; Bogdanovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1985; 10-11; Heroic efforts by civilians to support the troops in WWII. K bor'be za delo kommunisticheskoi parti, bud'te gotovy!; Chigireva, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1967; 26-28; Pavlik Morozov, Lenya Gol ikov and Valva Kotik, hero-pioneers. Kaunasskie podpol'shchiki; Zairis, Yu.: Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. Lithuanian guerrilla fighters in Nazi-occupied Lithuania.
Kavalery zolotoi zvezdy; Shchedrin, G.; of the Soviet Union from WWII.
1971; 20-22; Heroes
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Kogda rodilas' 'Katyusha'?; Dmitriev, D.; 'Katyusha' multiple-rocket launcher.
Filateliya SSSR;
Komandarm-3; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; WWII armor commander.
1; Jan.
Komandir batal 'ona slavy; Lur'e, Yu.; B.N. Emel 'yanov, WWII hero.
11; Nov.
19; Three
10; The
1976; 51; Marshal P.S. Rybalko,
Fi latel iya SSSR; 2;
1977; 52-54; Lt. Col.
Komdiv sibirskoi; Kantemirov, B.; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 52; A picture envelope honoring General-Major L.N. Gurt'ev, commander of the 308th (Siberian) Rifle Division in WWII. Komissar Moskovski i; O'yachkov, L.; Moskovskii, Khalkin Gol hero.
Fi latel iya
10; Oct.
1982; 54-55; A.N.
Komsorg polka; Lylov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1967; 24-25; Sr. WWII Hero of the Soviet Union. Kremlevskie kursanty; S,dorov, S.; General Military Academy.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Lt. B.I. Sizov,
1985; 8-10; The Moscow
Legendarnaya ehpopeya. K 25- 1 godovshchine polnogo osvobozhdeniya Leningrada ot fashistskoi blokady.; Aren,n, Ehd.; F, latel iva SSSR; 1; Jan, 1969; 33-35 & one central illustration page; Lifting of the Leningrad Blockade in WWII. Legendarnyi komandarm; Lur'e Yu.; and the First Cavalry Army.
Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.
1983; 55-56; S.M Budennyi
Legendarnyi komdiv; Arman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 20; Stamps and stationery honoring V.I. Chapaev. Illustrations of two monuments are included. Lt.-General D.M. Karbyshev; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 12; May 1983; 47-48; A variety of the 1961 4kop. s<amp picturing the general. Lyudi odnoi sud'by; Meerovich, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1985; 58-59; Six postal stationery envelopes issued in honor of Stal ingrad heroes. Marka No. 2702 - Na bezymyannoi vysote: Mikhallov, F.: Filatel iya SSSR; 9; 8-9; V.S. Shalandin, WWII Hero of the SOViet Union, Marka No. 3855 i orden lz SShA; Nikolaev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1'; Nov, V.B. Borsoev and his award signed by Roosevelt and Stimson.
Markirovannye khudozhestvennye kartochki v gody Veliko! otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov, YU.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 34-398- baci< cover; Marshal
L.A. Govorov:
Marshal V.D.
Spivak, N.;
Sokolovski i;
Filateliya SSSR;
Isakov, M.;
1':'77: 3;
Fi latel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.
1977; 9;
Master vozdushnoi razvedki; Sushkov, M.; Filateliya SSSR: 5; May 1990; 8-9; The story of M.S. Zevakhin, pictured on an MS SSSR-issue picture envelope. Metelyam svintsovym navstrechu; Dovator, R.L.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Dec. Hero of the Soviet Union Dovator's daughter tells of his exploits.
1966; 30-33;
Mgnoveniya pobednogo salyuta: Aleksandrov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. back cover; An interview with N.A. Cherkasov, stamp designer.
1985: 20-21 &
Miloserdie i otvaga; Aizenshtein,
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1983; 55; SOViet
Thematic, Military
women paramedics in WWII. Moi otets Chapaev ... ; Chapa eva , K.; daughter on Chapaev.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1967; 24; Chapaev's
More Information on Russian Pictorial Military Covers; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 1978; 56-57; Moya tema: chasovye rodiny; 'Chekisty' on stamps.
Enbaev, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
My gordimsya ikh imenami; Troitskii, A.; from the vologda area.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1976; 51-53; Heroes
My zapomnim surovuyu osen'; Podol'nyi, E.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; Dec. defense of Moscow in WWII and the stamps commemorating it. Na strazhe mirnogo truda; Khrobostov, V.; front cover;
Filatel iva SSSR; 2;
Na strazhe sovetskogo mirnogo neba; Dvornikov, M.; 8-10; PVO forces on Soviet stamps.
1966; 6-8; The 1979;
Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug.
& inside 1975;
Na taran!; Kantemirov, B.; Filatel iva SSSR; 2; Feb. 1983; 52; A picture envelope commemorating V.A. Ermolaev, who rammed his T-34 into a German tank. Nas vodila molodost路 ... ; Mileshin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Gai, Red Army Civil War commander. Nash zemlyak; Grishin, V.; hero.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
11; Nov.
1979; 57; G.I.
Nash zemlyak; Pavlenko, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Suprun. WWII aviation hero.
3; Mar.
Nash zemlyak; Surin. V.; Filatel iva SSSR; Krivoshchekov. WWII hero.
July 1982; 58-59; Jr.
Navechno v pionerskom stroyu; Furin, pioneers who died in WWII.
1978; 56-57;
Filateliya SSSR;
Navechno v stroyu ... ; Lur路e. YU.; Filateliya SSSR; Spirin. WWII Hero of the Soviet Union.
Navechno v Komsomole; (n.a.l; Filatel iva SSSR; 5; Nov. heroine Zoya Kosmodem路yanskaya. Navechno zachislen ... ; Ivolgin, A.; WWII sapper hero.
Bratchikov, WWII
Lt. Col.
10; Oct.
10; Oct.
15-16; G.D.
19; Three
1975; 50; Sr.Lt. A.I.
1966; 24-25;
WWII Komsomol
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 24;
S.G. Baikov.
Ne pokinul pole boya; Zlatin, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 29; P.E. Atamanovskii, WWII military hero. Ne pomerknet v vekakh; Ezhov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 1-4 & inside front cover; Stamps issued in honor of the Soviet military's role in WWII. Nepokorennaya poltavchanka; Tokar', V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 56; Picture envelope honoring E.K. Ubiivovk. partisan heroine of WWII. Nesokrushimaya i legendarnaya: Podol'nyi, E.: Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. The mil itary theme collection of S.G. Poplavski i. WWII general.
Nestoyavshiisya vypusk; Vovin, Ya.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1968; 27; An unissued series intended to commemorate the 15th annlversary of the RKKA. Net krasivee Leningrada moego ... ; Ozol in', 14-17; Leningrad during the Blockade. Nikto ne zabyt; Delikatnyi, V.; military medicine in WWII.
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1985:
Lluly 1967;
11-13; Heros of
chem umolchal 'nash katalcg'? Sud'ba izvestna!; Vaks, N.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1967; 6-9; I.Ya. Sudmalis, Latvian Komsomol member and WWII Hero of the Soviet Union, and V.A. Orlov, who met him.
svoem raione; Rogal'skii, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 18-20; The stamp collectors in the Moscow suburb of Voroshilov put together a philatelic display on Marshal K.E. Voroshilov and others whose names appear on streets and monuments in the suburb.
Obraz voiny i pobedy; Orlov, Ognennaya duga;
V.; SK;
1975; 3-17;
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 2-4; The Battle of Kursk,
Thematic, Military
1943. Ognennyl taran kapitana Rogova; Kantemirov, 8.; Filateliya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1983; 54; A picture envelope commemorating A.G. Rogov, who rammed 11is burning plane into a bridge to halt a German advance in Oct. 1941. Ogni salyuta; Aizenshtein, E.; Filateliya ~SSR; 11; Nov. fireworks displays to honor mil itary achievements. Ogon', bronya i skorost'; Korostelev. Tanks.
Filateliya SSSR;
17-18; Ceremonial
11; Nov.
1971; 20-21;
On mechtal 0 more; Grigor'ev, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; vune 1983; 57; A picture envelope issued in honor of the Baku Kafur Mamedov Marine Academy. Oni opredelili nashu sud'bu; Levin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. stamped envelopes issued in honor of six WWII engineers. Oni priblizhali pobedu; 80risov, R.; marshals on stamps.
1985; 58-59; Six
Filateliya SSSR; 5: May 1986; 6-7; Soviet
Opalennyi voinoyu 1942 god; Shchedrin, G.;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Operatsiya 'Bagration'; Leonidov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Oct. to drive the Nazis out of Belorussia in 1944.
1975; 8-10;
1974; 9; The operation
Operatsiya 'Iskra'; Pashko, F./Lyashenko, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; van. 1983; 6-7; Postal stationery and stamp issues relating to 'Operation Spark' in Jan. 1943. Oreen pobedy; (n.a.); its history.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1973; 20; The 'Order of Victory' and
Ordenu Krasnogo znameni - 60 let; Karlov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; Order of the Red Banner and its recipients on stamps.
11; Nov.
1978; 54-55;
Orlenok moskovskogo neba; Dyuzheva, V.; Filatel iva SSSR: 2; Aug. 1966; 24-25; Hero of the Soviet Union V. Talal ikhin, the first Soviet pilot to ram a German plane at night. Osnovnye raznovidnosti marok odnoi serii; Bauman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; V; Varieties in the 'medals' series of 1952-53 and 1960. Osobyi orden; Smirnov, A.; Fila~eliya SSSR; first introduced in 1943.
11; Nov.
11; Nov.
1973; 29; The Order of Glory,
Ot Dona do Vi sly; Levin, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983: 56-57; Picture envelope honorIng S.V. Egorov, WWII engineer hero. Ot Stalingrada do Belgrada; Lur'e, Yu.; S.S. Biryuzov.
Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1974; 21; Marshal
Otkrytka iz 43-go goda; Goloveshkin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 7; A 1943 PPC with a portrait of K. Chernyavskaya, WWII heroine. Dtkrytki ognennykh let; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1978; 7 & inside front cover; Rare color picture postcards of 1919-1920, with a military propaganda theme. Otkrytki-agitatory; Zabochen', M.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 5; May 1975; 61-62; WWII and post-WWII PPCs with various portraits and scenes of the victory over Nazi Germany. Otvazhnaya svyaznaya; Pashko, F./Lyashenko, A.; 54-55; 5.1. Safronova, WWll heroine.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Otvazhnyi voir;; Reikhmar" G.; Filatel1)'8 SSSR; 8; Aug. 1983: 52-53; A picture envelope issued ir ~lcnor of G~ards Sgt. V.M. Schastnov, WWII hero. Pamyat' 0 dne Boroolna; Kcrabel'nikov, A./et a1.; The Battle of Borcdino Museum in Moscow.
Filatel;ya SSSR;
Pamyatnik' muzhestvLi i geroizmu; In.a.); "ilateliya SSSR; 2; Monuments to Soviet military feats and heros.
12; Dec.
1974: 4;
1985: 40-42;
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; from #2, 1985.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1985; 42; Continued
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; from #3.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985; 40; Continued
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; Continued from #5.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1985; 44-45;
Thematic, Military
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. supplement to the installment in #4.
1985; 46-47; A
Parad pobedy; Orlov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 23; The Victory Parade after the capitulation of Nazi Germany. Pervyi boevoi; Burkov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 24; The first military order establ ished in the USSR - the Red Banner. Pervyi laureat leninskogo Komsomola; Sokolova, D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Dec. 34-35; N.A. Ostrovskii, Soviet author and soldier. Pevets Pervoi konnoi; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; painter of various 'First Horse' Civil War scenes. Pionery v soldatskikh shinelyakh; Chernyshov, A.; 52-54; Soviet pioneer youth in WWII.
17-18; M.B. Grekov,
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1985;
Pirogov v Vinnitse; Antonovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 11; A Vinnitsa museum dedicated to N.I. Pirogov, founder of Russian military field surgery. Pis'ma k materi geroya; Lur'e, Yu.; B.N. Dmitrievski i, WWII hero. Pis'ma leitenanta; Lur'e, Yu.; Grigor'ev, WWII hero.
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
Pis'mo proryvaet blokadu; Freidlin, out of blockaded Leningrad.
12; Dec.
1976; 56-57;
Sr. Lt.
July 1979; 56-57; Sr. Lt. N.I.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975;
14-15; Mail
Po 'Doroge zhizni'; Burshtein, D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 52-53; The 'Road of Life' operation to resupply Leningrad via Lake Ladoga. Po sledam bessmertnogo pOdviga; Malov, WWII war heroes.
Filateliya SSSR; 7' July 1983; 24-25;
Pochtovye kartochki groznykh let; Mil', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1975; 7; The author attempts to establish when certain one-sided postcards with wartime propaganda cachets were issued. Pod znakom bratskoi solidarnosti; Shein, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. The Battle of Khalkin Gol on Soviet and Mongolian stamps.
1978; 60-61;
Podrugi-snaipery; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 21-22; N.V. Kovshova and M.S. Polivanova, Soviet female snipers in WWII. Podvig devyati; Ozol in'sh, Ya.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1979; 55; The story of 9 Soviet soldiers surrounded by Germans near the town of Geroiskoe in the Crimea. Podvig geroev - v nashikh serdtsakh; Lur'e, Yu.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10-14; Postal issues with a Stalingrad theme.
12; Dec.
Podvig kovpakovtsev; Spivak, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 55; S.A. Kovpak and his exploits at the head of a partisan unit in WWII. Podvig na Dal'nem Vostoke; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. front cover; The Soviet military in the Far East, WWII.
& inside
Podvig politruka; Veprinskii, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 55; Picture envelope commemorating A.N. Godovikov, WWII pilot. Podvig sevastopol'tsev; Sachkov, I.; defense of Sevastopcl' in WWII. Podvig soldata; P., N.; action in WWII. Podvig zemlyakov; WWII hero.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 7;
18-19; The
1973; 6; Aleksandr Matrosov's heroic
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Podvig 13-i zastavy; Gringauz, L.; border guard and WWII hero.
July 1972;
Filatel iya SSSR;
1976; 50-51; A.E. Uglovskii,
10; Oct.
1982; 54; A.V.
Poedinok s 'chetvertoi past'yu'; Ozolin'sh, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 56; A town on Sakhal in Island named after WWII hero A.E. Buyukly. Poisk odnopolchanina; Bekishev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 54-55; A friend's efforts to correct mil itary records for YU.V. Smirnov. WWII hero. Poisk prodolzhaetsya; Sachkov, 1.: Filateliya SSSR; 9: Sep. information on the Komsomol AA-gunner P.P. Skvortsov.
1973; 31; More
Thematic, Military
Polet v budushchee; Ehgenburg, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; Bakhchivandzhi. the first Soviet jet pilot.
July 1982; 9-10; G.Ya.
Poslednii shturm; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1985; 1-2 & inside front cover; Soviet and foreign stamps commemorating the capture of Berlin in 1945. Postup' glavnogo parada; Lur'e, Yu.; Filate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1985; 6-7; The 24 June 1945 victory parade on Red Square. Povtorenie podviga Gastello; Ozol in'sh. Ya.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. Lt. E.I. Lobanov, WWII hero, and the town named after him.
1979; 55; St.
Povtorivshi i podvig Gastello; Lur'e, Yu.: Fi latel iva SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 54; Cpt. Yu.D. Ivliev, WWII mil itary hero WllO crashed his plane into a concentration of enemy soldiers. Prazdnik pobedy na sovetskikh pochtovykh shtempelyakh; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1985; 44-45; Various special canceis issued over the years to commemorate the Soviet victory in 1945. Put' geroev; Drobiz, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Masha Polivanova, WWII sniper-heroines. Put' geroya; Khodehs, ace.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Rakety na markakh; Grinberg, M.; Filateliya SSSR; on Soviet and foreign stamps. Raspyatyi, no ne pobezhdennyi; Mil', Smirnov, WWII military hero.
1977; 51-52;
Natasha Kovshova and
1978; 54-55;
3; Mar.
I.V. Bochkov, WWII 11; Military rockets
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974;
Radom iz Dagestana; Lur'e, Yu.; Filatel1ya SSSR; 3; Mar. Nuradilov, WWII mil itary here.
18; YU.V.
1976; 50-5'; Khanpasha
Russian Military Pictorial Covers: Furtrer Information; Leppa, August; Rosslca; 115; Oct. 1990; 32; Number 3 i~ the Benniker & Cinaja (Vil'na) series of pictorial covers, 1915. Russian Troops on the Salonika Front ,n Worid War I; Torrey, Gordon; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 88-90; S imenem Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo; Burkov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. The Bogdan Khmelnjtsky meda; for WWII campaign~ in the Ukra~ne.
Samyi severnyi front: Chutkin, 0.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; by Murmansk fishing fleet men to the WWII effort.
June 1985; 7-8; Contributions
Serdtse zhenskoe ... ; Fainshtein, heroines.
3; Mar.
Filatel iva SSSR;
Shag v bessmertie; Korsunskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR: WWII commander of a destroyer. Shag v legendu; Lur'e, Yu.; Fiiatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. p.I. Grustnev, Hero of the Soviet Union.
11; Nov.
1975; 58-59; WWII
1981; 51;
1973; 20; The WWII exploits of
Shestero smelykh; Kantemirov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983; 54-55; Six WWII heroes honored with picture envelopes. The six fought behind German lines with the partisans from 1943 to 1944. Shturman pikiruyushchego; Yurin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 5: May 1980; 56-57; A.L. Zubkova. navigator aboard a dive bomber i~ WWII. Shturmovye nochi .... (n.a.): Fllate'lly2, SSSR; ::: Feb. 1972; 2.4; A 1957 Soviet PPC c;' Sergei Lazo. Civil War hero against the White Guards and Jaoanese 'interventionists' . Sil'nee smerti; Matveichuk, N.; ~ilatel1ya SSSR; 5: May 1975; 28-29: A.M. Stepanov. one of tne nIne Stepanova sons killed in WWII. Simvol pobedy; Kazbekov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; Stal ingrad - monuments and stamps commemorating it.
10; The Battle of
Simvol voinskoi doblesti (Ordenu otechestvennoi voiny - 30 let); Bogdanovskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 19; Thirtieth anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Order. Slava armi i rodnoi; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 2; to the Armed Forces of the USSR" Slavnaya letopis' Izhorskogo zavoda;
1975; 4-5; A PPC entitled 'Glory
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1985; 9;
Thematic, Mil itary The A.A.
Zhdanov plant in Izhora and its role in mil itary support.
Soldat i pamyatnik; Gurvits, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 22-23; The Soviet memorial in Treptow, Berlin, dedicated to those Soviet soldiers who fell in taking the capital. Soldat i polkovodets: Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1973; Chernyakhovskii, commander of 60th Army during WWII.
Soratniki v boyu, druzya v mirnoi zhizni; Zuiko, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; 11-13; Soviets and WWII al lies on SOViet stamps. Sovetskaya filateliya 0 geroyakh grazhdanskoi voiny; Nikiforov, A.; 10; Oct. 1967; 2-4; Sovetskoi gvardii
- sorok let; Goncharuk,
1983; 48;
Stranitsy muzhestva i slavy; Grinberg, M.; Soviet artillery pieces on stamps.
Filatel iya SSSR;
Svideteli, uchastniki, boitsy; Fainshtein, WWII Soviet military PPCs.
idut v boi; Karlov, commanders in WWII.
Tvoi syny, Azerbaidzhan; Arzumanov, G.; WWII heroes.
1972; Feb.
Filateliya SSSR; 8;
1970; 42-43;
Peter; Rossica;
52; A picture envelope Aug.
1985; 7-9; Azeri
Two Interesting Military Pictorial Covers; Torrey. Gordon; Rossica; 89; Envelopes depicting various stages in military 1 ife and training. U podnozhiya gory Mitridat; Dsyatinskii, A.; Kerch' and its defense during WWII.
1985; 4-7; Tanks and tank
1941-1945; Michalove,
Tsenoyu zhizni; Shumilov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; B; Aug. issued in honor of Lt. M.A. Maliev, WWII hero.
1981; 8-10;
A French lettercard
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Fi latel iya SSSR; 4;
The American Supply Convoys to Murmansk, 106-107; 1985; 106-108;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Stranitsy istorii; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. posted by a Russian soldier in Saloniki.
Filateliya SSSR;
1975; 55-56;
7; JUly 1975; 58-59;
UchE,'nyi-artillerist; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1975; 12-13; inventor of a smokeless-powder rocket, and an artillery man.
LP. Grave,
Ukhodi 1 i v pokhod partizany ... ; Berkovich, G.; D.P. Dshkaln, WWII hero.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 59;
V boyakh rozhdennye; Pashko, F./Lyashenko, A.; Honoring Soviet communications troops.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 7-9;
V Moskvu ne vernulsya; Lur'e, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1983; 52-53; A picture envelope commemorating F.G. Nelidov, a WWII Hero of the Soviet Union. V.I.
Lenin i sovetskie vooruzhennye sily; Bogdanovskii, A.; 1978; 1-6;
Filateliya SSSR;
Valipost Eesti Vabadussojas 1918-1920; Djaste, E./et a1.; Eesti Filate1ist: 18-19; 1976; 119-127; Cachets of Estonian military units. InclUdes an Engl ish and German summary. Valipost Eestl Vabadussojas 1918-1920; Djaste, E./et a1.; Eesti Filatelist: 22-23; 1978; 184-192; Estonian mil ltary cachets list. Includes an Amerlcan Red Cross marking. Vechnaya slava geroyam; Samuilikovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Monuments dedicated to the defenders of Leningrad.
Vekhi muzhestva i slavy; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; cancellations with a WW:I theme.
5; May 1975; 25-27;
Vo slavu rodiny; Markov, V.; Filateliya SSSR: 2; Feb. collector's approach to the Soviet military.
1990; 9-11; A thematic
Vooruzhennym silam posvyashchennye; Gorbatsevich, A.; 3-5;
Filateliya SSSR; 2'
Vozdushnyi razvedchik; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. envelope dedicated to Cpt. N.E. Samokhin, WWII pilot. Vpered za Rodinu!; Bortnichuk, V.;
Filatel iya SSSR; 2;
1981; 54; A picture 1983; 53; A picture
Thematic, Military
envelope commemorating N.S.
Shevlyakov. a WWII Hero of the Soviet Union.
Vydayushchiesya voenachal'niki; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. I.S. Isakov and Marshal F.r. Tolbukh,n, WWII heroes.
1974; 4; Admiral
Vydayushchiisya voenachal'nik; Rodion Malinovsky.
1973: 4; Marshal
Filateliya SSSR;
Vysechennye iz kamnya; Bogdanovskii, A.; Monuments to WWII exploits. Za liniei fronta; WWII hero.
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 55-56;
Zdes' rozhdalas' zarya pobedy; Kolosov, fortress of Brest-Litovsk. Zdravstvui, Anatolii Zhivov!; Meerovich, A. Zhivov, WWII hero.
1974; 21-23; c..Kh. Papernik,
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
I=ilatel,ya SSSR;
Zemlya geroev; Arzumanov. G.; F,latel iva SSSR; war hero of Novorossiisk. Zheleznyi Martyn'; Elina, N.; Soviet Civil War hero.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Zhizn' - podvig; Komissarov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Chernyakhovskii, Soviet General of the Army.
1976; 47-49; The
11; Nov.
1982; 53-54;
1983; 4-5; TS.L. Kunikov, 1977; 54; Ya.F.
12; Dec.
1986; 40-41;
Znaki pochtovoi oplaty perioda Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny; Kuznetsov, Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 34-38; Continued from #3, 1985.
Znamenatel'nyi yUbilei; Orlov, V.; Fiiateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 14; A Soviet special cancel honoring the 30th anniversary of the defense of Liepaja. Zvezdy zolotye; Sheverdyaev, N./Shein, R.; Filate~ iya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 7-9; Military ~nd civilian winners of ~he 'Hero of the Soviet Union' gold star medal. 1418 dnei i nochei; Lur'e, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 1-3 & inside front cover; Photos of several rare propaganda postcards are included. 30 let osvobozhdeniya Novorossi iska i Bryanska; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1973; 6; The 30th anniversary of the liberation of Novorossiisk and Bryansk. 65 let vooruzhennym silam SSSR; Bogdanovskii,
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1983; 3-5;
Thematic. Monuments
'Derznoveniyu podobno'; Skorokhodova. G.; Filatel iVa SSSR; ii; Nov. 1974; 29-30; About construction of the 'Bronze Horseman' statue in St. Petersburg. Two PPCs are illustrated. 'Leniniana' skul'ptora Kozlova; 38-39:
Samuilikovich. S.;
Arkhitektura severnoi stolitsy; Leningrad.
Pavlukhin. V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
11; Nov.
1974; 32-33;
Boevoi put' 'Katyushi'; Skrylev. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 44-45; A postal envelope with cachet showing the multipl~-rocket-launcher 'Katyusha' monument in RUdnya. Brandenburgskie vorota; Timofeev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 62; The Brandenburg Gate on Soviet and foreign stamps. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 46; A brief list of Soviet Antarctic stations with their own postal cancellers, and information on the monuments pictured on the 1973 stamps issued on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Far East from White forces. Chtoby mir na Zemle sokhranit'; Sinegubov, V.; Filatel iVa SSSR; 7; JUly 1978; 54-55; Monuments to Soviet Navy personnel in WWII. Ego slava (k 200-letiyu Sevastopolya); Klimov,
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1983;
Eshche raz 0 Skul'pture na krasnykh kamnyakh; Shein, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 40; The story of how the first monument to Lenin in the Caucasus was made. Gordost' bakinskogo proletariata; Sergeev, G.; I.T. Fioletov and the '26 Baku Komissars'
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. monument.
Istoriya podviga; Ozolin'sh, Ya.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1978; Nurken Abdirov. Kazakh divebomber pilot and hero in WWII. Agadil Sukhambaev and Grigorii Lyadov, are also addressed. registration stamps and postage due marks are shown for the the three.
1986; 2-3;
56-57; A monument to Two other heroes, Datestamps, places named after
K yUbileyu V.K. Arsen'eva; Treskina, 0.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; monument to V.K. Arsen'ev in the Far Eastern town of Arsen'ev.
Legendarnyi komdiv; Arman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 20; Stamps and stationery honoring V.I. Chapaev. Il1ustratlons of two monuments are included. Monument na ploshchadi Pobedy; (n.a.); monument to the Red Army.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1974; 8; A Bucharest
Monumental'naya letopis' stolitsy; Konstantinova, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 4-6; Monuments in Moscow, portrayed on Soviet stamps. Monumenty slavy; Doroshev, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Obelisk u podnozhiya Mashuka; Pol'skaya. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 30-31; The obelisk in Pyatigorsk, marking the spot of Lermontov's duel with N.S. Martynov. Otchizny vet'nye syny; Fomichev, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1981; 52-54; Picture envelopes issued to commemorate komsomol and pioneer 'tours' of historical sites. Otkrytoe pis'mo - dokument istorii; Sheln, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 52; A picture postcard showing the first monument to Lenin in the Caucasus. Pamyatnik v Saranske; Fedoseenko, L.; Fiiateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1970; 37; A monument in Saransk, dedicated to the three Soviet 'stratonauts' who perished in a bal loon disaster in 1934. Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; Cont i nued from # 12, 1984.
Filateliya SSSR;
1985; 43-45;
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Monuments to Soviet mil itary feats and heros.
1985: 40-42;
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; from #2, 1985.
(n. a. ) ; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Pamyatniki muzhestvu from #3.
(n. a. ) : Filateliya SSSR;
Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu;
1985; 42 ; Continued
5; May 1985; 40; Continued
Filateiiya SSSR; 6;
June 1985; 44-45;
Thematic, Monuments
Continued from #5. Pamyatniki muzhestvu i geroizmu; (n.a.); Fileteliya SSSR; supplement to the installment in #4. Pamyatniki na markakh; Leus. D.: Rossica; Russian charity stamps of 1905.
18; Dec.
B; Aug. 129-134:
Pamyatniki starogo Baku; (n.a.): Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. envelopes with cachets showing monuments in Old Baku. Pamyatniki A.S.
1985; 46-47; A Includes the
1972; 28-29; Postal
Frolova, G.; FilateliyR SSSR; 9; Sep.
1974; 26;
Pamyatniki, sokhranivshiesya tol'ko na otkrytkakh; Zabochen', M.; SKi 6' 135-143;
Podvig kovpakovtsev; Spivak. N.: Filateliya SSSR: 7; JUly 1977; 55; S.A. Kovpak and his exploits at the head of a partisan unit in WWII. Pravoflangovyi; Kazbekov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 2; Pavlik Morozov, Pioneer and Enitch.
1972; 23; The monument to
Puteshestvennik iz Tveri; (n.a.); Fi latel iva SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 9; A monument in Kalinin to Afanasii Nikitin, 15th century Russian traveler to India. Simvol pobedy; Kazbekov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; Stalingrad - monuments and stamps commemorating it.
10; The Battle of
Soldat i pamyatnik; Gurvits, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 22-23; The Soviet memorial in Treptow, Berlin, dedicated to those Soviet soldiers who fell in taking the capital. Soyuz serpa i molota; Fedorov, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 5-8; Stamps. stationery and special cancels dedicated to the 'Worker and Peasant Woman' monument in Moscow. Spasennyi pamyatnik; Popov, Yu.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1970; 24-25; A collection of 5 brief stcries on monuments to Pushkin, illustrated by PPCs. Spravochnyi stol; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1975; 31; The story of the I.P. Ka I yaev monument in Moscow, ancJ a PPC show i ng it. Tirazhirovannye oshibki; Oganesyan, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 61; The author enumerates several errors in the text of picture envelopes issued by the government. one of them the monument to Lermontov in Pyatigorsk. Tvoi putevoditel' po ulitsam MOSkvy; Grudtsova. 0.; 33-34;
Filateliya SSSR;
7; JUly 1969;
V bronze i kamne vospetye; Markov, V.P.; 1990; Radio i Svyaz', Moscow; Exhaustive listing of stamps and postal stationery issued by ':he Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries (plus Mongolia and North Korea), showing monuments to RusEian and Soviet heroes and accompl ishments up through WWII. V bronze i mramore; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Lenin monuments on stamps.
V mramore i bronze; Belousov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1-2 & inside front cover; 1980; 8-9;
Vechnaya slava geroyam; Samuilikovich. S.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Monuments dedicated to the defenders of Leningrad. VOploshchennaya v kamne;
Vysechennye iz kamnya; Bogdanovskl1. A.: Monuments to WWII exploits.
Filateliya SSSR; Fjlate'liya SSSR;
1; Jan.
Lenin monuments
1974; 28-29:
1972; 26:
10: Oct.
197<1; 21-23;
Thematic, Mountaineering Goram brosaya vyzov; Ageev, cover;
07/13/93 YU.;
Filateliya SSSR;
V zvezdnyi chas; Vendelovskii, V./Kovalenko, D.; The Soviet Mt. Everest expedition.
12; Dec.
10-11 & inside back
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1982; 8-9;
Thematic, Music
(n.t.); Blazhnova. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 22; Tne Aug. honoring the Georgian composer Z.P. Paliashvili.
1971 stamp
(n.t.); Cronin. Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 70; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. Translation of a postcard sent to a concert agent informing him where he ~an write to contact ? I . Tchaikowsky. (n.t.); Ilyushin. A.S.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 70"71; Information on postal stationery honoring composer N.Va. Myaskovskii and S.S. Prokof'ev. and more on Staliniana . ... Mezhdu proshlym i budushchim; Vul'f. M.; Filatellya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 20-21; A cacheted postal envelope in honor of A.K. Glazunov. Includes a brief biographical sketch. 'Krasnyi skripach'; Minasyan, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Estonlan revolutionary and violinist.
1979; 6-7; Eduard Syrmus.
'Zatyvshaya muzyka'; 'Muzykant'; Filatel iva SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 17; An anonymous letter complains about picture-envelope-issuing policies that favor some music theaters and ignore other. equally or more important ones. Avtoram Internatsionala posvyashchaetsya; Leonidov. P.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 38-39; Soviet and foreign stamps commemorating the author and composer of the 'Internationale". Biografiya otkrytki; Mikhai lov, V.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Dargomyszhskii. from a painting by P.T. Borispolets.
1968; 34; A PPC of A.S.
Cherez bor'bu k pobede; Krasnova. M.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. van Beethoven on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
1977; 42-43;
Erstta9sbriefe - Nicht nur aus Moskau; Tobler-Sommerfeld. H.; Pochta; 43; Aug. 29-30; Gimn proletariev; Shkurlyat'eva, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; of the 'International' and stamps commemorating it.
1981; 52-53; History
Illyustratsiya k biografii; Bukharov. 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 21; The 1971 4k A. Spendiarov portrait stamp, and a problem with the a-tist's dat'3 of ~943. K 100-letiyu 50 dnya rozhdeniya S.V. Rakhmaninova; 1973; 11;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Komponisten der Sowjetunion auf Briefmarken der UdSSR: Nietsch, Wolfgang; ZRSP; 39: Dec. 1985; 60-65; Leisya, pesnya; Shkurlyat'eva, M.; Russian People'S Choir.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 44-45; The RSFSR
Moskovskaya konservatoriya; Ginzburg. L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 100th anniversary of the Moscow State Conservatory.
1967; 21-22; The
Muzykal'naya rosslka i sovetika; Ginzburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June! 1979; 18-21; Foreign stamp issues honoring Russian and SOViet composers, ballet dancers, musicians, etc. Obratite vnimanie: ShlShkov, V.; F~lateliya SSSR; 11-12; NOv.-Dec. 1968; 13; Two varieties of the 1966 Third International Tchaikowsky Competition stamp, and its plating. Patriot zemli russkoi; Gl inka.
Bekishev, V.;
Pevets Rossi';; Ginzbul"g,
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Filate1iya 55SR; 2:
Prazdnik muzyki; (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR: 9: Oct. competition in Moscow.
10-11; M.l. Crlaliapin.
10: The Tchaikowsky
Raznovidnosti tirazha; Skrylev. A.. ; Filateliya SSSR; 7: clune 1969; 13-15; Various types of the 1966 International Tchaikowsky Competition issue. Rossiya - Glinke. 1885.; Bogatyrev. N.; honoring M.I. Glinka.
Filateliya SSSR;
12: Dec.
Russia's Musical Envelopes; Posell, Jacques; Rossica; 90-91; 1976; 39-45; A description and 1 isting of Soviet postal stationery commemorating Russian composers. Russia's Musicians on Stamps; Posell, RU5skie i sovetskie kompozitory i
Jacques; Rossica; 80;
1971: 49-62;
ispolniteli na pochtovykh markakh; Ginzburg.
Thematic, Music Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
07/13/93 1978;
14-19; Russian and Soviet composers on stamps.
Slav'sya, slav'sya ty, Rus' moya!; Shkurlyat'eva, M.; 56-58; M.I. Glinka, Russian composer.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; July 1982;
Stoletie Kirillusa Kreeka; Valpi, Elmar; Eesti Kollektsionaar; 1; Dec. back cover; Cyrillus Kreegi, Estonian composer and pedagogue.
The Life and Times of Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 60-63; A.A. Zhdanov and some of his cultural victims - Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Khatchaturian, Myaskovskii, and Snostakovich. Tochka otscheta; Shkurlyat'eva, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. exhibitor's approach to a P.I. Tchaikowsky theme.
15; One
Ty slushaesh' muzyku ... na markakh; Drozdova, E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 26-27; Vse chto mog - sdelal ... ; Vaks,
I.; Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1974; 32; V.V. Stasov.
Vysokoe zvanie pedagoga; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; Gnesina, pianist and piano teacher.
1; Jan.
Yubilei azerbaidzhanskoi opery i baleta; Arzumanov, G.; 1982; 7-9;
12-13; Prof. E.F.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Zarubezhnye kompozitory na sovetskikh pochtovykh markakh; Ginzburg, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 17-18; Foreign composers on Soviet stamps.
Thematic, Nationalities
(n.t.); Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 70; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. A 1936 bilingual postmark from Engel '& Kiosk 5 in the Volga-German Republ ic. (n.t.); Weikard, Helmut; Post Rider; province. A German settlement.
Fal'ts-Feinovo in Kherson
1983; 84;
Another Originating Point for the Andreas Lilge Correspondence; Scrimgeour, Gray; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 6-7; A cover addressed to German pastor Andreas Lilge in Canada. posted from Zhitomir. Die Postgeschichte der Wolgadeutschen; Cronln, Trans'lated from 'Post Rider' #8, 1981.
ZRSP; 34; Apr.
1984; 33-39;
K novym vershinam; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 4-6; An interview with S.G. Batyev, Chairman of the Tatar ASSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. Includes picture envelopes with Tatar themes. Nakhichevanskoi ASSR - 50 let; Naveki s Rossiei; Shevchenko, Autonomous Oblast'.
(n.a.); E.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
3; Mar.
12; Dec.
1974; 5;
1982; 9; Tne Adygei
Naveki vmeste; Arakelov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 8-11; Stamps. postal stationery and special cancels with an Armenian theme. Nov' solnechnogo Uzbekistana; Mil', A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1974; 3;
Drdenonosnaya Checheno-Ingushetiya; Stremoukhov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 10-11; Chechen-Ingush scenes on Soviet cacheted envelopes.
Parad natsional'nykh kostyumov; Shevelev, A.; Filateliya SSSR: 12; Dec. Costumes of various national ities on Soviet postal emissions.
Pisatel', uchenyi, obshchestvennyi deyatel '; Bronshtein, G,; Filateliya SSSR: 3; Mar. 1978; 61; Sadriddin Aini, Tadzhik wr,ter and s~ientist. Two lines of the text have been excised in the Library's copy. Pochta na sele; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Bashkir GOSPLAN adoption of plans to expand ru~al postal service. Poeht Abkhazii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 7; A postal envelope honoring D.l. Gulia, Abkhazian poet. Preobrazhennaya pustynya; Viktorov, V.; Turkmenistan.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
stationery 1974; 6;
Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1955; Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Original softbound book. Includes information on early Soviet stamp designers, and many themes. Reka, daruyushchaya zhizn'; Bogatyrev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; Construction of the Great Fergana Canal in Uzbek,stan.
10; Oct.
1979; 7-8;
Sokrovishcha kazakhstanskoi zeml i; Nikolaev, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1982; 1-3 & inside front cover; Kazakh scenes and people on stamps ana picture envelopes. Some Notes on Birobidzan; Cronin, Andrew: Post Rider; 7; Dec. postal history on the Jewish Autonomous District. Sovetskaya Kirgiziya; Kazbekov, V.; Filatel,ya SSSR; 9; stationery and cancellatlons honoring Kirgizia.
1980; 28-34; Notes and 1972: 4-6; Stamps,
Spravki cherez pochtu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; Julv 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Bashkir Communications Ad~inistrat,on approval of an agreement to carry peasant 'spravki' to a local newspaper. St ill More About the Volga Germans: eron,n,
Post Rlder;
St, 1 1 More About the VOlga Germans;
Lechtansk i , John;
St ill More About the Volga Germans;
Leppa, August; Post Rider;
St ill More About the Volga Germans; Taylor, Robert:
Post Rider;
Stil I More About Volga-German Postal History; Cronin, Andrew; 1992: 61-64; Yu.;
Filateliya SSSR;
10; May 1982: 65;
10; May 1982; 66;
Post Rider;
St ill More About Moldavia; Woollam, J.V./et al. ; Post Rider;
Tam, gde techet Volga; Kirillov,
10; May 1982; 66;
10; May 1982; 65-66;
1990; 65-66;
Post Rider; 30; June
11; Nov.
1982; 2-5; Soviet
Thematic, Nationalities postal
issues with Udmurt, Chuvash, Mary, and Mordva themes.
Tatarizatsiya pOChtovo-telegrafnykh uchrezhdenii Kryma; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the NKPiT attempting to 'Tatarize' its post offices in the Crimea. Tebe, Belarus'!; KoloSDV, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; Belorussia and Belorussians. The Crimea in Philately; Steyn,
1; Jan.
1969; 30-31; Stamps devoted to
118; Apr.
1992; 53-57;
The German Enclaves on the Volga; Wortman, A.H.; Post Rlder; 12; May 1983; 37-43; Covers from various 'German' towns in Russia are illustrated, as is a railroad cover of Ural'sk-152-Urbakh. The German Presence in Alberta; Spencer, Keith; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 3-6; German Protestant settlers in Canada, some of them from the Ukraine and Poland. The Nationalities Question and How It Manifested Itself in Postmarks; Steyn, Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 84-87; Tsveti, Moldova!;
Frunze, V.;
Fi latel iva SSSR;
10; Oct.
U podnozhiya sedogo Pamira; Saiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Tadzhikistan.
1974; 8; Moldavia. 11; Nov.
1974; 5;
Udmurtiya v filatelii SSSR. Katalog-spravochnik.; (n.a.); 1986; Udmurtskoe respublikanskoe agentstvo 'Soyuzpechat"; Original softbound handbook of Soviet postal issues and postmarks with an Udmurt theme. V bratskoi sem'e; Sladkov, L.;
Filateliya SSSR;
V bratskom soyuze; Ponomarev, A.; cancels honoring Buryatiya.
11; Nov.
1974; 4; Kirgizia.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1983; 4-5; Stationery and
Vsebashkirskaya konferentsiya soyuza svyazi 0 rabote upolsvyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7' JUly 1925; 136; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on Bashkir Sovnarkom approval of that year's efforts to improve communications service to the populace. Yazyk natsional'nykh men'shinstv v apparate Svyazi; Sh., A.; ZhTS; 2; Feb. 1925; 106-107; The author suggests various steps to improve the Soviet Post's capabilities in minority languages. YUbilei Osetii; Samorodova, N.; Filatel iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 8; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 50th anniversary of Osetia's 'autonomy'. Zur Postgeschichte der Deutschen Siedler in Russland vor 1914; (n.a.); ZRSP; 35; Sep. 1984; 35-46; Placename list from '100 Jahre Erbhofrecht der Deutschen Kolonisten in Russland', by T. Hummel.
Thematic, Naval
'Komanduyu flotom. Leitenant Shmidt.' (K 65-letiyu so dnya gibeli P.P. Shmidta); Sachkov, 1.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1971; 31: Lt. Schmidt and tile cruiser Ochakov, 1905. Biografiya marki. Pervaya matrosskaya.; Milanov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 2-4; The design and pr'inting of the 1964 4kop. N.A. Vilkov stamp.
Captain Rudnev, the Cruiser 'Varyag' and Sunary Varieties; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 1991; 65-67; Chtoby mir na Zemle sokhranit'; Siregubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR: Monuments to Soviet Navy personnel in WWII.
July 1978; 54-55;
Dral is' po-geroiski, po-russki; Sinegubov, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. V.V. Khodyrev, WWII Hero of the Soviet Union at Sevastopol '. Flagman revolyutsii; Sinegubov, V.; 'Aurora' . Flot nashei Rodiny; orlov, V.; Flot v al 'bome; Shevelev, A.; Gordost' nashego flota: warship series.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
SKi 9;
1977; 20-21; The
1971: 21-39;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
orlov, V.;
1967: 24-26;
1; Jan.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1970; 28-29; The 1970
Gordost' russkogo flota; Denisov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 9; A s~ecial cancel honoring Vice-Admiral S.D. Makarov, who pel'ished in the Russo-Japanese War. Imenem 'Soobrazltel 'nyi' narechen dvazhdy; orlov, V. 19-20; The Soviet destroyer 'Soobrazitel'nyi'.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Imeni oktyabrya; Vitin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; that have borne the name 'oktyabr'skaya Revolyutsiya'. Istoriya sovetskogo voenno-morskogo flaga; orlov, 30-32; History of the Soviet Navy flag.
18-19; The two warships
Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1969;
Khranitel' istori i; Afanas'eva, Z./GLldkin-'Vasi 1 'e\l, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 10; 250th anniversary of the establishment of the State Central Archives of the USSR Navy. Korabli-gero i na pochtovykh markakh; Shchedrln, G.; Filateliya 12-13; The 1973 Soviet warships series of stamps.
8; Aug.
Kreiser - veteran; Aleksandrov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 52-53; The cruiser 'Kirov' on stamps and cacheted postal stationery. Legendarnyi kreiser revolyutSii; Zabochen', M.: Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; 6-8; The cruiser Aurora and its crew during the October Revolution, on postcards. Messina pomnit russkikh; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 24-25; The 1909 earthquake in Messina, and the Russian naval forces which aided the victims. Moi
'Potemkinski i ugolok'; Marchenko, Battleship Potemkin.
Fi latel iva SSSR; 6;
June. 1970;
Nagrady flotskoi doblesti; Krachkevich, L./Shein, R.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 7-9; Medals awarded to Soviet fleet commanders in WWII. Navarinskoe srazhenie; Druyan, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR: 4' Apr. 1972; 24-26: The 1824 English-French-Russian intervention on the side of the Greek rebels against the Turks. Podshefnyi Komsomola; Sinegubov, V.; Komsomol in the Soviet Navy. Prazdnik voennykh moryakov; Viktorov, ooserving Navy Day in the. USSR.
Filatel iya SSSR; V.;
10; Oct.
1978; 50-53; The
Filatel iya SSSR; 7; July 1977; 59-60;
Slava severomortsev; Shcl'ledrin, G.I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; episodes in the history of the Northern Fleet.
June 1971;
17-19; Glorious
Soviet Battleships; Hong, Barry; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 40-45; Specifications, construction and history of the first Soviet battleships. The Armoured Cruiser 'Avrora' 56-60; Veteran Severnogo flota;
(Auror'a); Hong, Barry; Post Rider;
Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
16; June 1985;
1975; 52; The submarine
Thematic, Naval
'Krasnogvardeets'. Veterany russkogo flota; Druyan, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 20-21: Imperial-period Russian cruisers and battleships on Soviet stamps. Vlasteliny morskikh glubin: Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR: 5: May 1991; 8-11; Submarines on Soviet and foreign stamps. Zerkalo otechestvennogo flota; Shchedrin, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 13-14; A postal stationery envelope issued in honor of the 125th anniversary of the journal 'Morskoi sbornik'.
Thematic, Newspapers Leninskaya 'Pravda' - gazeta millionov; Strzhizhovskii, 1982; 3-5; 'Pravda' newspaper. Leninskim kursom. 1972; 5-6;
Gazete 'Pravda'
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May
- 60 let.; Kazbekov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May
Na markakh - zhurnal istika; Dragunov, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Journalism and journal ists on Soviet stamps.
June 1973; 39;
Revolyutsioner, uchenyi, publitsist; Tomskii, Yu.; Filatel'ya SSSR; YU.M. Steklov, revolutionary and newspaper correspondent. Zhurnalu 'Sibirskie ogni'
- 60 let; Khrapko. S.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
1; Jan. Sep.
Zhurnalu 'Turist' - 50 let; Repin, L..; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 34; anniversary of 'Tourist' and the picture envelope issued for it.
1982; 9; Fiftieth
Thematic, Parachuting Parachuting; Erixon, Per-Anders; Pochta;
07/13/93 11; Jan.
1992; 42-43;
Thematic, Philately
(n.t.); Mitchell, J.R.; Rossica; 74; 1968; 75; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Soviet PPC, ca. 1924, showing a 1921 Soviet stamp. Filateliya na marke; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; or cancels with philatel lC themes in them.
1966; 30-31; Collecting stamps
God yunosheskoi filatelii; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1974; 9; A postal stationery envelope commemorating the Year of Youth Philately. Kakie
izobrazhayut na markakh?;
Kr OglUS,
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
9-11; Pervenets yunosheskoi filatelil; Chernyshov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1982; 52-54; Developmer.t of children's philately in the USSR - Pioneer organizations and philatel ic issues commemorating youth philatelic events. Pochemu na markakh izobrazhayut marki?; Krogius, 7-11 & back cover; Includes Soviet issues. Pocllta 0 filatelii: Agenosov, with a philatelic theme.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
9; Sep.
1979; 6-8;
11; Nov. Postal
Razvitie zhanra; Krogius, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1981; 14-16; The development of the 'stamp-on-stamp' theme. Includes some information on Soviet stamps. Vozdushnye issledovateli Arktiki; back cover;
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
June 1982; 60-61
Nasledie gumanista; (n.a.); Congress in Moscow.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
The Tenth Hegel
Thematic, Plants
'Krasnaya kniga' prirody: Kudryashov, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; Endangered plant species on Soviet stamps.
July 1978; 56-59;
'Ne mramornye, ne a1ebastrovye ... '; Vo1ynkina, N.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 6; June 1974; 31; The white lily on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. 'Va ne khote1 by byt' vrachom ... '; Arushanyan, Eh.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 30; Medicinal plants on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. A1oeh;
Vo1ynkina, N.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
1977: 59; The aloe.
Anyutiny glazki; Kudryashov, V.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR: 8; Aug. ana foreign postal emissions. Derevo druzhby; Leont'ev, S.: Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9: Friendship at Sochi. Gerbarii tsvetov zem1i; illustration page;
Ivo1gin, A.;
1975; 56; Violets on Soviet
1970; 27; The Tree of
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1967; 25-26
& central
Gerbarii v k1yassere; Ivo1gin, A.; Filate1 iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1967; 23-25 & inside back cover; Continued from #6. Includes a check1 ist of Soviet stamps portraying various plants, from 1947 to 1966, stamps dealing with agriculture and with scientists noted for their work with plants. Glavnyi botanicheskii; Kirillova, N.; Botanical Gardens in Mos~ow. Kak zovut kaktus?;
B1azhenova, T.;
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
11: Nov.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 28;
Kartoteka k ko11ektsii; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. series on medicinal plants. Kasatiki; KUdryashov, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; foreign postal emissions. Krasnyi mak; Kudryashov, foreign stamps.
1975; 8-9: The Main
3; Mar.
V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
1973; 28-29; The 1973 stamp
1974; 30:
Irises on Soviet and
5; May 1975; 57; Poppies on Soviet and
Kupal'nitsa; Kudryashov, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8: Aug.
1978; 57-59;
Lyubimtsy pochtovykh vedomstv; Volynkina, N.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 4; Apr. Orchids on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Nartsiss poehticheski i: Volynkina, N.; Fi late1 iva SSSR: flowers on Soviet and foreign postal emisslons.
10; Oct.
1973; 22-23;
1974; 24; Narcissus
Novye konverty pervogo dnya; Spivak, M.: Fi1atel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. of 5 FDCs portraying medicinal plants.
1973; 7; A series
Ot devyanosta devyati bo1eznei; Vo1ynkina, N.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4: Apr. Medicinal plants on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
1972; 31;
Otkuda U shipovnika shipy: KUdryashov, V.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 7; July 1976; 54; Sweetbrier on Soviet and foreign stamps. Rasteniya-razvedchiki; Kudryashov, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 3: Mar. 1976; 53; plants, which are often found in areas rich in certain minerals. Rozovyj ,otos; Volynkina. N.; Fi late1 iva SSSR; 7; Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
July 1974: 25; The red lotus on
Solnechnyl tsvetok; Volynklna, N.; Fi;ate 1 iva SSSR; on Sov,et and foreign pos~al emissions. Tsvetok otvagi 1 nadezhdy; Alzensl-,tein, Carnations on stamps.
1; Jan
Filateliya SSSR;
Vasya-Vasilek: KUdryashov, V.; ~ilatel 'ya SSSR; 8; Aug. Sovie~ arlO foreign post~l emissions. Vodosbor: Kudryashov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 'water-gathering' plants.
11: Nov.
Vodosbor, i1i sadovye ko1oko1'cI1iki; Vo1ynkina, N.; 26-27; Bluebells on SOViet and foreign stamps.
1975; 60; Chrysanthemums 11; Nov.
1967; 24-25;
1974; 28; Cornflowers on
1979; 60-61; Aqua1egia, or Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Va prekrasen - sporu net: Kudryashov, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 4; Apr. Peonies on Soviet and foreign stamps. Zhen'shen'; Treskina, 0.;
1976; 52-53;
Filate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1972; 25-26; Ginseng.
Thematic, Plants
Zvezdy na Zemle; Kudryashov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 30; Edelweis on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
... Vozda1 i do1zhnoe poehtu; Fe1 'Oman, G./Tumanovskii, 1968; 21; Robert Burns. 'Poeht mesti
i pecha1i';
Thematic, Poetry
Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6;
Dedushka krest'yanskik~ poehtov; Mil " Drozhzhin, Russian poet.
Fi1ate1 iya SSSR; 6;
1966; 35; N.A. Nekrasov.
Fi1atel iva SSSR; 4;
Esenin v Baku; Arzumanov, G.; Filate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1980: Sergei Esenin's Visits to Baku in the 1920s.
1974; 8; Spiridon
11-13; Soviet poet
Lermontov - zhivopisets; FeOoseenko, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar. M.Yu. Lermontcv's aquare11es reproOuced on Soviet PPCs.
1972; 21;
Some of
Obelisk u podnozhiya Mashuka; Po1'skaya, E.; Filate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; 30-31; The obelisk in Pyatigorsk, marking the spot of Lermontov's duel with N.S. Martynov. Pevets revolyutsionnogo romantizma; Rudzinskii, Tsezar'; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1974; 27; Adam Mitskevich, Pol ish poet and revolutionary.
1; Jan.
Pevets zemli russkoi; Frolova, G.; Filate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 59; The story behind Yar-Kravchenko's famous drawing of Sergei Esenin, Soviet poet. Pindar Vostoka; Arzumanov, G.; Azeri poet.
Filate1iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
15-16; H. Shirvani,
Podmoskov'e, sanatorii 'Mtsyri'; Nikol'skii, A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. sanitorium near Moscow named after Lermontov's poem 'Mtsyri'. Poeh. revo1yutsii; Strygin, A.;
Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7;
1972; 31; A
July 1983; 9-10; Mayakovskii.
Poeht revo1yutsionnoi demokratii. (K 150-1etiyu so dnya rozhdeniyal.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1971; 30; N.A. Nekrasov.
Ivo1gin, A.;
Poeht Abkhazil; (n.a.); Filate];Y8 SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 7; A postal stationery envelope honoring 0.1. Gu1ia, Abkhazian poet. Poehzii nemerknushchii svet; Arzumanov, Nizami Gyandzhevi. Azeri poet. Pushklnlano v pochtovykh otkrytkakh; Imperial and Soviet PPCs.
Filate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1982; Yu.;
127-145; Pushkin on
Rusi 5,/n; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1974; '1; A postal statlonery envelope with cachet honoring the Russ~an poet I.S. Nikitin. Russ1ands Literatur, ein Abenteuer fuer Motivsamm1er; Thiem, Rudolf; Junge samm1er; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 28-31; An introduction to collecting Soviet and Russian authors and poets as a theme. S 1yubov'yu k rodnomu kr'ayu; Vo1zhenskii, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; Stamps and stationery dedicated to sergei Esenin. Slava i gordost' Shushi; Arzumanov, Azerl poets from Shusha.
Fi 1 ateliya SSSR:
10; Oct.
1986; 9-10; Two
Stikhi ... na otkrytkakh; Nechaev, V.; Fi late1 iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1969; 46; A series of postcards issued in 1918-1922 featuring the picture and verse of Armenian poet Kara-Darvish. Still More About Moldavia; Woollam, Ta1ant bor'by i derznoveniya; Lermonto\!.
J.V./et a1.;
Post Rider;
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
27; Nov. Jan.
1990; 65-66;
10-11; M.Yu.
Tirazhirovannye OShlbki; Dganesyan, V.; Filate1 iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1982; 61; The author enumerates several errors in the text of picture envelopes issued by the government, one of them the monument to Lermontov in Pyatigorsk. Tri podmoskovnykh leta; Aleksandrov, N.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; 59; Plcture envelopes portraying a Serednikovo estate where Lermontov spent three summers working on 'Demon' and other poems. Tvori, vydumyvai, probui ... ; Mirnyi, Mayakovskii.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; July 1968; 41;
Thematic, Pol ice
Na strazhe pokoya; Chernogor, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1972; 27; Soviet stamps and stationery honoring the 'militsiya'. Rozhdennaya Oktyabrem; Dvornikov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 3-4; Stamps dedicated to the civil pol ice and the State Automobile Inspectorate.
Filateliya i propaganda; Z., L.; Sovetskii "ilatelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 13; The author argues the need for explaining Soviet issues to foreig~ stamp catalogs, and forming a centralized philatel ic organization to do so. Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya i filateliya; Chuchin. F.G.; Sovetskii fi',atelist; 3-4; Nov.-Dec. 1922; 1-6; A decidedly communlst viewpoint of the October Revolution and subsequent effects, using philately to highlight it.
Thematic, Pushkin
' ... Ehto legkoe imya Pushkin'; Fainshtein, Eh.; Soviet PPCs of Pushkin, issued in 1937. A.S.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971; 44-45;
Pushkin v narodnom izobrazitel'nom iskusstve; Fainshtein, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 42-43; Cheap popular prints of art on postcards representing scenes from Pushkin's poetry.
Bant Pushkina; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; JUly 1966; 21; The 1937 Pushkin set and the artist from whose portrait of Pushkin the stamp design was taken. Dnei proshlykh gordye sledy ... ; Pavlukhin, A.; Dorogie relikvii; Fainshtein, on imperial-period PPCs.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1986; 9-11;
June 1975; 56-57; Pushkiniana
Filatelisticheskaya Pushkiniana; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 13-14; A listing of stamps, stationery, FDCs and cancellations with a Pushkin theme. Krai vdokhnoven'ya; Alekseev, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1974; 21-22;
Monreal'. TUda i obratno.; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Aug. 1966; 40; The Soviet cruise ship Aleksandr Pushkin and its voyages to Montreal and back. Nash Pushkin; Nazarov, Pamyatniki A.S.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 9
Pushkinu; Frolova, G.;
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
& back cover; Sep.
Pervyi v Rossii; Bogatyrev, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; and the Pushkin Monument in Moscow.
1974; 26; 12-13; Pushkin Square
Poisk i nakhodka; Fedoseenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1969; 43; A PPC of Aivazovskii's 'Pushkin on the Shores of the Black Sea'. Risunki Pushkina; Fainshtein, Eh.; Fi latel iya SSSR; postcards displaying drawings of Pushkin.
JUly 1972; 23-25; Picture
Spasennyi pamyatnik; Popov, Yu.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 24-25; A collection of 5 brief stories on monuments to Pushkin, illustrated by PPCs.
Thematic, Radio
Filateliya 0 radiosporte; Drlov, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1975; 7-9; Ham radio and 'radio sport' in the USSR. Includes some data on Ernst Krenkel, Golos,
kotoryi slyshit planeta; Sashenkov, 50th anniversary of Moscow Radio.
Filateliya SSSR;
Izobretatel' radio; Gringauz, L.; Filatel iya SSSR; of the researchers and inventors of radio.
3; Mar.
5; May 1975; 48; A.S.
1980; 26; The Popov, one
Kolybel' sovetskoi !~adioehleKtronikl; Dymsr,its, V.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1983; 14-16; The Nizhnii Novgorod Radio Labo~atory and Ernst Krenkel 's efforts in the Northern areas to advance the urderstanding of radio. Db izobretatele radio; Gringauz,
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Dt radio do radio-ehlektroniki; Zabolotskii, N.;
1969; 35-36;
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1971; 20-21;
Pochtovye shtempelya SSSR, posvyashchennye Dnyu radio; Yakobs, V.; 5; May 1982; 38; USSR special cancels with a radio theme. Radiolyubitel 'skaya pochta; cards. S ehmblemoi morevedov; study the oceans.
Yashin, A.;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR;
Vnimanie, govorit NRL!; Shvarts, V.; Novgorod Radio Laboratory.
3' Sep.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Filateliya SSSR; 1909; 39-40; OSL
1966; 5; Radio bUOyS used to
12; Dec.
1974; 25; The Nizhnii
Thematic, Railroad
'Doroga muzhestva i geroizma'; Mel'nikova, T.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Color PPCs of the BAM construction.
1975; 60;
'Sukhoputnyi parokhod'; Garbuzov, V.; Locomotives on Soviet stamps.
Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1974; 26-27;
Avtomobil' na rel'sakh; Garbuzov.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Begut po rel'sam poezda ... ; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1969; 33-35 & one central illustration page; The railroad theme on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Die 'BAM' ist fertiggestellt'; Ney, Otto; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 11-15; Stamps and entires connected with construction of the Baikalo-Amurskaya magistral', the BAM. Kak podkovali parovoz; Timofeev, A.A.; Filateliya SSSR; Locomotives on Soviet and foreign stamps.
12; Dec.
1971; 24-25;
Metropolitenu posvyashchennye; Trembovler, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1968; Soviet stamps showing various scenes from the Moscow subway system.
Motiv Eisenbahn; Schauritsch, Kurt; ZRSP; 40; July 1986; 29-31; Na konferentsiyu v Potsdam; Artyushenko, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1991; 49; The 'Sergo Ordzhonikidze' locomotive and its connection with the 1945 Potsdam Conference. Na markakh sovetskie ehlektrovozy; Katser, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1972; 7-8; Electrical locomotives on Soviet and satellite-country postal emissions. Na vechnoi stoyanke; Garbuzov, V.;
Filatel iva SSSR;
1; Jan.
1985; 6-9;
Nash parovoz vpered letit; Korol', A.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; illustration pages; Continued from #8. No postal information.
18-19, 22 & 4
Nash parovoz vpered letit; Korol', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 12: Dec. 1990, 23-24 & 4 illustration pages; No postal history, just information on locomotive types, where they were constructed and some of the railroads they used. Nash parovoz vpered letit; Korol', A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 20-22 & 4 illustration pages; Contains no postal information, only historical data about Russian locomotives and the railroads. Ot gnomov k mekhanicheskim gull iveram; Krotov, V.V.; Filatellya SSSR; 5; May 1967; 6-8; Locomotives and turbines in hydroelectric stations. Ot Baikala do Amura; Maiorov, V.; the BAM.
Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.
Pervye metropolitenovskie ... ; Madera, G.; Moscow SUbway system on stamps.
1979; 4-6; Construction of
Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.
Po proektu Va. Gakkelya; Kamenkovich, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. Gakkel', famous plane designer, also designed a locomotive.
1968; 6; The 1978;
11-12; Va.
Pochtovye meridiany BAMa; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1979; 1-3 & inside front cover; Postal stationery and datestamps from the Baikal-Amur RR. Stal'noi put' v Yakutiyu; Balko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11: Nov. 1979; 5-7: Construction of the BAM in Yakutia. A I ist of stations along the way. dates of completion, office categories and zip codes are given. UdSSR-Ganzsachen-Umschlaege Eisenbahnmotiv;
(n.a.); ZRSP; 41; Sep.
1986; 38-39;
UdSSR-Ganzsachen-Umschlaege Eisenbahnmotiv; Schaur'itsch. Kurt; Pochta; 43; Aug. 25-28;
UdSSR-Ganzsachen-Umschlaege Eisenbahnmotiv; Schauritsch, Kurt: Pochta; 44; Jan. 31-35;
UdSSR-Ganzsachen-Umschlaege Eisenbahnmotiv; Schauritsch, Kurt; Pochta; 45; Aug. 20-22;
UdSSR-Ganzsachen-Umschlaege Eisenbahnmotiv; Schauritsch, Kurt; Pochta; 46; Dec. 21-22 ;
Znachki i bony Kolomenskikh teplovozostroitelei; Goluzin, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 6; June 1970; 41-42; Scrip issued by the Kolomna Locomotive Works.
Thematic. Religion
Kollektsionirovanie i dukhovnoe razvitie cheloveka; Novosadova. E.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 4-8; An interview with Archpriest Vasil ii Fonchenkovabout collecting as one aspect of spiritual development. Krestami otkrytii; PermyaKov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 16-17; Crosses erected by Russian explol'ers on graves and at wintering places in Karnchatl<.a. Russkie khudozhniki protiv rel ig; i; Fedoseenko, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1970; 30; Russian & Soviet PPCs with an anti-religion theme. Ukrainian Wooden Churches in Philately; Cronln, Andrew; Post Rider; 66-70; Vozvrashchenie traditsii; Petrov, E.; Filateliya; 9; envelope for Russian Christmas - 7 Jan. 1991.
22; June 1988;
1991; 64; A 'Norma-TEhf<S'
Ne ubivaite zmeyu ... ;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Thematic, Revolutionaries
'Inache ya ne mogu zhit"; Bel itski i, Ya.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1973; 6-7; N.Eh. Bauman and his funeral in Moscow, 1905.
PPCs of
'Komanduyu flotom. Leitenant Shmidt.' (K 65-letiyu so dnya gibeli P.p. Shmidta); Sachkov, 1.; Filateliya SSSR: 5; May 1971; 21; Lt. Schmidt and the cruiser Ochako v'. 1905. 'Komanduyu Chernomorskim flotom. Shmidt.'; Zabochen', M.; Filate'iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 34-35; Postcards of Lt. P.P. Schmidt. leader of the 1905 Black Sea Fleet revolt on the 'Ochakov'. iz chistoi stali'; Zabochen', Decembrists of the 1825 revolt.
Filatel iya SSSR;
'Krasnyi skripach'; Minasyan, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Estonian revolutionary and violinist. 'Shkiper Osip Garibal 'di'; Zakharov. Garibaldi.
1; Jan.
1976; 58-60; The
1979; 6-7;
Eduard Syrmus.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 7;
JUly 1972;
'Zashchitnik V01'hosti i pray'; Pabor, A.; Filateliya SSSR: 1; Jan. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the contemporaries he influenced.
Boitsy 'nepobezhdennoi territorii revolyutsii'; Zabochen', M.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 38-39; PPCs engendered by the revolt aooard the Potemkin. Chapaev i chapaevtsy; Bogdanchikov, F.; and his novel ist, D.A. Furman. Delat' zhizn' s kogo ... : Tomina, Ozerzh i nsk i i .
Filatel iva SSSR; 9; Sep.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1969; 36-37; Chapaev
1969; 37;
Dzhon Maklin - sovetskii konsul; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 13-14; John McLean, Scottish communist and Soviet Russia's first consul to England. Ehto byl udivitel 'nyi chelovek; Arzumanov, Montin, Baku revolutionary.
Fedor Grigor'evich Chuchin; Aleksandrov, M.;
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1983; 55; P.V.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Gordost' par,ii; Musatov, A.; Filateliya SSSR: 1; Jan. 1973; 7; 19th-century Petersburg activist and revolutionary.
1977; 32;
111yustrirovannaya khronika pervogo dnya revolyutsii; Zabochen', M.; Filatel iya SSSR: 4: Apr. 1975; 53-54; Seven ppes with scenes from the 1905 Revolution. Imeni F.Eh. Dzerzhinskogo; Kolasa\', bearing Dzerzhinskii's name.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1nogo net u nas puti: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; CPo Heavily propagandistic. Iz leninskoi gvardii; Sergeev, G.; Kolesnikova.
3; Mar.
Filateliya SSSR;
Legendarnyi kreiser revolyutsii; Arenin, The Aurora and her crew on stamps. Moi otets Chapaev ... : Chapa eva , K.; daughter on Chapaev.
1S71; Feb.
1983; 8-9; N.N.
11; Nov.
11: Nov. 1967;
1967; 6-7:
24: Chapaev's
Muzhestvennyi borets protiv fashizma; Karlov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. G.M. Dimitrov, Bulgarian communlst, on Soviet and foreign stamps. Na barrikadakn Moskvy; Zabocnen', M.: the 1905 Revolution in Moscow. 'IIa voine revolyu,si i: Karlov, writers and artists who
Filatel iya SSS!<;
3-6; Early heroes of the
Filateiiya SSSR:
Fi latel iVa SSSR;
1977; 6-9;
12; Dec.
19 7 5
1972; 34;
pDCS of
Fi late1 iya SSSR; 8: Aug. 19 7 6; 10-11; Soviet the Russian revolutIonary movement.
Nas vodila molodost' ... : Mileshin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Gai, Red Army Civil War commander. Odin IZ dvadtsati shesti; Arzumanov, G.; Azizbekov, one of the Baku 26.
11; Nov.
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
15-16: G.D.
1977; 61; M.A.
Odin iz luchshikh; Sergeev, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1982; 54; The article includes a picture envelope showing Kazi Magomed Agasiev, Azeri revolutionary. Odin iz 26; Sergeev, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; the 26 Baku commissars.
July 1985;
Zevin, one of
Thematic, Revolutionaries
Pis'ma ssyl'nykh na zemskikh traktakh; Stepanov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 43; Correspondence between exiled revolutionaries via inter-zemstvo mail. Plamennyi revolyutsioner; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 5; Nariman Kerbalai Nadzhaf-ogly, Azeri revolutionary, government official and writer. Plamennyi revolyutsioner; Arakelov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2: Shaumyan, Armenian communist revolutionary. Plamennyi revolyutsioner; Kostov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dmitrov, Bulgarian revolutionary.
10-11; S.G.
June 1982; 20-22; Georgii
Podpis': Lyusik Lisinova: Storozhakova, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 18-19; Postcards and their texts sent by Komsomol member Lyusik Lisinova, who was killed in battle on 1 Nov. 1917. Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1955; Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Driginal softbound book. Includes information on early Soviet stamp designers, and many themes. Revolyutsioner, uChenyi, poeht; Biryukov, V.; postal stationery envelope honoring N.A.
Filatel iva SSSR; Morozov.
10; Oct.
Revolyutsioner, uChenyi, publ itsist; Tomski i, YU.; Fi latel iya SSSR; Yu.M. Steklov, revolutionary and newspaper correspondent.
1974; 4-5; A
1; Jan.
S imenem SOf'i Perovskoi; Grinkevich, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 24-25; A 1905 PPC with an illustration of Narodovolets Sofia Perovskaya hanged for her part in the assassination of Alexander II. Samomu izluchat' svet; Dzerzh i nsk i i .
Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep.
Stasovy; Bekishev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. architects, authors and a revolutionary.
1977; 8-9; The Stasov family -
The Life and Times of Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 1990; 60-63; A.A. Zhdanov and some of his cultural victims - Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, Khatchaturian, Myaskovskii, and Shostakovich. Tovarishch Andrei; Vinogradov, Sverdlov.
Filatel iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1985; 8-10; Ya.M.
U istokov sovetskoi filatelii; Nemchikova, Z.M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1975; 26-28; On F.G. Chuchin and the beginnings of Soviet philately, written by one cf his subordinates. Uchastnitsa parizhskoi kommuny; Mazur, P.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 41; E.L. Tomanovskaya, Russian revolutionary who partic1pated in the Paris Commune uprising. Uzniki petropavlovskoi kreposti; Kornil'ev, Igor'; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. Stamps showing men who were imprisoned in the Peter-Paul Fortress.
1979; 23;
V ogne revolyutsii; Arzumanov. G./Seifi, R.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 5-6; Postal issues dedicated to revolutionaries in the Baku organization. V pamyati potomkov na veka (150 let vosstaniya dekabristov); Sazonov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1975; 7-8; 150th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising. Velikii Oktyabr' na pochtovykh markakh; 7-9; Vernaya doch' Partii; (n.a.); the old Bolsheviks.
Filateliya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 6;
12; Dec.
1973; 7;
June 1977;
Stasova, one of
Vernost' proletarskomu internatsionalizmu; Ponomarev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 11-13; Stamps and propaganda postcards devoted to MOPR. the International Organization for Aid to Revolutionaries. Yunost' komsomol 'skaya ... ; Marchenko, Komsomol author N.A. Ostrovskii.
Zemlya moya, Belarus ... ; Kolosov, Belorussia.
Fi latel iva SSSR;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
1; Jan.
10; Oct.
1970; 34-35;
1983; 4-8;
Zhizn' vo imya bor'by; Leishis, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; 19; Karolis Pozhely, one of the organizers and leaders of the Lithuanian Communist Party. Zhizn', stavshaya legendoi; Bogdanchikov, Shchors.
Filateliya SSSR; 6;.June 1970; 23; N.A.
Thematic, Russia Rossiya,
rodina moya:
Fomin, N.:
iya SSSR:
12; Dec.
1972; 6-8;
Sovetskii Soyuz i Rossiya na inostrannykh markakh (Sovetika i Rossika); SK; 11; 1974; 3-24;
Sokolov, M.;
Thematic, Safety
Avtomobil' na markakh. Vypusk 12. Dorogi, bezopasnost' dorozhnogo dvizheniya.; Dolmatovskii, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 29-34; Soviet and foreign stamps with a traffic safety theme. Ehto kazhdyi dolzhen znat' obyazatel'no na pyat'; Bondarik, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 40-41: Postal stationery with chil(j~en's safety cachets and messages. Yubilei OSVODa; Matveev, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1972; 21; Three postal envelopes with cachets commemorating the 100th anniversary of OSVOD - the All-Russian Society for Water Safety & Rescue. Zakony ulits i dorog; Burshtein, D.; Filateliya SSSR; safety on Soviet and foreign stamps.
12; Dec.
1973; 20-22; Traffic
Thematic, Science
(n.t.); Spivak, N.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; F.A. Tsander, rocket scientist .
1978; 9; A picture envelope honoring
.. . Sam by1 pervym nashim universitetom; A1eshina, G.; 4-7; Lomonosov.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
'Imi dorozhu oChen"; Pshenichnyi, E.; Filate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1982; 21; A picture envelope honoring A.E. Krymskii, Soviet slavicIst and orien~alist. 'Ya schastliv, chto rodilsya v Rossii.' (K 75-1etiyu so dnya rozhdeniya I.V. Kurchatova.); Frunze, V.; Fi 1ate1 iva SSSR; 4; ApI'. 1978; 9-10; Soviet atomic power researcher I.V. Kurchatov. A.V. Vinter; Po1anskii, G.; Filate1iya SSSR; 2; Feb. academician and electric-power specialist.
Akademik iz Kho1mogor; (n.a.); Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; Nov. first Russian academician. Arkheo10giya na markakh; Avdusin, D.; Archeology on stamps. Astronom Iogann Keppler; Or10v, V.;
10-11; A.V. Vinter, Soviet
1966; 26; M.V. Lomonosov, the
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 26-27;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1971; 28-29;
Astronomiya na pochtovykh markakh; Orlov, V./Po10nskii, V.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 40-41 & one central illustration page; Radioastronomy and astronomers on stamps. Astronomiya na pochtovykh markakh; Orlov, V./Polonskii, V.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 42-44; Astronomy on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Atonl sluzhit che10veku; Frolov, N.; Fi1atel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 27; A special envelope and cancel issued to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the United Nuclear Research Institute's founding. Che10vek iz budushchego; Gurevich, Ya.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. Tsio1kovskii on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
10-14; K.Eh.
D. Kantemir; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1973; 6; A stamp honoring Dmitrii Kantemir, Mo1davian scientIst and encyclopedist. Da1'nii Vostok v tvoei kol1ektsii; Ivashchenko, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 56-57; Wildlife refuges. volcanology stations in the Far East.
Ova ka1endarnykh; Sokolov, G.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1968; 20; Two covers posted from Yurgamysh in Kurgan oblast', one during a solar ec1 ipse and the other during a lunar ecl ipse in 1968. Many foreign scientists were present for the events. Ehmb1ema 5 rozoi vetrov; Sachkov, Meteorological OrganizatIon.
Fi1ateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 9-10; The World
Fi1ate1isticheskaya Kopernikiana; Or10v. V.; Copernicus. Fi1ateliya po fizike; Gatov. V.; postal emissions.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
10; Oct.
1970; 24-25;
17-18; Physics on
Genetika i blagosostoyanie che10veka; Chikhachev, A.: Filate1 iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 12-13; The XIV International Genetics Congress in Moscow, and the genetics theme on Soviet and foreign postal issues. G1avnyi khram nauki: of the Academy
(n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Sciences.
1974; 5; The 250th anniversary
Institut biologii yuzhnykh morel. K stoletiyu so dnya osncvaniya Sevastopol 'skoi biologicheskoi stantsii.: Sachkov, LB.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1971; 27-28; The Sevastopol' Biological Institute. Issledovateli urana; Frunze, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. uranium on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1975; 53-54; Researchers in
Izobretatel' radio; Gringauz, L.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 5; May 1975; 48; A.S. Popov, one of the researchers and inventors of radio. K yubi1eyu V.K. Arsen'eva; Treskina, 0.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1972; IV; A monument to V.K. Arsen'ev in the Far Eastern town of Arsen'ev. K.I. Skryabin; Kashina, L.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1978; 14; K.I. Skryabin, Academician and pioneer in various areas of biology, medicine and veterinary. Khimicheskaya simvo1ika na markakh; D'yakovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976;
Thematic, Science
16-17; Chemical symbology on Soviet stamps. Korabli nauki; Abramov. S.; Filateliya SSSR; vessels on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1; Jan.
12-14; Scientific research
Kronshtadtskii futshtok; Sanin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 22; The tide gauge at Kronstadt, built by Peter the Great to measure the fluctuations in levels of the Baltic Sea. Lomonosov dvadtsatogo veka; Volynskii, A.; Vernadsk i i .
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1985; 3-4; V.I.
Marka s Marsa; (n.a.); Filatel iva SSSR; 5; Nov. 1966; 47; The Aug. 1965 'Achievements of Modern Chemistry' stamp and the unusual chemical formula it contains. Mezhdunarodnye Nobelevskie laureaty i filateliya; Blokh, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1976; 34-38; Nobel prize winners on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes a list of laureates in physics, chemistry. physiology and medicine. Mirnyi atom; Korolev, V.; peaceful purposes.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Na blago chelovechestva; Chizhek, I.; power put to peaceful purposes.
1977; 4-7; Atomic power for
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1978; 26-28; Nuclear
Nastuplenie na stratosferu; Sachkov, 1.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. Exploring the stratosphere with balloons and rockets.
1973; 37-38;
Neobychnye kartochki; Aleksandrov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1971; 13; New-format PPCs, one with an illustration honoring the International Geochemical Congress in Moscow. Obshchestvu 'Znanie' - 30 let; Bronshtein, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 10; The 'Znanie" Society. formed to disseminate pol itical and scientific knowledge. Ostorozhno! Fal'sifikat!; Musienko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1978; 54-55; Forgeries of the XVIII International Limnology Congress special cancel. Includes a table showing the differences between the fake and the authentic cancels. Otschet vedetsya ot Pulkova; Bronshtein, G.; Pulkovo Observatory. Pervoi atomnoi - XX let; Frunze, V.; nuclear power station.
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1976; 57; The
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Pioneram atomnoi ehnergetiki posvyashchennye ... ; Maksimov, A.; Nov. 1970; 30-31; Pioneers in nuclear physics.
1974; 20-21; The first Filateliya SSSR;
Pochemu reki ne issyakayut?; Sachkov, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1976; 11; Efforts over the centuries to understand hydrological principles, and the 'International Hydrological Decade', depicted on Soviet and foreign stamps. Pochtovye marki na uroke khimii; D'yakovich, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 37-38; Chemists and chemistry on Soviet stamps.
Pod kryshei dvukh vekov. Devyat' marok iodin dom, dvadtsat' pyat' memoreal 'nykh dosok, kvartira - Mineralochicheskii muzei.; Arenin, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1967; 18-19; Russian and Soviet scientists and mathemeticians on stamps. Posvyasnchaetsya pervomu pochetnomu chlenu VOF; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1974; 5; Academician P.A. Rebinder, discoverer of the 'Rebinder Effect'. Posvyashchennye Gornomu i nst i tutu; (n. a. ); F i 1atel i ya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 6; The 200th anniversary of the founding of the Mining Institute in Leningrad. Rasskaz 0 sovetskoi pochtovoi marke; Daikhes, 1.1.; 1955; Svyaz'izdat, Moscow; Original softbound book. Includes information on early Soviet stamp designers, and many themes. Revolyutsioner, uchenyi, poeht; Biryukov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; postal stationery envelope honoring N.A. Morozov. S ehmblemoi morevedov; study the oceans.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Sep.
10; Oct.
1974; 4-5; A
1966; 5; Radio buoys used to
S.N. Vyshelesskii; Kashina, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1978; 10; A postal envelope with cachet honoring S.N. Vyshelesskii, Russian epizootologist. Sledopyt strany nevidimok; Mikhailov, Mechnikov, Russian embryologist.
Sozvezdie Kovalevskikh; Bronshtein, G.;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970; 22; 1.1.
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
14; The three
Thematic, Science
Kovalevskiis. Stareishina polimernoi nauki: Borisov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1983; picture envelope honoring I.P. Losev, pioneer in polymer science. The Pulkova Observatory: Rcberts,
Ian W.;
Triumf nauchnoi intuits; i; Blokh, A.: L.D. Landau.
BJRP; 63;
Fi latel iya SSSR; 8: Aug.
Uchenyi, moreplavatel'; Zin'ko, F.; Fi la"tel iya SSSR; and his hydrographic voyage around the world.
12; A
10; Oct.
Velikii puteshestvennik; Bronshtein, G.: Filateliya SSSR; explorer I.M. Przheval'skii and his findings.
1983; 2; Academician 1972; 20:
11; Nov.
Vel ikoe otkrytie; D'yakovich, S.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 8: Aug. Menaeleev and his discovery of the Periodic Table.
Vidnomu sovetskomu uchenomu; (n.a.); Filatellya SSSR; 3; Mar. Artsimovich, researcher in atomic and nuclear physics.
Fedor Litke
1976; 56-57; The
19-20; D.1.
1974; 5;
Vidnomu uchenomu; (n.a.); F;lateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; 4; M.D. Millionshchikov, Soviet theorist in turbulence, filtration and gas dynamics. Volshebstvo radioaktivnykh izotopov; Frunze, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1979; 12-14; Peaceful uses of radioactive isotopes on Soviet and foreign stamps. Vydayushchiisya fiziolog; Antonyan, V.; Filateliya SSSR; envelope commemorating physiologist L.A. Orbeli.
3; Mar.
1983; 60; A picture
VI kongress finno-ugrovedov; Matsuk, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1985; 30-31; The 6th Congress of Finno-Ugric scholars, held in Syktyvkar on 24-30 JUly 1985. Yubilei A.E. Fersmana; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1973; 5; A postal stationery envelope honoring A.E. Fersman, geologist and mlnerologist. Zapatentovano prirodoi; Stadnitskii, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1976; 10-12; Technology copying the animal world - aviation, electricity, gas analyzers, ultrasound equipment, etc. Zhizn', otdannaya nauke; Il'in, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1986; 8-9; The USSR Academy of Sciences and academicians on stamps and stationery. Zhizn', otdannaya nauke; Volin, Kurnakov.
Filateliya SSSR;
11; Nov.
13-14; N.S.
250 let Akademii nauk; Sazonov, N.; Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Thematic, Scouts
Die Pfadfinderbewegung in Estland vor dem 2. Weltkrieg; Grob-Sigrist, Walter; Eesti Filatel ist; 24-25; 1979: 64-68; Includes Engl ish summary on p. 68. Scouting in Estonia prior to WWII. Ein interessantes Stueck; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatel ia Baltica; 49: Apr. 1970: 2 & 35; A special Latvian cancel commemorating a Scout event at Bullen, 22 JUly 1938. Illustrated Envelopes of the Organization of Russian Young Scouts; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica: 56; 1959; 89-90; Russian Boy Scout Cacheted Covers; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 63; cachets issued in Brooklyn, NY.
1962; 56;
Scout Post; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 61; 1961; 57-58; The 'Scout Post' operated among D.P. camps near Kassel, Germany after WWII. Zametki kollektsionera; Polchaninov, R.: chapters on Russian scouts.
London, Canada;
40th Anniversary of the Russian Scout Post; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 73-77 ;
Includes 4
Thematic, Ships 'Db" v okeane filateli;; Sashenkov, E.; polar vessel Db' and its history. 'Sibir"
Filateliya SSSR;
- Nachalo arkticheskoi biografi i; Efremov. The two icebreakers named 'Sibir".
Fi latel iya SSSR; 5; May 1979;
Arkticheskaya observatoriya 'Druzhnaya'; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 8; Cachets from the Oruzhnaya Observatory in Franz Josef Land and a tourist ship 'Vatslav Vorovskii', 1968. Cherez okean; Zin'ko, passenger ship.
Filateliya SSSR;
Dal'nii Vostok v tvoei kollektsii; Ivashchenko, L.; 26-29; The Soviet Far East fishing industry. Der Eisbrecher 'Baikal' auf dem Baikalsee;
19 7 3;
The 'Mikhail
Filateliya SSSR;
Frauenlob, Walter;
ZRSP; 39; Dec.
Eshche raz c 'Malygine'; Zin'ko, F.; Filatel iya SSSR; history of the icebreaker Malygln. Flagman revolyutsii; Sinegubov, V.; 'Aurora' . Flot nashei Rodiny; Orlov,
May 1974; 9;
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
SK; 9;
Includes a The
Flot nashei Rodiny. Spravochnik-katalog.; Orlov, V.A. 1977; Izd-vo 'Svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound book. Stamps, art envelopes with indicia and special cancels with a naval theme. Gordost' nashego flota; warship series.
Orlov, V.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Imenem 'Soobrazitel'nyi' narechen dvazhdy; Orlov, V.; 19-20; The Soviet destroyer 'Soobrazitel 'nyi'.
Filateliya SSSR;
Korabe 1 'naya simvol ika na pochtovykh markakh; Sinegubov. V.; 1975; 58-59; Ships on Soviet and foreign stamps. Korabli nauki; Abramov, 5.; Filateliya SSSR; vessels on Soviet and foreign stamps.
The 1970
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Imeni Oktyabrya; Vitin, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1977; that have borne the name 'Oktyabr'skaya Revolyutsiya'. Istoriya ledokolov na Baikale; Khokhrin, V.; Icebreakers on Lake Baikal.
The two warships Oct.
Fiiatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. Scientific research
Korabl i-geroi na pochtovykh markakh; Shchedrin, G.; Filateliye SSSR; 8; Aug. 12-13; The 1973 Soviet warships series of stamps.
Kreiser - veteran; Aleksandrov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1978; 52-53; The cruiser 'Kirov' on stamps and cacheted postal stationery. Legendarnyi kreiser revolyutSii; Arenln, The Aurora and her crew on stamps. Moi
'Potemkinskii ugolok'; Battleship Potemkin.
Filateliya SSSR;
1967; 6-7;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1970;
Monreal'. Tuda i ob:--atno.; Musatov, L.; Filatel iva SSSR; 2; Aug. 1966; 40; The Soviet cruise ship Aleksandr Pushkin and ltS voyages to Montreal and back. Moskva - oart pyati morei.
Filatel iya SSSR; 6;
June 1974:
Na shtempele - data pokoreniya polyusa; Kryuchkov, 0.; ~'lateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 5; A cacheted envelope and special cancel commemorating the 'Arktika' and its voyage to the point on the glo~e ~nere the meridians originate, 17 Aug. 1977.
Nash 11' ichevsk; Tikhonenko, G.; "Filatel iva SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 3; A special cancel, stamp and envelope issued to commemorate the opening of the 11 'ichevsk-Varna ferry service. Nasledniki traditsii EhPRONa; Efremov, A.; Filateliya SSSR; Special-purpose underwater salvage and rescue teams. o ledokole 'Fedor Litke'; Shipiloy, icebreaker 'Fedor Litke'. Otpravleno s kr'eisera 'Avrora';
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Filateliya SSSR;
1975; 8;
Thematic, Ships
mai led from the Aurora,
16 Jul y 1916.
Parusnyi flot Rossii; Orlov, V.; sailing vessels.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1971; 22-23; Russia's
Pervoprokhodets; Efremov, A./Smirnov, N.; Filatel iva SSSR; 5; May 1980; 13-15; The 'Persei', first Soviet scientific-research vessel, used in the Arctic. Po primeru 'Potemkina'; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1980; 15-17; The battleship Potemkin, and other countries' ships with similar histories. Pochta cherez okean; Sinegubov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 25-28; Although the article is about mail carried on the high seas, very little information on the USSR is to be found. However, several picture envelopes with ships are shown. Pod flagom Rodiny; Chernov, Marine.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1974; 7; The USSR Merchant
Pod parusami semidesyatykh; Viktorov. S.; Filatel iva SSSR; 2; ships and the 1970s 'Sail-70' operations.
1977; 45-47; Tall
Port pripiski - Murmansk; Reshetilov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 11; The 'Lenin', 'Vatslav Vorovskii' and 'Mariya Ermolova' icebreakers on postcards and airmail postcards. Raskhozhdeniya na kursakh; Vislenev, N.; Filateliya; 8; Aug. 1991; 55-57; Errors of representation or text on foreign and Soviet postal emissions featuring ships. Rechnoi flot v tvoem al'bome; Il'ichev, ships on Soviet postal emissions. S atomnym serdtsem; Frunze, V.; icebreaker Lenin.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Filatel iya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Schastlivogo plavaniya, 'Ermak'!; Kholodkov, A.; The new icebreaker Ermak and its namesake.
1969; 30; River
1974; 20; The atomic
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1975; 51;
Si 1 'nee 1 'dov Antarktidy; Efremov, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 7; July 1975; 6-7; The 18th Soviet Antarctic Expedition and the history of the 'Db" diesel-electric vessel. So shtempelem 'Ehkspo-70'; Musatov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1970; 40; Cacheted envelopes issued by the Far Eastern Shipping Company, portraying Soviet ships that took passengers to 'Expo-70' in Osaka, Japan. Sovetskie lainery; Zin'ko, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. ships on Soviet and ODR stamps and stationery.
1971; 22-23; Soviet cruise
SovieT Battleships; Hong, Barry; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 40-45; Specifications, construction and history of the first Soviet battleships. The Armoured Cruiser 'Avrora' 56-60;
(Aurora); Hong, Barry; Post Rider;
16; June 1985;
The Saga of the 'Earl Grey'; Campbell, P.J.; Post Rider; 25; Dec. 1989; 16-25; The Canadian-built 'Earl Grey', tl'ansferred to Russia and later re-named 'Fedor Litke' . Trassa druzhby i sotrudnichestva; Vsevolodov, The Il 'ichevsk-Varna ferry opening.
Ucheba pod parusami; Potapov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; sailing ships used for training purposes.
Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec.
3; Mar.
1979: 25;
1982; 55-56; Soviet
Veterany russkogo flota; Druyan. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1972; 20-21; Imperial-perlod Russian cruisers anc battleships on Soviet stamps. Vlasteliny morskikh glubin; Sinegubov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; Submarines on Soviet and foreign stamps.
5; May 1991; 8-11;
Vosemnadtsataya Antarkticheskaya: Katser. M.: Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 11; The 18th Soviet Antarctic Expedition, composed of the 'Professor Zubov', 'Navarin', 'Db" and 'El 'brus'. Yubilei atomokhoda 'Lenin'; Vozzhennikov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. Twentieth anniversary of the atomic icebreaker 'Lenin'. Za farvaterom atomokhoda; Milovidov, E.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Oct. nuclear-powered ice-breaker V.I. Lenin.
1979; 9; 12-15; The
Thematic, Sports
'Letayushchie lyzhniki'; Borodin, A.; Ski-jumping.
Filateliya SSSR;
1983; 54-55;
'Olimpfil-80'; Mel'nikov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1980; 6-7; A stamp exhibition held in conjunction with the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Antspaudai Sportine Tema; Vainora, Ricardas: Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 28-30; 'Cancellations with a sports theme used in Lithuanian territory.' Avtomobil'nyi sport; Burshtein, D.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Baidarki v krylatskom: Borodin, A.; on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Bogatyrskaya potekha; Borodin, A.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
5; May 1974: 26-28: 12; Dec.
1979; 54-55; Kayaking
Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1979; 49-51; Wrestl ing on
BUd'te ostorozhny - fal'sifikat'; Vovin, Ya.: Filateliya SSSR; 6; Dec. fake of the 1928 Moscow Spartakiada cancel.
1966; 28; A
Chempionat Evropy po troebor'yu; Rogalev, G.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. European Equestrian Championship competition, held in Kiev.
1974; 21; The
Cherez 200 let v Evropu; Sadovnikov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1967; 32-35; Hockey on Soviet and foreign stamps. Includes a checklist of stamps, FOCs and special cancels, Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 30; Soviet sportsmen portrayed on foreign stamps, and Soviet stamps commemorating sporting events other than the 1980 Olympics. Dva podkhoda k odnomu razdelu; Levin, M./Borisov, A.; 27-29; Skiing on Soviet stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
Ove sekundy poleta; Glazunov, S.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; With Raisa Gorokhovskaya about Olympic diving.
1986; 20-21; An interview
Ehstafeta Monrealya; Tolin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1980; 13-15; The 1976 Montreal Olympics. Includes a lis, of countries issuing stamps commemorating the 1976 Olympics, how many medals they won in the .Games, and the r,umber of stamps and blocks issued, by Yvert. Filatel isticheskaya letopis' Sovetskogo sporta; Levin, M.E.; Moscow; Original book. Stamps and special cancels. Futbol darit suveniry; Soviet stamps.
Levin, M.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Gashenie'Moskva. Spartakiada'; Levin, M.; 1928 Spartakiad cancel and games.
Izd-vo 'Svyaz",
5; May 1968; 38-39; Soccer on
Filateliya SSSR; 2;
1971; 38; The
Gde proidut olimpiiskie skhvatki; Belousov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 8-10; Stamps and stationery Showing sites where 1980 Olympic events will take place. General'naya repetitsiya; Borisov, Spartakiads on stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 9;
Gorit 01 impi 1ski i ogon'; Ponomarev. A.: Fi latel iya SSSR; 7: July 1980; 2-3; A philately-&-propaganda interview with Irina Rodnina and Boris Lagutin, USSR Olympic gold medal ists. Gorizonty sporta: (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 4-5; A postal stationery envelope with cachet commemorating the International Scientific Congress on sport in modern society. Moscow, 1974. Ietles Skrydis; Naciunas. Jonas; FilateliJa Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 19-21; 'Describes the ph;latelic presentation of the history and techniques of the javelin throw.' Igra istinno russkaya; Naumov, game of 'gorod~l'.
Fila'[eliya SSSK; 3; Mar',
Igra rrillionov; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Soviet and foreign postal issues.
1:;: .. 13; The Russian
1980; 56-58; Volleyball on
Iskusstvo sportu; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1973; 10-11; Artists' impressions of sports-related themes on Soviet and foreign postage stamps. Iz filatel isticheskoi letop1si sovetskogo sporta; Levin, M,; Filateliya SSSR; 1971; 40-41; The Red Sportintern and the early Spartakiads. Iz
istorii futbola;
Levin, M./Sashenkov,
Filateliya SSSR;
3; Mar,
7; June 1969; 29-31;
Thematic, Sports
Soccer on Soviet and foreign stamps, and the history of the game. Izdano Krasnym sportinternom: Teikh, Eh.; Filateliya SSSR; story of the Red Sports International stamps.
1: Jan.
1972; 27; The
Kak sozdayutsya 01 impi iskie syuzhety; (n.a.); Fi latel iya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 20-22; Three Soviet stamp designers, E. Aniskin, P. Bendel' and N. Litvinov discuss their Olympic stamps. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR, posvyashchennye igram XXII Olimpiady; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR: 10; Oct. 1980; 48-49; Lists artists, dates of issue & number printed of cacheted stamped envelopes for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Khudozhestvennye markirovannye konverty SSSR, posvyashchennye igram XXII Olimpiady; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980: 51-53; Stamped cacheted envelopes with a XXII Olympiad theme. Kimono i tatami; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1979; 56-57; Judo on foreign stamps and a Soviet cacheted envelope. Krug bogatyrei; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1978; 56-57; The hammer throw
Lietuvos Pasto Sportiniai Suvenyrai; Vainora, Ricardas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 5-7; 'Preparation, production, quantities and varieties of sports-related stamps issued in Lithaunia before WWII.' Lietuvos Sportininkai Olimpinese Zaidynese; Miezanskas, Vladas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 12-15; 'Survey of the participation of Lithuanian sportsmen in Olympic Games and how this is reflected in philately.' Malaya Spartakiada; Ol'gin, L.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1974; 7; A postal stationery envelope with cacheting showing equestrian competition at the II All-Union Rural Sport Games. Malenkie otkrytiya bol'shogo tennisa (zametki filatelista); SSSR; 4; Apr. 1991; 11-14; Tennis on Soviet stamps.
Fomenko, B.;
Molodost' i sport; Zagyanskaya, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1969; 19-20; The author comments on the 'arrangement' and production of several Soviet stamps with a sports theme. Moskovskaya pochta gotovitsya k Olimpiade; Yakobs, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 35: An interview with S.S. Slobodchikov, ctlief of the Moscow GPO's Olympic support office, about postal preparations for the event. Mushketery XX veka; Borodin, A.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1978; 60-62; Fencing on
Muzyka, iskusstvo i sport; Borodin, A.; skating. Na dvukh kontinentakh; Pirogov, v.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Filatel iya SSSR;
5; May 1983; 58-59;
7; July 1979; 3-5; The Olympics.
Na ehksponatakh - koni; Moiseenko, N,; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1968; 32-33 & 2 illustration pages; Horses and equestrian events on Soviet and foreign stamps. Na starte - konniki; Borodin, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; events on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1979; 56-58;
Nakanune Grenoblya; Levin, M./Borisov, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1968; 31-32 & central illustration page; The upcoming Winter Olympics in Grenoble and Soviet stamps issued for it. Nasledniki indeiskikh pirog; Borodin, A.; and two-man competition canoing.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Natsional'nye igry na markakh; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. National games on Soviet and foreign stamps.
1981; 54-55; One1971; 8-10;
Navstrechu Olimpiade-80 v bor'be za rekordy; Borcdin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 52-54; Light athletics portrayed on Soviet and foreign stamps. Obgonyayushchie vremya; Borodin, A.; Speed-skating.
Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Ochevidtsy istorii i vestniki budushchego; Bazunov, B.; 1990; 12-13; The Goodwill Games in Moscow, 1986.
1983; 58-59;
Filateliya SSSR; 7' JUly
Ochevidtsy istorii i vestniki budushchego; Bazunov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1990; 17-18; Continued from #7. The Good Will Games.
Thematic, Sports
Ognevye rUbezhi; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1979; 52-53; The shooling sports on Soviet and foreign stamps and stationery. Olimpiiskaya filateliya; Furman. Vsevolod; 1979; Izd-vo 'Fizkul'tura i sport', Moscow; Olympic stamp issues and postmarks of many nations. Olimpiiskie kol'tsa nad Baltikoi; Borooin, A./Mushta, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; 1980; 53-55; Olympic sailing on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Olimpilskie syuzhety: ehstafeta prodolzhaetsya; Sladkov, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1980; 7-8; An dialog between postal-issue designer E. Aniskin and a Moscow Institute of Cultl're official. Olimpiiskii Monreal' - filatelistam; Nikolaeva, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 12-19; Includes a complete 1 ist of Soviet and foreign stamps commemorating the Montreal Olympics. Olimpiiskoe pravo Moskvy; Furman, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; claim to host the Olympics in 1980. Ot druzhby v sporte k miru na zemle!; Bazunov, B.; 10-12; The Good Will Games.
10; Oct.
Filateliya SSSR;
10-11; Moscow's
11; Nov.
Panevezio Sportiniai Vokai; Kondratenas. P.; Fi latel ija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 18-19; 'Sports-related covers issued by the Panevezys branch of the Philatelic Society. ' Pervaya perchatka strany; Lur'e, Yu.; Korolev, champion Soviet boxer.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep.
1977; 51; N.F.
Po kol'tsu i vorotam; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 58-61; Basketball and handball on USSR and foreign stamps. Po olimpiiskoi trasse; Ulasik, V.; Filateliva SSSR; 6; June 1980; 6-7; Minsk's preparations for the 1980 Olympics. Pobednaya lyzhnya; Borodin, A.; skiing.
Filatel iya SSSR; 4: Apr.
Pochta 'Zolotai bogini'; Sadovnikov, V.: and the World Cup.
1982; 60-61; Cross-country
Filatel lya SSSR; 2; Aug.
1966; 29-31; Soccer
Pochta Olimpiaoy; Knyazev, V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2: Feb. 1980; Short item on the completion and intended funccion of the Moscow Olympic Post Office. Pochta 01impiady-80: Kulagin, P.A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1977; 35; The 'Olympics-80' Organizational Committee at the Moscow GPO. Pochtamt dlya olimpiitsev; Romanov, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 6: June 1977; Short item on the 'Mosstroi NO.3' construction unit working on the Olympic Post Office. Pochtamt Olimpiady-80; Volodin. K.; Vestnik svyazl; 6; June 1978; One page. Pochtovye gasheniya 01 impiady-80; Continued from #8.
Filatel iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
1982; 35-37;
Pochtovye gasheniya 01impiady-80; Yakobs. V.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1982: 36-38; Includes a complete list of permanent and temporary post offices that served the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Pochtovye gasheniya 01 impiady-80; Yakobs, V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1982; 37-39; Continued from #7. Includes a list of mobile posts operated during the 1980' Moscow Olympics a~d another showing which post offices supplied which spe~ial cancels. Pochtovye vestniki moskovskoi 01 impiaay: Koval'. V.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 1-3, front cover, inside front cover & bacK cover; USSR Olympic issues - stamps and stationery. Pod nebom Mekhiko; Tolin. A.; Filatel iYb SSSR; 2; Feb. stamp issues honoring the 1968 Mexico Olympics. number of stamps & blocks issued by each country, totals of medals won by each country.
1980; 8- 1 0; Soviet and foreign Includes a table showing the their Yvert numbers, and the
Predolimpiiskaya prem'era; Borisov, B.; Filateliya; 9; Sep. 1991; 16; Discussion of three upcoming stamps dedicated to the games of the XXV Olympiad. Predotvrashchayushchii padenie; Ehgenburg. L.: Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. Includes Soviet issues with a parachute theme. Priglashaem na vystavku; Volynets,
Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 4-5; Kiev's
Thematic, Sports
preparations for some 1980 Olympics events. Prolog sportivnoi temy; Furman, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. behind the 1933 Spartakiad stamps and their essays.
1976; 25-26; The story
Raduga - dobryi znak; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 2; stationery with a rainbow theme.
12-13; Olympic airmail
Ring smelykh; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. foreign issues.
1979; 48-51; Boxing on Soviet and
Rytsari khokkeinykh aren; Levin, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Shagai, Spartakiada; Belitskii,
Filateliya SSSR:
1972; 1975;
Shturm rekordov v Myunkhene; Tolin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. achievements in the 1972 Munich Olympics. Sila,
lovkost' i krasota; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3: Mar. Gymnastics on Soviet and foreign stamps.
10-12; Hockey on 14-15;
12-15; Soviet
1980; 56-58;
Skify na olimpiiskikh dorozhkakh; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; 58-60; Single- and crewed-rowing competitions on Soviet and foreign stamps. Sledy na sklone; Borodin, A.;
Filateliya SSSR;
Snezhnye snaipery; Vasil'ev, A.; the blathlon.
1983; 52-53; Skiing.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Sosud sportivnoi slavy; Brabich, V./Pletneva, G.; Sport trophy cups.
1983; 58-59; Stamps showing
Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1970; 27;
Sport drevnii i molodoi; Khokhlov, S.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1977; 4-7; Horse-racing and equestrian events on Soviet and foreign stamps. Sport in Latvian Philately; Petrevics, A.; 4-7; Sport millionov; Bogdasarov, A.;
Latvian Collector; 30; June-Oct.
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
12-16; Soccer.
Sport vcnera; Beletskii, Ya./Gleizer, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; 19; A rare set of PPCs issued in 1913 depicting various sports events in Moscow. Sport wird grossgeschrieben; Broetel, Achlm; Junge Sammler; Soviet emissions for the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
1 Feb.
Sportas ir filatelija; Steponavicius, Zbignevas; Filatelija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 3-4; The author 'points out that popularity of the sports theme in philately arises from the beauty, dynamics, optimism and youthfulness of the sports event. He also describes the evolution of this sort of collecting.' (In Lithuanian.) Startuyut shkol'niki; (n.a.); in Alma-Ata, 1974.
Filateliya SSSR; 9; Oct.
10; The XIII Spartakiad
Staryi Tomas rad gostyam; Li iv, Raimu; Filatel iya SSSR: 6; June 1980; 3-4; Tall inn's preparations for the Olympics, primarily saili~g events. Stepas Darius ir Sportas: Steponavicius. Zbignevas; Filatel ija Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 15-16: 'The activities of a Lithuanian Trans-A.tlantic fl ier, Steponas Darius, the field of sports.' Stranichki sportivnoi filumenii; Dyupin, R.: Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. Labels lssued to promote the II and III Spartakiads. Sud'ba pochtovoi mark;; Tipikin. V.: Filateliyz SSSP; 2: Feb. kop. hockey stamp and its subsequent two overprln~s. Suvenir polyarnoi olimpiady; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 'Prazdnik Severa' games in 1972. Suveniry belykh 01 impiad; Levin, M.; issues for Winter Olympiads.
10; Oct.
Fi latel iya SSSR; 2;
1971; 30-31;
11; The 19626
1972; 6; The 38th 1972; 9-10; Soviet
Suveniry polyarnoi Olimpiady; Fateev, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1973; 10; 'Northern Hol iday' winter sports competition in Murmansk, Kirovsk and Monchegorsk. The Spartakiada Issue of 1935; Cronin, Andrew;
Post Rider;
30; June 1992; 37-40;
Tne Spartakiada Round-up; Cronin, Andrew/Taylor, RObert/Voaden, Denys; Post Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 56-64; Numerous usages of these stamps on cover are illustrated.
The 1940 Olympics in Helsinki; Engel, Arnold; Latvian Collector; 27; May-Aug. 1979; 21-23; Latvian 1940 Olympics cancel lations on covers censored by the Germans and the English. TsFA 'Soyuzpechat" gotovitsya k Olimpiade; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 6; 36-37; Special cancels in preparation for the i980 Olympic~. U podnozhiya Fudziyamy; To'l in, A.; the XVIII Olympiad in Japan.
Fi latel iva SSSR;
June 1980;
21-23; The Games of
V khokkei igrayut nastoyashchie muzhchiny: Vasil 'ev, A.; Filatel iva SSSR; 1982; 58-59; Hockey players on stamps. Includes non-Soviet issues.
12; Dec.
V lastakh v morskuyu puchinu; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1973; 8; A postcard issued in honor of the European Underwater Speed-Swimming Championships in Moscow. V olimpiiskikh basseinakh; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. and swimming competitions on Soviet and foreign stamps. V stroyu bogatyrei; Borodin, A.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filatel iva SSSR; 9;
V Rime - pervye!; Tolin, A.; Filateliya SSSR: Olympiad in Rome, 1960.
12; Dec.
Veter v spitsakh koles; Borodin, A./Borodina, S.; 54-56; Cycling on Soviet and foreign stamps. Vizitnye kartochki 'korolevy' sporta; Levin, Oct. 1967; 40-42; Sports on stamps.
1980; 52-54; Diving
1979; 52-54: Wrestllng on
12-14; Games of the XVII
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1978;
M./Otkalenko, V.;
Filateliya SSSR:
Vnimanie! Na start!; Borodin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; 54-58; Stamps of various countries, including the USSR, portraying Olympic runners, high jumpers and pole vaulters. Vnimanie, na start!; Shevelev, A.; sports.
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Oec.
1973; 28-29; Children's
Voidi v stranu Neptuniyu. Ot legendy do akvalanga.; Semenov, Yu.; Fllateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1970; 25-26; The aqualung on Soviet and foreign stamps. Voleibol'naya stranitsa Spartakiady: Arzumanov, 20: Volleyball in the VI Spartakiad. Vosem'desyat let O'limpiiskoi filatelii; Includes some Soviet material.
Filateliya SSSR;
Levin, M.; SK;
Vstrechaet gorod na Neve; Trofimov, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; Leningrad's preparations for the 1980 Olympics.
12: Dec.
1976; 21-27; The Olympics. June 1980; 4-5;
Vtoraya zhizn' ledovykh novell; Furman, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1972; Figure skating on Soviet and foreign postal emissions.
Vystavka v chest' Spartakiady; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 10: Oct. 1970; 14; Announcement of a philatel ic exhibitlon in honor of the 1971 Spartakiad. Yubi lei polyarnoi 01 impiady; Fateev, A.; Fi latel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 9; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 'Polar Olympics' in the USSR. Zazvenit Tetiva v krylatskom; Borodin, A.; Archery on Soviet and foreign stamps.
Filateliya SSSR; 7;
Zheleznaya igra; Borodin, A.; Fi latellya SSSR; Soviet and foreign stampsc
10; Oct.
JUly 1978; 60-61;
1979: 52-54; Weightl ifting on
1952 Olympic Village Cancel; PodolSKy, Sherwin D.; Rossica; '18; . ~pr. 'D' postmark from the Olympic Village at Helsinki, 1952.
1992: 62-63; A
1964-1989 M. Lietuvos Vokai Sporta Tema; Vainora, Ricaraas; Filatel lJa Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 16-18; Listing of 'sports-related covers issued 1904-1989 by Lithuania's Ministry of Communications.' 200:0 v nashu pol'zu; 'v'ladinets, Soviet and foreign stamps.
N.; Filateliya SSSR: 9; Sep. Includes a checklist.
14-17; Soccer on
Thematic, Stal in
(n.t.); Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 72-73; A leaf used as a postcard in 1928, and more on Staliniana. (n.t.); Ilyushin, A.S.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 70-71; Information on postal stationery honoring composer N.Ya. Myaskovskii and 5.5. Prokof'ev, and more on Stal iniana. Stal iniana; Afangulski i, Ya.; Post Rider; 26; May 1990; 54-63;
Thematic, Surveying
Dva yUbileya; Bronshtein, G.; Filateliya SSS~; 8; Aug. 1979; 9-11; Two Moscow institutes involved in surveying, mapping and topography.
. 07/13/93
Thematic, Theater
'Ne 1yubit' ehtot teatr nevozmozhno ... ': Levitina, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 1974; 10-11; K.S. Stanis1avskii and the Moscow Artist's Theater.
11; Nov.
'Prevoskhodno igrayut v Khudozhestvennom obshchedostupnom ... '; Levitina, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR: 12: Dec. 1974: 9-10; The works of Gor'kii, Dostoevskii, Sa1tykov and V. Ivanov adapted for th~ theater. 'Russkogo teatra 1yudi neobkhodimye'; Levitina, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 12-13; Actors P.S. Mocha10v, P.M. Sadovskii, M.N. Ermo10va and G.N. Fedotova. Dramaturg, patriot i gumanist; Arake10v, S.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 2; Armenian writer and dramatist G.M. Sundukyan.
Es1i vy 1yubite teatr; Mikhai10va, G.; Theater.
1974; 6; The Malyi
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
10; Oct.
Kak 1yubimaya ro1'; Sladkov, L.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1977; interview with the director of the E. Vakhtangov Theater.
17-19; A philatelic
Korifei russkogo teatra i ikh svyazi s sovremennikami; Levitina, V.; 3; Mar. 1974; 8-10; Movers and shakers in the Russian theater. Mezhdunarodnyi den' teatra;
Strygin, A.;
Fi 1ate1 iva SSSR; 4; Apr.
Narodnyi artist; Marina, V.; Artists Theater actor.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
Pevets Rossii; Ginzburg,
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 2;
Pisate1', akademik, deputat; Tikhonova, A.; A.E. Korneichuk. Rovesnik pobedy; Zykin, V.; Theater.
Filate1iya SSSR;
7; JUly 1974; 9; Feb.
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
Ivan Moskvin, Moscow
11-12; Cha1iapin.
Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 11; Nov.
1977: 54; The
10-11; The Novosibirsk
Slovo - i ruzh'e, i znamya ... ; Arzumanov, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; Mirza Fatal i Akhundov, Azeri dramatist, 1812-1878.
July 1983;
Sputnitsa tvorchestva; with V.S. Rozov,
14-15; An interview
Sorkin, E.; Fi 1atel iva SSSR; 8; Aug. Soviet dramatist.
Teatru satiry - 50 let; Matskevich, M.; Fi1ate1 iva SSSR; 7; JUly 1974; 9; A postal stationery envelope honoring the 50th anniversary of the Satire Theater in Moscow. Ve1ikii master stseny; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. People'S Artist of the USSR.
1975; 5; V.N. Kachalov,
Vo1shebnik iz Shche1ykova; Bekishev, V.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 4; Apr. issues honoring A.N. Ostrovskii. YUbi1ei mastera; Pevzner, A.;
Fi1ateliya; 6; June 1991;
13-14; Postal
14-15; M.A. Bu1gakov.
Zametki teatrala; Vu1 'f, M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1986; 33-35; The author corrects some inaccuracies found in the depictions of Russian theaters.
Moya Rodina - SSSR; In.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 2; ~eb. 1979; 50: Stamps, stationery and a special cancel for the 'Tourist Expedition of Sovlet Youth', a Komsomol activity. Turistiniai Pasto Suvenyrai; Petrauskas. Kazys; Filate1iJa Lietuvoje; 5; 1991; 24-26; 'Postal sC".Jvenirs issued in 1958-60 by the tourlst base of Lithuania's Ministry of Education.' Turizm -
dostoyanie millionov;
Filatel'ya SSSR;
Thematic, Unions
Obratnyi adres: 'Moskva. Kremlevskii Ovorets S'ezdov'; Volodin, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1977; 4-6; The XVI Congress of Professional Unions and the postal services for it.
Thematic, USSR
Sovetski i Soyuz i Rossiya na inostrannykh markakh (Sovetika i Rossika); Sokolov, M.; SK; 11; 1974; 3-24; YUbileinye konverty; Murashkin, Yu.;
Filateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1972: 3-4;
Thematic, Vehicles
'Avtoservis-73'; (n.a.); Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1973; 10; A philatelic exhibit and two postal stationery envelopes on automobile maintenance. Avtobusy; Burshtein, D.; foreign stamps.
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
11; Nov.
1974; 27-28; Buses on Soviet and
Avtomobi1' na markakh. Vypusk 12. Dorogi, bezopasnost' dorozhnogo dvizheniya.; Do1matovski i, YU.; Fi 1ate1 iya SSSR: 12; Dec. 1988; 29-34: Soviet and foreign stamps with a traffic safety theme. Avtomobi1' v muzeinom za1e; Kochnev, E.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 5; May 1976; automobile exhibit in the Moscow Poly technical Museum. Avtomobil'nye shtempelya; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ate1iya; 6; June 1991; Vehicle-related cancellations on Soviet and foreign covers. Avtomobi1 'nyi sport; Burshtein, D.;
Fi latel iya SSSR;
Avtomobi1i v se1 'skom khozyaistve; Burshtein, D.; 56-57; Avtomobi1i-veterany; Burshtein, D.; Soviet and foreign stamps.
5; May 1974; 26-28;
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
Filate1iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Avtostrada - avtostrada; Bochkareva, illustration page;
10-11; An
10; Oct.
1978; 8-10; Old cars on
Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Bogatyri iz krasnogo urochishcha; Burshtein, 0.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 9; Sep. The Minsk Automobile Factory (MAZ) and some of its heavy vehicles. Bronevik Il'icha; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. cars used during the October Revolution.
& central 1985; 8-9;
1976; 50-51; The armored
Ehtot udobnyi, bystryi, prekrasnyi ... prok1yatyi avtomobil'; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 10-12; The author presents various approaches to collecting the automobile theme. Gor'kovskomu avtozavodu - 50 let; Burshtein, D.;
Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 7; JUly 1982; 4-5;
strakha; Bazunov, 5.; Fi1ate1iya; 9; Sep. 1991; 12-14; Race cars and rallies on Soviet and foreign postal emissions. Includes two special Soviet cancels commemorating races in the USSR in 1933 & 1936.
Karavany strakha i udachi; Bazunov, B.; Filate1iya; Long-distance races. Continued from #9. Ot 'Fordzona' do 'Kirovtsa'; Vikhanskii, M.; tractors.
10: Oct.
Filate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug.
Ot AMO do KamAZa; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ate1'ya SSSR; cars and trucks.
11; Nov.
1974; 9; Soviet
Eastern Bloc
Pochtovye avtomobili; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1974; 35-36 & first insert page; Postal vehlc1es of the world on stamps, including Soviet. Includes some history of Soviet postal transportation. Pod parusami fi1ate1ii; Kornyukhin, A.E.; 1975; Izd-vo Svyaz', Moscow; Original softbound book. Written for young philate1 ists, it covers a variety of themes, with emphasis on Soviet stamp production. Predki avtomobilya; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; forerunners on Soviet and foreign stamps.
10; Oct.
13-15; Automobile
Rozhdennaya Oktyabrem; Dvornikov, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 3-4; Stamps dedicated to the CiVil pol lce and the State Automobile Inspectorate. S markoi
'ZIL'; Rezchikov,
Fi 1atel iya SSSR;
1; Jan.
1983; 8-9;
Sovetskie sportivnye avtomobi1i; Stirnel'skaya. A./Vladimirov. V.; 12; Dec. 1977; 15-16; Soviet racecars. Vdol' po dorogam; Burshtein, D.; Fi1ate1iya SSSR; bridges on Soviet and foreign stamps. ZIL - potomok AMO;
3; Mar.
Fi1atel iya SSSR; 9;
Fi1ate1iya SSSR;
1976; 54-56; Roads and
1967; 4-7;
Thematic. Waterfalls Vodopady; Arseev. G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
1977; 59-60;
Thematic. Women
Geroinya iz sela Cherkasskogo; Lur'e. Yu.; Mareseva. medic and WWII heroine.
Filatel iya SSSR;
3; Mar.
1979; 50-51; Z.I.
pomnit mir spasennyi; Bogdanovskii. A./Mel'nikov. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1983; 10-11; Stamps and stationery 'ssued in honor of two women partisan heroines in WWII. snova poisk ... ; Mel'nikova. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1975; 18-19; L.I. Kurakhtova's thematic collection of 'Women in the Battle Against Fascism'. Khvala rukam. chto pakhnut khlebom; Grishin. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Soviet stamps and stationery depicting women. Miloserdie i otvaga; Aizenshtein. women paramedics in WWII.
Filateliya SSSR;
Otvazhnaya svyaznaya; Pashko. F./Lyashenko. A.; 54-55; S.I. Safronova. WWII heroine.
10; Oct.
1985; 6-7;
1983; 55; Soviet
Filatel iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Pervaya v mire zhenshchina-kosmonavt. K 10-letiyu poleta 'Vostoka-6'.; Sashenkov. E.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 8-9; Tereshkova's flight aboard Vostok-6. Podrugi; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. International Women's Day. May 8th.
1-2 & inside front cover;
Podrugi-snaipery; Lur'e. Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1974; 21-22; N.V. Kovshova and M.S. Polivanova. Sovlet female snipers in WWII. Put' geroev; Drobiz. B.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. Masha Polivanova. WWII sniper-heroines.
1977; 51-52; Natasha Kovshova and
Russian Deltiology (Part IV). Ol'ga. Tat'yana. Mariya and Anastasiya.; William; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 23-32;
S imenem Sof'i Perovskoi; Grinkevich. N.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1971; 24-25; A 1905 PPC wlth an illustration of Narodovolets Sofia Perovskaya hanged for her part in the assassination of Alexander II. S prazdnikom. dorogie zhenshchiny!; on Soviet stamps. Serdtse zhenskoe ... ; Fainshtein. heroines.
Filatel iya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Fi latel iya SSSR;
3; Mar.
Zhenshchina v zhivopisi; Azizova. T.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. maximum card portraying women at work in a mine. Zhenshchine posvyashchaetsya ... ; Vaks. Soviet stamps portraying women.
2-3; Women
1975; 58-59; WWII 1976; 21; A Soviet
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
1976; 28-30;
Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 44-46; Various issues immediately before and durlng the breakup of the Soviet Union.
(n.t.); (n.a.); Rossica; 52-53; 1957: 6; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Collector 'K.J. 's' half cover with a 1R bisect from Believka, Kherson province, to Odessa - 21 Aug. 1918. (n.t.); Adler, Kurt; Rossica; 73; 1967; 77-78; In "Notes From Collectors" section. Includes a description of Shagiv issues over'printed wit~ a possibly bogus Soviet surcharge. (n.t.); Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 74; 1968; 71; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Ukrainian National Republic postcard reval idated for use in 1924.
(n.t.); Kvetan-ChenaKalo, Leonid; Rossica; 79; 1970; 58; Two unusual Kiev cancels of 1927 and 1928 - 'Hay Market' and 'Corn Market'. In 'Notes From Collectors' section. (n.t.); Pauk, Bohdan; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 70; Two Rumanian markings of Cernauti from Northern Bukovina relating to an article in #10. (n.t.); Pilat, A.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 92; Schneidman, J. Lee; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Translated from 'Ukraina' #52. 1966. 1923 Ukraine famine-aid stamps. (n.t.); Shmuely, Moshe; Post Rider; 11; Nov. 1982; 71; Three postal history items from Northern Bukovina during the first Soviet administration. (n.t.); Tann, Leonard L.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 72; A demonetized postcard with overprint 'Blank Khar'kovskogo P.T. Okruga'. (n.t.); Trevers, C.M.; Post Rider; 6; Apr. commemoratives on cover.
1980; 64-65; Romanian 1942 Transnistria
'Terra inkognita' vne pochty!; TurchinsKii, Yu.; Filatel iya; 5; May 1992; 48-51; An overview of non-philatelic collecting in the fields of revenues, vignettes, receipts, coupons, etc. He defines and provides examples for each category. 'Zhitomir V', ili ukrainskaya fantasticheskaya nadpechatka na russkikh markakh armii gen. Yudenicha; Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 18; Dec. 1934; 127-128; A Letter From U.S.S.R., Franked With French Stamps; (n.a.); Russian Philatelist; 3; Feb.-Mar. 1963; 24; The stamp shortage in Kiev, 1924. A Listing of the Postal Outlets, Railway Stations, Towns, Hamlets and Village Councils of the Ukraine and the Postal Codes Assigned to Them; (n.a.); Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 7-9; A description of the contents found in this 1932 pUb 1 i ca t ion. A Philatelic Holiday; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 21; Dec. description of the Dr. Seichter collection.
1956; 651; A VERY general
A Serendipitous Discovery; Kuzych, Ingert; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 60; Discovery of a picture in 'Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia' that apparently served as the sUbject for the 1920 V,enna Issue windmill stamp. A Tale of Two Ukrainians; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; and Ostrovskii.
30; June 1992; 64-66; Kovpak
A Ukrainian Zip-Code System; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 79; late-1930s. About the Postal Rates of the Ukraine During the Rider; 31; Dec. 1992; 52-55;
1970; 51-52; Mid- to
Ivakhno. Oleksandr; Post
About the So-Called Courier Field Post; Sekretar, M.; BJRP; 48; Mar. 1973; Hugel. L.M.; Translated from 'Ukrainian Phi latel ist' #s 3-4, 1930.
Additional Data About the Ukrainian Field Post of 1920; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 45; 1955; 37-38; Aerophilately I.
The Ukrainian Flight.; Aronson, H.L.; RAP;
3; Nov.
Ahatanhel Krymsky; Send Me Stamps!; Pshenychny, Evhen; Ukrainian Philatelist; 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 45-46; On Academician Ahatanhel Krymsky. Air Post of Ukraine (1918-1920); de Schramchenko, Svyatoslav; Rossica; 45; 55-58; American Samovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; Captain Svyatoslav de Schramchenko.
11; May 1953; 325-329;
American Samovar; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; 17; Apr. 1955; 516-520; on a Ukraine air post cover, field post, etc.
Information about Includes information
Another Originating Point for the Andreas Lilge Correspondence; Scrimgeour. Gray; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 6-7; A cover addressed to German pastor Andreas Lilge in Canada. posted from Zhitomir. Apparat svyazi na Ukraine v 23-24 byudzh. godu; L'vov; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 110-111; Dostal and telegraph statistics for the Ukraine in the 1923-1924 fiscal year. Bibliographic GUide to the Ukrainian Philately. Revenue Stamps & Bank Notes; Maksimchuk. Yul iyan; 1979; Ukrains'ka Fi latel istichna Bibl ioteka. Chicago; Original softbound bibl iography. Bjeloborodov's Russian Uk~aine 1918; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 47; JUly 1972; 35-36; An overview of the article. Borernsya za vysokoe zvanie predpriyatiya kommunisticheskogo truda; Reva. I.N./Kotovskii. A.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1961; One page on workers at the Kiev OPP competing among brigades for this award. Canada Post Honors the 'Arrival of the Ukrainians'; Kuzych, Philatellst; 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 41-43;
Ingert; Ukrainian
Chastnye litsa proreagirovali - chern otvetit pochtovoe vedomstvo?; (n.a.); Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 62; A 1918 'Chainbreaker' privately overprinted 'Avgust 1991' and sent through the mail from Moscow to Dnepropetrovsk. 22 Aug. 1991. Chtoby ne dopustit' braka; Voronov. E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1968; One page on a personal incentives system at the Khar'kov PZhDP to reduce errors. Collecting Bielarus; Pauk, Bohdan; 1991; 19-20, 23-25; Midwest Chapter of Rossica. Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately'. prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field. Commentary to Kardakov's Catalogue No. Riga fractional bank note issue, Ukralnian trident on bank notes.
1; Ushkov. V.; Rosslca; 61; 1961; 56; The 1866 'Brut's ruble', and the origin of the
Comments on the Cancellations of the Revolutionary Period; Ceresa. 1978; 54-56;
R.J.; Rossica; 93;
Corrections; (n.a.); RAP; 5; Jan. 1943; 4; Aronson's 'The Ukrainian Fl ight' in #3. Prigara's 'Data on the First Three Issues' in #3. and 'The Tsar's Collection' #4. Crimea
Postage/Revenu~/Money Stamp; Marshall. A.R.; Pochta; 11; Jan. covers witn the Denikin-issue 50kop. stamp are illustrated.
Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 72; Spring. from the breakaway republics and not-50-republics.
1992; 38-39; Two
1992; 47-51; Stamp issues
Current Events in the F.S.U.; Steyn. Ivo; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 44-46; Various issues immediately before and during the breakup of the Soviet Union. Denezllnye znaki Ukrainy; Kardakov, N. ; Rossica; 25; Mar.
1937; 22-26;
Denezhnye znakl Ukrainy; Kardakov. N. ; Rossica; 26; June 1937; 46-51 ; Continued from #25. Denezhnye znaki Ukrainy; Kardakov. #26.
N. ; Rossica; 27; Oct.
Denezhnye znaki Ukrainy; Kardakov, N.;
Rossica; 28; Dec.
1937; 69-75; Continued from 1937; 91-93; Continued from
Denezhnye zna~' Ukrainy; Kardekov. Ccntinued from #28.
Denezhnye znaki Ukrainy; Kardakov. N.; Continued from #29.
29: Jan.-"eb.
30; Mar.-Apr.
Die Geschaefte des Herrn Jahn; Schneider. Joachim; ZRSP; 20-8-18 'Odessa' covers.
35; Sep.
Dlya razvitie pochtovoi svyazi; Gridin. A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; pages on improving postal service in tile Ukrainian SSR.
1984; 30-34;
1; Jan.
1968; Three
Dnepropetrovskie provizorii 1991 g.; (n.a.); Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1991; 47-49; A number of circular telegrams from the USSR Ministry of Communications to its branches concerning changes in rates. DnepropetrovSkie provizorii:
istoriya povtoryaetsya.;
Ivakhno, Aleksandr;
Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya: 1: 1991; 39-42; Parallels between the Dnepropetrovsk provisionals of 1918 and 1991. Dobrosovestnyi trud - put' k proizvodstvennym uspekham; Reva, I.N./Ptushkin, K.F.; Vestnik svyazi: 11; Nov. 1964; Two pages on the achievements of the Kiev OPP. Dom na pochtovoi: Bekhtir, V.: Filateliya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1983: 20-22: A perfectly-restored postal station-as-museum in Kiev. Dostavochnaya sluzhba v g. Nikolaeve sovershenstvuetsya: Gordeev, N.M.: Vestnik svyazi: 12: Dec. 1962: Two pages. Earliest Items of Mail From Odessa (1804): Baillie. 22-23: Odessa handstamps.
I.L.G.; BJRP: 64; Dec.
Eastern Galicia 1919; Knighton, R.P.; BJRP; 47; JUly 1972; 20-23
& illustration page
Echte Notmassnahme oder Philatelistische Machte? Oder: Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten?; Stollberg, A.: Pochta; 45; Aug. 1988; 42-43: Bisects. Ee pesni zovut k bor'be; Gdal in, A.: Fi latel iya SSSR; 3: Mar. 1971; 24; Lesya Ukrainka (L.P. Kosach-Kvitka), Ukrainian poetess and ardent bolshevik supporter. Ehffekt vstrechnogo plana; Petrovich, G.A.; Vestnik svyazi; on economic planning at the Khar'kov Post Office.
12; Dec.
1980; Two pages
Ehkonomim resursy; Zhad'ko, 1.1.: Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1982; Two pages on saving fuel and electricity during on- and off-loading of mail on mailcars at the Kiev RR Mail Transportation Office. Ehto mozhet pomoch'; Rogozhkin, E.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; One page. A suggestion from the GPU MS SSSR, Kiev Zone, on how to help promote use of the zip code among the populace. Ekspeditsiya Postmarks with Triangles on Ukraine Cards and Covers; Seichter, R.; BJRP; 37; O~t. 1965; 20-23; Eshche ob ukrainskikh markakh; Krenke, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 20-21; Krenke's reply to Sapozhnikov's criticism of his article on Ukrainian stamps. Eshche raz
Khar'kovskikh nadpechatkakh 'RUB'; Kuznetsov, D.; SK: 20:
Fadeev, A.V.; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. one of the founders of the Ukrainian VOF.
1982; 47-50;
1990; .59; Obituary for A.V.
Famine Relief Postcards 1922; Marshall, A.R.; Pochta; 10; June-July 1991; 37-39; Soviet PPCs With pictures of noted Russian, Ukrainian and German authors, poets and dramatists. Fantasticheskiya marki ukrainskikh povstantsev v Khotinskom uyezdye Bessarabii v 1919 g.; Shramchenko, S.; Rossica: 7; Sep. 1931; 49-50; Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; Vladinets, N.I.; 1982: 'Radio i svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. Covers a wide variety of sUbjects Within Russian and related-areas philately. From the Auctions; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 20; June 1987; 66-67; An 'only one flown' postcard from 1918 on the Vienna-Krakow-Lemberg line, a probable faked Nikolaevsk-on-Amur cover. and 'KTOE' overprints on a block of 4 Tannu Tuva 2kOp. fiscals. Gericht und Philatelie; Aerni, Pierre; Pochta: 48: Sep. from Rovno, 1940-1941.
1989: 34; Court mail forms
German Occupation of Ukraine: Bohne. Werner M.; Rossica: 93: 1978; 46; Reprinted from 'Reference Manual of Forgeries (GPS)'. Shows forged 'Ukraine' overprints on Hitler-head stamps. Glavnoe - vysokoe kachestvo raboty; Rogozhkin. E.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; July 1968: Two pages on efforts to improve mail service in the Ukraine. Gomel - The Townsend Types; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 2; Apr. checklist.
1948; 20-22;
- The Townsend Types; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 7; Oct.
Gorod drevnii, vechno yunyi; Teslya, A.;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1982; 5-8; Kiev.
Gorod slavy; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR: 9; Oct. kop. stamp.
10; Poltava honored on the 1974 4
Gosorgany i Svyaz' v Odesskoi gubernii; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; Improvements in postal services throughout Odessa province. Gotovit' rabochuyu smenu; Evgen'ev, K.; Vestnik svyazi: training new employees at the Kiev PZhDP.
12; Dec.
1983; One page on
Halbierunge, Echte Notmassnahme oder Pnilatel istische Mache? Oder: Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten!; Aerni, Pierre; Pochta; 46; Dec. 1988: 43-45; Bisects on 1918 Ukraine covers. Interesnyi dokument; Chernogor, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1974; VIII; The text of the announcement encouraging people to buy the 4 semi-postals issued in 1923 to aid the starving. Iskusstvo, literatura, filateliya; Strygin, A.; Filateliya SSSR; listing of stamps issued in honor of Taras Shevchenko.
1; Jan.
21; A
Istoriya pochtovoi marki; Kolesknikov, A.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1967; 38-39; Continued from #10. Includes information on RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR stamps. Istoriya vypuska znakov pochtovoi oplaty Ukrainy 1918-1919 gg.; Ivakhno. A./Andrieshin, G.; UiRF; 1; 1992; 3-5; Information on Ukrainian postage stamps drawn from Odessa Post-and-Telegraph District archives. Istoriya vypuska znakov pochtovoi oplaty Ukrainy 1918-1919 gg. - Ekaterinoslavskii pochtovo-telegrafnyi okrug; Ivakhno. Aleksandr; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 4-6 & 43-46; The Ekaterinoslav Post-and-Telegraph District and its postal issues, 1918-1919. Several documents from that period are reproduced on pp. 43-46. Iz istorii pochty v Kieve; Kiev post office.
Livshits, M.;
1974; 87-89;
Includes photos of the
Izmeneniya i dopolneniya k I tomu 'Kataloga-spravochnika otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty'; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; July 1991; 185-188; Additions and corrections to the Handbook. K postroike khar'kovskogo pochtamta; (n.a.); ZhTS; 10; Dct. 1925; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on a commission's choice for the site of the Khar'kov Post Office. Kakim byt' otdeleniyu svyazi na sele; Bolotov, G.I./Varoshenko. I.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; Two pages of discussion on which types of communications branch offices must be built in the Ukraine and what they'll be capable of. Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii (1917-1924); Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1927; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Civil War stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Katalog Chuzhinnikh Marok s Ukrains'koyu Tematikoyu; Maksymczuk. Julian; 1979; Original softbound catalog. Catalog of foreign private stamps and entires, cancellations, revenue stamps. and flap seals pertaining to Ukraine. Katalog Chuzhinnikh Marok. 3. Ukrainskoyu Tematikoyu. Dopovnennya ch. 2.; Maksymczuk, Julian; 1979; UFB; English title: Catalog of Foreign Private Stamps and Entires, Cancellations, Revenue Stamps, and Flap Seals Pertaining to Ukraine. Softbound original. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 65-80 insert; Filatel iva SSSR, Moscow; Levant issues, surcharges, overprints and the Ukrainian Levant issues. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty. V. Pochtovye mar~i Ukrainy.; (n.a.); Filate1iya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1991; 1-16, vol. 2; Contlnuatio!"' of the catalog-insert serles. Trident overprints, postmaster provlsionals, etc. are spread over tile next several issues: 2-1991. pp. 17-30; 3-1991, pp. 31-48: 4-1991, pp. 43-64; 5-1991. pp. 65-80. Katalog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znaKOV pochtovoi oplaty. V. Pochtovye marki Ukrainy.; (n.a.); Filateliya; 6; June 1991; 81-96; Continued from #5. Covers Luboml issues. Ukrainian overprints on Austrian and Hungarian stamps. and Carpatho-Ukraine issues. Katalog-spravochnik pochtovykh marok SSSR 1918-1991; (n.a.); Filateliya; 7; JUly 1992; 29-36; Continued from #6. Issues from Oct. 1927 to Mar. 1934. InclUdes additions and errata for the second volume. Khar'kov - A Town Getting Above Its Station!; Tann, 30-32; Khar'kov vokzal postmarks. Khar'kovskie provizorii
'RUB'; Dvoryanskii,
Leonard; Rossica;
E.; SK;
119; Oct. 18;
1980; 3-11;
Ukraine Khar'kovskii bUk1et; Berngard, K.;
Fi1atel iya SSSR; 5; May 1972; 45;
Khar'kovskii vypusk nadpechatok 'rub'; Sapozhnikov, V.; Sovetskii filate1ist; (26); Oct. 1924; 6-9; Continuation of an article on Khar'kov postmaster provisiona1s.
Khar'kovskii vypusk nadpechatok 'RUB'; Sapozhnikov, V.; Sovetskii fi1atelist; (27-28); Nov.-Dec. 1924; 14-17; Continued from #10.
Khotya po1ozhenie i normalizova1os' ... ; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1980; One page on improvements at the Kiev PZhDP in response to published criticism. Kiev na i1lyustrirovannykh otkrytkakh; Verotskii, V./et a1.; SK; 21;
1983; 80-95;
Kiev District Office Cancels; Ukrainian and Foreign Postal Rates; Taylor, Robert; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 73-75; Covers sent at Ukrainian and Red rates in 1919. Kiev:
Pochtovaya prem'era; Bekhtir, V.; stamps of Ukraine, 1991.
Fi1ateliya; 4; Apr.
Kievskaya pereotsenka - 8000 rub.; Mogil 'nyi, V.; 52-53; The Kiev provisiona1s of 1922.
1992; 22; The first two
Fi1ateliya SSSR;
12; Dec.
Kievskaya pereotsenka 1922 goda; Ivakhno, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. The 8000R surcharge on 5k savings stamps.
1986; 35-36;
Kievskii pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazl; 3; Mar. 1981; One page on how the Kiev Post Office plans to put the decisions of the October 1980 Plenum into effect. Letters to the Editor; Kuzych, Ingert; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 3-5; Differing opinions about which was the first international airmail flight: Vienna-Kiev or BUdapest-Vienna. M. Kotsyubinskii; Bogatyrev, N.; writer Kotsyubinskii.
Filateliya SSSR;
10; Oct.
12-13; Ukrainian
Marochnye ehmissii Kievskogo pochtovogo okruga; Parkhomovich, S.A.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1975; 28-29; A chapter reproduced from Parkhomovich's unpublished monograph. Mat' gorodov russkikh; Pavlukhin,
Fi latel iya SSSR;
12; Dec.
1974; 26-28; Kiev.
Mekhanizatsiya na predpriyatiyakh pochtovoi svyazi; Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1969; Three pages on postal mechanization at offices in the Ukraine. Mekhanizatsiya pochtovykh predpriyatii Ukrainy; Sinchenko, G.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1961; Three pages. Mekhanizirovannaya dostavka pochty potochnym metodom; Belen'kii, E.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. 1970; Three pages on mechanized mail delivery at the L'vov Post Office. Members' Displays - Ukraine; collection.
(n.a.); BJRP; 6; Apr.
1951; 95; Part of the C.W.
More About the First International Airmal1 Service in the World; Kuzych, Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 32-36; More About Ukrainian Courier Field Post of 1920; de Shramchenko, S. 1955; 16; Fantasy cancel on a 20-shagiv stamp.
Rossica; 46-47;
Motorizovannaya dostavka na sele; Kokode1, V.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1979; Two pages on mail del ivery by vehicle in the northern part of Zhitomir oblast'. Motorolle r y sluzhat pochte; Komarov, Yu.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; on motorbikes servlng the Post in Kiev.
JUly 1962; Three pages
Na vooruzhenii - progressivnyi metod; Shpota. A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; pages on the Kryzhopol' method in the Crimea. Nadpechatki anarkhistov Makhno; Tkhorzhevskii, R.; Fi1ateliya SSSR; 44-45; Makhno anarchists' overprints on bills. Narashchivaem tempy; Reva, I.N.; Vestnik svyazi; Kiev PZhDP is meeting its 5-year plan.
10; Oct.
1974; Two
11; Nov.
1970; Two pages on how the
Narodne gospodarstvo Ukrains'koi RSR - Statistichnii zbirnik; (n.a.); 1957; Derzhavne Statistichne Vidavnitstvo, Kiev; Two pages of statistics for 1932, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1950-1955. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 1979 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik;
Ukraine 1980; TsSU SSSR, 1975-1979.
'Tekhnika'. Kiev; One page of data for 1940,
Nar'odnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 1980 - Statisticheskii ezhegodnik; 1981; TsSU SSSR, 'Tekhnika'. Kiev; One page of statistics for 1940. 1975-1980.
1970, (n.a.); 1965, 1970.
Narodnoe khozyaistvo Ukrainskoi SSR - 60 - Yubileinyi statisticheskii ezhegodnik; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU UkSSR. 'Tekhnika', Kiev; Two pages of data for 1940. 1965. 1970. 1975-1976. Nerealizovannye vozmozhnosti; Marchik. G.O.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1980; Three pages on problems with unloading mailcars at the Khar'kov PZhDP. New York, Ukraina; Adler. Kurt; Rossica; 63; Ukrainian town named 'New York'.
1962; 50; A 1933 Soviet cancel from a
Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 14-15; May 1954; 453-455; The date of issue for the Ukraine 20 gr. red-on-green. Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 17; Apr. 1955; 534-535; of the black Zdolbunovo overprint as faked.
Includes a discussion
Notes on the C.M.T. Stamps Issued During the Roumanian Occupation of Pokutia; Chernyavski i, Ivan; Rossica; 75; 1968; 71-81; Notes on the Ukrainian Postal Code System; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 10-20; The Ukrainian 'zip code' system introduced in the early 1930s. Includes a listing of towns by number. Notes On Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 56; A Russian emigre forger in France, ·color varieties· of the 3k and 10k charity stamps of 1915, Wrangels, Phrygian cap overprints, Mongolia and Ukraine, Armenia ovel'pr i nts . Nova Odessa in Brazil; Polcrlaninov, R.; Rossica; of the city and how it got its name.
1990; 81-82; Brief history
Novye socruzheniya svyazi - Kievskii dom svyazi/Minskii pochtamt; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1957; Two pages. Short descriptions of these buildings along with two large photographs. Nuzhno iskat'; Osipenko, P.; Filat€liya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1990; 62; The author provides the text of a 'Kommunist' notice of 14 Jan. 1921, in which news of the opening of a military airmail service between Kiev, Khar'kov, E~aterinoslav and sevastopol' is publ ished.
chern nam piShut; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. wide variety of topics.
material 'nom stirnulirovanii (iz opyta raboty Kievskogo prizheleznodorozhnogo pochtamta); Reva. I.N.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1971; One page. At the Kiev PZhDP.
tekhnicheskoi ehkspluatatsii sredstv mekhanizatsii pochtovoi svyazi; Mel'nikov, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1969; Two pages on mechanization at the Khar'kov PZhDP and a number of other places.
zhivoi svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 155; Short item in the 'Khronika' section about orders from the Odessa Provincial Executive Committee to cease using non-postal couriers to carry mail.
1925; 73-83;
Letters to the editors on a
Db ukrainskikh markakh; Sapozhnikov, V.; Sovetskii filatelist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 20; Comments on omissions in Krenke's article on Ukrainian stamps.
Obmen kazennoi korrespondentsii; In.a.); ZhTS; 6: dune 1924; 166-167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Voronezh Post Office organizing an official-mail-del ivery bureau, and improving official mail del'very in the Ukraine. Odessa - Entwertungen: Der Unterbrochene Ooppelkreis - oder 'Bruecken' stempel; Baillie, I.L.G.; ZRSP; 34; Apr. 1984; 12-16; Koelzer, W.; Translated from BJRP #31.
Odessa Cancellations: The Continuous Double Circle Types; Baillie, BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 18-2:< &. 1 illustration page.;
I.L.G./et al.;
Odessa Cancellations; The Interrupted Double Circle or 'Bridge' Type; Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 31; Oct. 1962; 13-16 &. 1 illustration page.; Odessa Famine Issue 'Used' covers from 1924.
in Russia;
Lamoureux, Marcel; Rossica; 93;
1978; 22; Two
Odessa Postal and Telegraph Services 1808-1869; Roberts, 1991; 11; Postal and telegraph statistics.
Ian W.; Rossica;
116; Apr.
Odessa Transit Marks on Mail from Sea of Azov Ports to the West; Griffiths, C.; BJRP; 53; Nov. 1976; 15; Odessa Transit Marks on Mail from Sea of Azov Ports to the West to 1873; Conway, B./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 52; Dec. 1975; 4-5 and illustration page 2; Odessa:
1804 Onwards; Baillie,
I.L.G.; BJRP; 59; Dec.
1982; 3-4;
Odesskaya sanatoriya NKPiT; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 135; Sanatoria facilities on the outskirts of Odessa, for post-and-telegraph employees. Odesskie nakhodki; Zin'ko, F.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. Odessa from the K.A. Kabardintsev collection. Odesskii mayak; Zakharov, F.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. of the Odessa Lighthouse. Odin iz stareishikh; Maiorov, V.; Archeological Museum.
1969; 38-39; Some PPCs of
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Opening Old Wounds; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. take-over of Bessarabia and parts of the Ukraine.
19-20; A brief history
1983; 5-7; The Odessa 1991; 64-65; The Romanian
Opyt ehkspluatatsii poluavtomaticheskoi ustanovki dlya sortirovki pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; Soskin, G.B./Korepanov, P.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. One page on semiautomatic mail sorting machines at the Kiev Post Office.
Opyt peredovykh - vsem rabotnikam pochty; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1966; One page on a working semInar of postal workers from most of the USSR, at Kiev. Oshibki I zabluzhdeniya (Katalog-spravochnik pochtovykh marok Ukrainy); Ivakhno, Aleksandr; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 14-17; An extensive review and criticism of Bova, Krasin and Turchinskii's Ukraine catalog and handbook. Ot azbuki k chteniyu; T., A.R.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. 1925; 85; The author takes issue with A. Fedyukov's approach to the problem of administrative reorganization. Otkroetsya muzei; Drigailo, F.K.; Vestnik svyazi; preserving the first postal station in Kiev.
12; Dec.
1980; One page on
Otkrytye posylkl; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 166; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Ddessa Post Office's acceptance of packages sent 'openly', with no boxes or wrapping, via official mailbags. Otvyet nachinayushchemu sobirat' Rossiyu; (n.a.); Rossica; 42; Apr. 1941; 49; In the Far Eastern Supplement to the Rossica journal. Details the background of the 'Odessa Famine Issue'. Outstanding Covers; Baillie, I.L.G./Wortman, A.H.; BJRP; 31; Oct. Trachtenberg cover and a Poltava lB on piece.
10-12; A
Outstanding Covers; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 33; Oct. 1963; 14-15 & 1 illustration page; A Poltava trident on 3 1/2 R stamp cover to Zhitomir, and a cover with Sarny Type 2. Outstanding Covers; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 41; Oct. covers with Kiev trident types.
12 & 1 illustration page; Two
Outstanding Covers - No.6; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 6; Apr. 1951; 93; A 1919 Kiev-to-Fastov postcard with a ministerial overprint of Kiev on five Romano\' stamps. Panas Mlrnyi; Matskevlch. M.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1974; envelope honoring the Ukrainian writer Panas Mirnyi.
10; A postal stationery
Pechati i shtempelya pochtovykh uchrezhdenil Ukrainy v 1920-1922 gg.; Mogil'nyi, V.; SK; 22; 1984; 7-8; Perevozka i dostavka pochty na sele; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. pages on transportation and delivery of mail in Nikolaev oblast'.
1964; Two
Perspektivy rosta; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; Short article on decisions taken by the Ukrainian SSR to improve postal services. Pervyi aviapochtovyi marshrut; Mogi l'nyi, V.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1983; 12-13; Quotations from the Kiev Post Office's chief and an NKPiT order about the Moscow-Koenigsberg route, 1922.
Pervyi v respubl ike; Gorbenko, A.; Filatel iya SSSR; 6; June 1990; 44; A newly-formed museum in Ternopol' at the R.I. Tkhorzhevskii Institute, which publishes numismatic and scripophilic 1 iterature as well as providing exhibits. Phantasies and Their Forgeries; Polchaninoff, R.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 60-62; Italian-produced 'Odessa Famine' and 'Azerbaija~' issues, plus Turkestan. Philately in Ukraine; Kuzych, 49-53;
Ingert; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No.
Pis'mo i gazeta idut bystree; dellvery in L'vov.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi;
12; Dec.
1971; Vehicular mail
Pis'mo nabiraet skorost'. (Iz opyta raboty Kievskogo prizheleznodorozhnogo pochtamta po uskoreniyu prokhozhdeniya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii.); Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1971; Three pages. Plody truda svyazistov Ukrainy; Sinchenko, G.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. pages. Includes postal information.
Pochemu by ne pouchit'sya?; Kryshtafovich, Yu.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1980; Three pages on mail-transfer problems and the Kiev PZhDP, and criticism. Pochta i pressa; (n.a.); ZhTS; 12; Dec. 1924; 152; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Communications District Administration's success in using the newspapers to advertise its services. Pochta i telegraf Ukrainy v 1922 godu; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 208-209; A summary of the statistical publication 'The Ukraine's Post and Telegraph in 1922' . Pochta na sele; Tkachukov; Khar'kov.
1; Jan.
122-123; On a circular post route from
Pochtamt preobrazilsya; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. renovation of the L'vov Post Office's main hall.
1968; Short article on the
Pochtamt respubliki; Samoilenko, N.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1974; One page on construction of a nevlspaper-and-magazine main post office in Kiev. Pochtamt u rel'sov; Lyapin, A.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. projected construction of the Dnepropetrovsk PZhDP. Pochtovaya indeksatsiya na Ukralne; Mogil'nyi, V.; 43-49;
1976: Short item on the
Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980;
Pochtovye marki dlya Ukrainy; Stefanovskii. E.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 103; Efforts on the part of the Ukraine to have its own stamp issue under the Soviet regime. Pochtovye suveniry Kryma; Pavlukhin, L.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; July 1978; 8-9: Special cancels and postal stationery from the Crimean Black Sea resorts. 2-e Ukrainskie pochtovye ta r lfy.;
Pochtovye tarify Ukrainy 1918-1920 9g. - 1-e ukrainskie pochtovye tarify; Aleksandr; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya filateliya; 1; 1991; 7-13;
Pochtovye tarify Ukrainy 1918-1920 9g. Aleksandr; UiRF; 1; 1992; 6-11;
Pochtovye yashchiki v tramvainykh vagonakh; (n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1925; 134: Short item in the 'Khronika' section on placing mailboxes on tramway cars in Khar'kov. Poisk ne konchaetsya: Fedchenko. I.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1975; Two pages. An accoun~ by the chief of Mailcar #21 of the Kiev PZhDP about work in a mailcar. Poland-Odessa: Kuderewicz, Jozef: Rossica; 73: in ~he 19th century. elvi] War and WWII.
1967; 26-29:
Letters betweer the two
Poleznaya pamyatka; (n.a.): Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1967; One page. Discussion of an inslruction booklet distrlouted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Communications, tell ing its postal workers how they should behave towards the clientele. Polish Consular Post in Odessa in 1919-1920; Gibrick,
Seymour; Rossica; 49-50;
Polish Occupation of the Ukraine, Includes 'Outstanding Cover' stamps issued.
1919; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 20; May 1956; 601-603; #19 on p. 601. The occupation of Kovel and the
Polish Occupation of the Ukraine. 1919; Roberts, C.W.; illustration page.; The occupatlon of Kovel.
Rossica; 67;
10-12 & 1
Polish Postal Cards with Ukrainian Connections (Part II); Solczanyk, Andrij D.; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 77-85; Poshtovi marki ukrains'kogo taboru polonenikh u Rimini (Italiya). Filateliya v tabori polonenikh u Rimini.; Martyniuk, Rudolf; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 63-7:,; In Ukrainian. Includes an English summar'y by A. Hladylovych on postage stamps used at the Ukrainian POW camp at Rimini, Italy. Postage Stamps of Ukrainian National Republic 1920 (Scott's Nos. Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 48; 1956; 39-40; Postal
156-169); de
& Telegraphic Branch: Halyts'ky Bazar; Steyn, Ivo; Post Rider; 73-74; A registered cover from the 'Galician Bazaar', 1927.
Postcard From the '669 Days of Infamy'; Michalove, Peter A./Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 51; A Soviet postcard from the Ukraine to a Polish P.O.W. in Germany during the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Postmark Reading in Belorussian and Ukrainian; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica; 116; Apr. 1991; 46-48; How to determine the difference between Belorussian and Ukrainian on a cancellation. Posvyashchaetsya kobzaryu; Pyrig, L.; Filateliya SSSR; stamps and stationery honoring Taras Shevchenko.
Posvyashchaetsya velikomu kobzaryu; Zabochen', M.; SK; 2; Shevchenko PPCs.
Jan. 1964;
1972; 9-11;
133-143; Taras
Posylki na pred'yavitelya; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Communications District's attempt to expand package operations by permitting the bearer of a package receipt to obtain a loan from a bank. Priblezhenie pochty k selu v Odesskoi gUb.; (n.a.); ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925; item in the 'Khronika' section on rural mail in Odessa Province.
151; Short
Priglashaem na vystavku; Volynets, I.; Filateliya SSSR; 6; June 1980; 4-5; Kiev's preparations for some 1980 Olympics events. Priglasila pochtovaya s~antsiya; TASS; Vestnik svyazi; article about the first postal station in Kiev.
11; Nov.
1982; One-page
Probnyi denezhnyi znak Ukrainskoi SSR v 50 karbovantsev 1919 g.; Tkhorzhevskii, R.; SK; 17; 1979; 128-132; Proofs of the Ukrainian Overprints on the Stamps of 1918; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 44; 1954; 29-30; Pryamye snosheniya s zagranitsei; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925~ 170; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Kiev Post Office establishing direct postal exchange with several European countries and the US. Puti uskoreniya dostavki pechati naseleniyu; Novichenko, P.; Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1975; Three pages on improving mail del ivery of newspapers at the Kiev Post Office. Puti uskoreniya prokhozhdeniya pechati i korrespondentsii; Vasil 'ev, L.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; Two pages on measures taken by the Dnepropetrovsk PTUS. Rannyaya dostavka: ee problemy; Sukhovoi, P.F./Belen'kii, E.Z.; Vestnik svyazi; 6; June 1976; Two pages on early delivery problems in the L'vov area. Rasshirenie raboty Odesskogo Okl-uga; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on staff increases in Odessa's Communications District. Recent Society DIsplays; exnibit.
(n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep.
1958; 799-800; C.W. Roberts'
Reisy vozdushno i pochty; (n.a.); ZhTS; 6; June 1924; 167; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the Odessa-Khar'kov airmail route. Respublikanskoe soveshchanie rabotnikov pochtovoi svyazi; Aug. 1968; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8;
Revenue Stamps in Place of Postage Stamps; Mogil 'nyi, V.; Rossica; 115; Oct. 1990; 55-56; Dallair, Richard; The Kiev PTO's initiative to use revenue stamp stocks as postage. Rossica and B.S.R.P. Welcomes Cecil W. Roberts F.R.P.S.L.; (n.a.); Rossica; 73; 53-54; A talk given by C.W.R. on 8 Oct. 1967 - Kiev overprints. Russia and Russian Territories - The 'Polon' Collection; Siegel, Robert A.
1975; Two original catalogs. one with prices real ized.
Russian and Ukrainian Currency Stamps 1915-1918; Spiwak, Paul B.; 1978; 14-18;
Post Rider; 3; Sep.
S imenem Bogdana Khmel'nitskogo; Burkov, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. The Bogdan Khmelnitsky medal for WWII campaigns in the UK~aine. Samolety s pechat'yu vyletayut bez zaderzhki; Kaminskli, Feb. 1969; One page on successes at the Kiev AOPP.
I.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 2;
Sberkassy; (n.a.); ZhTS; 8; Aug. 1924; 156; Very short item in the 'Khronika' section on 70 new workers' savings banks to be opened in the Kiev Post-and-Telegraph District. Sdel'naya oplata truda; Gridin, A.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. the introduction of a new wage system at the Kiev ZhDSP.
1970; Three pages on
Set' vspomogatel'nykh punktov; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 135; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on auxiliary postal establishments formed in the Odessa Communications District. Sgorelo p.-t. otdelenie; (n.a.); ZhTS; 7; July 1925; 139; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the lvankovskii post-and-telegraph branch office burning down. Skazavshi 'a' sleduet skazat' 'b'; Fidyukov, A.; ZhTS; 10; Oct. ~925; 83-85; The NKPiT's refusal to go along with the Ukrainian system of delineation - rajon, ok rug and republic - for government establishments. including the Post. Smotr pervykh itogov; Vishnevskii, A.; ZhTS; 9; Sep. 1925; 75-80; Statistical and narrative description of postal operations in Kiev District rural areas. Sortirovshchiki - reshayushchee zveno; Petrenko, E.S.; Vestnik svyazi; Three pages on mail sorting at the Khar'kov PZhDP.
12; Dec.
Sovershenstvovat' organizatsionnye osnovy obshchestva; Mudrenko, F.G.; F,lateliya SSSR; 6; June 1973; 3-6; Excerpts from a speech delivered at the 4th Plenum of the VOF Board by the Ukrainian VOF president. Soviet Local TridenT Overprint Forgeries (An Additional Note); Zabijaka, Val; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 31; Sovremennye provlzorii; (n.a.); Filateliya; 5; May 1992; 16; Seventeen 'provisionals' from Kiev, Zaporozh'e, Berdyansk. Donetsk, L'vov and KaneI'. appl ied to Soviet stationery during 1991. Sozdadim postoyannye kadry pochtal 'onov; Aleksandrova, N.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. 1965; Two pages on creating permanent postillion cadres in Kiev. Sredstva maloi mekhanizatsil - otdeleniY3m svyazi; Oleinik, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1981; Two pages on mechanical devices for the post in L'vov oblast'. Stamps of Russian Civil War Period: 1918-1922; Shishkln, BoriS; Rossica; 72; 1967; 8-13; Khar'kov locals, Kiev and Vyaz'ma provisionals, Fort Aleksandrovskii revenue issues. Stimul kachestva; Goncharov, F.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1980; Two pages on incentives and awards for employees at the Khar'kov Post Office. Stranstvuyushchi i fi losof; Zaoochen'. M.; Fi latel iVa SSSR; 2; Skovoroda, Ukrainian philosopher', teacher and wrlter. SUl':1ka polna novostei; B路ilkun. M.; Pravda; Kiev 67th Postal Branch Office. Svoi
19 Feb.
14; Grigori i
1982; 3; A female postillion at the
indeks - kazhdomu otdelenly'u; Vasii'ev, L.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; Two pages on a proposal by the postal service chief at the Dnepropetrovsk PTUS to assign individual zip codes ~o c;ty postal branches & some larger villages.
Tam. gee rodilsya pochin; Kukuruza, A.F.; Vestnik svyazi; maii delivery to Villages in the Ukraine.
11; Nov.
1979; Two pages on
Temporary Ukrainian Postage Stamps of 1919; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica: 52-53; 22-23;
The 'Kerenski' Postcards; Epstein, Alexander; BJRP; 73; Autumn 1992; 22-37; Numerous illustrations, usages. The 'Postmaster' Provisional Surcharges of Russia. 1920-1922.; Greaves, A.W.; BJRP; 3; June 1949; 35-40; Background, list of known issuing towns, SUb-types and forgeries.
Ukraine The Budapest - Vienna - Cracow - Lemberg - Kiev Airmail, 51: May 1975; 8-10;
1918; Poulter, E.S.; BJRP;
The Bute Ukraine Collection: Roberts, C.W./Seichter, R.; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 29-31; A description of the collection's highlights. and damage. The Coins of Princely Ruce - Enduring Symbols of a Glorious Past; Semeniuk, John/Semeniuk, Roman; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 6-13; The Crimea in Philately; Steyn,
Ivo; Rossica;
118; Apr.
1992; 53-57;
The Currency Stamps of the Ukraine; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 5;
1951; 90-91;
The German Presence in Alberta; Spencer, Keith; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 3-6; German Protestant settlers in Canada, some of them from the Ukraine and Poland. The Greaves Ukraine Collection; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 39; Oct.
1966; 27-28;
The Holy War Against Bolshevism; Afangulskii, Ya.; Post Rider; 18; June 1986; 36-66; The anti-bolshevik theme issues of many countries allied with Nazi Germany against the USSR are described. Includes the Vlasov Army, Serbian, Rumanian, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish & Dutch issues. The Interim Issues of Soviet Ukraine, 39 No. 1(61); 1992; 3-16;
1919-1923; Bylen, Peter; Ukrainian Philatelist;
The Kiev-Pechora Hoard; Bekisz, J.I./Spasskii, 1-2(53-54); 1992; 37-38; The Post in East Gal icia,
1919; Knighton,
I.G.; Ukrainlan Philatelist; 35 No.
R.P.; BJRP; 6; Apr.
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 1. The Trident Issues of Odesa, Types I and II.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; May 1979; Original numbered copy - #23. Numerous fakes and forgeries are illustrated. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Part 2. The Trident Issues of Odesa, Types III and IV.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Sep. 1979; Original numbered copy #23. Numerous fakes and forgeries are illustrated. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 14-19. The Trident Issues of Podilia Types Ia to XVle.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Oct. 1986-Mar. 1987; Two volumes - text and plates. Original numbered copies - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 20-23. The Special Trident Issues.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Apr.-July 1987; Two volumes - text and plates. Original numbered copies - #23. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 3-4. The Trident Issues of Odesa Types V and VI.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Sep. 1980; Original numbered copy #23. Fakes and forgeries. The Postage Stamos of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 5-6. The Trident Issues of Katerynoslav and Poltava.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukralne.; Aug. 1982; Original numbered copy - #23. Fakes and forgeries. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 7-8. The Trident Issues of Kharkiv Types I, II and III.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Sep. 1985; Original numbered copy - #23. Fakes and forgeries. The Postage Stamps of Russia. 19 1 7-1923. Parts 9-13. The Trident Issues of Kyiv Types I, II and III.; Ceresa, R.J.; 2. Ukraine.; Jan. -May 1986; Two volumes text and plates. Original numbered copies - #23. The Roumanian Posts in Transnistria; Biala, Dumitru C.; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 35; The Roumanian Posts in Transnistria; Marinescu, Cal in; Post Rider; 25-35; The Odessa area, WWII. The Shagiv Issue of the Ukraine: An Introduction; Baillie, 1965; 3-5 & 2 illustration pages; The Shagiv Issues of the Ukraine: 23-26;
New Data; Baillie, I,L.G.
29; Dec.
1991; 1991;
I.L.G.; BJRP; 37; Oct. BJRP; 38; Mar.
The Shagiv Issues of the Ukraine: Possible Forgeries of Postage Stamps: Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 27-29; The Soviet Occupation of the Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia 1939-1941; Michalove, Peter A.; Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 75-81; Postage stamps, franking policies, postmarks and linguistic policies.
The Ukrainian Literary Language Used in the Austrian Empire; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. 1981; 18-23; The Ukrainian Ration Coupon System of 1990-91: Kuzych, Ukrainian Philatelist: 39 No. 1(61): 1992; 47-52;
IngertjZabijaka, Val;
The Ukrainian Refugee Camp in Gmuend, Austria, 1914-1917, and Its Postal Facilities: Hugel, LUbomyr M.: Ukrainian Phi latel ist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 39-43: The Windmill Stamp of the 1920 Vienna Issue: Muggeridge, Donald W.: Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54): 1992: 54-59: The Zhmerynka (Podilia) Trident Overprints: Hawryluk, 39 No. 1(61): 1992: 35-40;
Stephen; Ukrainian Philatelist:
The 1852 Nizhen Treasure of Silver Coins (A Reconstruction of Contents): Sotnikova. M.P.; Ukrainian Philatelist: 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 14-31: Tramvainaya pochta v Kieve: Mogil'nyi, V.: Filateliya SSSR: 7; 'tramway' post in Kiev, begun in 1892.
JUly 1982;
11; The
Transfer Cards Used During the Period of Ukrainian Independence, 1917-1920 (Part I); Fessak, Borys; Ukrainian Philatelist; 39 No. 1(61): 1992: 17-34: The author describes 24 varieties of Imperial postal money order forms. Transnistria - Some Notes on the Cancellations and Markings Used Under the Roumanian Administration; Trevers, Christopher M.; Post Rider; 10; May 1982; 8-31; Trebovaniya povysheny; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi: 10; Oct. 1985; 28; Short article on efforts undertaken by the Ukrainian SSR's Ministry of Communications to resolve problems with indexation. Tridents Triumph at SIPEX; Shishkln, Boris; Rossica; award-winning exhibits of UKraine.
1967; 62-63: Three
Trudovoi ehkzamen; Voronov, E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 10: Oct. 1967; One page on measures taken by the incoming mail sorting section of the Khar'kov OPP in response to ho 1 i da y ma i 1 . Two Interesting Soviet Ukrainian Items; 8ylel1. Peter; 74-76:
Post Rider; 29; Dec.
Ukraina - Slovakiya; Myakota, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 5: A picture e~velooe and special cancel for a Ukrainian-Slovakian philatel ie pxhibition in 1979. Ukraine; Robe~ts, C.W.; BJRP: 42; Dec. tridents.
1968; 26-27:
Ekaterinoslav and Poltava
Ukraine - The Kherson or Hetman Trident; Greaves, A.W./Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 4; Dec. 1949: 57-63; Ukraine - Theatre Revenue Stamps of 1918; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 49-50; 51- 52;
Ukraine - 1920 Field Post Issue; Baillie, 709-721;
I.L.G./Roberts, C.W.; BJRP: 23; Mar.
Ukraine - 1920 Field Post Issue; Baillie, 777-785; Continued from #23.
I.L.G./Roberts, C.W.: BJRP; 24; Sep.
Ukraine #156-69;
Rossica; 45:
1955: 58;
Ukraine Covers; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 26; of
1959; 3-6; The author discusses the rarity
Ukraine FOF'ger 1es;
Roberts, C. W. ; Rossica; 76-77;
1969; 83-84;
( I ) ; Roberts, C. W.; BJRP; 39; Oct.
19-21 :
Ukraine Notes ( 2 ) ; Roberts, C. W.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
Ukraine Notes (3 ) - Kharkov; Roberts, C. W. ; BJRP; 41 ; Oct.
Ukraine Pictorials Printed on Maps; Hall, Anarew/8arefoot, John; BJRP; 59; Dec. 50-52; Ukraine Plate Numbers; Roberts, C.W.jet al.; BJRP; 28; Ukraine 1920 Field Post Issue. 1960; 25-26:
More Notes.; Baill ie,
1960; 22-25; I.L.G./Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 27;
Ukraine-Kiev; Roberts, C.W.; Rossica; 73; trident overprints.
1967; 55-62; Characteristics of the various
Ukraine: Courier Fieldpost: 1920. Some Thoughts Based on the 'Schramchenko' Collection.; Baillie, I.L.G.; Rossica; 60; 1961; 38-41; Ukraine: The Shagiv Currency Stamps; Baillie, 1967; 19 - 24;
I.L.G./Ceresa, R.J.; BJRP; 40; Mar.
Ukrainian 'Skrinka' Markings; Adler, Kurt/Stone, Lauson H.; Rossica; 68; Markings applied to registered letters extracted from mailboxes.
1965; 52-53;
Ukrainian DP Camp, POW Camp, Government ,n Exi ie, and National Council Issues; Fessak, Borys; 1992; Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society, Washington, D.C.; Special Publ ication NO.2. Original softbound catalog. Ukrainian Field Post of 1920; Gibrick, Seymour; Rossica; 45; Ukrainian Levant 1918. 1952; 308-311;
1955; 37-38;
The 'R.O.P.i T.' Overprints.; Hughes, W.E.; BJRP;
Ukrainian National Republic Government-in-Exile Issues on Covers; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-2(53-54); 1992; 61-62; Ukrainian Revenue Stamps; Zabijaka, Val; Rossica; 92;
10; Nov.
Fessak, Borys;
1978; 48-51;
Ukrainian Wooden Churches in Philately; Cronin, Andrew; 66-70;
Post Rider; 22; June 1988;
Ukrainizatsiya apparata Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1924; 132; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on disbursement of funds to several Ukrainian Communications Districts to promote 'Ukrainiazation'. Ukrainpex '85;
(n.a.); Rossica;
Ukralnpex '88;
(n.a.); Rossica;
1985; 5-6; Held in Montreal.
Ukrainskaya respublikanskaya filatei isticheskaya vystavka, posvyashchennaya 60-letiyu obrazovaniya SSSR - Katalog.; (n.a.); 1982; Kiev; Exhibition catalog for the 29 Aug.-11 Sep. 1982 show. Includes invitation. Ukrainskaya SSR v tsifrakh; (n.a.); for 1940, 1950, 1960 and 1965.
1967; TsSU UkSSR, Kiev; One page of statistics
Ukrainskie mar~i v Smolenske; Berngard, K.; F,latel iya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1978; 51-53; Ukrainian stamps used to frank a 1920 Smolensk telegraph money order form. The author asserts the stamps were 'trcphies' used to frank official domestic mail. Ukreplenie pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 4; Apr. 1925; 149; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on improving postal communications between towns and rural areas in Irkutsk, Kiev and Khar'kov Provinces. UkSSR v tsifrakh - 1976 - Kratkii statisticheskii sbornik; (n.a.); 1977; TsSU UkSSR, 'Tekhnika', Kiev; One page of statistics for 1940, 1965, 1970, 1975-1976. Uluchshaem dostavku pochty na sele; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar. pages on rural delivery at the Nikolaev PTUS. Uluchshaem organizatsiyu truda; Ryabkov, B.I.; Vestnik svyazi; pages on the N.O.T. at work in the Odessa Post Office. Uluchshaem organizatsiyu truda; Sedykh, I.P.; on greater efficiency at the L'vov OPP.
Vestnik svyazi;
Uluchshat' usloviya truda; Boiko, N.V.; Vestnik 5vyazi; 6; posta, mechanization at the L'vov Post Office. Unikal 'noe zdanie pochtamta v Odesse; One page.
11; Nov. 1; Jan.
1969; Two
1968; Three
1971; Two pages
June 1977; Three pages on
I.P.; Vestnik svyazi;
12; Dec.
Unknown Ukrainian Provisional; Bulat, John; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1992; 75-76;
Uprazdnenie Chernomorskogo ok ruga svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 11; Nov. 1925; 142; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on abolishment of the Black Sea Communications District. It was divided between the Khar'kov and Kiev Districts. Uzel svyazi - predpriyatie kommunisticheskogo truda; Gordeev, N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 7; JUly 1968; Three pages on the Snegirev R.U.S. in Nikolaev oblast'. V kazhdom sele - pochtovoe otdelenie;
10; Oct.
129; Short item in
the 'Khronika' section on expansion of rural mail services in the Kiev Communications District. V periody bol'shikh potokov pochty; Goncharov, Two pages - at the Khar'kov PZhDP.
F.5.: Vestnik svyazi; 3; Mar.
V Kievskom Okruge Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 9-10; Sep.-Oct. 1924; 197-198; Posta' and telegraph statistics for the Kiev Communications District. Vatican Stamps with Ukrainian Connections; Kuzych, Ingert/Solczanyk, Andrij D.; Ukrainian Philatelist; 35 No. 1-~(53-54); 1992; 44-48; Voznagrazhdenie za khoroshuyu rabotu; Voronov, E.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. One page on how the Khar'kov PZhDP did well in 1968. Vystavka svyazi v Nikolaeve; G., A.; ZhTS; 1; Jan. 1925: of a communications exhibition 11'1 NiKolaev in 1924. the interior.
128-130; Short description Includes a photograph of
Warning; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; 24; Ssp. 1958; 792; Short note about a sudden surge of local issues coming out of the USSR with SFA guarantees. What Is This Azov Marking?; Popov, Vsevolod; Rossica; Azov cancel on a Ukrainian 50 shagiv stamp.
1987; 85; An unusual
WIPA 1981 - A 'Europe' Sale at Public Auction; Koerber, Roger; June 19-20, 1981; Original catalog ~ith no prices realized. Contains the 'Mazepa UKraine' collection. Yubileinaya vystavka v Nikolaeve; Mokhnachev; Sovetskii filatelist; 1 (77); Jan. 1928; 22-23; An exhibition of philatelic, numismatic and scripophilic material in Nikolaev. Zabotimsya 0 pochtal'onakh; Gordeev. N.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep. improving the postillions' lot at the Nikolaev PTUS.
1969; Two pages on
Zavgubpoch1:el'; Ermakov; Sovetskii filatelist; 10 (26); Oct. 1924; 7; A letter to the editor reques1:s that the instructions to apply a 'signature stamp' to each revalued stamp (100 times face value) be rescinded '1'1 light of the fact that there's no one to do it. Zwei falsche stempel von Kiew; Gerst, cancels.
F.; ZRSP; 35; Sep.
2-ya okruzhnaya konferentsiya v Khar'kove;
1984; 29-30; 30-8-1918 Kipv
(n.a.); ZhTS; 5; May 1924; 153;
(n.t.); de Stackelberg, Constantine; Rossica; 61; 1961; 54-55; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. A pre-philatelic '1L/10k' in Russian on covers from Wenden. An Historical Review of Wenden and Its Postal Service; Kent, Victor: 1980; 109;
Rossica; 98-99;
Beware of Counterfeits; Rosselevich, A.; Russian Philatel ist; 3; Feb.-Mar. Continued from #2.
1963; 3-9;
Eine Geschichtliche Betrachtung ueber den Postdienst im Kreis Wenden; Kent, Victor; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 33; Koelzer, Walter; Translated from Kent's article in 'Rossica' 98-99, 1980. H.C. Goss Russia - 1958; Lowe, Robson; real ized.
1958; Driginal catalog, no prices
Katalog pochtovykh marok i tsel'nykh veshchei - Imperialisticheskaya Rossiya; Chuchin, F.G. (ed.); 1928; SFA pri Komissii VTsIK Fonda im. V.I. Lenina, Moscow; Listing of Levant, China, Crete, Poland, Finland and Wenden, stamps and stationery. Photocopy. Livonia - Wenden 1862-1903; Speers, Fred W.; (n.d.); The author's exhibit of Wenden, including 'On Plating Wenden No. l ' from Rossica #60. On Plating Wenden No.1; Speers, Fred W.; page;
Rossica; 60:
1961; 9-12 & 1 illustration
Ostatki vypuskov vendenskikh marok; Svenson, V.; Rossica; 13; Sep. 1933; 8-9; The numbers of Wenden originals and reproductions bought, burned and distributed. Redchaishaya marka Vendena (Cesis); Svenson, V.; Rossica; #2 in green. Seeswegen or Sesswegen; Speers,
Fred W.; Rossica:
22; Dec.
193; Wenden
1960; 21-23;
Short Historical and Philatelic Review of the Letter Post of the District of Wenden; Kent, Victor; Latvian Collector; 26; Jan.-Apr. 1979; 4-7; The Baltic Equivalent of a Zemstvo-to-Zemstvo Cover; Marcovitch, Jacques; 13; Nov. 1983; 59; The Castle of Wenden; Speers, Fred W.; Rossica; 64; castle.
Post Rider;
1963; 37; A brief history of the
The Characteristics of the Genuine, Reprints, and Forgeries of the Imperforate 2k. Stamps of Wenden, 1863-1870; Fletcher', W.P.; BJRP; 30; Mar. 1962; 6-10; The Postal History of the Wenden-Cesis Local Service; Cronin. Andrew; June 1984; 41-63; Includes a map of the Wenden district. Vendenskaya uezdnaya pochta; Rosselevich, A.; 6-9; Vendenskaya uezdnaya pochta; Rudnikov, Yu.;
Russian Philatelist;
Filatel iya SSSR;
Post Rider;
1; May-June 1961;
1; Jan.
1980; 50-51;
Wenden County Post; Rosselevich,
1960; 38-42;
Wenden County Post;
1960: 34-37: Continued from H58.
Wenden-Halbierung; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltlca; 41-42; diagonally-bisected Wenden stamp on an 1870 cover,
June 1965; 4-5; A
Western Army
Forgeries of the Unissued, West Russian Army Stamps of Latvia; Tyler, Varro E.; The American Philatel ist; May 1983: 416-418; Stamps of the Western Army; Wel'th, H.; BJRP;
14-15; May 1954; 436-441;
of the Western Army and of AsobrlY Atrad ana Their Counterfeits; Polchaninov, R.; Rossica; 66; 1964; 58-61;
Stamps of the Western Army of Col. Bermondt-Avalov; Nuksa, Russian Philatellst; 4; Nov. 1963; 22-28; The Eagle Stamps of the illustration pages;
Army; Benns, R.J.;
A./Rosselevich, A.M.;
BJRP; 37; Oct.
1965; 5-16 and 2
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 16-18. Russian Post Offices in the Levant and White Armies.; Ceresa, R.J.: 3. The Armies & Post Offices.; Jan.-Mar. 1990; Origlnal, numbered copy - #23. West Russian Army Stamps of Latvia: A Progress Report; Tyler, Val'ro E.; The American Philatel ist; May 1984; 433-424; Confusion over which West Russian Army stamp is actually genuine and which the forgery.
Western Ukraine (n.t.); Welvaart, Anton; Post Rider; Volhynia oblast' to Augustow.
07/13/93 23; Dec.
1988; 76; A 1940 postcard from Olika in
(n.t.); Woollam, John V.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 70; A perfume sample sent to the Western Ukraine, denied entry and returned as a forbidden trade article. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 50; Brief explanation of the Lyuboml' City Post overprints of Nov. 1918. Illustrated Postage Stamp History of Western Ukrainian Republic 1918-1919; Bulat, John; 1973; Mykula, W.B.; Original hardbound book. Ispol'zovanie pol'skikh znakov pochtovoi oplaty i pochtovykh shtempelei na territorii Zapadnoi Ukrainy ; zapadnoi Belorussii; Lashkevich, A.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1973; VII-VIII, 33; Polish stamps and cancels used in Western Ukraine and western Belorussia, 1939-1940. Soviet Posts in the Western Ukraine 1939-1941; Shmuely, Moshe; Rossica; 1985; 85-93; Stamps of Western Ukraine: Terlecky,
J.S.; Rossica;
West Ukraine - The 'Vienna' Unissued Printings; Baillie, 21 ;
1967; 48-52; I.L.G.; BJRP; 54; Dec.
Western Ukraine: Conflict and Challenge; Bylen, Peter; 1991; 25-27; Midwest Chapter of Rossica, Champaign, IL; In the booklet 'Introduction to Russian Philately', prepared for Chicagopex '91. Broad overview of this collecting field.
Wrangel Refugee Post
(n.t.); Mazepa, James; Post Rider; 7; Dec. 1980; 65-66; Comments on a BSRP article concerning the Wrangel Post being suspicious and shows a cover handled by the Russian refugee post in Turkey. (n.t.); Rosselevlch, A.M.; Rossica; 52-53; 1957; 9; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Rosselevich announces his acqulsition of the archives of Wrangel's Russian Post in Constantinople. 'Used Abroad' Chronicle - XI; Tchilinghirian, S.D.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 18-23 & illustration page; Ship mail. refugee post, Rumania. Levant, China, Korea. American Semovar; Salisbury, G.B.; BJRP; on a 'registered' Wrangel cover.
16; Dec.
1954; 482-486;
Includes information
Answers to Queries by Readers and Some Elucidations; Rosselevich, A.M.; Russian Philatelist; 2; Mar. 1962; 26-27; General comments on fakes of the overprints and surcharges. Die Post der Wrangel-Armee in Gailipol i;
Freese, Joerg;
Pochta; 47; Mar.
Die Post der Wrangel-Armee in Gall ipol i; Continued from #47.
Freese, Joerg; Pochta; 48; Sep.
1989; 7-13; 1989; 29-33;
Die Post der Wrangel-Armee in Gallipoli; Geier, K.W.; ZRSP: 40; JUly 1986; 49-53; Eshche raz 0 'Konstantlnopol 'skom vypuske'; Yakobs, V.; 1990; 46-47;
Filateliya SSSR; 6; June
General Wrangel's Refugee Post: The Constantinople Surcharges; Baillie, I.L.G./Kethro, W.E.C.; Rossica; 56; 1959; 55-62; Identifying Characteristics of the Wrangel Plain 1000-Ruble Surcharge; Wisewell, Edward L. Jr.; Rossica; 76-77; 1969; 92-93; Kataiog-spravochnik otechestvennykh znakov pochtovoi oplaty; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1990; 65-80 insert; Filatel iya SSSR, Moscow; Levant issu~s, surcharges, overprints and the Uk~ainian Levant lssues. Notes and Queries; Roberts. C.W.; BJRP; 11; May 1952; 339-340; on a third setting of the iO,OOOR large plain surcharge.
Includes information
Notes On Russian Philately; Rosselevich, A.M.: Rossica; 49-50; 1956; 56; A Russian emigre forger in France, "color varieties" of the 3k and 10k Charlty stamps of 1915, Wrangels. Phrygian cap overprints, Mongolia and Ukraine, Armenia overprints. Overprints of General Wrangel Rossica; 55; 1958; 5-12;
in Crlmea and Constantinople; Rosselevich, A.M.;
Overprints of General Wrangel in Crimea and Constantinople - Further Comments on '10' Instead of '100' Overprint; Rosselevich, A.; Rossica; 57; 1959; 45; Real'nost' oprovergaet fantastiku; filateliya; 1; 1991; 23-25;
Ivakhno, Aleksandr;
Reply to Messrs. Baillie and Kethro;
Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossic8;
1959; 71-79;
Reply to Messrs. Baill ie and Kethrc. Rosselevich, A.M.; Rossica: 57:
General Wrangel Overprints in Constantinople.; 1959: 40-42; Continued from u56.
Stamps of General Wrangel's Refugee Post - Some Further Thoughts: W.E.C./Baillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 16; Dec. 1954; 461-469;
Part I; Kethro,
Stamps of General Wrangel's Refugee Post - Some Further Thoughts: IlI.E.C./Eaillie, I.L.G.; BJRP; 1"1; Apr'. 1955; 523-529:
Part 2; Kethro,
The Crimea Surcharge 100 Ruble on 1 Kopeck: Baillie, 42-45;
The Crimea Surcharge 100 Ruble on 1 Kopeck; Ba,1 i ie. 46-49; Continued from #57.
I .L.G.; ROSS1C8; 58;
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 22-24. Addenda to Issues for S. Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O. 's, Etc.; Ceresa, R.J.; 3. The Armies Post Offices.; June 1991; Original, numbered copy - #23.
The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923. Parts 6-12. South Russia and Russian Refugee Post Issues.; Ceresa. R.J.; 3. The Armies.; Apr.-Sep. 1988; Two volumes - Text & Plates 'A', and Plates 'B'. Original, numbered copies - #23. The Russian Refugee Post - Part I:
A Summary of Background Information; Moyes, J.G.;
Wrangel Refugee Post BJRP; 54; Dec.
1977; 21 - 32;
The Russian Refugee Post - Part 2; Moyes, J.G.; BJRP; 55; Nov. 1978; 25-38 & illustration pages 8-9; Includes information on forgeries. The Russian Refugee Post - Part 3; Moyes, J. G. ; BJRP; 56; Nov. The Russian Refugee Post
Part 4' Moyes.
J.G. ; BJRP; 57; Nov.
Wrangel Army Stamps; Souren, Y. ; Rossica; i 16 ; Apr. 'Scott's Monthly Journal' , Aug. 1921 . Wrangel Refugee Post; Kethro, W.E.C.; BJRP; 28; Galatarya.
1979; 39-46; 1980; 37-42;
1991 ; 23-24; Reprinted from
1960; 27; Camps Canrobert and
769 1910
(n.t.); Barry, John; Rossica; 54; 1958; 54; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Lokhvitsa zemstvo provis1onals sold at auction. (n.t.); Bulak, C.P.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 94; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Picture of a 30k Simbirsk zemstvo stamp, front and back. (n.t.); Marcovich, E.; RossicB; 58; 1960; 66; In 'Notes From Collectors' section. Faberge and E. Marcovich on compil 1n9 a new zemstvo catalog. (n.t.); Prado, Asdrubal; Post Rider; envelope, origin unknown. (n.t.); Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; Yassy zemstvo reprints.
13: Nov. 68;
1983; 85;
A money-order zemstvo
In 'Notes From Collectors' section.
(n.t.); Speers, Fred; Rossica; 69; 1965; 63; In 'Notes From Collectors' sect10n. Comments on Sklarevski's 'Additional Notes on Poltava Zemstvos'. (n.t.); Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 82; In 'Philatelic Shorts' section. An apparent printlng variety of the Akhtyrka 5k blue. 'Stampomania' and Russian Zemstvo Stamps; Chudovskii, D.N.; Rossica; 72; 1967; 30-34; Shishkin, Boris; Translated from the preface to Chudovskii's 1888 'Opisanie russkikh zemskikh pochtovykh marok, konvertov i banderolei'. "Europe" - 1982; Lowe, Robson; consular airmails only.
1982; Pages and
A Bronnitsy Variety; Werbizky, George G.; Post Rider; a new variety for Bronnitsy Chuchin #3. ~red
A Footnote on Smeinogorsk; Speers,
A Story of the Rare Proofs of Skopin Zemstvos; by 'K. J. ' .
for zemstvos and
31; Dec. 56;
1959; 35-36;
1958; 57;
A Word ~bout the Zemstvo Map Enclosed in This Issue of the Journal; 58; 1960; 24; The Speers zemstvo map. A Zemstvo Sidel ine:
Cronin, Andrew;
Post Rider; 6;
A Zemstvo, But Not a Zemstvo Stamp; Shishkin, Boris; Fatezh cut square masquerading as a stamp.
76; Discovery of
(n.a.); Rossica;
14-15; 1968; 3 4 -35; A
About the ~stablishment of the Zemstvo Posts in Russia; 1968; 26-32;
SOKolov, N.I.;
About the Establishment of the Zemstvo Posts in Russia; 1968; 11-14; Continued from #74.
Sokolov, N.I.;
Rosslca; 75;
Additional Note to the Article 'Yassy - Local Zemstvo Post'; Cronin, Andrew; Rossica; 66; 1964; 69; The reason why Bel'tsy was referred to as ~he 'Yassy District'. Additional Notes on Poltava Zemstvo Stamps; 29-30;
Rossica; 68;
Additions and Corrections to the K.K. Schmidt Zemstvo Catalogue, Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 28; June 1991; 20-24; Amur; Maslov,
A.; Rossica;
1956; 50-51;
Ardatov Schmidt No.4; Handford,
Amur Zemstvo,
May 1961;
Ascher - The Listing of Zemstvo Postal Stationery; & i illustration 9age; Handford c. c. ;
1934 Edition;
1917. 18-22;
(n.a.); BJRP;
1971 ; 16-24
Bisects of the Per'm' District Zemstvo Post; Kuznetsov, D.; i<ossica; 102-103; 1983; 101-103; Skipton, Davld M.; Translated from 'Sovets~ii kollektsioner' #17. Bud'te vnimatel'ny!: the 5k stamp.
Minskii, M.;
Filateliya路. 7;
July 1992; 46-4';;
Bugul'ma Controls; Handfcrd, C.C.; branch office overprints.
Byezhetsk. Chuchin No.4; Wortman,
A.H.; BJRP; 48;
BSRP Jubilee Display, 1961; 27-28; Chats on Zemstvos;
39; Oct.
1966; 9-10; Mar.
Records 20 of the 38 17;
24th June 1961 - Zemstvo Posts; Handford, C.C.;
Prins, A.; Ross1ca; 46-47;
1955; 65-66;
fakes of
Rossica; 61;
Pointers on determining
different types. Chembar:
The 1888 Issue;
Fletcher, William P.; BJRP; 40: Mar.
Cherdyn, Schmidt No. 41; Lavrov, Theo; BJRP; 48; Mar. 'The Philatel ic Magazine', 12 June 1936.
1967; 24-25;
17-18; Reprinted from
Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; tn.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1985; 41; "Mercerization" of stamps by forgers, a brief summary of the Russian Bureau of Philatelists' history, and an explanation of why Yassy had zemstvo stamps, even though it wasn't in the empire. Chitatel' sprashivaet - otvechaem; (n.a.); Filatel iya SSSR: 5; May 1985; 38; Explanation of zemstvo 'dolgovye' stamps, a brief history of the various imperial and Soviet communications journals, and a discussion of the 1962 space stamp in 'large format'. Cliff Handford on Zemstvos; Ashforo, P.T.; BJRP; 31; Oct.
Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 40: Yassy 2k and 5k proofS on regular 1879 issue paper, noted by J.R. Homersham. Correspondence; (n.a.); BJRP; 38; Mar. 1966; 35; J.R. Homersham's notes on Shadrinsk type 2 187?-1878 5k value on vertically-laid paper, cancelled 1 Dec. 1870. A possible trial printing. Covers: Zemstvo, British Archangel Censor', and Soviet Occupation of China; Kessler, Mel; Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 58-61; Daleko ot Saranska; Terebov, V.; Filatellya; 6; June 1991; 40; Short notice of the discovery in Riga of a second cancelled Saransk zemstvo stamp. Dokumenty podtverzhdayut: marki Permskogo Sovdepa nakhodil is' v obrashchenii; Kuznetsov, D.; SK; 13; 1975; 95-97; Early Issues of Tver'; Lavrov, F.; BJRP; 58; Nov. Stamp Lover', Aug.-Sep. & Oct.-Nov. 1951.
Early Issues of Yelizavetgrad (Govt. Kherson); & illustration pages 1-3;
Editorial; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 9; Nov. becoming a serious prOblem.
1981; 2;
Eshche 0 zemskikh markakh Khvalynskogo uezda; 1971; 14-16;
10-16; Reprinted from 'The F.; BJRP; 49; Dec.
1973; 3-14
Forging of zemstvo covers
Luchnik, N.;
Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar.
Europe and Overseas - 1988; Lowe, Robson and Christie'S; Nov. 22, 1988; Includes the Dr. L. Kvetan collection of zemstvos, Far Eastern Republic stamps, Vladivostok surcharges, etc. Original catalog of the Zurich sale, no prices realized. Exhibit No. 609 - Zemstvo; Handford, C.C.; BJRP; 6; Apr.
Expertization of Zemstvo Covers; Kuznetsov, D.; Rossica; 106-107; 1985: 61-65; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #6, 1981. Fal 'sifikaty zemskikh marok; Minski i, M.; Fi latel iya SSSR; 6; June 1986; 36-39; Forgers using zemstvo catalog illustrations for their work. The author compares the illustrations, the forgeries and the authentic stamps. Falsification of Zemstvo Proofs in USSR;
Faberge, Oleg A.; Rossica; 64;
1963; 5-8;
Fantasy or Actuality?; Kuznetsov, D.; Rossica; 100-101; 1981; 118-119; Skipton, David M.; Translated from 'Fi latel iya SSSR' #10. 1981. A possible Kola zemstvo stamp. Fantaziya ili deistvitel'nost'?; Kuznetsov, D.: Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. translation of this article apoeared in 'Rossica' #100-101. Filatelisticheskaya geografiya. Sovetskii Soyuz.; svyaz", Moscow; Original softbound handbook. within Russian and related-areas philately.
1981; 49; A
Vladinets, N.I.; 1982; 'Radio i Covers a wide variety of sUbjects
Foreward and IntrOduction From 'Die Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsaemter'; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 70; 1966; 21-28; Translation from the German. Foreward and Introduction From 'Die Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsaemter'; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 71; 1966; 44-52; Continued from #70. Foreward and Introduction From 'Ole Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsaemter'; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 72; 1967; 63-83 & foldout map;
Zemstvo Cont~nued
from #71.
Four Post-Abdication Covers to Canada; Cruikshank. Dale; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 55-59; Four Ust'-Sysol'sk zemstvo covers.
rrom Pages of the Past ( I I ) ; (n.a.); Rossica; 113-114; 1990; 58; Levandowsky, Daniel W.; Translated from 'M~rki' #9, 1896. New zemstvo stamps released by Bogorodsk. Gashenye marki Permskogo Sovdepa; Gevirts. G.; SK; 9; Gerby na markakh; Arlazorov, of some coats-of-arms.
Filatel iya SSSR; 6; Dec.
1966; 37-39; A discussion
Goldsmiths' Marks and Zemstvo Coats of Arms; Speers. Fred W.; Rossica; 70; Heraldry on Zemstvo Postage Stamps; von Richter, Vladimir; BJRP; 42; Dec. 28-30;
1966; 5-8; 1968;
Imperial Russia and Zemstvo. The Robert W. Baughman Collection - 1971.; Siegel, Robert A.; Ma~. 24-27, 1971; Original catalog, no prices real ized. Irbitskaya zemskaya pochta i diagonal 'nye polovinki zemskikh marok; Minskii. M.; SK; 19; 1981; 48-62; Irbitskie nadpechatki; Kuznetsov, D.; SK; Iskat' dokumenty; TUlyakov. V.; SK; 5;
1974; 86-87;
1967; 45; The 1918 Cherdyn 'locals'.
Iz istorii zemskikh pocht; Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1980; 41-43; Includes Kashira, Tula province and Novorzhev, Pskov province. Iz istorii zemskikh pocht. Shchigrovskii uezd kurskoi guoernii.: Kuznetsov. D.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 50-51; Continued from #3. Iz istorii zemskoi pochty; Kuznetsov. D.; SK; Perm' zemstvos.
1979; 62-75; Tula, Zmeinogorsk and
Jassy - A Venture into Research; Speers. F.W.; BJRP; 35; Oct.
1964; 3-4;
K 400-1etiyu Saratova. Marshruty zemskoi pochty v Saratovskorn uezde.; Tsybin, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1990; 46-47; Includes a postal route map for Saratov Zemstvo. Karl Karlovich Schmidt;
(n.a.); Rossica; 25;
Katalog SFA dolzhen byt' edinym; Popov, B.M.: SK: 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 59-60; The author argues that the SFA catalogs should be united lnto one catalog. especially the zemstvo section. Lebedinskaya zemskaya pochta (Khar'kovskaya guberniya); Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1979; 48-~9; Includes a table showing how many stamps per year were received by the Lebedin Zemstvo from the EhZGB. Legal Status of Zemstvo Stamos and Why They Disappeared from the Catalogs: Bulak, C.P.; Rosslca; 73; 1967; 44-48; Marka zemskol pochty kol'skogo uezda?; Kaufman. A.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 48; Discovery of a 'Kola zemstvo stamp', of which no one has heard. Marka NO.1 Dnyeprovskago uyezda: Schmidt, K.K.: Rossica; Includes a ciscussion about forgerles of NO.1.
June 1936; 219-221;
'Cherdynskoi sovetskoi pochty'; Olendzkii; Sovetskii filatelist; 1928; 18;
iz stal'ogo al 'ooma; ÂŁl.lkrlarOV, 01e~~ ~J.; 1981; 'Radio i Svyaz", Moscow: Original paperback pocketbook. Discusses a w'de range of topics, from postal history of the early years to Russla's f i r S t stamp, zemstvos. Poland and ~inland #1, and early Soviet issues.
Markl permskogo sovdepa; Kuznetsov, D.;
Filateliya SSSR;
1; Jan.
4 (80); Apr.
1982: 52;
Marki zemskoi pochty Krapivenskogo uezda Tul'skoi gubernii; Lada-Yakushevich, 9; 1971; 106-113; Marki Amurskoi oblastnoi zemskoi upravy; Navolochkin, N.; SK; 7; issues. Marki Cherdynskoi sovetskoi pochty; Kuznetsov. D.; SK; 7; issued by the former zemstvo in Cherdyn'. Marki Permskogo i Belozerskogo uezdov;
1970; 66;
1970; 63-64;
Yakushevich. L.; SK; 7;
L.; SK;
1919 locals
1970; 64-65;
Marshruty zemskoi pochty Khvalynskogo uezda: Tsybin, Vladimir; UiRF; 1; 1992; Includes a map showing the zemstvo mail route in Khvalynsk District.
Mestnaya pochta Ust'-Sysol'skogo uezda v period stanovleniya sovetskoi vlasti; Fedorashko, 1.; Filateliya SSSR; 10: Dct. 1978; 43-45; Ust'-Sysol'sk in 1918. Mestnye pochtovye marki 1917-1919 gg.; Gevirts, G.; SK; 9; 1971; 118-119; Adds to the information in #s 5 & 7 on Cherdyn, Belozersk and Ust'-Sysol'sk. Mgl inskie bony; Polozov,
I.; SK; 6'
1918 Mglinsk zemstvc paper money.
Neizvestnye stranitsy zemskoi pochty; Rudnikov, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 12; Dec. 12-14; EhZGB and Main Postal Administration dealings With the zemstvos.
Neizvestnye stranitsy zemskoi pochty; Rudnikov, YU.; Filatel iya SSSR; 5; May 1969; 10-11; Information on little-known zemstvo posts. Neizvyestnaya zemskaya marka El 'ninskago uyezda, Smolenskoi gUb.; Schmidt, K.; Rossica; 28; Dec. 1937; 80; Nekotorye voprosy kollektsionirovaniya zemskikh marok; Gevirts, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1971; 40-42; Neob'yavlennaya opechatka marok Gryazovetskoi zemskoi pochty; RUbakh, I.N.; Rossica; 21; Aug. 1935; 183; An 'L' for 'A' plate flaw on Schmidt #s 42-47. Neozhidannaya frankirovka zemskikh tsennykh i denezhnykh pisem; Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1986; 34-35; A money letter that went from Irbit to Ust'-Sysol'sk with only zemstvo stamps as franking. New Information About Sending Zemstvo Mail Inside a District; Minskii, M.; BJRP; 63; 1986; 32-34; Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #7, 1985. InclUdes a map of Verkhotur'e district. Notes and Queries; Roberts, C.W.; BJRP; information on Sudzha #4.
17; Apr.
1955; 534-535;
Notes and Questions; Prado, Asdrubal; Rossica; 71; variety of the Pskov postcard. Notes on Zemstvo Stamps; Prins, A.; Rossica; 45; the literature and a few stamps.
Includes plating
1966; 59; A third overprint
1955; 59-61; A brief dicussion of
Novo~ 0
starom v oblasti zemskikh marok. (0 markakh Ust'sysol 'skoi zemskoi pochty.); Lavrov, F.V.; Rossica; 23; June 1936; 222-223;
0 vnutriuezdnoi peresylke otpravlenii po zemskoi pochte; Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1985; 40-41; Internal zemstvo mail handl ing.
0 zemskoi pochte i ee markakh; Rudnikov, Yu.; SK; Perm', Solikamsk, Cherdyn. Shadrinsk.
1972; 68-87; Okhansk,
Novoe 0 zemskoi pochte i ee markakh; Rudnikov, YU.; SK; 12; 1974; 48-69; Vel ikii Ustyug, Vel'sk, Gryazovets, Kadnikov. Nikol'sk, Tot'ma, Ust'sysol'sk, Yarensk. Novoe
zemskoi pochte i ee markakh; Rudnikov, Yu.; SK; 6;
1968; 58-70;
Novoe 0 zemskoi pochte i ee markakh; Rudnikov, YU.; SK; 7; 1970; 49-55; Novaya Ladoga, Luga and Gdov in St. Petersburg province. Novoe
zemskoi pochte i ee markakh; Rudnikov, Yu.; SK; 9;
Issues of
1971; 87-105;
Novye svedeniya 0 rabote kazanskoi zemskoi pochty; Kuznetsov, D.; Filatel iya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1979; 49-51; Novye svedeniya 0 zemskoi pochte Belozerskogo uezda; Rudnikov, 10; Oct. 1972; VI-VIII;
Yu.; Filateliya SSSR;
Nuzhen novyi katalog russkikh zemskikh marok; Gevirts, G.; Filateliya SSSR; 1969; 11-12; ThE author calls for a ne~ zemstvo catalog. D glubine issledovaniya; Stal'baum, B.; SK; 7;
10; Oct.
1970; 58-62; Khvalynsk issues.
D zemskoi pochte; Timkovskii, D.; ZhTS; 7; July 1924; 36-39;
zemskoi pochte i markakh Novgorodskogo uezda; Sep. 1974; 39-40;
Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 9;
D zemskoi pochte i zemskikh markakh Berdyanskogo uezda; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1973; VIII, 33; Db izobrazheniyakh na zemskikh markakh; Borisov.
I.; Filatel iya SSSR; 2; Feb.
Ob izobrazheniyakh na zemskikh markakh; Borisov, 27-28; Continued from #2.
Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr.
Odna iz trekh soten; Terebov, V.; Filatel iva SSSR; 12; Dec. 1988; 44; the author's 'Saranskay3 zemskaya pochta' article ;n 9-1987.
A follow-up to
Okhanskie 'redkosti'; Kuznetsov, D./Minskii, M.; Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1980; 45-51; The authors disect a number of 'rare covers' with Okhansk #s 1 & 2 on them, and pronounce them fakes. Osobennosti otpravlenii russkoi zemskoi pochty; Gevirts, G.; 1969; 6-8;
Filateliya SSSR;
Outstanding Cover; (n.a.); BJRP; 24; Sep. 1958; 751; A combination zemstvo-imperial franking from Sumy in the C.C. Handford collection. Outstanding Cover No. 20; Grodna lager', 1897.
(n.a.); BJRP; 21; Dec.
1956; 631; Gryazovets zemstvo to
Outstanding Covers; Liphschutz, M./Blease, H.F.; BJRP; 36; Mar. 1965; 27-28 & 2 illustration pages; Liphschutz's covers bearing stamps of two different zemstvos. Pamyatnaya data na markakh Tikhvinskogo uezda; Sychev, 1969; 14:
I.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr.
Penzenskaya uezdnaya zemskaya pochta; Minskii, M.; SK; 23;
1985; 54-59;
Pervye vypuski marok Kotel'nicheskogo uezda; Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR: 7; JUly 1976; 25-26; Pervye vypuski pochtovykh marok Starobel'skoi zemskoi upravy 1876-1883; Schmidt, K.; SK; 3 (103); Mar. 1930; 71-75; Continued from #2. Pervye vypuski pOChtovykh marok Starobel'skoi zemskoi upravy 1876-1883 gg.; Schmidt, K.; SK; 2 (102); Feb. 1930; 49-54; Pis'ma ssyl'nykh na zemskikh traktakh; Stepanov, B.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1979; 42; Ccrre3pondence between exiled revolutionaries via inter-zemstvo mail. Po trem pochtam; Minskii, M.; Filatel iva SSSR; 4; Apr. 1991; 47-50; Three letters sent oy R.O.P.i T., German and Turkish POSTS to Bogorodsk Zemstvo. Pochtovye tarify i nachalo obrashcheniya zemskikh marok (Cherdynskii uezd Permskoi gubernii); Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 10; Oct. 1975; 23-25; Pochtovyi dorozhnik Rossiiskoi imperii; (n.a.); 1915; GUPiT, Petrograd; Six parts. including lists of zemstvo offices and steamship 1 ines. Poddelki zemskikh merok; Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. of Dukhovshchina and Nolinsk zemstvos are illustrated. Poltava Zemstvo Issues; Bulak, C.P.; Rossica; 67;
1982; 48-50;
1964; 31-34;
Popravka; (n.a.); Filateliya SSSR; 7; JUly 1986; 38; Corrections to Minskii's 'Fal 'sifikaty zemskikh marok' and Andreev's '0 khokkeinoi nadpechatke'. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstv05: Artuchov, Alex; 40-51; Lebedyan' and Lebedin zemstvo stamps.
Post Rider: 31; Dec.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 51-58; Boguchar, Boriscglyebsk. Bronnitsy.
10; May 1982;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos: 23-30; Gadyach.
Pest Rider;
11; Nov.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos: Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 76-78; L.'gov.
13; Nov.
4r'tuchov, Alex.;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvcs; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 3; Sep. 1978; 54-59; The beginning article of a series on translation of the 'Big Schmidt' zemstvo catalog. It leads off with a discussion of the lithography process, then goes from Akhtyrka to Alatyr'. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 7; Apr. 46-52; Bakhmut, Balashov, Bobrov.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 8; May 1981; 12 - 19; Be I ebe i . Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex;
Post Rider; 9; Nov.
31-40; Ardatov. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 25-36; Gadyach, Berdyansk and Buguruslan zemstva.
12; May 1983;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; 64-70; Bogorodsk.
Post Rider;
14; June 1984;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; 16-25; Bogorodsk zemstvo, continued from #14.
Post Rider;
15; Nov.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 6-15; Bogorodsk zemstvo.
16; June 1985;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; 8-19; Continued from #16 - Bogorodsk zemstvo.
18: June 1986;
Post Rider;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov. Alex; Post Rider; 52-62; Borovichi.
19; Nov.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; 50-63; Buzuluk.
Post Rider;
20; June 1987;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; 47-57; Cherdyn'.
Post Rider; 21; Nov,
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 22; June 1988; 22-32; Chistopol'. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 55-64; Irbit.
23; Dec.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 4-18; Irbit (continued from #23) and Gdov.
24; JUly 1989;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov. Alex; 29-39; Kherson and Kholm.
Post Rider; 25; Dec.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov. Alex; 39-49; Kolomna.
Post Rider; 26; May 1990;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 27; Nov. 6-16; Continued from #26. Kolomna, Konstantinograd and Korcheva. Postage Stamps IEsued by the Zemstvos: Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 8-17; Korcheva, Krasnoufimsk and Krasny;.
28; June 1991;
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 29; Dec. 5-16; Krasnyi, Kremenchug.
Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 21-32; Kremenchug. continued from #29, and Kungur. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex/Werbizky. G.G.; Post Rider; 4; Apr. 1979; 32-45; InclUdes a discussion of typographlc printing. plus the issues of Alexandria, Amur and Ananiev. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos; Artuchov, Alex/Werbizky, G.G.; Post Rider; 5; Nov. 1979; 33-44; Atkarsk. Postage Stamps Issued by the Zemstvos: Artuchov, Alex/Werbizky. G.G.; Post Rider: 6; Apr. 1980: 31-40: Arzamas. Provisional Stamp of U.S .. Alexandria. Virginia and Zemstvo Stamp in Ukraine, Alexandria - Kherson Province; de Shramchenko, S.; Rossica; 51; 1957; 54-55; Similarities in design. Rare Find of Faberge and Schmidt Catalogues; Cobb. Hal; Rossica; 67; Background of the zemstvo catalogs.
1964; 57-59;
Rasskazy 0 markakh; Grinberg, I.; 1973; Izd-vo 'Kazakhstar.', Alma-Ata; Origina~ softbound book. Covers a Wide range of stamps, from imper'ial times to later Soviet issues. Redkaya marka; Makovskii, V.; Vestnik svyazi; Perm' District Soviet stamp.
3; Mar.
1978; Short item on the 1918
Russia and Rural (Zemstvo) Issues; Harmer's of New York; Nov. 24-25, catalog with prices realized.
1975; Original
Russia, Territories, Offices Abroad, USSR - 1962; van Dieten, J.L.; Mar. 5-6. Original catalog, no prices realized. Includes strong zemstvo section.
Ryedkosti zadonskago uyezda; Zvorykin. B.; Rossica; 32-33; JUly-Oct.
Shchedroe pozhertvovanie K.K. Schmidta; (n.a.); Rossica; 16; Aug. 1934; 102; Schmidt's donation of his collectio~ to the Be~l,n State Pesta I Museum. Shtempel'nye konverty zemskoi pochty Fatezhskogo uezda; Kuznetsov, D.: Filateliya SSSR; 9; Sep. 1978; 51-53; Sistematizatsiya marok Podol'skogo uezda; Minskii, M.: SK; 28; EXhaustive treatment of Podolia zemstvo stamps. Sobiraya po strochke ... ; Sachkov, I.; SK; 5; 'Sovdep' stamps issued in 1918-1919. Solikamskaya zemskaya pochta,
1991; 60-70;
1967; 42-45; Local
15 kop.; Kuznetsov, D.; SK;
1974; 87-88;
Some Thoughts on Zemstvo Paper Seals; Murdoch, George; BJRP: 61; Dec.
1984; 50-57;
Soroki District, Bessarabia Province, and the History of Its Zemstvo Post DI'ganization From 1877 to 1917; Babich. Vladimir; Rossica: 119; Oct. 1992; 9-14; Skipton, D./Dallair, R.; Soviet Zemstvo Stamps; Medvedev, V.; Rossica; 59; 1960: 51-52; Reprinted from 'Latest News', Paris. 1937. Luga Soviet of Deputies stamps. Sovpadenie iIi dogadka; Petrogradets; Sovetskii filatel ist; 11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1923; 13-14; An old ph<latel ist's memories about zemstvo stamp collecting in the early days, and the Alatyr' rarities. Sposoby gasheniya marok na zemskoi pochte; Kuznetsov, D.; SK;
13; 1975; 64-81;
Sposocy gasheniya marok zemskoi pochty; Fl itvud, V./Semenov, L.; Filateliya SSSR: 8; Aug. 1968; 5-6; Various means of cancel 1 ing zemstvo stamps. Stamped Envelopes of the Zemstvo Post of the Fatezh District (Uezd); Kuznetsov, D.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 8-10; Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #9,1978. The 'Stibbe' Russian Locals Sold at Auction;
(n.a.); Rossica; 52-53;
The Charles Stibbe Sale of Zemstvos; Handford, C.C.; Rossica; 54;
1957; 24-25;
The Establishment of the Zemstvo Posts in Russia; Sokolov, N.I.; Rossica; 73; 18-24;.Bulak, C.P.; Translated from PTZh, pp. 828-848,1897. The Locally Made Borovichi Zemstvo Stamp; Minskii, M.; Rossica; 111; Dallair, Richard; Translated from 'Filatel iya SSSR' #9, 1984. The M.V. Liphschutz Article on Zemstvos; on the article in #68.
(n.a.); Rossica; 69;
1988; 78-82;
1965; 35-37; Comments
The Riddle of the Alexandria Zemstvo Stamp; Sh1silkin, Boris; Rossica; 68; Possible origin of the deSign.
1965; 58;
The Romanov Tercentenary Issue, Part III; Sal isbury, G.B.; BJRP; 276-300;
The Rs of Schmidt and Chuchin; Speers, F. W. ; BJRP; 44; Dec. of the rarity ratings.
10; Nov.
1970; 3-4; A comparison
The World of Coins and Stamps - Mai 1 Auction No. 3; (n. a. ) ; Jan. 7, 1984: Original catalog containing Baltic States. Imperial, SOViet and many zemstvo l.::>ts. The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 25; June 1359 ; 13-25; The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 26;
1959; 26-36; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; 8JRP; 27;
1960: 33-40; CO!lt i nued from #26.
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers,
1960; 3 1 -39; Continued from #2'7.
Fred W. ; BJRP; 28;
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 29; May 1961; 88-93; Continued from #28. The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 30; Mar. #29.
1962; 31-41; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 31 ; Oct. #30.
1962; 33-36; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W. ; BJRP; 32; Mar.
1963; 40-43; Continued from
#31. The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 33: Oct. #32.
1963; 36-40: Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; ,짜33.
Fred W.; BJRP; 34: Mar.
1964: 40-44: Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 35: Oct. #34.
1964; 43-44: Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 36: Mar. #35.
1965; 45-48: Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 37; Oct. #36.
1965; 42-44: Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 38; Mar. #37.
1966; 43-48; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 39: Oct. #38.
1966; 37-40; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 40; Mar. #39.
1967; 40-44; Continued from
The Zemstvo Gazetteer; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 41: Oct. #40.
1967; 28-31; Continued from
The Zemstvo Issues of Imperial Russia, 1954; 388-394;
1865-1917; Stibbe, Charles; BJRP:
The Zemstvo Post of Imperial Russia; Handford, C.C.; BJRP; 24; Sep.
13; Feb.
1958; 752-770;
The Zemstvo Post of Imperial Russia; Handford, C.C.; BJRP; 25; June 1959; 26-32; Continued from #24. The Zemstvo Posts; Frants, D.; Rossica; 65; 1963; 36-37; Translated from the entry in the Brockhaus & Efron Encyclopaedic Dictionary, vol. XIIA, 1894. Three Excerpts From Schmidt & Faberge, 1908-1916, '~ie Postwertzeichen der Russischen Landschaftsaemter'; (n.a.); Rossica; 69; 1965; 30-34; Bulak, C.P.; The Borovichi timetable, and postal regulations of Bogorodsk and Buzuluk. Tsel'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossii; Schmidt, Karl: Rossica; 21; Aug. 1935; 178-182; Tsel'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossii; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 22; Dec. 1935; 195-199; Continued from #21. Tsel'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossii; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 23; June 1936; 216-218; Continued from #22. Tsel'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossii; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 24; Nov. 1936; 242-249; Continued from #23. Tsel 'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossi i; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 25; Mar. 1937; 1-6; Continued from #24. Tsel'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossi i: Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 26; June 1937; 29-35; Continued from #25. Tsel 'nyya veshchi, izdannyya zemskimi upravami Rossi i; Schmidt, Karl; Rossica; 27; Oct. 1937; 53-57; Continued from #26. Ustsysolsv. District - Soviet Zemstvo 1918; Fedorashko, I.; BJRP; 57; Nov. 3L-35; Kolot, L.A.; Translated from 'Filateliya SSSR' #10, 1978. Ustsysolsk Local Post - Additional Notes; Joseph, R.L.; BJRP; 57; Nov.
1980; 35-36;
Ustsysolsk Local Post - Further Notes; RutKowska, T.T.; BJRP; 58; Nov. 1981; 37-39; Includes a map of the Ust'sysol 'sk area and information about an 1829 postal route timetable. V klasse 'Dvor pocheta'. 0 kollektsii marok zemskoi pochty.; Lada-Yakushevich; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1969; 13-14; Karachun, D.; Berlinger's zemstvo exhibit in the Court of Honor at Praga-68. V muzee Narodnoi Svyazi; (n.a.); ZhTS; 3; Mar. 1925; 173; Short item in the 'Khronika' section on the People's Museum of Communications acquiring stamps. especially zemstvos, for its national collection. Vesti
iz Permi; Kuznetsov, D.; SK;
11; 1974; 81-86;
Includes Cherdyn' zemstvo and
soviet. Vozvrashchayas' k napechatannomu - 'Zemskaya pochta i pochtovye marki Kirillovskogo uezda'; Minskii, M.: Filateliya SSSR; 1; Jan. 1976; 28; The author takes issue with some points contained in Yu. Rudnikov's article in #4, 1974. Vspomogatel'nyi vypusk
uyezda; Zvorykin, B.; Rossiea; 34: NOV.-Dec.
Vystavka kollektsii zemskikh marok; Marcovitch, Emile; Rossica; 37; May-June 1939; 246-249; The Zvorykin zemstvo exhibit. Watermark on Poltava Zemstvo Stamps; Faberge, O.A.路 Rossica; 63; 1962; 60; What About Zemstvo Cancellations?; Faberge, O.A.; BJRP; 50; JUly 1974; 5-7 & illustration pages 1-3: Yassy - Local Zemstvo Post; Shishkin, Boris; Rossica; 65; 1963; 12-13; Yubileinye vypuski marok zemskoi pochty; Semenov, L./Flitvud, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11-12; NOv.-Dec. 1968; 14; Zagadki russkoi filatelii; Rosselevich. A.; Russian Philatelist; 1; May-June 1961; 19-22; Aleksandriya, Kherson province stamps and their I ikeness to Alexandria, Virginia stamps. Zagadochnaya otkrytka; Minskii, Mark; Ukrainskaya i rossiiskaya fi1ateliya; 1; 1991; 19-20; A problem posed by a 1910 postcard to VoloQda sent via State and Solikamsk zemstvo post. Zemskaya pochta; Kuznetsov, D.; Filatel iVa SSSR; and Sarapul' zemstvos.
11; Nov.
Zemskaya pochta
1965; 39-43;
ee marki; Karachun, D.; SK; 3;
1979; 46-48; Novomoskovsk
Zemskaya pochta i marki Krapivenskogo uezda Tul'skoi gUbernii; Kuznetsov, D.; Fllateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1975; 27-28; Zemskaya pochta i pochtovye marki Kazanskogo uezda; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filatel iva SSSR; 11; Nov. 1975; 24-25; ZemsKaya pochta i pochtovye marki Kirillovskogo uezda; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 4; Apr. 1974; VII-VIII; Zemskaya pochta v Rossii (1865-1917); Bazylevich, Konstantin V.; 'Svyaz", Moscow; On microfilm. Zemskaya pochta Chernskogo uezda Tul'skoi gubernii; Kuznetsov, 2; Feb. 1975; 25-27;
Filatel iVa SSSR;
Zemskaya pochta Dmitrievskogo uezda (Kurskaya guberniya); Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug. 1976; 22-23; Zemskaya pochta Dukhovshchinskogo uezda: Kuznetsov, D.; SK; 21:
Zemskaya pochta Glazovskogo uezda (Vyatskaya guberniya); Kuznetsov, D.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1978; 43-45; Zemskaya pochta Nolinskogo uezda; Kuznetsov, D.: SK; 21; 1983; 50-57; Zemskaya pcchta Rossii; Semenov, L./Fl itvud, V.; Filateliva SSSR; 3; Mar.
Zemskaya pochta Urzhumskogo uezda; Kuznetsov, D.
Filateliya SSSR;
Zemskaya pochta Verkhoturskogo uezda: Minsk,
SK; 22;
1984; 6 L -72;
Zemskie marki raboty Eh.Z.G.B.; Mar'yanovich, S.K.; SK; 4-5 (104-105); Apr.-May 1930; 107-110; Zemstvo stamps proauced by the State Prlnting Offlce. Includes data on total printings for varlOUS zemstva. Zemskie pochtovye marki Tikhvinskogo uezda; Rudnikov, Yu.; Filateliya SSSR; 3; Mar. 1972; V-VI; Zemstvo - Philatelic Literature; Sklarevski, Rimma: Rossica; 51;
1957; 51-52;
Zemstvo - Philatelic Literature; Sklarevski, Rimma; Rossica; 51;
1957; 51-52;
Zemstvo Look-Alikes; Murdoch, George; Rossica; key-types and imitations.
115; Oct.
1990; 25-31;
Zemstvo Notes; Handford, C.C.; Rossica; 64; 1963; 22; Chistopol' and Irbit.
Zemstvo Number Ones; Campbell, P.J.; BJRP; 59; Dec. 21 ;
1982; 32-37 & illustration page
Zemstvo Philatelic Literature; Handford, C.C.; Rossica; 54; Sklarevski's article in #51.
1958; 52-53; Additions to
Zemstvo Post of Tula District; Kuznetsov, D.; BJRP; 63; 1986; 35-40; Rutkowska, T.T.; Translated from SK #17, 1979. Includes a map of the Tula District. Zemstvo Prices; Prins, A. Jr.; Rossica; 56; Stibbe sales compared. Zemstvo Proofs; Matishev, P.; Rossica; 58;
1959; 88-89; The 1940 Faberge and 1957 1960; 24-25;
Zemstvo Stamp Forgeries: Summary of Articles and New Data; Werbizky, George G.; Rossica; 118; Apr. 1992; 10-22; Zemstvo Stamps Omitted by Chuchin; Matishev,
I.; Rossica; 52-53;
Zemstvo Stamps Omitted by Chuchin; Matishev, from #52-53.
I.; Rossica; 54;
Zemstvo: G. ;
1957; 25-26;
1958; 50-51; Continued
Forgeries, Errors Perpetuated by Catalogs, and Comments; Werbizky, George Rossica; 119; Oct. 1992; 22-26;
Zemstvos; Liphschutz, Michel; Rossica; 68; 1965; 5-10 & 12 illustration pages; From a lecture given at the 'Academie de Philatelie de France', 18 June 1964. Zemstvos of the Post-Abdication Years; Speers, Fred W.; BJRP; 38; Mar. 1 illustration page; Zemstvos of Simbirsk; Marcovitch, pcst-horse fee stamos.
Emile; Rossica; 65;
12-16 &
1963; 62; The 1890 zemstvo
Zip Code, Soviet
A Ukrainian Zip-Code System; Cronin, late-1930s.
Andrew; Rossica;
1970; 51-52; Mid- to
Adres chitaet mashina; (n.a.); Bakinskii rabochii; 10 Feb. 1971; An interview with A.S. Pashaev, AzerbaidJan postal chief, on the introduction of the 'indeks' system. Adres chitaet mashina; Kharazyan, A.; Kommunist; 31 Jan.
Avtomatika v pochtovom dele; Lar'kin, V.; Sovetskaya Litva; 5 Aug. 1972; An interview with Lithuanian SSR Postal Admlnistration chief Khaletskas on indexation. Avtomatizatsiya sortirovki i kodirovanie pis'mennoi korrespondentsii; Barsuk, V.A./Prokof'eva, L.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1965; Two pages of discussion on various possibilities for a zip code system in the USSR. Chtoby na kazhdom pis'me stoyal 1974; Two pages.
indeks; Polkovnikova.
A.; Vestnik svyazi;
Delo bol'shoi vazhnosti; Plotnikova, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. encouraging use of the zip code in the Vladivostok area.
12; Dec.
1978; Two pages on
Developments in Postal Mechanisation in the USSR; McMillan, A.J.S./Rutkowska, T.T.; Post Rider; 16; June 1985; 45-49; Dlya uluchsheniya pochtovoi svyazi; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 6; efforts by the GPU to encourage use of the zip code.
June 1977; One page on
Ehto mozhet pomoch'; Rogozhkin, E.~.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; One page. A suggestion from the GPU MS SSSR, Kiev Zone, on how to help promote use of the zip code among the populace. Es mLISS nicht immer Alt-Russland Seinpostleitzahlen in der UdSSR; ZRSP; 39; Dec. 1985; 55-59;
Schmenkel, Horst;
Eshche raz 0 shestiznachnoi indeksatsii; Anokhina, A.S.; Vestnik svyazi; 11; Nov. 1978; One page on faster mail delivery from the Chelyabinsk Post Office due to the zip code. Fi 1 'm po zakazu ... ; Gabiti, A.; Vestn';k svyazi; 1; Jan. 1974; Shot't item about a f'i 1m maae in Azerbaidjan to promote use of the zip code. Fragen zur Postrationalisierung in der UdSSR; Geier, K.W.; ZRSP; 35; Sep. 51-5<1; Indeks i
my; Zinin, A.K.; Sovetskaya Belorussiya; 22 Mar.
lndeksatsiya - pomoshchnik v uskorenii prokhozhdeniya pisem; Demidov, Ya.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1974; Two pages. An RSFSR overview of what percentage of mail bears a zip code. Indeksatsiya dolzhna nabirat' skorost'; Papinako, Two pages.
I.G.; Vestnik svyazi; 9; Sep.
Indeksatsiya pis'mennoi korrespondentsii - delo kazhdogo; Borozdin. K.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1971; An overview of several proposals on how to 'stylize' the zip code. Informatsionnye osnovy indeksatsii; Khlytchiev, Two pages.
Vestnik svyazi; 2;
Latvijas PSR Pasta Indeksacijas Rokasgramata; Savicka, M. (comp.); 1989; Latvijas PSR Sakaru Mi~istr;ja. Riga; In Latvian. See also 'Spravochnik pochtovo; indeksatsii Latviiskoi SSR' for the same information, in Russian. Original booklet. Matters Moldavian; Cronin. Andrew; Post Riaer: 25; Dec. 1989; 41-67; Includes three maps of the Bessarabia/Moidavia area. a 1 isting of post offices and zip codes for Moldavia, and postal history. Na novyi poryadok adresovaniya; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 1; Jan. 1971; One page on decisions made by the Leningrad City Council of Workers' DepLlties Ispolkom to promote the zip code. Nachtrag zu 'Die Geschichte der Russische Post' Nr. 40; july 1986; 31-35; Raster-l ine varieties.
38 s. 23 ff;
Geier. K.W.; ZRSP;
Nedelya pis'ma; Andreeva, L.; Sovetskaya Ehstoniya; 5 Oct. 1971; An interview with the Postal Communications Board chief on 'Letter Week', how indexation is progressing, and efforts to improve service. Nikogda lyudi ne pisali drug drugu tak mnogo pisem;
Literaturnaya gazeta;
Zip Code, Mar.
Soviet 1983;
Notes on the Ukrainian Postal Code System; Cronin, Andrew; Post Rider; 30; June 1992; 10-20; The Ukrainian 'zip code' system introduced in the early 1930s. Includes a listing of towns by number. Novye markirovannye konverty i avtoma~izirovannaya sortirovka pisem; Filateliya SSSR; 2; Feb. 1971; III; NTR, pochta i fi latel iya; Gurevich, N.; Fi latel iya SSSR; automation depicted on Soviet stamps.
9; Sep.
S. ,A.;
10; Postal
rabote s kl ienturoi; Kuprina, A.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1971; Two pages on results of a group formed in 1967 at the Omsk Post Office for promoting the zip code, advertising postal services and public meetings.
vnedrenii sistemy tsifrovoi pages.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8' Aug.
1970; Two
Otvechaem chitatelyam 'Vestnika svyazi'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug. 1975; Two pages. Question and answer column: three dealing with the Post - mail delivery during spring and fall mUddy seasons, the zip code and postillions' overtime. Pis'mo doidet bystree; Pasyutin, E.; Izvestiya; 13 Mar. 1971; An interview With V. Matsnev, Postal Administration chief, on the zip code. Pochta i filateliya;
Gurevich, N.; Filateliya SSSR; 8; Aug.
1983; 49-51;
Pochtovaya indeksatsiya na Ukraine; Mogi1 'nyi, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 5; May 1980; 48-49; Pomogayut vo vnedrenii indeksatsii; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 4; Apr. 1971; Short article on the Assistance Council at the Ivanovo 18th 0.5. and others in promoting use of the zip code. Pomoshch' v indeksatsii; Kuchkin, G.; Vestnik svyazi; 12; Dec. 1971; One page on action taken by the Donetsk Ispolkom to force use of the zip code among local enterprises. Postal Mechanisation in the USSR; Rutkowska, T.T.; BJRP; 62; Dec.
1985; 42-50;
Postleitzahlen in der Sowjetunion; von Hofmann, Harry; Philatelia Baltica; 50; July 1971; 3; Postlei~zahlen
in der UdSSR - hier die lettische Erlaeuterung; (n.a.); Philatelia Ba'tica; 54; May 1973; 5; A reproduction of the LPSR notice on how to fill out the zip code. In Latvian.
Postleitzahlen in Lettland; (n.a.); Philatelia Baltica; 68-70; Dec. complete listing of Latvian SSR zip codes for 1975. Potoropite pis'mo!; Nepritvorennyi, V.;
Sovetskaya Moldaviya;
Povyshat' uroven' vnedreniya shestiznachnoi pochtovoi Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1982; Two pages. Shag v budushchee pochty; Gerasimova,
16 Mar.
indeksatsii; Dzyublo, A.F.;
L.: Sovetskaya Rossiya; 9 Jan.
Sortirovka po indeksam vruchnuyu; Polkhovskaya, One page.
1979; 22-41; A
L.I.; Vestnik svyazi; 8; Aug.
Spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii Latviiskoi SSR; (n.a.); 1989; Minsvyazi Latviiskoi SSR, Riga; A complete 1 isting of Soviet zip codes for the Latvian SSR. Original booklet. Spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsi i Litovskoi SSR; (n.a I; 1989; Ministerstvo svyazi Litovskoi SSR, Pochtovoe upravlenie, Vilnius; Zip code 1 isting for the Lithuanian SSR, in Russian and Lithuanian. OrIginal softbound listing. Sta1'noi put' v Yakutiyu; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 11; Nov. 1979; 5-7; Construction of the BAM in YaKutia. A 1 ist of stations along the way, dates of completion, office categories and zip codes are given.
Streifzug durch die russische Philatelie; Schneider, J.; Junge Sammler; 1; 1 Feb. 1986; 4-7, 9-10; A broadbrush overview of Russian philately and postal history. Svoi
indeks - kazhdomu otdeleniyu; Vasil'ev, L.V.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; Two pages on a proposal by the postal service chief at the Dnepropetrovsk PTUS to assign individual zip codes to city postal branches & some larger Villages.
Tam, gde slyshen 'shepot zvezd'; Boiko, V.; Filateliya SSSR; 12; Dec. 1976; 7-9; The Oimyakon region of Yakutia. Examples of postmarks from various offices are
Zip Code, Soviet
shown. plus dates of opening, name changes, and postal zip codes. The Optical Character Recognition Postal System of the U.S.S.R.; Sheppard, N.J.; Post Rider; 15; Nov. 1984; 28-42; An explanation of the automated postal system and a listing of types distinguished by differences in the zip code instructions on the stationery. Trebovaniya povysheny; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 10; Oct. 1985; 28; Short article on efforts undertaken by the Ukrainian SSR's Ministry of Communications to resolve problems with indexation. Tsifrovaya indeksatsiya na tsel 'nykh veshchakh SSSR; 11; Nov. 1981; 46-47;
Il'ichev, L.; Filateliya SSSR;
Tsifrovaya i~deksatsiya predpriyatii pochtovoi svyazi; 1968; One page.
(n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; 5; May
Tsifry na konverte; Illesh, A.; Komsomol 'skaya pravda; with USSR postal chief Matsnev on the zip code.
19 Dec.
1970; An interview
Uroven' indeksatsii neobkhodimc povysit'; (n.a.); Vestnik svyazi; page. Advocates broader use of the 'indeks' zip code.
11; Nov.
Ustanovka dlya vydachi pochtovykh indeksov; Garbuz, S.M.; Vestnik svyazi; 1979; Two pages on the SUEhPI-1 machine.
1979; One 11; Nov.
V pomoshch' naseleniyu; Zhazykbaev. A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1974; Short article on a Kazakh-made film explaining the zip code. Ves'ma vazhnye voprosy; Karasev, V.A.; Vestnik svyazi; 5; May 1971; One page. letter from the Ivanovo PTUS about some problems with the zip code. Vnedrenie sistemy indeksatsii; Glinyanoi, S.G./Gil', G.K.; Vestnik svyazi; 1970; Four pages.
11; Nov.
Za schet chego oovyshaem prot sent indeksirovannoi korrespondentsii; Sokolova, E.; Vestnik svyazi; 2; Feb. 1974; Two pages.