Report on Philanthropy 2012–2013
Table of Contents A Message from the Head of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 About Ross Montessori School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Financial Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Annual Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Capital Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fundraising Events
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program & Operating Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ross Family Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
407 Merrill Ave. | Carbondale, CO 81623 | 970.963.7199
A Message From the Head Of School The 2012-2013 school year was a strong one here at Ross Montessori School. We continue to grow as a school community and rely on our mission statement to guide us in all aspects of student learning: The mission of Ross Montessori School (RMS) is to provide an atmosphere of academic excellence and positive discipline through Montessori teaching methods. We strive for high student achievement and will create competent, responsible and independent global citizens who are innovative problem-solvers. Our students, from Kindergarten through 8th grade, are thriving in the Montessori environment and curriculum. Ross has been rated a “Performance” school by the Colorado Department of Education for the 2012-2013 school year, which places our school within the top 1/3 of all schools in the state of Colorado with regard to academic performance. At the elementary level, students are outperforming the geographic district in every subject by at least ten percentage points. Our dedicated and talented teachers and staff help our students achieve academic excellence each and every day. Student enrollment was robust this past year with over 240 students, and we anticipate bringing in more new students to Ross to learn in this effective hands-on and experiential model of education. Even though the BEST (Building Excellent Schools Today) grant funding did not work out last year, we are steadfast in our resolve to achieve our goal of a new school facility and to ensure our stability in the community for generations. I am so grateful for the effective and transparent leadership of our School Board of Directors and the support of the Mark Ross Montessori Foundation. With their energy and guidance, Ross is moving into a new and exciting chapter of our history! Thank you to our entire Ross family – parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, alumni and friends. Your dedication – professionally, financially and through volunteering – helps to make our school of choice a shining example of the power of education!
Sincerely Yours,
Sonya Hemmen Head of School
We would like to thank the following board members for their hours of volunteer time and commitment to the leadership of the school.
R o s s M o n t e s s o r i Sc h o o l B oa r d o f D i r e c t o r s 2012-2013 Shelly Sheppick, President Mark Kavasch, Vice President Greg Mohl, Treasurer Alan Cole, Secretary Tami Cassetty Gella Sutro
About Ross Montessori School Our Mission The mission of Ross Montessori School (RMS) is to provide an atmosphere of academic excellence and positive discipline through Montessori teaching methods. We strive for high student achievement and will create competent, responsible and independent global citizens who are innovative problem-solvers.
Mark Ross Montessori F o u n dat i o n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 Robin Cole, President Rachel Hahn, Vice President Anne Cerrone, Secretary/Treasurer Mark Gotfredson Lisa Raleigh Andrea Waldmann, Development Director
O u r V i s i o n f o r E d u c at i o n Our vision is to serve the educational needs of the region by providing an authentic Montessori education from Kindergarten through 8th grade to all children regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background. Dr. Maria Montessori’s method of education is the foundation of our vision. This method embraces diversity and provides students with the framework they need in order to prosper in multi-cultural environments. Our “whole child” approach empowers students to independently discover their own solutions. The role of the school is to give students the tools and challenges they require to meet their own intellectual, emotional, social and physical needs.
The Ross Montessori School Report on Philanthropy is published annually by the Development Office of the Mark Ross Montessori Foundation. We endeavor to be as accurate as possible in recognizing the generous support of the greater Ross Montessori School community and deeply apologize for any errors. So that we may accord proper recognition, please let us know if your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly by emailing This report contains information about contributions for the 2012-2013 fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013).
We will nurture each student’s unique journey toward knowledge. Our students learn to appreciate, embrace, and capture the always surprising and infinite possibilities of our world.
T h e H i s t o r y o f R o s s M o n t e s s o r i Sc h o o l RMS was named after Mark and Kathryn Ross, two highly respected Carbondale educators. Together, they brought Montessori philosophy to the Roaring Fork Valley. Their love for children and commitment to both the Montessori Method and the community are qualities that we continue to honor. RMS is a tuition-free, public charter school authorized by the Charter School Institute. We are not part of the local Roaring Fork School District. We opened our doors in the fall of 2005 and we are held to all of the same standards as any public school. All of our teachers are highly qualified by the State. It is our goal to be an excellent academic institution as well as to promote the development of personal skills, respect for self and others, self-motivation, independence, creativity and a love of learning.
M a r k R o s s M o n t e s s o r i F o u n dat i o n The Mark Ross Montessori Foundation (MRMF) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) entity that exists to provide financial support to the Ross Montessori School. The Foundation maintains and distributes charitable donations for the school. MRMF is a separate entity from the Ross Montessori School Board of Directors and meets quarterly.
R o s s Fa m i ly A s s o c i at i o n The Ross Family Association (RFA) is organized to provide coordinated volunteer efforts for Ross Montessori School. All family members of students at RMS are considered members of the Ross Family Association. Parents play an integral role in keeping overall educational operating costs down by volunteering in classrooms, serving hot lunch and organizing events.
Financial Summary Fund development plays a critical role in providing the financial resources to operate the school and to provide many enhancements to the learning environment. The RMS community made total donations in the amount of $519,438 for the 2012-2013 school year. (Capital Campaign Funds are held in reserve for our future building project.)
F i n a n c i a l S u mm a r y Ross Montessori School (RMS) and Mark Ross Montessori Foundation (MRMF) Revenues
Per Pupil Revenue $ 1,420,026 Tuition and Fees $ 232,148 State, Federal and Other Sources $ 156,626 Total Revenues $ 1,808,800 $ 519,438 Expenditures
Instruction $ 1,013,879 Supporting Services $ 635,827 $ 105,193 Capital Outlay $ 207,390 Total Expenditures $ 1,649,706 $ 312,583 Net Change in Fund Balance $ 159,094 $ 206,855 Fund Balance Beginning of FY2012-13 (July 1, 2012) $ -67,346 $ 147,734 5% Fund Balance Ending of FY2012-13 (June 30, 2013) $ 91,748 $ 354,589 1.80% 0.19% 0.16%
Gifts to the Mark Ross M o n t e s s o r i F o u n dat i o n 9.13%
Annual Fund
$ 47,425
Operating Support
Program Support
Shaping Our Future Capital Campaign
$ 460,859
$ 519,438
Annual Fund Contributions to the Annual Fund directly support Ross Montessori School’s operating budget. Annual Fund gifts underwrite the many tools and activities that support a well-rounded and vibrant education, including Montessori teaching materials, teaching assistants, music and art classes, foreign language instruction, outdoor education, technology, and more. The Annual Fund supports the educational environment in which excellent teaching and learning thrive. The funding that RMS receives from the State of Colorado does not cover the entire cost of educating our students. Philanthropic giving helps close the gap, providing the School with a margin of excellence that enables us to offer one of the finest elementary educational experiences in the region. Sara Berry and Karen Peirson led an extraordinary team of volunteers to raise over $47,425 for the 2012-2013 Ross Montessori School Annual Fund.
A n n ua l F u n d L e a d e r s h i p
C l a s s C a p ta i n s
Sara Berry & Karen Peirson 2012-2013 Annual Fund Co-Chairs
Kindergarten Classes Tanya Baldwin Marcella Knable Abby Lavy Alyssa Reindel
Robin Cole & Shelly Sheppick 2012-2013 Leadership Circle Co-Chairs Robyn Scott 2012-2013 Grandparent Chair
G i f t C at e g o r i e s Sopris Peak..................$5,000+ Prince Creek.................$2,500 - $4,999 Mushroom Rock.........$1,500 - $2,499 Red Hill.........................$1,000 - $1,499 Spring Gulch................$500 - $999 Rodeo............................$250 - $499 Nature $249
Lower Elementary Classes Monica Brinson Adriana Brown Kelleigh Condon Robyn Cruze-Harrington Jon Nell Loux-Reeds Sarah Moore Jackie Skoric Upper Elementary Classes Gina Betley Lisa Cohen Elizabeth Malloy Carolyn Williams Middle School Class Jenny Ayers Spanish Speaking Families Rosana Garcia Janette Rojo
Annual Fund Contributors Sopris Peak
Alan & Robin Cole Giora & Rachel Hahn
Pr i n c e C r e e k ($2,500 - $4,999)
David & Ellen Brooks Carlene Murphy
Mushroom Rock ($1,500 - $2,499)
Jay Harrington & Jennifer Babiak Lance Luckett & Leslie Lamont Sarah Moore
Red Hill
($1,000 - $1,499)
Steve & Jenny Ayers Michael & Tami Cassetty Charlie & Megan Cook Scott & Sonya Hemmen Jeff & Kimberly Kelley Greg & Caroline Mohl James & Mildred Hickson Stu Urfrig & Shelly Sheppick
Spring Gulch ($500 - $999)
Eric & Sara Berry Mike & Monica Brinson Michael & Natalie Carricarte Wayne & Wendy Elliott Scott & Sharon Pope Duane & Lisa Raleigh Craig & Robyn Scott Gary & Barbara Sorensen Rod & Gina Stryker Troy & Cher Vincent
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($250 - $499)
Avalanche Ranch Dave & Gina Betley Kelleigh Condon Joseph & Damie Elsen Larry & Phoebe Gruel Mark Kavasch & Susan Lau Ray & Marcella Knable Ernie & Barbara Kollar Jeff & Amanda Leahy
N at u r e Pa r k
Brian & Janis Leasure Olle & Anne Lindgren Thomas & Shelby Morgan Mike & Martha Rose Taylor & Cindy Serson Brigette Small Family Paul & Gabriella Sutro Charles S. & Eleanor T. von Stade Chris & Andrea Waldmann Greg & Carolyn Williams
(to $249)
Anonymous Diane Ahlstrom Jamie & Evelia Andrade Baldwin Family Bank of Colorado in honor of Ross Family Association Lowell & Peg Bell David & Karen Betley Betsy's Barefoot Books Big Hoss Grill Berit Bjerke-Daniels Christopher & Cindy Blachly Mike & Jenny Bouchet Seth Brown & Adriana Pevec Brown Jose Castillon & Paloma Zaragoza Cerrone Family Claudia Crane Susan Cuseo Joe & Kristin Davis Wally De Beque Camilla Fay Billy & Lori Gavette Jeff & Christine Godfread Jim & Rene Gohery Jorge Gomez-Felix & Victoria Mata-Serafina Scott & Stacy Grimm Carl & Donna Gruel Jose Gutierrez & Adriana Serafin Shawn & Carrie Haberern John & Jane Haggerty Giora & Rachel Hahn in honor of Luke Lavy & Tim Finley's Birthdays Timothy Harrington & Robyn Cruze-Harrington Kent & Amy Harvey Neal & Denise Henley Doug Hill & Alexis Karolides Betsy Hoke Asha Ironwood
David Kanzer Douglas Kidder Oran & Maureen Kirkpatrick Ken & Sue Krehbiel Lavelle Family Mick & Abby Lavy Robert & Marna Leasure Joe & Melissa Lott Malloy Family Joan Matranga Malcolm & Betsy McMichael Mathew Miller & Erica Epperson Matt & Heather Nieslanik Kayo & Jennifer Ogilby Maeve O'Donnell Pax Eric & Karen Peirson John & Catherine Placek Angelica Ramos Lechuga Sally Reeds Arthur Reeds & Jon Nell Loux-Reeds David & Alyssa Reindel Gabe & Angie Riley Colleen Rominger Arthur & Maureen Rothman Tom & Leslie Schramer Robyn Scott Scherrer Robert & Lynne Serson Cloud & Cally Shadowshot Skoric Family John & Fiona Smollen Starr Snead, Advancement Connections Mario Tellechea & Ana Tapia Tesoro Family Jack & Jill Thomas Peter Tibbetts & Rochelle Smith Christopher & Amber Trzcinski Willliam & Gladys Trzcinski Jeff Walz & Dana Dwyer Jenny Williams
Leadership Giving Circle The Leadership Giving Circle is a group of donors who have given to the Ross Montessori School Annual Fund 2012-2013 at a level of $1,000 or above. We honor this group and thank them for their generous contributions of $32,500 to this year’s Annual Fund.
Contributors Steve & Jenny Ayers David & Ellen Brooks Michael & Tami Cassetty Alan & Robin Cole Charlie & Megan Cook Giora & Rachel Hahn Jay Harrington & Jennifer Babiak Scott & Sonya Hemmen James S. & Mildred H. Hickson Jeff & Kimberly Kelley Lance Luckett & Leslie Lamont Greg & Caroline Mohl Sarah Moore Carlene Murphy Stu Urfrig & Shelly Sheppick
Gifts In Memory of Jerry Urfrig Contributors Michael & Tami Cassetty Alan & Robin Cole Scott & Sonya Hemmen Mark Kavasch & Susan Lau Greg & Caroline Mohl Paul & Gella Sutro
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Parent Participation Parent participation in the Annual Fund is an important measure of the success of the campaign. High participation shows the broader community that we believe in our school and strengthens the school’s position when applying for grants, loans and other forms of external funding. We are pleased that parent participation in the 2012-2013 Annual Fund reached 60%. We thank each and every parent for your Annual Fund gift, and strive to reach 100% parent participation with future campaigns.
Pa r e n t C o n t r i b u t o r s Steve & Jenny Ayers Eric & Sara Berry Dave & Gina Betley Christopher & Cindy Blachly Mike & Jenny Bouchet Mike & Monica Brinson David & Ellen Brooks Seth Brown & Adriana Pevec Brown Michael & Tami Cassetty Jose Castillon & Paloma Zaragoza Cerrone Family Alan & Robin Cole Kelleigh Condon Claudia Crane Joe & Kristin Davis Joseph & Damie Elsen Camilla Fay Billy & Lori Gavette Jeff & Christine Godfread Jorge Gomez-Felix & Victoria Mata-Serafina Scott & Stacy Grimm Larry & Phoebe Gruel Shawn & Carrie Haberern Giora & Rachel Hahn Timothy Harrington & Robyn Cruze-Harrington
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Kent & Amy Harvey Scott & Sonya Hemmen Doug Hill & Alexis Karolides Asha Ironwood David Kanzer Ray & Marcella Knable Ernie & Barbara Kollar Lavelle Family Mick & Abby Lavy Jeff & Amanda Leahy Brian & Janis Leasure Olle & Anne Lindgren Joe & Melissa Lott Lance Luckett & Leslie Lamont Malloy Family Malcolm & Betsy McMichael Mathew Miller & Erica Epperson Greg & Caroline Mohl Sarah Moore Thomas & Shelby Morgan Matt & Heather Nieslanik Kayo & Jennifer Ogilby Eric & Karen Peirson John & Catherine Placek Scott & Sharon Pope Duane & Lisa Raleigh Angelica Ramos Lechuga
Arthur Reeds & Jon Nell Loux-Reeds David & Alyssa Reindel Craig & Robyn Scott Robyn Scott Scherrer Robert & Lynn Serson Taylor & Cindy Serson Cloud & Cally Shadowshot Skoric Family Brigette Small Family Rod & Gina Stryker Paul & Gella Sutro Mario Tellechea & Ana Tapia Peter Tibbetts & Rochelle Smith Stu Urfrig & Shelly Sheppick Troy & Cher Vincent Chris & Andrea Waldmann Jeff Walz & Dana Dwyer Greg & Carolyn Williams
Support from Family and Friends We are especially appreciative of gifts from friends and family members. These generous patrons of Ross Montessori School understand the value of our exceptional educational program and the benefit that our students and school bring to the larger community.
G r a n d pa r e n t s a n d Fa m i ly Anonymous Diane Ahlstrom Lowell & Peg Bell David & Karen Betley Wayne & Wendy Elliott Jim & Rene Gohery Carl & Donna Gruel John & Jane Haggerty James S. & Mildred H. Hickson Mark Kavasch & Susan Lau Robert & Marna Leasure Carlene Murphy Sally Reeds Colleen Rominger Robert & Lynne Serson Gary & Barbara Sorensen Charles S. & Eleanor T. von Stade
A l u m n i Pa r e n t s Susan Cuseo
Fa c u lt y a n d S ta f f Jeff & Christine Godfread Shawn & Carrie Haberern Scott & Sonya Hemmen Jenny Williams
Fr i e n d s o f R o s s Avalanche Ranch Bank of Colorado Betsy's Barefoot Books Big Hoss Grill Wally De Beque Betsy Hoke Oran & Maureen Kirkpatrick Joan Matranga Starr Snead, Advancement Connections Jack & Jill Thomas
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Capital Campaign Shaping Our Future: A New Home for Ross Montessori Ross Montessori School (RMS) is pursuing funding for the construction of a new school facility because our present location and facilities do not adequately support our outstanding educational program. A new facility will enable us to attract and retain the very best teachers and will allow us to offer exceptional programming to an even broader population of students. In 2012, RMS applied for a BEST (Building Excellent Schools Today) grant, a program of the Colorado Department of Education, and was approved for a grant of $12 million, with a matching requirement of $1 million. Through tremendous generosity from the Ross community and beyond, we were able to raise the necessary matching funds, but unfortunately, we were not able to meet the state’s requirements for the land purchase, and did not receive final funding. RMS applied for a BEST grant in 2013, and while we were approved as an alternate, we did not receive final funding. Through this challenging process, our community of parents, grandparents and friends has stayed strong and dedicated to our goal of building a new school. The RMS Board of Directors continues to diligently pursue additional funding sources so that we may begin building our new school facility. The Shaping Our Future capital campaign began in 2009. Through support from parents, grandparents and community members, RMS raised $460,859 in the 2012-2013 school year, which brought the capital campaign fund balance to a total of $615,696 in gifts received at the end of June, 2013. Additional pledges in the amount of $570,060 were made in 2012-13, bringing the cumulative total of gifts and pledges to the Shaping Our Future Capital campaign to $1,185,756 at the fiscal year end 2012-13. Note: All capital campaign funds are held in reserve for our future building project. For additional information about the Shaping Our Future capital campaign please visit
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Capital Campaign Contributors $250,000+
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous Grandparent Anonymous
Anonymous Vernon & Patricia Brinson in honor of Malia Brinson Todd & Anne Cerrone Catherine Gildor Charles & Sandy Israel in honor of Ari Hahn, Grandson Mark Kavasch & Susan Lau Tim & Elizabeth Malloy
$100,000 - $249,999
The Wexner Family
$50,000 - $99,999
Alan & Robin Cole Urfrig Family
$25,000 - $49,999
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous Steve & Jenny Ayers Chris Beebe, Jr. M. Scott Bromwell, Jr. David & Ellen Brooks Charlie & Megan Cook Giora & Rachel Hahn Nicholas & Inga Karolides Drs. Stephen & Rebecca Laird Greg & Caroline Mohl Sarah Moore Pediatric Partners Leelee von Stade & Tito Liotta
$5,000 - $9,999
Eric & Sara Berry Michael & Tami Cassetty Jeff & Kimberly Kelley Bobby & Tammy Mclelland Summers Moore Proud Ross Teachers & Staff Ross Family Association Robert & Lynne Serson Taylor & Cindy Serson
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Includes Gifts & Pledges: July 2009 – June 2013
Mark Price & Jessica Berger in honor of Chloe & Lira Price Duane & Lisa Raleigh Barbara Reese James Surls & Charmaine Locke Harry & Cathryn Voss in honor of Bob Simpson Chris & Andrea Waldmann
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous Stephen & Carla Berry Dave & Gina Betley Blachly Family Robert & Ann Bonnette Mike & Monica Brinson Beverly Chernoff Joe & Kristin Davis Bill & Lori Gavette Shawn, Carrie & Jonathan Haberern Elaine H. Harvey in honor of Lyla & Tatym Harvey Kent & Amy Harvey Karla Herbold James & Mildred Hickson in honor of Drs. Ellen & David Brooks Tom & Karen Hill Douglas Hill & Alexis Karolides Richard & Diane Knutson Ernie & Barbara Kollar Charles & Mary Kottich in honor of Charles & Mary Williams Megan & Finnian Leahy Lance Luckett & Leslie Lamont Mike & Nancy McMichael in honor of Dean & Andrew McMichael Dave & Stephanie Munk Robert H. Murphy in honor of Tami Cassetty Kayo & Jennifer Ogilby Eric & Karen Peirson
Scott & Sharon Pope Jason & Victoria Powell in honor of Tanner Powell Stephen & Betty Prout in honor of Mandi Prout & in memory of Mike Prout Riley Family Will Ross Rothman Family Rudd Construction Lynn Russell Advised Fund at Aspen Community Foundation Chris Sapp & Carolyn Fisher Schramer Family Craig & Robyn Scott Robert & Cheryl Scott William Small in honor of Brigette Small Felicity Smith Gary & Barbara Sorensen Rod & Gina Stryker Peter Tibbetts & Rochelle Smith Scott & Steph Timothy John & Theresa Traul Don & Kathy VanDevander Troy & Cher Vincent John Voorhees Gregory & Carolyn Williams Patricia Godwin Willimon in memory of Dr. Eugene P. Willimon, Jr.
to $999
Anonymous in honor of Keanen Bell Anonymous in honor of Rio & Ze Pina Anonymous in honor of Nicole & Nolan Peirson Anonymous in honor of Valeria Rojo Anonymous (6) Aurelio Aguilar & Martha Ramirez Aaron & Jodi Ahlstrom Roy & Kathy Altman Melody Anderson Jamie Andrade & Evelia Castillo Pat Apelian Greg & Kathy Askins in honor of The Hemmens B&H Contractors in honor of Denise Gianinetti Miranda Ballentine in honor of Ashlan & Willow Stolley Bank of America Matching Gift Program George & Beverly Barker Christopher Barnes in honor of Sonya Hemmen Johnny & Audrey Bauhan Romey & Tami Bell in honor of Keanan Bell Skip & Kay Bell in honor of Our Grandson Colton Mesner Paul Bellin Jerrie Bentley in honor of Alec & Aiden Sloan Stephen & Jo Bershenyi David & Karen Betley in honor of Jordan & Jake Betley Bishop Plumbing & Heating Black Kite Ronald & Jean Blair in honor of Caroline & Alex Waldmann Richard Blake in honor of Nicole & Nolan Peirson Rick Blauvelt & Candace Goodwin Dan & Pat Bonior
Jeanne Bonnette Barnes Michael & Jennifer Bouchet Morey & Carol Brooks in honor of Watts Brooks Watts Brooks Howard & Ellen Brous Brown Family Susan Burger Jere & Leslie Burns Michael Caplin in honor of Tanya Baldwin & Debbie Hirshberg Noone Brooke Serson Cernonok Andrea Chacos & Sarah Shook Alan Chernoff Ray & Teena Cheshire Children’s House on the Roaring Fork Brenda Christensen John & Nancy Cole in honor of Anna & Jillian Cole Victoria Cole Kaye C. Condon Kelleigh Condon Marilyn Cool in honor of Dillon & Morgan Leasure Ron & Jane Corcillo Woodrow & Angela Cosper in honor of Gabe & Hollis Serson Barbie Cottrell Steve & Janice Crowley Gretchen Curtis Susan Cuseo in honor of Mark Ross Don & Jennifer Cutright James Daus Steven & Sandy Dean, The Dayton Foundation in honor of Mandi Prout Jack & Barbara Della-Bitta Don Dinnerville Keith & Carri Dolin Dave & Sharon Drechsler in honor of The Godfread Family
John & Barbara Dwyer in honor of Oliver Dwyer-Walz Suzanne Eller Silas & Rachel Elliott Joseph & Damie Elsen Lianne Escher Lee Ann Eustis Eric Faas & Kristin DiBernardo Thomas & Darlynn Fellman Grace, Jasmine, Thalia Ferguson & David Finley Robert & Shirley Francis in honor of Molly Hemmen Rob & Connie Friesen in honor of Dean & Andy McMichael Froelicher Family Brian & Rebecca Fuller Arlette Gallardo Jeanna Gallegos, Hair Bar Jack & Glynda Gausnell in honor of Malia & Marlee Brinson Dave & Judy Godfread Jim & Rene Gohery in honor of Doone & Seamus Gohery Jim Gohery & Amber Crowley in honor of Doone & Seamus Gohery Wally & Kristen Graham Moses & Heather Greengrass Mark Grice Griffin Family Scott & Stacy Grimm Garrett Gunter Giora & Rachel Hahn in honor of Lucas Berry’s Birthday Yaffa & Yoram Hahn Hale Family Kirsten Hardy Timothy Harrington & Robyn Cruze-Harrington Glen & Susan Harris Lyla & Tatym Harvey, & Julie Lang in honor of Lyla Harvey Doreen Herriott
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Capital Campaign Contributors
Includes Gifts & Pledges: July 2009 – June 2013
(to $999 Continued)
Rosalyn Hill in honor of Liam & Kai Hill Mark Hinds Joe Hiss Gary & Jennifer Holmgren Mary Houlihan Jamie & Jennetta Howell Luis Huerta & Elizabeth Burgos Anakeesta & Sage Ironwood & Frida Rojo Deb Jackson Curt Johnson Lesa Johnson-Martinez Mats Jonsson Photography Mindy Kaegebein David Kanzer Robert & Beverly Kavasch Jay Keeshan Michael & Julie Kennedy Peter Kent & Nita Lescher in memory of Herbert F. Lescher Douglas Kidder David T. Kirkpatrick Oran & Maureen Kirkpatrick Debra & Ed Kitson Carol Klein Ray & Marcella Knable John & Marcy Kneiper Carole Wolfe Korngold in honor of Janice Kirkpatrick Forbes Grandma ‘Moe’ Kraemer in honor of Jimmy Elsen Mitchell Kraemer Ken & Sue Krehbiel Nancy Lajoy Martin & Alice Lancaster Stephen & Randall Lavelle Mick & Abby Lavy Arlette Lawyer Mary Lehrman Felicia Lewis Jill Libby Dave & Tiffany Lindenberg Michael & Jenifer Lindsay
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Robert Little in honor of The Hemmens Lott Family in honor of Paris, Mercedes & Olivia Lott Walter & Mieke Lozano Ned Lucks Lulubelle Kathy MacGowan in honor of Janice Forbes Chris & Ami Maes Carlin Mallman Claire Malloy Joan Matranga in honor of Nolan & Nicole Peirson Eddy McClure David & Joan McGavock Mark & Sarah McGuiness McMichael Family Carl Meitler David & Shannon Meyer Jesse Miller & Maureen Muller Jack & Caryl Mohl Thomas & Shelby Morgan Elizabeth Moyer Ronald & Sandra Moyer Mt. Sopris Rotary Maggie Mueller in honor of Mandi Prout Brian & Elizabeth Murphy Alejandro, Wendy & Jimmy Nakagawa Matt & Heather Nieslanik Debora Noone in honor of Walker Baldwin Elliot & Caroline Norquist in honor of Gabe, Hollis & Florence Serson Chuck & Meredith Ogilby Oldham Family Judith Olesen Charlie & Alice Parker in honor of Nicole & Nolan Peirson David & Priscilla Parker Gary & Fiona Pax Chris & Vicki Peterson
Bette Pietsch John & Catherine Placek Audrey Podl Phyllis Povell in honor of Kai & Jaymin Kanzer R&A Enterprises Jack Real & Sue Lavin Arthur Reeds & Jon Nell Loux-Reeds George & Alicia Reidenbach in honor of Sonya Hemmen Richard & Phyllis Reindel David & Alyssa Reindel, Evergreen Events Reneker Family Jose Rodelas & Guadalupe Salvidrez Richard & Charlotte Romano in honor of Magnus Knable Colleen Rominger in memory of James B. Rominger, Sr. Nancy Kraemer Rosenberg Edward & Sandra Rosenberger in honor of Mary & Ken Ross and in memory of Jeanne & Thomas Rosenberger Kathryn Ross Joel Rowland & Shobhan Porter Sal & Becky Rubino Ryan Family Maira Sanchez Marisela Santiago Scherer Family James Scherrer & Robyn Scott Scherrer Bob & Tina Schrader Mary Schramer Tam & Sue Scott John Serson in honor of Gabe & Hollis Serson Michael & Jennifer Shanks Logan Shanks Ivan & Jackie Skoric Ivan & Lisa Skoric in honor of Lars & Analise Skoric Jim & Linda Smith in honor of Nicole & Nolan Peirson John & Fiona Smollen
(to $999 Continued)
Katie Stiffler in honor of Gabe & Hollis Serson Tim & Ann Stolley in honor of Ashlan & Willow Stolley Jon & Wendy Sunshine Jody Swanigan Courtney Tedrowe Eryka Teisch Mario Tellechea & Ana Tapia Scott & Laurel Tesoro Patricia Thirlby in honor of Anna & Jillian Cole Armand & Nancy Thomas Jack & Jill Thomas in honor of Sonya Hemmen Kale Tibbetts Debbie Todd Michael Totten & Jill Lancelot Chris & Amber Trzcinski Papa & GG Trzinski Ellie Urfrig & Cassidy Cook Bronze Urfrig Sara Vallerie Peter Vitakis Roula Vitakis Bill Walsh Jeff Walz & Dana Dwyer Mike & Chip Wells Keith Whitescarver Scott Whitworth Charles & Mary Williams Gareth & Vivian Williams in memory of Suzie Williams John & Paula Williams in honor of Luke & Sage Williams Cliff & Kristen Willimon in honor of Gabe & Hollis Serson Kristy Willison, The Pampered Chef Joyce Woltman in honor of The Cerrone Children, Hank & Gus Leonard Wood & Stephanie English Mary Jo Wright
I n - K i n d D o n at i o n s Asha Ironwood, Ironwood Glassworks Debbie Patrick, Promotional Concepts Christine Randolph
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Capital Campaign Fundraising Events Ross Montessori School hosted many events during the school year to help support our students and the Shaping Our Future capital campaign. Thank you to all the talented volunteers who made these events and fundraisers possible, which contributed a total of $9,355 to the Shaping Our Future capital campaign.
T- s h i r t s a n d T o t e B a g s In September, Robyn Cruze-Harrington, one of our ambitious parent volunteers, coordinated the sale of Ross T-shirts and tote bags to students and families, raising $1,474 for the capital campaign. Fa s h i o n F u n d r a i s e r In October, dedicated parents Mandy Owensby and Jennifer Babiak organized a Fashion Fundraiser held at Bonfire Coffee Shop on Main Street in Carbondale. A generous donation from an Aspen clothing retailer helped raise $5,828 for the capital campaign. Music Reception Also in October, one of our amazing kinder teachers, June Fox, hosted a music reception in her home where her husband and other musicians performed, raising $294 for the capital campaign. Ar t F u n d r a i s e r In November, RMS art teacher, Rochelle Norwood coordinated the RMS Art Fundraiser. Students created original artwork and their families purchased items like coffee mugs, water bottles and tote bags imprinted with the children’s creations. This raised a total of $1,147 for the capital campaign. H o l i day B a z a a r In December, RMS held a Holiday Bazaar at Bonfire Coffee Shop, organized by Jennifer Babiak. We invited a dozen artisans to sell their crafts, and they donated a portion of their profits to RMS, raising a total of $612 for the capital campaign.
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Program and Operating Funds Gifts made in support of school operating expenses and special programs help the school in very specific ways. We are appreciative of these gifts that many times are made when an urgent need arises or when a key program needs funding.
Pr o gr a m F u n d C o n t r i b u t o r s Michael & Natalie Carricarte, Matching Gift for Roatan Fundraiser David Pietsch & Margaret Corcillo, Science Program
O p e r at i n g F u n d C o n t r i b u t o r s Gail N. Anderson, Faculty Training
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Ross Family Association The Ross Family Association (RFA) is a service organization that aims to make the everyday experience at Ross Montessori School as enjoyable, rewarding and enriching as possible for students, faculty and staff through volunteer efforts and parent involvement. In April, the Ross Family Association and Jennetta Howell, Ross music and drama teacher organized the second Ross’ Got Talent Showcase at Third Street Center’s Pac3 auditorium. RMS students showed off their talents from singing and dancing, to poetry and magic acts. A “Cake Ross” raffle and silent auction rounded out the evening and raised $6,485 for the RFA. Thank you to all the students who bravely participated, Jennetta Howell, the Ross Family Association and Marcy Kneiper who organized the "Cake Ross" and silent auction. Here is a list of all the activities that the RFA helped organize in 2012-2013: • Holiday Bake Sale • Ross’ Got Talent Show Silent Auction & Cake Ross • Mountain Fair Cantina • Poinsettia Sale • Book Fairs • Box Tops • Teacher Appreciation Week The money raised by the RFA through these activities totaled $9,633 which is used by the RFA to support school activities. Note that these funds are managed by the RFA and are not included in the Foundation donations. In 2012-13 a portion of the the RFA funds, $6,500 was donated to purchase laptop computers for Ross Montessori School, which are used by students in classrooms every day. Thank you to all the families who volunteered their time to the RFA to help our school be the best it can be.
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Ross Family Association Contributors S t e e r i n g C o mm i t t e e Sonya Hemmen, Faculty Representative Marcy Kneiper, Events Team Leader Randall Lavelle, Ambassador & Communications Team Leader Melissa Lott, Fundraising Team Leader Elizabeth Malloy, Library Team Leader
In-Kind Donors to Silent Auction Ace Hardware of Carbondale Lynn Aliya Alpine Bank Aspen Glen Club Aspen Harley Davidson Aspen Maintenance Supply Aspen Recreation Center Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Aspen Skiing Company Avalon Salon Aveda Salon Ballentine Collection Bank of Colorado - El Jebel Basalt Printing Betsy's Barefoot Books Bishop Plumbing & Heating Blazing Adventures Bob's Bows Jenny Bouchet Joy Bouchet Brunaleschi's Pizza (donated by Vincent Family) Carbondale Recreation Center Christine Kruger Jewelry City Market - Carbondale Coredination, A Movement Studio Crown Mountain Park Crystal River Spas Culligan Water Domino's Pizza Eagle Crest Nursery
El Jebowl Epperson Artworks Fireplace Company Carolyn Fisher Gallegos Corporation Game Changers' Coach Gandhi Restaurant Glenwood Center for the Arts Glenwood Hot Springs Glenwood Springs Rec Center Glenwood Vaudeville Revue Green Diva Haberern Family Molly Hemmen Hill Enterprises, LLC Hotel Jerome In & Out Driving School Ironwood Glassworks Jimmy's Kenichi KTM of Aspen Longevity Handbag Matsuhisa Moe's Southwest Grill Molly Gibson Lodge Mr. Vac Red Hill Animal Health Center Redstone Inn Regis Salon Rivendell Sod Farm River Valley Ranch Golf Club
Ross Montessori School Board Ross Montessori Teachers: Kindergarten Lower Elementary Middle School Specials Upper Elementary Roaring Fork Club Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Laura Segura Seven-Eleven Jackie Skoric Snowmass Recreation Center Sopris Chiropractic Spice It Up Stage Door Subway Summers Moore Photography Sunburst Car Care Town of Carbondale Police Dept. Viceroy Snowmass Viceroy Spa Wells Fargo - Carbondale Whole Foods Market Willits General Store Yampah Spa
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Ross Montessori School | 407 Merrill Avenue | Carbondale, CO 81623 | | 970.963.7199 Mark Ross Montessori Foundation | P.O. Box 521 | Carbondale, CO 81623-0521