Development diary v3 0

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Development Diary v3.0

English Centers for Adults

Development Diary


FOREWORD Welcome to Education First. This diary will guide you through the induction process, make you feel a part of the team, and help you get your bearings in your new job. We hope this will put you in the driver’s seat and give you ownership of your learning and development. To find out how to use this diary, visit

Name Telephone Number Home Address E-mail Address Skype Address

CENTER INFORMATION When you have completed all tasks in the Development Diary, send this along with • Your 40 hour Foundation TEFL certificate • Your Onboarding certificate to your regional trainer. After validating all tasks have been completed, you’ll be sent a 120 hour TEFL certificate.

School Address Telephone Number

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name Contact Telephone Number Concept: Ross Thorburn, Jake Whiddon Content: Anna Zhao, Jill Crawshaw, Natalia Gorelova, Ross Thorburn, Mike Heath, Shane Goulding, Tess Ding, Gilian Kong, Jake Whiddon, Jane Erickson, Andy Reilly, Leon Glover, Ana Yu,Cathy Sim Jayco,Jonathan Dixon, Mark Manning, Nicholas Rockey, Ben Felton Design: Nina Gao, Ross Thorburn, Lyn Yu Editing: Ross Thorburn, Natalia Gorelova, Iris Wu, Daniel Goudie, , Anna Zhao, Heath Jeffrey, Iris Bernthaler, Ben Smith 1

Contact Address


2014 Calendar

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Development Diary


Development Diary


Development Diary

Peer Observation Task: Eliciting ................... 79


Can do Statements ..................................... 42

Peer Observation Task: Instruction Giving..... 80

School Introduction ....................................... 7

Writing F2F Feedback ................................. 43

Team Teaching ............................................ 81

First Year Map ............................................... 8

Checkpoint 4 (week 2, day 3)..................... 44

Teaching Journal ......................................... 83

Workplace Conduct ...................................... 9

Engage ....................................................... 45

What’s expected of you at EF ...................... 10

Englishtown ................................................ 48


Values ......................................................... 10

Non-core classes ........................................ 49

Glossary ………………................................ 92

Understand ..................................................11

Checkpoint 5 (week 2, day 4)..................... 50

Materials ..................................................... 12

Learn .......................................................... 51


Engage ........................................................13

Teacher Knowledge Test ............................. 54

Beijing School Information ...………............. 96

Learn ...........................................................14

CEFR Alignment .......................................... 55

Guangzhou School Information ...……......... 99

Your Learners .............................................. 15

Checkpoint 6 (week 2, day 5)..................... 56

Hangzhou School Information.....................100

Communicating Across Cultures ..................15

Life Club...................................................... 57

Shanghai School Information...................... 100

Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan ........................16


Shenzhen School Information..................... 102

Checkpoint 1 (end of week 1)................... 17

Applying for Leave........................................ 59

Tianjin School Information...........................103

Stage Progress Tracking...............................60 IN-CENTER INDUCTION

Sending NEMO IT Requests ........................ 61


Instructions.................................................. 18

Updating Your Outlook Information .............. 61

Index………………………………………. 105

Contract & Work Manual ............................. 19

Checkpoint 7 (end of week 3)..................... 62

Students in Your School .............................. 20

Demo Class / Course Taster......................... 63

People in your School ................................. 21

Placement Testing ....................................... 64

Center Information ...................................... 22

Oral Placement Tests .................................. 65

Workshops................................................... 23

Observation Notes........................................66

Face-to-Face (F2F)....................................... 25

Checkpoint 8 (end of week 4)..................... 71

Life Club ..................................................... 27


EFEKTA 10 .................................................. 29


G-Drive ....................................................... 30

Teacher Development ..................................72

Email & Expenses......................................... 31

Development Contract .................................73

Checkpoint 2 (week 2, day 1)..................... 32

Learning Contract ....................................... 74

OBOE Discovery ......................................... 33

Peer Observations ....................................... 75

PowerPoint Shortcuts ................................. 34

Peer Observation Task: Teacher Talk ............76

Understand: Observe .................................. 35

Peer Observation Task: Concept Checking... 77

Checkpoint 3 (week 2, day 2)..................... 38

Peer Observation Task: Corrective......

Gving Instructions: ...................................... 39

Feedback.................................................... 78 6

Development Diary


Development Diary First Year Map

School Introduction * Complete the following at your school on Friday afternoon. Ask a colleague to write the address of your school below.



The nearest subway stop to my school is __________________ on line ____. Ask a colleague to write directions from the subway station to your school below.

Your CEM’s phone number is ____________________. The school’s phone number is ____________________. Ask three teachers where they live and write the areas / street names below.

Find the name and contact details of the person at your school who is designated to help you with apartment hunting and write these below.



Development Diary Workplace Conduct

Development Diary What’s Expected of You at EF

Go to and search for “workplace conduct.” Watch the video and answer the following questions: 1. One of EF’s goals is to promote a ______________________ workplace environment. 2. As part of EF’s overall non-discrimination policy, we prohibit all forms of harassment based on: a. race, colour, religion, sex b. age, marital and family status c. national origin, sexual orientation, d. physical or mental disability, or other protected status e. all of the above. 3. What should you wear when you go to work at your centre? a. professional business attire b. shorts and sandals c. EF polo shirt with khakis d. jeans and a t-shirt 4. List 3 examples of inappropriate conduct.


5. Who should you speak to if you experience or witness inappropriate behavior?

6. In cases regarding sexual harassment or serious allegations, what should you do? Trainer’s Signature: Teacher’s Signature: Date:



Development Diary Understand


Development Diary EF Materials


Development Diary Engage


Development Diary Learn


Development Diary Your Students

Development Diary Micro Teaching Lesson Plan Template Stage and Aim





Communicating Across Cultures



Development Diary Checkpoint 1 Complete with your trainer at the end of week 1 (i.e. during your last day of teaching) □ I have attended teacher training and made notes on the sessions □ I have my CEM’s phone number □ I have the address of my school □ I have completed the workplace conduct task sheet

Development Diary

IN-CENTER INDUCTION Instructions Your in center induction will help you get to know your school, your job and provide you with the tools to become an effective employee. Every day in your first week you will have several tasks to complete, including observations, team teaching, and teaching whilst being observed by a colleague, watching online videos and taking notes and speaking to other teachers to find out more about resources. You will speak with your manager, supervisor or Center Director at the end of every day to ensure you receive any addition support you may need. Be sure to ask them to sign off on your progress at the end of each day in the space provided in the checkpoints.

Teacher’s Signature:

Trainer’s Signature:




Development Diary Contract & Work Manual You will be given your work manual and contract on your first day. Read through your contract and work manual and write any questions that you would like to ask your CEM.

Development Diary Students in Your School Get to know the most important people in your school – the students! Take a walk around the lounge area and survey the students. Add your own question in the last column.


What do you like about EF classes?

Why are you studying English?

Make notes here:



Development Diary People in Your School

Development Diary Center Information Talk to your colleagues, walk round your center and find the following information: 1. How many Workshop classrooms are there? What are the names of these classrooms?

Speak to someone in the education team. Find out the different positions in their team and their main responsibilities. E.g. CEM. This is the line manager of the teachers, responsible for developing the teaching team. Stands for Center Education Manager.

2. How many F2F classrooms are there? What are the names of these classrooms?

Speak to someone in the sales team. Find out the different positions in their team and their main responsibilities.

Speak to someone in the service team. Find out the different positions in their team and their main responsibilities.


3. Where is the iLab? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where do you prepare for your lessons and get the supplies/copies of the handouts? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where is the color photocopier? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the photocopier password? _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Where is the fire exit? _________________________________________________________________________ 8. What happens in the lounge area(s)? _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Where is the help desk? What do students come here for? _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Where can you find office supplies? _________________________________________________________________________


Development Diary

Development Diary

Workshop Discovery

Workshop Observation

Go to, search for “EFEC Workshop class” video and answer these questions: What part of Learn-Try-Apply are Workshop classes?

You will observe a teacher teaching a Workshop class. Find out who it is and ask the teacher: Before scheduled workshop observation, find out 3 important things the teacher does to prepare before the WS class. • • • Once in the WS room, write down the address on the G drive of the Workshop lesson material (below):_______________________________________________

Where does the language focus covered in class come from?

What interaction patterns are used in the classroom?

What is the structure of the lesson?

What are the materials for the Workshop classes?

What can you find in the PPT file?

What are the stages of the lesson called on the PowerPoint? (e.g. Warmer, Speaking, etc.)

How many students are there in the class?

What is the stage of today’s class?

When does the teacher collect the tokens?

What does the teacher do after collecting the tokens?

What do students get at the end of the class?

Did the lesson follow an Engage Study Activate (ESA) structure? How could you tell?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Face-to-Face (F2F) Discovery

Face-to-Face (F2F) Observation

Go to website, search for “EFEC Face to Face Classes� video and answer these questions: 1. What part of Learn-Try-Apply are F2F classes?

You will observe a teacher teaching a F2F class. Find out who it is and ask the teacher: What are three important things that you should do before a F2F class?

Where are the materials? 2. How long is the class?

3. How many students are there in a class?

4. How are F2F classes different from WS classes? List 3 main differences.

Once in the classroom, write the topic and stage (level) of the class.

While watching the class, answer the following questions How does the teacher engage the students?

How does the teacher make sure that the learners understand him/her?

5. What is the structure of the lesson?

How does the teacher make sure that the students have learned the material?

6. What are the materials for the F2F classes?

Once the class is complete: How does the teacher give feedback to students after class?

How long does the teacher have to complete F2F feedback? 7. How many topics are there each week for each stage of F2F?

How does the teacher give feedback to students after the class?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Life Club Discovery

Life Club Observation

Go to and search for the video “Life Club: A component of the EFEKTA system”

When observing a Life Club, answer the following questions: 1. What’s the topic of the Life Club?

How are APPLY sessions different from Learn and Try classes?

2. Where is it held? How does APPLY fit into the EFEKTA system?

How does APPLY help to prepare students for the real world?

3. What is the teacher’s role throughout the Life Club? Does it change? If yes, how?

What is the role of the Teacher in the Life Club? 4. What are the students doing? Can you see changes in classroom dynamics? If yes, how?

What Life Clubs were held in your center recently? Ask your colleagues and write down some examples here: 5. What kind of atmosphere is there during Life Club? How is it different from Workshop or Face to Face class?

6. When and how does a teacher give feedback to students? How is it different from Workshop or Face to Face class?



Development Diary

Development Diary

EFEKTA 10 Discovery Task

G-Drive Discovery

Classes with teachers only make up one part of the study system at EF. Speak to a member of the service team and fill out the table below:

Open up school materials on the G-drive:



Where does it happen? When do students do this? How many hours per week do students do this for?



1.Where on the G drive are the course materials stored? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many elementary classes are there next week? What are they and what days are they taught on? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In the workshop (WS) folder. How many advanced classes are there next week? □2 □3 □4 □5 4. In Beginner Foundation next week, what is the topic of the BF A class? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Ask another teacher to show you where OPT reports file is. Write down its location here: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Your Schedule Write out the full names for the following acronyms. WS _______________________________________________ OPT _______________________________________________ LC _______________________________________________ WS _______________________________________________ F2F _______________________________________________ BF _______________________________________________


6. Where can you find and store supplementary materials? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Development Diary

Development Diary

Email & Expenses

Checkpoint 2

How to check your email: Open internet explorer on any computer Log on to and find out your employee/HR number Your username and password should be the following: efef@123

Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 2 day 1 (i.e. your first day in your school) □ I have read my contract and work manual and discussed it with my CEM □ I have read my job specification and understand my responsibilities □ I have met students and staff in my school □ I know my way around my school □ I have observed a Workshop class □ I have observed a Face-to-Face class □ I have observed a Life Club □ I can read my schedule □ I know where to find teaching materials on the G: drive □ I know how to claim expences □ I have accessed my email account

How to claim expenses: Go to the Intranet homepage, Click on “Employment and payroll” under “Support Information” To apply for an expense reimbursement click the “Expense” tab, then choose “Add New Item” First choose the type of expense. For TEFL expenses choose “Staff Training” Next select the date that the transaction occurred on. Enter the receipt number Enter the description. This time we should type “TEFL” Select the Coda. There is only 1 choice. Select the currency you used to make the purchase Enter the exchange rate (your currency to RMB). You can find the most recent rate at Enter the amount in your currency that you spent as well as the VAT. If you choose RMB then the exchange rage must be 1. The subtotal will fill in automatically. Your line manager will receive an email alerting them that you have submitted a new expense. Once they approve your expense you can move on to the next step. After your line manager has approved the expense you need to export the report to Excel. Your expense report will open in Excel. Confirm everything is correct then print the summary and detail pages in black and white. Glue original receipts to a separate sheet of paper and submit everything for reimbursement. Reimbursements are directly deposited once a month, on the 15th. All requests must be received before the 5th to be processed that month

Teacher’s Signature:

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Development Diary

Development Diary

OBOE Discovery

PowerPoint Shortcuts

Schedules on OBOE 1. Where can you find your Teacher Schedule on OBOE?

Find out what these shortcut keys can do to help you control slides in slideshow . Record your answers in the column under ‘Action’. Some answers have been provided.

2. What information can you get from the Teacher Schedule on OBOE and from the Master schedule on OBOE?

PowerPoint shortcut


Esc or End

Slideshow: End

W or comma

Log on to and answer the following questions. 3. Find the first class offered this week on Thursday: • What time is it at? • What room is it in? • How many students have booked it? • What level are those students?

B or period F5

Slideshow: Begin

Ctrl -P

4. How many classes are being offered on Saturday at 12:40? What type of classes are they? <number> ENTER

5. Go to next week’s master schedule on OBOE. Are there any bookings on Sunday at 14:40? A or =

Check the Teachers’ Schedule: 6. Find a F2F class being taught on Wednesday at 18:40: • Who is the teacher? • What are the students’ names?


Alt + Tab

Do you know any other shortcut keys and the actions they can do?



Development Diary Understand Observation • Before class: 1. Go to and find the video “Grading Language”. 2. Note down techniques to grade the language. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • During class: Observe an elementary class and note down several situations when the teacher has to explain the new word/concept/grammar structure. What does the teacher do to convey the meaning? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • After class: Think of a time when students found it difficult to understand the teacher. How could you have graded your language so they understood? What alternative strategies could you use? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Development Diary Understand Team-Teaching • Before class: Find out which class you are going to team-teach and locate the materials. Choose one or two stages of the lesson and think where the students might have difficulties understanding the new language/concept/instructions. What strategies are you going to use to grade your language? Write down examples of possible hand gestures, pictures and other visual support along with simplified language that you will use. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • During class: Teach the stages you’ve chosen, asking the team-teacher for support if necessary. • After class: Now think about your teaching and answer these questions: 1. How successful were you?

2. What was most helpful for your students to understand what you meant?

3. What will you consider next time when you are grading your language?

4. What were the suggestions from your team-teaching partner?


Development Diary Understand Teaching • Before class: Find out which class you are going to teach and locate the materials and ask an experienced teacher to observe around ten minutes of your lesson. Look at the lesson plan and consider the following things: What visual aids will you use to help your students understand you better? Which words/concepts/ will you need to explain using simpler language? How fast will you speak? • During class: Ask an experienced teacher to observe you using this observation tool: Write down examples of when the students have difficulty understanding the teacher and their response. What does the teacher do to help the students? E.g. The teacher asks a question but students can’t answer it, the teacher asks the question again, this time slower and using simple language. Example 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Example 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Example 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Development Diary Checkpoint 3 Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 2 day 2 (i.e. your second day in your school) □ I have learned how to use OBOE □ I have learned how to use shortcuts on PowerPoint □ I have learned some stratagies to grade my language □ I have tried grading my language through team-teaching a lesson □ I have graded my language through teaching a lesson □ I have received feedback on my teaching from an observer

Teacher’s Signature:

• After class: Discuss with the teacher who observed you the techniques you used to grade your language. What do you need to remember next time you speak to the students? CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Development Diary Giving Instructions Observation

Giving Instructions Team-Teaching

• During class: Write down several sets of instructions a teacher gives to their students, e.g. Teacher gives out materials while telling the students that they are going to perform a role play. The teacher then asks the students to start. Set 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Set 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

• Before class: Find out which class you are going to team-teach and locate the materials. Choose an activity that you are going to give instructions for and plan your instructions here: Step 1 How will you attract attention? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 Are there any words in your instructions that might be difficult for your students to understand? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 What visual support will your students have? How will you demonstrate what you expect your students to do? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 What might your students get wrong? How will you check it with instruction checking questions? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 What materials will you give out? Will your students need to move their seats? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

• After class: Look at the notes you made. Can you see 5 steps of giving instructions? Choose one set of instructions and rewrite them using the five steps:

• During class: Give your instructions to the activity, paying attention to the students’ reaction. Ask your team-teaching partner to help you if necessary.

• Before class: 1. Go to and find the video called “EFEC: Giving Instructions”. 2. Watch the video and write down 5 steps of giving instructions Step 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 ______________________________________________________________________________

Step 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Step 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 39

Development Diary

• After class: How successful were you? Were your students able to understand what was required of them? If not, what was the reason? What will you change next time you give instructions? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 40

Development Diary Giving Instructions Teaching Task • Before class: Find out which class you are going to teach and locate the materials and ask an experienced teacher to observe around ten minutes of your lesson. Plan the instructions that you will give throughout the class, using 5 steps of giving instructions. • During class: Ask an experienced teacher to observe you using this observation tool: Write down what the teacher says/does when giving instructions to students and their response to the instructions (e.g. the students look unsure what they are supposed to do) First set _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Second set __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Third set ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Development Diary Can-Do Statements “Go to and search for the video “Can-Do Statements” and answer the following questions What are “can-do statements”? How are can-do statements incorporated into A) Oral Placement Tests B) F2F Feedback

What are the can-do statements for the next Face to Face class that you’ll teach?

When considering students’ performance in relation to can-do statements, what aspects should we bear in mind?

How do these connect to the EF syllabus?

• After class: Discuss with the teacher who observed you whether your instructions were successful. 1. Did you make any changes to the instructions you had planned before class? How do the can-do statements relate to the Common European Framework of Reference? 2. What do you need to remember next time you give instructions?



Development Diary Writing F2F Feedback Task 1: Go to and watch the video “Feedback across class types” and answer the following: 1) When do we provide students with online F2F feedback?

2) What are the two types of outcomes in each F2F class?

Development Diary Checkpoint 4 Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 2 day 3 (i.e. your third day in your school) □ I have learned how to give instructions □ I have tried giving instructions through team-teaching a lesson □ I have applied giving instructions through teaching a lesson □ I have received feedback on my teaching from an observer □ I know how to write face to face feedback □ I know what a ‘Can-Do’ statement is

3) How many outcomes are there in F2F classes?

4) What scores can teachers give students for each outcome?

5) What do the scores mean? What’s highest / lowest?

6) What kind of things should teachers write in the message box?

7) What are the criteria you can select when giving online Face to Face feedback?

Task 2: Evaluate some personal messages Speak to your colleagues. Would they make any changes to these personal messages? 1) Make sure that you use the past simple verb (went) when you are talking about finished events. Also, remember to pronounce ‘usual’ with a /j/ sound.

2) Hey Mark, it was great to see you in class today – you did an awesome job! I loved listening to your story about your dad, he sounds really interesting!

Teacher’s Signature:

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:

3) Hi. You did well today. You said something interesting things about today’s topic. Well done! Date:



Development Diary

Development Diary

Engage Observation Task

Engage Team-Teaching Task

• Before class: Look back to your notes from onboarding on engaging students. What were some techniques you learned?

• Before class: Find out which class you are going to team-teach and locate the materials. Look at the language focus in the lesson plan how you could personalize this.

When in the lesson could you ask students to move around the classroom?

• During class: Sit near the front of the room and observe the students. When do they look most engaged?

When will you find the students’ names? How will you remember these?

What opportunities will there be to eilicit from the students?

Prepare one part of the lesson and make sure that the students will be engaged in this. What did the teacher do to engage the students? Circle which of the following the teacher did. teacher used teacher made students’ names students laugh teacher asked students to move round the room teacher moved around the room students spoke teacher gave with each other personal examples teacher responded to students’ errors teacher elicited from students • After class: Speak to the teacher. When did they feel the students were most engaged?

• During class: Teach at least one activity in the lesson, ensuring that the students are engaged. Try to encorporate as meany of the techniques above as possible. • After class: Speak to the teacher you team-taught with and answer the following questions: 1. How successful were you in engaging your students?

2. When were the students most engaged in the lesson?

3. What will you do differently next time?

What tips do they have on engaging students?



Development Diary

Development Diary Englishtown Discovery Task

Engage Teaching Task • Before class: Find out which class you are going to teach and locate the materials and ask an experienced teacher to observe around ten minutes of your lesson. Look at the lesson plan and answer the following questions 1. What will you do to engage the students in the lesson?

All EF students will use Englishtown to study. It is important you have an understanding of how Englishtown works so you are able to answer students’ questions related to this. 1. Ask your colleagues which part of Learn Try Apply Certify is the iLab?

2. Ask a member of the service team to show you how to log on to Englishtown. 2. How will you help you personalize the material for the students? 3. What categories can you see on the main page? • During class: Ask an experienced teacher to observe your class using this observation tool Element of engagement

Number of Number of instances in instances in 10min period 10min period

The teacher made eye contact with individuals during open class The teacher responded to the content of the students’ talk The teacher gave personal opinions / feelings The teacher had the students inteact with different people The teacher was mobile and moved around the room The eacher varied their voice intonation The teacher made the students smile / laught The teacher gave personalized examples of target language • After class: Discuss the following questions with the teacher who observed you 1. What was most successful in engaging the students? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are there any empty boxes on the chart above? Did these effect the level of engagement? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did your own mood or confidence effect the level of engagement of the students? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 47

4. Which study tools are available to students?

5. Which skills can students practice?

6. Is it possible for a student to practice their speaking skills online? If possible, how?

7. What do students need to do to complete one unit? One level?

8. How do students track their progress?

9. What can students do under the category “Community”?


Development Diary Non-Core Classes Speak to another teacher. What classes are core classes?

Development Diary Checkpoint 5 Complete with your CEM/ Mentor at the end of week 2 day 4 (i.e. your fourth day in your school) □ I have learned some techniques to engage students □ I have tried engaging students during an activity through team-teaching a lesson □ I have engaged students through teaching a lesson □ I have received feedback on my teaching from an observer □ I know what Englishtown is and how it is used by students □ I know what Non-Core classes are and where to find the materials for these

What non-core classes do we offer our students?

Which of these will you be expected to teach?

Where can you find the materials for these?

Teacher’s Signature:

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Development Diary

Development Diary

Learn Observation

Learn Team-Teaching

• Before class Go to and watch the videos “Providing Feedback in EF Classrooms”, “Providing Feedback F2F”, “Providing Feedback Workshop”, “Providing Feedback Workshop”. How does feedback differ across these class types? F2F Workshop Life Club Who?

• Before class Look at the lesson plan and read teacher notes to the last stage of the lesson. What mistakes do you think the students will make with the target language? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ How will you give students feedback after the task? _____________________________________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


• During class Note down the errors students make with the target language throughout the lesson. What correction techniques do you notice? Write 3 examples _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What does the teacher do to give feedback on students’ language after the production activity? E.g. I have cleaning my room all day (teacher notes down the error to correct later as a whole class) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

• During class After the teacher had set up the final activity, monitor the students and record their language production. Choose the most common mistakes and some examples of good learner language and elicit feedback from the class, asking your team teaching partner for help if necessary. • After class: Answer the following questions How successful were you? Give your reasons. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Did all the students have a chance to look at the mistakes? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • After class: Look at the examples you’ve written down. How else could you provide feedback? Write an example for each technique that you know.


Did the students get to self-correct and peer-correct during the feedback stage? Give specific examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Development Diary Learn Teaching Task • Before class Find out which class you are going to teach and locate the materials and ask an experienced teacher to observe around ten minutes of your lesson. Look at the teacher notes for the lesson that you are going to teach. At which stages of the lesson do you think you will provide and elicit feedback? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Development Diary TKT – Teacher Knowledge Test Use the TKT book from your welcome pack and the tasks in the Development Diary to help you prepare for your TKT. TKT is also an official Cambridge ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) qualification recognised around the world for teachers who need • a professional teaching qualification • further career development • to keep their teaching skills current

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the techniques you could use for giving feedback to students, both on the spot and after

All EF teachers complete Module 1 of the Teaching Knowledge Test.


Module 1 is divided into three parts: • Describing language and language skills (40 questions) • Background to language learning (15 questions) • Background to language teaching (25 questions)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • During class Ask an experienced teacher to observe you using this observation tool: When does the teacher correct students? Write down specific examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Do students get a chance to self-correct/peer-correct? Give examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Speak to your CEM and find out when you’ll have your TKT. My TKT Test is on _____________________. It is at _________________________ @ _________________. Remember to take…. o Passport o Statement of entry from your manager o Pencil o Eraser The test is 80 minutes long and contains 80 multiple-choice questions. The test results are given as bands, from 1-4. Each question is worth one point and these determine your band score. You also get a certificate with a grade on completing module 1.

How does a teacher give feedback after the final production activity? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • After class: Discuss with the teacher who observed you the ways you gave feedback to your students.



Development Diary

Development Diary

CEFR Alignment

Checkpoint 6

Talk to your CEM and find out how students’ levels at EF correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference. Framework

Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 2 day 5 (i.e. your fifth day in your school) □ I have learned how to give students feedback in different EF classes □ I have tried giving students feedback through team-teaching a lesson □ I have given students feedback in a lesson □ I have received feedback on my teaching from an observer □ I know what the TKT is and have resources available to study for it □ I undestand the different components of EFEKTA 10

EF Stage

CEFR Level A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2


Proficient user

Speak to a colleage and find out, in your center Which stages are usually taught be foreign teachers?

Which stages are usually taught by local teachers?

Which stages are usually taught by both foreign and local teachers?” Teacher’s Signature:

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Development Diary

Development Diary

Life Club Task


Go to and watch the video “Life Club: A component of the EFEKTA system” and answer the following questions: What are the differences between Life Club and F2F / Workshop?

Adjust to living in China by taking online Chinese classes, from beginner to advanced levels. Classes are available every day from Monday to Friday.

What is feedback given on in Life Clubs?

How to use Chinesetown 1. Sign up for an account at 2. Take an Oral Placement Test (OPT) by adding skype account ‘EFChinesetown’, (If you’ve never learned Chinese before, you can skip this step) 3. Download Learn sheets (LS) under the levels menu before class. 4. Book lesson by clicking the topics on weekly schedule under the schedule menu. 5. Take a class by clicking the ‘Live Class’ on weekly schedule

Find out the answers to the following questions by speaking to your colleagues: What do I need to do before preparing a Life Club? All you need to get started is a working mic, an internet connection and headphones

Where can you find a City-wide Life Club schedule? For more detailed instructions, visit

Where can you find ready-made session plans?

Who can create Life Club lesson plans and materials?

Where can you find a copy of the Life Club manual?

Where can you get more information about Life Clubs and get training?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Applying for Leave

Stage Progress Tracking

You can apply to take annual leave after you have completed probation. You will also need to apply for any sick leave taken retrospectively using the same online system. Go to the EF intranet homepage. Ask a colleague. Ask them how to apply for leave.

Speak to a member of the service and ask them the following questions: What are the stage progress requirements?

What happens when students are able to meet these requirements? To calculate your annual leave, enter your contract end date and recalculate the total. If you signed your contract after October 1, 3 days of annual leave will carry over to the next calendar year. Otherwise all leave expires at the end of the calendar year. All leave applications must be submitted before the academic schedule of the month the leave occurs is confirmed. Fill in the dates you will take leave for, the purpose and the total number of leave days. Do not count your days off in the total. Give a clear description of the days you will be away in the description box then submit for approval by your line manager.

How many of the following do students need to finish in order to complete the Stage Progress requirements? Try Online SmartClass Apply Certify Can a student move to the next stage if they have a F2F class booked?

Can the student automatically move to the next stage if they started mid-stage?

How many tokens can you carry over to the next stage?

Where can the students find the right answers to the level tests?

How can teachers support the service team with regards stage progress?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Sending NEMO IT Requests

Checkpoint 7

If you experience any computer problems you are unable to fix with the help of your colleagues, submit an IT request to NEMO.

Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 3 (i.e. your second week your school) □ I have learned how to apply for annual leave □ I know what Life Club is and the differences between Life Club and other class types □ I know how to take free Chinese lessons using Chinesetown □ I have learned about stage progress tracking □ I have updated my Outlook Information

1. Go to the intranet home page and click NEMO-IT support. 2. Click the “New” button 3. Fill in the subject of your request and details of what you would like done. Fill in your office phone number, EF email address, your location and the product you work for. Then click save. 4. You will immediately receive a confirmation email.

Updating Your Outlook Information Updating your information on Outlook makes it easier for people to contact you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to Click on IT Support – Nemo (left side navigation pane) Click on Update Outlook Information (upper right hand corner of the page) Update your personal Information (add your center name, position, Skype and phone number) Click ‘Save’ (upper left hand corner of the page)

Teacher’s Signature:

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Development Diary

Development Diary

Demo Classes / Course Tasters

Placement Testing

As a part of your schedule you might be asked to teach a Demo class or Course Taster. Find a Course Consultant and ask them the following questions: Does your school use Demo classes, Course Tasters, or both?

Why do we placement test students?

What’s the purpose of a Demo class / Course Taster?

How long does a Demo class usually last?

Why is it important to place students in the correct stage?

Where and when do placement tests happen?

What are the students’ expectations about the class? What are the components of a placement test? What are the Course Consultant’s expectations about the class?

Talk to your CEM and find answer the following questions: Where can you find the materials for the Demo class / Course Taster?

How is the teacher involved in the placement testing of students?

How would you know what the students’ levels are?

What are the leaning outcomes /lesson aim for the Demo class / Course Taster?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Oral Placement Tests

Observation Notes

Which students get oral placement tests?

During your probation you should be observed by at least two of the following people CEM Regional Trainer REM

Watch one of the practice OPT videos on How did the teacher make the student feel comfortable at the beginning of the OPT?

Before they observe you, ask them to make notes in the space below. Observer: Date:

What steps did you see the teacher go through in the video?

Lesson: Number of students:

Engage Write three questions you heard the teacher in the video ask.

Ask someone in your center for the OPT form. Watch the video again. Which level do you think the student in the video was at? Now check with your CEM.

Understand What is the procedure for placement testing in your center?


Observer: _________ Signature:____________ 65


Development Diary

Development Diary

Observation Notes

Observation Notes

Observer: Date:

Observer: Date:

Lesson: Number of students:

Lesson: Number of students:





Learn Learn

Observer: _________ Signature:____________ 67

Observer: _________ Signature:____________ 68

Development Diary


Development Diary

Observation Notes

Observation Notes

Observer: Date:

Observer: Date:

Lesson: Number of students:

Lesson: Number of students:







Observer: _________ Signature:____________

Observer: _________ Signature:____________ 70

Development Diary Checkpoint 8 Complete with your CEM / Mentor at the end of week 4 (i.e. your third week in your school) □ I have learned how to teach a Demo class or Course Taster (or both) □ I understand how EF stages and levels relate to the Common European Framework □ I have been observed and had feedback on my classes

Development Diary

TEACHER DEVELOPMENT Go to, search for the video “EFEC Teacher Learning and Development” Why do we believe it is important for teachers to have access to the best training and development at EF?

How many hours a week do you have to spend on self-development?

Go to What options are available for you to develop yourself?

Which of these did you find most/least useful during your porbation?

What qualifications are available to you as an EF teacher?

Speak to your colleagues and find out What training is available in your center this week? Teacher’s Signature: What developmental activities have your colleages found most useful?

CEM / Mentor’s Signature:




Ongoing Development Development Contract Go to

Ongoing Development Learning Contract A personal learning contract can help you plan your development over the coming months. Go to and search for the video “Contract with Yourself� and answer What is a learning contract?

What is a development contract?

When during your employment at EF can you sign a development contract?

What should the main focus of the learning contract be? Plan your learning for the coming months in the learning contract below. Ask your manager, supervisor or area manager for support. Learning Intent

Learning Tasks


Target date

What courses does the development contract entitle you to sponsorship for?

When do you get reimbursed for the qualifications you take?

How should you apply?



Development Diary

Development Diary

Peer Observation

Peer Observation Task: Teacher Talk

We believe that peer observations are a great way for teachers to develop because peer observations • Opens closed doors and break down barriers • Are highly learner centered process (teachers are in control of the process) • Raise our awareness of our own teaching and that of others We recommend that you try to observe or be observed by a peer once a month

Observe one of your peers and complete the table below and discuss.

Go to What are the three parts to peer observation? The contract: The duration: The resolution:

Nature of teacher talk

Take notes from the resolution here. ______________________________________________________

During any 10 min period Tally number of incidences

During any 10 min period Tally number of incidences

A. Lead in to a task/segues/context setting

What are peer observations not about? ______________________________________

Now, arrange to observe, or be observed by, a peer (not your supervisor or manager). Write the contract here. ____________________________________________________

During any 10 min period Tally number of incidences


Providing a natural sounding model of target language Naturally responding to the content of what students say Echoing students’ responses Unplanned talk Commentary on activity, materials or student errors

Peer - Peer Discussion task 1. Together, identify a rationale behind the chart being split into two tables. 2. Together discuss what benefits there are to students when all the boxes are ticked in table A. 3. If any of the boxes are un-ticked in table A, discuss together how teacher talk could have been used to support learning in these instances. 4. Together, compare the benefits of silence as opposed to the use of teacher talk listed in table B. Self-reflection task Consider the other instances apart from those listed when the teacher talks (for example, eliciting). Evaluate the efficiency of the talk you used in those instances during this session.



Development Diary

Development Diary

Peer Observation Task: Concept Checking

Peer Observation Task: Corrective Feedback

Observe one of your peers and complete the table below and discuss.

Observe one of your peers and complete the table below and discuss.

A. Item checked

Concept checking question or instruction Student response checking question?

Record the error

How did the teacher let the student(s) What hints did the teacher give know an error to support self/peer-correction? had been made?

Did the student(s) repeat the correct model?

Accuaracy or fluency focus?

Pronunciation errors 1. 2. 3. Lexical errors 1. 2. 3.


Observer to identify items not checked but perhaps warranted checking

Grammatical errors 1. 2. 3. Errors not addressed

Discussion task 1. Together compare the items in both shaded areas of the chart. Can you identify a tendency to choose a similar class of item? Why? 2. Together consider the check questions asked. Was the response required more complex than the question? 3. Discuss the negative effects of asking students ICQs and CCQs which require complex answers. 4. Together decide on ‘easy answer’ check questions for the items which were not checked. Self-reflection task Consider the benefits to learning of a teacher stating the definition of an item versus asking a student What does __________ mean? Is there a significant difference?


Discussion task 1. Together rank the errors in order of the importance of intervention being required. 2. Together discuss which instance most ‘processing’ occurred, where student(s) were thinking hard to remedy their error. 3. Together see if you can identify a pattern in the teacher’s way of responding to errors. 4. Could one intervention have been more efficient? Together share how you would perhaps do it differently. Self-reflection task If you had been a student in your class, would you have felt your language would develop as a result of the intervention you received? Consider: why/why not?


Development Diary

Development Diary

Peer Observation Task: Eliciting

Peer Observation Task: Giving Instructions

Observe one of your peers and complete the table below and discuss.

Observe one of your peers and complete the table below and discuss.

‘Wait time’ Teacher prompts (including given before re-phrasing or adding an extra re-phrasing Student(s) responses prompt) Eg. 5 seconds

Purpose of eliciting? Focus on an item Lead in to a topic Generate interest Increase STT Correction Assess prior-knowledge

Brief outline of task

Was visual support provided?

Was modeling of target language provided?

Was a demo of the task provided?

What were the essential items of information which the students needed to perform the task?

Repeat of instruction needed?

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4


Discussion task 1. Ask each other any ‘general knowledge’ question and time the number of seconds it takes to provide an answer. How does that compare to the tally recorded? 2. Together, look at the reasons given for eliciting in the final column. Can you both identify a pattern? 3. Together, look at the recordings in both shaded columns. What might have caused any divergence here between prompt and response? How might this have been avoided? 4. Take one example and consider where a non-verbal prompt might have supported understanding.

Discussion task 1. Look at the shaded boxes in the chart. Together, can you identify a rationale why these actions were not carried out? 2. Discuss the reasons why we may forget to provide steps in giving instructions. 3. Look at the essential information required for each task which the observer has recorded. Decide together which item is the most important element overall. 4. Decide on an appropriate question which would check understanding of that element.

Self-reflection task Consider if there are any times when you have tried to elicit information from students and it may have been better just to tell them. Why?

Self-reflection task When you are receiving instructions for a task, which features do you appreciate most in the directions given. In what way does it help you understand what is required of you?


Development Diary

Development Diary

Team Teaching

Team Teaching Record

As teachers, we don’t get to collaborate with our peers as much as in other professions. Team teaching is a great way to learn from your colleagues, experience different ways of teaching and getting out of your comfort zone in the classroom.

Keep a note of lessons you have team taught below.

Go to What are some advantages to team teaching?

Who makes a good team teaching partner?

Date: Team teacher: Lesson: What I learned:

Date: Team teacher: Lesson: What I learned:

Who is responsible for what when team teaching?

Now, arrange to team teach a lesson with one of your peers. What did you learn from team teaching?

Date: Team teacher: Lesson: What I learned:

Date: Team teacher: Lesson: What I learned:

Date: Team teacher: Lesson: What I learned:



Development Diary Teaching Journal “There is one quality above all that makes a good teacher – the ability to reflect on what, why and how we do things and to adapt and develop our practice within lifelong learning. Reflection is the key to successful learning for teachers, and for learners.” -Source: McGraw-Hill, Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Development Diary How did you feel about meeting your learners for the first time? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

These pages are for you to journal about your teaching practice. Success in teaching requires us to develop a regular habit of reflection. Key moments in our learning about teaching often come from reflecting on problems we encounter in the classroom, successes we experience with our students, conversations we have with colleagues, and new insights we come to regarding language learning and teaching. How do you start? Reflect on your feelings about meeting your learners for the first time, how you felt your first class went, or a particular noteworthy conversation with a student. As you continue to journal throughout your time at EF, you may start to notice trends or themes that come out in the way you teach or certain skills you want to hone. Use the promt questions at the top of each page to help you. This is for your own personal and professional development. Share some of your reflections with your colleagues or pair up with another teacher to discuss changes you begin to notice as you develop in your practice.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



Development Diary

Development Diary

What learning happened in your classroom when you weren’t directly involved?

When did students use L1 during your lesson? Why do you think did they used it?


How did you feel about it? Did it help or hinder their learning in any way?














































_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________



Development Diary


Development Diary

Where do you find you spend most of your energy on in class? Giving students feed-

Think about a learner you’ve interacted with recently. What qualities make them an

back? Monitoring? Eliciting? Why? Do you feel you are particularly strong in this one

ideal language learner or not? How could you as a teacher teach to their strengths?

area? How can you plan your lessons to hone this skill even more?

















































Development Diary

Development Diary

What challenges have you found there to be with your students? How are you

Reflect on a class when you gave bad instructions to students. How did this impact

reconciling your teaching practice with the unique needs of your students?

their motivation? Their confidence? Or their ability to use the target language? _______________________________________________________________________

















































Development Diary Reflect on a class when you gave bad instructions to students. How did this impact their motivation? Their confidence? Or their ability to use the target language? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Development Diary

GLOSSARY Communicative Approach A way of teaching which is based on the principle that learning a language successfully involves communication rather than just memorising a series of rules. Teachers try to focus on meaningful communication, rather than focusing on accuracy and correcting mistakes all the time Concept checking The technique of asking concept questions or other techniques to check that students have understood a new structure or item of lexis. A concept question is a question asked by the teacher to make sure that a student has understood the meaning of new language, e.g. the new language structure – used to – He used to live in Paris. Concept question – Does he live in Paris now? Answer – No. Collocation Words which are used together regularly, e.g. The teacher made a presentation NOT The teacher performed a presentation. Drill A technique teachers use for encouraging students to practise language. It involves guided repetition or practice. In a choral drill the teacher says a word or sentence and the students repeat it together. In an individual drill the teacher says a word or sentence and one student repeats it alone.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Function The reason or purpose for communication, e.g. making a suggestion; giving advice. Feedback 1. To tell students how well they are doing. This could be at a certain point in the course, or after an exercise that students have just completed. 2. To communicate to a speaker that you understand (or not) what they are saying Interaction patterns The ways in which students work together in class, such as open class, pairwork, group work and individual work. L1/L2 L1 is the learner’s mother tongue or first language; L2 is the learner’s second or other language.




Development Diary Learning style The way in which an individual learner naturally prefers to learn something. Auditory learner A learner who remembers things more easily when they hear them spoken aloud. This type of learner likes the teacher to say a new word aloud as well as writing it on the board. Kinaesthetic learner A learner who learns more easily by physically doing things. This type of learner likes to move around or move objects while learning. Visual learner A learner who finds it easier to learn when they can see things written down or in a picture. This type of learner likes the teacher to write a new word on the board as well as saying it aloud.

Development Diary Placement test A test used at the beginning of a course to identify a student’s level of language and find the best class for them. Phonemic chart A poster or large diagram of the phonemic symbols which represent all the sounds in the English language which carry meaning. Realia Real objects such as menus, timetables and leaflets that can easily be brought into the classroom for a range of purposes.

Lead-in The activity or activities used to prepare students to work on a text or main task. A lead-in often includes an introduction to the topic of the text or main task and possibly study of some new key language required for the text or main task.

Reformulation When a teacher corrects what a student has said by repeating the sentence correctly, but without drawing the students’ attention to their mistake. This is usually the way parents ‘correct’ their young children’s language mistakes.

Lexis Individual words or sets of words, e.g. homework, study, whiteboard, get dressed, be on time.

Set the context To explain or present the context of something students will read, hear, talk or write about, to make the situation clear for them.

Monitor To watch over students in order to make sure that they are doing what they have been asked to do, and help them if they are having problems.


Peer feedback Feedback given to a student by another student in the class. Phoneme The smallest sound unit which can make a difference to meaning e.g. /p/ in pan, /b/ in ban. Phonemes have their own symbols (phonemic symbols), each of which represents one sound. Words can be presented in phonemic script Practice Controlled practice, restricted practice When students practise the target language in restricted situations in which they have little or no choice of what language they use. The teacher focuses on accurate use of the target language. Less controlled, freer practice When students practise the target language more freely, with more choice of what they say and what language they use. 93

Sentence stress is where different words in a sentence are stressed. In English these are usually the information-carrying words. In the sentence It was a lovely evening, and the temperature was perfect, the main stress, when spoken, is probably on the word ‘perfect’.” Stress can therefore be used to show meaning, to emphasise a particu lar point or feeling. If a word is important, then the strong form is used, and the pronunciation changes, e.g. I can (/ kaen/) speak a little Spanish in an emergency. Word stress is the pronunciation of a syllable with more force than the surrounding syllables which are said to be unstressed, e.g. umbrella. Sometimes, a word may have two stresses, in which case one syllable takes the main stress. In the word independent, for example ‘pen’ takes the main stress.

Syllable A part of a word that usually contains a single vowel sound, e.g. pen = one syllable; teacher = two syllables – teach/er; umbrella = three syllables – um/bre/lla.



Development Diary Time line A diagram that shows learners the relationship between tense and time. It is often used in language teaching to present the use of a new tense or to correct learners when they use tenses wrongly, e.g. Past Now Future --------------------------------------Present perfect tense Target language The language which is the focus of the lesson or a part of the lesson. It could be grammar, lexis, functions or pronunciation. Warmer An activity that a teacher uses at the beginning of a lesson to give the class more energy.

Development Diary

CENTER INFORMATION Beijing Center Information DFG Address: Phone: 6F, W1 Block, No 1 East Changan Street, Dongcheng District 东方广场中心:北京市东长安街1号东方广场W1办公楼6层

(010) 8518 7087

Directions: Take line 1 to Wangfujing station, leave from exit A and take the escalators up two levels to the ground floor. At Espirit clothes shop turn right and walk to the Piaget jewellery store. Turn left, go up the escalators to the W1 tower lobby. At the lobby, go to the elevators for floors 2-7. EF is on the 5th floor. Take subway line 5 to Dongdan, leave from exit D and walk westwards on Chang’an Avenue. Enter Oriental Plaza via the W1 entrance next to the Bank of China. Take the escalators to the W1 tower lobby. Go to the elevators for floors 2-7. EF is on the 5th floor.

DWL Address: Phone: 5F Block A, Winterless Center, No.1 West Da Wang Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, China 100026 大望路中心: 北京市朝阳区西大望路1号温特莱中心A座5层

(010) 6530 5666

Directions: Take line 1 to Da Wang Lu station and leave from exit A. Walk to first intersection and turn left. Continue to walk North up Xi Da Wang Road until you see the Winterless Hotel on your left. Turn left at the Guang Hua Road intersection. Enter Winterless Tower A and take the elevator to the 4th floor. Note: the regional head office is in the same building on the 7th floor.

DZM Address: Phone: B2F Oriental Kenzo Office Building, No. 48 Dongzhimen Wai Avenue Dong Cheng District 东直门中心:北京市东直门外大街48号东方银座购物中心B2层

(010) 8447 6998

Directions: Take subway line 2 or line 13 to Dongzhimen station. From line 2, leave from exit C. You will see an entrance to the Ginza Mall on your right. Enter the mall by passing through the subway checkpoint and walk up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, walk into the mall. You will see a clothing store called Westlink. EF is on the right. From Line 13, follow the signs and the people to subway line 2 and leave from exit C as directed above.

FXM Address:


5F, No 99 Fuxingmen nei Avenue, Xicheng District 复兴门中心:北京市复兴门内大街99号国旅长安大厦5层

(010) 6608 1966

Directions: Take line 1 or 2 to Fuxingmen station. From line 1, leave from the North East exit, turn left and walk to the east side of the Parkson building. Walk up the steps and take the first elevator on your right. EF is on the 5th floor. From Line 2, leave from the North East exit. Walk to the east side of the Parkson building. Walk up the steps and take the first elevator on your right. EF is on the 5th floor



Development Diary


GMO Address: Phone: 9F C Block CITC Plaza, NO.6 Jianwai Street Chaoyang District 国贸中心:北京市建国门外大街甲6号中环世贸中心C座9层

(010) 6563 0995

Take Line 1 (or Line 10) to Guomao station. Leave from Exit D and walk towards the SK Building (directly in front of you as your exit). Take the first left, then turn right to walk behind the SK Building. Enter Block C of CITC Plaza, EF is on the 9th floor.


4F,Tower C, Luoke Time center,No.103,Huizhong Road, Chaoyang District 亚运村中心:北京市慧忠里103号洛克时代中心C座4层

(010) 8487 2880

Take line 5 to Datunlu East station, leave from exit 5 and turn right at the Datun Road and Anli Road intersection. Walk to Citibank and enter the tunnel under the EF sign. Follow the EF signs to the building entrance. Take elevator 10. EF is on the 4th floor.


Address: Phone: (010) 8441 7665

Directions: Take line 10 to Liang Ma Qiao station, leave from exit B and double back as you come out of the subway exit and walk straight ahead. Take the entrance to building B next to the ICBC bank. EF is on the 3rd floor.

WDK Address: Phone: unit 2, 6F Building A Yousheng Building No. 28 Chengfu Road, Haidian District 五道口中心:海淀区成府路28号优盛大厦A座6层02单元

Address: Phone: Directions:


3F Tian Yuan Gang Center, Building No.2, Dong San Huan Bei Lu, Chao Yang District 三元桥中心:北京市东三环北路丙二号天元港中心3层

Development Diary

Address: Phone: 5F Xinzhongguan Shopping Center, No 19 Zhongguancun Avenue, Haidian District 中关村中心:北京市中关村大街19号新中关购物中心12层

(010) 8248 6060

Directions: Take line 4 or 10 to Haidianhuangzhuang station, leave from exit A2 and at the top of the escalators turn left into The Gate shopping mall. Take the escalator and then the stairs to the 1st floor. At the top of the stairs turn left and take the lift. EF is on the 5th floor.

Beijing regional office – see DWG

(010) 6266 0900

Directions: Take line 13 to Wudaokou station, leave from exit B and turn right and walk until you reach the U Centre. Walk down the side of the building past the bar/club until you see a small entrance with an EF sign in the lobby. EF is on the 6th floor.

WSL Address: Phone: unit 08a, 3F CapitaMall No.51 Fuxing Road, Haidian District 万寿路中心:海淀区复兴路51号凯德精品购物中心3层08a单元

(010) 6826 0100

Directions: Take line 1 to Wanshoulu station, leave from the North East exit. Walk East on the main road for 200m. Enter the mall on the left. Take the escalators to 3rd floor. EF is 30m ahead on the right.

XZM Address: Phone: 5F, T1 Xihuan Plaza, No. 1 Xizhimenwai Avenue, Xicheng District 西直门中心:北京市西直门外大街1号嘉茂购物中心5层

(010) 5830 2221

Directions: Take line 2, 4 or 13 to Xizhimen station. From lines 2 and 4, follow signs for line 13, and leave from north-west exit. At the top of the long escalator, exit via the turnstiles (don’t continue up to line 13). Walk up the steps to your right and turn right. You will be facing three curved towers. Walk to south side of the building, past KFC and Levis. Take the escalators upstairs. EF is on the 5th floor. From line 13, follow signs to the adjoining Capita Shopping mall. Once inside, take the escalator. EF is on the 5th floor.



Development Diary Guangzhou Center Information

Hangzhou Center Information



Address: Phone: 3F, Huili Commericial Building.No.113, Jiaoyu Road, yuexiu District 公园前中心:教育路113号汇力商务楼三楼

(020)8338 1819

Directions: Take line 1 to Gongyuanqian station and leave from exit D. Walk straight for 100m until you reach a plaza the right. EF is on the 3rd floor.

JNX Address: Phone: 3F, Guangzhou Ocean Oil Building, No.168 Jiangnan Dadao Zhong Road, HaizhuDistrict 江南西中心:江南大道中168号广州海洋石油大厦三楼

(020) 2837 1088

Take line 2 to Jiangnanxi station, leave from exit A and turn right. Pass KFC on the left, walk to the corner of the building and take the elevator. EF is on the 3rd floor.

JTP Phone:

Basement1, Jietai plaza, No.218-222 Zhongshan Liu Road, Yuexiu District 捷泰中心:中山六路218-222号捷泰广场负一楼

(020) 8132 0833

Directions: Take line 1 to Ximenkou station and leave from exit C. Take the first escalator. EF is in the basement.

THB Address: Phone: (020) 3878 4088

Directions: Take line 3 to Linhexi station, leave from exit A and enter the building on the left and walk to the elevators. EF is on the 3rd floor.

Directions: From the train station, walk 300m along Xihu Avenue, the main road in front of the train station until you reach the bus stop. Take the bus K900 ten stops Qingfengcun. Walk back on Tianmushan Road toward the intersection with Jiagong road. Turn right on Huanglong road. EF is 100 meters on the right side of the road.

Shanghai Center Information Address:


2F Shinmay union square. No 999 Pudong South Road 八佰伴中心:浦东南路999号新梅联合广场2层

(021) 6089 7779

Take line 2 to Dongchang Road station, leave from exit 4 and walk South along Pudong Nan Road to the Shinmay Union Square. EF is on the 2nd floor.

DNR Address:


Unit 301 3F Building 1, No.1868 Daning Road Daning international shopping plaza Zhabei District 大宁国际中心:共和新路1868号大宁国际商业中心1幢3层

(021) 3387 0808

Directions: Take line 1 to Yancheng Road station leave from exit 2 and walk straight for 100m. Turn left into the Life Hub@ Daning Center. EF is on the 3rd floor above the C&A clothing store.

HHR Address: Phone: Room 1304-1306, 13F Hongkong Plaza, No.283 Huaihai Road 淮海路中心:淮海中路283号香港广场13楼

TJR Address: Phone: (020) 2883 8683

Directions: Take line 5 to Taojin station, leave from exit B and turn left and left again at the first crossing. Walk past the fountain and the Friendship Store, following the road. Cross at the zebra crossing, and turn left. Enter the building on the right and walk up the stairs. EF is on the 3rd floor.


(021) 6113 8484

Directions: Take line 1 to Huangpinan Road station, leave from exit 2 and walk to the Hong Kong Plaza. EF is on the 13th floor.

HQC Address:


4F No.789 Tianshan Road Tianshan Shopping mall Changning District 虹桥中心:天山路789号长房国际商场4层

(021) 6228 9090


Address: Phone: 6F Wanlinghui, No.230 Tianhe Road. Tianhe District 万菱汇中心:天河路230号万菱国际中心A塔六楼

2F Hengli Mansion No.5 Huanglong Road 黄龙中心:黄龙路5号恒励大厦2楼



3F, Lijing Building, No.48 Taojin Road, Yuexiu District 淘金路中心:广州市越秀区淘金路48号丽晶大厦二楼




3F, Guangzhou International Trading Center, No.1 Linhexi Road, Tianhe District 天河北中心:林和西路1号广州国际贸易中心三楼

Development Diary

(020) 2863 3188

Take line 2 to Loushanguan Road. Station, take exit 3 and enter the Parkson Shopping Mall. Take the elevator or escalator to the 4th floor. Walk through the children’s clothing section. EF is at the back of the mall.

Directions: Take line 1 to Tianhe Sports Center station, leave from exit A and walk straight ahead across cross the intersection. Enter the One Link Walk building on the left and walk to Tower A. EF is on the 6th floor.



Development Diary LJZ




Room 27,7F,Super Grand Mall, No 168 Lujiazui West Road 陆家嘴中心:陆家嘴西路168号正大广场7层

(021) 5049 5010

Take line 2 to Lujiazui station, leave from exit 1 and take the escalator to the overhead walkway and walk towards the Superbrand mall. Walk in the entrance of the mall and keep walking left past the information desk. Walk to the nearest elevators and take one of these to the seventh floor (when you exit you will see “Wills Gym”). Turn right and walk for 50 meters. EF is on the left.

PSQ Address:


3-4/F, Jinling-Haixin Building. No 666 Fuzhou Road 人民广场中心:福州路666号金陵海欣大厦3层

(021) 6133 6000

Directions: Take line 1, 2 or 8 to People’s Square station, leave from exit 14 and walk past KFC. Take the first right at the fountains between the Raffles office building and Raffles City (shopping mall). Go through the fountain. You will see Jinling Haixin building right in front of you with a huge EF advertisement poster on the building. Take the first elevator on the right. EF is on the 3rd floor.



8F Cloud Nine Shopping Mall No. 1018 Changning Road 中山公园中心:长宁路1018号龙之梦购物中心8层

(021) 5238 0055

Take line 2, 3 or 4 to ZSP, leave from exit 2 and turn right into Cloud 9 Shopping Mall. Turn right, walk past Starbucks and take the escalators up. EF is on the 8th floor.

Shenzhen School Information CHC Address:


1st-2nd F, Shenzhen Book Center, 1 Fuzhong Road 市民中心中心:红荔路深圳书城中心城南区S175

(0755) 3301 2208

Directions: Take line 3 to Children’s Palace Station leave from Exit D and take the entrance to the right of Croissants de France. Walk to the end of the mall. EF is on the right.




Unit 2, 2-1 9F Bai Lian New Era Mall No 8 Song Hu Road, Yang Pu Distric 五角场中心:淞沪路8号百联又一城中心9层

(021) 6533 2020

Directions: Take line 10 to Jiangwan Stadium station, leave from exit 3 and walk through the first level basement of Bailian Youyicheng Shopping Mall. Take an elevator on the left side of the mall to the 9th floor. EF is opposite Tera Wellness Club.

XJH Address:


8-9 Floor, Sheng’ai building No.88 North Caoxi Road 徐家汇中心:漕溪北路88号圣爱广场9层

(021) 5489 3131

Address: Phone: 3rd F, Shenzhen shun hing square. No.5002 East Shen Nan Road 地王中心:深南东路5002号信兴广场地王商场3层

(0755) 3301 0281

Directions: Take line 1 to the Grand Theatre station, leave from exit D and take escalator or elevator to 3rd floor. EF is on the left.

HQB Address: Phone: 5th F Manhar Shopping Mall Huaqiangbei Road Futian District 华强北中心:华强北路曼哈购物广场5层

(0755) 3301 3080


Directions: Take line 1 or 9 to Xujiahui station, leave from exit 8 and look for the EF logo at the top as you get out of the subway. Turn right at the driveway under the EF logo. Keep walking till you see an office building in front of you. Get into the building and take the lift to 9th floor. EF is on the left.

XZG Address: Phone: (021) 6167 9533

Directions: Take line 1 or 5 to Xinzhuang, leave from the South exit and walk along the covered walkway down to street level. Turn right and walk alongside the bus stands until you reach a parade of shops. Turn left and walk to the intersection. Sky Mall is directly opposite you, the building with H&M on the ground floor. EF is on the 5th floor.


Address: Directions:


5F. Sky Mall No.5001 Dushi Road Minhang District 莘庄中心:莘庄都市路5001号仲盛国际商城5层

Development Diary

Take line 1 to Huaqiang Bei station, leave from exit B and ewalk towards the Manhar Shopping Mall. EF is on the 5th floor.

NSD Address:


5F Coastal Plaza. Wenxin 5th Road, Nan shan District 海岸城购物中心:文心五路33号海岸城购物中心4层402单元

(0755) 3301 0900

Directions: Take line 2 to Houhai Station and leave from exit E1. When you reach the ground level, turn right and climb the stairs on the right. At the top of the stairs turn left. Walk along the walkway past many small shops and into a large courtyard. Enter the Coastal City building on the left. EF is on the 5th floor.


Development Diary

Development Diary

Tianjin School Information NJR Address: unit 602, 6F Milenio No.209 Nanjing Raod, Heping District 南京路中心:天津南京路209号米莱欧百货公司6楼602

Directions: Take line 3 to Ying Kou Dao station, leave from exit B and turn left. Walk to the Milenio shopping mall. EF is on the 6th floor.



Development Diary

INDEX Acronyms 20, 29 Addresses 2, 7, 24, 95 - 103 Annual leave 59 Beginner 30 CEFR alignment see “Levels” Checkpoint 17, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 71 Chinesetown 58 Contract 59, 73, 74, 75 Demo classes 63 Development 72-91 Development Contract 73 EFEKTA 27, 29, 55 1, 9, 23, 25, 27, 35, 39, 42, 43, 51, 57, 65, 72, 73, 74, 75, 81 Elementary 30, 35 Email 31, 61 Engage 13, 24, 26, 46, 47 Englishtown 48 Expense reports 31 Face to Face 25, 26, 28, 42, 43 F2F see “Face to Face” Feedback 25, 26, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 57, 76, 87, 92, 93 G-drive 30 Glossary 92 Grading language 35 - 37 Holiday application see “Annual leave” Instructions 18, 35, 39, 40, 41, 58, 77, 80, 90, 91 IT see “Nemo” Journal 83 – 91 Learn 14, 51, 52, 53 Learn-Try-Apply 23, 25, 29, 48 Levels 58, 63 Life Club 27, 28, 51 Nemo 61 OBOE 33 Placement Test see “OPT” Observation 18, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 51, 53, 66, 67, 68, 75-80 Onboarding 7 - 17 OPT 29, 42, 58, 64, 65, 94 Outlook See “Email” 105

Development Diary

Peer observation See “Observation” Phone numbers 2, 7, 61, 96-103 PowerPoint 23, 24, 34 PPT see “PowerPoint” Progress Tracking 60 Reflective Journal See “Journal” Schedule 29, 33, 57, 59, 63 School information 2, 7, 96 Stages See “Levels” Teacher schedule See “Schedule” Team-teaching 18, 36, 40, 46, 52, 81, 82 TEFL Certificate 1 TKT 54 Training 57, 72 Understand 11, 35 - 37 Vacation application See “Annual leave” Work manual 19 Workplace conduct 9 Workshop 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 51, 57


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