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Elmbridge Borough Council
Get more active, more often,yourway
Duringlockdown, lotsofushaveallcome torealisehowimportantexerciseistolook afterourphysicalandmentalhealth. Keeping healthyhasneverbeenmoreimportant.
Elmbridge Borough Council is launchinga public consultation from 15 Septemberto 31 October to inform theirnewPhysical ActivityStrategyfor 2021-2026.
The strategywill aim totackle inactivityacross the borough and focus on thewiderbenefits of regularexercise and participation in physical activity.
Itis importantforusto gatherresidents’views on whatfactors preventthem from exercising. We can then tryand breakdown existinginactivity barriers and identifylong-term, sustainable solutionsto addressthe rootofthe problem. Help usto give everybodythe opportunityto get fitterand healthier, doingactivitiestheyenjoy and thatcan easilyfitin theireverydaylives. Share yourviews on whatwould motivate you to become more active. We are particularlykeen to hearfrom people who arefrom BAME communities, peoplewith a long-term health condition ordisability, people who are over50 and peoplewhowould consider themselves as currentlyinactive.
This 5-yearstrategyis notabouttryingto engage inactive individuals in competitive ‘sport’ but ratherinvitingthem to move more and more often to improvetheirphysical health and mental wellbeing.

Please let us haveyour opinions and ideas: complete our onlinesurvey atelmbridge.gov.uk/sport fora chancetowina £50Amazonvoucher Ifyou wouldlike to take part in our virtual focus groups andgroup discussions, please call 01372 474581 or emailhealth@elmbridge.gov.uk. We would loveto hear from you.

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