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Cobham Cedar Club W.I
Like just about everyone else in the country, Cobham Cedar Club WI has been developing new skills over the last six months. Individually, our members have been able to spend plenty of time in their gardens, and many of our needlewomen have been involved with the inspiring effort led byBookham Butterflies WI in making PPE for hospitals, ambulance services and care homes, and latterly, masks. Within the club, our greatest achievement has been meeting online via Zoom – yes, even at our age! Now veterans, the cries of, “Can you hear me?”, and, “You need to switch the camera on!” have lessened, and we have heardagood array of speakers, includingWest End theatre dresser Paul Read. The techniques involved in a quick change were astonishing, but more unexpectedly, we learnt that a dresser frequently becomes a performer’s confidant and righthand man for the several months ofa show’s run. In July, local author and sleuth MonicaWeller described how she uncovered the murderer ofDr Helen Davidson, a case closed bythe police, and for our 30th anniversary pearl-themed meeting we were joined bythe Pearly King and Queen ofWoolwich. We enjoyed hearing about their history, costumes or ‘buttons’, charity work, a fewsongs, and most extraordinary of all, Jerusalem played on the spoons! Several of our members shared their lockdown photos with us, just a fewshown here, and our brain cells were kept active by a series of quizzes. In October the local Citizen’s Advice Bureau will be talking about its work and how it can help, and wildlife photographerTom Way will be telling us how he seeks the perfect shot. For more information, visit www.cobhamcedarclubwi.uk
Learn Tai Chi Qigong over9weeks Oct-Dec or try Meditation for more relaxation and energy in your life through online classes For all events visit www.meetup.com/Surrey-Tai-Chi-Qigong or www.surrey-shiatsu.co.uk or call Liz Kendall on 07944 872332

J a z z a t I m b e r C o u r t E M B E R L A N E , E A S T M O S L E S E Y K T 8 0 B T N o r e s u m p t i o n y e t o f ‘ J a z z a t I m b e r C o u r t ’ P o t e n t i a l d a t e s f o r t h e r e s t o f 2 0 2 0 a r e a s f o ll o w s : 2 0 t h O c t o b e r a n d 2 7 t h N o v e m b e r b u t p l e a s e r i n g 0 1 9 3 2