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Elmbridge Volunteers
May 2021 Help provide meals for Young Carers in Elmbridge & Runnymede

A new local charity providing healthy, home cooked, nutritious meals to young carers and their families requires help to prepare and cook meals and drivers to deliver them. Food Preparation Volunteers: Mon-Thurs Mornings. Meal delivery drivers Mon-Thurs, from 12pm- 2pm. Local charity shops ready to reopen and looking for volunteers
Charity shops help raise vital income for their cause and rely on volunteers to help them achieve this. No experience is necessary and all training will be given on site. Hours/days are flexible. The roles are various, including serving customers, till work, receiving/cleaning/sorting stock, cleaning and tidying the shop, doing window displays, maintaining stock levels etc. A weekly phone call could brighten up an older person’s week
As they are unable to offer home visits due to current restrictions, instead offering telephone befriending, across Elmbridge. A commitment of once a week of a friendly chat to an older person can bring much joy and help ease the isolation and loneliness. Your people & admin skills can help the local community
A local church is seeking a volunteer to manage and control the letting out of the various spaces (Hall /Meeting rooms) to a diverse group of users, and in so doing supporting the community in the Walton on Thames and surrounding areas. Suits those looking to volunteer with flexible hours as will vary from week to week. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call us on: 01372 463 587 Email: contact@csva.co.uk www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk

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