2 minute read
Bookshop Reviews
Book Reviews
MARCH 2021
‘Exit’ by Belinda Bauer (Hardback £14.99) 75 year old Felix Pink is a courteous widower who lives in Devon and belongs to a secret group of people who facilitate the suicides of the terminally ill. When an assignment goes wrong, Felix, now a murder suspect, tries to find out whether he is at fault or whether he has been set up. He flees the scene to save his dog Mabel who is locked in at home; meanwhile PC Calvin Bridge, relieved to be doing small town easy policing, is dragooned by his boss into finding some answers. The process proves to be a new lease of life for both Felix and PC Calvin Bridge. This intriguing, tender, funny and sometimes farcical novel about life, death and romance is a sheer joy and a delight to read.
‘To the End of the World: Travels with Oscar Wilde’ by Rupert Everett
(Hardback £20.00) Rupert Everett’s film The Happy Prince, following Oscar Wilde’s last years in exile after his imprisonment, is tender and beautiful. Getting it made was less so, and Everett is a master at describing misfortune, mis-matched colleagues and his own failings. He combines deliciously catty gossip with honest self-appraisal of his descending star and an artist’s eye for detail. Everett’s elegant writing and his thoughtful observation of the world and his place in it makes this book, his third, a moving, wise and often funny read.
‘Light Perpetual’ by Francis Spufford (Hardback £16.99) Having loved his first novel I was delighted to read this fascinating, intricate story. South London in November 1944 was hit by V2 rockets, Hitler’s last gasp attempts to turn the war in his favour. In one incident 168 people were annihilated, lost in a direct impact on a branch of Woolworths. What if they survived, where would life have taken them? In this tale the possible lives of 5 children are interwoven over 15 year intervals. Twins Jo and Valerie, Alec, Ben and Vernon follow different but connected paths through vividly recreated historical events. I thoroughly enjoyed reading their stories.
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