6 minute read
Inspiration Column
Dare to Dream
Have you ever wished deeply for something but done nothing about it? Maybe you thought it was better not to dream so as not to be disappointed. Perhaps you wanted something really badly but just shrugged and thought ‘What’s the point? Dreams might come true for other people but they won’t for me’.
A couple of months ago, when I felt ready for another dog after losing Sappho, my beautiful Sheltie X Collie in May, I started my search. A new puppy would have been too much for me, so it had to be an older dog. And I didn’t just want another dog - I wanted one like Sappho. I signed up with Sheltie groups, registered with several rescue organisations and spent hours looking at rescue dogs.
It seemed as though I had set my heart on the impossible. The intensity of my search grew. I am not a Facebook fan, but I had it open day and night for a month because something told me I had to be there.
And then, out of the blue, our lovely editor Ros Redfern, with whom I’d been chatting about dogs before Christmas, sent me a picture of a Romanian rescue dog from her Facebook feed. Immediately I knew I’d found my dog. I felt it viscerally. He was just like my Sappho, but a little smaller. I applied. But by the time my application was processed, he’d been given for adoption to someone else.
That was such a blow. I told myself there would be another perfect dog waiting for me. I checked Facebook almost hourly.
Three weeks later, Ros messaged me. ‘My’ dog was available again. I too had seen him on Facebook and had already asked for him through the feed, AND sent a private message, AND emailed them. This was my dog. I knew it. And I couldn’t lose him. I didn’t. Theo came to live with me on 13 January. At 17 months, he was no longer a puppy, but he was still untrained. A rescue dog with a sweet, affectionate nature. The dog I had dreamed of and for. What was
the probability of that??
I tell you this story because we don’t dream nearly enough. Maybe we try once or twice and give up too soon, or settle for something half way, not realising dreams can come true if we work with them.
Share your dream with someone who will support you. (Ros is now Theo’s Fairy Dogmother!) Do whatever it takes.
Does every dream come true? No, of course not. But do we give dreams a fair chance? Probably not.
What would you dream for if you dared to believe your wish might come true?
Dream on, and dream big!
Sonia Duggan
PS - Worried that you might not be able to handle your dream-come-true? Call or email me to claim a 50% discount on an Inspiration! coaching session when you mention LookLocal Weybridge. Coaching with Inspiration!
Mole Valley Probus Club
latest charity donation...
Claire Woodward, Head of Community Partnerships and Events Team, Princess Alice Hospice. Michael Brown, chairman Mole Valley Probus Club.

Mole Valley Probus is a club of retired professional and business men and women with some 70 members. Most of their usual social activities are now denied them, apart from their monthly meetings with a speaker, which, as they cannot meet in person, are held remotely over their computers. But something they can still do is to support local charities.
The club’s latest charity donation, the last for a while to let club funds catch their breath, is to the invaluable Princess Alice Hospice, the closest hospice for many in Mole Valley.
In recognition of their service to the community Mole Valley Probus Club chose the hospice for its latest donation. As the club’s chairman, Michael Brown, said “The Princess Alice Hospice is a charity that supports our community. We are delighted to support them.”
For the club’s website see molevalleyprobus.btck.co.uk and for the hospice pah.org.uk
useful numbers
POLICE To report local incidents ......................... 101 DENTISTS Crome Dental Clinic ............... 01932 862 600 Fair Oak Dental Practice ........... 01372 463 082 Hare Lane Dental Practice ........ 01372 452 577 Meads Dental Practice .............. 01372 464 929 S3 Dental Practice .................... 0208 398 6322 Summerfield Dental Practice .... 01372 462 266 The Neem Tree Dental Practice . 01372 540 186
Civic Centre ............................ 01932 254 750 Claygate Centre .......................01372 463 476 Claygate Village Hall ................ 01372 469 221 King George’s Hall ................... 01932 254 750 COUNCILS & SERVICE
Citizens Advice Esher & District..01372 464770 Claygate Village Association .... 01372 463740 Claygate Parish Council ..........01372 467000 Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Esher Residents Ass .. info@esherresidents.com Library Services ...................... 0300 200 1001 Surrey County Council ...........08456 009009 VETERINARY SURGEONS
Claygate Veterinary Centre .....01372 460107 Medivet Esher-Manor Vets .......0208 398 8005
Boots Pharmacy ....................... 01372 463 912 Central Pharmacy ....................01372 464 064 Claygate Pharmacy & Travel Clinic 01372 466 116 Wallis Jones Pharmacy ..............0208 398 2494 TRAVEL
National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950 Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 Train information ....................0845 748 4950 SCHOOLS
Claremont Fan Court School .....01372 473 624 Claygate Primary School .........01372 455348 Cranmere Primary & Nursery Sch ... 0208 398 5580 Esher Church School ...............01372 463931 Esher Church of England High Sch ...01372 468068 Milbourne Lodge School .........01372 462737 Rowan Preparatory School .......01372 462627 Shrewsbury Lodge Pre Prep Sch .. 01372 462781 MEDICAL
Capelfield Surgery ....................01372 462501 Esher Green Surgery .................01372 462726 Littleton Surgery ......................01372 462235 Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 Royal Surrey Hospital ..............01483 464002 St John Ambulance ............... 07900 910292 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872000 CHURCHES
All Saints Weston ......................0208 398 1849 Christ Church, Esher ................01372 462 282 Esher Green Baptist Church ......01372 459 800 Esher Quakers Meeting House ...0208 399 4325 First Church of Christ, Scientist ..01372 463 058 Holy Trinity Church ..................01372 463 603 St George’s Church, West End ....01372 462 282 The Holy Name RC Church ......01372 462 451 BANKS
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