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Church Services
Reverend Folli Olokose: vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk / 01932 840077 Parish Office : parishoffice@stmaryoatlands.org.uk /01932 231274 / www.oatlandschurch.org.uk Oatlands Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9TS
Sunday 7th February
10am Holy Communion Service on Zoom Please do log in on Sunday from 9:45 am. The service starts at 10am. The details are as follows: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/83048825832?pwd=ZUtnemRJMFd2WXFrc ThiTjRKTG8rQT09
The Meeting ID: 830 4882 5832 Passcode: 964308
You could also join by dialing: +442034815240,,83048825832#,,,,,,0#,,964308# United Kingdom +442039017895,,83048825832#,,,,,,0#,,964308# United Kingdom
Sunday 14th February
10am Holy Communion Service on Zoom Log in as above
Friday 19th February Friday Fusion - Youth Group on Zoom 8pm - 9pm
Every Third Friday of the month. For more details please contact Laura at childrenandfamilies@ oatlandschurch.org.uk or call 07881 786309 for more information
Sunday 21st February
10am Holy Communion Service on Zoom Log in as above
Sunday 28th February
10am Holy Communion Service on Zoom Log in as above
Every Wednesday
10.30am Service of Holy Communion (not during Lockdown)
Stuck in a RoUTine?
Have you ever had to change the way you’ve always done something and found the new way was actually easier or better?
Maybe you’ve been forced to take a diversion on a familiar route because of road works - and discovered an amazing pub (or shoe shop!) you would never otherwise have found out about. Or you’ve had to substitute an ingredient in a traditional recipe and the result was even tastier.
We also create habitual ways of doing things because they suit us at the time, mindlessly slipping into routines and then forgetting why! Chances are, unless circumstances force us to make a change, we’d continue to do whatever it was in the same old, comfortable way for ever.
And why not? If we had to think about everything we did from scratch, (Shall I? Shan’t I? Now? Or Later? This way? Or that way …??) we’d never get past brushing our teeth in the morning! Routines can simplify life.
Occasionally, however, our world goes topsy-turvy and we rush to respond, a bit like throwing ourselves to the other side of a dinghy to keep it from capsizing. At times like these, we may not think about whether we’re doing things in the best way or most convenient way as long as it seems to be working for now, because it’s impossible to think ahead.
Take covid and the lockdowns, for example. Many of us, plunged into a world of working from home amidst homeschooling and restricted social contact, have grabbed at anchor points in daily life and created makeshift routines out of nothing, with few resources and little or no help at our disposal.
Almost a year on, we may still be doing things the same way. But do they work? And are they still appropriate? This is how, sometimes, routines can turn into ruts that keep us stuck in ways that no longer serve our best interests.
Rather than wait until we realise they’re holding us back, we can do an inventory of our routines. • What do you choose to do first thing in the morning when you wake up - grab your phone? Or take some time to be with your family, to meditate or exercise? • How do you respond to emails - each time they ‘ping’? Or in batches at a pre-determined time that fits into your work pattern? • How do you prioritise your day? - just doing things as you come across them? Or by focussing on what will bring more meaning and purpose into your life?
Go over your established routines and for each one, ask yourself if there’s another way that could be better, easier or more fun!
Choose one, and create a better way today.
Sonia Duggan
PS - Are you stuck in a rut?? Call or email me to claim a 50% discount on an Inspiration! coaching session when you mention LookLocal Weybridge. Coaching with Inspiration! 01932 849309 07779 064646 info@inspirationcoaching.biz www.inspirationcoaching.biz @inspirationbiz
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