CLUB OFFICER'S TRAINING SEMINAR Little confused, little skeptical we never expected the response would be so positive. The overwhelming response that the RDC has received is somewhat a testament about how our Rotaractors are adapting to the "New Normal". Amid this pertaining uncertainty of life, we at RID 3292 have adopted this uncertainty as to the " new normal " and while adapting to this new normalcy, we have rather explored and incorporated an economic and more efficient way to work out with the things that we used to do. The number of virtual gatherings has increased the volumes of activities that we have been doing and we can easily forecast how this is going to increase in the days to come. The month of July in our district also marks the unique trend of training and other learning experiences (of course, the fellowship at the same time). The COTS, this year has been a worthwhile experience. The feedback from the clubs has been positive and the numbers are astonishing. The following numbers express the volumes of the effort, the trainers have put in the due course: Date: 4th July, 11th July 2020 Number of COTS: 7 Split Session: 21C Participants: 800 Clubs: 120