DG Jeremy Hurst, 2013-14
October 2013
TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS ISSUE… News of District interest first… Page No. District Governor (2013-14) - October message DG Travel Schedule Photos of the DG’s visits Training in Haiti Upcoming Questionnaire – District Survey Club Charter Dates Club-of-the-Month (COTM) winners for August Coming Events John Hewko’s Royal Flush The Rotary Foundation – November Rotary Has Heart Campaign Social Media District Conference, 2014 Economic and Community Development – Rotary Focus District Governor’s Award Information
3 4 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 27 28 29
CLUB NEWS St. Martin Sunrise St. Maarten Mid-Isle St. Barth’s Liguanea Plains, Jamaica Christiana, Jamaica St. Thomas East Nassau Les Cayes, Haiti E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 (Butterfly Storybook) St. Thomas East St. John RotaryE! Montego Bay Sunrise Rotaract Corner Interact Corner Rotary History Rotary Wisdom – Reflections on Service References
33 35 36 36 37 39 40 41 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Visit our updated district website www.7020.org
October 2013
MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT GOVERNOR (2013-14) JEREMY HURST Dear fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors and Family of Rotary, Vocation…. Vocation…. Vocation…..? As someone involved in the real estate industry Location, Location, Location is the guiding principle for my industry. However, as a Rotarian, perhaps we should spend more time thinking about how fundamentally important Vocation, Vocation, Vocation is to our organisation! Michelle and I have continued our travels across our unique and vibrant district during September and this has given us a chance to reflect on the tremendous projects our Clubs are carrying out, nearly always leveraging the vocations and skills of our wide diversity of members in the process. Whether it be a proposed mobile Dental Clinic in Anguilla, literacy and youth support programmes in St. Maarten and St. Martin, the careers day in St. Barth’s or the many and varied projects across North East and North West Jamaica such as the Vocational training and intervention programme “Girl Power” being coordinated by the Montego Bay Sunrise Club, Rotarians across District 7020 are using their vocations broadly and widely as an opportunity for service. Sometimes we forget how fundamental this one of our Five Avenues of Service is to our great organisation. Reflecting on the Object of Rotary it is quite clear that Rotary’s founders saw this as the very cornerstone of what we do, running as it does through all our guiding principles:
FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Each one of them in some way, relates directly to our Second Avenue of Service, however it is very clear that there is more to this avenue than simply leveraging our vocational skillsets and contacts in order to serve: It relates just as much to how we act in our everyday dealings with not only Rotarians, but our communities and the world at large. In a nutshell Vocational Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity as they contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society. The key is that we need to carry out our Rotary work to the highest ethical standards, making sure in the process that our service projects are transparent, measurable, and accountable, setting the best possible example in the process. Vocational service provides an excellent opportunity to show Rotary at its very best, however if we compromise our integrity or lower our standards of ethical behavior, we undermine the very fabric of that makes up our great organisation and seriously damage our reputation and brand in the process. Make no mistake Rotary is a brand, just as valuable as Nike or McDonalds, Apple or Ford and one, which we must guard diligently. This starts with the way our members act on a day-to-day basis in all their dealings and we need to understand the risk to our organisation if we fail to act with the highest ethical standards that we purport to represent. Two documents that are very useful guides in this regard and the excellent An Introduction to Vocational Service and the Rotary International Code of Conduct and I want to in particular congratulate the Haiti Leadership team for grabbing their “bull by the horns” and expanding upon the Rotary Code of Conduct to develop an even more comprehensive Haiti Code of Conduct, which deals with issues such as Conflict of Interest head on. Have a great October us as we strive to Engage Rotary - Change Lives through our vocations! Yours in Rotary Service, Jeremy Hurst, Governor 2013/14 District 7020 Rotary International
October 2013
October 2013
Busy week in early September for DG Jeremy at GETS, Zone Institute and Caribbean Partnership. Great fellowship and many ideas for cooperation between clubs and districts.
October 2013
Familiar faces at Rotary events. PDG Vance, Monica Ramgeet, DRFC Lindsey Cancino. PRID Barry Rassin. Below – the Haiti contingent. Includes Robert Leger, Rosa Leger, PDG Guy Theodore, Claude Surena, and PRID Barry Rassin.
October 2013
RI President-elect, Gary Huang RI General Secretary John Hewko At the Rotary Zones 33-34 Institute in Boca Raton, the spouses of the Rotarians participated in a Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event in which they packaged 10,000 dehydrated, high protein, and highly nutritious meals. The meals are used in crisis situations and in school feeding programs for schools and orphanages in developing countries around the world. In the photo at left Christine Galenski with Stop Hunger Now, RI President-elect Gary Huang and his wife Corinna, RI Vice President Anne Matthews, and Rotary General Secretary John Hewko — with John Hewko.
Great networking, educational and motivational opportunity at Boca Rotan Zone 33 & 34 Institute chaired by RI VP Anne Matthews, followed by the Caribbean Partnership annual meeting. District 7020 continues to make its mark in our Zone and beyond. Rotary definitely heading in the right direction with massive potential to become an even more significant, relevant and globally effective organisation doing community service on a global scale.... Nobody does it better..... Tremendous welcome to Sint Maarten/St Martin for the next leg of our Rotary adventure to enjoy Rotary and Rotaract in these beautiful islands including trips to Anguilla & St. Barth’s. Highly productive meeting and luncheon with the St. Martin Club and Board, doing valuable projects such as their literacy project distributing dictionaries to 17 schools with highly engaged Rotarians both new and "experienced". Enjoyed meeting the Prime Minister and Governor at their offices and at the combined club & Rotaract cocktail party that evening - both Honorary Rotarians of course! D7020's islands have so much in common, both in terms of economies, beauty and challenges... where Rotary can make a real difference. Great job St Maarten - keep it up!
October 2013
Visiting St. Martin/Sint Maarten/Anguilla/St. Barth’s
October 2013
Visiting St. Martin/Sint Maarten/Anguilla/St. Barth’s
October 2013
Great to be back in Montego Bay with AG Michelle Daswani, President Emmanuel, PDG Pishu and the MoBay Club. Very productive Board Meeting focussing on membership and the need to retool our clubs to attract, engaged and retain Rotarians plus treat our members as our customers. Highly enjoyable and well attended club meeting highlighted tremendous projects such as the "Roc n Rotary" Wheelchair programme - check out the great video at http://vimeo.com/67462693 - PP Bagwan and his team are a model for international club and organisation partnership leveraging relationships to fund substantial high-impact projects such as this. Keep up the great work guys! with Dominica Pradere
October 2013
October 2013
ROTARY TRAINING IN HAITI ‌submitted by PAG Robert Leger
Training has been done for 3 Clubs: Petit Rivière last week and PaP and St Marc yesterday. The feedback for all of them is really positive after seeing the evaluation sheet. ATTENDANCE
Total members
Petite Riviere (12) St. Marc (15) Port au Prince (23)
Over 15 active members (80 per cent) Over 22 active members (68 per cent) Over 34 active members (70 per cent)
We are now planning to move for the next Clubs that will be Bayonnais, Leogane and Ouanaminthe on Saturday September 28.
October 2013
The Rotary Haiti Leadership Team composed of senior Rotarians in Haiti and under the guidance of DG Jeremy and PDG Diana received training from two RLI facilitators PAG Caleb and PAG Robert. Training teams had been created and these trainers go to different clubs in Haiti to deliver the minimum basic standard for Rotary Clubs to operate in Haiti as underlined by DG Jeremy. The following agenda was offered: 1- Running your Club Effectively 2- Rotary Beyond the Club 3- Rotary Business on Line (This one needs to be updated because RI and 7020 portal web site have changed) 4- Haiti Resolutions (Need to be adapted for other countries) 5- Rotary Haiti Code of Conduct (also to be adapted for different countries) A questionnaire has been distributed to all participants before starting the session. You will find these questions in Chapter 7 of Club Assessment Tools book, and also an evaluation questionnaire at the end of the training session. The feedback had been very positive.
It’s time once again to get nominations together for The Service Awards for a Polio-Free World. Any Rotarian can nominate any other Rotarian and you can submit as many nominations as you like. This award recognizes those who have performed outstandingly in support of polio eradication. Nominations are due on 1 November. Please email them to polioplus@rotary.org or fax to 847-556-2189
October 2013
Celebration/Activity Date Attendance Report Due
3rd of the month
Club Charter Celebrations St. Thomas, USVI
October 2, 1957
Montego Bay Sunrise, Jamaica
October 9, 2008
Port au Prince/Champs de Mars, Haiti
October 21, 2009
St. Thomas East, USVI
October 22, 1986
St. Croix USVI
October 25, 1958
Cap Haitien, Haiti
October 26, 1979
Grand Cayman Central, Cayman Islands
October 30, 1986
St. Thomas Sunrise, USVI
November 3, 2003
Ocho Rios East, Jamaica
November 16, 2001
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
November 20, 1968
Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos
November 22, 2005
Spanish Town, Jamaica
December 17, 1981
Trafalgar New Heights, Jamaica
December 17, 2008
Les Cayes, Haiti
December 20, 1978
Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
December 29, 2981
Rotary Club of St. Croix - Emerald Anniversary by David Beck On October 25, 2013, Rotary Club of St. Croix will celebrate its Emerald Anniversary - 55 years of service to St. Croix, Rotary, and to the international community. Please join us in recognizing the dedication, fellowship, contributions and service our members have made over the last half century. We are in the planning stages of a special celebration, so stay tuned for updates and activities!
October 2013
AUGUST Membership and Partnerships
Under 30 (18)
Stephanie Harris
Over 30 (69)
Naude Dreyer
View the video of the activities for August at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlCuN8nWek4&feature=em-upload_owner
Update New Rotary Partnership Established for Clean Water Project in Haiti – Dumay DG Jeremy, Thank you all so much for supporting our Tallahassee Sunset Rotary team in Haiti. District 7020 made a delightful, lifelong impression on our Haiti Team. Now that our team has returned, we are diligently working on a full project report. Our hope is to continue doing clean water projects in Haiti. We have been recognized in our local newspaper and our 6940 district newsletter for everyone's efforts on this project in Haiti. The positive response has been more than we ever thought possible for our Clean Water Project, not only from Rotarians and other organizations but also from friends, co-workers and family members. As soon as we get the report finished, we will send all of you a copy and our next steps for going back to Haiti. We look forward to Engaging Rotary and Changing Lives in Haiti very soon. The 6940 District Governor Ted's latest newsletter is now available on-line at this link: District Governor's September 2013 Newsletter The Tallahassee Democrat online Chronicle link: http://www.tallahassee.com/article/20130912/CHRONICLE/309120017/Tallahassee-Sunset-Rotary-Club-changes-lives-Haiti Yours in Rotary Service, Lori Freeman HPhone: 850-559-6696 Facebook page: TLHSunsetRotary Website: www.TLHSunsetRotary.org
October 2013
Vocational Service Month October 6 – 26
TELL US 7020 district membership survey Watch for it! November
The Rotary Foundation Month World Interact Week
Week of November 5 December
Family of Rotary Month
Congratulations to Claude Surena from Haiti on his election to the position of Vice President of the Haitian Red Cross Board!!
October 2013
……by Carlos Giraldo, Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator, Zone 34 At left – RI General Secretary, John Hewko
General Secretary John Hewko stepped up to the podium on Friday, September 6, just before lunch on the first day of the Zones 33-34 Institute in Boca Raton, Florida and delivered what I call the "royal flush" of Rotary International initiatives.
Carlos Giraldo
John's voice was measured and almost matter of fact in his short but yet powerful missive to a packed audience. He noted that the projects currently underway will "position the organization for the next 100 years."
The winning hand:
Rotary International, John said "has effectively cranked up public awareness for our corporate signature project - the eradication of polio." The increased awareness brought focus on advocacy from private held companies, non-profit organizations and governments. He concluded on this initiative by stating "Rotary needs to get the Nobel Prize."
The new grant model establishes a platform for successful projects of greater impact with measurable and sustainable results. John added "these projects will demonstrate to the world Rotary can do it."
The new regional approach to membership development (22 regional plans) according to John "meets the biggest challenge of having two distinct demographics in the organization - retirees and young professionals." This approach targets locally how to reconcile the two.
Three new club tools ratchet operations to greater efficiency: Rotary Club Central delivers a strategic device for strengthening clubs with goal setting while giving the organization statistical data (not anecdotal) on a real-time basis; Rotary Showcase provides a new social media platform to heighten visibility of the organization's community impact on a global basis; and the Idea Platform, a place where clubs can post their local club projects (or ideas), whether service oriented or not, and work toward obtaining funding and other support from the general public or other Rotary members.
Finally, Rotary's Strengthening Initiative brings a voice and visual identity of the Rotary mark to a new level of awareness. Both combined with the new website, will boost Rotary's status on a worldwide basis.
The room burst into applause. John stepped off the podium, the morning plenary session ended, and we all walked away knowing we had a winning hand. Yours in Rotary,
Carlos H Giraldo, PDG Rotary Public Image Coordinator - Zone 34
October 2013
Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. Kenyan Proverb.
October 2013
DG Jeremy speaking on Council of Legislation at Rotary Interclub Assembly of Jamaica, while Ken Guiste of BVI studies culinary arts.
October 2013
67,000 Rotarians being asked to feed a child on Valentine’s Day 2014 Rotary International Vice President Anne L. Matthews from Columbia, South Carolina USA, is an educator by profession, and cares deeply about our children, especially those who are hungry, and she is asking all clubs and districts in Zones 33 and 34 to do something to help. Anne has set Valentine’s Day 2014 as the one day on which each of the 1,579 clubs in the zones (representing 67,000 Rotarians) is being asked to engage in a hunger project to change lives. Each club may decide for itself how it wants to participate. It could be something as simple as donating money to an established hunger program (such as Feeding America) to something as complex as organizing a fullfledged meal event as a club service project. The focus will be on children but, as director Anne has said, if other hungry people are fed, all the better. “Our children are our future! I have a deep passion for children who subsist from day to day because they are hungry. Children cannot learn when their little stomachs are empty. Rotarians need and can do something about this,” Anne said. “There is plenty of food to go around, and NO ONE should go hungry. I am asking Rotarians to give one day's attention, Valentine's Day 2014, to this critical need in our communities in Zones 33 and 34.” While this is first and foremost an effort to feed children, it is also a chance for us to show thousands of communities throughout our zones what Rotarians can do when we ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES. We have put together a flyer that provides details about the project and offers ideas clubs can use both to feed hungry children and to maximize public exposure for your Rotary club. We are not doing this to brag, but to help the public better understand what Rotary is and what Rotarians do to make their communities better. It is our hope that clubs will use this effort to develop their membership, and to promote giving to our Rotary Foundation. Director Anne believes that if we unite on this single day with a single focus we will not only ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES but will also capture the attention of so many people who are willing to support our causes and want to become one of us. We expect some of our clubs will join together to organize a community wide effort, while others will participate in a less demanding although just as important way. Whatever way your club chooses to participate, we hope you will bear the Rotary banner proudly and tell your story boldly. After all, Rotary has heart and there is no better day to show this collectively than on Valentine’s Day. For more information, please contact your district’s “Rotary Has Heart” coordinators, Sheila Bethel (sheila.bethel@gmail.com) or Carla Stubbs (rotary.dawta@yahoo.com).
October 2013
October 2013
October 2013
The Importance of Social Media Ken Guiste, Social Media Chair
Social Media Guidelines Courtesy of ROSNF (Rotarians on Social Networks Fellowship)
The rapid growth and ease of use of social media sites and technologies makes them attractive and effective channels of communication. However, there can be a host of unintended implications if they are used without applying the Four Way Test and seeing social media as just one part of your club or district’s wider communication and public relations strategies. These guidelines have been produced by the Rotarians on Social Networks Fellowship to assist members of the Rotary family to use social media safely, effectively, and respectfully. By “social media”, we are referring to Web 2.0 applications that enable people to share text, graphics, audio and video content, including commenting on the text and content of others. This includes many forums and websites that have social media features. Contents: General guidelines Be respectful Keep on topic Don’t spam Observe copyright and common courtesy Be accurate and correct mistakes Guidelines for posting as an individual Adjust your privacy settings Don’t share anything that you don’t want or wouldn’t post in the public arena Don’t spam Be aware of liability Protect your identity Guidelines for club and district presences Ensure that you have authority to post officially Use the appropriate tools for the job Foster a positive, transparent arena for conversations Be aware of implications of “Liking” and “Following” Observe Rotary’s Policies 1. General Guidelines 1.1 Be respectful Your behaviour will affect how people perceive you as well as Rotary / Rotaract in general. Please be courteous and respect others and their opinions, even if you disagree with them.
October 2013
It is okay to disagree with other posters and have vigorous debates without insulting anyone. State your opinions and build your case without deriding those with different views. Let your facts stand for themselves. You are more likely to achieve your preferred outcome or sway others to your point of view if you are constructive and respectful while disagreeing with a person or concept or discussing a negative experience. If someone makes negative comments about something you hold dear or you personally, resist the urge to be negative in return. Always apply the Four Way Test, and if in doubt, don’t post. Avoid discussing divisive topics such as religion and politics in Rotary-related social media groups, pages or accounts. 1.2 Keep on topic Keep to one topic per post, to make it easier for people to follow threads they are interested in. Keep comments on topic. If you want to branch off into another topic, create a separate thread or post specifically for that topic. If you are jumping in to a topic that has numerous replies, it is courteous to read all the replies prior to chiming in so that you don’t repeat a question or comment that has already been added or dealt with. If you don’t want to take the time to read all the replies, don’t get involved with that thread. Make sure that when you do particulate in discussions that you contribute valuable insights; don’t hijack the discussion purely for self-promotional purposes. 1.3 Don’t spam If you have a particular cause, event, or other piece of information that you would like to disseminate widely, avoid the temptation to post it to as many pages, groups, profiles or accounts as possible: this is spam! If a news feed is filled with posts from one source, people will tune you out – at the very least they will hide news from you in their feed, or more likely they will unlike or unfriend you completely. You may also be flagged as a spammer by the social media site and prevented from being able to post if you post the same content in multiple places in a short space of time. If there is a particular event or cause that you would like to spread, post it to your own club presence(s), pinning it to the top of your page in Facebook or making it a “Managers Choice” in a LinkedIn group, and share it from there to select other pages or profiles on a delayed basis – wait several hours between each share. When you do share, add a personal note as to why it is of interest or relevant to that particular audience and invite them to Like your page or join your group for more updates. 1.4 Observe copyright and common courtesy If something is posted publicly, then it is generally fine to share or repost that content, provided that the original source is attributed. This is easily done by: “Sharing” a post, as the original source is included in the shared post, “Linking” to the original external source, “Re-tweeting” if sharing something posted in Twitter. Do not download an image or video and post it as if it was your own contribution. You should only share content that you have created or that you have permission to post. If someone posts something to a non-public audience on their own profile that you would like to share, please seek their permission before sharing it to a wider audience. Where possible, seek the permission of any people pictured in a photo prior to posting, particularly if it is going in a public forum. Some people may be concerned about their privacy; this is especially important if any children appear in a picture. Also consider whether an image is flattering; be very discriminate with any photos that you upload, even to “private” audiences. 1.5 Be accurate and correct mistakes Make sure that you have your facts right before you post. Take time to verify information, either by discussing the matter with someone authoritative or by a quick Google search to check if something is a known hoax. It is better to delay posting something to check with a source first than to post a correction or retraction later. Cite and link to sources wherever possible. If you do post something that contains an error, be quick to correct it and be upfront about what correction has been made.
October 2013
2. Guidelines for posting as an individual 2.1 Adjust your privacy settings Check your general privacy settings at least every 3 months, to ensure that both your privacy and the privacy of “friends” is adequately protected. Also ensure that your privacy settings for each post and album have been adjusted appropriately. Be aware that you can limit access to information to a fair degree, but you have no control over what someone else may share. The safest way to protect information is not to enter it in the first place. 2.2 Don’t share anything that you don’t want or wouldn’t post in the public arena Anything that you share digitally – and that includes email – can be distributed quickly and easily on the internet. Even if you share a comment, picture or video in a site that you believe is private, anyone with access to it can take it and share it beyond its intended audience. Others may also print or take screen shots of content that can be held up as proof long after the original post has been removed. Any content that is posted in a public forum, including open groups and pages, can and will be indexed by search engines, and even if the original content is deleted, it can still be retrieved from Google’s cache. Consider whether certain sensitive personal information is safe to share in a public forum. Also consider how any negative comments can reflect on you if they were to become widely seen. If you feel angry or passionate about a subject, it is wise to delay posting until you are calm and clear headed. 2.3 Don’t spam This one is so important that it rates a mention twice! Spam is more than unsolicited emails trying to encourage you to buy certain products. Spam is seen as any unwanted information, either the same message (or type of message) posted repeatedly, or a completely off topic post that has no relevance to that page or group. Spam can include: inspirational messages or pictures – these are fine on your own profile, but are not necessarily appropriate in a Rotary forum promotion of non-Rotary causes or your business in a Rotary forum, unless it specifically allows business networking solicitation for funds for any project, even a Rotary or Rotaract club project (though sharing details of how to provide funds to a disaster relief effort is usually permissible if there has been discussion about that particular disaster and how clubs / individuals can help). 2.4 Be aware of liability You are responsible for what you post, regardless of where it is posted. Individual bloggers have been held liable for commentary deemed to infringe copyright, or be defamatory or obscene. 2.5 Protect your identity While you should be authentic and honest about yourself, don’t provide personal information that thieves or scam artists could use. How much information do you want strangers to know about you? What could they do with that information? It is a good idea not to disclose your full home address and private phone numbers, and do not publicly “check into” locations or discuss travel plans. 3. Guidelines for Club & District presences 3.1 Ensure you have authority to post officially
October 2013
When you interact on social media sites, including your own club or district pages, please use your own profile and represent yourself unless you are an officer of your club or district who is authorized to speak publicly and officially for your club or district. Do not create a social media account for your club or district without gaining the authority of the necessary board to do so. It is highly advisable for clubs and districts to develop a social media strategy, so that everyone is clear as to which networks will be adopted, what the purpose of each presence is including who the target audiences are in each case, and who is responsible for those accounts. Clubs and individuals should never represent “Rotary International”. 3.2 Use the appropriate tools for the job Social networks such as Facebook and Google+ have different offerings for organisations than they do for people. These offerings provide fields specifically relevant to organisations rather than individual people, and allow multiple administrators to manage the page without setting up a separate account for the club. Make sure you set up the correct type of presence for your club and observe the terms of service for each site:
For Facebook, your club’s official public presence should be a Page, not a profile. Groups are designed for small, specific audiences, and can be beneficial in conjunction with a Page, but do not replace the need for an official page. For Google+, your club’s official public presence should be a Page, not a profile. At this stage, there is no group equivalent inside Google+. For LinkedIn, it is possible to create a Company profile, but this is not equivalent to a Page in Facebook or Google+, and should not be used for a club profile.
3.3 Foster a positive, transparent arena for conversations Social media is not about blasting your content out to the masses; it is about fostering relationships and engaging people in meaningful conversations. To that end, set up your club or district Facebook page so that anyone can post comments to it and ensure that you monitor and respond to comments in a timely manner, as it builds credibility and community. Where appropriate, be open about who the admins are they are interacting with. Deal with any criticisms directly on the page rather than referring people to an email address unless it is a particularly sensitive issue that does need to be dealt with privately. Your club or district should create, publish and adhere to posting guidelines. If a user flouts the posting guidelines, ensure that they are dealt with in the appropriate manner. Letting a user regularly conduct themselves in a manner that contravenes the posting guidelines will drive away the users that do conduct themselves appropriately. All administrators must understand and agree with the guidelines before taking on an administration role. 3.4 Be aware of implications of “Liking” and “Following” If a club or district “Likes” or “Follows” another page or account, it implicitly endorses that other entity or cause. Since Rotary is non-political and non-religious, it is generally not appropriate for a club to Like or Follow blatantly religious or political accounts. Such personal endorsements should be left to an individual’s account. 3.5 Observe Rotary’s Policies Rotary International policies apply to social media too, including RI’s Circularization Policy: (from the RI Code of Policies) 11.030.1. Rotary Clubs – Approval to Solicit Cooperation, Financial Aid, or Participation in Commercial Ventures, including Telemarketing A club desiring to request the cooperation of other clubs or members of other clubs, in connection with any matter whatsoever, by any means, including telemarketing, shall first submit its purpose and plans to the governor or governors of the involved area and secure his, her or their approval. This is applicable only in cases where a club desires to request the cooperation of more than one Rotary club or members of more than one club.
October 2013
October 2013
AREAS OF FOCUS ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WHAT MAKES A SERVICE PROJECT EFFECTIVE? Effective service projects do more than just offer a quick fix for problems. The most effective service projects 1. Respond to real issues 2. Improve community members’ lives 3. Incorporate the abilities of those who are served 4. Recognize the contributions of all participants as important and necessary 5. Are based on a realistic assessment of available resources 6. Aim for specific goals and objectives with measurable results 7. Build effective networks to empower people and communities
SUSTAINABILITY When choosing a project in the community consider Rotary’s areas of focus and make sure they are sustainable and capable of building a community’s capacity to address issues without relying on external support. When selecting a project think carefully about both the short-term and long-term impact. For example, building a modern well and water pump for a neighborhood without access to clean drinking water might solve a community immediate water problems. But if the community cannot maintain the well, the people’s water problems will quickly return. Sustainable projects take these issues into account and provide long-term solutions to chronic problems.
POSITIVE APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS One of the dangers of any community assessment is the tendency to look only at a community’s problems or deficiencies. Problemoriented assessments tend to ignore resources and solutions that may be found within a community, and often result in projects that create dependence on outside assistance. Taking a positive approach to community assessments is a good way to avoid focusing on what a community lacks and will help a club find more sustainable projects resources. A strength based approach asks project stakeholders to look for the best in their communities posing these questions: 1. What are the best qualities of our community? 2. Why are these our best qualities? 3. What projects have worked well in the past? 4. Why have these projects succeeded? (Identifying past successes builds confidence and helps motivate community members to take on new projects and initiatives )
COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS TOOLS The following tools are effective and inexpensive assessment options that individual Rotary clubs can adapt to their communities. Indepth descriptions of each tool plus sample sessions plans can be found in Community Assessment Tools (605C).
1. Survey 2. Asset inventory
October 2013
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Community mapping Daily Activities schedule Seasonal calendar Community cafe Focus groups Panel discussion
MESSAGE FROM ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CHAIR As Economic and Community Development Chair, I encourage you all to do a project in this area of focus that will make a difference and help communities work towards improving their living conditions. I have shared the above information taken from COMMUNITIES IN ACTION, a Guide to Effective Projects, to motivate your clubs to engage in a project in this area of focus that will help change people’s lives by helping communities develop economically. Some areas can overlap and together help develop a community. An example of this is a project done by RC Des Cayes where thanks to a well drilled, a cooperative(in Taivan a rural section nearby Les Cayes) has grown into a big agricultural farm producing crops they didn’t know they could grow leading to community development.
FUNDING Please don’t forget there is funding available through the Rotary Foundation who offers various grant packages to help fund clubs and district service efforts as well as other organization such as Caribbean’s Partnership where many Rotarians from other districts want to help.
VISIBILITY Please send a short description and pictures of your projects in this area of focus to rosamgleger@gmail.com The Chairs of the 6 Areas of Focus would like to post your projects in our District Website and share with others the great work our District is doing. ROSA LEGER DISTRICT ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY CHAIR 2013-2014
DISTRICT 7020 GOVERNOR’S AWARD CRITERIA 2013-14 AWARD CATEGORIES Merit Award Silver Award Gold Award Platinum Award
October 2013
(at the discretion of the DG for those clubs who have shown substantial effort and improvement, even though they did not qualify for the awards below All mandatory goals + 140 points and required number of optional goals depending upon club size All mandatory goals + 240 points and required number of optional goals depending on club size All mandatory goals + 340 points and required number of optional goals depending upon club size
n/a Above 500 Above 600 Above 700
OTHER AWARDS Youth-at-Risk Website Facebook Page Club-of-the-Month
For the Best Youth-at-Risk Program in the District For the best Club Website in the District For the best club FaceBook Page in the district Information was distributed
NOTES Points available for mandatory goals Total points available optional goals Total overall points available
360 550 910
Clubs with 35 or fewer members must complete at least ONE and with greater than 35 at least TWO optional goals Submissions must be signed by the Club President and AG submitted no later than April 15, 2014 by email to DG Jeremy and District Secretary Rose
Criteria Review the District 7020 Membership Plan and achieve a minimum net gain of at last ONE member between July 1 and March 1 Submit 2013-14 Membership development goals and results using Rotary Club Central and update through Member Access throughout the year Conduct a membership engagement survey with each member committing to do at least one thing in the club during the current year
Points √
Criteria As President, Lead from the front by identifying and inducting at least one new member Initiate or revitalise and improve a new-member welcome, mentoring and orientation program Introduce changes to maintain a member retention rate of at least 90 per cent Encourage member engagement by ensuring that every member has participated in at least one service activity and one club social activity Appoint a Club Wellness/Family of Rotary Chair to support the membership of your Club during difficult times Carry out at least one join Fellowship Project with a nearby club 50% Club Membership completing and returning the District Membership Survey Alongside your AG, invite and work with the Eagle Support Team to assist you rebuild and revitalise your club
October 2013
Points √ 15 10 15 20 10 10 10 10
Criteria Develop a 3-5 year Strategic Plan for your club consistent with the RI Strategic Plan Ensure your club has proper budget and produces segregated monthly administrative and charitable account which can be presented to the DG during his visit Keep your AG informed by copying him on your club monthly board meeting minutes
Points √
Criteria Hold at least one club Assembly or InterClub Assembly with clubs in your area Have all members with Internet access sign up for RI Member Access and the Club achieve ClubRunner/RI integration Have at least 20% of your members attend RLI Appoint a Club Training Chair to train and educate your members on RI, TRF, and District Programmes and report their name to the District Training Chair and your AG that every member has participated in at least one service activity and one club social activity Meet at least quarterly with your AG and the Club Presidents in your AG’s area CLUB SUB TOTAL
Points √ 20 10 15 15 15
B. FOSTER AND INCREASE HUMANITARIAN SERVICE BY ENGAGING YOUR CLUB IN GREATER IMPACT COMMUNITY SERVICE MANDATORY Criteria Carry out a Humanitarian Service Project in at least two of the six areas of focus OPTIONAL Criteria Carry out at least one multi-year Service Project involving continuity between your and the club’s Incoming board(s). Carry out a needs assessment survey in your community and adjust your service projects to meet at least one new community need Carry out at least one joint Service Project with a nearby club thereby increasing its effectiveness and impact Submit 2013-14 Service Project goals and results and update its progress throughout the year using Rotary Club Central through Member access Establish a Community Corp in your area Organize a Vocational service project partnering with your local Chamber of Commerce and use it as an opportunity for membership attraction
Points 75
Points 15
20 20 10 15 20
BY SUPPORTING AND BENEFITING FROM THE ROTARY FOUNDATION MANDATORY Criteria Qualify your club for the TRF New Grant Programme and execute your Club MOU during 2013-14 for the 2014/15 year Submit 2013-14 Foundation development goals and results using Rotary Club Central and update through Member Access throughout the year Contribute on average at least US$12 per member to your Rotary Foundation
October 2013
OPTIONAL Criteria Apply for a District Grant by April 15, 2014 for the 2014-15 year Contribute at least US$100 per member on average to the Annual Programmes Fund Sponsor or Co-sponsor Global Grant as host or international club Partner with a nearby club(s) in applying for 2 or 3 above As President Lead from the front by contributing at least US$100 to the Rotary Foundation in your name
Points 15 15 15 15 15
Points 30
THROUGH YOUTH SERVICE MANDATORY Criteria If you have a Rotaract Club in your area (whether you sponsor it or not) appoint a “Rotaract-Rotary” Transition Chair to facilitate Rotaractors joining Rotary IF NOT, Carry out one Youth Service project focusing on youth-at-risk If you achieve both, you will be awarded 60 points OPTIONAL Criteria Sponsor a new Rotaract, Interact or EarlyAct Club in our area Invite a Rotaract Club to run one of your meetings during Youth Service Month (Is that September?) Carry out a joint community service project or fellowship event with Rotaract Arrange for Rotaract Members to act as advisors to your club for your Social Media Strategy or Website Submit application from your Interact and/or Rotaract Club for the Zone New Generations Award CLUB SUB TOTAL
Points 25 15 20 15 25
Points 30
C – ENHANCE PUBLIC IMAGE AND AWARENESS THROUGH ENHANCED PUBLIC IMAGE AND IMPROVED AWARENESS MANDATORY (one out of two) Criteria Take part in the RI PI Grant programme along with the clubs in your area with a This Close Campaign to promote Rotary’s role in the Eradication of Polio if your country is participating IF NOT, Have at least 50% of your Members sign up to the District 7020 Facebook page OPTIONAL Criteria Develop a Club Social Media Strategy including a Club Facebook Page Develop a Club Website promoting the benefits of joining Rotary as well as the work Rotary does in your community and internationally Apply for the ZONE 34 Public Image Citation Produce a club or country video for use by local TV stations on the benefits of being a Rotarian and/or the service projects carried out in your community Submit at least 3 pieces fo the District Newsletter and/or the District Website CLUB SUB TOTAL CLUB TOTAL
30 Points 20 20
30 20 10
Submissions must be signed by the Club President and AG submitted no later than April 15, 2014 by email to DG Jeremy and District Secretary Rose
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MARTIN SUNRISE …submitted by Martha Pouchie
The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise supports Active Parenting for Fathers Program Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise welcomed to their weekly breakfast meeting Mr. Rodney Davis, who is the youth social worker at the Sundial School; Mr. Davis gave a presentation of the program which is currently being offered at the school under the name of “Active Parenting of Teens.” The objective of the Rotary Club is to join forces with Mr. Davis and offer a similar program focusing mainly on fathers under the theme “Active Parenting for Fathers.” The primary objective of this program is to train fathers how to act as a parent; what their role as a father is and what their role as part of the family is. The relevance of this training tool - it has been shown that there is no youth problem that cannot be solved with good parenting skills. The Impact on children and youth has been staggering and it forces us to be cognizant of what is happening today and understand the cultural differences between generations at this time, between now and the past. The goal of the tool is to reach higher standards in parenting; to increase their learning ability by building character and respect for themselves and for their families. With the acquired skills, they would know how to get their kids to survive in life to become movers and shakers. At left - Secretary Virginia Asin, Youth Social Worker Rodney Davis and President Angela Gordon. As Rotarians we can support the training and let our voices be heard by using the media to broadcast best practices and to profile role models. As society, it is also important to redefine the definition; it is outdated and needs to be adjusted to better reflect the current world we are living in. The program will be delivered free of charge with fathers opting to purchase the parenting guide book if they desire and will require 15 hours, spread over 6 to 12 weeks, with social and competitive fellowship activities specially designed for men. Although the role of the father is being highlighted in this training, the role of family as a unit is pivotal on different levels of education.
St. Maarten Rotary announces visit from District Governor Rotary Clubs in St. Maarten/St Martin are pleased to announce the arrival of Rotary District Governor, Jeremy Hurst, and his wife Michelle to our island. DG Jeremy is responsible for leading over 80 clubs in Rotary District #7020 which spans 16 islands and 10 countries which include: the Bahamas, (excluding Grand Bahama), Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, the US Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Haiti, Anguilla, St. Barthelemey, St. Martin and Sint Maarten. His Assistant Governor, Rebecca Low, of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, stated, “We are pleased to welcome DG Jeremy and Michelle to our shores. This is their first visit to our island and they will see first-hand Rotary in action. They have a packed agenda but a few examples of their activities include participating in dictionary distribution to students; the Readers are Leaders initiative; touring the AUC facilities; and participating in the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Interact Club Induction and Change of Board Ceremony. As part of official duties, they will also be visiting each Rotary club, meeting with our exceptional young leaders from high school Interact Clubs, as well as our young professionals from the French and Dutch side Rotaract Clubs. As a motivator, DG Jeremy’s mission is to engage all aspects of Rotary in order to change lives.”
October 2013
The District Governor will be honored by at a cocktail reception on Wednesday, September 11 at 7:00 p.m. at The Pointe Restaurant in the Sonesta Maho Resort.
Community Partnership for Breakfast Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, PJD2 Radio, Now you Know Radio Program (Valerie Van Putten) and Prins Willem Alexander School signs MOU for breakfast program for the school year 2013-2014. Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise collaborated with PJD2 Radio and Now You Know Radio Program (Valerie Van Putten) to establish a nutritious breakfast Program for the students of Prins Willem Alexander School. Studies have shown that sstudents who are given nutritious breakfast daily make significant improvements in learning, school attendance, behavior and self-esteem, therefore PJD2 Radio, Now you Know Radio Program want to ensures that the 50 children of the Prins Willem Alexander School have access to a healthy breakfast each day in a safe and supervised environment. Daily breakfast will help each child start their day ready to learn. At left - Principal of Prins Willem Alexander School: Malva Brook-Brill, Now You Radio Program: Valerie Van Putten, PJD2-Radio Managing Director; Donald R. Hughes Sr. Rotary Sunrise: President Angela Gordon, and Don Hughes Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise noted that the school breakfast program is growing as School Social workers continue to identify more children and youth indeed each year, Rotary Sunrise philosophy of the program is that no child should be turned away. Rotary Sunrise thanked the sponsors for collaborating and making it possible for the Prins Willem Alexander school student to have daily breakfast which will lead them being better citizens of our community. The School Breakfast Program is a wonderful partnership where, community organizations and businesses come together to make the nutritional needs of children and youth a priority. At left - Principal of Prins Willem Alaxander School: Malva Brook- Brill, Now You Radio Program: Valerie Van Putten, PJD2-Radio Managing Director; Donald R. Hughes Sr. Rotary Sunrise President : Angela Gordon
Highly enjoyable day spent with PDG Victor and Marie-Claude at "Waikiki" in St. Martin on Sunday followed by a visit to his "Rotary Office", home of the historic original St. Martin Club President's Plaque!
October 2013
Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise Continues Breakfast program at Ruby Labega School On Tuesday, September 10, 2013, a MOU was signed by Mrs. Esther Jeffers the School Manager of the Ruby Labega Primary School, Mrs. Ullanda Sprott, Managing Director of Sheriff Security and Ms. Angela Gordon President of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise who committed themselves to continue the Breakfast Program for the 2013-2014 school year at the Ruby Labega Primary School. With the sponsorship of Sheriff Security the Ruby Labega School can provide a nutritious breakfast daily for at least 30 students who are not provided breakfast at home. The breakfast program has proven to be a big success in the past school years as the children’s school performance improved significantly as a result of the program. During the signing ceremony, in the presence of Ms. Lake and Ms. Hodge who both are instrumental for preparing the breakfast and several Rotarians, School Manager Mrs. Esther Jeffers expressed her sincere gratitude to Sheriff Security for their continued support to the school and its students and thanked them for making a difference in the lives of these students. From left to right top: Sunrise Rotary Service Director Marieke Quist, School Social Worker Maureen Hodge and Teacher Lake, Bottom left to right : Sheriff Security Managing Director Ullanda Sprott, President Angela Gordon and School Manager Esther Jeffers Mrs. Sprott of Sheriff Security stated that it is a pleasure to continue sponsoring the breakfast program, as the children are the future of Sint Maarten and they deserve the best. The Rotary Club of Sint Martin Sunrise would like to thank the sponsors for their continued support in meeting the needs of the community.
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN MID-ISLE Rotary District Governor Jeremy Hurst was recently welcomed by the Rotary Clubs of St. Maarten/St. Martin at a grand cocktail reception at The Pointe in the Sonesta Maho Resort during his official visit to the island. During his visit on St. Maarten, Mr. Hurst met with the Governor, Honorable Eugene Holiday, and the Prime Minister, Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams. At the opening of the reception, Mr. Hurst thanked all the Rotarians in attendance and their guests for their dedication to Service Above Self. He continued, “Our theme for this Rotary year is to ‘Engage Rotary and Change Lives’ and during my short official stay here on St. Maarten/St. Martin, it is very obvious to me that Rotarians here are doing exactly that; they are making a difference where it counts and they are changing lives”. When asked about his favorite part of his St. Maarten visit so far, District Governor Jeremy Hurst stated, “There’s nothing that compares to working with children. I so much enjoyed going to the Sister Borgie Primary School to participate in the Dictionary Distribution Project to third graders. Handing a young student their first dictionary is just one great example of engaging Rotary to changes lives here on St. Maarten/St. Martin”. During the evening and reception, three new Paul Harris Fellows were named for their service and dedication to the community. Alvin Obersi, Maria Buncamper-Molanus and Meena Ramchandani were all recognized and honored for their commitment to serving the community.
October 2013
DG Jeremy enjoys meeting Honorary Rotarian Le President Bruno Magras of St. Barth’s and discussing economic and community development. At right, an unexpected gift and a civilized start to the morning. The District Governor’s official visit to the region also included a trip to St. Bartholemey, as well as meetings with the Rotaract Clubs on St. Maarten/St. Martin, and a trip to Anguilla this week. On Monday, September 16, Mr. Hurst met with Board Members of all the Interact Clubs on the island, at a special gathering at Carl’s and Sons on the Pond Fill Road at 4:30 p.m. In addition, the District Governor attended the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Interact Club Induction Ceremony in the school gymnasium, where he officially pinned the new Board Members and new inductees of the Learning Unlimited Interact Club.
President Francois and some board members of the St. Barth's club - good looking group
ROTARY CLUB OF LIGUANEA PLAINS, JAMAICA At work and Play …submitted by Carolyn Graham
Directors and Chairs were out in force for RCLP's first Club Assembly for the New Administration on Saturday, September 7, 2013. Lead by president Vinton, directors presented their plans for the year while getting feedback from the floor to assist in even more effective planning and implementation. The Assembly was well received, particularly by new members who got the opportunity to make their contribution to the activities.
October 2013
After the work, it was play time as RCLPers and guests enjoyed the company and camaraderie. It was games, music, food, fun and frolic in true RCLP style. We thank IPP Novlet for hosting us at her lovely home as always.
The Rotary Club of Christiana visits the Christiana Rotaract Club as we continue to celebrate September Youth Month.
October 2013
DG Jeremy visits Rotary Club of Christiana, Jamaica.
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. THOMAS Rotary Upgrades Computers inn Career Center at CAHS …submitted by: Daphne B. Harley, Club PR Director
On Friday morning, Principal Howell, Students, and Faculty gathered in the Career Center to formally thank the Rotary Club for its continued sponsorships and support, with a short program and reception. Charlotte Amalie High School is the adopted school of this Rotary Club. Heflyn Royer, President of the Rotary Club of St Thomas, JP Montague, the Board Member responsible for the project, and 10 other Rotarians gathered for the official presentation. Fifteen new computers, two printers and Scanners were installed in the Career Center this school year, replacing the ones that were originally donated in 2006. This contribution was made possible by a partnership with the Rotary Club of Hartford Connecticut. This is not the first project in the Career Center funded by the Rotary club. Since 2006, approximately $180,000 has been donated for various projects. This relationship however, extends back to 1994 when Rotarians established an Interact Club on campus. Through Interact, Rotary mentors students helping them learn how to conduct effective meetings, give back to their community and prepare for college. The Rotarian advisor at CAHS is Mr. Babe Monsanto. In addition, in June of this year, 3 Interact students each received $12,000 in scholarships from this Rotary Club. The Club has also sponsored CAHS Read 180 Club Lab's computers; The Auto Club; the new Welcome Center at the gate, and of course, The Career Center. ************ A recent speaker at our club was Laurel Nuschke, the Founder of a new local Charity that in its first six months alone, has donated $250,000 in FREE medication to VI residents. The work that she is doing is the first of its kind here in the Territory, and is targeting an important need. Working directly with local Physicians, Patient Assist VI: Provides assistance to the uninsured and under-insured. Helps patients attain prescription medications that they would otherwise be unable to afford. Reimburses patients for some medications. Provides information regarding pricing of meds at the various pharmacies. Provides information on the various drug discount programs.
Medications are provided through pharmaceutical assistance programs. Patient Assist VI can be contacted at 350-775-0053 for further information.
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF EAST NASSAU …submitted by Lindsey Cancino
October 2013
Our Bed Race is back!!! And for the first time, it is being held in the same month as World Polio Day. In fact, it will be the kick-off event in a month of activities and information on the Number One Priority of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation; the eradication of Polio from the Earth.
ROTARY CLUB OF LES CAYES, HAITI ..submitted by Rosa Leger
The photos show the first distribution of the animals obtained from the original animals at the COOP that was inaugurated last March. The pigs and goats have reproduced and 2 goats and 11 pigs were distributed among the most active members of the CO-OP. Ten (10) more pigs have been born and will be distributed in a month or two. As you can see 23 out of 45 members will have received an animal after 7 months of the start-up of this CO-OP and as they continue to reproduce the others will too receive an animal. Once their own animal reproduces, one must be returned to the CO-OP. At left – members of the Co-op. It has not been easy, but we are working hard for this project to succeed. I must say this has been possible thanks to our two members in agriculture, Jn Yves Banatte who is knowledgeable on Co-ops, and a dedicated trainer, our Agricultural Technician Jenel Dorival, Chairman of the project as well as Wadsen (advisor) and Enock (President of the coop) who are community leaders and who have done a great job in guiding the members of the COOP and Committee to reach this great moment. Our club is proud to have had the chance to help people help themselves in this way. Hopefully, this will lead to developing their community. Thanks to our District and Caleb through International Hosean Ministries, this project is becoming a reality and with the engagement of all involved will change these people's lives.
October 2013
Below, photos of the Co-op and the distribution of the animals. In the navy blue Rotary shirt, Rosa Leger.
October 2013
October 2013
The Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 invites all clubs in the district to participate in a district-wide literacy project. Our club is offering students in your area an opportunity to write a short story, to win prizes, to have their story published in an E-book, and to be recognized on our website. Please partner with us to make this project a success, and to encourage your schools to participate. Documents have been sent out to all club presidents and secretaries – in both English and French! Yours in Rotary Service Members of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020
Le Rotary E-Club de la Caraïbe, 7020 vous invite à participer à notre projet annuel d'alphabétisation sur l'ensemble du district. Notre club offre aux élèves de votre région l'occasion de composer une brève histoire, de gagner un prix, de faire publier leur récit dans un ouvrage électronique et d'être mis à l'honneur sur notre site Web. Merci de vous joindre à nous pour assurer le succès de ce projet et mobiliser la participation de vos écoles. Bien à vous, au service du Rotary, Les Membres du Rotary E-Club de la Caraïbe, 7020
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. THOMAS EAST Many of the members continued distributing the First Day of School packages to the first graders, started the previous week. The packages containing pencils, rulers, safety scissors, crayons, erasers, etc., were as usual received with delight by the first graders and their teachers. At Gomez school, the new Principal Jamon Liburd had
all students in the 3 first grade classes carry their chairs outside for a group assembly. Prez Fiona gave them a brief talk and then she, Debbie Flemming and Kendia from ScotiaBank in Red Hook distributed the packages. See the photos below:
A recent speaker was Sharon McCollum, Principal of Ivana Eudora Kean High School, Rotary East's adopted school since 1992. She updated our members of the aquaponic program, which some of us visited a couple of months ago and has received national attention. Their ROTC program is a very successful one and teacher Faye Richardson was honored as St. Thomas-St. John teacher of the year. Under Ms. McCollum's leadership the number of grants obtained by their students has increased dramatically, totaling $4.5 million this year.
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. JOHN …submitted by Joan Bermingham …from stjohnsource.com
A joint effort between St. John Rescue and the Rotary Club of St. John resulted in the purchase of an oxygen generator so Rescue and government agencies don’t have to depend on shipping the gas from Miami. “One major hurricane could shut down the port,” Rescue training officer Bob Malacarne said at the unveiling ceremony Sunday at Rescue’s headquarters on Centerline Road. According to Malacarne, oxygen has been shipped from Miami to St. Croix, then distributed to St. Thomas and finally to St. John. The oxygen generator has changed all that.
ROTARY E! – DISTRICT 7020’s FIRST E-CLUB …submitted by Erva A. Denham, RotaryE!
What a wonderful treat! First, in spite of a failure of the audio/video set up in the cafeteria, the Speakers for the VI Scholars "Envision Your Life Conference" held more than 400 students spellbound in the cafeteria for two and a half hours. The students were quiet and very attentive. During the Q & A segment of the program, the students asked really great questions, especially grilling Commissioner Bryan about getting a partnership going with the Department of Education to start a nursing school at Kean High School. So who were the speakers?
Commissioner Albert Bryan, Jr. of the VI Department of Labor Executive Director Michael Tubbs, the youngest City Council member in Stockton, California's history - also a teacher Lincoln Liburd, Founder and Director of VI Scholars, and a Consultant at McKinsey & Co and Charter Member of RotaryE!.
There was a brilliant central theme. The speakers are all young black men who have succeeded in spite of overwhelming childhood adversity. The message - that you, too, can turn your adversities into opportunities for achievement and a good life. The program will be done again tomorrow morning at CAHS at roughly 8:15 AM. If you have the chance to go, even if it is just to hear these wonderful young men speak, it is well worth your time. The program will be on-going and an obvious annual event. It will also include the addition of curricular materials aimed at self-realization and the development of personal potentials. It was, from the point of view of this OLD educator, a truly great program. The Source was there taking pictures, and, I imagine, getting the story, too. Will be looking for it. In the photo left to right are Councilman Michael Tubbs, AG Mike Toussaint, PP Lorraine Baa, Director Lincoln Liburd, Commissioner Albert Bryan, Jr., and PP Erva Denham. Breakout groups were led by Greg Feinstein who has developed the curriculum for developing self-realization skills. Great stuff! Of course, if anyone would like to lend a bit of assistance, please contact Lincoln Liburd by email at lincoln@vischolars.org.
October 2013
ROTARY CLUB OF MONTEGO BAY SUNRISE Rotarians and friends visited Clifton Boys home in Westmoreland and brought lots of treats! A fun day was had by all.
October 2013
Great visit with President Dayan, AG Michelle and Montego Bay Sunrise - one of the District's youngest, most vibrant and forwardthinking clubs with ambitious expansion plans on a solid existing foundation. Projects such as its wheelchair project, the "Girl Power' programme partnering with the Lucea club and the planned vocational training programme for nail technology and hairdressing meeting the vital needs of the MoBay community and especially Youth at Risk.
Club has a strong relationship with its Rotaract Club and its "Friends of Sunrise" who assist with projects as part of the Club's Family of Rotary. Congratulations to the newest member Alene who will keep the clubs average age of its members at an impressive 33!
October 2013
THE ROTARACT CORNER Rotaract Sunrise chaired Rotary Sunrise Breakfast meeting. In celebrating New Generation Month, the Rotaract Sunrise President Norrisa Anatol chairs the Rotary Sunrise “Mother Club” meeting on Tuesday, 10 September 2013. This September's New Generations Month takes on a different meaning than in the past. The commitment to getting youths and young adults actively involved in Rotary events is very important. New generation chair Paula Gordon stated that “investing in our Youth is our future”. “As Rotarians we take pride in the fact that we have a youth program such as the Rotaract Club with proud Rotarians serving as caring sponsors”. The Rotaract Club discussed their upcoming projects and further discussed their year plan with the club. Rotaract club meeting every 2nd and 4th Saturday at Holland House at 7:00 p.m. and Rotary Sunrise meets every Tuesday morning at Air Lekkerbek at 7:00 a.m. At left - Rotary Rotaract Liaison Paula Gordon, Rotarian Virginia Asin-Oostburg, Rotaract President Norrisa Anatol, Rotary President Angela Gordon, ADRR Elisia Lake, Rotaract Secretary Keysy Ramirez and Rotaract Vice-President Tyrone Yates ROTARACT IS ALIVE AND WELL IN DISTRICT 7020!
At left - Joint meeting of Rotaract May Pen and New Kingston. Right – District Rotaract Board. District Rotaract Representative, Julie Ramchandani, speaking at her parent club – Rotary New Kingston.
October 2013
THE INTERACT CORNER St. Dominic’s Interact Club, St. Maarten Congratulations to the newest members of St Dominic's Interact!!! 116 members strong – amazing, President Siddarth! Congratulations to you and your board for the coming year. .
October 2013
RI PRESIDENT – Albert S. Adams
October 2013
October 2013
********* REFERENCES
Adams, Randal. Speaking of Rotary. E.J. Press, U.S.A. 2007. Chapman, Mary. Growing Rotary. A Personal Collection of Ideas That Worked. Dochterman, Cliff. The ABCs of Rotary. Evanston, Illinois: Rotary International. (363-EN) Forward, David C. A Century of Service. The Story of Rotary International. (912-EN) Rotary History Fellowship - http://www.rotaryhistoryfellowship.org Rotary International. Honoring Our Past: The Words and Wisdom of Paul Harris. Evanston, Illinois: 1996. (925-EN) Rotary International. Rotary Basics. Evanston, Illinois. (595-EN) Rotary International News. Online. Rotary Gallery of Past Presidents <https://www.rotary.org/en/aboutus/history/galleryofpastpresidents/pages/timelineofpresidents.aspx>
Submissions from District 7020 Clubs Please send Club News and photos (with appropriate IDs) to Kitty at ladykitt@gmail.com For inclusion in the District Newsletter
October 2013