Rotary District 7020 Newsletter for September, 2013

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DG Jeremy Hurst, 2013-14

September 2013


TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS ISSUE… News of District interest first… Page No. District Governor (2013-14) - August message DG Travel Schedule and photos Photos of the DG’s visits Caribbean Partnership Celebration (CPC) Zone 33/34 Information Club Charter Dates World News – Bahamas in The Rotarian Our own PRID Barry Rassin awarded Order of Malta West Africa Project Fair Information Zone 34 Million Dollar Dinner Club-of-the-Month (COTM) reminder Health Concerns in District 7020 Public Image Team in District 7020 Zone 34 Public Image Award Criteria Coming Events Social Media – Twitter District Conference 2014

3 4 5 9 10 13 14 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

CLUB NEWS St. Martin Sunrise Nassau PAG Patrick Adizua, Jamaica Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 St. Thomas Champ de Mars, Haiti St. Thomas East Liguanea Plains Grand Cayman Sunrise South East Nassau Rotaract Corner Rotary History Rotary Wisdom – Reflections on Service Club-of-the-Month (COTM) Program Information (English) Club-of-the-Month (COTM) Submission Template (English) Club-of-the-Month (COTM) Program Information (French) Club-of-the-Month (COTM) Submission Template (French) References

25 26 30 31 32 34 37 37 38 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Visit our updated district website

September 2013


MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT GOVERNOR (2013-14) JEREMY HURST Dear fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors and Family of Rotary, New Generations …. Youth Service….. Youth at Risk? Michelle and I have just completed our first “Official Visits” to the Rotary Clubs of Haiti Metropolitan, Central and Sud and once again, what a tremendous time we had! Haiti is on the road to recovery, not least due to the tremendous investment of time, treasure and talent that Rotarians from Haiti, from our District and from across the Rotary world have collectively made. I am also impressed with the efforts of the newly formed “Haiti Leadership Team” in strengthening Rotary across Haiti and their first initiative to bring coordinated training and education to the clubs will undoubtedly pay huge dividends. As with our visit to Jamaica, we could not be more impressed with the “thirst” that the youth in both countries have for Rotary and what it stands for. It is clear that large and important sections of our Youth “get” what Rotary is all about, and are embracing its values and the opportunity to serve. These are forward-thinking future leaders who see the value of being part of the world’s finest service organisation; and it is our responsibility as Rotarians to embrace and encourage them and, where the opportunity presents, in the case of older Rotaractors especially, encourage them to cross the bridge to Rotary. “New Generations” has recently been rechristened “Youth Service;” however whatever we call it, I am proud of our success as a District in promoting and supporting RI’s own youth programmes: Rotaract, Interact, Earlyact, RYLA and Youth Exchange. Our ratio of Rotaract to Rotary clubs, for example, is 45 to 82 or 53%, whereas in North America and the UK is closer to 6-7%! We are forming new Rotaract Clubs as we speak – such as the ones in Montego Bay and Negril – and we are similarly vibrant with our Interact, Earlyact and RYLA programmes. One of the most significant opportunities this gives us is to not only groom “Rotarians in Waiting,” so vital for our future, but to get a better perspective of the problems of youth in our communities. So my message to you this month is to support our Rotary Youth Service Programmes – attend their meetings, get involved, do joint projects, invite them to our club meetings – but, at the same time, use these programmes to go deeper into our communities and get better understanding of how we can work with our Youth at Risk – the ones that perhaps are not part of our programmes for one reason or another. Youth-at-Risk is one of our District’s main focuses for 2013/14 and a challenge that is common across all of our islands. So let’s use our clubs and district resources to make a real impact here. Let me and your district’s “Youth Service” leaders know what you think or if you need help. You can find our contact details in the District Directory at Have a great September as we Engage Rotary - Change Lives, both younger, as well as older, ones. Yours in Rotary Service,

Jeremy Hurst Governor 2013/14 District 7020 Rotary International

September 2013



September 2013



Above left - Presenting a trophy to the two "Reading Champions" from a competition sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lucea as part of their literacy campaign. Both will now compete at a National Level! Good luck both of you! Make Lucea proud... Our first Official Club visit to Haiti - with AG Raphael Izmery and the Rotary Club of Delmas/Aeroport - good board meeting with President Jean Rigaud and his team including AG Dominique Bazin - definitely heading in the right direction with their planning and strengthening processes. Undertaking effective projects, through DAF's and TRF funds such as much needed supplies to a local orphanage and a minibus for a mobile epilepsy treatment centre through careful international partnering. I was also impressed by their stewardship and management of TRF funds. Had the pleasure of inducting their newest member Martine (below left) - also and meeting their impressive Rotaractors who have agreed to develop a Facebook page and website for their Rotary Club - keep up the great work!

Above left – Newest member, Martine, shortly after her induction into the Rotary Club of Delmas-Aeroport. Above right - DG Jeremy, Michele, AG Raphael with the members of the Delmas-Aeroport Club and Rotaract members

September 2013


Wonderful even hosted by AG Dominique Bazin at her beautiful home in the hills of Petion-ville. Great local cuisine, fine fellowship and I became an honorary member of the SDS - (Scotch Drinkers Society).... after a Barbancourt or two of course! –

Below – Rotary Club of Léogâne Impressive day with President Catinat, AG Raphael Izmery and the Rotary Club of Léogâne in Haiti. The club launched a new Water Filtration pilot scheme with project with 20 filtration systems which even remove the cholera bacteria donated to selected community members to provide over 6,000 people per day with clean water.

Great Club with impressive projects meeting the community’s needs in many areas with great Sports and Youth-at-Risk programmes also! A Global Grant to follow hopefully. President Catinat, DG Jeremy and Rotarian Fitz sample the first batch!

September 2013


HAITI KNOWS HOW TO PARTY Boy - Haiti knows how to party! Wonderful night at the View Restaurant and Bar in Petion-ville: Cocktail party with all the Port au Prince area Rotary clubs under AG's Raphael Izmery and Dominique Bazin! Great fun, fellowship, food, dancing and a few too many "Rum Sours"! This country can definitely be great again and Rotary will have a key role to play in its resurgence.

Left above - Marie Petion Govain (President Port-au-Prince Champs de Mars Club), Michele, Jeremy, Marie Yolaine Bastien (President Port-au-Prince Club), Bob Tippenhauer (Petion-Ville Club), Antoine Rigaud (President Delmas-Aeroport Club), Jeran Baptiste Brown (President Petion-Ville Club) Wendy Adrien (President Rotaract Petion-Ville) At left - Jeremy, Jack-Guy (Petion-Ville), Georges (Petion-Ville), Marie Yolaine (Portau-Prince)

September 2013


Left above - Jeremy, Jack-Guy (Petion-Ville), Georges (Petion-Ville), Marie Yolaine (Port-au-Prince) Right above - Jeremy, Michelle, Nessim, Pascale and Raphael Some of Haiti's most senior Rotarians, PAG's Bob Tippenhauer and Nessim Izmery and PP Eddie Handal and "Famous" PDG Amos Durosier at the Port au Prince Club cocktail party with DG Jeremy Hurst

September 2013


Dear RI Caribbean Partnership Supporter: Greetings! Hope this finds you doing well. Our Caribbean Partnership Inc. has come a long way since we began 8 years ago. RI Director Anne and her predecessors have placed high priority to help the countries of the Caribbean and especially Haiti.   

Horace McCormack

This year, since July, 2010 through the Donor Advised Funds (DAF) over 6 million US dollars have been committed to Programs in Haiti and we have wire transferred over 3 million US dollars from our Caribbean Partnership, Inc. Treasury to Foundation approved projects for re-building Haiti. We will add to this total before this tenure is completed. THANK YOU for your contributions and efforts in building relations between our two zones that has brought us to where we are today. This is outstanding! We must keep this going!

Well, it's time again for another CP Celebration, and we would love for you to be there. This year’s events will be held at the Boca Raton, Resort and Country Club, Florida, September 89, 2013. We begin Sunday the 8th at 1:00 p.m. and end Monday the 9th at 3:00 p.m. Visit our website for more info: Please accept this as a special invitation to attend what promises to be an exciting and interesting event. Come and be a part of Fellowship and Networking Opportunities;  Project Opportunities  Learning how Rotary Foundation District and Global Grants can assist Partnered Clubs  Success Models for Effective Partnering  Caribbean and Haiti Updates  High profile presenters  Most of all, Great Entertainment! Yes, we make it FUN!! Your attendance will make the difference for a successful CP Celebration 2013. We encourage your strong support and assistance to help develop a good momentum for this event. Time is fast approaching so we ask that you register ASAP! Please take the time to click on the following links to register today!! Registration is only $150 per person and we have secured a great room rate of $98 per night. Please support this worthy cause! Website: Hotel: Contacts: Horace McCormack (703) 447-8637 Email: or Todd Drayton (954) 369-8667 Email: Thanks for supporting the Caribbean Partnership Program and see you there! Horace McCormack, PDG, Chairman, Caribbean Partnership Program (Zones 33-34) Rotary International

September 2013


Membership: By The Numbers Here are the 2012-13 Membership Reports for all the Districts in Zones 33 & 34 Zone 33 Membership Report 2012-13 Zone 34 Membership Report 2012-13

Membership Retention: Injecting Enthusiasm Haresh Ramchandani D-7020 A new Rotary year with a new theme: Engage Rotary, Change Lives. In light of our membership trends, the looming question is: Are Rotarians engaged? And if not, why not? Understanding the importance of engagement - the big question becomes: How do we create engagement? Click here to read or download full article

September 2013


Membership Resources: Rotary Club Central The Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs form has been replaced by Rotary Club Central, an online goal setting tool for clubs that is accessed by signing in at So how does Rotary Club Central assist us with our clubs and our districts? Click here to read or download full article

Club Success Story: Merging Clubs: Not Losing an Identity but Building Rotary Christopher Jones, PP, RC Fishhawk Riverview (D-6890)

Like many Rotary clubs, Riverview Rotary had been stable and steady. In existence for 12 years the club fell on hard times losing membership for various external reasons. Membership fell from 30 to 7 and the club lost critical mass. It's a problem for many small clubs - not enough energy is generated to attract new members. Nearby, the RC of FishHawk Bloomingdale had been in existence only a couple of years. Although they had a listed membership of 12, only 4 or 5 showed up to meetings or regularly participated. FishHawk Bloomingdale also had many members severely behind in dues - some had never paid since inception. Both clubs met Monday at noon about 10 miles apart. Click here to read or download full article

20 Answers to the Eternal Question: "Why Join Rotary?" Past Rotary International President Richard King (2001-02)

When someone asks you "why" they should join Rotary, do you have trouble answering? Click on the link below and you'll never have trouble with that question again. Here is a great tool to share with your entire club! 20 Answers to the Question "Why Join Rotary?"

Rotary: What's The Message? Are We Delivering It? Carlos Giraldo RPIC Z34

At RI's International Convention in Lisbon, past President Bill Boyd stated "Rotarians don't tell their story outside of Rotary often enough, which may be one of the reasons membership has not grown but stayed the same for a number of years." Boyd said we need to ask ourselves why we are losing members in so many countries and not receiving more donations from outside of Rotary. "Is there something wrong with our message or how we are delivering it?" Click here to read or download full article

September 2013


Rotaract Takes Center Stage Want to see what Rotaractors are doing to publicize their community service (and their clubs!!)? Watch D-7020 Rotaract Governor Julie Ramchandani as she does a great job of marketing Rotaract AND Rotary.... Click here to watch on Live TV


Many times there are unexpected outcomes from projects, and many times these outcomes create a fresh awareness. In 2009-2010, one of the goals set by District Governor Errol Alberga for District 7020 was to undertake a District project in Haiti. It was hoped that many clubs in the district would participate in the project. In addition to the funding from The Rotary Foundation and the Haiti DAF, the project also became a partnership of 20 individual Rotarians, 44 Rotary Clubs, 27 Rotaract Clubs and 3 Rotary Districts. So how did this happen? Click here to read or download full article

Rotary Community Corps Shaun Pennington, President, RC St. Thomas Sunrise (D-7020)

Rotary Community Corps has the same goal as any Rotary Club - Service above Self. But few of these Rotary International approved groups are as unique as Rockmen Rotary Community Corps. RRCC was the dream of the Rotary Club of St. Thomas Sunrise. The club wanted to engage the population that was being served by a unique, philanthropic organization dedicated to providing useful job skills to a population of young people who had moved away from the main stream - or maybe never entered it through no fault of their own. Click here to read or download full article

New Generations Notes Diana White ARC Z34 Junior Rotary Program: Is there an EarlyAct, Rotakids, YouthAct or similar in your District? If so, you may be interested to know that RI will be forming an Ad Hoc committee to study RI recognition of a new or existing program, taking into consideration: a. b. c. d. e.

proposed program name recommended age range of participants common purpose and goals minimum policies strong Rotary brand

Click here to read or download full article

September 2013


Celebration/Activity Date Attendance Report Due

3rd of the month

Club Charter Celebrations

September 2013

West Nassau, Bahamas

September 2, 1970

Port Antonio, Jamaica

September 8, 1970

St. Andrew, Jamaica

September 8, 2966

St. Croix Harborside, USVI

September 10, 1996

Jacmel, Haiti

September 12, 1984

Downtown Kingston, Jamaica

September 21, 1982

St. Thomas, USVI

October 2, 1957

Montego Bay Sunrise, Jamaica

October 9, 2008

Port au Prince/Champs de Mars, Haiti

October 21, 2009

St. Thomas East, USVI

October 22, 1986

St. Croix USVI

October 25, 1958

Cap Haitien, Haiti

October 26, 1979

Grand Cayman Central, Cayman Islands

October 30, 1986

St. Thomas Sunrise, USVI

November 3, 2003

Ocho Rios East, Jamaica

November 16, 2001

Ocho Rios, Jamaica

November 20, 1968

Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos

November 22, 2005


From Page 14 of The Rotarian, August issue

PRID BARRY RASSIN – RECOGNIZED WITH ORDER OF MALTA Bahamian Rotarian, Barry Rassin has been recognized by The Order Of Malta with the award of the Grand Cross for his humanitarian work, both at home in The Bahamas and abroad. The award, which was made during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, is the highest that can be bestowed upon an individual and is given in recognition of outstanding charitable works in line with the goals which The Order of Malta has held for over nine hundred years. The Order was founded in the eleventh century to help the poor and the sick. From humble beginnings in a hospital in Jerusalem it has since grown to become a worldwide organisation consisting of some 12,000 members and over 100,000 volunteers, young and old, dedicated to the promotion of the Christian virtues of charitable works for the sick, the needy and refugees without distinction of religion or race. It is one of the world’s oldest religious orders, the core of which has always been its Knights in religious vows. It is also the world’s oldest continuously existing order of chivalry and is a sovereign entity with its own, small, legal and court system. In 1920 the Grand Cross, or Order Pro Merito, was established to recognise distinguished individuals for their charitable works. Mr. Rassin, who joined the Rotary Club of East Nassau in 1980 and served as club president in 1987-88, District Governor in 1991-92 and as a director of Rotary International from 2006-2008 received the award for his years dedicated to the Rotary motto of Service Above Self. In making the presentation, Frank Crothers, the Sovereign Order of Malta’s ambassador to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, drew special attention to Rotary’s work in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and Mr. Rassin’s role in those ongoing efforts when “on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 4:57pm a devastating earthquake registering 7.0 on the Richter Scale ravaged Haiti at the centre of its population, Port au Prince, and surrounding areas resulting in an estimated 316,000 deaths, 1.2 million people being made homeless and 400,000 children being orphaned.”

September 2013


“Rotarians stepped up within hours to assist. Co-ordinated by Past Governor Richard McCombe, 169 flights were sent in with supplies as designated by Dr. Claude Surena, Rotary’s chair of disaster relief in Haiti. Further containers of supplies worth many, many millions of dollars, all collected by Rotarians, were shipped in the weeks following the earthquake.” To date there have been eighty-two projects undertaken by Rotary in Haiti since the earthquake, many of them still ongoing and all of which have been managed by Mr. Rassin. These include a generator for a super kitchen to feed 4,000 people per day, a $250,000 cholera prevention project, a Jaipur Limb project to provide artificial limbs for amputees, water and sanitation projects ,including the building of a 200,000 gallon reservoir and 106 toilets, a midwife training project, the building of 40 schools and provision of supplies to a further 22 schools resulting in 29,526 children being able to resume studies, the building of three bridges to help communities access civilization and a microcredit programme to boost the local economy. Donations totaling $2.2 million have been received from thousands of Rotarians and Rotary Clubs from 60 countries around the world. Under the management of Mr. Rassin, these funds were used as leverage to gain additional funding from other Rotary districts and non-Rotary organisations, including The Order of Malta, resulting in a total of $6.5 million being raised to aid the rebuilding of Haiti. In addition to this, the Rotary International Foundation has provided a total of 49 matching grants with a value of $1,489,494. Mr. Crothers emphasised that, due to the way in which Rotary operates, “not a single dollar of these funds has gone to administrative costs”. The latest project starting this year, which is still in need of further funding, will be to completely rebuild an orphanage in Tapio that lost everything during the earthquake. This project, which was started with seed money from The Order of Malta, will cost approximately $382,000. In concluding the presentation, Frank Crothers said: “The work done by the Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas and Rotary International through the direction of Mr. Barry Rassin has been noted and reviewed by the Sovereign Military Council of The Order of Malta and, on behalf of His Highness The Prince and Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing and the Sovereign Council, I am honoured to bestow upon Mr. Rassin the Grand Cross of The Order of Malta and its accompanying star for his tireless work to serve his fellow man.”

We are pleased to announce that the 9th Annual West Africa Project Fair is being held in Togo, West Africa in October 2013. This Fair brings Rotarians from around the world to an annual event featuring club humanitarian projects from 15 Sub-Saharan West African nations. Rotarians from your zone(s) are invited to travel to Togo to share friendship and fellowship, discover partnership opportunities to support projects in the West African region, and participate in workshops focused on projects in Africa. Attending the West Africa Project Fair is a life-altering experience. Events fostering intercultural exchange, fellowship, and knowledge building are scheduled during the week of the fair including site seeing, cultural shows, Rotary Foundation seminars, roundtable service and development discussions, project site visits, and an exhibit of regional projects seeking international partners. View a detailed program description and visit to register.

September 2013


A trip has been organized for Rotarians from North America to make it easier to attend the event and to add special elements to the program that are not part of the fair. The program includes participation in a one-day polio immunization exercise, a hands-on service project, and attendance at the 9th Annual West Africa Project Fair. For more information about this opportunity, please contact PDG Brad Howard ( or visit It is our hope that Rotarians from your region will be inspired to attend the Fair, select one or two of the prequalified projects to support, and bring back new partnerships to their clubs. Not only will your representatives be offering significant project support, they will also enjoy a profound “Rotary Moment�. Space on this trip is limited! Please announce this program in your zone(s) over the next month and include information on your website, social media pages, newsletter, and encourage Rotarians to embark on a life-altering trip while representing Zone(s) 34. Best wishes for a successful Rotary year,

Rotary Service Connections +1.847.866.4487

All of Zones 33 and 34 should be proud to see our director, RIVP Anne Matthews, on the cover of the September Rotarian, which includes a really nice article about her.

September 2013


Be a part of History! Contribute to the Rotary Foundation and attend Zone 34’s Million Dollar Dinner Vice President Anne Matthews, Endowment/Major Gift Advisor PDG Bill Woulfin and Major Gift Officer Debra Lowe are proud to announce that on February 8, 2014, Zone 34 will hold its first ever Million Dollar Dinner. Rotary International President Ron Burton will be the keynote speaker as we celebrate the generosity of our Zone’s Rotarians whose major gift contributions and Bequest Society commitments to The Rotary Foundation during the period of 1 July 2013 and 1 March 2014 enable us to achieve our goal of raising One Million Dollars in outright and legacy gifts to support of the great work of The Rotary Foundation. This Zone-wide event will be only the second dinner of its type held in the Rotary World. The first will be held in our neighboring Zone 33 in October, 2013. District 6960, led by Governor Tim Milligan and District Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Steve Schlueter have graciously agreed to host what is certain to be a spectacular evening. The event will be held at a soon-to-be announced venue in the Sarasota area; information regarding accommodations will also be forthcoming. All donors making a new outright Major Gift or Major Gift Pledge to The Rotary Foundation in the amount of $10,000 or greater or every donor who makes a new or increased Bequest Society commitment in the amount of $10,000 or greater will be invited to attend this historic event. For additional information on how you can help make history in Zone 34 while supporting The Rotary Foundation contact your District Rotary Foundation team members: Or: Endowment/Major Gift Advisor Bill Woulfin Phone: (404) 542-8626|Email: Rotary Foundation Major Gift Officer Debra Lowe Phone: 407-846-0610|Email:

September 2013


ARE YOU READY? District 7020's unique program, Club of the Month, begins again this in August. The program, aimed at encouraging clubs to celebrate the RI monthly theme and to exchange ideas between clubs which lead to greater service to their communities and to their members. August is Membership Month, typically this month produces a high level of participation from clubs throughout the District. While the judges are required to select winners, in reality all clubs which submit entries are winners. Taking the time to celebrate each monthly theme and to record and share the club activities illustrates a significant level of caring about the efforts of Rotarians. The team of judges as well as the steering committee thank you all for the passion with which you have participated in past years and look forward to reading about your successes this coming year. Program Details and the Submission Templates are attached at the end of the newsletter! Diana White Program Chair

Êtes-vous prêt au défi? Le programme unique de District 7020, le Club du mois commence ce mois-ci pour l'année 2013-2014. Le programme vise à encourager les clubs à célébrer le thème mensuel du RI et d'échanger des idées qui conduisent à un meilleur service aux communautés et aux membres. Août est le mois de l'adhésion, en général ce mois-ci produit un niveau élevé de participation de nos clubs. Alors que les juges sont tenus de sélectionner les gagnants, en réalité, tous les clubs qui soumettent les entrées sont gagnants. Prendre le temps de célébrer chaque thème et d'enregistrer et de partager les activités du club montre un niveau important de se soucier des efforts des Rotariens. L'équipe des juges ainsi que le comité de pilotage Merci à tous pour la passion avec laquelle vous avez participé au cours des dernières années et nous nous réjouissons à la lecture de vos succès cette année à venir. S'il vous plaît cliquer ici pour les liens vers les détails du programme et le modèle de présentation. Nous sommes impatients de vous entendre! Diana White Président du programme

NOTE: The templates and further information are attached at the end of this newsletter.

September 2013


HEALTH CONCERNS IN D-7020 ‌from the Daily Herald PHILIPSBURG--Health Minister Cornelius de Weever has declared a dengue epidemic in the country, following the recording of five or more confirmed cases over the past two weeks. A total of 101 cases have been recorded for the first seven months of this year (January to July). Authorities are calling on the community to take measures to stem the breeding of mosquitoes. In response to the increase of dengue numbers, vector control activities have been stepped up by the Ministry; prompt response to the search of yards and gardens for mosquito breeding sites; stepped up media campaign; fogging activity is also planned as part of this response and will commence as soon as possible, once all logistics are in place, it was stated in a press release. "Fogging activity is kept to a minimum in order to prevent the mosquito population from developing immunity to the chemicals that are deployed, and therefore is only used when really necessary," it was stated in the release. "The most effective way to eliminate and/or keep the mosquito population at bay is for every member of the community taking their own personal responsibility and making sure that their yards and surroundings are kept clean by following the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health." Residents with dengue fever symptoms are asked to consult with their family physician who can then refer them to the laboratory for a test to determine if they have dengue or not, and give proper advice to ensure a healthy recovery, avoiding other health risks. Dengue symptoms include high fever, severe headache, backache, joint and eye pain, nausea, vomiting, and rash. Once a person has developed a fever, the infectious period lasts for about a week. Most people recover without any complications, using pain relievers, liquid intake (preferably water or juice) and bed rest. Persons should avoid self-medication and consult their physician. Section General Health Care (SGHC) is calling on the population to take daily action to eliminate mosquito-breeding opportunities around their home and workplace. "On a daily basis, check containers such as buckets and water tanks for larvae and eliminate the breeding source. Water tanks should be properly secured and screened to prevent mosquitoes from entering. If there aren't any containers with water for mosquitoes to lay their larvae, there won't be any adult mosquitoes," it was stated in the release. Dengue Fever is transmitted by the female vector Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is distinguished by its markings. The body of the mosquito has alternate black and white horizontal stripes. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito lays her eggs in clear (clean) stagnant water. Within eight days the mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg, to larvae to pupae and to adult mosquito. "Even after you have cleaned-up your yard and surroundings, it is recommended for persons to walk around their surroundings on a weekly basis, and after every rain event to eliminate all possible breeding sites." Minister of Public Health Cornelius de Weever's “Get Checkedâ€? campaign, is in line with the urgent appeal for residents and business owners to check in and around their homes and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and making them mosquito-free zones. "SHGC is urgently calling on the community, especially homeowners to be proactive in implementing mosquito preventive measures on their own property in order to prevent vector borne diseases. Persons are urgently recommended to keep their homes, yards, neighbourhoods, open lots and work environment free from mosquito breeding sites," it was stated in the release.

September 2013


"Mobilize family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to collectively take actions to eliminate mosquito-breeding sources. Homeowners can reduce the number of areas where adult mosquitoes can find shelter by cutting down weeds adjacent to the house foundation and in their yards, and mowing the lawn regularly. "On a daily basis, check plants in your yard for mosquito breeding sites, keep vegetation properly trimmed and avoid overgrown vegetation. Check around construction sites or do-it-yourself improvements to ensure that proper backfilling and grading is realized to prevent drainage problems, which can be a source for standing water. When out during dusk and dawn hours, use mosquito repellent or wear proper clothing to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. An increase in the mosquito population puts all residences and businesses at risk."

September 2013


September 2013



Celebration of Youth Month – Formerly New Generations International Literacy Day

Sunday, September 8 Caribbean Partnership Celebration 2013

Two days of celebration of the partnerships of the Rotary clubs of the mainland and the islands in Zones 33 & 34. Sunday, September 8 and Monday, September 9 Boca Raton, Florida, USA International Day of Peace

September 21, 2013 October

Vocational Service Month November

The Rotary Foundation Month World Interact Week

Week of November 5 December

Family of Rotary Month

September 2013


The Importance of Social Media Ken Guiste, Social Media Chair

Web-based platform with a focus on social networks and building relationships Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey. By July 2006, the social networking site was launched. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 500 million registered users as of 2012, generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day. Since its launch, Twitter has become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet, and has been described as "the SMS (short messaging service) of the Internet." Unregistered users can read tweets, while registered users can post tweets through the website interface, SMS, or a range of apps for mobile devices. While the service is free, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees. Twitter has changed its logo three times since its inception from



Tweets are publicly visible by default, but senders can restrict message delivery to just their followers. Users can tweet via the Twitter website. Twitter for Business or Rotary Twitter is an unbelievable resource for businesses or your Rotary Club to grow their audiences, increase traffic and generate more leads. With over 400 million tweets a day and 200 million active users, people tune into Twitter to bring them closer to the things they care about. You should look to have at least a personal profile and a separate one for your business or Rotary Club too! Having a great Rotary Club profile gives your brand credibility on social media. Some best practices to be awesome on Twitter include writing good tweets, sharing relevant and interesting content. Signing Up First off, pick a username for your Twitter 'handle.' Make it short and sweet and preferably identifiable to you or your Rotary Club. Refrain from picking any silly names unless you're starting a parody account that is. Next you'll want to add your bio information with a little bit about your Rotary Club and its interests to help people get to know more about your club and whether they'd like to follow you. You can also include your location, website link and an avatar image which is a picture that will show up on your profile and next to all your tweets. Add some styling to your page with a neat background image, cover photo and theme colors. Visit and once there click on the link on the top right hand corner called New to Twitter? Join Today.

September 2013


September 2013


ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MARTIN SUNRISE ‌submitted by Martha Pouchie

Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise assists Stray Dogs Initiative Philipsburg, July29, 2013: Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise is making good on their promise, the service organization made a presentation of a check to Elizabeth Reitz, who is currently caring for some 80 stray dogs at her home in Cul-de-Sac. At left - Sunrise Rotary Secretary Virginia Asin, Ms.Elizabeth Reitz with check donation, and President Angela Gordon. Ms. Reitz, who has been caring for the stray animals for several years now, was quite happy that the organization came to her assistance, as it cost her approximately four thousand ($4000) dollars on a monthly basis to care for the dogs. Expressing gratitude, Ms. Reitz explained why it was so important for her to be engaged in helping with so many dogs, who would be left to suffer. President of the Sunrise Rotary Club, Angela Gordon also explained why the club felt it was important for the organization to be assisting Ms. Reitz. As a service club they look to see where the most need is in the community. The assistance to the animal lover was a typical example of that. The club is asking any businesses who may be interested in supporting this cause to contact any of the club members for further information. ‌

September 2013


Philipsburg, August 6, 2013: The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise welcomed as Guest Speaker at their weekly breakfast meeting the founder and President of the KeLaHa Projects Foundation Keoma Hamer and Secretary Mireya Ostiana. The topic discussed was “Cervical Cancer and HPV Awareness� Ms. Hammer also mentioned that the aim of the foundation is to bring social change within the community by meeting the basic needs of the people by providing educational initiatives, youth development programs and health care awareness. Their mission is to serve as a bridge that connects partnering companies and individuals to the needs of the community by inspiring, informing, and enabling people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. The members of the Sunrise Rotary will be organizing a future meeting with Ms. Hamer to continue the discussion that was well received by the membership. The Sunrise Rotary would like to thank Ms. Keoma Hamer and Mrs. Mireya Ostiana for speaking at our breakfast meeting. At left: Sunrise Rotary President Angela Gordon, Guest Speaker Keoma Hamer and Mireya Ostiana from the Kelaha Projects Foundation

ROTARY CLUB OF NASSAU ..submittd by LaPaige Gardiner

The Rotary Club of Nassau inducted two new members: Lana Munnings-Basalyga and Delisa Duncanson. As females, these new members helped to expand diversity in our club which is presently 68% male. Additionally one new classification was added that was not previously represented; i.e., Medical/Pharmaceutical Supplier.

Left above - Rotarian Wanda Dean, Inductee Delisa Duncanson, President LaPaige Gardiner & Inductee Lana Munnings-Basalyga. Right above - New member kit being presented to Rotarian Lana by Sponsor President LaPaige

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At left above - New Member kit being presented to Rotarian Delisa by her Sponsor Rotarian Wanda. At right above - Club Motivator, PP Cornel conducting member engagement session Rotary Club of Nassau member and PP Cornel Collins has been appointed by President LaPaige as the club's motivator. During the first motivational session, PP Cornel challenged members to think about why they joined Rotary and to consider whether they are serving in that particular capacity. He reminded members what it meant to be a Rotarian at heart; that is, one who participates in the organization's work at all levels (club & community) and contributes to its growth and productivity - rather than a Rotarian by name which is one who merely attends meetings to have lunch and fails to become involved. Members were asked to complete a survey and provide their feedback on how they feel about various aspects of the club: Leadership, involvement, what would they like to see improved, their level of involvement and what factors are a deterrent. President LaPaige added additional words of encouragement. The goal of this session is to encourage member involvement and indicate what we can do better as a club.

Above - Rotarians and friends of Rotary gather at Rotary Club of Nassau’s First Friday social

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ROTARY CLUB OF WEST NASSAU Board of Directors for 2013-14

Pictured front row from left: Barron Ferguson – 2nd Vice President, Arthur Chase-Secretary, Jeffrey Kerr – Immediate Past President, Carleton Blair – President, Delric Beneby-1st Vice President, Brendon Watson- Rotary Foundation Director, Michael Hepburn-Sergeant –at-Arms, Bismark Coakley-Advisor Pictured back row from left: Caldwell Pratt-Treasurer, Philip Beneby-Membership Director, Eric Lopez-New Generation Director, Ken Lam – Advisor, Harry Kemp – Community Service Director, William Wong – Special Projects Director. Missing from photo: Pat Strachan – Public Relations Director and Whittington Brown – Club Administration Director

New Member

On Thursday, July 25th, The Rotary Club of West Nassau inducted its newest member, Valdez C. Ferguson. He was sponsored by Rotarian PP Bismark Coakley. Valdez Ferguson is a Technical Manager with expertise in Television Production and Programming. In the past 15 years, he has worked in the Media industry. He was first introduced to the industry through the Technical Cadet Programme during his senior years of high school. Upon graduating from high school, he was employed at the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas where he acquired a deeper appreciation of the field. He then decided to go off to become a qualified professional at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, where he graduated in 1999 with an Associate of Science Degree in Video Production. Valdez returned to the BCB following graduation and in

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February 2003, he joined the team at Cable 12 as their first Cameraman. Since then, he has gained extensive experience and skills in Television Production. Mr. Ferguson also has been afforded the opportunity to create and work on projects locally, such as NB12 News, My Five Cents, The Year End Review, The Tradegy at Sea, and numerous other events througout the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. His expertise has not been limited to just here in the Bahamas, but he has also worked at Caricom Heads of Government, Haiti/Bahamas Talks. When not working, Valdez assists with personal charitable projects arranged by his family. He enjoys travelling, boating, grilling and assisting with community focused events. Valdez attends St. George’s Anglican Church and is a member of the church’s ACM. He is the only son of the late Cynthia Ferguson and Calvin Ferguson.

Captain Randy Butler Addresses the Club Sky Bahamas Airlines Ltd. President & CEO Captain Randy Butler addressed the Rotary Club of West Nassau on the topic “Aviation Taxes”. The meeting was held at the Poop Deck Restaurant at Sandyport At left - Rotarian Owen Wells, Captain Randy Butler &President Carleton Blair

Poop Deck Eagles Golf Club Give to Rotary On Thursday July 18, The Poop Deck Eagles Golf Club donated $5,000.00 to the Rotary Club of West Nassau. The donation was made by Freddie Lightbourn, a member of the Club and owner of the Poop Deck Restaurant at Sandyport. Present at the donation was Past Assistant District Governor Brendon Watson, Rotary Club of West Nassau President Carleton Blair, Past District Governor Barry Rassin, Past District Governor John Robertson and members from the Rotary Club of West Nassau. The Poop Deck Eagles Golf Club was started in 2004 as a small group of guys with a vision to not only enjoy the game of golf, but to do a little something to make a difference in our community. Their first Charity Tournament was played in 2006 with great success. With lots of help from their corporate friends, and the inclusion of female members, The Poop Deck Eagles have become one of the more diverse and benevolent golf groups in the Bahamas. With the proceeds of last year’s tournament, they are pleased to note that they will have assisted local charities and youth organizations with over $245,000.00. The Eagles have been very fortunate to have some very generous corporate friends over the years who have made this all possible. Special Thanks to the sponsors of the 2012 Charity Golf Tournament Title Sponsors: Commonwealth Bank Ltd. & Wendy’s Restaurants Ltd. Platinum Sponsors: Avis Car Rental, Baha Mar, Bahamas Air, Bahamas Airport Advertising, Bahamas Food Services, Bahamas Tourism Channel, Bahamas Wholesale Agencies, Custom Fenestration, Heineken, KFC- Restaurants Bahamas, KPMG, Orion Exports, The d’Albenas Agencies, The Mosko Group, The Poop Deck @ Sandyport, and the Movi Group. Gold Sponsors: Doctors Hospital Ltd., Downsview of Dania, Electro Telecom, Executive Motors – Toyota, Insurance Management Ltd. and Real Stone & Granite Ltd., and Roger & Sky Chow How.

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Silver Sponsors: Bahamas Local, Bahamas Supply Air Conditioning, Coco Cola, Cycles Unlimited, Easy Car Sales, Glinton-Sweeting-O’Brien, Island FM, John Bull, J.P. Daliwhal, Liquid Courage, New Providence Development, Paint Suppliers, Premix Bahamas, RSP Development, Union Bancaire Privee and Winterbotham Trust. Bronze Sponsors: American Export Co., Bell Industries, Cliff Petford & Joanne Dods, Dr. John Louis & Family, Island Wear, Island Wholesale, Olives Meze Grill, Lightbourn Trading, Marcello Zenelli, Nautilus Water, Sherwin Williams Paint, The Paint Place, Thompson Trading and Western Hardware. 2013 Executive Members Chairman & Tour Director – Ian Howard, Captain Scott Mackenzie, Vice-Captain Cliff Petford, Treasurer – Bob Davidowski, Secretary-John Way, Tournament Director-Larry Black, Handicap Director-Krystal Mackenzie, Charity Tournament Director-Toni Aranha, Sponsor/HostFrederick Lightbourn – Poop Deck @ Sandyport

At right - Freddie Lightbourn, PADG Brendon Watson, PDG and PRID Barry Rassin, PDG John Robertson, and President Carleton Blair

PATRICK ADIZUA APPOINTED COUNTRY FOUNDATION CHAIR FOR JAMAICA Congratulations to PAG Dr. Patrick Adizua from Rotary Club of Mandeville for his appointment as Country Foundation Chair for Jamaica. His expertise in the Foundation and especially in designing and implementing Grants will be invaluable for the Jamaica Clubs. Throughout 2013/14 the District is looking to appoint Area/Country Chairs for Public Image, Membership, Foundation, Youth Service (New Generations) and Disaster as part of its aim to help provide enhanced local support for clubs alongside their AG's. AG's have been asked to nominate qualified individuals for these positions, which could act as a stepping stone to future District leadership positions. So if you are interested and qualified - let your AG know!

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ROTARY E-CLUB OF THE CARIBBEAN, 7020 Serving the World - Connecting with the Caribbean If you need a make-up, join us at

Our E-Club was officially chartered on August 12, 2013. We had already successfully completed our first project, even though we were still a provisional club. We are partnered as well with the Rotary E-Club of District 9220 in Mauritius. We are on our way to great things!

We offer flexibility from the normal physical club. Many Rotarians these days travel or have busy schedules that prevent them from attending a regular meeting during the week. We offer the flexibility to maintain the excellent participation, networking, and fellowship – and we do it on your own schedule. The best things about our E-club?   

Flexibility of meeting time – at any time during the week, according to your own schedule Low cost. We don’t have additional dinner costs every week – so we are a real “bargain” for our members. (Drinks are on the house – your house!) Our annual dues are only $200. We believe you will be very much fulfilled as a Rotarian in this exciting medium.

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ROTARY CLUB OF ST. THOMAS ‌submitted by Daphne Harley

Installation of its 56th President, Heflyn Royer, and 2013-2014 Board of Directors On July 11, 2013, THE Rotary Club of St. Thomas Installed new leadership at its weekly Luncheon held at Room With a View Restaurant at Bluebeard's Castle. Outgoing President, Sue Boland, turned over the gavel to Assistant District Governor, Michael Toussaint, who had the honor of installing the club's incoming 56th President, Heflyn Royer. She is the Manager of Purchasing & Administration at Hunter Foods, and has been a Rotarian for almost 10 years, having served the club as Treasurer for many of those years. President Royer asked the club membership to join her in supporting the club’s existing avenues of service and taking them to even higher levels. With our collective help, she expects the Club to deliver service consistent with Rotary International's Theme for this Rotary year which is "Engage Rotary, Change Lives". President Heflyn is supported in her role by a stellar Board of Directors and Officers who were also sworn in at the luncheon.

At left - Hidden from view are Sue Boland & Paul Doumeng. Pictured Terry Robinson, Sandra Castorena (pink dress). Middle: Heflyn Royer. On Right: Erik Ackerson, Anna Paiewonsky, Bernard Roy, Marston Winkles, Daphne Harley.

The Rotary Club of St. Thomas announces its 2013 Columbus Day Raffle to benefit the Club's Scholarship Fund. Tickets are now on sale; $10/ticket or, a Book of 11 tickets for $100. 1st Prize

10' 4" Achilles Rigid Hull Inflatable HB-315X with Mercury 9.8 HP Engine. Courtesy of Caribbean Inflatable Boats & Liferafts, Inc.

2nd Prize

Heavenly Days Catamaran Private Charter for 48, STT/STJ Snorkel or Courtesy of Bolongo Bay Beach Resort

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Sunset Sail.


3rd Prize

Weekend for 2 at The Palms at Pelican Cove, with RT airfare to STX. Courtesy of The Palms at Pelican Cove

4th Prize

Old Town Twister single person Kayak with integral seat back, + paddle. Courtesy of SBS Group

5th Prize

$500.00 Courtesy of Merchants Commercial Bank Drawing will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2013. "Need not be present to Win"

All Club Members have tickets, and Rotarians like below will be selling tickets at Tutu Park Mall every Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., until the October 10th drawing. Buy a Book of Tickets, Help Educate a student, Improve our Community & WIN a Prize! A True Win-Win!!

My Brother’s Workshop Scott Bradley of My Brother’s Workshop spoke to Rotarians at the weekly meeting on Thursday July 25. The local non-profit organization provides trade skills to troubled youth in carpentry, masonry, electrical and plumbing. Recent additions to the program include tutoring and GED classes. Scott, who has spoken to this Club before returned to thank the Club for their generous support and to share one of the success stories. Two students who are completing the carpentry program are forming their own furniture making business! The students/entrepreneurs Latoi and Timythie were also present. Scott will continue to mentor and support them, and encouraged Rotarians to consider them for any small projects they may need. He also shared photographs of some of the recent projects the students have completed like building Dining Room Tables, Chess Tables, a podium and a raffle drawing barrel, the last two which were commissioned by local Rotary Clubs, as well as roof work being done at their new location, the former Nursery near Plaza Extra. He credits Rotarians for the financial support enabling them to obtain needed tools for the students to use. In the photo - Heflyn Royer, Club President; Latoi Hedrington, Timythie Charles and Scott Bradley of My Brothers Workshop)

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ROTARY CLUB OF CHAMP DE MARS, HAITI From Lori Freeman, President 2013-14 Rotary Club of Tallahassee Sunset Facebook page: TLHSunsetRotary Website:

We appreciate the support we are receiving from everyone and the Rotary Club of Champ De Mars. We are looking forward to learning from the community of Dumay and sharing in fellowship and partnership with the Rotary Club of Champ de Mars. I am sad to say that I will not be on this trip. However, our Tallahassee Sunset Rotary team, Shawn Hamm, Debbie Williams and Elizabeth Chambers would be honored to meet you. The team arrives in Port-au-Prince on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Please contact our team leader and International Service Chair Shawn Hamm if you would like to meet on Saturday and he will do his best to make it happen. Here is a summary of our project and activities that are planned. We have purchased (60) water filtration systems to be distributed in and around the community of Dumay. Here is the website of Sawyer Products, the company we purchased the filtration systems from The website will show details about the filtration systems and how they work.

Our Measures of Success for this project are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Develop/Establish a Community Water Council of Dumay for sustainability and community empowerment. Train Community Water Council of Dumay on the effective operation of filters so that community members can use them as future references once our team has departed. Community education on clean water, sanitation and hygiene. Distribution of (60) water filtration systems and training of community members with guidance by the Community Water Council of Dumay. Complete additional water testing of community well water before and after filtration to show impact of systems. Complete a community needs assessment for potential future projects with the community.

Here is our current itinerary for the trip: Saturday, August 10 - Arrive in Port-au-Prince Airport, Haiti at 9:00AM. We are being picked up by Pastor Nathan of the Bethel Foundation of Croix du Bouquet/Dumay. He is our main contact as a community leader in Dumay. Our team is available to meet DG Jeremy sometime that morning if his schedule allows. Pastor Nathan could drive us to a meeting place of DG Jeremy's choice. Otherwise, our plan is to drive directly to Dumay in the morning to begin project activities. Sunday, August 11 - Community education, development and training on water filtration systems. Project activities in Dumay and surrounding communities. Monday, August 12 - Project activities in Dumay and surrounding communities. Potentially a trip to US Embassy in PAP. Samuel Darguin of Champ de Mars Club to travel to Dumay to visit our team and discuss current water project and future projects with our partnering clubs. Tuesday, August 13 - Project activities in Dumay and surrounding communities. Wednesday, August 14 - Project activities in Dumay and surrounding communities. Attending Rotary Club of PAP, Champ De Mars Club Meeting at 5:30PM in PAP (Samuel Darguin will provide transportation for our team). Thursday, August 15 - Project activities in Dumay and surrounding communities. Friday, August 16 - Finalize project activities in Dumay. Saturday, August 17 - Depart from PAP at 10:00AM.

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Your Support! The total project budget is $3600 and Rotary District 6940 has awarded us a grant for half of the total project costs, leaving the remaining $1,800 unfunded. We are in the process of raising these additional funds and we sincerely appreciate your assistance and support as we implement these life-changing systems. Please let us know if you are interested in opportunities to partner with the Rotary Club of Tallahassee Sunset as we continue to work with the residents of Dumay.

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With Rotaractors, the club provides community-service Rotary Club Port-au-Prince/Champ de Mars distributed 50,000 condoms and 3,000 face masks during the Carnaval des Fleurs from July 28 to 30 and motivated Haitian people against HIV/AIDS

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ROTARY CLUB OF ST. THOMAS EAST …submitted by Fiona Stuart

In July the Rotary Club of St. Thomas East, US Virgin Islands installed its new President Fiona Stuart and officers. In the photo are Corinne van Renssalaer, Fiona Stuart, ADG Michael Toussaint, Patsy Breunlin, Paul Cater Deaton, Marty Culverhouse and Michele Cervo.

ROTARY CLUB OF LIGUANEA PLAINS, JAMAICA RCLP donates medical equipment to the Victoria Jubilee Hospital. The Rotary Club of Liguanea Plains (RCLP), handed over medical equipment valued at $3 million to the Victoria Jubilee Hospital (VJH) at a ceremony held on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 on the Hospital compound in Kingston. Included in the equipment donated were 42 Pulse Oximeters and 14 patient monitors which records patient's ECG and monitors their heart rate and rhythms. The equipment was donated by Jamaican, Mr. Paul Robinson, of Tuffs Medical Hospital in Boston, Ma. President of RCLP, Vinton King, in his address noted that the donated equipment will be of significant value to the persons who seek care at the medical facility as critical care is extremely important. Map at left shows location of Liguanea Plains.

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Chairman of the South-East Regional Health Authority (SEHRA), Mr. Lyttleton Shirley, also expressed his appreciation to the Club for seizing the opportunity to get the equipment donated and handling the logistics. In thanking and recognizing the Club’s efforts, he affirmed his commitment that the equipment will be well utilized as they take care of critical patients.

At the handing over ceremony were Assistant District Governor Donovan Brown; President, Rotary Club of Liguanea Plains, Vinton King; Chairman of the South-East Regional Health Authority (SEHRA), Mr. Lyttleton Shirley; Matron, Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Valerie Taylor Smalling; Acting Regional Director, SEHRA, Mark Martin; Acting Senior Medical Officer at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Dr. Courtney Palmer; and Chief Executive Officer, Victoria Jubilee Hospital/ Kingston Public Hospital, Beulah Stevens. Special thanks to Rotarian Sandra Josephs who, cognizant of the need for medical equipment in Jamaica, brokered the donation on behalf of RCLP. Thanks also to the following Rotarians who went out in support of the event, President Elect Patrick Evelyn, Past President Winston Barnes, Past President Astley Jones, Past President Nadia Edwards, Treasurer Vivianne Lawrence and Rotarian Priscilla Gordon.

ROTARY CLUB OF GRAND CAYMAN SUNRISE GETTING TO KNOW YOU Born in George Town, Grand Cayman to Bracker parents, Dorothy Scott Crumbley grew up on Selkirk Drive when it was simply known as "Red Bay Road" or the "road Dr. Hetley lives on" or the "Sailing Club Road", depending on the audience. Dorothy is an honours graduate of the local John Gray High School and The United World College of the American West in Montezuma, New Mexico and earned a dual honours degree in Anthropology and Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a post graduate diploma in legal practice with commendation from the College of Law, London. Dorothy is an attorney at law and notary public and, with 9 years' of post qualification experience in hedge fund formation and advisory work, is currently employed as a senior counsel at Walkers. She regularly advises fund managers, institutions and corporate trustees on all aspects of investment fund formation, including structuring, re-structuring and on-going advisory work. Dorothy is also a former member of the Walkers' trainee committee and was responsible for establishing the firm's highly competitive summer legal internship programme for law students. Dorothy was the charter president of the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman and prior to that was a past president of the Commonwealth Youth Club. During its inaugural year under her leadership, the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman won the District 7020 Rotaract Club of the Year Award, received a Rotary International Presidential Citation and Dorothy was named District 7020 Rotaractor of the Year. Dorothy was the first Cayman Assistant District Rotaract Representative, spearheaded the first District 7020 RYLA held in Cayman in April 2007, and was on the leadership committees of the first Caribbean RYLA which was held in Guyana in April 2008 and the first RYLA North America which was held in Washington DC in July 2009.

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Dorothy is a member of First Baptist Church and is a former foster parent of a special needs teenager. Her current civic responsibilities include acting as the chairperson of the National Drug Council and she was recently appointed as a member of the Civil Services Appeals Commission. Dorothy is a former Cayman Scholar Award recipient, the islands' most prestigious academic award, and was a finalist in the 2008 Young Caymanian Leadership Awards. Dorothy and Victor were married on 2 January 2010 and promptly took a 3 year sabbatical from all things Rotaract and Rotary to focus their attention on their foster child. Now with an empty nest, Dorothy is eager to re-engage with Rotary and the wider community. For fun, Dorothy enjoys avoiding doing the dishes, planning her next dream vacation and engaging in a little multigenerational sibling rivalry with her rambunctious two year old twin brothers, Jafeth and Jonathan.

Truly Service Above Self …submitted by Director Gina McBryan It was a Friday night in early July when this situation occurred. The Island Living show was wrapping up in its last hour and our Rotary Sunrise raffle table was set up outside for anyone who wanted to purchase a ticket. I was left alone after being accompanied by Rotarian Ian and President JD just up to that point. It was getting dark and as I could feel the mosquitos starting on their evening feast I thought to myself “was it worth it to stay”. I debated packing it up and calling it a night. After all, how many more tickets would I likely sell within the last hour on a Friday anyways? It wasn’t but 5 minutes later when a young and unfamiliar face walked up to me at the table. Mattew introduced himself as a member from the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman (RCGC). At first I thought he was coming to buy a raffle ticket. He continued to tell me that he was advised by RCGC that Rotary Sunrise needed help selling raffle tickets that weekend and he decided to answer the service call. He apologized for being late as he had just left work and then came straight over to help. I was truly amazed by this show of selflessness. Here was this young man in his twenties (and good looking I might add) coming to help sell raffle tickets on a Friday night after finishing his work day and work week. Not even a member of Rotary Sunrise but a connection through Rotaract he decided to help his Rotary family. Coming with no tickets of his own to sell he showed up just to help out Rotary Sunrise with their fundraising efforts. He didn’t know who would be at the selling station but decided to show up and help anyways. We hit it off in no time. Talking about each other, why we both joined Rotaract and Rotary respectively and how helping the community was a common thread we shared. Knowing that our fundraising efforts was the act needed to support the funding for the community projects, we both understood the importance of giving our time and effort to raise funds. Among our time of fellowship we also managed to sell 7 raffle tickets. That would have been $175 less in the fundraising pot had we not been there to support the booth. I learned a valuable lesson that evening through Mattew’s efforts and have wanted to share this story with the other club members for some time. When you give of yourself without asking for anything in return sometimes the rewards you get far exceeds the expectation. We have all joined Rotary Sunrise for various reasons but one thing that makes us equal is our efforts shared that supports the initiatives throughout the year. Get involved and you will be amazed what lives you change.

Sunday September 8 is International Literacy Day Submitted by Past President Andrea Bryan, Literacy Director

It was initiated by UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) over 40 years ago as a means of “… reminding the international community that literacy is a human right and the foundation of all learning …. Why is Literacy important? Literacy is a human right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development. Educational opportunities depend on literacy. Literacy is at the heart of basic education for all, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, curbing population growth, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy. There are good reasons why literacy

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is at the core of Education for All (EFA). A good quality basic education equips pupils with literacy skills for life and further learning; literate parents are more likely to send their children to school; literate people are better able to access continuing educational opportunities; and literate societies are better geared to meet pressing development” [UNESCO website]. For more information, check out the link below. Rotary Sunrise Is Celebrating International Literacy Day!!! Sunrise will be using the opportunity during the week beginning September 8 to publicise the need for a good quality basic education for every one and the huge role literacy has in achieving this. We will get the attention of the government, including the Hon. Minister of Education, and we will stress the importance of placing even greater emphasis on their achieving acceptable levels of literacy for each school child. President JD and PP Hendrik will appear on Cayman 27’s Daybreak morning show September 6 and appearances by other Rotarians on the daily radio talk shows are being pursued. We’re asking the bookstores to give discounts on books purchased and we’ll be distributing illustrated English dictionaries to all Year 7 school children on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac; we will be reading to children in the schools. What is Rotary Sunrise Doing About Literacy in Cayman’s Schools? Literacy programmes and initiatives have been a priority for Rotary Sunrise for more than six years. Each year the club’s offerings to our community have seen new ideas unfold and we now have several projects on the agenda: 

an annual high school debating contest, run in partnership with Rotary Central;

a reading buddy system in 4 schools where Rotarians and other volunteers spend half an hour a week, each one helping a child catch up to his/her reading level;

over 600 illustrated English dictionaries are donated to Year 7 children in high schools each year;

a computer-assisted literacy system enables children and adults to increase their proficiency in English and mathematics.

The most recent project was the establishment of LIFE (Literacy Is For Everyone) just over one year ago, a non-profit company with its own board of directors, many of which are Sunrise Rotarians and to which Rotary Sunrise has allocated 40% of its literacy budget. You Can Help!!!

Home & Life Orphanage - International Service Submitted by Rotarian Pat Steward INTERNATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE

Rotary Sunrise plans to continue their support of the Home & Life Orphanage in Thailand this year. The International Service Committee has proposed US$1,000 in support of helping Home & Life Orphanage to continue their Hydroponic Vegetable Project. If the amount is approved, the funds will go towards supporting the purchase of a secondary hydroponic system to help grow additional vegetables. Rotary Sunrise partners with the Rotary Club of Patong Beach, South Thailand who has assisted in the past with projects for the orphanage and who again will help to ensure funds are properly disbursed for use in the Hydroponic Garden.

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With the help from the Rotary Club of Patong Beach they have sent photos of the existing vegetable garden which aids in botanical education as well as offering a sustainable healthy food source to the children of the Orphanage. The International Service Committee will meet on Saturday, September 7 to make the final decision on this donation. If you are interested in finding out more about this international service project or any of the others contact Director Pavlov at

ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH-EAST NASSAU …submitted by President Rema

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THE ROTARACT CORNER ROTARACT CLUB OF LIGUANEA PLAINS RCLP Junior Begins New Rotary Year The Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains had their installation banquet in a delightfully intimate setting at the Taurus Garden Chinese Restaurant, on Saturday, July 27, 2013.

Left above - President Timar (right) speaks with a few members from his team. From Left Sigmund Anderson, Vice President, Kemolyn Lyon-Coley Secretary and Immediate Past President Khadrea Folkes. Middle above - Outgoing President Khadrea Folkes pins incoming President Timar Powell Right above - Director Carolyn of RCLP receives a "thank you" plaque from President Khadrea for service to RCLP Junior . Outgoing president Khadrea Folkes in her presentation, noted that the year was challenging but the club managed to pull through with its planned activities with assistance from various sources including RCLP Senior. Importantly in her presentation was noting the opportunities for personal growth as a leader and a person that being president offers. This is truly in keeping with Rotary's objectives of building strong leaders and ensuring the future of Rotary through the young generation. "RCLP is proud of its Rotaract club", a sentiment expressed by Rotarian Sydney Lowrie, who brought greetings on behalf of RCLP and President Vinton who was unavoidably late. He noted the many accomplishments such as its fund raising cruise to raise funds for a cancer patient, its Rotalympics fundraiser and fellowship with other Rotaract clubs, its Jamaica night, in celebration of Jamaica's 50 year of independence, its project to refurbish a basic school, as well as a number of joint activities with the parent club. Our Rotaractors also maintained a presence at our weekly meeting and participated in joint projects such as the mobile clinic and literacy day activities. RCLP looks forward to another fulfilling year, working closely with RCLP junior to achieve the objectives of Rotary and remain true to the motto of Service Above Self. On hand to share the evening were President Vinton King and his family, Rotarians Sydney Lowrie, Director Conrad Fagan and Director Carolyn Graham, who was also the recipient of a plaque from the Rotaractors.

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RI PRESIDENT – Arch C. Klumph

RI PRESIDENT – E. Leslie Pidgeon

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DISTRICT 7020 CLUB OF THE MONTH PROGRAM 2013-2014 Clubs are invited to submit entries each month from August to March for the The Club of the Month (COTM) program. Points are allocated for winners, second and third places for both large and small club categories. In this way, each club can accumulate points and at the end of the year are given suitable recognition at the District Conference. Every month, the judges select a winner in both the Small and Large Club categories. Although a club can win only once during the year, the cumulative points system allows for further recognition for outstanding clubs. There are 14 Rotarians on the COTM Committee of which 13 are regular judges, and the 14th votes only in the event of a tie. Each country in the District is represented on the committee. Each month of the program, every member of the winning clubs receives a unique COTM lapel pin (as in the logo above) Plan for your month-end submission. Submissions should be made on the template provided, and must be received by COTM Administrator, Kitty Bucsko, by the 5th day of the month, with a copy to your Assistant Governor (e.g. Submissions for August-Membership and Partnership are due by September 5). The judges will announce the winners by 15th of each month. Entries should include the following information about your club activities:  A summary of the activities undertaken  How the actions were relevant to the monthly theme  The impact the activities have had on your community  The number of your club members who participated in the activity  The number of new members attracted to Rotary by your activities  Your ability to enhance membership retention with the activities  How many different ways you celebrated the monthly theme  A few photos with identifications (Maximum 6 photos)

The Rotary themes, for your information and planning, are the following (Please note these are NOT identical to RI Themes) Month August September October November December January February March

Theme Membership & Partnerships New Generations Service: Vocational, Community & International The Rotary Foundation Family and Fellowship Rotary Awareness World Understanding & Public Relations Emphases: Literacy, Health & Hunger, Water

POINTS SYSTEM - All submissions earn 10 points minimum  First Place earns a total of 100 points  Second Place earns a total of 75 points  Third place earns a total of 50 points  Highly recommended earns a total of 25 points  A bonus of 100 points is given to clubs that submit an entry every month of the programme JUDGES’ MARKING PROCEDURE - The judges evaluate each submission on the following 8 criteria:  Originality – How original are the projects and submission?  Relevance - How relevant is the submission to the Theme of the Month?  Effectiveness - How effective was the club this month in enhancing or explaining Rotary in the  Involvement - How effective was the club this month in enhancing or explaining Rotary in the community?  Success - How useful are new projects to other Rotary Clubs in the district?  Clarity - How clearly explained is the club’s Rotary involvement in the submission? How easy to understand?  Attraction - Would this club’s efforts (or did these projects) attract new members to the club or retain existing ones?  Diversity - How many different and individual ways did the club “celebrate” the Rotary Theme?

September 2013


2013-14 CLUB OF THE MONTH SUBMISSION TEMPLATE Please follow this format when preparing your club’s submission.

Club Name __________________________________________________ # of Members __________ President 2013-14 __________________________________________ Date ___________________ 1. Summary of Accomplishments. This month our club completed the following Activities:    

Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on

2. Relevance to Rotary Theme. How did each Activity tie in with this month’s theme? (Please list in the same order as in Question 1.)    

Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on…

3. In the community. Describe briefly the impact of your Activity(s) in the community.    

Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on…

4. Participation. How many club members participated? List involvement below:

5. New members. Did you attract new members as a result of the Activity(s)?

6. Membership Retention. Did your action enhance membership retention?

7. Photos. Attach photos if you wish. Reduce the size. Provide identification of each.

8. Final comments.

September 2013


DISTRICT 7020 PROGRAMME CLUB DU MOIS 2013-2014 Le programme du Club of the Month 2012-2013 (CMPE) commence au mois d'août. C’est notre troisième année consécutive, et chaque année, nous essayons d’inclus des activités supplémentaires basées sur les commentaires reçus des clubs. Nous avons réalisé qu'il y a un certain nombre de clubs qui, bien qu'ils n’ont pas gagné, continu à soumettre d’excellents rapports de leurs activités. Afin de récompenser leurs efforts considérables, nous avons décidé de récompenser les 3 premières places, ainsi que ceux qui sont fortement recommandés. De cette façon, chaque club accumule des points et à la fin de l'année sera offerte une prime appropriée lors de la Conférence de District. Chaque mois, les juges sélectionnent un gagnant dans les catégories de petit et de grand Club. Bien qu'un club peut gagner qu'une seule fois au cours de l'année, le système de points cumulatifs permet davantage de reconnaissance pour les clubs. Il y a 14 Rotariens dans le Comité de la CMPE dont 13 sont des juges réguliers et le 14eme votes seulement en cas d'égalité des voix. Dans le District chaque île est représentée au sein du Comité. Plan de votre présentation de fin de mois. Les présentations doivent être soumises d’après le modèle fourni et doivent être reçues par l’administrateur du CMPE, Kitty Bucsko, avant le 5 du mois et copie envoyé à votre Assistant Gouverneur (par ex. présentations d'août-adhésion et de partenariat sont dues avant le 5 septembre). Les juges annonceront les gagnants le 15 de chaque mois. Les présentations doivent inclure les renseignements suivants concernant les activités de votre club :  Un résumé des activités réalisées  Comment les mesures prises s’adaptent au thème du mois.  L'impact de l'activité sur votre communauté  Le nombre de membres de votre club qui ont participé à l'activité  Le nombre de nouveaux membres intéressé au Rotary par vos activités  Votre capacité à améliorer la rétention des membres dans les activités  De quelles façons différentes vous avez célébré le thème du Mois?  Quelques photos avec les explications. (Maximum 6 photos) Les thèmes du Rotary, pour votre information et planification, sont les suivantes (Les thèmes sont différentes des thèmes Rotary) Mois Thème Août Adhésion & partenariats Septembre Nouvelles générations Octobre Service : Formation professionnelle, communautaire et International Novembre La Fondation Rotary Décembre Famille et coin de feu entre Rotarien (ne) et conjoint Janvier Connaissance du Rotary Février Compréhension du monde et des Relations publiques Mars Emphases : L'alphabétisation, santé, faim, l'eau SYSTÈME DE POINTS: Chaque présentation gagne un minimum de 10 points  Première Place gagne un total de 100 points  Deuxième Place gagne un total de 75 points  Troisième place gagne un total de 50 points  Hautement recommandé gagne un total de 25 points  Un bonus de 100 points sera offert aux clubs qui soumettent leur présentation chaque mois de la programme PROCÉDURE DE QUALIFICATION DES JUGES: Les juges évaluent chaque présentation sur les 8 critères suivants :  Originalité – L’originalité des projets et de la présentation?  Importance de la -Comment la présentation s’adapte au thème du mois?  Efficacité -L’efficacité du club ce mois-ci de présenter le Rotary dans sa communauté.  Participation - L’efficacité du club ce mois-ci de la participation de présenter et faire connaître le Rotary dans la communauté?  Succès –L’utilité des nouveaux projets des autres Rotary Clubs du district?  Clarté – L’explication claire de la participation du Rotary club dans la présentation des projets? Est-ce que la présentation était facile à comprendre?  Attraction – Est-ce que l’effort de ce club (ou de ces projets) ont attiré de nouveaux membres ou aider à conserver leur anciens?  Diversité –De quelles façons différentes et individuelles le club a « célébré » le thème du Rotary?

September 2013


CLUB 2013-14 DU MOIS MODÈLE DE PRÉSENTATION Veuillez suivre ce format lors de la préparation de la présentation de votre club.

Club Name ____________________________________# De membres _________________________ Président 2013-14____________________________________________ Date ___________________

1. Sommaire des réalisations du mois. Ce mois-ci notre club a terminé les Activités suivants :    

Activité 1 Activité deux Activité 3 … et ainsi de suite

2. Pertinence au thème du Rotary. Comment chaque activité s’est reliée au thème du mois ? (Merci de suivre le même ordre que la Question 1).    

Activité 1 Activité deux Activité 3 …et donc le…

1. Dans la communauté. Décrire brièvement l'impact de vos Activités dans la communauté.    

Activité 1 Activité deux Activité 3 …et donc le…

4. Participation. Combien de membres ont participé à la liste ci-dessous : 5. Nouveaux membres. Avez-vous recruté de nouveaux membres à la suite de l’activité (s) ? 6. Adhésion rétention. Votre action a t’il améliorer la rétention des membres ? 7. Photos. Joindre des photos si vous le souhaitez. Veuillez fournir les détails. 8. Commentaires.

September 2013


********* REFERENCES

Adams, Randal. Speaking of Rotary. E.J. Press, U.S.A. 2007. Chapman, Mary. Growing Rotary. A Personal Collection of Ideas That Worked. Dochterman, Cliff. The ABCs of Rotary. Evanston, Illinois: Rotary International. (363-EN) Forward, David C. A Century of Service. The Story of Rotary International. (912-EN) Rotary History Fellowship - Rotary International. Honoring Our Past: The Words and Wisdom of Paul Harris. Evanston, Illinois: 1996. (925-EN) Rotary International. Rotary Basics. Evanston, Illinois. (595-EN) Rotary International News. Online. Rotary Gallery of Past Presidents <>

Submissions from District 7020 Clubs Please send Club News and photos (with appropriate IDs) to Kitty at For inclusion in the District Newsletter

September 2013


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