D7020 news july 2015

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District 7020 News | July, 2015 DG Felix N. Stubbs


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Goals COTM RLI Cruise Clubs Global Rewards New!

In this Issue | July, 2015

District Governor’s Message | 4

President’s Message | 5 Rotaract Representative Message | 6 Club of the Month 2015 - 2016 Guidelines & Changes | 14 Public Image Telling Our Story Guidelines | 16 Membership New Benefits | 17


DG Felix N. Stubbs Installation | 22

CLUB NEWS | 28 - 57 Interact USVI South Sint Maarten St. Martin Sunrise Nassau St. Thomas II Port-au-Prince/Champ de mars Anguilla

Bahamas Old Fort Bahamas Eleuthera Tortola Road Town Bahamas East Nassau Grand Cayman E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 St. Thomas


DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Rotarians, With the commencement of July, we usher in the new Rotary year of 2015-2016. This new year will present challenges we should turn into opportunities, it promises difficulties but also successes and it offers us the platform to do significant things in the world. I am proud to be a Rotarian. I am proud of the work that our organization does. I am proud of our District 7020. I try to encourage as many persons as I can to join Rotary and I tell them that this organization provides the opportunity to move from a life of “Success”, however that is defined, to a life of “Significance”. I consider that our Rotary motto ‘Service above Self’ means working as hard as one can – not for ‘self, but for others. It means achieving as much as one can to make other people’s lives better. It means looking at our own effort, not in terms of what it costs us, but in terms of what it can give. For this new Rotary year, RI President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran has chosen as his theme ‘Be a Gift to the World’. He encourages us as Rotarians to use our talents, expertise and leadership to be gifts to the world. He observes, “ In the end, our worth will be measured not by how much we acquired, but by how much we gave away.” My challenge to our beloved District in 2015-2106 is to further move from Success to Significance. Success represents the accomplishments and accolades we build up for ourselves. Significance represents the lasting accomplishments we attain for others. Significance is the truest spirit of service. Significance is our legacy. It is our gift to the world. As Rotarians, we’ll be remembered and judged not for how successful we were but for how significant we became. Carla and I look forward to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the upcoming year as we continue to provide Service above Self. We thank you for all that you do to create lasting legacies in your community. We encourage you to Be a Gift to the World. We challenge you to move from Success to Significance.

Felix N. Stubbs

District Governor 2015-2016, District 7020, Rotary International

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran President 2015-16 July 2015

We in Rotary aspire to great deeds. We admire those who gave great gifts to humanity: Abraham Lincoln, who gave the gift of human dignity to the downtrodden; Mother Teresa, who gave the gift of compassion to the forgotten; Mahatma Gandhi, who gave the gift of peaceful change to the oppressed. Their very lives became gifts to the world. We can be inspired by their example. We can be inspired to ask, how can I, in the life that I live – without neglecting the responsibilities that are so dear to me – how can I, too, become a gift to the world? As I considered my theme, I thought of the lessons I have learned through my Hindu faith. I thought especially of the story of Sudama. Sudama was a poor child and a bosom friend of Krishna, who was born in a royal lineage as an avatar – an incarnation of the divine. As the two boys grow up, they drift apart, and while Krishna becomes a military leader and king of great repute, Sudama remains a humble villager.

Far from being disdainful, Krishna accepts the rice with gratitude and consumes it with joy as the two sit and talk together. Hours pass, during which the pleasures of their rekindled friendship push all thoughts of his desperate plight from Sudama’s mind. When evening falls, Sudama sets out for home – and only then realizes that he has neglected his task. He is returning with nothing, and Krishna has eaten his family’s last grains of rice.

Sudama steels himself to return to his hungry children. But standing before his gate, as dawn begins to break, he sees that the hut he left yesterday has become a stately home, and waiting to greet him is his own family: welldressed, and well-fed by the baskets of food that appeared The years go by and Sudama’s poverty deepens. Finally, in their kitchen as Krishna ate each grain of Sudama’s he lacks even food to feed his children. His wife reminds rice. him of his childhood friendship with Krishna: Perhaps it is time to go to the mighty ruler for help. Reluctant- Krishna understood what Sudama had brought him: evly, Sudama agrees, but resolves that he will not go emp- erything he had to give. In return, Krishna gave him evty-handed. He gathers together a few handfuls of rice erything he needed. It is never the material value of a gift – all the food his family has left – and wraps them in a that matters – it is the love that comes with it. Just as piece of cloth as a gift for his friend. Sudama’s gift to Krishna became a gift to Sudama, what we give through Rotary becomes a gift to us. And we all When Sudama enters the palace, he is overwhelmed by have a choice: whether to keep our gifts to ourselves or the grandeur and by Krishna’s gracious welcome. His give them to others, and Be a Gift to the World. meager gift, so carefully prepared, seems a humiliating reminder of his poverty. Krishna embraces Sudama, who We have only one chance at our lives. And we will have hides the hand holding the rice behind his back. Krishna only one chance at this new Rotary year. This is our time. asks what he is holding. Let us grasp it. Let us Be a Gift to the World.

Greetings from the beautiful Cayman Islands and, on behalf of Rotaract District 7020, happy new year! In life, more often than not, the idea of starting over or starting something new can be daunting and filled with anxiety and fear. As we begin another year of service, the idea of starting over should be refreshing – it’s filled with excitement, possibility, and the promise for another opportunity to impact and serve. The new year is a good time to briefly pause and consider the role each of us plays in our club and our community. In the same fashion we often eagerly anticipate the year ahead on 1 January, I encourage you to do the same on 1 July. Approach this new year with open eyes that constantly seek ways to serve, a heart that’s grateful for the opportunity to serve, and gentle hands that care for not only the people you serve, but also the people you serve with. The Rotaractors in the 54 clubs across District 7020 who have agreed to take up the mantle and lead their Rotaract clubs are, like many of you, doing so because of their call from within and also the support that surrounds them. While across the District, I continue to be proud of the way we assist each other in making a difference, the importance of support from within their clubs and across the entire Rotary family is paramount. The Rotaract District leadership as well as the incoming club presidents and their boards are embarking on a journey that I’m certain will have a positive impact on their local communities and beyond. As partners in service, I encourage Rotarians of sponsoring and supporting clubs to stand beside and with us during our time of leadership. When we are supported, it stokes the fire to serve that comes from within. Rotaract District 7020 is an ever-growing and life-changing organisation of over 900 passionate young people in the Caribbean and the coming year presents an incredible opportunity to build true partnerships between our Rotary and Rotaract clubs. Do engage in meaningful conversations with Rotaractors to explore the many ways we can also serve and work together to grow from success to significance. I wish your Rotary clubs and the entire Rotary family a successful year ahead – it’s sure to be an exciting one for us all – and I look forward to working with you as we strengthen our region, countries, communities, clubs, and members who are most definitely a gift to the world. Your partner in service Marzeta

Marzeta Bodden

Rotaract Representative 2015-2016 Rotaract District 7020 6 | D7020 News

Unveiling Our New District Portal Welcome to our new www.7020.org! We are about to unveil our new portal from where you can access the District’s Facebook page, as well as the District Governor’s New Twitter page, Clubrunner, News, the Project Portal and Rotary Club Central. We would like to receive your comments and suggestions. You will notice the new Club’s rotating banner, which showcases Clubs, members and projects from around the District. Want to see your Club? Send your images to d7020news@gmail.com

Follow DG Felix on Twitter | https://twitter.com/DGFelix1

June, 2015 | 7

District 7020 TRF Leadership Directory

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NE RE AssistantWARotary ENH DA ANC N A E PUBLIC IM Public Image Coordinator AGE

Cell: 727-642-8041 Districts 6890, 6940, 6950, 6960 jmick@tbpm.net




Our mandate and focus is to provide you and your District Leadership with the tools to effectively grow your membership by engaging current Rotarians and attracting new Rotarians. Through webinars, onsite training, and consultation, we are available - at no cost to your district - to expand "your team" in developing programs, presentations, and training tools. Please feel free to contact us with any and all issues, concerns, or questions regarding membership, new generations, training opportunities, or consultation.











The Zone 34 Rotary Coordinator team are Rotarians who have served in District leadership with all the joys and challenges of working with large numbers of volunteers in improving our communities.

ROTARY PUBLIC IMAGE COORDINATOR Tel/Fax: 561-276-4717 Cell: 561-251-3582 Zone 34, Districts 6930, 6970, 6980, 6990 pdgbetsyowen@gmail.com








ARY PUBLIC IMAGE COORDINATOR Fax: 561-276-4717 : 561-251-3582 e 34, Districts 6930, 6970, 6980, 6990 betsyowen@gmail.com


Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator Cell: 727-642-8041 Districts 6890, 6940, 6950, 6960 jmick@tbpm.net




Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator Tel: 678-523-8865 Districts 6900, 6910, 6920 carolmcolon@gmail.com


Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator Cell: 242-457-3261 Districts 7000, 7020, 7030 sheila.bethel@gmail.com

Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator Cell: 242-457-3261 Districts 7000, 7020, 7030 sheila.bethel@gmail.com

www.rizones33-34.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rotaryinternationalzones33.34/ PDG DAVID STOVALL


REGIONAL ROTARY FOUNDATION COORDINATOR Zone 34 Cell: 770.595.0702 David@DavidStovall.net

ROTARY COORDINATOR Zone 34 Cell: 386-295-1620 art.mcqueen13.14@gmail.com

PDG JEREMY HURST Assistant Rotary Coordinator Cell: 345-525-9900 Districts 7020, 7030 jeremyhurst7020@gmail.com

PDG JARED BROWN Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Cell: 727-446-1484 jdbrown@herbertgbrown.com


PDG IVAN JOHNSON PDG DAVID EDWARDS Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Cell: 850-545-7111 ivanejohnson@gmail.com

Asst Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Cell: 246-230-9678 pdgdavid7030@gmail.com



Asst Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Cell: 770-773-4873 scott@plwinsurance.com

Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Cell: 772-473-1035 labguy@bellsouth.net

Assistant Rotary Coordinator Cell: 787-298-5650 Districts 7000 jorge.vazquez@serralles.com

PDG GEORGE ROBERTSON-BURNETT Assistant Rotary Coordinator Cell: 863-937-8121 Districts 6890, 6950, 6960 grb6890@gmail.com



Peace Center Advocate Cell: 912-660-4997 kenankern@comcast.net

End Polio Now Coordinator, Cell: 904-568-1497 cyndecovington@gmail.com


Major Gifts Cell: 727-421-5803 ctreleaven.rotary@gmail.com

PDG AL LIPPHARDT Assistant Rotary Coordinator Cell: 404-680-2891 Districts 6900, 6910, 6920 alipphardt@mindspring.com

PDG TERRI WESCOTT Assistant Rotary Coordinator Cell: 561-253-4724 Districts 6930,6980, 6990 tmwescott@yahoo.com

District Goals DG Felix presents the goals for the year. Establish early on a plan to play an active role in accomplishing these goals. Need assistance? Contact your District Team for ideas and support. You will find our District Leadership Directory at www.7020.org

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Goal # 1 focuses on Membership Development and Retention More committed Rotarians would mean stronger clubs, more hands to do more work, the opportunity to raise more money, for bigger and better and more sustainable projects the opportunity to be significant.

Goal #2 Foundation Giving

We want to enhance our giving to the Rotary Foundation Annual fund Endowment fund Polio Focus areas Paul Harris fellows Paul Harris society members Bequest Society Major Donors Arch Klumph society

Goal #3 Online Tools Adoption

My Rotary Club Central Rotary Showcase Rotary Ideas Discussion groups and the ability to measure progress against goals and to apply for those end of year awards.

Goal #4 Humanitarian Service

I don’t need to say much here. This is who we are. This is what defines us. How well we do in serving humanity will determine whether we are just successful Rotarians, or successful Rotary clubs or a successful Rotary International or, if we are making that move to significance.

Goal #5 New Generation

Rotaract and Interact and for us Earlyact. What support are we giving them? How do we nurture their progress into Rotary?

Goal #6 Public Image

Rotary has spent a lot of money on enhancing its brand and like any good business, we need to show our stakeholders a return on that investment. We need to promote the good we do shamelessly and cause people to want to come to Rotary.

Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business,and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

MONTHLY THEMES 2015 - 2016

JULY New Rotary officers’ year of service

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AUGUST Membership and New Club Development SEPTEMBER Basic Education and Literacy OCTOBER Economic and Community Development NOVEMBER Rotary Foundation DECEMBER Disease Prevention and Treatment JANUARY Vocational Service FEBRUARY Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution MARCH Water and Sanitation APRIL Maternal and Child Health Month MAY Youth Services Month JUNE Rotary Fellowships Month

Rotary Leadership Institute - Sunshine Division CRUISE December 10-14, 2015 Book Online at rlicruise.psltravel.com

Come join us for 5 days/4 nights on the big and beautiful Royal Caribbean Independence of the Seas as we sail to Cozumel, Mexico. On the way there and on the way back, while at sea, participate in two full RLI sessions. You will be able to take RLI Parts 1 and 2, 2 and 3 or Part 3 and the new 2014-15 RLI Graduate Course which will focus entirely on The Rotary Foundation! Or, just relax and enjoy the experience and fellowship of cruising with a couple hundred Rotarians from Georgia, Florida and the entire Caribbean; all Districts from the Sunshine Division (Zone 34) and even beyond! This is an excellent opportunity for fellowship and Rotary networking. Participating in RLI will help you be more educated about Rotary and enable you to take on more of a leadership role in your club and district. There will also be organized social events for Rotarians and we will have our own section in the main dining room each night for dinner. The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world. Two-thirds of all Districts in the Rotary world conduct RLI programs in their districts. RLI is not an official program of Rotary International and is not under its control. The registration fee for the RLI sessions will be $45.00 per Part (day), which is less than half the normal fee. RLI registration is separate from the cruise fare and must be completed at www.rlitraining.org same as any other RLI session registration. For more information about RLI at sea, contact Randy Rawiszer, RLI Sunshine Division Chairman, at rotarytailor@aol.com. The costs listed below include the cruise fare, taxes, fees, port charges and gratuities. In addition, they include full use of the conference facilities on the ship. There are no additional upcharges or fees added for the group. If you need a pre-cruise hotel night in Fort Lauderdale, a block of hotel rooms are available on a first come first serve basis. They will include airport shuttles, cruiseport shuttles, parking for the cruise duration and breakfast . Prices will vary by hotel. Book early for best cabin selection. Contact PSL Travel for more information. Cabin Type

Cost Per Person *


Junior Suite






Ocean View



Promenade View






4 Night RLI Western Caribbean Cruise Ship Name: Independence of the Seas Destination: Caribbean Departure Port: Fort Lauderdale, Florida Port of Call: Cozumel, Mexico Sail Date: Dec 10, 2015

To book your cabin today or for more information call: *Prices are based on Double Occupancy and includes cruise, taxes, fees, Steve Leichner port charges and gratuities. Deposit is $200 per cabin with final payment Travel Consultant due 8/10/2015. Pricing is based on availability and subject to change until PSL Travel deposited. Cancellations after 4/13 will incur a $50 fee. Cancellations 877-387-4660 after 6/13 will incur a $100 fee. Cancellations after 8/13 will incur a $200 fee. No refunds after 9/1. Price does not include RLI steve@psltravel.com Course Fees. Register at www.rlitraining.org. rlicruise.psltravel.com June, 2015 | 13

Club of the Month 2015-2016 Calendar of Club-of-the-Month Themes AUGUST



New Generations/Literacy


Economic/Community Development


Rotary Foundation/Public Image


Disease Prevention & Treatment


Vocational Service/Rotary Fellowship World Understanding/Peace & Conflict Resolution Water & Sanitation/Maternal & Child Health

IMPORTANT CHANGES The monthly themes for 2015-2016 have changed to fall in line with the changes made by Rotary International and also to include more themes in less months. 14 | D7020 News


PLEASE NOTE IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE GUIDELINES COTM FAQ’s When does COTM start? The program runs from August to March so submissions for the first month of August are due by September 5th. When does COTM end? The final month is March (submissions by April 5th). What activities are eligible for inclusion? 1. Activities undertaken in the current year 2. Activities which fall under the theme of the month – whether or not they have taken place during that month. When will we know if our club has won? Announcement of all the placed winners is sent by 15th of each month. How are the entries judged? There are 12 independent judges representing all our countries. They use the following criteria: Relevance

- How relevant is the submission to the Theme of the Month?

Originality - How original are the projects and submission? Effectiveness - How effective did the activities contribute to awareness of the community

about Rotary?

Involvement - How many club members participated? Success

- How useful are new projects to other Rotary Clubs?


- How clearly explained and easy to understand is the submission?


- Would/did this club’s efforts attract new members to the club?


- How many different/unique ways did the club “celebrate” the Rotary Theme? Questions: Send us an email to cotm7020@gmail.com June, 2015 | 15


We have a powerful story to tell, and it’s up to all of us to protect, promote, and deliver our message in all of our interactions. By speaking, writing, and designing in a unified voice and look, we ensure that our communications are unmistakably Rotary. Applying a consistent and clear Rotary style in all of our communications is vital to strengthening our image and enhancing our reputation as a world-class organization. These downloadable resources and guidelines allow each club and district to work independently while maintaining a consistent identity throughout the organization. Use these supporting resources to help you apply Rotary’s logo and graphics guidelines.

Everything you need to create stunning, clear, compelling Rotary Stories is offered at the Brand Center.

For more information, please go to 1. www.rotary.org, 2. sign up to My Rotary, 3. click on Manage and 4. then Brand Center You will need to sign again to access the Brand Center. 16 | D7020 News


RI President-elect K.R. Ravindran introduced a member benefits program at the 9 June closing session of the 2015 Rotary International Convention, saying that many more hands are needed to continue Rotary’s work around the world. The program, Rotary Global Rewards, aims to boost membership and enhance member satisfaction. It will debut on 1 July. “This innovative new program will allow Rotary members to connect with hundreds of businesses and service providers from around the world -- and that number is growing,” said Ravindran. “These establishments will offer Rotarians discounts and concessions on the everyday business that you do. And, in many cases, not only will you benefit, but our Foundation will as well, by receiving a contribution with each transaction.” The program will include discounts on car rentals, hotels, dining, and entertainment. Discounts on more products and services from companies worldwide are expected to be added throughout the year. “It will be another way to benefit from being a Rotarian and being part of the Rotary network,” said Ravindran, whose presidential theme for 2015-16 is Be a Gift to the World. “I urge all of you to become a part of that scheme.”

You will need to create a My Rotary Account. For more information about Rotary Global Rewards please go to https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/member-center/rotary-global-rewards June, 2015 | 17


Tell us what makes your country special and what is so special about Rotary there! This year your D7020News team wants to showcase our richness and diversity. Our plan is to dedicate a few pages every month to each country island. This could be an activity where every member can be involve. Whereas gathering recipes, taking pictures, writing about your Rotary top projects. Everyone can participate! What to share? Your culture, landmarks, typical foods, drinks, major holidays, children favorite activities. And, lots of pictures! Perhaps you know a few local authors that can join in! In terms of Rotary, how and when Rotary started there, a country outlook of how many clubs and members there are in your country, signature projects (maybe one of each club). You might want to include your Rotaract, Interact and Early Act Clubs.

Refer to the calendar to see when is your turn. Your deadline is on the 25th of the previous month.


August September October November December

Anguilla Bahamas British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands E-Clubs


January February March April May June

Haiti Jamaica St. Barth & St. Martin St. Maarten Turks & Caicos USVI, North & South

Showcase contact: Amarylis Dรกvila-Agosto | d7020news@gmail.com Feel free to ask for assistance to get your showcase ready for your month! 18 | D7020 News

Projects Updates Required Happy New Rotary Year to All! As we prepare to begin our Project Portal marketing efforts for 2015 - 2016, we realize that most projects need to be updated especially in terms of beginning and ending dates. Many of these projects have been modified during the last year and the elements pertaining scope and budget of the project would also need to be updated. UPDATES NEED TO BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 15TH, 2015. Please schedule time to review your original submission and make the necessary revisions on the form. If your project is no longer active, please request its deletion from the portal. Email your revised submission forms or request to delete a project to amarylisdavila@gmail. com. Likewise, we would like to learn about the success of your project to share your story with prospect partners. We are looking forward to continue to be of assistance in partnering your Club with the many Clubs that are actively seeking to invest in projects of the Caribbean region. - Your Project Portal Team

June, 2015 | 19

CLUBRUNNER UPCOMING TRAINING Registration and information about more available webinars and trainging videos at http://site.clubrunner.ca/page/webinars

Webinars are recorded! If can’t attend, you can still watch the video. More info at http://clubrunner.helpserve.com/Knowledgebase/List/Index/356/recorded-webinars 20 | D7020 News

Club June Charter Anniversaries

Congratulations! Anguilla, June 15, 1978 Bayonnais, Gonaives, June 5, 2012 Christiana, June 28, 1971 Kingston, June 18, 1959 Liguanea Plains, June 30, 2005 May Pen, June 29, 1990 Mirebalais, June 30, 2005 Negril, June 10, 2004 New Providence, June 1, 1988 Saint Michel de L’Attalaye June 5, 2003 Santa Cruz, June 10, 1980 St. Martin Sunrise, June 17, 2004 St. Martin Nord, June 10, 1988 Verettes, L’Artibonite, June 30, 2005

... and Happy Birthday to all Rotarians celebrating their birthdays this month! June, 2015 | 21

District Governor Installation A great celebration for D7020! On June 27th, 2015, Rotarians from around District 7020 came together to celebrate the induction of their new District Governor Felix Stubbs. The glittering event was attended by the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie and Mrs Christie; Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis and Mrs Davis; the then current District Governor of 7020, Dr. Paul Brown and Mrs Brown; Past District Governors John Robertson, Vance Lewis and Rupert Ross and District Governor Nominee Haresh Ramchandani; together with VIPs from all segments of Bahamian society. Bahamas Rotarians were out in full force to cheer on their own Bahamas Governor as he took office; their Club Presidents; AG Tim Ingraham (Bahamas West); District Officers - Secretary Mario Smith and Treasurer Bryan Knowles; Rotaract and Inner Wheel Presidents, who were all inducted during the evening.

The event had been keenly anticipated in The Bahamas, not least because it was the first major event to be held at the new Baha Mar Convention Centre. Their curiosity was well rewarded in the D’Aguilar Ballroom (named after a former Rotary President), with elegant décor and a gourmet meal enjoyed by all (plus, of course plenty of libations – we needed something to toast with!) Of course, no District 7020 Rotary event is complete without dancing! Between and after the ceremonies, Rotarians took 22 | D7020 News

to the floor en masse, dancing to the sounds of the Royal Bahamas Police Pop Band and DJ Errol. Any image of stuffy Rotarians was well and truly routed! We all now look forward to the new Rotary year 2015-16 and pursuing the path of Success to Significance forged by our new DG – and thereby also achieving the goal of President Ravi to be a Gift to the World.

June, 2015 | 23

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Looking Awesome!

June, 2015 | 25

Beautiful memories to cherish forever...

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Clubs News

June, 2015 | 27

Queens College Sponsored by Rotary Club of East Nassu

In Support of Ranfurly Home and the Sir Victor Sasoon Heart Foundation The Interact Club at Queens College, sponsored by the Rotary Club of East Nassau, recently donated $1,000 each to the Ranfurly Home and the Sir Victor Sasoon Heart Foundation. The funds were raised from several projects throughout the year. The Ranfurly Home is a privately operated orphanage in Nassau, Bahamas which serves the local community. It was founded in 1956 and has the capacity to house 45 children ranging from 5 to 20 years old.

For over 50 years the Sir Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation has assisted more than 4,000 young Bahamians with heart ailments. They work in partnership with the Bahamas Heart Association to raise awareness of heart disease and what people can do to live a heart healthy lifestyle.

Pictures show presentations with IC President Jessica Cartwright, President Elect Taylor Roberts, members of the board, advisers, and East Nassau adviser Denzil Sirra. 28 | D7020 News

Rotary Clubs of St. Croix | USVI South

Celebrate Joint Presidentsand Boards Installations

From left: ADG Marcel Galiber, Pres. Michaelina Henry(Harborside), Pres. Jannell Bryan ( West), Pres. Kim DeLine (Mid-Isle), Pres. Sandra Gerard Leung ( St. Croix), and Delegate to U.S. Congresswoman and Keynote Speaker Stacey Plaskett.

Here in St. Croix, USVI we are all excited about the successs of our joint installation event. All four clubs decided to join forces for this evening celebration which has some interesting aspects. We went off island to celebrate! (To a little island in Christiansted’s harbor that has a nice hotel and lovely harbor and town view - and the assistant manager (female) is a club member. All four clubs have incoming women presidents! Our keynote speaker Stacey Plaskett, our Representative to the U.S. Congress, is also a woman! Men are admitted, of course, but considering that it is just over 25 years since women were admitted as full members of Rotary, we have come a long ways. All the best from the Rotary Clubs of St. Croix! June, 2015 | 29

Rotary Club of Sint Maarten

Club distributes over $60,000, New Paul Harris Fellows Named, Sochrin installed as President

New Board 20152016: From Left to Right: Linda Sochrin (Sochrin’s Mother), Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin, Geeta Khatnani, Franklyn Maynard, Rebecca Low, Junior Gumbs, John Caputo, Danny Ramchandani, Larry Gregory, Bonita Hart, Robert Judd, James Ferris and Pierre DeCelles. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 20th at Captain Oliver’s Restaurant with a Rock & Blues Celebration featuring master guitarist Gianfranco and Christine Gordon along with rock band Church on Monday. Outgoing President Deepak “Danny” Ramchandani thanked the outgoing Board of Directors for their service and distributed more than $60,000 to worthy organizations on Sint Maarten, including the Catholic School Board After School Program, the Art Saves Lives Foundation, the Senior Citizens Computer Literacy Program, Scouting Antiano, the Pre-University of St. Maarten initiative, The ACE School, the Digikids Foundation, NewSTART for Children, the White & Yellow Cross, the Philipsburg Cultural Center and the Sint Maarten Little League.

the recipient of $6,000 from the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to expand its facilities and accommodate more young athletes, as well as a donation of equipment including bats, two dozen baseballs and gloves. President Ramchandani then officially turned over the reigns of the Club to Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin. Sochrin went on to present three additional Paul Harris Fellows. Posthumously, a Paul Harris Fellow was presented to Charles E. Southworth, Jr, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Nauset (Orleans), Massachusetts, USA, that was accepted by his son, Charles E. Southworth, III, a Sint Maarten resident and Island 92 radio personality, known on air as “Mr. S”.

Sochrin then called upon the two men who taught him about serving others; his uncle, Gary Sochrin of the RoThe Rotary Club of Sint Maarten also named Tom Burtary Club of Derby-Shelton Connecticut, and his father, nett as a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of his service Sumner Sochrin. He went on to present both men with to our youth on St. Maarten. Tom and his wife, Lisa Paul Harris Fellow Awards. To Gary Sochrin in recogDavis, run an after school program which uses the sport nition for his years of work with Rotary and to Sumner of Baseball as a way to help young adults focus on their academic studies through the Sint Maarten Little League. Sochrin, in recognition for more than 50 years of coaching young men in the sport of baseball at the high school More than 50 young athletes from ages 8 to 18 participate in this after school program. The program was also and collegiate levels. 30 | D7020 News

Newly installed President Sochrin introduced his new Board Members and Committee Chairpersons including: Secretary/President-elect Henna Budhrani, Immediate Past President Deepak Ramchandani, Vice President Rebecca Low, Vice President Robert Judd, Treasurer Junior Gumbs, Sargentat-Arms Franklyn Maynard, Director Pierre DeCelles, Vrisha Motwani and Geeta Katnani (The Fun Committee), Larry Gregory (Public Relations), Bonita Hart (Membership), James Ferris (New Generations) and John Caputo (Service Projects).

From left: Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin, Tom Burnett, Lisa Davis, Danny Ramchandani

Sochrin went on to say, “We have been asked by our District Governor and the Rotary International President to move from being successful to being significant and to be a gift to the world. We will do that together by continuing our focus on youth and continuing the great efforts that have become part of our local traditions. With this in mind and before we get started with the FUN part of the evening, I’d like to leave you with a few words that were shared with me from my very first boss in back in 1989. These words are attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson and they most fitting here. Let us together raise our glasses together”. Sochrin continued, “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; the leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”. From left: JFrom Left to Right: Danny Ramchandani, Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin

Rotary Vision: To harness the great power of friendship to help do the world’s work. -Paul Harris June, 2015 | 31

Rotary Club of Sint Maarten

Names Pierre Decelles Rotarian of the Year The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten named Mr. Pierre DeCelles as its Rotarian of the Year during the Change of Board Celebration on Saturday, June 20th at Captain Oliver’s Restaurant. Outgoing Club President Deepak “Danny” Ramchandani proudly recognized Pierre DeCelles as Rotarian of the Year. Mr. Ramchandani said, “Whenever or wherever I am, if I call Pierre and ask for guidance, ideas, direction or help, Pierre is always there. The word “no” is not in Pierre DeCelles vocabulary. Pierre is and has been the backbone of our Club ever since he joined Rotary and there is no one more deserving than Pierre DeCelles to be named Rotarian of the Year”. Pierre DeCelles came to Sint Maarten in 1980 and joined Rotary in 1995. He has served the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten twice as President and Secretary, multiple times as Vice President and in Director level roles in the areas of the Rotary Foundation and Vocational Service. Mr. DeCelles works as a Project Manager and is also the Canadian Consul on Dutch Sint Maarten. Pierre and his wife, Micheline, have been married for almost 50 years. Incoming President, Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin added, “Pierre has not only been an advisor to me over the past several years, he is a role model, a mentor and most importantly someone I am proud to call a friend”. Mr. DeCelles accepted the award of Rotarian of the Year and thanked President Danny Ramchandani and the members of the Club for the honor.

For Anguilla, St. Barths, St. Maarten & St.Martin

Changing the Guard for Assistant District Governor A new Rotary Assistant Governor will be taking the helm on July 1 - the start of the new Rotary year. Former Assistant Governor, Louis Wever has been appointed for the 2015-16 year by incoming District Governor, Felix Stubbs from the Bahamas. Originally, Rotarian Ramesh Manek was to assume the role in July. Tragically he was killed in April while out for his morning exercise along Airport Road. The extremely popular Wever from the St Maarten MidIsle Club agreed to fill the role for the next Rotary year as a new Assistant Governor will be identified for the 2016-17 year.

the last two years. In particular, it has been wonderful to see the Family of Rotary grow through the creation of new EarlyAct and Interact clubs. One other standout memory is the fact we hosted one of the first Vocational Training Teams in the world in our area this March. Watching these Rotarians and non-Rotarians work with kids in and out of school really showed the impact that Rotary can make in young lives.” In her new role, Low will provided enhanced training in both English and French through seminars and webinars to the 84 clubs in the District.

Rebecca Low, the islands’ first female Assistant Governor, completes her second year as AG and assumes the challenging role of Assistant District Trainer for District 7020 which covers ten countries and sixteen islands of the Northern Caribbean. Rebecca Low said, “It has been a tremendous honour to serve the six clubs in our area and to see the growth of Rotary in our communities over

The role of Assistant Governor (AG) is to represent the District Governor in their geographic area. In this instance, the AG works closely with clubs in Anguilla, St Barths, St Maarten and St Martin. The AG is appointed by each District Governor and may be re-appointed for up to three years

32 | D7020 News

Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise

New Meeting Location Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise is very happy to inform that we have found our new location at the Barefoot Restaurant in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten. Since moving from the Air Lekkerbek in 2014, it has been a constant struggle to find a conducive space for our fellowships. We spent some months at the Carl and Sons before moving over to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library. Our members continued the search for a better location that finally resulted in last Tuesday’s meeting, June 16, 2015 at Barefoot. Barefoot is a great location right by the board walk in the heart of Philipsburg. The meetings are held on the top terrace From left: Members Prakash Dialani, Monique Alberts, Meredith Boekhoudt, and Valda Woodleyat Barefoot, over looking the Hazel enjoying breakfast fellowship. turquoise Caribbean sea off the coast of Great Bay beach. Join us for a sumptuous breakfast and fun fellowship on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00AM.

President Virginia wishes Happy Father’s Day to our male members! Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Rotary fathers out there in the district and beyond!

L-R, Secretary Elect Okama Ekpe Brook, VP Elect and IPP, Angela Gordon and Sargeant At Arms Elect, Damali Bryson, warmly welcomes you to Barefoot! June, 2015 | 33

Rotary Club of Nassau

Inductions and Recognitions

The new Board of the Rotary Club of Nassau, founding club of Rotary in The Bahamas. The Rotary Club of Nassau held the induction of Officers at their home base, Luciano’s of Chicago on June 30th, 2015. On hand to participate and congratulate were DG Felix Stubbs and AG Karen Pinder (Bahamas East).

Presidents 2015-16 Dorothea Rae, 2014-15 Sonia Miller

Decorated in style to celebrate the event, attendees enjoyed the usual great food and ambience of the location. An Appreciation award was presented to Sue Lawrence, Manager of Luciano’s, for the restaurant’s support and hosting of the club over the past years.

Left: Sue Lawrence (left) receives award on behalf of Luciano’s of Chicago from President Sonia Miller Right: DG 2015-16 Felix Stubbs (left) with ARPIC Sheila Bethel who received the Rotarian of the Year Award

34 | D7020 News

Outgoing President Sonia Miller pinned and welcomed President 2015-16, Dorothea Rae, who is reprising her role, having previously been President of the club in 2005 (the first female to take the club office). She then inducted her Officers for the coming year. Several awards were presented during the luncheon, including a Paul Harris presented to President Sonia by ARPIC Sheila Bethel, who was also the recipient of the club’s Rotarian of the Year Award.

Rotary Club of St. Thomas II

Educator of the Year and Four-Way Test Contest The Rotary Club of St. Thomas II announced on June 22nd the long anticipated winners of its adopted Addelita Cancryn Junior High School Educator of the Year award and student Four Way Test essay contest. The faculty and student nominees were guests at the club’s weekly luncheon meeting held at Marriott Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Beach Resort. This year, four educators were nominated by the students in the popular Educator of the Year contest. Clayton White, physical education teacher won first place with Ananeika Claxton, mathematics teacher in second place. Both announcements were greeted by a large round of applause and cheers from those in attendance. Based on Rotary’s Four Way Test, students had been asked to write an essay on how they could apply these principles in their daily life. J’Mari Clarke won first place and read his award winning essay, which impressed those in attendance with the maturity of his philosophical approach. Fellow student, Monae Edmead took second place. It was an inspiring event with all those in attendance leaving with smiles on their faces and positive thoughts about the future of students in the USVI. Top: Rotary Club of St. Thomas II President Anette Williams and Rotarian Sinclair Wilkinson Present Award to J’Mari Clarke, Essay Contest Winner Inset: Essay Contest Winner J-Mari Clarke Reads Essay Right: Rotary Club of St. Thomas II President Anette Williams Presents Clayton White with Educator of the Year Award. June, 2015 | 35

Rotary Club of St. Thomas II

Annual Gift of Words As part of it’s annual GIFT OF WORDS DONATION, members of the Rotary Club of St. Thomas II distributed dictionaries to students at Lockhart Elementary School.

Students at Lockhart Elementary School on St. Thomas recently received their Student’s Dictionary & Gazetteer from the Rotary Club of St. Thomas II

Rotarian Barbara Peterson helps a student use her dictionary

Left: New Generations Chair Rotarian Yvette Sutphin assists in giving out dictionaries. Right: Rotarian Sinclair Wilkinson assists in giving out dictionaries.

Rotarian Archie Ogden assists in giving out dictionaries. Rotarian Edwin Souchana assists in giving out dictionaries 36 | D7020 News

Rotary Club of St. Thomas II

A Paul Harris Award

Rotarians Toya Andrews, Eric Baynes, Merle Kiture-Morgan, Peggy Simmonds and Edward Thomas present a Paul Harris Award to volunteer Edie Paljavcsik Johnson for her work with the Saturday Meal Program at the Bethlehem House Homeless Shelter.

The Rotary Club of St. Thomas II recently presented a Paul Harris Award to community member Edie Paljavcsik Johnson. She has been assisting with the club’s Saturday Meal Program at the Bethlehem House Homeless Shelter on a monthly basis since 2011.

Wheels Donated! The Rotary Club of St. Thomas II recently donated a golf cart to adopted Addelita Cancryn Junior High School to assist the administration in moving around the large campus. Rotarian Sinclair Wilkinson and President Anette Williams donate a golf cart to adopted Addelita Cancryn Junior High School Principal Lisa Hassell-Forde and Interact Advisor Ms. Daley. June, 2015 | 37

Rotary Club Port-au-Prince/Champ de mars

... Pour la Littérature

Le 23 avril est une date symbolique pour la littérature universelle. C’est en effet à cette date en 1616 que Cervantes, Shakespeare et Inca Garcilaso de la Vega sont tous les trois morts. C’est également la date de naissance ou la date de la mort d’éminents écrivains comme Maurice Druon, Haldor K.Laxness, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla et Manuel Mejía Vallejo. 38 | D7020 News

Nous avons organiser un concours avec les enfants du Foyer de Sion’s et les gagnants recevons des livres et des cadeaux, la camaraderies etais au rendez vous.

June, 2015 | 39

Rotary Club of Anguilla

Provides Home for Visually Challenged Youngster

“I Open My Own Door And Nobody Tell Me Nuttin” An Anguillian young man, filled with zeal and ambition, but challenged by impaired vision, is grateful to the Rotary Club of Anguilla, business persons and various individuals, who have assisted him with owning his own brand new home. He is Tyrone Richardson whose attractive and spacious one-bedroom house, with the necessary facilities and amenities, is situated at North Side, just next to his family’s home. He is well-known throughout the Anguillian community having used his well-developed sense of direction to travel widely on the island on foot – and sometimes even on a bicycle – to the amazement of many. He has worked at the Water Corporation and at Aronel, a private water company. He has also played in a musical band and now plays his own music on a keyboard in the comfort of his home. The Rotary Club of Anguilla, whose President is the well-respected community worker, Mr. Seymour Hodge, 40 | D7020 News

held a house-warming and blessing ceremony at Tyrone’s home on Saturday, June 13. The ceremony marked the completion of a yearlong project fueled by numerous fundraisers and other initiatives. Anglican Priest and Honorary Rotarian, Reverend Menes Hodge, (a charter member of the Rotary Club of Anguilla) and Pastor Philip Gumbs, of the Church of God (Holiness), officiated at the ceremony during which a number of Rotarians participated in the Scripture and blessing readings. Rotarian Mr. Harris Richardson, who initially chaired the project, related how Tyrone approached him requesting assistance from the Rotary Club, and then turned up unexpectedly at one of the Club’s weekly meetings to underscore his desire for help to build his house. The matter was subsequently taken up by the Rotary Club which provided the bulk of the funding.

Tyronne Richardson (center), attended unexpectedly to a weekly meeting of the Rotary Club of Anguilla. “The total cost to Rotary was over US$24,000, but we got a lot of in-kind contributions - and if you put a value to that, it can come up to about US$50, 000,” Rotarian Seymour Hodge told The Anguillian. “The paint was donated, the lights and so forth were donated; and Pastor Philip was instrumental in getting some of the doors donated, and so again the in-kind assistance was tremendous.” He was unable to mention everyone who assisted in anyway, saying that in general all the assistance was greatly appreciated. Asked how the Rotary Club handles requests for the type of assistance Tyrone required, Rotarian Hodge replied: “The project comes to the Board and the Board approves it as a humanitarian project. Once we complete the project, we hand it over and move on. The individual, or in some instances, the government, with the help of others, will maintain the completed project.”

How does Tyrone feel now that he has his own house? “I feel good when I get up in the morning, and open my own door and nobody tell me nuttin,” he replied. *(Article (with slight modifications) kindly reprinted with permission from the Editor of The Anguillan Newspaper. Original story was published in the Friday June 19th, 2015 issue) ~Via Rtn. Genefa Fedee

The Rotary Club of Anguilla has previously worked on a small house at George Hill and has been involved in equipping the playgrounds of all the primary schools. Tyrone took the opportunity to thank the Rotary Club and all the donors. He singled out the contractor, Mr. Hugh Christian, who completed the construction in one month; Kenneth Maynard and Marvin Carty. June, 2015 | 41

Rotary Club of Old Fort

The Newest Club of District 7020!

Charter members of the Rotary Club of Old Fort at the club’s charter ceremony celebrate with dignitaries from Rotary International. Front Row (L to R): Lothario Taylor, board member; Tameika Thompson, Secretary; Bruce Ferguson, President; Guerlancy Pierre; Mick Guy, board member; Royann Dean, board member; Paul Brown, outgoing District Governor; Back Row (L to R): Joanna Paul, Vice President; Erica Pinder; Keri Sherman; Latoya Mitchell; Bryan Knowles, Club Advisor. The recently formed Rotary Club of Old Fort (RCOF) is the newest Rotary club in The Bahamas. The club, sponsored by the Rotary Club of West Nassau is the eighth club in the Rotary International family and the newest club in the 7020 district which also includes Turks and Caicos, Haiti, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, French Antilles and the Netherlands Antilles. RCOF was chartered in May 2015, becoming an official club, and will celebrate its highly anticipated charter ceremony with the outgoing 7020 District Governor, Paul Brown and the incoming District Governor, Felix Stubbs, the first Bahamian district governor in several years. The inaugural board is headed by President Bruce Ferguson and Secretary Tameika Watson.

The Rotary Club of Old Fort meets Wednesdays at 6:30PM at the Blue Caviar in the Harbour Green Plaza, Lyford Cay. Stay up to date on Facebook and Twitter @RotaryClubOldFort 42 | D7020 News

Founding members proudly stand together on the night that the new Rotary Club of Old Fort was officially chartered.

Rotary Club of Eleuthera

Busy Making Friends Eleuthera Rotarians were inspired by presentations at District 7020 Conference, from our RI Director for Zone 33/34 (2014-16) Robert Hall. Eleutheran ROTARIANS were delighted for the interaction with him, and his wonderful tower of strength Mrs. Charlene Hall. In the picture, left to right: Club Treasurer Rotarian Susan Culmer, PE Juanita Pinder, RI Director Hall, PP Jacquie Gibson, and Membership Chair Sherrin Cooper

Eleutheran Rotarians were pleased to welcome Larry & Sherry Biron of the Laurie Sunshine Beach Rotary from District 6080 to Eleuthera. Past District Governor Sherry Biron and her husband (a Rotarian of 30+ years), Larry are newlyweds spending their honeymoon on our island and are having a grand time. As true Rotarians, they decided to spend the evening with us. In the picture, left to right: President Julian Carey, Sherry & Larry Biron

RCE was also pleased to welcome District Governor Nominee (7490) James Boyer - New Jersey (Bergen, Hudon and Passaic Counties), once again, trading banners were exchanged. In the picture, left to right: District Governor Nominee James Boyer and Presiden Julian Carey.

Further, Rotarian Steve Sheppard, President Elect (2016) of The Rotary Club of North Suffolk, Virginia paid a courtesy call on me President Elect 2015/2016 today in Governor’s Harbour on his way to the airport. He received our banner from the Rotary Club of Eleuthera and promised to send us a banner from his club...ROTARY AROUND THE WORLD!! In the picture, left to right: PE Steve Sheppars and PE Juanita Pinder. June, 2015 | 43

Rotary Club of Tortola

Julien Johnson Installed as President The Rotary Club of Tortola held its installation and awards dinner at The Long Bay Beach Resort on 20th June 2015. The colorful and festive evening was a celebration under the theme “Fifty Shades of Rotary” installing Julien Johnson as President and recognizing those contributing to the club’s accomplishments under now Immediate Past President Henry Creque. The installation ceremony was well attended by Rotarians, Rotaractors, Partners in Service and friends of Rotary.

Rotary Assistant Governor Delma Maduro administered the Oath of Office and installed Julien Johnson along with his incoming Board of Directors – President Elect Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe, Vice President Lynette Harrigan, Immediate Past President Henry Creque, Treasurer Ron Brash, Sergeant at Arm Kenneth Morgan, Directors Michael Killourhy, Mitsy Ellis-Simpson, Abbi Christopher, Kelvin Liburd and Secretary Elect Ixora-Rose Williams. Other members to be installed are Secretary Johanna Boyd and Directors Robert Creel and Thor Downing. Before looking into the future of the new board, the club shared accomplishments and recognized some of the Rotarians who made significant contributions during the past year. The Rotary Club of Tortola Rotarian of the Year nominees were Lynette Harrigan, Ron Brash, Mitsy Ellis-Simpson, Ixora-Rose Williams, Michael

Killourhy, Valerie Thomas and Louis Schwartz. Valerie Thomas and Ixora-Rose Williams were jointly awarded Rotarian of the Year. Honorable Dr. D. Orlando Smith and Honorable Ralph T. O’Neal were each presented with the Paul Harris Fellow Award for their dedication towards improving the lives of others in their community, and for having lived unceasingly by the creed “Service above Self”. The award is the highest honor a club can bestow upon any person. President Creque addressed many of the club’s accomplishments during the past year. Those included the great success of the Annual Grand Affair that raked in over $345,000, donating $50,000 to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the New Peebles Hospital, the “Baby Think It Over” teenage pregnancy prevention

44 | D7020 News

programme, the Epic Youth Forum on Peace and Conflict Resolution and Food Drives which benefitted families in need across the Territory. The club also chartered its first Earlyact Club at the St. George’s Primary School, making it a historic Rotary year under President Henry’s leadership. The address by incoming President Johnson was the significant highlight of the evening. Johnson praised the Club for the tremendous 2014/2015 year and reflected on the many accomplishments under the leadership of outgoing President Creque. Johnson congratulated his Board of Directors and emphasized transforming the club from “Success to Significance” and challenged each Rotarian to continue to “Be a Gift to the World” which is the theme of Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran for the 2015/2016 Rotary year. An enthusiastic and vibrant President Johnson alluded to “getting the club involved in even more meaningful projects that directly impact and improve the lives of others.” This signifies for Johnson “returning to the core of what Rotarians do – rolling up our sleeves, getting our hands dirty and making our communities better.” The Rotary Club of Tortola meets at The Moorings Mariner Inn Restaurant on Thursdays at 12:30 P.M. For more information about the Club and its activities, please contact Mitsy Ellis-Simpson at 1284 545 7505 or email mitsy@paradiserealtybvi.com or visit the Rotary Club of Tortola’s website at www.rotarytortola.org. In the group picture: Back Row Left to Right: Sergeant at Arm Kenneth Morgan, Vice President Lynette Harrigan, Director of Youth Services Abbi Christopher, Incoming President Julient Johnson, Membership Director Kelvin Liburd, President Elect Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe, Immediate Past President Henry Creque Front Row Left to Right: Assistant Governor Delma Maduro, Foundation Director Michael Killourhy, Secretary Elect Ixora-Rose Williams, Public Image Director Mitsy Ellis-Simpson and Treasurer Ron Brash

Share your stories in D7020News! Monthly Deadline: 20th of the month What to include: Text- Word or PDF Images- PDF, JPG, PNG | Attached Byline- Credit of story and of pictures Email to: d7020news@gmail.com June, 2015 | 49

Rotary Club of Road Town

Alzheimer’s Awareness Walk Rotarians Edna Williams and Anthony Clarke are on a mission. On June 21st 2015, the Alzheimer’s Association put on it’s first ever Alzheimer’s walk in the British Virgin islands. A group of fifty-four community members walked from 6pm to around 7pm from the center of Road Town, Tortola, to the eastern edge of town and back. The walk was followed by brief words by the daughter and grandson of Alric Correa, a founding member of the Rotary Club of Road Town, who began to suffer from early onset Alzheimer’s at the age of fifty-one. The incoming President of the Rotary Club of Road Town, Ryan Geluk, also said a few words pledging the support of the club to Alzheimer’s Awareness efforts over the coming year. June 21st, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. This date was chosen, and the walk held at sunset, to highlight the “Sun-downing Syndrome” which affects persons with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Sun-downing refers to an increase in confusion and agitation in the late afternoon and evening. Symptoms are less pronounced earlier in the day. Rotarians are known for being activists both within and beyond Rotary and often start Rotary projects that then become standalone organizations -- the Jaipur Limb Project and Gift of Life International spring to mind. Rotarians also are often extremely active in charitable organizations outside of Rotary. This brings us back to the mission of Rotarians Anthony and Edna. Completely separate from the Rotary Club of Road Town, Rotarian Edna contacted the International Alzheimer’s Association, and began to mobilize 50 | D7020 News

community resources to publish articles in the local press educating the community about the symptoms, causes and treatment of Alzheimer’s. Pretty soon she enlisted Rotarian Anthony who has two family members who suffer from the disease. With assistance from other Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, and the wider community, they were able to pull-off this inaugural event. Leading up to this event Rotarians Edna and Anthony did a presentation on Alzheimer’s at the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School Early Act Club. The idea is to educate everyone of all ages, as this disease ultimately affects the entire family. A number of activities are being planned to increase Alzheimer’s awareness and education throughout this year and beyond. The next major activity is planned for September 21, 2015 which is World Alzheimer’s Day.

With assistance from other Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, and the wider community, they were able to pull-off this We at the Rotary Club of Road Town are looking forward to actively supinaugural event. porting Rotarians Edna and Anthony as they continue their mission.

We’re also delighted that a number of Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Tortola and the Rotary Club Sunrise of Road Town came out to support this community effort. And we must again mention the active support from Rotaract, Interact, and also Early Act, making this a true “Family of

Source: http://myblog-district7890.blogspot.com

Rotary” event.

June, 2015 | 51

Rotary Club of East Nassau


Rotarians of the Rotary Club of East Nassau showing their commitment to the Rotary efforts to End Polio NOW. The Rotary Club of East Nassau, and their Rotaract Club, held their presidential changeover party on June 20th. Aide to the RI President Barry Rassin hosted the event at his residence, which was catered by a Nepalese chef who assisted in the recent RCEN campaign for Nepal. The campaign raised over $10,000 in aid. Outgoing President Elmer Lowe graciously handed over leadership to Jason Robertson, son of past president and past district governor John Robertson. The new 2015-2016 RCEN board was introduced with the assistance of District Governor Felix Stubbs. The board is composed of both new and experienced members. Jason will be advised by past president Joanne Smith. Bob McDonald, Karen Pinder, Felix Stubbs, Lee McCoy, Amol Pendharkar, Jason Robertson 52 | D7020 News

Left: Mayuri Decka, Shana Lee, Melissa Knowles | Right: Fernando Decardenas, Jason Robertson, Susan Robertson, Jen Bethell, Paul Knowles

Top left: Rotaract PP Taran Mackey, DG Felix Stubbs | Top right: Jason Robertson and girlfriend Jen Bethell Bottom left: Fintan Mooney, Carol Bischof, Mayuri Deka | Bottom right: DG Karen Pinder, Craig Pinder, DG Felix Stubbs, Kandice Davis

June, 2015 | 53

Rotary Club of Grand Cayman

More from Grand Cayman The incoming boards for all clubs in Grand Cayman held a social event on Thursday 11th June hosted by PP Fiona of Grand Cayman Central. Three Rotary Clubs and 2 Rotaract Clubs had the majority of their incoming board members present and were able to share ideas and thoughts for the new rotary year with their club counterparts. Incoming President Alice of Rotaract Blue organized an ice breaker (pictures) and all were excited about meeting the other clubs board members. It’s the first time an event of this type has included Rotaract and it was certainly well received. Incoming Central Secretary William stated “ This is what Rotary is all about – Fellowship of members to achieve our service goals.”

Pictured above, left and right, during the icebreaker – approx. 45 members attended. 54 | D7020 News

Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020

Butterfly Storybooks Arrive to Clubs in Haiti! The E-Club of the Caribbean has made a gift of more than 800 Butterfly StoryBooks to primary schools across Haiti. The stories were, translated into Creole, thanks to a partnership with the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of Haiti. A partnership with the Rotary Club of Les Cayes, which was responsible for the distribution of the books to all of the clubs in Haiti. The books received by various primary schools will enable children to have access to books suited to their age and written in the language spoken across the country.

Reading matter for schools in written in Haitian Creole is not always readily accessible and the E-Club is proud to have played a small part in providing a source for the schools through the receipt of a District Grant and through network of clubs in Haiti. We would like to thank all of those who played a part in this project for which a second District Grant was awarded to the club this year and, upon publication of the 2015 edition in Creole is completed.

Pictures showing the distribution of the the books to Presidents of all present clubs at the assembly.

June, 2015 | 55

Rotary Club St. Thomas

Celebrates Their Accomplishments...

... with a Board Meeting on the beach! President Erik Ackerson held his final Board meeting June 7,2015 on beautiful Water Island! He made the ocassion even more special by inviting the Officers’ families and a very welcoming brunch menu and drinks. He took the opportunity to reflect over the year’s accomplishments and thanked the efforts of those closest to him throughout the year. A wonderful time was had by all! 56 | D7020 News

Left: PP Terri Robinson, President Erik Ackerson and PP Paul Doumeng. Right: PP Sue Boland, Rtn. Addie Otlie and Program Chair Wila Fils.

June, 2015 | 57

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