Creating new insights
Training leaders Building community
Through rigorous research, the Rotman School’s Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE) creates myth-busting insights about gender and its intersection with race, sexual orientation, Indigeneity, ethnic origin, disability, socioeconomic status and other identities. We equip decision makers across Canada and around the world with game-changing guidance —and we’re just getting started. Check out our first 7 years of impact.
Shaping practice
Building momentum
provided to from diverse disciplines researchers scholarly publications, working papers, and conference presentations
500+ in bursaries for MBA Fellows and Interns
$392,565 events
$383,000 39
1,000,000+ webpage hits unique website visitors from countries
409,850 99
16,467 attendees
28+ international, federal, provincial & local government testimony and consultations
30 podcast episodes 3,459 listeners
to support post doctoral research fellows
13 $1,353,400 160+ research-informed resources for practioners students trained with gender-based insights to lead inclusive innovations
17,198 enrollments in our online Gender Analytics courses
20 case studies on Indigenous entrepreneurship, gender inequality in media, the pink tax & more
7 $5,946,312
In years, GATE has invested in our mission
364 media mentions in outlets 70+
12,779 newsletter subscribers
11 policy briefs on flexible work, diversity & inclusion in businesses, equitable gig economies & more
1,500,000+ social media impressions
9,290 Twitter & LinkedIn followers
world’s 1st National Feminist Economic Recovery Plan
National workplace trans inclusion policies audit
12 8 industry partners power circle members
52 donors $10 million Join GATE in raising to build an inclusive economy
Join us in making disruptive change