Looking for a media source or a speaker who can meet your deadlines and comment on a wide range of business, economic, and public policy issues? Faculty members at the Rotman School of Management can help.
The Rotman School is part of the University of Toronto, a global centre of research and teaching excellence at the heart of Canada’s commercial capital. Rotman is a catalyst for transformative learning, insights, and public engagement, bringing together diverse views and initiatives around a defining purpose: to create value for business and society.
Call on Rotman faculty whenever you require a fresh perspective on modern business issues. You can search our faculty in two ways: by area of expertise (pages 4 - 17) or by geographic area (pages 19 - 21).
Please note that not all Rotman sources are listed in this directory. This guide includes faculty who are cross-appointed to the Rotman School from the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) and the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC).
Media may also find it helpful to visit the Rotman Insights Hub for current insights. Bringing together high-impact faculty research and thought leadership on one searchable platform, the Rotman Insights Hub offers articles, podcasts, opinions, books, and videos representing the latest in management thinking and providing insights into the key issues facing business and society. Visit rotman.utoronto.ca/insightshub
For further information, please contact:
Ken McGuffin Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management University of Toronto mcguffin@rotman.utoronto.ca 416.946.3818
Rajeev Perera Coordinator, Events Communications and Media
Rotman School of Management
rajeev.perera@rotman.utoronto.ca 416.978.4193
AAfèche, Philipp Professor of Operations Management and Statistics philipp.afeche@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.1597
Aggarwal, Pankaj Professor of Marketing, UTSC paggarwal@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4253
O: 416.287.5614
Agrawal, Ajay
Geoffrey Taber Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Professor of Strategic Management; Founder, Creative Destruction Lab ajay.agrawal@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0203
Anastakis, Dimitry
L.R. Wilson and R.J. Currie Chair in Canadian Business History; Department of History, U of T dimitry.anastakis@utoronto.ca
C: 416-910-8654
Armstrong, Ann Advisor, ICUBE, UTM; Lecturer armstron@rotman.utoronto.ca
Arnold, Hugh
Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Executive-in-Residence hugh.arnold@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8737
C: 416.996.0725
Ashraf, Nouman
Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Teaching Stream nouman.ashraf@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.6998
Bar-Isaac, Heski
University of Toronto Distinguished Professor of Economics and Finance heski.bar-isaac@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3626
Baron, Opher
University of Toronto Distinguished Professor of Operations Management and Statistics opher.baron@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4164
Baum, Joel Professor of Strategic Management jbaum@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4914
Baum-Snow, Nathaniel Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy; Area Coordinator, Economic Analysis and Policy nate.baum.snow@rotman.utoronto.ca
Blum, Bernardo Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy; Director, Institute for International Business bblum@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5654
Bova, Francesco Associate Professor of Accounting francesco.bova@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3985
Brooks, Len Professor of Business Ethics and Accounting, UTM brooks@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 905.828.3916
Bryan, Kevin Associate Professor of Strategic Management kevin.bryan@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 647.785.3450
CCasciaro, Tiziana Marcel Desautels Chair in Integrative Thinking; Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management tiziana.casciaro@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3146
Catapano, Rhia Assistant Professor of Marketing rhia.catapano@utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5074
Célérier, Claire Associate Professor of Finance; Canada Research Chair in Household Finance claire.celerier@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.6597
C: 647.237.5715
Chan, Cindy Assistant Professor of Marketing, UTSC cindy.chan@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.1462
Chen, Feng
Associate Professor of Accounting, UTM feng.chen@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.8982
O: 905.569.4718
Cheng, Ing-Haw Professor of Finance, Academic Director of Master of Financial Risk Management Program; Research Director, Rotman FinHub inghaw.cheng@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4232
Christoffersen, Susan Dean; William A. Downe BMO Chair in Finance; Professor of Finance susan.christoffersen@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3818
Cire, Andre Augusto Associate Professor of Operations Management, UTSC andre.cire@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5454
C: 647.822.4991
Corts, Kenneth Vice-Dean, Research, Strategy and Resources; Marcel Desautels Chair in Entrepreneurship; Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy; Academic Director, Michael Lee-Chin Institute kenneth.corts@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8600
DCôté, Stéphane
Geoffrey Conway Chair in Business Ethics, Professor of Organizational Behaviour; Director, Clarkson Project scote@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5704
Couture, Victor
Camrost Felcorp Chair in Real Estate; Associate Professor of Economic Analysis victor.couture@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.0508
Dart, Beatrix
Professor; Director, Initiative for Women in Business; Academic Director, Experiential & Global Learning bdart@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.7496
Davydenko, Sergei Associate Professor of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance sergei.davydenko@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5528
DeCelles, Katherine
Secretary of State Professorship; Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Academic Director, PhD Program katy.decelles@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.0583
Dhuey, Elizabeth Associate Professor of Economics, UTSC elizabeth.dhuey@utoronto.ca
O: 416.208.2687
Doering, Laura Associate Professor of Strategic Management laura.doering@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.8627
Doidge, Craig Vice-Dean, Faculty; Professor of Finance cdoidge@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8598
Duke, Kristen Assistant Professor of Marketing kristen.duke@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5650
Dungan, Peter Associate Professor Emeritus of Economic Analysis and Policy pdungan@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4182
H: 416.756.4605
C: 647.998.4605
Dyck, Alexander Manulife Chair in Financial Services; Professor of Finance and Economic Analysis and Policy; Director, The David & Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation alexander.dyck@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0819
Edwards, Alex Professor of Accounting; Area Co-ordinator, Marketing alex.edwards@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5278
Elitzur, Ramy Professor of Accounting elitzur@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3827
Feinberg, Matthew Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management matthew.feinberg@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5652
Fisher, Jim Professor Emeritus of Strategic Management jfisher@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5591
C: 416.702.3986
Florida, Richard University Professor; Professor of Business and Creativity; Distinguished Scholar in Residence, School of Cities, U of T florida@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3818
Franco, April Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy; Chair, Department of Management, UTSC april.franco@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3133
O: 416.287.7360
Frazer, Garth
Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, UTSC garth.frazer@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.287.7522
Fullbrook, Matt Executive in Residence matt.fullbrook@rotman.utoronto.ca
Gaetani, Ruben Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, UTM ruben.gaetani@utoronto.ca
O: 905.569.4770
Galasso, Alberto Rotman Chair in Life Sciences Commercialization; Professor of Strategic Management alberto.galasso@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.0287
Gans, Joshua Jeffrey S. Skoll Chair of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Professor of Strategic Management; Area Coordinator, Strategic Management joshua.gans@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.3243
Geoffrey, Craig Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Academic Director, BMO Financial Group Finance Research & Trading Lab craig.geoffrey@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.0551
Gillezeau, Rob Assistant Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, UTSC rob.gillezeau@utoronto.ca C: 250.857.5381
Golden, Brian Sandra Rotman Chair in Health Sector Strategy; Executive Director, Sandra Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy; Professor of Strategic Management brian.golden@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.8519
Goldfarb, Avi Rotman Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare; Professor of Marketing avi.goldfarb@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8604
Goldreich, David Professor of Finance; Area Coordinator, Finance david.goldreich@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0833
Golubov, Andrey Associate Professor of Finance andrey.golubov@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8427
Grewal, Jody Assistant Professor of Accounting Management jody.grewal@utoronto.ca
O: 905.569.4740
Hejazi, Walid Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy; Academic Director, Executive Programs hejazi@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.7042
Hirsh, Jacob Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, UTM jacob.hirsh@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3219
O: 905.569.5792
Hodnett, Stephanie Executive Director, Executive Programs stephanie.hodnett@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5447
Hoffman, Mitchell Professor of Strategic Management mitchell.hoffman@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.1529
Hope, Ole-Kristian Deloitte & Touche Professor of Accounting; Professor of Accounting okhope@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3610
Hossain, Tanjim Professor of Marketing, UTM; Director, Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR) Centre tanjim.hossain@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.0823
O: 905.569.4425
Hu, Ming University of Toronto Distinguished Professor of Operations Management and Statistics; Area Coordinator, Operations Management and Statistics ming.hu@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.5207
Kang, Sonia Academic Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy; Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (UTM) sonia.kang@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.3171 O: 905.569.4712
Kaplan, Sarah Distinguished Professor of Gender and the Economy; Founding Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy; Professor of Strategic Management sarah.kaplan@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.7403
Khapko, Mariana Assistant Professor of Finance, UTSC mariana.khapko@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.287.7320
Kim, Daehyun Assistant Professor of Accounting daehyun.kim@rotman.utoronto.ca O. 416.978.3101
LKirzner, Eric
John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing Emeritus; Professor Emeritus of Finance kirzner@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3426
H: 416.787.3636
Kramer, Lisa Professor of Finance, UTM lisa.kramer@utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.2496
O: 905.569.4893
Krass, Dmitry
Sydney C. Cooper Chair in Business and Technology; Professor of Operations Management and Statistics krass@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.7180
Lacetera, Nicola Professor of Strategic Management, UTM nicola.lacetera@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5068
O: 905.569.4466
C: 416.996.2753
Lee, Byung Soo
Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy and Integrative Thinking byungsoolee@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5261
Lee, Spike W. S. Associate Professor of Marketing and Psychology spike.lee@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0012
Leonardelli, Geoffrey Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management geoffrey.leonardelli@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0731
Maglio, Sam
Associate Professor of Marketing and Psychology, UTSC sam.maglio@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4253
O: 416.208.4741
Mahrt-Smith, Jan Associate Professor of Finance; Academic Director, Rotman-SDA Bocconi Global Executive MBA jan.mahrt-smith@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8597
O: 416.978.6733 M
Manning, Ryann Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management ryann.manning@rotman.utoronto.ca
McCarthy, Julie Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, UTSC julie.mccarthy@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.287.7342
O: 416.946.3167
McCullough, Tom Adjunct Professor of Finance; Executive-In-Residence tom.mccullough@rotman.utoronto.ca
McCurdy, Tom Bonham Chair in International Finance; Professor of Finance; Founder, BMO Financial Group Finance Research & Trading Lab tmccurdy@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3425
McElheran, Kristina Assistant Professor of Strategic Management (UTSC); Lab Economist, Creative Destruction Lab; Faculty Affiliate, Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society k.mcelheran@utoronto.ca
O: 416.287.7408
McEvily, Bill Jim Fisher Professorship in Leadership Development; Professor of Strategic Management bill.mcevily@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.5291
McGahan, Anita University Professor; George E. Connell Chair in Organizations and Society; Professor of Strategic Management anita.mcgahan@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.6188
Milner, Joseph Vice Dean, MBA Programs; Magna Professor in Management; Professor of Operations Management and Statistics joseph.milner@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5552
Mohanram, Partha John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing; Professor of Accounting; Director, CPA Ontario Centre for Accounting Innovation Research partha.mohanram@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.3108
Oesch, John Associate Professor, Teaching Stream oesch@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.1913
Ornthanalai, Chay Associate Professor of Finance chayawat.ornthanalai@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.0669
Park, Andreas Professor of Finance, UTM; Academic Director, Rotman Fin Hub andreas.park@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.2009
O: 416.978.4189
Powers, Richard Associate Professor, Teaching Stream richard.powers@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8610
H: 416.750.7245
Reuber, Becky Professor of Strategic Management; reuber@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5705
Riddiough, Steven Associate Professor of Finance, UTSC steven.riddiough@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 647.601.4480
Romero, Gonzalo Associate Professor, Operations Management and Statistics gonzalo.romero@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3427
Rotenberg, Wendy Professor of Finance and Accounting wendy.rotenberg@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.2664
Rotundo, Maria Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Area Coordinator, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management rotundo@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.5060
Rowley, Timothy Professor of Strategic Management; Academic Director, Executive MBA and Morning & Evening MBA programs rowley@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.6859
Ruttan, Rachel Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management rachel.ruttan@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.0724
Sekar, Shreyas Assistant Professor of Operations Management, UTSC shreyas.sekar@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.208.5151
Shah, Avni
Associate Professor of Marketing, UTSC avni.shah@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4253
O: 416.208.5148
Silverman, Brian J.R.S. Prichard and Ann Wilson Chair in Management; Professor of Strategic Management silverman@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.7811
Simutin, Mike
Associate Professor of Finance mikhail.simutin@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.8808
Soberman, David
Canadian National Chair in Strategic Marketing; Professor of Marketing; Area Coordinator, Marketing david.soberman@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.5445
C: 416.420.4876
Soman, Dilip
Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Science and Economics; Professor of Marketing dilip.soman@rotman.utoronto.ca
TSood, Aradhya Assistant Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, UTSC aradhya.sood@utoronto.ca
O: 416.287.7317
Strange, William SmartCentres Chair of Real Estate; Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy wstrange@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.1949
Tilcsik, András Canada Research Chair in Strategy, Organizations, and Society; Professor of Strategic Management andras.tilcsik@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0610
Toh, Soo Min Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, UTM soomin.toh@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 905.569.4971
Trefler, Dan Douglas and Ruth Grant Canada Research Chair in Competitiveness and Prosperity; Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy dtrefler@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.7945
Trougakos, John
Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, UTSC john.trougakos@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3160
O: 416.287.7181
Tsai, Claire
Professor of Marketing; Academic Director, Full-Time MBA; Corus Entertainment Chair in Communications Strategy claire.tsai@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3128
Verma, Anil
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management verma@rotman.utoronto.ca
Wahid, Aida
Associate Professor of Accounting, UTM aida.wahid@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.8981
O: 905.569.5703
Webb, Ryan
Associate Professor of Marketing; Director, TD Management Data and Analytics Lab ryan.webb@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4418
Whyte, Glen Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management whyte@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.4369
Wong, Franco Professor of Accounting franco.wong@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.0729
Xie, Jia Lin Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management xiejl@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.7944
Yang, Liyan
Peter L. Mitchelson/SIT Investment Associates Foundation Chair in Investment Strategy; Professor of Finance liyan.yang@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.978.3930
C: 416.208.5188
Zhong, Zachary Assistant Professor of Marketing zachary.zhong@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.946.3124
Zweig, David Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, UTSC dzweig@rotman.utoronto.ca
O: 416.287.5613
C: 416.208.5188
For more information, contact:
Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations mcguffin@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.946.3818
Rajeev Perera Coordinator, Events Communications and Media rajeev.perera@rotman.utoronto.ca O: 416.978.4193
Rotman School of Management University of Toronto 105 St.George Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E6
www.rotman.utoronto.ca www.rotman.utoronto.ca/insightshub