Purifying plants

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Purifying plants

, ISO 9001

2 About Us

Slovenian manufacturer, tradition and professionalism ROTO is the Slovenian manufacturer of plastic products with 35 years of tradition. These products are result of own knowledge of engineers and cooperation with institutes and detailed work of over 200 employees. ROTO is a private company with residece in Murska Sobota, who also has subsidiary manufacturing companies in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia. The company is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 1400.

ROTO has its own production, R&D, sales logistic and after sales service. ROTO has recieved numerous international awards such as »Award for outstanding business achievements in the SCC (GZS)«, Eco-Partnership, Symbol of hospitality, Quality price in construction, ect…

Select ROTO Purifying plant is the right decision 1. HIGH PURIFICATION CAPACITY – the ROTO purifying plants purify water up to 97.2%. The ROTO purifying plants operate safely and reliably, almost without making a noice and without unpleasant smell. Moreover, they are not sensitive to temperature fluctuations in the environment. Waste water from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and similar household sources of pollution are purified to such extent that water can safely be released into surface waters or underground streams. 2. EXCELLENT QUALITY – the ROTO purifying plant is constructed according the European SIST EN 12566 standard and achieves the purification levels prescribed in EU: BPK 5<30 mg/L, KPK<150 mg/L. 3. LOW OPERATING COSTS, high level of economic and energy efficiency. The cost of the electric energy consumed by a ROTO purifying plant is annualy only €6.1 per person (0.1kWh per day per person).

4. RELIABILITY AND TRUST. ROTO is a pioneer in the field of waste water treatment plant production in Slovenia and Europe. Our treatment plants are installed in 26 countries around the world. Over 20,000 ROTO purifying plant ranging from 3 to 500 units of various types have been installed. The product received the ZRMK Building and Civil Engineering Institute's award, which is selected by experts in civil engineering, proving the product's excellence. 5. 24-HOUR SERVICE – Quick supply, maintenance, startup and servicing performed by expert staff. Servicing by the ROTO company comprises the checking of mechanical parts in a plant, general cleaning services and operating situation control, as well as the testing of all functions performed by individual plant parts. The user is instructed on maintenance and the correct use of the treatment plant. We can also organise or supervise the installation and burial of the treatment plant into the ground.

Legend 3

About Us


Roto Purifying plants / in general


Purifying plant RoClean / technical data


Purifying plant RoClean / cleaning system


Purifying plant RoSan


Purifying plant RoEco / tehnical data


Purifying plant RoEco / cleaning system


User Tips


Septic tanks


Water is our life. life

4 Purifying plants

Roto PP – basic informations Use


Small purifying plants are used for the purification of waste water from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and similar sources of pollution from houses and other residential facilities.

1. Reliable functioning – no smells or malfunction. Water purification in the treatment plant is simple, as all its features s and drives function according to the principle of air – sub-pressure (mammoth pumps).

EU Directive

2. 24h service – maintenance and servicing done by ROTO's experts. We provide advice on a suitable location, supervise the entrenchment, monitir out the start-up, repair the purifying plant, etc.

According with the EU Directive, every building must be connected to the sewage network system or provide its own treatment by year 2015. In cases where a connection to the sewage system is impossible or is too expensive, the most rational investment is to install a purifying plant.

Determining the size of the purifying plant The size of the purifying plant is determined by population units (PU) or equivalent users, while at the same time defining the biochemical capacity of the treatment plant. The PU unit signifies the specific consumption of water ranging from 0.15 to 0.20 m3/person/day and the biochemical load of 0.06 kg BNO5/person/day. Only waste water coming from households and toilets without the inflow of rainwater can be led into the purifying plant.

3. Fast delivery – ROTO is a manufacturer, because of this purifying plant is manufactured and delivered in a few days. 4. Easy to install – the purifying plant can be installed in a few hours. A pit is dug, the treatment plant installed, the waste water inflow from the house is connected, the timer is connected to the tank and the computer is turned on. The burial instructions are enclosed. 5. Low operating expenses – the annually cost of the consumed electric energy amounts to only €6.1 per person. This expense can be reduced by the installation of a photovoltaic system. 6. High purification capacity – The ROTO purifying plant purify water up to 97.2%. 7. Water purified by a treatment plant can be reused for watering garden. 8. Economy – Investment in purifying plant is repaid in period of five years. 9. Long life – the purifying plant’s tank is made of polyethylene and has a life of 50 years. 10. 100% recyclable – after using it, the treatment plant may be disassembled and its polymer components may be recycled.

Conformity of treatment plants ROTO's small purifying plants are made according European SIST EN 12566 standard and bear the marking CE. The ROTO purifying plant received the Building and Civil Engineering Institute of Slovenia's quality mark. ROTO Purifying plant has received quality label Engineering Institute Slovenia.

Purifying plants 5

RoClean – technical data Types of Purifying plants Dimensions of PP in mm C (H-min) C (H-max) D (H inflow) E (H outflow)

Model of PP


Volume PP (L)

Compressor power (W)

4 PE




1987 1800






6 PE




2480 1800






8 PE




2880 1800






12 PE



LA 100

2680 2310






16 PE



LA 120

2680 2310






20 PE



DT 480 - 250 W

3760 2310






A (L)

B (W)










PP 4 PE 3500 L

PP 6 PE 5000 L

PP 8 PE 6000 L

PP 12 PE 8000 L

PP 16 PE 8000 L

PP 20 PE 12000 L

F (Pipe diameter in mm)

6 Purifying plants

RoClean – cleaning systems Use

INFLOW of waste water

COMPRESSOR • The device functions completely without moving mechanical parts (pumps, sliders, cylinders, etc.). • The compressor is the only machine element. • It supplies air to bacteria in order for them to survive and process waste water into pure water. • It works quietly; 9 hours per day on average.

OUTFLOW of waste water

2. Chamber AERATOR


Partition wall

COMPUTER Purifying plant is controled by a computer (microprocessor), allowing the following advantages: • All elements are digitally supervised; inaccurate functioning is detected automatically. • The computer can be set to holiday functioning.

The bacteria survive for a few days even if there is no waste water inflow. The electronic equipment is installed into a special place in the house or in an external box.

Air blowner

Waste water purification process The house purifying plant control is supervised by a computer built in a box or, for example, in a basement or in the garage, next to the compressor. The computer contains set times for the functioning of individual phases. The computer controls 4 valves, each with their own function:

1. Pumping water from the mud chamber to the aerator chamber. 2. Aeration in the aerator chamber. 3. Pumping the purified water from the small purifying plant into the outflow. 4. Pumping the sedimented mud from the aerator chamber back to the mud chamber.

Upon anticipated longer absence (more than a week), we can set the small purifying plant to holiday regime via the computer. During this time, only the necessary ventilation of biological functions is carried out.

1. The waste water flows into the spurifying plant in free fall and is collected in the first chamber (mud collector). The mud collector accumulates waste water coming from the house.

2. From the mud collector, the compressor, working on sub-pressure, pumps through a certain amount of toilet water into the aeration chamber. In the process of pumping through, the computer turns on the first valve.

3. Air (micro bubbles) is supplied through the compressor into the aeration chamber, where the decomposition of toilet water is carried out by means of bacteria. The compressor supplies air through the other valve and the membrane into the small treatment plant. The aeration time depends on the size of the small treatment plant.

4. After the aeration is finished, the mud sedimentation phase in the aeration chamber begins. The purified water on the surface is separated from the sediment. In the sedimentation phase, the compressor doesn't work.

5. The purified water is pumped out (on sub-pressure) from the aeration chamber by means of the compressor (the third valve is activated).

6. The purified water is pumped out (on subpressure) from the aeration chamber by means of the compressor (the third valve is activated). The purification procedure is repeated four times a day.

Purifying plants 7

RoSan – technical data Use The RotoSan purifying plants are installed where the shallow tank facilitates installation. This especially applies to stony and rocky areas as well as locations with high underground water. RotoSan can also be a free standing purifying plant if we only require the temporary purification of waste waters at a facility. RoEco is intended for the purification of waste waters coming from households, log cabins, and smaller hospitality facilities.

Types of Purifying plants Dimensions of PP in mm C (H-min) C (H-max) D (H inflow) E (H outflow)

Model of PP


Volume PP (L)

Compressor power (W)

2-4 PE




2310 2310






4-8 PE




5120 2310






A (L)

B (W)









F (Pipe diameter in mm)

8 Purifying plants RoEco

Ro Eco - technical data Use RoEco is intended to purify the waste water from households, holiday homes, small restaurants and other commercial facilities.

1670 mm

460 mm

Control valves


Return duct 110



1535 mm

1595 mm

1770 mm

2230 mm



1200 mm

Dimension of RoEco Purifying plant Dimensions in mm Model



4-6 PE


3000 L

Time of functioning Compressor power

10,9 hour

80 W

A (L)

B (W)

C (H)

D (H inflow)

E (H outflow)

F (Pipe diameter in mm)







Waste water treatment procedure The sediment-selective chamber (the SS chamber) is a flow chamber of the purifying plant, into which flow the household discharges that will be biodegraded. The discharges, mixed with active mud, move through the opening at the bottom into the aeration-activation chamber.

Into the aeration-activation chamber (the AA chamber), air is supplied by means of a ventilating fan and is lifted in small bubbles through aerators installed at the bottom of the device to the surface. The AA chamber enables the biological process of water purification with bacteria and air. The bacteria have enough oxygen and feed on waste supplied from the SS chamber.

Separation chamber (the S chamber): A mixture of mud comes from the AA chamber to the separation chamber, where the separation of the purified water from active bacteria takes place. The active bacteria sink to the bottom of the S chamber, from where they are pumped to the beginning of the process, while the purified water flows out into nature. The mud mixture, which can also be used as fertilizer, must be pumped out twice a year. We provide expert assistance in treatment plant maintenance.

Purifying plants RoEco

Ro Eco - cleaning systems Cleanliness of water from RoEco Parameter

Expected value in mg / L

Statutory threshold in mg / L







NH4-N TOC Settleable matter



15 - 30


< 0,3


Advantages • The RoEco 6 purifying plant is distinguished by its unique technological manufacture and innovative structure. • It considers the ecological criteria and the needs of modern users, such as the need for reliability, economic functioning and simple use. • It is developed on the basis of ten years of experience acquired through its use. • It is a simple and reliable facility in terms of its construction and use. • It is unique technology enables a high level of safety. • It is reliable and has a long service life, as there are no machine parts in the treatment plant's tank. • It functions by the principle of natural processes which have taken place for thousands of years. • It is imperceptible, causing no noise or smell. • It is safe and effective.

The RoEco treatment plant structure The purifying plant is built into the polyethylene tank separated in three chambers. Waste water flows into the first chamber and the purified water flows out of the last one. Waste water is supplied to the purifying plant by means of gravitation. There is a lid and a digitally controlled compressor installed on the top part of the purifying plant. The RoEco purifying plant bears the CE mark and meets all criteria posed by the ecological requirements of the EU legislation (certificate enclosed). The device is resistant to all weather conditions and functions uninterrupted, regardless of the season. The temperature inside the purifying plants ranges from 5-20 degrees Celsius. In nature, the self-cleaning process during which microorganisms transform waste into useful fertilizer takes place on a daily basis. The RoEco purifying plant functions on the basis of biological and physical processes supported by means of a unique construction solution.



User advice

Tips for user of Purifying plant Treatment plant maintenance The buyer or maintenance staff are obliged to maintain the smallpurifying plant in line with the enclosed instructions. In order to supervise the functioning, the customer may sign a contract on the small purifying plant for maintenance with the manufacturer. The purifying plant cleaning takes place once a year, depending on the load and the size of the small purifying plant.

PURIFYING PLANT START-UP Start-up can be carried out by the users themselves or with the help of the ROTO company. The biological matter forms itself after two to three months of use.

MAINTENANCE WORK UNDERTAKEN BY THE USER This comprises of cleaning work and control over the functioning of the entire hardware. The results of all controls must be entered into the operationallog. The control is carried out visually, more often at the beginning and less frequently later. Weekly control: Verifying whether the compressor works (small purifying plant – green light, eko6 – compressor's sound). Monthly control: Fasten a 1.5l cut plastic bottle onto one end of a stick that is at least 1.5 m long. Once aeration is underway, take a sample of the toilet water (small purifying plant -second chamber, eko6 - middle chamber) and pour it into the 1l measuring cylinder with markings for millilitres. Then, wait for 30 minutes and read out the sedimented part. The sedimented part is where the bacteria is. The purifying plant’s functioning is optimal when the bacteria becomes brown and the amount ranges between 30 and 70 ml/l. Using a stick, we can check the thickness of the formed paper crust, etc. in the first chamber. The crust must be removed when it exceeds 20 cm (we must call the municipal utility company). Annual maintenance work: The crust must be removed once a year. If there is no crust, or if the crust is thinner than 20 cm, the annual maintenance is not necessary and can be done every two years. CAUTION: If we wish to establish healthy bacteria for the plant to function optimally, we must take care of the bacteria by NOT using cleaning agents and other substances containing chlorine, chloride, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. All cleaning agents containing hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, ethanol or methanol can be used with the purifying plant but it is better to use cleaning agents that are labelled as biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Throwing wet wipes, cotton buds, cotton wool or other similar non-biodegradable hard particles into the purifying plant in not allowed.

24h Roto service Maintenance and servicing carried out by expert staff Servicing by the ROTO company entails checking the mechanical parts of plants, general cleaning and operating situation control, as well as testing all functions performed by individual plant parts. MAXI SERVICE • Purifying plant’s technological state control • Purifying plant’s sealing properties control • Measuring basic technological parameters (sedimentation) • Measuring oxygen content, PH and temperature • Organising the removal of excess active mud (transport costs covered by the customer) • Organising the supply of enriched active mud (transport costs covered by the customer) • Giving an opinion on the maintenance work performed so far • Providing advice on further maintenance work MINI SERVICE • Purifying plant’s technological state control • Purifying plant’s sealing properties control • Measuring basic technological parameters (sedimentation, oxygen, PH, temperature) • Giving an opinion on the maintenance work performed so far • Providing advice on further maintenance work

Additional equipment FREESTANDING BOX for the compressor For small treatment plants up to 20 PU, the compressor is located at the house (in the garage or the cellar) in a wall cabinet where the maximum distance between the treatment plant and the compressor is 15 m. On request, as additional equipment for small treatment plants up to 20 PU, we can install the compressor in an external cabinet with a maximum distance of 5 m from the treatment plant. For treatment plants above 20 PU, the external cabinet is included in the price (code 9340). FOTOVOLTAIK – reducing the costs of electrical energy used to power the compressor. A MORE POWERFUL COMPRESSOR for higher purification level than as prescribed by law (at 95%, BPK is 20mg/l, KPK is 90 mg/l).

SINKING SHAFT – if there is no possibility of directing the water into a stream, we install a 1200 x 1350 mm shaft (code 5817).

ADDITIONAL TANK For purified water from the small treatment plant, it can be used as an additional means of watering the garden.

Septic tanks 11

Septic tanks Use Septic tanks are designed for collecting waste water from toilets and are used in newly-built facilities or adaptations to existing houses, log cabins, apartment blocks, as well as other residential and business facilities. We can dig them in independently or put several in a row / parallel; thus increasing the volume.

Dimensions of septic tank Volume of septic tank (L)

1000 2000 3500 5000 6000 8000 12000 20000

One-chamber Two-chamber septic tank (code) septic tank (code)

6238 6543 6272 6273 6274 6254 6250 6257

6361 6546 6330 6326 6328 6255 6251 6259

Three-chamber septic tank (code)

A (L)

6331 6327 6329 6256 6253 6269

1600 1960 1987 2480 2880 2680 3760 6280

Dimensions of septic tanks in mm B (W) C (H-min) C (H-max) D (H inflow)

1060 1260 1800 1800 1800 2310 2310 2310

1460 1710 2050 2050 2050 2350 2350 2350

14-60 17-10 2500 2500 2500 2830 2830 2830

F (Pipe diameter in mm)

750 1030 1630 1630 1630 2100 2100 2100

110 110 110 110 110 160 160 160

User advice

Determining the septic tank size

• monthly check of faecal water level, • the emptying of septic tanks is required to contact the competent municipal enterprises

The recommended size per person's use is 1500 L. The size of inflow (seal) can be either 110 or 125 mm. Septic tanks do not enable flow and are available as: one-chambered, þ two-chambered or þ three-chambered. þ

WARNING: Septic tanks are only meant to be buried in the ground. The enclosed installation instructions must be observed.

ROTO Murska Sobota, SLOVENIA Tel: ++386 2 52 52 173 Fax: ++386 2 52 52 161 info@roto.si www.roto.si

ROTO GRAD Ivaniæ Grad, CROATIA Tel: ++385 1 28 30 404 Fax: ++385 1 28 30 402 dora@roto-grad.t-com.hr ROTO Alibunar Alibunar, SERBIA Tel: 00381(0)11 364 16 90 Mob: 00381(0)63 206 212 alibunar@roto.si ROTO M Vinica, MACEDONIA Tel: ++389 3 33 63 516 Fax: ++389 3 33 63 516 rotomvinica@yahoo.com

Murska Sobota Ivaniæ Grad




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