W O O D E N G R AV I N G • L I T H O G R A P H Y • S C R E E N P R I N T I N G • M O N O T Y P E
Printmaking: Traditional and Contemporary Techniques is an authoritative resource for printmakers, designers, artists, and students. This compilation of international work includes the most creative and diverse prints being produced today, revealing continuing developments in the field.
Ann d’Arcy Hughes
Ann d’Arcy Hughes
Hebe Vernon-Morris studied as a ceramicist and
printmaking. She assisted Anthony Gross at the Slade
metalworker before turning to printmaking. He now
School of Art in London, and worked with S. W. Hayter
specializes in lithography and woodcut.
at Atelier 17 in Paris before embarking on her lecturing career at the University of Brighton in the UK. Ann was the Regional Organizer with the Open College of the Arts (OCA) for 10 years before cofounding Brighton Independent Printmaking (BIP). Permanent collections of her work include prints at Xerox headquarters, BBC, and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
TECHNIQUES • Intaglio: etching, drypoint, mezzotint, metal engraving, collograph • Relief: hard and soft woodcut, linocut, wood engraving • Lithography: stone, zinc plate, polyester • Screenprinting/seriography: stencil, photo • Monotype/monoprint: oil- and water-based inks
COVER CREDITS: Cover design by Eoghan O’Brien Back cover photography by Simon Punter
APPLICATIONS • fine art prints • posters • cards • book and album covers • fashion and textile graphics • wallpapers
Ann d’Arcy Hughes has enjoyed an illustrious career in
Traditional & Contemporary Techniques Hebe Vernon-Morris
Hebe Vernon-Morris
E T C H I N G • M E TA L E N G R AV I N G • C O L L A G R A P H • W O O D C U T • C H I N E C O L L É