10 minute read
ARMA Visits the Roto Industry
The ARMA Board believe it is important for ARMA to spend time with the industry, through factory visits, workshops, or the conference. One of the objectives from our Strategic Plan was for the CEO, Michelle Rose, to visit members and supporters where possible once Australia and New Zealand opened.
Through July and August over 30 factories were visited in New Zealand and Australia, with further visits planned in New South Wales and Tasmania in the coming months. Combined with the attendance of the Rotomould Conference of over 120 moulders and suppliers and ARMA is well on its way to achieving its goal.
These visits provide an opportune time to discuss the issues that are happening within companies, along with any wins and successes. Much of the rotational moulding industry is very busy, and this has been constant over the last few years. However, this has been accompanied by increased costs for practically everything, including energy, transportation, materials, and labour. And then there is the conversation with customers as price increases are subsequently passed on. While this is occurring globally, and in a variety of industries, it can feel isolating within a business.
After so long, it was great to tour factories, see what products are developing, what new initiatives have been put in place, and generally talk all things “roto”.
It also provided an opportunity to discuss ARMA agenda topics that could benefit our members and supporters, such as the energy buying group, available marketing & technical information, and all the Operation Clean Sweep and recycling-related projects.
With a board planning session for our subcommittees and our next strategic planning session, the future of ARMA and what the industry believes we should be working on for safety and the environment was also discussed.
As Jason Walker from ARM Ltd in New Zealand commented: “After all this time it was great to see ARMA and Michelle back in New Zealand, as valuable as online meetings are, nothing beats an in person visit. A face-to-face meeting enables you to get updates from ARMA, and for me to communicate back the issues we face and the successes we have had at ARM. I also look forward to catching up with everyone again at the Rotomould conference this year!”
And a pearl of wisdom from Grant Palling of Matrix Polymers: “It was great to see Michelle Rose in person at our facility in Brisbane. It never fails to surprise me how unforeseen insights are gained from face-to-face meetings. Catching up with Michelle was no exception and we’re already working on actions to come out of the catch up.”

ARMA Visit with members Q Tank in Queensland
ARMA in Factory Training Program in Action
With major issues around skill shortages, the ARMA In-Factory Training provided staff at several sites in Australia and New Zealand with training and knowledge in the areas that were needed, specific to each business.
The training included multiple sites within businesses as well as extended training sessions. We also have two local businesses bring their staff together in one location for the training, and to network with other factory floor workers.
Ian Hansen, with over 35 years of rotational moulding experience provided training around topics such as: Introduction
to Rotational Moulding, what happens inside the mould during the process, optimal cure/cook assessment, moulds, parting lines, flanges, pry points, faster cooling, shrinkage & warpage, mould release application, specialised accessories, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
As part of the visit, ARMA also assisted companies with a site audit or self-audit with suggestions on what was required to prevent pellet and powder loss to our waterways as part of the Operation Clean Sweep program. This will assist the ARMA Environment Group towards its goal of 100% of our members to be pledged by the end of 2023.
We encourage all parts of the industry to put in place practices to keep plastics out of the marine environment, and ARMA is taking a proactive approach to help the industry to adopt best practices under this international program by assisting with the process and have seen a good uptake from both the factory and training visits.

Great to see the ARMA Safety Posters in the majority of factories visited! Michelle Rose, ARMA CEO catching up with Lester Ferry from Global Rotomoulding
ARMA recently hosted a webinar with Michael Paloian of Integrated Design in the US. Michael presented on Advanced Techniques in Rotational Moulding. During the webinar he talked about how to begin with an idea, developing it into a concept, start up, how to test and validate a design, and the production release. While the time differences made it difficult for a lot of live attendees the recording has had a great deal of interest and provided value to the industry.
If you are interested in presenting to the industry in this part of the world, we are always looking for interesting and innovative speakers and topics. Reach out to ARMA at info@ rotationalmoulding.com

Latest Resources for Members on Energy
Given the need to focus all efforts on reducing the cost of energy, members are advised there is available a free copy of the standard BSI ISO 50005 on energy management for small-to -medium enterprise companies (SME’s). BEIS has sponsored 100,000 free copies of the BS ISO 50005 standard to help SME’s ‘to develop a practical, low cost-approach to energy management to reduce energy consumption, energy bills, and greenhouse gas emissions’.
Energy management systems are systematic tools that support businesses in managing their energy usage. The BS ISO 50005 standard is designed through a phased/staged implementation approach to make it manageable for SME’s with small resource and capacity. Download your free copy.
Discover how you can lower your energy use and cut your energy bills at the third edition of ‘Controlling Energy Use in Plastics Processing’ by industry expert, Dr. Robin Kent of Tangram, which will be incredibly useful to all members - especially those who are worried about the energy crisis. Dr. Robin Kent will walk you through all aspects of the plastics manufacturing process, showing energy saving techniques at each stage.
The BPF put on an event: Meet the Energy Consultant on the 15th September 2022. This was an opportunity to have an online consultation with LG Energy Group from the comfort of your office, during a pre-arranged 20-minute consultation in which you can discuss your questions and energy issues with Energy Consultant: Richard White. Richard has over a decade of energy industry experience and was brought into LGE as our Solutions Strategy Manager, bringing with him a wealth of experience across the energy spectrum.
Please also note that BPF Director General, Philip Law, recently wrote to BEIS Secretary of State Kwasi Kwarteng to underline the issues caused by the massive escalator in energy prices on the plastics sector. He has requested that the Secretary of State address 5 key potential interventions in the energy market. He also passed on the latest findings of the BPF Business Conditions Survey and underlined the fact that many companies are having difficulties passing energy costs on down the supply chain.
We will continue to support members in a time of increasing energy costs in any way we can.
New Enthusiasm at First Post-COVID StAR In-Person Regional Meet

Table Top S N Pozhil, BITS Pilani Goa S Padmanabhan Brilsol

Ravikumar, Roots Multiclean Umakant Savadekar, Phychem Technologies Attendees
The first in-person StAR Regional Meet since the long pandemic disruption was held at the southern India city of Coimbatore on 30th July, ’22.
The Regional Meet cum Tabletops show was based on the highly relevant theme in present times of Custom Moulding vs Tanks; Emerging Roto Opportunities in a Changing Scenario.
The excitement among participants of meeting each other after the long break was very much in the air as presentations and interactions threw up many new ideas to find solutions to the fresh challenges. Going for qualitative changes in production and marketing techniques seemed to be a way forward to spur growth and development that the industry had sorely missed out on during pandemic times.
The interesting topics built around the theme presented by well-known speakers along with Tabletop displays kept alive attendees interest right through the meet. • What is Rotomoulding – a unique solution
By S N Pozhil, BITS – Pilani, Goa • The Art of Choosing the Best Rotomoulding Material for our need
By Ravi Kadivar, Greenage Industries, Ahmedabad • Importance of Branding – Enhance product value by permanent branding
By S Padmanabhan, S S Polyfusion, Durgapur

Ravi Kadivar, Greenage Industries and SB Zaman, StAR Executive Director
• New Materials: New Applications
By Venkit Mahadevan, PolyLink India, Daman • Rotational Moulding Process – Quality Control
By Umakant Savadekar, Phychem Technologies, Nashik • Smart Manufacturing and Innovation
By R Ravikumar, Roots Multiclean, Coimbatore • StAR ’23 Delhi Conference; Together Towards Tomorrow
By S B Zaman, StAR Exec Director At the Welcome to the third regional meet of StAR at Coimbatore and the first physical StAR event since the onslaught of the pandemic, the ideal location of the city for entire South India, and its technology orientation was pointed out as very conducive to renew industry promotion activities of StAR. 35 attendees from 16 companies, 10 of whom were Rotomoulders who were present on the occasion, introduced themselves along with their business profiles which laid the ground for networking. A break for Tea / Coffee midway Venkit Mahadevan, PolymerLink India through the presentations and Cocktails & Dinner at the end proved to be good networking opportunities. Apart from regular interactions between speakers and audience during presentations, the latter part of the presentation by Umakant Savadekar took the shape of a busy Trouble Shooting session. Tabletop displays done by Roots Multiclean and Greenage Industries attracted considerable attention. Special thanks were offered to the sponsors at the meet; Roots Multiclean and Greenage Industries. Ideal Polytecnalogies was thanked for a smaller sponsorship.

Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia Inc. Tel: +61 (0) 7 3812 1450 www.rotationalmoulding.com CEO: Michelle Rose Cheif Executive Officer: Michelle Rose michellerose@rotationalmoulding.com
Association of Rotational Moulding (Central Europe) e.V. (ARM-CE) MAUS GmbH - Rotationsgießformen Am Viehweg 9 - D-76229 Karlsruhe Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 103433 Tel.: +49 (0) 7 21 / 9 48 74 12 Fax: +49 (0) 7 21 / 9 48 74 44 Mr. Oliver Wandres, ARM-CE Chairman info@rotational-moulding.de www.rotational-moulding.de Association of Rotational Moulders Southern Africa PO Box 6966 Birchleigh 1621 Gauteng, South Africa Tel: +27 82 772 3769 Fax +27 12 541 1738 Chairman: Grant Heroldt info@armsa.co.za www.armsa.co.za
British Plastics Federation Rotational Moulding Group 6 Bath Place Rivington Street London EC2A 3JE United Kingdom Tel: 020 7457 5000 Fax: 020 7457 5045 Chairman: Mr. Philip Maddox PhilipM@LeafieldEnv.com IT-RO Italia Rotazionale Katia Zoppetti Via E. Brigatti 12 20152 Milano (MI) Italy Tel: +039 348 7652560 www.it-ro.it
The Nordic Association of Rotational Moulders Executive Board Chairman: Mr. Ronny Ervik ul. Zielona 8, 61-851 Poznan, Poland Tel: +48 607-126-004 Fax: +48 61-858-8611 info@rotomoulding-europe.org www.nordicarm.org Society of Asian Rotomoulders (StAR) 40/145, Ground Floor, Chittaranjan Park New Delhi 110019 Tel: + 91-11-41630157 Fax: +91-11-41634952 Mob: + 91- 9810305356 sb.zaman@staraisa.org arnacz@satyam.net.in www.starasia.org