Comparison of study of pitched roof and modern final

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Asian Architecture [ARC 2213/2234] PROJECT 1: CASE STUDY



: Chen Rou Ann


: 1001G76463


: Mr. Koh Jing Hao


: 11th November 2014





1.0 Introduction


2.0 Eco 窶田oncept and sustainable architecture


3.0 Malaysian Climate


4.0 Overview of Belum Rainforest resort


5.0 Roof Architecture 5.1 Design concept and comparison


5.2 Roof in response to Malaysian Climate 5.2.1 Pitched Roof


5.2.2 Flat Roof


5.2.3 Conclusion


6.0 Conclusion


7.0 Bibliography


ABSTRACT This paper investigates on the different type of roof applied to Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Belum Rainforest. This research paper would compare the different types of roof with its ability to shield the building from Malaysian tropical climate. Other than that, the materiality, installation and maintenance is used to compare their environmental performance to prove the significance of both roofs and the sustainability of it. The design concept of the pitch roof comes from the kampong houses while the flat roof comes from a modern design. Pitch roof cools down the building, plus it provides shading from the sun. The rain water drips off roof instead of collecting water. Other than that, it also has a longer lifespan than the flat roof. Pitched roof wastes space and it needs more expenses to build it. Flat roof is good for spatial experience and it can be used to create more usable functional space. It can be turn into a walkway too. Other than that, flat roof are more affordable. The disadvantages are that flat roof collects water and causes leakage into the building. It also has shorter lifespan and it needs constant maintenance. Deep roof eaves encourage natural ventilation to develop. With the high pitched roof, it increases ventilation, causing building to cool down. Other than that, during rain, the rain water will flow down from the deep eaves, preventing water to pool on the roof. Deep eaves also creates shadows, shielding the interior from the sunlight, and also blocks out heat. The roof uses ventilated air gap as a natural insulating layer. Flat roof uses concrete as a material and it also acts as a heat sink. With the protruding slap on top of the balcony, shades the room from sun. With proper insulation, flat roof would be able to shield the head from the sun.

1.0 INTRODUCTION Belum Rainforest prides itself to be an eco-friendly sustainable building. The research is to understand the design intent of the designer leading to the decision of the type of roof used in order to achieve the final intended outcome. It is intriguing that there is the contrasting development while both of them are built in such a similar context. This case paper is to identify the effectiveness of roof design in response to Malaysian tropical climate. In order to do that, understanding of roofs through its function and elements is needed, and the achievement of building efficiency also needed to be highlighted. Flat roof have becoming increasingly more and more popular in Malaysia, and it is replacing the traditional pitched roof. Pitch roof have been slowly and slowly being eliminated from the architecture world in our country, but as we know, pitch roof is kind of typical Malaysian roof due to its tropical climate. This research paper is a comparative study of pitch roof and modern flat roof, on which is more suitable in Malaysia in the sense of its thermal comfort and environmental performance. The paper is based on a thorough research on various sources of information regarding the Malaysian roof type. Kampung Villa and Phase two, Deluxe suite at Belum Rainforest Resort have a traditional pitch roof and flat roof accordingly would be used as a main subject of the case study.

This paper makes a comparision between the adaptation of pitched and modern flat roofs in response to the Malaysian climate. It investigates with the respective questions: 1. State the definition of eco concept and sustainability. 2. What is the design concept of flat roof (phase 2-new phase) adopted in Belum and why

does it not continue with pitched roof (phase 1-old phase)? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using either pitch roof or flat roof? 4. With the use flat roof and pitch roof, how does the roof help in shielding the building

from Malaysian tropical climate? 5. Which type of roof is more sustainable in comparison?

2.0 ECO-CONCEPT AND SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE What is eco concept? Eco concept, also known as concept of eco-efficiency is based on the concept of creating more goods and services while reducing resources and generating less waste and pollution. What is sustainability? Sustainability is an approach to architectural design that minimizes sustenance or resource consumption so as to prolong the availability of natural resources. (Architronic, n.d.) It basically means ‘take less from earth, giving more to the people’ (Rocky Mountains Institute.


Malaysian climate (NEA, 2006) Malaysia is situated near the equator, therefore, has a tropical climate. Malaysia has a uniform temperature all year round, high humidity and plentyl rainfall. Since it is situated near the equator, it is extremely rare to have a full day with complete clear sky. Malaysia has abundant sunshine naturally and on the average. Malaysia receives about 6 hours of sunshine per day. The average temperature is about 27 째C and the higher mountain regions are about 23째C. Average rainfall in Malaysia is about 250cm a year as there are 2 monsoon seasons that hits Malaysia. Between October to the March, the eastern side of the peninsula is affected by the monsoon season while April to September monsoon hits the west coast. Humidity in Malaysia is high, ranging from 70% to 90%.

Belum rainforest has temperature average around 23째C as it is in the inland and is surrounded by tropical forest. Although the temperature is lower, it does not escape from the bright sun, the wind and also the rain. Hot and humid climates requires building to be very responsive to the weather, where they have to be well protected against the heavy rainfall, the heat, the sun and also the wind. Since it is Belum Resort is an eco-friendly establishment, it should be leaning towards the usage of natural ventilation and sustainable designs.

4.0 Overview of Belum Rainforest Resort

Pulau Banding (Exploring Belum Rainforest Resort @ Pulau Banding, Perak, 2012)

Belum Rainforest Resort is located on the Pulau Banding, an island on Tasik Temeggor. It is a treat to the nature lovers as it is a gateway to the oldest rainforest in the world, Pulau Banding. It provides home to 130 million years old rainforest, Belum-Temenggor rainforest.

Front faรงade of Belum Rainforest Resort Restaurant

Belum Rainforest prides itself to be an eco-friendly sustainable building. Being located at an environmentally sensitive area, the resort was built as a sustainable development with the aim of providing convenience as well as an educational experience of nature and green issues to the public. While the resort was being strategized, widespread consultative process was conducted with environmentalist, academics, anxious NGO’s and the local and federal Governments during the development of the project. The project was managed by project architect Juteras Sdn Bhd managing director Khoo Boo Siew and EMkay group. There are two phases of development on the site, with an estimated gross development value (GDV) of RM639 million. Phase 1 is completed in June 2009 with the complete facilities of 70 rooms, a grand dining hall, a multi-purpose room and a reception lobby combined building. Phase 2 was launched in 2014 which covered 40,000 square feet which includes 36 extra rooms, six kampong-style houses, a larger main lobby, five spa rooms, and a swimming pool.

Phase 1

Phase 2

5.1 ROOF


5.1 Design concept and the comparison in both roofs

1:200 scale of Belum Rainforest Resort

Pitched roof have at least two slopes that rises and meet at the peak on the top, creating a triangle. The design concept of Phase 1 is from Kampong houses derived from orang asli in the rainforest. The deep steep roof, the wooden faรงade, the openings resemble a traditional kampong houses.

Traditional kampong houses seen in Malaysia (Terengganu Classic House, n.d.)

Belum Rainforest Resort Restaurant The advantage of having a pitched roof is that it cools down the building with the natural ventilation that occurs around the building. It also helps to cool down the building by shading the sunlight from entering into the interior.

Deep eaves Other than that, rain water drips off the roof during rainy days. Instead of pooling on the roof, the water flow down the roof effortlessly. This prevents leakage of excessive water into the building. Pitched roof has longer life span too compared to flat roof. When it is properly constructed, it offers a much longer lifespan than a flat roof, since the materials are more durable and more weather resistant. Disadvantages of pitched roof are that it wastes space. Other than that, it is harder to build to build a pitch roof. Pitched roof needs to be built on the site, which requires material to

be sent to the site and then installed on the spot. It not only needs more skilled work since it is a more complex design, it uses more time to. In addition, building a pitched roof needs more expenses too. A flat roof is usually a flat slab on top of the building instead of a traditional sloping roof. It is only recently introduced into the architecture world. The design concept of Phase 2 is from the modern designs. The modern day design usually involves flat roof instead of pitched roof as it provides a more cutting edge design.

Modern houses (Flat Roof Modern Contemporary Residence, 2009)

Belum Rainforest Resort Phase 2 Hotel Rooms

The main advantage of flat roof is that it creates more functional space. It provides an open environment which creates a pleasant spatial experience for the users. In the resort, the roof top is normally used as an external viewing deck for the users to have the panoramic view of the lake and the Belum rainforest. Other than that, the roof also provides extra spaces for functions when needed.

During Malaysia day, breakfast is served on top of the buildings instead of its usual place, the restaurant

Students overlooking the view of Lake Temeggor on Phase 2

Other than that, some spaces on the roof can be used as recreational spaces. It expands the usefulness of the building while giving it more space for extra activities. In Belum Rainforest Resort, some part of the roofs on the lower level are used as a mini playground and reading and resting corner. One part of the roof top is also converted into swimming pool.

Playground is provided for children on one of the roofs

A part of the roof top is converted into swimming pool

With flat roofs, roof top walkways are also possible for easier accessibility. Walk way and connecting bridges to the next building are also installed in the resort. While enjoying the scenery on the roof top, users easily maneuvered from one building to another without much trouble. The roofs in Phase 2 interconnect from one building to another, making them easier to

access from different floors instead of walking a long way down or up to get to the other buildings.

Walk way on top of buildings Phase 2

Flat roof are essentially more affordable to build and also it is easier to build as it can be precast before bringing it to the site. It can be brought to the site after it is casted and placed on the designated spot instead of casting it on the site which will destroy the surrounding forest. It also requires a lot less materials and labour than a pitched roof. It also does not require a skilled worker to work on casting the slab, and it also saves a lot of time and speed up the construction process. The drawbacks of flat roofs are that during rain, the building collects water on the roof which in turn might cause a leakage into the building. That might lead to foul smells and mold forming in or around the building. Other than that, flat roof have a shorter lifespan and it needs constant maintenance for it to perform in the long run. If it is not constructed properly, it might lead to unnecessary trouble.

5.2 Response in Malaysian Climate 5.2.1 Pitched Roof In Belum Rainforest Resort Phase 1, the buildings have deep roof eaves where it encourages natural ventilation. With the high pitched roof, it increases ventilation, causing the building to cool down. The roof uses a ventilated air-gap as a natural shielding layer. It guides the moving air into the building, pushes the hot air out, creating a colder environment, and invites air flow into the building.

Roof wind ventilation (Attic Ventilation for homes, 1995)

Other than that, during rain, especially during rainy season, rain water will flow down from the deep eaves, preventing water to pool on the roof. It prevents leakage on the roof. It guides the rainwater down to the ground by letting it flow on the eaves and off the edge, down to the drain. Deep eave of the roofs creates shadows, shielding the interior from the bright sunlight, which in turn blocks out the heat. Most of the days, in Malaysia, the weather is sunny and hot.

To prevent the heat and the sunlight from being overbearing, the deep eaves blocks the sunlight from getting into the building. By obstructing the sunlight, the heat is reflected too.

Eaves blocking the sun away from building.

With the shade from the sun and also the air ventilation, the building is cooled significantly without any mechanical help. This not only prevents extra usage of mechanical help and saves electricity, it prevents the release of toxic air into the environment, saving energy, hence making the building more sustainable.

5.2.2 Flat Roof

Flat roof of Phase 2

In phase 2, the building uses concrete as a material. Concrete walls acts as a heat sink, which prevents the interior to heat up. It acts as a layer of shield from the exterior, absorbing the heat during the day, preventing the interior to heat up too much. At night, the heated up layer of concrete will release the heat into the cooling night air, and the cycle repeats again on the next day. The protruding slab on top of the balcony shades the room from the sun. With the glaring sunlight being blocked, a part of the heat is reflected, and in the process, cooling down the building. Although protruding slab helps in shading the building, it needs a significant amount of overhang to make it work.

Sunlight blocked by the top slab, preventing glaring sunlight from entering the building. With proper insulation, flat roof would be able to shield the heat from the sun. Membrane and insulation layers are added in between concrete to further insulate the roof, to prevent heat from entering the building, and with that, cooling down the building.

Flat roof insulation (Two basic approaches to insulating flat roofs , 2011)

When it is raining, water will pool on the roof and create puddles. With a proper drainage system, water will be able to be dispensed properly but there will still be small puddles on the roof. If the roof is not constructed properly, water will leak from the roof and cause the building to have a foul smell. Mold might grow on the affected places too. To clear everything and to fix the faulty part will be troublesome.

5.2.3 Conclusion In conclusion, both of the roofs are at an advantage at very different things. Pitched roofs are better at naturally ventilating the building; hence it saves a lot of energy and use less mechanical ventilation. With the lack of mechanical ventilation use, less toxic air is released to the air and saves energy, therefore improve air quality. Flat roof are less efficient in cooling the buildings using natural ventilated method, therefore, mechanical ventilation is needed to cool down the building. With the use of mechanical ventilation, it requires more energy and more electricity, it might damage the environment overtime. About getting rid of rain water, pitch roof is better at shedding rain water than flat roof. Flat roof, if not carefully and properly constructed, will cause water to leak into the building. Both types of roof are hand in hand in shading the sun from the building but flat roof needed a significant more amount of overhand to work while pitched roof already have the eaves to prevent the shade. In terms of spatial experience and usefulness of the spaces on the roof, pitched roof has no extra space for extra activities while flat roof has plenty of excess spaces for walkways, lookout point or event areas. Pitched roof has a longer life span, although it is harder to construct, have a higher cost and it takes up more time while needing skilled workers. Flat roof is easier to construct and cost cheaper, but it has a shorter life span and needs constant maintenance.

6.0 CONCLUSION Pitched roof are more environmental friendly in terms of cooling and shading the building, but flat roof are better for usage wise. In terms of costing, though more long lasting, pitched roof costs more to construct than flat roof. Although usable functionality wise, flat roof are the more economically way to go, pitched roof are better at cooling down the building naturally while flat roof requires mechanical cooling system. With that, it will not only ruin the environment, it is costly too. Although it has many functions such as providing more functional spaces, environmentally, pitched roof are the more sustainable way to go.

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