Wednesday May 8, 2013 Issue 1086 | £2.95
Arriva continues 757 in face of easyBus & NX competition p4
Louise Ellman MP discusses the Bus Passenger Survey p40
TfL "�inalises" costs of much-trumpeted New Bus for London p6
Beyond Euro 6: Volvo commits to electric future
FACE TO FACE: Nat Ex UK Bus Ops Director Simon Mathieson p36
for recruitm
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07/05/2013 17:18
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 3
this week
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Good & bad news
oncessionary bus fares. It’s a ticking timebomb which never seems to go away. It’s rather like a thunderstorm – it rumbles in the background before catching you unaware with a loud bang periodically. The latest clap of thunder is with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), where Veolia Transdev-owned Coastliner has put its cards on the table. As Coastliner’s Nigel Eggleton told me: “NYCC has indicated our reimbursement rate is going to be slashed by 40%. Therefore, we’re going to run parts of some journeys as an express rather than a local bus service at certain times of the day so we can charge a fare. That will go some way to mitigate the cut in revenue. £3 represents our current thoughts. It’s a case of finding a section of route where the intermediate journeys are quiet but through traffic is busy. That said, negotiations are on-going so it may not go ahead. We expect to know by the end of the week.” We will of course, report the details as soon as we can. However, NYCC said Coastliner’s cut is “nearer 20%” – but that’s still a
hefty wad of revenue. Perhaps the authority knows something Coastliner does not (yet). Fingers crossed. Not to be outflanked, NYCC has also talked about tendering for replacement journeys. Fellow busman Peter Shipp of EYMS told me: “I remain convinced the whole national scheme is a sorry mess.” EYMS has thankfully managed to halve the cut NYCC planned to implement for it. Interesting times. I hear some councils have increased the reimbursement. On a coaching note, I was delighted to hear Dave Parry has decided not to shut his renowned Parrys International business. However, he’s not ruled out eventually selling the firm. We broke the news on our Facebook page as soon as it was confirmed and the story received unprecedented interest. However, opinion appeared to be divided, with some dismissing his original announcement as a publicity stunt, and others welcoming the news. I’ve always got on well with Dave, so I say well done to him and wish his crew the very best for the future. Gareth Evans Editor
The latest from across the coach and bus industry in the UK
Noise testing facilities at the Millbrook proving ground
NX Operations Director Simon Mathieson talks service delivery
Transdev wins Melbourne contracts, Daimler in China
A look at tachograph systems and training suppliers to the industry
Louise Ellman MP discusses how to build upon passenger surveys
What’s happening across the country’s regions. Plus Events Diary
Two new ADL Enviro 400-bodied Scanias at Stephensons of Essex
A lighthearted look at the industry. Plus Office Diary column
Part one of the manufacturer’s update to its hybrid technology
All the latest vehicle deliveries in operators’ yards across the country
All the latest people moves from across the industry
International News Regional News Volvo Update
Industry Guide Big Picture Deliveries
Face to Face
Open Platform
Last Stop
The opinions and views expressed by authors and contributors within Coach & Bus Week are not necessarily those of the Editor or its publisher Coach and Bus Week Ltd.
Driver CPC Training Fully inclusive. No hidden costs
Contents.indd 3
07/05/2013 15:33
4 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
“I enjoy driving, but I feel I would be unable to make decisions without talking to people and doing the job – I don’t know everything.” Simon Mathieson National Express
Our James has designed and built a digital archive for Coach & Bus Week which is now live on the CBW website. The archive includes all issues of Coach & Bus Week since the 1000th issue special, with some brief details about the content included beside each link to help readers find the specific magazine they are looking for. View the archive online now at archive Western Training Services has announced it has chosen the Brixington Blues under 8s football team as its next sponsorship beneficiary. Charlie Haggerty, WTS’s Director of Operations, said: “With our latest news of sponsoring League 2 team Torquay United, WTS is very keen to encourage the next generation of football professionals as well.” WTS will be on the 2013/14 season training kit. A contractor based in Newcastle has been awarded a £4.75m contract to deliver a new £7.7m Go North East bus depot in Dunston, Gateshead. Surgo Construction, based at Newcastle Business Park, has been in existence for more than 100 years. The firm has been working with developer UK Land Estates to erect the steel framework for the depot being built for Go North East. It will replace the operator’s existing sites at Winlaton and Sunderland Road, Gateshead. The new facility includes design elements such as rainwater harvesting and covers about 2.38 hectares. Once complete it will include 4,150m2 of workshops as well as storage, offices, a mess room and training facilities, with external testing and bus fleet parking areas. Work is expected to be completed in the autumn. The OFT has announced Stagecoach’s acquisition of First’s services operating in the Wirral peninsula will not be referred to the Competition Commission. The initial £4.5m transaction occurred on January 13, 2013 and comprised two depots in Birkenhead and Chester, a leased out-station in Wrexham, 110 vehicles and 290 employees.
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London Luton Airport corridor hots up As Nat Ex’s A1 service takes off from the terminal, Arriva circumvents pickup restrictions, while easyBus diverts existing minibus service Competition is hotting up on the Central London to Luton Airport corridor, with National Express, Arriva and easyBus going head to head. The news comes in the same week NX began its seven-year agreement with the airport to operate on the route. The NX deal has controversially seen Arriva prevented from running its Green Line 757 coaches from outside the the airport terminal. However, Arriva has not given up the ghost. From an operating centre at the south of the long stay car park, NX is itself running a 22-strong fleet of coaches. Starting last Wednesday (May 1), NX journeys are scheduled
to depart every 10 minutes, reducing to half-hourly at certain times, with 150 trips to and from Victoria Coach Station each day. Tom Stables, MD UK Coach, said: “I’d like to thank the efforts of our staff and drivers for ensuring the A1, a flagship service which underlines our position as the leader in affordable airport travel, got off to a fantastic start.” Last week, Arriva said it would not withdraw its 757. In lieu of the airport, the long-established service has continued, but serves the site of Airport Carparkz (sic) on Eaton Green Road, a mile or so from the terminal. From there shuttle buses take passengers to the terminal. Linsey Frostick of Arriva the Shires told CBW the Airport Carparkz shuttle service is now being operated by Arriva under contract and that it has been
Passengers at the Greenline Luton interchange
Stagecoach trading update Stagecoach Group has published a trading update in advance of a series of meetings with analysts. The group said overall profitability has remained good and there is no change to its expected adjusted earnings per share for the year ending April 30, 2013. Like-for-like revenue growth for
the financial year to date in each of the Group’s main businesses is, in the 11 months ended March 31: n UK Bus (regional operations): 3.6% n UK Bus (London): 1.2% n UK Rail: 5.4% n Virgin Rail Group: 3.1% n North America (including, excluding disposed Wisconsin school bus business): 9.7% Stagecoach said trading remains good overall and the prospects for the Group remain positive. It intends to announce its preliminary results for the year to April 30, 2013 on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.
upgraded from minibuses to use “accessible buses”. A pair of Plaxton Primos, which it is understood were previously run by TGM, registered ‘LF08DZW/X’ have been allocated to the service, and sport ‘Travel FREE on this bus’ branding. Contrary to speculation, Arriva said the only staff to have lost their jobs are those who sold tickets at the airport – all drivers and booking & despatch staff at Bullied Way in Victoria have been retained. A further twist is that from the same date, easysBus has diverted its existing minibus service from the airport to Earls Court to run to Baker Street. The low-cost operator previously enjoyed a tie-up with Arriva on the 757, which saw easyBus ticket holders carried on the Green Line service. Asked by CBW how it stands against the fact it appears to be permitting easyBus to operate in competition with NX while at the same time refusing Arriva to do so, a spokeswoman for the airport said: “Following a competitive tender process NX began operating the service from May 1. The Airport is delighted by the service, which offers faster journey times, more frequent services and more seats at peak times. We have experienced an overwhelmingly positive response to the new service as passengers enjoy the benefits of great customer service and fantastic facilities on board every coach, including, toilets, free WiFi, power sockets and business-class legroom. “The new NX service continues our aim of delivering convenience and great value for passengers, while supporting our commitment to increase the number of passengers travelling to and from the Airport on more sustainable modes of transport.” There is speculation in the industry that a legal battle could ensue – although it must be stressed none of the parties have confirmed this, either publicly or privately. Some readers may draw their own conclusions by the fact the airport has not commented specifically on the points CBW raised with it.
Face to Face p36
07/05/2013 15:38
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 5
Join the discussion on Twitter by following us at @cbwtweets and find us on Facebook at
Consultation on VOSA fee changes launched VOSA has launched a consultation on proposals to change some fees for a range of services it carries out. This includes fees for: n HGV and PSV testing, operator licensing and associated services; n Approval and certification of various vehicles; n Identity checks on written-off cars seeking re-licensing; and n Tachograph calibrator approval. The agency says the proposed changes to fees for statutory services aim to create fairer fees by:
n removing the remaining cross subsidy of VOSA test facility costs from users of Authorised Testing Facilities (ATFs); n charging the cost of extra VOSA resource to service ATFs to ATF users; n meet additional running costs of interconnection throughout the EU of national registers of operators and their transport managers and more active monitoring of those committing most serious infringements as required by EU regulations; and n ensure the financial sustainability of VOSA. The consultation also includes a proposal on fees for Reduced Pollution Certificate inspections carried out by the Driver and Vehicle Agency in Northern Ireland and an increase to charges for voluntary services provided by VOSA.
National Express Group has reported its Interim Management Statement for the year to date. The group said it has made further progress in developing its pipeline of new business, including recent contract wins in German Rail and North America Transit, as well as the launch of new services in both UK and German Coach. The group said its key developments so far in 2013 included: n In Germany, winning two rail contracts, worth €1.6bn over 15 years, and launching three coach
services under the city2city brand in April. 10,000 introductory tickets on city2city priced at €5 sold out quickly and the three initial routes have already seen promising demand; n UK Coach being selected to run coach services between London Luton Airport and London Victoria, starting in May 2013; n National Express Transit entering the important California market and growing annual revenue to $75m. Total revenue in North America School Bus was up 18%, reflecting the successful acquisition of Petermann in May 2012; n A continuing steady performance in Spain, despite the backdrop of austerity. Urban Bus in Spain increased like-for-like revenue by 5%, while increasing like-forlike growth in Morocco by 25%. Underlying revenue in Intercity Coach declined by 5%, with limited
National Express Group solid so far in 2013
The largest changes result in re-distributing costs between those using VOSA test facilities and ATFs. While a breakdown of the fees can be found in the Annex 1 fee table on the link below, it is sufficient to say
fees for PCVs over 23 seats will rise 18% at VOSA sites. However, they will fall 2.3% at ATFs. VOSA CEO Alastair Peoples said: “After four years with no general fee increases, VOSA will continue to absorb most costs and keep general rises to a minimal 1%. “This is good news for our customers as the increase is far below inflation. “I am also pleased to be able to propose a fairer allocation of costs between customers having their vehicles tested at ATFs and VOSA test stations. I am keen to hear the views from customers on our proposals.”
VOSA CEO Alastair Peoples
The full consultation, which is open until June 11, 2013 can be found at: http://tinyurl. com/corfksy
impact from recent rail discounting; and n c2c maintaining its position as the best performing UK rail franchise with a Public Performance Measure of 97.5%, supporting good revenue growth and profitability. In America, underlying revenue was broadly flat, with new contract wins in last year’s bid season offset by a reduction in discretionary routes and more days being lost to winter weather than in the prior year. UK Bus like-for-like commercial revenue increased by 3%, with continued growth in student travelcard sales. NX also successfully launched its smartcard scheme in Dundee. The group said poor weather impacted overall passenger volume, especially in concessionary travel, and profit was also constrained by last
year’s reduction in the BSOG duty rebate. Nevertheless, April brought encouraging signs of growth, coupled with an increase in concession revenue. Revenue in NX Coach services has grown by 1%. Passenger volume grew by 7%, offset by a 10% decline in concession revenue, following the previous withdrawal of the government funded scheme. In the busier seasonal period, Easter revenue was up 6% yearon-year. The Group’s overall financial position remains strong. Capital expenditure in the first quarter of 2013 was over £40m, reflecting core fleet investment across the business; full year capital investment is expected to be £100m. The group said it is on track to deliver its profit expectations for 2013.
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07/05/2013 15:38
6 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
news › BUSeS
The capacity of the new Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid bus
briefly Roger French OBE is to become an Honorary Freeman of the City of Brighton and Hove. The recently retired Managing Director of the Brighton and Hove Bus company spent almost 30 years with the operator and will become the sixth person to receive the honour. He was also Chairman of the city’s Strategic Partnership for seven years and Chairman of the trustees at Martlets Hospice for nine years. Jason Kitcat, Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “Roger French has made an outstanding contribution to the services, partnerships and charities in the city during his long, distinguished career.” The first Fenland Classic Bus Running Day and Vehicle Show will take place on Sunday May 19. Free rides will be on offer on preserved buses & coaches from Whittlesey Market Place to Thorney, where a classic car display is to be held on the village green. Thorney Museum will also be open. Emblings/Judds of Guyhirn will be operating classic Bristol VR double deckers, including an open top bus, on its 701 service from Peterborough Bus Station to Whittlesey. It’s hoped that as many buses with local connections as possible will return to the area for the event along with others. The day will also include mystery tours to places of bus-related interest. The new event follows the Morley’s 90 organised by Eastern Bus Enthusiasts last year in memory of the former Whittlesey-based operator which served the local area from 1922-2005. Operators including Delaine, Dews, Emblings/ Judds, WH Fowler, Grettons, and Stagecoach are all planning to bring vehicles to the event. More buses and classic cars are welcome. Funds raised will be given to East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and Peterborough Soup Kitchen. Call 01733 347776. East Yorkshire Motor Services (EYMS) has introduced a new Beverley Day Rover ticket, priced at £2.25 for adults and £1.20 for children. The ticket gives unlimited travel for a day on any EYMS bus in the town, with passengers still able to use their 10% discount cards.
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Final cost for NBfL confirmed The average price of the new bus over the life of the contract will be £354,500, which TfL says includes inflation TfL has confirmed the final costs for the purchase of 600 New Bus for London vehicles will be approximately £212.7m. The contract, signed with Wrightbus, includes a fixed price deal for the vehicles which is intended to remove the risk and uncertainty of higher production and material costs, and inflation over the next four years. The average price of a new bus over the life of the contract will be £354,500 – which TfL says includes inflation,
technical upgrades and mandatory changes including the legal requirement to fit Euro 6 engines to all new vehicles from 2014. At today’s prices the buses cost around £326,000, which TfL claims is broadly comparable with a standard hybrid double deck bus. The body attributed the price difference to the higher specification of the new bus compared to a standard hybrid, including its three-door, two-staircase design. The bus also heralds the return of the open rear platform which allows passengers to hop-on or off when a conductor is on board. TfL intends for the buses to operate for their entire working life of at
TfL intends for the buses to operate for at least 14 years in the capital
Metrobus to mark 30th anniversary Metrobus is to celebrate its 30th anniversary on September 24. To mark the occasion the Go-Ahead Group-owned operator is planning events to be held over the weekend of September 21/22. On Saturday, September 21, the doors of the firm’s three depots – Orpington, Croydon and Crawley – will be opened for a chance to see behind the scenes. Lots of activities are being planned so it is
Vehicles parked at Crawley depot, seen in March 2012 anticipated there will be plenty for all the family to see and do. A second event is currently being planned for the following day, although details remain to be confirmed. Charlotte Bruce, the company’s Marketing Manager, told CBW: “We
least 14 years in the capital – which it claims means a multi-million pound saving will be delivered over the useful life of the buses, even taking into account the marginally higher initial cost of the buses. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “We will ensure these buses more than earn their keep over the next few years. By keeping them in harness in the capital for the entirety of their useful life, we will be extracting every last drop of value out of them. Aside from its Hollywood blockbuster good looks, this bus offers an unparalleled passenger experience and is helping to improve the capital’s air quality.” However, the news has drawn some criticism as the announced price contradicts previous statements by Mayor Boris Johnson. In October 2012, Lib Dem MP Caroline Pidgeon questioned the Mayor over industry speculation that the bus was “going to cost £330,000 each.” In response Mr Johnson said: “The deal which we are able to do with Wrightbus will actually be considerably cheaper and better value for Londoners”. Although TfL’s figures claim to include inflation, technical upgrades and mandatory changes such as Euro 6, it excludes TfL’s estimated £37m bill for underwriting the cost of the second crew member needed to supervise use of the vehicle’s open rear platform. would be pleased to hear from any owners of relevant preserved buses who would be interested in bringing their vehicle along to form static displays at the depots. We’d like to include vehicles which previously operated on routes, or in areas, which are now served by Metrobus. If you are interested in bringing your bus along please e-mail us at info@metrobus. with details of your vehicle. Stallholders wishing to find out more are also invited to contact us.” Further details will be added to the Metrobus website at metrobus30 in due course.
07/05/2013 15:40
£40m 3.6% Capital expenditure by NX in the first quarter of 2013
Like-for-like revenue growth for Stagecoach UK Bus for the financial year to date
Six Versas for new Network Warrington Orbital service Network Warrington has had six Optare Versas delivered, with five being deployed on its new Connect17 orbital service linking residential areas of the town with places of work and education and the sixth on other routes. The vehicles were handed over at a ceremony at Warrington Town Hall on Wednesday, May 1. The new service has resulted from a successful bid made last year by Warrington Borough Council to the DfT’s LSTF. Chair of Network Warrington Maureen Banner said: “This new service is designed to meet stakeholders’ needs. We want to encourage people to use our buses, which they will find modern, clean, safe and dependable.” Optare Sales Director John Horn added: “We are pleased our buses are proving themselves in Warrington by providing a good travelling experience. Receiving repeat orders from such a highlyregarded operator is always the best endorsement of the quality, reliability and fuel efficiency of our products and of the back-up support we provide.”
Bus Eireann faces strikes
Facing potential annual losses of around €20m, Bus Eireann has sought a means of cutting costs, but the drivers’ union fiercely rejects talk of cuts in wages or jobs and threatened strike action for this week. Up to 900 drivers – members of the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) – refused to work after Bus Eireann said it must go ahead with cost-cutting plans from May 12. The Labour Court ruled in February Bus Eireann must make savings of €20m to secure its future - proposing €11m of savings to come from operations and €9m from employee terms and conditions. Bus Eireann said despite announcing its plans last June there had been “no progress” on savings due to “trade union resistance.” The company warned job losses would be inevitable. A spokesman told The Irish
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 7
With seating for 37 plus up to 23 standees, the 11.1m Versas have ample capacity to meet peak demands on the service. Passengers are also assisted by an audiovisual system making next stop announcements along with Mobitec LED destination equipment. Power for the Versas is from the Euro 5 Mercedes-Benz OM904LA engine delivering 154 bhp (115
kW) and 610 Nm of torque. This is backed by a five-speed Allison automatic transmission with lock-up torque convertor and an electro-magnetic retarder is also fitted, both contributing further to the acknowledged fuel efficiency of the Mercedes engine. This is the third time in two years Optare has supplied buses to Network Warrington. In April 2011 six Solos were delivered to replace time-expired Metroriders and last November six Versa diesel-electric hybrids were supplied with the help of the GBF.
Industry share prices at the close of the Stock Exchange on Monday, April 29. National Express saw the greatest proportional rise, while FirstGroup saw the greatest proportional drop. Most figures obtained from
Price: Year High: 399.70p Year Low: 268.52p
Price: Year High: 267.00p Year Low: 174.60p
Price: Year High: 1559.0p Year Low: 1074.0p
Left to right: John Horn, Optare Sales Director; Maureen Banner, Chair of Network Warrington; Cllr Linda Dirir, Executive Board Member for Highways, Transportation and Climate Change at Warrington Borough Council; Ann Marie Slavin, Acting MD, Network Warrington; Damian Graham, Engineering Director, Network Warrington Independent: “The very existence of the transport company is under threat. We have no other choice but to remind employees and trade unions once again that, unlike the public sector, there is no safety net for Bus Eireann. If we do not reduce our cost base, jobs losses may be unavoidable. “Any industrial action will be counter-productive as it will cause inconvenience to customers and result in losses. We have to look at employment levels and core pay if we can’t get the savings.” Most workers are represented by SIPTU and the NBRU and will be hit with a reduction in overtime and premium payments; an increase in the working week for clerical and executive staff from 36 hours to 39 hours; a reduction in annual leave by three days per year up to 2015; and cuts in a range of allowance and expense payments. The NBRU said it had been engaging with the company over the changes and was shocked to be told the cost-cutting plan was being implemented.
Clayton’s Heart of Wales folds Heart of Wales Bus and Coach Company, whose sole director is Clayton Jones, is set to go into liquidation. There are 36 creditors in total, including two branches of HM Revenue and Customs and four employees’ owed wages. Money is also owed to a former employee in respect of an Employment Tribunal claim. The firm failed to file its last set of accounts with Companies House when they were due last November. Jones formerly ran Shamrock Travel which he sold in 2006. A source close to Mr Jones told Wales Online: “Clayton has had enough of the industry. He’s faced a lot of hostility over the years. It’s become very difficult for a small operator to survive against competition from the big companies.”
Price: Year High: 236.00p Year Low: 162.90p
Price: Year High: 321.50p Year Low: 227.90p
Price: Year High: 0.87p Year Low: 0.30p
Price: Year High: 46.98p Year Low: 37.00p
Price: Year High: 88.20p Year Low: 62.29p
Price: Year High: 19.50p Year Low: 8.25p
-3.55 on last week
-10.60 on last week
-37.00 on last week
-4.30 on last week
+2.65 on last week
+0.01 on last week
+0.00 on last week
+1.40 on last week
+0.24 on last week
FTSE 100
Index: Year High: 6,552 Year Low: 5,260
+114 on last week
07/05/2013 15:40
8 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
news › coaches
briefly Just Coach Drivers (JCD) has launched a useful tool for coach drivers and operators. The new app, which can be found on the Android and apple stores by simply searching for ‘just coach drivers’, enables drivers to complete their legal daily walk around check and send it straight to JCD’s head office. It also features news and information needed to register with the company, as well as contact details. JCD is the largest driving agency in the UK to completely specialise in coach drivers only. Resurfacing work on the A46 between Snitterfield and Bishopton, near StratfordUpon-Avon, has started. The work, which will be completed by June 11, takes place overnight between 2000 and 0600hrs on weekdays and between 2000 and 0800 on weekends. The A46 will be closed in both directions overnight from Bishopton Hill roundabout to Marraway roundabout, with diversions clearly signposted. During the closure, access to side roads at this location is restricted. A scheme to resurface the A66 between Morton Palm and Little Burdon in Darlington, County Durham, gets underway on Friday. Work requires closure of the road over two weekends. The first weekend closure begins at 2000 on May 10 and work will take place 24 hours a day until 0600hrs on May 13. The second weekend closure begins at 2000 on May 17 with work taking place 24 hours a day until 0600 on May 20. During the week work will take place on Monday to Thursday evenings between 2000 and 0600. Traffic on the A66 travelling westbound will be diverted via Mill Lane and the A67 from Long Newton Interchange to Morton Palms and vice versa. Traffic using the Darlington Eastern Transport Corridor and wishing to access the A66 and travel north will divert north at the McMullen Road junction and then via Haughton Road, joining the A66 at Little Burdon. Southbound traffic from the Darlington Eastern Transport Corridor will run via McMullen Road and A67 Yarm Road to join the A66 at Morton Palms.
News8,9.indd 8
L-r: Mike Rodwell, Fred Olsen MD, Roger Elsmere, Woods MD, Alison Waterfied-Jones, Woods Sales Director
Woods – new Bova in Fred Olsen colours New coach carries Fred Olsendesigned livery and is designated on Fred Olsen transfers for its regional UK departures Fred Olsen Cruise Lines welcomed the latest addition to the Woods Travel fleet to its Ipswich Headquarters on April 25. The new 53-seat, DAF-powered Bova Futura has been emblazoned with the Fred Olsen’s ‘Bringing the world closer to you’ branding’. Bognor Regis-based Woods Travel, which was awarded Coach Operator of the Year at the UK Coach Awards this year, has designated the vehicle for use on Fred Olsen transfers for its regional UK departures, as well as on Woods’ exclusive ‘Coach and Cruise’ holidays through Sussex Cruise Club. The new coach specification includes: n Double-glazed tinted windows with curtains; n Air conditioning; n Fully carpeting throughout; n Central sunken toilet/washroom; n Hot & cold drinks dispenser and fridge; n Off-side Continental exit door; and n Individual reading lights and air
vents The graphics were designed by Fred Olsen and manufactured by Delta Signs of Angmering, West Sussex. Nathan Philpot, Sales and Marketing Director for Fred Olsen, said: “It is always rewarding for us when our loyal travel trade partners get behind our cruise promotions and we are amazed at the lengths that Woods Travel has gone to in publicising our ‘Bringing the world closer to you’ message. This is one of the largest-ever advertisements for Fred Olsen and thanks to Woods for this innovative and creative design, which is sure to get both our brands noticed.” Roger Elsmere, owner of Woods Travel, said: “We have had a close working relationship with Fred Olsen for many years and are always trying to find innovative ways to increase our cruise sales. We always find the Fred Olsen team willing to work with us and open to new ideas, so were thrilled when they agreed to this promotion. “We are proud to have this new coach as part of our ever-growing fleet of luxury coaches and will be using it for our Fred Olsen special
departures and look forward to many more coach and cruise holidays.” One of Woods’ ‘Coach and Cruise’ holidays, which is currently on the road, is a tour to ‘Constable Country’. This is a joint undertaking with Fred Olsen and takes guests up the East Coast from Southampton to Fred Olsen’s new turnaround port of Harwich, in Essex, on board ‘Black Watch’. Guests can enjoy two ports en route; St. Peter Port, in Guernsey, and Boulogne-sur-Mer, in France. Upon arrival in Harwich, the service provides commentary from a local guide, as it travels through picturesque villages, farmlands and woodlands – immortalised by John Constable in his paintings over 200 years ago. Guests are then taken to the Crown Plaza Resort Five Lakes Hotel, near Colchester in Essex, for a two-night stay, which also includes a visit to the nearby Tiptree Jam Visitor Centre, followed by a trip to Britain’s oldest recorded town, Colchester. On the journey back to the South Coast, the coach will visit Royal Tunbridge Wells, before Woods taxis return guests to their homes.
07/05/2013 14:56
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 9
“More people use buses than any other form of public transport, yet buses rarely feature in national debates. It’s time to put that right...” Louise Ellman TSC
Open Platform p40
West Coast Motors repeat order for Scania West Coast Motors has placed a repeat order for Scania Irizar i6 coaches to run on the Citylink services it operates between Glasgow and its home base in Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute, Scotland. In addition to the seven vehicles ordered for this service, a further two Scania Irizar i6s have been specified to work on the company’s own operations. Of these, one will be based in Campbeltown, the other in Oban. Supplied by Scania (Great Britain) Limited, all nine vehicles are based on Scania’s 360 horsepower K 360 EB chassis. The seven for the Citylink services are 14.1m overall length tri-axles with 6X2*4 wheelplans. These will be configured as either 59-seaters or 55-seaters with front-mounted wheelchair lifts. The remaining two vehicles are 12.6m long 4x2s with either 51 seats or 47 seats plus front-mounted wheelchair lift. West Coast Motors Managing Director Colin Craig said: “Since introducing our first Scania Irizar i6s into the Citylink service, we have been very pleased with both the product itself and the support we receive from Scania. In particular, the Scania team at Bellshill do an excellent job for us and this is a relationship we very much want continue to build upon.”
Seven of the Scania Irizar i6 coaches will operate on Citylink services, with the remaining two vehicle specified for its own services
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Paul S Winson celebrates anniversary
Henley-in-Arden operator Johnsons Coaches has taken delivery of a new 14.1m tri-axle Scania K400 6x2*4 OmniExpress coach. The vehicle is equipped with 63 reclining seats with three-point seatbelts and half leather trim, climate control, air conditioning, a DVD player with two monitors, centre sunken toilet, drinks machine and dark tinted glass. Director Peter Johnson said: “We were looking for a longer length vehicle with large seating capacity and felt the Scania OmniExpress fitted the bill perfectly. We were extremely pleased with how the vehicle was presented to us on handover day, everything was exactly how we wanted it.”
Loughborough-based Paul S Winson Coaches is celebrating 30 years in the industry. Established in 1983, the operator’s fleet has grown from the three coaches it started out with to 34, ranging from 29-seater midi coaches to 78-seater ‘coach seated’ double deckers. It also has around 45 staff employed including several part-time drivers. The business, run by Paul & Margaret Winson, has a bright future ahead, with three of Paul & Margaret’s sons holding the positions of directors. Paul said: “Our success has come from a combination of friendly, efficient drivers, well-presented vehicles and a reliable service.”
New Don’t Travel Empty partnership
Eurolines serves 29 countries and connects to 500 different destinations
Eurolines network expands further into Croatia The Eurolines network expanded with the launch of new and increased frequency services to Croatia via Frankfurt on May 1. New seasonal services are available to Dubrovnik, the socalled ‘jewel of the Adriatic’, and Pula on Croatia’s Istria Coast. Services to Pula are now available three times a week from Victoria Coach Station in summer while people will be able to get to Dubrovnik twice-weekly. Significantly, the services represent the first time Eurolines has served as far south in Croatia as Dubrovnik,
as well as opening up Istria for the first time in a number of years. Additionally, Eurolines is operating a new daily connection via Frankfurt to Rijeka and Split, which will significantly enhance the availability of seats to the Dalmatian Coast with advanced fares start from £109 one-way to Rijeka. Previously, this service operated twice-weekly. Eurolines President John Gilbert said: “We are delighted to open up this popular tourist destination with enhanced provision of affordable coach transport.”
Job and service matching website Don’t Travel Empty has joined forces with PR agency Lexia Media to offer crisis management services to their portfolio of clients. The company approached Lexia Media after receiving several requests from clients wanting immediate access to PR and crisis management services should the need occur. Don’t Travel Empty’s Anthony Marett said: “If something happens which results in media enquiries, our members sometimes don’t have time to instruct an agency, or know how to deal with it themselves. Our clients can now pay a monthly fee and Lexia can handle the situation.” Deborah Watson, Lexia Media, added: “The team has lots of experience of handling crises; this is going to be an effective offering for both parties. Nobody wants a crisis, but Don’t Travel Empty and their clients are in safe hands if it does.” The service is open to all Don’t Travel Empty Clients and will be accessed by a 24/hour phone number manned by Lexia Media. Visit www.donttravelempty. and www.lexiamedia.
07/05/2013 14:57
10 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
Lessening the impact of journey disruption Passenger Focus offers a number of recommendations after carrying out new research into passengers’ experience of delays and disruption Passenger Focus has published a new paper titled “Bus passengers’ experience of delays and disruption”. The body says the key findings from the research are: bus passengers want better information during delays and disruption, including more realtime running information; and bus passengers want a more customer-focused attitude from bus drivers, particularly during disruption. Passengers taking part in the research described being ‘powerless’ when buses are delayed, feeling there is no way to find out what is going on. In terms of solutions, there is a clear preference for RTI to be displayed at bus stops, with smartphone and tablet apps playing an important supporting role. Anthony Smith, Passenger Focus CEO, said: “There are some important messages here for bus companies, local authorities and government. RTI helps passengers make an informed choice about what to do if buses are delayed. It’s clear passengers want this at the bus stop, so the challenge is how to achieve that in an affordable way. Smartphone apps also have an important part to play.” Passenger Focus now plans to work with bus companies, transport authorities and government to ensure the issues highlighted in the research are addressed. The recently published Bus Passenger Survey highlighted that punctuality is passengers’ top priority for improvement, which is what led PF to carry out this further research.
Recommendations Information and communications It becomes a specific Government objective to establish the ‘back of house’ infrastructure which will allow RTI
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Passenger Focus believes RTI should be rolled out across the country to help passengers know when to expect delays due to congestion, for example to be provided in all parts of the country. There should be a programme to install displays giving RTI at as many individual bus stops as possible. This should include predicted arrival times and have the facility to display text, such as the reason for a delay or a warning that roadworks will disrupt the route at a future date. PF accepts RTI at every stop is not realistic, but encourages a vision that few frequently-served, frequentlyused stops are without one. The opportunities through smartphone and apps to provide RTI in passengers’ pockets before they get to the bus stop should be exploited to the full. Apps should allow bus companies to alert passengers to disruption, current and future, with a high degree of tailoring or personalisation. The ability to ‘push’ information specific to an individual’s journey is key: bus passengers may not come looking for information and are wary of being bombarded with irrelevant details about problems ‘on the other side of town’. In the main, apps should be regarded as a supplement to RTI at bus stops rather than a substitute for it, but could have an important role where a physical display cannot be
justified at a stop. Bus companies, transport authorities and Government should consider how communication with passengers already on board a bus can be dramatically improved. Could a television-style visual display become standard in new buses? They could provide information about current delays, temporary route changes/expected delays because of roadworks and notification about permanent changes to the timetable. They could show where the bus is on a map, airline-style, to help passengers get off at the correct stop. Importantly, the information could be tailored specifically to the needs of passengers on that bus. Could public address become standard on new buses? It could be used by the driver to make live announcements or trigger prerecorded ones, or potentially for staff back at the control centre to make live announcements direct to passengers on a particular bus. James White, Campaigns Manager for Guide Dogs, told CBW: “On board audio announcements, not just regarding delays, but also about the next stop and final destination, would clearly help all passengers, including those who
are blind or partially sighted. The recent Road to Nowhere report by Guide Dogs highlighted the urgent need for Talking Buses and improved bus driver training.”
Driver attitude The bus industry takes further steps to develop a customer service ethos among drivers, recruiting for the right attitude and with regular training to help drivers think as if in the shoes of the passenger. The industry should also make sure that disability awareness training adequately covers the additional needs of particular groups of passengers when buses are delayed or disrupted. Miscellaneous Operators of RTI systems should strive for a very high level of accuracy: passengers who have encountered systems which count down to zero and a bus never appears, or where the predicted arrival time ‘jumps around’, are reluctant to trust the information in future. Instances of buses that run, but are ‘blind’ to the RTI system, will have a similar affect. Bus companies should consider the role of social media, in particular Twitter, as one part of passenger communications during service disruption. While some passengers in the research could not envisage ‘following’ a bus company, the idea was enthusiastically received by a minority whose principal concern was to have the ability to personalise it to receive only those tweets directly relevant to their journey. Efforts should be made to help passengers understand with greater confidence which information is a real-time prediction, and which is a scheduled departure time. Some passengers in the research had worked it out, but others remained confused. Operators should review their arrangements when bus stops are temporarily closed, with a view to achieving greater awareness among passengers, achieving greater visual impact at the closed stop and ensuring passengers are clear about where they should wait instead. The full report can be read at cxth5bl
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12 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
news › international
Aussies angered at French incursion Transdev wins contract from Ventura despite government pledge to buy and trade locally AUSTRALIA Transdev has won a contract to run Melbourne’s busiest bus routes. The move is seen locally as a blow to Victoria’s largest bus company, Ventura, and sparked an angry response from industry group Bus Association Victoria. According to local press, the Victoria State Government under Premier Denis Napthine has been pressing residents and businesses to buy and trade locally – and saying it would lead by example. Bus Association Victoria sees this move as flying in the face of the administration’s own rhetoric and turning its back on local businesses.
Daimler Trucks and Buses China formed
CHINA Daimler AG has strengthened its presence in the Chinese market with the foundation of Daimler Trucks and Buses China Ltd. (DTBC) – a legally independent entity for its truck and bus business in China. DTBC has obtained its business licence from the Chinese authorities. President and CEO of DTBC Robert Veit, formerly Executive Vice President Daimler Trucks China, will directly report to Hubertus Troska, responsible for China on the Daimler Board of Management. The structural independence will enable DTBC to increase its focus on the specific needs of customers of commercial vehicles. At the same time, integrating the bus business will create room for exploring new business opportunities. “We continue the structural realignment of our business in China with our newly established entity Daimler Trucks and Buses,” said Hubertus Troska. “The new commercial vehicle entity is another milestone for Daimler in China and highlights our
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Public Transport Victoria has awarded Transdev the contract to operate the Doncaster rapid bus service and SmartBus orbital services – which represent 30% of the city’s bus routes. The contract is for the next seven years with an option to extend for a further three. Family-owned Ventura had developed these routes significantly over the past few years and seen substantial passenger growth on the services. The Melbourne public transport network carried 118m passenger journeys last year. Transdev had merged with Veolia in 2011. Veolia ran Melbourne’s trains under the Connex brand for 10 years until it was dumped for Metro in 2009. The operator has promised to overhaul the bus
routes when it takes over in August, adding new services, simplifying routes and increasing the hours of operation on weekdays and weekends. “These improvements are a foretaste of the future as we work to develop a completely new timetable for 2015,” said Edward Thomas, Transdev Melbourne’s CEO. “Reliability will also improve as we introduce an operations control centre to assist drivers and improve information for customers, particularly during disruptions.” Public Transport Victoria said Transdev is required to offer employment to staff, including drivers, who work on the routes it will take over. The authority’s CEO, Ian Dobbs, said Transdev had been
Daimler says DTBC will help provide faster response times to customers term commitment to the world’s largest vehicle market, which offers enormous potential in the future.” “DTBC will provide a framework for future expansion of the existing truck business and broaden our range of products, for instance in the bus segment,” explained Robert Veit, President and CEO of DTBC. “With a challenging truck market in China, the establishment of the company is very timely as DTBC will enhance more strategic
planning, closer collaboration with partners and faster response to customers.” The new organisation is based on the existing achievements and success of Daimler Trucks in China, with sales of more than 6,100 in 2012. For the sixth year in a row, Mercedes-Benz holds the market lead in the premium segment for imported trucks among European competitors. Strengthening this position in a sustainable way, DTBC
awarded the contract because it put in the best-value bid for Victorian taxpayers. Its performance will be monitored using a GPS tracking system, with penalties for late or cancelled services. Bonuses and penalties would also be tied to patronage growth. Bus Association Victoria said the Napthine government had turned its back on local businesses and thrown years of hard-won experience out the door. Its CEO, Chris Lowe, said: “It was only two weeks ago Denis Napthine was waxing lyrical about buying local and how the government will lead by example. Now, an agency of the state, PTV, decides to buy bus services from overseas rather than the local industry, which has a safety and performance track record second to none.” However, Mr Lowe extended a welcome for Transdev to Victoria’s bus industry, acknowledging it had proved its competency through its extensive experience both interstate and overseas. will enlarge additional offers such as financing, fleet management as well as FleetBoard telematics solutions supporting customers in the management of their total cost of ownership. Daimler in China includes Daimler Greater China, MercedesBenz (China), Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance, Daimler Northeast Asia Parts Trading & Services Co., the joint ventures Beijing Benz Automotive Co., (BBAC), Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. (BMBS), Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co., (BFDA), Fujian Benz Automotive Corporation (FBAC) and Shenzhen BYD Daimler New Technology Co. as well as sales companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. China is already the fifth-largest sales market for Mercedes-Benz trucks which claims over 50% of the premium segment. In addition, Daimler is developing the volume segment of the world’s biggest market for CVs in a joint venture with Foton Motor, a Chinese truck manufacturer. Since mid-2012, the jointly produced medium and heavy trucksunder the Auman brand have also been rolling off the production line in Beijing-Huairou. Mercedes-Benz vans for the Chinese market are produced by the Fujian Benz Automotive Corporation joint venture.
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14 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
news › international
BYD electric buses running in Schiermonnikoog Europe’s first publically tendered order for electric-powered full size buses NETHERLANDS The national park of Schiermonnikoog in the Friesland has become one of the first places in Europe to convert the whole of its public transport to emission free electric buses supplied by Chinese maker BYD. Six vehicles, operated by Arriva, entered service on April 26 after a ceremony in the park located in the north of the Netherlands. The vehicles were awarded in Europe’s first publically tendered order for electric-powered full size buses. The buses are aimed at providing passengers with an ecologically sound public transport system for the next 15 years delivered by BYD’s unique eBUS model, a full size single decker powered entirely by the company’s advanced iron phosphate batteries. The 12-metre buses arrived in Schiermonnikoog in late April after a six-week sea voyage from BYD’s plant in Shenzhen, Southern China. Member of the Friesland Provincial Executive Johannes Kramer said: “This is the Europe’s first fully electric bus tender to enter service. Friesland is leading the way. This is good for the people living in the national park Schiermonnikoog and for the tourists who enjoy it so much.” Isbrand Ho, MD of BYD Europe BV, said: “We are delighted to have won this first competitive tender to supply these revolutionary vehicles and to contribute to the
environmentally friendly policies of the provincial government in Friesland. They are the first BYD electric buses to go into passenger carrying service in Europe and we anticipate further significant orders following the successful trials programmes we have undertaken in many locations.” BYD has entered into a 15 year maintenance contract to support the buses in service and will be employing locally recruited mechanics to undertake the work.
BYD ebus The BYD ebus is BYD’s first pureelectric bus and the first IronPhosphate battery powered e-Bus in the world. The specially designed wheelhub motor and the electronically controlled air suspension give the insulation keeping the interior ride whisper quiet. BYD’s first pure electric bus also
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BYD ebus Highlights n Environmentally friendly: no direct emissions, low noise, recyclable Fe battery (no toxic electrolytes and no heavy metals) n High technology: regenerative braking, wheel-hub motor, Fe battery, easy charging, fully charged in five hours n Long range: the BYD ebus is able to run 250 km (155 miles) on a single charge in urban conditions n Safety: unibody construction, 4-wheel disc brakes, ABS and ASR, passenger-oriented design, ample door space with low-entry and special ramps for wheelchair access
The BYD ebuses will be operated by Arriva in Schiermonnikoog, Holland
JV to take on Japanese climate control market JAPAN Mikuni Corporation and Eberspaecher Climate Control Systems have signed a joint venture agreement and created Eberspaecher Mikuni Climate Control Systems Corporation, headquartered in Odawara for the sale and distribution of products designed for vehicle climate control in Japan.
employs many advanced technologies developed internally by BYD’s 15,000 engineer strong R&D team. For example, the Iron-phosphate or ‘Fe Battery’ used on the BYD ebus is non-polluting: the materials contained in the battery can be recycled or easily disposed of.
Both parties have a 50% stake in the new company. “The co-operative link-up is a win-win situation for both sides and, for Eberspaecher, an outstanding opportunity to position its innovative climate control products for buses, construction vehicles, motor homes and trucks
even better in the Japanese market,” said Eberspaecher COO Dr. Klaus Beetz. The supplier is already represented in the Japanese city of Nagoya in the form of a wholly-owned subsidiary, which is responsible for the sale and distribution of the electrical PTC auxiliary heaters of Eberspaecher catem. Eberspaecher pre-heaters and climate control products, on the other hand, will be marketed in future via the new Odawara
A Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid artic
More Solaris hybrids for Hanover GERMANY Hanover’s municipal operator, üstra, has ordered 42 hybrid buses from Solaris. The order includes 26 Urbino 12s and 16 articulated Urbino 18 Hybrids. The delivery will be completed by 2016. “We are very satisfied with our co-operation with Solaris. Solaris is as a trusted partner whose products are distinguished by their quality and their competitive price. We value the company’s flexibility and aftersales service,” said André Neiß, üstra CEO. “Solaris vehicles have significantly contributed to our fleet’s development over the past years. Their quality and reliability have been appreciated not only by passengers, but also drivers, mechanics and people responsible for the fleet maintenance,” said Wilhelm Lindenberg, member of the üstra management board. This year, nine of each vehicle are expected to be delivered. üstra runs 63 Solaris buses of which 11 are Urbino 18 Hybrids. “üstra is a role model for the industry in terms of its innovation strategy and constant development in the field of sustainable public transport,” said Małgorzata Olszewska, Solaris Sales and Marketing Director. site. Customers from the OEM and retrofitting business sectors benefit not only from the extensive expertise of Mikuni co-workers in the area of vehicle heaters but also from the Test Centre based there. The Japanese partner’s nationwide dealer network will be available for retrofitting and service in relation to Eberspaecher’s products. Mikuni Corporation is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and offers components for combustion engines and associated systems.
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16 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
An open-top bus service has been launched on Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire which will run via Braemar, Crathie, Ballater and Loch Muick during the summer season. Stagecoach UK Bus Managing Director Bob Montgomery said: “We are thrilled to be launching this exciting new bus route in Royal Deeside this year. “Our Bluebird Company is blessed with some of the most breathtaking scenery in the country and what better way to experience it than on an open-top bus.” A two-day ticket has been created for the service, allowing tourists to hop on and off the route as they wish. The route, numbered 200, began on Saturday (May 4) and operates every Saturday and Sunday until Sunday, September 8 – the weekend of the Braemar Gathering. It will also operate every day during the school summer holidays. Braemar Castle, Balmoral Castle and the Old Royal Rail Station in Ballater will offer admission discounts for bus passengers. Montgomery added: “We are extremely grateful to these destination partners for offering a range of discounts to our customers. It is this kind of joint approach which can greatly improve a person’s experience and memory of their trip, making the most of the time they have in the area and, crucially for the local tourist industry, potentially contributing greatly to the time and
Coach & Bus Week takes a look at the big issues where you live in our round-up of the regions. If you’ve got a local issue you’d like us to cover, contact James Day on james. KEY
money spent in the local area.” Garry Marsden, Visitor Enterprise Manager at Balmoral Castle, said: “We are delighted that Stagecoach is introducing an open top bus in the area; it will be a great way for our customers to explore the estate and we hope it will help to bring even more visitors into Royal Deeside.”
Ipswich’s Old Cattle Market bus station has closed to allow its remodelling as part of the
town’s new transport scheme. The remodelling, which is expected to last until August, is part of the £21m Travel Ipswich programme largely funded by the government. Work at the bus station will include reconstructing the station forecourt, carriageway, paving and footways; installing real-time passenger information boards; improving the bus shelters; and improving lighting and drainage works. During the closure, buses will
First West Yorkshire has signed up to take part in a three-year mentoring programme with pupils at Roundhay High School in Leeds. Around 20 members of First West Yorkshire staff, at all levels, are involved in the scheme, which involves visiting the school once a month to pass on skills to a group of year 8 and 9 pupils. The aim is to mentor pupils in areas such as improving interview skills and preparing CVs as well as practical, work-based experiences such as how to deal with customers. Neil Clephan, Headteacher at Roundhay Allthrough School for students aged 4 to 18, said: “We would like to thank First for its commitment to our school. The students are enjoying working with their mentors who are helping to build students’ confidence and raise their aspirations. They are being given valuable advice and we welcome the support from these mentors.” Brandon Jones, Head of Communications for First and one of the members of staff taking part in the mentoring project, said: “First is committed to working in the communities we serve with our buses.
use temporary bus stops in the area. Details will be posted on buses themselves and on www. . Clive Wilkinson, Suffolk County Council’s Travel Ipswich Project Manager, said: “The improvements to the Old Cattle Market Bus Station will make it a much more welcoming and user-friendly place, changes we believe will encourage more people to use public transport. “This is only one part of the much wider programme of works being carried out across the town – which includes improvements to Tower Ramparts Bus Station, the installation of a sophisticated traffic management system to make traffic flow better and the creation of new cycle routes.” The Tower Ramparts station, which handles bus services within the town, will be closed for about three months from August, after work to the Old Cattle Market station is completed, while it is resurfaced and upgraded – with all the work due to be completed by Christmas. The Travel Ipswich programme is due to continue until next year. As well as the changes to the roads and bus stations, new software is being installed to ensure traffic signals help to keep traffic flowing around the town and eliminate congestion.
Oxford Bus Company has opened a new travel shop in the city centre to help cope with growing demand for its
“Those staff taking part in the scheme benefit from meeting enthusiastic young people and if we can give them life skills advice in return then it is a fair deal for all.” The scheme ‘Make the Grade’ has been created by Ahead Partnership, a social enterprise which works with the public and private sectors to foster social and economic regeneration, and provides support to pupils taking part to better prepare them for work. The initiative aims to improve the motivation and aspirations of young people, while enhancing their employment skills. Furthermore, it enables employers, both large and small, to address skills gaps through practical activities. It was cited as an example of best practice by Lord Heseltine in his report for the Government on national growth, and is supported by local, national and international businesses. Stephanie Burras, CEO, Ahead Partnership, said: “We’re delighted First has joined the Make the Grade programme, and we share with them the same mission – to raise the aspirations of students in the city.”
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18 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
‘key’ smartcard. Since the card was launched in 2010, more than 100,000 people have signed up and nearly half of the firm’s journeys are made using it. The centre at 44/45 High Street will support the company’s existing outlet at Debenhams in Magdalen Street. Oxford East MP Andrew Smith cut a tape at an official opening ceremony as part of Catch The Bus Week. Andrew Morison, Commercial Manager of Oxford Bus Company, said: “More and more people are switching to the key and before too long half the journeys made on our buses will be made using it. “When you add in the number of passengers using other smartcards, like the concessionary bus passes, the majority of transactions won’t involve cash. “This makes a significant difference to the time it takes for people to join a bus at a stop and has a major impact on journey times. “Our existing travel centre in Debenhams is very successful but the new facility will make it easier for commuters and city centre workers to renew their key products before they start work.”
Transport for London (TfL) has begun consulting on proposed changes to local bus services in Hackney town centre during the trial closure of Mare Street (Narrow Way). This is currently used by southbound buses. The trial closure is part of Hackney Council’s wider plans to attract more visitors and customers to the area. The trial is expected to last until early in 2014. The proposed changes would affect 13 routes in the area. Regarding bus stops, the Narrow Way stop would be replaced by a stop on Amhurst Road opposite Hackney Central Station, existing stop K in Amhurst Road for north or westbound buses would be relocated about 70 metres further along Amhurst Road and a new southbound stop would be installed on Dalston Lane. TfL is seeking public feedback on these proposals; the closing date for comments is Thursday, May 30. Changes would be introduced from Saturday, June 15, subject to feedback from the consultation and to the completion of associated enabling works. Consultation documents can be
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DATES FOR YOUR DIARY found at https://consultations.tfl. Stagecoach London has relaunched the ‘Spirit of London’ bus which was damaged in an arson attack last year. The newly refurbished vehicle has undergone significant repair work at a cost of around £60,000 to return it to operation following the attack. The bus was originally launched in October 2005 to replace the double deck bus destroyed in the London 7/7 bombings. Despite the damage, Stagecoach took the decision to repair the bus rather than replace it, due to the symbolic importance of the vehicle. The re-launch, which took place at the London Bus Museum in Weybridge on Sunday (April 21), was attended by Stagecoach London Managing Director Mark Threapleton, TfL Managing Director of Surface Transport Leon Daniels and George Psaradakis, the driver of the original bus on July 7, 2005. Mark Threapleton said: “The upper deck of the bus was almost completely burnt so it has taken a lot of work to get it back into service. However, there was never any question of us retiring the bus – we have always been committed to refurbishing it to ensure it remains a fitting tribute to the 13 people who lost their lives when the original bus was destroyed in 2005.” Leon Daniels said: “It’s good news for London that this bus will be back on the road after refurbishment. The decision to introduce a vehicle to replace the one destroyed in 2005 was an important one which meant a lot to the victims’ families and to the people of London. “We are very pleased that it will be back in service carrying passengers again soon.” George Psaradakis said: “I would like to thank Mark Threapleton very much for giving me the opportunity to take part in the re-launching of the Spirit of London. When I was told what had happened to the Spirit of London I was truly sad but, looking at the vehicle after its restoration, all the sadness I felt then has now been offset with happiness. “My congratulations go to Stagecoach for the restoration of the bus, I am very proud to be working for them.” The bus will operate on route 55 in East London, between Leyton Green and Oxford Circus, and will be based at Leyton garage.
The Annual Peterborough Bus & Commercial Vehicle Rally, which is free to enter, takes places at Sacrewell Farm on Sunday, July 14
2013 n May 12 First in South Yorkshire Sheffield Centenary Bus Rally. Olive Grove depot will be open to the public, with modern & heritage buses on display. www.firstgroup. com/ukbus/south_yorkshire/ n May 14-15 ALBUM Conference. Belton Woods Hotel near Grantham, Lincolnshire. www.albumconference. n May 26-30 UITP Congress & Exhibition. Palexpo, Geneva. +(00)32 2673 610 n June 2 Clacton Bus Rally & Running Day, Clacton Factory Outlet, Essex. Classic and current vehicles. Entry forms & more details available at http://www. n June 11-13 ATCO Summer Conference. Merseytravel HQ, Liverpool. n June 16 Peak Park Preserved Bus Gathering. Rowsley South Station, Peak Rail Heritage Railway, nr. Matlock, Derbyshire. www. n June 16 Swansea Festival of Transport. Free to enter & attend. Call organiser Ashley Lovering on 07814958379 or email Visit
II Court, Sussex Street, Winchester. To book onto the event or for further information contact passengertransportprojects@hants. n July 14 The Annual Peterborough Bus & Commercial Vehicle Rally. Sacrewell Farm (A47/ A1 junction). Free entry. 07828 754412 or 01462 626750 n July 21 Alton Bus Rally. Anstey Park, Anstey Lane, Alton, Hants. n September 7-8 Bus Driver of the Year Final. Blackpool. Call 01303 251462. n September 8 Bus & Coach Wales 2013. Rhyd y Car Leisure Centre, Merthyr Tydfil n September 9-10 CPT Scotland Annual Conference. Crieff Hydro Hotel, Perthshire. Visit www.cpt-uk. org or call CPT Scotland on 0131 272 215 n September 10 Association of Trainers AGM. 1400hrs, Wembley. For details call 01797 344251. n September 22 Showbus 2013. Long Marston Airfield, Warwickshire. n October 2-3 Coach & Bus Live 2013. NEC, Birmingham. www.
n June 30 Ringwood Bus Rally. Scenic rides and memorabilia stall. For details call the Wessex Transport Society on 01202 293245. www.
n October 20 Oxford Bus Museum Bus & Coach Vehicle Rally. 01993 883 617. www.oxfordbusmuseum.
n July 5 Hampshire County Council Public Bus Supplier Engagement Morning. Elizabeth
Send your event details to gareth.evans@
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 19
BUCKINGHAM 3 & 2 • Ideal for 3 & 2 configurations • Ergonomic design for maximum support, comfort and legroom • Tried & tested: fitted into many new coaches as OEM • Full range of legs and fitting options make the Buckingham ideal for upseating to 70+ seats • Lighter weight makes easier for installation Prime Passenger Seating Limited 7 Canalwood Industrial Estate, Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5RL Telephone: 0870 757 1320 Fax: 01691 770 798 Email:
20 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
manufacturer update › volvo PART ONE
To Euro 6 and beyond Part one of Andrew Cream’s visit to Borås, Sweden, detailing Volvo Buses’ new hybrid vehicles, its Euro 6 engine range and its new i-Coaching product
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olvo Buses has made a bold and defined step forward with the decision to focus solely on manufacturing hybrid vehicles for its single-deck low-floor bus range in mainland Europe from 2014. The B8RLE will still be offered in the UK. The manufacturer announced the news at a two-day press event in Sweden where it showcased its new plug-in hybrid and articulated hybrid vehicles, along with its new coach range (more of which in a future issue of CBW). Lower energy consumption, lower environmental impact, cleaner exhaust and more silent operation are properties Volvo
believes are of high interest to both bus operators and society. Therefore, the company has concluded electromobility ‘is the road to the future’.
Building on success
With more than 1,000 examples of the Volvo 7900 Hybrid sold to 21 countries, Volvo Buses is currently the largest hybrid bus manufacturer in Europe. Its hybrids also operate in South America and the first Volvo hybrid was recently sold in Australia. Earlier in the spring, Volvo Buses’ North American subsidiary, Nova Bus, secured an order for 475 hybrid buses for Quebec, Canada. While in China, Volvo’s partner Sunwin Bus has a market share of approximately 40%
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Volvo Buses believes articulated buses are essential to cities as they continue to increase in population
Euro 6 five-litre 240 hp diesel engine. The bus also has a newly developed, efficient system for heating and ventilation. Thanks to the location of the battery package near the central axle, the weight of the 18-metre bus is evenly distributed, which made it possible to increase the number of passengers. Volvo says the bus has the highest passenger capacity of any hybrid vehicle available. Johnny Lidman, Product Manager Europe at Volvo Buses, said: “Many European cities have requested buses which combine high capacity with low fuel consumption and low environmental impact. With the Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid bus, we will meet customers’ requirements with a solution which will also fulfill the high demand on operational safety and reliability.” As with Volvo Buses’ other hybrid buses, the articulated hybrid is a parallel hybrid, where an electric motor and diesel engine can be used jointly or independently. At bus stops, the bus will operate silently and completely emission free on electricity. The energy generated during braking is stored in the battery and then used to generate electricity for the electric motor.
The bus also features selfcalibrating electric doors and a new 600V A/C system, with higher cooling capacity and separate climate zones for passengers and drivers. Edward Jobson, Volvo Buses’ Environmental Director, added: “Articulated buses are one of the most important subjects right now. We need to increase the capacity of our vehicles as cities are growing, so it’s great to finally have the articulated hybrid. “We are proud of the performance, weight and capacity. Its only weak point is that it won’t suit long uphill driving.”
Volvo 7900 Plug-in Hybrid
This month, Volvo Buses’ first three plug-in hybrids will be tested in traffic in Gothenburg. The firm says the technology will facilitate a reduction in energy consumption by a full 60% compared with current diesel buses. Commercial production is scheduled to commence in two years. A demonstration project has also been planned for 2014 involving eight plug-in hybrids in Stockholm – and there are other projects
of electrically driven large buses. During 2012, more than 400 fully electric buses were delivered. “In recent years, sales of Volvo Buses’ hybrid buses have tripled for each year and we believe the market for electromobility will continue to expand rapidly. Accordingly, Volvo Group is investing significantly in this area, making it possible for cities to realise their visions of more eco-friendly and attractive transportation,” said Håkan Karlsson, President of Volvo Buses.
Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid
The Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid bus has capacity for 154 passengers and is equipped with Volvo’s new
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Top: The new Volvo hybrid engine system. Above: The Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid has the capacity to hold 154 passengers
being planned for Hamburg and Luxembourg. Ulf Gustafsson, Senior Manager Public Affairs at Volvo Buses, said: “The purpose of the field test is to study and verify the anticipated reductions in energy consumption and emissions, as well as to compile information from drivers, passengers and surrounding residents about their views on the properties of the bus. In addition, we expect to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by up to 90% by using biodiesel instead of fossil diesel oil in the combustion engine.” The plug-in hybrids are based on the Volvo 7900 Hybrid, which was modified to enable recharging from electricity grids via a collector installed on the roof. With Volvo’s assumption of a typical city route covering 10km and the charging performed at the end stations, the vehicle’s larger battery package makes it possible to drive up to 70% of the distance, approximately 7km at a time, using electricity. The batteries are charged at the bus terminus for between six and 10 minutes, with a typical route needing two charging stations. Should problems arise during charging from the grid or if the bus is put in operation on a route with no charging stations, the plug-in hybrid functions exactly as current hybrid buses. Customers who want to invest in the plug-in technology can do so without having access to a fully developed network of charging stations. Volvo Buses is participating in the Gothenburg project alongside Göteborg Energi, Business Region Göteborg and Västtrafik. The project is partly financed by Life+, the EU’s financing program for environmental projects. Edward Jobson added: “There are areas within diesel technology which still need to be improved; using diesel alone will not be sufficient in the future. “With our hybrid and now plugin hybrid vehicles, emissions have been brought to levels which are really difficult to criticise.” He made it clear the standard hybrid bus still has a long future. “The plug-in hybrid is not replacing the hybrid, it’s a parallel development,” he said. “Change in cities has to happen step by step; local authorities like slow conversion – they do not like high risk change. “The electric bus is then the next step. It’s good for slow
07/05/2013 10:45
22 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
manufacturer update › volvo PART ONE city operations although it’s not the best in all environments. The next few years are about phasing out diesel and phasing in hybrid and electric technology.” Regarding the environmental cost for different technologies, Volvo says a 7900 Diesel would cost €225k in its lifetime and a 7900 Biogas €264k. Conversely, a 7900 Hybrid would cost €130k and a plug-in hybrid only €78k. It is estimated a fully electric vehicle would cost just €65k. Ulf Gustafsson said: “We’re seeing a change in how buses are being operated. We believe the hybrid will definitely take a large proportion of the market.” “We think it will take a while before people realise we mean business with the plug-in hybrid,” he continued. “That’s why we are talking about this so early. They should be ready for commercial use by the last quarter of 2015.” “The technology will also become available for coaches, but it will take a bit longer to develop,” Ulf added. “There will come a time when city centres will have zero emission policies.” Volvo Buses considered developing a modern trolleybus but decided against it due to the infrastructure costs and the common perception of overhead lines being visually intrusive. The company is however investigating how the buses could charge from tram lines and trolley lines. There are a couple of issues with being the first major European manufacturer to introduce plug-in hybrid technology. Firstly, other manufacturers will develop their own systems which might not be compatible with Volvo’s. “You can’t lock in a customer to one system,” Ulf said. “We will have to adapt to competitor’s systems, but we think our system is the best.” Another issue, which was briefly touched on above, is that customers might need convincing in these early stages that plug-in hybrids are the way forward. Håkan Karlsson said: “You have to believe in what you are doing; it’s just a matter of timing. If you have a certain amount to spend you have to spend in the right way.” Håkan believes governments are eager to implement greener technology and building the infrastructure for plug-in vehicles is a simple solution. Edward added: “We’ve made the first move – we’re breaking
The Volvo Plug-in Hybrid is being tested in traffic in Gothenburg this month
“The team at Volvo has worked extremely hard to reduce fuel consumption – the work towards Euro 6 has pushed the limit which is really good.” Håkan Karlsson President, Volvo Buses
the ice. But we need more than one manufacturer speaking for the technology. We are determined to lead the development but we don’t want to be alone. It’s a slow start and we won’t get the payback for our investment. “But we have the economic strength to do this. There is no good reason to go for other products. We realised we needed to decide which path to go down and knew we couldn’t go down more than one path for cost reasons. “Hybrid technology is the way forward and we could not afford to go with parallel products forever.”
New Euro 6 engine range
The main focus of last month’s press event was Volvo Buses’ ‘Journey Beyond Euro 6’, i.e., its new plug-in hybrid and articulated models. However, the manufacturer has also introduced three completely new diesel engines for Euro 6. The new 5-, 8- and 11-litre engines, respectively, cover an effect span from 240 to 460 hp and replace all current engine models for Europe. The step from Euro 5 to Euro 6 means emissions of nitrogen oxide will reduce by 87% and the particle content in
Above left: Håkan Karlsson. Middle: Edward Jobson: Right: The new 240 hp 5-litre engine used on the hybrids
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The 7900 Plug-in Hybrid charging via pantographs on the vehicle roof
Above left: A driver charging the plug-in hybrid. Right: Volvo’s i-Coaching exhausts will halve. At the same time, fuel consumption and climate impact of the buses is reduced, due to a number of technical engine features and less weight in engine installation and the chassis. Nils Nilsson, Euro 6 Program Manager at Volvo Buses, said: “The engines were developed to achieve the lowest possible fuel consumption and to also achieve the extremely low emission levels required by Euro 6.” Håkan Karlsson added: “In addition to lower fuel consumption we have also managed to achieve a better output. We have been able to balance the mass increase of the engines. “The team at Volvo has worked extremely hard to reduce fuel consumption – the work towards Euro 6 has pushed the limit which is really good. “When the move to Euro 6 was established, we were worried we were going to scare our customers with added costs, but our engineers have found new ideas across the board to help performance and reduce weight and lifecycle costs.” The Volvo 9700 and Volvo 9900 coaches will now receive 11-litre engines instead of the current
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13-litre, which will provide the power needed while reducing fuel consumption by 2%. The new 8-litre engine will replace the current 7- and 9-litre engines. The 8-litre, which is intended for the Volvo 8900 intercity bus and the Volvo 9500 coach, will provide low fuel consumption despite higher performance. Compared with the 9-litre engine, fuel consumption is considerably lower, at 4%, as is the noise level. All hybrid buses will receive a new, more powerful 5-litre engine with 240 hp. The engine will also replace the current 9-litre in Volvo’s diesel double-decker, which will now have more than 10% lower fuel consumption. Both the 5-litre and the 8-litre are available for diesel fuel and for biodiesel.
A complete offer
Volvo Buses is also stepping up its customer service and support products which help fuel efficiency, uptime and driver performance. With regard to fuel efficiency and driver performance, the company offers driver training, fleet management software and a new driver performance app dubbed
Volvo 7900 Articulated Hybrid OVERALL LENGTH 18,134mm OVERALL WIDTH 2,550mm overall height 3,280mm Permitted front axle load 7,100kg Permitted drive axle load 12,500kg Permitted middle axle load 10,000kg Permitted GVW 29,000kg Emission standard Euro 6 Engine system EGR, Common Rail Displacement 5.1dm2 Output 240hp Gearbox Volvo I-shift AT2412E Front axle Volvo RFS-L Rear axle ZF AV132 Differential lock No
“Hybrid technology is the way forward and we could not afford to go with parallel products forever.” Edward Jobson Environmental Director, Volvo Buses
i-Coaching. I-Coaching works in the same way as many of the telematics companies’ dashboard products, by alerting the driver when events occur such as over revving, excessive idling, harsh braking, harsh acceleration, over speeding and harsh curving. Volvo says if drivers cut down on these events, then passenger satisfaction will increase, fuel savings will be made and there will be lower maintenance costs. The firm was originally looking to work in partnership with a telematics company to produce the software, Edward Jobson explained, but it turned out going alone was the cheapest choice – and it gave Volvo full control of the scientific design. “We saw the potential of course by looking at what products the telematics companies had but we don’t see them as competitors,” Edward added. “In the end, it was a small step for us to take.” Volvo’s uptime-related services include parts supply, service contracts, workshop integration and its hybrid battery contract. The latter means customers can choose to pay for their hybrid batteries per km. Martin Jerresand, Vice President Soft Products, said: “The customer doesn’t have to worry about the battery; we will monitor its performance.” The company is also stepping up its customer workshop-based warranty work to cover hybrid vehicles.
It is clear Volvo Buses is very keen to stay ahead of its competitors in the push towards hybrid technology but, being the innovator brings difficulties. Local authorities, governments and operators will need convincing hybrid and plug-in hybrid technologies are the way forward, as while there may be overall life cost savings, the vehicles are not cheap to purchase and there are infrastructure costs to consider. Regarding the articulated hybrid, it was interesting to hear how Volvo Buses sees the vehicles as intrinsic to the future of city operations. We might not be seeing them in London any time soon, but as city populations increase, the vehicles could be seen as a more viable option if deployed on the right routes. It will be interesting to see how Europe’s other big players respond to Volvo’s new products.
07/05/2013 10:46
24 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
technology › noise testing
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Millbrook makes a sound investment
Darren Carter pictured at the extended noise testing facility with its ISO compliant surface
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The importance of the test track surface for noise testing of road vehicles and tyres is described by Darren Carter, Principal Engineer –Vehicle Measurement Group at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire
ll OEMs, tyre manufacturers and automotive engineers are aware of ISO 10844, the International Standard governing the specification of test tracks for measuring noise emitted by road vehicles and their tyres. During 2014 new surface specifications will become mandated into legislative type approval requirements for ECE Regulation 51, meaning all test facilities must comply with this new standard. Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire has recently reopened its noise test facility after investing a substantial amount of money to upgrade its noise test track to meet the requirements of the new ISO 10844:2011, meaning that the Millbrook facility is both ahead of the curve in terms of noise legislation and currently the only commercially available facility in the UK to offer its customers access to this new noise surface. ISO 10844 is the mandatory specification for test tracks used for evaluating pass-by noise to European Type Approval standards. The objective of this standard is to produce consistent levels of reproducibility between different test tracks, ensuring noise transmission is not significantly affected by the surface and to minimise the variability of tyreto-surface noise generation. This new specification aims to more accurately achieve this objective. Legislation on pass-by noise levels means future noise testing
will be equally driven by the need to understand both the contribution to overall noise levels from tyre noise and from powertrain derived noise. The changes in the ISO surface specification mean Millbrook’s engineers can more easily isolate the tyre generated noise from the overall pass-by noise of the test vehicles and help manufacturers to understand the various areas contributing to the total noise of their vehicles. What’s new in the latest version of ISO 10844? The most significant amendments from the 1994 version to the 2011 standard can be grouped into three categories; composition of the test track surface, geometry and surface properties. Composition of the surface relates to specifications that span surface texture, smoothness and noise. The new ISO specification mandates very stringent requirements for the quality and composition of the top surface of the site, while allowing a
“The physical changes to the effective length of Millbrook’s noise site will enable engineers to extend testing capabilities to help manufacturers conduct the newly introduced ‘off-cycle’ higher speed testing requirements.”
degree of flexibility in the construction of the track’s substrate. This freedom has allowed Millbrook’s new noise site to be constructed so even the heaviest of road legal vehicles can be tested. Tests can therefore be carried out on every type of vehicle, from cars and trucks to motorbikes and buses. Geometry relates to size and shape of the site, proximity of large reflecting objects, gradient and cross fall (longitudinal and transverse slope) and surface dips and bumps (irregularities). Importantly, the physical changes to the effective length of Millbrook’s noise site will enable engineers to extend testing capabilities to help manufacturers conduct the newly introduced ‘off-cycle’ higher speed testing requirements. Surface Properties have been updated in the new standard, with surface texture changing from mean texture depth (MTD) to mean profile depth (MPD). The significance of this is that there are now lower and upper bounds placed on the MPD (previously the standard had a lower limit only). Sound absorption now has a requirement for each one-thirdoctave band from 315 to 1600Hz and separate requirements for the drive lane and propagation area. The composition and quality of the new test track surface mean manufacturers will benefit from the most consistent and repeatable test surface commercially available in the UK. Millbrook’s new noise testing site will provide an excellent development tool as well as helping with the all-important type approval of vehicles.
07/05/2013 10:38
26 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
TO tachographs
Digital Tachographs are being designed to require the least amount of time, effort and administration possible to keep operators compliant
On the right track In this week’s Industry Guide, Coach & Bus Week looks at various tachograph system and training suppliers and how they can help operators to ensure they remain in compliance with Drivers’ Hours regulations across the UK and over the channel
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here are always stories of operators being caught out because they haven’t made proper use of tachographs. It can be easy to try and cut corners, but ensuring tachographs are set up correctly and drivers are abiding by the rules on Drivers’ Hours can save operators from a true financial headache later on, from both court cases and accidents caused by overtired drivers flouting rules on rest. Tachograph systems are becoming more and more efficient, with readers mountable to the walls in the drivers’ mess area or elsewhere in the depot, requiring little more than a quick scan to upload data to the system. These systems can cut down heavily on the administrative burden which comes with Drivers’ Hours compliance and save valuable working time. There are also digital
tachographs which allow information to be sent from the vehicle to the record system without the device ever leaving the vehicle, through either WiFi or GPRS. Many companies also offer training in the best use of their systems, further increasing efficiency. Along with improvements in efficiency, systems have become more robust and can more easily display the information recorded on them in formats useful to both the operator and the driver, since tachograph compliance is the responsibility of both. Some firms provide separate systems for each party and more and more tachograph systems are integrated with telematics, helping to ensure vehicles are driven safely and at peak efficiency. Suppliers are still flexible, offering both digital and analogue options and any consumables required, such as tachograph charts.
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CONTACT To advertise in future industry guides, call Brian Winterton for a features list or more details on 01733 293488, email brian.winterton@ For more information on providing editorial, call James Day on 01733 293244 or email
Novadata Novadata offers tailored courses in the use of tachographs and drivers’ hours to ensure PCV operators understand and can comply with their obligations under Drivers’ Hours law and the Working Time Directive. Training courses are run by experienced trainers with in-depth knowledge of the latest drivers’ hours law and cover every aspect of the correct use of the most popularly used tachographs, as well as the implications of data capture. For companies without an in-house capability to carry out tachograph analysis, Novadata provides an analysis service which helps clients ensure they comply with providing the information needed for VOSA inspections. Novadata is a one stop shop for tachograph compliance for PCV drivers, providing a range of essential equipment, including download devices, digital tachograph card readers and Tachotek software, which can
analyse the digital data. Novadata provides analogue tachograph accessories, including charts and tacho wallets. The firm is also a supplier of vehicle check and defect reporting report books, plus an extensive range of other products designed to aid vehicle compliance and keep both driver and vehicle safe and legal on the road. “With an increasing amount of legislation in the transport industry, it’s important to make sure you comply with all your legal responsibilities,” said Novadata MD Su Winch. “One of the most important aspects of this is being able to produce accurate tachograph data for inspection. “We carry a range of products from leading manufacturers so if you are concerned you may not be compliant, we can get you up to speed and compliant very quickly.”
T: 01376 552999 E: W:
TruTac TruTac has designed its latest products to be easy to use, recognising that PSV operators often face the extra burden of operating under both EU and Domestic rules which makes compliance even more complicated. A unique feature in TruControl V8, its web-based tachograph analysis system, allows any chart, digital or analogue, to be analysed under either EU or Domestic rules. This provides complete flexibility, making compliance management easier. Two other features provide simpler ways to view data: TruView and TruDriver. TruView is a manager’s dashboard to view compliance data and includes alerts to highlight concern areas. Data is calculated on real-time tachograph analysis and issues such as overdue vehicle and driver card downloads are highlighted. Tools include a driver’s league table to see infringement levels and driver utilisation figures.
However, both operators and drivers are responsible for drivers’ hours and tachograph legislation compliance. TruDriver is an interactive drivers’ portal to inform, involve and educate on individual compliance data. Drivers can log-in from home or work to view hours, working-time and infringements. The system gives visibility and accurate data for simple interpretation. TruDriver gives responsibility and accountability for managing individual compliance levels, thus demonstrating operators are educating drivers and fulfilling legislative duties. Jemma James, Operations & Marketing Director, said: “We’re keen on making compliance easier to understand and manage for operators and drivers. We’ve designed our latest products with simplicity in mind.”
T: 024 7669 0000 E: jemma.james@ W:
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07/05/2013 14:49
28 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
TO tachographs Lloyd Morgan Lloyd Morgan claims its Tachograph Analysis Service is the market leading internet-based analysis service for the transport industry. It is 100% compatible with both analogue and digital tachographs, providing the tools to help operators manage their drivers’ working time and ensure their fleets are always compliant with hours’ law and WTD legislation. The Tachograph Analysis Service provides targeted analysis and reports for key personnel at every level of the organisation. These reports can be presented both numerically and graphically and include reports displaying infringement summaries, depot comparison, vehicle continuity, hours’ law analysis, chart submission, trend analysis and productivity, along with bespoke reports to match exact requirements. Seamless transition to the digital Tachograph Analysis Service offers
an unrivalled means of moving smoothly between the old analogue and the new digital tachographs. Because the service can handle information form both paper-based tachographs and digital tachograph smartcards, it eliminates any operational and management concerns associated with the move to the digital era. The Tachograph Analysis Service makes a direct contribution towards meeting the increasing and changing legal and regulatory obligations, including compliance with HGV Drivers Hours law, WTD, Operational Process Streamlining, Domestic Drivers Hours law and PCV Drivers Hours law. It is equally suitable for small, single-site operations, through to large multinational organisations spanning many geographic locations. T: 01543 897505 E: info@lloydmorgan W:
Tachosys Tachosys has been manufacturing tachograph peripherals since the introduction of the digital tachograph in 2006 and now boasts the largest range in Europe. All the key UK analysis providers distribute Tachosys products. The Tachosys ethos has been to produce products which speed up the process of tachograph download, centralise data collection and help drivers avoid infringements. The all new digifob for instance, due out in June, allows drivers to analyse their own card data and discover whether they are driving within the EU rules. The unit also allows connection to a PC for archiving the driver card and recharging. The digipostpro is a wallmounted depot-based system allowing drivers to upload their own driver card. The unit comes with a digivu vehicle download key, currently the fastest download device on the market. This allows the user to download all vehicles
and upload the data via the digipostpro, which sends its data to a company’s analysis provider or central office. A hot topic regarding tachographs is remote download, which may save companies hundreds of man hours. The concept is simple – the company card resides in a card reader within the office and the digiDL in each vehicle communicates with the card via the internet over GPRS or WiFi. The customer chooses a schedule and digiDL does the rest. Obviously there is a lot of tech behind the scenes. digiDL has been installed in several thousand vehicles in the UK already and is supported by all of the major UK analysis bureax. Finally, lovers of Android smartphones will find Tachosys has a range of options for downloading, analysis and real-time Drivers’ Hours information. T: 0208 687 3900 W:
Digital and analogue tachograph analysis
If you would like further information please call 01543 897505 or visit
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07/05/2013 14:52
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TO tachographs
30 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
Quality Tachograph Analysis from a Reliable and Respected Source
....miles ahead 0151 343 0909
Business Intelligence for Transport
Wirral Tachograph stocks a variety of download devices and consumables, such as this DigiDL remote download unit
Wirral Tachograph Tachograph analysis is a time consuming but essential part of the transport industry. Wirral Tachograph can tailor a web based system to meet an operator’s requirements, with tiered access by all of its management team, from Depot Manager to National or International Transport Director level. If an operator requires digital tachograph accessories and analysis, analogue tachograph analysis, tachograph charts and tachograph sundries anywhere in the UK or Europe, Wirral is the specialist. It provides companies with fast and accurate tachograph information while alleviating them of an administrative burden, without compromising statutory obligations. It has become a major player in the world of digital tachograph analysis and tachograph provision. Wirral’s web based system Smartanalysis will calculate Drivers Hours Law and update information for the Working Time Directive. The system offers both Hours Law and Working Time Directive data in one package. Wirral also supplies driver and tachograph accessories, including tachograph charts, digital tachograph top coated print rolls, defect books and hand held chart checkers. The company’s experience, expertise and efficient approach have ensured it has become an established and trusted name throughout the UK and Europe with a reputation for courteous, professional service. Wirral understands that
customer satisfaction is the key to the success of any firm. This is why it works hard to ensure its customers receive a quality of service which continues to build on its reputation. The company can work with operators to identify areas of their tachograph analysis which may not meet the standard required by VOSA. Its guidance and training can make a valuable contribution to a coach or bus business. With some 20 plus management reports which can be exported into the popular formats such as Excel, CSV’s and Adobe PDF all available on demand via its system, there are no hidden charges for extra reports. Operators pay one fixed amount for each driver daily record which includes vehicle downloads. Operators can call a member of the Wirral Tachograph team to discuss their requirements. The team will aid in deciding which type of analysis best suits the business, either single depot or multi-depots under one company umbrella, whether the business is based in the UK or anywhere else in the world. Wirral will then support the management team throughout the whole set–up and analysis process. This results in a cost effective business solution in terms of time and money, bringing an understanding of Drivers Hours to businesses along with quality tachograph analysis from a reliable and respected source, helping operators comply with regulations to protect their o-licences. T: 0151 343 0909 E: W:
Introducing Smartanalysis Digital Tachograph analysis anywhere in the UK
Tachograph analysis is a time consuming but essential part of the transport industry. Wirral Tachograph can tailor a web based system to meet your company requirements, with tiered access by all of your management team, from Depot Manager to National or International Transport Director level. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to help and guide you through the Drivers Hours Law and Working Time Directive. Whether you are looking for analogue or digital analysis our system seamlessly incorporates both types of data, both driver card and vehicle data can be uploaded onto our system. 0151 343 0909 Unit 7, Claremont Buildings, Old Clatterbridge Road, Spital, Wirral CH63 4JB
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Full Page House Ad
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32 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
Rochford-based Stephensons of Essex has recently taken delivery of two ADL Enviro 400-bodied Scania N230 UD4x2s. “We’re gradually replacing our older step-entrance double deckers with DDA-compliant buses, both good quality used and new models,” explained Bill Hiron, MD. “We already have 19 Scania low-floor double decks, including two identical Scania-ADL models delivered last year, and so it was a proven combination for us, combining a competitive price with proven reliability.” News of the £400,000 investment comes in the same week the firm has taken over the operation of route 17 between Leigh Station and Southend, via Chalkwell & Westcliff from FirstGroup. Stephensons also has depots in Witham, Maldon and Haverhill. Formed in the mid-1970s, the firm remains privately owned and is today one of the largest independent operators in Essex.
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34 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
RADLEYS Radley Coach Travel of Brigg & Barton Upon Humber has taken delivery of its first Applebys Coach Holidaysliveried vehicle, a new Scania Irizar i6 coach. Supplied by Scania (Great Britain), the vehicle features Scania’s 360 horsepower Euro 5 EGR engine and the latest generation fullyautomated Scania Opticruise
gear-selection system. The Irizar i6 body is equipped with a full entertainment package including Bosch Professional Line audio visual system with DVD player and two monitors, air-conditioning, three-point seat belts, a centre toilet, drinks machine, fridge, reversing camera and satellite navigation. Owner Kevin Radley said: “Since purchasing the original trading name late
last year this iconic brand has catapulted us into 2013 with an unprecedented amount of tour bookings which continue to go from strength to strength. The Applebys name has opened up new markets for the company and allowed us to expand into new areas of Lincolnshire and beyond. The new coach has been named ‘100 Not Out!’ to help celebrate the fact that Applebys is in its centenary year during 2013.”
BOWMAN’s COACHES An Optare Solo now in service on the Isle of Mull is following one of the most scenic bus routes in Scotland. Bowman’s Coaches (Mull) has put the 9m SlimLine Solo into service on its route 494, which connects Tobermory in the north east of the Isle with Calgary on the west coast. It’s a route which affords
Chassis/body Scania K 360
IB4x2 / Irizar i6
Engine Scania 360BHP Transmission Scania
Opticruise Seats 51 Spec Touring
Supplied by
Scania (Great Britain) Limited 01909 500822
PC COACHES PC Coaches of Lincoln has recently taken delivery of two Scania K400 EB 4x2s with Irizar PB bodywork and a K400 EB6x2*4, 14.1-metre overall length Scania OmniExpress. All vehicles benefit from centre toilet and two monitors. The 51-seat PBs also feature a DVD player and have been built to a full touring specification. The Scania OmniExpress has 63 seats and is also constructed to a full touring specification. Commenting on the delivery, PC’s MD Pete Smith said: “Performance is a major factor for us as with any operator and we feel this is an area where Scania cannot be surpassed. Furthermore, comfort and finish levels on both new models is very
passengers sightings of red deer, eagles and seals and which ends with fabulous views of the Atlantic across Calgary Bay towards the islands of Tiree and Coll. The firm chose the 2.3-metre-wide model to cope better with the twisting road on the route. Its capacity to carry 31 passengers on fixed Ster 6MS seats plus two tip-ups in the wheelchair space means it can cope with fluctations in passengers.
The main fleet on the touring side of PC Coaches of Lincoln’s business comprises Scania Irizar PBs, including tri-axle models, Scania Irizar i6s and Scania OmniExpress’s which the company also has in the tri-axle version. Established in 1978, PC Coaches has grown into the region’s largest independent coach & bus operator, running more than 80 vehicles. FACT FILE
high, and feedback from customers and drivers alike is first class. “We can have up to 20 coaches at any one time operating throughout Europe and reliability is also major factor for us along with the
back-up service provided – and Scania tick all the right boxes in this area. In fact, the whole Scania entity we feel is unparalleled; from the initial customer service team to the reliability of the power plant. From day one,
the level of service we have received has been excellent and it is true to say the Scania product has made a massive impression on us over the years and has been a major factor in our continued success story.”
Chassis/body Scania / Irizar PB & OmniExpress Engine Scania Transmission Scania Seats 51 & 63 Spec Touring Supplied by
Scania (Great Britain) Limited 01909 500822
For all the latest industry news and information, register with us online at:
Deliveries.indd 34
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 35
Have you taken delivery of a new vehicle and want to tell the world about it? Email all the details and pictures to
Its low entry height makes it easy to use by passengers with reduced mobility. A Euro 5 Mercedes-Benz OM904LA engine provides 154 bhp (115 kW) and 610 Nm of torque. The five-speed transmission from the Allison 2100 Series has a lock-up torque converter for improved fuel economy, which is enhanced by the electromagnetic retarder actuated automatically during braking. Bowman’s specified Mobitec LED destination equipment to the front and nearside. FACT FILE
Chassis/body Optare SlimLine
Solo (integral)
Engine Mercedes-Benz Transmission Allison auto Seats 31 Spec Local contracts Supplied by
Optare 08434 873 200
W&H Commercials The UK’s first Volvo B11R coaches with the new Sunsundegui SC7 bodywork have made their debut with West Sussex based operator W&H Commercials, who have taken delivery of two. The new coaches take the number of Volvos in the operator’s fleet to 10 – six with Sunsundegui and four with Jonckheere bodywork – and the total number of vehicles to 16. Praising the new vehicles, Peter Oliver, W&H Commercials, said: “The new Volvo B11R drives like a dream. But we knew it would – we’ve never had a problem with Volvo, which is why we keep going back. The standard of the new B11R coach is great and the value for money is outstanding.
“We always run Sunsundegui and the improvements on the SC7 model are very good. The wider passenger entrance is good as is the split driver screen and the increase in space is extraordinary. “With the coaches set for work on our 15-day American tour contracts, we wanted to offer as much comfort and leg room as possible for passengers, so we have taken the seating capacity
down from 55 to 53. “We are very pleased with the vehicles and I am sure we will look to take further Volvo Sunsundeguis in the future.” The new body features an improved aerodynamic design with fairing of the air conditioning to help reduce fuel consumption, while added protection is achieved by a reinforced front structure for the drivers’ area and reinforced passenger area
with crumple panels. New mirrors are designed to minimise damage in low speed impacts and a stateof-the-art door design with a simpler control adds to the increase in interior space. Fitted with the full specification of available interior features, passengers will benefit from a twin screen TV, sound system and DVD player, along with a coffee machine and toilet. FACT FILE
Chassis/body Volvo B11R / Sunsundegui SC7 Engine Volvo D11C six cylinder engine, rated at 450 bhp Transmission Volvo I-Shift 12-speed auto Seats 53 Spec Touring Supplied by
Volvo 01926 401777 en-gb/
Deliveries.indd 35
07/05/2013 17:17
36 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
face to face › simon mathieson
Simon shapes up Nat Ex West Mids CBW’s Gareth Evans talks to Simon Mathieson, Operations Director at Nat Ex West Midlands about how service delivery is being improved using technology and a modern approach to people management
t could be said Simon Mathieson is living the dream. While not in any way a raving crank, he is undoubtedly passionate and rightly proud of his bus industry career to date. Along with many of his contemporaries, which include Andrew Sherrington, Alex Hornby and Paul Clark, who interestingly is now Operations Manager at NX Dundee, Simon benefited from the experience of working for Travel West Midlands while studying at Aston University. As he readily admits, he saw both good and not so good elements as a seemingly innocent student. Several years later, he’s implementing his own ideas, which have been further developed thanks to his time with Stagecoach. What’s more, he’s helping his fellow industry professionals as a Committee Member of the Young Bus Managers Network.
People & technology
Asked what he has brought to National Express, Simon replied: “I’ve been here five years. As a student working in TWM, I recall feeling a sense of injustice – it could have been so much better than it was. Back then I was nobody so people were candid and I experienced things myself, including late nights and early morning duties. It was brilliant for lots of reasons. “When I came back to
F2F_Mathieson.indd 36
Having experienced TWM as a student, Simon is putting his industry skills & experiences into practice
Birmingham Central several years later on in my career, I knew what I could do to put it right. I’d had six years at Stagecoach up and down the country so I knew how to do it. I’ve been lucky in my time here to have different jobs so I could learn from Dundee, the Black Country and Birmingham Central.” What exactly in Simon’s view was wrong with TWM? “It was brilliant and at the same time awful. On my sandwich placement year I based myself at the now closed Hockley Garage and did a month’s driving after gaining my PCV licence. The first thing someone told me was ‘Here’s another one – why do you want to work for this lot?’ Those words stayed with me. In employee terms, it was quite a harsh culture, with job titles such as Traffic Superintendent and Garage Inspector. You could say it was harping back to an almost military-type era. “It was hard for people at the sharp end to feel proud of the business. However, I was proud – you open the doors in Birmingham city centre on a 50 service and you’ve got a full bus. Four minutes later, the same thing happens again. Carrying lots of passengers can be highly motivating as a driver. At that stage I was taking it all in and hoping I could put it right one day. I’m not the only person who was fortunate to experience it. That’s why I still do a spot of driving – I try to do half a shift a month at each garage. Acock’s Green is different to Wolverhampton.
07/05/2013 10:32
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 37
NAME: Simon Mathieson AGE: 34 POSItion: Operations Director, National Express West Midlands
Contact: 0121 254 7272
F2F_Mathieson.indd 37
07/05/2013 10:32
38 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
face to face › simon mathieson
It’s not all about Birmingham – we serve different area. In the Black Country, each community differs again – you don’t tell someone from Tipton they’re from Dudley. “I enjoy driving as it happens, but I also feel I would be unable to make decisions without talking to people and doing the job – I know I don’t know everything. “The other day I had to deal with people trying to board with out-ofdate tickets. I could just sit at a desk in Birmingham Central or the Coach Station (Digbeth) but I know for a fact it would not make for better decisions. “Over the last 10 months since I’ve been Operations Director, it’s how I’ve got to shape the team and have that experience and closeness of what’s happening. I’m forever telling my team to drive or do a shift in the traffic office. “800 people work out of Birmingham Central Garage and we’ve got 3,500 employees at our nine garages. I look after 5,500 staff at NX UK Bus, a figure which includes the Midland Metro tram system.” As is human nature, Simon’s experiences at Stagecoach and National Express have shaped his views and methods, so he has aimed to “pick the best of every company”. “However, at Stagecoach I was far more able to make decisions at Nuneaton depot with 80 buses than I was at TWM with 200 buses in garages but that’s life. “I’ve plucked and adopted an idea from Asda and implemented here at NX UK Bus. What Stagecoach is good at is being at the heart of the local community – small garages with local managers. That’s what I’m doing. Something I learnt at Stagecoach was never be afraid to try. “Thanks to our approach to the network management and design over last two years, I feel we’re becoming as good as the industry leaders. We’ve been creating partnerships with local employers and organisations across the conurbation, whereas in the past it was far more Birminghamcentric. For example, the Operations Manager at Wolverhampton, Toni, and the Administration Controller Matthew really believe in it – they’ve struck up partnerships with local charities, including taking women and children from the local refuge on day trips. This builds up all kinds of goodwill, both internally and externally. “After 10 months in this job, I’ve got a great team in place. It’s now
F2F_Mathieson.indd 38
Simon aims to drive a bus at least half a shift each month
Simon Mathieson:
a brief history
Simon started his career with a work experience placement at Badgerline in Bath and got a taste for the industry. After studying for a degree in Transport Management at Aston University in Birmingham and a placement year with Travel West Midlands (TWM), Simon took a role on the Graduate Management Programme with Stagecoach working in Portsmouth, Elgin, Nuneaton and Oxford. At the latter, arguably one in the Stagecoach crown, he was Operations Manager. Simon then joined National Express as Area Manager for Birmingham Central, managing the company’s largest in the heart of the city. After covering for the Director Dundee position with National Express, he was appointed Operations Director at National Express West Midlands in 2011.
“What Stagecoach is good at is being at the heart of the local community – small garages with local managers.” Simon Mathieson
about working with technology and adapting our business to get the most out of it. We’ve opened a £1m control room at Bordesley where we can actively manage each route. The 20-strong team manages our fleet centrally – each bus is after all, fitted with Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) equipment. In pure single terms for an operator, I don’t think there’s anything bigger. “We’re really capturing data and it’s now helping to drive our scheduling. In the January snow, the team was the main focal point of service delivery. “There are two main elements to how I want to run things, the first being a team running the show on the road and the second being the team in the garages. We need to see them as our specialists. “The on-the-road team includes Controllers, Inspectors and Route Managers. A new development is the creation of a central radio room – in place of the radio being located at individual garages and a garage’s buses only being able to communicate with their home base. Information can then flow – a Birmingham Central driver can radio delays on a road which also has routes run by Acock’s Green garage for example. This will better help manage our service delivery, by diverting buses if a road is closed. “The garages will now specialise in the planning, organising and management of frontline staff. “Our last employee survey showed some encouraging results but I know to drive them up further requires people in garages to engage more. The only way to do that is to see them each day. No
longer will drivers be able to turn up at a relief point like Snow Hill Queensway – they’ll have to book on at their garage. We trialled it at Birmingham Central and Perry Barr Garages before Christmas. The previous Traffic Controllers are going to become Operations Team Supervisors but they’re going to have the right tools. In the past it was too much of a juggling act in the Traffic Offices. “The second main element is getting technology to the team on the road side. Inspectors are now going to have tablet computers, which will give them access to realtime information and the Traffilog systems. When they’re standing at bus stops, it will enable them to show passengers where a bus is. They will also be able to take photos and email in real-time, which will save laborious time filling in forms. “Technology is going to shape our year. We can’t be left behind – we’ve got to adapt. None of this stuff is cheap so we’ve got to get it to work. All this technology is great. We’ve been using it to deal with window etching, which was particularly prevalent on our route 97 between Birmingham and Chelmsley Wood. A microphone picks up the etching and flags up the CCTV, making it easier to prosecute the perpetrators. We’ve already had offenders up before the courts. “On that note, in the last eight months we’ve also made great strides to reduce fare evasion. Thanks to the latest technology, Revenue Inspectors at the roadside have got ability to check the validity of information given by fare dodgers but also allow people to pay using a credit/debit card. “We’ve also doubled the number of Revenue Inspectors in the last year. Not surprisingly, the number of fines has also gone up. It also acts as a motivator for the frontline staff. It can be satisfying for passengers to see a bus checked too.”
Concluding, Simon said: “It was difficult as a student. The vibe was that driving was a hard job and management didn’t listen. Our training is now far better. We’ve made great strides to increase recognition with our Values Awards. For management to say thanks and hello makes such a difference. It’s hardly revolutionary. I hope nobody says in one of my garages what I was told at Hockley all those years ago.”
07/05/2013 10:33
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07/05/2013 17:21
40 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
open platform › louise ellman
How to build on the Bus Passenger Survey Louise Ellman, who chairs the Transport Select Committee, analyses the results of the recent Passenger Focus survey, determining there is still a lot to be improved on despite the positive results Bus operators could take heart recently from the results of the survey of 22,000 passengers conducted by Passenger Focus. This showed that the overwhelming majority of passengers are very or fairly satisfied with the service they receive. In Nottingham and Devon over 90% of passengers were content with their service. These figures are very welcome but beneath the surface there is cause for concern. Farepayers are generally less satisfied with services than people who travel for free. Satisfaction with punctuality and value for money is lower than the overall average. Commuters and young people are generally less satisfied with bus services than other groups of travellers. The Transport Select Committee (TSC) recommended that the bus passenger survey be expanded to enable comparisons to be made between different areas of the country and different bus operators. Passenger Focus is to be commended for implementing this. Local authorities and bus passenger groups can use the data to ask questions about service quality in their areas. Bus operators should be using the more positive figures to attract new passengers and addressing areas where public concern is evident. Value for money is clearly a key concern for the public. In only three of the 20 areas surveyed did more than 60% of fare-paying passengers express satisfaction with the value for money of their bus services. In five areas fewer than half of those passengers said they were satisfied with value for money. Improving these results will be difficult when Government funding for bus services remains under pressure. Grant funding to local authorities for tendered services has been reduced, challenging changes have been made to the reimbursement of concessionary fares and BSOG has been cut. Further changes to BSOG are in the pipeline and there have been persistent rumours that this grant will be scrapped altogether. The TSC’s 2011 report Bus Services after the Spending Review described these funding pressures as “the greatest financial challenge for the bus industry for a generation” and matters have not improved since then. Nevertheless, there is scope for operators to improve aspects of their service including better information for passengers, better integration with other public transport, and the provision of new facilities such as WiFi. There may be
OpenPlatform_Ellman.indd 40
Changes to concessionary fares reimbursement has presented challenges that need to be offset scope for drivers and other staff to be more customer-oriented. These measures, which are not necessarily expensive to implement, can all help improve value for money. Additional government funding should be linked to the development of partnership working between local authorities and bus operators. This can help achieve tangible results for passengers, such as integrated ticketing or better bus stations and other infrastructure. This should be extended to local authorities developing quality contracts with bus operators. This approach could deliver real benefits to passengers but local authorities require support from the Government to be the “first over the line” in implementing these new arrangements. Another striking aspect of the bus passenger survey was the information about who uses bus services in the areas surveyed. The proportion of young bus users, aged 16-34, was consistently high, exceeding 50% in Greater Manchester. Around 40% of those surveyed had no access to private transport. Around one fifth were disabled. This only emphasises the importance of bus travel, to the young, to those on lower incomes, and to many disabled people. The cost of travel for younger passengers was highlighted by the recent work of the Youth Select Committee, as were inconsistencies in the provision of concessionary fares. Bus operators should take the lead in dealing with these issues, to help ensure that young people who need to travel for work, school, college or other reasons can do so. Such measures will help ensure that young people use buses as they get older and give a boost to local economies. Bus travel is one of the issues the Transport
Committee is examining as part of its current inquiry into access to transport for people with disabilities. I recently took a trip on a bus across Liverpool with a young woman with a “hidden” disability in order to see for myself the challenges she faced. We took oral evidence from bus operators on April 15 and will be publishing our conclusions in the summer. The bus passenger survey is essential in showing the issues passengers would like government and operators to address to deliver better value for the fares they pay. However, as passenger numbers outside London continue to decline, also important are the views of people who choose not to travel by bus. This is something Passenger Focus could turn to in due course. In addition, persuading people to exchange the car for the bus is an area where government, both central and local, could and should be more active. More people use buses than any other form of public transport, yet buses rarely feature in national debates. It is time to put that right and give more attention to the importance of buses, a lifeline for millions of people. If you want to let off some steam, just tap away at the keyboard and send your rant (or carefully-reasoned views) to gareth., or fax 0845 280 2927. Make ‘Open Platform’ the subject line. Alternatively, send your missive to: CBW, 3 The Office Village, Cygnet Park, Forder Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8GX
07/05/2013 10:43
Page 1
Page 42
42 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
" E W F S U J T F P O U I F T F Q B H F T B M M Z F B S G S P N K V T U c D B M M Network Warrington have the following vehicles for sale
2005 MAN Noge
2400 turbo diesel 100ps engine, LEZ compliant, digital tachograph, electric windows, electric mirrors, CD player, 133000 miles with full service history, finished in white, excellent condition, supplied with 12 months MOT, fully serviced to Good Garage Scheme standards, 3 months nationwide parts and labour warranty. ÂŁ7495 + VAT
57 reclining seats, air conditioning, one owner from new, 320,000kms, dark moquette leather inset headrests, curtains.
ÂŁ65,000+VAT - P/X considered
Ben Weaver Commercials 0114 275 7076
Tel: Adrian on 07717 768315
1998 Volvo B10M Caetano Enigma
2002 ALD ALX200 Dennis Dart
Dennis Dart SLF 10.8m 2000/2001 V & Y Plate, Cummins 6BT, Allison AT545 4 speed auto, Marshall body, 40 seats.
49 seats with retractable belts, monitor, DVD, radio, cassette, taxed and tested, has air-con but needs re-gas + belts, needs t.l.c. but good motor.
ÂŁ15,500 + VAT ono
Contact Ian Parker (Engineering Manager) Warrington Borough Transport Ltd Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington WA4 6PT. Tel 01925 634296
Access Lifts
& Ramps
POA – choice of 3
Paul Watson Travel
Phone Nick on 01626 833664 or 07872 839530
1998 Tri-axle Scania Irizar
2001 Mercedes Autobus Nouvelle II
All Vehicles Direct Fleet Many With COIF’s, PSV’s, Wheelchair
COIF and DDA compliant, Euro 3 engine, 28 seats and 16 standing, taxed until end of June and MOT until July, well maintained and ready to work.
Comfort shift gearbox, alloy wheels, good tyres, 49 re-trimmed seats with belts, air con, fridge, servery, WC, video with 2 monitors, 12 months, MOT, LEZ renewed, well loved and looked after by owner-driver for last 8 years. ÂŁ24,995
33 seats with lap belts, dual purpose, destination gear, this bus has been refurbished in the chassis, to body parts and repainted.
Martins of Tysoe 01295 680642
Tel: Adrian on 07717 768315
2003 ALD Enviro 300
COIF and accessibility certificate, 40 seats and 27 standing, taxed until August and with a new MOT, this is a very clean and tidy bus which is ready to go straight to work.
Phone Nick on 01626 833664 or 07872 839530
1 ) 0 5 0 4 " / % ' 6 $ 0 0 6 3 " 4 4 5 " / % " 3 % 0 / " 7 & ) * $ & ' 0 3 4 " & " % 7 & 3 5 * 4 & .& / 5 4
Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email
Page 43
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 43
" E W F S U J T F B T J O H M F W F I J D M F G P S B T M J U U M F B T c D B M M
08 Plate Scania K340 Irizar Century
09 Plate Volvo B9R Plaxton Panther
Enquiries to John Kerr 00353879898470 or office hours please
Enquiries to John Kerr 00353879898470 or office hours please
Scania fitted brand new engine Dec 12 only 40,000km, COIF, 53 seats, ZF auto, Euro4, no Adblue, LEZ compliant, A/C, DVD, mic x2, monitor, tyres 60% ÂŁ110,000 ONO
2008 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 515
16 seat mini-coach, Onyx conversion, manual gearbox, full spec with racks, lights, blowers, panoramic windows, skirts, wheel trims and large boot, digital tacho, test March 2014, excellent throughout.
Iveco 17 seat wheelchair accessible minibus
Unwin Innotrax floor to take five wheelchairs, underfloor lift, rear heating, tachograph, front entry drop step with slam door, COIF, PSV.
ÂŁ28,995 + VAT Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426
Pembridge Vehicle Management 01633 485858
2003 Volvo Jonckheere B12M Mistral 50
53 passenger seats, 12 months MOT, 527,071kms, interior & exterior in excellent condition, vigorously maintained (records available).
4300cc turbo diesel engine, automatic gearbox, analogue tachograph, certificate of initial fitness states 32 passenger seats or 10 wheelchairs and 2 seated, Plaxton Beaver 2, there are 17 seats at present but can be made up to 33, Access underfloor rear tail lift, tracking for 10 wheelchairs, ex-council, 118,000kms/73,000 miles, finished in silver, supplied with 12 months PSV or MOT, fully serviced to Good Garage Scheme standards, 3 months nationwide parts and labour warranty. ÂŁ22495 + VAT
ÂŁ49,950 + VAT ono Star Coaches Limited Martin 07831 265804 Adam 0121 350 5555
Ben Weaver Commercials 0114 275 7076
1999 Mercedes Benz 814D Plaxton
1999 Volvo B10M Jonckheere
27 coach seats with 3 point belts, perfect for school bus and private hire, tested April 2014, choice of two – one manual and one auto.
ÂŁ7,995 + VAT Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426
48 reclining seats with retractable belts, monitor, DVD, radio + cassette, rear toilet with rear door, fully sprayed and new stretch panels fitted, good coach, just been to Spain, lovely driver.
ÂŁ20,000 + VAT ono
Paul Watson Travel
COIF, 57 seats, I shift gearbox, Euro4 LEZ compliant, A/C, CD, DVD, mic x 2, monitor, wide door for retrofitting disabled access in the future, tyres 60%, 3 point belts, walnut dash. Choice of five available. ÂŁ110,000 ONO
1999 Mercedes Benz 814D Plaxton
31 coach seats with 3 point belts, excellent condition throughout, perfect for school and private hire.
ÂŁ9,450 + VAT Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426
2012 Ford Transit
16 coach style seats with seatbelts, tacho, manual gearbox & Euro 5, ideal social club or schools vehicle, in plain white – ideal for putting on your own livery, still in warranty and LEZ compliant.
Ventura Sales 01342 835206
2006 (56) Ford Transit 17 seat minibus
1 ) 0 5 0 4 " / % ' 6 $ 0 0 6 3 " 4 4 5 " / % " 3 % 0 / " 7 & ) * $ & ' 0 3 4 " & " % 7 & 3 5 * 4 & .& / 5 4 2007 IVECO DAILY 50C14 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE MINIBUS
Automatic Steptronic gearbox, 16 seats, front entry, tachograph, COIF/PSV, 3000cc Euro4 turbo diesel, 61,000 miles, air conditioning, Access underfloor wheelchair lift, electric drivers window, certificate of initial fitness, excellent condition, supplied with 12 months PSV or MOT, fully serviced to Good Garage Scheme standards, 3 months nationwide parts and labour warranty. ÂŁ15495 + VAT
Ben Weaver Commercials 0114 275 7076
2.4 diesel, one owner, 40,000 miles.
ÂŁ9,995 + VAT
Pembridge Vehicle Management 01633 485858
Marco Polo Iris
21 seat wheelchair accessible bus with room for 18 wheelchairs, Euro 4, coach style seats, destination equipment, 300kg capacity tail lift, automatic ZF gearbox.
Ventura Sales 01342 835206
Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email
44 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
" E W F S U J T F P O U I F T F Q B H F T B M M Z F B S G S P N K V T U c D B M M 2000 SCANIA T9
2005 Daf VanHool
2007 MAN Plaxton Panther 49/53 seats, LEZ compliant, toilet, DVD/CD, fridge, hot drinks, Webasto. Only used on our own holidays and excursions. Excellent condition.
53 seats, excellent condition, PSV 26/5/13, Taxed 30/4/13, service records. Lovely bus all round and just had an interior re-trim.
Auto, 49/51 seat executive, purple, immaculate, Webasto, air conditioning, retarder, WC, DVD, reversing camera, hot water, fridge, leather headrests/piping, MOT May 2014, one driver from new, 486,000km. Must sell due to retirement.
Contact Eric on 07921 389720
Burns Coach Tours 01651 851279
Dennis Dart Plaxton Pointer
2009 Mercedes Tourino
2007 Unvi Riada
Manual, 32-seat executive, purple, Webasto, air conditioning, retarder, WC, DVD McLaren colour seats with leather headrests, spare double seat, must be seen, 211,000km, MOT April 2014. Must sell due to retirement.
22 seats with 3 point belts, certified courier seat, DVD, P/A, air-conditioning, MOT 15/04/14, brand new engine with Mercedes warranty.
39 seats in blue patterned moquette, front, side & rear LED destination, luggage racks, Euro 2, front manual ramp.
ÂŁ90,000 + VAT
Please call Jamie 01730 267543 or 07956 029344 1998 Volvo B10M Jonckheere Mistral
Converted to 70 seater in September using Cogent 3+2 seating all fitted with 3 point belts, MOT till Oct 2013 and has no known defects.
Ventura Sales 01342 835206
Burns Coach Tours 01651 851279
Burns Coach Tours 01651 851279
ÂŁ35,000 Milligans Coach Travel 01290 550365
2008 MAN Auto Ayat
2006 Optare Solo M850
2007 Setra 415GTHD Comfort Class
2003 Futura
51 seat full executive, owned from new, choice of 2, real head turner, used on tour programme, low mileage @ 240,000kms, a lot of coach for the money, looks great and great value at just...
ÂŁ89,000+VAT - P/X considered
Tel: Adrian on 07717 768315
2010 Temsa Avenue
42-48 seats, 60,667 miles.
Arriva Bus & Coach 01274 681144
PSV March 2014, taxed December 2013, DDA compliant, 27 seats + 12 standees.
ÂŁ35,000 + VAT ono
49 seats, AS Tronic gearbox, Mercedes engine, Euroliners, Ambiente seats, serviced by Mercedes since new, one owner, 302,000kms, MOT Apr 2014. Must sell due to retirement.
Full exec spec, Eminox euro 4 exhaust, 49 seats, green cloth, manual, 695K kms, new MOT on sale.
Burns Coach Tours 01651 851279
ÂŁ65,000 + VAT L.J. Edwards: 01323 440622 option 2 or John 07974 369570
2002 Mercedes Vario 614
2007 Setra S415HD
13 seat front entry wheelchair accessible minibus, diesel, 160,000 miles.
49 seats, blue and red interior with leather trim, drinks facilities, fridge, air conditioning, vacuum system, DVD and centre toilet.
375,604 miles, PSV 25/4/13, taxed 31/3/13, full service history.
For more information please call 01291 625449
Ben Weaver Commercials 0114 275 7076
Arriva Bus & Coach 01274 681144
Contact William on 07733 914050
Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email
Page 45
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 45
" E W F S U J T F B T J O H M F W F I J D M F G P S B T M J U U M F B T c D B M M 2006 Mercedes Benz 814 Vario
2003 Setra 315 GTHD
24 seats + courier, 3 point belts, luggage racks, reading lights, blown air, private plate, full skirts, wheel trims, very low mileage, test October 2013, stunning condition.
49 seat with retractable belts, low mileage, seat back tables, footrests, centre toilet, power door, air con, webasto, cool box and boiler 2 x monitors and DVD, radio cassette, LEZ exhaust, great drive.
ÂŁ32,495 + VAT Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426
2005 13m Bova Futura
ÂŁ53,500 + VAT ono
Paul Watson Travel
TRAVELBILLITY 2005 Mellor 33 seats with boot, forced air, analogue tacho, 260,000kms, MOT 10/2013
Mercedes 814D Euro Coach 2000 (X) 413 CDI Sprinter
Full executive, 53 reclining seats, good leg room, used on holiday programme, one owner from new, 430,000kms, 12 months MOT.
2005 Plaxton Beaver 2006 Mellor 28 seats or 9 W/C, 29 seats, large boot, automative, climate air con, analogue control, 98,000kms, tacho, 287,000kms, MOT 09/2013 MOT 10/2013
PSV 12/5/13, taxed 30/4/13, full service history.
ÂŁ84,500+VAT - P/X considered
Tel: Adrian on 07717 768315
Contact William on 07733 914050
Dennis Dart Mini Plaxton Pointer 8.8m
2003 Mercedes Citaros
Sprintronic g/box, COIF for 16 seats or 6 W/C, private plate, UVG Modular
2006 Mellor COIF for 20 seats, external tail lift, fully tracked flat floor
2005 (55) Fiat Ducato 2.0 diesel, 4 seats and 2 W/C, fully tracked floor, ramp
Please call 01934 515511 or email Location 2 minutes from J21 M5 Take the photos, write the ad and change it later if you want to, all from your online dashboard. Selling a vehicle is simple on . . .
38 + 34 standees, LEZ complaint, full DDA, dual door, Hanover LEDs, CCTV, in good condition, very low mileage (240,000 – 260,000 km), 1 year’s MOT. Choice of 6 (5 x 53 plate and 1 x 03 plate). £45,000 each + VAT
Ventura Sales 01342 835206
yourbus – 01773 714013
2003 Dennis Trident 2 SLF Alex 400 10.5m
2004 Volvo B12M VanHool T9 Exec
2002 Futura
67 seats + 18 standees, Cummins Euro IV/ZF, conversion to single door available, very clean. £25,000 + VAT – CHOICE Southdown PSV 01342 711840 email:
49, 51 or 53 seats, air con, Webasto, Ishift or manual, TV, DVD or video, 3 point seat belts, rear saloon w/c, phone, reversing camera, MOTs till late 2013. ÂŁ57,000 + VAT (manual gearbox)
Full exec spec, Eminox euro 4 exhaust, 49 seats, green cloth, manual, 792K kms, new MOT on sale.
MOT till Aug 2013, CCTV cameras, CCTV recorder, manual front, side & rear destination, front ramp, Euro 2, blue patterned moquette.
Mercedes engine, Allison, 30 seats, new MOT.
EnsignBus 01708 865656
Nigel McCree - 01509 502695
ÂŁ55,000 + VAT L.J. Edwards: 01323 440622 option 2 or John 07974 369570
Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email
681335-1086-Ensign:Layout 1
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2000 DENNIS TRIDENTS Alexander ALX400 bodies, converted to high capacity 85 seat school buses.
1999/2000/2001 V/X/51 PLATE DENNIS TRIDENTS Cummins/Voith, LEZ compliant for 2012 with traps to Euro 4, CCTV, Alexander ALX400 bodies, DDA compliant or upseated to 80 seats.
Caetano Compass bodies, 39 seats, ramps.
Cummins/Voith, LEZ compliant with traps, Plaxton President bodies, 62 seats dual door (£13,000) or 70 when converted to single door (£16,000).
80 seats, Voith gearboxes, Euro 2 engines with traps, or full Euro 3 with traps, Plaxton President bodies, can be DDA with 78 seats.
Gardner engine, Voith gearbox, 100 seats with seatbelts.
SWB, CCTV, particulate traps so LEZ compliant, Plaxton President bodies, dual door 62 seats or single door 71 seats.
Euro 3 engines with traps, 8.8M long, Marshall bodies, 25 seats, DDA.
2002 52 PLATE VOLVO B7TL’S DDA and LEZ, 70 seats, Euro 3, £24000 plus VAT.
Plaxton Pointer 2 bodies, 10.1m , Cummins Euro 2 engines, DDA, 31 seats, CCTV, particulate traps fitted, LEZ compliant, only £6000 each plus tyres.
Juliette Close, Purfleet Industrial Telephone 01708 865656 Fax: 01708 8 Visit our website for current s
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Cummins L10 / ZF, Alexander body, 78 seats.
1998 R REG DENNIS JAVELIN ZF 6 speed manual, Plaxton Premiere 350, 53 seats.
2003 ENVIRO 300
Voith automatic gearboxes, SLF, Alexander ALX300 bodies, 44 seats and 27 standing, heavy duty low floor buses. They can also be converted to be DDA compliant.
2003 Enviro 300, Euro 3 Cummins ISC engine, ZF auto, 12m , DDA, 44 seats.
Cummins Euro 3 engines, ZF gearbox, Hanover LED’s, DDA, single door, 67 seats.
2007 VOLVO B12BT’s
Euro 4, Plaxton Panther bodies, 15m, 65 seats, toilet, DDA, front wheelchair lift, Hanover LED's all round.
51 and 02 plate, Cummins Euro 3 ISC engines, LEZ, Plaxton President bodies, can be DDA, single door and 78 seats, or dual door 67 seats.
1997 VOLVO B10M
Euro 3 Cummins engines, DDA compliant , Plaxton President bodies, Hanover LED’s, 67 seats converted to single door or 62 seats as dual door.
41 seats, 12m, DDA compliant, long MOT.
2001Y REG VOLVO B7TL’S Euro 3 with traps, DDA, LWB, Plaxton bodies, 67 seats as 2 doors or 78 once converted to single door.
Automatic, Plaxton Premiere 320, brand new 70 seat conversion, new MOT.
- BRITAIN’S BIGGEST BUS DEALERS Park, Purfleet, Essex, RM15 4YF 8 864340 e-mail: t stock at
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Gardiners Lane North • Crays Hill • Billericay • Essex • CM11 2XE Tel: 01268 521033 • Mobile: 07860 894331 • Fax: 01268 284951
Email: - Finance available on all vehicles (subject to status) Written details on request.
WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE MINI BUSES For latest stock arrivals follow @h_w_pickrell
Manual 6 speed, high roof, PAS, LWB, O & H conversion side loading door, fold out side step, 8 high back seats, fully tracked Unwin floor, Ricon tail lift (extra long platform), Eberspacher heater, ex NHS, only 16,494 miles.
Manual 6 speed, high roof, PAS, LWB, O & H conversion, side loading door, side step, 8-14 high back seats, fully tracked Unwin floor, Ricon tail lift, Eberspacher heater, ex NHS, only 12,695 miles.
Manual, high roof, PAS, LWB, Atlas conversion, twin side loading door, AVS side step, 6 high back seats, Unwin Inotrac tested floor, Ricon tail lift, ex local authority, 30,383 miles.
Manual gearbox, high roof, Gleneagles conversion, PAS, SLD, electric side step, 8 removable rear high back seats (10 seats in total) plus driver, air con, Unwin tracking & Solo system fitted, Ricon tail lift, 22,487 miles.
Auto gearbox, LWB, PAS, climate control, n/s/f electric power door, 16 high back removable seats on NMI quick release, Eberspacher, PLS underfloor tail lift, ex local authority, COIF'd.
Manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, O&H conversion, SLD, AVS side step, 9 seats plus driver plus 1 x wheelchair space, Unwin tracking, Eberspacher heater, Ricon tail lift, ex local authority, 21,647 miles.
Manual, semi high roof factory bus conversion, side entry slam door with low entry step, 14 x high back seats plus driver, air con, ex lease, only 32,997 kms.
6 speed manual gearbox, semi high roof, PAS, MWB, side loading door, 14 high back seats including driver, electric widows, Bluetooth, electric side step, air con, satnav, electric windows & mirrors, 39,834miles.
Manual gearbox, semi high roof, PAS, LWB, tacho, side loading door, 17 high back seats including driver, electric windows, Bluetooth, COIF, PSV tested till September 2013, metallic silver, Euroliners, 84,407kms.
Manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, tacho, side loading door, side step, 11 rear high back seats, full Unwin tracking, Eberspacher heater, underfloor Ratcliff tail lift, 31,813 miles.
Manual gearbox, CD, electric windows & mirrors, a/c, twin side loading doors, high back seat in rear, single passenger seat, cut out floor, lowering air suspension, fold down ramp, Gowerings conversion, only 8,600 miles.
Manual, PAS, LWB, O & H conversion PTS ambulance, SLD, fold out side step, 6-8 rear high back seats, wipe clean interior, lowering suspension, Unwin tracking, Eberspacher heater, choice of two, 72,000-79,000 miles.
Manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, O&H conversion SLD, AVS side step, 8 rear high back seats plus 1 x wheelchair space, Unwin tracking, Eberspacher heater, Ricon tail lift, ex local authority, 20,286 miles.
6 speed manual, semi high roof miinbus conversion, twin side sliding doors with n/s step, 14 x high back cloth seats plus driver, climate control / air con front & rear, storage area, ex NHS, only 33,664 miles.
Agile gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, tacho, power front entry door, 16 rear high back seats, Unwin Innotrax flat floor, underfloor Ratcliff t/lift, COIF/IVA to take up to 5 wheelchairs.
Manual gearbox, high roof, O & H conversion, PAS, side loading door, AVS side step, 8 high back seats plus 2 x w/chairs & driver, Unwin tracked floor, ricon internal tail lift, 33,175 miles only.
6 speed manual gearbox, high roof, O & H conversion, PAS, side loading door, side step, 6 rear high back seats plus 1 x w/chair, Eberspacher heater, Unwin tracked floor, Ricon tail lift, 14,300 miles only.
Manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, tacho, power door, 16 rear high back seats, Unwin tracked floor, Eberspacher heater, destination board, Ratcliff tail lift, COIF’d, 63,371 miles, PSV till March 2014.
Manual gearbox, LWB, PAS, O & H conversion, n/s full height manual door, 16 high back removable seats, Eberspacher heater, PLS underfloor t/lift, ex local authority, COIF'd,103,080 kms, PSV tested till March 2014.
6 speed manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, MWB, tacho, SL door, 12 rear standard factory high back seats, no tracking (can be fitted), underfloor Ratcliff tail lift, one owner local charity, 20,104kms.
57 REG FORD TRANSIT 100, 350 2.4TDCI
Manual gearbox, low roof, O & H conversion, PAS, twin side loading door, side step, 4 high back seats plus 1 x w/chair, modified low floor, electric winch & fold out ramp, 15,491 miles.
Auto gearbox, climate control, n/s/f electric power door, 16 high back removable seats on NMI quick release, Eberspacher, PLS underfloor tail lift, ex local authority, COIF'd, 81,280 kms.
Manual, MWB, high mroof, PAS, SCW conversion, side loading door, side step, 8 high back seats, fully Unwin tracked floor, Dash ac, Eberspacher heater, Ratcliff underfloor tail lift, 11,092 miles only.
Manual gearbox, high roof, PAS, LWB, tacho, side loading door, electric side step, 11 high back seats, Unwin tracked floor at rear, Eberspacher heater, underfloor Ratcliff tail lift, tacho, 34,955 miles.
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Call for details on our vehicle conversions, upseating, refurbishment, and change of use conversion. Also vehicles available for hire short and long term. email: Telephone: 01782 791774 Mobile: 07803 222552 View our latest arrivals on
ADL ENVIRO 300 2008 08 REG 38/42 seats, wheelchair access and standing, choice of 5. FROM £55,000
DENNIS DART PLAXTON SUPER POINTER 1999 V REG Undergoing total internal re-fit to include 45 seats with belts. FROM £12,950
VOLVO OLYMPIAN, NORTHERN COUNTIES “LOW HEIGHT” BODY 1998 R REG Volvo engine/ZF gearbox, 76 seats plus 8, can be belted if required. £11,950
MERCEDES VITO 111D 2005 05 REG All ex Transport for London (TFL), currently 4 seats + wheelchair, good choice, all very low miles between 70 and 80k
DAF SB220 ALEXANDER 1998 R REG 42 seats + 26 standing, good quality replacements for those unreliable, expensive to run Darts. PHONE FOR MORE DETAILS
ADL ENVIRO 200. B900 2008 08 Reg.29 Seats and 17 standing, Fully repainted POA ENVIRO 300 ALSO AVAILABLE
MERCEDES 814D VARIO PLAXTON BEAVER 2 2002/3 52 REG 28 Removable H/B seats on tracking, tail lift, PSV tested, auto gearbox, choice of many, very presentable £14,950
DENNIS JAVELIN MARCO POLO BODY 1998 S REG Fitted with 70 Cogent seats. £17,950
MERCEDES 311D SPRINTER 2003 03 REG Fitted with 14 h/b seats with belts power door, tacho etc. £5,950
BLUEBIRD AMERICAN SCHOOL BUS 2000 W REG 60 high back coach seats with 3 point belts, Cummins engine and (reconditioned) Alison gearbox, very simple and rugged construction PHONE FOR MORE DETAILS
FORD TRANSIT 15 SEAT FACTORY BUS 2011 11 REG C.O.I.F plus PSV MoT, very low miles, as new. £15,950
OPTARE SOLO M920 1999 V REG Currently being panelled/painted and belted to 31 seats plus wheelchair. £12,950
FORD TRANSIT 17 SEAT FACTORY BUS 2007 (57) 80k miles, tacho, PSV, COIF etc. £10,950
FORD TRANSIT 15 SEAT BUS 2007 07 REG Very low mileage, suitable for school use if required as its 3500 cwt, can be driven on any full car licence. £9,950
DENNIS DART PLAXTON MINI POINTER 2002 52 REG Cummins ISB 4 cyl engine and Allison gearbox, fully panelled and painted, recent test. £13,450
FORD TRANSIT 17 SEAT FACTORY BUS 2010 59 REG Will have new COIF and PSV test, tachograph and only 60k miles. £14,950
WE ALSO HAVE AVAILABLE OPTARE SOLO ALL MERCEDES ENGINE ALLISON BOX W Reg, 25 seater, very short with new belts plus new paint. £12,950 W Reg, 29 seater, 9.2mtr with new belts plus new paint (in build now). £12,950 52 Reg, 29 seater, 8.5 mtr with belts plus new paint. £16,950
1999 V with auto box, 33 bus seats with belts (cert for 31), new paint and test. £8,950 1999 T with auto box, 29 coach seats but LWB, so plenty of room, destination and power door. £8,950
MERCEDES 814D VARIO PLAXTON BEAVER R 2004 04 with manual box, 33 removable seats, power door and destination, tail lift etc. £16,950
FORD TRANSITS x 10 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 Mostly PSV All 17 seats, tacho etc, all below 60k miles.
Vehicles available for short or long term lease
DPS House Ad
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56 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance Compliance Services
Saturday 11th May 2013, 10am prompt Viewing Friday 10th May 2013
Hilltop Garage, Minchinhampton, Stroud, Gloucester GL6 9HA
Due to the Davis Family decision to close the business
If you would like further information please call 01543 897505 or visit
The Transport Man 07802 803527 FREE ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE Click the link on our website to register
Contact Charlie Foyle or Graham Johnson on 01630 674326
CPC Na onal Qualified I Business Strategies I Scheduling Appraisals I Public Inquiry Assistance I Maintenance Audits I Former Licence Holder O en licence holders cannot see the wood for the trees Let someone on the outside help you on the inside. I
All overseas and first time buyers not known to the auctioneer must lodge £1000 refundable deposit on registration by cash/credit/debit card.
Bus Workshops - Secure Storage Supplied any width, any length Building to BS5590 - Doors high enough for Double Deckers - Finance available
For further information phone
BLUELINE BUILDINGS 01709 578333 anytime
LEZ BOXES FOR SALE Wheel Nut Indicators and Retainers
+44(0)1524 271200
3 x used Eminox LEZ exhaust boxes, used for 6 months 2012. Cleaned/reconditioned. To fit a Bova Futura. With full fitting kit or can be fitted while you wait! £3,000 each + VAT
PARNHAMS COACHES LTD Contact Ray 07747 071071
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 57
CRAIG TILSLEY Suppliers of Reconditioned
Tel: 01782 791524 or 01782 791527 Fax: 01782 791316
‘Stop Fuel Theft’ • Prevents access to tank, while allowing unrestricted filling • Prevents trash being put into tank • Wide range to suit most coach and bus fuel tanks
Moorfields Industrial Estate, Cotes Heath, Stoke-on-Trent ST21 6QY
Contact JBL Mechanical Engineers Green Fields • Stanton • Shrewsbury • Shropshire SY4 4LR
Tel: 01939 251 351 • Fax: 01939 251 051 Mobile: 07831 332 913 INSURANCE
Innovative funding solutions to fit every business. We specialise in raising funds for all types of companies from sole traders to PLCs. As a specialist business funder, Huxley Corporate Finance can provide your company with a wide range of finance facilities including the following:
• Equipment Finance • Vehicle Finance • Cash Flow • Mortgages • Company Acquisition • Capital Release Scheme • Vehicle Sourcing
Call the team to discuss your current financial requirements on 01829 730062
65A High Street, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 0DP T 01829 730062 F 01829 730063 E
5 I F NB S L F U G P S 7 F I J D M F T 1 S P E V D U T B O E 4 F S W J D F T
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58 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
• Full UK coverage
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Rising above all others
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Tel: 01909 511349 TRIM
£750 50 LXJ DRZ 40 DRZ 60 LAZ 87 MHZ 24 MHZ 25 RNZ 99 SNZ 55 UIB 69
£350 ACZ 727 AJZ 626 CEZ 838 JBZ 686 RBZ 696 SCZ 949 VIW 848 WJI 848 XIB 646
£99 DXZ 1181 EXZ 1611 EXZ 1612 FRZ 5515 HIG 3236 IIG 8287 JIG 7991 JIG 7992 KIG 6606
Buy with confidence – CNDA Member We buy for cash, also Part Exchange
£99 KIG 6607 LIG 1611 LIG 1612 MJZ 6735 REZ 3327 SUI 7678 TJZ 1119 UUI 2262 UUI 2263
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Tel: 028 6638 7124 • Millwo od, L isbellaw, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland B T94 5HQ
Supplying the Bus and Coach Industry with quality seat retrims and interior refurbishment. Full floors re-laid and centre gangways. Collection and delivery service anywhere in the UK, seven days a week.
Email: Web:
Tel/Fax: 01751 472229
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 59
& West Coast Trim Ltd
• Interior & Exterior Refurbishment • Bodybuilding • Repairs • Conversions including Paramount • Reconditioning • Spray painting • Re-fitment
Extensive work to rear & side panel carried out by us
Our experienced and highly skilled teams create visually stunning vehicle refurbishments and conversions, engineered to the highest standards, call us to discuss your requirements.
0125 3 698686 VEHICLE SPARES
Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Recovery Dismantlers Parts Sales OUR SERVICES: • • • • • • • • • •
Refurbishment Testing
Engine/gearbox rebuilds Fault finding
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Reconditioned engines Reconditioned gearboxes Engine spares
Trevor Wigley & Son Bus Ltd
Export to foreign markets
Finance repossession and storage
CALL: 01226 727 769 Bus sales: Geoff Ripley, Boulder Lane (off Shaw Lane), Carlton, Barnsley S71 3HJ
Mob: 07912 103 497 or 07711 750 434 Fax: 01226 727 607 Email:
Call 01226 723147 Night Service 01226 716479 Fax 01226 700199 Email
60 | COACH & BUS WEEK | May 8, 2013
Seen something funny? Send it to or write to: Last Stop, Coach & Bus Week, 3 The Office Village, Cygnet Park, Forder Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8GX
Monday: Press day. We’re finished before 1730hrs – production is truly under control, touch wood. Tuesday: A hectic day in the office writing up material for a forthcoming issue. Also sit down for a team meeting to update editorial plans.
Caroline, Editor of our sister magazine Group Travel World, brought this wind-up yellow school bus back from her travels in the United States. While it doesn’t look like a model which would carry many school kids, we’re sure it will be cherished by the CBW team. It’s probably safer than the real life American yellow school buses too…
Cambridge’s double yellow dash… Cambridge boasts more than just the world’s longest guided busway – for it has also now claimed success in the equally impressive feat of having the shortest stretch of double yellow lines in the UK. The lines, measuring just 13” (33cm) in length between parking bays on a Cambridge street are laying claim to being the shortest ever painted. There are actually two sets of equal length. They were laid down before new parking controls come into force after years of wrangling about whether permits should be
introduced in the area, carrying fines of £50 or £70 for anyone somehow managing to park on them. While Cllr Rob Dryden, said: “Perhaps a child with a toy car could park there. It’s absolutely ridiculous,” Cllr Damien Tunnacliffe, who represents West Chesterton on Cambridge City Council, hoped the lines would become an attraction for visitors. He said: “I think they’re cute and could be on the tourist trail. We should get the blue badge tour guides onto it. Cambridge is all about breaking records.” Clearly, a City Sightseeing route revision could be in order… Residents with homes on the road were less enamoured. One said, with no sarcasm whatsoever: “Oxford may have beaten Cambridge in the Boat Race but I bet they don’t have double yellow
lines as small as this.” It seems Cambridge has now taken the prestigious top spot in the league table of miniature double yellow lines. Norwich claimed to hold the accolade in 2011 with lines measuring 17in (41cm) in the city’s Stafford Street. Last year Canterbury in Kent ‘came close’ with its 21in (53cm) double yellow lines. We’re sure they were devastated not to have been successful… The county council insisted the lines are essential as they separate different parking areas. A spokesman said: “This is common practice. The yellow lines are at either end of a disabled parking bay and are there to prevent vehicles parked either side from encroaching on the disabled bay.” At least they’re thinking on the right lines…
Wednesday: Spend the day in the office writing and chasing up stories. Enjoy a chat with Paul Harrod at familyrun Norfolk coach operator DH Harrod. Work on the Luton airport coach story, the developments of which I have followed with interest. One of life’s characters calls and I manage to get him to come out with some of his catchphrases – little things amuse small minds. Thursday: Rise bright & early to head to Redwing Coaches. I sense the friendly atmosphere as soon as I enter the yard at Herne Hill. Joint MDs Nigel and Paul are particularly welcoming – they’re proper coachmen. As I make my way round the yard, there’s no shortage of friendly banter between staff and management alike. I manage to make my 1636hrs train from Kings Cross, with according to the Guard “40 seconds to spare.” As he makes his way through the carriage on a revenue check, he greets and thanks everyone individually for showing him their tickets. Despite most people having faces like thunder he’s chirpy throughout, so I make a point of tweeting First Capital Connect – credit where it’s due. Friday: Spend the day in the office, working on news for this issue. Also make a start on writing up my Redwing material. My in-laws set off for a weekend on the Isle of Wight on board a Just Go Holidays coach trip. My mother in-law informs me their driver, Sergio of Worksop-based Johnson Bros Tours is “very friendly yet professional”.
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May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 61
In association with
Deadlines Booking: Monday 5.00pm Full artwork: Monday 5.00pm Contact Ian Gillis T: 01733 293484 E:
Abellio London & Surrey welcomes two new managers Abellio London & Surrey has recently added two key individuals to its leadership team. Ben Wakerley, the new Operations Director, joined the company on April 15, 2013. Before starting at Abellio, he held the position of UK Operations Director with National Express UK Coach. The new Head of HR, Kerry Smith, joined the business on May 7, 2013. She is transferring from
the operator’s sister company Merseyrail where she has been fulfilling a similar role. Tony Wilson, Managing Director of Abellio London & Surrey, said: “Kerry and Ben bring a wealth of experience which will further enhance the collective strength of our leadership team. Together we can achieve our ambition to become ‘The best bus company in London and Surrey’.”
Network & Schedules Manager London, £35-40k
HCT Group is an award-winning social enterprise in the transport industry, operating from depots in London, West Yorkshire, Humberside, Bristol and the Channel Islands. We deliver a range of high quality transport services – from London red buses to social services transport, from school transport to Park and Ride, from community transport to education and training. We reinvest the surplus from our commercial work back into further transport services or high-impact projects in the communities we serve. We are seeking to recruit a Network and Schedules Manager to construct, analyse, and improve our Networks and schedules for greater quality and efficiency and ensure that HCT Group’s services are scheduled in a safe, punctual, reliable and cost effective manner. Reporting to the Strategic Development Manager, the postholder will work directly with the operations team, management, and the Performance Director.
Andrew Wickham (left) congratulates new Service Controller Shane Pryke
Damory Coaches appoints new Service Controller Pimperne-based Damory Coaches has appointed a new Service Controller to oversee the day-to-day allocation of the company’s 60 full and part time drivers to the fleet of 50 single and double deck buses. Shane Pryke has been promoted from within the Go-Ahead Group of bus operators in the South of England. He was previously Commercial and Publicity Co Ordination with sister company
Wilts & Dorset based at the Poole bus station. Andrew Wickham, Managing Director for both companies, said: “It’s an important role and Shane, having joined Wilts & Dorset in 2005 as a bus driver, and then 18 months as Service Standards Supervisor, will be able to use that experience to ensure that buses and drivers are allocated to routes and daily school services.”
For more vacancies visit
The postholder will also oversee the seasonal changes and network development in a variety of challenging and rewarding contexts including the networks in Jersey, Guernsey and our red bus operation in London amongst others. The post will also be involved in the development of tenders and business opportunities for growth and retention. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in the construction, vetting, and analysis of schedules and networks; significant experience working within the Omni suite (OmniTimes, Base, Crew plan, Map, Stop, Rota, Das) or similar systems; and strong financial understanding with the ability to develop and demonstrate the cost benefit of different network proposals. For the full job description and person specification job description, please visit No agencies please. To apply for this role, please email Patrick Reyburn at, with a covering letter and your CV. Closing date for applications is 5pm, June 7th 2013.
People1TOP.indd 61
07/05/2013 17:48
RECRUITMENT & people FLEET MAINTENANCE MANAGER As a multi award winning family run company, established for over 100 years, we are seeking a Fleet Maintenance Manager to manage our highly skilled and motivated workshop team based in Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. Reporting to the Directors you will have a proven track record in the PCV Industry/fleet management and an indepth knowledge of preventative maintenance procedures, VOSA requirements and Health & Safety Legislation. You will possess effective communication skills, strong leadership qualities and demonstrate a ‘can do’ attitude. Attention to detail, work allocation and budget management are also key skills for success in this role. A competitive package is available for the right candidate. To see the full job description visit our website – To apply please send your CV and covering letter to Mr Peter Johnson at Liveridge House, Liveridge Hill, Henley-inArden, Warwickshire, B95 5QS. Or apply by email to Closing date is 24th May, 2013
‘Travel with Johnsons – Travel with Friends’
HASSLE-FREE DRIVERS? Hire coach drivers when you need them.
Deadlines Booking: Monday 5.00pm Full artwork: Monday 5.00pm Contact Ian Gillis T: 01733 293484 E:
New General Manager at Eberspaecher Sutrak Eberhard Wolters has been appointed the new General Manager at Eberspaecher Sutrak. He follows Joachim Tosstorff, who is devoting himself to other project assignments as interim manager. After Eberspaecher’s takeover of Sutrak, Tosstorff rendered the company great service and continues to be available to the group of companies as a consultant. As Director Sales & Marketing, Wolters, a 41 year-old graduate in business administration, has been responsible for the sales and marketing activities of the leading manufacturer of bus AC systems since September 2010. In his new role, as of May 1, he intends to drive forward the continuing international growth of the company, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia. In addition, he has
set himself the goal of expanding the product portfolio on a countryby-country basis. Before Eberhard came to Eberspaecher Sutrak he was employed in various senior sales and marketing positions in the OEM and aftermarket business – including at Robert Bosch GmbH.
Eberhard Wolters
Get your vacancy seen by quality candidates Full colour as standard
No holiday, no absence, no NI – pay only for the hours you need them for. We keep your wheels turning while your drivers are resting.
Call Del Haggerty Just Coach Drivers Ltd 07950 292939
All vacancies posted to Details of all vacancies posted to our Facebook, Twi�er &
Linkedin pages
eek, get a w e n o k o Bo alf price h k e e w d secon ! week FREE d ir h t a d an 013 l 27 May 2 Offer valid
Contact Ian Gillis
01733 293484
People2.indd 62
07/05/2013 17:42
May 8, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 63
In association with
Arriva celebrates 850 years of service Arriva the Shires staff who have been working with the firm for between 25 and 50 years were commended at a special Long Service Awards ceremony last month, boasting 850 years of service between them. Among those recognised was Vik Jackson, 65, a Bus Engineering Supervisor from Luton, who has been with the company for 50 years. Trevor Prosser, 57, and Richard Alexander, 61, who both work at Arriva’s
Andrew Pursey set to leave Anglian Bus in July
Andrew Pursey, Anglian Bus MD, is to leave the firm in the summer. Andrew will remain with the business until the end of July to enable a smooth transition to a new management team. He will be succeeded by Julian Paterson who will become Managing Director of both Konectbus and Anglian Bus. Julian will be supported by Philip Eden, who has been appointed Operations Manager, Anglian Bus. Since Go-Ahead acquired Anglian Bus in April 2012, Andrew has overseen the transition of Anglian Bus from an established family-run
Hemel Hempstead garage, along with 60-year-old Ramon Pancholi, a Route Manager at the Watford depot, and head office trainer Malcolm Wearn, 64, were also rewarded for completing 40 years’ service with Arriva. Heath Williams, MD of Arriva the Shires, said: “It is an outstanding achievement for everyone receiving the award and I would like to thank them all for their hard work over the years. Our business is about people, and the commitment and loyalty shown by these employees deserves to be celebrated.” The staff honoured for their long service at Arriva all received vouchers of their choice and were also presented with a certificate and badge to recognise their commitment to the company. business to ownership by The GoAhead Group. Andrew said: “I have been involved in running Anglian Bus for the past 23 years and during the last year I’ve seen the company enter a new era. I am looking forward to supporting Julian Paterson in delivering a smooth transition before leaving to take up a new challenge.”
Andrew Pursey
Vic Duddy
Environmental recognition for First Scotland East manager Vic Duddy, Quality and Environment Manager at First Scotland East, has been recognised by FirstGroup for his contribution to the company’s environmental performance. Vic, who is based at Larbert depot, was highly commended in the ‘Best Initiative’ category, at FirstGroup’s Environmental Awards ceremony in London last month. Over the last year Vic and his colleagues have been working hard to reduce the company’s carbon footprint. Earlier this year First Scotland East achieved ISO 9001 status, a prestigious and highly sought after management system accreditation. Vic was instrumental in guiding the company through the stringent process. Meanwhile under Vic’s guidance, First Scotland East staff at Bannockburn depot have been regular winners of FirstGroup’s Scottish Bus Division’s ‘Best
Performing Environmental Depot’. John Gorman, First Scotland East’s Operations Director said: “Vic is an outstanding example of the spirit and purpose of the awards – all at First Scotland East are proud of his recognition.” Commenting on his commendation Vic said: “I’m passionate about improving the way we do things at First Scotland East so that we can reduce our impact on the environment and improve services for our customers. “While I’m pleased to been recognised by my colleagues across FirstGroup, what we have achieved in First Scotland East is very much a team effort.” FirstGroup’s Environmental Awards took place in London on April 16. More than 200 representatives from across FirstGroup’s operations in the UK and North America attended.
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