Coach & Bus Week : Issue 1121

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First big order Passenger Focus: focuses for 2014/15 p8 on bus passengers p6



Wednesday January 22, 2014 Issue 1121 | £2.95


Going ahead in East Anglia

ek... e w is th E D I S S N U I MINIB goes The essential read

January 2013

tors for Minibus Opera

EVM Enviro 6





low emissions A new era for Euro 6 – the dominated by sees is pretty much legislation which his month’s issue tation of emissions from the exhaust. latest implemen n of particulates 6 to market the virtual eliminatio has brought Euro Mercedes-Benz over the Currently only rers will follow y does not and the other manufactu new technolog price 12 months. The course of the next cost and there are some signi�icantnot added They are result. a as come without to new vehicles has been increases attached 6 modi�ications, the range safety Euro new or revised just attached to restyling and some updated with some been upgraded, engine stop/start has and there is systems. The ESP with automatic transmission a blind-spot developed to work option along with compensation now a side wind arrive via assist. rers generally from manufactu however, trawling Press releases as they are released, a e-mail as soon discovered I week last the web for stories

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media site I had on the Daimler with September 2013) the period of co-operation press release (dated ending of cease by 2016. It referred to the not been sent. arrangement would leave Volkswagen said the current and Volkswagen and cut production of the Crafter plan to extend also refers to a This will effectively doubt, replacement. It model. This, no to develop its own with a larger capacity no-one at Mercedesthe Sprinter range nt for Vario which as it It is welcome news will be the replaceme about. anything for operators seeking Benz has yet said necessary capacity more expensive will provide the t and the need to purchase 27-33-seats without – all of which have to be coachbuil for suitable Atego-based products s just making the chassis involve many man-hour ns. coach applicatio Martin Cole MINIBUS

One man and his rare buses Taking flight – Nottingham - Derby


January 22, 2014



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THIS WEEK Coach & Bus Week, First Floor, 3 The Office Village, Cygnet Park, Forder Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8GX Switchboard 01733 293240 Fax 0845 280 2927 Web Distributed by COMAG

EDITORIAL Publisher Jonathan Taylor 01733 293240 Editor Gareth Evans 01733 293243 Features Editor Andrew Izatt 01733 293482 Technical & Minibus Editor Martin Cole 01733 293245, 07597 179030 Digital Editor James Day 01733 293244 Art Director Ian Blaza Contributors Ray Wilkes, Jonathan Bray, Richard Charnley, Alan Payling

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Brighton’s exhausting target


s you’ll read overleaf, Brighton is to join Norwich and Oxford with a bus-based Low Emission Zone (LEZ). Unlike Oxford however, operators have less than a year to ensure their vehicles are Euro 5 compliant. While I think everyone is agreed on the LEZ being a ‘good thing,’ on the face of it the lack of notice represents a poor error of judgement on the part of the council. Of course, some will doubtless argue if you don’t aim, you’ll never succeed. Trawling through council reports on its website as I have enjoyed doing, it seems the local authority has been rather clever in the way it’s going about things. As we all know, environmental matters are very much at the fore in Brighton and Hove. In national political terms, the area is home to the UK’s first Green Party MP (Caroline Lucas). Anyway, faced with poor air quality data and threats of hefty EU fines, the council has to be seen to be doing something and I dare say buses are an easy target politically – at least to the vociferous ‘petrol heads.’ Of course, let’s not bash the authority too much – one mustn’t forget all the good work it has done on bus priority and promoting bus use. The council has kept private motorists sweet by stating that – for now at least – it would be prohibitive to apply the LEZ to owners of private cars. Also perhaps ironic is that one of the worst


pollution hotspots (Viaduct Road) is not traversed by a single bus. Is that something to do with non-smart traffic lights? You know the sort – they change to red, then force you to sit there for a couple of minutes while not a single third party traverses the road ahead of you, thus causing vehicles to remain stationary with their engines running (and hence fumes). Another example of political astuteness can be seen by the fact infrequent services such as those operated by The Big Lemon and community transport operators are excluded. Let’s also not forget that council has allowed operators of non-compliant vehicles to continue to run them as long as there is an agreed replacement date with a new or retrofitted bus which meets the emission standards. It’s pleasing to learn that all council vehicles entering the zone should be of at least the equivalent Euro standard. Euro 5 road sweepers anyone? Seriously though, I think we should be thankful that the council could have been a lot more heavy-handed if it would have wished. I just hope that agreement can be reached for the Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company (the main ‘victim’ of the LEZ) to stick to its current fleet replacement policy – because of course, you cannot throw a bus fleet away overnight. Gareth Evans Editor




The latest from across the coach and bus industry at home & abroad


Major progress and changes at GoAhead in East Anglia


Salisbury station closes with vintage day; Brighton & Hove KSW sold,

Darwin bus in Australia to be privatised, first Euro 6 Otokars


Dave Rodgers on his collection of preserved Leyland buses


Criticism for Arriva Transport Solutions; Deliveries; Euro 6 Sprinter,

What’s happening across the country’s regions. Plus Events Diary


Caris Coaches proprietor receives two-year disqualification


A lighthearted look at the industry, plus Office Diary column

Fast Nottingham to Derby services – a passenger perspective

A Euro 6 Sprinter, delivered to Grange Travel Services

All the latest people moves from across the industry


International News Regional News Competition

Operator Update

Heritage Leylands Legal News Big Picture

Heritage News




Last Stop



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January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 3 20/01/2014 19:11


Brighton to get LEZ Euro 5 to be mandatory on all frequent bus services in less than a year Brighton is to have a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) – starting on January 1, 2015. Last Tuesday (January 14), Brighton & Hove City Council’s Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee declared a LEZ in Castle Square, North Street and Western Road as far as the junction with Holland Road, with the aim of ensuring that all PSVs meet, as a minimum the Euro 5 emissions standard. There will however, be some ‘licensed exemptions.’ Based on the Oxford scheme, these are set to include: A licensed exemption for low frequency services which enter the zone less frequently than 25 times per week; A temporary licensed exemption for a replacement bus due for example to a bus breakdown; and A temporary licensed exemption for buses which do not meet the standard as at January 1, 2015 but which have an agreed replacement date with a new or retrofitted bus that meets the emission standards. The council said that with areas of the city currently exceeding national and EU limits for levels of nitrogen dioxide, there is potential for the authority to be fined for non compliance with these limits. It is hoped the introduction of the LEZ will reduce the likelihood of noncompliance fines. The operation of the LEZ will be reviewed and reported back to Committee 18 months after the start of the scheme, by which time tailpipe emissions data should be

available for the first full year. In terms of financial implications, the council said it is anticipating costs of officer time, consultation and application to the Traffic Commissioner for Traffic Regulation Condition (TRC) will be met from within existing transport revenue budgets. The ongoing cost of enforcement will be largely officer time which is expected to be funded from existing revenue budgets. There is potential for a public inquiry on the TRC which will require additional costs of officer resource, legal and technical advice for the council’s representation. The council has also acknowledged the introduction of the LEZ may increase the authority’s cost of supporting bus services. It said the TRC allows for “cost effective compliance measures” such as retrofitting of existing buses as well as temporary licenses and exemptions. The council also recently received confirmation of a DfT Clean Bus Technology Fund grant of £750,000 modification of 50 buses to reduce emissions of nitrogen dioxide and therefore improving compliance with EU air quality standards. The council said a range of options were considered in terms of the geographical area to be covered. By limiting the LEZ to the North Street/Western Road corridor, bus operators unable to meet the standard within the required timescales will have the option of re-routing a service to either run along the seafront or stop at the Old Steine where air quality is within legal limits. Over 95% of bus movements pass through North Street / Western

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Road so benefits in cleaner bus emissions made to permit entry to the LEZ would still be realised citywide. In a seemingly small but significant change, the committee also decided: “When bus stops are to be introduced or varied consideration should be given about the distance to the residential building line and the proximity to ground and first floor flats within enclosed streets. Planning should be aware of the implications of change of use, for example new residential within a few metres of existing bus stops, taxi ranks and loading bays.” In response to the consultation last autumn, Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company (B&H) said: “The date of January 1, 2015 is just one year away and gives us significantly less time to prepare than the Oxford scheme upon which it is based. In principle we support the scheme but the shorter the lead time, the more flexibility on exemptions we would need to be. “We are comfortable with Euro 2 buses not being allowed in the LEZ. Excluding the SCRT conversions, we have 53 Euro 3 buses. Of these, 20 are due to be replaced in July 2014, which leaves 33 in service at 1/1/15. We need to be certain that these converted buses are categorised as ‘Euro 5’ in the scheme and are allowed to operate freely in the LEZ area and would be grateful if the City Council could provide us with an absolute assurance on this point. The earliest we could replace these 33 buses would be in our financial years 2015/16 and 2016/17, where we would plan to purchase 20 new

Brighton & Hove said it could realistically meet the LEZ Euro 5 standard by 1/1/2020 buses each year. Therefore, we could comply with no Euro 3 buses by 1/1/17. We currently have 56 Euro 4 buses. The earliest we could replace these would be in financial years 2016/17 (the balance of seven from the Euro 3s above), 2017/18 (20), 2018/19 (20) with the final ones (nine) in 2019/20. Thus we could comply with no Euro 4 buses by 1/1/20. We need a minimum of a two-year exemption for Euro 3 buses and a five-year exemption for Euro 4 buses, which actually reflects the difference in lead time between this scheme and the Oxford scheme. “If another funding stream becomes available and we are successful then we would commit to discussing revised exemption

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criteria based on the number of buses which could be converted. Should significantly adverse pressures on costs or revenues occur (for example a significant reduction in bus priority or a significant reduction in funding) then we would need to renegotiate the deadlines. Conversely, should operating and economic conditions become more favourable for the bus network it may be possible to advance the rate of investment. “We are comfortable with implementing a one-minute switch engine off policy that is similar to the Oxford scheme. We would be committing to a significant long term investment programme to meet the LEZ criteria and while we support the LEZ objectives it is

our belief that the data provided by the City Council demonstrates the biggest improvements can be realised where traffic can be made to flow well. “One of the roads with the highest readings is Viaduct Road which has few buses but very slow moving traffic. We would therefore expect a commitment from the council to target traffic congestion ‘hot spots’ and improve traffic flow as an effective way of reducing emissions. “We would also expect that other fleets of diesel vehicles in the city centre are studied and targeted for emissions reductions. We are committed to a number of other measures to improve air quality, including employing a team of people at Churchill Square to

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improve the flow of buses and minimise waiting time. We have already introduced a policy of switching off engines when a bus is expected to be stationary for three minutes. We have also fitted all our buses with telematics to improve fuel efficiency through smooth driving. Furthermore, we are working with Ricardo in Shoreham to optimise engine performance and we are looking at ways of rationalising bus stops in the city centre area to improve traffic flow.” Stagecoach said: “We feel that the one-minute switch off policy should be dependant on operating experience in relation to adverse engine warning systems due to problems at times caused by congestion.” Compass Bus said all its buses which normally use this zone are already Euro 5 compliant. The independent operator also said it is “happy with this LEZ scheme as proposed – and would only potentially have a problem if it was extended further outside this central area.” Another independent, The Sussex Bus, said: “We are currently upgrading our fleet further and by Jan 2015 would consider that our fleet would be 50% Euro 3 and 50% Euro4. A long-term temporary exemption would be required before we could meet Euro 5. “We would be comfortable with introducing an engine switch off policy for vehicles waiting more than one minute at a bus stop.” The peak-time route 52 journeys run by The Big Lemon used buses retrofitted to Euro 4 standard. The firm added: “I do not expect that we will be able to afford to have them retrofitted to Euro 5, although I would love that to be possible.” Taxis are also to be covered by the LEZ. According to the council: “Most taxis will be Euro 5 and


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6 by January 2015, with most taxi drivers deploying catalytic converters. A range of initiatives are under consultation with taxi drivers to improve emission levels at taxi ranks and citywide through, for example, relaxing licensing requirements to allow the use of low emission vehicles.” Unlike in London, trucks are to be exempt. “Any improvement in the emissions standard to a vehicle would have a relatively small impact on roadside levels of nitrogen dioxide recorded within the zone.” The council has also noted that “Most supermarkets and operators of larger vehicles already have compliant vehicles. The majority of delivery vehicles switch off their engines while unloading takes place.” It said limiting private vehicle access (cars, vans and motorcycles) to the zone to low emission vehicles was considered, as is the case with the London scheme. However, the number of private vehicles entering the LEZ is already very restricted within the proposed zone due to the bus lane. A further reduction of 30% in private vehicle traffic going down North Street is projected if the proposed reversal of Ship Street is accepted by Committee. It said enforcement of such a scheme would be expensive to set up both for the council and for car owners to meet the requirements. It would have a relatively small impact on emissions within the zone. As such the proposal is to not to initially impose emissions standards on this class of vehicle. After the approval of councillors, officers will now consult with bus operators, DEFRA and the DfT with a view to making an application to the Traffic Commissioner for a Traffic Regulation Condition to establish the regulatory framework for the LEZ.

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January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 5 20/01/2014 17:27



The number of ex London Plaxton President-bodied Volvo B7TLs refurbished for use in the Chambers fleet

Passenger Focus on punctuality and timetables Passenger expectations appear largely in line with industry guidelines, although the report challenges some conventional thinking on timetables Passenger Focus has published some research into what people think of bus punctuality and timetable information – and what they want in the future. Passengers largely agreed on what appropriate standards for measuring punctuality should be. Perceptions of punctuality are largely determined by their experience of lateness at the departure stop. Delays in arrival at the destination are considered differently – as passengers are already in transit, anxiety and frustration tend to be lower. Cancellations, while frustrating, are also not generally considered in terms of punctuality unless they happen a lot. The type of bus service has an affect. Those using services which operate to a fixed timetable, with each bus scheduled to arrive at a particular time, deliberately go to the bus stop early to make sure they do not miss their bus. They measure whether the bus is early or late against the timetable, and have more of an expectation that this information will be accurate. Passengers using regular services without precise times go to the bus stop expecting a bus to come in the next few minutes rather than at a set time. These passengers tend to have less of an idea of when buses are running late. 78% of passengers who know when their bus is meant to arrive because their buses run frequently are satisfied with punctuality, compared to 60% for passengers who didn’t know when their bus was meant to arrive. Passengers in the research said they do not expect ‘perfection’ in terms of punctuality and accept some flexibility, through windows of tolerance. They also take some responsibility for managing their own journey. However, passengers’ tolerance is not unlimited. They expect their goodwill to be rewarded, with operators trying hard to be punctual, improving where there are issues and

Passengers were largely satisfied with wait times of up to five minutes for their services providing good communication to help passengers with their bus travel. Not all passengers use timetables all the time; examples given of when they might be consulted were for journeys they make irregularly, for journeys which might already be familiar but at a new time or completely new journeys on unfamiliar routes or in unfamiliar areas. Passengers largely agreed timetables should provide a relatively high degree of detail that gives the most amount of information an individual might require. Passengers are happy to see more complex schedules to get information that is more accurate. They prefer this to a simple, easyto-remember timetable which does not reflect traffic patterns and is less accurate. Passenger Focus said this challenges some conventional thinking on timetabling and may warrant some further exploration. Five minutes waiting time is the threshold after which satisfaction with punctuality decreases markedly. When passengers have

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to wait six to nine minutes for their bus, satisfaction falls considerably (from 87% to 77%). A similar drop in satisfaction can be seen for those passengers waiting 10 minutes. For more frequent services (every 10 minutes or less) passengers consider it acceptable for buses to depart from a stop early. This is because the impact on the passenger is relatively limited should they miss the bus and there is a potential gain to them if they are able to catch a bus which arrives early. By contrast, for buses operating at less frequent intervals passengers feel it is unacceptable for buses to leave stops early. This is because the impact on the passenger of missing the bus is felt to be more significant than waiting at stops while on the journey. Passengers’ experience of bus travel is improved significantly when they receive information about scheduling updates and delays which assists with their journey planning, management and understanding of why problems have happened at a

particular time. No passengers within the research study were aware that Traffic Commissioners exist and have responsibilities which benefit bus users. This has an impact on passengers’ willingness to complain, as many felt that the effort of complaining was not worth it, either because they felt the problem was not of great enough significance or because they expected their efforts would be in vain. During the research, participants were introduced to some basic information about Traffic Commissioners, which changed some of their perceptions. Passengers felt reassured that regulation and authority was in place. Passengers in the research felt that bus operators should aim to run all of their buses on time. They do not expect this to be achieved but they feel that this aim is likely to be necessary for operators to achieve what they feel is a good standard of delivery, around 80% punctuality.

20/01/2014 18:06


The number of Olympians delivered to SBS Transit in 1993/4


The total number of Setra S415 GT-HD coaches produced

Prentice to launch new Rail Link bus route SHARE WATCH

Prentice Coaches is to launch the brand new ‘X1 Rail Link’ service between Haddington and Wallyford Rail Station on February 10. The service will initially connect with three trains at peak times both morning and evening. It is hoped to expand on these times to a full Monday to Saturday service in due course but that will depend upon passenger usage. The �irm’s exisiting vehicles will be used initially but the �irm said it intends to buying new dedicated vehicles for the route as soon as passengers numbers justify it. Ross Prentice told CBW: “The idea for the route came after the new Haddington Community Development Trust (CDT)

approached us last year as to whether we would consider a link to Longniddry station. After some investigation Wallyford was considered the best option due to access and train timings. Initially East Lothian Council will make some small improvements at the station turning circle to allow passengers to be dropped off directly at the city bound platform. “We were part of a joint funding application to Transport Scotland for bus infrastructure improvements but due to various circumstances this was unsuccessful. In conjunction with the CDT we had already conducted some surveys of commuters, and also had help from Knox Academy pupils in a further survey.

“In return for the initial, and ongoing, help from the CDT once established a percentage of the pro�its from this route will be donated to the CDT for use in other projects, which will bene�it Haddington. This is part of our belief in being ‘At the heart of our Community.’ “The results of these surveys have given us con�idence to try this new route, as we believe there is a demand for a high quality fast transport link to Edinburgh. The combined journey will take little over 35 minutes from Haddington High Street to Waverley Station in Edinburgh. The route will also enable students to travel quickly to Queen Margaret University, which is only one stop from Wallyford.”

trent barton’s H1 receives �ive new Versas Trent barton’s H1 service has introduced �ive new Optare Versas, representing a £600,000 investment. As well as on-board WiFi, the vehicles carry next stop information screens, leathertrimmed seats, double-glazed windows and plenty of space for shopping and buggies. Alex Hornby, trent barton Commercial Director, commented: “These shiny new buses are real head-turners. As well as being cosy and comfortable, they boast the fastest WiFi we could get, next stop AV information and areas for buggies and wheelchair users. “As well as bringing a touch of luxury to the H1 route, and the latest in on-bus features they are also among the most

B R I E F LY ● THE COST of season tickets in Oxford’s SmartZone is rise on January 26 – but singles and returns will remain unchanged. The change means a fourweek ticket goes up from £50 to £51.75 and a 13-week SmartZone ticket goes from £128 to £132.50. The last increase in SmartZone fares was a year ago. In a joint statement the SmartZone operators said: “No one likes to pay more but the cost of running buses has risen over the last year along with all other businesses.”

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Industry share prices at the close of the Stock Exchange on Monday, January 20. Go-Ahead Group saw the greatest proportional rise, while National Express saw the greatest proportional drop. Most figures obtained from


Price: Year High: 471.00p Year Low: 324.70p

on last week


Price: Year High: 183.03p Year Low: 90.30p


Price: Year High: 1967.00p Year Low: 1258.00p


288.00p 374.05p

Price: Year High: 379.00p Year Low: 284.70p

environmentally friendly buses on the road with exceptional low fuel consumption compared to the buses they replace.” At recent preview events in

Derby and Heanor, the buses proved a hit with customers who also helped the company raise money for its chosen charity for 2014, Help for Heroes.

Chalkwell’s new bus route gains positive results

The �irst month’s trialling of a new bus route serving people on both the north and south sides of Sittingbourne has gained positive results, Chalkwell Coach Hire said. The new route 11 runs three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Since the six-month trial began on December 18, Chalkwell said there has been positive feedback from both sides of the route which is seeing moderate growth. Across the three days that it operates, service 11 has carried an average of 18 passengers a day. A timetable has been designed for the service and Chalkwell staff

are touring the route placing the timetable in bus stop cases to make more people aware of the service. The new service is the outcome of planning between Chalkwell and Kent County Councillor Roger Truelove who said it is being underwritten for a six-month period by a £6,000 grant from his county highways fund. He said it was a route which would not usually be commercially viable nor likely to attract local authority transport funding, but residents from both Milton and Peregrinne Drive had been asking for a bus shuttle service to town to help with shopping.

-0.40 on last week

Price: Year High: 302.95p Year Low: 189.20p

Members of Derbyshire’s JL Dance Academy join trent barton mascot Mr MANGO to help celebrate the arrival of the new H1 buses.



Price: Year High: 0.52p Year Low: 0.20p


Price: Year High: 60.00p Year Low: 42.00p


Price: Year High: 625.00p Year Low: 331.70p


Price: Year High: 15.57p Year Low: 4.65p

on last week

-14.95 on last week

-4.00 on last week

0.00 on last week

0.00 on last week

+17.50 on last week

-0.13 on last week

FTSE 100


Index: Year High: 6,840 Year Low: 6029

+84 on last week

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 7 20/01/2014 18:06

Luckett from Luckett’s Travel

NEWS RO A D WATC H n AS PART OF THE UPGRADE of the M25 J5 (Sevenoaks) – 7 (Godstone), the clockwise entry slip road to Clacket Lane services will be closed overnight between 2200 and 0600hrs for three nights from Saturday, January 25. The next services of course at Cobham services before junction 10. n LANE CLOSURES and a 50mph speed limit will be in place on the M23 J9 (Gatwick) for the next three weeks between 2000 and 0600hrs each night. n ON THE A27 between Lewes and Falmer, East Sussex, drainage work is underway for the next four weeks. Overnight lane closures will be in place between the Coldean junction and Ashcombe roundabout between 2000 and 0600hrs each night. n THE NORTHBOUND carriageway of the M42 J3a (Redditch) to J4 (Shirley), West Midlands is shut each night between 2200 and 0600hrs until February 28 for gantry works. n THE NORTHBOUND LINK road from the M6 to the M42 southbound will be closed overnight from this week until Monday (January 27) between 2200 and 0600hrs. n THE M4 WESTBOUND between J11 (A33) and 12 (Theale), Berkshire is closed overnight 2100 and 0600hrs. Repairs to the railway bridge are due to be completed by March. n RESURFACING OF THE A52 is underway between Borrowash and its junction with the M1 (J25) is underway until February 10. The work will require full overnight closures of the westbound carriageway between 2000 and 0600hrs,

FirstGroup orders 425 new vehicles Provinces benefit as investment and vehicle numbers remain broadly the same as before the sale of London operations FirstGroup has ordered 425 new vehicles worth £70m for delivery in the 2014/15 financial year. First said the order, which includes six electric vehicles, represents the biggest ever investment in new buses in the UK, for services outside London, and brings the company’s total investment in 2,000 new vehicles to around £310m over four years. The lion’s share – 301 – has been awarded to Wrightbus – which includes 274 of its ‘StreetLite Micro Hybrid’ buses. The rest are standard StreetLites. First and Wrightbus have worked in partnership throughout 2013 to test, trial and develop the Micro Hybrids. Fuelled by diesel, the latter works recovering braking energy, but rather than use it to directly benefit propulsion as in full hybrid systems, this energy is kept in storage systems

already on board and is used to power pneumatics, hydraulics and electrical items. These components would otherwise require power from the engine and, by using the energy harvested from the braking system, reduces overall fuel consumption by around 10% – it is claimed. FirstGroup will be the first company to operate these new buses. Explaining the background to the Wrightbus order, Giles Fearnley, Managing Director of First UK Bus said: “In 2013 we laid down the gauntlet to bus manufacturers to work with us to minimise fuel consumption. Wrightbus embraced that challenge and together we’ve developed its StreetLite Micro Hybrid product. I am immensely proud of our collective achievements and we’re very much looking forward to being the first operator to take delivery of these revolutionary new vehicles.” Group Managing Director of Wrights Group, Mark Nodder, said: “With the encouragement and

support of First’s engineering team we brainstormed and trialled a host of innovative ideas before settling on the system now embodied in the StreetLite Micro Hybrid.

Brighton residents petition against coach parking Residents of the Rodean area of Brighton have petitioned the city council urging it to prevent the unofficial parking of coaches on residential streets. The area, which is located above the marina and Maderia Drive on the north side of the A259, provides drivers and operators with the opportunity to save £15 a day – the rate for parking on Madeira Drive. Signed by 159 people, the petition reads: “We the undersigned request the council take urgent action to protect the residential streets of Roedean to include The Cliff, Cliff Road, Cliff Approach, Roedean Crescent, Roedean Way, Roedean Vale and Roedean heights by implementing a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) banning coaches and HGV’s except

The Rodean area is currently a free option for parking coaches or larger vehicles such as camper vans. GOOGLE STREETVIEW for access. As local residents we are extremely concerned about the health and safety implications of coaches overspilling from their current unofficial parking on Roedean Road into our residential streets which are totally unsuitable

for such traffic. We recognise there is a wider debate about coach parking for the city. However, we urge the council to act now with this specific TRO to protect our streets before it is too late and a major incident occurs.”

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20/01/2014 17:39


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Turning to the remainder of the order, ADL is to supply 60 Enviro400s and 37 Enviro200s, while Volvo will deliver half a dozen Plaxton coaches. Optare


for a further 15 buses although there can be no guarantee that these discussions will result in a purchase order.” Speaking to CBW on Thursday, Giles said: “We’re continuing our investment at the same level broadly as when we had our London business. Significantly, prior to 10 months ago, 45% of our investment had gone into London over the previous four to five years – yet London made up only 14% of our UK Bus business. Therefore, our provincial business fleets had been fed significantly by cascades. “We’re getting a double win now. We’re making a real impact on fleets – both in terms of new vehicles and the refurbishment of current fleets. Some businesses are getting new buses for the first time in a very long time.” Confirming the electric vehicles “are going to York,” a First spokesman said he was unable to provide a breakdown of the allocation. He added: “First operates in 40 of the UK’s largest towns and cities and the majority of our operations will take delivery of new buses in the next financial year. Final decisions will be reached shortly as to exactly how many vehicles each of our businesses will receive.”

The bulk of the order is for 274 Wrightbus StreetLite Micro Hybrids “The result for Wrightbus has been this excellent new order, and for First a fuel savings dividend from a fleet of brilliant new buses.”


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will manufacture 21, including 15 Solos and six electric Versas. Optare also announced that it is “In continuing discussion with FirstGroup regarding an order

Lucketts Travel receives 800th Volvo B9R Coach 380hp and delivering generous The 800th production version torque across a wide rev range. of the Volvo B9R coach has been Electronically controlled air delivered to Hampshire based suspension provides comfort. Lucketts Travel as part of a larger Standard safety features include order for four new vehicles. Volvo’s Electronic Braking System Lucketts Travel’s four new (EBS), which combines with Volvo B9Rs are specified with all-round disc brakes and Volvo’s Caetano Levante bodywork and VR3250 compact retarder to give are liveried for National Express a rapid reaction time and shorter operations. stopping distances, as well as Hill The vehicles are specified to Start Aid, Emergency Braking National Express standards Assistance and Brake Blending. and feature 48 passenger seats “It’s quite an honour for us and an onboard toilet. They to have the landmark 800th will be operating on a variety of B9R as part of our recent Volvo contracts, but mainly on London deliveries,” explained Lucketts routes from Portsmouth and Travel’s Ian Luckett. “We’ve had Brighton. B9R coaches before and they are The Volvo B9R has a reargood solid and reliable vehicles.” mounted D9B engine, capable of 698592-1121-CoachRally 20/1/14 09:54 Page 1

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“We had five year old coaches from another manufacturer which we wanted to take the opportunity to replace and in turn upgrade our fleet for our National Express contracts. We’re expecting improved performance and fuel economy results from Volvo. Our vehicles often travel 20 hours a day and up to 222,000km per year, so we need the best fuel results and reliability as standard, Volvo will give us that. “Another key factor in our purchase was the excellent backup and support which we receive from the Volvo dealership MC Truck and Bus. We know if we have any issues they will resolve it for us quickly and without

any hassle. “By purchasing these new coaches we are once again demonstrating that we invest in our customers by buying vehicles that are top class in terms of safety features and comfort.” Volvo Regional Coach Sales Manager, Richard Mann, said: “The fact that one of the vehicles is the 800th production B9R is a tremendous endorsement of that particular chassis. “Lucketts Travel has also shown a real interest in the launch of our Euro 6 product range so once again that is extremely positive. We look forward to continuing our successful working relationship.”

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Darwin Bus Service to be privatised Half the Northern Territory Government’s services go out to tender AUSTRALIA The Northern Territory Government is privatising Darwin Bus Service in an effort to bring new competition to the market and provide efficient services. DBS covers half the region’s government route services, with the balance under contract by private operator Buslink. According to Australasia Bus & Coach magazine, the process is expected to take up to six months, with the contractor selected by the end of June. Minister for Transport Peter

Styles said the government will continue as the industry regulator to ensure all facilities, routes and fares are in line with community needs. “This transfer will provide new competition in the market and allow government to focus on delivering the most efficient services possible, without running the day to day business of a public transport operation,” he said. “Once new arrangements are in place, government will continue to regulate the Darwin bus network to ensure current levels of service are maintained and improved and new routes implemented.

Mr Styles said commuter safety is paramount, and Transit Safety Officers will continue to have a presence on buses and at the Darwin, Casuarina and Palmerston interchanges. “School and hospital services will not be affected, and all services will continue to run in accordance with the Darwin bus timetable during the tender process,” he said. Services and routes will not be affected and DBS will operate as normal while the tender process is being undertaken. “We will continue to support our bus network with free WiFi, reliable travel and safety officers,” added Styles.

Teinachtal-Reisen takes delivery of the final Setra ComfortClass400

GERMANY The final Setra ComfortClass 400 coach has been delivered to Swabian operator Teinachtal-Reisen. The vehicle is also the 50th Setra for the family-run firm, which is based at Neubulach, in the Black Forest. The 49-seater coach joins a dozen other Setras, ranging from the S415GT to the S431DT doubledecker. Teinachtal-Reise’s work includes regional school transport and line service as well as in tourist travel and charter services in the county of Calw and the greater Stuttgart area. The firm also offers ski trips, bicycle tours, day and weekend excursions as well as student trips throughout Europe. Helmut Maier, who is the fourth generation to leads the company and grew up with the coaches from the Ulm-based brand said: “I have always associated the name Setra

with advanced vehicle technology, smooth handling and great allround service.” The last S415GT built at the EvoBus manufacturing plant in Neu-Ulm marks the end of an era. All in all 6,551 units were built

FINLAND The first Euro 6 VDL Citeas were recently delivered to Finnish operator Pohjolan Liikenne. The vehicles, 29 in all, entered service in Helsinki from January 1. The delivery consisted of a mix of 12m Citea LLE-120s, 12.9m Citea SLE and the 14.5m triaxle Citea XLE. The modular construction system employed by VDL means Pohjolan Liikenne can make optimal use of buses tailored to suit each deployment but sharing a great deal of commonality which assists with repairs, maintenance

and stocked parts. Pohjolan Liikenne is one of the largest Finnish bus companies, operating local, regional and long distance services with a fleet of 470 buses and coaches mostly in Southern Finland. The company’s annual turnover is €77m and it employs 950 people. The buses and coaches run nearly 30m kilometres each year and serve about 30m passengers. Pohjolan Liikenne is a subsidiary of VR, the Finnish national railway company.

History is made with the final ComfortClass400 to be produced

First Finnish Euro 6 VDL Citeas

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between 2004 and the end of 2013, with deliveries to customers in 33 European countries. The bestseller is the S415 GT-HD, of which more than 2,600 units were sold. The new Setra ComfortClass 500 was launched in 2012.


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NORTH AMERICA Stagecoach’s has received the American Bus Association’s (ABA) 2014 Green Operator Award. The award was based on’s commitment to eco-driving, the use of antiidling techniques when the bus is not in use, recycling of oil and other engine fluids, and overall business practices that promote sustainability and environmental awareness. Dale Moser, President and Chief Operating Office of said: “Americans are continuing to look for ways to protect the environment while also stretching their dollar. We are delighted to have received recognition of our environmental stewardship and industry leadership.” Judging of the Green Operator Award was assisted by David Kestenbaum, the Director of the University of Vermont’s (UVM) Certification for Sustainable Transportation programme. has participated since 2009 in the university’s Green Coach Certification programme – the first in the passenger transport sector, which recognises excellence in environmental performance. Participating companies can use eco-labels on qualifying vehicles to highlight their environmental benefits.

The buses present a modern, clean image for Pohjolan Liikenne

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NEWS › REGIONAL SOUTH WEST FIRST IS INTRODUCING a raft of changes to services across Bath & North East Somerset on February 2, the Somerset Guardian has reported. The changes will affect routes in Bath, Frome, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Salisbury, Wells, and Yeovil as well as towns and villages in between. First claimed the changes make improvements to a number of services but admitted cuts will be made along some routes. Commercial Manager for First in the West of England, Simon Ford, said: “We are making a series of changes in February to bus routes in the area. In many cases the changes are positive, leading to improvements in the frequency on some key services, for instance those running between Bath and Midsomer Norton. “At the same time we are also adjusting some other, less well used services to better match the use of our resources against the level of customer demand. This means in some instances the frequency of buses will be reduced slightly and the provision of services on Sundays and public holidays may change. “While we understand such changes can occasionally cause local concern it is only right that where our services are not well used that we review this, taking steps to use our buses elsewhere, where they are needed most and where they’ll benefit the greatest number of people. “We would advise all customers who use buses in the area to check the new timetables for the affected services carefully so they can understand what is happening, and how the alterations may impact on them.” New timetables were due to be uploaded to First’s website on January 21 and will be made available in hard copy format, to pick up from travel shops, from January 29. A large number of changes are being made. More detailed information can be found at www.


THE CITY OF YORK COUNCIL is moving to introduce wireless internet access on Park & Ride bus services in the city. It has started a procurement process and will announce full details at a later date.



The council set up free wireless internet in the city-centre in 2011 through its Digital York project, a move which it said would help local people, businesses and visitors.

CAMPAIGNERS have told residents of rural communities between Blackpool and Preston in Lancashire to support a new village-hopper service over the next four weeks in the hope it will become permanent. The previous service lasted just 11 days, but Poulton-based Archway Travel has stepped in with an offer to test the viability of the route for a month and then make a decision on its future. Michael Archer of Archway Travel said: “We aren’t a charity but we will see what happens.” His son Sam Archer added: “People have to support it, but so far the numbers we’re getting aren’t good.” Archway, who took over the Number 80 service from Classic Bus North West, started running between Blackpool and Preston on Monday, January 13. Cllr Phil James, Chairman of the Inskip-with-Sowerby Parish Council, said: “Overall we’re delighted to have a service again, we’re just keeping everything crossed that enough people use it and the operator decides to stick with it. “It’s not perfect because we have fewer buses than we had under the previous company - But in these times we’re grateful for what we’ve got.

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“So far some of the buses in a morning and at tea-time have been full up. But others have not been so well-used. All I can say to people is please support the service or it will disappear again. It’s a clear case of use it or lose it.”


NORMAL BUS SERVICES through Upper Beeding and Bramber village will be suspended while £100,000 works to Beeding Bridge are carried out. A routine safety check on the bridge, which joins the two villages, revealed it required urgent strengthening work, which was due to begin on Monday, January 20. The bridge is closed to all traffic, though the pedestrian footbridge adjacent to the structure remains open. Bus users are not completely cut-off, with a free shuttle-bus service, run by The Sussex Bus, ferrying passengers from the villages to Steyning, where normal Brighton & Hove Buses and Compass Travel services will be operating. The timetable for the shuttle bus can be viewed at http:// bramber-shuttle David Barling, county councillor for Bramber Castle division, explained the bridge was ‘badly in need’ of strengthening if traffic – paricularly buses and other heavy vehicles – was to continue to use it. He said if the work was not undertaken, weight restrictions

would have to be imposed immediately, meaning no heavy vehicles at all could cross the river. The worst-case scenario would be the deterioration continuing to a point where the bridge may have to be shut completely. “It really is very simple,” he added. “We either close the bridge now and do it, or we lose the bridge – no buses, full stop. “We would not be doing it if it wasn’t totally necessary.” Work on the bridge is expected to take five weeks – though David said there were hopes it could be completed in four, weather permitting – and involves replacing fill material on the bridge’s arch with stronger concrete. David said he was pleased with the turn-out at a public meeting and added that, while there would inevitably be disruption to residents while the bridge was closed, there was no other choice, as the work had to be done as soon as possible.


TRANSPORT FOR LONDON (TfL) has enhanced route 183 to cater for increased passenger demand and to improve interchange links with nearby Tube stations. The service runs between Golders Green and Pinner. A 25% increase in frequency was introduced on Saturday (January 18) in response to growing demand. The last bus from Golders Green to Pinner will also run 30 minutes later each evening so passengers arriving on the last trains at Kingsbury and Harrow-on-the-Hill Tube stations can board the 183 to continue their onward journeys. The frequency will increase as follows: Monday to Friday and during Saturday shopping hours the service will increase from every 10 minutes to every eight minutes; Evenings and during Sunday shopping hours the service will increase from every 15 minutes to every 12 minutes; and early Sunday mornings the service will increase from every 30 minutes to every 20 minutes. The route continues to be operated by Transdev-owned London Sovereign using Scania OmniCitys. TRANSPORT FOR LONDON is consulting about quicker journey times on route B14 (Bexleyheath – Orpington). Under the plans, buses would no longer serve Onslow Drive in Albany Park and fixed bus stops would be

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Swansea Coachworks New 16 seat Mercedes Sprinter with large boot and side lockers.

New Mercedes Sprinter 16 seat with tables

Based on the Mercedes Sprinter 516, we have designed a truly unique mini-coach. First of all we have added our coach style body extension to facilitate the luggage requirements, then we have created an interior capable of seating 16 passengers in extreme comfort but added the option of 4 tables, 2 double tables and 2 single tables.

Based on the Mercedes Sprinter 516, we have designed an extension to fit onto the rear of the vehicle which adds to the length of the vehicle but also transforms the vehicle from a van look into a mini-coach. By adding this extension it enables us to construct a vehicle capable of carrying 16 passengers in total luxury with legroom that has never been achieved in a mini-coach before, and a luggage area of enormous proportion. Also when you take into account the re designed sides of the vehicle which house the coach style lockers this is truly a vehicle that will not be beaten on luggage space.

Once again you decide what options you require from a vast list available and then pick your own colours to match your requirements. One thing you can be sure about is that a Swansea Coachworks mini-coach stands out in a crowd.

Just like all our vehicles you decide what you want in the vehicle and you choose your own colour scheme to suit your needs.

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 13


introduced along Longmead Drive. More details can be found at buses/b14/consult_view .

WALES EXTRA BUS SERVICES and extended routes covering areas of Taibach, Margam and Port Talbot have been introduced. First Cymru has extended its number 8 service on Mondays to Saturdays with reinstated evening journeys at 1730hrs from Port Talbot to Margam and at 1743hrs from Margam to Port Talbot. Ridgeways Coaches is also extending services from February 1. It plans to lengthen the number 77 route on Saturdays and Sundays to run from Margam to Swansea with departures from Margam at every two hours from 0935 to 1535hrs, with return journeys leaving Swansea in the

same intervals from 1035hrs. Taibach Councillors Anthony Taylor and John Rogers have praised the improvements. Councillor Taylor said: “The new services are a step in the right direction and I am glad that the companies have listened to residents and responded positively to local demand. “Investment in, and access to, public transport is important for those in the area who need to travel for employment, family and other reasons and the development of extra services can only be a good thing.” Councillor Rogers added: “Decent bus services are essential for many local people and I am pleased to see that new provision is being laid on. “We need to ensure that they are taken advantage of by residents on a regular basis so that they become sustainable.”

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14 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014 012_014_CBW1121_Regional News.indd 14


The 2014 UK Coach Awards take place at Mercure Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester on April 10

2014 n January 23 CPT Annual Dinner. The Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, London. 020 7240 3131.

n February 1, 2014 LTCOA Dinner Dance The Royal Garden Hotel, Knightsbridge. Call Sue Reynolds on 07932 158999 or email

fact we had great drivers and that I had a ridacard made it all that bit easier. Chris and I can’t wait to plan our next fundraiser on the buses!” Sarah Boyd, Head of Operations at Lothian Buses, commented: “Both Neil and Chris have done a great job in their mission to conquer the Lothian Bus Route. We decided to match their fundraising efforts in honour of their journey and to support our charity of the year It’s Good 2 Give.” Lynn McNicoll, founder of charity It’s Good 2 Give, said: “We would like to thank Chris and Neil for choosing to donate the funds raised to It’s Good 2 Give. We also want to say a huge thanks to the guys at Lothian Buses for their support in doubling the funds raised. The money will go a huge way in helping young people in the local area with cancer and supporting their families.” As well as doubling the donation, Lothian Buses also topped up Chris and Neil’s ridacards for future journeys.

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n January 25 Excursions 2014 Alexandra Palace, London

TWO MEN who set out to conquer the Edinburgh bus route network in one day have had their fundraising efforts doubled by Lothian Buses. Chris Dunn and Neil Gregory, both from Edinburgh, raised a total of £1920.50 after they went on 44 out of 48 Lothian Buses services on Thursday last week. Now Lothian Buses have doubled their donations bringing the total raised to almost £4,000, which will be donated to the company’s charity of the year “It’s Good 2 Give,” helping young people with cancer and their families. Chris, 24, from @LothianBusGeek on Twitter, said: “We are both overwhelmed by the support we received during our bus challenge and can’t believe how many people got behind us during our mission to conquer the Lothian Bus Route. What started out as a bit of fun between me and Neil has turned in to a great fundraiser which will benefit a brilliant local charity. “Although it was a long day, the


n February 23-24 Coach Holiday Conference & Workshop. Best Western Premier Queen Hotel, Chester. www.coachtourismcouncil. n March 4–7 QV Associates’ course Introduction to Bus & Crew Scheduling. Birmingham. 01905 613527.


n March 19-20 Young Bus Managers Network Conference. Reading. www.youngbusmanagers. n March 25–28 QV Associates’ course Route & Timetable Planning Birmingham. 01905 613527. www.qv-

n April 5 South East Bus Festival. Kent Showground, Maidstone. www. n April 10 UK Coach Awards. Mercure Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester. n April 29-May 1 The Commercial Vehicle Show NEC, Birmingham. 01634 261262 n May 10-11 UK Coach Rally.

Alton Towers. 01753 631170. n May 12-14 ALBUM Conference. Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. n June 15 Welsh Coach Rally, Swansea. Contact Ashley Lovering 07814 958379 n July 6-7 North Norfolk Railway Bus Rally. Heritage bus service both days, transport Festival on Sunday. Email bus@johnrstewart. for an entry form. n July 12–13 Routemaster 60. Finsbury Park, London. Organised by the Routemaster Association, the event will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the unveiling of RM1. n July 20 Alton Bus Rally. Anstey Park, Alton, Hants. www. n September 9 Association of Trainers AGM. Birmingham. 01797 344251 asot/come-to-meet-us-menu n September 10-11 Low Carbon Vehicle Event, Millbrook, Bedfordshire. 01509 635 750. www. n September 21 Showbus 2014. Imperial War Museum, Duxford. n September 25 - October 2 IAA Commercial Vehicle Show. Hannover, Germany.

Send your event details to gareth.evans@

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January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 15


Routes to market On street competition isn’t dead in the bus industry. Andy Izatt samples the different products of trent barton and Yourbus on the fast service between Nottingham and Derby


rent barton is no stranger to competition despite, or perhaps because of its market leading credentials. For years Nottinghambased Premiere Travel ran against it on several routes, but Premiere is no more. These days there is a different battle developing with Dunn Motor Traction trading as Yourbus. Heanor-based Yourbus operates in West Yorkshire as well as Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, and now has combined O-Licences for 100 vehicles. It was established in 2009 by Scott Dunn, initially using second-hand Plaxton Pointer Dennis Darts that competed with the Nottingham tram. Derbyshire contracts were later won and when Veolia Transport exited the UK its Tuxford and Nottingham National Express operations were acquired. Both had gone to Veolia with the takeover of Dunn-Line run by Scott’s father, Bob. The Tuxford operation has since closed. Veolia’s Durham operation including more National Express work followed in 2011, also now closed, and after additional National Express contract wins, a depot was opened in Bradford in July 2013. Direct competition with Nottingham City Transport (NCT) had started four years ago with the introduction of the Y36 between Nottingham and Chilwell. Skirmishes since have included the short lived peak time Y100 (Nottingham – Newark) and Y28 (Nottingham – Bilborough) which continues. There has been some acrimony, not least when Yourbus initially used buses with yellow fronts on the Y36 giving them a similar appearance to those used by NCT. NCT went to the Advertising Standards Agency to successfully challenge claims made in a Yourbus leaflet. The first move by Yourbus against trent barton was Citylink, a fast service between Nottingham and Derby, introduced in February 2013. The 10-minute Monday to Saturday daytime frequency matched that on trent barton’s flagship Red Arrow, which uses mainly Scania Irizar coaches. The service in different incarnations has been operated for over 55 years. Yourbus introduced new Mercedes-Benz Citaro buses. Yourbus followed Citylink with route Y5 16 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014

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mirroring part of trent barton’s Indigo route from Derby to Beeston via Long Eaton in July. August saw the start of the Y1 (Derby – Heanor) competing with trent barton’s H1 and the Y3 between Derby and Ilkeston running against trent barton’s Ilkeston Flyer. The H1 and Ilkeston Flyer were increased to every 15 minutes from September 8 while also introduced was Zoom, a new fast trent barton service between Derby and Long Eaton that is being extended to Sawley from January 26. Y1 frequencies have just been increased to every 15 minutes while morning journeys on the Y3 have been retimed although the evening service has been reduced. The H1 now has new Optare Versus. Price, service delivery, frequency and reliability contribute to both operators’ customer proposition. Both use smartcards to reward loyalty with discounted ticketing and social media seems to be playing an increasingly important part in communicating benefits and

Red Arrow Scania Irizar i4 receives a sweep out at Derby bus station

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An unbranded Mercedes-Benz Citaro leaves Nottingham for Derby on Citylink promotions of which there are no shortage. Both see students as a key market. Trent barton, which also offers live departure information, has turned social media almost into an art form, but Yourbus hasn’t been slow to explore the potential either.

Fast between cities

It was in 2010 that trent barton increased Red Arrow frequencies between Nottingham and Derby from 15 minutely to every 10 minutes, Monday to Saturday daytime although the route also extends half hourly from Derby to Chesterfield. Eight 04-plate 49-seat Scania K94IB Irizar Centurys were also supplemented by five wheelchair accessible Scania K320IB Irizar i4s seating 47 although an older 1997 51seat Plaxton Volvo B10M continues to operate. Last summer trent barton commissioned what it describes as a ‘no-holds barred’ survey of Red Arrow customers. “68% said I would rather be on Red Arrow than a bus – so we know we need to make sure we turn up with a coach for you every time,” said the company about the feedback. “If we don’t, we aim to provide an air-conditioned, leather seated bus, with free

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onboard WiFi. Any time we use a bus, you will receive a free half price voucher for a future journey.” “95% had no problem with using steps to get on and off,” it continued. “This result showed that the vast majority of you are happy with the access to our coaches. “80% noticed the new competitor between Derby and Nottingham, Citylink (of that 11% tried it – but then didn’t like it) – we appreciate you have a choice and we thank you for sticking with us.” Yourbus reduced Citylink’s frequency to every 20 minutes in July, but the following month it started accepting trent barton zigzag day tickets on the route as well as services Y1, Y3 and Y5. Trent barton’s Managing Director Jeff Counsell wasn’t impressed, unusually speaking out about a promotion that Yourbus concluded towards the end of September. From January 19 additional Citylink stops were introduced at University of Nottingham and Priory Island. While the last Citylink service of the day reaches Derby at 2345hrs, trent barton continues to run its more intensive timetable that is almost 24 hours a day Monday to Saturday.

Take flight

CBW decided to look at the competition between the two operators from a passenger perspective by experiencing just one aspect, service delivery on the fast service between Nottingham and Derby. So what was better – coach or bus? My first journey was on trent barton’s Red Arrow from Nottingham’s Victoria Bus Station to Derby Bus Station. It was a Scania K320IB Irizar i4 and I chose to sit at the rear. There were six other passengers of which, interestingly five were in their 20s or 30s despite this being a weekday. The saloon interior featured dark leathercovered seats and red full-draw curtains. With low winter sun, good use had been made of the curtains and it reminded me a little of travelling in a country with a much warmer climate. Individual reading lights and air vents were above each seat, welcome features. The Irizar i4 has wheelchair access via a centre entrance lift and that’s where the backward facing wheelchair position is located. Trent barton had also installed a leaflet rack. Facing seats here and by two tables have three-point seatbelts. Otherwise lap-belts are January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 17

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The Red Arrow Scania Irizar Centurys are now 10 years old. The one we travelled in had great ambiance

Take flight is the strong Red Arrow message at Derby bus station

Inside the Red Arrow Scania Irizar i4 delivering what felt like interurban functionality

Red Arrow coach comfort delivered by the Scania Irizar Centurys

specified. It was difficult to see how mums with buggies would be easily accommodated although underfloor luggage capacity was plentiful and like other Red Arrow Scania Irizars, our vehicle was air-conditioned. Ceiling-mounted CCTV cameras were clearly visible and promotional banners on the windows, in addition to highlighting fares offers, flagged up the free WiFi. A friendly, attentive, smartly-dressed driver had sold me a £5 off peak zigzag day ticket – excellent value as it covers the entire trent barton network. By my watch, we were away at 1220hrs, on time although the clock above the driver appeared to be three minutes slow. There was a little floor litter, but nothing excessive. The sharp right on York and Union Streets just outside Victoria Bus Station is tight, but drivers on this route will be familiar with it so it was a surprise when our coach mounted the kerb. Another surprise was engine noise levels where I was sitting. There was also an irritating rattle from one of the seats. We waited for a minute at the Upper Parliament Street stop and there was a recorded announcement about wearing seatbelts and wishing passengers an enjoyable journey. Our progress along Derby Road out of Nottingham was steady, helped by bus lane priority, although traffic was relatively light. Two young women joined us at 1231hrs at QMC (Queen’s Medical Centre). Derby Road continues as the A52 road between Wollaton Park and University of Nottingham. Traffic was queuing as we approached the roundabout where it also becomes Brian Clough Way. We were through the busy junction with Ilkeston

Road, Derby Road and Town Street at 1240hrs, the traffic light controlled roundabout with Toton Lane shortly afterwards having just passing a Tesco free bus liveried Volvo parked in a lay-by. There wasn’t much traffic on the A52 dual carriageway, but our driver was pushing on, overtaking when he could. We crossed the M1 motorway at 1243hrs. However, there were queues on the approach to Derby’s The

Bus Station concourse. Trent barton has a travel shop, but large banners by the main entrance highlighted Yourbus services Y5 to Long Eaton and Y3 to Ilkeston. Both operators have portable information and ticket kiosks by their adjacent departure stands for Nottingham. While the trent barton one was well stocked with leaflets, it was unmanned for most of my short visit. There were two or three Yourbus staff congregating around theirs, all engaging with passengers although a fourth in a Yourbus jumper appeared to be in charge. There was a queue of 14 waiting for the Citylink 1315hrs departure for Nottingham. It took a little time to board, not helped by a driver change over, so it was 1318hrs before we were away. A friendly driver had sold me a £4.50 two trip ticket having first explained the benefits – another journey on any other day. Trent barton also has two trip tickets. The passenger boarding in front of me was told that journey times between Derby and Nottingham were the same as Red Arrow. Both are timetabled at half an hour for much of the day. Our vehicle, a year old 42-seat Citylinkbranded Mercedes-Benz Citaro had a bright and inviting interior. It felt fresh and new. It wasn’t what I had been expecting although I can think of no reason why not. Again, I sat at the back with engine noise noticeable and an interesting rasping noise at low speeds, but once on the A52 dual carriageway there was virtually no noise at all. Again, our driver was pushing on, always prepared to overtake to maintain his speed. The bus felt it had plenty of power and our driver

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Red Arrow and Citylink are different passenger experiences delivered by two operators determined to show their respective offerings Pentagon roundabout where there are traffic lights. We were through those at 1253hrs and two minutes later we made an on time arrival at Derby Bus Station. Our driver unloaded at a bay at the top end of the station and there was a lady there with her cleaning equipment ready to sweep out the coach.

City linking

If anyone is in doubt that there is a bit of a bus war going on between trent barton and Yourbus, they need look no further than Derby

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made best use. Ride quality was excellent. There was saloon Citylink branding, but promotional material seemed to be limited to flyers posted on the cab partition – a traditional industry practice, but difficult to read unless close up and I guess few would take the time or even notice them when they were disembarking. Our bus had that slightly stepped seating arrangement over the rear nearside wheelarch that’s a feature of Euro 5 Citaros. Shoe symbols below the seats on the wheelarch on both the nearside and offside were clearly designed to encourage passengers not to put their feet on the seats – let’s hope it works.

before the end of Brian Clough Way two older couples were boarding the bus before a man wearing a turban had time to get off. At the QMC stop, reached at 1339hrs, an elderly couple and a man and a woman departed. There is good bus priority along Derby Road east of QMC and we made best use of it. We were momentarily held by the traffic lights at the top of Derby Road and Wollaton Street where traffic splits depending on direction of flow. There were four passengers off the bus at the Upper Parliament Street stop at 1346hrs. Driving remained spirited, but there was still time to let a fire engine out from the Central Fire Station in Shakespeare Street. We were on stand

We crossed the M1 motorway again at 1329hrs, moving into the fast lane again to let a lorry pull out of a lay-by by the start of the 40mph zone before the Toton Lane roundabout. The hard sunlight of earlier in the day had been replaced by much softer light so even if there had been saloon curtains, they wouldn’t have been needed. A feature of Citaros are their deep side windows. The east section of Brian Clough Way/Derby Road approaching Nottingham is urban and there is bus lane priority, but our driver chose not to use it as there was a Nottingham City Transport bus ahead of him. At the stop just

at Victoria Bus Station at 1349hrs, four minutes behind schedule. Our driver was first off. He’d spotted that a lady in a wheelchair – judging by the rapport, a regular – was waiting to board and he wanted to deploy the manual wheelchair ramp ready for her. He explained this to those departing by saying it was actually to make it easier for them to reach the kerb - excellent customer service delivered with a smile. There was plenty of time to board the next Citylink departure for Derby, another 42-seat Mercedes-Benz Citaro. A friendly greeting and a smile from another smartly dressed, personable driver who cancelled my ticket in the appropriate

Competition… inevitably it divides a market that is unlikely to be sufficient to sustain two operators

Next door to Red Arrow at Derby bus station, Yourbus staff man their pitch

Yourbus uses route branding, but retains its standard livery. Theres no question what route this vehicle is on or how frequently it operates

There was a fresh new feel to this Yourbus Citylink Mercedes-Benz Citaro

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place just as his predecessor had done. I was followed on board a few minutes later by two female passengers. There was a friendly welcome for both as they swiped their Yourbus Genie stored value smartcards. The driver fired up the engine at 1414hrs just as another woman boarded and we were away at 1415hrs. While I hadn’t noticed it on the previous Citaro, this vehicle was clearly advertising free WiFi. It was green lights all the way and we were at the Upper Parliament Street stop at 1418hrs where two pensioners joined the bus. The stop real-time display indicated a 1420hrs departure and our driver waited giving time for another woman to join us. We positively stormed up the hill at the start of Derby Road. Again the bus lanes as we headed for QMC were an asset, but if only car drivers who stick their bumpers out from side roads realised just what a potential hazard they cause. Two more passengers joined us at QMC at 1427hrs by my watch. Traffic was much heavier along the A52 passed Wollaton Park and the University than on our previous outward journey. A Nottingham City Transport bus on route 35 was ahead. We picked up a woman outside the Nurseryman pub on Brian Clough Way at 1434hrs. To our driver’s clear frustration we joined a long queue of very slow moving traffic approaching the Toton Lane roundabout. Once clear of the holdup we made good progress, but we were now well behind schedule. We crossed the M1 at 1446hrs, two minutes behind the time we should have been in Derby Bus Station.

Yourbus is keen to promote it’s latest services at Derby bus station January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 19 20/01/2014 15:04


Promoting Mango, a trent barton Wrightbus Volvo on Red Arrow leaves Nottingham for Derby Our driver was powering along, but again their was queuing traffic up to The Pentagon roundabout. Derby Bus Station was in sight, but traffic was at a virtual standstill along St Alkmund’s Way. A long line of buses and coaches were trying to enter the bus station which appeared to be in virtual gridlock so our driver went for the entrance on Morledge catching a kerb in the process. Traffic on the A601 The Cock Pitt was no better and when we reached the bus station entrance our driver was directed by hi-viz clad men to wait as they tried to un-jam the facility. We finally made our stand at 1505hrs, 20 minutes late.

Nottingham fast

A minute later I was boarding a Scania K94IB Irizar Century back to Nottingham, one of eight 04-plate 49-seaters. Padded Red Arrow-branded seats were a nice touch at the departure gate, but I didn’t have time to take advantage of them. Another friendly driver checked my zigzag ticket. There were 16 passengers already onboard. The Red Arrow and Citylink bus I’d just left departed almost at the same time. The Citylink was presumably making the 1455hrs departure while the Red Arrow would, I guess, be on the 1500hrs, a working that originated in Chesterfield. Exiting the bus station was quicker, but not by much. The sight of the following Citylink departure from Nottingham entering as we left underlined just how badly schedules were being disrupted. Personal taste, but I found the Irizar Century interior much more attractive and comfortable than the Irizar i4 although the leather seated interior with two sets of seats with three-point belts grouped around tables was a similar specification. There were individual reading lights and vents above each seat and, again, promotional messages at the top of the side windows. 20 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014 016_020_CBW1121_NottsDerby.indd 20

However, these coaches aren’t wheelchair accessible. How are prospective wheelchair and buggy users to know if the Red Arrow coach they want to catch is accessible or not? There was virtually no engine noise and certainly no rattles once we were on our way. It felt every inch like a coach should. As we left Derby we overtook the Citylink Citaro, which had got away ahead of us. Its driver grinned. We crossed the M1 again at 1519hrs. There was no holdup at the Toton Lane roundabout where traffic was no flowing freely in the opposite direction.

It will probably be longterm resourcing and gritty determination that decides who wins through

The Citylink Citaro was now back in front and we followed it into the bus lane along the eastern urban section of Brian Clough Way/ Derby Road. Traffic was still heavy passing Wollaton Park and the University. The Citaro made it through the traffic lights at the roundabout junction with Middleton and Clifton Boulevards, but we didn’t. It was loading at the QMC stop as we passed. There was more spirited driving as we approaches Nottingham city centre and we were at the Upper Parliament Street stop at 1536hrs where most passengers, 11, departed. As we approached Victoria Bus Station where we were on stand at 1539hrs, nine minutes late, there was an onboard audio announcement thanking passengers for travelling Red Arrow. The Citylink Citaro came in directly behind us and within a minute, both vehicles had loaded and were back on their way to Derby.

Winners and losers

Red Arrow and Citylink are different passenger experiences delivered by two operators determined to show their respective offerings to best advantage. Red Arrow is recognised as being one of trent barton’s strongest brands. There is a quality, premium kudos that comes with operating air-conditioned coaches and it shouldn’t be forgotten that Nottingham to Derby fast is part of a much longer distance service. The Scania Irizar Centuary was as a coach should be. It was a pleasure to be on, but the continuing operation of non-wheelchair accessible vehicles felt a little out of date. I’m sure trent barton is on the case. Interestingly a Wrightbus-bodied Volvo B7RLE in promotional livery for trent barton’s Mango smartcard was also operating on the route the day we travelled. The Mercedes-Benz Citaro could never be described as anything other than a bus, but it’s probably a bus in a class of its own, and it is wheelchair and buggy friendly. In Citylink operation with high-backed, reasonably upholstered seats, it was appropriate for the route and delivered a rattle free, comfortable traveling environment. These days, organic bus ridership growth, where it can be achieved, is hard won and usually over the long term. Competition usually brings short term benefits for passengers – at the very least, greater frequency and cheaper fares although trent barton’s Red Arrow breakfasts promotion showed original thinking – but inevitably it divides a market that is unlikely to be sufficient to sustain two operators. The competition between trent barton and Yourbus shows no sign of abating and each side is looking for the edge. Both sides are reasonably well resourced, but neither can really afford to be a loser. As has so often been the case in the past, it will probably be longterm resourcing and gritty determination that decides who wins through. n

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January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 21


GoAhead East Anglia Update


Julian Patterson, Managing Director of the Go-Ahead Group-owned operating companies in the East of England updates Gareth Evans on what has been achieved and some of the changes which have been implemented

t’s easy to forget and perhaps even underestimate just how much has changed at both konectbus and the companies bought by the Go-Ahead Group in East Anglia over the last couple of years. Aside from the more obvious acquisitions of AnglianBus, Chambers and Hedingham, konectbus opened a smart new depot on the Rash’s Green Industrial Estate in March 2013. There have also been changes in personnel, consolidation in terms of fleet and network development, more of which later. Something is clearly right at konectbus – for according to Passenger Focus, customer satisfaction has been 97% for the past two years. Julian is keen to point out that, “A key part of that is our staff – ensuring we’ve got a good team in place and supporting them when we need to.”

Structural changes

Chambers, AnglianBus and Hedingham were all family businesses but each was very different in terms of both outlook and systems in place – as Julian explained. “We’ve been overcoming cultural changes and regional variations. Norfolk and Essex people are very different, and then there’s Suffolk in between. AnglianBus is of course closer in geographic terms to here (Dereham).” Structural changes have involved the recruitment of several new faces to the firm who each bring the benefit of their own set of experiences to the business. This is alongside internal promotions. Julian continued: “The Operations Manager at AnglianBus is Phillip Eden, who was at Eastern Counties until 1998. After being MD at Cambus, he spent several years as a consultant. We brought him in when Andrew Pursey left last summer.

“George Mutch, who was at Hedingham is now at Go North East, so Jeff Clayton has been appointed General Manager for Hedingham and Chambers. Jeff joined us from The TAS Partnership, where he worked as a Senior Consultant and was previously Area Operations Manager for First in the North West. Supporting Jeff is Deputy General Manager Nick Field, who has joined us from HCT Group. “There is a different structure at Hedingham – necessitated by having four depots, and then you’ve got Chambers in the old Hedingham garage at Sudbury. Despite being close together, they were previously run very differently. “We’ve got admin support at Colchester and Beccles but we’re trying to centralise the main functions at Dereham, such as the commercial side, which is headed up by Commercial Manager Graham Smith (CBW1119). Previously we could have had Chambers and Hedingham competing for the same contracts. “The finance side is also now centred, with the appointment of Tamara Harris as Finance Director. She was previously Financial Controller at Oxford Bus Company. “With a plc, you need reporting systems in place. Of course, there are local teams to feed data through. “Then there are the others bits round the edges, such as insurance. Although we’re self-insured, the function will be centralised to enable easier tracking and management of the claims to progress. We’ve got a Regional Compliance Manager to oversee health and safety and compliance across the companies. “Andy Warnes was Engineering Director at konectbus and after a spell away, has returned as Fleet Engineer. He covers all East Anglia to ensure high engineering standards are maintained and he’s also a dab hand at diagnostics.

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The konectbus depot in Dereham is three times the size of its predecessor

FACTS AND FIGURES l According the Go-Ahead Group, for the financial year ended June 29, 2013, revenue from konectbus and AnglianBus stood at ÂŁ11m. l There were five million passenger journeys during the year ended June 29, 2013. l For the financial year ended June 29, 2013, revenue from Chambers and Hedingham stood at ÂŁ6m. l The combined fleet in the East of England numbers 238.

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This Leyland National, a ‘celebrity’ vehicle for many years, has now been preserved privately by Julian Patterson and Andy Warner “The reason the bulk of things are being centralised here in Dereham,” explained Julian, “is that konectbus has been part of Go-Ahead for nearly four years and the people here know the ropes when it comes to plc life – unlike the family-owned firms on takeover and the new depot opened in 2013 has been built with that in mind. We’ve got plenty of office space to house the people. The site is now three times bigger. We currently run 57 vehicles from here.” “AnglianBus had a 23-vehicle depot at Rackheath on the northern edge of Norwich. The problem was strategically it was in the wrong place and not quick to get to, so from this month it is to be wound down to five vehicles. The work has been reallocated to konectbus at Dereham and the AnglianBus depot at Beccles, both of which are large sites. “Being home to 23 vehicles, Rackheath was not large enough to justify a management team. Dereham is only 12 miles away from the western edge of Norwich and Beccles is only 17-miles from the south east. “AnglianBus will still serve Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft and routes to the south east of the city. Norwich city routes are easier to run from Dereham.”

hangover. Now the wheels keep moving.” Speaking as someone who has clocked up a number of miles behind the wheel of a bus, he said: “Personally, I would rather be able to walk round town on my break and not have to worry about finding somewhere to park.” He added: “That’s all happened in the last six months. There are still some tweaks to do but then we’re going to have a period of consolidation, before looking at commercial and tendered growth opportunities. “At konectbus we’ve always looked at tendered work which could be developed into commercial. Five to six years ago, the ratio of tendered to

commercial work at konectbus was 70:30. It’s now the other way round. Local authorities are going to find it harder so any tendered work needs to be developed as far as possible. “It’s getting tougher for independents too. Modern buses are more expensive to buy, run and maintain. Fuel economy has worsened. Smaller operators will find it harder to run local bus services.” Julian was keen to stress: “When we established konectbus we never did it with the eventual intention of selling out to a plc and was profitable when we sold. It was just the right thing to do at that time.”

Business opportunities

An indication of the changes implemented, if it were needed, can be found by the fact that before last summer, AnglianBus had 93 vehicles. From this month that figure is down to 58. “We’ve reviewed the network and made efficiencies,” said Julian. “Some routes had traditionally run at a loss. The number of vehicles has been reduced but the impact on revenue has been negligible. Previously each driver had their own bus all day – a coaching 24 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014

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Hedingham’s older buses are being replaced as opportunities arise within group – such as this ex Oxford Alexnader ALX400-bodied Dennis Trident. DAVID BELL

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Highlights of GoAhead in East Anglia 1877 Chambers ran its first horse-drawn bus service in Bures. 1918 Chambers bought its first bus to operate a twice weekly service between Sudbury and Colchester. 1921 What went on to become Hedingham was founded by Aubrey Letch, who traded under his own name. 1960 After Aubrey Letch retired, the business was sold to Donald MacGregor, who renamed it Hedingham & District Omnibuses. 1981 Anglian was established by David and Christine Pursey.

The workshop in Dereham has two bays which can accommodate four buses


Explaining some of the fleet changes, Julian said: “konectbus was a loyal Optare customer for years. We switched to ADL for various reasons, including the need for double-deckers. The AnglianBus fleet comprised a combination of Optare and Scania products. Hedingham was an ADL customer too. “We’re trying to consolidate the vehicle types as far as is practicable in various depots. It’s easier for parts and our engineering teams. “On single-deck, Anglian is mostly Scania whereas konectbus is Optare. Anglian’s Optare Versas will move to konectbus gradually, while

smaller vehicles such as Mini Pointer Darts and Optare Solos will always go where they are needed. “When Chambers was acquired, the fleet included 16-year old Olympians. These have now been replaced with 21 ex London Plaxton President-bodied Volvo B7TLs, which have been refurbished both internally and externally. A new livery was introduced to brighten up the vehicles.” As Julian rightly noted: “A mass fleet replacement was a prime opportunity to do so.” “At Hedingham a large part of the fleet is still school buses – we’ve got Olympians which do

1999 Andrew Warnes, Julian Patterson, Steve Challis and his wife Mags formed what was then known as Konect. They rented the former Eniway Coaches depot in Saham Toney and acquired the goodwill and contract work from Norfolk Green’s outstation. The initial fleet consisted of four coaches, but no buses – the first buses came in 2000. 2003 Coinciding with the change of focus from coaching to local bus work, Konect’s name was changed to konectbus. March 2010 konectbus was acquired by the Go-Ahead Group. June 2010 Accompanied by friends, the MacGregor family celebrated the 50th anniversary of Hedingham with the launch of new buses and a ceremonial livery. March 2012 Hedingham was bought by the Go-Ahead Group. April 2012 AnglianBus acquired by the Go-Ahead Group. June 2012 Chambers became part of the Go-Ahead Group.

The chambers fleet has benefitted from newer buses and revised livery. DAVID BELL

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December 2012 With the support of The Green Bus Fund, AnglianBus took delivery of the first of 13 gas-powered MAN buses – an investment of £2.6m.

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OPERATOR UPDATE › GO-AHEAD IN EAST ANGLIA morning and afternoon schools. “A year ago we did some commercial development. This saw the introduction of a new half-hourly service to Brightlingsea and the upgrade of the Colchester to Halstead service to hourly. Traditionally this had been jointly operated with First – but Hedingham ran it in between schools, which meant the opportunity to gain key peak time revenue was lost. It’s performed well, so we’re now looking at other commercial opportunities to reduce the dependency on tendered work. “When Go-Ahead bought Hedingham, it ran 93 vehicles – yet only three buses were out on the road on a Saturday. We’ve not quite reached the point where 90% are out on the road on a Saturday yet but we’re working on it,” Julian jested. “Again, we’re developing the business. The general fleet is pretty good – there are just some Olympians which need replacing. Robert MacGregor had bought new buses periodically. With Olympians being confined to schools, we can replace them when opportunities arise within Group for newer vehicles.”

Gas buses

AnglianBus operates 13 gas buses. According to Julian, “They’re performing well in service.” “There are no reliability issues,” he added. “We’re seeing a fuel saving of up to 30% over diesel equivalents. Gas is also more efficient and clean.


Introducing the charming Pest Control Manager

Tiddles is every bit as spoilable as she looks Visitors to the offices in Dereham cannot fail to notice the cat bed and food trays by the entrance door. “We’ve got a cat here – Tiddles,” explained Julian. “We call her our Pest Control Manager. She’s been coming here for two years. However, her presence means one of us has to come in to feed her on Christmas Day. “I think it helps not having a stale office environment. She sits on Graham Smith’s leather chair enjoys plenty of affection. “I asked about the possibility of fitting cat flaps in the internal office doors but was told they couldn’t as they’re fire doors so we’ve given her a door access card instead!” “Despite what they might tell you here, I don’t sit here like Blofeld,” joked Julian.

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Julian said the MAN gas buses are performing well in service “Issues which have got to be taken into account are the initial cost of the vehicles, which is higher, the infrastructure at the depot and potential higher maintenance costs as the vehicles age.” Overall, he said: “It’s still early days. Over the life of the vehicle, it will probably be swings and roundabouts – but the reality is it’s still too early to comment at this stage.”

Brand retention

In stark contrast to other members of the so-called ‘Big Five’ operators, the Go-Ahead Group has never developed a universal brand. In East Anglia where konectbus and AnglianBus cover some common ground around Norwich and likewise for Hedingham and Chambers in Suffolk and Essex, it could be argued that in the interest of operational flexibility, some consolidation of the brands is ripe. However, the status quo has been retained. Why? Julian took up the story: “In their own area, each one is well established, so it would be a shame to wipe away all that customer loyalty. “In Norwich, AnglianBus and konectbus were both known brands, so the work can interchange easily between the two. Chambers and Hedingham are long established and respected operations, so it’s vital we recognise that. Having said that, we’ve introduced a standard fleet name style, i.e. the same font, all in lower case and a family of individual websites. We’ve not wiped away the past in each of the companies.”

Further acquisition?

Is Go-Ahead in the market for further acquisitions? “That’s for those above me to decide,” replied Julian. “I’m sure Group looks for good bolt-on acquisitions or parts which can be absorbed into the existing units which could provide benefit to the business in East Anglia. Not just for the sake of it – there must be potential to grow the bottom line.”

Heritage vehicles

Without doubt a ‘celebrity’ vehicle in the konectbus fleet for many years has been 1977-built Leyland National no.152, registered ‘UFX852S’ – but it has now entered private

We’ve always looked at tendered work which could be developed into commercial. preservation. “When you’re in the environment we’re in now, there’s room for some sentimentality but it needs to benefit the business,” explained Julian. “The National is undoubtedly a reliable spare bus. With the reduction in Anglian’s fleet, we’ve got low floors which are fully depreciated to fulfil that role so the business can no longer justify keeping the National. “However, Andy Warnes and I have bought it for preservation. It’s konectbus livery is to be retained and it will be available to the business for special events. If it’s used too much, it will get worn out. It reached its 37th birthday in November – you never realise how old Nationals are – if looked after, they keep on going and going. “While I know the National as a type has got more than it’s fair share of haters, I still think it’s the best bus model ever built – I would run a fleet of them tomorrow if I could. Yes there were problems when first introduced, but that’s the same with everything. “For similar reasons, Hedingham had a Leopard (‘RGV284N’), that saw little use and has now been sold. It’s doesn’t do buses any good to be sitting around.”


It’s clear Go-Ahead Group in East Anglia has an interesting and exciting future. The firm is remaining close to its roots and has recognised the importance of working with its local authorities. Modernisation is coming slowly but surely to some of the acquired businesses but is thankfully being done is a way which does not forget the past. At its core is a management team which is a group of experienced enthusiastic young-minded professionals who understand the business and perhaps importantly, appear to enjoy what they do – and it shows. Go ahead in more ways than one. n

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arch 22, 2013 is a date that will have passed without comment for most of us – just as it should do. Yet March 22, 2013 is significant in the history of UK bus manufacturing. On that date the very last Leyland chassis to be built and the last chassis to emerge from Leyland’s purpose built bus factory in Workington, Cumbria was withdrawn after exactly 19 years intensive urban service. It was an event that went almost completely unnoticed not least because it happened 6,740 miles away, but a Swindon-based preservationist, Dave Rogers has saved the vehicle concerned, shipped it back to the UK, and hopes to be rallying it this summer. The bus, an SBS Transit 12-metre tri-axle Alexander-bodied Olympian registered SBS9168S, entered service on March 23, 1994 in Singapore. The Land Transport Authority there has very strict rules, stipulating how long a bus can remain licensed. Normally its 17 years. However SBS Transit managed to negotiate an extension for some of its Leylands based on a partial refurbishment. Most only saw a further three or four months service, but some including SBS9168S continued for another two years. Chassis, no ON21080 was one of 200 delivered to what was Singapore Bus Services in 19934. They received air-conditioned, two-door Alexander Royale bodies with bonded glazing assembled locally by what was then SBS Engineering, now ComfortDelGro Engineering.


in history

Andy Izatt talks to Dave Rogers about his important collection of preserved Leylands from around the world. It includes the last Leyland chassis of them all

Branded Superbus, they were at the time amongst the most advanced double-decker buses anywhere in the world and were followed by 200 more based on Irvine-built Volvo Olympian chassis. The Leylands were powered by Cummins LT10 engines driving through ZF 4HP500 automatic gearboxes. Nippondenso/Sutrak supplied the airconditioning for the batch which were configured with 55 seats on the upper deck, 38 in the lower. Carrying capacity was 131. The last of the batch including the last to be registered, SBS9199C

(chassis ON20865), were withdrawn on April 26, 2013. Apart from Dave’s bus, they have all been sold for scrap. SBS9168S was first allocated to Ang Mo Kio depot, initially operating on routes 132 and 156 (Hougang – BT Merah) for around six years. Another six were spent on the 25 (Ang Mo Kio – Bedok) and then three on service 161 (Hougang – Woodlands) before it moved to Soon Lee Bus Park and a stint on the 182 (Boon Lay – Jurong West). For its last three years it operated on route 154 (Boon Lay – Eunos). It carried an all over

Not a sight normally seen in Wiltshire, Dave’s last Leyland from Singapore. DAVE ROGERS

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advertising scheme for, which expired three weeks before its withdrawal, but it was still restored to full SBS Transit livery.

Significant Leylands

Dave Rogers is no stranger to saving significant Leylands from far flung places. He has three others in his collection, two from Hong Kong and a third, a left-hand-drive ECW-bodied Olympian, which demonstrated in service in Lisbon, Portugal and Alexandria, Egypt. It was even sent to Brazil in the early 1980s. These days Dave drives HGVs, choosing to separate his profession from his hobby, but he drove minibuses and buses for what used to be Swindon & District before progressing to coaches at Heathrow-based Speedlink. He first visited Hong Kong in 1994. The operation had significantly expanded the previous September with the takeover of 26 routes on Hong Kong island from China Motor Bus. Having a particular interest in late model Leylands, Dave returned to Hong Kong in 1999 to seek out the four 12-metre ECW-bodied tri-axle Olympian coaches that Citybus had bought for cross-boarder service 500 to Shenzen in the People’s Republic of China in the mid-1980s, inquiring in particular about the fate of fleet number 102, the first of the four and a vehicle with a particularly interesting history. What was originally fleet number C51, registration DE4281 with chassis number ON332, entered service with Citybus in February 1985, but had been new as a 103-seat bus three years earlier. A sister vehicle to a low-height three-door ECW-bodied Olympian delivered to Kowloon Motor Bus as fleet number 3BL1, it was expected to go to China Motor Bus, but was never delivered. Instead it was used as a Leyland demonstrator before being rebuilt as a 71-seat coach for Citybus. While the original body frame was retained, it looked a totally different vehicle. Stone International of Crawley supplied the airconditioning and the Leyland TL11 engine was replaced by a Gardner 6LXCT, but the hydracyclic gearbox was retained. After nine years passenger service, 102 was withdrawn along with the three other ECW Olympian coaches, but was reconditioned as an advanced trainer the following year. Dave learned that 102 was again due for withdrawal. As it was still in largely original condition, he decided to buy it that November. Citybus was owned by Stagecoach at the time, which was repatriating Dennis Darts from Hong Kong for further service in the UK. Thanks to the operator’s assistance he was able to arrange the return of 102 via Japan as part of the same shipment, paying the extra cost. Quite a bit of renovation work has been undertaken on the coach. It had stood unused since February 1999 in Hong Kong. Open windows had replaced some of the fixed glazing. As these had been left open, normal practice, sub-tropical weather had had its effect on the soft-trim interior. The coach had also lost its original seats, with only 17 vinyl ones installed in the lower deck for its training role. Initial replacements were Lazzerini seats donated by Reading Transport, which was reseating its coach-seated Optare

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SBS9199C had around a year of service left when it was photographed in Hougang, Singapore

SBS9168S seated up 93 and could carry 38. It’s still smart after 12 years. DAVE ROGERS and ECW-bodied Olympian used on its London service as buses. Coach seats from an ECWbodied Olympian coach built for a UK customer were later sourced and have been installed in the upper deck. The bus was sent to Duoflex in Brackley, where these seats were trimmed in new moquette, and the soft trim on the sidewalls and ceilings was replaced.

Hong Kong regularly

By 2004 when Dave decided to make his second Hong Kong purchase, visiting the former British Colony had become an annual event. During this visit, he learned that fleet number 105, the last of the four ECW Olympian coaches was due for withdrawal and scrapping. Originally built in 1985 with a Leyland TL11 engine, C61 later 105, registered DU5866 (chassis ON1802) had a 78-seat body and an onboard toilet. Stone International of Crawly again supplied the air-conditioning and the vehicle was initially used once again by Leyland as demonstrator. It entered service with Citybus in Hong Kong in August 1987. After being taken out of service in 1994, Citybus completely rebuilt the bus in Hong Kong at which point it received an Alexander R-type front. Seating capacity was increased to 96 and it was re-powered with a Cummins LT10 engine driving through a ZF 4HP500 gearbox. It also had the

Dave Rogers with his left-hand-drive ECW Leyland Olympian restoration project. DAVE ROGERS air-conditioning replaced with an engine driven system by Konvekta. As part of the agreement to sell Citybus (SGC (HK Group) Ltd) to Delta Pearl Ltd, a subsidiary of Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd in 2003, Stagecoach retained a large number of air-conditioned Alexander-bodied Leyland Olympians, that went on to be used to develop its growing operation in the UK. Those vehicles had to be shipped back and Dave, following a letter to Sir Brian Souter explaining its historical significance, was able to purchase 105 from this consignment, paying an additional charge to cover the shipping. In much better condition than 102 because of its rebuild, only minor work has been needed to 105, which was purchased in March 2004. It was a centre of attraction at Showbus at The Imperial War Museum, Duxford, that year. Not that Dave’s involvement with importing buses from Hong Kong has stopped there. He advised Tony Kinch of Kinch of Minety over the purchase of seven of China Light & Power’s Alexander RH-bodied Leyland Olympians in 2009. Those buses, part of a batch of 15, originally seated 101 and two have subsequently been bought by Pulham & Sons Coaches of Bourton-on-the-Water (CBW, Big Picture, November 13, 2013). Dave has also bought other buses for

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HERITAGE › THE DAVE ROGERS COLLECTION When it first returned to the UK, 102 was presented in cross-boarder livery

UWW7X, the Swindon & District Olympian that Dave first drove in service. DAVE ROGERS

Making an impression at Showbus 2004, rebuilt 105 looks like an Alexander

Dave has had 102 finished in Leyland demo livery. Note the steering rear axle. DAVE ROGERS

preservation over the years including two Leyland TN15 Titans – the rear engined version – that had been new to Greater Manchester PTE and a former West Riding Leyland Royal Tiger Doyen, which he had painted in Leyland demonstrator livery. 102 has now been similarly treated. An 87-seat Alexander Leyland Olympian new to Swindon & District was sold to Harrogate Coach Travel on the understanding that when the time comes, Dave will have first refusal on buying it back. A West Yorkshire Roe-bodied Leyland Olympian that had operated for Swindon & District and the first bus he drove in service is also owned. The engine has been repaired and the bus repainted and re-seated. The next job is the outriggers. However, the remaining Titan and coach were sold to help raise funds to buy and ship the last Leyland.

again at the beginning of 2013 and negotiations were opened. It seemed there was interest from a buyer in New Zealand and the price being asked was higher than Dave thought the bus was actually worth, or was prepared to pay. Negotiations broke down and Dave thought he’d lost the bus, but in June he received an email from ComfortDelGro to see if he was still

Zeebrugge, on October 17. Dave admits that the paperwork has been a nightmare, and some remedial work that he had carried out by a contractor since its return has disappointingly not been to the required standard, and returned to him with new problems not present when they received the bus. But he is delighted to have saved the bus, which was shipped without damage, and was a real pleasure to drive, with absolutely no faults or issues, up from Southampton to Swindon. “It ran in arduous conditions for 19 years,” he said. “When it was bodied in Singapore that chassis was chosen for bodying at random so it wasn’t the last to be registered. It was just a standard bus and treated accordingly. When it moved depots there was a fire at the old one that would have destroyed it. It missed that by a couple of weeks. It was never mollycoddled. There was never any special treatment.” SBS9168S’ rally appearances this year will depend on Dave’s other current project, restoring left-hand-drive Olympian demonstrator NEC828X (chassis: ON73), which was professionally converted into an exhibition vehicle, for a religious organisation, The King’s Coach back in the 1980s. Dave has owned ‘NEC’ since April 2011. Many items are missing and if anyone can help with the project, he would be delighted to hear from them. He can be contacted on email: n

Singapore purchase

Dave first encountered SBS 9168S when he visited Singapore in 2005. He thought then that if any Leyland deserved saving, this was the one. Assuming the bus would have a 17-year life, he e-mailed ComfortDelGro explaining his interest, its historic significance and desire to buy it. Then he learned about the Land Transport Authority extension, which could have seen it stay in service for an additional three years. With it clear that the bus would be withdrawn after two, contact with ComfortDelGro was made 30 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014 028_030_CBW1121_Dave Rodgers.indd 30

Dave first encountered SBS 9168S when he visited Singapore in 2005. He thought then that if any Leyland deserved saving, this was the one

interested. A manager at Soon Lee Bus Park had kept the bus back and it hadn’t been scrapped. A deal was agreed and with help from friends in Singapore, shipping to the UK was arranged. SBS9168S couldn’t be driven to the docks even on trade plates – the Land Transport Authority wouldn’t allow it – so it had to be towed. It left Singapore on September 14, arriving at Southampton Docks after a short stopover at

20/01/2014 17:17




Page 1


Caris Coaches licence revoked at Public Inquiry Traffic Commissioner for the North East, Kevin Rooney, hears of a plethora of violations and evidence of poor practice, disqualifying George Caris from holding an O-Licence for two years and from acting as Traffic Manager indefinitely


George Michael Caris is the holder of a standard international O-licence with authorisation for the use of six vehicles. The licence started in 1995. The operator has a chequered history. A warning letter was issued in 1998 following the findings of a vehicle examiner that prohibitions had been issued. There was no forward planning system and no driver defect reporting system. He was first called to Public Inquiry (PI) in 2002 and a formal warning was recorded for maintenance issues and a defective speed limiter. He was next at PI in 2004 in relation to passengers consuming alcohol on the way to a football match. Undertakings were recorded to reinforce the requirement on operators to prevent this from occurring. The third PI took place in January 2011. This related to maintenance and an offence whereby Mr Caris allowed his daughter to drive a vehicle carrying passengers without the appropriate class of licence, and the vehicle in question did not have a valid PSV annual test certificate (it had been tested as a private vehicle, not for commercial carriage of passengers). The licence authority was reduced from seven to six and further undertakings recorded. It was reported to Traffic Commissioner (TC) for the North East, Kevin Rooney, that on Sunday, November 4, 2012, Constable Lee Lomax of Merseyside Police stopped a vehicle which arrived at a Liverpool football match at 1425hrs. The match was due to kick off at 1600hrs.

The passengers on the coach (registration – V84 LYS) were Newcastle United supporters and the 49-seater vehicle belonged to Mr Caris. The driver was Christopher Cartwright. There were 27 passengers on board and Constable Lomax stated that the majority of them had clearly been consuming alcohol on route and were, in his opinion, drunk. There was a clear smell of alcohol, spillages and numerous empty cans and bottles were found. There was alcohol in the side hold of the coach. The Officers estimated that between 125 and 150 separate containers of alcohol were uncovered. Supporting photographs showed vast stacks of alcohol and bottles and tins strewn around inside the vehicle. The driver was quizzed, but maintained he knew nothing about the alcohol. The driver was given a verbal warning and he replied to the caution by saying that he didn’t know they couldn’t drink. TC Kevin Rooney had already decided to call Mr Caris to PI when further relevant matters were referred to him. The first was a report from Traffic Examiner Christine McLoughlin, who had found the following shortcomings during her investigation: l No systems in place for monitoring ‘working time directive’; l Tachographs are stored at home address; l No initial training given to drivers in relation to drivers’ hours and tachograph regulations; l Operator did not keep copies of: Driver CPC, driver licence checks or criminal record checks; l No test certificate for vehicle W208 EAG, or insurance certificate or VEL. Vehicle Examiner Mark Douglas reported the following: “On Friday, September 6, 2013 I was on duty conducting roadside checks of vehicles at Wentworth car park in Hexham, Northumberland. Traffic Examiner Christine McLoughlin was also present.

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All three of the vehicles found to have invalid insurance had been used to transport school children. One had a door which didn’t close properly, while another failed to display school bus signs to the front and rear as required

20/01/2014 17:54


At approximately 1300hrs we conducted an inspection of a PSV vehicle W208EAG, a large single deck coach. “The coach was a plain white vehicle and was not marked with any company lively. There was no legal lettering on the nearside of the vehicle to display the Operator’s name and there was no O-licence displayed in the windscreen. “We spoke to the Driver, who I recognised as being Mr Mohammed Sultaan (14/02/1982). I asked who he was working for that day, and he informed me that he was working for Caris Coaches. I asked why he was not displaying an O-licence disc. I was told he was in a hurry that morning and had forgotten to pick it up. “I made a phone call and spoke to Mr George Michael Caris on his mobile phone number. The mobile phone connection was very poor, however, I was able to briefly speak to Mr Caris. I quoted the registration number W208EAG to Mr Caris and I asked if he was operating this vehicle today, he told me he was. I asked who was driving the vehicle today he told me it was Mr Mohammad Sultaan. I asked what journey the vehicle was operating today and who the contract was for. He told me that he did not know. He went on to say that he was away for the weekend and was not currently at work.” A follow-up visit with Mr Caris saw him unable to produce any documentation in relation to the vehicle being used by Mr Sultaan, who was the vehicle owner at the time. Mr Sultaan was also issued a Fixed Penalty Notice at the check for exceeding four and a half hours driving without adequate breaks. Vehicle Examiner Douglas also reported that, on the morning of Thursday, September 12, 2013, Northumbria Police Officer PC2931 conducted a check of two PSV vehicles operated by Caris Coaches at a school in Felling, Gateshead. Vehicles KSU467 and R620MNU were both laden at that time, carrying school children. One of the vehicles was driven by Mr George Michael Caris at this time. As a result of

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PNC checks the Police Officer found that neither buses were recorded on the insurance database and Mr Caris was unable to produce a certificate of insurance to cover his use at the time. The two vehicles were seized by Northumbria Police. It was noted by the police officer that neither bus was displaying school bus signs to the front or rear as required for the carriage of children to and from schools. The police officer recorded that the buses were being operated by a partnership between Mr Caris and his wife whereas the licence exists in the name of Mr Caris as a sole trader. For all these reasons, TC Kevin Rooney decided to call Mr Caris to PI. Mr Caris was called also and separately as transport manager. In the week leading up to the inquiry, VOSA informed the TC that Mr Caris had again been encountered at St Joseph’s School, Hebburn. Vehicle V84 LYS was issued with a prohibition notice for three defects one of which was considered immediately dangerous, being an external flap door that could not be secured shut. Police had also attended and the vehicle was not insured. It was named on the insurance policy of a local driving instructor but that did not cover the carriage of passengers for hire or reward. The vehicle was again seized. On Tuesday, December 3, 2013, vehicle HBZ 4676 was inspected at Bill Quay Primary School in Gateshead. The driver was Mr George Caris but the licence disc displayed was that of another operator, PCL Travel. The examiner called PCL travel, which said it was not aware of their vehicle being at the school at that time. The vehicle was due to have been with Mr George Caris’ grandson, Mr Michael Caris. Mr Michael Caris turned up at the school and collected the vehicle. Both these matters were covered in a supplementary PI brief and added to the matters for consideration at the inquiry.

The Public Inquiry

Mr George Michael Caris attended the PI. VOSA was represented by Vehicle Examiner Mark Douglas. No finances were provided. Mr


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Under Section 17 of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 (the Act), the Caris Coaches O-Licence was revoked with effect from January 20, 2014 Under Section 28 of the Transport Act 1985, Mr George Michael Caris lost his good repute and was disqualified from applying for or holding an O-licence in any part of Great Britain for a period of two years. Under Schedule 3 of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981, and pursuant to Article 14 of EU Regulation 1071/2009, Mr George Michael Caris has lost his repute and is unfit to act as a Transport Manager in any Member State for an indefinite period. Caris was given until Tuesday, December 10, 2013 to submit evidence of financial standing. Vehicle Examiner Mark Douglas confirmed the accuracy of both his primary PI statement and the supplementary statement arising from the very recent encounters with Mr Caris. He explained Mr Mohammed Sultaan was known to him as he had been running his father’s licence which was surrendered in July 2013. It was clearly possible that Mr Sultaan was using Mr Caris’ licence for his own work, hence the follow-up visit. There was no hire agreement in place. The vehicle was leased to Mr Sultaan for use by Ali’s Travel which did not hold a licence. The journey in question had been to bring school children back from a week away in the Lake District. They had been taken there by a different operator. It was notable that no-one had submitted a bill to the school for the return trip. In terms of general maintenance, it was unremarkable. Annual test results showed an 80% pass rate

In the week leading up to the inquiry, VOSA informed the TC that Mr Caris had again been encountered at St Joseph’s School… Police had also attended and the vehicle was not insured

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Kevin Rooney, TC for the North East, found the evidence of George Caris to be unreliable after judging several of his stories to be false or highly unlikely in line with the national average. Prohibitions were not untypical for the age and use of the vehicles. Mr Caris gave his evidence. He had had a problem with insurance at the beginning of September having been required to pay an annual amount up front. He had arranged for the vehicles to be transferred to Mr Sultaan to be operated under his insurance. He showed evidence that, on September 11, 2013, the day before vehicles were seized for no insurance, he had transferred an amount from his bank to an account in the name of Ali’s Travel. He also showed evidence he had been talking with an insurance company the previous day about having his own insurance. He passed a copy of the insurance certificate for Mohammed Sultaan t/a Ali’s Travel. The TC remarked that the persons entitled to drive were ‘any person in the employ of the policyholder who is driving on the order or with the permission of the policyholder.’ Mr Caris seemed unconcerned with this detail. Mr Caris showed a copy of his response to the VOSA visit, this not having previously been received by them. He said he had sent it by replying to an email from the Traffic Examiner Ms McLoughlin. It was readily

apparent that the email address purportedly used was incorrect yet Mr Caris told me that he had not had an email bounce-back notification. The written response concerned mainly the use by Mr Sultaan of the vehicle W208

didn’t think that him doing the job would be a problem. In relation to the alcohol issue, he had hired a part-time driver to do the job. He didn’t like football jobs because of the issue with alcohol. Driver Cartwright

EAG. The response said that the vehicle was due to be leased by Mr Caris from the week following the encounter but this had not, in the event, occurred. Mr Sultaan should have used a bus owned by Mr Caris and there was nothing stopping him doing so. He had been employed simply as a driver. Vehicle V84 LYS had been on hire to Terry at the driving school. The deal was that Terry could use it if he insured it. He was not aware that the insurance did not cover his use of the vehicle for hire or reward. He had been doing a favour for his grandson on December 3 when he was driving he vehicle belonging to PCL Travel. His grandson had been too ill to work. He knew the operator well and

had been instructed not to let alcohol on board and had made passengers put most of it in the side lockers. Mr Cartwright had picked up the group at Newcastle Central Station.

“This is not the behaviour of an individual who treats compliance with any degree of seriousness,”– TC Kevin Rooney

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Consideration and findings of fact

The TCs brief did not contain a copy of the original application form signed by Mr Caris in 1995 and the statements contained on an application form at that time were not known. Mr Caris gave a specific undertaking at PI in 2004 that alcohol on vehicles would be managed. He said he didn’t like football jobs because of the alcohol, yet he allowed a single

driver to collect a large group of fans on route from Newcastle to Liverpool, a lengthy trip. He provided the driver with no support to load the vehicle, which was contrary to the undertaking given in 2004. Mr Caris had three vehicles confiscated by the police for having been in use with no relevant certificate of insurance in force. This was directly contrary to the standard licence undertaking which the rules in relation to the operation of the vehicles used under the licence will be observed. Eight roadworthiness prohibition notices had been issued to vehicles operated under the licence in the last five years. A fixed penalty notice was issued to driver Mohammed Sultaan on September 6, 2013. Since this was only one fixed penalty over a five year period, the TC ruled it was not enough for there to have been a material change in any of the circumstances of the licenceholder relevant to the issue or variation of the licence. In order for me to make a finding on repute, the TC was required to conduct a balancing exercise. In the positive, the mechanical condition of the fleet was no better or no worse than similar fleets of older vehicles

20/01/2014 17:54


used on mixed work. Mr Caris was also generally co-operative and attended the PI. On the other hand, the shortcomings were serious. Three vehicles on two separate occasions were confiscated by the police for having been used to carry passengers, school children, with no valid certificate of insurance in force. The TC said he was entirely unconvinced by the explanation that vehicles had been transferred to Mr Sultaan for him to ensure. Mr Sultaan’s insurance certificate precluded the use of that policy unless the driver was employed by him. It certainly could never extend to providing cover for a third party operator. The TC said Mr Caris knew he had problems with insurance and should have been at pains to

a call to PI for no insurance, the TC found it entirely improbable that Mr Caris did not know his vehicle would not be insured for the carriage of passengers and found that he knowingly used three separate vehicles on two separate occasions while they were not insured. He also judged that Mr Caris’ explanations were not plausible and his evidence is unreliable as a result. The TC said Mr Caris’ story in relation to Mr Sultaan working for him on September 6 “frankly beggars belief.” Mr Sultaan was driving his own vehicle, a vehicle for which he may have had insurance but for which he did not have an O-licence. He told the vehicle examiner by telephone on the day that he did not know what job the vehicle was on, nor who the customer was. Mr Caris did

I find a period of two years provides the right balance of sending a message of deterrence, keeping a non-compliant operator out of the system

ensure any solution he came up with provided cover. He concluded that Mr Caris was wholly negligent in checking that Mr Sultaan’s insurance was valid for his use and the whole story was ‘a complete fabrication.’ On the second occasion when he had a vehicle seized, it was insured for use by a driver training school for the purpose of driver training. Having had vehicles seized two months earlier for no insurance, and having had

not submit a bill for the job. The TC felt it was more likely than not that Mr Sultaan had arranged the work himself and was using Mr Caris as a licence of convenience. The TC said he was required to consider the Upper Tribunal decision, which has become known as the ‘Bryan Haulage’ question (following a 2009 appeal to the Transport Tribunal). The question: “Is the conduct such that the operator ought to be put out of business?”

The operator was stopped twice for allowing football supporters to drink alcohol onboard. When one of the drivers was cautioned, he claimed he was unaware that this was not allowed

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KEY POINTS Caris Coaches had a n ‘chequered history,’ having attended three previous Public

Inquiries for matters related to maintenance issues, poor record keeping, alcohol consumption by passengers and invalid licences and test certificates. George Michael Caris was n called to Public Inquiry by Traffic Commissioner Kevin

Rooney following several issues, the most prominent of which was two vehicles used to transport school children being seized by police for no insurance. After being called to Public n Inquiry but before the inquiry took place, another

vehicle was seized by police after it was found to have no valid insurance. The Traffic Commissioner n accepted that the mechanical condition of the fleet was in line with national figures and George Caris had

TC Kevin Rooney said: “Knowingly carrying passengers in un-insured vehicles is of itself enough for me to conclude that this is an operator who deserves to be put out of business for the safety of his passengers and those on the roads around him. When I add to that the stories fabricated to cover these events and the lending of licence authority to an apparent illegal operator and the conclusion is put beyond doubt. “I must also consider the Upper Tribunal ‘Priority Freight’ question of how likely is it that this operator will, in future, operate in compliance with the O-licensing regime. Mr Caris had vehicles seized by police for no isurance in September 2013, received a calling-in letter to PI dealing with that matter in October 2013 and was again found using an uninsured vehicle in late November 2013. That is not the behaviour of an individual who treats compliance with any degree of seriousness. I therefore find the answer to the Priority Freight question is ‘extremely unlikely.’ In doing so, I find that Mr Caris has lost his repute as an operator and as a Transport Manager. “There are aggravating factors here, notably the repeated lack of insurance and the apparent permitting of an unlicensed

been cooperative and attended the Public Inquiry. Since only a single driver fixed penalty notice had been issued over a five year period, this was not found to be serious enough to affect the decision. However the TC did not n accept the excuses for other prohibitions, which were

thought to be either ‘complete fabrications’ or implausible, and found his evidence unreliable. He was thought to be negligent and to not take compliance seriously. operator to operate using the benefit of his licence such that disqualification is appropriate. I have considered a lengthy period of disqualification but Mr Caris told me that he is 60 years old and has no other realistic opportunity for employment. I have considered a token period of disqualification but I find that would send entirely the wrong message to both him and other operators of the seriousness of the matters before me. I find a period of two years provides the right balance of sending a message of deterrence, keeping a non-compliant operator out of the system with the personal impact on Mr Caris’ livelihood. “The finances provided subsequent to the hearing were not adequate to satisfy me as to the availability of adequate financial standing. “Mr Caris has lost his repute as a Transport Manager. I am disqualifying him from acting as such for an indefinite period. By that I am saying that he can apply to be a Transport Manager at any time but he will at that point need to satisfy a TC that he has reestablished his good repute and that he will do a meaningful job in the role. He is unlikely to achieve that if any further instances of driving or operating while uninsured come to light.” n

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 35 20/01/2014 19:05

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20/01/2014 19:13

THE BIG PICTURE This new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter with an EVM X-Clusive conversion is one of the first Euro 6 minicoaches to go into service in the UK. It joined the family-owned Grange Travel Services operation, based in Gravesend, in mid-January and was put straight to work – its first outing taking a party to London and the following day undertaking a twoday trip to Ostend. It has the powerful V6 diesel engine, developing 190bhp, coupled to a 7G-Tronic automatic gearbox and employs the latest engine stop/start technology. It has 13 leather upholstered reclining seats, four tables and two cool boxes. Monitor screens front and rear are linked to highly a sophisticated Parrot multi-media infotainment system which does away with the need for separate radio/CD/DVD/PA. It has Bluetooth capability handsfree communication.

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20/01/2014 19:13


B&H Bristol KSW sold to Seaford & District

Volunteers to take over Wirral Transport Museum

Popular 60-year old doubledecker to remain in the South East of England

A heritage bus which has been something of a flagship in the Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company (B&H) fleet for almost 30 years has been sold to a local independent specialising in the operation of restored vehicles. 1953-built former Brighton, Hove & District Omnibus Co ECWbodied Bristol KSW ‘HAP985’ was withdrawn in 1969 and had various uses before being bought back in 1986 and returned to its former glory. In the intervening period, it has been available for private hire and has also been in public service on special occasions. It moved to its new owners at Seaford & District last Monday (January 8). Affectionately known as ‘the Old Girl,’ the bus performed its final B&H duties on routes 5 and 6 on December 19. Pat Stringer, Head of Operations at B&H told CBW: “The Bristol KSW has performed amazing service with us over the years, culminating in her final run with us for Christmas (and her 60th birthday) on routes 5 and 6 on December 19. However, like all good things, they come to an end. We’re sure Seaford & District will look after her with all the care and attention that she needs going forward and she’ll

On display at the museum is this 1946 Birkenhead Corporation Massey-bodied Leyland PD1/1A

The Bristol bus made its way to its new owners. PAUL GREEN continue to be a familiar sight on the roads of Sussex and beyond.” David Mulpeter, Proprietor of Seaford & District said: “We’re very pleased to have been the successful tenderer for the Bristol KSW. It’s long-term future is now safe. We will keep it Class VI MOT’d – it will be available for hire. It’s a highprofile vehicle – it’s vital to enable people to continue to enjoy it. “The bus also fits in well with our collection of local heritage vehicles, which include examples from the former Eastbourne and Southdown fleets.

“The condition of the vehicle is a credit to her previous owner and we will continue to look after her and help ensure part of Brighton’s history lives on.” B&H retains its 1965-built Routemaster RML2317, registered ‘CUV317C’ which remains available for hire.

Visit Seaford & District’s website at www. or call 01323 332722. To hire B&H’s Routemaster, call 01273 886222 or email

Wirral Borough Council, which currently owns the Wirral Transport Museum on Taylor Street in Birkenhead, is proceeding with transfer discussions with its volunteers, after earlier discussions with Merseytravel fell through back in 2011. The outcome of this will be that the museum will be taken over by its volunteers, without the assistance of Wirral Borough Council. This means the museum must become self sufficient in terms of upkeep and maintenance as well as any other overheads that the museum holds. Heritage groups such as the 201 Bus Group and others connected with the museum feared at one stage it could become a victim of a budget crackdown to make inroads into Wirral Council’s multi-million pound overspend, although now this may not be the case. The target date for completion of these discussions and a handover to the volunteers is March 31, 2014.

Salisbury Bus Station’s vintage bus tribute The end of Salisbury Bus Station on January 5 was celebrated in style – with a vintage bus running day. Opened in 1939, the facility has been closed owing to it being too expensive to maintain and operate. To mark the occasion, bus firm Salisbury Reds arranged for more than 20 buses to be present. These ranged from Southern Vectis’ 1939-built Bristol K5G ‘CDL899’ better known as ‘Old Girl’ to a New Bus for London – LT1119, operated by London General. There was very much a local feel to it, with past members from the fleets of Wilts & Dorset, Hants & Dorset and King Alfred’s. A Silver Star Leyland Atlantean

Among the volunteer drivers was Andrew Wickham, MD of Salisbury Reds

Andrew Sherrington with a Bristol RE which was used in Salisbury in the 1970s and 80s

operated on the firm’s old route to East Gombledon. Vehicles from outside the area included Sir Peter Hendy’s Routemaster RM1005, Dave Fricker’s Royal Blue Bristol MW and two examples of Dr Mike

Walker’s Bristol vehicle collection. Despite the wet weather, hundreds of families and bus enthusiasts braved the conditions to admire the vehicles and bid farewell to the city’s bus station.

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Donations were collected for Salisbury District Hospital’s Stars Appeal and £2,500 was raised on the day, which was doubled by the Go-Ahead Group, which owns Salisbury Reds. Andrew Sherrington, Salisbury Red’s Operations Manager told CBW: “I would like to thank all those who came along. It was definitely an event of massive success. Fortunately the local and regional media responded very positively. The event certainly raised our profile in Salisbury.” The last-ever regular bus service to pull out of Salisbury Bus Station was the X3 to Ringwood on the Saturday night, driven by Will Degan.

20/01/2014 15:13


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2013, tough for ITMEN UK TCoach Awards: Time FOR RECRUp4 to nominate FIRST manufacturers drivers p46 WEEK JOB ADVERTS EVERY




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Strong views on Driver CPC Inadequate funding – a road to ruin?


eader will undoubted notice two key stories in this issue’s news pages show potential withdrawal of all transport authority support for West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT) while the Scottish Government is providing grant funding of £1m to aid community transport in Scotland. The effect on WMSNT could be close to catastrophic – especially for a socially necessary service which �ills in the gaps even an ef�icient

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local public transport system cannot seek to address. In Scotland it seems like the funding allocation is designed to spur activity from the community sector in a bid to maintain some sort of transport link for many of its small and isolated communities. With the larger operators backing away from rural services as support funding dwindles the only lifeline may be nothing more than a community minibus once or twice a week – which is bad enough for people who need shopping or to attend medical appointments but as much use as a chocolate teapot to anyone in education or with a job to attend. While any form of support for rural communities is desirable and very welcome, you have to wonder if, long term, community organisations will run into trouble as customer demand for more and regular services are called for. Such operations emerging to cope with this would have to run under Section 22 at the minimum and potentially they could grow to the point where they need to employ full time staff and begin to face the overheads commercial operators currently incur. It seems like it’s promoting another vicious circle.


December 18, 2013 | COACH & BUS WEEK MINIBUS | 43



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13/01/2014 19:03


Finalists announced for this year's UK Coach Awards p4

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Stagecoach still achievin g growth both in the UK andorganic LEGAL: BUS: abroad p10

PI for Midlands �irm after convicted sex offender is hired p38


Brighton & Hove launches mobile ticketing p7

How Redwing Coaches has worked with VUE CCTV p42

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16/09/2013 19:04 20/01/2014 15:34

682924-1121-EVM FP



Page 1

MINIBUS The essential read for Minibus Operators

January 2013

A new era for low emissions


his month’s issue is pretty much dominated by Euro 6 – the latest implementation of emissions legislation which sees the virtual elimination of particulates from the exhaust. Currently only Mercedes-Benz has brought Euro 6 to market and the other manufacturers will follow over the course of the next 12 months. The new technology does not come without added cost and there are some significant price increases attached to new vehicles as a result. They are not just attached to Euro 6 modifications, the range has been updated with some restyling and some new or revised safety systems. The ESP has been upgraded, engine stop/start developed to work with automatic transmission and there is now a side wind compensation option along with a blind-spot assist. Press releases from manufacturers generally arrive via e-mail as soon as they are released, however, trawling the web for stories last week I discovered a

041_043_CBW1121_MINIBUS News.indd 41

press release (dated September 2013) on the Daimler media site I had not been sent. It referred to the ending of the period of co-operation with Volkswagen and said the current arrangement would cease by 2016. This will effectively cut production of the Crafter and leave Volkswagen to develop its own replacement. It also refers to a plan to extend the Sprinter range with a larger capacity model. This, no doubt, will be the replacement for Vario which no-one at MercedesBenz has yet said anything about. It is welcome news as it will provide the necessary capacity for operators seeking 27-33-seats without the need to purchase more expensive Atego-based products – all of which have to be coachbuilt and involve many man-hours just making the chassis suitable for coach applications. Martin Cole MINIBUS Editor

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK MINIBUS | 41 20/01/2014 18:52


Arriva Transport Solutions criticised Failure to meet multiple targets draws many complaints Arriva Transport Solutions has been severely criticised for failing to meet its contracted duties in the northwest. An investigation into the company’s performance, undertaken by Manchester Evening News (MEN), reveals it undercut former NHS contractor North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) by £3.5m last April but has so far failed to meet its obligations to provide the required level of non-emergency ambulance and patient transfer services, missing key targets every month from April to October. According to MEN, 411 complaints were received in the first six months because patients had not been picked up in time to make vital appointments and

Euro 6 Sprinter for Aldermaston Coaches Aldermaston Coaches of Reading recently took delivery of this new Euro 6 EVM Sprinter. Based on a Mercedes-Benz Bluetech Sprinter 516 Cdi with a 163bhp engine and 7G-Tronic automatic gearbox it was specified with 22 EVM Comfort Class seats and a Sound 15 head unit. It employs the original passenger entrance door, modified to suit the entrance stepwell and was fitted with allround privacy glazing. In-dash air conditioning is supplemented by a Mercedes-Benz air conditioning unit for the saloon plus an additional saloon heater. Aldermaston Coaches is a familyowned company established for almost 40 years, primarily serving Berkshire and Hampshire. Director Phil Arlott said his main reasons for selecting EVM were the wide range of options available and the ability to deliver on time.

were often badly delayed in getting home again afterwards. This is over four times the number of complaints NWAS receives in the areas it still operates. The ‘core’ passenger collection contract demands, Arriva must drop 90% of patients off for appointments between 45 minutes early and 15 minutes late. MEN claims the figures reveal it only managed 67% in April, 62% in May, 60% in June, 64% in July, 66% in August, 67% in September and 63% in October. For returning patients home, Arriva is supposed to pick up 80% within 60 minutes of the scheduled collection time. MEN says it only managed 73% in April, 71% in May, 68% in June, 69% in July, 71% in August, 73% in September and 70% in October. When dropping off outpatients for appointments, the set target

are meeting the majority of these standards, but recognise that there are still some key areas where we need to improve and we are focused on delivering these improvements. “We are helping and supporting NHS staff to make bookings for the right vehicle for the mobility of the patient and ensure patients are ready to travel when we arrive at hospitals. We have recruited 60 new staff, increasing our workforce by 27%, introduced liaison officers at some hospitals to co-ordinate patients and placed dedicated vehicles in areas where patient numbers are highest. “We have reviewed our control and planning processes and have introduced new practices which will improve how ambulances are dispatched by reviewing this through the day on an hourly basis.”

LAB Travel Swansea Coachworks deliver Soroco two minicoaches to Forge Travel chooses Hinckley-based LAB Travel Services,

Forge travel has taken delivery of two new 16 seat luxury minicoaches to add to its fleet .The vehicles were built by Swansea Coachworks and based on Mercedes Sprinter 516 ex-lwb chassis. Each vehicle has 16 reclining leather seats, panoramic double glazed windows, climate control, a large boot and an exterior body kit. Forge Travel is based in Maesteg South Wales and specialises in door to door transfers for small groups and individuals. Its fleet consists of vehicles with up to 33 seats.

42 | COACH & BUS WEEK MINIBUS | January 22, 2014 041_043_CBW1121_MINIBUS News.indd 42

was no more than 15% to be more than 15 minutes late. It was missed every month. In October, some 33% of patients were over 15 minutes late. In addition, return journeys should see 90% of patients going home within 90 minutes of the scheduled collection times. MEN reports Arriva missed the target every month but April. Arriva’s ‘enhanced priority service’ for those needing cancer treatments or kidney dialysis failed to meet its target to get patients to appointments on time every month. It met most other targets, including travel time on vehicles and collection from hospital for journeys home. Dennis Hajdukiewicz, head of Greater Manchester at Arriva Transport Solutions, told MEN: “As a business, we are absolutely committed to delivering the quality standards required. We

which specialises in chauffeur and executive hire services, has acquired a new Ferqui Soroco from Connaught PSV. Based on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 516 Cdi, it is equipped with 16 leather trimmed reclining seats , two tables, air conditioning, powered entrance door, double glazing, curtains and a coach-style rear with large luggage boot. LAB Travel Services is a small, family run business which has been established for 13 years. It has a fleet of six vehicles, all MercedesBenz, which is predominantly E-Class saloon cars plus a Viano and a Sprinter. The company’s first Optare Ferqui Soroco was chosen to provide a high-quality 16-seat option for corporate hires in the area. It proved very popular and the company decided to stick with the product as it is coachbuilt and retains good residual value. The new model is fourth of its type to join the LAB Travel Services Fleet.

20/01/2014 15:56


New X-Clusive for Heron Travel

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Sprinter duo for Britannia Coaches Britannia Coaches of Dover has taken delivery of two 19-seat minicoaches from Swansea Coachworks. Based on Mercedes Sprinter 516 Cdi ex-lwb featuring an extended body with Swansea Coachworks’ coachstyle rear incorporating a large boot . The speci�ication for both

vehicles included large exterior coach-type lockers, full body kit, panoramic double glazed windows, leather reclining seats, climate control, luggage racks, mood lighting, PA system, 240v sockets and luxury interior trim. The vehicles carry the eye catching Britannia Coaches Livery.

Heron Travel’s new Sprinter X-Clusive Kendal-based Heron Travel has a new 16-seat EVM Sprinter X-Clusive. Based on a Sprinter 516 Cdi with an automatic gearbox it features a panoramic windscreen and stepped double glazed side windows. In-dash air conditioning supports the Eberspacher saloon air conditioning and heater unit. EVM’s body styling kit and chrome pack were speci�ied along with a plug-type passenger entrance door. The

operator selected Eberpacher air conditioning for the saloon alongside the OEM in-dash �itment. Based in Kendal, Cumbria, Heron Travel is owned and operated by the original founder of Princess of Kendal Ltd, Paul Perruzza. Paul built up Princess over an 18 year period to become one of North West England’s premier mini-coach companies being regarded as a high quality business throughout the industry.

A pair of 19-seat Sprinters join the Britannia fleet

Roberts Coaches opts for Sprinter Avantgarde Leicestershire operator Roberts Coaches (Roberts Travel Group) has taken delivery of an EVM Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Avantgarde 16 seat minicoach. The Sprinter is a Euro 5 516 Cdi featuring a163bhp engine with automatic gear box, and is �inished in Mercedes-Benz Graphite Grey. The customer opted for EVM’s own plug-type entry door and three stage entry step with LED Strip lights and stainless steel inserts. It also features a coach rear with a spacious drop boot. Stepped, curved double glazed windows were installed in the saloon and Eberspacher air conditioning provides effective climate control. A PA system was speci�ied in addition to the Sound 20 upgrade package for the audio system. Combined leather and moquette was used upholster the Executive Class seats which include threepoint seatbelts and folding armrests to aisle sides. External features included

041_043_CBW1121_MINIBUS News.indd 43

An EVM Sprinter Avantgarde EVM’s body styling kit and chrome pack. The vehicle complies with European Whole Vehicle Type Approval and comes with full three-year unlimited mileage chassis warranty from the manufacturer.

Jonathan Hunt and his team claim they were very impressed with the new Avantgarde, quoting EVM’s commitment to ensuring they were delivered a vehicle which exactly matched their needs as their reason for choosing EVM.

Burn off the calories in support of local hospice Simon Holder, owner of Wickfordbased Simon’s Bus is organising, sponsoring and managing a fundraising 10km charity run on behalf of St Luke’s Hospice in Basildon. The event takes place on Sunday February 23 and is being held for the fourth time at Ford’s Dunston UK Test Track facility. Simon said: “After all those Christmas treats, why not burn off the extra calories. Anyone who would like to enter as a runner will be very welcome but you need to start preparing without delay.” Simon’s Bus, the ‘biggest little party bus operator in Essex,’ is sponsoring all the management and promotional costs of the event. The entry fee is £15 in advance or £20 on the day. For further information, visit the www. asp?id=363, or call Kerry on 01268 524973.

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK MINIBUS | 43 20/01/2014 15:57




Page 1


EVM Euro 6 Sprinter Did the best just get better? Martin Cole tries the new Euro 6 Sprinters from EVM

V6 flagship Sprinter 519 Cdi X-Clusive is laden with options – including a glass roof


s the new generation of Euro 6 Mercedes-Benz Sprinters has begun slowly in�iltrating the market, the �irst high-speci�ication example has arrived in the shape of an EVM X-Clusive conversion completed on the 519 Cdi chassis with the powerful V6 engine. Built for Grange Travel, a family owned operation from Gravesend, Kent, it also featured the 7G-Tronic seven-speed automatic gearbox and a new version of the engine stop/start system – which now works with automatic transmission, not just manual gearboxes. Visually, the new sprinter has only changed forward of the A-pillars with new wings, panels, headlamps, bonnet and front grille. New from EVM is the styling kit to �it the new pro�ile and the glass roof option is now wider which lets in considerably more light and brightens up the interior markedly. Finished in a dark grey metallic coating with dark tinted panoramic windows, deep windscreen and a coach rear with a good-sized boot, the new minicoach oozes kerb appeal and is a real head-turner. Grange Travel opted for the powered plug-type entrance door with the interior trim in largely

045_046_CBW1121_MINIBUS.indd 45

black and grey incorporating a grey-shaded wood effect �loor and black carpets. With just 13 seats in the saloon it offered a combination of space and comfort. Executive-style reclining seats were upholstered in black leather with white piping. Two tables were positioned in the rear saloon section and two more in the front. The row of seats forward of the tables was reversed to create a lounge effect at both locations. Two cool boxes, one incorporated in the front dash and one �loor-mounted unit towards the rear, were also included. Monitor screens front and rear were linked to a Parrot Asteroid Smart ‘infotainment’ system which effectively does away with the traditional AV systems. No need for radio, CD, or DVD players, the system plugs into music or �ilm stored on smartphones, iPods or memory cards. It can download apps, connect with mobile internet, pick-up all internet radio channels and has inbuilt satellite navigation. Customers can opt to replace the generic offering with a Tom Tom navigation system if they prefer. A microphone is attached to the unit, allowing the Parrot to function as a PA system and its Bluetooth function allows the driver to manage calls via the

touch screen and provides a hands-free operating environment for incoming or outgoing calls. Everything operates via the touch screen display which doubles as the monitor screen for the reversing camera while continuing to show �ilm to the saloon monitors or even seat-back mounted personal screens. It can be linked to a speci�ic smartphone which can then take over all the control functions. At a touch of the screen it can bring up pre-recorded welcome aboard and safety announcements and customers can be advised in advance they have an opportunity to provide corporate or educational material stored on a memory chip or smartphone device which can be played to passengers during their trip. Onboard WiFi was supplied by Icomera.

On the road

A massive 191bhp is on tap from the V6 Euro 6 Sprinter which essentially means there is a great deal of torque (440Nm @ 14-2,400rpm) available at relatively low engine speeds – reducing the requirement for gearchanges or heavy demand from the accelerator to get up to and maintain cruising speeds effortlessly. Coupled to the 7G-Tronic automatic gearbox

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK MINIBUS | 45 20/01/2014 18:52


Car-style gear shift and steering wheel are now standard equipment it quietly delivers silky-smooth acceleration and is extremely responsive. Compared with some earlier applications of the V6 which had a brutal power delivery if used hard or abused, the new version is highly refined and tempered – perhaps best described as ‘much more civilised’ and certainly lends itself admirably towards passenger transport. You quickly realise, as the speed limiter kicks in, the surfeit of power and performance is really a total waste in general minibus operations. The smooth delivery and high power becomes more of a prestige issue and you begin to feel while it must be very satisfying to own or drive such a vehicle it has to be aimed at executive or corporate style operation to fully justify itself. In practical terms, the benefits should assert themselves in terms of longevity. The powertrain is never going to be overtaxed and even fully laden and with a trailer behind, the demands are going to be well within its limits. Mercedes-Benz took the opportunity to lower the ride height slightly when engineering the Euro 6 changes to the model. The reduction was only very small and was said to have assisted in reducing drag slightly and therefore improving fuel economy. I’m not aware there are any other modifications to the suspension but the new Sprinter does seem to offer a slightly softer and more comfortable ride while transmitting less road noise throughout the vehicle. Handling and roadholding feel much the same as on previous Sprinters – stable and secure while being highly responsive. The engine stop/start system, which is designed to prevent unnecessary idling and reduce fuel consumption and emissions, now works on Sprinters equipped with automatic gearboxes. Some considerable development appears to have taken place with the overall functions because the older one waited for the vehicle to be placed in neutral and the handbrake applied to initiate the process. After a couple

of seconds at rest it would cut the engine and automatically restart it the moment the clutch pedal was depressed to select a gear. The revised system now turns the engine off if there is any idling at all – even if you are poised at a junction and holding the vehicle at rest on the footbrake. Releasing pressure on the brake pedal immediately restarts the engine and you can move forward just as soon as your foot has found the accelerator. The process is barely noticeable. It feels a little strange for the first few miles but is very quickly adapted to. The seven-speed gearbox not only provides a greater spread of ratios the top gear is slightly higher than in the previous five-speed automatic and results in the engine speed being reduced by around 500rpm at 62.5mph – another fuel saving initiative. Following what was a very pleasant drive in the EVM X-Clusive I switched to a Sprinter Classic 516 Cdi which was also equipped with a 7G-Tronic automatic gearbox. Powered by a 160bhp engine it confirmed one thing immediately – the 516 still has more than adequate power to do the job. This version featured a standard opening front passenger door – extended to cater for the stepwell, and carried 16 passenger seats with a full height partition at the rear of the saloon to create luggage stowage space in the rear. While not quite in same league as the X-Clusive it still provides adequate seat spacing for generous legroom and the seating was still very comfortable. Of the two, the 519 was slightly quieter, but both are extremely quiet when compared with older Sprinter models. EVM is hoping the market will see a strong improvement as 2014 plays out. Sales and Marketing Manager Peter Flynn said despite having a very strong list of enquiries from the last NEC show, a high proportion were still considered as ongoing and hoped they would turn into confirmed orders in the not too distant future. Now located just south of Crawley and close

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Panoramic glass roof lets the light in to the M23, EVM is relieved to be on a site offering good security. Peter said the previous arrangement in shared premises with the local Mercedes-Benz dealer had provided a good start but highlighted a number of inconveniences which dictated a move to a dedicated site at the earliest opportunity. Security was a key requirement – and the new site is surrounded by high steel fencing with an electronically controlled entrance gate. Peter said: “We had a spate of thefts which saw three catalytic converters taken from minibuses we had taken in part exchange. They are very expensive items and if you lose one you’ve more than lost any profit margin you may have attached to the vehicle. So, we are much happier here as our stock is much safer.” Since the move, which occurred last May, EVM has added a new trainee member to the sales and marketing team and employs one man in the workshop who deals with vehicle preparation and pre-delivery inspection. He is also tasked with attending to any EVM related issues and, if necessary, travels the country, with any replacement parts required. Mechanical issues are catered for under the three-year warranty from Mercedes-Benz and any door issues can be dealt with by Air Doors – which has a nationwide coverage. The company is also keen to pursue enquiries for the lowfloor Sprinter it displayed at the last exhibition. The vehicle was returned to have a certified exhaust system fitted to ensure compliance with type approval. This has been undertaken by Mercedes-Benz which has engineered a dedicated system for lowfloor Sprinters. It is now going through the final stages of homologation and will be available to builders of lowfloor specialist vehicles who are not allowed to alter exhaust systems as it could interfere with levels of emission. EVM expects to have the vehicle back next month and hopes to begin a demonstration programme shortly after.

20/01/2014 18:52


x4 s: Time UK Coach Award s p46 ate driver 2013, tough for p4 to nomin manufacturers



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20/01/2014 15:28




Page 48

2003 Scania K114

2000 Mercedes 814 Plaxton Beaver 2


33 coach seats with 3 point belts. Perfect for school trips and private hire Very tidy throughout. Test December 2014

With Irizar Century 49 seat body with toilet. £45,000

Andy Shaw – 0131 554 5413 1992, Volvo B10M Plaxton Paramount

2004 Iveco Beulas

Manual, 57 seat belted seats. Available due to fleet upgrade. MOT’d till May 14

Auto, 49 seat executive coach, WC, DVD, A/C, drinks boiler, fridge, etc, in exceptional condition for age, MOT July 2014.

£6,000 + VAT

Call 01691 780212 or visit for more details

2002 Mercedes 814 Vario Plaxton Cheetah

33 seater + driver. Manual. New model cheetah. Taxed + mot’d. Wood dash. 3 point belts. Drives like new. Excellent condition inside + out. Euro liner wheel trims.View Devon near Exeter airport. PX available.

2009 Enviro 200

Cummins engine, Allison gearbox, 8.8m, 29 seats, Hanover LED’s.

£10,995 + VAT

Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426

2009 MAN Plaxton Centro

£39,000 ono + VAT - Possible P/X

Tel 01249 742000/07717 768315

2006 Transit Tourneo

9 seater, tax till Jan, will have new MOT, 190,000 miles, runs well, front and rear air-con, tow bar. £4,000 + VAT


38 blue moquette seats, Mobitec LED destination equipment, one year’s MOT. Offers over £45,000

Call Tim 01404 47502 07790 966667

EnsignBus 01708 865656

Andy Shaw – 0131 554 5413

Hailstone Travel Ltd 0845 388 3848

2006 Mercedes Sprinter 413 EX

2003 Mercedes Cheetah

2008 MAN Auto Ayats

2003 Optare Solo

51 seat full executive, owned from new, choice of 2, real head turner, used on tour programme, low mileage @ 240,000kms, a lot of coach for the money, looks great and great value at just...

£82,500+VAT - P/X considered

Mercedes engine, one owner, good condition and tyres, low mileage 392,955, 29 seated 20 standing, full diptact space for one wheelchair, tested June 2014, taxed end of October 2013. £17,500 o.n.o.

Tel: Adrian on 07717 768315

BD23 5BS – 01756 753123

£27,999 + VAT

29 passengers plus courier seat Tax till March MOT till February Large boot New clutch and turbo. 16 seats + driver with 3 point belts, finished in moquette, panoramic glazing, A/C front and rear, radio/CD, decorative curtains, large boot, new engine, clutch & flywheel fitted at 248,000 miles. £15,000 + VAT

EVM Direct – 0845 5205160

£24,000 + VAT

Hailstone Travel Ltd 0845 388 3848

Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email 48 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014




2006 MAN 14.220 SLF MCV Evolution 11.2m

Page 49

1988 DAF MB230 Plaxton

1998 Mercedes Benz 814 Alexander Auto

1995 Scania K113 VanHool Alizee

40 seats + 21 standees, DDA compliant, Hanover LED. Direct off lease from a major operator. £32,500 + VAT – CHOICE Southdown PSV 01342 711840 email:

53 seats, automatic, very good condition for year, currently in dry storage, view Dublin. Additional vehicle also available. £3,000

Converted this year to 70 seater using Cogent seats with 3 point belts, tea machine, TV/DVD.

PAB Tours 00353 86 8138165

£21,000 Milligans Coach Travel 01290 550365

Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426

2002 Volvo B7R Plaxton

2003 Mercedes 614D

2003 Bova Futura

2002 Renault Rohill

53 seats plus courier, automatic, good condition, used on tour work, new test, seat belts. View North Wales / Dublin. £40,000

Frank Guy, 16 seater, belted, manual, power door, wheelchair lift at rear, MOT’d until August 2014. Available due to fleet upgrade.

PAB Tours 00353 86 8138165

Call 01691 780212 or visit for more details

1993 Volvo B10M Plaxton Premier

2002 Iveco Beulas Stergo

• Air con • Toilet • DVD • Monitor x 2 • Full exec spec • Eminox euro 4 • 49 seats • Green cloth • Manual • Long MOT

27 coach seats with 3 point belts. Ideal for school contracts. Test September 2014.

£6,450 + VAT

£55,000 + VAT

2.5 diesel minibus with 15 seats, low floor with kneeling facility, 1 removable seat for wheelchair use, destination equipment, ideal multi-purpose vehicle, MOT 25/5/2014. £3,950 + VAT

L.J. Edwards – 07974 369570

Chalkwell Coach Hire 01795 423982

2005 (55) MAN 14.220 MCV Evolution

1997 Volvo Olympian open top bus

£7,000 + VAT

• Automatic • Air con • Toilet • Monitor x 2 49 seats, automatic, good condition for year, available with new test, ideal for upseat. Choice of 3 – view North Wales/Dublin. £13,000

• Non LEZ • Long MOT

£30,000 + VAT

PAB Tours 00353 86 8138165

L.J. Edwards – 07974 369570

2004 Volvo B7RLE Wright Eclipse

1998 (R) Iveco 16 seat Minibus Power door Will have new test.

40 seat SLF service bus, newly repanelled and repainted, 12 months MOT to October 2013, Hannover LED destination, excellent condition, drives superb.

NOW £19,950 + VAT ovno

Llew Jones – 07795 347476 or

Alexander Dennis body, P reg, 75 seats, fitted with a PA system, new MOT on purchase. Only 2 remaining.

Bath Bus Company 01225 330444

2005 Setra 315GTHD

53 plate Mercedes Cheetah



45 seats, full DDA, ZF automatic gearbox, MobiTec destination, Cyberlyne CCTV with audio recording, choice of four.

£45,000 + VAT

yourbus – 01773 714013

49 seat exec, toilet, boiler, cooler, DVD, 2 x monitors, Mercedes engine, A/S Tronic gearbox, intarder, air conditioning, Webasto, alloy wheels, owned & maintained by us from new, repaint by arrangement. Choice of 2.

£1,250 + VAT


29 passengers plus courier seat, tax till August, MOT till June, large boot, low emission exhaust fitted. £26,000 + VAT

Nigel Brown – 01982 570225

Clarkes of London Call Andy Nixon – 020 8768 9612

Hailstone Travel Ltd 0845 388 3848

Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 49




Page 50

2005 Volvo B7R

Setra 415 GTHD

ZF auto, Air-con, LEZ compliant, Plaxton Profile body, 67 seats with 3 point belts.

400,000 km. Long MOT. 48 reclining seats. Frenzel Kitchen,Toilet/Washroom. 2 Screen + DVD player. Built in vehicle wash. Choice of two - June 2007 + January 2008

2008 Mercedes Atego

With Sitcar Marlin 33 seat body in green. £45,000

2005 Neoplan Skyliners

13.8m, MAN engines, 89 seats, toilet, air-con.


£85,000 + VAT

EnsignBus 01708 865656

Buzzlines Travel Contact Nigel or Scott on 01303 261870

Andy Shaw – 0131 554 5413

EnsignBus 01708 865656

2003 Alexander Dennis Enviro 300 SLF 12m

2008 Mercedes Sprinter 515 EX

1998 Volvo B10M Caetano Enigma

1999 (T) MAN 24,400 Noge Triaxle

44 seats + 27 standees, DDA compliant, 12 months MOT. £27,500 + VAT Southdown PSV 01342 711840 email:

16 recliners with 3 point belts, MOT till May, air-con, double glazing, large drop boot, decorative curtains, 276,000 miles (39,258 on new engine), 1 owner. £22,995 + VAT

1995 (N) Toyota Optimo III 21 seats White 12 months MOT Ideal school contract vehicle.

Nigel Brown – 01982 570225

£12,500 + VAT ono

49 executive seats ZF auto gearbox Alloy wheels No tax or MOT Dry stored past 2 years. OFFERS + VAT

Nigel Brown – 01982 570225

EVM Direct – 0845 5205160

Paul Watson Travel

2008 Toyota Optimo

Iveco 45C15

2008 MAN 14:240 MCV Evolution

May 2008. 215,000 km, MOT May 2014. 22 Leather reclining seats with 3 point belts. Coffee machine.

£2,750 + VAT

49 seats with retractable belts, monitor, DVD, radio, cassette, taxed and tested, has air-con but needs re-gas + belts, needs t.l.c. but good motor.


£27,000 + VAT

Buzzlines Travel Contact Nigel or Scott on 01303 261870

16 seater, Elite conversion, 70,000 km, MOT till October 2014, forced air, reading lights, huge boot (barn doors), outstanding condition. £25,995 + VAT

EVM Direct – 0845 5205160

1996 Volvo B10MA Articulated Coach

43 seats + 22 standees, auto box, 3 point belts, DDA compliant with Mobitec display, 8 camera CCTV system,Traffilog tracking & diagnostics, well maintained with long MOT, 4 available.


Bakers Dolphin 01934 422400 or 07788 101631

2007 (57 plate) VW Crafter

7L PH L V PRQH\ ZF automatics, 71 seats. POA

EnsignBus 01708 865656


16 leather seats with 3 point belts, air conditioned, large boot with barn doors, body kit, colour coded. May consider part exchange.

£19,900 + VAT

Shaws – Tel: 01977 661214

Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email 50 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014

2001 MAN Neoplan

2006 Bova Majiq

12 months MOT & tax, full tank of fuel, one owner driver for the last 5 years, 49 seater, toilet, aircon, drivers bunk, alloy wheels, just refurbished, 2 new 22in Samsung LED monitors, black-out windows, TV tuner, DVD system all fitted 8 months ago, good mpg, 3 new air bags, new belts, hoses and interior LED lights just fitted, 600,000km, based in Glasgow.

49 seat executive, ZF auto, LEZ compliant, leather headrests, twin monitor DVD, centre sunken toilet, tasteful moquette, excellent condition, MOT & Tax, economical vehicle, ready to work.

1999 Mercedes 412D

1999 Mercedes Optare Solo M850

26 + standees, automatic box, DDA compliant with Mobitec display, 8 camera CCTV system and Traffilog tracking and diagnostics fitted. MOT to March 2014.

£95,000 + VAT

16 removable seats, or 6 wheelchairs, 5 speed manual, external wheelchair lift, tachograph fitted, very clean condition, MOT June 14. £3,250 + VAT

Contact Gary – 07930 377051

Travelstar European 01922 647100 / 07779 801862

Chalkwell Coach Hire 01795 423982

Bakers Dolphin 01934 422400 or 07788 101631

2011 Vauxhall Vivaro 12 seat minibus

1994 Volvo B9M Berkof Excellence

Luxury VW Crafter

2002 Mercedes Benz 814 Plaxton Beaver 2

Good solid engine and gearbox, tidy bodywork, MOT till April 2014, 37 recliners, loads of legroom and a rear toilet.

2007, 16 seats, A/C, DVD, microphone, 135,000 miles, 7 months MOT, excellent condition.

33 brand new re-trimmed seats + driver with 3 point belts. Luggage Racks. Just been re-painted. This vehicle is immaculate. Test May 2014

£25,000 + VAT

Full COIF with 8 months PSV/MOT, taxed until December, digital tachograph, 6 speed gearbox, 3 rear seats can be removed (ensuring space for luggage),1 owner vehicle.

£13,250 + VAT o.n.o.

AFJ Travel – 07947 152763

£11,000 Milligans Coach Travel 01290 550365

2003 Setra 315 GTHD

2006 Ford Transit minibus

49 seat with retractable belts, low mileage, seat back tables, footrests, centre toilet, power door, air con, webasto, cool box and boiler 2 x monitors and DVD, radio cassette, LEZ exhaust, great drive.

Ideal for school contracts and private hire work. Very clean throughout. Fully maintained in our in house work shops. Test October 2014. Choice of 2


Slick Rides – 07823 770978


£19,950 + VAT

Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426

2010 Volkswagen Crafter CR50

2002 Bova Futura • Air con • Toilet • DVD • Monitor x 2 • Eminox euro 4 • 49 seats • Green cloth • Long MOT

£45,000 + VAT ono

04 plate £5,250 + VAT 06 plate £6,250 + VAT

Paul Watson Travel

Call Karl at Whitegate Travel Tel: 01606 786833 Mobile: 07841 110426

£50,000 + VAT

16 seats + driver, with 3 point belts, finished in moquette, panoramic glazing, forced air, radio/CD, decorative curtains, large boot. Available for immediate delivery. £26,500 + VAT

L.J. Edwards – 07974 369570

EVM Direct – 0845 5205160

1998 (R) DAF SB300 Plaxton Excalibur

2001, Volvo B10M Plaxton Excalibur

2007 Scania K340/ Caetano Levante

2005 Optare Solo M950 SLF 9.5m

Choice of 2, 49 leather reclining seats, ZF automatic gearbox and retarder, Hanover front, side and rear destinations, WC, air conditioning, PLS magic lift, low mileage, recently refurbished and can be used on National Express network until June 2016.

33 seats + 17 standees, Mercedes engine, Hanover LED.

53 T&T Auto gearbox (faulty) Spares or repair. OFFERS + VAT

ZF Auto, 49 belted seats. A/C, Toilet, MOT’d till April 2014. LEZ Certificated until April 2014.

£25,000 + VAT

Nigel Brown – 01982 570225

Call 01691 780212 or visit for more details

£80,000 + VAT each

yourbus – 01773 714013

£32,000 + VAT Southdown PSV 01342 711840 email:

Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 51




Page 52

DAF MB230 VanHool Super High

05 or 55 Plate Iveco 65c15

2007 Optare Solo 7.1 SE

Mellor coachbuilt, 24 highback passenger seats all on quick release, external PLS fully automatic cassette tailift, low mileage, new COIF and 12 months PSV test.

53 seater + WC, tax and MOT until April 2014, in daily use, newer vehicle forces sale, private plate not included.

FROM ÂŁ10,995

ÂŁ3,250 ono + VAT

23 seater + 10 standing, MOT June 2014, full service history from new, Hanover front digital destination board, CCTV – Activ 4 camera system, Mercedes engine, 263,000 miles. £35,000 o.n.o. + VAT

Heatons Motor Company 01942 864222

Express Motors Email:

Ring Graham Croombs 0118 973 3486

2003 (53) Renault Master SWB

2000 Salvadoor Catarno


Two coaches for sale with 53/57 seats.

ÂŁ3,250 ono each

Manns Travel – 07796 695675


2.3 diesel, inboard Ricon lift, 4 seats + tracking for two wheelchairs.

70 seats + driver and crew, 3 point belts fitted, auto, 3+2 seat config, air-con, good runner, inspection welcome, ready for work, sale due to fleet replacement.

ÂŁ5,995 + VAT


Pembridge Vehicle Management 01633 485858

Steve 0161 775 0800/07445 266345

2011 Renault Master

Renault Master

17 seat, 2.3 diesel, six speed, tachograph, fully tracked floor, inboard lightweight ramp, 37,000 kms .

17 seat, 2.8 diesel mini coach, full underfloor luggage, large boot, tachograph, COIF/PSV.


ÂŁ16,995 + VAT

ÂŁ5,995 + VAT

Pembridge Vehicle Management 01633 485858

Pembridge Vehicle Management 01633 485858

2000 Salvadoor Catarno

1997 Mercedes Hispano

2003 Neoplan Starliner

70 seats + driver and crew, 3 point belts fitted, auto, 3+2 seat config, air-con, good runner, inspection welcome, ready for work, sale due to fleet replacement.

51 seater executive, ESP gearbox, DVD, WC, fridge, reclining seats (seats recovered 12 months ago), tax and MOT until August 2014

38 seats, leather seat around tables, Sky TV, DVD, entertainment system, 7 screens, toilet/washroom, kitchen with fridge and microwave, sockets throughout coach, automatic, Merc engine.


78 seats + 13 standing, automatic, limited to 90 Kph, seatbelts throughout, ideal for school trips and contract hire, Hannover displays.

ÂŁ17,500 ono + VAT

ÂŁ37,500 + VAT

ÂŁ14,000 + VAT

Express Motors Email:

Steve 0161 775 0800/07445 266345

Steve 0161 775 0800/07445 266345


Steve 0161 775 0800/07445 266345

1999 Volvo Olympian Alexander

Telephone Jade Cassidy on 01733 293247 or email 52 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014




Page 1

698896-1121-Ensign:Layout 1



Page 1

Ensig DOUBLE DECK 1998 S REG VOLVO OLYMPIANS Euro 2 Volvo engines ZF gearboxes, Northern Counties Palatine 2 bodies, 77 seats



1999/2000/2001 V/Y REG DENNIS TRIDENTS

Cummins/Voith, LEZ compliant for 2012 with traps to Euro 4, CCTV, Alexander ALX400 bodies, DDA compliant or upseated to 80 seats.



13.8m, MAN engines, 89 seats, toilet, air-con.

Cummins / Allison with traps, DDA and LEZ compliant, Caetano bodies, 38 seats.

2000/2001 X/Y REG VOLVO B7TL’S


Cummins / Voith, Alexander ALX 400 lowheight body, 84 seats, LEZ compliant.

80 seats, Voith gearboxes, Euro 2 engines with traps, or full Euro 3 with traps, Plaxton President bodies, can be DDA with 78 seats.



SWB, CCTV, particulate traps so LEZ compliant, Plaxton President bodies, dual door 62 seats or single door 71 seats.

Cummins / Allison , Plaxton Pointer bodies, 35 seats.

2000 VOLVO B7TL’s

ZF gearboxes, single door, 82 seats fully seated or 80 seats as DDA compliant, supplied with new MOT and COIF, new batch just arriving.


Euro 4 Volvo engine, Wrights Eclipse Gemini body, 68 seats or 74 converted to single door.


Volvo Euro 2 engines, ZF gearboxes, East Lancs bodies, 72 seats.


Juliette Close, Purfleet Industrial Telephone 01708 865656 Fax: 01708 8 Visit our website for current s

698896-1121-Ensign:Layout 1



Page 2



ZF automatic, Plaxton Verde bodies, 51 seats.

2000 X REG DENNIS TRIDENTS Cummins / Voith, Plaxton bodies, 71 seats, from our own fleet.


Cummins L10, ZF 5 speed gearboxes, some 72 coach seats, some 76 bus seats, low height 13 feet 8, long MOT’s.


2 door, Euro 3, ZF automatic, 37 seats, 12m, DDA.

2004 MERCEDES CITARO 12m, Euro 3, DDA, 42 seats.

2006 VOLVO B12B’S

Caetano Levante bodies, DDA compliant with lifts, 49 seats, toilet, air-con, recent re-trims, LEZ compliant.


ZF automatic, Northern Counties low height bodies, 77 seats, Volvo Euro 2 engines.


51 and 02 plate, Cummins Euro 3 ISC engines, LEZ, Plaxton President bodies, can be DDA, single door and 78 seats, or dual door 67 seats.

Manual gearbox, Van Hool body, 53 seats.



Cummins 160 engines, Voith gearboxes, 41 seats.

1996 VOLVO B10MA ARTICULATED COACHES ZF automatics, 71 seats.

1997 DAF SB3000

8.8m, 25 seats, LEZ compliant.


Cummins / Voith, East Lancs body, 78 seats, long MOT’s.

- BRITAIN’S BIGGEST BUS DEALERS Park, Purfleet, Essex, RM15 4YF 8 864340 e-mail: t stock at




Page 1

FORD TRANSIT MINIBUSES (12) 2012 Ford Transit 17 seat minibus 135ps air-con, tacho, COIF/PSV £19,995 (12) 2012 Ford Transit 9 seat Shuttle twin side loading doors 18000 miles £12,995 (10) 2010 Ford Transit 17 seat minibus 2.4 diesel, six speed gearbox, tacho, 55,000 km £13,495 (56) 2006 Ford Transit 17 seat minibus 2.3 diesel with six speed gearbox, 40,000 miles, COIF/PSV £8,995 (56) 2006 Ford Transit 17 seat minibus, high back seats with three point belts, COIF/PSV £8,995 (02) 2002 Ford Transit 2.4 diesel 3.5 ton, automatic gearbox, 8 seats, inboard Ricon wheelchair lift, rear heating, tracking to take 3 wheelchairs, overhead lockers £5,995


New Peugeot Boxer 16 seat 3.5 ton and 17 seat w/chair accessible minibuses, 2.2 diesel 120ps, six speed gearbox LEZ COMPLIANT From £24,750 + VAT

(60) 2010 Renault Master 3.5 ton GVW 17 seat minibus, 2.3 diesel, six speed manual, high back seats, tacho, 38,000kms, sat-nav £15,995

(56) 2006 Peugeot Boxer 3.5 ton 17 seat LWB minibus, 2.8 diesel, high back seats with three point seat belts, 19,000 miles only £9,450 (56) 2006 Peugeot Boxer 3.5t on 17 seat minibus 2.8 diesel, high back seats with three point belts, 33,000 miles £8,995


(54) 2004 LDV Convoy 17 seat school minibus, internal racks, roof rack, tachograph, 51,500miles, FSH £4,995 Renault Master 17 seat 2.8 diesel mini coach, full under floor luggage large boot, tachograph, COIF/PSV £5,995 + VAT


(62) 2013 Citroen Berlingo Automatic, 8,000 miles only, low floor, lightweight ramp, electric reals, high spec £12,850

(11) 2011 Renault Master 17 seat 2.3 diesel six speed, tachograph, fully tracked floor inboard lightweight ramp, 37,000 kms £16,995 (06) 2006 Vauxhall Vivaro 1.9 cdti 9 seat, inboard lift, tracking for 2 wheelchairs, 45,000 miles £8,995 (57) 2007 Renault Master MWB 2.5TD 6 speed, tracking for two wheelchairs, in board lift, aircon, rear heating, 35,000 miles, one owner £12,495 (07) 2007 Fiat Doblo 1.4 petrol, 11,500 miles only, five speed manual, three seats plus wheelchair space, low floor, lightweight ramp, electric reals, air-con £6,995


(05) 2005 Fiat Ducato 20ltr diesel SWB 6 Seat wheelchair accessible minibus, Unwin fully tracked floor to take two wheelchairs, lightweight fold out ramp, electric winch £3,995

(54) 2004 Renault Master 3.5 ton 2.5 Diesel, five speed manual gearbox,12 seats, tracking to take two wheelchairs, inboard lift, rear heating, low entry side step £6,995

(53) 2003 Renault Master SWB 2.3 diesel, inboard Ricon lift,tracking for two wheelchairs, electric side step £5,995

Contact Graham Thatcher – email:

Tel: 01633 485858 Mobile: 07866 443304

Pembridge House, The Park Business Centre, Plough Road, Goytre, Penperlleni, Nr Usk, South Wales NP4 0AL – 10 minutes from M4 motorway. Viewing by appointment only

Finance Contract Hire and Finance Lease Available. We deliver Nationwide. All vehicles prepared to VOSA standard COIF/PSV specialist

All above prices are subject to VAT @ 20%




Page 1

Mini Coach Sales

BRAND NEW MERCEDES BENZ FERQUI SOROCO 19 high back seats, 3 point belts, A/C, D/G, forced air, reading lights and boot.

BRAND NEW MERCEDES BENZ FERQUI SOROCO 16 high back seats, 3 point belts, A/C, D/G, forced air, reading lights and boot.

Orders now being taken for Euro 6

Orders now being taken for Euro 6

2010 59 REG MERCEDES 313 CDI SPRINTER AUTO, 16 high back seats, 3 point belts and AC.

2008 08 REG MERCEDES 515CDI SOROCO 16 high back seats, 3 point belts, AC, DG, forced air, reading lights, DVD system, reversing camera, power door, large boot.

2008 58 REG MERCEDES 613D VARIO 24 high back seats, forced air, reading lights, power door and boot.

2008 58 REG IVECO DAILY 45C15 AUTO 16 high back seats, 3 point belts, forced air, reading lights, large boot. 2007 57 Reg Manual also available.

2007 57 REG MERCEDES 816D WING 29 high back seats + courier, 3 point belts, AC, forced air, reading lights, power door, large boot, metallic silver.

2007 07 REG MERCEDES 613 VARIO 24 high back seats, 3 point belts, forced air, reading lights, power door and boot.

2006 56 REG MERCEDES 616 CDI RIADA 22 high back seats plus courier, 3 point belts, AC, DVD, forced air, reading lights, power door and boot. New engine Dec ‘13.

2006 56 REG MERCEDES 413CDI SOROCO 16 high back seats, 3 point belts, AC, forced air, reading lights, power door and large boot.

2002 02 REG MERCEDES 413 CDI SOROCO 16 high back seats, 3 point belts, AC, power door, large boot. Choice of 2.

2010 59 REG MERCEDES 515 CDI TRAVEL 45 16 high back reclining seats, 3 point belts, A/C, forced air, reading lights, DVD, power door & power step, coach rear, auto.

Steve Peach NEW Tel: 01405 814064 Mob: 07836 551020 Email:




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New Stock Arrival

2007 KASSBOHRER SETRA S415HD – MERCEDES POWER 48 Seats, leather headrests; Courier seat, tinted double glazing, AIR CONDITIONING, CD/DVD & monitors, Centre sunken toilet, powered continental exit door, navigation, fridge, boiler, curtains, parallel lift lockers, Webasto, digital tacho, Retarder.

Summerfield Avenue, Chelston Business Park, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9JF Follow us @MoseleySouth on

Telephone (01823) 653000 Fax: (01823) 663502 Email: January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 61




Page 62



2010 (10) FORD TRANSIT 12 SEAT MINIBUS 115PS 49,500 MILES £11,250










Tel: 01495 757111 Mob: 07850 739446 (Haydn) or visit our website to view the above stock

62 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014




Page 63

2006/7 Scania K340 Caetano Levante

The North West’s Premier Minibus Sales, supplying nationwide for over 40 years

07 IVECO 45C15

One charity owner from 15/16,


highback passenger seats in coach moquette, lots of Unwin tracking, full air conditioning, external fully automatic cassette tailift,







LWB highroof, 8 passenger seats plus wheelchair spaces, lots of Unwin tracking, external Ratcliffe fully automatic cassette tailift, SLD with side step, good quality conversion, totally unmarked in every way £12,995

LWBM 8 highback passenger seats, Unwin tracking, Ricon internal Clearway tailift, SLD with cassette step, totally immaculate inside and out, good quality conversion, excellent value £8,995




High roof, covered 70,000 miles, 12 highback passenger seats, lots of Unwin tracking, SLD with electric side step, Ricon internal tailift, totally showroom condition inside and out, excellent value £9,225



To arrange a viewing call 07760 771285




49 seats, rear floor mounted WC, automatic gearbox, air conditioning, DDA compliant

powerdoor, front entry

Fitted with 8 passenger seats but COIF’d for 16 passengers, analogue tacho, air conditioning, powerdoor, external fully automatic cassette tailift, triptronic transmission, exceptionally clean and excellent value, LEZ compliant £8,995

! e t i s b e w n o More Tel: 01942 864222 Contact us 24/7: 07818 031725 - Wayne 07715 231694 - Phillip ALL PRICES PLUS VAT We guarantee quality vehicles, right prices, no pressure sales. Come and have a coffee while you browse at your leisure. Junction 23, M6 or 20 miles from Manchester/Liverpool airport.

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 63




Page 64

Kinglong Scotland XMQ 6130Y Triaxle

53-59 seats. Full executive specification, wired for wi-fi.



• Bus Workshops • Secure Storage

• Supplied any width,

XMQ 6129 Tourist Coach Up to 53 seats, full exec specification, wired for wi-fi, reversing camera

XMQ 6127 12m Coach

36-55 seats, full exec specification, wired for wi-fi

XMQ 6127J City Bus

40 seats + standees, DDA compliant

XMQ 6900 Medium Passenger Coach

33-35 seats, full exec specification

any length

• Building to BS5590

• Doors high enough for Double Deckers

• Finance available Phone for further information

BLUELINE BUILDINGS 01709 578333 anytime


Bus & Coach Businesses

• Are you Retiring • Losing Money • • Need Investment • or Just Had Enough • We have Interested Buyers, Cash Investors Waiting

Reply, in con!idence, to PO Box 7677, Brackley, NN13 9BB


XMQ 6900J City Bus



XMQ 6120C Intercity Bus

Buses Midis Coaches Kinglong Scotland George Stratford Main Office: 01651 872864 Mobile: 07527 815340

64 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014



27 seats + standees, DDA compliant

Up to 70 seats, DDA compliant, can be fully tracked, wheelchair access Call for list of second-hand vehicles available



Contact Malcolm Harrison Auctions








Page 65



Coach and Commercial Transmissions Ltd • For all your automatic, manual transmissions and differentials. • Service exchange or cost of repair available. • On-site mobile diagnostics. • Remove and refit service.

Formed in 2011 to support the UK’s PSV & CV operators with parts from Market leading OEM brands from World Wide renowned manufacturers

We off a comprehensive all makes parts program in:

Braking • Steering • Suspension Chassis Components • Transmission Filtration • Engine • Electrical Lubricants • Consumables

Contact 01977 599800


INSURANCE Master Part | Portland House | Dukeries Industrial Estate | Worksop | Notts | S81 7BQ



Heaters • A/C Equipment Blowers • Motors • Radiators Silicone Hose • Ducting Wiper Equipment • Gas Struts

Tel: 01993 849522 Fax: 01993 706920 Email:



BUCKINGHAM 3 & 2 • Ideal for 3 & 2 configurations • Ergonomic design for maximum support, comfort and legroom • Tried & tested: fitted into many new coaches as OEM • Full range of legs and fitting options make the Buckingham ideal for upseating to 70+ seats • Lighter weight makes easier for installation Prime Passenger Seating Limited 7 Canalwood Industrial Estate, Chirk, Wrexham LL14 5RL Telephone: 01691 898 665 Fax: 01691 770 798 Email:

January 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 65




Page 66

Driver CPC Periodic Training


If you would like further information please call 01543 897505



Supplying the Bus and Coach Industry with quality seat retrims and interior refurbishment. Full floors re-laid and centre gangways. Collection and delivery service anywhere in the UK, seven days a week.

Email: Web:

Visit our website:

Tel/Fax: 01751 472229 VEHICLE SPARES

Trevor Wigley & Son Bus Ltd




Call 01226 723147 Night Service 01226 716479 Fax 01226 700199 Email

You’re in control.

Take the photos, write the ad and change it later if you want to, all from your online dashboard. Selling a vehicle is simple on . . .

66 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22, 2014

Seen something funny? Send it to or write to: Last Stop, Coach & Bus Week, 3 The Office Village, Cygnet Park, Forder Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8GX

A timeline of transport for Edinburgh Monday Andy here. It’s press day and a late finish, but not as late as it might have been. We’re introducing new systems that hopefully will see the whole production process becoming much slicker. It all depends on respecting copy deadlines. Hopefully everyone involves understands the importance of that.

The video depicts various vehicles through the history of the company passing billboards which show significant past events in operator’s history. The background music also changes to reflect the time period Lothian Buses has created a video timeline, taking viewers through its history from the formation of Edinburgh Street Tramways Corporation to the present day and creation of Transport for Edinburgh. The rather charming and well produced video, entitled ‘from there to here,’ shows at first a horse-drawn cart moving across the bottom of the screen, which is replaced by progressively more modern trams and buses. The music and backgrounds also change with the times to reflect the period in question. It goes through the history of the company in a fairly high level of detail, even displaying various different liveries which Lothian Buses vehicles have carried, before ending with a crisscross of modern day trams, Volvo 7900 Hybrids and Air Link double-deckers once the timeline reaches the present day. Some of the significant dates in the video include, but are not limited to: ● 1871 – Edinburgh Street Tramways


Corporation created ● 1904 – Leith Corporation tramways appears ● 1919 – Edinburgh Corporation Transport formed ● 1920 – Leith Corporation absorbed by Edinburgh ● 1956 – Last tram operates November 16 ● 1975 – Lothian Region Transport formed ● 1986 – After the UK industry was deregulated and in direct response to the 1985 Transport Act Lothian Region Transport became Lothian Region Transport plc ● 2000 – Name was changed to Lothian Buses plc ● 2013 – Transport for Edinburgh was created encompassing Lothian Buses, Edinburgh Trams and Edinburgh Bus Tours into one integrated transport group ● 2014 – Name was changed to Lothian Buses Ltd Lothian Buses said: “We have created a video which takes you through an

amazing 143 years of public transport provision in just a few minutes. The people of this City loved their trams and bus services and, this underpins the confidence we have in the future as the City’s transport evolves.” The video can be found on our website at coachandbusweek. com/videos


Get in touch via our social media 1,723 Followers


and find us on Facebook at coachandbusweek

Join the discussion on Twitter by following us at @cbwtweets

Tuesday I don’t know what’s happened to winter – and it’s probably tempting fate just saying that – but it’s another beautiful, mild sunny day. Perfect for going to see an operator in East Anglia that’s curving out a niche for itself by investing in new vehicles and delivering a quality, reliable service. It’s growing its market against the national trend and underlines what can be done with determination and making the investment. Phone Dave Rogers, an industry professional who brings a different dimension to bus preservation. Read about Dave and his buses in this issue. Wednesday Spend the day catching up on emails and writing Dave’s story. Have a meeting with Jonathan and Gareth in the afternoon about taking the magazine forward and we talk about the new systems that we’re trying to introduce. There is some positive feedback about this week’s issue. The Milton Keynes Arriva electric bus story is significant and a pointer at where ‘green’ technology is going. Thursday Early start as I’m off to Lancashire to visit an arms length municipal which is determined to reinvent itself. It doesn’t operate in particularly good ‘bus territory’ but, again, there is a real determination to develop the business. This industry often comes in for criticism, but those critics could do well to talk to both operators visited this week. It would be an education for them. Read all about it in a future issue of CBW. Friday Back in the office. More features to write, but an enjoyable week meeting some dedicated people.

067_CBW1121_Last Stop.indd 67

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068_071_CBW1121_People_Recruitment.indd 68

20/01/2014 18:51


RECRUITMENT & PEOPLE DEADLINES Booking: Monday 5.00pm Full artwork: Monday 5.00pm CONTACT Ian Gillis T: 01733 293484 E:

Ben Colson assumes 2014 Omnibus Society President The Omnibus Society’s prestigious Presidential Address take place in Central London on Tuesday, January 28. This year’s President is Ben Colson, who until the business was sold to Stagecoach at the end of last year was Managing Director of Norfolk Green. Ben is well-known for expressing his views strongly, and his imaginative approach to bus operation has enabled Norfolk Green to develop from almost a standing start into a highly

successful operation. He will give his Presidential Address, ‘Whither the Entrepreneur?’ at Bircham Dyson Bell’s premises in 50 Broadway, London SW1 at 1800 for 1830hrs. This is the Society’s �irst London meeting at Bircham Dyson Bell’s premises, and the Society said it is grateful to BDB for hosting the move from across the road at Transport for London’s premises at 55 Broadway. Ben Colson will also host a Presidential Weekend in Norfolk in October 2014.

New members appointed by Bus Appeals Body

HASSLE FREE DRIVERS? Hire coach drivers when you need them.

The Bus Appeals Body, which reviews complaints arising from the operation of local bus and scheduled coach services, has made new appointments to its membership. Chris Heaps has been appointed Chairman, in succession to Lord Peter Snape who held the position for four years. Chris is a former Traf�ic Commissioner with a strong legal background. He has held a number of advisory roles across the transport industry including passenger representative bodies. Roger French OBE has been appointed as Operator Representative. He replaces Dennis Flower who was a founding member of the Bus Appeals Body. Roger is a wellknown and highly respected member of the bus industry,

No holiday, no absence, no NI – pay only for the hours you need them for. We keep your wheels turning while your drivers are resting.

who until his retirement last year was Managing Director of the Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company overseeing the operation of buses in the area for 30 years. Bus Users UK will continue to represent the passengers, as well as providing administrative support to the Bus Appeals Body. Simon Posner, CPT Chief Executive and Gillian Merron, Chairman of Bus Users UK, both expressed their thanks to Lord Snape and Dennis Flower for their time and commitment to the Bus Appeals Body. “Lord Snape and Dennis Flower approached their roles with sensitivity and fairness, and maintained the very highest levels of impartiality and professionalism,” they said in a joint statement. Part of the Human Capital Investment Group Offices in Birmingham - London - Surrey

We are specialist recruiters with over 25 years experience in the PSV & Coach market. Providing 24/7 staffing solutions to prestigious Bus & Coach clients across the UK. We are immediately able to supply and looking to recruit the following skill sets:

Call Del Haggerty Just Coach Drivers Ltd 07950 292939

068_071_CBW1121_People_Recruitment.indd 69

• Engineering Directors • Diagnostic Technicians • Coachbuilders • Parts Specialists • Welders • General Labour

• Engineering Managers • PSV Technicians • Auto Electricians • Workshop Controllers • Cleaners • Administration & Office Staff

Please contact Andy Jennings - Divisional Manager 01784 487616 or 07799 866467

Janaury 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 69 20/01/2014 18:51

70 | COACH & BUS WEEK | January 22 , 2014 068_071_CBW1121_People_Recruitment.indd 70

20/01/2014 18:51


In association with

DEADLINES Booking: Monday 5.00pm Full artwork: Monday 5.00pm CONTACT Ian Gillis T: 01733 293484 E:

National Express West Midlands launches first driving skills academy National Express West Midlands has launched its new Sector Based Work Academy with Minister for Employment Esther McVey MP. The academy is the first in Britain to focus on driving skills. The Sector Based Work Academy will see National Express West Midlands take skills training and job opportunities to communities across the region. The academy will showcase the skills the company has on offer and help people start careers in the business all year round in Birmingham, the Black Country and Coventry. During the launch Esther McVey MP heard from those who are currently in training because of the academy, took a turn behind the wheel of a bus and spoke of the need for other companies to follow National Express West Midlands’ lead. The scheme combines elements of training and work experience to help young people get ready for the world of work, and then ends with a guaranteed interview to give them the chance to showcase their talents and secure a job. The key feature of Sector-Based Work Academies is that they offer a flexible approach and can be adapted to meet the needs of employers. Sector Based Work Academies is one aspect of the Government’s wider youth contract which also involves work experience, wage incentives, on top of the standard support package offered through Jobcentres.

068_071_CBW1121_People_Recruitment.indd 71

The academy is the last pledge to be delivered by the Routes to Work partnership between National Express West Midlands and the JobCentre Plus. Routes to Work, the first agreement of its kind, saw National Express West Midlands and the JobCentre Plus agree to a host of measures to ensure that more young people and women got behind the wheel of the region’s buses. The partnership also helped long term unemployed people back into work and provided additional training

for those who had been out of work the longest. So far Routes to Work has helped over 1,000 people find employment with National Express West Midlands, lowered the age of the company’s workforce by four years and seen a record number of women apply to be bus drivers. Esther McVey, Minister for Employment, said: “Young people who want to get into work tell us that the Sector Based Work Academy scheme has given them the skills and opportunities to get their foot on the career ladder. “The scheme is designed to help young people into work and it combines training and work experience with a guaranteed interview. Already in Birmingham, businesses have set up 169 different academies which have delivered this scheme across a

range of sectors including retail, hospitality and tourism. “This is the first national academy to focus on driving skills - and I’d call more businesses to open up their doors to support young people who want to work hard and get on in life.” Madi Pilgrim, HR Director at National Express West Midlands said: “We are really proud to have launched Britain’s first Sector Based Work Academy for driving skills. Driving buses is a very skilful job and done in some of the most testing conditions, such as heavy traffic and bad weather. It is vital that we continue to employ great people, who have the best training and who will provide our customers with the service they expect – that is why this academy is so important to us.”

Minister for Employment Esther McVey with National Express West Midlands driver trainer Adrian Allcock.

Janaury 22, 2014 | COACH & BUS WEEK | 71 20/01/2014 19:06




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