Walkthrough of Work CREATIVE EMAILERS
Note on Work Showcased The presenta/on consists of work related to internal and external
communica/on for clients like Castrol, Colgate Palmolive, Bri/sh Council, InterGlobe Enterprises, amongst others. There is a lot more strategic internal communica/on (including newsleCers) we do for clients, most of which is highly confiden/al and cannot be shared.
The route less taken CONFIDENTIAL
© On Route 33 Digital Pvt Ltd
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
The route less taken
Some words about us We are
; a , empowering leading brands through the use of internet, by following the . We make possible by the of the , viz websites, social media, search engine op/misa/on/ marke/ng, display adver/sing, et al. Our are , and take a ; an approach which may span many different areas of digital. We in the digital space, and work with some of the leading Corp Comm teams in India, including Castrol India, Colgate Palmolive, amongst others. The route less taken
© On Route 33 Digital Pvt Ltd
What else can we do for you
of the corporate/customer facing websites, campaign and product microsites, apps for various plaVorms using crea/ve emailers and rich media crea/ves using display ad campaigns, email campaigns, custom social media campaigns using SEM & SEO on social plaVorms and custom web-‐ proper/es The route less taken CONFIDENTIAL
© On Route 33 Digital Pvt Ltd
Connect with us To
, and to be our , please speak to:
, the
Director of Possibili/es e: moksh@route33.in m: w: www.route33.in (an elaborate website is in the pipeline) p: pinterest.com/route33 corporate presenta/on: hCp://issuu.com/route33/docs/ route33_companyprofile_walkthrougho_1039d89ce38b1b The route less taken
digital communica/on digital adver/sing digital engagement
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