Business Tourism 2010 Leaflet (UK)

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f ro m ro u t l e d g e

Routledge Critical Studies in Tourism, Business and Management Series This ground-breaking monograph series deals directly with theoretical and conceptual issues at the interface between business, management and tourism studies. It builds on the International Series to provide research-generated, highly-specialized cutting-edge studies of new and emergent themes to affect the future business and management of tourism, such as but not necessarily restricted to knowledge management and innovation; governance and regulation; environmental change and peak oil. The books will be conceptually-challenging, empirically-rigorous creative, and, above all, capable of driving current thinking and unfolding debate in the business and management of tourism. This monograph series will appeal to researchers, academics and practitioners in the fields of tourism, business and management, and the social sciences. We would welcome contributions from established academics as well as early career scholars who have recently completed their doctorates. The monographs will provide a forum for the publication of the freshest, most compelling yet accessible recent perspectives on tourism, business and management.

Sustainable Marketing of Cultural and Heritage Tourism


Deepak Chhabra, Arizona State University, USA Cultural attractions play an important role in tourism at all levels, and attract huge numbers of tourists interested in heritage and the arts. Cultural Heritage Tourism has positive economic and social impacts but can also have negative impacts on communities and regions. This book draws together and links ideas of tourism from sustainable marketing perspectives and embeds it within a heritage management setting. Through a discussion and analysis of existing literature and practices this book aims to propose a marketing strategy framework grounded in sustainable principles that can be used to sustain and preserve the authenticity of cultural heritage for future generations, whilst appealing to the suppliers, the regulators, and the consumers. The book first explains the dynamics of cultural heritage with its authenticity underpinnings, marketing, and tourism, and proposes a strategic praxis drawn from core sustainable principles. This is followed by a pragmatic examination of the proposed framework from the shaper’s (provider’s) perspective. The material presented in this book is not merely an agglomeration of documented secondary research, but the theoretical concepts are grounded in empirical research and interactive discussions with students and the travel and tourism industry. A variety of heritage institutions across the globe are used as starting points to test the applicability of the proposed paradigm: these include museums, historic house museums, heritage hotels/resorts, festivals, and heritage merchandice. This is timely offering to a growing and vibrant area of research; what is most pertinent is that it is a thorough and fresh take on the topic with primary research included. It will find a place in student materials for a variety of courses and it should be read by practicing academics and researchers. Selected Contents: 1. Marketing of Heritage Tourism 2. Setting a Sustainability Stage for Heritage Tourism 3. Strategic Sustainable Heritage Tourism Marketing Model 4. Museums 5. Historic House Museums 6. Heritage Hotels 7. Festivals 8. Heritage Merchandize 9. Future of Sustainable Marketing in Heritage Tourism: Contemplation and Challenges April 2010: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77704-9: £75.00 | eBook: 978-0-203-85541-6 For more information, visit:

Commercial Homes in Tourism An International Perspective Edited by Paul Lynch, University of Strathclyde, UK, Alison J. McIntosh, University of Waikato, New Zealand and Hazel Tucker, University of Otego, New Zealand This is the first book to give recognition to this distinct, economically important and expanding form of tourism business by bringing together recent and international research on this common form of commercial tourism accommodation. 2009: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-47018-6: £80.00 | eBook: 978-0-203-88031-9

Economics of Sustainable Tourism


Edited by Fabio Cerina, University of Cagliari, Italy, Anil Markandya, University of Bath, UK and Michael McAleer, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors helping to generate income and employment for local people. At the same time, it has many negative outsourced effects on the environment and local culture. Achieving a more sustainable pattern of tourism development is high on the global agenda aiming to meet human needs while preserving the environment now and for the future. The Economics of Sustainable Tourism aims to critically explore how tourism economic development can move closer to a sustainable ideal from a firm economic analytic anchor. Grounded in economic theory and application it analyzes tourist’s satisfaction and impacts of tourism on the host community, investigates the productivity of the industry and identify factors which could increase economic and sustainable development such as trade relationships. It offers further insight into how destinations sustainability can be measured, economic benefits of a more sustainable destination and sets the agenda for future research. The book includes a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives and includes cutting edge research from international scholars. This significant volume provides a new perspective on the sustainable tourism debate and will be a valuable read for students, researchers, academics of Tourism and Economics. Selected Contents: 1. Time Series Modelling of Tourism Demand from the USA, Japan and Malaysia to Thailand 2. Determinants of Tourist Satisfaction at Sun and Sand Mass Destinations 3. Determinant Attitudes to Tourism in a Mass Tourist Destination: A Comparative-Static Analysis 4. A Panel Data Analysis of Residential Water Demand in a Mediterranean Tourist Region: the Case of Sardinia 5. Pollution Adverse Tourists and Growth 6. On the Relationship Between Tourism and Trade 7. Evaluating Labour Productivity of Diversifying Rural Tourism: Evidence from Japan 8. Clustering Tourism Destinations by Means Composite Indexes of Sustainability 9. Equilibrium Dynamics and Local Indeterminacy in a Model of Sustainable Tourism 10. How Tourism can Help Preserve Cultural Heritage Sites: Constructing Optimal Entrance Fee Schemes to Collect Visitors’ WTP for the World Heritage Site My Son in Vietnam September 2010: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-58385-5: £75.00 | eBook: 978-0-203-84233-1 For more information, visit:

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