From Theory to Practice
Governing Climate Change
James Connelly, Graham Smith and David Benson
Peter Newell, University of East Anglia, UK and Harriet A. Bulkeley, University of Durham, UK
Series: Environmental Politics
Series: Global Institutions
This definitive textbook is the invaluable resource for undergraduates studying politics and environment studies. Selected Contents: Introduction: Why Environmental Politics? Part 1: Environmental Thought and Political Action. Part 2: The Background to Environmental Policy. Part 3: Environmental Governance: Global to Local. Conclusion 2002: 246x174: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-25145-7: £95.00 US $190.00 Pb: 978-0-415-25146-4: £24.99 US $48.95 eBook: 978-0-203-40194-1 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Green Political Thought Andrew Dobson, University of Keele, UK Andrew Dobson describes and assesses the political ideology of ’ecologism’, and compares this radical view of remedies for the environmental crisis with the ’environmentalism’ of mainstream politics. He examines the relationship between ecologism and other political ideologies, the philosophical basis of ecological thinking, the potential shape of a sustainable society, and the means at hand for achieving it. Selected Contents: Part 1: Thinking about Ecologism. Part 2: Philosophical Foundations. Part 3: The Sustainable Society. Part 4: Strategies for Green Change. Part 5: Ecologism and Other Ideologies. 2007: 216x138: 228pp Hb: 978-0-415-40351-1: £85.00 US $170.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40352-8: £21.99 US $39.95 eBook:978-203-96462-0 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Textbooks marked ‘Available as an Inspection Copy’ can be sent to lecturers considering adopting them for relevant courses. To order, please contact or visit
Examines how climate change is governed by an increasingly diverse range of actors, from civil society and market actors to multilateral development banks, donors and cities. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Governing Climate Change: A Brief History 3. Governance for Whom? Equity, Justice and the Politics of Sustainable Development 4. Between Global and Local: Governing Climate Change Transnationally 5. Communities and the Governing of Climate Change 6. The Private Governance of Climate Change 7. Conclusion December 2009: 216x138: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-46768-1: £75.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46769-8: £14.99 US $28.95
Global Environmental Politics Concepts, Theories and Case Studies Edited by Gabriela Kutting, Rutgers-Newark University, USA
Environmental Politics Stakeholders, Interests, and Policymaking Norman Miller, North Carolina State University, USA Written by an expert with more than 25 years of ’smokefilled room’ experience in environmental policymaking, this book gives students an insider’s view of how policies are forged. It examines current environmental issues through a stakeholder lens, providing a unique perspective into how policies are adopted, and also illuminates the transformative power of global warming as a political force. Selected Contents: 1. The Evolving Landscape of Environmental Politics 2. Legislation: Levelling the Playing Field and Leveraging the Process 3. Environmental Regulation and the Evolution and Capture of the EPA 4. The Burgeoning Role of State and Local Governments 5. The Growing Sophistication of Environmental Advocacy 6. The Greening of Business 7. Re-emerging Activists 8. Uncertain Science – Uncertain Politics 9. The Media Business 10. Federal Courts: A New Posture. Conclusion. A New Environmentalist Landscape
Global Environmental Politics: Concepts, Theories and Case Studies is the perfect introduction to the most important environmental theories and concepts, with a series of detailed case studies of the most pressing environmental problems.
2008: 229x152: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-96105-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96106-6: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-89008-0 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Features and benefits of the book:
Cases in Environmental Politics
•Introduces environmental politics within the context of political science and international relations theories. •Demonstrates how the concepts and theories apply in a wide variety of real world contexts and case studies. •Each chapter is written by an established international authority in the field. Selected Contents: Introduction Concepts and Theories 1. Theoretical Perspectives John Vogler 2. Regime Theory and Global Governance Rado Dimitrov 3. Transnational Actors Lucy Ford 4. Global Political Economy and Development Jennifer Clapp 5. Environmental Security Shlomi Dinar 6. Consumption Doris Fuchs 7. Ecological Justice Dimitris Stevis and Tim Ehresman Case Studies 8. Climate Change Paul Harris 9. Marine Pollution Peter Jacques 10. Biodiversity Antje Brown 11. Agriculture Marc Williams 12. Forests David Humphreys 13. Persistent Organic Pollutants Peter Hough Conclusion May 2010: 246x174: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77793-3: £85.00 US $170.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77794-0: £21.99 US $41.95 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Stakeholders, Interests, and Policymaking Edited by Norman Miller, North Carolina State University, USA This casebook emphasizes the struggle for power among stakeholders in environmental politics and policymaking. Each case is presented through a narrative introduction and a dozen or more primary source documents that illustrate whose interests are at stake and how they pursue them in the policymaking process. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Global Climate Change 2. Alternate Energy Sources 3. The Politics of Food 4. Forest Fire Management 5. Air Pollution 6. Endangered Species Protection 2008: 229x152: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-96103-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96104-2: £26.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Environmental Politics & Cases in Environmental Politics are now available in one set for just £36.99 Pb: 978-0-415-96107-3: £36.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Climate Change and Liberal Priorities
The Politics of Climate Policy
Edited by Gideon Calder, University of Wales, UK and Catriona McKinnon, University of Reading, UK
This book analyzes the nature of climate policy politics in affluent democracies from a number of theoretical angles so as to improve our understanding of which political strategies would be likely to enable governments to make deep cuts in emissions while avoiding significant political damage.
This book explores fresh arguments by leading scholars both sceptical of liberalism’s capacity to meet the challenges of climate change, and sympathetic to the project of developing liberal values so as to create a liberal approach that can deliver climate change justice. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Keeping Cool with Liberalism? 3. Disowning the Weather 4. Liberal Individualism, the Liberal Ethic and the Challenge of Global Warming 5. Distributing the Benefits and Burdens of Climate Change 6. Containment of Production and Consumption: Anti-Liberal? 7. Climate Change and Normativity: Constructivism vs Realism 8. Climate Change as a Global Test for Rawlsian Political Philosophy 9. Doing Climate Change Justice: Getting Motivated in the Last Chance November 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-45340-0: £70.00 US $140.00
Aviation and Climate Change Lessons for European Policy Alice Bows, Tyndall Centre, University of Manchester, UK, Kevin Anderson, Manchester Business School, UK and Paul Upham, University of Manchester, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment An examination of European policy toward climate change, specifically focusing on its ramifications for the aviation industry. Accessible to students, academics and practitioners, this book is useful reading for all those with an interest in climate change, the aviation industry, or both. Selected Contents: List of Figures. List of Tables. Acknowledgments Part 1: Flying into Heavy Weather 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Aviation’s Past, Present and Future 1.3 Climate Change and Cumulative Emissions 1.4 Opportunities for Aviation 1.5 Climate and Aviation Policy 1.6 Comparative Assessment 1.7 Aviation in the Wider Energy Context Part 2: Aviation: Past, Present and Future 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Past 2.3 The Future 2.4 The Wider Context 2.5 Summary Part 3: Climate Change & Cumulative Emissions 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Global Climate Change 3.3 Climate Targets in the EU 3.4 Summary Part 4: Opportunities for Aviation 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Shifting Environmental Focus 4.3 Aircraft Engine Technology 4.4 Airframe Design 4.5 Low-Carbon Fuels 4.6 Operations 4.7 Contrails and Cirrus Clouds 4.8 Summary Part 5: Climate and Aviation Policy 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Global Policies and Drivers 5.3 EU Policies and Drivers 5.4 UK Policies and Drivers 5.5 Summary Part 6: Comparative Assessment 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Aviation Emission Scenarios for the EU 6.3 Aviation Emission Scenarios for the UK 6.4 Summary Part 7: Aviation in the Wider Energy Context 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The Tyndall Scenario Method 7.3 The Energy Policy Context 7.4 Scenario Method 7.5 Tyndall’s 60% Energy Scenarios 7.6 Tyndall’s Cumulative Carbon Scenarios Part 8: Conclusion Notes. Bibliography. Index 2008: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-39705-6: £65.00 US $120.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89189-6
Edited by Hugh Compston, Cardiff University, UK
The Complete Guide to Climate Change Brian Dawson, Former Consultant, United Nations Development programme and Matt Spannagle, United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA For anyone trying to separate the fact from the fiction, The Complete Guide to Climate Change is an indispensable resource. Taking you through the A to Z of the key scientific, geographical and sociopolitical issues involved in the study of the environment and the implications of mankind’s effect upon it, topics covered include:
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Rational Actor Approach 2. Public Opinion and Elections 3. Policy Networks and Advocacy Coalitions 4. Political Economy 5. Agenda-Setting 6. Theories of Regulation 7. Discourse Theory 8. Risk Analysis 9. Socio-Technical Transitions 10. Media Analysis December 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-45870-2: £70.00 US $140.00
•Environmental Science – the Carbon Cycle and the ’Greenhouse Gases’
Climate Change and Foreign Policy
•the impacts of climate change on life, land and sea
Case Studies from East to West
•mitigation strategies from carbon capture to carbon taxes
Edited by Paul G. Harris, Lingnan University, Hong Kong Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics Examines the problem of global climate change and presents a series of case studies on Australia, China, Turkey, Hungary, Denmark, France, the European Union and the US to assess how they are attempting to deal with it. Selected Contents: 1. Climate Change in Environmental Foreign Policy: Science, Diplomacy, and Politics Paul G. Harris 2. Australia at a Discursive Crossroad: Climate Change and Foreign Policy Melissa Nursey-Bray 3. Japanese Foreign Policy on Climate Change: Diplomacy and Domestic Politics Hiroshi Ohta 4. Climate Change in Chinese Foreign Policy: Internal and External Responses Paul G. Harris and Hongyuan Yu 5. Turkey’s Foreign Policy on Global Atmospheric Commons: Climate Change and Ozone Depletion Semra Cerit Mazlum 6. Understanding Hungary’s Environmental Foreign Policy: The Cases of the Climate Change and Biodiversity Regimes Zsolt Boda, Györgyi Bela, and Zsuzsanna Pató 7. Climate Change and Danish Foreign Policy: Options for Greater Integration Deborah Murphy, John Drexhage, Oli Brown, Aaron Cosbey, Richard Tarasofsky, and Beverley Darkin 8. Environmental Foreign Policy in France: National Interests, Nuclear Power, and Climate Protection Joseph Szarka 9. Who Decides EU Foreign Policy on Climate Change?: Actors, Alliances, and Institutions Oriol Costa 10. Exceptionalism as Foreign Policy: US Climate Change Policy and an Emerging Norm of Compliance Elizabeth L. Chalecki 11. Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Official Development Assistance: Challenges to Foreign Policy Integration Åsa Persson and Richard J.T. Klein June 2009: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-48345-2: £70.00 US $140.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88140-8
•the Kyoto Protocol and UNFCC •renewable fuel sources, from wind to solar power. Including guides to the latest scientific and governmental thinking on climate change, this book will tell you all you need to know about perhaps the biggest issue facing mankind today. 2008: 234x156: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-47789-5: £65.00 US $120.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47790-1: £17.99 US $32.95 eBook: 978-0-203-88846-9
The Politics of Climate Change Environmental Dynamics in International Affairs Edited by Paul G. Harris, Lingnan University, Hong Kong In this book, an international group of scholars describe the latest climate diplomacy, explore national responses to climate change, analyze implications for economics and security, and propose equitable and just schemes for fostering greater international cooperation in the future. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: The Glacial Politics of Climate Change Paul G. Harris Dynamics of Climate Politics 2. A Climate of Obstinacy: Symbolic Politics in Australian and Canadian Policy Loren R. Cass 3. The Climate Regime and Domestic Politics: The Case of Russia Liliana B. Andonova 4. The Construction of China’s Climate Politics: Transnational NGOs and the Spiral Model of International Relations Miriam Schroeder 5. Is Climate Change Changing the EU?: The Second Image Reversed in Climate Politics Oriol Costa 6. Linking as Leverage: Emissions Trading and the Politics of Climate Change Richard Benwell 7. Domestic Incentives and Climate Politics: International Public Goods in Two-Level Games Stephen Kroll and Jason F. Shogren Security, Justice and Equity in Climate Politics 8. Environmental Security and Climate Change: Analyzing the Discourse Maria Julia Trombetta 9. Securitizing Climate Change: International Legal Implications and Obstacles Shirley Scott 10. Inequality in Global Climate Policy: Breaking the North-South Impasse J. Timmons Roberts and Brad Parks 11. Greenhouse Development Rights: Towards an Equitable Framework for Global Climate Policy Paul Baer and Glenn Fieldman 12. Conclusion: Constructing the Climate Regime Paul G. Harris June 2009: 246x174: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-48646-0: £75.00 US $125.00
Environmental Governance Power and Knowledge in a Local-Global World Edited by Gabriela Kütting, Rutgers-Newark University, USA and Ronnie Lipschutz, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA This edited collection makes a highly significant critical contribution to the field of environmental politics, exploring the relationship between governance, power and knowledge through a variety of approaches and perspectives. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Power, Knowledge and Environmental Governance from a Conceptual Perspective 2. Situating Knowledges, Spatializing Communities, and Sizing Contradictions: The Challenge of Globality and Locality in Environmental Governance Tim Luke 3. Ecological Expertise Ralf Brand and Andy Karvonen 4. Power, Knowledge and Ocean Governance from a Historical Perspective Peter Jacques Part 2: From the Local to the Global 5. Multi-level-governance and the Question of Scale – The Concept of Landscape Governance Christoph Görg and Felix Rauschmayer 6. The Internationalized State: Functions and Modes of Regulation of Genetic Resources Uli Brand 7. Ecological Praxis: The Global Ecovillage Movement and the Scientific Ontology of Interbeing Karen Litfin Part 3: From the Global to the Local 8. Water for All! The Power of the World Bank and its Transnational Policy Networks Michael Goldman 9. Global Institutions and Environmental Change: Moving Beyond Land-use-cover-change Tim Forsyth 10. Global Assistance for Local Environmental Movements: The Politics of Capacity-Building in BosniaHerzegovina Adam Fagan 11. Conclusions March 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-77712-4: £80.00 US $160.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77713-1: £23.99 US $43.95 eBook: 978-0-203-88010-4
Good Governance in China - A Way Towards Social Harmony Case Studies by China’s Rising Leaders Edited by Wang Mengkui, China Development Research Foundation, Beijing, China
Governance for Sustainable Development
The Crisis of Global Environmental Governance
Coping with Ambivalence, Uncertainty and Distributed Power
Towards a New Political Economy of Sustainability
Edited by Jens Newig, Univeristy of Osnabruck, Germany, Jan-Peter Voß, Oko-Institut, Germany and Jochen Monstadt, City Insitute at York University, Canada
Edited by Jacob Park, Green Mountain College, USA, Ken Conca, University of Maryland, USA and Matthias Finger, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
This volume explores steering strategies and governance arrangements for sustainable development. The volume maps out conditions and identifies approaches which both reflect the limits of steering and reveal options for constructively taking up the task of sustainable development in science and practice.
Series: Environmental Politics
Selected Contents: Ambivalence of Sustainability as a Goal. Uncertainty about Socio-Ecological Dynamics. Distribution of Control over Development. Governing with Ambivalence, Uncertainty and Distributed Power 2008: 246x189: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-45192-5: £75.00 US $140.00
The Good Governance of Fisheries A North Sea Case Study Liza Griffin, University of Westminster, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics This book examines the discourse and practice of ‘good governance’. In doing this, the book also tests some of the seldom questioned assumptions and axioms that are contained within governance theory, and policy documents about the forms and processes that policymaking under the so-called ‘turn to governance’ now takes. Selected Contents: 1. Plenty More Fish in the Sea? 2. Sea Change: The North Sea Crisis, the Common Fisheries Policy and its Good Governance Reforms 3. Fisheries and the Principles of Good Governance: Tensions and Contradiction 4. All aboard: Fisheries Stakeholders, Governance and Power: Redrawing the Boundaries of Participation 5. Fish Scales: Rescaling and Scale Jumping in the North Sea 6. Red Herrings & The Politics of Scale 7. Reflections, Theorisations and Conclusions March 2010: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-48623-1: £75.00 US $150.00
Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy
This book explores the key issues in governance and public administration facing China’s policy-makers today. The chapters cover a wide range of issue areas and provide an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand China’s own thinking on its governance and public administration.
GM Food on Trial
Selected Contents: Part 1: Reform of the Government Administration System. Part 2: Urban Construction and Social Administration. Part 3: Crisis Management and Group Incidents. Part 4: Resources and Ecological Environment. Part 5: Education and Public Health. Part 6: Economic Reform and Development
This book examines European institutions being ‘put on trial’ for how their regulatory procedures evaluate and regulate GM products. Levidow highlights how public controversy created a legitimacy crisis, leading to national policy changes and demands, in turn stimulating changes in EU agbiotech regulations as a strategy to regain legitimacy.
2008: 234x156: 432pp Hb: 978-0-415-46278-5: £95.00 US $190.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88768-4
Testing European Democracy Les Levidow and Susan Carr, both at The Open University, UK Series: Genetics and Society
Selected Contents: Acknowledgments 1. Introduction: What’s on Trial? 2. Analytical Perspectives 3. Simulating Mother Nature, Naturalising Social Models 4. Constructing the Public as Citizens 5. Labelling Food Products as GM 6. Sustaining which Agriculture? 7. Europeanising Biosafety Expertise 8. Designing Commercial Experiments 9. Preventing GM ‘Contamination’ 10. Conclusion: Opening up Alternative Futures. Notes. Bibliography. Index
Taking a critical perspective and providing a comprehensive framework on globalization and governance, this book examines what institutional mechanisms and arrangements will enable people to achieve sustainable environmental governance. Selected Contents: 1. The Death of Rio Environmentalism 2. Sustainability and Globalization: A Theoretical Perspective 3. Which Governance for Sustainable Development? An Organizational and Institutional Perspective 4. A Global Political Economy of Textiles: From the Global to the Local and Back Again 5. The Marketization of Global Environmental Governance: Manifestations and Implications 6. Between Market and Justice: The SocioEcological Challenge 7. Sustainable Consumption? Legitimation, Regulation, and Environmental Governance 8. Transnational Transformations: From GovernmentCentric Interstate Regimes to Cross-Sectoral Multi-Level Networks of Global Governance 9. ’Stakeholders’ and the Politics of Environmental Policymaking 10. Rethinking Authority, Territory, and Knowledge: Transnational SocioEcological Controversies and Global Environmental Governance 2008: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-44919-9: £75.00 US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44920-5: £22.99 US $42.50 eBook: 978-0-203-92910-0
International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance Edited by Frank Biermann, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Bernd Siebenhüner, Oldenburg University, Germany and Anna Schreyögg, Global Governance Project, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Research in Environmental Politics Provides a comparative study of the role of international organizations in environmental governance and features case studies on the World Bank; OECD; the UN Environment Programme and secretariats to environmental treaties; and hybrid organizations. Selected Contents: Part 1: Intergovernmental Organizations. Part 2: International Environmental Programmes and Secretariats. Part 3: New Private-Public Hybrid Organizations January 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-46925-8: £70.00 US $140.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88315-0
September 2009: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-95541-6: £60.00 US $95.00 eBook: 978-0-203-86669-6
4 In Pursuit of Sustainable Development New Governance Practices at the Sub-national Level in Europe Edited by Susan Baker, Cardiff University, UK and Katarina Eckerberg, Umeå University, Sweden Series: Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science Explores the promotion of sustainable development as an organizing principle for the emergence of new forms of governance practices in European Union member states and Norway. Selected Contents: Part 1: Promoting Governance Capacity for Sustainable Development. Part 2: Engaging in Governance for Sustainable Development 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-41910-9: £70.00 US $130.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92816-5
China in the Wake of Asia’s Financial Crisis Edited by Wang Mengkui, China Development Research Foundation, Beijing, China Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy This book examines China’s response to the Asian financial crisis of 1997, both in its immediate aftermath and in the years since. Based on research conducted by the China Development Research Foundation, one of China’s leading think-tanks, this book includes contributions from senior policy makers in the Chinese government. Selected Contents: Part 1: China’s Macroeconomic Management after the Asian Financial Crisis. Part 2: China’s Financial System and Reform of Stateowned Enterprises after the Asian Financial Crisis. Part 3: Restructuring China’s Social Welfare System. Part 4: Reflections on the Asian Financial Crisis and China’s Opening up to the Outside 2008: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-46469-7: £90.00 US $180.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88532-1
The Politics of Unsustainability Eco-Politics in the Post-Ecologist Era Edited by Ingolfur Bluhdorn and Ian Welsh, Cardiff University, UK Series: Environmental Politics Two decades after its launch by the UN Brundtland Commission, the paradigm of sustainability seems to have reached its limit. This volume examines this paradox in the context of a new ’politics of unsustainability’. Selected Contents: 1. Eco-Politics Beyond the Paradigm of Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda 2. Changing Public Discourse on the Environment: Danish Media Coverage of the Rio and Johannesburg UN Summits 3. Participation and Sustainable Development: The Post-Ecologist Transformation of Citizen Involvement in Denmark 4. Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Politics and the Politics of Simulation 5. Symbolic Environmental Legislation and Societal Self-Deception 6. Sustainable Development as Symbolic Commitment: Declaratory Politics and the Seductive Appeal of Ecological Modernisation in the European Union 7. Dissolving the Nation: Self-Deception and Symbiotic Inversion in the GM Debate 8. The Post-Ecologist Condition: Irony as Symptom and Cure 9. In Defence of Civilisation: Terrorism and Environmental Politics in the 21st Century 2008: 234x156: 215pp Hb: 978-0-415-46620-2: £75.00 US $140.00
Conflicts in Environmental Regulation and the Internationalisation of the State Contested Terrains Ulrich Brand, Vienna University, Austria, Christoph Görg, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany, Joachim Hirsch, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany and Markus Wissen, Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, Germany Series: Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy ’This book represents an important contribution to the study of global environmental politics and indeed international political economy. Understanding the global politics of access to and control over genetic resources through an historical materialist approach represents an innovative and welcome development.’ - Peter Newell, Professor of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK ‘A compelling and insightful book on conflicts over genetics, intellectual property rights, and the future of agriculture. A must read for anyone concerned with the erosion of genetic diversity and how it has become a flash point for power struggles between the global North and South.’ - Michael Goldman, University of Minnesota, USA. Author of Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization Selected Contents: Introduction: Genetic Resources and the Internationalisation of the State 1. The Regulation of Nature in Post-Fordism 2. On the Value of Nature: The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Commercialisation of Genetic Resources 3. Limits to Commercialisation?: Genetic Resources in Agriculture and the Conflict over a Multilateral Exchange System 4. Politicising Intellectual Property Rights: The Conflicts around the TRIPS Agreement and the World Intellectual Property Organisation 5. The Relevance of the National and the Local: The Disputes over a Valorization Paradigm in Mexico and Chiapas 6. Contested Terrains: Towards a Neo-Poulantzian Approach to International Political Economy 2008: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-45513-8: £75.00 US $140.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92850-9
On the Edges of Development Cultural Interventions Edited by Kum-Kum Bhavnani and John Foran, both at University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, and Priya Kurian and Debashish Munshi, both at University of Waikato, New Zealand Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society This volume re-imagines development through a careful and imaginative exploration of some of the many ways that culture – in the broadest sense of lived experience and its representation – can recenter resistance, suggest alternative models, and advance critiques of development as it is currently practised. Selected Contents: Introduction: From the Edges of Development Kum-Kum Bhavnani, John Foran, Priya Kurian, and Debashish Munshi Part 1: Refusing Representations of Development 1. October 17, 1961 Moustafa Bayoumi 2. Ode to ’Quasheba’: Resistance Rituals Among Higgler Women in Jamaica Hume N. Johnson 3. Plural Economies and the Conditions for Refusal: Gendered Developments in Bangkok Ara Wilson 4. Dancing on the Edge: Women, Culture, and a Passion for Change Kum-Kum Bhavnani and Krista Bywater 5. Resisting Westernity and Refusing Development Molefi Kete Asante Part 2: Emergent Discourses of Development 6. From Roosevelt in Germany to Bush in Iraq: Development’s Discourse of Liberation, Democracy, and Free Trade Josefina Saldaña 7. Migrants, Genes, and Socio-Scientific Phobias: Charting the Fear of the ’Third World’ Tag in Discourses of Development in New Zealand Priya Kurian and Debashish Munshi 8. OFW Tales, or Globalization Discourses and Development Ming-Yan Lai 9. Erratic Hopes and Inconsistent Expectations for Mexican Rural Women: A Critique of Economic Thinking on Alternatives to Poverty Magadalena Villarreal 10. From Old to New Political Cultures of Opposition: Radical Social Change in an Era of Globalization John Foran Part 3: Fictions of Development 11. Mama Benz and the Taste of Money: A Critical View of a ’Homespun’ Rags-to-Riches Story of Post-Independence Africa Lena Khor 12. History, Development, and Transformation in Paule Marshall’s The Chosen Place, The Timeless People: A Conversation Among Students of Development Erin Kennedy, Edwin Lopez, Moira O’Neil, and Molly Talcott 13. Urduja through the Looking Glass: A Response to Colonial Trauma Tera Maxwell 14. Fictions of (Under)Development: Hunger Artists in the Global Economy Françoise Lionnet. Afterword Susanne Schech February 2009: : 290pp Hb: 978-0-415-95621-5: £60.00 US $95.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88044-9
5 Energy Security
Acting Locally
Europe’s New Foreign Policy Challenge
Caspian Energy Politics
Richard Youngs, FRIDE, Spain
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
Local Environmental Mobilizations and Campaigns
Series: Routledge Advances in European Politics
Edited by Indra Overland and Heidi Kjaernet, both at Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Andrea Herschman Kendall-Taylor, University of California-Los Angeles, USA
This book charts the EU’s response to the challenge of energy security with a focus on the foreign policy dimensions and examines how the EU’s approach to energy security is played out in different producer countries and regions. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Concepts of Energy Security and EU Foreign Policy 3. The Policy Response: European Energy Initative 4. The Middle East 5. Russia 6. Central Asia and the Caspian 7. Sub-Saharan Africa 8. The Role of European Oil Companies 9. Conclusions
Series: Central Asian Studies This book analyses the nexus of petroleum, security and governance in three semi-authoritarian states in the Caspian region, linking the analysis of domestic and international issues. It provides a timely and much needed analysis of the current impact of oil on the development of this crucial region.
This third edition of Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management is the most accessible and user-friendly textbook on the market. Continuing the narrative structure and visual emphasis of the second edition, the text is sprinkled with updates on contemporary policy initiatives, and discussions of the latest developments in the field. The environmental policy of the Obama administration and the international dimension of environmental and natural resource economics are provided with in depth coverage. Key issues discussed include:
Selected Contents: Introduction: The Resource Curse and Authoritarianism in the Caspian Petro-States Indra Overland, Heidi Kjaernet and Andrea Kendall-Taylor Part 1: Domestic Challenges in the Caspian PetroStates Introduction: Domestic Balancing Acts in the Caspian Petro-States Andrea Kendall-Taylor 1. Resource Nationalism in Kazakhstan’s Petroleum Sector: Curse or Blessing? Adil Nurmakov 2. Petroleum-Fuelled Public Investment in Azerbaijan: Implications for Competitiveness and Employment Ramil Maharramov 3. Displacement in a Booming Economy: IDPs in Azerbaijan Heidi Kjaernet 4. Natural Gas and Authoritarianism in Turkmenistan Gregory Gleason Part 2: Energy Relations of the Caspian Petro-States with China and Russia Introduction: China and Russia: Partners or Firewalls for the Caspian Petro-States? Indra Overland, Stina Torjesen and Heidi Kjaernet 5. China, Energy Security and Central Asian Diplomacy: Bilateral and Multilateral Approaches Marc Lanteigne 6. In the New ‘Great Game’, Who is Getting Played? Chinese Investment in Kazakhstan’s Petroleum Sector Ryan Kennedy 7. Just Good Friends: Kazakhstan’s and Turkmenistan’s Energy Relations with Russia Indra Overland and Stina Torjesen 8. Azerbaijani–Russian Relations and the Economization of Foreign Policy Heidi Kjaernet 9. The Shanghai Cooperation Energy Club: Purpose and Prospects Nargis Kassenova. Conclusions and Further Reflections: The Logic of Authoritarianism in the Caspian Petro-States Indra Overland, Andrea KendallTaylor and Heidi Kjaernet
•analysis of the causes and effects of global climate change
October 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-54916-5: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-86523-1
January 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-47804-5: £70.00 US $140.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88262-7
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management David Anderson, Centre College, USA
•England’s peak-load pricing mechanisms for streets and highways
•market-based cap-and-trade programs in theory and practice
Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan
•the prospects for job growth in concert with the achievement of environmental goals.
Series: Central Asian Studies
As visual aids, an expanded array of photographs, diagrams, and graphs will impart new perspectives on global environmental and resource issues. The textbook addresses the critical objectives of environmental and economic literacy with policyoriented, application-based content delivered in a clear and concise manner that readers can enjoy. March 2010: 246x174: 424pp Hb: 978-0-415-77904-3: £110.00 US $180.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77905-0: £37.50 US $53.95 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Wojciech Ostrowski, University of St Andrews, UK Based on extensive field work and in-depth interviews in Kazakhstan, this book provides a comprehensive study of the issues of politics of oil and state-business relationships in Kazakhstan. It examines the ways in which the post-Soviet Kazakh regime has managed to sustain itself in power, and the regime maintenance techniques it has used in the process of establishing and upholding its position.
Edited by Christopher Rootes, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK Series: Environmental Politics Drawing on European examples, this book examines the networks amongst actors and organizations which connect local campaigns to the larger environmental movement and political systems. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Local Environmental Mobilizations 2. Still the Time of Environmental Movements? Environmental Organizational Fields in Britain and Italy 3. Local Contention, Global Framing: The Protest Campaigns against the TAV in Val de Susa and the Bridge on the Messina Straits 4. From Larzac to the Altermondialist Mobilization: Space in Environmental Movements 5. Networking the Local and the National: Environmental Activists and Campaigns in London 6. Local Environmental Protest in Greece 7. Environmental Direct Action Protests in Manchester, Oxford and North Wales 8. Resisting the Costs of ‘Development’: Local Environmental Activism in Ireland 9. Conclusion: Local Environmental Mobilisations in Context 2008: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-45764-4: £75.00 US $140.00
Beyond Borders Environmental Movements and Transnational Politics Edited by Brian Doherty, University of Keele, UK and Timothy Doyle, University of Adelaide, Australia Series: Environmental Politics This book examines how trans-national politics is changing the nature of environmentalism through examining both wider theoretical and comparative questions derived from case studies grounded in Europe, Africa, America, Asia and the Middle East. Selected Contents: 1. Beyond Borders: Transnational Politics, Social Movements and Modern Environmentalism 2. Expanding the Green Public Space: Post-Colonial Connections 3. Non-Governmental Organizations and Governance States: The Impact of Transnational Environmental Management Networks in Madagascar 4. Traversing More than Speed Bumps: Green Politics under Authoritarian Regimes in Burma and Iran 5. Facing South? British Environment Movement Organizations and the Challenge of Globalisation 6. Neither ’North’ nor ’South’: The Environment and Civil Society in PostConflict Bosnia-Herzegovina 7. Transnational Influences on Patterns of Mobilization within Environmental Movements in Hungary 8. Vulnerability and Disobedience: New Repertoires in French Environmental Protests 9. Entangled Logics and Grassroots: Imagineres of Global Justice Networks 10. Friends of the Earth International: Negotiating a Transnational Identity 11. Green Public Spheres and the Green Governance State: The Politics of Emancipation and Ecological Conditionality 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-46439-0: £75.00 US $140.00
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Oil Industry and Techniques of Regime Maintenance 3. The Kazakh Oil Industry in Transition: De-formalising Formal Relations 4. Strengthening the Informal Ties: The Kazakhization of the Oil Industry 5. Controlling the Oil-rich Regions: Local Population 6. Controlling the Oil-rich Regions: Local Interests Groups 7. The Kazakh Oil Industry after Transition: Quasi-formal Relationships and Consolidation 8. Summary and Conclusions October 2009: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-48580-7: £80.00 US $130.00 eBook: 978-0-203-86916-1
Environmental Activism in China
Economic Growth, the Environment and International Relations
Environmental Change and Foreign Policy
The Growth Paradigm
Theory and Practice
Stephen James Purdey, University of Toronto, Canada
Edited by Paul G. Harris, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Series: Routledge Advances in International Political Economy
Series: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics
This book critically examines the deep origins and rise to prominence of the idea of economic growth and uses a neo-Gramscian approach to explore the environmental consequences of this paradigm.
Introduces the concepts and theories of environmental foreign policy and explores how countries have approached different issues to examine the role of foreign policy politics in protecting the environment.
Lei Xie, Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster, UK Series: China Policy Series This book analyses the nature, characteristics, strategies, organizational modes and influence of what could be labeled a Chinese environmental movement in-the-making. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Environmental Governance and NGOs: An Introduction to China 2. Analysing Chinese Environmental Movement Networks 3. Environmental Activism in Panjin, Liaoning Province 4. Environmental Activism in Beijing 5. Environmental Activism in Xiangfan, Hubei Province 6. Environmental Activism in Shanghai 7. Comparison and Conclusions April 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-47869-4: £75.00 US $150.00 eBook: 978-0-203-87913-9
Environmental Movements and Waste Infrastructure Edited by Christopher Rootes, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK and Liam Leonard, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland As rates of consumption grow, the problem of waste management has increased significantly. This book sheds new light on the structures of political opportunity that confront environmental movements that challenge the state or corporate sector. Selected Contents: 1. Environmental Movements and Waste Infrastructure 2. More Acted upon than Acting? Campaigns against Waste Incinerators in England 3. When Time is on their Side: Determinants of Outcomes in Two New Siting and Two Existing Contamination Cases in Louisiana, USA 4. Zero Waste or Incineration: Struggles over Waste and Energy in Twenty-First Century America 5. When Two Worlds Collide: Campaigns against Incinerators on Natura 2000 Sites in France 6. Environmental Justice Movements and CrossBorder Waste Flows 7. Grassroots Mobilisations against Waste Disposal Sites in the Greater Athens Area 8. More Ecological Waste Infrastructures, Less Conflicts? The Evolution of the Domestic Waste Management Policy in Catalonia and its Resulting Disputes 9. Campaigns against Incineration in Ireland – North & South: Framing, Networking & Political Opportunities February 2010: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-45869-6: £70.00 US $140.00
Environmentalism in the United States Changing Conceptions of Activism Edited by Elizabeth Bomberg, University of Edinburgh, UK and David Schlosberg, Northern Arizona University, USA This book explores the changing patterns of and challenges to environmentalism in the contemporary US. This book was previously published as a special issue of Environmental Politics. Selected Contents: 1. Perspectives on American Environmentalism David Schlosberg and Elizabeth Bomberg 2. Producing Political Climate Change: The Hidden Life of US Environmentalism Philip Brick and R. McGreggor Cawley 3. Populism, Paternalism and the State of Environmentalism in the US John M. Meyer 4. The Environmentalist: ’What is to be done?’ William Chaloupka 5. Ecological Modernisation, American Style David Schlosberg and Sara Rinfret 6. Living Environmentalisms: Coalition Politics, Social Reproduction, and Environmental Justice Giovanna Di Chiro 7. Radical Environmentalism in an Age of Antiterrorism Steve Vanderheiden 8. Failure and Opportunity: Environmental Groups in US Climate Change Policy Gary Bryner 9. US Environmentalism in Comparative Perspective Elizabeth Bomberg and David Schlosberg 2008: 234x156: 174pp Hb: 978-0-415-44818-5: £75.00 US $140.00
Selected Contents: 1. What is the Growth Paradigm? 2. Systemic-, Unit-, and Individual-Level Contributions to Understanding the Paradigm 3. The Ideational Superstructure of the Paradigm 4. The Class Structure and Normative Foundations of the Paradigm 5. Tensions in the Paradigm and Prospects for Change December 2009: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-54850-2: £70.00 US $115.00
Participation in Environmental Organizations Benno Torgler, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Maria A. Garcia-Valiñas, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain and Alison Macintyre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book analyzes the determinants of environmental participation and its consequences in different parts of the world. September 2009: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-44631-0: £75.00 US $150.00
Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy Malte Faber and Reiner Manstetten, both at University of Heidelberg, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics This book provides a brand new and comprehensive view on problems pertaining to the relationship between humans and nature, looking at these issues from physical, biological, economical, political, social, and cultural points of view. Selected Contents: 1. Humanity, Nature and Environment 2. Environmental Education: Problems and Possible Solutions 3. The meaning of Economy and Ecology 4. Scientific Logos and Ignorance 5. The Essence Logos 6. The Existence Logos 7. Forms of Knowledge and Economic Dynamics 8. The Term Nature and the Three Purposes of Life August 2009: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-49455-7: £75.00 US $150.00 eBook: 978-0-203-87219-2
Regulating Global Trade and the Environment Paul Street, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy This book assesses the limitations and possibilities for achieving substantive human freedoms and sustainable environmental futures, through the rules of transitional factors in framing the trade and environment debate. December 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-27789-1: £60.00 US $120.00 eBook: 978-0-203-49763-0
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Environmental Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice Paul G. Harris Part 1: Theory 2. Theories of Environmental Foreign Policy: Power, Interests, and Ideas John Barkdull and Paul G. Harris 3. The Symbolism of Environmental Policy: Foreign Policy Commitments as Signaling Tools Loren R. Cass 4. Pluralistic Politics and Public Choice: Theories of Business and Government Responses to Climate Change Thomas L. Brewer 5. The Politics of Socionatures: Images of Environmental Foreign Policy Maximilian Mayer and Friedrich J. Arndt Part 2: Practice 6. The Domestication of International Environmental Conventions: Biodiversity in Ugandan Foreign Policy David R. Mutekanga 7. From Local Protest to the International Court of Justice: Forging Environmental Foreign Policy in Argentina Isabella Alcaniz and Ricardo Gutierrez 8. Finnish Environment and Foreign Policy: Supranationalism, Pragmatism, and Consensus Building Mika Merviö 9. Canada’s Foreign Policy on Persistent Organic Pollutants: The Making of an Environmental Leader Ken Wilkening and Charles Thrift 10. Greening the Streams: Water in EU and US Foreign Policy Sara Hughes and Lena Partzsch 11. Trade and the Environment: Foreign Policies of Developing Countries in Asia Yohei Harashima 12. Financing for the Environment: Explaining Unequal Burden Sharing Aike Müller 13. Conclusion: Environmental Foreign Policy: Towards a Conceptual Framework Mihaela Papa June 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-48343-8: £70.00 US $140.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88143-9
Taiwan’s Environmental Struggle Toward a Green Silicon Island Jack Williams, Michigan State University, USA and Ch’ang-yi David Chang, National Taiwan University Series: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series This book examines the causes of Taiwan’s environmental predicament, engaging in Taiwan’s unique geological, geographical, demographical, political, industrial, historical and economic circumstances with a view to what can be done to improve Taiwan’s environmental future. Selected Contents: 1. A Crowded Island: Taiwan’s Environmental Setting 2. The Perils of Development: Taiwan’s Environmental Problems and Their Causes 3. Back From the Brink: Resolving Taiwan’s Environmental Problems 4. Whose Land Is It? Land Use Issues 5. Reflections: Toward A Green Silicon Island. Bibliography. Index 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-44723-2: £75.00 US $150.00 eBook: 978-0-203-92892-9
Nature, Liberty and Dystopia
Ethical Consumption
Global Political Ecology
On the Moral Significance of Nature for Human Freedom
A Critical Introduction
Piers Stephens, University of Georgia, USA
This collection of essays written by leading international scholars argues that we are seeing a mainstreaming of ethical concerns around consumption and lifestyle practices, reflecting a growing awareness of the risks and excesses of contemporary lifestyles in the West. Written in a lively and accessible manner, the book offers case studies of ethical consumption across a range of cultural and media sites, providing a range of critical tools for understanding the recent emergence of this phenomenon. This collection is a must-read for anyone interested in the relationship between consumer culture and contemporary social life.
Edited by Dick Peet, Clark University, USA, Paul Robbins, University of Arizona, USA and Michael Watts, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Series: Routledge Research in Environmental Politics This new fascinating study is grounded in the history of modern political ideas to illuminate how nature may be regarded as a touchstone of liberty in political thought. Piers Stephens skilfully argues that the genre of utopias and dystopias is the key modern example of popular literary forms in which major human hopes and fears about technological society are inscribed. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Green Political Theory and the Dystopian Frame 2. Blueprint for Technological Dystopia: Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We 3. Aldous Huxley on Nature and Liberty 4. Freedom, Nature and Power in Orwell’s 1984 5. Consumerism, Kerosene and Culture: Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 6. Cyborgs, Biotechnology and the Future of Dystopia March 2010: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-38506-0: £65.00 US $130.00
The Ecological Modernisation Reader Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice Edited by Arthur P.J. Mol, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, David A. Sonnenfeld, SUNY, USA and Gert Spaargaren ’This is a much needed collection which fills the gap left by theoretical and empirical work. Whatever your opinions about Ecological Modernisation this promises to be a benchmark study...’ - Michael Redclift, King’s College, UK Environmental reform by governmental, intergovernmental agencies, private firms and industries and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is a worldwide phenomenon. This definitive collection showcases an introduction to Ecological Modernisation Theory; state-of-the-art review essays by key international scholars and a selection of the key articles from a quarter-century of social science scholarship. It is aimed at students, researchers and policymakers interested in a deep understanding of contemporary environmental issues. Selected Contents: Part 1: Foundations of Ecological Modernisation Theory. Part 2: Transformations in Environmental Governance and Participation. Part 3: Greening Life-Cycles and Life-Styles. Part 4: Environmental Reform in Asian and Other Emerging Economies. Part 5: Environmental Reform in Asian and Other Emerging Economies. Conclusion June 2009: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-45370-7: £95.00 US $155.00
Sustainability and the Virtues of Environmental Citizenship
Edited by Tania Lewis and Emily Potter
Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction 1. Introduction Part 2: Politics 2. What’s Wrong with Ethical Consumption? 3. From Ethical Consumption to Contesting Consumerism 4. Green Calculations and the Politics of the Footprint 5. Obesity and the Politics of Consumption Part 3: Commodities and Materiality 6. Placing Alternative Consumption: Commodity Fetishism in Borough Fine Foods Market, London 7. Global Food 8. Plastics 9. Electronics 10. Wine 11. Fashion Part 4: Practices, Sites and Representations 12. Second Hand Shopping 13. Ethical Investment 14. Slow Living 15. Recycling: Gender and Everyday Environmentalism 16. Renovating the Green House 17. Downshifting and New Rural Lifestyles 18. Green Consumption on Lifestyle Television April 2010: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-55824-2: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55825-9: £25.99 US $49.95 eBook: 978-0-203-86778-5
Environmental Policy Jane Roberts Series: Routledge Introductions to Environment Environmental Policy is a lively and accessible text with a multi-disciplinary perspective. Detailed and topical case studies, updated for this new edition and drawn from a range of international examples, are used throughout to illustrate issues such as climate change, international trade, tourism and human rights. It is well illustrated and includes chapter summaries and further reading.
This is a critical book that links the political economy of global capitalism with the political ecology of a series of environmental crises and failed attempts at environmental policies. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Richard Peet, Paul Robbins and Michael Watts Part 1: The Political Ecology of War and the Disaster State 2. The Political Ecology of Disaster Aid Jake Kosek 3. The Political Ecology of Forest Wars Nancy Peluso Part 2: Fuelling Capitalism: Energy Scarcity and Abundance 4. Past Peak Oil: Political Economy of Energy Crises Gavin Bridge 5. Nuclear Power, Waste and Global Stewardship Joseph Masco 6. Energy, Security, and Discourses of Empire and Terror Mazen Labban Part 3: Global Governance of Health, Bodies, and Genomics 7. Poverty, AIDS and Big Pharma Joao Biehl 8. Pandemics and International Health Discipline: Avian Flu Mike Davis 9. Biocapitalism and Governing the Self Bruce Braun Part 4: The Contradictions of Global Food 10. Scarcity and Plenty: Obesity amongst Food Riots 11. Industrial Meat: Killing for Profit Jody Emel and Harvey Neo 12. Phase III Green Revolution and the Seed Politics of GMOs Ignacio Chapela 13. Marine Collapse: The Crisis Conditions of Seafood Production Becky Mansfield Part 5: Capital’s Marginal Product: Effluents, Waste, and Garbage 14. Urban Metabolism, Industry and the Waste Machine Matthew Gandy 15. Garbage, Trash Trading, and the Social Life of Dumps Sarah Moore 16. Green Governance and the Haussmanization of the Slum World Asher Ghertner Part 6: Water as a Commodity, Human Right, and Power 17. Water Markets and Privatization Karen Bakker 18. The Water/Power/Land Nexus: Three Gorges and Narmada Lyla Mehta Part 7: The Functions and Dysfunctions of the Global Green Economy 19. The Problem of Greenstamping and the Politics of Certification Sally Eden 20. Markets, Governance, and Green Services Morgan Robertson Part 8: Political Ecology of the Global Climate and Carbon Emissions 21. Politics of Climate Inaction: Global, Regional, and Local Dave Demeritt 22. Climate Change and the Risk Industry Leigh Johnson 23. Carbon Colonialism: Offsets, Sequestration, and the ’Clean’ Development Mechanism Diana Liverman May 2010: 234x156: 456pp Hb: 978-0-415-54814-4: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-54815-1: £24.99 US $40.95
Selected Contents: 1. What’s the Problem? 2. The Roots of Environmental Problems 3. Sustainable Development and the Goals of Environmental Policy 4. Science and Technology: Policies and Paradoxes 5. Corporate Enviromental Policy Making 6. Environmental Policy Making in Government 7. International Environmental Policy Making 8. Environmental Economics 9. Making Policy for the Environment May 2010: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-49784-8: £75.00 US $125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49785-5: £20.99 US $37.78
James Connelly, Hull University, UK Series: Routledge Research in Environmental Politics This book develops an understanding of environmental virtues as an integral part of environmental citizenship. Selected Contents: 1. Approaching the Environment: Why Virtues? 2. The Concept of Environmental Virtue 3. Virtues and Character 4. Promoting Environmental Virtue 5. What are the Environmental Virtues? 6. Environmental Citizenship 7. Individual Virtue and Collective Vice? 8. Applying the Virtues March 2010: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41052-6: £65.00 US $130.00
8 Managing Water Resources in a Time of Global Change
Water Policy Processes in India
Contributions from the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy Edited by Alberto Garrido, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain and Ariel Dinar, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA Series: Contributions from the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy Bringing together a raft of leading experts on water resources, this book explores the major issues facing this major subdivision of international studies. Employing a cross disciplinary perspective from economics, management, politics, law and international relations, water resources are examined from every angle. Selected Contents: Part 1: Mountain and Upland Areas. Part 2: Managing Opportunities in the Face of Global Challenges. Part 3: The View of Practitioners and Stakeholder. Conclusions
Environmental Politics
Discourses of Power and Resistance Vandana Asthana, Eastern Washington University, USA
Editors: John Barry, Queen's University Belfast, UK; Elizabeth Bomberg, University of Edinburgh, UK; Neil Carter, University of York, UK; Christopher Rootes, University of Kent, UK
Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series Water Policy Processes in India covers a critical gap in the literature by analyzing the process through which policies in India are developed and implemented, investigating the aims and motives behind policies, and identifying the potential areas of intervention in order improve the policy process in both its development and implementation stages. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Changing the Frame: Repositioning Policy 3. The Process of Economic Liberalization and Private Sector Participation 4. Water in the Liberalization Process 5. Situating Delhi in the Water Reform Project 6. Mainstreaming Policy: Discourses of Power 7. Creating Spaces for Change: Collective Action on the Water Reform Project 8. Understanding the Water Policy Process
Environmental Politics is concerned with four particular aspects of the study of environmental politics, with a primary, though not exclusive, focus on the industrialised countries. First, it examines the evolution of environmental movements and parties. Second, it provides analysis of the making and implementation of public policy in the area of the environment at international, national and local levels. Third, it carries comment on ideas generated by the various environmental movements and organisations, and by individual theorists. Fourth, it aims to cover the international environmental issues which are of increasing salience.
July 2009: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-77831-2: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-87421-9
2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77778-0: £80.00 US $160.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88438-6 Increased to 6 issues per year in 2009 2007 Impact Factor: 0.756 © 2008 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®
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Volume 18, 2009, 6 issues per year Print ISSN: 0964-4016 Online ISSN: 1743-8934