Human Geography New Titles and Key Backlist
Tourism, Urban Studies, Development, Environmental Studies
2008 Welcome to the Routledge
Human Geography Catalogue
Human Geography: Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
New Titles & Key Backlist 2008
Human Geography: Supplementary Reading . . .8 Human Geography: Research and Reference . .10 Urban Studies: Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Urban Studies: Supplementary Reading . . . . . .20 Urban Studies: Research and Reference . . . . . .24 Tourism: Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Tourism: Supplementary Reading . . . . . . . . . . .28 Tourism: Research and Reference . . . . . . . . . . .31 Development Studies: Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . .32 Development Studies: Supplementary Reading .36 Development Studies: Research and Reference .39
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Environmental Studies: Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . .42 Environmental Studies: Supplementary Reading .45 Environmental Studies: Research and Reference .46 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Order Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Centre Pages
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Cultural Geography
Geographic Thought
Mike Crang, Durham University, UK
A Praxis Pespective Edited by George Henderson, University of Minnesota, USA and Marvin Waterstone, University of Arizona, USA Without social movements and wider struggles for progressive social change, the field of geography would lack much of its contemporary relevance and vibrancy. Moreover, these struggles and the geographical scholarship that engages with them have changed the philosophical underpinnings of the discipline and have inflected the quest for geographical knowledge with a sense, not only of urgency, but also hope. This Reader, intended for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses in geographic thought, is at once an analysis of geography’s theoretical and practical concerns and an encounter with grounded political struggles. It offers a fresh approach to learning about geographic thought by showing, through concrete examples and detailed editorial essays, how the discipline has been forever altered by the rise of progressive social struggles. Structured to aid student understanding, this anthology presents substantive main and part introductory essays and features more than two dozen unabridged published works by leading scholars that emphatically articulate the relevance of geographic thought to progressive social change. Each section is introduced with an explanation of how the following pieces fit into the broader context of geographic work amidst the socially progressive struggles that have altered social relations in various parts of the world over the last half-century or so. Doubly, it places this work in the context of the larger goals of social struggles to frame or reframe rights, justice, and ethics. Geographic Thought provides readers with insights into the encounters between scholarship and practice and prompts debates over how social and geographical knowledge arise from the context of social struggles and how these knowledges might be redirected at those contexts in constructive, evaluative ways. This Reader is unique not only in knowing geographic thought through its progressive political attachments, instead of through a series of abstract ‘isms’, but in gathering together salient works by geographers as well as scholars in cognate fields, such as Nancy Fraser, Chantal Mouffe, Iris Marion Young, and Jack Kloppenberg, whose own engagements have proved lasting and influential. For researchers and students interested in the connections between theoretically informed work and the possibilities for bettering people’s everyday lives, this book provides an innovative and compelling argument for why geographic thought is valuable and necessary. August 2008: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-47169-5: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47170-1: £31.50
1998: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-14082-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-14083-6: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-48588-0 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Understanding Cultural Geography Places and Traces Jon Anderson, Cardiff University, UK Understanding Cultural Geography: Places and Traces offers a broad-based overview of cultural geography, ideal for students being introduced to the discipline through either undergraduate or postgraduate degree courses. Understanding Cultural Geography: Places and Traces thus provides a culturally geographical approach to place. The book outlines in an engaging and accessible manner how the theoretical ideas, empirical foci and methodological techniques of cultural geography illuminate and make sense of the places we inhabit and contribute to. It explores, in detail, the traditional focus of Sauerian cultural geographies, the changes set in motion by the ‘cultural turn’ and ‘new cultural geographies’, as well as including the current interests and practices of non-representational theories. The book discusses the role of power in cultural place-making, as well as the ethical dimensions of doing cultural geography. It investigates: • culture and capitalism
Selected Contents: Section 1: The Politics of Geographic Thought. Introduction: Why is Geographic Thought Always Political? 1. Revolutionary and Counter-Revolutionary Theory in Geography and the Problem of Ghetto Formation David Harvey 2. Geographic Models of Imperialism James Blaut 3. On not Excluding Half of the Human in Human Geography Janice Monk and Susan Hanson Section 2: Staking Claims. Introduction: Moral Knowledge, Geographical Knowledge: What Does it Mean to Claim Moral Ground, or how is Oppression to be Recognized? Part 1: Characterizing Oppressions and Recognizing Injustice. Introduction 4. Five Faces of Oppression Iris Marion Young 5. Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation Nancy Fraser Part 2: Making Justice Spatial. Introduction 6. Moral Progress in Human Geography: Transcending the Place of Good Fortune David Smith 7. Dissecting the Autonomous Self: Hybrid Cartographies for a Relational Ethics Sarah Whatmore Part 3: Practicing Politicized Geographic Thought. Introduction 8. Maps, Knowledge, and Power J. Brian Harley 9. Collaboration Across Borders: Moving Beyond Positionality Richa Nagar, with Farah Ali 10. Research, Pedagogy, and Instrumental Geography Rich Heyman 11. Situated Knowledge Through Exploration: Reflections on Bunge’s ‘Geographic Expeditions’ Andy Merrifield Section 3: Goals and
Arenas of Struggle: What is to Be Gained and How? Introduction: The Embeddedness of Intentions, Tactics, and Strategies in Rights-, Justice-, and Ethics-Based Worldviews Part 1: Rights-Based Goals. Introduction 12. Mobility, Empowerment and the Rights Revolution Nicholas Blomley 13. Human Rights and Development in Africa: Moral Intrusion or Empowering Opportunity? Giles Mohan and Jeremy Holland 14. New World Warriors: ‘Nation’ and ‘State’ in the Politics of Zapatista and US Patriot Movements Carolyn Gallaher and Oliver Froehling 15. Social Theory and the De/Reconstruction of Agricultural Science: Local Knowledge for an Alternative Agriculture Jack Kloppenberg, Jr Part 2: Justice-Based Goals. Introduction 16. Restructuring the Contraction and Expansion of Environmental Rights in the United States Laura Pulido 17. Environmental Justice and American Indian Tribal Sovereignty: Case Study of a Land-Use Conflict in Skull Valley, Utah Noriko Ishiyama 18. Structural Power, Agency, and National Liberation: The Case of East Timor James Glassman Part 3: Ethics-Based Goals. Introduction 19. Post-Marxism: Democracy and Identity Chantal Mouffe 20. U.S. Third World Feminism: The Theory and Method of the Oppositional Consciousness in the Postmodern World Chela Sandoval 21. An Ethics of the Local J.K. Gibson-Graham
• the place of culture in nature • nationalisms, religions and place • ethnicity, language and place • age, ability and place • gendered and sexualized places. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Where Cultural Geography has Been 2. Representations, Practices and Performances 3. Identifying Place 4. Power and Place 5. Culture, Capitalism and Place 6. The Place of Culture in Nature 7. Nationalism, Religions and Place 8. Ethnicity, Language and Place 9. Age, Ability and Place 10. Gendered and Sexualised Places 11. Methodology and Ethics in Cultural Geography 12. Conclusion March 2009: 246x189: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-43054-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43055-5: £23.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Key Ideas in Geography
The Cultural Geography Reader Sarah Holloway, Loughborough University, UK and Gill Valentine, Leeds University, UK
Edited by Timothy Oakes, University of Colorado, USA and Patricia L. Price, Florida International University, USA The Cultural Geography Reader draws together fifty-two classic and contemporary abridged readings that represent the scope of the discipline and its key concepts. Readings have been selected based on their originality, accessibility and empirical focus, allowing students to grasp the conceptual and theoretical tools of cultural geography through the grounded research of leading scholars in the field. Each of the eight sections begins with an introduction that discusses the key concepts, its history and relation to cultural geography and connections to other disciplines and practices. Six to seven abridged book chapters and journal articles, each with their own focused introductions, are also included in each section. The readability, broad scope, and coverage of both classic and contemporary pieces from the US and UK makes The Cultural Geography Reader relevant and accessible for a broad audience of undergraduate students and graduate students alike. It bridges the different national traditions in the US and UK, as well as introducing the span of classic and contemporary cultural geography. In doing so, it provides the instructor and student with a versatile yet enduring benchmark text.
The Key Ideas in Geography series provides strong, original and accessible texts on important spatial concepts for academics and students working in the fields of geography, sociology and anthropology, as well as the interdisciplinary fields of urban and rural studies, development and cultural studies. Each text locates a key idea within its traditions of thought, provides grounds for understanding its various usages and meanings and offers critical discussion of the contribution of relevant authors and thinkers.
February 2008: 246x189: 512pp Hb: 978-0-415-41873-7: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41874-4: £27.99
Alison Blunt, University of London, UK and Robyn Dowling, Macquarie University, Australia An essential guide to studying home and domesticity, this book locates ’home’ within wider traditions of thought across the social sciences and humanities, analyzing different sources, methods and examples in historical and contemporary contexts.
Selected Contents: General Introduction Section 1: Approaching Culture. Introduction. ’Culture’ Raymond Williams. ’Community’ E.P Thompson. ’Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture’ Clifford Geertz. ’The Concept(s) of Culture’ William Sewell, Jr. ’Writing Against Culture’ Lila Abu-Lughod. ’Beyond ’Culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference’ Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson. ’Research, Performance, and Doing Human Geography: Some Reflections on the Diary-Photograph, Diary-Interview Method’ Alan Latham Section 2: Cultural Geography: A Transatlantic Genealogy. Introduction. ’Culture’ Friedrich Ratzel. ’The Physiogamy of France’ Paul Vidal de la Blache. ’The Morphology of Landscape’ Carl Sauer. ’The Industrial Revolution and the Landscape’ W.G. Hoskins. ’Process’ Wilbur Zelinsky. ’The Idea of German Cultural Regions in the Third Reich: The Work of Franz Petri’ Karl Ditt. ’The Search for the Common Ground: Estyn Evans’s Ireland’ Brian J. Graham. ’Back to the Land: Historiography, Rurality and the Nation in Interwar Wales’ Pyrs Gruffudd Section 3: Landscape. Introduction. ’The Word Itself’ J.B. Jackson. ’California: The Beautiful and the Damned’ Don Mitchell. ’Imperial Landscape’ W.J.T. Mitchell. ’Looking at Landscape: The Uneasy Pleasures of Power’ Gillian Rose. ’Geography is Everywhere: Culture and Symbolism in Human Landscapes’ Denis Cosgrove. ’From Discourse to Landscape: A Kingly Reading’ James Duncan. ’Reconfiguring the ’Site’ and ’Horizon’ of Experience’ Michael Bull Section 4: Nature. Introduction. ’Nature’ Raymond Williams. ’Creating a Second Nature’ Clarence Glacken. ’Living Outdoors with Mrs. Panther’ ‘Ajax’. ’Nature at Home’ Alexander Wilson. ’Orchard’ Owain Jones and Paul Cloke. ’Le Pratique Sauvage: Race, Place, and the
Human-Animal Divide’ Glen Elder, Jennifer Wolch and Jody Emel Section 5: Identity and Place in a Global Context. Introduction. ’A Global Sense of Place’ Doreen Massey. ’New Cultures for Old?’ Stuart Hall. ’National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees’ Liisa Malkki. ’Shades of Shit’ Keith Basso. ’Culture Sits in Places: Reflections on Globalism and Subaltern Strategies of Localization’ Arturo Escobar. ’No Place Like Heimat: Images of Home(land)’ David Morely and Kevin Robins Section 6: Home and Away. Introduction. ’The Stranger’ Georg Simmel. ’Traveling Cultures’ James Clifford. ’The Production of Mobilities’ Tim Cresswell. ’Of Nomads and Vagrants: Single Homelessness and Narratives of Home as Place’ Jon May. ’The Tourist at Home’ Lucy Lippard Section 7: Geographies of Difference. Introduction. ’Imaginative Geography and its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental’ Edward Said. ’On Not Excluding Half of the Human in Human Geography’ Janice Monk and Susan Hanson. ’Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination’ Bell Hooks. ’Mapping the Pure and the Defiled’ David Sibley. ’Some Thoughts on Close(t) Spaces’ Robyn Longhurst. ’Contested Terrain: Teenagers in Public Space’ Gill Valentine. ’The Geography Club’ Brent Hartinger Section 8: Culture as Resource. Introduction. ’Commercial Cultures: Transcending the Cultural and the Economic’ Peter Jackson. ’The Expediency of Culture’ George Yúdice. ’Whose Culture? Whose City?’ Sharon Zukin. ’The Invention of Regional Culture’ Meric Gertler. ’Destination Museum’ Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. ’Performing Work: Bodily Representations in Merchant Banks’ Linda McDowell and Gill Court
Selected Contents: 1. Setting Up Home: An Introduction 2. Representing Home 3. Residence: House-as-Home 4. Home, Nation and Empire 5. Transnational Homes 6. Leaving Home 2006: 216x138: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-33274-3: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33275-0: £19.99
Nature Noel Castree, University of Manchester, UK ’Whether scholar or student, this book is an important read for those interested in nature and breadth of our discipline extending across human and physical geography’. – Annals of the Association of American Geographers Synthesizing complex theories, debates and information on nature this text explores the ways in which nature has been studied, emphasizing the relationships and differences between diverse branches of geography. Selected Contents: 1. The Idea of Nature 2. The Nature of Geography 3. De-Naturalisation: Bringing Geography Back In 4. Two Natures: The Dis/Unity of Geography 5. After Nature 6. Conclusion: Geography’s Natures 2005: 216x138: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-33904-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33905-6: £18.99
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John Wylie, University of Exeter, UK
Economic Geography
Peter Adey, Keele University, UK
Places, Networks and Flows
This book provides an essential guide to studying mobility. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to draw upon key writers and thinkers that have contributed to the topic. In analyzing these, it develops an understanding of mobility as a relationship through which the world is lived and understood. The text is organized around five themed chapters covering:
Andrew Wood, University of Kentucky, USA and Susan M. Roberts, University of Kentucky, USA
’This book synthesises earlier ideas and presents current thinking in an accessible form... an excellent contribution to the theoretical study of landscape’ – Brian Short, University of Sussex, UK ’Very well written, very accessible, and easy to read quickly. A pleasure, in fact.’ – Richard H. Schein, University of Kentucky, USA A stimulating introduction, this book explores the concept of ’landscape’ in theories and writings of the last twenty to thirty years, to aid students in fully comprehending this vast and complex topic. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 1.1 Tensions 1.2 Aims and Structures of Landscape 1.3 Conclusion: Looking Forward 2. Landscaping Traditions 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Carl Sauer and Cultural Landscape 2.3 W.G. Hoskins: Landscape, Nostalgia and Melancholy 2.4 J.B. Jackson and ’Vernacular’ Landscape 2.5 Conclusion 3. Ways of Seeing 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Landscape and Linear Perspective: Art, Geometry, Optics 3.3 Cultural Marxism, Art History and Landscape 3.4 Cultural Marxism and Cultural Geography: Landscape as ’Veil’ 3.5 Landscape as Text: Semiotics and the Construction of Cultural Meaning 3.6 Feminism and Psychoanalysis: Landscape as Gaze 3.7 Discussion and Summary 4. Cultures of Landscape 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Material Anxieties 4.3 Landscape, Production and Labour 4.4 Cultures of Landscape: The Self, Power and Discourse 4.5 Landscape, Travel and Imperialism 4.6 Conclusion 5. Landscape Phenomenology 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Introducing Phenomenology: From Disembodied Gaze to Lived Body 5.3 Landscape and Dwelling 5.4 ’Landscaping’: Phenomenology, Non-Representational Theory and Performance 5.5 Critiques of Landscape Phenomenology 5.6 Conclusion 6. Prospects for Landscape 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Memory, Identity, Conflict and Justice 6.3 Landscape and Polity and Law 6.4 The Ends of Landscape?: Relationality, Vitalism and Topological 6.5 Landscape Writing: Biography, Movement, Presence and Affect 6.6 Conclusion: Creative Tensions 2007: 216x138: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-34143-1: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34144-8: £17.99 eBook: 978-0-203-48016-8
• contexts • meanings • practices • politics • immobilities. Making writings from key authors accessible with key concept and case-study boxes, further readings, and sample assignments, this text allows students to grasp the central importance of ‘mobility’ to social, cultural, political, economic and everyday terrains. Arguing for a relational concept of mobility, it makes a significant contribution to scholarly writings and debates. Selected Contents: 1. Contexts 2. Meanings 3. Politics 4. Practices 5. Immobilities 6. Conclusion April 2009: 216x138: 276pp Hb: 978-0-415-43399-0: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43400-3: £19.50
City Phil Hubbard, Loughborough University, UK Phil Hubbard locates the concept of ‘the city’ within current traditions of social thought, providing a basis for understanding its varying usages and meanings through a critical discussion of the contribution of key authors and thinkers. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Urban Theory, Modern and Postmodern 2. The Represented City 3. The Everyday City 4. The Hybrid City 5. The Intransitive City 6. The Creative City. Conclusion 2006: 216x138: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-33099-2: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33100-5: £18.99 eBook: 978-0-203-39225-6
This text is designed, first and foremost, to provide an introduction to economic geography by establishing the substantive concerns of economic geographers, the methods deployed to study them, the key concepts and theories that animate the field, and the major issues generating debate. It is as much about approaches to economic geography as it is about changing economic geographies on the ground. It encompasses traditional approaches, albeit from a critical perspective, while at the same time providing a thorough and yet accessible examination of the concerns, methods and approaches of the ‘new economic geography’. Lucid and engaging, this is the first introductory text to cover the breadth of economic geography while also engaging with a range of contemporary debates at the cutting-edge of the field. The text is designed to provide a thorough and systematic introductory survey. The pedagogical value of the book has been enhanced by the inclusion of exercises, questions, annotated further reading and websites and numerous examples and cases from across the globe. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Traditional Economic Geographies 2. Traditional Location Theory 3. Modeling Economic Geographies Part 2: The Geographies of the Firm and Institutions 4. The Geographies of the Firm 5. ‘Going Global’ Part 3: The Geographies of Uneven Development 6. Geographic Inequities 7. The Changing Fortunes of Local and Regional Economies Part 4: The Geographies of Networks, Flows and Relations 8. Economic Geography ‘Unbound’ 9. Flows, Relations and Networks in the New Global Economy November 2008: 246x189: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-40181-4: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40182-1: £22.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Political Geography
The Digital Economy
Mark Blacksell
The Geopolitics Reader
Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments
Series: Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series
Edited by Gearóid Ó Tuathail, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Simon Dalby, Carleton University, Ontario, Canada and Paul Routledge, University of Glasgow, UK
Tackling key contemporary issues as well as more traditional topics, this thoughtprovoking book moves beyond a narrative to provide a concise, student-friendly, pedagogically rich introduction to political geography today.
Edward J. Malecki, Ohio State University, USA and Bruno Moriset, University of Jean Moulin, France This book provides an up-to-date account of the technologies, organizations and dynamics which constitute the digital economy, and assesses the impacts they have on regions and communities. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: The Digital Economy and the Splintering of Economic Space 2. Information Technologies and the ’New Economy’ Debate 3. Where Local Meets Global: The Rise of the Digital Network 4. Digital Production and Business Organizations 5. The Multiscale Geographies of Electronic Commerce and Electronic Finance 6. Splintering the Economic Space: The Offshoring of Corporate Services 7. Telework/Telecommuting: Time and Space Flexibilities in Work and Business Organization 8. The Paradox of a ’Double-Edged Geography’: Local Ecosystems of the Digital Economy 9. Peripheral Regions and the ’Digital Divide’. Epilogue 2007: 246x174: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-39695-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39696-7: £22.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Local and Regional Development Andy Pike, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics, UK and John Tomaney, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK This innovative text provides a critical and integrated examination of local and regional development theory, institutions and policy. A valuable text, it is grounded in concrete empirical examples from Europe, North America and Latin America. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction 1. Introduction: Local and Regional Development 2. What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom? Part 2: Frameworks of Understanding 3. Concepts and Theories of Local and Regional Development 4. Institutions: Government and Governance Part 3: Interventions: Instruments and Policies 5. Mobilising Indigenous Potential 6. Attracting and Embedding Exogenous Resources Part 4: Integrated Approaches 7. Local and Regional Development in Practice 8. Conclusions 2006: 246x174: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-35717-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35718-0: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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This extensively revised second edition draws together an interdisciplinary collection of the most important political, geographical, historical and sociological readings of geopolitics in the early twenty-first century. Selected Contents: Introduction: Thinking Critically About Geopolitics 1. Imperialist Geopolitics 2. Cold War Geopolitics 3. Twenty First Century Geopolitics 4. The Geopolitics of Global Dangers 5. Anti-Geopolitics 2006: 246x189: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-34147-9: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34148-6: £27.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-24667-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-24668-2: £20.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
An Introduction to Political Geography Space, Place and Politics
Introduction to Geopolitics
Matin Jones, Rhys Jones and Michael Woods, all at University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
Colin Flint, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
An Introduction to Political Geography provides a broad-based introduction to how power interacts with space; how place influences political identities; and how policy creates and remoulds territory. By pushing back the boundaries of what we conventionally understand as political geography, this book emphasizes the interactions between power, politics and policy, space, place and territory in different geographical contexts. This is both an essential text for political geographers and also a valuable resource for students of related fields with an interest in politics and geography. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Power, Space and ’Political Geography’ Part 1: State, Territory and Regulation 2. States and Territories 3. The State in Global Perspective 4. The State’s Changing Forms and Functions Part 2: Politics, Power and Place 5. The Political Geographies of the Nation 6. Power and Place 7. Contesting Place Part 3: People, Policy and Geography 8. Democracy, Participation and Citizenship 9. Public Policy and Political Geography 2004: 246x189: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-25076-4: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-25077-1: £26.99
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This clear and concise introduction to the field of geopolitics highlights how geographic factors are important in determining whether tensions become conflicts, and whether or not resolutions are just and long-lasting. Selected Contents: Prologue 1. A Framework for Understanding Geopolitics 2. Setting the Global Geopolitical Context 3. Geopolitical Codes: Agents Define their Geopolitical Options 4. Representations of Geopolitical Codes 5. Embedding Geopolitics within National Identity 6. Boundary Geopolitics: Shaky Foundations of the World Political Map? 7. Geopolitical Metageographies: Terrorist Networks and the United States’ War on Terrorism 8. Messy Geopolitics: Agency and Multiple Structures 2006: 246x174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-34494-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34493-7: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-50376-8 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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The Transnational Studies Reader
An Atlas of World Affairs
Intersections & Innovations
Andrew Boyd and Joshua Comenetz
Edited by Peggy Levitt, Wellesley College, Massachusetts, USA and Sanjeev Khagram, University of Washington, USA
The Atlas of World Affairs describes the events, conflicts, factions, and people that have shaped the modern world from the Second World War to the present day. Selected Contents: 1. People and Pressure 2. Economic Groupings 3. Energy 4. Nuclear Geography 5. Sea Law 6. No Longer Three Worlds 7. United Nations 8. Terrorism 9. Commonwealth 10. Europe: East and West 11. Atlantic Alliance 12. European Unities 13. Germany 14. Central and Eastern Europe 15. Former Yugoslavia, Albania 16. Former Soviet Union 17. Russia 18. Baltic to Black Sea 19. Caucasus 20. Ex-Soviet Central Asia 21. Scandinavia 22. Northern Seas 23. Minorities and Micro-States 24. Ireland 25. Gibraltar 26. Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey 27. Asia and Africa 28. Islam 29. The Arab World 30. Africa 31. Southern Africa 32. Central Africa 33. Angola and Namibia 34. Republic of South Africa 35. Sudan and the Horn of Africa 36. East Africa 37. Nigeria and Guinea Coast 38. Ex-French Africa 39. North Africa 40. Morocco and Western Sahara 41. Middle East and North African Oil 42. Suez and Indian Ocean 43. Israel and Arabs I 44. Israel and Arabs II 45. Lebanon and Syria 46. Arabia 47. Gulf States and Iran 48. Iraq’s Wars 49. Kurds 50. Afghanistan 51. South Asia I 52. South Asia II 53. Himalayas, Tibet, Burma 54. China and Russia 55. China and other Neighbours 56. Taiwan 57. Hong Kong and Macau 58. Japan 59. Korea 60. South-East Asia 61. Indochina 62. Cambodia 63. Malaysia and Singapore 64. Indonesia and New Guinea 65. Australia and New Zealand 66. South Pacific 67. America and the Pacific 68. United States of America 69. Canada 70. Mexico 71. Central America, Caribbean, Cuba 72. Colombia and Panama 73. East Caribbean, Guianas, Venezuela 74. Latin America 75. Argentina and Falklands 76. Antarctic 77. Arctic 2007: 246x174: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-39168-9: £68.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39169-6: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-96752-2 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Geography of Transport Systems Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois and Brian Slack Covering methodologies linked with transport geography, and addressing networks, modes, terminals, international and urban transportation, and environmental impacts, this key book provides a comprehensive introduction to this important field. Selected Contents: 1. Transportation and Geography 2. Transportation Systems and Networks 3. Economic and Spatial Structure of Transport Systems 4. Transportation Modes 5. Transportation Terminals 6. International and Regional Transportation 7. Urban Transportation 8. Transport and Environment 9. Transport Planning and Policy. Conclusion: Issues and Challenges in Transport Geography 2006: 246x174: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-35440-0: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35441-7: £26.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
’Drawing on sociology, anthropology, economics, and political science, this book shows conclusively that good theory demands attention to transnational perspectives. Through articles on social phenomena as diverse as capitalism, religion, class, and art, the book proves that this approach is essential to understanding our increasingly transnational world.’ – Sally Engle Merry, New York University, USA ’Few subjects are as critical in world affairs as how the forces of integration are smacking into reassertions of the particular. This book sheds considerable light on this intersection, and helps to illuminate core dilemmas of policy and cultural cohabitation on our small planet today.’ – John G. Ruggie, Harvard University, USA Assembling writings from some of the most important theorists in history, politics, economics, sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies, The Transnational Studies Reader explores the ways that transnational practices and processes in different domains, and at different levels of social interaction, relate to, and inform each other. It also compares the spatial organization of social life during different historical periods. Coherent in its vision and expansive in its disciplinary, geographic, and historical coverage, The Transnational Studies Reader is a field-defining collection. 2007: 7x10: 592pp Hb: 978-0-415-95372-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95373-3: £32.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Selected Contents: 1. ’Constructing Transnational Studies: An Overview’ Peggy Levitt and Sanjeev Khagram Section 1: The Broad Foundations 2. ’Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye 3. ’Conclusion’ and ’Post Scriptum’ in Dependency and Development in Latin America Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Enzo Faletto 4. ’The Homeland, Aztlán’ Gloria Anzaldúa 5. ’Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology’ Arjan Appadurai 6. ’The Real New World Order’ Anne Marie Slaughter 7. ’Introduction’ and ’State and Global City’ from Globalization and its Discontents Saskia Sassen Section 2: Methodological Practices 8. ’Discipline and Practice: ’The Field’ as Site, Method Akil Gupta and James Ferguson 9. ’Methodological Nationalism, the Social Scienes, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology’ Andreas Wimmer and Nina Glick Schiller 10. ’Assimilation and Transnationalism: Determinants of Transnational Political Action among Contemporary Migrants’ Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, Alejandro Portes, and William Haller 11. ’Introduction’ from Forces of Labor: Workers’ Movements and Globalization Since 1870 Beverly J. Silver 12. ’Transnational Struggles for Water and Power’ and ’Dams, Democracy, and Development in Transnational Perspective’ Sanjeev Khagram Section 3: Historical Perspectives 13. ’Breakthrough to History’ William H. McNeill 14. The World System in the Thirteenth Century: Dead-End or Precursor? Janet Abu-Lughod 15. ’The Historical Sociology of Race’ Howard Winant. 16. ’The Black Atlantic as a Counterculture of Modernity’ Paul Gilroy Section 4: Questions of Identity 17. ’Of our Spiritual Strivings’ W.E.B. DuBois 18. ’The Cosmopolitan Perspective: Sociology in the Second Age of Modernity’ Ulrich Beck 19. ’The Nation-State and its Others: In Lieu of a Preface’ Khachig Tölölyan 20. ’Nigerian Kung Fu, Manhattan Fatwa’ and ’The Local and the Global: Continuity and Change’ Ulf Hannerz 21. ’Introduction: Transnational Feminist Practices and Questions of Postmodernity’ Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan Section 5: Migrating Lives and Communities 22. ’Transnational Projects: A New Perspective’ and ’Theoretical Premises’ Linda Basch, Nina Glick Schiller, and Cristina Szanton Blanc 23. ’The Local and the Global: Anthropology of Globalization and Transnationalism’ Michael Kearny 24. ’The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Energized Research Field’ Alejandro Portes, Luis Eduardo Guarnizo and Patricia Landolt 25. ’Transnational Perspectives on Migration: Conceptualizing Simulaneity’ Peggy
Levitt and Nina Glick Schiller Section 6: Religious Life Across Borders 26. ’Systemic Religion in Global Society Peter Beyer 27. ’Religion, States, and Transnational Civil Society’ Susanne Hoeber Rudolph 28. ’Theorizing Globalization and Religion’ Manual A. Vásquez and Marie Friedmann Marquardt Section 7: Arts and Culture 29. ’Locations of Culture’ Homi Bhabha 30. ’Interstitial Subjects: Asian American Visual Art as a Site for New Cultural Conversations’ Elaine H. Kim 31. ’Cultural Reconversion’ Néstor García Canclini (translated by Holly Staver) 32. ’Living Borders/Buscando América: Languages of Latino Self-Formation’ Juan Flores (with George Yúdice) Section 8: The Diffusion of Idesa, Values, and Culture 33. ’World Society and the Nation State John Meyer, John Boli, George M. Thomas, and Francisco O. Ramirez 34. ’Norms, Culture and World Politics: Insights from Sociology’s Institutionalism’ Martha Finnemore 35. ’Do Regimes Matter: Epistemic Communities and Mediterranean Pollution Control’ Peter Haas 36. ’Cross-National Cultural Diffusion: The Global Spread of Cricket’ Jason Kaufman and Orlando Patterson 37. ’Transnationalism, Localization, and Fast Foods in East Asia’ James Watson Section 9: Corporations, Classes, and Capitalism 38. ’Introduction’, from Transnational Corporations and World Order George Modelski 39. ’Imperialism, Dependency, and Dependent Development’ Peter Evans 40. ’The Organization of Buyer-Driven Global Commodity Chains: How U.S. Retailers Shape Overseas Production Networks’ Gary Gereffi 41. ’Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality’ and ’Afterword: An Anthropology of Transnationality’ Aihwa Ong Section 10: Non-State Actors, NGOs, and Social Movements 42. ’Bringing Transnational Relations Back In: Introduction’ Thomas Risse-Kappen 43. ’World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organization’ John Boli and George Thomas 44. ’Social Movements and Global Transformation’ Louis Kriesberg 45. ’Conclusions: Advocacy Networks and International Society’ Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink 46. ’The Challenges and Possibilities of Transnational Feminist Practice’ Nancy A. Naples Section 11: Security, Crime, and Violence 47. ’Global Prohibition Regimes’ Ethan Nadelmann 48. ’Transnational Organized Crime: An Imminent Threat to the Nation State?’ Louise Shelley 49. ’Introduction’, from New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era Mary Kaldor 50. ’Smuggling the State Back In: Agents of Human Smuggling Considered’ David Kyle and John Dale
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Geographies of Globalization Warwick Murray, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Series: Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series ’The book is very well written, carrying the reader along with all the zest and enthusiasm that characterise a winner of one of the 2006 national tertiary teaching awards. Reading it often seems like being in a high-energy classroom.’ – New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences ’I am certain that Geographies of Globalization will make an excellent text for many geography courses that focus on globalization’ – Annals of the AAG This informative text offers a geographical perpsective on globalization. It provides a lively exploration of its spatial impacts and the distinctive contribution of human geography to studies and debates in this field. Selected Contents: Part 1: Transformed Geographies 1. Geography is Dead?: The Rise of Globalization 2. Globalization Across Space: Contesting Theories 3. Globalization Across Time: Contesting Histories Part 2: Shifting Spheres 4. Globalizing Economic Geographies 5. Globalizing Political Geographies 6. Globalizing Cultural Geographies Part 3: Global Challenges 7. Inequality, Development and Globalization 8. Environment, Sustainability and Globalization 9. Long Live Geography?: Progressive Globalization 2005: 234x156: 416pp Hb: 978-0-415-31799-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31800-6: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Globalization and Social Change People and Places in a Divided World Diane Perrons Taking a refreshing new perspective on globalization and widening social and spatial inequalities, this significant text is illustrated throughout with a series of case studies linking people in rich and poor countries.
2004: 234x156: 376pp Hb: 978-0-415-26695-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-26696-3: £26.99 eBook: 978-0-203-64643-4
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Global Realities: A Routledge Series
Edited by Charles Lemert, Wesleyan University, USA
Global Iberia is an imaginative, short text that dramatically depicts major globalization themes and processes through the important flows and impacts Spain and Portugal have had with important regions of the world for many centuries.
Books in this series look at how nations and regions across the world are navigating the tumultuous currents of globalization. Concise, descriptive, interdisciplinary, and theoretically informed, they serve as ideal introductions to the peoples and places of our increasingly globalized world.
China and Globalization The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society Doug Guthrie, New York University, USA This is a compact, highly readable introductory text on contemporary China and the massive changes it is presently undergoing. It focuses primarily on how economic structural change is driving the process. Selected Contents: 1. The Economies of Radical Change in China 2. Setting the Stage: A Primer to the Study of China’s Economic Reforms 3. Economic Development in China 4. Changing Social Institutions 5. Changing Life Chances 6. Economic Reform and the Rule of Law 7. Prospects for Democracy 8. China’s Integration into the Global Economy: Communism, Capitalism, and Human Rights July 2008: 216x138: 416pp Hb: 978-0-415-99039-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-99040-0: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Global Hong Kong Cindy Wong, City University of New York, USA and Gary McDonogh, Bryn Mawr College, USA Global Hong Kong locates Hong Kong in the contemporary globalizing world. Wong and McDonogh focus on the new cultures and social formations of contemporary Hong Kong, as well as the transformation of the physical city itself. Selected Contents: Introduction: Why Hong Kong? 1. Reading Hong Kong in Place and Time 2. Origins and Growth, 1840s-1930s 3. Transformations of Hong Kong, 1930-1970 4. Toward the 21st Century: Speed and Paradox 5. Hong Kong and its Regional Context 6. Hong Kong and Cities of East Asia 7. Diasporic Hong Kong 2005: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-94769-5: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94770-1: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Global Iberia Gary McDonogh, Bryn Mawr College, USA
Spain and Portugal have long histories at the cuttingedge of world relations, managing far-flung empires, and author Gary McDonogh stresses this historical perspective as well as foregrounding the vast present world fostered by the ’Iberian project’ - Latin America, Southern Europe, parts of Asia and Africa, in which Spain and Portugal possess enormous power. Selected Contents: 1. Empires and Nations, Centers and Peripheries 2. Geographies of Place: Coasts and Mountains, Climates and Islands 3. Cities: Countryside and Citizens 4. Between Africa and Europe 5. Global Iberias: Latin American and Asian Images and Connections. Conclusions: Barcelona and Catalonia as Iberian Microcosm July 2008: 5x7: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-94771-8: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94772-5: £13.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Global Ireland Same Difference Tom Inglis, University College Dublin, Ireland Global Ireland offers a concise synthesis of globalization’s dramatic impact on Ireland. In the past fifteen years, Ireland has transformed from a sleepy and depressed European backwater to the ’emerald tiger’, a country with a booming economy based on knowledge and high-tech industries. Not long ago it was one of the poorest and most traditional countries in Europe, yet now it is one of the wealthiest and most cosmopolitan. Using a number of case studies of Ireland’s transition, Tom Inglis explains what this means for traditional Irish culture and society, and offers an incisive social portrait of globalizing Ireland. Concise, descriptive, interdisciplinary and theoretically informed, this volume is an ideal introduction to Ireland. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Economic Field 3. The Political Field 4. The Social Field 5. The Cultural Field: Global Penetration 2007: 5x7: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-94422-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94423-6: £13.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Community and Everyday Life
The Philippines: Mobilities, Identities, and Globalization
Nation, Belonging, and Globalization
Graham Day, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
Anthony Moran, La Trobe University, Australia
Series: The New Sociology
In this book Anthony Moran traces the development of contemporary Australian society in the global age, focusing on four major themes: settler/indigenous relations; economics and culture since the 1980s and their impact on national identity; the effects of increasing diversity fostered by globalization; and the transformation of Australian social space wrought by globalization.
Grounded in a wide-ranging review of empirical research, this textbook provides an overview of sociological debates surrounding the idea of community, and relates them to the part community plays in people’s everyday conceptions of identity.
James A. Tyner, Kent State University, USA Since the 1970s the Philippine state, in connection with myriad private institutions, has recruited, trained, marketed, and deployed a mobile work-force. Annually, approximately 1,000000 migrant workers travel to all corners of the world. The Philippines seeks to understand how the Philippines has become the world’s largest exporter of government-sponsored temporary contract labor and, in the process, has dramatically reshaped both the processes of globalization and also our understanding of globalization as concept. Selected Contents: 1. Local Contexts, Distant Horizons 2. Manufacturing a Global Presence 3. Manila’s Place in the World 4. Global-Philippines.Com 5. Performing Globalization 6. Beyond the Philippines June 2008 Hb: 978-0-415-95806-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95807-3: £13.99 eBook: 978-0-415-89421-1 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Morocco Globalization and Its Consequences Shana Cohen, George Washington University, USA and Larabi Jaidi, Mohammed V University, Morocco Here Cohen and Jaidi trace the development of contemporary Morocco in the Islamic world of North Africa, which is currently at the forefront of the clash between Western-style development and the politicized Islam that now pervades the Arab world. Selected Contents: 1. Morocco in the Arab World 2. Pre-Protectorate, Colonial, and Post-Colonial Morocco 3. Global Market Integration 4. Confronting Living Conditions 5. Intellectual Debate and Social Malaise. Conclusion: Evaluating Development and Globalization 2006: 6x9: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-94510-3: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94511-0: £13.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Koreas Edited by Charles K. Armstrong, Columbia University, USA North and South Korea are remarkably different, here Armstrong explores Koreas’ unique characteristics, their relationship to each other, their place in the East Asian region, and how they function in the currents of contemporary globalization. Selected Contents: Introduction: Globalization and the Korean Peninsula 1. Korea’s Collision with Modernity, 1850-1953 2. North Korea: The Logic and Limits of ’Self-Reliance’ 3. South Korea: The Rise to Globalism 4. The Korean Diaspora. Conclusion: One Korea, Many Koreas 2006: 5x8: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-94852-4: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94853-1: £15.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
2004: 6x9: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-94496-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94497-7: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
On Argentina and the Southern Cone Neoliberalism and National Imaginations
Selected Contents: 1. The Idea of Community 2. Community Studies 3. The Rise and Fall of ‘Working-Class Community’ 4. Out of the Wreckage: The Recovery of Community 5. The Divided Community 6. The Social Construction of Community 7. The Global, Local and Communal 8. New Directions for Community 2006: 198x129: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-34073-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34074-8: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-46317-8
On the Move
Alejandro Grimson and Gabriel Kessler This book considers how globalization is impacting contemporary Argentina-via regional trading blocs, through migrations across its borders, and through the emerging transnational border regions that it shares with other Latin American nations. 2005: 5x7: 232pp Hb: 978-0-415-94763-3: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94764-0: £15.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Globalization of Israel McWorld in Tel Aviv, Jihad in Jerusalem Uri Ram, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel This book focuses on how globalization is impacting contemporary Israel. It is a concise and originally argued introduction to Israel, but the author, Uri Ram, is careful to frame his analysis in a broader discussion of Israeli history and broader social currents. Focusing in particular on two defining – and conflicting – contemporary trends; one toward advanced liberal democracy with a cosmopolitan edge, and the other toward ethno-religious traditionalism and rejection of the secularism associated with market driven globalization. The cosmopolitan, high-tech driven city of Tel Aviv represents the former trend, and Jerusalem – a city increasingly dominated by orthodox Jews – represents the latter. Using Benjamin Barber’s Jihad versus McWorld thesis to good effect, Ram’s book stands as an ideal introduction to contemporary Israel and its place in the world. Selected Contents: Preface: It Could be Any City. Introduction: The Globalization Paradigm in Israel 1. Globalization 2. Polarization 3. Post-Fordization 4. Americanization 5. McDonaldization 6. Postnationalization. Conclusion: Israel as Studied by the Globalization Paradigm 2007: 5x7: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-95303-0: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95304-7: £13.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Mobility in the Modern Western World Timothy Cresswell, University of London, UK On the Move presents a rich history of one of the key concepts of modern life: mobility. However, as Cresswell shows through a series of historical episodes, while mobility has certainly increased in modern times, attempts to control mobility are just as characteristic of modernity. Selected Contents: 1. The Production of Mobilities: An Interpretive Framework 2. The Metaphysics of Fixity and Flow 3. Capturing Mobility: Mobility and Meaning in the Photography of Eadward Muybridge and Ettiene-Jules Marey 4. The Production of Mobilities in the Workplace and the Home 5. ’You Cannot Shake that Shimmie Here: Producing Mobility on the Dance Floor 6. Mobility, Rights and Citizenship in the United States 7. Producing Immigrant Mobilities (with Gareth Hoskins) 8. Mobilizing the Movement: Entangled Mobilities in the Suffrage Politics of Florence Luscomb and Margaret Foley 1911-1915 9. The Production of Mobilities at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam 2006: 6x9: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-95255-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95256-9: £16.99
Food and Culture A Reader Edited by Carole Counihan, Millersville University, USA and Penny Van Esterik, York University, Canada Food and Culture takes a global look at the social, symbolic, and political-economic role of food. The stellar contributors to this Reader examine some of the meanings of food and eating across cultures, with particular attention to how men and women define themselves differently through their foodways. Crossing many subjects, this innovative, first-of-its-kind in the field includes the perspectives of anthropology, history, psychology, philosophy, politics, and sociology. This is the classic text in the field, updated for the first time in a decade, and hailed as the ‘bible’ in the field. A ‘must’ for any course on the anthropology or sociology of food. 2007 Hb: 978-0-415-97776-0: £55.00 Pb: 978-0-415-97777-7: £30-95 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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HIV/AIDS: Global Frontiers in Prevention/Intervention Cynthia Pope, Central Connecticut State University, USA, Renee T. White, Fairfield University, USA and Robert Malow
There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina Edited by Gregory Squires, George Washington University, USA and Chester Hartman, The Poverty and Race Research Action Council This is the first comprehensive book on the catastrophic impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans. It covers race and class, housing and redevelopment, the past history of urban disasters and the future of economic development in the region.
This Reader addresses the need for a comprehensive resource for the social, political, gendered and biomedical implications of HIV/AIDS. Selected Contents: Section 1: Evolving Theories of Harm Reduction and HIV Risk Section 2: Gender, Sexuality and HIV Risk Section 3: Critical Intersections between Biomedicine, Behavior, and HIV Section 4: Explorations in New Forms of Intervention and Prevention Section 5: Policies of (In)Justice: Structural Responses to HIV Section 6: Media and HIV/AIDS Section 7: Vulnerable Populations: Conflict, Natural Disaster, and Migration Section 8: Living and Caring for Individuals with HIV/AIDS Section 9: Globalizing Theory on HIV/AIDS: Frameworks for the Future July 2008: 7x10: 592pp Hb: 978-0-415-95382-5: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95383-2: £21.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
How to do your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines Peter Knight, University of Keele, UK and Tony Parsons, University of Sheffield, UK
Selected Contents: 1. Pre-Katrina, Post-Katrina 2. A Matter of Choice: Historical Lessons for Disaster Recovery 3. Oral History, Folklore, and Katrina 4. Towards a Transformative View of Race: The Crisis and Opportunity of Katrina 5. Abandoned Before the Storms: The Glaring Disaster of Gender, Race, and Class Disparities in the Gulf 6. Katrina and the Politics of Later Life 7. Where is Home?: Housing for Low-Income People After the 2005 Hurricanes 8. Reclaiming New Orleans’ Working-Class Communities 9. A New Kind of Medical Disaster in the United States 10. Double Jeopardy: Public Education in New Orleans Before and After the Storm 11. An Old Economy for the ‘New’ New Orleans?: Post-Hurricane Katrina Economic Development Efforts 12. From Poverty to Prosperity: The Critical Role of Financial Institutions 13. The Role of Local Organizing: House-to-House with Boots on the Ground 14. Rebuilding a Tortured Past or Creating a Model Future: The Limits and Potentials of Planning 2006: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-95486-0: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95487-7: £16.99
Following the successful first edition, this revised and updated book continues to provide students with a detailed guide to the planning and procedures they must consider when preparing dissertations in geography, environmental science and geology.
2004: 246x174: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-34154-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34155-4: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Globalization’s Contradictions Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation Edited by Dennis Conway, Indiana University, USA and Nik Heynen, University of Georgia, USA Since the 1980s, globalization and neoliberalism have brought about a restructuring of everyone’s lives. This collection of treatments of such a complex set of processes unearths the contradictions in the impacts of globalization. Selected Contents: Section 1: Globalization and Neoliberalism - Dominating Disciplines 1. Globalization’s Dimensions 2. The Ascendancy of Neoliberalism and Emergence of Contemporary Globalization Section 2: Globalization’s Many Dimensions. Globalization’s Macro-Economic Faces. Financial Globalization 3. Global Financial Architecture Transitions: Mutations through ‘Roll-Back’ Neoliberalism to Technocratic Fixes 4. Multi-Local Global Corporations: New Reach - Same Core Locations 5. Systems of Production and International Competitiveness: Prospects for the Developing Nations. Globalization’s Unruly Spaces. The Globalization of Labor 6. Globalization of Labor: Increasing Complexity, More Unruly. Illegal Globalization 7. Unruly Spaces: Globalization and Transnational Criminal Economies. Globalization’s Geo-Political Faces. Political Globalization 8. Geo-Political Globalization: From World Systems to Global City Systems. Geographical Globalization 9. Globalization has a Home Address: The Geopolitics of Globalization. Cultural Globalization 10. The Globalization of Culture: Geography and the Industrial Production of Culture. The Globalization of Fear 11. ’The Globalization of Fear: Fear as a Technology of Governance Section 3: AlternativeVisions: Constructive, Democratic and Hopeful. Ecological Globalization 12. The Neoliberalization of the Global Environment. Globalization’s Cultural Challenges 13. Globalization’s Cultural Challenges: Homogenization, Hybridization and Heightened Identity. Globalization from Below 14. Globalization from Below: Coordinating Global Resistance - Alternative Social Forums, Civil Society and Grassroots Networks. Towards ‘Fair Globalization’ 15. Towards ‘Fair Globalization’: Opposing Neoliberal Destruction, Relying on Democratic Institutions and Local Empowerment, and Sustaining Human Development 2006: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-77061-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77062-0: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
How to do your Essays, Exams and Coursework in Geography and Related Disciplines Peter Knight, University of Keele, UK and Tony Parsons, University of Sheffield, UK This book focuses on the skills and techniques that apply to essay writing and also covers other types of assignments such as posters, talks, PowerPoint presentations and web pages. 2003: 234x156: 210pp Pb: 978-0-7487-6676-5: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-48739-6 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Landscape and Race in the United States
Non-Representational Theory
Deciphering the Global
Space, Politics, Affect
Its Scales, Spaces and Subjects
Edited by Richard Schein, University of Kentucky, USA
Nigel Thrift, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Saskia Sassen, University of Chichago, USA
Series: International Library of Sociology
2007 Hb: 978-0-415-95732-8: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95733-5: £22.99
Landscape and Race in the United States is the definitive volume on racialized landscapes in the United States. Edited by Richard Schein, each essay is grounded in a particular location but all of the essays are informed by the theoretical vision that the cultural landscapes of America are infused with race and America’s racial divide. While featuring the black/white divide, the book also investigates other social landscapes including Chinatowns, Latino landscapes in the Southwest and white suburban landscapes. The essays are accessible and readable providing historical and contemporary coverage. Selected Contents: 1. Race and Landscape in the United States 2. Historical Geographies of Race in a New Orleans Afro-Creole Landscape 3. The White-Pillared Past: Landscapes of Memory and Race in the American South 4. Seeing Hampton Plantation: Race and Gender in a South Carolina Heritage Landscape 5. Poetic Landscapes of Exclusion: Chinese Immigration at Angel Island, San Francisco 6. The Picture Postcard Mexican Housescape: Visual Culture and Domestic Identity 7. Race, Class, and Privacy in the Ordinary Postwar House, 1945–60 8. Aesthetics, Abjection and White Privilege in Suburban New York 9. The Cultural Landscape of a Latino Community 10. Richmond, Virginia’s Witting Autobiography: Arthur Ashe, the Civil War, and Monument Avenue’s Racialized Landscape 11. Naming Streets for Martin Luther King, Jr.: No Easy Road 12. Puptowns and Wiggly Fields: Chicago and the Racialization of Pet-Love in the Twenty First Century 2006: 6x9: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-94994-1: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94995-8: £19.99
Violent Geographies Fear, Terror, and Political Violence Edited by Derek Gregory, University of British Columbia, Canada and Allan Pred, University of California, Berkeley, USA This is a perceptive collection of essays that explores the complexity of political violence across the globe. They look at the historical pasts of places and regions to understand the turmoil of political violence that permeates the present.
’This is a richly textured book, alert to the criticisms intellectualists will bring against it and encouraging us to broaden the horizons in which we think, act and combine.’ – William E. Connolly, Johns Hopkins University, USA This astonishing book presents a distinctive approach to the politics of everyday life. Ranging across a variety of spaces in which politics and the political unfold, it questions what is meant by perception, representation and practice, with the aim of valuing the fugitive practices that exist on the margins of the known. It revolves around three key functions. It: • introduces the rather dispersed discussion of non-representational theory to a wider audience
Spaces of Social Exclusion Jamie Gough, Aram Eisenschitz and Andrew McCulloch 2005: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-28088-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28089-1: £25.99
Thinking Space Edited by Mike Crang and Nigel Thrift Series: Critical Geographies 2000: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-16015-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-16016-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-41114-8
• provides the basis for an experimental rather than a representational approach to the social sciences and humanities
Mapping Women, Making Politics
• begins the task of constructing a different kind of political genre.
Edited by Lynn Staeheli, Eleonore Kofman and Linda Peake
A groundbreaking and comprehensive introduction to this key topic, Thrift’s outstanding work brings together further writings from a body of work that has come to be known as non-representational theory. This noteworthy book makes a significant contribution to the literature in this area and is essential reading for researchers and postgraduates in the fields of social theory, sociology, geography, anthropology and cultural studies.
2004: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-93448-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-93449-7: £21.99
Feminist Perspectives on Political Geography
Selected Contents: 1. Life, but not as we Know it Part 1: 2. Re-Inventing Invention: New Tendencies in Capitalist Commodification 3. Still Life in Nearly Present Time: The Object of Nature 4. Driving and the City 5. Movement-Space: The Changing Domain of Thinking Resulting from the Development of New Kinds of Spatial Awareness Part 2: 6. Afterwords Part Three: 7. From Born to Made: Technology, Biology, and Space 8. Spatialities of Feeling 9. But Malice Aforethought 10. Turbulent Passions: Towards an Understanding of the Affective Spaces of Political Performance 2007: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-39320-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39321-8: £25.99
2006: 7x10: 416pp Hb: 978-0-415-95146-3: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95147-0: £15.99
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Public Policy for Regional Development
Rethinking Maps
Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods
Edited by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Georgia State University, USA and François Vaillancourt, Université de Montréal, Canada
Edited by Martin Dodge, University of Manchester, UK, Rob Kitchin, National University of Ireland, Maynooth and Chris Perkins, University of Manchester, UK
Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography
This book addresses the question of the best possible uses of public funds and the most effective strategies for regional development, focusing on the development of human capital and the methodology of formulating regional policy.
Rethinking Maps brings together leading theorists to explore how maps are being rethought, made and used, and what these transformations mean for working cartographers, everyday map creators and users, and cartographic scholarship. It is a multi-disciplinary approach to important contemporary mapping practices. Case studies are included.
Selected Contents: 1. Regional Development: Challenge and Public Policy Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and François Vaillancourt 2. Regional Divergence in the Euro Area José Manuel González-Páramo 3. On the Government’s Role in Regional Economic Development Michael I. Luger and Nicholas C. Maynard 4. Human versus Physical Capital: Government’s Role in Regional Development Ann Markusen 5. Regional Innovation Systems and Public Policy: Ireland’s Medical Technology Cluster Roy Green and Johanna Fahy 6. Unbalanced Development and Regional Governments: How Much Equalize and How to Equalize? Santiago Lago-Peñas 7. Human Capital Externalities and Regional Development: Evidence for Canada - 2000 Varvara Rakova and François Vaillancourt 8. The Role of Public Services and Taxes in Attracting ‘Foreign’ Direct Investment Timothy GoodSpeed, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Li Zhang 9. Regional Economic Integration and Budget Financing: Looking Towards International Markets? Luiz de Mello 10. Do New Highways Attract Business?: A New Microeconometric Methodology Teresa Garcia-Milà and José G. Montalvo 11. Regional Growth and Environmental Regulation: Friends or Enemies? Giorgio Brosio 12. Methodological Dilemmas in Regional Strategy Building Grzegorz Gorzelak 13. Methodological Dilemmas in Regional Strategy Building Grzegorz Gorzelak May 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-77576-2: £80.00
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Rethinking Maps Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin and Chris Perkins Section 1: Technologies of Knowledge 2. Modelling the Earth: A Short History Michael Goodchild 3. First-Person Geography and the Future of Spatial Data Michael Liebhold 4. Web Mapping 2.0 Georg Gartner Section 2: The Power of Maps 5. Ce n’est pas le Monde (This is not the World) John Krygier and Denis Wood 6. Maps, Race, and Foucault Jeremy Crampton 7. Cartographic Representation and the Construction of Lived Worlds Amy Propen 8. Rethinking Maps from a More-than-Human Perspective: Nature-Society, Mapping, and Conservation Territories Leila Harris and Helen Hazen Section 3: Beyond Representation 9. The Emotional Life of Maps and Other Visual Geographies Jim Craine and Stuart Aitken 10. Border Cartographies and Mapping Networks John Pickles 11. Their Work: The Development of Sustainable Mapping Dominica Williamson and Emmet Connolly 12. Maps and Orientation Barry Brown and Eric Laurier 13. Playing with Maps Chris Perkins 14. The Mapping Impulse of Cinema Tom Conley 15. Conclusions: Mapping Rethought Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin and Chris Perkins September 2008: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-46152-8: £75.00
The Spatial Turn NEW
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Regional Development
Edited by Barney Warf, Florida State University, USA and Santa Arias, Florida State University, USA
Diversities and Disparities Ulrich Hilpert, Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition In identifying the key elements of regional culture that impact upon socio-economic development, this informative text concentrates on the socio-industrial, research and political cultures and will have wide appeal to all those working in the social sciences. June 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-37341-8: £70.00
Time-Space Compression Historical Geographies Barney Warf, Florida State University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This volume explores the multiple ways in which people experience time-space compression in varying historical and geographical circumstances. Including economic, cultural, social, political and psychological dimensions of time-space compression. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Folding Time and Space 2. Theorizing Time-Space Compression 3. Early Modern Time-Space Compression 4. Late Modern Time-Space Compression 5. Postmodern Time-Space Compression 6. Concluding Thoughts March 2008: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-41803-4: £85.00
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Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography The Spatial Turn compares and contrasts approaches to space, identifying commonalities, and exploring how and why differences appear. It includes thirteen essays by authors from America, Canada, Europe and Latin America, combining up-to-date and empirical literature reviews about space in each discipline. This book will appeal to everyone conducting conceptual and theoretical research on space in geography and other related fields.
Connecting People, Participation and Place Edited by Sara Louise Kindon, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Rachel Pain, Durham University, UK and Mike Kesby, University of St Andrews, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This book examines the justification, theorization, practice and implications of participatory action research approaches and methods in the social and environmental sciences. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Connecting People, Participation and Place Part 1: Reflection 2. Participatory Action Research: Origins, Approaches and Methods 3. Participation as a Form of Power: Retheorising Empowerment and Spatialising Participatory Action Research 4. Participatory Action Research: Making a Difference to Theory, Practice and Action 5. Toward a Participatory Ethics 6. Participatory Action Research and Researcher Safety Part 2: Action 7. Environment and Development: (Re)Connecting Community and Commons in New England Fisheries, USA 8. Working Towards and Beyond Collaborative Resource Management: Parks, People and Participation in the Peruvian Amazon 9. Researching Sexual Health: Two Participatory Action Research Projects in Zimbabwe 10. Gender and Employment: Participatory Social Auditing in Kenya 11. Inclusive Methodologies: Including Disabled People in Participatory Action Research in Scotland and Canada 12. Working with Migrant Communities: Collaborating with the Kalayaan Centre in Vancouver, Canada 13. Peer Research with Youth: Negotiating (Sub)Cultural Capital, Place and Participation in Aotearoa/New Zealand 14. Participatory Diagramming: A Critical View from North East England 15. Participatory Cartographies: Reflections from Research Performances in Fiji and Tanzania 16. Participatory Art: Capturing Spatial Vocabularies in a Collaborative Visual Methodology 17. Participatory Theatre: ‘Creating a Source for Staging an Example’ in the USA 18. Photovoice: Insights into Marginalisation through a ‘Community Lens’ in Saskatchewan, Canada 19. Uniting People with Place Using Participatory Video in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Ngati Hauiti Journey 20. Participatory GIS: The Humboldt/West Humboldt Park Community GIS Project, Chicago, USA Part 3: Reflection 21. Participatory Data Analysis 22. Participatory Learning: Opportunities and Challenges 23. Beyond the Journal Article: Representations, Audience and the Presentation of Participatory Action Research 24. Linking Participatory Research to Action: Institutional Challenges 25. Relating Action to Activism: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections. Conclusion 26. Conclusion: The Space(s) and Scale(s) of Participatory Action Research: Constructing Empowering Geographies? 2007: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-40550-8: £75.00
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Unveiling Space in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2. Autobiographical Notes on the Spatial Turn 3. Spacing Movements: Mapping Practice, Global Justice and Social Activism 4. Reinserting Territory in Political Economy 5. Was Ratzel Right?: Political Science and the Spatial Turn 6. The Spatial Turn in the Study of Democratization: The Case of Post-Communism 7. Retheorizing Global Space in Sociology 8. Sex and the Modern City: English Studies and the Spatial Turn 9. From Ancients to Moderns: The Geopolitics of Historiography from the Old World to the New 10. ’To See a World in a Grain of Sand’: The Predicament of Space in Anthropology 11. The Translocative Moment: Space, Place and Religion 12. The Cultural Production of Space in Colonial Spanish America: From Visualizing Difference to the Circulation of Knowledge 13. Land without Bread: The Convergence of Geography and Naturalism in Documentary Film September 2008: 234x156: 324pp Hb: 978-0-415-77573-1: £75.00
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Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth
International Migration and Knowledge
Young Rural Lives
Allan Williams, London Metropolitan University, UK and Vladimir Balá, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakian Republic
Robyn Longhurst, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Edited by Ruth Panelli, University of Otago, New Zealand, Samantha Punch, Stirling University, UK and Elsbeth Robson, University of Keele, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This collection of international research and collaborative theoretical innovation examines the socio-cultural contexts and negotiations that young people face when growing up in rural settings across the world. This book is strikingly different to a standard edited book of loosely linked, but basically independent, chapters. In this case, the book presents both thematically organized case studies and co-authored commentaries that integrate and advance current understandings and debates about rural childhood and youth. Selected Contents: 1. From Difference to Dialogue: Conceptualizing Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth Ruth Panelli, Samantha Punch and Elsbeth Robson Part 1: Contexts and Identities 2. Doing and Belonging: Toward a More-than-Representational Account of Young Migrant Identities in Lesotho and Malawi Nicola Ansell and Lorraine van Blerk 3. Exploring Masculinity, Technology and Identity in Rural Norway Anne Sofie Laegran 4. ‘Our Lives are Like a Sock Inside-Out’: Children’s Work and Youth Identity in Neoliberal Rural Mexico Fina Carpena-Méndez 5. Rural Daughters in Australia, New Zealand and the United States: An Historical Perspective Kathryn Hunter and Pamela Riney-Kehrberg 6. Reflecting on Contexts and Identities for Young Rural Lives Naomi Bushin, Nicola Ansell, Hanne Adriansen, Jaana Lähteenmaa and Ruth Panelli Part 2: Agency and Everyday Action 7. An Example of ‘Thin’ Agency: Child Domestic Workers in Tanzania Natascha Klocker 8. On Both Sides of the Tracks: British Rural Teenagers’ Views on their Ruralities Hugh Matthews and Faith Tucker 9. The ‘Malaysian Orphans’ of Lombok: Children and Young People’s Livelihood Responses to Out-Migration in Eastern Indonesia Harriot Beazley 10. ‘I Mean, it Depends on Me in the End, Doesn’t it?’: Young People’s Perspectives on their Daily Lives and Future Prospects in Rural East Germany Nadine Schäfer 11. Conceptualizing Agency in the Lives and Actions of Rural Young People Elsbeth Robson, Stephen Bell and Natascha Klocker Part 3: Power Relations and Processes 12. Generational Power Relations in Rural Boliva Samantha Punch 13. ‘Preppy-Jocks’, ‘Rednecks’, ‘Stoners’ and ‘Scum’: Power and Youth Social Groups in Rural Vermont Cheryl Morse Dunkley and Ruth Panelli 14. ‘The Child Drums and the Elder Dances’?: Girlfriends and Boyfriends Negotiating Power Relations in Rural Uganda Stephen Bell 15. Rurality, Power and the Otherness of Childhood in British Contexts Owain Jones 16. Power and Place for Rural Young People Samantha Punch, Stephen Bell, Lauren Costello and Ruth Panelli 17. Conclusions and Future Directions for Studying Young Rural Lives Elsbeth Robson, Ruth Panelli and Samantha Punch 2007: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-39703-2: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94222-2
Economic Geography Past, Present and Future Edited by Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, University of Buffalo, New York, USA and Helen Lawton Smith, Birkbeck College, London, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Economic Geography Drawing together the work of several eminent geographers, this superb collection investigates the current state of knowledge in the subdiscipline of economic geography within the wider geography field, and assesses its future direction. 2006: 234x156: 284pp Hb: 978-0-415-36784-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-02025-8
Gender, Bodies and Space
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This book challenges pre-conceived views and argues the need to understand that all international migrants are potentially knowledge carriers and learners, and that they play an essential role in the globalization of knowledge transactions. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Theorising International Migration and Knowledge 3. Knowledge and Knowledge Transactions 4. The Changing Context of International Migration 5. National and Regional Perspectives 6. Firm Level Perspectives 7. Individual Perspectives 8. Future Challenges 2007: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-43492-8: £75.00
The New Economy of the Inner City Restructuring, Regeneration and Dislocation in the 21st Century Metropolis Thomas A. Hutton, University of British Columbia, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in Economic Geography The New Economy of the Inner City presents a penetrating analysis of contemporary new industry formation and its theoretical signifiers, derived from compelling case studies situated in four global cities: London, Singapore, San Francisco and Vancouver. Selected Contents: 1. The Reassertion of Production in the Inner City 2. Process: Geographies of Production in the Central City 3. Process: The Revival of Inner City Industrial Districts 4. Restructuring Narratives in the Global Metropolis: From Postindustrial to ’New Industrial’ in London 5. London’s Inner City in the New Economy 6. Inscriptions of Restructuring in the Developmental State: Telok Ayer, Singapore 7. The New Economy and its Dislocations in San Francisco’s South of Market Area 8. New Industry Formation and the Transformation of Vancouver’s Metropolitan Core 9. The New Economy of the Inner City: An Essay in Theoretical Synthesis March 2008: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-77134-4: £78.00
Remaking Regional Economies Power, Labor, and Firm Strategies in The Knowledge Economy Susan Christopherson, Cornell University, New York, USA and Jennifer Clark Series: Routledge Studies in Economic Geography Regional autonomy in the global economy is a myth: regional economies and regional fortunes are shaped by a transational firm agenda to drive down costs while accessing skilled, flexible labor in and across regions.
Series: Routledge International Studies of Women and Place Over the past decade geographers have shown a growing interest in 'the body' as an important co-ordinate of subjectivity and as a way of understanding further relationships between people, place and space. To date, however geographers have published little on what is one of, if not the, most important of all bodies - bodies that conceive, give birth and nurture other bodies. It is time that feminist, social, and cultural geographers contributed more to debates about maternal bodies. This book offers a series of windows on the ways in which maternal bodies influence, and are influenced by, social and spatial processes. Topics covered include women ‘coming out’ as pregnant at work, changing fashion for pregnant women, being disabled and pregnant, the politics of home versus hospital birth, breastfeeding practices that sit outside the norm, women who are constructed as ‘bad’ mothers, and ‘e-mums’ (mothers who go on-line). Selected Contents: 1. A Series of Windows 2. ‘Mum’s’ the Word: ‘Coming Out’ as Pregnant at Work 3. (Ad)dressing Pregnant Bodies: Clothing, Fashion, Subjectivities and Spatialities 4. Pregnant and Disabled: ‘Body Troubles’? 5. A Pornography of Birth: Crossing Moral Boundaries 6. At Home with Birth 7. ‘Queer Breastfeeding’: (Im)proper Spaces of Lactation 8. ‘Bad’ Mothers: (Re)presentations of Lack 9. Constructing Maternal Identities in Cyberspace 10. Conclusion: The Contradictory Spaces of Mothering. Appendix: Research Methods 2007: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-36046-3: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-00820-1
Female Sex Trafficking in Asia The Resilience of Patriarchy in a Changing World Vidyamali Samarasinghe, American University, Washington DC, USA Series: Routledge International Studies of Women and Place This book argues that strategies for prevention of female sex trafficking should not be universalized but should be contextualized on the basis of country-specific ground situations. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Evolving Discourse and Expanding Global Reach of Female Sex Trafficking 2. Definitions and Analytical Approaches 3. Femininization of Global Human Exchange 4. Nepal: Young, Female and Vulnerable 5. Cambodia: Conflict, Poverty and Cultural Values on Female Sex Trafficking 6. The Philippines: Looking for Greener Pastures 7. Faceless and Anonymous: An Overview of Demand 8. Conclusions 2007: 6x9: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-29668-7: £75.00
Selected Contents: Section 1: Shaping the Regional Project 1. Introduction 2. Firm Strategies: Resources, Context, and Territory 3. Labor Markets and the Regional Project Section 2: Case Studies 4. The Evolution of the Optics and Imaging Industry 5. Runaway Production: Media Concentration and Spatial Competition Section 3: Learning Regions and Innovation Policies 6. The Paradox of Innovation: Why Regional Innovation Systems Produce so Little Innovation (and so Few Jobs) 7. The Learning Region Disconnect 8. Remaking Regions: Considering Scale and Combining Investment and Distribution 2007: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-35743-2: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-00348-0
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Gender and Family Among Transnational Professionals
The Geography of Trafficking and Human Smuggling
New Perspectives on Gender and Migration
Edited by Anne-Meike Fechter, University of Sussex, UK and Anne Coles, University of Oxford, UK
Khalid Koser and John Salt
Livelihood, Rights and Entitlements
Trafficking and human smuggling are subjects which have the capacity to excite attention and polarize opinion. There is a very real ambivalence as to whether those involved are illegal economic migrants, or victims of human rights abuse.
Nicola Piper
Series: Routledge International Studies of Women and Place While interest in migration flows is ever-growing, this has mostly concentrated on disadvantaged migrants moving from developing to Western industrialized countries. In contrast, Euro-American mobile professionals are only now becoming an emergent research topic. Similarly, debates on the connections between gender and migration rarely consider these kind of migrants. This volume fills these gaps by investigating the impact of relocation on gender and family relations among today’s transnational professionals. Selected Contents: Introduction Anne Coles and Anne-Meike Fechter 1. The Shell Ladies’ Project: Making and Remaking Home Leonie Gordon 2. Shopping for a Hypernational Home: How Expatriate Women in Kathmandu Labour to Assuage Fear Heather Hindman 3. Travelling Together?: Work, Intimacy and Home Amongst British Expatriate Couples in Dubai Katie Walsh 4. The German School in London, UK: Fostering the Next Generation of National Cosmopolitans? Fiona Moore 5. Moving Experiences: Responses to Relocation Among British Military Wives Sue Jervis 6. Making Multiple Migrations: The Life of British Diplomatic Families Overseas Anne Coles 7. Becoming a Feminist in Aidland Rosalind Eyben 8. At Work and at Play in the ‘Fishbowl’: Gender Relations and Social Reproduction Among Development Expatriates in Madagascar Ritu Verma 9. From ‘Incorporated Wives’ to ‘Expat Girls’: A New Generation of Expatriate Women? Anne-Meike Fechter 10. ‘Coming to China Changed my Life’: Gender Roles and Relations Among Single British Migrants Katie D. Willis and Brenda S.A. Yeoh 2007: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-39600-4: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93909-3
International Business Geography Case Studies of Corporate Firms Piet Pellenbarg, University of Groningen, the Netherlands and Egbert Wever, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy Of interest to a range of disciplines within business and management, economics and geography, this book, written by eminent scholars, explores changes in the international economic environment, their impacts on the strategy of firms and the spatial consequences of these changes in strategy. Selected Contents: 1. The Corporate Firm in a Spatial Context 2. Networks of Firms in Flanders (Belgium): Characteristics and Territorial Impacts 3. Global Production and Trade Systems: The Volvo Case 4. The Organization of the Production Process: The Case of Smartville 5. Internal Venturing: Sponsored Corporate Spin-Offs in Sweden 6. Becoming a Global Player: Ing Real Estate 7. The Industrial Structure and Location Behaviour of the US, European and Asian Semiconductor Industries 8. Globalization of a Potato Starch Co-Operative: The Case of Avebe 9. Philips: A Global Electronics Firm Restructuring its Home Base 10. Product Upgrading and Survival: The Case of VW Navarra 11. The Demise of a Local Champion: Macmillan Bloedel’s Acquisition by Weyerhaeuser 12. Glaxosmithkline: Regional and Local Networking in a Post-Communist Economy 13. Epilogue: A Relational Perspective 2007: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-42919-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93920-8
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As these issues have risen on the political agenda, the enormous complexities inherent in them have become more apparent. The rhetoric, however, has run ahead of the research, and there is a fundamental lack of hard evidence relating to most aspects of the problem. This book addresses this problem by providing systematic and thorough information. The authors present an analysis which demonstrates the need to combine the spatial approach with those of other disciplines, including economics, criminology, political science, anthropology and sociology. 2007: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-26342-9: £60.00
Evolutionary Economic Geography Location of Production and the European Union Miroslav Jovanovic, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Switzerland Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition This new book brings evolutionary economics to bear upon economic geography in a coordinated study of the European Union. Jovanovic takes up a hot and increasingly important topic that is rarely addressed in such an accessible fashion. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Theory 3. Regional Policy 4. Market Structure and Location of Production 5. International firms 6. Conclusions 7. Bibliography July 2008: 234x156: 432pp Hb: 978-0-415-42346-5: £75.00
Political Economy of the Environment
Series: Routledge/UNRISD Research in Gender and Development This book discusses recent theoretical and empirical developments in international migration from a gender perspective. Its main objective is to analyze the diversification and stratification of gendered migratory streams with regard to skill level, labour market integration, and legal status. In turn a migrant’s position in relation to these axes influences access to entitlements and rights. Conceptually, the book builds upon the recent shift in scholarly research on migration, with women-centred research shifting more toward the analysis of gender. Migration is now viewed as a gendered phenomenon that requires more sophisticated theoretical and analytical tools than sex as a dichotomous variable. Theoretical formulations of gender as relational, and as spatially and temporally contextual have begun to inform gendered analyses of migration. The contributions to this book elaborate in more detail the broader social factors that influence migrating women’s and men’s roles, access to resources, facilities and services. Empirically, all major regions are discussed, pointing to common trends such as the increasing significance of the regionalization of migration flows as well as some noteworthy differences. Selected Contents: 1. International Migration and Gendered Axes of Stratification: Introduction 2. Finding a Place in Stratified Structures: Migrant Women in North America 3. Gendered Migrations, Livelihoods and Entitlements in European Welfare Regimes 4. Gendered Migration in Oceania: Trends, Policies and Outcomes 5. Gender, Migration and Livelihoods: Migrant Women in Southern Africa 6. Feminised Migration in East and Southeast Asia and the Securing of Livelihoods 7. Gendered Migrations in the Americas: Mexico as Country of Origin, Destination and Transit 8. Political Participation and Empowerment of Foreign Workers: Gendered Advocacy and Migrant Labour Organising in Southeast and East Asia 9. Using Human Rights Law to Empower Migrant Domestic Workers in the Inter-American System 2007: 362pp Hb: 978-0-415-95649-9: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94016-7
Simon Dietz, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK, Jonathan Michie, University of Birmingham, UK and Christine Oughton, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy This book draws together a team of political economists and environmentalists to assess climate change and environmental policy. It eschewes ’number-crunching’ cost-benefit analysis to develop a more holistic approach. Selected Contents: 1. The Microeconomics of Environmental Policy 2. Environmental Systems and Macro-Economic Models 3. Innovation Systems and Technological Progress 4. Sustainable Consumption March 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-43753-0: £65.00
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Trans-Atlantic Migration The Paradoxes of Exile Edited by Toyin Falola, University of Texas at Austin, USA and Niyi Afolabi, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA Series: African Studies This book argues that a new cadre of African immigrants are finding themselves in the New World – mostly well educated, high-income earning professionals, and belonging to the category termed ‘African brain drain,’ they constitute the antinomy of those Africans who were forcibly removed from Africa during slavery. Along with this sense of freedom and voluntary migration comes a paradox—that of living in two worlds and negotiating the pleasures and agonies that come with living in exile. For the new African immigrant, the primary factor motivating migration is the desire for a better life whether fleeing political persecution, economic crisis, refugee crisis, or a combination thereof. The overall consequences include displacement, alienation, and the not so enchanting reality of exile. In its encompassing structure and multivalent perspectives, Trans-Atlantic Migration sets in motion the shifting theoretical and pragmatic verity that the new African diaspora and transatlantic migrations are paths laden with paradoxes that only time, negotiations, compromises, and sense of identities can ultimately resolve. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Prospero’s Ripples, Caliban’s Burden Part 1: Paradoxes of (Im)Migration and Exile 2. Paradoxes of Immigrant Incorporation: High Achievement and Perceptions of Discrimination by Nigerians in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas (USA) 3. Nigerian Exiles, Democratic Struggles and the Notion of Sacrifice: Interspatial Activism and the Proactive Discourses of Liberation 4. Immigrants’ Pilgrimage and Imaginations: The Cinematic Portrayals of African Immigrants in Movies Part 2: Migration, Labor Conflicts, and Development 5. ‘The Uprooted Emigrant': The Impact of Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation on Africa’s Development 6. Walking For Land, Drinking Palm Wine: Migrant Farmers and the Historicity of Land Conflict in Brong Ahafo, Ghana 7. Migrants in French Sudan: Gender Biases in the Historiography 8. The Impact of the Relationship between Migrants and Traditional Authorities on South African Mining Communities Part 3: Migration and Survival Politics 9. Cultural and Ethnic Accommodation of New-Comers in South Africa 10. Pan-Africanism: The Impact of the Nkrumah Years 1945–1966 11. African Political Instability and the Search for an Inclusive Society 12. A Critical Analysis of the Social and Economic Impact of Asian Diaspora in Kenya. Conclusion: The Moral Ambiguity of Trans-Atlantic Migration 2007: 314pp Hb: 978-0-415-96091-5: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93383-1
Migration in Comparative Perspective
Retirement Migration
Caribbean Communities in Britain and France
Caroline Oliver, University of Newcastle, UK
Margaret Byron, Kings College, London, UK and Stéphanie Condon, National Institute of Demographic Studies, France
Series: Routledge Research in Population and Migration
Paradoxes of Ageing
Series: Routledge Research in Population and Migration This book presents a comparative perspective on postwar Caribbean migration to Britain and France. Both migrations were responses to the link between former colonies and colonial powers. However, the movements of labor occurred within separately and differently evolving political contexts, affecting the migration outcomes. Today, Caribbean communities in Europe display complex features of continuity and change. Condon and Byron examine trends in migration patterns, household and family structures, social fields, employment and housing trajectories in detail. This systematic comparison with its innovative focus on gender and life-course, is an excellent addition to the existing literature on the Caribbean diaspora. Selected Contents: 1. Introductory 2. Contextualising Migrant Flows: Socio-Economic, Political and Legal Backgrounds of Two Colonial Migrations 3. Working Lives Across Generations 4. Housing and Residential Strategies 5. Caribbean Families as Anchors and Adaptors 6. Transatlantic Lives, Transatlantic Social Fields: Circulation and Return to the Caribbean. Concluding Thoughts 2007: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-31045-1: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-41707-2
The International Migration of Health Workers Edited by John Connell, University of Sydney, Australia
The book is the first ethnographic study of international retirement migration and offers a sometimes surprising picture of the potentials, seductions and limitations of the lifestyles. People envision retirement as freedom from responsibilities through shedding the restrictive shackles of their former selves in a time of life dedicated to fun, friendship, healthy activity and individual fulfillment. However, as Oliver documents, a number of contradictions underpin the pursuits of such a lifestyle. She shows how retirees must balance time-use to achieve both freedoms and busy social schedules – their activities, their relationships, and their cultural identities – to balance both the security of nationality with the discovery of the new. Retirement Migration gives a critical insight into the new ways aging identities are experienced by a growing number of older people in Western societies today. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Flirting with Freedom 2. Cultural Contexts: Positive Ageing, Migration and Place 3. Location, Location, Location: Retiring in Spain 4. The Time of our Lives: Temporality and the Life Course 5. Does Age Matter?: Positive Ageing and Place 6. Community and the Individual in Migrants’ Spain 7. Cultural Identities, Ageing and Death 8. Conclusion: Paradoxes of Ageing in Retirement Migration 2007: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-37271-8: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94230-7
Refugees, Recent Migrants, and Employment
Series: Routledge Research in Population and Migration
Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways
This volume provides the first detailed overview of the growing phenomenon of the international migration of skilled health workers. The contributors focus on who migrates, why they migrate, what the outcomes are for them and their extended families, what their experiences in the workforce are, and ultimately, the extent to which this expanding migration flow has a relationship to development issues. It therefore provides new, interdisciplinary reflections on such core issues as brain drain, gender roles, remittances and sustainable development at a time when there has never been greater interest in the migration of health workers.
Series: Routledge Research in Population and Migration
Selected Contents: 1. Towards a Global Health Care System John Connell 2. Globalised Labour Markets and the Trade of Filipino Nurses Rochelle Ball 3. New Opportunities: United Kingdom Recruitment of Filipino Nurses James Buchan 4. Here to Stay?: Migrant Health Workers in Ireland Nicola Yeates 5. 'Filipinos are Very Strongly into Medical Stuff': Labour Market Segmentation in Toronto, Canada Philip Kelly and Sylvia D'Addorio 6. Indian Nurses: Seeking New Shores Philomina Thomas 7. The Migration of Health Professionals from Zimbabwe Abel Chikanda 8. Migrant Nurses and the Experience of Skill: South African Nurses in the UK Health Sector Colleen McNeil-Walsh 9. Chinese Nurses in Australia: Migration, Work and Identity Christina Ho 10. The Impact of the Outmigration of Female Care Workers on Informal Family Care in Nigeria and Bulgaria Sarah Harper, Isabella Aboderin and Iva Ruchieva 11. Transient Greener Pastures in Managed Temporary Labour Migration in the Pacific: Fiji Nurses in the Marshall Islands Avelina Rokoduru 12. Reconceptualizing UK’s Transnational Medical Labour Market Parvati Raghuram 13. The Recruiting of South African Health Care Professionals Christian Rogerson and Jonathan Crush 2007: 244pp Hb: 978-0-415-95623-9: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93245-2
Sonia McKay, London Metropolitan University, UK
Upheaval in vast areas of the world have led to a growing number of international refugees, a significant proportion of which have made their way to the West. At the same time, economic and social pressures, together with skills and labour shortages, have encouraged the migration for work of millions of workers worldwide. This collection examines the problems faced by refugees and recent migrants in accessing employment as well as the policy frameworks that address the labour market rights of refugees and economic migrants. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Commonalities of Experience: Refugees and New Migrants Sonia McKay 2. Migration, Employment and Employability Allan Williams 3. Methodological Challenges in Researching New Workers Sonia McKay and Paula Synder 4. Legal Frameworks Regulating the Employment of Refugees and Recent Migrants Amar Dhudwar 5. The Employment Experiences of Refugee Groups in Australia, together with those of ‘Visibly Different’ Migrants Val Colic-Peisker 6. The Position of Migrants` Position in the Italian Labour Market Giovanni Mottura and Matteo Rinaldini 7. The Labour Market Integration of Women Migrants: The Canadian Experience Valerie Preston 8. Mediating Racism: Trade Unions at Work in France Steve Jeffery 9. Barriers to the Labour Market: Refugees in Britain Alice Bloch 10. From Immigration to Labour Market Integration Anne Green 11. Routes of Access to Work and their Labour Market Outcomes Sonia McKay 12. Refugees & Entrepreneurship: Opportunity or Illusion? Leandro Sepulveda 13. Employer Perspectives on Recruiting and Employing Refugees Amar Dhudwar 14. Strategies for the Highly Skilled Azar Sheibani 15. What Future for New Workers? Sonia McKay October 2008: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-98877-3: £60.00
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The New Regulation and Governance of Food
Regulating Global Trade and the Environment
Beyond the Food Crisis?
Paul Street, Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA
Terry Marsden, Robert Lee, Andrew Flynn, Samarthia Thankappan and Natalia Yakovleva, all at Cardiff University, UK
Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This book examines the development of food policy and regulation following the BSE crisis and traces the changing relationships between three key sets of actors: private interests, such as the corporate retailers; public regulators, such as the EU directorates and UK agencies and consumer groups. Selected Contents: Introduction: The BRASS Approach: Interdisciplinary Studies of Food Regulation, Governance and Accountability Section 1: Crisis, What Crisis? 1. The Anatomy of the Food Crisis 2. Components of the Crisis: Handling Biosecurity Risk: The Case of the Foot and Mouth Epidemic 2001 3. Components of the Crisis: State Failures and Failures of the State 4. Components of the Crisis: Consumer Sovereignty and the Regulatory History of the European Market for Genetically Modified Foods Section 2: A New Regulatory Terrain – Dimensions of Contested Accountability and Regulation 5. Contested Regulation and Accountability: The Emerging Model in Europe 6. Contested Regulation and Accountability: The Emerging Model in the UK 7. The New Institutional Fabric: The Public Management and Communication of Food Risks 8. Key Conceptual Dimensions: Food Risk and Precaution: The Precautionary Principle in Practice 9. Key Conceptual Dimensions: The Quest of Ecological Modernisation: Respacing Rural Development and Agri-Food Studies 10. Conclusions: New Conceptual and Empirical Challenges November 2008: 6x9 Hb: 978-0-415-95674-1: £60.00
Urban Geography A Global Perspective
Examining the roles of international institutions, multinational corporations and other transnational players in framing the trade and environment debate, this book takes a multi-disciplinary approach that draws upon the experiences of developing countries, and assesses the limitations and possibilities for achieving substantive human freedoms and sustainable environmental futures. December 2009: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-27789-1: £60.00
Economic Geography Edited by Ronald L. Martin, University of Cambridge, UK and Peter Sunley, University of Southampton, UK Series: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences Economic Geography: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive five-volume set covering the following key areas: • the evolving project of economic geography • realms of wealth creation in a globalizing economy • changing worlds of work and welfare • the cultural economy • regulating the economic landscape.
Companion Encyclopedia of Geography From the Local to the Global Edited by Ian Douglas, Richard Huggett and Chris Perkins, all at University of Manchester, UK This revised edition takes the theme of place as the unifying principle for a full account of the discipline at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The work comprises sixty-four substantial essays addressing human and physical geography, and exploring their inter-relations. The encyclopedia does full justice to the enormous growth of social and cultural geography in recent years. Leading international academics from ten countries and four continents have contributed, ensuring that differing traditions in geography around the world are represented. In addition to references, the essays also have recommendations for further reading. As with the original work, the new Companion Encyclopedia of Geography provides a state-of-the-art survey of the discipline and is an indispensable addition to the reference shelves of libraries supporting research and teaching in geography.
With a new introduction by the editors, this fascinating collection captures the essential elements involved in the intellectual development of the field, making it an indispensable resource for both student and scholar alike. Selected Contents: Volume 1: The Evolving Project of Economic Geography Part 1: Introduction Part 2: The Shifting Terrain of Method and Explanation Part 3: Economics and Economic Geography Part 4: Contextual and Relational Economic Geography Volume 2: Spaces of Wealth Creation in a Globalizing Economy Part 5: Introduction Part 6: Rethinking Uneven Regional Development in a Globalizing World Part 8: The (Re)Localization of Economic Activity: Districts and Clusters Part 9: Knowledge and Innovative Places Volume 3: Firms and Labour Markets Part 10: Introduction Part 11: The Firm and Economic Geography Part 12: Shifting Perspectives on the Geographies of Labour Part 13: The (Re)organization of Work Volume 4: The Cultural Economy Part 14: Introduction Part 15: Culture and Capitalism Part 16: Culture and Local Economic Practice Part 17: Networks and Cultures Part 18: The New Cultural Economy Volume 5: Regulating the Economic Landscape Part 19: Introduction Part 20: Conceptualizing State-Economy Relations Part 21: Geographies of Socio-Economic Regulation Part 22: The Rise of Local and Regional Economic Governance 2007: 234x156: 2512pp Hb: 978-0-415-33841-7: £695.00
2006: 246x174: 1192pp Hb: 978-0-415-43169-9: £205.00
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Michael Pacione, Strathclyde University, UK A stimulating introduction to the study of towns and cities, this book views urban geography from global, historical, economic, environmental, political and social perspectives, and gives an overview of cities of the future. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Study of Urban Geography 1. Urban Geography: From Global to Local 2. Concepts and Theory in Urban Geography Part 2: An Urbanising World 3. The Origins and Growth of Cities 4. The Global Context of Urbanisation and Urban Change 5. Regional Perspectives on Urbanisation and Urban Change 6. National Urban Systems Part 3: Urban Structure and Land Use in the Western City 7. Land Use in the City 8. Urban Planning and Policy 9. New Towns 10. Residential Mobility and Neighbourhood Change 11. Housing Problems and Housing Policy 12. Urban Retailing 13. Urban Transportation Part 4: Living in the City - Economy, Society and Politics in the Western City 14. The Economy of Cities 15. Poverty and Deprivation in the Western City 16. National and Local Responses to Urban Economic Change 17. Collective Consumption and Social Justice in the City 18. Residential Differentiation and Communities in the City 19. Urban Liveability 20. Power, Politics and Urban Governance Part 5: Urban Geography in the Third World 21. Third World Urbanisation within a Global Urban System 22. The Internal Structure of Third World Cities 23. Rural-Urban Migration in the Third World 24. Urban Economy and Employment in the Third World 25. Housing the Third World Urban Poor 26. Environmental Problems in Third World Cities 27. Health in the Third World City 28. Traffic and Transport in the Third World City 29. Poverty, Power and Politics in the Third World City Part 6: Prospective - The Future of the City: Cities of the Future 30. The Future of the City: Cities of the Future 2005: 246x189: 740pp Hb: 978-0-415-34305-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34306-0: £31.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Urban Geography Tim Hall, University of Gloucestershire, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series More than simply examining the new geographical patterns forming within cities, this third edition of Urban Geography investigates the way geographers have sought to make sense of this urban transformation. Selected Contents: 1. Why Urban Geography? 2. New Cities, New Urban Geographies 3. Changing Approaches in Urban Geography 4. The Changing Economic Geography of the City 5. Urban Policy and Regeneration 6. Transforming the Image of the City 7. Recent Urban Change 8. Unequal Cities 9. Sustainability and the City 10. Your Urban Geographies 2006: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-34445-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34446-3: £18.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 6699
Urban Theory and the Urban Experience
Routledge Urban Reader Series
Encountering the City
Edited by Richard Le Gates, San Francisco State University, USA and Frederic Stout, Stanford University, USA
Simon Parker, University of York, UK This key book brings together, for the first time, classic and contemporary approaches to urban research in order to reveal the intellectual origins of urban studies
This exciting series responds to the need for comprehensive coverage of the classic and essential texts that form the basis of intellectual work in the various academic disciplines and professional fields concerned with cities. The readers focus on the key topics encountered by undergraduates, graduates and scholars in urban studies and allied fields, the contributions of major theoreticians and practitioners and other individuals, groups and organizations that study the city or practice in a field that affects the city. As well as drawing together the best of classic and contemporary writings on the city, each reader features extensive general, section and selection introductions prepared by the volume editors to place the selections in context, illustrate relations among topics, provide information on the author and point readers towards additional related biographic material.
2003: 246x189: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-24591-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-24592-0: £26.99
The City Reader
Urban World/Global City David Clark This book identifies and accounts for the characteristics of the contemporary city and of urban society. It analyzes the distribution and growth of settlements and explores the social and behavioral characteristics of urban living.
Edited by Richard LeGates, San Francisco State University, USA and Frederic Stout, Stanford University, USA This fourth edition of the highly successful The City Reader is newly updated and clearly structured to aid student understanding. It brings together the very best of publications on the city by renowned authors, both classic and contemporary. 2007: 246x189: 632pp Hb: 978-0-415-77083-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77084-2: £29.99
Selected Contents: 2003: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-32097-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32098-6: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-01519-3
Part 1: The Evolution of Cities Introduction: 'The Urbanization of the Human Population' Kingsley Davis. 'The Urban Revolution' V. Gordon Childe. 'The Polis' H.D.F. Kitto. 'First-Person Accounts of Great Cities of the Medieval and Early Modern World Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta. 'On Constantinople' Bernal Diaz. 'On Tenochtitlan' Albrect Dürer. 'On Antwerp, "The Great Towns"' Friedrich Engels. 'The Drive-In Culture of Contemporary America' Kenneth T. Jackson. 'Beyond Suburbia: The Rise of the Technoburb' Robert Fishman. Plate Section: The Evolution of Cities Part 2: Urban Culture and Society. Introduction: 'What Is a City?' Lewis Mumford. 'Urbanism as a Way of Life' Louis Wirth. 'The Use of Sidewalks: Safety' Jane Jacobs. 'The Negro Problems of Philadelphia', 'The Question of Earning a Living' and 'Color Prejudice' W.E.B. Du Bois. 'From Institutional to Jobless Ghettos' William Julius Wilson. 'Bowling Alone' Robert D. Putnam. 'The Creative Class' Richard Florida. 'The Occidental City' Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit. 'Visions of a New Reality: The City and the Emergence of Modern Visual Culture' Frederic Stout. Plate Section: Visions of a New Reality Part 3: Urban Space. Introduction: 'The Growth of the City' Ernest W. Burgess. 'Social Exclusion and Space' Ali Madanipour. 'Taking Los Angeles Apart' Edward Soja. 'Fortress L.A.' Mike Davis. 'The Almost Perfect Town' J.B. Jackson. 'The Neighborhood, the District, and the Corridor' Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. 'The Impact of New Technologies and Globalization on Cities' Saskia Sassen Part 4: Urban Politics, Governance, and Economics. Introduction: 'First-Person Accounts of 19th Century Political Bosses and Machines' James Bryce. 'How the Machine Works' and 'Rings and Bosses' George Washington Plunkitt. 'How to Become a Statesman and 'To Hold Your District - Study Human Nature and Act Accordin' Jane Addams. 'Why the Ward Boss Rules', 'Contested Cities: Social Processes and Spatial Form' David Harvey. 'A Ladder of Citizen Participation' Sherry Arnstein.
'The Need For a New Vision For the Development of Large U.S. Metropolitan Areas' Anthony Downs. 'Broken Windows' James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. 'The City as Distorted Price System' Wilbur Thompson. 'The Competitive Advantage of the Inner City' Michael Porter. 'Fiscal Equity' Myron Orfield. Plate Section: Social and Symbolic Uses of Urban Space Part 5: Urban Planning History and Visions. Introduction: 'Public Parks and the Enlargement of Towns' Frederick Law Olmsted. 'Author’s Introduction' and 'The Town-Country Magnet' Ebenezer Howard. 'A Contemporary City' Le Corbusier 'Broadacre City: A New Community Plan' Frank Lloyd Wright. 'Towards Sustainable Development' World Commission on Environment & Development 'Designing the Region' and 'Designing the Region is Designing the Neighborhood' Peter Calthorpe and William Fulton Part 6: Urban Planning Theory and Practice. Introduction: 'The City of Theory' Peter Hall. 'Twentieth-Century Land Use Planning' Edward J. Kaiser and David Godschalk. 'Planning In the Face of Conflict' John Forester. 'Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning' Paul Davidoff. 'Planning For Sustainability in European Cities' Timothy Beatley. Plate Section: Urban Planning Part 7: Perspectives on Urban Design. 'Author’s Introduction', 'The Relationship Between Buildings, Monuments, and Public Squares' and 'The Enclosed Character of the Public Square' Camillo Sitte. 'The City Image and its Elements' Kevin Lynch. 'The Design of Spaces' William H. Whyte. 'Toward an Urban Design Manifesto' Allan Jacobs and Donald Appleyard Part 8: The Future of the City. Introduction: 'The Post-City Age' Melvin Webber. 'European Cities, The Informational Age and the Global Economy' Manuel Castells. 'The Emergence of Mega-Urban Regions in Asia' Aprodicio A. Laquian. 'Planning Sustainable and Livable Cities' Stephen Wheeler. 'The Teleserviced City' William J. Mitchell. 'The Urban Future' Joel Kotkin. Epilogue 'Urban Studies and Planning' Richard T. Legates
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The Urban Design Reader
The Global Cities Reader
Edited by Michael Larice, University of Pennsylvania, USA and Elizabeth Macdonald, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Edited by Neil Brenner, New York University, USA and Roger Keil, York University, Canada In this volume fifty generous selections - including contributions from John Friedmann, Michael Peter Smith, Saskia Sassen, Peter Taylor, Manuel Castells and Anthony King - explore the inter-relationships between cities and globalization.
This Reader draws together the best classic and contemporary writings to illuminate the theory and practice of urban design.
2005: 246x189: 456pp Hb: 978-0-415-32344-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32345-1: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The selections include contributions from Howard, Le Corbusier, Hall and Jacobs through to Davis, Hayden and Gilham.
Selected Contents: Part 1: Global City Formation: Emergence of a Concept and Research Agenda 1. Prologue the Metropolitan Explosion Peter Hall 2. Divisions of Space and Time in Europe Fernand Braudel 3. Urban Specialization in the World System: An Investigation of Historical Cases Nestor Rodriguez and Joe Feagin 4. Global City Formation in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles: An Historical Perspective Janet Abu-Lughod 5. The New International Division of Labor, Multinational Corporations, and Urban Hierarchy Robert B. Cohen 6. World City Formation: An Agenda for Research and Action John Friedmann and Goetz Wolff 7. The World City Hypothesis John Friedmann Part 2: Structures, Dynamics and Geographies of Global City Formation 8. Prologue 100-Mile Cities Deyan Sudjic 9. Cities and Communities in the Global Economy Saskia Sassen 10. Locating Cities on Global Circuits Saskia Sassen 11. World City Network: A New Metageography? Jonathan V. Beaverstock, Richard G. Smith and Peter J. Taylor 12. Global Cities and Global Classes: The Peripheralization of Labour in New York City Robert Ross and Kent Trachte 13. Inequality in Global City-Region Susan Fainstein 14. Global Grids of Glass: On Global Cities, Telecommunications and Planetary Urban Networks Stephen Graham Part 3: Local Pathways of Global City Formation: Classic and Contemporary Case Studies 15. Prologue Cities, the Informational Society and the Global Economy Manuel Castells 16. The City as a Landscape of Power: London and New York as Global Financial Capitals Sharon Zukin 17. The Urban Restructuring Process in Tokyo During the 1980s: Transforming Tokyo into a World City Takashi Machimura 18. Detroit and Houston: Two Cities in Global Perspective Richard Child Hill and Joe Feagin 19. Global City Zurich: Paradigms of Urban Development Christian Schmid 20. Global Cities and Developmental States: New York, Tokyo and Seoul Richard Child Hill and June Woo Kim 21. The Stimulus of a Little Confusion: A Contemporary Comparison of Amsterdam and Los Angeles Edward Soja Part 4: Globalization, Urbanization and Uneven Spatial Development: Perspectives on Global City Formation In the Global South 22. Prologue a Global Agora vs. Gated City-Regions Riccardo Petrella 23. Building, Architecture, and the New International Division of Labor Anthony D. King 24. The World City Hypothesis: Reflections from the Periphery David Simon 25. ‘Fourth World’ Cities in the Global Economy: The Case
of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Gavin Shatkin 26. Global and World Cities: A View from off the Map Jennifer Robinson 27. Globalization and the Corporate Geography of Cities in the Less-Developed World Richard Grant and Jan Nijman 28. São Paulo: Outsourcing and Downgrading of Labor in a Globalizing City Simone Buechler Part 5: Contested Cities: State Restructuring, Local Politics and Civil Society 29. Prologue the Global City as World Order Warren Magnusson 30. Global Cities, ‘Glocal’ States: Global City Formation and State Territorial Restructuring in Contemporary Europe Neil Brenner 31. World City Formation on the Asia-Pacific Rim: Poverty, ‘Everyday’ Forms of Civil Society and Environmental Management Mike Douglass 32. ‘Global Cities’ vs ‘Global Cities:’ Rethinking Contemporary Urbanism as Public Ecology Timothy Luke 33. The Neglected Builder of Global Cities Anne Haila 34. The Globalization of Frankfurt Am Main: Core, Periphery and Social Conflict (2000) Roger Keil and Klaus Ronneberger 35. Urban Social Movements in an Era of Globalization Margit Mayer Part 6: Representation, Identity and Culture in Global Cities: Rethinking the Local and the Global 36. Prologue: Towards Cosmopolis - A Postmodern Agenda Leonie Sandercock 37. The Cultural Role of World Cities Ulf Hannerz 38. World Cities: Global? Postcolonial? Postimperial? Or Just the Result of Happenstance?: Some Cultural Comments Anthony D. King 39. ‘Global Media Cities:’ Major Nodes of Globalizing Culture and Media Industries Stefan Krätke 40. Willing the Global City: Berlin’s Cultural Strategies of Interurban Competition After 1989 Ute Lehrer 41. Exploring Colombo: The Relevance of a Knowledge of New York Nihal Perera 42. Culturing the World City: An Exhibition of the Global Present (2005) Steven Flusty Part 7: Emerging Issues in Global Cities Research: Refinements, Critiques and New Frontiers 43. Prologue: Whose City is it? Saskia Sassen 44. Space in the Globalizing City Peter Marcuse 45. Globalization and the Rise of City Regions Allen J. Scott 46. The Global Cities Discourse: A Return to the Master Narrative? Michael Peter Smith 47. Immigration and the Global City Hypothesis: Towards an Alternative Research Agenda Michael Samers 48. Pathways to Global City Formation: A View From the Developmental City-State of Singapore Kris Olds and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung 49. World City Topologies Richard G. Smith 50. The Urban Revolution Henri Lefebvre
Part 1: Historical Precedents for the Urban Design Field. Introduction: ’Upsurge of the Renaissance’ Edmund Bacon. ’The Family of Eyes’ and ’The Mire of the Macadam’ Marshall Berman. ’Public Parks and the Enlargement of Towns’ Frederick Law Olmsted. ’The Meager and Unimaginative Character of Modern City Plans’ and ’The Artistic Limitations of Modern City Planning’ Camillo Sitte. ’The Garden City Idea and Modern Planning’ Lewis Mumford. ’The Neighborhood Unit’ Clarence Perry. ’The Pack-Donkey’s Way and Man’s Way’ and ’A Contemporary City’ Le Corbusier Part 2: Normative Theories of Good City Form. Introduction: ’Introduction’ and ’The Uses of Sidewalks: Contact’ Jane Jacobs. ’The Timeless Way’ Christopher Alexander. ’Toward an Urban Design Manifesto’ Allan B. Jacobs and Donald Appleyard. ’Dimensions of Performance’ Kevin Lynch Part 3: Place Theories in Urban Design. Introduction: ’Prospects for Places’ Edward Relph. ’The Phenomenon of Place’ Christian Norberg-Schulz. ’The Problem of Place in America’ Ray Oldenburg Part 4: Dimensions of Place-Making. Introduction: ’The Image of the Environment’ and ’The City Image and its Elements’ Kevin Lynch. ’Introduction to the Concise Townscape’ Gordon Cullen. ’Principles for Regional Design’ Michael Hough. ’Critical Regionalism: An Architecture of Place’ Doug Kelbaugh. ’Place Memory and Urban Preservation’ Dolores Hayden. ’Themes of Postmodern Urbanism’ Nan Ellin. ’The Generic City’ Rem Koolhaas Part 5: Typology and Morphology in Urban Design. Introduction: ’Urban Components’ Leon Krier. ’The Third Typology’ Anthony Vidler. ’Getting to Know the Built Landscape: Typomorphology’ Anne Vernez Moudon Part 6: Contemporary Challenges and Responses. Introduction: ’What is Sprawl?’ Oliver Gillham. ’Charter of the New Urbanism’, ’Congress for the New Urbanism’ and ’Density in Communities, or the Most Important Factor in Building Urbanity’ Eduardo Lozano. ’Compact, Decentralised or What? The Sustainable City Debate’ Hildebrand Frey Part 7: Elements of the Public Realm. Introduction: ’Introduction’, ’The Life of Plazas’ and ’Sitting Space’ William H. Whyte. ’Three Types of Outdoor Activities’ and ’Life Between Buildings’ Jan Gehl. ’Urban Plazas’ Clare Cooper Marcus and Carolyn Francis. ’Neighborhood Space’ Randolph Hester. ’Great Streets and City Planning’ Allan B. Jacobs. ’Getting Around’ David Sucher. ’Green Streets’ Metro Portland. ’Drawing Lessons and Debunking Myths’ Robert Cervero Part 8: Practice and Process. Introduction: ’A Catholic Approach to Organizing What Urban Designers Should Know’ Anne Vernez Moudon. ’Urban Design as a Discipline and as a Profession’ Jon Lang. ’The Communication Process’ Matthew Carmona, Tim Heath, Taner Oc and Steven Tiesdell. ’The Debate on Design Review’ Brenda Case Scheer. ’Design Guidelines in American Cities: Conclusions’ John Punter 2006: 246x189: 560pp Hb: 978-0-415-33386-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33387-0: £26.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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The Urban Politics Reader
The Urban Geography Reader
Edited by Elizabeth A. Strom and John H. Mollenkopf, New York University, USA
Edited by Nick Fyfe and Judith Kenny
This Reader provides an essential resource for students of urban politics by drawing together important but widely dispersed writings. It includes contributions from Robert K. Merton, Samuel P. Hays, Susan Fainstein and Saskia Sassen. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: The Social and Economic Context of Urban Politics. ’A Top 10 List of Things to Know About American Cities’ Elvin K. Wyly, Norman J. Glickman, and Michael L. Lahr. ’Poverty, Social Rights, and the Politics of Place in the United States Margaret Weir. ’Overview’ and ’Economic Restructuring as Class and Spatial Polarization’ Saskia Sassen. ’Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes’ Chris R. Hamnett Part 2: The Roots of Urban Politics. ’Tammany Hall and the Democracy’ Richard Croker. ’The Ward Organizations’ Milton Rakove. ’Why Political Machines have not Withered Away and Other Revisionist Thoughts’ Raymond E. Wolfinger. ’Writing the Rules to Win the Game: The Middle-Class Regimes of Municipal Reformers’ Amy Bridges and Richard Kronick. ’Resistance from Outside: Machine Politics and the (Non) Incorporation of Immigrants’ Michael Jones-Correa Part 3: Understanding Urban Power. ’How to Study Urban Political Power’ John H. Mollenkopf. ’Who Governs?’ Robert A. Dahl. ’The Interests of the Limited City’ Paul E. Peterson. ’Looking Back to Look Forward: Reflections on Urban Regime Analysis’ Clarence Stone. ’In Search of the Growth Coalition: American Urban Theories and the Redevelopment of Berlin’ Elizabeth Strom Part 4: The Political Economy of Cities and Communities. ’The Postwar Politics of Urban Development’ John Mollenkopf. ’The Political Economy of Urban Fiscal Crises’ Martin Shefter. ’The Political Economy of Urban Regimes’ H.V. Savitch, Paul Kantor, and Selena Vicari. ’Congress Threatens to Leave D.C. Unless New Capitol is Built ’The Onion’ Community Empowerment Strategies: The Limits and Potential of Organizing in Low Income Neighborhoods’ Peter Dreier. ’Gender, Development and Urban Social Change: Women’s Community Action in Global Cities’ Amy Lind Part 5: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Gender. ’Has Political Incorporation Been Achieved?: Is it Enough?’ Rufus P. Browning, Dale Rogers Marshall, and David H. Tabb. ’Demobilization in the New Black Political Regime: Ideological Capitulation and Radical Failure in the Post-Segregation Era’ Adolph Reed. ’Black, White and Blurred’ Rob Gurwit. ’Wanting In: Latin American Immigrant Women and the Turn to Electoral Politics’ Michael Jones-Correa. ’Ethnic Stability and Urban Reconstruction: Policy Dilemmas in Polarized Cities’ Scott Bollens Part 6: Cities, Regions and Nations. ’Swimming against the Tide: A Brief History of Federal Policy in Poor Communities’ Alice O’Connor. ’The Urban Electorate in Presidential Elections’ Richard Sauerkopf and Todd Swanstrom. ’Urban Sacrifice’ Buzz Bissinger. ’Regionalisms Old and New’ Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf and Todd Swanstrom. ’Are Europe’s Cities Better?’ Pietro Nivola. ’The American City in the Age of Terror’ Peter Eisinger. ’A Progressive Agenda for Metropolitan America’ Bruce Katz 2006: 246x189: 354pp Hb: 978-0-415-31995-9: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31996-6: £27.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Capturing the diversity of scholarship in the field of urban geography, this Reader presents a stimulating selection of articles and excerpts by leading figures, addressing the changing conditions and responses to contemporary urbanization.
2005: 246x189: 438pp Hb: 978-0-415-30701-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-30702-4: £27.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Urban Sociology Reader Edited by Jan Lin and Christopher Mele This Reader draws together seminal selections spanning the subfield from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, with contributions from Simmel, Wirth, Park, Burgess, Zukin, Sassen, Smith and Castells amongst the forty selections.
2005: 246x189: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-32342-0: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32343-7: £26.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Sustainable Urban Development Reader Edited by Stephen M. Wheeler, University of California, Davis, USA and Timothy Beatley, University of Virginia, USA ’A comprehensive and intellectually rich compendium of the state-of-the-art knowledge on sustainable urban development…. the scholarly, judicious choice of topics and contributors, and the sequencing of the readings are admirable…. a carefully crafted synthesis of the major themes associated with sustainable urban development.’ – Journal of the American Planning Association ’A spirited and highly useful addition to the literature’ – Journal of Planning Education and Research Building on the success of its first edition, the second edition of the Sustainable Urban Development Reader expands its selection of classic material on sustainable community development. As in the previous edition, it begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable development concept in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, before presenting classic readings on a number of dimensions of the sustainability concept. The anthology remains unique in presenting a broad array of classic readings in this field, each with a concise introduction placing it within the context of this evolving discourse. It includes updated material on: • global warming • issues in less developed countries • ecotourism • prospects for sustainable development in China • megacities • case studies of sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Reader presents an authoritative overview of the field using original sources in a highly readable format for university classes in urban studies, environmental studies, the social sciences, and related fields. It also makes a wide range of sustainable urban planning-related material available to the public in a clear and accessible way, thus forming an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the future of urban environments. Selected Contents: 1. Origins of the Sustainability Concept 2. Dimensions of Sustainable Urban Development 3. Tools for Sustainability Planning 4. Sustainable Urban Development Internationally 5. Visions of Sustainable Community 6. Case Studies of Urban Sustainability 7. Sustainability Planning Exercises August 2008: 246x189: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-45381-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45382-0: £31.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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The American Suburb
The Basics
Jon C. Teaford, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
The Rising Costs for America
The American Suburb: The Basics is a compact, readable introduction to the origins and contemporary realities of the American suburb. Teaford provides an account of contemporary American suburbia, examining its rise, its diversity, its commercial life, its government, and its housing issues. While offering a wide-ranging yet detailed account of the dominant way of life in America today, Teaford also explores current debates regarding suburbia’s future. Americans live in suburbia, and this essential survey explains the all-important world in which they live, shop, play, and work. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Creating Suburbia 2. Diverse Suburbia 3. Commercial Suburbia 4. Governing Suburbia 5. Housing Suburbia 6. Planning Suburbia 7. The Basics 2007: 5x8 Hb: 978-0-415-95164-7: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95165-4: £13.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Gentrification Loretta Lees, King’s College London, UK, Tom Slater, University of Bristol, UK and Elvin Wyly, University of British Columbia, Canada Written for upper-level undergraduates in geography, sociology, and planning, Gentrification presents major theoretical ideas and concepts with case studies, and summaries of the ideas in the book as well as offering ideas for future research. 2007: 6x9: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-95036-7: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95037-4: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Suburb Reader Edited by Becky Nicolaides, University of California, San Diego, USA and Andrew Wiese, San Diego State University, USA Foreword by Kenneth Jackson Employing over 200 primary sources, illustrations, and critical essays, The Suburb Reader documents the rise of North American suburbanization from the 1700s through the present day. Through thematically organized chapters it explores multiple facets of suburbia’s creation and addresses its indelible impact on the shaping of gender and family ideologies, politics, race relations, technology, design, and public policy. Becky Nicolaides’ and Andrew Wiese’s concise commentaries introduce the selections and contextualize the major themes of each chapter. Distinctive in its integration of multiple perspectives on the evolution of the suburban landscape, The Suburb Reader pays particular attention to the long, complex experiences of African Americans, immigrants, and working people in suburbia. Encompassing an impressive breadth of chronology and themes, The Suburb Reader is a landmark collection of the best works on the rise of this modern social phenomenon. 2006: 7x10: 552pp Hb: 978-0-415-94593-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94594-3: £21.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Routledge Critical Introductions to Urbanism and the City
Edited by James H. Carr, National Community Reinvestment Coalition and Columbia University, USA and Nandinee K. Kutty ’This timely, accessible, and remarkably comprehensive book reminds us that our nation has yet to fully respond to its ideals. In these pages can be read the story of how a combination of illegal discrimination and government inattention can unfairly damage the lives of millions of Americans. This study is a much-needed citizens’ call to action.’ – Walter F. Mondale, Former Vice President of the United States, and Co-Sponsor of the Fair Housing Act ’This important book affirms the continued validity of that conviction and demonstrates the necessity of redoubling our commitment to this oft-neglected cornerstone of civil rights legislation.’ – Former Senator Edward W. Brook, Co-Sponsor of the Fair Housing Act Segregation: The Rising Costs for America documents how discriminatory practices in the housing markets through most of the past century, and that continue today, have produced extreme levels of residential segregation that result in significant disparities in access to good jobs, quality education, homeownership attainment and asset accumulation between minority and non-minority households. The book also demonstrates how problems facing minority communities are increasingly important to the nation’s long-term economic vitality and global competitiveness as a whole. Solutions to the challenges facing the nation in creating a more equitable society are not beyond our ability to design or implement, and it is in the interest of all Americans to support programs aimed at creating a more just society. This book is uniquely valuable to students in the social sciences and public policy, as well as to policy makers, and city planners. Selected Contents: 1. The New Imperative for Equality James H. Carr and Nandinee Kutty 2. Origins of Economic Disparities: Historical Role of Housing Segregation Douglas S. Massey 3. The Past as Present: The Continuing Practice of Housing Discrimination Stephen L. Ross 4. Predatory Lending: Further Eroding Minority Wealth Kathleen C. Engel and Patricia A. McCoy 5. Housing and Education: The Inextricable Link Deborah McKoy and Jeffrey M. Vincent 6. Residential Segregation and Employment Inequality Margery Austin Turner 7. Access to Decent Housing and Impacts on Individual Health Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and Theresa Osypuk 8. Social Networks, Neighborhood Segregation, and Economic Outcomes Rachel Garshick Kleit 9. Continuing Isolation: Segregation in America Today Ingrid Gould Ellen 10. Trends in the U.S. Economy: The Evolving Role of Minorities Dean Baker and Heather Boushey 11. The Prospects and Pitfalls of Fair Housing Enforcement Efforts Gregory Squires 12. Attaining a Just (and Economically Secure) Society James H. Carr and Nandinee Kutty February 2008: 6x9: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-96534-7: £50.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96533-0: £19.99
+44 (0)1235 400524
Edited by Malcolm Miles, University of Plymouth, UK and John Rennie Short, University of Maryland, USA This series allows undergraduate readers to make sense of, and find a critical way into, urbanism. It covers a broad range of themes; reconsiders cities in relation to a specific theme; introduces key ideas and sources; allows the author to articulate her/his own position; introduces complex arguments clearly and accessibly; bridges disciplines, and theory and practice and is affordable and well-designed. The series covers social, political, economic, cultural and spatial concerns. It will appeal to students in architecture, cultural studies, geography, popular culture, sociology, urban studies and urban planning. While being firmly situated in the present, it also introduces material from the cities of modernity and post-modernity which, has fed into that position. Each volume will approach cities in a trans-disciplinary way.
Children, Youth and the City Kathrin Horschelmann, University of Durham, UK and Lorraine van Blerk, Reading University, UK More than half of the global and around eighty per cent of the western population grow up in cities. Here, Horschelmann and van Blerk provide a vivid picture of children and youths in the city, how they make sense of it and how they appropriate it through their social actions. Considering the causes and forms of social inequalities in relation to class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, ability and geographical location, this book discusses specific issues such as poverty, homelessness and work. Each chapter draws on examples and cases from both the developed and developing world, and throughout the chapters, it: • contrasts experiences of growing up in the city • focuses on urban youth culture, consumption and globalization • considers contemporary movements towards the role of children and youths in planning processes. Horschelmann and van Blerk argue that youths must be recognised as urban social agents in their own right. Their informative book, though dealing with complex theoretical arguments, relates key ideas to this topical subject in a clear and coherent manner, making this book an excellent resource for students of human geography, urban studies and childhood studies. December 2008: 234x156: 236pp Hb: 978-0-415-37693-8: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37693-8: £21.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 6699
Cities and Consumption
Cities and Cinema
Mark Jayne, University of Manchester, UK
Cities and Nature
In investigating the mutual and dynamic relationship between urban development and consumption, this useful text for students asks: how are cities moulded by consumption, and how is consumption moulded by cities?
Barbara Mennel, University of Florida, USA This book suggests that modernity links urbanism and cinema. It accounts for the significant changes that city film has undergone through processes of globalization, during which the city has developed from an icon in national cinema to a privileged site for transnational cinematic practices. It is a key text for students and researchers of film studies, urban studies and cultural studies. Selected Contents: Section 1: 1. Modernity and the City Film: Berlin 2. The Dark City: Film Noir - Los Angeles 3. The City of Love: Paris Section 2: 4. City Film Industry: Hong Kong 5. The Divided City and the City in Ruins: Belfast, Beirut, and Berlin 6. Utopia and Dystopia: Fantastic and Virtual Cities Section 3: 7. Ghettos and Barrios 8. The City as Queer Playground 9. The Global City and Cities in Globalization. Conclusion: From the Train Effect to the Favela Effect: How to do Further Research. Filmography. Bibliography March 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-36445-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36446-1: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-01560-5
Cities and Cultures Malcolm Miles, University of Plymouth, UK Cities and Cultures is a critical account of the relations between contemporary cities and the cultures they produce and which in turn shape them. The book questions received ideas of what constitutes a city’s culture through case studies in which different kinds of culture - the arts, cultural institutions and heritage, distinctive ways of life - are seen to be differently used in or affected by the development of particular cities. The book does not mask the complexity of this, but explains it in ways accessible for undergraduates. Playing on the two meanings of culture, Miles takes an unique approach by relating arguments around these meanings to specific cases of urban development today. The book includes both critical comment on a range of literatures - being a truly inter-disciplinary study - and the outcome of the author’s field research into urban cultures. Selected Contents: Part 1: Definitions 1. Cities 2. Cultures Part 2: Interactions 3. Cities Producing Culture 4. Culture Re-Producing Cities Part 3: Culture Industries and Cultural Policies 5. The Culture Industries 6. Cities of Culture Part 4: Interventions 7. Cultural Cross-Currents 8. Cultural Identities 9. Permeable Cultures 2007: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-35442-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35443-1: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-00109-7 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-32733-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32734-3: £21.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Cities and Economies Yeong-Hyun Kim, Ohio University, USA and John Rennie Short, University of Maryland, USA
Lisa Benton-Short, George Washington University, Maryland, USA and John Rennie Short, University of Maryland, USA Cities and Nature illustrates how the city is part of the environment, and how it is subject to environmental constraints and opportunities. The city has been treated in geographical writings as only a social phenomena, and at the same time, environmental scientists have tended to ignore the urban. This book reconnects the science and social science through an examination of the urban. It critiques the dominant academic discourse which ignores the environmental base of urban life and living, and discusses the urban natural environment and how this is subjected to social influences.
Cities and Economies is an essential text for students of geography, economics, sociology, urban studies and urban planning. It provides a thorough examination of the role of the city in shaping economic processes and explains the different effects that economies have on cities. It provides an invaluable and unrivaled guide to the relationship between urban structure and economic processes as they compare and contrast across the world.
The book is organized around the three central themes of:
This book:
Selected Contents: Section 1: The Urban Environment in History 1. The City and Nature 2. Environmental Issues in Cities: A Brief History 3. The Industrial City 4. Contemporary Urbanisation and Environmental Dynamics Section 2: Urban Environmental Issues 5. Urban Sites 6. Cities, Environmental Hazards and Disasters 7. Urban Ecology 8. Water Pollution and the City 9. Air Pollution and the City 10. Garbage in the City Section 3: Realigning Urban-Nature Relations 11. Race, Class and Environmental Justice 12. Sustainable Urban Development 2007: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-35588-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35589-6: £20.99 eBook: 978-0-203-00232-2 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
• examines key ideas and concepts on the economic aspects of urban change • explores the changing nature of urban economies and their relationships with changes at the national and global levels • compares current economic issues and policies of large cities around the world • explores the links between globalization and economic changes in cities and the growing competitions between them. Cities and Economies uses case studies, photographs and maps expanding across the US, Western Europe and Asia. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book answers some fundamental questions about the economic role of cities.
• urban environment in historical context • issues in urban-nature relations • realigning urban-nature relations. Ideas such as pollution as a physical environmental fact, often created or impacted by economic, cultural and political changes are discussed, as well as viewing pollution as a social act: consuming patterns of everyday activities - driving, showering, shopping, eating - and how this has an environmental impact. The authors reintroduce a social science perspective in examining urban nature, the city and its physical environment.
Selected Contents: 1. Cities and Economies 2. Mercantile Cities and European Colonialism 3. The Rise and Fall of Industrial Cities 4. Service Industries and Metropolitan Economies 5. Globalization and World Cities 6. Globalization and Globalizing Cities 7. New Solutions for Old Economies 8. Third World Cities 9. World City Projects for National Capitals 10. Globalizing Islands in Developing Countries 2007: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-36573-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36574-1: £20.99 eBook: 978-0-203-01827-9 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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The Community Development Reader
James DeFilippis, Baruch College, City University of New York, USA and Susan Saegert, CUNY Graduate Center, USA
Altered States: Politics After Democracy
Recapturing Democracy
The Community Development Reader is the first comprehensive reader addressing community development. Community development has become a significant component of urban political economies in the past thirty years. This Reader is an ambitious volume bringing together history, theory and power dynamics. It does not just promote the model of community development but also addresses the messiness of community development.
Edited by Heather Gautney, Fordham University, USA, Omar Dahbour, Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA, Ashley Dawson, College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA and Neil Smith, Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA
2007: 7x10: 360pp Hb: 978-0-415-95428-0: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95429-7: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93556-9 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Cities and Everyday Life David Parker, University of Nottingham, UK Series: The New Sociology International and interdisciplinary, this important book provides a clear, user-friendly introduction to contemporary debates on urban life. It explores the concepts and methodologies through which sociology, cultural studies and cultural geography are coming to terms with the changing configurations of space, time and social relations in cities. The conceptual framework for understanding urban everyday life is introduced through a summary of relevant classical and contemporary ideas. The book goes on to develop this framework through the exploration of a number of urban domains, including: • mobility and travel • consumption and urban spectacle • everynight life • new communications technologies. Throughout the book, illustrative material is drawn from a range of cities in Britain, North America and East Asia, and examples from a range of urban contexts are included, as well as brief biographical portraits of key urban thinkers. This comprehensive text includes end of chapter resources, suggestions for further reading and information on relevant internet sites, all of which make it an ideal student reference. Selected Contents: 1. Everyday Life and the New Urban Studies 2. Mobility and Migration 3. Home, Work and the Quality of Life 4. The City as Spectacle 5. Cities and Everynight Life 6. The Discarded City 7. Networked Urbanism: The Future of Cities? September 2008: 198x129: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-38273-1: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38272-4: £16.99
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Altered States engages questions regarding new modes and spaces of democracy in the twenty-first century. Drawing on the fields of geography, political theory, and cultural studies, Altered States explores the theoretical implications of recent experiments with new forms of democracy and the changing nature of the state as they are buffeted by countervailing forces of corporate globalization and participatory politics. The collection, comprised of eighteen essays, approaches these issues from the following three optics: one: the meaning of radical democracy in light of recent developments in democratic theory; two: new spatial arrangements or scales of democracy – from local to global, street protests to transnational networks; and three: the character and role of states in the development of new forms of democracy. Drawing from a range of disciplines, the collection may be used in undergraduate and graduate courses on political sociology, social movements, and political philosophy and geography as well as interdisciplinary courses on civil society, democracy, and globalization. Selected Contents: Introduction Neil Smith 1. Radical Theories of Democracy and Sovereignty. ‘Radical Democracy, Regional Human Rights Protections, and the Replacement of State Sovereignty: Elements of Effective Transnational Democracy’ Carol Gould. ‘Sovereign Right and the Global Left’ Susan Buck-Morss. ‘Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms?: Rethinking Citizenship in Volatile Times’ Seyla Benhabib. ‘Crude Wars’ Tim Brennan and Keya Ganguly. Commentary Omar Dahbour 2. New Spatial Scales of Democracy. ‘Mundane Revolution: Youth Politics Jump Scale toward the Development of Postwar Croatia’ Colette Daiute. Activism & Radical Democracy in New Mexico’s Nuclear Ecology: Scale & Participation in Citizen Action’ Jeffrey Bussolini. ‘Cities as New Spaces for Citizenship Claims: Globalization, Urban Politics and Civil Society in Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa in the 1990s Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Sofia Checa. ‘Regional Restructuring & Radical Democracy on the North American Continent’ Gar Alperovitz. ‘The Common Good: Towards an Alternative Europe’ Susan George. Commentary Stanley Aronowitz 3. Rethinking the State from an Activist Perspective. ‘Another State is Possible?’ Heather Gautney. ‘Another Country: The Postcolonial State, Environmentality, and Landless People’s Movements’ Ashley Dawson. ‘Disarticulate the State!: On the Conception of Democracy Among “New Autonomous Movements” and their Relationship to the State’ Mike Menser. ‘Community Gardens, Convivial Spaces, and the Seeds of a Radical Democratic Counterpublic’ Ben Shepard. Commentary Frances Fox Piven January 2009 Hb: 978-0-415-98982-4: £68.00 Pb: 978-0-415-98983-1: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
+44 (0)1235 400524
Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures Mark Purcell Recapturing Democracy is a short yet synoptic introduction to urban democracy in our era of political neoliberalism and economic globalization. Combining an original argument with a number of case studies, Mark Purcell explores the condition of democracy in contemporary Western cities. Whereas many scholars focus on what Purcell calls ’procedural democracy’ – i.e. electoral politics and access to it – he instead assesses ’substantive democracy’. By this he means the people’s ability to have some say over issues of social justice, material well-being, and economic equality. Neoliberalism, which advocates a diminished role for the state and increasing power for mobile capital, has diminished substantive democracy in recent times, he argues. He looks at case studies where this has occurred and at others that show how neoliberalism can be resisted in the name of substantive democracy. Ultimately, he utilizes Henri Lefebvre’s notion of ’the right to the city’, which encompasses substantive as well as procedural democracy for ordinary urban citizens. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The ’Terror’ of Neoliberalization 2. The Many Faces of Democracy 3. New Democratic Attitudes 4. On the Ground in Seattle and Los Angeles. Conclusion: You Can Hear her Breathing January 2008: 6x9: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-95434-1: £50.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95435-8: £14.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93294-0 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Gender Pluralism Southeast Asia Since Early Modern Times Michael G. Peletz, Emory University, USA This book examines three big ideas: difference, legitimacy, and pluralism. Of chief concern is how people construe and deal with variation among fellow human beings. Why under certain circumstances do people embrace even sanctify differences, or at least begrudgingly tolerate them, and why in other contexts are people less receptive to difference, sometimes overtly hostile to it and bent on its eradication? What are the cultural and political conditions conducive to the positive valorization and acceptance of difference? And, conversely, what conditions undermine or erode such positive views and acceptance? This book examines pluralism in gendered fields and domains in Southeast Asia since the early modern era, which historians and anthropologists of the region commonly define as the period extending roughly from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Gender Pluralism and Transgender Practices in Early Modern Times 3. Temporary Marriage, Connubial Commerce, and Colonial Body Politics 4. Transgender Practices, Same-Sex Relations, and Gender Pluralism Since the 1960s 5. Gender, Sexuality, and Body Politics at the Turn of the 21st Century. Epilogue: Asylum, Diaspora, Pluralism July 2008 Hb: 978-0-415-93160-1: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-93161-8: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 6699
The Diaspora Strikes Back Caribbean Latino Tales of Learning and Turning Juan Flores, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, USA Series: Cultural Spaces In the Diaspora Strikes Back, the eminent ethnic and cultural studies scholar Juan Flores flips the process on its head: what happens to the home country when it is being constantly fed by emigrants returning from abroad? He looks at how ‘Nuyoricans’ (Puerto Rican New Yorkers) have transformed the home country, introducing hip hop and modern New York culture to the Caribbean island. While he focuses on New York and Mayaguez (in Puerto Rico), the model is broadly applicable. Indians introducing contemporary British culture to India; New York Dominicans bringing slices of New York culture back to the Dominican Republic; Mexicans bringing LA culture (from fast food to heavy metal) back to Guadalajara and Monterrey. This ongoing process is both massive and global, and Flores’ novel account will command a significant audience across disciplines. Selected Contents: Part 1: Theoretical Bearings 1. Thinking Diaspora from Below 2. Of Remigrants and Remittances 3. Caribbean Latino Counterstream Part 2: Ethnographic Groundings 4. Tales of Learning and Turning A. Reading the Tales B. The Tales Part 3: Stylistic Transfers 5. Bring the Salsa: Diaspora Music as Source and Challenge 6. Open Mic: Poetry, Performance, Emerging Identities 2007: 6x9: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-95260-6: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95261-3: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Questioning Cities
Cities and Race
Edited by Gary Bridge, University of Bristol, UK and Sophie Watson, The Open University, UK
David Wilson, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
America’s New Black Ghetto
The Questioning Cities series brings together an unusual mix of urban scholars under the title. Rather than taking a broadly economic approach, planning approach or more socio-cultural approach, it includes titles from a multi-disciplinary field of those interested in critical urban analysis. The series thus includes authors who draw on contemporary social, urban and critical theory to explore different aspects of the city. It is not therefore a series made up of books which are largely case-studies of different cities and predominantly descriptive. Instead it extends current debates, through in most cases, excellent empirical work, and develops sophisticated understandings of the city from a number of disciplines including geography, sociology, politics, planning, cultural studies, philosophy and literature. The series is thoroughly international where possible, innovative, surprising, and challenges received wisdom in urban studies. Overall, it will encourage a multi-disciplinary and international dialogue always bearing in mind that simple description or empirical observation, which is not located within a broader theoretical framework, would not - for this series at least be enough.
On Collective Memory and Historical Responsibility
Searching for the Just City
2007 Hb: 978-0-415-95682-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95683-3: £19.99
Neo-Bohemia Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City 2005 Hb: 978-0-415-95181-4: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95182-1: £15.99
Selected Contents: Part 1: Glocal Black Ghetto Emergence 1. Introduction. The Frame. An Uneasy Global Trope. Perspective and Definitions 2. Rise of Glocal Ghetto. The Beginning. Things Get Worse, 1965–1980. The Reagan 1980s. The Post 1990 Global Obsession. Formation of the Global Ghetto 3. The Global Trope. Introduction. The New Spaceless Entrepreneur. Problem Inner Cities. New Heroic Mayors as Salvationists. The Result Part 2: Current Ghetto Dynamics 4. Glocal Ghetto Changes. Introduction. Deepened Deprivation. The New Stigma and Marginalization. The New Ambiguous Ghetto-Prison Connection 5. The Current Federal Role: Bush Policy Effects. Introduction. Bush Urban Policy. Faith-Based Interventions. Changed Workfare. No Child Left Behind. The Future Federal Role: Block Grants Part 3: The Active Black Ghetto 6. Ghetto Responses. Introduction. Resistance to the Glocal Ghetto. The Outcome 7. The Crisis of the Black Ghetto. Introduction. A New Uneven Development 2006: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-35805-7: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35806-4: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-00410-4
In the Nature of Cities
The Politics of Regret
Jeffrey K. Olick, University of Virginia, USA
Examining the 1990’s rise of a new black ghetto in rust belt America, ’the global ghetto’, this book investigates how race and political economy dynamically connect in cities (’racial economy’) to deepen deprivation.
Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism
Edited by Peter Marcuse, James Connolly, Johannes Novy, Ingrid Olivio, James Potter and Justin Steil, all at Columbia University, USA
Edited by Nik Heynen, Maria Kaika and Erik Swyngedouw Drawing together the theoretical and empirical work of prominent urban scholars, this volume explores how interrelated economic, political and cultural everyday processes form and transform urban environments.
If today’s cities are full of injustices, what would a ’Just City’ look like? The contributors to this volume define the concept of the ’Just City’ and then examine it from many angles, supporting and developing the concept or questioning it and suggesting alternatives. Explorations of the use of the concept in practice include case studies. Selected Contents: Introduction Section 1: Theoretical Foundations of the Just City Debate 1. Planning and the Just City 2. Multidimensional Complexity of Discourse Around Justice in Urban Planning Issues 3. Critique of Liberal Conceptions of ‘Justice’ that Refrain from an Analysis of the Causes of Injusticen: Injects the Notion of ‘Dialectical Utopianism’ as a Point of Entry for a New ’Just’ Urban Reality 4. Critique of Fainstein’s Planning and the Just City from a European Perspective Section 2: The Just City?: Strengths and Limitations of the Formulation 5. Visions of the Just City and their Uses 6. Distributive, Procedural and Interactive Justice in Urban Planning 7. Gender, the Just City and an Ethic of Care 8. Is Economic Justice on the Local Level Possible in a Highly Competitive Global Economy? Section 3: How do we Realize just Cities? 9. Counter-Productive Nature of ’Critique that Ends with Critique’ Amongst Progressive Urban Planners 10. The Opportunity Structure of Race, Ethnicity, and Residence in New Orleans and its Connection to Social Movements and Urban Change 11. Can the Just City be Built from Below?: Brownfields, Planning and Power in the Bronx 12. Dealing with ‘Gray’ Urbanism: A Challenge to the Just City Debate 13. Searching for the Just City through the Lens of Cultural Heritage 14. Conclusion August 2008: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-0-415-77613-4: £75.00
Selected Contents: Forward Part 1: The Production of Urban Natures and Urban Political Ecology 1. Introduction 2. Sylvan City 3. Urbanizing Political Ecology Part 2: Urban Metabolisms 4. Circulations and Metabolism 5. The Desire to Metabolize Nature 6. Cyborg Urbanization 7. Monuments, Medians and Metabolims 8. Clogging up the City 9. Urban Metabolism as Target Part 3: The Ecology of Urban Politics 10. Transnational Alliances and Global Politics 11. Constructing Scarcity and Sensationalising Water Politics 12. Dead Spaces in the City of Extremes 13. Reconnecting with the Means of Existence in Durban 14. Looking at the Public/Private Water Debate in South Africa Through the Prism of an Urban Political Ecology Framework 15. Turfgrass Subjects 16. At the Edge Conclusions and the Way Forward 2005: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-36827-8: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36828-5: £24.99
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Questioning Cities
Small Cities Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis David Bell, University of Leeds, UK and Mark Jayne, University of Leeds, UK
City Publics
Providing a critical introduction into how, on whose behalf, and with what consequences cities are run, the international contributors to this topical volume focus their research on urban change within small cities around the world.
The (Dis)enchantments of Urban Encounters Sophie Watson, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK Through her investigation of the more ordinary and less dramatic forms of encounter and contestation in the city, author Sophie Watson is able to conceive of an urban public realm and urban public space that is heterogeneous and potentially progressive.
2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-31227-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31228-8: £23.99
2006: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-36657-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36658-8: £23.99
Selected Contents: 1. The Promise of the City 2. Spain, Bosnia and the Urban Conflict-Stability Continuum 3. Barcelona: Constructing Democracy’s Urban Terrain 4. Sarajevo: Misplacing the Post-War City 5. Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria (Basque Country): Urban Dynamism Amidst Democratic Disability 6. Mostar: Urbanism and the Spoils of War 7. Urbanism, Inter-Group Conflict, Political Transitions 2007: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-41947-5: £80.00
Cities in Globalization
Between Modernity and Development
Edited by Peter Taylor, Loughborough University, UK, Ben Derudder, Pieter Saey and Frank Witlox, all at Ghent University, Belgium
Jennifer Robinson, The Open Unviersity, UK This groundbreaking book establishes a new framework for thinking about urban development and crosses the longstanding divide in urban scholarship and urban policy, between Western and other cities.
Lucia Sa, University of Manchester, UK
Selected Contents: 1. Approaching the Monster Part 1: Terra Incognita 2. In Fragments for the Millennium 3. Flanerie Part 2: Find your Place in the Neighbourhood 4. Barrio/Bairro 5. Capao Redondo and the Space of Rap 6. Writing on the Wall and Other Interventions: Epilogue in a Small Gallery 2007: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-39271-6: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39272-3: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08753-4
Filling a gap in the peacemaking and conflict literatures market and including a set of over 100 interviews with local political and community leaders, this book will be helpful to scholars, international organizations, and grassroots organizations.
Practices, Policies and Theories
Mexico City and Sao Paulo
Life in the Megalopolis is the first book to combine urban-studies theories (particularly Lefebvre, Harvey, and de Certeau) with Benjaminian cultural analyses, and theoretical discussions with close-readings of recent cultural works in various media. It is also the first book to compare Mexico City and São Paulo.
Scott A. Bollens, University of California, Irvine, USA
Ordinary Cities
Life in the Megalopolis
Life in the Megalopolis: Mexico City and São Paulo investigates how such questions are explored in cultural productions from these two Latin American megalopolises, the focus being on literature, film, popular music, and visual arts. This book combines close readings of works with a constant reference to theoretical, anthropological and social studies of these two cities, and builds on received definitions of the concept megalopolis
Cities, Nationalism and Democratization
2006: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-40984-1: £95.00
Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Dislocating Modernity: Primitivism in Urban Theory 2. On (Not) Being Blasé: In the Tracks of Comparative Urbanism 3. Ways of Being Modern: Towards a Cosmopolitan Urban Studies 4. Re-Inscribing Hierarchies: Global and World Cities 5. Developing Ordinary Cities: Bringing the City Back in 6. Mobilising Diverse Economies. Conclusion 2005: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-30487-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-30488-7: £24.99
Urban Space and Cityscapes Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture Edited by Christoph Lindner, Northern Illinois University, USA Examining constructions, representations, imaginations and theorizations of ’cityscapes’ in contemporary culture, this interdisciplinary volume includes commissioned essays from the fields of architecture, visual art and urban geography.
2006: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-36652-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36653-3: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-01925-2
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Designing the City of Reason
Cosmopolitan Urbanism
Urban Utopias
Foundations and Frameworks
Edited by Jon Binnie, Julian Holloway, Steve Millington and Craig Young
The Built and Social Architectures of Alternative Settlements
2005: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-34491-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34492-0: £24.99
Malcolm Miles, University of Plymouth, UK
Ali Madanipour, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK With a practical approach to theory, Designing the City of Reason offers new perspectives on how differing belief systems and philosophical approaches impact on city design and development, exploring how this has changed before, during and after the impact of modernism in all its rationalism. Looking at the connections between abstract ideas and material realities, this book provides a social and historical account of ideas which have emerged out of the particular concerns and cultural contexts and which inform the ways we live. By considering the changing foundations for belief and action, and their impact on urban form, it follows the history and development of city design in close conjunction with the growth of rationalist philosophy. Building on these foundations, it goes on to focus on the implications of this for urban development, exploring how public infrastructures of meaning are constructed and articulated through the dimensions of time, space, meaning, value and action. With its wide-ranging subject matter and distinctive blend of theory and practice, this book furthers the scope and range of urban design by asking new questions about the cities we live in and the values and symbols which we assign to them.
Indefensible Space The Architecture of the National Insecurity State Edited by Michael Sorkin Indefensible Space explores the increasing envelopment of public space and life by an architecture of security/paranoia, from the most literal level, barriers in front of buildings, to more abstract levels, like enhanced surveillance of public spaces.
This book is structured in four parts. In part one, literary and theoretical utopias from the early modern period to the nineteenth-century are reconsidered. Part two investigates twentieth-century urban utopianism and contemporary alternative settlements focusing on social and environmental issues, activism and eco-village living. Part three looks to wider horizons in recent practices in the non-affluent world, and Part four reviews a range of cases from the author’s visits to specific sites. This is followed by a short conclusion in which a discussion of key issues is resumed.
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Foundations 2. City of Temples 3. City of Mechanical Clocks 4. City of Machines 5. City of Sights and Sounds 6. City of People Part 2: Frameworks 7. Keeping Time 8. Measuring Space 9. Assigning Value 10. Providing Accounts 11. Connecting Actions 12. City of Reason 2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-42091-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42092-1: £27.50 eBook: 978-0-203-96213-8
Selected Contents: Introduction: The Fear Factor Michael Sorkin 1. Cities and The War on Terror Stephen Graham 2. Empire of the Insensate Steven Flusty 3. Urban Operations and Network Centric Warfare M. Christine Boyer 4. Planet America: Empire’s New Land Grab Mark Gillem 5. Waiting in African Cities AbdouMaliq Simone 6. Border Tours: Strategies of Surveillance, Tactics of Encroachment Teddy Cruz 7. Re-Stating the Obvious Ruth Wilson Gilmore and Craig Gilmore 8. The Threat from Within: Protecting the Indefensible from the Indeterminate Kathi Holt-Diamant 9. Blank Slates and Disaster Zones: The State, September 11, and the Displacement of Chinatown Laura Liu 10. Back to Zero: Mourning in America Michael Sorkin 11. The New Emotions of Home: Fear Insecurity and Paranoia 12. Staged Authenticity Today 13. Architecture Emblematic: Hardened Sites and Softened Symbols 14. Me and my Monkey: What’s Hiding in the Security State Cindi Katz 15. Thanatotactics Eyal Weizman 16. A Short History of the Car Bomb Mike Davis 2007: 6x9: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-95367-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95368-9: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93948-2
World City Syndrome
Space, Difference, Everyday Life
Neoliberalism and Inequality in Cape Town
Reading Henri Lefebvre
David A. McDonald, Queen’s University, Canada
Edited by Kanishka Goonewardena, Stefan Kipfer, Richard Milgrom and Christian Schmid
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography
Consuming the Entrepreneurial City
This book examines the significance of Cape Town’s claim to being a ’world city.’ McDonald argues that Cape Town must be seen as a neoliberal city, situating it against the broader political and economic reforms of South Africa’s re-entry into a global market economy.
Image, Memory, Spectacle
In the past fifteen years, Henri Lefebvre’s reputation has catapulted into the stratosphere, and he is now considered an equal to some of the greats of European social theory (Bourdieu, Deleuze, Harvey). In particular, his work has revitalized urban studies, geography and planning via concepts like; the social production of space, the right to the city, everyday life, and global urbanization. Lefebvre’s massive body of work has generated two main schools of thought: one that is political economic, and another that is more culturally oriented and poststructuralist in tone. Space, Difference, and Everyday Life merges these two schools of thought into a unified Lefebvrian approach to contemporary urban issues and the nature of our spatialized social structures. January 2008: 6x9: 334pp Hb: 978-0-415-95459-4: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95460-0: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93321-3
Selected Contents: Introduction: World City Syndrome 1. Cape Town as World City 2. Cape Town as Capitalist City 3. Cape Town as Neoliberal City 4. Respatializing Cape Town (I): Local Government Restructuring 5. Respatializing Cape Town (II): Investments in the Built Environment 6. Privatizing Cape Town 7. Cost Recovering Cape Town 8. Disciplining Cape Town 9. (De)Africanizing Cape Town 10. Keep Left for Cape Town: Alternative Development Strategies 2007: 6x9: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-95857-8: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93967-3
This book brings together insights from literary, theoretical and practical utopias, drawing out the characteristics of groups and places that are part of a new society. It links today’s utopian experiments to historical and literary utopias, and to theoretical problems in utopian thought. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Histories and Theories 1. Imagining Places: Literary Utopias and the FarAway 2. Drawing Lines: Modernity as Utopia 3. Planning Harmony: Fourier and Utopian Socialism Part 2: Practices 4. New Cities 5. Social Utopias 6. Ecotopias: Frameworks 7. Ecotopias: Practices Part 3: Horizons 8. Mud-Brick Utopias 9. A Barefoot Society Part 4: Short Case Studies Case 1: Economy, Pennsylvania, USA Case 2: Arcosanti, Arizona, USA Case 3: Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India Case 4: Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark Case 5: Ufa-fabrik, Berlin, Germany Case 6: Uzupio, Vilnius, Lithuania Case 7: Cambridge Co-Housing, Massachusetts, USA Case 8: Ecovillage at Ithaca, New York State, USA Case 9: Z.E.G.G, Belzig, Germany. Conclusion 2007: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-37575-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37576-4: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-09912-4
Edited by Anne Cronin and Kevin Hetherington, The Open University, UK Through this important collection of articles by some of the leading analysts of consumption, cities and space Consuming the Entrepreneurial City offers a cutting-edge analysis of the ways in which cities are developing and the implications this has for their future. It is essential reading for students of urban studies, geography, sociology, cultural studies, heritage studies and anthropology. March 2008: 6x9: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-95518-8: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95519-5: £25.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93209-4 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Urban Avant-Gardes Art, Architecture and Change Malcolm Miles 2004: 246x174: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-26687-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-26688-8: £26.99
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Gated Communities
Branding New York
The Global Architect
International Perspectives
How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World
Firms, Frame and Urban Form
Miriam Greenberg, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Donald McNeill, University of Western Sydney, USA
Edited by Rowland Atkinson, University of Glasgow, UK and Sarah Blandy, University of Leeds, UK
Series: Cultural Spaces Branding New York traces the rise of New York City as a brand and the resultant transformation of urban politics and public life. It shows that the branding of New York was not simply a marketing tool; rather it was a political strategy. Selected Contents: Introduction: New York, Capital of the 1970s. Prologue: From the Standpoint of the Out-of-Towner 1. Branding and the Neoliberal City Part 1: From Image Crisis to Fiscal Crisis: 1964-1974 2. It’s a Small World After All: The Rise of New York Media the End of Boosterism 3. Style & Power: The Common Sense of New York Magazine 4. Selling the City in Crisis: ’Big Apple’ and the Invention of the Public Private Partnership Part 2: The Battle to Brand New York: 1975-1985 5. Welcome to Fear City 6. The Limits of Branding: From ’Big Apple’ to the ’Summer of Sam’ 7. Purging New York through I© NY 8. Conclusion: The Legacy of the 1970s 9. New York City as a Symbol of Neoliberalism. Epilogue: Re-Branding New York after the World Trade Center February 2008: 6x9: 330pp Hb: 978-0-415-95441-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95442-6: £20.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93197-4
Preserving New York Winning the Right to Protect a City’s Landmarks Anthony Wood, New York Preservation Archive Project, USA Preserving New York is the story of the people and places, the buildings and the battles, and the policies and police that after decades of tragic loses, led New York City to create a legal mechanism to protect the city’s cherished landmarks. Selected Contents: 1. The Myth of Pennsylvania Station 2. Albert Bard and the City Beautiful 3. The Bridge, the Castle and Moses 4. Postwar as Prelude 5. The Civics Engage 6. The Bard Act 7. The Village People 8. The View from the Heights 9. Heard. Deferred. Referred 10. A Series of Near Misses 11. The Commission and the Station 12.Crisis and Sacrifice. Epilogue 2007: 8x10: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-95284-2: £19.99
The Global Architect explores the increasing significance of globalization processes on urban change, architectural practice and the built environment. In what is primarily a critical sociological overview of the current global architectural industry, Donald McNeill covers the ’star system’ of international architects who combine celebrity and hypermobility, the top firms, whose offices are currently undergoing a major global expansion, and the role of advanced information technology in expanding the geographical scope of the industry. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: The Globalization of Architectural Practice 1.1 Architectural Practice and the Race for New Markets 1.2 Working with Clients 1.3 The Business of Architecture 1.4 Joint Ventures and Alliances 1.5 The Megapractice: Skidmore Owings & Merrill 1.6 Aedas: The Architectural Firm as Global Brand 1.7 The Rise of Foster and Partners 1.8 Conclusions: The Significance of the Firm Part 2: Designing at Distance 2.1 Architects and Business Travel 2.2 The Travelling Sketch: Renzo Piano and Sydney’s Aurora Place 2.3 Client Meetings and Performing Competitions 2.4 The Design Studio 2.5 Space-Shrinking Technologies 2.6 Meeting the Clients: Property Trade Fairs 2.7 Conclusions Part 3: Architectural Celebrity and the Cult of the Individual 3.1 Daniel Libeskind as ‘Starchitect’ 3.2 The Cult of the Individual Architect 3.3 The Signature Architect 3.4 Travelling Celebrity 3.5 Signature Architects and Value Added 3.6 Conclusions Part 4: The ‘Bilbao Effect’ 4.1 Cultural Imperialism? 4.2 Indigenisation and ‘Bourgeois Regionalism’: The Basque State as Client 4.3 Mapping the ‘Bilbao Effect’ 4.4 Conclusions Part 5: Rem Koolhaas and the Heteronomy of Global Capitalism 5.1 Koolhaas and the Office of Metropolitan Architecture 5.2 Content and the Architect’s Book 5.3 Rebranding Architecture 5.4 Architect as Anthropologist 5.5 Conclusions Part 6: The Geography of the Skyscraper 6.1 Relational Geographies of the Skyscraper 6.2 The World’s Tallest Building 6.3 Dubai and Global Imagineering 6.4 Essentialism, and the International Style 6.5 Conclusions Part 7: The Ethics of Architectural Practice 7.1 Going East: The Geopolitics of Architecture 7.2 Environmental Ethics 7.3 The Architect and the City 7.4 Conclusions. Conclusions June 2008: 6x9: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-95640-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95641-3: £18.00
Building Ideals Practical Utopias from New Towns to New Urbanism Ann Forsyth January 2008: 7x9: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-95120-3: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95121-0: £19.99
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This volume draws on recent accounts of gated communities to consider their growth, governance and their wider impacts in terms of crime, anti-social behaviour, citizenship and the privatization of public spaces. 2006: 246x174 Hb: 978-0-415-37315-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46379-9: £20.00
Boulevard of Dreams The World of the Grand Concourse Constance Rosenblum February 2009: 6x9: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-94937-8: £16.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Branding Cities Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social Change Edited by Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University, UK, Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia and Catherine Kevin, Kings College London, UK This volume brings together cultural analysts, social scientists and media scholars to explore the ways in which core cities generate competing claims on, and visions of their use and future, and thus have engaged with the necessity to brand their image for international consumption and for internal coherence. Selected Contents: Introduction Section 1: Selling Cities: Trans-Regional Perspectives 1. ‘Understanding Cultural Quarters in Branded Cities’ Simon Roodhouse 2. ’Fashion, Happiness and Branding: Writing the ’Scene’ in Cheng Du’ Zheng Yi 3. ’Locals or Cosmopolitans?: Selling Berlin as a Cosmopolitan City and Strategies of Integration’ Kira Kosnick Section 2: The Idea of the City - Cinematic Futures and the Grounds of the Present 4. ‘London Undead: Cinema and the Deserted City’ Christoph Lindner 5. ‘Branding the Modernist City: Geographies of Rome and Paris in Postwar Film’ Mark Shiel 6. ‘French Atlantic Cosmopolitanisms: The Case of Nantes’ Bill Marshall Section 3: Grounded Cosmopolitanisms and Parochialisms 7. ‘Cosmopolitanism, Diversity and New Migrations’ Eleonore Kofman 8. ‘Strangers in the Cosmopolitan City: Recent Migration to London, Immigrants’ Integration and the Relevance of Place’ Panos Hatziprokopiou 9. ‘Europeans in Manchester: Networks, Allegiances and Citizenship’ Paul Kennedy 10. Chinatown: Branded Spaces, Belonging and Exclusion Rosemary Sales, Alessio d’Angelo and Nicola Montagna Section 4: New Cosmopolitanisms and Old Disenchantments 11. ‘Cosmopolitanism, Branding and the Public Realm’ Jeff Malpas 12. ‘Stripes and My Country: A Cosmopolitan History of Brand Insignia: Liverpool, Sydney and Shanghai’ Stephanie Hemelryk Donald 13. ‘Cosmopolitanism with Roots: The Jewish Presence in Shanghai before the Chinese Revolution and in the New Cosmoopolis’ Andrew Jakubowicz 14. ‘Thames Town: Shanghai and the Politics of Renewal’ David S.G Goodman October 2008: 6x9: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-96526-2: £60.00
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Private Cities
Encyclopedia of the City
Sensing Cities
Global and Local Perspectives
Edited by Roger W. Caves
Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester
Georg Glasze, Chris Webster and Klaus Frantz
The Encyclopedia of the City focuses on the key topics encountered by undergraduates and scholars in urban studies and allied fields. Contributors include major theoreticians and practitioners, and on other individuals, groups, and organizations which study the city or practice in a field that directly or indirectly affects the city, the Encyclopedia necessarily adopts an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective.
Monica Montserrat Degen, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography Sensing Cities investigates the reconfiguration of contemporary public space and life through the prism of the senses. The book explores how the increased stylization of cityscapes requires an understanding of public life as a spatial-sensuous encounter. Degen examines how power relations in public spaces are embedded in, exercised and resisted through the sensuous geography of place. This sensory paradigm is then applied to compare two emblematic regeneration projects, namely el Raval in Barcelona and Castlefield in Manchester. By combining detailed ethnographic analysis and interviews with those involved in planning regeneration processes and those experiencing them, this book argues that a changing sensuous landscape is crucial in redefining people’s social practices, attachments and experiences in places. With numerous photographs and maps this book stresses the ongoing, embodied and active nature of regeneration as a lived social process rather than merely a physical or economic exercise. Ultimately, Sensing Cities examines how urban regeneration is made effective through the organization of sensory experience. This book is essential reading for students and researchers of architecture, urban studies and human geography. June 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-39799-5: £75.00
Postcolonial African Cities Imperial Legacies and Postcolonial Predicament Edited by Fassil Demissie, DePaul University, USA This book offers a range of scholarly interpretations of the new forms of urbanity in contemporary African cities, engaging with issues including colonial legacies, postcolonial intersections, cosmopolitan spaces, urban reconfigurations, and migration. It covers cities as diverse as Dar Es Salaam, Dakar, Johannesburg, Lagos and Kinshasa. January 2008: 246x174: 156pp Hb: 978-0-415-45448-3: £70.00
Cities of Pleasure Sex and the Urban Socialscape Edited by Alan Collins This book, previously published as a special issue of the journal Urban Studies, contains a collection of cutting edge chapters that explore various connections between urban living, sexuality and sexual desire around the world. 2005: 246x174: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-36012-8: £75.00
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography Contributed to, and edited by an international team of leading authors, this revealing book constructs an interdisciplinary discourse on the global spread of private communities based upon empirical evidence. Selected Contents: Introduction. The Dynamics of Privatopia. The Economic Case for Private Residential Government. Unlocking the Gated Community. Private Gated Neighbourhoods. Gated Communities as Predators of Public Resources. Condominios Fechados and Barrios Privados. Neighbourhoods in Latin America. Gated Communities in South Africa. The Spread of Private Guarded Neighbourhoods in Lebanon and the Significance of a Historically and Geographically Specific Governmentality. The Purple Jade Villas (Beijing). China’s Modern Gated Cities. The Rise of Gated Residential Neighbourhoods in Portugal and Spain. The Rise of Private Residential Neighbourhoods in England and New Zealand. More Gates, Less Community? Guarded Housing in Russia. Conclusion 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-34170-7: £85.00
A solid but also provocative starting point for wider exploration of the city, this is a first-class work of reference that will be an essential resource for independent study as well as a useful aid in teaching. 2005: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-415-25225-6: £145.00
The Other Global City Edited by Shail Mayaram, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India Series: Routledge Advances in Geography
This significant text examines the factors, both internal and external to the World Bank that have influenced its urban development agenda, and is essential reading for those involved in the areas of urban and development studies.
This book asks the questions: What is a Global City? Who authorizes the World Class City? Through an historical-ethnographic exploration of inter-ethnic relations in the other global cities of Bukhara, Beirut, Cairo, Istanbul, Dacca, Delhi, Lahore, Lhasa, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo, the well-known contributors highlight cartographies of the other global city. The volume contends that thinking about the city in the longue duree and as part of a topography of interconnected regions contests both imperial and nationalist ways of reading cities that have occasioned the many and particularly violent territorial partitions in Asia and the world.
2006: 234x156: 247pp Hb: 978-0-415-34439-5: £75.00
September 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-99194-0: £60.00
Urban Development in Post-Reform China
State, Market, and Space
From the Pacific to the World
Fulong Wu, Cardiff University, UK, Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University and Anthony Gar-On Yeh, Hong Kong University
John Connell, University of Sydney, Australia
World Bank and Urban Development From Projects to Policy Edward Ramsamy, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society
The Global Health Care Chain
2006: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-39359-1: £95.00
This book provides the first detailed analysis of the growing phenomenon of the international migration of skilled health workers. This book takes the understanding of health worker migration substantially beyond the more scattered and fragmented papers and anecdotes that largely existed before, into the first consolidated analysis. In doing so it reveals its exceptional significance for both sending and receiving countries (in economic, social and political terms), provides the only analysis of remittances of health workers, casts new light on gender, globalization, transnational linkages, the trade in services (linked to GATS) and the overall relationship between migration and development, and reviews practical responses and solutions.
Critical Realism and Housing Research Julie Lawson, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Series: Critical Realism: Interventions 2006: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-40549-2: £80.00
Clusters in Urban and Regional Development Edited by Andrew Cumbers and Danny McKinnon, University of Aberdeen, UK 2006: 246x174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-36011-1: £65.00
Series: Routledge Research in Population and Migration
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: The Global Rise of Skilled Migration 2. The Global Context 3. The South Pacific: At the End of the Line 4. The New Skilled Migration: Into the Global Chain 5. The Impact of Health Worker Migration 6. Policy Implications 7. Conclusion May 2008: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-95622-2: £60.00
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Environment and Tourism
Tourism Geography
Andrew Holden, University of Bedfordshire, UK
David A. Fennell, Brock University, Canada
Series: Routledge Introductions to Environment
Focusing on an array of economic, social and ecological inconsistencies that continue to plague ecotourism in theory and practice, this book examines ecotourism in reference to other related forms of tourism, impacts, conservation, sustainability, education and interpretation, policy and governance, and the ethical imperative of ecotourism as these apply to the world’s greenest form of tourism.
A New Synthesis Stephen Williams, Staffordshire University, UK Series: Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series This revised edition, Tourism Geography: A New Synthesis, reveals how geographical perspectives inform and illuminate the study of tourism. Whilst retaining the focus of the first edition on processes of tourism development and the associated economic, socio-cultural and environmental relationships, this revised, updated and extended edition offers several new features: an extended set of new case studies from across the world, supporting recent statistical information, reviews of geographies of tourism and the ways in which geographers can interpret this important contemporary process. New discussions are shaped around the following key concepts: • globalization • sustainability • development • production and consumption. New chapters are included on urban tourism; heritage tourism; and tourism and identity. This new material reflects both the changing nature of tourism and how new approaches in human geography are providing alternative ways of understanding the meaning and significance of tourism in the contemporary world. Written primarily as an introductory text for students, this book includes guidance for further study in each chapter, summary bibliographies and useful Internet sites that can form the basis for independent work. Selected Contents: 1. Tourism, Geography and Geographies of Tourism Part 1: Tourism Development and Spatial Change 2. Tourism Places and the Place of Tourism: Resort Development and the Popularisation of Tourism 3. From Camber Sands to Waikiki: The Expanding Horizons of International Tourism Part 2: Tourism Relations 4. Costs and Benefits: The Physical and Economic Development of Tourism 5. Tourism, Sustainability and Environmental Change 6. Socio-Cultural Relations in Tourism 7. Strategies for Development: The Role of Planning in Tourism Part 3: Understanding the Spaces of Tourism 8. Inventing Places: Cultural Constructions and Tourism Geographies 9. From Liverpool to Las Vegas: Urban Tourism in a Changing World 10. The Past as a Foreign Country: Heritage Attractions in Contemporary Tourism 11. Tourism, Identity and Consumption March 2009: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-39425-3: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39426-0: £19.99
This second edition of Environment and Tourism reflects changes in the relationship between tourism, society and the natural environment in the first decade of the new century. Alongside the updating of all statistics, environmental policy initiatives, examples and case studies new material has been added. This includes two new chapters: one on climate change and natural disasters; and the other on the relationship between tourism and poverty. These themes have direct relevance, not only to tourism, but are reflective of the wider relationship between nature and society, a thesis that contextualizes the book. Tourism is also analyzed as an interconnected system, linking the environments of where tourists come from, with the ones they go to. Taking a holistic view of the tourism system and how it interacts with the natural environment, it illustrates the positive and negative effects of this relationship, and importantly how tourism can be planned and managed to encourage natural resource conservation and aid human development. It will be useful to those studying human geography, tourism and environment studies. Selected Contents: 1. Introducing Tourism 2. Perceptions of Environment for Tourism and Ethical Issues 3. Tourism’s Relationship with the Environment 4. Tourism, the Environment and Economics 5. Environment, Poverty and Tourism 6. Sustainability and Tourism 7. The Environmental Planning and Management of Tourism 8. Climate Change Natural Disasters and Tourism 9. The Future of Tourism’s Relationship with the Environment 2007: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-39954-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39955-5: £20.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
This revised edition includes: • new information on the magnitude of the tourism industry, nature-based tourism and the pros and cons of mass ecotourism • revised chapters on development, economics, marketing, policy, ecotourism in practice and biodiversity conservation • a section on governance models, ecotourism programmes, operators and guides, interpretation, certification, and ecolodge design • a discussion of ecotourism as an ethical or responsible form of tourism • approximately 300 new references. It includes case studies and considers the perspectives of many adjacent fields, including geography, economics, business, philosophy, biology, and environmental studies. Selected Contents: 1. The Nature of Tourism 2. Ecotourism and Ecotourists 3. The Social and Ecological Impacts of Tourism 4. Development, Economics and Marketing 5. Natural Resources, Protected Areas and Conservation 6. Policy and Governance: Managing Stakeholder Interests 7. Ecotourism in Practice 8. The Ethical Imperative 9. Conclusion 2007: 246x174: 302pp Hb: 978-0-415-42930-6: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42931-3: £25.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93958-1 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies Melanie Smith Examining the phenomenon of cultural tourism in its broadest sense, this book combines a rigorous academic theoretical framework with practical case studies and real-life examples, drawn from both the developed and the developing world.
2003: 246x189: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-25637-7: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-25638-4: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-40282-5
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Tourism and Development in the Developing World
Outdoor Recreation Management
Tourism and Sustainability
John Jenkins and John Pigram
David J. Telfer, Brock University, Ontario, Canada and Richard Sharpley, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Development, Globalization and New Tourism in the Third World
Series: Routledge Perspectives on Development
Martin Mowforth, University of Plymouth, UK and Ian Munt
This book provides an introduction to the tourism-development process. Focusing specifically on the less developed world and drawing on contemporary case studies, it questions many assumptions about the role of tourism in development and, in particular, highlights the dilemmas faced by destinations seeking to achieve development through tourism. Combining an overview of essential concepts, theories and knowledge related to tourism and development with an analysis of contemporary issues and debates, Tourism and Development in the Developing World is a valuable resource for those investigating tourism issues in developing countries. It is also useful for students studying related subjects, including development studies, geography, international relations, politics, sociology and area studies. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Tourism in Developing Countries 2. Tourism and Sustainable Development 3. Globalisation and Tourism 4. The Tourism Planning and Development Process 5. Community Response to Tourism 6. The Consumption of Tourism 7. Assessing the Impacts of Tourism 8. Conclusion: The Tourism Development Dilemma 2007: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-37144-5: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37151-3: £18.50
Sport and Tourism: A Reader Edited by Mike Weed, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK This Reader provides comprehensive coverage of the scholarly literature in sports tourism. Divided into four parts, each prefaced by a substantial introduction from the editor, it presents the key themes, state of the art research and new conceptual thinking in sports tourism studies. Topics covered include: • understanding the sports tourist • impacts of sports tourism • policy and management considerations for sports tourism • approaches to research in sports tourism. Articles cover a broad range of the new research that has a bearing on sports tourism and include diverse areas such as the economic analysis of sports events, sub-cultures in sports tourism, adventure tourism and tourism policy. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Sports Tourism Research Approaches and Potential Future Directions. Editor’s Commentary and Papers Part 2: Understanding the Sports Tourist. Editor’s Commentary and Papers Part 3: Sports Tourism Impacts. Editor’s Commentary and Papers Part 4: Policy and Management Considerations for Sports Tourism. Editor’s Commentary and Papers. Editorial Summary and Conclusion 2007: 246x174: 592pp Hb: 978-0-415-42687-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42688-6: £35.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93768-6 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
This third edition has been extensively updated and further illustrated, and includes new and extended material on: • Third World development and tourism • the role and activities of multi and bi-lateral donor and development agencies • the growth, potential and lessons from pro-poor tourism development • new tourism and the Millennium Development Goals
Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism Wide-ranging and topical, this outstanding text considers such issues as provision for people with special needs, the impact of outdoor recreation on the environment, and outdoor recreation in both urban and rural contexts. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Concepts Issues and Themes 2. Motivation, Choice and Behaviour 3. Special Groups and Special Needs 4. Outdoor Recreation Resources 5. Outdoor Recreation and the Environment 6. Recreation Resource Management: Approaches, Frameworks, Models 7. Outdoor Recreation in Urban Areas 8. Outdoor Recreation in Rural Areas 9. Protected Areas, National Parks, and Outdoor Recreation 10. National Parks Management 11. Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and the Environment 12. Planning for Outdoor Recreation in a Changing World 2006: 234x156: 440pp Hb: 978-0-415-36540-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36541-3: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
• tourism and climate change • the potential for new and pro-poor tourism in cities
• the impact and consequences of disasters
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation
• the potential for tourism in the face of insecurity. Drawing on a wealth of examples from across the globe, Tourism and Sustainability illustrates the social, economic and environmental conditions for the growth of new tourism.
Environment, Place and Space
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Globalisation, Sustainability, Development 3. Power and Tourism 4. Tourism and Sustainability 5. A New Class of Tourist: Trendies on the Trail 6. Socio-Environmental Organisation: Where Shall we Save Next? 7. The Industry: Lies, Damned Lies and Sustainability 8. ‘Hosts’ and Destinations: For What we are About to Receive... 9. Urban Tourism 10. Governance, Governments and Tourism: Selling the Third World 11. New Tourism and the Poor: Making Poverty History? 12. Conclusion September 2008: 246x174: 362pp Hb: 978-0-415-41402-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41403-6: £22.99
This highly successful and acclaimed text, now in its fully-updated third edition, continues to offer a comprehensive synthesis of the key issues associated with tourism, leisure and recreation.
The Olympics A Critical Reader Edited by Jim Parry, University of Leeds, UK and Vassil Girginov, Brunel University, UK The Olympics: A Critical Reader provides a unique, critical reference source and systematically sets out the key themes in modern Olympism, offering a structured approach to the subject for students and lecturers. Selected Contents: Section 1: Introduction to Studying the Olympics Section 2: Conceptualising Olympism Section 3: Olympic History Section 4: Olympic Ethics Section 5: The Olympics and the Media Section 6: Managing and Marketing the Olympics Section 7: Politicising the Olympics Section 8: Paralympic Studies Section 9: Cultural Olympics Section 10: Olympic Education Section 11: Olympic Legacies Section 12: Issues for the Olympics Section 13: The Future of the Olympics July 2008: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-44535-1: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44536-8: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Michael C. Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and Stephen J. Page, University of Stirling, UK
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Tourism Matters 2. The Demand for Recreation and Tourism 3. The Supply of Recreation and Tourism 4. The Impacts of Tourism and Recreation 5. Urban Recreation and Tourism 6. Rural Recreation and Tourism 7. Tourism and Recreation in the Pleasure Periphery: Wilderness and National Parks 8. Coastal and Marine Recreation and Tourism 9. Tourism and Recreation Planning and Policy 10. The Future 2006: 246x189: 456pp Hb: 978-0-415-33560-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33561-4: £27.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Tourism Studies and the Social Sciences Andrew Holden Based upon a social science approach to understanding the significance of tourism in contemporary society, Andrew Holden’s fascinating book highlights a variety of topical issues and provides a wider understanding of tourism in society.
2005: 246x174: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-28775-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28776-0: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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International Business and Tourism Global Issues, Contemporary Interactions
Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility
Edited by Tim Coles, University of Exeter, UK and C. Michael Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Edited by Michael Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Series: Routledge International Series in Tourism, Business and Management
This series explores and communicates the intersections and relationships between leisure, tourism and human mobility within the social sciences.
This innovative textbook explores what is possibly the most unrecognized of international service industries, placing tourism in the context of contemporary globalization and trade in services. It provides new perspectives on tourism as a form of international business, and the implications for firms, the state and individuals. Split into four separate sections, with introductions outlining the key themes in each, the book examines important topics such as: • the role of governance and regulation in tourism services • the effects of increased global mobility on tourism entrepreneurship • how tourism businesses are becoming internationalized • why other business sectors are increasingly interested in tourism. Case studies are used throughout to highlight important issues, from developments in the aviation industry to the rise of working holidays. This book gets to the core of a crucial service industry, and is essential reading for any researcher or student of tourism or international business. Selected Contents: Section 1: Framing International Business and Tourism - Governance and Regulation Section 2: The Internationalisation of Tourism Businesses Section 3: The Internationalisation of Tourism: Practices and Processes Section 4: Tourism and Destinations in the Internationalisation of Business February 2008: 246x174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-42430-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42431-8: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93103-5 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
It incorporates both traditional and new perspectives on leisure and tourism from contemporary geography whilst also providing for perspectives from cognate areas within the development of an integrated field of leisure and tourism studies. Also, increasingly, tourism and leisure are regarded as steps in a continuum of human mobility. Inclusion of mobility in the series offers the prospect to examine the relationship between tourism and migration, the sojourner, educational travel, and second home and retirement travel phenomena.
Understanding and Managing Tourism Impacts An Integrated Approach Michael C. Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and Alan Lew This book provides a global overview of the impacts of tourism in both developed and less developed nations as well as transitional economies. This book looks at the broad impact tourism has and applies it to three categories; economic, socio-cultural and the physical impact. After examining the different forms of impact the book then discusses the role of planning as part of an integrated approach to the mitigation of undesirable impacts and the maximization of the desirable benefits of tourism development. Each chapter includes sections on the management and regulation of tourism impacts and case studies from a variety of locations from around the world are used throughout the book to illustrate key themes and issues. The book illustrates that when well managed tourism can make a positive contribution to destinations. However, in many cases tourism development has had damaging consequences. With tourism increasingly being implicated as a factor in climate and environmental change, and when the benefits and costs of tourism are being examined more than ever this book represents a timely contribution to help clarify the potentials and pitfalls of tourism development.
The Media and the Tourist Imagination Converging Cultures Edited by David Crouch, Rhona Jackson and Felix Thompson 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-32625-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32626-1: £24.99
Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developing World Edited by Dallen J. Timothy, Brigham Young University, USA and Gyan Nyaupane, Arizona State University, USA Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developing World is the first book of its kind to synthesize global and regional issues, challenges, and practices related to cultural heritage and tourism, specifically in lessdeveloped nations. This seminal book tackles the issues through theoretical discourse, ideas and problems that underlay heritage tourism in terms of conservation, management, economics and underdevelopment, politics and power, resource utilization, colonialism, and various other antecedent notions that have shaped the development of heritage tourism in the less-developed regions of the world. This volume develops frameworks that are useful tools for heritage managers, planners and policy-makers, researchers, and students in understanding the complexity of cultural heritage and tourism in the developing world. Unlike many other books written about developing regions, it provides insiders’ perspectives, as most of the empirical chapters are authored by the individuals who live or have lived in the various regions and have a greater understanding of the region’s culture, history, and operational frameworks in the realm of cultural heritage. This book will be of significant interest to students and researchers of tourism, culture, and heritage in both the developed and developing worlds. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Section 1: Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developed World 2. Heritage Resources in the Tourism Product 3. Protecting Heritage Relics, Places and Traditions 4. Politics of Heritage 5. Impacts of Heritage Tourism Section 2: Regional Perspectives 6. Pacific Islands 7. South Asia 8. Caribbean 9. China and North East Asia 10. South East Asia 11. Sub-Saharan Africa 12. Central and Eastern Europe 13. Middle East and North Africa 14. Latin America 15. Conclusion February 2009: 234x156: 302pp Hb: 978-0-415-77621-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77622-6: £22.99
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Understanding Impacts 3. Economic Impacts 4. Socio-Cultural Impacts 5. Physical Impacts 6. Integrated Approaches to Tourism Impacts: The Role of Planning 7. The Future of Tourism December 2008: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-77132-0: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77133-7: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Tourism and Global Environmental Change
Ecological, Economic, Social and Political Interrelationships
Tourism at the Grassroots Villagers and Visitors in the Asia Pacific
Tourism, Creativity and Development
Edited by John Connell, University of Sydney, Australia and Barbara Rugendyke, University of New England, Australia
Edited by Greg Richards, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK and Julie Wilson, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
This new collection focuses on both the interactions between tourists and villagers, and the impacts of tourism at the local level, considering economic, social, cultural and environmental changes.
This book is the first exploration of the relationship between tourism and creativity and its consequences for tourism development in different parts of the world.
Edited by Stefan Gossling and Michael C. Hall Providing the first comprehensive analysis of the economic, social and political interrelationships between global environmental change and tourism, this book integrates social and physical science perspectives to give an in-depth exploration of this topical issue. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction to Tourism and Global Environmental Change Part 1: Environments 2. Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Tourism in the Polar Regions 3. Global Environmental Change and Mountain Tourism 4. Lakes and Streams 5. Tourism and Forest Ecosystems 6. The Coastal and Marine Environment 7. Deserts and Savannah Regions 8. Tourism Urbanisation and Global Environmental Change Part 2: Global Issues 9. Tourism, Disease and Global Environmental Change 10. Tourism and Water 11. Extreme Weather Events 12. Biodiversity and Global Environmental Change Part 3: Stakeholder Adaptation and Perceptions 13. The Role of Climate Information in Tourist Destination Choice Decision-Making 14. Re-Structuring the Tourist Industry 15. US Ski Industry Adaptation to Climate Change 16. The Example of the Avalanche Winter 1999 and the Storm Lothar in the Swiss Alps 17. Tourists and Global Environmental Change 18. Conclusion 2005: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-36131-6: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36132-3: £24.99
Tourism, Religion and Spiritual Journeys Edited by Dallen Timothy and Daniel Olsen This volume draws together a distinguished list of contributors to study the global phenomena of religious tourism, examining and challenging existing concepts and practices, and raising significant contemporary questions. 2006: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-35445-5: £85.00
Tourism and Innovation Michael C. Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and Williams Allan, London Metropolitan University, UK This groundbreaking volume provides an overview of relevant innovation theories and related literatures on productivity and competitiveness, and their significance to contemporary tourism practices. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Competition and Innovation 3. Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation 4. The State and Tourism Innovation: Institutions, Regulation and Governance 5. Tourism within National Systems of Innovation 6. The Regional Innovation System: Territorial Learning, Regions and Cities 7. Firm Organization and Innovation 8. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 9. Conclusions February 2008: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-41404-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93843-0
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Tourism and Local People in the Asia-Pacific Region 2. Another (Unintended) Legacy of Captain Cook?: The Evolution of Rapanui (Easter Island) Tourism 3. Moderate Expectations and Benign Exploration: Tourism in Papua New Guinea 4. ‘Everything is Truthful Here’: Custom Village Tourism in Tanna, Vanuatu 5. The Whole Nine Villages: Local Level Development through Mass Tourism in Tibetan China 6. Weapons of the Workers: Employees in the Fiji Hotel Scene 7. On the Beach: Small-Scale Tourism in Samoa 8. After the Bomb in a Balinese Village 9. Sustainability and Security: Employing Local People in Lombok Hotels, Indonesia 10. Priorities, People and Preservation: Nature-Based Tourism at Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam 11. Communities on Edge: Conflicts over Community Tourism in Thailand 12. Community-Based Ecotourism in Thailand 13. Ecotourism and Indigenous Communities: The Lower Kinabatangan Experience in Borneo 14. Adventures, Picnics and Nature Tourism: Ecotourism in Malaysian National Parks 15. Conclusion: Marginal People and Marginal Places? February 2008: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-40555-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93802-7
Tourism and the Consumption of Wildlife
Selected Contents: 1. Tourism Development Trajectories: From Culture to Creativity? Part 1: Spaces, Enclaves and Clusters 2. Creativity and Tourism in Rural Environments 3. From Fantasy City to Creative City 4. Creative Spaces, Tourism and the City 5. Tourists, the Creative Class and Distinctive Areas in Major Cities: The Roles of Visitors and Residents in Developing New Tourism Areas Part 2: Building Creative Tourism Supply 6. Creative Tourism Supply: Creating Culturally Empathetic Destinations 7. Tourist Quality Labels: An Incentive for the Sustainable Development of Creative Clusters as Tourist Attractions? 8. Creativity in Tourism Experiences: The Case of Sitges 9. Creative Tourism New Zealand: The Practical Challenges of Developing Creative Tourism Part 3: Consuming Lifestyles 10. Student Communities as Creative Landscapes: Evidence from Venice 11. Amsterdam as a Gay Tourism Destination in the Twenty-First Century 12. Ethnic Quarters in the Cosmopolitan-Creative City 13. Ethnic Entrepreneurs, Ethnic Precincts and Tourism: The Case of Sydney, Australia Part 4: Creative Industries and Tourism 14. Economic Clustering, Tourism and the Creative Industries in Plymouth: Developing a Practical Tool for Impact Assessment 15. Creative Industries and Tourism in the Developing World: The Example of South Africa 16. Creative Industries and Tourism in Singapore 17. Creativities in Tourism Development 2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-42756-2: £90.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93369-5
Hunting, Shooting and Sport Fishing Edited by Brent Lovelock, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand This book addresses key and contentious issues facing consumptive wildlife tourism in the twenty-first century. Selected Contents: 1. An Introduction to Consumptive Wildlife Tourism 2. The ’Animal Question’ and the ’Consumption’ of Wildlife 3. The Lure of Fly-Fishing 4. The Scandinavian Sporting Tour 1830-1914 5. Controversies Surrounding the Ban of Wildlife Hunting in Kenya: A Historical Perspective 6. Game Estates and Guided Hunts: Two Perspectives on the Hunting of Red Deer 7. Shooting Tigers as Leisure in Colonial India 8. Conservation Hunting Concepts, Canada’s Inuit and Polar Bear Hunting 9. Environmental Values of Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Marine Tourists 10. The Success and Sustainability of Consumptive Wildlife Tourism in Africa 11. Trophy Hunting and Recreational Angling in Namibia: An Economic, Social and Environmental Comparison 12. Welfare Foundations for Efficient Management of Wildlife and Fish Resources for Recreational Use in Sweden 13. What Happens in a Swedish Rural Community When the Local Moose Hunt Meets Hunting Tourism? 14. Arab Falconry: Changes, Challenges and Conservation Opportunities of an Ancient Art 15. Communicating for Wildlife Management or Hunting Tourism: The Case of the Manitoba Spring Bear Hunt 16. Catch and Release Tourism: Community, Culture and Consumptive Wildlife Tourism Strategies in Rural Idaho 17. Marine Fishing Tourism in Lofoten, Northern Norway: The Management of the Fish Resources 18. Footprints in the Sand: Encounter Norms for Backcountry River Trout Anglers in New Zealand 19. Australia as a Safari Hunting Destination for Exotic Animals 20. Conclusion: Consumptive Wildlife Tourism Sustainable Niche or Endangered Species? 2007: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-40381-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93432-6
World Tourism Cities Developing Tourism Off the Beaten Track Edited by Robert Maitland, University of Westminster, London, UK and Peter Newman, University of Westminster, London, UK World Tourism Cities presents new research on the capacity of big cities to generate new tourism areas as visitors discover and help create new urban experiences. It examines similarities and differences in these processes in a group of cities from Europe, North America and Australia, all well established in the global circuits of tourism. Each of the cities included in the book offers rich experiences of the re-imagining and rebranding of neighbourhoods off the beaten track, and informative stories of the complex relationships between visitors, residents and others, and of the ambitions of public policy to reproduce these new tourism experiences in other parts of the city. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Robert Maitland and Peter Newman 2. New York Jill Simone Gross 3. London Robert Maitland and Peter Newman 4. Berlin Johannes Novy and Sandra Huning 5. Sydney Bruce Hayllar and Tony Griffin 6. Paris Patrizia Ingallina and Jungyoon Park 7. Conclusion Robert Maitland and Peter Newman September 2008: 234x156: 276pp Hb: 978-0-415-45198-7: £80.00
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Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility (continued)
China’s Outbound Tourism Wolfgang Arlt, University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund, Germany This book analyzes the history and development of Chinese international travelling, the politics and economics behind the upsurge, and the background of the travellers. Here experts on key destinations offer their first hand experiences of Chinese outbound tourism.
Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City Edited by Jan Rath, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2006: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-33390-0: £75.00
Seductions of Place Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes Edited by Carolyn Cartier and Alan A. Lew Series: Critical Geographies Cartier and Lew’s interesting and informative book explores contemporary issues in travel and tourism and human geography, and the complex cultural, political, and economic activities at stake in touristed landscapes as a result of globalization.
Tourism, Power and Space Andrew Church, University of Brighton, UK and Tim Coles, University of Exeter, UK 2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-32952-1: £95.00
2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-36536-9: £85.00
Tourism and Responsibility NEW
Tourism, Performance and the Everyday Consuming the Orient
Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean Martin Mowforth, University of Plymouth, UK, Clive Charlton, University of Plymouth, UK and Ian Munt
Michael Haldrup and Jonas Larsen
This book discusses the responsibility, or otherwise, of tourism activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. It considers issues such as the reduction of poverty through tourism and the conflict between increasing volumes of air travel spent in our continuing search for pleasure and the resulting contribution to global warming.
Series: Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility Tourism, Performance and the Everyday carefully analyzes the cultural and social impacts of mass-tourist experiences of ‘exotic’ places on the wider aspects of everyday life. It contains analysis of diaries, photographs, blogs and photo web sharing sites, participant observation of performing tourists and ‘home ethnographies’ of the afterlife tourist photographs, souvenirs and memories. It traces out the multiple interconnections and mobilities between everyday spaces and leisure spaces as well as the multiple ways in which the Orient is consumed on holiday and at home. Selected Contents: 1. Consuming the Orient 2. De-Exoticising Tourism Theory 3. Orientalism at Home and Away 4. Material Cultures of Tourism 5. Following Flows 6. Performing Digital Photography 7. Tracking Tourists 8. Tourism, Cosmopolitanism and its Others 9. Circulating Visions of the Orient 10. The Afterlife of Tourism 11. Tourism, Networks and Everyday Life June 2009: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-46713-1: £80.00
Ecotourism, NGOs and Development A Critical Analysis Jim Butcher, Canterbury Christ Church University College, UK ‘An excellent trenchant critique which makes us re-think the concept of ecotourism from its first principles.’ – Kevin Hannam, University of Sunderland, UK
The authors believe that tourism can only be adequately assessed through a consideration of how it fits into the structure of power. It is also argued that tourism cannot be analyzed without a consideration of its impacts on and links with development. This relationship between tourism, responsibility, power and development is explored in chapters covering both the macro and the micro level of responsibility. The authors look at methods of practising tourism responsibly or irresponsibly at the personal, company, national and international levels. The questions and dilemmas of ’placing’ responsibility in the tourism industry are examined throughout. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Global Politics, Power and Play: The Macro Level of Responsibility 3. Local Politics, Poverty and Tourism: The Micro Level of Responsibility 4. Tourism and the Environment: Eco by Name, Eco by Nature? 5. Indigenous Peoples and Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean 6. The Heart of Darkness?: Tourism in Cities 7. Sexual Exploitation through Tourism 8. Power and Responsibility in Tourism: Know your Place 2007: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-42364-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42366-3: £23.99
This topical book examines the advocacy of tourism as sustainable development in a range of NGOs and within the general literature. It offers a timely critique of key assumptions underlying ecotourism’s status as sustainable development.
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Premodern Travel in World History Stephen Gosch and Peter Stearns Series: Themes in World History Featuring some of the greatest travellers in human history, this survey uses succinct accounts of the most epic journeys in the premodern world as lenses through which to examine the development of early travel, trade and cultural interchange.
2007: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-22940-1: £50.00 Pb: 978-0-415-22941-8: £15.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
From Heritage to Terrorism Regulating Tourism in an Age of Uncertainty Brian Simpson, University of New England, New South Wales, Australia and Cheryl Simpson, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia This book takes a critical approach to the role of the law in shaping and defining tourism and the tourism experience. It utilizes a range of legal documents and materials from across a variety of disciplines to achieve its objectives. Selected Contents: Fundamental Issues and Debates in Tourism and Law. Culture, Tourism and the Law. The Regulation of Cities and Tourism. Sex Tourism: Cultural Experience or Exploitation?: Cheap Labour and the Tourism Experience. Indigenous People, their Culture, Tourism and the Law. Sustainable Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms? Tourists as Targets September 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-42559-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-904385-50-9: £28.00
Selected Contents: 1. The Study and its Premises 2. Ecotourism in Development Perspective 3. Pioneers of Ecotourism: Different Aims, Shared Perspective 4. Community Participation in the Advocacy of Ecotourism 5. Tradition in the Advocacy of Ecotourism 6. Natural Capital in the Advocacy of Ecotourism 7. Symbiosis Revisited 8. Concluding Comments 2007: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-39367-6: £75.00
2005: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-19218-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-19219-4: £27.99
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New Perspectives in Caribbean Tourism
The Advanced Econometrics of Tourism Demand
Tourism, Place and Management
Edited by Marcella Daye, Coventry University, UK, Donna Chambers, Napier University, UK and Sherma Roberts, University of the West Indies, Barbados
Haiyan Song, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Stephen F. Witt, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Gang Li, University of Surrey, UK
Edited by Chris Ryan, Waikato Management School, New Zealand and Gu Huimin, Beijing International Studies University, China
Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism
Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism
Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism
Tourism demand is the foundation on which all tourism-related business decisions ultimately rest. Governments and companies such as airlines, tour operators, hotels, cruise ship lines, and recreation facility providers are interested in the demand for their products by tourists. The success of many businesses depends largely or totally on the state of tourism demand, and ultimate management failure is quite often due to the failure to meet market demand. This book introduces students, researchers and practitioners to the modern developments in advanced econometric methodology within the context of tourism demand analysis, and illustrates these developments with actual tourism applications. The concepts and computations of modern advanced econometric modelling methodologies are introduced at a level that is accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike. The methodologies introduced include general-to-specific modelling, cointegration, vector autoregression, time varying parameter modelling, panel data analysis and the almost ideal demand system (AIDS). In order to help the reader understand the various methodologies, extensive tourism demand examples are provided throughout the volume.
China is forecast to be the primary tourist destination and tourist-generating country by 2020. However, much of the writing on tourism in China has come from people within the English academic world who are not involved in the issues related to Chinese tourism development.
September 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-99120-9: £60.00
Edited by Bruce Prideaux, James Cook University, Australia, Dallen Timothy, Arizona State University, USA and Kaye Chon, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Caribbean is one of the most tourism dependent regions of the world. This edited volume extends beyond the frontiers of normative perspectives of tourism development to incorporate "new" ideas and perspectives that relate to the socio-cultural, political and economic realities of these societies. This edited text therefore explores tourism in the region within the context of key currents of Caribbean thought and critique in relation to issues of dependency, postcolonial interactions, race and class as well as identity and culture. Engaging a range of disciplines and themes, this volume offers a critical examination of the unique experiences, challenges and practices of Caribbean tourism. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Caribbean Tourism: New Perspectives Marcella Daye, Donna Chambers, Sherma Roberts Part 1: Image, Culture and Identity 2. Re-Visioning Caribbean Tourism Marcella Daye 3. Bob Marley Rastafari and the Jamaican Tourism Product Jalani Niaah and Sonjah Stanley Niaah 4. Jamaican Vinyl Tourism: A Niche within a Niche Douglas Webster 5. Tourist-Nationalism in Trinidad & Tobago Raymond Ramcharitar 6. A Postcolonial Interrogation of Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Gay Tourism: The Case of Jamaica Donna Chambers 7. 'We Nyammin?': Food Supply, Authenticity and the Tourist Experience in Negril, Jamaica David Dodman and Kevon Rhiney Part 2: Governance 8. Reflections from the Periphery: An Analysis of Small Tourism Businesses within the Sustainability Discourse Sherma Roberts 9. ‘A Squatter in my own Country!’: Spatial Manifestations of Social Exclusion in a Jamaican Tourist Resort Town Sheere Brooks 10. An Unwelcome Guest: Unpacking the Tourism and HIV/AIDS Dilemma in the Caribbean: A Case Study of Grenada Wendy C. Grenade 11. Regional Partnerships: The Foundation for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Caribbean Leslie Ann Jordan 12. New Directions in Caribbean Tourism Education: Awakening the Silent Voices Acolla Lewis 13. Epilogue: Towards New Ontologies of Caribbean Tourism Marcella Daye, Donna Chambers and Sherma Roberts April 2008: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-95838-7: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93127-1
Sustainable Tourism Edited by Stephen J. Page, Stirling University, UK and Joanne Connell, Stirling University, UK Series: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences Edited by two leading scholars in the field, this new title in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences, is a four-volume collection of canonical and cutting-edge research in sustainable tourism. Selected Contents: Volume 1: Development and Understanding of the Sustainable Tourism Concept Volume 2: The Impacts of Tourism Volume 3: The Application of Sustainable Tourism Principles to Practice Volume 4: Planning and Managing Sustainable Tourism: Policy and Progress 2007: 234x156: 2064pp Hb: 978-0-415-43714-1: £595.00
Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations Strategies to Gain a Competitive Edge Metin Kozak, Mugla University, Turkey
The Experience of China
This volume provides a voice to Chinese mainland academic researchers and examines the nature of tourism research and tourism development in China. Contributors, many of whom are based in China and are immersed in the daily issues of teaching, researching and planning tourism development within China, discuss issues related to resource use, destination image and community participation with case studies that combine conceptual frameworks and practical issues. This authoritative text on tourism in China will be of interest to scholars and students of tourism throughout the world. April 2009: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-99189-6: £60.00
Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
This book examines a range of issues associated with developing and managing cultural and heritage resources in the Asia-Pacific region from both the host and guest perspective. Issues of theory and practice are illustrated through case studies. 2007: 246x189: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-36673-1: £60.00
Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism Without adequate research and management, the potential impacts and benefits of tourism and travel services will not be maximised. In this volume, renowned tourism scholar Metin Kozak evaluates the theoretical approaches and applications to competitive advantage within tourist destinations and demonstrates the ways to further develop the concept of destination competitiveness for application within tourist destinations.
Queering Tourism Paradoxical Performances of Gay Pride Parades Lynda Johnston Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography 2005: 234x156: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-29800-1: £75.00
Kozak highlights the need for collaboration between the representatives of both the public and private sectors to adequately manage the growth and issues relevant within international tourism, marketing, management and competitiveness. This book will be indispensable to students and scholars of tourism, hospitality, and leisure and recreation programs, as well as practitioners within these industries. December 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-99171-1: £60.00
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The Development Reader
Edited by Sharad Chari, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK and Stuart Corbridge, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK
The Geographies of Developing Areas
The Development Reader brings together fifty-four key readings on development history, theory and policy: Adam Smith and Karl Marx meet, among others, Robert Wade, Amartya Sen and Jeffrey Sachs. It shows how debates around development have been structured by different readings of the roles played by markets, empire, nature and difference in the organization of world affairs. For example, present-day concerns about economic liberalization echo long-standing debates around free-trade, extended divisions of labour and national economic policy. Likewise, old debates about empire are re-appearing in critical perspectives on US policy in the Middle East. While there is little room today for old-fashioned environmental or cultural determinism, the attention now being given to climate change and a clash of civilisations shows that questions of nature and difference remain at the centre of development politics. Section and individual extract introductions guide students through the material and bind the readings into a coherent whole. Organized chronologically as well as thematically, it offers an intellectual history of the debates and political struggles that swirl around development.
The Global South in a Changing World Glyn Williams, University of Sheffield, UK, Paula Meth, University of Sheffield, UK and Katie Willis, Royal Holloway With a contemporary full colour internal design and a wide range of pedagogical features that aid student learning and revision, this textbook is a key resource for courses in development geography.
By bringing together intellectual history and contemporary development issues in this way, The Development Reader breaks fresh ground. It will have broad appeal across the humanities and social sciences, and is essential reading for students of contemporary development issues, practitioners and campaigners. July 2008: 246x189: 576pp Hb: 978-0-415-41504-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41505-7: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The text integrates ’traditional’ concerns of development geographers (such as economic development and social inequality) with aspects of the global South usually given less attention (such as cultural identity and political conflict). Divided into four main sections, it:
Selected Contents: Part 1: The Object of Development. ’The Geography of Poverty and Wealth’ J. Sachs, A. Mellinger and J. Gallup. Late Victorian Holocausts M. Davis. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest A. McClintock Part 2: Markets, Empire, Nature, Difference. ’Economic Development: A Semantic History’ H. Arndt. The Wealth of Nations, Book IV A. Smith. ’British Rule in India’ K. Marx. On Social Evolution: Selected Writings H. Spencer. Hind Swaraj M.K. Gandhi Part 3: Reform, Revolution, Resistance. ’Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren’ J.M. Keynes. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time K. Polanyi. Colonial Policy and Practice: A Comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India J.S. Furnivall. Bread and Democracy in Germany A. Gerschenkron. ’This is the Voice of Algeria’ F. Fanon Part 4: Promethean Visions. Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World A. Escobar. The Stages of Economic Growth W.W. Rostow. The Population of India and Pakistan K. Davis. ’Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour W.A. Lewis. ’The Distribution of Gains between Investing and Borrowing Countries’ H. Singer. The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited A. Nove. ’Man and Nature in China’ R. Murphey Part 5: Challenges to the Mainstream the Political Economy of Growth P. Baran. ’Capitalism and Cheap Labour Power in South Africa: From Segregation to Apartheid’ H. Wolpe. Women’s Role in Economic Development E. Boserup. Silent Spring R. Carson. Why Poor People Stay Poor: A Study of Urban Bias in World Development M. Lipton. ’Latin American Squatter Settlements: A Problem and a Solution’ W. Mangin Part 6: The Hubris of Development. ’Foreign Aid Forever?’ P. Bauer. The Poverty of ‘Development Economics’ D. Lal. ’Democracy and the ’Washington Consensus’ J. Williamson. Seeing Like a State J. Scott. ’The Irrelevance of Development Studies’
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Rather than presenting the global South to students as a set of problems (rapid urbanization, population growth, poverty etc), this textbook focuses on the diversity of life in the South, and looks at the role it plays in shaping and responding to current global change.
M. Edwards. ’Male Bias in the Development Process: An Overview’ D. Elson. ’The Anti-Politics Machine: ’Development’ and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho’ J. Ferguson with L. Lohmann Part 7: Institutions, Governance and Participation. ’Goodbye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion?’ D. Rodrik. ’Was Latin America too Rich to Prosper?: Structural and Political Obstacles to Export-Led Economic Growth’ J. Mahon. ’Fiscal Reform and the Economic Foundations of Local State Corporatism in China’ J. Oi. ’Moving the State: The Politics of Democratic Decentralization in Kerala, South Africa and Porto Allegre’ P. Heller. Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism M. Mamdani. ’People’s Knowledge’, Participation and Patronage’ D. Mosse Part 8: Globalization, Security and Well-Being. Why Globalization Works M. Wolf . ’Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?’ R. Wade. Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment P. Dasgupta. ’More than 100 Million Women are Missing’ A.K. Sen. ’Conceptualising Environmental Collective Action: Why Gender Matters’ B. Agarwal. ’AIDS, Gender and Sexuality During Africa’s Economic Crisis’ B. Schoepf. ’Feminism, the Taliban and the Politics of CounterInsurgency’ C. Hirschkind and S. Mahmood Part 9: Development in the Twenty-First Century. ’Asia’s Re-Emergence’ S. Radelet and J. Sachs. ’On Missing the Boat: The Marginalization of the Bottom Billion in the World Economy P. Collier. The New Imperialism D. Harvey. ’From the Spectre of Marx to the Spirit of the Law: Labor Insurgency in China’ C.K. Lee. ’The Recurrent Crises of the Gatekeeper State’ F. Cooper. ’Beyond Occidentalism: Toward Non-Imperial Geohistorical Categories’ F. Coronil. ’Globalization and Violence’ A. Appadurai. ’On Development, Demography and Climate Change: The End of the Third World as we Know it?’ T. Dyson
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• argues that images of the so called ’Third World’ are powerful but also problematic • explores how the South in a global world turns to the economic, political and cultural processes shaping the south at a global scale • looks at the impact these have on people’s lives and identities • explores the possibilities and limitations of development. Throughout, the main arguments of the book are illustrated through case study material drawn from across the developing world. The global South is introduced to students, not only via contemporary debates in development, but also through current research in social, cultural and political geographies of developing areas. Students are supported throughout with clear examples, explanations of key terms, ideas and debates and introductions to the wider literature in this field. Thought-provoking and accessible, this book presents a fresh view of the global South that challenges students’ preconceptions and promotes lively debate. Selected Contents: Part 1: Representing the Global South 1. Introduction 2. Imagining the South Part 2: The South in a Global World 3. The South in a Globalising World 4. South in Changing World Order 5. The South and Changing Global Identities Part 3: Living in the South 6. Making a Living 7. Political Lives 8. Lifestyles and Identities Part 4: Making a Difference? 9. Market-Led Development 10. The State/Governing Development 11. ’DIY Development’?: Communities: Empowerment and Participation 12. Conclusions February 2009: 246x189: 386pp Hb: 978-0-415-38123-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38122-2: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Green Development Environment and Sustainability in a Developing World W.M. Adams, University of Cambridge, UK The third edition retains the clear and powerful argument of previous editions, but has been updated to reflect advances in ideas and changes in international policy. Greater attention has been given to political ecology, environmental risk and the environmental impacts of development. This fully revised edition discusses: • the origins of thinking about sustainability and sustainable development and its evolution to the present day • the ideas that dominate mainstream sustainable development (ecological modernization, market environmentalism and environmental economics) • the nature and diversity of alternative ideas about sustainability that challenge ‘business as usual’ thinking (for example ecosocialism, ecofeminism, deep ecology and political ecology) • the dilemmas of sustainability in the context of dryland degradation, deforestation, biodiversity conservation, dam construction and urban and industrial development • the nature of policy choices about the environment and development strategies and between reformist and radical responses to the contemporary global dilemmas. Green Development offers clear insights into the challenges of environmental sustainability and social and economic development. It is unique in offering a synthesis of theoretical ideas on sustainability and in its coverage of the extensive literature on environment and development around the world. The book has proved its value to generations of students as an authoritative, thought-provoking and readable guide to the field of sustainable development. Selected Contents: 1. The Dilemma of Sustainability 2. The Roots of Sustainable Development 3. The Development of Sustainable Development 4. Sustainable Development: Making the Mainstream 5. Mainstream Sustainable Development 6. Delivering Mainstream Sustainable Development 7. Countercurrents in Sustainable Development 8. Dryland Political Ecology 9. Sustainable Forests? 10. The Politics of Preservation 11. Sustainability and River Control 12. Industrial and Urban Hazard 13. Green Development: Reformism or Radicalism? August 2008: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-39507-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39508-3: £25.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
An Everyday Geography of the Global South
Jonathan Rigg, University of Durham, UK
Women, Science, and Technology
Taking a broad perspective of livelihoods, this book draws on more than ninety case studies from thirty-six countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to examine how people are engaging and living with modernity. This extends from changes in the ways that households operate, to how and why people take on new work and acquire new skills, how migration and mobility are becoming increasingly common features of existence, and how aspirations and expectations are being reworked under the influence of modernization. To date, this is the only book which takes such an approach to building an understanding of the global South. By using the experience of the non-Western world to illuminate and inform mainstream debates in geography, and in beginning from the lived experiences of ‘ordinary’ people, this book provides an alternative insight into a range of geographical debates. The clarity of argument and its use of detailed case studies makes this book an ivaluable resource for students. Selected Contents: 1. What’s With the Everyday?: The Everyday, Globalization and the Global South 2. Structures and Agencies: Lives, Living and Livelihoods 3. Life Styles and Life Courses: The Structures & Rhythms of Everyday Life 4. Making a Living in the Global South: Livelihood Transitions 5. Living with Modernity 6. Living on the Move 7. Governing the Everyday 8. Alternatives: The Everyday and Resistance 9. The Structures of the Everyday 2007: 246x174: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-37608-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37609-9: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-96757-7 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
A Reader in Feminist Science Studies Women, Science, and Technology is an ideal Reader for courses in feminist science studies, science studies more generally, women’s studies, and studies in gender and education. This second edition fully updates its predecessor, dropping ten readings and replacing them with new ones that: • extend content coverage into areas not originally included, such as reproductive, agricultural, medical and imaging technologies • reflect new feminist theory and research on biology, language, the global economy and the intersection of race and class with gender • provide current statistical information about the representation of women and people of colour in science, technology, engineering and mathematics • are more accessible for students. Section introductions have also been fully updated to cover the latest controversies, such as Harvard president Lawrence Summers’ widely debated discussion about women and science and the current debates surrounding reports on the low numbers of female engineers. May 2008 Hb: 978-0-415-96039-7: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96040-3: £31.22
Shadow Cities Robert Neuwirth 2006 Hb: 978-0-415-93319-3: £22.99 Pb: 978-0-415-95631-0: £16.99
Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism
Melissa W. Wright
Global Gender Research
2006 Hb: 978-0-415-95144-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95145-6: £18.99
Transnational Perspectives Edited by Christine Bose and Min Jeong Kim This volume provides an in-depth comparative picture of the current state of feminist sociological gender research and/or women's studies research for five regions of the world, represented by ten or eleven countries. Selected Contents: Introduction to Global Gender Studies Christine E. Bose and Minjeong Kim Part 1: Latin America and the Caribbean Part 2: Africa Part 3: Asia and the Middle East Part 4: Eastern Europe/Western Europe January 2009 Hb: 978-0-415-95269-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95270-5: £20.00
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Routledge Perspectives on Development
Children, Youth and Development Nicola Ansell ’An excellent and welcome overview of the diversity of children and young people’s experiences in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Children, Youth and Development is a comprehensive, accessible and timely text.’ – Samantha Punch, University of Stirling, UK
Edited by Tony Binns, University of Otago, New Zealand Routledge Perspectives on Development provides an invaluable, up to date and refreshing approach to key development issues for academics and students working in the field of development, in disciplines such as anthropology, economics, geography, international relations, politics and sociology. 3RD EDITION
An Introduction to Sustainable Development Jennifer A. Elliott This third edition of a successful, established text provides a concise and well-illustrated introduction to the ideas behind, and the practices flowing from the notion of sustainable development.
2005: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-415-33558-4: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33559-1: £20.50 eBook: 978-0-203-42022-5 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
’Children, Youth and Development provides a groundbreaking look at the complex and diverse ways in which children and young people are affected by and play a role in global economic, social and political processes.’ – Sarah J. Halvorson, University of Montana, USA ’Children, Youth and Development provides a compendium of extremely useful and well evidenced information to challenge assumptions, and a thorough picture of how it is to be a child/young person today in the world.’ – Jo Trelfa, College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth, UK This text considers such issues as education, child labour, street children, child soldiers, refugees, child slaves, the impact of environmental change and hazards on children and how children can be enabled to participate in ’development’. Selected Contents: 1. Global Models of Childhood and Youth 2. ’Development’, Globalisation and Poverty as Contexts for Growing Up 3. Changing Cultural Contexts 4. Health: Ensuring the Survival of Infants and Adolescents? 5. Education 6. Work: Exploiting Children, Empowering Youth? 7. Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances 8. Rights, Participation and Power 2005: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-28768-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28769-2: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-64404 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Theories and Practices of Development
Katie Willis
Gender and Development ’Theories and Practices of Development is a clear and concise introductory text which provides an excellent and accessible ’way in’ for undergraduate students to critically engage with a range of contemporary development debates.’
This outstanding introductory text explains and places in a historical context the development theories behind contemporary debates, such as globalization and transnationalism. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: What do we Mean by Development? 2. Classical and Neo-Liberal Development Theories 3. Structuralism, Neo-Marxism and Socialism 4. Grassroots Development 5. Social and Cultural Dimensions of Development 6. Environment and Development Theory 7. Globalization and Development: Problems and Solutions? 8. Conclusions 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-30052-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-30053-7: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-50156-6 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Environmental Management and Development Chris Barrow Different from existing environment and development texts, this volume, rather than listing problems, making warnings and voicing advocacy, looks at practical management and problem-solving techniques. Selected Contents: Part 1: Theory and Approaches 1. Introduction 2. Environmental Management and Developing Countries Part 2: Resource Management and Environmental Management Issues 3. Water, Coastal and Island Resources 4. Agriculture, Land Degradation and Food Security 5. Biodiversity Resources 6. Atmospheric Issues 7. Urban Environments and Industrial Pollution Issues 8. Environmental Threats Part 3: Environmental Management Tools and Policies 9. Environmental Management Methods, Tools and Techniques 10. Environmental Accounting, Greening Economics and Business 11. Environmental Management and Development: The Future 2004: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-28083-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28084-6: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-49548-3 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World Kenneth Lynch Providing a clear introduction to a burgeoning topic, this innovative book places rural-urban interactions within a broader context; promoting a clearer understanding of the opportunities and challenges they represent. Selected Contents: 1. Understanding the Rural-Urban Interface 2. Food 3. Natural Flows 4. People 5. Ideas 6. Finance
Janet Henshall Momsen Over the past decade, a new awareness of the importance of gender roles in development has grown. This clear and concise book provides an introduction to this topic, based on the author’s wide field experience.
2004: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-25870-8: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-25871-5: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-64627-4
2003: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-26689-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-26690-1: £22.50 eBook: 978-0-203-63446-2 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Disaster and Development
Cities and Development
Population and Development
Andrew Collins, Northumbria University, UK
Jo Beall and Sean Fox, London School of Economics, UK
W.T.S Gould, University of Liverpool, UK
This book provides accessible and up-to-date analyses of disasters and development linkages, addressing planning and response activities that accompany this field. Social, economic and environmental hazards, vulnerabilities and risks are examined in an interdisciplinary way, and the part of the book focused on disaster-orientated practice explores accompanying learning and planning processes. These include early warning and risk management, disaster mitigation, response and recovery as development concerns. No recent text examines this link and no other book covers disaster risk reduction, despite wide occurrence of the debate. With the benefit of the author’s long experience with this field Disaster and Development addresses the key themes, with regular use of case studies. It demonstrates that beyond coping with crises, that disaster reduction is a pursuit for the well-being and security of future generations. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Why Disaster and Development? 2. Viewing Disasters from Perspectives of Development 3. How Disasters Influence Development 4. Physical and Mental Health in Disaster and Development 5. Learning and Planning in Disaster Management 6. Disaster Early Warning and Risk Management 7. Disaster Migration, Response and Recovery 8. Conclusions December 2008: 234x156: 284pp Hb: 978-0-415-42667-1: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42668-8: £18.50
Postcolonialism and Development Cheryl McEwan, Durham University, UK This volume provides a valuable and unique introductory text that explains, reviews and critically evaluates recent debates about postcolonial approaches and their implications for development studies. It unpacks the difficult, complex and important aspects of the relationships between postcolonial approaches and development studies, making them accessible, interesting and relevant to both students and researchers. Up-to-date illustrations and examples from across the regions of the world bring to life theoretical and conceptual issues that have, all too often, been abstract and inaccessible. By proposing an agenda for theory and practice, this book provides an outline of a coherent project of postcolonial development studies, which is currently absent from contemporary analysis. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Origins of Postcolonialism 3. Postcolonial Theory and Development 4. Discourses of Development 5. Development Knowledge and Power 6. Agency in Development 7. Towards a Postcolonial Development Agenda 8. Conclusions December 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-43364-8: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43365-5: £18.99
Cities and Development provides a critical analysis of the contribution that cities have made to social, political and economic development and highlights the key challenges facing urban policy makers and planners. It critically examines strategies and interventions that have failed to solve persistent urban poverty and growing inequality. It also investigates the complexities of managing and governing urban environments, and explores both technical and political responses to complex social and ecological problems. Issues of urban crime, violence and the spectre of war in contemporary cities are explored and contrasted with the possibilities that cities create for achieving prosperity and social justice. Moving beyond the ‘Third World Cities’ literature, the book emphazises universal patterns in contemporary urbanism, while stressing the importance of context in the construction of a theory of urban development. This book provides an overall framework for understanding the cities-development relationship while engaging with urban theory and contemporary urban policy issues. Containing case studies, it is intended for students and researchers of urban studies, development studies, urban planning, sociology and politics, as well as policy makers concerned with poverty reduction and sustainable economic development. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Development in the First Urban Century 2. Urbanization and Development in Historical Perspective 3. Cities and Economic Development 4. Urban Poverty and Inequality 5. Urban Management and the Environment 6. Urban Politics and City Governance 7. Cities and Conflict: Crime, Violence and War 8. City Futures: Urban Planning and International Development September 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-39098-9: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39099-6: £18.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Health and Development Hazel Barrett, University of Coventry, UK This revealing book uses a predominantly political economy framework to critically evaluate the complex interrelationships between globalization, development, disease and health. The practical implications of these links, together with health policy interventions are explored and assessed. Hazel Barrett explores issues such as poverty, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, conflict, vulnerable groups and health interventions using a thematic approach and examples from across the developing world. A discussion of other relevant theoretical debates and a critical evaluation of the political economy approach occur throughout the book, and the issues of culture and health and the questioning of western normative thinking are highlighted where applicable. Selected Contents: 1. The Epidemiological Transition 2. Health and Poverty 3. Children and Health 4. The Health of Women 5. Men and Health 6. The Health Care of the Sick, Disabled and Elderly 7. Health Policies and Interventions 8. Future Prospects for Improved Health in the Developing World January 2009: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-28081-5: £60.00 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
This practical text provides a concise, accessible introduction to the reciprocal relationship between population and development. The only text with up-todate cases, data and theoretical underpinnings, it describes the main features of population change (mobility, fertility and migration) in countries and societies as they are affected by economic, social and environmental change. Boxed examples are used throughout to identify and analyze key contemporary issues such as HIV/AIDS, ageing, culture, population and food, population and environment and the brain drain. Exploring population and development interventions in a wide range of locales: Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America, this book is international in scope and makes a valuable practical reference for those studying and working in geography and development studies fields. Selected Contents: Introduction: Population is a Development Issue 1. How Population Change Affects Development 2. How Development Affects Population Change 3. Mortality, Disease and Development 4. Fertility, Culture and Development 5. Migration and Development 6. Population Structures and Development 7. Investing in People: Education, Knowledge and Development 8. Population Policies and Development Policies November 2008: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-35446-2: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35447-9: £18.50 eBook: 978-0-203-00105-9 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Conflict and Development Andrew Williams, University of St Andrews, UK and Roger Mac Ginty, University of York This valuable introductory text explains, reviews and critically evaluates this complex relationship. It focuses on intra-state conflicts and complex political emergencies that combine transnational and internal characteristics. Attention is also given to inter-state conflicts. Chapters emphasize how the relationship between conflict and development traverses many scales (macro, meso and micro) and dimensions (economic, political and cultural). Furthermore it explains how different developmental challenges and opportunities emerge along the full-life cycle of conflict. Specifically, the role of poverty, state, market, civil society, globalization, humanitarian aid, refuges, gender and health within conflict dynamics is examined. The book also investigates specific developmental issues emerging during conflict management and post conflict reconstruction. By drawing on contemporary theoretical debates and examining current policies and events, the text unpacks the difficult and complex aspects of the relationships between armed conflict and development and makes them accessible, interesting and policy relevant. The text is illuminated throughout with case studies drawn from Africa, the Balkans, Asia and the Middle East. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Poverty and the Political Economy of Violent Conflicts 3. Violent Conflicts and Institutions 4. Violent Conflicts, Gender, Health and Refugees 5. Conflict Management, Resolution and Development 6. Humanitarian Aid and Violent Conflict 7. Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development March 2009: 234x156: 252pp Hb: 978-0-415-39936-4: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39937-1: £22.99
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Routledge Perspectives on Development (continued) NEW
Southeast Asian Development Andrew McGregor, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Divided into accessible thematic chapters this book adopts a unique perspective of equitable development to outline the strengths and weaknesses of the transformations taking place in the Southeast Asian region. Focusing on four key themes: equality and inequality; political freedom and opportunity; empowerment and participation; and environmental sustainability, these concepts are used to explore Southeast Asian development and trace the impacts that the growing popularity of market-led and grassroots approaches are having upon economic, political and social processes. In highlighting how Southeast Asian development is unevenly distributing wealth, opportunities and risks throughout the region, this book emphasizes the need for creative new approaches to ensure that benefits of development are equitably enjoyed by all. Including illustrations, case studies and further reading, this book provides an accessible up-to-date introductory text for students and researchers interested in Southeast Asian development, development studies, Asian studies and geography. Selected Contents: 1. Introducing Southeast Asian Development 2. Setting the Scene for Development: Pre-Colonial and Colonial Southeast Asia 3. Economic Development 4. Political Development 5. Social Development 6. Transforming Urban Spaces 7. Transforming Rural Spaces 8. Transforming Natural Spaces 9. Towards Equitable Development 10. References February 2008: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-38416-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38152-9: £18.50
See also
Economics and Development Studies Michael Tribe, University of Bradford, UK, Fred Nixson, University of Manchester, UK and Andrew Sumner, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK Economics and Development Studies makes the economic dimension of discourse around controversial issues in international development accessible to second and third year undergraduate students working towards degrees in development studies. It also provides background reading for sixth formers, other undergraduate and postgraduate students and the informed general reader. Following an introductory chapter outlining the connections between development economics and development studies the book consists of eight substantive chapters dealing with the nature of development economics, economic development and structural change, economic growth and developing countries, development experience since the second world war, globalization, developing countries and international trade, economics and development policy, and economics and poverty analysis. The concluding chapter rounds off the book, reflecting on future prospects for developing countries within the world economy. The authors synthesize existing development economics literature, much of it very contemporary, in order to identify the salient issues and controversies and to make them accessible and understandable. It distinguishes differences within the economics profession, and between economists and non-economists, so that the reader is able to make informed judgments about the sources of these differences, and about their impact on policy analysis and policy advice. The book includes case studies, suggestions for further reading, and an explanation of the economic concepts used in the body of the chapters. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Development Economics and Development Studies 2. The Nature of Development Economics 3. Economic Development and Structural Change 4. Economic Growth and Developing Countries 5. Development Experience Since the Second World War 6. Globalisation 7. Developing Countries and International Trade 8. Economics and Development Policy 9. Economics and Poverty Analysis 10. Conclusion February 2009: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-45039-3: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45038-6: £19.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Tourism and Development in the Developing World on page 27
The Development Economics Reader Edited by Giorgio Secondi, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California, USA This books draws together the most authoritative articles on development economics published in the past few years. Perfect for students with little or no background in economics, it covers a range of themes including poverty, foreign aid, agriculture and human capital. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Economic Growth, Economic Development and Human Development 2. Geography, Institutions and Governance 3. Beyond Growth: Inequality and Poverty 4. People in Development: Population Growth, Health, Education, and Child Labor 5. Agriculture, the Environment, and Sustainable Development 6. Financial Markets and Microcredit 7. Globalization and Financial Crises 8. Foreign Aid and Debt Relief April 2008: 246x174: 560pp Hb: 978-0-415-77156-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77157-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-0-203-92841-7 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development Edited by Manuel Agosin, Universidad de Chile, David Bloom, Harvard University, USA, George Chapelier, United Nations Development Programme, USA and Jagdish Saigal, UNCTAD, Switzerland Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy This book explores the complex interrelationship between globalization, liberalization and human and social development, with a full analysis of development policy, strategy and practice. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Introduction Part 1: The Analytical Framework 2. Analytical Perspectives on Global Integration in Pursuit of Sustainable Human Development 3. Trade, Investment, and Human and Social Development 4. Foreign Direct Investment, Growth and Human and Social Development 5. Out of Poverty: On the Effect of Health Improvements on Halving Global Poverty by 2015 Part 2: National and Regional Perspectives. Latin America and the Caribbean 6. Globalization, Liberalization and Human and Social Development in Central America 7. Closing the Loop: Latin America, Globalization and Human Development. Africa 8. Continental Drift: Globalization, Liberalization and Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Asia 9. Economic Growth, Liberalization and Human Development in Asia: Learning from the Miracle Workers 10. Gendered Labour Markets and Globalization in Asia. Country Studies 11. The Three Spheres: Experiences from Latin America, Africa and Asia 2006: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-77031-6: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77032-3: £27.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08725-1
International Networking for Development Fabienne Fortanier, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Rob van Tulder, Rotterdam School of Management, the Netherlands This book assesses the effectiveness of the ’political network strategies’ of developing countries. It provides insights into the effects of globalization on development and strategic lessons for policy makers. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction - Setting the Scene. Introduction: Development in an Inter-Connected World 2. The Impact of Global Actors on Development: A Trade-Off between Costs and Benefits 3. An International Network Approach Part 2: International Networks of States. Introduction: A Network Approach to International Relations 4. Bilateral and Regional Trade and Investment Agreements 5. Bargaining in International Organizations: The World Bank, the IMF and the WTO 6. Informal State Networks Aimed at Development: OPEC, Cairns, G77. Conclusion: International Networks of States in Action Part 3: International Networks of Firms. Introduction: A Network Approach to International Business 7. Patterns of Firm Networks: Macro Level - FDI and Trade 8. Patterns of International Firm Networks: Micro Level D&B, Cases. Conclusion: International Firms Networks in Action Part 4: Networks of States and Firms in Interaction. Introduction: A Network Approach to International Political Economy 9. The Effects of Interaction on Development: The Effectiveness of International Network Strategies for Development 10. Policy Recommendations: Dealing With FDI and Development in the Future December 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-33915-5: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33916-2: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-44885-4
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Development Beyond Neoliberalism?
Development Finance
Arresting Development
Debates, Dogmas and New Directions
Craig A. Johnson, University of Guelph
Stephen Spratt, Reading University, UK
Tracing the historical and intellectual origins of postdevelopment, this book explores the impact of post-development theorizing on the study and practice of international development. A central theme concerns the challenge of comparing across ’cultures’ of theory, methodology and practice to achieve mutual or universal understandings about values, identity and development. By examining the evolution of Marxist, neo-classical and participatory research traditions, Johnson identifies the ways in which post-development may help to address three areas that have long plagued the study and practice of development: (one) the tension between the postmodern critique of universal truths and values and the universalizing norms that underlie the development project; (two) the status of development – as a field and as a project – within the social sciences; and (three) the future direction and relevance of development research. Arresting Development will be of interest to scholars, students and professionals interested in the challenge of constructing ’knowledge for development.’
Series: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance Featuring case studies and real world examples from Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as the ‘transition’ economies of Eastern Europe, this book explores finance and developing countries, and the impact these have on poverty and globalization. Selected Contents: 1. What Does the Financial System do and How does it do it? 2. Finance, Development and Growth 3. Financial Repression, Financial Liberalization and the Monterrey Consensus 4. Finance for Development (1): The Domestic System 5. Reforming the Domestic Financial System: Issues and Options 6. Finance for Development (2): The External Financial System 7. Debt and Financial Crises: ‘Good’ Flows vs. ‘Bad’ Flows 8. Reforming the External System: The International Financial Architecture 9. Finance, Development and the Private Sector 10. Financing Development in the Twenty-First Century: The Consensus and Beyond July 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-42318-2: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42317-5: £29.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Rules, Rubrics and Riches The Relationship Between Law, Institutions and International Development Shailaja Fennell, University of Cambridge, UK Rules, Rubrics and Riches: The Relationship Between Law, Institutions and International Development highlights the limitations of the traditional school of law and development that was based on a mainstream understanding of economic development, emphasizing notions of rational man at the micro level and the superiority of modernity and unilinear models of economic progress at the macro level. It offers a frame for ’law and development’ thinking by specifically posing the question ’how do social sciences perceive the role of the law in international development’?
This book will be useful for students and researchers of development, social and political studies. Selected Contents: 1. Postmodern Development: Theory, Promise and Chaos 2. Postmodernism and Post-Development 3. Exporting the Model: Marxism, Dependency and Development 4. Taking Diversity Seriously: From Measurement to Empowerment 5. Uncommon Ground: The ‘Poverty of History’ in Common Property Discourse 6. Constructing ‘Knowledge for Development’: The Past, Present and Future of Development Studies June 2008: 234x156: 252pp Hb: 978-0-415-38154-3: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38153-6: £22.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The Making of Neoliberal India Nationalism, Gender, and the Paradoxes of Globalization Rupal Oza, CUNY - Hunter College, USA This is an ambitious study of gender and politics in India, and will be of interest to scholars of women’s studies, globalization, postcolonialism, geography, media studies, and cultural studies, as well as those studying India more generally.
Discussing a range of local, national and international institutions the focus of the book turns from the law-making/law-breaking paradigm to law’s relation to social norms. Selected Contents: Introduction. The Rational for a Study of Law, Institutions and International Development. The Household Level. The Community Level. Regional Interests and National Policy. International Bodies and Impact on Developing Countries. A Multi-Level Analysis. Conclusion
Governance, Poverty Reduction and Political Economy David Alan Craig, University of Auckland, New Zealand and Doug Porter, Senior Governance Specialist, Asian Development Bank Taking a wider historical perspective, this book charts the emergence of poverty reduction and governance at the centre of development. It shows that the Poverty Reduction paradigm does indeed mark a shift in the wider liberal project that has underpinned development: precisely what is new, and what this means for how the poor are governed, are described here in-detail. This book provides a compelling history of development doctrine and practice, and in particular offers the first comprehensive account of the last twenty years, and development’s shift towards a new political economy of institution building, decentralized governance and local partnerships. The story is illustrated with extensive case studies from first hand experience in Vietnam, Uganda, Pakistan and New Zealand. Selected Contents: 1. Governing Poverty: Development Beyond Neoliberalism? Part 1: Liberal Development and Governance from Free Trading to ‘Neoliberal Institutionalism’ 2. The Historical Hybrids of Liberal and other Development, c1600–1990: Markets Territory and Security in Development Retrospect 3. The Rise of Governance Since 1990: The Capable State, Poverty Reduction and ’Inclusive’ Neoliberalism 4. Local Institutions for Poverty Reduction? 1997-2005: Re-Imagining a Joined-Up, Decentralised Governance Part 2: Cases from Vietnam, Uganda, Pakistan and New Zealand 5. Vietnam: Framing the Community, Clasping the People 6. Uganda: Telescoping of Reforms, Local-Global Accommodation 7. Pakistan: A Fortress of Edicts 8. New Zealand: Joining up Governance after New Institutionalism 9. Conclusions: Accountability and Development Beyond Neoliberalism? 2006: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-31959-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31960-7: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-62503-3
The Non-Western World Environment, Development and Human Rights Pradyumna P. Karan 2004: 7x10: 604pp Hb: 978-0-415-94713-8: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94714-5: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Fifty Key Thinkers on Development Edited by David Simon Series: Routledge Key Guides 2006: 6x9: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-95185-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95186-9: £18.99
2005: 216x138: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-33789-2: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33790-8: £14.99 eBook: 978-0-203-09882-0 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
May 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-904385-29-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42035-8: £29.99
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NGOs as Advocates for Development in a Globalising World
Culture and Development in a Globalizing World
Edited by Barbara Rugendyke, University of New England, Australia
Geographies, Actors and Paradigms
This book traces the recent growth in NGO advocacy. Rugendyke presents empirical findings about the impacts of NGO advocacy activity on the policies and practices of global and regional institutions. The research reveals the mixed successes of advocacy as a strategy for addressing the ongoing causes of poverty in developing nations. Case studies illustrate the advocacy work of Australian NGOs, of British NGOs policies about engaging with multinationals, of Oxfam International’s advocacy directed at World Bank policies and NGO advocacy in the Mekong Region. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the mixed successes of advocacy as a strategy used by NGOs in attempting to address the ongoing causes of poverty in developing nations are examined. This volume is a useful aid to researchers, students and lecturers and to development practitioners interested in advocacy as a development strategy Selected Contents: 1. Lilliputians or Leviathans?: NGOs as Advocates Part 1: Contesting the Global Futures - From Charity to Challenge 2. Charity to Advocacy: Changing Agendas of Australian NGO’s 3. Speaking Out: Australian NGO’s as Advocates Part 2: Towards Global Equality?: Internationalisation, Oxfam and the World Bank 4. Global Action: International NGO’s and Advocacy 5. Oxfam, the World Bank and Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Part 3: A Hesitant Courtship: Engaging the Corporate Sector 6. Confrontation, Cooperation and Co-Optation: NGO Advocacy and Corporations 7. Risks and Rewards: NGOs Engaging the Corporate Sector Part 4: Dam(n)ing the Mekong?: Banks, States, NGOs and the Poor 8. Advocacy, Civil Society and the State in the Mekong Region 9. Asian Development Bank: NGO Encounters and the Theun-Hinboun Dam, Laos 10. Making Poverty History? 2007: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-39530-4: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39531-1: £24.99
Edited by Sarah Radcliffe, University of Cambridge, UK Using recent research on development projects around the world, this book argues that culture has become an explicit tool and framework for development discourse and practice. Providing a theoretical and empirically informed critique, this informative book includes conceptual overviews and case studies on topics such as: • development for indigenous people • natural resource management • social capital and global markets for Third World music • post-apartheid South Africa • cultural difference in the USA’s late capitalism. The editor concludes by evaluating the outcomes of development’s ‘cultural turn’, proposing a framework for future work in this field. By combining case studies from both ‘Third World’ and ‘First World’ countries, the book, ideal for those in the fields of geography, culture and development studies, raises innovative questions about the ‘transferability’ of notions of culture across the world, and the types of actors involved. Selected Contents: 1. Culture in Development Thinking 2. Culture, Development and Global Neo-Liberalism 3. Culture and Conservation in Post-Conflict Africa 4. Indigenous Groups, Culturally Appropriate Development and the Socio-Spatial Fix of Andean Development 5. Laboring in the Transnational Culture Mines 6. Social Capital and Migration: Beyond Ethnic Economies 7. Social Capital as Culture?: Promoting Co-Operative Action in Ghana 8. On the Spatial Limits of Culture in High Tech Regional Economic Development 9. Mobilizing Culture for Social Justice and Development 10. Conclusions 2006: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-34876-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34877-5: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-64101-9
Water as a Human Right for the Middle East and North Africa
Water and Disasters Edited by Chennat Gopalakrishnan, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Norio Okada, Kyoto University, Japan This book is the first major attempt to address, comprehensively and in-depth, the many issues associated with water and disasters. It is particularly relevant and topical in view of the increasing frequency and intensity of water-triggered disasters that have afflicted the world in recent years, among them the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Water and Disasters is a global survey - and assessment of the causes, consequences and post-recovery policies concerning water disasters. The chapters include empirical studies, case histories, conceptual-theoretical investigations, policy perspectives, institutional analysis, and risk analysis, among others. The book features a comprehensive discussion of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, as well as major floods and droughts in England, Wales, China and the western United States. It also includes chapters on advances in decision support systems for flood disaster management and rainfall insurance. This volume should be of special interest to disaster management planners and practitioners globally, primarily in the domain of water, in crafting creative solutions for tackling the disasters effectively, efficiently and rapidly. This book was previously published as a special issue of International Journal of Water Resources Development. Selected Contents: 1. Water and Disasters: Crafting Creative Solutions 2. Promoting Disaster Resilient Communities: The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of 26 December 2004 and the Resulting Indian Ocean Tsunami 3. Floods as Catalysts for Policy Change: Historical Lessons from England and Wales 4. Quantified Analysis of the Probability of Flooding in the Thames Estuary Under Imaginable Worst-Case Sea Level Rise Scenarios 5. Advances in Decision Support Systems for Flood Disaster Management: Challenges and Opportunities 6. Integrated Risk Management of Flood Disasters in Metropolitan Areas of China 7. Rapid Economic Assessment of Flood-Control Failure Among the Rio Grande: A Case Study 8. Adoption of More Technically Efficient Irrigation Systems as a Drought Response 9. Rainfall Insurance: A Promising Tool for Drought Management 2007: 246x174: 144pp Hb: 978-0-415-45426-1: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46207-5: £22.99
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico and Cecilia Tortajada, International Centre on Water, Zaragoza, Spain This book systematically and comprehensively analyzes the legal development of the concept of water as a human right; implications for the national governments, and international and national organizations for the implementation of this concept; progress made in different Middle East and North African countries to provide every individual access to clean water and sanitation, constraints faced to assure universal access to water-related services and how these constraints can be overcome, and an overall research agenda in areas where more knowledge is necessary. Selected Contents: Introduction. Water as a Human Rights, Opportunities and Constraints. Human Right to Water in North Africa and the Middle East: What is New and What is Not - What is Important and What is Not. Right to Water: Millennium Development Goals and Water in the MENA Region. Right to Water. Actualizing the Human Right to Water: An Egyptian Perspective for an Action Plan. Towards a Human Right to Water Approach in Lebanon. Accountability and Rights in Right-Based Approaches for Local Water Governance. Water as a Human Right: Towards Civil Society Globalization. Improving Access to Water Resources and Social Inclusion in the Middle East. Water as a Human Right: The Palestinian Occupied Territories as Example. Water as a Human Right: The Understanding of Water Rights in Palestine May 2008: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-44584-9: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46135-1: £22.99
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China on the Move Migration, the State, and the Household
Political Conflict and Development in East Asia and Latin America
Creative Industries and Developing Countries
C. Cindy Fan, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Edited by Richard Boyd, Galjart Benno and Tak-Wing Ngo, all at Leiden University, the Netherlands
Voice, Choice and Economic Growth
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography
This volume skilfully investigates the political struggle for development in Latin America and East Asia. Historical comparisons provide the reader with an excellent account of political conflict and development in these regions.
This book is a multi-faceted, comprehensive and timely study of the millions of migrants in China, their experiences, and their impacts on the city and the countryside. Selected Contents: 1. Migration, the State and the Household 2. Volumes and Spatial Patterns of Migration 3. The Hukou (Household Registration) System 4. Types and Processes of Migration 5. Gender and Household Strategies 6. Migrants’ Experiences in Cities 7. Impacts of Migration on Rural Areas 8. Marriage and Marriage Migration 9. The Chinese Migrant in the 21st Century 2007: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-42852-1: £75.00
China and Asia Economic and Financial Interactions Edited by Yin-Wong Cheung, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and Kar-Yiu Wong, University of Washington, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy This book places China in the Asian international economic context, suggesting that the importance of China has sometimes been misunderstood and comparing it with the earlier Japanese experiences in a new, refreshing way. February 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77609-7: £80.00
Exploring Post-Development Theory and Practice, Problems and Perspectives Aram Ziai, Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography Post-development has been a major debate in the field of north-south relations at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Here contributors explore the limitations of this theory and practice using empirical studies of movements and communities globally. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction 1. Development Discourse and its Critics: An Introduction to Post-Development Aram Ziai 2. ’Post-Development’ as Concept and Social Practice Arturo Escobar Part 2: Theory 3. Development: The Devil We Know Knut G. Nustad 4. Post-Development and the Discourse-Agency Interface Jon Harald Sande Lie 5. On the Singular Name of Post-Development: Serge Latouche’s Destruktion of Development and the Possibility of Emancipation Yoshihiro Nakano Part 3: Problems 6. Pacific Indigenous Development and Post-International Realities Susan Maiava and Trevor King 7. Post-Development and Further: Difference from ’Inside’ and Autonomy Luciole Sauviat 8. The Ambivalence of Post-Development: Between Reactionary Populism and Radical Democracy Aram Ziai Part 4: Practice 9. What, Then, Should We Do?: Insights and Experiences of a Senegalese NGO Sally Matthews 10. Surplus Possibilities: Post-Development and Community Economies J.K. Gibson-Graham 11. Plachimada Resistance: A Post-Development Social Movement Metaphore K. Ravi Raman 12. Comida: A Narrative Mirror for the Universal Concept of Nutrition, Martina Kaller-Dietrich Part 5: Perspectives 13. Post-Development: Unveiling Clues for a Possible Future Ana Agostino 14. Development, Internationalism and Social Movements: A View From the North Friederike Habermann and Aram Ziai 15. Concluding the Exploration: Post-Development Reconsidered Aram Ziai 2007: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-41764-8: £80.00
2006: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-36318-1: £80.00
Poverty Orientated Agricultural and Rural Development Hartmut Brandt, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany and Uwe Otzen, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society 2006: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-36853-7: £75.00
Edited by Diana Barrowclough, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland and Zeljka Kozul-Wright, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy Pushing the frontiers of the new development paradigm, this book guides debates, clarifies new themes and illustrates how the cultural resources of the developing world can become a new way of integrating into the global economy 2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-39138-2: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08670-4
Microfinance A Reader
Family Farms: Survival and Prospect
Edited by David Hulme, University of Manchester, UK and Arun Thankom Gopinath, University of Manchester, UK
A World-Wide Analysis
Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics
Harold Brookfield and Helen Parsons, Australian National University, Canberra
This timely book, written by one of the major players in the UK in development economics explores, amongst others, topics such as microfinance and poverty reduction, microinsurance and regulating, and supervising microfinance institutions.
Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography This book surveys the social conditions of family farming across the world and the conditions of its survival into the twenty-first century. Selected Contents: 1. Asking Agrarian Questions: Defining the Family Farm 2. Farming as it Was 3. Setting Up the Farm: Accessing Land and Water 4. Workforce, Livestock, Tools and Seeds 5. From the Farm to the Consumer 6. Farmers and the State: The Leading Role of the North Atlantic Countries 7. Farms Collectivized and De-Collectivized: Russia and China 8. The Periphery: From Structuralism to Neo-Liberalism 9. Farmers as Landscape Custodians: Environmentalism, Land Degradation and Pollution 10. Conservation and Growing Complexity since the 1980s 11. Collisions Over Land in Developing Countries: Mexico and Brazil 12. Contrasted De-Agrarianization: Africa and Asia 13. Two Paths into the New Century: Pluriactivity and Organics 14. Prospect 2007: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-41441-8: £80.00
Transgenics and the Poor
July 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-37532-0: £75.00
Community Finance Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion Pamela Lenton, University of Sheffield, UK and Paul Mosley, University of Sheffield, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Social Economics The book presents a detailed picture of the impact of financial measures against poverty in various cities and draws conclusions for policy. It will be required reading for all those interested in anti-poverty policy, financial markets and community development in Britain and internationally, whether as sponsors, CDFI managers, members of NGOs or researchers.
Biotechnology in Development Studies
February 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-46039-2: £75.00
Edited by Ronald J. Herring, Cornell University, New York, USA
In this much-needed book, an emergent empirical literature allows scholars in disciplines ranging from micro-biology to economics to assess the potential effects of transgenic organisms on poverty.
Selected Contents: 1. The Genomics Revolution and Development Studies 2. Plant Breeding and Poverty from GR to GM 3. The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Yields, Risks and Biodiversity in Developing Countries 4. The Potential of Genetically Modified Food Crops to Improve Human Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries 5. Considerations on the Use of Transgenic Crops for Insect Control 6. Transgenic Crops 7. Stealth Seeds 8. Loose Seeds, Official Seeds, and Risk 9. Identity Preservation, Market Effects and Developing Countries 10. Agroecological Alternatives 11. Supplying Crop Biotechnology to the Poor 2007: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-38010-2: £80.00
Series: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences
Southeast Asian Development Edited by Jonathan Rigg, University of Durham, UK This new three-volume collection is guided by a broad definition of ‘development’ and does not limit itself to development economics or even to development studies. Papers on development issues by anthropologists, historians, sociologists, geographers, political scientists, as well as by economists are represented. The works are ordered by context and theme, to enable the intellectual progression of debates to be more easily identified. The structure and range of works included within Southeast Asian Development ensure that it will be an invaluable reference resource for students and scholars alike. 2007: 234x156: 1376pp Hb: 978-0-415-39436-9: £475.00
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Sustainable Development and Free Trade Institutional Approaches Shawkat Alam, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics Examining institutions rather than themes, this book provides a comprehensive survey of the interrelationship between trade-induced economic growth and the environment and its impact on the global quest for sustainable development. Covering contemporary developments on both a global and regional level in a systematic fashion and examining the United Nation’s approach to sustainable development, it is of interest to a range of disciplines. Selected Contents: 1. Establishing the Linkage: The Trade-Environment Interface 2. The United Nations’ Approach to Trade, the Environment and Sustainable Development 3. GATT/WTO Approaches to Trade, the Environment and Sustainable Development 4. The Trade-Environment Linkage in the Post-Urugay Round Context 5. Regional Approches to Free Trade and Sustainable Development: The European Union 6. Regional Approaches to Free Trade and Sustainable Development: The North American Free Trade Agreement 7. Regional Approaches to Free Trade and Sustainable Development: The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 8. Trade Restrictions Pursuant to Multilateral Environmental Agreements 9. Free Trade and Sustainable Development: Challenges Ahead 2007: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-41294-0: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93606-1
Work, Female Empowerment and Economic Development Edited by Sara Horrell, University of Cambridge, UK, Hazel Johnson, The Open University, UK and Paul Mosley, University of Sheffield, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics This book discusses how to alleviate poverty in Africa, identifying the constraints under which women operate and policies that will aid growth and empower women, recognizing the importance of bargaining parameters and the role of assets. February 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-43757-8: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93126-4
The Impact of International Debt Relief A. Geske Dijkstra, Erasmus University, the Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics International debt relief continues to be a highly controversial subject. Although many heavily indebted poor countries have received large amounts of debt relief over the past quarter of a century, it doesn’t appear to be enough. This book examines the impact of international debt relief efforts since 1990 and assesses whether the various debt relief modalities have enhanced economic growth in eight highly indebted countries in Latin America and Africa. 2007: 216x138: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-41457-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93623-8
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Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Development Edited by Murat Arsel, Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands and Max Spoor, Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands Series: Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods This volume provides a unified scholarly treatment of intensifying debates on the relationship between water scarcity and environmental security in Central Eurasia, using discussions of sustainable rural development as its conceptual backdrop. February 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-46161-0: £75.00
Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty From Understanding to Action Edited by Sara Bennett, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, Lucy Gilson, Centre for Health Policy, Johannesburg, South Africa and Anne Mills, London School of Hygiene, London, UK Series: Routledge International Studies in Health Economics Accessible and edited by authors based at a top institutions, this book provides readers with an excellent summary in an easy-to-read style of this burgeoning field of research.
Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society Edited by Grete Rusten, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway and Sarah Skerratt, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organizations Drawing on the experiences of individuals, households and businesses, this book offers an international view on being rural as information and communication technologies are applied more widely and allow people to be connected across geographies. 2007: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41116-5: £60.00
Trade, Globalization and Poverty Edited by Elias Dinopoulos, University of Florida, USA, Pravin Krishna, John Hopkins University, Washington DC, USA, Arvind Panagariya, Columbia University, New York, USA and Kar-yiu Wong, University of Washington, USA Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy An outstanding work, written to celebrate the seventieth birthday of Jagdish Bhagwati, this rigorously academic and critical volume represents an important contribution to the understanding of many aspects of globalization. 2007: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77322-5: £75.00
2007: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-34428-9: £80.00 eBook: 978-0-203-02357-0
Edited by Stephan J. Goetz, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Steven Deller and Tom Harris
Targeting Regional Economic Development
Development and the Politics of Governance Edited by Wil Hout, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, the Netherlands and Richard Robison, Murdoch University, Australia Series: Routledge/GARNET series: Europe in the World This book seeks to understand how governance agendas are constructed at both the global and national levels and asks what factors define success and failure in their implementation. It features case studies drawn from Africa, Latin America and Asia. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: From Development as Markets to Development as Governance 2. Development and Governance 3. Strange Bedfellows: Political Alliances in the Making of Neo-Liberal Governance Part 2: Behind the Scenes at the Global Level 4. Global Governance, Global Public Goods and the WTO 5. Global Public Policy and Transnational Policy Communities 6. Macroeconomic Management and the European Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) Part 3: Development Policy and Governance 7. Participating in the Embedding of Neo-Liberalism 8. Bypassing Politics: Parliaments, Governance and the PRS Participatory Process 9. Bottom-Up Governance Reform via Participatory Approaches Part 4: Transplanting the Governance Model 10. Paradoxes in Governance 11. The Trials and Errors of Corruption Trials 12. The Politics of Governance of Indonesia’s Forest Industries 13. Conclusion November 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-46567-0: £70.00
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Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition This book addresses the growing interest in cluster and targeted economic developments, reviewing the socioeconomic theoretical foundations of industry targeting and suggesting alternative methods of identifying industries for targeting. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Policy Background 1. Historical Description of Economic Development Policy 2. Why is TRED Important in Today’s Policy Setting 3. Overview of the Theory Behind TRED 4. Overview of Porter’s Work/Clustering 5. Impact of Agglomerations on the Economy Part 2: Empirical Modeling Approaches A) Probability of Location Model or Attractive Score Models 6. Manufacturing 7. The Use of Double-Hurdle Models B) Use of Input-Output Models for Cluster Targeting 8. The REDRL Approach to Targeting Industrial Clusters 9. Import Substitution and the Analysis of Gaps and Disconnects 10. Value Chains and Labor Pool 11. Clusters between Rural and Urban Areas 12. Underpinnings for Practical Application C) Incorporating Values of Community 14. Analytical Hierarchy Procedure 15. Normative versus Positive Targeting 16. Community Business Matching Model Approach Part 3: Applications and Case Studies 17. TRED as an Educational Tool 18. Models of Community Development 19. A Collection of Case Studies Part 4: Conclusions 20. Limitations to TRED 21. Conclusion: What have we Learned? September 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77591-5: £65.00
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Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe Since 1870
Regional Inequality in China
On the Edges of Development
Edited by Shenggen Fan, International Food Policy Research Institute, USA, Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, USA and Xiaobo Zhang, International Food Policy Research Institute, USA
Cultural Interventions
Edited by Pedro Lains, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal and Vicente Pinilla, University of Zaragoza, Spain Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History This book adopts a revisionist perspective on the European economy, addressing the lack of coherent study of the agricultural sector and reassessing old theories about the links between agricultural and economic development. April 2008: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-42487-5: £75.00
Agrobiodiversity and Economic Development Edited by Andreas Kontoleon, University of Cambridge, UK, Unai Pascual, University of Cambridge, UK and Melinda Smale Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics The economics of agrobiodiversity is a new and expanding area within the natural and social sciences and environmental and agricultural economics in particular. This book provides a thorough, structured, and authoritative coverage of this field. September 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-46505-2: £90.00
Political Economy, Agrarian Transformation and Development Edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Trent University, Canada and Cristóbal Kay, Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands Series: Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods This book explores the historical and contemporary process of agrarian transformation in developing countries and its impact upon peasant livelihoods, examining contemporary processes of rural change through an historically-informed analytical lens. July 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-44629-7: £75.00
Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy As regional inequality looms large in the policy debate in China, this volume brings together a selection of papers from authors whose work has had a real impact on policy, so that researchers and policy makers can have access to them in one place. February 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77588-5: £75.00
Encyclopedia of the Developing World Edited by Thomas M. Leonard A RUSA 2007 Outstanding Reference Title
John Foran, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Priya Kurian and Debashish Munshi, all at University of Waikato, New Zealand Seriess: Routledge Studies in Development and Society This volume re-imagines development through a careful and imaginative exploration of some of the many ways that culture – in the broadest sense of lived experience and its representation – can recenter resistance, suggest alternative models and advance critiques of development as it is currently practiced. The volume is organized around three central questions: • How can development as it is currently propounded be ‘refused’ and how can such a refusal suggest ways toward a more equitable and liveable development? • How are emergent discourses around science, sexuality, and gendered economies challenging dominant approaches to development?
’A worthwhile package... A suitable purchase for school, academic, and public libraries.’ – Library Journal
• How do fictions and other cultural productions help envision alternatives to development?
’An important three-volume Encyclopedia... Economic, social, historical, biographical, and individual country descriptions comprise the bulk of the well-researched entries... Topical discussions of issues facing the developing world provide the real value to this encyclopedia set... Highly recommended.’ – Choice
This volume engages with the puzzle of how best to conceptualize an alternative development, one that improves the living conditions of poor people in the South and simultaneously demands a solution that focuses on the integration of gender, diversity and development with the realities of people’s lives.
’The scope and coverage in these volumes is welcome and meets a gap in the current reference literature relating to the study of the developing world. This encyclopedia will prove useful in both general and specialist collections and is highly recommended.’ – Reference Reviews 2005: 8x11: 2184pp Hb: 978-1-57958-388-0: £315.00
Encyclopedia of International Development Edited by Tim Forsyth This large-scale work concentrates on explanations of thematic concepts and debates associated with ’development’. It provides key information for universities, students and professional organizations involved in international development.
Selected Contents: Part 1: Refusing Representations of Development 1. October 17, 1961 2. (Defiant) Rituals of Resistance: Situating Inner-City Women in the Protest Performance of the Poor in Jamaica 3. The Many Faces of Urduja: Local and Global Resistance 4. Capitalist Spaces, Queer Places Part 2: Emergent Discourses of Development 5. Development: Narratives of Liberation and Subjection in the Post-War Period 6. Migrants, Genes, and Socio-Scientific Phobias: Charting the Fear of the ‘Third World’ Tag in Discourses of Development 7. OFW Tales, or Globalization Discourses and Development 8. Erratic Hopes and Inconsistent Expectations: Mexican Rural Women Subject-to-Development Part 3: Fictions of Development 9. Mama Benz and the Taste of Money: A Critical View of a 'Homespun' Rags to Riches Story 10. Fictions of Development: Reading the Chosen Place, the Timeless People in Santa Barbara, California 11. Fictions of (Under)Development November 2008: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-95621-5: £60.00
2004: 234x156: 856pp Hb: 978-0-415-25342-0: £145.00
Population, Development and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought Claudia Sunna, Università degli Studi di Lecce, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics In this important new volume, Claudia Sunna charts the history of this most important of topics – from the Mercantilist era until the present day - in which the writings of Malthus, Wicksell, Pareto and Keynes are key. July 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-36278-8: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-01296-3
Gender and Development Edited by Janet Momsen, University of California, Davis, USA Series: Critical Concepts in Development Studies Edited and introduced by a leading researcher and activist, this four-volume Major Work brings together both cutting-edge and canonical research about gender and development which enables development scholars, policy makers and workers to understand and address such challenges in this area more effectively. June 2008: 234x156: 1824pp Hb: 978-0-415-42272-7: £595.00
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Global Migration and Development
Spaces of Sustainability
Edited by Ton van Naerssen, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Ernst Spaan, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Hague, the Netherlands and Annelies Zoomers, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Children, Structure and Agency
Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society
Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society
The debate on international migration and development currently focuses on South-North migration, transnationalism, remittances and knowledge transfer. The potential positive role of migration for countries and regions the emigrants originate from has recently been acknowledged by, among others, the World Bank, United Nations Commissions and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). This volume addresses the question: to what extent and under what conditions does international migration contribute to local and national development? By presenting novel insights and themes on the basis of new empirical evidence from various countries, this volume is an indispensable addition to the international discussion on migration.
The child labour debate, the Child Rights Convention and the target of universal primary education in the Millennium Development Goals have drawn increasing attention to children in developing countries. Alongside, a debate has waged on the need for child participation and the appropriateness of spreading allegedly western norms of childhood. This book uncovers the daily life of children in selected areas in Vietnam, India, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Nicaragua and Bolivia against the background of those debates.
Selected Contents: 1. Globalization, Migration and Development Ton van Naerssen, Ernst Spaan and Annelies Zoomers Part 1: The Role and Impact of Family Remittances 2. The Complex Role of Migration in Shifting Rural Livelihoods: A Moroccan Case Study Hein de Haas 3. International Migration in Indonesia and its Impacts on Regional Development Graeme Hugo 4. Migrant Remittances and Development in Bolivia and Mexico: A Comparative Study Virginie Baby-Collin, Geneviève Cortes and Laurent Faret 5. The Role of Remittances in the Transnational Livelihood Strategies of Somalis Cindy Horst Part 2: Diasporas and Development at Home 6. Migration, Collective Remittances and Development: Mexican Migrant Associations in the United States Gaspar Rivera-Salgado and Luis Escala Rabadán 7. Global Workers, Local Philanthropists: Filipinos in Italy and the Tug of Home Fabio Baggio and Maruja M.B. Asis 8. Migrant Involvement in Community Development: The Case of the Rural Ashanti Region - Ghana Mirjam Kabki, Valentina Mazzucato and Ton Dietz 9. ‘We are Bridging Cultures and Countries’: Migrant Organizations and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands Ton van Naerssen Part 3: Transfer of Knowledge, Skills and Ideas 10. The Diaspora Option as a Tool Towards Development?: The Highly Qualified Ghanaian Diaspora in Berlin and Hamburg Katharina Goethe and Felicitas Hillmann 11. The Development Potential of Caribbean Young Return Migrants: ‘Making a Difference Back Home . . .’ Robert B. Potter and Dennis Conway 12. (Post)Colonial Transnational Actors and Homeland Political Development: The Case of Surinam Liza M. Nell Part 4: Comprehensive Studies 13. Ambivalent Developments of Female Migration. Cases from Senegal and Lebanon Fenneke Reysoo 14. Migration and Development: Migrant Women in South Korea Hye-Kyung Lee 15. Homeward-Bound Investors: The Role of Overseas Chinese in China’s Economic Development Maggi W.H. Leung 16. Conceptualising Indian Emigration: The Development Story Parvati Raghuram 2007: 356pp Hb: 978-0-415-96247-6: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93839-3
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Realities Across the Developing World G.K. Lieten, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Children, Structure and Agency takes a close look at the activities, the aspirations and the deliberations of hundreds of poor children in the age category from nine to fourteen, on the basis of a dawn-to-sunset observation over a couple of days. By empowering children to make people listen to them, children can play a more an active role in their community. The book addresses the issue of such child agency and the structural constraints to that agency. This text would be of interest to child-centred development aid organizations and scholars dealing with issues of child participation, child rights, child labour and education. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Tradition and Child-Centred Approaches 2. Country Specific: Development Indicators, Child Conditions and Research Areas 3. Methodology 4. Leisure and Daily Life 5. School and Education 6. Child Labour 7. Ideas about Development: Problems and Priorities 8. Conclusions: Structural Constraints and Agency May 2008: 172pp Hb: 978-0-415-98973-2: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89526-9
Mark Whitehead, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK ’This book is about ideas and approaches to sustainability [...] it is an excellent introduction to the topic for geographers’ – Ian Gordon, University of Manchester Geography (Journal) ’Whitehead has envisioned Spaces of Sustainability as an introduction to the key debates and philosophical principles surrounding sustainable development and, in this regard, he succeeds admirably. Spaces of Sustainability will serve as a valuable introduction for upper-level undergraduate students in geography, planning, public policy, and other social science disciplines in a wide variety of geographic settings’ – James J. Biles, Indiana University, Growth and Development This book is an introduction to the ways in which the discipline of geography can be used to analyze and assess the emerging sustainable society. Selected Contents: 1. The Geographies of the Sustainable Society Part 1: Spaces of Sustainability 2. Ecological Modernization in the West: Making Business Sense Out of Sustainability 3. Sustainable Development in the Post-Socialist World 4. The Pollution of Poverty: Sustainability in the Developing World Part 2: Scales of Sustainability 5. Sustainability in a Global Era 6. The Sustainable Region 7. Sustainable Cities 8. Localizing the Sustainable Society: Between Citizenship and Community 9. Conclusions: Reflections on Actually Existing Sustainabilities 2006: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-35803-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35804-0: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-00409-8 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Chris Barrow, University of Wales, Swansea, UK This comprehensively updated second edition explores the nature and role of environmental management, covering key principles, practices, tools, strategies and policies, offering a thorough yet understandable introduction to the topic. Selected Contents: Part 1: Theory, Principles and Key Concepts 1. Introduction 2. Environmental Management Fundamentals and Goals 3. Environmental Management and Science 4. Environmentalism, Social Sciences and Environmental Management 5. Environmental Management, Business and Law 6. Participants in Environmental Management Part 2: Practice 7. Environmental Management Approaches 8. Methods and Tools 9. Methods and Tools 10. Key Resources Part 3: The Future 16. The Way Ahead 2006: 246x174: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-36534-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36535-2: £26.99 eBook: 978-0-203-01667-1 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
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Liberation Ecologies Edited by Richard Peet and Michael Watts Liberation Ecologies provides a political-economic explanation of environmental crisis, drawing from the most recent advances in social theory. Selected Contents: Part 1: Renewing Political Ecology Part 2: Discourse and Practice Part 3: Institutions and Governance Part 4: Conflict and Struggle Part 5: Movement 2004: 234x156: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-31235-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31236-3: £26.99 eBook: 978-0-203-23509-6
Exploring Environmental Issues An Integrated Approach David D. Kemp This book presents a review of current environmental issues using a geographical approach that stresses the interrelationships between environment and societies. Selected Contents: 1. The Environment and the History of Environmental Concerns 2. The Physical Environment 3. The Biosphere: The Living Environment 4. Demography and World Population Growth 5. Society, Resources, Technology and the Environment 6. Human Use of the Land and its Environmental Consequences 7. Threats to Wildlife and Plants 8. Threats to the Availability and Quality of Water 9. Drought, Famine and Desertification 10. Air Pollution and Acid Rain 11. Ozone Depletion and Global Warming 12. Problems, Prospects and Solutions 2004: 246x189: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-26863-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-26864-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-64744-8 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Routledge Introductions to the Environment
Environment and Social Theory John Barry, Queens University, Belfast, UK
Sacred Ecology Fikret Berkes, University of Manitoba, Canada In its exploration of how humans can develop a more acceptable relationship with the environment that supports them, Sacred Ecology examines bodies of knowledge held by indigenous peoples around the world. Selected Contents: 1. Context of Traditional Ecological Knowledge 2. Emergence of the Field 3. Intellectual Roots of Traditional Ecological Knowledge 4. Traditional Knowledge Systems in Practice 5. Cree Worldview ‘from the Inside’ 6. A Story of Caribou and Social Learning 7. Cree Fishing Practices as Adaptive Management 8. Climate Change and Indigenous Ways of Knowing 9. Complex Systems, Holism, and Fuzzy Logic 10. How Local Knowledge Develops: Cases from the West Indies 11. Challenges to Indigenous Knowledge 12. Toward a Unity of Mind and Nature February 2008 Hb: 978-0-415-95827-1: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95829-5: £22.99
This thematic rather than theorist centred approach is an essential guide to the way in which the environment and social theory relate to one another including examinations of the works of the key theorists including Marx, Mill, Habermas and Adorno.
Edited by David Pepper, Oxford Brookes, University, UK This series introduces core topics for environmental study and presents unparalleled interdisciplinary perspectives on issues of environmental concern. Focusing on humanenvironmental interrelationships, these concise, engaging, user-friendly texts respond particularly well to the demands of modular learning. Each text in the series features: • summaries of key concepts and contextual introductions to each topic • uniform, attractive, series design • informative diagrams illustrating key concepts and issues • annotated reading lists and end of chapter questions • lively global case-studies boxed throughout the text.
Selected Contents: Introduction: The Environment and Social Theory 1. Nature, Environment and Social Theory 2. The Role of the Environment Historically within Social Theory 3. The Uses of Nature and the Non-Human World in Social Theory: Pre-Enlightenment and Enlightenment Accounts 4. Twentieth-Century Social Theory and the Non-Human World 5. Right-Wing Reactions to the Environment and Environmental Politics 6. Left-Wing Reactions to the Environment and Environmental Politics 7. Gender, the Non-Human World and Social Thought 8. The Environment and Economic Thought 9. Risk, Environment and Postmodernism 10. Ecology, Biology and Social Theory 11. Greening Social Theory 2006: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-37617-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37616-7: £22.50
Environment and Food
Environmental Values
Colin Sage, University College Cork, Ireland
John O’Neill, University of Manchester, UK, Alan Holland, University of Lancaster, UK and Andrew Light, University of Washington, USA
This text provides an accessible yet comprehensive exploration of the ways in which the environment has shaped food production and consumption and is in turn impacted by these contemporary practices. Taking as its point of departure a concern for sustainability, this book first examines the ecological basis and evolution of agricultural production. It then goes on to describe the development of the modern food system and the powerful corporations that have come to dominate world trade and shape global consumption patterns. It then examines the regulatory environment that has grown in order to placate consumer anxieties in an age of ‘mad cows’ and GM food. Following a discussion of food governance, the final chapters of the book address the recovery of sustainability in the food system. Grounded throughout with global case studies it will be relevant for all students with an interest in the interrelationships between food, agriculture and environment .
May 2009: 234x156: 252pp Hb: 978-0-415-36311-2: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36312-9: £17.99
This book is a rigorous assessment of the ways in which the natural and cultural environments we inhabit are valued, offering a distinctive perspective on environmental ethics and policy-making that is sensitive to real-life conflicts and dilemmas. Selected Contents: 1. Values and the Environment Part 1: Utilitarian Approaches to Environmental Decision Making 2. Human Well-Being and the Natural World 3. Consequentialism and its Critics 4. Equality, Justice and Environment 5. Value Pluralism, Value Commensurability and Environmental Choice Part 2: A New Environmental Ethic? 6. The Moral Considerability of the Non-Human World 7. Environment, Meta-Ethics and Intrinsic Value 8. Nature and the Natural Part 3: The Narratives of Nature 9. Nature and Narrative 10. Biodiversity: Biology as Biography 11. Sustainability and Human Well-Being 12. Public Decisions and Environmental Goods 2007: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-14508-4: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-14509-1: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-49545-2 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
See also Environment and Tourism on page 26
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Routledge Introductions to the Environment (continued)
Environmental Policy
Environment, Media and Communication
Jane Roberts This book discusses the opportunities and constraints that environmental systems place upon human systems and suggests environmental policy is a potential way to modify the operation of human systems so that they function within environmental constraints
Anders Hansen, Leicester University, UK 3RD EDITION
Environment and Politics Timothy Doyle, University of Keele, UK and Doug McEachern, University of Western Australia A concise introduction to the study of environmental politics, this book explains the key concepts, conflicts, political systems and the practices of policy-making. A diverse range of environmental problems and policy solutions are examined. Selected Contents: 1. Politics and Environmental Studies 2. Political Theories and Environmental Conflict 3. Environmental Politics in Social Movements 4. Green Non-Governmental Organisations 5. Political Parties and the Environment 6. Business Politics and the Environment 7. Institutional Politics and Policy Making: The Greening of Administration 8. The Global Dimension to Environmental Politics. Conclusion: Environment and Politics 2007: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-38052-2: £68.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38051-5: £18.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Sustainable Development Susan Baker, Cardiff University, UK Providing an up-to-date, comprehensive treatment of the issues surrounding the promotion of sustainable development, this unique, internationally focused book combines strong conceptual analyses, with an empirical focus and a wealth of case material. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The Concept of Sustainable Development 2. Global Governance and the United Nations Environmental Summits 3. Key Global Concerns: Climate Change and Biodiversity Management 4. The Local Level: LA21 and Public Participation 5. High Consumption Societies: The Responsibilities of the European Union 6. Challenges in the Third World 7. Changing Times: The Countries in Transition in Eastern Europe. Conclusion: The Promotion of Sustainable Development: What Has Been Achieved? 2005: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-28210-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28211-6: £21.50 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
The book starts by discussing and outlining a framework for analyzing media and communication roles in the emergence of the environment and environmental problems as issues for public and political concern. It proceeds to examine who and what drives the public agenda on environmental issues, addressing questions about how governments, scientists, experts, pressure groups and other stakeholders have sought to use traditional as well as newer media for promoting their definitions of the key issues. The media are not merely an open public arena or stage, but rather themselves a key gate-keeper and influence in the process of communicating about the environment: the role of news values, organizational arrangements and professional practices, are thus examined next. Recognizing the importance of wider popular culture narratives to public understanding and communication about the environment and nature, the book proceeds with a discussion of the messages and moral tales communicated about the environment, science and nature in a range of media, including film and advertising media. It shows how this wider context provides important clues to understanding the successes and failures of selected environmental issues or campaigns. The book finishes with an examination of the key approaches and models used for understanding how the media influence and interact with public opinion and political decision-making on environmental issues. Offering a comprehensive introduction to theoretical approaches and models for the study of media and communication roles regarding the environment, and drawing on empirical research evidence and examples from Europe, America, Australia and Asia, this book will be of interest to students in media/communication studies, geography, environmental studies, political science and sociology as well as to environmental professionals and activists. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Communication and the Construction of Environmental Issues 3. Making Claims and Managing News about the Environment 4. The Environment as News: News Values, News Media and Journalistic Practices 5. Popular Culture, Nature and Environmental Issues 6. Selling ’Nature/the Natural’: Advertising, Nature and the Environmental Image 7. Media, Publics, Politics and Environmental Issues May 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-42575-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42576-6: £19.50
2003: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-19885-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-19886-8: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-45674-3
Representing the Environment John R. Gold and George Revill ’The strength of this text is the approachable way in which it has been written and the book provides a superb introduction for anyone wanting to better understand how the environment is being represented, by whom and for what purpose.’ – Mags Adams, University of Salford, UK This is an introductory guide to the representations of the environment found in everyday life, in nature, culture, landscape, art and in the media. These provide an important means of understanding environmental attitudes and decision-making. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Studying Environmental Representations 3. Representations in Context 4. The Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Legacies 5. Enlightenment and Romanticism 6. Empire, Exploitation and Control 7. Representing Urban Environments 8. Historic Cities, Future Cities 9. Conclusion 2004: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-14589-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-14590-9: £22.50 eBook: 978-0-203-64598-7 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Energy, Society and Environment David Elliott This book uses global case studies to examine technological solutions to energy-related environmental problems and suggests that social, economic and political solutions may be needed to avoid serious future environmental damage.
2003: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-30485-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-30486-3: £22.50 eBook: 978-0-203-60929-3
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Neoliberal Environments
Mediating Nature
Environmental Sociology
False Promises and Unnatural Consequences
John Hannigan, University of Toronto, Canada
Edited by Nik Heynen, University of Georgia, USA, James McCarthy, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Scott Prudham, University of Toronto, Canada and Paul Robbins, University of Arizona, USA
Nils Lindahl Elliot, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
This new edition of John Hannigan’s well-known and respected text has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent conceptual and empirical advances in environmental sociology and will prove to be a valuable student resource. Selected Contents: 1. Environmental Sociology as a Field of Inquiry 2. Contemporary Theoretical Approaches to Environmental Sociology 3. Environmental Discourse 4. Discourse, Power Relations and Political Ecology 5. Social Construction of Environmental Issues and Problems 6. Media and Environmental Communication 7. Science, Scientists and Environmental Problems 8. Risk 9. Biodiversity Loss: The Successful ‘Career’ of a Global Environmental Problem 10. Towards an ’Emergence’ Model of Environment and Society 2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-35512-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35513-1: £20.99 eBook: 978-0-203-00180-6 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
Land, Water and Development Sustainable and Adaptive Management of Rivers Malcolm Newson Now in its third edition, this book covers the multitude of scientific research findings, development of ‘tools’ and spatial/temporal scale challenges which have emerged in the last decade surrounding land, water and development. The third edition provides a reasoned, academic basis of evidence for sustainable, adaptive management of rivers and related large-scale ecosystems using more than 500 new published sources. The author’s considerable practical experience of grounded applications permits a critical edge to the material. It will prove invaluable for students, lecturers and practitioners. Selected Contents: 1. A ‘World Water Crisis’?: Assessing its Significance Against the History of Water Management 2. The River Basin Ecosystem: Basic Biophysical Dynamics, Natural and Modified 3. Land-Water Interactions: The Evidence Base for Catchment Planning and Management 4. Managing Land and Water in the Developed World: An International Survey 5. River Basins and Development 6. Technical Issues in River Basin Management 7. Institutional Issues in River Basin Management 8. Sustainable River Basin Management with Uncertain Knowledge 9. Adaptive Land and Water Management Through Participation and Social Learning: Hydropolitical Decisions August 2008: 246x174: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-41945-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41946-8: £22.99
Series: International Library of Sociology Offering a cultural history of the present forms of imagining nature and the environment, this fascinating book focuses on the relationship between the emergence of environmentalist practices and the development and consolidation of a variety of forms of mass-mediation.
Does neoliberalizing nature work and what work does it do? This volume provides answers to a series of urgent questions about the effects of neoliberal policies on environmental governance and quality. Selected Contents: Introduction: False Promises Part 1: Enclosure and Privatization 1. The Last Enclosure: Resisting Privatization of Wildlife in the Western United States 2. Privatizing Conditions of Production: Trade Agreements as Neoliberal Environmental Governance 3. Dispossessing H20: The Contested Terrain of Water Privatization 4. Neoliberalism in the Oceans: ’Rationalization,’ Property Rights, and the Commons Question 5. Acts of Enclosure: Claim Staking and Land Conversion in Guyana’s Gold Fields Part 1: Commentary 6. Enclosure and Privatization of Neoliberal Environments 7. Neoliberal Primitive Accumulation Part 2: Commodification and Marketization 8. Neoliberalizing Nature?: Market Environmentalism in Water Supply in England and Wales 9. The Neoliberalization of Ecosystem Services: Wetland Mitigation Banking and the Problem of Measurement 10. Weak or Strong Multifunctionality?: Agri-Environmental Resistance to Neoliberal Trade Policies 11. Re-Regulating the Urban Water Regime in Neoliberal Toronto Part 2: Commentary 12. Neoliberalism and the Regulation of Environment Part 3: Devolution and Neoliberal Governmentalities 13. Poisoning the Well: Neoliberalism and the Contamination of Municipal Water in Walkerton, Ontario 14. Un-Real Estate: Proprietary Space and Public Gardening 15. Scalar Dialectics in Green: Urban Private Property and the Contradictions of the Neoliberalization of Nature 16. Neoliberalism and Environmental Justice Policy Part 3: Commentary 17. Neoliberal Governmentalities 18. Neoliberal Environments, Technologies of Governance and Governance of Technologies Part 4: Resistance 19 A ’Continuous and Ample Supply’: Sustained Yield Timber Production in Northern New Mexico 20. Neo-Liberalism and the Struggle for Land in Brazil 21. Enclosure and Economic Identity in New England Fisheries Part 4: Commentary 22. Researching Resistance in a Time of Neoliberal Entanglements 23. What Might Resistance to Neo-Liberalism Consist of? Part 5: Conclusion 24. Neoliberal Ecologies Conclusion: Unnatural Consequences 2007: 234x156: 310pp Hb: 978-0-415-77148-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77149-8: £24.99
Selected Contents: Nature. Mass Mediation. Modern Environmentalism. A History of the Present. A ‘Propedeutic’ Approach Part 1: 1. The Nature of Nature 2. The Nature of Observation Part 2: 3. The Nature of Mathesis 4. The Nature of Commodification 5. The Nature of Industrialization 6. The Nature of Sublimation 7. The Nature of Incorporation 8. The Nature of Environmentalism. Epilogue: Climactic Change 2006: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-39177-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39325-6: £25.99
Cities and Climate Change Michelle Betsill and Harriet Bulkeley Series: Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment 2005: 246x174: 256pp Pb: 978-0-415-35916-0: £24.99 • AVAILABLE AS AN INSPECTION COPY
International Business and Global Climate Change Ans Kolk, Amsterdam Graduate Business School, the Netherlands and Jonatan Pinkse, Amsterdam Graduate Business School, the Netherlands This text is a primer on international business and global climate change, introducing the topic and examining in depth all business aspects in relation to recent policy-making Embedded in relevant management literature, it gives a comprehensive treatment of the different business responses to climate change and climate change policy, covering developments in policy and business activity on global, regional and national levels. Using examples and systematic data from a large number of international companies, the text explores market responses to climate change and developments in strategy, organization, marketing, policy, accounting and finance. International Business and Global Climate Change is a concise illustration of how an environmental topic becomes strategically important in a mainstream sense, affecting corporate decision-making, business processes, products, reputation, advertising, communication, accounting and finance. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Business Responses to Climate Change: Then and Now 2. From Rio to ‘Beyond Kyoto’: Synopsis of International Climate Policy 3. Between Regulation and Self-Regulation: Policy Modes for Climate Change 4. Business Strategies for Climate Change 5. Compensatory Approaches: Emissions Trading and Carbon Offset Projects 6. Developing Resources and Capabilities: Competitiveness and Climate Change 7. What’s Next?: On the Evolving Institutional Framework for Climate Change October 2008: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-41552-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41553-8: £24.99
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A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development
The Challenge of Global Change
Enterprise and Deprivation
Bo Kjellén
Small Business, Social Exclusion and Sustainable Communities
The Making of the American Landscape
Series: Routledge/SEI Global Environment and Development Series
Alan Southern, University of Liverpool, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship
Edited by Michael P. Conzen, University of Chicago, USA
This book, based in part on the author’s forty years of experience in multilateral negotiations as a former diplomat and international negotiator, explores the close relationship between international diplomacy and national, political and social conditions.
There is little doubt that in recent years enterprise has been considered an essential approach in the alleviation of deprivation existing in the developed world. The assumption is that area-based initiatives provide a means by which enterprise can include all members of society in mainstream social and economic activities. The rationale behind this book is to critically challenge the notion that enterprise can address the complexity behind deprivation and social exclusion by demonstrating UK and North American examples.
The only compact yet comprehensive survey of environmental and cultural forces that have shaped the visual character and geographical diversity of the settled American landscape, this book examines the large-scale historical influences that have molded the varied human adaptation of the continent’s physical topography to its needs over more than 500 years. It presents a synoptic view of myriad historical processes working together or in conflict, and illustrates them through their survival in or disappearance from the everyday landscapes of today.
The contributions in this edited collection offer a distinct opportunity in respect of both theoretical and empirical advancement. The authors hale from both sides of the Atlantic and form an inter-disciplinary group to provide complementary perspectives in this field.
Selected Contents: 1. Nature’s Bequest Stanley W. Trimble 2. Indian Settlement Landscapes Karl W. Butzer 3. Hispanic Landscape Traditions David Hornbeck 4. The French Imprint on North America Cole Harris 5. Americanizing English Landscape Habits Peirce F. Lewis 6. The Plantation Regime Charles S. Aiken 7. Gridding a National Landscape Hildegard B. Johnson 8. Clearing the Forests Michael Williams 9. Remaking the Prairies John C. Hudson 10. Watering the Deserts James L. Wescoat 11. Designing American Utopias Bret Wallach 12. Inscribing Ethnicity on the Land Susan W. Hardwick 13. Organizing Religious Landscapes Wilbur Zelinsky 14. Mechanizing the American Earth David R. Meyer 15. Building American Cityscapes Edward K. Muller 16. Asserting Central Authority Wilbur Zelinsky 17. Creating Landscapes of Civil Society Joseph S. Wood 18. Imposing Landscapes of Private Power and Wealth Wlliam K. Wyckoff 19. Paving America for the Automobile John A. Jakle 20. Developing Corporate Consumption Venues Michael P. Conzen January 2009: 540pp Hb: 978-0-415-95006-0: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95007-7: £23.99
Selected Contents: 1. Reflections on Sustainable Development 2. Global Change, Globalisation, and the Economic Dimension 3. The New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development 4. The North-South Divide 5. The Uneasy Friendship: Europe-United States 6. Developing and Integrating the Concepts 7. The New Diplomacy at Work: The Next Decades 2007: 6x9: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-95839-4: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-94161-4
February 2009: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-45815-3: £75.00
Aviation and Climate Change Lessons from European Policy
Kevin Anderson, Manchester Business School, UK, Alice Bows, Tyndall Centre, University of Manchester, UK and Paul Upham, University of Manchester, UK
Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy
Series: Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment An examination of European policy toward climate change, specifically focusing on its ramifications for the aviation industry. Accessible to students, academics and practitioners, this book is useful reading for all those with an interest in climate change, the aviation industry, or both. Selected Contents: 1. European Air Traffic and Emissions Trends 2. Scientific Context 3. The Limits to Technology 4. Emissions Allocation (Who Picks Up the Tab?) 5. International Climate Policy Regimes 6. Emissions Contraction: UK Case Study 7. Contraction and Convergence 8. Policy Instruments for Managing Air Transport Demand 9. Stakeholder Perspectives June 2008: 234x288: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-39705-6: £65.00
Edited by Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue University, USA, Steven Rose, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, USA and Richard Tol, University of Hamburg, Germany Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics Land has long been neglected in economics. That is now changing. Recently, seven teams from Australia, the European Union, and the USA have, for the first time, included land use in their computable general equilibrium models, the work horses of economic policy analysis. This book describes and critically assesses the underlying data, the methodologies used, and the first applications. August 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77308-9: £75.00
Climate Change and the Private Sector
Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership
Managing Climate Risks and Financing Carbon Neutral Energy Infrastructure
Edited by Lee Godden, University of Melbourne, Australia and Maureen Tehan, University of Melbourne, Australia
Craig Hart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Sustainable Futures is a specially organized collection of critical debates, analyses and evaluations of changing models of property as the vehicle governing access to land and resources. These trends are explored in the context of current moves across many countries to privatize communal land holdings, and the collection comprises international analyses in conjunction with case studies - each of which explores an aspect of the broader themes of property, privatization, and sustainable communities - drawn from Australia, North America, South Africa, New Zealand, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific region.
Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book contributes to new areas of research by examining the role of the private sector in addressing the challenges of climate change. July 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-77475-8: £75.00
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Brent Sohngen, Ohio State University, USA and Robert O. Mendelsohn, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
This book discusses important scientific and policy relevant information about climate change and global forests. It examines the links between greenhouse gases and forests, the social impacts of climate-induced forest changes and the policies to use forests to sequester carbon. September 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77060-6: £70.00
Environmental Economics, Experimental Methods Todd L. Cherry, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, USA, Stephan Kroll, California State University, Sacramento, USA and Jason F. Shogren, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book unites sixty-three leading researchers in the area of experimental evironmental economics and their latest explorations in its behavioural underpinnings, with the critical advantage of appealing to experimental and non experimental economists.
June 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-45720-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08956-9
Climate Change and Forest Resources
Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics
Sustainable Futures
2007: 234x156: 512pp Hb: 978-0-415-77072-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93536-1
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Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment
Optimization Models, Technology and the Environment
Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability
Edited by Raouf Boucekkine, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Natali Hritonenko, Prairie View A&M University, USA and Yuri Yatsenko, Houston Baptist University, USA
Edited by Jesse Dillard, Portland State University, USA, Veronica Dujon, Portland State University, USA and Mary C. King, Portland State University, USA
Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics
Series: Routledge Studies in Development and Society
This book covers a wide range of topics in mathematical modelling of interlinked economic, technological and environmental processes. The main unifying theme of the book is the integration of applied mathematical models that describe and optimize the mutual impact of economy, demography, technological change, and the environment on global, regional and local levels.
The imperative of the twent-first century is sustainability: to raise the living standards of the world's poor and to achieve and maintain high levels of social health among the affluent nations while simultaneously reducing and reversing the environmental damage wrought by human activity. Scholars and practitioners are making progress toward environmental and economic sustainability, but we have very little understanding of the social dimension of sustainability. This volume is an ambitious, early and multi-disciplinary effort to identify the key elements of social sustainability through an examination of what motivates its pursuit and the conditions that promote or detract from its achievement. Included are theoretical and empirical pieces; examination of international and local efforts; discussions highlighting experiences in both the developing and industrialized nations; and a substantial focus on business practices. Contributors are grounded in sociology, economics, business administration, public administration, public health, geography, education and natural resource management.
Edited by Ariel Dinar, The World Bank, USA, José Albiac, Unidad Economía Agraria, Spain and Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano, Universitas Miguel Hernández, Spain Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book includes chapters by experts from developing and developed countries that apply game theory to issues in natural resources and the environment, demonstrating the usefulness of game theory in policy-making and appealing to a wide audience. January 2008: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-77422-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93201-8
February 2009: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77651-6: £85.00
Employment and the Environment
Arctic Oil and Gas
Environment and Employment: A Reconciliation
Sustainability at Risk?
Edited by Philip Lawn, Flinders University, Australia
Edited by Aslaug Mikkelsen, University of Stavanger, Norway and Oluf Langhelle, University of Stavanger, Norway
Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy This book reconciles the growing conflict between the ecological sustainability and full employment objectives, discussing and analyzing the impact that achieving ecological sustainability will have on unemployment and the nature of the workplace. July 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-44879-6: £75.00
Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book analyzes the expanding oil and gas activities in the Arctic from a social and developmental perspective, raising questions concerning the interaction between indigenous peoples, governments and oil and gas companies.
July 2008: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-44330-2: £90.00
Participation in Environmental Organizations
Benno Torgler, Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Maria A. Garcia-Valiñas, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics This book analyzes the determinants of environmental participation and its consequences in different parts of the world, focusing on whose values are forwarded through voluntary activities and how far voluntary participation is representative. July 2008: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-44631-0: £75.00
Human Ecology Economics A New Framework for Global Sustainability Edited by Roy E. Allen, Saint Mary’s College of California, USA
Avoided Deforestation Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change Edited by Charles Palmer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland and Stefanie Engel, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland Series: Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics Up until now the debate in terms of the scientific and economic implications of avoided deforestation has not been brought together. This book gathers together important research findings in the area along with their policy implications, whilst linking avoided deforestation to political economy as well as to the latest developments in environmental and natural resource economics.
Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Jesse Dillard, Veronica Dujon and Mary King Part 1: Overviews of the Field 2. Emergent Principles of Social Sustainability Kristen Magis and Craig Shinn 3. An Inquiry into the Theoretical Basis of Sustainability: Ten Propositions Gary L. Larsen 4. An Antidote to a Partial Economics of Sustainability Mary C. King Part 2: International Perspectives 5. Global Civil Society: Architect and Agent of International Democracy and Sustainability Kristen Magis 6. In the Absence of Affluence: The Struggle for Social Sustainability in the Third World Veronica Dujon 7. Child Labor and Improved Common Forest Management in Bolivia Randall Bluffstone Part 3: The Role of Business 8. Social Sustainability: An Organizational Level Analysis Jan Bebbington and Jesse Dillard 9. Social Sustainability: One Company’s Story Jesse Dillard and David Layzell 10. Working out Social Sustainability on the Ground Kathryn Thomsen and Mary C. King 11. Triple Bottom Line: A Business Metaphor for a Social Construct Jesse Dillard, Darrell Brown and Scott Marshall Part 4: Local Applications 12. Exploring Common Ground: Community Food Systems and Social Sustainability Leslie McBride 13. Social Capital and Community-University Partnerships W. Barry Messer and Kevin Kecskes 14. Advancing Social Sustainability: An Intervention Approach Jan C. Semenza Part 5: Integration and Conclusion 15. Reflection and Directions for the Future Jesse Dillard, Veronica Dujon and Mary King July 2008: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-96465-4: £60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-89297-8
August 2008: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-44712-6: £75.00
Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Written by a leading commentator, this book helps economists rethink the boundaries and methods of their discipline, allowing them to participate more fully in debates over humankind’s present problems and the ways that they can be solved. 2007: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-77091-0: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-93964-2
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Tourism Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Perspectives on Responses to the Sustainability Agenda David Leslie, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism The tourism industry has increasingly recognized and responded to growing environmental concerns. In recent years, there has been an emergence of a variety of categories of tourism considered more environmentally friendly: green, Eco-tourism, and sustainable tourism. Much of the literature that has addressed these developments has been orientated to the destination locale or specific to a development. These texts have not sought to investigate and examine the response of government/national tourist organizations to the international sustainability agenda and the responses/actions of tourism enterprises to this ‘greening’ agenda. This text aims to address this remarkable gap. This indispensable contribution to the field provides a comprehensive, state of the art perspective on progress towards the objectives of sustainable development within the tourism sector across the globe by focusing on the environmental performance and adoption of environmental management systems by tourism enterprises. December 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-99332-6: £60.00
Environment Encyclopedia and Directory 2008 ’This encyclopedia and directory provides an easy-to-use printed reference source covering a wide variety of environmental affairs that are brought together conveniently in one volume.’ – Science and Technology ’I have no doubt that administrators, authors and researchers will find this volume useful.’ – Environmental Education ’A fine reference.’ – Reference and Research Book News ’Many institutions will find this volume a useful companion.’ – Royal Institute of International Affairs Examining environmental issues throughout the world, this reference title contains thorough definitions and explanations of terms relating to the environment. The volume includes detailed maps, an extensive bibliography and a Who’s Who section, making this an essential one-stop reference work for anyone interested in environmental issues. Features of this title include: • an updated A-Z section of key terms and issues surrounding the environment • an essay on the environment by a leading expert in environmental affairs • a comprehensive directory section organized alphabetically by country, listing main governmental and non-governmental organizations, both national and international • a series of maps showing environmental features both regionally and world-wide • an extensive bibliography of relevant periodicals • a comprehensive Who’s Who section of the leading personalities actively involved with environmental affairs. April 2008: 279x211: 608pp Hb: 978-1-85743-377-7: £310.00
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A Adams, W.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Adey, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Advanced Econometrics of Tourism Demand, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Afolabi, Niyi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 African Studies Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Agosin, Manuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe Since 1870 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Agrobiodiversity and Economic Development . .41 Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Alam, Shawkat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Albiac, José . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Allan, Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Allen, Roy E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Altered States: Politics After Democracy . . . .20 American Suburb, The: The Basics . . . . . . . .18 Anderson, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Anderson, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Ansell, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Arctic Oil and Gas: Sustainability at Risk? . . .47 Arias, Santa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Arlt, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Armstrong, Charles K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Arresting Development: The Power of Knowledge for Social Change . . . . . . . . . .37 Arsel, Murat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Atkinson, Rowland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Atlas of World Affairs, An . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Australia: Nation, Belonging, and Globalization . .7 Aviation and Climate Change: Lessons from European Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
B Bagchi-Sen, Sharmistha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Baker, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Balá, Vladimir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Barrett, Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Barrow, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 42 Barrowclough, Diana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Barry, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Beall, Jo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Beatley, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Bell, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Bennett, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Benno, Galjart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Benton-Short, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Berkes, Fikret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Betsill, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Bhavnani, Kum-Kum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Binnie, Jon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Binns, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Biswas, Asit K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Blacksell, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Blandy, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Blerk, Lorraine van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Bloom, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Blunt, Alison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Bollens, Scott A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Bose, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Boucekkine, Raouf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Boulevard of Dreams: The World of the Grand Concourse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Bows, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Boyd, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Boyd, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social Change . . . . . . . .24 Branding New York: How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Brandt, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Bridge, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Brookfield, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Building Ideals: Practical Utopias from New Towns to New Urbanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Bulkeley, Harriet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Butcher, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Byron, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
C Carr, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cartier, Carolyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Castree, Noel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Caves, Roger W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Chambers, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Chapelier, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Chari, Sharad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Charlton, Clive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Cherry, Todd L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Cheung, Yin-Wong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Children, Structure and Agency: Realities Across the Developing World . . . . . . . . . . .42 Children, Youth and Development . . . . . . . .34 Children, Youth and the City . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 China and Asia: Economic and Financial Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 China and Globalization: The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 China’s Outbound Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Chon, Kaye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Christopherson, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Church, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Cities, Nationalism and Democratization . . . .22 Cities and Cinema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cities and Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Cities and Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cities and Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cities and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Cities and Economies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cities and Everyday Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Cities and Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Cities and Race: America’s New Black Ghetto . .21 Cities in Globalization: Practices, Policies and Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Cities of Pleasure: Sex and the Urban Socialscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 City Publics: The (Dis)enchantments of Urban Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 City Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Clark, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Clark, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Climate Change and Forest Resources . . . . .46 Climate Change and the Private Sector: Managing Climate Risks and Financing Carbon Neutral Energy Infrastructure . . . . .46 Clusters in Urban and Regional Development . .25 Cohen, Shana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Coles, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Coles, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 30 Collins, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Collins, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Comenetz, Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Community and Everyday Life . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Community Development Reader, The . . . . .20 Community Finance: Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: From the Local to the Global . . . . . . . . . . .14 Comtois, Claude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Condon, Stéphanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Conflict and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Connell, Joanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Connell, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 25, 29 Connolly, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Consuming the Entrepreneurial City: Image, Memory, Spectacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility Series . . . . . . . . .28, 30 Conway, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Conzen, Michael P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Corbridge, Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Cosmopolitan Urbanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Counihan, Carole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Craig, David Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Crang, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, 9 Creative Industries and Developing Countries: Voice, Choice and Economic Growth . . . . .39 Cresswell, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Critical Concepts in Development Studies Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14, 31, 39 Critical Geographies Series . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 30 Critical Realism and Housing Research . . . . .25 Critical Realism: Interventions Series . . . . . . .25 Cronin, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Crouch, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Cultural Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Cultural Geography Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . .2 Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developing World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Cultural Spaces Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21, 24 Culture and Development in a Globalizing World: Geographies, Actors and Paradigms . .38 Cumbers, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
D Dahbour, Omar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Dalby, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Dawson, Ashley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Day, Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Daye, Marcella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Deciphering the Global: Its Scales, Spaces and Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 DeFilippis, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Degen, Monica Montserrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Deller, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Demissie, Fassil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Derudder, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Designing the City of Reason: Foundations and Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Development and the Politics of Governance . .40 Development Beyond Neoliberalism?: Governance, Poverty Reduction and Political Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Development Economics Reader, The . . . . . .36 Development Finance: Debates, Dogmas and New Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Development Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Diaspora Strikes Back, The: Caribbean Latino Tales of Learning and Turning . . . . .21 Dietz, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Digital Economy, The: Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Dijkstra, A. Geske . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Dillard, Jesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Dinar, Ariel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Dinopoulos, Elias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Disaster and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Dodge, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Donald, Stephanie Hemelryk . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Douglas, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Dowling, Robyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Doyle, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Dujon, Veronica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
E Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Economic Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Economic Geography: Past, Present and Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Economic Geography: Places, Networks and Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Economics and Development Studies . . . . . .36 Ecotourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Ecotourism, NGOs and Development: A Critical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Eisenschitz, Aram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Elliot, Nils Lindahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Elliott, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Elliott, Jennifer A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Employment and the Environment: Environment and Employment: A Reconciliation . . . . . . . . .47 Encyclopedia of International Development . .41 Encyclopedia of the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Encyclopedia of the Developing World . . . . .41 Energy, Society and Environment . . . . . . . . .44 Engel, Stefanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Enterprise and Deprivation: Small Business, Social Exclusion and Sustainable Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Environment, Media and Communication . . .44 Environment and Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Environment and Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Environment and Social Theory . . . . . . . . . . .43 Environment and Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Environment Encyclopedia and Directory 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Environmental Economics, Experimental Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Environmental Management and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Environmental Management for Sustainable Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Environmental Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Environmental Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Environmental Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Esterik, Penny Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Everyday Geography of the Global South, An . .33 Evolutionary Economic Geography: Location of Production and the European Union . . .12 Exploring Environmental Issues: An Integrated Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Exploring Post-Development: Theory and Practice, Problems and Perspectives . . . . . .39
F Falola, Toyin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Family Farms: Survival and Prospect: A World-Wide Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Fan, C. Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Fan, Shenggen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Fechter, Anne-Meike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Female Sex Trafficking in Asia: The Resilience of Patriarchy in a Changing World . . . . . . .11 Fennell, David A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Fennell, Shailaja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Fifty Key Thinkers on Development . . . . . . . .37 Flint, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Flores, Juan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Flynn, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Food and Culture: A Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Foran, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Forsyth, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Forsyth, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Fortanier, Fabienne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
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Fox, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Frantz, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 From Heritage to Terrorism: Regulating Tourism in an Age of Uncertainty . . . . . . . .30 Fyfe, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
G Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment . . . . . . . . .47 Garcia-Valiñas, Maria A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Gated Communities: International Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Gautney, Heather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Gender and Development . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 41 Gender and Family Among Transnational Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Gender Pluralism: Southeast Asia Since Early Modern Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Gentrification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Geographic Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Geographies of Developing Areas, The: The Global South in a Changing World . . . . . . .32 Geographies of Globalization . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Geographies of Globalization Series . . . . . . . .6 Geography of Tourism and Recreation, The: Environment, Place and Space . . . . . . . . . .27 Geography of Trafficking and Human Smuggling, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Geography of Transport Systems, The . . . . . . .5 Geopolitics Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Gilson, Lucy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Girginov, Vassil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Glasze, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Global Architect, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Global Cities Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Global Gender Research: Transnational Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Global Health Care Chain, The: From the Pacific to the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Global Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Global Iberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Global Ireland: Same Difference . . . . . . . . . . .6 Global Migration and Development . . . . . . .42 Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Global Realities Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Globalization of Israel, The: McWorld in Tel Aviv, Jihad in Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation . .8 Godden, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Goetz, Stephan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Gold, John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Goonewardena, Kanishka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Gopalakrishnan, Chennat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Gopinath, Arun Thankom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Gosch, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Gossling, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Gough, Jamie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Gould, W.T.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Green Development: Environment and Sustainability in a Developing World . . . . .33 Greenberg, Miriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Gregory, Derek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Grimson, Alejandro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Guthrie, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
H Haldrup, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Hall, Michael C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27–9 Hall, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Hannigan, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
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Hansen, Anders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Harris, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Hart, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Hartman, Chester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: From Understanding to Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Health and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Henderson, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Herring, Ronald J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Hertel, Thomas W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Hetherington, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Heynen, Nik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 21, 45 Hilpert, Ulrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 HIV/AIDS: Global Frontiers in Prevention/Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Holden, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26–7 Holland, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Holloway, Julian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Holloway, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Horrell, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Horschelmann, Kathrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Hout, Wil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 How to do your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 How to do your Essays, Exams and Coursework in Geography and Related Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Hritonenko, Natali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Hubbard, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Huggett, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Huimin, Gu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Hulme, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Human Ecology Economics: A New Framework for Global Sustainability . . . . . .47 Hutton, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
I Impact of International Debt Relief, The . . . .40 In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism . . . . . .21 Indefensible Space: The Architecture of the National Insecurity State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society . . . . . . . . . . .40 Inglis, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 International Business and Global Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 International Business and Tourism: Global Issues, Contemporary Interactions . . . . . . .28 International Business Geography: Case Studies of Corporate Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 International Library of Sociology Series . .9, 45 International Migration and Knowledge . . . .11 International Migration of Health Workers, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 International Networking for Development . . .36 Introduction to Geopolitics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Introduction to Political Geography, An: Space, Place and Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Introduction to Sustainable Development, An . .34 Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies . . . . . . . . .26
J Jackson, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Jackson, Rhona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Jaidi, Larabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Jayne, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, 22 Jenkins, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Johnson, Craig A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Johnson, Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Johnston, Lynda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Jones, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Jones, Rhys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Jovanovic, Miroslav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
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K Kaika, Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Kanbur, Ravi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Karan, Pradyumna P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Kay, Cristóbal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Keil, Neil Brenner Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Kemp, David D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Kenny, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Kesby, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Kessler, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Kevin, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Key Ideas in Geography Series . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Khagram, Sanjeev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Kim, Min Jeong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Kim, Yeong-Hyun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Kindon, Sara Louise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 King, Mary C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Kipfer, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Kitchin, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Kjellén, Bo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Knight, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Kofman, Eleonore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 24 Kolk, Ans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Kontoleon, Andreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Koreas, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Koser, Khalid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Kozak, Metin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Kozul-Wright, Zeljka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Krishna, Pravin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Kroll, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Kurian, Priya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Kutty, Nandinee K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
L Lains, Pedro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Land, Water and Development: Sustainable and Adaptive Management of Rivers . . . . .45 Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Landscape and Race in the United States . . . .9 Langhelle, Oluf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Larice, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Larsen, Jonas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Lawn, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Lawson, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Lee, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Lees, Loretta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 LeGates, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Lemert, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Lenton, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Leonard, Thomas M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Leslie, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Levitt, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Lew, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 30 Li, Gang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Liberation Ecologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Lieten, G.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Life in the Megalopolis: Mexico City and Sao Paulo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Light, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Lin, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Lindner, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Local and Regional Development . . . . . . . . . .4 Longhurst, Robyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Lovelock, Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Lynch, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
M McCarthy, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 McCulloch, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 McDonald, David A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Macdonald, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
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McDonogh, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 McEachern, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 McEwan, Cheryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 MacGinty, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 McGregor, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 McKay, Sonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 McKinnon, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 McNeill, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Madanipour, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Maitland, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Making of Neoliberal India, The: Nationalism, Gender, and the Paradoxes of Globalization . .37 Making of the American Landscape, The . . .46 Malecki, Edward J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Malow, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations: Strategies to Gain a Competitive Edge . . . . .31 Mapping Women, Making Politics: Feminist Perspectives on Political Geography . . . . . . .9 Marcuse, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Marsden, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Martin, Ronald L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Maternities: Gender, Bodies and Space . . . . .11 Mayaram, Shail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Media and the Tourist Imagination, The: Converging Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Mediating Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Mele, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Mendelsohn, Robert O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Mennel, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Meth, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Michie, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Microfinance: A Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Migration in Comparative Perspective: Caribbean Communities in Britain and France . . . . . . . . .13 Mikkelsen, Aslaug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Miles, Malcolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18–19, 23 Milgrom, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Millington, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Mills, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Mollenkopf, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Momsen, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 41 Moran, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Moriset, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Morocco: Globalization and Its Consequences . .7 Mosley, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39–40 Mowforth, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 30 Munshi, Debashish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Munt, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 30 Murray, Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
N Naerssen, Ton van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Neoliberal Environments: False Promises and Unnatural Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Neuwirth, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development, A: The Challenge of Global Change . . . . . .46 New Economy of the Inner City, The: Restructuring, Regeneration and Dislocation in the 21st Century Metropolis . . . . . . . . . .11 New Perspectives in Caribbean Tourism . . . .31 New Perspectives on Gender and Migration: Livelihood, Rights and Entitlements . . . . . .12 New Regulation and Governance of Food, The: Beyond the Food Crisis? . . . . . . . . . . .14 New Sociology Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 20 Newman, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Newson, Malcolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Ngo, Tak-Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
NGOs as Advocates for Development in a Globalising World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Nicolaides, Becky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Nixson, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Non-Representational Theory: Space, Politics, Affect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Non-Western World, The: Environment, Development and Human Rights . . . . . . . .37 Novy, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Nyaupane, Gyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
O Ó Tuathail, Gearóid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Oakes, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Okada, Norio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Olick, Jeffrey K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Oliver, Caroline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Olivio, Ingrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Olsen, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Olympics, The: A Critical Reader . . . . . . . . . .27 On Argentina and the Southern Cone: Neoliberalism and National Imaginations . . .7 On the Edges of Development: Cultural Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 O’Neill, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Optimization Models, Technology and the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Ordinary Cities: Between Modernity and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Other Global City, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Otzen, Uwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Oughton, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Outdoor Recreation Management . . . . . . . .27 Oza, Rupal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
P Pacione, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Page, Stephen J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 31 Pain, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Palmer, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Panagariya, Arvind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Panelli, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Parker, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Parker, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Parry, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Parsons, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Parsons, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Participation in Environmental Organizations . .47 Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Pascual, Unai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Peake, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Peet, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Peletz, Michael G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Pellenbarg, Piet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Pepper, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Perkins, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 14 Perrons, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Philippines, The: Mobilities, Identities, and Globalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Pigram, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Pike, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Pinilla, Vicente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Pinkse, Jonatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Piper, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Political Conflict and Development in East Asia and Latin America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Political Economy, Agrarian Transformation and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Political Economy of the Environment . . . . . .12 Political Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Politics of Regret, The: On Collective Memory and Historical Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Pope, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Population, Development and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought . . . . . . . . . . .41 Population and Development . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Porter, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Postcolonial African Cities: Imperial Legacies and Postcolonial Predicament . . . . . . . . . . .25 Postcolonialism and Development . . . . . . . . .35 Potter, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Poverty Orientated Agricultural and Rural Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Pred, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Premodern Travel in World History . . . . . . . .30 Preserving New York: Winning the Right to Protect a City’s Landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Price, Patricia L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Prideaux, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Private Cities: Global and Local Perspectives . .25 Prudham, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Public Policy for Regional Development . . . .10 Punch, Samantha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Purcell, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Q Queering Tourism: Paradoxical Performances of Gay Pride Parades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Questioning Cities Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
R Radcliffe, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Ram, Uri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Ramsamy, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Rath, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Recapturing Democracy: Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Refugees, Recent Migrants, and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Regional Development: Diversities and Disparities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Regional Inequality in China . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Regulating Global Trade and the Environment . .14 Remaking Regional Economies: Power, Labor, and Firm Strategies in The Knowledge Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Representing the Environment . . . . . . . . . . .44 Rethinking Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Retirement Migration: Paradoxes of Ageing . .13 Revill, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Richards, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Rigg, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33, 39 Robbins, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Roberts, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Roberts, Sherma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Roberts, Susan M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Robinson, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Robison, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Robson, Elsbeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Rodrigue, Jean-Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Rose, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Rosenblum, Constance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Routledge, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Routledge Advances in Geography Series . . .25 Routledge Advances in Social Economics Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Routledge Advances in Tourism Series . .27, 31, 48 Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 6, 14, 26
Routledge Critical Introductions to Urbanism and the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Routledge Explorations in Economic History Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41, 46–7 Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Routledge International Series in Tourism, Business and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Routledge International Studies in Health Economics Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Routledge International Studies of Women and Place Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11–12 Routledge Introductions to Environment Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Routledge Introductions to the Environment Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43–4 Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40–1 Routledge Key Guides Series . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Routledge Perspectives on Development Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 34 Routledge Research in Population and Migration Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 25 Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy Series . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 39 Routledge Studies in Development and Society Series . . . . . . . . . . . .25, 39, 41–2, 47 Routledge Studies in Development Economics Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39–40 Routledge Studies in Economic Geography Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship Series . .46 Routledge Studies in Global Competition Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 12, 40 Routledge Studies in Human Geography Series . . . . . . . . . . .10–11, 14, 23, 25, 31, 39 Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy Series . . .12, 14, 40 Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment Series . . . . . . . . . . . . .45–6 Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organizations Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Routledge Studies in the History of Economics Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 39, 41 Routledge Urban Reader Series . . . . . . . . . . .15 Routledge/GARNET series: Europe in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Routledge/SEI Global Environment and Development Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Routledge/UNRISD Research in Gender and Development Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Rugendyke, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29, 38 Rules, Rubrics and Riches: The Relationship Between Law, Institutions and International Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Rusten, Grete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Ryan, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
S Sa, Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Sacred Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Saegert, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Saey, Pieter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Sage, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Saigal, Jagdish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Salt, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Samarasinghe, Vidyamali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Sánchez-Soriano, Joaquín . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Sassen, Saskia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Schein, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Schmid, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Searching for the Just City . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Secondi, Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Segregation: The Rising Costs for America . .18 Sensing Cities: Regenerating Public Life in Barcelona and Manchester . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Shadow Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Sharpley, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Shogren, Jason F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Short, John Rennie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18–19 Simon, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Simpson, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Simpson, Cheryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Skerratt, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Slack, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Slater, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Smale, Melinda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Smith, Helen Lawton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Smith, Melanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Smith, Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Sohngen, Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Solving the Riddle of Globalization and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Song, Haiyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Sorkin, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Southeast Asian Development . . . . . . . .36, 39 Southern, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Spaan, Ernst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Spaces of Social Exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Spaces of Sustainability: Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society . . .42 Spatial Turn, The: Interdisciplinary Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Spoor, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Sport and Tourism: A Reader . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Spratt, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Squires, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Staeheli, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Stearns, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Steil, Justin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Stout, Frederic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Street, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Strom, Elizabeth A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Suburb Reader, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Sumner, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Sunley, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Sunna, Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Sustainable Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Sustainable Futures: Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Sustainable Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Sustainable Urban Development Reader . . . .17 Swyngedouw, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
T Targeting Regional Economic Development . .40 Taylor, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Teaford, Jon C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Tehan, Maureen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Telfer, David J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Thankappan, Samarthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Themes in World History Series . . . . . . . . . . .30 Theories and Practices of Development . . . . .34 There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Katrina . . . . . . . . .8 Thinking Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Thompson, Felix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Thrift, Nigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
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