Nursing and Midwifery 2011 (UK)

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Nursing and Midwifery New Titles and Key Backlist 2011

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Nursing and Midwifery New Titles and Key Backlist 2011

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contents General Nursing..................................................................................... 1 Primary Care and Public Health.............................................................. 3 Routledge Studies in Public Health series............................................... 7 Midwifery.............................................................................................. 9 Working with Children........................................................................ 13 Adult Nursing...................................................................................... 18 Working with Older People.................................................................. 21 Mental Health Care............................................................................. 22 Health Service Management................................................................ 29 Research and Study Skills..................................................................... 31 History of Nursing................................................................................ 32 Index................................................................................................... 33 Order Form..................................................................... Back of Catalog

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G e n e r a l N u r s i ng

NEW IN 2012

NEW IN 2011

Law and Ethics for Nursing

Learning to Care

Herman Wheeler, University of Birmingham, UK

A Psychological Approach to Nursing and Healthcare

This comprehensive new textbook covers core ethical and legal content for pre-registration nursing students. It provides readers with a sound understanding of interrelationships between the NMC’s code of conduct, ethical theories and relevant sections of the English legal system. The only truly integrated text in the field, it opens with overviews of law and nursing, and ethical theories and nursing, then goes on to explore key areas of contention – such as negligence, confidentiality and consent – from legal and ethical perspectives, mapping the discussion onto the NMC code of conduct. Each chapter includes objectives, patient-focused case scenarios, key points, activities, questions, further reading and a summary. Case law and statutes and ethical theories are presented where appropriate. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Ethics and Nursing 3. Major Ethical Theories: Implications for Nursing 4. Overview of Law and Nursing 5. Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Practice with Families 6. Negligence 7. Confidentiality 8. Professional Responsibilities and Accountability 9. Consent and Patient Care 10. Criminal Procedures and Healthcare 11. Contemporary Dilemmas 12. Law and Ethics in Decision-making, Management and Leadership 13. Ethics, Contract Law and Professional Standards

Helena Priest, Staffordshire University, UK Learning to Care explains and promotes the importance of psychological care for people when they become physically ill, giving a sound theoretical basis to ensure care is evidence-based. It encourages the reader to think about the effects of illness and disability on patients, and understand what can be done to identify and minimise any difficulties they might be experiencing in these areas. The chapters cover: the meaning and elements of care and holistic care; a model of psychological care in practice; the personal qualities and skills of carers that best underpin psychological care delivery, and how these might be enhanced; the knowledge needed for effective psychological caregiving; and psychological care as it might be practised in a range of health care settings. This text contains key learning points, practical activities, reflective exercises and case illustrations. Selected Contents: 1. The Nature of Care 2. Psychological Aspects of Care 3. Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Psychological Care 4. A Model for Psychological Care 5. Skills and Qualities for Caring 6. Knowledge for Caring 7. Psychological Care in Context 8. Caring Enough: The Future for Psychological Care

January 2012: 246 x 174: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-61888-5: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-61889-2: £24.99

June 2011: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-42907-8: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42908-5: £19.99

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NEW IN 2011

Professional Responsibility New Horizons of Praxis Edited by Ciaran Sugrue, University of Cambridge, UK and Tone Solbrekke, University of Oslo, Norway What does professional responsibility entail in an increasingly insecure, unpredictable and de-regulated world? This is the core question addressed in this text. In the face of increasing complexity of professional work, professional responsibility remains open to further development. The book signals direction for the development of professional responsibility, and while seeking to give direction to ongoing deliberations avoids the pitfalls of performativity. The chapters are grounded in a variety of disciplinary perspectives and traverse various professional boundaries in a self-reflexive manner to create more inclusive, transformative and generative narratives on professional responsibility. This text sets out to transform professional responsibility through a re-configuration of its constituent elements in imaginative and creative ways and by indicating the ‘real world’ import of re-charting the field. May 2011: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-61462-7: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-61463-4: £24.99 For more information, visit:

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G eneral N ursin g

NEW IN 2011


Advanced Practice in Healthcare

Practice-based Evidence for Healthcare

Skills for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals

Clinical Mindlines

Edited by Carol Cox, Marie Hill and Victoria Lack, all at City University, UK

John Gabbay and Andrée le May, both at University of Southampton, UK

Advanced Practice in Healthcare articulates the key components of advanced practice in which healthcare professionals are engaged. With a clear skills focus, it explores issues critical to providing effective enhanced care to patients whilst managing and negotiating the complexities of the healthcare delivery system. T he text is comprised of three sections that address different aspects of advanced practice and these in turn: • provide guidance on the development of clinical skills including clinical decision-making, clinical effectiveness, diagnosis and prescribing • explain management skills and how to manage, negotiate and monitor the complexities of the healthcare system in order to ensure the delivery of quality patient care • clarify the professional role of the advanced practice clinician and how implementation of the role can improve the delivery of patient care. Selected Contents: Preface Part 1: Clinical Skills 1. Consultation Skills 2. Clinical Decision Making 3. Planning Care Including Non-medical Prescribing Part 2: Management 4. Management for the Advanced Practitioner 5. The Effective Manager: Skills 6. Managing, Negotiating and Monitoring the Healthcare System Part 3: Leadership: The Professional Role 7. Professionalisation 8. Clinical Effectiveness 9. Influencing Others October 2011: 246 x 174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-59430-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-59431-8: £24.99

’This book is one of the most important publications about clinical practice in general and evidence based medicine in particular to appear in the last 20 years. Those who consider themselves to be working at the ’cutting edge’ in these fields should make time to read it.’ – Trisha Greenhalgh, University College London, UK

’This is a fascinating analysis that rings true with my own clinical experience. It will doubtless be eagerly devoured by those who study clinical decision-making but anyone concerned with clinical practice and policy, however busy, will gain by reading it. This valuable book addresses issues that are of crucial importance and from which we all need to learn.’ – Joel Howell, University of Michigan, USA Despite its ’gold-standard’ status, the EBP movement is faltering because, while much effort has gone into developing an idealised model of the way clinicians ought to use best evidence, there is less understanding of why they often don’t. This book examines how clinicians do actually develop and use clinical knowledge. November 2010: 234 x 156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-48668-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48669-9: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83997-3 For more information, visit:

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Primary Care an d P u b l ic H e a lth

Developing Holistic Care for Long-term Conditions Edited by Carl Margereson and Steve Trenoweth, both at Thames Valley University, UK

Developing Holistic Care for Long-term Conditions focuses on how to help people with long-term health conditions cope more effectively. It brings together physical and mental health, offering a holistic approach for students and practitioners in a variety of care settings. Selected Contents: Section 1: Overview of Holistic Care 1. Epidemiology of Long-term Conditions 2. Trajectory and Impact of Long Term Conditions 3. Going Forwards with Long Term Conditions: Towards a True Health System 4. Legal and Ethical Issues Section 2: Developing Holistic Care 5. Frameworks for Comprehensive Assessment 6. Maximising Symptom Control 7. Facilitating, Supporting and Maintaining Recovery Section 3: Caring for the Mind, Body and the Spirit 8. Caring for the Mind 9. Exercise 10. Nutrition 11. Complementary and Alternative Therapies 12. Caring for the Spirit Section 4: Holistic Care of Specific Conditions 13. Long-term Neurological Conditions 14. Diabetes 15. Mental Health 16. Cancer 17. Coronary Heart Disease 18. COPD and Asthma 19. Older People 20. Chronic Renal Failure 21. The Immuno-Compromised Client 22. End of Life Issues

2009: 246 x 174: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-46080-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46081-1: £25.99 eBook: 978-0-203-86736-5 For more information, visit:

Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care A Guide to Good Practice

Health Promotion for Nurses Theory and Practice Stewart Piper, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Judith Carrier, Cardiff University, UK

This book explores the key issues in managing long-term conditions and provides a practical and accessible guide for allied health professionals. It covers background context and policy as well as practical guidance for all aspects of chronic disease.

Selected Contents: 1. Social and Political Background 2. Physical, Psychological and Psychosocial Impact of Living with a LTC and Social Influences on Health 3. Case Management and Disease-Specific Care Management 4. Importance of Self-Management 5. Motivational Interviewing, Dr. Claire Lane 6. How to Identify a Person with a Long-term Condition 7. Effective Management of People with a Long-term Condition 8. Evidence-Based Practice 9. Case Scenarios 10. Nutritional and Medication Management 2009: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-45087-4: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45088-1: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-88131-6 For more information, visit:

Health promotion is an increasingly high profile aspect of a nurse’s role. This textbook explores how and why health promotion works in nursing, developing a new framework for understanding the nurse’s role and promoting evidence-based practice.

Selected Contents: Part 1: Theory 1. Concept Analysis and the Language of Theory and Practice 2. Operational Definitions and Theory Testing Criteria 3. General Health Education and Health Promotion Framework Review 4. Health Education and Health Promotion Frameworks and Nursing 5. Health Promotion Framework for Nursing Practice Part 2: Practice 6. The Nurse as Behaviour Change Agent 7. The Nurse as Empowerment Facilitator: Individual Action Perspective 8. The Nurse as Empowerment Facilitator: Community Action Perspective 9. The Nurse as Strategic Practitioner. Conclusion 2009: 234 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-46262-4: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46263-1: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87091-4 For more information, visit:

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P rimary Care and Publi c Healt h


The Psychology of Lifestyle

NEW IN 2012

Promoting Healthy Behaviour

Global Health

Kathryn Thirlaway, University of Wales Institute, UK and Dominic Upton, University of Worcester, UK

An Introduction to Current and Future Trends

The Psychology of Lifestyle reflects the current climate in health prevention by considering lifestyles and the inter-relationship of psychosocial concepts and theories that describe and explain people’s often unhealthy behaviours. This unique book enables readers to develop a clear theoretical and practical grasp of the psychological principles involved in all aspects of lifestyle change.

The health of human populations around the world is constantly changing and the health profiles of most nations in the early twenty first century global health landscape are unrecognizable compared with those of just a century ago. This book examines and explains these health changes. While the overall picture charted is one of progress and improvement, certain unfortunate regressions and stubbornly persistent health inequalities are equally shown to be part of the evolving patterns of global health. The chapters of the book are organized in three major parts: • Part 1 introduces readers to the idea of populations having distinctive health profiles, how those profiles can be measured, and how they change

2008: 234 x 156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-41661-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41662-7: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87095-2

• Part 2 focuses on the current international health scene, paying particular attention to the transitions within countries and regions; amongst special groups and indigenous groups and

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related journal

Kevin McCracken, Macquarie University, Australia and David R. Phillips, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Journal of Community Health Nursing Executive Editors: Arlene O’Brien and Alice Schroeder For more information visit: journals/hchn

• Part 3 transports readers from the current health scene to future possible and probable health scenarios. Using clear and original explanations of complex issues, this text makes extensive use of boxed case studies and international examples, with thought provoking discussion questions posed for readers at end of each chapter. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Concepts, Data, Measurement, Explanations 1. What is Epidemiological/ Health Transition? 2. Charting ET/HT: Data Coverage, Quality and Use 3. Explaining ET/HT: Global, National, Local Factors Part 2: ET/HT Past and Present – Places and Groups 4. Epidemiological/Health Transition: Where We are at Now and How We got There 5. Within-Country Differentiation 6. Age and Lifecourse Transitions in Health 7. Selected Contemporary ET/HT Challenges Part 3: Epidemiological Futures: Future Transitions and Health Planning 8. Future HT Trajectories? 9. HT For Health and Welfare Planning 10. Climate and Environmental Changes and Likely HT 11. Health and Security: Geopolitical Aspects 12. Possible Radical Epidemiological Futures March 2012: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-55756-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55757-3: £20.99 For more information, visit:

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Primary Care an d P u b l ic H e a lth



Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health

Psychiatric and Mental Health Essentials in Primary Care

Edited by Richard Parker and Marni Sommer, both at Columbia University, USA

Lee Ann Hoff, Life Crisis Institute, USA and Betty D. Morgan, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

’A truly multidisciplinary approach to public health and global health makes this book special.’ – Peter Piot, Professor of Global Health and Director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, and former Executive Director of UNAIDS, and Under Secretary-General of the United Nations

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, key public health issues and challenges have taken centre stage. They range from arsenic in drinking water to asthma among children and adults; from the re-emergence of cholera, to increasing cancer rates and other chronic disease; from AIDS to malaria and hepatitis; from the crises faced by displaced or refugee populations to the new challenges that have emerged for reproductive health and rights. Like most aspects of contemporary life, these problems have been impacted by globalization. The Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health explores this context and addresses both the emerging issues and conceptualizations of the notion of global health, along with expanding upon and highlighting the critical priorities in this rapidly evolving field.

Psychiatric and Mental Health Essentials in Primary Care addresses key mental health concepts and strategies for time-pressured practitioners in various healthcare settings serving diverse populations. It offers theoretically sound and succinct guidelines for compassionate, efficient, and effective service to people in emotional and physical pain and distress, capturing the essentials of mental health care delivered by primary care providers. The text provides a theoretical overview, discussing mental health assessment, crisis care basics, alternative therapies, and vulnerable groups such as children, adolescents and older people. It includes chapters that focus on the following topics in Primary Care Practice: suicide and violence; anxiety; mood disorders; schizophrenia; substance abuse; chronic illness and mental health. This invaluable text is designed for primary care providers in either graduate student or practice roles across a range of primary care practice, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

December 2010: 246 x 174: 504pp Hb: 978-0-415-77848-0: £130.00 eBook: 978-0-203-83272-1

November 2010: 246 x 174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-78090-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-78091-9: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84022-1

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P rimary Care and Publi c Healt h


Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse

Violence and Abuse Issues

Tackling the Health and Mental Health Effects

Cross-Cultural Perspectives for Health and Social Services

Catherine Itzin, formerly at University of Lincoln, UK, Ann Taket and Sarah Barter-Godfrey, both at Deakin University, Australia

’Dr. Hoff skillfully dissects the issue of violence from youth to old age and across varied ethnicities and races, demonstrating that this cancer has no boundaries. The potential solutions she presents use a public health approach for widest possible appeal.’ – John Casken, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Domestic violence, childhood sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault, and sexual exploitation through prostitution, pornography and trafficking can have many significant adverse impacts on a survivor’s health and wellbeing, in the short, medium and long-term.

Taking a life-course approach, the book explores what is known about appropriate treatment responses to those who have experienced, and those who perpetrate, domestic and sexual violence and abuse. The book also examines key factors that are important in understanding how and why different groups experience heightened risks of domestic and sexual violence and abuse, namely: gender and sexuality; race and culture; disability; and abuse by professionals. Drawing together results from specially commissioned research, the views of experts by experience, experts by profession and the published research literature, the book argues that sufficient is already known to delineate an appropriate public health framework, encompassing primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, to successfully tackle the important public health issue represented by domestic and sexual violence and abuse. Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse equips health and social care professionals and services to identify and respond to the needs of affected individuals with a view to the prevention and early intervention. September 2010: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-55531-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55532-6: £23.99 For more information, visit:

’This is a must-read especially for those of us engaged in addressing both the personal and political aspects of violence and abuse in therapeutic settings.’ – Rodolfo R. Nolasco, Jr., Providence Theological Seminary, Canada Health and social service providers are in pivotal positions to provide preventive and restorative services to those affected by violent and abusive behaviour. This comprehensive textbook presents theoretical background and practical strategies for doing so, providing a solid knowledge base for good practice in this area. 2009: 246 x 174: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-46571-7: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46572-4: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87562-9 For more information, visit:

related journal

Lee Ann Hoff, Life Crisis Institute, USA

Arts & Health An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice Published in association with the Society for the Arts in Healthcare Executive Editors: Paul Camic and Stephen Clift, both at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, with Norma Daykin, University of the West of England, UK For more information visit: journals/artsandhealth

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Primary Care an d P u b l ic H e a lth

Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies Edited by Carol Thomas, University of Lancaster, UK, Nick Watson, University of Glasgow, UK and Alan Roulstone, University of Northumbria, UK A detailed and up-to-date overview, the Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies provides an authoritative overview of the main issues in the field around the world today. Consisting entirely of newly commissioned chapters and arranged thematically, it surveys the state of the discipline, examining emerging and cutting edge areas as well as core areas of contention. Divided in five sections, this comprehensive handbook covers: • different models and approaches to disability studies • how five key impairment groups have engaged with disability studies and the writings within the discipline • policy and legislation responses to disability studies • disability studies and its interaction with other disciplines, such as history, philosophy and science studies • disability studies and different life experiences, such as ethnicity, sexuality, gender and ageing. July 2011: 246 x 174: 512pp Hb: 978-0-415-57400-6: £130.00 For more information, visit:

2nd Edition

Physical Activity and Health The Evidence Explained Adrianne E. Hardman and David J. Stensel, both at Loughborough University, UK ’I wish I had had this textbook as a student – it would have made learning about the health benefits of physical activity much easier! By housing a comprehensive variety of topics in a single volume, the textbook is a wonderful resource for anyone, whether student or exercise or health professional, wanting to find out more about physical activity and health.’ – I-Min Lee, MBBS, MPH, ScD; Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA 2009: 246 x 174: 376pp Hb: 978-0-415-45585-5: £105.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42198-0: £35.00

Routledge Studies in Public Health Series NEW IN 2011

Alcohol, Tobacco and Obesity Morality, Mortality and the New Public Health Edited by Kirsten Bell and Darlene McNaughton, both at University of British Columbia, Canada and Amy Salmon, James Cook University, Australia Although drinking, smoking and obesity have attracted social and moral condemnation to varying degrees for more than two hundred years, over the past few decades they have come under intense attack from the field of public health as an ’unholy trinity’ of lifestyle behaviours with apparently devastating medical, social and economic consequences. Hailing from Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA, and drawing on examples from all four countries, contributors interrogate the ways in which alcohol, tobacco and fat have come to be constructed as ’problems’ requiring intervention and expose the social, cultural and political roots of the current public health obsession with lifestyle. No prior collection has set out to provide an in-depth examination of alcohol, tobacco and obesity through the comparative approach taken in this volume. April 2011: 234 x 156: 232pp Hb: 978-0-415-59017-4: £75.00 For more information, visit:

related journals

NEW IN 2011

Global Public Health An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice Editor-in-Chief: Richard Parker, Columbia University, USA For more information visit:

Critical Public Health Editor: Judith Green, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK For more information visit:

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P rimary Care and Publi c Healt h

Routledge Studies in Public Health Series (continued) NEW IN 2011

NEW IN 2011

Population Mental Health

International Perspectives on Public Health and Palliative Care

Evidence, Policy, and Public Health Practice Edited by Neal Cohen, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA and Sandro Galea, Columbia University, USA This pioneering volume examines the evidence-base for incorporating mental health into the public health agenda by linking the available research on population mental health with public mental health policy and practice. Issues covered in the book include the influence of health and mental health policies on the care and well-being of individuals with mental illness, the interconnectedness of physical and mental disorders, the obstacles to adopting a public health orientation to mental health/mental illness, and the potential application of public health models of intervention.

Edited by Libby Sallnow, Barts and the London NHS Trust, UK Suresh Kumar, Institute of Palliative Medicine, India and Allan Kellehear, University of Bath, UK Public health approaches to palliative care have been growing in policy importance and practice acceptance. This innovative volume explores the major concepts, practice examples, and practice guidelines for this new approach.

Setting out a unique and innovative model for integrated public mental health care, Population Mental Health identifies the tools and strategies of public health practice – surveillance and screening, early identification, preventive interventions, health promotion and community action – and their application to twenty-first century public mental health policy and practice.

The goal of ’continuity of care’ – seamless support for patients in their experiences and transitions from community to primary health services to inpatient services – means that health promotion and community development become important ways to achieve a holistic health approach to end of life care. In developing contexts, where hospitals and hospices may be inaccessible, a public health approach provides not only continuity of care but greater access to good end of life care. This book provides both a historical and conceptual overview whilst offering practical case examples from affluent and developing contexts, in a range of clinical settings. Finally, it draws together research-based guidelines for future practice.

April 2011: 234 x 156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-77921-0: £75.00

August 2011: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-66350-2: £75.00

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Planning in Health Promotion Work An Empowerment Model Roar Amdam, Volda University College, Norway Community development, planning and partnerships have become important terms in health promotion but, up until now, debate around these concepts have been discussed more in planning science than in public health literature. Roar Amdam draws on theories and new empirical evidence from local, regional and international planning and public health in order to develop a new model for health promotion: empowerment planning. Much health promotion planning has focused on top-down approaches, and while efforts to be participative are made, it is often without having a clear understanding of how community empowerment can be accommodated within health promotion programs. Amdam’s innovative concept combines top-down and bottom-up approaches to enable people to take more responsibility for their own health and for individual and collective capacity building. Planning in Health Promotion Work is suitable for all students and researchers of health promotion and health planning and development, whilst the numerous applied examples make it an invaluable resource for policymakers and practitioners working in public health. September 2010: 234 x 156: 136pp Hb: 978-0-415-58367-1: £70.00 eBook: 978-0-203-84252-2 For more information, visit:

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Mi d wi f e ry

Becoming a Midwife

2nd Edition

Edited by Rosemary Mander, University of Edinburgh, UK and Valerie Fleming, Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Development

A Practical Guide

Becoming a Midwife explores what it is to be a midwife, looking at the factors that make midwifery such a special profession, as well as some of the challenges. The chapters cover a variety of settings and several different stages in a woman’s pregnancy. Each one is narrated by a midwife who introduces their own theme, recounts a vignette that throws light on their understanding of midwifery and reasons for becoming a midwife and any subsequent career moves. Drawing together these insights, the editors show what it means to be a midwife today. Suitable for those contemplating a career in midwifery and providing an opportunity for reflection for more experienced midwives, this thought-provoking book is an invaluable contribution to midwifery. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: The Midwife and the Institution 1. Midwifery Care in the Community during the Woman’s Pregnancy 2. Midwifery Care while the Woman is in Labour in an Institution 3. Midwifery Care of the Mother and Baby at Home 4. Midwives and Perinatal Mental Health Part 2: The Midwife and the Wider Environment 5. The Midwife Manager 6. The Midwife who is in Education 7. The Supervisor of Midwives 8. The Academic Midwife 9. The Midwife as a Researcher 10. The Midwife Historian 11. The Global Midwife 12. The Independent Midwife 13. A Male Midwife’s Perspective 14. The Midwife who is not a Mother 15. The Midwife who is an Author 16. The Ex-midwife. Conclusion 2009: 216 x 138: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-46437-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46438-3: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87141-6 For more information, visit:

Examination of the Newborn Helen Baston, University of York, UK and Heather Durward, The Royal Hospital, Chesterfield, UK

Newborn babies are examined within the first 6 to 72 hours after their birth to rule out major congenital abnormalities and reassure the parents that their baby is healthy. This practical text is a step-by-step guide for all practitioners who undertake this clinical examination. It provides midwives and other practitioners with a comprehensive guide to the holistic examination of the newborn infant.

Examination of the Newborn encourages the reader to view each mother and baby as unique, taking into account their experiences preconceptually, antenatally and through childbirth. This new edition is thoroughly revised throughout to meet current Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and National Screening Committee standards. It includes a new chapter on the context and effectiveness of the examination and increased coverage of the impact of intrapartum management on the newborn, including fetal monitoring, place of birth, mode of birth and pain relief. Case scenarios, model answers, questions and further reading help the reader to apply the content to their own practice. Selected Contents: 1. Examination of the Newborn: Where Are We Now? 2. In the Beginning 3. Fetal Development: Influential Factors 4. Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing 5. Risks to the Fetus during Childbirth 6. Neonatal Examination 7. Abnormal Findings and Congenital Abnormalities 8. Accountability and Effective Care August 2010: 246 x 174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-55162-5: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55163-2: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84995-8 For more information, visit:

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M id wifery



NEW IN 2011

Evidence-based Care for Breastfeeding Mothers

2nd Edition

A Resource for Allied Healthcare Professionals

Evidence-based Care for Normal Labour and Birth

Maria Pollard, University of the West of Scotland, UK

Skills and Best Practice for Midwives

Denis Walsh, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Breastfeeding is a major public health issue. Breast milk provides all the nutrients a baby needs for their first six months. Research studies also show that breastfeeding helps to protect infants from infection and mothers from some diseases in later life.

Breastfeeding rates are low, however, and women need the support of their midwives and health visitors when beginning breastfeeding and throughout their child’s infancy. Based on the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly best practice standards for higher education, this accessible textbook addresses all 18 outcomes to ensure that students are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively promote and support breastfeeding mothers, including: anatomy and physiology; essential skills and good practice guidance; dealing with common problems; public health considerations; babies and mothers with special needs; complementary feeding. Suitable for both undergraduate students and practitioners undertaking continuous professional development, Evidence-based Care for Breastfeeding Mothers is designed to aid learning. Each chapter has an introduction, specific learning outcomes linked to the Baby Friendly standards, key fact boxes, clinical scenarios and activities. Selected Contents: 1. Putting Breastfeeding into Context 2. Anatomy and Physiology of Lactation 3. Essential Skills for Practice 4. Good Practice to Promote, Initiate and Support Breastfeeding 5. Management of Common Problems 6. Supporting Mothers with Special Needs 7. Infants with Special Needs 8. Alternative Methods of Infant Feeding when Breastfeeding is not Possible 9. Introducing Solid Foods 10. Ongoing Support for Breastfeeding Mothers 11. Developing Knowledge and Skills to Support Breastfeeding Mothers Answers to Activities. Appendices. References June 2011: 246 x 174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-49906-4: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49907-1: £19.99

• has been expanded with new chapters on Preparation for Childbirth, the Fourth Stage of Labour and Waterbirth • highlights where the evidence is compelling • discusses its application where women question its relevance to them and where the practitioner’s expertise leads them to challenge it • gives background and context before discussing the research to date • includes questions for reflection, illustrations, skills sections and practice recommendations generated from the evidence. Using research data, Evidence-based Care for Normal Labour and Birth critiques institutionalised, scientifically managed birth and endorses a more humane midwifery-led model. Packed with up-to-date and relevant information, this text will help all students, practising midwives and doulas keep abreast of the evidence surrounding normal birth and ensure their practice takes full advantage of it. Selected Contents: 1. Knowledge, Evidence and Skills for Normal Birth 2. Preparation for Childbirth 3. Birth Setting and Environment 4. Rhythms in the First Stage of Labour 5. Pain and Labour 6. Fetal Heart Monitoring in Labour 7. Mobility and Posture in Labour 8. Rhythms in the Second Stage of Labour 9. Care of the Perineum 10. Rhythms in the Third Stage of Labour 11. The Fourth Stage of Labour 12. Waterbirth as an Exemplar of Best Birthing Practice 13. Changing Midwives’ Practice August 2011: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-57731-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57732-8: £24.99

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This new edition of Evidence-based Care for Normal Labour and Birth brings to light much of the evidence around what works best for normal birth which has, until now, remained largely hidden and ignored by maternity care professionals. Beginning with the decision about where to have a baby, through all the phases of labour to the immediate post-birth period, it systematically details research and other evidence sources that endorse a low intervention approach. The second edition:

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Mi d wi f e ry

NEW IN 2011

A Social History of Maternity and Childbirth Key Themes in Maternity Care Tania McIntosh, University of Nottingham, UK People are fascinated by stories of childbirth, and the sources to document maternity in Britain in the twentieth century are rich and varied. Using records from the National Birthday Trust Fund, the National Childbirth Trust and Mass Observation, this book explores the experiences of women and families, and includes the voices of women, midwives and doctors. hile chronologically structured, key themes are discussed throughout: the work and status of the midwife; the place of W birth; pain relief; ante and post natal care; women’s pressure groups; high tech versus low tech; political pressures. At a time when the midwifery profession, and the wider structure of maternity care, is a matter for popular and political debate, this book is a timely contribution. It will be an valuable read for all those interested in maternity care in England. September 2011: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-56162-4: £75.00 For more information, visit:


NEW IN 2011

Home Birth The Politics of Difficult Choices

Supporting Women to Give Birth at Home

Mary L. Nolan, University of Worcester, UK

A Practical Guide for Midwives

Edited by Mary Steen, University of Chester, UK

The rhetoric of choice is much used in UK health policy and home birth is one of the three options that women are entitled to choose between when deciding where to have their baby. However, many women making this choice run into considerable opposition from the maternity service.

Home Birth focuses on the experiences of women whose choices were opposed by health professionals during their pregnancy journey. It confronts why and how women are being denied home birth and raises some challenging issues for current midwifery practice. Using ten women’s narratives, this important volume explores why women might want to give birth at home and considers ideas of risk and informed choice in pregnancy and birth. The book includes chapters on communication and language; fear and stress; advocacy and autonomy; fathers’ experience of contested place of birth and free birthing. Pointers to best practice are presented whilst the text incorporates women’s narratives throughout, making this a practical and relevant read for midwifery students as well as practising midwives and childbirth educators. November 2010: 234 x 156: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-55754-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55755-9: £20.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83667-5 For more information, visit:

Supporting Women to Give Birth at Home describes and discusses the main challenges and issues that midwives encounter when preparing for and attending a home birth. To ensure that a home birth is a real option for women, midwives need to be able to believe in a woman’s ability to give birth at home and to promote this birth option, providing evidence-based information about benefits and risks. This practical guide will help midwives to have this confidence. It is organised into three parts: • Part 1 introduces the history of birth and the present birth choices a woman has • Part 2 discusses preparation for a homebirth • Part 3 covers attending a homebirth. Case studies exploring recent home birth experiences will help illustrate this accessible text. It will be of interest to students studying issues around normal birth and will be a valuable resource for clinically based midwives. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction to Birth 1. Birth Settings, Women’s Choices and Implications for Midwifery Practice Part 2: Preparation For Home Birth 2. The Option of Home Birth 3. Evidence and Guidelines to Support Home Birth 4. Supporting Home Birth Part 3: Attending Home Birth 5. Caring for Women During a Home Birth 6. Home Birth Pain Management Options 7. Case Studies 8. Conclusions and Implications for Midwifery Practice June 2011: 246 x 174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-56029-0: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56030-6: £20.99 For more information, visit:

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M id wifery



2nd Edition

Sustainability, Midwifery and Birth Edited by Lorna Davies, Rea Daellenbach and Mary Kensington, all at Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, New Zealand

This innovative volume promotes a sustainable approach to midwifery practice, philosophy, business administration and resource management. Drawing on an interdisciplinary body of knowledge, this international collection of experts explores the challenges, inviting readers to critically reflect on the issues and consider how they could move to effect changes within their own working environments. Divided into three parts, the book discusses: • the politics of midwifery and sustainability • midwifery as a sustainable healthcare practice • supporting an ecological approach to parenting. Sustainability, Midwifery and Birth identifies existing models of sustainable midwifery practice, such as the continuity of care model, and highlights the potential for midwifery as a role model for ecologically sound health care provision.

Causes, Consequences, and Treatment Alternatives Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett, Texas Tech University, USA

’My enthusiasm for the comprehensive content and easy to read style of Depression in New Mothers leads me to recommend this book as an important resource for everyone working with pregnant and postpartum women as well as family members affected by this condition.’ – Marian Tompson, Co-founder, La Leche League International, Founder, AnotherLook at Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS, USA 2009: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-77838-1: £83.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77839-8: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-86194-3 For more information, visit:


Dropping the Baby and Other Scary Thoughts

October 2010: 234 x 156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-56333-8: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56334-5: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84124-2

Breaking the Cycle of Unwanted Thoughts in Motherhood

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related journal

Depression in New Mothers

Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology

Karen Kleiman, The Postpartum Stress Center, Pennsylvania, USA and Amy Wenzel, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Official Journal of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Included in the Thomson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index® Co-Editors: Colin Martin, University of the West of Scotland, UK and Maggie Redshaw, University of Oxford, UK For more information visit:

This book addresses the nature of the intrusive, negative, and anxious thoughts pregnant and postpartum women can experience. It provides answers to the women who seek information, clarification, and validation and is a useful resource for healthcare professionals who work with them.

November 2010: 229 x 152: 267pp Hb: 978-0-415-87700-8: £13.99 For more information, visit:

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2nd Edition

NEW IN 2011

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

Child-Centred Pharmacology

Edited by Glenys Boxwell, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, UK

’The second edition of this excellent text has been revised and updated to reflect the evolving evidence base for neonatal practice. It continues to be an essential resource for neonatal staff, containing comprehensive material on all aspects of neonatal intensive care’ – Susanne Simmons, University of Brighton, UK

Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing is a comprehensive, evidence-based text for nurses and midwives caring for sick newborn babies. Written by and for nurses, it concentrates on the common problems occurring within the neonatal intensive care unit. This user-friendly text will enable nurses to recognise, rationalise and remedy these problems using both a multi-systems and an evidence-based approach. It is essential reading for experienced nurses and midwives caring for sick newborn babies within the neonatal intensive care unit, for nurses undertaking qualifications in the specialism of neonatal nursing and for pre-registration students undertaking relevant modules or placements. Selected Contents: 1. Evidence based Practice 2. Developmentally Focused Nursing Care 3. Families in NICU 4. Resuscitation of the Newborn 5. Management of Thermal Stability 6. Management of Respiratory Disorders 7. Management of Cardiovascular Disorders 8. Neonatal Brain Injury 9. Management of Haematological Disorders 10. Management of Neonatal Pain 11. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 12. Nutritional management in NICU 13. Neonatal infection 14. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures 15. Neonatal Anaesthesia 16. Neonatal Surgery 17. Neonatal Transport 18. Medication in the Newborn 19. Bereavement in the NICU 20. Ethics and Neonatal Nursing April 2010: 246 x 174: 542pp Hb: 978-0-415-47755-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47756-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-85707-6

An Introduction for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Barbara Novak, City University, UK T he successful management of children’s health problems requires a sophisticated understanding of their health problems and needs, as well as knowledge about how best to respond to their situations. This holds particularly when prescribing for children. Discussing the best choice of therapeutic interventions available when caring for children, this is the first textbook for nurses and allied health professionals working in this important area. Linking the relevant aspects of developmental biology with those of pathophysiology, pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, this accessible text encompasses concordance with treatment, relevant aspects of care management, clinical outcomes and future directions. Emphasis will also be placed on drug administration and medicine management – taking into consideration factors such as research evidence, policies and guidelines that influence safe, competent administration and prescribing of drugs in diverse contexts. Further chapters include discussion of: safe prescribing for surgery; issues around consent; adverse responses to drugs; child-centred formulae and their use in practice; clinical trials; holistic assessment. This book focuses on the aspects of pharmacology that are crucial for truly child-centered prescribing practice. Selected Contents: 1. Perspectives in Child-centred Pharmacology 2. Pharmacogenetic Considerations in Determining the Best Therapeutic Interventions 3. Pharmacotherapeutics in Children with Respiratory Problems 4. Pharmacotherapeutics in Children with Infection 5. Pharmacotherapeutics of Antipyretics and Anti-inflammatory Drugs 6. Pharmacotherapeutics in Children with Endocrine and Metabolic Problems 7. Safe Prescribing for Children Requiring Surgery 8. Health Promoting Pharmacotherapeutics 9. Adverse Responses to Drugs 10. Child-centred Formulae and Their Use in Practice 11. Medication Error 12. Medicine Management and Administration 13. Clinical Trials 14. Holistic Child Assessment September 2011: 246 x 174: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-54899-1: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-54900-4: £24.99 For more information, visit:

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Workin g with C hildren


4th Edition

NEW IN 2011

Handbook of Pediatric Psychology

The Evidence-based Parenting Practitioner’s Handbook

Edited by Michael C. Roberts and Ric G. Steele, both at University of Kansas, USA

Kirsten Asmussen, Kings College, London UK

Sponsored by the Society of Pediatric Psychology, this state-of-the-science work is recognized as the definitive reference in the field. In concise, peer-reviewed chapters, leading authorities comprehensively examine links between psychological and medical issues in children and adolescents.

The Evidence-based Parenting Practitioner’s Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the knowledge necessary to effectively deliver evidence-based parenting interventions within community and health settings. Using clear examples of how this knowledge can inform frontline work with parents, this practical handbook includes:

New to this edition: • thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest information and clinical applications • more than twenty-five new chapters • heightened focus on evidence-based practice

• an overview of the policy context underpinning evidence-based parenting work in the US, UK, Australia and Norway

• new topics include child clinical neuroscience, palliative care, eHealth applications, school re-entry, allergic disorders, cultural diversity issues, positive psychology, and research methods.

• a discussion of how a robust evidence base is established and the ways in which practitioners can access information about good-quality research

2009: 246 x 174: 808pp Hb: 978-1-60623-328-3: £64.00 Pb: 978-1-60918-175-8: £34.00

• an overview of how research in the field of child development has contributed to the development of evidence-based parenting interventions

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• an overview of how theories and research in the field of therapeutic practice have contributed to the development of evidence based parenting interventions

2nd Edition

• what research evidence suggests about the role of the practitioner in the delivery of evidence-based support

Introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology of Children A Guide for Students of Nursing, Child Care and Health

Janet MacGregor, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Pakistan 2008: 246 x 174: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-44623-5: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44624-2: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-92931-5

• outcome-focused methods for establishing the evidence base of new parenting interventions • outcome-focused methods for commissioning evidence-based parenting services. Emphasising the ways in which practitioners can evaluate and translate messages from research into applied work with parents and families, this book is suitable for all those involved in the delivery of evidence-based parenting support, including frontline practitioners, service managers, parenting commissioners, heads of children’s services and policy makers. May 2011: 246 x 174: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-60992-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-60993-7: £21.99 For more information, visit:

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NEW IN 2012

3rd Edition

From Birth to Sixteen Years

Play in Early Childhood From Birth to Six Years Mary D. Sheridan and revised and updated by Justine Howard and Dawn Alderson, both at Swansea University, UK

Based on the pioneering work of Mary D. Sheridan, Play in Early Childhood is a classic introductory text to play and development – key topics for all those who work with young children. Updated for a contemporary audience and fully evidence-based, it explains how children’s play develops and how they develop as they play.

With over eighty illustrations and observations of play from birth to six years, this new edition presents classical and contemporary literature, making clear links between play and all areas of children’s development. It includes activities to consolidate thinking and suggestions for further reading throughout. Suitable for those new to the area or for more experienced workers wanting a quick reference guide, this easy-tofollow book meets the needs of students and professionals from a wide range of health, education and social care backgrounds. December 2010: 246 x 174: 104pp Hb: 978-0-415-57789-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57790-8: £14.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83260-8

Children’s Physical, Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development Helen Cowie, University of Surrey, UK From Birth to Sixteen Years outlines children’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development from infancy through to adolescence. Providing information about normal development, the book also highlights deviations so that a range of health, social care and education professionals can quickly and easily identify where children are experiencing problems and whether or not these are issues that can be resolved without intervention or should be referred onwards. Quick and easy to access, this text is clear and concise, with illustrations, brief research summaries and case studies making links to professional practice throughout. Designed to fit with the requirements of the Common Assessment Framework, it presents developmental norms for the years from birth to sixteen within the following themes: health and physical development; emotional well-being and resilience; relationships in the family; relationships in day care, at school and with the peer group; learning in a social context; language and communication; children’s rights and responsibilities; children and the media. February 2012: 246 x 174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-60265-5: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-60266-2: £14.99 For more information, visit:

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3rd Edition

From Birth to Five Years Children’s Developmental Progress Mary D. Sheridan, revised and updated by Ajay Sharma and Helen Cockerill ’For anyone whose curriculum dictates that they need to learn what a 6 month old can usually do, or that they need to be able to play with a 12 month old and work out whether the child is developmentally on track, this is the book for them ... The third edition is even better than those that came before. ’ – Archives of Disease in Childhood With over 120 illustrations this book has been fully updated to emphasize the current ethos of health promotion. It will be welcomed by both parents and health and social care professionals. 2007: 246 x 174: 112pp Pb: 978-0-415-42365-6: £10.99 eBook: 978-0-203-93579-8 For more information, visit:

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Workin g with C hildren

NEW IN 2011

Using Multisensory Stimulation with Children and Adults with Sensory and Learning Disabilities Paul Pagliano Everyday life for people with challenging sensory and cognitive conditions can become so unpredictable and chaotic that over time, extreme lack of success leads to learned helplessness. Sadly all over the world many people with sensory and cognitive conditions spend large amounts of time shut off from the world doing nothing or trapped in non-developing repetitive actions. Paul Pagliano shows you how learned helplessness can be transformed into learned optimism through multisensory stimulation, designed and modulated to match the person’s needs, interests and abilities. This book is full of practical, easy to use multisensory assessment tools and intervention strategies to help foster a feeling of ease with the environment, open the person up to experiencing pleasure and happiness, and kick starts their desire to explore. Informed by an astute, up-to-date, comprehensive overview of research and theory, this book will appeal to primary stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines, including education, health and social care. December 2011: 234 x 156: 176pp Pb: 978-0-415-59754-8: £24.99 For more information, visit:

related journals


Infant Observation

Journal of Child Psychotherapy

International Journal of Infant Observation and Its Applications

Official Journal of the Association of Child Psychotherapists

Editor: Lisa Miller, Tavistock Clinic, UK

Editors: Viviane Green, University of London, UK and Anne Hurley, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and North East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK

For more information visit:

Child Care in Practice Published on Behalf of the Child Care in Practice Group Dorota Iwaniec (Patron), Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Colette Gray (Chair), Stranmillis University College, UK For more information visit:

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Family Science Global Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice Official Journal of the European Society on Family Relations Editor: Judith Semon Dubas, Utrecht University, The Netherlands For more information visit:

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4th Edition

2nd Edition

The Child in Mind

Anger Management

A Child Protection Handbook

A Practical Guide

Judy Barker, City and Hackney Primary Care Trust, UK and Deborah Hodes, Camden Primary Care Trust and University College London Hospital, UK

Adrian Faupel, University of Southampton, UK, Elizabeth Herrick and Peter M. Sharp

All public sector workers in contact with children and families, in education as well as health and social care, need access to clearly written information about what to do if they are concerned about the safety and welfare of a child. This handbook helps practitioners to negotiate the complexities of child protection practice, with the aim of preventing abuse and neglect and protecting children from further harm once it has occurred. This fully updated fourth edition takes into account the revised Working Together to Safeguard Children document, NICE’s guidelines When to Suspect Child Maltreatment and Lord Laming’s report The Protection of Children in England. It explains how the child protection process works and covers all the key areas of child protection practice, including: risk assessment; physical, sexual and emotional abuse; neglect; the child protection conference; key changes in the legal framework and their application in practice. Clarifying a complex area of work, The Child in Mind provides sound advice aimed at improving individual practice. It is unique in that although it is directed to all health care workers, it can be used as part of in-service training, as a handy reference for students and indeed by anyone who works with children. September 2011: 246 x 174: 136pp Hb: 978-0-415-60995-1: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-60996-8: £16.99 For more information, visit:

Anger Management is a practical guide that will help you to stay calm in the face of angry outbursts from children and young people. Written by chartered psychologists with extensive experience in the field, this helpful book will: increase your understanding of anger; offer you a range of practical management interventions; help you to manage your own behaviours to build more effective relationships; reduce the stress experienced by staff and parents who lack confidence in the face of aggressive behaviour. It reflects the significant developments in the field of neuropsychology and our understanding of the physiology of emotions. It also identifies the significant changes in legislation and guidance that have taken place in education and health and social care over the last decade and explores the implications of these changes for practitioners. November 2010: 297 x 210: 144pp Pb: 978-0-415-58071-7: £22.99 For more information, visit:

related journal

Foreword by Lord Laming

Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Co-published with NISC

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Editor: Soraya Seedat, Stellenbosch University, South Africa For more information visit: journals/rcmh



A dult N ursin g

NEW IN 2011

2nd Edition

3rd Edition

High Dependency Nursing Care

Intensive Care Nursing A Framework for Practice Philip Woodrow, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Especially written for qualified nurses working in intensive care nursing units, this comprehensive text has been developed to be as accessible as possible. Including new chapters on planning for pandemics and transferring patients, it has been revised throughout to ensure the evidence-base is completely up-to-date and the content reflects contemporary best practice. Intensive Care Nursing is structured in user-friendly sections. Each chapter contains ’fundamental knowledge’ needed to understand the chapter, an introduction, ’implications for practice’, a chapter summary, completely updated further reading, ’time out’ sections for revision and a clinical scenario with questions included. Reviewed throughout by experienced practitioners and teachers, it covers: • patient-focused issues of bedside nursing • the technical knowledge necessary to care safely for ICU patients • the more common and specialized disease processes and treatments encountered • how nurses can use their knowledge and skills to develop their own and others’ practice. Written by a practice development nurse with a strong clinical background in intensive care nursing and experience of teaching nursing, Intensive Care Nursing is essential reading for nurses and health professionals working with high dependency patients, particularly those undertaking further training in the area. July 2011: 246 x 174: 604pp Hb: 978-0-415-58451-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58452-4: £32.99

Observation, Intervention and Support for Level 2 Patients Tina Moore, Middlesex University, UK and Philip Woodrow, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, UK

’This second edition of Moore and Woodrow’s text has been re-written to acknowledge the substantial contribution to high dependency care provided by nurses working on acute wards. This is achieved to good effect and the resulting text provides a valuable source of comprehensive, contemporary and easily accessible clinical knowledge and skills. This text should find a place on every acute ward and should also be recommended as a key text for final year undergraduate nurses. It is likely to also provide a rich source of reference for nurses working in primary care.’ – Ruth Endacott, University of Plymouth, UK Written by nurses experienced in providing, supporting and developing high dependency care, High Dependency Nursing Care discusses practical issues and explores the current evidence base for clinical practice. Completed updated throughout, this second edition also includes new chapters on infection control, heart failure, tissue removal and transferring the sicker patient. Selected Contents: Part 1: Contexts for Care Part 2: Neurological Part 3: Respiratory Part 4: Cardiovascular Part 5: Abdominal Part 6: Positive Outcomes 2009: 246 x 174: 504pp Hb: 978-0-415-46794-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46795-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87588-9

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Ad u lt N u r s i ng

NEW IN 2011

NEW IN 2011

Nursing Acutely Ill Patients

Advanced Clinical Practice in HIV Care

Early Identification and Management of Deterioration Jacinta Kelly, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Acutely unwell patients frequently present with signs and symptoms of deterioration in their condition in the 24 hours preceding a critical event. However, these early warning signs are often missed, misunderstood and mismanaged, which can lead to worse outcomes for those patients. Nursing Acutely Ill Patients focuses on how nurses can identify and make good use of the window of opportunity afforded by early warning to ameliorate, and perhaps prevent, the spiral into critical events for patients. The text: • provides an overview of early warning scoring systems, with a discussion of their evidence-base and applies them to the management of patients in medical and surgical ward settings • looks at key indicators for deterioration, such as changes in respiratory, haemodynamic and neurological functions, and fluid and electrolyte balance • explores how developing soft skills, such as decisionmaking, analysis, good communication and multiprofessional teamworking, can positively impact on the patient’s situation. Each chapter includes learning outcomes, key terms and a summary. Case studies throughout will be followed up with questions designed to help the reader reflect critically on their own practice. This text is designed to support pre-registration nurses and newly qualified nurses working in medical-surgical settings in preventing the deterioration of patients. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: 1. Critical Analysis, Decision-making and Judgement 2. Definitions and Consequences of Critical Events 3. Types and Pathophysiology of Shock 4. Early Warning Systems Part 2: 5. Changes in Respiratory Function and Haemodynamic Function 6. Changes in Fluid and Electrolyte Balance and Neurological Function Part 3: 7. Collaborating with Multidisciplinary Teams 8. Patient and Family Liaison 9. Definitive Treatment December 2011: 246 x 174: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-58592-7: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58593-4: £21.99 For more information, visit:

A Handbook for Nurses, Midwives and other Healthcare Practitioners Edited by Nathaniel Ault, Barts and The London NHS Trust, UK, Catrin Evans, University of Nottingham, UK, Jane Bruton, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, UK and Zoe Sheppard, St. Mary’s Hospital, UK As medication and technology has improved, HIV is no longer a terminal illness. It is now considered a long-term condition and nursing is well placed to provide both care and management for people with HIV. This book is the definitive text for nurses working with this patient group at an advanced level, whether in an acute hospital setting, in an HIV or sexual health community setting or alongside other patients with long-term conditions in primary care. Accessible and evidence-based, each chapter in this text is followed by a case study exploring and illustrating the relevant issues as they apply to practice. It covers: • advanced nursing in HIV • sexual health in HIV populations • routine care and management • dealing with more complex situations • social, cultural and ethical considerations. Referring throughout to RCN and NONPF competencies for advanced nurses, Advanced Clinical Practice in HIV Care is ideal for nurses pushing the traditional boundaries of who can provide care to patients. October 2011: 246 x 174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-58369-5: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58370-1: £26.99 For more information, visit:

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A dult N ursin g

NEW IN 2011

Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation Policies, Practices and Skills

World Religions for Healthcare Professionals Edited by Siroj Sorajjakool, Mark Carr and Julius Nam, all at Loma Linda University, USA

Clive Langman, City University, UK

This text provides healthcare professionals with a basic knowledge of health beliefs and practices in a number of world religions, ensuring that clinicians are better able to help patients from various backgrounds. Written in a user-friendly fashion, World Religions for Healthcare Professionals is suitable for all health practitioners.

This text provides an overview of vocational rehabilitation practice, making it the perfect companion for students and practitioners with an interest in supporting people back to work and improving their sense of health and wellbeing. Divided into three parts, the first section covers the policy context of VR in the UK, defining vocational rehabilitation and looking at issues such as: the economy and worklessness. The second part examines models of VR practice and relevant standards. The final part provides a detailed introduction to the knowledge and skills required to provide a VR service, with reference to the development of national standards in the sector. Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation includes numerous case studies and a dedicated chapter of issues and questions to aid reflection. Comprehensive and evidencebased, this is the first multidisciplinary textbook for students and practitioners from a range of backgrounds, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, employment advice, nursing, social work and health psychology Selected Contents: Part 1: Health, Disability and Worklessness in the UK 1. Defining Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) 2. The Development of VR Practice 3. Worklessness and the Economy 4. Policy and the Public Sector 5. Private Sector Responses to VR 6. The Legal Context Part 2: Employment and Disability Services in the UK: Models of Vocational Rehabilitation Practice 7. Theoretical and Assessment Models 8. Our Clients 9. Standards for Vocation Rehabilitation 10. Specialist Disability Employment Services 11. NHS Services Part 3: The Vocational Rehabiltation Process 12. The Influence of Private and Voluntary Sector on Services 13. VR Teams 14. The VR Process: Stage 1 15. The VR Process: Stage 2 16. The VR Process: Stage 3 17. The VR Process: Stage 4 18. Future Trends 19. Student Exercises September 2011: 246 x 174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-60305-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-60306-5: £31.95

2009: 235 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-7890-3812-8: £78.00 Pb: 978-0-7890-3813-5: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87491-2 For more information, visit:

related journals


Health Care for Women International Official Journal of the International Council on Women’s Health Issues Editor in Chief: Eleanor Krassen Covan, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA For more information visit: journals/uhcw

Women & Health

For more information, visit:

Editor-in-Chief: Ellen B. Gold, The University of California-Davis, USA For more information visit: journals/wwah

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Generational Intelligence

Ageing and Older Adult Mental Health

Simon Biggs, University of Melbourne, Australia, and King’s College London, UK and Ariela Lowenstein, Haifa University, Israel

A series of social issues related to ageing have become very high profile – issues such as workplace planning, global migration, generational equity and health care rationing, family care and elder mistreatment. An understanding of changing adult identities and intergenerational relationships is necessary to tackle each one.

This book addresses these pressing topics and examines intergenerational relations in the context of an ageing population. It presents the innovative notion of ’Generational Intelligence’, developing a pathway for reflecting on generational issues and increasing conscious awareness about one’s position in the life course, that of other generations, and the influence of familial, social and historical factors in the situations one encounters. March 2011: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-546 54-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-54655-3: £21.99 For more information, visit:

NEW IN 2011

The Aging Intellect Douglas H. Powell, Harvard Medical School, USA The Aging Intellect is written for the large number of professionals, including social workers, nurses, retirement home administrators, doctors, psychologists, pastors and others, who oversee the well being of elderly women and men. It provides elder care workers with an array of suggestions (beyond exercising and eating right) that can improve, maintain or maximize the quality of their clients’ mental abilities for as long as possible. The Aging Intellect serves its purpose by addressing four major issues associated with age-related cognitive decline, each of which has a solid research footing and is within the reach of most seniors. April 2011: 229 x 152: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-99685-3: £19.50 For more information, visit:

Issues and Implications for Practice Edited by Patrick Ryan and Barry J. Coughlan, both at University of Limerick, Ireland

’Ryan and Coughlan are to be congratulated for editing a highly accessible book on ageing and mental health. This volume should be required reading on all postgraduate courses for mental health professionals who are being trained to provide services to older adults with psychological problems.’ – Alan Carr, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College Dublin, Ireland

This book examines the issues and implications that mental health professionals face when dealing with ageing and older adults. The book explores the area of ageing and focuses on the biological, psychological and cultural influences that impact on the work of mental health practitioners who work with this client group. Based on current empirical research and evidence-based practical issues this book explores topics including: ageing and dementia; elder abuse; caring for older adults; depression and ageing; the paradox of ageing; how older adults are key to the success of future generations. Throughout the book the contributors emphasise the notion of ’healthy ageing’, and the importance and significance of this concept as part of the life-cycle process. January 2011: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-58289-6: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58290-2: £21.99 For more information, visit:

related journal

A Critical Approach to Age Relations

Aging & Mental Health Included in the Thomson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index® Editors: Martin Orrell, University College London, UK and Steven Zarit, Pennsylvania State University, USA For more information visit:

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Workin g with O lder Peo ple NEW IN 2011

DHEA in Human Health and Aging Edited by Ronald Ross Watson, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA Covering the biology of DHEA relevant to health in humans, the text examines the numerous areas of potential clinical importance and the varying levels of study related to low levels of DHEA with age or physiological change and how that may affect health.

Mental Health and Later Life Delivering an Holistic Model for Practice Edited by John Keady, University of Manchester, UK and Sue Watts, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK

October 2011: 235 x 156: 448pp Hb: 978-1-4398-3883-9: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-4398-3884-6 For more information, visit:

NEW IN 2011

Diet and Nutrition in Palliative Care Edited by Victor R. Preedy, King’s College London, UK With contributions from international experts , this pioneering work defines palliative care and end-of-life care while also covering methods of pain control and sedation. It presents general concerns and information on critical care factors such as hydration, dysphagia, artificial nutrition, home nutritional support, and other specific aspects for hospice patients. It provides extensive coverage on nutritional guidelines and diet therapy, along with research on nutrition for patients with incurable types of cancer, dementia, and HIV/AIDS, as well as those in a vegetative state. Discussion of proper diet related to palliative care, including surgery and wound healing, is also included. May 2011: 254 x 178: 488pp Hb: 978-1-4398-1932-6: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-4398-1933-3 For more information, visit:

related journal


Mental Health Care Nursing Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis

The mental health needs of older people are all too often overlooked or put down to the inevitable consequences of ageing. This textbook will make it much easier for health, social care and third sector workers to identify, treat and support the needs of this population.

The book takes an interdisciplinary team approach and sets the scene by looking at different practice contexts in the United Kingdom and the increasingly important role played by social care in addressing the mental health needs of older people. Each clinical chapter makes use of extended and detailed case studies which illuminate the team’s role in the assessment intervention – evaluation cycle and ensure the text’s application to practice. Service user and family perspectives are drawn on throughout and current practice exemplars outlined. The final chapter distils key messages from the book and sets a number of key challenges. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Setting the Scene 1. Between Participation and Practice: Inclusive User Involvement and the Role of Practitioners 2. Social Care Approaches 3. Mental Health Promotion in Later Life Part 2: Clinical Contexts 4. Anxiety and Depression in Older People 5. Psychosis 6. Alcohol and Dual Diagnosis in Older People 7. Memory Services: Psychological Distress, Comorbidity and the Need for Flexible Working 8. The Croydon Memory Service: Using Generic Working to Create Efficiency, Job Satisfaction and Satisfied Customers 9. Dementia: Complex Case Work 10. Later Life Liaison Services: Delivering Holistic Care in a General Hospital Setting 11. Psychological Interventions for Complex and Enduring Mood Disorders in Older People: Struggling with a Lifetime of Depression Part 3: A Way Forward 12. Key Messages in Later Life Mental Health Care August 2010: 246 x 174: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-49428-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49429-8: £21.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84475-5 For more information, visit:

Editor: Philip D. Cooper, Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, UK For more information visit:

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Mental Health and Social Problems

Mental Health Ethics

A Social Work Perspective

Edited by Phil Barker, University of Dundee, UK

Edited by Nina Rovinelli Heller and Alex Gitterman, both at University of Connecticut, USA

Mental Health and Social Problems is a textbook for social work students and practitioners. It explores the complicated relationship between mental conditions and societal issues as well as examining risk and protective factors for the prevalence, course, adaptation to and recovery from mental illness.

The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 addresses specific social problems, such as poverty, oppression, racism and homelessness, identifying the factors which contribute to vulnerabilities and risks for the development of mental health problems, including the barriers to accessing quality services. Part 2 presents the most current empirical findings and practice knowledge about prevalence, diagnosis, assessment, and intervention options for a range of common mental health problems. October 2010: 246 x 174: 536pp Hb: 978-0-415-49386-4: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49387-1: £39.95 eBook: 978-0-203-84060-3 For more information, visit:

The Human Context All human behaviour is, ultimately, a moral undertaking, in which each situation must be considered on its own merits. As a result ethical conduct is complex. Despite the proliferation of codes of conduct and other forms of professional guidance, there are no easy answers to most human problems. Mental Health Ethics encourages readers to heighten their awareness of the key ethical dilemmas found in mainstream contemporary mental health practice. This text provides an overview of traditional and contemporary ethical perspectives and critically examines a range of ethical and moral challenges present in contemporary ’psychiatric-mental’ health services. Offering a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective, it includes six parts, each with their own introduction, summary and set of ethical challenges. November 2010: 246 x 174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-57099-2: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57100-5: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83905-8 For more information, visit:

New • 2nd Edition

The Biological Basis of Mental Health Nursing William T. Blows, City University, UK

Written by an experienced nurse lecturer who also trained as a mental health nurse, this book explores the underlying biology associated with the pathology of mental health disorders and the related nervous system. Fully revised for this second edition, the text includes three new chapters on brain development, pharmacology and learning, behavioral and developmental disorders. Integrating up-to-date pharmacological and genetic knowledge with an understanding of environmental factors that impact on human biology, The Biological Basis of Mental Health Nursing covers topics including: the physiology of neurotransmission and receptors; the biology of emotions, stress, anxiety and phobic states; the biology of substance abuse; the pharmacology of psychoactive drugs; developmental disorders; brain anatomy and development; the biology of behavior; genetics and mental health; affective disorders: depression, mania and suicide; schizophrenia; autism and other syndromes.

December 2010: 246 x 174: 336pp • Hb: 978-0-415-57097-8: £85.00 • Pb: 978-0-415-57098-5: £26.99 • eBook: 978-0-203-83388-9 For more information, visit:

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Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Helping Children and Young People who Self-harm

Research and Practice in Health and Social Care

An Introduction to Self-harming and Suicidal Behaviours for Health Professionals

Brian Sheldon, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, UK

Tim McDougall, Cheshire and Merseyside Child Health Development Programme, UK, Marie Armstrong and Gemma Trainor

New 2nd Edition

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has been extensively researched and shown to be solidly underpinned by evidence. Broadly applicable across a wide range of personal and social problems – from depression and phobias to child care problems – it is only now beginning to be used to its full potential in health and social care practice.

This second edition of CognitiveBehavioural Therapy is comprehensively revised and updated. It takes into account the significant amount of new research in the discipline and integrates theory, research and practice. The text includes plentiful case studies from across health and social care to illustrate particular approaches, different problems and different professional circumstances. Topics covered include: • a discussion of the development and distinctive features of CBT

Helping Children and Young People who Self-harm provides clear and practical guidance for health professionals and other members of the children’s workforce who are confronted by this complex and difficult area.

Providing accessible evidencebased advice, this book looks at: what we mean by self-harm and its prevalence; the legal background; what works for young people who self-harm; what children and young people think about self-harm; assessment and interventions for self-harm; prevention of self-harm; service provision and care pathways. Essential for all those working with children and young people, this textbook contains a glossary of terms, practical strategies and case studies.

• a comprehensive review of research on learning and cognition, examining the therapeutic implications of these studies

July 2010: 234 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-49913-2: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49914-9: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84914-9

• a thorough guide to assessment and therapeutic procedures, including methods of evaluation

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• illustrations of the main methods of helping with case examples from social work, nursing and psychotherapy • consideration of the ethical implications of such methods as part of mainstream practice. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is written in a lively and accessible style and is designed to give a thorough grounding in cognitive-behavioural methods and their application.

Nursing Children and Young People with ADHD

January 2011: 246 x 174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-56436-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56435-9: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83371-1

Noreen Ryan, Bolton Hospitals Trust, UK and Tim McDougall, Cheshire and Merseyside Child Health Development Programme, UK 2008: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-45410-0: £88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45411-7: £27.99 eBook: 978-0-203-88423-2

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2nd Edition

NEW IN 2011

Childhood Disorders

Special Edition

Second Edition

Families and Family Therapy

Philip C. Kendall, Temple University, USA and Jonathan S. Comer, Columbia University, USA

Salvador Minuchin

Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course

In this revised edition of Childhood Disorders, Philip C. Kendall and Jonathan S. Comer present current information about the full range of psychological disorders that occur in childhood, and discuss the major models that guide the thinking about each disorder. Specific criteria for diagnosis are presented alongside the latest research findings to provide an overview of methods used for treating childhood disorders.

Each chapter in this second edition is fully updated and includes information on the changes in the prevalence of childhood disorders and causes for this, as well as brand new sections on substance use and abuse, and post traumatic stress disorders in childhood with a focus towards reactions to terrorism and natural disaster. May 2010: 216 x 138: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-48641-5: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-48642-2: £16.50 For more information, visit:

Treating Personality Disorder Creating Robust Services for People with Complex Mental Health Needs Edited by Naomi Murphy and Des McVey, both at Fens Unit, HMP Whitemoor, UK

This special edition of the classic text includes a new introduction which explores its influence on, and place in, contemporary thought and practice. Families and Family Therapy combines vivid clinical examples, specific details of technique, and mature perspectives on both effectively functioning families and those seeking therapy. The views and strategies of a master clinician are presented here in such clear and precise form that readers can proceed directly from the book with comparisons and modifications to suit their own styles and working situations. The text presents six chapter-length transcripts of actual family sessions. Accompanying each transcript is the author’s running interpretation of what is taking place, laying particular stress on the therapist’s tactics and maneuvers. These lively sessions are interpreted in a brilliant theoretical analysis of why families develop problems and what it takes to set them right. The author constructs a model of an effectively functioning family and defines the boundaries around its different subsystems, whether parental, spouse, or sibling. He discusses ways in which families adapt to stress from within and without, as they seek to survive and grow. Finally, the author explores the dynamics of change, examining the variety of restructuring operations that can be employed to challenge a family and to change its basic patterns. September 2011: 234 x 156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-66473-8: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-66541-4: £24.99 For more information, visit:

This book considers personality disorders and how they are treated within the institutional context of prisons and hospitals and offers practical guidance on assessment, formulation and integrated treatment planning. Treating Personality Disorder offers contributions from professionals in psychiatry, nursing and psychology as well as prison officers and service managers and areas of discussion include: delivering integrated treatment to people with personality disorders; issues and challenges for the clinical professional; the role of the psychiatrist in treating personality disorder.

eInspection Copies Titles marked with this icon are available as electronic inspection copies only for lecturers or faculty considering them for course adoption. Visit to obtain your copy.

May 2010: 234 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-40480-8: £32.95 eBook: 978-0-203-84115-0 For more information, visit:

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Routledge Handbook of Clinical Supervision

Supervising the Reflective Practitioner An Essential Guide to Theory and Practice

Fundamental International Themes

Joyce Scaife

Edited by John R. Cutcliffe, University of Maine, USA, Kristiina Hyrkas, Maine Medical Center, USA and John Fowler, De Montfort University, UK

The Routledge Handbook of Clinical Supervision provides a global ‘state of the art’ overview of clinical supervision, presenting and examining the most comprehensive, robust empirical evidence upon which to base practice.

This authoritative volume builds on a previous volume, Fundamental Themes in Clinical Supervision, whilst greatly expanding its coverage. It contains nine updated and 25 entirely new chapters, focusing on both areas of contemporary interest and hitherto under-examined issues. Divided into five parts, it discusses: education and training; implementation and development; experiences and practice; research activity; international perspectives. Containing chapters on Europe, the US, Canada, and Australasia, the Routledge Handbook of Clinical Supervision has a multi-disciplinary approach to clinical supervision. October 2010: 246 x 174: 432pp Hb: 978-0-415-77955-5: £125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-84343-7

Development as a reflective practitioner has become an essential quality for practitioners in the fields of health, education and social care. Supervising the Reflective Practitioner provides guidance for supervisors, focusing on what they can do to facilitate the development of reflective practice in supervisees.

This book contains a wide range of practical examples including personal accounts and illustrations. Topics covered include: what is reflective practice and why is it important now; how reflective practice connects with personal and professional development; key issues in supervising reflective practice; methods that can be used in supervision. This accessible book will be of great interest to both supervisors and supervisees who practice clinically in a range of professions, including applied psychology, counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatry and nursing. June 2010: 234 x 156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-47957-8: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47958-5: £22.99 For more information, visit:

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New • 2nd Edition

The Resilient Practitioner Burnout Prevention and Self-Care Strategies for Counselors, Therapists, Teachers, and Health Professionals Thomas M. Skovholt and Michelle Trotter-Mathison, both at University of Minnesota, USA Series: Counseling and Psychotherapy: Investigating Practice from Scientific, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives Therapists and other helping professionals, work in highly demanding fields and can suffer from burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary stress. Both students and practitioners in these fields will find this book an essential guide to striking an optimal balance between self-care and other-care. The authors describe the joys and hazards of the work, the long road from novice to senior practitioner, the essence of burnout, ways to maintain the professional and personal self, methods experts use to maintain vitality, and a self-care action plan. Vivid real-life examples and self-reflection questions will engage and motivate readers to think about their own work and ways to enhance their own resilience. December 2010: 229 x 152: 310pp • Hb: 978-0-415-98938-1: £56.00 • Pb: 978-0-415-98939-8: £22.00 • eBook: 978-0-203-89332-6 For more information, visit:

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3rd Edition

Problematic and Risk Behaviours in Psychosis

Working More Creatively with Groups

A Shared Formulation Approach

Jarlath Benson

Alan Meaden, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust, UK and David Hacker, University Hospital Birmingham Regional Neuroscience Centre, UK

In spite of improved access to psychosocial interventions, many people with psychosis continue to experience persistent problems which act as significant barriers to their recovery. This book investigates risk and problem behaviours in psychosis, including staff and service factors that can impede the delivery of effective care and provides a new approach for assessment, formulation and intervention within such problem behaviours in a team context. November 2010: 234 x 156: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-49464-9: £65.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49465-6: £27.99 eBook: 978-0-203-83470-1 For more information, visit:

NEW IN 2011

Understanding Psychological Theories of Motivation An Introductory Guide Richard Remedios, Durham University, UK We all think we know what motivation is. At an experiential level, we observe motivated behaviour all the time; we talk confidently about the causes of motivation both for ourselves and others. But the problem is that it is this very familiarity with motivation that leads students to have folk understandings of motivation; some of these understandings may align themselves with theory but many do not.

’This exciting and extremely well organized book will be particularly valuable for beginning clinicians who can readily apply the author’s insights and guidelines which are many. A group therapy teacher could readily build a course around this book. Senior clinicians will also find it a great way to refresh their knowledge.’ – Cecil A. Rice, President of the Boston Institute for Psychotherapy and Associate Editor of International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, USA In Working More Creatively with Groups, Jarlath Benson presents the essential knowledge required to set up and work with a group. He looks at how to plan and lead a group successfully and how to intervene skilfully. As well as covering the different stages in the life of a group, the book emphasizes the various levels of group experience and gives suggestions for working imaginatively with them. This thoroughly updated third edition not only provides a comprehensive guide to groupwork but shows the groupworker how to move on to more in-depth and intensive work, using a variety of strategies illustrated by full clinical vignettes. Many chapters are updated and expanded to include Benson’s latest thinking and teaching and the book includes two new chapters. The first focuses on working with and developing different sorts of groups along the therapeutic/educational continuum. The second new chapter discusses how to best use a supervisory process and set up and run a supervisory group. 2009: 246 x 174: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-48229-5: £78.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48230-1: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87072-3 For more information, visit:

This book will take you through the major theories in motivation, explain them to you, point you to the evidence that supports the various theories and tell you about the major debates within each theory. September 2011: 246 x 189: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-56143-3: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56144-0: £23.99 For more information, visit:

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Alcohol and Drug Misuse

Working with Substance Misusers

A Handbook for Students and Health Professionals

A Guide to Theory and Practice

G. Hussein Rassool, University of São Paulo, Brazil 2008: 246 x 174: 480pp Hb: 978-0-415-40965-0: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40967-4: £26.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87117-1

Edited by Trudi Petersen and Andrew McBride 2002: 246 x 174: 392pp Hb: 978-0-415-23567-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-23568-6: £27.99 eBook: 978-0-203-99536-5 For more information, visit:

NEW IN 2011

Grief, Loss and Bereavement An Evidence-Informed Approach for Health and Social Care Practitioners

For more information, visit:

Edited by Peter Wimpenny, Robert Gordon University, UK and John Costello, University of Manchester, UK

NEW IN 2011

2nd Edition

Addictions Maree Teesson, Louisa Degenhardt, Wayne Hall and Heather Proudfoot Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Addictions is designed for students and professionals who wish to gain an authoritative, research-based knowledge of a variety of addictions. It will cover issues such as diagnosis, epidemiology, psychological and biological models and treatments and will draw on the research of The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, and on a variety of international surveys. September 2011: 216 x 172 Hb: 978-0-415-58299-5: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58300-8: £15.95 For more information, visit:

Health and social care practitioners are often well placed to offer help and support to the bereaved. This invaluable text draws together a comprehensive evidence-base for supporting grieving people from a wide range of research, and applies it to a health and social care context.

Accessible and practical throughout, each chapter identifies key recommendations from the research and includes thinking points to help the reader apply them to practice. An overview chapter examines theoretical perspectives and defines key concepts, such as grief, loss, bereavement, mourning and bereavement care. Part one explores bereavement across the lifespan, from childhood to older people. Part two looks at different interventions and care settings. June 2011: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-46750-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46751-3: £19.99

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H e a lth Se rv i c e Ma n ag e m e n t NEW IN 2011

2nd Edition

3rd Edition

Managing in Health and Social Care

When Parents Die Learning to Live with the Loss of a Parent Rebecca Abrams For children and teenagers, the loss of a parent if not handled sensitively can be a lasting trauma, and for adults too, a parent’s death can be a tremendous blow. When Parents Die speaks to bereaved children of all ages. Rebecca Abrams draws on her personal and professional understandings of parental loss, as well as the experiences of many other adults, teenagers and children, to provide the reader with an honest, compassionate and insightful exploration of the experience of losing a parent. The book covers the entire course of grieving, from the immediate aftermath of a parent’s death through to the point of recovery, paying particular attention to the many circumstances that can prolong and complicate mourning, including sudden death. An indispensible aid to the bereaved and the many professionals who work with them, this book is written in a clear and sympathetic style. June 2011: 216 x 138: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-59011-2: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-59012-9: £17.99 For more information, visit:

On Death and Dying What the Dying have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and their own Families

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Vivien Martin, University of Brighton, UK, Julie Charlesworth, The Open University, UK and Euan Henderson

Managing in Health and Social Care is about developing skills to manage and improve health and social care services. The focus throughout is on the role that a manager can play in ensuring effective delivery of high-quality services. Examples from social care and health settings are used to illustrate techniques for managing people, resources, information, projects and change.

This new edition has been extensively revised and updated, and includes many new case studies and examples, as well as a new chapter on motivation. It covers topics such as: interorganisational and interprofessional working; leadership; responding to the needs of service users; the service environment; accountability and risk; working with a budget; standards and quality; managing change. Managing in Health and Social Care is a practical textbook for students of management in health and social care, whether at undergraduate or postgraduate level. It includes case studies with textual commentary to reinforce learning, activities, key references and clear explanations of essential management tools and concepts. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Manager and the Team Part 2: Managing for Service Users Part 3: Managing Services Part 4: Managing Improvement

Introduction by Allan Kellehear, University of Bath, UK

February 2010: 246 x 174: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-49388-8: £88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49389-5: £25.99 eBook: 978-0-203-85693-2

2008: 216 x 138: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-46398-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46399-7: £19.99

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H ealt h Servi ce Manag ement


Key Themes in Health and Social Care A Companion to Learning Edited by Adam Barnard, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Key Themes in Health and Social Care is a learning resource for students in health and social care. It provides an overview of foundational issues and core themes in the field and introduces key areas of debate, moving from an introductory level to in-depth discussion as the book progresses. Divided into three parts: • the first part sets the scene, addressing introductory psychology and sociology, social policy, equality and diversity, skills for practice, and working with people

• the second part considers key themes such as the contribution of philosophy and politics; criminal justice; management of services; the relationship between place and wellbeing; research in health and social care; theories of counselling; housing and the built environment • the third part looks at discrete areas of practice such as mental health; substance abuse, protection work; health promotion; disability studies; working with men; child welfare and public responsibility. Each chapter begins with an outline of the content and learning outcomes and includes reflective exercises to allow students to reflect on what they have read, review their learning and consolidate their understanding. September 2010: 246 x 174: 432pp Hb: 978-0-415-47637-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47638-6: £22.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84585-1

Governing the New NHS Issues and Tensions in Health Service Management John Storey, The Open University, UK, John Bullivant, NHS Clinical Governance Support Team, UK and Andrew Corbett-Nolan, Head of Governance, Humana Europe Ltd, UK

The new NHS is a very different organisation to the one set up 60 years ago. Two decades of reforms have introduced a market element, unprecedented transparency, patient choice, new incentives, devolved accountabilities and a host of new regulatory bodies. All these changes have made governance a crucial and contested issue in health care.

Governing the New NHS makes sense of the new systems and will enable anyone interested in healthcare governance to navigate their way confidently through the maze. It describes, assesses and critiques the new governance arrangements. It examines how they are working in practice and how practitioners are responding. The book: explains current governance arrangements and explores related issues and tensions; discusses the roles and interrelationships of boards and effective board practice; offers a range of practical tools and frameworks. Each chapter is supplemented with expert witness statement written by leading practitioners in the health system. September 2010: 234 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-49275-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49276-8: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-84246-1 For more information, visit:

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The New Sociology of the Health Service Edited by Jonathan Gabe, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK and Michael Calnan, University of Kent, UK The New Sociology of the Health Service provides a vital new sociological framework for analysing health policy and health care, covering a broad range of key contemporary health services issues. It will be an important read for all students and researchers of medical sociology and health policy. 2009: 234 x 156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-45597-8: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45598-5: £23.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87974-0 For more information, visit:

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R esearch a n d St u dy S k i l l s

NEW IN 2011

Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth Phenomenological Approaches Edited by Gill Thomson, Fiona Dykes and Soo Downe, all at University of Central Lancashire, UK

Qualitative research, particularly phenomenology, is increasingly popular as a method for midwifery and health-related research. These approaches enable rich and detailed explanations to be uncovered and bring experience to life. Important recommendations and practice-based implications may then be raised and debated for future use. This book brings together a range of phenomenological methods and insights into one accessible text. Illustrated with plenty of examples of successful phenomenological research, Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth keeps the focus applied to midwifery and childbirth and makes clear the links to practice throughout. The book introduces three key phenomenological approaches – descriptive, interpretive and the life world – and includes a comparative chapter which discusses the pros and cons of each. Each chapter focuses on how these approaches are used within midwifery research. Part 2 presents a number of different research projects. These demonstrate how different phenomenological approaches have been used to explore and uncover experiences of childbirth and maternity as well as offering important insights into how women experience different facets of the birth experience during the antenatal, intra-partum and postnatal period.

Assessment in Health Professions Education Steven M. Downing and Rachel Yudkowsky, both at University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Assessment in Health Professions Education provides comprehensive guidance for persons engaged in the teaching and testing of the health professions – medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and allied fields. Part 1 of the book provides a user-friendly introduction to assessment fundamentals and their theoretical underpinnings; Part 2 describes specific assessment methods used in the health professions, with a focus on best practices, assessment challenges, and practical guidelines. 2009: 229 x 152: 336pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6127-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6128-0: £52.50 eBook: 978-0-203-88013-5 For more information, visit:

An Introduction to Qualitative Research Synthesis Managing the Information Explosion in Social Science Research Claire Howell Major, University of Alabama, USA and Maggi Savin-Baden, University of Coventry, UK

Designed for researchers and students undertaking research projects on midwifery and childbirth, this text includes contributions from a range of international and highly regarded phenomenological authors and researchers. April 2011: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-57501-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57502-7: £24.99 For more information, visit:

Providing a comprehensive guide for understanding, interpreting and synthesizing qualitative studies, this book shows how data can be collated together effectively to summarise existing bodies of knowledge and to create a more complete picture of findings across different studies

The authors describe qualitative research synthesis and argue for its use, describing the process of data analysis, synthesis and interpretation and provide specific details and examples of how the approach works in practice. January 2010: 234 x 156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-56285-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56286-7: £20.99 For more information, visit:

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H i story of N ursin g

NEW IN 2012


Routledge Handbook of the History of Nursing

Nursing and Women’s Labour in the Nineteenth Century

Edited by Patricia D’Antonio and Julie Fairman, both at University of Pennsylvania, USA

The Quest for Independence

The Routledge Handbook of Nursing History brings together leading scholars and scholarship to capture the state of the art and science of nursing history.

This book presents a new examination of Victorian nurses which challenges commonly-held assumptions about their character and motivation. Nineteenth century nursing history has, until now, concentrated almost exclusively on nurse leaders, on the development of nursing as a profession and the politics surrounding registration. This emphasis on big themes, and reliance on the writings of nursing’s upper stratum, has resulted in nursing history being littered with stereotypes. This book is one of the first attempts to understand, in detail, the true nature of Victorian nursing at ground level.

Inviting readers to consider new understandings of the historical work and worth of nursing in a larger global context, this groundbreaking volume illuminates how research in the history of nursing moves us away from reductionistic foci on diseases and treatments and towards more inclusive ideas about the experiences of illnesses on individuals, families, communities, voluntary organizations, and states at the bedside and across the globe. An extended introduction by the editors provides an overview and analyzes the key themes involved in the transmission of ideas about the care of the sick. Organized into four parts covering the themes of people, practice, politics and places, each part is introduced by an analytic essay bringing all the content and themes of the various chapters together. February 2012: 246 x 174: 464pp Hb: 978-0-415-59427-1: £115.00 For more information, visit:

Sue Hawkins, Kingston University, UK

Uniquely, the study views nursing through an economic lens, as opposed to the more usual vocational focus. Nursing is placed in the wider context of women’s role in British society, and the changing prospects for female employment in the high Victorian period. Using St. George’s Hospital, London as a case study, the book explores the evolution of nurse recruitment, training, conditions of employment and career development in the second half of the nineteenth century. Pioneering prosopographical techniques, which combined archival material with census data to create a database of named nurses, have enabled the generation – for the first time – of biographies of ordinary nurses. March 2010: 234 x 156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-55169-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-85446-4 For more information, visit:

Research Methods in


Ed 7th iti on


Louis Cohen, formerly of Loughborough University, UK, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau This rewritten, expanded and updated 7th edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education encompasses the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It offers plentiful and rich practical advice, underpinned by clear theoretical foundations, research evidence and up-to-date references. March 2011: 246 x 189: 768pp Hb: 978-0-415-58335-0: £90.00 • Pb: 978-0-415-58336-7: £28.99

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n Nam, Julius........................................................................20 Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing.........................................13 New Sociology of the Health Service, The..........................30 Novak, Barbara..................................................................13 Nursing Acutely Ill Patients.................................................19 Nursing and Women’s Labour in the Nineteenth Century...32 Nursing Children and Young People with ADHD.................24

o On Death and Dying..........................................................29

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