Planning 2009 (UK)

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Planning Catalogue New Titles and Key Backlist 2009

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contents Introduction to Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Urban Design and Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sustainable Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Planning, Landscape and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Planning and Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rural Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Spatial and Regional Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Planning and Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Planning History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Planning and Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Property and Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back of Catalogue

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Town and Country Planning in the UK

Planning in the USA

Barry Cullingworth and Vincent Nadin, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Barry Cullingworth and Roger Caves

Policies, Issues and Processes

This revised fourteenth edition reinforces this title’s reputation as the bible of British planning. It provides a thorough explanation of planning processes including the institutions involved, tools, systems, policies and changes to land use. Selected Contents: 1. The Nature of Planning 2. The Evolution of Town and Country Planning 3. The Agencies of Planning 4. The Planning Policy Framework 5. The Control of Development 6. Land Policies 7. Planning, the Environment and Sustainable Development 8. Heritage Planning 9. Planning and the Countryside 10. Urban Policies 11. Transport Planning 12. Planning, the Profession and the Public 2006: 246x189: 624pp Hb: 978-0-415-35809-5: £100.00 US $200.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35810-1: £32.99 US $69.95 eBook: 978-0-203-00425-8

This fully updated third edition continues to provide a thorough introduction to the policies, theory and practice of planning. It explains how issues are identified, defined and approached, and is a key text for both academics and professionals alike. Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Planning and Government 1. The Nature of Planning 2. Urbanization 3. Governing and Planning Urban Areas Part 2: Land Use Regulation 4. The Evolution of Planning and Zoning 5. The Institutional and Legal Framework of Planning and Zoning 6. The Techniques of Zoning and Subdivision Regulations 7. The Comprehensive Plan 8. Financing and Planning for Development Part 3: Growth Management 9. Growth Management and Local Government 10. Urban Growth Management and the States Part 4: Planning and Development Issues 11. Aesthetics 12. Heritage and Historic Preservation 13. Transportation 14. Housing 15. Community and Economic Development Part 5: Environmental Policy and Planning 16. Environmental Policy and Planning 17. The Limits of Environmental Policy Part 6: Technology in Planning 18. Technology and Planning. Conclusion 19. Some Final Questions 2008: 246x189: 480pp Hb: 978-0-415-77420-8: £100.00 US $200.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77421-5: £32.50 US $69.95

Planning, Law and Economics The Rules We Make for Using Land Barrie Needham Series: RTPI Library Series This book highlights the complex financial, personal, legal, ideological and societal aspects of land-use, and how it influences and is influenced by property rights. Selected Contents: 1. Land-Use Planning and Property Rights: A Fraught Relationship 2. Two Ways in which Laws Can Influence How Land is Used 3. The Legal Language: Rights in Land 4. The Economic Language: Making a Good Use of Scarce Resources 5. An Evaluation of Property Law: Rules under Public Law 6. An Evaluation of Property Law: Rules Under Private Law 7. Application: Achieving Neighbourhood Quality 8. Application: Regional Land-Use Planning 9. Conclusions: The Rules We Make for Using Land 2006: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-34373-2: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34374-9: £28.99

Above: Pages taken from Town and Country Planning in the UK.


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Britain’s New Towns

Making the Metropolitan Landscape

Garden Cities to Sustainable Communities

Standing Firm on Middle Ground

Anthony Alexander, Alan Baxter and Associates, London, UK

Edited by Jacqueline Tatom, Washington University, St. Louis, USA and Jennifer Stauber, Trivers Associates, St. Louis, USA

The New Towns Programme of 1946 to 1970 was one of the most substantial periods of urban development in Britain. The New Towns have often been described as a social experiment; so what has this experiment proved? This book covers the story of how these towns came to be built, how they aged, and the challenges and opportunities they now face as they begin phases of renewal. The new approaches in design throughout their past development reflect changes in society throughout the latter half of the twentieth century. These changes are now at the heart of the challenge of sustainable development. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. The New Towns in a New Light Part 1: Planning the New Towns 2. A Bit of a Bombshell 3. The Early New Towns 4. The Later New Towns 5. The Origin of the New Towns Concept Part 2: Building the New Towns 6. The Formulation of the New Towns Programme 7. Principles of New Town Design 8. A Leap into the Unknown Part 3: Living in the New Towns 9. Criticisms of the New Towns 10. How the New Towns Grew Old 11. New Towns in the Age of Sustainable Communities

The American landscape is an extremely complex terrain born from a history of collective and individual experiences. These created environments, which all may be called metropolitan landscapes, constantly challenge students and professionals in the fields of architecture, design and planning to consider new ways of making lively public places. This book brings together varied voices in urban design theory and practice to explore new ways of understanding place and our position in it. Selected Contents: Part 1: Towards a Metropolitan Landscape: Interpreting American Cities Part 2: Towards a Metropolitan Urbanism – Democratic Aspirations, American Pragmatism and Design Practice Part 3: Making the Metropolitan Landscape: Action Through Practice Part 4: Programs for a Metropolitan Landscape April 2009: 246x174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-77410-9: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77411-6: £27.99 US $49.95

June 2009: 276x219: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-47512-9: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47513-6: £29.99 US $51.95

Above: Pages taken from Britain’s New Towns.

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Urban Design and the British Urban Renaissance Edited by John Punter, Cardiff University, UK Are Britain’s cities attractive places in which to live, work and play? Asking that question, this is a critical review of how the design dimension of the Urban Renaissance strategy was developed and applied, based on expert academic assessments of progress in Britain’s thirteen largest cities. The case studies are preceded by a dissection of New Labour’s renaissance agenda, and concluded by a synthesis of achievements and failings. Exploring the implications of this strategy for the future of urban planning and design, this is a must-read for students, practitioners of these subjects, and for all those who wish to improve the quality of the British urban environment. Selected Contents: 1. An Introduction to the British Urban Renaissance Part 1: The English ‘The Core Cities’: An Introduction 2. Birmingham: Translating Ambition into Quality 3. Manchester: Making it Happen 4. Leeds: Shaping Change and Guiding Success 5. Sheffield: A ‘Miserable Disappointment’ No More? 6. Liverpool: A Decade of Development and Urban Design 7. Bristol: A Limited Urban Renaissance 8. Newcastle: In Search of a Post-Industrial Direction 9. Nottingham: A Consistent and Integrated Approach to Urban Design Part 2: London and Thames Gateway: An Introduction 10. Central London: Intensity, Excess and Success in the Context of a World City 11. Kings Cross: Renaissance for Whom? 12. The Isle of Dogs: 35 Years of Regeneration, but What Renaissance? 13. Thames Gateway: The Story So Far Part 3: The Celtic Capitals: An Introduction 14. Edinburgh: Catching Up with the Contemporary 15. Glasgow: Renaissance on the Clyde? Part 4: Wales: An Introduction 16. Cardiff: ‘A Reputation for Imaginative Architecture and Iconic Urban Design’? Part 5: Northern Ireland: An Introduction 17. Belfast: Re-Branding the Renaissance City: From ‘The Troubles’ to the Titanic Quarter 18. Conclusions: Reflecting on Urban Design Achievements in a Decade of Urban Renaissance October 2009: 246x189: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-44304-3: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44303-6: £34.99 US $60.00 eBook: 978-0-203-86920-8

Above: Pages taken from Urban Design and the British Urban Renaissance.


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Public Space

Cities Design & Evolution

The Management Dimension

Stephen Marshall, University College London, UK

Edited by Matthew Carmona, Claudio de Magalhães, both at The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK and Leo Hammond

Cities Design & Evolution offers an engaging and original narrative that interprets planning philosophies from Modernism to New Urbanism, organic theories from Patrick Geddes to Le Corbusier, and evolutionary thinking from Charles Darwin to Richard Dawkins. This book develops a new evolutionary perspective that recognizes both the ‘designed’ and ‘organic’ nature of cities, and provides a rationale and impetus for fresh approaches to urban planning and design.

In both the UK and the US there is a sense of dissatisfaction and pessimism about the state of urban environments, particularly with the quality of everyday public spaces. Explanations for this have emphasized the poor quality of design that characterizes many new public spaces; spaces that are dominated by parking, roads infrastructure, introspective buildings, a lack of enclosure and a poor sense of place, and which in different ways for different groups are too often exclusionary. This book draws on three empirical projects to examine the questions of public space management on an international stage. They are set within a context of theoretical debates about public space, its history, contemporary patterns of use and changing nature in western society, and about the new management approaches that are increasingly being adopted. Selected Contents: Part 1: Conceptualising Public Space and its Management 1. The Use and Nature of Public Space 2. Public Space through History 3. Contemporary Debates and Public Space 4. A Typology of Management Approaches Part 2: Investigating Public Space Management 5. Three Studies, Three Related Research Approaches 6. One Country, Multiple Endemic Problems 7. One Country, Twelve Innovative Authorities 8. Eleven Countries, Eleven Innovative Cities 9. Eleven Innovative Cities, Many Ways Forward 10. Two World Cities, Three Iconic Spaces 11. Three Iconic Spaces, Two In-Depth Analyses 12. Debates, Problems and Possible Solutions 2008: 276x219: 240pp Pb: 978-0-415-39649-3: £29.99 US $53.95

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Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Cities, Planning and Modernism 3. Articulating Urban Order 4. The Social Logic of Urban Order 5. The Kind of Thing a City Is 6. Emergence and Evolution 7. Emergent Urban Order 8. Cities in Evolution 9. Planning, Design and Evolution 10. Conclusions 2008: 210x210: 360pp Pb: 978-0-415-42329-8: £44.99 US $80.95

Conservation in the Age of Consensus John Pendlebury This text on the subject of conservation in the built environment provides a unique holistic view on the understanding of the practice of conservation connecting it with wider societal and political forces. UK practice is used as a means, along with international examples, for bringing together a real understanding of practice with a social science analysis of the issues. The author introduces ideas about the meanings and values attached to historic environments and how that translates into public policies of conservation. Selected Contents: 1. Conservation, Culture and Planning 2. Modern Conservation 3. Policies and Plans 4. The 1970s 5. Conservation, Conservatives and Consensus 6. The Commodification of Heritage 7. Conservation and the Community 8. World Heritage 9. Postmodern Conservation 10. Conservation Reformed 11. Conservation and the Challenge of Consensus 2008: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-24983-6: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-24984-3: £29.99 US $53.95

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URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN Urban and Regional Technology Planning

The Urban Design Reader

Planning Practice in the Global Knowledge Economy

Series: Routledge Urban Reader Series


Edited by Michael Larice and Elizabeth Macdonald This Reader draws together the best classic and contemporary writings to illuminate the theory and practice of urban design. The selections include contributions from Howard, Le Corbusier, Hall and Jacobs through to Davis, Hayden and Gilham.

Kenneth E. Corey and Mark Wilson Series: Networked Cities Series 2006: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-70140-2: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70141-9: £39.99 US $71.95


The City Reader Edited by Richard LeGates, San Francisco State University, USA and Frederic Stout, Stanford University, USA Series: Routledge Urban Reader Series This fourth edition of the highly successful The City Reader is newly updated and clearly structured to aid student understanding. It brings together the very best of publications on the city by renowned authors both classic and contemporary.

Selected Contents: Part 1: Historical Precedents for the Urban Design Part 2: Normative Theories of Good City Part 3: Place Theories in Urban Design Part 4: Dimensions of Place-Making Part 5: Typology and Morphology in Urban Design Part 6: Contemporary Challenges and Responses Part 7: Elements of the Public Realm Part 8: Practice and Process 2006: 246x189: 560pp Hb: 978-0-415-33386-3: £100.00 US $200.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33387-0: £28.99 US $64.95

Cross-Cultural Urban Design Global or Local Practice?

Selected Contents: Part 1: The Evolution of Cities Introduction: ’The Urbanization of the Human Population’ Kingsley Part 2: Urban Culture and Society Part 3: Urban Space Part 4: Urban Politics, Governance, and Economics Part 5: Urban Planning History and Visions Part 6: Urban Planning Theory and Practice Part 7: Perspectives on Urban Design Part 8: The Future of the City

Edited by Catherine Bull, University of Melbourne, Australia, Davisi Boontharm, University of Singapore, Claire Parin, L’Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux, France, Darko Radovic, University of Melbourne, Australia and Guy Tapie, L’Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux, France

2007: 246x189: 632pp Hb: 978-0-415-77083-5: £95.00 US $190.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77084-2: £30.99 US $69.95

Unprecedented in its scope, Cross-Cultural Urban Design explores how urban design has responded to recent trends towards global standardization. Following analysis of its practice in the local domain, the book looks at how urban planning and design should be repositioned for the future.

Urban Ethic

2007: 246x189: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-43279-5: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43280-1: £27.99 US $50.95 eBook: 978-0-203-08939-2

Design in the Contemporary City Eamonn Canniffe Looks at the development of urban design, focusing on four elements: the physical dimension of monuments and spaces, and the humanist dimension of patterns and narrative in cities. 2005: 246x174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-34864-5: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34865-2: £43.99 US $79.95


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To Scale One Hundred Urban Plans Eric Jenkins, Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA To Scale is a collection of plans of urban spaces drawn at the same scale to help provide a single and accurate resource of urban plans for architects, urban designers, planners and teachers, and students. The book contains one hundred figure-ground plans from seventy-eight cities around the world, describing an identical area (half a kilometer square) for each urban space. Accompanying each plan are photographs, diagrams and text that illustrate essential aspects of the plan or urban space for the designer. Selected Contents: Introduction. Amsterdam. Arras. Athens. Baltimore. Barcelona. Bath. Beijing. Bergen. Berlin. Bern. Bologna. Bordeaux. Boston. Bras’lia. Bruges. Buenos Aires. Cairo. Ceske Budejovice. Chandigar. Chicago. Cincinnati. Cleveland. Copenhagen. Cuzco. Denver. Detroit. Dresden. Dublin. Dubrovnik. Edinburgh. Florence. Genoa. Indianapolis. Isfahan. Istanbul. Jerusalem. Krakow. Lisbon. London. Los Angeles. Lucca. Madrid. Mexico City. Milan. Montreal. Moscow. Nancy. New Haven. New Orleans. New York. Oslo. Paris. Philadelphia. Portland. Prague. Rome. Saint Petersburg. Salamanca. Salzburg. San Francisco. Santiago. Savannah. Seattle. Seville. Siena. Stockholm. Tallinn. Telc. Tokyo. Tokyo. Torino. Trieste. Tunis. Vancouver. Venezia. Verona. Vienna. Vigevana. Washington 2007: 250x250: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-95400-6: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95401-3: £27.99 US $50.95

Above: Pages taken from To Scale.

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Urban Design Futures

Exploring the Potential of Public Spaces

Edited by Malcolm Moor and Jon Rowland ’The urban design primer of the year ... This is a book covering the richness of the urban design debate with ideas ranging from the inspiring to the absolutely barmy – It is a vital introductory read for students of urban design and a valuable pot pourri of the current urban design debate.’ – Green Places

Quentin Stevens, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK This international and illustrated work challenges current writings focussing on the problems of urban public space to present a more nuanced and dialectical conception of urban life. Detailed and extensive international urban case studies – Melbourne, London, Berlin, New York and Brisbane – show how urban open spaces are used for play, which is defined and discussed using Caillois’ four-part definition – competition, chance, simulation and vertigo. Quentin Stevens explores and analyzes these case studies according to locations where play has been observed: paths, intersections, thresholds, boundaries, and props. Applicable to a wide-range of countries and city forms, The Ludic City is a fascinating and stimulating read for all who are involved or interested in the design of urban spaces.


’The value of this collection ... is that it does not limit itself to recount what is but to challenge established orthodoxies – including those of existing urban designers.’ – Urban Design 2006: 238x225: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-31877-8: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-31878-5: £34.99 US $62.95

Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies Towards a Relational Planning for Our Times Patsy Healey

2007: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-40179-1: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40180-7: £27.99 US $50.95

Series: RTPI Library Series Well-illustrated, Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies develops important new relational and institutionalist approaches to policy analysis and planning, of relevance to all those with an interest in cities and urban areas.

Crime Prevention and the Built Environment Ted Kitchen, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and Richard H. Schneider, University of Florida, USA Using new data and case study documentation, this book presents a unique international perspective on crime prevention theory, linking theory, evidence and practical application to bridge gaps between planning, design and criminology. 2007: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-37324-1: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37325-8: £29.99 US $53.95 eBook: 978-0-203-09881-3

Urban Structure Matters Residential Location, Car Dependence and Travel Behaviour

Selected Contents: 1. The Project of Strategic Planning for Urban Areas 2. Urban ’Regions’ and Their Governance 3. The Strategic Shaping of Urban Development in Amsterdam 4. The Struggle for Strategic Flexibility in Urban Planning in Milan 5. The Transformation of Identity in the Cambridge Sub-Region 6. Strategy-Making in a Relational World 7. Spatial Imaginations and Urban ’Region’ Strategies 8. Getting to Know an Urban ’Region’ 9. Relational Complexity and Urban Governance 2006: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-38034-8: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38035-5: £27.99 US $50.95

Petter Naess Series: RTPI Library Series 2006: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-37574-0: £75.00 US $125.00


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Eco-Urbanity Towards Well-Mannered Built Environments Edited by Darko Radovic, University of Melbourne, Australia There is need for change in our currently unsustainable cities. Carefully outlining paths towards better, sustainable ways of urban living, this book proposes a radical change in the ways we conceive and live our urban environments. Bringing together diverse cultural and disciplinary views on urban sustainability, eighteen leading academics and practitioners in sustainable architecture and urbanism explore global concerns of sustainability and urbanity. Selected Contents: Introduction: Towards a Theory of Eco-Urbanity Darko Radovic Part 1: The Compact City, Strategies and Success Stories 1. Eco-Urbanity: The Framework of an Idea Darko Radovic 2. The Barcelona Agenda: Reuse, Compactness and Green Oriol Clos 3. From Industrial Cities to Eco-Urbanity – The Melbourne Case Study Rob Adams 4. The Sustainable City as a Fine-Grained City David Sim 5. From the Compact City to the Defragmented City: Another Route Towards Sustainable Urban Form? Mike Jenks Part 2: Other Cultures, Approaches and Strategies 6. Designing for Shrinkage: Fibercity 2050, Tokyo Ohno Hidetoshi 7. Excavating the Lost Commons: Creating Green Spaces and Water Corridors for Eco-Urban Infrastructure Ishikawa Mikiko 8. Continuity and Departure: A Case Study of Singapore’s Nankin Street Heng Chye Kiang 9. The Cultural Challenge for Sustainable Cities: Coping with Sprawl in Bangkok and Melbourne Sidh Sintusingha 10. Geometries of Life and Formlessness: The Theoretical Legacies of Historical Beijing Zhu Jianfei 11. Eco-City? Eco-Urbanity? Arvind Krishan Part 3: Other Scales and Sensibilities 12. Eco-Urbanism: An Israeli Perspective Arie Rahamimoff 13. Bringing Back Nature and Re-Invigorating the City Centre Kengo Kuma 14. Sustainable Design Towards a Positive Spiral Kodama Yuichiro 15. Creating a Cemetery: Architecture that Sustains Cultural Forms Naito Hiroshi 16. Towards Well-Mannered Built Environments Darko Radovic March 2009: 246x174: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-47277-7: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47278-4: £27.99 US $49.95

Above: Pages taken from Eco-Urbanity.

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Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development Adrian Pitts, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and Hanwen Liao, University of Greenwich, London, UK With appropriate planning and design, Olympic urban development has the potential to leave positive environmental legacies to the host city and contribute to environmental sustainability. This book explains how a modern Olympic games can successfully develop a more sustainable design approach by learning from the lessons of the past and by taking account of the latest developments. It offers an assessment tool that can be tailored to individual circumstance – a tool which emerges from the analysis of previous summer games host cities and from techniques in environmental analysis and assessment. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Olympic Development Scenario 1. Introduction 2. Olympic History and its Urban Context Part 2: Olympic Design and Development: Past and Present 3. Urban Development 4. Sports Venue Design and Development 5. Olympic Village Design and Development 6. The Olympic Impact on Host Cities Part 3: Evaluating Olympic Urban Development for Sustainability 7. Infrastructural Requirements to Stage the Modern Games 8. Sustainable Olympic Urban Development 9. Proposed Evaluation Framework for the Olympic City 10. The London 2012 Olympics 11. Conclusions and Recommendations April 2009: 246x189: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-46761-2: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46762-9: £40.00 US $71.95

Above: Pages taken from Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development.


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Designing the Reclaimed Landscape

Sustainable Urban Development Reader

Alan Berger, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA Drawing on the work of the well-known ’Project for Reclamation Excellence’ at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, this volume outlines the latest design thinking, theory and practice for landscape planners, landscape architects and designers, and others interested in maximizing the future potential of reclaimed land.

Edited by Stephen M. Wheeler, University of California, Davis, USA and Timothy Beatley, University of Virginia, USA Series: Routledge Urban Reader Series ’A comprehensive and intellectually rich compendium of the state-of-the-art knowledge on sustainable urban development. The scholarly, judicious choice of topics and contributors, and the sequencing of the readings are admirable. A carefully crafted synthesis of the major themes associated with sustainable urban development.’ – Journal of the American Planning Association The Sustainable Urban Development Reader presents an authoritative overview of the field using original sources in a highly readable format for university classes in urban studies, environmental studies, the social sciences, and related fields. It also makes a wide range of sustainable urban planning-related material available to the public in a clear and accessible way, forming an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the future of urban environments. Selected Contents: Part 1: Origins of the Sustainability Concept Part 2: Dimensions of Sustainable Urban Development Part 3: Tools for Sustainability Planning Part 4: Sustainable Urban Development Internationally Part 5: Visions of Sustainable Community Part 6: Case Studies of Urban Sustainability Part 7: Sustainability Planning Exercises 2008: 246x189: 512pp Hb: 978-0-415-45381-3: £95.00 US $190.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45382-0: £31.50 US $64.95 eBook: 978-0-203-89427-9

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The first practical yet in-depth exploration of how to reclaim the post-industrial landscape, this volume includes excellent case studies by practitioners and policy makers from around the US, giving first rate practical examples. Selected Contents: Part 1: Contextualizing Landscape Alteration through Historic, Systemic, and Biologic Perspectives Part 2: Interdisciplinary Responses and Opportunities in Reclamation Part 3: Technology, Representation, and Information in Reclamation Design Part 4: Future Directions and Programs in US Reclamation Policy and Law 2007: 246x174: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-77303-4: £39.99 US $71.95

Urban Sustainability through Environmental Design Approaches to Time-People-Place Responsive Urban Spaces Edited by Kevin Thwaites, University of Sheffield, UK, Sergio Porta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Ombretta Romice, University of Strathclyde, UK and Mark Greaves, Glasgow City Council, UK Urban Sustainability through Environmental Design provides the analytical tools and practical methodologies that can be employed for sustainable and longterm solutions to the design and management of urban environments.

2007: 246x189: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-39547-2: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38480-3: £27.99 US $50.95

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Sustainable Urban Development Volume 3

Sustainable Urban Development Series

The Toolkit for Assessment Edited by Ron Vreeker, Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Mark Deakin, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK and Stephen Curwell, University of Salford, UK

Sustainable Urban Development Volume 4 Changing Professional Practice

This book outlines the BEQUEST toolkit that provides the means by which to link the protocols with the assessment methods currently available to evaluate the sustainability of urban development.

Edited by Ian Cooper, Eclipse Research Consultants, Cambridge, UK and Martin Symes, University of the West of England, UK This fourth volume explores how the professions responsible for enhancing the built environment’s sustainability seek to deliver this new agenda, offering multi-perspective case studies and discussion to argue for a rethinking of the role of the urban development professional. Selected Contents: Foreword Colin Fudge. Preface: A European Perspective 1. Introduction Part 1: Changing Processes 2. Sustainable Construction and Policy Learning in Europe 3. Urban Sprawl: Challenges for European Policy Integration and City Governance 4. Decision-Making Processes in Urban Design 5. Sustainable Urban Development and the Professions in the UK 6. Sustainable Communities: Policy, Practice and Professional Development Part 2: Changing Institutions 7. Sustainable Construction and Urbanism in the Netherlands and the Czech Republic 8. Institutional Dynamics and Institutional Barriers to Sustainable Construction in France, Great Britain and the Netherlands 9. Expertise and Methodology in Building Design for Sustainable Development 10. New Professional Leadership in France 11. Sustainable Building in Italy 12. Building Operations and Use 13. Conclusions

Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: The Toolkit 2. The Toolkit for Assessment Part 2: Assessment 3. Scenario Analysis in Spatial Impact Assessment 4. Multi-Criteria Evaluation and Planning Support: Choosing Among Alternative Scenarios 5. Mixed and Compact Land Use Assessments 6. SMARTNET: A System for Multi-Criteria Appraisal of Road Transport Networks 7. The NAR Model of Land Use and Buildings 8. The Building Passport Assessment 9. The European HQE2R Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment 10. The REGEN Assessment of the Porta Nuova District’s Central Railway Station 11. Assessment Methods Underlying the Planning and Development of Modena City’s CSR Part 3: Evaluating the Sustainability of Urban Development 12. The Search for Sustainable Communities: Ecological Integrity, Equity and the Question of Participation 13. Governing the Sustainable of Urban Development 14. Conclusions 2008: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-32218-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32219-5: £34.99

Sustainable Urban Development Volume 2

2008: 234x156: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-43821-6: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43822-3: £34.99

The Environmental Assessment Methods

Sustainable Urban Development Volume 1

Edited by Mark Deakin, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, Gordon Mitchell, University of Leeds, UK, Peter Nijkamp and Ron Vreeker, both at Free University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Framework and Protocols for Environmental Assessment Edited by Stephen Curwell, University of Salford, UK, Mark Deakin, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK and Martin Symes, University of the West of England, UK

2007: 234x156: 544pp Hb: 978-0-415-32216-4: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32217-1: £34.99

2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-32214-0: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32215-7: £34.99


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Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment Edited by Peter Morris and Riki Therivel, Oxford Brookes University, UK Series: Natural and Built Environment Series Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is now firmly established as an important and often obligatory part of proposing or launching any development project. Delivering a successful EIA needs not only an understanding of the theory but also a detailed knowledge of the methods for carrying out the processes required. Peter Morris and Riki Therivel bring together the latest advice on best practice from experienced practitioners to ensure an EIA is carried out correctly. This new edition: • explains how an EIA works and how it should be carried out • demonstrates the relationship of the EIA to socio-economic, environmental and ecological systems • includes completely updated legislative and policy contexts • has added explanations of shared and integrative methods including a new chapter on EIA and sustainability. Selected Contents: Part 1: Methods for Environmental Components 1. Introduction Riki Therivel and Peter Morris 2. Socio-Economic Impacts 1: Overview and Economic Impacts John Glasson 3. Socio-Economic Impacts 2: Social Impacts Andrew Chadwick 4. Noise Riki Therivel 5. Transport Chris Fry and Riki Therivel 6. Landscape and Visual Rebecca Knight 7. Archaeological and Other Material and Cultural Assets Riki Therivel 8. Air Quality and Climate David Walker and Hannah Dalton 9. Soils, Geology and Geomorphology Chris Stapleton, Kevin Hawkins and Martin Hodson 10. Water Sally-Beth Kelday, Andrew Brookes and Peter Morris 11. Ecology Peter Morris and Roy Emberton 12. Coastal Ecology and Geomorphology Ricard Cottle and Sian John Part 2: Shared and Integrative Methods 13. Environmental Risk Assessment and Risk Management Andrew Brookes 14. Geographical Information Systems and EIA Agustin Rodriguez-Bachiller and Graham Wood 15. Quality of Life Capital Riki Therivel 16. Sustainable Development and Sustainability Appraisal Roy Emberton and Riki Therivel. Appendices March 2009: 234x156: 576pp Hb: 978-0-415-44174-2: £80.00 US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44175-9: £29.99 US $53.95

Above: Pages taken from Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment.

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Spatial Recall Memory in Architecture and Landscape Edited by Marc Treib, University of California at Berkeley, USA Architecture and designed landscapes serve as grand mnemonic devices that record and transmit vital aspects of culture and history. Spatial Recall casts a broad net over the concept of memory and gives a variety of perspectives from twelve internationally noted scholars, practicing designers, and artists such as Juhani Pallasmaa, Adriaan Geuze, Susan Schwartzenberg, Georges Descombes and Esther da Costa Meyer. Essays range from broad topics of message and audiences to specific ones of landscape production. Beautifully illustrated, Spatial Recall is a comprehensive view of memory in the built environment, how we have read it in the past, and how we can create it in the future. Selected Contents: Yes, Now I Remember: An Introduction Marc Treib Part 1: Body 1. Space, Place, Memory, and Imagination: The Temporal Dimension of Existential Space Juhani Pallasmaa 2. Re-Creating the Past: Notes on the Neurology of Memory Susan Schwartzenberg 3. The Place of Memory Donlyn Lyndon 4. Indelible Marker, Palimpsest, Thin Air Alice Aycock Part 2: Landscapes 5. Rivers, Meanders, and Memory Matt Kondolf 6. Displacements: Canals, Rivers, and Flows Georges Descombes 7. Land, Cows and Pyramids Adriaan Geuze 8. The Mediterranean Cemetery: Landscape as Collective Memory Luigi Latini Part 3: Buildings 9. The Place of Place in Memory Esther da Costa Meyer 10. Remembering Ruins, Ruins Remembering Marc Treib 11. The Memory Industry and its Discontents: The Death and Life of a Keyword Andrew Shanken 12. Mnemonic Value and Historic Preservation Jorge Otero-Pailos May 2009: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-77735-3: ÂŁ85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77736-0: ÂŁ30.00 US $53.95

Above: Pages taken from Spatial Recall.


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Strategic Planning for Water Hugh Howes

R. Therivel, John Glasson and Andrew Chadwick Series: Natural and Built Environment Series An introduction to environmental impact assessment, this text is designed to be used by students of planning, environmental studies and geography.

Re d Pr uc ic ed e

Strategic Planning for Water examines the neglected relationship between planning for water and spatial planning. It provides the background to sustainable water management and assistance to spatial planners in understanding the complex water environment.

Introduction To Environmental Impact Assessment

2007: 246x189: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-42538-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-0-203-08940-8

Winner of the Lanscape Institute’s Research Award 2008

Open Space: People Space Edited by Catharine Ward Thompson, Edinburgh College of Art, UK and Penny Travlou, OPENspace Research, Edinburgh College of Art, UK Highly visual and containing contributions from leading names in landscape, architecture and design, this volume provides a rare insight into people’s engagement with the outdoor environment; looking at the ways in which the design of spaces and places meets people’s needs and desires in the twenty-first century. Selected Contents: Part 1: Policy Issues: What are the Current Challenges in Planning for Inclusive Access Part 2: The Nature of Exclusion: What is the Experience of Exclusion in Different Contexts? Part 3: Design Issues: Where are the Design Challenges and What Does Inclusive Design Mean in Practice? Part 4: Research Issues: Where are the Research Challenges and Which Theories and Methods Offer Most Promise

2005: 234x156: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-33836-3: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33837-0: £32.99 US $59.95 eBook: 978-0-203-02306-8

Transforming Parks and Protected Areas Policy and Governance in a Changing World Edited by Kevin S. Hanna, Douglas A. Clark and D. Scott Slocombe, all at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada A rare collection of articles that fuses academic theory, critique of practice, and practical knowledge, Transforming Parks and Protected Areas analyzes and critiques the emerging issues in the design and operation of parks and protected areas.

Series: RTPI Library Series

Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Protected Areas in a Changing World Part 1: The Challenges of Governance 2. Evolution of Contexts for Protected Areas Governance 3. Governance Models for Parks, Recreation, and Tourism 4. Information Technology and the Protection of Biodiversity in Protected Areas 5. Anthropological Contributions to Protected Area Management 6. Steering Governance through Regime Formation at the Landscape Scale: Evaluating Experiences in Canadian Biosphere Reserves Part 2: Critical Perspectives 7. Conflict and Protected Areas Establishment: British Columbia’s Political Parks 8. Deconstructing Ecological Integrity Policy in Canadian National Parks 9. The Science and Management Interface in National Parks 10. Indigenous Peoples and Protected Heritage Areas: Acknowledging Cultural Pluralism 11. Political Ecology Perspectives on Ecotourism to Parks and Protected Areas 12. Summary and Synthesis

2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-35141-6: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35142-3: £29.99 US $53.95

2007: 246x174: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-37423-1: £65.00 US $110.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96190-2

2007: 276x219: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-41533-0: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41534-7: £34.99 US $62.95 eBook: 978-0-203-96182-7

Planning at the Landscape Scale Paul Selman

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Planning the Night-Time City

Becoming Places

Marion Roberts and Adam Eldridge, both at University of Westminster, UK

Kim Dovey, Melbourne University, Australia

This book draws on extensive case study research done in the UK and internationally to explain how changing approaches to evening and night-time activities have been conceptualized in planning practice, and how these ideas have been subverted by the entertainment industry to the point that some micro-districts in certain regenerated and creative cities have now been dubbed ‘no-go’ areas. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Cities at Night 3. Visions of the Night-Time City 4. Party Cities 5. Binge Drinking Britain? 6. Regulating Consumption 7. Regulating Licensing 8. Planning and Managing the Night-Time City 9. Consumers 10. Night-Time Cities, Night-Time Futures June 2009: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-43617-5: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43618-2: £27.99 US $49.99


Shaping Neighbourhoods For Local Health and Global Sustainability Hugh Barton, Marcus Grant and Richard Guise, all at University of the West of England, UK With many new case studies and a wealth of new research, this new edition outlines the principles for planning healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods and towns, putting the topical issues of climate change and obesity at the centre of its concern.


About the practices and politics of place and identity formation – the slippery ways in which who we are becomes wrapped up with where we are – this book exposes the relations of place to power. It links everyday aspects of place experience to the social theories of Deleuze and Bourdieu in a very readable manner. This is a book that takes the social critique of built form another step through detailed fieldwork and analysis in particular case studies Through a broad range of case studies from nationalist monuments and new urbanist suburbs to urban laneways and avant-garde interiors, questions are explored such as: What is neighbourhood character? How do squatter settlements work and does it matter what they look like? Can architecture liberate? How do monuments and public spaces shape or stabilize national identity? Selected Contents: Part 1: Ideas 1. Making Sense of Place 2. Place as Assemblage 3. Silent Complicities 4. Limits of Critical Architecture Part 2: Places 5. Slippery Characters: Defending and Creating Place Identities with Ian Woodcock and Stephen Wood 6. Becoming Prosperous: Informal Urbanism in Yogyakarta with Wiryono Rhajo 7. Urbanising Architecture: Koolhaas and Spatial Segmentarity 8. Open Court: Transparency and Legitimation in the Courthouse 9. Safety Becomes Danger: Drug-Use in Public Space with John Fitzgerald 10. New Orders: Monas and Merdeka Square with Eka Permanasari 11. Urban Slippage: Smooth and Striated Streetscapes in Bangkok with Kasama Polakit July 2009: 246x174: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-41636-8: £80.00 US $130.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41637-5: £25.99 US $46.95 eBook: 978-0-203-87500-1

Containing many new case studies and a wealth of new research, this indispensable guide bridges the gap between theory and practice, between planning authorities, investors and communities, and between different professional perspectives. February 2010: 276x219: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-49548-6: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49549-3: £35.00 US $62.95

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Heterotopia and the City


Public Space in a Postcivil Society

Regenerating London

Edited by Michiel Dehaene, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands and Lieven De Cauter, Katholiek Universitat, Leuven, Belgium

Governance, Sustainability and Community in a Global City

With theoretical contributions on the concept of heterotopia, including a new translation of Foucault’s influential 1967 text, Of Other Space and essays by well-known scholars, the book comprises a series of critical case studies, from Beaubourg to Bilbao, which probe a range of (post)urban transformations and which redirect the debate on the privatization of public space. Heterotopia and the City provides a collective effort to reposition heterotopia as a crucial concept for contemporary urban theory. The book will be of interest to all those wishing to understand the city in the emerging postcivil society and post-historical era. Planners, architects, cultural theorists, urbanists and academics will find this a valuable contribution to current critical argument. Selected Contents: Part 1: Heterotopology: ‘A Science in the Making’ Part 2: Heterotopia Revisited Part 3: The Mall as Agora: The Agora as Mall Part 4: Dwelling in a Postcivil Society Part 5: Terrains Vagues: Transgression and Urban Activism Part 6: Heterotopia in the Splintering Metropolis Part 7: Heterotopia After the Polis 2008: 234x156: 360pp Hb: 978-0-415-42288-8: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08941-5

Planning the Good Community

Edited by Rob Imrie, Loretta Lees and Mike Raco, all at King’s College London, UK Regenerating London explores latest thinking on urban regeneration in one of the fastest changing world cities. Engaging with social, economic, and political structures of cities, it highlights paradoxes and contradictions in urban policy and offers an evaluation of the contemporary forms of urban redevelopment. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Dimensions of Urban Change in London Part 2: Prestige Projects and the Sustainable City Part 3: Sustainability, Inclusion and Social Mixing Part 4: Community Governance and Urban Change Part 5: Conclusions February 2009: 246x174: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-43366-2: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43367-9: £25.99 US $46.95

An Introduction to Community Development Edited by Rhonda Phillips, Arizona State University, USA and Robert H. Pittman, University of Central Arkansas, USA Comprehensive and practical, this textbook enables students to connect academic study and professional know-how, and demonstrates how to best plan the rebuilding, revitalization and development of communities utilizing a wide variety of economic and strategic tools. Features include; chapter outlines, text boxes, key words and references.

New Urbanism in Theory and Practice Jill Grant Series: RTPI Library Series 2005: 234x156: 296pp Hb: 978-0-415-70074-0: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70075-7: £32.99 US $59.95

Private Cities Global and Local Perspectives Georg Glasze, Chris Webster and Klaus Frantz Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography 2005: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-34170-7: £90.00 US $180.00

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Selected Contents: Editors’ Overview Part 1: Foundations Part 2: Preparation and Planning Part 3: Programming Techniques and Strategies Part 4: Issues Impacting Community Development 2008: 246x189: 392pp Hb: 978-0-415-77384-3: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77385-0: £32.00 US $57.95 eBook: 978-0-203-88693-9

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PLANNING AND COMMUNITIES The Social Fabric of the Networked City

Intimate Metropolis

Edited by Géraldine Pflieger, Luca Pattaroni, Christophe Jemelin and Vincent Kaufmann, all at the Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Edited by Vittoria Di Palma, Columbia University, New York, USA, Diana Periton, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art, UK and Marina Lathouri, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, UK

Urban Subjects in the Modern City

This book is constructed around the work of Manuel Castells on the space of places, the space of flows and the networked city. Following an introduction by Castells in which he sets out the theoretical and empirical framework to be followed, the book features nine original contributions focusing on the transformation of the fabric of the networked city in terms of policies and social practices. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: New Perspectives on Urban Forms, Power and Experiences Part 1: Urban Technologies, Power and Experiences: A Theoretical Framework 2. The Networked City 3. Architecture and Reflexivity Part 2: Mobility and Accessibility: New Planning Practices and Challenges 4. Mobility Pioneers in Germany: New Patterns of (im)Mobility in an Age of Second Modernity 5. Spatial Patterns and Social Inequality in Switzerland – Modern or Post-Modern? Part 3: The Modern Urban Planning Ideal 6. Atypical Haussman Boulevards in the Nineteenth Century: The Non-Standardized Development of the Rue des Pyrénées Project 7. ’Villes Nouvelles’ and Political Infrastructures in France: A 1960s Sociological Viewpoint Part 4: New Articulations Between Flows and Places 8. Expertise for the Neighbourhood – Neighbourhood Against Expertise: Case Study of the Berne West Tramway 9. An Airport in its Environment: Non-Territorialization or Re-Territorialization? 10. Conclusion: Reshaping Cities 2008: 246x174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-46144-3: £44.99 US $80.95

Loose Space Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life Edited by Karen Franck and Quentin Stevens 2006: 246x174: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-70116-7: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70117-4: £29.99 US $53.95

Personal Mobilities Aharon Kellerman Series: Networked Cities Series 2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-39159-7: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08716-9


Providing authoritative new perspectives on individual citizenship as it relates to both public and private space, in-depth case studies of major European, American and other world cities and written by an international set of contributors, this volume is key reading for all students of architecture. Selected Contents: Introduction Vittoria Di Palma, Diana Periton, Marina Lathouri 1. Urban Life Diana Periton 2. Heads: Philip-Lorca diCorcia and the Paradox of Urban Portraiture Hugh Campbell 3. A Space for the Imagination: Depicting Women Readers in the Nineteenth-Century City Kathryn Brown 4. ‘So the Flâneur Goes For a Walk In His Room’: Interior, Arcade, Cinema, Metropolis Charles Rice 5. Exhibitionism: John Soane’s ‘Model House’ Helene Furján 6. Private House, Public House: Victor Horta’s Ubiquitous Domesticity Amy Kulper 7. Drawing and Dispute: The Strategies of the Berlin Block Katharina Borsi 8. ‘The Necessity of the Plan’: Visions of Individuality and Collective Intimacies Marina Lathouri 9. City is House and House is City: Aldo van Eyck, Piet Blom, and the Architecture of Homecoming Karin Jaschke 10. Urban Play: Intimate Space and Postwar Subjectivity Roy Kozlovsky 11. Pervasive Intimacy: The Unité d’Habitation and Golden Lane as Instruments of Postwar Domesticity Christopher Hight 12. Zoom: Google Earth and Global Intimacy Vittoria Di Palma 2008: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-41506-4: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41507-1: £29.99 US $53.95

Creating Child Friendly Cities Reinstating Kids in the City Edited by Brendan Gleeson and Neil Sipe 2006: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-39160-3: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-08717-6

Planning on the Edge Nick Gallent, Johan Andersson and Marco Bianconi 2006: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-37571-9: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40290-3: £33.99 US $61.95


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Introduction to Rural Planning


Regions and Cities Series

Nick Gallent, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK, Meri Juntti, University of East Anglia, UK, Sue Kidd and Dave Shaw, both at University of Liverpool, UK

Creative Regions

Series: Natural and Built Environment Series

Edited by Philip Cooke, Cardiff University, UK and Dafna Schwartz, University of the Negev, Israel

Introduction to Rural Planning provides an overview of rural (spatial) planning for students on planning, geography and related programmes. It charts the major patterns and processes of rural change affecting the British countryside, its landscape, its communities and its economies in the twentieth century. The authors examine the role of ‘planning’ in shaping rural spaces, not only the statutory ‘comprehensive’ planning that emerged in the post-war period, but also planning and rural programme delivery undertaken by central, regional and local policy agencies. This book is designed to accompany a typical teaching programme in rural planning. Selected Contents: Part 1: Ruruality, Planning and Governance 1. Introduction 2. Rural Governance and Spatial Planning Part 2: The Rural Economy 3. Economic Change 4. The Farming Economy 5. New Economies Part 3: The Needs of Rural Communities 6. Community Change 7. Rural Housing: Demand, Supply, Affordability and the Market 8. Living in the Countryside Part 4: Environmental Change and Planning 9. A Changing Environment 10. A Differentiated Environment Part 5: Governance, Coordination and Integration 11. (Re) Positioning Rural Areas 12. Conclusions: Integrating Agendas, Coordinating Responses 2008: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-42996-2: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42997-9: £27.99 US $50.95

Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship

2007: 234x156: 312pp Hb: 978-0-415-43428-7: £65.00

Devolution, Regionalism and Regional Development The UK Experience Edited by Jonathan Bradbury, Swansea University, UK 2007: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-32361-1: £65.00

European Cohesion Policy Willem Molle, Erasmus School of Economics, the Netherlands 2007: 234x156: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-43811-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43812-4: £37.95 eBook: 978-0-203-94527-8

Clusters and Regional Development Critical Reflections and Explorations Edited by Bjorn Asheim, Philip Cooke and Ron Martin 2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-34914-7: £70.00

Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy

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Edited by Philip Cooke and Andrea Piccaluga 2006: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-36553-6: £75.00

The Rise of the English Regions? Edited by Irene Hardill, Paul Benneworth, Mark Baker and Leslie Budd 2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-33632-1: £70.00

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European Spatial Planning and Territorial Co-Operation

The New Spatial Planning

Stefanie Dühr, Radboud University, the Netherlands, Claire Colomb, University College London, UK and Vincent Nadin, Delft Technical University, the Netherlands Strategic spatial planning is experiencing a renaissance in Europe. This unique and timely textbook discusses theoretical perspectives on cartographic communication, power, territorial co-operation, and policy-making in Europe. In doing so, the authors provide conceptual and practical tools to help students understand the role, content and style of maps and visualizations in strategic spatial planning processes. Written for students, academics and researchers of European spatial planning and policy, this book explores how spatial planning processes will develop and discusses the best use of cartographic representation to reach agreement and focus dialogue in the future. January 2010: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-46773-5: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46774-2: £29.99 US $53.95

Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France A Comparative Analysis Edited by Philip Booth, University of Sheffield, UK, Michelle Breuillard, Universite de Lille II, France, Charles Fraser, London South Bank University, UK and Didier Paris, Universitie de Lille II, France Exploring the similarities and differences between the spatial planning in Great Britain and France, this book draws on the outcomes of the Franco-British Planning Study Group. It features detailed analysis and case studies.


Territorial Management with Soft Spaces and Fuzzy Boundaries Graham Haughton, University of Hull, UK, Philip Allmendinger, University of Cambridge, UK, David Counsell, University College Cork, Ireland and Geoff Vigar, Newcastle University, UK Spatial planning, strongly advocated by government and the profession, is intended to be more holistic, more strategic, more inclusive, more integrative and more attuned to sustainable development than previous approaches. In what the authors refer to as the ’New Spatial Planning’, there is a fairly rapidly evolving maturity and sophistication in how strategies are developed and produced. Crucially, the authors argue that the reworked boundaries of spatial planning means that to understand it we need to look as much outside the formal system of practices of ‘planning’ as within it. Using a rich empirical resource base, this book takes a critical look at recent practices to see whether the new spatial planning is having the kinds of impacts its advocates would wish. Contributing to theoretical debates in planning, state restructuring and governance, it also outlines and critiques the contemporary practice of spatial planning. This book will have a place on the shelves of researchers and students interested in urban/regional studies, politics and planning studies. Selected Contents: Preface 1. The New Spatial Planning: Territorial Management and Devolution 2. Rethinking Planning: State Restructuring, Devolution and Spatial Strategies 3. Irish Spatial Planning and the Cork Experience 4. Spatial Planning in Northern Ireland and the Emergent North West Region of Ireland 5. Spatial Planning in a Devolved Scotland 6. The Wales Spatial Plan and Improving Policy Integration 7. English Spatial Planning and Dealing with Growth in the Leeds City Region 8. Congested Governance and the London Thames Gateway 9. A New Spatial Planning? November 2009: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-48335-3: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48336-0: £29.99 US $53.95

2007: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-42951-1: £75.00 US $125.00 eBook: 978-0-203-96224-4


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SPATIAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning

RTPI Library Series NEW

Regional Planning for Open Space Edited by Arnold van der Valk, Wageningen University, the Netherlands and Terry van Dijk, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Reviewing the limitations of various planning options, this book addresses the debate on how to preserve open space in the context of a growing metropolis. The importance of open spaces for well-being in urban life is well-established. With case studies on internalization and valuation methods, this book critically examines the liberal discourse that urges the transfer of responsibility for open space from government to the market. European and American expert authors confront political rhetoric with grounded analysis and conclude that the market needs to be combined with governmental efforts. They scrutinize the connection between open space and the planning institutions designed to implement its policy. This book provides practical pieces of insight in how to structure an open space problem, information on what to expect from instruments, and new ideas on alternative approaches. Selected Contents: 1. Rethinking Open Space Planning in Metropolitan Areas 2. Planning and Development of the Fringe Landscapes: On the Outer Side of the Copenhagen ‘Fingers’ 3. Threats to Metropolitan Open Space: The Netherlands Economic and Institutional Dimension 4. Development Constraints Reduce Urban Open Space: Actual Conditions and Future Requirements in England 5. Viability of Cross-Subsidy Strategies: A Netherlands Case Study 6. Does Proximity to Open Space Increase the Value of Dwellings? Evidence from Three Dutch Case Studies 7. Government or Market: Competing Ideals in American Metropolitan Regions 8. Maintaining the Working Landscape: The Portland Metro Urban Growth Boundary 9. The Impact of Open Space Preservation Policies: Evidence from the Netherlands and the US 10. Spaces of Engagement for Open Space Advocacy: A Grounded Theory on Local Opposition in the Netherlands 11. Formalisation of ‘Open Space’ as ‘Public Space’ in Zoning: The Belgian Experience 12. Aesthetic Approaches to Active Urban Landscape Planning: European Exemplars 13. Flächenhaushalt Reconsidered: Alternatives to the German Federal Thirty Hectares Goal 14. Planning Open Spaces: Balancing Markets, State and Communities

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Bringing together authors from academia and practice, this book examines spatial planning at different places throughout the British Isles. Six illustrative case studies examine which conceptions of space and place have been articulated, presented and visualized through the production of spatial strategies. Ranging from a large conurbation (London) to regional (Yorkshire and Humber) and national levels, the case studies give a rounded and grounded view of the physical results and the theory behind them. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Space and Place in the Twentieth Century Planning 2. Making Wales: Spatial Strategy Making in a Devolved Context 3. Identity and Territory: The Creation of a National Planning Framework for Scotland 4. Gateways and Hubs’: Strategic Spatial Planning in Ireland 5. Building Consensus in Contested Spaces and Places? The Regional Development Strategy for Northern Ireland 6. Doing Strategic Planning Differently: The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy 7. Managing the Metropolis: Economic Change, Institutional Reform and Spatial Planning in London 8. Asymmetric Development in Spatial Planning: Positivist Contents and Poststructuralist Processes? 9. Conclusion 2008: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-43102-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48666-8: £29.99

Indicators for Urban and Regional Planning The Interplay of Policy and Methods Cecilia Wong 2006: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-27451-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-27452-4: £29.99

The Visual Language of Spatial Planning Exploring Cartographic Representations for Spatial Planning in Europe Stefanie Dühr 2006: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-39581-6: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39582-3: £43.99

June 2009: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-48003-1: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-35938-9

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SPATIAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING Dialogues in Urban & Regional Planning

Planning and Decentralization

Volume 3

Edited by Victoria A. Beard, University of California at Irvine, USA, Faranak Miraftab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA and Christopher Silver, University of Florida, Gainsville, USA

Contested Spaces for Public Action in the Global South

Edited by Thomas Harper, University of Calgary, Canada, Anthony Gar-On Yeh, University of Hong Kong and Heloisa Costa, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

The first in-depth study of the impact of economic and political decentralization on planning practice in developing economies, this innovative volume – using original case study research by leading experts drawn from diverse fields of inquiry, from planning to urban studies, geography and economics – explores the dramatic transformation that decentralization implies in responsibilities of the local planning and governance structures.

This is the third volume in the series offering a new selection of the best, award winning, urban planning scholarship from each of the world’s planning school associations. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Seizing the Opportunity 2. Portraying, Classifying and Understanding the Emerging Landscapes in the Post-Industrial City 3. Water and Urban Sustainability in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico Virginia 4. China’s Urban Developmental Planning in Rapid Urbanization: Resource Mobilization and Responsiveness to Market Change 5. New Urbanism and Sprawl: A Toronto Case Study 6. Reimagining Inner-City Regeneration in Hillbrow, Johannesburg: Identifying a Role for Faith-Based Community Development 7. Town Planning Versus Urbanismo 8. ’Paris Burns’: Architecture or Revolution? 9. On the Edge of Reason: Planning and Urban Futures in Africa 10. Territorial Planning and the National Project: The Challenges of Fragmentation 11. Planning Styles in Conflict: The Metropolitan Transportation Commission 12. Performance-Based Planning: Perspectives from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand 13. The Logic of Critical Communicative Planning: Transaction Cost Alteration 14. Planning Appeals: Are Third Party Rights Legitimate? The Case Study of Victoria, Australia 2008: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-77623-3: £90.00 US $150.00

Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning Volume 2 Edited by Bruce Stiftel, Vanessa Watson and Henri Acselrad 2006: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-40285-9: £90.00 US $150.00

Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning


Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: Situating Contested Notions of Decentralized Planning in the Global South Part 1: Decentralization: Contexts-Outcomes 2. Decentralization and Entrepreneurial Planning 3. Decentralization, Privatization and Countervailing Popular Pressure: South African Water Commodification and Decommodification 4. Decentralized Planning and Metropolitan Growth: Poverty and Wealth in Buenos Aires Suburbs 5. New Spaces New Contests: Appropriating Decentralization for Political Change in Bolivia Part 2: The Challenges of Fiscal and Administrative Decentralization 6. The Evolution of Subnational Development Planning Under Decentralization Reforms in Kenya and Uganda 7. Decentralization in Vietnam’s Water Sector: Community Level Privatization in the Mekong Delta 8. Decentralization and Local Democracy in Chile: Two Active Communities and Two Models of Local Governance Part 3: The Role of Non-State Participants in Decentralization 9. Community-Driven Development and Elite Capture: Microcredit and Community Board Participation in Indonesia 10. University-Community Partnership: Institutionalizing Empowered and Participatory Planning in Indonesia 11. En(Gendering) Effective Decentralization, the Experience of Women in Panchayati Raj in India 12. Decentralization and Social Capital in Urban Thailand 13. Decentralization and the Struggle for Participation in Local Politics and Planning: Lessons from Naga City, the Philippines 14. Conclusion: Making Sense of Decentralized Planning in the Global South 2008: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-41497-5: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41498-2: £34.99 US $62.95

Volume 1 Edited by Bruce Stiftel and Vanessa Watson 2004: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-34693-1: £90.00 US $150.00


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Local and Regional Development Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney 2006: 246x174: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-35717-3: £95.00 US $190.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35718-0: £25.99 US $54.95

Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning

Strategic Planning for Regional Development in the UK Edited by Harry T. Dimitriou, The Barlett School of Planning, University College London, UK and Robin Thompson, Robin Thompson Associates and University College London, UK Series: Natural and Built Environment Series

Spatial Governance in a Fragmented Nation

Strategic Planning for Regional Development in the UK is essential reading for students and academics working within strategic and regional planning and provides policy makers and practitioners with a comprehensive and thought provoking introduction to this critically important emerging field.

Edited by Mark Tewdwr-Jones and Philip Allmendinger 2006: 234x156: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-36034-0: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36035-7: £38.99 US $70.95

The Network Society A New Context for Planning Edited by Louis Albrechts and Seymour Mandelbaum Series: Networked Cities Series 2005: 234x156: 347pp Hb: 978-0-415-70150-1: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70151-8: £39.99 US $71.95

Regional Planning John Glasson and Tim Marshall, both at Oxford Brookes University, UK Series: Natural and Built Environment Series This comprehensive introduction to the concepts and theory of regional planning in the UK. Drawing on examples from throughout the UK is the essential, up-to-date text for students interested in all aspects of this increasingly influential subject.

2007: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-41525-5: £85.00 US $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41526-2: £24.99 US $44.95

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Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Harry Dimitriou and Robin Thompson 2. The Evolution of Strategic Planning and Regional Development in the UK Peter Hall 3. Regional Institutions, Governance and the Planning System Mark Tewdwr-Jones and Philip Allmendinger 4. Strategic Planning Thought: Lessons from Other Sectors for Regional Development Harry Dimitriou 5. Strategic Thought and Regional Planning: The Importance of Context Harry T. Dimitriou and Robin Thompson 6. Strategic Choice and Regional Planning Chris Yewlett 7. Regional Economic Planning and Development: Policies and Spatial Implications Peter Roberts 8. Regional Planning, Regional Development and Transport Markets Roger Vickerman 9. The Role of Planning and Development in Spatial Labour Markets Ivan Turok 10. Regional Transport and Integrated Land-Use/Transport Planning Tools David Banister and David Simmonds 11. Regional Household Projections and Strategic Housing Allocations Nick Gallent 12. Regional Planning and Sustainability Assessment John Glasson 13. Strategic and Regional Planning in the Greater South-East Robin Thompson 14. Strategic and Regional Planning in the North-East Paul Benneworth and Geoff Vigar 15. Strategic and Regional Planning in the North-West Mark Baker and Gwyn Williams 16. Strategic Planning in the Glasgow Metropolitan Region Vincent Goodstadt 17. Conclusions Harry Dimitriou and Robin Thompson 2007: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-34937-6: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34938-3: £29.99 US $53.95

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PLANNING AND ECONOMY Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks


Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts

Nicos Komninos, Thessaloniki Aristotle University, Greece Series: Regions and Cities

The Governance of the Global Value Chain

This book is about intelligent clusters, cities, and regions and their role in the globalization of innovation networks. It tells us why intelligent environments are important today; and how we can create such environments.

Edited by Fiorenza Belussi, University of Padova, Italy and Alessia Sammarra, University of L’Aquila, Italy Series: Regions and Cities How do we define and identify districts and clusters? How do they evolve? How do clusters and districts relate to the global economy? What policy options are available to promote them in eastern and western economies? This collection of papers from international experts includes theoretical and empirical contributions examining these questions and offering deep insights into the internalexternal mechanism of knowledge circulation and learning. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Business Model of Industrial Districts and Clusters in the Knowledge-Based View and in the Social Network Analysis Perspective Part 2: Industrial Districts and Clusters in the Global Value Chains. A Taxonomical Exercise on the Path-Dependent Avenue of Marshallian / Satellite / Evolutionary / Science Districts July 2009: 234x156: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-45784-2: £95.00 US $155.00

Selected Contents: Part 1: Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation 1. An IntelligentGlobal World is Emerging 2. Lessons from Regions of Innovation Excellence 3. Systems of Innovation: Diversity and Evolution 4. Virtual Innovation Environments: Adding a Global Dimension to Innovation Systems 5. Intelligent Clusters, Communities, and Cities Part 2: Building Blocks: Knowledge Functions of Intelligent Cities 6. Strategic Intelligence Networks 7. Technology Transfer and Absorption 8. Innovation and Product Development Over Network 9. Digital City Marketplaces: Global Trade and Local Services 10. Building Blocks of Intelligent Communities, Clusters, and Cities. Appendix: Five Platforms for Intelligent Cities 2008: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-45591-6: £80.00 US $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45592-3: £29.95 US $53.95

Geographies of the New Economy Critical Reflections Edited by Peter W. Daniels, Andrew Leyshon, Michael J. Bradshaw and Jonathan Beaverstock

Mobile Technologies of the City

Series: Regions and Cities

Edited by Mimi Sheller and John Urry

Drawing on international evidence, this book explores the meaning and consequences of the 'new economy' and debates the efficacy of this widely used concept.

Series: Networked Cities Series

2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-35783-8: £65.00 US $130.00


Mobile communications technologies and urban transportation and surveillance systems worldwide are evolving and developing. This is one of the first studies to examine these phenomenon in relation to each other, in cities across three continents. 2006: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-37434-7: £85.00 US $140.00

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Planning, History and Environment Series


Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires Planning in Central and Southeastern Europe

NEW IN 2010

Urban Coding and Planning Edited by Stephen Marshall, University College London, UK One of the most significant recent innovations in urban planning, born of New Urbanism, is the revival or reinvention of the practice of coding – by which a set of written rules and graphical specifications are used on an area-wide basis to direct the design of individual buildings and their relationships to streets and overall urban layout. Stephen Marshall and his contributors investigate the nature and contribution of urban coding, and its merits and demerits which are conceptually distinct from, but often bound up with, the merits and demerits of conventional town planning. The book investigates different kinds of urban coding, from different geographical areas, and from a historical perspective to the present day. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Planning by Coding: The Streets and Squares of London 3. Land, Buildings and Urban Order: The Creation of the Scottish Tenement Townscape 4. Type, Form and Process: European Typo-morphological Codes 5. Civic Design through Coding: Regulating Built Form for Public Purposes in the United States 6. Town Founding, Ground Planning and Urban Coding: Learning from the Laws of the Indes 7. Urban Form by Design: Learning from Traditional Codes of the Mediterranean Region 8. Paradigms for Design: The Vastu Vidya Codes of India 9. Prescribing the Ideal City: Planning Principles, Design Codes and Urban Patterns in Beijing 10. Urban Change and Continuity: Transitions in Urban Coding and Planning in Adelaide 11. Coding as ‘Bottom-up’ Planning: Developing a New African Urbanism 12. Conclusions: Lessons for Urbanism February 2010: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-44126-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44127-8: £27.50

Edited by Emily Gunzburger Makas, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA and Tanja Damljanovic Conley, University of Texas at Arlington, USA This is the first book to explore the urban and planning history of cities across Central and South-Eastern Europe against a background of rising nationalism. Introductory chapters outline the political history of the area, how the developments in the different countries were interconnected and how the capital cities of each independent country or growing national movement were linked to these developments. Fourteen studies of individual cities describes their planning, urban design and architecture. December 2009: 246x174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-45943-3: £65.00 eBook: 978-0-203-85983-4

The Evolving Arab City Tradition, Modernity and Urban Development Edited by Yasser Elsheshtawy, UAE University, United Arab Emirates This collection reveals the contrasts and similarities between older, traditional Arab cities and the newer oil-stimulated cities of the Gulf in their search for development and a place in the world order. The eight cities which form the core of the book – Rabat, Amman, Beirut, Kuwait, Manama, Doha, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh – provide a unique insight into today’s Middle Eastern city. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction: The Great Divide: Struggling and Emerging Cities of the Arab World 2. Prologue: The New Arab Metropolis Part 1: The Struggling Arab City 3. Amman: Disguised Genealogy, Recent Urban Restructuring and Neo-Liberal Threats 4. From Regional Node to Backwater and Back to Uncertainty: The Refashioning of Beirut, 1943–2006 5. Rabat: From Capital to Global Metropolis Part 2: The Emerging Arab City 6. Riyadh: A City of ‘Institutional’ Architecture 7. Kuwait: Learning from a Globalized City 8. Manama: The Metamorphosis of a Gulf City 9. Rediscovering the Island: Doha’s Urbanity from Pearls to Spectacle 10. Cities of Sand and Fog: Abu Dhabi’s Arrival on the Global Scene 2008: 246x174: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-41156-1: £75.00

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PLANNING HISTORY Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events


Citizenship, Democracy and Public Space in Latin America

Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle

Clara Irazábal, University of Southern California, USA Clara Irazábal and her contributors explore the urban history of some of Latin America’s cities through studies of their public spaces and what has taken place there, revealing contemporary definitions of citizenship and democracy in the Americas. Selected Contents: Prologue: Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events 1. Introduction: Citizenship, Democracy and Urban Space In Latin America Part 1: Cities, Democracies and Powers: The Politics of Spatial Appropriations and Social Representations 2. Political Appropriations of Public Space: Extraordinary Events in the Z-Calo of Mexico City 3. Reinventing the Void: The Museum of Art of São Paulo and the Reshaping of Public Life Along Avenida Paulista 4. Permanence of a Memorable Urban Space as a Place for Extraordinary Events: The Plaza of the Central Station in Santiago de Chile 5. Lima’s Historic Centre: Old Places Shaping New Social Arrangements 6. The Plaza De Bolivar in Bogota: Place of Singularity, Multiplicity of Events Part 2: Place, Citizenships and Nationhoods: Singularity of Place, Multiplicity of Projects 7. Space, Revolution, and Resistance: Ordinary Places and Extraordinary Events in Caracas 8. The Struggle for Urban Territories: Human Rights Activists in Buenos Aires 9. Events in the Metropolis: Public Space, Celebration, Citizenship, and Resistance in Rio de Janeiro 10. Iconic Voids and Social Identity in a Polycentric City: Havana from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century 11. Unresolved Public Expressions of Anti-Trujillismo in Santo Domingo


Yasser Elsheshtawy, UAE University, United Arab Emirates This book explores Dubai’s history from its beginnings as a small fishing village to its place on the world stage today, using historical narratives, travel descriptions, novels and fictional accounts by local writers to bring colour to the history of the city’s urban development. With case studies and surveys the author explores the economic and political forces driving Dubai’s urban growth, its changing urbanity and its place within the global city network. Selected Contents: Preface 1. The Emerging Urbanity of Dubai 2. Arab Cities and Globalization 3. The Other Dubai: A Photo Essay 4. The Illusive History of Dubai 5. The Transformation of Dubai or Towards the Age of Megastructures 6. Spectacular Architecture and Urbanism 7. The Spectacular and the Everyday: Dubai’s Retail Landscape 8. Transient City: Dubai’s Forgotten Urban Spaces 9. Global Dubai or Dubaization July 2009: 246x174: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-44461-3: £60.00

2008: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-35452-3: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-00121-9

Above: Pages taken from Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle.


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Planning the Megacity

Olympic Cities

Jakarta in the Twentieth Century

City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 to 2016

Christopher Silver, University of Florida, Gainsville, USA Expert Christopher Silver shows how Jakarta was transformed from a colonial capital into a megacity of well over ten million inhabitants. Selected Contents: Introduction 1. Understanding Urbanization and the Megacity in Southeast Asia 2. Fashioning the Colonial Capital City, 1900–1940 3. Plans for the Modern Metropolis, 1950–1970s 4. Planning For Housing, Neighbourhoods and Urban Revitalization 5. Expansion, Revitalization and the Restructuring of Metropolitan Jakarta, the 1970s to the early 1990s 6. Urban Village to World City: Re-Planning Jakarta in the 1990s 7. Planning in the New Democratic Megacity 2007: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-70164-8: £75.00

Designing Australia’s Cities Culture, Commerce and the City Beautiful, 1900–1930 Robert Freestone, University of New South Wales, Australia Looking at the ways in which the City Beautiful movement influenced the design and development of Australian cities, this pioneering national study surveys the ruling ideas, influences, outcomes and enduring legacies of the early artistic turn in Australian urban design. With the return of the American City Beautiful movement to the forefront of urban design, Designing Australia’s Cities is a relevant account of the ways in which this movement influenced and shaped Australian city design, but more importantly sheds light on a planning culture that stretches far beyond Australia and is of increasing relevance worldwide today. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. America and the World 3. The Australian Scene 4. The Federal Capital 5. City Plans 6. Civic Centres 7. Public Spaces 8. The Campus Beautiful 9. Parks, Parkways and the Street Beautiful 10. The Everyday Landscape 11. New Themes, Old Traditions

Edited by John R. Gold, Oxford Brookes University, UK and Margaret M. Gold, London Metropolitan University, UK Olympic Cities provides the first full overview of the changing relationship between cities and the Olympic events since 1896. With eighteen specially commissioned and original essays written by a team of distinguished international authors, it explores the historical experience of staging the Olympics from the point of view of the host city. As controversy over the growing size and expense of the Olympics continues unabated, this book’s incisive and timely assessment of the Games’ development and the complex agendas that host cities attach to the event will be essential reading not only for urban and sports historians, urban geographers, planners and all concerned with understanding the relationship between cities and culture, but for anyone with an interest in the staging of mega-events. Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: The Olympic Festivals 2. Athens to Athens: The Summer Olympics, 1896–2004 3. The Winter Olympics: Driving Urban Change, 1924–2002 4. The Cultural Olympiads: Reviving the Panegyris 5. The Rise of the Paralympics Part 2: Planning and Management 6. Financing the Games 7. Promoting the Olympic City 8. Accommodating the Spectacle 9. Urban Regeneration and Renewal Part 3: City Portraits 10. Berlin 1936 11. Mexico City 1968 12. Montreal 1976 13. Barcelona 1992 14. Sydney 2000 15. Athens 2004 16. Beijing 2008 17. London 2012 18. Afterword 2007: 246x174: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-37406-4: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37407-1: £25.99

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2007: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-42421-9: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42422-6: £33.99

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Planning Europe’s Capital Cities

Planning Latin America’s Capital Cities 1850-1950

Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Urban Development Thomas Hall, Stockholm University, Sweden During the nineteenth century many of Europe’s capital cities were subject to major expansion and improvement schemes – from Vienna’s Ringstrasse to the boulevards of Paris. Thomas Hall examines the planning process in fifteen of those cities and addresses the following questions: when and why did planning begin, and what problems was it meant to solve? Who developed the projects, and how, and who made the decisions? What urban ideas are expressed in the projects? What were the legal consequences of the plans, and how did they actually affect subsequent urban development in the individual cities? What similarities or differences can be identified between the various schemes? How have such schemes affected the development of urban planning in general?


Edited by Arturo Almandoz, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela In this first comprehensive work in English to describe the building of Latin America’s capital cities in the postcolonial period, Arturo Almandoz and his contributors demonstrate how Europe, and France in particular, shaped their culture, architecture and planning until the United States began to play a part in the 1930s. A series of case studies are devoted to individual cities, each extensively illustrated and written by authorities on the city concerned. Providing a historical survey of Latin American urban development, this book also offers a new perspective on international planning. October 2009: 246x189: 296pp Pb: 978-0-415-55308-7: £24.99

October 2009: 246x189: 408pp Pb: 978-0-415-55249-3: £24.99


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Globalizing Taipei

Planning Middle Eastern Cities

The Political Economy of Spatial Development

An Urban Kaleidoscope

Edited by Reginald Tin-Wang Kwok ’Taipei has always remained one of the world’s most intriguing yet least understood major cities – but, with the publication of this major research study, there is understanding at last.’ – Sir Peter Hall, University College London, UK

Edited by Yasser Elsheshtawy, UAE University, United Arab Emirates Cairo, Baghdad, Algiers and Dubai cannot be easily lumped together as a single group. Cities in the Arab world are too diverse and hybrid, ranging from those rich in tradition, to ’forgotten’ cities, to newly emerging Gulf cities. The authors here, Arab scholars and architects local to the cities they describe, provide an authentic voice with an understanding no outsider could achieve. They explore issues of identity, hybridity, colonization and globalization in the context of the struggles and solutions offered by each city from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Their focus is on how the built environment has changed over time and under different influences. Selected Contents: 1. The Middle East City: Moving Beyond the Narrative of Loss 2. The Merits of Cities' Locations 3. The Spatial Development and Urban Transformation of Colonial and Postcolonial Algiers 4. Globalization and the Search for Modern Local Architecture: Learning from Baghdad 5. Sana'a: Transformation of the Old City and the Impacts of the Modern Era 6. Lake Tunis, or the Concept of the Third Centre 7. Cairo's Urban Déjà Vu: Globalization and Urban Fantasies 8. Redrawing Boundaries: Dubai, An Emerging Global City October 2009: 246x189: 224pp Pb: 978-0-415-55309-4: £24.99

’Academic studies about Taipei ... are uncommon ... hence it is a pleasure to see this edited volum. Anyone interested in modern Taiwan and especially Taipei and its development, will find this volume highly informative and useful as a reference work.’ – The China Journal 2005: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-35451-6: £75.00

New Urbanism and American Planning The Conflict of Cultures Emily Talen 2005: 234x156: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-70132-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70133-4: £27.99


Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities Edited by David Gordon


The Making and Selling of Post-Mao Beijing Anne-Marie Broudehoux 2004: 246x174: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-32057-3: £75.00

This book examines the plans for sixteen important capital cities around the world, each with its own fully illustrated chapter written by an expert on the urban development of that city. September 2009: 246x189: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-28061-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55734-4: £24.99

Remaking Chinese Urban Form Modernity, Scarcity and Space, 1949–2005 Duanfang Lu 2006: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-35450-9: £85.00

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Atlas of Vernacular Architecture of the World

Designing the City of Reason

Marcel Vellinga, Paul Oliver, both at Oxford Brookes University, UK and Alexander Bridge, Cartographer, UK

Ali Madanipour, University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK

Foundations and Frameworks With a practical approach to theory, Designing the City of Reason offers new perspectives on how differing belief systems and philosophical approaches impact on city design and development, exploring how this has changed before, during and after the impact of modernism in all its rationalism.

’This is an invaluable guide to the global scatter of folk architectural traditions that shape today’s most bracing sustainable designs.’ – The Christian Science Monitor ’Considering the subject matter and the lack of original research in this field, the book is good value.’ – Reference Reviews The first world atlas ever compiled on vernacular architecture, this comprehensive work illustrates the variety and ingenuity of the world’s vernacular building traditions from a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural and comparative approach, using over sixty world and regional maps.

Selected Contents: 1. Introduction Part 1: Foundations 2. City of Temples 3. City of Mechanical Clocks 4. City of Machines 5. City of Sights and Sounds 6. City of People Part 2: Frameworks 7. Keeping Time 8. Measuring Space 9. Assigning Value 10. Providing Accounts 11. Connecting Actions 12. City of Reason

Mapping such diverse aspects as materials and resources, technologies, structural systems, symbolism, forms and service systems on a cross-cultural and comparative basis, the Atlas of Vernacular Architecture of the World reveals the distribution, diversity and relationships of the world’s vernacular building traditions.

2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-42091-4: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42092-1: £27.99 US $50.95

Selected Contents: Introduction Part 1: Contexts 1. Nations 2. Topography 3. Water 4. Climate 5. Vegetation 6. Soils 7. Economy 8. Population 9. Language 10. Religion 11. Cultural Areas Part 2: Cultural and Material Aspects 12. Materials and Resources 13. Structural Systems and Technologies 14. Forms, Plans and Types 15. Services and Functions 16. Symbolism and Decoration 17. Development and Sustainability

A History of the Modern from Reel to Real

Cinematic Urbanism Nezar AlSayyad Exploring the relationship between cities and their cinematic portrayals in over a century of film, this book shows how notions of society inform and are influenced by the images we have come to know on screen.

2008: 276x219: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-41151-6: £49.99 US $92.95


Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World

2006: 246x174: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-70048-1: £89.99 US $154.95 Pb: 978-0-415-70049-8: £29.99 US $54.95

Paul Oliver, Oxford Brookes University, UK The Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World is an inspiration and resource for architects, anthropologists, folklorists and geographers, and important for all who help shape housing and conservation policies. January 2009 eBook: 978-0-203-92766-3: £900.00 US $1700.00


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The Practice of Modernism


Modern Architects and Urban Transformation, 1954–1972


John R. Gold, Oxford Brookes University, UK Making extensive use of information gained from hours of in-depth interviews with architects, this book examines the complex relationship between vision and subsequent practice in the saga of post-war urban reconstruction.

2007: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-25842-5: £84.95 US $144.95 Pb: 978-0-415-25843-2: £32.99 US $56.95 eBook: 978-0-203-96218-3

A Peaceful Path to Real Reform E. Howard, Sir Peter Hall, University College London, UK, Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward Foreword by David Lock, Town and Country Planning Association, UK Ebenezer Howard’s To-Morrow is deservedly the most famous publication in the history of town planning. Originally published in 1898 and repeatedly thereafter, it sparked the garden city movement across the world, and fundamentally changed the terms of debate in urban planning. This new paperback facsimile of the original version of Howard’s work includes a detailed commentary by three leading commentators and reproduces in full colour all the material subsequently left out and lost to posterity. This is an invaluable insight into the originality and breadth of Howard’s vision, and demonstrates the full extent of his inspiration of future generations of town planners. October 2009: 276x219: 232pp Pb: 978-0-415-56193-8: £24.99 US $44.95

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PLANNING AND TRANSPORT Planning and Transformation


Learning from the Post-Apartheid Experience

Transport Policy and Planning in Great Britain

Philip Harrison, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, Alison Todes, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa and Vanessa Watson, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Peter Headicar, Oxford Brookes University, UK Series: Natural and Built Environment Series

Series: RTPI Library Series

Transport in the twenty-first century represents a significant challenge at the global and the local scale. Aided by over sixty clear illustrations, Peter Headicar disentangles this complex, modern issue in five parts, offering critical insights into:

Planning and Transformation provides a comprehensive view of planning under political transition in South Africa, offering an accessible resource for both students and researchers in an international and a local audience. Selected Contents: Preface Part A: Setting the Scene. Introduction 1. Planning the Spaces of Colonialism and Apartheid 2. New Planning Visions 3. Planning PostApartheid Part B: Planning and Governance. Introduction: International Debates 4. Planning and Local Governance 5. Planning as Governance Beyond the Local: The Regional Question, National and Provincial Planning Part C: Discourses of Planning. Introduction: International Debates 6. Discourses of the Spatial 7. Discourses of Social Transformation 8. Discourses of the Economy and the Market 9. Discourses of Sustainability Part D: Planning and Society. Introduction: International Debates 10. The Planning Profession and Society 11. Educating Planners 12. Planning, Democracy and Values 13. Responding to Diversity: Conflicting Rationalities 14. Responding to Informality 15. Conclusion: The Power of Planning and the Limits to Power: Learning from the South African Experience


• the nature of transport • the evolution of policy and planning • policy instruments • planning procedures • the contemporary agenda. Distinctive features include the links forged between transport and spatial planning, which are often neglected. Selected Contents: Part 1: The Nature of Transport Part 2: The Evolution of Transport Policy and Planning Part 3: Public Choices – Ends and Means Part 4: Planning Procedures Part 5: The Contemporary Policy Agenda April 2009: 234x156: 496pp Hb: 978-0-415-46986-9: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-46987-6: £34.99 US $62.95

2007: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-36033-3: £100.00 US $165.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36031-9: £32.99 US $59.95

Above: Pages taken from Transport Policy and Planning in Great Britain


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Public Transport


Its Planning, Management and Operation

Understanding Housing Finance

Peter White, University of Westminster, UK

Meeting Needs and Making Choices

Series: Natural and Built Environment Series Public Transport is a comprehensive textbook covering the planning of all public transport systems (bus, coach, rail, taxi and domestic air travel) in Britain and other countries with similar systems. The term ‘planning’ is used both in the context of local authority and central government roles and in the work done by transport operators for example, network structures, vehicle type selection. In addition to the various types of transport, the differing needs of the urban, rural and long distance markets are examined. This restructured fifth edition gives greater emphasis to service quality and marketing issues as well as covering recent changes in legislation, statistics and research findings.

Peter King, De Montfort University, UK One of the biggest challenges for students of housing is understanding the financial principles which underpin the place of housing in the wider economy. By taking a political economy approach, Peter King’s Understanding Housing Finance makes the basic principles of the subject accessible, without requiring detailed prior knowledge of economics or financial systems. Selected Contents: 1. Understanding Housing Finance 2. Need, Choice and Responsibility 3. The Importance of Markets 4. Government Action 5. Influencing Markets 6. Controlling Housing 7. Complexity and Choice January 2009: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-43294-8: £85.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43295-5: £25.00

Selected Contents: 1. Organisation and Control of Transport in the British Isles 2. The Role of Public Transport 3. Service Quality and Marketing 4. The Technology of Bus and Coach Systems 5. Urban Railways and Rapid Transit Systems 6. Network Planning 7. Costing and Cost Allocation Methods 8. Pricing Theory and Practice 9. Rural Public Transport 10. Intercity Public Transport 11. Some Current Policy Issues 2008: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-44531-3: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44530-6: £29.99 US $53.95

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Housing and Society Series

The Hidden Millions NEW

Homelessness in Developing Countries

Housing and Health in Europe

Graham Tipple and Suzanne Speak, both at University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK

The WHO LARES Project

This book explores the extent, causes and characteristics of homelessness in developing countries. Bringing together a major review of literature and empirical case studies, it is invaluable for those studying, researching or working in housing, homelessness, social policy or urban poverty.

Edited by David Ormandy, University of Warwick, UK In this cross-disciplinary research, David Ormandy and expert contributors explain the nature and development of the World Health Organization’s study of housing across Europe. In-depth analysis provides new evidence of links between the health of inhabitants and their housing conditions, with focus on critical topics such as: • indoor air pollution • the effect of cold homes and dampness • noise effects • domestic accidents. With practical examples of survey tools, the attention given to methodological approaches makes this text an important resource for policy professionals as well as housing, planning and public health academics. Selected Contents: 1. Background and Introduction 2. The Cities 3. The Surveys 4. The Results 5. Scores and Conventions 6. Indoor Air Pollution, Asthma and Allergic Diseases 7. Damp, Mould and Health 8. The Effect of Cold Homes on Health 9. Residential Energy Systems 10. Safety and Fear of Crime 11. Housing and Mental Health 12. Building Quality of Life Related Housing Scores 13. Residential Environmental Quality and Quality of Life 14. The Health Relevance of the Immediate Housing Environment 15. Noise Effects and Morbidity 16. Domestic Accidents

Drawing on local research in nine countries in the global south, this book offers an insight into the lives of homeless people, public perceptions of homelessness, and the policies and interventions which might variously increase or reduce homelessness. Exploring the human context as well as policy and planning, it will challenge current preconceptions. Selected Contents: 1. Current Theory on Homelessness 2. Homelessness and International Housing Policy 3. The Continuing Urban Housing Shortfall and Affordability Crisis 4. Defining Homelessness in Developing Countries 5. Accommodation Conditions and Differentiating between Homeless People and those in Inadequate Housing 6. Estimating the Hidden Millions 7. Who are the Hidden Millions? 8. Economic, Social and Cultural Causes 9. Political and Legal Issues 10. Disaster and Conflict 11. Exclusion, Perceptions and Isolation 12. Children and Homelessness 13. Towards Strategic Interventions for Homeless People March 2009: 234x156: 344pp Hb: 978-0-415-42671-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42672-5: £27.99

April 2009: 234x156: 352pp Hb: 978-0-415-47735-2: £75.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88523-9

Above: Pages taken from Housing and Health in Europe.


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Housing, Care and Inheritance

Housing, Markets and Policy

Misa Izuhara, University of Bristol, UK Drawing on the author’s long-standing research into housing issues surrounding the ageing society, this book examines this phenomenon which is now a concern in many mature economies.

Edited by Peter Malpass, University of the West of England, UK and Rob Rowlands, CURS, University of Birmingham, UK This book of specially commissioned essays by distinguished housing scholars addresses the big issues in contemporary debates about housing and housing policy in the UK. Setting out a distinctive and coherent analysis, it steers a course between those accounts that rely on economic theory and analysis, and those that emphasize policy. It is informed by the idea that the 1970s was a pivotal decade in the second half of the twentieth-century, and that since that time there has been a profound transformation in the housing system and housing policy in the UK. The contributors describe, analyze and explain aspects of that transformation, as a basis for understanding the present and thinking about the future. The analysis of housing is set within an understanding of the wider changes affecting the economy and the welfare state since the crises of the mid 1970s. July 2009: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-47778-9: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47779-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-87281-9

Selected Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Intergenerational Reciprocity: Cultural Practice 3. Housing Assets and Intergenerational Transfer in a Global Context 4. Long Term Care and the Shifting the State-Family Boundaries 5. Accumulation of Housing Wealth and Family Relations 6. Plans for Disposal of Assets 7. Rethinking the ‘Generational Contact’ Between Housing, Care and Inheritance 8. Conclusion 2008: 234x156: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-41548-4: £85.00

Housing Transformations Shaping the Space of Twenty-First Century Living Bridget Franklin, Cardiff University, UK 2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-33618-5: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33619-2: £33.99 eBook: 978-0-203-42139-0

Housing and Social Policy Contemporary Themes and Critical Perspectives Edited by Peter Somerville and Nigel Sprigings ’This engaging collection ... challenges housing policy makers, practitioners and academics to engage with these debates and offer their own perspective and solutions.’ – John Flint, Sheffield Hallam University, UK 2005: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-28366-3: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-28367-0: £33.99

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Decent Homes for All

Housing, Planning and Design Series

Planning’s Evolving Role in Housing Provision Nick Gallent and Mark Tewdwr-Jones The first text available on the housing-planning interface, this book shows the relationship between planning and housing supply and addresses fundamental questions about the current housing crisis, through examining its history and evolution.

Housing Market Renewal and Social Class Chris Allen, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK A unique sociological analysis of producer and consumer behaviour in ’failing’ housing markets, this book: • offers a sociological analysis of a ’declining’ housing market that is undergoing a process of re-structuring rather than an analysis of a ’rising’ one • focuses on the consumers in the social structure of housing markets rather than the producers. Incisive and analytical, this text is an invaluable resource for students or professionals in the areas of housing, sociology and planning. Selected Contents: Part 1: Invitation to Class Analysis 1. The Death and Resurrection of Class in Sociology 2. Theorizing Social Class Part 2: Social Class and the Market for Houses 3. Social Class and the Question of Being 4. Being in the Market for Houses 5. Being in a Depressed Market for Houses Part 3: The Class Politics of Housing Market Renewal 6. HMR and the ‘New’ Market Logic of Urban Renewal 7. Working Class Experiences of the Brave New Housing Market 8. HMR and the Politics of Middle Class Domination 9. The Rich Get Richer – Profiteering from Working Class Suffering 2008: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-41560-6: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41561-3: £29.99

Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World

2006: 234x156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-27446-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-27447-0: £29.99

International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness Edited by Paul Cloke and Paul Milbourne This book provides comparative material on the cultural, political and policy contexts of rural homelessness, the nature and scale of the issue, and the complex local geographies of rural homelessness.

2006: 234x156: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-34372-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-63963-4

Paul Jenkins, Harry Smith and Ya Ping Wang This book examines the evolving relationship between development strategies and urban planning in Latin America, Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on sustainability in rapidly urbanizing areas. 2006: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-0-415-35796-8: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-35797-5: £26.99


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Property Development

Urban Planning and Real Estate Development John Ratcliffe, Dublin Institute, Ireland, Michael Stubbs, National Trust, UK and Miles Keeping, GVA Grimley, UK

Sara Wilkinson, University of Melbourne, Australia and Richard Reed, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia Foreword by David Cadman This fifth edition of David Cadman’s long-standing textbook brings issues of property development up to date for a new generation of students. It provides a clear and practical overview of the property development process, together with critical analysis of the key issues faced by property professionals today.

Series: Natural and Built Environment Series This third edition of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development guides students through the procedural and practical aspects of developing land from the point of view of both planner and developer. The planning system is explained, from the increasing emphasis on spatial planning at a regional level down to the detailed perspective of the development control process and the specialist requirements of historic buildings and conservation areas. At the same time the authors explain the entire development process from inception through appraisal, valuation and financing to completion and disposal. Selected Contents: Part 1: Introduction 1. Urban Planning and Real Estate Development: The Context and Theory Part 2: Urban Planning Organization 2. Policy and Implementation of Urban Planning 3. Town Planning Law and Regulation 4. Planning Appeals 5. The Future for Dispute Resolution in Planning 6. Planning Gain, Planning Obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy Part 3: Urban Planning Issues 7. Specialist Town Planning Controls 8. Sustainable Development and Climate Change 9. Urban Renaissance and Regeneration Part 4: The Real Estate Development Process 10. Sustainability and Property Development 11. The Property Development Process 12. Development Site Appraisal 13. Development Valuation 14. Property Development Finance 15. Marketing for Development Part 5: Real Estate Development Sectors 16. Retail Development 17. Office Development 18. Industrial Development 19. Residential Development

With new sections on Sustainable Property Development and the growth of international working in the property sector, it is essential reading for all students of property development. Selected Contents: Foreword David Cadman 1. Introduction 2. Land for Development 3. Development Appraisal and Risk 4. Development Finance 5. Planning 6. Construction 7. Market Research 8. Promotion and Selling 9. Sustainable Development 10. International Practice 2008: 234x156: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-43062-3: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43063-0: £24.99 US $44.95 US $41.95

January 2009: 234x156: 696pp Hb: 978-0-415-45077-5: £90.00 US $155.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45078-2: £35.00 US $62.95

A New Vision for Housing Christopher Holmes 2005: 198x129: 232pp Hb: 978-0-415-36081-4: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-36080-7: £22.99

Pages taken from Property Development.

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Property Valuation

Introducing Property Valuation

The Five Methods Douglas Scarrett, Formerly Tutor for College of Estate Management, Reading University, UK Completely revised to incorporate recent developments in practice, this second edition of Douglas Scarrett’s established text describes the process of valuation of real estate through its five principal methods: comparative, investment, residual, profits, and contractor’s methods. Unlike most existing texts, this book is designed to allow students to read about the methods either chapter-by-chapter or as a whole, thus enabling a deeper understanding of each in its own right as well as how they fit together. Discussing changes in retail practice and the role of accountants in looking at viability of businesses, the book features new case studies, enhanced visual aids, diagrams, and tables to help readers visualize the process. Selected Contents: 1. Setting the Scene 2. The Overall Investment Market 3. The Property Market 4. Valuation Mathematics 5. The Determinant of Value 6. The Comparison Method 7. The Investment Method 8. The Residual Method – The Problem 9. The Residual Method – The Process 10. The Profits Principle 11. The Profits Principle – Trading Accounts and Definitions 12. The Contractor’s Test 13. The Contractor’s Test – Application. Appendix. Further Reading

Michael Blackledge, University of Portsmouth, UK This comprehensive introduction to the concepts and methods of valuing real estate provides information for students to progress successfully from basic principles to a more sophisticated understanding of the subject. The book takes a practical rather than purely theoretical approach and demonstrates how the principles can be applied in professional practice with constant reference to the requirements of, and guidance provided by, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The traditional five methods of valuation are briefly explained but concentration is on the practical application of the two main approaches: the comparison and investment methods. The alternative method of valuation of discounted cash flow, an area which has been neglected in other texts, is also covered. Further reading is given, along with a full range of worked examples, clear chapter summaries and further questions. Website companion material is also available. May 2009: 246x189: 392pp Hb: 978-0-415-43476-8: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43477-5: £24.99 US $44.95 eBook: 978-0-203-87617-6

2008: 234x156: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-42325-0: £90.00 US $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42326-7: £29.99 US $53.95

Pages taken from Property Valuation.

Pages taken from Introducing Property Valuation.


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A Acselrad, Henri .................................21 Albrechts, Louis ................................22 Alexander, Anthony ............................2 Allen, Chris.......................................35 Allmendinger, Philip....................19, 22 Almandoz, Arturo.............................27 AlSayyad, Nezar................................29 Andersson, Johan .............................17 Asheim, Bjorn...................................18 Atlas of Vernacular Architecture of the World.....................................29

B Baker, Mark ......................................18 Barton, Hugh....................................15 Beard, Victoria A. .............................21 Beatley, Timothy ...............................10 Beaverstock, Jonathan ......................23 Becoming Places ...............................15 Belussi, Fiorenza ...............................23 Benneworth, Paul .............................18 Berger, Alan......................................10 Bianconi, Marco................................17 Blackledge, Michael ..........................37 Boontharm, Davisi ..............................5 Booth, Philip .....................................19 Bradbury, Jonathan...........................18 Bradshaw, Michael J. ........................23 Breuillard, Michelle ...........................19 Bridge, Alexander .............................29 Britain’s New Towns............................2 Broudehoux, Anne-Marie..................28 Budd, Leslie ......................................18 Bull, Catherine....................................5 Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts ......................23

C Cadman, David.................................36 Canniffe, Eamonn...............................5 Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires ........................................24 Carmona, Matthew ............................4 Caves, Roger ......................................1 Chadwick, Andrew ...........................14 Cinematic Urbanism..........................29 Cities Design and Evolution.................4

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City Reader, The..................................5 Clark, Douglas A. .............................14 Cloke, Paul .......................................35 Clusters and Regional Development......................18 Colomb, Claire .................................19 Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning..............20 Conservation in the Age of Consensus...............................4 Cooke, Philip ....................................18 Cooper, Ian.......................................11 Corey, Kenneth E................................5 Costa, Heloisa...................................21 Counsell, David.................................19 Creating Child Friendly Cities ............17 Creative Regions ...............................18 Crime Prevention and the Built Environment ...............................7 Cross-Cultural Urban Design ...............5 Cullingworth, Barry.............................1 Curwell, Stephen ..............................11

D Damljanovic Conley, Tanja.................24 Daniels, Peter W. ..............................23 Davoudi, Simin .................................20 De Cauter, Lieven .............................16 Deakin, Mark....................................11 Decent Homes for All .......................35 Dehaene, Michiel..............................16 Designing Australia’s Cities ...............26 Designing the City of Reason............29 Designing the Reclaimed Landscape........................10 Devolution, Regionalism and Regional Development......................18 Di Palma, Vittoria..............................17 Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning .............................21 Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning (series)................................21 Dimitriou, Harry T. ............................22 Dovey, Kim .......................................15 Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle................................25 Dühr, Stefanie.............................19, 20

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E Eco-Urbanity.......................................8 Eldridge, Adam.................................15 Elsheshtawy, Yasser ..............24, 25, 28 Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World.................29 European Cohesion Policy.................18 European Spatial Planning and Territorial Co-operation ..............19 Evolving Arab City, The .....................24

F Franck, Karen ...................................17 Franklin, Bridget ...............................34 Frantz, Klaus.....................................16 Fraser, Charles ..................................19 Freestone, Robert .............................26

G Gallent, Nick.........................17, 18, 35 Gar-On Yeh, Anthony .......................21 Geographies of the New Economy ............................23 Glasson, John .............................14, 22 Glasze, Georg...................................16 Gleeson, Brendan .............................17 Globalizing Taipei .............................28 Gold, John R. ............................26, 30 Gold, Margaret M. ...........................26 Gordon, David ..................................28 Grant, Jill ..........................................16 Grant, Marcus ..................................15 Greaves, Mark ..................................10 Guise, Richard ..................................15 Gunzburger Makas, Emily.................24

H Hall, Sir Peter....................................30 Hall, Thomas.....................................27 Hammond, Leo...................................4 Hanna, Kevin S. ................................14 Hardill, Irene .....................................18 Hardy, Dennis ...................................30 Harper, Thomas ................................21 Harrison, Philip .................................31 Haughton, Graham...........................19 Headicar, Peter .................................31 Healey, Patsy.......................................7

INDEX Heterotopia and the City ..................16 Hidden Millions, The.........................33 Holmes, Christopher .........................36 Housing and Health in Europe ..........33 Housing and Social Policy .................34 Housing and Society Series (series) ..............................33, 34 Housing Market Renewal and Social Class ................................35 Housing Transformations ..................34 Housing, Care and Inheritance..........34 Housing, Markets and Policy.............34 Housing, Planning and Design Series (series)..................35 Howard, E. .......................................30 Howes, Hugh ...................................14

I Imrie, Rob.........................................16 Indicators for Urban and Regional Planning .............................20 Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks ....................23 International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness ..........................35 Intimate Metropolis ..........................17 Introducing Property Valuation .........37 Introduction to Community Development, An..............................16 Introduction To Environmental Impact Assessment ...........................14 Introduction to Rural Planning ..........18 Irazábal, Clara...................................25 Izuhara, Misa ....................................34

J Jemelin, Christophe ..........................17 Jenkins, Eric ........................................6 Jenkins, Paul .....................................35 Juntti, Meri .......................................18

K Kaufmann, Vincent...........................17 Keeping, Miles..................................36 Kellerman, Aharon............................17 Kidd, Sue..........................................18 King, Peter........................................32 Kitchen, Ted........................................7 Komninos, Nicos...............................23

Kwok, Reginald ................................28


New Vision for Housing, A ...............36 Nijkamp, Peter ..................................11

L Larice, Michael....................................5 Lathouri, Marina ...............................17 Lees, Loretta .....................................16 LeGates, Richard.................................5 Leyshon, Andrew..............................23 Liao, Hanwen .....................................9 Local and Regional Development ......22 Loose Space......................................17 Lu, Duanfang....................................28 Ludic City, The ....................................7

M Macdonald, Elizabeth .........................5 Madanipour, Ali................................29 Magalhães, Claudio de .......................4 Making and Selling of Post-Mao Beijing, The.......................28 Making the Metropolitan Landscape ..........................................2 Malpass, Peter ..................................34 Mandelbaum, Seymour.....................22 Marshall, Stephen.........................4, 24 Marshall, Tim....................................22 Martin, Ron ......................................18 Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment ...........................12 Milbourne, Paul ................................35 Miraftab, Faranak .............................21 Mitchell, Gordon ..............................11 Mobile Technologies of the City........23 Molle, Willem ...................................18 Moor, Malcolm ...................................7 Morris, Peter.....................................12

N Nadin, Vincent..............................1, 19 Naess, Petter.......................................7 Natural and Built Environment Series (series) .........12, 14, 18, 22, 31, 32, 36 Needham, Barrie.................................1 Network Society, The ........................22 Networked Cities Series (series)....................5, 17, 22, 23 New Spatial Planning, The ................19 New Urbanism and American Planning............................28

O Oliver, Paul .......................................29 Olympic Cities...................................26 Open Space: People Space................14 Ordinary Places/ Extraordinary Events .........................25 Ormandy, David................................33

P Parin, Claire ........................................5 Paris, Didier ......................................19 Pattaroni, Luca..................................17 Pendlebury, John ................................4 Periton, Diana...................................17 Personal Mobilities............................17 Pflieger, Géraldine ............................17 Phillips, Rhonda ................................16 Piccaluga, Andrea .............................18 Pike, Andy ........................................22 Pittman, Robert H.............................16 Pitts, Adrian........................................9 Planning and Decentralization ..........21 Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World..................35 Planning and Transformation ............31 Planning at the Landscape Scale .........4 Planning Europe’s Capital Cities ........27 Planning in the USA............................1 Planning Latin America’s Capital Cities 1850-1950 ..................27 Planning Middle Eastern Cities ..........28 Planning on the Edge .......................17 Planning the Good Community.........16 Planning the Megacity ......................26 Planning the Night-time City.............15 Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities.....................................28 Planning, History and Environment Series (series)............24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Planning, Law and Economics.............1 Porta, Sergio.....................................10 Practice of Modernism, The ..............30 Private Cities .....................................16 Property Development ......................36 Property Valuation ............................37 Public Space .......................................4


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Public Transport ................................32 Punter, John .......................................3

R Raco, Mike .......................................16 Radovic, Darko ...............................5, 8 Ratcliffe, John...................................36 Reed, Richard ...................................36 Regenerating London .......................16 Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy ........................18 Regional Planning .............................22 Regional Planning for Open Space....20 Regions and Cities (series)...........18, 23 Remaking Chinese Urban Form.........28 Rise of the English Regions?, The......18 Roberts, Marion................................15 RodrĂ­guez-Pose, AndrĂŠs ....................22 Romice, Ombretta ............................10 Routledge Studies in Human Geography (series)................16 Routledge Urban Reader Series (series) ................................5, 10 Rowland, Jon......................................7 Rowlands, Rob .................................34 RTPI Library Series (series)..........1, 7, 14, 16, 20, 31

S Sammarra, Alessia ............................23 Scarrett, Douglas ..............................37 Schneider, Richard H...........................7 Schwartz, Dafna ...............................18 Selman, Paul.....................................14 Shaping Neighbourhoods .................15 Shaw, Dave.......................................18 Sheller, Mimi.....................................23 Silver, Christopher.......................21, 26 Sipe, Neil ..........................................17 Slocombe, D. Scott ...........................14 Smith, Harry .....................................35 Social Fabric of the Networked City, The .........................17 Somerville, Peter ...............................34 Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France ........................19 Spatial Recall ....................................13 Speak, Suzanne ................................33 Sprigings, Nigel.................................34

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Stauber, Jennifer.................................2 Stevens, Quentin ..........................7, 17 Stiftel, Bruce .....................................21 Stout, Frederic ....................................5 Strange, Ian ......................................20 Strategic Planning for Regional Development in the UK ....................22 Strategic Planning for Water.............14 Stubbs, Michael ................................36 Sustainable Olympic Design and Urban Development.....................9 Sustainable Urban Development Reader ........................10 Sustainable Urban Development Series (series)...............11 Sustainable Urban Development Volume 1 ....................11 Sustainable Urban Development Volume 2 ....................11 Sustainable Urban Development Volume 3 ....................11 Sustainable Urban Development Volume 4 ....................11 Symes, Martin...................................11

T Talen, Emily.......................................28 Tapie, Guy ..........................................5 Tatom, Jacqueline ...............................2 Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning ................................22 Tewdwr-Jones, Mark...................22, 35 Therivel, Riki ...............................12, 14 Thompson, Robin .............................22 Thwaites, Kevin ................................10 Tipple, Graham.................................33 To Scale ..............................................6 Todes, Alison ....................................31 Tomaney, John..................................22 To-Morrow .......................................30 Town and Country Planning in the UK..............................1 Transforming Parks and Protected Areas .........................14 Transport Policy and Planning in Great Britain...................31 Travlou, Penny ..................................14 Treib, Marc .......................................13

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U Understanding Housing Finance .......32 Urban and Regional Technology Planning...........................5 Urban Coding and Planning..............24 Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies ................................7 Urban Design and the British Urban Renaissance ...................3 Urban Design Futures .........................7 Urban Design Reader, The ..................5 Urban Ethic.........................................5 Urban Planning and Real Estate Development..........................36 Urban Structure Matters .....................7 Urban Sustainability Through Environmental Design .......................10 Urry, John .........................................23

V van der Valk, Arnold.........................20 van Dijk, Terry...................................20 Vellinga, Marcel ................................29 Vigar, Geoff ......................................19 Visual Language of Spatial Planning, The ........................20 Vreeker, Ron .....................................11

W Wang, Ya Ping ..................................35 Ward Thompson, Catharine..............14 Ward, Colin ......................................30 Watson, Vanessa ........................21, 31 Webster, Chris ..................................16 Wheeler, Stephen M. ........................10 White, Peter .....................................32 Wilkinson, Sara.................................36 Wilson, Mark......................................5 Wong, Cecilia ...................................20

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