Politics International Relations Handbooks leaflet 2010 (US)

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New and Forthcoming


Politics, International Relations and Area Studies

Routledge Handbook of International Law Edited by David Armstrong, University of Exeter, UK The Routledge Handbook of International Law provides a definitive global survey of the interaction of international politics and international law. Each chapter is written by a leading expert and provides a state of the art overview of the most significant areas within the field. This highly topical collection of specially commissioned papers from both established authorities and rising stars is split into four key sections, comprising a comprehensive survey of the state of the discipline. The Routledge Handbook of International Law is an essential work of reference for scholars and practitioners of international Law. 2008: 246 x 174: 504pp Hb: 978-0-415-41876-8: $199.00 eBook: 978-0-203-88462-1 For more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415418768

Selected Contents Part 1: The Nature of International Law 1. Is International Law Really Law? 2. The Sources of International Law 3. ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Law in International Relations 4. Compliance Issues 5. International Law and International Society 6. Legal and Moral Norms in International Society 7. The Effectiveness of International Law 8. Theories of International Law 9. The Practice of International Law Part 2: The Evolution of International Law 10. The Classical World 11. The Era of Grotius 12. Nineteenth Century Positivism 13. Normative Change in International Society 14. Religion(s) and International Law 15. The ‘Legalization’ and ‘Institutionalisation’ of International Relations 16. Globalisation and Claims that We are Moving Towards a Cosmopolitan Rather than Inter-State Legal Community 17. The Increasing Role of Non-State Actors

Part 3: Law and Power in International Society 18. Does Law Reflect or Constrain Power? 19. Law and Force in the Twenty First Century 20. American Hegemony and International Law (i) Pro 21. American Hegemony and International Law (ii) Anti 22. The Iraq War 23. Humanitarian Intervention Part 4: Key Issues in International Law 24. The Environment 25. Terrorism 26. The Laws of War 27. Human Rights 28. Trade 29. Finance 30. Intellectual Property 31. The United Nations 32. The International Court of Justice 33. Law of the Sea 34. Refugees and Migrants

Routledge Handbook of Transnational Organised Crime Edited by Felia Allum, University of Bath, UK and Stan Gilmore, Thames Valley Police, UK Transnational organized crime (TOC) crosses borders, challenges States, exploits individuals, pursues profit, wrecks economies, destroys civil society, and ultimately weakens global democracy. It is a phenomenon that is all too often misunderstood and misrepresented. This handbook attempts to re-draw the balance, by providing a fresh and interdisciplinary overview of the problems which TOC represents. The innovative aspect of this handbook is not only its interdisciplinary nature but also the dialogue between international academics and practitioners that it presents. The Handbook seeks to provide the definitive overview of transnational organized crime, including contributions from leading international scholars as well as emerging researchers. The work starts by examining the origins, concepts, contagion and evolution of TOC and then moves on to discuss the impact, governance and reactions of governments and their agencies, before looking to the future of TOC, and how the State will seek to respond. Providing a cutting edge survey of the discipline, this work will be essential reading for all those with an interest in this dangerous phenomenon. June 2011: 246 x 174: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-57979-7: $180.00 Rising to $195.00 three months after publication For more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415579797

Selected Contents Introduction F. Allum and S. Gilmour Section 1: Origins and Concepts 1. Is TOC a Myth? P. Van Duyne 2. Understanding Legal Theory and TOC 3. The Political Reality of TOC A. Edwards 4. Local Difficulty: Organized Crime, Transnationality and Policy Transference Dick Hobbs and Sue Hobbs 5. TOC in America M. Woodiwiss 6. TOC in Europe T. Vander Beken 7. African TOC and its impacts S. Ellis 8. TOC in the Indo-Pacific: A View from Australia J. McFarlene, R. Broadhurst and S. Gordon 9. TOC in Russia Serguei Cheloukhine Section 2: Contagion and Evolution 10. The Geography of TOC: Spaces, Networks and Flows T. Hall 11. The Practice of Transnational Organized Crime K. Von Lampe 12. The Drugs Question R. Perl 13. People Trafficking A. Aronowitz 14. TOC and the Market M. Kenny 15. TOC and Money Laundering M. Beare 16. Relationships between the State and TOC T. Ward Section 3: Intensity and Impact 17. TOC and Civil Society Peter Schneider and Jane Schneider 18. Women in TOC F. Allum 19. TOC and the Global Village Kelly Hignett 20. Ethnicity, Mobility and TOC J. Arsoska 21. Imitating Art: TOC’s Infiltration of the Culture Industry J. Pine

22. Explaining the Expansion of the TOC and Terrorism Nexus T. Makarenko 23. Looking Glass Values: The Moral Narratives in Media Representations of Transnational Organized Crime P. Rawinlinson Section 4: Governance 24. Observing T.O. Criminals B. Goold 25. Migration Policy and TOC L. Wyler 26. Governance by Empire M. Bishop and M. Anderson 27. TOC and Surveillance A. Gendron 28. Preserving Human Rights in Transnational Criminal Investigation C. Hartfield Section 5: Reaction 29. UK S. Gilmour 30. The Endangered Empire: American Responses to Transnational Organized Crime R. Kelly 31. The Fight Against Organised Crime: An Asia-Pacific J. McFarlene 32. The Fight against TOC in Russia A. Orlova 33. Countering the Nexus of TOC and Terrorism C. Edwards Section 6: The Future 34. Future TOC Threats – Europe D. Bolt 35. UNODC Pino Arlacchi 36. The Harm from TOC – USA J. Finkenauer 37. TOC and Lessons from Italy A. D’Altiero. Conclusions F. Allum and S. Gilmour


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