Secondary Teaching 2010 (UK)

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New Professional Development Books for:

Secondary Teaching • Teaching in the 21st Century • Education for All • Mentoring • Every Child Matters • Cross-Curricular Teaching • Subject Teaching

The Essential Guide to the Big Issues for Every 21st Century Teacher

Ian Gilbert NEW

‘The future of the world is in your hands’ I know that might seem a bit steep considering you’ve got that Year Ten coursework to sort out and the lesson observation on that nervous looking NQT, but that’s the way it is I’m afraid. You chose to be a teacher, you mould young minds on a daily basis and those minds have got to grow up and save the world.’ – (Extract from Chapter One) Why do I need a teacher when I’ve got Google? is just one of the challenging, controversial and thought-provoking questions Ian Gilbert poses in his long-awaited follow up to the classic Essential Motivation in the Classroom. Questioning the unquestionable, this book will make you re-consider everything you thought you knew about teaching and learning, such as: • Are you simply preparing the next generation of unemployed accountants? • What do you do for the ‘sweetcorn kids’ who come out of the education system in pretty much the same state as when they went in? • What’s the Real Point of School? • Exams – So Whose Bright Idea Was That? • Why ‘EQ’ is fast becoming the new ‘IQ’ • What will your school policy be on brain-enhancing technologies?


• Which is the odd one out between a hamster and a caravan?

The Art of Teaching

With his customary combination of hard-hitting truths, practical classroom ideas and irreverent sense of humour, Ian Gilbert takes the reader on a breathless rollercoaster ride through burning issues of the 21st century, considering everything from the threats facing the world and the challenge of the BRIC economies to the link between eugenics and the 11+. As wide-ranging and exhaustively-researched as it is entertaining and accessible, this book is designed to challenge teachers and inform them – as well as encourage them – as they strive to design a 21st century learning experience that really does bring the best out of all young people. After all, the future of the world may just depend on it. July 2010: 216 x 138: 256pp • Pb: 978-0-415-46833-6: £14.99 For more information, visit:

Experiences of Schools Cedric Cullingford A central dilemma for teachers is finding ways to deal with the multiple perspectives and demands of pupils, parents, school management, and external forces. This book explores the tension between teaching and learning that all teachers experience. 2009: 234 x 156: 168pp • Pb: 978-0-415-49251-5: £19.99


How to be a Brilliant Mentor

The Future of Education and Training for 14–19 year-olds

Developing Outstanding Teachers Edited by Trevor Wright How to be a Brilliant Mentor offers clear guidelines to enhance your mentoring, helping you to analyse your own practice and understand the complex and often ambiguous role of the mentor in school. Considering why you might become a mentor and what you can gain from the experience, it provides practical strategies and direct problem-solving to help you move promising trainees quickly beyond mere competence. It explores: • • • • • • • •

Education for All

collaborative working giving effective feedback emotional intelligence and developing and maintaining relationships dealing with critical incidents developing reflective practice what to do if relationships beak down the relationship between coaching and mentoring mentoring newly qualified teachers as well as trainees.

Illustrated with the experiences of real trainees, How to be a Brilliant Mentor can be dipped into for innovative mentoring ideas or read from cover-to-cover as a short enjoyable course which will give you added confidence in your mentoring role. June 2010: 216 x 138: 200pp • Pb: 978-0-415-49214-0: £18.99

Request our 2010 David Fulton Catalogue email:

Richard Pring, Geoffrey Hayward, Ann Hodgson, Jill Johnson, Ewart Keep, Alis Oancea, Gareth Rees, Ken Spours and Stephanie Wilde There are two key questions at the heart of the ongoing debate about education and training for all young people, irrespective of background, ability or attainment: • •

What counts as an educated 19 year old today? Are the models of education we have inherited from the past sufficient to meet the needs of all young people, as well as the social and economic needs of the wider community?

Education for All addresses these questions in the light of evidence collected over five years by the Nuffield Review of 14–19 Education and Training: the most rigorous investigation of every aspect of this key educational phase for decades. Written by the co-directors of the Nuffield Review, Education for All provides a critical, comprehensive and thoroughly readable overview of 14–19 education and training and makes suggestions for the kind of education and training that should be provided over the coming decade and beyond. The authors acknowledge that much has been achieved by the respective governments – massive investment in resources; closer collaboration between schools, colleges, training providers, voluntary agencies and employers; recognition and promotion of a wider range of qualifications. They are also optimistic about the good things that are going on in many secondary classrooms – enormous amounts of creativity; courageous efforts to meet problems; a deep concern and caring for many young people otherwise deprived of hope and opportunity. But they argue for a radical reshaping of the future in the light of a broader vision of education – a greater respect for more practical and active learning; a system of assessment which supports rather than impoverishes learning; respect for the professional expertise of the teacher; a more unified system of qualifications ensuring progression into higher education and employment; the creation of strongly collaborative and local learning systems; and a more reflective and participative approach to policy. Education for All should be read by everyone working in – or with an interest in – secondary-level education in England and Wales and beyond. 2009: 234 x 156: 252pp • Pb: 978-0-415-54722-2: £19.99


Implementing the Every Child Matters Strategy

Young People with Anti-Social Behaviours

The Essential Guide for School Leaders and Managers

Practical Resources for Professionals

Rita Cheminais

Kathy Hampson

Implementing the Every Child Matters Strategy is a comprehensive resource for senior leaders, managers of Every Child Matters (ECM) and teachers responsible for leading the government’s ECM strategy in primary and secondary schools and other education settings such as Academies, Sixth Form Colleges, short stay schools, Children’s Centres and Early Years settings.

This book offers practical solutions for those working with young people with anti-social behaviour. Including ready-to-use, tried-and-tested resources suitable for a wide variety of settings, it examines the background to these highly topical issues, enabling the reader to contextualise and better identify with the problems faced by the young people they work with.

Featuring step-by-step advice, photocopiable checklists and templates, with suggestions for further activities in relation to implementing and embedding the government’s ECM strategy in schools/education settings, this practical guide will enable readers to: • • • • • •

understand the concept and principles of Every Child Matters and translate those into developing an ECM policy for their school/setting know their role in moving ECM policy, practice and provision forward understand the importance of ECM well being for effective learning embed ECM through school improvement planning, target setting, tracking pupils well being outcomes and efficient resource deployment identify effective strategies to promote productive partnership working to improve ECM outcomes for children and young people understand the OFSTED inspection requirements for pupils ECM well being.

An invaluable resource for those professionals strategically leading ECM in their own education setting, it offers practical guidance, recommended management approaches, models of good practice and signposting to further sources of information on how best to ensure ECM is woven and embedded throughout the school/setting. Frameworks and checklists are downloadable from:

July 2010: A4: 224pp • Pb: 978-0-415-56570-7: £29.99

Learning to Fail How Society Lets Young People Down Fran Abrams Blending interviews with those most closely affected together with views from key commentators and experts the author creates a vivid picture of a system and societal failure; a failure both that is at once both embarrassing and avoidable. 2009: 234 x 156: 184pp • Pb: 978-0-415-48396-4: £18.99

Building and Restoring Respectful Relationships in Schools A Guide to Using Restorative Practice

January 2010: A4: 120pp • Pb: 978-0-415-49824-1: £24.99

Richard Hendry

Using these restorative approaches, teachers can restore good relationships when there has been conflict or harm, encouraging people to take responsibility for their behaviour and involving all those affected in the outcomes of any intervention.

For more books on ECM visit:

2009: 234 x 156: 176pp • Pb: 978-0-415-54427-6: £19.99



The Cross Curricular Teaching and Learning in… series develops a framework for cross-curricular approaches in secondary schools. Essential reading for teachers and students, each book in the series is focused on a subject area, and analyses the general principles and pedagogies underpinning cross-curricular themes, incorporating current trends in ICT, the use of language, assessment and personalised learning. Chapters dedicated to individual subjects, written by subject experts, are incorporated in each book with explicit links to wider elements of curriculum development. Practical application is discussed within each title, and the authors link theoretical ideas to their implementation in the classroom throughout. Key features of the books include: • Theoretical examination of key issues • Suggested pedagogical frameworks • A wide range of case studies • Frameworks for assessment and evaluation • Practical tasks and questions for reflective practice.

Providing valuable support for trainee and practising teachers, this series of practical workbooks offers detailed guidance on everyday pedagogical challenges. Practical Guides are available for teaching:

Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education

Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School... Maths

Jonathan Savage

Robert Ward-Penny

September 2010: 246 x 174: 224pp • Pb: 978-0-415-54859-5: £21.99

December 2010: 246 x 174: 192pp • Pb: 978-0-415-57204-0: £21.99

Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School – The Arts

Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School... Using ICT

Drama, Visual Art, Music and Design

Maurice Nyangon

Martin Fautley and Jonathan Savage

December 2010: 246 x 174: 192pp • Pb: 978-0-415-57060-2: £21.99

October 2010: 246 x 174: 180pp • Pb: 978-0-415-55045-1: £21.99

Routledge Teaching Guides

• Physical Education • Citizenship • Modern Foreign Languages • Design and Technology • ICT • Science • Music • History

For more information on individual guides visit

NEW The Media Teacher’s Handbook

Grammar Survival

The Media Teacher’s Handbook is an indispensible guide for all teachers delivering Media Studies and media education in school and college. It is written to support both students learning to teach media as part of their PGCE, and as a comprehensive introduction and source of ongoing support for practising teachers, often delivering the subject as non-specialists.

A Teacher’s Toolkit

Illustrated with case studies, it is detailed throughout with information about key further reading, where to find and how to choose the best resources for teaching, and links to helpful associations and websites that will support your delivery of media studies topics. A detailed glossary of key terms and key thinkers will help you launch and develop your own subject knowledge. Written by experts involved in the teaching, training and examination of media studies, chapters cover: • • • • • • • • •

2nd Edition

Edited by Elaine Scarratt and Jon Davison

the key concepts and pedagogy underpinning media education practical ways into teaching and learning the key media concepts, illustrated by case studies of integrating theory and production work in the classroom using the internet and computer games in the classroom using World Cinema and global media industries to show how globalisation, cultural identities, and diversity elements of the Secondary Curriculum can be integrated into media education an introduction to the 2008 A Level specifications and the 2009 GCSE specifications: managing a course, planning lessons, choosing resources and materials, coursework, assessment, exam preparation the 14–19 Creative; Media Diploma and vocational media courses approaches to production and editing activities including desk top production (DTP), video, photography, website design, radio and video games becoming Head of Media Studies with departmental and cross-curricular responsibility taking your career further – guidance for individual teachers planning personal CPD.

The Media Teacher’s Handbook is an essential guide to the theory, pedagogy, and practice of media education that will help ensure all teachers are confident they can deliver the curriculum expertly. November 2010: 246 x 174: 224pp • Pb: 978-0-415-49994-1: £22.99

Geoff Barton Focusing on what you need to know for the classroom, Grammar Survival provides you with the essential knowledge and the tools you’ll need to teach grammar effectively. January 2010: 297 x 210: 104pp • Pb: 978-0-415-55405-3: £19.99

Young at Art Classroom Playbuilding in Practice Christine Hatton and Sarah Lovesy Young at Art is a practical guide to playbuilding for teachers working with students at an upper primary and secondary level. 2008: 246 x 174: 208pp Pb: 978-0-415-45478-0: £20.99

Teaching Reading Shakespeare John Haddon Teaching Reading Shakespeare is for all training and practising secondary teachers who want to help their classes overcome the very real difficulties they experience when they have to ‘do’ Shakespeare. 2009: 234 x 156: 208pp Pb: 978-0-415-47908-0: £22.99

COMING SOON: Teaching Secondary English as if the Planet Matters

Teaching Secondary Geography as if the Planet Matters

Sasha Matthewman

John Morgan

October 2010: 246 x 189: 180pp Pb: 978-0-415-47204-3: £21.99

October 2010: 246 x 189: 208pp Pb: 978-0-415-56388-8: £21.99

Religious Education


A Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Approach for Secondary Level

The Really Useful Physical Education Book


A Creative Writing Manual for Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3

Learning and Teaching Across the 7–14 Age Range

Clive Erricker This book provides tutors, students and teachers with a basis for developing their thinking about Religious Education, its place in the curriculum and an effective means for its delivery in schools.

James Carter This revised and updated edition offers a fresh, unique approach to teaching creative writing. It contains models of writing from popular children’s authors Jaqueline Wilson Philip Pullman, David Almond and Roger McGough. Includes photocopiable resources for teachers.

Edited by Gary Stidder and Sid Hayes Underpinned by easy-to-understand theory and links to the curriculum, and with practical advice to ensure pupils exercise safely and enjoyably, this book is a compendium of ideas for learning and teaching a range of activities at KS3.

April 2010: 246 x 189: 248pp Pb: 978-0-415-47874-8: £22.99

2009: A4: 176pp Pb: 978-0-415-49902-6: £24.99

July 2010: A4: 216pp Pb: 978-0-415-49827-2: £22.99

Creating Writers

Teaching Religion and Science Effective Pedagogy and Practical Approaches for RE Teachers Tonie Stolberg and Geoff Teece Designed to be a resource for both trainee and practising teachers, Teaching Religion and Science offers sound pedagogical advice and practical ideas for successfully embedding the teaching of religion and science in the classroom. August 2010: 234 x 156: 144pp Pb: 978-0-415-54820-5: £19.99


Speaking Frames: How to Teach Talk for Writing: Ages 10–14 Sue Palmer Now revised and expanded Speaking Frames: How to Teaching Talk for Writing: Ages 10–14 brings together material from Sue Palmer’s popular Speaking Frames books with additional material covering the primary/secondary transition. August 2010: A4: 96pp Pb: 978-0-415-57987-2: £21.99


3rd Edition

Teaching Secondary Science Constructing Meaning and Developing Understanding Keith Ross, Liz Lakin and Janet McKechnie Teaching Secondary Science is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of science teaching, providing a wealth of information and ideas about different approaches. February 2010: 246 x 174: 272pp Pb: 978-0-415-46886-2: £21.99


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