19th Edition
south america, central america and the caribbean Key Features
• an unrivalled survey on ALL the countries and territories of this immense region available in one easy-to-use volume • latest available statistics on key demographic and socio-economic indicators • detailed essays examining key topics of regional importance by acknowledged authorities, from The Politics of Energy in Latin America to Caribbean Overseas Territories in a Changing World.
‘Remains an exemplary reference work for students of the area.’
Available Now! Detailed Country Surveys Each country and territory has its own individual chapter incorporating: • an introductory survey, containing insightful essays on the history and economy of the country, as well as physical and social geographies, including maps • an extensive and meticulously researched economic and demographic survey of the latest available statistics on area and population, agriculture, the media, trade and industry and much more • a complete directory of names, addresses, contact and email/internet addresses covering areas such as constitution, government, judiciary, defence, education etc. • a select bibliography, containing suggestions for further research.
September 2010 | 279x211 | 1,152pp | Hb: 978-1-85743-562-7 | £465.00
– International Affairs
new for 20
• Resilience and Transformation: Latin America in the Global Financial Crisis by Dr. Pia Riggirozzi, Lecturer in Global Politics at the University of Southampton
• Mexico and the War on Drugs by Dr. Gareth Jones, Senior Lecturer in Development Geography at the London School of Economics (LSE)