Special Educational Needs Spring/Summer 2011 new
What’s the Buzz? A Social Skills Enrichment Programme for Primary Students By Mark Le Messurier and Madhavi Nawana Parker ‘This is a comprehensive and exciting book. Children recognising how their approaches appear to others is challenging and revealing.’- Dr Christine Macintryre, formely Senior Lecturer at Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh University What’s the Buzz? is a unique sixteen lesson social skills enrichment programme designed to explicitly teach children how to think and relate socially. It is for children, who for all manner of reasons, struggle to make friends and fit in socially. This lively, highly practical role-play and play-based programme targets everyday themes - how to greet, make and keep friends, fit in, read one’s own emotions, read the feelings of others, deal with competition and cope with worry, frustration and disappointment more constructively. The engaging direct method of instruction is designed on an extensive body of research believed to stimulate social thinking and accomplish powerful outcomes. What’s the Buzz? is: • sequenced - it follows a logical break down of each skill • active - it uses role-plays and rehearsal with feedback March 2011: 256pp: Pb: 978-0-415-583824:
• focused - it dedicates time solely towards teaching a specific skill
• explicit - it teaches a specific social/ emotional skill each session.
The SENCO Survival Guide The Nuts and Bolts of Everything You Need to Know By Sylvia Edwards
Are you confused about Special Education Needs (SEN) and Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LDD)? Are you unclear about how to identify and address the needs of your pupils in the context of the new Inclusion Development Programme? Do you need support to develop a great system that links together recent initiatives and government legislation? This book is intended for SENCOs and other staff, working from the Foundation stage to Key Stage 4 with management responsibility for SEN/LDD systems in schools. The book will: • explore recent initiatives and terminology in the context of the ‘Inclusion Development Programme’ and ‘Narrowing the Gap’ • examine the implications for school policy and practice • link together related SEN/LDD development • help schools to develop co-ordinated systems that enable all learners with SEN/LDD to meet their potential and aspirations. -415-59281-9: January 2011: 176pp: Pb: 978-0
David Fulton Books