Virtual Environments MODULE ONE

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Rovi Dean Lau

Student No: 543495 Semeter 1/2012 Group 8

Natural Process - SOUNDWAVES

Natural Process: Soundwaves - Initial Sketches Why soundwaves? I love music which brings me to loving sound. When there is no music, there is no life. It intrigues me that something you love cannot be seen.

Different kinds of soundwaves.

Movement of soundwaves in the air. Made by compression and expension of air.

Particles of soundwaves travelling through solid, liquid and gas. Lines on the right was how I depicted them.

Natural Process: Soundwaves - Research

Soundwave patterns! Making it visible through a tonoscope. The sound passes through to the board which vibrates the sand on top and creates those patterns. Noticed that the patterns are symmetrical in 4 directions. As the frequency of sound goes higher, the pattern becomes more complex.

Natural Process: Soundwaves - Research

This was done by Canon PIXMA team. Placing fluid on a membrane and using sound to vibrate it. This images were taken within a second. Found out how interesting and creative just what sound can do, creating sound sculptures. Visualising the movement of molecules in the fluid.

Henderson Wave Bridge located Singapore. Built by IJP Corporation Architects and RSP Architects. Wave design from folded threedimensional surface by simple mathematics.

Inspiration From Architectual Designs of Waves Reseraching on buildings related to soundwaves or any wave structure that could influence or inspire my design.

Southern Cross Station Architect: Australian Institue of Architects (AIA) Roof designed as waves with hydraulic engineering to capture rain water via syphonic drainage for reuse.

Sound City Development By B+U Architect Firm (Herwig Baumgartner & Scott Uriu) Used sound clouds to do mapping for master planning.

Draft Concept No. 1 Abstracted the form of compression and expansion. The thought of wearing a lantern would be interesting to see. Idea of wrapping around some part of the body.


Taipei’s Performing Arts Center Architects: B+U (Herwig Baumgarter & Scott Uriu) Mixed Used Development (In progress)

Area: Taipei, Taiwan

Architects: B+U (Herwig Baumgarter & Scott Uriu) Area: LA, California

More Research and Sketches....

Pushing my design influences and inspirations for more ideas.... From this research, it influenced my design through twisting and curves instead of just using waves.

The Helix Bridge Architect: Cox Group (Aus) & Architect 61 (SGP) Area: Singapore

Da Vinci Rotating Tower Architect: Dynamics Architect Group (David Kisher) Area: Dubai, UAE

Paper Cuts, Shapes and Shadows... During second lecture of Virtual, it was about shapes and more specifically, TRIANGLES. Any thing can be folded or open up using the shape of triangles. So I decided to try out some shapes myself...

Draft Concept No. 2

Combined curved and wavy lines with the principle of soundwaves, compression and expension. Only thing missing now is a medium for my soundwave. I cannot say that this is bad but there is room for more ideas. Keep on sketching and think of ideas.


Proposal No. 1 - Soundwaves of the Heart I needed to find a medium to base my soundwave on. Picked the heart as one of my mediums because that gives us life like how music is towards our souls. From the daigram, found out that the waveform repeats itself. Fast heart beat is compact like compression and slow heart beat is loose, something like expansion of soundwaves. Wave form is shaped of a triangle.


With those points and my research, I sketched and played around with some geometry and with Rhino. Still sticking to the principle of compression and expansion of sound. Made a plasticine model to have a better visual of the concept.

Proposal No. 2 - Soundwaves from saying the Alphabets

Using voices as one of my mediums was because that is what we use to communicate with. From the diagram, it shows the waveforms of each alphabet and number. Apparently when different people says the same alphabet, the waveforms are generally similar. I used my research as well as my sketches and Rhino to develop my ideas. Used plasticine to have better visual.

Proposal No. 3 - Soundwaves of Sonic Boom

Sonic booms are created when an air-craft flies faster then the speed of sound. Using that as a medium with principles of compression and expansion to create my lanter concept. Had a difficult time developing this medium but eventually I managed to do it. I used the concept of how sonic booms are formed and developed it into an arm lantern.




Reflection Module one has been a fruitful yet tiring process and I believe it will pay off in the long run. Most of module one was about thinking of a natural process, which in the end, will be a conept for an artistic lantern. This few weeks have been tough and exhausting for the mind. The easiest part I find was to think of a natural process, which was soundwaves. The hard part comes after that, asking yourself where do I go from here, what do i do with my idea. I started of with the readings from Ball, The Shape of Things and The Man Who Loved Fluids. This was when I found out that sketching and doodling ideas out from my head to a piece of paper really helps a lot. Whatever it is, could be nonsense, rubbish or just a bunch of lines, it could be an idea in the future. When I did my first concept model, it was easy. After that when I was trying to develop that idea, it became hard. That was when I did more research and doodling which led to my second concept model. After having some feedback from tutorials, what I was missing was a medium for my sound. Thinking for an idea was really really, let alone developing it. The first two mediums, the heart and vioces, developed nicely. However, I had trouble with the last medium, that was when I look back at my earlier sketches and develop ideas. After awhile, my third proposal was ready. From there, I developed my final concept through random lines and sketching again. From this module, I learnt a few things which I can take away. Firstly, always sketch your ideas out, anything, because ideas will be forgotten. Secondly, there is no bad research or sketches and never throw them aside, always move on and the next time when you look back at them, it may be an idea. Lastly, never stop sketching even when you have a mind block, doodling something you feel at that point of time. You may not know what you can find. And that was how I got to my final concept.

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