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NC Billfish Series
The largest billfish tournaments in North Carolina are proud to present the NC Billfish Series. The eight
NC Billfish Series tournaments have teamed up with weigh masters Randy Gregory and George Lott to recognize and award the best tournament boats and anglers in North Carolina. The mission of the NC Billfish Series is to promote North Carolina’s billfish tournaments, sportsmanship, marine conservation and competition in our world-renowned offshore fishery.
Competing boats will be awarded points for billfish released or landed in NC Billfish Series tournaments with trophies for the overall winner, top private and charter boat for the best three out of eight tournaments, plus points for participating in each tournament. Trophies will be awarded for the largest blue marlin, yellowfin tuna, dolphin and wahoo. A “special” award will be given to the boat with the most total points (total points awarded for all tournaments) and individual awards will be given for outstanding Junior Boy, Junior Girl and Lady anglers. New for 2022, the NC Billfish Series is excited to add an outboard division to the competition! The NC Billfish Series looks forward to the second annual Big Rock Kids Billfish Tournament where series’ boats will score valuable release points. Please follow along with the fishing action through our NC Billfish Series website at ncbillfishseries.com and our social media posts! Good fishing!
2022 NC BILLFISH SERIES TOURNAMENTS Hatteras Village Offshore Open Swansboro Rotary Memorial Day Blue Water Fishing Tournament Cape Fear Blue Marlin Tournament Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament Hatteras Grand Slam Tournament Big Rock Kids Tournament Ducks Unlimited Billfish Tournament Pirates Cove Billfish Tournament
For more information on the NC Billfish Series Visit Us Online at ncbillfishseries.com
P R E C I S I O N W A L L S , I N C . I S P R O U D T O S U P P O R T T H E B I G R O C K K I D S T O U R N A M E N T B E N E F I T T I N G T H E B O Y S A N D G I R L S C L U B A N D A V A R I E T Y O F C H I L D R E N ' S C H A R I T I E S I N C L U D I N G S C H O O L S , C L I N I C S , A N D F O O D P A N T R I E S !