Welkom in Welkom By Rowen Smith
Oom Johan, wat is ’n Ousie?
EXT. JOHAN MARITZ HOUSE - MORNING On an early morning like most, Johan walks out of the house for a jog around the block. EXT. STREET - MORNING As he turns the corner at the street end, he runs into a LOUISE’S LITTLE GIRL who is morbidly walking to school. He curiously slows down next to her. JOHAN Hallo poplap, Waar is julle Ousie van oggend? GIRL My ma het gese ek mag nie met vreemde ooms praat nie. JOHAN Eks nie ’n oom nie. Eks nog nie eers 25 jaar oud nie. GIRL Jys flippen oud. Jyt sulke ou man baard. Soos president steyn. She LAUGHS. JOHAN Hey jy’t nognie my vraag beantwoord nie. The little girl turned shy and dropped her head as they continue to walk. GIRL Ons het nie ’n Ousie nie maar my ma sou my skooltoe loop, maar sy doen nou nie meer nie want syt n nuwe werk gekry. JOHAN Ek sal saam jou skooltoe loop. Eks Oom Johan Maritz. Girl Stops and turns to him and stops. GIRL Aangename kennis my naam is Nadia. They shake hands. (CONTINUED)
GIRL Oom Johan, Wat is ’n Ousie? EXT. LAUNDRY FENCE - AFTERNOON Elizabeth is halfway done with hanging the daily washing on the two long washing lines that stretch out to the yard’s back wall. EXT. FRONT YARD/BACK YARD - AFTERNOON A 60 year old grey FRIK MARITZ is busy fixing a leaking pipe on the house’s front wall. He SHOUTS. FRIK MARITZ Elizabeth. Elizabeth. He frustratedly gets up and walks around the house to the backyard where she peacefully works. FRIK MARITZ Elizabeth. He approaches her as she walks with a laundry bin into the house. ELIZABETH Ja Oupa? FRIK MARITZ (surprised) um uh, ek gaan gou hardeware winkel toe gaan. Ek sal vir Johan bel en hom se om jou te gaan aflaai in Allenridge. ELIZABETH Ja Oupa. Frik puts on his spectacles and watches her go into the house with the laundry bin. FADE TO BLACK.