’n Stukkie Winter By Rowen Smith
a 48 min short film
Draft 1
rowen.work@gmail.com 0796470077
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP(Annoying Blackberry Alarm) CUT TO: INT. ROOM 22 - DAWN Part-Maties Rugby Club, Part-Engineering Library. Two beds divided by a bar fridge. Poster covered walls with a small rectangular fish tank in the corner, home to NEMO the guppy. Welcome in ROOM 22. A BLACKBERRY CELLPHONE on a bedside table, going wild. A hand smacks it off. It falls to the ground and sleepy body gets out of bed to find it. It’s the body of FRANCOIS(22), pale and skinny with a bad-ass beard. On the single bed across him lay HANNES(23), a rugby player, he’s fast asleep. INT. COETZENBERG HALLWAY - SUNRISE Photo framed images of previous elected House presidents. Francois yawns as he walks down the hall to the kitchen, briefs only, with a semi-hard on. FRANCOIS(V.O) Ek is Francois Du Randt, en nee ek is nie ’n stut of ’n flank of ’n binnesenter nie. INT. HUIS COETZENBERG - MOMENTS LATER A hand switches on a kettle and it’s red light flickers. Cups are placed on the kitchen counter filled with coffee and sugar, most of it spills all over the place. FRANCOIS(V.O) om eerlik te wees sien ek nie regtig die pun om of rond te rol op sagte groen grassies tussen ’n klomp vet gespierde jong mans nie. INT. CORRIDOR - LATER SLOW TRACK IN across the COETZENBERG CORRIDOR CARPET leading us to a half opened bathroom door where we find Francois in the shower.
FRANCOIS(V.O) Dis seker all in good fun, maar as jy my vrae klink dit bietjie te lekker, vir sommiges. INT. BATHROOM - LATER A tap is turned and water BURSTS from it. POV OF MIRROR: A topless Francois pops into frame. He’s all wet, still waking up, squeezes the last bit of toothpaste onto his brush and starts brushing his teeth. The morning SILENCE is broken by a CHEERY WHISTLE moving through the hallway and then Hannes appears in the mirror’s reflection behind Francois. HANNES more more. Francois mumbles with a mouthful of white. HANNES Jis, bra aandklas het gepomp gistraand. Oh en ek en Monica het weer opgehook. Francois can’t believe what he’s hearing. HANNES daai meisie doen dinge aan my bra HOLD ON Francois as Hannes walks down the hall, WHISTLING again. We HEAR A fridge OPENING, kettle water POURING into each cup and some STIRRING. FRANCOIS(V.O) Ek groei al die hele vakansie aan die badboy. Die laaste keer wat ek geskeer het was ek dink, net voor paasnaweek. Toe dit nog somer was. Francois drops out of frame, SPITS, pops back up and wipes himself with a hand towel and stares deep into his soul. HANNES(O.S) (shouting) Frans, die melk is op.
3. EXT. HOUSE NERINA - MORNING A quiet and still Summer’s morning. A Sprinkler is wetting the massive lawn. FRANCOIS(V.O) Toe ek op skool was het my Wiskunde onderwyser altyd gese, boeta universiteit gaan die beste tye van jou lewe wees. We’re CLOSE ON the face of Francois, with a 5’O Clock shadow, a bit drunk and looking like a bum. FRANCOIS(V.O) Stellenbos, oh ja daar gaan jy graad vang en daar gaan jy liefde vind. He throws the corner bedroom window with acorns. FRANCOIS (Shouting) Marriete. Marriete. Baby maak oop. Dis net ek baby. Camaaaaan. He strips down to his iconic white briefs and almost stumbles. FRANCOIS Kom ons gaan hardloop deur die spreier baby. He takes a last sip of his cheap red and chucks the bottle. FRANCOIS (drunken rage) HEY! maak oop! maak oop! dit was nie my skuld nie en jy weet dit. A window on the bottom floor OPENS, then GIRL1 SHOUTS. GIRL1(O.S) Shut the fuck up. Francois doesn’t know where the it came from and carries on. FRANCOIS Hey. Wies jy? Wie vloek so lelik he? Dis fokkin sonde en die kerk se jy mag nie. GIRL2 leans over the TOP balcony with a hockey stick.
GIRL2 Dude, fokof ons wil slaap. Dis ’n Sondag. FRANCOIS okay okay okay okay. Woah nou. ek sal ophou, maar iemand roep haar net asseblief ek vra jou mooi, ek vra jou mooi. The girl disappears and MARRIETE(22) a sexy Blonde, steps out onto her balcony. MARRIETE Wat soek jy hier Francois? FRANCOIS Wat soek jy hier? Ek bly hier. She gets annoyed. MARRIETE jys nou weer gekuier ne? FRANCOIS Kom af, dan gaan drink ons ’n coffeetjie in my kamer, speel ’n bietjie Xbox en dalk later... MARRIETE Nee Francois, gaan huistoe en trek jou klere aan dis weird. She goes back inside. FRANCOIS wag wag wag wag wag wag. He feels his pockets, realizing his pants are on the floor then digs through it and finds a folded piece of paper. A deep breath, then he starts reading. FRANCOIS (mumbles) Bitterbessie dagbreek. Bitterbessie son. Geagte Marriete Moolman, Ons ken mekaar al 3 jaar en nog elke keer... She rudely interrupt.
MARRIETE Francois asseblief moenie dit doen nie. She dissapears and as he carries on reading, the front door opens and LISA(18), wearing cute pj’s, triples towards him. FRANCOIS ek het nie aan jou vroulike tekorkominge gedink nie en my manlike drange het my verblind. Jy’s ’n heilige wese van die Vader en ek sal jou eer met respek en geduld want jys n vrou en jys skoon en rein van binne.... LISA askiestog. Francois reads on, but she grabs the letter from him and he pays attention. LISA Marriete het my uitgestuur om vir jou te se dis verby tussen julle en jy maak jou naam gat hier buite. So... Francois doesn’t take in what she said at all. She inspects the letter page after page after page and stops at a really cheesy illustration of Francois and Minke inside a giant red heart. LISA Seriously? Het jou baba boetie dit geteken? Dis nie eers mooi nie. Francois tries to avoid eye contact. LISA (CONT’D) Jy weet sy’t gisteraand ’n ou hier gehad. Ek het hulle gehoor. Sy’t gemoan. Hy ook. Dit was flippen intense. Francois swallows with surprise. LISA en toe vanoggend toe ek opstaan en my pappies gaan eet in die kombuis, toe hoor ek hulle weer, maar dit was nie so intense nie.
The front door OPENS and we see a monster of a man walking down the pathway. This is BRINK(23), the rugby captain. LISA oh en dit was daai ou. (to Brink) Hi. She turns to back Francois, smiles broadly and triples back in with his letter. Francois is mildly overwhelmed. GIRL1(O.S) Hey as jy nie nou jou goed vat en fokkof nie gaan ek die huismoeder wakker maak. Maergat Francois struggles to get back into his trousers. GIRLS(O.S) (ridiculing) Maergat. Maergat! Perve! Rasis! and as he pulls it up, he gets a facial with sprinkler water. FRANCOIS(V.O) ek weet nie van julle nie, maar my hoerskool onderwysers was almal verkeerd. Die boland nat en koud en hartseer en universtiteit is kak. TITLE CARD: ’n stukkie Winter OPENING MONTAGE ON MATTHEW MOLE’s SHOT OF ROOM 22’S DOOR OPENING AND FRANCOIS WALKING OUT. SHOT OF FRANCOIS WALKING THROUGH THE CAMPUS GROUNDS, SATCHEL AROUND THE SHOULDER. HOODY & HEADPHONES, IN HIS OWN SPACE. SHOT OF FRANCOIS SKIPPING THE STEPS OF THE COZY BAR AND ENTERING. SHOT OF FRANCOIS WIPING TABLES, MOPPING AND CLEANING KNIVES AND FORKS.
SHOT OF FRANCOIS’S SHOES, TILT UP TO HIM SITTING ON THE STEPS, ROLLING A SPLIFF. SHOT OF "THE NEELSIE", PAN RIGHT TO REVEAL FRANCOIS WALKING TOWARDS THE BUILDING. INT. DIE NEELSIE - DAY Cafeteria take away menu, BURGERS & CHIPS, BOERIE ROLS & CHIPS, PITA & CHIPS. CLOSE on Francois’s face. He’s frowning. WAITRESS(O.S) Volgende. Behind the till counter is a WAITRESS(19) She’s chewing gum and sits with an attitude. WAITRESS hey jy. Wat soek jy? Francois is spaced out. WAITRESS hoor hierso is jy gerook of iets? He takes the headphones off his ears. FRANCOIS askies? WAITRESS Ek se. Wat wil jy he om te eet? He notices that GIRLS sitting at a table nearby are GIGGLING and GOSSIPING. He feels self aware. WAITRESS (sarcastic) Hey bra ek wil nou nie lelik wees nie ne, maar gaan dit lank vat? The waitress looks at someone behind him, MCU: he does the same. It’s Marriete basking in happiness, as she walks down the wooden staircase to join her circle of GIRLS at their table.
8. FRANCOIS(V.O) Ek kanie glo sy en Brink het opgehook nie. Dis so fucked up. FLASHBACK TO:
EXT. ENGINEERING FACULTY - AFTERNOON - 3 YEARS EARLIER A beautiful day in the Summer. FRANCOIS(V.O) Sy sou dit nooit doen nie, Marriete was nog altyd ’n oordentlike Christen meisie. Francois(18), walks from the enormous Engineering faculty, wearing his hood, carrying his SCHOOLBOY BRIEFCASE and listening to music from his HEADPHONES. A RUSTY NISSAN BAKKIE pulls up next to him. DRIVER(23), a chubby rugby prop, mocks him. DRIVER Hey boys kyk wat het ons hier. Francois doesn’t notices him, then a SHOUT from JOCK(23), very skinny wearing a Maties vest. JOCK Hy’s seker ’n eerstejaar. DRIVER Moet jy nie in jou koshuiskamer wees nie ou pelllie? Francois finally hears them,
but is mildly surpised.
FRANCOIS Askies? JOCK Het jou mamma jou nie geleer om nie so met jou 3dre jaars te praat nie? FRANCOIS Ek kon julle nie hoor nie sorry. DRIVER lyk my die ou het die insoutings week gemis. The boys LAUGH.
FRANCOIS eks jammer, ek weet nie regtig waarvan jy praat nie. The bakkie stops. DRIVER Boetie, as ek jy was sou ek fokkin hardloop. MCU: Francois is frozen solid. We HEAR is heartbeat pounding. Then out of pure instinct, he bolts. The two on the back jump off and chase him down the street. The Bakkie taunts his heels. He runs into the campus grounds and ot closes in on him. Jock leaps from the back and tackles Francois to the ground. EXT. HOUSE NERINA - MOMENTS LATER A semi-nude Francois is thrown onto the open lawn. The bakkie drives off, but he gets up, all-cocky and shouts. FRANCOIS Wats julle fokkin probleem he, My ouma het daai hoody vir my gekoop. SCREECH! The bakkie stops and Francois is stunned. FRANCOIS Toemaar, ek joke net, dis fine actually. vat dit. Jock throws everything except his pants on the tar and they spin off. JOCK Welkom in die bos. EXT. STREET - MOMENTS LATER Francious picks up his headphones,He finds his hoody, dusts it off, gets it on and as he walks over to his schoolboy briefcase. We hear an off-screen FEMALE VOICE. MARRIETE(O.S) Hey ou, is jy okay? He turns around, briefcase in hand. It’s a younger Marriete in her jogging kit.
MINKE Waars jou broek? He covers his crotch with the briefcase. FRANCOIS Jeans is overrated. She thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. BACK TO PRESENT EXT. THE NAPPY VALLEY - DAY MCU: Francois sits with a straight face on a park bench while GUYS play touch rugby on the grass behind him. Hannes approaches. HANNES hey bra kom speel bietjie saam ons touchies. FRANCOIS Touchies is over rated. Out of sympathy, Hannes jogs towards him and takes a seat. HANNES Jou baard raak ridiculously lank weet jy dit. FRANCOIS Ek sal haar terug kry. Sy kort net tyd. HANNES jy kan my knipper leen as jy wil. FRANCOIS Ek sou verstaan as dit ’n normale ou was, maar Brink van alle ouens, en die ergste van alles is, hys kaptein van die maties. ek bedoel, hoe pretentious is dit? HANNES Brink het ballz. Dis hoekom hy vir Marriete vasgevat het. Hy’t iets gesoek, en hy’t dit gekry en dis hoekom hy elke vrydag eerste uitdraf. onthou dit net.
FRANCOIS Ek’t gehoor hulle gaan saam huisfondsdans toe. HANNES Persoonlik dink ek dat jy ver te veel dink aan haar persoonlike lewe, maar dis net my persoonlike opinie. FRANCOIS Wie gaan jy vat? HANNES Ek weet nognie, maar ek sal seker ’n stukkie erens optel. Jy moet ook. FRANCOIS hoe bedoel jy? HANNES ’n Winterstukkie? Francois is confused. HANNES moenie vir my se jy weet nie wat ’n winterstukkie is nie? Kom saam my, ek honger. CUT TO: EXT. VAN RIEBEECK STREET - LATER TRACK around bushes to reveal the two guys walking. HANNES ’n Winter stukkie is ’n een of ander los meisie wie jy ken vir ’n limited period only. Jy pomp haar grensloos en koop nou en dan vir haar ’n garage pie om dankie te se vir haar goeie dade. FRANCOIS ek weet nie man, dis so skielik na Marriete, wat as ons dinge uitpraat.
HANNES as ek nog eenkeer die woord Marriete hoor, gaan ek in my beste PT broek kotz. It’s funny. HANNES maar op ’n enrstige noot. Fok daai bitch. Syt jou gelos. Beweeg aan. Die bos is vol meisies wat jou winter maande baie baie baie plesierig kan maak. FRANCOIS soos wie? HANNES Enige fokkin iemand ou, laat ’n random meisie bietjie met jou vool speel of iets, dit help met die depressie in die aande, trust my. They stop at zebra crossing and Hannes scans the area to prove his point. HANNES (CONT’D) Wat van daai een, sy’s goed genoeg vir ’n aand. A petite 18 year old GIRL3 is walking by. FRANCOIS Dude, sy’s soos 14 jaar oud. HANNES Nooit sys ready to go. They cross the street and walk on. HANNES of wag, daai een daar. GIRL4, bouncy breasts are jogging towards them. FRANCOIS haar borste kan dalk n langtermyn probleem raak. He notices another GIRL5 eating a burger on the sidewalk table. She’s plumpy.
HANNES (CONT’D) of wat van haar? FRANCOIS Ek kan nie dik meisies bekostig nie. They arrive at the corner shop. HANNES Beggars can’t be choosers dude. En dink so daaraan, in die somer kan jy in haar skadu le en in die winter hou sy jou warm. Sorted. Francois looks at his watch and walks away. FRANCOIS whatever dude. Ek het klas. HANNES Aanklas vannand! Dis Foozeball night! Frans. Francois shouts from afar. FRANCOIS Jaja, ek sal sien. HANNES (to cornershop attendant) Hi ’n peppersteak asseblief? INT. AANDKLAS - NIGHT MUSIC playing, beers on the bar counter, Ambiguous purplish smoke. A rattling foozeball table. EXT. AANDKLAS - NIGHT Francois walks up the road towards the entrance. He stops. FRANCOIS (to himself) dis fine, gaan in. drink ’n bier. dis rustig. Marriete gaan nie daar wees nie. ja, jys super chilled. He continues, but is stops again.
FRANCOIS ag my fok man Marriete and Brink come around the corner, hand-in-hand. Brink skips the queue and the bouncer lets them in. INT. AANDKLAS - NIGHT A cellphone on the edge of the foozeball table vibrates and Hannes picks it up. HANNES (into cellphone) yes bra waars jy? EXT. AANDKLAS - LATER Francois waits underneath a streetlamp with festivities going on on the balcony behind him. FRANCOIS (into cellphone) Dude kom gou uit eks buite. INT. AANDKLAS - LATER Hannes makes his way to the bathroom where it’s quiet. HANNES sowhat as sy hier is. Common, gaan jy veraltyd in n hoekie sit en huil oor die girl? CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Francois and Hannes sit and smoke a joint in the parking lot. HANNES Hierdie hele ding is groter as jy weet jy dit? Two puff pass. FRANCOIS en almal in haar koshuis is teen my so eks geskroef.
HANNES Wat van Sonop, vra net een van hulle, of n kleurling of as jy nou regtig moet ’n... FRANCOIS nee bra nooit nie. hier. He passes the joint. HANNES once you go black. They LAUGH. HANNES awe, Nina wag vir my eks uit. FRANCOIS Nooit bra, gaan jy my net so los? Hannes! EXT. THE SLIPWAY - LATER It’s getting dark out and we find Francois walking through a narrow slipway-like passage. He is listening to music and as he changes the track, he notices a crying GIRL sitting on a distant bench. This is ALICIA(18), hot and sexy, but kinda sleezy. He runs up to her. FRANCOIS hey is jy okay? ALICIA Ja ek is, fokkof. FRANCOIS woah. ALICIA Sorry, ek het dit nie bedoel nie. Francois digs in his pockets. FRANCOIS uhm soek jy ’n tissue?
ALICIA ja asseblief? He doesn’t find a tissue. FRANCOIS ag shit, ek het nie meer nie. Sorry. Alicia finds him amuzing and takes her hair out of her face. ALICIA ek ken jou, jy’s Marriete se ou. FRANCOIS hoe weet jy dit? ALICIA eks in huis Nerina. FRANCOIS oh okay. Francois sits next to her. FRANCOIS ek weet dit het dalk niks met my tedoen nie, maar hoekom sit jy hier? ALICIA jys reg dit het niks met jou tedoen nie. FRANCOIS chil, ek vra maar net. She is snotty and wipes her nose with her blouse. ALICIA Dis my ex. Stefan, hys so up, Toe ek in Bohemia was het ek hom daar gesien en my geloop en het nie eers gese nie, en ek meen, wie
fucked vannand hyt verby hallo doen dit?
FRANCOIS jissie, dit pretty intense. We hear a SHOUT from the top of the alleyway. It’s Hannes.
HANNES(O.S) Yo Frans! Daar’s jy, ek soek oral na jou. Kom hierso! FRANCOIS (to Presilla) Ek moet gaan. is jy seker jy gaan okay wees? ALICIA Ja eks fine dankie. FRANCOIS wats jou naam? ALICIA Dude seriously, jy creep my uit, eks fine. He runs towards Hannes at the street corner while he’s taking a quick piss. They get in his WHITE BEATLE. INT. CAR - NIGHT Hannes fiddles with the radio while driving and Francois is next to him closing the window. HANNES Welcome back chief. FRANCOIS Dit was vinnig. HANNES ja, almal is seker nog op vakansie. FRANCOIS en wat van Monica? HANNES ek weti, ons het baklei en nous haar foon af. FRANCOIS Jammer om dit te hoor, so waantoe gaan ons? HANNES Kaapstad.
FRANCOIS No ways? HANNES Ja dude. Sit jou gameface op. FRANCOIS dis ’n Maandag aand. HANNES Ons het niks beters om te doen nie, Stellies is in elk geval vol klooster koeke wat verslaaf is aan bokswyn. Anyway, wie was daai? FRANCOIS ek weti, Een of ander ’n kloosterkoek wat verslaaf is aan bokswyn. HANNES Nice. He turns the MUSIC UP and their off to Cape Town. EXT. ROAD - LATER The Beatle is parked somewhere in Kloof and the two boys sit in it while they roll themselves backup spliffs. FRANCOIS Wie gaan almal hier wees? HANNES hou op stres, dis net Lian en ’n paar ander mense. FRANCOIS Ons het nie eers braaivleis of enigiets gebring nie. Hannes lifts up a bottle of Wellington VO Brandy. HANNES Ons het brandy. Hulle het coke. FRANCOIS Ek wil nie drugs doen nie. HANNES nee nee nee, moenie. dis sleg vir jou. Ek ook nie bra, Ons gaan net n (MORE) (CONTINUED)
HANNES (cont’d) paar doppe slat, en uhm.(sniffs) ja dan skiet ons Frieda’s toe om vir jou ’n rebound te kry. awe lets go. They get out and walk off. EXT. LIAN’S LOFT - NIGHT Their infront of the security gate, facing the appartment complex. Francois is fidgety. FRANCOIS bra hoe lyk ek? HANNES dude shut the fuck. INT. THE LIFT - LATER High Angle: The two stand in the lift going upwards again, Francois is fidgety. FRANCOIS Bra hoe lyk my hare? HANNES hou net op asseblief. INT. THE FRONT DOOR - LATER The two stand facing the door. Trendy MUSIC is heard inside. FRANCOIS Bra is my baard soos te erg? HANNES dude. common. man up. FRANCOIS nee ma erstig nou? HANNES no homo? FRANCOIS no homo.
HANNES jou baard fokkin hot. Dis sexy, dis snazy, dis cool, maar die girls hier gee nie ’n fok om hoe jy lyk nie, hulle soek net een ding, en jy beter dit vannand vir hulle gee. hard. oor en oor en oor en oor, en oor en oor en... The front door is opened by LIAN(25) very tall and dapper. LIAN ...whatsup dudes. HANNES Whutsup charna hoelykit? LIAN Ag dis lekker by die see. en wie’s die bsra? FRANCOIS whatsup eks Francois. LIAN cool naam, en ek like die hele skaapwagter 1980’s Jesus anti-jock. Very-cool. Kom in. He leads them in and we REVEAL a large crowd of HIPSTERS having a good time in his spacious loft. Hannes and Lian walk towards the pinewood stairs leading up to his bedroom. FRANCOIS (to Hannes) waantoe gaan jy? HANNES Chil hier onder, ek en Lian gaan gou kyk hoe lyk sy kamer. FRANCOIS askies? HANNES (sniffs) Bra ons gaan Gramstad toe. FRANCOIS ek verstaan nie. Hannes hands him the bottle VO brandy.
HANNES Hier, gaan gooi solank vir ons ’n dop. FRANCOIS ek ken niemand hier nie, wat doen ek met myself? HANNES Doen net wat jou hart begeer bra. Jys in Kaapstad, relax ’n bietjie. alles gaan uitwerk. They walk up the staircase leaving Francois behind. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Francois places two brandy and coke’s on the coffee table infront of him and sits back on anuncomfortable leather couch. Across him sit two HIPSTER GIRLS, staring at him. FRANCOIS hello. HIPSTER GIRLS (simultaniously) Hi. It’s very awkward. INT. KITCHEN AREA
The room is modern, earthly and very kitch, and here we find two young ladies. EM(21),a dirty blonde, is digs through the kitchen cupboards and the other is leaning against the marble counter fiddling with an iphone. This is ABIGAIL(21), a petite brunette ball of fun. ABIGAIL Holy shit, you have so many guys lined up it’s just wrong. EM I don’t have morals, So lets not make this whole scene about me okay.
ABIGAIL So what should I do? EM let me get this straight, you’ve been on and off with this guy for over a year now? Ah Found it. She takes a bottle of Merlot, corks it and pours them a glass. ABIGAIL How do I make this feeling go away? EM Well for starters, don’t DO him anymore. Em can see that Abigail is serious about this. EM Abi, all I’m saying is, I think he’s just not the right guy for you. ABIGAIL Wow that’s a bit harsh isn’t it? EM yeah, well he’s a tool. His name is Matt for Christ sake. ABIGAIL I don’f follow. EM Every girl knows, that all Matt’s are dicks, but we want them coz we’ll, their Matt’s, and when we get them, they end up being, well Dicks, coz their Matt’s...Or some shit like that. ABIGAIL aaarg, its so frustrating, I just need a tongue in my mouth. They walks out of the kitchen and into the lounge and this is where Abigail notices Francois for the first time in the corner across the room, next to a giant painting of a horse, holding the two brandy glasses, still waiting for Hannes.
EM Do what you need to, but just don’t get weird about it, guys freak out sometimes, especially the Afrikaans ones from the Blouberg. never again. ABIGAIL Hey who’s that boy? EM Where, what boy? ABIGAIL The one there in the corner. EM I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. ABIGAIL (sigh) That guy, the one by that horse painting. EM what horse painting? ABIGAIL He looks kinda cool. EM oh. you mean that guy, with the gross beardy thing going on. ABIGAIL Do you think he’s single. EM Well he’s definitly Afrikaans. ABIGAIL how can you tell? EM T-shirt and jeans, kinda looks like a twenty-six year old primary school teacher on casual friday. ABIGAIL Cool hoody though. They kink their drinks.
INT. FRIEDA’S - LATER Inside the lounge area in the back are lian, Hannes and the hipster clan, drinking and babbling. Music is playing. FOLLOW someone getting up and walking off to reveal Francois alone against a wall in the far back, on his blackberry, texting Marriete. ABIGAIL(O.S) Hey boy. No cellphones allowed. Francois looks up and Abigail is right in front of him. FRANCOIS sorry? ABIGAIL I said. She takes the phone away. ABIGAIL No bbm, No facebook, no phones. It destroys your braincells you know. Francois is offended, but she doen’t even notice. FRANCOIS Don’t go through my inbox please. It’s pretty sad in there. ABIGAIL why. did some girl break your heart? FRANCOIS No ABIGAIL Yes. FRANCOIS No ABIGAIL Yes. FRANCOIS Okay, yes, whatever. Only now he starts to loosen up.
FRANCOIS who are you? ABIGAIL I am nameless. FRANCOIS ah common, you gotta gimme more than that. ABIGAIL So you can facebook stalk me in the night when your all alone and depressed. FRANCOIS oh yeah I’ll totally do that, and then I’ll like print out your pictures and post them on my bathroom door and ill just like go crazy on them. She laughs. ABIGAIL I want a long island Ice Tea. FRANCOIS What? She stuffs the phone in his chest and walks off, taunting him. ABIGAIL Your boring, I’m leaving you. FRANCOIS uh, Wait, hold on. She stops. FRANCIOS What if I don’t care what your name is tonight? ABIGAIL Then I’ll still want a long Island Ice Tea. he smiles.
ABIGAIL come with me. She takes his hand and they run inside to go jam it out. INT. DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT Francois and Abigail are dancing together, both have long island ice tea’s. They are joined by a young GUY, who clings to Abi and greets Francois impolitely. This is MATT(25). He’s rugged but fashionable. He whispers something into her hear and leaves, she upset about it. EXT. FRIEDA’S
The night is almost over and on the steps sit Abigail and Francois. It’s quite intimate. ABIGAIL So why do you have that beard? FRANCOIS Coz it makes me look old and mature and I don’t have a razor. ABIGAIL (a giggle) I’m really glad I met you boy. FRANCOIS and I’m really glad I got you that long island Ice tea. ABIGAIL oh my God that’s lame. FRANCOIS What. no ways. (a beat) Yeah it is kinda lame. Both lean in for a kiss, but the moment is ruined when Hannes stumbles down the steps. He’s hammered drunk. HANNES Hiers jy. Kom bra ons moet skiet. FRANCOIS wat, hoekom?
HANNES Ek het afgehak met die iemand se cherry. Hy lyk soos n drugdealer. He marches towards the exit. FRANCOIS Gaan se net jammer, C’mon ou ons party lekker. Hannes is too drunk to be persuaded. Francois looks at Abigail, who is a witness to it all. HANNES(O.S) Frans! Kom jy moet bestuur. For a moment he’s hesitant but then he takes Abby’s hand and they run out. FRANCOIS (to Abby) Come with me. EXT. CAPE TOWN STREETS - NIGHT. They run out into the streets of Cape Town towards a taxi parked nearby, but Abigail is unsure. ABIGAIL I gotta wait for my friend. FRANCOIS No ways, really? We see Em with a dodgy NIGERIAN(25) by the door. ABIGAIL I’m sorry I can’t leave her, she gets like super wasted sometimes, well all the time actually. FRANCOIS ah shit, well.(a beat) Can I atleast have your number so I can like call you sometime? Abigail is sympathetic. ABIGAIL I don’t have a number.
FRANCOIS what? don’t joke. ABIGAIL no bbm, no facebook, no phones remember. Hannes is by his Volla across the road. HANNES Frans. wil jy bly of wil jy ry? FRANCOIS Wag net gou bra, ek kom. As he turns back, Abigail slowly backs away. ABIGAIL Thanx for the drink boy. EXT. VAN RIEBEECK ROAD - LATER Francois and Hannes are walking in the middle of the street towards us. Hannes is loud and Francois follows close behind, amused at his drunken state. HANNES Holy shit Kaapstad weet net hoe. kom ons bel vir Bob, eks lus vir n jan, by the way, wie was daai stukkie waarmee jy gesels het? FRANCOIS daai klein pixie meisie by die trappe? HANNES Sys exactly wat jy kort bra. EXACTLY. FRANCOIS Sy is pretty decent ek moet admit. HANNES So jy haar gevat? FRANCOIS Nee HANNES Het jy haar gevry?
FRANCOIS Nee HANNES het jy tenmusnte haar nommer of iets? Francois says nothing. Hannes can’t believe it. HANNES Nooit, Francois hoekom nie bra?s FRANCOIS Ek weet nie, dit het net nie gebeur nie. HANNES Daai meisie sal die perfecte comeback wees vir die huisfondsdans. Sy’s tien keer hotter as enige meisie in die fokkin dorp. We hear a rude OFFSCREEN SHOUT from a Dormroom window somewhere. RUDE GIRL(O.S) Fok jou Hannes! HANNES Ja LOUISE jy is Vet! Hou op marie bisuits in jou kas wegsteek. FADE TO: INT. ABIGAIL’S BEDROOM - DAY Bright Sunlight penetrates through wooden burgandy blinds. Infront of a fullsized standing mirror is Abigail, finishing up her look for the day. ABIGAIL Em.(a beat) Em? She grabs a scarf and walks out into the livingroom.
INT. ABIGAIL’S APPARTMENT - DAY Abigail walks through their trendy vintage girly appartment. ABIGAIL Em where are you? EM(O.S) I’m in here. INT. BATHROOM - LATER Em is in the tub BBM’ing, all shampood up with Abigail next to her on the toilet, checking out her nails. EM We seriously gotta fix this Abi, I can’t even see my face. ABIGAIL So I need a girlyfavor. EM oh my God, You want to see him don’t you. INT. ABIGAIL’S BEDROOM - DAY Abigail sits on her cool deskchair. Em runs into the room with her Mac in hand, jumps on her bed and opens the thing up. ABIGAIL I think his friend’s name’s Hannes or something EM Francois Du Randt. ABIGAIL. let me see. Abigail jumps on the bed with her. ABIGAIL oh my word thats him, how’d you do that? EM You can find anyone on facebook darling. (CONTINUED)
They look through his facebook pictures. EM I’m sending him a message CUT TO: INT. ROOM 22 - DAY Francois is studying and facebooking at the same time, browsing old photos of Marriete and him. A message pops up. FRANCOIS Yo Hannes.(a beat) Hannes. Hannes is still asleep on the bed next to his. HANNES huh FRANCOIS Daai meisie het my geadd op facebook HANNES okay cool. FRANCOIS (excited) Ek sien haar vannand. Die plek se naam is Van Hunks. EXT. VAN HUNKS - NIGHT We’re outside VAN HUNKS restaurant where Abigail is impatiently waiting in the cold. We see Francois running to her, tightening his scarf. FRANCOIS Hi, I’m so sorry I’m late, finding traffic is such a mission. ABIGAIL Hi, no its totally fine. FRANCOIS this is for you? He hands her a bottle of red wine.
ABIGAIL Typical Stellenbosch. She hugs him. FRANCOIS Are we waiting for someone? ABIGAIL nonono, their all inside already, problem is, we can’t go in. FRANCOIS why whats wrong? ABIGAIL Matt is in there. With her. FRANCOIS Who’s Matt? ABIGAIL Just some guy you don’t wanna know. FRANCOIS did he break your heart ABIGAIL No he didn’t FRANCOIS I think he did ABIGAIL he did, like 50 million times. FRANCOIS You know what, I haven’t had a slice of pizza in SO long. ABIGAIL Pizza? FRANCOIS my previous girlfriend hated it. EXT. COMMUNAL GARDENS - NIGHT The two are side by side. walking up this amazing cobble stoned passage, autumn leaves are everywhere. Francois is carrying a pizza box.
33. FRANCOIS So what do you do when you wake up in the morning? FRANCOIS and then? ABIGAIL and then I walk through this park naked. FRANCOIS haha - but seriously now. ABIGAIL I am serious, look at your face, oh my word. but yeah I walk this everyday to class, well not everyday, mostly I skip class. FRANCOIS why? ABIGAIL I donno, there’s this guy in my class that like hates me. FRANCOIS touchy subject I rate. ABIGAIL no no its so chilled, we dated a while back and now he’s like freaking out or whatever.
As he bites into his slice of pizza, he picks up that Abigail is getting cold. FRANCOIS take my top. ABIGAIL I can’t then you won’t have one. FRANCOIS Common just take it. ABIGAIL no. FRANCOIS take it! she taunts him by running away, but he catches up. (CONTINUED)
ABIGAIL okay fine give it here, ah its so soft. FRANCOIS that’s the first hood I ever purchased. ABIGAIL and now I’m wearing it. awh. He smiles. ABIGAIL Can I ask you something? FRANCOIS uh-huh. ABIGAIL Do you know how to fix plugs and things that are broken. FRANCOIS you mean, like electrical faults? ABIGAIL yeah, like electrical faults. INT. ABIGAIL’S APPARTMENT - NIGHT On goes the foyer light and they enter her place. She hangs up her scarf and his. FRANCOIS cool place. She walks to the livingroom, he follows. She puts on a lamp and the room suddenly turns from cold blue to cozy warm. Abigail puts on the kettle while Francois browses around. Francois finds a fotoframed image of Abigail and guy at a valentinesday dinner. we HEAR Abigal calling. ABIGAIL Come in here boy.
35. INT. BATHROOM - LATER A Flashlight lights up. Francois is in the middle of the bathroom, checking things out while Abigail leans against the doorway watching him. FRANCOIS and boom. Francois gets onto of the toilet and reaches for the light bulb, fiddles with it and the room comes alight. ABIGAIL What. was that it? yay! INT. LIVINGROOM - LATER A half-full coffee mug on a coaster on a small wooden table. Abigail is comfortable on the couch next to Francois who is trying to loosen up a bit. ABIGAIL I feel like I owe you something. FRANCOIS what no don’t be silly ABIGAIL Ill bake you a cake. both of them are feeling very weird, like the way it feels to be inlove, so they fall silent. FRANCOIS I just realized something. Abigail listens. FRANCOIS don’t even know your name. ABIGAIL I’m Abigail. As he speaks, she comes closer and closer to him. FRANCOIS I’m Francois. Francious is hiding his feelings about her. He turns his head and she’s right up in his face. We HEAR her 50 heart beats 50 million times a second and so does hers. He takes a big breath in and she leans into in. (CONTINUED)
FRANCOIS So I wanted to ask you
ABIGAIL kiss me.
They kiss, it gets INTENSE. PAN DOWN to their hands touching. FADE TO: EXT. ABIGAILS BEDROOM - MORNING It’s the next morning and we find comfortably tucked into his pillow. is tucked into him, also fast asleep. FRANCOIS Hey what time isit? ABIGAIL I think its like 9 ish. FRANCOIS last night was
ABIGAIL pretty intense, i know.
Abigail gets up and dresses herself. Francois does the same. FRANCOIS so what are you gonna do today? ABIGAIL got class soon you? FRANCOIS Can I ask you something ABIGAIL uh okay. FRANCOIS Who’s this Matt guy you keep speaking of? ABIGAIL it’s complicated. They turn and face each other. FRANCOIS Is he your ex-boyfriend?
ABIGAIL we’re kind of seeing each other FRANCOIS what do you mean kind of seeing each other. ABIGAIL yes, he’s my boyfriend. Francois doesn’t want to believe it. He gets up and walks arounf the place, quite flustered for a moment. FRANCOIS I knew it. ABIGAIL knew what? He walks out of the room towards the door. INT. ABIGAIL’S APPARTMENT - MORNING ABIGAIL knew what Francois FRANCOIS that this was a stupid idea? Abigail feels confronted while Francois recollects his stuff. ABIGAIL what do you mean a stupid idea? FRANCOIS This was a mistake, I’m sorry. He leaves the building. EXT. ABIGAILS APPARTMENT - LATER He makes his way towards the steps. She is soon to follow, while getting into his hoody. He runs down the steps, her Head pokes into frame and SHOUTS ABIGAIL Wait just fucking wait for a second, why are yo running away?
EXT. HUIS COETZEBBERG - LATER Hanne is outside, smoking a spliff. He see’s Francois running towards him. HANNES Kom ou ons gaan laat wees. INT. HUIS COETZENBERG - MOMENTS LATER A GROUP of young men are gathered together, listening to Brink who’s going through the name list. BRINK Tafel 10, Peet en Lisa, ook Tafel 10, Danie en Sherley, Tafel tafel 11, Nico en Jenny. Tafel 13... Francois and Hannes stride into the room. Francois takes a seat in the back somewhere. BRINK ah, die twee trawante van kamer 22, julle is net betyds. Hannes saam wie kom jy more? HANNES jou sussie BRINK Soek jy vir kak Du Preez? HANNES nee eks ernstig. Nina is my date. The boys almosts starts canning themselves. Brink looks at the namelist and realises Hannes is right. BRINK (softer) oh, okay. en Francois en jy? Saam wie kom jy bal toe? Francois looks at Hannes feeling feelingless. FRANCOIS(V.0) Dis dae soos vandag wat ’n mens weet die winter is hier.
MONTAGE BEGINS A FRANCOIS WALKS THROUGH THE COLD WET PLEIN STREET AND SEE’S MARRIETE CYCLING ON A VINTAGE CYCLE. C FRANCOIS LAY ON HIS BED, STARTING AT NEMO THE GUPPY, WHO’S NOT DOING MUCH. A FRANCOIS IS IN THE BATHROOM, ADMIRING HIS BEARD. MONTAGE ENDS EXT. RUGBY STADIUM - AFTERNOON RUGBY PLAYERS train. Hannes who is amongst them, notices Francois smoking a spliff at the top pavilion entrance. He jogs away from the team to join Francois who makes his way down the concrete steps. HANNES Hey bra hoelyki dinge? FRANCOIS ag maar still en rustig. Hannes walks to his bag to get his water bottle. HANNES soek jy? Francois shuns the offer. HANNES en waantoe is jy oppad? FRANCOIS Bra ek weet nie man. HANNES jy gaan een of ander tyd oor Marriete moet kom bra Hannes gulps down some water. FRANCOIS Op die oomblik is Marriete die laaste van my worries. HANNES oh fok hier gat ons alweer.
40. FRANCOIS bra wie anders moet ek vra, die huisfondsdans vannand. HANNES Hoe moet ek weet. Vra jou niggie van Wellington of iets. FRANCOIS dis nie snaaks nie dude. eks ernstig oor die meisie. HANNES net soos jy was oor Marriete FRANCOIS Wat probeer jy se? HANNES Ek ken jou Francois. jy hardloop agter die een girl na die ander en elke keer wat jy dit doen maak jy jouself net meer seer. FRANCOIS en wat van jou, jy naai elke ding wat al klas gedraft het in stellenbos. HANNES dis heeltemal anders bra jy weet dit. FRANCOIS nee ek weet dit nie. hoe is dit anders? HANNES Ek voel niks vir daai meisies nie dude. Ek naai hulle, want dis hulle wil he man. Dink jy hulle voel sleg as julle die volgende oggend die walk of shame doen uit ons kamers uit. Nee dude, hulle weet presies wat hulle doen. hulle soek n random hookup net so veel soos die vet dronk ou in die hoek van die bar. FRANCOIS So jy wil he ek moet alles spyker wat op my pad kom sodat ek kan beter voel oor my fucked up gevoelose studente lewee.
HANNES daai een was rof bra. FRANCOIS whatever man, jys die een wat gese het ek moet n winterstukkie kry in die eerste plek. HANNES Ek het nooit gese jy moet verlief raak op die ding nie. FRANCOIS fucksakes bra ,sy het ’n naam. HANNES Dis die hele probleem. Sy’s nie veronderstel om ’n naam te he nie. Sy’s jou winterstukkie, dis al wat sy is en al wat sy moet wees. FRANCOIS nie vir my nie. A beat of SILENCE between the two, then a YELL from the outfield from Brink. BRINK(O.S) Hey Hannes, jys nie so spesiaal nie hoor! Francois drops his head and walks up the steps. HANNES(O.S) Frans. Francois turns and Hannes throws him a set of keys. HANNES (CONT’D) Dis veiliger(beat) oh en kry vir my ’n burger of ’n ding. Hannes relinks with his team. Francois grins slighty as he looks at the keys. We HEAR BRINK from the outfield again. BRINK jy gaan laps hardloop ek sweer Hannes flips him off.
EXT. UPPER KLOOF - NIGHT BUZZ BUZZ! Francois presses the buzzer over and over. CHICK aswers. CHICK (speaker phone) Hi. Who is this. FRANCOIS It’s me Francois. I’m with...I’m Abi’s friend. CHICK Sorry what? FRANCOIS I’m the guy from Stellenbosch. CHICK oh. Hello boy. FRANCOIS Can you please call her for me? The buzzer goes off and he’s in. INT. ABI’S APARTMENT - LATER He takes the stairs round and round upto her appartment door. When there, he knocks and waits. FRANCOIS (to himself) hey how are you? I brought you these. Anyways listen I like you and I know I fucked up, but are you still free tomorrow night? The front door opens and cuts him off. To his surprise, It’s LIAN, is looking very hipster as always, looking kinda baked. LIAN Hey boy ,who you talkin to? FRANCOIS what. uhm. The girl from the buzzer, who’s in her pj’s walks in behind LIAN and hangs on him.
43. GIRL Hello boy. FRANCOIS (nervious) Hi, I’m actually. Is Abigail here? LIAN They left for Thailand earlier ey. FRANCOIS what really? LIAN yeah bro really.
Francois looks mortified. GIRL do you wanna come in? FRANCOIS me, no no no. I was in the area and I..thanx anyways He backs out and leaves. GIRL (to Lian) Your such an asshole sumtimes. As Francois turns the corner, Lian Stops him LIAN Hey wait up china. Francois turns. LIAN She’s at the airport, you might catch her if your quick enough. EXT. UPPER KLOOF - NIGHT Francois walks outside the complex, the security gate closes behind him. It’s cold and he folds in his jacket as he walks down Kloof Neck with no sense of direction. We’re totally feeling it with him. We find him at the corner of Kloofneck and Wilkonson where he stops and almost instinctively, he bolts after a taxi cruising through.
FRANCIOS Hi, can you take me the airport The Taxi is driven by a BLACK NIGERIAN(25). NIGERIAN Sorry? FRANCOIS The cape town international airport NIGERIAN oh. It’s one-twenty. FRANCOIS twenty? NIGERIAN nononono one twenty FRANCOIS a hundred and twenty bucks. NIGERIAN yes, one twenty. Francois looks inside his wallet. NIGERIAN yes, one twenty. Francois looks inside his wallet. FRANCOIS uhm. uhm. ag fok, okay fine. He runs around and gets in by the passenger seat. EXT. DROP & GO - LATER TRACK with the roller wheels of Abby’s suitcase up to reveal her walking acros frame. She stops just before the main entrance, waits there for a few moments. EXT. PARKADE - LATER A taxi drives into frame and stops. FRANCOIS Right here is fine.
Francious jumps out, runs around the front to the Nigerian, hands hims the cash and runs in. INT. TAXI CAB - MOMENTS LATER BUZZ BUZZ! A vibrating cellphone on the backseat. The Nigerian finds it and pokes his head out the window. NIGERIAN Hey your phone but Francois is too far in to hear his call. EXT. PARKADE LEVEL 1 - TRACKING Francois runs across frame towards the airport. EXT. AIRPORT GROUNDS - TRACKING Francois exits the parkade area and runs across frame towards the main airport entrance. INT. AIRPORT BUILDING - LATER HIGH ANGLE: Francois enters the building, scanning the area, and finds a massive departure board overhead. He looks for her flight and finds it. THAILAND JSE 422, and he’s off. He runs up the escalator, but it’s too crowdy, jumps over it and runs up the stairs, passes Mugg & Bean all the way around to International departures and finally he spots Abigail in the queue, she’s waiting around. He is relieved and as he walks closer, Matt appears out of nowhere, with a trolley and their luggage. She hands him his ticket and he thanks her for it with a kiss. Francois can’t believe what he is witnessing. He slowly walks away, feeling very hurt. MCU on Abigail, who’s in the queue. She suddenly gets a very weird feeling and looks around, but Francois is no longer there. Matt puts his arm around her MATT I’m glad your back babe, who’s hoody is this?
ABIGAIL just a friend’s EXT. AIRPORT GROUNDS - LATER CLOSE on Francois who’s standing infront of the massive Bioscope, smoking a spliff. We hear the Airplane THUNDERING off. MONTAGE BEGINS A TRACK WITH FRANCOIS DRIVING BACK TO STELLENBOSCH ON HIS SCOOTER. A FRANCOIS IS IN HIS WAITERING UNIFORM LOCKING UP AFTER WORK. HE RUNS DOWN THE STEPS AND AROUND THE CORNER. B HE WALKS THROUGH THE SLIPWAY WITH HIS BOTTLE OF WINE, HE STOPS AND LOOKS AROUND, BUT ALICIA ISN’T AROUND. C OUTSIDE COETZENBURG GARDEN, WE FIND FRANCIOS IN HIS BARMAN UNIFORM, GAZING AT DANIE CRAVEN’s STATUE. FRANCOIS FEELS DIFFERENT TODAY. EXT. STAD SAAL - AFTERNOON It’s about 5 O’Clock on a cold and wet Wintersday. A BLACK LABOURER(40) old and crooked, is raking up wet leaves down the street. Students are dressed up , communing in smoker’s circles outside the big white TOWN HALL. We find Francois sitting somewhere against a potplant, wearing his barman uniform. He’s smoking a spliff while looking at Brink and Minke greeting people at the door. A Couple make their way into the place. IT’s Jock and Lisa. She’s a wild child. Jock is trying to handle the situation. As they walk past him, jock comments. JOCK Wie’s jy veronderstel om te wees bra. FRANCOIS ek’s ’n waiter.
JOCK ja maar soos wie het jy aangetrek? FRANCOIS soos ’n waiter. LISA (quite drunk) Ek verstaan nie so mooi nie. So jy’s ’n waiter en jy’t soos ’n waiter aangetrek? FRANCOIS ek volg nie regtig die reels nie. He doesn’t respond, Lisa is impressed. JOCK kom baby. He puts his hand over her shoulder and they walk off. FRANCOIS Welkom ins die bos. Francois finishes his spliff, kills it against the potplant and the sandbucket. FRANCOIS(V.0) Hierdie plek is maar net soos hoerskool. Selfde kak, verskillende dag, maar die boland is pretty awesome, vir sommiges. So ek dink my onderwysers was reg. The tranquil silence is broken with a nearby YELL. HANNES(O.S) Frans! Kom hierso! Francios hears the call and see’s Hannes in his Nissan off across the road. Francois kills his spliff, gives one last glance at the crowd at the couple and with with feelings of content, he crosses the wet leafy street towards Hannes who’s hanging out the window with a bottle of cheap red wine. FRANCOIS waantoe gaan ons vannand?
HANNES Foozeball by aandklas bra. He smiles and jumps on the back and as they drive off, he puts his headphones over his ears. FADE OUT.