Cignalhill creative portfolio 2016 standard

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Hello. Goeiedag. Bonjour. As-Salamu alaykum & welcome to my 2016 Filmmaker’s Treatment. My name is Rowen Smith. I am a 26 year old South African; Screenwriter, Film & TV Director, Photographer, Independent Media Producer & Business Owner of Cignalhill (Pty) Ltd. This is a creative treatment of my works and Ideas from my days at Film School to my early years of Independent filmmaking. With this visually immersive treatment, I share a personal filmmakers message, with inspiration for the Media Professional, hopefully leaving you with a new perception on innovating Digital Media.

Focus on the Maximum, Flourish on the Minimum.

Spiritual Satisfaction with your project is the only way to really accept, believe and see it manifest itself without doubt, compromise and worry.

Focus on today, this moment, this shot. But plan for it yesterday, and while you’re at it, plan for tomorrow as well.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a Good Idea. And there's nothing wrong with testing the market either.

Create Real Impact. Real Velocity

Your biggest asset in any Pitching Room, Investor Meeting, Business Transaction, Creative Session & even On-Set. Is You‌

Most of us forget that we have a History of Ideas, Interactions, Emotions & Experiences in the memory banks of out brain, accumulated throughout our lives that we can use as ammunition for telling amazing stories!

If you get what you want NOW, it might stop the growth and expansion of your project…… “PUSH THE CONCEPT”

Listen to the wants & needs of your audience, but listen in a way a human being does it. You are a Filmmaker, not a Psychiatrist, so don’t try and analyse your next pay-check.

Seeing comes before words. A child first looks and recognizes before it can speak

I have an office Building on the corner of Fifth & Spring Street in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles and I didn’t even know it‌.

These are Film Posters from my Student Films and Recent Projects

These are some imagery from my honours 24 minute romantic comedy entitled: ‘n Stukkie Winter (A Piece of Winter)

I’m still going to make this film one day‌

Images from the films I directed back in Film School. It’s not a movie if it doesn’t look like a movie

Fashion Photography makes me tick.

Creative Design makes me tick as well..

My Creative Producer Portfolio…Fashion Films, Documentaries, Skating Films...You name it, I’m easy

Images from #Thirst Project Swaziland, a documentary we produced this year.

I have no words for this, but it is cool though.

People want to see cool stuff, all the time, so give them what they want, if that’s what you want… It’s your experience…and theirs as well. Remember that.

Be thankful of the assets you have There are filmmakers scattered all over the Planet who have succeeded with far less than you have right in front of you. A computer, A Camera, A Pen and Paper, And a flourishing & ever expanding realm of Digital Content Platforms Aim high and persist and keep your eyes and ears on the shift of the ties & always have at least one hand free.

What’s Your Story, who are you & how can you express who you really are in the world of the “Crazy Ones”. Reverse Engineering Creativity in an ever adapting age of Digital Media Convergence is the single biggest challenge for the modern content producer….

Thanx for viewing.

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