It's time for the 9 o clock news

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Written by ro-ro

Draft 3 August 4th 2012

FADE IN: EXT. SUBURBAN STEER - DUSK A hooded young man rides his bicycle down the long endless street. His identity remains a mystery. EXT. NORMAN’S HOUSE - NIGHT Young man cycles onto the modest one story lot. He parks his bike and locks it with a firm chain. INT. ENTRANCE -NIGHT The door opens and the man walks in. He hangs the chain key onto a key hanger full of keys already. INT. NORMANS’S LOUNGE - MOMENTS LATER As he enters the room, we TRACK around him and his identity is now clear to us. NORMAN (26) Track around to reveal Norman’s face. He lifts his arm and inspects his wristwatch that reads: 8:59. Norman walks out or frame and we MOVE around him into and OTS as he takes a seat next to his MOTHER(47) who has the remote in her hand. A large wooden clock GONGS and it echoes through the house. I’s 09:00 p.m. Mother and Norman in front of the television. She changes channel to the eTV news headlines. NORMAN Hey ma, on my way home I saw these guys playing basketball and I was think... MOTHER SSSSHT! The news is about to start. Norman crosses arms and does as he is told. INT. NORMAN’S ROOM-NIGHT Norman stands at his window wearing his pj’s. He opens it up and hears music coming from clubs and bars in the street. Norman hops over his bed and quickly locks the door.


He hops back over, opens his bedside drawer ruffles around through his socks. He takes out a packet of smokes. Norman’s face appears outside the window. He lights it up and smokes the fag as he sits on the window pane, listening to the music. We TRACK into his Face as he enjoys it. OPENING MONTAGE BEGINS *(Norman is actually reminiscing about his dad, so the montage can be vintage “Norms mom and dad when they were young) 1. EXT. FRIENDS’S HOME - NIGHT. Norm knocks on the door, Friends open. They walk out into the street. Night lights lit up the street. 2. SEA SIDE BBQ - NIGHT Everyone is at the Lighthouse, they BBQ and watch over the port. *(I know this location, its sick. Its at the mariner’s university) 3. EXT. ROCKY BEACH - NIGHT A few meters from the BBQ area, Norm takes a piss into a small rocky beach. A girl makes her way down. Norm quickly zips up. They have a smoke together watching the debris on the shore. 4. EXT. SHOP - NIGHT Norm and the girl run towards a shop. They take a trolley and run off. 5. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Norm pushes the girl in a trolley. They are having blast. 6. INT. MILKY LANE - NIGHT Coins fall on the counter. TILT UP to Norm and the girl behind the counter. Other friends in the Background, waiting to order. Norm gestures at the Menu.


7. EXT. PORT - NIGHT Norm and the girl side by side sipping on their milk shakes and watching shiny lights of the boats. FOCUS RACK on the Shiny lights of the ships. DISSOLVE TO: INT. NORMANS ROOM - NIGHT Bedroom Ceiling. Norman turns to his side. He looks at the time on his bedside clock. A photo of Norm and his Dad when he was still around and the clock reading: 00:00. He turns over to the other side. END OPENING CREDITS. FADE IN: INT. DINNING ROOM-DAY Norman sits at the breakfast table. His Mother washes the dishes, back turned on Norman. Norman eats his breakfast, but loses interest. It’s 7 a.m and we hear a GONG from a clock hanging somewhere. Norman looks at it and notices a small table with a portrait of his father on it. Mother turns around and looks at the time on the clock. She then walks over to a small kitchen television and turns it onto the news. NEWS REPORTER (O.S) And now for the Morning Live with David Mothlante... NORMAN Hey ma, I had this really cool dream about... MOTHER Sssht. I can’t hear what he says She takes the remote on top of the microwave and turns the TV louder. NORMAN (to himself - mumbles) ....about Dad last night.


We HEAR the News reporter from the TV. NEWS REPORTER (V.O.) ...Women were stripped of their possessions last night in Hanover Park... Mother shakes her head in disgust. Norman rolls his eyes and takes another bite. NORMAN (mouthful) People should not be walking around in that area, uncle Abraham said they have a lotta robberies there. MOTHER Well, uncle Abraham is right, people shouldn't be walking around that time of night at all. And you shouldn't eat with food in your mouth. NORMAN People are just negligent. Walk... She interrupts. MOTHER Norman! He swallows. NORMAN Sorry ma. Mother wipes her hands and puts the kettle on, takes a cup from the rack and puts in a tea bag. MOTHER 1 in 3 people are robbed daily in cape town. 1 in 4 people hijacked. 23 cases of violence are reported daily to the police. That’s why I always say. NORMAN (copycat’s her) ...Dont be late or you’ll be too late and end up just like your father...


Norman tries to say something, but decides against it. He drops his head and finishes his meal. Mother walks around and strokes his hair. CUT TO: INT. WATCH SHOP-DAY Norman stands behind the counter, cleaning his watch with his shirt. GONG! Someone enters the shop. A young woman MEGAN (20), petite, brunette, walks into the shop with her blonde friend MICHELLE(20). Megan is the most beautiful thing Norman has ever seen. She looks around at the clocks and watches, a mesmerized look on her face. Norman is enchanted. She approaches the counter where Norman is standing. MEGAN Hi, My dad said you fix watches here. NORMAN No ways, for real? A watch shop? Michelle starts laughing. Megan gives an embarrassed smile. NORMAN (CONT’D) I m just kidding, yeah we do, how may I help you. MEGAN (still shy) Mine has stopped working. Is there is any way to fix it? Megan takes off her watch and pass it to Norman. Their hands touch briefly. Norman inspects it thoroughly. MEGAN (CONT’D) Is there hope? He looks he in the eye.


NORMAN Absolutely. I'll do my thing and you can come pick it up tomorrow afternoon. MEGAN Really? This watch means a lot to me. Thank you so much. NORMAN Hold on. Norman excitedly disappears through a hanging curtain. Michelle admires the shop, Megan waits in anticipation. Norman is back with a package. He places it on the counter and opens it up. NORMAN (CONT’D) You can keep this until tomorrow. Its old, but it should do the trick. Norman places the watch on the Megan’s wrist. She smiles. NORMAN (CONT’D) A perfect fit me lady. (winks) She looks up at him. MEGAN See you tomorrow. Norman nods and takes the broken watch. He hesitates for a moment, but then turns around and disappears through the curtain. The two girls are whispering. The blonde girl, MICHELLE nudges MEGAN. Norman comes back to find them still standing there. NORMAN Oh sorry. I thought...Is there anything else I can you need? MICHELLE There is this get together at the Port tonight. MEGAN (mumbles) Michelle


MICHELLE You gotta make your way past Hanover park and take a left at Aliwal Street. Michelle nudges Megan. MEGAN So(beat)do you wanna go, with us(beat) with me? For a moment he can’t believe what he is hearing. NORMAN Yeah, ah I mean. Yes Absolutely. Megan takes a small clock on the counter and changes the time to nine o clock. MEGAN Meet me at the gate house at 9. Norman smiles. WE TILT DOWN as Norman looks at the small clock and we PAN RIGHT to reveal the girls walking out of the shop. Megan waves. They giggle and we hear a loud GONG as they leave. CUT TO: INT. LOUNGE-NIGHT Norman sits in front of the television watching a show. He is quite neatly dressed. Mother enters and takes a seat. We hear the END CREDITS roll. MOTHER Just in time for the news. Norman hands her the remote. She changes the channel to eTV. The OPENING CREDITS START. NORMAN Ma, I saw this really nice.. Mother turns the television louder. MOTHER Norm, the news is on. Norman sighs in frustration, but works up the courage to speak.


NORMAN And she invited me out tonight. Mother mutes the TV and looks at Norman. MOTHER Take a look outside Norm or have you forgotten what time it is. NORMAN No how can I forget, every night’s the same old story. MOTHER Don’t try and fool me Norman. NORMAN Look at the TV mom. TV SCREEN: (still muted) Headlines read: Hanover robberies. Imagery of thugs in Hanover Park. NORMAN (CONT’D) IT will always be like this ma. MOTHER I don’t care. Its dangerous. She unmutes the TV and turns it LOUD. Norman furiously leaves. MOTHER (CONT’D) Norman. NORMAN Excuse me. I need to go finish fixing a clients watch. CUT TO: INT. NORMAN’S ROOM-NIGHT. Norman sits on the window pane, smoking a fag. He looks at the night lights below. He see’s a lady walking in the street. INT. LOUNGE - NIGHT Norman peeps into the room to see his mother still in front of the TV, fast asleep. eTV end credits roll. He looks at the a large wooden clock in the room. It reads 9:30.


INT. ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER Norm takes the house keys from the key hanger by the front door. EXT. STREET-NIGHT Norm cycles down the street. NORMAN (to himself) Tonight is going to be CRAAAAAZEEEE! He cycles out of frame. EXT. HANOVER PARK STREET - LATER Norman enters the dark and lonely street and slows down. A single street lamp lights up his path. Norman slowly makes his way through it, being watchful of his surroundings. He notices two black Nigerian men in all black leather, walking towards him. Norm ties to look around for Aliwal street, to turn off and ovoid these guys. He finds it. We see the ALIWAL STREET TURN OFF POST. TILT DOWN to reveal the thugs walking towards Norman. There is no way to get there without passing the thugs. Norman cycles on the left side of the road. Tension builds and Norman is scared, but then we show the thugs enter a corner shop. Norman blows a breath, relieved. EXT. GATE HOUSE/PORT - NIGHT Norman free’s into frame and gets off. He parks his bike. He looks at his wristwatch. It’s 21:20. He looks up, but no Megan to be found. EXT. PORT BBQ AREA - NIGHT A group of people gril meat on the BBQ’s and others are drinking and socializing.


Norman searches the area, but still can’t find her. He takes a bear from a table. EXT. ROCKY BEACH ENCLOSURE - LATER Norman stares at the debris floating against the rocks. He sips his beer. He looks at his watch. It reads 01:00 He looks to his left. A Couple are making out in the distance. He looks right. a really drunk young man is down at the shore pissing into the sea. DRUNK GUY Crazy night ey. NORMAN Yeah. have you seen Megan around? DRUNK GUY That cute one? NORMAN Yeah, short brunette, dimples. DRUNK GUY Oh yeah man, she went up there. He points up at the Lighthouse. WE TILT UP to reveal the lighthouse. EXT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT Norman walks up and down the top balcony. Wind blows. Not a lot of light. He still doesn't find her, but notices CAPTAIN JACK, an old white bearded man in a navy overcoat and a captains hat leaning on the railing, overlooking the sea. Norman also leans on the railing and sips his beer. CAPTAIN JACK Who are you looking for son? NORMAN Just a girl. Actually, not just any girl. She’s cute and has dimples and I think she likes me.


CAPTAIN JACK Yeah, that’s what they all say. But then 30 years down the line you find yourself searching the sea’s ontop of a Lighthouse. NORMAN Are we talking about the same girl here? CAPTAIN JACK She went back to the party kid. So get back in there, youll find her. Captain Jack goggles down the last bit of whiskey. Norman looks at his beer which is half full. He walks over Capt. Jack and hands him his beer. NORMAN Keep searching the sea’s. Maybe shes still out there. EXT. LIGHTHOUSE BOTTOM FLOOR - NIGHT Norman exits the building and pro-actively scans the party once more. And again, still no Megan. EXT. GATE HOUSE/PORT - NIGHT Norman, downheartedly unlocks his cycle and gets on it. Before he cycles away, he looks at his watch. It reads 04:00 He cycles out of frame. Disappointed. EXT. HANOVER PARK STREET - NIGHT A saddened Norman slowly cycles home, not paying attention to anything around him. BANG! CRASH! Norman looks up. Two thugs just broke the window of a car parked about 20 meters ahead of him. Norman panics. He tries to avoid them, but again, no escape, no other way home except past them. The thugs spot Norman and chase him. Norman cycles faster and faster. The thugs gain in on him. He takes a left turn and dodges a mailbox. The thugs are at his feet.


Suddenly an old man in a navy blue overcoat(captain Jack) comes out of nowhere and blocks them. Norman looks over his shoulder. We SEE Captain Jack kicking one thugs on the floor. The other running off. Norman is relieved. EXT. NORMANS’S HOUSE-NIGHT Norman cycles towards the front door and gets off. He searches his pockets for the house keys, but can’t find it anywhere on his body. NORMAN Flippit. He is tired. He looks at his watch. It reads 6:00. Norman looks up and see’s his Mother’s bedroom light go on, followed by the toilet window lighting up. Norman’s eyes widen. He is worried and tries to find an open window, but all are closed. He makes his way to the dining room window in a crouched position. Norman hits his toe against the a small GARDEN GNOME. NORMAN (CONT’D) flippen dwergie. He bends over and as he strokes his big toe, he looks at the fallen gnome. INT. NORMANS’S HOUSE/CORRIDOR -DAY Mother walks down the corridor towards Norman’s bedroom. MOTHER Wake up Norm its breakfast time. Norman’s mother turns Norman’s doorknob. A CRASH and a BANG is heard from the dining room. CUT TO:


INT. DINNING ROOM-DAY Glass surrounds a small garden Gnome that lay on the wooden floor. A broom wipes it onto a scoop. ( transition shot) CUT TO: INT. DINING ROOM TABLE - DAY Mother sweeps the gnome into a scoop with a broom. Norman enters the room and takes a seat in his usual place Mother takes the remote on the microwave and turns the TV off. She turns around, leaning on the counter. MOTHER I still can’t believe you didn't hear it break. NORMAN Ya it’s strange, but I cant glue it together at work. MOTHER I’m not talking about the gnome Norman. Norman tries to avoid eye contact. He looks at his cup of tea. NORMAN I don’t feel like tea this morning, Would you like mine ma. Mother sits down opposite him. He slides the cup over to her. MOTHER I suggest you knock next time. He sighs and walks over to his mother, bends over and kisses her on the forehead. NORMAN Ill never leave mom. I'm not like him. MOTHER Your absolutely right about that. He would never have broken Grandma Lyn’s gnomes just to sneak in.


Mother smiles and sips her tea. Norman chuckles and walks out. NORMAN Yeah, Grandma lyn is dangerous. INT. ENTRANCE - DAY Moments before Norman opens the front door, he hears Mother CALLING from the dining room. MOTHER (O.S.) Norm. NORMAN Yes ma? MOTHER (O.S.) There’s one of your dad’s old basketball jerseys in the garage. A humbled Norman takes his bicycle keys from the key chain and leaves. INT. DINNING ROOM-DAY Mother looks down the hall. She sips her tea and listens to Norman leaving. We HEAR the front door OPENING. MOTHER ...Your food will be in the micro when you get home. INT. WATCH SHOP - AFTERNOON Norman relaxed on a chair. Feet on the counter. He smiles at his watch and shakes his head as he reminisces about his eventful experience. GONG! A clock SOUNDS as Megan enters the shop. Norman jumps up and waits behind the counter. NORMAN Good afternoon me lady. You look like you had an incredible night. MEGAN Too crazy. NORMAN Hold on.


He walks to his chair and picks up a box underneath it, the prettiest looking box with a bow and ribbon around it. She watches leans over and watches him from the other side. Norman returns. NORMAN (CONT’D) There you go. Megan unties the watch from her arm, but Norman intervenes. NORMAN (CONT’D) Let me.(beat) its got a funky clip. Megan’s arm stretches across the counter. Norman does the deed. MEGAN Thanx. Megan turns around and leaves. Norman stares at her bum. EXT. WATCH SHOP - MOMENTS LATER GONG! - Megan leaves the shop and walks RIGHT. Another GONG! Norman runs out to stop her, he’s got package in hand. NORMAN Megan! She turns around. NORMAN (CONT’D) Your watch. MEGAN OH! Ha-ha. Thank you so much, I’m so forgetful sometimes. AWKWARD SILENCE. A Car passes FRAME. NORMAN So, I couldn't find you last night. MEGAN You were there? I thought you bummed out on me. NORMAN Yeah, I tried to find you, but this really drunk guy outside said...


MEGAN ..said you went up to the lighthouse? NORMAN No ways. Another Car passes FRAME. MEGAN And when I got there a... NORMAN ...a bum with a long white beard and a navy overcoat said you went back.. They speak simultaneously. MEGAN To the party kid

NORMAN To the party kid

Megan can’t help herself as she starts to laugh. NORMAN (CONT’D) Too crazy. MEGAN So(beat)Wanna do it again? Norman smiles. A last car PASSES Frame. CUT TO BLACK.

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