QuickEats: Meals Plans for Students on the Go

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Nos t o v e t o pne c e s s ar yi fy o uc ange tho tr i c ef r o mt hene ar byc ar i nde r i a. Sar di ne s c o nt ai nOme ga3andpo t as s i um andt hec ar bo hy dr at e sf r o mt her i c es e r v e sasa s l o wbur ns o ur c e . Se r v ewi t has qui r to fc al amans i ands al t .

DI RECT I ONS 1 . Mi xt hehotwat er , vi negar , sal tand pepperi nagl assj arorabowlunt i lt he sal tdi ssol ves. 2. Pepper cor nsar epr ef er r edf ora smoki erf l avor . Y oucanal soaddapod ofst arani seandadr i edbayl eafi nt he br i nei fy ouhavei t . 3. Sl i cet her edoni onst hi nl yi nr i ngs andaddt ot hebr i ne. Cover , l etcool , andsetf ort wohour s. Y oucandot hi s i nadvanceandkeepabat chf or t hr eef ourday skepti nacool , dr ypl ace.

I NGREDI ENT S 1smal lcanoft omat o sar di nes 1cupofst eamedr i ce 1smal lr edoni on Âźcupofhotwat er 3t abl espoonsofvi negar sal tandpeppert ot ast e cal amansi( opt i onal )

4. Opent hecanofsar di nesandsepar at et het omat osaucef r om t hef i sh. Y oucancont r olt hesal t i nessoft her i cebowlbyser vi ngt hesaucea t abl espoonatat i me. 5. T opr epar et her i cebowl : putt hest eami ngcupofr i cei nacl eanbowl , addt omat osauce, at easpoonoft hepi ckl ebr i ne, putsar di nesont op, andser vewi t ht heoni onpi ckl eont hesi de. Addsal tandpeppert ot ast e andasqui r tofcal amansi . Mi xt oget herandeatwhi l ey out y pey our l at eni ghtpaper . 23


Co o ko ut sar eno tc o mpl e t ewi t ho ut s o megr i l l e dc hi c ke n!

1 . F ort hesauce: i nasmal lsaucepan st i rt oget hervi negar , br ownsugar , t oy omansi , chi l isauce, sal tand pepper . Br i ngt oboi l i ngt henr educe t heheat . 2. Si mmer , uncover edf or5t o8 mi nut esorunt i lsaucei sr educedt o 2/ 3cup.

I NGREDI ENT S 3pounds’ chi ckent hi ghs 1 / 2cupvi negar 1 / 3cupbr ownsugar

3. F orachar coalgr i l l , ar r ange medi umhotcoal sar oundadr i ppan.

4t abl espoonst oy omansi

4. T estf ormedi um heatabovet hepan.

1 / 4t easpoongr ound bl ackpepper

5. Ski nt hechi cken.

1 / 4cupchi l isauce

6. Pl acet hechi cken, bonessi dedown ongr i l lr ackoverdr i ppan. Coverand gr i l lf or50t o60mi nut esorunt i l chi ckeni snol ongerpi nk, br ushi ng wi t ht hebast i ngsaucedur i ngt hel ast 1 5mi nut esofgr i l l i ng.


1 / 2t easpoonsal t

Ne x tt i mey o uo r de rt ake o ut , s av eany e x t r as o ys auc epac ke t st omaket hi s di s he v e nc he ape r .

I NGREDI ENT S 2cupsofuncookedr i ce Cannedorf r oz en veget abl es Soysauce

DI RECT I ONS Al ly oumustdoi sst eam somer i ce, dumpacanofveget abl es( orabag off r oz enveggi es)i nami cr owavesaf e bowlandheatt hem up, t henmi xt he veget abl esandr i cet oget herwi t hj ust t her i ghtamountofsoysauce. Theset hr eei ngr edi ent smaynotmake af l ashymeal , butt heconcoct i oni s heal t hy , cheap, andeasy .


Makey o urus ual t o r t ahe al t hi e rbyaddi ngi nkal abas a, mal unggay , andt una.

DI RECT I ONS I NGREDI ENT S 5st al ksofmal unggay Âźcupkal abasast r i ps

1 .Mi xmal unggay , kal abasast r i ps, oni on, f l ourandt unaf l akesi nabowl .

½cannedt unaf l akes

2. Addt hescr ambl edegg.

1oni on

3. Addsal tandpepper . Mi xf or5mi n.

1cupf l our 3eggs sal tandpepper


4. Fr yt hemi xt ur ei nl owheat . Fl i pt o cookt heot hersi de.

Al t e r nat i v e : Spi c eupy o urt unas andwi c he sbymi x i ngi ndi c e d appl e so rgr ape s , whi c hc anadds o mec r unc handani c et o uc h o fs we e t ne s s , t o o . DI RECT I ONS Cannedt unai sapr ot ei npacked st apl eofacheapdi et , butpl ai nol d t unasal adonr y ecangetol daf t era whi l e. T oheatt hi ngsupabi t , j ustst ar tout l i key ou’ r emaki nggr i l l edcheese sandwi ches, butaddt unasal adand\ t omat osl i ces.

I NGREDI ENT S 2cansoft una, mi xedwi t h may onnai se L oafofbr ead 4sl i cesofcheese 2medi um t omat oes


T hi sme al i sahe al t hi e randmo r eaf f o r dabl e o pt i o ni fpo r ki sno tav ai l abl e . P r e wr ap, s t o r ei nf r e e z e r , andf r yo ns e par at e o c c as i o ns .

DI RECT I ONS I NGREDI ENT S 1bowlt unaf l akes 1cup( gr at ed)car r ot s

1 . Mi xal li ngr edi ent s. 2. Scoopshanghaif i l l i ngdependi ng ony ourdesi r edser vi ngsi z e.

1cup( gr at ed)pot at oes 1egg

3. Pl acef i l l i ngonwr apperandr ol l .

1( di ced)oni on

4. Fr yunt i lgol denbr own.

3pcsgar l i c l umpi awr apper


5. St or euncookedshanghaii nt he f r eez er .

Cr av i ngf o rs i s i g?Y o udo n’ thav et owo r r yabo utt het e di o usc o o ki ng! Subs t i t ut et hepo r kwi t ht unaandy o u’ r ego o dt ogo . DI RECT I ONS

I NGREDI ENT S 2cansCent ur yT unaFl akes i nVeget abl eOi l 2gr eenchi l ipepper s, seededandchopped 1r edoni on, chopped 4t bspvi negar( adj ustt o t ast e) 2t spssoysauce( adj ustt o t ast e) 1cl ovegar l i c, mi nced 1egg

1 . Opent unacanst odr ai nexcess oi l( opt i onal ) . Cookt unai naf r y i ng panovermedi um heat . 2. Addt hechoppedchi l i , gar l i c, vi negar , andsoysauce. Si mmerf or 30seconds. 3. Addt hechoppedoni ons. Si mmer f oranot her30seconds. 4. Movet het unaononesi deoft he pant ocookt heegg. 5. T ur nof ft heheatandmi xt heegg wi t ht her estoft het una. 6. Ser vewi t hcal amansi .


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