Learning and Development Prospectus April 2012 - March 2013

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Learning and Development Prospectus April 2012 - March 2013

n Essential Training n Therapeutic and Clinical Skills n Skills for Work and Life n Leadership and Management Development Electronic Version


The 2012/13 Prospectus – Real and Virtual

Paul O’Neill Associate Director of Learning and Development

In order to reduce costs and our carbon impact we have produced two versions of the prospectus this year, an online version as well as a hard copy. The hard copy version is a slimmer volume than previous years’ and provides only basic information on each course or programme with a more comprehensive description. A hard copy version is available via the Learning and Development bases at Duncan Macmillan House or the Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre at Rampton Hospital.

Integrated Learning and Development The prospectus this year includes all of the courses provided by the Learning and Development Department including physical

healthcare courses primarily aimed at staff within Health Partnerships. However, the vast majority of courses are available to all staff with some targeted at particular groups and in a small number of cases restricted to particular staff groups or divisions. The information in the prospectus makes it clear where this is the case.

Learn, Develop, Succeed I hope you find something of value in the prospectus, and continue to develop yourself, your teams and most importantly the services we provide to all our patients, service users and carers.


F Adams


Learning and Development Department Performance 2011/12


Essential Training




Therapeutic and Clinical Skills


Skills for Work and Life


Leadership and Management


A to Z of Courses


Learning and Development Department Performance 2011/12

2011/12 has been a year of expansion and consolidation. We have welcomed newly hosted services in Offender Health, Health Partnerships, (County Health Partnerships and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships), and continued to provide an important service to the mental health and learning disability parts of the Trust in the established Forensic and Local Services Divisions and Corporate Departments. We have continued to provide relevant courses required and requested by frontline and support services and helped the newly hosted services adopt ways of working that are consistent across the Trust.

ing ctice Learn ra P n o r ti a tr nsibility fo Pre regis 1 the respo of the rt o p p In April 201 nd su

reporting a brought governance genda was a g in rn a re. Practice Practice Le ire Healthca sh m a e h g in tated by th into Nott ents are dic m e ir d u n q a ) re l (NMC Learning ery Counci if w id M d d n n a C) Nursing a Council (HP Professions ndards a st ry the Health to al regula n io ss fe ro ta require p detailed da ed. In 2011 d re te to be fulfill is 0 reg n over 100 s collection o eir status a th g nitorin s a w rs nurses, mo ento d sign off m cy ra u cc a mentors an r d fo and audite e rs maintained u ent n ing to stud and match nts. requireme

The data and evidence collected by Learning and Development is multi-tiered with quantitative and qualitative statistics collected. Traditional methods of capturing evaluation are augmented with electronic feedback methods including Survey Monkey and the increasingly used activote feedback ‘voting egg’ system. The following information represents a snapshot of a wide variety of data available in 2011-12.

Essential Training Learning and Development is resp onsible for the reporting of Esse ntial Training to the Trust Board, and the delivery and organisation of the majority of Trust based training. As a minimum requirement the department reports on 5848 staf f undertaking 61,690 elements of essential training per year. Between March 2011 and Jan uary 2012 Learning and Development provided 536 7 training sessions with over 558 00 attendances. Division Corporate Forensic Local Services

Number of Staff 404 2595 2849

Essential Training Sessions Req uired 2188 30384 29128

Essential Training Statistics March 2011 – February 2012

Division Corporate Forensic Local


Mar 78% 92% 78%

Apr 76% 91% 79%

May 77% 90% 79%

Jun 79% 92% 80%

Jul 81% 92% 81%

Aug 80% 92% 82%

Sep 81% 93% 83%

Oct 82% 87% 83%

Nov 79% 94% 84%

Dec 77% 86% 84%

Jan 77% 86% 83%

Feb 76% 87% 83%


Joint Investment Funding (JIF Types of Learning Accessed) Throughout 2011-12 the Joint Investment Funding (JIF) allocation to Nottinghamshire Healthcare has allowed the following education programmes to be provided to band 1-4 employees of the organisation.


Award/Certificate/ Diploma (old NVQ) Foundation Degree



Skills for Life Apprenticeships Other Accredited


Other Non-Accredited 5.1% 15.2%

Leadership A t The Point o f Service (LATP OS) Over the peri od April 2011 -12 the Learning and Develop ment Department provided Inte rnal Leadership D evelopment courses in the follow ing areas: n Promoting and Marketing the Trust n Understan ding Finance and Using Reso urces Effectiv ely n Leading Te ams and Developin g Others n Productive Leader n Presenting Information and Communic ating Effectiv el y n Leading Pr ojects Succes sf ul ly n Understan ding and Dev el op ing Yourself as a Leader

Therapeutic and Clinical Skills The Therapeutic Skills Team and Practice Learning Team have delivered and commissioned 364 Training and Development Sessions between April 2011 and February 2012 not including a wide range of antistigma and mental health awareness training for both internal and external agencies. The Therapeutic Skills Team was nominated for an Outstanding Service Contribution and Recognition Scheme (OSCARS) award in February 2012.



Recovery Sessions (All) PADS and KSF Sessions 7%

Physical Healthcare and Associated Courses Nursing Mentor Updates



Medicines Management Coaching Sessions/Supervision Training


12% 12%


Healthcare Records Training Risk and Suicide Others



Training and Development for Non–Medical Registered Professionals and the use of Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) Money

Contracted Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) Contracted Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) is a vital part of developing competent, capable practitioners who are appropriately prepared to deliver a dynamic, flexible, quality service for our service users. In the past two years the East Midlands Multi-professional Deanery has commissioned a suite of modules and programmes from a range of universities. If you choose a commissioned course it should incur no direct cost to you or your directorate. There are eleven university providers within the region offering courses at an academic level equivalent to degree level and upwards. They are: n University of Bedford n De Montfort University n University of Derby n University of Lincoln n University of Northampton n University of Nottingham n Nottingham Trent University n Open University (incorporating RCN) n Education for Health n University of Sheffield n Sheffield Hallam University (incorporating the Institute of Mental Health)


How to Apply Agreement to undertake a course must always come from your line manager via PAD discussions. Once agreed you must fill out a study leave application form. Application for training under LBR is then direct with the university concerned. However, it is essential that applicants get their NHS manager (authorised signatory) to approve the application and local policies/processes are followed. There is no salary support, transport or accommodation costs available with this education. Occasionally you may be asked for Trust verification of your application to study. This can be obtained from the Head of Learning and Development with the correct proof of application.

Sourcing the right course When considering modules or courses, applicants are encouraged to consider the learning outcomes of the module (rather than simply the title of the module) to ensure the suitability of the course. This information and a complete directory of Deanery commissioned courses is on the following website: http://www.eastmidlandsdeanery. nhs.uk/learningbeyondregistration/

Non-Contracted Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) Non-Contracted LBR is a fund that NHS Trusts can bid against on behalf of individuals and teams for education and training courses not provided by the forementioned eleven universities. The Learning and Development Department has a stepped approach to accessing this funding. Step 1 The Learning and Development Department is alerted by the Deanery that there is opportunity for trusts to bid for money for courses not provided by the eleven universities (normally in March of each year). Step 2 The Learning and Development Department alerts clinical directorates and professional leads of opportunity and timescales. Step 3 The Learning and Development Department collates responses and submits a full bid to workforce team.


Step 4 The Learning and Development Department are informed of successful/ unsuccessful bids. Step 5 The Learning and Development Department informs clinical directorates, professional leads and individuals of bidding outcomes and information on how to progress/invoice for the course required. Step 6 The Learning and Development Department invoices the Deanery quarterly for funding as required. Step 7 Training is undertaken then reviewed locally via PADS, study leave forms or external evaluations.

Some important notes connected to NonContracted LBR n It is important to remember when applying, that the funding is not guaranteed and applicants may be encouraged to attend a similar (if not exact) course from the existing contracted LBR courses n Non-Contracted LBR cannot fund conferences, travel, accommodation, essential training or leadership courses n Courses and funding which span over a period longer than a year must be applied for on an annual basis incorporating the stepped approach.

Who to contact In the first instance contact Julie Spencer Business Manger (Forensic) julie.spencer@nottshc.nhs.uk for more information.



Our Training Partners, Academic Partners and Partner Organisations

Let’s Build


The Institute of Mental Health

Let’s Build is a partner organisation of the Trust providing a wide range of high quality training to a range of organisations across the county.

NCORE the National Centre of Rehabilitation Education is a training and conference management department based within the Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, at the London Road Community Hospital in Derby.

The Institute of Mental Health was launched in 2006 to help transform our understanding and treatment of mental illness. The Institute is a partnership between the Trust and the University of Nottingham offering education, leadership and innovation backed by world class expertise.

Many Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff access courses that help support their work with people who use drugs or alcohol or those who are at risk of developing drug/ alcohol related problems. Let’s Build is committed to providing training that is informative, enjoyable and designed to have a positive impact on individuals and organisations. Training can be provided to clinical teams in situ and can be delivered on a bespoke basis as well as the standard delivery of accredited training at their base in Mansfield. From basic awareness courses to management training modules, the courses are open access providing an opportunity for people to work in multi-agency groups, sharing practice and making important links with other services. Most courses incur a nominal charge although it is the intention of Let’s Build to keep training costs to a minimum, acknowledging that this makes the suite of training extremely competitive in price. More information is available on: n Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust Intranet n Telephone 0800 121 8189 n www.letsbuild.org.uk

A wide range of learning opportunities are available to Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff, funded in 2011/12 via Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) funds. NCORE in Derby is continuing to fulfil its original remit to teach the principles and practice of rehabilitation. Central funding, however, disappeared sometime ago and today the centre is run rather like a small business but on a ‘not for profit’ basis’. As rehabilitation becomes the focus of many of the Government’s present agendas for ‘The New NHS’ the National Centre of Rehabilitation Education is playing an ever more active role in providing topical training events for all branches of healthcare professionals. The National Centre of Rehabilitation Education still holds true to its origins and aims to provide high quality, affordable and accessible training for healthcare professionals from all disciplines. More information is available on Please contact Jill Cresswell on (01332) 254 679 ncore@derbyhospitals.nhs.uk

Better skilled staff are better equipped to deliver better care for patients – which is why the Institute of Mental Health runs courses for about 200 students every year. The Institute has a portfolio of training and development opportunities including one-off modules, diplomas, degrees and masters qualifications in mental health. Educational courses are run by the Institute’s Teaching Team. The focus of the team’s work is service-facing, seeking to improve the quality of patient care through skilling up staff. Our courses are accessible – with venues in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire or in your workplace – our team can bring the teaching to you. Modules are delivered by subject specialists, experts by experience and mental health clinicians. The courses are also flexible – you can choose the modules or courses to fit in with your needs, your lifestyle and your commitments. Many places on our courses are funded by the East Midlands Education Commissioning Unit, which may mean that course fees for some local NHS staff might not have to be paid directly by their line managers. For further information on courses, please contact: Suzanne Howard Academic Programme Administrator Email: suzanne.howard@nottshc.nhs.uk Tel: 01777 247284 Mob: 07917 837430



The East Midlands Leadership Academy The East Midlands Leadership Academy was created in 2009 by Chief Executives in the East Midlands, who saw the establishment of a membership Academy as the best way to develop leaders across the East Midlands NHS organisations. The Leadership Academy has clear aims:

For further information on all courses and development opportunities please contact the East Midlands Leadership Academy Institute of Mental Health Floor D University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP) Triumph Road Nottingham NG7 2TU Tel: 0115 748 4277 Email: eastmidlands.leadershipacademy@nottshc.nhs.uk Web: http://www.leadershipeastmidlands.nhs.uk/welcome/

These are to improve patient, service user and carer experience and support staff wellbeing in the East Midlands through the development and promotion of high quality leadership. Delivered through excellence in planning, implementing and evaluating programmes and events in order to demonstrate: n A clear link to improved outcomes for patients, and improved staff satisfaction n A set of meaningful measures developed to identify talent, potential, track progress and outcomes over time n Evidence of an inclusive approach being taken embracing all groups including those currently underrepresented at leadership levels n Evidence of improvement from current to future using data from a range of sources including staff and patient surveys, Chief Executive Timeouts and Leadership Conferences n Engagement with a wide range of local leaders to influence the work of the Academy


Essential Training

Essential Training


Essential Training Block - Rampton Hospital Essential Training Block - Local Services Accountability, Dignity and Respect Basic Life Support Care Programme Approach (CPA) Clinical Essential Day Clinical Record Keeping and Documentation Audit Conflict Resolution Induction Conflict Resolution Update Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Mental Capacity Act 2005 Disengagement/Breakaway Skills (Module 2) Duel Diagnosis Training Equality and Diversity Fire Safety Awareness Fire Warden Food Hygiene Update Hand Hygiene Introduction to Healthcare Record Keeping Hospital Life Support/Refresher An Introduction to Information Governance (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package) Information Governance The Beginners Guide (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package) Leave of Absence / Escort Training Manual Handling and Back Care: A Healthy Postures Approach to Movement and Handling Mental Capacity Act 2005 Introduction Mental Health Act 1983 Nursing Mentor Update Office Ergonomics Paediatric Basic Life Support Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services (PSTS) (Module 1) Risk Treatment and Suicide Awareness Safeguarding Adults (SA1 – Alerter/Awareness Training) Safeguarding Adults (SA2 – Referrer Training) Safeguarding Children Security Update (Rampton Hospital) Core Security Induction (Rampton Hospital) Team Physical Intervention Skills (Module 3) 11

Introduction: Health Partnerships Division Important information for all staff about Essential Training

The Health Partnerships Division is comprised of the following Localities/Directorates: HighPoint, Bassetlaw, Newark and Sherwood, Nottingham West, Nottingham North and East, Principia and Specialist Services. Each Locality provides a range of services broadly categorised around the following: -

Tracey Swallow Head of Professional Development and Quality Improvement

Adult Health Partnerships Division, Children and Young People’s Services, Specialist Services, In-Patient Rehab and Palliative Care Services including Sir John Eastwood Hospice. Essential Training requirements have been identified for every single job role for every employee within the Health Partnerships Division. All staff must undertake essential training and it is an individual’s responsibility to have completed and maintain training in date. Overall, the Division must achieve a minimum target of 80% training. Essential Training is delivered in a number of ways across the Health Partnerships Division. Where possible a system of block training


enables staff to maximise their time in the classroom to cover as many essential training requirements as possible. Much of essential training is also available on E-Learning via the Nottinghamshire Healthcare intranet site. Staff can usually access essential training at the Learning and Development Department at Duncan Macmillan House, and at Byron Court, both on block training and individual elements of training. Wherever numbers are sufficient, training in other locations will always be considered.

Key Contacts Caroline Guilford: Learning and Development Administration Co-ordinator Caroline.Guilford@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

Introduction: Forensic Division Important information for all staff about Essential Training

The Forensic Division is comprised of the following services: Low Secure and Community Forensic, High and Medium Secure Facilities including Rampton Hospital, Arnold Lodge and Wathwood Hospital, Security Services, Offender Health

Julian Eve Head of Learning and Development (Forensic Services)

Essential Training requirements have been identified for every single job role for every employee within the Forensic Division. All staff must undertake essential training and it is an individual’s responsibility to have completed and maintain training in date. Overall the Division must achieve a minimum target of 80% training (90% for some training aspects at Rampton Hospital). Essential Training is delivered in a number of ways across the Forensic Division. At Rampton Hospital, Wathwood Hospital and Arnold Lodge, a system of block training enables staff to maximise their time in the classroom to cover as many essential training requirements as possible. Much of essential training is also available on E-Learning via the Nottinghamshire Healthcare intranet site. Staff in Low Secure and Community Forensic can

usually access essential training at the Learning and Development Department at Duncan Macmillan House both on block training and individual elements of training. Finally Offender Health essential training is delivered in a variety of ways in order to ensure that the Directorate’s staff have equal access to the training opportunities as the rest of the Division.

Key Contacts Martin Jones Learning and Development Training Manager (Forensic Division) martin.jones@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney Clinical Governance/ Workforce Development Manager (Arnold Lodge) arnold.lodge@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley Lecturer Practitioner (Wathwood Hospital) leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk


Introduction: Local Services Division Important information for all staff about Essential Training

The Local Services Division is comprised of the following services: Adult Mental Health City, Adult Mental Health County, Facilities Local Services, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies, MHSOP and Specialist Services.

Denise Harrison Head of Learning and Development (Local Services)

All Directorates have undertaken a training needs analysis identifying which staff require what essential training for their role. All staff must take responsibility to complete and refresh their essential training as required. Essential training is monitored through Directorate business meetings. Overall, the Division, in line with Trust requirements must achieve a minimum target of 80% training. Information Governance training will be added to the essential training statistics as from April 2012. Essential Training is delivered in a number of ways across the Local Services Division. A system of block training for staff within in-patient areas and those areas which have defibrillators has been set up in order to enable staff to cover as many relevant essential training requirements as possible.


Much of the essential training is available on E-Learning and/or workbooks via the Nottinghamshire Healthcare intranet site. A new E-Learning suite has been developed in the Learning and Development Department at Duncan Macmillan House in order to facilitate supported E-Learning sessions for individuals or groups of staff. Additionally, a programme of stand alone events are planned on an annual basis.

Key Contacts Kevin Warren Learning and Development Training Manager (Local Services) kevin.warren@nottshc.nhs.uk

Corporate Services Corporate Services staff can access training via face-to-face training sessions or E-Learning as above.

Session Description

W Merryweather

The Essential Training Blocks at Rampton Hospital have been designed to incorporate the majority of essential training subjects that are required by direct care staff i.e. nursing staff, into a 2½ day block that is attached to the 1½ day MVA refresher, making a combined 4 day training block, or a 2 day block that is linked to the 5 day MVA Protective Equipment training. An automatic booking onto the Essential Training Block will be triggered by the annual MVA Refresher/Protective Equipment booking. This will take place approximately 4 to 6 weeks prior to the training. Staff and their line manager will receive an e-mail with details of the essential training booking at around this time.

The training subjects that are included within the essential training blocks are: n Fire Safety n Suicide Awareness * 3 yearly n Treatment Risk * 3 yearly n Hospital Life Support Refresher n Safeguarding Children * 3 yearly n Safeguarding Adults * 3 yearly n CPA * 3 yearly n Manual Handling * 3 yearly n Equality and Diversity n Food Hygiene n Hand Hygiene n Mental Capacity Act * 3 yearly n Anti-Bullying Awareness n Physical Healthcare Please note the 3 yearly courses are rostered onto the blocks to reflect this. The 1½ day MVA Refresher that the Essential Training Block attaches to includes: n MVA Refresher n PSTS Refresher n Security Update The timetables for each Essential Training Block are finalised approximately 4 to 6 weeks in advance, therefore staff who do not need to access the whole block can access individual sessions on an ad hoc basis to meet their individual essential training requirements. To do this they should contact Edna Blades (ext 7550) Email: Edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.co.uk

Essential Training

Essential Training Block Rampton Hospital

Non Direct Days All Non Direct Care staff at Rampton Hospital and those requiring key access will be required to do the necessary Security Training and also the PSTS and a Breakaway Skills training day. The initial training must be completed on Induction and followed annually by a refresher course (1 day to include PSTS, Breakaway and Security update). For other professional groups there are a number of ‘Non Direct’ training days which incorporate Fire Safety, Basic Life Support and Manual Handling. These can be accessed as individual sessions or as a whole day. To book onto any of these sessions please contact: Edna Blades Ext: 7550 Email: Edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.co.uk For any further information relating to Essential Training at Rampton Hospital please contact: Martin Jones (Training Manager) Ext: 7181 Email: Martin.jones@nottshc.nhs.uk


Essential Training

Essential Training Block Local Services

Session Description

Session Description


A one day course which includes blocks of essential training for inpatient staff and those working in areas allocated with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

3 days (including 2 day MVA update) or 1 day

Learning Outcomes

A Walker

This is a one day course which includes blocks of essential training for inpatient staff and those working in areas allocated with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Courses are available throughout the year and will take place at various venues:

Please refer to the specific training area within this prospectus for full details of each individual subject area.

n Bassetlaw Hospital n Duncan Macmillan House n Ransom Wood, Mansfield

Indicative Content

KSF Mapping

n E-Learning lessons n Equality and Diversity n Fire Safety n Hospital Life Support/Refresher n Ligature Knife n Manual Handling and Back Care n MVA Update

Teaching and Learning Strategy The sessions will consist of various approaches delivered by different trainers. These include lectures, group activities, practical involvement and discussion.

Target Audience Staff who require Hospital Life Support (HLS) training working within the Local Services Directorate.


Workshops Available

Please refer to the specific training area within this prospectus for full details of each individual subject area.

Further Information Kevin Warren Training Manager (Local Services) Email: kevin.warren@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements The blocks will run annually

Booking Details Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Session Description

Indicative Content

Further Information

The Trust Core Induction includes:

For further information please contact:

n The Trust Aims, Visions and Values n Service User and Carer Aspects of Involvement n Communications within the Trust n Partnership Working n Equality and Diversity n Countering Fraud in the NHS n Data Protection and Confidentiality n NHS Complaints/PALS n Security, Staff, Property and Assets

Health Partnerships Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk

Teaching and Learning Strategy Various teaching strategies are used dependant upon role and directorate The Trust Induction is a programme of events and mandatory training that all Nottinghamshire Healthcare employees must attend designed to welcome new employees to the Trust. Individuals will experience introduction and presentation from services users, reinforcing that those who use our services are at the heart of everything we do. Individuals will be automatically booked onto Induction when starting work with the Trust.

Essential Training

Trust Induction

Target Audience All new employees to Nottinghamshire Healthcare

Core Induction Day and Local Services Kimberley Spencer Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext: 11152 Email: Kimberley.spencer@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Sharon Allen (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247806 Email: sharon.allen@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk

Dependant upon role and directorate

Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Workshops Available

Refresher Requirements


Induction always commences on the first Monday of each new calendar month unless falling on a bank holiday for which the following Monday will be used.

Induction is initially a one off programme of events but will, in some areas, cover certain essential training. This essential training will need to be continually updated as determined by your directorates Essential Training Needs Analysis Grid.

Once new staff have completed the one day Trust Core Induction they will attend the appropriate local induction package for their Division which is dependant upon their job role, i.e. Local Services or Forensic Services.


Essential Training

Accountability, Dignity and Respect Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Explore individual professional and personal accountability in clinical practice n Discuss the challenges of being an accountable practitioner and the implications for practice n To identify how dignity and respect is upheld in the provision of care n To explore as practitioners, responsibilities in ensuring that dignity and respect are maintained in every aspect of care provision

n Core 1 L2 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L2 n Core 5 L2 n Core 6 L3 n HWB 3-7 L2

Indicative Content M Foster

This session will enable clinicians to reflect on their accountability as health care professionals and interactively discuss and debate issues pertaining to their professional and personal accountability. The session also offers clinicians the opportunity to explore how they incorporate dignity and respect into practice.

This session is centred on the use of case scenarios to encourage discussion and analysis of the challenges of being an accountable practitioner.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Discussion, Case Studies, Group Work

Target Audience All clinical staff

Duration 1 hour 30 minutes

Workshops Available This session is part of the 1 day Clinical Essential Event


Further Information Lisa Stewart Learning and Development Facilitator Tel: 0115 8831813 Email: Lisa.stewart@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Gayle Harris Learning and Development Facilitator Tel: 0115 8831811 Email: gayle.harris@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Nigel Buck Learning and Development Facilitator Tel: 0115 883805 Email: Nigel.Buck@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements 3 yearly

Booking Details Book via the Learning and Development Website learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Essential Training

Basic Life Support Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Further Information

n Perform an assessment of an unconscious person, including potential risks and how to call for expert help n Safely place the rescued person into the recovery position n Correctly perform basic life support to sufferers of respiratory or cardiac arrest n Identify and correctly use a basic airway adjunct

Basic Life Support can be provided in own clinical area by negotiation with:

Indicative Content W Merryweather

This session acknowledges the duty of healthcare professionals have to all service users. It is designed to create awareness and confidence in assessing potentially unconscious individuals, calling for experts and safely delivering basic life support to someone in either respiratory or cardiac arrest using a basic airway adjunct.

n Trust Resuscitation Policy CL/CP/01-Issue 5 n Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines 2010

Teaching and Learning Strategy This session will consist of theoretical content, presentation, demonstration and practical activities. The learning activities incorporated are valid, reliable and coherent and take into account equality and diversity. Feedback is provided to establish that the learning outcomes have been achieved.

Target Audience All health professional staff identified in Trust Resuscitation Policy CL/CP/01 Appendix 1.

Duration Half day

Workshops Available Courses are available throughout the year.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L2 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 6 L1 n HWB 1,3,7 L1

Graham Harrod Resuscitation Officer (Local Services) Email: graham.harrod@nottshc.nhs.uk Nicky Mistry (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077702 Email: nicky.mistry@nottshc.nhs.uk Tony Earp (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077729 Email: tony.earp@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements In line with Trust Resuscitation Policy Basic Life Support (BLS) must be updated every 18 months. Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Department Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk


Essential Training

Care Programme Approach (CPA) Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

J McGarib

CPA is the clinical process by which care is provided for all patients. It is the responsibility of all managers and their staff to ensure that individuals are practicing within both national and local CPA policy and procedures. These training sessions aim to provide staff with a practical working knowledge and the necessary skills to be able to practice the Care Programme Approach.

Learning Outcomes n Background to CPA (full day) n Personalisation, values and the CPA n Refocusing the CPA n Role, authority and responsibility of the Care Co-ordinator n Transition points in care n Service user and carer involvement n Comprehensive assessment n Managing Risk effectively n Care planning n CPA and whole systems working n Outcomes, evaluation and review n How to use HoNOS PbR and the Mental Health Clustering Tool Forensic Services High and Medium Secure CPA training is awareness and by the end of the session participants will be able to: n Describe the four clinical parts that are the CPA process n Understand how CPA is applied in high and medium secure care n Feel confident to be able to undertake their role within the CPA process n Appreciate the importance of ensuring that patients are involved in the process and know how to support them in the process

Indicative Content Local Services n Background to CPA n What is CPA n Roles within the CPA process n The importance of CPA meetings n Good report writing


n Involving patients and carers in the process n Debate how to balance between clinical risk awareness within CPA n The importance of information sharing n Section 117 requirement n MAPPA n HoNOS (Health of the Nation Outcome Scale) – Full day or as required n CPA documentation – Full day Forensic Services n Background to CPA n What is CPA n Roles within the CPA process n The importance of CPA meetings n Good report writing n Involving patients in the process n Debate how to balance between clinical risk and patient involvement n The importance of information sharing n MHA 1983 and 2007 amendments

Teaching and Learning Strategy These training sessions will consist of varied approaches aimed at engaging participants to consider how the material covered impacts on their practice now, and how their practice can be improved. This process will be provided by lecturing, group activities and discussion/debate.

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can also be completed via E-Learning.

Essential Training


Further Information


For further information please contact:

Workshops Available

Jaswinder Basi (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9934580 ext 10280 Email: Jaswinder.Basi@nottshc.nhs.uk

Various workshops are available throughout the year and can be completed via E-Learning for Forensic and Local Services.

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc. nhs.uk

Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc. nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Suzanne Foulk (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9934580 ext 10280 Email: Suzanne.Foulk@nottshc.nhs.uk Tracy Rowe (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247244 Email: Tracy.rowe@nottshc.nhs.uk Tony Earp (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 207 7729 Email: tony.earp@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n HWB1 L1 - 3 n HWB2 L1 – 3 n HWB3 L1 – 3 n HWB4 L1 – 3 n HWB5 L1 - 3 n HWB6 L1 – 3

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be achieved by attending a face to face session or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.


Essential Training

Clinical Essential Day Health Partnerships

Session Description

The Clinical Essential Day presents a program of essential training which incorporates a number of different sessions facilitated by a variety of speakers. The aim of the day is to deliver the key messages and encourage clinicians to reflect on their role and responsibilities as accountable health care practitioners in providing services that meet the dignity and respect of all. The programme covers Infection Prevention and Control, Basic Life Support (BLS), Anaphylactic Reaction, Accountability, Dignity and Respect and Record Keeping.


Indicative Content

KSF Mapping

n Infection Prevention and Control n Accountability, Dignity and Respect n Record Keeping and Documentation Audit n Anaphylaxis n Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation Awareness

n Core 1 L3 n Core 2 L2 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L1 n Core 5 L1 n Core 6 L2 n HWB 1-3 L1 n HWB 5,7 L1

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Further Information

Different teaching and learning strategies are facilitated during the day by a variety of speakers. This includes presentation of information, question and answer, small group discussions and feedback focused on case studies.

Lisa Stewart Learning and Development Facilitator Email: Lisa.stewart@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831813

There is also a practical element during Basic Life Support which includes demonstration of the sequence of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. There is the expectation that participants will practice the skill.

Target Audience All clinical employees

Duration Full day

Gayle Harris Learning and Development Facilitator Email: gayle.harris@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831811 Nigel Buck Learning and Development Facilitator Email: Nigel.Buck@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 883805

Refresher Requirements 3 yearly

Booking Details Book via the Learning and Development Intranet Site Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Essential Training

Clinical Record Keeping and Documentation Audit Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Explore the legal aspects of record keeping n Know what the documentation audit policy requires n Understand the benefits of documentation audit to the professional, patient and organisation

n Core 1 L2 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L2 n Core 5 L2 n IK 1 n HWB 1-7 L2

Indicative Content The benefits of creating good quality records to the patient, health care professional and the organisation Exploring the challenges to creating good quality records The session is part of the 1 day Clinical Essential Event and aims to provide information on the principles of good record keeping enabling staff to complete records that conform to the required audit standards.

Familiarisation with the organisation documentation audit policy

Teaching and Learning Strategy Teaching and learning strategies include presentation, small group activities, discussion, question and answer.

Target Audience

Further Information Lisa Stewart Learning and Development Facilitator Email: Lisa.stewart@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831813 Gayle Harris Learning and Development Facilitator Email: gayle.harris@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel:0115 8831811 Nigel Buck Learning and Development Facilitator Email: Nigel.Buck@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 883805

Refresher Requirements 3 yearly

All clinical staff

Booking Details


Book via the Learning and Development Intranet Site -

1 hour

Workshops Available This session is part of the 1 day Clinical Essential Event

Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878


Essential Training

Conflict Resolution Induction

Session Description

This course is mandatory training for new front line starters. This training has evolved from the National Syllabus of Conflict Resolution Training and has been developed to assist NHS front line staff to deal effectively with incidents of potential violence and aggression. The course will consist of a national syllabus for the NHS in non-physical intervention techniques on managing and de-escalating potentially violent incidents within the work environment. This course has been designed for all front line staff whose work brings them into contact with members of the public. Their work may expose them to situations where there is the potential for confrontation leading onto violence and abuse. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that staff are trained to assess rapidly changing situations, evaluate risks to themselves and others and act in the appropriate manner.


Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n To recognise the different aspects of conflict that you may encounter and to be aware of different methods of resolving such conflicts n Describe 5 common causes of conflict n Give examples of different warning signs, danger signs and impact factors of pre conflict situations n Using written scenarios and communication models describe different methods for dealing with conflict situations

This training must be attended by any frontline staff that are new to the organisation or have not already attended Conflict Resolution training.

Indicative Content

Further Information

n What is conflict? n What can cause conflict? n Definition of violence, and harassment n Appreciation of the relevant law n Two forms of communication n How communication can break down n Relevant assertive posture and body language n 3 models of communication and de-escalation techniques n What to say in a conflict situation n Consideration of case scenarios

Teaching and Learning Strategy A variety of teaching methods are used to encourage discussion, reflection, and understanding.

Duration 3 hours

Workshops Available None

KSF Mapping n Health and Safety Level 2 n Communication Level 2 None

Refresher Requirements Conflict Resolution Update is required every 3 years after initial Conflict Resolution Induction Training.

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Essential Training

Conflict Resolution Update Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Be able to recognise and understand the stages of conflict as it may occur n Have revised their understanding of impact factors, warning and danger signs in conflict situations n Be able to adopt appropriate physical stance and positioning to maintain personal safety n Using written scenarios and communication models describe different methods for dealing with conflict situations

For those staff who have already attended Conflict Resolution Induction training. For front line staff required to attend an update every 3 years.

Indicative Content

This course is mandatory training for front line staff every 3 years to refresh their knowledge. The course provides the opportunity for staff to examine their current level of knowledge regarding conflict resolution. We use self assessment, revisit impact factors, warning and danger signs and by using various case studies, staff should be able to recognise and understand the stages of conflict as it may occur and explore the different tools of communication that may assist in the resolution of a conflict situation.

n What is conflict? n What can cause conflict? n Your skills in communicating n How communication can break down n Relevant assertive posture and body language n Communication and de-escalation techniques n What to say in a conflict situation n Consideration of case scenarios.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Duration 3 hours

Workshops Available None

KSF Mapping n Health and Safety Level 2 n Communication Level 2

Further Information None

Refresher Requirements Conflict Resolution Update is required every 3 years after initial Conflict Resolution Induction Training.

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

A variety of teaching methods are used to encourage discussion, reflection, and understanding.


Essential Training

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Mental Capacity Act 2005 Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n Identify where restraint may become deprivation of liberty n Describe the concept of Deprivation of Liberty n Review packages of care to prevent DOL where possible n Understand the processes required to render DOL lawful n Understand the circumstances where the Mental Health Act has primacy over the Mental Capacity Act

Indicative Content

The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) provide a process to protect vulnerable people over the age of 18 who lack capacity and who may be cared for in circumstances that amount to deprivation of liberty. The workshop supplements the MCA basic awareness workshop and aims to provide staff from relevant areas (especially older person’s services and learning disability services) with knowledge of a complex process.

n The Bournewood Case – why we are here n Restraint or deprivation of liberty? n What is deprivation of liberty? n Who is a managing authority/ supervisory body? n How does a managing authority apply for authorisation? n Urgent/Standard Authorisation n The six assessments including Mental Health and Best Interests Assessments n Where does the Mental Health Act have primacy? n What happens if authorisation is granted/not granted? n Review of and challenges to authorisation

Teaching and Learning Strategy This workshop will aim to help participants consider how the DOLS impact on their practice. There will be both teaching and group activities. Discussion/debate will enable participants to explore, develop and demonstrate their understanding.

Target Audience The workshop is for appropriately qualified clinicians who are most likely to be doctors, service managers, ward managers, registered nurses and allied health professionals. These are the people who must recognise whether or not a person in their care is or is likely to be deprived of their liberty, and act accordingly. It is also important for community based practitioners who visit service users on their caseload who are 26

in hospitals or care homes to be aware of DOLS. The DOL Safeguards do not apply to areas where people are exclusively detained under the Mental Health Act (such as Rampton Hospital, Arnold Lodge, Wells Road and Wathwood Hospital) or deal exclusively with those under the age of 18. This workshop will not enable doctors who wish to be DOLS Assessors to take on that role. Those doctors must complete the Royal College of Psychiatrists course.

Duration This is a half day workshop from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Workshops Available Details of dates and venues will be available from the Learning and Development Department intranet site

KSF Mapping n G1 (L1) n G2(L1) n IK1 (L1) n HWB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (L1) n Core 1,2,3,5,6 (L1)

Further Information For further information relating to the workshop content please contact Michael Sergeant, Local Services MHA/MCA Lead. Additionally, he is happy to discuss and arrange bespoke sessions for specific Services/Teams on request.

Refresher Requirements As this is a developing area of the law it is recommended that all relevant staff refresh their working knowledge of the DOL Safeguards every 2 years and keep up to date by checking the Trust Intranet for developments. Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Learning and Development Administration Team Email: LandDCoursebookings@notts.nhs.uk

Essential Training

Disengagement/Breakaway Skills (Module 2) Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Booking Details

n Identify and legally define reasonable force n Disengage from a range of common attacks using physical disengagement skills n Identify the importance of reporting and recording of all incidents

To book onto the training, please contact:

Indicative Content This is the second module of a system of training.

J McGarib

This training aims to provide staff approached by an aggressor (one to one), with a range of skills to avoid or disengage from common assaults.

It would be expected that each student will have previously completed module one. Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services (PSTS)

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by discussion, group observation and participation of physical disengagement/breakaway skills.

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Duration Determined by Trust Policy

Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Sharon Whetton (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247858 Ext 7858 Email: sharon.whetton@nottshc.nhs.uk Ann Overfield (Timian) Email: ann.overfield@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information on the content and duration please contact your Local Training Centre

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L2 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L2 n Core 6 L1 n G1 L1 n HWB3 L1

Refresher Requirements Annually as per Trust Policy and NICE Clinical Guideline 25


Essential Training

Dual Diagnosis Training Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n Definition of Dual Diagnosis n Identification of illicit substances and effects n Identification of strategies to improve engagement of Dual Diagnosis service users n Identification of mental health symptoms

Indicative Content The content of Dual Diagnosis courses varies but may include:

A Gariff

Dual Diagnosis Training is provided either via Dual Diagnosis E-Learning or via our training partners Lets Build. The training is an opportunity to learn more about service users who experience mental health and substance misuse problems.


n Mental health and substance misuse n Psychological impact of substance misuse n Awareness of effective treatment options n Treatment options in dual diagnosis n Prescribing in dual diagnosis n Complimentary therapies n Understanding of how attitudes and fears affect working with a client group who have multiple needs

E-Learning can be completed by following this link: http://wwwm.coventry.ac.uk/researchnet/ publichealth/projects/Currentprojects/ Pages/DualDiagnosis.

Essential Training

Equality and Diversity Forensic Services, Local Services, Health Partnerships

Session Description

Equality and Diversity is an essential part of everything we do at Nottinghamshire Healthcare. We are committed to ensuring that no job applicant, employee, service user, carer or member of the public is discriminated against either directly or indirectly, on grounds of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil partnership status, disability, race/ethnicity, religion or belief, pregnancy/maternity status or age. We therefore aim to ensure that all of our staff and volunteers are trained in equality and diversity in order to meet our legal and moral obligations as well as our active commitment to tackling discrimination and disadvantage. This session aims to provide staff with a working knowledge of equality and diversity. It is anticipated that this will encourage and lead staff/volunteers to participate in other courses that relate to the many individual strands of equality and diversity. Furthermore the session aims to help individuals participate in, and contribute to making the principles of equality and diversity an everyday reality for all those who work for the Trust and/or use its services.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Describe what is meant by the terms Equality, Diversity, Prejudice, Discrimination, Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion and understand the current legislation that governs Equality, Diversity and Human Rights n Identify why Equality and Diversity is important to the Trust from a legal, moral and business perspective and understand personal and organisational responsibilities within this agenda n Recognise the impact of discrimination e.g. racism, homophobia, ageism on both individuals and groups and deploy some of the strategies learned as to how they can make Equality and Diversity a reality within the workplace for staff, service users and carers n Raise awareness amongst their colleagues as to what the Trust is doing to Champion Equality and Diversity and challenge discrimination and disadvantage in a way which is safe to do so

This training session will consist of varied teaching and learning approaches aimed at meeting individual learning styles. Lively and honest debate is encouraged with opportunities for the participants to contribute to the learning process. Participants will be encouraged to give real life examples and discuss how these have been or can be addressed within a safe environment.

Indicative Content

n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1

n Legislation that governs Equality and Diversity, in particular the Equality Act 2010 n Discussion about anticipated legislation, Department of Health guidance and good practice n Moral issues and challenges which may have an impact on Equality and Diversity n The business case for Equality and Diversity n Clinical and non-clinical applications of the principles of equality and diversity in the workplace n Inequalities and the social inclusion agenda n Our responsibilities as individuals and as part of an organisation to promote Equality and Diversity and challenge discrimination. n Source information and advice on Equality and Diversity n Promoting inclusive communities who understand each others’ needs

Target Audience All Trust staff and volunteers.

Duration Sessions can often be tailored to meet the specific needs of teams/ services, however the normal duration is 2.5 hours.

Workshops Available Workshops are mainly delivered via the Divisional Block Training arrangements but additional sessions may be available by speaking to the facilitators in your directorate or can be completed via E-Learning.

KSF Mapping n Core 4 L1 n Core 5 L1 n Core 6 L1 n HWB1 L1

Refresher Requirements Refresher training must be completed every three years. This can be achieved by attending a face to face session or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.

Booking Details Michelle Johnson (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext: 10664 Email: michelle.johnson@nottshc.nhs.uk Dave Henry (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247641 Email: david.henry@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk 29

Essential Training

Fire Safety Awareness Forensic Services, Local Services, Health Partnerships

Session Description

S Hammami

General fire safety awareness training to include: n Action in the event of fire n Raising an alarm in the event of fire n Emergency evacuation n Basic fire prevention n Recognition and use of portable fire extinguishers (theory only) n Importance of fire doors and compartmentalisation n Good housekeeping Administration and general staff and those in non-patient access areas without specific responsibility for fire safety or local fire safety responsibilities may undertake this type of training at two yearly intervals. Fire Safety training for staff with the added responsibility of patient evacuation to include: n Theory and practice of phased evacuation n Moving and handling of non- ambulant patients n Refuge point principles It is suggested that this type of training be carried out by way of regular fire drills and table top exercises. Live evacuation training involving patients is not recommended. This type of training should be carried out on an annual refresher basis. 30

Learning Outcomes

Booking Details

n Aware of the action necessary in the event of a fire n Able to raise an alarm in the event of fire n Know how to alert the emergency services in the event of fire n Have an understanding of fire chemistry and fire prevention n Aware of the different types of portable fire extinguishers and their individual capabilities n Aware of the importance of fire doors and compartmentalisation in overall fire safety strategy n Familiar with the guiding principle of phased evacuation and patient evacuation in an emergency situation

To book on a course please contact:

Indicative Content

Further Information For further information please contact your Local Fire Safety Advisor

The session will cover an introduction to relevant Fire Safety Legislation in addition to specific elements required as part of the National Health Service.

Teaching and Learning Strategy The sessions will consist of varied approaches aimed at engaging participants to consider how the material covered may impact on their area of work.

Target Audience All staff


Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Karen Pretty (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext 11816 Email: Karen.pretty@nottshc.nhs.uk Colin Murphy (Local Services) Email: colin.murphy@nottshc.nhs.uk John Lawton (Forensic Services) Email: john.lawton@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 3 L1 n HWB3 L1

Approximately 1 hour

Refresher Requirements

Workshops Available

All Trust employees need to update their Fire Safety training yearly. Non clinical staff can update their Fire Training via E-Learning but must have a face-face session the following year. Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Various workshops are available throughout the year and can be completed via E-Learning for certain staff members, please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Essential Training

Fire Warden Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n To learn how Fire Wardens can identify fire hazards in their area n To learn what the Fire Warden’s duties are during fire evacuations n To list items on a Fire Warden’s Weekly Checklist and understand how to conduct their checks n To understand how Human Behaviour can impact on a fire evacuation.

n Core 3 L2 n HWB3 L2

Indicative Content

F Clark

This initial Fire Warden training is designed to provide the required knowledge, skills and confidence to ensure each participant carries out their assigned duties in a safe and proactive manner. The training covers: basic legal overview of the responsibilities and role of the Fire Warden; an understanding of the dangers of fire; insight into how fires start and spread; preventative measures we can take to prevent fires and fire spread. Building Protection Emergency Lighting, Alarms, Fire Detection, Lifts, Fire Doors and more. Human Behaviour in Fire A review of human behaviour in an emergency, delivered through a variety of visual techniques, including DVD footage and discussion. Role of Fire Warden - Basic Staff action on discovering a fire, raising the alarm etc. The Fire Extinguisher Theory on the use of fire extinguishers. This initial session is aimed at ‘Rookie’ Fire Wardens and because of this there is much theory to cover. Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask both general and specific questions during the session.

n Fire safety legislation n The role of the Fire Warden n Liaison with the fire service n Action on discovering a fire n Combustion and Common causes of fire n Hazards Spotting and Reporting n How to use fire extinguishers n Active and Passive Fire Safety Precautions n Fire drills and evacuation n Human behaviour in fire

Teaching and Learning Strategy Presentation (visual and aural), Question and Answer, DVD clips.

Target Audience Current legislation requires all working areas to have a proportion of their staff trained as Fire Wardens to aid evacuation of their area in the event of a fire occurring. (In-patient wards would not usually need Fire Wardens). Fire Wardens can be from any staff group. For advice regarding how many Fire Wardens are needed for an area, please contact you Fire Advisor.

Duration 3 Hours

Workshops Available

Further Information For further information please contact your Local Fire Safety Advisor Local Services Karen Pretty Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext 11817 Email: karen.pretty@nottshc.nhs.uk Colin Murphy Tel: 01623 434636 Ext: 10807 Email: colin.murphy@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services John Lawton Tel: 01777 247520 Email: john.lawton@nottshc.nhs.uk Kevin Porter Fire Safety Advisor, Rampton Hospital Email: kevin.porter@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements 3 years after this initial training, book onto the refresher Fire Warden course.

Booking Details Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Various workshops available throughout the year


Essential Training

Food Hygiene Update Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

A Gariff

The aim of the training session is to impart knowledge allowing staff to handle food and drink safely under “The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2005”

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Good hygiene practices n Food temperatures n Updates on legislation n The cost to the Trust for non compliance n The cost to the individual for non compliance n Preparation – processing – transportation – distribution – handling – storage – serving n Effective and proportionate controls throughout the food chain n Sources – vehicles and routes of contamination n Prevention n Current trends

Sessions are organised by the people requiring the training and is normally at the unit concerned.

Indicative Content The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2005 establishes a defence at law termed “Due Diligence”.

Booking Details Chris McNamara Tel: 01623 434633 Email: chris.mcnamara@nottshc.nhs.uk Jane Hawksley (AMH County) Tel: 01623 784768 Mob: 07824599414 Email: jane.hawksley@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk

Essentials of Food Hygiene

Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Further Information

PowerPoint presentation to encourage participants to consider how the material impacts on them and patients’ lives. The session encourages debate and questions from the outset using serious and light hearted approaches to assess the knowledge of the participants. This has been successful in the past by the responses received in the session questionnaire and by comments given verbally.

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Duration 1 hour


This can be also be completed via E-Learning

Training sessions can be tailored to suit users and their units on request. Dates and times to suit.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L1 n Core 3 L1 n HWB10 L1

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Essential Training

Hand Hygiene Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Further Information

n To become aware of the current bacterial infections and associated risks n To describe and suggest methods of good practice n To understand Trust Policy in relation to Government Legislation

For further information speak to your local Modern Matron or Environmental Care Co-ordinator for Local Services or

Indicative Content

Nicky Mistry (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077702 Email: nicky.mistry@nottshc.nhs.uk or

n Adherence to Trust Policy and Procedures n Mandatory annual training for all NHS staff n Relevant information on high risk bacterial infections

Teaching and Learning Strategy To raise awareness of: n The risk of transferring Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) n Legislation regarding the cleanliness of Hospitals

This session is designed to educate staff of the dangers of HCAIs. This is an information sharing session followed by the light machine test.

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Duration As appropriate.

Workshops Available Booked on a need to basis and can also be completed via E-Learning. Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Pixy Strazds (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247765 Email: pixy.strazds@nottshc.nhs.uk

Tony Earp (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077729 Email: tony.earp@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L1 n Core 6 L1 n HWB3 L1

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be achieved by speaking to your local Modern Matron or Environmental Care Co-ordinator or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.

Booking Details Please contact your local Modern Matron or Environmental Care Coordinator for Local Services Jane Hawksley (AMH – County) Tel: 01623 784768 Mob: 07824599414 Email: Jane.hawksley@nottshc.nhs.uk


Essential Training

Introduction to Healthcare Record Keeping Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Develop an awareness of fundamental record keeping standards n Have an understanding of the importance of correct healthcare record keeping n Have an understanding of the legal organisational requirements and responsibilities

All clinical staff whose professional role involves multi-disciplinary documentation

Indicative Content

Nottinghamshire Healthcare recognises a part of its duty of care is the responsibility to ensure that staff receive an appropriate level of training and support in relation to healthcare records. This is a ½ day training session. The aim is to develop an awareness of the national governing guidelines, ensuring appropriate record keeping is in line with local policy and procedures.


n National NHS trust perspectives n Nottinghamshire Healthcare organisational issues n What makes good record keeping? n OT perspective n NMC perspective n RCN perspective n Social Services perspective n IG and the future

Teaching and Learning Strategy The training will consist of varied approaches aimed at engaging participants to consider how the material may impact on their practice. These approaches will include lecturing, group activities and discussion.

Duration 3 hours 9.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30 – 4.30pm date dependant

Workshops Available Please see Learning and Development course register for 2012/2013 dates

Booking Details Learning and Development Department Duncan Macmillan House Nottingham NG3 6AA Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information Andy Peet Learning and Development Department Duncan Macmillan House Nottingham NG3 6AA Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext: 10160 Email: andy.peet@nottshc.nhs.uk

Essential Training

Hospital Life Support/Refresher Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Understand the early recognition of the sick person and the causes of cardio-respiratory arrest in adults n Use the ABCDE approach to identify and treat patients at risk of cardiorespiratory arrest n Start resuscitation in a health environment and continue until expert help arrives n Use simple adjuncts to maintain an airway, simple devices to ventilate the lungs and deliver a shock safely using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

n Core 1 L2 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 6 L1 n HWB 1,3,7 L1

Indicative Content This session acknowledges the duty of care health professionals have to all service users. It is designed to create awareness and confidence in dealing with medically unwell individuals and providing interventions to reduce the risk of further deterioration, where possible, before the arrival of experts. Where cardio-respiratory arrest has occurred staff are taught to manage this as a team and with the appropriate equipment e.g. Automated External Defibrillation (AED).

n Trust Resuscitation Policy CL/CP/01Issue 5 n National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guideline 25 – The Short Management of Disturbed/Violent Behaviour in Psychiatric In-patient Settings and Emergency Departments (2005) n Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines 2010

Teaching and Learning Strategy This session will consist of theoretical content, presentation, demonstration and practical activities. The learning activities incorporated are valid, reliable and coherent and take into account equality and diversity. Feedback is provided to establish that the learning outcomes have been achieved.

Target Audience

Further Information Graham Harrod Resuscitation Officer (Local Services) Email: graham.harrod@nottshc.nhs.uk Nicky Mistry (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077702 Email: nicky.mistry@nottshc.nhs.uk or Tony Earp (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077729 Email: tony.earp@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements In line with Trust Resuscitation Policy Hospital Life Support (HLS) must be updated every 18 months. Once you have completed the full one day course you will be able to complete a half day refresher annually.

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

All health professional staff identified in Trust Resuscitation Policy CL/CP/01 Appendix 1

Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk


Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

One day and half day refresher

Workshops Available Courses are available throughout the year.


Essential Training

An Introduction to Information Governance (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This E-Learning package is a useful introduction to the area of Information Governance as well as a refresher to meet mandatory training requirements and introduces the Information Governance Toolkit.

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

This module looks at how to ensure the right processes and procedures are followed when processing information.

None – access to computers can be arranged for staff currently without access to one

n How to avoid breaching confidentiality law and guidelines n How to comply with data protection and freedom of information legislation n What support you have - the IG Toolkit n Good record keeping n Effective information security

Booking Details

All of the above topics will give you good knowledge and skills to provide an effective, confidential and secure healthcare service. You will also find out about the IG Toolkit and how your contribution to IG best practice in your organisation is very important.

Indicative Content n The Data Protection Act 1998 n The Confidentiality NHS Code of Practice and the NHS Care Record Guarantee for England n The Freedom of Information Act 2000 n The Records Management NHS Code of Practice n The Information Security NHS Code of Practice

Teaching and Learning Strategy The module is only available for completion via the IG Training Tool below: http://www.igte-learning. connectingforhealth.nhs.uk

Target Audience Essential Training for all staff.

Duration 1 hour


As an E-Learning package bookings will not be taken. All staff that are not already registered for the IG Training Tool will need to do so via the link below: http://www.igte-learning. connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/open/register. cfm

Further Information If you have any queries or issues regarding the registration process these should be directed to Melaina Robinson on 0115 9529427 or via email to Melaina.Robinson@nottshc.nhs.uk For information regarding gaining access to a computer please contact the IT Service Desk on 0115 9555350

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L1 n Core 5 L2 n Core 6 L1

Refresher Requirements This training is one of the Trust’s essential training requirements and is to be completed annually by all staff who use or access any confidential information.

Essential Training

Information Governance The Beginners Guide (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This E-Learning package is a useful introduction to the area of Information Governance as well as a refresher to meet mandatory training requirements.

Learning Outcomes

Booking Details

This module is an introductory level E-Learning module which explains:

As an E-Learning package bookings will not be taken.

n The difference between ‘personal information’ and ‘sensitive’ personal information n What ‘confidentiality’ means, what information it applies to and how confidentiality is maintained n What ‘security’ means, how good security is planned and how it involves all employees n Identifying and reporting confidentiality and security incidents and weaknesses to highlight issues and help organisations improve

All staff that are not already registered for the IG Training Tool will need to do so via the link below:

Indicative Content Code of Confidentiality Information Security Management

Teaching and Learning Strategy The module is only available for completion via the IG Training Tool below: http://www.igte-learning. connectingforhealth.nhs.uk

Target Audience Essential for all staff who do not use or access any confidential information.


http://www.igte-learning. connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/open/register. cfm

Further Information If you have any queries or issues regarding the registration process these should be directed to Melaina Robinson on 0115 9529427 or via email to Melaina.Robinson@nottshc.nhs.uk For information regarding gaining access to a computer please contact the IT Service Desk on 0115 9555350

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L1 n Core 5 L2 n Core 6 L1

Refresher Requirements This training is one of the Trust’s essential training requirements and is to be completed annually by all staff.

0.5 hours

Workshops Available None – access to computers can be arranged for staff currently without access to one


Essential Training

Leave of Absence / Escort Training Forensic Services

Session Description

All nursing staff at Rampton Hospital who will have a responsibility to escort patients within and outside the hospital will be required to attend. This training provides skills and knowledge to enable the safe escorting of patients detained under the Mental Health Act and follows a strict risk assessment process. Emphasis will be on the Leave of Absence Planning Authority to identify risks and the formulation of appropriate management plans to address those needs. Learning will consider vulnerable times, places, conditions and commonalities based on previous experience of Leave of Absence. Areas of significant risk when the use of handcuffs should be considered will be taught and their application practiced.

Learning Outcomes n Awareness of safe and appropriate positioning of staff during escorting of patients n Qualified nurses will be able to complete a Leave of Absence Planning Authority n Ability to list areas, times and places of risk/vulnerability during a Leave of Absence n All learners will be aware of their responsibilities before, during and after the Leave of Absence n Learners will have visited the patients despatch area for familiarisation n Knowledge of the types of handcuffs we offer and how to apply them n Become familiar with the transport vehicles used

Indicative Content n Leave of Absence policy coverage plus the Planning Authority (statutory paperwork e.g. Mental Health Act) n Types of escort and their associated risks with appropriate management strategies n Integration of theory and practices of escorting patients n Highlighting good expected practices with examples of problematic instances n Elements of assertiveness, procedural and relational security to bolster confidence and competence n Transportation vehicles n Handcuff awareness and practical application

Teaching and Learning Strategy A variety of approaches will be used to engage and encourage learners to appreciate good safe escorting practices. This will include: n Lecture and PowerPoint for theoretical material


n Group work/peer encouragement along with a limited amount of discussion and debate will be afforded with obviously question and answer allowance n Demonstration will be provided by experienced and well qualified facilitators n Empirical examples from the experienced facilitators n Formative and summative assessment will be utilised in the form of observation of practice/demonstration, quiz and questionnaire

Target Audience All staff who will or may be required to escort patients within and outside the hospital.

Duration 9.00am till 4.00pm

Workshops Available Throughout the year as organised by Security Services at Rampton High Security Hospital

Booking Details To book onto this training please contact: The Security Department Administration Team Tel: 01777 247425 Email: Sharon.whetton@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information please contact Noel Mumby Tel: 01777 247386 Email: noel.mumby@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 6 L1 n HWB 3 L1

Refresher Requirements This is a one off session so has no refresher requirements

Essential Training

Manual Handling and Back Care: A Healthy Postures Approach to Movement and Handling Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Designed for staff working in clinical areas but who do not engage in patient handling activities. The emphasis is on musculoskeletal health and how work and daily living activities can be deleterious when we are not mindful of how we carry them out. Whereas this training is prioritised for clinical staff, all occupational groups who require a broad programme for musculoskeletal health and safer handling are likely to find its content relevant and modified versions can be presented to meet specific group needs.

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Have some knowledge as to how human structures can get injured during movement and handling activities n Understand why remaining active, within reason when injured, can be beneficial n Be able to apply a ‘Healthy Postures Approach’ when engaging in movement and handling activities in order to reduce the risk of injury n Be able to apply a ‘Risk Assessment Approach’ to designing safer systems of work that might otherwise involve injury risk

This programme of training forms part of the ‘essential’ Block Training that is organised by the Learning and Development Department who set dates throughout the year at various locations but often in the Blue Conference Room Duncan Macmillan House.

KSF Mapping

Indicative Content

Bill Varnam Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext: 11289 Email: bill.varnam@nottshc.nhs.uk

The programme will cover: n Back pain n Soft tissue injury and recovery n Sitting, standing and kneeling postures n Muscle action n Principles for safer movement and handling n Principles of Risk Assessment

Teaching and Learning Strategy The content of this programme aims to be universally applicable potentially to all occupational groups. It will have relevance for the individual’s workrelated and non work-related activities promoting the concept of 24/7 musculoskeletal health.

Target Audience This programme has been specifically designed for clinical operatives who do not engage in patient handling activities. It will however be appropriate for occupational groups involved with inanimate load handling or low risk activities and for those who do not have access to a job specific programme of training.

Duration This programme requires up to 1.5 hours to run but more condensed versions can be presented if circumstances require this.

n Core 1 L1 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L1 n Core 6 L1

Further Information

For further information please contact:

Jane Hawksley (AMH – County) Tel: 01623 784768 Mob: 07824599414 Email: Jane.hawksley@nottshc.nhs.uk Joanne Clark (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247285 Email: joanne.clark@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirement

Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details

Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk Health Partnerships Learning and Developmeent Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk 39

Essential Training

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Introduction Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Identify the 5 key principles of the MCA n Explain how these principles apply to practical situations n Describe how a decision maker should act in a person’s best interests n Demonstrate a working knowledge of the principles relating to advance decisions to refuse treatment and statements of wishes and feelings and the difference between them n Understand how the MCA and Mental Health Act impact on treatment decisions

Details of dates and venues will be available from the Learning and Development Department

Indicative Content The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a statutory framework to empower and protect vulnerable people over the age of 16 who may not be able to make their own decisions. It makes it clear who can take decisions, in which situations, and how they should go about this. It enables people to plan ahead for a time when they may lose capacity. The Act is relevant to all services including forensic and high secure environments. The workshop aims to provide staff from all areas with a good basic knowledge of the Act.

n MCA legislation overview n The 5 key principles which underpin the Act n ‘Unwise’ decisions and capacity n Best Interests n Advance planning including Lasting Power of Attorney, advance decisions to refuse treatment, statements of wishes and feelings n Independent Mental Capacity Advocates n MCA /MHA treatment decisions.

Teaching and Learning Strategy This workshop will consist of varied approaches aimed at helping participants to consider how the MCA impacts on their practice. There will be use of a DVD film as well as lecturing and group activities. Discussion/ debate and group activities will enable participants to explore, develop and demonstrate their understanding.

Target Audience All staff who have or will have involvement with service users who are over the age of 16 years.

Duration The introduction is a one day course from 9.30am to 4pm. The refresher is a half day course for those who completed MCA training more than three years previously.


KSF Mapping n G1 (L1) n G2(L1) n IK1 (L1) n HWB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (L1) Core 1,2,3,5,6 (L1)

Further Information For further information relating to the workshop content please contact Michael Sergeant, Local Services MHA/MCA Lead. Additionally, he is happy to discuss and arrange bespoke sessions for specific Services/Teams on request.

Refresher Requirements It is recommended that all relevant staff refresh their working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act every 3 years. This can be done by attending a refresher workshop (details from Learning and Development) or by using the E-Learning package available through the Trust website. Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Essential Training

Mental Health Act 1983 Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Describe the guiding principles of the MHA 1983 n Identify the processes and personnel involved in assessment, detention, review and discharge n Identify the rights of a patient who is subject to the Act n Discuss the framework relating to consent to treatment under the Act

This is a one day workshop from 9.30am to 4pm.

Indicative Content

It is the responsibility of individual staff members to ensure that practice occurs effectively within the legislative framework of the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended in 2007) and that the individual rights of service users who are detained under the Act are positively maintained and promoted. This workshop aims to provide staff with a practical working knowledge of the civil provisions of the Mental Health Act. It will also be useful as a refresher for more experienced staff members.

n MHA 1983 legislation overview n MHA 1983 Code of Practice: Guiding Principles n The assessment and admission process n Patient Rights n Independent Mental Health Advocacy n Challenging detention: Tribunals and Managers’ panels n Consent to Treatment n Community Treatment Orders n Aftercare and Care Programme Approach n Overview of statutory paperwork

Teaching and Learning Strategy This workshop will consist of varied approaches aimed at engaging participants to consider how the material covered may impact on their future practice. The facilitators will commence this process by providing an element of lecturing around the core areas, before promoting group activities, case studies and discussion/debate which will enable participants to begin to explore, develop and demonstrate their emerging understanding. The course will not explore the forensic provisions of the Act.

Target Audience All nursing, allied health professionals who have or will potentially have involvement with service users who may be subject to the Mental Health Act 1983.

Workshops Available Various workshops are available or can be completed via E-Learning. Details of dates and venues will be available from the Learning and Development Department intranet site.

KSF Mapping n G1 (L1) n G2(L1) n IK1 (L1) n HWB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (L1) Core 1,2,3,5,6 (L1)

Further Information For further information relating to the workshop content please contact Michael Sergeant, Local Services MHA/MCA Lead. Additionally, he is happy to discuss and arrange bespoke sessions for specific Services/Teams on request.

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be done by attending a workshop or by using the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk 41

Essential Training

Nursing Mentor Update Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes Full awareness of the NMC requirements of the Standards to support learning and assessment in practice. n Knowledge of the current curriculum n Knowledge of outcomes and competency requirements n Discussion of quality within practice learning environments n Importance of completion of Triennial Review documentation n Role of the mentor n Understanding of Due Regard n Expectations of the student

Teaching and Learning Strategy This is a mandatory update for all registered nurses who support students undertaking an NMC approved pre-registration training course. The training is a professional requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and will enable the participant to remain on the database of mentors held by the Trust. All participants must have undertaken an Initial Mentor Training Course before attending an annual update.

There are a wide variety of ways to access mentor updates n Attending an update provided by the Practice Learning Facilitators or the University n Within your Practice Learning Team n Via the on-line facility provided by the University

Target Audience Registered Nurses who have undertaken a Initial Mentor Training Course, and support students within their clinical placement.

Duration Variable, depending on method of learning

Workshops Available As advertised by local Universities Log onto Practice Learning pages of: De Montfort University University of Nottingham The Open University Sheffield Hallam University


Alternatively you can attend updates at the following venues: 28 March 10am – 12pm 16 May 2pm – 4pm Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre Room 1 8 February 2 – 4pm 7 June 10am – 12pm Duncan Macmillan House Orange/yellow room 23 February 10am – 12pm 20 June 2 – 4pm Highbury Hospital Leaf Room 26 April 10am – 12pm 5 July 2 – 4pm The Forest Headquarters Meeting room 1 21 February 1.30 – 3pm QMC D104 6 March 1.30 – 3pm 13 March 1.30 – 3pm 24 March 1.30 – 3pm 3 April 1.30 –3pm 17 April 1.30 – 3pm 24 April 1.30 – 3pm 8 May 1.30 – 3pm 15 May 1.30 – 3pm 12 June 1.30 – 3pm 19 June 1.30 – 3pm 26 June 1.30 – 3pm QMC D94 3 July 13.30 – 3pm 17 July D92 1.30 – 3pm 24 July D92 1.30 – 3pm 4 September D92 1.30 – 3pm 18 September D92 1.30 – 3pm QMC D92

Essential Training

3 July 1.30 – 3pm 17 July D92 1.30 – 3pm 24 July D92 1.30 – 3pm 4 September D92 1.30 – 3pm 18 September D92 1.30 – 3pm QMC D92 7 March 1.30 – 3pm Nottingham City Hospital B124 14 March 1.30 – 3pm 22 March 1.30 – 3pm 16 May 1.30 – 3pm 13 June 1.30 – 3pm 4 July 1.30 – 3pm 25 July 1.30 – 3pm 5 September 1.30 – 3pm 19 September 1.30 – 3pm Nottingham City Hospital A7 18 April 1.30 – 3pm 9 May 1.30 – 3pm Nottingham City Hospital B122 20 June 1.30 – 3pm Nottingham City Hospital B123 7 March 12.30 – 2pm 4 April 12.30 – 2pm 2 May 12.30 – 2pm 4 July 12.30 – 2pm 1 August 12.30 – 2pm 12 September 12.30 – 2pm 3 October 12.30 – 2pm 7 November 12.30 – 2pm 5 December 12.30 – 2pm Mansfield Education Centre

Further Information More information about mentorship, sign-off mentorship and Triennial review is available via the Practice Learning facilitators Deb.boyer@nottshc.nhs.uk Shelly.worsley@nottshc.nhs.uk Once undertaken you must report your training to ensure that your mentor status is accurately reflected on the Trusts database by contacting Kathy Zablotzky (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247806 Email: Kathy.zablotzky@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: Amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk Or you can self book via the University on Tel: 0115 8231212 or via email at Email: NT-NottinghamMentor@ad.nottingham.ac.uk

Refresher Requirements This is an annual update required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Face to face updates must occur as a minimum every three years to allow opportunity for discussion and validation around decisions made in clinical settings.

Booking Details Staff should book themselves onto a session via the University on Tel: 0115 8231212 Email: NT-NottinghamMentor@ad.nottingham.ac.uk


Essential Training

Office Ergonomics Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Aware of how prolonged sitting, fixed postures and repetitive actions can impact on musculoskeletal health n Have a working knowledge of office swivel chair design characteristics n Have a working knowledge of a computer workstation n Able to set up an office swivel chair and workstation accessories to achieve an appropriate level of comfort safety and productivity

This programme will be relevant for Administrative Workers, Personal Assistants, Medical Secretaries, Receptionists, Consultants or anyone who has to spend prolonged periods working at a computer.

Indicative Content The programme will cover:

Designed for Administrative Staff and others with sedentary occupations whose risks to musculoskeletal health arise from fixed postures, prolonged sitting and repetitive actions

n Musculoskeletal health n Ergonomics n Posture in sitting n Appropriate settings for office swivel chairs n Sitting height and positioning of workstation equipment

Teaching and Learning Strategy Having completed this training programme, participants will be able to self-assess their sitting activities and make necessary adjustments to the chairs and workstations to protect their musculoskeletal health. An element of back care and manual handling for office workers will be included in this programme.


Duration This programme runs for 2 hours

Workshops Available Various workshops are available please check the Learning and Development intranet site.

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Essential Training

Paediatric Basic Life Support Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Correctly perform cardiac compressions and mouth to mask ventilation on both the infant and child manikins

n Communication Levels 1,2 n Personal and people development Level 1 n Health, Safety and security Level 1, 2 n Equality and Diversity Level 1, 2 n HWB 1, 3, 7 Level 1

Indicative Content n Trust Resuscitation Policy n Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines (2010)

Teaching and Learning Strategy

This session acknowledges the duty of care that health professionals have to all service users. The session is designed to create awareness and confidence in recognising and treating critically unwell infants and children. Assessing unconscious paediatrics, calling for expert help and safely performing basic life support skills as required.

This session will consist of theoretical content, presentation, demonstration and practical activities. The learning activities are valid, reliable and coherent and take into account equality and diversity. Feedback is provided to establish that learning outcomes have been achieved.

Further Information

Target Audience

To book on a course go to www.nottslandd.nhs.uk

All health professional staff identified in the Trust Resuscitation Policy

Gayle Harris Tel: 0115 8831811 Ext: 31811 Email: gayle.harris@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements 12 monthly

Booking Details

Duration 2 Hours Exact times to be confirmed when booking.

Workshops Available Courses are available throughout the year.


Essential Training

Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services (PSTS) (Module 1) Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This training programme was introduced nationally in 2004 and all Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Trusts are required under a Secretary of State Direction, to provide training to all front line staff which covers the ten specified learning outcomes of this programme.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Describe the role of the Security Management Services n Describe the theoretical, pathological and environmental explanation for aggression in Mental Health or Learning Disability settings n Identify the causes of violence in mental health n Identify de-escalation/conflict resolution methods n Identify coping strategies n Describe individual and organisational responsibilities for the use of reasonable force n Demonstrate an understanding of risk management and prevention strategies n Demonstrate an understanding of the positive contribution service users can make to prevention strategies n Demonstrate an understanding of the need for de-briefing, support, reporting/recording n Identify spheres of influence required to bring about change

This theoretical course meets the requirements of the National Syllabus for Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services. The objectives will be met by the use of a range of teaching methods that include group work, case studies, examples and discussions.

Some of these outcomes may be omitted dependent upon job role and relevance subject to approval by the Trust Violence Reduction Lead Trainers Support Network.

Indicative Content Statistics of Violence/ Blofield Report into the Death of David Bennett 1998/ NICE Clinical Guidance Document 25/ NHS Protect/ Triggers of anger, aggression and violence/ warning signs/ body language/ assault cycle/ communication/ reasonable force/ Criminal Law Act 1967/ predicting individual risk/ lone workers/ minimising risk/ instinctive responses/ post incident review.


Target Audience All Trust Staff

Duration Determined by job role/workplace need

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Sharon Whetton (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247858 Ext: 7858 Email: sharon.whetton@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information on the content and duration please contact your Local Training Centre

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L2 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L2 n Core 6 L1 n G1 L1 n HWB3 L1

Refresher Requirements Annually or at least every 3 years as per Trust Policy and Security Management Services requirements.

Essential Training

Risk Treatment and Suicide Awareness Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Nottinghamshire Healthcare recognises as part of its duty of care, the responsibility to ensure that staff receive an appropriate level of training and support in relation to risk assessment, the management of risk, suicide awareness and prevention; which is consistent with the roles and responsibilities they will be required to undertake

Learning Outcomes


n Have an awareness of risk and related issues n Understand the importance of risk in clinical practice n Have an awareness of the principles of risk assessment and management n Have an awareness of approaches to positive risk taking n Have an awareness of the incidence of suicide nationally n Recognise groups most at risk n Identify suicide/risk factors n Understand basic principles behind suicide prevention

Various depending upon role and location.

Indicative Content

Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk

Care Services Improvement Partnership CSIP n The National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England National Institute for Clinical Excellence n Self-Harm Clinical Guideline 16 Department of Health n Best Practice in Managing Risk Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust n Policy and Procedure CL/CP/15 Risk Management University of Manchester n National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by people with Mental Illness

Teaching and Learning Strategy The training will consist of varied approaches aimed at engaging participants to consider how the material may impact on their practice. These approaches will include lecturing, group activities and discussion.

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Workshops Available Various dependant upon location and can be completed via E-Learning.

Booking Details Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information please contact: Andy Peet (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext: 10160 Email: andy.peet@nottshc.nhs.uk Martin Jones (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247684 Email: martin.jones@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L2 n Core 3 L2 n Core 5 L2 n HWB 1 L1 n HWB2 L2 n HWB3 L1 n HWB6 L1

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be achieved by attending a face to face session or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website. 47

Essential Training

Safeguarding Adults (SA1 – Alerter/Awareness Training) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Booking Details

n Understand their role in the alerting of allegations of abuse n Define what abuse is n Identify different types of abuse n Recognise some indicators of abuse n Respond appropriately to disclosures of potential abuse

To book on a course please contact:

Indicative Content n Safeguarding Adults and associated policies and procedures n Definitions, categories, indicators and patterns of abuse, including domestic abuse n The role and responsibilities of the Alerter n Dealing with disclosures Safeguarding Adults and Children is a priority for all health and social care providers. Along with our partner organisations, Nottinghamshire Healthcare is a member of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Boards. As a result of this partnership, shared multi-agency policy and procedures have been developed which inform and guide our positive aim to promote and protect the rights, wellbeing and welfare of all of our service users. To support the Trust’s Safeguarding policies and procedures it is the responsibility of all staff to make sure that they access relevant training and are familiar with their responsibilities. This workshop addresses the basic level requirement for all staff who are in job roles where they do not have direct clinical contact with service users and carers.


Teaching and Learning Strategy This workshop utilises a mixture of information giving, tutor-facilitated discussions, group work activities and case scenarios to encourage participants to promote and embed Safeguarding within their everyday practice.

Target Audience Please refer to the Safeguarding Competency Framework (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2011) and your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Duration This workshop lasts for 3 hours maximum

Workshops Available The majority of Level 1 Safeguarding Adults training is available via E-Learning, with some Divisional workshops available.

Local Services Division Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping and Safeguarding Competency Framework n Core 1 L2 nG 2 (L1) n Core 3 L2 nH WB 2 - 3 L1 n Core 5 L2 n Core 6 L2 n Safeguarding Adults Level 1 (Safeguarding Competency Framework, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2011)

Refresher Requirements Please refer to the Safeguarding Competency Framework (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2011) and your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be achieved by attending a face to face session or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.

Essential Training

Safeguarding Adults (SA2 – Referrer Training) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Understand the role of the Alerter and Referrer n Recognise when and how to refer n Explore the initial enquiries and the potential decisions required n Identify the support needs for the alerter/staff

This is a half day course

Indicative Content

This workshop is for staff working in clinical roles with direct service user contact (registered and non registered practitioners) including those who have alerter and referrer responsibilities. This training provides staff with the skills and knowledge to assist them in these roles. The workshop is provided by the Safeguarding Adults Group Practice Team (Nottinghamshire); with some divisional workshops also being provided (Local Services Division, Forensic Division; and Health Partnerships Division).

n Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures; n Legislative frameworks including the Mental Capacity Act (2005) n Think Family, Child Safeguarding and domestic abuse considerations n Professional/clinical decision making skills n Recap of Alerter role and process n Maintaining Safety and Wellbeing Information Sharing Protocol n Understanding the need for effective multi-agency working n Balancing independence and Safeguarding - Exploring how our Safeguarding responsibilities fit within the Recovery framework

Teaching and Learning Strategy The workshop is practice based and will provide an opportunity to reflect on personal practice in relation to vulnerable adults (adults at risk) and the referral mechanisms. The audience and facilitators are from multi-agency backgrounds, so this provides an interesting opportunity to share and learn good practice.

Workshops Available Various workshops are available

Further Information For further information on the content of this workshop please contact: Learning and Development Team Email: LandDCoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Tina Lowe Training Co-ordinator for the Safeguarding Adults Group Practice Team Email: tina.lowe@nottscc.gov.uk

KSF Mapping and Safeguarding Competencies Framework n Core 1 L2 n Core 5 L2 n Core 3 L3 n Core 6 L2 n Core 4 L1 n HWB 2 - 3 L1 n Level 2 Knowledge Framework (Safeguarding Competency Framework, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2011)

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. However by maintaining their Safeguarding Adults (Alerter) refresher requirements, staff will remain up-to-date with the latest developments.

Target Audience Please refer to the Safeguarding Competency Framework (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, 2011) and your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid.


Essential Training

Safeguarding Children Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Booking Details

n Define categories and indicators of abuse n Be aware of personal and organisational responsibilities towards safeguarding children n Identify what personal action they need to take to refer concerns n Understand the concepts of the vulnerability of children n Identify areas where they need to further improve their skills and knowledge base n Be familiar with Nottinghamshire policies, procedures and guidance

To book on a course please contact:

Indicative Content The session outlines: n Roles and Responsibilities around Safeguarding Children n Categories, indicators and impacts of abuse n Impact mental health problems can have upon children n Information sharing responsibilities n What to do if you suspect a child is being abused n How to make a referral to children’s social care

n PowerPoint presentation n Group work

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information please contact:

A variety of methods to suit the adaptive learning needs of the audience.

The Safeguarding Team (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9691300

Target Audience

The Safeguarding Team (Forensic Services) Tel: 01777 248321

Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally


KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1

2½ hours

n Core 2 L1

Workshops Available

n Core 3 L1

Various workshops are available and can also be completed via E-Learning.

n Core 6 L1 n HWB 1 - 2 L1

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally. This can be achieved by attending a face to face session or completing the E-Learning package available through the Trust website.


Essential Training

Security Update (Rampton Hospital) Forensic Services

Session Description

The Safety and Security in Ashworth, Broadmoor and Rampton Hospitals Directions (2000) state it is a requirement that all security pass key holders for Rampton Hospital complete a yearly security update. This is combined with the mandatory violence reduction training update. This is aimed at refreshing and bolstering learners’ awareness of good security practices and enlightens learners with regard to potential and actual problem areas. It will also update on new issues and policy appertaining to the security perspective.

Learning Outcomes n Be aware of issues that external/ internal auditors have highlighted n Understand what the Trust and they as individuals can reasonably do to keep themselves as free from victimisation and or harm as possible n Safely manage keys and locks n Be aware of the need and process for reporting security related intelligence n Be able to demonstrate a systematic/ thorough rub down search (direct care staff) n Identify items and substances that may be misused or could adversely impact on safety and security

Indicative Content Content will be driven by policy expectation/amendment and learner need as evidenced by summative assessment, audit reports and investigation findings. Typically this will include: n Searching of patients, property and staff n Leave of absence/internal escorting of patients n Personal safety n Management of keys and locks n Substances of misuse n Management of tools n Suspect packages and parcels n Current issues that have or can impact on safety and security n Security intelligence

Teaching and Learning Strategy Formative and summative assessment will be used before, during and at the conclusion of each session.

Lecture, group work, demonstration, scenarios and quiz/questionnaire will all be utilised. A flexible proactive/interactive style is fostered via discussion/debate, question and answer as appropriate.

Target Audience All authorised employees of the Trust and others who have been issued with security pass keys.

Duration Sessions are for am or pm dependent on whether participants are direct or non direct staff and form part of the violence reduction essential training update.

Workshops Available Throughout the year as arranged with The Violence Reduction Team.

Booking Details To book onto this training please contact: The Security Department Administration Team Tel: 01777 247425 Email: Sharon.whetton@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information please contact Noel Mumby Tel: 01777 247386 Email: noel.mumby@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 6 L1 n HWB 3 L1

Refresher Requirements Yearly


Essential Training

Core Security Induction (Rampton Hospital)

Session Description

This component of the induction will be essential training for all employees who expect to have security pass keys. It is an introduction to security services in preparation for working in a High Security Hospital. Subject material will pivot around the concept of Therapeutic Security in order to meet the needs of patients, staff and the public paying due regard to legislation.

Learning Outcomes n Awareness of the concept of Therapeutic Security, an integration of physical, procedural and relational aspects of security n Understanding of what the Trust and individuals can do to keep themselves free from victimisation and or harm n Awareness of the need and process for reporting security related problems n Ability to safely use and manage security keys and locks n Identify items and substances that may be misused or which could adversely impact on safety and security n Direct care staff will be able to demonstrate a systematic, thorough rub down search and room search

Indicative Content n The Safety and Security in Ashworth, Broadmoor and Rampton Hospitals Directions (2000) n National Clinical Security Framework (2009) n Reference to M.H.A. (2007) where appropriate n Role of the Security Department n Physical, Procedural and Relational security n Personal safety, hostage, escape, managing tools, mail, telephone, escorting patients, illicit substances, ground privilege, management of keys and locks and search policies n Incident Management (command mode) n Staff/patient relationship n Intelligence (Security Information Reports)

Teaching and Learning Strategy A mix of learning and teaching methods will be used to cater for what is invariably an eclectic and diverse collection of participants and styles. Lecture, PowerPoint and didactic presentation will be made. Differentiation will be employed for some of the participants and 52

subject matter as need implies. To bolster and encourage understanding, facility will be afforded throughout for Question and Answer, discussion and empirical examples from the facilitator. Group work, reading of policies and demonstration will be used appropriately to explore understanding and highlight good practice. A welcoming, enthusiastic, flexible, experienced and knowledgeable facilitator will be present at all core security session. Elementary formative and summative assessment will be afforded for the learners and service needs.

Target Audience Authorised employees of the Trust, students and others with substantive or honorary contracts prior to being issued with keys.

Duration 8.30am till 4.30pm unless otherwise directed and covered in three days

Workshops Available Monthly at Rampton Hospital

Booking Details This is covered in the Rampton Hospital Induction programme for new employees so staff will automatically be booked a place. For enquires regarding Rampton Hospital Induction please contact Sharon Allen Tel: 01777 247806 Email: sharon.allen@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information please contact Noel Mumby Tel: 01777 247386 Email: noel.mumby@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 6 L1 n HWB 3 L1

Refresher Requirements To support/reinforce learning and to fulfil mandatory requirements a yearly update is a requirement.

Essential Training

Team Physical Intervention Skills (Module 3) Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This training aims to provide staff with a range of skills to address issues regarding the Recognition, Prevention and Reduction of Aggressive and Violent Behaviour. This involves a hierarchy of strategies ranging from risk recognition and de-escalation skills through to the use of physical restraint which may lead to seclusion.

Learning Outcomes


n Identify reasons for restraint n Assess the level of aggression and select an appropriate level of restraint n Work as a team to safely immobilize an aggressive client and cope with upsurges in violence n Learn how to communicate with each other so as to maximize safety and how to introduce extra team members where required n Give consideration to issues such as the dignity, privacy, and safety of a client who is being restrained n Identify and define the legal term ‘reasonable force’ n Identify the risks and signs of restraint related to physical health issues i.e. ‘positional asphyxia’ n Identify the importance of reporting and recording of all incidents

Determined by Trust Policy

Indicative Content This is the third module of a system of training. It would be expected that each student will have previously completed modules one and two. This module covers the necessary skills to regain control of incidents where physical violence is a potential feature.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by group discussion, group observation, practice and participation in physical intervention skills and role-plays.

Booking Details To book onto the training, please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Sharon Whetton (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247858 Ext 7858 Email: sharon.whetton@nottshc.nhs.uk Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) Tel: 0116 2077726 Email: amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk Leah Ousley (Wathwood Hospital) Tel: 01709 870800 Email: leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information on the content and duration please contact your Local Training Centre.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 L2 n Core 2 L1 n Core 3 L2 n Core 4 L2 n Core 6 L1 n G1 L1 n HWB3 L1 n HWB7 L1

Refresher Requirements Annually as per Trust Policy and NICE Clinical Guideline 25

Target Audience Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.


Essential Training

E-Learning Forensic Services, Local Services*

There are a number of E-Learning training opportunities that provide an alternative to face-to-face training. Once fully completed on the system, the following courses will count towards meeting your essential training requirements. The following E-Learning elements meet essential training requirements: n Basic Food Hygiene n Care Programme Approach (CPA) n Clinical Risk Assessment and Management n Clinical Supervision n Equality, Diversity and Human Rights n Fire Safety – Refresher (non-clinical staff only) n Hand Hygiene n Mental Capacity Act n Mental Health Act n Rapid Tranquillisation n Safeguarding Children - Level 2 n Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults n Smoking Cessation n Suicide Awareness and Prevention


E-Learning at Home

n contains courses covering essential and mandatory training topics along with many other training resources suitable for personal and career development n is accessible from any computer with an internet connection and is always online, which enables learners to access training at a time and place that suits their needs n courses include interactive animations, case studies and self assessment questions to enhance the learning experience n is always being updated with new and revised courses

You can also complete E-Learning at home using the following link: http://www.skillspace.com/nottshc

E-Learning Support If you require an E-Learning account or need further assistance with using the E-Learning system please contact the Learning and Development Department at: elearningenquiries@nottshc.nhs.uk

Additional courses are also available for training or advice purposes on the E-Learning system. In addition the following two sites provide contemporary learning opportunity for Dual Diagnosis, Information Governance and Dementia training. Information Governance The Beginners Guide (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package) http://www.igte-learning. connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/igte/ library.cfm?action=details&learning_ object=278&openresource=33&d=230 30904200909 Dual Diagnosis http://www.coventry.ac.uk/researchnet/ publichealth/projects/Currentprojects/ Pages/DualDiagnosis.aspx Open Dementia Programme http://www.scie.org.uk/publications/ elearning/dementia/index.asp *Health Partnerships Division Staff will be able to access E-Learning through the National Learning Management System (NLMS) later in the year.


Essential Training


therapeutic and clinical skills

Therapeutic and Clinical Skills J McGarib


J McGarib

Band 2 and 3 Education Program Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT) For Psychosis Five–Day Course Breastfeeding Management Catheterisation Update – New Course 2012 Child Growth Training Children’s Communication Difficulties: When to Refer and how to Support Clinical Supervision (Preparation for Clinical Supervisors and Supervisees Coaching Skills for Mental Health Workers (Life Coaching in Recovery Continence – Bowel Continence Continence – Male, Female and Supra-pubic Catheterisation Continence – Continence Promotion Introduction Continence – Continence Promotion Update Deaf Awareness for Forensic Mental Health Professionals Advances in Care for People Living with Dementia End of Life Care Dementia (EOLC) End of Life Care Introduction (EOLC) End of Life Care (EOLC) Pathway – from concept to care Exploring Psychiatric Diagnosis Falls Awareness and Prevention Family and Carer Awareness Workshop Group Work Skills - Intermediate Level Improving Patient Experience, 60 Minute Guide to Improving Mental Wellbeing by Promoting Physical Health (IMWPPH1) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Update Infection Control (IC1 – Essential Awareness Workshop) Information Sharing and Confidentiality Introduction to Working with People with Asperger Syndrome Learning Disabilities, Mental Health and Recovery Leg Ulcer Management Library Information Skills Training Life Story Work in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Services Making Decisions: Advanced Statements and Supporting Individual Choice in Mental Health Services Medical Devices - their use and management Medication Management Mental Health Awareness for Support Staff Motivational Interviewing – An introduction to the Spirit and Principles Named Nurse Development Programme The Personality Disorder Network Physical Healthcare Pressure Ulcer Management\ Promoting Personal Recovery and Wellness Planning Recognising the physically ill patient Recovery Awareness (Introduction to Recovery Principles in Practice) Sexuality, Relationships and Mental Health Spirituality and Religion in Healthcare Training Skills – an Introduction (ITS1/CG) 57

Introduction: Therapeutic and Clinical Skills Important information for all staff about Essential Training

J McGarib Angela Pemberton

Andy Peet

Tony Mitchell

In this section you will find a wide range of therapeutic and clinical skills courses representing the integrated healthcare now provided by colleagues across Nottinghamshire Healthcare. The courses in this section have been formed as a result of extensive conversations with clinical services and are broadly available for all employees of the three clinical divisions. They are delivered by the tutors of the therapeutic skills team based at Duncan Macmillan House and a wide range of affiliated trainers based in Local Services, Forensic Services and Health Partnerships.


Further work through 2012/13 will be dedicated to streamlining the therapeutic and clinical kills agenda. Please contact the Therapeutic Skills Tutors or other colleagues in Learning and Development for further discussions on future courses. Please use this section and further detailed information on the prospectus pages of the Learning and Development intranet sites to maximise your opportunity to acquire, maintain and refresh new learning, further development and competency.

therapeutic and clinical skills

Band 2 and 3 Education Program Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n To increase knowledge and understanding in the physiology of chronic long term conditions n To be able to identify the holistic needs of patients with long term conditions n To be able to carry out appropriate clinical tasks competently and safely

Non-registered clinical staff

Indicative Content

J McGarib

This competency assessed program is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of Band Three Health Care staff who provide care and treatment for patients with long term conditions in the community. Band 2 staff who wish to develop their knowledge and skills and are working towards a Band 3 role may also undertake this course of training. The underpinning theory is delivered by clinical specialists over a 15 week period with a requirement for the learner to attend these theory sessions one day per week. Following this the learner will work towards achieving a variety of competency assessed skills with a mentor in the workplace

n Clinical Observations to include taking and recording a patients temperature, pulse, respirations and Blood pressure n Record keeping n Medicines Management n Palliative Care n Learning Disabilities awareness n Urological Care n Neurological Care n Diabetes Care n Coronary Heart Disease n Tissue Viability n Respiratory Care n Brief Interventions for smoking, obesity and alcohol n Mental health Awareness and the Mental Capacity Act n Balanced Healthy Eating n Rehabilitation and Musculo Skeletal

Duration All theory sessions are delivered as a full day or half a day over a 15 week period Learners have one year from the start of the program to complete the competency assessments

KSF Mapping n HWB4 – Health and Wellbeing Level 1 n HWB5 – Health and Wellbeing Level 2 n Core 1 Communication Level 2 n Core 6 Equality and Diversity Level 2

Further Information Lisa Stewart Learning and Development Facilitator Lead for the Development of nonregistered clinical staff Email: Lisa.stewart@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 011588 31813

Booking Details Book via the Learning and Development Intranet Site Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 011588 31878

Teaching and Learning Strategy A variety of teaching and learning strategies will be facilitated on the theory sessions to include discussion, question and answer, presentations, demonstration, observation and practical Assessment of competency in practical skills will occur in the clinical setting.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT) For Psychosis Five–Day Course Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Develop and enhance the knowledge base of the role of the family worker n Learn skills which constitute the Behavioural Family Therapy approach in a very practical way n Demonstrate competency in critical components of family intervention n Demonstrate the ability to offer a psycho educational intervention to families where one member has experienced psychosis. (First episode psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and Psychotic depression.)

The training over five consecutive days includes a variety of interactive and taught sessions, service user and family perspectives and practical demonstrations of intervention skills.

J McGarib

Indicative Content The main aims of BFT training are to train mental health staff in the skills needed to work with families. BFT is an evidence-based, effective and practical skills based approach in which the mental health worker and the family work collaboratively together. The model employed is the psycho educational approach developed by Falloon and colleagues (Falloon, 1985) and which has evolved in the years since then. It is referred to in the literature as Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT). The National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the 2002 ‘Schizophrenia – Core Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Primary and Secondary Care’ guidelines, recommended that psycho educational approaches such as this are offered to 100% of families experiencing episodes of schizophrenia. This guidance has been reinforced further in the revised NICE Guidelines (2009).


n Family Work Manual (workbook) provided to each person undertaking the training n Role play in pairs or small groups n Observation of tutors and videotaped material n Discussions in large and small groups n Addressing implementation issues anticipated by trainees in the workplace n Supervision of family interventions n For those who have undertaken basic training there will, in the future, be the option of attending a further course in the skills necessary for becoming a trainer and supervisor in BFT. This equips participants with the strategies, skills and techniques required to ‘cascade’ the approach to colleagues.

Target Audience Initially, this course will be aimed at individuals working with the Family Interventions team (Adult Mental Health/ Local Services).

Duration 5 consecutive full days

Workshops Available More information will be circulated and promoted in the near future, to relevant teams.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Level 2 n HWB 1 Level 2 n HWB4 Level 3 n HWB7 Level 2 n G2 Level 1

Further Information This course will be facilitated by Andrea Emmens and Jacquie Cullen from the Family Interventions service. Contact: andrea.emmens@nottshc.nhs.uk or jacquie.cullen@nottshc.nhs.uk

Booking Details To book on a course, please e-mail: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Breastfeeding Management Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

J McGarib

This mandatory full day training is for all Child and Family health staff with direct access to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. It will enable staff to develop the skills and understanding necessary to promote, protect and support breastfeeding, and thereby competent to implement the County Health Partnership Breastfeeding policy. The training comprises of interactive, practical and informative sessions.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n An awareness the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative, and the implications for each health professional within CHP n To appreciate the most up to date key known health benefits of breastfeeding, and how to relate these to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers n To develop an awareness of how breastfeeding works, and its implications upon practice, and thereby becoming aware of key factors in successful breastfeeding initiation and maintenance n Teaching mothers effective positioning and attachment and have an awareness of its importance in effective lactation and feeding

Interactive sessions to promote all types of learning; kinaesthetic, visual and auditory.

Indicative Content n UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative n NCH Policy for the Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding in the Community n Importance of Breastfeeding n Anatomy of breast, physiology of lactation n Skin to skin contact n Practical skills workshops: - Cup feeding - Positioning and attachment - Hand expression - Antenatal scenarios n Maintaining breastfeeding and common problems n Competency Framework n Workbook and Practical Skills assessment

Target Audience Health Visiting and Childrens’ Centre staff.

Duration Full day 9am – 4.45pm

Workshops Available No

KSF Mapping n HWB1, Promotion of Health and Wellbeing n HWB2, Assessment and Care Planning n HWB3, Protection of Health and Wellbeing n HWB4, Enablement to Address Health and Wellbeing Needs n HWB5, Provision of Care to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs n HWB6, Assessment and Treatment Planning n HWB7, Interventions and Treatments

Further Information Stapleford Care Centre Email: Carol.spibey@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements Will be offered in service.

Booking Details Book via the Learning and Development Intranet Site Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 011588 31878


therapeutic and clinical skills

Catheterisation Update – New Course 2012 Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Apply principles of aseptic non touch technique to catheterisation n Work to County Health Partnerships Practice Guidance and Formulary n Indentify risks/complications and how to reduce catheter associated infections n Update Practice – evidence based, proactive approach, improve patient education and update on Dept of Health targets and national guidance n Post course: Competency tools to be completed as per Practice Guidance

To be arranged

Indicative Content All delegates must have completed Male, Female and Supra-pubic Catheterisation Course (CON00106). This course will review the evidence based practice and includes a practice training update using models.

n Practice Guidance for Catheterisation/Continence Formulary n Principles of aseptic non touch technique applied to catheterisation n Update of Dept of Health targets and evidence based practice n Proactive catheter management n Competencies for catheterisation n Catheter management tool n CQUINS

Teaching and Learning Strategy Catheter models for practical sessions

Target Audience Nurses in community and hospital setting who are undertaking catheterisation to attend 3 yearly as per catheterisation practice guidance

Duration 4 hours


Training can be offered within the workplace Venue with access to a clinical sink for hand washing and table/couch space for the models

KSF Mapping Same as CON00106

Further Information Course participants are required to bring all the equipment needed to catheterise a patient including a male and female catheter

Booking Details All bookings through the Continence Advisory Service Ruth Brown Email: Ruth.Brown@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 01623 784719

Objectives n Apply principles of aseptic non touch technique to catheterisation n Work to County Health Partnerships Practice Guidance and Formulary n Indentify risks/complications and how to reduce catheter associated infections n Update Practice – evidence based, proactive approach, improve patient education n Update on Dept of Health targets and national guidance

therapeutic and clinical skills

Child Growth Training Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n To be able to measure children of different ages accurately n To be able to correctly plot measurements on a centile chart, to interpret the results and recognise a potential problem n Be aware of the many factors influencing our assessment and know who to refer to and where

n Core 1 Communication up to level 2 n Core 2 Personal and People development up to level 2 n Core 4 service improvement up to level 2 n HWB1 Promotion of health and wellbeing up to level 2

Target Audience Newly appointed Health Visitors, School Nurses, community health nurses, community health assistant practitioners and community health assistants For all staff employed by CHP to be able to measure children of different ages accurately. To understand the factors that could influence their assessment of the child’s measurements and when and who to refer to if they have concerns about a child’s growth pattern.

Duration 1 hour session followed by peer assessments in the workplace of measurements of children, correctly plotting on centiles and interpreting results.

Further Information Competency sheets will be e-mailed after the session to enable staff to be peer assessed in their workplace. Once completed these need to go in their personnel files as evidence of competence of growth measurement.

Booking Details To book your place please contact learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk


therapeutic and clinical skills

Children’s Communication Difficulties: When to refer and how to support Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Name the breadth of skills involved in children’s communication n Identify speech and language milestones between birth and five years n Identify and describe delay or difficulties needing referral n Use and explain strategies and activities that promote early language development and where to access them.

Any health or other professionals who work with children under 5 and their parents and carers

Indicative Content

Two half days: This course is a brief introduction for new staff and a refresher for experienced workers. It requires attendance on both days and will involve video, OHP presentations, group discussions and a pack of handouts

n Communication: The Whole Picture n Developmental, Speech, Language and social communication norms n Language Breakdown: What to look out for and when to refer n Advice and strategies to support communication development n Explaining Speech and Language Therapy to parents and carers n How to address barriers to referral

Teaching and Learning Strategy Interactive sessions to promote all types of learning; kinaesthetic, visual and auditory


Duration 2 half day sessions

KSF Mapping n Personal and People Development Level 1 and 2 n HWB1 Promotion of health and wellbeing Level 1 n HWB2 Assessment and core planning Level 1,2 and 3

Further Information Email: Karen.Sprigg@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Clinical Supervision (Preparation for Clinical Supervisors and Supervisees) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Describe at least one model of clinical supervision n Demonstrate basic-supervision focused facilitation skills n Explain the essential aspects of confidentiality and record keeping within clinical supervision Locate the Nottinghamshire Healthcare Clinical Supervision Policy and understand how to practice within its framework

30 April 25 June 17 September 8 October 21 November 25 January 2013 22 February 22 March Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

Indicative Content

Nottinghamshire Healthcare Clinical Supervision Policy identifies that every member of staff who has direct patient contact, will have clinical supervision. Clinical Supervision enables practitioners to safely explore their challenges and achievements. Effective Clinical Supervision promotes quality and best practice, whilst identifying opportunities for personal development. This process can play a major part in maintaining the safety, effectiveness and health and wellbeing of all practitioners.

n Definitions of clinical supervision n Reflective practice n Models of supervision n Promoting recovery principles n Facilitation skills n Confidentiality n Supervisor and supervisee expectations n Contracting n Clinical Supervision Policy CL/CP/16 n Record Keeping

Teaching and Learning Strategy Participants will be encouraged to use their own experiences and reflective skills as they participate in group activities which will enable them to begin to develop the skills required to provide and receive effective clinical supervision.

The aim of this workshop will be to enable participants to practice and prepare for both the provision and receipt of clinical supervision by exploring a range of essential practical skills and theories.

Target Audience

This workshop will promote a strong emphasis on reflecting on practice and the promotion of using supervision to develop and implement recovery-based values, whilst considering essential safeguarding responsibilities.

Full day

All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff who work in a role which requires them to provide and receive clinical supervision


15 June Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Mansfield 29 May 23 July 5 October 21 January 2013 Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L2) n Core 2 (L2) n Core 5 (L1) n Core 6 (L1) n G2 (L1)

Further Information For more information please contact the Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs. uk or 01159934574

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid which has been developed locally.

Booking Details To book on a course Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk


therapeutic and clinical skills

Coaching Skills for Mental Health Workers (Life Coaching in Recovery) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n Help initiate the first steps towards recognising and changing the stumbling blocks in the path of both service users and staff n Use the opportunity to discover and recognise their own strengths that can empower the worker/service user relationship n Create an environment that enables you time to think and spend time on the practical application of the skills being taught

Indicative Content

Coaching is about helping individuals to look at where they are and where they want to get to. It works on the basis that all the answers are already within the individual and that with the use of powerful questions, you can enable them to come up with their own answers. It is not the role of the coach to tell them what to do, but to ask questions, using various types of questioning techniques to draw the answer out of the individual. This can be very empowering for the client, who can move on very quickly. They value own their goals because they have come up with their own ideas, plans and ways forward. This process is supported by the skill of the Coach using some of these coaching techniques. The course begins to explore Coaching skills and how you may utilise them with service users in your capacity as Mental Health Workers.


n Communication styles n Coaching techniques n Communication techniques (e.g. rapport, listening skills, powerful questions) n Exploring and identifying personal values and what individuals may bring with them into the work setting n Supporting service users to identify their own values n Recognising and addressing potential areas of conflict and sabotage n The steps to goal setting and what the individual wants to be, do, or have n This is followed with exploration of ‘why’ they want each item on the list. Each step therefore helps them to dissect and determine if having these things will improve their lives

Teaching and Learning Strategy Throughout this course coaching demonstrations will be provided as well as opportunity to practice learnt skills. In small group exercises, participants will take it in turns to adopt the roles of Coach, Client and Observer. The course will also include taught material, group discussions and activities that require participants to be working individually and in groups to explore and reflect on how coaching skills might be used in mental health practice.

Role play will be required, especially on day 3 of the course as participants will take part in scenarios that allow them to demonstrate and refine the skills that they learned on days 1 and 2 and have been practicing in the month since then.

Target Audience These courses are aimed at all staff service users and carers throughout the Trust

Duration This course lasts for three full days

Workshops Available 31 May, 1 June and follow on 19 July Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham 19 and 20 June and follow on 13 July Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L1) n Core 2 (L2) n Core 5 (L1) n Core 6 (L1) n HWB4 (L2)

Further Information For general information relating to the workshop content please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk or 01159934574. For more information on Life Skills Coaching and related training, please contact Helen Cyrus-Whittle on helen. cyrus-whittle@ntlworld.com or 0115 8477534/07746813520.

Refresher Requirements Booking Details To book on a course Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

(for Adult Services in the North of the County – Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood) Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n To be able to complete a bowel continence assessment n To make a nursing diagnosis, implement treatment / referral on n To understand the theoretical implications of digital rectal examination and digital removal of faeces

9.15am – 4.30pm

Indicative Content

This course is for trained staff who have previously attended the Continence Promotion Introduction Course (CON00101). The course enables participants to gain an understanding of the causes of faecal incontinence, how to assess the problem, treatment options and promotion of bowel continence.

n Anatomy and Physiology of lower bowel n Causes of Faecal Incontinence n Assessment – completion of Bowel assessment for nursing diagnosis for bowel continence n Nursing guidelines for management of bowel problem n Case studies n Treatment for constipation n Digital rectal examination /digital removal of faeces

Teaching and Learning Strategy Model for practical session – rectal examination

Target Audience All delegates must have completed the 2-day Continence Promotion Introduction Course (CON00101) or LBR Course before attending this course. Nurses in community and hospital settings involved in the assessment of treatment and promotion of bowel continence.

therapeutic and clinical skills

Continence – Bowel Continence

Workshops Available To be arranged

KSF Mapping n Core 1, Communication up to level 4 n Core 2, Personal and People Development – up to level 2 n Core 3, Health, Safety and Security – up to level 2 n HWB1, Promotion of Health and Wellbeing up to level 2 n HWB 2, Assessment and Care Planning – up to level 4 n HWB5, Provision of Care to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs – up to level 4

Further Information The Continence Advisory Service Tel: 01623 784719

Refresher Requirements Continence Update

Booking Details All bookings through the Continence Advisory Service Ruth Brown Email: Ruth.Brown@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 01623 784719


therapeutic and clinical skills

Continence – Male, Female and Supra-pubic Catheterisation (for Adult Services in the North of the County – Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood) Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n To work in line with Practice Guidance for Catheterisation n Principles of aseptic non touch technique related to catheterisation n Proactive approach to catheter management n Competency tools to be completed as per Practice Guidance following training

To be arranged

Indicative Content

This course includes the theoretical knowledge relating to catheterisation and its indications for use within practice, male, female catheterisation and suprapubic catheterisation and includes practice sessions using models and an update regarding products.

n Anatomy and physiology n Principles of catheterisation n Catheter related products – Continence Product Formulary n Evidence based practice n Complication/risks related to urinary catheterisation n Troubleshooting catheter problems, referral on to Continence Advisory Service/Specialists n Practice Guidance for Catheterisation n Equipment for catheterisation n Catheter Monitor Tool n Competences for catheterisation – tool for assessment

Teaching and Learning Strategy Catheterisation models - practical session

Target Audience Nurses in the community and hospital settings responsible for this procedure

Duration 9.15am – 4.30pm


KSF Mapping n Core 2, Personal and People Development – up to level 3 n Core 3, Health, Safety and Security – up to level 3 n HWB1, Promotion of Health and Wellbeing - up to level 2 n HWB 2, Assessment and Care Planning – up to level 4 n HWB4, Enablement to Address Health and Wellbeing Needs - up to level 3 n HWB5, Provision of Care to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs – up to level 4

Further Information Course participants are required to bring all the equipment needed to catheterise a male and female using the models as part of this training session

Refresher Requirements Catheterisation Update – 3 yearly

Booking Details All bookings through the Continence Advisory Service Ruth Brown Email: Ruth.Brown@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 01623 784719

therapeutic and clinical skills

Continence – Continence Promotion Introduction (for Adult Services in the North of the County – Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood) Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n To understand anatomy and physiology of lower urinary tract n To identify causes of urinary incontinence n To be able to make a nursing diagnosis of urinary incontinence n To implement treatment programmes in line with guidelines and referral on as indicated

9.15am – 4.30pm

Indicative Content

This course aims to enable participants to gain an understanding of the causes of continence, the principles of assessment, treatment regimes and management options available in line with the Nursing Guidelines for the Management of Urinary Incontinence.

n Continence pathway n Be able to complete continence assessment tool n Tools, forms and relevant patient information leaflets n To be able to assess, diagnose and treat urinary incontinence n To work with nurses who have completed LBR for pelvic floor assessment n To understand when to refer on to Continence Specialist Services n Continence product provision – DN prescription guide and process

Teaching and Learning Strategy How to use the Continence Assessment tools and guidelines and patient information leaflets

Target Audience

Workshops Available To be arranged

KSF Mapping n Core 1, Communication up to level 3 n Core 2, Personal and People Development – up to level 3 n HWB1, Promotion of Health and Wellbeing up to level 2 n HWB 2, Assessment and Care Planning – up to level 3 n HWB5, Provision of Care to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs – up to level 3

Further Information The Continence Advisory Service Tel: 01623 784719

Refresher Requirements Continence Update CON00104 - 2 yearly

Booking Details All bookings through the Continence Advisory Service Ruth Brown Email: Ruth.Brown@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 01623 784719

Nurses in community and hospital settings required to undertake continence assessments, the focus is on the assessment and treatment of urinary incontinence.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Continence – Continence Promotion Update (for Adult Services in the North of the County – Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood) Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

The course will review evidence based practice, which will include aspects of assessment treatment programmes and new developments and interventions

Learning Outcomes


Update on current continence care including continence pathway, assessment, treatment and management

9.15am – 4.30pm

Indicative Content

KSF Mapping

To be arranged

n Assessment process and documentation n Treatments – research based practice n National and local service policy n Practice guidance catheterisation n Audit n Continence formulary / home delivery service n Product update

n Core 1, Communication up to level 4 n HWB1, Promotion of Health and Wellbeing up to level 2

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Booking Details

Course participants are required to bring an anonymous copy of a current assessment tool relevant charts and treatment plan for a current patient to be discussed in an assessment workshop session. Product workshops.

Target Audience All delegates must have completed at a minimum the Continence Promotion Introduction (CON00101). Nurses in community and hospital settings required to undertake continence assessment who wish to update their skills. Nurses in community and hospital setting who are undertaking continence assessments in their workplace. Link Nurses and nurses working in nurse led clinics should attend this training every 2 years.


Workshops Available

Further Information The Continence Advisory Service Tel: 01623 784719

Refresher Requirements Course to be repeated – 2 to 3 yearly All bookings through the Continence Advisory Service Ruth Brown Email: Ruth.Brown@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk Tel: 01623 784719

therapeutic and clinical skills

Deaf Awareness for Forensic Mental Health Professionals Forensic Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Be able to explain some of the features of Deaf culture and identity n Have basic understanding of deafness and mental health n Understand the importance of British Sign Language within Deaf culture n Be more confident communicating with D/deaf people n Be more confident working with an interpreter

31 May - 9.30 – 16.00 28 June - 9.30 – 16:.00 27 September - 9.30 – 16.00 25 October - 9.30 – 16.00 17 January 2013 - 9.30 – 16.00 21 March 2013 - 9.30 – 16.00 The Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre

Indicative Content

This workshop aims to provide an overview and improve participants’ knowledge of Deaf people’s life experiences, Deaf culture and communication with Deaf people. It has been developed specifically for all staff who will be working with Deaf patients within forensic mental health settings.

n The historical perspective of Deafness n Different methods of communicating with D/deaf people n Deafness and mental health n The role of interpreters n Language delivery and content n Deafness within a forensic mental health environment

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be by presentation, demonstration, group and pair work and discussion by Deaf facilitators working with interpreters

Target Audience All Staff working within the Forensic Directorates and approved associated services.

Booking Details To book on workshops as they are available, please contact: Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information To discuss the content and any issues relating to this workshop, please contact Kevin Bilcliffe or Les Townend at Tracey.Riding@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L3) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 6 (L2) n HWB1 (L1)

Refresher Requirements This is a standalone workshop with no refresher requirements.

Duration Both full day and half day sessions will be available.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Advances in Care for People Living with Dementia Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Four three and a half hour sessions provide a programme for increased understanding of the ‘living with dementia’ phenomenon specifically designed to guide and empower hands-on care workers. The dementia illness is a complex long-term, ultimately devastating condition, which can overshadow the life of the person to the extent that s/he becomes lost within a myriad of often bewildering presentations and behaviours. This situation can give rise to a disease based model of care which does little to enhance the quality of life for clients, families or health/ social care workers. These sessions focus on the lived experiences of people with dementia, exploring the foundational knowledge, skills, philosophical models and frameworks required if ‘Person Centred Care’ and the notion of ‘Recovery’ are to become a reality. Note: Sessions can be taken as stand-alone basis.


Learning Outcomes n Compliment the current experience and expertise of hands-on care workers with increased knowledge and skills appropriate to their roles and responsibilities n Provide a platform of basic knowledge, skills and assumptions suitable to working with people living with dementia from which ‘person centred care’ and ‘recovery’ becomes meaningful n Introduce clear frameworks which provide increased understanding of the cognitive processes commonly involved in the experience of coping with a dementia process n Explore strategies and responses to common management difficulties associated with; distressing memory faults; delusions; and, so-called ‘challenging behaviours’

Indicative Content n Have an overview of the four main mental disorders of older age and be able to decern key experiences and characteristics n Know the diagnostic process and why a diagnosis of dementia is a process of elimination n Reflect on the model of care you have thus far adopted to support your practice and the values, principles, labels and assumptions which underpin it n Recognise stigma and devaluation at a societal and human services level n Recognise and discuss a strengths and weaknesses approach to personalised care n Understand and be able to apply a Stress Vulnerability Framework (Zubin and Spring, 1997) to making sense of the often seemingly confounding thoughts, ideas, and behaviours which commonly permeate the dementia experience

n Be able to apply a stress vulnerability framework to the notion of so-called challenging behaviour n Know the ingredients of effective communication and the skills required to overcome the potential barriers raised by the dementia process n Have a deeper understanding of how family care-givers cope n Be clear about your role in improving the quality of life for service users and their families n Have a range of client centred ideas and care strategies in response to the challenges of day-to-day practice

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by presentation, group work, discussion, internet resources, experiential exercises, and with the collaboration of current family carers (session 4). Each session will be based on a framework of key learning points aimed at building on the day-today experience of care workers.

Target Audience These sessions have been designed specifically for hands-on care workers of all levels, in particularly NHS bands 1 – 5, Social Service community and residential care workers, private residential and nursing home providers, and careworkers in the voluntary sectors.

Duration Each session will be 9.30am – 1.00pm.

therapeutic and clinical skills

Workshops Available Day 1: Session 1 n The 4 Main Disorders of Old Age n Insights into the dementia process. Day 2: Session 2 n ‘Challenging Behaviour 1’ Models and frameworks n ‘Challenging Behaviour 2’ Case studies Day 3: Session 3 n Effective Communication Skills n Responding to distressing Memory Faults and Delusions J McGarib

Day 4: Session 4 n Working with family carers n Older People’s Services and Stigma 2012 DATES Course 1: Session 1: 5 April 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 3: 10 May 9.30am – 1.00pm Orange and Yellow

Session 2: 19 October 9.30am – 1.00pm Orange and Yellow

Session 4: 24 May 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 3: 25 October 9.30am – 1.00pm Blue Room

Course 3:

Session 4: 1 November 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 1: 8 June 9.30am – 12.00pm Training Room 4 Session 2: 8 June 1.00 – 4.30pm Training Room 4

Session 1: 22 November 9.30am – 1.00pm Blue Room

Session 3: 15 June 9.30am – 1.00pm Training Room 4

Session 2: 23 November 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 4: 21 June 9.30am – 1.00pm Training Room 4

Session 3: 29 November 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Course 4:

Session 4: 6 December 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 2: 6 April 9.30am – 1.00pm Training Room 4

Session 1: 20 September 9.30am – 1.00pm Training Room 4

Session 3: 12 April 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 2: 21 September 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 4: 19 April 1.30 – 4.30pm Training Room 4

Session 3: 27 September 9.30am – 1.00pm Blue Room

Course 2:

Session 4: 4 October 9.30am – 1.00pm Green Room

Session 1: 3 May 9.30am – 1.00pm Orange and Yellow Session 2: 4 May 9.30am – 1.00pm Training Room 4

Course 6:

Further Information View available dates form the learning and developmental prospectus database

Refresher Requirements Tea/coffee provided (dependent on location) throughout training

Booking Details Contact the learning and development reception: 9934550, 9691300-10250, or email: kathy.zablotzky@nottshc.nhs.uk

Course 5: Session 1: 18 October 9.30am – 1.00pm Blue Room


therapeutic and clinical skills

End of Life Care Dementia (EOLC) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

M James

One in three people over 65 years of age have dementia in the last year of their life (Alzheimer’s Society, 2010). This session explores the journey of someone from their diagnosis of dementia to their death, in a range of care settings. The impact of the diagnosis and subsequent deterioration on them and their family is explored. The importance of person centred care and personal history is highlighted. The key components of the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway are woven throughout the day. This study day assumes some background knowledge of dementia.


Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n To be able to relate the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway to the care of people with dementia n To be able to recognize when someone with dementia may be in the last year of their life n To be able to complete Advance Care Planning documentation and understand the importance of discussing future wishes and preferences whilst someone still has capacity n To have an understanding of how the Gold Standards Framework can be used in practice to improve EOLC

Use of a presentation, quiz, case study, DVDs, real life experiences from a dementia blog writer, group work and a work book.

Indicative Content n Background to the End of Life Care Strategy (DH, 2008) and Nottinghamshire End of Life Care Pathway n How to recognize when someone with dementia may be in the last year of their life n The importance of Advance Care Planning (ACP) whilst someone still has capacity to express their future wishes and preferences n How to have an ACP discussion and how to complete an ACP n The importance of carer support during their caring period and into bereavement, when their caring role ends n An introduction to the Gold Standards Framework n The multi-disciplinary approach to care n Examples of pain assessment tools for use in dementia care n Person centred care

Target Audience Staff who care for people with dementia at the end of their lives.

Duration Full day.

Further Information Please contact the EOLC Trainers: Elise Adam Email: elise.adam@nottspct.nhs.uk Steph Pindor Email: stephanie.pindor@nottspct.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Further Information

n To have an awareness of the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway and how it is used in practice n To be able to identify when and how to initiate the use of anticipatory prescribing n To be able to identify when and how to use the LCP

Please contact the EOLC Trainers:

Indicative Content

E Constable

An introductory session, aimed at community nursing staff. The training introduces staff to the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway. It also provides nurses with the knowledge they need to initiate anticipatory prescribing to aid symptom control. The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) for the last few days of life is covered in depth including; the background to its development, the reason for the latest version 12 changes, when and how to use it in practice.

n Overview of the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway n When and how to initiate anticipatory prescribing n When and how to use the LCP in practice

Teaching and Learning Strategy Use of a presentation, group work and a work book.

Target Audience Community nursing staff who care for people at the end of their lives.

therapeutic and clinical skills

End of Life Care Introduction (EOLC)

Elise Adam Email: elise.adam@nottspct.nhs.uk Steph Pindor Email: stephanie.pindor@nottspct.nhs.uk For staff who work in patient units, this course could be adapted to suit your needs. Please contact Steph or Elise to discuss your requirements.

Refresher Requirements Staff who received LCP training prior to the launch of LCP version 12 may need to book on this course as a refresher.

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Duration Half day.


therapeutic and clinical skills

End of Life Care (EOLC) Pathway – from concept to care Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n To know how to identify someone who may be at the end of their life n To be able to use the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway in practice n To be aware of the Gold Standards Framework and how its use can improve EOLC in different care settings n To know how to hold a conversation about someone’s future wishes and preferences, and how to complete an advance care plan

A person centred approach, exploring a real case study experience of EOLC

Indicative Content

Elise Adam Email: elise.adam@nottspct.nhs.uk

Use of DVDs, discussion, presentation, work book and group work.

Target Audience All staff who may care for people at the end of their lives.

Duration Full day.

Further Information Please contact the EOLC Trainers:

F Adams

This session aims to build upon the learning from the “Introduction to EOLC” training day.


n Background to the national EOLC Strategy (DH, 2008) n Overview of the Nottinghamshire EOLC Pathway n The triggers to identify that someone is at the end of their life, and the different dying trajectories n The Gold Standards Framework and its use in practice n Barriers to good communication n How to approach Advance Care Planning conversations, and how to document such discussions n The common core competencies for EOLC n How to access further EOLC education via E-Learning (e-ELCA)

Steph Pindor Email: stephanie.pindor@nottspct.nhs.uk Please note that this course may not be suitable for those who have been recently bereaved.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Identify some of the key advantages and disadvantages created by psychiatric diagnosis n Consider how they can most effectively support individuals if they receive a psychiatric diagnosis

21st May 1.00 – 3.30pm Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

Indicative Content This session will discuss the impact of receiving a psychiatric diagnosis and critically examine the role of ‘diagnosis’ in psychiatry.

Teaching and Learning Strategy C Rosella

As part of our commitment to providing a wide spectrum of Recovery focused courses, we are pleased to be able to present this interesting workshop in collaboration with our colleagues from Making Waves. This session aims to explore different ways of supporting service users, families and carers, in one of the key areas that is often widely reported to be the most challenging for them in their Recovery.

This will be an interactive session that will be facilitated by people who have lived experience of mental distress and will encourage debate and discussion.

Target Audience This workshop is recommended for everybody who is interested in psychiatric diagnosis, especially staff who work with and support mental health service users.

therapeutic and clinical skills

Exploring Psychiatric Diagnosis

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L2) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 3 (L1) n HWB 1 (L1) n HWB 4 (L1)

Further Information For more information about this workshop, please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony. mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk.

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Duration Half day


therapeutic and clinical skills

Falls Awareness and Prevention Health Partnerships, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Introduce the public health challenge that falls present n Raise awareness of the risk factors associated with falling n Provide practical advice on the actions that can be taken to help older people reduce their risk of falling

23rd April 2012 9.30 – 12.30 10th July 2012 1.00 – 4.00 10th October 2012 1.00 – 4.00 15th January 2013 9.30 – 12.30 Activity Room 5, Retford Primary Care Centre

Indicative Content

S Hammami

The training session aims to increase clinical staff’s awareness of their responsibilities in relation to falls prevention. Completion of this session will provide clinical staff with a working knowledge on the causes of falls and the steps that can be taken in supporting individuals to reduce their risk.

n Defining a fall n Consequences of falls n Classifying falls risk factors n Identifying falls risk factors n Reducing falls risk factors n The link between falls and bone health n Dealing with a fall and Incident reporting n Care planning

Teaching and Learning Strategy The training session will incorporate a mixture of formal presentation, group discussions/interaction with some practical experience

Target Audience


KSF Mapping n Core 2; Personal and People Development – level 2 n Core 3; Health, Safety and Security – level 2 n HWB 1; Promoting Health and Wellbeing and Prevention of Adverse Effects on Health and Wellbeing – level 2 n HWB 2; Assessment and Care Planning to Meet Health and Wellbeing Needs – level 2 n HWB 7; Interventions and Treatments – level 2

Further Information Lisa Horseman Falls Prevention Coordinator and Team Leader Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Email: lisa.horseman@bassetlaw-pct.nhs.uk Tel: 01777 862359

Bassetlaw Health Partnerships clinical staff working with adults

Refresher Requirements


Booking Details

3 hours

Beth Iredale Email: beth.iredale@bassetlaw-pct.nhs.uk Tel: 01777 862377

3 yearly

therapeutic and clinical skills

Family and Carer Awareness Workshop Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Gain understanding of what constitutes a carer, what is meant by caring, understanding carers needs and how you can help them whatever your role within the trust n Be aware of the evidence supporting carer support and the principles of family interventions n Improve confidence and skills in dealing with families and carers within current guidelines and further resources and support available n Be aware of the impact of their own values on carers experience

Open to all staff, clinical and non clinical.

Graffiti Project

Indicative Content Carers save the state £87 billion per year yet the experience of those caring for people with mental health problems is often one of difficulty accessing information and services appropriate to their needs and those of their loved ones. This experiential workshop is designed to give mental health workers and all other interested staff information about family and carers needs, the policies endorsing family and carer sensitive services and to examine and explore their own values and beliefs about families and carers. The workshops will be facilitated by Andrea Emmens and Jacquie Cullen, both of whom are Family Interventions Co-ordinators. They will also be joined by Carer Peer Support Workers and family members who will help to facilitate training and provide invaluable insight into the family and carers perspective.

n The experience of being a carer (exercise) n Discussion on the meaning of the word ‘carer’, ‘caring’ and family n Information on policy drivers and evidence base n Desired outcomes as defined by carers n Carers personal stories n Information Sharing exercise and brief introduction (links to Information Sharing and Confidentiality Workshops see prospectus for further details.)

Teaching and Learning Strategy The workshop content will include a mixture of taught and experiential material that involves information giving, focussed discussion and group activity. Participants are expected to contribute towards and take part in activities.

Duration This is a one day workshop from 9.30am – 4.30pm

Workshops Available 10th July 2012 14th November 2012 27th February 2013 Duncan MacMillan House

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L1) n Core 6 (L1) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 4 (L1) n HWB4 (L1)

Further Information Andrea Emmens Email: andrea.emmens@nottshc.nhs.uk Jacquie Cullen Email: jacquie.cullen@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements This is a stand-alone workshop. However, participants may build upon this by attending the related ‘Information Sharing and Confidentiality’ workshop.

Booking Details To book on a course Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk


therapeutic and clinical skills

Introduction to Working with Groups (GW1) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This session aims to help participants to gain an understanding of group work skills. It will provide the opportunity to practice and facilitate groups for those with little knowledge of group work. Those who are already running or participating in groups may wish to book onto the intermediate level.

Learning Outcomes


n Demonstrate appropriate communication skills to facilitate group working n Explain at least one theory of group development n Discuss how to incorporate involvement and recovery focused approaches within group work n Identify practical ways to deal with conflict within groups

This workshop will last for 1 full day.

Indicative Content

To book on workshops as they are arranged, please contact:

n Understanding group dynamics and theories of group working n Using a recovery based focus to facilitate meaningful participation in groups n Therapeutic boundaries and dealing with disclosure n Group facilitation skills n Setting up groups

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by group work, discussion, role-play and information sharing. Participants will be encouraged to use their own experiences and reflective skills as they participate throughout the session to help them to develop the skills to facilitate group working.

Target Audience This workshop will be relevant for all staff who currently or in the future want to participate in group work with service users.


Workshops Available 4 April 2012 9.30am – 4pm 11 Sept 2012 9.30am – 4pm 12 Feb 2013 9.30am – 4pm Rampton Hospital, The Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre

Booking Details

Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information on the content of this workshop or to discuss the possibility of arranging bespoke sessions for your Service/Teams, please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team.

KSF Mapping n Communication (L2) n Health, Safety and Security (L1) n Equality and Diversity (L1) n G2(L1)

therapeutic and clinical skills

Group Work Skills Intermediate Level Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Identify the main types of groups, their role and purpose n Understand the importance and differences of a co-facilitator and facilitator roles n Discuss the various roles that group members play and making use of group dynamics n Understand the stages of planning and running groups

22 March 2012 14 June 2012 Training Room 4 Duncan Macmillan House

Indicative Content

L Shipley

This course is aimed at staff who have some experience of working with therapeutic groups. It is aimed at helping participants build upon their current skills and covers the stages of group formation and facilitation. This session will be facilitated by Alison Rimmington and Alex Biglands, Occupational Therapists, Arnold Lodge Hospital.

n Group Types n Group Theory n Roles within groups n Group planning n Group processes n Group Dynamics

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by a variety of methods including discussion, roleplay, group work, and by practising communication and facilitation techniques.

Target Audience Staff who have some experience of facilitating or co-facilitating groups in a therapeutic setting.

10 May 2012 Blue Room Duncan Macmillan House 9 August 2012 Orange and Yellow Room Duncan Macmillan House

KSF Mapping n Core 1 level 2 n Core 3 Level 1 n Core 3 Level 1 n G2 Level 1

Further Information Alison Rimmington or Alex Biglands at Arnold Lodge Hospital or Angela Pemberton. Therapeutic Skills Tutor Duncan Macmillan House

Refresher Requirements This is a standalone workshop. There are no refresher requirements.

Booking Details Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Duration 9.30am – 4pm


therapeutic and clinical skills

Improving Patient Experience, 60 Minute Guide Health Partnerships

Session Description

C Rosella

This unit provides a 60 minute guide/tool kit to support individuals and teams to consider how they respond to key complaint themes within their own services to improve customer service.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Understand that all complaints and incidents are valuable patient experience information which supports learning, innovation and service improvement and that reviews of complaints should not be perceived as a means of apportioning blame n Recognise the importance of what our Customers are telling us in terms of the need for involvement in Care planning and pathways, the importance of Continuity of care and the need for improvements in Communication style n Be able to apply some simple tools for engaging, involving and understanding others in care planning and pathways and recognise possible links between patient generated innovation and efficiency gains n Apply simple tools to promote the effective delivery of essential messages to patients and carers within their service, including early and effective communication with service users at the start of a complaint’s process

n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Indicative Content n Highlights the value of using customer feedback to support service improvement n Stresses the requirement to aim for and deliver a positive patient experience n Delegates will be shown simple tools to engage others in care planning and promote the effective delivery of key messages to patients and carers


Target Audience Managers and all staff.

Duration One hour

Workshops Available General classroom based sessions. Can also be delivered at individual bases on request

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Level 2 n Core 3 Level 1 n Core 5 Level 2

Core 2 Level 1 Core 4 Level 2 Core 6 Level 2

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details For general classroom sessions – booking via learning and development Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows: Kaye Owen Mansfield and Ashfield, Nottingham North and East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark and Sherwood (inc Nutrition and Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Considered a range of current physical healthcare concerns such as diet, exercise, stress n Be aware of the holistic relationship between physical health and mental wellbeing n Identified physical health promotion strategies that equally promote Recovery and mental wellbeing

19 November 2012 20 March 2013 Orange and Yellow Room Duncan Macmillan House

Indicative Content

E Constable

n Holistic concepts of health n Health and mental health promotion n Diet, poor nutrition and obesity n Exercise

Teaching and Learning Strategy Concerns about the general physical health of the nation have been widely publicised. However, in recent years there has been significant research and reporting of how the promotion of physical health can have significant positive effects on mental wellbeing and Recovery. Recent combined physical and mental health strategies and campaigns have included ‘Changing Diets, Changing Minds’ and ‘Feeding Minds’ which explored how food affects mental wellbeing and behaviour. ‘Up and Running’ and most recently ‘Moving On Up’ explored the benefits of physical exercise for mental health, especially mild to moderate depression, whilst the ‘Cheers?’ campaign looked at the relationship between alcohol and mental health.

This workshop will utilise a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on the relationships between physical health and mental wellbeing. Learning will be facilitated by group work, discussion and activities to help practitioners to develop health promotion strategies within their workplace. It is anticipated that part of the workshop will be delivered collaboratively with Service Users.

Target Audience All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff, service users and family/carers.

Duration The duration of this workshop is a half day session 9.30am – 1pm

therapeutic and clinical skills

Improving Mental Wellbeing by Promoting Physical Health (IMWPPH1)

18 June 2012 Leaf Room Highbury Hospital 14 May 2012 9.30am – 1pm 15 August 2012 1 – 4pm 11 Dec 2012 1 – 4pm Rampton Hospital

Booking Details To book on a workshop: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information For further information relating to the workshop content or to discuss the possibility of arranging bespoke events for specific Services/Teams, please contact Angela Pemberton from the Therapeutic Skills Team.

KSF Mapping n Communication L1 n Quality L1 n HWB1. L1 n Personal Development L1 n Equality and Diversity L1 n HWB2.L1 n Health, Safety and Security L1

Refresher Requirements This is a standalone workshop and there are no formal refresher requirements.

This workshop encourages participants to explore ways in which they can promote positive holistic health and wellbeing to all.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Update Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This session is offered in addition to the IPC update included on the Clinical Essentials Update day. It provides the opportunity for qualified and unqualified clinical staff to update their IPC knowledge more often than the mandatory minimum requirement of every 3 years.


Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Update of clinical knowledge in relation to IPC n Reminder of the basic principles of IPC and how to apply them to their role n Understand the WHO 5 moments of hand hygiene and know when and how to decontaminate hands n Be aware of the common themes arising from IPC serious incidents and the subsequent actions/service improvements

Powerpoint and Group Discussion

Indicative Content

Sheila Smith Infection Prevention and Control Team Hawthorn House Tel: 01623 673834 Email: Sheila.smith@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk

n What are Healthcare associated infections and why do they occur? n What are the basic principles of infection prevention and control? n How standard precautions are relevant and transferable to all clinical roles and settings n Current policies, procedures and practice guidance in place in relation to IPC n What is Asepsis? When and how should it be used in clinical practice? n The WHO 5 moments approach to hand hygiene n What are IPC serious untoward incidents (SUIs) how are they investigated and what are the common themes? n Service changes/improvements introduced as a result of the investigation of SUIs n An opportunity to discuss any specific IPC issues in relation to individuals, teams or services

Target Audience All Clinical Staff, qualified and unqualified Although it is very clinically focused, the content of this session may be of interest to some none clinical staff who have patient contact.

Duration 1 hour 30 mins

Further Information

Refresher Requirements The minimum mandatory update requirement for Clinical staff is 3 yearly. There is no mandatory update requirement at the moment for none clinical staff. However staff are encouraged to update more often by accessing this stand alone session

Booking Details Bookings should be made through the Learning and Development web site http://www.nottslandd.nhs.uk/

Health Partnerships

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Provide a definition of infection control n Describe the chain of infection n Explain the essential aspects of managing blood and body fluid spillages in the workplace n To promote good infection prevention methods

14 May 2012 1.30 – 3.30pm 15 August 2012 9.30 – 11.30am 11 Dec 2012 9.30 – 11.30am Rampton Hospital, The Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre

Indicative Content

This workshop has been developed in partnership with the Trust Physical Healthcare Team. The aim is to provide participants with a basic and essential introduction to infection control.

n The chain of infection n Personal protective equipment n Prevention of/and exposure to sharp injuries n Blood and body fluid spillage n Promoting infection control by involving service users to make informed choices and listening to and recognising their concerns

Teaching and Learning Strategy Learning will be facilitated by presentation, demonstration, group work and discussion. Participants will be encouraged to use their own experiences as they participate in activities.

Target Audience

4 June 2012 1.30 – 3.30pm 5 Sept 2012 1.30 – 3.30pm Duncan Macmillan House, Orange and Yellow Room 4 Dec 2012 9.30-11.30 Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Seminar Room

Booking Details To book on available workshops, please contact: Suzanne Jauneika (Local Services) Tel: 01159934550 Email: suzanne.jauneika@nottshc.nhs.uk Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information

All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff who work in clinical environments and/ or have any direct contact with service users.

For further information about the content of this workshop or to arrange additional bespoke sessions for your Service or Team, please contact Angela Pemberton from the Therapeutic Skills Team.


KSF Mapping

This is a 2 hour workshop. All workshops are 9.30 – 11.30 (unless otherwise indicated).

therapeutic and clinical skills

Infection Control (IC1 – Essential Awareness Workshop)

n Communication (L1) n HWB3 (L1) n Health, Safety and Security (L1) n G2 (L1) n Quality (L1)

Refresher Requirements The Nottinghamshire Healthcare policy for Infection Control does not identify that refresher training is required.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Information Sharing and Confidentiality Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This new half day workshop is an introduction to Information Sharing and Confidentiality. This is an interactive session which aims to alleviate common difficulties by understanding the appropriate level and timely giving or sharing of information between service users, families and professionals. Improving knowledge and confidence in this complex issue can play an important part in achieving excellent communication and partnership working supporting recovery and good outcomes for all concerned.


Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Explore the benefits of sharing information and of partnership working n To clarify what is meant by confidentiality, information sharing and the different types of information n To consider good practice strategies for sharing information with carers relevant to your area of work n Increase confidence and knowledge to help adopt an individualised approach most helpful to, service user, family, carers and professionals

All staff in contact with service users and their family friends or carers.

Indicative Content

n Core 1 Level 2 n Core 4 Level 1 n Core 5 Level 2 n Core 6 Level 1

n Benefits of Information Sharing (exercise) n Discussion exploring anxieties associated with information sharing n Current Guidelines and best practice in relation to information sharing n Where to get help and advice. (Handout supplied) n Carers and Confidentiality - Law and Good Practice - Professor Graham Machin

Teaching and Learning Strategy The workshop is interactive with some taught and experiential material that involves information giving, focused discussion and group activity. Participants are expected to contribute towards and take part in activities.

Duration Half day (3 hours)

Workshops Available 3 July 9.30am – 12.30pm 19 September 9.30am – 12.30pm 15 November 1.00 – 4pm 23 January 2013 9.30am – 12.30pm Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

KSF Mapping

Further Information This course will be facilitated by Andrea Emmens and Jacquie Cullen from the Family Interventions service. You can contact them on: andrea.emmens@ nottshc.nhs.uk or jacquie.cullen@nottshc. nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

This is a full day training session aimed at introducing participants to the theory behind Asperger Syndrome and share common strategies useful to working with people with this condition. The aim is to provide an overview of how Asperger Syndrome can impact on communication, mental health and daily functioning.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Information about Asperger Syndrome in the context of autism spectrum disorders, other developmental disabilities and mental health presentations n Common theories explaining the difference in autistic processing including sensory sensitivities n How the condition impacts on all aspects of daily living and emotional well being n Common strategies for supporting independent living, interaction and communication skills n Reflect on own working practices and client population they support

n Direct teaching (PowerPoint and talking) n Group discussion and problem solving n Video illustrations n Visual resources to illustrate strategies

Indicative Content Morning session: n Teaching, group activities and individual tasks all aimed at developing the participants understanding of how Asperger Syndrome can present in the individual n Introduction to key theories illustrating autistic thinking in practical activities (e.g. theory of mind, weak central coherence and executive dysfunctioning) Afternoon session: Practical activities looking at: n Daily living strategies (visual timetable, organisation charts etc) n Communication strategies (social stories, differentiating information) n Sensory sensitivities (overview of sensory systems and supporting the individual’s sensory needs)

therapeutic and clinical skills

Introduction to Working with People with Asperger Syndrome

Target Audience Anyone working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare or within adult social care. It is aimed at people with practical experiences of working with people on the autism spectrum and/or people who are in early stages of developing understanding of the condition.

Duration 10.00am to 4.00pm

Workshops Available 15th May 2012 10am – 4pm Rampton Hospital 6th November 2012 10am – 4pm Conference Hall, Highbury Hospital

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Learning and Development Department Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information Heidi Keeling (Highbury Hospital) Tel: 0115 854 2207 Email: heidi.keeling@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements Please refer to your directorate or service Essential Training Needs Grid.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Learning Disabilities, Mental Health and Recovery Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Identify some of the key factors behind the increased prevalence of mental health problems amongst people with learning disabilities n Understand some of the different ways mental health problems might present in someone with a learning disability n Define recovery and the principles of recovery n Consider ways in which they can incorporate recovery approaches into their supportive relationships with people with learning disabilities

All practitioners whose work brings them into contact with people with learning disabilities and mental health problems.

Indicative Content It is estimated that around 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime; and around 1 in 6 are coping with mental health problems at any one time. Recent studies suggest that over 1 in 3 people with a learning disability are experiencing a mental health problem, indicating that they are considerably more likely to experience mental health challenges than the general population. Government policy is clear that people with learning disabilities should have the same access to healthcare provisions as anyone else. However, it also recognises that some people with learning disabilities require specialist support for their mental health problems. This may relate to issues such as communication, physical health issues or vulnerability. This workshop will provide an introduction to some of the key issues affecting people with learning disabilities and mental health problems, and will get participants thinking about and discussing what recovery might mean to themselves, and the people they support. 88

n Prevalence of mental health problems in people with a learning disability. n Psychological, social and biological aspects of mental health n How mental health problems might present differently in someone with a learning disability n What might it be like to experience a mental health problem? n The meaning of Recovery? n Becoming a recovery-orientated practitioner

Teaching and Learning Strategy This will be an interactive session in which participants will be encouraged to use their own experiences and reflective skills in contributing towards group discussions and activities.

Duration Full day

Workshops Available 19 June 26 September Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

KSF Mapping n Communication (L1) n Personal Development (L1) n Equality and Diversity (L2) n HWBI (L1) n HWB4 (L2)

Further Information For more information please contact the Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs. uk or 01159934574 or Adam Clifford at adam.clifford@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Leg Ulcer Management Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Two day training looking into all aspects of leg ulceration, after which the attendee will be equipped to complete leg ulcer assessments in their place of work after a period of supervision. There will also be time to practice compression bandaging techniques.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n To understand the underlying causes of leg ulceration. n To identify the treatments for leg ulcers n To have the knowledge to perform a leg ulcer assessment n To have an understanding of compression therapy

Content of the course will be power point presentation with audience participation and workshops for bandaging skills

Indicative Content


n Pathophysiology of venous disease n Pathophysiology of arterial disease n Alternative causes of leg ulceration n Leg ulcer assessment n ABPI assessment n Compression bandaging- theory and practice n Lymphoedema n Care of leg ulcers n Prevention of recurrence

Target Audience All trained nursing staff who will be performing leg ulcer assessments 2 full days

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878


therapeutic and clinical skills

Library Information Skills Training Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


To understand and demonstrate the techniques required when undertaking healthcare research or decision making

Each session is approximately two hours in length.

Indicative Content

These will be arranged throughout the year. Please contact library staff for further details.

n Techniques for searching relevant, high quality healthcare information. n How to select references to support evidence based practice n Effective searching of resources n Search strategy planning

Teaching and Learning Strategy Sessions are delivered in the I.T training suite providing the opportunity for interaction and the practical application of skills. The Library service offers a rolling programme of hands-on information skills training using a variey of electronic courses including: NHS Evidence and National Health information resources on database. Full electronic journal service Cochrane Library A variety of internet sources. There are 3 different sessions ,each increases in complexity depending on your level of experience, from registering for an Athens Account, planning a literature search question to understanding how to search different databases and how to output search findings and use research features.


Target Audience Aimed at clinical and non-clinical staff. Bespoke sessions can be organised for teams of eight or more. Session 1 - Those new to information skills Session 2 - Those with some experience of internet searching or previous attendance on session 1 Session 3 - Those with experience of advanced searching or previous attendance on session 2

Workshops Available

KSF Mapping n IK2 Level 2 n IK3 Level 2 n CORE 1 Level 2

Further Information Victoria Boskett Email: Victoria.Boskett@nottshc.nhs.uk Duncan Macmillan House staff library Tel: 0115 952 9486 Rampton Hospital Staff Library Tel: 01777 247 229

Refresher Requirements There are no refresher requirements

Booking Details Please contact the relevant library.

therapeutic and clinical skills

Life Story Work in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Services Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

A life story is a biographical account of a person’s life and can be represented as a book or in any format the person prefers. This includes stories of experiences and relationships that have shaped their identity. These are the experiences and relationships that make us who we are, and is often the kind of information that is overlooked in practice due to time constraints and a focus on meeting care needs. In the light of the Recovery Model and Social Inclusion, attempts are being made to address this imbalance and to view the person in a wider social context than “patient” or “service user”. Life story work is one way to go beyond the diagnosis to view the person as a unique individual. Life story work is used for many different client groups including: n children undergoing adoption and fostering n older people as an aid to reminiscence and encourage individuality n people with long term illnesses n children who have experienced trauma n people with learning disabilities n more recently for people with lived experience of mental distress

Learning Outcomes


n To introduce the idea and value of life story work to staff working with people in mental health or learning disability settings n To understand the ethical issues related to life story work n To recognise the uses of life story work for different client groups n To reflect on identity and how life history and relationships shape who we are

Half day

Indicative Content

n Core 1 (L1) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 6 (L2) n G2 (L1)

n Importance of considering identities n Life story work: what? why? how? n Life story work in practice n Reflecting on your life story n Practical exercises n Getting started n Support

Teaching and Learning Strategy This workshop will utilise a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on the value of personal stories. Co-ordinated group discussions will support a range of practical activities that will promote the development of knowledge, understanding and skills related to this subject area.

Workshops Available 28 June – 9.30 – 12.30 DMH Health and Safety Room 20 September 1.30 – 4.30 DMH Blue Room 22 November 9.30 – 12.30 DMH Health and Safety Room

KSF Mapping

Further Information For general information relating to the workshop content please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk or 01159934574. For more information on Life Story Work, please contact Helen Moya on helen.moya@nottingham.ac.uk.

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Target Audience This workshop is aimed at people who work in mental health and learning disability services and who are interested in exploring practical ways to support service users.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Making Decisions: Advanced Statements and Supporting Individual Choice in Mental Health Services Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Describe the basic legal framework that supports decision making n Recognise the importance for personal Recovery, that being able to take back control and make decisions has for individuals n Understand and support advance statements in practice (including the advance statement booklet included within the Trust Recovery packs)

Half day

Indicative Content

J McGarib

Many people who have used mental health services have expressed feelings that they have not been listened to, that their choices were limited and that decisions have been made about them. All of which contradict the core values of Recovery of hope, control and opportunity. This course will explore positive and practical ways to support individuals in making decisions about how they want to live their lives and how they would like to be supported or treated if they become unwell. During the course we will explore individual rights and relevant legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act, Human Rights Act and Mental Health Act. In addition we will introduce and explore emerging strategies and approaches such as Personalisation and SharedDecision Making. Guidance on using decision making tools, such as the Advance Statements booklet in the Trust Recovery packs, will be provided.


n Trust Recovery strategy n Advance Statements n Advance decisions to refuse treatment n Lasting Power of Attorney n Relevant legislation n Personalisation n Shared decision-making

Teaching and Learning Strategy This course will be collaboratively facilitated by Mike Sergeant (Local Services MCA/MHA Lead), Rachel Murnaghan (Service User Volunteer/ Trust Governor) and Tony Mitchell (Therapeutic Skills Tutor). The course will use an interactive approach. Information will be provided by the facilitators leading to group activities around scenarios to illustrate decision making opportunities. Personal experience of using advance statements will be provided to encourage further discussion and debate.

Target Audience The course is suitable for anybody who wants to understand more about individual rights and decision making within mental health services. It is anticipated that it will be particularly useful for all mental health workers as service users begin to increasingly make and use advance statements.

Workshops Available 18 May 1.30 – 4.30pm 7 September 1.30 – 4.30pm Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

KSF Mapping n Core 1(L1) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 5 (L1) n Core 6 (L1) n HWB1 (L1)

Further Information For further information about this course, please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk or 01159934574. For further information and legal guidance about decision making and advanced statements in practice, please contact Mike Sergeant at michael. sergeant@nottshc.nhs.uk.

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Calculate a MUST score n Use an algorithm to manage patients’ scores n Accurately record MUST

2 hours 10am – 12.00pm.

Indicative Content n Malnutrition risk in NHS n Mental Health risks and malnutrition n Drug influences on malnutrition n Height Weight BMI and subjective calculations n Acute disease affect n Weight loss score n Management of score n Recording of score n Management of patient with high score MUST is a 5 step screening tool to identify adults who are at risk of malnutrition. This 2 hour session outlines the steps, alternative measurements and management of patients once a MUST score has been calculated. Interactive and practical, staff have taken MUST back to their wards and successfully implemented it and in doing so achieve benchmarks for Essence of care and NICE guidelines.

Teaching and Learning Strategy Interactive session with a mixture of PowerPoint, activities, discussion and team work. All work is supported and done in groups. Evaluation is also group based as MUST score will be calculated as a team on the ward.

Target Audience All staff who have an interest in the physical health of patients. So far it has been Qualified staff who have attended but anyone interested is welcome.

KSF Mapping n HWB2 = assessment of health and wellbeing and prevention of adverse effects on health and wellbeing. n Core dimension 1 Communication level 2 n Core dimension 2 Personal and people development level 2 n Core dimension 4 Service improvement level 2

Further Information Debra Edson Dietitian Email: debra.edson@nottshc.nhs.uk Tel: 01777 247760 or ext 7760

Refresher Requirements One off training Updates available if required, ward support also given to launch MUST

Booking Details Elaine Wilson Email: Elaine.Wilson@nottshc.nhs.uk Tel: 01777 247241 or ext 7241

The training has been designed for staff at Rampton Hospital however this is easily adapted for other settings.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Medical Devices their use and management Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

By the end of the session, participants will be able to safely and appropriately use a variety of equipment necessary to fulfil their roles.

8 May 2012 Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital

Be familiar with ongoing quality control measures, policy and procedures.

For further information please contact Ian Benford or Susan Spence at Rampton Hospital Healthcare.

Indicative Content n The role of medical physics n Policy and procedures n Quality control n Appliance care n Management issues

Teaching and Learning Strategy All staff who use medical equipment should receive training on how to use it safely and correctly. A number of sessions have been arranged for staff who use equipment such as nebulisers, stethoscopes, blood glucose monitoring equipment , pulse oximeters ,Tympanic thermometers etc.

A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used as well as practical examples and the opportunity to practise using equipment safely.

Target Audience All clinical staff who use medical devices.

Duration Morning sessions are 9am-12pm .The afternoon session is a repeat of the morning session. Please be clear when booking which session you wish to attend. Afternoon sessions are 1 – 4pm


Further Information

Refresher Requirements Please discuss with Ian Benford or Susan Spence.

Booking Details Contact Edna Blades at Rampton Hospital. Tel: 01777248321

therapeutic and clinical skills

Medication Management Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Indicative Content

n Up to date information about medicine management n Specific information about specific medication, side effects and contra indications n Managing errors and adverse events n Administration and Techniques

n E- learning Modules n Face to ace teaching sessions n Interactive training on techniques n Medication specific training n Overview of medicines related to a specific field n Medicines risk management n Using the BNF and other medicine information sources n Drug calculations and learning from drug errors

A wide range of Pharmacy led teaching sessions that provide up to date information on principles of medication management, awareness and specific information relating to individual medication. Sessions are designed for Nursing staff, Student Nurses and Allied Health Professionals involved or interested in the medication agenda.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Mental Health Awareness for Support Staff Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Considered a range of mental health conditions n Practised communication skills n Raised their awareness of the services the Trust provides to support those with mental health difficulties n Demonstrated through discussion their understanding of some current mental health issues

From 9.30am – 4pm

Indicative Content A variety of mental health conditions including schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, depression, anxiety and dementia.

This course is aimed at those staff who have some client contact but have not received any formal mental health training. This might also include volunteers, carers, new healthcare assistants, administration staff throughout the Trust.

Communication and de-escalation skills and current mental health strategies including the Recovery strategy.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

16 March 2012 Seminar room Millbrook Mental Health Unit 11 July 2012 Orange and Yellow Room Duncan Macmillan House 14 November 2012 Health and Safety Room

KSF Mapping Not mapped as volunteers, carers, families, service users attend

Further Information Angela Pemberton Learning and Development Dept

Workshops will be facilitated by Angela.Pemberton with co-facilitation from Involvement.

Refresher Requirements

Presentation, group work, discussion and lived experience.

Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Target Audience All support staff who have client contact, and volunteers, carers, service users.


Workshops Available

This is a stand alone workshop.

Booking Details

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Understand the Spirit and Principles of MI n Enable the learner to imagine how MI could be applied within their role n To build on existing communication skills by learning and practicing basic MI techniques

3 hours

Indicative Content

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a well-evidenced and highly effective technique in helping patients and members of the public lead a healthier lifestyle. This training is designed to provide an introduction to MI techniques for frontline staff (particularly clinical and social care staff) in order to support people in achieving and maintaining better health and wellbeing. This training is aimed at preventing ill health and encourages staff to use MI techniques at every opportunity when promoting a healthier lifestyle. The training can be delivered at your workplace. Alternatively, places can be booked via the Learning and Development intranet site where details of dates and venues are advertised.

n What is MI and why is it useful? n The Spirit and Principles of MI n How can MI techniques be applied to your conversations n The basic communication approach OARS n Eliciting Change Talk n Why do people resist change n Building a rapport n How can we reduce resistance and barriers to change n How to guide a conversation using the MI approach n Certificate of Attendance

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Factual Information n Exploring personal relevance of the training n PowerPoint presentation n Group Work n Video clips of health professional / client n Supportive Notes with links to further learning

therapeutic and clinical skills

Motivational Interviewing – An introduction to the Spirit and Principles

Workshops Available None at present

KSF Mapping n Communication 1 2 3 n Personal and people development 1 2 n Service improvement 1 2 n Quality 1 2 n Equality and diversity 1 n HWB1 1 2

Further Information Bespoke sessions can be delivered in the workplace by contacting: Rachel Prosser Brief Intervention Trainer Tel: 0115 88 31806 Mob: 07775 220 297 Email: rachel.prosser@nottspct.nhs.uk Alison Cragg Brief Intervention Trainer Tel: 0115 88 31769 Email: alison.cragg@nottspct.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details For more information and to book on to one of the training sessions please visit www.nottslandd.nhs.uk or Tel: 0115 88 31878

Target Audience The training is aimed at all staff (particularly useful for Clinical and Social Care Staff) that are in a position to influence their client, patients and members of the public to achieve a healthier lifestyle and wellbeing.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Named Nurse Development Programme Forensic Services

Session Description

Three comprehensive workbooks focusing on the complex role of being a named nurse underpin most of the learning material. Together with three sessions of study during the course. It is expected that nurses will receive guidance during the course from a more experienced nurse within the work place. The sessions will comprise of key themes identified from each of the workbook to explore in more detail. The sessions will be both educational and experiential. For example a theme from workbook one may focus on recovery, workbook two on therapeutic relationships and boundary management, finally workbook three on report writing.


Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n To enhance and develop confidence and competence in the Named Nurse role n To examine their roles and responsibilities as named nurses and to incorporate recovery principles into their clinical practice n To examine how nurses manage professional and personal boundaries in their everyday professional relating n To acquire the knowledge and skill to analyse and write accurate records/ reports to disseminate effectively to others

Qualified Nursing staff who work within clinical settings with 3 months post registration experience.

Indicative Content

KSF Mapping

n Three Workbooks n Three classroom based sessions n Mentorship and supervision within the clinical area

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Self directed study to complete workbooks n Reflective and supervisor practice within the workplace n Educational and experiential learning within the classroom based sessions n Service User involvement to promote authenticity to the Named Nurse approach

Duration Three full days classroom based sessions in total (1 day per workbook) It is anticipated that it will take up to three months to complete each workbook therefore twelve months to complete the full programme.

Workshops Available TBC n Core Dimension – Communication – level 3 n Personal and People Development – level 2 n HWB2 - Assessment of care and planning to met people’s health ad well being needs – level 3 n HWB4 – Enablement to address health and well being needs – level 3 n HWB5 – Provision of care to meet health and well being needs – level 3

therapeutic and clinical skills

The Personality Disorder Network Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n To raise awareness of Personality Disorder and the implications of recognising it as a Mental Health issue n To explore attitudes and beliefs about Personality Disorder n To provide some basic values/skills which will assist you when working with clients n To promote networking

All members of the Trust workforce who wish to understand more about Personality Disorder

Course Aims

This is an introductory course to Personality Disorder combining experiential learning and the opportunity to explore attitudes towards personality disorder

n We look at what Personality Disorder labelling night mean n Beginning to understand why attachment theory is important to this client group n Discussions around attitudes and difficulties regarding working with people with Personality Disorder n Hear about a service user’s perspective of being given a diagnosis of Personality Disorder and their experiences of our service n Information about the Personality Disorder Network

Teaching and Learning Strategy Face to face learning, group exercises, small group discussions

Workshops Available 20 Apr 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm 6 Jul 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm 12 Sept 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm 12 Oct 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm 27 Nov 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm 14 Dec 2012 9.30am – 4.30pm Orange and Yellow Room Duncan Macmillan House

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Learning and Development Department Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L2) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 5 (L1) n Core 6 (L2) n HWB1 (L1) n HWB 7 (L1)

Refresher Requirements These are standalone workshops with no formal refresher requirements


therapeutic and clinical skills

Physical Healthcare Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Carry out basic physical observations n Discuss the symptoms, care and management of a range of common physical conditions n Discuss a range of healthcare promotion strategies and identify how to promote health within their area of work

All clinical staff who carry our physical healthcare within their work.

Indicative Content n Basic physical observation skills including blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respirations, peak flow measurement n Long term conditions such as Diabetes and Asthma n Current health promotion strategies A variety of physical healthcare sessions are available throughout the year covering: n Footcare n Venepuncture using the butterfly needle n M.R.S.A. n Hand Hygiene n Blood Glucose monitoring (using the medisense optimum exceed equipment ) n Basic Observations n A comprehensive physical healthcare and infection control E-Learning package is also available.


Teaching and Learning Strategy A variety of methods will be used which includes practical work, demonstration and the opportunity to be assessed

Duration Sessions will be arranged as needed according to the requirements of groups of staff. Sessions may vary from 1 hour to a full day depending upon those requirements.

Workshops Available These will be arranged throughout the year to respond to need.

Further Information Natalie Murphy Matron The Forest Mansfield Laura Hodgson Physical Health Facilitator The Forest Mansfield

therapeutic and clinical skills

Pressure Ulcer Management Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n How pressure ulcers develop n Classification of pressure ulcers n Risk assessment n Pressure Ulcer prevention

Content of the day will be predominantly power point presentations but with audience participation

Indicative Content

Trained Nursing Staff, Allied Health Professionals

n Skin structure n Aetiology of pressure ulcers n Classification of pressure ulcers n Risk assessment n Pressure ulcer equipment n Nutrition n Continence n Seating n Documentation and RCA’s n Legal implications

Target Audience

Duration 1 full day

Booking Details Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

To identify how pressure ulcers develop, who is more at risk and how to prevent pressure ulcers from developing or preventing them from getting worse. The session also looks at what other factors contribute to pressure ulcers and the importance of documentation.


therapeutic and clinical skills

Promoting Personal Recovery and Wellness Planning Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Understand the key principles that underpin personal Recovery and wellness planning n Demonstrate that they have a practical working understanding of the Trust Personal Recovery plans and the Recovery Star Tools n Identify a range of strategies to positively engage with individuals, and where appropriate support them in creating their plans

Full day

Indicative Content

The principle of taking back control is an essential part of moving towards Recovery for many individuals. One of the most effective ways of working towards this is by developing personal Recovery and wellness plans. These can enable a person to maintain their identity and reconnect with who they are or want to be as they overcome the impact of mental distress. Personal Recovery and wellness plans can provide an opportunity for individuals to develop approaches and strategies that can help them to maintain their wellbeing, to identify their aspirations, progress and achievements, and to recognise the early signs that they may be becoming unwell again. This course will examine some of the key principles that underpin personal Recovery and wellness planning and will explore practical ways that individuals can be supported to begin to develop a plan of their own. A range of approaches and tools will be explored that can support this, including the Trust Personal Recovery Plans which form part of the Trust Recovery pack, the Recovery Star, Rethink Recovery plan, and Back in the Saddle. 102

n Values and principles of Recovery n Trust Recovery strategy n Trust Recovery packs n Concept of wellness n Ways of working with and supporting individuals to develop a personal Recovery and wellness plan n Recovery Star n Alternative approaches to personal Recovery and wellness planning

Teaching and Learning Strategy Information sharing and group discussions will be facilitated by the tutors, enabling participants to begin to demonstrate their understanding of the principles underpinning the personal Recovery and wellness planning. Managed practical activities, using tools such as the Trust Recovery packs and the Recovery Star, will play a major part of the teaching and learning strategy for this workshop.

Target Audience This course is suitable for anybody who wants to know more about personal Recovery and wellness planning and who might be able to support service users and individuals to use and develop their own plans.

Workshops Available 18 July 19 September 26 November Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham 16 July 28 September 14 December Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital

KSF Mapping n Core 1(L1) n Core 2 (L2) n Core 4 (L2) n HWB 1 (L2) n HWB 2 (L1)

Further Information For more information about this workshop, please contact Angela Pemberton or Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on angela. pemberton@nottshc.nhs.uk or anthony. mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk.

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Recognising the physically ill patient Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Improved skills in basic observations. Understanding basic blood pathology n Discuss the symptoms care and management of a range of conditions n Predict, prevent, treat and communicate any changes in a patients condition.

This is a full day course running from 9.30am – 4.30 pm

Indicative Content

Early anticipation and detection of changes in physiology and presentation of the patient. Assessment of the patient and simple preventative therapies.

n Basic physical observations n Blood pressure and pulse n Respirations n Peak flow measurement n Anatomy and Physiology n Blood pathology n Changes in patients condition n Minor illness Ailments n Minor injuries n Long term conditions such at Coronary Heart Disease Asthma Copd Diabetes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Workshops Available 10 April 2012 6 July 2012 10 October 2012 22 January 2013 Mike Harris Learning Centre, Rampton Hospital

KSF Mapping n HWB 5 Level 1 Core 1 Level 1 n Core 5 Level 1 n HWB3 Level 1 n HWB 4 Level 1

Further Information All sessions will be held in the Mike Harris Learning Centre, Rampton Hospital.

Booking Details Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used to encourage group participation

Target Audience Qualified Staff Bands 5 and above


therapeutic and clinical skills

Recovery Awareness (Introduction to Recovery Principles in Practice) Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Define Recovery and the principles of Recovery n Identify ways in which they can promote hope and courage n Understand the importance of personal Recovery planning and how this can begin to enable individuals to take back control of their own lives n Consider ways in which they can provide and create opportunities, within the wider community and/or within their specific service areas

8 May 22 June 20 July 3 September 19 October 30 November 18 January 2013 15 February 15 March Learning and Development Department, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

Indicative Content Recovery, as defined by people with lived experience of mental distress, provides a framework for understanding mental health problems and for developing and delivering appropriate services and interventions. Nottinghamshire Healthcare has published a Trust-wide Recovery strategy, which commits its Services to working in ways that recognise and value individuals’ own experiences and focuses on their Recovery and potential. This workshop will consider the implementation of Recovery in practice, focusing on the promotion of hope, control and opportunity for all of the individuals who use our services.

This is an introductory workshop, so the content will be broad and include aspects of: n Exploring what Recovery means n Implications for working with individuals n Implications for mental health service culture and environment n Promoting hope and courage n Identifying goals and dreams n Facilitating access to opportunities n Introducing personal Recovery planning and Advance Directives n Making the most of partnership working with service users and carers

Teaching and Learning Strategy Workshops will be facilitated by Tony Mitchell and the Therapeutic Skills Team (with guidance provided by Julie Repper - Trust Recovery Lead), working collaboratively with service users who are currently facing the challenge of Recovery themselves. Learning will be largely experiential with trainees drawing on their own experiences to generate ideas about promoting Recovery for others.

Target Audience These workshops are aimed at everyone throughout the Trust.

Duration Full day 104

17 April Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Mansfield 4 May 10 July 12 September 15 October 19 November 11 January 2013 Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L1) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 3 (L1) n Core 6 (L2) n HWB4 (L2)

Further Information For further information regarding the content of the workshops and to discuss your training needs or arrange additional workshops, please contact Tony Mitchell from the Therapeutic Skills Team on anthony.mitchell@nottshc.nhs.uk or 01159934574. If you are familiar with Recovery and would like to explore more advanced aspects further, please contact Julie Repper at: julie.repper@nottingham.ac.uk

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a course, please email: Local Services Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk Forensic Services Edna Blades (Rampton Hospital) Tel: 01777 247550 Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Sexuality, Relationships and Mental Health Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Considered and explored what sexuality is and what influences our attitudes and values towards sexuality n Be aware of the importance and impact of sexuality and relationships on our mental health n Consider sexual health and issues of equality, diversity and language use n Identify strategies for opening up dialogue and addressing issues in clinical practice

All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff who work directly with service users and carers.

Indicative Content

When people hear the word sexuality they can often assume that it is referring to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues and specifically a person’s sexual orientation. However, sexuality applies to everyone whether young or old, male or female, regardless of cultural or spiritual affiliation and backgrounds. Sexuality refers to more than who a person chooses to sleep with. Sexuality and mental health remains a relatively unexplored area in research and clinical practice. This is despite the recognition that people are sexual beings whether they are healthy, ill or disabled. The consequence of a limited evidence base or professional guidelines is that professionals are forced to use their own judgements, life histories, beliefs and values to inform their clinical practice, which can lead to conflict.

n What is sexuality? n What influences our views of sexuality? n Review of the research n Stigma n Sexual health n Issues in clinical practice – case studies n Culture, diversity and sexuality n Spirituality, religion and sexuality n Clinical considerations n Ways to address issues in clinical practice “what you can do”

Teaching and Learning Strategy This training will utilise a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on the importance and impact of relationships and sexuality on mental health. Learning will be facilitated by group work, discussion and activities to help practitioners develop their clinical practice. Staff will have the opportunity to discuss in detail this taboo topic and issues that have arisen in their own clinical practice.

Duration Full day 9.30am – 4.30pm

Workshops Available 27 July 2012 6 September 2012 2 November 2012 25 January 2013 Orange and Yellow room, Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

KSF Mapping n Communication (L1) n Quality (L1) n HWB1 (L1) n Personal development (L1) n Equality and diversity (L1) n HWB2 (L1) n Health, Safety and Security (L1)

Further Information For further information relating to the workshop content or to discuss the possibility of arranging bespoke events for specific services/teams please contact Sarah Fairbank at Sarah.Fairbank@ nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements This is a stand alone workshop and there are no formal refresher requirements

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Learning and Development Department Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

There is some stigma attached to the subject of sexuality and relationships and this area can often be over looked when dealing with services users care. 105

therapeutic and clinical skills

Spirituality and Religion in Healthcare Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Define and deepen their understanding of spirituality and religion n Explain why spirituality and religion are important in healthcare settings n Explore how they can respond to people’s spiritual and religious needs n Reflect upon the importance of selfawareness and self-care in healthcare roles

All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff in Local and Forensic Services

Indicative Content

Spirituality, religion and belief play a vital part in many people’s lives and wellbeing. They are ways in which people find meaning, hope, inner strength and a sense of connection and can often become particularly important in times of distress, illness and recovery. According to the Department of Health (2009) “It is critically important to raise awareness amongst health staff of the need to take religion and belief into account when dealing with patients and colleagues”. Spiritual care is something all healthcare practitioners should be aware of and engaged in as an essential part of a holistic, patient-centred and recovery focused approach to care. During this training day we explore what we mean by spirituality and religion and discover not only why we take it seriously in a healthcare settings, but also look at ways we can respond pro-actively to service user’s spiritual and religious needs.


n Introduction to Spirituality n Introduction to Religion n Spirituality and Religion in Healthcare n Spiritual and Pastoral Care n Responding to Spiritual and Religious Needs n The ‘YOU’ in Spiritual Care

Teaching and Learning Strategy A range of approaches are used to cater for people’s different learning preferences which include presentation of information, group discussions, pair and smaller group work and some reflective and experiential exercises. Participants are encouraged to contribute and share their own experiences throughout and the style is more of reflective group exploration than didactic. This enables participants to begin to develop their understanding of the information and concepts by applying them to their own experiences, asking questions and sharing with the group. It also promotes a style of reflection which is important when working with people’s spiritual needs.

Duration Full day

Workshops Available 19 April 9.30am – 4.00pm Conference Hall, Highbury Hospital 7 June 9.30am – 4.00pm Music Room, Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Mansfield 28 September 9.30am – 4.00pm Conference Hall, Highbury Hospital 19 November 9.30am – 4.00pm Leaf Room, Highbury Hospital

Further Information For further information relating to the training or to find out more about the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Service please contact Katja Milner on 0115 8542289 or Paul Quilter on 0115 9691300

Refresher Requirements n/a

Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Julie Royston Tel: 0115 9529485 Ext: 11185 Email: julie.royston@nottshc.nhs.uk

therapeutic and clinical skills

Training Skills – an Introduction (ITS1/CG) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n Describe a basic understanding of each of the stages of the training cycle n Write a session plan n Deliver a 10-15 minute presentation, demonstrating basic facilitation skills n Identify their further training skills and development needs

Indicative Content

This highly popular course continues to be offered throughout the Trust to all staff groups, service users and carers. The City and Guilds Introduction to Training Skills (7300) aims to provide participants with a sound introduction to the concept of a systematic approach to training and basic facilitation skills. It is an intensive course that is delivered over two days.

We would welcome people who themselves experience mental health problems and wish to use their experience to help others.

Duration The course runs over 2 day workshops 9.30am – 4.30pm. Participants must attend both days.

Workshops Available

n The training cycle (planning, delivery, assessment and evaluation) n Ground rules n Training resources n Icebreakers n Motivation n Gaining and maintaining attention n Assessment n The learning environment n Learning styles

17 July 2012 24 July 2012 6 Nov 2012 23 Nov 2012 5 March 2013 19 March 2013 Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Further Information

This focus of this course is to develop participant’s confidence and competence by introducing them to a variety of different training approaches aimed at increasing their knowledge base and their range of practical skills. The workshops are very interactive and participants will be expected to participate in group discussions, feedback and mini presentations. On the second day participants will complete a written test and undertake an assessed presentation of their choice to the other participants.

Target Audience This course is ideal for those who train others within the Trust. It can be used as a starting point for individuals who wish to develop their training, teaching and facilitation skills further. There are no entry requirements for this course.

Booking Details To book on a workshop: Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk For further information relating to the workshop content or to discuss the possibility of this course being provided for specific Services and Teams on a bespoke basis, please contact Angela Pemberton and/or the Therapeutic Skills Team.

KSF Mapping n Communication (L2) n Quality (L1) n Personal and People Development (L2) n Equality and Diversity (L1) n Health and Safety (L1) n IK3 (L1)

Refresher Requirements There are no refresher requirements or arrangements for this course. However, participants will be signposted towards subsequent and relevant programmes.


Skills for work and life

skills for work and life


Mid-life Planning Course Minute Taking and Administration for Meetings Pre-Retirement Course The Professional Administrator


Introduction: Skills for Work and Life

As a Trust, we believe in and promote a culture of lifelong learning for personal and professional development for all staff. The building blocks of this work can straddle across all pillars of our business and activities.

Heather Porter Skills for Work and Life Advisor

Our organisational workforce includes a vast range of clinical, non-clinical and non-registered staff, many of whom fall within Bands 1 – 4. Central functions are provided and include personnel, finance, I.T, admin, hotel and estates. These individuals provide the infrastructure and support, and very often are key to the smooth running of our services and engagement with clients. Learning and development for these groups of staff is seen as important and has not been overlooked within our prospectus. We often need to work with other partner providers to meet these needs externally and use funding to supply the training that is needed.

Sue Stronach Skills for Work and Life Advisor

In 2011 we worked successfully with a number of college and education providers in the delivery of course and qualifications including Maths and English. Many staff have now passed the national tests which have allowed entry onto further courses including nurse and teacher training courses. It is often a minimum requirement to have these before being allowed to study. These courses are offered in-house, at colleges, or via E-Learning. Large numbers of staff have come forward to undertake level 2 – 5 on the Qualification Credit Framework. We work with partner training providers to deliver these awards. We can also offer a vast range of programmes for secretarial and administrative staff.


Those staff wishing to continue studying can take Foundation Degrees in relevant work related areas. Currently these can be funded and have been taken up by a number of learners in business and administrative and healthcare roles. Some learners present with additional needs including sight/ hearing difficulties and dyslexia. We can undertake screening, and refer individuals for dyslexia assessments. We can also organise for support equipment and training via Access to Work grants. Many staff in the Trust now have their own laptops, software and equipment supplied as reasonable adjustments to help support them in their jobs and work areas. Apprentices are now working across the Trust and we are committed to supporting and developing young people aged 16 – 18 and those over 25 on mature programmes who are existing staff. We currently offer Business and Administration, Health and Social Care, Childcare and Hospitality Apprenticeships. Our aim is to further develop these in other areas. A series of Learning at Work events have been held around the Trust to promote workplace learning. A team of professionals support these events and help guide, advise and support staff making decisions around learning and development. 15 Learning at Work events are planned throughout 2012.

Skills for work and life

Skills for Work and Life Nottinghamshire Healthcare is committed to ensuring that staff are given the necessary support and learning opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding, to enable them to undertake their roles and responsibilities in a competent and professional manner. This is achieved through: n Robust Trustwide and local inductions at the start of employment n Essential updates and refreshers throughout employment n Ensuring individuals have appropriate job descriptions which link into the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) requirements for role development, regular Performance Appraisal and Development (PADs), supervision and opportunities to complete work related training in National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) framework Levels 2/3 Within the Trust’s Learning and Development Strategy it is acknowledged that this strand of support and development is integral to all training offered by the Department. These fundamental skills are a starting point for many individuals on their personal and career journeys and non-registered staff within Bands 1-4, are able to access Joint Investment Framework (JIF) monies to fund work related training until March 2013. Outlined here are some of the opportunities available as part of Skills for Work and Life. For more information please contact Heather Porter, Skills for Work and Life Advisor, heather.porter@nottshc.nhs.uk or on ext 11269.

Qualification Credit Framework The QCF qualifications (certificates and diplomas) replace the old NVQs and can be undertaken in the workplace (levels 1 – 4). They are available for most job roles at different levels. They are practically assessed and verified whilst the individual is working, and once completed show that they have achieved both the practical skills and underpinning knowledge to carry out their job competently. Qualifications range from levels 1 – 5. A level 2 award is a necessary requirement for many job roles. Those staff within Bands 1-4 could be funded to complete work related qualifications through the QCF route. The Skills Levels National Curriculum

Basic Skills

Key Skills



Level 5

Level 5


Level 4

Level 4

A Levels

Level 3

Level 3


Level 2

Level 2

Level 2


Level 1

Level 1

Level 1

NC Level 3

Entry 3


NC Level 2

Entry 2


NC Level 1

Entry 1


Functional Skills upto Level 2 (Literacy and Numeracy) There are many people within the general population in the UK who have difficulties with reading, writing and communication skills in everyday situations. This could be because English is not their first language, if learning and school opportunities were not enjoyable or encouraged, or due to personal learning barriers which have gone unnoticed. For some, they may just be a little ‘rusty’ and need a refresher.

Many entry requirements to courses and further study expect students to have a Level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy skills. This equates to a GCSE C grade or above. It is not necessary to undertake the whole qualification, but learn again to pass a national test, which is set at the same level. This is a multiple choice test of 40 questions. Students can be tutored within sessions to work towards passing these tests. The courses are run within the Trust or through local colleges. They can also be accessed through local learning centres and the internet for online learning. Students will be screened and assessed prior to learning to ensure it is tailored to their individual needs. Tutor supported sessions are available internally when demand allows. Alternatively students are signposted to local colleges and drop in centres for free and funded training or to online learning through organisations including Learn Direct, Move On and NIACE. There are also E-Learning links available on the Trust Intranet.

Learning at Work Events around the Trust Learning at Work Events are held at least one a year in each of the main Trust sites. This allows the Learning and Development Department and colleagues to profile the work of the Trust and partners including colleges and local providers. Attendees can take away information, have their numeracy and literacy levels checked and identify some of the indicators of dyslexia. Professionals are available to advise on career development and future learning opportunities.


Skills for work and life

Computer and Technology Training Providing access to current Information Technology (IT) and the appropriate skills to use it is a necessary component of the Skills for Work and Life agenda. Staff may need to up-skill in this area to enable them to complete E-Learning activities and for using the Trust email system and Intranet. There are IT suites around the Trust. For details of current courses contact Joy Bolam or Jackie Dukes in the IT Training Department on 0115 9691300 ext 11192.

Foundation Degrees Staff within Bands 1-4 could be able to access monies to pay for work related qualifications including and up to Foundation Degree level. These are available in 71 different subjects and can be completed on a modular basis including different learning methods. The aim is to undertake bite size pieces of learning/study, and accrue the appropriate number of credit points to achieve a degree. There are minimum entry requirements of level 3 or equivalent.

People with disabilities/ additional needs examples 10% of the general population have known additional support needs for various reasons. These include physical, mental and hidden disabilities. Many staff will be on the dyslexic continuum and may require specific help and assistance to overcome their difficulties with aids, adaptations and equipment/software. Where appropriate we will take specialist advice on specific conditions and make reasonable adjustments to support staff. We are able to offer a hidden disabilities screening tool, supported by an approved and appropriately trained person.


The Trust can make an Access to Work application for funding to assist in the necessary workplace adjustments and sourcing of support equipment and training. Nottinghamshire Healthcare is committed to supporting staff with disabilities and is considered an Exemplar and Mindful Employer for those staff with mental health and learning disabilities. For hidden disabilities screening please contact Sue Stronach.

Apprenticeships The Trust is actively supporting placements for young people in a range of Apprentice frameworks specially aimed at under-represented groups. They work towards a Level 2 qualification whilst gaining real handson experience in the workplace. They also complete key skills and technical certificates. There are also mature Apprenticeships available for existing staff aged over 25 who have not had previous opportunity of completing work related qualifications.

Skills Pledge The Trust has signed its commitment to the Skills Pledge. This is a public commitment by the Executive Directors to support those staff who have no formal qualifications to develop their literacy/numeracy and work skills to at least level 2. These people will be actively encouraged to take up workplace learning opportunities.

Health Ambassadors This role has been developed to ensure that people are trained and recruited to meet the demands of a modernised healthcare system. It is important that healthcare professionals can access schools, colleges and private training providers to encourage and inspire learners to consider careers within healthcare related settings.

Ambassadors can work at any level in both clinical and support services. Their role and purpose is to be involved in community workshops, careers events and promoting health service awareness and recruitment opportunities.

Careers Advice and support Information, advice and guidance is available for all staff seeking to progress personally and professionally. This can be accessed internally or through external partners. Help and assistance relating to entrance and applications to colleges and universities, possible grants and funding opportunities is available. Also for those individuals facing the possibility of redundancy, there is access to free training and future job searches and work opportunities. Support for career planning, C.V updating, interview preparation, confidence building and job coaching is provided. Support is given at Trust Learning at Work Events.

Trade Union Learning Representatives Union Learning Representatives champion the benefits that learning can bring to their members. They promote various courses and learning opportunities for their respective unions. Information and advice can be sought from Staffside organisations from the Union Office at Duncan Macmillan House. They can also provide details of trained Learning Representatives in other areas.

Skills for work and life

Mid-life Planning Course Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Financial planning and budgeting n Savings and investment opportunities available n Pension arrangements – state and NHS

One day 9.30am – 4.30pm

Indicative Content n Financial planning and budgeting n Savings and investment opportunities n State pension arrangements n NHS pension arrangement

Teaching and Learning Strategy R Vickery

This one day programme aims to prepare staff who want to put their retirement plans in place early, say from age 40. The session is delivered by PreRetirement Consultant Services Limited (PREP). PREP is a training company specialising in helping people to plan for retirement and manage this significant life change.

This training will utilise a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on retirement and what considerations to take into place.

KSF Mapping n Communication (L1) n Personal development (L1) n Equality and diversity (L1) n Health, Safety and Security (L1)

Further Information For further information please contact: Suzane Jauneika Email: suzanne.jauneika@nottshc.nhs.uk Edna Blades Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements Not applicable

Learning will be facilitated by group work, discussion and activities.

Booking Details

A number of external speakers are utilised to share their expertise and knowledge.

Forensic Services Edna Blades Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Target Audience

Local Services Email: landdcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Staff who are age 40 onwards and thinking of planning their retirement

To book on a workshop, please contact:


Skills for work and life

Minute Taking and Administration for Meetings Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes


n Define the purpose of minutes n Identify the responsibilities of the meeting administrator before, during and after a meeting to enable the delivery of a timely accurate set of minutes n Demonstrate listening, note taking and summarising skills n Produce some summarised minutes of the key points of a board meeting

3.5 hours

Indicative Content

F Adams

This course is suitable for anyone that is new to taking minutes, any experienced minute taker that has had no formal training or any experienced minute taker just wishing to refresh their skills. The course imagines a meeting that is new to the course attendee and that they have administrative responsibility for. It takes them through administrative procedures before, during and after the meeting. A whole section of the course is dedicated to listening and note taking with hints and tips given to help. The course ultimately leads to an exercise taking the notes of a Board meeting and summarising the key points into minutes. There is also an assessment at the end of the course.


This very practical course will take you through the whole administrative process of an imaginary meeting that is new to you. It will cover: n The purpose of minutes n Preparations that need to be made before a meeting including how to draft an agenda n The different styles of minutes n Different ways of taking notes n Listening and note taking exercises n The meanings of the different features of the minutes n Formatting, summarising and fine tuning the minutes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Workshops Available When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers. Locations / venues of your choice

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 3 n Core 4 Service Improvement – Level 1 n Core 5 Quality – Level 1 n IK2 – Information Collection and Analysis – Level 2

Further Information For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning and Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run.

n Practical listening and note taking exercises n Group discussion n Individual work n Assessment

The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Target Audience


Anyone new to taking minutes or wishing to refresh their skills

Refresher Requirements Booking Details Via Learning and Development, CHP

Skills for work and life

Pre-Retirement Course Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

n Financial planning and budgeting including savings and investment opportunities available n Pension arrangements – state and NHS n Making a will and the benefits of doing so n Health and retirement

Staff who are within 5 years of retiring.

Indicative Content

I Morris

The two day programme aims to prepare staff for retirement. It is ideally suited to those staff who are within 5 years of their retirement. The session is delivered by PreRetirement Consultant Services Limited (PREP). PREP is a training company specialising in helping people to plan for retirement and manage this significant life change.

Duration Two days 9.30am – 4.30pm

KSF Mapping n Communication (L1) n Personal development (L1) n Equality and diversity (L1) n Health, Safety and Security (L1)

n Financial planning and budgeting n Savings and investment opportunities n State pension arrangements n NHS pension arrangement n Making a will and the benefits of doing so n Health and retirement n Use of computers/internet n Making your leisure a pleasure

Further Information

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Not applicable

This training will utilise a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on retirement and what considerations to take into place. Learning will be facilitated by group work, discussion and activities. A number of external speakers are utilised to share their expertise and knowledge.

For further information please contact: Suzane Jauneika Email: suzanne.jauneika@nottshc.nhs.uk Edna Blades Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk

Refresher Requirements Booking Details To book on a workshop, please contact: Forensic Services Edna Blades Email: edna.blades@nottshc.nhs.uk Local Services Email: landdcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk


Skills for work and life

The Professional Administrator Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

S Hammami

The Professional Administrator is a motivational course examining the characteristics, attitudes and qualities of a professional administrator and seeks to find out about the behavioural styles of the delegates undertaking the course and identifying their strengths and areas they might wish to develop. Following that, we examine being aware of the different personalities that make up teams, building rapport and effective team working relationships.

Learning Outcomes


n Define the professional administrator as opposed to the traditional administrator and recognise the benefits being a professional administrator brings n Recognise the different stages of team development and appreciate the different roles people play within teams n Analyse the transferable skills you bring to a team and skills you may wish to develop further n Evaluate the strategies of effective first impressions including verbal and non-verbal communication skills

3 hours

Indicative Content This interactive course covers: n Design the Professional Administrator – identifying our transferable skills n The difference between and ‘professional’ and ‘traditional’ administrator n Tuckman’s stages of team development n Self analysis and team roles n Body language meanings n First impressions and how we communicate – how do I look and how do I sound? n Building rapport and mirroring

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Presentation n Group discussion n Individual work n Questionnaires n Self-analysis

Target Audience Anyone working up to band 6


Workshops Available When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers. Locations / venues of your choice

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 2 n Core 2 Personal and People Development – Level 1 n Core 4 Service Improvement – Level 1 n Core 5 Quality – Level 2

Further Information For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning and Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Via Learning and Development, CHP

Skills for work and life


Leadership and management

Leadership and management


Assertiveness Coaching for Performance Customer Service Excellence (replaces ‘Customer Care’) Dealing with Difficult People Effective Communication Delivering Great Internal Customer Service Effective Delegation Effective Performance Management Effective Presentation Skills Theory and Practical (Two Parts) NEW Leadership at the Point of Service Invest to Lead Performance Appraisal and Development Presentation Skills - Train the Trainer Root Cause Analysis Training Staff Wellbeing and Resilience (Breathing Space) Stress Reduction Workshop (Using ‘The Work of Byron Katie’ to Relieve Stress and Suffering) Time Management in the Office Environment


Introduction: Leadership & Management

Kaye Owen

We are delighted to introduce to you a range of Leadership and Management offerings for all employees of Nottinghamshire Healthcare. Good leadership and management is critical to the delivery of safe and effective services. We know from research and our own experience that a well led team gets the most out of staff and delivers a better experience and outcomes for service users. The Learning and Development Department is committed to making an important contribution to Leadership and Management Development across the Trust.

Martin Jones

The Organisational Development Team The Organisational Development Team offers a full range of support tools to facilitate the development of individuals and teams. This includes coaching, Leadership Qualities Framework Feedback, delivery of the Aston Team Performance Inventory, as well as bespoke interventions tailored to meet the specific requirements of managers and teams.

Wendy Tomlinson

The team offers a range of fast paced hour long ‘Achieving Greater Impact’ interventions for team leaders and managers. These sessions introduce key tools, techniques and resources to support skills development and give the opportunity to discuss and consider with peers the application of knowledge in their own workplace. Sessions currently available in the Achieving Greater Impact Series are detailed in this section of the prospectus. If you would like to discuss the specific development requirements of individuals or teams, please contact either Kaye Owen or Wendy Tomlinson on 0115 8831808.


Kevin Warren

Leadership at the Point of Service (LATPOS) The LATPOS Programme aims to provide the key skills that leaders and others need to get the most out of staff, to better themselves and ensure that the teams they lead function at their very best. Details can be found on the next few pages of this prospectus.

Invest to Lead Invest to Lead is a programme designed and developed by the Learning and Development Department in partnership with the Chief Executive’s Office. It is designed to equip leaders in the organisation with an understanding of the strategic context in which they work and the wider health and social care environment. It is a programme which develops people’s networks and skills to lead effectively and to stretch them to become better leaders at all levels of the organisation. So far more than 700 people have been through this programme.

NHS East Midlands Leadership Academy The NHS East Midlands Leadership Academy is a membership organisation open to all NHS organisations and others in the East Midlands. The Academy offers a variety of leadership development programmes which fit with the National Leadership Academy’s priorities and local needs. Trust staff who are in leadership roles or aspiring to be leaders can access programmes offered by the Academy. Look out for communications from the Academy distributed throughout the Trust or log on to the Academy website www.leadershipeastmidlands.nhs.uk

Leadership and management

Assertiveness Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Identify the benefits of behaving more assertively and the disadvantages of not behaving that way n Recognise the characteristics of the four main behaviour styles n List your assertive rights n Select a number of assertive techniques to help you in your daily life

When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers.

Indicative Content This interactive course covers:

Being more assertive in your life brings many benefits to your work and home life. This course explores your current natural behavioural tendency and introduces you to your assertive rights. The main emphasis of the course is on assertive techniques you can draw on in a range of situations or scenarios when communicating with others.

n Why do you want to be more assertive? n The four main behaviours n How assertive are you now? n Your assertive rights n Characteristics of the four main behaviours n Communicating assertively n Assertive techniques n Personal dilemmas n Personal Action Planning

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Group discussion n Individual work n Presentation n Questionnaires

Target Audience Anyone wishing to increase their assertiveness skills.


Locations / venues of your choice.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 2 n Core 2 People & Personal Development – Level 2 n Core 6 Equality & Diversity – Level 2

Further Information For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning and Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk

3 hours


Leadership and management

Coaching for Performance Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

S Hammami

Looks at the benefits of coaching within the workplace and offers an understanding of how it can be embedded as part of the normal way of working. Provides an understanding of the GROW (Goal, Reality, Options and Will) coaching model.

Learning Outcomes


n To provide a brief summary of the wider scope and benefits of coaching n To understand what coaching for performance is and the benefits it can bring to the workplace n To understand and demonstrate knowledge of the Goal, Reality, Options and Will coaching model and how it can be embedded as part of a normal way of working n To appreciate that the GROW model and associated skills form only a small part of a wider and more complex coaching methodology and skill set

One hour

Indicative Content


General classroom based sessions. Can also be delivered at individual bases on request.

KSF Mapping Supports the development of the following knowledge & skills at the indicated level: n Core 1 Level 3 n Core 2 level 3 n G1 Level 2

Refresher Requirements

Research evidence suggests coaching can improve:

Booking Details

n Motivational and Morale n Business Performance / Policy Implementation n Knowledge and Skills Development

Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows:

The aim of the session is to provide an introduction to coaching and to explain some very simple coaching techniques that managers will be able to apply in the workplace. (Health warning about skills required for wider coaching).

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Target Audience Managers and Supervisors


Workshops Available

For general classroom sessions – booking via Learning and Development

Kaye Owen Mansfield & Ashfield, Nottingham North & East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark & Sherwood (inc Nutrition & Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Leadership and management

Customer Service Excellence (replaces ‘Customer Care’) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

M James

An interactive customer care / customer service course that examines our own values and ideals and considers the values, ideals and expectations of a customer both internal and external to the organisation. It identifies that no two customers are the same and that we should maximise the positives and minimise the negatives. It also provides a framework on how to encourage and handle feedback effectively.

Learning Outcomes


n Define customers’ needs plus their expectations n Describe the importance of satisfied customers and the opportunities they bring n Recognise what influences excellent customer service and produce a set of standards and principles that apply to your own service or you personally n Identify how to effectively deal with customer feedback

3 hours

Indicative Content

Further Information

This interactive course covers: n Who are our customers? n Our own experience of customer service and how an overall rating is made up of many factors n The importance of cohesive working ‘behind the scenes’ n Exploring softer influences and customer expectations n Opportunities that come from customer feedback n How to handle customer feedback n Consider our own standards and principles of excellent customer service

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Group discussion n Individual work n Presentation

Target Audience All staff. Individuals or teams.

Workshops Available When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers. Locations / venues of your choice.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 2 n Core 4 Service Improvement – Level 2 n Core 5 Quality – Level 3 n Core 6 Equality and Diversity – Level 2 For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning & Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk


Leadership and management

Dealing with Difficult People Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Define the main behaviour styles n Describe ‘difficult’ behaviour and the reasons why people could present themselves in this way n Recognise the phases of an incident and identify verbal and non-verbal tactics and techniques on how to prevent triggers and defuse difficult situations

When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers.

Indicative Content

Group work - textile

This course is ideal for front line staff. It considers how our verbal and non-verbal communication can help or hinder the message we want to get across to our customers, colleagues or anyone else we come into contact with on a daily basis.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 3 n Core 3 Health, Safety and Security – Level 2 n Core 4 Service Improvement – Level 1 n Core 6 Equality and Diversity – Level 2

This very interactive course covers:

Further Information

n Behaviour styles n Different types of ‘difficult’ behaviour n Reasons why people sometimes behave in ‘difficult’ ways n The approaches to handling conflict and how we have applied them through experience n The phases of an ‘incident’ n Tactics, techniques and skills to help defuse a difficult situation n Body language signals and meanings n Triggers of aggression n Scenarios

For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning & Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital.

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Group discussion n Individual work n Presentation

Target Audience Staff up to band 6, especially front line staff.

Duration 3 hours


Locations / venues of your choice.

Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk

Leadership and management

Effective Communication Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Considers why we need to focus on improving our communication skills, provides a broad assessment of individual personal communication style and looks at key points to help make communication more effective.

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Participants will undertake a personal communication style assessment to generate an awareness of current personal style n Consider why communication is important and potential barriers n Consider points for action and awareness to improve communication as linked to personal assessment n Consider how they will adapt and apply in practice to improve own communication.

Supports the development of the following knowledge and skills at the indicated level:

Indicative Content

Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows:

Allows individuals to consider their own personal communication style and reflect on the impact this has on their general communication with others and what actions they might need to make to improve it.

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Target Audience Managers and all staff

n Core 1 Level 2 n Core 2 Level 3 n Core 6 Level 1

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details For general classroom sessions – booking via Learning and Development

Kaye Owen Mansfield & Ashfield, Nottingham North & East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark & Sherwood (inc Nutrition & Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Duration One hour

Workshops Available General classroom based sessions. Can also be delivered at individual bases on request


Leadership and management

Delivering Great Internal Customer Service Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

KSF Mapping

n Agree what good internal customer service looks like and review the level of internal customer service they currently provide n Learn how to make requests of colleagues to maximise co-operation n Develop a charter to deliver great internal customer service n Understand how to measure the quality of internal customer service

Supports the development of the following knowledge & skills at the indicated level:

Indicative Content

A Gariff

Considers what good internal customer service looks like, the level of internal customer service you currently provide, ways you can measure its quality and factors that impact on your ability to deliver it. Will help you to develop an internal customer charter.

Highlights that all ‘internal transactions’ involve internal customers and to explore what great customer service looks like for them and how it can be accomplished. Delegates will start to action plan to deliver great internal customer service within their own work areas.

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Target Audience Managers and all staff members

Duration One hour

Workshops Available General classroom based sessions. Can also be delivered at individual bases on request.


n Core 1 Level 3 n Core 4 Level 2 n G2 Level 1

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details For general classroom sessions – booking via Learning and Development Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows: Kaye Owen Mansfield & Ashfield, Nottingham North & East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark & Sherwood (inc Nutrition & Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Leadership and management

Effective Delegation Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Refresher Requirements

n Introduction to key tools to support effective delegation and the opportunity to consider the application of these in their own work place n Signposting to additional resources, including innovation and ‘lean’ tools


Indicative Content Deliver a range of simple tools, techniques and resources to improve and enhance delegation skills

Teaching and Learning Strategy T Rose

Looks at the importance of effective delegation and its link with effective performance management. Provides tips for delegating tasks as well as managing upwards to ensure people fully understand what is being delegated.

n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Target Audience Designed principally for managers and supervisors, but other staff members may find the content helpful.

Booking Details For general classroom sessions – booking via Learning and Development Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows: Kaye Owen Mansfield & Ashfield, Nottingham North & East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark & Sherwood (inc Nutrition & Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Duration One hour

Workshops Available General classroom based sessions. Can also be delivered at individual bases on request.

KSF Mapping Supports the development of the following knowledge and skills at the indicated level: n Core 1 Level 2 n Core 2 Level 3 n G6 Level 3 n Management & Leadership Level 3


Leadership and management

Effective Performance Management Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Aims to provide an understanding of how effective performance management supports individuals and teams to achieve success. Gives practical tips on how to manage the performance of others and explores the responsibilities of both managers and staff in achieving common goals.

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Recognise that effective performance management is a positive, effective tool for both managers and staff n Understand that effective performance management will ensure that energy, resources and activity are always directed towards the strategy and goals of the organisation, locality, team and individual n Be able to define performance targets/goals across key aspects of service delivery, including management of resources, customer service and financial viability n Be aware of the policies available to support formal performance management

General classroom based sessions.

Indicative Content This unit is designed to support staff managers and supervisors to promote and apply effective performance management principles within their teams.

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Formal presentation n Question and answer sessions n Group discussion and group work

Target Audience Managers and supervisors.

Duration One hour


Can also be delivered at individual bases on request.

KSF Mapping Supports the development of the following knowledge and skills at the indicated level: n Core 1 Level 3 n Core 2 Level 2 n Core 4 Level 2 n Core 5 Level 2 n Management & Leadership Level 3

Further Information Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details For general classroom sessions – booking via Learning and Development Requests for delivery at individual bases taken as follows: Kaye Owen Mansfield & Ashfield, Nottingham North & East, Principia Tel: 01623 673716 Wendy Tomlinson Newark & Sherwood (inc Nutrition & Dietetics), Nottingham West, Specialist Services and Bassetlaw Health Partnerships Tel: 01623 673591

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Recognise how to plan, write and prepare for delivering a presentation to an audience n Identify techniques to engage the audience n Deliver a ten minute presentation to an audience of peers

When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers.

Indicative Content Part One - Theory:

The course is in two parts. Part one is theory and part two is practical where the course attendees have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by delivering a ten minute presentation to their course peers. Each presenter will receive formative verbal and written feedback and a certificate of attendance.

n How to plan, structure, write and prepare your presentation material considering the needs of the audience n How to prepare yourself by managing nerves, being aware of your communication and how to rehearse effectively n Techniques to encourage audience engagement and participation Part Two – Practical: n The opportunity to deliver a ten minute presentation approximately two weeks after the part one theory course

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Lecture presentation n Practical assessment n Group discussion n Individual work

Target Audience Any member of staff at any level wishing to gain or refresh their presentation skills.


Leadership and management

Effective Presentation Skills Theory and Practical (Two Parts) NEW

Locations / venues of your choice.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 2 n Core 2 Personal & People Development – Level 2 n Equality and Diversity – Level 2

Further Information For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning & Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

The duration for part one is three and a half hours and the duration for part two is up to three and a half hours depending on the number of course attendees.


Leadership and management

Leadership at the Point of Service Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Modules may be taken individually or several or all of them together as part of your development. The modules are delivered in a rolling programme format at the two main venues across the Trust to offer maximum flexibility. All modules offer 20 places.

The Productive Leader (1 day) Based on the Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s programme this module introduces the elements of productive leadership behaviours, and will enable participants to be more efficient and effective in their use of time. These proactive methods can really save you time and make you more productive. Areas covered will include: Leadership at the Point of Service (LATPOS) is a series of leadership training modules aimed at staff in a leadership role or aspiring to lead. It is most useful for staff in a team leading role (Bands 4-7, e.g. Ward Manager). Our LATPOS programme aims to provide the key skills that leaders and aspiring leaders need to better themselves, get the most out of their staff and ensure that the teams they lead function at their very best. It is a modular programme designed to fit individual’s development requirements and is delivered by expert staff from within the Trust as well as members of the Learning and Development Team. The modules are for one or two days and are delivered at Duncan Macmillan House and The Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre at Rampton Hospital. The programme is regularly reviewed and updated and the Learning and Development Department issue monthly newsletters which provide details of forthcoming events. 130

n Getting the most out of team relationships and understanding different learning styles n Top tips for managing emails n Making meetings work n Managing workload KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Communication (L1-L3) n Information and Information Resources IK3 (L1-L2)

Leading Projects Successfully (1 day) Project management is widely used within the modern NHS. This module aims to introduce participants to the basic principles of project management and how to apply them, and will provide an opportunity for those attending to: n Recognise a project n Use common project management techniques n Identify the different stages of a project n Identify the deliverables and risks for a project n Schedule a project n Identify quality issues n Understand project approaches and team structure

KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Services and Project Management G5 (L1-L2)

Leading Teams/Developing Others (2 days) This module considers the participant’s role in leading teams and developing others by providing an overview of: n The principles of recruitment and selection n How to develop staff n Performance management n How to motivate people n Providing effective feedback n Dealing with conflict KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Equality and Diversity (L1-L2) n Learning and Development G1 (L1-L3) n People Management G6 (L1-L3)

Presenting Information and Communicating Effectively (2 days) This module aims to help participants understand the basic principles of presenting information, using meetings effectively and writing reports. The second day of the module aims to provide a safe environment for participants to finalise a pre-prepared presentation and to deliver this to the group. Key components of this module are: n Report writing n Presenting with impact n Making the most of meetings n Presentation to the group and receiving feedback KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4)

Leadership and management

Promoting and Marketing the Trust (1 day) The healthcare market place is becoming increasingly more competitive and NHS trusts have to respond to this. This module gives an overview of key fundamentals and tools used in marketing and PR. It will explore how marketing is used for everyday products and brands that we use and how this can be applied to the Trust. The following topics will be considered: n What marketing is and its value to the Trust? n The difference between customer and consumer? n The fundamentals of marketing, some of the tools used and how they apply to the Trust n How other organisations use marketing? n The importance of research, targeting and segmentation n Branding and how high profile brands use branding to influence people’s perceptions n The value of good PR and reputation management and the detrimental effects of bad PR KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Service Improvement (L1-L3) n Quality (L1-L3)

Understanding and Developing Yourself as a Leader (1 day) This module further explores the differences between leadership and management and introduces differing perspectives of leadership. It allows participants the opportunity to consider their own strengths as a leader, by reflecting upon: n What would help them to develop further? n The use of coaching questions

n The ethics of leadership n The differences in managing and leading a team n The good habits of good leaders KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Communication (L1-L3) n Information and Information Resources IK3 (L1-L2)

Understanding Finance and Using Resources Effectively (1 day) This module aims to help participants understand the financial structure within The Trust and how their leadership role fits into this structure. The module focuses upon: n How our services are financed n The use of data: Interpreting financial reports n The use of financial targets n Planning services and budgets n Meeting financial challenges KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Financial Management (L1-L3)

Working in Partnership with Others (1 day) This module aims to help participants understand the issues of partnership working. This includes the various departments and professional groups within the Trust as well as external agencies and organisations. Key aspects of the module include: n Interagency working n The advantages and disadvantages of partnership? n Working across agencies avoiding pitfalls

Delivering Effective Health and Safety (1 day) Effective health and safety is essential to the delivery of a quality service. This module will introduce you to the key legal requirements and the tools in place to make a real difference in ensuring that the workplace is as safe as possible for staff and service users. Key aspects of the module include: n What is health and safety and what does it really mean n Introduction to the Trust Health and Safety policies and procedures n Effective Implementation n Understanding operational controls – what does this mean? n Managing safety performance n Monitoring safety performance n Improving performance KSF n Core 3 L1 n Core 4 L1 Regular newsletters will be distributed throughout the Trust detailing the dates and locations of future LATPOS modules. To be placed on the mailing list or to reserve a place please contact: Kimberley Spencer Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext 11152 Email: kimberley.spencer@nottshc.nhs.uk For further information on the modules and their content please speak to: Kevin Warren Training Manager (Local Services) Tel: 0115 9691300 Ext 10526 Email: kevin.warren@nottshc.nhs.uk Martin Jones Training Manager (Forensic) Tel: 01777 247684 Email: martin.jones@nottshc.nhs.uk

KSF n Personal and People Development (L1-L4) n Service Improvement (L1-L3) 131

Leadership and management

Invest to Lead Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy

n Develop a broader understanding of the health and social care context and environment in which we work. n Understanding the prevailing issues, policies and practice currently impacting on the NHS n Reflecting on your own leadership style and capability and the development ofteam based learning n Develop working networks across the Trust and an appreciation of a wide variety of roles in the organisation

A wide variety of methods are used including external speakers, learning sets, activities, theatre style learning, group based learning and personal reflection.

Indicative Content A leadership development programme ‘at scale’. The Executive Leadership Council (around 150 senior staff) are joined by up to 200 others in leadership roles from across the Trust to explore together contemporary, strategic issues, develop personal leadership qualities and enhance the distributed leadership capability of the organisation.


Each Invest to Lead cohort has had enjoyed a bespoke programme allowing the themes and content to be contemporary and relevant to the issues of the day. The unfifying themes of the impact of leadership on the patient experience, the need for quality improvements at lower costs, and the aim to develop great leaders at all levels and in all areas of the Trust remain constant.

Target Audience The Executive Leadership Council members, leaders who are not members of the core ELC, aspiring leaders in clinical and none clinical roles.

Duration 5 full days on alternate months over 10 months.

Booking Details If a further cohort (Invest to Lead 5) is to be run during the year, marketing materials and Trust wide communications will provide all further information.

Leadership and management

Performance Appraisal and Development (previously known as PDR within County Health Partnerships and Offender Health) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n The who, when and where of the review process n how to do an effective review n Different ways of supporting others in the workplace n Identify how the PAD, KSF and Post Outlines work together to inform the PAD process

Indicative Content

The course is designed to make doing reviews simple. This is not a course that will cover eKSF or how to write a KSF outline. The course concentrates on how to do the best reviews and get the best from your team. You will become more skilled at setting objectives and getting reviews done. The course also covers how to use the new PAD documentation from Nottinghamshire Healthcare. It aims to help participants to understand and be able to make the most effective use of the KSF and the development review process’ part of their ongoing personal development. This is aimed at staff who either manage and support others with their PAD, or those who wish to positively contribute to their own personal development in an informed manner.

n What do you understand by the term KSF n What is a KSF Outline and it’s relevance to PAD n The PAD documentation – what to write n How to do effective reviews n How to write effective SMART objectives n Hints for managing difficult reviews n The knowledge and Skills Framework explained n How to support your own and others developmental needs n How to prepare for a PAD review

Teaching and Learning Strategy

13 April 2012 10 July 2012 15 Nov 2012 Duncan Macmillan House 30 May 2012 25 Feb 2013 Highbury Hospital 13 Sept 2012 Millbrook Mental Health Unit

KSF Mapping n Communication Level 2 n Personal and People development Level 2 n Service Improvement Level 1 n Quality Level 1-2 n Equality and Diversity Level 2

Further Information None For further information on the content of this course please contact Angela. Pemberton from the therapeutic Skills Team or Nigel Buck (County Health Partnerships)

A variety of teaching methods are used to encourage discussion, reflection, good team working and understanding.

Refresher Requirements

Target Audience

Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk

All staff who carry out reviews and receive reviews.

Duration 3 hours

Workshops Available County Health Partnerships- Sessions will be advertised via the CHP intranet site.

This is a standalone workshop and there are no refresher requirements.

Booking Details

Edna Blades Rampton Hospital Tel: 01777 247550 Local Services Email: Landcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

11 June 2012 2 October 2012 29 Jan 2013 Mike Harris Learning Centre, Rampton Hospital


Leadership and management

Presentation Skills Train the Trainer Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Recognise how to plan, write and prepare for delivering a presentation to an audience n Identify techniques to engage the audience, handle different types of questions, facilitate group work and discussions effectively and manage difficult behaviours

When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers.

Indicative Content

J McGarib

The course enables the planning and delivery of a presentation and how to facilitate audience participation. The course is ideal for anyone presenting and facilitating learning events i.e. staff inductions.

n How to plan, structure, write and prepare your presentation material considering the needs of the audience n How to prepare yourself by managing nerves, being aware of your communication and how to rehearse effectively n Techniques to encourage audience engagement and participation n How to handle different types of questions n How to initiate group exercises and facilitate feedback n How to manage difficult audience members

Teaching and Learning Strategy n Lecture presentation n Group discussion n Individual work

Target Audience Any member of staff at any level wishing to gain or refresh their presentation skills.

Duration The duration for part one is three and a half hours and the duration for part two is up to three and a half hours depending on the number of course attendees.


Locations / venues of your choice.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 2 n Core 2 Personal & People Development – Level 2 n Equality and Diversity – Level 2

Further Information For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning & Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital. Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department. There maybe an option to use the JIF Funding.

Refresher Requirements None

Booking Details Email: Landcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Leadership and management

Root Cause Analysis Training Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes n Participants will understand n The theory behind human error n How to carry out a systematic investigation into a serious incident

Indicative Content Presentations and group work

Teaching and Learning Strategy To encourage people to work in groups so they can share their knowledge, skills and discuss any problems. Participants will ‘do’ rather than just listen which will help them to remember what they have learnt. Participants will work in groups and carry out an investigation into a case study using root cause analysis tools and techniques

Target Audience For staff who may be involved in carrying out a root cause analysis investigation.

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Local Services Learning and Development Tel: 0115 9555397 Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk

Further Information The session will be delivered by Chris Brougham, Head of Training/Investigator, Verita

KSF Mapping n Core 1 (L4) n Core 2 (L1) n Core 4 (L2) n Core 6 (L2)

Refresher Requirements No requirement for refresher training

Duration 1 day


Leadership and management

Staff Wellbeing and Resilience (Breathing Space) Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

All outcomes for these sessions will be identified and explored by individuals and the facilitators.

All Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff – in Local and Forensic Services. Group size is kept small (10 max) so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Indicative Content

As healthcare professionals we require resilience to deal with stressful circumstances and traumatic events. With today’s emphasis on quality of service and the many pressures of the work environment, how can we deliver the best possible care to patients whilst at the same time feel enriched, energised and able to cope effectively with challenges? With increasing emphasis in modern healthcare on recovery and meeting the holistic and spiritual needs of patients, healthcare practitioners themselves need opportunities to recognise and address their own wellbeing, to raise morale and restore a sense of purpose, positivity and hope in their work.


This afternoon session is an opportunity for a breathing space, a step back from the stress and endless activity of the day, to share, discuss and find support. We learn some simple tools to help us more easily find that place of innercalm where we can reflect, connect with ourselves and that which supports us, and equip ourselves to deal more effectively with the pressures of life and work. The better we take care of our own wellbeing, the better we are able to provide effective care and services for others.


Teaching and Learning Strategy


These sessions will be facilitated by Katja Milner and Liz Day.

Booking Details

The style of the session will be largely experiential including discussion, reflection, group exercises and meditation/visualisation.

Julie Royston Tel: 0115 9529485 Ext: 11185 Email: julie.royston@nottshc.nhs.uk

Half day

Workshops Available 22 May 1.30 – 4.30pm 28 June 1.30 – 4.30pm Leaf room, Highbury

Further Information For further information relating to the training or to find out more about the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Service please contact Katja Milner on 0115 8542289

Refresher Requirements

To book on a workshop, please contact:

Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Begin noticing and bringing into conscious awareness the unconscious beliefs which keep them trapped in stress and suffering n Begin to reveal to themselves the countless other options which they may believe are not open to them n Use ‘The Work’ to begin the journey to freedom from stress and suffering

12 people (maximum)

Indicative Content

‘The Work of Byron Katie’ is a new approach to improving people’s health and wellbeing here in the UK (although already well received and respected in the USA and other countries). It aims to develop a new way of delivering health or social care services at local and national level by offering training to individuals into ways they can identify; question and turn around stressful thoughts. In this way ‘The Work’ has the potential to make a large impact on improving public health generally by delivering better health outcomes and improving long term care by reducing stress. This 1-day experiential workshop will focus on demonstrating to participants how they can do ‘The Work’ themselves; in other words to identify stressful and limiting thoughts themselves; to question those identified stressful thoughts by asking 4 simple questions; to then ask themselves to identify 3 or more ‘Turnarounds’ to those stressful thoughts; finally to give their own examples of how those Turnarounds may be true now or in the past.

n Working from a specific situation n Identification of stressful thoughts n Facilitating each other’s pairs n Working with irrefutable truths – the 5 prompts n Finding turnarounds to the stressful thought

Teaching and Learning Strategy The workshop content will include a mixture of taught and experiential material that involves information giving, focused discussion and group activity. Participants are expected to contribute towards and take part in activities.

Target Audience Anybody who is regularly stressed. Staff coming into contact with patients under stress or stressed carers of patients. Staff whose work is helping clients to develop a conscious awareness of subconscious beliefs. Staff in Adult Mental Health Services.

Duration This is a one day workshop from 9.30am to 4.30pm

Leadership and management

Stress Reduction Workshop (Using ‘The Work of Byron Katie’ to Relieve Stress and Suffering)

23 May 2012 9:30 – 16:30 Orange and Yellow Room, Duncan Macmillan House 20 July 2012 The Training Room, Rowan Unit, Highbury Hospital 4 September 2012 The Seminar Room, Millbrook Mental Health Unit

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Level 2 n Core 2 Level 1 n HWB1 Level 1 n G2 Level 1

Further Information Contact the facilitator (Antony Lehmann on 0771 248 5936) More information may be found on www.thework.com or by searching in www.youtube.com under Byron Katie who is a bestselling author and creator of ‘The Work’

Refresher Requirements Participants are encouraged to refresh by reading the books of Byron Katie particularly ‘Loving what Is’; completing worksheets following experience of stress and doing ‘The Work’ themselves on their stressful thoughts. Support is available if desired by the trainer either on a face to face basis or via Skype. Further 1-day courses will be offered depending on demand.

Booking Details To book on a course please contact: Learning & Development Tel: 0115 9555397 Email: LandDcoursebookings@nottshc.nhs.uk


Leadership and management

Time Management in the Office Environment Health Partnerships, Forensic Services, Local Services

Session Description

Learning Outcomes

Workshops Available

n Recognise the benefits of effective time management and how we currently spend our time n Identify our own time wasters and work to resolve them n Develop a focus on your key result areas n Demonstrate the principles of planning and prioritising

When requested / the course will run when there are sufficient numbers.

Indicative Content

This interactive personal effectiveness course identifies current time management strategies and works to identify and resolve or ease our personal time wasters. Course attendees will share and learn tips and time saving ideas based around planning and prioritising and organising an efficient work area.

KSF Mapping n Core 1 Communication – Level 1 n Core 2 Personal & People Development – Level 1 n Core 4 Service Improvement – Level 1 n Core 5 Quality – Level 1

This interactive course covers:

Further Information

n Benefits of effective time management n Assess our own current time management strategy and how time is currently spent n Identify time wasters and work to resolve them or at least ease them n Consider key result areas n Discover the principles of planning and prioritising n How to organise your work area n Time saving ideas for dealing with paperwork, filing, emails, telephone calls, meetings, travel and IT n Assertive techniques – Saying “No” n How to delegate

For further information on the course content, please call Lisa Ellis, Learning & Development Facilitator based at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Mill Hospital.

Teaching and Learning Strategy

Tel: 01623 622515 Ext: 2787 (shared extension) Please note that there is a charge attached to this session and due to this charge a minimum of five people will need to attend before the session can run. The funding for the session will have to be provided by your self or your department.

n Presentation n Individual work n Group discussion

There may be an option to use the JIF Funding.

Target Audience


Anyone working up to band 6 level that works in an office environment.

Duration 3 hours


Locations / venues of your choice.

Refresher Requirements Booking Details Learning and Development Administration Team Email: learning.development@nottspct.nhs.uk Tel: 0115 8831878

Leadership and management


A to Z of Courses

A to Z of Courses

Course A




Accountability, Dignity and Respect....................................18

Continence Training – Bowel Continence....................67

Introduction to Working with People with Asperger Syndrome................................87

Continence – Male, Female and Supra-pubic Catheterisation........................68


Continence Promotion Introduction.............................69

Band 2 and 3 Education Program..................59

Exploring Psychiatric Diagnosis.................................77


Falls Awareness and Prevention.........................78 Family and Carer Awareness Workshop .............79 Fire Safety Awareness..............30 Fire Warden.............................31 Food Hygiene .........................32

Deaf Awareness for Forensic Mental Health Professionals.....71

Introduction to Working with Groups.............................80

Breakaway Skills/Disengagement (Module 2)...............................27

Dealing with Difficult People..124

Care Programme Approach (CPA).......................................20

Delivering Great Internal Customer Service...................126

Catheterisation Update............62

Dementia (Advances in Care)...72

Healthcare Record Keeping......34

Child Growth Training..............63

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards...................26

Children’s Communication Difficulties: when to refer and how to support ................64

Hospital Life Support/ Refresher.................................35

Dual Diagnosis Training . .........28

Clinical Essential Day................22 Clinical Record Keeping and Documentation Audit..............23


Effective Communication.......125 Effective Delegation...............127 Effective Performance Management.........................128

Clinical Supervision (Preparation for Clinical Supervisors and Supervisees)....65

Effective Presentation Skills....129

Coaching Skills for Mental Health Workers (Life Coaching in Recovery)..............66

End of Life Care (Introduction)...........................75


Conflict Resolution Induction...24

The End of Life Care (EOLC) Pathway – from concept to care...............76

Conflict Resolution Update......25

End of Life Care (Dementia).....74

Coaching for Performance.....122




Equality and Diversity...............29

Customer Service Excellence (replaces ‘Customer Care’).....123

Behavioural Family Therapy For Psychosis (5 day course).....60 Breastfeeding Management.....61


Continence Promotion Update....................................70

Basic Life Support....................19




Group Work Skills Intermediate Level....................81


Hand Hygiene..........................33


Improving Mental Wellbeing by Promoting Physical Health (IMWPPH1)..............................83 Improving Patient Experience (60 Minute Guide)...................82 Infection Control (IC1 – Essential Awareness Workshop)...............................85 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Update.........84 Information Sharing and Confidentiality..................86 Information Governance: An Introduction (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package)......36

A to Z of Courses



Information Governance: The Beginners Guide (Connecting for Health E-Learning Package)......37 Invest to Lead........................132


Leadership at the Point of Service......................130

Course N


Paediatric Basic Life Support.....45

Physical Healthcare................100

Life Story Work in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Services...................91

Pressure Ulcer Management...101 Promoting Personal Recovery and Wellness Planning...........102

Making Decisions: (Advanced Statements)............92

Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services (PSTS) (Module 1) . ............................46

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST).............93

Sexuality, Relationships and Mental Health.................105 Spirituality and Religion in Healthcare.........................106 Stress Reduction Workshop (Using ‘The Work of Byron Katie’ to Relieve Stress and Suffering)...............................137


Team Physical Intervention Skills (Module 3)...............................53 Time Management in the Office Environment................138 Training Skills (Introduction)...107 Trust Induction.........................17

Presentation Skills Train the Trainer.....................134

Manual Handling and Back Care: A Healthy Postures Approach to Movement and Handling.........39

Pre-Retirement Course...........115

Medical Devices.......................94

Professional Administrator.....116


Mental Health Awareness for Support Staff......................96

Recognising the physically ill patient...............................103 Recovery Awareness (Introduction to Recovery Principles in Practice...............104

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Introduction . ..........................40 Mental Health Act 1983...........41

Risk Treatment and Suicide Awareness...............................47

Mid-life Planning Course........113

Motivational Interviewing.........97

Security Update.......................51

Personality Disorder Network...99

Library Information Skills..........90

Minute Taking and Administration for Meetings..114

Security Induction (Core)..........52

Performance Appraisal and Development - (previously known as PDR within County Health Partnerships and Offender Health).............133

Leg Ulcer Management............89


Safeguarding Children.............50

Named Nurse Development Program...................................98

Office Ergonomics ..................44

Leave of Absence/ Escort Training.........................38

Medication Management.........95


Nursing Mentor Update...........42

Learning Disabilities, Mental Health and Recovery....88



Root Cause Analysis Training.. 135


Safeguarding Adults Alerter.....48 Safeguarding Adults Referrer...49 141

This document is also available in other languages and formats upon request.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Duncan Macmillan House Porchester Road Nottingham NG3 6AA Tel: 0115 969 1300

For additional copies of this document please contact the Learning and Development Department on 0115 993 4550.


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