Nottingham Recovery Education Centre

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Hope l o r t n o C y t i n u t r o Opp

Nottingham Recovery Education Centre Summer Term Courses 路 May to July 2011

Nottingham Recovery entre Education C Term Summer Courses 1 ly 201 May - Ju




Understanding experience of mental health issues, treatment and options Understanding Psychosis

2 Making Decisions 3 Drug Awareness 3 Understanding Depression 3 Coping with Depression

4 4 4 5 5

Rebuilding your life with mental health issues and challenges ‘Let’s Talk’ About Recovery

6 6

Developing Skills Work Support Course

7 Introduction to

8 Getting Involved 8 Introduction to Trainer Skills (City and Guilds 7300)

Mentoring Skills

Supporting personal recovery and mental wellbeing Life coaching and goal setting for Recovery Telling your story – building life stories

to book a 9 How place on a course

s e s r u o C m r e T Summer Our courses are friendly, welcoming and deliberately intended to be available to all – people with lived experience of mental health challenges, friends and loved ones of people with lived experience, and those who work alongside people with ongoing experiences of mental health issues.

The courses are of different length and duration – ranging from ‘being present’ to opportunities running over a number of weeks. Take a flick through and if you see a course you like the sound of it’s easy to get involved - just fill out the short booking form. Or, if you’re bursting to do a course that we haven’t thought of, just let us know and we’ll do our best to roll it out for you.



1. Understanding Psychosis Session Overview This is a half-day session that will introduce the subject of psychosis and begin to explore issues relating to the process of diagnosis, treatment options and reported effectiveness. Personal experiences of psychosis and diagnosis of schizophrenia and some of the ways that people have found useful to manage their experiences will underpin the session. Teaching & Learning Approaches Students will be encouraged to participate in managed discussions that will be preceded by brief presentations and personal narratives. Where possible, students will have the opportunity to participate in a question and answer activity with a facilitator who has lived experience. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Friday 10 June 10am - 12.30pm or Monday 18 July 1pm - 3pm

2. Making Decisions

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2 Nottingham Recovery Education Centre

Course Overview Many people who have lived experience of mental distress and mental illness are often concerned that they will not be listened to, that their choices will be limited and that decisions will be made for them. This contradicts the core values and principles that underpin Recovery: Choice, Control and Opportunity. This short course will promote an understanding of individual rights and will explore practical ways that individuals can use to ensure that wherever possible they are able to make decisions for and about themselves. These decisions may focus on how somebody wants to live their life or how they would like

to be supported or treated if they become unwell. This course will be underpinned by relevant legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act and the Human Rights Act. It will also make reference to other current and emerging strategies, such as Personalisation and Shared Decision Making. Teaching & Learning Approaches This course will use a highly interactive approach. Using a case scenario, learners will be guided through a person’s journey by the facilitators and will be encouraged to reflect on key stages and discuss how and when different strategies to support personal decision-making might be used. Brief inputs and/or presentations by the facilitators will provide a theoretical background, but the focus will clearly be on learner participation and facilitated group discussion. The Trust Recovery packs will be used and explored as a potential resource for decision-making and personal Recovery planning. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Tuesday 12 July 1pm - 3pm Monday 18 July 10am - 12pm

3. Drug Awareness

atmosphere. People with little or no previous training or experience will find this course comfortable and very useful. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Thursday 12 May 9.30am - 4pm Tuesday 24 May 9.30am - 4pm

4. Understanding Depression Session Overview This is a half-day session that will explore the nature and experience of depression for people, considering the wide-ranging impact on all aspects of life. The value of diagnosis and medication will be discussed alongside alternative practical steps that people have found useful and used to manage their experiences. Teaching & Learning Approaches This session will be supported by a strong focus on personal experiences of depression. Facilitators will make brief presentation inputs to stimulate debate and discussion, with an emphasis on introducing and reflecting on practical ideas and approaches. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise).

5. Coping with Depression Course Overview This course develops further understanding of how depression can affect people and equips students to be able to deal with depression more effectively. The course looks at depressive thinking and how to challenge it, the impact of lifestyle on depression, and how to build positive thinking and activity into our lives. The course is not about stopping depression, but it is about strategies that help. Teaching & Learning Approaches This course is provided in partnership with Castle College and runs over six weeks - exploring issues in more depth than the short course “Understanding Depression”. If you are interested in learning more about depression and feel able to take on new information whilst talking in a group environment this longer course could be for you. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Wednesday 11 May 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday 18 May 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday 25 May 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday 1 June 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday 8 June 9.30am - 12pm Wednesday 15 June 9.30am - 12pm

Friday 3 June 1pm - 3pm Course Overview This course offers the opportunity to explore attitudes to drug use and the impact these can have on people, the effects and risks of drug use, the indicators of drug use, drug law and local services. Teaching & Learning Approaches Students will be offered the opportunity of spending a day exploring some of the key issues through lively, direct teaching and also discussion in a supportive

Thursday 7 July 10am - 12.30pm

3 Summer Term Courses · May - July 2011

6. ‘Let’s Talk’ About Recovery Session Overview This is a ‘stand-alone’ short session that will introduce and explore what Recovery and wellbeing means for us as people, for mental health services and the wider community. Teaching & Learning Approaches There will be mini-presentations by facilitators. Participants will join in guided discussions and group activities around the themes that come out of the session. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Wednesday 4 May 1pm - 3pm (Venue to be confirmed) Monday 9 May 1pm - 3pm (Venue to be confirmed) Friday 20 May 10am - 12.30pm

7. Supporting personal recovery and mental wellbeing

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4 Nottingham Recovery Education Centre

Course Overview This course will run for six half-day sessions over a seven week period. It will build upon the introductory themes explored in the initial ‘Let’s Talk’ About Recovery course and aims to grow a shared understanding of what personal recovery means - and practical ways to start to support this. Throughout this course we will focus on the key principles of choice, control and opportunities looking at approaches that can help us to achieve these within our lives. These include: personal recovery planning, making advanced decisions, shared decision making and managing personal safety plans. Teaching & Learning Approaches This course will promote an interactive approach that will include structured presentations as a

basis for group discussions and practical activities. Assessment Method Students will produce a summary of their learning ‘journey’, reflecting on their own experiences and how they might put new ideas and approaches into action and to manage their personal recovery journey. The format will be agreed with the course leader, but might include: a written account, a poster/graphic presentation, or something completely different that you are happy with. Please do not be put off if you are not comfortable with ‘formal writing’ – lots of different ways can be used to reflect your chosen personal journey! Course Dates (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Tuesday 7 June 10am - 12.30pm Tuesday 14 June 10am - 12.30pm Tuesday 28 June 10am - 12.30pm Tuesday 5 July 10am - 12.30pm

run by Castle College, offering an environment providing time to think and time to spend on personal growth through change. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Starts Monday 9 May 1pm – 3.30pm (for eight weeks) Monday 16 May 1pm - 3.30pm Monday 23 May 1pm - 3.30pm Monday 30 May 1pm - 3.30pm Monday 6 June 1pm - 3.30pm Monday 13 June 1pm - 3.30pm Monday 20 June 1pm - 3.30pm

be presented in any format that the person prefers. The story will include experiences and relationships that have shaped the person’s identity. Life story work supports the values and principles of recovery. Teaching & Learning Approaches This is a half day workshop with a focus on personal experiences. The facilitators will use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to engage participants and encourage them to reflect on the value of personal stories. Co-ordinated group discussions will support a range of practical activities that will promote the development of knowledge, understanding and skills related to this subject area.

Monday 27 June 1pm - 3.30pm

9. Telling your story – building life stories Course Overview Creating a life story is one way to go beyond a diagnosis and view the person as a unique individual. It is an account of a person’s life and can

Available Sessions Dates for this course are being confirmed – if you are interested in the course please fill in a booking form and we will get back to you with more information.

Tuesday 12 July 10am - 12.30pm Tuesday 19 July 10am - 12.30pm

8. Life coaching and goal setting for Recovery Course overview Where do you want your life journey to take you? Helen Cyrus Whittle, an experienced life coach will help you to achieve where you want to be by helping identify what is holding you back, find out what motivates you and set goals that will get your plan in action. The course encourages positive personal change in the way you think… moving your ideas into action… and making decisions to take the first steps to change the rest of your life. Teaching & Learning Approaches This is an eight week course and is

5 Summer Term Courses · May - July 2011

10. Work Support Course Course Overview This is a really popular course! This course will appeal to people who are considering starting or returning to work and have experienced (or continue to experience) mental health difficulties. We aim to explore perceived problems to employment for people who have experienced mental health difficulties; explore and develop strategies to cope with or overcome these barriers and to encourage people to consider employment as a possible and realistic option. Course participants do not need to be planning to begin work immediately. The course aims to provide participants with the information that may be needed to make informed choices when they do wish to begin work. This includes sources of support and any financial benefits available such as working under the Permitted Work rules and Tax Credits.

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Teaching & Learning Approaches This course is offered over 12 sessions - each lasting two hours, including breaks. The course has 10 planned sessions, an evaluation session and one ‘free’ week; the ‘free’ week will normally take place during a school holiday and its timing will therefore vary. Outside speakers will be asked to join individual sessions when needed. This course is very interactive and each session will be evaluated by the course participants at the end of each session. Course Dates (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Starting Wednesday 4 May 1pm - 3pm for 12 weeks (whole term)

6 Nottingham Recovery Education Centre

Finishing Wednesday 27 July

11. Introduction to Mentoring Skills Session Overview This one day course provides an overview of mentoring and some of the skills required to be a good mentor. Teaching & Learning Approaches This course will be facilitated through group discussions and tutor presentations. Students will be encouraged to participate in the group discussions and activities. Available Sessions (delivered from 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW unless advised otherwise). Thursday 19 May 10am - 3pm with regular breaks Thursday 2 June 10am - 3pm with regular breaks

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7 Summer Term Courses 路 May - July 2011

12. Introduction to Trainer Skills (City and Guilds 7300) Course Overview This course provides a practical introduction to training. The course is aimed at people who are new to the training field or who have had no formal training and would benefit from understanding more about the development and delivery of training. The course is assessed by each learner delivering a short training session and successfully completing a multi-choice quiz. Teaching & Learning Approaches This course will be facilitated through group discussions and tutor presentations. Students will be encouraged to participate in the group discussions and will be supported to do a short presentation to the group. Available Sessions (Course venue to be confirmed). Monday 16 May 10am - 4pm with regular breaks Monday 23 May 10am - 4pm with regular breaks

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8 Nottingham Recovery Education Centre

How to book a e s r u o c a n o e plac You can book courses by completing a booking form and sending it to: Julie Swann Social Inclusion and Wellbeing Team, The Ivy Suite, Adult Mental Health, Highbury Hospital, Highbury Road, Nottingham, NG6 9DR Or If you have internet access you can email your booking request to: Or Phone Julie Swann on: 0115 956 0802 where she or a colleague will take your details over the phone. Or You can call in at 702 Mansfield Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3FW and pick up a form to fill in and leave with the Recovery Education Centre reception.

If you would like to talk to someone about options or have more questions please get in touch. We will either answer your question immediately or get back in touch with you. The Recovery Education Centre is new and we are just starting out on the journey of offering something different please let us know what you think and if you have any comments we would love to hear from you. We also hope to offer many more courses, so please also let us know what opportunities you would like to have available – and also if you would like to be involved in developing or running them.

9 Summer Term Courses ¡ May - July 2011

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