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Nottinghamshire Healthcare


NHS Trust


about integrated healthcare

Health Secretary opens new unit at Rampton Hospital l-r: Professor Dean Fathers, Chair, Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Dr Mike Harris, Executive Director Forensic Services

David Wilson Unit officially opened – see page 2


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The official opening of the David Wilson Unit at Rampton Hospital was a true highlight of the year so far. We were honoured that the Health Secretary was able to take the time from his busy schedule to join us for the occasion which showcased the high quality services we provide at the Hospital. The Minister commented how he had enjoyed his visit and tour of the Hospital and found it fascinating seeing the change in buildings from the Victorian to our newest state of the art unit. He remarked how impressed he was with the high quality environment and the delivery of superb therapeutic care. The David Wilson Unit provides a fantastic environment in which our patients with learning disabilities can receive the highest quality care to suit their needs. It is a fitting tribute to David who lobbied so hard on behalf of this vulnerable group of people. I am very proud of what we do at Rampton Hospital and it is great that our high quality services are recognised in such a way. Well done to you all. I would also like to congratulate the team behind the Palliative Care Suite at HMP Whatton for creating something which is really making a difference to people in need of specialist care and also to the education team at the Peaks for their recent award win. Finally, it is great news that we have been shortlisted as the Mental Health Provider of the Year in the RCPsych 2011 awards. The winner will be announced in November.

Mike Harris, Executive Director Forensic Services


l-r Professor Dean Fathers, Andrew Lansley CBE MP, David Wilson’s wife Margery and daughters, Dr Mike Harris.

David Wilson Unit officially opened The Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley CBE MP officially opened the new home of the National High Secure Learning Disability Service at Rampton Hospital on 23 June. The unit is the highest value capital project ever undertaken by the Trust (£35m) and offers an improved National Service for the predominantly young group of men with learning disability who have diverse forensic and health needs within an environment of high security. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: “We are committed to improving the quality of care, patient experience and outcomes for all NHS patients. This new building will help ensure the National High Secure Learning Disability Service can continue to deliver this commitment. I am very pleased to have had this chance to meet staff and patients and to see the impressive work they do."

The development provides improved therapy facilities and better security and safety for staff and visitors. It also delivers a service that meets the requirements of the Strategy on Care Pathways and is responsive to the needs of patients, families, commissioners and the community for the 21st Century. Dr Mike Harris, Executive Director, Forensic Services said: “We are absolutely delighted with the new unit. It offers the highest quality environment to our patients with learning disabilities and enables us to provide improved therapies whilst keeping

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everyone safe and secure. Feedback from staff and patients alike has been extremely positive.” The building, known as the David Wilson Unit, is named after the former Clinical Director of the Learning Disability Service at Rampton who died in 2007 and for whom the provision of high quality care for this most disadvantaged group was a lifetime passion. It comprises four residential house units, with a total of 54 beds and also includes a Therapeutic Core Building which is accessed by patients attending for daytime activities, such as exercise in the multi-gym and music therapy in the dedicated music room. Speaking at the opening, Mike noted: “While it is sad that David is not here to see the unit so aptly named after him I’m sure he would be delighted with the building and service dedicated to the group of men he had spent his working life treating. The NHS can be truly proud of the innovative design and equally innovative service provided here, as we all are.” The ceremony was a great occasion attended by approximately 80 guests including David’s family, friends and colleagues, current staff and patients.

Staff from both teams at the away day

Dementia teams join forces on away day On Monday 20 June the Nottingham City Specialist Dementia Outreach Team and the County Dementia Outreach Service staff joined together on an away day. The agenda focused on outcomes from a recent pilot undertaken by both teams using TOMS (therapy outcome measure scale). The teams are now planning to devise a dementia scale for publication in the next edition of the book. The teams also discussed caseloads and strategies to manage an ever-increasing patient population, how to reduce the use of anti-psychotics in care homes and partnerships/links with other dementia agencies and organisations.

As well as viewing the new unit and meeting with some of its patients, the Minister visited some other areas of the Hospital. His tour took in the National High Secure Deaf Service and a predischarge/lower risk ward in the Personality Disorder Service. He also met with the Clinical Director for Men’s Personality Disorder and National Women’s Service Directorates to learn more about the specialist services provided. The building programme of the David Wilson Unit took approximately two years to complete; work commenced on site in February 2008 and was completed in March 2010, with patients moved into the unit in June 2010. The scheme was led and managed by the Trust’s Capital Planning Unit in partnership with Laing O’Rourke, and was completed ahead of the original schedule and £1million under budget.

Highbury hosts dignitaries Sir Andrew Buchanan, Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire (centre left) and Colonel Richmond, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire (centre right) were hosted by Mike Cooke and Dean Fathers on a recent visit to Highbury.

Sculpture at the unit

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Mental health in pictures at Institute art exhibition Visitors from all walks of life are invited to attend the latest arts and mental health exhibition being staged in the Institute of Mental Health’s offices at the Sir Colin Campbell Building. The exhibition, titled ‘Interiors’, has been arranged by the Institute in conjunction with City Arts (www.city-arts.org.uk) and is the Institute’s fourth art exhibition. Previous exhibitions have focused on identity and voices. 21 local and regional artists have been selected for this exhibition. Their work forms a unique collection of high quality art work that intrigues, stimulates and challenges the notions of mental health interiors. The exhibition runs until November 2011 and is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm at the Institute of Mental Health, Sir Colin Campbell Building, University of Nottingham Innovation Park, Triumph Road, Nottingham NG7 2TU. Parking permits are available from the IMH reception or parking is available at the Sports Hall on campus, or on Triumph Road. For any further information or to purchase the artwork, please contact Kate on kate@city-arts.org.uk or call 0115 978 2463.

'Inside Work' by Anthony Gariff

Front row, left to right: Pip, Georgia, Shelby, Lauren; Back row, left to right: Caroline Prance, Kerry, Marie Armstrong.

CAMHS self-harm group makes DVD Written by Georgia, Kerry, Pip, Lauren and Shelby Ama Mental Reck – not a name you’d expect for a selfharm support group! Because each group is new and unique we are allowed to create our own group name ourselves. Sometimes it can be difficult for people to take the first steps and admit they need help. That’s why we made a DVD to encourage other young people to join the self-harm group, to help make them feel welcome and, most importantly, to assure them they are not alone. Our messages to you are: · “Don’t be afraid” (Pip) · “Stay strong” (Lauren) · “Get support if you need it” (Kerry) · “Don’t be scared; you’ll make new friends” (Shelby) · “Getting help to be healthy is easier in a group” (Georgia) In the group you are not forced to stop self-harming, but there is support there if you want to. This was really important to all of us. Some of us have stopped self-harming, two of us have not self-harmed for over a year. Some people have not stopped completely but feel different about it and more hopeful that they can stop when they are ready. What we got out of the group: · “There are other ways to cope with feelings/emotions than self-harming (e.g. punching my pillow)” (Kerry) · “The Mindfulness techniques really helped me” (Lauren) · “There was plenty of support” (Shelby) · “It wasn’t all serious – we played games and had general conversations!” (Georgia) · “Even though the group ended we still stayed in touch” (Pip) · “I can clearly see the group has made a great difference to my girlfriend and everyone else in the group. It has made their lives a lot better” (Mike; Georgia’s boyfriend) For more information about the DVD or the self-harm group please contact the group facilitators, Caroline Prance and Marie Armstrong on 0115 844 0505. Many thanks to Nicola Brindley for the filming and production of the DVD.


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Safety course successes A number of courses have taken place recently to give service users at CAMHS and the Wells Road Centre the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications in Food Safety and Health and Safety. The courses were delivered by Mandy Turton, Hotel Services Coordinator and Susan Brown, Hotel Services Manager. Mandy delivered Food Safety training to young people at CAHMS, and said: “I was really proud of them all for participating and engaging with this subject. The course provides a valuable qualification to add to their CV as well as practical skills. As ever the young people and staff at the education base were very welcoming and made the two days a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. I was thrilled when the results came back with all passes.”

e, Catherine l-r Mike Cook e Director Allied Pope, Associat nals, James Health Professio d Wellbeing h an Routen, Healt nt l-r) Maureen Coordinator, (fro sopp All a nn Do le, Argy

Comments from people attending the course included: · “I found the course was beneficial as I am considering working in the hospitality or catering industry” · ”It was fun and taught me the skills I may need in the future and was a helpful course to do” · “It was really fun and a useful skill to have in the future” Positive results have also arrived from the CIEH Heath and Safety course that took place in June, with all seven who sat the examination passing. Jo Russell, Senior Occupational Therapist, said: ”The students really value the opportunity to gain vocational qualifications in a safe environment. For some it was the first time in some years that they had studied and attempted to get a qualification, something that is a real feat in itself and gives them the confidence to go on and learn further. For others it was the first step on the ladder to returning to work; for one or two work was definitely one of their short to medium term goals.” It is likely that another course will be run in the near future.

Be part of the Challenge, the Trust’s campaign to celebrate the forthcoming London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, was launched on 29 June. Olympic champions from across the Trust, staff and service users joined Chief Executive Mike Cooke as he hoisted a flag outside Trust headquarters at Duncan Macmilllan House to mark the occasion. The Step Up To Involvement challenge kicking off in September and Millbrook Sports Day on 11 August are just two of the activities running across the Trust. To find out more and how to get involved with these and other events, visit the Olympics area on the intranet where you can join the interactive forum to share ideas and progress, or contact Julie Royston on 0115 952 9488 or Julie.royston@nottshc.nhs.uk

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Summer fun at Thorneywood fête On Thursday 30 June, a beautiful summer’s day, Thorneywood education base was the location for a summer fête. The adolescents set up stalls including crafts (featuring brooches, hair clips and bookmarks), tombola, face painting, an impressive array of plants, and cakes including marigold buns, lavender cupcakes, gooseberry crumble cupcakes and strawberry shortcake – all prepared in Thorneywood’s very own kitchen.

Lunch included a variety of quiches and salads made with ingredients from the garden and a refreshing glass of elderflower cordial made from elderflowers picked from ‘Chateaux Thorneywood’. The face painting was done by a very talented adolescent who transformed people into tigers or decorated them with flowers. The tombola stall sold out very quickly, with donations

Recipe for Thorneywood elderflower cordial Ingredients · 4.5 litres of water · 700g sugar · Juice and thinly peeled rind of one lemon · 30ml of cider or wine vinegar · 12 elderflower heads (preferably picked on a dry sunny day)


Method · Bring the water to the boil and pour into a sterilised container. · Add the sugar, stirring until dissolved. When cool add the lemon juice and rind, vinegar and elderflowers. · Cover with several layers of muslin and leave for 24 hours. · Filter through muslin into strong glass bottles and leave. The drink is ready after 2 weeks.

coming from parents and staff. The cake from the ‘guess the weight’ competition was made by site manager Nicky and won by a day unit pupil who guessed closest to the actual weight of 1.9kg. The main event was the opening of the woodland trail. Jade Crawford, event organiser, cut the ribbon and declared it open. After months of hard labour, everyone was amazed at the fantastic outcome. The raffle was next, with a top prize of a delicious chocolate cake, made by Thorneywood’s very own chocolatier. Nicola, a member of staff, turned out to be the holder of the golden ticket, so it was a win-win situation for the adolescents, as they were later offered a slice of the cake. The afternoon was enjoyed by staff, parents and adolescents alike, whilst raising funds for the unit. At the end of the afternoon £260 had been raised. With such an impressive total it was decided to donate some of the money to charity. Some of the money may go towards the garden and education base and there will also be a contribution to the day unit class, which helped out with crafts and a ‘guess the pig’s name’ competition.

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Care in Crisis panel visits Bassetlaw mental health services On Wednesday 8 June representatives from the Mind inquiry into acute mental health services visited Bassetlaw to hear evidence submitted to them on the excellent local and Trustwide initiatives that are improving service users’ and carers’ experience of acute and crisis services.


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The aim of the inquiry is for everyone who needs access to acute and crisis mental health services to receive high-quality care which aids recovery and supports wellbeing. As part of the campaign the independent inquiry will: • Investigate the state of acute mental health services • Create a vision for the treatment, care and support of adults in acute mental distress • Make recommendations for how to bring it about. The inquiry panel consisted of Sashi Sashidharan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Alison Cobb, Senior Policy and Campaigns Officer, MIND and Sophie Corlett, Director of External Relations, MIND. A lengthy

question and answer session was held regarding the service provided including information on demographics, the recovery strategy, carer initiatives, service user feedback, service user involvement, therapeutic activities, facilitating links with the community, multi-disciplinary working and ward rounds. Following the discussion the panel visited ward B2 and met with patients to gain their views on the service available. The panel appeared very impressed with the innovative and quality-focused initiatives available to the service users and carers. For more information visit www.mind.org.uk/campaigns_and_issu es/current_campaigns/care_in_crisis.

The overall picture of how Bassetlaw services fit together was brilliantly presented by (left to right) Trevor Hogg, ERIF and Rosewood Centre Chair; Sarah Bradshaw, CRHT team leader; Nigel Groves, Rosewood Involvement Centre Manager; Andrea Emmens, Family intervention service; Sashi Sashidharan; Simon Barnitt, Ward Manager B2; Chris Cooper, Charge Nurse B2; Martyn Illingworth, Peer Support Worker Project Lead, Advocacy Alliance Project Manager; Beth Grimditch, Recovery Lead B2; Sophie Corlett, Nick Daibell, General Manager AMH County; Alison Cobb and (not pictured) Jo Horsley, Acute Service Manager.

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Maintaining Investors in People s The Trust is due to be reassessed against the Investors in People (IiP) standard during the week commencing 3 October 2011. This assessment takes place every three years in order to check the Trust is still compliant with the standard. Two IiP assessors will be on site for the week visiting a number of different Trust sites. They will be speaking with a cross section of staff and will ask questions in relation to the indicators below. A timetable for the visit will be developed in liaison with service managers. The IiP standard consists of 10 indicators as follows: • Business Strategy – A strategy for

improving the performance of the organisation is clearly defined and understood. • Learning & Development Strategy – Learning and development is planned to achieve the organisation’s objectives. • People Management Strategy – Strategies for managing people are designed to promote equality of opportunity in the development of the organisation’s people. • Leadership & Management Strategy – The capabilities managers need to lead, manage and develop effectively are clearly defined and understood. • Management Effectiveness – Managers are effective in leading, managing and developing people. • Recognition & Reward – People’s contribution to the organisation

is recognised and valued. • Involvement & Empowerment – People are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility by being involved in decision-making. • Learning & Development – People learn and develop effectively. • Performance Measurement – Investment in people improves the performance of the organisation. • Continuous Improvement – Improvements are continually made to the way people are managed and developed. The other articles on this page show two examples of how the Trust is investing in its staff. This includes the Trust’s support for

Block training success in Local Services Following the success of block training within the Forensic Services division this model of delivery was introduced to Local Services in January 2011. The Local Services block training programme is for staff working in areas allocated with defibrillators. Six essential training sessions are delivered over a two-day period at various venues across the Trust including Nottingham, Mansfield and Bassetlaw to make it easier for staff to access the training and cut down on their travelling time and costs. The advantage of the blocks is that staff are only out of their regular place of work for two days; previously this may have been six separate training days. A team of staff from within the Division


Investors Hospital Life Course

has successfully undertaken a ‘Train the Trainer’ session for hand hygiene training. These staff deliver the block training sessions and are also able to deliver this training to their own staff back in the workplace, which is helping to increase the number of staff attending sessions. Next year management of violence and aggression (MVA) training will be included alongside the blocks.

Sam Wheatley

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Left to right: Kelly Stafford, Ingrid Hunt, Andrea Emmens, Simon Barnitt

e standards apprenticeships, encouraging young people to join the Trust in a training role, and how training can be tailored to different requirements to meet the needs of the staff. For further information please contact: • Denise Harrison (Local Services) denise.harrison@nottshc.nhs.uk • Julian Eve (Forensic Services) julian.eve@nottshc.nhs.uk • Lorraine Eastham (HR) lorraine.eastham@nottshc.nhs.uk • Amanda Santaney (Arnold Lodge) amanda.santaney@nottshc.nhs.uk • Leah Ousely (Wathwood) leah.ousley@nottshc.nhs.uk • Kaye Owen (CHP) kaye.owen@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk • Wendy Tomlinson (CHP) wendy.tomlinson@nottshc-chp.nhs.uk.

I View from an apprentice Written by Sam Wheatley, Apprentice “I joined the Nursing & AHP Directorate as an apprentice administrator in September 2010 working with the Releasing Time to Care Team. Since January 2011 I have had further opportunity to work within the Trust Safeguarding Team and have found these experiences both challenging and valuable. I am now well on the road to achieving my ENVQ, having already achieved most of my targets. The support and guidance I have received have been excellent and have really helped me develop my skills. “I have attended meetings and conferences and been able to observe a range of different professionals in their work. A highlight of my time as an apprentice was the opportunity to shadow an ambulance team during one of their shifts. “I have learned a lot which I know I will be able to use in my future work life and overall I have found the apprentice experience brilliant.” For further information about apprenticeships contact Heather Porter on heather.porter@nottshc.nhs.uk or Susan Stronach on susan.stronach@nottshcchp.nhs.uk

Volunteer improves carer information Written by Ingrid Hunt, Carer Volunteer, Rosewood Centre: Two years ago my husband went to ward B2 at Bassetlaw Hospital. I was told to “let him settle on to the ward and visit him the following day.” All of a sudden I was on my own, feeling very distressed and isolated; not knowing who I could talk to and in some ways not wanting to feel a nuisance phoning the ward. I didn’t know what was happening and I wanted to know what David would be going through. I had never experienced mental health issues, so this was a totally new experience that I really didn’t want to go through. After six weeks, David was able to come home, so now without any knowledge, training or help I became a carer. A month later I joined a carers’ group at Bassetlaw Hospital and it wasn’t until this time that I realised I wasn’t alone. The subject of feeling so isolated and not knowing who to turn to came up

frequently with new people attending the group. I thought it would be helpful for carers to be given details of who they can talk to, together with basic information about the ward. Now a form has been launched in addition to the existing Carers, Family and Friends information booklet. I feel so happy knowing that on their initial visit onto an acute ward, a carer will be given the information they will need at what is a very distressing time, and that now they will be able to make contact and be given information about their loved one to give them peace of mind. For more information contact Simon Barnitt, B2 Ward Manager or Kelly Stafford, Family, Friends and Carer Champion on 01909 502032; Andrea Emmens, Family Interventions Service on 01909 502025; Ingrid Hunt on 01623 835210.

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Community Services Update It is now three months since services and staff transferred into Nottinghamshire Healthcare and through County Health Partnerships we began delivering community services to the people of Nottinghamshire. I know there is still uncertainty around structures and we also face challenges now about this years’ efficiency programme. Bearing in mind we are just three months in, I think we can all look proudly at what we have achieved

during this very short time scale. We developed quick wins for the partnership and it is great to see how many of them are being delivered. Many thanks for all your hard work, support and commitment to making this partnership work. I look forward to getting to know many more of you in the coming months and helping you deliver transformation in the services we provide. Paul Smeeton, Chief Operating Executive

Good news this month… I Countywide

Referrals made easier A new Adult Community Nursing referral form for use by GP Practices has been developed and is being rolled out to all practices. The form has been approved by localities and the Local Medical Committee (LMC) and can be used electronically or in hard copy; whatever suits the requirements of individual practices. Benefits of the new form: · Much easier for GPs to complete with space for practice stamps and patient stickers. · Nurses will have all the information they require before visiting a new patient, ensuring the patient receives an appropriate, high quality holistic assessment and nursing care. · Consistency across the County – the same form will now be used in each locality. · As it is the first form that has been designed in partnership by GPs and community staff (the person who will be completing it and the person who receives it) this results in a streamlined referral process.

“Something to smile about!” To celebrate National Smile Month the Oral Health Promotion team travelled across the County delivering free interactive oral health workshops in 70 schools to a total of 3,000 pupils. The sessions were created to raise the importance of looking after your mouth. The Year 6 students were given up-to-date information to empower them to take responsibility for their own oral health as they prepare to enter secondary school.


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I Nottingham West

Community ward pilot proving successful The community ward pilot at Eastwood has recently had its first review and all involved were extremely positive about the benefits to the patient. The model aims to recreate the benefits of multi-disciplinary working, which patients experience within an inpatient setting. This initiative brings primary care and community services together in a way that truly reflects the principles of CHP, enabling clinical integration.

I Newark and Sherwood

I Highpoint

Using technology to engage – SMS Texting

Patients stride out at Sutton Lawn Research

Health Visiting staff within the Child and Family Team at Newark and Sherwood waste clinical time due to patients not being at home, forgetting appointments and not cancelling appointments. ¡ Time lost: 45 hours per month ¡ Loss of patient contact: 76 contacts per month. Using SystmOne, the team are able to text patients to remind them of appointments at no cost. This saves clinical time, travelling costs and improves the patient experience overall. The pilot is now coming to an end and the plan is to roll this out to other localities and disciplines across County Health Partnerships.

Community Ward Round Pilot The Rainworth Integrated Nursing team has commenced a pilot with Hillview Practice having monthly meetings with the community matron, district nurse, GP, practice manager and other specialists. The meeting is to discuss a specified list of patients to address their medical mangement plan and expected outcome and also discharge planning from the community team back to the practice if applicable. This pilot is to improve communication within the teams and to ensure patients have a consistent management plan across all services. The pilot will be evaluated and if successful, the team will involve the other surgeries in the locality.

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation team at Ashfield Community Hospital organised a walk with patients at Sutton Lawn in May. The walk was organised as the team feel that getting the patients out and about is more functional, builds their confidence in walking outside and gives them an opportunity to socialise. The patients really enjoyed the walk and felt it added value to their Pulmonary Rehabilitation programme. More walks will be organised in the future. Pulmonary Rehabilitation programmes are clinically and cost effective in improving health, quality of life and reducing the number of hospital admissions for people with COPD. This is a prime example of innovation and enriching patient experience, two values that are core to CHP.

developments at John Eastwood Hospice The Specialist Palliative Care service based at John Eastwood Hospice is developing clinical research. Dr. Alpna Chauhan and research nurse Louisa Scothern, are funded by the Comprehensive Local Research Network (CLRN) to develop and carry out research relevant to palliative and end of life care. Look out for more information coming from the team in the future.

I Principia

Inter-professional learning at Lings Bar Lings Bar Hospital already has an excellent relationship with Nottingham University in supporting students and placement development. Together they have developed and been piloting a

project introducing inter-professional learning at Lings Bar. This work has been recognised nationally, and the Interprofessional Learning Team at the hospital has been asked to do a joint

presentation and workshop with the University, showcasing this work and sharing it with others, at the International Conference for Healthcare in Education at Cambridge University in September.

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Health Informatics Service update: Clinical noting pilot project realising early benefits I Specialist services

Open day for dental services

Giving Voice The Nottingham Adult Speech & Language Therapy Service is positive about supporting the RCSLT campaign for 2011 ‘Giving Voice’. The RCSLT launched the campaign ‘Giving Voice’ to increase the understanding of the work of the speech and language therapist. The campaign aims to show how speech and language therapy transforms lives and releases value for the government, society and the economy. Further information about the campaign can be found at www.givingvoice.org

Staff dedication Stapleford Walk-in Centre: Amanda Johnson and Louise Walters, Senior Nurses at the Stapleford Walk-in Centre have both completed the Non-Medical Prescribing course. They are now awaiting the results which are out in six weeks. Their team is glad to have them back following their total dedication to the course over the past six months.


The Salaried Dental Service recently had an open day at Park House for patients, carers and referrers to drop in and learn about the services available for the people who require special care. The event was a great success and was attended by a wide range of people. Following the promotional day the service has provided oral care, education and information, as well as improved access to dental care for some of the most vulnerable members of the local community. Due to the success of the day, the services on other sites will be holding similar events. Look out for these dates.

Nutrition and dietetics: A number of very positive comments have been received from patients at Clinic One thanking the team. The family of a patient said: “Lynn Hagin’s advice and support was invaluable, my mum couldn’t have got as far as she did without her.” Salaried Dental Service: Fiona Meats, Senior Dental Practitioner for the Special Needs Service has just been awarded onto the General

Dental Council's Specialist Register for Special Care Dentistry. Fiona has worked for the service for many years and this award is recognition for all the hard work and dedication to improve access to dentistry for the most vulnerable patients. On behalf of the Dental Team we would like to congratulate Fiona on this great achievement. It is very well deserved and wonderful news for the Service.

The Willows Unit and Rowan 1 ward at Highbury Hospital went live in June with electronic progress noting in RiO, joining their sister ward Rowan 2 which went live a month earlier. There are now over 100 staff members entering ‘real time’ electronic progress notes for 50 inpatients. The pilot is now fully live and staff are already realising benefits including 24-hour access to comprehensive ‘real time’ information about the patients they are caring for. The pilot is designed to test the concept of electronic progress noting. This enables the project team to analyse various working practices and gain the views of staff and patients in a fully operational live environment. Early analysis shows that the system can accommodate a number of varying working practices to allow staff to work in a way that suits them and their patients, whilst still delivering the business and clinical benefits that lie at the heart of this project. Sally Redgate, Project Business Change Lead, said: “The staff feel that electronic noting improves their working day as well as improving patient care. Staff have demonstrated great enthusiasm for working with electronic noting and they would like to keep it at the end of the pilot. We all dream of the day when the whole of Local Services is using electronic noting.” Mobile technology including DigiPens and other wireless devices will also be explored as part of this pilot which will be introduced to the Highbury wards in the very near future.

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New appointments to Local Services The Local Services Division has recently welcomed Hazel Johnson as Clinical Director Adult Mental Health County and Clare Teeney as Head of Human Resources. Here we find out a bit more about them both.

Hazel Johnson

Clare Teeney

Having qualified in medicine in Edinburgh in 1990, Hazel trained in psychiatry in Edinburgh and Glasgow before moving to Nottingham in 1995 for higher psychiatric training. In 1998 she was appointed as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Nottingham, initially full time in the sectorised Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) service. Hazel has seen the service develop and improve in many ways, with service redesign and the development of NSF teams. She now works part time, as a community Consultant in the South County Early Intervention in Psychosis Team and the Broxtowe and Hucknall Community Mental Health Team.

Clare has worked in Human Resources since 1998 in both local government and the NHS. She has a business studies degree, a post graduate diploma in employment law and is in the final year of her MBA at Loughborough University. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Hazel enjoys a number of roles locally, including being vice chair of the Local Services Senior Medical Staff Committee and Lead Consultant in County South Adult Mental Health. On a national level she is an elected member of the Faculty of General and Community Psychiatry of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. “I am delighted with the opportunity of being appointed the Clinical Director in County AMH,” said Hazel, “and I’m looking forward to the challenges and exciting opportunities ahead.” Hazel joined the Division on Monday 1 August 2011, and will be based at The Hope Centre, Wollaton Road, Beeston, Nottingham. The contact telephone number is 0115 9194470.

Celebrating volunteers On 10 June an awards ceremony and buffet luncheon was held for our volunteers and community partners in recognition of the excellent work that volunteers do on behalf of the Trust’s Social Inclusion and Wellbeing Service. The event was hosted by FJCUS at Aspley Community and Training Centre and was an ideal opportunity for volunteers and partner organisations to get together and celebrate the value of working in volunteering. Each of the volunteers and partner groups received a certificate of appreciation and the Trust was represented by Sangita Dhawan, Ian Kirkpatrick and Tim Wood. Special thanks go to Darren and Ro (Megabites Café) for the excellent buffet they provided.

In her spare time Clare enjoys spending time with family and friends and likes running and walking to keep fit. Clare took up her role with the Trust on 14 June. She said: “I am really excited to be working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare and I have been made to feel extremely welcome. It is great to be part of an organisation that is committed to working with people for the benefit of others, which is why I originally pursued a career in HR.” Clare is based at Duncan Macmillan House and can be contacted on 0115 969 1300 ext 10536.

Successful application for Managed Innovation Network Following a successful application for a Sexuality and Mental Health Managed Innovation Network (MIN), the Trust has been awarded £5,000 to complete research exploring staff attitudes towards sexuality and mental health. The aims of the MIN are: · To bring together interested people from a clinical, research, service user and carer perspective to explore staff attitudes regarding the area of sexuality, relationships and the needs of service users in secondary care mental health services. · To develop and implement a research tool to explore staff and carer attitudes regarding sexuality and the sexual needs of service users. · To link up with Trinity College, Dublin University, to conduct a comparative study between Nottingham and Dublin Adult Mental Health Services. For more information about the Sexuality and Mental Health MIN please contact Sarah Fairbank on 0115 8760100 or sarah.fairbank@nottshc.nhs.uk or Jenny Poole on 0115 8760124 or jenny.poole@nottshc.nhs.uk.

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Millbrook Team takes part in Race for Life A team of ladies from administrative and clinical staff from Millbrook Mental Health Unit took part in the Race for Life 2011 at Nottingham Victoria Embankment on 5 June. The race was held to raise money for Cancer Research, which funds the work of over 4,000 scientists, doctors and nurses across the UK. Their scientists carry out a wide range of research to understand the causes of cancer and investigate ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. The charity also helps patients and their families get the vital information they need to understand cancer. The charity is entirely funded by the public so the money raised at these events really does save lives. Before the race the ladies went round garnering support and sponsorship, and invested in pink ears, feather boas, sunglasses and tutus to wear on the day. The variation of costumes on race day was excellent and a couple of our ladies

National recognition for Palliative Care Suite Some of the members of the Millbrook Race For Life team with their medals.

decided to do the race three legged – great coordination needed there! On arrival it was heartening to see how many people had turned out for such a good cause – spectators as well as participants. Many people brought young children and their pet dogs to take part too. The race kicked off at 11am with the runners going first, then those choosing to jog and then

Adoption appeal Nottinghamshire County Council is appealing to people who could become adoptive parents and offer a child a loving, stable home. There are many different kinds of children with a wide range of needs waiting to be adopted in


the walkers going next. The sunny weather made it a very enjoyable experience and the atmosphere was fantastic. Everyone was cheered and encouraged along the course. The Millbrook team all finished the race and received medals and goody bags at the finish line, with everyone agreeing what fun they had had. In all the team raised a combined total of £630.00 – well done ladies!

Nottinghamshire. They may have some level of special needs and many will have brothers and sisters also looking to be adopted, preferably together. Most importantly, they are all children who need love, guidance, security and a feeling of belonging. Many children who are waiting to be adopted will have had a difficult past – but you could give them a wonderful future. To find out more visit: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/adoption or contact adoption@nottscc.gov.uk or 0845 301 2288

The Palliative Care Suite at HMP Whatton is to be included in a forthcoming Department of Health publication on end of life care support in prison. The suite, known as The Retreat, was developed jointly by the prison and the Offender Health team following a number of deaths at the prison due to cancer. It is a purpose built suite, designed to meet the needs of patients requiring end of life care offering patients with a life limiting illness the option to spend their last days within prison if they wish. The Retreat was officially opened in March 2011 by the Nottingham Coroner, Mairin Casey. Funding for the suite was secured from the King’s Fund as part of the ‘Enhancing the Healing Environment’ programme. The project team that included Karen Shaw, Lead Nurse for the pathway and Bridget Hall, Practice Manager, worked with Prison partners and the King’s Fund over a period of two years to develop the amazing facility. The aim of The Retreat is to give patients within the prison access to healthcare of a standard comparable to that in the community. Due to the nature of the client group, the option of dying in their own home is seldom possible. Therefore, the challenge for health and prison staff is to provide good quality care and support and the opportunity for these patients

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Peaks Learning Team pick up award Congratulations to the Peaks Education Team named winners in the Leading the Learner Voice Awards 2011. Hosted by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) in partnership with the National Union of Students (NUS), the awards recognise innovation, effort and action in supporting and promoting learners. The team were named top in the category of Most Improved Provider – Workbased Learning, Adult and Community Learning and Offender Learning at a ceremony held in London on 29 June 2011. Perdita Jackson and Zane Dexter attended the event on behalf of the team and were presented with their award by Chair of the LSIS Board, Dame Ruth Silver DBE. Dame Ruth Silver stated “I am delighted with the standard of nominations we had for this year’s Awards. It has been inspiring to learn about the tremendous achievements being made by the sector in supporting and promoting learners. Each award recipient demonstrates the very best of the excellent and innovative work that is being undertaken up and down the country.” and their families to have a dignified and positive experience.

Standing l-r: Luke Cooper, Perdita Jackson, Zane Dexter Sitting l-r: David Underwood, Clare Thurlow

The suite consists of a purpose built private room and beautifully designed garden area providing a tranquil environment within the healthcare department for patients receiving end of life care, enabling them to spend some quality time with their loved ones and die with dignity in a calm and peaceful environment. In addition The Retreat also provides economical benefit, saving the bed watch costs and additional security risks that come with moving a patient out of prison to healthcare facilities in the community. Many prisoners who have been informed that they have a terminal illness have expressed a wish to remain in prison; to be treated by the healthcare staff that know them and whom they know will look after their healthcare needs to a high quality and in a non-judgemental manner. That the Retreat is being highlighted as an example of best practice is great news and clearly reflective of the fantastic partnership work that has taken place by the prison and Offender Heath team. Adrian Perks, Associate Director Offender Health said, “I would like to thank and congratulate the team and look forward to seeing this success celebrated.”

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Top: speakers at the sexuality and mental health conference II. Below: The Rosehips belly dancers

Sexuality, relationships and mental health conference II In June the Trust held the second conference of its kind addressing sexuality and relationships in mental health. The first conference in May 2009 aimed to raise awareness of this important topic. The second conference welcomed over 100 staff, carers and service users from the Trust and voluntary organisations and aimed to: · Highlight the importance of sexuality, relationships and mental health issues · Showcase initiatives in local services · Encourage people to open up dialogue · Consider practical and positive ways to address the area of sexuality and relationships in clinical practice

Julie Repper, Recovery Lead, opened the conference and chaired the morning while Sarah Fairbank, Clinical Psychologist, started the presentations by discussing the Sexuality, Relationships and Intimacy Forum and the anti-stigma booklet produced to highlight initiatives being developed in the Trust. Emma Johnson, Peer Support Worker, gave a thought-provoking and persuasive account about why people should open up discussion about sexuality and relationships. Young Diverse Minds, a service for people aged 16-30 from African, Caribbean, Asian and dual heritage cultures, presented a short film they had

made of service users sharing their accounts and stories of relationships. The Rosehip belly dancers, a service user and carer group, spoke briefly about the benefits of the group and gave a fantastic demonstration. The final speaker was Corrine Hendy, Peer Support Worker, who gave an inspiring account of her experiences of motherhood and mental health. A range of complementary therapy taster sessions was also available during the day and delegates attended two of four workshops: · Promoting healthy sexual relationships (facilitated by Agnes Higgins) · Social networking and internet dating (facilitated by Alison Taylor and Emmanuel Chan) · Working with silences (facilitated by Laura Serrant Green) · Spirituality and sexuality (facilitated by Katja Milner and Liz Day) The event was a great success and received very positive feedback with comments including: “An excellent day”; “The lectures were very enjoyable and thought provoking.”


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Reality of Crisis By Becky Shaw and Val Stapleton on behalf of the Amaze research team Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) teams were introduced in 1999 to address a need for a 24/7 crisis provision to be implemented nationally. It was hoped the teams would reduce unnecessary admissions to hospital and assist people in their own homes. They would help the person understand the cause of the crisis whilst addressing it, thus reducing the recovery time needed and minimising further crises and the need to access long term mental health provision whilst still maintaining the individual’s independence and control over their own care. Research into the effectiveness of CRHT teams has produced mixed results. Most published research has examined statistical performance; we wanted to look further into what was working well and what needed improvement from the perspective of those accessing the service. We invited people who had used the services and anyone who had cared for family members to become interviewers and invited all those who had accessed the teams within a given two week period to take part. They told us of their experiences of using the CRHT teams. We were able to identify many factors that helped an individual recover from a crisis and manage their mental health including support from family and friends, personal coping strategies, a supportive GP, practical day-to-day support, continuity of care and control over decisions and other support. They also identified areas that hindered recovery including negative attitudes and behaviour, lack of funding for support groups and networks, long waiting times for referrals to other services, inappropriate referrals and lack of support post crisis. We concluded that it was not necessarily the type of support that was provided or the way a team theoretically worked that provided a good or negative experience for the service user; it was the quality of the relationship with each of the team workers and with family and friends that proved to be the key factor in recovery. This is only a small glimpse of what we found by conducting this research. For further information and a full report on the findings contact Becky Shaw at bshawmh@inbox.com.

Members of the Bassetlaw Carer Support Group with administration and Family Intervention Service staff pictured near the Bassetlaw Family, Friends and Carer notice board.

Family, friends and carers in focus and on boards County Adult Mental Health Services are hoping that by the end of August each of its bases will have a dedicated notice board for family, friends and carers. This initiative is being driven forward by a partnership between the administration staff, carer volunteers from Rosewood Involvement Centre and the Family Intervention Service. Sharon Eaton, Higher Level Business Manager and Senior Administrator, said: “It is really important that family, friends and carers have accurate up-todate and accessible information”. A carer from the Bassetlaw Carers’ Support Group said: “It‘s wonderful

now when you walk into reception and see the notice board dedicated to carer issues. I’m able to see straightaway if there are any new developments that I may be interested in and if there are any opportunities for me to join in with”. Each board aims to be responsive to the local needs of the area it serves by providing information about local carers’ support groups, carer information and education sessions, detailing who the family, friends and carer champions are for each of the teams/services in that base and providing positive statements about the commitment the Trust has to providing excellence in services for family, friends and carers. If you would like any more information about the notice boards or have any articles or notices that you would like placing on them which may be of interest to family, friends and carers please contact Sharon Eaton (01623 784770), Ingrid Hunt (01623 835210) or Andrea Emmens (01909 502025).

World Hearing Voices Day A special event will be held on 14 September 2011 from 10am to 2pm at the Rosewood Involvement Centre to raise awareness of and tackle the stigma associated with hearing voices. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether they hear voices or care for someone who does. Refreshments will be provided. For further information contact Trevor Hogg on 01623 835210 or Trevor.hogg@nottshc.nhs.uk

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Trent Dementia Meeting

Dementia Outreach Nurse; Jayne Kirkby, Clinical Service Development Lead; Katie Allitt, Specialist Physiotherapist; Sharon Cawthorne, Dementia Outreach Nurse; Michelle Dyce, Community Support Worker; Debbie Cooper, Dementia Outreach Nurse.

Trust colleagues at the final Trent Dementia meeting held on 20 May 2011. Left to right: Mike Frei,

The event has been hosted jointly by pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Pfizer for several years and aims

Joint working plans with Institute colleagues


to bring together staff working in dementia care from all over the Trent region. Katie Allitt, Specialist Physiotherapist with the team and Jane Kirkby, Clinical Service Development Lead, delivered the first presentation ‘Supporting the needs of people with dementia in care homes in Nottingham City’, which was very well received with many people requesting the presentation afterwards.

Representatives from the Institute of Mental Health gave a presentation to the Trust’s Executive Leadership Council at Rampton Hospital on July 12 to explain more about how the Institute can help Trust staff with their work and professional development. A series of discussions are planned involving the Institute and delegates at the event to progress areas of joint working.

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Wathwood farm shop declared open The official opening of the Wathwood Hospital Farm Shop took place on Friday, 1 July 2011. The shop was formally declared open by Chief Executive, Professor Mike Cooke CBE, and local MP and Shadow Health Secretary, John Healey MP. The event was attended by local residents, invited guests, patients and staff. The day was a great success and a special celebration in recognition of the hard work of everyone involved. There was live music from a jazz band and performances by the Rosehips bellydancers. A Mediterranean-themed lunch was provided and there was delicious produce to be sampled and bought. Mike Cooke said: “I was truly honoured to open this great initiative; it was an absolutely fantastic afternoon. The shop is a great tribute to Steve Ball’s vision, which has been truly enhanced by the staff, patient and community response. It was great to see so many there and to have such good interactions with such proud patients and staff. It was the

produce on offer. This relationship with the public assists patients in making therapeutic progress, developing confidence, improving their employability and enabling opportunities to encourage a better understanding of mental health issues with the wider public. authentic products and people and what lies behind that which will leave a lasting impression on me.” The farm shop first opened to the public in April 2011 and has been going from strength to strength. It sells fresh produce including fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers, handcrafted gifts and jams, pickles and chutneys. The majority of goods are grown and produced on site, with additional produce sourced from local markets, offering an opportunity to buy ethically and reduce food miles. Local community members visit the shop and gardens at the weekend and enjoy having a cup of tea and a chat, as well as buying the range of

John Healey MP is a supporter of Wathwood Hospital and the farm shop. He said: “You should all feel very proud of what you have here. Part of your strength is the connection you have with the local community. The long term commitment shown by staff is great. Patients have told me today that this venture helps with their confidence and gives them something to get up for in the morning and a worthwhile contribution to make. To help people feel like that is something to applaud. Congratulations to everyone involved.” The farm shop is a social enterprise initiative. The Board behind it consists of local residents, patients, local business people and Hospital staff and takes the form of a Community Interest Company. Voluntary Action Rotherham and The Source (Meadowhall) have assisted the team to develop a viable business. All profits raised are reinvested into the running of the shop and the community interest company. The shop is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays between 9.00am and 3.00pm and for staff only on Mondays and Fridays.

members of Top: staff, patients and the farm shop Board. . Middle: Inside the shop of the patients Bottom: (l-r) Ataul, one , Professor Mike involved with the shop MP Cooke and John Healey

For further information please contact Catherine Brooks on 01709 870842.

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Healthy competition at Midland Games 2011 The Midland Games took place in Derby on 7 June with Nottinghamshire well represented. Teams from Mansfield, Nottingham City, County and the colleges all took part in the games, an athletic event that takes place every two years for adults with a learning disability. Athletes of all ability can take part in the games as events include standard events such as 100m, 200m and 400m together with adapted events such as 50m assisted and 10m slalom wheelchair races. In field events athletes compete in long jump, javelin, shot and jav ball competitions. The jav ball is a small ball-shaped piece of equipment that can be held and thrown any way competitors choose from either a standing or seated position. The boccia tournament is also a popular favourite – a cross between French boule and bowls, boccia is a seated event. The day involves a great deal of

organising but demonstrates excellent joint partnership working bringing together local health bodies, sports development teams, community athletic clubs and young volunteers from colleges and schools. It is very humbling to see the personal achievements and individual determination of the athletes involved. The event gives the athletes an

opportunity to try new things and compete on an equal footing and firmly promotes inclusion. The competitive element is also brought out in the best banner competition usually judged by the invited dignitaries. The Nottinghamshire teams did their very best this year but were just pipped to the award by Derby. We hope the skills that people have developed from training for this year’s event will continue to improve for the next event in two years’ time, which is likely to be hosted by Nottingham.

Top left: throwing the javelin. Top right: Sprinting for the line. Below right: some of the Mansfield team with their banner. Inset above left: taking a shot. Inest above right: Celebrating a win


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q What is your job title and what does your role entail? a Involvement Centre Manager. I’m new in the post so still finding out everything it entails but it’s about involving service users, carers and volunteers in every aspect of the services the Trust delivers.

Millbrook Open Day

q How long have you been with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust? a I started in 2003 and worked in Substance Misuse Services from 2005 before moving to the Communications Team and now I’m here in Involvement. q What do you see as your priorities for Nottinghamshire Healthcare? a To make sure everybody’s priorities are met. q

What is your employment background? a Varied. I have worked on building sites, in factories, on the docks, managed pubs and been on the telly.

q What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? a Do your own thing. q What was the last CD you bought? a Arctic Monkeys’ and Paul Simon’s latest albums.

q What is your greatest achievement? a Walked down the Grand Canyon and back again. q What makes you angry? a Litter, bullies and people with no

q&a This issue we focus on the new Involvement Centre Manager Jonathan Wright


q What three words would you use to describe yourself? a Tall, dark, GSOH.



What are you most passionate about? a Music.

q What single thing would improve your working life at Nottinghamshire Healthcare? a If I could send larger attachments over email.

What is your favourite holiday destination? a Anywhere there’s a bar and no phone signal.

q Who would you take to a desert island? a Peter Duncan.

q What is your favourite hobby? a Playing the guitar.

q Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? a Regretting not going to the Olympics.

q What keeps you awake at night? a A four month old baby.

q Do you have a ‘claim to fame’? a Was once in Coronation Street.

q What is your favourite film? a Die Hard

q How would you like to be remembered? a Paul Eddington said 'He did very little harm' is how he would like to be remembered. I’d be happy with that.

q What is your idea of bliss? a Spending time with friends.

Millbrook Mental Health Unit is holding an open day on Friday 2 September 2011 from 11.30am to 3.00pm, for patients, carers and staff to find out more about the refurbishments currently underway. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their views with the project team, view interior design options, assist in selecting furniture, and help to create ‘silk painting’ artwork for the refurbished wards. Construction work began in June 2011 and includes the refurbishment of Meden Ward, an adult mental health ward, and Maun and Kingsley Wards, two mental health wards for older people. Ensuite facilities will be provided in single rooms or bays on all three wards. A new Section 136 Suite will also be built to improve existing facilities providing a place of safety for vulnerable adults requiring a psychiatric assessment. If you would like to attend the Open Day, please confirm your attendance to Sarah Peet on 01623 784787 or Alison Hardingham on 01623 785431.

Trust shortlisted as Mental Health Services Provider of the Year Nottinghamshire Healthcare has been shortlisted in the Mental Health Services Provider of the Year category of the RCPsych Awards 2011. It is one of only four organisations to reach the finals of these prestigious awards. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on 15 November 2011. Fingers crossed!

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Rampton gets moving to raise diabetes awareness Rampton Hospital got everyone moving in June with a range of fund-raising events during Diabetes Awareness Week, coordinated by the Healthy Lifestyle Team and supported by many other departments. The week started with 84 local athletes taking part in a cold and wet 10k charity run. Thank you to Dean Howells, Associate Director of Nursing, who donated T-shirts for the runners, started the race and presented the trophies including awards for hospital staff in a number of categories. Thank you to Andy Sly and Jemma Hendley for organising the run. A staff health promotion day in the Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre also helped raise awareness of diabetes and associated illnesses. Activities included a Chrysalis weight management demonstration, fitness assessments, diabetes presentations, a ‘Keep the Bike Moving’ challenge and samples of healthy foods.

The day was supported by local companies which provided free taster sessions while the Wathwood Farm project provided produce, preserves and plants for sale. Staff netball tournaments, rounders and football matches were also on offer. Patients joined in the ‘Keep the Bike Moving’ challenge, swimming galas, sponsored walks, circuits, rowing challenges, food sampling, health promotion and dietetic advice events throughout the week. Not only did the week raise the profile of diabetes and associated illnesses, it also raised a substantial amount of money for Diabetes UK (£1,500), The Heart Foundation (£244), The Stroke Association (£244), Help for Heroes (£350) and Retford Athletics (£350). The week was a huge success with positive feedback from all involved. The Healthy Lifestyle team will now be initiating a calendar of health events focusing on improving lifestyle trends and reducing coronary heart disease risk

factors among patients and staff. The aim is to improve staff access to physical health-related services and increase the uptake of physical activity opportunities on site. Health and fitness levels of psychiatric patients have been shown to be lower than the general population, leading to higher rates of morbidity and premature mortality. Diabetes is one of the more prevalent diseases amongst the patient population at Rampton hospital; at present one fifth of the patients in the hospital is diagnosed with diabetes. Dr Mike Harris, Executive Director for Forensic Services, said: “The whole week was a fantastic success, raising the profile of keeping fit, reducing obesity and diabetes. I want to thank all the many people who took part and helped raise such fantastic sums of money for really important charities, all those involved in organising the week – especially Diabetes UK – but most importantly Evelyn Goodwin, without whose drive it wouldn't have happened.”

Top: The 10k runners Left: The Healthy Lifestyle Team Above: Mike Harris taking part in the ‘Keep the Bike Moving’ challenge with Julie Spencer, Business & Administration Manager


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Rowan Rovers does the double!

players did extremely well and formed brilliantly as a team throughout the season. It has encouraged team working, communication and social skills.” Rowan Rovers’ journey has been long and drawn out. In April 2009 the staff on Rowan One ward, Highbury Hospital, generously put their hands in their own pockets to raise funds to buy kit to officially start the inpatient football team. The ‘positive goals football league’ was then formed, starting with a one-off festival to get involvement from teams and evolving into a league of 12 teams, mainly from the community, with one from the local forensic services. Over the football year between April 2009 and May 2010 Rowan One saw 20 patients show interest in joining the Rovers.

Highbury’s Rowan Rovers football team is celebrating a double success after the 2010/11 football season. On 28 April the final whistle blew and Rowan Rovers was crowned ‘Positive Goals League Champions’, finishing top of the league. Tensions had been high as the league result was a very close finish, with only one point between each team in the top three places. A month later Rowan Rovers won ‘the double’, taking first place in the Positive Goals Champions League Tournament. Rowan Rovers FC managers Matthew Vickers and Walter Carter said: “All the

Following the success of the 09/10 season, in October 2010 the second season began with 10 teams participating. Rowan Rovers was fortunate enough to keep in contact with four players from 09/10 and became a very important team throughout the 10/11 season. 12 new players also showed interest and joined the Rovers.

Sue Thornton, General Manager, said: “I find the matches inspiring; it’s wonderful to see people progress from ward to community and still maintain their commitment to the team. My greatest challenge is reminding myself it is the taking part not the winning that is the most important thing (particularly as we have been on such a winning streak!).” A football celebration event will be taking place for all the Rovers players at Highbury on 10 August.

Top: In action on the pitch. Main: the Rowan Rovers team May 2011

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Falcons celebrate football win Team Falcon, the football team of EIP Nottingham and County South, took part in the inaugural East Midlands Early Intervention 5-a-side football tournament on 8 June. A squad of eight travelled to Leicester to compete against sides from Derby, Leicester, Northampton and an invited Leicestershire side. The Falcons played in a round robin competition beating Leicester, Derby and the Leicestershire side and drawing against Northampton when they scored

a last minute equaliser. This put the Falcons into a final rematch against Leicester, who were up for revenge but were beaten 2-0 in a tense match. Franco Badu also claimed the Golden Boot for scoring the most goals in the competition. The squad, which was a mix of service users and staff and included the only woman who played in the competition, was exhausted but happy at the victory. They aim to defend their title at next year’s competition in Nottingham.

Main picture, l-r: Tom Exton, Gary Payne, Franco Badu, David Blant, Kevin Somerton, Roxy Whitehead, Rob Reed and Carl Wood

WHO WE ARE... WE NEED YOU! You may have picked up this copy of the newsletter not knowing what Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is. We provide integrated healthcare services including mental health, learning disability and community health services. We also manage medium-secure units in Leicester and Rotherham, and the high-secure Rampton Hospital near Retford. Printed on Revive · 100% recycled paper

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the newsletter, please contact Suzanne Aitken in the Trust Communications Team on 0115 955 5403 or via email at suzanne.aitken@nottshc.nhs.uk We are always pleased to receive articles for possible publication, but ask that they do not exceed 300 words. If any individuals other than yourself are mentioned in what you write or featured in accompanying photographs, please make sure you check with them that they are happy to be potentially featured. Please note that the Communications Team has full editorial control and may have to edit articles appropriately. Therefore, if you want to see the final version please ensure you send your article in with plenty of time before the deadline and state clearly what you require. If you would like copies of any past editions of Positive, or if you are having any ‘distribution issues’ with the newsletter – whether you’re receiving too many copies, too few, or none at all then please contact us. If you would like your story in the October issue of Positive, please contact us by 2 September 2011. However, due to space constraints we cannot guarantee the publication of all articles received by the deadline. Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, The Resource, Duncan MacMillan House, Porchester Road, Nottingham, NG3 6AA. Tel 0115 9691300 www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk

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