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Nottinghamshire Healthcare


NHS Trust

JUNE 2011

about integrated healthcare

Moving forward with community services

See page 8 for more about the work of our staff within County Health Partnerships A KNIT OF A DO CARAT TEAM AWARD COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY INVOLVEMENT BRACKEN HOUSE WATHWOOD ON MANOEUVRES

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Welcome to the June edition of Positive. Already we are halfway through the year and two months on from the official point at which our colleagues in community services joined the Trust as part of County Health Partnerships (CHP). However, the transition did not end there. The enormity of moving more than 2000 staff into a new organisation not only takes a great deal of planning up to that point, but the processes and practicalities involved continue as we all try to make the move as smooth as possible for all concerned. Everyone seems to be adjusting really well and your cooperation is very much appreciated. Welcome to you all and I hope you enjoy being part of Nottinghamshire Healthcare. Also, thank you and well done to everyone involved in facilitating the transition. In addition to further information about CHP and some of the community services provided, this issue also includes news of many successful capital project developments across the Trust. Capital Planning is celebrating a national award for the construction site of the David Wilson Unit, the new High Secure Learning Disability Service Unit at Rampton, patients and staff have moved into the newly refurbished Redwood wards at Highbury Hospital and the first phase of the new locked rehabilitation unit at Mansfield has been completed. Official openings with VIP guests are all scheduled to take place this summer. As a year’s countdown to the Olympics 2012 begins next month, look out for the launch of a special Trustwide campaign which will encourage everyone to become more physically active by joining in our very own Olympic themed challenges.

Ruth Hawkins, Executive Director of Finance and Performance


Foreign visitors learn about local mental health services A delegation of mental health professionals from Greece visited the Trust in May to find out more about employment support available to people using local mental health services. The seven visitors spent four days learning about what is offered within the Trust and also by its partner organisations. They heard the perspectives of staff, service users and their carers.

The delegates learned about the support offered to people using mental health services to help them gain and sustain employment. This includes the use of Individual Placement Support, which helps an individual find paid work and supports them to sustain that employment by integrating with clinical teams involved and, where appropriate, the employer. Information was also provided about the Recovery ethos, which runs through all services across the Trust and the Recovery Pack; a handy resource for people to chart their ongoing recovery, what helps them to feel better and what can be a barrier to that. A big part of recovery for many individuals is for them to have a sense of purpose and meaningful work.

Hospital construction site picks up n The construction site of the new National High Secure Learning Disability Service at Rampton Hospital has been awarded a top accolade in the Considerate Constructors 2011 National Site Awards. The site which was managed by Laing O’Rourke, received a silver award, placing

it in the top 7.5% of 8,500 eligible sites across the county. The Awards recognise sites' excellent standards of consideration towards their workforce, their neighbours and the environment. The Hospital site was particularly commended for high standards reached in the following:

L to R, Andy White, Capital Projects Manager, Colm McDaid, Laing O’Rourke, Richard Brown, Chris McLearie, Laing O’Rourke

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Success for Hotel Services

enabled all levels of staff to access training and development. The team was recognised for work in creating and establishing in-house trainers to deliver a number of nationally accredited qualifications for hotel services staff, some clinical staff and also service users, to support them with future employment possibilities. The award also recognised the positive impact the training has had on the team’s service provision across more than 70 sites delivered by in-house Hotel Services Managers, Coordinators and Team Leaders.

The Hotel Services Team (Local Services) has been named winner of a national Health Estates and Facilities Management Association (Hefma) award.

The Greek delegation with staff and service users at the Involvement Centre.

Steve Behan, Occupational Therapist from the Trust’s Vocational Service, said: “We are delighted that colleagues from Europe wish to learn from what we offer in the Trust and that we can share examples of best practice with them.” The visitors all work in the psychiatric section of Evaggelismos Hospital, the biggest public hospital in Greece and included a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist and four psychiatric nurses. They all found the visit very useful, commenting that they had picked up new ideas and tools that they would take away with them and hope to integrate into their own services.

The awards recognise outstanding contributions within NHS Estates and Facilities services which play an integral part in improving the patient environment and experience.

Mark Davies, Hotel Services Manager for Local Services said “We have focused on our training provision for many years and the team is extremely proud of this award and recognition of the way in which we provide training opportunities to staff of all grades in a comprehensive, fun, interactive and inclusive way.”

The team was awarded the top accolade in the category of Training Initiative of the Year at an awards ceremony held as part of the 14th Hefma Annual National Conference. The Training Initiative of the Year award celebrates teams or individuals that have developed an innovative initiative that adds value to Estates and Facilities, improved services for greater efficiency, managed training to demonstrate technical innovation and

This is the second year the team has been successful in the awards, having won the title of Hefma Facilities Team of the Year in 2010.

The visit was financed via an EU funding stream following a successful bid by the delegates.

p national award • • • • •

Considerate Environment Cleanliness Safe Accountable

It was also highlighted for exceptional achievement in the award categories of Neighbour, Respectful and Responsible. The judges stated that “The site was a credit to Laing O’Rourke and the site team.” Richard Brown, Head of Capital Projects and Property, said: “We are absolutely delighted that the site has been recognised at this level for the high standards we all worked to achieve. This accolade is a great reflection of the hard work of everyone involved.”

l-r Mark Davies, Sarah Campbell, Karen Hall, Tina Cork from sponsor Meridian Healthcare, Mandy Turton, Louise Williams, Susan Brown, John Heath, Tim Litherland, National Chairman, Hefma

The National Company Awards are designed to reward those who have demonstrated exceptional levels of consideration against the Scheme's Company Code of Considerate Practice. The Considerate Constructors scheme started in 1997. It is an important initiative which operates voluntary Site and Company Codes of Considerate Practice, to which participating construction companies and sites sign up to. The scheme aims to present an image of competent management, efficiency,

awareness of local environmental issues and above all neighbourliness by all participants and as such become a positive advertisement for themselves and the industry as a whole. All registered sites are monitored at regular intervals throughout the construction phase to assess their performance against the scheme’s site code of considerate practice. Further information regarding the scheme and awards can be found at


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A Knit of a Do

Following their recent appearance on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, the Royal Family wedding party (along with the Archbishop of Canterbury and a corgi) is now presiding over the IT training team at Duncan Macmillan House.

Insights into Asperger’s Syndrome A service user with Asperger’s Syndrome is looking for opportunities to present his selfpenned seminar on the subject. Stuart Walker was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at the age of 34. For the last four years he has been reconsidering his place in a non-Asperger’s society. This has led him to reach an unusual insight into the condition and his relationship to the world around him. Stuart has now devised a seminar series that discusses the clinical definition of Asperger’s and how that applies to him. He has just presented his seminar, ‘Observations of a selfaware Aspie’, to an enthralled audience at the Trust’s Effective Practice Forum and is looking for


more opportunities to share his views. “As an Aspie I find that my ‘disability’ is not what hinders me,” says Stuart, “it is others’ failure to understand me. I feel driven to try to dismiss some of these misconceptions. I want to make life easier for my fellow Aspies.” Stuart is a key member of the Nottingham City Asperger’s Community of Interest project, and was a primary contributor to the ‘Asperger’s Syndrome: Step Into The Light’ booklet. For more details and bookings, please contact Phil Bilzon at Highbury on 0115 956 0802 ext 15021 or email Stuart at

The characters were knitted by IT trainers Yvonne Marley, Lynn Whitley and Julie Pearce. Yvonne said: “It was just for a bit of fun. Something to do in the evenings while watching TV. Although there was a fight as to who was going to knit the corgi!”

CARAT team wins award for impact A specialist support and advice team has received an award for “Impact Through Creativity and Innovation”. The CARAT (Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice and Throughcare) team at HMP and YOI Doncaster received the annual in-house award following nominations from staff at the prison. The award recognises the impact of a team or individual where new ideas, new solutions, and new ways of working have either made a substantial impact to the establishment or have the potential to have a transformational impact in the future. The Carat team receiving their award.

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Improving practice for long-term depression A study investigating the treatment and cost effectiveness of a specialised service for chronic depression is being carried out within Nottinghamshire through the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care – Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire (CLAHRC-NDL).

(CBT) treatments including cognitive therapy, mindfulness, and compassionate mind-based CBT, as well as medication.

The mood disorder study, led by psychiatrist Professor Richard Morriss, was conceived after psychiatrists and psychotherapists noted that a number of NICE recommended treatments for depression were not being accessed by patients with depression.

Once they decide to take part, participants are randomly assigned to either the ‘treatment as usual’ group or to the ‘specialised treatment’ group. Participants in the ‘treatment as usual’ group remain with their current consultant and course of treatment. Those in the ‘specialised treatment’ arm of the trial will need to move for one year from their usual care team to a consultant and psychotherapist involved in the study, although contact with their usual care team can be maintained to ease this process. Once the trial begins all participants are asked to complete questionnaires about their current mood

The study hopes to determine whether outcomes for people with long-term depression may improve with a treatment path in which the participant is given coordinated care between a psychiatrist and psychotherapist with access to a number of cognitive-behavioural therapy

The CARAT team provides specialist support, advice and non-clinical drug treatment services to prisoners in order to reduce the harm caused by drugs. CARAT workers act in a key working role and provide care coordination in order to ensure that there is continuity of care between what is provided in prisons and what is provided on release within community settings. The service identifies and assesses prisoners before providing advice, information, one-to-one and group work,

Who can take part? Eligible participants in the study will have had a diagnosis of depression for at least six months and will currently be receiving care through a consultant. Most participants enter the study through referral by their consultant, support worker or GP, but many patients have also self-referred.

as well as referral to other appropriate services, including structured drug rehabilitation programmes. Over the past 12 months, the team has demonstrated significant improvements that have seen performance systems and working practices improve and CARAT services continue to go from strength to strength. A number of team

state either in person or by post at three-month intervals over two years. The study is also collecting detailed economics data so that a comprehensive cost analysis can be carried out. To date the team has received positive feedback from the participants in the treatment arm about the specialised service, saying how much they value this kind of care. The clinicians involved have also fed back their enthusiasm for this kind of service as it is providing new psychological treatments for depression. They hope that by using talking therapies, depression may be more amenable to treatment, having only been ‘managed’ in the past. Interested? If you or someone you know might be interested in taking part in the study please contact the study team for more information by emailing or calling Cath or Sandra on 0115 8232478.

members have also taken on specialist roles in addition to their usual duties. The team now offers additional services in key areas of specialist interest including children and families; Narcotics Anonymous; residential rehabilitation; young offenders; steroid users and acupuncture. HMP & YOI Doncaster is now amongst the best performing prisons in the country for its establishment type, having recently been congratulated on its 1% error rate on DIR WEB (a nationwide database of drug users who have had contact with prison and community drug teams). Other establishments struggle to achieve the acceptable national 10% average. The awards were presented on 2 April at a ceremony in the Doncaster Dome.

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Complementary therapy success on Ward B2


ard B2 at Bassetlaw Hospital has been delivering complementary therapies as part of inpatient care for over two years. Throughout this time the team has worked with a wide range of patients both during their inpatient stay and after discharge.

The therapies used are Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Emo Trance (ET), reflexology and Indian head massage. Patients are given a full assessment before a decision is made as to which therapy will best suit their individual needs. At the start and end of each session patients complete evaluation sheets so that the team can measure the outcome of the session. As part of the evaluation patients are asked to write down what they feel their main symptoms/issues are and look at activities that they find difficult or that their illness prevents them from doing. These are then rated zero to six with the aim of reducing the scores from the start of the session. Throughout the therapy sessions the focus remains on the patient’s general feeling of well-being, enabling patients to feel that the time offered to them is theirs and it is for them to take control of which issues/ symptoms they want to deal with as part of their individual care and recovery. Every patient is guided through the procedure as part of the session so they can use all the techniques learned as a form of self-help or coping strategy. All the therapies that are offered are delivered by an advanced practitioner in complementary therapies and meridian therapies. The therapies regularly receive positive feedback and as such two patients were asked to write testimonials about their experiences of accessing these therapies as part of their care on the ward.

“If you had told me in September what the next six months of my life were going to be like, I would have laughed in your face. Then in October 2010 I was admitted to Ward ‘B2’. “After a few days Lisa Richardson introduced herself and talked about the therapies she offered. At this point I was a dyed-in-the-wool alternative therapy sceptic. I was of the opinion that Indian head massage was for ‘ladies who lunch’ with too much time and money on their hands, but Lisa suggested I should put my head in the lion’s mouth. “So, primed and ready for my first session of ‘Emo Trance’, I sat on the therapy chair


mentally drained. I slept deeply for several hours (something I had not done for weeks). After nearly two weeks working with Lisa I was sleeping through the nights without additional medication.

and Lisa began. That first session was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I could physically feel the emotional pain in my shoulder. With Lisa’s guidance I was able to soften the pain and move it from my body. At the end of this session, I was physically and

“Lisa had given me some books and I read them avidly. I could feel that I was getting better. I read about Emotional Freedom Techniques and used tapping to help with my anxiety. “So why did I suddenly start believing in and using alternative therapies? I understood that acupuncture was accepted as a remedy that worked for

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Addressing the needs of people with epilepsy and learning disabilities A successful one day conference about epilepsy and learning disabilities was held by the Trust on 10 May at The Paddocks Conference Centre, Nottingham Racecourse. More than 100 people attended the ‘Meeting the Needs of People with Epilepsy and Learning Disabilities’ conference, including staff, carers and representatives from partner organisations. The informative and interactive conference addressed the practical issues of management and support for patients with learning disabilities and epilepsy.

The conference was opened by Simon Smith, Executive Director Local Services and included a presentation from keynote speaker, Dr Michael O’Donoghue, Consultant Neurologist at the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. Dr O‘Donoghue discussed epilepsy in the learning disability population and medical management. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in a range of workshops. Sarah Pashley, Consultant Nurse, and Lisa Flinton, Epilepsy Specialist Nurse, from the Trust’s Specialist Epilepsy Service organised the conference. Working in partnership with colleagues at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, the service provides integrated and holistic care to adults with a learning disability and complex epilepsy. Sarah said: “Our aim is to improve the quality of life for people using our service. The conference was a great success and provided an important and exciting opportunity to meet with other professionals and carers with similar interests for a day of learning and an exchange of ideas. We have received some excellent feedback and will use this to inform practice as well as any future events.” For more information contact Sarah Pashley on 0115 8422248.

Lisa Richardson, Activities and Therapies Coordinator

“I am a 31-year-old male with two young children. Several years ago I was admitted onto Ward B2 after suffering with depression for a long time. I had been on a course of anti-depressants and along with regular visits to my GP I had been seeing therapists and psychiatrists. Although these treatments were good in the short term, my problems and difficulties with dealing with certain situations soon resurfaced. Things got to the point where I attempted suicide and was unable to guarantee my own safety. “During my second period on B2, I was approached by Lisa Richardson and asked if I would be interested in trying some alternative therapies as she thought they would be beneficial to me. After several weeks and numerous sessions I was released from hospital but I kept returning on a weekly basis to attend appointments with Lisa.

many ailments. The therapies I was using were based on the meridians used in acupuncture. I also really felt that I was being empowered to harness the power of my brain to heal myself. “I am now out of the ward and going back to work as Head of Department in a large secondary school. I feel that I have not only made a speedy recovery, but I am equipped with the tools I need to listen to what my mind and body are saying. I have stayed motivated; I use the gym every day. I have made several visits to work and have been actively involved in DIY jobs in my new house. I am utterly convinced that I will make a full recovery and will be drug free.”

“My last appointment was over a year ago and although I still suffer with difficulties in coping and at times struggle, I have not attempted to harm myself. I strongly believe it is because of the work with Lisa and the other staff on The holistic therapy B2 that I am not only room on Ward B2. coping but am leading a normal life. I have been working now for over eight months, looking after my two young children and carrying out normal everyday tasks – things that up until 12 months ago and before the amazing work of all the staff on and connected to the Mental Health Unit, I found almost impossible. “Thank you so much. I owe my life to you guys.”

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Community Services Update What is County Health Partnerships? County Health Partnerships (CHP) is a consortium of providers that includes: • Nottinghamshire Healthcare • Central Nottinghamshire Clinical Services (CNCS) – who currently provide out of hours and primary care services through a social enterprise.


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Nottinghamshire Healthcare

• Principia Providers in Health – a primary care clinician led consortium. Locality directorates led by clinical directors will be developed within CHP to mirror the Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) consortia in each locality. Below are some comments from each locality about working within the partnership. Highpoint and Newark and Sherwood: “We are hoping to

re-engage primary healthcare services and general practice to work together as a team to provide the best possible patient care.” Nottingham West: “We wish to deliver the highest quality clinical services to our local population, in an integrated team based approach.” Principia: “This is a fantastic opportunity to deliver high quality services to the local population and we are looking

Integrated Community Adult Nursing Community Adult Nursing provides appropriate and effective care management through Community Nursing Integrated Care teams, working in defined Community Wards. Community Nursing Integrated Care teams combine the skills and expertise (including non medical prescribers) of community matrons, district nurses, community registered nurses and health care assistants.

The service assesses the needs of patients and carers and plans, implements and evaluates nursing care interventions. It promotes the physical and psychological wellbeing of patients and their carers, taking into account social care needs. The service: • Assesses, promotes, treats and manages Continence. • Assesses, treats and promotes healing of Venous Leg Ulcers. • Provides patient education to minimise risk of recurrence of Venous leg ulceration. Key priorities for the service are: • Management of Long Term Conditions • End of Life Care • Tissue viability services In September 2010 a mobile working solution known as SystmOne was



NHS Trust

Positive about integrated healthcare

forward to working in partnership to improve patient and staff experience.” Nottingham North and East: “We really believe that our future success is in togetherness.” 2364 staff have now transferred to CHP and become employees of the Trust as the host organisation of the partnership. Some of the areas in which they are working are highlighted here.

implemented within Community Adult Nursing. It is rich in clinical functionality and provides a shared clinical patient record enabling integrated working across teams and services. Laptops have been provided to Community Adult Nursing in the Highpoint locality. These devices provide real time access to a patient’s clinical record within their home which can improve patient safety and reduce clinical risk. They also reduce the need to travel back to staff base to input the data. Reduction in travel time releases more time to spend with the patient. The system has been well received by both staff and patients, and a monitoring process is in place to track the impact of the technology on a number of key areas looking at increases in patient facing time, patient contacts and reduction in travel to base.

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Lings Bar Hospital

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The inpatient rehabilitation service provides care for patients who have complex medical, nursing and therapy needs that, by virtue of their complexity, are unable to be met by intermediate care either in their own home or a residential setting. It also ensures that mental health needs are met by specialised professionals.

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Services are provided from four wards; all have nurse led beds and medical consultant led beds. Consultant input is contracted in from Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. A therapy team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and support staff provide input to the wards. A limited outreach physiotherapy service is provided for patients who may need follow up visits to support successful discharge to their home. The core team at the hospital consists of: • Matron/ Head of Inpatient Services • Nursing • Medical Consultants • Nurse Practitioners

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Nurses Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Medical Staff Admission/ Discharge Facilitator Social service (adult services) Support Staff Speech and language Therapists Hotel Services staff Housekeeping staff Healthcare assistants Technical Instructors Generic Worker/Senior Healthcare assistant

Dementia Care Each ward at Lings Bar has identified Dementia Champions who are the link for colleagues, patients and families to provide information and support. The wards have developed reminiscence boxes in each day room filled with objects such as knitting patterns, perfume, packets of seeds, old seaside postcards and papers, and music or films that help to remind patients of their past and stimulate conversations. The dining rooms have pictures on each table to assist in conversations over meals featuring for example a film star, a car, a fashion item from the 40s or 50s. A commitment has been made for all staff to undertake specialist Dementia training by the end of 2012 assisted by a grant form the Royal college of Nursing. The Alzheimer’s society also provides a memory café once a month in the hospital for families and patients and staff to attend for advice and support on living with dementia. This has proved popular and has been extended out to include the Rushcliffe community.

Children enjoy meeting animals at the fun day.

Sure Start Children’s Centre Sure Start Children’s Centre services bring together childcare, early education, health and family support services for families with children under 5 years old. They aim to tackle child poverty and social exclusion by working with parents-to-be, parents, carers and children to promote physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children so they have the best start in life. The service brings together providers from health, social care and early education as well as voluntary, private and community organisations and parents themselves. Kirkby East Children's Centre recently had an OFSTED inspection which found that the children's centre provides an outstanding service in every aspect of its work and is held in high regard by parents, carers and other users, with workers who "understand every facet of the centre's reach." The report adds that the centre workers have high levels of expertise and thorough training with high levels of personal and professional skill. The report states that no stone is left unturned in ensuring that everyone who needs help receives it. Tina Hancock, children's centre co-ordinator said: “This is an acknowledgement to the team at the centre that the work they are doing means so much to the community. It was fantastic that we were recognised for our dedication and commitment. The needs of the Kirkby community feed every aspect of the work we do.” The Newstead and Rural Families Sure Start Childrens Centre, recently worked together with "NOT JUST MUMS", a newly formed group of parents, to provide a fun day of activities at the Acacia Centre in Annesley. The event included a dinosaur workshop, African drumming and dancing. Andy White, Health Improvement Practitioner, said: “The event went extremely well with over 190 people attending. Everyone had a really fun day and enjoyed the Easter themed activities.”

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Health and safety system is planned As part of an ongoing drive to improve quality and safety performance the Trust has reviewed its health and safety management system. Andrea Emmens, Family Interventions Co-ordinator (back right) and Paul Dickinson, Worksop Harrier (front centre) with members of Equilibrial Gill Dudhill, Carol Ward and Lorraine Simmons.

Marathon run raises Equilibrial funds A Worksop man has run the London Marathon to raise funds for a local support group. Worksop Harrier Paul Dickinson, an experienced runner, ran the Virgin London Marathon on 17 April to raise funds for Equilibrial, the Bassetlaw bi-polar support group. Equilibrial was started in March 2008 to enable bi-polar sufferers to support each other and help keep each other well. They have created a friendly atmosphere where people come and discuss bi-polar in an informal and relaxed way, aiming to maintain positive attitudes towards bi-polar and to share ways to cope with the experience. Paul decided to raise funds for the group when Andrea Emmens, Family Interventions Co-ordinator, approached him after reading about his success in a previous marathon. He was hoping to achieve his personal marathon best in the London event but suffered calf cramps from the 16-mile point due to the heat and had to stop at first aid points for the last 10 miles. It was an achievement that he was still able to finish the race in well under four hours. “It was just the thought of raising money for such a good cause and all the people who had sponsored me that kept me going,” said Paul. “We are incredibly grateful to Paul,” said one group member. “His sense of dedication and commitment is humbling and to be supported by someone of his ilk is an incredibly positive experience for all group members.” Gill Dudhill, a founder of the support group, said: “The money that Paul has raised will help to keep our group functioning for the next three years. It’s just so amazing and we are really, really proud of him.” Paul is on course to raise nearly £1,000 for the group. If you would like to sponsor him you are still able to do by visiting his website at The site will be open until 17 July 2011. To find out more about bi-polar or Equilibrial contact Dave Bacon at or Gill Dudhill on 01909 732902 or visit


Revised health and safety policies are now available and several new policies have been introduced to support managers in fulfilling their health and safety responsibilities. One of the most significant changes is the introduction of the “Trust Risk Assessment in Health and Safety Policy and Procedure 16.20”, written to guide managers through the risk assessment process to put in place suitable and sufficient risk assessments. This document should now be considered the key management tool for all those with health and safety responsibilities. The review also examined the system’s suitability for today's purposes and looked at how well the Trust is complying with its legal and other requirements. The results revealed that the Trust is in a very good position from which to start to improve its health and safety management system and ultimately seek certification in the internationally accredited health and safety management system known as ‘Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001. OHSAS 18001 is an internationally accepted specification that defines the requirements for establishing, implementing and operating an occupational health and safety management system. It provides a formal framework for managing occupational health and safety and is seen to significantly reduce risk exposure. It will also support the Trust’s quality initiative. OHSAS 18001 will provide a robust safety framework through which directorates will be able to self evaluate, self improve and self manage safety performance within their own areas of responsibility to drive improvements in safety performance. Colleagues will benefit from consistency of documentation to avoid confusion, save time and improve clarity. The framework will also identify shortfalls in safety performance and enable learning from mistakes to ensure continual improvement and sharing of good safety performance. Progress updates on work towards gaining OHSAS 18001 certification will be posted on the Health and Safety site on the Trust Intranet. In the meantime all areas should continue to work in line with the Trust’s current health and safety policies and procedures. Dr Peter Miller on behalf of the Trust Health and Safety Committee

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Nottinghamshire Healthcare


NHS Trust

about involvement

Update from the Members’ Council Welcome to our new governor member The Members’ Council would like to introduce a new governor who has recently taken up a vacant seat. David Liggins, Partner Governor Member, Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust, replaces Dean Fathers as Partner Governor Member representing Bassetlaw PCT, following the appointment of Dean as Chair of the Trust. This created a vacant position for a partner governor member on

the Council. David was nominated by the Trust for this position, as partner governors are appointed rather than elected. Meetings The third meeting of the Members’ Council was held on 19 April 2011 at the Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre, Rampton Hospital. The main focus of the meeting was the Carers Community of Interest and looking to develop a carers’ strategy for the Trust. The next meeting of the Members’ Council will

be held on 28 June 2011 at Duncan Macmillan House. Update on governor member activity The following is just a snapshot of some of the things governors have been involved in since the last update in March 2011: • Three governor members attended the Living Narratives Exhibition at the Peaks Unit, Rampton Hospital on Saturday 16 April 2011. • A governor member training session entitled Transforming Community Services was held on 26 April 2011 and presented by Paul Smeeton, Continued on next page...

David Liggins, Partner Governor Member, Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust

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Transition Programme Director. The aim of the session was to provide an overview of the community services that the Trust now provides through the County Health Partnership. A total of nine governors attended this session. Two governors were involved in an open evening for prospective candidates for the vacant NonExecutive Director position for the Trust. This was held on 9 May. Informal sessions have been taking place for governors to meet Dean Fathers, Trust Chair. Governor visits to Trust services are continuing to take place. The Governor Member Steering Group had its fourth meeting in May 2011. A number of governors are taking part in the Communities of Interest groups, including the new carers’ Community of Interest. An update session for governors about the Communities of Interest was held on 7 April 2011. The Governor Ambassador Scheme was formally launched at the April Members’ Council meeting, giving governors the opportunity to get more closely engaged with services and feed back to the Members’ Council and Trust Board: 12 governors are involved in this. A governor member has joined the Service User and Carer Experience Survey Group. This group aims to continue to improve survey response rates and ensure that services take action to improve in response to the survey.

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Involvement and Recovery Education Centre The Nottingham Recovery Education Centre in Sherwood opened its doors in May, providing a range of courses to help people develop their skills and understanding, identify their goals and ambitions and give them the confidence and support to access opportunities. The Recovery Education Centre aims to: • Provide a base for recovery resources • Promote an educational and coaching model in supporting people to become experts in self care on their recovery journey • Break down barriers between ‘us’ and ‘them’ by offering training sessions run for and by people with experience of mental health challenges and people with professional experience. The centre brings together two sets of expertise – professional and experience

– in a nonstigmatising college environment with the same systems as other educational establishments. The Involvement team is now developing the Recovery Education Centre Student Union and has already organised a programme of activities for the summer school as well as social events using local facilities and the centre. All of the courses provided at the centre are designed to contribute towards wellbeing and recovery. People who share experiences of mental health challenges teach on the courses with the intention of inspiring hope and embodying principles of recovery. They are open to adults who: • Have personal experience of mental health challenges • Care about people with mental

Future developments for the Members’ Council As well as the activities listed above, governors have been invited to take up some of the following developmental opportunities: • Shadow a senior member of staff • Apply for role of Lead Governor • Spend time at the involvement centres Members can represent their views via the Members’ Council and the governor member for the constituency in which they live. If you would like to get in touch with a governor member please contact the Membership Office on 0800 012 1623. More information about the Members’ Council can be found on the Trust website at get-involved/the-members-council.


Staff and service users attended the official naming of the Involvement Centre at Duncan Macmillan House on Monday 9 May. Dean Fathers, Trust Chair, unveiled the plaque and hosted lunch. “I was delighted to be asked to carry out this ceremony,” said Dean, “and to help raise the profile of The Involvement Centre and the valuable role it plays in developing the Trust‘s services by involving service users.”

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Governor Ambassador Scheme

health challenges • Are a member of staff in mental health services The Recovery Education Centre also has a library of varied recovery resources including books, DVDs, leaflets and internet access. All courses and use of the resource library are currently free of charge. If you would like to join us or find out more about the student union and what is on offer please contact Liz Walker, tel: 0115 993 4567 or email:

Survey feedback high priority Feedback from service users and carers continues to be a priority. The Service User and Carer Experience Survey has been redesigned with the help of some Involvement Team volunteers and the new version has been sent to all teams across the Trust. The Service User and Carer Experience Group, which meets in the Involvement Centre at Duncan Macmillan House, has been working hard with clinical colleagues in Trust teams to improve the response rates. If you are interested in ensuring that service users and carers receive feedback on the views and issues they raise then please contact Paul Sanguinazzi c/o The Involvement Centre, Duncan Macmillan House, on 0115 9934567 or email

Since the launch of the Governor Ambassador Scheme in April several Trust governors have committed to working with clinical services to gain a deeper insight into the services run by the Trust and its three divisions.

staff face on a day-to-day basis, the scheme will give Trust staff an appreciation of the governor role and how they can contribute to the strategic development of the Trust via the Members’ Council.

The scheme is entirely voluntary for governors and at the time of going to print 12 governors had opted to be an ambassador across a number of clinical services including Offender Health, Mental Health for Older People, Specialist Services and Community Forensic. Governors will act as ambassadors for their chosen service area (one service area per governor) in addition to their roles as ambassadors for the Members’ Council and the Trust.

The role of governors will not be to get involved in operational detail or the running of services; this is the role of directors, managers, their staff and ultimately the Trust Board. Governors will use this opportunity to learn more about an individual service which will help them in their role of expressing their view on the forward plans of the Trust and issues of strategic significance. Governors will spend a maximum of one day per month with their service.

All governors can be involved, including staff and partner governors, although in order to retain independence staff governors should not be linked to their own individual areas. This initiative involves governors in clinical service areas, not in non-clinical services.

The governors involved in the ambassador scheme will feed back to the Members’ Council with the outcomes and progress and the Members’ Council will monitor the effectiveness of this scheme.

As well as allowing governors to develop some more specialist knowledge of individual services and understand some of the challenges that

For further information about the Governor Ambassador Scheme please contact the Membership Office on 0800 012 1623.

The Patient Opinion website gives service users, carers and families a forum for sharing their experiences of the Trust. Stories are posted anonymously and the Trust concerned receives an email alert and the opportunity to respond. The anonymous feedback helps us to understand what has really made a difference to people who use our services and what we could do better; we can see what people really think of our services. All postings receive a reply and changes to services are recorded on the website. Staff feedback on the site includes: “Patient Opinion is easily accessible for service users, carers and volunteers to leave helpful, confidential feedback regarding their experiences of our services. Without this regular feedback, whether it’s positive or negative, services cannot be improved and teams can’t be praised when they should be.”

And feedback from a carer who has used the site is: “If you feel you want to raise a concern Patient Opinion seems easier to use and in my experience your comments are acted upon. I was offered a meeting with staff as a result of the posting and I now take part in involvement within mental health services for older people.” There is now evidence of changes in the way people perceive Patient Opinion and the Trust is in the process of evaluating the use of the site and its effectiveness in changing services and individual care. To find out more about Patient Opinion please contact Jane Danforth, Involvement Officer on 0115 9934567 or email The Patient Opinion website is at

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Happy birthday Communities of Interest Free carers’ support sessions The Alzheimer’s Society is running free information and support sessions for carers across Nottinghamshire. The six-week courses and two-hour oneoff sessions are aimed at carers of people with any form of dementia and are run by Lucille Denkinson, Support Group Facilitator for the Alzheimer’s Society. Sessions take place on various dates at venues around the county and cover every aspect of information that could be of help, from finances and experiences to behaviour and communication. Refreshments are available and many sessions welcome invited speakers. For more information or to reserve a place call Lucille Denkinson on 0115 934 3800 or 07540 919865. All are welcome.

Communities of Interest is celebrating its first birthday.

Step up to Involvement The involvement team are aiming to walk around the world for better health! The project was launched on 5 May 2011 and at the time of going to print – just a week into the project – the organisers have given out over 200 pedometers to service users, carers and staff with the aim of completing a virtual walk to all the Trust sites in preparation for their ‘world trip’. To find out more or join the fun please contact Liz Walker on 0115 9934567 or email

Volunteering and befriending update Since the last update there have been some changes made to the Volunteering Service. The Community Befriending Service Coordinator, Sarah Mundell, has moved on and has taken up a post as an Assistant Psychologist with the Community Forensic Service. The team has increased in size though as it now provides volunteering and befriending support to the County as well as to Nottingham City and its conurbation. The changes to services at the Wells Road Centre provide opportunities to identify new volunteer placements and roles in the new women’s service and learning disability ward, and the team continues to support existing volunteers and befrienders. With the new Recovery Education Centre (REC) now open, the service has been able to place volunteers there, providing them with bright purple T-shirts so that they are easily recognisable. Initially the REC roles are general, assisting the paid staff on reception, meeting and greeting new students, and helping in the library, but in the future the team hopes to identify more specific roles such as lesson buddies and internet café assistants. The benefits of volunteering are numerous and the team is looking forward to developing many more new roles in Adult Mental Health Services and Mental Health Services for Older People. For more information about volunteering and available opportunities please contact Jo Rapson, Voluntary Services Officer, on 0115 9529424 or email


A community of Interest is a group of people with a shared interest, understanding or passion who want to work together to shape or improve services and to help each other achieve common aims or objectives. Service users, carers, staff and partners all work together with advice, guidance and resources support from the Involvement Centre. There are currently eight Community of Interest groups up and running: • Support and treatment for people with recurrent depression and their carers • Exploring the links between mental health and domestic violence and abuse • Wellbeing of local deaf communities (see more on page 21) • Nottingham City Asperger’s Service • Health and wellbeing of patients • Inter-professional online ethics debate • Women, medication and mental health • Carers’ Community of Interest Expressions of interest have been received for new Communities of Interest on subjects including: • Communication – learning disabilities • Equality and diversity • Dementia including BME issues • Loneliness There are a number of benefits to becoming a Community of Interest, including: • Opportunities and support to work together on issues with like-minded people to influence the Trust’s services • A Trust executive sponsor and a link advisor who will ensure that the Community of Interest’s ideas and views are fed into decision-making processes in the Trust. • A chance to develop skills and knowledge around issues and the Trust as an organisation, but to also be able to contribute skills and experience effectively. For more information contact Jane Danforth, Involvement Officer on 0115 9934567 or email

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Bracken House opens its doors


n early May the first clients moved into the new Bracken House locked rehabilitation unit at Heather Close in Mansfield.

The excellent new facility provides 18 beds for people who have a complex range of mental health issues, requiring long term support and treatment within a controlled environment. This enables people who previously have had to leave their local area for such care to now access it closer to home.

As well as single room accommodation, improving privacy and dignity for clients, the unit includes a visitors’ room, clinic and treatment room, dining and lounge area and a multi faith room. Outdoor space including a horticultural area is also accessible to clients, as well as a range of activities, although attending activities in the local community is encouraged to increase social inclusion. The unit is a full refurbishment and extension of three of the six existing bungalows which currently make up the Heather Close residential facility; this provides care for people recovering from enduring mental health conditions who are not yet ready to return home. Staff and clients at Heather Close have provided vital support and cooperation throughout the redevelopment. The name, Bracken House, was chosen at an open day in January, attended by the clinical team, staff, service users and carers, who also had input into the design of the unit. Artwork created at the event is also now on display in the unit’s open and welcoming foyer.

closer to and maintain their links with the communities in which they live.” The unit is being developed in two phases; the first completed phase comprises 12 beds and the latter, due for completion in October 2011, will provide a further six beds. The main contact number for Bracken House is 01623 404 624 ext 13414.

Caroline Pinnick, Project Lead said: “We are delighted with these new facilities, which provide a modern, high quality and welcoming care environment. In the past, the vast majority of placements for clients requiring these services have been outside Nottinghamshire and also within the private sector. This fantastic new unit enables service users and carers to be

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The winner of the platinum award for textiles.

Arnold Lodge celebrates Koestler success Arnold Lodge has marked the unit’s huge success in the 2010 Koestler Awards with a presentation ceremony attended by Fiona Curran, Arts Director for the Koestler Trust. Once again, Arnold Lodge received numerous awards including the Platinum Award for Textiles, one of the highest recognitions from the Koestler Trust. Fiona presented all of the unit’s entrants with their certificates and awards. The event provided an opportunity for staff and patients to view all the competition entries and was a fitting way to recognise and celebrate the huge efforts and wealth of talent. “The presentation ceremony allowed us to recognise this year’s success and learn more about the Koestler Trust’s work,” said Fay Motyl, Senior OT Support Worker at Arnold Lodge. “It also provided a greater insight into the magnificent work of the Trust and encouraged others to submit entries next year.”

The Koestler Trust is the UK's best-known prison arts charity. It has been awarding, exhibiting and selling artworks by offenders, detainees and secure patients for 47 years. Its annual awards receive over 5,000 entries a year, inspiring offenders to take part in the arts, work for achievement and transform their lives. The entries come in 52 artforms including creative writing, employment projects, film, graphic design, music, needlework, painting and drawing, photography and sculpture. Every entrant is sent a participation certificate, most get feedback on their work, and a quarter win cash prizes up to £100. The awards have a profound impact on people’s selfesteem, often leading them to positive new directions in life. In the 2010 awards service users from Arnold Lodge received 21 awards; Rampton Hospital won 30; Wathwood Hospital took five and two went to the Wells Road Centre. Entries have now closed for the 2011 awards.

• Recollections • Unity • Tasties • Sustenance • Arising

New recipe book has a name!

A big thank you to everyone who suggested a name. Contribute to the book’s front cover This picture (left) is a representation of how the front cover of the book may look. We would like individuals or people involved in cookery group activities to contribute to creating the image on the front cover. We hope to build this staple image with a range of bread from around the World. We are particularly interested in: Challah, naan, pretzel, roti, pita, brioche, chapatti, focaccia and soda bread.

A new cookbook which will feature special recipes from Trust staff, service users and carers will be named ‘Nourishing’. The title was chosen from many suggestions submitted by people across the Trust as part of a naming competition. Nourishing was selected because it signifies growth, nutrition, development and well-being. It is defined as: “To supply the means of support”. Three people all suggested the winning title. Congratulations to Sam Jaggard, Mary Golding and Lindsey Beardsall, who will all have their favourite recipe featured in the book and also included on patient menus.


It was a very difficult decision to make as there were lots of fantastic suggestions. These submissions came close to winning:

If you would like to be involved or have any suggestions, please contact Helen Ashwell on or 01777 248 321 Ext 7548

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Can you take on an apprentice? An apprenticeship provides on-the-job training and qualifications for any individual over 16 years of age, enabling them to gain skills and qualifications as well as earning money at the same time. Apprenticeships are delivered in partnership with a college or an approved training provider and offer a number of benefits to the host organisation. As a large local employer, by offering apprenticeships the Trust can help to ensure young people are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to support them to achieve their career goals. Administrative and clerical apprenticeships are already underway in the Trust, but it is hoped to pilot a scheme of health and social care apprenticeships where up to ten recruits aged 16-18 will undertake Health & Social Care Diplomas after a work placement with support and training. To facilitate this, areas willing to accept an apprentice are needed. The employing area will be required to offer:

Will in action

• A 15 month training opportunity specifically for Health & Social Care apprentices • A relevant induction with training • Payment of a training salary of £105 per week • Day to day support and supervision of the apprentice • Release time to attend Nottingham Apprenticeship Forum (NAF) days (3 per year) • Trust network meetings (4.5 per year) The training provider will offer: • Assistance with recruitment • Provision of a relevant apprenticeship training programme (including City & Guilds Health & Social Care Diploma, a technical certificate and literacy and numeracy skills. • Assessment • On-going support and advice to both the apprentice and employing area • Exit skills If you are interested in taking on an apprentice or for more information please contact Heather Porter, tel: 0115 9691300 Ext 11269, email:

A library of talent Stapleford Library played host to an intimate performance by a local poet and songsmith in April. Will Juckes provided a rapt audience with over an hour and a half of material, both original songs and spoken word pieces. The event grew out of the Trust’s ‘Music is What Feelings Sound Like’ project, with which Will and Percy Brown have both been involved since it began as a strand of the Trust’s Anti Stigma Campaign in October 2009.

With support by Percy, attendees were entertained by poignant material inspired by events in Will’s own life, and touched throughout with his own unique brand of wry humour. Poems like “Nor the Years Condemn”, “I’m Not Too Bad Thanks”, and “Elvis at the Shrink” were interspersed with songs including a rendition of Wordsworth’s “Daffodils”, set to Will’s own music. Percy, meanwhile, offered renditions of Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”, and a selection of Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens) songs including “Moon Shadow” and “Father and Son”. The afternoon was brought to a close with a singalong of Rod Stewart’s “Sailing”, accompanied by both Will and Percy on guitars. Will is now working on a new CD collection of his material, and hopes to perform more gigs in the near future. Watch this space for further details.

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Artwork created by Emmy-Rose (17) who has been suffering with disabling CSF/ME syndrome and chronic pain for a number of years and was supported by the PLS during her outpatient and inpatient treatment. Emmy is a young talented artist who used the medium of painting to express her experiences of living with chronic illness and disability.

A helping hand for young people and their families


motional, behavioural and mental health problems are between two and four times more common in children and young people who attend paediatric services than in those who do not, and the need for hospital-based CAMHS provision is recommended as an essential service in Children’s National Service Framework (2003 & 2006). The Nottingham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Paediatric Liaison Service (PLS) was one of the first dedicated hospital-based specialist CAMHS teams to be established in the UK. It comprises a consultant child psychiatrist and a systemic family psychotherapist and offers therapeutic interventions including cognitive behavioural therapy, medical hypnotherapy, systemic family therapy, consultation and paediatric pharmacotherapy, The team’s primary focus is on the mental health and psychosocial aspects of acute and chronic illness, disability and terminal care for children, young people and their families, combined with ongoing support and consultation to the paediatric teams at the Queen’s Medical Centre. From the outset of the PLS in 2000, user involvement has been vital in governing and shaping the service, with service users

Safety Express launches on Bronte and Bestwood Ward


involved in setting the standards for the service, meeting commissioners, producing leaflets, interviewing potential staff. It was also the first service to have user representative attending consultant job plan meeting. This close partnership with service users has resulted in consistently positive feedback. In a recent 360º appraisal 25 patients scored their experience of using the PLS. The service scored above 90% in all items on users’ satisfaction. In a feedback questionnaire 82% of respondents said that if a friend needed similar help they would certainly recommend that he or she came to PLS, while responses to ‘what was really good about your care?’ included: • They were very kind; they don’t rush you, very friendly and always listen to what you say. They understand. • Booking appointments is very easy. • Staff were professional and their approach to me as a parent was not judgemental... I am talked to as an equal and my views count. Staff made us feel reassured that help was available when required. For more information about the CAMHS PLS at QMC please contact Sharon Moxam, Unit Secretary, on 0115 8230269 or email

Bestwood are using Safety Express to improve safety on the wards by reducing the harm experienced when a patient falls.

On 11 May teams from Bronte and Bestwood Wards attended an event to launch work using a new Department of Health (DH) initiative called Safety Express.

Safety Express asks teams to examine a range of drivers which influence the delivery of safe care. This includes leadership, safety culture and reliable care. There are also opportunities to share work with other Trusts and learn from others who are working to reduce harm form falls.

Safety Express was recently introduced by the DH as a harm reduction programme for clinical teams and is part of the QIPP (Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention) workstream focusing on the delivery of safer care. The teams from Bronte and

The teams used the time at the event to meet and plan how to use the initiative. They are being closely supported by the Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) Directorate falls group. The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement is also providing support

for teams utilising Safety Express and was present at the event. Already the ward teams have planned the early work and are eager to get started.

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Poetry Corner Relocation to Redwood The following poem was written by Alex Ewart (age 17), a young person supported by the Paediatric Liaison CAMHS team at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Addiction Sat at my computer with nothing to do. No friends online, none of the crew. But instead of logging off, here’s what I’ll do I’ll run around in virtual space for an hour or two. I’m running down a road on my level 23, when a character named Conscience tries to stop me. He says in BLOCK CAPS “there’s a boss named addiction, he hits so hard you need two to defeat him”. I look at him close about to invite, when a character named Ego challenges Conscience to a fight. Conscience goes down in the blink of an eye, so I invite Ego along for the ride. We start to plan but before we could speak, there Addiction stood about 50 feet. Ego grabbed his shield and blocked the first blow, but before I could act he fell like snow. Panicked and distressed I run to resurrect Conscience. But now it’s too late, Addiction is approaching us. With no choice left I prepare my last stand, fear in my eyes, dagger in my hand. Just as Addiction is about to end my existence, a battle cry screams out from the distance. Addiction turns in an attempt to flee. But it’s too late, ‘Self Control’ has saved me.

For further information please contact: Steve Williamson, or Sharon Howe,

Ward staff Joy Barton, Necia Freeman, Rachael Salmon and Lisa Bannister demonstrating a peaks chart for safety express implementation on Bronte ward

Staff and service users have moved into two newly refurbished wards at Highbury Hospital. Redwood 1 and 2 are adult mental health (AMH) inpatient wards for people aged 18-65 experiencing high levels of mental distress. Each ward offers 16 ensuite bedrooms providing separate accommodation for males (Redwood 1) and females (Redwood 2). The wards have been designed to be flexible to best accommodate the need of patients; with the ability to alter the distribution of rooms across the two as required. Patients and staff transferred to Redwood from AMH wards Lister at the Wells Road Centre and A44 at Queen’s Medical Centre. The wards are the result of a refurbishment of Lady Middleton and Carlton wards, being renovated to a high specification, providing a dedicated therapies area and access to outdoor space, enhancing the healing environment and providing high levels of privacy and dignity for patients. The refurbishment is part of ongoing development at the Highbury Hospital site to incorporate all treatment wards on one site, all of which will meet AiMS and Royal College of Psychiatrists standards. Length of stay for patients at Redwood will vary from a few days to months or a year. Therapies and services offered are Recovery focused with activities and interventions including occupational therapy and time spent with qualified nurses, doctors and psychologists. The aim is to arrive at the best outcome for each patient enabling them to reach their own optimum level of functioning. Feedback from both patients and staff following the move has been very positive with many commenting that they are delighted with their new environments.

Don’t be alone A new group is available to anyone who would like to meet others, chat, make new friends or just have some company. The friendly group is held every Friday from 1pm to 4pm and people can drop in at any point. The venue is The Embankment Pub near to Trent Bridge. There is a large free car park and disabled access. For more information contact Neil on 07968 106414 or visit

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Ceremony marks Institute’s new building Building work on a new £7 million home for the Institute of Mental Health in Nottingham has been officially marked with a groundbreaking ceremony. The Institute, currently based within the Sir Colin Campbell Building on The University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus, will be moving 200 metres along Triumph Road to bespoke new accommodation on the campus. Construction work on the four-storey building began in May and it is planned that the Institute will occupy the new build from April 2012 onwards. The Institute of Mental Health is a

Professor Mike Cooke takes part in the ground-breaking ceremony with (back l-r) Ian Dalby, Project Manager, GF Tomlinson Building Limited, Professor Saul Tendler, University of Nottingham Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning and Non Executive Director Nottinghamshire Healthcare, Professor Nick Manning, Director of the Institute of Mental Health

partnership between The University of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Healthcare. It seeks to help transform our understanding and treatment of mental illness through innovative research and pioneering educational activities. Also moving into the new building will be the CLAHRC (Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care) for Nottinghamshire,

An artist’s impression of the planned new building


Remembering those lost to substance misuse

This year Let’s Build will be holding a commemorative event on International Remembrance Day from 4pm to 8pm at The Willows, Ransom Wood Business Park, Mansfield. The event is aimed at all those who have lost someone through drugs or alcohol misuse.

International Remembrance Day on 21 July is an opportunity to remember loved ones who have been lost – either directly or indirectly – to substance misuse.

The evening will include information stands, holistic therapies, refreshments, face painting, tree planting and other commemorative activities such as a remembrance book.

Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, the Mental Health Research Network East Midlands Hub plus South Yorkshire, and the NHS East Midlands Leadership Academy. The ground-breaking ceremony took place on site on Wednesday 25 May and was attended by representatives of the Institute, the University and Nottinghamshire Healthcare, partner organisations, and those involved in the new build. Professor Mike Cooke, CBE, Trust Chief Executive, said: “The Institute is leading mental health research both in this country and in Europe. We are delighted to have helped create this major success story for Nottinghamshire. This new building will bring all staff groups together and allow for future expansion; crucially PhD and post-doctoral staff. The Institute of Mental Health, CLAHRC-NDL, the MHRN and the NHS East Midlands Leadership Academy will all benefit from this co-location.”

Come along and celebrate the memory of loved ones lost to drugs or alcohol. For more information or to book a place, contact Caroline on 01623 652743. Caroline can also provide bus and travel information to help you get to the event.

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Focus on: Deaf Wellbeing Project

hearing people. The factors leading to this are regularly discussed in the action group meetings with recommendations fed back to responsible services via the COI steering group. The group hopes that its comments could shape the NHS to become more deaf-friendly and culturally appropriate.

The Communities of Interest (COI) – deaf wellbeing project has been running since July last year with a cross-section of deaf and hearing professionals from different organisations getting involved. Some have also become ‘activists’ and attend the monthly deaf wellbeing action group to look at concerns raised from deaf communities and ways to promote awareness within the wider communities and NHS.

Members of the group said: “We believe the Deaf Wellbeing Project has better equipped us to work with public services. The training and shared learning so far have made us more aware of the services available and provided a dialogue with providers like the Health in Mind services. We look forward to accessing similar training events in the future.”

With Professor Mike Cooke as the group’s sponsor, it has taken part in a number of events both in Nottinghamshire and further afield. It also runs a monthly Deaf Action Group meeting.

The group will have another opportunity to celebrate its success at its one year anniversary event at 1pm on 29 July 2011 at the Conference Hall, Highbury Hospital. All are welcome to attend.

The group’s ongoing concern is that deaf people are 40% more likely to experience mental health problems than

For more information please contact Emmanuel Chan 0115 9555446 or email

The group of Wathwood staff and patients who attended the Bikeability course.

Wathwood on manoeuvres On Monday 18 April seven staff and five patients from Wathwood attended a ‘Bikeability’ course (formerly known as the cycle proficiency test) and achieved both levels one and two. The course consisted of navigating minor and main roads close to Wathwood Hospital using hand signals, observations of car traffic and manoeuvres such as turns in the roads and positioning at junctions. This was a joint learning venture which took place over a three-hour period and was certified by outside instructors. The weather was sunny and warm and all the candidates enjoyed the training and are ready for bigger and better challenges. Escorted group leaves are now taking place at least every fortnight using five newly purchased bicycles along with all the extra bits of kit – rucksacks, water bottles, helmets, gloves and hi-vis vests.

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q What is your job title and what does your role entail? a Head of Procurement: Leading and being accountable for the Procurement team and setting and implementing the procurement strategy for the Trust. Working proactively with our customers and suppliers to raise the profile of what good procurement is about and the role it can bring in driving value and quality for the Trust and its patients.

q What is your employment background? a Quite varied. I was in the RAF for nine years after I left school. I then travelled for a bit and ended up working in the finance team for an investment bank in London, where I met my wife. We moved out of London to Nottingham where I worked in the Procurement team at Experian for five years before moving to the NHS in 2006 and joining the Re:source Procurement Hub.

q How long have you been with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust? a It must be getting on for four whole months now! q What do you see as your priorities for Nottinghamshire Healthcare? a There is a massive opportunity and responsibility for procurement within the Trust. Some of the key areas we need to focus on are: reducing our supplier base and leveraging spend to drive better quality and pricing for the goods and services we buy; getting robust contracts in place with our strategic suppliers and managing them to drive value and improvements throughout the contract term; making ordering goods and services easier for our customers through the completion of the e-series Integra roll out and the increased use of catalogues and framework agreements.

Ruth Warren, Ward Manager (left) and Kerry Dexter, Healthcare Assistant, both of Rowan 2, are all smiles as Rowan 2 goes lives with electronic noting.

q&a This issue the roving spotlight picks out John Williams, Head of Procurement

q What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? a As a child we spent many a wet summer camping holiday in the Lake District. Our Mam used to tell us all as we huddled in a wet muddy tent that “If there is enough blue sky to make an elephant a pair of trousers, it’s going to be a nice day tomorrow” Amazingly enough it often came true, so it is now a piece of ‘wisdom’ I pass on to my children! q What was the last CD you bought? a Adele, 21. q What is your greatest achievement? a Probably managing to complete a parachute course whilst I was in the Air Force. I realised on day one that it wasn’t for me, but I managed to keep closing my eyes and throwing my trembling limbs out of the plane for the three-week duration.

Health Informatics S Highbury wards t At 7am on Monday 9 May the first of three wards – Rowan 2, at Highbury Hospital – began a six-month pilot of electronic clinical noting on RiO (Trust Patient Information system). Ruth Warren, Ward Manager, and her team are now making clinical entries onto the RiO system by way of capturing the day-to-day progress of the patients. Rowan 1 and The Willows (Mental Health Intensive Care Unit) will follow on 6 June. This means that for these wards


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q What makes you angry? a People who prey on others’ fears and


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ignorance to create their own agenda.

sunny day with a book in one hand and a drink in the other and simply rolling off into the pool whenever I get too hot.

q What are you most passionate about? a My family, food and football.

q What three words would you use to describe yourself? a Affable, optimistic and practical.

q What single thing would improve your working life at Nottinghamshire Healthcare? a An open-plan office for the team at The Forest site. We are all in individual little rooms at present which isn’t conducive for working as a team.

q What is your favourite holiday destination? a France.

q What is your favourite hobby? a It used to be golf before we had our

q Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? a If I manage to win the lottery then relaxing on that inflatable lilo! Otherwise still hopefully working for the Trust as I have been really impressed by its values since joining.

children. It’s probably family cycle rides now.

q What keeps you awake at night? a The kids wandering into our bedroom.

q What is your favourite film? a It would have to be my childhood favourite ‘Escape to Victory’. My brothers and I would recreate for hours Pele’s overhead equaliser and Sylvester Stallone’s penalty save in our back garden.

q What is your idea of bliss? a Relaxing on an inflatable lilo on a hot

q Who would you take to a desert island? a Lorraine Pascale.

q Do you have a ‘claim to fame’? a I once got through to Adam Ant on a Multi-Coloured Swap Shop phone-in and asked what gave him the idea for the white stripe across his nose.

q How would you like to be remembered? a With a nice bench or tree on a sunny hill where people can sit and enjoy the view.

s Service update: RiO welcomes s to electronic noting traditional paper-based progress-note records will cease for the duration of the pilot and all entries will be made and read on RiO. Dr John Brewin, the Project Executive, said: “This is a new way of working for the pilot wards at Highbury and I hope it will be developed and rolled out to the whole of Local Services in due course”. Dr Brewin’s Project Board includes representatives from the Health Informatics Service and senior clinicians who, together with Project Manager Dominick Ferguson and Business Change Lead Sally Redgate, will ensure an efficient implementation of the pilot. Considerable emphasis was put on

liaising with the ward staff and other stakeholders to ensure the staff on golive day were fully briefed, well trained and very much involved in the design of the pilot. “My team has embraced the project,” said Ruth Warren, “and we are looking forward to when the usual problems with hand written entries will no longer exist. We are confident that this new way of working will dramatically improve overall communication between the teams, particularly if the project is rolled out to the other teams. This in turn will support clinical decision making and more effective patient care”.

Andy you’re a star Andy Peet, Therapeutic Skills Tutor/Non-Medical Prescriber was shortlisted in the recent Nursing Standard Nurse Awards 2011. Delighted with the nomination, Andy attended the Awards dinner on Thursday 28 April at the Park Plaza Westminster in London to celebrate his achievement and find out if he was a winner. Andy had been shortlisted for the Child Health Award for his work on the ‘Let’s Talk About It’ project involving going into secondary schools to raise awareness of emotional health and wellbeing as well as exploring the stigma of mental health. Andy was named runner up but was thrilled that the work had been recognised nationally. He said: “It was a great night and great to be recognised, but the most important aspect of this work is that it continues to be taken into schools raising awareness and supporting teachers to explore mental health. Oh, and I met Angela Rippon in a lift!” The ‘Let’s Talk About It’ project was showcased at the Trust’s AGM in 2010 and was developed in partnership with Nottinghamshire Healthcare, The Institute of Mental Health and Samanya Theatre Company. It includes a theatre performance, free information and handouts for students and a twilight session delivered to teachers to help support further work exploring mental health in the classroom. For further information on the ‘Let’s Talk About It’ project contact andy.peet@ or jonathan.wright

For further information please contact

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Positive June 2011a:Layout 1



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Introducing the Pre-Registration Professional Development Team As part of the Trust’s ongoing commitment to the pre-registration agenda two new Practice Learning Facilitators have been appointed. Deb Boyer and Shelly Worsley now make up the Pre-Registration Professional Development Team based at the Mike Harris Learning and Development Centre and covering Nottinghamshire Healthcare and County Health Partnerships staff.

The practice learning agenda has a wide remit which covers all aspects of preregistration students’ learning and development needs. This is delivered through partnership working with the higher education institutes and ourselves, the placement providers and the mentors/educators in practice. The role of the Practice Learning Facilitators within the Trust covers areas such as:

Deb is a registered nurse by background and has had numerous roles in practice, both in acute and community settings. Most recently she worked in workforce development. Shelly’s background is in mental health nursing. She worked in elderly, rehabilitation and acute adult inpatient services and workforce development before taking up this post.

• Ensuring Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards for practice learning are maintained • Holding and updating a live nursing mentor database • Holding Allied Health Professional educator details • Ensuring staff have access to annual mentor updates, either face-to-face or online • Supporting existing placement areas and mentors/educators • Involvement and advisory roles in educational audits • Exploring and developing new practice learning opportunities and placement areas • Improving placement capacity • Valuing the contribution of mentors and assessors within the Trust • Promoting inter-professional practice learning • Improving staff participation in student nurse education and selection alongside university colleagues • Improving and maintaining mentor numbers within the Trust • Advising and acting on practice learning issues and developments.

Deb Boyer, Practice Learning Facilitator, Learning and Development Department. (Right) Shelly Worsley, Practice Learning Facilitator, Learning and Development Department.

“As a team we enjoy working for a Department which encourages innovation towards improving practice-based learning opportunities and developing new placements within our organisation for pre-registration students,” said Deb and Shelly. “We are aware of the great work our areas do to maintain and improve high standards of education for the students placed in our services, and we look forward to a role working alongside, supporting, advising and celebrating the work that you do.” If you have any queries, news, ideas or issues involving student placement, education, or mentorship please do not hesitate to contact Deb and Shelly at or

WHO WE ARE... WE NEED YOU! You may have picked up this copy of the newsletter not knowing what Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is. We provide integrated healthcare services including mental health, learning disability and community health services. We also manage medium-secure units in Leicester and Rotherham, and the high-secure Rampton Hospital near Retford.

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If you have any ideas or suggestions for the newsletter, please contact Suzanne Aitken in the Trust Communications Team on 0115 955 5403 or via email at We are always pleased to receive articles for possible publication, but ask that they do not exceed 300 words. If any individuals other than yourself are mentioned in what you write or featured in accompanying photographs, please make sure you check with them that they are happy to be potentially featured. Please note that the Communications Team has full editorial control and may have to edit articles appropriately. Therefore, if you want to see the final version please ensure you send your article in with plenty of time before the deadline and state clearly what you require. If you would like copies of any past editions of Positive, or if you are having any ‘distribution issues’ with the newsletter – whether you’re receiving too many copies, too few, or none at all then please contact us. If you would like your story in the August issue of Positive, please contact us by 8 July 2011. However, due to space constraints we cannot guarantee the publication of all articles received by the deadline. Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, The Resource, Duncan MacMillan House, Porchester Road, Nottingham, NG3 6AA. Tel 0115 9691300

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