649 Eighth Avenue, New Westminster, BC 604-524-6100 | thornebridge.ca | verveseniorliving.com
Julia S. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
Kai G. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
Zinnia Wang, Connaught Heights Elementary. Grade 5
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B1
B2 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
New West
Christina L., Queen Elizabeth Elementary, Grade 4
SUITE 130 - 1005 COLUMBIA ST., NEW WESTMINSTER • 604-525-5607
The implementa!on of the redesigned curriculum by the B.C. Ministry of Educa!on is intended to give our students the knowledge, skills and at!tudes they will need to succeed in a world that is dramatically di%erent from the one we know today. The Statement of Educa!on Policy Order (School Act, sec!on 169 (3)) emphasizes that in preparing students as future ci!zens, schools assist in developing: “well-educated people who have the ability to think clearly and cri!cally, and to adapt to change. Progress towards these goals also depends on educated ci!zens who accept the tolerant and mul!-faceted nature of Canadian society.” The New Westminster Board of Educa!on is cognizant that our students are facing a complex and rapidly changing world and that technology and innova!on are reshaping society and the fu-
ture. The New Westminster School District con!nues to strive to provide learning advantages that will ensure our students are equipped with the necessary skills and competencies to prepare them for life in the 21st century. To support learning that is both relevant and engaging, we are implemen!ng major upgrades to equipment and services to support innova!on and crea!vity throughout the curriculum, as well as providing our students with greater global connec!vity, redesigned classroom spaces, and technologyenhanced lessons to support student-centered instruc!on. We have had many achievements and milestones to celebrate this year and we look forward to many more successes before the end of June. Looking forward, we will complete our middle school model of educa!on with the opening of Fraser River Middle School in September 2016. With our team of very dedicated teachers, support sta%, paraprofessionals, and prin-
cipals and vice-principals, along with involved and informed parents and community members, we are excited to take the next steps in building and improving on our current learning environments. We will employ the big ideas to structure excep!onal and equitable educa!onal opportuni!es as we strive to meet the needs and realize the poten!al of each learner. Finally, we are fully commi&ed to con!nue to iden!fy and eradicate barriers in accessing educa!on so that all students, regardless of race, religion, colour, gender or sexual iden!cca!on, can come together to learn and contribute in a safe and mutually respec$ul environment. We do this for now; we do this for our future; we do this to make the New Westminster School District a great place to learn! Pat Duncan, Superintendent, School District #40
Kailin S. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 6
Anna M., Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 5
– A great place to learn –
Bosley’s Columbia Square #114-1015 Columbia Street New Westminster • 604.522.5280 www.bosleys.com |
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B3
Creativity & Children – it’s a great mix –
visits the students. The ads and the
annual Design an Ad special
students’ photos are put together
supplement continues to be
by our team at the Record and
popular in New Westminster.
another Design an Ad section is
The Record, local businesses and organizations and the New
Matiss O., Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 5
That’s one of the reasons our
complete. I would like to thank all of the
Westminster school district, team
students, teachers and participating
up and ask city students to design
advertisers who continue to make
newspaper ads for the special
this annual project a real success!
section. Every year, the students produce insightful, creative, thoughtful – and often humorous –
Lara Graham Associate Publisher the Record
advertisements that highlight the strengths of their subjects and often carry compelling messages. The businesses and groups get to choose which students’ advertisement they want to run in
Participating Schools • Connaught Heights Elementary • École Herbert Spencer • École Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary
Anthony T. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 6
the section and our photographer
NEW WESTMINSTER 610-6th Street (604) 522-4800 www.whitespot.ca
Royal Square Mall 800 McBride Blvd.
Shops at New West 800 Carnarvon
Annyka Velasco, Connaught Heights Elementary, Grade 4
B4 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Lisa King, the Record
Lucy M. Richard McBride Elementary School, Grade 5
708 - 6th Avenue, New Westminster 604-526-5633
Above, Connaught Heights Elementary students Krishiel Caballero, le!, and Annika Clarke work on their designs for Ti"any’s Grooming Salon on 12th Street. At le!, Charlie Smith, 9, focuses on his drawing.
604.521.6313 • belmontdentalcentre.com
#108-610 Sixth Street, New Westminster (Royal City Centre) Monday : 8AM - 5PM • Tuesday : 8AM - 6PM • Wednesday : 8AM - 6PM Thursday : 8AM - 8PM • Friday : 8AM - 6PM • Saturday : 8AM - 5PM Sunday : 10:30AM - 5PM
Sophie. Queen Elizabeth Elementary School, Grade 4
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B5
Above, Connaught Heights Elementary students Aus!n McGe#ngan, le", and Kai Letain, both 10, get down to business designing ads for the paper. At right, Immanuel Lee, 10, and Jared Aclan,9. Lisa King, the Record
info@goddesswithinyou.ca www.goddesswithinyou.ca
Lecia Z. Richard Mcbride Elementary School, Grade 5
Making miracles happen for BC Children’s Hospital! Most
Productive Agents in
102 - 321 6th Street, New Westminster
B6 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
#25 - 8th Avenue New Westminster
Nikka Patel, Herbert Spencer Elementary, Grade 5
Jaxson Domville, Herbert Spencer Elementary, Grade 5
Connaught Heights Elementary students in Mrs. Cannon’s grades 2, 3 and 4 class work on their designs for Design An Ad. Above, seven-year-old Julliana Gabiane, le", and Jasmeet Dhillon. At right, nine-year-old Kaitlyn Chiew. Lisa King, the Record
609 Sixth Street, New Westminster
Maria Olenchenko, Qayqayt Elementary School, Grade 5
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B7
Students in Mrs. Cannon’s grades 2,3 and 4 class at Connaught Heights Elementary working on their designs. Above, Zahara Ra&an,le", and Khaila Reyno. At right, Jaime Jones. Lisa King, the Record
325A 12th St. New Westminster
77-10th St., New Westminster • 604-522-8339 Sun.-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9 p.m. | Fri. & Sat. 11:00 a.m.-10 p.m.
Gunjot Kaur Nahal, Queen Elizabeth Elementary, Grade 4
Mia M. Qayqayt Elementary School, Grade 4
B8 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Eric B. Queensborough Middle School, Grade 5
Audrey R. Richard McBride Elementary School, Grade 4
Students in Ms. Prunier’s class at École Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary work on their designs. Top le", William Gallant. Bo&om le", Mitchell Birovchak. Above, from le", Anthony Timo%ee, Andrew Matz and Malcolm Murraine hold up their designs for Safeway and Royal City Centre. Lisa King, the Record
604-524-2264 66 Sixth Street, New Westminster
jess@kidsinmotiondance.com kidsinmotiondance.com 465 B East Columbia Street, New Westminster
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B9
Marielle D. Richard Mcbride Elementary School, Grade 5
Students in Chris Weber’s Montessori class at École Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary take a break from working on their designs to pose for a class photo. Lisa King, the Record
@rivermrkt 810 Quayside Drive, New Westminster BC 604.520.3881
B10 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Gurhoor Gabbi, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 5
Cate R., Qayqayt Elementary, Grade 4
Students in Ms. Ireland’s Montessori class work on drawings for Design An Ad. Above, Stella Moon and Julie Sim, both 10. Top right, nine-year-old Cian Moreland. Bo&om right, Megan Chiem. Lisa King, the Record
818 Colborne Street New Westminster, BC V3L 0G4 Phone: 604-544-7387 http://queensparkpethospital.ca/
www.gvccu.com KINGSGATE
115-370 East Broadway
1801Willingdon Ave
25B-800 McBride Blvd
125-15280 101 Avenue
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B11
326 Columbia Street, New Westminster 604-526-6651 www.taverna.ca
Kai G. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
Beth A. Richard Mcbride Elementary School, Grade 5
École Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary Grade 4 French immersion students get to work on Design An Ad. From le", Mia Mori, Kai Ropata and Larkin Swain. Lisa King, the Record
B12 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Emily Abowssaly, Qayqayt Elementary School, Grade 5
James Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
Mr. Lui’s Grade 4 French immersion class sketches out their ad designs. Above, Sam Weatherby stops for a photo. At right, Jendayi Bernardo shows o% her drawing for the Music Box. Lisa King, the Record
PRIME DENTURE CLINIC #203 - 624 Sixth Street, Princess Medical - Dental Building
Next door to the Waffle House Restaurant, Across the street from Legion
Zinnia Wang, Connaught Heights Elementary. Grade 5
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B13
Above, Elijah Cunanan and Brianna Shen keep focused on their designs. At right, Ariel Lajeunesse stops for a photo while working on her ad for the Music Box. Lisa King, the Record
Bill X. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 5
649 Eighth Avenue, New Westminster, BC 604-524-6100 | thornebridge.ca | verveseniorliving.com
Featuring Save-On-Foods, Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart and over 40 stores with lots of free parking at 6th & 6th, New West
B14 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Brianna S. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
From le", Arlo Cristofaro and Declan Rogan, students in Mrs. Sebestyen’s grades 4/5 class at École Herbert Spencer Elementary, smile for the camera as they work on their designs for Dr. Lovely’s dental prac!ce. Lisa King, the Record
musicboxnw.ca 630 Carnarvon Street #211-810 Quayside Drive
2 locations in Downtown to Serve You New Westminster
Ezra, Connaught Heights Elementary, Grade 4
New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 31, 2016 B15
B - 820 Twelfth Street New Westminster
Jessica Gallop and Milica Radjenovic, students in Mrs. Sebestyen’s grades 4/5 class at École Herbert Spencer Elementary, are all smiles while they work on their designs for Design An Ad 2016. Lisa King, the Record
Design with Confidence 950 - 12th St Street, t New N Westminster W t i t 604-553-0484 www.designwithconfidence.ca
Julia S. Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary School, Grade 4
Tony Shon, Qayqayt Elementary, Grade 5
Check out our new web page: tiffanysgrooming.com tiffanysgrooming.com
A happy well groomed pet is our goal!
Sharon E Qayqayt Elementary School, Grade 5
B16 THURSDAY March 31, 2016 • New Westminster RECORD
Columbia Square: 1025 Columbia Street Royal City Centre: 610 6th Street Sapperton: 270 East Columbia