2 minute read
New West city council gets a 6.8% pay increase for 2023
NewWestminster city council members are receiving a 6 8 per cent boost to their salaries in 2023.
On Monday, council received a staff report on its 2023 remuneration, which has an increase based on the council remuneration policy approved in 2019. Using that policy, which is based on the Consumer Price Index for B.C., the mayor’s salary will increase from $137,645 in 2022 to $147,004 and councillors’ salaries will increase from $52,940 to $56,539
“The Statistics Canada CPI (Consumer Price Index) for British Colum- bia from Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022 was 6 8 per cent,” said the report “As such, council will receive a 6 8 per cent remuneration increase for 2023 ”
The total increase for all council members in 2023 will be $30,953 The increases are retroactive to Jan. 1.
Coun Daniel Fontaine applauded the efforts of the previous council and staff for establishing a policy that removed elected officials from the process of setting their remuneration
Fontaine said he’s a firm believer in making sure elected officials receive compensation that’s commensurate with the work they do
Fontaine, however, said he was “really struggling” to support a 6 8 per cent increase to council remuneration at a time when many people are “hurting” and NewWestminster taxpayers are seeing a 6.4 per cent increase to their property tax bills.
“The timing of us giving this this pay hike to our- selves, I think it’s unfortunate; the optics are really bad,” he said “It is what it is; it’s tied to the rate of inflation, and inflation is seven per cent I can’t in good conscience vote in favour of that this year, just given what our citizens are facing in terms of their own personal finances.”

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Free Street Occupancy Permit For Block Parties
Foster community life and connect with your neighbours in a safe, fun, and respectful way by hosting a block party on your street! Each local street is eligible for ONE FREE street occupancy permit per year Visit newwestcity.ca/block-parties for all the info on how to organize a block party.
Notice Respecting Zoning Amendment Bylaw
Under sections 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2023 AT 6:00 PM
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber, City Hall

Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received for 1032 and 1036 St. Andrews Street
A total of 12 side-by-side, ground-oriented infill townhouse units are proposed across two buildings, which are 2- to 3-storeys with an overall Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 1.00 All of the proposed units would be family-friendly, containing three bedrooms, and stratified. The development proposes 12 resident parking spaces and one visitor space
Long-term bicycle storage would be provided for each unit, as well as four short-term bicycle spaces, per Zoning Bylaw requirements. The proposal would rezone the properties from Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1) to the site-specific Comprehensive Development District (1032 & 1036 St Andrews Street) (CD-98). The rezoning application is consistent with the Official Community Plan, and in accordance with sections 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster will not hold a public hearing on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No 8402, 2023.
From June 15 to June 26, 2023, the proposed bylaw and related material are available for inspection at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at: newwestcity.ca/publicnotices
Submissions to Council are welcome and encouraged, including written submissions by email, post, or by dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall.
Phone: 604-527-4523 Legislative Services Department, Email: clerks@newwestcityca 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9
City Council will consider giving first, second and third readings to Bylaw No 8402, 2023 at its meeting on June 26, 2023. The meeting will be open to public attendance and broadcast live on the City’s website It can be viewed by going to newwestcity.ca/council and clicking on either the meeting ID or the Council meeting in the calendar
Peter DeJong, Corporate Officer