RCM Spring Events 2015

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020 7591 4314 – WWW.RCM.AC.UK


Highlights Participatory Events Lectures & Seminars Masterclasses & Workshops Chamber Music Series

020 7591 4314 www.rcm.ac.uk



CONTENTS Events Guide Spring Season 2015 Listings for January – April

Diary 4 Out and About 29 Ticket & Booking Information 30 Visiting Us 31 Supporting Us 32 In Brief 33

Diary events are colour coded for easy referencing H PE LS MW CS IP

Highlights Participatory Events Lectures & Seminars Masterclasses & Workshops Chamber Music Series Independent Promotions Box Office – Ticketed event See page 30 for details or call 020 7591 4314. Junior Department events. Please call the Junior Department on 020 7591 4345 for more details. RCM Sparks and the Royal Albert Hall work in partnership to deliver innovative learning and participation opportunities for all ages. This unique combination of education expertise and diverse concert programming offers exciting and engaging activities for all and gives access to two iconic institutions. See www.rcm.ac.uk/sparks for further details. The RCM is grateful to the Royal Garden Hotel for its generous support of the RCM’s visiting International Conductors Programme. All public performances in the RCM Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall and the Britten Theatre operate under rules of management for places of entertainment issued by Westminster City Council. All information in this publication was correct at time of going to print. The Royal College of Music is a registered charity. No. 309268

Designed by Splash of Paint. www.splashofpaint.com Cover images and general photography © Chris Christodoulou Page 11 & 12 © PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek, www.shutterstock.com

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk

WELCOME TO A NEW SPRING SEASON AT THE RCM! A rich programme of events this spring showcases the variety and depth of the talents of our performers, with a number of themes running through the season. The City of Light festival, in conjunction with the Philharmonia Orchestra, celebrates the explosion of artistic output in the French capital between 1900 and 1950. We recreate the spectacle-concert of Jean Cocteau, examine chamber music from Debussy, Ravel, Satie and Dutilleux, and perform two masterworks of the repertoire – Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé Suite and Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring at the Royal Festival Hall, alongside rarely heard music of Koechlin, and a world premiere by Lili Boulanger. Probably France’s most original and unique composer, Olivier Messiaen, is celebrated in our keyboard festival, Messiaen’s Muses. His remarkable transcription of birdsong, deep Catholic faith, and own musical colour spectrum create kaleidoscopic and mesmerising music. For more French masterworks we are very pleased to welcome back Vladimir Ashkenazy, who will be conducting a programme including Debussy’s La mer and Berlioz’s Le carnaval romain. Our Chamber Essentials series investigates the music of the Czech Republic, and, moving further north, we present a concert performance of Shostakovich and Prokofiev, with a return visit from the prodigious young conductor, Ilyich Rivas, and a workshop on Rachmaninov’s The Isle of the Dead with Vladimir Jurowski. Music of a very different sort is presented by Node – the legendary analogue synth supergroup. RCM New Perspectives continues to explore the border of sound and silence with the music of Takemitsu. And our own students show their creative and collaborative workings in the return of the Great Exhibitionists series. Masterclasses include visits from Sir Thomas Allen, Michel Béroff and Alina Ibragimova. The spring rounds off with two giants of the Baroque. Our Bach Festival Week includes the St John Passion with the Salzburg Mozarteum, cantatas with the RCM Baroque Ensemble and Chamber Choir, and solo and chamber works. With the London Handel Festival we present the modern UK premiere of Handel’s Giove in Argo; his pasticcio opera which was lost for centuries. We look forward to welcoming you here. Stephen Johns | Artistic Director





RCM Swing Band 7.30pm

Britten Theatre

Mark Armstrong director RCM Swing Band Join the RCM Swing Band as they explore the evolution of the big band. Travel with them through the swing era and bebop revolution, via the sounds of New Testament Basie to more modern explorations of the swing tradition. This not to be missed programme is directed by RCM professor and audience favourite Mark Armstrong. Tickets: £8. Book in conjunction with 11 February Big Band concert and receive a 20% discount




Saxophone Masterclass with Arno Bornkamp

Music Talks: The Piano Sonatas of Beethoven




West Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Louis XIV and Louis XV – Reign Changer 6.00pm

RCM Museum of Music

The year 1715 saw the death of Louis XIV and the start of the reign of Louis XV. In this concert, Ensemble Molière commemorates the 300th anniversary of the change in monarch by performing works from composers that worked during the lifetime of both kings.

Karl Lutchmayer demonstrates the extraordinary construction of Beethoven’s Appassionata op 57 and Sonata in A major op 101. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM Tickets: £275 for Spring Term Lecture Series

RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Free but tickets required

Violin to Viola 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Soh-Yon Kim viola Join Mills Williams Junior Fellow Soh-Yon Kim on her mission to convince violinists to take up the viola by showcasing the instrument in a programme of chamber works by Mozart and Handel/Halvorsen. Free but tickets required

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Vocal Masterclass with Simon Keenlyside 2.00pm

Recital Hall

RCM Chamber Music Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

RCM Swing Band 7.30pm

Britten Theatre

See panel above for details

THURSDAY 15 JANUARY Composer/Performer Collaboration: Methodology, Ethics and Outcomes 5.15pm

East Parry Room

Simon Desbruslais (University of Hull) explores a relationship that is based on often precarious balances of trust, power and independent activity – the collaboration between composer and performer. Part of the Grove Forum series

Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required

Bassoon Masterclass with Christian Dahl

Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium


West Parry Room

Free but tickets required


Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk


SUNDAY 18 JANUARY Shostakovich: Fire and Ice Various times & venues

See right panel for details

MONDAY 19 JANUARY RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

West Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Masterclass with Jérôme Pernoo 6.30pm

Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Yoon Cho


Shostakovich: Fire and Ice For this thrilling one-day festival we welcome renowned cellists Leonid Gorokhov and Jérôme Pernoo and distinguished Shostakovich biographer Elizabeth Wilson for a day of events celebrating Shostakovich’s famous Cello Concerto. The day culminates in a special performance by star RCM cellist Yoon Cho, winner of the Shostakovich Cello Concerto Competition, with the RCM Philharmonic conducted by IIyich Rivas. Presented in association with the London Cello Society Find out more at www.rcm.ac.uk/fireandice

Masterclass with Leonid Gorokhov 10.30am

Forum with Elizabeth Wilson Recital Hall


Recital Hall

Leonid Gorokhov explores movements 1 and 2 of Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto no 1.

Cellist, author and broadcaster Elizabeth Wilson discusses her own experiences of Shostakovich’s music in Russia.

Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required

Masterclass with Jérôme Pernoo 2.00pm

Shostakovich Cello Concerto Recital Hall

Jérôme Pernoo explores movements 3 and 4 of Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto no 1. Free but tickets required

7.00pm Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

RCM Philharmonic Ilyich Rivas conductor Yoon Cho cello Prokofiev Selections from Romeo and Juliet Shostakovich C ello Concerto no 1 in E flat major op 107 Standard tickets: £10 (£6) LCS member tickets: £8 (£5)



Vladimir Jurowski


Workshop with Jurowski 5.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Vladimir Jurowski conductor RCM Symphony Orchestra Rachmaninov The Isle of the Dead op 29 Internationally renowned conductor Vladimir Jurowski returns for a workshop with the RCM Symphony Orchestra. Join them for Rachmaninov’s haunting and mysterious The Isle of the Dead, inspired by Arnold Böcklin’s painting of the same name. In addition to conducting the musicians, Jurowski will also give a short introduction to the piece. Tickets: £5




Violin Masterclass with Vasko Vassilev

Music Talks: The Interior World of Brahms




Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Workshop with Jurowski 5.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See panel above for details

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Drawing on the Liebeslieder Waltzes, Dr Katy Hamilton explores how Brahms went about writing for amateur musicians, and the fun he had in convivial music-making. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM Tickets: £275 for Spring Term Lecture Series


Highlights Participatory Events Lectures & Seminars Masterclasses & Workshops Chamber Music Series Independent Promotions RCM Box Office 020 7591 4314

RCM Chamber Music Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Mahler & Schoenberg 7.30pm

See page 7 for details

Britten Theatre

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk


THURSDAY 22 JANUARY Baroque Flute Masterclass with Wilbert Hazelzet 10.00am

Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

Pointing the Finger: Gesture as Performance by the Castrato, Nicolini East Parry Room

A superb vocalist, Nicolò Grimaldi, known as Nicolini was said to ‘set off the character he bears in an Opera by his Action, as much as he does the words of it by his Voice’. Michael Burden (University of Oxford) explores the argument that Nicolini’s acting was the means by which the foreign Italian opera became acceptable on the London stage.




Part of the Grove Forum series

Mahler & Schoenberg

Free but tickets required 7.30pm


Asier Puga & Rowan Baker conductors Simon Butteriss director

Baroque Flute Masterclass with Wilbert Hazelzet

Mahler (arr Schoenberg) Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) Schoenberg Brettl-Lieder (Cabaret Songs) Mahler (arr Erwin Stein) Symphony no 4


Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

Music in the Museum 1.15pm

RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required

RCM Brass Ensembles 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

The very best of the RCM brass ensembles is showcased in this concert which includes Strauss’ Festmusik and performances by the natural trumpet ensemble and trombone choir. Tickets: £5

© Florence Homolka


Britten Theatre

‘Gustav Mahler was a saint’ declared Arnold Schoenberg at the 1912 memorial service honouring the revered composer. In tribute, Schoenberg arranged many of Mahler’s works for chamber orchestra including Songs of a Wayfarer. Schoenberg’s take on his friend’s moving depiction of grief is presented in this programme alongside his own playful and seductive Cabaret Songs. Also on the bill is Erwin Stein’s fine arrangement of Mahler’s Symphony no 4 for soprano and twelve players. To direct this semi-staged performance, we’re delighted to welcome back Simon Butteriss who produced our stunning performance of Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale last year. Tickets: £8


DIARY MONDAY 26 JANUARY RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required



RCM Sparks Lunchtime Concert for Schools

Organ Masterclass with Jos van der Kooy


Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Key Stage 2 parties only

TUESDAY 27 JANUARY Great Exhibitionists Various times and venues

Taking up the spirit of the 1851 Great Exhibition, this cuttingedge series is curated entirely by students. For more information see www.rcm.ac.uk/greatexhibitionists Free but tickets required

Oboe Masterclass with Jacques Tys 10.00am

West Parry Room

Free but tickets required

WEDNESDAY 28 JANUARY Great Exhibitionists

Music Talks: The Operas of Rossini 10.15am

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Professor Colin Lawson focuses on one of Rossini’s most celebrated works, The Barber of Seville, in the company of young singers from the RCM International Opera School. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM Tickets: £275 for Spring Term Lecture Series

West Parry Room

Free but tickets required

The RCM Chamber Orchestra takes audiences on an exciting adventure to a wedding with lots of guests, a photographer and even a lion. Come and hear Les mariés de la tour Eiffel to find out what happens next!

Viola Masterclass with Jennifer Stumm

All schools booking receive a teacher resource pack and song recording to accompany this concert.

Free but tickets required

RCM Sparks is generously supported by Guy Dawson and Sam Horscroft


Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation

Trumpet Masterclass with Manu Mellaerts 2.00pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required

Saxophone Masterclass with Laurent Estoppey

Vocal Masterclass with Ann Murray 2.00pm

2.00pm Recital Hall

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required

Opera Scenes

Various times and venues

See Tuesday 27 January for details


THURSDAY 29 JANUARY Organ Masterclass with Jos van der Kooy 2.00pm

West Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium 5.30pm

Britten Theatre

Christopher Middleton conductor John Copley director Free but tickets required

Ruisi Quartet 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 9 for details

Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

City of Light: Spectacle-Concert 7.30pm


Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 10 for details

MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk


Ruisi Quartet

TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY City of Light: Music for Woodwind 7.30pm

Recital Hall

See page 11 for details

WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY Music Talks: Dance at Versailles and in Paris 10.15am

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Richard Langham Smith and Stephanie Jordan discuss and demonstrate how music and dance work together. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM ickets: £275 for Spring Term T Lecture Series

Einar Jóhannesson Recital 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

Áskell Másson Blik (Scintillations) Þórarinsson Sonata Áskell Másson Leiftur Tryggvi Baldvinsson Seiður Einar Jóhannesson presents a celebration of clarinet music from his homeland, Iceland. Free but tickets required

Vocal Masterclass with Roderick Williams 2.00pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Music for Marimbas 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 12 for details


Ruisi Quartet 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Ruisi Quartet Haydn String Quartet in A major op 20 no 6 Janáček String Quartet no 1 ‘Kreutzer Sonata’ Beethoven String Quartet in C major op 59 no 3 ‘Rasumovsky’ Formed in 2012, the Ruisi Quartet has already established itself as an ensemble of exceptional skill and expression. In this concert they present a glittering programme of some of the most popular works for string quartet, including the sixth ‘Sun’ quartet by Haydn, Janáčcˇek’s ‘Kreutzer Sonata’ and Beethoven’s hugely admired ‘Rasumovsky’ Quartet in C major. The Ruisi Quartet is the first ensemble on the RCM’s Artist Diploma programme, kindly supported by a legacy from the late Albert and Eugenie Frost Tickets: £5



City of Light: Paris 1900–1950 In 2015, the RCM and the Philharmonia Orchestra are joining forces for ‘City of Light: Paris 1900–1950’. This major series celebrates some of the best-loved composers and their sumptuous orchestral music as well as the writers, artists and dancers who inspired them.



Spectacle-Concert 7.30pm

RCM at the Royal Festival Hall Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

RCM Chamber Orchestra Timothy Lines conductor Milhaud La création du monde op 81 Poulenc Cocardes Satie Trois petites pièces montées Milhaud Cocktail for voice and four clarinets Milhaud Le boeuf sur le toit op 58 Les Six Les mariés de la tour Eiffel This fascinating event recreates a ‘spectacle-concert’ originally promoted by the French poet Jean Cocteau on 21 February 1920 at the Comédie des Champs-Elysées. A highlight of the programme is Les mariés de la tour Eiffel, a ballet score based on a wedding party held on the Eiffel Tower. Performed by the RCM Chamber Orchestra, the work follows the party as it is interrupted by a cyclist, a lion, a seaside bather, and even a hunter in pursuit of an ostrich…


Royal Festival Hall

RCM Symphony Orchestra RCM Chorus Jac van Steen conductor L Boulanger Marche gaie (world premiere) Koechlin Selections from Les heures persanes (The Persian Hours) Ravel Daphnis et Chloé: Suite no 2 Stravinsky The Rite of Spring The world premiere of a vivacious march that was lost for almost a century, an exotic evocation of a journey through 19th-century Persia, and Ravel and Stravinsky’s most celebrated ballet scores: this colourful concert offers the perfect showcase for the astonishing virtuoso talents of the RCM Symphony Orchestra, which brings together brilliantly talented young musicians from around the globe. Tickets: £5, £10, £15, £20, £25

Tickets: £10, £15

Pre-concert talk

Pre-concert talk 6.15pm

6.15pm Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

French music scholars Caroline Potter and Caroline Rae discuss music by Darius Milhaud and Les Six. Part of the Grove Forum series Free to concert ticket holders

Royal Festival Hall

Caroline Potter introduces Koechlin’s Les heures persanes and the premiere of Boulanger’s Marche gaie Free admission

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk

Chamber Concerts TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY


Music for Woodwind

Music for Strings and Woodwind


Recital Hall

Debussy Première rapsodie Dutilleux Sarabande et cortège Pierné Introduction et variations sur une ronde populaire Milhaud La cheminée du roi René op 205 L Boulanger Nocturne Dutilleux Sonatine Grovlez Sarabande et allegro Koechlin Wind Septet op 165 Free but tickets required


Recital Hall

Stravinsky Three Pieces for string quartet Vierne Rhapsodie for harp op 25 Ravel Introduction et allegro Debussy Sonata for flute, viola and harp Debussy Nocturne for violin and piano (reconstructed by Robert Orledge) Ravel String Quartet in F major Free but tickets required



Music for Solo Piano

Furniture Music at the Royal Festival Hall


Recital Hall

L Boulanger Thème et variations Ravel Gaspard de la nuit Debussy Estampes Les Six L’Album des Six Satie Parade (Ballet réaliste en un tableau for piano duet) Debussy L’isle joyeuse Free but tickets required

6.00pm Clore Ballroom, Royal Festival Hall

Satie M usique d’ameublement (Furniture Music) Free admission




Music for Marimbas 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

She-e Wu marimba PERC’M J S Bach (arr George B Stauffer) Mike Perdue Paul Lansky George Crumb (arr She-e Wu) She-e Wu Eckhard Kopetzki Traditional

Selections from Cello Suites BWV 1007-12 Meta-Marimba (UK premiere) Pavane Noir (UK premiere) Cello Sonata Blue Identity (UK premiere) Night of Moon Dances (first movement) Taiwanese folk song arranged for 3 marimbas

The RCM’s flagship percussion ensemble PERC’M is joined by marimba virtuoso and Associate Professor of Percussion at Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music, She-e Wu, for a lively programme of arrangements and original works. The concert features three UK premieres, including Mike Perdue’s Meta-Marimba. Dedicated to She-e, its distinctive score is drawn rather than written, and includes directions such as ‘a deceitful network of counterpoint’ and ‘shrapnel in the wind’. Tickets: £5

THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Exploring the RCM Kessler Viols 5.15pm

RCM Museum of Music

The RCM is home to a collection of internationally recognised viola da gambas. Dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, these instruments were collected by the late Dietrich Kessler. RCM professor Claire Bracher explores the Kessler viols across theory and practice. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY Music for Clarinets 6.00pm

Music in the Museum Recital Hall

John Speight Ebony Sextet* Anne Dudley Colours Blue* Malcolm Lindsay Watkins* & Barnaby Robson Jónas Tómasson Lamentoso* Thórólfur Eiríksson Mar Scott Lygate Earth Tremors *world premiere Free but tickets required

RCM Students’ Film Orchestra 7.30pm


Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

The RCM Students’ Film Orchestra performs popular hits from the film industry, including music from Things to Come, Star Wars and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Presented by the RCM Students’ Association Free but tickets required


RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required

Clarinet Masterclass with Einar Jóhannesson 2.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Opera Scenes 5.30pm

Britten Theatre

Peter Selwyn conductor Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY

RCM Big Band 7.30pm

Britten Theatre

Mark Armstrong director The RCM Big Band is directed by Mark Armstrong in a colourful programme of British jazz from the 1960s to the present day. The evening also features two award-winning pieces selected for the annual Dankworth Prize for original jazz composition. The prizes will be awarded by a member of the Dankworth family during the evening. To compere the event, we’re delighted to welcome Nigel Tully of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra of the UK and Worshipful Company of Musicians, and close friend of the late great John Dankworth. Tickets: £10. Book in conjunction with 14 January Swing Band concert and receive a 20% discount




Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki

Piano Masterclass with Lilya Zilberstein

Music Talks: The Tone Poems of Richard Strauss




East Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki 10.00am

RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

East Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

City of Light: Music for Solo Piano 7.30pm

See page 11 for details

Recital Hall

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Karl Lutchmayer examines the nature of Romanticism in the 20th century through Richard Strauss’ epic Alpine Symphony. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM ickets: £275 for Spring Term T Lecture Series

RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required




RCM Wind Orchestra 6.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Tim Reynish conductor RCM Wind Orchestra Bozza Children’s Overture Milhaud Suite française op 248 Adam Gorb Concertino for alto saxophone and wind ensemble Kenneth Hesketh The Cloud of Unknowing (world premiere) No one who witnessed Tim Reynish’s visit to the RCM a year ago will want to miss this follow-up event, once again exploring exotic repertoire for winds. The concert’s finale is provided by RCM composer Kenneth Hesketh and the world premiere of a revised version of his The Cloud of Unknowing. Tickets: £5


Demystifying the Auction Process 11.00am – 5.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

This special event promises to demystify the process of buying string instruments through auction with the help of industry experts. You can expect a display of more than 50 string instruments by renowned makers old and new as well as special performances by RCM musicians. The event also includes a series of talks by Sotheby’s consultants and string experts Tim Ingles and Paul Hayday, who run a specialist musical instrument auction house and will be launching their spring catalogue. The event is free and no ticket is required. Our doors will be open from 11.00am to 5.00pm so drop in for ten minutes or stay for hours. Please visit www.rcm.ac.uk/auctionday for further details. Free no tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY

From the Soundhouse 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Pedro Merchan KAOS part 2 Ligeti Artikulation Lisa Illean New Work (world premiere) Åke Parmerud SubString Bridge Tristan Murail Bois flotté From the Soundhouse is the RCM’s cutting-edge series of concerts mixing live performance and electronics. This latest instalment features Ligeti’s dramatic Artikulation, Åke Parmerud’s SubString Bridge and a new work by talented RCM composer Lisa Illean. Tickets: £5

Lisa Illean




Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki

Timpani Masterclass with Wieland Welzel

Violin Masterclass with Peter Schuhmayer




East Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Vocal Masterclass with Patricia Bardon 2.00pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

RCM Big Band 7.30pm

See page 13 for details

Britten Theatre

Recital Hall

Principal Timpanist with the Berlin Philharmonic Wieland Welzel works with RCM percussionists. Free but tickets required

Whose Spain is it Anyway?


East Parry Room

Samuel Llano Durham University Richard Langham Smith & Gary Ryan RCM Many talented Spanish musicians emigrated after the Napoleonic wars, settling in Paris and London, and bringing the Andalusian style to the north, creating a ‘Spanish Fever’. This round table discussion explores these issues in the context of performance. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

East Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Opera Scenes


Britten Theatre

Philip Headlam conductor Stuart Barker director Free but tickets required

RCM Wind Orchestra 6.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 14 for details



DIARY SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY & SUNDAY 1 MARCH RCM Sparks: Opera-in-a-Day 10.15am

RCM & Royal Albert Hall

Age 8 upwards Join us as a family and discover Puccini’s Madam Butterfly. In a hands-on creative workshop on 14 February you will explore the themes, story, characters and enchanting music from this muchloved opera before experiencing the spectacular in-the-round production at the Royal Albert Hall on 1 March. No previous experience necessary. This event is suitable for the whole family and requires an accompanying adult to attend the workshop and concert. Run in partnership with the Royal Albert Hall. ickets: £25 for 1 adult & 1 T child. £7.50 for extra tickets. Price includes a ticket for each participant to the matinee performance of Madam Butterfly on 1 March at the Royal Albert Hall. Free tickets available subject to eligibility.



Viola Masterclass with Antonello Farulli

Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium



Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY City of Light: Music for Strings and Woodwind 7.30pm

Recital Hall

See page 11 for details

From the Soundhouse 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 15 for details


Britten Theatre

Belle Shenkman International Masterclass

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

See page 11 for details

FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY Music in the Museum – Family Concert 1.15pm

RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Double Bass Masterclass with Rick Stotijn 2.00pm

Tickets: £5

Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Schubert’s Octet

Demystifying the Auction Process


Clore Ballroom, Royal Festival Hall


RCM musicians perform Schubert’s great Octet on period instruments.

RCM Chamber Music


Vocal Masterclass with Sir Thomas Allen



City of Light: Furniture Music at the Royal Festival Hall

Tuba Masterclass with Ben Thomson


See page 14 for details

Free but tickets required



11.00am Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Durrington Room

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Time to Decide: The Process of Evaluating a Musical Performance 5.15pm

East Parry Room

George Waddell from the RCM Centre for Performance Science discusses studies which have examined how music quality judgements are formed. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

RCM Chamber Music 6.00pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk


TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Chamber Essentials: Intimate Letters 7.30pm

Recital Hall

See right panel for details

WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY Chamber Essentials: From My Life 7.30pm

Recital Hall

See right panel for details

Chamber Essentials

THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY The ‘Mysterie of Rhetorique Unvail’d’ using Handel’s Messiah 5.15pm

East Parry Room

Using Handel’s Messiah as a peg on which to hang rhetorical ideas about text, music and performance, Judy Tarling explores the creation and reception of this familiar work through rhetoric books written to assist the understanding of scripture. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium 5.30pm

Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

This series of chamber concerts gives you the opportunity to hear the world’s finest chamber music, performed by the very best RCM performers. Celebrating music from the great Czech composers, the series features two popular works by Bedˇrich Smetana: his Piano Trio dedicated to his eldest daughter who died at the age of four, and his passionate first String Quartet which paints a tone picture of his life. Free but tickets required

TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY Intimate Letters 7.30pm

WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY From My Life 7.30pm



Music for Woodwind

See page 10 for details

Recital Hall

Smetana String Quartet no 1 in E minor ‘From My Life’ Dvořák Piano Trio in F minor op 65

City of Light: RCM at the Royal Festival Hall Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre

Recital Hall

Smetana Piano Trio in G minor op 15 Janáček String Quartet no 2 JW VII/13 ‘Intimate Letters’


Martinů Flute Sonata H 306 Martinů Trio for flute, cello and piano H 300 Martinů Clarinet Sonatina H 356 Martinů La revue de cuisine H 161

Inner Parry Room



Node Live at the RCM 8.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Flood, Ed Buller, Mel Wesson, David Bessell electronics We’re delighted to host the first performance for 15 years by analogue electronic quartet Node. Performing on an extremely rare collection of vintage analogue synthesizers, their music ranges from dense textural atmospheres to minimal evolving rhythms via the soundtrack to some long forgotten sci-fi film. Playing entirely live on instruments which look more like the set of Dr Who than a musical ensemble, Node conjures a startling array of unclassifiable sounds from their electronic laboratory. Not to be missed! Tickets: £30 Node

FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY Node Live at the RCM 8.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See panel above for details

SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY RCM Junior Department Chamber Music Concert 5.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Tickets: £5



Exploring the Archives 7.30pm

Inner Parry Room

Boughton Three Songs without Words for oboe quartet Somervell Clarinet Quintet in G major Bridge Adoration Bridge Go not, happy day Bridge Love went a-riding Howells String Quartet no 3 ‘In Gloucestershire’ Join us for an evening of music by composers connected to the RCM. Some of the original manuscripts will also be on display. Free but tickets required

TUESDAY 3 MARCH Violin Masterclass with Alina Ibragimova 10.00am

Recital Hall

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Harp Masterclass with Isabelle Perrin 10.00am

Inner Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

Beethoven Violin Sonatas 1–3 6.00pm

Inner Parry Room

Joo Yeon Sir violin Riyad Nicolas, Natsumi Ikenaga, Chi-Hoi Cheung piano Constant & Kit Lambert Junior Fellow, violinist Joo Yeon Sir, presents the first of four rush-hour recitals dedicated to performing Beethoven’s complete violin sonatas, introduced by Dr Katy Hamilton. Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk THURSDAY 5 MARCH

Sacconi Quartet 1.05pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Sacconi Quartet RCM Quartet in Association Suk Meditation on an Old Czech Hymn ‘St Wenceslas’ op 35 Sibelius String Quartet in D minor op 56 ‘Voces Intimae’ In this poignant programme the Sacconis mark two anniversaries: the centenary of World War One and 150 years since the birth of Jean Sibelius. Josef Suk’s Meditation on an Old Czech Hymn was written during World War One as a demonstration of strength to the Czech people and was performed by Suk and his quartet in almost all of their concerts throughout the war. Also on the bill is Sibelius’ masterful chamber work, Intimate Voices, a tender, romantic and sometimes fierce quartet. Tickets: £8

Sacconi Quartet


RCM Philharmonic at Alexandra Palace 7.30pm

Alexandra Palace, London N22 7AY

Martin André conductor Claire Wickes flute RCM Philharmonic RCM Brass Ensemble* Roger Harvey director* Walton (arr Christopher Palmer) Crown Imperial* Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 Nielsen Flute Concerto Holst The Planets op 32 Martin André and the RCM Philharmonic take a journey through the stars in the spectacular grand hall of Alexandra Palace with a performance of Holst’s The Planets. This captivating concert also gives audiences the rare chance to hear the Palace’s legendary organ in action with a performance of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor. All proceeds of the concert will go towards restoring the organ back to its 1929 state when it was heralded as ‘The Finest Concert Organ in Europe’. Tickets: £10

Alexandra Palace






Music Talks: Autour de Debussy

Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium

RCM Junior Department Spring Concert




49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Tickets: £5

Richard Langham Smith attempts to uncover Debussy’s individuality and present some of the most telling examples of his musical genius.

RCM Philharmonic at Alexandra Palace


Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM


Messiaen’s Muses: Oiseaux exotiques

See page 19 for details

ickets: £275 for Spring Term T Lecture Series

Vocal Masterclass with Deborah York 2.00pm

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Chamber Essentials: Music for Woodwind 7.30pm

Inner Parry Room

See page 17 for details


See page 21 for details

FRIDAY 6 MARCH Music in the Museum 1.15pm

RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required


Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

East Parry Room

Some might say that today’s composers are guilty of burying new music in a grave of irrelevance and mediocrity. Jonathan Cole (RCM) explores the allegation, asking both if it is an inevitable symptom of our times and if we can do something about it. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

Messiaen’s Muses Various times & venues

TUESDAY 10 MARCH Messiaen’s Muses: Visions de l’Amen

See page 21 for details


Horn Masterclass with Laurence Davies 2.00pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 21 for details

Recital Hall

Cello Masterclass with Nicholas Jones 3.00pm

A Room Packed with Elephants


See page 21 for details

Messiaen’s Muses: Piano Masterclass with Michel Béroff

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 19 for details


12.00pm Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Free but tickets required

Sacconi Quartet 1.05pm

Alexandra Palace, London N22 7AY

Durrington Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

2015 Crees Lecture 5.30pm

Inner Parry Room

In this year’s Crees Lecture RCM Research Fellow in Performance Practice, Dr Ingrid Pearson, discusses aspects of her work across theory and practice. Part of the Grove Forum series Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk Olivier Messiaen at the Royal College of Music

Messiaen’s Muses Our ever-popular annual keyboard festival is back! This year we celebrate the spell-binding music of one of the 20th century’s most inspirational musical figures: Olivier Messiaen. For more information see www.rcm.ac.uk/messiaensmuses Supported by John Ward



Piano Masterclass with Michel Béroff

Chants de terre et de ciel



Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Messiaen expert Michel Béroff work with star RCM pianists. Belle Shenkman International Masterclass

Couleurs et mystères



Oiseaux exotiques Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Our annual keyboard marathon features pieces from Messiaen’s Catalogue d’oiseaux and other piano music that reflects time, place and the musical world of birds. Our doors will be open all day, so drop in for ten minutes or stay for hours! Free no tickets required

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

RCM pianists and singers join forces for a concert of song and chamber music exploring Messiaen’s fascination with language and the voice. Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required


© Nick White

‘I give bird songs to those who dwell in cities and have never heard them… and paint colours for those who see none’ – Olivier Messiaen

West Parry Room

This organ recital explores the richness and variety of Messiaen’s colourful and exotic style, as well as his Christian faith. Free but tickets required

TUESDAY 10 MARCH Visions de l’Amen 1.05pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

To round off our festival, RCM pianists Pavel Kolesnikov and Samson Tsoy perform Messiaen’s shimmering and colourful Visions de l’Amen for two pianos. Free but tickets required




RCM Wind Ensemble 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Simon Channing director RCM Wind Ensemble Nielsen Wind Quintet op 43 Mozart Serenade in B flat major ‘Gran partita’ K 361 The RCM Wind Ensemble concerts are always a feast for the ears and this occasion is no exception. Nielsen’s beautiful Wind Quintet is first on the menu, followed by Mozart’s grand and masterful Serenade. Tickets: £5




Music Talks: A(merica) to Z(lonice)

Beethoven Violin Sonatas 4 & 5

Contemporary Consort Presentation Class




49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Dr Katy Hamilton guides us through Dvoˇrák’s gloriously sun-filled eighth symphony. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM ickets: £275 for Spring Term T Lecture Series

Joo Yeon Sir’s second of four recitals dedicated to performing Beethoven’s violin sonatas, introduced by Dr Katy Hamilton.


Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Recital Hall

RCM ensemble Consort 21 presents a diverse concert of new works performed on period instruments and directed by Jane Chapman. Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required

Vladimir Ashkenazy Conducts Debussy

RCM Wind Ensemble



Vocal Masterclass with Rebecca Evans

Inner Parry Room

Joo Yeon Sir violin Sohyun Park, Anna Fedorova piano

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 23 for details

See panel above for details

FRIDAY 13 MARCH Music in the Museum 1.15pm

RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required

Vladimir Ashkenazy Conducts Debussy 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 23 for details

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk

Vladimir Ashkenazy


Vladimir Ashkenazy Conducts Debussy 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Vladimir Ashkenazy conductor RCM Symphony Orchestra Berlioz Overture: Le carnaval romain op 9 Chopin Piano Concerto no 2 in F minor op 21 Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune Debussy La mer Following his spectacular appearance at the RCM in 2013, we’re thrilled to be welcoming back Vladimir Ashkenazy for two unmissable concerts. In this popular programme he directs the RCM Symphony Orchestra in two of Debussy’s best-loved works: the luscious symphonic poem which tells the tale of the mythical faun daydreaming alone in the woods, and his famous set of symphonic sketches inspired by the sea. Also on the programme is Chopin’s youthful and colourful second piano concerto. The concert on Thursday 12 March is the 2015 Rod Williams Memorial Concert Tickets: £10, £15

THURSDAY 12 MARCH Pre-concert talk 6.15pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Resident French expert Richard Langham Smith introduces this evening’s concert. Free to concert ticket holders






RCM Junior Department Symphony Orchestra

Trombone Masterclass with Denis Wick

Piano Accompaniment Masterclass with Julius Drake




Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Richard Dickins conductor Tickets: £5

SUNDAY 15 MARCH Violin Masterclass with Carolin Widmann 11.30am

East Parry Room

Supported by the Georg and Emily von Opel Foundation Free but tickets required

MONDAY 16 MARCH The Art of the Continuo 1.05pm

RCM Museum of Music

A lunchtime concert featuring Historical Performance continuo players. Free but tickets required

Flute Masterclass with Katherine Bryan 3.00pm

CS RCM Chamber Music Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Bach Festival Week: St John Passion 7.30pm

Free but tickets required

Recital Hall

Free but tickets required

Bach Festival Week: Solo Works

Music Talks: The Symphonies of Shostakovich



Inner Parry Room

See page 25 for details

Contemporary Music Chamber Concert 6.00pm

Durrington Room

A chance to hear brand new works by talented RCM composers. Free but tickets required

Experimental Music Concert 7.30pm

49 Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 5PN

Simon Channing discusses Shostakovich’s position in the wider cultural context (poets, painters, novelists) amidst cataclysmic events in Russia. Presented by Music Talks in association with the Vernon Ellis Foundation and the RCM Tickets: £275 for Spring Term Lecture Series

Inner Parry Room

RCM composers present a programme of works encompassing conceptual, theatrical, multimedia and collaborative dimensions. Free but tickets required

‘Thinking Outside the Bachs’ 1.05pm

RCM Museum of Music

See page 25 for details

RCM Chamber Music 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

Free but tickets required

Durrington Room

Free but tickets required


East Parry Room

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 25 for details

Contemporary Music Chamber Concert 6.00pm

Durrington Room

A chance to hear brand new works by talented RCM composers. Free but tickets required

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk MONDAY 16 MARCH – FRIDAY 20 MARCH

Bach Festival Week Some of J S Bach’s most celebrated chamber and choral works are brought together in this special week of music dedicated to the Baroque master. For the opening concert, we’re delighted to welcome musicians from the Salzburg Mozarteum who join forces with RCM performers for Bach’s dramatic St John Passion. icket offer: Book both 16 & 20 March concerts T and receive a 20% discount


THURSDAY 19 MARCH Bach Trio Sonatas

St John Passion 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Vittorio Ghielmi director RCM Baroque Orchestra Salzburg Mozarteum Bach Gesellschaft Choir Soloists from the RCM and Salzburg Mozarteum


Recital Hall

Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering BWV 1079 Trio Sonata in G major BWV 1039 Trio Sonata in C major BWV 1037 Free but tickets required

Johannes-Passion BWV 245 (St John Passion) ickets: £10, £15 – includes entrance to a T pre-concert talk with Ashley Solomon at 6.15pm

FRIDAY 20 MARCH Bach’s Violin Partitas and Dances 1.05pm

TUESDAY 17 MARCH Bach Solo Works 1.05pm

Inner Parry Room

RCM musicians perform solo works by Bach for violin, cello and keyboard.

Bach Cantatas Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Ashley Solomon director RCM Baroque Ensemble RCM Chamber Choir

WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH ‘Thinking Outside the Bachs’ RCM Museum of Music

In this lunchtime talk Richard Tunnicliffe explores the musical contexts of Bach’s cello suites. Free but tickets required

Free but tickets required


Free but tickets required


RCM Museum of Music

In this lunchtime talk Adrian Butterfield and Mary Collins explore Bach’s violin partitas and dances.

Cantata ‘Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir’ BWV 131 Brandenburg Concerto no 4 in G major BWV 1049 Brandenburg Concerto no 3 in G major BWV 1048 Cantata ‘Jesu, der du meine Seele’ BWV 78 Tickets: £8, £10




New Perspectives 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Timothy Lines director Takemitsu Tree Line Harrison Birtwistle Silbury Air Hunter Coblentz New Work (world premiere) Andrew Crossley White Writing (world premiere) Steven Daverson Elusive Tangibility V: Zugunruhe Takemitsu Toward the Sea ‘I can well imagine Toru Takemitsu travelling through Japan, not to capture different aspects of the moon, but let’s say to experience the wind whistling through different trees, and returning to the city with a gift. This gift consists of the transformation of nature into art.’ – John Cage This programme includes three works inspired by nature: Toru Takemitsu’s Tree Line and homage to the ocean Toward the Sea, and Sir Harrison Birtwistle’s Silbury Air, named after the prehistoric mound in Wiltshire. Their works are interspersed with music from some of today’s brightest RCM composers: Steven Daverson, Hunter Coblentz and Andrew Crossley.

Pre-concert talk with Timothy Lines

© Hanya Chiala

Tickets: £5

Sir Harrison Birtwistle

THURSDAY 19 MARCH Bach Festival Week: Trio Sonatas 1.05pm

Recital Hall

The Art of Cadenzas Durrington Room

RCM professor Rachel Brown discusses the art of ornamentation and cadenzas with examples from newly composed cadenzas for classical concertos. Free but tickets required

New Perspectives 7.30pm

Free to concert ticket holders

FRIDAY 20 MARCH Stylus Phantasticus Class

See page 25 for details


6.15pm Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See panel above for details


Durrington Room

Free but tickets required

Bach’s Violin Partitas and Dances 1.05pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 25 for details

Bach Festival Week: Bach Cantatas 7.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

See page 25 for details

SATURDAY 21 MARCH RCM Junior Department Spring Choral Platform 5.30pm

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Katie Thomas & James Davey conductors Tickets: £5

RCM Junior Department Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir 7.30pm

St James’ Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL

Joy Hill & Christopher Hirons conductors Gabriel Jackson The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ (London premiere) Tickets: £15 (£7.50)

020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk MONDAY 23 MARCH – THURSDAY 26 MARCH

Handel Giove in Argo 7.00pm

Britten Theatre

Laurence Cummings conductor James Bonas director This year’s collaboration between the RCM and the London Handel Festival offers the opportunity to attend the modern UK premiere of Handel’s 1739 pastiche Giove in Argo. The opera whisks us off to mythical Greece and tells the tale of the King of the Gods, Giove, and his amorous adventures in pursuit of not one, but two young women, Isis and the nymph Calisto. For many years parts of the score were lost but thanks to the discovery of two missing arias in 2007 the little-known opera has been reconstructed for the modern day. Featuring some of Handel’s most popular tunes, audiences can’t fail to recognise material from his operatic gems Acis and Galatea and Imeneo as well as the wellknown aria ‘Tornami a vagheggiar’ from his enchanting Alcina. As ever, Laurence Cummings directs a line-up of outstanding young singers in one of the highlights of the operatic year. Promoted by the London Handel Festival Tickets: £20, £25, £30, £45, £50, £55, £60 Tickets only available from the London Handel Festival Box Office Online booking opens 19 January Telephone booking opens 21 January London Handel Festival Box Office 01460 54660 www.london-handel-festival.com Please note tickets are not available from the RCM Box Office

Countertenor Tai Oney in the 2014 production of Handel’s Arianna in Creta



DIARY MONDAY 23 MARCH Handel Giove in Argo 7.00pm

Britten Theatre


14, 16 & 18 APRIL

RCM Junior Department End of Term Concert



See page 27 for details

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall

Tickets: £5

TUESDAY 24 MARCH Handel Giove in Argo 7.00pm

Britten Theatre

See page 27 for details

SUNDAY 29 MARCH & SUNDAY 5 APRIL RCM Sparks Springboard: Cuban Carnival! 11.00am

WEDNESDAY 25 MARCH Handel Giove in Argo 7.00pm

Britten Theatre

See page 27 for details

THURSDAY 26 MARCH Handel Giove in Argo 7.00pm

Britten Theatre

See page 27 for details

FRIDAY 27 MARCH Music in the Museum 1.15pm

RCM & Royal Albert Hall

Age 13–18 Be inspired by the Latin rhythms and colourful textures of Cuba’s Havana. In this hands-on workshop on 29 March, you will work with musicians from the RCM and the Royal Albert Hall to create your own Afro-Cuban piece. Participants do not need to be accompanied during the workshop and no experience is necessary. All participants and their families also have the opportunity to experience the dynamic Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club® live in concert at the Royal Albert Hall on 5 April. Run in partnership with the Royal Albert Hall

RCM Museum of Music

Free but tickets required

Tickets: £30. Price includes 2 tickets to see Buena Vista live in concert at the Royal Albert Hall on Sunday 5 April (1 for the participant and 1 for an accompanying adult). Free tickets are available subject to eligibility.


J C Bach’s Adriano in Siria Britten Theatre

The Orchestra of Classical Opera Ian Page conductor Thomas Guthrie director Rhys Jarman designer Katharine Williams lighting Classical Opera’s new production of Adriano in Siria will be the first staging of the opera in modern times. London’s operatic success of 1765, the work greatly inspired the young Mozart, who attended a performance during his childhood visit to the capital. www.classicalopera.co.uk An independent promotion Tickets: £18, £30, £42, £55


OUT AND ABOUT In addition to concerts at the RCM itself, RCM performers regularly appear at a number of venues across London and beyond. Unless stated otherwise, all concerts are free of charge and no ticket is required. Just turn up on the day to see some of the world’s brightest young classical stars in action.

Royal Albert Hall

St Martin-in-the-Fields

Elgar Room, London SW7 2AP

Classical Coffee Mornings Sundays at 11.00am 25 January: Ruisi Quartet 1 February: Block4 15 February: Natsumi Ikenaga (piano) 22 February: Victoria Puttock (saxophone) 1 March: Jens Lynen (violin), Jennifer Hughes (piano) 8 March: Vasili Karpiak (tenor) Tickets: £11, including coffee and a pastry

Regent Hall 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ

Fridays at 1.00pm 23 January 20 February 13 March

Kensington Church Street, London W8 4LA

Fridays at 1.05pm 16, 23, 30 January 6, 13, 20, 27 February 6, 13, 20 March

St Stephen’s Church Gloucester Road, London SW7 4AL

Friday 13 February at 1.05pm

Mondays at 6.30pm

St James’ Piccadilly

26 January 2, 9, 16, 23 February 2, 9, 16, 23 March

197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL

Friday 30 January at 1.10pm Monday 16 February at 1.10pm

Lincoln’s Inn Chapel

Victoria and Albert Museum

Tuesdays at 1.05pm

Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3TL Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL

Fridays at 6.30pm 16, 23 January 6, 13, 20 February 6, 13, 20 March Supported by the Friends of the V&A

Charlton House

St Mary Abbots

Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ

The Victorian Library, Charlton Road, London, SE7 8RE

Fridays at 1.00pm 16 January 13 February 20 March

St George’s

Hanover Square, London, W1S 1FX

20 January 17 February 17 March

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9HN

Thursdays at 1.00pm 29 January 26 February 26 March

National Gallery Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN

Belle Shenkman Chamber Music Series Fridays at 6.00pm

Morning Calm Monday – Friday at 8.45am

23 January 6, 20 February 6, 20 March

9–13, 16–20, 23–27 February 2–6, 9–13, 16–20, 23–27 March

Supported by Dasha Shenkman in memory of Belle Shenkman



TICKET & BOOKING INFORMATION Entry to the Royal College of Music is free, however, charges apply for some of our events, performances and exhibitions. All income from ticket sales goes directly to support training and performance opportunities for our students. To book tickets or for more information contact the RCM Box Office on 020 7591 4314, weekdays 10.00am – 4.00pm, or visit us online at www.rcm.ac.uk/events Please note, there is a £1.95 booking fee per transaction for online and telephone bookings. This fee covers administration and handling costs, allowing ticket income to support training and performance opportunities for our students. BOOKING FOR THE SPRING SEASON opens on Wednesday 10 December. RCM Friends and Patrons have priority booking from Wednesday 3 December. BOOKING FOR RCM JUNIOR DEPARTMENT EVENTS opens on Saturday 7 February. PLEASE NOTE: Tickets for the London Handel Festival production of Giove in Argo should be purchased from the London Handel Festival Box Office: 01460 54660. Online booking opens 19 January and telephone bookings open 21 January. See www.london-handelfestival.com for more information.

Group bookings of 10 or more receive a 10% discount where applicable. Maximum group booking size is 33. School parties must be chaperoned at all times by school staff. Refunds Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded unless a performance is cancelled; when an event is sold out refunds may be possible, at the discretion of Box Office staff. Tickets on the door Tickets are available on the door for many RCM events. However, we recommend that tickets are purchased well in advance and cannot guarantee availability on the day. For more information on booking tickets, terms and conditions please visit www.rcm.ac.uk/ticketing Late Arrivals To avoid disturbing fellow audience members, latecomers will be asked to wait for a suitable break in the performance before entering the auditorium; occasionally it may not be possible to enter once a performance has started. Security Please note that all visitors to the RCM may be required to sign in on entry.


There are now more ways than ever to find out what’s on at the RCM: Follow us on Twitter @RCMLatest


Or find us on Facebook st mary abbots church

kensington gardens

hyde park


9, 10, 52, 452

kensington rd



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u th thurloe

gloucester rd














cromwell rd



imperial college road

We welcome comments and suggestions from patrons, both on information that can be found here, online or following your visit to the RCM. Please email comments@rcm.ac.uk, or write to:


360 prince consort rd



exhibition rd


te queen’s ga

high st kensington

Register online to receive events information by email at www.rcm.ac.uk/subscribe Call the Box Office on 020 7591 4314 or email your contact details to boxoffice@rcm.ac.uk to receive event information by post.




south kensington

Box Office Royal College of Music Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BS


V ­ ISITING US Transport


By tube The nearest underground station is South Kensington, which is about 10 minutes’ walk from the RCM. South Kensington is on the District, Circle and Piccadilly lines. Gloucester Road and High Street Kensington stations are both approximately 15 minutes’ walk from the RCM.

The Royal College of Music has easy access to most areas and is fully accessible via lifts and ramps. Guide and companion dogs may be taken anywhere on site. The main entrance to the RCM has eight steps up from the pavement and two inside the main doors.

By rail The nearest mainline railway stations are Paddington and Victoria. By bus Buses 9, 10, 52 and 452 pass the Royal Albert Hall, whilst 9a runs from Palace Gate and 70 along Queen’s Gate. The number 360 stops very close to the RCM on Prince Consort Road. Many other services run to South Kensington, Kensington High Street or Knightsbridge from surrounding areas. By road There is metered parking on Prince Consort Road and the surrounding area. It costs £3 per hour for a maximum of three hours and is free after 6.30pm and on Sundays. There are a limited number of disabled parking spaces and designated motorbike bays in the surrounding area.

Food and Drink Lunch and Snacks The RCM Restaurant offers a great range of hot and cold snacks and beverages each weekday between 9.00am and 4.00pm as well as delicious full lunch options between 12.00pm and 2.00pm. Evening Performance Drinks and Light Snacks The RCM offers a range of pre-performance and interval refreshments, and a selection of light snacks for those attending evening events in the Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall and the Britten Theatre. These are served between 6.00pm and 9.00pm (5.00pm for early evening performances) in the Britten Theatre Bar or the RCM Foyer Bar.

Photography and Recordings Photographs may be taken during the applause at the end of a work. Photography before and during a performance is forbidden. Private sound or video recordings of RCM concerts and recitals are prohibited without prior written permission from the RCM and the agreement of all performers. Your co-operation is appreciated.

The East Entrance, 20 metres to the left of the main entrance, is solely for the use of patrons with limited mobility and is opened by contacting reception staff via intercom. The main entrance to the Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall contains 10 steps. A step-free entrance is available. The main entrance to the Britten Theatre contains 33 steps. An alternative step-free entrance is available for all patrons. There are spaces for wheelchair users and seats for their companions in the Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall and Britten Theatre. Please contact the Box Office in advance for directions. To request an alternative format of publicity on forthcoming events, please contact the Box Office on 020 7591 4314. Large print programmes are available on request.

Enhancing your Visit RCM Museum of Music Exhibition: The RCM and WWI 30 September 2014 – 27 March 2015 The RCM Museum of Music houses highlights from the RCM’s collections. Our latest exhibition marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and pays tribute to the work of RCM students and staff during the war years. The RCM Museum of Music is open Tuesday to Friday, 11.30am – 4.30pm, and is free to visit. If you would like to book a guided tour (£5 per head or £4 concessions) please call 020 7591 4842. Groups and research access by appointment. Find out more at www.rcm.ac.uk/museum




SUPPORT THE FUTURE OF MUSIC – SUPPORT THE RCM The RCM is one of the world’s leading conservatoires. Generations of gifted students from around the world have been guided and inspired to develop their musical potential within the RCM’s stimulating creative environment. In order to sustain the provision of the highest levels of training and performance opportunities to our students – whatever their financial means – we rely heavily on the support of individuals, companies and charitable trusts. There are many ways you can get involved and support our work, including the RCM Patron Scheme, Scholarship Fund and donations towards our learning and participation programme RCM Sparks. Every gift to the RCM helps to transform the lives of talented young musicians, and all supporters are invited to see at first hand what a difference their support makes. Please join us.

For more information visit: www.rcm.ac.uk/supportus or call 020 7591 4862.


Becoming an RCM Friend is an ideal way to support and enjoy this world of great music. You can join for only £40 or choose a higher level of involvement. RCM Friends receive up-to-date information on all events taking place at the RCM, priority booking for RCM concerts and opera performances, invitations to special events and other opportunities to become involved in life at the RCM. Your support is vital in helping us to continue to inspire musicians of the future.

For more information visit: www.rcm.ac.uk/friends, email friends@rcm.ac.uk or call 020 7591 4331.




Wed 14 Jan Sun 18 Jan Sun 18 Jan Sun 18 Jan Sun 18 Jan Tue 20 Jan Wed 21 Jan Fri 23 Jan Tue 27 Jan Wed 28 Jan Thu 29 Jan Fri 30 Jan Fri 30 Jan

7.30pm 10.30am 2.00pm 5.00pm 7.00pm 5.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm Various Various 7.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm

RCM Swing Band Shostakovich: Fire and Ice – Masterclass with Leonid Gorokhov Shostakovich: Fire and Ice – Masterclass with Jérôme Pernoo Shostakovich: Fire and Ice – Forum with Elizabeth Wilson Shostakovich: Fire and Ice – Shostakovich Cello Concerto Workshop with Jurowski Mahler & Schoenberg RCM Brass Ensembles Great Exhibitionists Great Exhibitionists City of Light – Spectacle-Concert Opera Scenes Ruisi Quartet

page 4 page 5 page 5 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 7 page 8 page 8 page 10 page 8 page 9

Tue 3 Feb Wed 4 Feb Thu 5 Feb Fri 6 Feb Tue 10 Feb Wed 11 Feb Fri 13 Feb Fri 13 Feb Sun 15 Feb Tue 17 Feb Tue 17 Feb Tue 24 Feb Wed 25 Feb Thu 26 Feb Fri 27 Feb

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 11.00am 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm

City of Light – Music for Woodwind Music for Marimbas RCM Students’ Film Orchestra Opera Scenes City of Light – Music for Solo Piano RCM Big Band Opera Scenes RCM Wind Orchestra Demystifying the Auction Process City of Light – Music for Strings and Woodwind From the Soundhouse Chamber Essentials – Intimate Letters Chamber Essentials – From My Life City of Light – RCM at the Royal Festival Hall Node Live at the RCM

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Wed 4 Mar Thu 5 Mar Thu 5 Mar Fri 6 Mar Sat 7 Mar Sun 8 Mar Mon 9 Mar Mon 9 Mar Tue 10 Mar Wed 11 Mar Thu 12 Mar Fri 13 Mar Sat 14 Mar Mon 16 Mar Tue 17 Mar Thu 19 Mar Thu 19 Mar Fri 20 Mar Sat 21 Mar Sat 21 Mar Mon 23 Mar Tue 24 Mar Wed 25 Mar Thu 26 Mar Sat 28 Mar

7.30pm 1.05pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 5.30pm 12.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 1.05pm 1.05pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 2.30pm

Chamber Essentials – Music for Woodwind Sacconi Quartet RCM Philharmonic at Alexandra Palace Messiaen’s Muses – Piano Masterclass with Michel Béroff RCM Junior Department Spring Concert Messiaen’s Muses – Oiseaux exotiques Messiaen’s Muses – Chants de terre et de ciel Messiaen’s Muses – Couleurs et mystères Messiaen’s Muses – Visions de l’Amen RCM Wind Ensemble Vladimir Ashkenazy Conducts Debussy Vladimir Ashkenazy Conducts Debussy RCM Junior Department Symphony Orchestra Bach Festival Week – St John Passion Bach Festival Week – Bach Solo Works Bach Festival Week – Bach Trio Sonatas New Perspectives Bach Festival Week – Bach Cantatas RCM Junior Department Spring Choral Platform RCM Junior Department Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir Handel Giove in Argo Handel Giove in Argo Handel Giove in Argo Handel Giove in Argo RCM Junior Department End of Term Concert

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Tue 13 Jan Tue 13 Jan Wed 14 Jan Wed 14 Jan Mon 19 Jan Wed 21 Jan Wed 21 Jan Fri 23 Jan Mon 26 Jan

6.00pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.15pm 6.00pm

Louis XIV and Louis XV – Reign Changer Violin to Viola RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music Music in the Museum RCM Chamber Music

Mon 2 Feb Wed 4 Feb Wed 4 Feb Thu 5 Feb Thu 5 Feb Fri 6 Feb Mon 9 Feb Wed 11 Feb Wed 11 Feb Mon 16 Feb Thu 19 Feb Thu 19 Feb Fri 20 Feb Mon 23 Feb Mon 23 Feb Tue 24 Feb Sat 28 Feb

6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.15pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.15pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.05pm 5.30pm

RCM Chamber Music Einar Jóhannesson Recital RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music Music for Clarinets Music in the Museum RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music Schubert’s Octet City of Light – Furniture Music at the Royal Festival Hall Music in the Museum – Family Concert RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Chamber Music RCM Junior Department Chamber Music Concert

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Mon 2 Mar Tue 3 Mar Fri 6 Mar Wed 11 Mar Fri 13 Mar Mon 16 Mar Mon 16 Mar Tue 17 Mar Tue 17 Mar Wed 18 Mar Wed 18 Mar Fri 27 Mar

7.30pm 6.00pm 1.15pm 6.00pm 1.15pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 1.05pm 6.00pm 1.15pm

Exploring the Archives Beethoven Violin Sonatas 1–3 Music in the Museum Beethoven Violin Sonatas 4 & 5 Music in the Museum The Art of the Continuo RCM Chamber Music Contemporary Music Chamber Concert Experimental Music Concert RCM Chamber Music Contemporary Music Chamber Concert Music in the Museum

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MASTERCLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Tue 13 Jan Wed 14 Jan Wed 14 Jan Thu 15 Jan Mon 19 Jan Tue 20 Jan Thu 22 Jan Fri 23 Jan Tue 27 Jan Wed 28 Jan Thu 29 Jan Thu 29 Jan Fri 30 Jan Fri 30 Jan Fri 30 Jan Fri 30 Jan

10.00am 2.00pm 3.00pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 2.00pm 2.00pm 5.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm

Saxophone Masterclass with Arno Bornkamp Vocal Masterclass with Simon Keenlyside Bassoon Masterclass with Christian Dahl Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium Masterclass with Jérôme Pernoo Violin Masterclass with Vasko Vassilev Baroque Flute Masterclass with Wilbert Hazelzet Baroque Flute Masterclass with Wilbert Hazelzet Oboe Masterclass with Jacques Tys Vocal Masterclass with Ann Murray Organ Masterclass with Jos van der Kooy Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium Organ Masterclass with Jos van der Kooy Viola Masterclass with Jennifer Stumm Trumpet Masterclass with Manu Mellaerts Saxophone Masterclass with Laurent Estoppey

Wed 4 Feb Fri 6 Feb Mon 9 Feb

2.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm

Vocal Masterclass with Roderick Williams Clarinet Masterclass with Einar Jóhannesson Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki

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020 7591 4314 – www.rcm.ac.uk



Tue 10 Feb Tue 10 Feb Wed 11 Feb Wed 11 Feb Thu 12 Feb Fri 13 Feb Tue 17 Feb Wed 18 Feb Thu 19 Feb Fri 20 Feb Fri 20 Feb Thu 26 Feb

10.00am 10.00am 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 10.00am 2.00pm 5.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 5.30pm

Piano Masterclass with Lilya Zilberstein Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki Cello Masterclass with Johannes Goritzki Vocal Masterclass with Patricia Bardon Timpani Masterclass with Wieland Welzel Violin Masterclass with Peter Schuhmayer Viola Masterclass with Antonello Farulli Vocal Masterclass with Sir Thomas Allen Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium Tuba Masterclass with Ben Thomson Double Bass Masterclass with Rick Stotijn Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium

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Tue 3 Mar Tue 3 Mar Wed 4 Mar Thu 5 Mar Fri 6 Mar Fri 6 Mar Wed 11 Mar Thu 12 Mar Sun 15 Mar Mon 16 Mar Tue 17 Mar Wed 18 Mar Thu 19 Mar Fri 20 Mar

10.00am 10.00am 2.00pm 5.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 2.00pm 6.00pm 11.30am 3.00pm 10.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 12.00pm

Violin Masterclass with Alina Ibragimova Harp Masterclass with Isabelle Perrin Vocal Masterclass with Deborah York Chamber Music Workshop with Florilegium Horn Masterclass with Laurence Davies Cello Masterclass with Nicholas Jones Vocal Masterclass with Rebecca Evans Contemporary Consort Presentation Class Violin Masterclass with Carolin Widmann Flute Masterclass with Katherine Bryan Trombone Masterclass with Denis Wick Piano Accompaniment Masterclass with Julius Drake The Art of Cadenzas Stylus Phantasticus Class

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Wed 14 Jan 10.15am Thu 15 Jan 5.15pm Wed 21 Jan 10.15am Thu 22 Jan 5.15pm Wed 28 Jan 10.15am

Music Talks: The Piano Sonatas of Beethoven Composer/Performer Collaboration: Methodology, Ethics and Outcomes Music Talks: The Interior World of Brahms Pointing the Finger: Gesture as Performance by the Castrato, Nicolini Music Talks: The Operas of Rossini

Wed 4 Feb Thu 5 Feb Wed 11 Feb Thu 12 Feb Thu 19 Feb Thu 26 Feb

10.15am 5.15pm 10.15am 5.15pm 5.15pm 5.15pm

Music Talks: Dance at Versailles and in Paris page 9 Exploring the RCM Kessler Viols page 12 Music Talks: The Tone Poems of Richard Strauss page 13 Whose Spain is it Anyway? page 15 Time to Decide: The Process of Evaluating a Musical Performance page 16 The ‘Mysterie of Rhetorique Unvail’d’ using Handel’s Messiah page 17

Wed 4 Mar Thu 5 Mar Tue 10 Mar Wed 11 Mar Wed 18 Mar Wed 18 Mar Fri 20 Mar

10.15am 5.15pm 5.30pm 10.15am 10.15am 1.05pm 1.05pm

Music Talks: Autour de Debussy A Room Packed with Elephants 2015 Crees Lecture Music Talks: A(merica) to Z(lonice) Music Talks: The Symphonies of Shostakovich Bach Festival Week – ‘Thinking Outside the Bachs’ Bach Festival Week – Bach’s Violin Partitas and Dances


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Wed 28 Jan


RCM Sparks Lunchtime Concert for Schools

Sat 14 Feb


RCM Sparks: Opera-in-a-Day

page 16

page 8

Sun 29 Mar


RCM Sparks Springboard: Cuban Carnival!

page 28

The Royal College of Music Events Guide is printed on Heaven 42, an FSC-credited, 100% natural paper. It is biodegradable and Elemental Chlorine Free.



Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BS United Kingdom Tel +44(0)20 7591 4300 Email info@rcm.ac.uk www.rcm.ac.uk @rcmlatest facebook.com/royalcollegeofmusic

020 7591 4314 www.rcm.ac.uk/events

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